irclog2html for #wowace on 20070221

00:01.22ckknightnot sure what message that is
00:01.24*** join/#wowace Ominous_ (
00:01.39ag`_I have the event in the addon I made last night
00:01.51ckknightdid you try it out yet?
00:02.19ag`_afaik effectName is "Mana"
00:02.39ag`_so Parser-3.0 can't tell me which spell is the source of the mana gain
00:03.18*** join/#wowace WobWork (
00:04.21ag`_ckknight: Event - CHAT_MSG_SPELL_SELF_BUFF
00:04.42ag`_ckknight: Filter - "You gain (%d+) Mana from Vampiric Touch.(.*)"
00:06.45ckknighthrm, you're right
00:07.03*** join/#wowace TheKarn (
00:08.13Ironhandwhen I type "/altnames link someone someoneelse" (Prat alt names module), I now get an error dialog from Cartographer_Quests: [CQ dir]/addon.lua:1241: attempt to index local 'value' (a nil value)
00:10.14IronhandI generally have a vague idea of what might be causing an error but this one has me at a loss...
00:10.21*** join/#wowace Feldia (n=ommand@
00:11.07OverloadUTIf foo == nil, will "local bar = foo['far']" throw an error, or just assign bar to nil?
00:11.32WobWorkyou can't index a nil value
00:11.46WobWorkyou could use local bar = foo and foo['far']
00:11.57OverloadUTAhhh, that's right
00:12.10WobWorkor rather local bar = foo and foo['far'] or nil
00:12.22WobWorkactually, that's unnecessary =)
00:12.29OverloadUTYeah ;)
00:12.32WobWorkthe first will do fine for assigning nil if it doesn't exist
00:12.44ag`_ckknight: yeah, I am a crackpot most of the time, but few of the times I'm right :P
00:13.19hyperChipmunkhey wobin
00:13.31hyperChipmunkwhy'd you break my corpseway code?
00:13.47WobWorkCause I got too many complaints
00:14.05hyperChipmunkah, your users not used to working code from you?
00:14.16hyperChipmunkthey get all demanding and stuff?
00:14.16WobWorkNah, they realised it was chippercode
00:14.23WobWorkand wanted something better
00:14.25OverloadUTIs that the thing that makes an arrow point to your corpse?
00:14.41OverloadUTBest feature ever!
00:14.42ckknightI want corpseway back
00:14.51WobWorkWhat's the difference, ck?
00:15.02ckknightI don't get an arrow now.
00:15.03ckknightI want it.
00:15.03hyperChipmunkcorpseway worked
00:15.08WobWorkit's there =P You have to activate it
00:15.12hyperChipmunki did
00:15.13ckknightI don't get anything now
00:15.14WobWorkin the waypoints menu
00:15.17hyperChipmunkstill with the no worky
00:15.18*** join/#wowace Feldia (n=ommand@
00:15.18ckknightyea, it's enabled
00:15.19ckknightdoesn't work
00:15.25WobWorkodd, works for me
00:15.26hyperChipmunkit's a tease
00:15.35WobWorkdo you not get an arrow, but the text?
00:15.35hyperChipmunklike your sister, wob
00:15.52WobWorkMy sister is already married, I'm not surprised she's not putting out for you
00:16.23WobWorkbut then again, it takes a lot of alcohol for that to work in your case anyway =)
00:16.27ckknightI get nothing
00:16.57WobWork/dump Cartographer_Waypoints.db.profile.corpsePoint ?
00:17.13hyperChipmunk...much like wob's sister's husband!
00:17.20WobWorkIt's true.
00:17.22WobWorkThere are no kids yet
00:17.31WobWorkMy mother is waiting impatiently
00:18.41ckknighttrue, WobWork
00:18.46WobWorkfeh, I'm going to extract WP from the main cart folder
00:19.31ckknightmine's currently in the main cart folder
00:19.34hyperChipmunktrue here too
00:20.20WobWorkhm, I don't know why it wouldn't show then
00:22.21WobWorkI just wish people would get consistant errors =P
00:22.31hyperChipmunkthat's th thing
00:22.36hyperChipmunkno errors at all =p
00:22.38WobWorkHalf of the users are fine, some aren't with the corpsepoint, others are with the normal
00:22.48WobWorkIt's all using the same code =P
00:23.49hyperChipmunkyea, and doing a SV dump is pretty much out of the question
00:24.28WobWorkDoes it give a "Clearing up Queue" message on death?
00:24.59*** join/#wowace Ra1d3n (
00:25.06hyperChipmunki'm too awesome
00:25.34hyperChipmunkhowever, I carry around a crystal of zin-malor for just these situations
00:25.34WobWorkWhat need have you for it then =P
00:25.49WobWorkNothing like self inflicted death to get the day started
00:26.05hyperChipmunkyea, seems I'm always writing death mods =P
00:26.25hyperChipmunkno clearing of le queue
00:26.31hyperChipmunkat least none printed
00:27.19*** join/#wowace Traveler7 (
00:27.28Traveler7maths not fun
00:27.42Traveler7i do really bad in math class
00:27.49ckknightmath is fun!
00:27.52Traveler7im not ognna lie i have nni idea what htis is
00:27.56hyperChipmunkis there a table entry that should contain my waypoint?
00:28.14Traveler7no youre a chipmunck u need an acorn not a wapoint
00:28.29hyperChipmunk/wayq says my queue is empty
00:28.35Traveler7that sucks
00:28.49Traveler7i hate it when queues are empty
00:29.04Traveler7it pisses me off so much
00:29.12WobWorkI'm guessing it's not even triggering...
00:29.19Traveler7i triggered ure mom
00:29.36OverloadUTqueue = {['something']=true} there you go Traveler7
00:29.45Traveler7i didnt need anything
00:29.50Traveler7i dont no what that is
00:30.09hyperChipmunki already typed and deleted once
00:30.16Traveler7wager 40
00:30.24*** kick/#wowace [Traveler7!] by hyperChipmunk (15)
00:30.31vid`corpseway work again? :)
00:30.36XuerianI'm pretty sure I won that one.
00:30.36vid`it was broke other day
00:30.37*** join/#wowace Legorol (
00:30.51OverloadUTDamn I think Xuerian won
00:31.31ckknightWobWork: CorpsePoint == nil
00:31.59WobWorkwhy?! =\
00:32.09WobWorkhas the cart.toc changed?
00:32.19*** join/#wowace Alderick (
00:32.21hyperChipmunkactually, I won
00:32.32hyperChipmunkI had the closest without going over!
00:32.34WobWorkthere you go
00:32.36ckknightmaybe the .toc is case-sensitive on Unix machines
00:32.49OverloadUTIs there a method I can use to override what text is displayed when waypointing to one of my notes?
00:33.15WobWorknah, the whole file is missing
00:33.34WobWorkgod knows why it was loading up on mine...
00:34.00CIA-1703wobin * r28614 10Cartographer/Cartographer.toc: Cartographer: Added in CorpsePoint so the damn thing will actually load
00:34.23hyperChipmunkhaha beat me by a :wq
00:34.30WobWorkhehe =)
00:34.44XuerianOh damn. I didn't see hyperChipmunk's wager.
00:34.54vid`corpsepoint = corpseway? :P
00:35.03vid`is it integrated now?
00:35.10hyperChipmunkcorpseway -> corpsepoint, more specifically
00:35.11vid`or that something completely diff
00:35.34hyperChipmunkwobin assimilated it
00:35.40vid`so i can delete it
00:35.42hyperChipmunkand then made it not work
00:36.17*** join/#wowace Birdemani[FH] (
00:36.43OverloadUTfor i=1,20 do local j="something" end
00:36.55OverloadUTIs that bad? Or should I local j outside of the for loop?
00:37.02OverloadUTI know you should with tables, but what about other vars?
00:37.29ckknightdepends on the context
00:37.52OverloadUTHeh doesn't it always...
00:38.10ckknightminimize table declaration
00:38.21ckknightother values are less important
00:38.24hyperChipmunkif it's not needed outside of the loop, you're fine
00:38.29ckknightdon't make too many strings, though
00:38.29nevcairielone local outside the loop is prolly better, but not that important
00:38.39OverloadUTI pretty much never declare tables
00:38.48ckknightgranted, realize that "alpha" is reference equal to "alpha"
00:38.57hyperChipmunkI think it actually says somewhere in PIL, iirc, that putting it inside is better
00:39.13nevcairieli should read that whole thing some time
00:39.18*** join/#wowace fatbrain (
00:39.19nevcairielnot only bits and pieces when i need them :D
00:39.30hyperChipmunkI think it takes care of it sensibly if you do it that way
00:39.34hyperChipmunkusing the same variable
00:39.49WobWorkI tend to faze out when it hits the C integration
00:39.51hyperChipmunki forget though, that was like a long time ago
00:40.02OverloadUTOkay and just to confirm. If foo is a table and is also a table, and you set "local" that doesn't duplicate, it simply assigns far to the same memory location as, correct?
00:40.15Oridangoodnight peeps
00:40.26OverloadUTHow would you duplicate it if you wanted to?
00:40.33WobWorkYou'd have to do a deep copy
00:40.42WobWorkor a copy
00:41.05WobWorkyou're after a copy of where foo is a table and bar is a table
00:41.35WobWorkor in your case, foo is a new table containing the contents of the old foo and bar is also a new table containing the contents of the old bar
00:41.41OverloadUTYeah like let's say you wanted foo.bat to be the same as but they need to be different memory spaces so you can change them individually
00:41.41WobWorkso a deep copy is required
00:42.10WobWorkYou'll have to cycle through the tables and copy the values
00:42.20OverloadUTGotcha, that's what I figured
00:42.20WobWorkI'm not sure  if there's a shortcut
00:42.22hyperChipmunkyea, you have to make them with separate constructors and recurse down and copy the values by hand
00:42.37hyperChipmunkthere's addons with deepcopy functions
00:42.42OverloadUTI think I really only needed to do that once in Garry's Mod though. The pointer implementation is usually what I need.
00:42.47hyperChipmunkor probably a million on the web
00:42.58pastamancerI hate the horde.  I can't get anyone to do even terrokar pvp.
00:43.07OverloadUTI just wanted to make sure I wasn't wasting memory ;)
00:43.24hyperChipmunkjust find one that does what you need and nothing more, and c/p
00:43.42OverloadUTI don't actually need one, I was just making sure I understand how that part of lua works ;)
00:44.17WobWorkpastamancer: What can you tell me about secure pie? =)
00:44.34hyperChipmunkyea, you need one {} for each separate table, basically
00:44.55pastamancerWobWork: it is delicious
00:45.47WobWorkand aside from that? Usability? =\
00:46.02pastamancerWobWork: no idea, never touched it
00:46.24pastamancerWobWork: according to the documentation, you can have 'pie children'
00:46.57WobWorkI wonder what sort of pie children an apple and a pumpkin pie would have
00:47.11OverloadUTOh god
00:47.15OverloadUTDelicious children
00:47.48hyperChipmunkall children are delicious, what are you talkin' 'bout?
00:47.49Ra1d3nwhat's the best way to learn wow-lua? it looks like there is a lack of good tutorials, wich do more than lust.. show a clock on screen.. :) i know some c/c++, a little pascal/ruby/prolog.. although i hate prolog :-)
00:48.01Ra1d3nand "just"
00:48.04Ra1d3nnot lust omg
00:48.05WobWorkAnd what happens when you have a fruit pie and a vegetable pie? Will they get quiche?
00:48.05OverloadUTgetn() only works when the table uses sequential numeric indexes correct?
00:48.27WobWorkisn't getn() depreciated?
00:48.30trhfor everything else you have to count yourself (or write a function that does it)
00:48.33WobWorkwe use #tablename
00:48.37pastamancerdon't hate prolog!  I'm working on some logic programming tools for lua
00:48.50XuerianRa1d3n: 'wow-lua' is not anything special. It's lua with functions from the api (listed: and ), - the i/o library, basically
00:49.03pastamancerWobWork: it is, but it still works
00:49.10Ra1d3ni now wowapi on wowwiki
00:49.24OverloadUTWobWork: Oh yeah I remember seeing that somewhere. Regardless my table does not use sequential indexes so looks like I need to go the more difficult route...
00:49.28WobWorkRa1d3n: Also, reading up on PiL will help immensely with lua programming in general
00:49.42hyperChipmunkRa1d3n:, wowwiki's API, and feel free to browse the svn; tons of mods of every kind there
00:49.44WobWorkespecially coming from a coding background
00:49.52hyperChipmunkyes. PIL is a must
00:50.06hyperChipmunkyou're not allowed to talk unless you've read it =P
00:50.15hyperChipmunkwell, ask questions, at least
00:50.19Ra1d3nhuype: actually all i'm doing is manipulting other users mods till now
00:50.19XuerianRa1d3n: If you want a intro on making (ace) addons, read those then download "lute" off the svn/files. It's a ultra-simple addon
00:50.29Ra1d3nhype: actually all i'm doing is manipulting other users mods till now
00:50.36Ra1d3nthis isnt working either ^
00:50.48hyperChipmunkyea, that's how everyone starts out
00:50.59OverloadUTIt's a good way to start out IMO :)
00:51.08Ra1d3ni wrote some fubar plugin that counts your reputation gains from reset on
00:51.54Ra1d3ni don't start at zero, but there are some mayor mysteries, like whats it about OnEvent OnLoad and so on
00:51.56OverloadUTYou know what my favorite thing is in the programming world? Regular expressions.
00:52.06Ra1d3nyes regexp rock
00:52.35XuerianOverloadUT: I agree with one modification. "Showing non-programmers regular expressions"
00:52.40Ra1d3naehm... i mean.. Yes, i like those, too.
00:53.14OverloadUTXuerian: That's a good way to see what it looks like when someone's brain melts
00:53.36ckknightI think showing someone obfuscated python is more fun
00:53.46hyperChipmunkor well-formed perl
00:54.19XuerianAll excellent noodle-blenders :p
00:54.30Ra1d3nWe leared RegExp at the University in the first year Software Development. I really enjoyed it.
00:54.51OverloadUTI'm reading through the green Mastering Regular Expressions book and I love it
00:55.12OverloadUTwait it's not green
00:55.22OverloadUTMust be confusing it with another book I keep next to it XD
00:55.25Ra1d3nAnd i really think Prolog is one of the things that made some of the students change to biology or something.
00:55.36CIA-1703jerry * r28615 10BigWigs/ (7 files in 2 dirs): BigWigs: French translations for some Karazhan & Outland boss
00:55.42trhOverloadUT: sure you didn't put some playboy pages in it?
00:56.13hyperChipmunkRa1d3n: besides all that, your best bet is to just lurk in here and pick up what comes by
00:56.22OverloadUTtrh: Every 50 pages, it's my reward.
00:56.42Xueriantrh: Playboy is to normal people as regexp is to programmers.
00:56.49Ra1d3nXuerian, WobWork, hyperChipmunk, ag'_ thanks to you all for the kind advice.
00:56.54WobWorknp =)
00:57.01trhOverloadUT: guess then its somehow rewarding to read it... but i couldn't imagine how to write more then 10 pages to regexps
00:57.07FinMastering Regular Expressions changed my life
00:57.09Ra1d3ni think i'll stick around
00:57.21trhOverloadUT: i mean there aren't that many different elements in regexp
00:57.37hyperChipmunksure thing; listen more than you speak until you've got a good grasp of things, and you'll be fine
00:57.39FinJeffrey Friedl is one of my heroes
00:57.42OverloadUTtrh: Pick up the book then; you'd be surprised. The entire introduction explains WHY a book on regular expressions is so thick ;)
00:58.15Finanybody that lists "sleeping" as one of their favourite pastimes has to be pretty cool
00:58.31Ra1d3nsi tacuisses.. but i'll have lots of questions at first
00:58.42trhOverloadUT: oh, ok.... sounds good :)
00:59.01XuerianRemember, we were all nubs once.... So we show no mercy >=)
00:59.45trhRa1d3n: prolog isn't that bad
01:00.09trhRa1d3n: we had it in second semester (second half of the first year)
01:00.09Ra1d3nit makes my skin crawl
01:00.44trhRa1d3n: you can do cool things with it, like a maze-solver in like 4 lines :)
01:00.45OverloadUTPython made my skin crawl when I first started using it.
01:00.52hugoanyone know if there are some more layouts to download somewhere? other then aguf_Layouts
01:00.57WobWorksnakes on the brain?
01:00.59CIA-1703rabbit * r28616 10BigWigs/Core.lua: BigWigs: Added Serpentshrine Cavern console abbr.
01:01.12Ra1d3nthe maze solving we did with that cool little robot
01:01.15OverloadUTI work as a "dive right in without reading the manual" type of guy when it comes to new languages, and it took some time before I figured out that the indentation defines the blocks ;)
01:01.22Ra1d3nthe best one needed like 16 lines
01:01.34XuerianPython was nice...
01:01.41XuerianC++ made my brain assplode.
01:02.02OverloadUTI learned Python because it's what Civ4 uses
01:02.03trhRa1d3n: then it included probably mechanisms to stop looping and stuff :)
01:02.11Ra1d3ni liked pascal
01:02.12OverloadUTSomehow the games I play define the languages I learn... I wonder why...
01:02.19Ra1d3nyes it did
01:02.29*** join/#wowace godsyn (n=godsyn@
01:02.31trhi admit it... my favourite programming language is c#
01:02.44Ra1d3ni heard c# is pretty cool
01:02.58WobWorkI like c#
01:02.59trhi'm sorry.. c# is just great.. it's like java in good
01:02.59Ra1d3nbut also that "d" is gonna be good
01:03.08trhFin: seriously, c# is great
01:03.11WobWorkI'd have to, since it's my job =P
01:03.23WobWorkI do like lua though
01:03.25ckknightC#'s pretty nice, actually
01:03.27godsynquick site report. Java sort by timestamp... doesn't.
01:03.30CIA-1703funkydude * r28617 10Cartographer/Cartographer_InstanceMaps/InstanceMaps.lua: Cartographer_InstanceMaps: fix The Blood Furnace map
01:03.31Ra1d3nanyone read the c't' from 2 weeks ago ?
01:03.38Ra1d3nwith the article on d
01:03.50trhits a german mag
01:03.53Ra1d3ncomputer technology
01:04.01Ra1d3nyeah i guess its just german
01:04.18Ra1d3ni was hoping they have international reach
01:04.27*** join/#wowace vid` (
01:04.59WobWorkoh man =(
01:05.01WobWork"David Short, an IBM consultant who works in the Global Services Division and has been beta testing Vista for two years, says users should consider 4GB of RAM if they really want optimum Vista performance. With Vista's minimum requirement of 512MB of RAM, Vista will deliver performance that's 'sub-XP,' he says"
01:05.07trhRa1d3n: they don't... but c't becomes more and more a "advanced computerbild"
01:05.28Ra1d3ni used to read it regularly
01:05.38XuerianWobWork: Haha
01:05.44Ra1d3n2 weeks ago i picked it up again and it was still fine
01:05.52WobWorkKinda glad I switched to *nix
01:05.59trhRa1d3n: me too, 5-6 years ago.. but i think the quality of the articles got low and lower
01:06.07godsynwob, wowing via wine?
01:06.15trhRa1d3n: there are still some good ones in it, but most of it is this standard-compare-hardware stuff
01:06.36Ra1d3ntrh: do you have some alternative?
01:06.41WobWorkI get better fps than on windows =)
01:06.47trhRa1d3n: no german mags :)
01:06.52WobWorkalthough the sound stutter can be irritating
01:07.06Ra1d3ntrh: hard to get other mags offline
01:07.06godsynWobWork : fps in compairison to windows? I've heard mixed stories.
01:07.23godsynnm, read above.
01:07.24WobWorkyeah, well I'm running on a relatively  low end laptop
01:07.28trhRa1d3n: not if you got a university with a library
01:07.36Ra1d3ni can tell you one thing: if you game on windows, dont pick up vista, yet.
01:07.46WobWorkand it may have to do with the fact that the whole thing needed a reformat/reinstall
01:07.50hyperChipmunklinwow > winwow
01:07.55Ra1d3ntrh: hmm maybe we have some..
01:07.59ckknightif you do anything on windows, don't pick up vista yet
01:08.02XuerianEven with particle effects? :p
01:08.06Ra1d3ntrh: which university are you attending?
01:08.09Chompersgive it a few months, let the drivers catch up
01:08.13hyperChipmunkit's a UDA
01:08.16trhRa1d3n: university of ulm
01:08.25hyperChipmunkwell, if you have an nvidia card at least
01:08.28Ra1d3ntrh: <- graz, austria
01:08.34WobWorkati is a bit sucky
01:08.35Ra1d3ni have ati
01:08.37trhRa1d3n: nice, "informatik"?
01:08.41Ra1d3nand performance sucks
01:09.07Ra1d3ntrh: first telematics, changed to software development
01:09.32trhRa1d3n: sounds alot more practical than informatik ;)
01:10.23Ra1d3ntrh: not really, SD is like telematics but with business instead of electrotechnics
01:10.30RophyhyperChipmunk: yes?
01:10.48Ra1d3nbtw whats UDA ?
01:11.00vid`hey so is corpseway no longer needed?
01:11.07*** join/#wowace RLD_osx (
01:12.01hyperChipmunkUnified Driver Architecture
01:12.11hyperChipmunknvidia uses one driver core for everything
01:12.35Ra1d3ni c
01:12.38hyperChipmunkRophy: just was having some problems with SCL
01:12.53hyperChipmunkstuff wasn't printing anything at all
01:13.00Ra1d3nhow long do you think will i have to wait for decent ati drivers for vista?
01:13.18Chompersfew months
01:13.20hyperChipmunkbut i set them all to Default theme and then modified them from there, and it worked
01:13.31Chompersnew ones every month :)
01:13.45RophyhyperChipmunk: okay :)
01:14.04CIA-1703funkydude * r28618 10Cartographer/Cartographer_InstanceMaps/Scripts/pack.lua: Cartographer_InstanceMaps: fix the blood furnace script
01:15.00WobWorkvid: yeah
01:16.11hyperChipmunkRophy: also, an improvement request
01:16.21hyperChipmunkhave a set current colors to all
01:16.42Rophyto all what?
01:17.07Rophyyou can save your current settings as a theme, themes are global.
01:17.28pastamancerhaha, waypoints break in the twisting nether
01:17.48hyperChipmunkno coordinates in open water
01:17.48pastamancerno, the gap in "outer space"
01:17.59hyperChipmunkhappens on azeroth too
01:18.05WobWorkhm, any way to detect that?
01:18.14pastamanceryeah, zone name
01:18.23WobWorkThat seems a bit hacky =\
01:18.25hyperChipmunknot really necessary, it just blanks out until you get to the other side
01:18.30pastamanceror probably GetPlayerMapPosition not returning a value
01:18.37WobWorkwell it normally returns 0,0
01:18.43hyperChipmunki consider it radio interference =)
01:18.44WobWorkif it doesn't have a valid value
01:18.58hyperChipmunkyea, it'd be 0,0
01:19.21hyperChipmunkit's just a dead zone; it's really not big deal
01:19.50hyperChipmunkmaybe 20-30 seconds and by definition, you don't need it in there anyway, because nothing will be in that area to track
01:20.04hyperChipmunkoften much less than that
01:20.12pastamancerI only noticed because I'm flying from shadowmoon to hellfire
01:20.13WobWorkIs it actually on the map?
01:20.31hyperChipmunkyea, you show up on the continent-level map
01:20.59OverloadUTCan you dismount mid air?
01:21.02WobWorkyeah druid friend shifted out of it midair by accident the day we 70/68, on our first flight
01:23.04hyperChipmunki just watched: stormcrow *poof* elf *poof* cat *poof* bear *SPLAT!*
01:23.19WobWorkaka the rawrsplut
01:23.25*** join/#wowace Kilroo (
01:23.50hyperChipmunkit was the funniest thing i've ever seen
01:25.49XuerianThat would make a good comic... >.>
01:27.22kenlyric|homewhy wouldn't they just go back into stormcrow?
01:27.29*** join/#wowace ScriptNinja0 (
01:27.37WobWorkIt happens =(
01:27.41kenlyric|home<3 light feathers
01:27.48WobWorkmaybe not for druids =P
01:27.53NeoTronI accidently dismounted just as I was leaving shattray
01:28.07NeoTronor rather I dismounted on purpose but missed the ledge I was planning to land on
01:28.27hyperChipmunkhehe, I wore my parachute cloak for the first day
01:28.42hyperChipmunksaved me a few times
01:29.12*** join/#wowace Dwarik (
01:29.12kenlyric|homecrap, I forgot to do the festival quests on my main...
01:30.52NeoTronI had not one, but two, addons that had an auto-dismount feature
01:30.52NeoTronso it dismounts when you're attempting to do something you can't
01:30.52NeoTronhandy when mining. not handy when flying and accidently pressing any spell button (for example)
01:32.24NeoTronwhat's really funny is that I found and disabled it
01:32.29NightHawkTheSaneNeoTron: thats why i dont like auto dismount ;)
01:32.36NeoTronthen went on to do it again as I didn't know my other addon had that feature too
01:32.58NeoTronfortunately I didn't die :)
01:34.41NightHawkTheSanewhen does the lunar festival end, anyway?
01:35.28WobWorktechnically CNY started on Sunday
01:35.30hyperChipmunktoday is tuesday
01:35.37OverloadUTLast night I launched the hundreds of fireworks that I made LAST lunar festival and was saving for a special day
01:35.39hyperChipmunkisn't it?
01:35.40WobWorkToday is wednesday =)
01:35.41Funkeh`haxxed zul aman
01:35.54WobWorkFor me
01:36.17WobWorkwe had maintenence last night
01:36.19CIA-1703gnancy * r28619 10FuBar_CorkFu/ (ClassMage.lua ClassShaman.lua): FuBar_CorkFu - Added Molten Armor and Water Shield
01:36.24WobWorkThat counts as tuesday
01:37.41OverloadUTIs there a /command that will tell CorkFu that I took out my minipet? I'd like to make it a macro to execute the /command and then cast my minipet so I don't have to click on CorkFu each time
01:39.59*** join/#wowace Gnancy (
01:40.28OverloadUTOh I guess I should ask you Gnancy ;)
01:40.31OverloadUTIs there a /command that will tell CorkFu that I took out my minipet? I'd like to make it a macro to execute the /command and then cast my minipet so I don't have to click on CorkFu each time
01:40.34Gnancywhat now?
01:40.49Gnancyheh np
01:41.25Gnancywell i believe that each time you want a buff/pet out you need to click the frame or run the macro
01:41.38Barbanusitembonusfu isnt calculating the mana regen from
01:41.49Gnancyyou can macro /click CorkFuFrame tho
01:42.02Barbanusor the healing, for that matter,
01:42.25OverloadUTWell yeah, but right now on every zone/taxi I click on my minipet and then click on the minipet entry in the detached CorkFu tooltip, because it can't detect that my minipet was cast like it can with all teh buffs.
01:42.34OverloadUTOh, just "/click CorkFuFrame" ?
01:43.00Gnancyah i see
01:43.18Gnancyand yes just macro that and you can put it on your action bar
01:43.30Gnancythen you have a nice buff reminder button
01:44.22OverloadUTAh sweet! Thanks
01:44.23Gnancywell lemme check the minipet code i think it was based on Kennel but i dont thing Tekkub has looked at it in a long time
01:44.30Gnancythink rather
01:45.31WobWorkanyone know how to detect if a pdf is using cmyk as opposed to RGB?
01:48.43hyperChipmunkprint it out and compare!
01:51.09hyperChipmunkdoes pdfinfo not show it?
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01:55.04CIA-1703ckknight * r28620 10Parser-3.0/Parser-3.0/Parser-3.0.lua: Parser-3.0 - added abilityName, sourceID, and sourceName to Notification events
01:55.07hyperChipmunkfind me a file that you know is CMYK and i'll see if i can solve it
01:58.26OverloadUTDoes the order of the elements in RegisterMemoizations matter? That is, if you add more items to it in a future version will it totally break compatibility between versions?
01:58.26OverloadUTIn AceComm-2.0 that is
01:59.00OverloadUTHmmm, so that's a serious concern
01:59.05ckknightsince the old versions won't know what to do with the new memoizations
01:59.14ckknightcause it'll not know what to unhash
01:59.32ckknightdon't see how that relates to order, though
01:59.53hyperChipmunkWobWork: i converted a pdf to ps with pdf2ps, opened that with ImageMagick 'display', and found color info under "Image Info"
02:00.05OverloadUTWell if in one version you do RegisterMemoizations("apple","banana") and in a future version you do RegisterMemoizations("banana","apple") will that break it?
02:00.17hyperChipmunkassuming the conversion doesn't mess with it, that means it's at least possible to find out
02:00.33ckknightno, OverloadUT
02:00.39hyperChipmunklookin' for a command to output that stuff from console
02:00.42ckknightit won't affect it
02:00.49OverloadUTAh, okay. Thanks.
02:00.52ckknightas each word is its own element that's hashed
02:01.25OverloadUTI see. So the best way to handle this is do some version checking in the comm
02:03.21OverloadUTThe more I play with Ace2 the more I love it :D
02:04.17vhaarrWould've been silly if it was the other way around :P
02:05.27hyperChipmunkWobWork: aha, here we go; `identify -verbose <file>|grep Colorspace` will do the pdf2ps conversion and give you your infoz
02:05.29OverloadUTThis just makes everything so easy!
