irclog2html for #wowace on 20070321

00:00.04hyperChipmunkput those bugs inna sack!
00:00.08TecnoBratits a metaphore
00:00.55AmadeoI have 241 bugs in my bag right now
00:00.58AmadeoAutoBar :(
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00:01.12abyssichateautobar has been fixed I think
00:01.14abyssichatewith the last push
00:01.21RaydenUnihyperChipmunk as a programmer i completely understand
00:01.40hyperChipmunkand if you don't have bugsack, get it now =)
00:01.46ag`shitty BG queues. I need to test if my raid groups work
00:01.52RaydenUnibut as a programmer i think its kind of cool to have something that people care about enough that their life is slightly inconvenienced when your code breaks :)
00:02.26hyperChipmunkand turn off the notification sound if you wish to remain sane
00:02.30*** join/#wowace Galka_ (
00:02.35hyperChipmunkbut that's optional
00:02.44ag`anyway RaydenUni, if you want to try out stuff as soon as they are announced on IRC, I suggest you try out using an SVN client
00:02.47Amadeoabyssichate: Nice, I'll update in a bit :)
00:02.49NightHawkTheSane<-- turned off the notification sound. is still sane. see?
00:03.25AmadeoI turned it off also
00:03.30NeoTronmy son, 5 yrs of age, explains "A BUG!?! but where?" or similar every time the bugsack sounds is played
00:03.36TecnoBrat30614 is in WAU now
00:03.38NeoTrontried explaining it's not an actual bug
00:03.39TecnoBratfor those who care
00:03.51NeoTronbut he's not quite understanding the concept
00:03.53hyperChipmunkWorms ftw
00:03.55NeoTronnot surprising but still
00:03.56RaydenUnii might try that ag` but consider how often i'll need the latest latest version, i'm probably too lazy to tap into the repository
00:04.25TecnoBratunfortunately, sometimes when you update .. something is broken :/
00:04.33TecnoBratthat comes with the territory
00:04.35RaydenUnii guess its also a good reason to take a break
00:04.45RaydenUnii tried running trunk on my blog for a while
00:04.49RaydenUnitoo much of a hassle in the end
00:04.58TecnoBratanywho, like I said 30614 is up on WAU
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00:05.24GothtarAnyone know of a good Mac SVN client?
00:05.55ag`there's no good GUI clients for OS X
00:06.00GothtarI see
00:06.07Gothtarso I am screwed?
00:06.13ag`just use svn
00:06.19ag`like ckknight said
00:06.22GothtarI'm...not sure how
00:06.42GothtarIll go read up
00:06.45AmadeoYou can dual boot Windows and install one just to update your addons!
00:06.45hyperChipmunk[2007/03/20 20:01:36-1639-x1]: ag_UnitFrames-05-01-07.30614\ag_UnitFrames.lua:768: attempt to index local 'tbl' (a number value)
00:06.57NightHawkTheSaneDownload the OS X binaries
00:07.02NightHawkTheSaneopen terminal.
00:07.04NightHawkTheSanesvn help
00:07.19NightHawkTheSaneGui clients are for pussies
00:07.49GothtarI'm still on PPC, Amadeo
00:07.50TecnoBratag`, new version seems to be working
00:07.59TecnoBrathowever I lost my settings .. or well some of them
00:08.18TecnoBratscaling, widths, buffs, got reset
00:08.24TecnoBratpositioning seems the same
00:08.29Nickenyfikenlove that game :-P
00:09.07AmadeoGothtar: is that a drug!?
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00:09.28JJSheetsppc ~= pcp
00:09.33AmadeoI know, but it should
00:09.35RaydenUniTecnoBrat new version still has that tbl error, when you get aggro i think
00:09.56TecnoBratlemme go fight somethin g
00:10.04GothtarPPC = PowerPC, as in the old apple processors
00:10.14ag`TecnoBrat: yews
00:10.22AmadeoI thought worms were the old apple processors
00:10.47CIA-1103jncl * r30616 10Skinner/ (4 files in 2 dirs): Skinner: Skinned Moleskine; Fixed Bagnon skinning to handle both versions
00:11.31CIA-1103ag * r30617 10ag_UnitFrames/ag_UnitFrames.lua: ag_UnitFrames: line 768 fix
00:11.43CIA-1103kameril * r30618 10BarAnnounce3/ (Core.lua FramesClass.lua ModulePrototype.lua): (log message trimmed)
00:11.43CIA-11-Removed zone check hack since Blizz fixed their events.
00:11.43CIA-11-Slight modification of LoD module logic.
00:11.43CIA-11-Fixed an unlikely error when the dewdrop menu would try to reference a reclaimed bar.
00:11.46CIA-11-If a module registers the death event the class won't re-register.
00:11.48CIA-11-:OnStop was failing to be called properly.
00:12.00ag`hyperChipmunk: try now
00:12.12AmadeoDon't trust him, it's a trap!
00:15.06chuckgag`, when you removed layouts from aUF, all it would take to add them back is putting it back in the TOC, right?
00:15.09TecnoBratag`, you ate my dog
00:15.29ag`chuckg: you can add them to any toc
00:15.34ag`as long as the file loads
00:15.36chuckgOh good, thanks.
00:15.55RaydenUnimurloc game is awesome
00:16.38*** join/#wowace break19_ (
00:17.04break19damn, net blip
00:19.09TecnoBratthink that worked?
00:19.30Chompersall these new aguf layout are great
00:19.50Chompersreally nice to have variety
00:19.51TecnoBratlol my friend didnt believe me that OpenBSD uses 4 year old binaries
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00:20.53CIA-1103kameril * r30619 10BarAnnounce3/BarAnnounce3.toc: BarAnnounce3:-TOC updates.
00:20.59NeoTronso how does bigwigs compare to vendetta?
00:21.02NeoTronanyone compared?
00:21.12hyperChipmunkag`: lookin good
00:21.17TecnoBratNeoTron, bout the same
00:21.32TecnoBratNeoTron, I used to use Vendetta
00:21.35nymbiawe'll see in 2.1
00:21.46NeoTronnymbia: good point...
00:21.53NeoTronwhat about the accuracy?
00:21.53TecnoBratwhats happening in 2.1?
00:21.58ag`hyperChipmunk: I found some more stuff I need to fix :P
00:21.59TecnoBratNeoTron, its awesome
00:21.59NeoTroncpu/memory use per addon
00:22.12cladhaireyeahm, that tells you one thing.
00:22.19cladhairevendetta and bigwigs aren't a one to one comparison.
00:22.43cladhairethey both offer different things, and a shared set of functionality
00:22.47NeoTronwe're looking at a set of "standard" addons and so far I'm clearly in the BigWigs camp
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00:23.05NeoTrondo they complement eachother (i.e does running both make sense at all?)
00:23.11cladhaireNeoTron: not really
00:23.12TecnoBratwonder how the profiling stuff is gonna deal with libraries
00:23.29hyperChipmunkag`: my party frames don't scale right until i open their scale submenu
00:23.32NeoTroncladhaire: btw, is the status on PerfectRaid "all good"? considering installing it again
00:23.39ag`hyperChipmunk: I have fixed that locally
00:23.41cladhaireTecnoBrat: It'll report the right numbers, slouken worked on it a lot.
00:23.44ag`hyperChipmunk: I will commit soon
00:23.49cladhaireNeoTron: depends on what you want from it, but yes.
00:24.01NeoTroncladhaire: I am a non-healer, I just want a raid overview
00:24.01hyperChipmunkoh, no problem
00:24.07hyperChipmunkjust heads-up if you didn't catch it
00:24.30NeoTronit was so nice and perfect pre-BC but then I swapped class from healign to not so I havent' been too urgently looking to reinstall it
00:24.43NeoTron best place to get it?
00:24.57cladhaireNeoTron: only place.
00:25.11TecnoBratcladhaire, thats good to hear.
00:25.21cladhaireTecnoBrat: for some people =)
00:25.43NeoTroncladhaire: ok cool. I'll try it for tonight's raid then
00:25.48TecnoBratwell its good for the ones that have badly written addons too :)
00:26.29NeoTroncladhaire: so if a library is embedded (like in Ace) does it really report it correctly or does all cpu time go to the first addon that loaded the instance that's used?
00:27.00cladhairedepends entirely on the situation
00:27.03cladhairebut it won't be incorrect
00:27.12cladhaireit'll just be one of two different "correct" values =)
00:27.39NeoTronwell might artificially inflate the numbers for one addon while lowering it for another one I would think
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00:27.41TecnoBratI'm curious if the new tainting functions will work well
00:27.49TecnoBratand will actually report the proper addon
00:28.28cladhairethey should do a much better job now
00:28.31cladhairebut it won't be anything amazing.
00:28.36cladhairethey're always reporting the proper addon
00:28.51cladhairethey report the addon that called the tainted codepath
00:29.00cladhairenot the addon that taints, which is by design
00:29.13CIA-1103ag * r30620 10ag_UnitFrames/ag_GroupClass.lua: ag_UnitFrames: scale bug
00:30.07*** join/#wowace Micron_WoW_ (
00:31.42ag`hyperChipmunk: see if that improves it for you
00:31.54hyperChipmunkit did
00:37.53break19i just hope bliz will fix the ability of addons to cause game crashes upon logout, by not exiting cleanly.
00:39.05break19<- has an intermittant problem with one of his many addons, and cant figure out which.. i get the blizzard error reporter about 8 out of 10 times I log out of a character. doesnt actually kill the game, but it does cause an error.
00:39.38ckknightsame her
00:39.46NightHawkTheSaneyeah, same
00:39.59ag`break19: mac?
00:40.05break19ag`: ya
00:40.09ag`I figured
00:40.23ag`The Mac client will whine over stuff that the Windows client doesn't
00:40.36ag`for example if you set the scale of a frame to nil or 0
00:40.43break19ag`: because the windows client *expects* things to not work right all the time.
00:40.48Funkeh`nymbia: could it be pt3 be causing higher memory increases lately for me? :p
00:40.52ag`Windows client won't care, but mac client will error without exit
00:41.45break19so it's likely one of my frame-mods then? or possibly even your unitframes, since it hides the party interface?
00:42.56ag`it could be any addon
00:43.06break19i *was* fairly certain it was "DragQueen" doing it.. I'd disabled it for like a week, with no crashes, and it started back up a few days ago, without dragqueen enabled.
00:43.19ag`most likely something with textures, setPoint or scale
00:43.33ag`those tend to do error without exit on Macs
00:43.54ag`problem is that you do not get a line error, which is really crap
00:44.07vhaarrag`: maybe aUF:Parse should recycle its tables
00:44.08cladhaireag`: Actually, the windows client has an issue throwing exceptions properly.. whereas the mac client can properly throw the asserts and catch them.
00:44.24cladhaireits not that it expects things to go wrong, at all.
00:44.33ag`cladhaire: that's probably it
00:44.39break19k. to be honest, I wouldnt think its yours doing it.. my wife gets the same error, and she uses the default unit frames. she doesnt like any of the ones either in the default install, or the Layouts addon
00:44.56ag`vhaarr: yes, It is something I plan to add very shortly
00:45.09ag`vhaarr: I've been working on the internals a lot the last few days
00:45.11vhaarrag`: does it really need to return a table?
00:45.20vhaarrag`: seems to me it should just return varargs
00:45.37vhaarrand kill that function closure somehow
00:45.55vhaarrI'd fix it but I'm busy 2-manning Talon King Ikiss for the shoulders ^
00:46.00cladhairevhaarr: what file?
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00:46.13vhaarrcladhaire: ag_UnitFrames.lua:488
00:46.16ag`vhaarr: actually I didn't write it
00:46.20vhaarrag`: I know.
00:46.22vhaarrcladhaire did.
00:46.36cladhaireParse only happens when the strings change
00:46.39cladhairethat's why its expensive
00:46.47cladhaireand the closures are the fastest way to make the updates happen.
00:46.50vhaarrcladhaire: There's still room for optimization.
00:47.00cladhaireaye, that was written.. forever ago.
00:47.11vhaarrI know
00:47.28cladhaireand those tables are NOT mine.
00:47.28vhaarrI'm not blaming or calling names, I'm just saying it seems like it could be changed a bit
00:47.33cladhairereturn { func = function(unit, fontstring)
00:47.34cladhaireend, events = nil }
00:47.39cladhairehehe i don't know what thats doimng that
00:48.04ag`I probably defiled it
00:48.19cladhaireit builds one table per #args, and uses that over and over again, to unpack the parsed strings
00:48.36cladhaireand returns a closure, so that can be called on the update, rather than calling all the API functions manually and parsing things
00:48.53snurretodays arena streak: win 3points, win 2points, win 7points, lose 31points, win 8points, lose 27points, win 1points, lose 22points, win 4points
00:48.58cladhaireag`: I'm not sure what that events = nil is, otherwise I'd play with it :P
00:50.26ag`events = nil doesn't have any use
00:50.40ckknightalright, gonna get some food
00:50.44cladhairethen you can probably kill that table
00:50.49cladhaireas long as you don't use it somewhere down the line.
00:50.59cladhairei'm not sure whats calling parse
00:51.02cladhairebut i'm sure you'll get to it
00:51.10cladhairevhaarr: either way, its a user initiated function, heh :P
00:51.37vid`boo my square is back in autobar around buttons with cycircled
00:51.43vid`thought i finally got rid of it
00:52.38vhaarrcladhaire: I was just tracking an error I got in-game and it looked like something that might be called often, and didn't really investigate further.
00:52.52cladhairevhaarr: aye
00:52.56ag`vhaarr: I fixed that error though
00:53.00cladhairethat's the original parser from WatchDog 2.0
00:53.01vhaarrag`: alright
00:53.05ag`but it is still true that some of that needs to be rewritten
00:53.08cladhairewhich kept getting pushed back, then WoW 2.0 hit.
00:53.08vhaarrcladhaire: yeah, I remember
00:53.23ag`cladhaire: those tables returned is something I added later I think
00:53.33cladhaireag`: aye, its definitely new to me ;-)
00:53.45cladhaireagain, not a huge deal, as long as you pull the closure out and use that instead of the table.
00:53.51vhaarrShoulderpads of Assassination, hi2u!
00:53.56cladhairejust wanted to go with a parse once, closure design
00:54.00vhaarrnow my alt is imba
00:54.04cladhairevhaarr: haha grate
00:54.07ag`cladhaire: yes
00:54.23vhaarrcladhaire: a druid and me 2-manned it, was pretty hard but fun :)
00:54.28cladhairehahah hot
00:54.30vhaarrthe last sethekk halls boss
00:54.33cladhairei play a rogue, and a druid
00:54.36cladhairei love stealth runs
00:54.43NeoTronI ahve still nto done Sethekk halls damn it
00:54.51vhaarrit's incredible, you can just stealth right up to him
00:54.57vhaarrno stealth detect mobs in the entire instance
00:55.14vhaarrcladhaire: my main is a priest but I use my rogue for grinding
00:55.24vhaarrusing him to grind aldor rep for my priest atm
00:55.38ag`vhaarr: what spec?
00:55.48vhaarrag`: boring combat one
00:56.00vhaarrag`: got the epic daggerz from consortium exalted on him 2 days ago ^^
00:56.06vhaarrag`: or did you mean the priest?
00:56.06NeoTronI always find it amusing to ask for "dps specced rogues" in recruitment posts
00:56.27ag`vhaarr: priest :D
00:56.30vhaarrag`: holy :)
00:56.39ag`vhaarr: lightwell, CoH? :P
00:56.44vhaarrno wai
00:56.48NeoTronso we have this prot paladin in the guild
00:56.52ag`vhaarr: I thought so :P
00:57.01kenlyricNeoTron: a story that starts that way can never end well.
00:57.07NeoTronhe's good at tanking but in karazhan some encounters are useless with 2 tanks, or sometimes even 1 tank
00:57.08vhaarrag`: I've played holy priest since release, I'm exalted with all raid factions, I'm not that nub :P
00:57.26kenlyrica pally tank in karazhan. That would be fun.
00:57.29kenlyricIn the way that's not.
00:57.35NeoTronso question is, is there a way to spec a paladin so that he can OT while still being able to performance the task as a healer ?
00:57.41trh__kenlyric: it is.. works pretty well against all undead :)
00:57.42NeoTronit's actually great
00:57.44ag`vhaarr: Blizzard tried to make priests use those two skills for over a year
00:57.56NeoTronbut... very very useless in aran and curator for example
00:57.58NeoTronand the prince
00:57.59ag`and no one uses them still
00:58.03vhaarrag`: I've been here, I know :P
00:58.12kenlyriclightwell got a really nice buff in the expansion.
00:58.15ag`Can you tell me what is wrong with them
00:58.22kenlyricbut we've had that is argument before :)
00:58.32ag`kenlyric: what was it... more charges? :P
00:58.39NeoTronlightwell requires random people in the raid to know about healing
00:58.56NeoTronI suspect 95% of all lightwell healing would be wasted
00:58.59NightHawkTheSanekenlyric: what changed in the expac to make it better?
00:58.59kenlyricag`: no, but shorter cooldown, lower mana cost, fewer ticks.
00:59.00NeoTronit'd be great for warlocks though
00:59.01ag`lightwell requires people not to spam click and not to get random damage
00:59.13kenlyricand buffed healing.
00:59.16NeoTronif it didn't break on damage it would be useful
00:59.28kenlyricit's not a complete waste of a point.
00:59.35NeoTronmy favorite proposal is that it'd work like a "drain life"
00:59.43kenlyricNeotron, even with only one tick, it's the most efficient heal you have besides 5 heals from prayer of mending.
00:59.45NeoTronwhere you drain life from the lightwell and on damage/full health you stop draining it
00:59.53NeoTronso you only use as much healthj from it as it has
00:59.53kenlyricand if it gets more than one tick... forget about it.
01:00.22NeoTronif you on average get one tick healed per click I'd be surprised ;-)
01:00.32kenlyricyou get at least one.
01:00.33ag`lightwell should just return mana too
01:00.44NeoTronbut yes, as a warlock I'd love for my priest (that actually has it) to use it
01:00.51NeoTronsince it's perfect for life tap/heal self
01:00.58ag`or maybe they should just dump the shit and make something new :P
01:00.59kenlyricand once you train people on it, they get pretty good.
01:01.04kenlyricwarlocks especially.
01:01.12NeoTronit's so made for warlocks
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01:01.28kenlyriccircle of healing I have no experience with, but I've heard some good ideas from other priestso n my realm, so I'm giving it a shot.
01:01.50vhaarrCoH is better than lightwell, but still very situational.
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01:02.01kenlyricI don't expect to like it *sob divine spirit) but can't really claim it's usefulness without trying.
01:02.06Diabolic-DestinyAnyone play in Windowed Mode?
01:02.26kenlyricit's like five tiny flash heals with one cast, and instance.
01:02.32Xonaethmm any advance SCT users here? I'm wondering if its possible to make /sctdisplay show like MSG's instead of frame1?
01:02.49chuckgShift-right clicking the player frame is producing an error now, ag.
01:02.51NeoTronXonaet: I just installed MSG ;-)
01:02.58chuckgAnd now that I said that, it went away.
01:03.13NeoTronactually I installed MSG because SCT stopped showing anything at all for some odd reason I couldn't figure out
01:03.18NeoTronthen I liked it better so I kept it
01:04.16kenlyricas with all 1 point talents in the holy tree, they're somewhat useful situatoin abilities which completely suck when they have to fight against divine spirit.
01:04.52_neuron_whats msg? :P
01:05.12NeoTronstrangel enough, angel of "omfg the priest died" actually is relatively useful now
01:05.15NightHawkTheSanemonosodium glutamate?
01:05.28NeoTronthe longer duration makes it possible to actually keep healing, sometimes enough to get the last few percent on the boss
01:05.49NeoTronwhen I still played a priest it was more like "omg I died, flash heal, *plonk*"
01:05.54vhaarrNeoTron: Don't forget the +5% spirit increase.
01:06.02kenlyricneotron... also, 5% spirit :)
01:06.14NeoTronah that I wasn't even aware of
01:06.16NeoTroneven better
01:06.19kenlyricthough my spirit build completely fails on shade of aran...
01:06.20NightHawkTheSaneSoR give 5% spirit?
01:06.27vhaarrNightHawkTheSane: It does now.
01:06.32NightHawkTheSanethat's hot.
01:06.42NeoTronand as a bonus it is still useful to see that the priest died
01:06.47vhaarrIt's worth the talent point now.
01:06.59AmadeoHow about Lightwell!?
01:07.01Xonaetby MSG i mean SCT messages
01:07.09Xonaet*isn't quite sure what SGT you guys are refering to*
01:07.14XonaetMSG even
01:07.15kenlyricyet another reason lightwell sucked... you needed SoR.
01:07.34ag`SoR sucks too, but it's the best of the talents
01:07.37ag`in holy
01:07.50ag`11, 21, 31, 41 that is
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01:11.03AmadeoFilefront has been consistently fast for me lately
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01:13.38*** part/#wowace Herio (
01:14.12snurrehasnt been fast in like 2 years
01:14.31ckknighthow bout Carcass as a name for a UF?
01:15.18Chompers= instant download
01:17.19AmadeoI'm not crazy about Carcass, but I have nothing better to suggest :)
01:17.31Chompersck_uf ?
01:18.05ckknightno, I do not like addons that attribute the author in the name
01:18.24ckknightI find it needlessly egocentric
01:18.47ckknight_and_ bad if you have have a modular framework
01:18.56*** join/#wowace Herio (
01:19.07ckknightnobody wants a module called ckUF_MyModule, cause then it doesn't seem like theirs
01:19.36Heriosure it does
01:19.36ag`that wasn't my reasoning, I didn't want to be egocentric or whatever :P
01:19.40Diabolic-Destinyanyone use windowed mode
01:19.45ag`I just could figure out a name and and I wanted to get started
01:19.49kenlyricis there another way to play?
01:19.55ckknightag`: yea, it isn't for most people, but I believe it sets bad precedent
01:20.04ckknightag`: you are by far not the only one who did that
01:20.17AmadeoI used to play windowed, but I noticed I was losing framerate
01:20.18Diabolic-DestinyKenlyric: word, quick question why does WoW not remember my WindowSize?
01:20.22ckknightoEverything, KC_Whatever, CT_Thing
01:20.35kenlyricit sets window size based on your set resolution.
01:20.35Diabolic-DestinyI always need to resize
01:20.40ag`I have thought about changing the name lots of times, but still don't have one and it is lots of work
01:20.43Diabolic-Destinyanyway to override?
01:20.44ckknightI wonder if "Erogony" is too forward
01:20.48kenlyricso if you make it bigger or smaller, it reverrts.
01:20.51kergothi dont think o* is egocentric, its just a unique namespace
01:21.06kenlyricyeah, I always need to resize too, since one my monitors is smaller than the other.
01:21.25ckknightkergoth: well I don't like the concept of said namespace, especially when it's attached specifically to one person
01:21.29art3misceuf ;P
01:21.30ckknightin that case, otravi
01:21.37art3misck's egocentric unit frames
01:22.12Diabolic-Destinybecause I have sized the way I like it
01:22.19kergothwith as many addons out there as there are, its becoming more and more of a problem finding a free name in the global namespace.
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01:22.35Chompersyeah, i wouldnt like say, "coca-colas unit frames, mmm great taste!" on my screen all the time
01:22.41Chompersthat would suck
01:22.58ag`I claim minigroup as my possible comeback name
01:23.03ckknighthow bout Egomania? :-P
01:24.01JJSheetsckknight isn't egocentric, he's just self involved... er... wait... :)
01:24.20ckknightag`: minigroup's not bad
01:24.49ckknightme too
01:24.53ckknighthow bout: BodySnatching
01:24.59ckknightor BodySnatch
01:25.11ckknightChompers: no, Ace* means it's part of the Ace core project
01:25.11kergothChompers: ace prefixes are reserved for components of ace itself, generally.
01:25.18Chompersaaah, fair enough
01:25.28ag`I started out by adding stuff to mg
01:25.35ckknightCavity's not bad, actually
01:25.42ag`then I eventually was the only guy doing mg when the author quitted
01:25.48kergothi cant believe someone wants a sound in kEnergy
01:25.49ckknightvhaarr: mind if I steal it?
01:25.50ag`then I did mg2 with Ace1
01:25.53kergoththatd get annoying so fast
01:25.59vhaarrckknight: Go ahead :)
01:26.11ckknightnow to figure out how to make unit frames.
01:26.21JJSheetsckknight, just add a search feature to whatever cavity is going to be.  :p
01:26.38ckknightadd a search feature?
01:26.40ckknightwhat for?
01:26.45JJSheetsthen you can tell people to do a cavity search and all will be right in the world.
01:26.46NightHawkTheSaneso you can call it cavity search
01:26.49Amadeonext thing you know, ckknight is going to have modules like RootCanal and stuff
01:27.52AmadeoUnit Frames are a danger zone, not many are brave enough to continue developing them!
01:27.58nymbiahell yeah
01:28.01ag`ckknight: what have your planned for your unit frames?
01:28.14ckknightag`: no idea
01:28.18ckknightjust gonna jump in headfirst
01:28.29ag`You know you might never return
01:28.40JJSheetsckknight is gonna jump in head first into a cavity.
01:28.49ckknightit's happened before.
01:30.12ckknightyes, they are.
01:30.17AmadeoI only have one request for them, one ag` knows very well... ;)  I'd like to be able to move or seperate my buff/debuff auras :)
01:30.39ag`I will steal ckknight's aura code
01:30.44ag`GPL ftl.
01:30.57ckknightI demand attribution and you know that :-P
01:31.08ckknightah, nothing like a little healthy competition, though
01:31.13Chompersa modifible unit frame, so you can resize all aspects of it/move them around
01:31.16ckknightI don't plan to wage some stupid war over this
01:31.19Chompershealth bar/mana etc
01:31.28Chompersthat would be great
01:31.40ckknightyou want me to make Discord?
01:31.44ag`nah, addon war is for emos
01:31.48vhaarrckknight: You'd better define up front how customizable everything should be. You'll get about a million requests for features and customizability.
01:32.01ckknightit's as customizable as the length of my penis
01:32.07ckknighttake that as you will
01:32.08JJSheetsno comment.
01:32.23Chompersit can be detached at will?
01:32.31JJSheetshighly customizable.
01:32.32ckknightput a dollar in the bucket, Chompers
01:32.36ag`I could do a funny size joke here
01:33.01snurreim pretty sure everyone in here could
01:33.09ckknightI set it up so you could
01:33.18snurrethats why we didnt do it
01:33.42JJSheetstrue sadists never torture masochists. :)
01:33.53ckknightyes we do.
01:33.56ckknightthat's the whole point.
01:34.06JJSheetsbut you're giving them what they want.
01:34.10ckknightto fear the sweet fear in her voice, begging for freedom
01:34.50nymbiai know i plan on waging a war over this.  against both sides.  ckknight, ag called your mother a whore.  ag` , ckk stole your wallet.
01:34.51JJSheetsckknight, I'm beginning to wonder about you... but then I stop 'cause I don't wanna know.
01:35.01JJSheetslol nymbia
01:35.06ckknighthaha, I have your wallet
01:35.34ag`I wouldn't open it if I were you!
01:35.40NightHawkTheSanehmm, a wallet in exchange for his mom being a whore? Sounds like a win to me!
01:36.29ag`Anyway I would actually love to have ckknight start in unit frames because could learn a lot from reading his code
01:36.46ckknightyea, basically
01:36.48ckknightI've wanted to dabble
01:37.00ckknightif it becomes big, then cool
01:37.04ckknightotherwise, meh
01:37.09ckknightat least I have ag`'s wallet
01:37.21ag`don't open it. There's a turd inside
01:37.29ckknightoh yea?
01:37.31ckknightur dum
01:37.42ckknightwait, typo
01:37.44ckknightUR DUM
01:37.47ckknightthere we go
01:38.10ckknightnow how the hell can I modularize unit frames?
01:38.36ag`how would you modularize them?
01:38.45ag`module for party, for target, for player, etc?
01:38.55ckknightnah, not necessarily
01:39.04ckknightI find that unnecessary due to dynamic frame creation anyway
01:39.12ag`yeah, that's why I don't do it either
01:39.21ag`so modularized in what way?
01:39.32ckknightbut I'll do it, man!
01:39.33Funkeh`party, raid, target, focus, colour, size, layout
01:39.49ckknightmore like ... auras might be a separate module
01:39.51ckknightor so
01:40.06Funkeh`buffs are auras
01:40.11JJSheetsrep bar and xp bar as separate modules.
