irclog2html for #wowace on 20060720

00:00.16FryGuymjc: wipe your savevars and see if it's still there
00:00.19mjcdon't know if wow has a zhTW
00:00.33ckknightit does
00:01.14mjcNeronix: can't help you there then, sorry
00:01.43XLVIIindustrial, would that work? would it rename the channel names to nothing?
00:01.52XLVIIexcept: general, trade, local defense and lookingforgroup
00:01.55mjcFryGuy: here goes nothin
00:02.03Mikmaag`_: wake up
00:02.48mjcFryGuy: no
00:05.52IndustrialXLVII, yea
00:06.12mjcFryGuy: still borks
00:06.20FryGuywhich line?
00:06.32mjc278, local 'info' is nil
00:06.34FryGuyand what are you doing
00:06.39mjcloading the game
00:06.50FryGuytry typing /script FryListDKP:MergePoints()
00:07.00FryGuyand /script FryListDKP:Scan() after that
00:07.07CIA-1103neronix * r5170 10EarPlug/ (Earplug.lua Libs/):
00:07.07CIA-11- All done!
00:07.07CIA-11- And completely untested
00:07.09NeronixMoonWolf: There you go
00:07.11mjcno output
00:07.29IndustrialNeronix, up fer some daoc?
00:07.56NeronixNo time, sorry :(
00:08.03NeronixNeed tons of sleep
00:08.04Industrialgot any levels? :P
00:08.16Neronixhaven't even got past the first quest
00:08.28Industrialmeh quests are pewp until later
00:08.32Industrial1-20 = grind
00:08.53Neronixthe quest giver either doesn't want to talk to me, or the guide npc bugs
00:09.01Industrialthen you get 'kill tasks' for elitish mobs that will bring in the xp
00:09.03mjcMikma: what's the name of your minimap thingy
00:09.06Kebinusanthere was some mod that let you load/unload your loaded mods without logging out.. but I cant remember the name of it
00:09.19Mikmamjc: Mikma :)
00:09.21NeronixKebinusan: MCP or LoadIT?
00:09.24dsfsdfFry guy !
00:09.31Kebinusanyeah probably one of those
00:09.33Kebinusanwhich would you recommend
00:09.45Neronixif you want profiles, use LoadIT
00:09.51Neronixif you want something light, use MCP
00:10.05mjcMikma: leeched
00:10.06Neronixunless you really hate Saien
00:10.49Mikmamjc: just be sure to know that it does some tricks ^^ and it may not work properly, atleast that version ;)
00:11.01Mikmawell, i'll just upload a better version now
00:11.12Kebinusanlightweight sounds better
00:11.29ag`_Mikma, I am raiding
00:11.33KebinusanI can just create a dummy mod and set it as a dependency for my dkp mods which is the main thing I dont want loaded all the time
00:11.49Mikmaag`_: well you missed clad ^^
00:11.49Wobin~emulate saien
00:11.51purlWhy do I care? Why are you posting here?
00:12.02Tem~emulate saien
00:12.03purlI could have helped you, but I won't.
00:12.12ag`_did he go away again Mikma ?
00:12.17TemYou are wrong, and I invite you to prove it to yourself.
00:12.18Mikmacladhaire: did you?
00:12.18mjcwhatever happened to those warmup changes?
00:12.44cladhaireMikma: Did I what?
00:13.18cladhaireI'm here.
00:13.37mjcdoes bigwigs come out of standby when you target a boss?
00:13.50Makk`ES.hex nublet
00:14.02mjc~hex nublet
00:14.02purlnublet is 6E 75 62 6C 65 74
00:14.11Makk`ES<- nublet
00:14.26Mikmamjc: .. there's the whole, NEW package which includes all nice things by Industrial
00:14.43Mikma~md5 nublet
00:14.50mjcMikma: leeched
00:15.29Industriallike? ^^
00:15.47mjcbigwigs\messages.lua:86: attempt to call method 'GetOpt' (a nil value) has returned
00:15.56Mikmamjc: you may wan't to check out the Mikma.lua and Mikma.xml so you have an idea what's inside it.. modified raidroll, undress-button, mapcoords.. etc
00:16.16mjcI'm reading it now
00:16.30Industrialmapcoords thats pretty cool
00:16.36Industrialis that on the big normal map?
00:16.50Industrialand does it have mouse tracking?
00:17.17Mikmasomething like this: Cursor Coords: 44,61       --       Player Coords: 40,48
00:17.27Mikmathat's the output when you open the big map
00:17.49mjcI don't need a naked button :p
00:18.07Industrialwell good to see my stuff is being used/liked ^^
00:18.24MikmaIndustrial: yeah i replaced my own code with your stuff
00:19.20Mikmathe raidroll version i edited is neat <3
00:19.31ag`_cladhaire, I have a suggestion for clickque
00:19.35ag`_clique :P
00:19.41mjcretrieving character list. ONOES
00:20.09Mikmait has 2 slashcommands in it, /rr [item] (or text) and /rrlist (which will show the huge raidroll list)
00:20.23Mikmathe normal roll won't show it since it's flood
00:20.33ag`_could it be possible to map buttons to get passed to the original OnClick
00:20.47ag`_so you could set the dropdown menu to middlemouse
00:21.02ag`_or selection to shift+leftclick
00:21.05mjcMikma: think it'll cooperate with minimalist's scroll with mousewheel feature? and TheBigPicture
00:21.22cladhaireag`_: You can already do that, i'm not sure i understand.
00:21.33mjctis loading though, I suppose I'll see
00:21.34ag`_I have a hard time explaining it :P
00:21.43NeronixAnyone tried EarPlug yet?
00:21.45cladhaireWHat would be the end goal
00:21.47Mikmamjc: which? what? where?
00:21.48cladhairenot how would you code it =)
00:21.55mjcMikma: 'mikma'
00:22.11Mikmamjc: what does minimalist do to mousescroll
00:22.12ag`_cladhaire, so you could set a clique button to act as a button on the original addon
00:22.19mjcMikma: removes the + and - buttons
00:22.25mjcand turns on mousewheel zooming
00:22.39Mikmamjc: well idMinimap.lua does the same
00:22.42ag`_cladhaire, like set the middle button on clique to act as a right click on the original addon
00:23.25mjcyeah, it works
00:23.27mjcthat's pretty hot
00:23.53cladhaireag`_: You could do it easily in your onclick handler in the plugin
00:23.57cladhairebut it seems counter-intuitive.
00:24.06cladhaireany particular reason?
00:24.28Mikmaag`_: you mean the function what castparty had? any mousebutton could be binded to any function?
00:24.31mjcMikma: where's your minimap moving crap
00:24.32ag`_so you could call the dropdown menu from a middleclick, if you prefered to cast a spell on the rightclick
00:24.44Mikmaag`_: like rightbutton = target, middlemouse = dropdownmenu
00:24.48Mikmamjc: there isn't
00:25.00mjcMikma: well it was in bartender
00:25.07ag`_Mikma, yes, but how do you open the dropdown menu when clique controls the mouseclick?
00:25.16Mikmamjc: it was removed since it bugged the hell out with other addons
00:25.39Mikmaag`_: well you can't :P it should be able to be configured in clique
00:25.47mjcis there any addon that'll do just that then?