02:05.53WobWorkah, for the ps file
02:06.12hyperChipmunkwell, it'll do the conversion if you supply a pdf
02:06.28ckknightOverloadUT: actually what I'd do is make it change to a new memoization scheme at some predetermined date
02:06.37ckknightso it won't memoize until march first for insance
02:06.55ckknightthen it will, earlier versions will break, but you get to call them nubs
02:07.10OverloadUTAh, that's a decent way to go about it
02:07.23OverloadUTHopefully I'll just make it perfect on the first release ;)
02:07.34ckknightso it'll break all at once instead of new people not being able to communicate with old people
02:07.45OverloadUTI'm bummed I have to send the full quest name and objective name in each comm and can't memoize it though
02:08.10ckknightdeal with it :-P
02:08.18OverloadUTThere is no Babble-Quest XD
02:08.26Silviu-I have to begin to learn lua so i can code an tiny dottimer aka mod... only for warlock not bloated with all classes in and a verry precise one ^^
02:08.47Ra1d3nis LuaSlinger still working?
02:08.55Ra1d3nor is there a nice alternative?
02:08.59hyperChipmunkuse TinyPad, myself
02:09.10trhckknight: i might have found a bug in AceComm-2.0 - i can use RegisterComm to register myself to a "ZONE", but if i call UnregisterAllComms, i get "Error:  AceComm-2.0: Argument #3 to `UnregisterComm' must be either nil, "GLOBAL", "WHISPER", "PARTY", "RAID", "GUILD", "BATTLEGROUND", "GROUP", or "CUSTOM". "ZONE" is not appropriate"
02:09.12KarlThePaganSciTE is ok
02:09.13hyperChipmunkbut there's probably something newer and better by now
02:09.25Ra1d3nyou cant ingame edit with scite
02:09.30hyperChipmunkyea, but there's still a place for an in-game editor
02:09.30ckknightgive me the proper error.
02:09.37KarlThePaganah i see
02:09.59Ra1d3nfor normal coding i lite ultraedit with wordfile
02:10.26Ra1d3nhyperChipmunk, thanks gotta try out tinypad tomorrow
02:10.57hyperChipmunknothing beats gvim on the other monitor and just sliding your mouse over it to code, though >8)
02:11.09trhckknight: it reports exactly that error
02:11.12ckknightno it doesn't
02:11.12Ra1d3nhyperChipmunk, i dont know gvim, what is it?
02:11.14ckknightyou don't give a line number
02:11.22trhckknight: oh.. wait
02:11.25hyperChipmunkvi with some interface
02:11.59Barbanus~seen Prandur
02:12.25purli haven't seen 'prandur', Barbanus
02:12.26Ra1d3ngoogle is my friend, just found it
02:13.44hyperChipmunkWobWork: looking into it, looks like you should be able to grep the raw pdf file for DeviceRGB or DeviceCMYK
02:17.40BarbanusIs "Jerry" the maintainer of ItemBonusLib here?
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02:18.38BarbanusI just checked /ibonus [Itemlink] and isnt being calculated :)
02:18.38vhaarrBarbanus: no
02:23.09BarbanusOkay... I posted it on trac .. no idea if he will see it tho
02:23.44WobWorkhyperChipmunk: Cool =)
02:25.00WobWorkThe murky depths of print media =P
02:25.10hyperChipmunkyea, no kidding
02:25.50hyperChipmunkthat's treacherous territory for even the most hardy of geeks
02:27.34*** part/#wowace Tovort_ (
02:34.07vhaarrckknight: Cartographer party positions still show people who are offline in my group, is that intentional?
02:34.22ckknightnot Cartographer's issue, it's the world map
02:34.30ckknightCartographer just skins it
02:35.06vhaarrI thought maybe it was intentional, since some times it can be handy to know.
02:38.05vhaarrckknight: I'm sending a table containing item links through AceComm, and it seems like it's not coming through clean. Could there be an issue with serializing the item links?
02:38.24vhaarrThe other side recieved a table of one item instead of the 2 I sent.
02:38.29ckknightthere could be
02:38.56vhaarrWould it error or ignore table entries it can't serialize/de-serialize?
02:39.40ckknightit'd turn them into nil
02:39.52vhaarrokay, that's bad
02:40.26ckknightworks fine if it serializes properly
02:40.43ckknightyou don't want someone else's garbage data causing an error on your machine
02:40.51vhaarryeah, that makes sense
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02:43.43vhaarrwell an item link is pretty simple, though, I don't see why it would choke on it
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02:48.28UE|Daemonasmall error in babble-herbs / cartographer guess its a bad translation, occurs on ctrl-left-clickiing in a zone to open statistics window ->
02:48.33hyperChipmunkWobWork: now CorpsePoint shows when i release, but when the game jumps back to the GY spawn, it disappears
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02:58.53OverloadUTBahhhhh why are the quests in the newbie Draenei zone under the "Ammen Vale" header and not "Azuremyst Isle" :/
03:00.56ckknightbecause you're in Ammen Vale.
03:00.56ckknightall newbie zones are like that
03:01.17CIA-1703xuerian 07XLoot1.0 * r28621 10XLoot/ (5 files in 2 dirs): XLoot: Fixed: Lootframe (mostly). Broke: Options. All other XLoot mods (don't use this with the 0.x versions). Added uiQuery.
03:01.18Arrowmasteri was having some issues in ghostlands where the quests werent under any header in my questlog
03:01.48Arrowmasterbut were under ghostlands in questsfu
03:03.10OverloadUTOkay okay I know WHY they're listed as Ammen Vale, I just wish they weren't :P
03:03.18OverloadUTMakes it hard to iterate through all quests in your current zone
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03:32.57OverloadUTIs there a better way to do this simple operation? table.insert(entry.notes, {x, y})
03:33.06OverloadUTI feel like I'm creating a table when I shoudn't be...
03:33.59vhaarrYou can use a local table heap to ease on the table creation.
03:34.31vhaarrViolation:OnTooltipUpdate() does just that.
03:34.52pastamancerOverloadUT: table.insert(entry.notes_x, x); table.insert(entry.notes_y, y)
03:35.23OverloadUTHmmm then I'd have to trust that the two tables remain synched
03:35.42pastamanceror rather, the two values
03:35.53pastamanceroh, I see, yes
03:36.08pastamancerwrite a wrapper function for it
03:36.12OverloadUTAlthough I might be going about this the wrong way from the very beginning. Does anyone know the best way to store references to Cartographer Notes? I figured I would store the noteid, but :SetNote() does not return the id. So I'm simply storing the x,y
03:37.48*** part/#wowace Beor- (
03:42.23ZealotOnAStickAnyone know what recent Ace2 (suspect, some library) changes are interfering with the vertical micromenu bar in Bongos?
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03:50.41WobWorkOverloadUT: Use the poiID
03:50.56WobWorkwhich is the 'hashed' x and y
03:51.00WobWorkand the zone
03:51.05WobWorkand the author =)
03:51.21WobWork(in that the key for each note is the poiID, zone and creator)
03:51.30OverloadUTYou can have two notes on the same x,y in the same zone with different authors?
03:52.29OverloadUTI guess what I'm getting at, is to look up a note later, what will I need to store? I figured it would be the poiID (which I couldn't figure out how to get) or just the zone,x,y
03:52.34OverloadUTBut you're saying I need the creator as well
03:52.59WobWorkalthough you can run into issues there
03:53.10WobWorkcause ShowNote only takes the zone and ID
03:53.34WobWorkOverloadUT: Have a look at the top of CartNotes
03:53.40OverloadUTOkay, will do
03:53.50OverloadUTBut now I need to go home :P
04:01.55CIA-1703rabbit * r28622 10BigWigs/Karazhan/ (Maiden.lua Moroes.lua): BigWigs: Karazhan: deDE update by archiv.
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04:08.05_TalonAWDor if anyone is good with a programmer i got a socketed encrypted chip i need read
04:10.41trh_TalonAWD: sounds like you're in the wrong channel
04:11.15_TalonAWDany idea wher eiw ould go?
04:11.17trh... stupid server maintenance
04:11.46trh_TalonAWD: got a picture of the encrypted chip? there are like million types out there
04:13.01trhas long as you don't got a type-description its nearly impossible to read it out
04:13.39_TalonAWDso i got to scrape all that wax off?
04:13.45trhat least
04:14.09trhlooks like theres a additional heatcooler or something attached
04:14.31_TalonAWDthere is an additional chip on top
04:15.07trhgot a picture from the other side?
04:15.37KaeltenI look forward to the day I have my first 10GB machine
04:16.28trhmaybe that silver thing on the first picture is a quartz oscillator
04:16.56trhthat would explain the wax (because moving it could change the freqency)
04:17.29_TalonAWDits not socketed its jsut held in place by the wax over the circuits
04:18.49_TalonAWDhow would one go about reading data from suck thing
04:20.17trhwell.. usually you'd have to find out what it is exactly.. then use the datasheet to determine the data and address pins and build a small reader for it
04:20.57trhwithout a datasheet its tough.. you need the thing in the working circuit and measure with a digital scope on which pin is what
04:21.02_TalonAWDhow much would one charge if is end them such object to disasemble it
04:21.09trhand figure out which pins are data, which addresses and so on
04:21.48trhalot.. without any guarantee to work it'd take a week just to try
04:22.06_TalonAWDknow anyne interested?
04:22.21trhnot really.. from what device is that chip ripped out?
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04:22.35_TalonAWDwhat about a chip liek this?
04:23.21trhthat wont work.. that is a flash (probably nand) - without any knowledge about the original you can't do anything
04:23.44trhdoesnt matter
04:23.53trhnand = flash type
04:24.22_TalonAWDhow would would read fromt he ECU if i send them the ECU to read the file from the chip using the pinouts on it?
04:25.49_TalonAWDengine computer
04:26.03_TalonAWDthis is what an original one looks like before it was modified and socketed
04:26.16_TalonAWDthat is the same exact chip that was on top of the other one ont he socket but im not sure if it holds the same info
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04:26.28_TalonAWDi have the bin file pulled from the socketed one if anyone wants to examine it
04:26.45Xuerianyou do realize you're in a world of warcraft addon channel, right? >_>
04:27.00trh_TalonAWD: that last picture helps a bit
04:27.08trhXuerian: its goblin made! ;)
04:27.16trhXuerian: thats why it doesnt work ;)
04:27.18Azurewrathhaha :)
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04:27.33Xueriantrh: Hey, I'm a goblin engineer, I take offense at that!
04:27.46XuerianThough you're right... If it isn't exploding, it isn't working....
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04:28.34trh_TalonAWD: ok... the original chip is a flash with 1M, so you can probably use a flash reader to read the replacement chip with the same pin layout
04:29.01_TalonAWDi have used a stand aloen chip programer to read it
04:29.09_TalonAWDi have the bin file from it
04:29.15_TalonAWDbut there are empty spots filed with 00
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04:29.52trh_TalonAWD: that does either mean some of the address pins weren't connected, the flash is broken or its intended
04:30.57trh_TalonAWD: so you basically need a new firmware for the flash, to get a replacement flash you can program with the original software?
04:31.29OverloadUT|HomeI like that in Cartographer, it changes to display meters or yards depending on locale, but it does no conversion because it's all made up anyway XD
04:31.30_TalonAWDi got another ECU with the new way they do the chips now they hookup some wires to the ecu and flash the file onto the ecu they dont socket the chips anymore
04:31.38_TalonAWDim interested in capturing that flash file
04:32.05kenlyric|homeOverloadUT: that's not a feature of cartographer. That's a feature of WoW.
04:32.12kenlyric|home1 yard = 1 meter
04:32.37OverloadUTOh it didn't occur to me that spells have ranges in yards
04:32.48trhkenlyric|home: not exactly.. its 0.91 meter or something ;)
04:32.57kenlyric|hometrh: in wow.
04:33.03OverloadUTtrh: He means in WoW, they're treated as the same
04:33.07OverloadUTWhich is what I was saying amuses me
04:33.14trhOverloadUT: yeah.. i know :)
04:33.15OverloadUTBecause it's made up distances in the first place
04:33.18_TalonAWDhow would one go to make or look for someone to make a software to flash and read the flash?
04:33.25kenlyric|homeBlizzard is the Tennessee of game developers.
04:34.13trh_TalonAWD: your best bet is a (used) car dealer or car graveyard with the same ecu you have
04:34.22trh_TalonAWD: and to rip that one out and use it/read it
04:34.25_TalonAWDi have a bunch of them
04:34.47_TalonAWDbut i think with the new flashes they use a encryption now
04:34.49OverloadUTWobin are you there?
04:35.08OverloadUTWhen you were saying I need to record the "creator" earlier, is that essentially the same thing as the DB Name?
04:35.10trh_TalonAWD: its pretty pointless to decrypt that.. you should get one of the old ecus
04:35.37_TalonAWDyea but the new flash gives a different fuel map for more HP
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04:36.23trhbut its very probable that they also use different commandos to speak to the other hardware
04:36.35trhwhich are incompatible to your hardware
04:36.39Solehi kids
04:36.57_TalonAWDso how would i go about finding someoen capable of doing all this?
04:37.06_TalonAWDi know it has been cracked already
04:37.35trh_TalonAWD: probably in a newsgroup sci.electronics maybe
04:37.57_TalonAWDhow i get there i use newsleecher just to download
04:39.04trh_TalonAWD: try
04:39.57Soleradians go up to 480 degrees, correct?
04:40.15Solesorry, Ive only grown up on the 360 system :)
04:40.21trhme too :)
04:40.42_TalonAWDso who could i find to do a software to make it flashable?
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04:43.06Solewow this whole state system introduced in 2.0 is capable of a lot
04:44.09trhyeah.. but before it was nicer to program and you could do nicer things :)
04:45.12_TalonAWDwell im lost :(
04:45.52_TalonAWDi dotn know if there is a irc network for cars and car tuning and map making
04:46.25vhaarrYou're more likely to find online forums for that sort of thing.
04:46.47_TalonAWDnone dealing with this particular ECU
04:47.37trh_TalonAWD: search for forums for the car type that ecu was built in
04:48.04vhaarrI don't think there are forums dedicated to specific ECU parts :P
04:48.20vhaarrYou'll probably want a forum dedicated to your car model or manufacturer.
04:49.15_TalonAWDtried it there no luck
04:49.51vhaarr"ECU tuning forum" turns up promising results for me.
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04:53.44CIA-1703kaelten * r28623 10uiQuery/uiQuery-1.0/uiQuery-1.0.lua:
04:53.44CIA-17- :Filter can now take a function(obj) that should return true if the UIObject should be included in the new query object
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04:58.01CIA-1703kaelten * r28624 10uiQuery/uiQuery-1.0/uiQuery-1.0.lua:
04:58.01CIA-17- removed query caching because I realized it sucked and didn't work
04:58.50ckknighthello, friends
04:59.29ckknightKaelten-Laptop: want me to look through uiQuery again?
04:59.46Kaelten-Laptopyou can go for it if you'd like
05:00.11Kaelten-LaptopI'm trying to think of a reasonable way to do caching and the only thing I can think of would be a fucking bitch on a query with 150 objects
05:02.40ckknightline 36, "~(%w+)" => "^~(%w+)$"
05:03.20Kaelten-Laptopwhat would that actually do?
05:03.51ckknightmake it faster, since the ^ makes sure ~ is at the beginning
05:03.59ckknightO(n) => O(1)
05:04.32ckknightthere's a better way of doing ipairs({sscope[method](sscope)})
05:05.32CIA-1703arjuna * r28625 10simpleMinimap/modules/ (compass.lua coords.lua gui.lua movers.lua skins.lua):
05:05.33CIA-17- added 'loaded' variable to several modules.
05:05.33CIA-17- 'coords' module uses a local var for the format string (no table look ups every update)
05:05.33CIA-17- re-added 'separator' option to 'coords'
05:05.46ckknightI do it by making my own iterator named fake_ipairs that uses the same table over and over
05:13.43deltronthe epgp mod doesn't use savedvariables :(
05:14.09ckknight...ns\Cartographer\Cartographer_Waypoints\Waypoints.lua:303: attempt to index field '?' (a nil value):
05:14.22hyperChipmunkthere's a PGP mod? what, so we can sign our in-game mail? >8D
05:14.45deltronit's a dkp alternative
05:15.02hyperChipmunkyou'd have to write your message in the header
05:15.20hyperChipmunkbecause you'd need all 256 chars for the sig
05:15.39trhhyperChipmunk: use a smaller key  ;)
05:15.47trhhyperChipmunk: ... but then it'd be insecure.. but who cares? ;)
05:15.59hyperChipmunkbut then the gold sellers will crack it!
05:16.05trhoh noez
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05:16.11hyperChipmunkand capitalize on my good name for their evildoing
05:16.49trhwell.. they usually take names nearly impossible to write to a /ignore.. (on our server they spam mostly via /s /1 and so)
05:17.13hyperChipmunkright-click, select ignore
05:17.35hyperChipmunkOR use an AceTab script to autocomplete 'em!
05:17.41trhi'm usually in shattrah now, and they don't have TBC so no spam for me :)
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05:23.14ckknightthey'll get TBC eventually
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05:25.38Solelol  Ding Dong Song by Gunther is awesome
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05:35.43ClickmandooCould anyone take a guess as to the resolution size of Lama's UI I have emailed them a few days ago with no reply yet.
05:37.53trh_Clickmandoo: i'd guess 1600x1068
05:37.54nymbiaresolution or scale?
05:40.37Solelol I just found a great artist...Gunther
05:41.46Gngskjust now found him?
05:41.48Gngskyeah, he owns
05:41.54Gngsktutty fruity summer love!
05:42.04Sole'you touch my tralala, my ding ding dong'
05:43.20Solethere are a max of 120 actionids, correct?
05:43.33Gngskbelieve so
05:44.20Solethank you
05:46.17CIA-1703wobin * r28626 10Cartographer/Cartographer_Waypoints/Waypoints.lua:
05:46.17CIA-17- Sanity Check on POIID
05:46.54hyperChipmunkWobWork: any reason corpsepoint is making skulls again?
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05:47.22hyperChipmunkWobin: any reason corpsepoint is making skulls again?
05:47.30WobinCause people want it to
05:47.34Wobinbut it's not making a note
05:47.34hyperChipmunkand, more annoyingly, not removing them occasionally?
05:47.37Wobinso it doesn't send
05:47.50WobinIt may take a few seconds to remove the icon
05:48.05hyperChipmunkno, i had two on my map the next time i was at the gy
05:48.17WobinYou pvping?
05:48.20Wobinin a BG?
05:48.25hyperChipmunkno, in zang
05:48.36Wobinhm, they should wipe on 'unghosting'
05:48.52Wobintry /dump Waypoints.MapDB.Zangarmarsh
05:49.09Wobin/dump Waypoint.MapDB.Zangarmarsh
05:49.28hyperChipmunk=\ and the icon was just a stopgap because i didn't know how to make it look like the tombstone or have no icon at all >8P
05:49.34hyperChipmunkoh, i removed it manually
05:49.40hyperChipmunkthat was like an hour ago
05:49.46vhaarrWobin: Are you certain UNGHOST fires in all cases?
05:49.55Wobinfairly sure
05:50.07Wobinbut anyway, what it does check is if you're alive
05:50.10hyperChipmunkit's not UNGHOST
05:50.11vhaarrgod the wowwiki google search sucks big time
05:50.12Wobinand if so, kill the waypoint
05:50.13hyperChipmunkit's um
05:50.18Wobinyeah, it's something esle
05:50.21hyperChipmunksomething weird
05:50.53Wobinhm, I thought it was UNGHOST
05:51.01WobinPLAYER_ALIVE is hit when you turn into a ghost
05:51.02hyperChipmunkmaybe it's the other one
05:51.02vhaarrYou mean "not UNGHOST, but PLAYER_UNGHOST"?
05:51.06hyperChipmunkone of them is weird
05:51.18hyperChipmunkyea, PLAYER_ALIVE when you die =)
05:51.33WobinI didn't think there was an 'unghost' event, so I assumed the PLAYER_* was implied =)
05:51.48hyperChipmunkit was the other one i was thinking of
05:51.56binderhow do you turn off those skulls from corpseway, they're annoying esp in bg maps
05:52.15hyperChipmunkkick wobin in the ballz
05:52.20Wobinfrom corpseway?
05:52.22hyperChipmunkand they go away
05:52.26Wobinyou'll have to delete them manually
05:52.26hyperChipmunksometime it doesn't work
05:52.30Wobinthen kick Chipper in the balls
05:52.32hyperChipmunkso you may have to do it repeatedly
05:52.34Wobincause he put them there =P
05:52.46hyperChipmunkyou had them OUT
05:52.53bindermy guildies put them there too
05:52.53hyperChipmunkit was just a temporary thing in mine
05:52.54WobinWell yeah, for all future deaths
05:53.07Wobinbut all deaths while using your product are still there =)
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05:54.02hyperChipmunkyou WILLINGLY are giving them skulls
05:54.02hyperChipmunka far greater offense
05:54.02Wobinaha, but temporary skulls
05:54.03Wobinand not transmitting them =)
05:54.03hyperChipmunkand he says you're spamming his guild with them
05:54.03Wobinno, that was you
05:54.03hyperChipmunk00:52 < binder> my guildies put them there too
05:54.08WobinAye, with corpseway
05:54.12hyperChipmunk2 mins ago
05:54.16Wobinnot corpsepoint
05:54.20hyperChipmunkcorpseway doesn't exist anymore
05:54.23Wobinit's your addon doing it =P
05:54.27WobinDoesn't stop people from using it
05:54.31hyperChipmunki nuked it from the svn
05:54.41Wobinpeople still downloaded it and kept it
05:54.48hyperChipmunkwell they're dumb
05:54.49Wobinsince deleting from the svn doesn't delete from their hd?
05:55.01pastamancerWobin: perhaps it should!
05:55.07hyperChipmunkand besides, my guild never got spammed
05:55.15WobinThat's why I was intending to change the api so it broke
05:55.21hyperChipmunknot that i have a guild
05:55.26hyperChipmunkbut that's irrelevant
05:55.27WobinWell that helps
05:55.32vhaarrWobin: Bah, you removed most of my obscure monty python corpsepoint messages :P
05:55.33hyperChipmunkthey didn't get spammed
05:55.50hyperChipmunkit wasn't my botch-up that spammed them either
05:56.02hyperChipmunkthe freaking api was like, CreateNote
05:56.25hyperChipmunkand there was NOOOOOOOOOOo mention of them being spammed to the world
05:56.47Wobinsure sure =)
05:56.56binderI don't think I have corpseway installed
05:57.00binderthis is annoying as shit
05:57.15hyperChipmunkyou had it perfect when you first converted it =\
05:57.28hyperChipmunkdon't touch good things!
05:57.40hyperChipmunkespecially if you're gonna blame me!
05:58.37hyperChipmunkbinder: i think the problem is that your guildies haven't deleted theirs
05:59.29hyperChipmunkyou can block receipt of mod-created notes though, i think
05:59.43hyperChipmunkso that should work in the short-term, at least
05:59.45binderwhat option can I do to prevent those?
05:59.46WobinI think I will alter the API slightly, or have Cart put up a message saying corpseway is depreciated
05:59.48binderwhere's that?
06:00.00bindermy entire eye of storm map
06:00.06binderis skulls
06:00.08CIA-1703kaelten * r28627 10uiQuery/uiQuery-1.0/uiQuery-1.0.lua:
06:00.08CIA-17- :Get(n) returns the n member or nil if its not available. if n is omitted then it returns all members unpacked.
06:00.08CIA-17- :OnDrag([startfunc], [stopfunc], [...]) with no options will make the frame movable on right drag. ... is a list of buttons to respond to default is "RightButton".
06:00.14hyperChipmunkthe Carto button
06:00.24binderoh wait
06:00.28hyperChipmunkcan i see a screenshot before you delete them?
06:00.30binderbut that'll prevent mining and herbalism?
06:00.35hyperChipmunkand then "Filter Incoming"
06:00.43hyperChipmunkonly if they're from other people
06:00.52binderI just started deleting them this match
06:00.58binderI'll play like 5 more matches
06:00.59hyperChipmunkthose AddOns don't send, do they?
06:01.01binderand screenshot
06:01.56hyperChipmunki want to see the havoc i've wrought
06:02.19binderyou shoul dhave seen terrokar
06:02.23binderand our guild is only 4 people
06:02.31binderand I made them all install cartographer
06:02.36binderI couldn't find an herb
06:02.41binderb/c it was all skulls
06:03.30hyperChipmunkmy name is gonna get lobbed in with cosmos from now on when people talk about mods that piss them off by doing crap they never told it to
06:04.23hyperChipmunki have become what I hate!
06:04.52hyperChipmunki have no choice but to continue down this dark path
06:05.20hyperChipmunki must now place code into bulkmail to collect "usage statistics" from everybody who uses it
06:06.20hyperChipmunkit's to make their wow experience better by delivering gold sellers to the people that need it most
06:06.28hyperChipmunker, scratch that
06:06.35hyperChipmunkit's just to make their experience better
06:07.34binderthat's after deleting like 11515159151
06:09.22hyperChipmunki wanted to use the tombstone at first, so that you wouldn't notice it, because it'd be right over the normal tombstone icon
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06:10.08bindermy friends are laughing at me because i'm like "hey guys, you should check this fubar thing out, it's way better than titan"
06:10.24hyperChipmunkbut there was some thing about registering icons, and it was just something i'd whipped up while waiting for a friend to cross the world so we could quest
06:10.54hyperChipmunkand i saw the wiki tutorial had the skull as an icon in its example
06:11.04hyperChipmunkso i thought, "hey maybe i won't have to do anything"
06:11.31hyperChipmunkand it all worked and i was all, 'yay'
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06:11.40hyperChipmunkso i committed it and went questing
06:11.45deltronanyone know why the waypoint arrow gets corrupted after coming out of instances sometimes?
06:11.46hyperChipmunknow everybody hates me
06:12.07hyperChipmunki even hate myself
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06:12.58binderwhy does this corpseway mod keep disenchanting all my purplez? WTF
06:13.17binderthis corpseway mod just killed my family
06:14.06hyperChipmunkyes, but it helpfully marked the exact locations of their deaths, so you can find their decaying bodies more easily
06:14.35hyperChipmunkthat's quality service, man
06:14.39hyperChipmunkI don't care what you say
06:14.54binderman I flipped out on vent over the skull thing
06:14.58deltron"it's for historical reasons"
06:15.04bindersince I just spec'd hemo for the first time ever
06:15.17binderand have no idea what I'm doing and everyone is killing me
06:16.04binderall of a sudden after my 5000th death Im like "WTF IS WITH ALL THE SKULLS AND WHAT JUST KILLED MY FAMILY!?!?!?"
06:16.14hyperChipmunkaww <3
06:16.49SoleIm not that fond of hemo anymore
06:17.03hyperChipmunkdude, you messed up my ascii art
06:17.14JJSheetshemo?  what class is that?
06:17.15Solewhat you gonna do bout it?
06:17.24kenlyric|homemessed up who?
06:17.33binderI have a feeling
06:17.39binderI wasted 20 gold
06:17.40kenlyric|homepeople who make multi-line ascii art eat babies.
06:17.40binderer, 40
06:17.49binderthis hemo stuff kinda stucks
06:17.58Solelol 40 gold is no big deal nowadays
06:18.04binderI replace sinister strike with it? and it hits for like 500
06:18.06binderhey man
06:18.08kenlyric|homeI made 285 gold today.
06:18.10binderI have 2698
06:18.17Solemore than me :(
06:18.18binderand no epic flying yet
06:18.19kenlyric|homeI borrowed 400g to get my epic, and making gold with it is trivial.
06:18.23hyperChipmunkdude, people who paste multi-line ascii art eat babies
06:18.30Solewhats your AP at binder?
06:18.31binderor make corpseway
06:18.35Soleand whats your wep
06:18.36hyperChipmunki'm producing the genu-ine article right here
06:18.43binderI only have 2 points in the ap talent
06:18.46hyperChipmunkit's like public art
06:18.47kenlyric|homehaving mining and herbalism and epic mount = hot.
06:18.48binderand I have 1558
06:18.56binderaldor mainhand
06:19.02binderrevenger offhand
06:19.12Bejittkenlyric: amen
06:19.15Solenot the best mainhand
06:19.34binderfirst time I heard "OMG HEMO IS THE BOMB" was servo arm
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06:19.49Soleheh I was hemo long before that
06:19.59Solebut servo arm was probably the height of hemo's power
06:20.01binderand this thing is better than that
06:20.09binderwell I was in a naxx guild
06:20.13Soleyou gotta remember servo was at lvl 60
06:20.15binderso it was pve specs
06:20.17Solea lot has changed
06:20.34Soleif youre serious then you'll wanna get dragonstrike
06:20.37binderI just started this rogue jan 16
06:20.39Solethat is the ultimate hemo wep
06:20.47bindershe's bloodelf
06:20.53binderand I'm already missing kick
06:21.11Soleehh since when do BEs not get kick?
06:21.18binderfimp kick
06:21.28binderimp kick + AT
06:21.33Soleshoulda said so
06:21.35binder2 silences
06:21.46binder2 silences and magic immune
06:21.59Soleplus 3 sec stun - goblin rocket launcher
06:22.01binderI had a 60 human rogue a y ear ago
06:22.08bindershe's alchemy
06:22.37Solemost of my WoW experience from day 1 has been rogue , highest alt is lvl 41 :P
06:22.56kenlyric|homewhat level can you train master skills? 55?
06:22.59binderI have a 61 warrior, 60 hunter, 60 mage, 60 human rogue, and 70 be rogue
06:23.07binderwarrior is my class
06:23.17Solesurprisingly, still not bored with him even though Id be classified as a powergamer (not atm tho, damn rl)
06:23.22kenlyric|home70 BE rogue?