01:40.12harl|WoWyea. whatever :)
01:40.13ckknightdebuffs/buffs are auras
01:40.21ckknightI don't need a rep or exp bar
01:40.25nymbiawell it'd be nice to be able to make a module for whatever drunken frame i want... like raid37pettargettargetpet
01:40.29NightHawkTheSanecast bar would be a separate module, i hope? :P
01:40.31ckknightI'm not coding it in until later
01:40.35ckknightNightHawkTheSane: that'd be the idea
01:40.41ckknight<3 cast bar
01:40.45vhaarrnymbia: Don't need modules for that.
01:40.45ckknightbut if you don't want it, then you don't get it
01:40.48vhaarrnymbia: agUF supports that as well now.
01:40.52vhaarrnymbia: With :CreateUnit
01:41.05nymbiaah cool :)
01:41.19ag`but ckknight ["*"] bugged me
01:41.30ckknightstill don't know what messed up for you
01:42.41ag`in my defaults I have a table for party, player, focus, etc. When I added ["*"], they would sometimes read from ["*"] instead of party, player etc.
01:42.56ag`I'll do more testing, but it was wierd
01:42.57ckknightthat shouldn't've happened
01:43.15sbuwtb target target target... need to know my tank's target target because if it targets me... well... healing really sucks sometimes %-)
01:43.29ag`I will test it tomorrow
01:43.37NightHawkTheSanepcuf actually has totot.
01:43.41vhaarrsbu: Get BanzaiAlert/aUF_Banzai.
01:44.04*** join/#wowace m4rku5 (
01:44.20sbualready got that doom-effect-thingy :)
01:45.15ag`what should I do about the watchdog tag text... Should I remove it, or rewrite it? My implementation of it is bad at the moment, I am not happy with it
01:45.31ag`but I guess many people use it so chose whatever they want in their strings
01:46.02vhaarrag`: If you want to piss off people, you should start removing features.
01:46.24ag`I think I will do some stuff in a branch
01:46.35Chompersag, how do you make those portraits?
01:47.02Chompersis it like, each one is a generated character with the players equipment, but only shows their head?
01:47.20ag`I think it's something like that
01:47.50ag`you can set which angle/zoom you look at a 3d model
01:48.41Chompersso you could see every characters ass instead?
01:49.38ag`USPS needs to bring me my package
01:50.39Amadeowhat's in it?
01:52.45Aens|Superioritywhy oh why did they have to make karazhan 10 man, but raid instances 25.  This group 3 crap is so awful.
01:54.07Chomperskaras great as a warm-up for gruuls
01:54.39Herioyou don't need 3 groups to gear up 25 people
01:54.41ag`Amadeo: a DFI Lanparty nf4 Ultra-D
01:54.51Herioyou could run 2 groups, with some rotating between the two
01:54.55Aens|Superioritywell, we have gruul down. This is just for farming the instance. I need 2 items but i'm a feral druid. I get 'counted' as a warrior and have to sit all the time.
01:55.16Chompersmy guild has trouble finding 10 people for one group :<
01:55.17Herioyou're a tank
01:55.27ag`Amadeo: socket 939 is old yes, but I just wanted to keep my old DDR and still get a PCI-e slot :P
01:55.30Aens|SuperiorityHerio: yeah, thats what's been happening, but this week, they wanted to make a group 3, using casuals and people who are benched
01:55.32Heriokara only needs 2 tanks... more would be... kinda stupid
01:55.51ag`but who delivers packages for USPS in denmark
01:55.55Chomperswe took 3 once, hilarious
01:55.57Aens|SuperiorityHerio: feral druids in karazhan can do as much damage as almost any other class in cat.
01:56.43Heriothat's pretty relative
01:57.27Amadeoag`: Not older than my PC :P
01:58.18Aens|SuperiorityHerio: i can honestly say, my guild has about 18 or so good players, and another 15 bodies.
01:58.37vhaarrhaste: ping
01:58.40Aens|Superiorityand i'm being asked to lead the 15 bodies through karazhan. gg.
01:59.01snurreGuild created 6-13-2006, 495 players, 232 accounts *sigh*
01:59.02winkillerare slashcmds really casesensitive?
01:59.19winkillerif not, my Recap seems broken
01:59.36CIA-1103ckknight * r30621 10Cavity/ (. Cavity.lua Cavity.toc LICENSE.txt libs/):
01:59.36CIA-11.Cavity - initial import, does nothing
01:59.36CIA-11Unit Frames of awesomeness to fill the cavity in your heart
01:59.36ckknightwinkiller: shouldn't be
01:59.38toddI'm just throwing this out there.. but if you /target someone, is there any good way to find out where that person is, or at least the direction?
01:59.40winkillerLeggings of Assassination just dropped, whee o/
01:59.54winkillerthen sth else...
01:59.58Aens|Superioritytodd: not without a mod, even at that.
02:00.09vhaarrtodd: impossible
02:00.40vhaarrwithout communication, at least
02:01.49toddthought so
02:02.17Kaeltenhows it going guys?
02:03.13ckknightKaelten: I'm making a UF
02:03.41Kaeltenit'll be interesting to see how it turns out
02:03.48KaeltenI've thought about making one but never got around to it
02:03.49ckknightyou already know
02:03.54ckknightit says so in the description
02:04.01KaeltenI always liked the perl style
02:04.16Amadeo"initial import, does nothing, but soon to be full of awesomeness"
02:04.16ckknightI liked your mom's style last night
02:04.30ckknightKaelten: is uiQuery good yet?
02:04.32Kaeltenmeh, her life her business
02:04.54Kaeltenckknight: its usable, I'm thinking of recoding it to do things a little differently but its definately usable
02:05.11ckknightI mean like uberefficiency :-P
02:05.13ckknightthat's what I need
02:05.21Kaeltenthat I honestly don't know
02:05.34Kaeltenhavn't unit tested it that much
02:05.39Kaeltenor rather benchmarked it
02:05.51KaeltenI'd avoid using it inside of an OnUpdate
02:05.54Kaeltenat least for now.
02:06.49KaeltenI've thought about making it easily extendable.
02:07.16ag`what is uiQuery
02:08.05Kaeltenits a library to make progmattic uis less of a hassel
02:08.23Kaeltenya something like that
02:08.26*** join/#wowace Prophh (
02:08.32Amadeooops, hassel
02:08.34Amadeooh well!
02:09.34vhaarrI need a cooldown display addon for my trinkets and spells, anyone know a good one?
02:09.37ckknightI'm shooting for efficiency
02:09.38ckknightlet's see how well it turns out
02:09.46ckknightvhaarr: CooldownCount2
02:10.02Kaeltenwell if you want to take a shot at it it'd be a good test for uiQuery might help me figure out what direction to take it
02:10.54*** join/#wowace Gilded (
02:11.01vhaarrckknight: I can't find it on wowi/curse/wowace, where's it at?
02:11.11vhaarronly "CooldownCount", not 2.
02:11.30vhaarrI don't want action bar numbers, I want separate cooldown bars.
02:11.44vhaarrmy action bars are hidden
02:11.45JJSheetscooldowntimers is what I use.
02:11.49CIA-1103next96 * r30622 10OminousCastingBar/Core.lua:
02:11.49CIA-11OminousCastingBar :
02:11.49CIA-11- Update locale koKR
02:12.10ag`uiQuery looks interesting
02:12.47Kaeltenag`: thats what everyone says :)
02:13.36ckknightvhaarr: lemme see what I'm using
02:13.47ckknightvhaarr: sorry, CooldownTimers2
02:13.48vhaarrckknight: You probably meant "CooldownTimers2", like JJSheets said.
02:13.51vhaarryeah, thanks
02:13.52ckknightI like it
02:13.54vhaarrtrying it now
02:16.04*** join/#wowace JoshBorke (
02:19.30CryectKaelten: you actually unit test your addons >_>
02:19.40JoshBorkeKaelten: ping
02:20.59Micron_WoWckknight: are you the maintainer of Cartographer's instance notes?
02:21.50*** join/#wowace Eternally777 (
02:22.45ckknightwoo, got it working... shiny
02:22.47KaeltenCryect: sometimes
02:22.49KaeltenJoshBorke: sup?
02:23.25*** join/#wowace Adys (
02:23.31Micron_WoWI started correcting the positions of some of the boss locations since Sunken Temple is currently a mess, how would you like me to format the changes?
02:23.45Micron_WoWwould a diff to the Cartographer bug tracker work well for you?
02:24.12*** join/#wowace Tekkub (n=tekkub@WoWUIDev/WoWI/Featured/Dongle/Tekkub)
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02:24.16ckknightMicron_WoW: do you have an SVN account?
02:24.24ckknightMicron_WoW: if not, then a diff'd be best
02:24.30Micron_WoWnot yet but I can set one up easily enough
02:24.51Micron_WoWI just hesitate to check changes into other people's projects without some warning
02:25.07*** join/#wowace mjc (
02:26.40JoshBorkeKaelten: KC_Linkview is a standalone mod?
02:27.13TecnoBrathmmm I've got raid lag back :(
02:29.05*** join/#wowace rubik (
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02:31.37Bibi`ouFouch, vashj down to 25% hp
02:32.00Chompersnot bad going, your guild do that?
02:32.04Bibi`ouFnop, nihilum did
02:32.14Bibi`ouFgot the screenshot here tho. ^^
02:32.36Bibi`ouFbut i really want to know if the vashj hotfix has already been applied to EU servers
02:32.47Chompersand with no bigwigs/tactics
02:34.50ckknightMicron_WoW: I'm not too worried
02:34.50ckknightMicron_WoW: if something goes wrong, I can always revert and/or blame you
02:35.03Micron_WoWthat works for me
02:38.37Chompersthe warrior in that vashj pic blocked over 500
02:38.43Chompersthats insane
02:39.19NightHawkTheSanethat's not terribly insane.
02:39.37snurreBibi`ouF: it has
02:39.49Bibi`ouFlove you snurre.
02:39.50snurreadds were nerfed from 340k to 145k hp
02:41.22*** join/#wowace packetlss (
02:42.02CIA-1103rabbit * r30623 10CooldownTimers2/ (CooldownTimers2.toc Core.lua fubar-plugin.lua): CooldownTimers2: Some changes/optimizations, could use more work.
02:43.06*** part/#wowace Herio (
02:50.58CIA-1103ckknight * r30624 10Ace2/AceConsole-2.0/AceConsole-2.0.lua: .AceConsole-2.0 - for printing frames, show functions (but do not run them) if they are on the top level of the table.
02:54.12CIA-1103eternally777 * r30625 10GetInLine/ (. GetInLine.lua GetInLine.toc Libs/ Options.lua):
02:54.12CIA-11* Added additional SVN properties
02:56.01*** join/#wowace ScriptNinja0 (
02:58.08CIA-1103eternally777 * r30626 10GetInLine/ (GetInLine.lua Options.lua):
02:58.09CIA-11* Embedding the AceComm library
02:59.15*** part/#wowace Eternally777 (
02:59.35ckknightwhat's GetInLine?
03:01.42ckknightgah, gtg
03:06.21*** part/#wowace Amadeo (
03:17.56kergothsomeone should do a wowmodelviewer hack that pulls your data off the armory to construct you in the viewer
03:18.00kergoththatd be nifty
03:18.11Cryectwouldn't be hard
03:18.13Cryectthe only issue
03:18.17Cryectyou don't know hte face
03:18.23Cryectbut you can create an equipment set file
03:18.43kergothstill, people are lazy
03:18.46kergothwould be better than nothing :)
03:18.54CryectSounds like a waste to me
03:18.57Cryectbut hey I'm lazy
03:19.08kergothaye, laziness goes both ways
03:19.18CryectIf I wasn't lazy maybe I would have updated NoggIt for Wow 2.0+
03:19.52Cryectthough I really should be nonlazy and write something completely new
03:32.30knarf- that thing I guess
03:33.15kergothnymbia: hehe, got a screencap of another statstain recipe bug :P
03:33.37nymbiakergoth: damn recipes
03:36.24kergothnymbia: this one is calling an Equip: effect on the item in the recipe as an enchant
03:39.50nymbiakergoth: ah. what item?
03:45.24kergothnymbia: also, shouldnt you have multitips, linkwrangler, etc in your optionaldeps?  if you load first, they wont be in your tooltips table.  either that or register ADDON_LOADED
03:46.17nymbiakergoth: some of those are drawn on the fly anyway :(  but yeah i should throw em in optdeps
03:46.25kergothnymbia: the item is Schematic: Power Amplification Goggles
03:46.42nymbiaok, i'll look after nightbane
03:47.26Cryect[23:25] <kergoth> noggit?
03:47.32Cryectits a WoW map editor of mine
03:47.46kergothah, cool
03:50.50Jyggadarn, even while using mostly ace'd addons my loadup time is 15 times longer than pure wowui
03:50.59Jyggai wont call my ui bloated -.-
03:51.28Jyggatheres pretty much ... everything usefull in it ^^
03:51.36*** join/#wowace Austerity (n=tim@
03:53.13Austerityquestion: is there a program that will emulate the in game screen I am not wanting to go back to playing wow just yet and want another way to actualy see results of differnt mods
03:53.43Jyggaodd request
03:53.51CryectHeh once upon a time Linghuye was working on a emulator for that but it never really worked
03:54.13Austeritynot really I am just asking if there is a way to play a game I payed for esentuialy
03:54.21Austerityjust not play just mod
03:54.39Cryectwelll you could find an emulator if you don't mind loading up wow
03:55.01Cryectbut lot of work unless you are trying to develop addons without logging in
03:55.22Austerityjust want to see the in game results
03:55.41Austeritybut I am not want ing to start my subscription back up yet
03:56.03Austeritythat actually works was looking at that
03:56.20CryectWoWBench hasn't been updated to 2.0 yet has it?
03:56.31Austeritydoh so close
03:56.34vhaarrI don't think so, no.
03:59.35CIA-1103rabbit * r30627 10Babble-2.2/Babble-Boss-2.2/Babble-Boss-2.2.lua: .Babble-Boss-2.2: Fix The Lurker Below for deDE, from Farook.
04:01.37Funkeh`servers down
04:01.40Funkeh`downloading begins
04:02.51Funkeh`prison break ep 20
04:05.04*** join/#wowace Arrowmaster` (
04:05.39Funkeh`23 thousand seeds ftw
04:10.59*** join/#wowace zoomjr (n=hrenvam@
04:11.06Funkeh`nihilum got vashj to 25% :o
04:11.45*** join/#wowace Loki|muh_ (
04:16.16CIA-1103kergoth * r30628 10MicroAssist/: .Cleanup.
04:20.49*** join/#wowace wereHamster|zZz (
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04:33.28ckknighthey all, back
04:35.45*** join/#wowace Gothtar (
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04:36.27GothtarHmm, omelet is spelled wrong.
04:37.15harldephinit is ?
04:38.30*** join/#wowace Herio (
04:42.46GothtarZOMG, you win
04:43.03Gothtarthe....murloc sound-alike contest
04:43.37harldephini like murlocs
04:44.00harldephinmy eye's twitching. is that ok?
04:44.47Gothtarit just means that you have gotten enough sleep
04:44.59Gothtarso you are okay for the next 80 hours or so
04:46.04kergothautobar says i'm too full to eat now when i'm not full
04:46.06kergoththen lets me eat it anyway
04:46.39hyperChipmunkyou're only "too full to eat" if you try to cast it while food is on cooldown, i think
04:46.44harldephinthats when you klick it twice in a short while, it makes the second click a double-click
04:46.51hyperChipmunklike if you doubleclick
04:46.52harldephini don't why though
04:46.59hyperChipmunkso you don't waste food
04:47.30harldephinwhat.. like telling me "damn, you clicked me"
04:47.37harldephinas if i didn't know already.. or what
04:47.43Gothtarthat's been happening to me, although I only click it once
04:47.51Gothtarbut I get lag whenever I press it
04:49.22harldephini've been getting pretty much lag yesterday and today though i didn't change anything else than updating my add-ons, so it's got to be either something bugging the net or something wrong with an add-on
04:49.38harldephinbut there're no errors anyway, so i can't tell
04:51.02harldephinit's not OneBag though. i've checked that back with "another inventory add-on".
04:53.35Kaeltendon't hate me guys
04:54.47harldephinlike hell why should anyone hate you anyway
04:55.01Funkeh`not enough pron on wowace server
04:55.05Funkeh`good enough reason imo
04:55.18GothtarMOAR PR0N
04:55.29harldephinno thanks
04:55.35GothtarI concur
04:55.47GothtarI have enough on the internets
04:55.53Gothtarwowace is for ace
04:56.01Funkeh`ACE PRON
04:56.12GothtarZOMG SAUCE!
04:57.30Gothtarthat should be an addon
04:57.44Gothtaror maybe FAce
04:58.09Funkeh`ckknight: i aced your mom for lower memory usage, i can do her several times a night since she can't remember
04:59.16Gothtarthat last part didnt really roll of the toungue
05:01.22kergothhyperChipmunk: i know what its supposed to do, but i'm only clicking once.
05:01.30kergothhyperChipmunk: its only doing this since my most recent svn updates :P
05:02.26harldephinit's always been doing it for me
05:04.03Gothtarit's been a while for me too
05:04.14Gothtarmeh, it's not really a big deal
05:04.23harldephinnot that it'd bothered me anyway, as long as it does what i'm clicking at, but i nearly always eat and drink simultaneously with my mage, so it's familiar.
05:07.46Heriowhat do you guys thing the best way to go about a DE mod would be?
05:08.35Herioi'm thinking a filtered list from your inventory, with easy buttons to blacklist list items, but i'm not sure how to go about the actual DE part >.<
05:09.06Herioi'm wondering if you can use "Disenchant" as a click casting spell on items, or something
05:16.09hyperChipmunkit's because it hates you
05:17.02hastevhaarr: pong
05:17.14CIA-1103nymbia * r30629 10Violation/ (Violation.toc libs/):
05:17.15CIA-11- Add AceModuleCore-2.0 to toc and externals.
05:20.36toddhow can you set which frame msbt cooldowns shows the cooldowns in
05:21.26CIA-1103nymbia * r30630 10Stitch-1.1/ (4 files in 2 dirs):
05:21.26CIA-11- Incremental commit, caching done.
05:21.26CIA-11- Still don't use yet.
05:30.52ckknight1.0.29784\Violation.lua:775: attempt to index upvalue 'db' (a nil value) -- on profile change
05:39.03*** join/#wowace nahkiss (
05:39.26*** join/#wowace rophy (n=Miranda@
05:40.17CIA-1103ckknight * r30631 10Ace2/AceEvent-2.0/AceEvent-2.0.lua:
05:40.17CIA-11.AceEvent-2.0 - :ScheduleLeaveCombatAction can now specify the object to call on.
05:40.17CIA-11:ScheduleLeaveCombatAction(obj, 'Method', ...) instead of :ScheduleLeaveCombatAction(obj.Method, obj, ...)
05:52.56CIA-1103fenlis 07Fenlis * r30632 10MSBTCooldowns/MSBTCooldowns/ (Locales/enUS.lua Locales/koKR.lua MSBTCooldowns.lua):
05:52.56CIA-11MSBTCooldowns :
05:52.56CIA-11- Fixed some usage
05:52.56CIA-11- Fixed warning format
05:57.12toddspeaking of msbtcooldowns
05:59.03UnrealiiCartographer_Vendors Question?
05:59.48UnrealiiCartographer_Vendors.filters = {
06:00.37Unrealiiwhy not locale Cartographer_Vendors.lookups ?
06:01.51ckknightwho's the author?
06:02.33Unrealii## Author: Kodewulf
06:03.27UnrealiiKorean WOW vendor is not appear mapnote T_T
06:05.07CIA-1103nymbia * r30633 10Stitch-1.1/Stitch-1.1/Stitch-1.1.lua:
06:05.07CIA-11- Profession scanning done.
06:05.30*** join/#wowace nuoHep (
06:05.44shieldbbooo gruul 6%
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06:27.48Fisker-~seen mitch0
06:28.20purlmitch0 <n=mitch@> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 17h 21m 41s ago, saying: 'raid and 5-mans in the same sentence is kinda funny :)'.
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06:40.30Heriowhat are these "no cookie for you" revisions i see?
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06:49.58CIA-1103nymbia * r30634 10Stitch-1.1/Stitch-1.1/Stitch-1.1.lua:
06:49.58CIA-11- Fix up API functions.. probably mostly done.
06:54.08Fisker-RAPE RAPE RPAE
06:57.05CIA-1103ckknight * r30635 10Cavity/Cavity.lua:
06:57.05CIA-11Cavity - show frames for player and target
06:57.05CIA-11- still pretty minimal.
06:57.08ckknightFisker-: ?
06:58.34Fisker-I'm mentally insane
06:58.37Fisker-what's cavity?
06:58.59NightHawkTheSanethe parts of your body we're going to rape.
06:59.39ckknightFisker-: my Unit Frames
07:00.01Fisker-Got some screenshots of it?
07:00.30ckknightit's a 100x100 yellow box
07:00.32NightHawkTheSaneI think I'm going to start watching sg-1, from the movie all the way to the end of season 10. Good idea?
07:00.38ckknightand a 100x100 fuchsia box
07:00.39Fisker-just what i wanted
07:00.40*** join/#wowace Nargiddley` (
07:00.44ckknighthey, they work
07:00.48ckknightdon't show health or mana yet
07:00.52ckknightbut they work with Click2Cast
07:00.54Fisker-Nah NightHawkTheSane from the movie to the movie
07:01.01ckknightand isn't that what really matters?
07:01.11NightHawkTheSaneFisker-: movie.. to.. movie? is there another movie that's out yet?
07:01.18Fisker-but it's coming
07:01.32NightHawkTheSaneyeah, i know. But i can't very well watch it before it comes out.
07:01.35Fisker-Also the movie isn't that accurate in terms of the series
07:01.46NightHawkTheSaneUnless I break into the studios and steal it.
07:02.00NightHawkTheSaneWhich.. I.. dont really feel like doing, not that I wouldn't mind you. I'm just terribly lazy
07:02.03boobies4uil take you to the candy shop, il let you lick my lollypop
07:02.11ckknightooh, sounds fun
07:02.32NightHawkTheSaneFisker-: er, you mean the original movie isnt that accurate, or the one that's coming out?
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07:03.00Fisker-the original :P
07:03.04Fisker-well not in terms of the series
07:03.09NightHawkTheSaneoh, yeah, i know
07:03.12NightHawkTheSanebut I like it.
07:03.44NightHawkTheSaneI thought it was a good movie
07:03.53Fisker-same here
07:04.51NightHawkTheSanealso, blueberry pancakes with apple cider syrup are awesome.
07:05.47*** join/#wowace Cyrez` (
07:07.14boobies4uil take you to the candy shoppppppppp
07:07.31CIA-1103sylvanaar 07sylvanaar * r30636 10Prat/PratOB/: Prat: Making changes to outbound chat functionality
07:07.58NightHawkTheSaneactually apple cider anything is pretty awesome
07:10.27*** join/#wowace Cyrez` (
07:11.31CIA-1103sylvanaar 07sylvanaar * r30637 10Prat/PratOB/ (Prat.lua modules/ChannelSticky.lua): Prat: Using outbound chat events to implement the logical chat type GROUPSAY / smartgroup,
07:17.06*** part/#wowace Herio (
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07:24.46CIA-1103ckknight * r30638 10SharedMediaLib/SharedMedia-1.0/SharedMedia-1.0.lua: .SharedMedia-1.0 - steal textures from Surface-1.0 now.
07:24.51ckknight*thumbs up*
07:25.34ckknightnow to do it the other way so everyone can be happy
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07:26.25Feldiadoes anyone know offhand what +z does on gamesurge?
07:26.29ckknightbut everyone should use SharedMedia-1.0
07:27.24sylvanaaroh cool, you made the media registry
07:27.38*** join/#wowace Xabin (
07:29.55CIA-1103ckknight * r30639 10SurfaceLib/Surface-1.0/Surface-1.0.lua: .Surface-1.0 - steal textures from SharedMedia-1.0
07:30.03CIA-1103nymbia * r30640 10Stitch-1.1/Stitch-1.1/Stitch-1.1.lua:
07:30.03CIA-11- bugfix or two
07:30.04ckknightalright then
07:30.13ckknightnow everyone's happy
07:31.21Elkanockknight, you could optimize it since the new textures handle is included in the event so if arg1 is set only register the new one
07:31.51ckknightSurfaceLib is fucked for that if you have a global set
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07:32.07ckknightsince it doesn't return the new filename along with the name
07:32.13ckknightso it has to iterate to get the right path
07:32.26ckknightand it isn't run often
07:32.29ckknightso it's not a big deal
07:33.24Elkanowell, you could use the passed handle to access the table returned
07:33.49ckknightah, I suppose so
07:35.09CIA-1103ckknight * r30641 10SharedMediaLib/SharedMedia-1.0/SharedMedia-1.0.lua: .SharedMedia-1.0 - Surface-stealing optimization
07:35.37NightHawkTheSaneI appear to have .. lost.. the stargate movie.
07:35.56CIA-1103ckknight * r30642 10SurfaceLib/Surface-1.0/Surface-1.0.lua: . Surface-1.0 - SharedMedia-stealing optimization
07:36.00ckknightthere we are
07:36.54Dynomthere are 2.1.0 patchnotes released, unofficial, anyone know if those are real or not?
07:37.04DynomI guess not, but ya never know
07:37.17ckknightnot, since 2.1.0 isn't out
07:37.19vhaarrDynom: Most of the UI notes listed there have been confirmed.
07:37.26Elkanotoo many good bugfixed to be real imho ;)
07:37.28vhaarrBut the rest is pure speculation.
07:37.54NightHawkTheSaneand too many silly buffs to classes that dont need it. :P
07:38.14Feldiathose patch notes are a compilation of everything everyone has asked for in the last month or two
07:38.15Feldiaobviously fake
07:38.21Dynom.Cut Citrine. has been properly implemented in the game.  <-- these notes can't be true
07:38.41Dynomwhy would blizzard fix a broken JC product
07:38.46Dynommakes no sense
07:38.53Feldiabut this should interest some of you
07:38.59Feldiatier 6 set bonuses
07:39.20Dynomah yes, those where secret
07:39.52sylvanaarmaybe supply a tahle with the most common media type strings so ppl dont invent new ones
07:41.32Cryectthose are fake there is two ways to tell they are think :-p
07:41.37Cryectnot think
07:41.48Cryect"“Schematic: Spybot” can again be found in the game." Spyboy is the guy who made them
07:42.08Cryect"NEW: KDM() - Now functions for Tauren Druid characters." Shoutout to Caydiem
07:42.11Feldiatbh, the whole spybot thing is fishy
07:42.22Feldiawhy would some guy go to all the trouble of creating those notes to trick everyone
07:42.27Feldiathen confess to it less than a day later
07:42.29Feldiamakes no sense
07:42.32Cryecthe's done it 5 times beofre
07:42.37sylvanaarattention seeking
07:42.42Fisker-Liek me
07:42.51CryectI mean his other fake notes weren't very correct
07:42.57Cryectbesides what was common kknowledge
07:42.59ElkanoFeldia: wtf?
07:43.10Feldiawhat about it?
07:43.14Feldiawarlock tier6 bonuses
07:43.38Elkanosounds like VE for WL ^^
07:43.42CryectIs it really a surprise out of 8 million customers there is 1 customer who would make fake patch notes and admit to it a day later
07:43.44FeldiaI suppose Cryect, just seems like it'd make more sense to fess up a few weeks later
07:43.46Cryectevery few patches
07:43.46Feldianot within a day
07:44.10Cryectwhy fess up a few weeks later?
07:44.13Dynomand 9/10 times it's on a german site also
07:44.17Feldiaso that he gets more attention?
07:44.23Feldiatricks more people
07:44.24Cryectin a week or so
07:44.29Cryectwe will have the real patch notes
07:44.47Dynombrb coffee
07:45.02Feldiathat's pretty optimistic :P
07:45.05*** part/#wowace NightHawkTheSane (
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07:45.54CryectPTR is going to be up for at least a month on this patch
07:46.52Cryect2.1.0 has been in progress for 3 months or so
07:47.03Cryectwith them started to move things to it like a month before retail
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07:49.43Fisker- <-oh that troll
07:51.00Feldiahah first thing I noticed was him spelling "exalted" incorrectly too!
07:51.12Cryectyeah >_>
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07:51.52vhaarrLike 2/3 of the population misspell that.
07:51.57Feldiaat least
07:52.15NightHawkTheSanethe other 1/3 has no hands anyway.
