IRC log for #wowace on 20071008

00:00.00Grumcould do ^^
00:00.05Xinhuanmost of the time, the selected continent would be OUTLANDS
00:00.13Grummore work :'(
00:00.15Xinhuanbecause it doesn't make sense to make routes anywhere else
00:00.17Xinhuanwithout a flying mount
00:00.26orionshockGrum: do u have it currently to auto set to current zone?
00:00.34EllipsisI don't know if I'd even bother with non-outlands zones
00:00.36Grumto the currently open cartographer zone
00:00.37Xinhuanso there will only be 7 zones really, in the 2nd dropdown
00:00.49Ellipsisthe routes will be next to useless unless/until you add the A* stuff
00:00.56Nandiniit makes perfect sense to have routes elsewhere, since 300 or more skill point can be gained before outland, if you're using routes to level up your skill
00:01.00Xinhuanits only useful in outlands for the most part
00:01.07Xinhuanso just make a continent dropdown
00:01.19Nandinibut without obstacle avoidance, it's not useful outside outland
00:01.23Grumgotto see how Tourist provides me that info
00:01.27Nandinimaybe you should call them flight routes
00:01.38Nandinior disable them completely outside outland
00:01.46vhaarrXinhuan: your argument makes no sense, we're trying to keep things simple here, adding more dropdowns is not the right way of doing that
00:02.07Xinhuanno it makes no sense to exclude zones out of lvl range, especially if i just picked up mining
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00:02.11Xinhuanor herb
00:02.11Grumit should not be simple to code btw
00:02.13Xinhuanand want to lvl it up
00:02.16Grumjust simple to use for the user
00:02.20vhaarroh really grum
00:02.24Nandiniroutes may cause more harm than good in a non-flyable zone
00:02.46vhaarrfact is that this option is needed, and the simplest solution is limiting level ranges, which would cover most of the uses anyway
00:03.00Xinhuanactually the solution is to just restrict it to Outlands - 7 zones. TADA
00:03.04Nandiniwhat is the benefit of creating a route in azeroth?
00:03.07Grumso what i can do: limit the code to show only the outland zones, preselect one if you have that zone open in cartographer
00:03.28Nandinii think that's a good idea Grum
00:03.33Grumadd another setting somewhere which 'unlocks' the other zones as well (and thus 1 more dropdown for continent)
00:03.56Nandinidisable all other zones until you can support obstacles
00:04.02vhaarrroutes work great in silithus, un'goro, tanaris, badlands, barrens, and many other zones
00:04.12vhaarrGrum: I'm not discussing this any more, you know my view
00:04.15vhaarrtime for bed
00:04.28Grumvhaarr: double dropdown would be best i guess
00:04.53Grumclose in range levelwise sucks because you will not be able to add anything in a lowerlvl zone
00:05.02Grumunless you specificly allow that somehow
00:05.05vhaarrsure you will, if you're there
00:05.12vhaarrcurrent zone preselected
00:05.23Grumso add the current zone and current open zone to the list?
00:05.26Nandiniif my level 70 druid has just picked up herbalism and i imported a cart_notes database and want to make a route of silverleaf and peacebloom, can i do that? should i do that?
00:06.01QuantumDeltamost people know the pre-outland routes by heart anyway
00:06.12QuantumDeltathey're 2dimensional and simplistic compared to the ideal outland ones..
00:06.14GrumNandini: you should be able to do that by opening the zone in carto with silverleaf/peacebloom nodes and then selecting stuff in the dropdown
00:06.27Nandinipresumably i have installed this addon because i do NOT know the pre-outland routes
00:07.03Grumi cant do much for that tbh, its not really feasable to implement 'obstructions'
00:07.24QuantumDeltaif you do it all by hand
00:07.25Nandiniit could be done i think but it would require scouting the map and would take forever
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00:08.04Nandinithen you could also add costs for crossing water, crossing areas with elite mobs, you could add all kinds of costs, all increasing the complexity of your TSP algorithm
00:08.21AmadeoBoredom Overwhelming
00:09.21KemayoMan, I need to work out why oRA2 and Bigwigs aren't communicating with others in my raid.
00:09.31Nandinifor example, if i'm in silverpine forest, the last place i want to herb is on that island i have to swim all the way out to
00:09.47Nandiniunless i'm a druid with aquatic form or can waterwalk
00:10.17Grumtbh not really doable nor intresting
00:10.17Nandinialso, the route would have to take into account that gully i can fall into just about anywhere, but only walk out of in one spot :)
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00:10.33QuantumDeltathere's a difference between helping people/putting a project together
00:10.34Grumas said, it's mostly useful for outland
00:10.38QuantumDeltaand being anal. :P
00:11.11Grumi think outland+currentzone+currentcartozone is enough
00:11.46QuantumDeltaI do agree
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00:13.18Grumah well .. time for bed
00:13.31Nandinihmm... curiosity question... can i share my route data with others?
00:13.47Grumno and will not ever happen by my choice ^^
00:14.28Nandinii'm just wondering if people who have installed cart_herbs databases for example will calculate routes for individual herbs for all zones then post those routes for download
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00:14.36NosracWhere can I download Cart Routes?  I'm having difficulty finding at ;-)
00:15.20SandiagoHey guys, having a small issue here after a format and fresh install of WoW.. none of my Ace mods are working..
00:15.30SandiagoI have Ace2 installed ect but they are just not coming on in-game
00:15.45Nandiniare they enabled? are you getting any error messages?
00:15.55Sandiagono errors.. and they are enabled
00:16.15Sandiagoand its ONLY the ace mods.. everything else ie: bongos2 is working
00:18.02Xinhuanyou're not helping us Sandiago, you have to tell us the ERROR MESSAGES you are getting
00:18.23Sandiagoid love to tell you the error message... if I was getting one
00:18.25Sandiagobut im not
00:18.38Xinhuanthen the only explanation is that you installed your ace addons incorrectly
00:18.38Nandiniif you type /ace do you get any output?
00:18.52Xinhuanbecause no error = they didn't even get loaded
00:19.03Xinhuan= incorrect installation, wrong folder, etc
00:19.04durcynor he has errors suppressed.
00:19.13Sandiagomaybe thats it
00:19.36AuricaSo the same warlock has blown us up 5 times in a row on Solarian
00:19.42Auricaerr not 5, 3
00:20.40Sandiagookay yea
00:20.43SandiagoI had errors off
00:20.47Xelopheriso..kay? nerf warlocks?
00:20.58Sandiagoso it seems the mods are looking for "Rock" but cannot find it?
00:21.40Silowyiteh eye-ron-knee
00:21.40DezzimalSandiago: blame ckknight
00:21.53Sandiagowell where do I get Rock ;p
00:21.55Dezzimalrock is his fault
00:22.05XelopherisCan you find where the Rock is loaded!
00:22.16Xinhuanwell how did you install your Ace addons?
00:22.22Xinhuandid you use a installer? program?
00:22.40Xinhuanalright, go into your WAU settings
00:22.45Sandiagooh so Rock is actually Ace3?
00:22.51Nosracnope lol
00:22.52Xinhuanand turn on "AUTOMATIC dependency download"
00:23.04Xinhuanand turn OFF "default mode with externals"
00:23.13Xinhuanonce you have these 2 settings done
00:23.23Xinhuango ahead and hit "reinstall all installed addons"
00:23.51Nandiniwow two of my least favorite things in one sentence!
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00:23.54Xinhuani'm assuming you like 250 folders in your addons folder
00:23.57Nandini"go ahead and..." and "hit..."
00:24.02sylvanaareven better, F4, SHIFT-F12
00:24.18Xinhuanpfft sylvanaar, i don't remember those shortcuts
00:24.34sylvanaarme either, but takes less time to type
00:25.31AstikaAnyone here good with UI Coordinates/Scale?
00:25.45Nandinithose are right up there with "close out of" in my book. what happened to just "close" or "exit"
00:26.21Sandiagoyay that worked!
00:26.37Nandiniwelcome to having yet another addon framework running!
00:26.40Sandiagoyou guys rock, i'll be sure to send you all some cheese blocks
00:26.43Xinhuani hope you like running your addons disembedded Sandiago ;p
00:27.00Xinhuanor at least, hope you already ran them disembedded in the first place
00:27.14Sandiagowhat does that mean?
00:27.45Xinhuanit means the libraries that the addons use are in their own addon folders
00:27.46Nandiniyou have libraries disembedded now for purposes of updating, no need to know what it means, just know that it is good :)
00:27.49EllipsisNandini, you must nearly kill yourself when you have to call tech support for something...
00:27.55kenlyric_you get 100 more folders, but 2000 fewer files if you run disembedded.
00:28.00kenlyric_and fewer updates.
00:28.19NandiniEllipsis: it drives me nuts.
00:28.27Arrowmasterand you get 1,000 more folders and 10,000 more files if you use svn
00:28.36SandiagoI get it actually
00:28.51Ellipsiswait, what kind of libraries gives me 10,000,000 more pies?
00:28.53Ellipsis'cause I like pie
00:29.01MoonWitchAPPLE PIE!
00:29.02Ellipsiso rly?
00:29.08XinhuanArrowmaster is gay, because he SVN's the whole trunk
00:29.23Xinhuanso he has an entire duplicated copy of all his addons inside the .svn folder/subfolders
00:29.24NandiniOfent times if I'm on the phone with someone and they tell me to "close out of" something, I tell them I only have a button that says "close" and none that says "close out of"
00:29.47Ellipsiswin, purl
00:29.50Nandinistupid arrow key. LOL
00:29.53AmadeoI called Blizzard tech support once, was on the phone for like 2 hours holding
00:29.58purli guess nandini is really not a retard (he's just special)
00:30.02EllipsisBlizz tech support made me cry
00:30.06kenlyric_i wish purl didn't do that. no need to show what I said twice.
00:30.17AmadeoAll because their website was broken and wouldn't let me reactivate my account
00:30.22AmadeoIt was probably a sign...that I ignored
00:30.24MoonWitchboo @ blizz tech support
00:30.36kenlyric_if humans can't translate regex, they don't belong on irc.
00:30.40Nandiniwhy did you call tech support and not call customer support?
00:30.45Astikawhy is it when i anchored somethin's center point to UIParent's center ... it's not exactly centered between left/right side of screen
00:30.56PaeneHow do you save a frame's position?  Just declare it in your saved variables?
00:31.02Paenethe frame that is
00:31.05Nandinicustomer support would probably be more than happy to reach right through the phone and grab the money out of your wallet.
00:31.08XinhuanAstika: that would depend on the frame texture
00:31.10Paeneor do you have to record it's position in the SV?
00:31.28EllipsisPaene, any movable frame will get its coords saved in layout-cache.txt
00:31.35Ellipsisno effort required on your part
00:31.38NandiniAstika: there may be parts of the frame that are not visible, its center may not be where you think
00:31.49Paenenice, so just call CreateFrame() and the game will do the rest?
00:32.01Ellipsisas long as you set it movable or resizable, yeah
00:32.09Astikaoh, damn, you right.  MinimapCluster was always off-centered
00:32.15Paenethanks Elipsis
00:32.20Astika*you are
00:32.25NandiniMinimapCluster has TONS of stuff around its edges
00:32.26Amadeoyay, boredom broken
00:32.38MoonWitchI wonder though, if you use createframe() you can't use the onLoad event, in which do you put the damn slashcommands stuff then?
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00:33.03Ellipsisput them in the same block of code you call CreateFrame() from?
00:33.11AstikaNandini, I just realized that when you said it.  Ugh, you would have to hard-code in the offset to truly center it :(
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00:33.20MoonWitchoh duh .. lol
00:33.22NandiniAstika: unfortunately, yes
00:33.44MoonWitchI'll get this tackled..
00:33.45MoonWitchone day
00:33.49orionshockAstika: isn't there a GetScreenWidth() ?
00:34.13MoonWitchhow the hell do you write the sound a cat makes in english ????
00:34.27AstikaNandini, That makes MinimapCluster a poor reference point with whcih to re-cente ron a resolution change, then re-position other frames near it by anchoring them to MinimapCluster
00:34.28MoonWitchI spelled it the dutch way :P
00:34.39AstikaKittens says "mew" in English
00:34.42PaeneUsing Ace2's framework...the slash command stuff is held outside of any functions.
00:34.50PaeneAt least following the Welcome Home tutorial they are
00:34.58NandiniAstika, it works well only when it's in the upper-right corner, since the cluster extends down and to the left
00:36.24NandiniI have a picture somewhere showing the extent of different parts of minimapcluster, let me see if i can find it
00:36.32AstikaNandini, Exactly, it's centered in my UI compilation, and if I center it from a GetScreenWidth()/2, then it's offset :( ... guess I will have to find another frame near it to reference as a starting point
00:38.32kenlyric_it's ok, king of the jungle says "mjummie" when it eats. I'm not sure what language that is.
00:39.09Nandinii've never yet seen a cat that speaks english either, to be honest
00:39.18kenlyric_i suspect dutch, since the author seems to be.
00:39.56Nandinii suspect i would dislike cats much more if they actually did speak english. i have a feeling they say things about us that are not very complimentary.
00:40.37Nandiniand "meow" is just a polite way of putting it.
00:41.28Astikasubtract 8.75256347657 from MinimapCluster to get its visible "center", lol
00:41.52NandiniAstika: it may be different for resolutions tagged as "wide" in the UI
00:42.13AstikaI'm on a 1440x900 now, checking others
00:42.35Nandiniit may even be different when running in full screen versus windowed mode
00:42.48Astikachecking that too :)
00:43.34Astikaworked on 5:4 (1280x1024)
00:43.49MoonWitchok back .. the dutch kitten who speaks english too now
00:43.49Nandiniis it the same if you change the UI scale?
00:44.03MoonWitchsoooo Ellipsis how have you been?
00:44.35AstikaNandini, I'm ignoring UI scale for the moment, since my compilation was/is done at .7
00:44.37Nandinii run at 1280x1024 at a uiScale of 0.75 to make an adjusted screen unit exactly equal to a pixel for me
00:45.10MoonWitchanyhow I am out for the night
00:45.28Astikaworks for full-screen 1920x1200
00:46.19Astikaframe reverts back to last user placed loc though, lol
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00:47.51Astikawell, that sucks
00:48.41Astikamaybe i should just re-position frames, then save their offsets to their respective db entries :/
00:50.35orionshockof blackrock...
00:55.19PaeneElipsis: for the frames, does it recall the positions by the frame name? or the variable name?
00:55.24CIA-1203nebelmond * r51316 10Rawrkitty/ (Rawrkitty.lua Sounds/ icon.tga rawr1.mp3):
00:55.42orionshockawsome commit notes neb
00:55.54CIA-1203nebelmond * r51317 10Rawrkitty/rawr2.mp3:
00:56.26Nandiniwhy add commit notes when the file names are so informative?
00:56.47kenlyric_commit notes are work.
00:56.48hyperChipmunki hope that's a joke
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00:56.54Nandiniyes i was being sarcastic :P
00:57.03kenlyric_hyperChipmunk: you fail the internet.
00:57.10kenlyric_if you even have to ask, you fail the internet
00:57.32kenlyric_commit notes are like documentation. For the weak.
00:57.48Nandiniyes! let the user discover what new nice things have changed!
00:57.49hyperChipmunkit's happened before
00:57.55Nandiniwhy take away their joy of discovery?
00:57.59elusifwow under linux here i come woot!
00:58.09hyperChipmunknot everyone uses the same nicks in irc as their svn account
00:58.16kenlyric_users can see what changed.
00:58.20kenlyric_filenames were added
00:58.36Paenemaybe someone else knows...Elipsis mentioned earlier that frame's position is saved in layouts-cache.  Is that information saved by frame name? or do I have to make a saved variable for the frame?
00:58.47CIA-1203nebelmond * r51318 10Rawrkitty/rawr1.mp3:
00:58.58Xelopheris... wtf is rawrkitty?
00:59.13ZiconI have no idea, but I want it.
00:59.14Nandinimy guess would be it is an addon that adds sounds for druid attacks or abilities
00:59.26ulicalternate sounds for pounce and something other druid ability
00:59.29Nandinithat's just looking at the file names though, it could be something completely different
00:59.47CIA-1203nebelmond * r51319 10Rawrkitty/ (Rawrkitty.lua rawr1.wav):
00:59.48CIA-1203ananhaid * r51320 10LittleWigs/Auchindoun/Vorpil.lua:
00:59.48CIA-12- update zhCN
00:59.54uliche did include a description in the initial commit :)
01:00.01Nandiniit would have been wonderfully ironic if it were a mage addon :)
01:00.01ulicor she
01:00.23hyperChipmunkgirls can't program!
01:00.23uliceverytime a mage does arcane explosion a kitten dies.
01:00.29Xinhuango fisheye is up and see what that addon does
01:00.35kenlyric_maybe that's te issue.
01:00.48Nandiniwow really ulic? does this mean i can start masturbating again?
01:01.01WobworkNandini: CeilingCat is watching you do that
01:01.01Nandinii was told every time i did it a kitten died :(
01:01.16kenlyric_there are millions of unwanted kitten born every year.
01:01.20kenlyric_do your duty
01:01.40Nandinihmm it sounds so patriotic and humane when you put it that way ken :)
01:01.54ulicNandini: no, you'll just kill more kittens
01:01.56Nandiniis there any way i can make a SPECIFIC kitten die?
01:02.06Ziconhyperchipmunk: Damn straight. We're only here to squeal over the cute programmer boys.
01:02.13kenlyric_no, god decides
01:02.32Nandinii guess i will just have to masturbate a lot then and hope eventually the neighbor's kitten gets chosen.
01:02.49kenlyric_you can use a blender for specific cats
01:03.09Nandinitrue, i suggested that to "Will It Blend?" but they never responded
01:03.18Xinhuani thought the svn is meant to reject commits without a message?
01:03.29WobworkIt has a message
01:03.32Wobwork" - "
01:03.34Nandiniif it has the addon name at the top and a hyphen, it has a message
01:03.35Xinhuani.e reject the commit if the commit message is just the tsvn:logtemplate
01:03.53Xinhuanexcept that was added only as the logtemplate
01:03.54Wobworkwe should svn delete the addon
01:03.57Xinhuanit should reject that
01:04.03KerafyrmI <3 WillItBlend:iPhone
01:04.08Sandiagois it possible to change the font face of nquestlog?
01:04.09Wobwork"Do it right or don't do it at all"
01:04.56kenlyric_lighters are better.
01:05.08Nandiniblending lighters?
01:05.37Nandinithat shall have to be my next suggestion to them!
01:05.43kenlyric_they already have
01:05.58Nandinino way, i missed one???
01:05.59kenlyric_you haven't explored will it bend completely.
01:06.45Gnarfoz~seen cryect
01:06.48purlcryect <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 37d 34m 50s ago, saying: 'charon: it can't tell the difference between mobs of the same name (you don't get any unit id for them or anything) so he couldn't do that'.
01:07.11Nandiniomg i never saw the chuck norris one either!
01:07.25Gnarfozhe's gone?
01:07.28AstikaNandini, I checked a couple other UI scales, the same offset for MinimapCluster works fine for all
01:08.52Nandinii really want to get that guy's job
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01:09.09WobworkActually, we're well within our rights to delete rawrkitty
01:09.24Wobworksince the author did not follow the svn rules laid out =P
01:09.29Ziconhyperchipmunk: Ooh, that's so hot.
01:09.53orionshockwob but is it worth it?
01:10.14WobworkIt's either that or trying to track their email down and telling them off =P
01:10.24hyperChipmunktry to contain yourself
01:10.26Wobworkprinciple of the matter and all that
01:10.27orionshocki got a better one
01:10.52orionshockrevert the commits and then wait for the author to franticly fret about when they can't make another commit :D
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01:11.08Wobworkorionshock: go for it =)
01:11.09orionshockdue to error
01:11.30orionshock... ya i don't care that much
01:12.17Kerafyrmyou guys should offer a 'fix my mod' service.. for mod dev's who have quit supporting their mods come patch day.... :P
01:12.32Wobwork"Pimp My Mod"
01:12.38Kerafyrmthat too
01:13.12kenlyric_those mods deserve to die?
01:13.28Kerafyrmsome do yes
01:13.30Kerafyrmnot all
01:13.40kenlyric_yes, all.
01:13.44orionshockimho - paid service
01:13.58Nandinithat iPhone stayed on for a remarkably long time when it was blended
01:13.59Kerafyrmthats the idea, of course
01:14.05kenlyric_a mod dying is a reason to find another mod.
01:14.07KerafyrmNandini: Yes it did
01:14.11Sandiagois there a guide somewhere that I can read to explain how to change default font in WoW?
01:14.25kenlyric_2.0.1 mods dying is how I found ace.
01:14.37KerafyrmI miss discord
01:14.42kenlyric_oh god
01:14.48kenlyric_you get out of my house
01:14.51orionshocki just failed the escort quest....
01:15.02Paeneping Elipsis
01:15.13Wobworkorionshock: skettis?
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01:16.03orionshockcaster came from behind and 4 shotted him..
01:16.31WobworkI don't know why more people don't group up for that quest
01:16.32NandiniSandiago: Create the following folder: <WoW directory>\Fonts\
01:16.37NandiniCreate four copies of the font file of your choice, place them in the above folder, and rename them to the following names:
01:16.44NandiniFRIZQT__.ttf   (the main UI font) ,  ARIALN.ttf   (the normal number font) ,  skurri.ttf   (the 'huge' number font),  MORPHEUS.ttf   (Mail, Quest Log font)
01:16.51kenlyric_i group up when people are right there.
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01:17.06kenlyric_but otherwise, other faction will ninja it.
01:17.09Sandiagoso if I want to use enigma.. I just rename it 4 times to those names?
01:17.11Wobworkkenlyric: as soon as I enter the zone, I'm like "Anyone for escort?"
01:17.16yssarilanyone that works on oRA2 on?
01:17.23Wobworkthen we canvas each site
01:17.36Wobworkwe may miss one, but usually get it
01:17.41kenlyric_same for eggs.
01:17.42hyperChipmunkthen he pops and while you wait to reconvene someone ninjas
01:18.02hyperChipmunkthey need to make the group-accept range longer
01:18.47hyperChipmunkyeah, but only award completion if you're close
01:18.48kenlyric_as long as you get there before it's over.
01:18.56Wobworkeggs are easy, the shared completion is fairly wide
01:19.16Wobworkthen again, you do the quests when there's not as much traffic =P
01:19.27hyperChipmunkshared eggs isn't a problem for anyone i don't think
01:19.36hyperChipmunki do nether rays w/ my gf sometimes
01:19.44Wobworkoh god
01:19.47Wobworkstupid delicate rays
01:19.50Wobworkhates them
01:19.53hyperChipmunkshe's a paladin, so she can do it without killing them >8)
01:19.54kenlyric_is nether ray repeatable?
01:20.10kenlyric_there must be a prereq.
01:20.14WobworkAnd the stupid rays give me a migraine when trying to focus past them
01:20.19kenlyric_is it ogri'la linked?
01:20.26Wobworkkenlyric: probably =)
01:20.33kenlyric_fucking ogri'la
01:20.42Wobworkyou really need to do those 5mans
01:20.46Wobworkthat's 100g right there
01:20.57kenlyric_i do try.
01:20.57Wobworkor 120 or something
01:21.00hyperChipmunkyeah, i finally got people to do them with a few weeks ago
01:21.03PaenehyperChipmunk: do you know anything about how frame positioning is saved?
01:21.24kenlyric_gonna pester everyone at gruul's
01:21.25Paenefor using CreateFrame
01:21.35Paenedo I need to have that as a savedvariable?
01:21.37Wobworkmeh, I'm almost exalted with shatari
01:21.46orionshockAutoBar is that Tuller's mod?
01:21.48Wobworkbut I don't have the money to buy the skill
01:21.49Paenereturn to a saved var
01:22.04hyperChipmunkbecause the frame doesn't exist
01:22.13orionshocktoadkiller's mod ?
01:22.16hyperChipmunkyou can't really save a dynamic frame's position
01:22.23hyperChipmunkunless you know more about it
01:22.24Paenehow does it save the positioning then? by frame name?
01:22.26Wobworkwithout a sv file
01:22.29Astikaif you manually SetPoint a frame, is there anyway to save it's x,y, to prevent it from reverting to last placed (dragged) position?
01:22.34Wobworkand a function to move it to position
01:22.53hyperChipmunkif it doesn't have a real name, you'll have to do it yourself
01:23.11PaeneI guess I'll play around with it a bit
01:23.24Tulleraww, I was hoping for a saien reference
01:23.46purlWhy do I care? Why are you posting here?
01:24.39Nandinii wonder if a roll of quarters will blend
01:27.02*** join/#wowace Antiarc|Laptop (n=Chris@
01:29.39CIA-1203andyca * r51321 10Omen/localization_zhTW.lua: Omen: Update zhTW localization strings
01:36.47*** join/#wowace [KzM]Fatalis (
01:38.15orionshock....ok that's another first
01:38.41orionshockdoing anthor ray's daily
01:38.53orionshockrouge drops in and kills it off for me
01:39.01orionshock... what an ass
01:42.43Xinhuani do that sometimes to annoy people ;p
01:42.56Xinhuanthen again i play on a pvp server, so anything goes!
01:43.44Xinhuanso annoying method 1: kill their ray, then kill them
01:43.57Xinhuanand annoying method 2: kill them, then steal their ray for your own
01:44.39orionshocki used to be on a pvp server
01:44.41orionshocki hated it
01:44.58Xinhuanworld pvp is so enjoyable to me :)
01:45.16orionshockthey'd just as soon kill you and wait to run back than steal your ray
01:45.39Xinhuanthat's the thing, don't let them kill you :)
01:46.54XelopherisI love cycloning warlocks that are stupid enough to DoT their rays
01:47.40Xinhuanhaha that's gotta be more annoying that adding the kiling blow so they can't capture it
01:48.24Xinhuanif j ~= i and j ~= i-1 and j ~= i+1 and j ~= numNodes then
01:48.32Xinhuanany real way i can shorten this? lol
01:48.42breserCycloning peoples mobs that are annoying you can be a satisfying experience.
01:51.26orionshockXinhuan: unless there is a +/- in lua... not really
01:52.47Xinhuani wonder if a table lookup is faster
01:52.59Xinhuanthan four ~= operations
01:53.23orionshockfor k,v in pairs(t) do
01:53.31Xinhuanthan four ~= and 3 AND operations even
01:53.45*** join/#wowace Guillotine (
01:53.58Xinhuanif not t[j] then
01:54.35Xinhuanwhere t[i-1], t[1], t[i+1] and t[numNodes] are true
01:56.10*** join/#wowace Antiarc|Laptop (n=Chris@
01:57.09*** join/#wowace Tsikura (
01:57.40CIA-1203andyca * r51322 10LibRock-1.0/LibRock-1.0.lua: LibRock-1.0- update zhTW localization
01:58.20hyperChipmunkrock pwnd
01:58.20CIA-1203andyca * r51323 10LibRockComm-1.0/LibRockComm-1.0.lua: LibRockComm-1.0- update zhTW localization
01:58.30Ellipsisoh boy
01:58.43Ellipsiswho's gonna fix this one?
01:58.46hyperChipmunkoh ouch
01:58.52hyperChipmunkcomm this time
01:59.04hyperChipmunknow you can screw everyone
01:59.28CIA-1203andyca * r51324 10LibRockConfig-1.0/LibRockConfig-1.0.lua: LibRockConfig-1.0:Added zhTW localization
01:59.31orionshocklet me SVN it down
01:59.36hyperChipmunkoh my
01:59.41hyperChipmunkADDED localization
01:59.42XelopherisOh man
01:59.50Ellipsisuh oh
01:59.55XelopherisNote to self: do not run WAU
01:59.58Ellipsisthis cannot be good
02:00.10Corganhold me
02:00.12CorganI'm scared
02:00.19orionshockok ive got it, let me reload ui
02:00.20Coreywhats so bad?
02:00.30XelopherisOrion: good luck
02:00.33CorganI fear for my life
02:00.44orionshocknever fails
02:00.46orionshockLibRockComm-1.0\LibRockComm-1.0.lua:50: unexpected symbol near '['
02:00.57Ellipsisgood lord
02:01.05Ellipsiswill it never end?
02:01.06XelopherisI would've figured line 10 tops
02:01.13Xinhuanso why do we give accounts to chinas?
02:01.17*** join/#wowace Seerah (
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02:01.22orionshock41 errors
02:01.24Ellipsisno see Xelopheris, lines 10-49 are chinese translations
02:01.27hyperChipmunkcuz none of us knows chinese =P
02:01.31Xinhuani know chinese
02:01.37Xinhuanin fact i'm chinese
02:01.43EllipsisXinhuan, moar transl8in plz
02:01.51XelopherisReally? I would've thought you were black with a name like Xinhuan :P
02:01.52hyperChipmunkthen why aren't you translating...or are you?
02:01.54Xinhuani can speak it, but not write it
02:01.58XinhuanBIG difference there
02:02.01hyperChipmunkthen you're useless
02:02.10Xelopheriserm, stt I guess
02:02.25hyperChipmunkactually, he's actually him doing these commits
02:02.32hyperChipmunkhe just doesn't want anyone to know
02:02.38Ellipsisooh, yay, now we have someone present to blame!
02:02.46Xinhuanmeh, you should make everyone that applies for a SVN account go through a "LUA test"
02:03.07CIA-1203sayclub * r51325 10Omen/localization_koKR.lua:
02:03.07CIA-12- Updated localization koKR
02:03.16Ellipsisthe one time I'm not afk in 2 days and my dad decides to IM me
02:03.24orionshocksayclub is actualy good
02:03.48Kaeltensome are better than others
02:04.03hyperChipmunkfrom what i've seen, that isn't saying much
02:04.12hyperChipmunkmy dog could do a better job
02:04.27EllipsisI want to train my dog to parse Lua...
02:04.53orionshockwell all the rock libs are off the svn.wowace site.. and if no one else will i'll spend the time to move over and adjust those translations.
02:05.28XelopherisShould train a cron script to parse LUA and file copy, IMO >.>
02:05.35Xinhuani expect to see a "woof woof" translation soon
02:05.51Ellipsisthat's what we need, addons for pets
02:06.00Ellipsistrain your dog to farm for you while you sleep!
02:06.20orionshockahhh... UF gone after update :(
02:06.24Xelopherisbut my dog isn't chinese
02:06.31XelopherisOrion: pitbull?
02:08.25hyperChipmunkhm, my dog's a bichon frise...he can do the french dog translations, but we'll need a pekingese for fixish the zhXY stuff
02:08.27CIA-1203sylvanaar * r51326 10Babble-2.2/Babble-SpellTree-2.2/Babble-SpellTree-2.2.lua:
02:08.27CIA-12- Babble-SpellTree: Added "Hybrid"
02:08.27Xelopherishow did I guess
02:08.47XelopherisMy dog's a shih tzu. IT can do the chinese
02:09.10purlACTION facepalms at the situation
02:09.30CIA-1203orionshock * r51327 10LibRockComm-1.0/LibRockComm-1.0.lua:
02:09.30CIA-12-Adjust zhTW Chinses Traditional localiation.. to not crash rest of file.
02:09.34Xinhuanyou know what people should do? addon authors should write the localization tables for every lannguage, but leave the english text in in every language
02:09.50Xinhuanso its obvious to translators that they should only try to modify the stuff inside the " "
02:09.51Ellipsisyou think that would help?
02:09.57Xinhuaninstead of trying to add code blocks ;p
02:10.00Ellipsisthey'd probably screw it up anyway
02:10.08orionshocki know in my addon i put in a template for locale
02:10.10Ellipsislike, delete an ending " somewhere
02:11.06Nandinior leave out commas
02:11.14Nandinior delete closing braces
02:11.19Nandinior duplicate end statements
02:11.29orionshocknow for the other one...
02:11.33Nandiniall errors seen in the past 3 days caused by people localizing
02:11.37orionshock... any bets on # or errors?
02:12.16hyperChipmunkXinhuan: that's what we do
02:12.18orionshockzomg he did that one right...
02:12.40hyperChipmunkand then put comments on the english lines saying they need translation
02:12.42NandiniHow do you say "Go to hell!" in Chinese? I want to replace all the localized strings with that.
02:13.10hyperChipmunkwhen you put in a translation, you replace the text, uncomment the line, and remove the marker
02:13.23Ellipsistoo complicated for them imo
02:13.26hyperChipmunkthat way it's easy to see what translations are still needed
02:14.00NandiniWhy not localize it yourself, put in localized strings for "problematic" languages and just leave the translations in english?
02:14.01orionshockIMHO, send the translations to the authors and let them add it correctly
02:14.20hyperChipmunkthat's what i prefer, but some don't
02:14.26hyperChipmunki ask for emails
02:14.27orionshockcopy out the English block, modify , email
02:14.33NandiniOf course, then they might translate the text on the left side of the =
02:14.35CIA-1203ananhaid * r51328 10BigWigs/ (Hyjal/Anetheron.lua Karazhan/Moroes.lua):
02:14.35CIA-12- zhCN updated
02:14.44orionshocklol Nandini
02:15.25Xinhuani don't use AceLocale, so its obvious which side to translate ;p
02:15.44orionshockwell just remember that we do have alot of GOOD extra language translator... too bad they ruine it for the rest
02:16.06Nandinithis is true. there are a lot of helpful people that have made these addons easier to use for thousands of players.
02:16.35NandiniOMG yes!!!
02:17.06NandiniI should put in my own english translation tables
02:17.13Nandiniso that the localized strings are gibberish!
02:17.30NandiniL"Omelette" = "Adjust the frame's transparency."
02:17.44NandiniL"Bacon" = "Set the update interval."
02:17.53Xinhuanyou should try embedding translations inside a translation
02:18.09NandiniI wonder how many translators would translate Omelette and Bacon instead.
02:18.24NandiniAnd at what point they might realize something is wrong.
02:18.25Ellipsisgiven their grasp of english, I doubt they would
02:18.33aestili have to blow up the pylons this week on Vashj
02:18.34EllipsisI have a hunch that most of them actually look at how the strings are used
02:18.41Ellipsisrather than actually translating the text
02:18.59Ellipsisaestil: y u no bring coffeez.
02:19.00XinhuanL"Omelette" = "Adjust the frame's "..L["transparency"].."."
02:19.02Xinhuantry that imo
02:19.08Ellipsisno no no
02:19.15*** join/#wowace Pufu (i=user@
02:19.19Ellipsisthen you'd use "sausage" for transparency
02:19.20Xinhuanembedded translations!
02:19.27XinhuanL"Omelette" = "Adjust the frame's "..L["sausage"].."."
02:19.28aestilEllipsis: i was at work on saturday.  you failed at coming to see me.
02:19.30orionshockmean bastard
02:19.32kaidentoo many people breaking addons when translating
02:19.33Ellipsisnow you've got it
02:19.35NandiniThat's it. I'm writing my next addon in Taurahe.
02:19.42Ellipsisaestil: sowwy, I've been sick
02:19.47Ellipsisyuo needs to bring coffeez HEAR
02:20.22NandiniI still think all of Parrot's options should have been written in pirate-speak.
02:21.22Mr_Rabies2YARR, SCROLL LEFT
02:21.26orionshockXinhuan:  L["Omlett"] = "Adjust the Frame's "..L[
02:21.32*** join/#wowace Hjalte (
02:21.35orionshockXinhuan:  L["Omlett"] = "Adjust the Frame's "..L["sausage"]
02:21.38orionshockfking keyboard ...
02:21.45CIA-1203sylvanaar * r51329 10EnhancedLFG/ (EnhancedLFG.toc core.lua libs/ libs/includes.xml): EnhancedLFG: Use localized spec names from babble-spelltree
02:21.52Xinhuanyep then you define sausage in another file ;p
02:22.27orionshockyep thats about as assinine as the way hourglass does things
02:22.28Seerahlol - this reminds me of MadLibs...
02:22.38NandiniI once went an entire hour speaking in Taurahe in guild chat and no one bothered to tell me.
02:23.11NandiniIt must have been more pleasant than reading what I actually said.
02:23.36Mr_Rabies2taurahe should really show up as
02:23.54orionshockyou say Moo and im gona hurt you
02:23.57Mr_Rabies2"Moo Moo. Moo moo moo moo moo. Moo? Moo! Moo moo moo moo moo, moo moo moo."
02:24.02*** join/#wowace faCe| (
02:24.05orionshock~lart Mr_Rabies2
02:24.05purlwhips out a shotgun, trudges over to Mr_Rabies2, and goes postal
02:24.06Mr_Rabies2like the cow level in diablo 2.
02:24.06Nosracwouldn't that be great?
02:24.21Mr_Rabies2like, the tip that says "there is no cow level"
02:24.27Mr_Rabies2but there is
02:24.31Mr_Rabies2it's called Mulgore.
02:25.13NandiniEventually I am going to have to break down and reactivate my account.
02:25.29NandiniI just use my friend's account for testing stuff now, and his guildies always think I am him when I log on.
02:25.47orionshockchar and realm :D
02:25.49NandiniIt has led to some embarassment.
02:26.05CIA-1203andyca * r51330 10LibRockComm-1.0/LibRockComm-1.0.lua: LibRockComm-1.0: fixed typo
02:26.09orionshocki'll be happy to help you reactivate the account :D
02:26.32Ellipsisuh oh
02:26.36Ellipsisandyca again :/
02:26.48Ellipsisbetter double-check that even if it is only a "typo fix"
02:26.53Nandiniumm... typo in LibRockComm?
02:27.04Nandinithat just seems unlikely at this stage
02:27.30EllipsisI think it's meant to be fixing a typo in the translation he added
02:27.39Ellipsisy'know, the one that just broke RockComm until orionshock fixed it...
02:28.37CIA-1203recluse * r51331 10NiHao/NiHao.lua:
02:28.37CIA-12- Moved item index sorting to reduce unnecessary processing
02:29.11CIA-1203xinhuan 07WIP * r51332 10Cartographer_Routes/Cartographer_Routes/TSP.lua: Cartographer_Routes: Add pruning to 2-opt algorithm, resulting in roughly 10-30% less computation time.
02:29.21Nandinii wonder what the blendtec guy's job is when he is not blending things on camera
02:30.05orionshockEllipsis: nope it was a language typo.
02:30.11*** join/#wowace ven_ (
02:30.12orionshockformating is still intact
02:31.13orionshockoh btw Ellipsis i finished my questing mod, works perfectly now. and is frameworkless noless
02:31.36*** part/#wowace Mr_Rabies2 (
02:31.56Xinhuanits not working perfectly until you add in code to periodically check for dailies resetting
02:32.10orionshockthats the 2nd one
02:32.16orionshockand it's for shits and giggle mostly
02:32.34orionshockand tbh im ok with it just detailing the last time i did that quest
02:33.09orionshockjust got to figure out how to sort them by name or date...
02:37.10Xinhuanshould sort them by zone
02:38.11orionshock... then i'd have to pass more shit though tables...
02:38.55*** join/#wowace Thrae (
02:39.12orionshockthen again i could just do DailyFu:AddQuestToCompleted(quest..GetCurentMiniMapZone() )
02:42.24*** join/#wowace ThraeBot (
02:45.14orionshockhow does one get the object underneath the mouse?
02:45.21orionshocknot the focus
02:46.34HjalteWhat's my best bet for an addon to show me dot timers on several mobs at the same time?
02:47.33*** join/#wowace Cyrez (
02:48.23HjalteI'd like it to have a few more options than Chronometer. Been using that for a while.. But I guess there isnt really any other choice?