06:23.28binderbut 4 of us rolled together
06:23.49bindermy human rogue was apathie too
06:23.50SoleBE paladin is what Im my groups ^_^
06:23.50PHL-Chuckis there a heal mod like healbot for ace2?  I guess click2cast is about it/
06:24.02PHL-Chucklove the healing "prediction" healbot does
06:24.08binderis rdx still being maintained?
06:24.11kenlyric|homeI tried click2cast, but it didn't seem to have a lot of options.
06:24.24kenlyric|homelike, not modifier keys.
06:24.43vhaarrPerhaps you should get a new pair of glasses, then.
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06:25.08Solehmm, Im uncertain whether I want to undertake the task of creating an action bar addon
06:25.19hyperChipmunkofc you do
06:25.20kenlyric|homehmmm. the menu has left-click and right-click.
06:25.23hyperChipmunkit's painless
06:25.38hyperChipmunkif it sucks i'll kill you
06:25.47Solethe design is nifty, but action bar addons seem like the most painful thing to code for WoW, next to chat addons
06:25.59Soledont kill me, kill tekkub
06:26.50hyperChipmunki just summoned my tiger and jumped off a cliff
06:27.18hyperChipmunkabout halfway down, i kinda noticed something was wrong
06:27.39PHL-Chuckhmm what am I doing wrong with autobar, I put windrider and frostwolf howler on the slot but it wont show me the 2 mounts on the bar
06:28.39vhaarrckknight: I'm guessing { eventType = "damage", recipientID = "player", sourcePvP = true } will trigger when any hostile player damages me, and that { eventType = "Notification", notificationType = "Killing blow", sourceID = "player" } will trigger when I kill someone, is that correct? I can't test now, realms are down ><
06:29.45ckknightI should put PvP Killing blow back in...
06:29.47vhaarrBut the last one will also trigger when I kill mobs, I guess.
06:29.51vhaarryes, you shoud :P
06:30.06ckknightRophy told me to take it out earlier, so I did
06:30.07vhaarrIs that even possible to tell from the combat log alone?
06:30.11ckknightI'll put it back
06:30.13ckknighthehe, nope ;-)
06:30.16vhaarrright ^^
06:32.44vhaarrckknight: Someone reported some AceDB bug about using the realm datatype and ["*"] keys, has that been resolved?
06:32.49vhaarrbecause I'm about to use it myself.
06:33.07vhaarrnot, then.
06:33.08ckknightI didn't do anything recently
06:33.10ckknighttry it out
06:33.19vhaarrI will tomorrow, when the servers are back.
06:34.04vhaarrActually, I'll be using the server datatype.
06:37.55Kaelten-Laptopvhaarr: any feedback/bugs with uiQuery?
06:38.03binderare you combat swords/
06:38.44CIA-1703kaelten * r28628 10uiQuery/uiQuery-1.0/uiQuery-1.0.lua:
06:38.45CIA-17- Fixed multiple logic errors.
06:38.45CIA-17- added :OnHover(enterfunc, leavefunc)
06:39.46vhaarrKaelten-Laptop: No, thanks, actually it seems like overkill for the two frames I have to create onlogin and never touch again.
06:40.27Kaelten-LaptopI'm doing this partly just because I thought it'd be a cool concept
06:40.34vhaarrI just wanted to test it and make the frames work with uiQuery, but I didn't check it in, since there's no point.
06:40.48vhaarrKaelten-Laptop: Oh, I agree it is, but for this kind of usage, it's useless.
06:41.13Kaelten-Laptopthis is a fun one though
06:41.28Kaelten-Laptophate it when my pastes won't work
06:42.01Kaelten-Laptopui("Frame", UIParent):OnHover(function() this:SetAlpha(1) end, function() this:SetAlpha(.5) end):SetAlpha(.5)
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06:42.32vhaarrhehe, nice
06:43.05Kaelten-Laptopalso I added in OnDrag()
06:46.47PProvost_Sorry Kael, but function chaining is evil. :)
06:48.22Kaelten-Laptopthen you should see some of the complex examples :P
06:49.25WobinSo what does that chain do, Kael?
06:50.12Kaelten-Laptopit sets your entire ui just about to a 50% opacity and makes it so wheny ou mouse over the frames it puts it back to 100% until you remove the mouseover
06:50.53Wobinso OnHover takes two functions for mouseover and mouseoff?
06:51.07WobinI'm so using this library =P
06:51.22Kaelten-LaptopOnDrag is there too
06:51.36Kaelten-Laptopwith no arguments it just makes it right drag
06:51.53Kaelten-LaptopOnDrag([startfunc], [endfunc], [...])
06:51.59WobinI'll use ondrag to register a frame to 'suck' up actions
06:52.10Wobin(like spells/etc picked up from the spellbook)
06:53.09Kaelten-Laptopyou'd probably have ot pass custom start/end funcs
06:53.23PProvost_The fact that we have to decypher long complicated "sentences" to grok the meaning of a statement is the root of the evil I've described.
06:53.35PProvost_I've seen this done to violent extremes in some java frameworks.
06:53.51PProvost_Interesting... looks cool at first... but can be very grossly misused.
06:53.59PProvost_And makes refactoring code almost impossible.
06:54.16Kaelten-LaptopPProvost_: ya, I know what you mean
06:54.33Kaelten-Laptopin regular code I would have written it a little different
06:55.37binderis there a 28 slot herb bag out?
06:56.57Solebinder: Im combat maces atm
06:57.43binderI think I might go back to swords lol
06:58.46SoleI like combat
06:58.53binderyea me too
06:58.56binderI wanted to try hemo
06:59.00binderbut I really don't know what I'm doing
06:59.02WobinI <3 combat maces
06:59.04Solehemo is very spicific
06:59.13Wobinand hemo is just fun
06:59.17Wobinbut you need good weapons
06:59.25binderdo I use hemo in place of sinister strike?
06:59.36Wobinit's cheaper
06:59.43Soleyea thats the point
06:59.47Wobinand builds up combo points faster
06:59.50binderand my combo points rack up so fast
06:59.50Solehemo isnt normalized, thats why its great
06:59.56Wobin<3 hemo
06:59.58WobinI miss it
07:00.01WobinI might respec back
07:00.14bindermost of my cheapshots give me 3 points
07:00.20binderand one hemo crit I'm at five
07:00.22SoleI also like mutilate
07:00.38binderso am i supposed to kidney shot then, and hemo away up to 5 then evisc/
07:00.48Wobinwell you can
07:01.14binder2.6 is too fast for hemo
07:01.17binderthe aldor sword?
07:01.22WobinSlower the better
07:01.29Solewell its average
07:01.38Solethe big downfall of hemo in BC is there are only 2 weapons I would consider awesome for hemo
07:01.39binderI wanted imp sap somehow
07:01.50Sole1 I cant remember and the other is dragonstrike which costs an assload
07:02.05binderI love 41 combat
07:02.23binderbut I'd have to give up like some lethality for it
07:02.26binderfor imp sap
07:03.43ZealotOnAStickSole: the exalted Keepers of Time phase dagger thingy?
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07:04.46Aens|Superiorityalmost all of our rogues had to respec to get imp sap lol
07:04.51Aens|Superioritynobody will take them to heroics without it
07:04.56Aens|Superiorityneither would I tbh
07:05.08binderno relentless or ruthlessness
07:05.18binderwonder if that would be viable in pvp
07:05.27binderonly 3 points in lethality
07:06.00binderwould that be horrible?
07:06.22bindermaybe only 2 in lethality and 1 in relent
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07:11.04NightHawkTheSanebinder: you WANT relentless strikes
07:11.19binderI know
07:11.30bindertrying to do a viable pvp build that has imp sap
07:13.24NightHawkTheSanesomething like this might be good:
07:13.36NightHawkTheSanehonestly, lethality for a non-dagger build is stunningly  mediocre
07:13.44binder~no leathality?
07:14.02Soleits mediocre as said
07:14.26Soleand honestly, relentless strikes is a talent you should never pass up
07:14.44NightHawkTheSaneyou dont crit enough in a non-dagger build to make it worth anything. it comes out to being ~1-2% dps increase, depending on your crit rate
07:14.56NightHawkTheSaneand yeah, relentless is just way too good
07:15.09binderwhat about if I went fist?
07:15.28Solefor pure combat pvp:
07:15.32binderi dont' want to pass up imp snd or imp kick
07:15.34NightHawkTheSanedoesnt matter
07:15.53Solecant have the best of both worlds sunshine
07:15.55NightHawkTheSaneit's good in a dagger build because of imp bs giving you >50% crit rates, even as fists you cant do that
07:16.15Soleunless you want to drop nerves of steel and get 2 imp snd, which is fine
07:16.18Soleif youre more pve oriented
07:16.25Solebut for an arena build, I wouldnt take snd
07:16.36binderahh good call
07:16.47binderI like that build
07:16.52Soleblade twisting is also a useless talent
07:16.55bindersole's last one
07:17.03binderI get it to proc a lot
07:17.06Soleits overkill with crippling poison and it never procs when you want it to
07:17.07binderI use shiv a lot
07:17.18binderin arena I usually use
07:17.32SoleI throw shiv in for a guaranteed crip
07:17.32binderwound main, deadly off
07:18.03JJSheetsHey, anybody who uses Omnibus Please see my wowace forum post about the new version BEFORE updating.
07:18.28JJSheetsOh... and I hate lzwLib!
07:18.46Solewtf is IzwLib and what kind of name is that anyway/
07:19.05NightHawkTheSaneLzw, not Izw
07:19.09Solefor arena play, I would only take a combat build if I was with a very specific group
07:19.22Soleas in with at least a warrior and 2 healers
07:19.50Soleand not scrubs either, combat requires good backup in arena to make the most of it
07:20.01JJSheetslzwLib is a compression library I used with Omnibus in early versions... it is buggy, non ace, and has recently been dropped from Omnibus, however, some people may still have compressed data that the new version of Omnibus will not read...
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07:20.16Solecombat rogue with heals on him is...interesting to say
07:20.39krkahey JJSheets, tried FAIAP yet?
07:20.59SoleId love FAIAP in omnibus
07:21.02krkacogwheel noticed two small bugs in it
07:21.07Soleor is it already supported/
07:21.13krkayou should rename frame -> editbox for all occurences
07:21.19krkaand same with oldfun -> oldFun
07:21.36JJSheetsalso there's an oldfun that should be oldFun
07:22.02Solehmm, is there any interest in a popup action bar addon?
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07:22.09Solesimiliar to Sprocket maybe
07:22.14krkaah, you independently found and fixed those? nice :)
07:22.20krkadoes it work other than that?
07:22.23JJSheetsI also found an infinite recursion bug... I'll send you my diff from the version you sent this morning.
07:22.29krkaooh... interesting!
07:22.38Ziconsole: Something like Autobar with spells? I'd love to see that.
07:22.43JJSheetsand the indenting does not seem to be working... unless I need to set a tab stop.
07:23.02SoleZicon: something like you mouse over a button and a group of other buttons slide out from it
07:23.07krkawhat do you mean, you have to hit tab to perform indent?
07:23.10Ziconsole: Exactly!
07:23.34JJSheetsSole, yes Omnibus supports FAIAP, and the new version will support FAIAP on for lua pages, but off for normal notes.
07:23.35Soleor hold down a keybinding and a circular (example) group of buttons appear with spells in em
07:23.55OverloadUTWhat is FAIAP?
07:24.19JJSheetskrka, no indenting occurs at all, I hit tab and it does nothing, no indent at all.
07:24.21krkaFor All Indents And Purposes
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07:24.27krkait's a lua syntax highlighter
07:24.40krkaJJSheets: thanks, i'll investigate that
07:24.55krkaooh... i think i may know why
07:25.08krkatried setting editbox.faiap_tabWidth = 4
07:25.09krkaor something
07:25.18krkaor enabling with enable(editbox, nil, 4)
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07:25.42krkait may default to using tabs for indentation
07:25.43JJSheetsI'll try that last one quick...
07:25.44krkawhich may not actually work in wow :)
07:25.53krkasetting tabWidth will force it to use spaces
07:26.20JJSheetsbut I'm gonna be contrary and use 2 instead of 4.  :p
07:27.27Distruktion[Direanyone familiar with a mod that makes your action bar buttons circular?
07:27.28krkafine with me
07:27.49Distruktion[Direthat works with bartender correct?
07:27.54JJSheetsno clue
07:27.57JJSheetsI don't use it
07:28.12JJSheetsI'd assume it does tho
07:28.19Distruktion[Direty much!
07:29.19JJSheetskrka, using enable(editbox,nil,2) fixed it, I assume any other number will do the same.
07:29.29JJSheetslet me whip up that diff for ya.
07:29.56JJSheetsbtw, who is cogwheel?
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07:32.25krkai should probably make it use a tabWidth by default
07:32.31OverloadUTThe guy on the forums?
07:32.48krkaJJSheets: tried enabling / disabling and stuff?
07:32.56krkadoes it convert code back and forth properly?
07:33.02JJSheetskrka, quite a bit.  that works perfectly.
07:33.25krkanote to self: never test code, it probably works anyway :)
07:33.38JJSheetskrka, I'm also on occasion getting a TON (perhaps forty or so) newlines added to the end... not sure why.
07:33.58JJSheetshappens maybe once every 400 keystrokes is my guess.
07:34.24JJSheetshave fun with that bug.  :)  btw duplicating hasn't happened with this version, I'm crossing my fingers...
07:34.42krkaperhaps there's some whitespace between newlines so that it keeps adding more newlines
07:35.01JJSheetsthat's an outside possibility...
07:35.13Kaelten-Laptopkrka: I'm using an oldv ersion that does that OnChange inside a open "" block
07:35.44krkawhat do you mean?
07:35.45JJSheetsyou could test using a string.match pattern catching newlines at the end separated by zero or more whitespace.
07:36.08Kaelten-Laptop"Frame > FontString"  
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07:36.29Kaelten-Laptopif I don't type the "" first and thenf ill int he blanks it adds a lot of new lines
07:36.33Kaelten-Laptopbut I probably just need to update
07:36.37Kaelten-Laptopthis is an old old version
07:36.53JJSheetsKaelten-Laptop, that's almost the precise bug I'm having...
07:37.08JJSheetsnow that you mention it it does seem to happen when typing in strings.
07:37.13*** join/#wowace DrZoot (
07:38.00JJSheetsthat's my changes since version 17 alpha
07:38.07JJSheetsincluding the typo fixes.
07:45.17hyperChipmunkWobin: the corpse pointer needs to not disappear when you get close; it stays relevant until you rez
07:46.04krkathanks JJSheets
07:46.49krkagood thinking on the enabling and setText/getText fix
07:47.00JJSheetsI think Kaelton's onto something with the multiple lines... it happens inside unfinished strings.
07:48.16*** join/#wowace Punkie` (
07:48.30JJSheetscursor position stays the same, but the frame and lines fill up until you are left with a blank screen of newlines with I think spaces on each line.
07:48.43JJSheetsone space per line.
07:50.00JJSheetsthat it is
07:50.39krkaJJSheets: about the security check on set/get-text.... do you know why it's needed?
07:50.42krkai don't directly see it
07:51.24krkaactually i do
07:51.31krkai never change it back in disable
07:52.00JJSheetsyou're right...
07:52.20JJSheetsI'll disable my fix and reset them in disable and test
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07:53.08krkaactually, maybe i should just keep references to SetText / GetText from the editbox metatable
07:53.14krkaand set back to nil
07:53.28JJSheetslet me test this to see if it works.
07:53.48krkathat's my addition
07:54.00JJSheetswhat line?
07:54.01krka(inserted _before_ changing the text back to unformatted)
07:54.06JJSheetsthought so
07:54.29krkatry nil:ing them all instead
07:54.43krkait should start using the metatable entry instead then
07:56.40JJSheetskrka, seems to be working setting them all to nil
07:56.59krkai'll do some simplifications to the code then
07:58.00JJSheetsand I can confirm the multiple newlines bug is occurring when typing in an unfinished string,
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07:58.39JJSheetsthe moment I finish it it starts acting normal, just enforcing the two newlines at the end.
07:59.04Distruktion[Direanyone familiar with xperl?
07:59.32JJSheetsnot I, Distruktion[Dire
08:01.28krkai see
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08:01.54krkaso, basically it occurs when the last token is a string
08:02.24Elkanoany feral druid from US online that could provide the combat log message and event for Mangle?
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08:02.56JJSheetskrka, yes.  the moment the string is finished, you can clean up the excess newlines and it acts normal, until you trigger the bug again...
08:03.20sedatedChipmunk"Some retard cat tries to be a rogue on you for 238 damage."
08:03.20JJSheetsI will double check that the bug does not occur within a finished string.
08:03.23binderdon't help anyone helping feral druids they're already OP!
08:03.46krkaJJSheets: what happens if you comment away the newline-adding-code?
08:03.47nee|workGood morning ;)
08:03.53JJSheetslol sedatedChipmunk
08:03.58JJSheetskrka, will do.
08:04.17krkabasically just comment the newCode = lib.padWith ...
08:05.08Elkano/slap sedatedChipmunk
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08:06.43JJSheetskrka, with the newCode = lib.padWith... lines commented the bug does NOT occur.
08:06.49nee|irssiwow. I never considered using irssi again after I switched to windows.
08:07.04mitch0can I override PetActionBar:Show() to, like, not show the widget?
08:07.11nee|irssiBut i doubt it'll look as good as it did on linux for me. I should find the backup of my theme/scripts
08:07.43sedatedChipmunkirssi wins everything
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08:08.18sedatedChipmunki'd ssh home and use it from there before using a windows client
08:08.24JJSheetskrka, I'll uncomment the first one and see if it does it still... then I'll uncomment the second one and check again...
08:08.44krkayou could try this body inside the pad-function, see if it helps:
08:09.13krkairssi + screen FTW
08:09.18krkanever have to turn off irc!
08:09.21krkaexcept for reboots
08:09.24sedatedChipmunkyes yes yes
08:09.28nee|irssiI know, I loved screen too.
08:09.32sedatedChipmunkkrka knows what's up
08:09.35nee|irssiAh well.
08:09.45krkaHealth showed me the way!
08:09.59nee|irssimy linux days have been over for a while.
08:12.00nee|workGood old linux. How good you were to me. And I cast you aside for a mere game, which you refused to share your love with.
08:12.07JJSheetskrka, that appears to have fixed it.
08:12.12sedatedChipmunkwhat game?
08:12.33krkaJJSheets: obviously, it's meant to be "numSubs", not "subs" :)
08:12.41krkawhy do i keep making such silly mistakes
08:12.51sedatedChipmunkwtf, wow works better under linux than it does under windows
08:12.56JJSheetskrka, I converted local numSubs to just local subs.  less typing.  :p
08:13.08JJSheetsbut it's all good. :)
08:13.34sedatedChipmunkWoW's linux-friendliness was the thing that allowed me to ditch windows for good
08:13.37krkaworks for all cases, not just unended strings?
08:13.39Distruktion[Direjj, you might not know much about xperl, but do you know of a mod that when i hover over someones character it puts there char name/ level/guild over the cursor, instead of the bottom right corner
08:13.52nee|worksedatedChipmunk: I disagree and have not been able to get it running as well as I want it to be playable to me for many months. I tried various kernel patches, wine(x), cedega, etc. I tried every tip I could fine, tried many a guide. I even upgraded my system.
08:13.54krkaJJSheets: i fear that this means that you can't add lots of whitespace to the end of text
08:14.02sedatedChipmunkATI card?
08:14.18JJSheetskrka let me check adding lots of whitespace....
08:14.23nee|worksedatedChipmunk: nope, nvidia
08:14.24krkai meant newlines
08:14.32krkabut probably whitespace too
08:14.33sedatedChipmunkyou messed something up then =P
08:15.10sedatedChipmunkdo it with crossover and you even get a custom simple a windows user could do it
08:15.11JJSheetskrka, yes it limits the number of newlines to just the two...and prevents additional whitespace on the last two lines.
08:15.17sedatedChipmunkanyways, bedtime
08:15.23sedatedChipmunktake care, guys
08:15.26nee|worksedatedChipmunk: I doubt it, at least, I could find nothing wrong with anything. I really didn't want to leave linux, I dual-booted for a while, but noticed I was mainly in windows to play, so I removed linux as it was wasting space.
08:15.29nee|worksedatedChipmunk: gnite.
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08:15.37JJSheetskrka, but ya know... I don't mind that limitation.   At all. :)
08:15.42nee|worksedatedChipmunk: I know how to install it, that wasn't the problem.
08:15.50krkayeah, it's not a major problem
08:16.08sedatedChipmunki mean, it configures for you too
08:16.10krkathe only case i can think of, is adding some space before starting a new piece of code
08:16.13JJSheetsmatter of fact, I think that's the niftiest bug I've seen in a while...
08:16.39JJSheetsOf course I can see some people bitching about it.
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08:17.14nee|worksedatedChipmunk: Perhaps I should try it again - I haven't for about a year, but even back then people said they had it running without problems, while I didn't manage, even with the same settings/setup.
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08:17.35nee|workI replaced my cpu, my ram, my harddisk, my psu, my mainboard, my gfx-card
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08:17.56krkaJJSheets: yeah, i'll do some pondering if i can fix that easily
08:17.58nee|worksedatedChipmunk: But go to bed :)
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08:18.07sedatedChipmunkI am >8P
08:18.27krkathis fix doesn't really fix the underlying problem, it just hides it :
08:18.39sedatedChipmunkkrka: that still counts
08:18.49sedatedChipmunkdon't let anyone tell you otherwise
08:20.38krkait'll bug me forever, if i dont take care of it properly
08:21.13JJSheetskrka... have we established that tabs don't work in WoW editboxes?
08:22.10JJSheetswait... I think I'm barking up the wrong tree...
08:22.37krkawell, apparently they don't, since you tried that
08:23.12nee|workJJSheets: Yup, don't work
08:24.24JJSheetskrka, maybe we should clean u=out all references to \t in the code.
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08:24.40JJSheetsnot that I think it'll change this current bug...
08:24.55krkanah, \t is not an issue
08:25.10JJSheetsI didn't think so...
08:25.56krkahm, i think i might have an idea of what causes the unfinished string bug
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08:26.49JJSheetsshoot me a diff and I'll test
08:28.23krkanot sure yet
08:28.51krkadamn it, that didn't work
08:29.10krkahm, or did it
08:31.40nee|workhm. As I still see droves of people who have performance issues with WoW under linux, I can only assume it's not ready yet :
08:32.13*** join/#wowace cncfanatics (
08:32.16ZealotOnAStickany druid players here?
08:32.21nee|workZealotOnAStick: me
08:32.21cncfanaticsyo all
08:32.26nee|workhi cncfanatics
08:32.41ZealotOnAStickFor a feral druid, scryer or aldor?
08:32.52cncfanaticsferal druid eh ?
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08:33.08ZealotOnAStickWell, I'm not going to level him as freaking resto.
08:33.19cncfanaticsaldor rewards are 70 tho
08:33.20ZealotOnAStickI'm looking at that.
08:33.21krkaJJSheets: my latest - diff to your own:
08:33.26cncfanaticsso if ur going resto at 70 it doesn't matter :p
08:33.29ZealotOnAStickI know the site.
08:33.39ZealotOnAStickIt's not really clear which is more useful though in this case.
08:33.43nee|workZealotOnAStick: feral and scryer
08:34.01cncfanaticsi'd say scryer in the end for the enchant
08:34.02nee|workZealotOnAStick: Mainly because my priest is Aldor already and I wanted to see the other area
08:34.09cncfanaticsall the rest will be replaced eventualy
08:34.20nee|workZealotOnAStick: I'm not much of a grinder/farmer, so I don't care much about the very high-reputation items
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08:34.46nee|workAnd I didn't see much difference anyway
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08:39.03nee|workquest-items and 5-man instance drops seem very good already
08:39.06JJSheetskrka, that version works but still won't allow extra whitespace on the end.
08:39.32cncfanaticsomg, metatables own !
08:39.33nee|workSo far the epic loot I've seen linked aren't huge upgrades, just, I think, upgrades for people who like to compare 1% increases in stats
08:39.46JJSheetsI have reverted the padwithnewlines function, and now it is filling up constantly... or at least that's how it seems...
08:40.32krkaJJSheets: yeah, i haven't found a good fix for that
08:40.52krkai think i may have to dig into the parser or something
08:41.41krkaactually.. if it would be possible, it would be nice to know the byte values of the string looks like, right before and after the parsing, for an unfinished string
08:41.42JJSheetsit added 1720 newlines to the end in about ten seconds at most.
08:41.55krkajust the last few bytes anyway
08:42.03krkato see what the parser generates
08:42.21cncfanaticsis it safe to add metatables to an AceOO object ?
08:43.05Wobinpossibly, possibly not =P
08:43.09krkait won't cause a nuclear strike or anything
08:43.33JJSheetsthe only way to win is not to play.
08:43.33WobinI'd like to be able to -add- to a metatable
08:43.43WobinCause knowing is half the battle
08:44.09cncfanaticsAceOO is made for those -.-
08:44.18cncfanaticsjust declaring self:Add will do
08:44.25cncfanaticsI need __index tho :p
08:44.52cncfanaticsoh nvm
08:44.54cncfanaticsmisread from me :s
08:45.21cncfanaticsanyone has a private wow server ? can't test any code atm :(
08:45.27Industrial.q cncfanatics
08:47.04JJSheetskrka, maybe we could do the padwith newlines code at the end of the indenteditbox and colorcodeeditbox functions just before setting the text?
08:47.26JJSheetsthough it doesn't look like that's the problem....
08:47.42JJSheetsdamn I wish I knew this code better...
08:47.49krkame too :(
08:47.59JJSheetsrofl you wrote it!  :)
08:48.07krkacould you try to dump the contents of the string before and after the parser have run?
08:48.31krkaa long time ago!
08:49.15krkaand also before color-stripping
08:49.23JJSheetscolor stripping?
08:49.28krkacode, pos = lib.stripWowColorsWithPos(orgCode, pos)
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08:51.41krkadamn, this is hard to debug without wow :)
08:52.54JJSheetskrka, just did a new empty edit box and started typing... I got out dlfkghjdl before the parser went crazy, beat the string up with a club, and violated it with about 706 newlines.  Note, I did not type a single ' or "
08:53.41JJSheetsI don't think this bug is easy even with WoW to fix.  :)
08:54.01krkawhat do you mean "went crazy"
08:54.04krkajust with newlines, right?
08:54.15cncfanatics~seen ckknight
08:54.43purlckknight is currently on #wowi-lounge (4h 26m 42s) #norganna (4h 26m 42s) #wowace (4h 26m 42s). Has said a total of 18 messages. Is idling for 2h 21m 33s, last said: 'try it out'.
08:54.43ckknightperhaps you should ask if I'm here, first
08:54.43JJSheetsyes... 706 of them to be exact in no more then four seconds.
08:54.44cncfanaticsoh lol, sry ckk :p
08:54.58JJSheetstry it out... how apropo
08:55.00cncfanaticsckknight, is it safe to use setmetatable on an AceOO object ? :)
08:55.11ckknightthere's no reason to anyway
08:55.14ckknightwhy would you?
08:55.21JJSheetshe wants to use an __index
08:55.25JJSheetsI think...
08:55.26cncfanaticsindeed :p
08:55.54SunTigerWHY ?
08:56.01ckknightthen don't use AceOO
08:56.20krkaso, it doesn't seem to be exclusive to unfinished strings then
08:56.26krkathis is using the old style pad-function?
08:56.27cncfanaticsok ckknight :( damn
08:56.50cncfanaticstho, how does uiquery do it ? I'm pretty sure it uses an __index on its objects
08:57.17JJSheetsyes the old style pad function, but not limited to unfinished strings now.  the new pad function does not allow more than two newlines at the end so it doesn't go crazy.
08:57.18ckknightit doesn't use AceOO
08:57.52IndustrialI can so see fb2 benefit from UIQuery
08:57.58krkahow about if you dont use any padding function at all?
08:58.10cncfanaticsIndustrial, agree :)
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08:59.08nymbiais it just me or does curse keep making it harder and harder to upload a new version
08:59.26mitch0<repeat>is it OK to overwrite PetActionBar:Show() to do a NOP if some flag is set? is it even possible? </repeat>
09:00.20krkaok, using the old style padding - can you check what stringbyte(code, len) is? and also, what's at len - 1
09:00.24JJSheetskrka, after commenting the two calls to padwith, the system adds no newlines at all... maybe enable one but not the other?
09:00.36krkamaybe there's some other magic character added
09:00.44krkalike a 0, or a \r or whatever
09:00.58krkaor maybe len - 1 should be considered the last character
09:01.16JJSheetskrka, will try... this is gonna plow through my DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME... heheheheh
09:01.48cncfanaticsckknight, any way to have a default function called with AceOO then if none exist ?
09:01.52JJSheetswant me to put the check at the beginning of the function?>
09:02.00ckknightnot going to happen
09:02.08krkaAddMessage(stringbyte(code, len) .. ", " .. stringbyte(code, len - 1))
09:02.08cncfanaticswhy not ? :(
09:02.17krkasomething like that inside the pad-function should be ok
09:02.19ckknightbecause it doesn't belong in AceOO
09:02.23krkaat the beginning
09:02.41ckknightit's meant to be a rigid system
09:03.06krka<TheTodd>You know what else is rigid?</TheTodd>
09:03.14cncfanaticsok, I'm stuck with my coding then though, need to find a way around, thanks for helping ckk :)
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09:04.40JJSheetskrka, first line reports 10, 114, all other lines after report 10, 10, newlines.
09:05.24NightHawkTheSaneman, romulo and julianne sucks
09:05.36HealthWho's your daddy!
09:05.40JJSheetswtf is romulo and julianne?