07:52.32Cryector their hands are occupied
07:52.53Elkanohmm... just noticed that by now, I got 1 extra onth of playtime from Blizzard
07:54.23evlElkano: maybe cause you send them naked pictures
07:54.42Fisker-you can send them naked pictures?
07:55.20NightHawkTheSaneFisker-: Elkano can, not you. they dont want yours.
07:58.23Fisker- <-lol
07:58.30Fisker-still safe for work
07:59.06CryectSounds good
07:59.10Cryectemailing them my account info now!
08:04.10Fisker-What a great idea
08:04.19*** join/#wowace Punkie` (
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08:04.25Fisker-Sue ebay because the character that was bought can't login right now because of EU maintanence
08:04.51nee|workWow. I haven't played WoW for about 10 days due to my holiday and now I don't feel any urge to play it. Quite odd.
08:05.12Fisker-can i have all your stuff? :o
08:06.38nee|workI'm not deleting my account, I was just being awed at the change - from logging on every morning to check my mail or the auctionhouse before work, to not logging on at all and being bored with the guild forums which seemed to discuss the same things over and over :
08:08.00NightHawkTheSaneyeah. you dont often see how stale things get until you stop for a while. *shrug*
08:08.26nee|workI wasn't even a grinder or a raider-of-the-same-instance-every-few-days
08:09.05OverloadUTI just thought of how to test that "free leveling service" - just activate a new account using a trial code, and give them those logins. Most likely they "steal" the worthless account, but on the offchance it's legit, you get a free level 60 :P
08:10.19nee|workfree levelling?
08:10.26Fisker-you can't level to 60 anyways
08:10.28Fisker-only 20
08:10.39nevcairieli wouldnt even consider the possibilty that its free
08:10.45nevcairieleh legit
08:10.47nevcairieli mean
08:11.10nee|workhehe. Free seems to creep in everywhere ;)
08:11.22nee|workIt's like a freudian slip
08:11.29nee|workFreedian slip :P
08:11.33nee|workegh, horrible joke.
08:13.21*** join/#wowace Tenrai (
08:14.02Elkano"I level to 70 for free"... "who said 'free'? I meant fee..."
08:14.28Fisker-"Free leveling service!*"
08:14.54Fisker-"* We are not responsible for spelling mistakes, including free actually being "feed""
08:15.12nevcairielthats good
08:15.19*** join/#wowace Jens (i=Jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
08:15.24Dynom"Shrouds you from nearby enemies so you seem less threatening to them."  <-- how much threat will that be? Like Fade or the common trinkets?
08:15.35Fisker-around 800 thread i think
08:15.45nevcairielthats the potion eh?
08:15.49nee|workFisker-: I think you've been visiting the forums too often :P
08:15.49Fisker-Which is a bit less than fade i believe
08:17.00OverloadUTFisker-: Ah, didn't know about the level 20 cap. Makes sense.
08:17.44Fisker-also you're pretty limited as well :P
08:17.53Fisker-Can't have more than 10 gold or something like that
08:18.12NightHawkTheSaneFade is ~1k threat at 70 i think
08:18.14OverloadUTI guess they don't want people using throwaway accounts for stuff like this
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08:18.30OverloadUTNite everyone
08:19.09nee|worksweet dreams
08:19.56Dynomnevcairiel: yeah, the pot
08:21.20Dynomwell if `Shrouding Potion` ( 'stacks' with trinkets and soulshatter I think I can get some decent aggro reducing
08:21.42Dynomespecially on those untauntable
08:23.00vhaarrThat potion is useless.
08:23.09Dynomcompared to what
08:23.23vhaarrYou're better off chugging down a Limited Invul Pot or saving the cooldown for a HP pot.
08:23.36nevcairieli prefer mana pots most of the time :P
08:23.40vhaarror that
08:23.42Dynomlimited invuln only is a delay of execution
08:23.49vhaarrDynom: You're wrong.
08:24.02vhaarrIt's 6 seconds the tank can use to get aggro back.
08:24.07vhaarrWhich, in most cases, is MORE than enough.
08:24.19Dynomwhat part of 'untauntable' was too hard to comprehand
08:24.39SunTigerits 6 seconds of not dying , if the tank doesn't take agro in that time, a rogue/druid/other class will have it stunned/CC by then.
08:24.47vhaarrDynom: Perhaps you don't understand, but warriors can actually get aggro from non-tauntable mobs, too.
08:24.49NightHawkTheSaneif the mob was tauntable, you wouldnt need either.
08:24.57DynomNightHawkTheSane: exactly
08:25.16NightHawkTheSaneso i'm with vharr on this one :P
08:25.23NightHawkTheSanevhaarr, even
08:26.09vhaarrNot to mention it requires Sporeggar *Exalted*. Granted, I am revered myself, but I'd never in my life grind those fucking Nagas all the way to Exalted.
08:26.19nevcairielyou dont have to
08:26.20vhaarrBut that's irrelevant, really, since the potion sucks in the first place.
08:26.26nevcairieljust collect sanguine hibiscus
08:26.28NightHawkTheSanevhaarr: now see, I'd do that. But only because i'm an alchy and an absurd completist
08:26.42vhaarrNightHawkTheSane: I'm alch, too, so I grinded Revered for the transmute.
08:26.53vhaarrNightHawkTheSane: But I'm also a priest, so ... grinding Exalted?
08:26.55vhaarrNo thanks.
08:27.02vhaarr(holy, at that)
08:27.03NightHawkTheSanefair enough :)
08:27.04vhaarrnevcairiel: true
08:27.07hyperChipmunkvhaarr: don't kill naga
08:27.20vhaarrhyperChipmunk: Already done for Revered anyway :)
08:27.23hyperChipmunkdo the shrubberies
08:27.24nevcairieli cleared underbog with a shadow priest plus me .. got alot of hibiscus from that :)
08:27.30Dynom800 threat can be more life-saving than a 2k hp pot or limited invuln that is a delay of execution if the tank can't get aggro back
08:27.34hyperChipmunk5 shrubberies = 750 rep
08:27.36vhaarrDynom: You're wrong.
08:27.41vhaarrand that's eod.
08:27.51hyperChipmunkare you a rog or hunter?
08:27.55Dynomit's not a discussion
08:27.57vhaarrhyperChipmunk: me?
08:28.08vhaarrhyperChipmunk: My main is a priest, but I have a 70 rogue, too.
08:28.24hyperChipmunkyea, but the shrubberies are bop
08:28.30hyperChipmunkhave fun with your naga =)
08:28.38vhaarrSanguine Hibiscus?
08:28.39nevcairielthe hibiscus are boe
08:28.45nevcairielyou can buy at ah if you want :P
08:28.46vhaarrThey weren't BoP last time I checked.
08:28.51hyperChipmunkoh, well then
08:28.52hyperChipmunkhave at it
08:28.57NightHawkTheSaneDynom: If a tank cant get agro back in 6 seconds, then you overagroed FAR more than 800 threat, or the tank sucks and you should get a new one. :P
08:28.59vhaarrBut, as I said, I already grinded to Revered anyway.
08:29.18nevcairielrevered is good, earth to water was that eh?
08:29.26vhaarrI don't know, I have them all.
08:29.31vhaarrSo I can transmute in circles.
08:29.35hyperChipmunkyea, but hibiscus is so easy, why wouldn't you do it
08:29.41NightHawkTheSaneyeah, sporeggar is earth->water i believe
08:29.46vhaarrhyperChipmunk: Because the reward sucks :)
08:29.51DynomNightHawkTheSane: you are kinda locked in 1 scenario aren't you ? how about: MT + OT, MT dies, OT doesn't have enough aggro, I pop that pot and soulshatter and I'm below OT
08:29.53sedatedChipmunkoh, well then =)
08:30.02sedatedChipmunknight froods
08:30.21vhaarrwhere is my server t.t
08:30.26DynomNightHawkTheSane: instead of equipping a trinket that can reduce aggro, or the sporegar cloak which doesn't work on bosses
08:30.29nevcairielits 9:30 .. no servers until 11
08:30.39vhaarrnevcairiel: No rolling restarts this week?
08:31.01nee|workI can
08:31.02NightHawkTheSaneDynom: how is that different than the first scenario? If your off tank (if you -need- an off tank) doesnt have enough threat, -800 on a pot isnt going to do it
08:31.13nee|workI can't access the account management section :|
08:31.13nymbiaif 800 threat is enough to give aggro back to the tank.... then why cant they generate that much in 6 seconds?
08:31.24nee|workI wish they'd use a separate site/server for that
08:31.33sylvanaarvharr: do you think that the handler code in aceconsole:2440 should be called before the validate code?
08:32.33sylvanaarie options.handler = self before validateOptions(options)
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08:32.45vhaarrsylvanaar: that sounds reasonable to me, yes
08:32.45DynomNightHawkTheSane: call us shitty, but on some encounters we have two tanks (...)
08:33.05vhaarrDynom: I call YOU shitty, because you don't realise the truth about that god-awful potion.
08:33.23NightHawkTheSaneAnd in that case, your off tank should be generating enough threat to keep him close enough to the main tank
08:34.03DynomNightHawkTheSane: true, but thats in a well working scenario, pots like this can help in scenarios where it doesn't go according to plan
08:34.06vhaarrsylvanaar: sec
08:34.20nymbia800 threat is one attack from any warrior
08:34.36Dynomthen fade is one sucky ability
08:34.37NightHawkTheSaneand if things arnt going according to plan, 800 threat isnt going to make the difference
08:34.40Dynomsince it's 1k
08:35.13Dynomwhats the cd on fade
08:35.15NightHawkTheSaneFade doesn't burn your potion cooldown, is on a 30s timer, and has slightly different mechanics.
08:35.25nymbiaits temporary too
08:35.39vhaarrIt's actually -1500.
08:35.49Dynom-1500 reduction, thats cool, you gain 1500 aggre
08:35.56NightHawkTheSaneis it? hmm, thought it was 1k, my bad
08:36.00*** join/#wowace chuckg (
08:36.09vhaarrIt might even be more now since the last patch.
08:36.12vhaarr25% more or so.
08:36.18NightHawkTheSanedid they buff it?
08:36.35NightHawkTheSaneoh yeah, i remember that note now
08:36.36vhaarrOf course, the most important point to note is that it *does not burn your pot cooldown*.
08:36.50vhaarrUnless said crap potion dealy.
08:37.22vhaarrsylvanaar: Are you getting some error because of it?
08:37.41sylvanaarvharr: not me, someone posting in the forum
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08:40.01vhaarrsylvanaar: As long as you invoke methods with the : syntax, self is provided.
08:40.11vhaarrsylvanaar: Whether or not it's inside a method on that object or not.
08:41.53nee|workHm.. I wonder if Audigy cards work better under Vista than my X-Fi.
08:41.54sylvanaarvhaarr ok, well, they have their options table as a local not
08:41.59CIA-1103nymbia * r30643 10Stitch-1.1/Stitch-1.1/Stitch-1.1.lua:
08:41.59CIA-11- Bugfix or two.
08:41.59CIA-11- Remove registration of TRADESKILL_UPDATE and CRAFT_UPDATE, they fire too damn much and are no longer necessary.
08:42.17vhaarrsylvanaar: all my option tables are local, too, it doesn't matter
08:42.45vhaarrsylvanaar: I can't see anything wrong with his code
08:42.48vhaarrit should work just fine
08:42.53sylvanaarvhaarr ok
08:42.54*** join/#wowace Vegeta]BT[ (
08:43.07vhaarrsylvanaar: ask him to provide some proper debugstack errors
08:43.13nymbiaSunTiger: ?
08:43.14vhaarrsylvanaar: instead of just saying "it doesn't work"
08:43.30SunTigerwhats a stitch ?
08:43.43nymbiaits been around a while ;)
08:43.52SunTigeri havn't
08:43.53nymbiatradeskill info gathering
08:44.05nymbiaand queue stuff
08:45.26ZealotOnAStickNow that we actually have a working HD DVR, even if the interface is crap it's so much nicer than live TV.
08:46.27CIA-1103nymbia * r30644 10StitchUI/ (StitchUI.toc libs/):
08:46.27CIA-11- Use Stitch-1.1
08:46.50vhaarrsylvanaar: I coded at the request of someone, and now they want to only block whispers from level 1-10 players and stuff, so I said "I won't do that, since it requires a /who call and such", but maybe you could add a Prat module for it.
08:47.05CIA-1103nymbia * r30645 10Manufac/ (Manufac.lua Manufac.toc libs/):
08:47.05CIA-11- Use Stitch-1.1
08:48.26*** join/#wowace Bibi (
08:48.39chuckgSigh, why did my 5.1 speakers go to 2.1 :|
08:48.53chuckgOne reboot and suddendly 3 speakers don't work.
08:49.07NightHawkTheSanepsh, 5, 2.. they're both prime, it's all good :)
08:49.24*** join/#wowace Unrealii (i=NEXT96@
08:49.25chuckgI don't need 3 more paperweights.
08:49.41chuckgEspecially not considering I just added them.
08:50.03sylvanaarvhaarr i have been avoiding using /who as well
08:50.59CIA-1103nymbia * r30646 10StitchUI/StitchUI.lua:
08:50.59CIA-11- Missed a reference.
08:57.01evlnymbia: how's manufac and jewelcrafting now?
08:59.22vhaarrnymbia: Where is the mixin love ? ^^
08:59.29*** join/#wowace freeman__ (
09:00.15nymbiaevl: it's worked just fine for as long as jewelcrafting's existed, as far as i know
09:00.57nymbiavhaarr: naw, it doesnt really need it
09:01.11Dynomrofl; soon you can send free (real) mail, there is a company offering envelopes with adds on it -_-
09:02.24nevcairielyay for free mail
09:02.36vhaarrsnail ftw
09:02.42CIA-1103nymbia * r30647 10Manufac/Manufac.lua:
09:02.42CIA-11- Stop a couple nil errors when the menu is refreshed when its not actually open. (why's AceConsole do that anyway?)
09:03.51Tupsinymbia: i noticed some of the newer stuff in blacksmithing is not in the right category yet
09:03.51sylvanaarvharr i made a test case
09:04.17nymbiaTupsi: yeah
09:04.37DynomI don't rly like regular mail tbh, it's mostly bills anyway
09:05.17vhaarrsylvanaar: there's no TEST:somefunc() in that code
09:05.23vhaarrsylvanaar: add that and test again
09:06.17sylvanaarvharr lol typo
09:07.25nee|workIs 2.1.0 out yet?
09:07.38nevcairielbut the site works fine for me
09:08.15nee|workthe european works for you? I'
09:08.18nee|work*I'll retry
09:08.20CIA-1103ckknight * r30648 10Cavity/Cavity.lua:
09:08.20CIA-11Cavity - added targettarget capabilities
09:08.21CIA-11- separates wacky and nonwacky frames. wacky being that which Blizzard does not
09:08.21CIA-11give information about in its events, e.g. targettarget, raid pets,
09:08.21CIA-11targettargettarget, party targets, raid targets, etc. Said wacky frames are
09:08.22CIA-11updated in a schedule. Nonwacky frames are handled by bucketed events.
09:08.34nee|workAh, it loads for me now :)
09:08.38ZealotOnAStickAfter all that talk of names for a unit frames, and Cavity is what you use?
09:08.57ckknightyou got a better idea?
09:09.14ckknighthey, I got it so response times are extremely good as well as being pretty goddamn efficient
09:09.15nee|workWhy add UF
09:09.18ckknightdue to hax
09:09.32ckknightand not having many features yet
09:09.47NightHawkTheSaneckknight: being that its only a yellow box and a fuscia box?
09:09.55ckknightNightHawkTheSane: it shows health and mana now
09:10.00ckknightforgot to put that in the commit
09:10.02ZealotOnAStickWackyFrames would be better than Cavity.  I guess the whole RUFIES thing was nixed?
09:10.06NightHawkTheSaneoh hey. hotness. :D
09:10.24ckknightno buffs yet, and the health and mana doesn't have text yet
09:10.43ZealotOnAStickCavity is scary.  Sounds like some sort of dentist tradeskilling thing or maybe at best a mining addon.
09:11.02sergioi'm dirty I know
09:11.10nee|workI say don't add the Frames or UF bit
09:11.12ckknightthe name can still change
09:11.18nymbiadentist tradeskilling lol
09:11.19ckknightbut it's the best thing I've heard of
09:11.20ckknightnee|work: agreed
09:11.40NightHawkTheSaneI rather like Wacky, catually
09:11.46Dynomis it -at all- possible to code group-frames more efficiently then the blizzard ones?
09:11.48nee|workWacky reminds me of Wacky Wheels
09:11.50evlnymbia: did you add any grouping for jewelcrafting?
09:12.02nymbiaevl: yup
09:12.07ckknightDynom: well, due to the way I set it up, it recycles the unit frames if you're not using em
09:12.08Dynomtalking about performance, not layout efficiency
09:12.19ckknighti.e. party frames are recycled into raid frames
09:12.22ckknightand back and forth
09:12.29Dynomyeah but just talking system posibilities
09:12.32ckknightunless you'd want to show both
09:12.33evlnymbia: great, I'll check it out when i get home, having a royal headache finding gems to craft :)
09:12.53Dynomckknight: <ass kissing>btw, love a lot of your addons</ass kissing>
09:13.04*** join/#wowace Nickenyfiken (n=najklord@
09:13.04vhaarrDynom: Typically, the Blizzard UI code is not the best example of how to do things.
09:13.09*** join/#wowace Nargiddley (
09:13.11sergiodoes anyone know for certain the mechanics of limited supply items from vendors?  does it just vary from vendor to vendor?
09:13.40Dynomvhaarr: might be, but isn't it that like; addon = more cpu/mem usage and thus less efficient? or isn't that true
09:13.50vhaarrthat's not true
09:13.54Dynomok, nice
09:13.55ckknightnot if you disable Blizzard's frames
09:14.37Dynomwell, I would like other frames, but I've used a lot and most aren't improving my fps sort of speak
09:14.47Dynomlike DUF, they are terribly for my fps
09:14.49vhaarrsylvanaar: Did it work after you added TEST:somemethod() ?
09:15.38ckknightDynom: trust me, Cavity will be efficient.
09:15.41ckknightthat is the goal
09:15.44ckknightto make it not hurt.
09:16.00Dynomckknight: love to test that then
09:16.02nevcairielwill it look good too?
09:16.04vhaarragUF isn't bad, considering the featureset.
09:16.15nevcairielwtb cavity with ABF skin from agUF
09:16.16ckknightagUF needs work
09:16.20ckknighthorribly, horrible work
09:16.30DynomI just want an efficent way of showing my own thingy and my group's, I don't care about extra features
09:16.30vhaarrI know
09:16.40ckknightDynom: that's my belief
09:16.43nee|workThere. Account deactivated.
09:16.48ckknighteverything can be tacked on modularly
09:16.49Dynomckknight: can I have your babies?
09:17.00ckknightmmm... yes
09:17.08Dynomomg <3
09:17.29Dynomoh, climax moment, firefox updater shows up
09:17.30ZealotOnAStickI still think Cavity is a horrible name.
09:17.34nevcairieli couldnt just turn of my account, and if it just was for the people i met there, and only meet there.
09:18.04ckknightZealotOnAStick: so come up with a better one
09:18.16ckknightI'm fine with switching
09:18.29ZealotOnAStickLet me ask you this: why do you like Cavity for it as a name?
09:18.36ckknightsounds neat
09:18.36nee|worknevcairiel: Well, I can still play until into August if I want to
09:19.11ckknightthat's all I care about
09:19.11ckknighthas to be easy to spell (relatively)
09:19.11ckknightand sound neat
09:19.11ckknightand be easy to remember
09:19.14nevcairieland non-english speakers generally dont know what it means :P
09:19.22vhaarrZealotOnAStick: Why do you not like it?
09:19.26vhaarrIt's not like it's offensive.
09:19.38ckknightBody cavities are where penises go.
09:19.47NightHawkTheSaneckknight: so.. AntidisestablishmentarianistFrames is right out then?
09:19.49[Ammo]it's a name that makes no sense whatsoever for a unitframe thing
09:20.00ckknight[Ammo]: so?
09:20.05nee|workCavity to me is more related to dentistry than anything rude.
09:20.17nevcairiellike lots of the ace addon names tho
09:20.19NightHawkTheSanenee|work: I agree, however, I find dentistry rather rude.
09:20.20vhaarrA cavity is simply a hole, what's the big deal.
09:20.21nee|workNow if you were to name it Crevice..
09:20.44nee|workvhaarr: There's no big deal. Stop trying to make it one :)
09:21.00vhaarrnee|work: It was my suggestion, I'm not trying to make it one :)
09:22.20vhaarr".. Musicload, one of Europe's largest movie stores, has found that 75% of its customer support problems are caused by DRM."
09:22.26vhaarrFucking piece of shit DRM
09:22.37nevcairielhehe who wouldve guessed
09:22.41vhaarrI would.
09:22.49[Ammo]download less than legal mp3's, don't use an ipod. done.
09:23.04vhaarr[Ammo]: I use an iPod.
09:23.04nee|workI use an ipod sometimes, with normal mp3s
09:23.12vhaarrI've never bought a track online in my life, though.
09:23.29vhaarrPlays my MP3's just fine.
09:23.42vhaarr[Ammo]: Apple is actually opposed to the whole DRM thing, too.
09:24.05Dynom<3 SE W950
09:24.17CIA-1103ckknight * r30649 10Cavity/Cavity.lua: Cavity - added text to the health/mana statusbars
09:24.20ckknightvhaarr: just Jobs
09:24.30vhaarrckknight: Isn't that the same thing?
09:24.37ckknightyea, it is.
09:24.43ckknightApple is Jobs, Jobs is Apple
09:25.26boobies4usteve jobs can come to my candy shop
09:25.31boobies4uhe can lick my lollypo
09:25.49ZealotOnAStickIt would be nice if the name had some remote connection in concept to what the addon does.  Cavity doesn't to me, in addition to being a word that has generally negative connotations.  It feels like "let's throw a dart at a dictionary and just see what random words we get.  Ooh, there's a name!"
09:26.29nee|workZealotOnAStick: It's like the linux kernel names. Their names don't make sense either.
09:26.38[Ammo]their names make sense :p
09:26.45[Ammo]they're from pixar's movie ting
09:26.49[Ammo]or used to be
09:26.50nee|work[Ammo]: Not the names I gave my kernel patches
09:27.08boobies4ui love your patches nee|work
09:27.27nee|workMy patches are quite dead now I think
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09:27.35boobies4upeople still prais them
09:27.44nee|workWell, the cplay ones may still work.
09:27.46ckknightZealotOnAStick: seriously, if you give me a better name, I'll go for it
09:27.48sylvanaarvhaarr yeah, seems to work fine, guess it was just bait
09:28.09boobies4uckknight, CandyShop.
09:28.16CIA-1103ckknight * r30650 10Cavity/Cavity.lua: Cavity - slight optimization
09:28.23ckknightI don't get it
09:28.28nee|workTwo names for instance were 'Rabid Orange Flamingo' and 'Flashy Green Popsicle'
09:28.39ckknightseems like something to do with shopping
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09:29.02boobies4uwhat does the addon do
09:29.08boobies4uand il give you a ace name
09:29.11nee|workAnd 'Belated Sensual Cuffs', 'Mentholated Tube Socks' and more
09:29.33NightHawkTheSaneI vote nee|work names all new addons from here on out.
09:29.44nee|work:P :)
09:29.52nee|workWell, names with spaces wouldn't work
09:30.07NightHawkTheSaneRabidOrangeFlamingo is fine. :)
09:30.10vhaarrNo, wait, that was actually offensive.
09:30.48nee|workNightHawkTheSane: Wouldn't make much sense though :) But it would be fun to have such names, just to catch people off-guard.
09:31.06ZealotOnAStickSo, other than really efficient, what's your goal(s) for the unit frames addon, ck?
09:31.07boobies4uCavity... haha
09:31.09boobies4uwhat a name
09:31.10ckknightI thought of having the word "Body" in it
09:31.14NightHawkTheSanenee|work: precisely.
09:31.20ckknightZealotOnAStick: componentized
09:31.26ckknightBodyCavity is a real thing
09:31.33Elkanohow about ckuf? *hides*
09:31.35nee|workOr... CaBodyvity?
09:31.40ckknightit's where you stick penises and cocaine
09:31.55nee|workckknight: And toy cars.
09:32.01ZealotOnAStickI'd suggest Legos, buit I don't know if that's a registered trademark or something.
09:32.02ckknightno, I will not have attribution in the addon name
09:32.03nevcairieland other fun stuff
09:32.08ckknightI don't think that's a good idea at all
09:32.43vhaarrckknight: How about hidden attribution, like "RoundTableUF", which would be a subtle hint towards your "Knight" last name? :P
09:32.44sergioI think you should rename the addon Unite
09:33.01ZealotOnAStickUnite's not bad, IMO.
09:33.03ckknightUnite is good.
09:33.28Punkie`Just call it Noodles and be done with it :>
09:33.34ZealotOnAStickgive it a desc of "All your Unit Frames are belong to us" ?
09:33.35nee|workHm. I need a new soundcard for Vista
09:33.46nevcairielnee|work got a creative ? ^^
09:33.56ZealotOnAStickI don't know why . . . but I sorta like Noodles as well.
09:34.13boobies4ulets keep food out of the discussion.
09:34.17boobies4uim hungry enough as it is
09:34.24ZealotOnAStickbut I think Unite is clever.
09:34.25nee|worknevcairiel: Yup. I bought an X-Fi a few weeks ago :|
09:34.25boobies4uname right there!
09:34.46vhaarrckknight: Unite has no soul, imo.
09:34.47nevcairielnee|work: i got an audigy4, and sound support is my main reason for not even trying vista right now
09:34.54nee|worknevcairiel: I just need something which works well under high-load. For some reason, when running say, WoW and GoogleTalk, sound in GoogleTalk is horrible.
09:35.03ckknightvhaarr: true.
09:35.05Punkie`Noodles has soul, lots of it!
09:35.09ZealotOnAStickvhaarr: no soul?
09:35.11boobies4uprotein too
09:35.22boobies4uWhat about Clitoris
09:35.35ckknightprefer not to be sexual
09:35.40boobies4uerm wait, all geeks will go "whats this??"
09:35.41nee|worknevcairiel: Well, I don't want to go back to XP now, so I'm looking at other options. However, I ordered a new mainboard a few days ago, which may have usable on-board sound.
09:35.48vhaarrckknight: Not that not having a soul is necessarily bad.
09:35.53vhaarrjust sayin
09:36.35nevcairielmeh comeone servers, be 20 minuets early today
09:36.39nevcairieli need to spend my arena points :P
09:36.41nee|worknevcairiel: I'd use a 5 euro card if it would just work with 5.1 and didn't stutter when my system was under high load
09:36.44ZealotOnAStickOr Redding.
09:36.58DynomEmeriss is back up I heard, thats a world first
09:37.15nymbiai like coconuts and noodles ;)
09:37.23nee|worknevcairiel: There must be some soundcard which works well... somewhere.
09:37.28ZealotOnAStickMetaframe sounds too . . . I dunno.  Stick-up-assish?
09:37.45nevcairielnee|work: i need 7.1, plus usable channel mapping so that i actually can use the 7 channels, well ok thats not too perfect with creative as well :D
09:37.51ZealotOnAStickWhich is in that correlation, no better than Cavity.  ;)
09:38.05DynomI like chorizo for a addon name tbh
09:38.08nee|worknevcairiel: Ah. Well, 5.1 seems to at least give me more choice in cards :)
09:38.39NightHawkTheSane... "Mainframe"
09:38.41nevcairielAsus is creating their own brand of sound cards now
09:38.58nevcairielshown on the cebit last week
09:39.07nevcairieli hope they get some serious competition onto creative
09:39.10nee|workThey just need to make new soundcards not revolving around EAX and such.
09:39.11NightHawkTheSaneum, thanks? :P
09:39.41nee|worknevcairiel: i think anything with working drivers/no issues with Vista will be competition
09:40.05ZealotOnAStickSadly, really, the last serious competition Creative had was . . . damn, I can't remember the name, was about 8 years ago, I've got one of their cards in my old P2 class system.
09:40.12nevcairielstupid MS revamping their sound system
09:40.17boobies4ui prefer Clitoris, none of the geeks will have any clue on what it is
09:40.20nee|workZealotOnAStick: M-Audio was very good I think
09:40.30nevcairielAureal was good too .. back when they existed
09:40.34nee|workboobies4u: They just won't be able to find it, but I think they've heard of it ;)
09:41.03yacoob...what nobody remembers Gravis? :D
09:41.04ZealotOnAStickanyway, Creative owns all their IP now and haven't done much with it.  
