IRC log for #wowace on 20080401

00:00.57DashkalAntiarc: Is there a way to "ping" a player not in the group for his threat rev?  Thinking of a feature for an event manager to only give invites to those who are up to date
00:01.23AntiarcShould be, one sec.
00:01.26*** join/#wowace KriLL3 (i=KriLL3@unaffiliated/krill3)
00:02.10Arrowmaster[2008/03/31 20:01:34-2912-x1]: AceLocale-3.0: Omen: Missing entry for 'Whisper older clients informing them to update.':
00:02.10ArrowmasterOmen\Config.lua:248: in main chunk
00:02.17AntiarcWhich locale?
00:02.19AntiarcOh, doh.
00:03.02CIA-1003antiarc * r67385 10Omen/Localization/enUS.lua: Omen: Add missing localization string
00:03.08KriLL3what bag & bank addons would you guys recommend? back in the day I used "ACUI MyInventory" I'd like something like that, one merged bag that looks a lot like the default bags
00:03.57charonnight all
00:04.00KriLL3I haven't played in months so a lot of my favorite addons don't exist anymore :/
00:04.02LukianKriLL3, "bankitems"
00:04.11GagorianWhat was wrong with misdirection?
00:04.41GagorianJust curious since we had a whole night of tries on brutallus with some discrepancies
00:04.49KriLL3Lukian: big thanks :)
00:05.23AntiarcGagorian: Race condition between the cast and the aura gain
00:06.03GagorianSo in practice what does that cause
00:06.07GagorianOr can cause
00:06.15AntiarcSometimes MD threat didn't get sent to the target.
00:07.07GagorianI see
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00:07.40CIA-1003antiarc * r67386 10Threat-2.0/Threat-2.0/Threat-2.0.lua: Threat-2.0: Remove zero-stripping, fixes potential problems with some GUIDs at a small cost to data traffic size. Should be backwards compatible with the last protocol change.
00:07.59GagorianAlright, that could cause some minor discrepencies then
00:08.08GagorianResidual pet threat was the biggest issue though
00:08.17AntiarcI'm working on that
00:08.29GagorianKk goodie
00:08.37AntiarcI suspect it gets stuck if a pet despawns
00:08.40CIA-1003ackis * r67387 10AckisRecipeList/RecipeDB/ARL-RoguePoison.lua:
00:08.40CIA-10- Converted rogue poisons to use spell IDs
00:08.42AntiarcAs opposed to dying or going out of combat
00:08.55GagorianYeah our hunters mostly dismissed it
00:08.59Gagorianto save its buffs
00:09.01Gagorianat wipes
00:09.07durcynFunkeh`: looks like Encapsulate is showing the wrong target =(
00:09.33GagorianAntiarc: Resummoning and redismissing didnt seem to remove residual threat either
00:09.43AntiarcChecking on that now.
00:10.07Funkeh`Antiarc, did you look at DTM yet?
00:10.10GagorianHow does taunt work in reality
00:10.16GagorianLets say there's two tanks and me
00:10.28GagorianTank 1 is tanking on 100% threat, I got 105% threat
00:10.33GagorianTank 2 taunts
00:10.34KuraxAntiarc: What's "Issue threat clear" means? Reset the threat data manually?
00:10.41GagorianDoes he get my threat or tank 1 threat
00:11.02AntiarcKurax: Yes
00:11.12AntiarcFunkeh`: Yeah, I like what they're doing
00:11.21AntiarcI'm talking with the author about useragent stuff for version checks
00:11.33AntiarcGagorian: Uh, I think he'll end up with the 105%
00:11.35AntiarcWhich is wrong >_<
00:12.24GagorianYeah that's what it does currently I think :C
00:12.45GagorianHence residual pet threat
00:12.53GagorianMesses up taunt massively
00:12.58GagorianIt gets the residual threat + own
00:12.59AntiarcI put my pet in combat, dismissed him in combat, feigned to exit combt
00:13.13AntiarcThen summoned my pet and had him attack the target,and his threat was cleared.
00:13.15durcynFunkeh`: yeah, definitely showing the wrong name for Encapsulate
00:13.24AntiarcThat MAY well have been related to another issue I fixed last night
00:13.28AntiarcIf it persists today please let me know
00:13.30GagorianAntiarc: It wasn't a problem on each attempt
00:13.45GagorianWell we had updated versions since 6-7 hours ago
00:13.50GagorianI made sure everyone was updated
00:13.59AntiarcOkay, that's after the changes then
00:14.10Gagorianwe had 67322 I think
00:14.12Funkeh`durcyn, I _really_ don't have the motivation to even code that
00:14.17Funkeh`can blizz just fix it already
00:14.18hypetechanybody play a hunter and having an issue that says Feed Pet isn't learned?
00:14.24hypetechone of our hunters is seeing it
00:14.27durcynoh, the combat log is wrong?
00:14.38Funkeh`the combatlog is lacking
00:14.56Funkeh`I have to go do aura scanning to fix it
00:15.03durcynoh, balls to that
00:15.03Funkeh`and loop it constantly
00:15.33GagorianAntiarc: It was a problem on like a third of the attempts or something
00:15.38Funkeh`meh, I would do it I just don't want to do it if the blood patch comes this week
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00:15.44GagorianEven though hunters should've done just about the same things
00:15.53GagorianAfter that we used reload UIs to clear
00:16.06CIA-1003kurax * r67388 10Omen/Localization/zhCN.lua: Omen: Update zhCN locale
00:16.06Birdemanijust an fyi, if you update tinytip, then try to access the options via / produces 160 errors
00:16.24ckknightit's not an issue until at least 183 errors, Birdemani
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00:16.53ArrowmasterBirdemani: you so right, except i only get 1 error
00:17.03Birdemaniup to 205 now
00:17.23Funkeh`Antiarc, I was hoping more along the lines of 'yeah loose syncing and take that method' ;) I'm currently using DTM and it's a godsend for random pugs
00:17.35PrimerI've been meaning to ask if someone with a zhCN locale would be willing to test my addon's zhCN locale that someone else added, and tell me if it works? FlightHUD is the addon
00:17.55Primeralso, should numbers be localized?
00:18.32GagorianBtw antiarc, brutallus 110% range is way longer than in omen
00:18.44Primeror, if no one is willing to test, perhaps I could be given the email address of an svn user's login?
00:18.56Primernamely, cwdg
00:18.59Gagorianbrutallus has just a siiick hitbox
00:19.07KuraxWhat happened to cwdg?
00:19.07CIA-1003ackis * r67389 10AckisRecipeList/RecipeDB/ARL-Enchant.lua:
00:19.07CIA-10- Enchanting update
00:19.22Gagorian110% is still like +10 yards back from where the tank is tanking
00:19.26PrimerKurax: I don't know. All I know is that he created a zhCN locale for my addon
00:19.30Gagorianif you get slashes you are in 110% threat range I think
00:19.44PrimerKurax: but I never tested locales, so I don't know if it works. I presume it does, since he added it to svn...
00:19.49KuraxPrimer: I can solve problems caused by cwdg
00:19.55GagorianAntiarc: Can you use another distance indicator on brutallus?
00:20.03PrimerKurax: can you please test it then?
00:20.14KuraxPrimer: Sure, which addon
00:20.19PrimerKurax: FlightHUD
00:20.59KuraxPrimer: Checking it, I will let you know when I done
00:21.06PrimerKurax: thanks :)
00:21.39*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
00:21.45PrimerI really need to add waypoints to it
00:21.53PrimerI've been too lazy to do it though --- Interface\AddOns\Omen\Libs\Threat-2.0.lua:141: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
00:24.56Primerohh, perhaps I should add support for "other players" too!
00:25.01Primerthat'd be awesome.
00:25.12Primerhave a beep thing to show when they're "in range"
00:25.19Primerthen a keybind for "fox 2!"
00:25.39KuraxPrimer: The translations are fine, no mistakes =)
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00:25.59Arrowmastervulture-: i got that too then reloaded and it was fine
00:26.05PrimerKurax: well, I was mostly interested in the fact that in worked, but I appreciate you going the extra mile :)
00:26.17Antiarcvulture-: Fixed already, waiting on a new build to hit files
00:27.01Arrowmasterim being silly and running Omen r67384 / Threat-2.0 r67322
00:27.25Primerjwow claims files is down
00:27.25Arrowmasterwhile the rest of my guild runs Omen r67366 / Threat-2.0 r67322
00:27.41NivFreakit looks like it just updated
00:27.43NivFreakthe zip
00:27.45NivFreak< 1 min ago
00:27.49Arrowmasteryeah it took way too long
00:27.50AntiarcI don't see it
00:27.51KuraxPrimer: CN servers are all down atm for patching 2.4, I can test it while servers are online, but I checked the codes, should have no problems
00:27.59NivFreak67378 on there
00:28.04Arrowmasterserver seem to be 10 minutes off
00:28.06PrimerKurax: oh
00:28.06GagorianAntiarc: What function do you use for 130% range now?
00:28.21Antiarcreturn UnitExists(unitID) and UnitIsVisible(unitID) and CheckInteractDistance(unitID, 3)
00:28.30PrimerKurax: well, as I stated earlier, my main concern is that the localization support I added works
00:28.51PrimerKurax: I simply followed the sample addon guide on wowace
00:29.12KuraxPrimer: It works, and no, numbers do not need to be translated
00:29.18Dashkalquestion: is the hitbox actually a box?  Or is it a radius?
00:29.37PrimerKurax: ok, I had just composed a long question regarding numbers that I just erased :)
00:29.48KuraxPrimer: If you got no errors with enUS locale, should be fine with others too
00:29.59GagorianAntiarc: Hmm yeah, none of those are workable on brutallus
00:30.05PrimerKurax: well, most other addons seem to implement things differently
00:30.07xyuhas this been fixed ?
00:30.12xyuomen error
00:30.17PrimerI see so many arrays with the locale as the index
00:30.21Primerall in one file
00:30.26Antiarcxyu: That's from an older revision :)
00:30.27CIA-1003sayclub * r67390 10LibBabble-Spell-3.0/koKR.lua:
00:30.27CIA-10- koKR Update
00:30.38Primerfoo["enIS"] = {} ...
00:30.42xyugoing to go update then :P
00:30.43Primerfoo["enUS"] = {} ... that is
00:30.46KuraxPrimer: That's ck the coding machine's style
00:30.55trillexWhat happens if a guild master cancels his account?
00:31.12Kuraxpoints ckknight
00:31.15PrimerKurax: heh, it seems that I've borrowed a lot of his code, except for the translation stuff
00:31.33AntiarcWhy won't files update?
00:31.35NivFreaktrillex: they guild stays owned by him
00:31.52NivFreakAntiarc: it is, just REALLY slowly
00:32.04ckknightKurax: what?
00:32.12NivFreakAntiarc: it took over 2 hours to update
00:32.14NivFreakit looked like
00:32.20Kuraxckknight: Nothing, just bitching about ya =p
00:32.27ckknightwhat's the issue?
00:32.44*** join/#wowace Ackis (
00:32.50Primerno issue, just an observation about your style of coding
00:32.51AntiarcI may be better off just building a package for posting on curse/wowi manually
00:32.55Kuraxckknight: Parrot! Yeah
00:33.02FroMaster@ckknight: Should the Save Layout in Pitbull working?
00:33.06ArrowmasterAntiarc: Omen r67384 / Threat-2.0 r67322, 'Always show self' is NOT working
00:33.15AntiarcSo I hear, I'm looking into it
00:33.26ckknightFroMaster: possible not, I haven't looked at it in a while
00:33.44vulture-is there a way to disable omen without reload
00:33.46KuraxPrimer: I'd suggest having locale files separated, since many noob translators may mess with your codes
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00:33.53StanzillaI think every second line in this channel is a highlight for Antia*c....
00:33.56FroMaster@ckknight: I type in a name but there is no way to save it
00:33.57PrimerKurax: it's what I did
00:34.01AckisError w/ threat-2.0 after last update:
00:34.11KuraxPrimer: Then it's cool
00:34.16AntiarcAlready fixed, waiting on a files update
00:34.27JJSheetsHow many people here who use InfiniBar-2.0 do Raids?
00:34.31ArrowmasterAntiarc: and im still getting quite a bit of 90% warnings from boss secondary targeting abilitys, the update timer should be increased on that
00:35.15hypetechAntiarc: One of our tanks said that the old omen had a way to not show threat warnings if you are tanking, any idea how you'd duplicate that in Omen2?
00:35.24AntiarcI haven't put that in yet, need to.
00:36.20*** join/#wowace [Endeavour] (
00:36.21CIA-1003pettigrow * r67391 10Omen/Localization/frFR.lua: Omen: frFR Update
00:36.27NivFreakAntiarc: I still get 90% warnings when I taunt :)
00:36.32[Endeavour]how can i chat link an item? /script SendChatMessage("\124Hitem:7073:0:0:0:0:0:0:0\124h[Broken Fang]\124h", "GUILD") doesn't work
00:36.42*** join/#wowace dylanm (
00:37.22ckknight[Endeavour]: should work fine
00:37.26Kurax[Endeavour]: Maybe the item is not in your server cache yet
00:37.45[Endeavour]It says Invalid escape code in chat message
00:38.06ckknight[Endeavour]: oh, you didn't put the right color in
00:38.40[Endeavour]oh, i alway have to put in the right color? didn't know that! thanks a lot
00:39.04Kurax[Endeavour]: Try \124cff9d9d9d\124Hitem:7073:0:0:0:0:0:0:0\124h[Broken Fang]\124h\124r
00:39.22*** join/#wowace Yack (n=Yack@
00:40.05QuantumDelta*pokies Antiarc*
00:40.07[Endeavour]thanks a lot!
00:40.09CIA-1003grennon * r67392 10AltClickToAddItem/AltClickToAddItem.toc: AltClickToAddItem: Update toc
00:40.09Kuraxwonders why everyone start their item links with Broken Fang
00:40.10ArrowmasterAntiarc: when was the threat wipe fix applied? not gettting threat wipes on illidan with Omen r67384 / Threat-2.0 r67322
00:40.26[Endeavour]Kurax: :)
00:40.39AntiarcLast night, should be working. Which encounter?
00:40.41KuraxAh, that explains
00:41.15QuantumDeltaGot another potential bug report for you Mr. Antiarc ;p
00:41.26CIA-1003arthiceu * r67393 10FuBar_GearRating/ (6 files): (log message trimmed)
00:41.27CIA-10- Updated to 0.41
00:41.27CIA-10- No changes made to the core GearRating calculation
00:41.27CIA-10- Added more options to display GearRatings of a raid
00:41.29CIA-10- Added settings so one can decide what to show
00:41.31CIA-10- Adjusted some colors
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00:41.37ArrowmasterAntiarc: illidan
00:41.38QuantumDeltaThough glad to report the vast majority of problems are definitely fixed from what we had yday
00:41.52QuantumDeltamight actually be related to arrowmasters problem
00:41.52AntiarcTry /omen clear
00:41.54AntiarcSee if that works
00:41.56ArrowmasterAntiarc: this is pre backcombat change revision of threat-2.0
00:42.14ArrowmasterAntiarc: i dont have assist
00:42.38GagorianIs it hunter pets messing it up?
00:43.08vulture- this the fixed version ?:D
00:43.15Antiarcvulture-: Hopefully, yes.
00:43.19vulture-cool thanks
00:43.48QuantumDelta*pokies antiarc a bit more* :P
00:44.12CIA-1003arthiceu * r67394 10FuBar_GearRating/FuBar_GearRating.toc:
00:44.12CIA-10- Updated .toc-file (/slap me)
00:45.13CIA-1003grennon * r67395 10Minimalist/embeds.xml: Minimalist: fix embeds.xml
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00:46.31azraeloZeskie: you around?
00:48.06Stanzilla < lol
00:48.10Stanzillathat is NOT a fix
00:48.30ArrowmasterFUCK YES
00:48.37Arrowmasterwe wipe all night lastnight on illidan
00:48.40Arrowmasterwalk in tonight
00:48.46EllipsisStanzilla: why not?
00:48.49ArrowmasterFUCKING 1 SHOT WITH 0 DEAD
00:48.55QuantumDeltagrats :P
00:49.00shieldbArrowmaster: glaivey glaive?
00:49.06ArrowmasterFUCKING WARGLAIVE
00:49.07ArrowmasterFUCK YES
00:49.08*** join/#wowace Moddington (n=chatzill@
00:49.11ArrowmasterFUCK YES MH
00:49.16Zynderpsloot is random
00:49.17QuantumDeltadoubly grats ;P
00:49.26[Merc]Balstormail that to me k tks
00:49.26Zynderpswtf :(
00:49.33hypetechat least you guys didn't give it to a pally like that other guild >.>
00:49.35Zynderpspunches NNS in the face
00:49.42Arrowmastergoing to rogue probably
00:49.55QuantumDeltaWarglaive's pre-change
00:50.05QuantumDeltathe main hand was a pro prot pally weap
00:50.08KuraxI wonder if BT no longer need the key quest to enter now?
00:50.16QuantumDeltanow we wouldn't touch it even if we could
00:50.20hypetechKurax: you don't
00:50.22QuantumDeltaYou don't need it
00:50.28KuraxOk, good news
00:50.41QuantumDeltaIt's a good idea to do the attunement quest though
00:50.44QuantumDeltaespecially for BT
00:50.58QuantumDeltaYou get a Shadow Resistance neck that comes quite in handy for one of the bosses
00:51.08QuantumDeltaor actually several bosses at T6 level
00:51.15Arrowmasterfuck shadow resist neck
00:51.22Arrowmasterfree port neck now!
00:51.23NivFreakis BoSanc worth it on warriors/druids?
00:51.23hypetechomen version check is showing all unknown/unknown
00:51.28NivFreakif you have a blessing to spare
00:51.32Kuraxlol Arrowmaster
00:51.39QuantumDeltawhat reversion you running hypetech?
00:51.49NandiniNivFreak, it's absolutely worth it if you have a spare blessing for them :)
00:51.55Zyndromegive me money so I can renew my subscription ._.
00:51.58[Merc]Balstorwhat is the better of the svn clients?
00:51.59[Endeavour]Where can i look at the item colors?
00:52.05hypetechjust updated 10 seconds ago
00:52.07exor674[Merc]Balstor: svn
00:52.34Nandiniif they have might, kings, and light and you have a 4th pally, sanctuary is better than nothing :)
00:52.35[Merc]Balstorhmm i will go look for that one
00:52.47*** join/#wowace break19 (
00:52.58Nandini(assuming they are tanking)
00:53.00QuantumDeltathat was in earlier reversions but was fixed before 67322
00:53.17break19man.. why does aloft have to hide things like <General Goods> tags.... :(
00:53.18QuantumDeltayou could just revert back to it for now if it's a problem cuz that ^ one deffo works fine
00:53.41JJSheetsbreak19, um... show the comments?
00:53.42hypetechwell half our raid updated to the new protocol mid raid, and it was spewing errors, so we got fucked
00:53.56break19JJSheets: oh? hm
00:54.00AntiarcI know it sucks, but it's better to break the protocol early
00:54.08AntiarcAnd it NEEDED to change.
00:54.09*** part/#wowace Gwenstefani (
00:54.24QuantumDeltahmm oO
00:54.30hypetechjust stupid people updating mid raid
00:54.31QuantumDelta*goes to looks at fisheye for changes*
00:55.15break19JJSheets: yea.. but it only shows after you highlight it.. i wish there was an easier way of gettin at that info, I mean, with nameplates off, its always there.. *sigh* oh well
00:55.28QuantumDeltawhat change be you talking about Antiarc?
00:55.42AntiarcCompression of guids, primarily
00:55.44JJSheetsbreak19, yeah that part sucks.  but oh well.  it's a Blizzard limitation.
00:55.55QuantumDeltawhich reversion was that?
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00:56.08break19wonders if aloft saves the info in SVs
00:56.21xyuAntiarc: i'm still getting that threat2.0 error
00:56.30JJSheetsbreak19, I believe so, yes.
00:56.39xyuThe one you said is from an older version
00:57.08QuantumDeltaxyu how did you update?
00:57.09CIA-1003elsia * r67396 10Recount/ (Recount.lua Tracker.lua):
00:57.09CIA-10- Fixed left-over debug message.
00:57.15xyuusing WAU
00:57.23xyuw/o externals
00:57.23QuantumDeltadeleted the folder first?
00:57.30xyuno "update selected addons"
00:58.05QuantumDeltaThere's a config option that deletes your relevent addon folder before installing the 'update'
00:58.26hypetechsigh. now recount doesn't work
00:58.31QuantumDeltagenerally it's best to do that before you ever update addons, might be the source of your problem, might also be that you are missing threat-lib2.0 :P
00:58.54xyui'm not  :P   it worked until a recent update
00:59.10*** join/#wowace Sent_ (
00:59.28Sent_How can I get the GUID of my target?
01:00.12NivFreakNandini: the real question is, is it worth trading BoL for BoSanc if healing isn't strained ;)
01:00.44dylanmSent_: UnitGUID("target")
01:01.09vulture-Interface\AddOns\Omen\Libs\Threat-2.0\Threat-2.0.lua:143: bad argument #8 to 'format' (number expected, got no value)
01:01.25on1yi get a simular error
01:01.26dylanmYOU'RE WELCOME
01:01.54hypetechrecount error:
01:02.24hypetechand a GridStatusThreat error:
01:02.36*** join/#wowace Luthienz (
01:02.44vithosAntiarc: thanks a ton for the whisper old clients button <3
01:03.30CIA-1003jjsheets * r67397 10InfiniBar-2.0/ (IB_Button.lua IB_Main.lua): InfiniBar-2.0 - Bugfix. Also changed [DrD] tag to return only a number, and added [DrDColor("text")] tag which wraps the given text in DrDamage's color code.
01:04.20hypetechAnybody know why TimeToDie wouldn't be working?
01:04.25CIA-1003sayclub * r67398 10Babble-2.2/Babble-Spell-2.2/Babble-Spell-2.2.lua: .Babble-Spell-2.2: - koKR Update
01:04.52*** join/#wowace Kurax_ (n=kurax@
01:05.41NandiniNivFreak: totally not worth it, keep BoL instead of BoSanc, otherwise your healers may underreact since they are probably used to having it on tanks
01:06.07Nandiniespecially not worth it on druids, since they can't block and the 80 dmg reduction is before armor reduction
01:06.23NivFreakyea, that's what I figured
01:06.25Nandiniso if a druid is armor capped, they effectively get 20 dmg reduction from BoSanc
01:07.51hypetechhmm. TimeToDie only works if I don't lock the frame
01:08.07[Merc]Balstordies wowace send it's email from
01:09.31*** join/#wowace EvilJohn (
01:11.06ApocoMessage: ...nterface\AddOns\Threat-2.0\Threat-2.0\Threat-2.0.lua line 143:   bad argument #8 to 'format' (number expected, got no value)
01:11.13Apocolatest vers
01:11.20xyuyah we're all getting it
01:11.44xyumines up to 440 :D
01:12.07*** join/#wowace sbingner (
01:12.34AntiarcThanks. Working on it.
01:13.00xyui'm getting 2 different ones actually, want pasteys?
01:14.31drasil_you know how you could down "54321 go" when killing scouts?  my guild has started doing that with omen.  "54321 update"
01:16.46sag_ich_nichtassault Antiarc
01:16.59hypetechew chatzilla
01:17.20Funkeh`hypetech, ew you
01:17.27sag_ich_nichtbad antiarc
01:17.30sag_ich_nichtno CTCP TIME function
01:17.34sag_ich_nichtAntiarc how long will you stay awake from now? :P
01:17.43Antiarc10-12 hours
01:18.08*** join/#wowace deadlock (
01:18.50sag_ich_nichthi Kurax_
01:18.54sag_ich_nichtyou damn lurker
01:19.09Kurax_~emulate sag_ich_nicht
01:19.09purlbecause i am retarded
01:19.11xyuAntiarc:  had a 3rd error.  similar to first 2.
01:19.28xyubut only 2 of those
01:19.39CIA-1003sayclub * r67399 10Omen/Localization/koKR.lua:
01:19.39CIA-10Omen :
01:19.39CIA-10- Update locale koKR
01:20.11*** join/#wowace Parnic__ (
01:20.53CIA-1003funkydude * r67400 10ViewAddonMessage/ (Core.lua ViewAddonMessage.toc embeds.xml libs/): ViewAddonMessage: v2, remove ace2
01:20.56Kurax_I'm so boring so I ping everybody as well as getting thier times
01:21.15xyuoRA2 is still unusable for me, sigh.   Whenever someone joins the raid or main tanks are set.  My wow hangs and i get disconnected and continually get disconencted upon relog.
01:21.20xyuUntil i disable oRA2 :(
01:21.22*** join/#wowace dieck (
01:22.04Kurax_Is that an oRA2 problem? There has someone in our forum asking the same question
01:22.06durcynAntiarc: eek, version check is showing Unknown/Unknown for everyone at 67386?
01:22.21AntiarcIt's on the check list
01:22.34xyuKurax_:  i dont know, but when i disable it i run fine.
01:22.41xyuwhen i enable it i hang. ^^ so i guess so :D
01:22.45xyuora or one of it's libs
01:22.55*** join/#wowace oxEz (n=threel@unaffiliated/oxez)
01:23.20Kurax_He said he will get disconnected while doing 25-man
01:23.31xyuit works fine for smaller things
01:23.42oxEzHey hi, I'm trying to make a macro so when I would press tab, it'll select the nearest enemy, and /cast Sap if there was one selected.. How would I do that? I don'T wanna use Sap if no target were selected
01:23.43xyubut it just feels like it's getting overwhelmed w/ some information of some sort
01:23.51*** join/#wowace Unrealii (i=Next96@
01:23.52xyumy fps will try really hard to catch up.
01:23.55xyubut will drop me.
01:25.30GngskoxEz, best you can do is /targetnearestenemy /cast sap I believe
01:25.58Gngskor maybe /cast [target, exists] sap
01:26.01Gngsknot sure on the syntax of that
01:26.10on1yomen \recount\tracker.lua :872:attempt to concatenate global ;lsize; (a nil value)
01:26.34on1yrecount \recount\tracker.lua :872:attempt to concatenate global ;lsize; (a nil value)
01:27.00*** join/#wowace Dark_Elf (
01:27.02Funkeh`on1y, you just pasted the same error twice
01:27.04NivFreakxyu: I wonder if that's really the root of our healer's issues with the ora2 layouts grid module
01:27.12durcynAntiarc: ThreatUtils.lua:212: bad argument #1 to 'string_char' (invalid value)
01:27.16on1yit was fro recount not omen
01:27.19xyuNivFreak: that's what i thought too at first.
01:27.25xyuI had to disable "dynamic layouts"  
01:27.32on1yerr it was for recount NOT omen
01:27.34xyubecause i thought it was just changing the lay out so often that i was hangin.
01:27.35on1yim a tard
01:27.42GngskoxEz, should do it
01:27.42durcynAntiarc: happened on pet summon that time, seems like deaths and mind control on felmyst trigger it too
01:27.52NivFreakxyu: well, our healers removed the ora2 layouts module from grid, and suddenly thier random lag issues are gone
01:28.00NivFreakwe need to test it a bit more though
01:28.01xyulet me see if i have that module
01:28.55*** join/#wowace Kaelten (
01:29.18xyuNivFreak: GridoRA2Layouts  yep i have it.
01:29.21xyui'll try it w/o
01:29.29on1yThreatUtils.lua:185: attempt to call field '?' (a nil value)
01:29.37Chompers  check out any of the featured videos
01:29.41Chompersoh youtube :P
01:30.15NivFreakxyu: yea, let me know. We're about 80% sure at this point.
01:30.47NivFreakI don't know who Laric is
01:30.52Dark_Elfno disrespect, i notice alot of mods being updated on wowace with new libraries but they dont get the toc updated, so whats the point in updating the zip?
01:31.07Zyuu-Cursejust click "load out of date addons"
01:31.19xyulol NivFreak: i'm getting the "hang" even when someone reloads UI.
01:31.29NivFreakwow, nice
01:31.38NivFreakdo you have fubar_addonspamfu or whatever installed?
01:31.55NivFreakI like that one to see who is spamming me data
01:31.55on1yniv, who works on recount
01:32.04on1ycasue i have a error for them
01:32.45NivFreakElsia iirc
01:33.10NivFreakwho logged off 2 hours ago
01:33.25NivFreak~seen Elsia
01:33.27purlelsia <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 1h 44m 59s ago, saying: 'nite'.
01:33.50CIA-1003etten * r67401 10FuBar_SkillsPlusFu/:
01:33.50CIA-10- Added externals for LibCrayon-3.0 and LibBabble-Spell-3.0 for those of us that do not have them in other addons.
01:33.53[Merc]BalstorOMG someone blew up combatlog.txt
01:34.04NivFreakblew up?
01:35.00CIA-1003antiarc * r67402 10Threat-2.0/Threat-2.0/ThreatUtils.lua: Threat-2.0: Revert a minor optimization, should fix some problems in high-target situations.
01:35.15NivFreaksome problems eh?
01:35.31phanxDark_Elf: The wowace package script automatically creates a new zip for an addon when any library embedded by that addon is updated. Nobody is manually updating them.
01:35.36[Merc]Balstorit's now the argument list to the unfiltered combat log event, better for parsing, but hand reading is painful
01:36.12NivFreaksomeone needs to write an offline parser
01:36.23NivFreaksomething simple in python imo
01:36.32rubikwould be a beautiful thing
01:36.43rubiki thought about it but been super lazy
01:36.47*** join/#wowace Wooly (i=Wolfie@
01:36.51*** join/#wowace digmouse (n=whhao198@
01:36.56NivFreakone of the guys who works for me wrote a 2.4 log parser
01:37.01NivFreakso maybe he can print some sane output
01:37.04NivFreakfrom it
01:37.10rubiki had dreams of writing/help writing something to replace WWS
01:37.15digmouse2.4 is coming for me lol
01:37.27rubikso a parser would have been part of it
01:37.28[Merc]Balstori wrote a C parser for the old one so I go do some perfection measurement but I quickly realized why WWS went crazy
01:37.40MentalPowerNivFreak: err... string.split(",", line) done!
01:37.48*** join/#wowace q0909 (n=chatzill@
01:37.52[Merc]Balstorhmmm I may have to write a perfection generator for 2.4 would be real easy now
01:38.31rubikheh.. and some mobs have commas in their names.. i assume those are escaped somehow.. or with double quotes around entire string? shrug
01:38.32Viper0000anyone know a mod that will let me setup action bars without altering the server-side-saved action bar
01:38.33*** join/#wowace hi2u (
01:38.40Viper0000i tried infinibar... but it didnt do anything, lol
01:38.44Viper0000it literally didnt do anythign
01:38.51Dark_Elfguess i will have to quit downloading those automatic made zips hehe
01:39.19vithosAntiarc: getting this error
01:39.20JJSheetsViper0000, maybe you should configure IB2, instead of assuming that it does nothing.
01:39.21NivFreakrubik: that's what he's been trying to do
01:39.50NivFreakwas just a side project for him
01:39.56NivFreakI'll see what he's done on it since then
01:40.12NivFreakman, blizzard needs to patch death notifications back into the freaking combat log
01:40.31Dark_Elfoh yeah, if i got the new libraries in the main addon folder, will they be used instead of the ones packaged with the addons or is the ones packaged with the addons used?
01:41.15AntiarcWorking on it
01:42.22Viper0000i fiddled/toyed with IB2's setting alot...
01:42.27NivFreakhas anyone bothered to do VR since 2.4?
01:42.43Viper0000ill try again
01:42.43AntiarcFound the problem
01:42.45AntiarcWill fix in a sec
01:42.58Viper0000maybe it's conflicting with other mods or something, i dunno
01:43.08*** join/#wowace Zimran (i=tinyirc@
01:43.34NivFreakxyu: are you raiding with that addon disabled atm?
01:44.03*** join/#wowace Andune (
01:44.20Arrowmasterabout to possibly wipe to winterchill because a bunch of people died on wave 8 due to disconnects
01:44.34Arrowmasterafter 1 shoting illidan and getting a warglaive on first kill
01:44.34NivFreakI think ours happened on wave 6
01:44.42xyuYeah i'm raiding.  i just disabled it
01:44.43Arrowmasteryes i had to add the last part
01:44.45xyubut no one's logged
01:45.00xyuusually it hangs when someone leaves or joins group, or reloads UI
01:45.04NivFreakxyu: k, I'll look at my /lastlog later ;)
01:45.06ChompersArrowmaster: how did you find MH when you first started?
01:45.07xyuhasn't happened yet, so far so good.
01:45.17ZimranFrom: - "I use both Ace2 and Rock so that its twice as fast!" - gotta love that :p
01:45.17NivFreakxyu: we had issues when people zoned as well
01:45.23ArrowmasterChompers: huh?
01:45.26xyuYeah probably that too
01:45.39Chompersi ask because it took us 4 hours to kill boss #3
01:45.47CIA-1003scorpio0920 * r67403 10Mendeleev/Set_Instances_61-70.lua:
01:45.47CIA-10- Added Magisters' Terrace InstanceLoot.
01:45.54Chompersand wondered if other guilds are like this or if its just us
01:45.54NivFreakZimran: rick rolled?
01:46.18*** join/#wowace Tain (
01:46.28*** join/#wowace rgie (n=chatzill@
01:46.32Arrowmasterboss 3 is umm the mana drain one right
01:46.43Arrowmasterhe was always easy
01:46.53*** join/#wowace Mortehl (
01:46.54xyuyeah he's not too tough
01:47.08xyuYou guys are blowing each other up or the group make up isn't right.
01:47.09CIA-1003antiarc * r67404 10Threat-2.0/Threat-2.0/Threat-2.0.lua: Threat-2.0: Fix a problem with decoding of GUIDs with escaped bytes.
01:47.16Arrowmaster11 people alive on winterchill
01:47.17NivFreakZimran: wow, that was obvious
01:47.23Arrowmasterstill ahead of enrage timer
01:47.29Chompersit's the trash, waves overlap so much
01:47.49ZimranHehe, I just love the "twice as fast" comment.
01:48.12Arrowmasteryeah on some of those waves youll have flyers up in the back when a new wave spawns
01:48.19MortehlHey - I'm sure the author of Omen is getting tortured by requests, threat is incredibly borked right now :( We're all updated to 67378, but its not giving any data of consequence :(
01:48.26Antiarc^-- just updated
01:48.33MortehlThank you
01:48.44NivFreaknow svn up :)
01:48.48NivFreakor wait 2 hours
01:49.09*** join/#wowace Ellipsis (n=ellipsis@
01:49.10xyuNivFreak: i just had someone reloadui. and it didn't hang,  now i need someone to drop offline and back on . that's the ultimate test :D
01:49.29NivFreakxyu: awesome, next we just have to figure out who is owns that addon and beat them :)
01:49.39NivFreakwho owns
01:50.13NivFreakof course it could still be oRA2 that's really the issue
01:50.53Arrowmasterwe wiped on winterchill
01:52.40[Merc]Balstorthats possible?
01:52.48NivFreakwe did too
01:53.07NivFreakwith huge lag spikes, disconnects, and server crashes ;)
01:53.18NivFreakI love patch weeks
01:54.20Arrowmasterwe had a bunch dead and rage spawned with trash still up
01:54.25Arrowmasterlots of disconnects
01:54.35Viper0000in IB
01:54.37Arrowmastercalling for a raidwide disable of Omen Threat-2.0
01:54.40Viper0000when i click create new group
01:54.43Viper0000nothing happens
01:56.48AntiarcArrowmaster: Can you run Expo and get profiling data on Threat and Omen for me?
01:56.55AntiarcI can't find any particular sticking point :(
01:57.33Arrowmasteri dont have expo
01:57.35Arrowmasterit on wowace?
01:58.17AntiarcIt's a profiler
01:58.21AntiarcProfile the Omen namespace for me
01:58.26AntiarcIt'll tell you how much time is being spent where
01:58.45AntiarcIf that doesn't yield anything profile ThreatLibProfile
01:59.12EvilJohngot a new recount crash when you kill a rat or squirrel or something
01:59.25ZealotOnAStickAntiarc, tossing up a pastey for you.
01:59.57ApocoBrutallis Down
02:00.06Apoco0 deaths
02:00.17MortehlGrats Apoco
02:00.25MortehlWe're  still beating our freaking heads against Gurtogg
02:00.33Apocostand in the fires
02:00.39ApocoI heard that always works for TBC
02:00.48*** join/#wowace mib_qvti787l (i=4898e1fa@gateway/web/ajax/
02:00.53*** join/#wowace Kalman| (
02:01.07ZealotOnAStickAntiarc, further info, it counts up as the fight goes on, currently a minuteish in, and over 160 and counting.
02:01.33DraeleQuick question- Has anyone else had any issues with visor2? I just made a forum post about it but figured I'd ask in here too.
02:01.46AntiarcZealotOnAStick: I think i fixed it.
02:02.01ZealotOnAStickas of what rev?
02:02.02DraeleSometimes the mod just stops working, I'll log in and everything will have reset and I can't move anything...
02:02.05*** join/#wowace q0909_ (n=chatzill@
02:02.09*** join/#wowace iKON (
02:02.09DraeleI *just* updated 5 minutes ago
02:02.11ZealotOnAStickin-game I show 67322 right now.
02:02.17Draeleoh, sorry
02:02.22ZealotOnASticklemme check changelog
02:03.04ZealotOnAStickchangelog thinks I'm at 67391
02:04.18ApocoBrutallis is sooo worth 2 badges
02:04.22FroMasterWhat event has to happen for Omen to find out others version in the raid? /omen versioncheck all shows Unknown
02:04.25Apocolike 5k in consumables for 2 badges
02:04.27Apocodefinately worth it
02:04.38AntiarcI'm about to find out :)
02:05.07Viper0000i just tried infinibar w/ all other mods disabled
02:05.14Viper0000and when ever i went to create a new grou
02:05.16Viper0000i just got an error
02:05.30JJSheetsand that error is?
02:05.59xyui believe it is "You suck"
02:06.44*** join/#wowace hi2u_ (
02:06.49ArrowmasterAntiarc: new Eval?
02:07.07JJSheetsSee, I can't fix errors if I'm not told of them... so, either pastey it, or post it in the forum thread, Viper0000
02:07.19ArrowmasterAntiarc: how do i use Expo
02:07.32AntiarcGo to the fubar option
02:07.40AntiarcDetach the tooltip
02:07.45AntiarcThere's a "profile namespace" option
02:07.49AntiarcEnter Omen as the namespace to profile
02:08.00Arrowmasteri dont have a profile namespace option
02:08.06JJSheetsArrowmaster, you may need to enable the module.
02:08.22JJSheetsRight click expo, modules:Profiler.
02:09.02ArrowmasterAntiarc: i just lost a nethervoid cloak due to you! i wasnt on the ml list
02:09.06ZealotOnAStickok, game thinks I'm at 67404 now.
02:09.14ZealotOnAStickwill see if that sorts is.
02:09.47*** part/#wowace lkhlk (
02:09.47*** join/#wowace lkhlk (
02:10.08[Merc]Balstorgrrr wowace needs to send me my password so i can login
02:10.55*** join/#wowace tedrock (
02:11.29DraeleGonna ask again- has anyone else had problems with Visor2 just not working sometimes when you log in?
02:11.56JJSheetsHaven't used Visor2 in about a year... sorry
02:12.09Arrowmasteri dont think Visor2 has been updated in about a year...
02:12.17on1ywhat is the shadow resist for legs?
02:12.23*** join/#wowace dieck_ (
02:13.12digmouseany influence on castbar mod for 2.4?
02:13.18digmousesuch as Quartz
02:13.30ZealotOnAStickQuartz works fine as far as I know.
02:13.37Silverstormwith the new combat there any particular event I should look for if all I want is "player" damage?
02:13.42ZealotOnAStickSomeone mentioned swing timer not working, not sure on that.
02:13.43digmouseZealot: thanks
02:13.52shieldbAntiarc: can't seem to get the threat version queries working, is there some trick to it?
02:14.05AntiarcIt should be automatic
02:14.13AntiarcBut people are reporting problems and I am looking into them
02:14.18shieldbI mean the manual check
02:14.24shieldbeveryone but like two people come up as unknown
02:14.51ArrowmasterAntiarc: shouldnt aoe mode be showing me something even if im the only person with threat-2.0 enabled?
02:14.53DraeleIs there a better alternative to Visor?
02:15.01AntiarcArrowmaster: It should
02:15.02Draelean updated alternative ;)
02:15.07ArrowmasterAntiarc: its not
02:15.14Viper0000does anyone know if trinitybars saves actionbar locally so it doesnt alter server-side-saved action bars
02:15.15AntiarcI'll look into it
02:15.24ArrowmasterAntiarc: and i kept getting that bug with the 1 bar stuck in the center of omen
02:15.42MortehlAntiarc - We have the version you just pushed (67391) and it was working fine right up until the threat wipe from Fel Rage on Omen. After that. Threat is totally borked.
02:16.01CIA-1003cwdg * r67405 10BigWigs/SC/ (Leotheras.lua Vashj.lua):
02:16.01CIA-10-SC: fix some translation wrong
02:16.09digmouseViper: locally as I know
02:16.12AntiarcMortehl: Thanks, I'll check the Gurtogg module.
02:16.15MortehlThank you sir.
02:16.16AntiarcWhat happens to threat after fel rage?
02:16.30TekkubWarning: the forum nazi is in a bad mood
02:16.34*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
02:16.43MortehlThreat is not being rebuilt properly. Like I'm tanking and I show as 21st on the list
02:17.00Ackisrofl in the middle of felmyst attempts one of our shaman goes: AFK SPIDER EMERGENCY lol
02:17.01ZealotOnAStickThat seems to have fixed it so far.
02:17.02MortehlBasically it isn't resetting back to wherepeople were on the list.
02:17.27AntiarcSo it just freezes and doesn't update anymore?
02:17.40MortehlAnd the tanks lose all their threat
02:17.48MortehlWe all show up on the bottom for some reason
02:17.53Wogroipl_what the hell??
02:17.54ArrowmasterAntiarc: :UpdateBar() for AoE mode seems to be a mem hog, 8.9kb peak mem per call
02:17.54on1ymy wow stutters now after an update to recount
02:18.19AntiarcThe first 25 calls or so will create frames and wrapper objects, so yeah
02:18.22AntiarcBut I'll see if I can slim it
02:18.51ArrowmasterAntiarc: Arangebars is a cpu hog
02:19.27AntiarcHehe, that one I know.
02:19.29CIA-1003cwdg * r67406 10BigWigs_AQ20/ (Ayamiss.lua Guardians.lua):
02:19.29CIA-10-Update zhCN local
02:19.54*** join/#wowace dieck__ (
02:19.57ArrowmasterAntiarc: ResizeBars, Omen namespace cpu hog
02:19.59Wobin9million downloads
02:20.21AntiarcHm, interesting. Okay.
02:20.21ZealotOnAStickOverview mode incomplete?
02:20.42*** join/#wowace Nicarras (
02:22.17ArrowmasterAntiarc: ThreatLibProfile OnCommReceived 0.276ms per call average, and im the only person in the raid with threat-2.0 right now
02:22.27AntiarcHow many calls?
02:23.06JJSheetsalways hoped that Expo would be this useful back when he made it. I'm so proud. :p
02:23.11CIA-1003cwdg * r67407 10BigWigs_AQ40/ (10 files):
02:23.11CIA-10- Update zhCN locale
02:23.22aestilhey, stupid question, is parrot totally broken?
02:23.22*** join/#wowace Kaelten (
02:23.30JJSheetsParrot is fubar atm
02:23.44JJSheetsIt will be fixed eventually, but give it time.
02:24.14ArrowmasterAntiarc: 950+
02:24.24JJSheetsand by fubar, I don't mean... FuBar... I mean F.U.B.A.R.
02:24.29AntiarcHrm. That's quite worrying.
02:24.38shieldbparrot works just fine, just not for damage / healing / combat sort of events (Stuff that 2.4 broke)
02:24.49on1yis making wow stutter
02:24.50shieldblike it still handles my buff gains / fades
02:24.57shieldband pulsing in / out of combat
02:25.02ArrowmasterAntiarc: seems some people might still be running old version from today
02:25.04AntiarcI'm working on finding where and fixing it, on1y
02:25.16*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
02:26.07ArrowmasterAntiarc: ResetTPS and _clearAllThreat are super high on the time/call but theyve only run 5 times
02:26.17AntiarcRight. That's expected.
02:26.41JJSheetsHeya Seerah, how're things?
02:26.47Silverstormok, so I register for COMBAT_LOG_EVENT...what should the function look like that receives that event so I can parse the parameters?
02:27.53on1yant it seems to be a recent change that is causign the bug but who knows
02:28.44ZhinjioGood evening, folks.
02:29.19hypetechrecount just ate me alive after the last update
02:29.35*** join/#wowace dieck (
02:29.47xyumine too
02:29.54JJSheetsHiya Zhinjio.
02:30.05xyu1243 errors :)
02:30.40vithosAntiarc: just updated, now i get
02:30.57ArrowmasterAntiarc: Publsih threat is also high, 0.333 for 69 calls
02:30.59[Merc]BalstorSilverstone you looking for an example?
02:31.02ZealotOnAStickSomeone go bump the toc on sharedmedia?
02:31.04vithossorry if i'm being redundant, trying to raid
02:31.16[Merc]BalstorSilerstorm * i mean
02:31.36SilverstormMerc, yes, that would be nice.  I haven't quite gotten the "..." construct in Lua just yet, and I think I need it there
02:31.39ZhinjioKaelten: ping
02:31.59durcynZealotOnAStick: ok
02:32.00CIA-1003durcyn * r67408 10SharedMedia/SharedMedia.toc: SharedMedia: TO THE WINDOW, TO THE WALLS.. er, toc bump or something.
02:32.45*** mode/#wowace [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
02:32.45[Merc]Balstorsilverstorm give me a minute or 2
02:33.12Silverstormsure, np
02:33.23CIA-1003jjsheets * r67409 10InfiniBar-2.0/IB_Bar.lua: InfiniBar-2.0 - Fixed bug caused when a button group has 0 buttons and you're in the GUI. This includes when creating a new button group.
02:33.33JJSheetsViper0000, try that.
02:34.36*** join/#wowace dieck___ (
02:35.24*** join/#wowace Dark_Elf (n=Dark_Elf@
02:36.05on1yis there a version u suggest we use ant?
02:37.22[Merc]Balstorhow do i get a link to a pastey?
02:37.36Silverstormsubmit the pastey, it should give you a link
02:37.55[Merc]BalstorI have no sumbit button
02:38.05*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
02:38.25Silverstormoh, it's called "Paste" under the left side of the text box
02:39.08ArrowmasterAntiarc: this is a cpu issue not a memory one right?
02:39.25AntiarcUnless I'm generating megabytes of garbage per second
02:39.30[Merc]BalstorI blame the fact it has been a long daay
02:39.31ApocoAntiarc> AOE mode broke?
02:39.35*** join/#wowace dieck_ (
02:39.41AntiarcApoco: Not that I know of, I'm working on it
02:39.43CIA-1003scorpio0920 * r67410 10GlowFoSho/locales/Locale-zhTW.lua:
02:39.43CIA-10- Update zhTW localization.
02:39.49Apoconothings showing up
02:39.49AntiarcSomeone write me a bot to answer common questions
02:39.50Apocoin Hyjal
02:39.53*** part/#wowace Amadeo (
02:40.04KuraxBlizzard has forsaken us - Nihilum quits
02:40.08JJSheetslol Antiarc
02:40.14SwimnurdFunkeh`: ping
02:40.34Funkeh`Kurax, long time coming
02:40.38SwimnurdDo you still need Felmyst attempt combat logs?
02:40.53Funkeh`Swimnurd, yeah
02:41.03SwimnurdI will pm you our log after my raid
02:41.09[Merc]Balstorsilverstorm was that the kind of example you were looking for?
02:41.18*** join/#wowace Thezilch (
02:41.20SilverstormMerc, thanks.  Is there a different between the COMBAT_LOG_EVENT, and CLEU?
02:41.25KuraxIt's an April Fool's joke, isn't it?
02:41.31digmousesee nihilum homepage
02:41.32Silverstormall I'm looking for is my outgoing damage
02:41.48digmousebut kungen made the post 23 mins b4 4.1 lol
02:42.09[Merc]Balstoryes THE CLE has to have a filter applied to it and you have to sort through the filter, (non realtime) the CLEU is rrealtime but you get alo the events
02:42.44[Merc]Balstoralso Both of them have events before the client is awarte of the events, and the timestamp is in unix timenot client time
02:43.55ApocoAntiarc> also got Message: ...terface\AddOns\Threat-2.0\Threat-2.0\ThreatUtils.lua line 212:   bad argument #1 to 'string_char' (invalid value) with latest build
02:43.58ApocoUpdated 5m ago
02:44.12Silverstormok, Merc.  yeah...just found the link to Slouken's post on UI forums *grin*
02:44.50AntiarcApoco: Not possible, since line 212 in the latest doesn't contain a call ot string_char >_>
02:44.58AntiarcI fixed that one, just waiting on it to hit WAU
02:47.08on1y does this still have the lag problem
02:47.36Diaois google code giving anyone else errors
02:47.36AntiarcPossibly, even likely.
02:47.38Diaoor just me :(
02:47.53*** join/#wowace YourMomsHero (
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02:48.12CivrockScript needs to update more frequently IMO.