02:48.59orionshockwell there is DoTimer
02:49.11orionshockbut the comms part of it is just shit
02:49.38*** join/#wowace Ed``` (
02:49.46HjalteI've heard too much bad about DoTimer in here, I don't really want to try it :)
02:50.22Diaoisn't uh
02:50.28Diaothere a new addon on wowace that does it
02:50.41Diaoor something
02:50.49Diaoi'm not sure if it works the same as dotimer though
02:51.55ZealotOnAStickWoot, Illidari Council down.  HAI2U Illidan!
02:52.37*** join/#wowace Azurewrath (
02:53.53HjalteDiao, I'll give it a try.
02:54.19*** join/#wowace otravi (
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02:57.11CIA-1203xinhuan 07WIP * r51333 10Cartographer_Routes/Cartographer_Routes/Core.lua: Cartographer_Routes: Fix bug where a route using the default color is always showing up as white in a route's color picker no matter what the default color is.
02:59.05Diaograts zealot
02:59.41CIA-1203xinhuan 07WIP * r51334 10Cartographer_Routes/Cartographer_Routes/Core.lua: Cartographer_Routes: Remove 2 unnecessary calls to GenerateZoneMenu()
03:01.54CIA-1203ananhaid * r51335 10LibRock-1.0/LibRock-1.0.lua:
03:01.54CIA-12- zhCN Rogue Translate
03:02.20*** join/#wowace Fridgid (n=Fridgid@
03:03.13Nandiniyou would think with the huge chinese player base they would have developed their own set of superior addons and sold them to us
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03:07.10Nandinithis has to be the most bizarre holiday i have ever heard of: Night of the Radishes
03:09.00CIA-1203whitetooth * r51336 10StatLogicLib/StatLogic-1.0/StatLogic-1.0.lua:
03:09.00CIA-12- Updated German localization: "Savagery" enchant has been changed from "Wildheit" to "Unbändigkeit".
03:11.55*** join/#wowace nalla (
03:16.01Aens|Superioritywonder if there is a way to blacklist "deaden" from pitbull castbars
03:16.20CIA-12tekkub-wow: 03tekkub * r605 10/trunk/TourGuide/OHFrame.lua:
03:16.20CIA-12tekkub-wow: TourGuide
03:16.20CIA-12tekkub-wow: - Added scrollbar to OH obj frame
03:16.20CIA-12tekkub-wow: - Added hover tooltips to details in OH obj frame if the detail is truncated
03:16.47Nandinii don't think so aens
03:17.03Nandiniis it causing you problems?
03:17.19Aens|Superioritycouple deadens got kicked
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03:17.52Nandiniare you just referring to the target frame?
03:18.21Nandiniyou might want to use a cast bar replacement for player, target, and focus frames, like quartz
03:18.54Nandinii think you can do a blacklist in quartz
03:18.58Aens|SuperiorityI use quartz only for castbar and mirror. I use pitbull and aloft for target castbars
03:19.16Nandiniquartz can do your target's castbar too
03:20.02Aens|SuperiorityI know it can, but unless you can dock it with pitbull's frames, it serves no purpose for me.
03:20.15Nandiniyou can move it anywhere you want
03:20.32Nandiniwhy do you need to "dock" it?
03:21.40*** join/#wowace aestil (
03:22.08aestili'm randomly having problems typing in symbols.
03:22.22Nandiniwhat sort of symbols?
03:22.32aestillike shift + numbers... not workign properly, any wierd reports of errors liek that?
03:22.32Nandiniand where are you typing them? :)
03:22.45Nandinishift key gets stuck in this patch
03:22.53Nandiniknown issue, supposed to be fixed in next patch
03:23.04Nandinito unstick, try pressing the opposite shift key a few times
03:24.37Nandiniyour mileage may vary, that doesn't always work for me and i have to /reloadui
03:25.18Wobworkanother thing that may work
03:25.25Wobworkis alt-tabbing out
03:25.33Wobworkthen holding shift, and alt-tabbing back in
03:25.40Wobworkagain ymmv
03:25.49Wobwork(bloody irritating)
03:25.50Nandinii wonder who discovered that, i would never have thought to try that
03:26.14WobworkWell it worked for me accidentally
03:26.28Wobworkbut I'm used to some other window taking the focus
03:26.35Wobworkand leaving me with a sticky key
03:27.14Nandiniapparently the bug was introduced when they allow you to differentiate between right and left modifier keys
03:28.02Nandinibecause i KNOW i need a macro with a conditional that "if i'm holding left alt and left shift and right control while clicking, do this"
03:28.15cirdananyone notice a bug where you can't click on a button, but shift-click works?
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03:28.26Nandiniit may be related, cirdan
03:29.09cirdanhave that problem on the mount button on serenity
03:29.50Nandinithe thing that annoys me most is that many of us reported this "sticky" problem during PTR testing and the devs told us they couldn't reproduce it
03:30.14Nandiniand that maybe we should get new keyboards
03:30.22cirdanthe most annoying bug i have seen is with trinketmenu
03:30.29cirdansometimes the UI just gets all screwey
03:30.37cirdanand resizing gets totally busted
03:30.46Wobworkxloot is doing that on one of my toons
03:30.59Wobworkomg HUGE LOOT WINDOW
03:31.04Wobwork(with one item)
03:31.21Nandinii guess it's just a side effect of them introducing so many unrelated small changes, none of which were the focus of any serious testing
03:31.37Nandini"test the voice chat!" "test the upgraded sound engine!"
03:31.58Wobwork"Doesn't work" "Doesn't work"
03:32.04Wobwork"Oh alright, lets release"
03:32.15Nandiniyup, i still have no sound with x64 drivers
03:32.28WobworkMy sound cuts out at random
03:32.30Fisker-same here Wobwork b tw
03:32.38Fisker-probably Antiarc who screwed it up
03:32.50Fisker-work tiem
03:33.24Nandinithe strange thing is, i have great sound with other games that use fmod 4.x
03:33.55WobworkPerhaps Blizzard merely screwed up =)
03:34.22Nandinithey're only human, after all
03:34.31Kerafyrmblizzard can't screw up!
03:34.34Kerafyrmworking as intended!
03:34.39Nandinithey really should hire some goblin developers
03:34.50Nandinialthough some goblin devices have some nasty bugs too. heheheh
03:34.59NightHawkTheSaneblarg. >< I was in the middle of ram racing and my server crashed, i got one run in, and now i can't do it again for 12 hours..
03:35.29Nandinithat's what you get for crashing the server!
03:35.53NightHawkTheSanei know. I ram ride so hardcore, the server can't handle it.
03:36.01aestilno, its my computer.
03:36.15aestilanyone know of a reason, why holding shift+numbers for symbols is screwing up?
03:36.23aestilonly randomly though
03:36.38Nandinibad contact under your shift key? does it happen with either shift key?
03:37.46aestilactually, its not that the shift doesn't work, its that it blocks anything from being output.
03:37.52aestilnot always.
03:38.11aestilnumbers in general seem to not owrk great
03:38.31*** join/#wowace Stanzilla (
03:39.07Nandinibad contacts under the number keys then? do you get better results with +++++++ and ======= than @@@@@@@ and 2222222 ?
03:40.39aestilits not freaking consistant.
03:40.57Nandinithat would be indicative of a bad contact
03:41.00aestilmaybe dell will replace the laptop over this, and the heat issues.
03:41.13Nandiniis it worse on some keys than others?
03:41.15aestiland the wireless connection problems.
03:41.25aestili don't notice a pater yet.
03:42.43Nandiniif you are running wow on your laptop, you will find it hard to avoid heat issues
03:43.46Nandinii have to purposely crank down the CPU speed on my laptop to play wow or it will overheat in about 15 minutes
03:43.52*** join/#wowace Unrealii (i=NEXT96@
03:44.01Nandiniit's an inspiron 700m
03:44.31yssarilNandini: depends on the laptop have a HP pavilion dv9000 no issues at all running everything cranked to the highest
03:45.13Nandinitrue, one of the newer xps laptops from dell should probably not have issues either
03:46.00Nandininow i just use my laptop for running 4 virtual pcs
03:46.10Nandinieach one has nt workstation 4.0 running on it. LOL
03:46.42Nandiniyou can get it down to a memory footprint of 11MB
03:46.59Xelopherisyeah but then you have the problem of running NT 4.0
03:47.20Nandinithe only thing i run on it is Gomez Peer, so i make about $45 a month just for leaving it running
03:47.26XelopherisI mean, it's easy to footprint 11MB when your OS doesn't know how to index it's own memory properly
03:48.23Nandinii toss 64 MB of RAM at each VM and let them each chug away with their peer client running
03:48.34Nandiniand i limit their CPU usage, to force them to spend more time processing
03:48.38Xelopherislol, so how many VMs do you have running gomez peer?
03:48.40Nandini(more time processing = more money for me)
03:48.55Nandini4 VMs running the peer, plus 1 copy running on the host
03:49.18Nandiniand i only let the VMs each use 10% total cpu time
03:49.19Xelopherishrm, you're giving me great ideas
03:49.36XelopherisI've got access to my highschool's servers still...
03:49.52Xelopherislet's just modify the startup script a bit
03:49.54Nandinii started out with the VMs running Win98SE, then i went to install the peer client and realized it only runs on NT/2k/xp/vista LOL
03:50.06Nandiniyou can actually run the java peer without the thing popping up in the tray
03:50.20Nandinii forget the command line to start it that way
03:50.42Nandiniand usually no one notices an instance of java.exe running
03:50.54Nandinisince it is completely invisible
03:51.34Nandiniof course when they look at firewall logs and see outgoing HTTP requests to servers all over the internet in the middle of the night, they may become suspicious :P
03:52.10Nandinii looked at the leaderboards and one guy earned his $45 within 2 hours of the month starting
03:52.33Nandinii can't imagine how many clients it would take to do that
03:52.54Nandinii think it would have to be hundreds
03:53.22Nandiniif you're gonna use VMs to run the client, make sure you use Virtual Server (or VMWare) or something that can limit the processor usage
03:54.21Nandiniif you limit it to 10% of usage or so, it will spend 10x more longer doing "processing" which i think is what you get paid the most for
03:55.43Nandinialso, i plugged in a USB wireless adapter and assigned it to the VMs, so i use my neighbor's bandwidth for the peer and my own bandwidth for WoW. LOL
03:55.47Kerafyrmwhat an awsome thing for an most idle web server to do
03:55.50CIA-1203treibh * r51337 10BigBrother/ (BigBrother.lua BuffWindow.lua localization_enUS.lua):
03:55.50CIA-12- allow you to select which groups will be examined for flasks/buffs in a raid
03:55.50CIA-12- added the Gruul flasks
03:55.53Kerafyrmsitting in a cage in dallas.. lol
03:57.29NandiniKerafyrm: it requires the machine to be logged in, unless you can write a service that runs it for you after you set it up
03:58.05Nandinibut if you don't mind leaving it logged in and locked (or logging in a remote session and locking it) that works too
03:59.23Kerafyrmjust install vm ware on that box
03:59.37Nandinialternatively, install virtual server on the web server, install a lightweight OS (NT workstation/2k pro/stripped down xp), set the guest OS to autologon, and set the VM to run automatically
03:59.45Nandinior vmware :)
03:59.52Kerafyrmxp-embedded :)
04:00.17Kerafyrmwonder what kind of bw consumption there is
04:00.44Nandiniyou specify the type of connection you have, then you can tell it to do more or less work
04:01.25Kerafyrmyeah but i'm talking sustained bw.. 1mbps?
04:01.29Nandinibut if they send your peer a lot of work units, you can have it processing almost constantly
04:01.45Nandinithe key is slowing down the VM so it spends most of its time processing and not uploading and downloading :)
04:02.05Kerafyrmwelp, best apply first
04:02.14Kerafyrmbefore i go and do any work for this..
04:02.15Nandinican i refer you?
04:02.26Nandini$2.00 for me if you get accepted
04:02.27Kerafyrmi suppose.. lol
04:02.35Nandiniput in jt12852 on the form if it lets you
04:03.12Nandiniand you won't get accepted until you leave it running for a couple days usually (it took 3 days for me)
04:03.48CIA-1203sayclub * r51338 10BigBrother/localization_koKR.lua:
04:03.48CIA-12- Updated localization koKR
04:05.00Nandinii used to work at Ameritrade and we contracted them for performance/uptime analysis, they're a good and respected company
04:05.08Kerafyrmdo they track what ip's the client is running from?
04:05.22Kerafyrmi work for a large .com company and we use gomez for our monitoring
04:06.06Nandiniyou can have more than one client running behind a NAT tho
04:06.38Nandinii don't think it even notes the local IP address, it doesn't seem to be mentioned in the gomez.dat config file, i see my external IP address there
04:06.47*** join/#wowace Azure (
04:07.17Kerafyrmyou can specifiy what ip it runs on thou, yeah?
04:07.17Nandiniit does note the machine name, however, so you can't run multiple clients on one machine (it saves it in the registry)
04:07.22Kerafyrmcuz i'll have to acl it thru my firewall
04:08.32*** join/#wowace elaa (
04:09.15Nandinii'm not sure i understand what you're asking. if you have multiple IPs assigned to one interface, i don't think you can choose which one it sends from
04:09.44Nandinior which one it listens on
04:10.09Nandinithat's easy to work around if you run it within a VM tho
04:11.01Kerafyrmnot gonna let this run from with my vlan from my provider.. i'll pickup another vlan to keep it seperated from my important traffic
04:11.35Nandiniit looks like it does its own bandwidth test every time the client starts up
04:11.46Nandiniand the server uses that as an estimate when assigning work units
04:12.24Nandinii noticed the peer running on my host OS has not worked much today, that could be because i had bittorrent running when i started the peer
04:13.00Kerafyrmhafta make sure to throttle the network down too then.. lol
04:13.27*** join/#wowace dylanm (
04:14.09CIA-1203eraslin * r51339 10DKPmon/main.lua: DKPmon: Fix to autologging start.
04:14.18Nandinithere is a little "performance manager" bar you can slide from min to max, it suggests min for dialup users and max for broadband users
04:16.20Nandiniif you decide to run more than one VM with the peer, make sure you delay the other VMs' startup time a bit to allow each peer to initialize separately
04:16.32Nandiniotherwise they may all perform their little bandwidth test at the same time
04:17.24*** join/#wowace CrazyBenny (
04:17.28CIA-12tekkub-wow: 03tekkub * r606 10/trunk/TourGuide/ (WidgetWarlock.lua OHFrame.lua): TourGuide - Move scrollbar code into WidgetWarlock, various tweaks to scrollbar behavior
04:18.04Kerafyrmprolly won't set the vm's to auto start
04:18.26Kerafyrmthe server has been up for 9months without a reboot, and i have ipkvm access to all my hosted boxes so.
04:18.39*** join/#wowace pakoz (
04:18.43Nandinino need in that case
04:19.04pakozanyone know a command for a full wipe of any data omen has?  ( i want to reset agro manually during a fight)
04:19.07Nandiniif something important enough happens to cause you to restart the server, you will probably want to investigate that before starting up any VMs anyway
04:19.11Kerafyrmdo you know if the peer client only operates on port 80?
04:19.32Nandiniit also sends out requests on 443 i think to test SSL sites
04:19.51Nandinii suppose if gomez' customers give them sites to test with nonstandard ports, it might try and do that
04:19.54Kerafyrmmakes sense, might as well set the acl up now since i'm logged into my pix
04:20.08Nandinibut in that case, your client would simply tell gomez the site was unreachable
04:20.37Nandinino big deal, gomez tells that to the customer and the customer thinks "thank god i have gomez to monitor all this for me!"
04:20.41*** join/#wowace Knaledge (
04:21.15Nandiniif gomez told me our sites were reachable 100% of the time, i would stop paying them. LOL
04:22.14Nandinialso alerts us to issues slightly upstream in our provider's network that we might not have noticed otherwise
04:23.05Nandiniif the whole country suddenly gets ridiculously low response times at 8 PM and our provider fails to disclose that to us as required by our SLA, we can call them on it
04:23.51Kerafyrmgomez has a pretty good thing going
04:23.58Nandiniit has made them much more forthcoming to us. LOL
04:24.20Nandiniyeah they have actually been doing this since 1997 i think
04:24.34Nandiniback then they just licensed the peer technology from porvivo but i think they bought them out a few years back
04:24.48Nandinior maybe porivo, i don't recall exactly
04:25.28Nandiniand average everyday users get a nice little chunk of money for doing something fairly non-disruptive
04:26.14Nandiniknowing what we pay gomez though, it's obvious that from THIS side of the peer, i only get a small fraction of the money back, they must be making a good profit. heheh
04:28.27Kerafyrmyeah.. if you have to run 5 instances to get 45 a month
04:28.31Nandinithe peer itself can use quite a bit of memory during heavy processing, make sure your VM has about 48-64M free above what the OS is using
04:28.31Kerafyrmthats pretty harsh.. lol
04:28.46Nandinii have to run 5 instances AND slow them down to force them to process more
04:29.02Kerafyrmyeah... this web server is a monster. quad core with 8gigs
04:29.10Kerafyrmand its only about 7% used atm
04:29.36Nandinior run 64 peers in VMs :)
04:29.40Kerafyrmno need, it pays for itself already
04:29.59Nandinimake yourself a couple more paypal accounts and get $135 a month
04:30.09Kerafyrmthis is just for fun
04:30.27Nandiniit is kind of fun to think that every once in a while, i may be monitoring OUR servers
04:30.44pakozanyone know a command for a full wipe of any data omen has?  ( i want to reset agro manually during a fight)
04:31.09Kerafyrmmy whole lil hosting operation is fully self-sustaining.. i take my lil cut of profit off the top each month so long as there are no issues
04:31.10Nandinii'm sorry, i don't know of any, pakoz
04:31.51Nandiniin any case, threat 1.0 would be the part that would reset threat i think
04:32.16Nandiniomen only knows what threat tells it
04:32.43pakozwell its keeping data on RoS
04:32.44*** join/#wowace sb (
04:32.46vithostype /omen, read the command list
04:32.53vithosit's /omen reset
04:33.11vithosmust be done by a raid leader or assistant
04:34.43Nandiniif it isn't resetting threat automatically at some time when it should be, you should post about it in the Threat and/or Omen threads
04:35.50pakozi think its cause we have some people with ktm
04:37.33Nandinii wonder if omen's reset command goes through Threat an gets translated to a KTM reset command for KTM users
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04:38.27Nandiniotherwise they may keep sending you wrong threat too
04:40.54Knaledgeif that isn't already implemented that would be a nice feature
04:40.58Kerafyrmsucks theres no linux client...
04:41.05Kerafyrmyou can make linux sooooooo lightweight.
04:41.56Nandiniyeah, the best i could do was NT4 Wks, updated to SP6a, then all services disabled except RPC
04:42.15Knaledges there a way to cast a spell based around whether or not the spell is "already active" via macro?
04:42.19Nandinimake sure you unbind clients and services from TCP/IP first
04:42.33Kerafyrmi messed with xp-embedded a while back.. you can get it down to about 800megs
04:42.50Knaledgelike if I want to have a "sinister strike" button that casts SS but also casts SnD
04:42.59NandiniKnaledge: no, you cannot use auras as conditions in macros
04:43.04Knaledgean I want that same macro to "be aware" of whether or not SnD is already up
04:43.09Knaledgeah ok
04:43.19Nandiniunless that aura is also a stance
04:44.04Knaledgewhat about casting something when so many points are present?
04:44.13CIA-1203starinnia * r51340 10Prescription/Prescription.lua: Prescription: Officer chat reporting and Unstable flasks added
04:44.16Nandininope, macros know nothing about combo points :(
04:44.18Knaledgelike if target has 5 points, /cast Rupture
04:44.34Nandinithey want you to have to push more than 1 key to play rogue :P
04:44.51Knaledgewell the thing is I can cast all of  these just fine
04:45.09Knaledgebut one thing that is bugging me is that one of my trinkets makes a noise when it is not ready
04:45.32Knaledgeand for whatever reason the trinket's CD timer is on the icon for te macro on my hotbar as well
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04:46.11*** part/#wowace delsvr (
04:46.13Nandiniif you put #show at the top of your macro it should change to whatever spell/item comes next i think
04:46.47HjalteInstalling DoTimers make me lag considerably.. Why's that?
04:47.06WobworkPerhaps... DoTimers is causing the lag!
04:47.06Nandinibut if "/use Trinket" is the first thing in the macro, it will always show when it comes around to it next
04:47.22Knaledgewell the macro is basic atm
04:47.29HjalteWobwork, oh really?!
04:47.33CIA-12tekkub-wow: 03tekkub * r607 10/trunk/TourGuide/ (StatusFrame.lua OHFrame.lua): TourGuide - Crop off borders from blizzy icons
04:48.08CIA-1203whitetooth * r51341 10FuBar_QuestsFu/QuestsFu.lua:
04:48.08CIA-12- Updates Lightheaded panel when clicking on the quest
04:48.09WobworkHjalte: A possibility, to be sure!
04:48.13Nandinitry putting #show at the top of the macro and see if the feedback (icon, cooldown, tooltip) for it changes after each press
04:48.15KnaledgeI think I could even make it /use 13; use 14; cast Sinister Strike
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04:49.16Nandinialthough you can use /cast Item Name or /castsequence Item Name for usable items, i'm not sure you can put a slot number in a cast or castsequence
04:50.51Nandinii've never tried it before though, so you can maybe put them all in castsequence, and even put a reset timer on the sequence
04:50.58Knaledgemeh the one annoying part now (that fixed it btw - thanks)
04:51.04Knaledgeis the sound it makes
04:51.13Nandiniso that it always starts over at the trinket when the trinket's cooldown is over
04:51.14Knaledgelike this hollow.... air sound
04:51.27WobworkMurmur's cronk noise?
04:52.01KnaledgeIt just displays "Item is not ready yet." and then makes a noise each press
04:52.05WobworkMurmur fights always sound like a clown tumbling into the brass section of the orchestra
04:52.06Knaledgekind of annoying
04:52.15Wobwork(disturbingly funny)
04:52.32orionshockso did the translators have any more fun with rock lib?
04:52.52Nandinii don't know, i haven't logged on to my friend's account to test, since he's raiding right now
04:53.05Nandinii'm sure he would be unhappy if i logged on his account in the middle of him raiding. heheh
04:53.49Nandinino one has run in here screaming about problems tho, so they must not have broken anything
04:53.55Knaledgeany way to turn off error noises like tha?
04:54.00Knaledgeit only happens for the one trinket
04:54.11Nandiniwhich trinket?
04:54.20KnaledgeBladefist's Breadth (I know...)
04:55.06Nandiniif i can find the sound file it plays, you can create a blank sound file in the same spot that wow will use instead
04:55.16Nandiniwait is changing sound files allowed?
04:55.19Knaledgeno it's very generic
04:55.33Knaledgeit's something used throughout the interface
04:55.48Nandinii know changing interface textures is allowed, so maybe changing interface sounds is allowed
04:55.49KnaledgeI just was hoping there'd be some sort of off, then on again toggle via script
04:56.39Nandiniyou can toggle sounds off, but then you'd have a moment of no sound at all until it was turned back on
04:56.58Knaledgeyeah F that
04:57.33Knaledgewell I was entirely hoping there'd be a way to get a bit more creative with macros
04:57.47Knaledgebut... seems like it's as basic as I perceived it to be
04:57.54Nandiniyou can get very creative, you just can't have them thinking and making too many decisions for you
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04:58.02KnaledgeI'm sure there's a bit of depth but there's like this brick wall once you reach a certain point
04:58.07Knaledgeyeah definitely
04:58.48KnaledgeAlso - anyone know a way to get a hold of the FuriousRaid peple?
04:58.50Nandinii have a macro that only if i am in bear form, shifts me out, uses a health stone and potion if i have one, then shifts me back to bear form
04:59.40KnaledgeOr have a suggestion regarding a fairly comprehensive in-game DKP management system? Furious is OK but its clunky
05:00.56Nandinii don't play my own chars currently, and i was never in charge of DKP in my guild before, i honestly don't remember what they used
05:01.16Knaledgewe use CT_RaidTracker atm
05:01.21Knaledge*bleh, even
05:02.27Knaledgewe use eqDKP externally and want something in-game that's capable of tracking waitlist attendance points, loot valuation, DKP totals per member/class, and stuff..
05:03.07Nandiniyou might check the raid forums on and see what people there are talking about a lot
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05:03.36NandiniDKPmon seems to be updated pretty often, i don't know what all features it has
05:03.50Knaledgewe're doing it where all armor is prioritized based on attendance points (minor expense if won). Above a certain number is allowed to "roll off" and then it goes to highest roll. All weapons/trinkets/rings are DKP purchaseable - that DKP is earned off of kills, bonuses, items taken, etc.
05:04.01Knaledgehrm yeh
05:04.11KnaledgeI'll check that out for sur
05:04.17Knaledgefucking Mac keyboard
05:04.21Knaledgeall squished together
05:04.26CIA-1203xionglingfeng * r51342 10LibRockComm-1.0/LibRockComm-1.0.lua: LibRockComm-1.0 - Chs updated.
05:04.28kebinusanJust use GetDKP+ to pull the info from your dkp site and make it available in game imo
05:04.29NandiniDKPmon seems to have modules for importing/exporting to eqDKP as well
05:05.11Knaledgewell either of those suggestions work but we are like.. almost making our own DKP rule set
05:05.18Knaledgeand can't find anything to accomodate that
05:05.21Knaledgenot even the tracking
05:05.53Nandinisometimes pencil and paper are the most reliable technology :)
05:05.53Knaledgeideally it'd be two tables per instance: 1) attendance and 2) kills, bonuses, items taken, etc.
05:06.06Knaledgelol very true
05:06.17Knaledgebut what's crappy is that FuriousRaid actually DOES the above but..
05:06.21Knaledgethere's no damn documentation
05:07.00kebinusanYou can do that pretty easily in eqdkp, seperate raids for each thing
05:07.08Knaledgeso it's like this seemingly complex addon created for the people that made it and they made it public but didn't figureothers would like it heh.
05:07.13kebinusanat least if you want something more complex than simply attendance percentage
05:07.22Knaledgein eqDKP?
05:07.59Knaledgesee we don't want ultiple forums though
05:07.59Knaledgejust the one "forum" (instance) but with two... "tables"
05:07.59Knaledgeor rule sets
05:08.07Knaledgebut can't seem to figure how to get eqDKP to do that
05:08.24kebinusanWell are you just tracking attendance or are you tracking some sort of point value for attendance
05:08.40kebinusanAnd then I guess the question would be attendance by instance or just overall attendance
05:08.50Knaledgewell we want to stop people saving points. initially we thought "Hey - let's just make armor free and all weapons/trinks/rings cost DKP"
05:09.10Knaledge(this is being tested with upcoming Zul-aman)
05:09.30Knaledgebut then we thought well people might not like roll-offs for armor so let's tie in attendance to armor
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05:09.43Knaledgeso we need attendance tracked... but points given for that attendance
05:10.04Knaledgehourly, waitlist, etc. - it's all the same. If you're online and in the raid/on the waitlist - you attended = you get points
05:10.22Knaledgeyeah I looked at that but they pussyfoot  lot of it thought it seems
05:10.39Knaledgeoh you get more priority because you helped and showed up and bla bla bla
05:10.57Knaledgeattendance = points for armor, kills/etc. = points for weaps/trinks/rings
05:10.59Knaledgeboom, easy
05:11.29Knaledgeexcept... no raid tracker does that yet
05:11.29Knaledgeexcept FuriousRaid it seems.. but no documentatin
05:11.50Nandiniif the creators of furiousraid are maintaining it, they don't seem to be updating it on the wowace site anymore
05:11.51kebinusanits certainly possible but its a bit more than I do with our dkp system
05:11.52Knaledgenot to mention EPGP hasn't been updated in forever
05:12.26kebinusaneqdkpplus at least its very easy to maintain seperate pools for armor/nonarmor for example
05:13.04CIA-1203next96 * r51343 10ProfessionsBook/Locale-koKR.lua:
05:13.04CIA-12ProfessionsBook :
05:13.04CIA-12- Update locale koKR
05:13.05Knaledgeis that an addon / eqdkp plugin combo?
05:13.46kebinusanyeah a basically modded eqdkp with a bunch of plugins and such
05:15.25Knaledgeand then use what? DKPmon to import into game?
05:15.39kebinusanI use GetDKP for that, you could use dkpmon tho
05:15.46Knaledgeyeah def
05:16.07kebinusanIm not a fan of DKPMon, and I hate having to use a client for a bidder
05:16.21Knaledgewell I run Mac also
05:16.26kebinusannot really an issue
05:16.32Knaledgeso.. I'm a bit limited - hence if I can keep it all in-game I'd like to
05:16.35orionshockdee dee deeeee
05:16.48orionshocktype() returns a String Value
05:16.49Nandinilol after struggling through most of the eqdkpplus page, i just saw at the top there's an english option. LOL
05:17.00kebinusanNandini: hehe
05:17.07Knaledgegood luck though nandini
05:17.12Knaledgeall that is translated in their news page
05:17.35Nandiniwell, i lived and went to school in germany for a year, but that was 15 years ago, so i have forgotten quite a bit
05:17.53kebinusanI just use wget and pull down a php page that exports the crap I need in game
05:18.10kebinusansince I play wow on linux, no need for silly exes
05:18.14Nandiniwhen i write to my family there, i have to spend a lot of time re-reading what i wrote, to make sure i didn't write something bad
05:19.34PaeneAnyone familiar with CreateFrame wanna tell me if I'm doing this even remotely right? :D
05:19.48Nandiniwe got a puppy recently and had his tail "docked" (some breeds of dogs you cut most of the tail off when it is young), and i realized that cutting off a dogs tail (in german) is very similar to cutting something else off
05:20.57Wobworkwell.. if you miss the tail...
05:20.57Nandiniand we did NOT have our puppy circumcised. LOL
05:21.15Nandinior cut off his penis. heheh
05:21.36Nandinithe nutz had to go, though, poor puppy
05:23.43do3mcahast halt den schwanz abgeschnitten. na und?
05:23.53orionshockneed to convert string to number-- help
05:23.53theoddone33I'm gonna have to look at some 70 mage specs because I definitely don't know where to go after filling up fire
05:24.37Wobwork~x de en hast halt den schwanz abgeschnitten. na und?
05:25.13Nandinistrings convert automatically to numbers in Lua, as long as they can be converted
05:25.36Nandiniyou can use the tonumber function to do it explicitly tho
05:26.40orionshockwell.. you see....
05:26.49Nandinitonumber(string) will return nil if the string couldn't be converted
05:26.59orionshockdewdrop passes string values when you hit enter on an edit box...
05:28.00orionshockany way to get it to not puke when you pass a full string to tonumber()?
05:28.13Nandiniit shouldn't puke, it should just return nil
05:28.19orionshockit pukes
05:29.00Nandinin = tostring("not a number")
05:29.12Nandinin should be nil after that i think
05:29.21orionshockwell it begins to hate when you do number = tostring(number)
05:31.10Wobworklua> tonumber("frogs and wombles")
05:31.10cladbotWobwork: nil,
05:31.10Wobwork(3:28:56 PM) cladbot: Wobwork: nil,
05:31.15kadrahilwow's new mac movie recording at its finest:;8743832;/fileinfo.html
05:31.17Wobworkah, cladbot's here =)
05:31.35Wobworklua> tostring("bing?")
05:31.35cladbotWobwork: bing?,
05:31.40CIA-1203sayclub * r51344 10Automaton/modules/ (5 files in 2 dirs):
05:31.40CIA-12- Updated localization koKR
05:32.05PaeneWobwork: Help me plz! :)
05:32.17WobworkPaene: It looks fine
05:32.22Wobworkwhat's the problem?
05:32.27Paenenothing is showing up :(
05:32.33orionshocklua> number = "notANumber"; number = tostring(number); print(number)
05:32.33cladbotorionshock: notANumber
05:32.44orionshocklua> number = "notANumber"; number = tonumber(number); print(number)
05:32.45cladbotorionshock: nil
05:33.31Wobworkhighly confusing variable names, orionshock =P
05:33.34orionshockwell wow was thowing an ugly error
05:34.53Nandiniare you using the number (as a string) as a table key somewhere?
05:35.37orionshockhere let me commit you'll understand :D
05:36.44WobworkPaene: Is it using the global value or your created one?
05:37.46CIA-1203next96 * r51345 10aUF_CC/ (Locale-koKR.lua aUF_CC.toc):
05:37.47CIA-12- toc update
05:37.47CIA-12- Add locale koKR
05:38.54CIA-1203orionshock * r51346 10FuBar_ReportAFK/ (. ReportAFK.lua):
05:38.54CIA-12-Make SetReportLimit() actually set something instead of being retarded.
05:38.54CIA-12-Added License to addon: "WTFPL"
05:38.54CIA-12-adjust log template because the svn script is bitchie
05:40.04*** join/#wowace Nargiddley (
05:40.13Nandiniwell i can look at the code and check syntax, but i can't run it atm, so you'll have to describe what kind of errors you get
05:40.45Nandinibut as purl will tell you, i'm still very new at all this
05:40.49orionshocki used dewdrop for the plugin to set the report limit
05:41.39orionshockand it was passing a string value
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05:41.55orionshocki for got to tonumber it because the logic said that if it wasn't a number to discard it
05:42.09orionshock*to tonumber it before the logic started
05:42.16Cairenn|afkorionshock: that's because I monitor 14+ channels at any given time, so unless someone actually says my name in here, I don't say much
05:42.31orionshockoh Hi Cairenn|afk :D
05:42.45Nandinieek Cairenn|afk is borg!
05:42.59Nandinitapped into the collective consciousness, it seems :)
05:43.01orionshocki figured you where busy and thats why you don't say much
05:43.55Cairenn|afkorionshock: you're more likely to find me chatting in the lounge :)
05:44.15Nandinihmm... a social borg, very curious :)
05:44.29Cairenn|afkNandini: lol
05:45.07*** join/#wowace a^i`SmaN (
05:45.46WobworkShe is the Canadian borg, resistance is unadvisable, please stand by for eventual assimilation
05:45.55*** join/#wowace Sithy_ (
05:45.56Cairenn|afkbut really, with 14+ channels and 7 sites as my norm ... yeah, I don't talk a lot in the channels that aren't my "primary" ones unless someone actively pings me
05:48.00CIA-12tekkub-wow: 03tekkub * r608 10/trunk/TourGuide/ (TourGuide.lua OHFrame.lua):
05:48.00CIA-12tekkub-wow: TourGuide
05:48.00CIA-12tekkub-wow: - Fixed Obj panel not updating when guide is changed
05:48.00CIA-12tekkub-wow: - Fixed issues with later parts of multi-part quests showing as accepted in the OH panel when scrolled past the current part
05:48.38*** join/#wowace Lysithea (
05:48.55Nandiniorionshock: what is the offending numberstring?
05:49.22orionshocki fixed so no worries
05:49.44orionshockit's what the dewdrop doc's say
05:50.24Nandinii was about to say, it looks fine in the revision i just grabbed
05:50.47orionshocksomething before 51346?
05:53.09orionshockok they need to NERF THOSE PALLADINS again
05:53.13orionshockand hard this time
05:53.23Nandiniyou should throw a revision keyword in your files somewhere so i don't have to pry it out of SVN. heheh
05:54.36orionshockok so who in their "Gifted" mind at blizard decided that JoJ was nessisary?
05:54.47Paenehow do you set a frame as movable? is it button:SetAttribute("movable", true)?
05:55.24Nandini~api setmovable
05:55.34Nandininope that's not it
05:55.51Paene~api setattribute
05:57.12Nandiniit's just frame:SetMovable(true)
05:57.26Nandiniif you created the frame in Lua
05:58.23orionshocksame even if you didn't set it up in lua
05:58.27Paenethat's what I needed
05:59.31Paenebut for some reason my frame won't move :(
05:59.36Paeneit's a button actually
05:59.43orionshockyou need to enable mouse on it
05:59.46orionshockand register it for drag
05:59.51Nandiniyou have to give it handlers to start moving and stop mvoing it
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06:03.12Shadowedbah Tattle needs to move to LibStub
06:05.14aestilin a 2 week period, i have gone from officer, to gkick, to regular member, and now back to officer again.
06:05.20aestilwhirlwind romance with my guild.
06:05.30aestilwe are gonna start kael this week.  bleh.
06:05.33Nandinihave you considered a career as a soap opera star?
06:05.44aestilsounds like a good idea.
06:05.57Nandiniyou covered just about everything except getting the boss's wife pregnant i think
06:06.03Shadowed!seen nymbia
06:06.04orionshockShadowed: ?
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06:06.24orionshocktattle's not a lib Shadowed ...
06:06.27Wobwork~seen nymbia
06:06.29purlnymbia <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 8h 6m 42s ago, saying: 'lol'.
06:06.59ShadowedI want the data, but rather not include the extra crap it comes with guess I'll bug nymbia later
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06:07.51Nandinii wanted pitbull health bars that stay stuck at 100%, so i stole them and made my own
06:08.05Nandiniand got rid of some of the extra crap
06:08.36Nandinibut then found myself adding my own crap, so it's probably worse off than it was before
06:09.24Nandinisomeday my underground unitframes will see the light of day, and i will take over the world!
06:10.09CIA-1203treibh * r51347 10BigBrother/localization_deDE.lua:
06:10.09CIA-12- updated deDE localization (thanks Farook)
06:11.22Nandinibut at least i have cool health and mana gauges with several skins! my health looks like a speedometer now!
06:14.08Wobworkwhere redlining means the exact opposite =P
06:14.25orionshockwell it's not like i'd be hard to remove the Ace2ness from Tattle..
06:14.29ZealotOnAStickwe started Illidan tonight, aestil.
06:14.39orionshockjust time consuming...
06:14.42Nandiniyeah i have a green line at the top, Wobwork :)
06:14.52Nandinialways try and keep it in the green!
06:15.17Nandinisecure unit button templates was probably not a smart idea to have to learn for my first addon tho
06:15.33WobworkNandini: ... YES
06:15.35Nandinii gave up after getting a semi-working player frame
06:15.48Wobworkoh god... worst possible subject to start with =P
06:16.01orionshockfk even i started small....
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06:16.18Nandinithe gauges are very cool tho, my semicircle texture rotates and clips within its parent frame
06:16.23*** join/#wowace evl (n=fuckoff@unaffiliated/evl)
06:16.42ZealotOnAStickYou dislike yourself that much?
06:16.45Nandinii stole some of that from Recount's graphs, and some of it from Replay's map display
06:17.40Nandiniwell, my truly FIRST addon just checked the latency every thirty seconds and saved it as a SV so i could go back and analyze it later. LOL
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06:18.59AeyanMine turned nameplates on and off
06:19.04AeyanAlso my last addon
06:19.08AeyanShoot for the stars!
06:19.19Paenewhat's the command for enableMouse? SetEnableMouse(true)?
06:19.29Wobworksounds about right
06:19.37Paenethrew an error :-/
06:19.56Nandiniyou will need :RegisterForDrag("LeftButton") or something like that too
06:20.05orionshockPaene: it's your friend
06:20.12*** join/#wowace Kazie (
06:20.23PaeneI'm lookinh
06:20.31orionshockyou'll need to look under the Wiget API
06:20.32Paeneit doesn't have the lua stuff
06:20.35Paeneonly the xml file stuff
06:20.42Nandinithat's the XML version, but the Lua parts still pertain
06:20.53orionshockum... here is the cool part...
06:21.01KazieAre there any better combat texts than SCT?
06:21.06orionshockyou can transpose a lot of the commands over to lua
06:21.11orionshockKazie: parrot IMHO
06:21.12Paeneis it just Set<variable>?
06:21.19KazieIs that nice?