09:41.18boobies4uGravis Ultrasound
09:41.27nee|workThe Coalition for the Liberation of Itinerate Tree dwellers :)
09:41.44boobies4ui had to select gravis ultrasound on the old games to make the sound work.
09:41.46ZealotOnAStickyacoob - Yeah, I briefly considered one along with a Yamaha back when I was looking for a sound card to go with my near-EGA quality graphics on the Tandy 16 colors . . .
09:41.46nevcairielthat was Aureal, which was bought by Creative
09:41.53nevcairielsaddly, they didnt use their technologies.
09:41.58ZealotOnAStickAureal, yes.
09:42.02ZealotOnAStickThanks nevcairiel.
09:42.17nevcairieli still have one of the Aureal cards somewhere in the attic
09:42.33boobies4uTurtle Beach ftw
09:42.46nee|workYea, Turtle Beach was good too ;)
09:42.49nee|workI had a Montego
09:42.56ZealotOnAStickI've still got an Aureal card in my oldest system, which is about to get sat downstairs and plugged into the new HDTV and given a wireless card just to act as a media streaming station.
09:43.17nevcairielits always the same, buy the good companys, and dont use their stuff
09:43.31nevcairiellike nvidia did with 3dfx .. hardware fsaa ftw
09:44.01*** join/#wowace abbat_w (
09:44.09boobies4u3dfx... brings me good memorys of my first Herculas stingray 6mb card, wich realy only used 4 of them
09:44.09Sroshthe goal of such buyouts isn't the tech anyway (tho they all say that of course) but to take a competitor out of the market
09:44.12boobies4uand Turok
09:44.12nevcairielor the glide interface
09:44.16ZealotOnAStickSo I can at least watch things like Doctor Who on the HDTV rather than on my monitor without waiting for it to be 8 months later for the US airings.
09:44.27CIA-1103ammo * r30651 10SRA/: SRA: initial import, Standard Raddishes in Applepie
09:44.34nevcairiellol ammo
09:44.52ZealotOnAStickYou misspelled Radishes.
09:45.03ZealotOnAStickunles Raddishes is a proper name of someone or something.
09:45.14CIA-1103ckknight * r30652 10Cavity/Cavity.lua: Cavity - now change mana bar's color based on the proper power type
09:45.37boobies4uCavity.. what a name lol
09:45.46nevcairielso ammo whats it going to do ? ^^
09:46.00nee|workI went to that new restaurant and they have some Rad Dishes!
09:46.03ZealotOnAStickI think nVidia bought 3dfx as much as for being able to use some of their name trademarks (like SLI) more than anything.
09:46.23nevcairielyeah SLI is the only thing from 3dfx you still hear about
09:46.45boobies4udo you guys miss 3dfx
09:46.51CIA-1103ckknight * r30653 10Cavity/Cavity.lua: Cavity - when power type changes, update the mana value as well (druids ftl)
09:47.06nee|workboobies4u: I had a voodoo banshee
09:47.13nee|workI thought it was quite good :)
09:47.15ZealotOnAStickI still remember when we hooked a 12 meg Voodoo2 card up with the passthrough cable to an old Trident card and ran the scripts to add the transparency info to the water in Quake.
09:47.17nevcairieli had a voodoo2
09:47.21nee|workBut XP Driver support wasn't good
09:47.25boobies4umy friend who had a voodoo always picked on me for going hercules stingray.
09:47.30boobies4ui got beated up.
09:48.09nee|workI wonder if there are good Terratec Vista cards
09:48.14ZealotOnAStickI had a Riva 128zx, then a TNT, then went to a GeForce 256 Pro . . .
09:48.25nee|workI had a Riva128zx too :)
09:48.28boobies4ui had a TNT 2... ULTRA
09:48.30nee|workThen a tnt32
09:48.36boobies4ui had teh ultra!
09:48.40boobies4uwhen i bought my pentium 3
09:48.47boobies4uremember half life 1 ran so smooth
09:49.22CIA-1103ammo * r30654 10SRA/ (11 files in 4 dirs): SRA: Spaced up Rogues dodge Ammo
09:49.55ZealotOnAStickReplaced the 256 with a GeForce2 GTS when the cooling fan decided it didn't really want to work anymore and hurt the RAMDAC on the 256 Pro, then a 5700FX Ultra, and now my dual 7800 GTXs in SLI.
09:50.26boobies4uwhats up with the pentium 3 computers, who suddently start to boot up with a black screen and goes "stuck"
09:50.32ZealotOnAStickAnd I just sigh when I look at the $650 or whatever price tags on the 768 meg 8800s or so.
09:50.33boobies4uand breaking off some shit on it makes it work
09:50.49boobies4ua guy did that on an old cpu of mine and it worked!
09:51.10nee|workI just ordered a 7900gs to go with my new duo core system
09:51.17nee|workI may get a 8800 in time, but not yet
09:51.28boobies4ui prefer ATI
09:51.40nee|workI don't know ATI, so I won't risk it yet
09:51.40ZealotOnAStickI loathe ATI.
09:51.41boobies4uwith ATI i dont need my own power company to boot it up
09:52.22ZealotOnAStickSeen entirely too many problems with ATI cards. . . and they still persist, even after years of being lambasted for it and promising to improve, to muck up their drivers regularly.
09:53.18Punkie`i've never seen people to disconnect by looking at a wall texture in BWL with nVidia cards :p
09:53.55nymbiait was a ramp! ;)
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09:55.08DynomPunkie`: I've seen people with nVidia having much less fps with the same specs though
09:55.25nevcairielbeing able to actually stay in-game > fps
09:55.49Dynomit's a ceiling bug, and if you didn't do too much crazy looking around it wasn't so bad tbh
09:56.02[Ammo]any crashes are bad
09:56.12Punkie`If you don't want to look around, play a MUD
09:56.13[Ammo]it's just your poor excuse for defending your ATI
09:56.18nymbiackknight: too early for bug reports? ;)
09:56.18Dynomand yet you all run MS Windows
09:56.20CIA-1103Tristan * r30655 10RaidInfo/common/Localization_special.lua:
09:56.20CIA-11- Added Misdirection
09:56.23NightHawkTheSanePunkie`: not true! "l north" :P
09:56.27ckknightnymbia: nah, hit me
09:56.43Dynom[Ammo]: no but I think ranting on 1 bug is too short sighted
09:56.52Dynomlike nVidia is perfect
09:56.55CIA-1103Tristan * r30656 10RaidHelper/RaidHelper.toc:
09:56.55CIA-11- Changed in-game name to RaidOfficer+
09:56.56DynomI have both btw
09:57.12Punkie`dunno tbh,
09:57.32Punkie`nearly all the games I play are 'nVidia, the way it's meant to be played'
09:57.43Punkie`meaning the test machines are nvidia specced
09:57.47nymbiackknight: scratch that, just shit overlapping funny. lookin good so far ;)
09:57.57Punkie`therefore less bugs are going to appear using an nvida card
09:58.13StephmwPunkie`: so you don't take the cynical view that it's just a fat marketing paycheck to the games developers?
09:58.24nee|workPunkie`: Unless Nvidia cards need more testing and tinkering to work with a game.
09:58.39Punkie`shrug :p
09:58.47Punkie`I've had one ever crash with WoW
09:58.51Punkie`and that was ram :p
09:59.37StephmwI have wow crash regularly... sometimes taking windows down with it
09:59.42DynomI've had multiple, usually my printer driver -_-
09:59.47Stephmw(never takes my linux box down with it however)
10:00.12*** join/#wowace Cyrez` (
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10:00.44nymbiaprinter driver?
10:00.57nee|workHm.. Maybe a SB Audigy for 24 euros... Or a sweex one for 9 euros.
10:01.32CIA-1103ckknight * r30657 10Cavity/Cavity.lua:
10:01.32CIA-11Cavity - changed the background texture dealy.
10:01.32CIA-11- made it 100x50 instead of 100x100
10:01.36Punkie`Damn ckknight, just call it Noodles :>
10:01.38ckknightcomponentized is not an invented word
10:01.46ckknightur mom's a noodle
10:01.51ckknightwell, it might be invented, but not my me
10:01.55NightHawkTheSaneill noodle your mom
10:01.59Punkie`Hey guys, brb I need to update my Noodles :o
10:02.10Dynomnymbia: yeah, stupid isn't it. Some brother driver fucksup some bigtime crash about 5 minutes in the game, then I reboot and then it works untill I reboot again
10:02.12StephmwNightHawkTheSane: if a noodle is all you can do it with, you need a faster car
10:02.13ZealotOnAStickSure it is.  Someone invented it.  I didn't say who did, just that it wasn't me.
10:02.16Dynomnymbia: most stupid thing ever
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10:02.51nymbiaDynom: that sounds fun
10:03.08Dynomwell, I never reboot my desktop, so dun rly care
10:03.11NightHawkTheSaneStephmw: i have no idea what you just said
10:03.17Dynomin fact, the only think I ever reboot is my laptop
10:03.28Dynomand thats to save batteries
10:03.41nymbiai'm too poor to leave my computers on all night
10:03.49StephmwNightHawkTheSane: reference to noodle==tiny penis and fast cars==penis extensions
10:04.16DynomStephmw: yeh..
10:04.23NightHawkTheSaneStephmw: ahh. Yes, it does. not that it was that funny to begin with. :P
10:04.56CIA-1103ammo * r30658 10SRA/SRA.lua: SRA: Sexually Rabid Apes
10:05.08StephmwDynom: regarding rebooting, yeah, the only time I reboot is to upgrade my kernel
10:05.22nymbiarofl [Ammo]
10:05.30NightHawkTheSaneI wish apple didnt force me to reboot every system update. :\
10:05.34NightHawkTheSane<3 [Ammo]
10:05.35*** join/#wowace UE|Daemona (
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10:05.57ZealotOnAStickSystemically Retarded Aarvarks.
10:06.54[Ammo]ZealotOnAStick: stop stealing the next committ message!
10:07.27ZealotOnAStickSatanic Recidivist  . . . I'm at a loss for a good A word there.
10:07.48ZealotOnAStickConsidered that, actually.
10:08.08ZealotOnAStickdecided I wanted to get out of the mammal family.
10:08.24NightHawkTheSanehm.. Anchovy?
10:08.35DynomStephmw: yeah or my libs (on my archbox)
10:10.39CIA-1103rabbit * r30659 10SRA/SRA.lua: SRA: Speckled rhododendrons and their acronyms.
10:11.16nee|workHow about Sockpuppet
10:11.25ckknightvhaarr: what are you doing?
10:11.33vhaarrckknight: it's a secret
10:11.34[Ammo]nice one vhaarr!
10:11.39[Ammo]it's ultrasecret
10:11.42ckknightis this your tanking addon?
10:11.49[Ammo]it's mine
10:12.02vhaarrit's mine
10:12.15[Ammo]you Stupid Rabbit Arse!
10:12.36[Ammo]now that would be an icon for it
10:12.38vhaarrStrangled Rabbits don't like Ammo!
10:12.51NightHawkTheSane[Ammo]: does that mean you're a duck?
10:13.02[Ammo]if it means I get to pester rabbits
10:13.10*** join/#wowace Hjalte (
10:13.33ZealotOnAStickWell, the only other relevant referent of much sense would be a qwiet hunter of wascally wabbits.
10:13.34NightHawkTheSaneso... if she weighs as much as [Ammo]... >.>
10:14.04ZealotOnAStickDoes she float?
10:14.16*** mode/#wowace [+o Suntiger] by ChanServ
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10:15.56Industrial[Ammo]: hoe nowm je een betonboor in het engels
10:16.31Industrialwell anyway, fucking neighbours >:( reeehhhhh >:(
10:16.39[Ammo]btw download Macabre - Drillbit Lobotomy :p
10:16.55Industrialwoke me up with it :'( I was gunna sleep til 1PM
10:31.08purlextra, extra, read all about it, :q is a smilie smoking weed
10:31.34*** join/#wowace Xabin (
10:35.53Dynomman I hate it when I can't debug properly
10:36.00Dynomstupid error supressing webservers
10:37.29*** join/#wowace nuoHep_ (
10:38.25NightHawkTheSaneso setup a webserver on localhost so you can?
10:40.21DynomI have
10:40.34DynomI'm implementing the RC on a pulic server but it goes wrong somwehere
10:41.11Dynombut a simple <IfModule mod_php5.c></IfModule> is too much to ask
10:41.28*** join/#wowace sbu (
10:41.42sbuckknight: uf done? :p
10:41.54ckknightI'm getting there
10:42.02ckknightI mean, it works now
10:42.07ckknightshows mana/health
10:42.09ckknightno buffs yet
10:42.15ckknightand only player/target/targettarget
10:42.39Dynomadding text on the bars also ?
10:42.54nevcairielwill it be possible to have multiple skins and stuff ?
10:43.13ckknightDynom: yes
10:43.19ckknightnevcairiel: in the future
10:43.29Dynomckknight: I'm getting excited
10:43.44nevcairielbuffs and debuffs seperated? not like agUF sharing the bars .. that sucks imho :D
10:43.46phyberso, unitframes?
10:43.54Dynomckknight: % or values
10:43.54sbuhehe ;o
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10:43.55nevcairielif you say now yes, i am ceratin i will use it :P
10:44.00phybername it Mudkips, so people can liek them.
10:44.17sbuwell... i think its no big step to use MH3 for % + values ;)
10:44.22ckknightDynom: currently values, easy to change, though, I'll have it set by the user
10:44.23CIA-1103ammo * r30660 10SRA/SRA.lua: SRA: Something Roams Around you
10:44.33boobies4uupdated AG UF
10:44.37ckknightsbu: I kinda sorta updated agUF for that, afair
10:44.38boobies4uand ofc, its bugging
10:44.52boobies4uanother day with another addon
10:45.26sbuuhm dunno ckknight, but i know its working w/ MH3 ;)
10:45.35sbu(since i can see mob's health!? :p
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10:46.54sbumeh... cant believe that there are no really good cloth bracers...
10:47.10sbu(something w/ 50+heal and ~5 mp5 :/)
10:47.19nevcairielthere is nothing like that in leather either
10:47.22sbuguess i need those timewalker bindings
10:47.23boobies4uhow did i hide party pets with aguf again
10:47.24boobies4ui forgot
10:47.31phyberI'm still using my T2 Nemesis bracers.
10:47.38nevcairieli still use my t3
10:47.41phyberand gloves, and belt :/
10:47.59sbuhm - healer belt is no problem at all
10:48.23sbuerr ok [Ammo] - wtf is SRA? :p
10:48.23nevcairieli got some blue healer belt from slave pens heroic
10:48.30nevcairiel46 heal 8 mana
10:48.51sbuthats the only one :o (besides mooncloth stuff)
10:49.07nevcairielfor me there is still the belt from illhoof
10:49.14boobies4uhow did i hide party pets with aguf again
10:49.35nevcairielgo into the config, party pets -> hide frames
10:49.39[Ammo]boobies4u: use the menu read the options, then come back asking questiongs about the 'hide frames' option
10:49.57sbu[Ammo]: new raid assist? *confused* :o
10:49.57[Ammo]some people just can't read for themselves they need every solution spoonfed
10:50.06boobies4ui dont find it
10:50.14boobies4ustfu ammo
10:50.15ZealotOnAStickI want the epic belt from Heroic Murmur.
10:50.31sbuhaha heroic murmur :/
10:50.35nevcairielheroic shadowlabs ftl
10:50.40nevcairielso annoying instance
10:50.42ZealotOnAStickThere's a couple of quest reward blue cloth bracers that are quite good.  I'd have replaced my Plagueheart if it wouldn't break my 4 piece bonus.
10:50.46sbuyeah... rogue 1hit clothies?
10:50.49ZealotOnAStickHeroic labs isn't bad.
10:51.02HjalteHeroic shadow labs is not that bad. Bring a rogue and a mage and you should do most pulls easily
10:51.04ZealotOnAStickWould way much rather do labs than Mana Tombs.
10:51.19Stephmwanyone know if there's anything interesting in that new troll-esque subzone of EPL?
10:51.33nevcairielHjalte: we generally go with mage/rogue, its not a problem to finish it, its just plain annoying
10:51.33ZealotOnAStickSingle most annoying thing for me in Heroic Labs is the damn felguard guys who like to MS for 18k on cloth.
10:51.43[Ammo]yeah they own
10:51.57nevcairielget a dwarf priest, and you dont have that issues :D
10:52.15[Ammo]they fear faster than FW cooldown
10:52.17ZealotOnAStickBlizzard decided to fuck us on racials there.
10:52.17[Ammo]so that's a no go :p
10:52.24sbuwe did heroic sethekk yesterday... well, 1st boss is not that easy if you are into straight-dps strategy (after 2nd fear all adds returned to tank -> instant death, 10%, every time :p) - but easy if you focus kill adds when they spawn
10:52.26nevcairiel[Ammo]: been there, done that, works.
10:52.26ZealotOnAStickHey alliance, have it on TWO races!  
10:53.10Hjalte[Ammo]: I'm a dwarf priest and i have no problems fear warding before cd :)
10:53.49[Ammo]well it feared every 12 seconds for us :(
10:53.58[Ammo]and FW cooldown is considerably longer
10:54.03[Ammo]but our tank just tanked in zerker
10:54.04[Ammo]no problem
10:54.18[Ammo]I just need to be careful on the aggro :)
10:54.44ZealotOnAStickIt's reasonably random, we've had some that only feared once or so, and some that seemed to fear as often as they could.
10:55.10sbumhh meh, must not forget to pick up my gf from airport tonight... :/
10:55.25[Ammo]zerkertank should work, provided your healers are on the ball
10:55.54ZealotOnAStickThere's a few specific pieces I'd like to have as upgrades (Trial-Fire Trousers, mmm), but breaking my Plagueheart 4 piece bonus is still too big a loss for me.
10:55.58Hjalte[Ammo]: Yeah, they hit damn hard.. But I've done it a couple of times and I've never experienced fearing every 12 secs
10:56.10[Ammo]it could have been 15 too
10:56.13kenlyricwell, if it's any consolation, I haven't seen a single dwarf or draenei priest.
10:56.14[Ammo]but it was way too fast
10:56.40kenlyricall the dwarf priests who rolled for MC/BWL went back to the classes they liked in xpac.
10:56.48kenlyricall the ones I know, at least.
10:56.59[Ammo]FW helps on nightbane :)
10:57.03HjalteI like healing, and I'm a dwarf priest. I feel wanted :P
10:57.57nee|workHm. I think I'll try some Silkroad Online or some Guildwars again.
10:58.20CIA-1103ckknight * r30661 10Cavity/Cavity.lua: Cavity - added highlighting on mouseover and target.
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10:59.57echosThe Attumen mod in BiGwigs is racist against druid tanks.
10:59.59sbu*sigh* i dont like ppl who install some addon and then updatet it every 1-2 months :/
11:00.12sbusince WAU is not working for them...
11:00.28HjalteEchos: and paladin tanks
11:00.35CIA-1103ckknight * r30662 10Cavity/Cavity.lua: Cavity - fix bug in the wacky unit detector
11:01.49echospfft paladin tanks
11:02.17kenlyricthat phrase does not compute!
11:02.38HjalteA paladin is really the best multitarget tank. It's unbelieveable.
11:03.14ckknightI'm a pally tank
11:03.17kenlyricmaybe in the "holding aggro sense"
11:03.54kenlyricI'll admit I have a very limited experiene with a paladin tank, but it was... not fun to keep him alive.
11:04.21echosDruid tanks or bust
11:04.25kenlyricalmost as not-fun as a bear.
11:04.28HjalteKenlyric: I'll admit paladin tanks doesnt have as good damage mitigation as eg warriors, but for holding aggro on several mobs, even on single mobs, they are often the best.
11:04.29*** join/#wowace Fisker- (i=ballmer@
11:04.51sbuuntil they are oom :o
11:04.53CIA-1103phyber * r30663 10Fizzle/Fizzle.toc:
11:04.53CIA-11- Add Voyeur to the optional deps. If anyone wants to let me know why this is needed, it would be good. I didn't bother to read the Voyeur code ;)
11:05.01NightHawkTheSanepally tanks dont go oom. :P
11:05.07ckknightsbu: Pallies don't go oom
11:05.07sbuno? ;o
11:05.11ckknightthey have a blue rage bar
11:05.13NightHawkTheSanespiritual attunement
11:05.16ckknightheals = mana
11:05.16NightHawkTheSanehealing -> mana
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11:05.39kenlyricas a healer, I find damage mitigation to be the only thing I care about... everything else can be controlled, except for how hard the boss whacks you :)
11:06.08NightHawkTheSanekenlyric: as a healer, that's fair, but you need both threat and mitigation to make a tank work. ;)
11:06.21echosWarriors are better for DPS in TBC anyways.
11:06.23kenlyricright. <3 warrior.
11:06.29echosDruids are a subpar damge class
11:06.36echosthey are eithers tanks or healers
11:06.57sbuhmhm, that ArenaPointer mod is not very accurate :o
11:07.10kenlyricwe have an awesome druid tank in our guild. But I cry when he's MT, because I know I'll be using lots of potions.
11:07.31echosthat happens with any tank
11:07.36kenlyricsure, he's got 17k health, but it goes down fast.
11:07.44sbuoh nvm, problem exists for 2v2 and 3v3, 5v5 is just fine
11:07.47HjalteDruids can't take pots while tanking
11:08.07kenlyricyeah, that's why I said "I" and not "he"
11:08.08ckknightHjalte: kenlyric is healing
11:08.17HjalteAh.. I see :)
11:08.36HjalteDualreading stuff on the blackboard and in the channel ftl
11:08.57kenlyricthe problem of course is that I'm built entirely around the idea of warrior healing. Then I hit a fight like shade of aran, and I'm just completely out of my element :)
11:09.11HjalteKenlkyric, what class are you?
11:10.28echosBut this is the perfect time to go back to my original point.
11:10.46echosCan you please add druids tp the curse event for Attunmen?
11:11.41kenlyricdoes it say "decurse warriors"?
11:11.48HjalteWe had a paladin mt for a long time in karazhan, but now, in my group at least, we have a druid mt. I feel the druid is taking way less damage, but this druid also has some of the best druid tank gear in the game
11:12.19echosexcept no paladin tank
11:12.21sbu2 warris ;o
11:12.38kenlyricHjalte: yeah, I find many people view this game from a pretty scewed perspective because they play with some of the best players in the world.
11:12.46kenlyricI do not have such a luxury :)
11:12.49ckknightI can see myself respeccing holy when I hit 58 or 60 or so
11:12.50sbu1 def, 1 dw (spec MS soon i guess)
11:12.53ckknightI'm prot now, at 39
11:12.57sbubecause of prince axe :o
11:13.00sbuawesome thing
11:13.09kenlyriclevelling as prot? you must have friends.
11:13.18kenlyricor, like ritual beatings.
11:13.37NightHawkTheSanemy friend leveled to.. 63 as prot, switched to holy, then switched back yesterday at 70 when he realized it was harder to find a competent tank than it was a healer
11:13.55kenlyricI have a priest friend that levelled 1-60 and then 61-70 and as holy-healing spec.
11:14.03kenlyricI admired his fortitude
11:14.17NightHawkTheSanei leveled my warrior from 60-70 as prot. that made me die a little inside
11:14.20phyberkenlyric: I leveled 1-62 holy on my priest. it's not so bad.
11:14.20sbuoeh, i levelled 60-70 w/ holy spec (priest)
11:14.22sbuno problems at all
11:14.27phyberI'll get 70 soon ;)
11:14.34kenlyricsbu: again I say, you must have had friends.
11:14.57HjalteI leveled 1-60 as shadow priest, and 61-70 as healing specced priest. Had a lot of guildies to instance with though.
11:15.06vhaarrHjalte: lol
11:15.11kenlyricit's not so much bad as it is drastically less mana/time efficient.
11:15.12sbuwell... my shaman gf ;) that was our lvlning "team"
11:15.13vhaarrI leveled 1-60 as holy and 60-70 as shadow.
11:15.36nee|workI'm not lying. I'm writing fiction with my mouth.
11:16.13Hjaltevhaarr: I had been healing for several months at 60, so it was natural to me to just stay that way :)
11:16.13sbuwe did botanica/mechanar last week... and i put out ~80% more dmg than some shadow priest we had in grp..
11:16.13kenlyricI leveled 1-43 (the first time around) with no clue about anything until I saw a priest in shadowform and though I better figure out what those talents actually do.
11:16.13kenlyricthis time around it was 1-70 shadow.
11:16.13CodayusMy guilds MT found it quite easy to lvl from 60 to 70 as prot.  ...having TF and being able to always find a healer to wander around doing quests MIGHT have helped there some....  :-)
11:16.13vhaarrHjalte: yeah, me too, but our guild lost 70% of its members before TBC, so I went shadow.
11:16.14sbui dont know it he is completely retarded or holys arent really that bad ;o
11:16.14kenlyricsbu: bad shadow priest :)
11:16.19sbumeh ;)
11:16.21kenlyricholy isn't all that bad, really.
11:16.39sbuholy w/ surge of light spec is really nice
11:16.39kenlyricespecially if you level holy with spirit tap.
11:17.06Codayussbu: I hope they never fix the surge of light bug.  :-)
11:17.15sbuwith some nice procs: >~10k dmg in <10s
11:17.41CodayusYou can get some sick burst DPS with mediocre gear, just by shifting a handful of points around from a "pure" healing build.
11:17.42kenlyricI found out yesterday that inner focus bug is still around... the one where it didn't get used up when you cast divine spirit buff?
11:17.48kenlyricexcept now it happens on lightwell.
11:18.14sbuCodayus: yep
11:18.28kenlyric+healing... I've heard that's a stat.
11:18.55sbui like it that way :)
11:19.34Hjalteechos: what about mp5?
11:19.57kenlyriclately I've been thinking of moving a point from mental agility to silent resolve.
11:20.40kenlyricthose damn mana feeders love me.
11:21.07sbu5/5 silent resolve... i tried some 3/5 or 4/5, but it really matters in instances/raiding... :/
11:22.02kenlyricI'm giving circle of healing a try this week, because I've heard some positive things from other realm priests... but probably only for a week. I miss my spirit.
11:22.04Codayussbu: The smite build I used dropped some out of holy (no empowered healing) to pick up 4/5 in Force of Will.  <shrug>  Close enough.  There's a lot of ways to tweak it.
11:22.31Codayuskenlyric: Heh, I tried it out a couple weeks ago.  Sucks, IMHO.
11:22.35HjalteKenlyric, i tried going that far into holy.. I did not like it at all. Is much better imo, if you want imp spirit too.
11:22.42CodayusThe +healing coefficient is scarily low.
11:23.12kenlyricit looks like if it can heal 3 people, it's about 6hpm.
11:23.14CodayusYou can spam it non-stop, and you're HP/S output is nil...
11:24.03sbuHjalte: holy cencentration is nice, too :o
11:24.12kenlyricI'm thinking on fights like shade and curator, where there's lots of little damage on the whole party, I can find a use for it. But... probably not.
11:24.23CodayusHas to be VERY little damage.  :p/
11:24.34Hjaltesbu: I didnt find it proccing a lot - Furthermore i tend to use Heal rank 4 a lot.
11:24.39sbunah - not.. just put out some HOTs - or shaman chain heal
11:24.44CodayusHoly concentration is very nice, I find.
11:24.57CodayusJust upgrade to Gheal rank 1...
11:25.00kenlyricwell, we do have a shaman now.
11:25.22HjalteI use renews, prayer of mending and heal rank 4.. Holy concentration and Empowered healing just doesnt cut it then.
11:25.23CodayusIt procs a ton, and when it does proc, hit gheal rank 7.  Weeee.  Even if it's all wasted, it's fun to see the big numbers.
11:25.30sbuhm 1275 +heal, wtb more ;o
11:25.38kenlyricgheal rank 1 is what I use on softies that don't need a flash heal.
11:25.54HjalteWith empowered healing i find gheal rank1 to be far too powerful
11:25.55CodayusHjalte: Hrm, I dunno, I MT heal a lot, and rank 4 stopped cutting it a long time ago...
11:26.06HjalteI heal heroic a lot.
11:26.07kenlyricit's still greatly more mana efficient then any heal rank.
11:26.09CodayusWhat's your +heal?
11:26.16Hjalte1570 or so
11:26.20Hjalte199 mp5
11:26.25kenlyricgheal is almost 1 more hpm than heal.