02:49.05Diaoalso, Antiarc where's the option for threat reset in omen :o
02:49.11durcynit originally ran as a post-commit hook
02:49.16Diaosaw you talking about it earlier but i didn't see an option the other day when i was running z
02:49.26durcynbut that caused other problems
02:49.31AntiarcDiao: /omen clear
02:49.36Diaooh ok
02:49.37AntiarcI put it in today
02:49.45*** join/#wowace Medlir (i=Medlir@
02:49.55Diaoand is there going to be an option to disable warnings while tanking again :p
02:50.08Diaoi had to manually disable the warnings and then turn them back on when i went back to dps
02:50.30AntiarcYeah, I'll be putting that back in
02:50.54Diaoi was looking for the manual threat clear the other day
02:51.04*** join/#wowace dylanm (
02:51.09Diaobecause on nalorakk one of our rogues threat got stuck somehow
02:51.13*** join/#wowace KriLL3 (n=KriLL3@unaffiliated/krill3)
02:51.19Diaosaid he had like 5x my threat on him, he vanished and his threat didn't clear
02:51.30Diaoso he ended up just dpsing slowly lol
02:51.44Zyuu-Curse finally
02:52.19ArrowmasterAntiarc: how do i get Expo to save data, i click on store but it doesnt check or anything
02:52.40ArrowmasterAntiarc: nvm that wasnt what i thought it was
02:52.42AntiarcI just screenshot it
02:52.56*** join/#wowace WillJitsu (
02:52.57Arrowmastertoo large for a screenshot
02:53.02xyunic is a fag!
02:53.06AntiarcMany screenshots
02:53.10Nicarrasdie xyu
02:53.23WillJitsuI'm having a lot of trouble getting omen2 to work correctly in groups.  I only see my aggro or a couple of people. which threat library do I need?  is there anything special I need to do to make it work?
02:53.32AntiarcYou should just need Omen
02:53.39JJSheetswill add storing the data in Expo to the list of things to do...
02:53.40AntiarcIt bundles ThreatLib with it
02:54.08Diaooh Antiarc
02:54.21Diaoif you don't delete the threat-1.0 when you update to omen2
02:54.21WillJitsuso I can delete the folder called Threat-2.0?
02:54.24Diaowill it cause issues
02:54.35AntiarcWillJitsu: Yes if you installed Omen with externals
02:54.46WillJitsuI don't use externals
02:54.47AntiarcDiao: Potentially, if you use WAU it cleans it up automatically
02:54.53ArrowmasterAntiarc: from what i can see the fps loss is probably from the threat comms, and the omen bar updates/aranges
02:54.54Diaoi used WAU and it didn't autodelete it
02:55.06Diaoit installed 2.0 but didn't remove 1.0 for some reason
02:55.17Zyuu-Curseguys, I just tried an awesome mod
02:55.32durcynif it's not BUTTOM SMASH FU, i don't care.
02:55.32Zyuu-Curseat first I thought it was just a joke
02:55.39durcynoh, let me guess, high roller
02:55.40Zyuu-Cursebut it really does work
02:55.59durcynyeah, old news
02:56.03*** join/#wowace Veex (
02:56.09JJSheetsApril Fools, Zyuu-Curse?
02:56.15on1yalso in omen i get unknown
02:56.16durcynJJSheets: it's a rickroll
02:56.22Zyuu-CurseNo it isn't
02:56.28on1yon all version checks
02:58.07Diaois failing for anyone else
02:58.13Diaoi get a 502 error from google
02:59.20[Merc]Balstorhello, I'm stupid nice to meet all of you
02:59.45WillJitsuso if i don't use externals, and I want Omen2 to work correctly, I need the Omen folder and Threat-2.0 folder, right?
03:00.18WillJitsuwell that sucks.   that's what I have and it just doesn't show anyone else's threat
03:00.28AntiarcWell, other people need it too
03:01.07WillJitsuis each individual revision incompatible with others?
03:01.17Ackishmm for felmyst is it possible to get an icon/warning on the person who he green beems?
03:01.28*** join/#wowace Blam (
03:01.40Swimnurdnot that I can tell
03:01.43AntiarcNot generally, but I've made breaking changes in the past 24 hours.
03:01.50AntiarcOr rather, generally, they are
03:01.58JJSheetsis away: Can't eat this! STOP! Dinnertime!
03:02.11*** join/#wowace dieck (
03:04.07Veexwould anyone mind taking a loot at my LUA file please?  I'm trying to check on an arg5 to determine if a unit is hostile, but it seems to be breaking some reason and I'm not sure why, I have the file already uploaded on my ftp and can just link you the .lua, dont even need to DL zip
03:04.52LukianVeex, see topic!
03:04.57Lukiannamely pastey
03:07.11*** join/#wowace Killmore (
03:07.37AntiarcMy raid's reporting crippling framerate issues with Recount in Sunwell
03:07.49Veex :P
03:08.37Funkeh`Antiarc, get violation
03:09.03AntiarcI like Assessment :P
03:09.06Silverstormok, as soon as I figure out how to get combat time, I have a very simplistic StatBlocks_DPS
03:09.21SwimnurdWTB Assessment
03:10.33KuraxYay, finally, my 2.4
03:10.40*** join/#wowace Dashkal (
03:10.55KuraxCasting Ritual of Cookies, please assist~
03:11.12Dashkalbleh, anyody know the name of an addon that can trigger a /say or /me when a buff fires?
03:11.19Dashkalassists Kurax
03:11.30Dashkalcookies :p
03:11.39KuraxNow everyone has cookies
03:11.59dylanmDashkal: but probably not what you want.
03:12.19dylanmOh wait it's exactly what you want I think.
03:12.54Dashkalhmm, mebbe.  Getting pestered by a guildie and I don't have the energy to write it myself
03:14.12Fisker-beats up durcyn
03:15.04dylanmVeex: I don't think that's how band works.
03:15.13DashkalI figured some RP mod or other would do it.
03:15.18on1yanti, do you know about the bug when a friends target goes hostile?
03:16.02VeexOkay, do you know where I could find some good examples?
03:16.31Veexmost of the rest of the mod seems to be working but it may just be sort of ignoring the commands, because I had them set to the wrong args earlier and they were still working
03:17.19Antiarcon1y: Should have been fixed today.
03:17.23VeexI'm far from an experienced coder, just trying to figure out this last bit of code so I can release an updated version of this mod people keep begging me for ;x
03:17.35on1yim on illidan
03:17.41on1yand the problem is there
03:17.48on1yjsut a fyi
03:18.03dylanmVeex: Well, why are you checking if the results in 1?
03:18.09Nicarrasim on illidan and the problem is that he keeps killing us
03:19.08VeexHonestly I do not know, I just took an example of code I had seen someone else use, I assume checking for 1 basically meant it was true
03:20.03KuraxIf Skinner errors for Omen is a known issue?
03:20.04*** join/#wowace ven_ (
03:20.16KuraxGuessed so..since Omen changed alot
03:20.23durcynSkinner shouldn't be skinning Omen tbh
03:20.27durcynfuck skinner
03:20.35dylanmWell there's a reason we're doing binary math here. If we simplify it greatly if I have some flag for source that's 11 and I want to check against 10 I do,10) and get 10.
03:21.03Dark_Elfshoot all the skinner shows for me is that it cant find skins lol
03:21.05dylanmSo for just... checking to see if your one flag is in there I think seeing if the result is > 0 will suffice.
03:22.06*** join/#wowace DuTempete (
03:22.11VeexOkay, but I also dont want it to include some of the other results
03:22.20Veexwhich may work fine with what youre describing but I'm not sure
03:22.50Veex is the information I'm trying to look for
03:23.01on1yanti i turned off all mods but omen and didnt have the lag until i died
03:23.15*** join/#wowace Adys (
03:23.28Veexso on the line 70-72 example, I'm trying to make sure it's 0x0000020 or 0x0000040 but ~not~ 0x0000010
03:24.07VeexI really have no knowledge of binary math so I'm unsure if the method you just described would work for that :S
03:24.10on1ywait it coul dbe grid
03:25.00Funkeh`Antiarc, uh, assessment doesn't work with 2.4
03:25.04Funkeh`which is why I said vio
03:25.08VeexSorry I know it's frustrating trying to discuss coding with someone who doesnt know any coding, but I guess that's what I asked for when trying to make this mod ;P
03:25.41AntiarcFunkeh`: I know. I'm waiting :P
03:25.52Funkeh`hes mia seems like I have a working StatBlocks_DPS...guess it's time to go find Dr. Boom
03:25.56lua_botMentalPower: luabot:1: ')' expected near '('
03:25.57Funkeh`you will be waiting a long time
03:25.59lua_botMentalPower: 0
03:26.04MentalPowerlua> bit.bor(2,4)
03:26.05lua_botMentalPower: 6
03:26.13lua_botMentalPower: 4
03:26.19lua_botMentalPower: 2
03:26.20lua_botMentalPower: 0
03:26.25lua_botMentalPower: 0
03:26.26on1yAnti see if your guild is using Grid?
03:26.32MentalPowerVeex: ^^^^
03:26.36*** join/#wowace Moddington (n=chatzill@
03:26.39on1yit seems when soemeon zones it updates and lags people
03:26.46Antiarcon1y: They are, and I'm using it without problems
03:27.09on1ywell i only see lag spikes when we are zoning in from a wipe
03:27.17VeexTrying to make sense of that mental ;P
03:27.24on1yif you want i can turn everythgin but grid off
03:27.59MentalPowerlua>, 0x0000040), 0x0000010) > 0
03:27.59lua_botMentalPower: false
03:28.03MentalPowerlua>, 0x0000040), 0x0000040) > 0
03:28.03lua_botMentalPower: true
03:28.07MentalPowerlua>, 0x0000040), 0x0000020) > 0
03:28.08lua_botMentalPower: true
03:28.14MentalPowerVeex: better?
03:28.18Lukianckknight, 14:26:18 Error loading LoadOnDemand plugin FuBar_TopScoreFu
03:29.14*** join/#wowace Ellipsis (n=ellipsis@
03:29.47VeexI hate coming across as a stumbling idiot, but are you just saying I need to check to see if its >0 ?
03:30.08dylanmPrettttty much.
03:30.24Veexpretend for a moment that I have the coding knowledge and skills of a 5th grade, but that's not too far fetched
03:30.25dylanmThere's a lot of sexier stuff you can do.
03:30.41Veexerr and that's not too far off rather
03:31.06[Merc]BalstorVeex you can't have the idiot tag tonight I already won it hands down
03:31.14Nicarrasi like it when non-programmers try and program
03:31.17VeexI'd put up a good fight for it
03:31.18Nicarrasits funny to watch
03:31.19dylanmLike bit.bor the stuff you want to search on and then that with the thing you're testing but I was about to suggest that you just try doing > 0 :)
03:31.34dylanmIt's very helpful to read the wikipedia articles on bit math and hexadecimal.
03:31.52dylanmBecause then the motivation behind that wowwiki page you linked becomes pretty clear.
03:32.37VeexAlright, many thanks for the help dylan and mental ^^
03:34.00*** join/#wowace Corgan (
03:34.34Cleanseprobably been asked 50 times tonight
03:34.40Cleanseomen messed up tonight?
03:34.56Antiarc67404 is working nicely for me.
03:34.58on1yhe is workgin on it
03:34.59dylanm51 now.
03:35.18xyu67404 does it require everyone ot have it?  mine is saying <Uknown>
03:35.23xyuer unknown
03:35.28xyufor bar names
03:35.47xyuwe don't have anyone named unknown in the guild :)
03:36.00Cryectthats what you think
03:36.02on1yi have "no one"
03:36.05XinhuanAntiarc, ping
03:36.15CIA-1003kurax * r67411 10LittleWigs/TempestKeep/Capacitus.lua: LittleWigs: zhCN bug fix but need translations
03:36.16Xinhuancan you check if pally taunt is working in omen?
03:36.18dylanmEveryone should have it. These are strange times.
03:36.23AntiarcI'll check post-raid
03:36.37Xinhuani believe it isn't, as the pally tank's aggro remained at the bottom for za's bear boss
03:36.58MortehlAntiarc, did you find anything with the gurtogg module sir?
03:37.14AntiarcI haven't had the chance yet
03:37.17AntiarcI've been in Sunwell
03:37.21MortehlUnderstood. How's that going?
03:37.40dylanmGet phat daggers and go mutttt
03:38.18SwimnurdAntiarc: how far are you guys?
03:38.31Fisker-only one blue gem from consortium
03:38.34Fisker-suck less blizzard :(
03:38.51Veexmental/dylan: after studying that a bit more I think I actually understand it now ;P thanks
03:39.12ArrowmasterAntiarc: im getting unknowns in the overview mode too? i thought you fixed that?
03:39.17dylanmVeex: Awesome.
03:39.21MentalPowerVeex: cool!
03:39.23AntiarcI may yet have a bug in there
03:39.50[Merc]Balstorso the real question when will the wisp class be introduced to wow?
03:41.01ArrowmasterAntiarc: yeah now my PublshThreat is up to 1.5ms per call with 200 some calls
03:41.18AntiarcDefinitely wrong.
03:41.21AntiarcI'll see what I can find.
03:41.32Arrowmasterthis is weird
03:41.46ArrowmasterAddonSpamFu says ive sent 800 threat-2.0 msgs
03:41.57Arrowmasterexpo says 250 calls to those
03:42.59Arrowmasteroh wait message spliting
03:43.22kebinusanhm Id like my guild to not screw up the pull on ilidari council at least once tonight
03:45.17*** join/#wowace Adys ( time on my server, and I can't see anyone ahead or behind me for this bombing run
03:47.51CIA-1003antiarc * r67412 10Threat-2.0/Threat-2.0/ (ThreatClassModuleCore.lua ThreatUtils.lua): Threat-2.0: Couple of fixes. Fix pet out-of-combat spam.
03:48.07Kurax=/ errors are everywhere
03:48.51*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
03:49.24[Merc]Balstorquick question, if your hit while spell casting how far does it push the casting back?
03:49.34Silverstormdepends how many times you're hit
03:49.46Ellipsisas much as it wants to
03:49.47[Merc]Balstoris it set like 0.1 per hit?
03:49.56Silverstormfirst time is 1.0 seconds, then 0.8, 0.6, 0.4, 0.2 every time after that
03:50.04ZyndromeI don't have pushbacks ... I have silence -_-
03:50.12Funkeh`Antiarc, so many problems with syncing, don't you wish you just didn't do it? :)
03:50.30[Merc]Balstorahh thanks silverstorm
03:50.32EllipsisThe first attack will set your casting time back by 1 sec. Any consequent attack will set it back by a lower amount. The amount decreases by 0.2 sec with every attack, down to a minimum of 0.2 sec per attack. However, no attack will actually increase the casting time. For example if you cast only 0.2 sec. of a spell, it would only be set back by that amount.
03:50.41Ellipsis^the beauty of wowwiki is that it knows everything
03:51.04Silverstormnp, just a return for the CLEU help :-D
03:51.10[Merc]Balstorahh didn't think it was quite that complex, shaman support going to be a pain
03:51.49SilverstormI do think my DPS mod is working now.  Quite easy to filter the combat log for just my damage now, compared to parsing zillions of strings pre-2.4
03:52.03VeexAlso random question, does anyone know what abilities/spells can DEFLECT a spell (not reflect)?  if any that is..
03:52.06Silverstormunfortunately, I'm not up to something like Assessment yet!
03:52.29[Merc]BalstorVeex I think your looking for spell reflection by a warrior
03:52.47[Merc]Balstornut don't quote me, it may not be possible
03:53.03VeexI was actually curious if there was something aside from that, I was looking through another mods code and he had code to handle both reflects and deflects
03:53.17*** join/#wowace dylanm (
03:53.25[Merc]Balstordamn ellipsis is quick with the links tonight
03:53.33Ellipsismy google-fu is strong
03:53.38JJSheetsis back (gone 00:51:41)
03:53.45CryectI hope to suade those assesment users with Recount2 :-p
03:53.54CIA-1003jjsheets * r67413 10LibRockConfig-1.0/LibRockConfig-1.0.lua: LibRockConfig-1.0: Fixed bug on line 6817 caused by inline group resizing with multiline string controls.
03:54.15Ellipsisit looks like deflect is effectively a resist
03:54.20Silverstormmore power to you, Cryect...I just need something that I can filter (ex: Doomfire damage on Archi to know who sucks at it)
03:54.25durcynCryect: copy the UI and I'll switch
03:54.28Veexah thanks, interesting
03:54.29Ellipsisjust with weird situations and possibly a different probability
03:54.48Cryectdeflect is more like miss/dodge
03:54.55[Merc]BalstorWell bedtime for me, everone have a surreal night
03:55.04Cryectits really a ranged dodge
03:55.08durcynwhich in the case of spells would be resist
03:55.18VeexI'm writing a mod that reports when a spell is missed/reflected/immune etc, so was just tryin to decide if i needed to include deflect in that list
03:55.28Veexseems like the BT trash is the only real possible place
03:55.40CryectSilverstorm, well you can actually do that with Recount 2 already just has nothing nice like resetting data or saving data or well even be able to close windows :-p
03:56.47*** join/#wowace elusif (i=elusif@
03:56.55Cryectdurcyn, how much of the multipart bars do you actually like curious?
03:56.57SilverstormSounds good...once things are stable, I'll give either a try, just need something powerful/flexible, since I'm one of the meter-minions in my guild
03:57.14CryectWell its not ready yet really hopefully will start getting a prealpha ready
03:57.24CryectDidn't feel like gui tonight so optimizing it instead
03:58.09Benumbedwhat does this even mean?  attempt to index upvalue 'LibDruidMana' (a nil value)
03:59.35Gagorian[Ammo]: ping
04:00.30*** join/#wowace dieck_ (
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04:01.36durcynCryect: i really just found the window ui more usable, not so much the segmenting
04:01.43*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
04:02.01Cryectk, good since I wasn't planning on copying that part
04:02.08KuraxMan, lies are everywhere too
04:02.10Cryecttrying to let the flow be more versatile in Recount 2
04:03.00digmouseyeah my realm is on
04:03.08*** join/#wowace ven (
04:03.12AythIs Recount2 available for testing yet?
04:03.17Cryectnot quite
04:03.38Fisker-almost 13000g now wee
04:06.40Veexthanks for the help again all, night
04:06.58Fisker-would be 16k if i hadn't lend out that money for that epic flying mount :P
04:09.28*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
04:10.30ZealotOnAStickAntiarc: ping
04:10.37Antiarcpong, ish
04:10.50ZealotOnAStickis there a way I can essentially "log" threat info?
04:10.53NimbleRabitthat's insane
04:11.28Arrowmasterim going to be 278 rep from exalted after we kill archimonde
04:11.36ZealotOnAStickfor a "what the fuck happened and why did I pull aggro just now" ability to go back through and see
04:11.40Arrowmasterthis sucks
04:12.12NimbleRabitjust solo some trash imo
04:12.22Arrowmasteryou cant
04:12.33Funkeh`Benumbed, uh, you don't have that lib running maybe?
04:13.41AntiarcZealotOnAStick: Store time,  threat, and player each time you get a ThreatUpdated callback
04:14.01SwimnurdFunkeh`: I PMed you the link to our combatlog for tonight's brut kill and felmyst tries
04:14.16Funkeh`will look at it tomorow
04:14.20*** join/#wowace Zhinjio (i=1000@
04:14.21Funkeh`sleep now, nn
04:15.56*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
04:16.02vithoskalec down :D
04:18.41*** join/#wowace Swimnurd (
04:20.32Zhinjiomy connxn is sucking. <3 comcast.
04:20.57*** join/#wowace Zhinjio (i=1000@
04:22.09Ellipsistouches Zhinjio
04:22.42Silverstormok, got a personal DPS value calculating...what's the best way to throttle updates?  Currently doing one any time I get a CLEU, and using OnUpdate is too much.
04:22.47durcyngosh, why isn't there a LibStubbed CandyBar yet
04:23.05dylanmdurcyn: GTB!
04:23.32durcynyou kids and your acronyms.. what?
04:25.07Cryectjust keep a timer Silverstorm
04:25.26Cryectand only update if the timer is up etc
04:25.58KuraxMoveIt is not updated too, any replacement suggested?
04:27.22*** join/#wowace theoddone33 (
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04:27.57SilverstormCryect, you mean something like every 20 OnUpdate fires?  or make an AceTimer?
04:28.29kebinusanheh, the wowhead april fools is good
04:28.51CryectI mean something like if self.nextUpdateTime<GetTime() then Update(); self.nextUpdateTime = GetTime() + 1 end
04:29.31on1yi see a new version
04:29.37on1yof omen
04:29.42SilverstormCryect, and put that in OnUpdate?
04:29.57Cryectthats basically all you normally implement throttling in OnUpdates
04:30.03Cryecthow not all >_>
04:30.21Cryectand make sure to initialize nextUpdateTime of course
04:30.39Cryectthat would give you 1 update every 1 second basically
04:31.16Silverstormthat's sufficient, I think.  Thanks!
04:32.11Wobinkebinusan: what's the wowhead one?
04:32.30*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
04:32.38ArrowmasterAntiarc: how many characters does your new comm system compress a guid to?
04:32.38kebinusanjust the front page looks like thott
04:32.46Wobinoh =P
04:32.48Antiarc8 bytes, plus any escapes
04:32.52Cryecthmm something is dreadfully wrong in Recap
04:33.16Cryectits computational time seems to increase drastically with data when all its showing is the minimized window
04:33.50Kuraxwowhead or thottbot
04:34.23Xinhuanso antiarc, which revision and above must everyone update to now
04:34.28Xinhuanto sync
04:34.48*** join/#wowace Ncl8 (
04:35.30CryectAnyone know where Hawksy takes comments on Recap?
04:35.39*** join/#wowace [VeXeD] (
04:36.13digmouseno no no I broke my client
04:36.24Xinhuanprobably uiwow.incgamers
04:36.50Cryectbwah recap does everything in global namespace so I can't profile it easily to figure out whats wrong
04:36.53[VeXeD]Can someone help me with an issue I'm having? I'm assuming it has to do with a mod being somewhat outdated/glitched.
04:36.59Cryectoh well not my addon so will let him figure that out
04:37.21Xinhuanwhat's wrong
04:37.21digmouse[VeXed]: what's that mod?
04:37.35[VeXeD]digmouse, I have no idea what would be causing it.
04:37.45[VeXeD]At first I figured it was mobinfo since that's a mousescrollover thing..
04:37.56digmouse[VeXeD]: any errors?
04:38.07[VeXeD]Mmm, let me check
04:38.10digmouseor what's the issue?
04:38.39[VeXeD]...uc-Advanced\Modules\Auc-Util-SearchUI\SearchMain.lua:421: bad argument #1 to 'ipairs' (table expected, got nil):
04:38.39[VeXeD]...uc-Advanced\Modules\Auc-Util-SearchUI\SearchMain.lua:421: in main chunk:
04:38.52[VeXeD]Well, I'm having trouble target with my mouse/clicking clickables.
04:39.00Xinhuanyou should report that to #norganna
04:39.01[VeXeD]Like it just doesn't highlight.
04:39.11Ellipsisyou have invisible frames in the way
04:39.20digmousedisable Auc-Advanced and try again
04:39.40Ellipsiswhen you hit a 'dead spot' keep your mouse there and type /dump GetMouseFocus:GetName() and you might have an answer
04:39.52Ellipsiser, /dump GetMouseFocus():GetName()
04:40.02*** join/#wowace mort (n=mort@azureus/mort)
04:40.03digmouseright, install a devtool and use /dump
04:40.09[VeXeD]:D Ellipsis, I <3 you.
04:40.43EllipsisI know ;)
04:41.28[VeXeD]So what do I need to install to get  /dump GetMouseFocus():GetName() to work/
04:41.40Wobinget Where's My cow
04:41.52Wobinand get it running, then mousover anything
04:42.16Gagorian[VeXeD]: Nothing
04:42.32Ellipsis[VeXeD], you probably have it already
04:42.36GagorianOr well, if you have any ace addons you should have /dump already
04:42.36Ellipsistry it and see
04:42.39WobinGagorian: well you might need something for /dump
04:42.47[VeXeD]minimap cluster?
04:43.05Ellipsis[VeXeD]: what were you mousing over? one of the dead spots?
04:43.35[VeXeD]Got over.
04:43.38[VeXeD]Ellipsis, yeah..
04:43.53[VeXeD]I believe it was my bongos.. I have basicminimap and it puts the minimap outside of the bongos frame..
04:44.01Silverstormlol, throttle doesn't work when I do "if nextUpdate > GetTime()"....
04:44.04[VeXeD]and the bongos minimap frame which was empty was right there invisible.
04:44.15[VeXeD]Thanks alot :]
04:44.19*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
04:45.16[VeXeD]Ellipsis, so where's teh UI ss? :p
04:46.08Ellipsisif I can stay connected for more than 20 seconds I'll take one for you
04:46.29[VeXeD]Haha, aight :D
04:47.07ArrowmasterAntiarc: if its the guid compression code thats causing the increased processing time of the comms events it might be better to not compress them, i think the major space waster with AceSerializer-3.0 was the numbers not the guids
04:47.29*** join/#wowace Yssaril (
04:50.07Dotted <- no Ace4 april fools this year :(?
04:50.12Xinhuani believe antiarc floor()s the threat before sending it
04:50.17Xinhuanit isn't that bad
04:50.22AntiarcFloor and convert to hex ;)
04:51.17Arrowmasterthat might be the lag
04:51.22Arrowmasterthe string.formats
04:51.50Xinhuanthe less processing there is, the better it is... even if it means sending more bytes
04:52.29AntiarcSee, I agree except for when it means message splitting
04:52.45Xinhuanwell, how often do you send something that actually gets split?
04:52.57AntiarcAnytime the total message is >255 bytes
04:53.07Xinhuanyes, but how often do you send something > 255?
04:53.43on1ywell now i dont know what is causing my game to stutter
04:54.00Xinhuanif its only like 5% of the messages that get split, then optimizing this is a bad idea
04:55.40Arrowmasteraoe sends very large messages
04:55.51Arrowmasterwhich is new since it didnt used to
04:55.52SilverstormDepends on efficiency of splitting, but'd have to find the threshold and stay to the efficient side
04:56.04Cryectif aoe sends large messages they should prolly be split
04:56.29Xinhuanwell consider this
04:56.34Xinhuanif AOEing sends VERY large messages
04:56.40Xinhuanthat are going to be split into 3 or 4 messages
04:56.48Xinhuanoptimizing it to use lses bytes will probably still
04:56.49CryectSHould presplit them yourself
04:56.52Xinhuancause it to send 3-4 messages
04:57.00AntiarcThe modes doesn't send messages
04:57.01Cryectso at least you can get the data asap
04:57.04AntiarcBut threat synchs messages
04:57.12AntiarcAnd if there are a lot of targets, it's a lot of traffic.
04:57.31*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
04:57.47Xinhuanwell threat is expected to use more traffic in the first place
04:57.53Cryectwell you could monitor the output bandwidth and increase update times if you spike
04:58.24Arrowmasterthe problem is in the processing time spent per message
04:58.48Cryectcould implement dead reckoning or something if its a matter of healers trying to figure out who is going to pull
04:59.22Xinhuanerr that would probably add more overhead lol
04:59.41CryectHeh yeah I was thinking of saving bandwidth not processing
04:59.53Arrowmasterthe problem is processing
05:00.10*** join/#wowace lagger (
05:00.14Arrowmasterits lagging and disconnecting people on high number of mob fights
05:00.27CryectYou sure thats not the data?
05:00.29Arrowmasterthe bar processing needs work too
05:00.39Cryectto disconnect is just overflow them with data
05:00.42Cryectnot processing
05:00.49Xinhuanwell for one, maybe make the default for Animate Bars, off
05:00.54CryectI can have scripts that sit there and hold up the game doing stuff for 10 seconds and I don't dc
05:01.30Xinhuani have Routes hanging wow for 1 minute, and it wont' d/c ;p
05:01.31CryectNow I can also DC people who use 56k modems with simple tell macros I spam at them
05:01.42Cryectyeah so hanging isn't the issue
05:01.53Cryectits the amount of data
05:01.54*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
05:02.01Arrowmasterwell it cant be because the data transfer used to be fucking huge before the other day
05:02.45CryectWell you sure aren't dcing from processing
05:03.08chiperhehe, that bugsack sound cracks me up every time
05:03.36Ellipsis[VeXeD]: out of combat - in combat -
05:04.26OlisonEllipsis: is that UnderHood?
05:04.36Ellipsisit's PitBull
05:05.18Xinhuanor you can reduce both
05:05.20Xinhuani mean
05:05.27*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
05:05.41Ellipsisbah, stupid connection
05:05.42Xinhuanonly send threat data every 5 seconds, unless you are above 80% of the tank, then send every 1.5s?
05:05.43Ellipsisdid my links go through?
05:05.43on1ywhat is better dynamicgrid or autoframesize
05:05.45CIA-1003cryect 072.4 * r67414 10Recount2/ (18 files in 2 dirs):
05:05.45CIA-10-Bunch of processing optimizations
05:05.45CIA-10-Caches Processed Tag Data and Processed Expressions (might need some memory adjustments later but aimed at getting CPU time down)
05:06.03Xinhuanfor the most part, healers, for eg, doesn't need to send threat every sec
05:06.20CIA-1003fenlis * r67415 10Mendeleev/ (Mendeleev.toc locales/koKR.lua):
05:06.20CIA-10- Fixed translation for koKR
05:06.42*** join/#wowace Ralf_ (
05:06.44on1ywhat is better dynamicgrid or autoframesize?
05:06.49Cryectyeah it should really examine hey is this players threat that important
05:06.58Cryectif its not very important space them out further apart
05:07.05Cryectif its looking dangerous then start sending more?
05:08.17Xinhuani hope Antiarc is reading ;p
05:08.22AntiarcI am
05:08.23durcynCryect: why the SharedMedia optdep?  should use callbacks for LSM-3.0 and not need to OptDep SM by itself
05:08.24*** join/#wowace HotFO-blama (
05:08.27AntiarcJust doing kalecgos at the same time
05:08.36Xinhuanannoying boss
05:08.39HotFO-blamaHey, what is the best spam blocking mod out right now?
05:09.11Cryectdurcyn, because didn't realize that? There isn't a guide on this is how you should setup LSM-3.0 to be used anywhere
05:09.22Cryector if there is I wasn't looking very hard :-p
05:09.36Cryectjust used to putting optdeps for libs I need
05:09.42*** join/#wowace netcurse_ (
05:09.45durcynahh.  so the idea is, you register for the callback, then once you get it, fetch the texture
05:09.58durcynbecause the media could come from anywhere in the load order
05:10.08Cryectyeah, will look at that later when I add actual ability to change textures
05:10.32Cryectcurrently stuff like textures is hardcoded use this option always at the moment
05:11.09Cryectneed to write up some code for registering all my elements that need to be changed
05:11.22durcyni see.  well, lemme know if/when you want eyes on it, i'm eager to test it
05:12.20Cryectwell if you are curious on how filters work you can check out
05:12.30*** part/#wowace Guillotine (
05:12.57Cryectbunch of ones exist that also aren't there as well
05:13.38chiperwait, what's this?  Recount2?
05:14.11*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
05:14.54chiperI'm lost
05:15.10durcynsky's up, ground's down, rest is up to you, chiper
05:15.28chiperso what's happening to Recount1?
05:15.44kebinusanHm so april fools on the guild, rename all the ranks, give officers guild chat and guild members officer chat
05:16.06durcynkebinusan: just tell them to download HighRoller
05:16.14kebinusanwhats that
05:16.14CryectRecount 1 is being maintained by Elsia in the meantime, Recount 2 won't be feature complete for a few months prolly and then it will likely not appeal to everyone initially
05:16.22durcynkebinusan: rickroll-in-a-can >_>
05:16.24EllipsisHighRoller should be made a required addon for all guilds
05:17.43AythWhat's the goal of recount2 as opposed to recount1
05:17.56chiperyeah, that's the question I couldnt think of
05:18.02chiperwhat's the point?
05:18.08Aythmake it cooler? ;)
05:18.15CryectTotally new data store. In this situation everything is stored in a database
05:18.25Cryectthis allows for fully customizable displays beyond anything out there
05:18.30durcynand UI!
05:18.35durcynrecount1 makes me cringe
05:18.40AythWhen recount1 came out... it was very cool compared to everything else.  The amount of data you could pull up was awsome.
05:18.40Cryectyes and UI
05:19.01CryectI'm trying to innovate on some new UI ideas as well iterate on ones used in the past
05:19.05durcynbasically cryect has seen the light and knows now that Assessment is the most insanely great thing ever
05:19.17durcynnm >_>
05:19.17chiper... what's wrong with recount's UI?  it displays everything it needs to in a nice orderly fasion
05:19.26chiperit's better then sw_stats ::P
05:19.27CryectHeh, well I was quite drawn to the tags part
05:19.37durcyn~seen Roartindon
05:19.41purlroartindon <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 29d 19h 44m 52s ago, saying: 'Because it receives one parameter sometimes, two parameters at others'.
05:19.53CryectI want to have a few different ways you can navigate
05:19.57[VeXeD]Lmao :p Ellipsis, you have no buttons on your thing!
05:20.07Ellipsiswhy would I want buttons?
05:20.17[VeXeD]In raids does it show only your debuffs? or the raids aswell?
05:20.22EllipsisI don't raid
05:20.27[VeXeD]oh >.>
05:20.35Aythdon't... raid....
05:20.35EllipsisI can show you my raid config mode if you like
05:20.37Ellipsisbut it's rather basic
05:20.38Cryectmethod somewhat similar to Recount 1 but actually vastly different, one more like Assessment in that it takes all place in the same window, and another like Recap where its in tabular format
05:20.49[VeXeD]Nah :p I was just curious about your debuffs on the target.
05:21.00Ellipsistarget debuffs show all, but sort mine to the top
05:21.04CryectAnd can have multiple windows etc of whatever types you want
05:21.17[VeXeD]Ahh, Cool :]
05:21.19Primerrecount is generating a lot of errors
05:21.21Ellipsis(and of course mine will be the only ones with the pretty numbers
05:21.22Silverstormso...playing around with StatBlocks_Honor, and the CHAT_MSG_HONOR stuff is kinda useless =p
05:21.22Aythmonths you say... how long until we can play with a dirty version? ;)
05:21.26[VeXeD]Yeah, I could definately do something without all the buttons on my Warlock.
05:21.58HotFO-blamaHey, what is the best spam blocking mod out right now?
05:22.01CryectUh maybe this weekend if you are lucky and I finally code some UI config for filters and add a close button
05:22.24Aytha close button... how old school
05:22.31Cryectyou can test it out now to see the new detail mode though it still needs work
05:23.57CryectQuestion durcyn, how exactly did Assessment know which element you wanted to group on when you left click on things was that preconfigured in the displays? Been so long since I've used it and well hard to at the moment
05:24.20Cryector could you right click to choose the further details or something
05:27.22*** join/#wowace YourMomsHero (
05:29.02*** part/#wowace Seerah (
05:29.51rubikthat's pretty fugly (even if it didn't look like thottbot)
05:29.58MedlirSeen wowwiki?
05:30.04SilverstormCryect: there was a setting as part of the view that told it which "subview" to show
05:30.31Aythlol @ wowwiki
05:30.39AythI played GW for a while too -_-
05:30.52Silverstormand somehow a parameter was passed with the Bar you clicked on to get there
05:30.57*** join/#wowace Gwenstefani (
05:31.40Silverstormit was usually a name or spell, I think
05:33.09WobinI preferred meowwiki =P
05:33.52kebinusanmeow wiki was good
05:34.51mikmait's still great they got the energy to do that
05:35.52*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
05:36.28JJSheetsNight everybody.
05:37.35AythI like the new Recount2 details window
05:37.38Aythvery wws ish
05:38.35KuraxIs "Concerted Efforts" intend to be repeatable?
05:38.48Diaois that the pvp turnin
05:38.51SilverstormI think so, yes
05:38.51Diaoif it is, then y es
05:39.01CryectAyth, you figure out to use it by clicking on rows and bringing up a new set to group on?
05:39.12Diaoiirc that's the alliance version
05:39.15Kuraxgot 8k honor in 5 mins kinda scared me
05:39.29SilverstormCryect, how prealpha is RC2?
05:39.33CryectOne person who tested it didn't realize you could click on rows and go further along another dimension so wasn't sure if thats a general issue or not
05:39.36*** join/#wowace Zhinjio (i=1000@
05:39.37CryectReally prealpha I should test in Karazhan, and not BT?
05:39.51Zhinjioam I here?
05:39.55AythCryect: Oh no I didn't... even neat-er!
05:39.57CryectThe data storing, filtering, and grouping is basically all there
05:40.03Diaoyou can get like 31.4k honor
05:40.04AythIf only there was an X =p
05:40.09Diaoif you have 100 of each mark stored up like i did on multiple chars
05:40.14CryectSilverstorm, there is no way to even reset the data :-p
05:40.19Cryectwell you can do ReloadUI
05:40.37Silverstormor I can read the code and hack into the data structure, right?
05:41.21Silverstormsounds usuable enough to me, and I'm missing a meter, so I'll see if I can give it a whirl this week
05:41.35AythThat's actually really cool.  If it had an X i'd try it in sunwell tommarow =p
05:41.46Cryectwell the detail window is kinda big and can't close it :-p
05:41.48*** join/#wowace Mytos (
05:41.51Cryectbut I guess you can hide it manually
05:42.25Silverstormmy other question...syncing or no?  that's what drove me away from RC1...too many people broadcasting all those numbers
05:42.28CryectAyth, and right click on the title bar of the main window if you want to set a filter there if that wasn't evident
05:42.48Lukianckknight, libdogtag-3.0 is using excessive cpu.
05:42.50CryectNo syncing yet and it will be a tough nut to crack and sync well
05:42.58Cryectif it syncs its a long ways away
05:43.02LukianIt's lagging my UI in kara
05:43.07AythIs syncing really needed except for a few fights?
05:43.26AythDamage by sex? lolol
05:43.41*** join/#wowace dieck (
05:43.57CryectNot really, hence its not a major priority
05:44.15CryectYeah, that was there mainly to test to make sure that grouping works
05:44.27AythLike, the first sunwell boss sucks that way for meters... but it's not really a 'meter' fight since you're running around anyway
05:44.35*** mode/#wowace [+v Shirik] by ChanServ
05:45.42CryectAyth, any ideas how I can make it more obvious you can click on rows in the detail mode?
05:45.53Cryectguess I can highlight rows when you mouseover them
05:45.57Zhinjioyay. I'm staying connected finally.
05:46.01Cryectalso need to highlight selected rows
05:46.23AythThat's a good question... cause it's not obvious atm but very very cool
05:47.02Aythhighlighting would help true
05:47.11*** join/#wowace KriLL3 (i=KriLL3@unaffiliated/krill3)
05:47.16CryectPeople seem to understand the buttons on the left side easily enough but the idea you can go down even more seems to not just come out well enough
05:47.38AythWell, buttons are obvious... they scream 'click me'.  but rows on a table are usually just informational... not functional
05:48.21AythYou could put little buttons on the end of each row or something, and have the currently clicked one obvious? <shrugs>
05:48.24CryectHeh well they functioned in Recount 1 just they autochanged if you moused over and didn't have it locked
05:48.30kebinusanOk, highroller is the most amazing wow mod ever.
05:48.40Cryectwhats it do?
05:48.47kebinusanI had my doubts .. but wow.
05:48.52AythMakes you the highest roll? ;)
05:49.19CryectI see someone said rickroll in a can but does that describe it well?
05:49.33Aythoh goodness
05:50.09kebinusanThis AddOn uses an advanced algorithm to time your roll requests to the server in order to increase your average roll value.
05:50.23Cryectokay what does it actually do :-p
05:50.39kebinusanwell I dont want to spoil the surprise
05:51.01CIA-1003durcyn * r67416 10/branches/Antagonist/: Create branch.
05:51.06Aythmails your money to farmers
05:51.09durcynit "rolls", you see.
05:51.22*** join/#wowace silentium (
05:51.33Cryectwill it ever let me down?
05:51.46digmouseuh I make sure I have LBabble-Class 3.0 but still got Interface\AddOns\Mendeleev\Sets.lua:3: Cannot find a library instance of "LibBabble-Class-3.0".
05:52.07CIA-1003durcyn * r67417 10/tags/Antagonist/: Create tags
05:52.10digmousesorry paste sth. unecessary :D
05:52.11kebinusanCryect: doubtful
05:52.47Lukianrecount is giving me a lot of "a nil value" errors
05:52.51Cryectargh can't decide if this optimization actually optimized >_>
05:52.56CIA-1003durcyn 072.3 * r67418 10Antagonist/: Tag 20300 for archival purposes
05:54.04*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
05:54.27LukianRecount Tracker.lua:872: atc global 'getraw' (a nil value)
05:54.59AythLukian, are you using the latest version?  Was working fairly well last I used (this afternoon)
05:55.11ZhinjioHey Ellipsis
05:55.35Ellipsishay Zhinjio
05:57.05AythThat's a newer one then mine it seems... maybe something broke recently =p
05:57.16CIA-1003durcyn 072.4 * r67419 10Antagonist/: mkdir, whee.
05:57.17*** join/#wowace Cartas (
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05:59.19kebinusanyoutube has a nice april1
05:59.26kebinusanclick any of the featured videos on their homepage
06:00.54*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
06:00.55SilverstormSo...I sent the email for SVN access a few days ago, no response thus far.  Who should I talk to about that?
06:01.16Aythoh the rickroll never dies
06:01.20CIA-1003ananhaid * r67420 10LittleWigs/TempestKeep/Capacitus.lua:
06:01.20CIA-10- zhCN Shield update.
06:01.40Fisker-fail kebinusan
06:03.15CIA-1003durcyn 072.4 * r67421 10Antagonist/ (21 files in 4 dirs): branches/Antagonist/2.4: Initial commit. Don't use, currently broken, etc.
06:05.42AythCryect: How far do you think Recount2 is away from per fight sorting?  I can live without a close button, but analyzing particular fights is where the fun's at.
06:07.48CIA-1003sayclub * r67422 10RangeDisplay/localizations/localization-koKR.lua:
06:07.48CIA-10RangeDisplay :
06:07.48CIA-10- Update locale koKR
06:09.01CIA-1003durcyn 072.4 * r67423 10Antagonist/Antagonist.lua: branches/Antagonist/2.4: ditch PaintChips, ParserLib, and Deformat. Get rid of garbage event registrations and add COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED handler. Still doesn't work yet, etc.
06:09.23Gngskis it possible to add an arbitrary text to a pitbull frame for a custom dogtag?
06:11.03*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
06:11.19Ellipsishay Zhinjio
06:11.21CryectAyth: Per fight stuff is when I write the code to actually handle that. It kinda handles some stuff except for the actual hey a new fight is starting stuff
06:11.27ZhinjioEllipsis: sup?
06:11.36Ellipsisdid you finish your addon yet? :P
06:11.59Zhinjiono, not yet.
06:12.01CryectNot sure how far away, prealpha version I will prolly strip what it currently does since it just doubles thedata for nothing
06:12.07Zhinjiowell, servers go down in two hours, so...
06:12.13AythWas just curious ^^
06:12.15Ellipsisso that's 2 more hours of work
06:12.23Zhinjiobut I think I am gonna bundle up an alpha release tonight for people to beat the crap out of.
06:12.29Ellipsisthink of it this way: you get a guaranteed break!
06:12.31Zhinjionow that I've got a jira page for people to file bugs with
06:13.06*** join/#wowace zapl (
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06:14.00mathuinSo Proximo doesn't seem to show specs anymore.  The show-spec thing is greyed out.  How do I get it to show specs again?
06:15.37Lukianyou don't
06:15.44Lukian2.4 disabled it :)
06:16.13*** join/#wowace home|prophy (
06:16.31EllipsisBlizzard put hostility restrictions on talent inspection
06:16.39NivFreakI hope 2.4.2 hits tomorrow
06:16.43NivFreakwithout a PTR
06:16.45Ellipsisdon't we all
06:16.48AythI hope not -_-
06:16.55NivFreakthey really need to fix some of the combat log shit
06:16.59EllipsisI, for one, would like control of my chat frame again
06:17.08CIA-1003wang * r67424 10Violation/locales/zhCN.lua: Violation: zhCN update,based on old trans
06:17.37nevcairieltekkub to the rescue :P
06:18.01EllipsisI know, but still. we shouldn't need a separate addon to make the default UI work as intended.
06:18.35Mytoswhats 2.4.2 supposed to have, are they finally admitting they screwed warcraft for everyone using an ATI video card newer than three years old
06:18.49Ellipsisthat's what you get for using an ATI card
06:19.40Mytostake your nvidia fanboi somwhere else please, when nvidia makes a decent card with built in capture ill buy it
06:19.42AythMy ATI is brand new and works fine?
06:20.11ramozI have done everything I can to make the addon as fast an efficient as possible (I use both Ace2 and Rock so that its twice as fast!)
06:20.48*** join/#wowace Elkano (i=Elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
06:25.57*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
06:26.00Gngskvhaarr, ping
06:26.43GrumMytos: i wish they could fix the 200% cpu while not logged in instead of some ati problems ;D
06:26.58CIA-1003ananhaid * r67425 10LittleWigs/TempestKeep/ (6 files):
06:26.58CIA-10- zhCN update.
06:27.17Ellipsisfixes Grum's CPU
06:27.57Mytosi dont see why they cant fix both, its something they did IN 2.4 and really, i doubt changing the combat log or putting in the sunwell zones did it, so its something they changed and didnt tell anyone
06:28.05CIA-1003durcyn 072.4 * r67426 10Antagonist/Antagonist.lua: branches/Antagonist/2.4: fix retarded COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED function, start fixing up StartBars to use GUID/spellID. Bar stuff still needs some cleanups.
06:28.14AythWhat's wrong with your ATI card?
06:28.30Mytosand it had to be something done between taking down the test realms and putting up the live, i was on the test when it went down and i was running fine
06:28.55Mytoswarcraft causes the video driver to error out and reset every 5-15 minutes randomly
06:30.02GngskEllipsis, any suggesstion on how to add a custom dogtag to a pitbull frame?
06:30.17EllipsisGngsk: you having trouble adding new texts too? o.O
06:30.24*** join/#wowace AbsoRayne (
06:30.29ZealotOnAStickHeh.  Highroller.
06:30.45AbsoRayneHello all
06:31.05AbsoRayneI have a question, if anyone has a moment
06:31.21ramozAbsoRayne: is it about Highroller?
06:31.32AbsoRaynelol no
06:31.39AbsoRayneIts about a Dogtag
06:31.50purlThis is IRC. Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question and if someone's around, they'll be glad to help.
06:31.50GngskEllipsis, yeah
06:31.51AythI'm too afraid to try highroller
06:31.56GngskEllipsis, I type in a name, hit enter and nada
06:31.58CIA-1003hegarol * r67427 10AtlasLoot_BCInstances/burningcrusade.en.lua:
06:31.59CIA-10- bugfix
06:32.08EllipsisGngsk: does the text disappear or stay there?
06:32.16Gngskno errors, nothing
06:32.22AbsoRayne[(if IsMasterLooter then "(ML)")] why would this tag show EVERYONE as a master looter?
06:32.37CIA-1003hegarol * r67429 10AtlasLoot_SetsandPvP/sets.en.lua:
06:32.38CIA-10- Keepers of Time Tabard added
06:32.40CIA-1003hegarol * r67428 10AtlasLoot_RepFactions/rep.lua:
06:32.40CIA-10- Keepers of Time Tabard added
06:32.43EllipsisGngsk: you are lying and so is your mother.
06:32.51Ellipsiswhy does this bug happen to everyone but me?
06:33.13Gngskhmm, I can try logging on a fresh toon with only pitbull enabled
06:33.48mikmaGngsk: enable lua -errors
06:34.15CIA-1003durcyn 072.4 * r67430 10Antagonist/ (Antagonist-Options.lua Antagonist.lua Antagonist.toc):
06:34.15CIA-10- start using LSM-3.0. still need to deal with callbacks.
06:34.15CIA-10- clean up options. no more soundalert, no more crappy targetonly.
06:34.16CIA-10- pie.
06:34.39Ellipsismmm, pie
06:34.41Gngskmikma, I'm running bugsack
06:34.49purlIt is now 2008.04.01  6:34:49 GMT
06:35.09NivFreakxyu: no lockups?
06:35.30zaplhmm no april 1st joke page from blizzard yet?
06:35.37Wobinsure there is
06:36.19durcyn2.4.0 was the april fools joke.
06:36.22Ellipsisit's not midnight at Blizz yet
06:36.23Xinhuancos its not april 1st yet
06:36.44Zhinjiodarnit, how did I lose the new LDT docs page?
06:37.05Ellipsismessy desk?
06:37.19MentalPowerAbsoRayne: please be patient, not many people know DogTags internals
06:37.31zaplhiding desktop icon ftw ^^
06:38.02EllipsisZhinjio: in-game docs are way better, just for the record
06:38.22AbsoRayneMentalPower: Not going anywhere, working on other things as well
06:38.30Grummmochamp: /Random algorythm hacked - High roll addon released
06:38.37CIA-1003durcyn 072.4 * r67431 10Antagonist/Antagonist-Options.lua: branches/Antagonist/2.4: It is apparently difficult to squint at 300 spell IDs for an hour. Go figure.
06:40.18ZhinjioEllipsis: per AbsoRayne's question, do function calls default to the unitframe they are attached to, or "player" by default?
06:40.42Ellipsisin pitbull's case, yes
06:40.52Ellipsisthey default to the unit the frame represents
06:40.58Zhinjiomakes sense.
06:41.38AbsoRayneJust trying to figure out why it shows everyone as ML, reguardless of group makeup, loot setup or when im just running around in the world solo. :/
06:42.01AbsoRayneIm picky basicly, and the ML Icon is kinda ugly.