00:25.48ag`_well that is my point
00:25.53Mikmamjc: simpleMinimap
00:25.54ag`_I'd like a way to open the dropdown menu
00:25.56mjccause I don't have any addons that touc the minimap anymore
00:26.02mjccept yours and minimalist
00:26.10Mikmamjc: but it will most certainly fook up my texture ;)
00:26.17mjchow so?
00:26.18ag`_cladhaire, dropdown menu :O
00:26.24NeronixFor those who don't know, EarPlug is the superior LFG filter mod
00:26.33cladhairecalls the dropdown for that menu
00:26.35Mikmamjc: simpleMinimap has like 2 or 3 different textures in it
00:26.39Neronixit allows you to define your own patterns
00:26.39cladhaireerr for that unit
00:26.44mjccan I blow them away?
00:26.44Neronixeven real lua patterns!
00:26.56NeronixAnd it's case insensitive
00:26.58mjcI just want to move the gd minimap :P
00:26.58Mikmadunno haven't tested :D
00:27.19NeronixSo basically, not using EarPlug means you're insane
00:27.40Mikmai was planning on making a small minimap-addon which would allow people to move the minimap but i'm being lazy and leveling my druid while i bugtest aguf
00:28.02MikmaNeronix: maybe i'm insane but i'm not even on that channel ;)
00:28.04Neronixhow stable is agUF?
00:28.13Mikmait is.
00:28.21NeronixMikma: Well it means you can make being on that channel a pleasant experience
00:28.33ag`_cladhaire, works fine! Now all you need is to add a dropdown for raid units using friendsdropdown :-)
00:28.33mjcMikma: 'mikma' is doing the <toon> stuff too eh?
00:28.41Neronix/ep add nobodysgoingtomatchthisstring!
00:28.47*** join/#wowace Nightdew (
00:28.53Mikmamjc: aye, id's addon in mine
00:29.03mjcit's doing <Beren:>
00:29.05mjcis that intended?
00:29.09mjcor are you off by one
00:29.28cladhaireag`_: I can do that easily =)
00:29.29MikmaTekkub: bling.
00:30.16*** join/#wowace pagefault (
00:30.41Mikmathat's pretty good lecture
00:31.12mjcMikma: text = string.gsub(text, '(|Hplayer:.-|h)%[(.-)%](|h.-:)', '<%1%2%3>') why the %3 and corresponding part
00:31.41Mikmamjc: ask Industrial, he's the maindevil on that one
00:31.57Mikma -> read the first comment...
00:32.01Mikmawell first and only
00:32.08mjcI see what it does, but it looks ugly to me ;p
00:32.25NeronixMikma: O.o
00:32.37ckknightI am done reading a long Mono debate
00:32.40Industrialmjc, lua patterns have no OR like regex does (this|that)
00:32.42ckknightnow on to do ...something
00:33.06mjcIndustrial: it's sometimes not removing the : and sometimes is
00:33.12Tuplad- | You are banned.  -> wtf ?
00:33.16MikmaIndustrial: LOL you got a bug in there :D
00:33.23MikmaIndustrial: <NameHere:> :D
00:33.26Industrialmjc, Mikma, oops
00:33.26NeronixTuplad-: Good
00:33.28MikmaTuplad-: owned.
00:33.29ckknightlol, Tuplad-, you're such a troll.
00:33.33IndustrialTuplad-, MUHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA
00:33.56Mikmaif i recall correctly tuplad wanted to be banned from there...
00:33.58Industrialkergoth, whenever you read this;
00:34.04mjcwhen there is idiot proof moderation systems, Tuplad- invents a better idiot.
00:34.06Neronixwtf? Iriel's listed as a Sea author
00:34.07Mikmahe likes to flame people using discord etc
00:34.20Mikmamjc: ouch, very very ouch :D
00:34.26ckknighthehe, mjc
00:34.28Tupladits a 24h ban
00:34.34Tupladoh, I read this one good quote once
00:34.37ckknightlol, what'd you do?
00:34.42MikmaTuplad: well anyways, you're an ass
00:34.54Tuplad"Never argue with an idiot, they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience." -> I felt like it was done there to me :(
00:35.00IndustrialMikma, what does the comment say?
00:35.00TupladMikma: being an ass is my job!
00:35.32MikmaIndustrial: i have no idea :D
00:35.39MikmaIndustrial: "anus" is a work i can understand
00:35.49Industriala work?
00:36.16Mikmai... like... big butts and i cannot lie
00:36.27TupladI know that song
00:36.30TupladI got the video :p
00:36.40mjcTuplad: TMI
00:36.41MikmaTuplad: it's NOT about gays, how can you like it?
00:36.54Tuplad~whalestab Mikma
00:36.56purlACTION stabs Mikma with a rather narrow and pointy whale named Montgomery
00:36.58hyperChipmunkI like large posteriors, and I cannot prevaricate!
00:37.08*** part/#wowace Tuplad (
00:37.18Mikma~whaleparry <foo>
00:37.20purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry <foo>'s attacks.
00:37.38*** join/#wowace Tuplad (
00:37.41Tupladehh, miss click ;\
00:38.00ckknightah, bbiab
00:38.14Mikma~wtf bbiab
00:39.41CIA-1103cladhaire * r5171 10Clique/CliqueUtils.lua:
00:39.41CIA-11* Added raid dropdowns using "FriendsDropDown"
00:40.58cladhaireag`_: Test that
00:41.23mjcMikma: bah @ you, I don't want my edit box on top :P
00:41.37Mikmahmm damn i can't remember how to use linux bittorrent
00:41.41Mikmamjc: then comment the code out
00:41.45mjcI don't see it
00:41.52Mikmamjc: i told you to watch thrrough the code :P
00:41.53Industrialsomething with SetPoint
00:41.57Industrial*badoom tisch*
00:42.08mjcoh, meh
00:42.34Mikmamjc: line 73, 74, 75. comment them out
00:42.59mjcI got them
00:43.12mjconce I knew what I was looking for, it was easy :p
00:46.19mjcline 19 is definitely where the typo is
00:46.25MikmaTekkub: hahaha
00:46.31mjcregexps in lua are weird
00:47.43IndustrialTekkub, :-)
00:47.56Industrialim so a fan of that :>
00:48.13MikmaIndustrial: the one which tastes like cemen?
00:48.39Industrialeh? no the flash cartoons
00:49.23IndustrialTekkub, I almost fell off my chair
00:49.40mjcIndustrial: ok, I don't get these regexps, cause I'm retarded
00:49.53Industrialmjc, took me some time :P
00:50.01cladhaireag`_: Did you get a chance to look at that?
00:50.03mjcstill didn't get 'em right
00:50.28mjc[2. daunited] [Nodbound] joined channel.
00:50.33mjcthat's still not right too
00:50.35ag`_cladhaire, I am raiding right now=)
00:50.41ag`_actually let me check out the svn and try
00:51.34mjcoh doh
00:51.36mjcwrong path
00:52.16cladhairehrm its not working atm.. lemme look
00:53.01ag`_doesn't work
00:53.13ag`_I have it working in ag_unitframes
00:53.28WobinSTay away from the ones that say "brownie" =P
00:54.46cladhairedo we have to create the functino each time?
00:54.50cladhairethe .initialize?
00:55.12cladhairek, i have it working.
00:55.14cladhairebut i dont like this =(
00:55.24cladhairewe can't use ToggleDropDownMenu anymore for friendsframe?