11:26.28sbu199? wtf
11:26.37kenlyricholy goddamn.
11:26.47HjalteFull primal mooncloth and whitemend, plus the best epics from karazhan.
11:26.48CodayusIs that your actual mp5, or your paperdoll "in-combat" regen?
11:26.57sbuscreenshot or... ;p
11:26.58Hjaltepaperdoll in-combat regen ;)
11:27.02sbuahh k
11:27.14sbuits 125 for me w/o spirit buff...
11:27.26kenlyricyeah, I"m hot sexy for the primal mooncloth set.
11:27.34sbu(and w/o being tailor ;o)
11:27.38CodayusI've got a bit less +healing than you Hjalte, but a fair amount more mp5...
11:27.49kenlyricI sit at around 110 or so without any buffs but spirit.
11:27.55HjalteWhat's your mp5 codayus?
11:27.59kenlyricbut fear me if you get me out of the 5sr.
11:28.03*** join/#wowace Lysithea (
11:28.27CodayusEh...a ways over 200 maybe?  I'm actually logging in to find out....
11:28.44HjalteTell me your paperdoll in.combat mp5 totally unbuffed :)
11:28.55CodayusOops, lower than I why...
11:29.00Codayus...oh right, full +hit gear.
11:29.03CIA-1103fenlis 07Fenlis * r30664 10MSBTCooldowns/MSBTCooldowns/Locales/koKR.lua:
11:29.03CIA-11MSBTCooldowns :
11:29.24kenlyricIf I could have my unbuffed in-combat near 200m/5s... I'd completely abandon my spirit whore ways.
11:29.30*** join/#wowace Gandharva (
11:29.50sbujulianne's robe > * ;) (at least when they fix that damn proc rate)
11:29.51kenlyricwhich, I'm starting to do anyways. *hate karazhan*
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11:30.45CodayusLet's see, 1308 healing and 218 mp5 while casting?
11:30.49CodayusI need more epics.
11:30.54CodayusOnly 2.  QQ
11:30.54sbutruecrypt for win-vista
11:30.58Codayus(From karazhan)
11:31.19kenlyricI only have 3, period. And one of those they gave me at the front door :)
11:31.21StephmwCodayus: about that location-in-instances... could that plug into healing mods? something like XXX is outside any healer range... YYY is outside Aura range... etc
11:31.27HjalteCodauys, can i see your stuff? Armory link please :) I'd hate if there was any mp5 gear i've missed.
11:31.41Codayus3 piece t2.  :-(
11:31.41*** join/#wowace Unrealii (i=NEXT96@
11:31.50CodayusShard of the scale, rejuve gem.
11:31.57CodayusMy gear's junk, just...mp5 heavy.
11:32.06*** join/#wowace Thratchen (
11:32.06HjalteHehe, same trinkets as me codayus ;)
11:32.18HjalteBut i dropped t2 some time ago
11:32.20CodayusI've actually started playing with Lower City Prayerbook
11:32.22kenlyriceven on my old priest I never ever saw those trinkets.
11:32.23Stephmwdo you both use mana oil as well?
11:32.26kenlyricAnd I mean that... they never dropped.
11:32.41HjalteI do in some fights, but not while reporting my stats in here of course.
11:32.45Codayus202 mp5...but...if you crunch the numbers on the proc, it's "worth" a lot of mp5...sorta?
11:32.58CodayusI go through piles of Lesser Mana Oil and Blackened Sporefish
11:33.02kenlyricI need to start using mana oil. I use the other 4 useful healer elixirs.
11:33.16sbu*testing WIM 2.0*
11:33.19CodayusBoth are VERY cheap, and very solid...
11:33.28kenlyrici have 702 spirit when we have a druid and a kings pally in the group.
11:33.49CodayusI use them on almost all boss fights.  :-)
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11:34.23CodayusHjalte: Oh, I went scryer; I thought the mp5 heavy enchants looked sexier.  Plus, the +hit trinket is sex for shackling trash.
11:34.54kenlyricyeah, i was dumb when I chose scyer/aldor.
11:35.21kenlyricI hadn't yet done any really hard healing since the nerf to downranking, and didn't realize how unimportant +healing had gotten in the overall scheme of things.
11:35.32CodayusI wouldn't say unimportant.
11:35.44kenlyric"in the overall scheme of things"
11:36.10kenlyricI use to rank it fairly high up on my list of priorities, because it meant I oculd drop down another rank and shoot way up in efficiency.
11:36.27kenlyricnow I'd place it maybe third.
11:36.50Hjalte <-- I just need some new bracers. Will probably get the ones from either heroic setthek halls or cot exalted.
11:36.51Fisker-Why does my ubuntu have a package called popularity-contest
11:37.28CodayusIncidentally - GH rank 1 is better efficiency than Heal rank 4...for me anyhow
11:37.34kenlyricI really should go tailoring.
11:37.38Codayus(If I trust these Dr. Damage numbers, which I think I do...)
11:37.46kenlyricCodayus: yeah, it should be for anyone.
11:38.05Codayus*nod*  Something somoene said earlier implied they disagreed, I thought.  <shrug>
11:38.14kenlyricit finally makes sense why we have lesser heal, heal, and gheal. Each is a completely different level of efficiency.
11:39.06HjalteCodayus: I've also got DrDamage and it is more efficient to use gheal 1 than heal 4 but it's just too much healing. I like to keep people topped off and then maybe use a renew or so to keep them there.
11:39.07Codayuskenlyric: I don't think it's WORTH it.  But.  You could consider tracking down a ZG enchant for your pants.
11:39.20CodayusI'm not really impressed with the spell thread for raw healing ability.
11:39.42CodayusThat was totally aimed at Hjalte.  :-/
11:39.52CodayusThe names are like, so similar?
11:40.02HjalteHaha, yeah, but i'm not going to get a zg enchant :)
11:40.05kenlyricyeah, I'd also like ZG enchant for my pants.
11:40.16kenlyricbut, there's the whole issue of having no rep with them :)
11:40.19CodayusWarriors want ZG enchants for their head slot, priests for legs...
11:40.22sbumeh.. damn mooncloth tailoring stuff
11:40.27sbuthats not fair :/
11:40.30CodayusI think both kind of got screwed over with TBC enchants.
11:40.39sbu - look my poor stats :/
11:40.39kenlyricmooncloth set bonus makes me hot as a spirit whore.
11:41.07kenlyricI jut don't know how hot
11:41.12CodayusHjalte: Shard of the Virtuous > Gavel of Pure Light, IMHO.  And there's some decent bracers off...Moroes?  I think?
11:41.17*** join/#wowace Royal (
11:41.36sbubracers -> keepers of time exalted
11:41.40HjalteCodayus: I've passed shard of the virtuous twice because other healers needed it more
11:41.42kenlyricd'oh, I logged out in my damage gear.
11:41.48kenlyricmy armory link won't make any sense :)
11:41.49CodayusGood stuff.  :-p
11:42.06sbuah btw: spellsurge > +81 heal ;)
11:42.06kenlyricand everyone will laugh at my power infused mushroom.
11:42.17kenlyriceverything > +81 heal.
11:42.25CodayusI like 81 heal.  :-(
11:42.26sbuspellsurge is really nice...
11:42.35kenlyricspirit whores got screwed out of a new enchant!
11:42.37sbu~10-20% proc
11:42.47kenlyricbut yeah, I'm going spellsurge when I get something worthy
11:42.47sbuand stacks with other ppl's spellsurge ;o
11:42.59sbugavel or pure light isnt worthy? :o
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11:43.09kenlyricagain, "I"
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11:43.25CodayusThe description of spellsurge says 3% proc
11:43.30sbuclick on it
11:43.33sbuits 15%
11:43.48nee|workSpirit > +Heal
11:44.10kenlyricnee|work: yeah, but they didn't give us a new spirit enchant in the xpac. bastards!
11:44.59CodayusI still have +20 spirit on my benediction...
11:45.12NightHawkTheSaneAnyone play an enh shammy?
11:45.12kenlyricso do I.
11:45.21kenlyricbut blizzard doesn't let me log into that account :)
11:45.39Jyggai do NightHawkTheSane
11:45.51sbuNightHawkTheSane: my gf plays resto shammy - but i guess thats not the question ;o
11:45.53kenlyricI do, but only level 20.
11:46.16NightHawkTheSaneJygga: you happen to be LW by chance? I'm thinking of picking it up to get some gear, since it looks like there's almost no good mail enh gear.
11:46.33kenlyriccasters are so much less time efficient than melee.
11:46.34CodayusSpellsurge sounds....interesting.
11:46.35Jyggawhats LW ?
11:46.38kenlyricexcept warlocks of course.
11:47.04CodayusWonder if it'll catch a bug fix, and if so, in which direction...
11:47.07Jyggauhm i got 1200ap and 21% critchance
11:47.41Jyggadunno i like to have plenty armor ^^
11:48.05kenlyricin general, crafting is going to net you some nice gear only at the end.
11:48.14NightHawkTheSaneWell, I'm at ~920ish AP and ~20% crit, but I only hit 70 the other day. Still finishing up quests and instancing for gear.
11:48.22wobinThat's true of just about all crafting
11:48.25wobinexcept maybe JC
11:48.31Jyggasure there are some green leather items that give more +ap than some of the blue mal items i got ...
11:48.33kenlyricwhich is why I don't like crafting.
11:48.43kenlyricAnd then of course, once you've crafted the stuff, you're done.
11:49.00Jyggadesolation gear is pretty cool for enh shamans
11:49.04kenlyricbut.. primal mooncloth does make me hot.
11:49.22NightHawkTheSaneJygga: Yeah, im going to try and get that. I've got the legs already (woo, first sethekk halls run!)
11:49.26kenlyriccurrently I craft gold. It's the only crafting profession that keeps on giving!
11:49.37Stephmwkenlyric: farmer!
11:49.52Jyggadamn you .. still running around with scales of the beast ;P
11:49.54NightHawkTheSaneI'm just not looking forward to running heroic durnholde to get the shoulders (er, is it shoulders that drop there?)
11:50.15sbuCodayus: well - i hope they will update tooltip and not proc effect ;o
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11:51.14Jyggabreastplate of rapid striking is also a good start
11:51.17kenlyricStephmw: it works out... I can play at work but I can't do isntances there. I'm a holy priest, so killing mobs for stuff is also hard. So, I just fly around and pick stuff up and AH it.
11:51.41kenlyricepic mount + mining + herbalism = $$$
11:51.48kenlyricespecially during the day.
11:52.09NightHawkTheSaneJygga: yeah, that is nice. I'm not normally a fan of BoE gear though. It's usually so overpriced
11:53.14Jyggapaid like 30g for the scales and 35g for the breastplate ... thats << 1 hour farming ^^
11:53.23NightHawkTheSanedamn. that's nice.
11:53.49NightHawkTheSanei'm almost sure both of those would go for ~150+ easy on my server
11:54.26kenlyricI'm wearing to boe greens.
11:54.45kenlyricof the prophet stuff is pretty sexy, but it feels dirty.
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11:55.20Jyggawhat do you pay for Pauldrons of Surging Mana? its down do 15g on my server
11:55.38Jyggathe same happened to those two items when the ah was totally flooded with em
11:55.40NightHawkTheSaneI think I saw them up on the AH for ~20-30g. But those are crap anyway. :P
11:55.55Jyggasupply and demand :L)
11:56.04NightHawkTheSaneyeah. more or less
11:57.01*** part/#wowace kenlyric (
11:58.07sbumeh you guys keep me from working ;o reading here is far more interesting :/
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12:01.29NightHawkTheSaneanyway. night.
12:04.49CIA-1103uruloke * r30665 10ArcHUD2/ (Core.lua Rings/Casting.lua Rings/DruidMana.lua):
12:04.49CIA-11* Hopefully fixed bug with pet nameplate not disappearing after pet disband
12:04.49CIA-11* Renamed AceDruidBar support to SmartyCat
12:04.49CIA-11* Preliminary support for InFlight - needs testing!
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12:14.31xlviiVengeance Wrap, worth the money / materials?
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12:21.13nee|work - That's an alternative
12:24.04Pneuxlvii: for what class? :)
12:24.26purlSo, punkie` i herd you liek mudkips
12:24.37wobinI can't remember the trigger
12:24.43purlAnd what are we going to do tomorrow night, Pinky?
12:24.51purlmethinks brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get up
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12:27.12purlthink is, like, a great linux laptop if it's a 385XD
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12:29.13nee|workpurl: actually it works all the time.
12:29.46purlSo, fisker_q i herd you liek mudkips
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12:38.21CIA-1103athou * r30666 10ArenaMaster/Core.lua:
12:38.21CIA-11- Small fix for death detection
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12:49.16Brunerswhen is the next patch ?
12:50.12chutwighold on, checking my divining ball
12:51.10Punkie`We're waiting, chutwig.... :o
12:52.07chutwig0,2OUTLOOK HAZY, TRY AGAIN
12:52.30Punkie`Darn :(
12:52.37chutwiglittle demon ball always thinks it can get the better of me
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12:54.01cncfanaticsyo all :)
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13:02.53boobies4ugief more entertaining in here
13:03.11HealthDid some playing around with adding herb coords from wowhead into cartographer yesterday.. went so so!
13:04.08kenlyricI would think their herb coords would not be exact enough.
13:04.35HealthYeah.. was a bit too low res.
13:05.41kenlyricit's confusing  enough for me if I pick an herb from the far left side, and then from the far right side... makes two dots :)
13:07.06boobies4uits hard enough for me to even spot the dreamfoil on the ground
13:07.26Dynommust be the boobies
13:07.50boobies4umy ag_UF is b0rked :((
13:07.58boobies4ui updated this morning :(
13:08.31vhaarrkenlyric: I've fixed that.
13:09.06vhaarrIt should only make a new dot if you're more than 20 yards away now.
13:09.07boobies4ui love ur skilled add0nz
13:10.02boobies4uim so glad i tossed tivoli`s nurfed addon package and went 100% ace
13:10.59boobies4ui feel like a man now
13:11.26kenlyric20 yards? is that too much?
13:11.40kenlyricis it 20 yards only for the same type of node?
13:11.41JyggaAin't got time to play with myself. .(68).
13:11.49Jygga8ball: Maybe
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13:13.28vhaarrkenlyric: yes
13:13.34vhaarronly for the same type of herb
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13:14.53kenlyriceven if you have two of the same type that close together, you'll be able to see it on the minimap (or look, at it)
13:14.57Dhirmadihi everyone, anyone i could bother with a question to change the font in the arcHUD2?
13:23.16kenlyricI need to break into a pdf.
13:25.29Jyggathere are plenty shareware pdf to doc/whateverformat converteres availabe on the net
13:25.52Dynomeven freeware
13:25.53kenlyricyeah, doesn't work when the pdf is password protected. At least none of the ones I've found.
13:26.04kenlyricI have the password, I just can't do what i want, like set bookmarks.
13:26.10Tornhoofthere are several pdf breaker ;)
13:26.12hastevhaarr: you ping'd earlier today :p ?
13:26.30vhaarrhaste: yeah, I wanted a cooldown display addon
13:26.40vhaarrhaste: and was wondering if your thingy supported bt3
13:26.52hasteit will support all-around soon
13:27.02hasteI can't be arsed to maintain the compat layers anymore
13:27.17hastebut I want 2.1.0 PTR, so I can do some real profiling :(
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13:33.19Dynomgod I love proper debug functions
13:34.28UrulokeI have a slight...problem with one of my addons. You may or may not have seen it on the SVN. Called MAcon.
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13:34.58UrulokeIs there a way to say...hook a function that handles setting raid icons?
13:35.37UrulokeI'm currently using the RAID_TARGET_UPDATE event, but well.. it's not foolproof...
13:35.50echosBlizzard needs to add iTunes support on the windows version of wow
13:36.12Dynomechos: as long as they make a feature to not enable/install it
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13:36.43StephmwI wouldn't mind better sound support under linux, personally
13:36.47Dynomhowever, a feature to intergrate better with ventrilo/TS/skype/etc would be very nice
13:37.15UrulokeOr just add VoIP support directly like a few other games?
13:37.43vhaarrUruloke: RAID_TARGET_UPDATE?
13:38.10DynomUruloke: hmm, as long as they allow as many features as TS/ventrilo, etc
13:38.13Urulokevhaarr: Yes, it triggers everytime an icon changes on any target
13:38.23vhaarrah, err
13:38.31vhaarrUruloke: I thought you said you used RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE.
13:38.39Urulokevhaarr: Heh, nope
13:38.40vhaarrSo I was suggesting you use RTU instead.
13:38.50echosI'm just saying cause they have iTunes support on mac
13:39.32UrulokeThe thing is I'm trying to make my addon ignore a target if it already have a different icon on it. I don't want it to overwrite others icons with its own.
13:40.06UrulokeThe addon itself runs a scheduled event and puts an icon on your current target.
13:41.18UrulokeSo sometimes if the target's icon changes to another icon it changes it back to its own icon.
13:41.46Dynomthe icons is nice, too bad they removed the [target $icon] feature
13:41.56UrulokeThey had that?
13:42.15kenlyricI'd have been happier never knowing that :/
13:42.19Dynomno they had a feature that you could use addons to target
13:42.27Dynominstead of just marking
13:42.32Dynombut they removed that
13:42.41UrulokeYou mean like Paintball did?
13:42.51Dynomdno, but i know bananabar did
13:42.55Dynomdon't know paintball
13:43.04kenlyricmy life would be so much easier if I could just shackle moon. :)
13:43.23UrulokePoke the CMs on the wow forums, kenlyric :P
13:43.24Dynom./focus target, /target focus ?
13:44.13kenlyricRight, but sometimes pickup up targets in a tight bunch and far away is hard, or stuff gets marked up during an accidental pull. I didn't say it was hard... just that it would be easier.
13:44.26Dynomyeah i know the feeling
13:44.47UrulokePerhaps if you could set a focus target in an addon it could trigger on icon changes ;)
13:44.50Dynomit used to be possible to create macro's using a macro, that was kewl
13:45.00DynomUruloke: xD
13:45.30UrulokeLike, moon gets put on a target, focus changes to that target
13:46.20kenlyricit would still require target=luckycharm
13:48.36kenlyricyou're missing the point entirely.
13:48.51kenlyricI still have to set my focus manually.
13:48.52UrulokeMost probably
13:48.54kenlyricmanually = suck
13:49.19UrulokeYeah, that's why I said it would be cool if an addon would set focus based on icons :P
13:49.29kenlyricthere's no way to have focus change based on raidicon change, since there's no target options for raidicons.
13:49.54UrulokeI know, I know... would be nice anyway
13:50.51phybernice. wow gold adverts from google on :/
13:50.59echosyou could brute force targets to find their icons out.
13:51.16Dynomthats dirty dude
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13:52.09UrulokeGo through the raids targets to find the icon you're looking for on every raidicon change? ;)
13:52.28Dynomyeah, thats kinda like..
13:52.39Dynomjust not a pretty sight :-|
13:53.02UrulokeEspecially since every raidicon change is two-steps
13:53.34Dynomso thats uberlag
13:56.28kenlyricmostly it's annoying on those undead on the way to shade of aran. The ones that disappear :)
13:56.38kenlyricTheir raid icon remains, but when they disappear, the focus gets unset
13:59.45*** join/#wowace purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
13:59.45*** topic/#wowace is | | | | WAU 1.7-final | You gotta break some lions to make an omlet
14:00.16Dynomwhy do I think 'debian' when I see purl
14:00.21Fisker-should've leveled my rogue
14:01.21art3misheh groovy huh?
14:01.27art3misThis is for Warlocks, put up a curse, and after you are mc'd the curse will still be on Blackheart the Inciter but you can put up another curse on him, so you can have CoS, CoE,CoA every 40 seconds (which is when he will mc you). CoS and CoE last for 5 mins so after those 2 are up you'll pretty much just use CoA, but still a nice way to have extra dmg
14:02.02Dynomor cod if that would finally work
14:02.14Dynomwith amp-curse
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14:04.53CIA-1103uruloke * r30667 10MAcon/ (Core.lua MAcon.toc):
14:04.53CIA-11* Added option to not overwrite other icons
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14:12.49chutwigDynom: that's funny because purl makes me think the same thing
14:16.50Dynomchutwig: must be the apt/bot/TimRiker/active/supporter/pdpc/
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14:21.34Dhirmadihi everyone, anyone i could bother with a question to change the font in the arcHUD2?
14:21.51Punkie`bother Fisker-
14:21.52UrulokeChange font?
14:22.23Dhirmadiyes, the font in archud is hardcoded it seems :)
14:22.28UrulokeNot really
14:22.36Dhirmadiand i'd like to use a different one for better readability :)
14:22.45Dhirmadiseems clearfont is unable to change it
14:23.04UrulokeIf you check the locals file you'll see I've added a FONT bit
14:23.16Dhirmadiin the locale_enUS.lua i found it
14:23.18DhirmadiFONT= "FRIZQT__.TTF",
14:23.18UrulokeClearFont works fine for me with ArcHUD
14:23.47Dhirmadithe text just under the arc's emselves does nto change, although i've set the font in clearfont to calibri
14:24.16Punkie`Make a folder in your WoW directory called Fonts
14:24.18UrulokeYou put the fonts into the \Fonts folder?
14:24.25Punkie`(not in the addons folder)
14:24.35Punkie`for example ARIAL.TTF
14:24.49Punkie`and change the FONT = "FRIZ....
14:24.53Punkie`to arial
14:25.06Dhirmadiahh ok, just create a directory called fonts inside my installdir, move the relevant fonts in there, and then change to FONT= "cailibri.TTF"?
14:25.07Fisker-376 enchanting
14:25.15Fisker-now i can finally break the armory page
14:25.21Silviu-376 ?
14:25.27Fisker-<-blood elf
14:25.27Dhirmadiis lua case sensitive?
14:25.47UrulokeDhirmadi: Yes
14:25.50Fisker- <-I DID IT
14:25.56Fisker-I BROEK TEH ARMORY
14:26.20Dhirmadiok i'll try that then. thanks a bunch for the fast replies guys!!!
14:27.00art3mis holy crap
14:27.07art3misa ceo that has a good idea
14:27.23art3misthe bottom of the article actually shocked me as abnormal behavior for a company too
14:28.32CIA-1103minorann * r30668 10ERP/: Created directory ERP
14:31.12*** join/#wowace Amadeo (
14:31.24vhaarrlol, just did Scholomance for fun, and Headmasters Charge dropped :P
14:32.23Stephmwvhaarr: solo?
14:32.43vhaarrnah a friend wants epic mount on his lock
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14:33.19vhaarrso we had to clear like everything :P
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14:33.23vhaarror he'd agrgo
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14:34.21AmadeoI notice that the View Changelog option in WAU doesn't work anymore
14:34.43nevcairielyou only need to go to the alchemy lab for the epic lock mount .. doing the final boss was pure fun :P
14:35.19vhaarrnevcairiel: obviously
14:35.30vhaarrand fun it was :)
14:35.56Amadeothat staff never drops, it's like a sign of good luck for the year
14:36.18Stephmwaye, actually. it must be a private server
14:36.24Stephmwwouldn't drop on any real one :D
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14:37.37AmadeoMy BE Rogue is almost 40, and I really don't want a chicken mount :(
14:37.53StephmwI prefer the initial name for those
14:38.39AmadeoI'm almost revered with Undercity, I wonder if I can get exalted easily
14:38.39zkl|maestrait's a chocobo, not a chicken
14:38.54Amadeothis isn't Final Fantasy :P
14:39.19Stephmwgood point, whatever happened to [GM]Dave's blog?
14:39.28GagorianAmadeo: Tell that to the one who designed the BE mount
14:40.15AmadeoI hate all the bird-like mounts
14:40.16AmadeoGnome included
14:41.11m4rku5hmm << are there no attatchments or why cant i see any ?
14:41.54JoshBorkem4rku5: you have to log in in order to see attachments
14:42.30m4rku5damnit cause i cant register atm and lost my old account havent got my email for an hour now
14:45.09revvm4rku5:  Use this as a temp email to register with:
14:45.31revvIt's ... useful  ;-)
14:45.40m4rku5ill give it a try thanks
14:51.32*** join/#wowace Zixon (
14:52.36vhaarr~seen ag`
14:53.11purlag` <n=ag`> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 12h 41m 1s ago, saying: 'uiQuery looks interesting'.
14:53.11vhaarrAmadeo: Just do all the lowlevel quests if you haven't already.
14:53.11vhaarrAmadeo: Since they give full rep now.
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14:57.48Amadeovhaarr: Nice, I'll try that...I hope it won't take much, I really hate grinding :)
14:57.59vhaarrAmadeo: It's not grinding, it's questing!
14:58.25AmadeoI guess I have to pretend that rep is experience, maybe replace my exp bar with it :P
14:59.41vhaarrhaha, yeah, that works
14:59.57AmadeoI have to skill up my damn lockpicking too
14:59.59*** join/#wowace markus__ (
15:00.19AmadeoNow I know why so many Rogues never had skill for it
15:00.24markus__well 2prong is down revv :/ tryed another email account of mine still got no mail
15:01.57Punkie` ftw
15:02.50vhaarrAmadeo: Meh, it's not that bad, I have full skill on my alt.
15:06.21Fisker-Anyone have some experience with mysql?
15:06.24Fisker-It has 2 root users
15:06.34Fisker-but one is for localhost and the other is for the local hostname
15:06.39Fisker-Only localhost is passworded
15:06.58renchapdefault config
15:07.17Fisker-Should i delete the other root and just keep the localhost one?
15:07.38Amadeovhaarr: Is that what you've been running through instances, your Rogue?
15:07.45renchaptry mysql -u root
15:07.51vhaarrAmadeo: No, that's my priest.
15:07.52renchapyou cant login with the second one :)
15:07.58vhaarrmy rogue is just my alt grinding char
15:08.18renchapbut i dont know why this user exists
15:08.21Fisker-alright renchap
15:08.38Fisker-but yeah it does say i can't login as the root@localhost is passworded
15:08.45Fisker-just wondered why it was there, and why it had no password :o
15:09.00renchapi dont know, but if you find why tell me :)
15:09.33Fisker-Making a user there also means that new user can login through phpmyadmin right?
15:09.44Fisker-or is that something else?
15:09.57renchapif phpmyadmin if configured with auth method = http yes
15:10.17renchapbut thats also mysql users (the user you use with php or so)
15:10.43renchapbut dont alter the mysql.user table
15:10.49renchapuse the phpmyadmin page instead
15:11.04renchap(or the grant command)
15:11.11Fisker-under privileges
15:11.36markus__Punkie`, thanks for the link but i guess its a problem with wowace not sending the damn confirmation email
15:15.16[Ammo]anyone know a program that can edit and save .tga images, not being photoshop :p
15:15.23markus__well i just cant regiser atm :( could anyone with an account get the 2 attatchments from and send them to me ? :(
15:15.28markus__Ammo gimp can do that :P
15:15.34Fisker-renchap is there any service or something in unix that generates a random strong password with 8 chars?
15:15.43Fisker-unix/linux/whatever :P
15:15.53[Ammo]gimp *shiver*
15:15.58[Ammo]I need something easy :p
15:16.06renchapgoogle password generator
15:16.08renchapfirst link
15:16.09*** join/#wowace Funkeh` (
15:16.19markus__what do you need in terms of EDITing that pic ?
15:16.40markus__converting with gimp is as easy as using the save as dialogue :P
15:16.49Fisker-phpmyadmin has one inbuilt but 16 char passwords is just more insecure anyways
15:18.33[Ammo]I need to make some icons
15:19.13*** join/#wowace FryGuy (
15:19.19markus__btw [Ammo] are you the Ammo who worked on BigWigs ?
15:20.05Funkeh`we have 2 different ammo's, evil twins
15:20.06markus__great work :P we've been using it since release 8xxxx :P
15:20.34[Ammo]I'm my own evil twin
15:20.41markus__so u want to make an icon out of a part of your tga ? :P
15:20.52Fisker-[Ammo] are you the Ammo who had my babies?
15:21.02markus__haha :D
15:21.45Funkeh`Fisker- im your father
15:22.37CIA-1103trh * r30669 10VanasKoS/ (4 files in 2 dirs): VanasKoS: bugfix for syncronization of newer entries
15:24.00markus__well gimp can do what u need Ammo :P but its probably not that easy :P
15:24.08Funkeh`you should be glad to have such a good father
15:24.14Funkeh`look how i raised you
15:24.20Funkeh`never even talked to you!