09:05.45krkaJJSheets: hm, then it should work
09:06.05NightHawkTheSaneopera event in kara
09:06.22binderhow do I get rid of my mini-map icon for my world map, it's annoying
09:06.35HealthNightHawkTheSane: They took us some time to kill.
09:06.37HealthHe's so gay.
09:06.41HealthThat voice!
09:06.46NightHawkTheSanelol, yeah
09:07.08NightHawkTheSanethe problem tonight was that we just couldnt keep our tank on romulo up :\
09:07.52NightHawkTheSanebut it was late and we were all tired, so *shrug*
09:08.13HealthNightHawkTheSane: You really need to have his buff dispelled asap
09:08.19Healthwithout his buff he's easy...
09:08.31HealthCleanse the poison and keep romulo dispelled
09:08.33NightHawkTheSanethat may have been part of it, i'm not sure. we did only have one mage, though
09:08.47HealthHis buff is magic.
09:08.56HealthBut you meant for counterspell?
09:09.07NightHawkTheSaneer, yeah, one mage and one priest, for dispell/spellsteal, etc.
09:09.08nymbiamage, priest, or shaman will deal with the buff nicely
09:09.26cncfanaticswhat does the buff do ?
09:09.37NightHawkTheSanelike i said, i'm not sure, i wasn't paying close attention, i'm a warrior so. *shrug* :P
09:10.06krkaJJSheets: ok, try only dumping that info before the lines that return a modified string, and true?
09:10.40JJSheetskrka, maybe we should add the padwith newlines somehow after the call to indentEditBox within colorCodeEditbox?
09:10.45cncfanaticsthanks Health
09:10.56Arrowmasterthe buff increase holy damage done and gives spell haste i think
09:11.14JJSheetsthis smells like a recursion error, and thats the obvious recursion, especially since it keeps adding newlines.
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09:11.51cncfanaticsmelee haste only
09:11.57cncfanaticsnot worth it to let a mage spellsteal
09:12.05krkai'll take a look at it
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09:14.14krkaheh... i found a bug :)
09:14.17Healthcncfanatics: spellsteal on her buff instead...
09:14.17krkalinebreak is not defined
09:14.44cncfanaticsspellsteal ain't cheap Health
09:14.50cncfanaticsnot worth spending 700 mana to get melee haste :p
09:14.58cncfanaticsrather let a shaman remove it for 100 mana
09:15.03Healthcncfanatics: What I meant was that Julianne has a simular buff too
09:15.14HealthBut for casters
09:15.21NightHawkTheSanejuliannes buff is spell haste and spell damge
09:15.28krkaJJSheets: add local linebreak = stringbyte("\n") before the padding function, if not already done
09:15.44NightHawkTheSaneand we didnt have any shaman, so :P
09:15.56art3misno shaman?
09:16.00art3misthats just spooky
09:16.03cncfanaticshow long the buff last ?
09:16.07art3misthats like not having enough hunters
09:16.16cncfanaticsNightHawkTheSane, don't tell me ur alliance ?
09:16.23Health"Holy damage dealt is increased by 50%. Spell casting speed is increased by 50%. for 10 sec."
09:16.29HealthOnly 10 sec.
09:16.35cncfanaticsstill worth stealing
09:16.44NightHawkTheSaneits worth stealing so -she- doesnt have it :P
09:16.45vodrinshame its holy =p
09:17.00krkaholy damage buffs, batman!
09:17.06NightHawkTheSanekrka: lol.
09:18.23cncfanaticsthe best buff yet stealing is the fire armor one in mechanar tho
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09:18.50nee|workhi ArcaneTrickster
09:18.55cncfanaticshi ArcaneTrickster
09:18.59nymbiaespecially on heroic cncfanatics
09:19.05cncfanaticsnymbia, will get me pawned :p
09:19.10nymbiaticks for 2500
09:19.20cncfanaticsnymbia, mobs oneshot me ? :(
09:19.28cncfanatics(never done it, I want to know :p)
09:19.31nymbiacncfanatics: minor details.
09:19.50nymbiacncfanatics: the casters dont hit much harder on heroic
09:20.05cncfanaticsnever done heroic heh
09:20.13cncfanaticsnew server, sucky guilds
09:20.23ArcaneTrickster<- is evil chattin while he should be working ;)
09:20.30NightHawkTheSaneive only done heroic slave pens so far, but yeah, the casters there hit like pussies
09:21.00cncfanaticsNightHawkTheSane: with a firemage in your party the casters won't cast at all
09:21.04cncfanaticsgot 2 spellinterrupts :p
09:21.10JJSheetskrka, fixed
09:21.27JJSheetswhat the heck...
09:21.42NightHawkTheSaneunless they just chain cast, or are immune to interrupts, i find shield bash does a fair job
09:21.53JJSheetsit's adding newlines but at a much reduced rate...
09:22.07ArcaneTricksterare there any news on KCI2?
09:22.08JJSheetslet me test to find out when it happens...
09:22.17vodrincan drain tank casters easy ^^
09:22.44krkayeah, dump the times when it's actually adding
09:22.56cncfanaticsgimme online wow servers
09:23.08JJSheetsah the joys of aspirating carrot... my nose never felt so orange...
09:23.24HealthMount speed increase caps at 10%?
09:24.02NightHawkTheSanewell, increased by 10% yes
09:24.19krkaJJSheets: try this: AddMessage(table.concat({string.byte(str, len - 10, len)}))
09:24.31JJSheetsrighty righty
09:24.34krka(pseudo-working code)
09:24.48krkaactually, add a seperator to table.concat :)
09:25.11krkaDEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME:AddMessage(table.concat({string.byte(code, len - 10, len)}, ", "))
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09:27.31nee|workArcaneTrickster: some peopel are using it already, but ut is not done yet.
09:27.35nee|work*but it
09:27.37nee|workhi Oridan
09:27.48JJSheetseverybody just a tip, don't exhale while swallowing carrots... you'll regret it for at least ten minutes afterward...
09:28.29cncfanaticslol JJSheets
09:29.39JJSheetskrka, it seems to have stuck on having 124, 114 at the end
09:30.18Teomyrhm... my server seems to have good case fans
09:30.27ArcaneTricksteri know that it is in the svn already ;) but i am more waiting for a stableish release for wau ;) don't have an svn client installed atm
09:30.34Teomyrit survived two days without a working CPU fan
09:30.52NightHawkTheSaneJJSheets: wow, thanks for that. you know, i was just eating carrots and taking deep breaths at the same time. thank god you said something. :)
09:31.24JJSheetsgod, I don't know how or why I did it, but it really sucks...
09:32.32cncfanaticshmmm, anyone has an oppinion ? I'm hesitating wether groups in FlexBar2 should be able to have a name or just an id
09:33.11nevcairielnames is always good for the stupid users
09:33.11JJSheetskrka, it ends with 124, 114 with both an unfinished ' and "
09:33.27cncfanaticsnevcairiel, true :p
09:33.30cncfanaticswill use names then
09:34.18JJSheetsnames are the best but can be difficult to manage right.
09:34.30JJSheetsnot too difficult though.
09:35.06cncfanaticsJJSheets, already managed to have the possibility to name every button, so groups shouldn't anoy too much :p
09:35.22JJSheetskrka, it also put some 32, 32 pairs in there...
09:35.38JJSheetscncfanatics, probably not then.  :)
09:35.57krkaonly bugs on unfinished strings now?
09:36.18krkaand it ends with ' and " values, even though those are not visible in the source?
09:36.52JJSheetsif 124 and 114 are ' and " then yes.  they are not visible, and they end on that consistently.
09:37.29JJSheetsif I type in the ' character:
09:37.49JJSheets102, 102, 102, 102, 55, 55, 39, 10, 10, 124, 114
09:38.00cncfanaticshmmm, does tinsert react well on tinsert(table, nil, value) ?
09:38.09JJSheets102, 102, 55, 39, 10, 10, 10, 10, 124, 114
09:38.24krkaah... it's the trailing color code!
09:38.26krkai see
09:38.46krkai think the bug has been properly identified
09:38.55JJSheetscool.  :)
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09:39.06krkanow to produce a nice fix
09:39.06nevcairielany warlocks here?
09:39.48nevcairieli need a good demo build for leveling 58-70
09:40.58NightHawkTheSaneyay, netsplit!
09:40.59cncfanaticsdemo ?
09:40.59Nargiddleydemo is pretty straight forward
09:40.59ArcaneTricksterdemonology i suppose ;)
09:40.59JJSheetsyes demo is demonology
09:40.59nevcairieli tried my old affliction build, but i generally die because i have nothing to tank and aggro alot :D
09:40.59Nargiddleyi'll get my current (64) one up if you want
09:40.59nevcairieland i have like 3k hp
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09:40.59nevcairielyes its a underequiped twink :P
09:40.59cncfanatics3k hp at 58 ?
09:41.03nevcairielyeah with imp
09:41.17cncfanaticsmy 39 lock has nearly that much
09:41.23nevcairielmostly "old-world" greens
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09:41.32nevcairieli didnt bother to get instance items
09:41.47cncfanaticsu sure u ain't walking naked ?
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09:42.15nevcairielits getting better now :P i finally got to 58 and can get outland quest items, so no worries :D
09:42.54krkaJJSheets: i came up with a nasty hack now :)
09:43.05nevcairielthats what i build
09:43.13JJSheetsif it works it's not a hack.  ;)
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09:44.30Nargiddleyi'd drop imp funnel for demonic aegis, and went with imp hs over vw. seems fine otherwise
09:45.23cncfanaticslocal GroupName = table.insert(self.Groups, Name, ObjList); will this work if Name is nil ?
09:45.54JJSheetsno clue... try it and see.  :p
09:45.54krkaJJSheets: my latest - diff to your own:
09:46.20ckknightno, cncfanatics
09:46.26ckknightnor will it return anything
09:47.03[Ammo]I use this at 70 Nevc:
09:47.06[Ammo]imba 5 man build
09:47.21nevcairielyeah i want to go affliction again with 70
09:47.33[Ammo]it's bit of a weird build
09:47.35cncfanaticsckknight, I was convinced tinsert returned the index of the new value, damn
09:47.38[Ammo]but it works ery well
09:48.40nevcairieli am affliction right now, but fearing the mobs all the time so i dont die mostly kills me
09:48.48nevcairielso i wanted to spec demo for some tank
09:49.03nevcairielplus i never tried the felguard yet
09:49.06JJSheetskrka, like I said, it's not a hack, it's a fix.
09:49.16JJSheets100% bug killed.
09:50.24cncfanaticsfel armor = imba
09:50.24cncfanaticsI wish you could steal friendly spells
09:50.26nevcairielfel armor was what increased your healing and stuff right?
09:50.33[Ammo]it pwns with affliction
09:50.45Nargiddleyit pwns with anything
09:50.46[Ammo]did a steamvaults run with my lock friends
09:50.50[Ammo]friend I mean
09:50.55[Ammo]2 locks, 1 hunter, warrior, priest
09:51.06[Ammo]dot stuff up and use drainlife to nuke it :p
09:51.09harl|Acheroni wish i could completelay hide in shadhows.
09:51.17Healthlol! a warrior!
09:51.21cncfanaticsI did SL yesterday: 3 firemages, a resto shammy and a tank
09:51.26[Ammo]or when facing squishy casters
09:51.29[Ammo]spam seed of corruption
09:51.29cncfanaticswe did the place is 43 minutes, normal mode
09:51.44[Ammo]took us an hour or so
09:51.52cncfanaticssteamvault is easy :p
09:51.54[Ammo]seed of corr spam -> 1500 dps :p
09:52.20nevcairieli bet they nerf seed of corruption
09:52.26nevcairielits way too powerful
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09:52.37Arrowmasterthey already did
09:52.38[Ammo]it's very situational
09:52.49[Ammo]but it owns with multiple locks there
09:53.00Arrowmasterwas an undocumented 2.0.7 change
09:53.07cncfanaticswhat did they do to it ?
09:53.14Arrowmaster"Seed of corruption cannot proc off of its own damage. It used to go off when another seed exploded. Now it doesnt react to other seeds. Shadowfury and rain of fire work to proc them though."
09:53.35cncfanaticschain reaction nerfed
09:53.37cncfanaticstoo bad
09:53.39[Ammo]didn't notice that last night
09:53.41krkaJJSheets: cool, then the next release will really be somewhat useful, it seems
09:53.43Arrowmasterstill goes off on death though
09:53.54[Ammo]then again we had a hunter shotting as well
09:54.14Arrowmasteryeah in a group chain reactions are still easy to get
09:54.27JJSheetskrka, thanks so much for debugging this without even wow access, I'd go nuts for sure.  :)
09:54.42krkayou did most of the debugging for me
09:55.07[Ammo]I don't play enough
09:55.14[Ammo]still don't have my erotic keys
09:55.18CIA-1703mok * r28629 10GemList/GemList.toc:
09:55.18CIA-17- more TOC Metadata
09:55.41JJSheetslol I did information finding, not debugging.  I understand only the functions to hook stuff in perfectly, the rest is Greek to Me(tm)
09:55.44krkacode = stringgsub(code, "|r\n\n$", "|r")
09:55.47krkathat's a better fix
09:56.13krkait _could_ at some points remove it when it shouldn't, but atleast the |r is kept then
09:56.24JJSheetswant me to test?
09:56.25krkai.e. when the | is escaped
09:56.43krkaprobably not necessary
09:57.03JJSheetsI'm curious anyway... we'll see....
09:57.03mitch0krka: why do you need to strip the line endings?
09:57.13krkaif you're currently using the version i put up a few minutes ago, try inputting |r\n\n in the editbox
09:57.18krkathat is, type |r, and then two enters
09:57.25mitch0krka: if it's too long, and don't feel like it, don't bother with the explanation :)
09:57.26JJSheetswill do
09:58.04krkashort explanation: otherwise inputting an unfinished string will keep adding newlines
09:58.09ckknightwhy cdon't Cartographer notes fade out anymore?
09:58.24ckknighton the minimap
09:58.51mitch0krka: hm
09:59.00JJSheetskrka, the version you sent doesn't have any probelms when I type in |r\n\n
09:59.06krkalong explanation: an unfinished string generates the code |r at the end... then i add \n\n to ensure that the last two chars are newlines... then on the next iteration, it strips off |r, so the \n\n gets included with the unfinished string
09:59.20krkaso we have \n\n|r\n\n instead
09:59.32krkaJJSheets: that's good to know
09:59.46mitch0what is an unfinished string?
09:59.48krkalet me know if there's anything else that needs to be fixed
09:59.55krkalocal s = "unfinished
10:00.27mitch0are you writing a lua parser in lua or what?
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10:00.39krkai wrote one several months ago, yes
10:00.47JJSheetskrka, I'm getting some sleep now, but I think you can leave it as is, I don't think there's a need to make that last change in the stringsub call.
10:00.59krkaJJSheets: it doesn't really hurt to have it though
10:01.05krkaand i feel better if i have it there :)
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10:01.22krkai'll upload a new version to wowace in a bit then
10:01.24mitch0krka: and some mod actually needs that?
10:01.36mitch0what addon is this btw
10:01.38JJSheetsmitch0, Omnibus is an in game text editor
10:01.42krkamitch0: some developers like to have it
10:01.49JJSheetsother addons use it too
10:02.02JJSheetsOmnibus is not, however, limited in scope of Lua editing.
10:02.04Oninnot sure if this is the place to ask for this but; are there any druid stun/timer addon that works for 2.0 wow atM?
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10:02.32mitch0Onin: just a wild guess: nature enemy castbar?
10:02.48cncfanaticsOnin: Chronometer
10:03.00mitch0krka: so basically you do syntax coloring, but that somehow borked on unfinished strings, right?
10:03.05Oninmitch0: seems just like a casting bar
10:03.14Onincncfanatics: thx I'll check it out:D
10:03.25JJSheetsmitch0, yes, but we just fixed the bug.  :)
10:03.42mitch0yeah, that I saw :)
10:03.46JJSheetsit now colorizes and autoindents
10:03.52cncfanaticskrka, could an ingame lua editor benifit from that ? :
10:03.57JJSheetsin beauteous fashion...
10:04.01mitch0and why do you need the 2 newlines at the end?
10:04.16JJSheetsfor really long saved scripts.
10:04.18mitch0(sorry for asking so much, but I don't want to work :)
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10:04.33cncfanaticsJJSheets, is there a lua editor using it around ? if so link me :p
10:05.10JJSheetscncfanatics, Omnibus... available on the Ace SVN, and in a sec I'm gonna commit this latest version.
10:05.18mitch0oh well, back to some debugging, thanks for the chat :)
10:06.00mitch0(btw, speaking about annoying disturbances, I had to port to daranassus yesterday to do my AH business as in SW and IF I got constantly spammed for water and portal... :()
10:06.12krkabasically, there's a bug in blizzard editboxes that really fucks up rendering if there aren't a few newlines at the end, for long scripts
10:06.26krkai believe it was AnduinLothar who came up with the fix
10:06.32krkai noticed the bug several months ago
10:06.53cncfanaticsthat bug has been noticed ever since flexbar was released
10:06.59cncfanaticsit was a major anoyane in its script editor
10:07.01krkai see
10:07.04krkamakes sense
10:07.30JJSheetskrka, toc version is 20003 now.
10:07.31krkaJJSheets: seen this?
10:07.37krkathe top comment is a bug report
10:07.43cncfanaticsJJSheets, would you mind if I used a forked version of onmibus as script editor for flexbar2 ?
10:07.46krkais that something you've experienced too?
10:07.52krkaJJSheets: thanks, i'll update that too
10:08.42JJSheetskrka, I almost never paste into it... I'll test it out and see what happens tomorrow.
10:08.56mitch0btw, I read on wowwiki in the SetMacro() or NewMacro() or whatever API docs that you should be careful about it as you could create more macros than could be displayed, but it's not clear if they'll just be invisible but functional macros, or they'll bork the system somehow. anyone knows something about it?
10:08.59krkamaybe i'll wait a bit with releasing to see if that bug can be fixed too
10:09.31JJSheetscncfanatics, it would probably be better if you just made Omnibus an optional or required dependency... but fork it all you want if you do all the work.  :p
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10:09.38krkamaybe i could just add a delay so it doesn't recolor until text entry has stopped
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10:09.54cncfanaticsJJSheets, I never used it, how does it work actualy ?
10:10.04cncfanaticscan you save multiple scripts at once and select which one to edit ?
10:10.24JJSheetscncfanatics, yes... it also supports scripts run on login/reloadui
10:11.22cncfanaticsJJSheets, its possible to add scripts into that list from outside ?
10:11.29cncfanaticsif so, I'll put it in optional depencies and use it that way
10:11.37JJSheetsit supports multiple tags per pag, with each tag having a different font/size, and each tag also defines how the page is executed, and how it is shown, thus lua tagged pages enable and disable syntax highlighting.
10:12.00JJSheetscncfanatics, I'll check and see how easy it is, and add in a simple function if it isn't already possible.
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10:12.23sbumorning :)
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10:13.12CIA-1703jjsheets * r28630 10Omnibus/ (Omnibus.lua indent.lua): Omnibus: latest and greatest version of For All Indents and Purposes, which fixes all lua highlighting and indenting issues I've ever experienced.
10:13.23krkaJJSheets: how does this sound? simply use OnTextChanged to listen for changes, then use an OnUpdate to figure when it has idled for a frame or two, and _then_ recolor it?
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10:15.14JJSheetskrka, does an editbox have an onupdate?
10:15.34krkai was thinking i'd create my own frame for that
10:15.44krkabuy yes, all frames have onupdate
10:15.47krkaeven editboxes
10:16.37krkahm, probably better to use the editbox own onupdate
10:16.38ArcaneTricksterwell i will leave the chan for a while ;) cu all later i think
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10:17.28JJSheetskrka, code it up and we'll test it tomorrow, I gotta get some sleep :)
10:17.50JJSheetsnight/morning/whatever-the-heck-it-is-there ya'll!
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10:19.37zoktarany way to get the icon back on ocb ? the one on the side of the castbar
10:19.57cncfanaticsJJSheets, cheers :)
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10:25.27NightHawkTheSane... okay, question. SEveral of my addons refuse to stay turned off when i disable them in the addons list in the char select screen. wtf?
10:27.22harl|Acheronsame here, but that's because all my chars use the same directory, lol..
10:35.35evlParserLib and Parser-3.0, are they identical or is parser-3.0 replacing ParserLib?
10:35.46ckknightnot identical
10:35.59ckknightthey're different...
10:36.05ckknightI wrote Parser-3.0
10:36.23evlMaybe SCL should use that instead?
10:36.26Industrialohnoes, ckknight wrote Parser-3.0!
10:36.32Industrialdun dun DUN!
10:36.45ckknightevl: maybe. Big difference is API
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10:36.51ckknightit's much saner, imho
10:37.02evlI hate to say it but it sucks with two libraries that do the "same" thing
10:37.14Industrialdsicuss, merge, delete one of them, profit!
10:37.22evlprofit and punani for all
10:37.38Industrialaiit brara \o/
10:38.14grzesieqany brits here?
10:38.16evlSounds like a nice evening project, making a Parser-3.0 patch for SCL
10:38.37Industrialgrzesieq: dutch, close enough? :P
10:38.58grzesieqjust wanna know if Craig G is a well known rapper :P
10:39.24grzesieqhe aint british
10:39.27grzesieqnvm :P
10:39.49evl* Wikipedia's Burst of Knowledge critically hits you for *1337*
10:40.58grzesieqa hip hop legend on a polish track :)
10:41.41Industrialyou know whats funnier?
10:41.47grzesieqwhat is?
10:42.00evlckknight: I have to agree parser-3.0 from a glance looks a bit cleaner being a mix in and all
10:42.16Industrialmr Akon in a dutch song with maroc-dutch rappers singing about how bad ass they are in the amsterdam ghetto (nonexistant, little boy's dream i guess)
10:42.19ckknightwell, it's the filter system that's nice
10:42.30[Ammo]hmm what filter would I need for begins to cast stuff?
10:42.39[Ammo]I can't find it in the wiki docs
10:42.42grzesieqakon's real name pwns
10:43.17grzesieq check the second song in the player
10:43.48Industrialwell im not really into that kind of music >_>
10:43.51Industrialindustrial ftw :p
10:43.52evlIndustrial: Akon is the fucking worst artist in the entire world
10:43.59Industrialzing :D
10:43.59evlAkon needs to be impaled on a tractor
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10:49.48IRCkoninghi there
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10:52.25Industrialnee kaaskop :D
10:52.32nee|workevl: I'm not sure if you got the message last time, but for some reason, Scavenger shows 0.00g evertime it sells something, regardless of value.
10:52.33Industrialbut please, in english:3
10:52.43evlneenee: just fixed that :)
10:52.43jjb_enjoy your meal
10:52.52evlneenee: it divided copper by 10000 instead of 1000
10:53.31nee|workevl: okidoki :)
10:53.42nee|workevl: I'll try it out when I get home. Thanks :)
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10:54.51nee|workupdated it now instead, I'll try it out when I get home :)
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11:05.41Ominouswhat is a good ace2 casting bar
11:08.00nee|workI'm not kidding though :)
11:08.24hasteit won't be ace2 for long tho', so if you deeply need it as Ace2, go use CBRipoff
11:08.44nee|workIt's changing to something else?
11:09.29hasteit was changed to nothing a while ago
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11:09.52nee|workI see.
11:09.56hasteand a while after that it was changed to use Dongle
11:10.07harl|Acheroni knew you weren't
11:10.25nee|workAh well, I don't mind it's not Ace, it works for me :)
11:10.26harl|Acheroni just had to laugh though
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11:25.54binder~just wow
11:28.37nee|workatsw seems quite nice
11:28.58binderhad mats for 40 onlsaught
11:29.04binderended up making 61
11:30.02jjb_4 at once?
11:30.14nee|workanyone can get lucky :)
11:30.17jjb_i made master of transmute
11:30.27jjb_and the first time i got 2 primal mights
11:30.42jjb_the next 2-3 weeks only 1
11:30.59jjb_but i can't change anymore, or?
11:31.13binderwhat do you think
11:31.25arduranexcept if you learn alchemie new ;-)
11:31.32binderwhat's that good for?
11:31.47jjb_i got all receipes befor TBC
11:31.52jjb_all flasks
11:32.01binderthat's a discovery one
11:33.16jjb_you got it?
11:34.43nee|workI'm nothing yet and am not sure what to go with yet.
11:35.23jjb_i discovered this only :)
11:38.08nee|workexpensive potion, but nice ;)
11:38.16nee|worksituational though
11:38.30Grolldoes ace have any lootlink addon?
11:39.00nee|workkci_items can do that
11:39.13Grollhmm ok i'll look at it
11:39.16nee|workThough, if you want something light-weight, try Linkerator, by Gazmik Fizzwidget
11:39.24Grollk thx
11:39.32bindercan you discover potions making elixirs?
11:39.47nee|workbinder: I think you can discover any alchemy recipe
11:39.47binderneed to find a discovery site
11:40.35vodrinanyone got that ace function handy which gives info on the frame mouse is over
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11:43.22mitch0is there a mod that displays "hidden" reputation gains?
11:44.19mitch0like, I just read that turning in some aldor/scryier stuff 1by1 instead of 10 at a time, it also boosts jour sha'tar rep, but that's not normally displayed in teh log
11:45.19nee|workmitch0: It's either true or it isn't. Ask the person who posted what you read.
11:45.46mitch0nee|work: it's not the point wether it's true or not :)
11:46.03mitch0I'd like to see these "hidden" repu gains
11:46.25mitch0like, I dunno, is it normally displayed when you kill trash in instances that give small amount of reputation?
11:46.53cladhaireits not displayed at all
11:47.10nee|workMik's Scrolling Battle Text shows that though, the +5/+10/+15
11:47.13mitch0cladhaire: but is there an addon that display's that?
11:47.19cladhairenot that im' aware of
11:47.30cladhairelike in AV, when you gain 25 org rep for a worlf turnin, you also get some small amount of rep for all other alliance factions
11:47.32mitch0hm. I have MSBT, but I didn't notice that
11:47.38phyberit would be possible to make one, but it wouldn't be nice.  since the UPDATE_FACTION doesn't tell you which faction was updated.
11:47.39cladhairewell there's no event for it
11:47.43nee|workAt least, when I kill ogres in Nagrand, I get +10 Kurenai rep
11:47.47nee|workAnd it shows that
11:47.48phyberoh, hidden one doesn't generate UPDATE_FACTION?
11:47.52cladhaireso unless they're using some nastiness to track the reputation and re-scan after a rep change
11:48.02cladhairethere's no event for it as far as i can tell
11:48.11cladhaireBasically, to make an addon
11:48.17cladhaireyou need to watch the last rep gain you had
11:48.21cladhaireand track ALL reputations in the system
11:48.31mitch0that doesn't sound too terrible, though
11:48.32cladhairethen on the next reputation gain, compare ALL of them, and show the difference
11:48.36cladhaireno, it shouldn't be,
11:48.39mitch0lot worse is happening in random addons already
11:48.40cladhaireand its easily tested
11:48.51cladhairei.e. through AV
11:49.02cladhaireor even through doing an elder's quest
11:49.05mitch0I'll search a bit and implement it if it's not there yet
11:49.08cladhairesince that gives you "75 faction with alliance"
11:49.19cladhaireinstead of 75 exodar, 75 ironforge, etfc.
11:49.26cladhairesame deal there, its "hidden"
11:49.32cladhairethe rep bars still update tho, afaik
11:49.59phyberon this subject, it would be nice if UPDATE_FACTION had an argument which contained the name of the faction that was updated.
11:50.13phybersomeone poketh the slouken!
11:50.36clad|worki'm not sure its available.
11:50.49clad|workor rather
11:50.58clad|worki'm not sure its available in a situation where multiple factions gain
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11:51.50phyberI should check if it's fired once for each faction gain when that happens.
11:51.53vodrinwhats the easiest way to find out a frames name ? (blizz pvp tab)
11:52.05phyberbecuase I'd like to have an option in XPBarNone where it auto switches to the faction which just gained rep
11:52.17phyberbecause I foget to set it when I go into instances, etc.
11:53.21ardurancan anyone tell me why an addon says: babble-zone-2.2: reverse translation for "the winterspring" does not exist ???
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11:54.01NightHawkTheSanephyber: the COMBAT_TEXT_UPDATE event will fire when a faction updates, and that contains the name of the faction that updated, and how much. if that helps you
11:54.24[Ammo]I think that's the event used by MSBT as well
11:55.05phyberNightHawkTheSane: yeah, I just saw that.
11:55.10phyberI'm reading the events page :)
11:57.09vodrindynrepbar uses "CHAT_MSG_COMBAT_FACTION_CHANGE"
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11:58.49NightHawkTheSanei really dont see why there has to be three faction events. ><
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12:05.16ardurancan anyone tell me why my addon says: babble-zone-2.2: reverse translation for "the winterspring" does not exist ??? because as far as i know in babble-zone-2.2 there IS a translation for "Winterspring" -> Winterquell...
12:06.07*** join/#wowace Tol_LORDEARON (
12:13.00CIA-1803phyber * r28631 10XPBarNone/ (Core.lua XPBarNoneLocale-enUS.lua):
12:13.00CIA-18- New option added to auto watch factions that gain rep. Drycoded, will probably explode.
12:13.25nee|workarduran: Perhaps it has a translation for 'Winterspring', but not for 'The Winterspering'
12:14.29oridan\brbno its ok
12:14.35oridan\brbi've removed that bit of code now arduran
12:14.38arduranah hi oridan :D
12:14.39oridan\brbsry still afk :P
12:14.41ardurancool ^^
12:14.44oridan\brbi'll send you the new version now
12:14.48oridan\brband i'll be back in a few mins
12:15.00ardurani tried it with elp now but also don´t work ^^
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12:15.28oridan\brbelp ?