00:55.53ag`_I use it for mine
00:56.05ag`_ToggleDropDownMenu(1, nil, FriendsDropDown, "cursor")
00:56.28cladhaireyeah, but you do  FriendsDropDown.initialize = functino() blah end
00:56.35cladhairethat's creating a function closure each time
00:58.26mjcIndustrial: (|h.-:) is supposed to be up to but not including : ?
00:58.57Industrialno including because i dont know wich : it will match in the regexes beneath that
00:59.21Industrialto prevent the bug where you say " says:" yourself and it gets removed
00:59.31mjcok, would you need another gsub at the end to remove the final : ?
01:00.05mjccause it's still getting one between the <> sometimes
01:00.25MikmaIndustrial: that torrent file really working for you+
01:00.33Industrialtheres more
01:00.44Industrial1% atm
01:00.47Mikmai'm not getting even info from it
01:00.58Mikmamust be my nazi firewall or so
01:01.12mjcupnpd = win
01:01.30Industrialmjc, mmmm ill look in a bit watching some foamy atm
01:01.36ag`_cladhaire, is it bad to do what I do?
01:01.39mjc~seen [ammo]
01:01.50purl[ammo] <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 4d 8h 11m 46s ago, saying: 'so no more trouble with that'.
01:01.50cladhaireag`_: Yeah, i'm working on a solution
01:02.07ag`_cladhaire, couldn't I just move that to a function and call that instead
01:02.21*** join/#wowace [Wobin] (
01:02.50cladhaireyou could, but you can just do it manually
01:02.51cladhairegimme a sec
01:03.38IndustrialMikma, im using utorrent if that helps. its a wonderful small exe with everything you'd want
01:03.50Industrialnone o dat big azureus crap but still the same freatures
01:04.05MikmaIndustrial: no thanks, it's .exe ^^
01:04.36ag`_I will hijack your solution
01:06.24kergothyay illwillpress
01:06.41Mikmaerror(s):[04:18:08] got bad file info - path ~uTorrentPartFile_5F1D157.dat disallowed for security reasons
01:07.10mjcIndustrial: text = string.gsub(text, '(|Hplayer.-|h):','%1')
01:07.22*** join/#wowace Wobble (
01:07.56Nightdewdont private messages work anymore in irc?
01:08.09kergoththey work fine
01:08.14cladhaireNightdew: you have to register with nickserv and identify
01:08.31Industrialmjc, you win
01:08.45CIA-1103cladhaire * r5172 10Clique/CliqueUtils.lua:
01:08.45CIA-11* Fixed the code for Unit Popups with raid units
01:09.09MikmaTekkub: "i might got some snot on my upperlip, but atleast i'm not seeing elvis in my refridgerator" :D
01:10.25*** join/#wowace Nightdew (
01:10.39*** join/#wowace ckknight (
01:10.39*** mode/#wowace [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
01:10.58mjcMikma: see up, I fixed it
01:12.49IndustrialTekkub, new to the church of foamy?
01:13.10ckknight(from Linux)
01:13.10Industrialtheres lots of them not on the site anymore :(
01:13.24Industrialmight be some torrents around :P
01:13.48TekkubI need this ringtone...
01:14.03ag`_thanks cladhaire
01:14.39cladhaireag`_: It works out okay and avoids the closure generation
01:14.41gnorlishthere is a link to a site with all of the episodes
01:14.47Mikmamjc: what and where? :)
01:14.47gnorlishit's linked from a wiki
01:14.55ag`_cladhaire, you don't need HideDropDownMenu ?
01:15.01mjcMikma: idPlayernames.lua
01:15.01cladhaireag`_: I've never used it anywhere
01:15.08mjcafter the last gsub
01:15.08Tekkuboh hey, I'm "certified pre-fucked" too
01:15.11ag`_I actually don't remember waht it does
01:15.17mjctext = string.gsub(text, '(|Hplayer.-|h):','%1')
01:15.52mjcMikma: fixes the <toon:> problem
01:16.05Mikmamjc: so i'll just add that line or remove the old ones?
01:16.14mjcadd it
01:18.09Mikmawell my timestamps disappeared now
01:18.36mjcnot my fault, my regexp is fine
01:19.35Mikmawell seems like i needed to load them in different order
01:21.15IndustrialTekkub; Support the foamy cult, buy an asspop today!
01:21.24Industrialoh wait maybe I shouldnt have said that :<
01:21.33Industrial*badoom tisch*
01:21.34ag`_cladhaire, it still doesn't seem to work
01:22.26cladhaireag`_: The code I just commited works fine on the blizzard raid frames
01:23.52mjc is pretty fun too
01:24.00mjcneat idea, if nothing else
01:26.20cladhaireag`_: Can you check with blizz raid?
01:31.44*** part/#wowace Tuplad (
01:33.19mjcneed to edit out simpleminimap's texture stuff
01:33.57mjcsettexture it is
01:34.22Mikmawell i was planning on doing an addon about it but the problem is positionsaving..
01:35.29IndustrialidUnitframes has it :P
01:35.58Mikmait has what?
01:36.03Industrialposition saving
01:36.07Mikmapositionsaving for frames?
01:36.16Mikmayes, it's easy to do for frames
01:36.38Mikmabut try to do it for something else, like Minimap without making an extra frame where to dock the whole package
01:36.50Industrialjust make an extra frame...
01:36.51ag`_cladhaire, it works now... but the dropdown is square?
01:37.13ag`_FriendsDropDown.displayMode = "MENU"
01:37.15MikmaIndustrial: them if i make an extraframe all other addons which move minimap will go nuts
01:37.32IndustrialNo they wont
01:37.40cladhaireag`_: Is there really a difference, lol =)
01:37.59ag`_anyway you could easily have invite, trade etc on raid units
01:38.32cladhaireag`_: I'm confused, what does that mean.
01:38.37cladhaireI'm just using the defaults the game provides.
01:38.44MikmaIndustrial: yes they will, go and look bartenders posts on and :P
01:39.08ag`_The one I made provides trade, inspect, whisper, and so on for raid units
01:39.15Industriala=CreateFrame('frame') a:SetWidth(1) a:SetHeight(1) MinimapCluster:ClearAllPoints MinimapCluster:setPoint('BOTTOMLEFT', UIParent, 'CENTER') and then move a
01:39.39Industrialoops that setpoint is a problem
01:40.28cladhaireag`_: Thats what I was working off of.
01:40.42ag`_let me check something
01:44.28Gngskzomg, TC+Meteor down no deaths ... until explosion
01:51.41Mikmayay just spent 5g on my respec
01:51.42cladhaireag`_: I'm headed to bed, shoot me an email, botmail, PM, forum, etc. with what you think
01:52.02ag`_cladhaire, sure
01:52.08ag`_thanks for the help
01:52.32Mikmaag`_: so what's up with the AceOptions? :)
01:52.34mjcMikma: comment out lines 195 and 196 in simpleminimap.lau
01:52.42ag`_Mikma, I am working on them
01:52.51mjcMikma: could you do that and integrate simpleminimap into mikma?
01:52.59ag`_ckknight stil didn't fix the bug where all menus open towards the left though
01:53.50CIA-1103cladhaire * r5173 10Clique/ (. CliqueUtils.lua): Clique: Removed AceConsole for the time being
01:54.52Mikmamjc: propably not since i'm planning on putting it into Bartender ;)
01:55.13ag`_cladhaire, still there?