15:24.22Fisker-You raised me to be a troll
15:24.28Fisker-For that i hate you, and love you
15:24.33markus__anyone mind getting 2 attatchments from the froum for me ? i cant register :(
15:25.06CIA-1103adirelle * r30670 10PeriodicTable-3.0/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
15:25.06CIA-11- added some fishs to edible and bonus food sets,
15:25.06CIA-11- added raw fishs to inedible fish set.
15:25.11*** join/#wowace Adirelle|work (
15:26.24[Ammo]hmm I just need a png2tga I guess
15:26.25Funkeh`why can't you register
15:26.36markus__doesnt send me my mail
15:26.41markus__tried 3 emails now
15:28.06*** join/#wowace kagaro (n=sscotto@
15:28.19CIA-1103funkydude * r30671 10BigWigs/Karazhan/ (Moroes.lua Netherspite.lua Terestian.lua): BigWigs: Karazhan: frFR update
15:28.45mitch0[Ammo]: convert(1) on *nix
15:29.36mitch0part of ImageMagick
15:31.40[Ammo]that might work
15:33.46mitch0sure it does
15:34.24mitch0for i in *.png; do convert "$i" "${i%.png}.tga"; done
15:35.29mitch0wow, tga is BIG
15:35.35winkillerlol, ofc
15:35.49mitch0-rw-r--r-- 1 mitch mitch   2533 Mar 21 16:34 usage.png
15:35.49mitch0-rw-rw-r-- 1 mitch mitch 131120 Mar 21 16:35 usage.tga
15:36.02mitch0that's a bit too much imho...
15:36.06markus__sure its big
15:36.11mitch0can't tga do some sort of compression?
15:36.13*** join/#wowace drc|away (
15:36.18markus__1280x1024 screenshots take 5.0MB each
15:36.18vhaarrRLE only, iirc.
15:36.32markus__by default tga has compression turned off
15:37.14vhaarr~seen ag`
15:37.40purlag` <n=ag`> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 13h 25m 30s ago, saying: 'uiQuery looks interesting'.
15:37.47vhaarr~whalecrit ag`
15:37.52purlACTION crits ag` with a mathematically skilled whale named Isaac for #NaN. ag` dies
15:38.12vhaarrIT'S BACK
15:38.26Stephmwwe need some alternates though
15:38.46vhaarrThere are many.
15:39.03vhaarrwhaleslap, parry, crit, dodge, hit, etc
15:39.21markus__well still didnt get the mail for my forums acc - would anyone be so kind as to get the first two attatchments of and upload them somewhere or DCC em to me ?
15:39.46*** join/#wowace FISKER_Q (i=ballmer@
15:39.52CIA-1103ammo * r30672 10SRA/ (SRA.lua textures/disabled.tga textures/enabled.tga): SRA: Someone Really Aroused
15:40.46*** join/#wowace stavmar (n=chatzill@
15:42.01Pneu~whalehit vhaarr
15:42.16*** join/#wowace Imp4kT (
15:43.03Bibi`ouFAntiarc / Antiarc|Work ?
15:43.11art3miswith vhaarr its a rabbit punch
15:43.15art3mismuch like a donkey punch
15:43.20art3misonly faster
15:43.32chutwigyay half done the doomguard quest!
15:43.38chutwigsoloing DM east sucks
15:43.47art3misvendetta makes the deadly boss mods doesnt it?
15:44.29shieldbI thought technically ammo and rabbit 'made' deadly boss mods >.>
15:44.38vhaarrWe do, they just rip our shit.
15:44.45shieldbseriously, though, DBM is the new name for LVBM
15:45.39*** join/#wowace rophy (
15:45.58[Ammo]turned out my collegue had the gimp
15:46.07[Ammo]so I had him convert my 2 icons to .tga :p
15:46.20shieldbchutwig, doing the doomguard quest for fun and profit?
15:46.34chutwigshieldb: because i've conditioned my karazhan party to blindly click the portal box
15:46.36shieldbnow that everyone is used to automatically clicking on an altar whenevery they drop in a raid >.>
15:46.38shieldbyeah :)
15:47.07[Ammo]that's one to remember
15:47.12chutwigi got ruby slippers last night!
15:47.15chutwigi feel so pretty
15:47.21[Ammo]I had them since run 1 :p
15:47.25FISKER_Qi don't get it shieldb i always clicked an altar when it was dropped in a raid
15:47.37chutwigi had to argue with the mage a bit
15:47.39art3misdo you feel so pretty and witty and bright?
15:47.40chutwigbut i let him have the hat last week
15:47.54*** join/#wowace Ordog (
15:48.01chutwigi really want voidheart hat anyway
15:48.06chutwignot because it has really good stats or anything
15:48.16shieldbspellstrike hood or whatever?
15:48.23chutwigwish i could make it myself
15:48.26CIA-1103rabbit * r30673 10SRA/SRA.lua: SRA: Sedated Rabbis don't Aggro.
15:48.28chutwigthe only special pattern i have is whitemend hood
15:48.39chutwigbut i'm slowly accumulating spellcloth and primal mights
15:48.41FISKER_Qi think i enjoyed clicking the altar more than the warlocks
15:48.49Funkeh`vhaarr: lol
15:48.54Funkeh`vhaarr: really what is that
15:48.55FISKER_QThey usually got -dkp or i got my potions refunded
15:49.00vhaarrFunkeh`: sshh
15:49.50chutwigthese elite demons in winterspring seemed so scary at 60
15:49.54Funkeh`vhaarr: serious rabbits eat anacondas
15:49.56FISKER_QSD.sql                    | 204204 kB |  47.2 kB/s | ETA: 00:04:25 |  94%Fatal:
15:49.57FISKER_QNetwork error: Software caused connection abort
15:50.07chutwigthat's a big SQL dump
15:50.08Antiarc|WorkBibi`ouF: Pong
15:50.15Bibi`ouFpm ! ^^
15:50.25chutwigwhy not compress it first?
15:50.32chutwigit's plaintext
15:50.32Antiarc|WorkHm, I don't have any PMs here. Resend?
15:50.32chutwigit'll get like a million times smaller
15:50.41FISKER_Qprobably because i'm an idiot
15:50.45markus__FISKER_Q, lol is that a backup of the wow forums :P
15:51.00Bibi`ouFargh, not authed, stupid.
15:51.03chutwigno because that would probably come out as some horrible microsoft-only binary SQL dump
15:51.15CIA-1103rabbit * r30674 10SRA/SRA.lua: SRA: Spotted Raiders on Assault.
15:51.19chutwigit seems like the sort of thing they'd do
15:51.56markus__gzip SD.sql
15:52.02markus__and then DL SD.sql.gz
15:52.15FISKER_Qbut i have to upload it before i have access to gzip :P
15:52.21chutwigthen zip it
15:52.26markus__damn :P
15:52.31shieldbvhaarr, nice description for SRA on ;)
15:52.40vhaarrshieldb: thanks
15:52.52sedatedChipmunkSuper Rodent, Awaaaaaay!
15:53.21FISKER_Qi'm gonna 7zip it
15:53.34FISKER_Qbecause it's fucking win
15:53.47markus__eewww a windows server ? :P
15:53.55FISKER_Qthere are command line extractors for 7zip right?
15:54.08FISKER_Qlinux of course
15:54.24*** join/#wowace Kilroo (
15:54.35markus__well if that box u have the sql dump on is linux why not ssh in and gzip the .sql ?
15:54.44FISKER_Qmy computer is windows
15:54.50FISKER_Qthe server is linux :P it
15:54.59FISKER_Qand it was a joke :P
15:55.01markus__and then u can unzip it on command line
15:55.06markus__if u have unzip installed
15:55.48FISKER_QI'd rather upload a couple of 100 megs that i can't use
15:55.58FISKER_Qthan ensure i can use it and make it weigh a couple of megs more
15:56.07markus__well login via ssh and type unzip
15:56.13markus__then ull see if u have it installed
15:56.19*** join/#wowace Chompers (
15:56.25FISKER_Qi have unzip :P
15:56.30FISKER_Qbut 7zip isn't zip
15:56.36FISKER_Qi don't think so anyways
15:56.42markus__erm didnt 7zip have support for .zip files
15:56.42chutwigit's not
15:56.51chutwigjust zip the damn thing
15:57.21FISKER_QAlready got the motto for 7zip
15:57.34FISKER_Q"I'll do it 7 times better and use 7zip"
15:58.00Punkie`Love is over.
15:58.52FISKER_Qwhy do you usually see people tar it and bunzip2/gunzip it?
15:59.11chutwigwhat do you mean
15:59.21FISKER_Qwhy not just .tar
15:59.24markus__because tar puts multiple files in an archive without compression and gzip/bzip do the copression part
15:59.24FISKER_Qinstead of .tar.gz
15:59.28chutwigtar doesn't compress anything, it just archives
15:59.45markus__btw i tested on some SQL dump of my server
15:59.54markus__38megs gzip down to 5.5mb
15:59.57hyperChipmunktar = Tape ARchive
16:00.12FISKER_Qrar = Rape ARchive
16:00.35hyperChipmunkfor sticking files together continuously
16:00.45markus__rape archive haha
16:00.54*** join/#wowace Brudermav (
16:01.22FISKER_QI think i should clearn the search wordlist out for our forum
16:01.28FISKER_Qit has 5,5 million entries
16:01.39FISKER_Qit appears
16:01.42hyperChipmunkyou mom has 5.5million entries
16:01.45markus__well rebuilding it is a pain in the ass
16:02.03FISKER_QYeah hyperChipmunk and i got 5,5 million FAT COCKS
16:02.11FISKER_Qi can stick up YOUR mom's 5.5 million entires
16:02.18*** join/#wowace Jens (n=jens@pdpc/supporter/active/Jens)
16:03.05markus__ill /comfort you if u can get me that damn attatments off the wowace forums im tryin to get for some 3 hours now
16:03.16markus__attatchments *
16:03.30FISKER_Qgonna watch some 300 soon
16:03.35FISKER_QDVDScreener just came to me the mail
16:03.54FISKER_Qi'm with the oscars!
16:04.05markus__and if any wowace website admin are here: pls fix that damn mailer poggy
16:04.56FISKER_Qit's down to 35MB
16:05.01*** join/#wowace nuoHep (n=nuoHep@
16:05.02markus__oO :D
16:07.41hasteoh wow
16:08.07markus__ill try it again: would anyone mind getting me the first 2 attatchments from -- because i can not register (didnt get my confirmation mail for 3 hours and its not in the spam either and i tried 3 differend email accounts now)
16:09.16FISKER_Qwhen it finally loads i'll try :P
16:10.07FISKER_Qthe 2 first posts?
16:10.17*** join/#wowace sbu (
16:11.01vhaarrag you nubcaek where are you
16:11.13*** join/#wowace joh (
16:11.54markus__yeah the first two attatchemtns shoudl be reply number 1 and 2 FISKER_Q
16:12.47FISKER_QThe first is just the addon the second is the horde quests :P
16:13.09markus__i ment horde and alli quests :P
16:13.16*** join/#wowace Harshmage (
16:13.26FISKER_Qjust need a minute to upload
16:13.32markus__thanks :)
16:13.37*** join/#wowace [W]LANFiRE (
16:13.45markus__btw i wish i had 300
16:13.57markus__wont be out before april 4 here in europe :P
16:14.18Amadeosomething about how HonorFu couldn't work because it received a date of 2005
16:15.25FISKER_Q <-in before sparta isn't done yet btw
16:15.54markus__now thats some funny url :D
16:16.11markus__ty :)
16:20.57mitch0erm, which one are the "snare" effects? the slowing or the immobilizing ones?
16:21.15chutwigroot is immobilize
16:22.57AmadeoIs Cavity at any semi-usable stage yet?
16:23.26AmadeoI know ck goes crazy coding, so I have to ask :P
16:23.27*** join/#wowace moonsorrow (
16:26.17TecnoBratAmadeo, that bug was fixed last week I believe
16:26.20TecnoBratI had the same one
16:26.37AmadeoI just had it last night!
16:26.40AmadeoI update all the time, too :)
16:31.27CIA-1103funkydude * r30675 10BigWigs/ (8 files in 2 dirs): BigWigs: Add The Eye section
16:32.34CIA-1103funkydude * r30676 10PeriodicTable-3.0/ (5 files in 5 dirs): PeriodicTable-3.0: Item/Loot update
16:33.03*** join/#wowace Pilli (
16:35.13*** join/#wowace Yinchie (
16:35.39*** join/#wowace Gnarfoz (i=smallbra@unaffiliated/gnarfoz)
16:37.49*** join/#wowace Galka (
16:40.14*** join/#wowace sbu (
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16:50.20*** join/#wowace faCe| (
16:53.28TecnoBratFunkeh` are you in The Eye?
16:53.44Funkeh`im poking an eye
16:54.01Funkeh`i thought i would tell the story
16:55.32CIA-1103lordrhys * r30677 10FuBar_FactionItemsFu/ (FactionItemsFu.lua FactionItemsFuLocals.lua): FuBar_FactionItemsFu: Fixed Spelling on faction 'Aldor' --> 'The Aldor'
17:01.04FISKER_Q300 is fucking 1337
17:01.55OverloadUTI disapprove of leetspeak but in this case I make an exception :P
17:03.25*** join/#wowace _DvdKhl_ (
17:03.32CIA-1103ammo * r30678 10SRA/SRA.lua: SRA: Satin Red Addon
17:06.19CIA-1103ammo * r30679 10SRA/SRA.toc: SRA: Simple Reality Addiction
17:08.50kenlyricit's like an enimga wrapped in a riddle, wrapped in a vest.
17:09.48[dRaCo]what does sra do? ^^
17:11.14shieldb[dRaCo], it eats coconuts for breakfast
17:12.20shieldbSRA "Sexually offensive addon that eats coconuts for breakfast. (Ammo, Rabbit)"
17:12.25Azurewrathand it's sexually offensive
17:12.33Azurewrathbah, to slow
17:12.41GalkaSome kind of raid addon but so far all I've seen in it are Promote, Keyword, Disband features >.>
17:12.44shieldbor you could download it and take a peek at the source to field a guess as to what it does ;)
17:13.01*** kick/#wowace [Galka!] by vhaarr (way to ruin the mystery)
17:13.01*** join/#wowace Galka (
17:14.25shieldbvhaarr, we just need a bunch of text in here now, people usually don't scroll up ;)
17:14.53Funkeh`nymbia sucks
17:15.11shieldbit's like having a mystery in a forum post that's answered on page 2 or 3 that's a mystery again by page 4/5 because people couldn't be bothered to read the whole thing
17:15.55*** join/#wowace Jagobah (
17:17.43shieldbanyone happen to know if during the romeo / juliette event in karazhan if you get a CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_HOSTILE_DEATH event from their 'first' deaths or just from when you kill them both again, or if you don't get one at all?
17:18.40kenlyricI have no idea... good question.
17:18.49vhaarrFunkeh` knows
17:18.50kenlyricLogic says you get it all four times
17:19.10kenlyricoh, the chat msg...
17:19.20kenlyricnever actually seen that event, so i don't know.
17:19.26Funkeh`you get one every time they die
17:19.28*** join/#wowace Galka (
17:19.32Funkeh`you can have 1 billion
17:20.27Antiarc|WorkNobody told me my sig generator wasn't doing color selection in IE! :P
17:20.29*** join/#wowace Jagobah (
17:20.41Antiarc|WorkYou people are supposed to berate me for things like that until I fix them! :D
17:20.45Funkeh`nobody uses IE
17:20.58Antiarc|WorkThat's a small comfort, but some people do, apparently!
17:21.03*** join/#wowace Silencer (n=Silencer@
17:21.15kenlyricthey aren't to be trusted
17:21.35*** part/#wowace Silencer (n=Silencer@
17:21.38kenlyricwhen people tell me my stuff doesn't work in IE, I celebrate :)
17:22.25*** join/#wowace Gothtar (
17:24.04CryectAntiarc pfft you think we use IE!
17:24.30*** join/#wowace snurre- (
17:24.36CryectAnyways if you're a web developer should be testing in all of the browsers :-p
17:26.04GagorianTbh, I'd make stuff on purpose not work in IE
17:26.20*** join/#wowace whizter (
17:26.21GagorianI'd be doing them a favor anyway
17:26.30AmadeoWhat sig generator? I need a sig :P
17:30.35CIA-1103funkydude * r30680 10BigWigs/Outland/Gruul.lua:
17:30.35CIA-11BigWigs: Outland/Gruul:
17:30.35CIA-11- remove silly tabbing
17:32.05CIA-1103funkydude * r30681 10BigWigs/ (BigWigs.toc TheEye/Alar.lua TheEye/BigWigs_TheEye.toc):
17:32.05CIA-11BigWigs: TheEye:
17:32.05CIA-11- add Al'ar mod(beta)
17:32.13*** join/#wowace freeman (
17:33.03Amadeohaha, that's neat
17:34.36*** join/#wowace Fin (
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17:40.08Kaelteng'morning guys
17:43.21Amadeoheya Kaelten
17:45.19Chomperstheeye data for bigwigs... so soon :o
17:47.14KaeltenI'm shocked I havn't been scalped yet
17:47.41*** join/#wowace Ominous (
17:47.43*** join/#wowace fanatic (
17:49.27*** join/#wowace freeman (
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17:51.23boobies4uwich ace mod is it that is used to get those sexy "lines" "frames" "backgrounds" around stuff like the chatbox etc
17:51.34NeoTronso out of 7 or 8 raids in karazhan, we've gotten R&J every time except once
17:51.41NeoTronwant to buy better RNG!
17:51.50boobies4uand like, what is that buff duration mod
17:53.23boobies4uanyone know?
17:53.24*** join/#wowace weab (
17:53.32boobies4ui know its all ace mods
17:54.20Sroshlooks like Skinner
17:54.35boobies4ucan Skinner add stuff behind the buttons like that?
17:54.40Sroshand the buff bars could be EBB
17:54.41boobies4ui know the "buttons" are bartender
17:55.31Sroshit should
17:56.17*** join/#wowace Cheads (
17:58.51boobies4uiv never seen skinner adding that nice gray behind my chat frame
17:58.53boobies4uthats for sure
17:59.01boobies4udamn i wish i remember who posted the screenshot
18:01.06CIA-1103athou * r30682 10ArenaMaster/localization.lua:
18:01.06CIA-11- esES localization (thanks to piperhack)
18:02.29Saint-Nwhite man came across the sea
18:02.34Saint-Nhe brought us pain and misery
18:02.43Saint-Nhe killed our tribes
18:02.47Saint-Nhe killed our creed
18:02.58Saint-Nthere's never a bad time for iron maiden
18:03.35stavmarAntiarc: I just wanted to tell that your armory stuff is so nice. For guild leaders it will be such a time saver. So thank you very much for that...
18:07.17*** part/#wowace kagaro (n=sscotto@
18:08.06kergothSaint-N: good song, classic
18:08.28*** join/#wowace Legorol (
18:09.22Saint-Nhehe got bored so im browsing napster
18:09.32Saint-Nappearantly it's also an MoD day ;)
18:09.53stavmarFor gemlist and enchant list to work, does the character you whisper to have to have their trade window open?
18:09.57Saint-Neven better SoD
18:10.27*** join/#wowace nadas (
18:11.54NeoTronstavmar: nope. it even worked when someone whispered my bank alt and UI had the addon enabled
18:13.08stavmarNeoTron: did the person whisper to you or to your alt?
18:13.21neeneeHm.. clitoridectomy sounds quite horrible.
18:13.34CIA-1103funkydude * r30683 10BigWigs/TheEye/Alar.lua: BigWigs: TheEye/Alar: typo
18:13.50neeneeBut at least there's the vaginal orgasm to at least give the woman pleasure regardless.
18:14.31NeoTronstavmar: whisper my alt
18:15.41stavmarAnd you were on your main? That is crazy! And BTW, love NquestLog.
18:15.58Saint-Ni should make a guild called SoD
18:16.07Saint-Nand see how lo0ng til it gets changed
18:17.03Saint-Nneotron != neutron
18:17.15Saint-Nits a totally different letter ;P
18:20.10NeoTronstavmar: No. I was logged on to my alt and had someone whisper me !gem and it worked. I can't be on my alt and main at the same time
18:20.22*** join/#wowace kmb2215 (n=hassan@
18:22.08kmb2215any drdamage contributing authors around?
18:23.37*** join/#wowace Groll (
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18:30.21CIA-1103jncl * r30684 10Skinner/ (AddonFrames.lua AddonSkins/TitanExitGame.lua Skinner.toc): Skinner: Skinned TitanExitGame
18:31.44*** join/#wowace JoshBorke (
18:32.49FISKER_QWE DINE AT hyperChipmunk
18:33.22deltronwhat a crazy little meme
18:33.29Funkeh`Antiarc|Work ping
18:33.48Funkeh`give us an option to save the image :0
18:34.03Antiarc|WorkRight-click save-as? ;)
18:34.10Funkeh`gives me the php link
18:34.20Antiarc|WorkGuess I could send content headers.
18:34.23Antiarc|WorkBut you can save it as a PNG
18:34.48FISKER_Qneed random colour generator and professions :P
18:35.15FISKER_Qoh and source of course
18:36.37Antiarc|WorkTry saving it now
18:36.48FISKER_Qand level 70 avatars of course
18:36.51Antiarc|WorkI'm still working on cleaning up the source :)
18:36.55FISKER_Qthat would be to fap for
18:36.58Antiarc|WorkAll the avatars are level 70 at the moment.
18:37.52FISKER_Qmine wasn't earlier
18:38.09FISKER_Qmine level 60
18:38.20deltron <-- wtb
18:39.09Antiarc|WorkFISKER_Q: link?
18:39.12Antiarc|WorkOr name/realm
18:40.26Antiarc|WorkAh, right. I'm not sure that blood elf paladins have a level 70 avatar, actually. Is there one on the WoW forums?
18:40.32Antiarc|Work(I pulled the avatars straight from the WoW site, so...)
18:40.45Antiarc|Work(judgment looks badass anyway)
18:41.41FISKER_Qthere is one
18:41.47FISKER_Qjust look up my character on the armory
18:41.57FISKER_Qor i can link you :P
18:42.26Antiarc|WorkHrm. Wonder why I didn't get it.
18:46.08Antiarc|WorkOk, there we go. Sucking down new copies of the images.
18:46.16*** join/#wowace Meiun|DETH (
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18:46.47Saroz_vhaarr, can you prefix the bigwigs messages printed in chatlog with a yellow "Bigwigs: "
18:47.01vhaarrSaroz_: I guess, yeah
18:47.07vhaarrSaroz_: after the raid
18:47.44vhaarrSaroz_: you can probably fix it yourself :)
18:47.48vhaarrif you don't want to wait
18:47.50ckknighthey all
18:48.07Saroz_vhaarr, easy way to get the string "bigwigs" out of a variable?
18:48.27Saroz_hey ckknight
18:48.49vhaarrhey ckk
18:49.04vhaarrSaroz_: use self.core:Print instead of :AddMessage
18:49.39ckknightso I know people had issues with agUF's layout thing not being powerful enough
18:49.47ckknightso tell me, what is not powerful enough about it?
18:50.57*** join/#wowace |MoX|Padwa| (n=zoomjr@
18:51.37vhaarrckknight: People will never be happy until it's at Discord levels.
18:51.41vhaarrI'm fine with agUF.
18:53.10cncfanaticsanyone knows if the ace damage meter makes difference what damage comes from where ?
18:53.22cncfanaticsI want to see what of my skills deal the most dmg
18:53.40kergothcncfanatics: i use kombatstats for that, myself
18:56.15CIA-1103gagorian * r30685 10DrDamage/ (Data/Paladin.lua DrDamage.lua):
18:56.16CIA-11-Paladin heal baseincrease data
18:57.05FISKER_QIt sometimes update casts w/ regen when drinking :/
18:57.11kergoth"Some people are like Slinkies.  Not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs."
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18:59.44GagorianFISKER_Q: Yeah well can't help it
18:59.59GagorianBlizzard API call includes mana regen from fishing
19:00.07GagorianI'm distracted
19:00.49NeoTronanyone know of a good macro guide with examples?
19:00.57NeoTronthings like advanced focus macros etc
19:02.08CIA-1103choumarin * r30686 10BankAccountant/ (6 files in 2 dirs):
19:02.08CIA-11BankAccountant: Initial commit
19:02.09CIA-11- keeps track of who gives/take what to/from your guild bank. by Choumarin
19:03.18CryectSomeone does need to make a new discord style unit frames since I doubt 3.0 will ever come out but ag uf is personally good enough for me
19:04.06Cryectfew features I wish it had like some way to show what buffs I can cast on my target in a different spot or at least prioritize the order in which it shows the buffs based off values I can change (but initialized based on my class buffs)
19:04.27CryectI need to be able to see other class buffs so filter isn't good enough :-/
19:04.32CryectI mean debuffs
19:04.36boobies4ududes, how did i resize fubar again? like, i got a bar, and i kinda want to resize the background of it
19:04.44boobies4uso its not dragged all teh way from side to side of the screen
19:04.54JoshBorkeboobies4u: hold your mouse on the lefthand edge
19:06.26[dRaCo]can I skin FuBar with Skinner?
19:07.53kergothCryect: better buff options would definately be nice, maybe even a seperate addon that plugs in with a more powerful buff handling
19:08.47CryectI keep meaning to at least make one for myself for mangle
19:09.14Cryectso hard to tell is mangle debuff up or not out of 20-30 debuffs often on the mob
19:09.16boobies4uwtf, guards in neutral citys doesent look at a shaman using the fire elemental to gank people inside the city as a hostile move
19:09.20boobies4uand leaves him alone : (
19:09.43Antiarc|WorkIf a fire elemental pet is ganking you, lern2hp?
19:10.21cncfanaticskergoth, thanks :)
19:10.38deltronkergoth: we downed curator the other day :D
19:10.45kergothcncfanatics: er, for what?
19:10.47kergothdeltron: nice
19:11.19cncfanaticskombatstats :p
19:11.45*** join/#wowace pub^^ (
19:11.50kergothoh, right.  i'm so out of it lately
19:12.55Pneudoes anyone know, are faction names localized, or are "The Scryers" always the same in all locales?
19:13.04boobies4uAntiarc|Work, ye, easy to not get killed when a fire elemental from a 70 shaman is hammering on me when im lvl 50
19:13.19boobies4uand if i fight back the guards kills me, but leave the elemental + the shaman alone
19:13.51deltronPneu: it might be Ze Scryers in german
19:14.39CIA-1103choumarin * r30687 10BankAccountant/:
19:14.39CIA-11- initial setting of externals
19:14.45*** join/#wowace Eternally777 (
19:15.10Pneudoesn't seem to be anything in Babble-2.2 for faction names, unless i'm missing something
19:15.18kergothCryect: i'm hoping to see buffalo's branch version finished.  it supports showing buffs for any unitid, including the target.  looks like itll be really flexible
19:15.33FISKER_Qis it gonna have scalable bufftimers? :P
19:15.46FISKER_Qby that i mean seperate from the buff icons
19:15.47kergothindependent of hte icon? not sure
19:15.57FISKER_QWould be cool
19:16.21FISKER_QI like my buffs small as i can easily recognize them
19:16.26FISKER_Qthe timer gets too small though :/
19:16.26sbuPneu: localized
19:17.31CIA-1103choumarin * r30688 10BankAccountant/:
19:17.31CIA-11- externals fixed
19:17.34cncfanaticskergoth,I can't seem to find an updated version anywhere
19:17.55kergoththere was a recent update for it on wowi, iirc
19:18.13kergothyep, updated 2007/3/16
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19:19.13[dRaCo]boobies4u: it definitly is skinner... just move a middleframe there.
19:20.58cncfanaticskergoth; how to find out how much dmg / dps each of my abilities do ?
19:21.36kergothclick on it.  in the main window you can select unit (you, your pet, whatever), type (attack, defense, heal), or ability (all, arcane shot, whatever)
19:21.47kergothcan see crit rates and miss rates and all
19:21.48kergothworks well
19:22.39kergothpretty sure itll show the % of all the damage when you pull up a specific ability
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19:33.44Antiarc|WorkSig generator source is in SVN, for those interested.
19:35.19FISKER_Qcan i modify it to just be a file(header as image of course) i link to in my profile
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19:35.24FISKER_Qinstead of a full featured page
19:35.25CIA-1103nymbia * r30689 10Stitch-1.1/Stitch-1.1/Stitch-1.1.lua:
19:35.25CIA-11- Be more persistant about nuking old data sets that Manufac is loading.