12:15.36arduraneuropean language pack
12:16.10oridan\brbtry that one matey :)
12:16.15arduranwell, i´ll try it with your new code now, if it works it is great, if not, bad luck for me ;-)
12:16.16oridan\brbfingers crossed
12:16.38oridan\brbif it doesnt i'll keep working on it with you if you dont mind ;)
12:16.59oridan\brbi'm not submitting it to the svn until it works, and i need you to test on non-engish client for me ;)
12:17.09arduranno, i don´t mind :-) even if i have to learn programming lua-files for this thing xD
12:17.15oridan\brbbut the good news is ckknight said its ok for me to upload if it works :)
12:17.31oridan\brbdid you get that file ?
12:17.38ardurancool :D many people would like it if it works i think
12:17.46arduranno, nothing came...
12:17.47oridan\brbhope so :)
12:17.53oridan\brbhrm sec i'll try gain
12:18.17oridan\brbstill nothing ?
12:18.21arduranperhaps it doesn´t work because of unregistred nick?! no nothing
12:18.29oridan\brbdid you identify ?
12:18.40CIA-1803phyber * r28632 10XPBarNone/Core.lua:
12:18.40CIA-18- Lets only register the COMBAT_TEXT_UPDATE event when we're actually watching for rep gains.
12:18.53oridan\brboh wait
12:19.10arduranthe \brb was confusing the server i think xD
12:19.11Oridanthat should work now
12:19.26ardurannow it worked
12:19.34arduranok, 1sec, i´ll try it
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12:19.36Oridanok :)
12:19.39Oridani gotta pop to the shop
12:19.44Oridanbut i'll be back in 30 mins or so
12:19.53Oridanthen we can get this thing sorted :D
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12:20.05Oridanthanks for your help with this btw :)
12:20.26arduranlol, you are helping ME, not the other way round
12:33.42IndustrialTol_LORDEARON: waiting for someone else to say hi and seeing that noone does and leaving is not how irc works :P
12:34.55Tol_LORDEARONi know how irc works
12:35.17Tol_LORDEARONi am just used to say hi and i wait untill some1 says hi too
12:35.18Tol_LORDEARONi mean
12:35.39Tol_LORDEARONits one of the basic rules of social : when some1 says Hi , you should answer him ;)
12:36.25HealthAnd it's c00l to use numbers.
12:36.44Industrialc00l i5 50 0ld, u53 1337
12:37.01Industrial1337 15 7h3 5h17
12:37.18Tol_LORDEARONi was wondering how i can modigy my bars in the way that  at the bottom there is one big bar with map, chats, and buttons ( just like )
12:37.25ardurany0u 4r3 4ll 50 l337
12:37.41arduran;-) leetspeak suxx by the way
12:37.44Health1337 15 7h3 n3w c001
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12:38.43Tol_LORDEARONor here :
12:38.56Tol_LORDEARONthey all got that big bar at the bottom, with chat, buttons, map etc.
12:39.24Tol_LORDEARONi am using Bongos, but i cant find a way to make it like that and to edit the chat/map.....
12:40.19Tol_LORDEARONu might got an idea which addon i could use to generate that big bar at the bottom ?
12:41.45Industrialtry eepanels
12:41.48arduranhmm, my sister is also using bongos and she has this big "bar" at the bottom (but can deactivate it so that only the chatwindow and so on are left but are transparent....
12:42.07Tol_LORDEARONheres another example :
12:42.48Tol_LORDEARONeepanels is good ?
12:43.29Industrialdefine good.
12:43.41Industrialtry it and if it does what you want, its good enough
12:43.51CIA-1803rophy * r28633 10SimpleUnitFrames/ (4 files):
12:43.51CIA-18- TargetFrame: targets with unknown type will show the unknown icon.
12:43.51CIA-18- Added TargetBuffs as an optional module.
12:44.18Oridanomg, i'm back!
12:44.22Industrialyou could also try Skinner
12:44.38Industrial(the last one was done by a skinner module I think)
12:46.05Tol_LORDEARONok thnx guys
12:46.29Tol_LORDEARONi will try eepanels and skinners and in case its just a big mess up, i ll be back :)
12:47.02arduranwb oridan :D
12:47.20Industrialaaaand.. you might wanna get a less eyecatching name like um "Tol" :P
12:47.51HealthCaps is cool.
12:48.01HealthCAPS is 1337.
12:48.52krkacAPS is the coolest
12:50.49Tol_LORDEARONTol is the best name ever
12:50.51jjb_ <- here you can see what you can make with eepannels
12:51.59Tol_LORDEARON^^thats what i want to create, but how can i make that big frame at the bottom and how can i remove the default interface of wow ?
12:52.25IndustrialTol_LORDEARON: I was commenting on the "_LORDEARON" part. but I make a fuss about anytinhg.
12:52.43IndustrialTol_LORDEARON: have you tried eePanels yet?
12:52.59Industrialshould be pretty straigtforward
12:53.11jjb_you use bartender3 to replace the default buttonbars
12:53.15Industrialas to removing the default interface: bongos removes the default actionbar
12:53.20Tol_LORDEARONyah, i have installed it
12:53.20phyber*sigh*.  Why didn't Blizzard move their "floating XP text" thing to use COMBAT_TEXT_UPDATE? :/
12:53.22Industrialand makes the minimap movable etc
12:53.31phyberseems silly not to, since everything else goes through it.
12:53.45TolLORDEARON is just the server i am playing on
12:54.06Industriali know
12:54.13Tolcan u might also tell me how to place the map+chat windows at the bottom ?
12:54.15krkafunny how you mispell it
12:54.19jjb_thats not only 1 big frame at the bottom
12:54.29Industrialchat is movable by itself, bongos_mapsomething does minimap
12:54.38jjb_why bongos?
12:54.43Industrialwhy not?
12:55.06jjb_bongos is ace'd? :)
12:55.23krkahint, it's Lordaeron
12:55.30JoshBorkewho cares if it's ace?
12:55.37JoshBorkejust because it's not ace doesn't mean it isn't good
12:55.42JoshBorkejustbecause it is ace doesn't mean it's good
12:56.05Industrialtry both, pick the most usable one
12:56.27jjb_if i use ace2 addons, and i can get a good actionbar-addon like bartender, why to use bongos?
12:56.33krkai suppose one argument for using a set of ace addons, is that it's less like that they interfere badly with eachother
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12:57.08Tolahm and one more question: is there even a way to load an allready-costumized profile and load it with eepanels ?
12:57.10JoshBorkeyes, but a good mod shouldn't interfere with another good mod, unless they specifically do similar things
12:57.22Industrialjjb_: are you a programmer?
12:57.34krkaJoshBorke: agreed, but that is not trivial to live up to
12:57.38Industrial2) jjb_: is bongos a usable addon?
12:57.43krkalots of map related addons fuck eachother up
12:57.49jjb_of course, i used bongos before
12:58.12Industrialwell then stop caring about wether addons use ace2 or not
12:58.14jjb_it has some nice features bartender doesn't have
12:58.23Industrialif you see they are usable and do what you need, use them
12:58.53Industrialdont try and find an 'ace replacement' of everything
12:59.09Industrialits not a status nor a fact that addons using Ace2 are better
12:59.14jjb_whats the advantage of ace2-addons?
12:59.28Industrialthe advantags is developers have to type less
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12:59.36vodrinprofile system and less reinventing the wheel for devs
12:59.51jjb_and memory usage?
13:00.13Industrialjjb_: thats for developers..
13:00.18jjb_not only
13:00.23JoshBorkewhy not only?
13:00.30JoshBorkehow do YOU, the user, notice event handling?
13:00.33JoshBorkedid you notice them before?
13:00.44jjb_when he get or fps?
13:00.54Toli have now eepanels working, but this big frame at the bottom ( ) just does not appear :(
13:00.55JoshBorkeno, you'ret hinking of something else
13:00.58jjb_less lags from GCs
13:01.07JoshBorkeyou're thinking of specific coding implementations
13:01.12jjb_its from skinner
13:01.24JoshBorkeeventhandling in Ace has NOTHING to do with GC or lower FPS
13:01.28vodrinsomeone can create a mod without ace2 and have it just as efficient
13:01.39vodrinMbst is a good example
13:01.45Industrialor um, bongos
13:02.05JoshBorkeor, um, tekCompare
13:02.07[Ammo]everyone should use the addon they like
13:02.20jjb_and i think here is a ace-channel, or?
13:02.29JoshBorkeso?  i'm not an Ace modder
13:02.32[Ammo]it is
13:02.43JoshBorkei idle here because the ace DEVELOPERS i respect
13:02.44[Ammo]and I write most of my stuff using Ace2
13:02.44Industrialyes, but we dont preach ace. I atleast dont
13:02.49jjb_so the discussion about ace or not ace is useless
13:02.55JoshBorkeno, it's not useless
13:02.55Industrialits not useless
13:03.02Industrialits useFUl to US,
13:03.04[Ammo]some of it just doesn't benefit from using Ace
13:03.17Industrialyou wont notice much
13:03.19JoshBorkewhat's useless is the mindless propaganda done by the ace USERS
13:03.19Industrialshouldnt, even
13:03.45JoshBorkethe tipping point for me was a comment on a mod written by Iriel, requesting it be converted to Ace
13:04.04Industrialheh, we should stop mentiong anything about Ace or ace2 in readme's and stuff
13:04.11Industriallet it fade away
13:04.50Tolstupid eepanels. here in the picture ( ) they show that big frame at the bottom, but when i start the game there is no such frame
13:05.02JoshBorketo me it's an insult as a developer to have my mods asked to be converted to ace.  talk to me about specific ways to optimize, not to rewrite it to suit your needs
13:05.18jjb_Industrial: if you look at my screenshot, you will see that i dont use ag_unitframes for example
13:05.57jjb_iam not a ace2 fanatic :)
13:06.18JoshBorke(07:56:25) jjb_: if i use ace2 addons, and i can get a good actionbar-addon like bartender, why to use bongos?
13:06.33Oridani just installed aguf, quite like it - but cant seem to specify a text color hrmmm
13:06.36JoshBorke(07:55:04) jjb_: bongos is ace'd? :)
13:07.00JoshBorkei copied those in the wrong order, but you get the idea
13:07.03jjb_you see the smilie?
13:07.18JoshBorkeyou dismissed bongos as an option because it wasn't Ace
13:07.44JoshBorkeok, then i apologize
13:07.51JoshBorkei misunderstood your intentions based on your replies
13:07.58JoshBorkeit was my mistake and obviously I am in the wrong
13:08.11jjb_maybe because my english is too bad :p
13:08.24sylvanaaryou  know what, when did ace mean that something was better?
13:08.46JoshBorkesylvanaar: in the eyes of those that know?  never.  in the eyes of users?  a while ago
13:09.05Industrialwhen the users on the forums started multiplying, and Rowne started this crusade of converting addons
13:09.06sylvanaarespecially, when did it mean less memory or better performance
13:09.20sylvanaarbecause, it didnt start out with those claims
13:09.20Oridani have to say tho, Ace does make it much easier for developers
13:09.28krkasome of the developers are to blame for starting the crusade, imo, but now it seems to be purely the users that maintain it
13:09.30Industrialthis was january 06
13:09.38lys_Rophy: is the TargetBuffs.lua safe to use?
13:09.45Oridanit would take me much longer to write certain things if i had to do it all from scratch
13:10.15sylvanaarsee, there's nothing wrong with evangalizing a framework
13:10.18Rophylys_: what do you mean?
13:10.30lys_Rophy: the .toc in the latest SUF version isn't loading it
13:10.52sylvanaarif it benefits people in some way to use it - which it does in ace2's case
13:11.03Rophytoc loads TargetBuffs.xml, and TargetBuffs.xml loads TargetBuffs.lua
13:11.24lys_oh yes, right, sorry :)
13:11.32sylvanaarace2 does provide some consistancy
13:12.11sylvanaarespecially in the user interfaec
13:12.21sylvanaarwhich is one of its stated goals
13:12.32Oridanyay, ibus interface turned up this morning. so i can hook my laptop up to my car :D
13:12.45Industrialsylvanaar: but people dismissing and badmouthing anything that doesnt use Ace2 is rediculous
13:13.08Industrialimo it would be best if noone but the developers knew what Ace2 was
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13:13.19Industrialand they'd recommend good addons because they were good addons
13:13.22sylvanaarthats nonsense, but so is an author not supporting some aspects of  ace2's user interface
13:13.41sylvanaarthats equally stupid
13:13.54Industriali dont think so
13:14.04sylvanaarthen you are just as bad
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13:14.21mitch0what I'd like if all (or at least) most addons were in wowace's svn, I don't care if they actually use ace or not, but the upgrade would be so much simpler...
13:14.35JoshBorkewowace is NOT a distribution channel
13:14.40sylvanaarif you cant support, lets say having a FuBar interface to  your mod
13:14.58Industrialfubar isnt part of ace
13:14.58sylvanaarout of principal or something
13:15.02mitch0JoshBorke: too bad :P
13:15.11Industrialim talking no libraries but Ace2 itself
13:16.01JoshBorkei believ you mean: getglobal("Ace"..X)? :-P
13:16.02sylvanaarfine Industrial aceconsole
13:16.11Tolyo guys, how can i move the chat window ?
13:16.14JoshBorkesorry, i'm just a little grumpy over the idiocy in my guild
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13:16.29IndustrialTol: unlock it
13:16.38sylvanaarif you cant suppport something like that (optionally) seems unreasonable
13:16.51Tolin the menu ?
13:16.52Industrialsylvanaar: well I did, until I recoded it to be 40 lines long total without any options - for personal use
13:16.58Tolmain menu ?
13:17.05IndustrialTol: click around. chat tabs.
13:17.16Industrialsylvanaar: idChat, that is
13:18.03sylvanaarIndustrial most programs have UI because they have users, UI makes up the majority of most programs
13:18.33Industrialsylvanaar: me personally, I dont have any users.
13:18.51Industrialsylvanaar: I make addons for myself, not software for others
13:19.01OridanIndustrial, i did the same with RaidRoll.. removed the ui, dropped the size to 1/4, so its just /rr <item>
13:19.13Oridancos thats all i used anyways
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13:19.35Oridanput it up on curse, so people have it as an option. i dont care if they use it or not, but i prefer it - maybe someone else will
13:19.36Industrialsylvanaar: anyway that doesnt have anything to do with what we were talking about
13:20.24sylvanaarif standards exist, developers should support them unless theres a compelling reason not to
13:21.36Industrialwell yes, agreed
13:21.40JoshBorkei agree if a standard exists, it should be used and supported
13:21.47JoshBorkebut don't tell me that Ace is a standard
13:22.00JoshBorkeand I HATE when people talk on multiple lines for the same thought :-P
13:22.17JoshBorkepurl, poke Industrial
13:22.30purlACTION cuts down a small tree, sneaks up behind Industrial, pokes Industrial repeatedly, hilarity ensues.
13:22.30Industrialsowwy :<
13:22.40Industrialalso, fubar is an alternative way of showing things, together with using a dewdrop menu
13:22.44sylvanaarace2 is "a" standard of sorts
13:22.56Industrialtheres a hundred of fubar addons
13:23.13sylvanaarthey all use ace2 dont they
13:23.14Industrialluckily i got ck to make them work without fubar
13:23.38Industrialbut they'd be useless to anyone that wouldnt want to use fubar but would want that functionality
13:23.49MoonWolfalso known as, every fubar plugin is fully functional addon with a minimap icon.
13:23.50JoshBorkethey don't use Ace2 because they want to use Ace2, they use it because they HAVE to for FuBar
13:24.01JoshBorkemaybe some do
13:24.05JoshBorkeor even most
13:24.19Industrialim sagin they should be addons by themselves, and should SUPPORT fubar
13:24.21JoshBorkebut if i were new to programming, I would just do as I was told and use Ace because I didn't know any better
13:24.30Industrialif they wanted to
13:24.32JoshBorkeclass time, bye
13:24.57Industrialand I have to go back to work
13:25.37Oridanok, lets have a happy conversation!
13:25.50Oridani cant think of one >.>
13:25.53sylvanaarwhat was thier point anyways
13:28.44Oridanno idea, it sounded like you were all agreeing with each other, in an argumentative sort of way! :D
13:28.44Oridani dont like to get involved with things like that hehe
13:28.44Oridanoo btw sylv, the final wau was released wasnt it ?
13:28.44themois DeuceCommander buggy? i doesn't displays any addon
13:28.44sylvanaarthere top reasons to use ace2: Fubar, BigWigs, WAU, oRA2 (I think i got the order right)
13:28.44sylvanaarthats from a user's perspective
13:28.53Oridani'd prolly add cartographer to that
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13:28.59themobartender :D
13:29.05Oridanyea, that too
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13:29.40sylvanaarlets keep it to those 4 so it doesnt degrade into a war
13:30.02Oridani need to patch wau again tho
13:30.14OridanChangelog viewer is bugged
13:30.29Oridanit just says
13:30.29OridanDownloading Changelog
13:30.33sylvanaaryeah, i know the change log thing is messed up, but i didnt look
13:30.34Oridanoops, sorry
13:30.53sylvanaari fixed it once
13:30.53Oridansilly paste inserted cr's
13:31.18Oridanyea, its not a big problem, think i'm the only person who uses it anyways :D
13:31.43sylvanaarimo, its not worth fixing because we dont know about the upcoming server changes
13:32.02sylvanaarand WAU has very long development cycles
13:32.05Oridaneasier to just check it manually - or watch in here
13:32.29sylvanaar1.7 was 2 months
13:32.46sylvanaarso was 1.6
13:33.08Oridanthats not bad, considering the package implimentation
13:33.25sylvanaaryeah, 1.7 had alot of changes
13:34.15sylvanaarthere was only 1 package in the original plan for 1.7
13:34.34Oridanbigwigs ?
13:34.42Oridanoh yea
13:34.47Oridanforgot about that one
13:34.53Oridanits so easy to miss :P
13:35.00Oridani think its the !!!!!!!!!!!! that does it
13:35.01sylvanaarwhich was the whole point of 1.7 btw
13:35.24sylvanaarautomate SAL, improve performance
13:35.43Oridanit works well tho, its just a shame there are still addons which use common libs that arent in SAL
13:35.47sylvanaarreduce common support issues
13:36.14Oridani think umm Parser3 is one of them
13:36.15sylvanaaryeah, but they can make packages too
13:37.07sylvanaaryou can use the Package_ namespace to pack other addons's with thier libraries
13:37.29Oridanoh nice
13:37.32sylvanaarI have Package_Cartographer as an example
13:37.45sylvanaarit doesnt do anything for you by having that name
13:37.58sylvanaarjust suggested naming
13:38.09TheKarnsylvanaar, a better way would be for WAU to use the svn-externals list as a reference on which local libraries are required, and use the noext zips and install the libraries automagically
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13:39.09sylvanaarnot doing dependancy crawls because they are still not accurate
13:39.28TheKarni know
13:39.37TheKarnthe TOC dependancy listings arnt accurate yet
13:39.37Oridanzomg language packs take a while to dl :/
13:40.04Oridanbe right back, gotta check my car for something
13:40.24TheKarnbut the SVN-Externals that the noext zips exclude should be the most accurate depiction of what libraries are required.
13:40.29TheKarnbut still not easy to automate i suppose
13:41.12Industrialheres an interesting question:
13:42.47IndustrialHowmany cases have there been where people have benefitted from being able to read through the changes of an addon over time, or branching an addon on the wowacesvn, that couldnt have been done with zips and using ex
13:43.31Industrial3? 4?
13:44.19Industrialand then, doubtfully a problem, howmuch has this costed people on hosting and bandwidth costs?
13:45.09Industrialdo the pros outweigh the cons? if theres an addon updater wouldnt a site with categories, descriptions, etc be alot easierr on everyone?
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13:46.02Oridan\afkthere is no real pro's that why nobody is really too interested in fixing it - its an interst only really, if you're developing then you undoubtedly already have the log
13:47.07Oridan\afki wont spend my time on writing a .patch unless i get bored ^^ i'll put it to fixing my buggy version of carto_import
13:47.37Oridan\afkwhich i'm 20 mins of being able to test :: /beckon language_pack
13:54.03CIA-1803rophy * r28634 10ParserLib/ParserLib-1.1/ParserLib.lua: (log message trimmed)
13:54.03CIA-18- Added new constant ParserLib_NONE.
13:54.03CIA-18- Added some TBC new patterns which have source set to ParserLib_NONE.
13:54.03CIA-18- new API: GetConstantString(parserConstant).
13:54.03CIA-18- new API: RegisterInfoType("addonID", "infoType", handler or "handler").
13:54.05CIA-18- new API: UnregisterInfoType("addonID", "infoType").
13:55.15sylvanaarso we got 2 parsers now, seems like its time for them to utilize the Bridge Pattern
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13:57.49sylvanaarsomeone get the googlebot to splain that
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14:00.05chutwighello googlebot
14:00.26sylvanaarhow do you do it
14:00.39sylvanaarno, not like that
14:01.10IndustrialI win
14:01.15sylvanaarit doesnt respond to me
14:01.19chutwigbotsnack :(
14:02.35Oridan_yay laptop = car
14:02.41sylvanaarit doesnt respond in tells
14:02.42Oridan_just gotta write a gui for it now :D
14:03.53sylvanaarlaptop = car
14:04.05Oridantapping into the ibus on my car
14:04.15Oridanso i can write a custom gui to go onto a touchscreen
14:04.30CIA-1803funkydude * r28635 10BigWigs/Karazhan/ (Malchezaar.lua Moroes.lua Netherspite.lua Terestian.lua): BigWigs: Karazhan: deDE update, thanks to archiv
14:04.34Oridanfor audio system, windows, lighting, etc
14:04.48Oridanjust fancied having a go to see if i could do it
14:05.12MoonWolfhack the globe i say
14:08.29Oridandamn, gotta write my own bus analyser
14:08.46Oridanand leaning over into the boot of my car isnt very comfortable :P
14:09.05sylvanaarhope you dont crash
14:10.03Oridanahh back in the house now
14:10.14Oridani need an extra long usb cable hrmmm
14:10.31Oridanlike 10-15 meters :/ -- dont think thats gonna work somehow
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14:14.04TheKarnyou'd need 2-3 repeater cables
14:15.06jjb_max length for usb-cable without rebeater is 5m
14:15.41TheKarnbut youd get use for about 6-7
14:16.11jjb_i think you cant buy cable longer 5m
14:16.29TheKarnbut you can buy extensions
14:16.42Oridani've bought a 5m once, it didnt work
14:16.59Oridandoes that seem right ?
14:17.10Oridanlooks cheap is all
14:17.19Oridanspecially from amazon, normally pricy
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14:17.57TheKarnthink how much it costs to manufacturer those on bulk
14:18.20Oridangood point, but stick it in a plastic wrapper and its worth 7.99 apparantly :D
14:18.47jjb_but even with repeater you'll loose signal quality
14:19.05jjb_dont know whats "rauschen" in english :)
14:19.06CIA-1803wobin * r28636 10Splut/ (8 files in 3 dirs): Splut: Initial import of Splut. Tentatively Sprocket 2.0ish. Non-working concept.
14:19.17Oridani have no idea ;)
14:19.52Oridanahh yea
14:20.07Oridani dont know how sensative this equipment is
14:20.40Oridanbut its worth a try, worst case scenario i'll have to back up to the front door and sit in the porch :D
14:21.04jjb_what you want to use?
14:21.37Oridani bought a small usb<->com port iBUS adaptor
14:22.09jjb_and why not using a serial extension?
14:22.18jjb_i think its not limited
14:22.48Oridani've read people have problems with serial conversion on the ibus
14:23.29Oridanand i ordered the usb version, because he uses better crystal resonators on it
14:23.30Oridanor something
14:23.37Oridani know nothing of that side of things
14:23.41jjb_on the other side you use a usb-serial adaptor?
14:24.13Oridani could do, but i think thats what people have had problems with
14:24.27Oridansignal distortion or something, didnt read too greatly into it
14:25.38jjb_i think you can buy a wireless usb-interface
14:25.49Oridanmm, that would be nice
14:27.03Oridantrouble is you search for wireless and usb and you get just that, wireless usb lan adaptors
14:28.01CIA-1803wobin * r28637 10Splut/Libs/: Splut: Added externals
14:30.14Oridanuh oh, chickens in the house again
14:30.17CIA-1803phyber * r28638 10XPBarNone/ (Core.lua XPBarNoneLocale-enUS.lua):
14:30.17CIA-18- Typo fix.
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14:30.33Oridannvm, she walked out
14:31.17jjb_140$ :)
14:31.30jjb_but with a cat5 cable up to 50 meteres
14:31.37Oridani had another idea, usb->cat5 extenders
14:31.41Oridanhaha yep
14:32.45malrethare you talking about maximum cable lengths
14:32.54malrethis this a discussion of maximum cable lengths
14:33.00malrethbecause if it is
14:33.02malrethrock on
14:33.04Oridankindof :P
14:33.09jjb_nope, about how to extend usb up to 50m
14:33.26jjb_we know there is a limit :)
14:33.59Oridani'm also considering running cat5 to my local bt exchange, about 2 miles away
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14:34.04Oridancos my net is only 2mbps :'(
14:34.29jjb_malreth: its possible :)
14:34.37jjb_with a repeater
14:34.46Oridan£54 - cat5 extender
14:34.56Oridanbut that said, i might just make one
14:35.18Oridani've got a load of cat5 ends and spare terminals, lets just chop up a usb cable :D
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14:36.16Oridani wonder whats inside one, if its just straight wire->wire
14:36.28Oridanor if they have to put resistors and all that gubbins in there to stabalise it
14:36.54Oridani should really take an electrical course, i feel like such a noob :D
14:37.01malrethdon't think it'll be that easy
14:37.14Oridandiodes, i mean
14:37.15malrethi don't know about USB-spec itself
14:37.17Oridanwhatever they are
14:37.21Oridanyea, me either
14:37.34malrethbut there's a reason why data protocols have cable length maximums
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14:37.57malrethand judging by the description of that device... USB is 10m
14:38.15malrethand it uses wicked hack magic to extend that
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14:38.42jjb_its because usb is more than a "datacable"
14:38.58Oridanits a powersource too
14:39.53malrethwell, good luck with your homebrew usb extender
14:40.03Oridanheh, i'm not doing it ;)
14:40.24Oridani'm just writing the com software now, and i'll move it to my car later :P
14:40.47malrethoh, is this a maximum cable length discussion mashup with car talk?
14:40.51phyberYou're going to POWER YOUR CAR from a USB port?  MADNESS!
14:40.52malrethbecause if it is
14:40.54malrethrock on
14:41.51Oridani'm writing a gui interface to run on a laptop i install in my car with a touchscreen, the software will control various aspects of the car like windows, lighting, door locks etc
14:42.01Oridanand maybe remote-control via bluetooth phone
14:42.26Oridanand i need a long cable so i dont have to sit in the car while i write the software
14:42.37phyberyou know what the error sound has to be, right?  "I can't let you do that, Micheal"
14:42.51Oridan<3 knight rider
14:43.16Oridanzomg you just gave me a terribly horrendous idea :s
14:43.32Oridani just have to make my car talk now
14:43.44Oridanwhat are you getting me into?!
14:45.03CIA-1803phyber * r28639 10XPBarNone/Core.lua:
14:45.03CIA-18- Change the name of the COMBAT_TEXT_UPDATE function slightly.
14:45.08phyberKit, obviously.
14:46.02*** join/#wowace OverloadUT (
14:46.58CIA-1803wobin * r28640 10Splut/ (Libs/ Splut.lua): Splut: Streamlined the chaining and fixed an external
14:48.23FISKER_Qwhat the hell is splut Wobin :O?
14:48.40Wobinsort of the same idea as sprocket
14:48.51FISKER_QSo what is sprocket? :)
14:48.52Wobinbut with spluttons
14:49.08Wobinhit a button, get more radiating out from the central point
14:49.17Wobinhit another get more radiating out from that
14:49.36FISKER_Qradial menus
14:49.44Wobinfairly much
14:50.00Wobinless menuish, more actionbuttonish
14:50.13HealthWe want menuish!
14:50.20Wobinmake it yourself =P
14:50.37WobinWhy would you want radial menus anyway?
14:51.19Industrialreasearch has shown that they are more intuitive and easier to navigate once you know where things are in the menu
14:51.30Industrialblah blah, eg sprocket
14:51.31HealthI liked that you could spawn the menues where the mouse button was located.. and yeah, easy/fast to navigate
14:51.40Wobinblah blah etc etc
14:51.47Wobinand how often do you use menus?
14:51.56Wobinsame argument as dewdrop
14:52.01HealthI had my professions there!
14:52.03WobinYou configure and leave it
14:52.18IndustrialBIG FAT COCK
14:52.20HealthAnd a bit action buttonish with water/potions/stuff
14:52.33WobinThat's what I'm trying for, Health
14:52.42malrethpie menus have a curious property when you apply fitz's law to them
14:52.44WobinYou'll be able to put spells/items/macros in it
14:53.03HealthMake it pretty! But no arcane explosions!
14:53.19WobinHopefully I can make it relatively drag-n-drop configuration
14:53.19Industrialadd a pie in the background
14:53.27Industriallike, a real one.