01:56.22WobbleBulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest
01:56.22Wobble2006 Results
01:57.47Mikmatoo long, did not read.
01:58.17cladhaireag`_: I'm here and there, goign to bed in a few
01:58.45ag`_can I commit my plugin or do you want to look it over first?
02:01.03WobbleMikma: It's worth it =P
02:02.20*** join/#wowace ckknight (
02:02.21*** mode/#wowace [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
02:02.30ckknighthey all
02:03.26Gngskhey ck
02:03.41*** join/#wowace Amadeo (
02:03.41cladhaireag`_: The code shouldn't go into your plugin
02:03.47cladhaireits stuff that goes into CliqueUtil.lua
02:03.50cladhaireand works for all frames
02:04.01AmadeoThrae|Away: TinyTip stops showing corpses/minerals for me when I turn on ToT info display on next line
02:04.01ag`_cladhaire, no no, I know! I just made my plugin better.
02:04.13cladhaireag`_: Haha go ahead and commit it so i can see the changes
02:05.20CIA-1103ag * r5174 10Clique/Plugins/Clique_agUnitFrames.lua: clique plugin
02:07.03cladhaireag`_: Sounds good to me if it works =)
02:07.10cladhairethanks for taking a look at it.
02:07.11ag`_so it looks ok? It works
02:07.18cladhaireyeah, should be fine
02:07.32cladhaireauf will always fall back to LEftButton, RightButton working correctly?
02:07.47ckknightag`_, btw, couldn't reproduce your left menu thingy
02:07.50cladhaireCairenn: zomg hi i love you i just wanted to talk to you =)
02:09.07ag`_ckknight, I have a menu created with AceOptions table. It always falls towards the left of the screen, never the right, even if there's room. If you have spare time, you could try and check out ag_UnitFrames
02:09.36ckknightwill do.
02:09.41ag`_of course, it could just be me using dewdrop in a bad way
02:11.00ckknightnay, probably
02:11.31ag`_cladhaire, I simply made it call the original function if clique is off or something
02:12.15cladhaireag`_: aUF[string.gsub(this:GetName(),"aUF","")]:OnClickOld(button).  That will happen whenever Clique doesn't have a programmed clique
02:12.26cladhaireI jsut want to know if that will targetUnit and pop up the menu for left and right?
02:13.19ag`_that's my onclick
02:15.31*** part/#wowace Grumpey (
02:16.33cladhaireTekkub: New versino up, fixes the issue you reported, and a few others
02:16.59cladhaireCompile leaves droppings, build does'nt, and go executes.
02:17.01cladhaireas expected.
02:17.02TekkubI'm stealing PickMail's code, I like how it does shit
02:17.20Tekkubkewl clatter
02:17.21cladhaireTekkub: Look at MC too.. it was nice while it worked =)
02:17.31cladhaireMikma: NO WAI!
02:17.39cladhaireTekkub: MailChecker, called "MC".. by xelepart I believe
02:17.40ag`_cladhaire, add FriendsDropDown.displayMode = "MENU" so that menus go round :P
02:17.47cladhaireag`_: They are on svn trunk
02:17.52Mikmacladhaire: hehe joking, i would propably use it if i would have a win*
02:18.07ag`_great, thanks
02:18.28cladhaireMikma: I like vi and emacs, but scite is just so.. freaking.. speedy
02:18.45cladhairenot to mention, i'm going to code lua functions (since it uses lua internally) that allow you to do SVN operations from the menu
02:18.52cladhairewhich.. will... be.. OMFG sexy
02:19.06Tekkubshould I make EM always delete "bulk mail" messages if there is not items/money in them...
02:19.12gnorlishclad, perfectraid is crying on the back burner :((
02:19.13Tekkubor make the user alt-click to do it?
02:19.33cladhairegnorlish: I know, I have very very very limited time during the week, and PR is an overhaul at this point
02:19.35TekkubI was thinking alt-click would be a forced delete that didn't check for items, money, or the "item x or x" messages
02:19.47cladhairegnorlish: Pay for a weeks' vacation and Clique, WD2 and PR would be finished =0
02:19.49gnorlishoh, i didn't realize you were redoing
02:19.56cladhairebut i needed bitlib in scite, so I had to re-package it today
02:20.04cladhaireit wasn't me shirking my responsibilities.
02:20.14gnorlishi can imagine clique is more fun to code as well
02:20.38Mikmai should have a look of bulkmail
02:20.47Mikmadoes it have some nice GUI like ct_mailmod has?
02:20.54gnorlishif it does
02:20.57gnorlishyou should steal it!
02:22.05Mikmais there a way to disable UIErrorMessages from appearing on screen?
02:22.25Nightdewwhat was the irc command to change name again?
02:22.33Tekkubno gnore
02:22.37TekkubI'm not
02:22.54Tekkubit's a simple "shift-click to take items" mod
02:23.06Tekkuband it's been around since like, hC made BM
02:23.12Tekkubheh, hC made a BM
02:23.19NightdewAwaythanks C
02:23.26Mikmafreenode's horrible, horrible awaynicks :/
02:23.35Mikmawhy not just /away
02:23.42NightdewAwaycause i am a noob?
02:24.03MikmaNightdew: you're not the only one doing it, those pro's do it too... the lamers!
02:24.31Mikma~seen clad
02:24.41purlclad <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 2d 9h 27m 40s ago, saying: 'back to work.. bye!'.
02:24.41Nightdewdidnt work for me -> /away
02:25.31Mikmawell, use irssi ;)
02:30.18ckknightlet's see...
02:30.23ckknightwho wants free voice?
02:30.42gnorlishthat's like offering heroin
02:30.55gnorlishif you get voice you get this insatiable need for ops
02:31.29ckknightI know
02:31.37*** mode/#wowace [+v gnorlish] by ckknight
02:31.49ckknightyou silly crackhead.
02:32.02*** mode/#wowace [-v gnorlish] by ckknight
02:32.11ckknightmwahaha, you're still addicted!
02:32.24ckknightag`_, there?
02:32.24gnorlishit's like you just stuck a needle right in my arm
02:32.29ag`_ckknight, yeah
02:32.34ckknightI got ag_UnitFrames running
02:32.35ag`_I bet I did something horrible
02:32.41ckknightno menus
02:32.46ag`_do /aguf
02:32.48ckknighthow do I reproduce
02:33.18ckknightoh, that's cause of cursorx + cursory
02:33.24ckknightwill fix
02:36.18CIA-1103ckknight * r5175 10DewdropLib/Dewdrop-2.0/Dewdrop-2.0.lua: Dewdrop - fixed default direction on cursorx & cursory
02:37.00ckknightoh yea, all base-level dewdrop menus created from the AceOptions data table now have the Close thing at the end.
02:38.44ckknightI should add better stuff to the radio options...
02:39.33ckknighte.g. validate = { ["WAR"] = "Warrior" }
02:39.44ckknightso that it'll show up as Warrior in the GUI
02:39.53*** join/#wowace SilverShadow (
02:42.00ckknightin the Console, should it show up as WAR or Warrior?