06:21.31Nandiniparrot is pretty nice and has tons of options
06:21.44orionshockKazie: i like it alot better than SCT
06:21.53orionshockSCT is kina... crude
06:21.59KazieNice.. i think i'll try that instead then..
06:22.01Nandiniyou can make as many scroll areas as you want, choose what events/spells/etc. shows up in each
06:22.38KazieHave you guys experience your fortitude buffs being contineously disabled everytime a while after it has been cast?
06:22.39NandiniSCT was only crude until other alternatives became available.
06:23.29Nandinii don't have any priests, sorry Kazie
06:23.57KazieWell.. you do have foritude buff sometimes don't you? :)
06:24.02Nandinido you mean you can't cast the spell again? or that the buff fades prematurely?
06:24.12*** part/#wowace Paene (
06:24.39KazieThat the buff disapears while i can see that my party members still have more than 30 min left of Prayer of Fortitude..
06:24.50Nandinido you have a macro that is maybe cancelling the aura accidentally? or is something dispelling it from you?
06:25.29ZhinjioCan I engage any of y'all in a plugin security discussion?
06:25.48orionshock"Plugin Security"?
06:25.59ZhinjioI'm struggling with an implementation method.
06:26.02orionshockis fubar running national defenses?
06:26.07Zhinjiolet me be more specific.
06:26.16KazieI don't use macros :S
06:26.37ZhinjioMany people have complained that my plugin is useable by anyone, even though the main functions of it should be limited to folks who are raid leaders.
06:26.42Nandinido you have anything near your buff area such that you might accidentally right click on the buff and not realize it?
06:26.47Zhinjiosomeone else "taking control" and accidentally pushing out updates is a BAD thing
06:27.07KazieI don't .. that's why i don't understand it... because it is ONLY Prayer of Fortitude.. :s
06:27.08Zhinjioso the question is ... how do you effectively control who has access rights to those functions
06:27.14Wobwork... that's the DKP addon right?
06:27.31Zhinjioyeah. SuicideKings (my modifications)
06:27.51WobworkIsn't there a query for raid assist?
06:27.56Wobworkapi function
06:27.57orionshockdo a IsLeaderOrPermoted() check on all incomming commands
06:27.58Zhinjioyes, I already do that.
06:28.09Wobworkbut people are still getting control, eh?
06:28.19Nandiniyet someone else could emulate your commands?
06:28.24Zhinjiothe problem is, ANYONE can make a raid, pull in one person who is an alt on a second account, and push out updates
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06:28.32Zhinjioand bork with everything
06:28.36orionshockthat issue
06:28.42Nandinican you check if they are perhaps a guild officer or leader?
06:28.49orionshock... i take it RaidLeader is a guild rank?
06:28.53orionshock... do a guild rank check
06:28.55Zhinjionow we're getting to the core of it.
06:29.00Zhinjiothere's a bunch of ways to approach this.
06:29.08ZhinjioI could restrict it to ranks.
06:29.09Wobworkmake it so you have to accept an update
06:29.18Zhinjioyou *do* have to accept an update
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06:29.25Wobworkso it says "SoAndSo is broadcasting and update: Accept?"
06:29.31Zhinjiobut how many times have you just clicked windows out of the way to get rid of them?
06:29.50Wobworkat some point you have to accept human nature =)
06:29.56Zhinjiothe ideal would be a hand-selected list of people are the only ones who can push out updates
06:30.00Zhinjioyes, I know *grin*
06:30.12Zhinjioso then the question is: who hand selects them? GL?
06:30.26WobworkAnd what determines a valid 'list' of authorised?
06:30.37Zhinjioor should I have the plugin essentially not work until the GL has selected the security system that guild will use?
06:30.40Wobworkcan you perhaps tie it to a raidID?
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06:30.59Wobworkhave the raidleader of a specific RaidID written into the update code
06:31.02Zhinjiowell, yes and no. it has to be able to work with two simultaneous kara raids going on at the same time (2 or more)
06:31.23Wobworkor a list of raid ids and corresponding authorities
06:31.44Wobworkie, if you're not on the original list, for that raid ID, you can't force an update
06:31.47Zhinjioso assign  a list of "accepted updaters" every raid?
06:31.57Zhinjiohmm, thats a thought.
06:32.00Wobworkit can be preinserted
06:32.08Wobwork"These are our standard controllers"
06:32.18Zhinjioand who assigns that? the guild leader?
06:32.26Zhinjioit would have to be.
06:32.28Nandinithat seems reasonable, it's not a huge burden
06:32.32Wobworkor whoever 'starts' the raid
06:32.34Zhinjioyeah, I'd agree.
06:33.39ZhinjioI also would like to work more with the current syncing code. Not allow a sync to happen iof the sync code is "older" than the one I've got (for example)
06:33.54Zhinjiosyncs codes are serialized.
06:34.01Wobworksynching is a horrible horrible thing =(
06:34.06Zhinjioyeah, it is.
06:34.12orionshockbitche is a better word
06:34.29Zhinjiothis is the fundamental problem with maintinging data between a larger number of people.
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06:34.49Nandinii have advocated that when they implement the guild bank, they should implement some server-based data storage to go with it as well
06:35.09*** join/#wowace Gale (
06:35.13Nandinithat addons can use as a repository
06:35.15Zhinjioyeah. I do understand the backend problems of that as well, though.
06:35.53purlrumour has it, wau2 is
06:36.05Zhinjiohaving worked for... uh, a large online auction company ... I am well aware of how data bloat can affect your costs.
06:36.22Zhinjioit would be nice, though, granted.
06:36.26Zhinjiofor the developer community
06:36.30Nandiniyeah it would be hard to determine exactly how much space could be allotted
06:36.57Nandinijust keeping macros on the server was a big controversy, but since this would be per-guild, it might not have as big an effect
06:36.58CIA-1203speeddymon * r51348 10Postman/Postman.lua: (log message trimmed)
06:36.58CIA-12- Rewrote the mail sending function again (this time making sure to test everything, so you wont get SV breakage)
06:36.59CIA-12- Now uses item links
06:36.59CIA-12- Now tracks Item sends, money sends, Item and money sends, and Items sent COD
06:37.02CIA-12- Will now report items delivered instantly even if others before it are still
06:37.04CIA-12pending delivery (this took me 4 hours to both figure out why it wasn't always
06:38.06Zhinjiothere's quite alot of data I'd earmark for that shared pool (per guild, I mean)
06:38.09Zhinjioholy crap.
06:38.29Zhinjioguild professions listings, guild banks, reputations
06:38.37Zhinjiowho can make what
06:38.52Zhinjiowho needs/wants iteems and who has what items.
06:39.03orionshock.... in game guild forum....
06:39.07Zhinjiothere's a dozen addons that would replace.
06:39.08orionshock>.> why the hell not
06:39.13Zhinjioyeah, no kidding.
06:39.34Zhinjioraid loot tables -> who received what items, etc.
06:39.43Nandinii was thinking when blizzard implements the guild banks, they could allow guilds to buy data storage space instead of bag slots
06:39.50Ozguli`wouldn't that make the game unneccessarily heavy?
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06:40.05orionshockdude... exept for guild banks and guild wide professions... the rest of that crap needs to go on a website...
06:40.14Zhinjioyeah, feh.
06:40.25Nandinia calendar would not be bad to have in-game
06:40.26Zhinjiobut it would be cool if that wasn't needed.
06:40.34Zhinjio(being a maintainer of guild websites)
06:40.41Zhinjioevent calendar. yeah
06:40.56ZhinjioI'm so sick of shitty implementation of raid signups and such
06:40.58orionshockEvent calender i can see
06:41.27Nandiniimagine how much data is stored for one bank bag slot and all the items that bank bag could contain
06:41.42Nandiniwould you trade that for a similar amount of data storage?
06:42.10Zhinjioactually, if it *was* data storage that addons could access? I would trade the bank storage itself.
06:42.16orionshockNandini: ... all that it could contain... no, just the item link
06:42.18Zhinjioyou could write your own banks mods.
06:42.29Nandiniit could contain up to 32 item links in the bag
06:42.47orionshock32? what bags are you using?
06:42.56Nandiniforor's bag of endless resist gear storage
06:42.56ZhinjioPTR bags *grin*
06:43.17Zhinjiothose are awesome.
06:43.26ZhinjioI nearly shat myself when I logged onto the ptr the first time.
06:43.34Nandinithat's enough for 32 day-and-hour based events and a tiny description
06:43.59*** join/#wowace Fisker-- (
06:44.25Nandiniin fact, you could probably even make an addon that determines calander events based on AN ACTUAL ITEM an authorized member has placed in a bank bag slot :)
06:44.45ZhinjioI think I'm going to go with the GL having to manage the security.
06:44.54Zhinjioand the addon is essentially read only to everyone else.
06:45.10Nandinii think that's reasonable, zhinjio
06:45.29orionshockcould have the sync requests be done to the GL , and then from there dissipated out
06:45.55Zhinjiohmm. no... the GL may be raiding in the raid itself on a non-GL toon.
06:46.06Zhinjioupdates do need to be realtime, but only from "authorized" senders.
06:46.20Nandinihe would have to designate his other toon as a sender
06:46.28orionshocklet it happen as is, then after the raid is over, log in to th GL toon, push the sync request, authorize it and then reDistribute.
06:46.29Nandiniwhich is still reasonable i think
06:46.36Zhinjioand if your'e doing that, you might as well just auth the raid leader/ML
06:46.59ZhinjioI also would ultimately like to convert this over to Ace based code.
06:47.08Zhinjiobut its skeerey
06:47.27Nandinithe raid is pretty much screwed though if for some horrible reason no authorized person is able to show up, yet they manage to replace him and do the raid anyway
06:47.43ZhinjioNandini: yeah, thats right.
06:47.49Zhinjioyou need to have backups
06:48.03Nandinithat would be important to emphasize in the documentation
06:48.19Zhinjiowe have ... I think 4 people who are currently authorized to send updates in guild. no, 5 now.
06:48.23Zhinjioso yeah, backups.
06:48.30orionshockor have a manual input method
06:48.58Nandiniunless you continue to allow everyone to collect data and allow the GL to authorize someone after the fact and initiate a sync
06:49.01Zhinjiothe idea of "queueing" updated data is also pretty darn frightening.
06:49.38Nandinibut then lots of people have lots of usually useless data
06:50.18Zhinjiothats inspiring another thought.
06:50.54Nandiniperhaps the authorized people could be authorized "approvers" who by default approve their own syncs
06:51.02Zhinjioupdates generally consist of pushes of the full lists of people, instead of 'events' or changes to the lists (person X dropped to the bottom)
06:51.13Nandinibut are prompted to approve syncs initiated by non-authorized users
06:51.21orionshockyour makin this compricated
06:51.51orionshockset it to where anyone can record an event, then all syncs are FIRST sent to the GL then distributed to the guild
06:52.27Nandinipeople want realtime distribution when it is allowable, though
06:52.34orionshockfk them
06:52.49Zhinjioyeah, on raid nights ... its pretty much required. But what yoiu're suggesting doesn't violate that.
06:53.00Zhinjioa "sync" could consist of a full nights worth of updated events.
06:53.13Zhinjioinstead of 10 pushes of full lists.
06:53.18CIA-1203fin * r51349 10Prat/Prat.toc: Prat: Removed m from Prat.coc - yeah CWDG, you do some translating but, a chinese mod site's homepage? Seriously? No, really? I didn't think so.
06:53.23orionshockbesides it's standard practice to do the math for a DKP system after the raid and with in a day or so the new stats to be posted
06:53.25Nandinithat would be more efficient, as well
06:53.48Zhinjiowell, thats kind of one nice thing about SK is that there really is no "math" involved.
06:53.54Zhinjiono costs or values
06:54.12Zhinjioyour position in the list is the only thing that determines who wins
06:54.32Zhinjiothe longer you hold out on rolling for loot, the higher you rise in the list
06:54.33Nandinilol Fin, that has been in there forever
06:54.49Finwish someone had mentioned it
06:55.01Findon't normally have much occasion to look at the .toc myself
06:55.19Nandinii assumed they assisted in writing the actual code or one of the modules
06:55.27*** join/#wowace Nocts (
06:55.39NoctsSo, for a DPS recorder. Violation, Assessment, Recap, Recount
06:55.50winkillerrecount is nice, but WWS beats it
06:55.51WobworkI like recount
06:55.56Finbloody Chinese, they don't do much to improve their reputation
06:55.58Nandinii like recount for my own personal use
06:56.10orionshocki still use good old fasion DamageMeters-AL
06:56.11Noctswws looks identical, to assessment
06:56.13winkilleryep, Recount for live, WWS for analysis of slackers
06:56.30NandiniWWS pretty much can't be beat for after-the-fact analysis
06:56.36NoctsAnd I think synching is a wastem if that's what recount does.
06:56.45Nocts200 yards really makes it pointless to sync data
06:57.05orionshockback in the day - it was needed.. but now not so much
06:57.06Nandiniit adds in some pet data that is hard to reliably monitor
06:57.18Nandinibut that may be improved now too
06:57.48MarliSWS :)
06:57.54Nandiniunless you want to know exactly whose shadowfiend returned the most mana to whom
06:58.26Nandinibut really, who cares? :)
06:58.39theoddone33our pally tank started using seal of blood
06:58.45theoddone33I think that's probably a bad thing
06:59.00Nandinirecount accepts and displays syncs from WWS i think, but does not send to it
06:59.14NoctsNandini: Again, I don't see the need for even a raid to sync
06:59.40Nandinineither do i, personally
06:59.55Nandinii was just saying it would save you some upstream bandwidth
06:59.57orionshockreason you sync is that combat evnets don't fire evenly for everyone
07:00.10Zhinjiook, now for the dumb question: how do I create a new branch to work from on this?
07:00.13orionshocklike threat in a way , only you know how much damage your outputing
07:00.17NoctsI don't see how that's possible, really.
07:00.27NoctsAs long as your connection can handle the incoming packets, what's missing?
07:01.01MarliI think its pretty obvious in practice
07:01.26MarliCan sit here and theory about it all day but practice shows orionshock is right
07:01.40Marli(this time)
07:01.40NoctsWell, I'm not looking for practice I'm looking for protocol.
07:01.54NoctsAny emperical evidence?
07:02.16orionshockemperical evidence....?
07:02.25orionshockthat would take quite a bit of effort to do
07:02.27NandiniZhinjio, i've only ever worked in trunk before
07:02.37evlNew toyota commercial
07:02.39NoctsWell, that's what matters really.
07:02.51NoctsEmpirical testing, versus hypothesis.
07:02.52orionshockZhinjio: you using tortis svn?
07:03.08orionshockone sec then
07:03.26ZhinjioI got to the "Branch/Tag" menu, but I'm not sure what to put in the target field.
07:03.33orionshockright click branch/tag
07:03.56Zhinjiois a valid path?
07:04.00Zhinjioit doesn't exist yet
07:04.08Zhinjiobranches... ok
07:04.09orionshockis the classic format
07:04.22orionshockand you'll need to create the first 2 folders
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07:05.13orionshockgood luck
07:05.15evl"There are no trucks in World of Warcraft"
07:05.36Nandinipeople were yelling that all over the place yesterday, it was so annoying
07:05.45Nandiniworse than chuck norris in the barrens
07:05.58orionshockya so stfu :P
07:06.16CIA-1203zhinjio * r51350 10/branches/SuicideKingsGeo-Secure/:
07:06.16CIA-12SuicideKingsGeo :
07:06.26Zhinjiothat didn't take long.
07:06.35evlStill pretty crazy that Toyota runs TV ads from WoW
07:06.36orionshockdude.. just SKG/
07:06.49Nandinii did like however the little reference to WoW in SG:Atlantis on friday
07:07.05Nandini"It's just like Elwynn Forest."
07:07.35evlWhat scares me about WoW is that people keep coming back :P
07:07.41evlI've got a friend on his third rebound now
07:07.49theoddone33no trucks in WoW?
07:07.51theoddone33what's that from
07:08.45Wobworktheoddone33: the ad
07:09.04NandiniWobwork: Carter and Dr. Lee step through the stargate on a world in the pegasus galaxy and he exclaims how beautiful it is
07:09.27NandiniCarter suggests he take a picture, since they won't be there long, and he gets beamed up right before he snaps the shot
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07:10.43theoddone33that guy just owned nefarian
07:10.49WobworkSS or it didn't happen =(
07:10.53theoddone33but I don't understand what he was doing outdoor
07:10.56WobworkRe: Dr Lee
07:11.08Wobworktheoddone33: breath of air?
07:11.14ZealotOnAStickIt was an amusing ad, though.
07:11.26ZealotOnAStickI equip, uh, FOUR WHEELS OF FURY!
07:11.26Nandini"Dr. Lee makes another reference to playing the Massively Multiplayer Online Game World of Warcraft. He notes that the planet he is on resembles the Elwynn Forest, which is a zone that can be accessed in the game."
07:11.29Zhinjioout of curiosity, and not intending to rile up anything inflammatory: how is AceGUI?
07:11.33ZhinjioI've not used it
07:11.42ZealotOnAStickmore or less it isn't anymore.
07:11.44Zhinjio(I'm completely comfortable working in the XML directly)
07:11.52WobworkI don't think it got too far off the ground
07:11.55evlZealotOnAStick: they are actually airing it on tv :P
07:12.00Nandinii'm not sure anyone ever used AceGUI
07:12.08Zhinjioare there any tools that do that well?
07:12.12CIA-1203sayclub * r51351 10Automaton/modules/Gossip/Locale-koKR.lua:
07:12.12CIA-12- Updated localization koKR
07:12.13Zhinjioor should I stick to the XML?
07:12.21WobworkZhinjio: in all honesty, the lua api calls are more understandable to me than xml
07:12.45Nandiniyou have to mix Lua script into the XML anyway to get it to do what you want, so why not just do it all in Lua?
07:12.58WobworkBut then, I conceive of things at an object level, then move them into place
07:13.02ZhinjioI"m sort of old school. having written god knows how many povray files from scratch... XML is cake.
07:13.05Wobworkrather than an overall concept
07:13.13Wobworkoh god, povray... that brings back memories =P
07:13.37WobworkWith the quintessential "Mirrored Sphere on Chessboard" picture
07:14.01Wobworkanyway, off home
07:14.15Nandinihappy commuting
07:16.53Nandinii find it suspicious that the players in that commercial are using the in-game voice chat and yet wow is not crashing for them :P
07:17.12Nandinii just now noticed that the voice icons are on their unit frames
07:19.29ramozthe ingame voicechat crashes?
07:19.36ramozits not yet been enabled on my sever
07:19.43Zhinjiohrm, didn't blizz just release some UI thinger?
07:19.57Nandinithey have a couple of UI tools
07:20.08Nandinione is a frame inspector kind of thing
07:20.28Nandinithe other one just extracts the interface code and textures for you to look at for examples
07:21.16Nandinione of the addon sites has a UI designer kind of thing that makes XML files, i've never tried it tho
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07:23.36Nandiniit's too bad that saved letters from the mailbox are soulbound now
07:23.44Nandinithat would be a PERFECT thing to put in the build bank
07:23.53*** join/#wowace Pufu (i=user@
07:23.55Nandiniand use as a source for a data repository
07:23.58PufuHi again
07:24.16Nandiniassuming they are ever able to implement the guild bank
07:25.31Nandinihi Pufu
07:26.43CIA-1203sayclub * r51352 10LibRockComm-1.0/LibRockComm-1.0.lua:
07:26.44CIA-12LibRockComm-1.0 :
07:26.44CIA-12- Added localization koKR
07:27.58PufuHoi Nandini.
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07:29.41PufuArgh. I can't wait until Recount is updated =)
07:29.59Nandinii have the horrible urge to create a char on every realm now called Fourwheelsoffury
07:30.16PufuOh? Why's that?
07:30.37Nandinias much as i hate that commercial, it is addictive
07:30.56PufuEh? Which advertisement?
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07:31.23theoddone33I learned about it 20 minutes ago
07:31.30Nandinipurl, fwof is a commercial for the Toyota Tacoma at
07:31.31purlNandini: okay
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07:31.59PufuIt's real? *_*
07:32.10Nandiniit has been seen on TV, apparently
07:32.35Nandinipeople were yelling "Four wheels of fury!" and "I am the lawgivah!" all day today.
07:32.58Nandinisimply brilliant marketing
07:33.13evlWell they reach out to 9 milllion players
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07:33.17evlIn no time
07:33.23evlPretty amazing viral yeah :)
07:33.46Nandiniyup, and every time someone hears that for the next 6 months, people will chuckle and think Toyota Tacoma
07:34.23theoddone33or "what's that from?"
07:34.28Nandinii wonder how many posts there are in the suggestions forum to implement toyota tacomas in the next patch
07:34.29theoddone33one of the two
07:34.34PufuThe WoW references in TV are crazy.
07:34.40MarliBut they wont -sell- the things
07:34.51Nandinii'll stick with my dodge ram, thanks
07:34.57Nandinii can't afford another truck. lol
07:34.58PufuLike SG:A the other night... "This looks just like Elwynn Forest!"
07:35.07MarliTheres a step between saying it, and wanting to buy a truck BECAUSE it was in a wow commercial
07:35.11Nandiniyup i was just mentioning that to Wob earlier
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07:35.33NandiniDr. Lee is my hero.
07:35.37evlMarli: think about the hundreds of thousands of kids that will be showing it to their dads/moms
07:35.41PufuYa. hehe
07:35.44evlThat's where the clever marketing comes in
07:36.04Pufuzzz time =0
07:36.05Nandini"Technically, this isn't re-entry because we never left from here."
07:36.40theoddone33I wouldn't show my parents
07:36.44theoddone33then again I'm 27
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07:36.57theoddone33but they just wouldn't understand it
07:37.08Nandiniif my mom discovered wow, she would play it at least 20 hours a day i think
07:37.20theoddone33I'm not sure what my mother would do
07:37.35Nandinishe would probably be a GL in a huge raiding guild
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07:37.48Tem|Sleepthere are no girld on the internet
07:38.08Marlimy gl was a woman
07:38.13Marlishe was shit at her class :)
07:38.32Bibiknowing the WoW male players, I would find very disturbing to see my mother playing WoW.
07:38.32NandiniI had a husband and wife GL team in a guild once, it was not pleasant.
07:38.33theoddone33lots of people are
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07:38.53theoddone33yeah I think my mom would enjoy it until she had to interact with people
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07:39.08Nandinimy mom would really get into the interaction
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07:39.34Nandinithat's what annoyed me growing up, she organized just about every school event and stuff like that
07:39.51Nandinithen again, she worked at my school, which is bad enough
07:40.03Nandiniwhen i got in trouble, i didn't get sent to the prinicpal's office, i got sent to my mother's office
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07:41.41Nandiniand when i was in college, she got hired to teach a couple of evening classes in accounting, so i STILL saw her 2 days a week
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07:42.23Nandinithat was only for one semester though until they found a real professor to pick up the classes
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07:44.57theoddone33I love leveling mage
07:45.02theoddone33it's almost rewarding
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07:54.19CIA-1203quagmire * r51353 10nQuestLog/ (17 files in 7 dirs): (log message trimmed)
07:54.19CIA-12- Adjusted minion text positioning for better highlighting and better positioning from bottom minion edge
07:54.19CIA-12- Added font outline option for minion
07:54.19CIA-12- Minion can no longer be moved off the screen
07:54.19CIA-12- Added MobMap integration and menu options for mob Tooltips
07:54.21CIA-12- Added the ability to disable mob tooltip processing while raiding
07:55.00winkillerlol Nandini
07:55.14winkillermy mother has played solitaire twice in her life
07:55.20winkillerthat's about it with "videogames"
07:55.35winkilleroh, and the few SNES matches I could persuade her to 10 years ago
07:55.43Adysis it possible to use a modifier key in a castsequence macro?
07:56.17Adysthats my current one
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08:01.40winkillerthat's just weird, Adys :P
08:01.48Adysi got it working
08:01.53Adysdrain soul at the start
08:01.58winkillerfrom a gameplay PoV
08:02.25winkillerI mean.. I know, that's also largely my dps cycle as Affli, but still...
08:02.33winkiller1 button? come on
08:02.38ramozyou dont use siphon life?
08:02.54Adysi dont have it yet :p
08:02.56winkillerah yeah, been too long I was affli idd
08:03.00Adysstill lvling
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08:03.18ramozthink i have to respec affliction some day
08:03.25winkillerthat one wouldnt work in a raid I think
08:03.41winkillerCoA and Corr and Immo need to be refreshed instantly
08:03.44ramozwinkiller: no it wouldn't since coa, corr and immolate has different timers
08:04.12Wobinfrom the director of PBCBSF2006:
08:04.16WobinI can't wait =)
08:04.16winkillerI could never use a caster as my raiding main
08:04.27winkillerdid kara yesterday with my lock alt -omg, so boring
08:04.28ramozwhy not?
08:04.35ramozand melee is less boring?
08:04.40ramozit all boils down to spamming keys
08:04.43winkillerI am badly equipped and because of the shadowpriest I was #1
08:04.57winkillerno moving, no real reactio
08:05.05winkillerjust dot, dot, SB, LifeTap
08:05.30winkillerGruul on the Rogue and still beating Hunters, that's fun
08:06.11ramozyou should try archimode as a caster
08:07.21winkillersorry, we had gruul firstdown last night
08:07.28winkillerArchimonde will be some months :P
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08:08.36ramozoh, ok
08:08.52ramozlotsa movement for ranged, melee cant move much
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08:13.55Zhinjiook, once again, something dumb I can't find. Is there an "enabled='true'" attribute for UI elements? (bbuttons, dropdowns, etc)?
08:14.09ZhinjioI want to be able to "grey out" ui elements.
08:14.20Zhinjioor is that just a texture? that would be lame.
08:15.14Nargiddley:Enable() and :Disable() if they are setup properly
08:15.31ZhinjioI'll give it a try.
08:15.52Nargiddleyif its not a bliz template button you might have to do some of it manually
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08:20.06cncfanaticsPlease keep discussions at least sort of acceptable for minors when you go OT. ? lol
08:20.50HealthOr perhaps not
08:22.44cryogencncfanatics: people were rabbiting on about sex the other day :)
08:23.09cncfanaticsso ?
08:23.18[Ammo]just be glad the discussion didn't degenerate into a pack of gay gorilla's ripping you a new one
08:23.20cryogenso it doesnt belond in here :)
08:23.27[Ammo]it happens
08:23.41cncfanaticsanyway, cryogen, did u get ur svn acc ?
08:23.44cryogenofc not
08:23.45mikma[Ammo]: go play
08:23.54cryogenKaelten hates me
08:23.56[Ammo]mikma: I dont need to play anymore (well almost)
08:24.05[Ammo]mikma: 2 kara runs -> 10 pieces of kara lewt
08:24.18cryogen[Ammo]: cammo is not you, right? its the dude that stole one of your names?
08:24.20mikma[Ammo]: but your druid needs to be played. druids like when people play with them
08:24.22cncfanaticscryogen, coded target buff support yet btw ?
08:24.31[Ammo]cammo? noaah
08:24.32cryogencncfanatics: nope, will probably dry code it at work
08:24.37[Ammo]doesn't ring a bell
08:24.42[Ammo]mikma: I did do the guide
08:24.43mikma[Ammo]: ps. 12_17_Darkshore done, i just want someone other to test it :)
08:24.48[Ammo]but it took me 2 hours is the fricking CAVE OF DEWN
08:25.02mikmayou mean the mushroom cave?
08:25.02[Ammo]due to the voodoo thing not dropping
08:25.08[Ammo]no the one in teldrassil
08:25.16mikmathe the.. fucking cave.
08:25.19[Ammo]I killed (according to the deathcount) 85 shamans
08:25.20cryogencncfanatics: i also found a bug :/
08:25.22[Ammo]I made 2 fricking levels
08:25.23mikmai... hate... that cave
08:25.28cncfanaticscryogen, in fb or ur module ?
08:25.29winkilleris it only me that finds lua bit strange, btw?
08:25.34cryogenmy module
08:25.38mikmait took me 2 hours too and 1 level+ to do all the shit in there
08:25.43shieldbthat sounds like skull rock on hordeside for some folks
08:25.44[Ammo]mikma: but I am level 11 now
08:25.52cncfanaticscryogen, what bug ? :o
08:25.56[Ammo]mikma: so almost ready for next step in the guide
08:26.00shieldbonly it was farming for just one stupid insignia for a quest, not a series of quests
08:26.05cryogenif you have other buffs on you, the action_changed handles messes up the timers for your buffs
08:26.08[Ammo]altrhough tourguide is a piece of shit that doesn't enable for me
08:26.16mikma[Ammoo]: oh nice. well, like i said, the 12_17_Darkshore is done and i did play it through. also i'm currently playing 17_18_LochModan
08:26.17Fisker--btw i r 1337
08:26.20[Ammo]have to EnableAddOn("TourGuide"); ReloadUI();
08:26.30Fisker--i might have found a way to deliver 12 kegs with the brewfest :O
08:26.32cncfanaticscryogen, it does ? :o
08:26.39cryogennot sure why atm, but will look later
08:26.40mikma[Ammo]: you have a brother in here, [Ammoo]
08:26.46cncfanaticscryogen, I know why I think
08:26.49[Ammo]that's me as well
08:26.55[Ammo]on another shell server :)
08:27.03cncfanaticscryogen, ActionChanged triggers as soon as an action changes on any button, are u controlling its for the current button the action changed ?
08:27.08Zhinjioenabled="false" and :Disable :Enable worked great. thanks.
08:27.25cncfanaticscryogen, the 5th argument passed with ActionChanged is the button that changed
08:27.25winkillerFisker-: how?
08:27.28NargiddleyFisker-, i've been maybe 1 second off 12 for a good run
08:27.33cryogencncfanatics: it should recheck every button atm
08:27.37mikmasuperman ircs with two computer
08:27.39winkillerFisker-: I always end up lagging and failing #11 by 4sec usually
08:27.41cncfanaticscryogen, even then, why is it incorrect ?
08:27.53Nargiddleydismounted coming in to deliver the 12th ><
08:28.04winkillerwhat route?
08:28.08winkillerwhat apple thingies?
08:28.14ThezilchJust the middle two.
08:28.44mikma[Ammo]: you know linux/osx and ability to mount windows folders with samba? i did a neat trick last night
08:29.11winkillerI made my time better by using the one at the guy and the far one
08:29.23[Ammo]mikma: I know
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08:29.29winkillerbut for me I basically have to touch the handin guy to hand in the keg
08:29.32[Ammo]mikma: you familiar with smbnbfw? :)
08:29.37cryogenanyone know where gvim looks for your vimrc in windows?
08:29.40winkillermaybe with better connection I could turn earlier
08:29.56[Ammo]mikma: that was developped by a couple of friends of mine, for our use on campus :p
08:30.07Nargiddleyi'm on a pretty crap connection and don't have trouble turning in
08:30.12winkillercryogen: $VIM says google
08:30.17mikma[Ammo]: .. so basicly i just shared Interface\AddOns and WTF\Account, mounted them in osx and did ln -s /Volumes/AddOns AddOns and ln -s /Volumes/Account Account
08:30.28winkiller$VIM/gvimrc even
08:30.38mikma1 ui, 1 settings, 2 computers :D
08:30.40cryogengvimrc? hmm ok
08:30.58winkiller4535 ap? wtf
08:31.15mikmafirst i tried sharing the whole WTF but then i realized that has GFX/other config in it. so my poor mac tried to use supergood gfx from pc hehe
08:31.23cncfanaticscryogen, I do wonder why that event is messed up ur numbers if ur just rechecking them all -.-
08:31.31mikma[Ammo]: and no, not familiar. will have a look now
08:31.35Fisker--hoho winkiller
08:31.36cryogencncfanatics: its a similar issue to before i think
08:31.40Fisker--my router makes it easy to get 11
08:31.45Fisker--i got 11 even though i had fatigue
08:31.47[Ammo]mikma: samba forwarding
08:31.50cryogencncfanatics: Aura and UnitBuff returning different indexs
08:31.56[Ammo]say you have a bigass samba network
08:31.58Fisker--i'm almost certain i'll be able to push out 12 kegs
08:32.02[Ammo]and you have your personal pc with a backend
08:32.08[Ammo]then you can share your backend as well
08:32.19[Ammo]campus only allowed one PC per room on the internet
08:32.25cryogenthat sounds incredibly evil
08:32.27[Ammo]so we developped something to share backends over samba :)
08:32.28cryogensamba is bad enough as it is
08:32.35[Ammo]it's in the official distro shrug
08:32.40[Ammo]it works fine
08:32.47mikma ?
08:32.50[Ammo]we even made it work with 2 frontends sharing the same backend
08:33.07[Ammo]yup still says Eli Jasper Lukas :)
08:33.09winkillerFisker-: not sure I could, I have to make SURE I get the apple buff, so I have to spend 1-2 extra sec on each
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08:41.24cncfanaticscryogen, if u drycode anything i'll be happy to test it btw
08:41.47cryogenjust trying to set vim up to my liking at work :)
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08:42.58cryogenthere we go, ron ftw
08:43.30cryogen:colorscheme ron
08:44.45cncfanatics:colorscheme inkpot
08:45.25Adyswinkiller: is it possible to check for a buff on self within a macro and cast another spell if its on ? :p
08:45.30Adysneed more 1-buttoners
08:45.34winkilleruhm, no clue
08:45.35cncfanaticsAdys, no
08:45.39baer_is there some way to change the chosen "theme" of a subgroup in pitbull?
08:45.48winkillermy most sophisticated macro would be to swap in charm at swift fligt
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08:45.55winkillerall others are "/target arcane flare"
08:46.01Adyscncfanatics: even with an addon?
08:46.07AdysI mean
08:46.14winkillerand #showtooltip - /startattack /cast :P
08:46.27Adysis it a space problem or is it just not possible
08:46.30cncfanaticsAdys, do you realize that addons can't touch ur macro's / spells in combat ?
08:46.41cncfanaticsits not possible, except out of combat with an addon, which is a bit pointless
08:47.47Adyscncfanatics: i suppose its not possible to check for debuffs on target either then
08:48.17cncfanaticsAdys, u can check for debuffs, but u can't check the spell u cast if ur in combat :)
08:48.27Wobinhow many more days for brewfest?
08:48.51Adyscncfanatics: the macro im trying to make is basically "if shadow trace is up, then cast shadowbolt, else castsequence"
08:49.19cncfanaticsAdys, thats exactly the type of macro's that blizz blocked
08:49.38cncfanaticss/blocked/wanted to block/
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08:49.53cryogenmacros, nor addons, can make decisions for you anymore
08:49.56qwestoWobin: until 16 october
08:50.01Adyswarlocks having it too easymode? :p
08:50.04cryogenthey can give you the information to make the decision but not make it for you
08:50.11Adysyah can see why
08:50.24cryogenyou used to get people writing 1 button macros for classes
08:50.29cryogen1 button tank was fun
08:50.35Adyslast thing, is it possible to have two resets on a castsequence?
08:50.39cryogen1 button healer etc :p
08:50.43Adyslike reset=combat reset=alt
08:51.07winkillerWobin: 16. was said some time ago
08:51.08cryogencant you do reset=combat,alt ?
08:51.42qwestoreset=combat/alt is the correct syntax if I'm not mistaken ^^
08:51.56qwestoreset=combat/modifier:alt even
08:52.19cryogencncfanatics: can you commit for me? :)
08:52.26Adyscryogen: combat,alt worked thanks
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08:53.34CIA-1203next96 * r51354 10nQuestLog/ (locales/koKR.lua modules/Tooltips/locales/koKR.lua):
08:53.34CIA-12- Update locale koKR
08:53.43CIA-1203speeddymon * r51355 10Postman/Postman.lua:
08:53.43CIA-12- Fix negative "due in" messages.. issue from before any updates were made
08:54.01cncfanaticscryogen, u sure it works ?
08:54.14cryogenits just whitespace changes
08:54.18cryogencleaned it up with vim
08:54.32cncfanaticsoh sure
08:54.35cncfanaticsoki, comitting
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08:56.47cncfanaticslemme test it to make sure cryogen :)
08:56.51cryogenfeel free
08:57.53cncfanaticscryogen, why remove all tabs ?
08:58.16CIA-1203cncfanatics * r51356 10FlexBar2_BuffDur/BuffDur.lua: FlexBar2_BuffDur: whitespace changes
08:58.19cryogenim not a fan of tabs
08:58.26cryogenand it was inconsistant
08:58.34cryogen(the main problem with tabs)
08:58.52cryogeni just formatted the whole file with my standard vim settings to make it consistant :)
08:59.11cncfanaticsmy standard vim settings is autoindent :p
08:59.34cryogenno wars
08:59.37cryogenbut he did ask :)
09:00.06sylvanaari like spaces =)
09:00.28sylvanaarthey are the same everywhere
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09:01.12cncfanaticsI think vim autoindent uses tabs at start of line and spaces elsewhere, which is what I want :)
09:01.37cryogennot sure, but i use :set expandtab too :)
09:02.25Pkekyomorning all
09:02.36chexsumgoodbye lightwell hello power infusion
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09:03.25cryogencncfanatics: is ActionChanged Frame Safe(tm)?
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09:03.40Pkekyothe 'close tab' hotkey is too close to the 'quit' hotkey >.<
09:04.01cncfanaticscrogen, what u mean ?
09:04.39cryogenwell, if i call UnitHasBuff can i safely use the return value in UnitBuff and get the index I actually want?
09:05.05cryogeni know i cant in UPDATE, but can i in ActionChanged
09:05.30cncfanaticsis UnitBuff being called the same frame as UnitBuff ?
09:06.06cryogenwell thats what i want to know
09:06.06cncfanaticswell, u should answer that
09:06.06cncfanaticsare u calling UnitBuff somewhere in the actionchanged event code ?
09:06.24ramozchexsum: lightwell is shit anyway, much like PoH :P
09:07.01cncfanaticscryogen, then ur good
09:07.09cryogenhmm ok
09:07.20cncfanaticssame applies for UPDATE, if u actualy call UnitBuff in ur UPDATE code ur also good, but thats a huge waste of mem :)
09:07.48cryogenwell the thing is
09:07.56cryogenAura:UnitHasBuff returns a buff index
09:08.08cryogenif i feed that index to UnitBuff, it sometimes returns a different icon than i was expecting
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09:09.40cncfanaticsthats because u call Aura:UnitHasBuff not the same frame as UnitBuff prolly
09:10.00cryogenhow can i make it the same frame? :p
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09:10.59cncfanaticscall it in the same code block
09:11.11theoddone33I should definitely be able to train druids in travel form
09:11.17theoddone33er tame
09:11.34cncfanaticscryogen, u can't cache ur index rly
09:11.40cncfanaticsu'll have to get it each time again
09:12.25cncfanaticsor at least update the cache of all indexes each time buffs change on the target, that shld work too
09:14.08cncfanaticscryogen, seems u forgot that buffs change a lot :p
09:14.43cncfanaticsand also, Aura has its own cache and operates from there, so don't be scared to call Aura:UnitHasBuff
09:14.56cryogenyeah its kinda weird working in a single threaded environment but still having to keep other events in mind :)
09:15.09cryogenthing is i need to check that it exists and get the duration in the same line
09:15.18cryogenim not sure how to do that in one line
09:15.30cncfanaticsu don't have to do it in one line
09:15.36cncfanaticsbut in the same frame, which means the same code block
09:15.47cncfanaticsor the same function if you prefer
09:15.58cryogenit *is* in the same function
09:16.10orionshockcryogen: why not just check for the druation?
09:16.19orionshockif that returns then you know you have it
09:16.38cryogenhow, without scanning ALL of my buffs?