19:36.42Antiarc|WorkSure, of course.
19:37.57FISKER_QI would like to subscribe to your newsletter
19:40.57Antiarc|WorkThe ads have been bringing in about $2/day, so I should nearly cover my hosting costs if it stays that way for the rest of the month =)
19:41.27boobies4uafter i iinstalled eepanels, my quest objective tracking frame disapeared
19:41.30boobies4uwhats up with that?
19:42.14FISKER_QDo i need anything else than the static folder, _guild_stat_paths.php, sig_config.ini and _armory.php?
19:42.43Antiarc|WorkShouldn't, no
19:42.46Antiarc|WorkThat should cover it
19:42.51Antiarc|WorkOh, wait
19:42.53Antiarc|Work_db.php too
19:42.58Antiarc|WorkSince it uses the shared cache
19:43.13FISKER_Qgot that one
19:44.43*** join/#wowace Teazle (
19:46.12Antiarc|WorkI should probably reorganize the project
19:47.14Antiarc|WorkIt's sorta grown from its original scope :P
19:47.35FISKER_Qoh shit
19:47.47yacoobno, just gay :)
19:47.55yacoob(rainbow flag is for gay, right? :)
19:48.44FISKER_Qyou should see the shit i made back in the days
19:48.59FISKER_Qwell preferably you shouldn't :P
19:53.15*** join/#wowace Nargiddley (
19:53.20yacoobFISKER_Q, I *wouldn't* for starters :)
19:53.48FISKER_Qi can force you though
19:53.50kergothi dont see cartographre quest mapnotes anymore, only see them on the minimap
19:53.52sylvanaardont work with mobile devices if you have the choice go build it yourself embedded or Vista
19:53.57FISKER_Qjust went through the scripts editor in mir
19:54.02kergothunless i disable and reenable questobjectives, then i see teh -quests- notes until i close thw orld map
19:54.04FISKER_Qand i sitll have a lot of the stuff
19:54.43Ominous~seen cncfanatics
19:55.26purlcncfanatics is currently on #wowi-lounge #wowace. Has said a total of 7 messages. Is idling for 34m 28s, last said: 'kergoth; how to find out how much dmg / dps each of my abilities do ?'.
19:58.20CIA-1103nargiddley * r30690 10Waterfall-1.0/Waterfall-1.0/Waterfall-1.0.lua: Waterfall-1.0: Attempt to fix isOpen for manually defined trees
19:58.22cncfanaticsOminous ?
19:58.41Ominouscncfanatics, how do you change the out of range color?
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19:59.05cncfanaticssec Ominous
19:59.43kmb2215keefak yacoob
19:59.46cncfanaticssending murlocks to murlock hell atm
20:00.15FISKER_Qhave they bugged pets?
20:00.45cncfanaticsFlexBar2.db.profile.Colors.NotInRange = {r, g, b}
20:00.45FISKER_QI didn't know you can just spam the item and it'll spawn several pets :o
20:02.24cncfanaticssending murlocks to hell owns , lol
20:02.32cncfanatics15 at the time :p
20:06.12FISKER_Q!.jpg <-zooooomg
20:08.52Cryectthats not very good pet spam
20:09.03Cryectif you spam it well enough you can have hundreds
20:09.18FISKER_Qi could technically /use item right
20:12.54FISKER_Qhow do i spam pets Cryect? :o
20:13.35Cryectyou just have a macro with multiple uses in it
20:13.39Cryectand press it really fast
20:13.43Cryector something along those lines
20:14.11Cryectit has a tendency to lag people with bad computers aroudn you :-p
20:14.14FISKER_Qthat's what i'm doing :(
20:14.29FISKER_Qcan i shorten my use macro?
20:14.29Cryectthey might have fixed them so they don't stay around as long
20:15.53FISKER_Qhow do i use a bagslot with an macro
20:15.54FISKER_Qif i can
20:16.07FISKER_Qand how is your macro Cryect?
20:16.58Cryectdon't know haven't messed with it since Naxx
20:17.09Cryectand I actually setup a script command in a loop to do it back then
20:17.16ZealotOnAStickYou can /use ExactItemName
20:17.26Cryectoh good that does work then
20:18.30FISKER_Qalready did that
20:18.33FISKER_Qcan i shorten it more?
20:20.59kenlyricyou only need to /use uniquepartofexactitemname
20:21.15kenlyricas long as it's not confused, you don't need the whole item name.
20:21.23kenlyric(unless that's just true for spells)
20:21.53FISKER_Qi liek you
20:22.07FISKER_Qyou just improved my macro 66% or something like that
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20:23.46FISKER_Qit's lagging so much i can't spam it
20:23.58*** mode/#wowace [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
20:24.50FISKER_Qinfact it doesn't make screenshots while spamming it
20:26.48NeoTronwait you can make pets appear multiple times?
20:26.59NeoTronhow long do they stick around for?
20:27.18Cryectpretty short amount
20:28.39FISKER_Qthey pretty much start fading away the moment they're summoned
20:29.51*** part/#wowace Uruloke (
20:32.57FISKER_Q!.jpg <-if only it had showed them :(
20:37.17rubikAntiarc|Work: getting this on your site when it calls sig.php: Fatal error: Call to undefined function logReferer() in /var/www/html/tachyonsix/public_html/wow/armory/sig.php on line 50
20:37.27rubikso you must have just b0rked something.. :P
20:40.15*** join/#wowace OverloadUT|Work (
20:40.26OverloadUT|Workckknight: ping
20:40.37ckknightOverloadUT|Work: pong
20:40.52OverloadUT|WorkDid you ever figure out if the rested formula changes based on number of characters on the server?
20:41.21ckknightI found no substantial proof of that in my tests of 1-4 characters
20:41.37OverloadUT|WorkAh, gotcha
20:41.48rubikthat'd be crazy if it did?
20:42.18OverloadUT|WorkNumber of characters you have on the server, not number of characters total on the server
20:42.39OverloadUT|WorkI doubt that they would do that, but I remember ckk saying he was testing it
20:42.41Antiarc|Workrubik: Thanks
20:43.06Antiarc|WorkShould be fixed now.
20:43.32ckknightI had suspicions that that was the case
20:43.50ckknightbut in my tests of 1-4 characters, they all gained rest at the same rate (15% / day)
20:43.55rubikAntiarc|Work: cool, looks good now
20:45.15*** join/#wowace Pyrrhus (
20:45.18PyrrhusSup all
20:46.41PyrrhusAnyone here?
20:46.46ckknightsorry, no
20:46.51Pyrrhussup ckk
20:46.51ckknightthey all left to go party
20:46.58Pyrrhusgot a problem when logging out of wow..
20:47.14Pyrrhuson all but 1 char I get a critical error when logging out.. take a peek?
20:47.43*** part/#wowace [BiS]Pkekyo|aw (
20:48.16ckknightah, no one knows
20:48.28Kemayockknight: I just noticed that you replaced a bunch of table.insert(foo,bar) calls with foo[#foo+1]=bar in Quixote -- should that actually have an impact?
20:48.57ckknightyou gain like 15 nanoseconds
20:49.47ckknightand don't lose anything
20:49.53ckknightso it's worth it, imho
20:50.03KemayoThis calls to mind a quote... "The first rule of optimization: don't.  The second rule of optimization (for experts only!): don't... yet."
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20:50.29CryectIn general almost all optimization issues are in the algorithm
20:50.34Cryectnot in the implementation of the algorithm
20:50.56ckknightbut all these little gains add up
20:51.01Cryectthough you can normally tweak out an extra 30% from optimization if you program sloppy in that language
20:51.05Cryectbut its a lot of work
20:51.44Cryectlike hell I know my Lua programming is kinda not so great since I treat it a little too much like C++ at times with how I expect things to work
20:51.57ckknightyou can't do that
20:52.11ckknightit's its ownthing
20:53.11CryectOf course it is but its kinda that thing where I've been coding in C++ for almost 10 years or so
20:54.24Cryectand I still pick up new tricks in C++ (well normally just in STL stuff)
20:55.01*** join/#wowace Ominous (
20:55.44ckknightI started coding C++ 10 years ago
20:55.51Ominousrandom question, how can you make a link to an ftp site and force it to open in windows explorer and not the web brouser
20:55.52ckknightI adjusted ;-)
20:56.19Saroz_ok vhaarr
20:56.28CryectYou can't really Ominous and why would you want Windows Explorer to open up an FTP site
20:56.37Ominouscos its better than ie7
20:56.41CryectThe settings are controlled inthe browser what it opens up
20:57.11rubikyou can make it a batch file and call it with explorer.exe maybe? but even that would start up iexplore.exe i would think?
20:57.35kmb2215ominous: you'd need a shortcut to explorer.exe, not to an ftp site.  and pass parameters (not sure which ones) to explorer.exe
20:57.59Saroz_vhaarr, but print doesnt have colors
20:58.11vhaarrSaroz_: :CustomPrint
20:58.17vhaarrSaroz_: read the aceconsole docs on it
20:58.22Ominousthat works thanks
20:58.31rubikthis just worked: [C:\]explorer.exe
20:58.57rubiki'm h4x0r1ng msft as we speak
20:59.07Cryecthave fun
21:00.32Saroz_vhaarr, self.printFrame?`
21:00.39vhaarrSaroz_ ?
21:00.41vhaarrSaroz_: no
21:00.55Amadeovhaarr: You happen to remember where to level lockpicking at around 130 skill?
21:01.01vhaarrAmadeo: haha, no
21:01.08vhaarrAmadeo: badlands maybe
21:01.12vhaarrAmadeo: or wetlands
21:01.28AmadeoI'll check em out
21:01.36Pneuask a rogue trainer :)
21:02.07Saroz_/script BigWigs:CustomPrint(1,1,1, nil, nil, " ", "foo");
21:03.11CIA-1103nymbia * r30691 10Stitch-1.1/Stitch-1.1/Stitch-1.1.lua:
21:03.11CIA-11- Add a consistant countermeasure to data that's saved when a profession's calling itself "UNKNOWN".. damn tradeskill api.
21:03.26KemayoAmadeo: Wetlands has some boxes that can be levelled with at about that skill.  Mixed in with the murlocs, I think.
21:04.48*** join/#wowace InterCeptor (
21:05.22Amadeoworth going there as Horde?
21:05.35Amadeomy trainer says Durnholde Keep
21:05.38Amadeobut I thought those were green
21:05.43AmadeoI'll check there first, since I"m in the area
21:06.15CIA-1103nirek * r30692 10BigWigs_Timers/ (3 files): BigWigs_Timers: fix for newcore
21:06.50Saroz_wtf cant commit
21:07.12vhaarrSaroz_: Checked out from instead of dev. ?
21:07.17Saroz_always dev
21:07.50CIA-1103saroz * r30693 10BigWigs/Plugins/Messages.lua: BigWigs: Prefix Chat Frame messages with addon name.
21:07.52Saroz_k, worked now
21:08.12*** join/#wowace JoshBorke (
21:08.56NeoTronAntiarc|Work: hmm. the sig generator links to which is a bit broken..
21:09.16Pneuthe corel cache is fine o.O
21:09.20Pyrrhusckknight: you still here?
21:09.27ckknightI have never left you, child
21:09.33PyrrhusGreat :)
21:09.37FISKER_Qsounds hot
21:09.45PyrrhusOk narrowed down the critical error to one addon :)
21:10.14OrdogSaroz_ ? maybe you can help me, i get an error that the translation for "Bars" does not exist in the molten core, aq20 and some other module, is that somehow critical? never been to MC since then
21:10.15deltronI was getting a ton of errors in ag_uf last night
21:10.25PyrrhusOnly problem is that it is needed for fubar..
21:11.35ckknightI don't see why
21:11.45Antiarc|WorkNeoTron: Define "a bit broken"
21:11.57Antiarc|WorkIt's the standard Coral cache, which is a bit slow sometimes, but is quite reliable :)
21:12.19PyrrhusYea if I turn it off game logs out fine..
21:12.26PyrrhusJust grabbed the new one off the site and it did it again
21:12.30Pneuhas anyone had aceconsole errors recently saying it cant find a certain function (when it does exist and sometimes works)
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21:12.53Pyrrhusgimme 1 sec ckk ill grab a new error see if its changed
21:13.20PyrrhusActually.... would it hurt to turn off all other addons and just trying the tabletlib ?
21:13.39PyrrhusOr would it need someone to actually try to access it?
21:13.41NeoTronAntiarc|Work: hmm. you can't link to the signatures from another host? I have to manually update it every 12 hrs? :P
21:14.23nymbianah it updates itself NeoTron
21:14.26Pyrrhustried it with just tabletlib on... logged out fine
21:14.30Antiarc|WorkNeoTron: If you rehost it, you'll have to update it, yes. If you use the, it auto-updates.
21:14.32NeoTronbut I can't link to it
21:14.41NeoTronthe nyud,net:8080 doesn't work at all
21:14.46NeoTronso I guess that's the problem
21:14.49Antiarc|WorkNeoTron: Corporate network?
21:15.01Antiarc|WorkI've had a few people report that Coral is blocked on their network
21:15.03Pneuis the sig.php gonna get put on the dev svn? :)
21:15.09Antiarc|WorkIs it in svn :)
21:15.31NeoTronoh yeah, odd port
21:15.37Pneuooh, so it is
21:15.45NeoTronany way to not get that on port 8080? :P
21:15.53Antiarc|WorkLemme see...
21:16.40NeoTronI remembered when you mentioned it that many ports outside of ordinary are filtered
21:16.52Antiarc|Work8080 is very often open
21:17.22deltronnot at my work
21:17.46[dRaCo]I've seen a screenshot earlier today with a fubar centered and only half the size of the screen... does anybody know how to do that?
21:18.05Antiarc|Workdraco: Just click and drag one of the edges of the fubar
21:18.10rubikcoral planning to use port 80 "soon":
21:18.24[dRaCo]too easy for me... thanks
21:19.02Feldiaso I just updated my ag_uf for the first time this week.... and it's now quite broken
21:19.15Feldiasettings were deleted, menu settings are doing nothing
21:19.37rubikhmm.. agUF seemed fine for me last night
21:19.38NeoTronis it some sort of cache service?
21:19.45rubikNeoTron: yes
21:19.50FeldiaI click "show portrait" and it hides my experience bar
21:19.50Antiarc|WorkDistributed caching
21:20.14Antiarc|WorkI am using it to prevent my server from dying in fiery death, unlike the first sig generator that popped up
21:20.40FeldiaI updated through the ace updater.. is there a way to roll it back?
21:20.56NeoTronah well. dumb to use port 8080. ;(
21:21.00Antiarc|WorkSee if it works with port 8090
21:21.13Antiarc|WorkThey're moving to 80 soonish, but for the time being, we're stuck with 8080
21:21.16rubikthe one thing it breaks is casting bar.. if i disable it from the player frame, it doesn't keep blizzard one hidden (i.e. let bongos use its own).. it shows both.. which sucks
21:21.23NeoTronunfortunately not
21:21.28NeoTronbut at least I know it'll work for otehrs
21:22.03Saroz_vhaarr, why is bigwigs the mod fireing the "Maintank died" messages for ora2?
21:22.16vhaarrSaroz_: it shouldn't be
21:22.16kergothit saddens me that theres no boar's for such a large level range
21:22.22kergoththink i'll switch my hunter to a wolf till then
21:22.24vhaarrSaroz_: maybe I fucked up when I added it
21:22.28vhaarrto oRA2
21:22.28Saroz_vhaarr, it does :p
21:22.40Saroz_the CustomPrint thingie reveals it
21:23.02vhaarrSaroz_: please talk in query if it's important
21:23.07vhaarrI'm not paying attention here
21:23.12Saroz_tsk tsk
21:23.40Saroz_hrm, well
21:23.40Saroz_if BigWigs then
21:23.40Saroz_self:TriggerEvent("BigWigs_Message", string.format(L["Tank %s has died!"], name), "Red", true, false)
21:23.58rubikFeldia: this build from last week should work fine:
21:24.27Feldiayea I just got a previous version
21:24.45Saint-Nit's wierd that everyone is having problems with aguf
21:24.56Saint-Nthen again i only use the party and raid frames from it so.......
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21:25.16rubikr30151 is from march 13th.. next build is march 17 and on 17/18 is when everything broke
21:25.38CIA-1103ckknight * r30694 10Cavity/Cavity.lua: Cavity - added border and backdrop to frames
21:25.52Saint-Nhe named it cavity?
21:25.58rubikckknight: got a screenie yet? :P
21:26.07FeldiaSaint-N: what more is there to use in ag_uf?
21:26.10ckknightSaint-N: code name until something better comes out
21:26.17Saroz_whats cavity
21:26.25ckknightrubik: it looks like a slimmed down version of agUF
21:26.36ckknightwithout any options or party/raid support
21:26.38Industrialckknight: aguf doesnt have a distinct look
21:26.41Saint-Nwith modules plaque, toothpaste, gingivitus, tartar, enamal(sP)
21:26.45Industrialckknight: why not party?
21:26.53ckknightIndustrial: haven't worked on groups yet
21:26.57Industrialoh ok
21:26.59Gandharva[2007/03/21 21:21:29-133-x1]: Tablet-2.0-30607 (TabletLib):2290: attempt to index field 'registration' (a nil value)
21:27.00GandharvaFuBarPlugin-2.0-29795:405: in function <...\FuBarPlugin-2.0\FuBarPlugin-2.0\FuBarPlugin-2.0.lua:399> -> FuBar or Tablet error?
21:27.26Saint-Ngroup, target, raid, ToT and pet frames respectively ;P
21:27.39PyrrhusYea Ckk its still doing a critical error :(
21:27.49CIA-1103ckknight * r30695 10TabletLib/Tablet-2.0/Tablet-2.0.lua: .Tablet-2.0 - fix potential nil bug
21:27.54Feldiawonderful, after reverting to a previous version and restoring ag_unframes.lua.bak I still have to redo my settings
21:28.01ckknightSaint-N: currently there's player, target, targettarget
21:28.13Saint-Nckknight: i was suggesting module codenames for ya ;P
21:28.19Saroz_give screenshot
21:28.26ckknightoh, no, that's not how modules will work
21:28.38ckknightcasting bar will be a module
21:28.40Saint-Nbut those are great names!
21:28.41ckknightand portraits
21:28.51PyrrhusCan anyone tell me why im getting this critical error:
21:28.52ckknightbut the frames themselves aren't
21:29.00Saint-Ntoo bad
21:29.10ckknightit'd be inefficient to do that, Saint-N
21:29.38Saint-Ni meant too bad in that i'd love to have "just" raid frames or "just" party frames without the bulk of the rest of the UF stuff
21:29.44Saroz_ckknight, give a damn screenshot
21:29.52Saint-Ni.e: the modules can function standalone if need be
21:29.55ckknightgo download it and use it
21:29.57Saint-Nmake sense?
21:30.02ckknightI'm not gonna give you a damn screenshot till I'm done
21:30.12rubiksomeone go take a screenie.. heh
21:30.16Saroz_for the love of god!
21:30.21rubik(if you need one so badly++)
21:30.29ckknightSaint-N: dude, you have no idea how my structure is set up, so your ideas don't work in the context I've coded in
21:30.37Saroz_ckknight, is it gonna be like aguf or what's up?
21:30.45Saint-Nckknight: nope i dont i was just hoping for me personally ;P
21:30.58ckknightSaint-N: but there is absolutely, positively, no goddamn reason.
21:31.04ckknightunderstand that and you'll be good
21:31.13ckknightSaroz_: essentially, only more efficient
21:31.21Saint-Nand why are you getting pissy?
21:31.23Saroz_uhh ag is in trouble then
21:31.32Saroz_is it gonna have raid frames?
21:31.47Saroz_I'm in trouble too then
21:31.54Saroz_must plan assassination
21:31.57Saint-Nsraid's yers im guessing?
21:32.04rubikaddon name: Assassination
21:32.05ckknightand the frames are going to be using a complex recycling process
21:32.13ckknightat least, that's the plan now
21:32.22ckknightso that party frames are converted into raid frames and such
21:32.27ckknightand only created on-demand
21:32.29Saint-Ni meant to ask you something about sraid a while back... meh it can wait til i get home ;P
21:32.34Saroz_ya obviously
21:32.41Saroz_k, Saint-N
21:32.56ZealotOnAStickThere's an idea.
21:33.02ZealotOnAStickJust, simply . . . "Framed"
21:34.05Saint-Nor call it Roger Rabbit ;P
21:34.25Saint-Nitll take a bit but im sure someone will get it ;)
21:34.39Saroz_problem solved
21:34.41ZealotOnAStickOh, I got it immediately.
21:34.47ZealotOnAStickI just didn't think it was clever.
21:35.02Saint-Nthat way you can tell people to grab my_unit
21:35.12rubiktoo much like "G-Unit"
21:35.23Saroz_oh well, looking forward to getting a new unit frame addon
21:35.27ZealotOnAStick"get Framed"  "I got Framed"
21:35.31Saroz_but keeping my good ol' raid frames
21:36.04rubikyou forgot FTW at teh end
21:36.12Saint-Nand the closing "
21:36.25ZealotOnAStickI like sRaidFrames, and if I needed quite that sort of feel, I'd use them.  I recommend them to guildies who are too dumb to use Grid.  But Grid has pretty much replaced my raid frames entirely.
21:36.30rubikyeah.. you fail.. F-
21:36.40Saroz_meeeh grid
21:36.45Saroz_dont like it
21:36.52ZealotOnAStickSaint-N: With all due love and concern, go dig yourself a nice pit, get in it, and try to fill it with your own blood.  Kthx.
21:37.00JoshBorkemeh, i'm all over perfect raid
21:37.09Saroz_perfect raid still exists?
21:37.12rubikhow's the latest beta work?
21:37.17NightHawkTheSaneperfect raid is rather nice, actually
21:37.18ZealotOnAStickPR2 Beta.
21:37.20JoshBorkeworks fine for me
21:37.27kmb2215any drdamage users?
21:37.29ZealotOnAStickI tried it.  Meh.
21:37.30rubiki loved the original PerfectRaid
21:37.32JoshBorkei use drdamage
21:37.42Saroz_I dont see the point of doctor damage
21:37.42JoshBorkeZealotOnAStick: to each his own :-)
21:37.42GuillotineI use DrDamage
21:37.48Saint-Nsealot loves me!
21:37.50ZealotOnAStickJoshBorke: Yep.
21:37.52Saint-Nzealot too
21:37.58GuillotineSaroz: its awesome for figuring out good spell combinations while leveling up :)
21:38.05Saroz_I dont level
21:38.09Saroz_I raid
21:38.09kmb2215i <3 drdamage.  too bad it uses 1-roll instead of 2-rolls for avg dmg over crit/hit/miss probability spaces :(
21:38.20Guillotineuse it on my 31 lock, don't use it on 70 druid. I already know the stats on him
21:39.04ZealotOnAStickI've found DrDamage most useful actually for evaluating what overall effects I get from different pieces of gear, as my Aff/Dest build relies on both heavy dotting and crit bolt nuking.
21:39.30ZealotOnAStickToss something on there, see how the numbers change for, say, corruption and shadow bolt, and see what the overall benefit/loss will be.
21:39.32kmb2215same thing
21:39.40kmb2215or when different debuffs go up on bosses
21:39.47kmb2215(scorch falls off, cast SB)
21:39.50NeoTrondanger is I guess fully trusting the numbers
21:40.06ZealotOnAStickIt makes it entirely too clear how awesome my gloves, shoulders, pants, and bracer upgrades will have to be to justify breaking the 4-pc plagueheart bonus.
21:40.17kmb2215yeah, the numbers match up with my calcs all the time, except for the 1-roll/2-roll issue
21:40.27*** join/#wowace stavmar (n=chatzill@
21:40.33NeoTronhypothetical calculations still seem to indicate that I benefit more from casting immolate than not
21:40.54kmb2215damage per cast tim?
21:40.56kmb2215you do
21:40.58NeoTron624 spell dmg, 805 shadow
21:41.14NeoTronI suppose I'd need a much bigger gap to make it not worth it
21:41.18PyrrhusCan anyone tell me why im getting this critical error:
21:41.20NeoTronit's just such an annoyingly short dot
21:41.31kmb22151 tick shorter than corruption
21:41.38ZealotOnAStickI've only got a gap of 20 damage between my damage and shadow pre-consumables.
21:41.47ckknightwell, off to school
21:41.52ZealotOnAStickbecause I haven't bothered to re-enchant my gloves.
21:41.57stavmarnymbia: I just downloaded your newest version of Manufac and received this error. I am pretty sure I have the latest stitch library but I am checking again. I use external libs by the way
21:42.00NeoTronkmb2215: as you start to rotate, it increases
21:42.16NeoTroneventually dots (ising /castsequence that is) will overlap
21:42.23ZealotOnAStickstavmar: did you /rl after that error?
21:42.25NeoTronand applying 5 dots without cast sequence is a pain
21:42.42ZealotOnAStick5?  You have UA?
21:42.57NeoTronalthough I do tend not to have CoA in the rotation
21:42.58ZealotOnAStickIt's tempting, but I just can't see myself not having Ruin.
21:43.01NeoTronwhen in a raid
21:43.15NeoTronas I don't have 50% crit, Ua is better DPS
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21:43.21NeoTronplus safer to use
21:43.23stavmarZealotOnAStick: no i did not but it looks as if I dont have stitch 1.1, is it in the Standalone libs folder?
21:43.29nymbiastavmar: did you restart wow completely after you updated?  the files changes around
21:43.41phyberthose sewers in Shattered Halls are retarded.
21:43.44ZealotOnAStickI usually manage to get off with not having to cast CoE/CoS when in a 25 man raid, because our Destrolock will usually do elements, and our heavy Demonology will usually do CoS.
21:43.45NeoTronand 50% crit is what you need to get better DPS (average that is) on a single target. with multiple targets, UA pulls ahead even more
21:44.03ZealotOnAStickAhh, if you use standalones, yeah, you'll need to get eh new Stitch.
21:44.17stavmarnymbia: did not have wow un while downloading updates, but again i did not have stitch 1.1 installed, as I still had the 1.0, my bad
21:44.18ZealotOnASticks/eh new Stich/the new Stitch/
21:44.28stavmarTHanks guys
21:44.34stavmarAnd I cannot live without Ruin either
21:44.35NeoTronI think I'll make one rotation for Immolate/UA/Corruption (in that order) and one for Siphon life and CoA
21:44.48NeoTronand then not cast CoA if I don't need it
21:45.06NeoTronI had ruin. I's fun for big numbers (shadow bolt crit at 6300)
21:45.15NeoTronbut 41/0/20 will always beat 40/0/21
21:45.29NeoTronOf course I'm 45/5/11 rather
21:45.51stavmaryeah UA is nice damage over time and is useful but the total damage from an affliciton ruin lock with similar gear seems to always get me
21:46.23NeoTronunless you get a lucky crit streak you need a lot of crit for shadow bolt to outdo ruin
21:46.23ZealotOnAStickI'm 40/0/21 and I consistently peg up top damage numbers of any of the locks (and probably of the entire raid when we have a Shadow Priest there) on boss fights.
21:47.17NeoTronI've topped damage meters consistently with 45/5/11, 16/46/0, 0/40/21...
21:47.20ZealotOnAStickGranted, I haven't -tried- a UA build since beta, so I dunno . . .
21:47.45stavmar42/5/14 is my spec and i can never beat a 35/5/21 with similar gear but he uses non flask consumables more than i do.
21:47.57NeoTron15/46/0 wouldn't work as well now though as I'm concentrating on shadow damage heavily
21:48.04ZealotOnAStickMaybe once I've finished all the quests and have finished my farming for all my factions, have my epic mount, and all the reliable known drop enchanting recipes, and I can just focus on raiding content alone, I'll give UA a try again.
21:48.31NeoTronfor soloing wifh heavy aff, ruin is completely useless
21:48.44NeoTronwho the heck uses shadow bolt to any extent with an aff build (again, for solo/questing/grinding)
21:48.54kmb2215why talk about anything that isn't raiding?
21:48.57ZealotOnAStickI do.
21:49.00NeoTronfor 5-mans however yes it's probably better with ruin
21:49.13Gagoriankmb2215: You e-mailed me?
21:49.16kmb2215yes sir
21:49.20*** join/#wowace wobin (
21:49.20GagorianI responded
21:49.22NeoTronZealotOnAStick: what's wrong with drain life?
21:49.22ZealotOnAStickanyway, I need to afk a bit.