02:42.06ckknightcause I mean, I want to allow for spaces
02:44.36ag`_I think WAR
02:45.50ckknightI'm thinking so, too
02:47.27ag`_people who used AceConsole+AceOptions are used to that too
03:07.02ag`_ckknight, how do I make a "big font" header using AceOptions
03:07.12ckknightcan't afaik
03:07.20ckknightfrankly don't think you should :-P
03:07.22ckknightit's unnatural
03:07.30ag`_one thing I noticed is that header text isn't indented
03:07.34ckknightI know
03:07.36ckknighton purpose
03:07.48ckknightyou think it's better indented or not?
03:08.04ckknightit's just a boolean to flip
03:08.59ag`_hm, I would say I'd like it indented, but do you think there is a use for an unindented one?
03:09.31ckknightshows it's definitely a header
03:09.33ckknightI guess :-P
03:09.50ag`_just that I've not seen other dropdowns look like that
03:09.56ckknightI guess
03:10.04ckknightI'll switch it back :-P
03:10.07ckknightworking on validate now.
03:10.22ag`_ok. that validate thing is going to be great for UIs
03:11.54*** join/#wowace XLVII (
03:17.00tekkubckk, what's the word on the street about FuTu?
03:23.44ckknightbeen hacking up Dewdrop + AceConsole in preparation
03:24.56ckknightI mean, FuBar's just a shell that wraps around Libraries
03:27.01ckknightthe two main parts of which are Tablet and Dewdrop
03:27.07ckknightTablet hasn't changed
03:27.10ckknightbut Dewdrop has
03:27.23ckknightso once it's nailed down, things should fall into place
03:29.24ckknighteveryone knows that Ace2 was made so that FuBar could use it :-P
03:29.31ckknightthat was my plan, at least
03:29.44ckknightcoincidentally, it turns out that other people can use it as well
03:30.11Industrialthats the spirit really
03:30.36IndustrialGood enough for me good enough for you. not? tell me.
03:30.43ckknightI still need to add another type to AceOptions
03:30.49ckknightset + other
03:31.06ckknighte.g. radio buttons with an other text box
03:32.45ckknightI also need to add validation to Dewdrop natively
03:34.24ag`_ckknight, that indent thing might look good actually
03:34.35ag`_is it too much work to make it an option?
03:34.36ckknightwith indent or without?
03:34.49ckknightI want to keep it standardized, ag
03:34.57ckknightso either all indented or all not
03:35.27ag`_indention would be dewdrop-specific
03:35.34ag`_so yeah I see what you mean
03:36.57ag`_Indented looks most consistent with the rest of the UI
03:37.06Amadeomy TinyTip keeps breaking
03:37.07ag`_but that's my opinion
03:38.47mjcany ideas for improvements?
03:38.54mjcon my ss :p
03:39.04CIA-1103ckknight * r5176 10Ace2/AceConsole-2.0/AceConsole-2.0.lua: AceConsole - added string-keyed validation tables.
03:39.17CIA-1103ckknight * r5177 10DewdropLib/Dewdrop-2.0/Dewdrop-2.0.lua: Dewdrop - added string-keyed validation tables.
03:39.47ckknightyea, I haven't really tested it
03:39.48ckknighthope it works
03:39.50ckknight*thumbs up*
03:40.36Amadeockknight: How safe should it be to update FuBar to FB2?
03:40.43ckknightnot too safe.
03:40.51Amadeo:( hehe
03:42.32AmadeoI don't even *need* to update it, but it's the one unsafe addon I have to update, so I can't just highlight everything :)
03:43.07ckknightsoon enough, though
03:43.12Amadeono big deal
03:43.19AmadeoYou've been doing a ton to Ace2
03:43.20ckknightgonna eat
03:43.26ckknightyea, I have :-P
04:02.06tekkub*points at tentacle rape*
05:04.45*** join/#wowace purl (i=ibot@pdpc/supporter/active/TimRiker/bot/apt)
05:04.45*** topic/#wowace is | | <-- READ IT | Ace 2.0.3768 Beta Release [07/01/06] |Zen and the Art of Kicking Users to death wearing pink fluffy bunny slippers so that it takes longer
05:08.02ckknight~hug purl
05:08.10purlACTION hugs purl
05:08.25ckknightself-love ftw
05:18.44KebinusanBleh nothing sucks more than canceling a raid because you only have 10 healers online
05:26.10kergothour casual guild just got stomped by the raptor boss in zg. pathetic. finally took him down at least, but after much dying.  not enough secondary healers
05:26.21kergothfirst 10+ man run i've done with the guild in like almost a year
05:26.26kergothah well
05:27.50CIA-1103ckknight * r5183 10DewdropLib/Dewdrop-2.0/Dewdrop-2.0.lua: Dewdrop - fixed bugs
05:37.52mjcdid I see someone with GonffBar inside aUF?
05:42.43ckknightwell, the profile system is currently 70% pimp
05:42.49ckknightnow to get that extra 30%...
05:44.03mjcckknight: s/extra/final
05:44.07mjc (1 line)
05:44.13ckknighthrm, you're right
05:44.13mjcrofl wtf
05:44.33ckknightrofl kartoffle
05:44.51mjcis luaprofiler actually decent?
05:46.26mjcor should someone write an ace2 profiler :p
05:46.27ckknighthaven't used it
05:46.50mjcfubar_performancefu says I'm using 28MB worth of mod memory
05:47.04mjcwhich is kind of ridiculous when you compare warmup's numbers to that
05:47.20mjcwarmup says 11
05:47.23ckknightPerformanceFu is correct
05:47.25kergothmjc: have you looked at the ram usage without any addons loaded?
05:47.27ckknightjust to let you know
05:47.36kergothmjc: without miniblizzraid, its like 25+ or something crazy like that
05:47.36mjckergoth: don't know how to get that
05:47.45kergothload a standalone performance addon
05:47.47kergothtry acegcinfo
05:47.49ckknightkergoth, it's like 10 or so for me
05:48.07ckknightactually, with no mods, here's how you check:
05:48.44mjcshould divide that by 1048576, no?
05:48.48kergothgood point, better yet
05:49.02mjcor even 1024
05:49.29mjcdoes miniblizzraid work again yet?
05:50.05mjc&& how does one do buffs and stuff w/ perfectraid? I couldn't quite get the hang of /perfectraid select class rogue to buff only rogues
05:50.59mjccause with blizz you can 'drag out' a class and then buff only that class
05:51.40mjcdoesn't seem to work that way on my mage, ckk you can try it if you want :p
05:52.06ckknightI haven't used perfect raid
05:52.09mjc13511 13894
05:52.15kergothi dunno, i've only used perfectraid with my rogue
05:52.17mjcckknight: any non-blizz raid UI
05:55.53mjcam I right in assuming that that is 13.5MB?
05:56.41mjc13894/1024 is pretty much 13.5
05:58.34mjc9048 11261 with MBR
06:02.52mjcckknight: how goes ;p
06:03.09ckknightstill working on AceDB
06:03.24mjcnice :)
06:04.41mjcso MBR is still broken but 2MB savings is still not too shabby
06:05.19mjcace + stopthelagness adds 200K
06:08.10kergothmjc: in my testing, stopthelagness didnt change anything at all without anything adding to the tooltip, and actually made things worse with mendy adding stuff to it... dunno if kael has tested to see if its still necessary lately or not
06:08.25mjche hasn't
06:10.47CIA-1103ckknight * r5184 10DewdropLib/Dewdrop-2.0/Dewdrop-2.0.lua: Dewdrop - now alphabetically sorts non-indexed validation tables.