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09:17.29cryogenIndex = Aura:UnitHasBuff("player", nil, nil, Icon); local _, _, _, _, _, TimeLeft = UnitBuff("player", Index); is what i do
09:17.38cncfanaticsthat should be perfect
09:17.43cryogenbut one of those _s is Icon
09:17.49cryogenand if i examine it, it isnt the icon i want
09:17.52cryogen.. only sometimes
09:17.53cryogenits weird
09:18.01cncfanaticshmmm, I'd suspect Aura has a problem then
09:18.12cryogenit seems to be when i have other people's buffs on me that are not my own
09:18.22cryogenworks perfect for just my buff
09:18.31cryogenif someone buffs me with say, BoM, it screws up
09:18.40cryogenor if i chug a pot
09:18.56cncfanaticsI suspect a bug in aura, go dig its code ?
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09:19.02cncfanaticson a side note
09:19.11cryogenwell im wondering if aura's cache is out of date by the time i call UnitBuff
09:19.27cncfanaticsur using the PlayerBuffChanged event right ? and not blizz's buff event
09:19.56cncfanaticsthe cache can't be out of date by the time u call UnitBuff, its single threaded, no other code can run till urs is running
09:20.41cncfanaticsexcept if it was wrong in the first place ofc
09:20.52cryogenbut cant wow update my buffs, and unitbuff return different?
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09:21.04cncfanaticswow will not do shit while ur code runs
09:21.16cncfanaticswow *pauses* why any lua code is running
09:21.21cryogenUnitBuff wont resync my buffs from the server?
09:21.47cryogeni dont think that's the issue though, hmm
09:22.02cryogenotherwise it would only show up in random situations, but its fairly consistant
09:22.11cncfanaticsanyway, the buffs changing while ur code is running is not the issue
09:22.17cryogenno its not
09:22.20cncfanaticsthe cache is wrong in the first place
09:22.31cryogenperhaps ye
09:22.56cncfanaticspretty sure
09:23.31cryogenwhos fault is that, mine or aura? :)
09:24.25cncfanaticsthink its aura's if ur doing what u said Index = Aura:UnitHasBuff("player", nil, nil, Icon); local _, _, _, _, _, TimeLeft = UnitBuff("player", Index); and u then get a wrong icon
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09:29.03Kypckhi to all
09:31.12CIA-12tekkub-wow: 03tekkub * r609 10/trunk/TourGuide/Alliance/ (49_50_Blasted_Lands.lua 50_51_Searing_Gorge.lua): TourGuide - Guides guides guides
09:32.53pb_ee1sylvanaar, the "log as prat does" functionnality on Elephant is on its way. i'd like to thank you for your help on the forums ;)
09:33.26sylvanaarpb_ee1 ?
09:34.20pb_ee1a quite old message, but i had it in my favorites
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09:36.02sylvanaarpb_ee1 um ok, your welcome
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09:39.42Fisker--NO U Punkie`
09:39.44Fisker--hence i won.
09:41.41Punkie`too late
09:41.51Punkie`you've become a singularity
09:41.55Punkie`anyway gotta shoot
09:46.24pb_ee1is there any way to catch the exact strings written by simplecombatlog to the combat log?
09:46.46pb_ee1it seems the addon uses :AddMessage, thus it's a bit... erm shitty to get the message
09:47.22CIA-1203arkayenro * r51357 10ArkInventory/ (4 files):
09:47.23CIA-12- 2.10d
09:49.22cncfanaticshook it ?
09:50.01pb_ee1it's not the correct way to do it, the function could be called from any chatframe
09:50.18pb_ee1the good way would be to trigger an event when scl displays a message
09:50.32pb_ee1then -> catch -> do whatever you want with the data
09:50.43DustwhisperWhat works without creating an unecessary overhead is the correct way to do it =)
09:51.24cncfanaticsmodify SCL to trigger an event when it adds stuff
09:51.30pb_ee1so instead of using an event, you would hook 6 different functions and check _every_ message that are passed through to know if it is maybe scl?
09:51.50pb_ee1yeah, cncfanatics, i'd just like to know if i can do it like that or if i should ask its author(s)
09:51.53[Ammo]modifying SCL just because of one silly addon doesn't sound like the right way
09:52.05[Ammo]just hook AddMessage and log everything?
09:52.14pb_ee1thanks for the 'silly', [Ammo].
09:52.21[Ammo]I call everything silly
09:52.26pb_ee1ho, nm then
09:52.50cncfanaticswell, SCL should trigger an event already rly
09:52.54pb_ee1and how can i know it has been displayed by SCL? ;p
09:53.40pb_ee1i'd like to get the exact strings displayed by the addon, that's all. there's no way atm to do this properly, hooking AddMessage is really a pain in the ass
09:53.50Zhinjiois MyAddon:RegisterDB( nil, "MyAddonPCSV" ) valid?
09:54.02Zhinjio(I don't have account based saved variables, just per character)
09:54.25cncfanaticsI never use the per char db tbh :p just use the char profile ? (thats what I do at least)
09:54.39pb_ee1no Zhinjio
09:55.00pb_ee1first arg musn't be nil, i think
09:55.27Zhinjioyeah, I'm at that page.
09:56.24pb_ee1so what should i do? i am now able to save prat's message in elephant, but i'd like to do the same thing with scl. should i trigger an event when it tries to display a message?
09:56.25ZhinjioI guess I can just leave the globally saved data empty and not use it. *shrug*
09:57.06[Ammo]pb_ee1: just hook SCL then?
09:57.50pb_ee1well i looked at the code and it _never_ passes the exact string to a function, so there is no way to hook it properly
09:58.16[Ammo]pb_ee1: you can hook the function that does the AddMessage, set a flag in your addon, next addmessage = SCL
09:58.20pb_ee1i could create a function such as "DisplayMessage(chatframe, text)" and hook it though
09:58.35[Ammo]you don't need to modify the addon
09:58.36Zhinjiofurther: do you need to have multiple calls to RegisterDB to save several variables, or is the idea to use a single variable with multiple sub-tables to save multiple values?
09:58.40pb_ee1and i'll have to hook 6 AddMessage....
09:58.47ZhinjioI'm sorry if this is all really noob stuff. I'm... a noob. right now.
09:59.01cryogen~api UnitDebuff
09:59.24pb_ee1it uses more cpu & memory, and i don't want to use workarounds when there is a simple and obvious way to do something
09:59.28cncfanaticscryogen, is ur stuff working now ? :p
09:59.42cryogenputting some debugs in
09:59.46[Ammo]pb_ee1: what you are proposing adds stuff to an addon just for your addon
09:59.47cryogenhave to pretend to work too :p
09:59.54pb_ee1so if i cannot change anything (or its author), i'll just don't add this
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10:00.13[Ammo]pb_ee1: and since SCL has a userbase that dwarves your userbase -> more users get the extra CPU just because you need it
10:00.17pb_ee1well i am just surprised that nobody did want to use these strings
10:00.51pb_ee1prat does use the triggerevent function though... but not scl, cause it's "bad" :D
10:01.09pb_ee1nm, i'll just don't do it. better, faster, simplier :)
10:01.32[Ammo]prehook SCL:ParseInfo, set flag, check on hooked AddMessage done
10:01.46[Ammo]heck you could even hook AddMessage only when SCL:ParseInfo is called
10:01.52[Ammo]and unhook right after to save CPU
10:02.04cryogencncfanatics: try
10:02.12pb_ee1it would make something like 200 hooks/unhooks per second in raid
10:02.14cryogenyou need to have a buff on a buttn that gets remaps on a modifier
10:02.21[Ammo]probably yeah
10:02.25[Ammo]just hook and go
10:02.29cryogenactually you dont, you just need some button that remaps on a modifier
10:02.38cncfanaticsany remap should do lol ? even stealth
10:02.39[Ammo]that elephant thing is a chatlogger right?
10:02.39cryogenbut what you really need is to be buffed by a buff that isnt your own
10:02.53[Ammo]your logging will cause more cpu than the simple hook
10:03.05cncfanaticscryogen, fixed the bug with ActionCHanged also ? unhandy that numbers fade when I drag a totaly unrelated action
10:03.26cncfanaticshave a buff thats counting
10:03.33cncfanaticsdrag the action on any button, the number will fade
10:03.50cryogenwell these debugs shoudl help with that too
10:04.12cryogenit sure wont fix anything though :)
10:04.26cncfanaticsu used FlexBar2:Debug I hope and not print ? :p
10:04.46sylvanaarpb_ee1 you can use a hack like in copychat which sets the font size really small then grabs all the text in one swoop
10:05.13cncfanaticscryogen ...
10:05.18pb_ee1You should try it [Ammo]. It already logs the combat log with nearly no lag (but you mustn't have the window opened during combat, in raid)
10:05.24cncfanaticsah well, I'll try it, just let me finish the AH scan
10:05.34cncfanaticswhy did they ever remove the progress bar from that ...
10:05.54cryogen:%s/Print/Debug/g :p
10:06.06pb_ee1sylvanaar: setting the size to really small makes the log "bigger"?
10:06.46cncfanaticssomeone, any way to get a progress bar for bottomscanner ?
10:06.47sylvanaarpb_ee1 the text is already stored by blizzard, but the only time you can access it is when it is being shown on the frame
10:07.20sylvanaarso small text you can have 200 lines on the frame
10:07.30pb_ee1ho, i see what you mean, but now if the user choose to put the combat log in two different frames without timestamps?
10:07.52sylvanaarlook how copychat doees it
10:08.18pb_ee1Copy chat only lets you copy one chat, that's it?
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10:08.33sylvanaarjust go try it
10:08.42pb_ee1i'm going to try it
10:08.48cncfanaticscryogen, use :Debug :) and do /fb debug debug=true to get debug output
10:09.03cryogeni s/Print/Debug/g :p
10:09.57cncfanaticsseems u forgot to add a nil check in case the button was empty
10:10.39CIA-1203pb_ee1 * r51358 10Elephant/ (10 files):
10:10.39CIA-12- Adding CHAT_MSG_SKILL to combat log.
10:10.39CIA-12- Elephant is now able to log all the messages exactly the same way Prat does. You must have Prat loaded for this functionnality to work. Default logging will be used if Prat is not loaded.
10:10.39CIA-12- You can enable/disable this new functionnality directly in game without reloading the UI.
10:12.01cryogencncfanatics: ah, i just put the wrong check in on that line, remove .. TmpIcon
10:12.07cncfanaticscryogen, u do that
10:12.09cncfanaticsI just test :p
10:12.13cncfanaticseverything seems to work fine
10:12.20cncfanaticsI have a button with frost armor on button 2
10:12.23sylvanaari feel like im in a parallel universe
10:12.25cncfanaticsit remaps to fireball with shift
10:12.34cncfanaticsthe sub appears & disappears fine
10:12.43cryogendo you have any other buffs on you?
10:13.34cncfanaticsice armor - wotf is what i'm testing
10:13.36cncfanaticsno outside buffs
10:13.43cryogenget someone to buff you
10:14.18cncfanaticshmmm, bug in FB ? texture didn't update for modifier here
10:14.37cryogenit's always worked for me though
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10:14.58cryogenwouldnt my bug in ActionChanged cause FB to not function quite properly?
10:15.37cncfanaticshmmmm, this is weird, it updates sometimes and sometimes not
10:15.40cncfanaticsI don't think its actionchanged
10:15.44cncfanaticsbut my code that triggers on it
10:15.45pb_ee1sylvanaar, just seen how it works, but that does not fix the problem
10:16.16cryogenrevert that, and apply
10:16.32cryogenthat will remove the lua error at least
10:16.33QuantumDelta*abuses cryogen*
10:16.58QuantumDeltastu highlights me :P
10:17.01cncfanaticscryogen, let me first get rid of that buff
10:17.02QuantumDeltaso every time...
10:17.06cryogenQuantumDelta: hehe
10:17.14QuantumDeltaused to it tho :P
10:17.20cryogeni'll change my name for you :p
10:17.35cryogen..or not
10:17.41QuantumDeltaDamn, foiled again
10:17.47QuantumDeltabut hey at least your parents had good taste!
10:18.40cncfanaticscryogen, wth do u do in buffdur ?
10:18.45cncfanaticsremaps on modifiers only work correctly when its not active
10:19.19cryogendid i steal a variable name?
10:19.28cryogenand is it only with the debug version?
10:19.46cncfanaticsor there is a bug in my loops, but I doubt it, lets see
10:20.14cryogenmodifiers work great for me btw, and i use them loads
10:20.30QuantumDeltaI should start using modifiers
10:20.50cryogenfb2s modifiers has cut the number of bars i use from 4 to 2 :)
10:20.50cncfanaticsQuantumDelta, u'd love how FB does em :p
10:21.15cryogeni just need right click self cast now *cough*
10:21.32QuantumDeltathe problem is i'm primarily, not a clicker
10:21.45QuantumDeltaso I'd have to kill pet binds and bar-paging
10:22.00cncfanaticsI'm not a clicking either
10:22.02cncfanaticsclicking sucks
10:22.09cryogenFB2 helps me stop clicking :)
10:23.20cncfanaticslol cryogen I get it
10:23.21cncfanaticsur error
10:23.27cncfanaticshappens in the event loop
10:23.32cncfanaticsso it interrupts the loop from running
10:23.35cncfanaticsbetter get rid of it
10:23.43cryogenthats what i was trying to tell you :p
10:23.56cryogenand the new patch removes the error
10:24.02cryogenim like 2 hours ahead of you :D
10:24.05cryogencatch up already!
10:24.10cncfanaticslol, didn't think of that here :p
10:24.14cncfanaticswhat to change ?
10:24.20cncfanaticsI did some local changes so a diff won't work
10:24.43cryogenjust remove the debug that says clearing timer
10:24.46cryogenthe first one
10:25.11cryogenthats just if theres no aura at all on this button, which we dont care about anyway
10:25.44QuantumDeltaHow many bars does flexbar support btw?
10:26.16cncfanatics511654613245646546512348976541245641^ 515612341564231243132
10:26.16cryogenas many as you want?
10:26.21cryogenit doesnt really have a concept of bars
10:26.23cryogenyou make your own
10:26.31cncfanaticsdon't use actionid's, so infinite
10:27.10QuantumDeltaI use 6 atm :<
10:27.46cncfanaticsand QuantumDelta, if u like modifiers, ur gonna love flexbar
10:27.52cncfanaticsremaps on modifiers is totaly <3
10:28.00cncfanaticsand its automagical
10:28.14cncfanaticscryogen, mind explaining em how they work while I track bugs ? :)
10:28.24QuantumDeltadoes that mean the currently impossible on standard bars becomes possible :<
10:28.30cryogenbasically, if you have something bound to 1
10:28.38cryogenand hit alt, you can drag a new action onto button 1
10:28.45cryogenand it will change the button when you press alt
10:28.51QuantumDeltaDoes that include macros?
10:29.03cncfanaticseverything, but macro support in FB is slightly poor atm
10:29.15cncfanaticsthats because the API is missing though, but they'll work
10:29.22QuantumDeltaI have 3 fairly long mount macros
10:29.40QuantumDeltaIdeally, I'd like them to be one button, but obviously since each one is almost full macro length
10:29.44QuantumDeltathat'll never happen :P
10:29.53CIA-1203daviesh * r51359 10AtlasLoot/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
10:29.53CIA-12- Updated the tooltips to reflect that right-clicking is no longer necessary.
10:30.04QuantumDeltathis sounds like flexbar would be capable of it
10:30.25cncfanaticsput one on shift
10:30.27cncfanaticsanother on alt
10:30.29cncfanaticsanother on simple click ?
10:30.36cncfanaticsperfectly possible
10:30.42QuantumDeltaI'm sold
10:30.49cncfanaticsits sexy really
10:31.02cncfanaticscryogen, lots of weirdness with thorns + motw on me
10:31.09cncfanaticsfrost armor is always correct
10:31.12cryogenwhats the debugs say?
10:31.15cncfanaticsbut, wotf seems to mess up
10:31.24cncfanaticslemme enable it
10:31.32cryogenand ye, this is the problem im having
10:31.39cryogenif you have no remaps it would all work perfect
10:32.05cncfanaticswell, the event triggers for it, u shld just do a full check again on them
10:32.09cncfanatics(I think you do ?)
10:32.21cryogeni do ye
10:32.23cryogenin theory
10:32.45cryogenActionChanged should cause a total refresh, and it does, it just doesnt work quite right
10:33.40cncfanaticsit clears the timer for wotf
10:33.44cncfanaticsfor some reason
10:33.49cncfanaticsthe buff had 1-2 secs left I think
10:33.56cncfanaticsanoying with such short buffs
10:33.58cncfanaticslet me log my 70 mage
10:33.59cryogenwhat message did it print?
10:34.02cncfanaticshe has craploads of buffs to test
10:34.25cncfanaticsQuantumDelta, if u need help setting up just tell me, happy to help
10:35.24Grumcncfanatics: does fb only have console commands to set it up?
10:35.45cncfanaticsGrum, currently yea
10:35.51cncfanaticsGUI is being worked on, but very slowly
10:35.57Grumomg ...
10:36.17cncfanaticscryogen, it messed up molten armor & amplify
10:36.22cncfanaticsit switched both
10:36.29cryogenwhats the debugs say?
10:36.35cncfanaticslemme do it again
10:37.05cncfanaticsmessed up AI & dampen this time
10:37.13cncfanaticsseems it messed up buffs that are on the same button
10:37.15cncfanaticsand I know why
10:37.20cncfanaticsu store stuff in the button right?
10:37.32cncfanaticsif two actions are on the same button, but not on the same modifier it messes up
10:37.50cncfanaticsuse a cache outside the buttons that works via Icon
10:37.51cryogenit should completely refresh though
10:38.04cncfanaticshmmm, then I dunno
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10:38.11cncfanaticsseems there's something ur not clearing to me
10:38.24cryogenwhats the debugs say?
10:38.36cncfanaticsa lot -.-
10:38.48cncfanaticslemme clear it & reproduce
10:38.50cryogenFound buff, adding timer
10:38.52cryogenwhats that say
10:39.05cncfanaticsalso ? why is the sub not added instantly ?
10:39.10cncfanaticsthere's some slight delay and I wonder why
10:39.25cryogenprobably because it doesnt get loaded till after FB?
10:39.40cncfanaticsno, thats the same frame
10:39.43cncfanaticsur delaying it somewhere
10:39.53cncfanaticsI see
10:39.54cncfanaticsgot ya
10:40.05cncfanaticsUpdateBuffDuration clears everything ?
10:40.10cncfanaticsbut without refreshing right ?
10:40.10cryogenit should
10:40.16cncfanaticsso it gets refreshed on the next frame, 0.3 secs later
10:40.29cryogenye, if it adds a new one it doesnt refresh
10:40.38cryogenoddly enough, if it removes one it refreshes :p
10:40.39cryogeni'll change that
10:40.56cryogenanyway gimmie the debug :p
10:41.16cncfanaticstoo long to paste -.-
10:41.19cncfanaticsand I can't copy & paste all that shit
10:41.24cryogenit should say: Icon of the current button, then the icon returned by Aura, then the icon returned by UnitBuff
10:41.33cryogenjust translate the icon into the buff name :0
10:41.42cncfanaticsI hit my remaps about every 0.5 secs
10:41.45cncfanaticsdon't make me
10:41.52cryogenjust 2 lines is enough
10:41.55cryogen1 when you hit the modifier
10:41.58cryogen1 when you let go
10:42.02cncfanaticsits not bugged atm
10:42.13cryogenall 3 icons should be the same then?
10:42.27cryogenit shoudl only bug if those icons are not the same
10:42.31cncfanaticsfound buff, blabla adding blabla
10:42.37cncfanaticsand then its added on the next UPDATE
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10:42.45cncfanaticsif I change it before that UPDATE happens (quite hard to manage) it bugs
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10:43.46cncfanaticsur doing something weird, I can't see why u only update the next frame tbh :p
10:44.06cryogeni spotted a couple of things that might cause it
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10:44.34cncfanaticsfix em xD
10:44.40cncfanaticsand add targetbuff support when ur done :)
10:44.52cncfanaticsbtw, wowace is our private channel now, we're the only two talking :p
10:45.10cryogenyou want a new diff, or the changes?
10:45.11Grumi'm wondering how you can config flexbar2
10:45.18cryogenif you take a new diff you need to revert your code
10:45.19Grumhard to do in a visual configuration
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10:46.18cncfanaticsGrum, the slashcommands are quite intuitive once ur used to them imo
10:46.40mikmano gui = shiiiit! ;)
10:46.53Grumi hate typing seriously
10:47.11mikma"whops, typo, need to type this again"
10:47.38cncfanaticsbe patient if u want a gui, its coming but will take a while
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10:49.18cryogencncfanatics: yo, you want these changes or not? >:p
10:50.09cncfanaticscryogen, gimme a diff ?
10:50.33cryogenyou'll have to revert your changes fist
10:50.34cryogenbut sure
10:50.46cncfanaticsdepends if the changes conflict or not
10:50.50cncfanaticspatch is quite allowant
10:50.56cryogenmy changes are from the head revision tho
10:51.00cryogennot from the last diff i sent
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10:51.11cncfanaticsI'll do an svn revert
10:51.18cryogeni just do svn diff before i send it
10:51.49QuantumDeltaThough it does make it easy to see when you're tinkering xD
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10:52.17cncfanaticsQuantumDelta, to who are you repying there? :o
10:52.28QuantumDeltaI'm teasing cryogen
10:52.49sag_ich_nicht wow, that's a mean one.
10:53.40cncfanaticsis it sag_ich_nicht, I kinda don't get it -.-
10:53.51sag_ich_nichthaha. noob.
10:53.58CIA-1203scorpio0920 * r51360 10BigWigs/Karazhan/Terestian.lua:
10:53.58CIA-12-Update zhTW translation.
10:54.03cncfanatics29 mins left on amplify, Cryogen
10:54.15sag_ich_nicht"effects" means "it causes it" afffects means "it influences it"
10:54.18cryogensag_ich_nicht: lol
10:54.20cncfanaticsit just messed up totaly
10:54.27cncfanaticsI know that sag_ich_nicht
10:54.29cryogenmessed up how?
10:54.40cncfanaticsehm, the AI time is on amplify
10:54.45cncfanaticsthe amplify time on AI
10:54.49cncfanaticsthey're on two diff buttons
10:54.50cryogenhow are those buttons set up?
10:54.56cryogendebugs? :p
10:55.09cncfanaticsmeh they were disabled
10:55.13cncfanaticsbtw cryogen
10:55.20cncfanaticsI suggest making it work without cache first
10:55.20cryogenenable and cause a actionchanged event
10:55.24cncfanaticsand then start thinking about a cache
10:55.30cryogeni really dont think its the cache
10:55.40cryogenthe icon is not cached, its rechecked each time
10:55.49cryogenthe duration is also refreshed on actionchanged
10:55.51cryogenso its not the cache
10:56.09cryogenthe debugs will tell me whats going on
10:56.14cncfanaticsthere's 4 actions
10:56.59CIA-1203sylvanaar * r51361 10EnhancedLFG/core.lua: EnhancedLFG: Adds spec to the who frame also (since its virtually identical). Queries only sent if you select spec in the dropdown on the who frame.
10:57.00cncfanaticsfound buff, adding timer for <molten armor icon> <amplify magic icon>
10:57.01do3mcagiven that autobar has been updated within 19 hours, maybe someone would bump the version number?
10:57.04cncfanaticsshouldnt those 2 be the same cryogen ?
10:57.19cncfanaticsdo3rnca too lazy to push the load out of date addons ? :p
10:57.23cryogencncfanatics: only 2?
10:57.32do3mcacncfanatics: sorry?
10:57.42cncfanaticsthere's others also, similiar to these, most with the two matching, some with them not matching
10:57.47do3mcai do right now
10:58.00cryogencncfanatics: the one line where they differe.. there should be 3 icons displayed
10:58.01cryogennot 2
10:58.04cryogeni need all 3
10:58.05do3mcabut i find it indeed useful to tag outofdate plugins on the toc
10:58.16cncfanaticsaaah yea
10:58.19cncfanaticsI'll send u another one
10:58.41CIA-1203helium * r51362 10AutoTurnin/AutoTurnin.toc: AutoTurnin: updated zhTW localization
10:59.07cncfanaticsfound buff, adding timer for <intellect buff icon> <intellect buff icon> <amplify magic icon>
10:59.07CIA-1203helium * r51363 10Aloft/Options/ (13 files in 2 dirs): Aloft: updated zhTW localization
10:59.17cryogenso this is your AI button?
10:59.21cryogenand it shows AMP duration?
10:59.49cncfanaticslemme check again :p
10:59.52cryogenwell, let me tell you
10:59.53cryogenit is :p
11:00.01cryogenwhich means: Aura and UnitBuff had a disagreement
11:00.05cryogenwhich means: :wtf:
11:00.18cncfanaticsI just loaded wow
11:00.22cncfanaticsamplify is already messed up
11:00.23cncfanaticson load
11:00.37cncfanaticsAI on button one shows amplify time, amplify on button 2 shows AI time
11:00.52rophyAnyone know if SnapToGrid still works or is there similar addon which works?
11:01.08cryogencncfanatics: WAIT JUST A COLLAR PICKIN MINUTE
11:01.26cncfanaticsu messed up somewhere ? :p
11:01.33cryogenoh no, nevermind
11:01.36cryogengot excited for no reason
11:01.46cryogenbasically, i need Aura to return me the buff duration
11:01.51cryogenbecause it is out of sync with UnitBuff
11:02.14cncfanaticsAura doesnt keep buff duration
11:02.19cncfanaticsand the fact its out of sync means its bugged
11:02.23cryogenit does
11:02.30cncfanaticsit does ? then grab it
11:02.34cryogenit keeps it internally
11:02.37cryogenbut does not expose it
11:02.39cncfanaticslemme check
11:02.56cryogenit sends it on some events
11:02.58cryogenbut none usful here
11:03.42cncfanaticstry Aura.vars.buffs["player"]
11:03.45cncfanaticseverything is kept in there
11:03.47cncfanaticslemme dump it
11:04.12cncfanaticskeeps everything there
11:04.41cryogentry dumping Aura:UnitHasBuff("Arcane Intellect", nil, nil)
11:04.49cryogenthen feed the index to UnitBuff("player", index)
11:04.52cryogenand dump that
11:05.03cryogenMAYBE aura returns an index that does not quite match unitbuff
11:05.07cryogenmaybe its off by one
11:05.09cncfanaticswell, u can get the duration
11:05.24cryogeni shouldnt need to tho
11:05.27cryogeni think it may be off by one
11:05.29cryogenand not out of sync
11:06.00cncfanaticsthat gives me a table
11:06.00cryogenye, i can to work around it
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11:06.04cncfanaticsindexed in the way Icon = start
11:06.05cryogenbut im saying that i shouldnt need to
11:06.13cncfanaticswell, the more cached stuff u use the more performant u are
11:06.15cncfanaticsso heck, use it
11:06.25cryogenbit of a nasty way to do it tho
11:06.26cncfanaticsu can figure the duration using Aura's start time
11:06.30cryogenits not really exposed by the lib
11:06.58CIA-12tekkub-wow: 03mikko.majuri * r610 10/trunk/TourGuide/Horde/ (3 files): Cleaned up some files
11:07.01orionshock" i don't sell things to guildies...i trade them for /favors/ "
11:07.08cncfanaticsit is
11:07.14cncfanaticsthat vars is exposed for a reason u know
11:07.19cncfanaticsit'd be a local if ur not suposed to use it
11:07.35cryogenhmm ok
11:07.46cncfanaticsI'd use the start duration from there using the icon
11:07.48do3mcamikma: uh :D
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11:08.35cryogeni still think its off by one :D
11:08.43cncfanaticscryogen, so what ? we found a better way
11:08.51cncfanaticsUnitBuff has overhead :p just looking up a table has less overhead
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11:09.28cncfanatics(actualy, u should get a local version of Aura.vars.buffs["player"].duration and use that all the time, 1 lookup instead of 5
11:09.34cryogentimeLeft might work
11:10.28cryogentimeEnd and duration together actually
11:10.51cncfanaticswell, u can computer the timeleft easely with the start
11:10.56cncfanaticsGetTime() - starttime
11:11.29cncfanaticsStartTIme u get from aura
11:11.32CIA-1203pb_ee1 * r51364 10LibRockConfig-1.0/LibRockConfig-1.0.lua:
11:11.32CIA-12- Updating frFR localization.
11:11.32CIA-12- Fixing a few erroneous tabs in chinese translation.
11:11.40mikmado3mca: did you get it? :)
11:11.52do3mcathere are two jokes inside
11:12.16mikmawell i don't know what the nonenglish says :D
11:12.39do3mca1) albeit the door is open, DO NOT ENTER.  2) hey, we left the door open to ventilate
11:12.49do3mcaas if not enought ventilation would go through the holes
11:13.16kebinusanIs it possible to have omnibus spam a page to /raid
11:13.19kebinusanor something
11:13.38kebinusanI want to spam fight basics for crap we are learning
11:14.12mikmakebinusan: omnibus:
11:14.50CIA-1203sylvanaar * r51365 10PitBull_Prat/Prat.lua: PitBull_Prat: Adjustable font size as requested.
11:15.00kebinusansomehow not quite what I was looking for mikma
11:15.45mikmakebinusan: :( now he will turn the omnibus around
11:15.57cryogentry that
11:16.07cryogenhmm wai
11:16.12cryogenthat will cause some lua errors
11:16.13cncfanaticscryogen, sec, getting butter :p
11:16.17CIA-1203silviu * r51366 10beql/ (beql.toc embeds.xml): beql: - Added embeds.xml
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11:17.35sylvanaarkebinusan there was an addon like that called Tactics
11:17.48cryogencncfanatics: ok now get it :)
11:17.52cryogenshould be fixed, might error :p
11:19.02cncfanaticscryogen, sec
11:19.04cncfanaticseating :)
11:19.18kebinusanwow curse is buggy
11:19.48cryogencncfanatics: btw, the last version got rid of the delay in updating, right?
11:20.03*** join/#wowace Failquail (n=Failquai@
11:20.17cryogeni also accidentally introduced a global variable called Index, which i fixed :)
11:22.51[Ammo]~seen ulic
11:22.52purlulic is currently on #wowace. Has said a total of 5 messages. Is idling for 10h 20m 58s, last said: 'Nandini: no, you'll just kill more kittens'.
11:22.58Tinyboommikma: brilliant video:p
11:23.02cryogenim also thinking about making the counter just say 'm' for everything above 60s, what you think?
11:23.11cncfanaticscryogen ,ur choice
11:23.19cncfanaticscryogen, still bugged
11:23.32cryogenthen aura itself is wrong
11:23.34cncfanaticsdid u update the diff ?
11:23.42cncfanaticscuz I think its still the old one tbh
11:23.47mikmaTinyboom: wut video?
11:23.52mikmaoh that
11:23.54cryogenif you have the latest version, you shouldnt be able to find UnitBuff in the file
11:23.56mikmaomnibus :D
11:23.56cncfanaticscant see u getting Aura.vars anywhere
11:24.09cncfanaticsthere's UnitBuff in the file
11:24.18cryogentry again
11:24.23cryogenmake sure you are overwriting your old diff
11:24.26cryogenits the same name
11:24.28cncfanaticsnot anymore now
11:24.36cncfanaticsdamn browser cache
11:25.12Tinyboommikma: askaninja :p
11:25.45cncfanaticsnot showing shit, cryogen
11:25.47cncfanaticsno errors
11:25.52mikmaaww, no sound atm
11:25.53cncfanaticssubs are empty
11:25.59Tinyboomfoamy rocks:p
11:26.22cncfanaticscryogen, the thing that aura keeps is not the timeleft
11:26.27cncfanaticsits when the buff started
11:26.39cncfanaticsat least I think it is, it doesn't change
11:27.37cryogenye, its not timeLeft at all
11:27.44cryogenbad name
11:28.08cncfanaticson a side note, the subs are all empty
11:28.33cryogenthats because i set the end time to whatever is in timeleft
11:28.39cryogenwhich would cause it to return < 0 right away
11:28.41cncfanatics(oh, and change debug back to print, if I enable debugging I get all fb's debugging output too)
11:28.52cryogeni removed the debugs now
11:28.56cryogenthey are not helpful anymore
11:29.59CIA-12tekkub-wow: 03mikko.majuri * r611 10/trunk/TourGuide/Alliance/50_51_Searing_Gorge.lua: let's not talk to a letter
11:31.07cryogenlocal timeEnd = timeLeft and (timeLeft > 0) and (timeNow + timeLeft) or nil
11:31.17cryogenthat just sets it to timeLeft right?
11:31.22cryogenassuming those initial conditions hold
11:31.43CIA-1203kandarz * r51367 10EveryQuest/ (EveryQuest.toc Everyquest.lua): EveryQuest: - Updated file properties to add revision/date
11:31.52cncfanaticswhat is timeLeft equal to ?
11:32.04cryogenim asking from a lua point of view
11:32.04cncfanaticsur declaring timeEnd there
11:32.09cryogeni dont quite get what that line of code does
11:32.17cryogenthe ands and ors confuse me
11:32.43cncfanaticsthat will set timeEnd to timeNow + timeLeft if timeleft is not nil and is bigger then 0
11:32.45*** join/#wowace Stanzilla (
11:32.48cncfanaticselse it will set it to nil
11:32.55cryogenthen what i do should be right, hmm
11:33.17cncfanaticsthe thing in aura is the time the buff will end ?
11:33.36cryogeni think im indexing into the array wrong though
11:33.43cncfanaticsthem auradurationthingy - GetTime(); should get u the duration I think
11:33.43cryogeni think aura indexes are not wow indexes
11:33.54cryogenye.. thats handlded by update tho
11:33.57cncfanaticswhy are u using indexes ? it takes a texture
11:34.04cryogenit does? :)
11:34.09cryogenthat'll be it then
11:34.29*** join/#wowace ScoTTie (n=scott@unaffiliated/scottie)
11:35.23CIA-12tekkub-wow: 03mikko.majuri * r612 10/trunk/TourGuide/Alliance/12_17_Darkshore.lua: added couple of Use tags
11:35.27cryogeni dont think it does
11:35.41cncfanaticsok, I'll make sure
11:36.23cncfanaticsthis gives me IconTexturePath (whatever that may be) = somenumber
11:36.41cncfanaticsactualy, no wait
11:36.43cncfanaticsit ain't
11:37.02cryogendump vars.buffs.player
11:37.13cncfanaticsthe key is BuffName_BuffRank_BuffTexture
11:37.31cryogenthat makes a certain amount of sense
11:37.50cryogen-- debuffs are the same if their name, rank, and icon are the same
11:37.51cryogenlocal debuffIndex = string_format("%s_%s_%s", name, rank, icon)
11:37.52CIA-1203ammo * r51368 10LittleWigs/CoT/BlackMorass.lua: LittleWigs: add some commented out code with hints on how to fix the mod properly. Someone who does Black Morass more often than me can look at it and fix it.
11:37.56cryogenlemmie fix
11:38.00cncfanaticsdoesn't aura provide a func to get info from that table ?
11:38.04cncfanaticsit should
11:38.13cryogennot that i can see
11:38.59cncfanaticsone second
11:39.03do3mcai wish there was a way to test mods without starting wow each time
11:39.26cncfanaticsUnitHasBuff returns name, rank, icon and index
11:39.28cncfanaticsjust use info from there
11:39.35cncfanaticsand seperate them with a _, and u got the table key u need
11:39.57*** join/#wowace dira_ (
11:40.29cncfanaticsactualy it returns index, count, name, rank
11:40.32cncfanaticsu got the icon already anyway
11:41.51cryogenit returns -- index; count, icon, rank :p
11:42.07cncfanaticsah yea ups
11:42.12cncfanaticswhy doesn't it return the name ? -.-
11:42.21cryogennil_nil_icon is fune tho
11:42.52cncfanaticshow will u get duration that way ?
11:43.06cryogenits how UnitHasBuff works, so its all good
11:43.25cryogenor, does it store the more specific info under name and rank too?
11:43.37cncfanaticsjust make it work :p
11:44.15cryogenok try that
11:44.16cryogensame name
11:45.13Pkekyoanyone know the release date for The Orange Box?
11:45.25CIA-1203chuanhsing * r51369 10BigWigs/ (BlackTemple/Illidan.lua SC/Hydross.lua): BigWigs: update zhTW
11:45.26cncfanatics32 december, Pkekyo :p
11:45.38Pkekyocncfanatics: how 'bout no?
11:46.12Frittican anyone point me to the threads about embeds.xml etc? is there a wiki overview page?
11:46.15FrittiI can't seem to find any docs
11:46.24Frittilibs.xml / embeds.xml / .toc standard
11:46.34cncfanatics[2007/10/08 13:48:12-684-x8]: FlexBar2_BuffDur\BuffDur.lua:37: bad argument #2 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)
11:47.06cncfanaticsu can't format with nil cryogen :p
11:47.13Pkekyocncfanatics: you're off by 83 days >.<
11:47.15cryogenim sure aura does :p
11:47.20cncfanaticsno it doesn't
11:47.30cncfanaticsPkekyo, I'm off by infinite days, my date doesn't exist ?
11:47.31cryogenno it doesnt :p
11:47.56cryogenit does a pairs on 102.c
11:47.56cryogenc:\p4\mul6\include\dbman.h(84) : error C2059: syntax error : 'type'
11:47.56cryogenc:\p4\mul6\include\dbman.h(85) : error C2059: syntax error : 'type'
11:47.56cryogen102 - 2 error(s), 0 warning(s)
11:48.01cryogenthats real work :p
11:48.13Pkekyocncfanatics: true, but operating out of (VERY) simple maths here, you're 83 days off
11:48.29cryogenit searches itself, i guess i can do the same
11:48.37Pkekyowell, 82 days actually
11:48.38cncfanaticsyea, just match the icon
11:48.41CIA-1203chuanhsing * r51370 10BigWigs/BlackTemple/Illidan.lua: BigWigs: update zhTW
11:48.53cncfanaticscryogen, u shldnt code in c & in lua at once imo :p
11:49.10cryogenthe syntax error in c wasnt mine :p
11:49.15cryogeni was copy/pasting it into an email :p
11:49.22Pkekyohmm...100$ for 20 games a decent deal?
11:49.51cncfanaticsdepends on what platform I guess Pkekyo, and if u have bandwith to dl em for free
11:50.10Pkekyocncfanatics: computer, free bandwidth
11:50.38cncfanaticsPkekyo, anything above the price of the cd's/dvd's is too much then imo :p I'd download them
11:50.41siIentiumc64 is a computer too ;)
11:51.28cryogenseriously, who came up with the syntax highlighting colours for lua in vim?
11:51.29Pkekyocncfanatics: that would lose you multiplayer priviledges on all 20 of the games
11:51.33cryogenretarded colour s:p
11:51.50cncfanaticsPkekyo, true enough, if ur intrested in multiplayer its a very good deal then
11:52.09cncfanaticscryogen, ur theme most probably
11:52.14cncfanaticscryogen, inkpot colors are fine
11:52.45Pkekyocncfanatics: only 16 of them are multiplayer games, but still...
11:52.57Pkekyo :>
11:53.00SunTsucryogen: Just use a different color theme
11:53.01cryogeni dont have inkpot
11:53.05cncfanaticsPkekyo, I personaly barely ever multiplayer, so it wouldn't bother me
11:53.26cncfanatics for inkpot cryogen
11:53.38SunTsucryogen: There are bazillion themes, use the one that fits you best, or make your own
11:53.44PkekyoI've been stuck inside TF2 for days now :p
11:54.08cncfanaticsonly MP I player is WoW :p
11:54.12cncfanaticsactualy, the only game I play is WoW
11:54.18ZhinjioIs there a "tab" character when spitting out formatted strings to the chat frame?