21:49.45GagorianBut yeah, it's doable fairly easy
21:49.46stavmarI am in 5-mans/10 mans constantly and not having ruin is why I never am at the top of the charts, I am fine just not at the very top
21:49.49CIA-1103nymbia * r30696 10Stitch-1.1/Stitch-1.1/Stitch-1.1.lua:
21:49.50CIA-11- Compress link strings in data down to just color, itemid and name, we dont need the whole bloated thing.
21:50.01kmb2215gagorian: thank you so much.
21:50.04NeoTronI'm usually not at top in 5-mans although I'm starting to get that down as well
21:50.08kmb2215i really enjoy your addon
21:50.17NeoTronbut in 10-mans I'm always on top unles I'm busy doing something else (like leading the raid)
21:50.22ZealotOnAStickIt needs Soul Siphon to really benefit, and I can't afford the points right now with having to put them into Fel Concentration to make drains useful at all to me with my playstyle, and I'm stubborn and resistant to giving up Ruin.
21:50.33NeoTronaffliction is weak on stuff that dies fast but great on stuff that doesn't
21:50.38stavmarthat is my issue i tensd to lead them more causing me to be distracted
21:50.47Gagoriankmb2215: Actually I'll do it right away, got 10 minutes before my friend comes over
21:50.57stavmarNeoTron: precisely, which is why ruin and criting is so important if you need to be at the top
21:51.07NeoTron... in 5 man trash
21:51.12NeoTronwho cares about 5-man trash?
21:51.33stavmarI just want to do my part, and make I am keeping up with the "jonses"
21:51.40stavmarmake sure*
21:51.56NeoTronnot to menton fights where you have to move a lot... on aran I was like 3rd or 4th on dps with a sb-spam build (0/40/21 - 20% crit is awesome)
21:52.02NeoTronwith aff build I was number one by a significant margin
21:52.34NeoTronmind you that was with shadow priest + CoS too
21:52.53stavmarnymbia: do we still need stitch 1.0 for something?
21:52.59NeoTronbut really I primarily have this build because I have a shitload of farming to do
21:53.11NeoTronalthough my tailoring quest is almsot done (372 tailoring)
21:53.20KemayoI <3 my affliction warlock.  It's the most fun I've had with a DPS class.
21:53.23nymbiastavmar: probably not.  delete it and see if anything explodes ;)
21:53.23NeoTronit's a lot of fun
21:53.32stavmarnymbia: lol
21:53.34NeoTronyou can't realy go wrong with a warlock spec unless you really really try
21:53.50NeoTronif anything th eproblem is that there are too many ways to "go right" that it's hard to choose
21:54.23nymbiahow about 22/19/20
21:54.31stavmarI am looking at our raiding guild roster of warlocks and everyone has something different and they put out the damage when we group togethe
21:55.16FISKER_Qnymbia about our dinnerplans
21:55.18FISKER_Qi forgot where we are dining tonight
21:55.26stavmar35/5/21 seems to beat us all evertime though and he is at 16.5% crit
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21:56.22markus__anyone in touch with the creator of BankAccountant ?
21:56.38markus__ive been tryin it out and got this error:
21:59.07Pyrrhusquick question for you guys..
21:59.23PyrrhusCannot get peoples names to show in game.. have check the interface options and its all checked off there
21:59.35NeoTronnymbia: I just can't bring myself to build a hybrid build
21:59.38PyrrhusEven if I do show nameplates... their names are still not showing in the plate
21:59.41NeoTronso much I like higher up in the trees :P
21:59.58nymbiaNeoTron: yeah definitely ;)
22:00.06NeoTronstavmar: talking 25-mans?
22:01.04chrispixIs there a tutorial anywhere on running Ace mods in lua from the command line? I'm just switching over to Ace, and I'd love to be able to test my mods without having to run WoW, but I'm not sure how to resolve the Ace libraries
22:01.04NeoTronRuin might work better if you almost always have 15+5+20% dmg bonus up from shadow priest/shadow bolt crits... :P
22:01.18stavmarNeoTron: mostly 5-mans and 10-mans, we have only been to mulghar about 3 times without success yet?
22:01.42stavmarno shadow priests as we are too short true healers in teh guild
22:01.54NeoTronusually have > 1 lock?
22:02.22markus__stavmar, a shadowpriest is very nice @ karazhan too :P
22:02.32markus__im playin one and it works great
22:03.03stavmarNeoTron: in Kharazan lately we have 2 locks and shadowpriests
22:03.20NeoTronwe usually have 1 SP/1lock
22:03.20stavmarmarkus__: how many healers in the khara runs?
22:03.32stavmarNeoTron: that is fine but how many healers
22:03.34NeoTronand 3 healers (+1 hybrid which is either SP or DPS shammy)
22:03.34CIA-1103gagorian * r30697 10DrDamage/DrDamage.lua:
22:03.34CIA-11-Added option for two roll hit calc
22:03.34CIA-11-Added final coefficient to eff. +dmg calculation
22:03.34CIA-11-TODO: Separate coefficients into an own display
22:03.58markus__stavmar, erm 3-4
22:04.56markus__pala, druid, priest and 2nd druid/pala
22:04.56NeoTronbtw the worst idea ever in karazhan is thinking that for some odd reason 3 tanks would be a good idea
22:04.56NeoTronno I didn't set that up and no it didn't work AT ALL
22:04.56markus__for curathor e.g. a shadow is very nice
22:05.01markus__mana restore in weakend phase owns ;)
22:05.02NeoTronfor <anything> shadow is nice
22:05.07stavmarNeoTron: 2 prot warrioirs is almost bad
22:05.15rubikhow do druid tanks fare in karazhan? my (very casual) guild is going to venture into there next week and our warrior tanks and feral druids are fighting for raid spots
22:05.29stavmarI will keep that in mind markus_
22:05.32NeoTronrubik: we use a druid OT and I have a friend who's a druid MT
22:05.41markus__rubik, we someties have a druid in kara - works fine as tank too
22:05.49NeoTronthey keep using her as MT over the warrior because she generates more threat
22:05.57markus__and for gruul shadow priest is a must
22:06.04kmb2215our druid tank is critical to our kara run
22:06.04NeoTronso the top DPSers can go all out rather than ahving to hold back if the warrior was MT
22:06.14rubikcool.. and that warrior is heavy prot spec with good gear?
22:06.16kmb2215because they can pickup agro on mobs much easier than warriors
22:06.20NeoTronrubik: yes
22:06.22[TL]Amandriayeah druids have some real nice aggro :P
22:06.27kmb2215so we'll have a warrior MT a boss, and the bear pick up the adds when CC is broken
22:06.42NeoTronalso druid tanks are great because they can perform the DPS role on fights like aran and curator simply by changing gear
22:07.06NeoTronhaving two prot tanks (warrior or paladin) is quite painful on those fights
22:07.16NeoTronthe prot pally is absolutely 100% useless on aran
22:07.19NeoTronwell and curator too
22:07.22sbuhey, we have a warrior tank w/ wow error in ~every curator fight (and sometimes other boss fights as well ;o) - heroic karazhan :/
22:07.27NeoTronno dps, can't heal worth shit and nothing to tank
22:07.30rubikwe don't have any pallies so it's just pissing contests between warriors and druids right now.. heh
22:07.46[TL]Amandriawell prot palas are nice for lots of mobs
22:07.47NeoTronI love a pally tank for aoe pulls
22:07.56NeoTronbut frankly he's not quite up to par and is very single-purpose
22:07.58[TL]Amandriaso the warlock can spam seed of corruption
22:08.04[TL]Amandriaand the pala keeps aggro
22:08.13NeoTronwe use pala healer when the pala tank isn't around
22:08.35NeoTrondoesn't work quite as well (paladin dies and/or loses aggro faster)
22:08.42NeoTronbut it worked ok. only died once in all aoe pulls
22:09.11Gagoriankmb2215: When it's updated test it out and pm me if there's something wrong. Did it without much testing/calculating. Should be fine though
22:09.16NeoTronalthough a good way to handle it without that is to FIRST SoC and THEN dps
22:09.32NeoTronthat way you can kill them all almost instantly  due to SoC chaining
22:09.48stavmarSo you SoC each mob in teh party
22:09.54stavmarthen DPS
22:10.06NeoTronthat probably wouldn't work but a bunch at least
22:10.18NeoTronsince it is a dot you'll get aggro without aoe tanking
22:10.38NeoTronI usually was able to get 3-5 up before something started beating on me
22:10.53stavmarso out of the i guess 10 mobs non elite coming at you how many do you give SoC before DPSing any of them or am I interpreting what you are saying incorrectly?
22:11.46NeoTronsince onc they start hitting on me, I can't reapply SoC
22:12.07NeoTrondue to interrupts (man I wish fel concentration was ALL affliction spells and not just drain spells)
22:12.25NeoTronbasically apply until I get aggro or one goes boom
22:13.56*** join/#wowace weab (
22:14.43stavmarAntiarc|Work: ping?
22:16.18stavmarSilly question about your armory programming, I am a total novice at this stuff but I had a simple question
22:16.54stavmarWhen we create the query that is then hosted by your site, everytime we select the link to that query is it refreshed against the armory data?
22:17.25stavmaror do we need to rerun the qwuery generator from your home page again?
22:17.43Antiarc|WorkYou have to re-run the query from the generator. The created pages are static pages so as to consume as little CPU as possible.
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22:19.03stavmarso my follow question to that is, If I am on the armory and look at the characteristics and rerun the query on your site and the charateristics for that toon do not match..what explains the diffs in teh data?
22:19.29stavmarIt seems as though blizzard updates teh armory almost right after I log off, but maybe I am imagining things?
22:19.38Antiarc|WorkLikely data in my local cache - I cache data for 12 hours before I try to re-query the armory.
22:20.04knarf-hmm I wish the "ding" sound in decursive could be enabled without having the live list shown :<
22:20.08Antiarc|WorkSo if one of the tools requests your character sheet from the armory, any other request for that data within 12 hours will return the locally cached copy
22:20.54stavmarI see again an issue about conserving your bandwidth. Now I just have to figure out how to run the queries using our own server, so we dont have to use your, and PhP is a little too challenging for me.
22:21.27Antiarc|WorkWell, the source is available and it's mostly just plug-and-play. All you have to do is create the database you want to use as the cache and configure the DB connection stuff.
22:21.29ckknighthey all
22:21.48rubikthat 2nd part is mostly to conserve blizzard's servers/bandwidth.. you wouldn't want to query the armory server every time you refresh the guild page(s)
22:22.13rubik(especially for a big guild and/or low min. level specified)
22:22.28Antiarc|WorkWell, it's partly for me and partly for Blizz. The data doesn't update often enough to warrant a re-query every time you run a summary, and there's no sense in beating the hell out of their machine and mine pulling the same data. :)
22:22.34stavmarAntiarc|Work: well I guess the plug and play functionality for our PhP website is something I need to brush up on.
22:23.18stavmaryou readme file is  little vague, maybe so more description could be done, unless you think it has sufficient information already?
22:23.26stavmaryour*, forgive my typing...
22:23.28ckknightworking on the theming system to Cavity
22:24.18rubikcan someone make a RootCanal module for Cavity?
22:24.35Antiarc|WorkWell, it assumes basic knowledge of PHP and deployment of a PHP application.
22:24.56Antiarc|WorkI've tried to make it as friendly as possible to be deployed elsewhere, but I didn't set out to write a deployable one-click-and-it's-done package, if that makes sense.
22:25.40stavmarAntiarc|Work: thank you for a great product, It is just awesome and brings a lot of value to guilds!!
22:26.00*** join/#wowace Velkyn (
22:26.04Antiarc|WorkHeh, I'm just glad people enjoy it. It's very gratifying for people to get value of out your work.
22:26.04stavmarAntiarc|Work: it does, I really think it is a language barrier to understand certain terms is all, I am still learning.
22:26.17VelkynCan someone tell me if there is a way to access the ora2 menus without having Fubar?
22:26.33Kemayockknight: What's the (eventual) advantage of Cavity over agUF?
22:26.53ckknightand componentization
22:26.55NightHawkTheSaneVelkyn: attach the ora2 fubar plugin to the minimap?
22:27.13VelkynNight: How does one do that without the fubar menu for it?
22:27.25*** join/#wowace Feldia (n=ommand@
22:27.28NightHawkTheSaneIf you dont have fubar installed, it should automatically attach to the minimap
22:27.43NightHawkTheSanecould always look in the /ora slash commands though
22:27.49VelkynAh let me communicate that to these guildies :)
22:28.00VelkynThere is the slash commands!!
22:28.07VelkynThank you so much!
22:28.40VelkynOne more quick question - does someone have to have Ace2 lib installed for mods like oRA2 to work?
22:29.00NightHawkTheSaneno, ora2 should have ace2 embedded in it, so nothing else should be required.
22:29.26VelkynNight: Once again thank you!
22:30.42kmb2215gregorian: thanks again, i'll be sure to let you know how it works
22:31.42CIA-1103ammo * r30698 10SRA/ (SRA.lua locales/enUS.lua): SRA: Silly Retro Afro
22:33.40NeoTronI wonder how long I can reliably use arcanoweave boots for levelling (gotten up to 372 with them so far but alas - don't want to waste so much arcane dust for failed skillups)
22:36.07rubikstill haven't had a chance to see 300.. this week it shall be
22:37.21CIA-1103ckknight * r30699 10Cavity/Cavity.lua: Cavity - now uses a theming system for layout.
22:37.38OrdogNeoTron: <- yields the answer: yes
22:38.40NeoTronOrdog: then boots it is
22:38.44NeoTronman it's a lot of arcane dust
22:38.48NeoTronat least I'm getting shards from it
22:40.30NeoTronjust need a tad bit more gold
22:40.48NeoTronI'm wondering what I'll do when I'm done with this. I'll get so much gold left!
22:42.24*** join/#wowace Ominous (
22:43.22Ominousis there a batch command to log into a ftp server in windows explorer?
22:45.44rubikhow do you mean?
22:45.44Gngskftp <ftp server>
22:46.08[dRaCo]Ominous: try using user:pw@server
22:47.37Ominouswow great thanks
22:49.07Eternally777Is it possible for one addon to register an event multiple times, and call a different function for each time?  Like this:
22:51.35CIA-1103ckknight * r30700 10Cavity/Cavity.lua: Cavity - now figures out the string on the status bars by parsing a string, e.g. "[val]/[max]". Other options are [perc] and [diff].
22:51.53ckknightalright, time to go to class
22:54.02Ominousone more question, can you set up a batch file to ask you to input something and then use that data
22:55.51rubikC:\>set /p myvar=Enter something:
22:55.51rubikEnter something:eh
22:55.51rubikC:\>echo %myvar%
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22:59.23OrdogNeoTron: actually im making most of my gold disenchanting craploot from lowlvl instances like DM east where you can solo all bosses :)
22:59.44rubikhaha.. whoa
22:59.57rubikwhat class are you again?
23:00.17Ordoggreater eternal essence and large brilliant shards are $$$ :)
23:00.23Ordogenhancement when soloing
23:00.56chuckg1 GEE sells for 10g on my server.
23:01.00chuckgSOmeone bought up the market.
23:01.14Ordogthats pretty cheap compared to my server *g*
23:01.26chuckgSo I got annoyed and bought up the LPS market.
23:01.31chuckgFrom 15g -> 25g now.
23:01.38Ordogwell its 12-17g
23:02.14chuckgBe happy I'm not on your server.
23:03.17Ordogya, some genious tried to sell LPS for 27g each on my server after buying the market. Propably he was a bit angry when i threw my stocked 20 LPS in for 25g each making that day a decent one ^^
23:03.51NeoTronOrdog: interesting
23:04.36NeoTronalthough I can probably farm about 1 primal per 10 minutes or so
23:04.47NeoTronwhich is like 5-6x25-30g per hour
23:04.56NeoTron125-180g per hour
23:05.06Ordogprimals are pretty cheap on my server 8/
23:05.49NeoTronwell that is good and bad I suppose
23:05.49Ordogsupply and demand :)
23:06.01NeoTronsome are cheap (life/earth primarily and of course shadow)
23:06.09NeoTronfire/mana/water/air cost more
23:06.23NeoTronmana being cheapest of those 4
23:06.36CIA-1103aileen * r30701 10FuBar_FarmerFu/FarmerFu.lua: FuBar_FarmerFu: helps to call the method with the right parameters
23:06.36NightHawkTheSanereally? i'd think water would be cheaper
23:06.48NeoTronmana is easiest to farm I guess
23:07.06NeoTronthe respawn rate in the netherstorm place is still high enough to support quite a few farmers
23:07.17NeoTronwater is needed in a lot of stuff too
23:07.23NightHawkTheSaneI guess
23:07.38NightHawkTheSaneAlways seemed easier to get waters for me, though
23:07.42NeoTron54 different items use it as a reagent
23:07.53NeoTronprimal mana is used in 50
23:08.02NeoTronI favor water farming myself
23:08.20Ordogwell water farmspots are a short trip from shattrath compared to fire/water/wind
23:08.47Ordogso i, personally, wouldnt pay as that much for them
23:08.58NeoTronI want to know what the netherflame set is.. and boots of utter darkness sonds promising, as does belt of deep shadow
23:09.16NeoTronBelt of Depp Shadow uses 5x Nether Vortex
23:09.43chrispixanyone on who does testing of Ace mods outside of WoW?
23:10.08Ordogdoes nether vortex drop in heroic 5-man or raid only?
23:10.14NeoTron25 man only afaik
23:10.33NeoTronNightmare's Asylum dropped a Nether Vortex on the pre-Hydross trash in Serpentshrine Cavern.
23:10.44*** join/#wowace mexicaan (
23:11.30mexicaanHi, im looking for a addon that will allow me to view the content of the inventory and bank of all characters on every character, can someone redirect me to such an addon?
23:11.43Feldiathat screenshot was like 3 weeks ago
23:11.49Feldiaand it's pretty clearly fake seeing as no one else has gotten one
23:11.59Feldiaeither that or the drop was removed
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23:12.19Ordogmexicann: im using vbagnon forever/storage
23:12.36NeoTronhow many guilds are doing serpentshire to any great extent? you might be correct but alas
23:12.41kmb2215mexicann: i use ArcInventory
23:13.20NeoTronout of curiosity how do you know it's not just exceedingly rare?
23:13.20Feldiathere are something like 15 US guilds who have killed at least hydros
23:13.28NeoTronlike I got a void crystal from a disenchanted blue item
23:13.30NightHawkTheSane15 us guilds is "many"?
23:13.36NightHawkTheSane15 us guilds is "insignificant"
23:13.38NeoTronnever seen it happen again and I've seen a lot of them disenchanted
23:13.43Feldiawhen you consider the amount of time they spend in serpentshrine
23:13.54Feldiaand the number of trash clears they'd each do to kill hydros for the first time
23:13.54chrispixmexicaan: bagnon does that nicely
23:14.00FeldiaI feel "many" is quite accurate
23:14.25NeoTronit's possibly it's a very rare drop in serpentshire and more frequent in the eye and beyond
23:14.27ZealotOnAStickMany is statistically insignificant.
23:14.33Bibi`ouFnot accurate enough for an epic item actually, and you can avoid a lot of trash mobs in SSC afaik
23:14.39ZealotOnAStickAs an example, I know the Wraith Blade drops from Maexxna.
23:14.42NeoTronso getting one in serpentshire is as significant as a void crystal from a bleu
23:14.47ZealotOnAStickBut it took my guild 21 kills before one did drop.
23:15.01FeldiaZealotOnAStick, your data set is much much smaller
23:15.09ZealotOnAStickIf we based our observances upon 15-20 kills, we'd never believe such an item existed from that mob.
23:15.23NeoTronah and I never saw the mace drop of nefarion in almost 30+ kills
23:15.29ZealotOnAStickGimme 200-300 kills on any mob before I start to take any weighting.
23:15.31*** part/#wowace Punkie` (
23:15.44Feldiathere are significantly more kills on the trash than that
23:15.44NeoTronalso how large percentage of ppl playing wow actually upload drop data to these databases?
23:15.51ZealotOnAStickLiterally, 10 months of Nefarian kills weekly before Warfare got an Ask'kandi.
23:15.56NightHawkTheSaneI'm going to go out on a limb and say that even if you look at guilds which even zone into SSC for serious attempts at the zone, let alone are able to kill anything there, compared to the number of raiding guilds... The former is a vastly insignificant number of guilds. Far from "many"
23:16.02Feldia40 whole kills? hot damn
23:16.11Feldiathis weekend my guild cleared that trash at least 40 times our selves
23:16.22vhaarr~seen ag`
23:16.45purlag` <n=ag`> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 21h 4m 35s ago, saying: 'uiQuery looks interesting'.
23:16.45NeoTronFeldia: sulfuron ingots
23:16.52NeoTronhof many guilds didn't go a year in mc without a single one dropping?
23:16.57Feldiamuch smaller data set
23:17.01NeoTronall I'm saying is that it's certainly not statistically significant if 15 guild are in there
23:17.04NeoTronand not seeing it
23:18.02NeoTronthis other post states that they drop in >= tempest keep instances
23:18.04NeoTronwhich makes sense too
23:19.01NeoTronof course they are used to make ilevel 130 epics
23:20.07mexicaanThanks for input on my question
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23:21.11ckknightthat was quick
23:21.13ckknightwe had a test
23:23.44Ominoustwo more qustions on batch: how can you rename the top bar of the file, and say in the batch file you open explorer, is it possible to make the batch file close automatically before explorer is closed
23:24.27ckknightI need a current event to write about for my Poly Sci class
23:25.13Ordogpoly sci?
23:25.26Ordogpolymaterial science?
23:26.03ckknightpolitical science
23:26.12Ordogah ok ^^
23:26.36ckknightooh, sexual assault in the military
23:26.40ckknightthat sounds quaint
23:26.48Ordoguhm whatabout condis new hair cut?
23:27.07*** join/#wowace WaNa (i=Gost@
23:27.11Ordogterror video addressing german influence in afghanistan?
23:30.03Ordoga german judge (female) just decided that in a marriage between muslim partners the husband is allowed to perfom corporal punishment on his wife
23:30.23Ordogand was replaced by another judge nearly the same day ^^
23:30.37[dRaCo]yeah, she pretty much got pwned ^^
23:32.26Kemayockknight: The current USA thing has a lovely constitutional law angle to it.
23:32.32Bibi`ouFohmygawd ! hydross nerfed !
23:32.40Kemayos/USA/US Attorney/
23:33.03Kemayo(It occurred to me that I was over-jargonning that.)
23:34.34VelkynEverything that works with .net 2.0 will work with .net 3.0?
23:34.43ckknightyes, they're the same backend 3.0 just adds stuff
23:34.54ckknightthey didn't change the actual underlying framework
23:34.59VelkynThank you :) 3.0 = .net 2.0 + WinFX
23:35.16VelkynMaking a "you need to get these mods" post for guildies, and they need .net to make autoupdater work
23:35.18ckknightthere's also C# 3.0 and LINQ stuff
23:35.32Kemayockknight: Cavity, line 229, isn't num always going to be 1 on a successful match, or has whatever set up :find changed the returns?
23:36.13ckknightwhoops, should be :match
23:36.33CIA-1103ckknight * r30702 10Cavity/Cavity.lua: Cavity - bugfix :find => :match
23:37.24ArrowmasterOminous: check out the 'start' command
23:37.41Ominousi got it :)
23:38.10ckknightI wanna see if I can add the party stuff later today
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23:44.30ckknightAl Gore's a noob
23:45.08KemayoHe came across fairly well today.
23:45.30ckknightI still think he's a noob
23:45.49ckknightI don't buy into the whole manmade global warming thing
23:46.09VelkynDid you watch the Documentary?
23:46.47ckknightyea, I also saw "The Great Global Warming Swindle"
23:46.55ckknightguess which one seemed to hit home
23:47.07ckknightand it's not a documentary, it's a powerpoint presentation
23:47.19VelkynYeah - I still don't know if I buy into the "man-made global" warming
23:47.33ckknightThe Great Global Warming Swindle was really interesting
23:47.38ckknightshowed facts
23:47.42ckknighttalked about the sun
23:47.42VelkynBut I look at the fact that there is Global Warming - and it could possibly do some sick shit.
23:47.46ckknightand CO2's effects
23:48.15VelkynTo me - what is suggested as "doing your part" seemed extremely minor compared to even the possibility that the man-made thing is viable.
23:48.16ckknightwell, there's a 92% chance that sunspots will decrease in the next 30 years, which will likely start a cooling process
23:49.47VelkynI also see other positive benefits from the "doing your part" even if its all a crock
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23:50.22VelkynAnything that motivates the comsumer and in the process pushes industries to explore fuel alternatives is a good thing.
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23:52.01ckknightI'm for fuel alternatives and all, but only if it's financially viable
23:52.17ckknightwe can't go from 3c / kWH to 20c / kWH
23:52.19ckknightthat's just unreasonable
23:52.38vhaarrckknight: You have to take that "documentary" with a grain of salt.
23:52.49NightHawkTheSane"financially viable" is a real relative thing.
23:52.54ckknightyea, I take everything with a grain of salt
23:53.05*** part/#wowace chrispix (n=chrispix@nat-address.GreatSchools.Net)
23:53.14ckknightNightHawkTheSane: as cheap as we can get.
23:53.30TecnoBratAntiarc, ping?
23:53.33vhaarrckknight: The Independent pretty much nullified his points.
23:53.43vhaarrabout sun spots, I mean.
23:53.45Micron_WoWEvening everyone.
23:53.57NightHawkTheSaneckknight: that's still relative.  :P
23:54.29ckknightNightHawkTheSane: no it's not. if something is cheaper than something else, it probably should be used
23:54.46ckknightwhatever, I'm just not gonna worry about it and just expect it to blow over eventually
23:54.53Ominousfinal batch file request, is it possible when you do set set /p mypass=Password: to make the text that you enter in appear in stars?
23:55.05vhaarrckknight: That's exactly what that movie wants you to do.
23:55.13vhaarrAnd also the right-wing politicians.
23:55.14ckknightthat's what I'll do
23:55.18ckknightoh noes
23:55.20Ordog3c per kWH ?!
23:55.22rubikWTB global warming for the socal area.. been like 55F in mid-day here this week.. aka. freezing
23:55.23NightHawkTheSaneckknight: yes, "letting it blow over" is a WONDERFUL solution to all of life's problems
23:55.31ckknightNightHawkTheSane: it's worked thus far
23:55.39NightHawkTheSaneno. it hasn't
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23:55.55ckknightit's worked for me
23:56.09NightHawkTheSanethen you're living under a rock, and I admire your tenacity to stay there. :P
23:56.11JJSheetsckknight, how's the unit frames going?
23:56.24ckknightI need to do a current events paper for Poly Sci
23:56.39ckknightstill don't know what on
23:56.47Ordogrubik: global warming has not that much to do with constantly high temperature in an area as i may seem :)
23:56.48rubikon unit frames?
23:57.05NightHawkTheSaneckknight: how about how "letting it blow over" is the solution to all the political issues we have. :)
23:57.11JJSheetsat the risk of offending people, I suggest, ckknight, you do the paper on the idiocy of the bush administration.
23:57.14rubikOrdog: heh.. yeah.. /me just felt like complaining
23:57.38ckknightJJSheets: nah, that's been like 6 years running, it has to be a recent event
23:57.45JJSheetsah shit.
23:57.45ckknightand it only has to be a paragraph
23:58.02JJSheetstrue, my suggestion could be novel sized...
23:58.05rubikwhoa.. never had those kinds of papers/essays when i was in school
23:58.17rubikone paragraph?
23:58.17NightHawkTheSaneJJSheets: there are indeed novels about that. :P
23:58.23KemayoThere's no way to store a sequence, right?  That is, I can't (effectively) manually assign something to ... without creating an extra function?
23:58.33ckknightrubik: it's not a paper, just a summary
23:58.38ckknightI need to give a talk about it, though
23:58.40JJSheetsdefine store a sequence Kemayo
23:58.44vhaarrKemayo: They are multiple variables, so, no.
23:58.47ckknightlast time I did the repeal of the gun ban in D.C.
23:58.50vhaarrKemayo: You can store them in a table and unpack.
23:59.06vhaarrKemayo: local x = {...}; func(unpack(x));
23:59.11KemayoJJSheets: duplicate the behavior of the ... function argument.
23:59.21Kemayovhaarr: Yeah, I didn't think so.  A shame.
23:59.26JJSheetsah.  simple, local args = {...}
23:59.42JJSheetsthat makes an integer indexed array of the arguments in ...
23:59.48KemayoWell, I was hoping to avoid an extra table constructor. :)

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