14:53.33WobinI'm using serenity circles =P
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14:53.41Wobinthey're pretty
14:53.43Industrialthat works too, I guess
14:54.16malrethgello did some really nice looking artwork for round buttons... lemme find
14:55.03malrethalthough i think the highlights are a bit too bright
14:55.10malreththey look really good
14:58.27Industrialnice, but I prefer the flat buttons :X no border at all
14:59.11malrethquestion... Wobin, are you using the pie menu secure template?
14:59.55CIA-1803funkydude * r28641 10Cartographer/Cartographer_InstanceMaps/ (InstanceMaps.lua Scripts/pack.lua): Cartographer_InstanceMaps: added Zul'Aman map, yes it had an ugly brown part at the top, live with it
15:00.35Funkeh`took me a good hour to shape that!
15:00.44Wobinmalreth: No
15:00.56WobinI haven't understood enough about it to use it
15:01.16Wobinalthough if you can explain just what the hell it is, I might indeed do so =)
15:02.03CIA-1803wobin * r28642 10Splut/Splut.lua: Splut: unsplutting now bounces back to the previous hub
15:02.10malrethone of the things that sprocket did was it expanded teh clickable region of the button to a pie-shaped wedge. are you able to do the same thing or do the secure templates restrict you to having the user click exactly within the region of the button artwork?
15:02.29Wobinat the moment, it's only within the button
15:02.34Wobinsince I'm using buttons
15:02.59malrethi'm wondering if the pie template gets around that somehow
15:03.17malrethbecause if there is no way around it, it's a serious blow to the usability to pie menus
15:03.24WobinIt can't be easy calculating the hit..sector on the lfy
15:03.39malrethsince it cuts out their advantage over linear menus
15:03.53malrethit's just math...
15:04.01IndustrialI dont like a pie submenu opening where your mouse is when you open it, though
15:04.02Wobinmath is hard
15:04.12IndustrialWobin: hahaha
15:04.34malreththe thing about pie menus is that the hit region of the menu item expands in size the further you get from the origin
15:04.50malreththat's what makes them so fast
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15:05.25GrineAKX, around?
15:06.12Grinehow's DreamChat coming along? I noticed yuo said you'd taken a new look at it?
15:06.50AKXYeah, there have been some updates. It can now use Prat for its text rendering
15:07.31Wobinmalreth: I was stretching my mathematical ability with the algorithm to evenly distribute the spluttons around the central point, taking into account the previous hub =P
15:07.56OverloadUT - Why is the highlighted line needed?
15:08.06OverloadUTIsn't qtitle already local?
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15:08.28malrethlooks like pre 5.1 code
15:08.45GrineAKX, wunderbar :)
15:08.58Wobinpre 5.1?
15:09.05malrethbut yes, you are correct, OverloadUT. that line is not needed
15:09.09OverloadUTThe trouble of learning from other people's code is sometimes other people don't code perfectly. ;)
15:09.22malrethWobin: actually, i take that back... i'm not sure *why* anyone would do that
15:09.26Wobinthat's not necessarily pre 5.1 =P
15:09.37OverloadUTOkay that's what I thought, I just wanted to be sure
15:09.39Wobinit's a little redundant
15:09.43OverloadUTThe memory concerns in lua are wacky :P
15:09.58WobinJust the ones in the Ace community
15:10.08Wobincause we hound you to do better =P
15:10.09Industrialwe are paranoid
15:10.11Grinesweet EQCompare finally has the press ctrl -> show tooltip!
15:10.15malrethi was thinking about back when for-loop variables weren't accessable from the enclosing block
15:10.30Wobinmalreth: That'd be a ways back? =)
15:10.41deltronheh i got a mod last night that doesn't use savedvariables that's written using ace
15:10.55WobinNothing wrong with not using SV
15:11.00Wobinif you don't need it
15:11.05malrethwell, i remember having to do something specific in that regard before wow 2.0
15:11.18OverloadUTI feel like I'm doing something wrong because I have 10 embedded libraries and 5 mixins :/
15:11.22malrethbut the local qtitle = qtitle line... yeah... totally useless
15:11.22WobinI think it was more for i,v in tablename do i remember
15:12.00deltronWobin: it writes in the officer notes instead :/
15:12.12malrethindex variables for for loops couldn't be used as upvalues in closures created inside a for-loop
15:12.12Wobinwell that's one way to save space
15:12.15malreththat's what it was
15:12.29WobinThat's kinda bizzare
15:12.41HealthThat's one way to save data across users!
15:12.50WobinIt's true.
15:12.51deltronyeah wiped out all our notes thoguh
15:12.51GrineAKX, lazy question, how do I move DreamChat? :P
15:12.52malrethso to get around that limitation, you would create an *additional* local variable that was the same thing as the index variable from the for loop
15:12.57deltronand our guild is rather large
15:13.02AKXGrine, upper left corner
15:13.11Grineah there, thanks :)
15:13.35Grinedid yuo design the look of it? cause if you did you could add it to Chatr too :P
15:14.00AKXNo, I didn't, that's nevcairiel who did that
15:14.03AKXI did the messaging code
15:14.34malrethwhoever wrote that code that you posted, OverloadUT probably saw something like that in someone else's code and didn't understand why it was done that way and so he just replicated it
15:14.51OverloadUTHaha like I almost did before asking here ;)
15:14.58OverloadUTIt's from CartQuests
15:15.50GrineAKX, too bad, I still can't get to terms with chatrs look, thuogh I love it in every other way :)
15:16.10AKXGrine, it's trivial to change. :)
15:16.10OverloadUTWhat would be good wording for this... I am creating a custom dewdrop menu for when you right click on one of my QuestObjective notes. It allows you to delete "this note" or "all notes for this objective" and I want another option for deleing all notes for the objective and adding that objective to an ignore list so it never gets recorded
15:16.44GrineAKX, kewl
15:16.57AKXGrine: ChatrN:SetBackdrop and so on.
15:17.05Wobin"delete all notes regarding this quest forever"?
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15:17.08krkamalreth: afaik, it could be used as an upvalue, it's just that all closures would share it
15:17.29GrineAKX, hmm ok, i'll look at it, thanks :)
15:17.37Wobinkrka: essentially a nonlocal upvalue
15:17.45OverloadUTHmm, I like that, but I think I need a tooltip giving a little more detail. Now to go look up the Dewdrop API :P
15:17.45krkano, it's local
15:17.49GrineAKX, how'd you do that Prat integration?
15:17.51krkabasically, it's equivalent to this:
15:17.52Wobinwell local to the loop
15:18.03malrethpreach it krka
15:18.09krkalocal up = 1 x = function() return up end y = function() return up + 1 end
15:18.16AKXGrine: sylvanaar helped me (and implemented the required stuff in Prat)
15:18.17krkay and x refer to the same upvalue
15:18.24Grineah ok
15:18.42Wobinhow is it now, then?
15:18.46krkait's just that the loop variable is local to the entire loop, and not local to the loop body
15:18.51krkaif that makes sense
15:18.56krkabut that was changed in lua 5.1, right?
15:19.04OverloadUTHow do you do a format() on a localized var. Can you do L['Something %s']:format(string) or does it need to be (L['Something %s']):format(string)
15:19.14Wobinlocal to that single iteration of the loop as opposed to the entire run?
15:19.20krkaOverloadUT: both work
15:19.25OverloadUTkrka: Thanks
15:19.29krkathe wrapping in paranthesis is only necessary for literals
15:19.31Industrialif its a string
15:19.41OverloadUTAhhh, okay
15:19.43Industrialer, whats L[] ?
15:19.50Industrial(anything special?)
15:20.05OverloadUTIt's the common way people use AceLocale
15:20.14OverloadUTIt's quite convenient
15:20.20Wobinand unobtrusive
15:20.44krkaWobin: now it's local to the loop body
15:21.09krkat = {} for i = 1, 2 do t[i] = function() return i end end print(t[1](), t[2]())
15:21.12krkasimple test :)
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15:21.27Industrialkrka: hah you are too fast for my hands, I was just typing that out
15:21.33krkathe same test?
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15:21.48krkayou are slow indeed, i even wrote it in emacs and run it
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15:21.55krkathen just copy pasted
15:22.12Wobinrightio, I'm off to bed
15:23.08GrineAKX, one more question, how do I activate the Prat stuff? :P
15:23.23_neuron_does FuBar_DPS normally work or it is not maintained anymore?
15:24.06lys__neuron_: works fine for me
15:24.14_neuron_get an error login in with latest rev
15:24.47malrethhey lookit me! i wrote the same example hella slower than anyone
15:25.56_neuron_Rophy, using latest fubar_dps
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15:27.06Rophy_neuron_: I can't connect to the link
15:27.18_neuron_1 sec
15:27.20OverloadUTDon't you hate it when you aren't completely happy with your text editor and you know there are ones that do the things you want, but you try them out and you're too used to all teh little ways your current one behaves and you can't get yourself to switch? Argh!
15:27.51malrethwhat do you use?
15:28.03trh_OverloadUT: only one solution to it.. delete the old editor and learning the new one the hard way
15:28.31OverloadUTI use TextPad
15:28.52durcynthere's a win32 gvim port, wink wink
15:29.10CIA-1803mysterix * r28643 10FuBar_WindFuryFu/WindFuryFu.lua:
15:29.10CIA-18- Fix for Stormstrike first Hit count
15:29.11CIA-18- Fix for dual-wield windfury (still buggy)
15:29.11CIA-18This is a pre-release, since Teshnor is very bussy at the moment. He will release a final version as soon as possible
15:29.37OverloadUTI got really spoiled by AutoIt's custom version of SciTE - it's so so so nice because it's got code completion for the entire API and it's all hooked in to their help file when you press F1 and stuff.
15:31.21Oridanwhy would you stop using that ?
15:32.11Industrialvim is the only (lets not name 'true') editor!
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15:32.35Industrialall the others are glorified screen readers with menus :P
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15:33.01_neuron_Rophy, did that other link work for ya?
15:33.07Oridanon your recommendation in_der_wueste, i'm going to install vim
15:33.10OverloadUTOridan: Because it's customized for AutoIt, not Lua :(
15:33.11Rophyyes _neuron_
15:33.14OridanIndustrial **
15:33.18OverloadUT(AutoIt being a scripting language)
15:33.21Oridansilly tab-complete
15:33.32Oridanahh ic
15:33.37Industrialmind it has a steep learning curve but :p
15:33.50Industrialit pays off imho
15:34.34Oridanhahah pwn
15:35.03Oridani havent used a cl editor in a long time
15:36.43sbuFunkeh`: hmm any idea whats wrong with karazhan? (small :p) :)
15:37.16Industrialit has a gui, gtk or windows
15:39.44durcynjust remember, hjkl d p :w :q :s are your friends!
15:40.02phyberOridan: 'vimtutor' for a nice introduction to it :)
15:40.13Industrialand :H
15:40.44Industrialand eh, #vim :>
15:40.51Industriali leanrt so much in there by idling
15:45.22Sroshis there a way to setup a trinket macro (e.g. /use 13 ) that shows the correct icon and tooltip for the currently equipped trinket?
15:45.56[Ammo]#show 13
15:45.58evlmaybe #show 13
15:46.00[Ammo]would that work?
15:46.31Sroshunfortunately not, already tried that ^^
15:47.49pastamancerI think #show <slot number> isn't going to work until 2.1
15:47.59pastamancerI'd have to double check the 2.1 thread though
15:49.28Sroshye, seems so
15:49.37Srosh* #show and #showtooltip can be given a slot number, to display the appropriate feedback for that slot
15:49.46Sroshwell, hope patch comes soon then
15:51.25Oridanarg, installing a language pack needs to redownload all the patches :/
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15:56.48OverloadUTDoes pairs() properly check for nil?
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15:57.05OverloadUTThat is, do I need to check my var for nil before trying to do a for k,v in pairs() loop?
15:57.51krkagive example
15:58.03Industrialit will be nil, false, and there until gc'ed i think
15:58.04Oridantry it
15:58.11Industrialnot sure
15:58.31Oridancreate a nil variable and try to do a pairs() on it
15:59.18OverloadUTI need a way to be able to type code in game and execute it
15:59.23OverloadUTWithout /script :P
15:59.31krkaLua 5.1.1  Copyright (C) 1994-2006, PUC-Rio
15:59.31krka> a = pairs(nil)
15:59.31krkastdin:1: bad argument #1 to 'pairs' (table expected, got nil)
15:59.37OverloadUTAh ha!
15:59.48OverloadUTOr I could, you know, install Lua I guess
16:00.04Oridani need to do that too :/
16:00.27OverloadUTI love that to delete an element in a table you can just assign it to nil
16:04.04Fisker-What should i download?
16:04.26Fisker-I need something to saturate my bandwitdh
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16:05.27art3misanything from a torrent site ;P
16:06.05Fisker-only getting 4Mbit/s from
16:07.07Oridanomg, i just found the worlds smallest chocolate covered penuts /gasp
16:07.23art3mishehe i juist noticed the other day that my basic cable is 10m/768, the "boost" package from cable is 30m/5m and now verizon is claiming thier FIOS is faster than cable at 20/5
16:07.33art3misi wonder if fios is worth the money
16:08.06OverloadUTPUZZLE! Is that highlighted line needed?
16:09.06krkaseems like it
16:09.11krkathen again, i haven't seen the bigger context :)
16:09.19Oridani hate to say it, but there was no peanut in my worlds smallest peanut :(
16:09.38OverloadUTBut I thought entry was already set to that table reference, it seems redundant to me...
16:09.45OverloadUTOh wait...
16:09.52OverloadUTI guess if it's nil then it's actually not set
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16:10.08OverloadUTDur of course, that makes sense
16:10.30nevcairielentry is set to the ref, but when you assign something new to entry, it will change entry, but not the actual table
16:11.15CIA-1803next96 * r28644 10Cartographer/Cartographer_Notes/Notes.lua:
16:11.15CIA-18Cartographer :
16:11.15CIA-18- Update locale koKR
16:12.08OverloadUTI love working with Cartographer. It's so easy :P
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16:18.56dottedis there an article or script snippet somewhere on some basic search functionality in lua?
16:19.50Xueriandotted: Searching what?
16:20.53CIA-1803next96 * r28645 10Cartographer/Cartographer_Waypoints/ (CorpsePoint.lua Waypoints.lua):
16:20.53CIA-18- Update locale koKR
16:20.59winkillerThe answer to life, the universe and everythinh
16:21.12CIA-1803xuerian 07XLoot1.0 * r28646 10XLoot/XLoot.lua: XLoot: Fixed event registration error, [most] autolooting.
16:21.25Xuerianthat's the result of a search, or the goal of one.
16:21.29XuerianNot what is being searched :p
16:22.13OverloadUTWell that's the real question now isn't it?
16:22.21OverloadUTWe'll need to build a bigger machine to calculate that.
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16:22.56dottedXuerian text strings etc
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16:24.20Xueriandotted: What pasta said. That and the string recipies, string library, and such pages
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16:25.56Sarozknow the event? :p
16:26.07Sarozon top of your head :)
16:27.17vhaarrIt's probably  CHAT_MSG_SPELL_CREATURE_VS_CREATURE_BUFF.
16:27.57OverloadUTif I do foo = bar[far] and then I do foo = nil, will bar[far] == nil?
16:28.24OverloadUTI get confused about when it actually modifies what it's pointing to and when it simply changes the reference it's pointing to
16:28.55pastamancerOverloadUT: no
16:29.20Oridandoes it depend on if foo is a local var or a pointer ?
16:29.26Oridanand, how would you specify a pointer in lua ?
16:29.30Oridanjust out of interest ^^
16:29.33pastamancerthere are no pointers
16:30.05OverloadUTThere kind of are though... I guess they're called references
16:30.48Oridanso what OverloadUT just said, foo would still equal bar[far] even after bar was set to nil? and what if bar wasnt set to nil, but bar[far] was, would foo then be nil ?
16:31.21JJSheetswhat the foo?
16:31.39Oridanwhat i'm trying to say, is does setting a table to nil, set all its child tables to nil too? or do they remain in memory?
16:31.45Oridani think thats what i mean
16:31.48Oridani havent eaten today
16:31.57CIA-1803ominous * r28647 10FuBar_PaladinTimerFu/RuleSet.lua: FuBar_PaladinTimerFu: added some other spells in Misc
16:32.48JJSheetsall that happens is that variable's reference to the table is cleared... the table still exists and is accessible if any other variable points to it.
16:33.04pastamancerthe only time you'll modify something by reference is when you have foo = { "q" }; bar = foo; bar[1] = "qu"; assert(foo[1] == "qu")
16:34.09JJSheetsprecisely, because bar[1] modifies the variable keyed as 1 in the table that both foo and bar then point to.
16:34.19Oridani see, so how would you instantiate a clone of a var then ?
16:34.30TheKarncreate a table copy method
16:34.36cncfanaticsOridan, I got a method for that
16:34.40Oridanfair enough
16:34.50JJSheetsiterate through all key value pairs of the table and copy them.
16:35.01cncfanatics will do nicely
16:35.11JJSheetswhich may or may not need to recurse and clone "subtables"
16:35.46JJSheetshey cncfanatics I'm working up the functions and api notes you'll need to interface FB2 with Omnibus.
16:36.26cncfanaticsJJSheets, big cheer !
16:36.32cncfanaticsspares me the pain of an editor
16:36.48cncfanatics(hmmm, I got 35kb of own code, and 700kb of libs !)
16:36.54cncfanaticsnormal ? :p
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16:37.19JJSheetsAce2 stuff reuses a lot of those libs I'd bet.
16:38.08cncfanaticsyea, all my addons are ace2, but still :p
16:38.11cncfanaticstons of code
16:39.02Funkeh`Saroz: why do we need that?
16:39.15Funkeh`none mof my guild locks said they needed an announce
16:39.28OverloadUTAnd now the tense wait for WoW to load to see if there are any syntax errors in the code I wrote for the last 2 hours without testing. (spoiler: There will be)
16:39.45Oridanaww you spoilt it!
16:39.46JJSheetsOverloadUT, typos are fun.  :)
16:39.47SarozFunkeh`, so I can scream at the warlocksa
16:40.00cncfanaticshehe, OverloadUT
16:40.21Oridananyone here know anything about cartographer_notes ?
16:40.27XuerianSyntax checking in the editor ftw >_>
16:40.29OverloadUTStupid commas, 'thens', 'ends' and curly brackets! Curse you all!
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16:40.44OverloadUTXuerian: What editor do you use?
16:40.54JJSheets= or == that is the question.
16:40.59Funkeh`Saroz: well if it _helps_ and it isn't spammy then add it
16:41.01dottedcncfanatics seen MountMe? 18.7 kB code, 1.06 MB Libs :p
16:41.06Funkeh`but make the announce message a bit shorter
16:41.06XuerianOverloadUT: UltraEdit with user tools setup for the lua binaries... I imagine many others can do the same, like Vim
16:41.51SarozFunkeh` "Wild Felhunter being summoned"
16:42.12Funkeh`just Felhunter would do
16:42.18Funkeh`..being summoned
16:42.40Sarozwill test tonight if we have enough slackers online :p
16:42.52cncfanaticsdotted: lol
16:42.55BarbanusGod dammit
16:43.05Barbanusall of the new mp5 enchants are bugged
16:43.15Barbanuslike the 6 mp5 to chest
16:43.19Barbanusit does nothing at all
16:43.35Barbanusdoesnt add it to your char window .. and doesnt actually provide any more regen
16:43.52cncfanaticsI want one
16:44.09Oridanlocal k1 = ...
16:44.13Oridan^^ what on earth does that mean
16:44.14gnorlishsame for the head enchant
16:44.19Oridanthe triple dots
16:44.20gnorlish7mp5 and 35 healing
16:44.29gnorlishthe mp5 does nada
16:44.30Barbanusgnorlish, yep.
16:44.47gnorlishmy poor shaman is crying salty cow tears
16:45.28Sarozwhere do cows go when they die?
16:45.39CIA-1803jjsheets * r28648 10Omnibus/Omnibus.lua:
16:45.39CIA-18Omnibus: Added functions for ease of use with external programs. Added a short
16:45.39CIA-18comment in the beginning of Omnibus.lua to describe the functions best used to
16:45.39CIA-18show, execute, and create new pages, and to create new folios from another
16:45.40vhaarrOridan: Perhaps you should read the PIL.
16:45.49JJSheetscncfanatics, there you go
16:46.06cncfanaticsJJSheets, mind linking ? :)
16:46.12gnorlishmy shaman's will requests she be used to feed the hungry orphans of orgrimmar
16:48.06CIA-1803trh * r28649 10VanasKoS/ (16 files in 3 dirs):
16:48.06CIA-18- Distributed Tracking
16:48.06CIA-18- started to modularize code
16:48.06CIA-18- started to clean up the code
16:48.17Oridanvhaarr, i get that ... in a function declaration means variable number of args, and that any args get put into "arg" for later processing, but assigning a variable to ... ?
16:48.19JJSheetscncfanatics, the zip file hasn't been autocreated yet from what I see, you'll have to grab it from the svn or wait till it shows up at as
16:48.37durcynthe zip script runs on a 20 minute cron, fyi
16:49.09Oridanis k1 = ... the same as k1 = arg ?
16:49.10JJSheetsnow, I gotta get to work.... I'll hopefully be back online in about 8 or 9 hours.
16:49.22JJSheetsadios ya'll
16:49.39cncfanaticsok JJSheets
16:52.00CIA-1803trh * r28650 10VanasKoS/VanasKoSCore.xml: VanasKoS: file isn't needed anymore
16:54.19Grollis there any addon that sets all profiles on ace addons to a certain one? ie like all addons get one profile for hunter and one for shammy etc. right now i have to set them all manually it seems.. which totally blows kinda :/
16:54.50Oridanmm i found that too, would be handy
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16:55.40Grolli didnt know this and totally fucked up my shammy ui when i was organizing my hunter one
16:55.49Grolleverything should be char based
16:56.35Grolli was kinda sure it was char based and not in some other wierd way.. :/
16:56.48Oridansays profile isnt a valid option for ace2
16:56.52durcynby default everything is "default"
16:57.07Grollyes exactly.. default should be by character
16:58.14GagorianWell, some addons should be character by default while others should share the profile
16:58.21Oridangroll let me know if you have problems with disabled addons in fubar still showing up on the minimap
16:58.30Oridanif you use fubar i mean
16:58.36GagorianActionbars and unitframes should be by character but generic stuff default
16:59.02GrollOridan so far i havent seen anything like that
16:59.11GrollGagorian no very wrong there
16:59.19Grollactionbars should definately be by char
16:59.27Grollcause chars' dont use the same bars
16:59.30GagorianRead again please
16:59.50Grolloh sorry :P
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17:02.37shieldbhmm.. is there a way to determine if the instance you're in is on heroic mode vs. normal mode without doing something like checking for the presence of a raid lockout timer on a nonraid instance?
17:03.21vhaarrshieldb: GetCurrentDungeonDifficulty()
17:03.41shieldbvhaarr, <3
17:03.56phyberGetInstanceDifficulty() ?
17:04.17phyberthat GetCurrentDungeonDifficulty() isn't on wowwiki.
17:04.37CIA-1803trh * r28651 10VanasKoS/readme.txt: VanasKoS: some explanations added
17:04.49phyberDifficulty: 1 normal
17:04.49phyber2 heroic
17:04.50phyber3 epic
17:04.54phyberepic dungeons?  heh
17:05.19shieldbI guess epic mode is where all the trash hits for 15k and the bosses are about the same as on normal
17:05.37nevcairielepic is not implemented yet
17:05.53shieldbYeah I know, sarcasm doesn't carry well in IRC >.>
17:06.12GagorianWell some heroic mobs nearly hit for 15k :p
17:06.14phyberexalted rep and 27 keys needed to get down the corridor that leads to those instances!
17:06.32GagorianWTB Bigger keyring
17:06.50Yinchieit grows bigger automatic
17:06.53trh_Gagorian: that keyring is infinite, how to make it infinite+1? :)
17:07.02shieldbI was mainly referring to the way that blizzard has implemented heroic: damage = damage*heroic modifier
17:07.19shieldbYou can force the keyring to get bigger by moving a key to the last slot of your keyring bag :P
17:07.21GagorianInfinite now? Better get some more keys to test then!
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17:07.44shieldbAnd then you can keep moving the one key to the new 'last slot' until you get tired of it
17:07.49trh_shieldb: but i do think the ui has a limitation on maximum slots.... :)
17:08.05shieldbtrh_, I've only gone up to a 40 or so slot keyring
17:08.10shieldbafter that I got tired of it
17:08.15tOD-UnduDidn't they fix the keyring bug?
17:08.28neeneeI can't reproduce that shieldb
17:08.36Elkanonow I know again what I wanted to request for Baggins: (bank) bag slots
17:08.49shieldbI last tried in 2.06 or so shortly after BC came out
17:08.52CIA-1803ominous * r28652 10FuBar_PaladinTimerFu/ (Bars/Misc.lua Core.lua FuBar_PaladinTimerFu.toc): FuBar_PaladinTimerFu: oops added file
17:09.10GagorianWell yeah I thought it was capped to 16 or something.. and I got 15 keys :l
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17:16.37CIA-1803rabbit * r28653 10DeuceLog/ (DeuceLog.lua DeuceLog.toc libs/): DeuceLog: First attempt at Parser-3.0 conversion.
17:17.29Distruktion[Direwhat kinda mod do ineed to get to move the "guards remaining" thing
17:17.33Distruktion[Direor any pvp objective thing
17:22.00durcynsimpleminimap has a Capture mover included, but you'll want something like Visor to move the objective frame
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17:39.56OverloadUTDoes setting a table index to ['*'] have a special meaning?
17:42.23trh_didn't it meant default-setting?
17:42.29trh_at least in acedb
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17:44.12HjalteThe instance loot in Cartographer updates itself as you kill the bosses with new loot if it hasnt seen it before?
17:45.36OverloadUTOh yeah I meant acedb
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17:47.25Slayma1heyo fellas!
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17:52.02Hjalteckknight: If Heroic loot was to be added in a 'proper' way to Cartographer, i guess it would have to start in PT3, right?
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17:53.07Shaminohey there.  who would i direct a AceAddon-2.0  question to ?
17:53.43vhaarrHjalte: yes
17:53.47vhaarrShamino: this channel
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17:55.11Shaminook.  i'd like to enchance it so that it could support enable/disable of multiple addons.  ie...    /ace2 enable <addon1> <addon2> <addon3>  etc...    firstly ,   any objection?  secondly, should i use a new command, like enableList?  
17:55.18snurre[2007/02/21 18:53:50-420-x2]: oRA2_Optional\PlayerTarget.lua:1546: 'for' limit must be a number
17:55.41vhaarrShamino: No objection, and no, use the same command.
17:56.55XuerianShamino: Just remember that Ace2 is locked on the svn, you'll have to get someone to commit it
17:57.22Shaminoi don't have SVN anyways. once complete i'll post a forum topic so someone can commit it
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17:58.32[Ammo]snurre: you probably have nonlod and lod oRA2 modules installed
17:59.09vhaarrShamino: Remember to use the input type on the AceOptions table, don't rx the addons out yourself.
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18:01.54Shaminovhaarr: srry i got dc'ed incase u responded
18:02.01vhaarrShamino: No objection, and no, use the same command.
18:02.03vhaarrShamino: Remember to use the input type on the AceOptions table, don't rx the addons out yourself.
18:02.08CIA-1803phyber * r28654 10XPBarNone/XPBarNone.toc:
18:02.09CIA-18- Add Waterfall-1.0 to the TOC.
18:02.50Shaminovhaarr:  can you point me to the proper input type ?   i don't see one in the documentation that would parse this
18:04.04Shaminovhaarr: oh nevermind,  its still text type, just add the [input] attribute as true
18:04.11ArilawWaterfall sure is getting more popular. :o
18:04.31phyberArilaw: I added it a few days ago, but I forgot the TOC entry ;)
18:04.46snurreanyone know what's breaking ora mt frames?
18:05.06Punkie`snurre is it the transparacy ?
18:05.08Arilawsnurre: oRA has been broken for a while now.
18:05.17ArilawIt explodes when I form a raid. :(
18:05.25Hjaltesnurre, delete the ora2 folders in your addon folder and get it again from - don't use WAU or the unpack thingie inside ora2.
18:05.39ArilawHjalte: Is WAU breaking it?
18:05.54HjalteWell, WAU unpacks the folders, that breaks it.
18:07.01ArilawSo is it a WAU problem or an addon packaging problem?
18:07.49CIA-1803rophy * r28655 10ParserLib/ParserLib-1.1/ParserLib.lua:
18:07.50CIA-18- Added more TBC new patterns.
18:07.50CIA-18- Fixed nil error when upgrading minor version.
18:07.50CIA-18- Fixed nil error on MapPatternInfo().
18:09.47Kirkburn|afkCIA... 18? Has it had a birthday?
18:10.45ArilawIt means you need more fonts.
18:10.49trh_and i always thought the cia was "born" in 1947
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18:14.46Kirkburn|afkJust so I'm certain - CBRipoff is essentially oCB pre-removal?
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18:18.15OverloadUTWTB unique QuestIDs
18:19.18cncfanaticsis there an ace mod like expensehistory ?
18:19.40Feldiamoney_fu has a few of the same features
18:19.41Feldiabut not all
18:20.17OverloadUTIt's been a while since I've used it, but I think it does the same thing
18:20.31OverloadUTSince I've used ExpenseHistory I mean
18:22.05CIA-1803ominous * r28656 10FuBar_DruidTimerFu/ (20 files in 4 dirs): FuBar_DruidTimerFu: Initial Import
18:22.38HjalteKirkburn|afk: Does CBRipoff have a feature to show the name of the target on the castbar?
18:22.52Kirkburn|afkI don't know!