11:54.23Zhinjiolike \t or whatever?
11:54.56Pkekyo <--- full of win and awesome
11:55.17SunTsucryogen: :help colorscheme BTW
11:56.35cryogenya im just used to the console version
11:56.45cryogenmy .vimrc has a ton of remapped syntax highlighting colours
11:56.59*** join/#wowace Cyrez` (
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11:57.10cryogeninkpot is slightly better
11:57.29cryogencncfanatics: going for lunch, new diff after :)
11:57.30cncfanaticsinkpot is full of win
11:57.38cryogenor wait
11:57.41cncfanaticscryogen, u shld install wow at work :p
11:57.51cncfanaticsu'd work even less then u do atm xD
11:58.05cryogennew diff up
11:58.13cryogenfix ti after lunch if it doesnt work :p
11:58.16SunTsucryogen: I use the console version, so what?
11:58.20cryogenhaha, i do too little as it is
11:58.39cryogenSunTsu: so ive never botherd to mess with it :)
11:58.51cryogenbecause in console, the defaults are fine
11:59.23SunTsucryogen: Not for me. Comments used to be unreadable, dark blue on black
11:59.24cryogen(the bitch is that the window in windows is white background by default, which is annoying)
11:59.47cryogenanyway lunch!
11:59.58*** join/#wowace Shyva (
12:02.56Stanzilla <- lmfao
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12:05.22cncfanaticscryogen, when ur back,
12:05.23cncfanatics[2007/10/08 14:06:58-688-x4]: FlexBar2_BuffDur\BuffDur.lua:48: bad argument #2 to 'format' (string expected, got nil)
12:09.08*** join/#wowace Skyboat (
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12:11.31CIA-1203punkie * r51371 10pDebuffList/core.lua: pDebuffList: Added a notification of new addon (Demon) which will expire after 3 logins.
12:17.16cryogencncfanatics: oh i didnt update it for debuffs yet, just comment out that line :p or better yet force TimeLeft to 0
12:21.31*** join/#wowace Beutju (
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12:32.46CIA-1203chuanhsing * r51372 10Postman/localization.lua:
12:32.46CIA-12- update zhTW locale
12:33.58frerichHi, does anybody know whether something fishy is going on with the webserver on Ever second access to statically generated HTML pages on that site yield a 404, at least when I access the sites from our guilds forum.
12:34.13frerichIt doesn't look at the referrer or something, does it?
12:34.33CIA-1203chuanhsing * r51373 10CooldownCount/Locale.zhTW.lua:
12:34.33CIA-12- update zhTW
12:34.54Bibifrerich : checking with my sysadmin.
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12:35.32kenlyriclooks like it might have issues.
12:35.45kenlyricoh, Bibi would know better than anyone :)
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12:37.06CIA-1203chuanhsing * r51374 10sRaidFrames/locales/zhTW.lua: sRaidFrames: update zhTW (by forfan)
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12:39.18CIA-1203chuanhsing * r51375 10ColaLight/Core.lua:
12:42.19CIA-1203chuanhsing * r51376 10ClosetGnome_Banker/Banker.lua:
12:42.19CIA-12- update zhTW (by forfan)
12:43.23naeneeHas anyone experienced the problem of buttons not working, such as space to jump?
12:43.48naeneeHm. alt-tab seemed to help.
12:44.01cryogenalt tabbing sometimes makes Alt get stuck
12:44.15cryogenif you ever see anything strange with buttons or keys, mash all your modifiers :)
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12:44.29CIA-1203chuanhsing * r51377 10cyCircled/locale/zhTW.lua:
12:44.30CIA-12- update zhTW (by forfan)
12:44.34naeneeI did, didn't help :P
12:46.22CIA-1203chuanhsing * r51378 10ClassTimer/Locales/zhTW.lua: ClassTimer: update zhTW (by forfan)
12:48.21kenlyricsometimes you have to logout of the game.
12:48.26kenlyricmy problem is usually with shift.
12:48.39kenlyricmakes my mouse button for autorun not work :/
12:49.01CIA-1203chuanhsing * r51379 10lern2count/Locales/zhTW.lua: lern2count: update zhTW (by forfan)
12:52.44CIA-1203chuanhsing * r51380 10MobHealth/MobHealth3.lua:
12:52.44CIA-12- update zhTW (by forfan)
12:53.03buuWhy the hell would you update from bleeding edge sources right before a raid?
12:54.04kenlyricread the thread on EJ for an example of the idiots who think WAU is a release mechanism.
12:55.01buukenlyric: That's what prompted the question.
12:55.08buuI guess people really don't understand it.
12:55.34buuI also love all the people saying things like "Just because you let other people download your mod now you have to spend the rest of your life supporting them!"
12:55.37buuOr similar.
12:56.17CIA-1203chuanhsing * r51381 10ClosetGnome_OhNoes/ClosetGnome_OhNoes.lua: ClosetGnome_OhNoes: update zhTW (by forfan)
12:56.24kenlyricwell, my favorite is the people asking why you'd release something that's half finished, and how they expect everything in WAU to be stable.
12:56.46buuHow dare code in a TRUNK be unstable!
12:57.08buuIt's an impressive sense of entitlement.
12:57.12kenlyricI tried to inject reason into the thread, then just hoped it would die.
12:57.26frerichWAU == WowAceUpdater ?
12:57.28buu"SVN tags are just full copies of the source. Its really space in-efficient and horrible for back porting any fixes. Libraries and all would have to be saved. So almost all of the SVN tree would be copied for every tag since almost everything depends on some of the core libraries."
12:57.30sylvanaari stopped reading last week - have they kept talking?
12:57.33buuThat's so cute.
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12:58.27CIA-1203chuanhsing * r51382 10SwapMagic/SwapMagic.lua: SwapMagic: update zhTW (by forfan)
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12:58.53frerichOr can it do that already and I merely missed that option? :-)
12:59.47buuPresumably because they forgot to added it to WAU and most authors can't be bothered.
12:59.50charon*sigh* ... i study at the friggin swiss equivalent of the MIT and they fail to provide either stable networking or a working distributed storage system for our home directories. wtf.
13:01.37sylvanaarthey could do everything at the server end, and host "stable" addons at, it'd work
13:02.24sylvanaarbut trying to get a bunch of stubborn opinionated people to all do one thing is .. like .. hard
13:04.52*** join/#wowace Adys (
13:05.39buu"No kidding, I know someone who uses a console application today, ~15 or so years after GUI came to the PC world"
13:05.45buuHoly shit! A console application!
13:06.02buuTruly we must heap scorn and derision upon this fellow.
13:06.39frerichNah, he'll see the light after he gets out of school.
13:07.37cryogenbuu: ye that cracked me up too
13:07.44cryogenbuu: if svn did work that way, id be scared
13:08.25buucryogen: The "full copies" bit?
13:08.34cncfanaticsbuu, I use em all day ? :o
13:08.37buu"Your hobby takes on certain responsibilities to the users when it starts doing things like crashing the game client or rendering portions of the default UI un-usable because of addon taint. You broke it, you fix it. If you don't want that responsibility, then don't make your addon available to the public."
13:08.38cncfanaticscryogen, u back ?
13:08.43buuThis is pure gold.
13:08.46cncfanaticsu didn't remove ur format(string, nil, nil, Icon); yet
13:08.48cryogenyup, new diff up, enjoy
13:09.08cncfanaticsbuu, I'd say , fuck off, if you can't use it, don't you it
13:09.22cryogeni stopped reading that thread after a certain amount of stupidity
13:09.46cryogenEJ was good when noone knew about it
13:09.51cryogennow its the same as any other internet forum
13:10.07cncfanaticsEJ is still quite above most forums
13:10.14cncfanaticswhat thread is that in buu ?
13:10.17cryogennot that thrad :D
13:10.27cncfanaticscryogen, remember me the url
13:10.30cryogenno clue
13:10.34cryogenwas like 2 weeks ago i read it
13:10.37cryogenor you mean my url?
13:10.52cryogen if so
13:11.24cncfanaticsrelogging mage
13:11.26cncfanaticsit better work now
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13:11.45cncfanaticsbuu, what was the thread related to when that was posted ? thats a stupid comment
13:12.00cryogenit started as a "wtf is rock" thread
13:12.11cryogenthen turned into a "ace sucks they dont have stable addons"
13:12.32buucncfanatics: Generic QQ at EJ forums.
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13:12.50cncfanaticsthey're empty again Industrial
13:12.56cncfanaticsbut no lua error
13:12.59cncfanaticsups  I mean cryogen
13:13.21buuI think the obvious solution here it to just add a giant popup when you launch WAU that says "HEY DUMBSHIT DON'T UPDATE BEFORE A RAID"
13:13.29cncfanaticsall subs empty, they started out fine, when I started remapping they fucked cryogen
13:13.48cryogenbuu: :D
13:13.57cryogenbuu: 2 days later there would be a thread
13:14.00cryogen"remove this error"
13:14.16buuSounds hilarious to me.
13:14.26cryogenand my boss just walked passed and took a rather keen interest in my screen
13:14.30cryogeni suppose id better do some more work
13:14.35cncfanaticslol cryogen :p
13:14.40cncfanaticswork more on BuffDur indeed !
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13:15.35cryogencncfanatics: dump Aura.vars.buffs.player, is timeEnd set in them all?
13:15.52cncfanaticscryogen, I just relogged, damn you
13:15.59cncfanaticsbtw cryogen, what kind of job u do ?
13:16.18cryogeni code C/C#
13:16.28cncfanatics:o, not too boring
13:16.36cncfanaticswhat u working on ?
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13:16.51cryogenmy company make hotel property management systems
13:17.10cryogeni wrote and maintain a thin gui client in c#
13:17.41cryogenserver tells is what to display and where, client displays it
13:18.07cryogenother than that i work on general improvements and bugfixing on the main server side
13:18.40Trell_60 (!) new quests in dustwallow, its like xmas.
13:18.51cncfanaticscryogen funny thing is
13:18.53cncfanaticsthey work when I login
13:18.57cryogenthey would
13:18.58kenlyricexcept they're in dustwallow
13:18.58cncfanaticsbut as soon as I remap they go empty
13:19.04cryogenthats right
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13:19.15charonprobably 5 chains in 12 steps of "walk to X and talk to Y"
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13:19.17cryogenTrell_: 60?!
13:19.27Trell_well, kenlyric, it isn't just that, im excited about the xp per level being lowered and quest xp raised
13:19.32Trell_*xp needed per level
13:19.36cryogenis there new info on that?
13:19.39cryogenif so url me
13:19.40Trell_i might finally get some alts to 70
13:19.57kenlyricI know. I have six alts betweeen 23-27 :)
13:20.16cncfanaticsRock("LibSpecialEvents-Aura-3.0").vars.buffs.player.duration is populated cryogen, it works when logging in but fails as soon as I remap
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13:20.29cncfanaticsTrell_, I'm currently lvl'ing a rogue, that'll be heaven
13:20.54cryogenA good example of this change would be Stromgarde Keep in Arathi Highlands, which will become a solo friendly environment when patch 2.3 goes live.
13:21.09cryogencncfanatics: is timeEnd populated?
13:21.11Bibisame for Dire Maul probably
13:21.18cncfanaticscryogen, what u mean ?
13:21.27Bibiand deadmines, and tons of other spots
13:21.33Bibipre-BC will become lolgrinding world !
13:21.36cryogencncfanatics: dump Aura.vars.buffs.player, is timeEnd set in them all?
13:21.57cncfanaticsRock("LibSpecialEvents-Aura-3.0").vars.buffs.player.duration u mean cryogen ?
13:22.00do3mcawoops. ewindow
13:22.14cncfanaticsthat table is populated in the Name_Rank_Icon format as usual
13:22.23kenlyricnot grinding, quests.
13:22.30kenlyricmobs won't give any additional xp, apparently.
13:22.40cncfanaticslemme checj timeEnd cryogen
13:22.48cncfanaticsnever noticed that existed :o
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13:22.49cryogenor ye, check endTime
13:22.52cryogenthats what im using
13:23.04cryogenthey are retuning low instances too
13:23.06cncfanaticsI guess it is, as it works on login but not after remapping
13:23.07buuMy favorite was the analogy comparing releasing broken ace mods to feeding homeless people poison
13:23.07cryogenabout frigging time :)
13:23.22SunTsu.o0( from IRCNet is gouing strong here )
13:23.24kenlyricbuu: my favorite activity.
13:23.25cryogenits stupid to run for exampel rfk and have to kill all the gray mobs
13:23.28SunTsugoing even
13:23.29buukenlyric: Fuck yeah.
13:23.41buukenlyric: Wait, releasing broken ace mods or the poison?
13:23.49cryogenRobes of Arugal new: +3 Spirit, +5 Stamina, +9 Intelligence, +12 Spell Damage
13:24.02cryogenrobes of arugal getting their agi removed :p
13:24.09buuHoly shit
13:24.10cncfanaticsits populated cryogen
13:24.17cryogencncfanatics: weird
13:24.22cncfanaticscryogen, on login they work as I said, as soon as I hit shift it goes poof
13:24.27kenlyriccryogen: no!!!!
13:24.27buucryogen: Are you serious?
13:24.30kenlyricmy agility!
13:24.32cryogenbuu: ye
13:24.38cryogencncfanatics: on login the ActionChanged event isnt fired
13:24.49cryogenor it might be, but the buff events get fired so it all get set up
13:24.55buucryogen: That's pretty huge.
13:25.04cryogenSmite's Reaver old: +2 Strength, +1 Stamina, +1 Spirit, 11.1 dps
13:25.05cryogenSmite's Reaver new: +2 Strength, +3 Stamina, +2 Hit Rating, 14.5 dps
13:25.11cncfanaticscryogen, it ain't fired
13:25.15cncfanaticsI make it fire so I know :p
13:25.22kenlyricwonder if the darkmantle set will lose its defense bonus :(
13:25.26cryogencncfanatics: ye exactly
13:25.27cncfanaticscryogen, they work at login though, it seems ur ActionChanged code messes it up
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13:25.36cryogencncfanatics: thats what im trying to say :)
13:25.45cncfanaticscryogen, then fix it ^^
13:26.02do3mcawhich plugin does nicely show lua errors?
13:26.04cncfanaticsI get it already cryogen
13:26.06cncfanaticsur an idiot :p
13:26.18cryogenfound it
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13:26.24cncfanaticscryogen, ur GetBuffDuration func is messed up
13:26.26cncfanaticsIcon & icon
13:26.27cryogeni know :p
13:26.42cncfanaticsI hope u code better then that in C xD
13:26.46PeragorIs there anyone here that can tell me how long it takes to get an account back and working?
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13:27.01cryogenfixed and updated the patch
13:27.04hessHello. I was wondering if anyone knew where Buffalo2 did go?
13:27.09cryogencncfanatics: in C i would have had a compile error :p
13:27.11hesscant find it on the website any longer
13:27.15CIA-1203andyca * r51383 10Taggle/localization.lua:
13:27.15CIA-12- change localization.lua to UTF8 format
13:27.15CIA-12- added zhTW localization
13:27.20cryogenhess: its moved to a branch, it didnt work so well
13:27.20cncfanaticscryogen, true enough
13:27.38cncfanaticscryogen , ur making a diff or ?
13:27.43cryogenits already updated
13:27.57hesscryogen, I see
13:28.06cryogenhess: i guess it will return when the author has fixed it
13:28.12Fisker--anyone know how you get the camera-range to exceed 50 yards again?
13:28.16hessSo. does anyone know of another mod that handles the buffs of the target well?
13:28.24cryogenwhats that addon call that lets you enable/disable addons in game?
13:28.57PeragorAnyone know how long it takes to get an SVN account turned back on?  I haven't used mine since late last year and it has since been disabled.
13:29.18cncfanaticscryogen, seems to work, it ain't instant anymore though, that damn delay is back
13:29.18buuPeragor: It generally takes about 2 hours after the check clears.
13:29.36hesscncfanatics was ACP a reply to my question or..?
13:29.40cncfanaticscryogen, nvm, same delay as highlights, thats not due to you
13:29.44cncfanaticshess, that was a reply to cryogen
13:29.47Peragorbuu: bah!  seriously any info would help
13:29.50omegacryogen: where did you read all the old -> new item stats?
13:29.51cncfanaticscryogen, seems to work now
13:30.12cncfanaticscryogen, now add buffs on the target :p
13:30.20cryogenthats you
13:30.21cncfanaticsorder should be buff on target then buff on yourself :)
13:30.27cncfanaticscryogen, I already added a highlight for it
13:30.28cryogendo3mca: hmm
13:30.28do3mcayes, thats me :)
13:30.39cryogenim sure i insulted you at least once in here before now :p
13:30.50do3mcano prob stu
13:31.02cryogeni knew the nick was familar
13:31.09do3mcai have +200 resistance on insults
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13:31.15cncfanaticsonly 200 ?
13:31.16hessanyone got a suggestion for me? Im looking for a mod to handle target buffs.
13:31.17cncfanaticswe'll burn you then
13:31.30do3mcashit. gimme some rings to raise that
13:32.11cncfanaticshess, what are you exactly looking for ?
13:32.17do3mcawhat makes me ponder now, did blizz drop the limitation of lua skripts not being able to communicate via network?
13:32.32cncfanaticshuh ? lua scripts have always been able to communicate
13:32.32CIA-1203punkie * r51384 10Demon/core.lua: Demon: Added frFR locale (thanks to Anyakfe from the EJ forums)
13:32.37hessWell I just want to be able to resize and move buffs on my target
13:32.40cryogeni think he means outside of wow
13:32.44hessI would like to be able to group them aswell
13:32.47cryogenand no i dont think they will ever allow that
13:32.49cncfanaticsoutside wow they can't no
13:32.52cncfanaticswhy would they ?
13:33.00hessand separate buffs ive put on, from other's and stuff like that
13:33.10hessbut.. mainly move and resize target buffs
13:33.14hessthats what im looking for
13:33.16do3mcai would know a dozen of reasons
13:33.26cncfanaticshess, u mean the buff icons under ur unitframe ?
13:33.44cncfanaticsdo3mca, is there also one that would make it totaly foolproof so u can't get any data from outside ?
13:33.50SunTsudo3mca: And even more reasons to not allow that? ;)
13:33.53cncfanaticsaddons are suposed to not be able to communicate outside of the sandboxc
13:33.56do3mcaSunTsu: !
13:34.03do3mcaSunTsu: indeed ;-)
13:34.19do3mcadamn, it scares me how many wellknown faces i see here
13:34.30SunTsudo3mca: Me too ;)
13:34.31cryogenwow is a curse
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13:34.36Fisker--so anyone knew about those camera distances?
13:34.51omegaFisker--: isn't it a cvar or something?
13:34.58cncfanaticsdo3mca, like ? :o
13:35.01Fisker--it's limited to 50 yards
13:35.09Fisker--but there's a way to circumvent it
13:35.15Fisker--atleast i read once there were
13:35.16do3mcacncfanatics: why to communicate? think thottbot live
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13:35.32do3mcacncfanatics: i only wonder how acp works without that
13:35.36cryogenthats also a reason why its a bad idea :)
13:35.40cryogenthink bots :D
13:35.59CIA-1203chuanhsing * r51385 10CooldownCount/Locale.zhTW.lua:
13:36.00CIA-12- update zhTW (by forfan)
13:36.00do3mcaoooh. i could handle the AH from outside wow :)
13:36.08cryogennow that would be cool
13:36.10hessAnyone sitting on a old copy of Buffalo2?
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13:36.25cryogenhess: you can pick it up yourself from svn if you want it that bad
13:36.35cryogenbut im fairly sure it was taken off trunk for a good reason
13:36.40hessdude whats svn? :D
13:36.50cryogenyeah, lets not go there
13:36.56cryogenfind something else or wait for it to come back :)
13:37.22hesscommon tell me about SVN :D
13:37.25Fisker--bye tiem
13:37.26cncfanaticscryogen, /poke add targetbuff
13:37.31Fisker--just forgot that i have a bus to catch
13:37.34cryogeni have to do *some* work today
13:37.40cncfanaticscryogen, k k :)
13:37.44cncfanaticsI'll commit the current one to svn
13:37.49SunTsudo3mca: Wenn, use openvpn and vnc ;) Works for me ;) Just running around is not that easy - besides from keeing yelling "No, I'm no bot!"
13:37.54SunTsuWell even
13:38.16CIA-1203cncfanatics * r51386 10FlexBar2_BuffDur/BuffDur.lua: FlexBar2_BuffDur: fix
13:38.23cryogennice commit message :p
13:38.41hesscryogen: svn is your mod?
13:38.47hesssomeone tell me what this svn stuff is :P
13:38.57cryogenhess: its another way to get addons
13:39.07cryogenhess: but its mainly for developers
13:39.13cryogenunless you know what you are doing
13:39.19cryogen(which given that you dont know what it is, you dont :)
13:39.22hessim just a config0r.. not c0der :/
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13:39.51hessi make my UI from ace adons. just config and put together
13:40.04hessbut now without buffalo2 im having trouble with my target frame..
13:40.07buuSVN is where all the bad add ons live.
13:40.30hesscould someone do me a favor and use this SVN and get me buffalo2 :D
13:41.37Grumwhy cant you?
13:41.59do3mcahess: its not in trunk. didnt cryogen say so? :)
13:42.26Grumgo download:
13:42.27hessdo3mca ok.
13:42.33Grumwho cares you can still check it out
13:42.52cryogenGrum: the point is, it was probably taken off trunk for a pretty good reason :)
13:43.13Grumbecause the author sucks? HUHUHU? =) j/k
13:43.24cryogenwhy, did you write it?
13:43.57cncfanatics[2007/10/08 15:45:12-703-x5]: FlexBar2_BuffDur\BuffDur.lua:68: attempt to call global 'GetDebuffDuration' (a nil value)
13:44.08Grumnope, i could make that more efficient hehe
13:44.45CIA-1203nebelmond * r51387 10Rawrkitty/Locale-enUS.lua:
13:44.45CIA-12- localization fix
13:44.53cncfanaticscryogne, I'll fix that error, if you don't mind
13:45.11cryogencncfanatics: i hate lua
13:45.14cryogenyeah go ahead
13:45.22hessso there it is! buffalo2.
13:45.33hessnow, how do I download? :P
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13:45.49CIA-1203chuanhsing * r51388 10BigWigs/TheEye/Kaelthas.lua: BigWigs: update zhTW
13:45.59cncfanaticscryogen, lua wins
13:46.23SunTsucncfanatics: Against the authors? :)
13:47.14do3mcaah. i understand. acp requires the plugins to be there, it just activates/deactivates them.
13:47.40CIA-1203chuanhsing * r51389 10BigWigs/BlackTemple/Najentus.lua: BigWigs: update zhTW
13:48.00cryogenwhich is what you wanted, sort of :)
13:48.58do3mcai just want something that can keep track of all the addons i want. which includes addons which are not under "ace control"
13:49.01CIA-1203pettigrow * r51390 10Babble-2.2/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
13:49.01CIA-12- frFR Update
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13:49.31cryogeni thought you wanted to be able to try stuff out from within game? :p
13:49.32do3mcathere are like 5 updater binaries. none of them can handle everything and at its best one shoots the other in the foot
13:49.37do3mcaah, that.
13:49.39buuThird party mod site ftw.
13:49.47Zhinjioquick question: it seems Ace defaults to your slash-command providing help. Can I switch that so no arguments toggles my main frame, and and argument of "help" provides the help?
13:49.51Grumhess: look on and click on the left side menu on 'SVN' and then l2use-svn
13:49.52cryogenisnt there an updater that claims to do them all?
13:50.04hessyea will do
13:50.14hessthanks alot everyone
13:50.20hessi now downloaded all the files from
13:50.21do3mcafor example, i like NECB
13:50.25hessand now we will try it out :D
13:50.40Ozguli`hm.. is there any addon that gets player info from armory?
13:50.51do3mcaor, to kill the argument - auctioneer NG! ;-)
13:51.11do3mcacncfanatics: there you go
13:51.19chexsumcurse has an addon that can install fies that are hosted there too
13:51.19cncfanaticsdo3mca ?
13:51.23do3mca15:50 < Ozguli`> hm.. is there any addon that gets player info from armory?
13:51.35do3mcachexsum: yes. which has no reinstall option
13:51.40chexsumi use the curse client, wau and update clique manually
13:51.51do3mcainstall a plugin which it believes is installed already.
13:51.54chexsumyeah it needs some work
13:52.12Ozguli`would save time
13:52.34do3mcai shall grow up some standard. like these hlcoders devs when i told them that their plugin interaction sucks :D
13:52.54do3mcaOzguli`: you just proved something i said earlier.
13:53.00Ozguli`I did?
13:53.17do3mcaOzguli`: the plugin cant be done, as no lua script is allowed to do interaction with hosts outside of the wow game
13:53.34Ozguli`hmh... lame blizzard
13:53.43do3mcamaybe, maybe not. :)
13:53.58Ozguli`I knwo the reason why it's like that
13:54.21Ozguli`maybe I'll just adblock all images & stuff from the armory site and have it lightweight
13:54.25hessOk thanks all for helping... but buffalo2 does not work no.
13:54.33SunTsu.o0( and getting that work in a secure manner.. Why does suddenly the name Sisyphos come to my mind? )
13:54.52hessWhen are one of you hotshots going to release a buffmod to replace buffalo2?
13:54.57do3mcaso actually blizz should have coded some plugin bazar:-/
13:54.58chexsumbuffalo works for me but i dont use it
13:55.10hessyea buffalo works. but not buffalo2
13:55.15cryogendo3mca: if they did, that would be tantamount to supporting our addons :)
13:55.19hessand buffalo only supports your buffs, not target buffs
13:55.25do3mcatheyre paid for that
13:55.28do3mcalamers. :)
13:55.46chexsumi had a target buff list so i would have been using #2
13:56.10hesscurrently there are no mods to sort and edit target buffs on wowace?
13:56.17hessone of you hotshots come up with something please
13:56.21chexsumit had a bug that caused icons to be shown on the wrong buffs so i dumped it
13:57.09hesssand I cant find any mods to group/sort buffs out there
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13:57.12hessits sad :(
13:57.20hessI wish I was able to create....
13:57.45do3mcacncfanatics: another useful thing wouldve been the DKP stuff. interactively query your online DKP Database
13:58.18SunTsudo3mca: Not using DKP at all would help there *ducks and runs away*
13:58.23do3mcai dont
13:58.26cryogenthere are way around data gathering problems
13:58.30do3mcabut alot of other people say thay need
13:58.35cryogenyou just cant have live updates
13:58.40do3mcastu: yah.
13:58.50cryogenwhich most time is fine
13:58.52QuantumDeltahmm :P
13:58.56cryogenlightheader for example, is teh awesome
13:59.09do3mcai dont argue that in most cases offline is fine. but online would be sugar.
13:59.27SunTsudo3mca: Well, there is no problem having a DKP database, just have it ingame and update an external database with an external tool
13:59.31cryogencosts/benefits tho i guess from blizzard's point of view
13:59.37chexsumhess, necb is nice for showing buffs
13:59.47do3mca<3 necb
13:59.52hessits on wowace?
13:59.54do3mcacryogen: sure.
13:59.56cryogennecb is a monster
13:59.59do3mcahess: unfortunately, no
14:00.21cncfanaticsdo3mca, or you could interactivly ask an online bot what to do next
14:00.23sylvanaarthe clipboard can xfer data into and out of the game
14:00.24cncfanaticsand let the bot play for you
14:00.48do3mcaNECB manages it - unlike other plugins - to show how long the druid-tree-thingie is left
14:01.03do3mcacncfanatics: thats why they blocked it, i'd assume :)
14:01.09hessso I need to get into this SVN stuff to get NECB?
14:01.22chexsumno necb isnt an ace addon
14:01.25do3mcano. NECB isnt affiliated with ace at all
14:01.34hessits on curse?
14:01.34sylvanaarwhat is the druid-tree-thingy
14:01.35cryogendo3mca: druid-tree-thingie?
14:01.38do3mcalook it up on curses
14:01.51chexsumits one of the few non ace mods i still use
14:01.52hessdid, didnt find anything like necb
14:01.56hesssomeone find me a link plz
14:02.02do3mcahess: "nature enemy cast bar"
14:02.10cryogeni havent used necb in some time
14:02.13do3mcamom, need to look up the english name
14:02.13SunTsuhess: Just even googling for necb does the trick
14:02.17cryogeni have classtimers for tracking debuffs
14:02.21hesssounds more like a castbar mod then a buff mod?
14:02.21chexsumits called natur Enemy Castbar on curse i think
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14:02.50cryogenand now with teh awesomeness that is flexbar2_buffdur, i dont even need those <3
14:03.02chexsumyeah it is but its a lot better to look at than a debuff list
14:03.02hesslooks cool
14:03.08hessill get necb for sure
14:03.20cryogenchexsum: with flexbar2_buffdur you can see the DoT timer on your action button :D
14:03.23hessum yeah
14:03.35chexsumits awesome for tracking cooldowns like cloak of shadow etc too
14:03.41hessdo I see ALL buffs on a target with necb? or it just shows bars over the buffs ive cast on it?
14:03.50SunTsuLooks great, yes, but I can't stand some more bars by now. I first need a bigger screen
14:03.55chexsumvery accurate too
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14:04.16chexsumepends how many people have it in your group
14:04.17do3mcacryogen: "force of nature"
14:04.24do3mcabalance tree
14:04.53chexsumit can share information with other necb users if you turn it on
14:04.54cryogenclasstimer doesnt pick it up?
14:05.25do3mcaclasstimer? didnt check *that*   i mean, ofcourse i didnt check all plugins, but those ive seen didnt
14:05.47cryogenreason i use classtimer is because its ace so i can change the bar texture to match all the other crap in my ui
14:05.53chexsumforce of nature = free smites imho
14:06.14cryogeni really hope they release 2.3 soon
14:06.19cryogenfast levelling of alts ftw
14:06.25SunTsuI keep turning calss timer off, because I keep having problems with it
14:06.30do3mcachexsum: free smites?
14:06.32SunTsuclass timer even
14:07.09chexsumyeah 3 enemies = about 50% chance at a free smite when i holy nova :P
14:07.59cryogendo3mca: ah! the trees, gotcha
14:08.06cryogenkinda like water elemental and shadowfiend
14:08.13cryogeni think someone in her wrote an addon to track those at one point
14:08.23cryogenclasstimers should be enhanced to monitor them though
14:08.23chexsumi oathe water elementals
14:08.31chexsumthey do 250dps
14:08.49do3mcathe treants do ~180 each, i think
14:08.50Grumchexsum: did they fix it? is the smite free and non-chaining?
14:08.53chexsumthats like a lvl 60 mage
14:09.20do3mcabut only for 30 seconds and only every soandso minutes and their armor is pretty weak
14:09.24chexsumits fixed now - its always free and never crits
14:09.34cryogenthey fixed it? :(
14:09.38cryogenwas fun to crit with it
14:09.45chexsumtreants only last 10s or something though
14:09.50cryogeni noticed though that the res bug still isnt fixed
14:10.21do3mcaits enough to let em beat up 2 mobs with 2 or three DoTs added
14:10.34chexsumi miss the old sol for pvp but the new sol is great for pve dps
14:11.39Grumcryogen: was fun but the cost in mana sucked
14:11.44Grumyou only used your mana faster
14:12.18chexsumits lame how it cant crit but if youve got good damage its still an instant 1k dmg
14:12.24Grumso fun having a chain of 7 .. and loosing 60% of your mana ^^
14:12.42CIA-1203cncfanatics * r51391 10FlexBar2/ (3 files in 2 dirs): FlexBar2: Tweaked the State abstraction system
14:12.43cryogengotta love the mana "efficiency" of disc/holy
14:12.48elusifwon't it be cool when we can make goblin characters?
14:12.49cncfanaticscryogen, can u gimme a ping when ur home ?
14:12.51cryogencncfanatics: did you commit my fix?
14:12.56cryogenye will do
14:13.04*** join/#wowace faCe| (
14:13.10Grumi will love it when priests get that 33% dmg from healing
14:13.19CIA-1203cncfanatics * r51392 10FlexBar2_BuffDur/BuffDur.lua: FlexBar2_BuffDur: Fixed a nil bug
14:13.23cncfanaticscryogen, there ;)
14:13.24Grumfree 600dmg ftw :)
14:13.27Xinhuani will pick up uber healing gear for my mage set
14:13.31chexsumyea goodbye damage set imho
14:13.52GrumXinhuan: hahaha for some pieces having healing gear might even be better
14:14.03Xinhuanthat's what i'm thinking
14:14.10Xinhuanlike +81 healing -> +27 damage?
14:14.14Xinhuanits cheaper i think
14:14.14Grumyup ^^
14:14.17kenlyricyou'll still want damage pieces, but you just won't be as dependent on them.
14:14.18cryogenmages rolling on healing gear would be so awesomely funny
14:14.19Xinhuanfor an enchant
14:14.30Grummm 8 primal mana, 8 primal water and 8 shards
14:14.40chexsumdmg never has mp5
14:14.42Grumerm primal life for the first
14:14.45Xinhuanhmm maybe not cheaper then
14:14.48cncfanaticswon't happen
14:14.54cncfanaticshealing costs twice as much as dmg on the item budget
14:14.55Grumno but mages in full cloth healing would have IMBA regen ^^
14:15.09cncfanaticshealing gives twice as much healing as damage for the same item budget I mean
14:15.10cryogenand no spell crit :)
14:15.11cryogenor hit
14:15.11chexsumi think its only for priests
14:15.17cryogen0% hit :D
14:15.19Grumhaving 300mp5 while casting ..rawr ^^
14:15.21cncfanaticschexsum, no, its actual items that will give spelldmg too
14:15.37Grumeasily checked
14:15.39kenlyricactually, it's less than twice as much.
14:16.33Grumlol... wowhead is broken for me O.o
14:17.38baer_how does spell haste work for wlocks?
14:17.53kenlyricI still don't imagine you'll prefer your healing gear in every case, particularly when you're solo.
14:17.55cryogenfor which spell?
14:18.05kenlyricassuming you can get equivalent ilevel damage gear.
14:18.15chexsumt speeds up shadowbolt casts and drain spells
14:19.44chexsum+hit will increase a locks dps more than anything
14:19.54cncfanatics+hit owns everything for all classes till the cap
14:19.55cncfanaticsor nearly
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14:23.57CIA-1203clovenhoof * r51393 10RootsBidder/ (. RootsBidder.lua RootsBidder.toc):
14:23.58CIA-12- Updated toc
14:23.58CIA-12- Added Class based Colouring to raid overview
14:24.15CrysliI have a problem with eePanels. I've imported a custom texture, and even though it's just a simple, black panel, there is a bit of white around it. ANyone got an idea what that might be?
14:26.03hessGuys im really having a problem here
14:26.34hessI need something to show buffs on my target frame. Suggestions please
14:26.58Cryslihess: I think Quartz, ElkBuffBars and Pitbull does that.
14:27.13hessI have pitbull unitframes
14:27.30Higdurthen you just need to configure it
14:27.35Trell_enable Auras
14:27.39Trell_on target
14:27.48hessproblem is I have a area I need them to fit into
14:27.58hessyeah, I can have those auras. I have alt-aura too
14:28.13hessbut. they are not moveable.. i cant move the auras
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14:29.04Cryslihess: ElkBuffbars kan display target buffs in bars.
14:29.20Higduriirc you can only set an anchor to left/right/top/bottom in pitbull
14:29.34Trell_even inside if you want to
14:29.48Higdurthink that's what he wants
14:30.00CIA-1203cncfanatics * r51394 10FlexBar2_BuffDur/BuffDur.lua: FlexBar2_BuffDur: Fixed a nil bug
14:30.05hessi wish I could show you a screenshot of the UI i built
14:30.13Trell_why cant you?
14:30.15Higdurdo so :)
14:30.24hessif someone had a ftp i could put it on
14:30.32Trell_whats wrong with image shack
14:30.36Higdurimageshack or the like?
14:30.37cryogencncfanatics: another? :p
14:30.39Trell_or any of the millions of other free image hosting sites
14:31.04Trell_or .us
14:31.09Trell_just any image hosting site
14:31.34hessdont know of any
14:31.59CrysliYou do now :)
14:32.06Kain____has anyone had trouble w/ xloot frames where it like expands all the way to the edge of your screen?
14:32.19hessim in there
14:32.24HigdurKain____: yeah, had that last night when raiding
14:32.24hesswhere do I go to upload a image?
14:32.28Trell_103,000,000 results for 'image hosting', takes two seconds; google is your friend.
14:33.00Kain____Hidgur: any idea how to fix that?
14:33.03Trell_actually, not 2 seconds, it took 0.42, but thats by the by
14:33.14hessimage shack wants me to register webhotel and shit
14:33.16Cryslihess: There's a button with the text 'browse' - click that one and find your image
14:33.17hessno free image hostings?
14:33.26HigdurKain____: nope
14:33.40Kain____you dont need to register on just put in a bogus email
14:33.48hessCrysli cant see it..
14:34.05Trell_click browse
14:34.11Trell_locate your image
14:34.16Trell_type any old crap in for an email
14:34.17hessi klick image hosting on the front page
14:34.22Trell_click 'host it!'
14:34.35hessthere is no browse button
14:35.05Trell_ - a button is there saying browse... right next to a text box
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14:35.18CIA-1203cncfanatics * r51395 10FlexBar2_BuffDur/BuffDur.lua: FlexBar2_BuffDur: Fixed a nil bug
14:35.53hesswe must not see the same site...
14:36.28Trell_took me all of 45seconds.
14:36.50do3mcatakes me 2 minutes to load the pic
14:36.55hessi get a bunch of options on the main site
14:36.58hessi choose image hosting
14:36.59Trell_only cos imageshack sucks ass
14:37.07hessand I get to another site, wich links to 15 other sites
14:37.12hessnone actually host a image...
14:37.14hessjust adds
14:37.17Trell_hess; you're doing it wrong then
14:37.33Trell_ <--- click that link.
14:37.34CrysliTrell: Get MailFu tbh
14:37.41Trell_theres a text box there
14:37.49Trell_with a button saying Browse... right next to it
14:37.52Trell_click the browse button
14:37.57hessno its not
14:37.58Trell_enter any old email in the box below it
14:38.07*** join/#wowace xyu (
14:38.38Trell_*runs off to check out MailFu*
14:38.41hessthere is no box
14:38.48hessexcept for a search box
14:39.04hessthere we go
14:39.06hessseems alot better
14:40.11Trell_Crysli: is it actually called MailFu?
14:40.20Trell_cant see it on WAU under mailfu, nor fubar_mailfu
14:40.22hessok there is my UI
14:40.25CrysliTrell: Fubar_MailFu, iirc
14:40.46hessand as u can see the free area bellow my target unitframe. id like to see target buffs/debuffs.
14:41.01Trell_easy hess
14:41.07Trell_just set pitbull target auras to below
14:41.24Cryslitrell: Try visiting - it shows there
14:41.26Trell_and you can size/scale them too
14:41.26hessthey are not customizeable
14:41.32Trell_customisable how?
14:41.38hessI need to seperate buffs that I put on the target, from all the other ones
14:41.42hessin that area
14:41.59Trell_iirc theres a box that allows you to seperate buffs/debuffs and also ones that you can buff/debuff
14:42.25cryogenpitbull allows you to move auras does it not?
14:42.43cryogenid be surprised if it didnt
14:42.45cryogennever tried though
14:42.51hessi can just choose location
14:42.58hessand wether so seperate buffs from debuffs or not
14:43.43Higdurbut he wants to drag out his own dots so that he can see easily what he has casted I guess
14:44.27cryogencncfanatics: btw, do you have an easy way to make a debuff end on a target prematurely?