06:11.25CIA-1103ckknight * r5185 10Ace2/AceDB-2.0/AceDB-2.0.lua: AceDB - hacked up options table.
06:11.27ckknightplztest kthx
06:12.05ckknightbasically, the profile thing in the dewdrop now is pimp
06:12.13mjcckknight: it'd be nice to have addon sets I could select from. eg. /ace disablenonraidmods /rl
06:12.15ckknightor at least pretends to be pimp
06:12.35ckknightI don't know the best way to do that
06:12.39ckknightplus, it'd be a bitch
06:13.00mjcarray of arrays :p
06:13.10mjchash of arrays
06:14.08kergothi dont think ace2 needs to do that. we just need a simple in game addon loader/enabler/disabler with profiles
06:14.09ckknightglobal profile switching doesn't exist yet and it doesn't really fit into the current scheme
06:14.16ckknightI agree, kerg
06:15.39mjcit'd be nice to have, period
06:15.50mjceven if ace2 doesn't do it
06:15.57mjcand it does seem a bit out of ace2's scope
06:16.14kergoththere are addons that can do profiles and such, but they're highly inefficient
06:16.50kergothi'm using mcp atm. no profiles or anything fancy, but at least covers the basics
06:16.52ckknightwhat now
06:16.59ckknightsame, kerg
06:17.05ckknightMaster Control Program
06:17.16ckknightmade by the demon
06:17.24ckknightdon't say his name, he might come back
06:17.42ckknightand I don't think you want that on your conscience
06:17.45kergothi want to see more addons go LoD, if only we had the addon profile tool to make use of it for class profiles and shit
06:18.23kergothright now i think i have like 25 addons in my set that are disabled by default since they're class specific
06:18.27kergothenable those for each char
06:19.09*** join/#wowace Elkano (
06:19.34ckknighthey Elkano
06:19.39kergothhey Elkano
06:20.54mjc2.5MB, holy christ
06:21.32mjcbetter be a tutorial video in there
06:22.07mjcwhere is MCP found :p
06:22.22mjcin kergothwowbits?
06:22.25kergothhe who should not be named took down his addon site
06:22.36kergothyeah its in there, feel free to swipe it
06:24.06hyperChipmunkI fell asleep writing docs =x
06:24.07kergothwoot, finally switched to a dark gtk2 theme
06:24.16kergothno more bright desktops that are hard on the eyes
06:25.28hyperChipmunkI got all the way to "click here to create a new page" before passing out.  progress!
06:26.20kergothmjc: man, i really want a perfectraid for party frames :\
06:26.31mjckergoth: agUF
06:26.41kergothit nice? havent played with it recently
06:26.53mjcyeah, has a perfectraidalike option
06:27.11mjcnot quite the smae
06:27.27mjcwe have a Dieanna too
06:28.03mjcwtf is your base URL, kerg
06:28.19mjc is what I thought of
06:28.37mjcoh got it
06:28.47kergothprojects is the trac's, svn is the svn repo's
06:29.04kergothi should put an actual personal webpage up someday
06:29.08kergothi hate doing web stuff though :P
06:34.09mjchow do I launch mcp
06:34.19kergothits in the main menu
06:34.21kergothhit escape
06:38.45ckknightgreat song
06:39.31hyperChipmunkBulkMail.lua:91: args.profile.args.other: "name" must be a string
06:39.38hyperChipmunkthat normal?
06:40.04hyperChipmunkhappens with onebag too
06:40.18hyperChipmunkdo i need to change my code?
06:40.28ckknight"my bad"
06:40.53ckknightI think
06:41.00ckknightcmdName is provided.
06:41.18hyperChipmunk'children', args,
06:41.18hyperChipmunk'dontHook', true
06:41.26hyperChipmunkthat's lines 91-94
06:41.35ckknightupdate Dewdrop
06:41.45hyperChipmunk'my bad'
06:41.55kergothckknight: fyi
06:42.11kergothckknight: i just did a current icehud checkout with current externals, and my wow hangs indefinately at login, about half way through the progress bar
06:42.19kergothmusic keeps playi9~ng, just never enters the world
06:42.27kergothwas seeing that in the past with bulkmail and others
06:42.35kergothits on the trunk
06:42.58hyperChipmunk[02:42-4005] AceConsole-2.0: Option handler "IsActive" not found.
06:43.01ckknightgonna check it out
06:43.10ckknighthyperChipmunk, odd
06:43.22kergothmy addon set is available in my svn as well, if you want to check out my entire interface dir and drop in the current icehud (if you cant repro otherwise)
06:43.39hyperChipmunkprofile isn't showing what it's set to, either
06:43.55ckknighthyperChipmunk, update all your Ace2 stuff
06:44.16mjcckknight: what's the first and second number in the gcinfo output?
06:44.20mjcwhich one is more interest
06:44.29ckknightmjc, 1st is current, 2nd is threshold
06:44.51mjcwell I turned off all the blizzard stuff with MCP, and it's reporting 8947
06:46.14mjcwhen you try to load them, it says 'could not load blizzard_auctionui: disabled in MCP'
06:46.20mjcthey're obviously doing something right
06:46.57hyperChipmunksvn is going fast again +D
06:47.45mjckergoth: what do you figure it's doing to successfully disable the blizzard UI stuff where miniblizzraid fails
06:48.07ckknightbugs suck
06:48.49ckknightwell, apparently IceHUD is freezing
06:48.51ckknightor something
06:49.03hyperChipmunkstill persists; and after the error occurs, the printout adds another repetition of each line (i.e. next time it prints each line twice, then three times, then four...)
06:50.11ckknightthe IsActive error?
06:50.13ckknightor what
06:51.14hyperChipmunk[02:51-4008] AceConsole-2.0: Option handler "IsActive" not found. ---
06:51.54ckknightwhat are you registering with AceConsole?
06:52.29hyperChipmunkhm, at least it doesn't break aceconsole completely like the profile did; that's definite improvement
06:52.33mjc8971 after 30 seconds
06:52.38hyperChipmunkwhat do you mean
06:52.45mjc9285 with Ace2 loaded
06:52.52mjcnot bad
06:52.55kergothnot bad at all
06:53.17kergothmjc: wait, so disabling blizz addons with mcp actually results in a ram usage drop? i never tried it :)
06:54.12hyperChipmunkckknight: lemme narrow down a line number here for ya
06:54.37ckknightkergoth, is it possibly freezing from having collectgarbage() called?
06:54.58kergothhmm, i dont see how it could cause that
06:55.19ckknighteither way, I'm gonna take out my collectgarbage() hack
06:55.25ckknightit's in AceLocale
06:55.51ckknightI figure that it's inherently flawed anyway
06:56.07ckknightsince the strings would still exist in the file's wrapped function
06:56.12mjcMikma: your settings thing uses 487K
06:57.24CIA-1103ckknight * r5186 10Ace2/AceLocale-2.0/AceLocale-2.0.lua: AceLocale - commented out collectgarbage()
06:57.27kergothsettings thing?
06:57.44ckknightkergoth, see if you can maybe reproduce now?
06:57.49ckknightwith updated AceLocales
06:59.06kergothwill do
06:59.28mjcMCP only uses 78, according to warmup
06:59.32mjchow is that not efficient!?