18:23.08Kirkburn|afkI was the one asking what it's like :P
18:23.20HjalteI thought you tried it out afterwards :p
18:23.31Kirkburn|afkNot yet :)
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18:24.47CIA-1803ominous * r28657 10FuBar_DruidTimerFu/: FuBar_DruidTimerFu: added externals
18:26.01hasteKirkburn|afk: it is afaik
18:26.04CIA-1803ominous * r28658 10FuBar_DruidTimerFu/Core.lua: FuBar_DruidTimerFu: oops added keywords
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18:26.16Kirkburn|afkkk, thanks haste :)
18:27.21CIA-1803ominous * r28659 10FuBar_DruidTimerFu/Core.lua: FuBar_DruidTimerFu: Sigh forgot to un-comment about dissabling if not druid
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18:30.10CIA-1803trh * r28660 10VanasKoS/license.txt: VanasKoS: license added (Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5)
18:30.27mexicaanHi, it it possible to somehow bind a macro to whenever I rightclick a mob to attack it?
18:30.32cncfanaticssaw VanasKoS spam all day already, what is it ?
18:30.39CIA-1803oridan * r28661 10Cartographer_Import/ (Cartographer_Import.toc GatherNodes.lua Import.lua):
18:30.39CIA-18- Added support for Gatherer dbVersion 2
18:30.39CIA-18- Added auto detection of gatherer dbVersion
18:30.45trh_cncfanatics: kos-management tool :)
18:31.05trh_cncfanatics: but so far it spammed only 3 times iirc :)
18:31.54cncfanaticsmore for sure !
18:32.11trh_cncfanatics: but prolly not today :)
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18:37.33Distruktion[Direwho told me visor was a good addon to move the pvp objectives?
18:37.51OverloadUTIt depends if you're going to get mad or be happy
18:38.01OverloadUTIf it's the latter then uh... yeah... it was me!
18:38.03Distruktion[Direlol, i was just wanting to know the /commands
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18:38.11OverloadUTIn that case it wasn't me :P
18:38.30trh_tried /visor?
18:38.43Distruktion[Diredidnt do anything
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18:39.25Distruktion[Dire1 more question :P, does cartograph_miner keep track of the veins i hit?
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18:39.40trh_but only of the ones you can hit
18:39.42Distruktion[Diregoody, now to find loads of silver
18:40.17trh_Distruktion[Dire: its /vz or /visor2
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18:40.47durcynDistruktion[Dire: you might want to check out visorgui too.  it makes things a little less painful.
18:41.13Distruktion[Direyeah, i got that aswell durcyn
18:41.22Grollanyone noticed a problem with not getting the this loot is bop sign when getting a bop drop when ur soloing?
18:41.33durcynthen /vzg
18:41.39trh_Groll: nope
18:41.46durcynGroll: are you using a loot mod that skips bop when solo?
18:41.47trh_Groll: oh soloing, yes
18:41.54Oridananyone know how to use bartender ?
18:41.56Grolldurcyn think so
18:41.57trh_Groll: but it doesn't matter there anyway?
18:42.03Oridani mean, is it customisable ?
18:42.05Grollautomaton i think
18:42.14durcynGroll: well, there you go.
18:42.28Grollthing is i didnt get the sign but at the same time didnt get the item.. unless i doubleclicked the mob
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18:42.46Grollcould be xloot to i guess
18:42.51durcynthe way auto-bop works is to actually push the button for you, there's no reason the loot shouldn't complete
18:43.06GrollXuerian :P
18:43.12XuerianNo, it's not XLoot
18:43.13Grollbut i doubt it :P
18:43.16Grollok good :P
18:43.25XuerianAutoBOP is shoulders deep in code to do that, I'm not going to do that with xloot
18:43.58trh_Xuerian: would be gnome-shoulder-deep? ;)
18:43.58Grollwell i didnt ask for it :P i thought it somehow could be xloot that interfered with the looting kinda
18:44.17HjalteGroll: Using Automaton?
18:44.23GrollHjalte yes
18:44.31HjalteLook at the options.
18:44.47Grollya will do that but i'm not sure what addon if any it is that causes it
18:45.00XuerianAutomaton does it? Good, I can point that to anyone who asks >_>
18:45.14Xueriantrh_: If we're going in gnome-lengths, I'd say a couple whole gnomes.
18:45.26trh_Xuerian: sounds like "blame the hunter" ;)
18:45.43Xueriantrh_: Don't need any special occasion for that. :)
18:45.52weabyes, automaton will suppress confirm dialog for BOP when you're solo
18:46.14trh_Xuerian: i do think the whole world should stop measuring in miles or kiloeters, just gnome-lengths
18:46.20weabbut looting an item requires hardware, so you still have to actually click on the item itself in the loot window
18:46.33Xueriantrh_: Excellent idea.
18:46.50XuerianThe interesting thing is, though
18:46.55XuerianYou can macro clicks now...
18:47.41weabwell, i kinda like it the way it is anyway.
18:47.48Grollwhich addon is better.. postal or postman.. if anyone tried both that is :)
18:48.22Xuerianweab: I don't mean it as a replacement, I mean like, for rogue stealth mode, slot /click XLootButton1 next to Pickpocket :P
18:50.54neeneeGroll: Try both. Which is better is most often individual taste.
18:50.57weabah, i follow. blizzard's autoloot works for pickpocket if you didn't know
18:51.09Xuerianheh, no I didn't.
18:51.16Grollneenee ya i know but argh :P i'm lazy :P
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18:51.41neeneeGroll: Then pick one and use it :)
18:51.44neeneeThat's the laziest option
18:51.50neeneeAsking questions takes effort too :)
18:51.56Grolllol :P
18:52.02*** join/#wowace Bleeter_ (n=Bleeter@guifications/developer/bleeter)
18:52.35binderis there a 28 slot herb bag?
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18:54.30trh_binder: i don't think so
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18:56.39binderbleh so stupid
18:56.42binderthere's 28 mining
18:56.57trh_guess they'll add it sooner or later
18:57.13trh_more likely to be later... after all.. its blizzard
18:57.26durcynif it exists, it's a rare drop pattern somewhere
18:58.42NeoTrondoes anyone know a view of profession recipes
18:58.54*** join/#wowace ggilbert (
18:59.08NeoTronthat shows a list of vendor patterns, where you buy them, what is required (reputation etc) and such?
18:59.20NeoTronthottbot, allakhazam and wowhead doesn't seem to have such lists
18:59.34NeoTronalso include locations of BoP drops in a nice fashion
19:00.47*** join/#wowace Bleeter__ (
19:01.08ckknighthey all
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19:01.53XuerianOy, ck.
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19:09.35binderi think cartographer gets an update like every 2 minutes
19:09.52Shaminovhaarr: i've made the update to AceAddon and posted the code at
19:10.24vhaarrShamino: Use a diff tool.
19:11.53Shaminovhaarr: u want me to post the unix diff instead of the replaced code ?
19:12.13trh_theres a wowsvn diff function :)
19:12.31Shaminoi'm not setup on the svn.  
19:13.14vhaarrShamino: Yeah, a unified diff.
19:14.38Shaminovhaarr: ok the diff is posted.  Ace2-r28223 was used as a base
19:15.52*** join/#wowace Eggi|afk (
19:15.52vhaarrShamino_: diff -u gives unified diffs.
19:16.31Xuerianvhaarr: If you're planning to add something to Ace2, could you slip this in too? Ck ok'd it yesterday, but never did add it after I posted the link <.<...
19:16.44*** join/#wowace Shamino__ (n=chatzill@
19:17.10vhaarrXuerian: Later, I'm a bit busy now, but yeah.
19:17.16Xuerianvhaarr: Thanky =D
19:18.17*** join/#wowace Meiun| (
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19:19.31CIA-1803oridan * r28662 10ParserLib/ParserLib-1.1/ParserLib.lua:
19:20.46Oridan^^ i hope nobody minds that fix, it was breaking half my addons
19:21.03Funkeh`i do
19:21.07XuerianRophy would be the one to ask, Oridan O_o
19:21.07Funkeh`how dare you
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19:21.22Funkeh`adding commnas to a mod
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19:21.35Oridani actually feel ashamed, i really do.. normally i ask first :$
19:22.13Oridanits just 2 lines (table declarations) had broken syntax: EG: patternInfo = { "hit", ParserLib_NONE, ParserLib_SELF, 3, 1, 2, false true, false }
19:22.20Oridanmissing comma after false ^^
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19:28.11XuerianI wouldn't sweat it, Oridan :P
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19:29.13Finhow comes all the addons listed on link to ? is that deliberate?
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19:29.49Xuerian*/files was the original place.
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19:31.11Distruktion[Direwhat level skinning do you have to have per level mob
19:31.42Distruktion[Dire.5? or 5.
19:31.54Distruktion[Direand what level does it start
19:32.06GagorianWouldn't .5 be a bit silly.. don't we agree?
19:33.49durcynthink about it for a minute.  what's 300 divided by 60?
19:34.13OverloadUT|WorkNo wait, pi
19:34.19OverloadUT|WorkI've always been bad at this!
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19:35.11CIA-1803phyber * r28663 10XPBarNone/Core.lua:
19:35.12CIA-18- Removed some pointless parenthesis.
19:35.12CIA-18- Return after setting the watched faction in auto watch. We don't need to loop anymore after we set it.
19:36.34*** join/#wowace Shamino__ (n=chatzill@
19:37.21hastebut pointless parenthesis are nice :(
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20:06.32OverloadUT|WorkWho does Cart_Waypoints?
20:07.17ClickmandooWhat do you think of this UI?
20:08.23OverloadUT|WorkI think it perfectly suits the needs of the person who made it ;)
20:08.41Clickmandoo:) Why thank you.
20:10.43*** part/#wowace Wing87 (
20:13.53RaydenUnii should look into moving my unitframe into the middle
20:14.26deltronnice and clean
20:14.47deltronI don't have mine in the middle due to me having yata in the middle
20:15.13KolthWhat unit frames are those Clickmandoo?
20:15.47arduranhave to go off for today
20:15.53ardurancya tomorrow guys
20:15.54KolthOh, didn't know they could look like that.
20:16.11deltroni'll show you mine
20:16.18KolthPlease do.
20:16.40RaydenUni <-- my current UI
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20:16.58RaydenUniClickmandoo which aguf style?
20:17.13RaydenUniand what is doing the casting bar?
20:17.15deltron <-- aguf, shows my portrait also
20:17.37deltronmy frames are colored by class, and turn red if they currently have aggro
20:17.42KolthIs there a vertical buff mod for Ace2?
20:18.24RaydenUnivertical buff mod?
20:18.25deltronKolth: look at my screen like my buffs there?
20:18.56RaydenUnii like the icons i think
20:18.58KolthKinda. I've always preferred Cosmos' BuffOptions.
20:19.05RaydenUniwhat mod do you use to set up the black area Clickmandoo
20:19.43deltronKolth: elkbuffbar
20:19.45ZealotOnAStickNot Ace2, not yet.  ElkanoBuffBar does that, but it's Ace1 I think.
20:20.29Kolththanks del
20:21.01deltronunitactionbars new?
20:21.07RaydenUnihttp:// <-- what sets up the black area on the bottom?
20:21.43deltronprobably visor with a skin
20:21.43XuerianRaydenUni: Skinner - Bottomframe
20:21.46ckknightRaydenUni: that's Skinner's bottomframe
20:22.18RaydenUnifound it
20:23.04RaydenUnii need to work on making my UI more minimal
20:23.07RaydenUnipretty crowded righ tnow
20:23.26deltronheh did you look at mine? :P
20:23.40RaydenUninot so minimal :P
20:23.57deltroni should get a raid screenshot
20:24.06RaydenUnii like Clickmandoo's, but as a priest i need stuff he doesn't need
20:24.17Slayma1anyone of you fellow member of the Ace Community caught the idea to create a little something to count the extracrafted pots/elixirs/transmutes somehow?
20:24.18RaydenUniso skinner is standalone? no modules for it?
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20:24.57RaydenUnihttp:// <-- the casting bar is that aguf?
20:25.13durcynRaydenUni: skinner has optional support for addons, look at the AddonSkins\SkinMe directories
20:25.26durcynthe implimentation is kind of shitty - you have to copy the lua files over to SkinMe for things you want skinned
20:25.42deltronno that's not
20:25.48ClickmandooIm sorry anone want to know about my UI
20:25.59RaydenUniright now i just have my castbar inside aguf
20:26.29RaydenUnickknight RaydenUni: that's Skinner's bottomframe <-- so that is built into skinner?
20:26.43RaydenUniyeah Clickmandoo what sets up your casting bar?
20:26.54RaydenUniand which aguf style are you using?
20:27.27Clickmandoowell casting bar is CBRipoff
20:27.52ClickmandooABF is frame style
20:28.33Clickmandooim now uploading my UI 1280x1024 to a website
20:28.43Clickmandooso if you want my UI pst in irc
20:28.56RaydenUnithe whole setup? nah
20:29.01LiquidEnforcerI posted my ui....then I realized it was thw wrong channel :/
20:29.31deltronlol nice font
20:29.40*** part/#wowace Amadeo (
20:29.56RaydenUnithat's the default font
20:29.57RaydenUniit sucks
20:29.58LiquidEnforcerfonts are for reading mmmk
20:30.08RaydenUnimik's battle text
20:30.25deltronoh don't use that, i use sct
20:30.33XuerianThat's actually a nice crit font
20:30.34deltronis that a yata config there?
20:30.41LiquidEnforcerI used SCT for forever, but MSBT throttling owns
20:31.00XuerianYellowjacket works much better for normal damage :p
20:31.07RaydenUnii'll have to mess around with skinner
20:31.21LiquidEnforcernot yata
20:31.39deltroncall of elements?
20:31.44XuerianRaydenUni: Another one of the fonts included with MSBT
20:31.58RaydenUnii haven't looked into changing the font
20:32.00RaydenUnii just got it
20:32.07ckknightLiquidEnforcer: throttling?
20:32.21*** part/#wowace axxo (n=axxo@gentoo/developer/axxo)
20:32.27LiquidEnforcerDamage throttling
20:32.29RaydenUniif you put a dot you can set throttling to 3 seconds, and every 3 seconds it will tell you how much dmg the dot has does
20:32.39ckknightLiquidEnforcer: don't know what that means
20:32.45RaydenUniso if you cast multiple dot's you don't get a constant stream of text
20:32.49LiquidEnforcerIt takes, say 10 different damage messages from an aoe and adds them up and displays the total damage
20:32.55RaydenUnithere is a video on MSBT
20:32.57RaydenUniits really good
20:33.30RaydenUniuses divx web player
20:33.35RaydenUniso you'd have to install that
20:33.44RaydenUnigreat video though, shows you how to set up stuff
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20:33.45deltronLiquidEnforcer: does totem manager show cooldowns of your totems?
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20:34.37RaydenUniwell, time to study for final
20:34.47LiquidEnforcerFor whoever asked, it shows the standard cooldown timer thing on the totem button
20:35.40deltroni love yata though :)
20:35.50LiquidEnforcerOmniCC seems to not work though :(
20:36.30LiquidEnforcerI tried yata and lots of different totem bars, this one fit my style the most
20:37.04deltroni'll check it out when I get home
20:37.05Tornhoofomnicc won
20:37.16deltronI used to be a big fan of call of elements
20:37.16RaydenUnicool, there is a BattleChat skin with skinner
20:37.31Tornhoofafaik omnicc just works with normal  actionbuttons properly
20:37.59ilifinI'm using omnicc
20:38.13ilifinfor like every single button mod I got
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20:39.36LiquidEnforcerTrllian is awesome, but wtf when I hit esc does it close the channel :(
20:40.46OverloadUT|WorkI have to say the most annoying typo is when I typo self:Debug()
20:40.48RaydenUniwhat's the difference between aUF_RangeCheck and aUF_RangeCheck_M ?
20:41.43deltron2 different mod writers
20:41.59SkorcherXyeah trillian rocks
20:42.08SkorcherXthe new alpha is really really neat.. though its a bit buggy
20:42.37SkorcherXspikes 100% cpu usage every few seconds.. thats annoying to say the least.. enough so to keep me from using it.. but other than that.. its a great peice of software
20:43.21CIA-1803takadi * r28664 10Henge/ (Button.lua Modules/StoneHenge/StoneHenge.lua): Henge: Fix a stupid bug in Button.lua (was trying to update menu button icon before the children were created)
20:44.02XuerianAstra alpha is out?
20:44.17Grollwhat's the macro command to target teh nearest enemy=
20:44.26Gngsk_I'll give you one guess
20:44.50Grolli cant find the darn thing and the /targetnearestenemy or version there of didnt work :S
20:45.20Gngskoh wow
20:45.23Gngskused to work
20:45.35Gngskmaybe they shrinked it to /targetenemy?
20:45.38Grollya i know.. and i checked that i didnt misstype the thing
20:45.44LiquidEnforcerto attend class or not to attend, that is the question
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20:46.05LiquidEnforcerthink ill skip, but what to do with the time
20:48.04GagorianMake a simple but useful addon
20:48.40RaydenUniSkorcherX spikes 100% cpu usage every few seconds.. thats annoying to say the least.. enough so to keep me from using it.. but other than that.. its a great peice of software <-- :O
20:49.32LiquidEnforcerImusing vista, so i dont notice CPS spikes because my cpu is pretty  much always at 100%
20:49.40RaydenUnidoing what?
20:50.05LiquidEnforceri think its plotting to kill humanity
20:50.10LiquidEnforcerAllow or Cancel?
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20:53.53Kirkburn|afkWhat the hell is up with your install of Vista?! :O
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20:54.41LiquidEnforcerIts on an anlienware Laptop with SLI and AW/nVidia hasnt release freaking SLI drivers for vista
20:55.01Arrowmasterive been meaning to switch away from trillian for a while
20:55.46Arrowmasteri feel sorry for the people that actually paid for it and havent gotten an update in what 3+ years?
20:56.02LiquidEnforcerupdate for what? its working...
20:56.07Arrowmastermine isnt
20:56.11Arrowmastercant logon to msn
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20:56.30LiquidEnforcerdid you pay for it? because i did and mines working
20:56.56Arrowmastertheres a lot of people on the trillian forums saying there msn doesnt work
20:57.02Arrowmasterpeople that paid for it
20:57.05Shaminovhaarr:  i've updated the post with the unified diff, let me know if thats what you are looking for
20:57.12Fisker-why pay for stuff that's free? :O
20:57.31LiquidEnforcerI like to support people that make a product I like
20:58.16vhaarrShamino: that's better
20:58.18OverloadUT|WorkWhat part of Ace2 gives you /dump?
20:58.26Shaminovhaarr:    :) good
20:58.46OverloadUT|WorkAceDebug should have a table dump function :(
20:59.58ckknightOverloadUT: /print
21:00.04vhaarrOverloadUT: /print works fine for tables.
21:00.14*** join/#wowace kosalap (
21:00.43OverloadUT|WorkBut will :Print dump a table?
21:00.49ckknight:PrintLiteral will
21:00.50NeoTronwonder how accurate it is
21:00.52OverloadUT|WorkAhh, okay
21:00.58XuerianPrintLiteral is joygasm
21:01.12XuerianAs soon as it can *return* what it prints, it'll be even better.
21:01.42ckknightyea, I've been playing WoW...
21:02.20XuerianLol. I made a diff and gave it to vhaarr, who has promised to put it in sometime soon :P
21:02.45XuerianI had fun printing entire frame trees to tinypad though.
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21:09.08RaydenUniinteresting warlock page
21:09.14RaydenUniany of those for other classes?
21:09.16sbuhm ckknight - do you think some multi-page display for instancemap layers would be useful? maps are bit small at the moment ;)
21:09.36dottedRaydenUni rogues
21:09.43ckknightsbu: no
21:09.53ckknighttoo complex, especially for putting notes in
21:09.59sbuah ok
21:10.20evlCan't like ParserLib and Parser-3.0 merge+
21:10.21sbupossible to make them larger? (add inches etc.. you know)
21:10.30evlSeems sorta stupid maintaining two libraries that do the same thing :P
21:10.51LiquidEnforcerHey, Ive seen a few UIs with the combat logusing spell icons, anyone know what mod that is?
21:10.54Arrowmasterevl: i was under the impression that 3.0 was still in development
21:11.29LiquidEnforceruse your creative skills and separate the 2 words
21:11.49RaydenUnii was thinking it was one word
21:12.18evlArrowmaster: well at some point later then, just seems unnecessary running two libraries listening for the same events to accomplish roughly the same thing
21:12.53Arrowmasteryeah thats usually the entire point of new major revisions
21:13.59Arrowmasterand they wont merge, youll just have to waite for the authors of all the addons you have that use parserlib to upgrade to parser-3.0
21:14.37dottedwhats the main difference between the two anyways?
21:15.34Arrowmasteri thinks theres some major functional differences in how theyre accessed by addons
21:15.43ckknightevl: I maintain Parser-3.0, I don't maintain ParserLib
21:15.46ckknightdotted: API
21:15.49ckknightalright, gtg
21:16.18Finckknight: who maintains I'm curious who comes up with all the neat stuff like latest.xml and basically the whole thing :)
21:16.22Fisker-see you ckknight
21:16.35Fisker-Fin mainly Kaelten
21:16.41Finah, k. thanks.
21:17.53LiquidEnforcerI found it! Its eaves
21:19.10CryectHmmm anyone know what could result in tinsert complaining if I give it a string instead of a number for the second argument?
21:19.18binderhow the hell does ckknight have any time to play when he's updating cartographer every 5 minutes
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21:19.38Fisker-I need faster downloadsz0rz
21:19.50vhaarrCryect: you're probably trying to insert more than one argument
21:20.11Cryectdamn yeah I hadn't thought of the function I was calling was returning more than one arg
21:20.12dottedbinder multitasking :p
21:20.50Cryectyep, heh forgot UnitName returned the realm as well as the player name
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21:27.25bindercorpseway gave me cancer
21:28.02Arrowmastercorpseway gave me a bunch of skulls all over my map
21:28.08binderwtb a mod to remove corpseway skulls
21:28.08*** join/#wowace Saint-N (
21:28.26binderit's probably your guildies that have it installed
21:28.30binderthat are giving you the skulls
21:28.33Arrowmasterit is
21:28.37binderwhich we thought it was funny
21:28.46binderuntil I couldn't find herbs and my bg maps were skulls
21:28.49Arrowmasterive had to resort to disabling accepting of general notes all together
21:29.02binderthe author was on last night
21:29.04binderhe's going to fix it
21:29.24Arrowmasterwhich i found out causes all notes to be rejected, even ones i have set to be accepted
21:29.42sedatedChipmunkit's not my fault!
21:29.42binderhe feels bad about it
21:29.46binderthere he is
21:30.02Saint-Nbad hyper!
21:30.31Saint-Ni wonder if fat  lazy chipmunks exist
21:30.38hyperChipmunkI still claim innocence
21:30.48Saint-Ncuz i dont think ive ever seen one
21:30.57binderI have seen them
21:31.00binderat the zoo
21:31.04bindernot in cages
21:31.15binderbut running around the places you eat whle at teh zoo
21:31.16Saint-Ni was just in the middle of typing "not at the zoo"
21:31.21hyperChipmunkit should have been made obvious that the AddNote function broadcasts it to everybody in the universe for no good reason
21:31.29binderpeople feed them and they're really tame and fat
21:31.50binderplease write a mod, that deletes all notes created by Corpseway
21:31.54Saint-Ni got attacked by a chipmunk once it was a scrawny tailed HUGE headed fear of nature
21:32.15binderno reason for a comma there but whatever
21:32.31*** part/#wowace UFO64 (
21:32.38Saint-Npunctuation is only important in code and school books ;P
21:32.59binderpointer -->
21:32.59binderSTOP 0.
21:33.00Saint-Nhell i firmly believe it would take me 3/4's of a book to notice it had no punctuation
21:33.02hyperChipmunki'll see about getting a cleanup in on carto init
21:33.18binderwe're going to pvp all weekend
21:33.21binderwith corpseway
21:33.25binderand screenshot sunday night
21:34.01Saint-Nyer famous hypert ;)
21:34.03bindereye of the storm looks awesome
21:34.06bindereye of the skull
21:34.32binderactually the skulls would be cool
21:34.36binderif you could toggle them
21:34.43binderand if it said the name of the person that died
21:34.47binderthat would own
21:34.53Saint-Nget everyone to die in a pattern ;P
21:35.06hyperChipmunkit doesn't, because it was never supposed to be visible to anyone
21:35.16binderit would be cooler
21:35.20binderif you rewrote
21:35.41binderthe mod to make the skull, make them toggle-able, and left the persons name
21:35.48Arrowmasterim tempted to enable sending of general notes now and go hellfire myself to death somewhere and write out "HI MOM"
21:35.51bindermy friends leveling on vent
21:35.58Arrowmasteror something equally as stupid
21:36.01binder"I just made another skull lol"
21:36.02Saint-Nheh arrow
21:36.21binderdo it
21:36.24binderwe want the mod
21:36.39hyperChipmunkactually, it'd be an interesting statistical analysis; I want to see what you have by sunday
21:36.50hyperChipmunkwe'll call it, DeathPlot
21:36.51binderyou gotta remember
21:37.01ArilawDoes the final WAU still break oRA?
21:37.09binderI spent 2.5 hours deleting skulls
21:37.26bindermy friends die a lot
21:37.31Saint-Nwell that was pretty retarded ;)
21:37.32hyperChipmunkprobably easier if you'd just deleted them out of the SV
21:37.58binderI know nothing about this stuff :P
21:38.06SkorcherXLiquidEnforcer: ha me too (using vista) and yeah its a bit of a hog.. but man is it pretty!  All i do is school work and play wow.. and my system is stout enough to do both in vista so im not complaining
21:38.11binderonly thing I've ever done is change a number in a toc
21:38.42Saint-Nwow thats some mighty fine lag ya got there skorched
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21:39.06binderAre you guys all WoW-EU?
21:39.19LiquidEnforcerI like playing wow, recording tv on WMC and watching recorded shows at the same time
21:39.40bindermy wow tears if I watch video while playing
21:39.48OverloadUT|WorkMe too
21:39.53bindera video player mod in wow
21:40.10OverloadUT|WorkWindow with a color to use as an overlay ;)
21:40.13OverloadUT|WorkMaybe that doesn't work
21:40.21LiquidEnforcerI either put it on my laptop monitor and use my 24" for wow or have it on top of wow
21:40.39binderI have 2 monitors, if one of them has video playing, wow tears
21:41.20revvbinder:  Using MPC?
21:41.24binderwow tearing + pvp = more skulls
21:41.39RaydenUniso skinner won't turn off bars unless i reload the UI
21:41.50hyperChipmunkyea, but the useful data comes from skulls made under normal conditions
21:41.56binderfor media player I use k-lite codec's media player classic
21:41.56revvMine used to when I used the default playback in MPC, then I changed it to .. umm .. something else & it stopped.  Media Player Classic
21:41.59durcynRaydenUni: yeah, the frames aren't destroyed unless you reload
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21:42.09Arrowmastereww k-lite
21:42.11binderlol duh
21:42.13Arrowmasteruse cccp
21:42.18RaydenUnialso it sort of messed up my quests log window
21:42.20Saint-Nmedia player 6.4
21:42.27RaydenUniit shows half of the original cloth texture
21:42.45LiquidEnforcerWMP 11...
21:42.50OverloadUT|WorkI tried putting MPC "always on top" of WoW and I got the tearing that binder is talking about
21:42.55Saint-Ni use 2k
21:43.00RaydenUniand does anyone know how to go about configuring CBRipoff? it doesn't display unless i'm casting so i can't move it easily
21:43.01Saint-Nhighest i get is wmp10
21:43.06Saint-Nso i use vlc instead
21:43.10revvI play on the 2nd monitor flawlessly now.
21:43.15RaydenUnimedia player classic...
21:43.31LiquidEnforcerare you running wow in windowed mode?
21:43.34binderrevv, how is that?
21:43.34Saint-N^^ bestest codec pack for win
21:43.38LiquidEnforcerit doesnt work if you dont
21:43.47Arrowmasterno cccp is the best codec pack
21:43.52binderfullscreen windowed
21:43.54Saint-Nno way!
21:44.00Saint-Nwhats cccp?
21:44.08binderrussia back in the day
21:44.08revvI wish I could recall the output setting I chose,  Yes, on my primary monitor, I play windowed, maximized.  1920x1200
21:44.10durcyntake your medication, children.
21:44.18*** join/#wowace Vegeta]BT[AFK (
21:45.23Saint-NThe CCCP (Combined Community Codec Pack) is a DirectShow filter pack specifically built for playing anime.
21:45.32Saint-Nthats kind of funny
21:46.03revvThe output options list I am talking about talks about renderless & stuff (my video terminology isn't that good) :(
21:46.10hyperChipmunkthe site design is great
21:46.11revvI chose something 3/4 down the list
21:46.28LiquidEnforcerApparatus is Red, must abort the consequence
21:46.31Arrowmasterit uses ffdshow to play most things instead of including a bunch of codecs that all do the same thing
21:47.01revvInitially, it was not displaying at all on the secondary monitor, then, it did, but artifacts started to show up in wow, then finally whatever it was I chose worked perfectly.
21:47.09ravagernlFirst SerpentShrine boss killed by Nihilum
21:47.18revvAye, yesterday I believe.
21:47.40neeneeWhy would someone use that pack when that person can use VLC to play?
21:47.53Arrowmasterbecause not everybody likes VLC?
21:47.56Arrowmasteri for one hate it
21:47.59ArilawSaint-N: It's not specifically for anime is it?  It just happens to be really useful for anime because of the fansubs (or so I thought).