14:44.44cryogenalso, i think refreshing debuff durations will not work
14:44.49hessi just want to see what dots I have up on the target
14:44.59hessseparated from other players dots
14:45.03cncfanaticscryogen, what u mean ?
14:45.13Trell_hess; try ClassTimer
14:45.18Trell_or erm...Natur is it?
14:45.28Trell_ive only ever used Classtimer, its fine for my wishes
14:45.29hessI have it. but it creates bars
14:45.36hessand I dont want bars all over my ui
14:45.36Trell_you can scale them too
14:45.40alexthave you tried dotimer?
14:45.43Trell_so they arent bars
14:45.43hessthen I cant see
14:45.53hessI want normal buff icons
14:46.02chexsumdotimet can show jsut icons
14:46.02Trell_have classtimer set to icons shown, and the size of bars at 0.01
14:46.13hessone problem with dotimer
14:46.20hessit only shows mine
14:46.21cryogencncfanatics: like, if you poly something, and then break the sheep
14:46.25cryogencncfanatics: i think the timer will still tick
14:46.29alext<hess> i just want to see what dots I have up on the target
14:46.29alext<hess> separated from other players dots
14:46.30Trell_hess; thats what you said you wanted
14:46.48alextoh you want to see everything, but yours like spaced differently?
14:46.48hessi feel like im confusing you all
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14:46.56Higdurhe wants to see all dots, but have his own easily seperatable
14:47.02alextyeah good luck on that
14:47.07cryogencncfanatics: or if you sheep something, then resheep it to restart the timer, i think that will bug too
14:47.08alexti dont know anything that does that
14:47.09hessthats alot every one for helping out. its been helpful and I feel I have some content to work with now.
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14:47.41cncfanaticscryogen, you don't check on debuffs change ?
14:48.00cncfanaticsactualy, I don't even know if thats possible :p
14:48.13cncfanaticsit should be though for ur own buffs
14:48.18chexsumnecb is flaweless for tracking your own buffs ;)
14:48.27Trell_could I check to see if DP was on a target, and if so how many stacks?
14:48.28chexsumi use it when im shadow pew pewing
14:48.33cncfanaticsUnitDebuffRefreshed event Cryogen
14:48.33Trell_(of my own)
14:48.42cryogencncfanatics: ya, thats my point, i havent implemented it yet
14:48.47cryogenso it will not currently work :)
14:48.59cncfanaticsget it working asap xD
14:49.02CrysliSo, now that hess has gotten some help, I'll try getting some too. Around my custom texture in eePanels, there is a little white. How do I remove that?
14:49.06SunTsuchexsum: Yes, and it takes up some more space
14:49.15CrysliHold on, I'll try getting a screenshot
14:49.19chexsumnecb tracks all buffs - i use it on my rogue also
14:49.25Trell_is it from a border setting, Crysli?
14:49.34chexsumpft you can make it use less space
14:49.55Trell_im considering attempting to write a simple addon that will pop a message up into parrot or somewhere on screen when theres 5 DP stacks and 5 CPs on my target
14:49.58chexsumself buffs only, shorten the bars etc
14:50.04CrysliTrell_: No, border is turned off.
14:50.25Crysli - it looks like the white on this, except mine's not supposed to be there.
14:50.25SunTsuchexsum: I am already running out of screen space by using pitbull only...
14:50.44chexsumo hwat i do and only view 3 raid groups lol
14:50.55chexsumeveryone ele is on their own
14:51.16Trell_something to do with your tga file?
14:51.23Trell_thats about all I can think of im afraid
14:51.42Trell_in PS I always trim about 1-2px off the image before saving
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14:52.24CrysliTrell_: Yeah, I tried doing that, but since most of it is only 2px wide, trimming it won't work.
14:52.44chexsumthats a nice looking ui
14:53.07cncfanaticscryogen, I thought those buff subs would be damn easy, seems they're harder then we first thought :p
14:53.43CrysliHm... Would it work if I made the whole thing a few pixels bigger and then trimmed it?
14:54.08cryogencncfanatics: but still easy :)
14:54.33Trell_it could do Crysli
14:54.45Trell_the reason I trim all my tga's before saving is to remove messy borders anyway
14:55.03CrysliI'll try. Thanks :D
14:55.38do3mcaholy shit
14:56.02do3mcanice artwork though
14:56.29Cryslichexsum: No borders, but the semi-transparent white stuff around all the black.
14:56.34cryogenhey thats nice
14:56.35chexsumwish i could do something like that - all my graphics look like its done with ms paint
14:58.21chexsumso whos all going to see resident evil 3 :P
14:59.44SunTsuchexsum: I can't stand that horrible thing in there, my nerves actually too sensible to see Milla Jovovich
15:00.17cncfanaticscryogen, true enough, ur coding is just messy xD
15:00.25cryogencncfanatics: oi
15:00.32SunTsuAnd please, put the "are" where you think it fits best
15:00.47cryogen(but yea you're write, im tidying it up loads atm tho)
15:00.59cncfanaticsi'm write ?
15:01.08cryogenyeah that
15:01.12cryogenits monday
15:01.14cryogenleave me alone :p
15:01.28cryogeni'll set mc on you
15:02.20cncfanaticsand when is Kaelten gonna give u ur damn svn acc
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15:02.33cryogengood question
15:05.46do3mcastu: setup your own repos and teach cnc how to svn merge
15:05.57hessOk im fed up with this
15:06.03hessim remaking my entire ui's
15:06.08cryogenyou think i can pursuade weasel to let me use the oftc one? :p
15:06.15cryogenno, i didnt think so :D
15:06.22hessI need some UI's too look at, and spawn ideas to a new one
15:06.31do3mcai can setup an svn+ssh repos
15:06.33hessanyone got a nice UI of theirs to show me a screen of
15:06.44hessplz link screenies
15:06.54cryogenwell it will become moot as soon as Kaelten gets round to it, so its np :)
15:06.59do3mcahttps i fear, for lack of apache2
15:07.17cryogeni dunno if its because hes lazy/busy or just doesnt like me tho :)
15:07.31do3mcalazyness is the root of everything
15:07.45cryogentrue, id know
15:08.06SunTsu.o0( and one of the virtues of a perl programmer )
15:08.17kaidenis EveryQuest supposed to be used in conjunction with QuestHistory or something
15:08.22kaideni thought it was a standalone mod
15:08.37purlLAZINESS: The quality that makes you go to great effort to reduce overall energy expenditure. It makes you write labor-saving programs that other people will find useful, and document what you wrote so you don't have to answer so many questions about it. Hence, the first great virtue of a programmer.
15:08.49do3mcastu: eh, nevermind
15:08.52do3mcalets fork ace
15:09.08cryogengood idea
15:09.11cryogenace 2.5?
15:09.58do3mcaserving the open and free technology and wow community since ....
15:10.05cryogenimagine the userbase we would bring to weasel's door
15:10.07do3mcaOFTWC :)
15:10.09cryogenhed love it
15:10.44CIA-1203ammo 07Ace3 * r51396 10ag_UnitFrames/ag_UnitFrames.lua: ag_UnitFrames: Ace3 branch tweaks for ag`
15:10.54CIA-1203cncfanatics * r51397 10FlexBar2/Action/Action.lua: FlexBar2: Fixed a bug where the autoattack Icon of druids would not change correctly on shapeshifts (damn druids ...)
15:11.09cryogenmake autoattack work plix :(
15:11.33do3mcadruids > *
15:11.47cryogenpoor ammo, it was cncfanatics flaming druids :p
15:11.48AeyanWrong one
15:11.48*** kick/#wowace [do3mca!] by [Ammo] (ammo > do3mca)
15:11.49SunTsudo3mca: it was cncfanatics' comment ;)
15:12.03SunTsuAh, too late
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15:12.53cryogenpoor mc
15:13.12do3mcastu: we need to talk to someone to change the network
15:13.15SunTsu.o0( Reading seems to be an art ;) )
15:13.35do3mcakill > kick :D
15:13.39do3mcaSunTsu: indeed.
15:13.54cryogeni agree
15:14.01cryogenalthough i could just /kill ammo for you
15:14.09cryogenit would be the first and last oper action ive taken on freenode
15:14.12cryogenbut ti would clearly be worth it
15:14.21cncfanaticscryogen, tell blizz to make god damn autoattack work
15:14.22do3mcano prob, ill talk to christel
15:14.29cncfanaticsirritatates me as much as you
15:14.35cryogencncfanatics: :)
15:14.42do3mcaso. bad CNC!
15:14.45cryogencncfanatics: my macro works, but i like my kitty paw icon!
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15:14.57do3mcakitty... paw... icon...
15:15.00cryogenif i do #show Attack it shows the stupid blizz guy
15:15.00do3mcauh, stu.
15:15.03[Ammo]cryogen: lucky my kick was done in jest :)
15:15.19cryogen[Ammo]: lucky my "threat" was too :)
15:15.39Marlilol druids
15:15.43cryogeni havent even bothered setting +o in about a month
15:15.44do3mcamh. now that all doesnt help me choose an esspressomachine.
15:15.51SunTsuCould you please stop being nice to each other? This is IRC at all! :)
15:16.08SunTsupurl: Ecaxtly
15:16.28SunTsu.o0( I really have problems writing today )
15:16.30cryogencncfanatics: damn you man, this is making my update code complicated
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15:18.26Xinhuani commented a block of code out
15:18.37Xinhuanone of the commands in the block of code killed the comment
15:18.39Xinhuanlocal j = pathR[prune[a][m]];
15:18.40cncfanaticscryogen, it is ? :o
15:18.45Xinhuanthe ending ]] there lol
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15:19.22cryogencncfanatics: ya, now i have to check target buff, then self buff, then target debuff
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15:21.29cncfanaticscryogen, poor guy
15:21.42cncfanaticsu don't want to know how complicated FB is then :p
15:21.46cncfanaticsif u call that complicated
15:22.00CIA-1203clovenhoof * r51398 10RootsBidder/ (. RootsBidder.lua RootsBidder.toc):
15:22.00CIA-12- Changed self colour to red to make difference Clearer
15:22.08GrumXinhuan: lol
15:22.10cryogencncfanatics: *g*
15:22.31Xinhuani was like MEH, i commented the code out??
15:22.31cryogenits only complicated because lua sucks
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15:24.34cncfanaticscryogen, not really
15:24.40cncfanaticsthe same in every language if u code in ur sloppy way
15:24.53cryogendont be cheeky young man!
15:25.01cncfanaticslol u know its true
15:25.09cryogenwhat's wrong with it? :p
15:25.22cncfanaticsu shld first check for target buffs, if u find one, return, then for player buffs, if u find one return, then for target debuffs and if u find one return
15:25.27cncfanaticsinstead of ur silly nested ifs
15:25.44CIA-12tekkub-wow: 03mikko.majuri * r613 10/trunk/TourGuide/ (3 files in 2 dirs): 17_18_LochModan.lua confirmed working, added in .toc
15:25.52cncfanaticsdon't blame the language if ur coding is sloppy xD
15:26.29cryogeni blame lua for making me think wrong
15:26.33cryogenid never write like this in C:)
15:27.42CrysliTrell_: making it bigger an then cutting some off didn't work. Guess I'll just have to build it from a lot of panels.
15:27.53cncfanaticscryogen, most languages are exactly the same except for some syntax
15:28.43cryogenim just finding excuses
15:28.56cryogendunno why but it just makes me think differently
15:29.02cryogeni kinda blame playing wow and coding at the same time as well
15:30.43cncfanaticswell, my code is quite clean, at least imo
15:30.55cncfanaticsand I play & code at once a LOT xD
15:31.00cncfanaticsfind better excuses imo :)
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15:32.02cryogenyeah i just havent been oputting enough effort in
15:32.07cryogenyou'll like the new version
15:32.26cncfanaticswhat does ur boss think if u coding lua at work ? (a)
15:32.55cryogeni suspect he would not be best pleased
15:33.03cryogenbut i cba today
15:33.24Zhinjioare there any encryption libraries out there already?
15:33.40ZhinjioI seem do to recall scanning lists of stuff that there was something out there
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15:33.43cncfanaticsthere are
15:34.04ZhinjioI want to store some encrypted values in SV
15:34.26Zhinjiodo you happen to know the name(s) of them?
15:34.43cncfanaticswhy u want crypto in wow anyway ?
15:35.10Zhinjiobecause there are always going to be user who will attempt to circumvent the security measures you try and implement
15:35.19Zhinjiothats at least one more level of obfuscation
15:35.37Zhinjiobesides, I want to learn more.
15:35.43Zhinjioso its selfish desire too
15:35.52cncfanaticswhat u coding ?
15:36.17ZhinjioI've decided to rewrite the mod I had taken over the maintenance of. Suicide Kings
15:36.28cncfanaticswth is that ?
15:36.45Zhinjiosimple DKP system
15:37.55CIA-1203avai * r51399 10XLootMonitor/ (XLootMonitor.toc localization.zhTW.lua):
15:37.55CIA-12- Added zhTW localization
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15:40.38cryogencncfanatics: replaced it with 3 lines of code :)
15:40.42cryogen(excluding the lua cruft)
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15:41.46Paenewoo...I've got a frame and it moves! But it's position doesn't save :(
15:42.29cryogenvery dry coded, havent even run it through a lua intepreter
15:42.34cryogenso apologies if there are silly lua errors
15:42.49cryogenoh wait, scratch that, is down again
15:43.58cncfanaticsbtw hmmm
15:44.02cncfanaticswhy ain't the addon in files ?
15:44.16CIA-1203Tristan * r51400 10Enhancer/ (11 files in 4 dirs):
15:44.16CIA-12- Moved Export/Import to it's own file
15:44.16CIA-12- Cleaned up my Parser-3.0 registrations
15:44.16CIA-12- Added indicators to all frames (used to check if you have the buff from a certain totem or not)
15:44.17CIA-12- Windfury frame will be green when Stormstrike is off cooldown and red when Stormstrike is on cooldown
15:44.31cncfanaticsit ain't in there
15:44.33cryogenoh, dunno?
15:44.35cncfanaticsmake sure to set all required tags ;)
15:44.42cncfanaticsbut do that when u got an svn acc
15:45.04cryogenhmm i need somewhere to put this diff
15:45.21cryogenhmm this will do
15:46.02cryogeni think this version sucks a lot less
15:46.03cncfanaticsthats from the curr svn revision I committed ?
15:46.24cryogenit might not work any more, but at least it looks nice :p
15:46.25CIA-1203avai * r51401 10XLoot/localization.zhTW.lua:
15:46.25CIA-12- Updated zhTW locale file
15:46.43cncfanaticslets see
15:47.07cncfanaticsmake sure to clear ur cache in deacticate
15:48.13*** join/#wowace [AoC]Camci (
15:48.29PaeneCreateFrame is supposed to save the created fame's location and such in layouts-cache.txt right?
15:48.40Paeneor do you have to do something special to get it to save?
15:49.03cncfanaticswhy are u updating all buttons on ActionChanged ?
15:49.15cncfanaticsthe fourth argument passed is the button object that changed, u can check that against self
15:50.16cncfanaticscryogen, s/BuffDir/BuffDur/
15:50.19cncfanaticsin ur code
15:50.30cncfanaticsafter doing that I get [2007/10/08 17:51:09-714-x5]: FlexBar2_BuffDur\BuffDur.lua:85: attempt to call method 'UpdateBuffDuration' (a nil value)
15:50.34cryogenwhy does it matter? it will be raised for each button, no?
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15:51.02cryogenrevert that, new diff coming
15:51.44cryogencncfanatics: ok grab it now
15:51.50cncfanaticscryogen, updating each button when one button changes is overkill ?
15:52.02cryogenbut each buttons registers its own event handler
15:52.09cryogenso why would a button that hasnt changed trigger that event?
15:52.19cryogenthis is *in the button* dont forget
15:52.21cncfanaticsevents are global
15:52.28cncfanaticsit triggers for all buttons
15:52.49cryogena better question is why does it trigger all buttons if one changes?
15:53.23cncfanaticsbecause another button might want to react to the fact another button changes ?
15:53.43cryogenwhat are the full event params?
15:54.06cncfanaticslemme remember
15:54.23cncfanaticsEvent, NameSpace, Dispatcher, Button for actionchanged
15:54.27cncfanaticscompare Button with self
15:54.34cncfanaticsif they're equal, its the current button that changed
15:55.00cryogengot that
15:55.06CIA-1203ulic * r51402 10LittleWigs/Auchindoun/Maladaar.lua: LittleWigs: updated deDE
15:55.19cncfanaticsI made it that way and not trigger the event for the button only so a button can react on another button changing if it wants to, shouldn't limit possibilities
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15:55.37chexsumomg @ needing written references to get a job stacking shelves
15:56.07cryogenthere :p
15:56.45cryogencncfanatics: does it work?
15:56.57cncfanatics[2007/10/08 17:56:28-716-x2]: FlexBar2_BuffDur\BuffDur.lua:42: attempt to index local 'buffs' (a nil value)
15:57.49cryogeni see it
15:58.21cryogenrevert, get it again, apply :p
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16:03.56cncfanaticscryogen, u coded more lua then C today ? :p
16:04.30cryogenmmm, debatable
16:04.36CIA-1203auditjj * r51403 10BigBrother/localization_zhTW.lua:
16:04.36CIA-12- updated zhTW localization
16:04.37cryogenbut probably
16:04.39cryogendoes it work?
16:04.50cncfanaticsno errors
16:04.57cncfanaticslemme pawn a mob to see if it works
16:05.53cncfanaticssprint works
16:05.56cncfanaticsso I guess buffs are right
16:05.59cncfanaticslet me test debuffs
16:06.13cryogenwell i have closed 2 bugs today, so its not all slack
16:07.11cncfanaticsI closed more bugs then u on a free day :p
16:07.25cncfanaticsactualy, I close more bugs in the weekend then in the week :p stupid school ftl
16:07.45cryogenthe scale of this is far bigger, im sure :p
16:07.55cncfanaticsFB is quite big u know :p
16:08.14TNSegod damn
16:08.17TNSespamsentry FAILED :(
16:08.21cryogen20 mins left to close another
16:08.39do3mcathats what you get for playing ut03
16:08.47cncfanatics745kb of code without libs, quite a lot still :o and I write all that *gulp*
16:08.51TNSeoh wait
16:09.04TNSeit was before it activated :P
16:09.28cryogendebuffs good?
16:09.32cncfanaticsdidn't check yet
16:09.36cryogenwhat about target buffs too
16:09.39cncfanaticsI'll gank something
16:09.48TNSewho maintains spamsentry :P
16:10.02cncfanaticsall good it seems
16:10.11cncfanatics[2007/10/08 18:11:52-717-x1]: FlexBar2_BuffDur\BuffDur.lua:42: attempt to index local 'buffs' (a nil value) again
16:10.15cryogenyou like the code better now? :p
16:10.17cncfanaticsas my target died it triggered
16:10.23cncfanaticsand yea I like the code much better now
16:10.30cryogenthats more like the stuff i write
16:10.31cryogenfunctions ftw
16:10.40cncfanaticslooks quite a lot like my code tbh
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16:11.04cryogentarget died, hmm
16:11.28cryogenoh well, submit it for now and i'll continue at home, please?
16:11.35cncfanaticssure a thing
16:11.53do3mcasvn commit -m "stu broke it, dont bother."
16:12.08CIA-1203cncfanatics * r51404 10FlexBar2_BuffDur/BuffDur.lua: FlexBar2_BuffDur: Recoded to cnc's liking xD
16:12.17cncfanaticsit ain't in files anyway
16:12.20cncfanaticsas ur toc ain't correct
16:12.35cryogeni just copied yours
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16:13.12PaeneA frame created using CreateFrame will have it's coordinates saved in layouts-cache by default right?
16:13.16cncfanaticsfirst, ur toc is Buffdur while the directory is BuffDur
16:13.26cncfanaticssecond, ur toc number is old
16:13.46cryogenfirst my fault, second yours :)
16:13.52cncfanaticsFB's toc is to 2020
16:13.52Stanzillathird, you eat babies
16:13.55cryogeni copied it from another fb module
16:14.00cncfanatics:o the modules
16:14.03cryogenye but your modules arent :)
16:14.04cncfanaticsI might not have updated those indeed
16:14.24cryogenfeel free to fix the toc
16:15.12CIA-1203cncfanatics * r51405 10FlexBar2/ (7 files in 7 dirs): FlexBar2: TOC update
16:15.44cncfanaticscryogen, I already was before u said that :p
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16:19.36xerawxanyone know of an Ace mod with roughly the features of Clique?  I've only been able to find Click2cast and it's fairly limited
16:19.48cryogenwhy not just use clique?
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16:23.02CIA-1203oridan * r51406 10SpellReminder/SpellReminder.lua:
16:23.02CIA-12- added option to select which text warnings to show
16:23.57Kaeltenits more laziness than busy I'm afraid,  I've gotten into the habbit of sending them out while I'm at work and I've been off
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16:27.16cryogenthen let the poking resume!
16:27.28cryogen(you should have just said busy :p)
16:27.35Kaeltenwho's weasel?
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16:27.43cryogeninjoke, dont worry :p
16:27.46Kaeltenbahm just being honest :P
16:28.06Kaeltenand its not because I don't like you, it takes a lot for me to start taking shit personally.
16:28.22cryogeni didnt think it was, but it was an option :)
16:28.31Ellipsisso my boyfriend keeps leaving for work earlier and earlier, and coming home later and later
16:28.36Ellipsishe says it's because he "loves his job"
16:28.39Ellipsisshould I be worried?
16:28.44Paenewhat's his job?
16:28.47Ellipsisgame dev
16:28.56KaeltenEllipsis: depends, I work a shit ton, but my wife has nothing to worry about
16:29.06SunTsuEllipsis: Yes, he will marry his job very soon
16:29.11Paeneis he nearing a deadline?
16:29.21cryogenspeaking of jobs
16:29.23Ellipsishe came home last night all excited because they said he could playtest one of their other games that's nearing release...
16:29.44EllipsisPaene: not remotely, his team is just starting a new one
16:29.58EllipsisI'd imagine that he wouldn't come home at all during crunch time =[
16:30.03Paenehave you tried talking to him about it?
16:30.12Ellipsishe just points out that if I had that job I'd do the same
16:30.17Ellipsiswhich I would, but that's different =[
16:30.37PaeneI wouldn't worry too much
16:30.57Kaeltenwhen it comes down to it the biggest question is do you trust him
16:30.59Ellipsisoh well, at least I have all my friends on IRC to keep me company
16:31.06Ellipsisof course I trust him, I just miss him :P
16:31.26Paenehey Elipsis, speak of friends :)
16:31.48Kaeltenif you trust him implicitly then don't worry, if you don't reevaluate the relationship
16:31.49Ellipsiswhat's up Paene?
16:31.55SunTsuEllipsis: Well, you can start worrying and you can relax. Both will lead down the same path
16:31.56PaeneHaving problems with the frame I created not saving
16:32.07Paeneposition that is
16:32.10Ellipsispastey some code
16:33.10PaeneIt should be saving in layouts-cache right?
16:33.39Ellipsismkay see that's not how layout-cache works :P
16:33.48Ellipsisit doesn't save your whole frame and recreate it for you
16:33.55Ellipsisit just remembers the position for when you create it
16:34.06Ellipsisat least..I think it works with CreateFrame()...let me check
16:34.39PaeneI haven't been able to find much at all about it
16:34.53Paenethere's a function for saving XML frame positions
16:35.10CIA-1203laotseu * r51407 10AllPlayed/AllPlayed.lua:
16:35.10CIA-12- New formula to calculate XPToNextLevel in preparation of patch 2.3
16:35.25Ellipsisoops, yeah
16:35.37Paenegotta save the coords myself then?
16:35.43Ellipsisyup, or use XML
16:36.05Ellipsissorry if I confused ya, that'll teach me to give help without looking stuff up first :P
16:36.43Paeneso I can prob just call getPoint and save the results in the SV's
16:37.21Ellipsisnot sure if that's affected by scaling or not though
16:37.24Ellipsisask someone smart like cncfanatics
16:37.37Ellipsishe knows everything about frame positioning =]
16:37.50naeneeHm. Minichat is too finicky to me. Time to try Dreamchat
16:38.07Ellipsiswhatcha looking for naenee?
16:38.36sag_ich_nichtyou should totally consider that!
16:38.52EllipsisI used to do that for finals week
16:38.57Ellipsissince I absolutely couldn't miss tests
16:39.03naeneeSomething that does what Minichat does. But Minichat doesn't work right for me. Even when I have it set to auto-maximize, it doesn't. And when I try to resize windows, they just 'shift' up every time I adjust them.
16:39.13AKXnaenee, Dreamchat probably fails even more. It's all but abandoned
16:39.42Ellipsismaybe there *is* enough demand to make it worthwhile for me to polish up and release mine ^-^
16:39.42naeneeAt the moment, Minichat just shows 1 or 2 lines of text, it doesn't maximize at all
16:39.49KaeltenI hate writing unit tests
16:40.30naeneeMaybe there's a conflict with Prat or something, but I doubt it.
16:40.36Ellipsislol no
16:40.46Ellipsisthey work together now and stuff
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16:42.56naeneeWell, let me delete the luas
16:42.59naeneePerhaps that'll help.
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16:43.12Ellipsisyeah, delete all the luas from your interwebs
16:43.29cncfanaticsEllipsis, me smart ? wth ?
16:43.36Ellipsisyes you
16:43.40cncfanaticsthats new :o
16:44.00Ellipsisyou know what needs to be done to account for frame/UI scale when using getPoint
16:44.13cncfanaticsmultiple or divide by the scale
16:44.24cncfanaticsdepending on wether ur setting the scale or getting it
16:44.35naeneehm. 10MB in old unused Lua files
16:44.37cncfanaticsfeel free to check how FB does that
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16:47.26naeneeHm. Still does it
16:47.46cncfanaticsbtw cryogen, still around ?
16:48.37naeneeOkay, one chat window maximizes properly. The other just shifts up
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16:50.02naeneeAh, I think I got it. I could not resize the windows until I manually maximize them
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16:51.02PaeneElipsis: <3 thanks, it's working now
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16:51.17Ellipsisglad I could help :D
16:51.33NeoTronbest so far: Kael'thas to 83%
16:51.44naeneeWell, at least Minichat works now.
16:51.46NeoTronso close to being in a controlled phase 4
16:53.16CIA-1203phyber * r51408 10IRQ/IRQ.lua:
16:53.16CIA-12- Fix typo.
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16:56.49CIA-1203phyber * r51409 10IRQ/IRQ.lua:
16:56.49CIA-12- Fix the texture option.
16:59.02cryogencncfanatics: nope
16:59.39CIA-1203ixchael * r51410 10Historian/ (Historian.toc HistorianFu.lua):
16:59.39CIA-12- Fixed a disconnect when inserting the "Money at peak" statistic into the chat window.
16:59.39CIA-12- Improved error handling in the FuBar plugin in case the Historian object is not available.
17:00.11cncfanaticscryogen, lol
17:00.23cncfanaticscryogen, wanted to ask you what u thought of the FB API, any improvements needed ?
17:01.09cryogenit sucks!
17:01.32cncfanaticswhat sucks then, damn you :p
17:01.39cryogenthe whole thing!
17:02.15IxchaelDoes anyone have any idea why a global object in one file would not be available in another (it comes first in the .toc file)?
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17:02.15cncfanaticscryogen, serious for a sec plx ^^
17:02.15colabeananyone here use arena live frames?
17:02.15cryogenthe only thing that ive noticed is that its not easy to see if you might have a name conflict
17:02.29XinhuanIxchael: global object?
17:02.42cncfanaticscryogen, there really ain't a lot of ways around there except prefixing ur module name in front of ur vars unfortunatly
17:02.53Ixchaelahh, a clue - maybe there's a duplicate variable name
17:03.34colabeanthere any ace arena mods that work right now. gladiator, arenamaster and proximo give me errors
17:03.43IxchaelXinhuan: Yeah, I have a global variable in one file that I want to access in another file. Works fine for most people, but I have a single user reporting an error (that variable is nil)
17:04.25Xinhuanwhat is this variable called?
17:04.50IxchaelHistorian :)
17:05.20IxchaelIt's my AceLibrary
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17:05.56cncfanaticsshouldn't be nil except if the user got another error in the main file he ain't reporting
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17:07.48Xinhuanprobably what cnc said
17:08.03Xinhuanmaybe some ace file didn't load properly, and nothing got loaded
17:08.19IxchaelThe FuBar part was loaded, though
17:08.25IxchaelAnd that's in the same TOC
17:08.54colabeanarenamaster updated 1min ago? lol wa..
17:09.37cryogencncfanatics: you should start some profs :D
17:09.47cryogeni just sold ~10 stacks of light leather @ 1.5g/20
17:10.09cncfanaticscryogen, meh
17:10.14cncfanaticsgot some blues & greens on AH
17:10.24cncfanaticsu home now cryogen ? :o as ur on wow
17:10.45Mudkipsahahah - look at the bottom left -
17:10.48IxchaelOh well, will check if he somehow has 2 copies of the addon and that is causing an issue - otherwise I'm stumped! Thanks for the input though
17:11.04cncfanaticscryogen, fix ur mod ? :p
17:11.12cryogenmaking dinner while auc adv scans
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17:11.36cncfanaticsheh, bottomscanner sucks
17:11.39phyberckknight_: that cowtip/dogtag Talents thing should check if the person is online before whispering them ;)
17:11.41cncfanaticsits irritating to not have a progress br
17:11.55cryogeni dont use it
17:11.59cryogeni just scan for market prices
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17:13.02AnarchyAoI'm having some serious issues with my World of Warcraft addons and I think WoW Ace Updater is the culprit, can anyone assist me?
17:13.15hyperChipmunkbe more specific
17:13.38cncfanaticscryogen, how u do a full scan then ?
17:13.52cryogeni scan with auctioneer
17:14.30AnarchyAoFirstly, when I install WoW Ace Updater (via Internet Explorer) it loads up but if I haven't loaded World of Warcraft (i.e. have no Interface/WTF folder, it won't retrieve/show addons that can be installed)
17:15.04Mudkipschange your tab
17:15.13AnarchyAoThat's only a minor bug I thought I'd mention, the real problem is that after I use WoW Ace Updater to install my addons it says ingame on my ping meter that the addons I intalled are indeed present and are using my memory.
17:15.23AnarchyAoBut, no slash commands or any interface changes's like the addons aren't installed.
17:15.27Mudkipsthere is usually a standard | installed | etc in WAU
17:15.57kenlyricthe problem might be in preferences. Make sure the dir is pointing to your WoW folder
17:16.01CIA-1203warloxx * r51411 10GameLobby/ (BasicServer.lua Core.lua):
17:16.02CIA-12- fixed some logics in the BasicServer class (e.g. if you are the client the playerlist weren't open)
17:16.11AnarchyAoYeah ken, it is.
17:16.37AnarchyAoI thought the issue was when WoW Ace Updater asked me something about my interface changing and not accepting out of date addons that don't match the current revision numbers.
17:16.42Kaeltenmade sure you have load outdated addons checked?
17:16.43Mudkipsthe game says the addons are loaded? and no errors? but you can't access them?
17:16.56AnarchyAoSo, I put YES at first...then went back to reset everything and pressed NO...but still my addons didn't show..I've reinstalled all addons about 4x now.
17:17.00AnarchyAoYeah it's checked.
17:17.07ulicare you sure you're not set to supress errors?
17:17.15AnarchyAoYeah, I'm on a fresh install of WoW.
17:17.22AnarchyAoA fresh partition of Windows, too..if that even helps.
17:17.31ulicI believe errors are off by default
17:17.32AnarchyAoAnd a fresh hard-drive. Everything is default.
17:17.38AnarchyAoLUA errors?
17:17.55AnarchyAoI get errors in the game, maybe I should of mentioned that... for example, I install 62 addons or so. But many aren't present (seemingly)
17:18.03AnarchyAoBartender3 doesnt show, I see the default blizzard bars.
17:18.07Mudkipsyou probably have dependencies missing
17:18.08AnarchyAoBut, I do see errors with Decursive.
17:18.09cncfanaticswell cryogen, where is the scan button in auctioneer ?
17:18.16AnarchyAoIt has some code showing on the bar...and when I mosueover it brings up an error.
17:18.30AnarchyAoNope, no dependencies missing.. I checked my addons menu.
17:18.35cncfanaticsgrrr, fear is OP
17:18.40cncfanaticsdied 3 times to a lock each time cuz I end up feared
17:18.40EllipsisAnarchyAo: they won't show as missing there
17:18.44cncfanaticscan't kick fast enough :'(
17:18.46Ellipsisyou need to give us the error messages you're getting
17:18.49Ellipsisthey will tell you what you are missing
17:18.52AnarchyAoOkay, one second.
17:18.52cryogencncfanatics: on the auction list, at the top
17:18.56AnarchyAoIll screenshot what I'm seeing too.
17:19.00cryogenim using auc advanced gamma tho
17:19.10cncfanaticsthe beta one ?
17:19.13ulicpaste you errors into then paste the links in here.
17:19.16cncfanaticsI shld update it though haven't in a while
17:19.35EllipsisAnarchyAo: most likely you just have incorrect settings in your WAU - e.g. updating without externals but not enabling automatic dependency download
17:19.44AnarchyAoOkay, ulic.
17:19.48cryogencncfanatics: the beta doesnt have a button, just type /auc scan
17:19.50AnarchyAoOne sec I'm redoing everything from scrach.
17:19.53cryogencncfanatics: get the gamma tho :)
17:20.27cryogena lot of auctions today.. almost 200
17:20.36cncfanaticscryogen, haven't updated since a while
17:20.51cncfanaticsgrrr damn lock
17:21.03cncfanaticsglad pvp deaths don't give dura loss
17:21.23AnarchyAogetting hit in pvp still does dura loss, right?
17:21.25ulicAnarchyAo: if you're going to redo it I also suggesting adding only one or two addons at a time and make sure they work, then add a few more.
17:21.28cryogenalmost 20 mins for this scan :/
17:21.40cryogenAnarchyAo: being in combat has a flat chance to induce durability loss
17:21.42cryogenbeing hit or otherwise
17:21.42cncfanaticscryogen, I'll skan soon too
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17:21.56cncfanaticscryogen,its not as simple as that
17:21.59hesshello there! I was wondering if anyone is using the old XArt?
17:22.01CIA-1203sayclub * r51412 10BigWigs/Hyjal/HyjalSummit.lua:
17:22.01CIA-12- Updated localization koKR
17:22.03AnarchyAoUlic, I actually tried that as well (mainly because I was too lazy to reinstall them all the last time around) and I unfortunately received the same dissapointing results... But with 62 addons doing one at a time is going to be a pain, I guess I'll do it anyways.
17:22.25hessI got a problem with XArt, it replaces my minimap every time i login!
17:22.34AnarchyAoI'll start with ArkInventory, I know that one doesn't show but the pingmeter ingame says it's using my memory.
17:22.51EllipsisAnarchyAo: check your WAU settings, if every addon throws errors then it's likely the situation I just described
17:22.53ulicyea, start with one or two
17:23.10AnarchyAois WAU beinginstalled via IE okay to do?
17:23.13AnarchyAoor is their a betetr method?
17:23.17AnarchyAoI'm reinstalling WAU
17:23.17Ellipsisthat's fine
17:23.22Ellipsisdon't bother with that
17:23.23Ellipsisit won't help
17:23.28Ellipsisjust check your settings like I told you to
17:23.29AnarchyAooh well I want to just be sure.
17:23.43Ellipsisdo you want our help, or do you want to do all kinds of stuff on your own and just tell us all about it?
17:23.48cryogen145/176, yawn
17:23.55AnarchyAoI'm high on ADHD medication...I have to be thorough in the process of elimination.
17:24.02AnarchyAoI can't help it, sorry. And yes, I do want your help.
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17:25.19AnarchyAoOkay let me mention firstly
17:25.23hessAnyone familar with the Pitbull unitframes got a second to help me with a problem?
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17:25.44purlThis is IRC. Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question and if someone's around, they'll be glad to help.
17:25.47AnarchyAoAfter deleting Interface/WTF folder and reinstalling WAU, no addons are being shown...Is their a categoru view for Not Installed?
17:26.01*** join/#wowace mitchnull (
17:26.09AnarchyAoI see Standard, Installed, Updated.
17:26.20SunTsuhess: Nobody will know as long as you don't, well, ask your question
17:26.27purlwau2 is, like,
17:26.33ulicyou running that one AnarchyAo?
17:27.15hessI would like to know if there is any aura (buff) enchantments to the pitbull unitframes except for alt-aura. And also, is it possible to split auras so that I get buffs on top, debuffs bellow etc?
17:27.27hessI cant seem to get the aura configuration to these unitframes
17:27.30Ellipsishess, use the default Aura module for that
17:27.31AnarchyAoI'm not familiar with that, purl. I used
17:27.44Ellipsisit's talking to the bot
17:27.45sbcastyeller funny is broken
17:27.49sbcant disable the funny thing :/
17:27.54chexsumyes you can seperate them and move them
17:28.05*** join/#wowace Keias (
17:28.12AnarchyAopurl, should I be using what you sent me instead?
17:28.18ulicAnarchyAo: that is the newest and recommened version of WAU
17:28.28hessso if I wanted debuffs to the left, and buffs on top. is that possible?
17:28.35cryogen9683 items on the ah
17:28.37chexsumhess, yes
17:28.38AnarchyAoThe one I linked, ulic?
17:28.39hesshow do I config that? Ive been trying for hours
17:28.44Ellipsishess, use the default Aura module for that.
17:28.45SunTsuAnarchyAo: I recommend not talking too seriously to purl , becausem it is a bot
17:28.48chexsumive got mine looking lik perfect raid atm
17:28.54EllipsisAltAuras is not finished yet
17:28.54hessEllipsis yes I do.
17:29.02Ellipsisthen enable split
17:29.12ulicAnarchyAo: the one that purl spit out
17:29.13hessthen it gets all weird
17:29.17Ellipsisand go to side->buff/debuff-> whatever
17:29.27AnarchyAoAlright, let me use the one purl linked then.
17:29.39hessWhen I enable split, I am no longer able to choose possition
17:29.56hessand it starts growing from outer air into the unitframe
17:29.56chexsumreopen the menu and you can click buff or debuff to position them
17:30.08hessso if I got only 1 buff, its far and dislocated from the unitframe
17:30.10Ellipsisand you can change the growth directions as well
17:30.22AnarchyAoWhy isn't the one that purl linked updated for the main pages installation links?
17:30.22hessits far to the left
17:30.30hessand buffs start at unitframe on the right
17:30.34hessI get to choose
17:30.40chexsumchange the growth direction
17:30.42PaeneHow does integer division work in lua?  Is 8/3 = 2 or 3?
17:30.50hessup/down i get to choose
17:30.56hesswhen the buff is FAR to the left
17:31.00hesswhen i choose split
17:31.01chexsumnah its there - you can do anything with the buffs
17:31.05purlfrom memory, wau2 is
17:31.16Ellipsishess, just play with the configuration options. I promise, it's not broken.
17:31.26hessdamn I have :D
17:31.27Ellipsisyou can get it the way you want it, you just have to change the settings a bit
17:31.36hessill try again tho...
17:31.38hessand come back
17:31.59hessone more thing
17:32.26hessI added XArt to my mods, and it keeps relocating my minimap every time i reload my ui :(
17:33.13IxchaelRaid time - see you all later :)
17:33.17hessgl hf
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17:34.09AnarchyAoCairenn, woah...haven't seen her in the year 2000 with Everquest.