06:42.03*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
06:42.27Ellipsisif IsMasterLooter is true on every frame, it's probably a bug and should be jira'd
06:43.07AbsoRayneYeah, wasnt like that before 2.4, now it is
06:43.20AbsoRaynemisses his Absolutrayne (L) (ML) look ;_;
06:43.25Silviu- imba addon !
06:44.34Ellipsisoh wait, I see the ML bug
06:44.39Ellipsis~lart ckknight
06:44.39purlinstalls a bad bootloader on ckknight and turns ckknight into a brick
06:45.17Zyndrome1.57 MB
06:45.19MentalPowerhmm... bricked ckknight...
06:45.26Zyndromekinda big for just such a function ;)
06:45.40MentalPowerZyndrome: its a really complex algo
06:45.41Silviu-Yes :)
06:45.42Ellipsishe might still be useful MentalPower
06:45.55Silviu-It also works ;)
06:45.57EllipsisI discovered his head worked very nicely as an armrest, earlier. other body parts may also be salvagable.
06:46.02Industrialpastamancer: requesting a thread lock on my thread; People are derailing it just to "tell me", which was ofcourse not the original purpose of the thread.
06:46.03Zyndromeall known decimals of pi most likely
06:46.32*** join/#wowace Raf (
06:47.03MentalPowerEllipsis: see, I was thinking that, but thought it best to not say it, but since you mention it ... :P
06:47.15*** join/#wowace WoWLuaircBot (
06:47.40CIA-1003durcyn 072.4 * r67432 10Antagonist/ (Antagonist.lua Antagonist.toc Textures/ embeds.xml):
06:47.40CIA-10- add missing local bitband
06:47.40CIA-10- use embeds.xml
06:47.40CIA-10- drop local copies of common textures
06:47.55OlisonOh, antagonist
06:48.18AbsoRayneWhat just happened? O_o
06:48.36*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
06:49.22CIA-1003durcyn 072.4 * r67433 10Antagonist/Data/ (. Buffs.lua Casts.lua Cooldowns.lua): branches/Antagonist/2.4: Data, now with GetSpellInfo goodness. Fuck you, Babble-Spell.
06:49.45CIA-1003ellipsis * r67434 10LibDogTag-Unit-3.0/Categories/Status.lua: LibDogTag-Unit-3.0: [IsMasterLooter] should probably check if the unit is actually the master looter, not just if they're in your raid.
06:49.50EllipsisAbsoRayne: fixed, but drycoded - let me know if there are any issues please
06:50.10durcyni must say, that last commit was the most satisfying.
06:50.54EllipsisIndustrial: do you double-triple-dare me to post my UI in the screenshots thread?
06:51.11zaplthat real? Downloads:
06:51.14NeoTronthis kalecgos addon is about the ugliest code i've ever written
06:51.26*** join/#wowace smoke__ (
06:51.43AbsoRayneEllipsis: Ill update and try in a moment
06:51.48Ellipsiszapl: well if it wasn't, why would it say it is?
06:51.48nevcairielso make it more pretty
06:51.57AbsoRayneIm playing the bank character transfer game atm
06:52.05ZealotOnAStickNeoTron: what Kalecgos addon?
06:52.55NeoTronKalecgos Marker
06:53.00NeoTronit marks ppl that need to go into the portal
06:53.20NeoTronensuring that tank order isn't messed up, each group has X healers (from a template) and that each group has a decurser
06:53.27ZealotOnAStickI think the single most useful thing I'd like to see is just a little box with the demon's health %, and the dragon's health %.
06:53.41NeoTroni'm just now trying to make it so if the order is messed up after the first round it fixes it
06:53.48NeoTronthat is nice but hardly critical. :P
06:53.59CIA-1003ellipsis * r67435 10LibDogTag-Unit-3.0/Categories/Status.lua: LibDogTag-Unit-3.0: Slight optimization of [IsMasterLooter] 'cause I was lazy the first time.
06:54.00NeoTroneasy to coordinate with vent
06:54.24ZealotOnAStickthough sadly with the idiocy I've seen the last week, what you're writing sounds like the kind of handholding about 10% of our raid needs.
06:54.37*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
06:55.07CIA-1003durcyn 072.4 * r67436 10Antagonist/Antagonist.lua: branche/Antagonist/2.4: all functions should now use unitGUID-spellID for bar ids.
06:56.13NeoTronit's actually amazingly nice when it's working
07:01.48Zyndromezapl : I downloaded it just to have a peek at the code, if it was just something that mimic the behavior of /roll (though not broadcasting it) , but Algorithm.avi disagrees ... actually, I have not seen an addon incorporating a videofile until now :S
07:02.03NivFreak105 recount errors
07:02.24CIA-1003morgalm * r67437 10MorgDKP/ (7 files in 2 dirs):
07:02.24CIA-10- Fix timestamp format error
07:02.24CIA-10- Default ML/DE mode to ON
07:02.25CIA-10- Removed 2.3 code
07:02.39zaplZyndrome: me neither
07:03.30*** join/#wowace Nic (
07:03.37NeoTronI can swap a decurser healer for a decurser dpser now
07:03.47*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
07:03.53NeoTronbut I can't handle the case of a non-decurser for decurser...
07:05.06Silviu-Zyndrome :)
07:06.08Zyndrometoo bad I can't check it out, game time expired, and people owe me money and are slowpokes at paying up >:C
07:06.38Silviu-Zyndrome all it does is open that videofile in game ;p
07:06.48Zyndromeyeah figured
07:06.50Silviu-But is actually funny 1 april :)
07:07.14Zyndromejust like this : , click any of the Featured videos :/
07:07.22*** join/#wowace dieck_ (
07:07.47Tekkubshould I just delete this?
07:10.20*** join/#wowace Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
07:10.20*** mode/#wowace [+o Funkeh`] by ChanServ
07:12.12durcynno, you should mock it bitterly first.
07:12.29AeyanI'd probably just remove it
07:13.16mikmaok, youtube won this day.
07:13.37*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
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07:14.48*** join/#wowace QQngsk (
07:14.48CIA-1003durcyn 072.4 * r67438 10Antagonist/ (10 files in 2 dirs):
07:14.48CIA-10- Add CombatOnly/PVPOnly options
07:14.48CIA-10- cleanup Locales
07:16.20*** join/#wowace MoonWolf (
07:16.20*** mode/#wowace [+o MoonWolf] by ChanServ
07:16.27CIA-1003arrowmaster * r67439 10/trunk/ (32 files in 32 dirs): .You are not a special or unique snowflake. Get back in line and use the 'Lib: ...' title format like everybody else to save the sanity of those of us looking through an alpha sorted addon list
07:16.44durcynArrowmaster: eek
07:17.14CIA-1003kergoth * r67440 10DaHud/ (. embeds.xml): DaHud: fix Threat-2.0 external, add missing AceComm-3.0 to embeds/externals for Threat-2.0.
07:17.16durcynoh, just descriptions
07:17.20durcyncarry on.
07:17.39Arrowmaster~lart ckknight
07:17.39purlbeats the living hamstercrap out of ckknight
07:17.42CartasA unique snowflake?
07:17.43Arrowmastermostly his crap
07:17.52CIA-1003durcyn 072.4 * r67441 10Antagonist/ (Antagonist-Options.lua Locals/enGB.lua): branches/Antagonist/2.4: fix enGB locale. one of these days, I will learn my own language.
07:18.38CIA-1003fenlis * r67442 10LittleWigs/ (14 files in 7 dirs):
07:18.54Diaoi thought all of ckk's libs were named libblahblah
07:19.07durcynnamed yes, described not so much
07:19.12durcynsince the addon list shows Description
07:19.24Funkeh`Arrowmaster, what the hell was that
07:19.25*** join/#wowace shingo2 (
07:19.29Arrowmasteraddon list shows Title:
07:19.41ArrowmasterFunkeh`: nothing to be concerned about
07:19.42durcynmeh, right.
07:19.44Diaooh i get it
07:19.47Diaojust looked at ACP
07:19.52AbsoRayneAh the joys of building a mod
07:19.54Diaoinstead of Lib: blah his are Libblah
07:20.00Diaoso they get placed after
07:20.10AbsoRayneYou go to test it, something goes wrong, and you get to go back to coding and 30 minutes of 'why the hell?'
07:20.33*** join/#wowace kaugummi (n=kaugummi@2002:5091:ef8c:0:20d:93ff:feaf:964e)
07:20.42AbsoRaynecant wait until this is done though...
07:23.29*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
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07:29.54LukianRecount.lua:1135: atif 'Name' (a nil value)
07:30.25CIA-1003hedin * r67443 10WF3sec/core.lua: WF3sec: Cleaning.
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07:32.27AbsoRayneCopy paste inc, have a question for you guys, already posted in WoWI
07:32.36AbsoRaynehi there, we're working on a mod that keeps track of Raid Targets (lucky charms)
07:32.49CIA-1003arrowmaster * r67444 10FuBar_AddonSpamFu/AddonSpamFu.lua:
07:32.49CIA-10-fix all the stuff siz broke when he edited it in a non UTF8 editor or some other shitty editor
07:32.49CIA-10-convert all prefix characters in the range of [%c\128-\255] to \ddd notation so this never happens again
07:32.49CIA-10-add feature of converting all prefix characters in the range of [%c\128-\255] (which are nonprintable for those that dont know)
07:32.53CIA-10to \ddd notation on the tooltip, this is display only, it does not effect any recorded data
07:33.52AbsoRayneIf anyone has an idea, please speak up, its kinda halting the project
07:34.00Zeksieif it's a naming problem, try using GUIDs instead of UnitName to uniquely identify.
07:34.34ArrowmasterAbsoRayne: you cant afaik, just clear your list on RAID_TARGET_UPDATE and add as many ways as possible to detect raid icons so they get added back asap
07:35.10mitch0does Ace3 handle /slashcmd standby?
07:35.41Orionshockmitch0: no
07:35.50Arrowmastermitch0: yeah i think but you need to mixin AceDBOptions-3.0
07:36.48AbsoRayneone second, nother responce coming
07:36.49nevcairielno that doesnt do standby =P
07:36.58mitch0oh. ok. will check it out later then. I'll push out a release without /standby now...
07:37.01Arrowmasteroh wait yeah
07:37.07*** join/#wowace Gngsk (
07:37.21nevcairielexactly that function :P
07:37.28ArrowmasterAbsoRayne: yeah UnitGUID("unit")
07:37.32mitch0nev: so I should implement my on enable/disable commands?
07:37.40nevcairielmitch0: yes
07:37.40AbsoRayneok, thanks guys :) back to work
07:37.44Diaoi can't wait!
07:37.53ArrowmasterAbsoRayne: i assume your also using something similar to the icon tracking in my LibGUIDRegistery? if not you should
07:38.13mitch0oh, btw, the AceConfig-3.0.xml should pull in AceGUI-3.0, too
07:38.13ZhinjioEllipsis: alpha release posted!
07:38.31*** join/#wowace sun (
07:39.06AbsoRayneArrowmaster: Linkplz?
07:40.21ArrowmasterAbsoRayne: was coded up early during 2.4 ptr and hasnt been edited since then but the raid target stuff doesnt need any changes
07:41.29Industrialid love a bard/minstrel class
07:41.33*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
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07:41.53EllipsisZhinjio: good boy. *pat pat*
07:42.09ArrowmasterAbsoRayne: the important parts only being that on COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED, both the src and dst are scaned with lib:ProcessActor, which does 'local raidtarget = bit_band(flags, LIB_FILTER_RAIDTARGET)
07:42.37Arrowmasterthen uses that value to figure out which icon is on the unit
07:43.39AbsoRayneArrowmaster: Yeah we got there, all the combat parsing and such, just the matter of putting the characters on to begin with.
07:43.47AbsoRayneThats where we got stuck bad lol
07:44.09Xinhuanthe trailer is awesome
07:44.22ZealotOnAStick"Has sound"
07:44.30ArrowmasterAbsoRayne: what are you stuck on exactly?
07:45.09XinhuanAI which can move in any of 8 directions remember?
07:45.14*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
07:45.32AbsoRayneArrowmaster: At this point, basicly if he changed marks ( hes using the beta of the mod ) it picked it up fine, but if -I- changed it, it wouldnt pick it up.
07:45.43AbsoRayneEven though were grouped.
07:46.49ArrowmasterAbsoRayne: how is the other person changing icons? by targeting the mob to add the icon to?
07:46.51Ozguli`but why?
07:46.59mitch0anyone from wowi hanging around here?
07:47.03AbsoRayneArrowmaster: Correct
07:47.17AbsoRayneSame goes if I were to change the icon from say Star to Circle
07:47.37CIA-1003durcyn 072.4 * r67445 10Antagonist/Antagonist.lua: branches/Antagonist/2.4: interrupt and aura removal work now. typos can blow me.
07:48.12Arrowmasterso you arent scaning stuff like party1target for icons after the event fires?
07:49.09AeyanMolten Core site is awesome
07:49.09*** join/#wowace evl (n=evl@
07:49.32AbsoRayneUn momento
07:50.04AbsoRaynewe are, and that works for adding then when they're specifically added.  however, it didnt solve the problem of when an icon is "moved" in the example of UnitA has Star, UnitB is selected and given star, UnitA then looses star
07:50.10AbsoRaynewe are, and that works for adding then when they're specifically added.  however, it didnt solve the problem of when an icon is "moved" in the example of UnitA has Star, UnitB is selected and given star, UnitA then looses star
07:50.21AbsoRaynei then realized that that doesnt matter because star is still active :)
07:52.13CIA-1003durcyn 072.3 * r67446 10Antagonist/: clobber bogus tag
07:52.50ArrowmasterAbsoRayne: yeah its all mostly going to be guess work until you get a hit from a relyable source that an icon was found on a certain unit
07:52.53mitch0LF wowinterface admin
07:53.05Arrowmaster'anthropomorphic bovine genotype with super-human stamina, overpowered racial combat abilities, and bizarrely well-developed horticultural skills' rofl
07:53.14CIA-1003durcyn * r67447 10/ (tags/Antagonist/20300/ trunk/Antagonist/): move /trunk/Antagonist to /tags/Antagonist/20300
07:53.47*** join/#wowace Tupsi (n=Miranda@
07:54.17CIA-1003durcyn * r67448 10/ (branches/Antagonist/2.4/ trunk/Antagonist/): Antagonist: Yes, you can has 2.4 updates.
07:54.56mitch0hm. should I put my Ace3 using addons under "Ace: Combat" category on wowi, or should I place them under "standalon combat mods"?
07:55.00Arrowmasterbah i have exactly 1 hour to do all my daily quests
07:55.05CartasI wish Blizzard really did add the 2 headed Ogre as a Race. :(
07:55.33[Ammo]I use the normal combat mods section, the old Ace: section was mainly due to the old Ace1 dependancy
07:55.37OrionshockGG, wtb alternative to memory hogging Group Calendar
07:57.21Arrowmasteri need to get my friends account info, going for mining runs on a rogue with a warglaive is a lot less likely to get you killed by would be gankers
07:57.33*** join/#wowace Gwenstefani (
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07:58.28mitch0is it possible to place an addon into a different category on wowi? I can't seem to find the option on the "edit files" page
07:58.46[Ammo]go to update and add
07:58.49[Ammo]select your interface
07:59.01AbsoRayneNeed some DogTag help for something im working on now.
07:59.02*** join/#wowace Keya (
07:59.11mitch0gah, dogtag...
07:59.20mitch0I need to rework my CowTip config :(
07:59.27*** join/#wowace dieck (
07:59.30Arrowmastertinytip ftw
07:59.44mitch0nah, CowTip is OK, it's just a pain now :)
07:59.45AbsoRayneBasicly...heres what I got
07:59.52AbsoRayne[outline (if HasAura("Well Fed") then
07:59.56Gngsk[ammo], would you care if I posted the old style wh that works for 2.4 in your thread?
07:59.57AbsoRaynethats from EJ
08:00.01mitch0Does tinytip support Range display btw? :)
08:00.08CartasSomeone believed that Tauren were in SCII after seeing that site.
08:00.22[Ammo]Gngsk: I'm working on editable formats
08:00.31[Ammo]Gngsk: so old style should be possible soon
08:00.34[Ammo]by just editting the messages
08:00.45AbsoRayneAnd I want to mod it so its [outline (Class("warrior") then ".':Color("inserthexforclasscolor")
08:00.49*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
08:00.52Gngsk[Ammo], ok then I won't bother, also have you seen the violation error involving pets that someone pinged you about a while ago?
08:00.55AbsoRayneBut that doesnt worK!
08:01.03[Ammo]Gngsk: I haven't
08:02.05Gngskbasically on line 923 trying to set a value to a multidimensional array that isn't defined yet, the outer table is but the inner one isn't
08:02.10AbsoRayneBasicly I get Bad Unit: "
08:02.35[Ammo]Gngsk: hmm
08:02.37AbsoRayneIs there no way for direct classification? Or would smartclass work for this?
08:02.38[Ammo]Gngsk: I'll fix
08:02.42Gngskthx much
08:05.41DiaoAbsoRayne: don't you use if class("unit") = "warrior"?
08:05.43Diaoor something like that
08:05.45[eu]gunderthat was coming since the Activision merger ^^
08:05.56Diaosince class() takes a unit type as argument
08:07.47CIA-1003durcyn * r67449 10Antagonist/ (. Antagonist.lua): Antagonist: add externals, get rid of stray debug prints.
08:07.50mitch0gunder: :))
08:08.10AbsoRaynenm, got that solved
08:08.16AbsoRayneWas making it way too complex
08:08.17AbsoRayne[outline ".":classcolor]
08:09.11Zyndromeoh god, the april fools Bard class should be real ;_;
08:09.11[eu]gundercan't wait for the Frostmourne-themed axe ^^
08:09.28Diaoguitar hero in wow
08:10.25ZyndromeThe Facemelter!
08:10.29Zyndrome"This one goes to eleven."
08:11.22AbsoRaynelol at Deviantarts april fools joke..
08:11.29AbsoRayneEveryone has a Mudkip avatar
08:11.38[eu]gunderChance on hit: Unleash a killer riff that blows your target’s mind.  ^^
08:13.45*** join/#wowace charon (
08:13.52nevcairieldoes melee haste reduce the GCD of melee classes?
08:14.05[eu]gunderoh and by the way
08:14.22Funkeh`nevcairiel, no
08:15.13[eu]gundernevcairiel: well spell haste does but it is useless for melee ^^
08:18.18CIA-1003ammo * r67450 10Violation/Violation.lua: Violation: fix raidPet bug
08:19.29Aiianeon a side note
08:19.38Aiianego look at one of the featured videos on youtube, and watch it
08:19.50vhaarr[Ammo]: oops, thank you
08:20.00CIA-1003durcyn * r67451 10Antagonist/ (10 files in 2 dirs): Antagonist: re-add targetonly options/locales, let's make this pig work.
08:20.33[Ammo]vhaarr: thank gnsk, he pointed it out :)
08:21.17vhaarr[Ammo]: I hope the new code makes more sense
08:21.22vhaarrtried to clean up most of vio
08:22.17SchmoZzHow can I fix this? [2008/04/01 19:18:25-152-x1]: Minimalist\Minimalist.lua:2: Cannot find a library instance of LibAbacus-3.0.Ace2\AceLibrary\AceLibrary.lua:490: in function `AceLibrary'Minimalist\Minimalist.lua:2: in main chunk
08:22.31*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
08:22.51SchmoZzI cant find LibAbacus-3.0 in the updater...
08:23.01SchmoZzoh wait, I am just blind
08:23.23SchmoZzface palm.
08:23.51Diaodid they increase targetting range in 2.4
08:24.05Diaoi can target from like 100 yds away now
08:24.32AbsoRaynewtb a Dynamic Layout for Raid Frames in Pitbull
08:24.34CIA-1003durcyn * r67452 10Antagonist/Locals/ (esES.lua frFR.lua koKR.lua zhCN.lua zhTW.lua): Antagonist: further locale cleanup. Seriously, you translated HEARTHSTONE?
08:24.35[eu]gunderthere will be a cow level!
08:25.50*** join/#wowace Thrae (
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08:26.40CIA-1003mitchell * r67453 10CooldownToGo/ (CooldownToGo.lua CooldownToGo.toc): CooldownToGo: add forum and website link
08:26.48*** join/#wowace calaveraDeluxe (n=chatzill@
08:28.14EllipsisAbsoRayne: dynamic how?
08:29.48AbsoRayneEllipsis: Automaticly adjusting the raid frames to fit a specific raid size.
08:29.54AbsoRayneIE, going from 15 to 25 to 40...
08:30.00vulture-Diao you've always been able to target from far away if you have set the cvars... but in 2.4 they did change the range you see combat events and stuff to "anything you see".. so that maybe changed how you target too
08:30.06AbsoRayneGrid has it, but its really touchy
08:30.15Silviu-What is the replacement for AceEvent-2.0 in Ace3 libs ?
08:30.17Diaoi had my clog set to 200yd for all pre-2.4
08:30.23Diaoand i could only target to a max of 50yd
08:30.24Diaoor so
08:30.33vulture-by target do you mean tab target
08:30.42Diaoonce i hold a target and if they run past me
08:30.53mitch0it's always been 100yd
08:30.59vulture-nobody should ever untarget ever if you can see them
08:31.05vulture-unless you have some bad mod doing that
08:31.15Diaothey used to fade out of my screen a lot sooner
08:31.21kergothSilviu-: you mean.. aceevent-3.0?
08:31.25vulture-you turn up viewing distances maybe?
08:31.44Silviu-Damn i`m blind did not see it, thx kergoth
08:32.04Diaohaven't changed any settings since 2.4
08:32.14dylanmSilviu-: Note that the bulk of the work is done by LibCallBackHandler-1.0
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08:33.09EllipsisAbsoRayne: the number of raid frames is based on the number of people in the raid...what more is there?
08:33.20CIA-1003ammo * r67454 10WitchHunt/WitchHunt.lua: WitchHunt: Disable alerting in sanctuary zones altogether (shattrath).
08:33.23CIA-1003durcyn * r67455 10Antagonist/Antagonist.lua: Antagonist: make targetonly work, and possibly not suck.
08:33.34[Ammo]vhaarr: code makes sense, but it should use GUIDs in the end
08:34.02vhaarr[Ammo]: right, and I guess it should use a filter instead of unfiltered combat events
08:34.12AbsoRayneEllipsis: PitBull fills them out in a line. I cant make the fill out popint anchored to the Center, therefore the frame sjust go in one direction. Thats not what I want to happen./
08:34.18[Ammo]unfiltered is fine
08:34.52AbsoRayneI want them to spread evenly
08:35.37vhaarr[Ammo]: I'm not up to speed on the GUID thing, so feel free to hack it
08:35.51CIA-1003durcyn * r67456 10Antagonist/Antagonist.lua: Antagonist: set default bargroup titletext to hide
08:36.13[Ammo]vhaarr: I'll check it out when I have some time, other fish need frying first
08:38.08*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
08:38.27SunTsuHm, I'm looking for an addon that keeps track of my auctions, preferable as a fubar plugin, so I always remember what I put into AH for what price, bids, and which runtime it has, without having to look into AH again.
08:38.39SunTsuAnybody have an idea?
08:39.18vhaarr[Ammo]: anyway I got rid of most of the crap now from the core, should be easier to read now, and generates a lot less garbage
08:39.31vhaarrI removed some functionality as well
08:39.32durcynSunTsu: there's no middle ground for auction stuff, the only addons that exist are fence on the lightweight end and auctioneer on the huge side of things
08:39.52AbsoRayneEllipsis: Basicly, I dont want my Raid Frames doing this:
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08:40.36EllipsisAbsoRayne: so it's an anchoring problem, not a "dynamic" problem
08:40.40SunTsudurcyn: Damn, so, then I just have the idea for my first addon ;)
08:40.45quiescenshow do you know who is who
08:40.56Ellipsiswhy would you need to?
08:41.22AbsoRayneEllipsis: Basicly, yeah. Coulda worded it a little better
08:41.24SunTsu.o0( You guys don't know how deep in trouble you are, yet ;) )
08:41.43AbsoRayneSorry bout that
08:42.09SunTsudurcyn: But, thanks for the answer
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08:43.38durcynSunTsu: well, afaik at least.  there might be some FuBar_AuctionTimerWhateverFu that no one will ever find because of its horribad name
08:45.09SunTsuSo, first step, learn lua, second step, write my first addon, third step, rule the world ;)
08:45.25*** join/#wowace sb ( yawns
08:47.35Zhinjioso, here's a (perhaps) dumb question.
08:47.55GeloSo, heard/seen any good april's fools joke so far?
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08:48.15ZhinjioI actually kinda like the way the minimap buttons for addons look. I cannot freaking stand that the default behavior is to dock them all to the minimap.
08:48.33ZhinjioIt would be nice to have them all dock to something else. Maybe a bar of some kind along the side of the screen.
08:48.40Zhinjiodoes such a thing already exist?
08:48.48GeloFuBar perhaps?
08:48.49Zhinjioand no,I don't mean "dock" to fubar
08:48.59Zhinjiothat doesn't go vertical (which is what I want)
08:49.43ZhinjioGelo: was it you that wrote Tinypad?
08:49.45GeloThen I don't know. I just hide addon buttons I won't use.
08:49.56GeloZhinjio, no that was the "real" Gello
08:49.58AbsoRaynegod I really dont want to go back to Grid for this UI, but its offering me what PitBull cant do :X
08:50.01Zhinjioheh. ok.
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08:51.07GeloZhinjio, ever thought about just hiding the button (if it's possible) after you're done configuring and just keeping the important?
08:51.22AbsoRayneIts there a bar addon thats like SImple Raid Frames or something?
08:51.48ZhinjioGelo: yes. I do generally do that.
08:52.13dylanmThere is some addon that will collect them into a bar.
08:52.16dylanmBut I forget what it's called.
08:52.35Diaodid they change arena update time with the honor change?
08:53.38ZhinjioI don't think it would ultimately be that hard. It could maybe even be an bolton to chinchilla's moveable frames bit. Or something.
08:53.57dylanmHere it is.
08:54.23Zhinjiombb looks t have been updated recently. might just have been a toc change though
08:54.37CIA-1003elsia * r67457 10Recount/ (Recount.lua Tracker.lua):
08:54.37CIA-10- getraw -> rawget, doh.
08:54.50ZhinjioI'll take a look at both. Thanks.
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08:57.13CIA-1003trasher * r67458 10Antagonist/Antagonist.toc:
08:57.13CIA-10- id curse update
08:57.45mitch0are there any working chronometer replacements around?
08:58.03CIA-1003nevcairiel * r67459 10Omen/Omen.lua: Omen: simplify version check logic
08:58.18Gelo <3
08:58.37GeloTry it. It works as intended
08:58.43durcynold news pal
08:58.54Geloah, well it's new to me
08:59.38SunTsuApril's fool? ;)
08:59.53Silviu-Anyone know what should replace the old Ace2 funtion "ScheduleRepeatingEvent" in Ace3 ?
09:00.06mitch0gelo: lol: Downloads:
09:00.38hasteZhinjio: I would not recommend the MBB located on wowace, unless you want your FPS raped :3
09:01.00Zhinjiooh? is it pretty borked?
09:01.10dylanmSilviu-: I think just using AceTimer:ScheduleRepeatingTimer would do it
09:01.16hasteit probably works, but it creates more garbage than pitbull at loadup
09:01.50ZhinjioI've got performance stuff loaded. I can check 'em both. and see how they do
09:01.51exor|zzzhaste: what does it do, calculate all prime numbers between 1 and a billion and store them in their own table?
09:02.06Zhinjioexor|zzz: and then uses that to time loot rollz.
09:02.09hasteexor|zzz: more like create a couple of tables each OnUpdate
09:02.27GeloI'm wondering if I should ignore all updates today incase someone's gone crazy with an april's fool joke.
09:04.01GeloLots of addons are updated today :/
09:04.50KalrothNow you have to read the update information in every single one and then check the code to make sure it's not an aprils fool change.
09:05.20Zhinjiook, mbf is perfect.
09:06.09mitch0damn, I planned to release CooldownToGo on wowi today, but I forgot to take a screenshot :(
09:06.20GngskEllipsis, ping
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09:06.38AbsoRayneCan you change the font that Chinchilla uses
09:06.56dylanmZhinjio: There's one on there that will let you just arbitrarily move them but this seemed more organized.
09:07.30Gelobard class lol
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09:08.30Zhinjiodylanm: this is perfect.
09:09.17[Ammo]vhaarr: what functionality did you rmeove?
09:09.24[Ammo]oh meh I'll just go code digging
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09:10.09Groktarbrutallus 11%!
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09:10.36vhaarr[Ammo]: leader resets, all data broadcasting, clicking the module names in the menu to report to the last target, and probably some other stuff
09:10.49vhaarr[Ammo]: that last thing can be added back though, but I had to clean up that code a lit
09:10.51Zhinjioso this way, everything that is actually an information display goes to fubar (as intended), and stuff thats just there for a config panel goes to mbf.
09:10.54ZhinjioI'm in love.
09:11.14[Ammo]data broadcasting requires GUIDs so yeah
09:11.17[Ammo]that's all cool
09:11.38Zhinjiodarnit, and now I've got 49 minutes to play with a new UI
09:11.55Zhinjioserver maintenance just doesn't play nice with my schedule. evah.
09:12.04vhaarr[Ammo]: Violation doesn't need data broadcasting now with the combat log range
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09:12.49[Ammo]vhaarr: is the range large enough for voidreaver?
09:12.50Silviu- ok looks pretty good ;)
09:12.54Zhinjiowhat sites are folks using these days for posting UI screenies and such?
09:13.06Zhinjioand sharing configs for various things like pitbull and whatnot
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09:13.27GngskZhinjio, I've always used
09:13.30vhaarr[Ammo]: the only two bosses I can imagine will have problems are void reaver and the first boss in sunwell
09:13.31AbsoRayneZhinjio: Photobucket works well with its 1mb max upload limit, in case you got a widescreen / odd resolution
09:13.43vhaarr[Ammo]: and in my opinion it's not enough to warrant having data broadcasting
09:13.44GeloZhinjio, You're in #wowace ;)
09:13.44vhaarr2 bosses
09:13.48dylanmI think he wants discussion and all that. imo obviously. There's that megathread.
09:13.58GrumSilviu-: what looks good? optionhouse? O.o
09:13.58[Ammo]vhaarr: it's only once every 5 seconds, but shrug
09:14.16Silviu-Grum, no the memory used by my addon :P
09:14.18dylanm#ej forums...
09:14.27GrumSilviu-: it does nothing? :D
09:14.30Silviu-Grum, right bottom corner :)
09:14.34dylanmEr, no # there.
09:14.40dylanmLooks a lot like SLWhatever.
09:15.13Grumso, how customizable is it? :D
09:15.20Silviu-Is not :P
09:15.38Silviu-Since i use it for personal use, i don`t need a gui or sumth :)
09:15.47*** join/#wowace Ellipsis (n=ellipsis@
09:15.54GngskEllipsis, reping
09:16.46Grumomg but it needs at least ace3+rock+ace2+libstub+astrolabe to be cool!
09:17.16EllipsisGngsk: attempted pong
09:17.28CIA-1003ananhaid * r67460 10LittleWigs/MagistersTerrace/PriestessDelrissa.lua:
09:17.28CIA-10- zhCN update.
09:17.32Silviu-No ! only AceAddon-3.0, AceEvent-3.0, AceTimer-3.0 !
09:17.52GngskEllipsis, I am pretty sure I found out how to reproduce the bug I was having with the custom texts not showing up
09:18.27dylanmSilviu-: From what you showed me earlier I don't think you need AceEvent.
09:19.03Silviu-Could be that Acetimer replaces my sheldue thing
09:19.07Silviu-Let me look
09:19.20GngskEllipsis, meh nvm, but I did notice that when it works that yellow triangular icon with the exclamation point was next to the editbox, when it didn't it wasn't
09:19.30dylanmAceTimer does the scheduling.
09:19.50leftbracketman that parrot inventory count bug is annoying
09:19.59GngskEllipsis, I thought it had to do with shift-right clicking a frame to bring up config but it isn't, I'll keep trying to pin it down
09:20.07Silviu-dylanm u are right ! ( again ) thx ;)
09:20.50mitch0arrow: you can be such an arrogant bastard :)
09:21.03Arrowmastermitch0: <3
09:21.37CIA-1003mitchell * r67461 10LibRangeCheck-2.0/LibRangeCheck-2.0.toc: LibRangeCheck-2.0: remove wowi release site
09:21.54Arrowmastercouldnt commit till you did svn up?
09:22.08mitch0arrow: and I _am_ unique and special snowflake :P
09:22.46Grumwarms mitch0 up
09:23.18Arrowmasterit was mostly ckks stuff that got hit by that commit
09:23.46mitch0I don't mind the actual change ;)
09:24.31iKONgngsk: i think the framse has to be visible on the screen for those custon texts to showup on the config window
09:24.37Arrowmasteryeah its one of those things that nobodys going to bitch about but good luck trying to get everybody else to do it themselves
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09:25.33mitch0ok, how do I go about redirecting the RangeCheck-1.0 wiki to LibRangeCheck-2.0?
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09:26.03mitch0ah. found it ;)
09:26.17dylanm#REDIRECT [[ ]] ?
09:28.33GngskiKON, yah I know, i'm talking about something else where the option to put in new custom texts doesn't work
09:29.15durcyn~lart UnitGUID
09:29.15purlrm -rf's UnitGUID
09:30.10AbsoRayne om nom nom
09:30.17AbsoRayneJust about ready for raiding.
09:30.28iKONahh.. i had that problem too
09:30.44Grummeh non healers have so much space on their ui =D
09:30.49CIA-1003durcyn * r67462 10Antagonist/Antagonist.lua: Antagonist: rework targetonly logic to suck slightly less
09:31.29mitch0seems someone is picking up parrot...
09:32.27*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
09:32.55AbsoRayneGrum: Actually my druid healer only has 30 buttons showing too. O_o
09:33.07Grumthe buttons is not the problem
09:33.09Grumits the unitframes
09:33.25Grumhaving 25+pets is just hard to fit in
09:33.58AbsoRayneI have little squares for those. :B
09:34.22AbsoRayneAnd personally, I should be more focused on my tank, not someones cat whos getting cleaved :/
09:34.46GrumBM hunters get ~30% of their dps from their pets
09:34.54Grumits useful to keep em alive
09:35.29AbsoRayneSurvival ftw. <3
09:35.30[dRaCo]they've got heals on their own, though
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09:36.43[dRaCo]and since it's a HoT, they just lose 1 GCD
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09:39.47Arrowmasterin some raid fights if your healers dont have pets showing on their uis it means one healer basicly has to keep a pet targeted the entire fight
09:41.00taskulrafI prefer the "yell at hunters who are idiots and leave their pets standing in aoe then whine about not getting heals"
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09:41.18AbsoRayneI used to just use the focus frame and heal one pet for fight.
09:41.47Arrowmasteryeah same but its only 1 healer on that pet
09:41.58[Endeavour]Will AceConfigDropdown-3.0 be the LibStub version of DewDrop? From a FuBar point of view?
09:42.03sag_ich_nichtis files down again?
09:42.12Arrowmaster[Endeavour]: yeah
09:42.17[Endeavour]omg need!
09:42.56[Endeavour]Arrowmaster: Is there any beta out for ConfigDropdown-3.0? Can't find it in the branches/trunk
09:42.59sag_ich_nichtmhm nope was just buggy now it's working
09:43.07Arrowmaster[Endeavour]: it doesnt exist yet
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09:43.41[Endeavour]thanks anyways :)
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09:44.17mitch0anyone working on AceTab-3.0?
09:45.28CIA-1003philosound * r67463 10Numen/embeds.xml:
09:45.28CIA-10- attempting to fix dewdrop not being embedded
09:46.41*** join/#wowace Jaxon (
09:47.00CIA-1003nevcairiel * r67464 10Omen/Modules/SingleTarget/SingleTarget.lua: Omen: improve target change logic in SingleTarget mode (a healer targeting a tank) - still needs some work for the hostileUnit changing its target since no event will ever catch that (might need polling or syncing)
09:47.03Trell_wtf is this HighRoller
09:47.11Trell_un f'ing believable
09:47.12nevcairielyou roll higher with it
09:47.16nevcairielits great
09:47.24Trell_great my f'ing ass
09:47.34Trell_whoever wrote that deserves to be shot
09:47.44SunTsuTrell_: Ever lookad at the date? ;)
09:48.02Trell_why is it always me
09:48.05JaxonWho went and ruined that?  I was waiting for a big rant.
09:48.09Trell_that gets done over
09:48.22Trell_every year, im so gullible
09:48.32SunTsuTrell_: Even if it worked, everybody had it in a short period of time, so there's till be randomness, just in a smaller number space
09:49.23[Endeavour]How can i motivate anybody to write AceConfigDropdown-3.0? I would hmm, bake cookies, cakes, candys or just say please a hundred times : )
09:49.54ben___[Endeavour]: You could write AceConfigDropdown-3.0 to motivate!
09:50.18Zhinjio*cry* server shutdown
09:50.25ZhinjioI'm on a roll too
09:50.28[Endeavour]I could! but i'm not a very good coder. My code is very often memory wasting
09:50.34mitch0[endeavour]: I could set up a paypal account ;)
09:50.44Trell_ is better.
09:50.52ben___[Endeavour]: Get something working, then other people can chip in and optimise it
09:51.05ben___Fuck memory, I have multiple gb for a reason
09:51.17[Endeavour]Hmmmm.... Guess the gurus would laugh at me for bad code
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09:51.26ben___No, they would not
09:51.34JaxonYou can't improve on code that doesn't exist.
09:51.40ben___If they do, they get their guru privileges revoked
09:52.33[Endeavour]U really think i should try? I mean, this would be something essential
09:54.43mitch0do not try. do.
09:54.45ben___What is the worst that could happen?
09:55.03CIA-1003philosound * r67465 10Numen/:
09:55.04CIA-10- added dewdrop to svn:externals
09:55.30[Endeavour]getting blamed for working but messy, non-performant code
09:55.44ben___Do it under a pseudonym!
09:55.53[Endeavour]Haha good idea :>
09:56.17mitch0[ruovaednE] :)
09:57.00Arrowmasteri think antiarc is starting on a LibDropdown that could be a base for AceConfigDropdown-3.0
09:57.43[Endeavour]  hmmm right
09:58.06CIA-1003durcyn * r67466 10Antagonist/Antagonist.lua: Antagonist: filtertarget works. Don't code shit at 5 AM, kids.
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10:00.33CIA-1003trasher * r67467 10Antagonist/Locals/frFR.lua:
10:00.33CIA-10- frFR update
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10:00.37Gngskhey, that lib hooks the worldframe's OnMouseDown to close, I've wanted that for dewdrops since forever
10:00.47Gngsktoo bad antiarc is so busy with threat
10:01.02Zhinjioare ptrs up?
10:01.16ZhinjioI'm really on a kick to keep doing this UI design
10:01.18dylanmWhy would they be
10:01.30Zhinjioto cater to my every whim and wont?
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10:04.16Adysare the map image addresses for the exploration available somewhere in the UI? or are they hardcoded?
10:04.56Arrowmasteryou mean like how carto_foglight and mapster show undiscovered locations?
10:05.04Trell_haha, on the eu forums they've added something that inserts a random 'netspeak' phrase based around lol randomly in posts.
10:05.16Trell_lulwut, lolcats, lol, rofl, lmfao etc
10:05.17dylanmIt's on the US ones too.
10:05.43Zhinjiosomeone in our guild ends every single one of his sentences in gchat with 'rofl'
10:05.56durcynbear avatars still win
10:05.58JaxonWe had someone like that
10:06.00JaxonWe kicked him
10:06.07ArrowmasterAdys: is that what your asking about because if so i can answer
10:06.09Zhinjiohis name wasn't wkdpriest, was it?
10:06.20CIA-1003ammo * r67468 10WitchHunt/ (6 files in 2 dirs): WitchHunt: make the message format for each type configurable. I fixed the german defaults. The asians will have to redo their stuff.
10:06.25Adysoh sorry Arrowmaster
10:06.26JaxonHis name was Anobrax
10:06.30AdysUh, yeah, kind of
10:06.37Arrowmaster[Ammo]: fix dispell messages
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10:06.51ZhinjioNivFreak: alpha release up on the wiki
10:06.52AdysI just want to know the layer addresses either in percentages or, if possible, pixel specific, on each map
10:07.00Adysand im wondering if its possible from the ui :)
10:07.13[Ammo]Arrowmaster: give information or gtfo
10:07.16Ellipsisextract interface art, ???, profit
10:07.24durcyn[Ammo]: dispelled spell is arg14, dispelling spell is arg 10, iirc
10:07.35[Ammo]ah ok
10:07.39[Ammo]you were talking about interrupts on the forum
10:07.39Arrowmaster[Ammo]: it says shit like "arcane shot was dispelled from npc"
10:07.55[Ammo]Arrowmaster: I need info, but durcyn is talking the right stuff
10:08.27Trell_and, have nihilum *really* quit?  or is that an elaborate april fools too
10:08.30durcyndispels are just a little different when they're sent by the event
10:08.36ArrowmasterAdys: not sure about that but the artwork for each one is accessable if you know how to access it
10:08.40[Ammo]I'll fix it
10:08.51Adysyea Arrowmaster thats not a problem
10:09.06Adysjust been doing them in photoshop atm and wondering if i can automate it :)
10:09.34CIA-1003scorpion * r67469 10Omen/Localization/zhTW.lua:
10:09.34CIA-10- updated zhTW
10:09.43ArrowmasterAdys: i had a standalone lua script around here to basicly use a dbc file from the mpqs converted to csv and take all the info from it to build a database for mapster or carto_foglight
10:10.13Adysso its in the dbcs
10:10.15Adysthanks :)
10:10.52Arrowmasteryeah you need WorldMapOverlay, for most the info and WorldMapArea for the zonenames
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10:12.31CIA-1003durcyn * r67470 10/branches/Omniscience/: mkdir. fwoosh.
10:13.27CIA-1003durcyn 07dev * r67471 10Omniscience/: also mkdir
10:13.33CIA-1003scorpio0920 * r67472 10LittleWigs/MagistersTerrace/ (SelinFireheart.lua Vexallus.lua):
10:13.33CIA-10- Update zhTW localization.
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10:16.10Xinhuani <3 april 1st
10:16.33ZhinjioG"morning Xinhuan.
10:16.55Megaloni would so play a bard :/
10:17.03Arrowmasterwhats funny is thats not really a joke, you can do that, just not with gmail
10:17.35Trell_lol @ youtubes featured videos.
10:18.31Robliboblolwut @ eu forums ;)
10:18.37*** join/#wowace faCe| (
10:19.46WobinI love the stand moovie =)
10:20.19CIA-1003durcyn * r67473 10Antagonist/Antagonist.lua: Antagonist: cleanup defaults.
10:21.08WobinThe most physically imposing of these warrior races were the so-called 'tauren,' an anthropomorphic bovine genotype with super-human stamina, overpowered racial combat abilities, and bizarrely well-developed horticultural skills.
10:21.19Arrowmasteri think theres enough video in the walk movie to make a looping gif
10:22.16Trell_Wobin: I like the picture at the bottom - 'not sure if this is a mascot or something else'
10:23.33Wobinomg ADORABLE
10:24.01CIA-1003snago * r67474 10IHML/locales/ (5 files):
10:24.01CIA-10- Fixed Throne of Kil'jaeden macro
10:24.14CIA-1003ammo * r67475 10WitchHunt/WitchHunt.lua: WitchHunt: bugfix dispelled, use the correct spell and ID
10:24.59ZhinjioWobin: thats hilarious
10:25.02[Ammo]piniata ownage
10:25.40Trell_IMHL: looks awesome.
10:25.43*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
10:25.46Trell_*scurries off to download*
10:26.31*** join/#wowace xt (
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10:30.33CIA-1003whyv * r67476 10Omen/Localization/zhTW.lua:
10:30.33CIA-10- Updated zhTW
10:31.03*** join/#wowace Zyndrome (
10:32.44xtWhy is Omen being buggy for alot of people, do they run old mods with embedded Threat-1.0 that interferes or what?
10:35.05Daemonano cause Antiarc is fixing protocol issues and unless all update it breaks for all
10:35.07*** join/#wowace dabujo (
10:35.26nevcairielyeah protocol changed last night
10:35.37nevcairieldidnt get a chance to test the new protocol yet, though
10:35.37CIA-1003phyber * r67477 10FuBar_NameToggleFu/Core.lua:
10:35.37CIA-10- Add support for toggling the new names. not yet tested.
10:36.04xtDaemona: k
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10:43.09elusifdoes anyone know how i can amend this macro so that if mounted it will skip ghostlystrike?
10:43.14elusif./castsequence reset=6 ghostly strike, hemorrhage, hemorrhage, hemorrhage, hemorrhage, hemorrhage
10:43.43xtyou cant hit while mounted DOH
10:43.45zaplnice one:
10:43.48*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
10:44.40elusifxt - you can hit while mounted
10:44.52elusifyou can hit with hemo
10:45.39*** join/#wowace Athou (n=ask@
10:48.14CIA-1003hegarol * r67478 10AtlasLoot_SetsandPvP/GeneralPvP.en.lua:
10:48.14CIA-10- new pvp items from 2.4 added
10:49.21Xinhuanany french in here? ;p
10:49.29Xinhuanhow do you translate "Spell haste rating" into french hehe
10:49.56[eu]gunderXinhuan: "hâte des sorts" iirc
10:50.26Xinhuanwhat is "Score de"
10:50.27[eu]gunderXinhuan: "score de hâte des sorts" sorry
10:50.46[eu]gunderscore de is rating
10:50.59Xinhuanand sorts is spell i guess?
10:50.59ArrowmasterWobin: wasnt that from last year or was it 06?
10:51.09WobinArrowmaster: hm, no idea
10:51.16Wobinit was linked from the Virgle page
10:51.24ArrowmasterWobin: its old
10:51.43WobinIs Virgle?
10:51.57WobinI can't remember all the ones =P
10:52.27Wobinah, Virgle is this year's
10:52.27Xinhuan~seen kurax
10:52.30purlkurax <n=kurax@> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 5h 13m 15s ago, saying: 'got 8k honor in 5 mins kinda scared me'.
10:53.18*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
10:53.20zapleven more aprils fool blizz
10:53.31Wobinzapl: I love the trailer
10:53.49Daemonahrhr is pure win
10:53.59[eu]gunderatari 2600 ftw
10:55.02CIA-1003noodles * r67479 10PitBull/ (4 files in 3 dirs):
10:55.02CIA-10- zhTW check and update
10:55.47Hobby-homeDaemona: ahaha
10:55.48nevcairielwowhead is just white ? thats all? :P
10:56.02Ellipsislook closer
10:56.04hasteno, it looks like thottbot
10:56.07Daemonanevcairiel ... compare
10:56.08Kalrothnev got tb-vision
10:56.18Kalrothhe can't see thott graphics
10:56.18nevcairieli never visit thottbot, it sucks
10:56.36Wobinpretty lame as a april fools joke tbh
10:57.48KalrothI was hoping that wowace would have featured boobies today, but nooo
10:58.32EllipsisI was more offering than requesting, but thanks
10:58.45KalrothYou don't offer with a question mark :(
10:58.51[Ammo]Ellipsis will star on the front page featuring boobies?
10:58.58sbboobies offering?
10:59.24sb <-- is this boobies? :/
10:59.47WobinI was about to say that the blue footed boobies were cute
11:00.17CIA-1003durcyn 07dev * r67480 10Omniscience/ (Data.lua Omniscience.lua Omniscience.toc Options.lua): branches/Omniscience/dev: initial commit, chopped-to-pieces version of Antagonist for CC/DR-only tracking. Doesn't actually work yet.
11:00.34nevcairielthats funnier
11:00.38nevcairielihmo :P
11:00.41Kalrothsb: Well in theory yet, but it's just the same when you finally get in bed with them.
11:00.57Kalrothjust not*
11:01.02nevcairieldurcyn: wasnt Omniscience the name of a RDX addon ?
11:01.14Kalrothkeeps words in his.
11:01.38Arrowmasterfucking finally, having to hex edit a wow downloader exe to get the torrent out of it ftl
11:01.49durcynnevcairiel: was it?  i only did a cursory search.
11:01.55Kalrothjust use torrent extract, Arrowmaster?
11:01.59nevcairielWoWTorrentEx2 not working anymore?
11:02.00Arrowmasterit didnt work
11:02.04Arrowmastertheres a 2?
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11:02.23nevcairielthats what i have
11:02.24nevcairielno idea
11:02.48Kalroththere's actually a 3 too
11:02.49durcynoh, balls, 2.4.1...gief 2.4.2 already
11:02.49WobinArrowmaster: Why not just direct download?
11:02.50Arrowmastertheres a 3 there now
11:03.10Arrowmasterit was the trailer on relased the other day i wanted
11:03.39Gagorianmeh soul leech causes threat
11:03.43Gagorianthat is kinda gay
11:03.46nevcairieli think it specifically looks for filenames in the patch style
11:03.46Gagoriansince other leeches dont
11:03.58durcynGagorian: it's a heal, shrug
11:03.59Arrowmasteryeah i renamed the file an all
11:04.08sag_ich_nicht <--<3
11:04.14CIA-1003xinhuan * r67481 10GemHelper/ (9 files):
11:04.14CIA-10GemHelper: Update TOC to 20400, added 8 new 2.4 gems, updated Shifting
11:04.14CIA-10Tanzanite, added search checkbox for spell haste, updated localizations where
11:04.14CIA-10available. Removed semicolons and brackets. Bump version to 1.6 for release.