06:59.55mjc0.257 sec world entry
07:00.00mjc0.394 sec total
07:00.11kergoththe ones that arent efficient are the ones with profile support. all of them have gigantic ram spikes while scrolling the list and shit
07:00.53mjckergoth: MCPs disabletheblizzardcrap thing is sick
07:00.55kergothckknight: want me to update all the acelocale's i've got in the addons dir, in case the old one is gets init'd before the new?
07:01.06kergoths/gets //
07:01.19ckknightwell, just make sure the first one is updated
07:01.35ckknightso that the old one isn't initted
07:01.36kergothdunno which one that is :)
07:02.15ckknightIceroth, nice HUD
07:02.15kergothfind . -name AceLocale\*.lua|grep -v IceHUD|for i in `cat`; do cp -av IceHUD/libs/AceLocale/AceLocale-2.0.lua $i; done
07:03.12mjc15.300 total time
07:03.16gnorlishis there a supported addon similar to xraidstatus floating around?
07:03.16mjcon login
07:06.05kergothckknight: i dunno man, fucking weird.  still hangs, remove icehud even with all the other ace2 addons with the new acelocale, no hang
07:06.20ckknightokay, how can I reproduce your setup?
07:06.52kergothuse tortoise to check out, thats my addon set
07:07.06kergoththen check out current IceHUD with all the current externals
07:07.08kergothsee if it hangs
07:08.23mjckergoth: if that's not a sexy screenshot, I don't know what is
07:08.44kergothi miss fast login times :P
07:09.58kergotherk, bulkmail
07:10.49mjcbartender is 117k including ace stuff. nice
07:11.09kergothokay bulkmail hangs too, definately one of the ace2 libs
07:11.24kergothi'll change them one by one to the old version to see if we can isolate to a specific one
07:11.56ThraePerhaps this is the AceLibrary problem I encountered earlier?
07:12.08ckknightcould you describe the issue, Thrae?
07:13.15mjcwarmup says ace2 is 540KB, and it caused a garbage collect
07:13.29kergothyeah, reverting acelibrary fixes it alright
07:13.45ThraeAt some point, people started complaining that TinyTipOptions and TinyTipExtras were causing long to infinite load times. They always had the newest AceLibrary from trunk. They're both LoadOnDemand, so I thought it was a problem with AceLibrary and LoadOnDemand...but that might not be the case.
07:14.40kergothckknight: that change causes the hang
07:14.45kergoth(diff of hanging against old non-hanging)
07:14.49gnorlishthrae, tinytip is very nice now
07:15.10ThraeI found the addon with an older revision of AceLibrary to be BulkMail, but I stupidly updated BulkMail without saving its revision of AceLibrary.
07:15.18*** join/#wowace Jarentha1 (
07:15.31kergothThrae: see the old revision in the diff, then check that rev of acelibrary out of svn :)
07:15.44ThraeAh, good idea.
07:15.59Thraegnorlish: Thanks, though it still needs a lot of work ^^;
07:16.05gnorlishit looks like this natur guy is going to make me drop his enemy castbar, he's putting loads of crap into it
07:20.20ckknightmum needed help with iTunes
07:20.53ckknightkergoth, you know, I changed that _after_ you said it caused hanging
07:22.33ckknightkergoth, any idea on why that would cause it to hanging?
07:25.15Thraekergoth, are you taking AceLibrary out of branches?
07:26.04kergothi obey externals. from the looks of things, all the new versions are coming from the trunk
07:26.12ThraeAh wait, it's just Tortoise SVN not showing modifications done on July 20th for some reason.
07:28.20ThraeHmm kergoth, it seems your client is putting different revisions on AceLibrary then mine is. Tortoise SVN is using the HEAD revision for AceLibrary.
07:30.04kergothold is 5033, new is 5145
07:30.43ThraeYeah and 5033 is the one that was hanging for you, right?
07:31.00kergothno, 5145 hangs, 5033 doesnt
07:31.09kergothold works
07:31.25ElkanoThrae, found any clues on the strange behavior of TTip wrt to only showing tooltips on UI items when you hover them for the 2nd time? and not showing tooltips for world items bsides alive units
07:32.16ThraeElkano: That is due to some kind of addon conflict.
07:34.12*** join/#wowace XLVII (
07:34.53ThraeYep, kergoth is correct.
07:35.22ThraeI put 5033 AceLibrary in BulkMail, and latest AceLibrary in TinyTipOptions, and I am again getting the hang.
07:37.09ckknightbut before that you don't?
07:37.10ThraeWith the latest AceLibrary for both addons, I get no hang.
07:37.22ckknightwhat about both at 5033?
07:37.29kergothah thats interesting, so its acelibrary upgrading itself thats probably causing the hang
07:37.39ckknightas I suspected...
07:37.41kergothdont we unit test that? probably not well though
07:37.48ckknightnot well enough
07:38.23ThraeBoth at 5033 is fine. Let me try BulkMail at latest.
07:38.58ThraeWith BulkMail at latest and TinyTipOptions at 5033, no hang
07:39.31ThraeSo this could be a problem with 5033 upgrading itself, or a problem that still persists with the latest revision.
07:39.41kergothwhich of those addons loads first?
07:39.54ThraeTinyTipOptions is LoadOnDemand.
07:40.00ThraeIt only loads when I do /ttip
07:40.04kergothah right
07:40.49Thraekergoth, is the diff you posted the very latest vs 5033?
07:41.43ckknighttry this test:
07:41.47kergoththats 5033 vs very latest.  the -'s remove things from 5033
07:41.48ckknightboth use the latest version
07:41.56ckknightbut change one of the minor versions to be higher
07:42.03ckknightso the code is the same, but it still updates
07:42.06ThraeAh, good idea.
07:43.14*** join/#wowace MoonWolf (
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07:43.22ThraeYep, we have the hang. I just added 1 to the latest revision in TinyTipOptions, and BulkMail (my only other Ace2 Addon) has the latest.
07:43.51ckknightthese are the only two loaded?
07:44.12*** join/#wowace Cheads (
07:44.25kergothah, so the upgrade problem existed in 5033 and continues to exist today?
07:44.35ckknightyes, kerg
07:44.57MoonWolfgood morning.
07:45.06kergothhey moon
07:45.57ckknighthey Mr. Wolf
07:47.09ThraeHmmm, this is interesting.
07:47.47ThraeTinyTipExtras also uses AceLibrary, but it's LoadOnDemand and is loaded with TinyTip. I updated TinyTipExtras to the newest, and with BulkMail disabled, I don't get the hang.
07:48.08ckknightwtf, mate?
07:48.24ThraeAnd now BulkMail is giving me a hang for 43 seconds
07:48.49ThraeThat's with TinyTipExtras disabled, let me see with it enabled
07:49.46ThraeI added a GetTime() before and after LoadAddOn to try and root out the hanging people were experiencing.
07:50.08ThraeYeah, BulkMail is giving me only 46 seconds hang time now.
07:50.38CIA-1103ckknight * r5187 10Ace2/AceAddon-2.0/AceAddon-2.0.lua: AceAddon - added title to the aceoptions data table.
07:50.44ThraeLet me try on my main character, which has a bunch of Ace2 Addons.