17:35.02purlfrom memory, wau2 is
17:36.10chexsumauras>side sets the positions and auras>directions sets the layout
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17:37.27CIA-1203sayclub * r51413 10Parrot/Code/Parrot.lua:
17:37.27CIA-12Parrot :
17:37.27CIA-12- Added localization koKR
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17:38.06hessthe "side" tab actually fixed my problem
17:38.16AnarchyAoOkay, using WAU2 going to give it a try now.
17:38.35hessIt didnt look at first as it was a part of the Aura configuration, in my Rock Config
17:38.51*** join/#wowace WALoeIII (n=WALoeIII@
17:41.11colabeanhow can u reset gladiators position?
17:41.16colabeanits stuck in upper left
17:41.32KaeltenI've sent out all requested svn passes
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17:42.29Kaeltencryogen: stop poking me!
17:43.35cryogenyouve been greylisted
17:43.37AnarchyAoAnyone know the name of a good addon that will display LUA errors in length and allow me to copy them?
17:43.40cryogenso i'll poke you until it arrives :D
17:43.44KeirathiWAU2 works great for me
17:43.56cryogenonce every.. 5 seconds should do it!
17:44.04cryogenye my mail server rejects all mail with a non fatal error
17:44.08cryogenyou have to prove you are real :p
17:45.12AnarchyAoThis may seem silly but can anyone also tell me how exactly I can form a shortcut to link to WAU2? I'm using the actual java icon that I used to download the program.
17:46.26AnarchyAoInstalling bugsack just made the error not show at all.
17:46.52cncfanaticsAnarchyAo, hit the bugsack icon
17:46.56cncfanaticson ur minimap/fubar
17:48.04AnarchyAoBugGrabber has stopped capturing errors, since it has captured more than 20 errors per second. Capturing will resume in 60 seconds.
17:48.15AnarchyAoThis is odd, considering the only addons I have installed are ArkInventory and BugGrabber
17:48.19AnarchyAoAlso, the minimap icon isn't present.
17:48.25AnarchyAoArkInventory isn't showing, all default blizzard frames are.
17:48.46Ellipsisyes but you still haven't told us what the freaking error message is
17:48.52Ellipsiswhich is the one thing that actually explains what's wrong
17:48.52AnarchyAoI've run the Blizzard repair utility and it has verified my WoW installation.
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17:48.55AnarchyAoI can't. How can I?
17:49.00Ellipsisopen your BugSack
17:49.01AnarchyAoYou said click on the minimap icon.
17:49.02AnarchyAoLet me go open it.
17:49.29hessdont forget to bring steady gloves
17:49.52hessyou never know what might kept in that sack
17:50.09Cairennme waves at AnarchyAo
17:50.23AnarchyAo1. ArkInventory\Locale\enUS.lua:1: attempt to call global 'AceLibrary' (a nil value)
17:50.24Cairennthere we go
17:50.29AnarchyAoThat's the first error of the maximum 20.
17:50.37Ellipsisgreat, now we know what's wrong
17:50.41AnarchyAoThey all appear to call global functions that end in nil values.
17:50.52Ellipsisyou are downloading your addons without externals and not downloading the libs
17:50.58Ellipsisso either enable automatic dependency download
17:51.03Ellipsisor update with externals
17:51.26AnarchyAoThat option is already checked.
17:51.40Ellipsiswell then it's not working right
17:51.45Ellipsisdo you have an Ace2 in your addons folder?
17:52.18Ellipsisthen it's not downloading dependencies
17:52.26EllipsisI really would suggest just updating with externals
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17:52.40AnarchyAoHow do I do that in WAU2?
17:52.57Ellipsisselect all your addons and find the command to update selected with externals
17:53.03Industrialhi, #wau
17:53.07Ellipsisno u
17:53.22Ellipsis<3 Industrial
17:53.53IndustrialY HELLO THAR ELLISPISP
17:54.03Ellipsishay be nice
17:54.12EllipsisI don't like it when people make fun of my lithp
17:54.16AnarchyAoThe only options I see are under actions, and they are: Refresh Addons List, Update Installed Addons, Update
17:54.25AnarchyAoand uninstall
17:54.36Ellipsisnever used WAU2
17:54.42Ellipsisyou'll have to go ask the WAU people
17:54.45*** join/#wowace eBait (
17:54.58Mudkipswau2 is lacking a bit...
17:55.06Mudkipsso I switched back to 1.# a while back
17:55.13Ellipsisbtw, I wasn't kidding about the lisp thing. I do have a slight lisp irl :(
17:55.15eBaitckknight, what is the main difference of parrot to sct?
17:55.24Ellipsisit kicks butt
17:55.26Industrialbtw, ask wau questions in #wau
17:55.34Mudkipsand a huge gap between your front teeth ?
17:55.35AnarchyAoI just don't understand why the previous WAU version I was on wasn't updating dependencies correctly when it had before for a long the new version of WAU (not version 2.0) not updating them correctly?
17:55.37eBaiti know, using it for a while now, works great and fast
17:55.47IndustrialAnarchyAo: /join #wau
17:55.50PkekyoKetchup gir alle damene lyst til å kaste klærne og tafse som gærne. Ketchup gir alle pene damer lyst til å ty til vold og skyte folk, minKetchup!
17:55.59MudkipsAnarchyAo, you're just doing it wrong
17:56.20IndustrialPkekyo: can I have xtra cheese on thaT?
17:56.29PkekyoIndustrial: only if you pay for it
17:56.54*** part/#wowace eBait (
17:58.31evlCan I override with XML inherits?
17:59.00evl<Button name="SomeTemplate" inherits="BlizzardTemplate"><Script><OnClick>Override stuff here</Onclick></script></button>
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18:03.41cryogenKaelten: wth does "sent" mean? :)
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18:05.37Ellipsisooh brownies :D
18:08.28CIA-1203stalake * r51414 10GearEvaluator/: GearEvaluator: Added trunk directory for my new addon 'GearEvaluator'
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18:11.59Antiarc|Lapto1Any facebook users here?
18:12.13Antiarc|LaptopWanna try an app out for me?
18:12.16Antiarc|LaptopI'm learning. :P
18:12.21AKXMeh, sure.
18:13.08Ellipsisit has a facebook
18:13.09AKX... will the app steal my contacts and rape my cats, Antiarc|Laptop?
18:13.23Mudkipsnot the cats ;_;
18:13.23Antiarc|LaptopHow did you know?!
18:13.36Antiarc|LaptopIt's my secret plan to steal ur megahurtz
18:13.55Ellipsismah megahurtz :'(
18:15.15*** join/#wowace kaiden^ (
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18:15.33Antiarc|LaptopThe facebook platform is pretty nice
18:15.46Antiarc|LaptopThough WoW's flexibility has spoiled me
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18:15.59Ellipsishow much malicious stuff can apps really do?
18:16.13CIA-1203nevcairiel 07Alpha * r51415 10Ace3/AceDB-3.0/AceDB-3.0.lua:
18:16.13CIA-12Ace3 - AceDB-3.0
18:16.14CIA-12- ACE-55: fix ** behavior with some rawget/set
18:16.14Antiarc|LaptopNot a lot.
18:16.22Antiarc|LaptopI think the worst they could do is spam your friends.
18:16.28EllipsisI never looked into it and just went with the paranoid block all setting
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18:16.30Antiarc|LaptopMaybe upload pics to your gallery.
18:16.37Mudkipsomg we were doing phase 2 learning on illidan last night
18:16.39Antiarc|LaptopHm. I don't think it'll do anything for you then :P
18:16.44Antiarc|Laptopit's going to have to have access to your friendlist
18:16.47Mudkipsthose flames eats my megahurtz
18:17.13Ellipsisyeah, I'm not going to add it, I was just curious
18:17.18Mudkipsit's like beign surrounded by firebreathing felhounds from blade's edge >_<
18:17.19EllipsisI've never talked to anyone who did an app before
18:17.33Ellipsisand I'm too lazy to check it out myself
18:17.44Ellipsisbesides, can't you see who's added an app?
18:17.45CIA-1203nevcairiel 07Alpha * r51416 10Ace3/tests/AceDB-3.0-defaults.lua: Ace3(tests) - add a test for ACE-55 to DB-Defaults testing
18:17.50Ellipsisyou might, like, get my name and stalk me
18:17.52Mudkipsit needs an incentive Antiarc|Laptop
18:17.55Antiarc|LaptopHrm. I don't know.
18:17.56Mudkipslike coffee
18:18.03Mudkipsor candy
18:18.04EllipsisI like coffee
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18:18.10Mudkipsa cat is fine too
18:18.14Antiarc|LaptopMudkips: It's a learning widget right now. I've got a couple more I'm planning on that will be more incentivized.
18:18.28EllipsisMudkips: 1, internets: 0
18:18.42Antiarc|LaptopLooks like I can see how many users have it installed, but I don't see a way to see who.
18:18.57EllipsisI'm still too paranoid XD
18:19.01Antiarc|LaptopThat's fine :P
18:19.17Antiarc|LaptopThe Facebook platform is actually really poor as far as testing goes.
18:19.33Antiarc|LaptopNot really any good ways to stub calls or whatever
18:19.35Mudkipsheck, at least it's facebook
18:19.39Antiarc|LaptopSo that you can test non-mutatively.
18:19.43Mudkipsnot that other place owned by emokids
18:19.56Antiarc|LaptopI'm really impressed with the quality of the platform, really
18:20.07Antiarc|LaptopI was never much of a facebook user but developing for it is converting me
18:20.20EllipsisI'm saddened by the way apps have taken over facebook
18:20.36Ellipsismy friends' profiles used to be simple text-based information about them
18:20.40Antiarc|LaptopI think the biggest problem is rude apps that just take any opportunity to spam you.
18:20.42Ellipsiswith the occasional icon or photo
18:21.03Ellipsisnow it's like HAY GUISE ADD THIS COOL APP: *YoUr NaME iN GliTTeR TexT!!!*
18:21.32Mudkipssome people just spend too much time "socializing" in this interbutt sites
18:21.32Ellipsisbut I think maybe that says more about my friends than the website x.x
18:21.54CIA-1203stalake * r51417 10GearEvaluator/ (GearEvaluator.lua GearEvaluator.toc Libs/):
18:21.54CIA-12- Added basic TOC and empty main file
18:21.54CIA-12- Created 'Libs' directory
18:22.03Mudkipsjust like playing WoW for too long
18:22.16Mudkipsyou get bored of the standard ui and go nuts on something custom
18:22.28Ellipsisheh, sorta
18:22.44Ellipsisbut at least in WoW, if your custom UI is butt-ugly, nobody else has to stare at it
18:22.59Mudkipsnot true
18:23.05Mudkipsjust stop going there :P
18:23.21Ellipsiswell at least some people have the sense not to post screenshots of something that makes everyone's eyes bleed
18:23.25Ellipsis...some people
18:24.17*** join/#wowace Cyrez` (
18:24.32Mudkipsyoda origami
18:24.37Industrialze gogglez, zhey zo nozink!
18:24.44Ellipsishow can I not click a link like that
18:25.08Ellipsiszomg that's hot
18:25.57Mudkipsthis kid
18:26.10Mudkips10 yr became an hero after his parents banned him from playing games
18:26.32do3mcai survived not playing wow!
18:26.40do3mcafor five minutes
18:26.52Mudkipswhat would Jack Thompson think!
18:27.23Mudkipsapparently jumped from the 19th floor of their apartment
18:27.43do3mcaeverytime you levelup a kitten will die
18:27.45naeneeHm. How to thin out my addons.
18:28.00do3mcarm -rf Interface
18:28.06CIA-1203grum 07WIP * r51418 10Cartographer_Routes/Cartographer_Routes/Core.lua:
18:28.07CIA-12- Added node count back in the config screen (Xinhuan)
18:28.07CIA-12- Commented out some unused code
18:28.12Mudkipsneenee, Step 1: put it in a box ?
18:28.16neeneeWell, that would work, but I'd lose what I want to keep.
18:28.52neeneeI already replaced Prat with Teknicolour and SimpleChatMods
18:28.52Nandinineenee: What artist begins a bold new work with a finished painting? You need a blank canvas!
18:29.16neeneeI know.
18:29.30neeneeMaybe I should try that, though it's a bold move
18:29.48Mudkipssome comments are just wrong
18:29.51Mudkips"He must have thought he had an extra life left"
18:29.55Nandiniyou can always back up your Addons folder and WTF folder
18:29.57Mudkipsi lold
18:30.04neeneeyup. I'll backup first.
18:30.12Nandiniin case things go horribly, horribly wrong
18:31.09Nandinithat reminds me, do you suppose donating to a sperm bank would be a wise thing to do? back up my dna, as it were?
18:31.23neeneehm. My WTF dir is 42MB
18:31.44Nandinii bet a lot of it is old auctioneer data
18:31.55Nandinior maybe tons of imported cartographer data
18:32.43neenee3.4MB Auctioneer
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18:32.55MudkipsI hardly scan nowdays :(
18:33.02Mudkipsdailies are too easy to earn money
18:33.15Mudkipsand a lot less time than auctionhouse sniping
18:33.18neeneeHm. Should I delete my WTF too?
18:33.22Nandiniif you have WAU 1.9.44 installed, you can have it remove SV files for any addons not currently installed
18:33.29Nandini(it works for non-ace addons too)
18:33.44neeneeI use WAU 2.0 though
18:33.44MudkipsI used to have an exe for that
18:33.48Mudkipsit was called wowcleaner
18:34.05Mudkipsin b4 keylogger
18:34.20EllipsisI just do it by hand
18:34.21neeneeDeleted everything but 'LiteFonts'.
18:34.36Ellipsis'cause sometimes I want to keep SVs for addons I'm not currently using
18:34.56neeneeI just sort on date modified and delete if I want to
18:35.15Nandiniugh the number 248 has so few proper divisors
18:35.58neeneeWell, the game really loaded quickly
18:36.10ckknightphyber: how do you suggest checking?
18:36.51Pkekyowhy won't autobar show tooltips anymore? :<
18:37.24Nandinickknight: what's the reasoning behind the 1 spacing between bars in PitBull? just to give the background a reason for being, or is there functional purpose?
18:37.40Nandinito make sure frames can't ever possibly overlap?
18:37.53ckknightarguably looks better
18:38.37neeneeOkay. I definitely want baggins
18:38.46Nandinii do like it if i have a background set, but without one, it's distracting to see glimpses of things between my bars, there ends up being eye-cating "motion" there which causes me to look more than i should
18:38.54Mudkipsis baggins superior to onebag suit?
18:39.04neeneeNot a clue. I just know and like Baggins.
18:39.16neeneeI suggest you try both to see which *you* find 'Superior'.
18:39.28Ellipsisdepends what you want
18:39.37stavmarBaggins pwns, I just wish I knew how to implement Closetgnome functionality with Baggins
18:39.45phyberckknight: not sure, isn't there some IsOnline() type thing?  I just thought it was weird to get those messages :)
18:39.46Ellipsisdownload Baggins_ClosetGnome?
18:40.02stavmarwell yeah, but I am retarded and dont know how to use it exaclty?
18:40.07Mudkips( Ellipsis ) download Baggins_ClosetGnome?
18:40.37Ellipsisit adds some rule thingies I'd assume
18:40.40Ellipsisidk, I don't use it
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18:42.24stavmarneenee: can you replace Prat with Teknicolour and SimpleChatMods, does it really do a good job for replacing it?
18:43.10stavmarRight now I am being killed by too much increasing mem usage, and Prat is high on the list, but I like what it offers, but my FPS is suffering from it.
18:43.28Ellipsiswhat do you need it for?
18:44.10stavmarwhich? Ellipsis
18:44.17vhaarrstavmar: SimpleChatMods includes teknicolor functionality
18:44.31Ellipsisstavmar: what specific features in Prat do you want
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18:45.03neeneeStavmar - for me it does.
18:45.18stavmarcoloring of the characters by calss, channel name altering, and removal of buttons on the windows?
18:45.21neeneevhaarr - the colours? It didn't do that for me
18:45.33Mudkipstelltarget,fonts,copychat,timestamps, etc
18:45.38Mudkipsprat wins
18:45.50CIA-1203xinhuan 07WIP * r51419 10Cartographer_Routes/Cartographer_Routes/TSP.lua: Cartographer_Routes: Add an extra prune to two-opt, but remove the TWOOPTPASSES parameter and perform two-opt until no improvements can be made.
18:45.50Mudkipsurl copy OMG
18:45.57stavmarcopychat, i have to see that, do you need to turn it on?
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18:46.04MudkipsI think so
18:46.17vhaarrneenee: does that for me
18:46.18Mudkipsyou should get some kind of page icon on the top left of your chatframe
18:46.21Pkekyowhy won't autobar show tooltips anymore? :<
18:46.24Mudkipsor more inside it >.>
18:47.48neeneevhaarr, odd.
18:48.18vhaarrneenee: SimpleChatMods/playernames.lua
18:48.46neeneeYes, I noticed it was there, but it didn't work for me for some reason. Or perhaps I'm confusing that tryout with BasicChatthings
18:48.54stavmarMudkips: i found it pretty nifty
18:49.21neeneeOh dear
18:49.27vhaarrstavmar: SCM has ULR copying
18:49.27neeneeI forgot to make a backup of an addon
18:49.29Mudkipsoh button removal
18:49.39Mudkipscan't forget that... just too many good things to mention
18:49.50Mudkipsand chat scroll !
18:49.58vhaarrit has those as well
18:50.00stavmarULR? URL?
18:50.05neeneeIt was a modified version of Alphamap without notes and such :|
18:50.06vhaarrURL, obviously
18:50.08neeneevery very low footprint
18:50.17neeneeJust the transparent click-through map :|
18:50.26stavmarsorry, I actually have interest inactually copying the actual chat to post in guild forums
18:51.00stavmarurl copy is definitely nice though
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18:53.52EllipsisI just realized I've left the "required" security question thing at the top of my facebook homepage close to a year now
18:54.05EllipsisI wonder if they're ever going to require me to fill it in
18:54.56kenlyricmaybe it'll  exempt you when the inevitable slaughter of facebook users comes.
18:55.57CIA-12tekkub-wow: 03mikko.majuri * r614 10/trunk/TourGuide/ (Alliance/18_20_RedridgeMtns.lua TourGuide.toc): 18_20_RedridgeMtns.lua added. also confirmed working.
19:00.00Mudkipsanyone seen this design yet?
19:00.07neeneeDoes Rock replace Waterfall?
19:00.12MudkipsI've also check every quatermaster and it seems like a world drop to me
19:01.24EllipsisMudkips: it's because you liek mudkips
19:01.31Mudkipsno u
19:01.34Ellipsiso snap
19:01.41Mudkipsthat's right I went there
19:02.16NeoTronMan so much conflicting info - does the kael'thas staff buff (mental protection field) get consumed like a fearward if you get a stun etc or does it not get consumed?
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19:03.54nevcairielits an aura
19:03.57nevcairielnot consumned
19:04.21NeoTronthat's the assumption we've gone with
19:04.32NeoTronit's a buff that wears off if you leave the 30yrd radius
19:04.40nevcairielaka aura
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19:04.46NeoTronexcept it's a buff
19:04.50NeoTronit's not an aura per se
19:04.56NeoTronauras automatically reapply. this doesn't
19:05.07Mudkipsyeah Neotron is right
19:05.22Mudkipsit IS an aura but you'll have to reuse the staff to reapply it
19:05.22NeoTronyou need to use the staff to reapply the aura to someone who went out of range
19:05.23nevcairielif i enter the proximity of a player, which has the staff equiped, and activated it once, i get the aura
19:05.34Mudkipsthat's if someone went out of range
19:05.55[Ammo]you have to reapply it afaik
19:06.34Ellipsisno conflicting information here
19:06.53Ellipsisclearly we know what we're talking about!
19:07.13nevcairielwe killed him with that already :shrug:
19:07.34nevcairieli doubt we were lucky and everytime everyone was in range, we generally find those flaws all the tiem :P
19:08.04Cheadstekkub-wow: mikko.majuri * r614 /trunk/TourGuide/    <-- is that something you can test yet? =)
19:08.20[Ammo]we had people just hit the staff every oonce in a while
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19:09.11lprich325 people in here... wow.
19:09.15NeoTronnevcairiel: or you had people reapply the buff on a regular basis and didn't know about it
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19:09.54nevcairielNeoTron: our people arent that smart :o
19:10.01neeneeHm. I'm just playing without most addons now and I'm only running into one or two things I miss
19:11.19neeneeIt's quite surprising
19:11.45*** part/#wowace lprich (n=rascal84@unaffiliated/rascal84)
19:13.05Wogroiplwas the GUI for Flexbar2 removed?
19:13.27Ellipsisnobody's written one yet o.O
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19:13.42Wogroiplthere was a GUI a week ago :P
19:13.53Wogroiplwell sort of
19:16.42cncfanaticsyou mean a month ago
19:16.46cncfanaticsyea it was removed, it was crap :)
19:17.29HjalteSuddenly Capping doesnt color my team mates - anyone with the same problem?
19:18.34PaeneIs Dewdrop2.0 a mixin library?
19:20.05neeneehm. Cowtip needs rock I see
19:20.32cncfanaticsneenee, same with fubar, pitbul, parrot & flexbar
19:23.19Dustwhispercould someone hand me a macro that resets Assessment data ?
19:25.34Nandinihmm... i always fancied nevcairiel with a brazilian
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19:26.08Ellipsispoor nevcairiel
19:26.12Nandinierr.... AS a brazilian
19:26.12*** join/#wowace LAG|Domo (
19:26.15nevcairielwhat now?
19:26.25neeneeWasn't there a mod called 'Examiner' or something
19:26.32neeneeWhich allowed to inspect people
19:26.42neeneecncfanatics, I use none of those though
19:27.12CIA-1203nimbal * r51420 10/branches/Buffalo2/Buffalo2.lua: Buffalo2: Another possible nil error
19:27.27neeneeWhere did Examiner go?
19:27.52Nandinido you really need more functionality than just inspecting someone will provide? (since you are trying to reduce)
19:28.10neeneeI thought it was ace too
19:28.11rophyI use Examiner and I like it
19:28.29neeneeI use it too, just got it, thanks :)
19:30.26CIA-1203diablohu * r51421 10AtlasLoot/Constants/
19:30.26CIA-12- zhCN update
19:31.32CIA-1203nimbal * r51422 10/branches/Buffalo2/Buffalo2.toc: Buffalo2: Forgot to update the TOC
19:32.12hessI must tank you all modders for your help today
19:33.36hessbuffalo2 updates?
19:34.27hessEllipsis :D i got my buffs working well now
19:34.34hesswait I show a screanshot how it ended up
19:36.00hesssite is slow...
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19:37.05CIA-1203cncfanatics * r51423 10FlexBar2/Attributes/Slashcommands.lua: FlexBar2: Fix nil bug
19:39.43hesstinypic kinda wont work.. bah
19:39.52hessim geting stuck uploading
19:39.56helgetis there any way to bypass the "logon to raid"-hang without disabling all addons? like.. any addons with names like "DelayedAddonLoading" or something like that? :P
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19:43.19hessthere we go
19:43.25hessthanks for your help!
19:43.29Ellipsisnice :)
19:43.33hessvery happy with my UI now
19:44.17Ellipsisah, you're swedish? ^-^
19:44.19helgetlol Health
19:44.25helgethaha it's me, cipher :P
19:44.50CIA-1203zhinjio * r51424 10/branches/SuicideKingsGeo-Secure/ (7 files in 2 dirs):
19:44.50CIA-12SuicideKingsGeo :
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19:46.06hesshelget, hello :P
19:46.17helgetwhat server are you playing on hess ?
19:46.27hessshattered hand
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19:46.36helgetet|dagurk = cambro :D
19:46.47helgetweird meeting u here tbh :P
19:46.52helgetsmall world and all that
19:47.01hesswhat are you doing here? jesus...
19:47.08et|dagurksup HEz
19:48.46et|dagurkwtb good ui
19:50.44et|dagurksvara mig hess
19:51.15hesset|dagurk, im trying to talk priv to you. You dont answer no..:/
19:51.24et|dagurksame here
19:51.26et|dagurkgo msn
19:51.47et|dagurkim online@msn
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20:09.33do3mcahow do i move the input bar?
20:15.35ZealotOnAStickCan anyone suggest what I might do or run or use to try to determine whether or not a trinket with a proc effect is affecting my dot values on spells cast before the proc effect?
20:16.57harldephinhaha lol.. "More than 50 friends are trying to be sync'd.  This won't work.  Make less friends -- what is this, some sort of social game?"
20:17.02Ellipsisum...the combat log?
20:17.46harldephinwhat's with that cap anyway.. i know blizzard likes to control people by restricting things, but 50 friends is just not enough
20:19.23CIA-1203jncl * r51425 10Skinner/ (9 files in 2 dirs):
20:19.23CIA-12Skinner: Commented out several debug messages in several modules
20:20.17harldephinwouldn't an add-on be able to extend that by just creating a separate local list without increasing server load directly by just checking for a friend's availability by the player's request?
20:20.46harldephinit's not as if a /who more or less would bring a server down, is it?
20:21.02do3mcaa who?
20:21.02Ozguli`or automatically, cycling trought all the friends?
20:21.13do3mcaimagine all players doing that
20:21.25do3mcathats what you have to calc. not one player doing a who every five minutes
20:22.00nymbiathere's a reason there's a cooldown on /who
20:22.13nymbiaif people abuse it, they'll just raise the cooldown, which'll suck
20:22.19harldephinwhy cycling, i just don't want to manually write down additional friends. instead, i want to right-click someone and add his/her name to the list. that's it. no automatic /who or anything. only by request (as i would do anyway).
20:22.43harldephinby request = writing "/who <name>" a before
20:22.54chexsumaquaintance list would be cool
20:22.56harldephinmaybe i've just explained it the wrong way before
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20:23.25harldephinmaybe ChatLog or Prat or something like that could create such a list
20:23.56*** join/#wowace Azurewrath (
20:30.54CIA-1203andryk * r51426 10FuBar_AbramsFu/ (. AbramsFu.lua FuBar_AbramsFu.toc): FuBar_AbramsFu: Initial import.
20:31.30ulicit spews quotes from JJ Abrams projects?
20:32.16siIentiumarent there addons for extended friends lists already?
20:35.18harldephinsiIentium: like, for example, which?
20:36.27CIA-1203elkano * r51427 10FuBar_ItemDBFu/FuBar_ItemDBFu.lua: FuBar_ItemDBFu - preparation for InventoryLib changes
20:38.41CIA-1203elkano * r51428 10ItemDB/ (ItemDB_DBFrame.lua ItemDB_DBFrame.xml):
20:38.41CIA-12- fixed DressUp feature
20:38.41CIA-12- removed link warnings
20:38.41CIA-12- support for GetSellValue API (implemented by eg ItemPriceTooltip)
20:38.42CIA-12- some small performance tweaks
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20:40.05godzmacklapknow of an addon that displays cords in the minimap thats really lightweight? :>
20:40.21CIA-1203elkano * r51429 10InventoryLib/InventoryLib-2.0/InventoryLib-2.0.lua:
20:40.21CIA-12- removed the whole sharing code as it's no longer needed
20:40.21CIA-12- will now fill your cache directly from server cache -> lots and lots of items :)
20:40.45aestilElkano: is it libstub?
20:40.48godzmacklapah meant in the world map* sry
20:41.03godzmacklapor it does that also?
20:41.04Elkanono, not yet as it still uses GratuityLib
20:41.26aestilor, in my case, LibGratuity 2.0  :)
20:41.31Elkanobut I was going to look into "porting" to LibStub soon
20:41.52[Ammo]we should have done branding like Rock elkano
20:41.53backbone87godzmacklap: carthographer
20:41.59[Ammo]Rock only libs gogog
20:42.25aestilammo, liez.
20:42.25godzmacklapmm too big, my lap cant handle that :þ
20:42.42Ellipsisaestil: I'm downloading eePanels2 again :o
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20:42.54[Ammo]aestil: there's plenty of examples on svn
20:42.54backbone87godzmacklap: install only the modules you need
20:42.58SarozBigwigs wave timers are so off, it's just silly.. Kaz timers are twisted
20:43.11aestilplenty of examples of what?
20:43.13[Ammo]Saroz: read the source, did you get a fraps, etc
20:43.16[Ammo]rock only libs
20:43.22[Ammo]specialevents-3.0, crayon-3.0 etc
20:43.26aestiloh, yes.
20:43.31aestilthose are ckk libs, yes?
20:43.40[Ammo]SEE isn't
20:43.44Saroz[Ammo], read it, gonna see if I can get better times
20:43.52[Ammo]that's the idea
20:43.57[Ammo]what you want to do Saroz
20:44.01Sarozdont have transscriptor installed :|
20:44.05[Ammo]is log: the WORLD_STATE_UPDATE event
20:44.08CIA-1203mikk * r51430 10FuBar2/ (FuBar.toc.override README-INSTALLING.txt):
20:44.08CIA-12- Remove the savedvars entry that someone added to the override toc. It causes changes to not be saved.
20:44.09CIA-1203andryk * r51431 10FuBar_AbramsFu/libs/: FuBar_AbramsFu: Added libs dir for externals
20:44.11[Ammo]or world states update
20:44.13Saroztranscriptor does that
20:44.23cryogenKaelten: moo!
20:44.31Sarozor is it bigwigs_debugger
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20:44.39godzmacklapmhm yes that could work, thanks backbone87 :)
20:44.43cryogenKaelten: what does "sent" mean? :p
20:45.04aestilhuh, i don't really get SEE, can you give me an example of an event that should be, but isn't in the API?
20:45.06Kaeltenit means I've sent your password
20:45.10Kaeltencheck your spam filters
20:45.16cryogenwhere to? the same address?
20:45.21*** part/#wowace et|dagurk (
20:45.31CIA-12tekkub-wow: 03mikko.majuri * r615 10/trunk/TourGuide/ (4 files in 2 dirs): Added 20_21_Darkshore.lua, did play it throught so it's working
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20:45.54cryogeni didnt get it
20:47.14cryogenKaelten: mind resending?
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20:47.21aestilbig wigs was wierd for us on vashj, and wasn't showing the Meteor timer properly for Al'ar
20:47.41aestilon Al'ar, we'd have the Meteor soon warning, after she already landed.
20:48.29[Ammo]use DBM
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20:49.10aestilEllipsis: do you need my help?
20:49.22aestildo I really have to ammo?
20:49.33aestilthats the best solution?  i was gonna get a transcriptor log for it.
20:49.39CIA-12tekkub-wow: 03mikko.majuri * r616 10/trunk/TourGuide/Alliance/20_21_Darkshore.lua: get yourself to lvl21 lazy peon
20:49.46[Ammo]it works fine for 99% of the people
20:49.55*** join/#wowace Tekkub (n=tekkub@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/Tekkub)
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20:49.55[Ammo]if it doesn't for you, use DBM
20:50.06Ellipsisaestil: need...your..wha?
20:50.10Sarozwell, DBM is pretty damn nice, has a lot of custom stuff for each boss
20:50.22*** join/#wowace duaiwe (
20:50.29[Ammo]use it then :)
20:50.30Sarozso Ive been told
20:51.13Harxxcould I have a question? Is there any mod lately known for causing this problem: When in raid and in combat, it prevents me from opening spellbook or game menu, raid or guild tab are moved to the middle of the screen :(
20:51.28aestilwell, ammo, isn't it more likely, that the timer is slightly off, and it can be improved?
20:51.31Harxxsorry for a long line, just wanted to have it in 1 piece ^^
20:51.42[Ammo]aestil: you're the only one in like 2 months complaining about it
20:51.47[Ammo]and it's 100% correct for me
20:52.11aestilis there any chance I'm doing something wrong?
20:52.20aestili don't mean to be complaining.
20:52.49aestili thought i was just reporting something incorrect, also, did the solarian module always whisper the bomb?
20:52.51Pkekyohow much +hit rating do I need to be somewhat efficient as DW fury?
20:52.52cryogenKaelten: got that one, thanks
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20:53.12Harxxpkekyo in PvE? 300+ 400 ideal.
20:53.18[Ammo]no it started whispering last week or so
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20:54.30Harxxammo do you know what kind of addon would prevent me from opening game menu etc? please.
20:54.35PkekyoHarxx: so....900 attackpower and 22% crit to accompany the +hit then?
20:54.54[Ammo]Harxx: a bad addon that taints the UI
20:55.00HarxxPkekyo: yes, however Im not dw fury myself, just from experience.
20:55.18Pkekyodude, gimping yourself to 900 AP is completely fucktarded
20:55.23Harxxwhich one would that be? I removed visual themes and skinner is only allowed to skin the edit box :)
20:55.31PkekyoI've got 800 AP -NAKED-
20:55.35Harxx900+ AP you meant? right?
20:55.53Pkekyono, I meant 900 attack power
20:55.54HarxxI meant 900AP from gear or str equivalent.
20:56.12Harxx--> elitistjerks, go theorycraftnig.
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20:56.32CIA-1203cryogen * r51432 10FlexBar2_BuffDur/BuffDur.lua: FlexBar2_BuffDur: Fix the target change handler, add a debuf refresh handler and fixup the duration counters somewhat.
20:56.34orionshockmorning all
20:56.52orionshocksylvanaar: ping
20:56.52Pkekyo"900+ AP" means "900 or more AP"
20:57.02Pkekyonot "base ap + 900 ap"
20:57.23Harxxok I give up, I thought you meant 900AP frmo gear to accompany it. Thats all. I;m a tank so not gonna give any more fury advices.
20:57.39CIA-12tekkub-wow: 03tekkub * r617 10/trunk/TourGuide/ (TourGuide.toc OHFrame.lua): TourGuide - Meh, nilsafe
20:58.37Pkekyodo you mind giving me the name and server of one of your guild's fury warrs?
20:59.16aestil[ammo] could someone using an old version of BW be causing the timers to be off/wrong?
20:59.32Harxxthis feel's like police interrogation. No I couldn't. If you seek more ways to improve your character as fury warrior, I suggest you seek help at theorycrafting or clas forums.
21:00.39Pkekyointerrogation? it's simple questions
21:00.47ChompersPkekyo: i went dw fury a week ago, 257 hit
21:00.58Chompersstill not enough, it works out as 93% hit on bosses
21:01.18[Ammo]aestil: no idea, I just never had it happen to me
21:01.33Pkekyoguess I'm screwed then :<
21:01.56Chompers1745ap unbuffed
21:02.08Chompersand 28% crit, which is waaay too high
21:02.11PkekyoI'm at 118 :<
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21:02.43Harxx[Ammo]: is there a way to find out what addon does not allow me to open game menu? (Besides enable/disable routine)
21:03.03aestilwell, 2 weeks ago i reported to funky that the timer for tainted cores was 5 seconds late, and several other people in IRC jumped in with 'yeah, its always 5 seconds late
21:03.08[Ammo]Harxx: no
21:03.11aestilso, that got changed, and its fixed now.
21:03.59Harxxcrap, that will require a lot of raids and relogs, really a lot lot lot lot.
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21:04.33[Ammo]aestil: it's an approximate timer
21:04.38[Ammo]and I have had cores seconds early
21:05.09orionshockwhats the function called when you hit escape?
21:05.21sbingnerthe only place with download of AIOB 2.1 appears to be offline -- anybody happen to have it?  granted it's not an ace module but hey ;)
21:05.26Harxxgame menu I suppose.
21:05.30Harxxdunno function :)
21:05.48orionshocki think it's close special menues
21:06.38Harxxwell another issue: Why does game open "chat tab" instead of raid?
21:07.02siIentiumHarxx: if you wanna be smart then disable hald of your addons and test, so you know in which half the problematic addon is, then disable half of the possible addons again - much faster than only disabling one single addon a time
21:07.09HarxxI binded it ingame, chacked 2 binding files that I could find and it says "bind I toggleraid..."
21:07.38orionshock10$ says it's automation
21:07.56Harxxthanks silentium.
21:08.06Harxxwhats that?
21:08.25orionshocka mod
21:08.43HarxxI know, but were you talking about the binding issue? because I dont have automaton installed.
21:09.02orionshocki guess it's not automation
21:09.13Harxxjust some weird things hapening around my UI. I don't know how to explain them :(
21:09.17Harxxmust be ghosts
21:09.19weabyou owe me $10
21:09.58weabor someone anyway
21:10.00Harxxmore suggestions please :)
21:10.24orionshockno weab  if anything i owe Harxx 10$, but as no one bet'ed agenst me .... i owe no one...
21:10.56Harxxit ok, you can keep those 10 bucks (how generous) just help me fix at least 1 problem :)
21:10.58weabwell i figured by being the author i might be able to make a slander case against you or something.
21:12.26orionshockoh? author of automation?
21:13.07Saroz[Ammo], any way to see which timers the wavetimers are running on
21:13.17Sarozcause if you dont run the correct boss timer, that explains a lot
21:13.31Sarozif you dont get the Next sync
21:13.38LAG|DomoYo Saroz, how's the guild :p
21:13.41[Ammo]Saroz: that can't be helped
21:13.53[Ammo]Saroz: can only fallback to something
21:13.58[Ammo]which it should do
21:14.19Sarozwould be nice to be able to dump which boss is considered the next
21:14.39[Ammo]yeah hmm
21:15.06Sarozor a simple self:Print as debug
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21:15.22[Ammo]if you run most recent version
21:15.26SarozI do
21:15.27[Ammo]tell your guild you want to talk to jaina/thrall
21:16.19LAG|DomoRandom doing Hyjal yet?
21:16.46Chompersanother kul tias person LAG|Domo?
21:16.53LAG|DomoI used to be.
21:16.59LAG|DomoFor a month or two.
21:17.08LAG|DomoRaided with Random then :)
21:18.32LAG|DomoYou remember if you try hard, I'm sure!
21:18.49orionshockHarxx:  CloseSpecialWindows() is the function
21:18.59*** join/#wowace Hallucinosis (n=Hallucin@
21:19.04Harxxok, and now what? :)
21:19.09SarozLAG|Domo, not easy
21:19.12orionshockgrep CloseSpecialWindows
21:19.22LAG|DomoI'll give you a hint, I was a Rogue.
21:19.30LAG|DomoAnd my weapons sucked. Hard!
21:19.32Sarozah, whois FTW
21:19.54LAG|DomoAye, Jutsu when I was on KT.
21:20.02orionshockdo a search though each addon... for CloseSpecialWindows, and make shure it hooks right
21:20.23sylvanaarorionshock eh
21:20.27Harxxohh ok, dont know what you mean by hooks but I can search through that.
21:20.45orionshocksylvanaar: it deleted my bat file again..... :(
21:21.34orionshockwau deleted my bat file for skinner updates. no log about it nixing the bat file tho
21:21.46sylvanaarorionshock thats wierd
21:21.59[Ammo]doesn't wau delete all bat files in addons?
21:22.30orionshockoh but it did
21:22.31sylvanaarno, that's done by  the files script
21:22.59orionshockthis is a non-addon bat file, as in i added it to the dir so i can click it and move the skin files arround
21:23.03sylvanaarorionshock let me see your log
21:23.29orionshockdiying in av, gona have to give me a min
21:23.45Harxxlol :) Im doing the same
21:23.46Diaodid you add it into the skinner directory
21:24.40Diaocause wau automatically deletes the old directory before extracting i think
21:25.04Ellipsisum, it does if you have the "delete before extracting" option set
21:25.14Ellipsiswhich hopefully orionshock doesn't, if he's asking this question x.x
21:25.14sylvanaarnormally it keeps track of the files you add, and does delete them
21:25.37orionshockno no i died
21:25.53sylvanaardid you delete the *.wau files by chance? or reinstall?