11:04.49Arrowmasterok ver3 rocks
11:04.58Arrowmasterdrag and drop and it doesnt check file name
11:05.22Arrowmasterso drag any bliz downloader to it and it should work
11:07.02nevcairielhaha that lol mod on the wow forums is great
11:07.53Gagoriandurcyn: Well drain life, death coil and siphon life does not cause threat
11:08.01GagorianSo, how come the destro equivalent does
11:08.09GagorianSense makes none!
11:09.09*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
11:09.31sag_ich_nicht~poke Antiarc
11:09.32purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Antiarc, pokes Antiarc repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
11:09.35*** join/#wowace Srosh (
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11:09.58Ellipsis~lick sag_ich_nicht
11:09.59purlACTION licks sag_ich_nicht *SHLUUURRRRPPP*
11:10.04CIA-1003elsia * r67482 10CCBreaker/ (8 files):
11:10.04CIA-10- Should now fully work as before
11:10.04CIA-10- Fixed up dependencies (parser, babble, specialaura as well as bogus rock dependency)
11:10.04CIA-10- Fixed unitid handling code taken from Parser-4.0
11:10.05CIA-10- Reenabled "show from" and "show on"
11:10.07CIA-10- Fixed localization to use GetSpellInfo
11:11.08sbElsia: mh - do you support icons? :o
11:11.31Elsiasb: where in CCBreaker?
11:11.53sb"sheep on someunit {cross} removed by xyz multishot"
11:12.14Elsiacould be added, but poke the maintainer, I just unbroke the broken attempt to unbreak it ;)
11:12.18Xinhuanargh someone should update ratingbuster so it no longer uses BabbleSpell
11:12.25sboh okay :)
11:12.30sag_ich_nichtraid icons are borked in non-enUS/enGB anyway
11:12.34Xinhuani think its my last addon using it or something
11:12.35sbi know sag_ich_nicht
11:12.37sag_ich_nichtXinhuan: that's a good idea.
11:12.40sbbut you can use constants
11:12.57Fisker-@ aprils fool forums
11:14.23GagorianWell everyone using BS should remove it!
11:15.01Kuraxzomg all Chinese addon sites are unaccessable
11:15.01GagorianMy search finds depressingly many addons still loading it
11:15.44*** join/#wowace home|prophy (
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11:16.29CIA-1003durcyn * r67483 10Antagonist/ (Antagonist.lua Data/Cooldowns.lua): Antagonist: strip server name from bar text, drycoded.
11:16.58CIA-1003nevcairiel * r67484 10sRaidFrames/ (sRaidFrames.lua sRaidFramesOptions.lua): sRaidFrames: banzai is once again optional
11:17.07sag_ich_nichtyour tries at rickrolling me are made of fail
11:17.12sag_ich_nichttry harder
11:17.20*** join/#wowace TheOther|Away (
11:18.22KuraxIf Babble-Boss-3 has least same data with 2.2? I'm planning upgrade it for AtlasLoot
11:18.37mitch0haste: you here?
11:19.02ZhinjioI just noticed something in the new API changes
11:19.03taskulrafWhere can I find what the meaning of all of the fields in combatlog.txt are?
11:19.38ZhinjiobagType "4096 - Vanity Pets" .... oh please dear god tell me this means we're going to see a "Leash" or something to store vanity pets in/on
11:19.47Ellipsiswe hope so
11:19.51Ellipsisno bags match it yet though
11:19.55durcynZhinjio: the bagtype was added, that's all so far
11:20.09*** join/#wowace Zarhan (
11:20.10Zhinjiobut.... it shows an intent that is quite appealing.
11:20.22Ellipsisyeah, but on the other hand they failed to give food/consumables a bagtype
11:20.23Zhinjiocall it whatever the fuck you want afaic. Just gimme one.
11:20.40Ellipsisso obviously the system is either: a) not done yet, or b) made of lose and fail
11:20.49hastemitch0: yes
11:20.59mitch0what could be the memory footprint of AceEvent/AceDB/AceLocale compared to some self-made stuff? I bet it's not really noticable
11:21.02Wobin80% lose, 20% fail
11:21.04Arrowmasterdoes this look right?
11:21.15Arrowmasterits 7am my brain is failing
11:21.46hastemitch0: no idea, never looked into their resource usage
11:21.58KuraxArrowmaster: parenthesis ftw
11:22.10mitch0haste: are you the "haste" with low-mem-requirements? :)
11:23.04hastemitch0: I don't have low mem reqs on my add-ons :-P
11:23.11mitch0haste: I got a PM from someone called "hipjipp" on wowi requesting me to strip all Ace libs from RangeDisplay so that it would be smaller, and he referred to "p3slim" and "haste"
11:23.14Arrowmastersomebody else look at that and tell me if my logic is fucked up
11:23.16CIA-1003whyv * r67485 10FuBar_PerformanceFu/locales/PerformanceFuLocale-zhTW.lua: FuBar_PerformanceFu: update zhTW
11:23.25KuraxI think you'd better writing like this "if (not target[name]) or (target[name] == oldLib[name]) then"
11:23.33mitch0it might be an april's fool though
11:23.41ArrowmasterKurax: fuck no
11:23.51hastemitch0: static memory usage doesn't impact performance
11:24.05hastemitch0: people just believe memory usage is a big factor when it comes to wow add-ons
11:24.10KuraxLast time one of my weird error came from parenthesis, so I'm really scare of this thing now
11:24.57mitch0haste: yeah, but in any case, these Ace3 libs I use are pretty smallish
11:25.34mitch0haste: well, I gave polite pointers on which parts of the .lua should be removed to rip out the config fluff. I certainly won't do it in the main version ;)
11:25.35hastemitch0: it's really up to you as the dev to choose what libs you want to use. They are there to make life easier, not increase the performance of your add-on :p
11:26.00CIA-1003arrowmaster 07FrameworkIndependent * r67486 10LibFuBarPlugin-3.0/LibFuBarPlugin-Mod-3.0.lua: LibFuBarPlugin-3.0: change library upgrading so it only overwrites functions if the function was from the previous version of the library, lib:Embed(target) still overwrites all
11:26.15durcynbut, but, but, ace means it's faster, right?  it has this nifty -ace2- tag on the addon list, and yellow stripes and and...
11:26.37durcynnevermind, making myself ill.
11:26.39mitch0durcyn: I'm talking about Ace3 now ;)
11:26.41*** join/#wowace eimsbush (
11:28.00KuraxSO beql is not updated?
11:28.10eimsbushit works
11:29.56[eu]gunderHighroller is a great addon ^^ I don't think wow ill ever be the same again for me with that!
11:30.21Arrowmasteri tried it when it was just Roller, and it was buggy
11:30.39durcynit was better on youtube, tbh.
11:30.47haste[eu]gunder: I agree, I'm never going to give it up
11:30.53Ellipsismitch0: well obviously ace3 is like 2130857 times better than ace2, 'cause the number is bigger
11:31.10Ellipsisit may make your addons finish running before they start
11:31.22eimsbushis that thing with nihilum a apriljoke or something?
11:31.52*** join/#wowace elaaa (
11:32.02CIA-1003whyv * r67487 10Omen/Localization/zhTW.lua: Omen - checked zhTW again
11:32.10durcynyes, it's basically a c&p of risen's quit manifesto
11:32.28mitch0ellipsis: parts of it are indeed better :)
11:32.53mitch0but regarding RangeDisplay, the big gain wasn't by moving to Ace3, but by dropping Babble-Spell dep
11:33.18durcynuh, didn't blizzard add an IsInRange() function a few patches ago
11:33.32durcynyeah, that.
11:33.38mitch0durcyn: that's something else
11:33.45*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
11:33.59mitch0durcyn: you can think of that as a crippled RangeCheck ;)
11:34.11mitch0it only check one specific (blizzard-chosen) range
11:34.11Xinhuanoh hey
11:34.13Xinhuannew wow patch
11:34.21Ellipsisapril fools?
11:34.27durcynyes, which means COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED still isn't fixed
11:34.30durcynGIEF 2.4.2
11:34.37Xinhuan4.93 mb
11:34.40Xinhuanon my blizz downloader
11:34.56sag_ich_nichtXinhuan i call bullcrap
11:35.06sag_ich_nicht2.4.1 is for corea
11:35.23durcyni see a tranq shot fix, combat log filter/zone/history fix, two mac bug fixes, and some obscure sound engine fix
11:35.25Ellipsisohshi, he's serious
11:35.50durcynoh, and HighRoller is built into the base ui now, but it only works on 4/1
11:35.56Xinhuan- Tranquilizing Shot no longer incorrectly restricts use of other Hunter
11:35.56Xinhuanabilities in specific situations.
11:36.04*** join/#wowace Erzy (
11:36.17Xinhuanoh good
11:36.22Xinhuanthey fixed the lockup on exit
11:36.28Xinhuaniv'e been wondering why i lockup everytime
11:36.43Xinhuan- Fixed a shader error that was causing kernel panics on Mac PowerPCs.
11:36.56Nandinime too, i always had to exit outside a city or inn so i could alt-tab away to end task on wow when it locked up
11:37.24Xinhuan+ Only the last 300 combat log entries are now stored.
11:37.37durcyncan you say nonuseful
11:37.40nevcairielany full changelog ?
11:37.46durcynthat's basically it, nev
11:37.48Jy_thats much less than 5 minutes
11:37.52Xinhuanill pastey it
11:38.16Arrowmasterdoes that mean they didnt change the bug on zoning?
11:38.27sag_ich_nichtXinhuan nobody will believe you today until you make a screenshot
11:38.29Arrowmastersince thats the only time 5 minutes was too long
11:38.36*** join/#wowace home|prophy (
11:39.05Arrowmasteri have the patch too
11:39.26nevcairieloh purl does reverse
11:39.29sag_ich_nichti don't habeeb it
11:39.30nevcairielhow useful is that
11:39.46Xinhuanuseful enough for pastey requiring me to reverse domain names
11:39.57KuraxBard? Where's monk
11:39.57durcyngosh, people are goign to be linking these april fools jokes all day, aren't they
11:40.12*** join/#wowace quoin (
11:40.23mikmaXinhuan: what what? requires reversed urls?
11:40.36Xinhuanif you pastey something with urls in it
11:40.40durcynmikma: if you fail the spam check, you have to validate
11:40.42hastemikma: when you post urls on pastey, you have to type in the number and the url reversed
11:40.43Xinhuanpastey asks you to validate with url reversals
11:41.05Ellipsisthat's kind of silly, it's easier to reverse urls automatically than by a human
11:41.17mikmahaste: hehe. BUY PENIS PILLS PLX! liek, NAW!
11:41.25hastemikma: wat!
11:41.31XinhuanLOL the wow launcher has the Molten Core on consoles on it now
11:41.34Xinhuanthis is awesome
11:41.55Ellipsiseven better than the tinfoil hat imo
11:42.43nevcairielXinhuan: blizzard always did everything for their 1st april :D
11:43.00Nandinithe "aggros every bears in 40 yards" was a nice touch
11:43.16Grum+ Changing zones will no longer reload the entire log  <-- oh that means i can actually portal out of a instance into shatt again O.o
11:44.24sylvanaar_workanyone know if i can use AceLibrary to load LibStub libs?
11:44.41Xinhuanwhy would you do that
11:44.48durcynsylvanaar_work: depends on the lib, but in theory yes
11:45.18durcyner, why?
11:45.27sylvanaar_workhere is what I think might be happening...CF2 loads LSM3 using libstub
11:45.33*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
11:45.36sylvanaar_workbut, it doesnt optdep it
11:45.37Xinhuanwhy would yu need to use AceLibrary to load libs, when you can just directly call LoadAddOn("LibSharedMedia-3.0")
11:45.41Xinhuanand then check
11:45.44Xinhuanif it got loaded
11:45.46sylvanaar_workomg just listen
11:46.00durcyneh, CF2 already fucked up, but go on.
11:46.25sag_ich_nichtjust OptDep LSM-3.0
11:46.32sag_ich_nichtand you're DONE
11:46.34sylvanaar_workIll just have clearfont optdep LSM-3, 2 and 1
11:46.49durcynif it's registering media with all three, then it should be
11:46.50sylvanaar_workor no wait
11:46.54sylvanaar_workjsut 2 and 3
11:47.06sag_ich_nichtyou could JUST register iwth 3.0
11:47.10sylvanaar_workit registers with whichever one they have
11:47.23sag_ich_nichtbecause 3.0 rolls it down to 2.0 and 1.0 ANYWAY
11:47.34durcynsag_ich_nicht: who told you that?
11:47.34[Ammo]sag_ich_nicht: no it doesn't
11:47.39sag_ich_nichtsince when.
11:47.44[Ammo]since forever
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11:47.46sag_ich_nichti'll kill yu.
11:47.49Xinhuanwell can't you write a if-then-else chunk that checks if 2.0 or 3.0 is loaded then use whichever, if neither is found, try to LoadAddOn() each and use them?
11:47.55sag_ich_nichti'll kill you
11:47.57sylvanaar_workXinhuan sure
11:47.57Nandiniit's LibSelfishMedia, it doesn't want to share
11:47.59durcynyou're thinking of SharedMedia, which loads media into all three
11:48.17sag_ich_nichtdamn it
11:48.26sag_ich_nichti could have hidden my fail
11:48.34sag_ich_nichtby going "lol april's fool" but noooo
11:48.37[Ammo]sag_ich_nicht: but you failed at hiding your fail
11:48.40sag_ich_nicht~fail sag_ich_nicht
11:48.41purlsag_ich_nicht: FAIL!
11:48.55sag_ich_nicht~emulate sag_ich_nicht
11:48.56purlbecause i am retarded
11:48.56sylvanaar_worki thought lsm3 registered in such a way that lsm2 and 1 could use the stuff too
11:49.05[Ammo]sylvanaar_work: no way
11:49.09sylvanaar_workwhy not
11:49.15[Ammo]sylvanaar_work: you're thinking about SharedMedia as well
11:49.26CIA-1003whyv * r67488 10DrDamage/Locales/Localization-zhTW.lua:
11:49.26CIA-10-update zhTW
11:49.28[Ammo]sylvanaar_work: because you'd end up with a gazillion compat layers, screw that
11:49.35*** join/#wowace shad (
11:49.48[Ammo]if people want that they can download SharedMedia which provides about everything for all 3
11:50.08mitch0what was "wrong" with LSM2 btw?
11:50.21mitch0LSM3 is basiclly LSM2 on LibStub?
11:50.23durcynmitch0: someone felt its callback support was lacking, basically
11:50.24sag_ich_nichthave you updated rock for this already:
11:50.27sag_ich_nicht? :O
11:50.31*** join/#wowace chexsum (n=chexsum@
11:50.35sylvanaar_workno lsm2 is lsm1 on libstub
11:50.52durcynso rather than add callbackhandler to lsm2, hey, we have a new version
11:50.59[Ammo]lsm3 is the proper rewrite with proper callbacks and proper asian stuff support
11:51.05sylvanaar_workim trying to suport lsm-3, you guys are making it hard on me
11:51.15mitch0but couldn't have been LSM2 retrofitted with proper callback support?
11:51.19[Ammo]sylvanaar_work: how can it be hard?
11:51.22nevcairieljust stop supporting 1 and 2
11:51.39Nandiniyou shouldn't "support" a library, you should "choose" the one that works best for your needs, it's a library, not a module
11:51.55IndustrialAnyone good with making textures? mine look too pixelated;
11:52.02nevcairieladdons shouldnt really contain that many textures anyway
11:52.06nevcairielplace them in SharedMedia
11:52.10nevcairielwhich supports all three
11:52.12EllipsisNandini: don't bother. he "supports" both ace2 and rock
11:52.20sylvanaar_workEllipsis no he doesnt
11:52.24mitch0industrial: your UIs look like shit anyways, a pixalated texture here or there wouldn't make much of a difference :P
11:52.25nevcairielthats like HighRoller
11:52.28nevcairiel! :)
11:52.29chexsumlsm3 errors if i dont embed callbackhandler in the addon that usesit
11:52.33Industrial~lart mitch0
11:52.33purlshoots mitch0 in his sleep
11:52.40chexsumis that normal or am i doing something wrong
11:52.40Industrialits the minimap blips btw
11:52.41[Ammo]chexsum: indeed
11:52.42durcynchexsum: just include the parent lib.xml
11:52.45Xinhuanchexsum: normal
11:52.47Ellipsissylvanaar_work: you took that out?
11:52.50*** join/#wowace Eneswar (
11:52.53[Ammo]durcyn: bad call
11:52.58sylvanaar_workEllipsis its a migration strategy
11:53.11durcyn[Ammo]: o?
11:53.13Xinhuanyou need to embed that yourself ONCE, otherwise if you use 10 libraries that embed it, you don't want to embed that CBH lib 10x
11:53.14Ellipsisdoes your addon use whichever framework it finds first, yes or no?
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11:53.22nevcairielchexsum: you need to include the library dependencies. . like before with Ace2 .. just that you only need LibStub and CBH now, and generally nothing else
11:53.26[Ammo]durcyn: what xinhuan just said
11:53.30sylvanaar_workEllipsis so i dont have to keep merging over and over
11:53.35Ellipsisso that's a yes
11:53.39sylvanaar_workEllipsis no
11:53.41durcyneh, fair enough.
11:53.44sylvanaar_workEllipsis it uses only 1
11:53.55sylvanaar_workEllipsis the one which I set it to use
11:54.02shadis there a script or some sort of tool, to remove obsolete libraries in addons directory?
11:54.06chexsumi thought i was doing a hack but now it feels normal :P
11:54.11nevcairielbut the code in theory supports both with just a "flag" to toggle?
11:54.12Ellipsisso you removed the support for switching frameworks?
11:54.22Nandinishad: disable them all from the Addon screen, and then see what errors pop up when you log in :)
11:54.26sylvanaar_workEllipsis not until i have finished the migration
11:54.42Grumprods Ellipsis
11:54.43chexsumany chance of lsm3 being upgraded to be a mixin ?
11:54.43shadand then remove one by one? thats too long
11:54.56chexsumthatd be nice
11:55.04Nandinia script to detect libraries and dependencies would be nice, but so many authors fail to include them properly you'd remove some you still need
11:55.15Ellipsisor miss some that weren't needed
11:55.23mitch0just disabling on the addon screen is not enough afaik. AceLibrary will load it anyway (at least I kinda remember it did that once)
11:55.23KuraxNew combat log is not neat enough, I still need SimpleCombatLog thing
11:55.32Ellipsismitch0: that's the point
11:55.37Ellipsisany that don't get auto-loaded aren't being used
11:55.57Ellipsisthat way you can just look at all the ones that are still disabled and have a list of things to delete
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11:57.35shadi just want to reduce my addon dir, may be there is a tool to remove all libraries?
11:57.48mitch0shad: rm -rf Lib*
11:58.00chexsumi hate blizzard
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11:58.15shadnot all libs start with "Lib"
11:58.15Viper_0000anyone know of a good mod for movable roll/loot frames
11:58.25mitch0rm -rf * then to be sure
11:58.29chexsummoveanything still works
11:59.06CIA-1003philosound * r67489 10Numen/Numen.lua:
11:59.06CIA-10- commented out unused function GetSpellDuration
11:59.06CIA-10- minor efficiency tweak for function mod:PLAYER_TOTEM_UPDATE(slot)
11:59.29CIA-1003drool * r67490 10gfxToggle2/gfxToggle2.toc: gfxToggle2: bump TOC
11:59.38durcynman, i feel sorry for rick astley
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12:00.23[Ammo]hmm UnitClass(guid) will probably not work eh?
12:00.42nevcairielonly unit ids
12:00.43nevcairielor names
12:00.45nevcairielnot guids
12:00.58chexsumuse libguidhandler
12:01.10[Ammo]fuck off
12:01.26[Ammo]you too mikma
12:01.27mikmahardcode [Ammo]
12:01.36mikmathat's a great idea
12:01.42mikmagot any stuff i can whack at?
12:02.09cncfanaticshello people
12:02.11*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
12:02.37Gagorian[Ammo]: It's about Necronomicon2. Are you going to work on it at some point?
12:02.45[Ammo]does it need work?
12:02.52GagorianWell get rid of babblespell for example
12:02.56[Ammo]oh yeah
12:03.03[Ammo]I might work on it at some point
12:03.07[Ammo]I've been busy with other stuff
12:03.10GagorianI mean I can do it as well easily
12:03.15[Ammo]need to get WitchHunt feature complete atm
12:03.17GagorianBut there's a few features that really should be added
12:03.22[Ammo]feel free to hack it up
12:03.24Gagorianlike scaling
12:03.34[Ammo]I will however correct anything I don't like and the defaults should stay as they are
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12:03.54GagorianWell, scaling. Adding cooldown display on healthstone
12:04.05GagorianSince now you dont know if you actually used it or not
12:04.11GagorianIt doesnt have to be a timer necessarily
12:04.19[Ammo]cooldown display should be easy using the default cooldown thing
12:04.21dieckhi! Are there any issues with Omen2 needing the exactly same version throuhout the party/raid? We had some problems yesterday, some had versions 1 day old (which worked perfectly well the day before), one upgraded, and they couldn't see each other?
12:04.23GagorianJust a big red X or something
12:04.28GagorianYeah whatever
12:04.37GagorianCooldown on soulstone isn't a bad idea either
12:04.39[Ammo]I just barely use necronomicon myself
12:04.41Arrowmasterdieck: the syncing is being changed a lot
12:04.47[Ammo]only use it for the destruction of shards
12:04.47GagorianWell I used shardace for a long time
12:04.56CIA-1003kurax * r67491 10Omen/Localization/zhTW.lua: Omen: zhTW unfinished string bug fix
12:04.56GagorianBut shardace is terrible shit coding wise
12:05.00dieckArrowmaster: ok, so we'll keep upgrading until that is settled? ;)
12:05.08[Ammo]and for the summon messages
12:05.08durcyndieck: yes, r67378 changed the sync protocol
12:05.25GagorianThere's just no simple warlock addon with essential features but feature complete
12:05.26*** part/#wowace Ayth (
12:05.27mitch0summon messages are usually so bloody annoying ;)
12:05.33Xinhuandieck, lots of backwards incompatible changes are being made to reduce parsing and syncing overhead, so just keep upgrading
12:05.41GagorianWell as long as they arent something like WELCOME TO SUCCUBUS AIRLINES
12:05.48GagorianJust who you are summoning
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12:06.05[Ammo]Gagorian: they are
12:06.06Xinhuanbecause with unique mob IDs, there's a lot more data to send/receive on a per-mob basis
12:06.18renchapis it 2.4.1 patchnotes somewhere ?
12:06.19dieckdurcyn: ah, didn't saw that in the logs, thanks
12:06.21[Ammo]Summoning XXXX please click the portal
12:06.25Xinhuanpreviously if you were in Hyjal, and there were 12 ghouls, it was just "1 ghoul"
12:06.28Xinhuannow its really 12 ghouls
12:06.29[Ammo]and euhm Blah is stoned
12:06.36[Ammo]that's all the stuff I use
12:06.37GagorianWell Someone is stoned
12:06.42Gagorianis a bit well
12:06.44Xinhuanso there's a lot more data to send/receive
12:06.47GagorianDouble meaning!
12:06.53Xinhuanby a significant factor
12:06.54[Ammo]guess why it has that wording
12:07.06GagorianAlso, maybe one message would be cleaner
12:07.12mitch0someone with some free time should finish AceConfigTab-3.0 :)
12:07.12GagorianBut it's just a matter of taste
12:07.15[Ammo]I wanted 2
12:07.27[Ammo]sometimes I notice I start stoning the wrong person
12:07.29[Ammo]and abort
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12:07.45GagorianYou notice it from the message and not UF?
12:08.05[Ammo]I clickcast my soulstone
12:08.13[Ammo]to not stop targetting
12:08.33[Ammo]ctrl-sidemouse -> soulstone
12:08.38[Ammo]alt-sidemouse -> summon
12:08.49[Ammo]so I like the message
12:08.52GagorianWell, and if we're being a bit picky then the color on the shard counter is a bit unreadable
12:09.07Gagorianor could be more clear against that background
12:09.24GagorianCan maybe make the font lines more phat
12:09.47GagorianTHICKOUTLINE that is
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12:09.59GagorianIf you want to keep that color
12:10.35[Ammo]I want to ditch the counter :)
12:10.36[Ammo]but shrug
12:10.43[Ammo]I use the counter on my action bar
12:11.32GagorianWell as long as you can turn it on and off it should be for completeness
12:11.55[Ammo]for myself I intend to rip it down to even less
12:12.15GagorianBut yeah I think the most important changes should be BabbleSpell, scaling and cooldowns on ss/hs.
12:12.25[Ammo]I agree for BS, the rest shrug
12:12.29Gagorianthen it'd be quite useable already!
12:12.34GagorianThe buttons are kinda huge on my UI
12:12.46[Ammo]they are perfect for me :)
12:12.58CIA-1003durcyn * r67492 10Antagonist/Data/Buffs.lua: Antagonist: rip Stormstrike out of buffs data in a misguided attempt to track down a bug. Shouldn't be in there anyway.
12:13.31GagorianPerhaps an announcement for felarmor dropping wouldn't be that bad
12:14.22GagorianWell, I'm just throwing ideas.. And I can implement them too whenever I'm bored so
12:14.26GagorianJust wanted to know what your plans are
12:14.37*** part/#wowace shad (
12:15.01[Ammo]my plans are to abandon Necro2 and move to Necro3 making it even more minimal
12:15.35Gagorianwell firestone, pets etc should be scrapped right away
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12:16.06[Ammo]my ideal setup with be a cool graphic that includes the counters and has some popout menus
12:16.13GagorianThe most important is HS and SS. Perhaps summon messages if you are lazy with macro
12:16.25[Ammo]think skull with the soulshard and healthstone eyes etc
12:16.29[Ammo]but I ain't no graphic designer :)
12:16.35GagorianYeah I know :D
12:16.40GagorianIt's easy to make it look really lame
12:16.41GagorianInstead of cool
12:17.20Gagorianalso shadow trance stuff should be removed
12:17.24GagorianIt's not even working now tbh
12:17.29[Ammo]I know its not
12:17.48GagorianAnd you can get rid of deformat too then
12:20.08Funkeh`you can make it work without deformat ;p
12:20.11GagorianWell, I've played a lock for a few years and yet haven't found a mod that would be nice :D
12:20.24[Ammo]as if I wouldn't know that
12:20.31GagorianIt's a bit silly to have deformat for one string processing
12:20.35kenlyricI felll for an april fools for at least 3 seconds :/
12:20.54CIA-1003sylvanaar * r67493 10ClearFont2/ (ClearFont2.toc Core.lua embeds.xml libs/): ClearFont2: OptDep every version of LSM which could possibly be loaded by LibStub. Embed LSM-3.0, X-Embed LSM-3.0. Register with LSM-1,2, and 3. TOC 20400
12:21.00Funkeh`[Ammo], but you didn't know that I wasn't refering to you ;)
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12:21.21GagorianFunkeh`: Well, I know that quite well too ;)
12:21.47GagorianNow tell me how to detect item sub-types without babble inventory
12:21.58GagorianAnd then you can tell me how to do stuff!
12:22.02GagorianIt's localized :(
12:22.07[Ammo]fuck the germans
12:22.10[Ammo]screw the asians
12:22.19GagorianI thought of that
12:22.20durcynsome of them are kind of hot tbh
12:22.29[Ammo]or include those 10 translations in your own addon
12:22.31kenlyricthe germans can read english
12:22.48GagorianMyes Babble-Inventory isn't that bloated though
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12:22.54Xinhuanwell babble inventory needs to be updated
12:22.58nevcairielfuck the germans that use the german client, please no generalizations =P
12:23.01Xinhuan"Fishing Pole" --> "Fishing Poles"
12:23.06Gagorianyup :D
12:23.07[Ammo]nevcairiel: hahaha
12:23.07Xinhuanthat got renamed for one of the returns
12:23.14Xinhuanfor all fishing poles
12:23.17kenlyricenglish is just german invaded by the french. considering how familiar they are with french being invaded by german, it should be an easy leap
12:23.21Gagorianwell I have defaults for undetected item subtypes
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12:23.23mikmanevcairiel: lederhosen
12:23.27[Ammo]wtb mrplow that uses GetItemInfo instead of pt-3.1
12:23.27Gagorianwho cares about damage calculations with fishing poles
12:23.31nevcairiel~lart mikma
12:23.31purlsmacks mikma up side the head with a clue-by-4
12:23.39mikmaWobin: mrplow mentioned
12:24.04Gagorianalso need some pro SEA stuff
12:24.15GagorianBut cba to write it mahself
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12:24.57Wobin[Ammo]: I don't think GII still has enough subcategorisation
12:25.07Wobinunless it's been massively overhauled
12:25.14[Ammo]Wobin: it's good enough for me
12:25.16Arrowmasterit was a few patchs ago
12:25.19xyuNivFreak: no lockups.  however some addon has a memory leak or something. (is that even possible?)  my memory used keeps increasing every other second.  My wow is stuttering because of it.
12:25.31Gagorian[Ammo]: Was it your addons that had TinyGratuity?
12:25.36Wobinconjured items?
12:25.40[Ammo]Gagorian: yeah
12:25.40Wobinquest handins?
12:25.49[Ammo]Wobin: quest handins have Quest Item
12:25.54Wobinnot all of them
12:26.02[Ammo]PT-3.1 is overkill :p
12:26.04Gagorian[Ammo]: Well, I use gratuity only for a few things so I guess I could do something similar.
12:26.04Wobinor rather, yes they -all- do
12:26.15Gagorian[Ammo]: Why do you use globals and not your own namespace though?
12:26.20Wobinso your scryer/aldor stuff is mixed in with all your quest items
12:26.26[Ammo]Gagorian: because I feel like it
12:26.33[Ammo]Wobin: so?
12:26.36[Ammo]Wobin: that's fine
12:26.40Wobinnot for me =)
12:26.49[Ammo]using a 1M lib for that is bullshit ::p
12:26.49NandiniWobin: Aldor/Scryer stuff are quest items, you hand them in to complete a quest :P
12:26.57Wobininvokes the author clause
12:26.59CIA-1003shamino * r67494 10Auction-1.0/Auction-1.0.toc:
12:26.59CIA-10- updated interface number for patch 2.4. no functional changes
12:27.03WobinNandini: yeah I know
12:27.15[Ammo]maybe I can fix the damn bugs as well
12:27.15Wobinbut I like having them separate from the rest of them
12:27.22mikmaoh do i sense a new addon in the way?
12:27.25mikmaAmmo's Sack
12:27.27[Ammo]Wobin: you can make an exception for those :p
12:27.29Wobinlike how the conjured items are for drinks and such
12:27.39Wobin[Ammo]: That's what PT is for
12:27.40[Ammo]it's only a tiny list of ids
12:27.41WobinSo I don't have to
12:27.53[Ammo]but 1M for just that
12:28.09WobinSo cut me down a version then
12:28.15Wobinand I'll use it
12:28.21Nandiniwell, i don't like how PT puts some items that have been "fished" into "gathered" categories
12:28.22[Ammo]optional PT3.1 is fine too
12:28.35GagorianCan I steal TinyGratuity? Well, there's not much to steal though :D
12:28.46[Ammo]Gagorian: it's tekkub's code and yes you can use it
12:28.54kenlyricI was torn over High Roller until this line: (I use both Ace2 and Rock so that its twice as fast!)
12:28.58Nandiniso much potential for error in PT, and so little incentive for me to fix it
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12:29.31GagorianI feel like I need to optimize
12:29.33GagorianBut I don't know what
12:29.39Lukiankenlyric, as long as twice as fast means uses more than twice as much CPU, I'm in!
12:29.42GagorianStrange feeling!
12:30.06CIA-1003shamino * r67495 10MaterialsTracker/MaterialsTracker.toc:
12:30.07CIA-10- updated interface number for patch 2.4. no functional changes
12:30.33GagorianIs there a way to bypass localized creature races/types
12:30.38GagorianLike humanoid, beast and so on
12:30.45[eu]gunderwell since the /roll command is not working in the french client the addon isn't as good as it seems
12:31.10Wobinnot working?
12:32.26Gagorianif the rolls were using a LCRNG
12:32.38GagorianYou could possibly determine your next roll
12:32.42GagorianBut it isn't
12:33.03GagorianSo, unfortunately too bad!
12:33.40Gagorian(yes, I had to try :l)
12:33.41dieckiirc /roll is a server based function, so you'll won't be able to determine the next roll, because you don't know who elses rolled at the same time, or if the algorithm interacts with e.g. network traffic statistics :)
12:34.01GagorianWell I tested at an hour
12:34.05GagorianWhen people are not rolling
12:34.11GagorianAnd spammed it
12:34.14kenlyric(I use both Ace2 and Rock so that its twice as fast!)
12:34.16kenlyric(I use both Ace2 and Rock so that its twice as fast!)
12:34.21kenlyricif you had any doubts
12:34.28GagorianWell that's for certain
12:34.50cncfanaticskenlyric: what idiot said that ?
12:34.56cncfanaticsnot a programmer I hope ?
12:35.05kenlyriccncfanatics: the idiot that wrote the april fool's joke regarding high roller
12:35.20cncfanaticslink me ?
12:35.24kenlyricthat's the big blinking sign telling you it's a joke
12:35.31nevcairielcncfanatics doesnt understand jokes, he is from belgium
12:35.38cncfanaticssays Mr Nev
12:36.00CorganI lold at the Ace2 Rock comment
12:36.09xyuyeah lol
12:36.09kenlyricthat many downloads... heh
12:36.12WobinIt's over NINE MILLION
12:36.20Wobincompare that to the views
12:36.24Gagorianhmm it includes an algorithm.avi
12:36.29nevcairielcan someone delete that big comment with the yellow text in it ? :P
12:36.32durcynGagorian: that's the magic sauce
12:36.33Wobincause that means every view... is OVER NINE THOUSAND
12:36.41Wobinyeah, I've reported it already
12:36.44Gagoriandurcyn: I SUSPECT SHENANIGANS IN THE AVI
12:36.54cncfanaticsdid the download number of that addon get tricked ? :o
12:36.54durcynGagorian: RICK ASTLEY IS NOT SHENANIGANS
12:37.06nevcairielshreds Jy_ with a chainsaw
12:37.07CIA-10037destiny * r67496 10WitchHunt/locales/koKR.lua: WitchHunt: koKR Update
12:37.09Wobincncfanatics: yes =)
12:37.26WobinJy_: you're ruining CHRISTMAS
12:37.33cncfanaticshow many idiots did actualy download it ? :p
12:37.49durcyni got at least one person in my guild, i consider that a success
12:37.52kenlyricif it gives me a rickroll command, I will
12:38.01Jy_when i were ~14, we told santa didnt exist to a friend
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12:38.17Corgannever gonna give you up
12:38.21Corgannever gonna let you down
12:38.23WobinJy_: You're the reason the internet can't have nice things =(
12:38.26kenlyricI fell for google custom time for too long
12:38.57Jy_i didnt know you could play video in an addon
12:39.06Jy_you can ?
12:39.06GagorianDidn't know about the movieframe either
12:39.08Corganme neither
12:39.17WobinIt's EDUCATIONAL
12:39.21Jy_the codec is implemented in lua
12:39.23CorganHOW AWESOME
12:39.31Corgannever gonna give you up
12:39.35Arrowmasternow somebody add this info to wowwiki already
12:39.49Wobinit made it into wikipedia =P
12:40.13GagorianNeed to test this!
12:40.32dieckdoes HighRoller do anything malevious? or is it "safe" to point guild members towards it? :)
12:40.33cncfanaticsI'm gonna check out this algorithm :p
12:40.40cncfanaticsdieck: it plays a movie
12:40.50durcynit's perfectly safe
12:40.55durcynjust don't go putting your own film in there
12:41.01cncfanaticshmmmm, winamp refuses to play the algorythm
12:41.11durcyncncfanatics: buh, vlc
12:41.11WobinHoly shit, PTERODACTLYS
12:41.16dieckcncfanatics: don't try to play the algorithm, try to play the movie ;)
12:41.16Jy_so you can actually play x rated movie during you raids without alt-tab ?
12:41.22Arrowmastermediaplayerclassic played it
12:41.32cncfanaticswinamp doesn't want to, weird
12:41.36Wobinhas anyone else seen the pterodactyl movie?
12:41.44Arrowmasterlol yes
12:41.48Jy_have an idea !
12:41.55CorganOf course.
12:41.56Jy_you stream video over addon channel
12:42.09GagorianNot THAT pterodactyl movie?
12:42.09Wobinhehe worse than Omen aoe mode
12:42.14WobinGagorian: yes =P
12:42.17WobinThat one.
12:42.26Arrowmasterit needs to be on your computer to play it
12:42.44WobinI don't know who was more embarassed in that movie, the woman or the pterodactyls.
12:43.07Arrowmasterbut somebody could make a boss strat addon with small movies
12:43.12CorganI was Wobin
12:43.13CorganI was.
12:43.20WobinYou still need the movies on your hd
12:43.28Wobinso you might as well watch them online =P
12:43.37Wobinrather than downloading a 10m pack
12:43.44Arrowmasterby small i mean shit like animated whiteboard drawings
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12:45.34Gagorianhaha ok
12:45.34sblike onyxia-50dkpMINUS-"movie"?
12:45.37Gagoriantried to play my own avi
12:45.41GagorianWow critical errored
12:45.47Wobindid you go blind?
12:46.02Arrowmasterit probably needs a movie encoded in a certain way
12:46.10Gagorianyeah, I bet no codecs
12:46.13Gagorianor well
12:46.18Wobinask Guill
12:46.21Gagorianjust standard microsoft ones
12:46.27Arrowmasterbtw i dont play wow with sounds but does the movie have sound ingame?
12:46.28GagorianI'll Gspot the rickrolling thing
12:46.30sbVLC / mpc cant play that algorithm.avi
12:46.31Frittiit's divx but the fourcc is fucked
12:46.37sbso it has to be some strange codec
12:46.42Frittiedit the file to say divx and it plays
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12:46.54Arrowmasterit didnt for me out of game but that might have been because of the mono audio
12:47.11Arrowmasterive had stuff with mono audio play weird for me before due to my setup
12:47.23Arrowmasteri played it in mpc without any changes
12:47.29Arrowmasterit even previews in explorer
12:47.34sbvdub says "DXGM"
12:47.46Frittichange that (hexedit) in the file to 'divx'
12:47.48Frittiand it plays
12:47.50Frittiappears twice
12:48.02Gagorianwell it plays fine for me
12:48.04Arrowmasteror use a proper codec pack
12:48.28FrittiI don't want to teach my gstreamer how to do that
12:48.33Frittion Fedora here :-p
12:48.52GagorianHmmm, I was already getting a bit excited of having some random avi playing next to raid boss unitframe
12:49.02Gagoriancba with some shit codec
12:49.09sbhmyes, should be possible
12:49.09Frittibut you can -- just encode as divx and hexedit to say dxgm :-)
12:49.10Arrowmasterits divx
12:49.41Gagorianyeah true
12:49.45GagorianBut cba
12:49.51sbyay, ingame-pr0n
12:50.39Arrowmasterso most people when looking at that didnt see the rickroll from windows explorer?
12:51.03GagorianI get it with mpc
12:51.10Gagoriandont use explorer preview shit :<
12:51.21Gagorianclassic view ftw
12:51.21Arrowmasterneither do i just the thumbnail
12:51.36Gagoriandont even have that on
12:52.17sbbe.imba sucks :(
12:52.34Gagorianwell it plays rather well in wow
12:52.40sbtells me that my "+5 spirit" enchant on boots is 'misenchanted'
12:52.54SunTsusb: what does it propose?
12:52.55Arrowmastersame with my 20 spell pen on cloak
12:53.12sbSunTsu: vitality, fortitude, boar's speed, armor kit
12:53.32sbbut i believe that 5spi > vitality (priest, 2.4)
12:53.50TE|kulaarhmm I heared that prat is currently not working, true?
12:53.53*** join/#wowace ScoTTie (n=scott@unaffiliated/scottie)
12:53.54SunTsusb: Yeah, most probably, given the "new" mana regeneration
12:54.04GagorianArrowmaster: Yeah cause 1.4% threat reduction is totally awesome
12:54.30Gagorianno sorry, 1.12%
12:54.38mitch0penetration on cloak is teh best
12:54.53sylvanaar_workTE|kulaar false
12:55.08TE|kulaarok guild mates are lying :)
12:55.20*** join/#wowace Viper_0000 (
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12:55.43sbmitch0: pretty useless in PvE
12:56.07sylvanaar_workTE|kulaar "not working" is so vague
12:56.24TE|kulaarthey say no function of prat is working
12:56.25Gagoriansylvanaar_work: No it's really specific
12:56.34mitch0sb: I still believe in it *shrug* :)
12:56.37GagorianLike, it does not work. Fix it!
12:56.45GagorianTotally specific order there
12:56.59GagorianAnd I don't totally get 50% of my reports as such
12:57.53*** join/#wowace Lopen|Wooork (n=lopen@
12:58.20sylvanaar_workTE|kulaar i dont know i am at work. maybe an error message would shed light on it
12:58.28*** join/#wowace Madrak (
12:58.34cncfanaticsGagorian: with FB2 I somehow get all my error reports detailed with a log :)
12:58.35TE|kulaarill test it in a minute anyway on my onw
12:58.49Gagoriancncfanatics: FlexBar2 doesn't attract retards
12:58.55cncfanaticsGagorian: true
12:58.56GagorianIt's too complex for them
12:59.33Gagorianxvid won't work in wow at least
12:59.50cncfanaticsI didn't even know a MovieFrame type of frame existed -.-
13:00.37krkaanimated unitframes, et.c.
13:00.44krka(would be my guess)
13:00.54cncfanaticsanimated unitframes are paperdolls
13:00.55cncfanaticsnot movies
13:00.59cncfanaticsas far as I know at least
13:01.01krkahm i see
13:01.02GagorianI wonder how long it has been in
13:01.33durcynif i had to guess, i'd say for as long as there's been an intro movie.
13:01.41Josh_Borkemovieframe would be for the movies at the beginning? :-D
13:01.44cncfanaticsain't the intromovie ingame ?
13:01.51GagorianHmm I guess then!
13:01.55cncfanaticsthe starter movies in FrameXML is possible yes
13:02.20CIA-1003ammo 07RC1 * r67497 10Ace3/AceDBOptions-3.0/AceDBOptions-3.0.lua: Ace3 - AceDBOptions-3.0: shorten info text at top to prevent scrollbars.
13:02.23CIA-10037destiny * r67498 10WitchHunt/locales/koKR.lua: WitchHunt: koKR Update
13:02.30Gagoriantrying a full length divx movie then
13:02.37Gagorianwow always just critical errors if it's the wrong type
13:02.39Gagoriana bit annoying
13:03.48cncfanaticsnice way of making it erroring tbh
13:03.51cncfanaticsnice, easy & reliable
13:04.25*** join/#wowace Kingroms (i=WinNT@
13:08.02CIA-1003kunda * r67499 10Omen/ (Localization/deDE.lua Modules/Healer/Healer.lua):
13:08.02CIA-10- deDE update
13:08.02CIA-10- Healer.lua: GetRaidRosterInfo vars are local now
13:09.36QuantumDeltagl finding crap encoded in that :<
13:10.37Gagorianwell it's just the header
13:12.02cncfanaticscan the intro movies be played in a MovieFrame ?
13:12.17Roblibobdxgm is based on divx, no?
13:12.51Matrix110|You can display any Movie inside WoW with WoWTV!
13:12.52Arrowmasterit is divx
13:12.54Matrix110|or WoWVid
13:13.09Matrix110|still need to start mediaplayer but well:P
13:14.52*** join/#wowace syeren (
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13:16.40Lothaer~seen bigzero
13:16.44purlbigzero <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 43d 15h 37m 1s ago, saying: 'Elsia, maybe pets just got buffed a lot in 2.4 /shrug'.
13:17.12Lothaerslow night huh
13:17.37elusifamagad making macros pwns for pvp!
13:17.43*** join/#wowace ag` (n=ag`
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13:19.45purlGet the official Blizzard Interface AddOn Kit here: or view it online at
13:20.20*** join/#wowace Legorol (
13:21.11*** join/#wowace Funkeh` (n=funk@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Ace3/BigWigs/funkeh)
13:21.11*** mode/#wowace [+o Funkeh`] by ChanServ
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13:21.21CIA-1003funkydude * r67500 10BasicChatMods/ (buttons.lua scroll.lua timestamps.lua):
13:21.21CIA-10- Buttons: Now hide again
13:21.21CIA-10- Timestamps: stamp all chatframes
13:21.28xyuin spellbinder whenever i bind a key to "mousewheeldown" it does not get saved.  :(
13:21.41xyuif i bind it to, say, F.  it saves just fine.
13:21.50xyuif i bind it to mousewheel and /rl it unbinds >_<
13:22.16*** part/#wowace dreamedge (
13:22.17xyuanyone know why this is?
13:23.21*** join/#wowace wallen (
13:23.58sag_ich_nichtflames /2 about updating omen
13:24.36CIA-1003rabbit * r67501 10Violation/Violation.lua: Violation: Bugfix whispers to people not in your group.
13:24.50kenlyricxyu: can you bind to mousewheeldown and up?
13:25.01[Ammo]kenlyric: should be possible
13:25.05xyuSure i can. until i reloadui
13:25.13xyuit works great until i log out or reload
13:25.14GagorianNooooes nr. two warlock dps on brutallus :<
13:25.19xyuthen it is "zoomout" again.
13:25.23CIA-1003dodge * r67502 10CoolDownButtons/itemgroups.lua: CoolDownButtons: fixed paly shield grouping
13:25.24kenlyricI know that clique has difficulty binding to things that aren't mouse keys.
13:25.41xyuI'm not using it for click
13:25.48xyui am using it for a /cast fireball macro
13:26.00GagorianRandom partial resists are random. 35 for me compared to 17 for the other guy.
13:26.03durcynGagorian: eh?
13:26.19durcynGagorian: oh ffs, stop dethroning me
13:26.42*** join/#wowace Hjalte (
13:26.53GagorianWho do you play?
13:27.53GagorianHmmm wild guess durcyn!
13:27.55xyui would asume durcyn
13:28.04GagorianMyes, had to search US
13:28.18*** join/#wowace Swimnurd (
13:28.52Gagorianlewl, guldan. We've had one drop since our first illidan kill in september/october, and killed him each week since that
13:29.03Gagorian16 hunter bows though luckily
13:29.11GagorianThat really compensates
13:29.16GagorianMakes me feel warm and fuzzy inside
13:29.27CIA-1003funkydude * r67503 10BasicChatMods/Disable Modules.txt: BasicChatMods: change format of module disable guide
13:29.39*** join/#wowace digmouse (n=whhao198@
13:29.39GagorianMaybe it's 17 or 18 now, I lost track a bit
13:29.40durcynand by warm you mean cold and by fuzzy you mean bitter
13:29.51Wobinrofl at the "Not Milk" graffiti on the Tauren Marine
13:30.07Wobinand the USDA
13:30.30digmouseany 2.4.1 patch note?
13:30.32Gagoriandurcyn: Perhaps! I sometime get those confused
13:30.38*** join/#wowace [TUE]Natherul (
13:30.38GagorianAlso one OH glaive
13:30.44GagorianTwo hastestaffs
13:30.48GagorianThat's it
13:30.59Pkekyo|g'morning all
13:31.37Arrowmasterwe have a 100% glaive drop rate!
13:31.41digmouseany 2.4.1 patch note? what's the update contain?
13:31.47durcyndigmouse: just a few bugfixes
13:31.58digmouseand what bugfix?
13:32.03Nandinihunters won't tranqulize themselves anymore
13:32.07kenlyricGagorian: try ~120 boss kills where the various bosses drop healer trinkets and the boss never drops a single one.
13:32.11Nandiniand mac users can quit whining
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13:32.32digmouseI'm a hunter but I dont know that -.-
13:32.47Funkeh`2.4.1 I thought that was localization
13:32.56Funkeh`I thought we were going straight to 2.4.2
13:33.15Pkekyo|~seen ellipsis
13:33.19purlellipsis <n=ellipsis@> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 1h 37m 22s ago, saying: 'that way you can just look at all the ones that are still disabled and have a list of things to delete'.
13:33.21durcynnext week, we can hope
13:33.50Pkekyo|anyone here fancy helping a dummy fix his cowtip dogtags? :>
13:33.51Nandini2.4.1 contains client fixes for bugs discovered after 8089 until the previous patch day i believe, they're fixes for old bugs
13:34.07Nandinieverything discovered after patch day is going into 2.4.2
13:34.44*** join/#wowace charon (
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13:39.15mitch0pkekyo: when you're done, could you post a summary on what you changed to what? :)
13:39.36*** join/#wowace Leialyn (
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13:39.47[TUE]Natherulok i gonna need some help with uploading using turtoiseSVN (windows) i mean however much i try and fix using i cant get it to work while uploading, someone please message me and help me through it
13:40.48Pkekyo|mitch0 no, because I don't understand this shit :P
13:40.48Pkekyo|[SmartClass("mouseovertarget") ? ClassColor("mouseovertarget")] [IsUnit("player", "mouseovertarget") ? "<<You>>" ! [NameRealm("mouseovertarget" | "None"] <--- I can't find out what's wrong with this one
13:41.55Pkekyo|anyone know?
13:41.56Zeksiemissing a ) before last bit that says | "None"
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13:42.50AmadeoWhere everybody knows your nameeee
13:43.14Pkekyo|noo, it still doesn't work
13:43.23Pkekyo|Amadeo: lolswut, that show's like...600 years old? :>
13:43.51Amadeoyeah, but it was awesome!