21:48.18ArrowmasterCCCP will play almost everything
21:48.23neeneeArrowmaster: Hm. Okay. A codec pack for people who dislike vlc.
21:48.29Arrowmasterits just supported by a bunch of anime groups
21:48.31Saint-Nheh yeah im sure its not JUST for anime
21:48.35Saint-Nsince that would be really wierd
21:48.37Elkanompc, mplayer, vlc... I use all of them ^^'
21:48.42ArilawI'm not a big fan of codecs being built in to a media player in general.
21:48.44Saint-Nnot to mention really hard to accomplish
21:48.51Saint-Ni like coles
21:48.58Saint-Nit installs a buncha codecs and thats that
21:49.08Saint-Nplay files with whatever you want
21:50.52neeneeAh well. To each their own :)
21:50.52ArilawThere's a beta version of CCCP that's Mplayer compiled with their codecs.
21:50.52ArilawNever was a big Mplayer fan though so whatever.
21:50.52Saint-Ni know the difference between cccp and everything else
21:50.52Saint-Nits only video or audioembeddedinvideo codecs
21:50.56Saint-Nit appears to be missing xvid divx lame haufer etc etc etc etc
21:51.15Saint-Naccordingthe the installed these codecs list it is
21:51.16Arrowmasterxvid and divx are useless for playback
21:51.21ArilawWho still uses haufer anyway?
21:51.31ArilawLAME exceeded it a good while ago.
21:51.36Saint-Nyeah but then its not really a codec pack is it
21:51.36ClickmandooHey video junkies
21:51.46neenee*hugs vlc*
21:51.48Saint-Nwhats the point of putting a a package for ONLY playback
21:51.57Saint-Nive got that its called quicktime
21:51.57Arrowmasterits a playback codec pack, not an encoding codec pack
21:52.03ClickmandooI recorded something in FRAPS how do i add it to a codec? or w/e to make it better
21:52.17Arrowmasterlol quicktime, what a pos
21:52.19ArilawSaint-N: Because that's what most people do?
21:52.22Saint-NClickmandoo: get an encoding program and pipe it through ;P
21:52.31ClickmandooReccomend any?
21:52.47Saint-Numm most of the psp movie creator programs are fine
21:53.06Saint-Nany video convertor program on a torrent site
21:53.18Saint-Nthey're all pretty much the same when it comes down to it
21:53.25ArilawAutoGK please.
21:53.31Arrowmastersony vegas seems to be the most popular choice i think
21:53.36Saint-Nyeah gordian knot is nice
21:53.52Saint-Nim lazy i use video convertor master 4.0
21:54.01Saint-Ndrag drop tweak click
21:54.28ArilawAutoGK is the same way, especially with the "hidden" advanced options.
21:54.59ArilawBasically just a frontend for encoding your raw FRAPS video to DivX or XviD.
21:56.50ArilawAlso, QuickTime is the f'in devil.
21:57.05ClickmandooOk :)
21:57.20ClickmandooDo you have any videos that you have made i can veiw?
21:57.56*** join/#wowace Gandharva (
21:58.05Arrowmasteryeah im so happy quicktimealternative and realplayeralternative exist
21:58.51Saint-Ni have a perm burned copy of my realplayer codecs
21:58.59Saint-Njust so ill never have to install that piece of shit
21:59.05CIA-1803zuno * r28665 10UnitActionBars/ (36 files in 5 dirs):
21:59.05CIA-18- Made the layout components based on modules.
21:59.05CIA-18- Fixed a problem with "out of range" working opposite from what it should have been.
21:59.06*** join/#wowace freeman__ (
21:59.12Clickmandooi have quicktime =|
21:59.35*** join/#wowace ag` (n=ag`
21:59.54Saint-NClickmandoo: look at any google video ;P
21:59.59Saint-Nget autogk
22:00.02Clickmandooim more into fixing computer issues and hardware / webdesign than AV stuff
22:00.05Saint-Nitll be the simplest for what you want
22:00.19*** join/#wowace freeman (
22:00.49ClickmandooYa i have it now :)
22:00.58ClickmandooWheres the GVid link?
22:01.14Arrowmasterthat reminds me, has anybody ever heard of playback issues with youtube/googlevideo that causes it to just freeze up every few seconds
22:01.28CIA-1803zuno * r28666 10UnitActionBars/UnitActionBars.toc:
22:01.28CIA-18- Updated TOC version info
22:01.38ArilawArrowmaster: Bandwidth impaired? :P
22:01.54ArilawYou could check your CPU usage to see if it's spiking but it sounds like the buffer is just running out.
22:02.25Arrowmasterno its not that, i can pause it and let it buffer the entire video then start playback and it will pause every few seconds
22:02.43Arrowmasterand i have to move the seek bar past that spot to get it to play again
22:02.47ArilawDoes YouTube use Flash?
22:02.57ArilawTry updating Flash maybe.
22:03.03ArilawYou can tell I don't know.
22:03.04Arrowmastertried installing lastest flash and it didnt help
22:03.37StephmwI get that a little under Linux
22:03.48Stephmwand sometimes under Windows with FF2.0
22:04.01Arrowmasterusing seamonkey
22:04.26ClickmandooSaint-N: No lag vid record? Program you used is _____ !?
22:04.32sylvanaarso has anyone figured our what the cause of the oRA2 LoD issue is?
22:05.24Arilawsylvanaar: I thought it was WAU unpacking the zip incorrectly?
22:05.26durcynsylvanaar: fortune bofh-excuses has your answer.
22:06.01RaydenUni <-- the new interface
22:06.14sylvanaaris that a person
22:06.21Clickmandoohttp:// <-- the new interface
22:06.22Arrowmasteri heard it only happened with oRA2 as LoD and Prat installed
22:06.37*** part/#wowace LiquidEnforcer (
22:07.00ClickmandooAnyone know why I can't watch videos in WMP while World of Warcraft is running?
22:07.07sylvanaaryeah, but prat isnt doing anything to cause it.
22:07.38sylvanaarsomeone should make oRB an acemodulecore based mod
22:07.50sylvanaarand see if that doesnt break oRA2
22:08.50Saint-Nmy what large buttons you have
22:09.06sylvanaarO -> oRA2 -> oRB -> P -> Prat
22:10.53durcynyou think it's alphabetical?
22:11.06sylvanaari think its a bug in ace2
22:12.11IndustrialNeed shum help with metatables. I missed something :| you may laugh
22:13.09IndustrialI did prototype:construct because I dont know how to else pass self to it.
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22:14.09ArilawIt's a good thing I'm not 70 yet or I'd be crying a lot more about oRA. :P
22:14.27JoshBorkei didn't have any problems with oRA and Prat...
22:14.38ClickmandooEither do I..
22:14.39JoshBorkefrom using them on Saturday
22:14.50ArilawI get LoD errors with oRA2 and Prat.
22:14.53Arrowmasterneither do i, but i use svn and not wau
22:15.12JoshBorkesame Arrowmaster, and I don't unpackage anything...
22:17.19*** join/#wowace lys_ (
22:17.50sburaid every day - no problems with ora/prat - svn versions
22:17.50ArilawI guess I should be more precise.
22:18.05ArilawI get LoD errors from oRA2.  I also run Prat.  I update with WAU, but haven't tried 1.7 final yet.
22:18.12CIA-1803pettigrow * r28667 10oRA2/Optional/ (Group.lua MainTank.lua PlayerTarget.lua): oRA2: frFR Update
22:18.49JoshBorkeArilaw: perhaps you should try posting said errors?
22:19.11ArilawWhen I get home I will be happy to.
22:19.37ArilawI offered yesterday but people were busy so I figured spam would be bad.
22:20.03ArilawAnd currently I am on a call with a customer, because I am an AWESOME customer support rep.
22:20.09Industrialgood read, imho
22:20.28*** join/#wowace Clickmandoo (
22:21.03Industrialmeh I should have read on
22:22.39ClickmandooAnyone have an issue when they play a video you can hear audio but the video is black.
22:22.57Arrowmasteryour missing the video codec probably
22:23.20durcyndepends on the container
22:23.34durcynmpeg? avi? asf/wmv? matroska?
22:23.53ClickmandooWait no
22:24.07Clickmandoowmv only
22:24.39durcyndollars to donuts it's the codec.  i'd recommend dusting off that windows media player piece of shit and try having it fetch the codec
22:25.20Industrial= king
22:25.35*** join/#wowace Amadeo (
22:25.53AmadeoIs MrPlow's BankStack not working for anyone else?
22:26.31Amadeoor maybe I'm misunderstanding what it does...does MrPlow have a feature that will stack inventory items with bank items?
22:27.03nymbiait wont move em to your bank, i dont think..
22:27.05*** join/#wowace own4 (
22:27.16Amadeoah ok
22:27.16durcynClickmandoo: start|run: wmplayer.exe
22:27.19cncfanaticstotem > mplayer
22:27.24Amadeothat's why I thought it was broken then :)
22:27.25own4(23:27:10) —› can't join #wowace (auth'ed only (+r))!
22:27.26cncfanaticsdamn shitty UI
22:27.32own4looks like i joined, though
22:27.36durcynhe's not asking for a player, he's asking for a codec
22:28.31OverloadUT|WorkAmadeo: I'm pretty sure it's supposed to. At least that's what the description talks about. But it doesn't work for me either
22:29.11ClickmandooI know.
22:29.33Clickmandoowmplayer wont show the video it's black all it shows is audio
22:29.42Clickmandoobut this is only when WoW is open
22:29.49Clickmandooit works when wow is close..
22:31.30trh_Clickmandoo: probably bad codecs
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22:31.57Clickmandoothats what im coming to
22:31.58trh_get k-lite codecpack
22:31.59Fin"You can't just delete my comment for no reason" - "Oh yes I damn well can" - hehe, top
22:32.00Clickmandoolet me try
22:32.23ckknighthey all
22:32.27*** join/#wowace Ra1d3n (
22:32.27Xuerianwb, ck.
22:33.15ravagernlclickmandoo, cccp
22:33.16OverloadUT|WorkHey ck I had a question for you
22:33.25ravagernlgoogle is your friend
22:33.59ckknightOverloadUT|Work: no you don't
22:33.59ClickmandooMplayer did the trick
22:34.06Clickmandooi have cccp
22:34.12OverloadUT|Workckknight: Really? I could have sworn I did...
22:34.22OverloadUT|WorkDo you maintain Cart_Waypoints?
22:34.26ckknightyou must be mistaken
22:34.30ckknightno, wobin does
22:34.41OverloadUT|WorkOh okay. You were listed as the author in the toc so I wasn't sure
22:35.59OverloadUT|WorkWhere is the SVN RSS feed?
22:36.01ckknightI originally made it
22:39.36Nickenyfikenhmm hmm there are two different PerfectTargets now?
22:39.53CIA-1803overloadut * r28668 10Cartographer_QuestObjectives/ (Cartographer_QuestObjectives.toc Locale-enUS.lua addon.lua): (log message trimmed)
22:39.53CIA-18-Added ability to request objective notes from guild
22:39.53CIA-18-Added right click menu for deleting notes. You can now delete all notes for an objective and all notes from a particular sender easily.
22:39.54CIA-18-Added ability to ignore specific quests (part of the delete menu)
22:39.58CIA-18-Added ability to ban specific people from sending you notes (part of the delete menu)
22:40.00CIA-18-Significantly changed the database layout to be more efficient
22:40.49Ra1d3nspam alert
22:41.47OverloadUT|WorkWhat, properly documenting changes is bad now? :P
22:42.03ravagernlhihi, kick cia :P
22:42.09ckknightthat was a fine commit note, OverloadUT|Work
22:42.39lhunathhow easy is it to learn lua?  I'm quite apt at Java and such, so I know programming / OO principles quite well.
22:42.42ravagernlhmm, ck, sarcasm?
22:42.51trh_no.. that was a really good note :)
22:43.14NightHawkTheSanethat was a better commit message than most.
22:43.20Gnarfoz(and noone could have read it if the changelogs were still xml ;>)
22:43.26OverloadUT|WorkIt's not the whole note either, looks like CIA only reports the first X lines :P
22:43.31Ra1d3nlhunath: lua is not so bad
22:43.39trh_actually i think the notes should be collected and sent once a day via email.. would be better :)
22:43.49OverloadUT|WorkI like the live commit notes here
22:43.57OverloadUT|WorkIt's fun and sometimes sparks some discussion
22:44.10Ra1d3ni like them, too
22:44.27OverloadUT|WorkCan someone link me the page that shows all the latest commits?
22:44.40*** join/#wowace grzesieq (
22:44.41Ra1d3nand those were not bad i was just joking around :)
22:44.52Industrialhow do I use # again?
22:44.54OverloadUT|WorkYou hate me!
22:45.06Ra1d3nthat's another story..
22:45.49OverloadUT|WorkNickenyfiken: Thanks, but I'm thinking of one I saw the other day that had nicer formatting. I can't for the life of me find it
22:46.04OverloadUT|WorkSomeone linked it when someone mentioned the RSS feed was broken
22:46.10Ra1d3nlook it up in your history ;)
22:46.20OverloadUT|WorkThat is totally the one!
22:47.31OverloadUT|WorkNow for lunch and then I shall make my wiki page
22:48.05ckknightas I go, I'll leave you with one final thought:
22:48.12*** join/#wowace snurre (
22:54.13sylvanaarafter reading it you may wonder why docs are even needed
22:54.51*** join/#wowace Wobi1 (
22:58.47XuerianBest. Word. Ever.
22:59.00*** part/#wowace zoomjr (n=vadkh@
22:59.13Oridangoodnight all
22:59.20Oridanpwntang indeed
22:59.51AKX#pwntang !
22:59.53*** join/#wowace Cioniel (
23:01.38FinI've always used
23:02.09Finput ?num=[1-100] on the end to change the... number of listings
23:03.34lhunathanything that breaks diffing between old and new is a stupid idea
23:03.39*** join/#wowace in_der_wueste (
23:03.45lhunathjust like WoW's handling of savedvariables
23:04.08*** join/#wowace chutwig (
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23:05.54*** part/#wowace Punkie` (
23:06.43vhaarrFin: Maybe you have, but at several occasions previously the google list stopped updating for many days. The same has happened to CIA and TRAC, so none of them are 100% reliable.
23:07.23Finvhaarr: ah, I didn't know that
23:08.05Finvhaarr: do you know if that was because of a problem on Google's side, or whatever it is that posts to Google Groups?
23:08.36Finincidentally, there's a new feed with lots of information in it:
23:08.40vhaarrThe script that posts.
23:08.55sylvanaarvhaarr do you have any idea what the oRA2 LoD issue is about? i really dont understand how prat has anything to do with it
23:09.00Finseems to crash Opera though, and Thunderbird doesn't like it much (because of the lack of title I think)
23:09.15vhaarrsylvanaar: me neither, I guess I could take a look at Prat and see what it could be
23:09.46*** join/#wowace JJSheets (
23:09.52vhaarrsylvanaar: have you managed to reproduce it locally?
23:10.12sylvanaarvhaarr yes, i have, but i dont see prat doing anything wrong
23:10.13JJSheetscncfanatics, you get a chance to look at Omnibus yet?
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23:10.39vhaarrsylvanaar: okay, well the problem is in prat, I'm 90% certain of that
23:11.04vhaarrsylvanaar: I guess I'll look through the code and see what I can find, but I've never looked at prat before, so not sure how much it will help.
23:11.11cncfanaticsJJSheets, been instancing all day :p
23:11.17cncfanaticsgot attuned to karazhan
23:11.36cncfanaticsdamn shit black morras
23:12.08sylvanaarvhaarr please do, i believe though that the bug still occurs when prat is placed into standby
23:12.54sylvanaarvhaarr i need to recheck that i guess before i say it for certain
23:13.04*** join/#wowace Parak (
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23:13.49vhaarrsylvanaar: That might very well be the case if Prat doesn't :ToggleActive(..., false) all its modules on disable.
23:14.11vhaarrAceModuleCore does not do that for you.
23:14.14sylvanaarvhaarr but why doesnt it break bigwigs
23:14.36vhaarrsylvanaar: Probably because BigWigs doesn't rely on CHAT_MSG_ADDON as much as oRA.
23:15.08sylvanaarvhaarr well prat doesnt use CHAT_MSG_ADDON cept one module
23:15.47vhaarrsylvanaar: what module is that then?
23:16.06sylvanaarvhaarr addonmessages (the one that will print them to the chatframe)
23:16.46Arrowmasterso delete that module and see if the error still occurs?
23:17.00sylvanaarvhaarr i can save you some time - will all modules off the bug occurs
23:17.14CionielI was wondering.. Do blizzard release some kind of document that explains all of the current available macro commands?
23:17.15vhaarrsylvanaar: and you are sure they are disabled then?
23:17.49sylvanaarwell, thres a module - presets, which can disable all of them
23:17.57Arrowmasterwhat about all modules not loaded, just the core loaded
23:18.06sylvanaarbut yes, when you disable them they are in fact disabled
23:18.18JJSheetsCioniel, try
23:18.28JJSheetsit's not Blizzard but it is accurate.
23:18.31*** join/#wowace Alderick (
23:18.55CionielJJSheets I know, thats where I've looked, and its all the info I need. I was just wondering, who figures out that stuff?
23:19.12JJSheetspeople on the forums from various Blizzard dev posts I think.
23:19.14sylvanaari need to fix Prat so that it toggleactive(false) stuff, but does that get written to the SV's?
23:19.21Arrowmastermost that info is collected from the forums
23:19.31OverloadUT|WorkI believe it's mainly the UI guy who posts on the UI forums combined with the VIPs that organize the data
23:19.37OverloadUT|WorkAnd then misc people who add it to the wiki
23:19.49OverloadUT|WorkThe Bliz UI guy I emant
23:19.56sylvanaars/stuff/stuff when the whole addon is disabled/
23:20.02Arrowmasteri dont think anybody that works for blizzard updates stuff on wowwiki
23:20.13vhaarrsylvanaar: no it's not written to SV
23:20.15CionielStrange not to have some released document with all that jazz in it from build to build.
23:20.30vhaarrsylvanaar: BigWigs manually prevents modules from enabling in OnInitialize
23:20.43vhaarrsylvanaar: and disables all modules on ondisable
23:20.45XuerianCioniel: Blizzard doesn't really document their api that much...
23:21.11JJSheetswhy should they when addon developers alrady do it?  :)
23:21.11OverloadUT|WorkCioniel: Not really... Most games I have modded for don't have API documentation, and it's the community that figures it out
23:21.29OverloadUT|WorkI think that's the bottom line
23:21.50CionielXuerian, so. You guys reverse engineer those UI files in the mpq files or something like that :o
23:21.51OverloadUT|WorkThey know that when their audience is geeky people that will set up their own wiki, it's a waste of their time to document it themselves ;)
23:21.52JJSheetsOnly company that ever documented addon stuff recently is Bioware with Neverwinter Nights.
23:22.11XuerianCioniel: They DO release the ui files, or most of them.
23:22.20Xuerian<3 nwn... h8 nwscript
23:22.22sylvanaarvhaarr well, prats modules each store thier own state, and will toggleactive themselves off if they are supposed to be off
23:22.53JJSheetslol Xuerian it's not as bad as writing in Python for Civ 4.
23:22.54ArrowmasterCioniel: a lot of info is gathered by looking at the default UI code
23:22.54OverloadUT|Worknwscript didn't support arrays >:(
23:23.05XuerianJJSheets: .... but... I like python!
23:23.09OverloadUT|WorkJJSheets: Aw come on, that's not htat bad ;)
23:23.10XuerianOverloadUT: I made it =O
23:23.31XuerianOverloadUT: I have no recollection HOW I made it, but it damn well did after i was done with it <.<
23:23.35OverloadUT|WorkHaha so did I
23:23.53OverloadUT|WorkI wrote a pathfinding engine for NWN so I could have villagers go from one place to another and follow paypoints (roads)
23:23.59JJSheetsXuerian, I'd rather someone slowly gouge out my innards with dull rusted spoons than program in python.  It's too damn ugly for me...
23:24.01XuerianHaha, nice.
23:24.04OverloadUT|WorkThen I realized that it took me a week to write that one thing and I wasn't 1% finished
23:24.08OverloadUT|WorkSo I abandoned the project :P
23:24.17sylvanaarvhaarr the implementation of :OnInitialize for every module is in prat.lua
23:24.25XuerianJJSheets: Oh, it's ugly, but the utility of it balances it out for me :p
23:24.28JJSheetslol OverloadUT
23:24.31XuerianOverloadUT: haha, dang
23:24.39vhaarrsylvanaar: I'm guessing the problem is in core then, in the ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler
23:24.50JJSheetsXuerian, I'm spoiled by the utlity and beauty of Lua.  :p
23:24.57OverloadUT|WorkJJSheets: Have you done much in Civ4 Python?
23:25.04*** join/#wowace DvdKhl (
23:25.29JJSheetsOverloadUT, I created a UI system before they released the official UI sdk stuff.  it ruined me on python.
23:26.18OverloadUT|WorkAh. Have you ever seen ?
23:26.33vhaarrsylvanaar: log in normally so that Prat bugs oRA2 and then execute /script Prat.ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler = function(event, ...) Prat.hooks["ChatFrame_MessageEventHandler"](event, ...) end
23:26.34JJSheetsnope... I gotta go... got an asfter hours service call to do.  I oughtta be back in a couple hours.
23:26.55JJSheetsasfter?  wth...
23:28.14Xuerianso many damn people with "jj" at the front of their name in this room
23:28.41*** join/#wowace Rycochet (
23:28.52OverloadUT|WorkYeah :P
23:28.53vhaarrsylvanaar: and see what happens then
23:29.26*** join/#wowace |Pixel| (i=pixel@pdpc/supporter/sustaining/Pixel)
23:29.52CionielI came to think about the UI stuff cause I wanted something that could cast a spell on myself when I rightclicked on the spell. Searched for various mods, but they all felt too big and did stuff I didn't need.
23:30.31CionielSo then some dude directs me to curse, with a mod that contains 5 lines, which sets some attributes on the action bars, and I was like. Mkey, simple really :O
23:30.55*** part/#wowace Amadeo (
23:30.57XuerianCioniel: Use Clique and get rid of your actionbars
23:31.24CionielI like the default actionbars.
23:31.32OverloadUT|WorkThere aren't enough modifier key combinations to cast all the spells I need :P
23:32.10XuerianOverloadUT: 3*5 for hostile and the same for friendly? :P
23:32.34OverloadUT|WorkXuerian: Warlock. :P
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23:32.49OverloadUT|WorkI bet I could come up with 15 keys I use ;)
23:33.05XuerianOverloadUT: Yeah, my keys are already getting full around 20 with the various locks I've had that far... you've got a point >.>
23:33.23*** join/#wowace Funkeh` (
23:33.25OverloadUT|WorkI use Clique exclusively for my priest though
23:33.31OverloadUT|WorkAlthough she's only level 18 :P
23:33.37trh_OverloadUT: my roomie uses a dot-macro castsequence that resets on targetchange or longestdottime... pretty nice :)
23:33.49OverloadUT|WorkI thought about doing that
23:33.53OverloadUT|WorkBut I like to change it up each fight
23:34.14OverloadUT|WorkI used to have an all-in-one button back before I quit 10 months ago, but we all know what happened to that... :(
23:34.29CionielWhat ever happened to SelectionRing btw? That mod was so awesome.
23:34.47trh_OverloadUT: you can also use mouse buttons in your script i.e. use left mouse button for flying mount, right for oldschool mount
23:35.22OverloadUT|WorkIt was written in Flexbar events, and it would CoS if CoS was down, then shadowbolt over and over, if I got low on mana it would life tap, unless I was also low on health then it would do nothing.
23:35.32OverloadUT|WorkIt was just one button I pushed all night during MC runs ;)
23:35.55trh_thats alot of work.. i click on autoshot once and go afk ;)
23:36.33sylvanaarCioniel theres a mod on wowace RightWing does same thing
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23:36.38OverloadUT|WorkI had the idea of trying to make an addon that would completely automate me in MC. It would follow a close-by raid member between fights, auto aquire targets based on who the majority was targetting, and would have special logic for each boss.
23:36.53OverloadUT|WorkBut then I quit and so did my dreams of that addon when I read about the 2.0 changes
23:36.58Unknown34209Can any one give me a link for the addon 'skinner'?
23:36.58Cionielsylvanaar, yea, the exact same 5 lines as the one on curse, hehe.
23:37.10trh_OverloadUT: would have been awesome - just run it once, video it and be a legend ;)
23:37.44OverloadUT|Worktrh_: And then of course in my wildest dreams I liked to think about having 40 accounts and doing a 100% automated MC clear. To me, that would be beating the game. ;)
23:37.51*** join/#wowace Feldia (n=ommand@
23:38.14trh_OverloadUT: actually theres a french guy who does that with customized keyboards with 10 chars
23:38.31trh_OverloadUT: not mc, but instances und battlegrounds
23:38.40trh_OverloadUT: (all mages)
23:38.51Cionielhes also got some priests ;D
23:39.02Cionielhis bg group is 4 mages and a priest
23:39.03sylvanaarCioniel yep, no matter who writes it its the same 5 line
23:39.08trh_long time ago i read that article
23:39.09OverloadUT|Worktrh_: Makes sense. I figure there's someone out there that's crazy enough. Although my idea was always to have it be 100% automated. Just have some background app that pounds one button and the addons would do the rest. :P
23:39.27trh_OverloadUT: guess its not worth the work =)
23:39.34OverloadUT|WorkOh it totally would be
23:39.40sylvanaarvhaarr I have to enable oRA2 for the errors to occur
23:39.53Cionielsylvanaar, would it be difficult to implement a check to see if it was a bandage thats on the button, cause if I have a friendly target, it uses the item on them insted of myself.
23:39.56OverloadUT|WorkIf I had no job and some crazy amount of money where I could have 40 computers and 40 accounts, I'd do it ;)
23:40.04sylvanaarvhaarr but i'll try your script
23:40.25OverloadUT|WorkCan someone tell me the secret to getting a wiki page for my addon? I tried copying the "Addon Infobox" template from other pages, but it says "No TOC Data"
23:40.40trh_OverloadUT: actually the money is the only problem.. if you got enough you wouldn't need a job :)
23:40.45CIA-1803ag * r28669 10Dracul/Dracul.lua: Dracul: Uses improved Parser-3.0 API
23:41.02OverloadUT|WorkTrue :P
23:41.06kergothwhats dracul?
23:41.18OverloadUT|WorkI was about to look it up :P
23:41.30trh_sounds like it has something to do with dracula
23:41.40Cionieldeffo a warlock addon
23:42.03trh_does cia has a funktion like !lookupaddon? :)
23:42.10kergothcia isnt wow specific.
23:42.19trh_uh.. than any other bot here? :)
23:42.19kergoththere are hundreds, likely thousands of projects being tracked
23:42.30kergothyes, a few
23:42.33purl:), kergoth
23:44.23sylvanaarvhaarr your script has no effect
23:44.55sylvanaarCioniel i think bliz is fixing that
23:45.06CionielSounds good ;)
23:45.26OverloadUT|WorkOkay I see now that the TOC data on the wiki is automatically pulled from the SVN. But my addon is still showing "No TOC data" - is there anything I need to do to be sure it's configured properly?
23:45.39OverloadUT|WorkWait ignore me
23:46.06CionielAnyways, think its time for bed. A long day of MSSQL horror awaits tomorrow.
23:46.08vhaarrsylvanaar: hrm
23:46.12vhaarrsylvanaar: maybe it's function Prat:AddMessage(frame, text, r, g, b, id) then
23:46.45sylvanaarvhaarr no, i tried again it produces some errors
23:47.14sylvanaarInterface\FrameXML\ChatFrame.lua:2229: bad argument #1 to 'strsub' (string expected, got table):
23:48.25vhaarrwell that makes no sense
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23:53.33OverloadUT|WorkOkay, how am I supposed to know exactly what to put for X-Embeds? I can't find a wiki page with details. Sometimes people put a lib name that I understand like Babble-2.2, but other times it's without the version like DewdropLib.. Ahhh!
23:55.19vhaarrOverloadUT: Perhaps because the SVN modules are sometimes with version and sometimes not?
23:55.34vhaarrAnd the wiki should have docs on it.
23:55.37GagorianSo just put whatever the standalone module is called
23:56.07OverloadUT|WorkI can't find any page that mentions what X-Embed is used for and what the difference is between it and OptionalDeps
23:56.22OverloadUT|WorkExcept for in passing on the "Why is my TOC not showing up in the wiki" page
23:56.27NightHawkTheSaneX-Embed tells you what embedded libraries the addon uses
23:56.42NightHawkTheSaneOptDeps tells you what -separate- addons the mod MAY utilize, but need not
23:56.45vhaarrOverloadUT: There is a page on the wiki explaining it.
23:57.02sylvanaarvhaarr the the hook you gave me was to do what
23:57.06NightHawkTheSanetypically embedded libraries are put in optdeps so you can disembed
23:57.32sylvanaarvhaarr replace prats hook with a nop hook
23:58.31OverloadUT|WorkYeah I JUST found that, thanks ;)
23:58.39vhaarrsylvanaar: yes and you get that error, I got that
23:59.34OverloadUT|WorkOkay but something I don't understand. My addon uses a ton of AceLibs, but all but three of them are included in Cartographer. My addon is a cartographer module and therefore I didn't need to embed any of those shared libs in my addon. Should I put them in OptionalDeps or X-Embed or neither?
23:59.45yacoobI saw some psp question/answers in here, so I'll ask here as well - anyone knows a media player for psp that can play plain mpg/avi without any conversion?
23:59.57vhaarrOverloadUT: no, you should not

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