21:27.06Harxxhmm disabled half of the addons and so far so good :)
21:27.13*** join/#wowace QQngsk (
21:27.18Harxxjust that it still opens chat tab instead of raid one :(
21:27.32Harxxis there any other place where the beinding sould be set?
21:27.45EllipsisHarxx: that's a Blizz bug, they didn't update the bindings code when they added the chat tab
21:27.50Ellipsisshould be fixed next patch
21:28.03Harxxphew thanks god, everyone kept teling me it works fine for them.
21:28.05Harxxthank you.
21:29.46orionshockdiagnostic log right/
21:30.49CIA-1203andryk * r51433 10FuBar_AbramsFu/libs/: FuBar_AbramsFu: Added externals
21:31.14sylvanaaryou can dcc it
21:31.27orionshockoh btw it's not properly using the recycle bin under vista
21:31.48sylvanaar64 bit vista - not supported
21:32.06sylvanaaryou dont need the recycle bin anyways
21:32.13orionshockworks aight anyways
21:32.19sylvanaarunless you have delete before extract on
21:32.54Harxxsorry but another question. eepanels2 + pitbull party frames.
21:33.03Stanzillacould someone check the latest Parrot commit?
21:33.12StanzillaI guess mr. koKR broke it
21:33.16orionshockwhat for Stanzilla ?
21:33.21[dRaCo]they usually do
21:33.23HarxxI parented each party frame indivisually but sometimes they don't show. Unless I reloadui.
21:33.24SarozBOOMKIN GEAR
21:33.25SarozFUCK ME
21:33.37Stanzillaorionshock: syntax errors..
21:33.59orionshocki have the svn version... working fine for me ingame
21:34.34Ellipsissomeone translate "TEST YOUR DAMN CODE BEFORE YOU COMMIT" into chinese and korean and put that at the top of all translation sections =]
21:36.58LAG|Domoni hoa
21:37.08Ellipsis~fail LAG|Domo
21:37.09purlLAG|Domo: Fail.
21:37.49orionshockStanzilla: you getting errors?
21:37.54orionshockpastey em plz
21:39.08CIA-1203andryk * r51434 10FuBar_AbramsFu/ (AbramsFu.lua FuBar_AbramsFu.toc): FuBar_AbramsFu: Changed notes.
21:40.14orionshockim gona kick both of you
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21:45.02sylvanaarnever sent me the log
21:46.00Harxxdoes anyone know if issues about parenting eepanel to pitbull group frames or XRS?
21:46.16Harxxthose 2 show only when they feel like it :(
21:48.39Kebinusananyoen recognize the font in this layout
21:48.51Kebinusanon the target frame basically
21:50.57Harxxthink I know it, let me check
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21:51.28Harxxtangerine maybe
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21:52.44Finckknight: ping (in Cartographer Look 'n' Feel options, the "Close with escape" and "Large player arrow" options never seem to save for me, on any of my characters)
21:53.18LAG|DomoShahraz was seriously hit with the nerf bat
21:53.21LAG|Domoand hard
21:54.33Harxxdamn, Im gonna get AV normal --> exalted before I fix all my addons
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22:03.04Kebinusanckknight: the pitbull import layout and rock config dont get along too well... the import needs a higher strata or something
22:03.36Sedai|im not sure how to set up a MT or RT window with pitbull
22:04.02Harxxand I dont know how to 100% parent eepanels to pitbull party frames.
22:04.03Sedai|i tried enabling it but um it simply shows the bars with "x" for aura
22:05.31Kebinusanckknight: the paste window for the import doesnt seem to scroll either
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22:06.03MoonWitchckknight, ping
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22:12.14MoonWitchanyone else having issues with certain config changes in rock config causing a wow crash?
22:14.39EllipsisMoonWitch: is it with the color picker?
22:14.50Ellipsischanging the alpha, are you
22:14.57MoonWitchand it's pissing me off tremedously right now
22:15.09MoonWitchuhm it crashed on changing the font ..
22:15.21Ellipsiswell I know there's an issue when some of the values get screwed up
22:15.38MoonWitchchanging background inset (eepanels config through rock - which I only do for the easier color picker)
22:16.14MoonWitchso now I happily have NO unitframes, just the damn box with a shade, idem dito for my eepanels being back to whatever they were upon first install
22:16.56MoonWitchso I am contemplating just editting the )(*&(*^&$£0987 lua for it
22:17.31MoonWitchand I am going to quit smoking tomorrow .. yay more murder
22:18.10MoonWitchit wasn't bad, but I uypdated, libRock and config .. and relogged - boom all fucked up
22:18.18MoonWitchI can use that word in here, right?
22:18.29Harxxdo you know aby any chance how to individually chance font size in pitbull castbar?
22:19.16NandiniHarxx: You can't. The best thing to do is to make your global font size larger or smaller, then scale the fonts in the rest of your texts.
22:19.20MoonWitchuhm I don't think it's possible
22:19.30MoonWitchthere ya go Nandini knows
22:19.49Harxxok, I secretly knew about that solution. I was just trying to avoid it. :)
22:20.12MoonWitchi got this new headset and Linkin Park numb never sounded so beautiful before *teat*
22:20.16MoonWitch*tear* *
22:20.17Harxxbecause profiles don't work in pitbull so I have to edit unitframes in all chars
22:20.34Ellipsisor you could just use the default profile...
22:20.45Harxxnope, doesn't work out fo rme
22:21.02Harxxtried to use the "copy from", doesn't copy anything :)
22:21.12NandiniI use the default profile, then made an actual copy of (and renamed) it in the saved variables and it seems to work.
22:21.16Ellipsisyou can't copy them
22:21.19Ellipsisbut you can still use the default
22:21.22Ellipsisand set it up how you like
22:21.25Ellipsisand have all your chars use it
22:21.30Ellipsisand then you don't have to do any copying o.O
22:21.43HarxxI see, however, I use different color themes for my chars.
22:21.50HarxxIm just the <3 layout fanboy
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22:22.24Ellipsiswell manually copying the SVs is your best bet then, like Nandini said
22:22.33Harxxwell, I guess I can fix that the old fasioned way tha you proposed. but I have a different issue.
22:22.44HarxxEllipsis: tried that, didn;t work
22:23.04Harxxmaybe I coppied the wrong thing (whole character directory)
22:23.18Ellipsisuh, yeah
22:23.23Ellipsisthat's not where that info is stored
22:23.42Harxxit does say "saved variables" there :)
22:24.27Ellipsisto do the copying you'd have to get your hands dirty and actually open a .lua file :P
22:24.57HarxxI dont mind that, I just had honestly no idea that it saves the variables in the actuall lua file.
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22:25.27MoonWitchckknight, wb ..
22:25.52MoonWitchckknight, any chance that libRock's latest update borked some stuff in Pitbull and cart?
22:25.52HarxxEllipsis: I have another but more simple issue :)
22:26.19HarxxI parent eepanel for each pitbull party frame, but they dont show when I join a party.
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22:26.27HarxxI have to reloadui to make them actually show up.
22:26.30Ellipsisyou can't parent panels to PitBull frames neatly like that
22:26.35Ellipsisbecause they are recycled
22:26.51Harxxwell, works for player and target frame
22:26.54Ellipsismost people use scripts that show/hide panels based on the number of people in party/raid
22:27.01Harxxcould you enlighten me about the proper parenting please?
22:27.20Ellipsisas I said, most people don't use parenting for party/raid frames
22:27.25HarxxI see. I will search forums for such scripts then.
22:27.33Ellipsisgood place to start is the eePanels2 thread
22:27.56Harxxadditional question to that. I read on several places that you need some addon that uses hook or something to be able to use scripts..
22:28.07Harxxis that completely wrong?
22:28.34EllipsiseePanels2 has full script support
22:28.36Ellipsisthat's all you need
22:28.48Dezzimalis there any way to mess with the pitch of your flying mount?
22:28.54Dezzimallets say I get to cruising altitude
22:28.57Dezzimaland want to maintain :/
22:29.08Ellipsisnot really for that
22:29.19Ellipsisalthough you can get some cool effects with the home/end keys (default keybindings)
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22:29.54Harxxnow I just want to thank you, you are really helpfull.
22:30.04EllipsisI try ^-^
22:30.38Diaolook at his weapon speeds
22:32.03Ellipsisone of my ex-guildies got a screenie like that
22:32.04Dezzimalyeah haste is a pretty broken mechanic :/
22:32.05Ellipsisit's pretty win
22:32.14Harxxnice one.
22:32.24NeoTronthat's a lot of hits in one second
22:32.35Diaoi want to see a fury warrior with those swords and all those buffs :P
22:32.40Diaotry spamming heroic strike
22:33.11Diaoi'd break my keyboard trying to keep up with HS on every MH hit
22:33.29NeoTronalso 3284 AB, 47.3% crit..
22:33.39Harxxsick :)
22:33.48Harxxbut I wouldn't want to be his tank.
22:34.15NeoTron4367 DPS. lawl
22:34.20Diaoit's ok
22:34.25NeoTronunless it was someone else
22:34.35Diaohe's only averaging 11771 tps
22:34.40Diaoif you look at omen over there
22:34.48Harxxyeah :)
22:35.05NeoTronso he must be doing a lot more than 4000 dps...
22:35.17Diaowell it's burst
22:35.19Harxxofc with that speed
22:35.45Diaoimagine if you were pvping against that :(
22:35.48Diao10k dmg in 1 sec
22:35.51NeoTronstill that's a lot of haste
22:36.01NeoTronyou'd die in a second or less
22:36.25Diaoand they say warriors are the most gear dependent :P
22:36.41MoonWitchI think every class is extremely gear dependant
22:36.44Harxxwell, all that haste doesnt come from gear :)
22:36.54Harxxehm ...warlock come to my mind...
22:36.55MoonWitchput a lvl 70 mage naked, and it's pretty bad
22:36.57KarlThePaganwe know why melee haste got nerfed
22:37.38Diaohis damage range with a 1h sword is higher than my damage range with deep thunder self buffed :(
22:37.42MoonWitchwhat is seen as the hardest class to play ...
22:37.55Megalonhe has the mount hyjal casters buff
22:38.16Megalonthat's +100% melee attack speed
22:38.27Megalonit will be the same with the melee haste nerf
22:38.46Diaocaster's buff?
22:39.01buuHarxx: Warlocks as gear dependent?!
22:39.03KarlThePaganmoon - subject of protracted debate I'm sure... I have taken every class except mage to 20, and most to 30... and I think shaman and mage are the worst
22:39.19KarlThePaganhunter, warlock, paladin are the hardest to do well IMO
22:39.28Diaodepends on situation
22:39.32Diaois different
22:39.36MoonWitchI seriously messed up my pally
22:39.50Harxxbuu: I meant the exact opposite
22:40.00buuHarxx: Ah.
22:40.07MoonWitchshe's ok for pve, though not too briliant, but pvp she is terrible
22:40.26buuHarxx: If drain life costs more mana to cast than life it returns, you might be in trouble.
22:40.29MegalonDiao: and stacks
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22:41.08Diaoso he got 2 or 3 of htem
22:41.09Megalonthere are also screenshots of ms warriors with 0.2 attackspeed on gorefiends 2h axe
22:41.33KarlThePaganyea nice catch... 3 of those buffs ... lol
22:41.51Diaoi thought it was like bloodlust but i didn't think bloodlust stacked so i was confused
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22:42.02Harxxhmm, tanking with anything below 1s speed would certainly hurt my finger :)
22:42.08Harxxsince it would be only viable to spam hs
22:42.10Diaome too
22:42.14CIA-1203darchon * r51435 10Parrot/ (Code/Parrot.lua Data/CombatEvents.lua Data/CombatStatus.lua):
22:42.15CIA-12- More localization
22:42.38KarlThePaganah yea... he is undead... one of those could be bloodlust
22:43.04KarlThePaganI'm just immagining what that would sound like with the 2.2 sound engine changes
22:43.08Arrowmasterpets get bloodlust right?
22:43.44Harxxwell, they could simply cap haste at 100%.
22:44.57Trell_!c eu draenor Zachariah
22:45.00ThraeBotTrell_: Zachariah, Level 59 Human Warlock (0/41/9). 3591 HP; 4380 Mana; 118 mana regen; 13 mp5; 25 spell crit; 268 +spell dmg; 58 shadow dmg (326); 23 fire dmg (291); 3.42% dodge; +29 all resists;[[ TBR: 830 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Mon Oct  8 18:46:14 2007 EST ]]
22:45.06KarlThePagani like it better as the reciprocal effect it has now
22:45.15KarlThePaganthe only problem is broken stacking buffs
22:45.19Arrowmastermy friend on his rogue died twice during last hydross kill because with the haste on his gear + sword spec + windfury he was hitting so fast that combat potency was restoring so much energy that he never went below 60 spaming SS
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22:46.29Trell_MoonWitch; I've got an alt of every class; and, levelling wise, my lock, shammy and rogue were/are uber easy to level.
22:46.33KarlThePaganspam feint imo
22:46.35Trell_oh, my hunter is the easiest
22:46.50NivFreakI found locks easier than hunters to level
22:46.55KarlThePaganwhy that ability has such a big cooldown... is a mysery to me
22:46.57NivFreakmostly I just hate feeding my pet :)
22:46.59Trell_the mage and priest I found hardest
22:47.09Trell_NivFreak; once I got felguard, its ridiculously easy
22:47.17Trell_im 59 now, that was my char i just !c'd there
22:47.18MoonWitchI've played a shammy to 14, on the PTR I tried a shammy lvl70, after the amount of totems, I decided it wasn't for me
22:47.19NivFreakeven VW is really easy
22:47.26Trell_and with my felguard, its unbelieveably easy to level
22:47.29Trell_shockingly so
22:47.31KarlThePaganTrell_, I found my shaman to be more fragile than most classes :/
22:47.34EllipsisFG is ridiculously easy to play
22:47.47Ellipsisyou can level a bit more efficiently with aff, but it takes effort
22:47.52MoonWitchwhat lvl to you get a fell guard?
22:47.54Trell_KarlThePagan - maybe before DW and SS, but once I had those two in my sweaty mitts, it was gg to level ;)
22:47.56Ellipsisminimum 50
22:48.04Ellipsisbut it doesn't become really useful for a few more levels
22:48.04NivFreakit's 41 demon
22:48.08KarlThePagansomething to look forward to
22:48.08Ellipsiswhen you get some skills for him
22:48.30NeoTronhunters are easier than locks, at least up until l45ish where my hunter is
22:48.31KarlThePaganpriest does lose a lot of steam after level 40, I think if you level a holy priest 40-70 that would be the worst...
22:48.42Mudkipssame goes for paladins
22:48.45Mudkipsret pallies at leat
22:48.46Trell_I always raved about affliction, found it real easy to kill things, then someone suggested I tried felguard, and boy, I've never looked back since then
22:48.46NeoTronwhat makes hunters pwn is that you can kill mobs significantly higher leevl and really never need to worry much about "quest levels"
22:48.53Mudkipsthats when you spec protadin
22:49.01Trell_NeoTron; same with locks :P  maybe even more so
22:49.02Ellipsistbh, holy priest is second only to resto druid in really painful leveling
22:49.13Ellipsisin my experience anyway
22:49.16Mudkipsdruids leveling as resto is just stuuuuuupid
22:49.18NeoTronTrell_: incorrect
22:49.23EllipsisI leveled my druid resto 1-70
22:49.24NeoTronno casters can deal with things 4-5 levels higher
22:49.26KarlThePaganlv 60 resto druids are probably the worst free HK's for my priest
22:49.30Ellipsisnever spent a single point in any other tree out of principle ^-^
22:49.31MoonWitchI have a lvl14 priest, I hate levelling her
22:49.31KarlThePaganback before 2.0
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22:49.34Trell_dots, health funnel, dots, health funnel, maybe a fear in there for good measure
22:49.35NeoTronespecially not elites that are 7+ levels higher like I can on my hunter
22:49.54EllipsisNeoTron: locks can pull off stuff like that though
22:49.54NeoTronTrell_: resist resist resist, partial resist
22:50.00Harxxhunter: if it can't be kited, it can't be killed.
22:50.08Trell_who cares about resists; my felguard still kicks ass
22:50.08Ellipsiswell same with locks x.x
22:50.09Harxxat least for the group mobs.
22:50.12KarlThePaganNeoTron, l2spec imo... +10% hit talent
22:50.12NeoTron!c us kilrogg Aminai
22:50.15ThraeBotNeoTron: Aminai, Level 70 Human Warlock (2/41/18). 10279 HP; 8585 Mana; 113 mana regen; 204 spell crit; 184 spell hit; 1171 +spell dmg; 54 frost dmg (1225); 215 shadow dmg (1386); 4.59% dodge; 13 resilience; +35 all resists;[[ TBR: 1119 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Mon Oct  8 18:51:28 2007 EST ]]
22:50.17Ellipsisif you can fear it, you can win
22:50.21Ellipsisif it's fear immune, gg no re
22:50.27NeoTronI AM a lock
22:50.29NeoTronhunter is easier
22:50.30NeoTronby a lot
22:50.37Harxxthere are always some stairs + dots for warlocks
22:50.50KarlThePaganhunters are much better because growl is awesome
22:50.57Trell_i still think my shammy is a lot of fun
22:50.59Mudkips( Ellipsis ) if you can fear it, you can win
22:51.05KarlThePaganand the new mend pet too
22:51.06NeoTronand hunter pets can actually tank while lock ones can not
22:51.07Ellipsis!vs us kilrogg Aminai US Cenarius Ellipsis
22:51.09MudkipsI remember farming devilsaurs with my skinner lock for leveing
22:51.10ThraeBotEllipsis: Aminai vs Ellipsis! Two 70 warlocks square off!; 2/41/18 vs 43/0/18; Aminai wins by 177 TBRs!
22:51.10Trell_lightning, stormstrike, earth shock, and attack
22:51.11Harxxgrowl :)
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22:51.32Harxxthat thing has so awfully wrong scaling :)
22:51.36KarlThePaganworst part of being a warlock... is pulling aggro off your voidwalker with health funnel :(
22:51.39NeoTrona level +5 mob has a 61% base hit chance
22:51.43EllipsisKarlThePagan: fail :P
22:51.47Trell_ive really gotta work on getting another character to many alts and only one 70, its insane
22:51.50MoonWitchI started wow as mage.. but was poorly playing her (I realize that now) and abandonned her because of her death rate
22:51.51NeoTronadd in 10% for affliction and you still only haev 71%
22:51.52Harxxpet with growl can outthreat almost any tank sometimes.
22:52.05KarlThePaganEllipsis, that's what happens when you try to play a warlock like a hunter ;)
22:52.09Ellipsisthe thing is, stunts like that (even on fear immune mobs) are possible in most outlands zones just because of how buggy the terrain is
22:52.13NeoTrongoing higher it drops by 11% per level
22:52.18EllipsisDoT kiting isn't tough when the mobs can't figure out how to path properly
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22:52.32Ellipsisindeed KarlThePagan
22:52.39Ellipsisyou can't solo azuregos with +heal gear on a lock ;)
22:52.55MudkipsI remember sololing that huge grub in EPL while I was leveling my lock
22:53.02Mudkipsi just sac'd my void for the HP regen
22:53.05NeoTronI'm comparing earlier levels and at that point hunter is easier
22:53.17Arrowmasterit would be slightly better if they gave lock pets +melee hit and +spell hit for the warlocks +spell hit
22:53.19Ellipsisidk, I've only played hunter <20 and at 60/70
22:53.26EllipsisI prefer casters
22:53.29NeoTronpartially due to gear but fact is you run OOM real fast as a lock if you try to kill high level mobs
22:53.34Trell_id love to be able to choose weapons for felguards
22:53.35Trell_and enchants etc
22:53.36KarlThePaganmy hunter is 36 now... I like him a lot
22:53.39EllipsisI've leveled with almost every caster class
22:53.51NeoTronI killed the giant in STV (l47 elite) at level 39 on my hunter
22:53.56Ellipsismage/lock/druid/priest/lil bit of shammy
22:53.57KarlThePaganthe only problem with hunter is that the things that make them difficult to play are non-combat related
22:54.06KarlThePaganfeeding pet, learning pet skills, etc
22:54.17NeoTronfeeding the pet is difficult? :P
22:54.22Ellipsisyeah, wtf?
22:54.24Mudkips^ lol
22:54.32NeoTronhunters are ezmode to play
22:54.41NeoTronwhich makes it surprising there are so many goddamn awful hunter players
22:54.43Mudkipswhy you think farmers are always troll hunters
22:54.47KarlThePaganNeoTron, seriously what level is your hunter?
22:54.49Mudkipsthere's a reason
22:54.54NeoTron!c us kilrogg Ilun
22:54.56ThraeBotNeoTron: Ilun, Level 43 Draenei Hunter (34/0/0). 2055 HP; 1725 Mana; 69 mana regen; 355 AP; 59.000 Melee DPS; 6.36% melee crit; 71.10 Ranged DPS; 7.72% ranged crit; 7.33% dodge; 10 shadow resist (+10);[[ TBR: 506 ][ Link: ][ Talents: ][ Updated: Mon Oct  8 18:56:10 2007 EST ]]
22:54.58Ellipsisdorf hunters ally side though
22:55.02Harxxhunters are easy to play, well only BM ones.
22:55.06Harxxpet management isnt
22:55.08Mudkipsdickfaced draenei ~_~
22:55.17KarlThePaganand how many bag slots do you have devoted to food? kek
22:55.19NeoTrontheir heal is really rad
22:55.22MoonWitchHEY no bashing my hawt draenei
22:55.22NeoTronKarlThePagan: none
22:55.32NeoTronwell I have two slots
22:55.36Mudkipsonly wemin draenei are acceptable draenei
22:55.38NeoTronfor me and my pet "Cat"
22:55.41NeoTronwho, indeed, is a boar
22:55.42Mudkipssince they have a ghetto booty
22:55.48EllipsisI actually had a friend who played nelf hunter pre-TBC, raiding through Naxx and all...rerolled Draenei hunter at TBC release *just for the racial*
22:55.58KarlThePaganhmm well ok... I guess I chose the hard route leveling with a cat
22:56.01NeoTronplus I feed him any meat I run into
22:56.08NeoTronI can't imagine leveling w/o a boar
22:56.18KarlThePagancat is great dps, but annoying to feed
22:56.23NeoTrontheir initial charge (+associated threat) makes it so much easier to dps earlier
22:56.24MoonWitchboars are ugly, but yah they're handy
22:56.38Ellipsisstop distracting me guys :(
22:56.40NeoTronI suspect you kill things faster with a boar than a cat :P\
22:56.42KarlThePaganI probably should switch... beats leveling fishing
22:56.52NeoTronI tried bird once
22:57.00KarlThePaganlol try bat... QQ buy food
22:57.01Ellipsismmmmm coffee!
22:57.04Arrowmasterboar charge is broken when combined with growl
22:57.05MoonWitchi made a draenei hunter twink
22:57.10Arrowmastersoo much threat
22:57.12NeoTronand although it did do aoe tanking better it wasn't as satisfactory since they took forever to get to the target (with dive)
22:57.17MoonWitchshe blows  .. so gonna level her up more
22:57.19koviwe had a troll hutner who rerolled BE just for the boobs -_-
22:57.29MoonWitchBE boobies rock!!!
22:57.41Arrowmasteri had a troll hunter that i rerolled orc
22:57.43MoonWitchactually draenei boobies are nice too if in shirt with cleavage
22:57.47KarlThePaganbut the Draenai got junk in da trunk
22:57.51MoonWitchyes I am female, deal with it
22:57.55EllipsisDraenei got it goin' on upstairs and down
22:58.04Arrowmasteroddly i have 3 orc, 1 tauren, and 1 blood elf characters
22:58.11MoonWitchhuge ass ... and a tail which is kinky ...
22:58.19Mudkipshave you seen a BE female in full crafted epic shadow resist gear?
22:58.20Harxxnooo, I finally figured that BW mod was causing my game menu etc to get stuck.
22:58.22MoonWitchdraenei's can TAIL themselves -_-
22:58.23Ellipsisnothin wrong with a little kink
22:58.24Harxxbut now it works again :(
22:58.27Mudkipsthe clothing is so skimpy
22:58.31Mudkipsblizzard r perverted
22:58.38EllipsisMudkips: ....screenie?
22:59.01MudkipsI don't have any at hand
22:59.01MoonWitchthanks for the vote of confidence
22:59.17MoonWitchyall are probably one of the most accepting ppl i know
22:59.48Mudkipsdraenei ... blue skinned space goats
22:59.54NeoTronMoonWitch: well... obligatory - screenshot?
22:59.55Mudkipsi heard they stink
23:00.15MoonWitchNeoTron, of what?
23:00.26Mudkipsbewbs or gtfo
23:00.33MoonWitchMudkips, depends on which draenei you've took a sniff off
23:00.42KarlThePaganoh NeoTron by the way... the biggest reason I'm leveling cat... it's a Ghost Saber :3
23:01.21KarlThePaganso... yea I suppose I'll suffer the food issue for that
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23:02.43MoonWitchMudkips, that are bewbs ;)
23:02.50MudkipsYnarah, that name sounds ethnic
23:03.05NeoTronMoonWitch: "<MoonWitch> draenei's can TAIL themselves -_-"
23:03.29MoonWitchIt's from Serenity/Firefly .. the Companion Inara
23:03.36MoonWitchaka the hooker
23:03.55Harxxgot a question: why does the bug stop occuring once you try to find out what's causing it? :(
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23:04.18MudkipsMoonWitch, what hosting service is that?
23:04.21MoonWitchInara in firefly is a high society hooker I just thought she was hot ... thus named my char
23:04.27Coreywheres your high level chars :o
23:04.30Diaobecause once you've disabled/reenabled it the setting that was causing a problem got deleted?
23:04.32Coreyall those are low
23:04.32Mudkipserr stupid question
23:04.41MoonWitchmy highest is 39
23:04.43MoonWitchthat's all
23:04.48HarxxDiao: is that a real possibility?
23:05.00buuHow come all of the female races in wow look exactly like human females?
23:05.00MoonWitchI spend more time tinkering with addons and UIs than playing
23:05.02Diaocould be
23:05.22Harxxtook me whole night of disabling/enabling addons
23:05.26MoonWitchi think they should have bigger boobs
23:05.28Mudkipsbuu, did you have your lunch today?
23:06.22Coreywhats more fun, a rogue or a hunter lol
23:06.40buuMudkips: Seriously, they do.
23:06.50MudkipsI dunno
23:07.03Mudkipshuman females have big hips
23:07.07buuI mean, aside from the obviously trivial things like skin color and the occasional horn or tail or something.
23:07.12Mudkipsnight elves have a more boyish figure
23:07.34Mudkipsdraenei females have a ghetto booty
23:07.40MoonWitchyeah they do
23:07.46MoonWitchI like gnome warriors
23:07.47Mudkipsthere are not gnome females
23:07.55buugnomes need to be deleted.
23:07.56CIA-1203darchon * r51436 10Parrot/ (Code/Parrot.lua Data/CombatEvents.lua):
23:07.56CIA-12- Added localization for pet skill damage
23:07.58Mudkipsand we DO NOT speak of female dwarves
23:08.06MoonWitchthey look sooooooo cute when storming towards an enemy
23:08.25buuThey look so.. stupid.
23:08.30MoonWitchit's cute though
23:08.36MoonWitchgnome mages and locks I do like
23:08.36buuIt completely destroys any vestige of believability wow has =[
23:08.40buuIt makes me cry.
23:08.41Arrowmasterbut the casting animation is the best
23:08.52NeoTronwow has believability?
23:08.59MoonWitchLOL NeoTron true to that
23:09.01buuNeoTron: Not much, but I can pretend.
23:09.08MoonWitchit's like the carebears...
23:09.08NeoTrona gnome lock in the guild reminds me of papa smurf
23:09.09Mudkipsundead casters have the best casting animations
23:09.13MoonWitchawww carebears
23:09.25buuNeoTron: I mean, when you have an 8ft tauren in full plate going head to head with a 12 foot ogre, it looks pretty damn good.
23:09.46buuNeoTron: I mean, obviously it's just preset animations and such, but I find it gets close enough for me to more or less overlook that.
23:09.52buuBut when gnomes are involved..
23:09.55MoonWitchjust imagine that 12ft ogre .. getting whipped by a gnome female warrior :P
23:10.10MoonWitchjust funny
23:10.11Mudkipsgnome female whirlwinds >_<
23:10.14Mudkipsthey tiptoe
23:10.28buuMoonWitch: And bam, all you can think is that what you see has nothing to do with what is going on.
23:10.39buuMoonWitch: It's all just a set of numbers and equations.
23:10.50*** join/#wowace jon_a (
23:10.57MoonWitchyeah but the eye wants something too
23:11.00Harxxlike gnome + unstoppable force = ???
23:11.07MoonWitchI will make a gnome something
23:11.11Harxxthat kind of equations?
23:11.22Coreyso whats more fun/useful for pvp a rogue or a hunter?
23:11.38buuHunters are great if all you do is be lame in bgs.
23:11.48buuIf you actually want to win a fair fight, not so much.
23:12.03Coreyi mean more for arenas like 2v2 or 3v3 really
23:12.16buuYes, exactly, hunters fail.
23:12.17CodayusHunters are pretty good in 2v3. are rogues, of course.
23:12.35buuHunters are generally hilariously bad in arenas.
23:13.04Brunershunters are good if they are allowed to stand still and shot
23:13.20Coreyi try to LoS them when i can
23:13.31buuThey're trivial to los or deadzone.
23:13.40*** join/#wowace LaGGy (
23:13.59Harxxfor example, you cant kill shadowpriest, warlock, mostly warriors, paladin, hmmm often mages etc etc
23:14.19Harxxif you take 100% skilled hunter vs. 100% skilled other class
23:14.22Harxxjust my opinio
23:15.33Mudkipsis anyong using the new versions of firefox?
23:15.41Coreyi use opera myself
23:15.46MudkipsI've been thinking of reverting back to ver 1.5
23:15.50Harxxmozilla here.
23:15.55Kebinusanits ok arcane shot will dispel in 2.3
23:15.58Mudkipsi've been using opera when WoW is on because firefox leaks memory
23:16.00Harxxehm seamonkey nowdays
23:16.02Coreyi used firefox when opera had a huge memory leak but then switched back
23:16.03Mudkipsand my game just shits on itself
23:16.39MudkipsI"m using opera right now
23:16.55MudkipsI forgot about this site
23:16.55KebinusanI have big problems with cpu load when viewing ajax crap and memory leakage
23:17.05Mudkipsoriginally I was looking for an old version of winamp
23:17.08Harxxgrrr, can't fix WoW bug because it suddenly vanished.
23:17.09KebinusanI just cant get used to the feal of opera
23:17.15Harxxafter I spent whole night looking for it.
23:17.16Mudkipsthe 5.x winamps are horribly bloadted
23:17.28LaGGyanyone have any clue why after i ran WAU2 earlier today, my bartender3 doesnt work anymore?
23:17.37Ellipsiswhat's the error message?
23:17.39LaGGyit says its enabled, but its just not there
23:17.47LaGGytheres no error message, nothing
23:17.57Mudkipssounds like that guy from earlier
23:17.59Ellipsisenable "display lua errors" and tell us what the error is
23:18.09LaGGyit is enabled
23:18.11MudkipsI forgot his name ~_~
23:18.19LaGGythe minimap icon is gone as well
23:18.21EllipsisMudkips: sounds like the guys we get in here all the time >_>
23:19.15NeoTronso does it ever happen that KT uses his shield early or something?
23:19.30Harxxellipsis, do I need to have a script to show/hide each individual pitbull party frame?
23:19.37NeoTronon our first successful pyroblast avoidance the second pyroblast was interrupted about 2 seconds after cast
23:19.38Harxxor just 1 resizing script?
23:19.51NeoTronI just can't imagine we, in our rather chaotic setup, managed to burn it down that fast
23:19.55Coreynext question, blood elf or undead rogue ;d
23:19.59Mudkipsthe main reason I still use firefox for browsing is because of adblock
23:20.01LaGGyi was getting an atlasloot i just disabled it and tried i get a bartender3 error...missing library DewDrop-2.0
23:20.03HarxxUD rogue
23:20.44NeoTronCorey: If you can stand staring at an UD rogue all day... go for it :P
23:20.48Ellipsisthere ya go LaGGy
23:21.05Ellipsisif you are using embedded libs, then update and it will probably fix itself
23:21.08Coreyi liked the UD racials better too but i heard lots of people re-rolled BE cause its racials are better for pvp
23:21.08ArrowmasterHarxx: wow somebody else that actually uses seamonkey
23:21.15Ellipsisif you're using disembedded then you ought to know how to deal with that errror yourself
23:21.52EllipsisHarxx: many people like to keep their scripts all in one panel, but it's up to you
23:21.54Harxxwell, you guys could at least recommend me some good firewall :) comodo is getting on my nerves.
23:22.00Coreythat and their stealth stance is awesome! :P
23:22.17HarxxEllipsis : thanks
23:22.24*** join/#wowace aestil (
23:22.49chexsumi wouldnt trade my belf rogue for a undead rogue
23:23.26chexsumaracne torent is a nice addition in pvp
23:23.40aestilvhaar, if al'ar's meteor lands at the same time we get a 'meteor soon' warning, is that just the nature of the randomness of that ability, or is it possible an older version of BW someone else is running is messing us up? or are there any other explanations.
23:23.56aestilis funky on?
23:25.16Ellipsisping Nandini
23:27.24*** join/#wowace Huuph (
23:27.34Harxxgrr, I seriously want this bug to come back
23:27.35MoonWitchgod I love my headset
23:27.44HarxxI dont want my game to get stuck during som raid.
23:29.00jon_ahi can anybody help me with lua coding
23:30.16purlThis is IRC. Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question and if someone's around, they'll be glad to help.
23:30.33aestilanyone else stuck at authenticating today?
23:31.02aestilwhy am i so full of fail?
23:31.03Harxxbut still gotta ask thi again: what could possibly cause my game menu or spell book to get stuck
23:31.13HarxxI mean that pressing esc doesnt do anything
23:31.15aestilin combat?
23:31.28Harxxcant really determine
23:31.35aestilif you are out of combat, it lets you close it?
23:31.38EllipsisHarxx: taint
23:31.40Harxxalso raid/character tabs are moved to middle of the screen
23:31.53aestilEllipsis: you win at beating me to that punch.
23:32.10Harxxseriously: it vanished about 10 minutes ago while I was enabling/disabling addons.
23:32.14aestili will pour out an iced venti 2 splenda black tea to the curb in your honor.
23:32.22Harxxnow everything is enabled again and I can't get to duplicate the bug
23:32.39EllipsisHarxx, you can pastey a list of your addons and we can try and see if there's any known issues with any of them, but no guarantees of helpfulness there :P
23:32.46Ellipsisaestil: <3
23:33.08Harxxok, tell me best way to do it without writing down all 179 folders..
23:33.53aestili can't wait to see the eepanels Ellipsis, will i splooge on sight of them?
23:33.55HarxxI obviously don;t want the bug to occur during the raid so need to at least find out whats causing it.
23:34.46Ellipsisaestil: no, I have a reputation for horrendously ugly eePanels
23:34.48durcynHarxx: dir /on/ad/b > list.txt
23:35.06aestilbut, you worked so closely with me.  didn't i rub off on you [lolpun]
23:35.06Ellipsisbut that's because I go for functional graphics rather than eye-candy
23:35.09Ellipsismost of the time >_>
23:35.17Ellipsisdid you? I didn't notice ;)
23:35.29NivFreakI can't auth
23:35.36aestilme as well niv
23:35.42aestilauth server DOWN
23:35.49Ellipsisno u
23:35.52Ellipsiso snap!
23:36.06GnarfozI hate stack overflows
23:36.14NivFreakaestil: damn =/
23:36.27durcynnot down, just severely slow
23:36.31aestilWe've also added approximately 60 new quests in Dustwallow Marsh. This should help players who find themselves lacking quests in the 30-40 range. The Steamwheedle Cartel is building the new town of Mudsprocket in south-west Dustwallow Marsh, so you'll have to wait until construction is complete to learn more about these changes.
23:37.03NivFreakah, I finally got in
23:37.07NivFreakbut I can't log in on the forums
23:37.25Harxxdurcyn: what does "dir /on/ad/b > list.txt" mean? I do have the text file, just dont understand the rest
23:37.45Harxxdont take me for total ignorant, Im just not used to it.
23:38.05durcynHarxx: uh, stdout from directory listing into a text file.  copy that to pastey.
23:38.23Ellipsisso I need advice
23:38.41Ellipsisone big widescreen monitor, or three 1280x1024 screens?
23:38.43Harxxwell, I simply coppied the list from WTF folder, seems easier.
23:38.54durcynoh, that works too.
23:39.00NivFreakEllipsis: I love my 30" + rotated 20"
23:39.13Harxxsorry, never used taht command you wrote down before. Ill try ti anyway
23:39.28durcynHarxx: nah, not necessary.
23:40.13Harxxcould you give me an example of that command? like "dir C:\ Program Files > list.txt" ?
23:40.51Ellipsis24" 1920x1200? or is that too small for that resolution :/
23:40.52StanzillaEllipsis: 2x20" widescreen
23:40.55Harxxnever tired to learn something new.
23:40.59*** join/#wowace joey` (
23:41.03EllipsisStanzilla: not doing 2, it's 1 or 3
23:41.18StanzillaI got one 24"
23:41.18EllipsisI don't want a split down the middle of my screen
23:42.11*** part/#wowace Wogroipl (
23:42.16Harxxellipsis, should I paste the list of all my addons here? (179 lines tho)
23:42.24*** join/#wowace MentalPower (n=MPower@WoWUIDev/Norganna/Administrator/MentalPower)
23:42.24*** mode/#wowace [+v MentalPower] by ChanServ
23:42.37Ellipsisput it on pastey
23:42.40Ellipsiswe've said it like 3 times
23:42.54HarxxI have no idea what that is. My mistake.
23:43.04Harxxnever heard that term.
23:43.13Ellipsischeck the channel topic
23:44.44Ellipsissuch a good deal, the only downside is it's glossy :(
23:44.54Stanzillaglossy sucks
23:44.58StanzillaI got a Dell one
23:45.03Stanzillait's a BenQ actually
23:45.05Stanzillaand I love it
23:45.16Harxx (sorry for the trouble)
23:45.19Gnarfozdon't. get. glossy. displays. :p
23:45.25EllipsisI *hate* glossy screens
23:45.34Stanzillayeah they suck
23:45.35Gnarfozat least not if you plan on actually using it for longer than an hour or so :>
23:45.38EllipsisI actually have one now because I couldn't get a replacement screen for this laptop with a normal finish
23:45.44Ellipsisit makes me cry =[
23:46.15GnarfozI'd say you could use it as a shaving mirror, but you're not terrible prone to beard growth, are you now ;>
23:46.45EllipsisGnarfoz: not generally, no
23:47.23Stanzillafor laptops it's okay dark rooms
23:47.39Megalonwhoever uses laptops in darkrooms
23:48.00EllipsisI have my laptop facing away from all light sources now
23:48.12Ellipsisof course that kinda defeats the purpose of having a laptop
23:48.20GnarfozMegalon: sssh :p
23:48.20Ellipsissince anywhere else in the room it makes my eyes bleed
23:49.43kadrahillogin server go boom :(
23:49.53NivFreakblizz fails
23:49.58NivFreakit's not maintenance time yet!
23:50.13Kaydeethreeauth's been shaky all day
23:50.19kadrahilwhee, it let me in
23:50.37Gnarfozphew, it's not maintenance for a whole day, for me ^^
23:58.44*** join/#wowace RaydenUni (n=bozartmp@
23:59.07genetik-what ever happened to the keybindings module for prat?

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