13:43.59CIA-1003nirek * r67504 10FuBar_TradeCDFu/FuBar_TradeCooldownFu.lua: FuBar_TradeCDFu: possible fix to add enchanting cooldowns, drycode
13:44.01Pkekyo|sad thing still runs here :p
13:44.12AmadeoIt's too bad Bard is fake, because it's the best idea they've had yet
13:44.13*** join/#wowace magma (
13:44.22kenlyricu r wrong
13:44.37kenlyricguitar hero is bad, and you're bad for suggesting it be incorporated into other games
13:44.48Amadeokenlyric: I don't want the Guitar Hero part, just the class
13:44.51kenlyricI have to press SIX BUTTONS to heal
13:44.55kenlyricguitar hero is only 5.
13:45.05*** join/#wowace kagaro (n=washu@
13:45.08AmadeoHow awesome were Bards in EverQuest and Dark Age of Camelot?
13:45.12AmadeoThe awesomest!
13:45.14kenlyricAmadeo: if you want to be a fag bard, go play LotRo where you can be a minstrel
13:45.16cncfanaticsuse less macros
13:45.21cncfanaticsI have to press 20ish buttons to dps
13:45.30Pkekyo|that'd be toooo cool
13:45.41Amadeokenlyric: You can be a Skald in Dark Age! Battle-bard!
13:45.49Megaloncncfanatics: that includes typing login/password right?
13:46.17mitch0probly he has frostbolt bound to all keys
13:46.55Pkekyo|some cunt set the date back one day on my phone so I wouldn't know it was april 1st >.<
13:46.58Amadeokenlyric: You have Lyric in your name, you should like this kinda stuff
13:47.14kenlyricyou just need to die now
13:47.18kenlyrica slow, horrible death
13:47.33AmadeoMaybe you're a Minstrel in real life!
13:47.39mitch0aren't you a bit touchy? :)
13:47.52AmadeoPkekyo|: Do you have a roommate? You should get him back
13:47.55kenlyriche just compared guitar hero to music, I think
13:47.57WobinWhere did the name 'kenlyric' come from anyway?
13:48.03kenlyricI think I was pretty laid back in my response
13:48.32kenlyricoh right, you were talking about minstrels
13:48.44Pkekyo|Amadeo: no, sadly...methinks it's a girl in my class
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13:48.57Pkekyo|only person but me that've been near my phone lately
13:48.58kenlyricstill, I don't want to play music to heal. Too much monty python as a kid. I could never take a minstrel seriously
13:49.05kenlyricWobin: out of my head
13:49.17DezzimalWho are the Britons?
13:49.49Pkekyo|dezzimal: brits, but more stupid? *shrug*
13:50.25*** join/#wowace nuoHep (n=nuoHep@
13:50.31Pkekyo|think it's old-school english peeps
13:50.40Pkekyo|like really REALLY old school
13:51.25mitch0damn I hate my cow-orker's hacked up "test client" :(
13:51.31kenlyrickenlyric is the exact point when a thought turns into an action, according to one of my made up definitions of kenlyric.
13:51.49mitch0ppl who edit java source in far commander's build-in editor should be shot
13:51.50AmadeoOh great, now he's speaking in third person
13:52.17kenlyricis speaking in third person now
13:52.20cncfanaticskenlyric: fail
13:52.32kenlyric~fail cncfanatics
13:52.33purlcncfanatics: FAIL!
13:52.48cncfanaticsis immune to purl
13:52.50mitch0far commander is made of 100% pure fail
13:52.55kenlyric~whaleblock cncfanatics
13:52.56purlACTION shields cncfanatics with a freakishly huger whale named ollywag
13:53.03cncfanaticswhat is far commander ? :o
13:53.03kenlyrici have saved you
13:53.15Zarielfor some reason my registered config is causing mapster to throw errors
13:53.17mitch0like norton commander but with a different name
13:53.24cncfanaticsnorton fails
13:53.31mitch0or midnight commander, if you prefer linux land
13:53.44mitch0(although who uses mc on linux also should be shot)
13:54.20cncfanaticsI don't even bother with an antivirus when using linux :o
13:54.38mitch0wonders how antivirus software got in the picture
13:54.45Pkekyo|[SmartClass("mouseovertarget") ? ClassColor("mouseovertarget")] [IsUnit("player", "mouseovertarget") ? "<<You>>" ! [NameRealm("mouseovertarget") | "None"] <--- what's wrong here? (cowtip dogtags)
13:55.12xyuit's like an exam question!
13:55.21mitch0pekyo: all the superfluous "mouseover" strings in there :(
13:55.45mitch0also, that's not your fault
13:55.58Pkekyo|I just want it to work :<
13:55.58Dark_Elfwonders how many april fools addons that dont work will be made today
13:56.18mitch0I refused to accept yesterday that I need to do just that to my cowtip strings (putting "mouseovertart" everywhere)
13:56.39mitch0so I learnt to live with everything having "Syntax error: " tooltips ;)
13:57.19*** join/#wowace home|proph (
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13:57.41mitch0I wonder if it would be possible to make DogTag syntax errors easier to debug
13:57.45kebinusanI love the bard hero class
13:57.53mitch0like, printing what verbatim text it can't understand
13:58.01mitch0fsck that bard already
13:58.06mitch0go play bard's tale
13:58.19mitch0(was actually an awesome game, btw)
13:59.17Pkekyo|well, I actually want my tooltips to work, so...howto?! :<
13:59.39mitch0pkekyo: try with simple stuff first
13:59.40digmouseany new questlog enhancement? BEQL cannot support the new quest link feature
13:59.58Pkekyo|mitch0: I need all of my tooltip config to work, not just "lvl 70"
14:00.01ZeksiePkekyo| you still have unbalanced []
14:00.19mitch0pkekyo: I mean, test if the first part works, then expand
14:00.33*** join/#wowace Slayman (
14:00.49Zeksiei don't know anything about dogtags, so dunno about the actual syntax. but at least balance all the brackets ;)
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14:01.06mitch0as in [SmartClass("mouseovertarget") ? "SmartClass OK" ! "SmartClass is made of FAIL"]
14:03.13mitch0pkekyo: also, don't forget the superb [Range] tag :)
14:04.04mitch0whoever thought of making hlsearch and incsearch the defaults in vim should also be shot
14:04.31Pkekyo|mitch0: what about the range tag?
14:04.41mitch0pkekyo: it's cool
14:04.52mitch0best thing since sliced bread and all
14:04.54*** join/#wowace Elkano (i=Elkano@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/Elkano)
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14:05.22cncfanaticsdogtags are anoying and take tons of memory :s
14:05.37Dark_Elfpatch 2.4.1 damn
14:05.45Pkekyo|mitch0: howso?
14:05.47cncfanaticsand it ain't much easyer then plain lua tbh, I rather use plain lua for that kind of stuff
14:06.14mitch0pkekyo: erm, just try it.
14:06.24Industrialminimap blips.
14:06.24Pkekyo|it just confuses the hell outta me to have to keep track of both (the little I know) lua AND dogtags :/
14:06.27Pkekyo|mitch0: go awaiii
14:07.01mitch0pkekyo: I don't know why you got so emo about it. I just suggested a nice tag for you
14:07.25Industrialwhy use dogtags if you can code
14:07.37Industrialits like pseudo code for those unwilling to go as far as learning lua
14:08.16Pkekyo|I have a very slight understanding of lua...just enough for me to be able to edit addons to do what I want (minor edits)
14:08.18Industrialmake it for yourself, format it once with lua and be done with it in 3kb
14:08.41cncfanaticsIndustrial: agree there, I don't like dogtags at all for that reason
14:08.46cncfanatics+ they take a fucking ton of memory
14:09.04charonwhich, i take it, is a very scarce resource these days? :)
14:09.10*** join/#wowace RaydenUni (
14:09.30cncfanaticscharon: they also take a lot of cpu, which IS a scarce resource
14:09.44Silviu-Mem is not a big problem my opnion as long as it does not have memory leaks or high cpu usage
14:09.58cncfanaticsit does have a quite high cpu usage, which anoys me :p
14:09.58Industrialits about the whole
14:10.08Industrial"please upload your dogtag" thing
14:10.11Silviu-Bt3 have more ;p
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14:10.34Industrialplease up;load your stuff because I cant do it for myself
14:10.46cncfanaticsbt3 is an addon, dogtags is a library
14:11.00cncfanaticsand said god damn library uses more cpu then FlexBar2 does on my system
14:11.19*** join/#wowace home|prophy (
14:11.24cncfanatics~lart #wowace
14:11.24purlacting on orders from an unspecified client drags #wowace into court suing for $200 million
14:12.25Viper_0000QQ maintence FTL
14:12.30Viper_0000i wunna get my wowfix while im in class
14:13.21*** join/#wowace gregor1 (n=gregor1@
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14:13.56Zyndromein class? "Noooooo bitch outrolled me on shoulders!" *awkward silence & everyone stares at you*
14:14.15*** join/#wowace Zariel (
14:14.35Arrowmasternew patch diff up!
14:14.43Industrialin my class thered be 4 people yelling "what shoulders"
14:15.01xtViper_0000: get EU account
14:15.21nevcairielthat doesnt look like they fixed the chat settings bug Arrowmaster :(
14:15.26nevcairieltoo bad
14:15.28*** join/#wowace Ellipsis (n=ellipsis@
14:15.50Pkekyo|Zyndrome: that's nothing, you should've seen when my class did arenamatches against THAT was shouting and awkward silences :p
14:16.00Pkekyo|Ellipsis! HAI!
14:16.06Zyndromeoh lord
14:16.28gregor1hi everyone- i have two questions- i am looking for an Quartz equivalent, meaning a simple casting bar but not as complex as quartz is, #2- i'm also looking for an addon, that changes the small window that appears over mobs/other players if you press the B button; any help?:$
14:16.36GeloAnyone new addon that is interesting?
14:16.46*** join/#wowace KriLL3 (n=KriLL3@unaffiliated/krill3)
14:16.55Pkekyo|gregor1: your second question's answer would be Aloft, I suspect
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14:17.10kenlyricnormally when you hit the B button the bags appear
14:17.18dylanmOh hey a patch.
14:17.24nevcairielits the v button, its next to b :P
14:17.24mitch0no, B casts blizzard
14:17.29Viper_0000what's a good mod for moving around the quest anchor for tracking quests?
14:17.30Pkekyo|he most likely missed the V  button, kenlyric ;>
14:17.36gregor1eh... no sorry, not the B, but V
14:17.40gregor1sry ^^
14:17.41kenlyric<---- not a nice person
14:17.42Pkekyo|yeah, gogo Aloft
14:17.44Viper_0000i was using fastquest classic, but it doesnt save the spot i move the tracking anchor
14:17.48Pkekyo|kenlyric: duh? :P
14:18.04Gelogregor1: for cast bars you could look at azcastbar
14:18.18Pkekyo|Ellipsis: pingalingdingdong?
14:18.37Arrowmastergregor1: there are no good quarts equilents, just use quarts and disable what you dont need
14:18.38mitch0gelo: you could take a look at CooldownToGo if you're in a beta-testing mood ;)
14:18.57Gelomitch0, cooldown timer/bars/icons?
14:19.13gregor1mkay; what about that other addon that would replace the default bar when pressing V
14:19.17Geloprofessions or skills? :)
14:19.36Arrowmastergregor1: aloft, i dont think anything else does it
14:19.39Gelogregor1, Aloft....?
14:19.41Viper_0000also inflight doesnt seem to hook into quartz QQ
14:19.53Arrowmasterinflight does
14:19.58Viper_0000not for me QQ
14:19.58GeloThere was some other by evl was it?
14:20.04Arrowmasterbut all flight bars suck at hooking into cast bars
14:20.04Viper_0000it hooks in for 1second
14:20.06mitch0gelo: no. just a single countdown text for the last cooldown
14:20.09Viper_0000and reverts to using it's own bars
14:20.14gregor1when you said something about Aloft, i thought you were referring on some other person, that has its name Aloft here on irc :)
14:20.17gregor1ty for your help
14:20.20Gelomitch0, for skills?
14:20.25mitch0gelo: the cooldown of the last failed action/spell/etc
14:20.39Viper_0000bbl, going ot next class QQ
14:20.41mitch0gelo: supposedly everything with a cooldown
14:20.42evlGelo: Hourglass, it's been raped by the fork mob so I don't really work on it anymore
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14:21.39mitch0gelo: it fades out after a while, and repops a bit before the cooldown expires. it also has iconz and stuff
14:21.59Gelomitch0, you can stop typing now. i'll install it.. lol
14:24.31mitch0I fail@work today :(
14:25.19Gelojust one of those days were you fumble all day long?
14:25.21wallenHow can you insert a blank space in CowTip lines? If a tag on the left side is not displayed (like for example the spec trees), the lines will get clumped up on each other
14:26.01mitch0wallen: [SomeTag | ""] ?
14:26.02Gelocan't you just place a regular space or non-break space?
14:26.06mitch0just a wild guess
14:26.24*** join/#wowace Vulcanus (
14:26.52wallenI'll try that
14:27.14AmadeoI like the forums today
14:27.23Amadeoand all the "kekeke lol wut QQ"
14:27.39Wobinit gets tired
14:27.41*** join/#wowace Unrealii (i=Next96@
14:27.42Wobinafter the first two
14:27.51AmadeoNot when someone's being elitist
14:28.29Vulcanussomebody on the EU forums actually whined that a serios thread about someone dying or some shit got "edited" in this way
14:28.38*** join/#wowace Kalman| (
14:28.54mitch0well, don't post obituaries on a game forum in the first place...
14:29.02Vulcanusfor one
14:29.03mitch0especially not at 1st april
14:29.11Vulcanusit was a 3 month old thread
14:29.17VulcanusI think its JS replace or smth
14:29.21Wobin. o O (lol)
14:29.22Wobinit is
14:29.28Wobinview source
14:29.33Wobinand search for lolstring
14:29.51wallenmitch0: [tag | " "] works, thanks :)
14:30.23*** join/#wowace Telrin (
14:30.35mitch0I rock
14:30.48mitch0now give me some motivation to work... :(
14:30.58Vulcanusah I didn't look too deep in the source, will in a sec
14:31.00cncfanaticsdoes somebody know if unpacking a table is an expensive operation ?
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14:31.25Vulcanusoo awsum, CCBreaker is fully worky again, "elsia" has greater lua knowledge than me XD
14:32.05*** join/#wowace Polarina (n=Polarina@unaffiliated/polarina)
14:32.17Gelomitch0, just tried it now and it looks ok... I do prefer cooldown bars/icons though :)
14:32.38Zhinjioso um... who do you get the TOC in the wiki to behave cool like it does on wowace and be right justified in the page?
14:32.47Zhinjiodigs around to find that
14:32.48PolarinaBlizzard announced a new class today!
14:32.57mitch0gelo: ok :)
14:33.02GeloRock 'n' roll Bard!
14:33.20Gelogets his Guitar hero guitar and mods his keyboard like the blizzard image
14:33.27Dark_Elfprobably a april fools joke
14:33.31AmadeoNo, it's real!
14:33.45GeloI'm with Amadeo, it's REAL!
14:33.52cncfanaticstotaly rea
14:33.54mitch0"probably"? (wtf...)
14:34.16dudevon-wrkEndurance cleared Sunwell.
14:34.25AmadeoWho are they?
14:34.41GeloTauren Marine for SC2 ftw too
14:34.44dudevon-wrkoops wrong cchannel
14:34.47Dark_Elfhmm i wonder if blizzard will put harps so the bard can play music before it kills monsters lol
14:35.32Polarina  -- "345-518 Rock Damage"
14:35.52AmadeoRock damage? It kills ckknight addons!?
14:36.13nevcairielstarts a bard
14:36.28cncfanaticsWTB Ace damage also
14:36.34cncfanaticsWTB framework damage
14:36.39VulcanusI demand a Poker class
14:36.47AmadeoFramework damage? Need a Carpenter class
14:37.09cncfanaticsWTB , I'll reroll one right away !
14:37.09GeloYou don't know why cloth has agi & str?
14:37.21Polarina" Blizzard Entertainment is proud to announce its long-awaited return to console development with Molten Core: Unleashed!, a new console game based on the popular World of Warcraft 40-person raid dungeon. In Molten Core: Unleashed!, players will once again be challenged by the highly complex encounters of Molten Core and battle epic enemies such as Majordomo Executus and Ragnaros. Classic heart-stopping moments such as becoming the living bomb wh
14:37.26AmadeoI'd love a Monk or Friar
14:37.32CIA-1003next96 * r67505 10Violation/locales/koKR.lua:
14:37.32CIA-10- Update locale koKR (by junstein)
14:37.38cncfanaticsPolarina: that one fails
14:37.40cncfanaticsthe bard one is better :p
14:37.52GeloI've always wondered why they didn't restrict some armor not to be completely random in stats
14:38.03kenlyricthat one doesn't fail?
14:38.03GeloI mean who'd wear agi/str cloth ?
14:38.09cncfanaticsbards !!!
14:38.11kenlyricI want them to release that goddamn game now
14:38.18kenlyricwould play for many hours
14:38.27Polarinawaits for Slouken's Aprils fool.
14:38.31*** join/#wowace lvh (n=lvh@
14:38.36lvhhello :)
14:39.02VulcanusI bet it will be something like "we will release a 2.5 that will break all your addons forever, there are no more events in the game, your addons must now guess everything"
14:39.04kenlyricGelo: they did in TBC.
14:39.25lvhI'm trying to learn a thing or two about wow addons by reading existing ones. I've done lua in the past (a long time ago) so it's  a bit rusty but I think i'll be okay.
14:39.54Vulcanusgood luck, it's hard to wrap your head around it at first
14:39.57CIA-1003ammo * r67506 10WitchHunt/ (WitchHunt.lua locales/enUS.lua): WitchHunt: add time visible and fade duration options to the witchhunt frame.
14:40.06lvhI'm looking at recount atm and I'm trying to see how it captures combat log events.
14:40.25lvhI see lots of interesting methods in Tracker.lua, like function Recount:AddAmount(who,datatype,amount)
14:40.29Arrowmasterlol bad choice to use i think, recount is huge
14:41.12lvhnow, unless my lua knowledge is totally gone, who is an object describing a player or an npc
14:41.21cncfanaticslvh: you prolly have to find out what calls AddAmount, error in it, then see what calls it with the traceback
14:41.35cncfanaticslvh: its probably a string even
14:41.38lvhWhat I can't figure out is where these who objects are actually made, seeing as it expects them as an argument
14:41.40Vulcanusarrow be spammin ma update log with lib title fixes :p
14:41.56[Ammo]lvh: look for: COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED
14:42.07[Ammo]that's the blizzard event containing it all
14:42.11cncfanaticslvh: as I said above, call error(); inside addamount and see where it gets called with a traceback, or look for the event indeed
14:42.14CIA-1003arith * r67507 10GlobalStrings/ (. GlobalStrings-2.4.0-enUS.lua):
14:42.14CIA-10- added WoW 2.4.0 enUS GlobalStrings file
14:42.26lvhI doubt its a string cncfanatics: who.Fights.OverallData[datatype]=who.Fights.OverallData[datatype]+amount
14:42.37cncfanatics:o, its a table then
14:42.58CIA-1003jerry * r67508 10lern2count/ (Core.lua lern2count.toc):
14:42.58CIA-10_ Bump TOC to 2.4
14:42.58CIA-10_ Make it so that the internal window is hidden if no update is needed.
14:42.58CIA-10_ Hopefully fix a race condition that made the count not show on some occasion.
14:44.04kenlyricballs, I need me some svn access so I can go fix channelwatchfu
14:44.17cncfanaticshmmm, who thinks a party on the first of april is a good idea ?
14:44.49mitch0a party is a party. it should be good any day of year
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14:45.01PolarinaAnyone noticed that on the forums, every single post ends with "lol."?
14:45.03cncfanaticsagree mitch0 :) but some people I know seem to find it a bad idea :p
14:45.10lvhPolarina: look at the date
14:45.13mitch0or if it sucks, it's not because it's april 1st :)
14:45.50mitch0ok, 15 mins left of work. no point in starting anything useful now
14:45.55CIA-1003lordrhys * r67509 10FuBar_FactionItemsFu/ (FactionItemsFu.lua FactionItemsFuLocals.lua):
14:45.55CIA-10FuBar_FactionItemsFu: removed alt chars check since not working correctly.
14:45.55CIA-10-- added Sha'tari Skyguard and Netherwing Dragonflight
14:46.44PolarinaAlso, some words such as "lol", "rofl", "I lol'd IRL" randomly added to each forum post. :P
14:47.15Dark_Elfmumbles to self, look at all those library updates on wowace, this may take a while hehe, its all ckknight's fault :p
14:47.22EvilJohn-blizzard april fools
14:47.53Polarina"timestamp, type, srcGUID, srcName, srcFlags, dstGUID, dstName, dstFlags, . lawl. I lol'd IRL. = CombatLogGetCurrentEntry() " :)
14:47.54ArrowmasterDark_Elf: nah probably mine
14:47.56VulcanusDark_Elf, it's Arrowmaster's fault actually XD he fixed all the toc titles so it shows up in their proper positions ingame
14:48.23*** join/#wowace Xyphor (
14:48.56Dark_Elfwell im grateful for any and all toc updates, and also all the great addons ya all make, i think i got like 300 in my wow addons folder lol ;)
14:48.56lvhArrowmaster: If I make changes to the code, is a simple reloadui enough to use the new code?
14:49.03Arrowmasterfeel free to continue blaming ckknight though
14:49.10Arrowmaster~lart ckknight
14:49.10purlbrandishes Excalibur! "With this sword, I vanquish thee, ckknight!" and lops off ckknight's head
14:49.27lvhomg, it's purl! <3
14:49.32lvhpurl: botsnack
14:49.32purllvh: thanks
14:49.35Arrowmasterthe lartings will continue until the number of people asking about dogtag reduces!
14:49.45chdstThat forums script is way leet. s/\./$funny./
14:49.59Xyphor*shame* where's the paperdoll source again online?
14:50.06GeloAre they updating wowwiki? all links a red (non-existant) but they are there
14:50.12SunTsuArrowmaster: Keep on larting until parrot is 2.4 ready ;)
14:50.16chdstEhm. Why is DogTags so awesome?!
14:50.18Gelomain page looks really weird too
14:50.21Arrowmasterlvh: if its just in code yeah a reload works
14:50.28cncfanaticsGelo: 1st of april
14:50.37Dark_Elfyeah update parrot ck!
14:50.39purlIt is now 2008.04.01 14:50:39 GMT
14:51.04Gelocncfanatics, if this is supposed to be a joke then it's not even funny. it just looks like someone went in and failed at updating to latest mediawiki
14:51.06lvhArrowmaster: strange. I've added the error(), got no errors, and recount has stopped working (I've added the error() at the beginning of the function, so the fact that it stops working is expected)
14:51.15cncfanaticsGelo: its the guildwars wiki
14:51.20cncfanaticsat least read :s
14:51.30PolarinaIt's not the first of April, because if it were, it would most likely be an April's fool that it's the first of April...
14:51.30Gelocnc i didn't even notice that :/
14:51.32Arrowmasterlvh: you probably have lua errors disabled ingame
14:51.48lvhArrowmaster: nein. checked that first
14:52.02Gelocncfanatics, I never visit the main page otherwise.
14:52.15cncfanaticsGelo: did you even read a few words of the main page ? :p
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14:52.18cncfanaticsif you did you would have noticed
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14:53.00Zeksieif it's getting called via pcall somewhere, and the pcall is ignoring the errors.. you can guess the rest
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14:56.04XyphorWhere's the paperdoll source again online?
14:56.20Arrowmasterpaperdoll source?
14:56.59Xyphorhmm yeah. Maybe it's called different cause google is not my friend today
14:57.01*** join/#wowace Elkano_ (
14:57.27Arrowmasterwhat paperdoll?
14:59.00Xyphorthe ingame paperdoll frame
14:59.07lvhIf I run a function from inside WoW, how do I paste its output somewhere useful?
14:59.21lvhFor example Recount:GetUnitIDFromName(name) -- if I run this, how do I actually see the UnitID?
14:59.31Zeksietry /dump or /print
14:59.33nevcairieldo /dump Recount:.......
14:59.48*** join/#wowace bump (
14:59.55lvhaha, thanks! :)
15:00.20ckknighthey all
15:00.30lvhits ckknight !
15:00.32ckknightanyone excited about Blizzard's new game?
15:00.33ckknightI am
15:00.41durcynold news, sorry
15:00.45nevcairielyou're like half a day behind, srsly
15:00.48ckknightwell I just saw it
15:00.54ckknightso it's new to me
15:00.56EvilJohn-I'm searching ebay for a 2600 console as we speak
15:01.00ckknightI like the skinning bears part
15:01.06EvilJohn-I just need one that does HD
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15:03.51kenlyricckknight: I want it to run on my mobile device
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15:04.09CIA-1003xuerian * r67510 10SpecialEventsEmbed/SpecialEvents-Loot-1.0/SpecialEvents-Loot-1.0.lua: SpecialEventsEmbed: SpecialEvents-Loot-1.0: Added auto-pass events (probably...)
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15:06.38Xyphorah more info! LF source of CharacterSheet.lua :p
15:06.57Zeksieget the addon kit and extract it..
15:07.18QuantumDeltahmm Oo
15:07.39QuantumDeltalast of dryscs posts
15:08.09nevcairielwhat about it?
15:08.16XyphorZeksie: nice idea... never done it before so learning curve for me :)
15:08.47QuantumDeltaI didn't think they'd let their threat events out into the general client
15:08.49purlGet the official Blizzard Interface AddOn Kit here: or view it online at
15:09.00QuantumDeltaATM it's a dev tool isn't it nevcairiel?
15:09.12nevcairielwhats a dev tool?
15:09.15nevcairielis confused
15:09.15mikmanevcairiel: you
15:09.15Xyphor.. is what I was looking for
15:09.42QuantumDelta..a developer tool, normally used for diagnostics and general testing? :<
15:09.46QuantumDeltanothing smart
15:09.46durcynQuantumDelta: "last of"?
15:09.51ckknightkenlyric: really, they lly, that'd probably be a good market for it
15:09.57QuantumDeltaMeaning the last post on the page I linked durcyn :<
15:10.03lvhIf I do /dump Recount:SomeFunction(<ENTER>, I get an error about not having enough arguments (duh)
15:10.16lvhIf I do /dump Recount:SomeFunction(), I cant press enter at all
15:10.22lvhwell, I can of course, but it does nothing.
15:10.27lvhwhat the ?
15:10.31nevcairieli know what a dev tool is QuantumDelta, was just wondering what you were refering to :P
15:11.04Dark_Elfwim got updated today, for anyone who uses it may want to go update hehe
15:11.06QuantumDeltaWell they've said in the past they actually have some underlying threat measurement/unit or so that's completely hidden
15:11.17Grumlvh: you cant press enter because its wrong
15:11.18QuantumDeltaand GM/Dev clients have a tool to read that unit
15:11.24Grumdunno why but it just refuses to let you enter the string :D
15:11.32QuantumDeltathat posts suggests they'll give people like you access to it x_x
15:11.35Josh_Borkelol: "Mignon rides to the top of the hill, his fur matted with the blood of those that fell before him. As he reaches the crest of the peak, he unrolls his map, wipes off the lens of his compass, and sees two sets of numbers hanging in the air - wildly fluctuating - as he moves his finger over the map."
15:11.36Josh_Borkewell put
15:11.41Josh_Borkehm, did that all paste?
15:12.14nevcairielQuantumDelta: obviously they have to measure the threat, i suppose developer clients can read that too, but yeah .. when they do a threat addon they'll expose some sort of threat information, how accurate those will be .. who knows
15:12.16durcynJosh_Borke: Tauren RP, eh?
15:12.43durcynsuppose if you're going to go furry, you might as well go whole hog, er, cow.
15:12.56ZhinjioI had someone taking care of french translation for me, and the file they sent me has whacked characters in it.
15:13.03ZhinjioI mean... not the normal whacked french characters. but other ones
15:13.11*** join/#wowace Mortehl (
15:13.11[eu]gunderlike what?
15:13.27MortehlHi there. I was wondering if Antiarc is around? :D
15:13.33Zhinjiolemme see if it'll open up. one moment.
15:13.51mikmaMortehl: no, he's not using irc because her mom told it's bad for her
15:14.19MortehlAntiarc is a she? If so, d'oh
15:15.10Zhinjiofor example: rŽtracter l'offre pour l'objet ouvert
15:15.10nevcairielMortehl: whats your question anyway, maybe we can help out
15:15.10*** part/#wowace Seera1 (
15:15.11Grumgive me xyz!!! GIB IT NOWS!
15:15.11*** join/#wowace Seera1 (
15:15.18nevcairielpersuades Grum to eat the cyanide sandwich
15:15.23MortehlAnyway, I was speaking to him here while the poor guy was raiding in Sunwell.  We had very strange errors with Gurtogg after he fel raged basically freezing threat and showing all the tanks on the bottom
15:15.30CIA-1003durcyn * r67511 10Antagonist/ (Antagonist-Options.lua Antagonist.lua): Antagonist: drop fade-on-fade entirely, as GUID accuracy makes it useless
15:15.41nevcairielMortehl: when was that raid?
15:15.43Zhinjionot sure if those just aren't pasting right or what.
15:15.45MortehlBasically any threat wipe, be it from the encounter itself or from a soul shatter/invis/et cetera
15:16.02nevcairielor yesterday even
15:16.09[eu]gunderyour missing the "é" in those \195\169 in the files
15:16.20MortehlEveryone had the same version
15:16.23nevcairielthere have been some more fixes to soulshatter and other threat wipes
15:16.31[eu]gunderrétracter or authentifiés
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15:16.39MortehlAnd at 22:10ish we stopped and everyone downloaded the latest versions of omen
15:16.42MortehlIt didn't help
15:16.56nevcairielMortehl: only on bloodboil or on other bosses with resets as well?
15:16.57[eu]gunderyou should have r\195\169tracter
15:17.03lvhGrum: wrong how? wrong argument types?
15:17.09MortehlGurtogg is our current cockblock so we  spent our whole raid on him
15:17.13nevcairielah ok
15:17.29Grumlvh: it prolly doesnt exist?
15:17.37Grumi'm not sure but i've seen the same behaviour
15:17.49ckknightso, who else really wants to play a Bard now?
15:17.50CIA-1003kurax * r67512 10AtlasLoot/ (19 files in 6 dirs):
15:17.50CIA-10- Upgrade Babble-Boss/Class/Inventory/Zone to 3.0
15:18.02lvhGrum: when I use the function without the final ) or any arguments, it returns an error saying there are too few arguments
15:18.04Matrix110|april fool is evil
15:18.06Gelockknight, I got my keyboard modded already ;)
15:18.13lvhGrum: so obviously the function exists
15:18.33nevcairielMatrix110|: posts with the lol's read funny :P
15:18.34Grumlvh: depends on what throws the error :)
15:18.35MortehlAnyway, I know there are threat wipe issues, but what has me super concerned right now was the actual gurtogg module
15:18.44MortehlThat fight was basically designed with using a threat metere imo.
15:18.48Matrix110|nevcairiel check the thread:P
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15:18.59nevcairielMatrix110|: i did, kinda sad in that case, but yeah
15:19.15PolarinaMatrix110|: Haha...
15:19.21MortehlAnd I'm wondering if there is an actual issue with omen's handling the fel rage threat wipe then return
15:19.33Zhinjiockknight: it did make me want to dig out bard's tale. heh
15:19.34MortehlBecause tanks were showing as not building threat at all after the reset into p1
15:19.41Zhinjioand/or play some more guitar hero
15:19.45Arrowmasterwe did bloodboil on thursday without any issues
15:19.46nevcairielfel rage doesnt actually wipe, just apply the insignificance buff?
15:20.02Arrowmasterwell actually we did have any issues then we did have isseus i think
15:20.04nevcairielmaybe the buff isnt correctly removed
15:20.12ckknightI personally think it'd be awesome if they actually had a bard class that required guitar hero-style playing
15:20.15nevcairielinside omen
15:20.18MortehlI think so
15:20.21MortehlThat seems appropriate
15:20.23EvilJohn-Mangar's Mind Mallet
15:20.28nevcairieli wonder where that is handled
15:20.28ckknightthough frankly, I prefer the drums in Rock Band
15:20.29Hjalteckknight: People would either suck too much or be too good :P
15:20.30PolarinaMatrix110|: Well, it's sad. But it's funny what Blizzard did to the post.
15:20.37Mortehlrather that seems like an appropriate explanation
15:20.52Zhinjiothat was one aspect of AC2 that was pretty nicely done, actually
15:20.52Matrix110|yeah Polarina :D
15:20.54Zhinjiothe music
15:21.12PolarinaMatrix110|: E-mail the link to Blizzard. :)
15:21.18Zhinjioyou could get a bunch of people together, each playing music, and their various instruments would mesh together to make something good sounds.
15:21.26lvhAny function defined in one of recounts .lua files (that are loaded, of course) can be put after /dump, right?
15:21.30*** join/#wowace Belazor (
15:21.36Zhinjios/something good sounds/something that sounds good/
15:21.53lvhthere are no hidden local functions that I can access manually and are only for internal use?
15:22.30Grumlvh: see what /dump Recount.SomeFunction
15:22.32PolarinaI'm going to dispatch my OS and install it again. :)
15:22.35Grumsee if it returns anything :D
15:22.51lvhGrum: ah, I was doing Recount:SomeFunction, not Recount.SomeFunction
15:22.59Grumthat doesnt matter
15:23.00CIA-1003durcyn 07dev * r67513 10Omniscience/ (Data.lua Omniscience.lua Options.lua): (log message trimmed)
15:23.00CIA-10- add a whole fat lot of cc spellIDs to the db, some with appropriate DR groupings. This stuff is a mess, blizzard, and I hate you for it.
15:23.00CIA-10- rip out filter code
15:23.00CIA-10- COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED handler done, should actually start bars on debuff applications.
15:23.01Grumjust see if it exists
15:23.06CIA-10- start 15 second DR bars per DR grouping
15:23.06lvhthat seems awkward syntax from a lua point of view
15:23.10lvhGrum: oh, ok.
15:23.25Grumno its not, the x:y call is just syntactic sugar
15:23.27ckknightokay, so I think that a Rock Band MMO would be awesome.
15:23.39Zhinjiockknight: gentle poke to look at my proposed librockcomm fix on jira
15:23.49ckknightbut I'm lazy
15:23.51ckknightlink me
15:23.51Grumx:y(...) is actually: x.y(x, ...)
15:24.05ckknightGrum: functionally the same, not actually the same
15:24.19Grumbecause x:y generates a magic 'self' references to: x
15:24.25lvhGrum: arguments expected near ')', from an Ace lib.
15:24.38Grumso its not saying the function exists
15:24.43Grumjust saying you messed up
15:24.54Grumits being interpolated and 'evalled' and it just doesnt compile and errors
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15:25.36lvhGrum: so when does it prevent me from prssing enter?
15:25.39sicaMortehl: it's in Threat-2.0/ThreatClassModuleCore.lua
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15:25.58Slaymanckknight: like the game Rockband but as an MMO?, sounds interesting but the clientel is not a very big one
15:26.04Grumlvh: dunno, but you are definately doing something that would go wrong
15:26.30lvhOkay. Is there any way to get a more verbose error than "no, I'm not going to let you press enter"?
15:26.36Grum'do it right'
15:26.45nevcairielget some bug catcher
15:26.48nevcairiellike BugSack
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15:27.36Grumnevcairiel: doesnt work
15:27.43Grumthe editbox literally refuses to let you press enter :)
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15:27.56nevcairielit still ends up in a error in bugsack last i checked
15:28.03Mortehlsica: Thank  you. I'm taking a look now
15:28.05Grumdoesnt here using Swatter
15:28.39nevcairielmichaelseiler: called maintenance as well :P
15:29.07[eu]gunderZhinjio: soory got d/c by my modem did it work?
15:29.08cncfanaticshmmm, is googlecode's svn browser currently bugged ?
15:29.23cncfanatics is quite empty :s
15:29.30sicaMortehl: looks like it should multiply the threat you create with 0 as long as you have the debuff with ID 40618
15:29.56sicaMortehl: we had the same issues with bloodboil yesterday, we just had our damagedealers wait for the first p2 before doing any damage
15:30.10Mortehlhow'd you deal with healer aggro though?
15:30.21MortehlOur healers are actually catching up with all the CoH healing for bloodboil
15:30.29Grumuse BoS? ;)
15:30.33CIA-1003zhinjio * r67514 10LibRockComm-1.0/LibRockComm-1.0.lua:
15:30.33CIA-10LibRockComm-1.0 :
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15:30.40MortehlBlessing of Sacrifice?
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15:30.47[eu]gunderblessin of salvation
15:30.52sicaMortehl: Tranquil Air Totem for the 3 CoH priests
15:31.01*** join/#wowace Viper_0000 (
15:31.07GrumMortehl: 2 people healing BB with BoS can not get aggro
15:31.11Grumunless your tanks utterly suck
15:31.15Dark_Elfgoes offline to cook lunch, in parting i really like the Pitbull mod, maybe a few more things added and i can finally get rid of xperl :p
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15:31.56Grum2 people healing without BoS can get aggro ... know that frome experience O.o
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15:32.20charonMortehl: how many tanks do you use?
15:32.59cncfanaticsanyone can help me with googlecode refusing the browse the svn directory of my project ? :o
15:33.07dylanmcncfanatics: Link?
15:33.10nevcairielMortehl: i dont see anything wrong with the code .. but maybe Antiarc can find something if he has the time .. right now there are more important bugs to fix, though
15:33.31*** join/#wowace EvilJohn_ (
15:33.32dylanmI can browse it. What browser are you using?
15:33.47cncfanaticsI don't see anything in the browser :(
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15:34.09Grumyou have a fail browser
15:34.21cncfanaticsopera wins :p
15:34.31MortehlI was afk
15:34.33Slayman~fail cncfanatics
15:34.34purlcncfanatics, you Fail!
15:34.35Mortehlcharon: 3
15:34.39cncfanatics~lart Slayman
15:34.39purlDoSes Slayman
15:34.39Grum~fail cncfanatics
15:34.40purlYou suck at everything in life, cncfanatics. I hate you because you fail.
15:34.50MortehlCharon: Prot paladin (me) who has zero threat issues, prot  warrior, and feral druid
15:34.50cncfanaticsjust tried with IE
15:34.53cncfanaticsit can't display it either :p
15:35.11Mortehlnevcarion: thank you for looking
15:35.12Grumi see the page but nothing in the right pane :p
15:35.13purli guess browser is Most commonly used to refer to a software program used to lookat World Wide Web pages.
15:35.26Grumah now it does :)
15:35.38Zhinjiocncfanatics: I just tried with both ie and ff, and both worked.
15:36.01cncfanaticsIE it bugs for me when I click the trunk link
15:36.05cncfanaticsopera it doesn't show at all
15:36.22Mortehlnevcarion: However I am pretty positive Omen is not releasing the insignificance debuff multiplier.
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15:37.01Grumthen the code for detecting the buff is failed
15:37.14cncfanaticsdoesn't it really on specialevents_buff ?
15:37.20Xueriancncfanatics: FF3 works too.
15:37.29cncfanaticswell, I use opera ... :(
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15:37.33XuerianFail :p
15:37.42cncfanaticsopera is nice, fast and lightweight imho :p
15:38.10XuerianYeah, I'm joking :p. I wish they'd release their BREW version.
15:38.32CIA-1003phyber * r67515 10FuBar_NameToggleFu/Core.lua:
15:38.32CIA-10- Fix some typos
15:38.33sicahm, the combatlog looks normal, 2 events for Insignifigance, with SpellID 40618 (same as in the omen code), one with SPELL_AURA_APPLIED DEBUFF and one with SPELL_AURA_REMOVED
15:38.35cncfanaticsBREW ?
15:39.05XuerianYeah, Binary Runtime Environment for Wireless. What many CDMA phones use.
15:39.11Xuerianstabs it in the eye.
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15:39.44kenlyricdoes opera have profiles yet?
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15:40.43MortehlSica: Is there a posibility it just isn't processing SPELL_AURA_REMOVED?
15:41.21MortehlI admit that I am very unfamiliar with teh code base so if I sound like I'm asking dumb questions, I am.  I sort of promised myself NOT to get into code writing here because its a slippery slope for m e :P
15:41.21CIA-1003ammo * r67516 10WitchHunt/WitchHunt.lua: WitchHunt: adjust default to ignore instant casts instead of begins to cast.
15:41.25CIA-1003durcyn 07dev * r67517 10Omniscience/ (Omniscience.lua Options.lua): branches/Omniscience/dev: add isDestPlayer checking for pvp durations, modify StartBars to accept time as arg
15:41.53Zhinjiobring the servers up, damnit.
15:42.04cncfanaticsthe US servers will be FOREVER down !
15:42.16ZhinjioI'm tired of writing documentation
15:42.24mikma" - Steam Vaults: killing a boss (last one I think) and server lagged out . lawl. lulz. . about 90 seconds later it came back and everyone in the group was dead lmao. "
15:42.27mikmanicely put
15:42.41Silverstorm|afkso...just logged in and the patch starts D/ first thought?  This would be a horrid april fool's joke to make everyone get a 5MB patch
15:42.56cncfanaticsSilverstorm|afk: thats actualy quite probable
15:42.59sicaMortehl: no, I just checked, it should work
15:43.24Arrowmasterpatch diff, not a joke patch
15:43.57charonnevcairiel: look at ThreatClassModuleCore.lua:503
15:44.02Zhinjioand now I find the problem with having people help with documentation on my wiki
15:44.11Zhinjioother people's grammar and writing style sucks ass.
15:44.27nevcairielcharon: i checked that part, should be fine
15:44.34charonhmm. then i may fail at counting
15:44.39charoni thought it wasn't arg #9
15:45.02nevcairieli dumped GetSpellInfo(spellID)
15:45.02nevcairiellooks fine
15:45.03charonk then nm and sorry
15:45.15Mortehlsica: Hmm
15:45.28Mortehlsica: Woulda coulda shoulda and all :P But it isn't.  I wonder why.
15:45.44Polarinamakes a macro: /run COMBATLOG_MESSAGE_LIMIT = 1/0 -- Infinity
15:45.56cncfanaticsPolarina: does that actualy work ?
15:46.02cncfanaticsand you could use Math.inf instead
15:46.10CIA-1003ananhaid * r67518 10LittleWigs/ (20 files in 6 dirs):
15:46.11CIA-10- zhCN update.
15:46.24Polarinacncfanatics: Yes, it actually works. Well, that method works to acquire infinity.
15:46.26cncfanaticslua> Math.inf
15:46.26lua_botcncfanatics: luabot:1: attempt to index global 'Math' (a nil value)
15:46.32MortehlShould've screenshotted the damned bar showing me in 21st place while having what felt like a 5k threat lead on the next tank down (who showed up as 25th on the bar while the third tank (in melee range, not tanking) showed up 12th on the list
15:46.36cncfanaticslua> math.inf
15:46.36lua_botcncfanatics: nil
15:46.47cncfanaticshmmm, what was the var that contained infinite in math called again . -.-
15:46.48nevcairiellua> math.huge
15:46.48lua_botnevcairiel: inf
15:46.53Zhinjiohey NivFreak
15:46.56cncfanaticsthere, math.huge :p
15:47.03Polarinalua> 1/0
15:47.03lua_botPolarina: inf
15:47.08NivFreakZhinjio: hi :)
15:47.11cncfanatics1/0 takes more time
15:47.13NivFreakwow, talk about a weak patch
15:47.13cncfanaticsand is less elegant
15:47.29sylvanaar_workyou think>
15:47.29ZhinjioNivFreak: alpha version of SKG is up on the wiki for your beating up pleasure.
15:47.53sylvanaar_workcncfanatics test it and see!
15:48.23NivFreakZhinjio: can I run it side by side? ;)
15:48.26sicaMortehl: put Threat-2.0 into debug-mode and it should give you a message when it notices the SPELL_AURA_REMOVED event
15:48.28PolarinaI think it's even faster than accessing a local...
15:49.58NivFreakdylanm: suicide kings geo
15:50.06ZhinjioNivFreak: No. it won't ever do that. However, there is a method for importing lists from the old to the new. Wiki has the procedure documented.
15:50.12PolarinaI'm off now!
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15:50.36CIA-1003xyphor * r67519 10PowerDisplay/ (PowerDisplay.toc pdUpdate.lua): PowerDisplay: Spell Haste seems to be floored by Blizzard, so showing the same results
15:50.42NivFreakZhinjio: k, I'll probably have to modify sk_list before I can do more than just tinker with it
15:50.44Zhinjioturns out there's just too many variables and such that have the same name between the two versions. they beat each other up.
15:51.04Zhinjioits decidedly alpha: tinkering only for at least another ... lets say, week.
15:51.11Zhinjiocan't process loot events yet
15:51.18NivFreakah, k
15:51.25Zhinjiobut please beat the crap out of list handling and importing lists from the old version, etc.
15:51.29kenlyricXyphor: can you fix powerdisplay so that the main line can show Power values?
15:51.34Zhinjioand syncing
15:51.37NivFreakZhinjio: k, I'll tinker with it tonight
15:51.43Zhinjionods. Thanks.
15:51.56NivFreakdo we still have undo->redo functionality?
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15:51.58Zhinjiowiki has all the details, links to jira page, etc.
15:52.00charonnevcairiel: now i know what confused me
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15:52.09charoni'm trapping CL_EV_UNFILTERED in mangler
15:52.13ZhinjioNivFreak: nope. hrmph.
15:52.15charonand that event takes a 'timestamp' argument first
15:52.17ZhinjioHow used is it?
15:52.22ZhinjioI never used it.
15:52.30charonfunction Mangler:CombatEvent(timestamp, event, ...)
15:52.33CIA-1003xyphor * r67520 10G15display/G15display.toc: G15display: TOC updated, no other changes required
15:52.37nevcairielcharon: heh
15:52.42NivFreakZhinjio: sometimes when you're manually inserting people and moving them around
15:52.45Zhinjioit wouldn't be hard to put in.
15:52.46NivFreakor you accidently do
15:52.50charonby that logic, none of his aura gain/lose would ever trigger
15:52.53NivFreakit's nice to be able to undo over and over
15:53.01NivFreakor say, you open bidding on something random
15:53.02nevcairielcharon: yeah threat has all stuff in the ...
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15:53.10kenlyricXyphor: specifically I want to set power display to damtype and turn off s1 entirely
15:53.11NivFreakand someone whipsers bid right as you /skg close
15:53.14NivFreakand they suicide
15:53.23NivFreak(people are jackasses)
15:53.29nevcairielman Antiarc needs to wake up
15:53.34Zhinjioyeah, it wouldn't be hard to implement.
15:53.37nevcairieli kinda want this bug fixed before raid
15:53.41nevcairielits rather serious :P
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15:53.54ZhinjioI'm gonna jira that as a bug... but I don't think it'll make it into release.
15:54.02ZhinjioI have higher priority things.
15:54.14NivFreakZhinjio: in a perfect world, it would store it between sessions so you have a total history
15:54.26charonnevcairiel: now i don't know if i should attempt to write up a patch, or continue working :P
15:54.36nevcairielpatch what?
15:54.39NivFreakZhinjio: then you could also have a web plugin that would allow you to step through the changes
15:54.40ZhinjioNivFreak: the entire transaction log for lists is stored
15:54.47NivFreakoh very cool
15:54.59NivFreakthen I get my perfect world
15:55.03charonantiarc has foo:CL_EV_UNFILTERED(event, ...)
15:55.07charonthen proceeds to check what 'event' is
15:55.10CIA-1003ammo * r67521 10WitchHunt/WitchHunt.lua: WitchHunt: fix bug with message filter settings not saving correctly.
15:55.15NivFreakyou know how it goes, nothing causes drama more than loot
15:55.19nevcairielevent is the real game event
15:55.22charonbut if i got this right, that variable has a 'timestamp' instead
15:55.24nevcairielCL_EV_UF in that case
15:55.25NivFreakso it's good to let people see what's happening
15:55.27chiperoh man, I wish the Bard wasnt an april fools joke
15:55.31chiperthis is a fucking awesome class
15:55.47charonlogs in _again_ to double check his debug prints
15:55.55TE|kulaarParrot & Assessment 2.4 ready! Thats a good april fool!
15:55.56ZhinjioI agree. and please let me know if you get a new SK_List importer working...
15:56.11nevcairielits a AceEvent-3.0 event handler, first argument is the real game event
15:56.12Zhinjioit would be great to release 'em together.
15:56.14nevcairielnot the combatlog event
15:56.25nevcairielcharon: if that would be broken, nothing in it would work =P
15:56.35ZhinjioNivFreak: undo *and* redo? Hmm.
15:56.44ZhinjioUndo is easy. Redo is... not as easy.
15:56.45chipersince no one's linked it yet:
15:56.47durcyneh, i haven't even looked at Assessment's code yet, how ugly is the ParserLib cruft?
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15:57.28Amadeochiper: old
15:57.28kenlyricwhat do you mean no one has linked it yet?
15:57.30NivFreakZhinjio: think of it as a time shifting feature ;)
15:57.36kenlyricit's been linked dozens of times
15:57.37charonnevcairiel: i'm absolutely positive that in Mangler's handler, 'timestamp' is first and 'event' only second
15:57.51dylanmAnyone happen to have a raid combat log just sitting around?
15:57.51chipermeh, not in the past hour
15:57.57charonnow Mangler still uses AE-2.0, so if you've changed that for AE-3.0, i'll shut up
15:58.01chiperwhich is as far as my scrollback goes
15:58.02nevcairielwe did
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15:58.07nevcairielAE-2.0 doesnt send the event name
15:58.10charoni see.
15:58.25nevcairielbut since blizzard sends the event name
15:58.28nevcairielwe decided to do that too
15:59.20mikma<1855> <TE|kulaar> Parrot & Assessment 2.4 ready! Thats a good april fool!
15:59.25Silverstormwho's the SVN access person around here?  been a few days since my request, haven't heard anything
15:59.26charontakes a note for the AE-3 port of mangler
15:59.35mikmai thought about saying that about 7 hours ago but then i was afraid of ckknight
15:59.48TE|kulaarim in disguise
15:59.53TE|kulaari hope he cant see me :P
16:00.19kenlyricSilverstorm: I think you just wait patiently
16:00.28dylanmThat would be a good one.
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16:01.04sicahm, I'm too stupid for threat-2.0 :( I don't get what happens when a debuff is removed and how the ThreatMultiplier is removed
16:01.05kenlyricat least that's what I'm doing :)
16:01.06Silverstormkenlyric: I'm trying...but I have several StatBlocks mods I want to get uploaded so people can test
16:01.24durcynbribing Kaelten helps.
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16:02.14Amadeouh oh
16:02.24Amadeosmall wow patch, is it for april fools, or is it for a bugfix?
16:02.46Amadeowhat's fixed!?
16:02.58AmadeoThey finally removed Gnomes from the game?
16:03.00chiperhopefully it fixes all the chatframe bugs
16:03.12hasteit doesn't afaik
16:03.55TE|kulaarits fixed the combatlog prob a bit
16:03.55NivFreakI don't see any notes on the combatlog issues =/
16:03.58NivFreakwtb death events
16:04.04TE|kulaaronly 300 entries limit
16:04.04durcynNivFreak: 2.4.2
16:04.08NivFreakdurcyn: yea =/
16:04.15AmadeoSo I made a Dwarf the other day, and I notice when I sit down...I can see right up my robe and out the back of me, it's just that how it always was?
16:04.30durcynAmadeo: welcome to retail, nice of you to join us.
16:04.51Amadeothere are Combat Log fixes in the patch
16:05.07AmadeoI just can't copy from the window!
16:05.19AmadeoOnly the last 300 combat log entries are now stored
16:05.27AmadeoFilter settings are now properly saved
16:05.35NivFreakbut that doesn't affect the data much :)
16:05.40AmadeoChanging zones will now no longer reload the entire log!
16:05.47NivFreakI want two things badly
16:05.49chiperah good, the did fix the bugs that were annoying me
16:05.50NivFreak1.) Death events
16:05.51ArrowmasterAmadeo: LIES
16:05.55NivFreak2.) VR targeting event
16:05.56Arrowmastertheyre all still stored
16:06.09Arrowmaster for details
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16:07.55AmadeoI like this one better than the Bard thing -
16:08.01sag_ich_nichtAntiarc nevcairiel planning any commits in the next 2 hours? :P
16:08.02AmadeoI loved my Atari!
16:08.21nevcairieli've been planning for one commit for the last two hours
16:08.25nevcairieljust that Antiarc is sleeping .P
16:09.44KalrothHe doesn't sleep, he's just sitting there, waiting for a bug to be fixed.
16:09.46CIA-1003phyber * r67522 10FuBar_NameToggleFu/Core.lua:
16:09.46CIA-10- Another typo
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16:10.09nevcairielKalroth: the thing is, the bug i found requires a protocol change (again)
16:10.13nevcairieli dont dare to do that :P
16:10.14durcynAntiarc: urk, why isn't libstub in standalone threat-2.0 directory =/
16:10.20KalrothYou bastard!
16:10.23sicanevcairiel: \o/
16:10.23*** part/#wowace reviver (i=8fcf0804@gateway/web/ajax/
16:10.51nevcairielactually its a bug in the new protocol he implemented yesterday, but will still break people using the older version
16:11.13sag_ich_nichti hope this isn't an april's fool's joke
16:11.18sag_ich_nicht*april fool's
16:11.22nevcairielno its not
16:11.27nevcairielwant my test lua file?
16:11.49QuantumDeltaI've completely forgot how to get old versions of addons off >_<
16:12.47sicanevcairiel: how is it possible some people in our raid didn't show up yesterday in omen, we were all using 67322 Threat-2.0
16:13.20nevcairielsica: that should hopefully be fixed by the new protocol (which is currently bugged - so by the upcoming protocol :P)
16:13.46sag_ich_nichtjust commit the fix nevcairiel
16:13.56QuantumDeltaTa :<
16:13.58sag_ich_nichtit's a critical bug
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16:13.59Snagoyeah, squish that bug!
16:14.02sicanevcairiel: great :)
16:14.03sag_ich_nichtand my raid starts in an hour
16:14.05sag_ich_nichtnot even
16:14.08nevcairielso does mine
16:14.09sag_ich_nicht45 minutes
16:14.11nevcairieland we do brutallus
16:14.15nevcairielthreat-sensitive fight
16:14.23sag_ich_nichti can force people to update at the raid start
16:14.27sag_ich_nichtbut not in the middle of it
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16:18.03mitchnullhow is AceDBOptions-3.0 supposed to work?
16:18.28KriLL3mitchnull: whack it over the head with a beer bottle
16:19.31sacarascwould a milk bottle be a suitable replacement for a beer bottle?
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16:20.06MortehlUnless its that bagged milk crap in Canada
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16:21.05KriLL3sacarasc: it might be lactose intolerant
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16:23.59cncfanaticsKriLL3: if it is can we use a bottle of lactose ?
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16:27.04sag_ich_nichtnevcairiel what would be the results of that bug?
16:27.09sag_ich_nichtsomeone not showing up in the threatlist?
16:27.18nevcairielor no threat display at all for one mob
16:27.58dylanmmitchnull: What do you mean? It just adds in generic profile support to your config slash commands and window.
16:28.40HjalteGagorian: I don't suppose you're using Itemvalue_DrDamage? :)
16:29.03mitchnulldyalnm: well, I dunno how to use it to actually do that ;)
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16:29.39CIA-1003phyber * r67523 10FuBar_NameToggleFu/Core.lua:
16:29.39CIA-10- Yeah, to toggle things we actually need to specify a function.
16:29.42mitchnulldylanm: I managed to get a "profiles" part in my config but it doesn't seem to work (new profile does nothing, for example)
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16:29.58dylanmmitchnull: I would take a look at the source for an addon that uses it... I stay away from profiles and guis for the most part. I know Mapster uses it.
16:30.14mitchnullthanks, I'll take a look at mapster
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16:33.09dylanmAntiarc: The Threat-2.0 source is illuminating... for one thing, I don't have to find all the spellIDs myself for other projects :p
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16:38.14mitchnull[ammo]: are you still against a "toggle windows" keybinding for violation?
16:40.28Dark_Elfhmm Telo updated infobar and mobhealth for 2.4 thats been a long time since those were updated -'s_Addons
16:43.09Funkeh`mitchnull, you could probably make macros to do that
16:43.14Funkeh`and keybind them
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16:47.43CIA-1003piranther * r67524 10ChatStamp/ChatStamp.toc: ChatStamp: - FXI VERSION #
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16:49.32CIA-1003elsia * r67525 10Recount/ (Recount.lua Tracker.lua):
16:49.32CIA-10- Fixed bug when pets heal.
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16:51.04Trell_IHML = the shitznit.
16:51.14CIA-1003piranther * r67526 10FuBar_HealBotFu/Fubar_HealBotFu.toc: FuBar_HealBotFu: - update version #
16:51.20SnagoTrell_: Glad you like it :)
16:51.39Trell_I do indeed - I'm one of those people that write a macro for everything
16:51.48Trell_and have to switch it out every time I do whatever quest/instance
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16:52.00sag_ich_nichtif you do a commit in the next 20 minutes i'll kill you nevcairiel
16:52.06sag_ich_nichti'm just forcing the raid to upgrade
16:52.06Trell_so IHML is like, the best ever addon for me
16:52.24nevcairielso do i
16:52.39cncfanaticssag_ich_nicht: I'll commit an omen change in 1 minute
16:53.05evlomen == nasdaq? :P
16:53.09purlI Have Macro Lol! An addon to automagically switch a macro depending on zone or BigWigs boss module.
16:53.09sag_ich_nichtcncfanatics i'll kill you
16:53.18CIA-1003durcyn 07dev * r67527 10Omniscience/Omniscience.lua: branches/Omniscience/dev: cleanups, first stab at starting 15s DR timer per grouping
16:53.23cncfanaticsI'm glad I don't die every time someone says that
16:53.29cncfanaticsor I'd have died over 50 times
16:54.14Funkeh`AT WOWHEAD
16:54.30cncfanaticsthottbot reloaded
16:54.32nevcairieli still think its only mildly funny
16:54.42cncfanaticsits one of the better jokes imho
16:55.00Funkeh`thott doesn't have a wowhead skin
16:55.39*** join/#wowace Drool (
16:56.00cncfanaticsdoes thottbot even still have users ?
16:56.01cncfanaticsit shouldn't :o
16:56.35Dashkalsnickers at people who forget what day it is
16:56.49Estilhaha @ wow forums
16:56.56DashkalI just got taken seriously when I asked if someone was going to roll a bard
16:57.02*** join/#wowace neotron (
16:57.12Funkeh`a bard?
16:57.45TE|kulaarAntiarc should the "Whisper older clients" work yet?
16:57.47cncfanaticsDashkal: LINK
16:57.57Estilhaha a bard
16:58.00Fisker-know why people are getting spammed with an error in threat-2.0\ModuleBase.lua: attempt to index field 'button' (a nil value)?
16:58.00Estiland it's a blef too
16:58.54Dashkalsadly I'd never get past level 30 or so... Not so skilled at that game
17:00.21sag_ich_nichtTE|kulaar: it does work
17:00.22sag_ich_nichtjust used it
17:00.35TE|kulaaryes you have to have A
17:00.43TE|kulaardidnt know
17:00.51cncfanaticssag_ich_nicht: omen update inc
17:01.44*** join/#wowace charon (
17:02.22mitchnullah, I'm almost there
17:02.32mitchnull(with acdboptions integration)
17:03.07CIA-1003merl * r67528 10mHud/mTemplate.lua: mHud: Fix: Changes to default templates now work as intended.
17:03.39CIA-1003piranther * r67529 10PiraPlex/changelog.txt: PiraPlex :- add a simple changelog
17:03.44cncfanaticsthis thread wins the universe
17:04.21Arrowmasterrofl look at then look at
17:06.10SarozElsia, WTB option to hide recount when not in raid
17:06.22Elsiaon list
17:06.24*** join/#wowace Merl_ (
17:06.42KriLL3does anyone know how you get back something after disabeling it in pitbull?
17:06.42Elsiagief infinite time ;)
17:07.32Dashkalhands Elsia a mobius strip
17:07.37DashkalSorry, all I got :(
17:07.46mykxArrowmaster that has to be a joke set he puts on before he logs out
17:07.46CIA-1003merl * r67530 10mHud_str8/ (7 files): mHud_str8: A simple minimalistic skin with straight edges runing outwards. Includes threat bar.
17:07.50*** join/#wowace baronn (
17:07.57Arrowmastermykx: look at the first link
17:08.32mykxmade last month lol
17:09.48*** join/#wowace Proph (
17:10.01*** join/#wowace Fisker- (
17:10.22Fisker-btw Antiarc
17:10.28Fisker-did you ever reply?
17:10.55Fisker-~seen Antiarc
17:11.03purlantiarc is currently on #wowi-lounge (20h 25m 46s) #wowace (20h 25m 46s) #curseforge (20h 25m 46s). Has said a total of 171 messages. Is idling for 11h 42m 17s, last said: 'Hehe'.
17:11.31charonKriLL3: disabling what? a module? a text? a bar?
17:11.35charona unit frame?
17:11.42TE|kulaarlol <- Pala with warglaive^^
17:12.01*** join/#wowace ShaneSveller (
17:13.13Fisker-anyone know why people are getting spammed with an error in threat-2.0\ModuleBase.lua: attempt to index field 'button' (a nil value)?
17:14.02*** join/#wowace PHL-Chuck (
17:14.06KriLL3charon: unit frame
17:14.35*** join/#wowace home|prophy (
17:15.29PHL-ChuckI got an idea for a neat farming mod, or has it been done?  When you loot a corpse, log a cash amount of the money + vendor trash amount + auctioneer amount, sorta like a how much am I really making
17:15.39PHL-Chuckmaybe even set a goal and let it countdown
17:16.32ShaneSvellerphl-chuck: i think nihao is intended to  do something much like that
17:16.43PHL-Chuckthe name sucks tho lol
17:16.50PHL-ChuckI'm not chinese :-)
17:16.58PHL-ChuckI'll check it out when servers go back up
17:17.14neotronTE|kulaar: seems.. wasteful
17:17.51charonKriLL3: they'll be under "Extra Units"
17:17.54dylanmThat guild had like a 50% drop rate on glaives.
17:18.13Zeksiegot none yet.
17:18.31dylanmZeksie: I respect that you use daggers.
17:18.46neotronthat's just bad
17:18.56neotronstupid random generator bullshit
17:19.00CIA-1003hegarol * r67531 10AtlasLoot_BCInstances/burningcrusade.en.lua:
17:19.00CIA-10- icon corrected
17:19.10*** join/#wowace NeoTron (
17:19.41dylanmSome of the Sunwell ones look really nice.
17:20.30Arrowmasteronly a 50% drop rate? pff weve got better
17:20.43dylanmIf no one else wants them I'll just get them on my priest and look AWESOME.
17:20.56GeloAnyone running oUF here?
17:21.25sylvanaar_workok so are ppl still having prat/cleafont2 problems?
17:21.30NeoTronit was really dumb to give it to a pally though
17:21.38NeoTronshould have gone to a priest, druid, warlock or mage
17:21.41NeoTronoh wait
17:21.47DashkalTotally druid
17:21.49NeoTronno other class can even weild it. nm :P
17:21.56NeoTronstupid ClasseS:
17:22.03dylanmBy the way are there stats for the Kil'jaeden caster dagger yet?
17:22.20*** join/#wowace michaelseiler (
17:22.23*** part/#wowace ShaneSveller (
17:22.37Arrowmasterdylanm: somebody at blizz leaked it really early
17:22.43dylanmTrying to find it.
17:22.53kergothPHL-Chuck: seen a couple addons for that, they record everything you loot and all during a time period, and can look up the value of it all in auctioneer and such
17:23.11kergoththe one i tried was horrid though, i refuse to use such a pile of badly coded crap.. li'm sure theres a beter one out there though
17:23.15CIA-1003rabbit * r67532 10Violation/ (Violation.lua Violation.toc): Violation: Enable koKR and zhCN again. Other locales still need updating.
17:23.15kergothchecks around a bit
17:23.19PHL-Chuckcool, I just got the idea cause I'm farming for a 2nd flyer and its kinda boring
17:24.06dylanmSunflare. That's what it is.
17:24.27PHL-Chucklol chris pirillo took his live stream down cause of a fight with this GF/wife (w/e they are)
17:24.36*** join/#wowace Viper0000 (
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17:24.54Slaymananyone knows how to change the icon of the different GuildBank Tabs ?
17:25.02*** join/#wowace Josh_Borke (n=jk275@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
17:25.34*** join/#wowace dJe781`Aw (
17:25.34chiperdont you drag something to the tab?
17:25.36NeoTronPHL-Chuck: if I knew who that person was maybe I would give a crap?
17:25.38[Ammo]Slayman: rightclick the tab
17:25.40ulicSlayman: I think you can just right-click or something
17:26.17Slaymanneed to check for that as soon as work's over 4 2day
17:26.18*** join/#wowace gnorlish (
17:26.28PHL-Chuckhes a tech geek with 29k subscribers on youtube as well he was some tech show on tv
17:26.34*** join/#wowace genetik- (
17:27.17chipermeh, tech shows on youtube are a dime a dozen
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17:28.25*** mode/#wowace [+v ZealotOnAStick] by
17:28.25Slaymanwhat was that ?
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17:29.16bumpishbusiest 2 minutes of join/leave ever?
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17:29.55Slaymannever seen one of those in my time
17:30.14*** join/#wowace MoonWolf (
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17:30.22Arrowmastertheyre fairly common to anybody thats been around irc for a long time
17:30.29kenlyricdunno, channel is in conference mode
17:31.08SlaymanI'm on and off the IRC always depending on if there's anything of interest in there
17:31.29Arrowmasterfuck 1.5gb free space on one of my drives now
17:32.32kenlyricevery link to 9800gtx benchmarking is to a shitty 3sli benchmark
17:32.33SlaymanArrowmaster: 2,9TB of space with approx. 1.5TB filled plenty of space, HDDs have been cheap the last Time, just as RAM
17:32.38kenlyricJUST SHOW ME ONE CARD
17:32.58Arrowmasterdiskcapacity[C:\ (16.78GB Free, 149.04GB Total), F:\ (20.83GB Free, 232.88GB Total), G:\ (7.41GB Free, 232.88GB Total), K:\ (18.46GB Free, 465.76GB Total), L:\ (1.50GB Free, 465.76GB Total), Total (64.98GB Free, 1.51TB Total)]
17:33.30hastekenlyric: I read one with 3, 2 and single earlier today
17:33.42hastekenlyric: 8800 Ultra basically beats the shit out of it tho'
17:33.42kenlyricoh, maybe I should go past the first page?
17:33.49Arrowmasterplus another TB of drives that started acting up that i disconnected and need to recover
17:33.51*** join/#wowace home|prophy (
17:33.54kenlyricisn't the 8800 ultra still $100 more?
17:34.05hastedon't think so
17:34.12CyrezOh noes!
17:34.18Cyrezdropkicks CIA
17:34.22Fisker-o hi haste
17:34.37SlaymanArrowmaster: so you basically just need to rearrange some stuff and get that additional 1Tb up and running again
17:34.53Fisker-i heard you prefer the company of men haste
17:35.03Slaymanheard that too
17:35.13ArrowmasterSlayman: if i had the extra harddrives to copy that data over to and the room to even mount those drives anymore yes
17:35.14Slaymanfrom Fisker-
17:35.33NeoTronso the reason they came out with 9800-cards is because I just bought a  8800 one
17:35.44CyrezAll the CIA bots on Freenode quit within seconds of each other....
17:35.49ChompersFisker- company of men, in the butt?
17:35.50*** join/#wowace Athou (n=ask@
17:35.57Fisker-most definitely Chompers
17:36.38Chompersi'm up for that Fisker-
17:36.41Chomperswhen do we start
17:38.00hasteit's as much as 14% better on some tests
17:38.16hasteFisker-: oh shi-
17:39.04*** join/#wowace CIA-9 (n=CIA@
17:39.11ArrowmasterSlayman: you wana know whats taking up all the room on that L drive of mine?
17:39.41kenlyricthe only link I can find to a review times out
17:39.55kenlyricstab stab stab
17:40.02Cyrezkicks CIA-9
17:40.13CyrezWhere have you been!?
17:40.13Xan3plz anyone can link me change log (similar to CIA) from google code?
17:40.28durcynuh, it's per project
17:40.34durcynyou want wowace logs, use fisheye
17:40.50Xan3what is fisheye?
17:41.01Xan3because svn are slow
17:42.31SlaymanArrowmaster: enlighten me please
17:43.09Xan3what is TekkubSvn ?
17:43.26Slaymanthat all?
17:43.43Arrowmasterthats only what i have on accessable drives
17:43.51kenlyricneat concept
17:43.56kenlyricwtb for other video files
17:44.19Slaymani have a 465GB filled to 435GB with my TV-Shows, incl. Anime and real Shows
17:44.43Arrowmasterive got over 500gb full of tv shows too i think
17:45.00*** join/#wowace Josh_Borke (n=jk275@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
17:45.04Fisker-can you kill hand of gorefiend without starting the encounter?
17:45.06Arrowmasteralthough i think i freed up a lot of space when i got some on dvd like the stargate box set
17:45.14ArrowmasterFisker-: yes
17:45.22CIA-903elsia * r67539 10Recount/ (Recount.lua Tracker.lua):
17:45.22CIA-9- Another pet owner tag related bug.
17:46.21SlaymanArrowmaster: now I like you :-D
17:46.30*** join/#wowace dylanm (
17:46.53Arrowmasterfucking farscape eps are on a drive i cant access right now
17:47.12SlaymanI'm not into Sci-Fi Space Series
17:47.28Slaymanneither Stargate nor FarScape caught my attention
17:47.31Arrowmasteri love scifi
17:47.50NeoTronstill can't decide whether 4 or 5 groups are best for Kalecgos.
17:47.52Slaymani bought FireFly as FireFly kicks some serious Butt!
17:48.20NeoTronI think in theory 4 should be better but it seems if timing is bad you can get to a point where 3 groups are inside and 1 is outside
17:48.23Slaymanand the only anime i watch right now is OnePiece
17:48.30CIA-903jerry * r67540 10Talented_Data/Talented_Data.toc: Talented_Data: update TOC to 2.4
17:48.40Arrowmasteri have firefly and 2 copies of the movie
17:48.47HjalteAny known trouble with latest threat-2.0 and Omen?
17:49.00Arrowmasteri dont know why the fuck they released the special edition later than the normal one
17:49.27kenlyricit'd be nice to be able to know what I have online though.
17:50.01Slaymani had the time, so I only have the special edition, what bugs me is youth protection laws in germany making it nearly impossible to get my hands on decent Kill Bill and Sin City Releases
17:50.09*** join/#wowace Tekkub (n=tekkub@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/Tekkub)
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17:50.25NeoTronbig question here is.. is this real or april fools?
17:50.33NeoTronscary thing is.. I can't really tell :P
17:50.43kenlyricNeoTron: april fools now
17:50.45*** join/#wowace MoonWolf_ (
17:50.47kenlyricreal in six months
17:50.50Arrowmasterthinkgeek always has an entire front page of april fools stuff
17:51.04AmadeoI'm still waiting for FuFme
17:51.33SlaymanI still like the april fools of WoW, that RockBand/ Guitar Hero Bard Hero-Class thingy made me smile
17:52.03kergothi like the personal soundtrack tshirt
17:52.03NeoTronkenlyric: sounds reasonble
17:52.28charonHjalte: nevcairie.l said something about a bug in current comms that s/he didn't want to fix until antiar.c was around to sign it off
17:53.09Hjaltecharon: what a shame, but i understand nevcairiel.
17:53.17Sent_Kaelten anywhere?
17:53.26nevcairielhe :P
17:53.37*** join/#wowace michaelseiler_ (
17:53.55Kaeltenkinda trying to finish up something so I can head into the office
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17:54.48GrumElsia: found a bug in the graph-code in Recount when the dps is slowly falling to 0 it drawns unlimited 'numbers' at the sides
17:55.04Matrix110|NeoTron I can give you cheat Excel Sheet for the fight!
17:55.07*** part/#wowace Sent_ (
17:55.20Matrix110|(not from me)
17:55.27ElsiaGrum: k, there is another thing for the graph code, but I think I'd want cryect to look at that because it's libgraph and not recount
17:55.36NeoTronyoutube tazer - april fools today, product tomorrow
17:55.50Grummaybe use LibGraph-2.0 and poke Xin? ;D
17:56.02NeoTronMatrix110|: holy heck
17:57.04Matrix110|we use pretty much that tac finding that sheet BEFORE we made ours up wouldve been nice:P
17:57.48Matrix110|but you still need to get some other elements of the fight to beat it
17:58.06NeoTronHaha. I love the betamax to hd-dvd converted on thinkgeek
17:58.23NeoTronMatrix110|: we've gotten demon to 8% or so adn dragon to around 10%
17:58.26NeoTronwe're close
17:58.39Matrix110|thats already nice
17:58.39NeoTroncurrently using a 5 group rotation but I am thinking 4 might be better
17:58.45Matrix110|5 groups?
17:58.49NeoTronI have a custom addon that makes groups smartly
17:58.53Matrix110|the 5th group is totally fucked up in the start:P
17:59.03Matrix110|it has like 14? stacks
17:59.05NeoTrondoesn't seem to be an issue
17:59.19*** join/#wowace [4K^wallen] (
17:59.19Matrix110|how many healers are you using?
17:59.56phyberponders the situation with non matching versions of Threat/Omen in the raid
18:00.02Matrix110|get 8 :P
18:00.07phyberentering combat completely fucks the game up.
18:00.09Matrix110|more dehpehehs
18:00.56*** join/#wowace ben____ (
18:01.25NeoTronwe'd bring 10 if we had them
18:01.28purlextra, extra, read all about it, wau is WowAceUpdater, found at - Easy mass update to all the addons you have installed from the Wowace repository, where many Ace addons reside.
18:01.33NeoTronmain issue is still tanks dying
18:01.53Matrix110|hmm we had that aswell
18:02.06Matrix110|but that was mainly because healers fucked up portaling
18:02.22GrumElsia: the problem is that with this bug you also get 0 fps O.o .. or near that .. it rapes your cpu, and it happens every time you go ooc :) (or when the dmg stays too low too long)
18:02.24*** join/#wowace sylvanaar_work (n=sylvanaa@
18:02.34Zeksiephyber: Trying to get our lot to upgrade too.. is an uphill battle
18:02.42*** join/#wowace zapl_ (
18:02.45Matrix110|Grum are you using clearfont?
18:02.48ElsiaGrum: yep that's why cryect should look at it. he knows that code much better than me
18:02.49NeoTronin our case the tanks just seem to be low and then die
18:02.52NeoTronnot sure why
18:03.05Elsiathere is a related bug when DPS drops drastically after a boss kill
18:03.07GrumMatrix110|: seems completely irrelevant but yes
18:03.25Grumwhen dps = 0.0 the bug occurs when the last spikes run out of the left of the graph
18:03.27*** join/#wowace dylanm (
18:03.28Matrix110|disabling CF gives back 2fps!
18:03.41Matrix110|CF bugs out with stack overflow when the realtime meter goes to 0 :D
18:04.12Matrix110|but i never really got the realtime adjusting anyway
18:04.22Matrix110|just make it own dps 1-5000
18:04.31Matrix110|raid dps 1-50000
18:05.05NeoTronMatrix110|: hmm using 8 healers only?
18:05.12NeoTronI wonder..
18:05.13Matrix110|yes NeoTron
18:05.22Matrix110|there is no use in using 9:P
18:05.25GrumElsia: FPS Meter is broken after you do an alt-z (hide UI)
18:05.27NeoTrondid you do it that way?
18:05.32Matrix110|then there are still 3 groups where only 2 healers are there
18:05.33NeoTronmroe dps would help for sure
18:05.41phyberZeksie: got people in the raid saying to go back to the old version.  like the new version didn't come out for a good reason :|
18:05.43ElsiaGrum: checking
18:05.58Grum <-- the error if you close the window
18:06.02NeoTrondid someone actually kill him with 8 healers? :P
18:06.04Grumafter it bugs
18:06.14NeoTronthe 9th healer can be in g4 and stay out for the longest "outside" period
18:06.28Grumi dont see why not
18:06.29Elsiahmm intriguing
18:07.17Zeksielike they know ANYTHING about mods.... my lot don't anyway.
18:07.23Zeksiei say upgrade, they upgrade :)
18:08.15ZeksieElsia! helpz
18:08.19ZeksieBugSack: [2008/04/01 19:07:52-15354-x1]: Recount-$Revision: 67525 $\Recount_Modes.lua:469: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)19:07:53 Recount-$Revision: 67525 $\GUI_Main.lua:71: in function <Interface\AddOns\Recount\GUI_Main.lua:71>19:07:53 ---
18:08.32Elsiazek checking
18:08.51Zeksieyeah yeah. she's here and it's 1 line and it's quicker than loading browser
18:09.17AmadeoSo what's the deal with the Tournament realm? Is it going to stay up forever, or do they plan on bringing it down after everything is done with?
18:09.42kergothZeksie: you close your browser?
18:09.50ElsiaZeksie: any clue how to reliably reproduce that bug?
18:09.54kergothi cant remember the last time i didnt have at least 2 browser windows open 24/7
18:10.09Zeksiegot it twice. some old data in there atm. and a new error come now
18:10.12*** join/#wowace dabujo_ (
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18:10.16Matrix110|NeoTron are you assigning groups when they go inside because then thats why you wipe:P
18:10.29ZeksieRecount-$Revision: 67525 $\Recount.lua:1135: attempt to index field 'Name' (a nil value)19:09:55 Recount-$Revision: 67525 $\Tracker.lua:1253: in function `AddHealData'
18:10.37Elsiathat one is fixed
18:10.38Zeksiejust did.
18:10.46Zeksiegot the one that said pet heal thing
18:10.54Zeksiewill reload to make sure
18:10.54*** join/#wowace tahoo (n=tahoo@
18:10.59Fisker-WHY MUST PEOPLE SUCK?!
18:11.06Fisker-also please save my settings Zeksie :(
18:11.09Zeksieobviously i suck and didn't reload
18:11.12*** join/#wowace okik (
18:11.17whatsinthenamedoes anybody here use AddonStudio?
18:11.26Xan3where is complete documentation of api of libstub?
18:11.31Elsiastill the 469 but I need a way to reproduce, but it may be old damaged data from a previous bug
18:11.33*** join/#wowace Gwenstefani (
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18:11.45Elsiaso delete data and see if problem persists basically
18:11.46Zeksiecould well be, this data is from last nite
18:11.56Elsiaif yes I need hints how to reproduce because it never ever shows for me
18:12.05Zeksiei hate those type of bugs.
18:12.06*** join/#wowace Gwenstefani (
18:12.38Zeksielike what Fisker- is hinting at... if stuff didn't save, i'd fix it.. so I'm going to ignore him for now until there's some evidence
18:12.53CIA-903nevcairiel * r67541 10Threat-2.0/Threat-2.0/ThreatBoot.lua: Threat-2.0: fix a potential upgrade path problem
18:13.38CIA-903camulos * r67542 10AutoFIR/AutoFIR.toc:
18:13.38CIA-9- bump toc to 20400
18:15.14Zeksiealso.. should Recount be using 10megs without any data..
18:15.34Hjaltenevcairiel: my raid starts now, is it worth getting everyone to update Threat for this fix?
18:15.39Elsiano, reset. again there were bugs related to data accumulation
18:15.50Elsiaand garbage collect to see if the 10 meg are actual
18:15.57nevcairielHjalte: no, not important
18:16.41Zeksiereset a bunch of times, GC'd and still 10meg
18:16.57*** join/#wowace Chibi (
18:17.10Elsiadelete your WTF/*/Recount.lua and let me know if the problem persists. I set at below 1meg idle
18:17.10Grumhas anyone ever looked into GridManabars' code?
18:17.12Fisker-Anyone have a BigWigsGorefiendConstructFucktard?
18:17.21Elsiathat's a typical healthy number without data
18:17.32NeoTronMatrix110|: I like that spreadsheet. I'm going to make my addon handle that setup
18:17.36CIA-903rabbit * r67543 10Violation/ (Violation.lua Violation.toc embeds.xml libs/): Violation: Removed Tablet-2.0 + some code cleanup.
18:17.39Grumits memory use spikes between 1kib and 1.2mib/s orso O.o
18:17.41kenlyricGrum: I have
18:17.52kenlyricyeah, it's pretty horrid
18:18.07Grumcan it be done better?
18:18.20Matrix110|NeoTron but dont assign groups! always join as the portal comes, so if group 4 person gets portal group 4 goes in and not group 1!
18:18.22kenlyricI'm a noob, so I dunno. But it seems like it
18:18.33kenlyricthe gridstatushealth bars don't take that much memory
18:18.44*** join/#wowace Sliker_Hawk (n=SlikerHa@
18:18.48AmadeoI'm here to agree that kenlyric is a noob
18:18.52*** join/#wowace Proph (
18:19.26kenlyricI was going to steal my code from GMB but screamed in terror and stole it from GSH instead
18:19.32Zeksieehhh. deleted recount.lua from SVs, reloadui and still 10meg..
18:19.51Julithkenlyric: I wrote GSHealth and stole the code from GMB :)
18:19.55Elsiadid you delete SVPC?
18:19.55Zeksieoh. wait... reloadui would re-write it..
18:20.01Zeksienothing in pc
18:20.06Grumcould anyone fix GMB? :P
18:20.09Julithbut yes, its horrible code
18:20.20kenlyricJulith: I doubt it, health came before mana bars
18:20.28Elsiathe thing to delete is SVPC, that's the big one
18:20.38kenlyricunless you wrote a different health
18:20.46Elsiai.e. WFT/accout/Realm/Zeksie/SavedVariables/Recount.lua
18:20.58Elsiaand yes do it while not inside wow or it'll resave
18:21.03Zeksieit's 2,951 bytes... but deleting..
18:21.18Elsiarecount idle memory should be 1meg rouchly
18:21.26Zeksiedid it while at char select. so should be fine now.
18:21.40Elsiai have some solo combat currently and it's below 1.13 megs
18:21.54Fisker-No BigWigsGorefiendConstructFucktard mod?
18:22.00JulithWell, the addon GridStatusIncomingHealth came after GridManaBars
18:22.16Julithah, sorry
18:22.23GrumJulith: if you made ghs, go fix gmb pl0x
18:22.24Julithyou are right, missed the "status" :)
18:22.32Julith<- said nothing
18:22.47doc^blupare profies bugged atm?
18:22.51Zeksieok. deleted the 6meg one.. quick look had lots of old data
18:23.44*** join/#wowace Phylop (
18:23.54NeoTronMatrix110|: I might even have two warlocks go affliction and provide imps for the tanks
18:23.55kenlyricJulith: yeah, mine just rips off pasta's code
18:24.49*** join/#wowace ND (
18:26.07HjalteElsia: :)
18:26.39Juliththe problem of manabars is that it has to hack its bars inside the grid frames
18:26.40ElsiaHjalte: update
18:27.00HjalteElsia: You're too fast!
18:27.23*** part/#wowace Gwenstefani (
18:27.25Xan3i want to upgrade simpleunitframe from ace2 to ace3, anyone want help me?
18:28.40Arrowmasterthere are no upgrades, only rewrites
18:29.56[eu]gunderyeah 2.5 combat log modifications:
18:30.01Zhinjiogoddamnit, disconnected.
18:30.11Zhinjioguess that serves me right for thinking the server was stable.
18:32.45kenlyricwow, didn't somebody call that for this morning?
18:32.47Hobby-home[eu]gunder: you got it right?
18:33.01[eu]gunderyes of course ^^
18:33.06Hobby-homek :)
18:33.15kenlyricI suspect you had insider info!
18:33.29HjalteElsia: Using r67457 I got one of those double owner detected, did you fix that as well?
18:33.30MortehlHey - Am I smoking something or is Feign Death not showing up in the Combat log at all?
18:33.50Nandiniwoohoo my realm is online
18:34.05ElsiaHjalte: Get r67539.
18:34.14CIA-903nevcairiel * r67544 10Threat-2.0/Threat-2.0/ThreatBoot.lua: Threat-2.0: cleanup some global garbage
18:35.40Nandinierrr... maybe not, i'm stuck at the loading screen, but i hear the sound effect for friends/guildmates logging on. LOL
18:36.09*** join/#wowace Proph (
18:36.10Nandinialso, i have no music
18:36.17kenlyricthe servers aren't really working yet
18:36.22Zhinjiostuck at "Retrieving character list" on 2/3 realms
18:36.37Nandinii must have just logged in while it was doing an online update and the world server isn't running yet
18:36.58*** join/#wowace Erzy (
18:37.20Nandinihopefully my character doesn't get stuck in limbo now
18:38.16ZhinjioI was working with my UI too. *sigh*
18:38.36*** join/#wowace ZealotOnAStick (
18:38.39*** mode/#wowace [+v ZealotOnAStick] by ChanServ
18:38.50whatsinthename"a character with that name already exists"
18:39.16Fisker-i has problem Zeksie
18:39.32Fisker-for some reason all my buffs get changed to nothing
18:39.54*** join/#wowace Saiek (
18:40.23Nandinihopefully they are in the process of renumbering all our character IDs to include 5 bits of race/class/sex info
18:40.37Elsiadoes alt-z actually close the windows as opposed to hiding them?
18:40.47Fisker-would be sweet Nandini
18:40.47_raneit hides your interface?
18:40.48Nandinialt-z hides UIParent
18:40.54*** join/#wowace Ellipsis (n=ellipsis@
18:40.57Primerwow forums add a "lol" to my post
18:41.04PrimerI never, EVER, write "lol"
18:41.14Primerexcept to denote how much I hate the term "lol"
18:41.30Nandini~lol Primer
18:41.35ZhinjioPrimer: agreed.
18:41.38Nandinipurl can't lol? :(
18:41.45Zhinjio~lol ??
18:41.46purlfrom memory, lol is stands for Laughing Out Loud. It is grammatically incorrect to use LOL in the first person; use 'heh' or 'haha' instead. If you want to use LOL, do '/me lol' instead.
18:41.51purlERROR: stack overflow.
18:42.26ZhinjioI love that purl provides "correct" grammatical usage though.
18:42.28_raneany addon for seeing how long and which spell schools are locked?
18:42.32_ranewhen someone interrupts you
18:42.36sylvanaar_workthe wow forums are adding kekeke too
18:42.45sylvanaar_workand rofl
18:43.10xyuhopefully uNF makes it in there for old schoolers
18:43.11Nandinithey're adding lots of stuff, also "lolcats" and "!!!1!one!!"
18:43.32ZeksieFisker-: would need some clues when and why that happens.. not seen that myself, so it's tricky to track down. it could be for legitimate reasons if PP user clears sheet or something.l ?
18:43.39Primerdamn forum's not letting me login
18:44.20Primeroh, it's Tuesday
18:44.20Fisker-that was my theory Zeksie
18:44.31Nandinihmm... when the world server is down, it should still remove the loading screen and let you chat, since i appear to be connected to the chat service
18:45.00Fisker-but it seems to just happen
18:45.04Fisker-i get to the boss
18:45.08Fisker-rebuff, and the warriors get salv
18:45.12PrimerServer is busy, please try again
18:45.20Fisker-then all my icons just blank out and my buffs have to be reset
18:45.38Primerwonder if they're using windows to serve up their web site
18:45.42sag_ich_nichtkazzrogal is a dick
18:45.49sag_ich_nichti had to fight him with SoW active half the time
18:45.58PrimerAnyone here on Gorgonnash? Just curious
18:46.01xyuspirit of the wolf?
18:46.08Amadeosow plz
18:46.10Fisker-aww sag_ich_nicht
18:46.15Fisker-seal of wisdom
18:47.10ZhinjioThe only 1/4 servers I can actually get into is Argent Dawn.
18:47.21sag_ich_nichtlast in damage because of it
18:47.30Fisker-i hate this fight sooooo much
18:47.40Fisker-some retard who doesn't know how to shot spirit lance and spirit chains
18:47.48Fisker-and he keeps being the first one to get them
18:47.56xyuyou didn't pray to your deity
18:48.00HjalteFisker-: Make them all play the emulator :)
18:48.10Silviu-nevcariel , version check in Omen depends on combatlog ? i mean i must be near my grp ? or why all are showing with Unknown ;p
18:48.22xyuI think that's a bug
18:48.33BelazorSilviu-, they're running old versions
18:48.33xyulast i heard he was working on that.
18:48.39Belazorit was fixed a few commits ago
18:48.55AntiarcSilviu-: /dump LibStub("Threat-2.0").partyMemberRevisions
18:48.57Silviu-Well they have 3 commits before me
18:48.58AntiarcSee if you get anything interesting
18:49.04BelazorIm trying to force my raid to update Omen
18:49.23Silviu-Antiarc i only see me
18:49.30xyupatch required?  oh noes, maybe kael'thas has been hot fixed
18:49.36xyuhe was "free loot" mode earlier.
18:49.43Slaymanbye folks, leaving work for 2day
18:49.51Primerxyu: when?
18:49.51xyuno phoenix, no eggs, no flamestrike
18:49.55xyulike 3 days ago
18:50.02Primerheh, last night I wiped on him like 7 times
18:50.04[eu]gunderit was hotfixed
18:50.07xyudoh :(
18:50.12xyuRoS fixed then?
18:50.17Primerand on the 8th attempt the rogue left party just as we pulled
18:50.19[eu]gunderyes that too
18:50.19sicaxyu: was hotfixed on thursday or friday iirc
18:50.19xyudeaden or runeshield not poppping up
18:50.23Fisker-hugs Antiarc
18:50.32Fisker-anyone know why people are getting spammed with an error in threat-2.0\ModuleBase.lua: attempt to index field 'button' (a nil value)? <-
18:50.59Silviu-Antiarc , after a reloadui is back to normal :)
18:51.13AntiarcI don't know Fisker-, but I'll check into it.
18:51.18xyuFilter Settings are now properly saved.  
18:52.13Matrix110|[Ammo] I know you are in Hyjal but this is more important there is a major inconvinience in BetterInbox! If you open alle mails it doesnt stop @ Inventory is full and you cant send mails as its constantly trying to open the mail still in the inbox!
18:52.26kergothhe knows
18:52.28CIA-903mitchell * r67545 10CooldownToGo/CooldownToGo.lua: CooldownToGo: added profiles to config gui, register with blizzarrds addon config
18:52.37kergothi reported it, he thought he fixed it, i reported it again..
18:53.45CIA-903mitchell * r67546 10RangeDisplay/ (RangeDisplay.lua embeds.xml): RangeDisplay: added profiles to config gui, register with blizzard's addon config
18:53.57HjalteOne of the warriors in the raid keep overaggroing on Illidan p1, he's never higher than ~95% on Omen and then he's killed. Anyone know what happens?
18:54.41MortehlHello Antiarc, I was hoping you'd be online before I had to go.  I don't know if you recall the troubles I was telling you about last night  regarding Bloodboil?
18:55.01AntiarcYeah, I have it on the list :)
18:55.10*** join/#wowace ncd|Aileen (n=Dave@
18:55.20MortehlOh, excellent. Do you think you'll have time on it before Sunday? That's when we expect to be back in BT
18:55.54HjalteHe didn't have salvation :P
18:56.06nevcairielsunday is along time, i bet he'll manage
18:56.20MortehlYa. Thank you nev for looking around earlier.
18:56.29*** join/#wowace Kaaosa (i=905a3161@gateway/web/ajax/
18:56.43nevcairieli'm better in finding low-level bugs though
18:57.01MortehlI still appreciateed
18:57.05Mortehlappreciated it.
18:57.34MortehlHe's our current obstacle and threat issues on a threat sensitive fight makes me want to gouge my eyes out.
18:57.58Belazormy raid is down to 5 people with incompatible versions :D nag people enough times and they update just to shut me the hell up XD
18:58.28nevcairieli just tell them to update or sit out
18:58.34nevcairielraid lead ftw
18:58.46nevcairielspecially on brutallus <.<
18:58.57BelazorIm not raidleader tho, I had to bug her into updating too
18:59.12AntiarcBelazor: /omen versioncheck whisper
18:59.14Belazorand we only JUST managed to scrape together 25 people to go Gruul
18:59.21Belazorthat didnt seem to work dude
18:59.31BelazorI hit the config button and it did nothing that I could see
18:59.34AntiarcI just kept doing it till people got annoyed enough to update! :P
18:59.34Nandiniyou need to be promoted for it to work i think
18:59.36nevcairielonly works with assis
18:59.37BelazorI got no replies either
18:59.40AntiarcYeah, you have to be leader/assist
18:59.58Belazorenable some form of override to that so the addon gurus can piss people off
19:00.04Nandiniunless you comment out that check :)
19:00.11AntiarcThe addon gurus can edit the source :P
19:00.22Belazorwell ye but you update it every 5 seconds XD
19:00.40AntiarcThat's not fair, my average is well over 11.6 seconds
19:00.44Belazorfine XD
19:00.45Primerall this "lol"ing in the forums is quite annoying
19:01.02Belazoryou're doing a great job, it's really appreciated :)
19:01.12ApocoAntiarc: Your average is like 12.2
19:01.16Apocothats not WELL OVER
19:01.31*** join/#wowace dylanm (
19:01.47AntiarcHonestly? I want that Bard class :(
19:01.54Apocofor real
19:02.07AntiarcThe game would be amazing with it. And just think of the extra revenue from selling WoW-branded USB guitar controllers.
19:02.07kenlyricPrimer: that's what you get for reading wow forums
19:02.12Kaaosanoplz :[
19:02.20ChompersAntiarc: when i do a version query on Omen/Threat, some people come up as 'unknown' even though they've updated
19:02.21Diaoyeah the bard class would kick ass
19:02.22ckknightAntiarc: I completely agree
19:02.24Diaoguitar hero in wow
19:02.26Chompersi have no idea why :S
19:02.33ckknightAntiarc: though I prefer drums and microphone
19:02.34AntiarcChompers: So I hear, I have no idea why, and I'm checking into it ;)
19:02.35Diaoexcept they'd probably have to license it
19:02.42Chompersthanks dude :)
19:02.43Antiarcckknight: I'm all about the guitar
19:02.55Chompersit happens with lots of addons, not just yours though
19:02.57AntiarcDiao: They make like 150 million/month
19:02.58KaaosaAntiarc, sometimes when I use Omen I still wipe on bosses. Is that a known bug? :[
19:03.03AntiarcI'm pretty sure they could license that crap
19:03.12*** join/#wowace Iboong-Kenzo (n=user@
19:03.20Diaoiirc gibson is suing activision
19:03.21Nandinii think it's funny that the login alert says that all realms "should be playable" by noon. it doesn't mention if they will be stable or not. heheh
19:03.26AntiarcKaaosa: try /omen invert rectum cranium
19:03.30Diaofor guitar hero license thing
19:03.32ZeksieFisker-: i'll try and add some more logging in to catch all the sources of changes. that was basically the reason behind the log in first place.
19:03.38ckknightAntiarc: *shrug* I like to do drums + mic and let other people handle the guitars
19:03.44KaaosaNandini, there are some realms that haven't been stable for months
19:03.56Nandinickknight: did you ever finish writing your emo kid song?
19:04.02Diaorock band for wow
19:04.16CIA-903brimm * r67547 10MyThreat/:
19:04.16CIA-9-Updated externals.
19:04.17ckknightNandini: not really, the lyrics just kinda faded
19:04.27ckknightwouldn't an MMO rock band be awesome?
19:04.32ckknightchoose your instrument
19:04.40kenlyricROCK BAND IS NOT AWESOME
19:04.42ckknightpossibly find a party and kill some mobs
19:04.58ckknightone instance could be a song
19:04.59SaiekMan, that's rockin
19:05.05ckknightrequires the 4 instruments
19:05.12ckknightwouldn't it be awesome?
19:05.19Chompersa total lack of mic users
19:05.23Trell_every single one of our raid members
19:05.25pastamancerDethklok the MMO?
19:05.26ckknightChompers: I'd be on mic ;-)
19:05.27Trell_that is using recount
19:05.34Trell_got a massive lua error then a lock up
19:05.37Chompers"lfg *song* have drums guitar"
19:05.40Trell_only ctrl+alt+delete worked
19:05.49Trell_@ leotheras
19:06.01kenlyricdisable recount
19:06.04kenlyricproblem fixed
19:06.06phyberLF24M L70ETC
19:06.20BelazorViolation ftw
19:06.20ckknightChompers: I'd also want the option to do both mic and another instrument
19:06.23Nandinilol @ concert raid
19:06.34Chomperssolo an instance
19:06.52Chompersquite literally :o
19:06.54Diaoi'd play it
19:07.00ckknightwatch the mobs fall over as I sing "Radiohead - Creep"
19:07.14Diaobonus xp/etc
19:07.17Diaofor comboing?
19:07.21Diaoor better loots
19:07.25ApocoI still can't get past character load screen
19:07.32Diaothat would be so cool
19:07.36ckknightDiao: more likely the ability to actually kill mobs without dying
19:07.44ckknightif you're not good, you will die
19:07.46*** part/#wowace Xan3 (
19:07.49Nandiniyes my world server is still down, blizz has failed to meet their goal a second time today
19:08.05*** join/#wowace TE|kulaar (
19:08.09Diaopvp with music
19:08.12Diaohow would that work :O
19:08.14ckknightand then you could rez your party members just like Rock Band
19:08.23phyberDiao: like the guitar battles in GH3 ;)
19:08.25ckknightDiao: whoever plays better and has better items
19:08.56Nandini"wtb Khorium A-string, my mats, pst"
19:09.08ckknightNandini: would that not be awesome?
19:09.47Nandini"now crafting: Jaggal Pearl Inlay, wsp !fret for details"
19:09.55Fisker-can you use castsequence on ghost thingy in teron?
19:10.15phyberFisker-: just bind the stuff to your F keys.
19:10.18GngskFisker-, yes but it is far from optimal
19:10.29ckknightWTB 2x[Drumstick of the Goblin] PST
19:10.49NandiniDrumstick is a chicken part :P now you made me hungry for KFC dammit!
19:10.49*** part/#wowace baronn (
19:11.06kenlyrichungry for KFC?
19:11.14kenlyricI thought you wanted chicken?
19:11.29Diaohey now it's still genetically chicken
19:11.33ckknightyou know for drums you could just start using em like clubs and bashing the mobs' heads in
19:11.36*** join/#wowace MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
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19:11.46*** part/#wowace lkhlk (
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19:12.22CIA-903luggy * r67548 10lugMD/ (. lugMD.lua lugMD.toc):
19:12.22CIA-9- updated TOC to 2.4 compatiblity
19:12.32Fisker-people just suck phyber
19:12.43NandiniI still don't understand why Bliz doesn't add 2 hours to their estimated maintenance times
19:12.44Nimble_Rabitapril fools joke?
19:12.50Nimble_Rabitor is blizz really that dumb?
19:13.07ckknighttry it out, Nimble_Rabit ;-)
19:13.13Silviu-Nimble_Rabit old news :)
19:13.17Nimble_RabitI can't start up WoW right now
19:13.49phyberFisker-: :(
19:13.50KuraxDownloads: 9,255,608 lol
19:13.50Silviu-Look at comments ;)
19:14.03Zeksieelsia. still getting that 'fixed bug :)
19:15.45Zeksieoh. they gone
19:16.27*** join/#wowace Xan3 (
19:17.52KuraxDownloads: 9,255,608 this is so fake
19:18.30Silviu-Well, u sure ? ;)
19:18.41Silviu-At least the milions is fake
19:18.45Silviu-But rest not really ;p
19:19.02*** join/#wowace testfatalis (
19:19.19Silviu-Still growing
19:19.21Hobby-homelooking at the highroller code
19:19.27Hobby-homei have to try it now
19:19.44Nimble_Rabithah Tauren Marine
19:19.48Nimble_RabitI love blizzard's april fools stuff
19:20.09ncd|Aileentauren marine is kinda funny
19:20.14ncd|Aileenbut the wow forums, wtf..
19:20.28Primerreally missing the bongos mouse wheel zoom of the minimap...
19:20.49ZealotOnAStickPrimer: use Squeenix, or Chinchilla, or a number of other minimap mods?
19:21.01PrimerZealotOnAStick: that was my next question
19:21.14*** join/#wowace Sliker_Hawk (n=nnscript@
19:22.41Silviu-Chinchilla is quite nice :)
19:22.48Primerwine really hates the downloader
19:22.55Primertons of warnings scrolling by
19:23.15ckknightSilviu-: glad you like it
19:23.34Primerheh, I opted for Squeenix
19:23.40Primerjust because you wrote it first
19:24.15AmadeoThe good thing is you can give Chinchilla a bath just by putting it in sand
19:24.27ckknighttotally, Amadeo
19:24.31ckknightgives Primer a wet willie
19:24.38Amadeoputs Primer in sand
19:24.55ckknightAmadeo: I actually might get a Chinchilla once I move
19:24.57TE|kulaari like parrot more than chinchilla ... until the patch
19:25.08ckknightTE|kulaar: yea, my bad, I'll get to it in due time
19:25.16Amadeockknight: I was thinking about it once, but I don't know how easy they'd be to take care of since they're nocturnal
19:25.23Diaoi'm using msbt temporarily while i wait for a parrot update
19:25.35KuraxWhich default frames moving addon is usable in 2.4?
19:25.43TE|kulaari dont use any "sct like" addon atm
19:25.45Diaosince parrot has all my custom settings and i don't want to spend 3-5 hours setting up msbt :(
19:25.52ckknightDiao: soz
19:26.01ApocoAntiarc> your sites lagging like hell
19:26.03mikmamy settings for msbt are extremely hard
19:26.08*** join/#wowace kebinusan (
19:26.11mikmai change the font to other. done.
19:26.12Diaoeh nothing to apologize for, just my personal preference :P
19:26.20Amadeomikma: I leave it default :P
19:26.23DiaoKurax: i still use vizor2
19:27.16KuraxI was using MoveIt, but it's seems broken in 2.4
19:27.18Primerrealmstatus says my realm is up...but it's not :(
19:27.27Primershakes uncontrollably
19:27.29kenlyricservers ready by 2pm pdt
19:27.35mikmaAmadeo: thats imba!
19:27.36Silviu-ckknight have 2 questions for u, so i can see other ppl`s talents in tooltip they have to have Dogtag installed ? and second question is: does dogtag block somehow other addons to query the ppl that have dogtag installed to see theyr tallents ? I tryed TipTac and i can`t see talents on other ppl only verry few ( only TipTac enabled ) ( hope it makes sense what i said here ) ;p
19:27.54ckknightSilviu-: no, they have to be non-aggressive and within 30 yards
19:28.04ckknightDogTag uses LibTalentQuery-1.0
19:28.13Amadeomikma: I can teach you how to do it also
19:28.17*** join/#wowace SatanCow (
19:28.38SatanCowHello everyone
19:28.40Silviu-could be than that the author of TipTac did not update his code for talents for 2.4 then
19:29.22AmadeoI didn't even use that part of the addon
19:29.46Silviu-I tryed it, but is not actually working :)
19:29.54SatanCowI have a question about Omen Threat, it's probably a settings problem on my end, but I don't get the red flashing warning while killing something, and I'm holding the agro, but when it dies till I start attacking something else it flashes red, any ideas how to fix that?
19:30.26KuraxEvery time I open PitBull's config, I always found new options =p
19:30.30Silviu-ckknight can u be so kind and look over this and tell me if i can "fix" it or i should start flame the author ;p
19:30.45*** join/#wowace Yack (n=Yack@
19:30.49PrimerI love pitbull
19:30.58CIA-903totalpackage * r67549 10Cellular/ (Cellular.toc core.lua):
19:30.58CIA-9- edit box no longer shows automatically on tab switching
19:30.58CIA-9- holding ctrl key while closing a tab/window will delete that whisperer's history
19:31.09YackIs there anything Blizz can't screw up?
19:31.20SatanCowis pitbull a threat program too? I remember seeing it before
19:31.25PrimerI only wish it could detect when I enter a 10/15/25/40 man instance/bg, and have separate configs for each
19:31.28AmadeoYack: Making billions on an MMOG
19:31.41ckknightSilviu-: it only works with WoW 2.3.3, it seems
19:31.52Silviu-ckknight thx :)
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19:32.12EvilJohn-"<Yack> Is there anything Blizz can't screw up?"
19:32.18EvilJohn-I notice my billing seems to be nice and regular.
19:32.19Hobby-homeSatanCow: Pitbull = unit frames
19:32.46YackYeah, them seem to be good at collecting bills....Imagine if you bill had 2 days of latency every month
19:32.51ckknightSatanCow: PitBull includes a threat bar
19:32.55Hell-Razorgod damn servers pushed back 2 more hours
19:32.55CIA-903ackis * r67550 10AckisRecipeList/RecipeDB/ (ARL-Cook.lua ARL-Enchant.lua ARL-Vendor.lua):
19:32.55CIA-9- All enchanting vendors added
19:32.55CIA-9- Added a few cooking vendors
19:33.03SatanCowdoes anyone know why omen threat does that? or know a threat meter that is compatible with omen that dosen't have flashing warnings?
19:33.15JaxonSatanCow: you could turn the warnings off.
19:33.25kebinusancause latency is always the peers fault
19:33.28YackOmen has a setting to turn threat warnings off
19:33.37SatanCowI did that, and it still flashes when ever i'm not killing something
19:34.03SatanCowIf I hold or loose agro while attacking the flashing dosen't go start, only after it's dead
19:34.08YackMight have another mod doing the same thing.  Disable omen and see if it goes away
19:34.09CIA-903totalpackage * r67551 10CloseUp/ (CloseUp.toc core.lua):
19:34.09CIA-9- fixed paperdoll alt-clicking related problems
19:34.09CIA-9- cleanup
19:34.12SatanCowupdated to the last 3 new versions
19:35.25SatanCowthe easyest thing would probably be to find a threat meter that is compatible with omen and dosen't have flashing warnings, it's really distracting
19:35.55Primer<Yack> Omen has a setting to turn threat warnings off
19:36.02Belazorjust shut it off from the interface options then
19:36.29BelazorInterface -> Display -> uncheck Screen Edge Flash
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19:36.40AntiarcIf unchecking them doesn't work then it's a bug and will be fixed.
19:36.53SatanCowok the warnings I turned off, but never tried the screen edge flash before
19:36.58SatanCowthat is probably the problem
19:37.15Hobby-homeeasiest way to dump a string function's output into the chat?
19:37.41MentalPowerChatFrame1:AddMessage("some message here")
19:37.43SatanCoweach version I turned all the warnings, i'll turn that off too, thanks
19:39.06ckknightHobby-home: from the command line or an addon?
19:39.54Hobby-homechat command line
19:40.08ckknightHobby-home: /print MyFunc()
19:40.12Hobby-homedidn't know if there was a shorter version like /dump that spit the output
19:40.14Fisker-i was invited to gruul
19:40.16Fisker-and i was liek
19:40.17Hobby-homeahh ty
19:40.21Fisker-suuure let me just ditch this bt raid
19:40.26Ordogare the tinytipoptions considdered to work in the lates revision now?
19:40.30Fisker-but then he had all the peopole he needed :(
19:40.35cdaveb_I'm attempting to make a custom ace updater and I'm wondering if anyone can tell me if there's an automatable way to get a list of top level libraries used by an addon
19:40.36ckknightHobby-home: you gotta have like Ace2 or Rock for that to work, though
19:40.52cdaveb_or an automatable way to get a list of sublibraries provided by every library I suppose :)
19:40.55kenlyricuse both ace2 and rock to make it twice as fast
19:40.57Hobby-homeof course :)
19:41.06Aeyankenlyric, quite.
19:41.11Fisker-kinda bad that highroller doesn't use dongle
19:41.11Arrowmastercdaveb_: from the xml
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19:41.31Ordogckknight how often do you guys check "svn acc request" mail ? :)
19:41.32cdaveb_I'm finding a list of libraries in there, the X-Embeds, but it's listing sub libraries
19:41.53cdaveb_is there another place I should be getting it?
19:42.05Arrowmasterbut that data is from the tocs
19:42.19cdaveb_latest.xml only has the top level libraries tho
19:42.33cdaveb_like in Recount it doesn't refer directly to Ace3
19:42.38cdaveb_but to sublibraries in Ace3
19:42.55cdaveb_except under OptionalDeps not sure if I can trust the OptionalDeps to cover everything I need
19:43.51ckknightOrdog: that's Kaelten's doing
19:43.57whatsinthenameis there a recommended IDE for addon development or everyone just wings it using text editors?
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19:44.24Arrowmastercdaveb_: that might be an issue of Recount doing it wrong
19:44.32durcynthere's a recommended editor for everything, and its name is vi
19:44.43taskulrafCan someone point me towards documentation explaining the new combat log format?  I dont even know where to begin looking and google has been useless. :S
19:44.44aba-are there any scrolling combat text addons working with 2.4?
19:44.45cdaveb_hmm, I'll see if I can find any other instances
19:44.52durcynaba-: msbt, sct.
19:44.57aba-durcyn: danke
19:45.18Ordogbut emacs got the butterfly-eddy-current-sunbeam-bit-shifting macro!
19:45.45cdaveb_basically ended up creating my own PHP ace updater because I didn't like the Mac one but I want to make it less hacky
19:45.52Ordogaba- SCT works for me
19:46.02Arrowmastercdaveb_: why not use the python one?
19:46.14cdaveb_tried that once, couldn't get it working
19:46.24durcyncdaveb_: ls -1 | while read i ;do [ -d ${i}/.svn ] && svn --ignore-externals up $i ; done
19:46.26cdaveb_my PHP updater already works for me but I was gonna give it to someone else so I want it to be smarter
19:46.29durcynhow hard is that, really
19:46.36taskulrafZhinjio: thanks!
19:46.56Hobby-homecdaveb_: arcane int
19:46.58aba-Ordog: i had been using parrot
19:47.06Arrowmastermeh i just use svn up * --ignore-externals
19:47.27NeoTronmy hot new warlock spec:
19:47.49cdaveb_never used the svn before I'll take a look at that
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19:47.57sbwtb incubator timer for SWP :/
19:47.58telshoothi all
19:48.18Arrowmasterincubator is for trash mobs....
19:48.50NeoTronsb: someone needs to make incubator use mob id's instead of names
19:49.00kebinusanNeoTron: eww no grim or destructive reach
19:49.21kebinusanmake your warriors keep up demo shout so you dont need impcow
19:49.46Arrowmasterpeople use cow?
19:50.02kebinusanwell the spec NeoTron linked has 2 pts in impcow
19:50.05telshootany ideas why FuBarPlugin-2.0 is not showing in FuBar?
19:50.06kebinusanso Im assuming yes
19:51.07Arrowmastertelshoot: theres nothing wrong with FBP-2.0
19:51.34telshootits not showing on the top fubar
19:51.51Arrowmasterwhat isnt?
19:52.19telshootthe recount icon on fubar
19:52.31telshootso i can switch it hide and show
19:53.05kebinusanI love this quote: "Illidari Council is the super bowl of not standing in things"
19:53.18telshootnot plugin very osrry
19:54.31winkillerwe just had 13 people disconnect at leo phase change
19:54.38winkilleranyone had something like this?
19:54.45*** join/#wowace sag_ich_nicht (
19:54.57sag_ich_nichtthere is some rooster update problem with Threat-2.0/Omen nevcairiel Antiarc
19:55.21sag_ich_nichtbasicially if you have a disconnect and log back in, threat-2.0 completely ignores all other users that have it active in the raid until you leave and got reinvited
19:55.23NeoTronso this is a special purpose spec
19:55.26Nandinirooster updates! hilarity ensues
19:55.32NeoTronimp CoW > demo shout
19:55.42NeoTronI know imp demo is better but we don't have that
19:55.47Antiarcsag_ich_nicht: Okay, good info, I'll see what I can find
19:55.57NeoTronalso no destructive reach because I valued intensity higher for this particular encounter
19:56.08cdaveb_that explains a lot of the Omen issues we've been having
19:56.12ArrowmasterNeoTron: imp cow is not better than demo shout
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19:56.26NeoTronit is
19:56.46nevcairielsag_ich_nicht: i didnt encounter that just now o.O
19:56.51NeoTron... commanding shout ....
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19:57.02Nandiniimp CoW is -420 AP
19:57.04sag_ich_nichtweird thing is i'm sttill getting values
19:57.10sag_ich_nichtbut the version check completely and utterly fails it
19:57.19Arrowmasterwhat about commanding shout?
19:57.26NeoTroncan only have one shout
19:57.32NeoTronplus demo shout is only 300
19:57.33Arrowmastercommanding or battle
19:57.38Arrowmasterthey can demo whenever they want
19:57.42Nandiniimp demo shout is also -420 AP
19:57.52NeoTronright but we don't have imp demo shout
19:57.57Arrowmasterthen you fail
19:58.03NeoTronalso imp demo is short duration and on kaelcgos it might not last for the druid
19:58.07NeoTronand demo roar is weaker
19:58.19NeoTronno imp demo is not fail
19:58.59NeoTronin fact imp demo shout is identical to imp cow
19:59.06NeoTronbut last longer and helps when the druid is inside..
19:59.07cynanyone still seeeing the lag spikes
19:59.11CIA-903mitchell * r67552 10CooldownToGo/CooldownToGo.lua: CooldownToGo: optimized UPDATE_COOLDOWN handling, only re-pop if (near) ready
19:59.11cynin wow
19:59.43taskulrafImp CoW seems situationally useful.  You'd probably want a more useful curse up when possible.
20:00.21NeoTrondare to be different!
20:00.31taskulrafToo bad it doesnt interact with Amp Curse.
20:00.40kebinusanused to
20:00.41NeoTronmain task for me though is to help tanks not die
20:00.45cdaveb_probably nice if you use a pali tank for everything and don't bring any warriors but how often does that happen
20:00.45kebinusanthe tbc beta version was bawlin
20:00.50Nandiniwell, it lasts 4x longer than shouts, and it is one less thing for the tank to worry about
20:00.57NeoTronmain task for tanks is to increase survivability
20:01.02cynwell i dont know if anyone is seeing a issue with wow where every few seconds you get little lag spikes
20:01.12cyni think i found out the problem
20:01.14kebinusanmake the ms/fury warriors do it
20:01.18cdaveb_CoW used to interact with amp curse pre-BC right?
20:01.28AmadeoAre most people using OmniCC or something else these days?
20:01.29kebinusancdaveb_: yeah
20:01.32taskulrafIf your MT is overloaded with things to do, have a DPS warrior do tclap/demo etc
20:01.40NeoTronbasically using CoW is costing the raid about 150-160 DPS
20:01.43cdaveb_I remember using amp curse when CoWing the puppies on Golemagg
20:01.45NeoTronI think we can handle that
20:01.57kebinusancdaveb_: then they changed COW to be a flat damage reduction in beta and took away amp curse then changed COW back and left it like it is now
20:02.06sag_ich_nicht[21:56] <nevcairiel> sag_ich_nicht: i didnt encounter that just now o.O <--i didn't update since raid start
20:02.07cynGrid + autogridframes is casueing the problem when ever someoen in your group or raid zones or releases
20:02.09sag_ich_nichtand i don't intend to until raid end
20:02.11cdaveb_what's the best druid DR?
20:02.13cynnm no one cares
20:02.31NeoTronyou have to realize, speccing warlocks for affliction in sunwell isn't exactly "kosher"
20:02.40NeoTronit means a significant drop in damage dealt under normal circumstances
20:02.53NeoTronbut I suspect kalecgos doesnt' count as normal in this case
20:03.05cdaveb_does it cap out at the same level as the warrior DS?
20:03.07kebinusanNeoTron: quite a significant loss
20:03.26kebinusandoing it to get 70 more ap reduction seems a little silly
20:03.37kebinusanthat talent anyway
20:03.39cdaveb_I have a hard time seeing it being worthwhile
20:03.51kebinusanbut I guess you spec'd for SE mostly
20:04.06kebinusanyou guys have a moonkin?
20:04.23NeoTroninsect swarm is nice
20:05.17charoncdaveb_: demo roar is 248, or +35% = 335 with talents
20:05.36exor|zzzlol niceeeeee
20:05.36exor|zzzrealms down :(
20:05.53NeoTrondemo roar is weak in comparision
20:05.59kebinusanNeoTron: though you will have the same problems keeping shadow embrace up as you would demo shout
20:06.00*** join/#wowace Kaelten (
20:06.15kebinusanit wont be consistent at all with just one lock on that fight
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20:06.59charoncdaveb_: wait no, +40% = 347 at 5 points
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20:07.12charonhas evidently never specced into that
20:07.35NeoTronkebinusan: sure it will
20:07.41cdaveb_so maybe if you didn't have a warrior I could see it
20:07.41NeoTron2 minute duration on CoW
20:07.50NeoTronI mean maybe not 100% uptime but close
20:07.53cdaveb_which in my guild is sadly common :)
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20:07.59cdaveb_but even still I dunno
20:08.03NeoTronthat brings a point though
20:08.10NeoTronshould have the malediction lock get shadow embrace..
20:08.21kebinusanNeoTron: Shadow Embrace only is applied for Corruption, Curse of Agony, Siphon Life, and Seed of Corruption
20:08.35basslingoQuestion, anyone else besides me wanna get wowbench up to date?
20:08.41cdaveb_shadow embrace is pretty easy to keep up
20:08.47NeoTronkebinusan: really?
20:08.54Arrowmasterbasslingo: wont happen, its soo far out of date
20:08.54kebinusancheck the tooltip
20:09.10NeoTronok so the other lock needs it too
20:09.14basslingoArrowmaster: it would, just gonna take forever
20:09.24kebinusanyeah, your malediction bitch should get it if you have one
20:09.24cdaveb_oh you mean for a specific fight that it might be hard to keep the lock always there
20:09.43kebinusancdaveb_: yeah talking about a specific fight
20:09.46NeoTroncdaveb_: we're speccing specifically for kalecgos
20:09.51Nanakihey guys the new version of Omen looks very intersesting. any idea how close it is to being fully functional?
20:10.01Arrowmasternot very
20:10.04NeoTronit's basically a test to see how it works out
20:10.09cdaveb_ya I wiped to him yesterday briefly but it wasn't a real try so I don't know enough, but I remember something about portals so I see the problem
20:10.09AntiarcVery, just some bugs in the way ;)
20:10.17AntiarcI think we're close, honestly.
20:10.33NanakiAntiarc: you mean in regards to Omen?
20:10.45Nandiniat least for single-target mode, i see fewer problems with every update
20:10.46HjalteAntiarc: Omen's working fine so far tonight on Illidan, haven't seen any errors or weird threat.
20:11.02cdaveb_have the version compatibility issues cleared up?
20:11.14kebinusanwonderful patch days
20:11.17Nanakiawesome, the new modes look very promising. we were having issues with it last night. most of that cleared up?
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20:11.25Nandinithose aren't issues, players need to use the same versions. case closed. :P
20:11.41Arrowmasterdont use anything other than single target mode
20:11.46cdaveb_we actually had everyone update right before the raid the other day and still had people not showing up properly
20:11.50Nanakilol.. well we had everyone go get the same version at the same time.. within like 10 minutes 3 dif versions had came out
20:11.52Arrowmasterthe bar updates in the other modes are messy
20:11.55AntiarcThere is a lingering protocol bug
20:12.01Antiarcand I'll be fixing that as soon as I can log in to test
20:12.10Nandinithere have been MANY updates since "the other day" :)
20:12.12cdaveb_also having the problem where you download one version # and it displays an older version # when you load it
20:12.19cdaveb_but hopefully that's cleared up
20:12.23Arrowmasternot a bug
20:12.30basslingoalso, when you first use. You need to pull the bar down some. Otherwise its really screwed up
20:12.31Arrowmasterit displays the threat-2.0 version
20:12.32AntiarcThat's because you download an Omen version, and the version number displayed is ThreatLib
20:12.40AntiarcWhich is what's important for the purposes of group synch
20:12.50basslingoit shows like, bottem bar, icons, top bar
20:12.58cdaveb_it's kinda confusing tho, it displays the # then displays the same # below it with NEW!
20:13.08Nanakithe AOE mode looks really cool im actually intersted in using that mode as a healer
20:13.10AntiarcThat was a bug, it's fixed
20:13.18basslingook, cool
20:13.24cdaveb_but it looks promising when everything gets sorted out
20:13.28Nandiniperhaps a tooltip is needed on the title frame version number that clarifies "Threat: r12345, Omen: r67890"
20:13.42doc^blupwe forced our raid to update omen. suddenly it shows threat correctly ;)
20:13.43basslingoim just glad blizzard finaly added GUID's
20:14.03cdaveb_the version checks also stopped working mid raid for some reason
20:14.09cdaveb_but that was Sunday
20:14.16cdaveb_so maybe that's all fine now
20:14.25Nandinimaybe, no one can say unless you test it!
20:14.32cdaveb_stupid broken servers :)
20:14.36NeoTronjust wish blizzard added a way to /target [guid]
20:14.44NeoTronNandini: good idea
20:14.50cdaveb_in 5 mans it's been working great for me, just our 25 mans where I've been experiencing pain and suffering
20:14.51NeoTronNandini: people get really confused by it
20:15.06cdaveb_our 2nd Gurtogg kill with everyone's Omens going wacko was not pretty :)
20:15.34cdaveb_we'll be raiding tonight tho so I'll see if everything's happy now
20:15.40Chomperswe loose the tank on kael, so i tank a fury warrior
20:15.42NandiniNeoTron, if you need to target by GUID, use one of the GUID registry libraries (or cache it yourself) then target by name maybe?
20:15.58cdaveb_real Kael or fake Kael?
20:16.01NeoTronNandini: the point is target by name is useless
20:16.12NeoTronmeaning it's useful if there's just one, but not if there are many
20:16.16kenlyriccdaveb_: but which is which?
20:16.18Nandinithen check if you have targeted the correct GUID, and modify the unit frame to somehow indicate you got the right one, when there are multiple with the same name
20:16.20kebinusanIm annoyed heroic MT doesnt drop primal nethers
20:16.23cdaveb_real Kael is the one that requires skill to kill
20:16.34NeoTronNandini: easily done but doesn't solve the issue at hand
20:16.41kenlyricthe Kael in terrace comes chronologically after the kael in keep, so you could argue kael in terrace is real :)
20:16.47cdaveb_I'd rather have the other toys for now :)
20:16.47cdaveb_I've seen 4 mounts so far it's crazy
20:16.50GngskAntiarc, trivial compared to protocol issues but I was wondering if you ever plan on adding a bar with column headings like in this screen
20:16.53NeoTronnamely the ability to click on a predefined enemy unit frame to target it
20:16.56Chompersreal kael cdaveb_
20:17.02cdaveb_ah hee that sounds bad
20:17.07AntiarcGngsk: Eventually, yeah.
20:17.17AntiarcI have the framework in place for it
20:17.19AntiarcSo I should just add it
20:17.25Chomperstwo flamestrikes during his gravity lapse
20:17.29Chomperswhat are the chances
20:17.35Chomperspretty much wiped the group out
20:17.44cdaveb_I haven't touched real Kael since the patch, we're just so happy we don't have to attune anyone anymore
20:17.57NandiniNeoTron: it's not a real unit frame if no one's targeting it already :) it's just a targeting button with the enemy's name on it :)
20:18.01NeoTronChompers: we had an enhancement shaman tank him in phase 5 for about half an outin
20:18.10Chompersreally! nice
20:18.25cdaveb_I bet I could tank him for at least 10 seconds on my hunter :)
20:18.27Chompersstupid rogues, i had to interrupt 3/4 of the fireballs
20:18.32NeoTrontank died, shaman got aggro (somehow), lived. next phase the other prot warrior somehow got aggro
20:19.14NeoTronHAI CAN HAS STDIO?
20:20.01NeoTronhow do you make a macro to use the two trinket slots again?
20:20.23Nandini#showtooltip /use 13 /use 14
20:22.27Dashkalyech.  Ok blizzard.  It's noon on the west coast too now.  You can nuke the lol forums
20:22.38Nandini12 more hours of loljoy!
20:22.52Dashkalyeah... I'll pass till tomorrow I think...
20:23.06kenlyriclook, it's what you get for reading the wow forums
20:23.27DashkalI ignore most forums, but I do troll the UI forum.  Reading technical comments with lolwut inserted is painful.
20:24.14DashkalFunny... the PvP forum looks like they changed nothing :p
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20:30.54nevcairielSaroz: my debuff color for curse truned black .. :(
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20:31.31Daemona~seen ackis
20:31.36purlackis <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 17h 30m 19s ago, saying: 'hmm for felmyst is it possible to get an icon/warning on the person who he green beems?'.
20:32.25DashkalI thought felmyst was female...
20:32.38*** part/#wowace Nanaki (n=Nanaki@
20:33.23Saroznevcairiel, reset to default and reload UI
20:34.17NivFreakdoes anyone else use grid with debuff icons and notice a bit of lag with them appearing/disappearing?
20:34.17nevcairielhrm now the list is way shorter then before
20:34.27Saroznevcairiel, ye, full of shit data :p
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20:37.36Jesse__anyone know of a mod that literally says how much mp5 is being restored through VT?
20:37.58Nandinithere must be a lot more changes to the server in this patch than to the client if they're having this many problems
20:38.06Fisker-omg we did it
20:38.15Fisker-we got a rotation of ghosts on teron that didn't suck ass
20:38.22Harshmageckknight:  Thank you for adding TotemTimers functionality to Pitbull.  That has saved me from finding yet another mod to take over for Totemus
20:38.37cdaveb_I'm kind of amazed that last week the server was relatively functional on patch day
20:38.42cdaveb_guess they saved up all the brokenness till now
20:38.47Fisker-best thing ever were the raidleaders going "Everyone has to learn"
20:38.55GrumAntiarc | nevcairiel: reloadui (i think i was just OOC) gives this from Threat-2.0:
20:39.03Fisker-and i told him it was bullshit, it was easy as shit if you could only learn2read and learn2notuseaddonsthatfuckupyourbars
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20:39.09AntiarcGrum: Which threat revision?
20:39.10Fisker-then they got mad
20:39.14cdaveb_I shudder to think about what it'll be like when our 2nd raiding team gets to Gorefiend, we have a few serious idiots in there
20:39.19Fisker-and then on our kill we had 3 new people who all said it was fucking easy
20:39.25Fisker-and i pwned everyone
20:39.29Fisker-now i want to sleep
20:39.34Fisker-fuck you Chompers
20:39.51cdaveb_really if they play the flash game a few times, it's easier than that by far and it'll give em some practice for the real thing, that's all you need
20:40.00Grumkek: Name: Threat-1.0
20:40.00GrumRevision: $Revision: 67322 $
20:40.10AntiarcThat's old. It should be fixed.
20:40.12Grumits 2.0 but the first line states diff =D
20:40.14Grumk thanks
20:40.25Grumcant update now :D
20:41.01basslingowhats the lua command to get the OS name?
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20:41.34ChompersFisker-: hugz
20:41.53cdaveb_ok so the verdict on the sublibrary thing for the updater is that it seems to just be Recount causing the issue
20:42.15cdaveb_although Grid and RatingBuster also refer to a sublibrary in their thingies, but they also are listing the top level one so it's not a real problem
20:42.37Fisker-hi Chompers
20:42.49cdaveb_so is Recount actually doing it wrong or is that valid and I'm just getting lucky with the rest?
20:43.06Chompersstill not got to archi yet
20:43.28*** join/#wowace Ayth (
20:45.33mikmaWTB datamod that makes Mail SILENTE
20:45.42mikmaffs its driving me nuts
20:45.53Gnarfozmail? silent?
20:46.25mikmathe stuff that hunters and shamans wear
20:46.36Gnarfozah, mail armor. :D
20:46.51mikmayes, mail :D
20:47.06*** join/#wowace sun (
20:47.08SumpinFishyWhat do you do standing next to a hunter with a gun?  That must drive you up a wall.
20:47.22mort!points 900
20:47.23Xinhuan900 arena points require 1891(5s), 1977(3s) and 2110(2s) team rating.
20:47.33*** join/#wowace Kris (
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20:47.41NivFreakwth are they doing, patching in WotLK?
20:48.07kenlyricyup, all 5 mb of it
20:48.37NivFreakdeathknights is actually a trinket that you wear that changes your appearance
20:49.52Nandinihmm there is an "Arena Tournament 2" realm showing under the United States realm tab for me now.
20:50.10kebinusanimplementing support for the new bard controller has caused them more problems than they would care to admit
20:50.21*** join/#wowace Aeyan (
20:51.51SumpinFishyYeah...go figure
20:51.58[SW]DodgeMessage: ...e\AddOns\AtlasLoot_BCInstances\burningcrusade.en.lua line 2: Cannot find a library instance of Babble-Boss-2.2.
20:51.58[SW]DodgeMessage: ..\AddOns\AtlasLoot\Core\AtlasLoot.lua line 912: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value)
20:51.58[SW]Dodgewhen trying to access a boss of any bc instances :(
20:53.08doc^blupis bigwigs somehow bugged with on who certain boss abilities are cast?
20:53.16*** join/#wowace Mathrigo (
20:53.49evlhow is omen now?
20:53.52evlsick puppy?
20:54.02Nandiniit's more likely blizzard's combat log isn't telling you when certain abilities are cast, bigwigs can't do anything about it
20:54.18Mathrigohello... atlasloot not working since new update (updated few minutes ago)...
20:55.09NandiniMathrigo: maybe you should talk to the person who made the update :)
20:55.24Mathrigomaybe that person is here :P
20:55.35Mathrigomaybe other peoples allready knew about that and told it that person
20:55.40*** join/#wowace Wyanna (
20:57.18cynanyone having a problem with lag spikes everyfew seconds?
20:57.25*** join/#wowace Dark_Elf (
20:57.25Nandiniit looks like blizzard is about to miss their goal for US servers for the third time today
20:57.36HjalteIs there anything special threatwise to the Flames in p2 on Illidan? I got aggro when at 100% (On Omen at least) today, everyone in the raid using at least r67412
20:57.38Nandinicyn: i'm not
20:58.06PrimerNandini: what goal is that?
20:58.30dylanm2pm pst
20:58.34AmadeoPrimer: The one of being up at all
20:58.45kebinusansomeone tell those boys about the scotty principal
20:59.27Primerabout not ruining their reputations as miracle workers?
20:59.35Primerthey should have said 4pm
20:59.40Primerand then had it done at 2?
20:59.43kebinusanhonestly I get more curious about the types of problems they have that cause them to extend maintenance you'd think they'd have internal test realms to try out patches
20:59.53kebinusanPrimer: exactly
21:00.18Primersurely they do have internal test realms
21:00.28Primerthey just don't have tens of thousands of testers
21:00.31kebinusanMy bosses would be seriously pissed if my overextended my maintenance windows like this
21:00.36*** join/#wowace home|prophy (
21:00.58Primerour "bread and butter" box
21:01.03Primerthe oracle baby
21:01.30Primer1 year 29 weeks 6 days 3 hours 1 minute 37 seconds (573.13 days)
21:01.35Primerpats himself on the back
21:03.42*** join/#wowace grennon (
21:03.44WyannaYou folks mind if I ask a few nub questions?  (aspiring mod author)
21:03.56purlThis is IRC. Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question and if someone's around, they'll be glad to help.
21:03.57Primerof course not
21:04.02Primerwe mind if you ask to ask though
21:04.15ZiconCan I smack it? I feel like smacking something.
21:04.23NandiniThey'll also be glad to point out your failures and ridicule you until you feel useless and despondent.
21:04.29grennonso, is there a howto for using the defaultUI's new interface control panel? i noticed omen plugged into it the other day when i went to toggle an option
21:04.44AntiarcAceOptions3 does that for me
21:04.46Wyannahaha ok then - I went thru the tutorial on and was happy with the sample mod they had you write and I got started on my own
21:04.48NandiniBut that's just their way of saying "I love you."
21:05.14grennonAntiarc: thanks
21:05.16kebinusanNandini: You can probably bring their upbringing... some kids just never learn how to properly express feelings of affection
21:05.18Wyannais there any simple mod you folks know of that I could reverse engineer to get better with accepting slashcommands?
21:05.52CIA-903ackis * r67553 10AckisRecipeList/ (12 files in 2 dirs):
21:05.52CIA-9- Drycoded: Switch use of LibBabbleClass-3.0 to use UnitClass
21:05.52CIA-9- Removed all references to LibBabbleClass-3.0
21:05.55NandiniWyanna: for most addon authors, slashcommands are now "out" and the blizzard interface options addon panel is "in"
21:06.02PrimerI should switch my addon to ace3
21:06.08*** join/#wowace Ackis (
21:06.20Wyannaheh - I was thinking that but figured I might want to walk before run
21:06.29kebinusanNandini: I hope not... sometimes a CLI is the proper interface!
21:06.30*** join/#wowace Adirelle (
21:06.31AntiarcNandini: Not strictly true. With Ace frameworks, you generally just create a list of handled options, and Ace handles the slash commands and AceOptions and dewdrop menus, etc etc for you
21:06.33Wyannabut yeah I guess if it's simple enough - I know there's a few that have implemented it
21:07.01kebinusanI prefer typing over mouse miles
21:07.05zapl_very basic slashcommands:
21:07.16Adirellebeside my spellbook, where can I get spellid of spells (to use with getspellinfo) ?
21:07.17Wyannathanks for the tips - cheers
21:07.33*** join/#wowace Iboong-Kenzo (n=user@
21:07.34pastamancerAdirelle: combat log?
21:07.45Chompersmass wow crash on wave 8 of azgalor
21:07.47Adirellepastamancer: nah, the idea is to get rid of babble-spell
21:07.51Chompershoray, trash all over again
21:07.53Primerhow much different is Ace3? I mean, I only use Ace2 Library, Addon, OO, DB, Console, and Event (from the tut. Not even sure my addon really uses all those)
21:08.08NivFreakhas someone written an addon to make the blizzard addons option frame moveable yet? :)
21:08.15AntiarcAce3 is very similar interface-wise, but it's a lot lighter
21:08.18pastamancerAdirelle: if you want a master list of spell ids, you can scrape wowhead or just parse spells.dbc
21:08.20AntiarcSome of the utility functions won't be there
21:08.24grennonAntiarc: is there any aceoptions3 documentation im not aware of?
21:08.31zapl_Adirelle: where in ssr code do you check for prowling etc? did not find it :D
21:08.47Adirellepastamancer: wowhead already has up-to-date spell ids ?
21:08.59pastamancerAdirelle: wowhead pulls it from spells.dbc
21:09.15Adirellezapl_: in the latest version, check Category:RefreshState
21:09.26zapl_k, thx :)
21:09.27Adirellezapl_: and IsSafeToCast
21:09.37Adirellezapl_: mainly IsSafeToCast() thati s
21:10.02chiperNivFreak: it moves fine using FluidFrames
21:10.28Adirellezapl_: I updated it yesterday, cast that could break stealth, dismount you or interrupt flying should be "ignored"
21:10.45Adirellepastamancer: k, ty
21:10.58NivFreakchiper: is that addon overkill? :)
21:11.01NivFreak(just asking)
21:11.07zapl_sounds good, will see if it works the way id want it
21:11.13pastamancerAdirelle: spell.dbc is in patch-enUS.MPQ
21:11.16HjalteAntiarc: Is there any way to explain first me, then another warlock, pulling aggro at 100%-ish on the flame mobs on Illidan p2? I'm thinking either the mobs are different or there's a specific Threat-2.0 bug?
21:11.39AntiarcThere's likely a bug somewhere
21:11.39chiperI dont think so.  makes all default ui windows movable, as well as providing functions to relocate and frame in the game.
21:11.51chiperits one of my stable addons
21:11.54PrimerIs there an Ace2 to Ace3 "porting" guide?
21:12.02HjalteAntiarc: The tank might have been lagging a bit, does that make Omen much worse?
21:12.23AntiarcIt shouldn't
21:12.33AntiarcThough my next commit will have traffic prioritization for tank classes :)
21:12.52Primerchiper: is it ace? Can't find it by searching in jwow
21:12.58IndustrialHow usable is at level 70 for grinding (for a shammy :s)?
21:13.03chiperPrimer: no, it's not ace
21:13.11Primerchiper: shame on you
21:13.13renchapAntiarc: maybe prioritization for biggest threat ?
21:13.22Nandinii wish i could move frames by name using FluidFrames, it's impossible to find so many of them that are hidden
21:13.40Nandiniand i wish i could turn off dragging
21:13.49chiperprimer: 1) I started using it before I discovered wowace.  2) I haven't seen a single Ace addon that performs as well
21:14.09Primerchiper: still, no reason for it not being in the wowace svn
21:14.16Primerfor easy updating
21:14.27chiperwell you're welcome to inform the author of his misdeed
21:14.45PrimerI was under the impression that was you
21:14.48chipertho, I dont think I've seen any updates in a while.  hasnt had a need to
21:14.55chiperprimer: no
21:14.58Nandinichiper: How do I move the UIErrors frame and specify its position and offset?
21:14.58Primer<chiper> its one of my stable addons
21:15.06PrimerI guess I misconstrued that
21:15.18chiperprimer: erm, that should have been "staple"
21:15.34*** join/#wowace Ellipsis (n=ellipsis@
21:15.35Nandiniahh, i too misunderstood that you were the author. LOL
21:15.50Primer/kb chiper impostor
21:15.52Nandinii was about to rip you a new one. :)
21:16.10Primerace2 to ace3 guide, anyone?
21:16.14chiperfor what?  you can move uierrors with it
21:16.17Primers/2/3/g ?
21:16.32chiperI've seen it popup when I was trying to select a different frame
21:16.35Primerin my svn:externals?
21:16.36HarshmageAnyone know how DogTags is able to get Talent information from another player?  I'm using Cowtip, and have the code for the talent display, but I don't understand how it's able to get the talent it something that's new in 2.4?
21:17.02nevcairielit syncs that through a hidden comm lib
21:17.19*** join/#wowace Tails (
21:17.36ZhinjioEllipsis: ping
21:17.43Tailshello there
21:18.01CIA-903ackis * r67554 10AckisRecipeList/ (3 files in 2 dirs):
21:18.01CIA-9- Bug fix
21:18.01CIA-9- Fixed messed up ID for rogue poisons
21:18.05Tailsumm can someone tell me how to move the minimap?
21:18.06Primeram I touching a sore subject? works only if the other player has the same lib?
21:18.17ZhinjioTails: use Chinchilla or SimpleMinimap
21:18.18nevcairielHarshmage: yes
21:18.23Tailsthank a ton
21:18.25chipertails: get the addon Chinchilla
21:18.52NandiniHarshmage: it also uses a library that can inspect other players if they are within 30 yards and can't attack you
21:19.46*** join/#wowace peragor (
21:19.53DaemonaAckis ? Could you add a filter for scryer / aldor only pattern?
21:19.54HarshmageOkay, thank you.  It was something I couldn't grasp, for some reason.  Didn't think we could actually do it.
21:20.11*** part/#wowace Tails (
21:20.29Daemonai don't care i don't have the scryer only pattern ;)
21:20.52CIA-9037destiny * r67555 10WitchHunt/locales/koKR.lua: WitchHunt: koKR Update
21:20.58NandiniHarshmage: The ability to inspect another player's talents (including enemies) was introduced in patch 2.3, in patch 2.4, they limited it to players who can't attack you (no inspecting opponents in arenas)
21:21.02*** join/#wowace Paene (
21:21.12Paenehas anyone tried out that highroller mod?
21:21.18Silviu-Antiarc u include some better pet clear threat also in your next update ? ;)
21:21.21taskulrafyea it really works.
21:21.31Paenekinda lame imo
21:21.44taskulrafgo give it a try.
21:22.20*** join/#wowace Kaaosa (
21:22.40*** join/#wowace Swimnurd (
21:22.42Daemonait rocks
21:22.51Daemonai got mass shards and blue items !
21:22.55Paenemeh, my acct is inactive atm
21:22.59sag_ich_nichtGlory-2.0 externals are wrong and missing Babble
21:23.02sag_ich_nichtsomeone fix this please
21:23.10PaeneI just read World of Raids still
21:23.16Paeneand saw it on there
21:23.21zapl_Adirelle: I still get it to buff in prowl at least if I cancel buff manually than shift and prowl quite fast. ssr seems to be too slow somehow ^^
21:23.54*** join/#wowace netcurse_ (
21:24.08Adirellezapl_: it have some built-in lag to avoid blowing up your CPU
21:24.14GngskXinhuan, ping
21:25.04Adirellezapl_: but now that I have a test case I'll try to improve this
21:25.06Nandinihmm the US alert message now says they'll have an update in about 30 minutes on the problems that are causing some players to drop from the game
21:25.17Nandiniit doesn't mention the fact that 75% of the realms haven't even been brought up yet
21:25.43zapl_Adirelle: hehe ok,  but could you add an option to buff while shapeshifted?
21:25.55sag_ich_nichtnevcairiel Xinhuan someone of you fix the externals of Glory-2.0
21:25.55zapl_to _not_ buff
21:26.00sag_ich_nichtor the toc
21:26.02sag_ich_nichtor both
21:26.04*** join/#wowace Ncl8 (
21:26.05nevcairielglory sucks, i refuse
21:26.06sag_ich_nichtthey're missing Babble-2.2
21:26.28grennonthe good news is, illidan's flame burst no longer locks up everyone in your raid for 1.5 seconds, the bad news is, the servers crash every 5 seconds
21:26.34grennongo go QA team
21:26.44Aethenellepotentially a silly question... are the wowace libraries GPL'd?
21:27.06*** join/#wowace Sliker_Hawk (n=nnscript@
21:27.10Nandinieach library can have its own license, check the library for details
21:27.41ckknightAethenelle: mostly they're LGPL, BSD, or MIT. Ace3 uses its own license, which I believe is similar to BSD, but has more restrictions
21:28.32CIA-903ackis * r67556 10AckisRecipeList/ (4 files in 2 dirs):
21:28.32CIA-9- Add some JC vendors
21:28.32CIA-9- Forgot to update embeds.xml and to remove a reference from Enchanting
21:29.07Aethenellehmm... interesting.. that means modifications require the same license... does modifying at run time (ie. making a wrapper or replacement funtion in another mod) qualify for requiring that?
21:29.30PrimerI like the BSD license
21:29.37NandiniAethenelle: check the license, if its unclear, ask the author or consult your attorney :)
21:29.48CIA-903mitchell * r67557 10CooldownToGo/embeds.xml: CooldownToGo: added AceDBOptions to embeds
21:29.52ckknightPrimer: I don't, I prefer MIT to BSD, either that or LGPL, depending on the situation
21:30.18PaeneIsn't the MIT license the one that pretty much says "you can do w/e you want with this code"?
21:30.26Primerthat's BSD
21:30.28*** join/#wowace oMek (
21:30.31ckknightI tend to go with the spirit of the license rather than the letter for situations in the WoW community, authors aren't sue-happy
21:30.36ckknightPaene: yes, that's correct
21:30.37Primer"you can do anything as long as you include this license text"
21:30.38kergothMIT and bSD w/o advert clause are very similar
21:30.41kergothas is X11
21:30.43Xan3BigWigs not works on void reaver?
21:30.49kergothbsd is confusing for some due to the two variants
21:30.53Xan3for balls
21:30.59oMekquick question.. is there anyway to shut off new combat log and run simplecombatlog?
21:31.00NandiniVoid Reaver doesn't have combat log events for orbs, it's not BigWigs' fault
21:31.03ckknightI prefer MIT over BSD, due to the lack of confusion
21:31.17AethenelleI was wondering how long a IANAL response would take... Mostly I intend to use that particular fact for me... If needed... I'm all for any of those licenses...
21:31.24grennoni heard VR doesnt even switch targets anymore for orbs, that true?
21:31.26*** join/#wowace Kurax (n=kurax@
21:31.34Nandinigrennon: correct
21:31.39Kurax~seen Ackis
21:31.42purlackis is currently on #wowace (25m 34s), last said: 'hmm for felmyst is it possible to get an icon/warning on the person who he green beems?'.
21:31.57purlckknight rolls 62
21:32.13charonwtb highroller for purl
21:32.18purlfunkeh` rolls 11
21:32.25ckknighttoo bad, Funkeh`
21:32.25*** join/#wowace Athou (n=ask@
21:32.26Primer~roll 1000
21:32.27purlACTION stuffs 1000 in a hamster ball and rolls it down a steep, snow-covered mountain
21:32.34purlpaene rolls 31
21:32.40grennonremoving it from the combat log though reminds me of that smooth move on the twin emps back in late autumn before BC
21:32.41iKONbows before ckknight
21:32.47ckknightwaves at iKON
21:32.54purlkurax rolls 79
21:33.04ckknightbtw, I added roll this morning
21:33.05Ozguli`does it work same way as wow roll?
21:33.07Funkeh`grennon, no, it never was there
21:33.08ckknightyes, Ozguli`
21:33.11ckknight~literal roll
21:33.12purl"roll" is "<reply>$who rolls (1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19|20|21|22|23|24|25|26|27|28|29|30|31|32|33|34|35|36|37|38|39|40|41|42|43|44|45|46|47|48|49|50|51|52|53|54|55|56|57|58|59|60|61|62|63|64|65|66|67|68|69|70|71|72|73|74|75|76|77|78|79|80|81|82|83|84|85|86|87|88|89|90|91|92|93|94|95|96|97|98|99|100)"
21:33.15Zhinjiockknight: is it possible to have Outline and/or ThickOutline only affect a portion of a string?
21:33.16Ozguli`I see.
21:33.19Ozguli`what about
21:33.21ckknightZhinjio: nope
21:33.29Ozguli`~roll 50-150
21:33.29purlACTION stuffs 50-150 in a hamster ball and rolls it down a steep, snow-covered mountain
21:33.32Zhinjiono wonder it was butchering the syntax ... heh.
21:33.36Ozguli`doesn't work
21:33.44Paene~roll ckknight
21:33.45purlACTION stuffs ckknight in a hamster ball and rolls it down a steep, snow-covered mountain
21:33.48KuraxAckis: ping
21:33.51ckknightOzguli`: just ~roll works
21:33.59Ozguli`already saw that :P
21:34.01purlpkekyo| rolls 45
21:34.06Pkekyo|yay, I win!
21:34.14ckknightPkekyo|: no, Kurax rolled a 79
21:34.27Pkekyo|oh sod off, let me have this moment!
21:34.31Pkekyo|I never win anything :<
21:34.36Megalontime for humiliation!
21:34.37sag_ich_nichtwhat the fuck.
21:34.38purlmegalon rolls 26
21:34.46Kurax~fail Pkekyo|
21:34.47purlPkekyo|, you Fail!
21:34.49purlckknight rolls 31
21:34.52*** join/#wowace Yssaril (
21:34.58AethenelleI'm suddenly reminded of another question...  CombatFilter... I'm trying to get hostile actions done to me... Anyone know how to set it up? I tried source as enemies and done to as me but those values got or'd instead of and'd
21:35.00purlharshmage rolls 1
21:35.00Pkekyo|Kurax: thank you, captain obvious?
21:35.04sag_ich_nicht <--what the fucking fuck (AceEvent error)
21:35.05AckisKurax: pong
21:35.06Dark_Elfckknight - what happened to DogChow?
21:35.13*** part/#wowace oMek (
21:35.17AckisDaemona: already in the mod
21:35.23KuraxAckis: ARL vendor id 197 are duplicated
21:35.35Harshmage~fail Harshmage
21:35.36purlHarshmage, you Fail!
21:35.50Ozguli`shame recount is so resource heavy
21:35.53ckknightDark_Elf: I was paid $20, worked on it for about an hour and a half, then didn't touch it again
21:35.53*** join/#wowace dr_dasos (
21:36.11DaemonaAckis as of which version? 0.69 it definitly tells me as aldor i dont know the scryer patterns, but i dont care
21:36.22NandiniOzguli`: What do you expect from an addon that intercepts and aggregates almost every combat log message there is, in real time?
21:36.31Ackistype /arl filter repuatations
21:36.33Dark_Elfany suggested replacements for DogChow?
21:37.08ckknightDark_Elf: King of the something, I believe
21:37.10Ozguli`tbh I wouldn't mind it generating those sheets and whatnot only when told to
21:37.18ckknightDark_Elf: King of the Jungle, that's it
21:37.28Dark_Elfthanks i will look for it
21:37.29Zhinjiockknight: I'm trying to save  my current Player Frame layout.
21:37.34ZhinjioAm I missing something?
21:37.49NandiniOzguli`: use /combatlog then and analyze the data later yourself in excel or openoffice or google docs :)
21:37.50Paenereal or
21:37.52CIA-903ackis * r67558 10AckisRecipeList/RecipeDB/ (ARL-Enchant.lua ARL-Jewelcraft.lua ARL-Vendor.lua):
21:37.52CIA-9- More JC vendors
21:37.52CIA-9- Fix for duplicate vendor ID
21:37.53ZhinjioChoose : Custom. Save Layout : NewPlayer <hit enter> ... nothing happens
21:37.57Paenelooks well made for a fake
21:38.01MentalPowerPaene: fake, but *very* well made
21:38.49CIA-903apoco * r67559 10Dock/Dock.toc:
21:38.49CIA-9- TOC Bump: 20400
21:38.50[TUE]Natherulanyone got a tip for a good addon that just shows a rep bar?
21:39.04Aethenelleyou have fubar?
21:39.23KaaosaXPBarNone is pretty much all you will ever need :x
21:39.29[TUE]Natherulbut does that give a bar that i can drag?
21:39.35ckknightZhinjio: :-(
21:39.38Zhinjioyou can do anything you want with it.
21:39.39Aethenellenope attached to fubar
21:40.02JulithAre there some good profiling addons for WoW?
21:40.02Zhinjiosorry, I'm talking about XPBarNone, not Fu_XPFu
21:40.03Chaudsomeone should do this,
21:40.09AethenelleDynRepBar is xp bar agnostic..
21:40.12NivFreakmy server is still down
21:40.18Zhinjiockknight: not sure what the deal is. no error, nothing. just not letting me save a layout
21:40.34ZhinjioI also seem to recall having run into this before...
21:40.59CIA-903mitchell * r67560 10CooldownToGo/CooldownToGo.lua: CooldownToGo: do not fade/hide if we're not locked
21:40.59CIA-903apoco * r67561 10Dock/Config/Dock_Config.toc:
21:41.00CIA-9- Bah, config embeds. TOC Bump
21:41.08Zhinjiolike there was something you had to enable or do before saving layouts would work
21:41.15AethenelleBongos has an xp bar that can be moved resized and placed too...
21:41.25NandiniChaud: I started an addon that counts combat log events that are friendly player vs. npc, pvp, enemy vs. npc to see how much activity was going on in my combatlog radius
21:41.51Nandinii thought it would be cool to have 3 vertical statusbars showing the nearby activity
21:41.56ChaudCan't you just count every time a button is pressed =(
21:42.31Apocoso, all day, my main server hasnt been up once out of all the starts and shutdowns
21:42.39Aethenellenandini: won't you miss some actions with that? fp to fp, ep to ep, etc...
21:43.11NandiniAethenelle: i wasn't interested in buffing and healing that was going on
21:43.41AethenelleNandini: that would make sense no to trap them then, wouldn't it :P
21:44.56Nandinii'm not a skilled enough coder to create such an addon tho without being horribly resource intensive, i was just trying it to learn how combatlog events work now
21:45.03zapl_Adirelle: see there is like 1sec delay between prowl and unbind :)
21:46.05Adirellezapl_: that's because I use a bucketevent to process multiples events that will have the same result only once
21:46.07AethenelleNandini: AFAIK there is no way to not parse every event since you can't bind to a filter in the log... only the unfiltered log
21:46.34Adirellezapl_: the drawback is that it includes some delay in the processing
21:47.09Adirellezapl_: detach the tooltip (if you use fubar) and look at which rate the buff are updated
21:48.04NandiniYes, I had to parse every event, I only aggregated the events I wanted to display as "activity"
21:49.58*** join/#wowace AnarchyAo (
21:50.14Chaudneed moar APM addons.
21:50.36Nandinii never got around to actually displaying them though, i found that on my high pop realm, there was always activity going on in outland no matter where i went
21:51.18Nandiniand i wasn't able to get my sense of "caution: there are lots of allies around here" feeling out if it with the ridiculous combat log range
21:51.49CIA-903trasher * r67562 10Antagonist/Locals/frFR.lua:
21:51.50CIA-9- frFR update
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21:53.41CIA-903adirelle * r67563 10SimpleSelfRebuff/ (SimpleSelfRebuff.lua buffs/druid.lua locale-enUS.lua):
21:53.41CIA-9- first move away from BabbleSpell,
21:53.41CIA-9- druids: added an option to disallow casting while shapeshifted.
21:53.42Zhinjiockknight: I don't know what I did ... I just played around with Layouts on the "All units" for awhile, and suddenly I could save Layouts in individual frames.
21:54.04Nandini"All units" is a mysterious beast indeed
21:54.04*** join/#wowace aestil (
21:54.40Ellipsisall units makes baby jesus cry
21:54.48Nandiniand kittens die
21:55.19aestildoes parrot make baby jesus cry as well?
21:55.32zapl_Adirelle: <3
21:55.37ckknightaestil: Parrot's like Lazarus
21:55.44ckknighttook  Jesus a while to get to the body
21:55.47aestilwill rise from the dead in 3 days?
21:56.06aestilso what you're saying, is that parrot is 'sleeping' right now.
21:56.10AdirelleHjalte: remember me what you thought about SimpleSelfRebuff and Demonic Sacrifice ?
21:56.25*** part/#wowace Paene (
21:56.30ckknightaestil: let's go with that
21:56.30Chompers3 hours getting to azgalor and the tank gets one shit
21:56.32aestilwhat are the chances of parrot getting those 'power aura' type features i'm always talking about
21:56.34Chompersshot* :P
21:56.43Chomperswhat a waste of time
21:56.56Zhinjio'''That Parrot wouldn't *voom* if you put 4 million volts through it''''
21:57.19HarshmageAnd Jesus said, "General: How the hell am I supposed to get to my body?  I'd better file a GM ticket..."
21:57.20HjalteAdirelle: I remember that since I didn't want it to always sacrifice my demon, but have some kind of parameters or such, you din't think it'd fit in :)
21:57.25charonChompers: use a bear
21:57.40Chompersit was a cleave i think charon
21:57.45Chompershe just kinda popped
21:58.06AdirelleHjalte: "not always" was the trick
21:58.08aestilwhy did arrowmaster make all these commits for libs that where already named 'lib...'
21:58.20Zhinjiogoddamnit. I jsut lost my settings.
21:58.26ckknightaestil: well, once I rework parrot...
21:58.37ZhinjioThis fucking layout thing is definitely screwing with my sanity
21:58.41aestili'm just curious what i can be looking forward to ckknight
21:58.46charonChompers: now i'm not sure if i should elaborate or shut up ;)
21:58.47ChompersParrot huh :D
21:58.49aestilbesides a 'working' parrot
21:59.03Chomperscharon, i understand what you mean
21:59.05[eu]gunder~seen elsia
21:59.08purlelsia <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 3h 18m 7s ago, saying: 'k'.
21:59.08Ellipsisaestil: he changed the toc title (the name that shows up in the char screen addons list)
21:59.30Chompersbears with their armour and hp, i can see that working out in our favour
21:59.34charonaz never crushes
21:59.36Zhinjio'''The only reason he stays up on his perch is because he's *nailed* there'''
21:59.40charon-> bear is at a huge advantage
21:59.45ZhinjioEllipsis: save me
21:59.56Ellipsisfrom what?
22:00.01Zhinjiopitbull layouts
22:00.04Chompersunfortunatly our main bear can't raid
22:00.05Wyannaany way to query a cvar?  I see SetCVar but not a GetCVar on wowwiki unless I'm looking in the wrong place
22:00.10Chompersand his gear's shit
22:00.13EllipsisZhinjio: I just don't touch 'em, configure each frame by hand
22:00.18charonouch :(
22:00.34*** join/#wowace NM|Xinhuan|Guru (i=xinhuan@WoWUIDev/WoWAce/xinhuan)
22:01.20charonChompers: btw neither does archimonde but in my raid we're currently unsure if it is worse to have a warrior being hit for 20-25% more, or a druid that requires fear ward rotations
22:01.25Pkekyo|WTS idiot dosages...I have consumed far too many allready!
22:01.26mort!rating 1811
22:01.26NM|Xinhuan|Guru1811 rating gives 778(5s), 684(3s) and 591(2s) arena points. (Use !points for inverse calc)
22:01.52aestilEllipsis: ty.
22:01.58Jaxoncharon: we use a warrior.  Fear breaks and no crushings.
22:02.19NeoTronwe've never tried archimonde with a bear MT
22:02.19Ziconpkekyo|: Stop eating idiot. Remember, you are what you eat.
22:02.22Nandiniit's quite bizarre that a single realm from my battlegroup is up, they usually go up or down together during maintenance
22:02.45NeoTrondoes lua use shared strings?
22:02.57Pkekyo|Zicon: that's why I'm selling my remaining dosages! :p
22:03.04NeoTronare they the same string instance of two different instances?
22:03.18Ziconpkekyo|: But where would you find someone dumb enough to bu....oh, I get it. Nevermind.
22:03.45charonNeoTron: how do you keep up the heals during fears?
22:03.56charonfrom what i heard, our warrior MT usually died during the 1st or 2nd fear
22:04.04charonthat was never a problem for my furry self
22:04.13NeoTroncharon: hots?
22:04.15Jaxoncharon: priests fear ward themselves, will of the forsaken, PvP trinkets.
22:04.26Xan32.4.1 for tomorrow? or it's a fake?
22:04.35JaxonXan3: went up on US servers today
22:04.38mikmanot fake
22:04.56*** join/#wowace leftbracket (
22:05.57Chaudclearly someone made up those boring useless notes.
22:06.13Xan3void are fixed whith 241?
22:06.14*** join/#wowace hi2u (
22:06.27Chaudoh ho! I got you, random mac bug really wasn't fixed, april fool's!
22:06.54Ellipsisis it just me or did they not actually fix the chat frame stuff though
22:07.15Xan3jaxon u play in us server?
22:07.17Pkekyo|Zicon: shush, I'm norwegian, and hence excused...just ask Ellipsis!
22:07.21JaxonXan3: yes.
22:07.31Xan3can post change log for 241?
22:07.33Aethenelle2.4.1 went live today on US realms
22:07.36Ziconpkekyo|: Uhm. Thanks, I think?
22:07.55JaxonXan3: I believe has the six changes listed.
22:08.02Pkekyo|Zicon: thanking me for a statement that's completely and utterly neutral towards you?
22:08.07NeoTronzomg HighRoller ftw
22:08.22Ziconpkekyo|: Is not neutral towards me. :P
22:08.25Xan3i beleve in patch.txt in wow folder....
22:08.25aestilis there a .sv I can kill which will automatically reset all my dogtag varibles to 'default' in mods like pitbull and cowtip?
22:08.27NeoTronI didn't know you could play in-game movies
22:08.31*** join/#wowace Nargiddley (
22:08.33AethenelleEllipsis: ekkub updated ChatFrameFix...
22:08.34Pkekyo|Zicon: howso?
22:08.36aestiloh, who's the 'aloft' dev?
22:08.47Ziconpkekyo|: Damn, you really have eaten too much idiot. ;P
22:09.13EllipsisAethenelle: well, that answers my question I guess
22:09.13Pkekyo|the fact that I'm norwegian is not neutral towards you? *shrug*
22:09.37Ziconpkekyo|: The fact that norwegians are excused is not, no.
22:09.44aestilapril fools day joke?
22:09.50iKONAnyone know if it is possible to make your debuffs on a target more distinctive in Pitbull?
22:09.52Pkekyo|Zicon: you're a norwegian?
22:09.55syerenSigh, wanting to buy Parrot :/
22:10.03syerenBeen over a week now :(
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22:11.18AethenelleEllipsis: I don't know for sure cause i updated it before loging in...
22:11.19cynrecount2 ready to test?
22:11.32*** join/#wowace Apoco (
22:11.49Aethenelletekkub: just tellin Ellipsis you updated chatframefix...
22:12.01*** join/#wowace Kirkburn (n=Kirkburn@wikia/Kirkburn)
22:12.05Hobby-homeIs Aloft getting updated for 2.4 at some point?
22:12.09*** join/#wowace JJSheets (
22:12.12cyni hope so
22:12.12aestilwe need a new aloft.
22:12.21cyncasue it uses so much memory
22:12.34aestili feel like it must not be very efficient.
22:12.40cyn9megs on average with preset1
22:12.40Nandinii think the boston datacenter has been deleted
22:12.56AethenelleAloft is broken? how so? I don't use it but i know a buncha people that do...
22:13.08Hobby-homeerrors with combat text
22:13.16CIA-903elsia * r67564 10Recount/Recount.lua:
22:13.16CIA-9- Another fix for pet related double owner tag bug.
22:13.40*** join/#wowace Firefox (
22:14.07Aethenellethat scanning the combat log would cause it to be broken in 2.4... poop... I though that comp was outta bugged addons...
22:14.49cynwell parts of aloft look at the log casue things like combat points and such
22:14.57cynso it gives you errors
22:15.06cynbut it also if using so much memory
22:15.27hi2uis anyone familiar with playing a disc priest? I have some questions about it
22:15.39Aethenelleugh.... thanks for the heads up...
22:15.46Nandiniooh new update, realms should be "playable" in 90 minutes
22:15.48CIA-903jjsheets * r67565 10InfiniBar-2.0/ (IB_Bar.lua IB_Button.lua IB_Main.lua): InfiniBar-2.0 - Added validation to Button Group Name Config option. Check for non-nil bData before calling IsAttackAction, etc. Added tooltip to the fubar icon.
22:17.10NeoTronconsiders LibRickRoll-1.0
22:18.16aestili don't need libdogtag 2.0 anymore?
22:18.54cynany suggestions to make sure everyoen in the raid has a simular version of omen
22:19.15cyncasue i know some peopel dont use externals
22:19.37Firefoxwhy does omen2 start in AoE mod?
22:19.38NeoTroncyn: make them update
22:19.42Firefoxi'm a fricken hunter :(
22:19.45cyni do
22:19.46aestil. /omen versioncheck whisper
22:19.51aestilcyn ^
22:20.09cynit doenst work, for anyone before 66xxx
22:20.27cynand these retards are on old verisions casue they are lazy
22:20.39cyni give up
22:20.57aestilthose retard's shouldn't be in the raid.
22:21.01cynanyways recount2
22:21.02aestilproblem solved.
22:21.03cyni agree
22:21.25cyni pulled agg on illi while i was in SR gear
22:21.32cynthat isnt possible
22:21.39cynwith omen working
22:22.25*** join/#wowace Health (
22:22.27cynso you all read abotu the 128billion in profits
22:22.40cynthe major oil companies made in 07
22:22.52*** join/#wowace Elsia (
22:23.05CIA-903hamunaptra * r67566 10fmBuffCheck/ (fmBuffCheck.lua fmBuffCheck.toc):
22:23.05CIA-9- Hopefully fixed the localized and genderized class names... untested as of yet...
22:23.06NeoTroncyn: pullling aggro on illidan in SR gear is a pretty impressive accomplishment regardless of omen or not
22:23.09Elsia~seen cryect
22:23.11purlcryect is currently on #wowace (1d 23h 19m 55s). Has said a total of 105 messages. Is idling for 16h 11m 10s, last said: 'Not sure how far away, prealpha version I will prolly strip what it currently does since it just doubles thedata for nothing'.
22:23.11XuerianHardly surprising, Cyn
22:23.13cynand they are mad casue they arent gogin to get the 18 billion in tax cuts
22:23.22aestilbard hero class is a good april fool's joke.
22:23.25XuerianSee last message
22:23.28aestilfunny, what with the 'guitar hero' and all.
22:23.39Xuerianaestil: It'd be fun to actually happen :p
22:23.51cyn@Neo, i was potted and i started early 1 MD didnt help
22:24.13JJSheets8 unique directions....
22:24.21XuerianWITH SOUND
22:24.24cynbut then again i forgot that i was nether pro
22:24.31cyni fail :(
22:24.44KaaosaSkinning a bear should aggro every bears within a 40 yd radius
22:24.53XuerianHaha, that was awesome
22:25.04JJSheetsthat was the funniest part of that, and it was damned funny.
22:26.01cynfunny imo
22:26.17Firefoxwhy does Omen2 always open AoE? :|
22:27.13*** join/#wowace Matrix110 (
22:27.27aestilit doesn't do that for me Firefox
22:27.30cynkaubel on forums is a fuckign retard
22:27.40cynEJ forums*
22:28.02Trell_howcome my Recount wasn't recording deaths during tonights raid?  It only seemed to record pet deaths >_<
22:28.22cynit wasnt working last night either
22:28.33cynwe had the same problem among others
22:28.37nevcairielTrell_: the blizzard UNIT_DIED event is bugged right now, only fires for pets and npcs
22:28.43Trell_ah I see
22:28.43Firefoxis there a way to turn it off?
22:28.51Trell_everything else seemed ot work ok on it tbh
22:29.06Trell_I was second, so that was ok
22:29.14cyndid you have any problems with peopel abnormally high in dmg before the fight started
22:29.31ZhinjioEllipsis: where is a unit frame's border color set?
22:29.31cynthere was another lock in my raid who was at 1.2 million before a pull
22:29.38Zhinjiothis one is pink, and I have no idea why
22:29.39Trell_nerf locksª
22:29.54cynseemed liek overall and current were syncing weirdly
22:30.16Aythprobably had some people who were no updated
22:30.24cynmight have been
22:30.29nevcairielOmen/THreat-2.0 is really getting better now, since yesterday its really working smooth for my guild, and once Antiarc fixes the last serious bug i discovered today, it'll be good again :) You just need to get everyone to update, or they might send invalid data
22:30.49Zhinjionm, found it.,
22:30.50cynhey any of you use clearfont2?
22:30.57FirefoxOmen2 opens in AoE mode
22:31.05Firefoxand I can't figure out how not to.
22:31.08cynfirefox Use classic mode
22:31.10Aythmaybe you do too much aoe
22:31.10Firefoxi'm a hunter :(
22:31.20Firefoxhow do i switch cyn?
22:31.22nevcairielit never switched modes for me
22:31.25cynuse classic mode and it will be like the old omen
22:31.27aestilmine doesn't.
22:31.28Trell_we have some tards in our guild though
22:31.35cynumm im not ingame but there is a skin
22:31.41cynoption jsut choose that skin
22:31.45nevcairielTrell_: get your raidlead to make the mupdate
22:31.48cynand solves your problem
22:31.48Trell_"update your addons a couple of minutes before the raid" <-- how hard is that statement to understand?
22:31.51aestilEllipsis: can i reset cowtip dogtag's to 'default'?
22:31.53Firefoxi am in classic lol
22:32.21Trell_after 3 pulls, we discover halfof the raid "thought it would be ok cos I updated Omen yesterday/last week/last month"
22:32.43Firefoxwe'll see if this worked
22:33.36cynanyone here use classic mode and it will be like the old omen?
22:33.45Brunersanyone that have some good cowtip linetext setups?
22:33.47Aethenelleanyone know if mybindings2 is still under dev or of a replacement?
22:34.10Trell_Bruners I do
22:34.22BrunersTrell_: fancy sharing ? :)
22:34.24Apocowtb Andorhal up
22:34.34cynanyone here use clearfont2, know if there is a fix so that clearfont will apply to chatbox text?
22:34.41Trell_sure, lemme up a ss
22:34.43*** join/#wowace DuTempete (
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22:35.41Apococyn: There is yes, but its buggy.
22:35.48Trell_for Bruners
22:36.26Trell_and yes, I've jsut realised I haven't spent my latest talent point
22:36.51Trell_the class is colored, by class surprisingly
22:36.57TE|kulaar71 mb of addons^^
22:37.02cyn@apoco so i jsut have to stick with /console reloadui?
22:37.13Trell_don't mock my addon mem usage :(
22:37.33kergothi'm at 71 megs at login
22:37.37kergothlike 110 or something at the AH
22:37.40Brunersi have enough ram why care really? :P
22:37.45cynrecount is a hog
22:37.52cynbut it isnt as bad as SW
22:38.10Zicontrell_: What is the "Upgrade your ammo!" note?
22:38.20StanzillaAdirelle: :)
22:38.31Trell_no idea why that note is in there though
22:38.45cynthat better than tiny?
22:38.53Trell_i <3 my cowtip
22:38.58_ranei like tinytip more
22:39.04CIA-903mokhtar * r67567 10NoSeeNoInterrupt/locales/ (locale-frFR.lua locales.xml):
22:39.05Trell_but cyn: I'm using cf2
22:39.08CIA-9- Added frFR locale, hope it works
22:39.11Trell_and it does apply to my chatbox text
22:39.18cyndo u use prta
22:39.29cynim lost then
22:39.37Trell_you can see in that ss
22:39.40cynill have to look at it further
22:39.41Trell_morpheus text ftw
22:39.47dylanmDid you reloadui?
22:39.51NeoTron:se noai
22:39.51NeoTrona:se ai
22:39.53cyni use a very narrow text
22:39.53dylanmBecause that seems to screw things up
22:39.57CIA-903alar * r67568 10QuestTranslator2/ (AlarLib.lua QuestTranslator2.toc qt2.lua):
22:39.57CIA-9Fixed incompatibility with Eql (Extended quest log)
22:40.37cyni am not a clicker
22:40.39cyni swear
22:40.55cynatleast i dont keyboard turn
22:41.07Trell_wow, thats some big ass buttons >_<
22:41.08_ranesuperbig spell buttons
22:41.12cynpoints to darkdruid
22:41.34cynthey ar actually small on tha tmonitor
22:41.57Trell_why do you give so much screen space to your panel at the bottom?
22:42.11cyncasue im to lazy to remake everything
22:42.14Trell_out of interest
22:42.23_rane mine
22:42.24cynwell i do that
22:42.32cyncasue of height of recount
22:42.35_ranei don't keep the actionbars visible though
22:42.38Bruners mine
22:42.58Wyannais there a ubound function in LUA
22:43.06NivFreakAntiarc: so that guildie that claimed omen1 was updated for 2.4 of course can't link it
22:43.06JJSheetswho kicked over the WoW servers?
22:43.11NivFreakAntiarc: claims it was on curse
22:43.49_raneBruners: what's the thing that puts all that stuff in the bottom like that?
22:43.54_ranein order
22:43.54cynoerall my ui is very functional
22:44.06*** join/#wowace Dekster (
22:44.06NivFreakwhat's an ideal t6 level fight for a fire mage?
22:44.14cynthere are soem really simple ui's but i couldnt ddeal with them
22:44.15Bruners_rane: what exactly?
22:44.36_ranei don't know how to explain
22:44.43_ranethat whole thing
22:44.43Bruners_rane: eepanels if its the lines
22:44.45_raneis it some addon
22:45.27CIA-903benumbed * r67569 10DaHud/ (27 files in 9 dirs):
22:46.39Trell_I like Bruners UI, but my one 'complaint' would be that the pet bar looks out of place
22:46.45Trell_but I wouldn't know where else to put it
22:46.53Trell_it ruins my symmetrical mind
22:47.04cynfine hate my UI casue i have "big" buttons
22:47.24Trell_if you want me to be honest
22:47.30Trell_that IS the reason why I'm not so keen on yours :P
22:47.37Nandinia have an asymmetric mind, i'm typically left-brained
22:47.53Trell_although you could say mines not symmetrical in the slightest :P
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22:48.03NivFreakideal fight for a fire mage in t6?
22:48.16cynyou are a mage
22:48.25Trell_haven't got a 70 mage, and haven't got any characters wearing t6.
22:48.34Trell_not much help I'm afraid.
22:49.06Nandinido you mean "in which fight am i guaranteed to kick everyone else's ass on the dps charts and not have to move, poly, evocate, pot, etc."
22:49.10cynreroll firelock mirite
22:49.15BrunersTrell_: you are correct, but not really anywhere to put it :P
22:49.17cyni kid i kid
22:49.28kergothcyn: i dont see a problem with your ui, some people are more visual and mouse oriented, and not everyones eyes are such that they can spot tiny things out of their peripheral vision
22:49.48GngskTrell_, you could sort it into 2 columns and scale it so it fits next to the other actionbars below, nicely
22:49.52Brunershardly ever use pet bars really, all binded on g15
22:50.05kergothi certainly cant, end up having shit right in the middle of the screen where i wont miss it, heh
22:50.12cyni need to redo my ui anyways
22:50.14charonNeoTron: noob question about MM: suppose mob A is set high/CC, and mob B is low/tank. what if i don't have CC around? will it flag A to be killed first?
22:50.31*** part/#wowace Amadeo (
22:50.40cyngood firemage fight is chill
22:50.45cynthey never have to move
22:50.55Trell_I've just made a massive batch of Hi Impact Mithril Slugs (12.5dps, level 37) now im 40, is it REALLY worth upgrading to Accurate Slugs (13dps, level 40)
22:51.16Trell_is .5 dps really gonna matter
22:51.19Trell_ah good, thanks
22:51.20cyndont waste money at ur level
22:51.28cynfuck level up in lv 25 greens
22:51.34cyntill you get to 58
22:51.39cynand then go to outlands
22:52.01cyndont spend a dime on anything but spells
22:52.09CIA-903rabbit * r67570 10Violation/ (Damage/DPS.lua Violation.lua): Violation: Remove the extra newlines in the tooltip.
22:52.09Trell_yeah i figured that, got 2 70s and a 65 alraedy, just not sure on hunters dps or w/e
22:52.55Trell_wasted a shit load of cash on this char already enchanting stuff for pvp @ 39, and levelling engineering etc, this guy was my pvp char for about 6 months
22:53.00MegalonTrell_: perhaps get AV xbow at lvl51 ;>
22:53.12Trell_but its finally getting boring killing everyone in wsg and ab
22:53.18Trell_so decided to level him instead
22:55.16kergothso who has a good cowtip setup i can steal as a starting point? :)
22:55.32Trell_you can use mine if you want
22:55.35Trell_just pasted it to Bruners
22:55.39Firefoxwhat spec are you Trell_?
22:55.43Trell_so I can paste it again
22:55.51Trell_Firefox: on my hunter?
22:55.53kergothtahtd be helpful, thanks
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22:56.51Firefoxi haven't been BM since lvl 25
22:57.12Trell_<3 intimidation
22:57.16BrunersBM4Life :P
22:57.19FirefoxScatter shot :P
22:57.22oxEzusing a minimap addon such as simpleMiniMap, buffs at the topright of the screen are still locked in their position, is there a way to make them stick to the extreme top right of the screen? Or some addon that could do that?
22:57.32Trell_yeah i tried mm and survival too (o_O) @ 39
22:57.46Trell_oxEz - use a buffbar?
22:57.47hi2udoes anyone use natur enemycastbar?
22:57.55Trell_ElkBuffBar is my fave
22:57.59oxEzYea I used that one
22:58.09hi2uI  can't figure out why the cast bars won't show up lol
22:58.09oxEzbut I somehow feel like using the default ones
22:58.09cynBM Hunters
22:58.14hi2uI can get the fps and latency to display fine
22:58.23hi2ubut whenever I cast anything I don't see the necb bars
22:58.30cynall of our hunters have 1 script attached to their mouse wheel
22:58.34Trell_MoveAnything then, as Aiiane said
22:58.38cynand they jsut spin it the entire raid
22:58.40*** join/#wowace Proph (
22:58.50oxEzalright thank you
22:59.07PrimerAnyone want to help me port my addon to Ace3? :)
22:59.07Aiianecyn: yeah, pretty much
22:59.09hi2uoxEz do you know how to make the necb bars show up?
22:59.24Aiianeer, hi2u
22:59.30Aiianenecb's bars aren't for your own casts
22:59.35PrimerIs there a tut for Ace3?
22:59.38Primerperhaps I can start there
22:59.39hi2uthey're not?
22:59.45oxEzhi2u: not really, necb is pretty much screwd for me at the moment
22:59.48hi2uohhhh hmm
22:59.49FirefoxBM is boring.
22:59.51AiianeNatur's *Enemy*CastBars
23:00.01hi2udon't they show my cooldowns though?
23:00.03oxEzhi2u: I'd use quartz / eecastingbar for your own casting one
23:00.10Aiianethey show enemy cooldowns
23:00.18hi2uwtf lol okay
23:00.22hi2uI thought they showed your own
23:01.06kergothPrimer: i'd recommend looking at a few simple ace3 addons to start with
23:01.20Primerkergoth: can you name one?
23:01.27*** join/#wowace SchmoZz (
23:01.44kergothfishermansfriend, smoothdurability, umm..
23:01.58kergothlootalert, petinstance, prospector are mine, all are pretty tiny also
23:02.08kergothcombatdnd looks like a little enough one
23:02.18NeoTronbut prospector is win
23:02.42NeoTronPrimer: you can look at MagicMarker. then you'll soon wish you didn't
23:02.49kergothi think that prospector addon on curse is funny
23:02.56PrimerI based mine off the ace2 tut
23:02.57cynwaht is that
23:03.13kergothits like mine, only theres a bigass ugly frame around the button, it uses macrotext so it can be bitten just like a macro can, it has a minimap button, etc
23:03.15kergothjust sad
23:03.22charoncyn: a vial of pure win form the fountains of genious
23:03.57*** join/#wowace Yssaril (n=Yssaril@
23:04.14Diaosomeone should update honorfu to work with the new honor system :p
23:04.15Trell_yeah charon, I'd agree with that surmisation of MM
23:04.16cynim lost
23:04.22*** join/#wowace JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
23:04.30Trell_it is exactly as you said.
23:04.50cyntells everyone to smell his finger!
23:05.04*** part/#wowace Xan3 (
23:05.05Groktarlicks cyn's finger
23:05.08charon<charon> NeoTron: noob question about MM: suppose mob A is set high/CC, and mob B is low/tank. what if i don't have CC around? will it flag A to be killed first?
23:05.24cynthat kinda not gonna lie
23:05.38PrimerI'm guessing that I won't have to change much in my addon, just the embeds.xml, the externals, and some object inits
23:05.41NeoTroncharon: yes
23:05.50charonTrell_: then again that holds for _so_ many ace addons _and_ the ace project in general
23:05.54charonNeoTron: th
23:06.10NeoTroncyn: Magic Marker marks targets in parties and groups for you based on rules you set up
23:06.14NeoTronor rather priorities
23:06.15kergothPrimer: pretty much, not all that much is different, i mean it still has OnInitialize, OnEnable, etc.  the gui/config stuff is new, and acedb isnt embeddedin your addon object anymore
23:06.35NeoTroncharon: I still plan to add separate cc adn tank priorities
23:06.59Primerkergoth: I read that the slashcommand would Just Work™ in the new addons config interface if I use Ace3
23:07.04Primermuch in the same way it already works in rock
23:07.07Odlawneeds more options :)
23:07.08charonNeoTron: well actually, if it's the way you say, i won't need them ;) but of course they might come in handy for others
23:07.14NeoTron... it works ok in sunwell now, post bug fixes. Still would like targets I want to have low priority for CC but be killed first if the couldnt' be cc'd
23:07.23charonusually, if a mob deserves CC it's for good reason and you'll want to kill him fast if there's none
23:07.25charonat least in 5mans
23:07.33Primerso I got the healing staff from heroic MrT last night
23:07.37cyni want somethign that targets skull,circle, cross, diamond, blah... in that order
23:07.45Primerwondering if it'll be worth replacing my shard + aran's saphire
23:07.54PrimerI'm guessing "yes"
23:07.58kergothPrimer: if you want your slash command to be a config, you can use aceconfigcmd-3.0 to do it for you, yes. most addons seem to just make their slash command open the gui though, unless there's a real need to provide something that macros can use
23:08.15cynthinkgeek was funny
23:08.17Primerkergoth: excellent, thanks
23:08.34NeoTronSuper Pii Pii! /want
23:08.38CIA-903ckknight * r67571 10LibDogTag-3.0/ (Parser.lua test.lua): LibDogTag-3.0 - fix an issue where something like "[One][Two] [Three]" would turn into "[One Two] Three]" instead of "[One Two] [Three]"
23:08.55NeoTronwell not really but alas. It would not surprise me if someone ended up making it
23:09.04cyni assume it does soemthign funny
23:09.08NeoTronit does
23:09.10cynanyoen try it
23:09.12NeoTronit's win
23:09.15*** join/#wowace JoshBorke (n=Josh@WoWUIDev/WoWInterface/LegoBlock/joshborke)
23:09.15Ellipsisit's great
23:09.22EllipsisI got like 4 epix already
23:09.23cyndoes this mena i need to try it
23:09.37cynso i can get my epix
23:09.37*** join/#wowace Eneswar (
23:10.29*** join/#wowace Nefarion (
23:11.10NefarionIs there any documentation floating around for the frametype MovieFrame?
23:11.17NefarionI checked WoWWiki, and, nothing
23:11.54NeoTronI didn't even know that it was possible
23:12.05Nefarioncheck the HighRoller addon
23:12.08NeoTronis it ever used in-game in any circumstance?
23:12.11NeoTronI know i did check it
23:12.14Nefarion*spoilers* it's a rickrolled
23:12.25NeoTronit's the best idea for an addon, ever
23:12.27*** join/#wowace dylanm (
23:12.45NefarionI just got all it's functions by interating over its metatable and saving it to a savedvariable, but i don't wanna test them all  =(
23:14.15NefarionI'm interested to see what kind of frame handlers it might have related to movies
23:14.43NeoTronnew idea - in-game movie tutorials :P
23:15.27NeoTronbecause we need more 100 MB addons
23:15.27kenlyricold idea
23:15.27kenlyricwell, I think the ability to record games with the actual engine would be good
23:15.34MentalPowerNeoTron: I suggest you don't try to make an addon with MovieFrame yet, since it has some glaring issues still
23:15.36kenlyricpicture a grand theft auto recording. WoW needs that
23:15.44NefarionI was thinking of a media player first
23:16.25kebinusananyone else have problems with guild permissions, some of my members are saying they dont have proper permissions for their rank in the guild
23:16.26MentalPowerthe accepted formats is also rather limited, and even tho most formats will be ignored, some will hard-crash the client
23:16.27CynSomething somehting something darkside.
23:17.44NefarionWas MovieFrame always in, or is it a recent addition?
23:18.11MentalPowerits always been there, just that no one has used it before, so it needs some blizz love
23:18.45NeoTronif it is intended to be used
23:19.04MentalPowerNeoTron: exactly
23:19.16YssarilMentalPower, why is it even in the game?
23:19.37MentalPowerYssaril: cause Blizz uses it, how do you think the cinematics work?
23:19.56CIA-903kagaro * r67572 10Talismonger-3.0/Talismonger-3.0/Talismonger-3.0.lua: Talismonger-3.0: fix for gas detection
23:20.00Yssarilfile > play :P but (i guess your right)
23:20.20MentalPowererr... no
23:20.27MentalPowerin-game cinematics
23:20.34MentalPoweruse a rather specific format
23:20.34Yssarili know :)
23:21.15WyannaQuick Q for the LUA pros... in this line my variable is a string - how do I change it to a float so this will work right?  if (NewUIScale > 1.0 or NewUIScale < 0.64) then
23:22.15JJSheetsis there ever a cooldown on bags?
23:22.26Chaudwhen they get too hot.
23:22.27Nefarionon bags?
23:22.54YssarilJJSheets, not currently
23:23.14JJSheetsodd question I know... but I'm working on bagslot support in InfiniBar2, and want to quickly escape out of it if not.  so thanks.  :)
23:23.33Primerhrmm, guess I'm missing some deps
23:24.22*** join/#wowace Iboong-Kenzo (n=user@
23:24.26PrimerI nuked my Addons directory to be sure I wouldn't miss any deps
23:24.31Dark_Elf - diablo 3 announced
23:24.51Cyni refuse to go
23:25.13Dark_Elfits a joke
23:25.19JJSheetsIt being April first... I doubt it.
23:25.22ZhinjioEllipsis or ckknight : under what circumstances is the "Offsets" portion of pitbull auras active?
23:25.44Cyni have a question abotu pitbull
23:25.48JJSheetskicks the WoW servers. "I need to test me addon, ye pricks!"
23:26.06Cynhow to i get pitbull to show current HP  only
23:26.33Cyne.g. Cyn         5831
23:26.43Zhinjionm: i found it.
23:26.57Cynnot Cyn          5831/7350
23:26.57Primerwhat's the "default" for /rl?
23:27.04Primerwhen you have no other addons?
23:27.10Primerother than the one you're working on...
23:27.15dylanmPrimer: /console reloadui
23:27.24Dark_Elfim sure its a "/pitbull option" someplace
23:27.36Hobby-homethe health text in pitbull is a dogtag
23:27.59dylanmThere's an [HP] tag. I wonder what it does.
23:27.59Hobby-homei'm logging on, one sec and i'll get the tag
23:27.59Yssarilprimer make a macro for it and stick it one you action bar if your gonna use it often :) or just load ace2 as standalone
23:28.01*** join/#wowace Felix28 (
23:28.18Primerand if I change embeds.xml, is /rl enough?
23:28.21Primerdylanm: thanks
23:28.33Trell_woah.  anyone having trouble logging in to some eu servers?
23:28.35Primerugh, I'm losing it
23:28.41Yssarilif your just changing yea
23:28.45Primerjust can't get it to load CallbackHandler
23:28.48EllipsisZhinjio: offsets should always be available
23:28.53Hobby-homeyou mean  /reloadui ?
23:28.55Trell_got dc'd, and now I can't log in to about 4 or 5 eu servers
23:28.58AbsoRayneThe joke for April Fools was funny at first, but now it sucks cause im trying to read the forums and I cant friggin understand half the posts. :/
23:29.02JJSheetsyay, servers are up
23:29.03dylanmPrimer: If you add files to what WoW can see, you need to quit out of the game completely.
23:29.06Ellipsisthere will only be separate debuff offsets if "split" is on though
23:29.11Yssarilprimer the only time you need to do a full restart is if you edit the toc and if you add/remove files
23:29.12KaaosaAbsoRayne, yeah
23:29.15Trell_locks with the 'logging into game server' box up
23:29.25KaaosaI don't even like it when they change people's avatars
23:29.29Primerok, thanks again
23:29.33CIA-903benumbed * r67573 10DaHud/ (5 files in 3 dirs):
23:29.38dylanmWhy would you read those forums
23:30.03KaaosaA fair amount of people on my server's forum are decent people.
23:30.06GagorianAntiarc: Have you come up with any solutions to the taunt threat thing?
23:30.35GagorianCurrent target won't work, but maybe a crossreference of current target and threat
23:30.57WyannaJust got my first mod working - thanks for the help folks.  Before I create a UI for it does anyone know of a mod that will maintain separate UI scale/camera/mouse invert settings for different accounts?
23:31.16Wyannajust so I don't waste time repeating effort?
23:31.19GagorianSo if current target is high enough on threat assume that (not highest necessarily) it's correct. Otherwise use highest threat target-
23:31.24GagorianOr then some kind of
23:31.42GagorianLast tank target memory thing.
23:31.49Trell_can anyone on EU servers try logging in to Draenor (en) for me please?
23:32.07BrunersTrell_: really good to have cowtip back in place! thanks!
23:32.14Trell_I need to know if its me, or if its down for some reason
23:32.29Trell_and no problem Bruners, glad I could actually be of help to someone for once :P
23:33.56CIA-903julith * r67574 10/branches/MobSpells/: MobSpells: created branch folder
23:35.03CIA-903benumbed * r67575 10DaHud/modules/Icons/Icons.lua:
23:35.39Wyannaanyone know of a good tutorial for working with the new mod config options in 2.4?
23:35.49Primer4/1 16:31:36.269  ...ddOns\FlightHUD\Libs\AceLocale-3.0\AceLocale-3.0.lua:29: assertion failed!
23:36.15Primerlocal assertfalse = function() assert(false) end
23:36.32Brunersis there fubar tracking addon?
23:36.49Brunersthat works ok with the new patch
23:37.20JoshBorkewhat would the fubar tracking addon track?  new fubars?
23:37.48Brunersstupid way of typing it i guess :P
23:37.56Mathrigostupid atlasloot stilled bugged
23:38.30Brunersa fubar module to sort different tracking methods (repair, humanoids, etc)
23:38.33Trell_lol@ nihilum's 'epic' april fools
23:38.44iKONAnyone know if it is possible to make your debuffs on a target more distinctive in Pitbull? It's difficult to see what is yours with 40 debuffs on the mob.
23:39.02*** part/#wowace mitchnull (
23:39.04Trell_ClassTimer, iKon
23:39.21Brunersthink you can highlight your debuffs?
23:39.47Mathrigodotimer also shows debuffs on targets :D
23:40.00Cynclasstime is FTW!
23:40.04iKONI havwn't seen any highlight options in Pitbull.
23:40.18iKONFor debuffs at least.
23:40.28Trell_just use a timer system
23:40.28CIA-903julith 07Julith * r67576 10MobSpells/ (. MobSpells.lua): (log message trimmed)
23:40.28CIA-9Branch which extends the trunk by the following things:
23:40.28CIA-9- tracking of melee and range damage/spells
23:40.28CIA-9- min and max amount of abilities (damage and heal)
23:40.29CIA-9- time between casts of abilities
23:40.31CIA-9- tracking if abilities can be blocked, dodged, resisted, reflected, interrupted, stolen or dispelled
23:40.45Trell_I use classtimer over all my alts
23:40.59Trell_and it is the best way of seeing 'my' debuffs on a target
23:41.00Brunersim using sorrentimers
23:41.25kergothJulith: ooh, sounds cool
23:41.41Hobby-home./recount sync doesn't output any info, how do i tell if i've disabled sync?
23:42.01NivFreakDo any of you guys use elemental shaman as offhealers?
23:42.04Julithkergoth: nice to hear, I'm always happy about testers :)
23:42.08Daemonaits rather cheap coming up with the "blizzard tear down the gate" from kungen ...
23:42.10kergothchecks it out
23:42.12KalrothWho broke Buffalo? :(
23:42.16BrunersNivFreak: if its needed, yes
23:42.18Pheredhelfor what I think, it should sync even if you have disabled sync
23:42.22kergothKalroth: try out satrinabuffframes 2
23:42.28NivFreakBruners: 0/41/20?
23:42.30Pheredhelas you explicitly equest syc
23:42.33BrunersNivFreak: or even our ench shaman
23:42.33Kalrothkergoth: Too long name!
23:42.35Nefarionwhat kergoth said
23:42.42Nefarion<3 SBF
23:42.43kergothsbf 2 is very, very nice
23:42.53BrunersNivFreak: no idea what specs they are running
23:42.57kergothi cant wait till satrina comes out with the addon based on it for showing enemy debuffs and such
23:43.02NivFreakBruners: armory link per chance?
23:43.03Hobby-homeif someone has an outdated version will they still show damage way off?
23:43.10Nefarionyou need SBFOptions by the way, the author didn't realize she could package the two on the WAU
23:44.25BrunersNivFreak: i dont think they have any healing specs really, just changing gears
23:44.38Superfly1anybody had any experience in firelock?
23:45.12Antiarc has to be the most effort I've ever seen put into an April Fools joke.
23:45.30NivFreakBruners: yea, I'm just wondering if the ele shaman is 0/41/20 or something else
23:46.14EllipsisSuperfly1: pve or pvp?
23:46.26ArcaiaAntiarc: there's been a Legend of Zelda movie planned for a long time now :P
23:46.44kenlyricit's still an april fools joke
23:46.57*** join/#wowace Ellipsis` (n=ellipsis@
23:47.01kenlyricthat's got lower production quality than Clash of the Titans
23:47.20kenlyricI keep waiting for the stop motion robotic owl
23:48.26MentalPowerAntiarc: that has the downloaded trailers, in all the available formats/resolutions
23:48.27*** join/#wowace Geeks (
23:48.32GeeksHi folks
23:48.33Antiarcheh, nice
23:48.52Brunersi need new gloves on my huntard for posing ><
23:49.08CivrockHmm, all of my raid is crashing due to an addon and all we have in common is Omen.
23:49.13Cynanti you find out what was causing the lag spikes?
23:49.17Cynlast night
23:49.19AntiarcThat's what I'm working on
23:49.31Cynwell i dont knwo if this helps
23:49.43Cynbut when i turned off autoframsize for grid
23:49.55Trell_Civrock - snap.
23:49.57Cynit is flawless FPS now no sign of spikes
23:49.58BrunersCivrock: several people (raids) have reported crashing today on my server
23:50.17NivFreakBruners: thanks
23:50.25aestilso, is there a wws like mod in game yet?
23:50.27Trell_we were 40% through downing Leo when everyone who had Omen installed had their screen lock up
23:50.34NivFreakBruners: and apparently I'm retarded with spec's
23:50.37aestilis that what recount2 will be?
23:50.40Trell_and only ctrl alt del fixed it
23:50.52BrunersNivFreak: i have no clue about shamans really :P
23:51.01Trell_is down?
23:51.12CivrockAny estimates for a fix?
23:51.14GeeksHi :)  Anyone running MBB?  There is a stack overflow as of 2.4.1
23:51.27Cyni dont know if Grid has soemthing to do wiht the crashes/spikes but i have tried to turn off evey mod and test each of them
23:51.45Hobby-homeAntiarc: any plans to break omen version syncs or is it safe to upgrade the guild again?
23:51.46Brunersis Parrot supposed to work now ?
23:51.50Cyni only saw the lag spikes when omen, +grind/autoframesize was on
23:52.07GeeksMBB was booting me
23:52.07AntiarcHobby-home: I'm about to "break" (fix) the sync protocol. Hopefully the last time.
23:52.19NivFreakBruners: any idea on where he comes in for healing when he's assigned to it?
23:52.21BrunersNivFreak: <- if you want a resto build
23:52.27Hobby-homedamn, alright
23:52.42Primer4/1 16:49:06.736  Interface\AddOns\FlightHUD\FlightHUD.lua:255: attempt to call method 'RegisterDB' (a nil value)  <-- anyone know where that is in Ace3 now?
23:52.42NivFreakBruners: I'm just playing with the idea of converting one of our resto shaman to an ele shaman
23:52.43AntiarcSorry :/
23:52.45XuerianHealing? Shaman?
23:52.47Hobby-homefrustrating a lot of people having to upgrade every raid =P
23:52.53BrunersNivFreak: i would guess raid healing
23:52.54XuerianPress the "Stormstrike" button and win the game...
23:52.54AntiarcYeah, it is.
23:53.03AntiarcThat'll slow down very soon though.
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23:53.18NivFreakBruners: I mean, does he do a decent job? :)
23:53.29XuerianOf course, i guess chain heal works too
23:53.33Hobby-homewhat's eta on that change, tonight perhaps?
23:53.45aestilHobby-home: remind them that due to the combat log change, they are essentially using a mod in 'beta testing' stage.
23:53.56aestilunlike the old omen, which had a ton of time to 'mature'
23:53.57BrunersNivFreak: if not he would have been kicked from the raid, so yes :P
23:54.05Hobby-homei am :)
23:54.10aestilalternativly, they could go without a threat meter.
23:54.21Hobby-homemm we basically are
23:54.23aestili suggest pulling gurtogg without a threat meter, should be fun.
23:54.29BrunersNivFreak: im just a huntard, not really listening to healing assignments
23:54.31kenlyricalso remind them how much patches always break threat mods/boss mods
23:54.36kenlyricit happens every patch.
23:54.39Hobby-homelast weeks raids had no resets on boss threat, so hence the frustration
23:54.56kenlyricthe threat might have just been wrong :)
23:54.59Hobby-homei know that, just a pain to explain it to 15 people and 10 other idiots
23:55.01NivFreakyea. Leo was interesting without threat wipes
23:55.04GeeksWhat does the select(1,...) command do?  Maybe I can help debug MBB.
23:55.06Trell_I've asked this before, how long is Parrot going to be?  I know people said to use MSBT, but isn't that gonna take me an age to setup how I want it?  and if so, is it worth doing, if Parrot is gonna be that long still yet?
23:55.08AntiarcI know it sucks, but I'm working as hard as I can on it.
23:55.12Hobby-homeNivFreak: yeah haha
23:55.15Brunerswas not threat meters banned in the start?
23:55.18NivFreakwe one shotted him
23:55.22NivFreakbut it was a bit scetchy
23:55.25Hobby-homei code for a living don't have to explain it to me
23:55.31kenlyricTrell_: who knows if the parrot db will remain the same, and you have to set it up all again.
23:55.31Hobby-homewas just asking on status :)
23:55.59Trell_I can't live without my spammy damage in/out
23:56.07Trell_so MSBT is a viable alternative then?
23:56.14kenlyricquite viable
23:56.23Hobby-homeAntiarc: and it's much appreciated btw
23:57.10PrimerNeoTron: you were right about MagicMarker
23:57.15dylanmGeeks: select(1, ...) is just going to return ... pretty much.
23:57.24NivFreakCyn: do you use GridoRA2Layouts?
23:57.36PrimerI need to find an example of Ace3 and AceDB-3.0
23:57.56Primerthere is no RegisterDB in AceDB-3.0
23:58.10NivFreakMSBT == win
23:58.10kergothi already told you, you dont embed acedb-3.0 into your addon object
23:58.15kergothit does too have registerdb
23:58.24kergothwell, New() actually
23:58.28kergothbut the principle is the same
23:58.32PrimerI didn't New() it
23:58.34kergothlook at some of the addons i pointed out earlier
23:58.38kergothi only listed, what, like 8?
23:58.41kergothnot exactly hard
23:58.48Primerkergoth: I made the mistake of looking at NeoTron's
23:58.54Primerand he doesn't use AceDB
23:59.00hi2uis there anyway to move the cast bar in quartz? ;\
23:59.01Primerdylanm: thanks
23:59.15kergothself.db = LibStub("AceDB-3.0"):New("FooSavedVar", defaults, defaultprofile) = true
23:59.29Ellipsishi2u: unlock it
23:59.38hi2uI've been looking thru /quartz
23:59.42ulichi2u: /quartzdd
23:59.43hi2ucan't see any lock/unlock options
23:59.54Primerkergoth: perfect
23:59.55Ellipsisit's in the options somewhere

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