07:50.49CIA-1103ckknight * r5188 10Ace2/AceConsole-2.0/AceConsole-2.0.lua: AceConsole - tweak
07:51.00CIA-1103ckknight * r5189 10DewdropLib/Dewdrop-2.0/Dewdrop-2.0.lua: Dewdrop - tweak
07:51.17ckknight46 seconds is a shitload :-P
07:51.34ThraeBetter then indefinately ;)
07:52.10ckknightyes, at least we can trim down time
07:52.38ckknightThrae, you think you can make a test to be as small as possible and still hang?
07:52.50ThraeHmmm, it's been well over a minute.
07:53.05ckknighti.e. a unit test that I can use and hack on
07:53.07MoonWolfaddons that hang my ui for more then 2 seconds just because they feel like it or on load can go somehwere else.
07:53.13ThraeOK, let me see.
07:53.22MoonWolfnow, if its some database search operation or something like that.
07:54.50snurre  <-- even though im playing with the thought of getting a font change, that description is just too "omg look at me, im beautiful, im the best"
07:55.26ThraeKirkburn, from my experience, isn't necessarily like that. ClearFont was the first and best of its time.
07:56.02MoonWolfwell there were a lot of funky font mods
07:56.05MoonWolflike adventure
07:56.21MoonWolfthat were nice looking for 5 seconds and totally impracticle after that.
07:56.48kergothclearfont imo really is the best of them, simple clean easy to read text
07:56.52ckknightI should check on FuBar's comments
07:56.54snurrehm, are there any customization options for clearfont?
07:57.09sedatedChipmunkyea, change the fonts
07:57.23sedatedChipmunkyou can use whatever font you like
07:58.12sedatedChipmunk1. download clearfont 2. replace with Bitstream Vera Sans 3. ??? 4. Bliss!
07:58.15kergothi like vera myself
07:58.17kergothyea :)
07:59.15sedatedChipmunkthe top three comments or so even talk about exactly that
07:59.53sedatedChipmunkoh, cuz it's kyahx posting =)
08:00.24sedatedChipmunkwho i believe was one of the people who asked me what font I used after seeing one of my screenshots =P
08:01.53sedatedChipmunksee? others have seen the light!
08:02.40ThraeGreat, now I can't reproduce the bug.
08:02.58MoonWolfthe bug went in hiding, scared of being killed.
08:03.11kergothi hate it when they do that
08:03.16snurrehm, do i replace those in \interface\addons\!clearfont\fonts or those in \fonts\ ?
08:03.44ckknightThrae, noes
08:03.54MoonWolfi assume those in the !clearfont\fonts dir.
08:04.15sedatedChipmunkheck, I copied them over everything =)
08:04.49snurretrying bitstream vera now
08:04.50MoonWolfi need some advice on a bluish color that would work well over actionbuttons.
08:05.04sedatedChipmunkthere's like 50 different copies of Vera.ttf, renamed all over my wow directories
08:05.38MoonWolfwhen i doubt, copy!
08:05.47sedatedChipmunk[staharaj@hyperion]$ diff MORPHEUS.ttf Vera.ttf
08:05.48kergothMoonWolf: i discovered i liked 7F7FFF for my casters, but found it not as visible on my rogue.  might want to color it based on whether its energy/rage/mana (red/yellow/blue) instead
08:05.58kergothMoonWolf: just cause thats the color one gets used to seeing
08:06.12MoonWolfthats an interesting piece of logic.
08:06.12sedatedChipmunk[staharaj@hyperion]$ diff FRIZQT__.ttf Vera.ttf
08:06.43MoonWolfwho the hell at blizzard ever thought that FRIZQT__ was a good file name.
08:07.00ThraeMANA_BAR_COLORS[ UnitPowerType(unit) or 1 ].r, etc.
08:07.11sedatedChipmunkthey just copied it from their windows C:\Windows\Fonts probably
08:07.29sedatedChipmunkall the ttf files there look like that, iirc
08:08.27snurremeh, can't someone take damagemeters and make it look better? :|
08:08.40MoonWolfI like the new warlock demon voices and sayings.
08:08.43sedatedChipmunkyou can; give us a link when you're done
08:08.59snurreflat (or smooth, as those in aguf) bars, or textured.. no border etc.. *cry*
08:09.08snurreand i can't.. i r noob
08:09.32sedatedChipmunki need to make an irc alias for the reply moonwolf gave yesterday
08:09.52ckknightFuBar needs 3 more votes to be most favorite on WoWI
08:10.07MoonWolfI forgot the exact wording :9
08:10.10MoonWolf:( *
08:10.17sedatedChipmunk14:26 < Neronix> Anyone know a LFG filter mod that lets me specify my own filter patterns?
08:10.20sedatedChipmunk14:26 < Neronix> Preferably one that does proper hooks
08:10.24sedatedChipmunk14:27 <@MoonWolf> no, but we look forward to you making one.
08:11.43sedatedChipmunki think he actually did it, too, didn't he?
08:11.46ThraeAnd if you look on the SVN, there's a new listing by Neronix which in the TOC file says "A LFG Filter" ;)
08:12.15ThraeHmmmmm, this is interesting.
08:12.21sedatedChipmunk15:44 < CIA-11> neronix * r5091 EarPlug/ (. Earplug.lua Earplug.toc):
08:12.21sedatedChipmunk15:44 < CIA-11> EarPlug - Initial commit. LFG filter that allows you to specify your own
08:12.24sedatedChipmunk15:44 < CIA-11> patterns (Can be lua patterns, and case insensitive (Messages are string.lower'd
08:12.27sedatedChipmunk15:44 < CIA-11> before testing) or else use the standard lfg, lfm and lf%m patterns. Thanks to
08:12.30sedatedChipmunk15:44 < CIA-11> MoonWolf for the name.
08:12.38sedatedChipmunk1 hour it gets results too!
08:12.53MoonWolfyes, and I even got to name it.
08:13.52ThraeNow I'm getting a hang on load, even though one of the two is LoadOnDemand.
08:14.00NeronixAnd it's done as of 1am last night :P
08:14.13NeronixI wrote it cause I needed one too :P
08:14.16sedatedChipmunk~cheer Neronix
08:14.17purlThree cheers for Neronix!  Hip hip Hurray! Hip hip Hurray! Hip hip Hurray!
08:14.38NeronixAnyone tested yet? I couldn't, but it at least compiled without errors in Scite
08:14.59sedatedChipmunkk reall ygoin' to bed now; seeyas tomorrow
08:15.23ckknightThrae, odd
08:16.30ThraeAh, typo in code.
08:16.32snurre <- now with bitstream vera
08:16.57Elkanohmm... are we having an EU coder guild like they are having in US?
08:17.16*** join/#wowace malifae (
08:17.44Elkanosnurre, nice buffmod you are using there ;)
08:18.28Thraeckknight: I can't reproduce the error with just grabbing an instance of AceLibrary, even if I make the second mod LoadOnDemand.
08:18.35Kebinusanapparently in 1.12 you get shards back if you die before your pet
08:18.47ckknightThrae, you have to have two AceLibraries
08:18.52ckknightone updating the other
08:18.54Kebinusanor if you hop on a griffin with a pet
08:19.01NeronixKebinusan: <3!
08:19.22Thraeckknight: Yep, that's what I'm testing - TestOne and TestTwo both have AceLibrary and Dewdrop-2.0, while TestTwo has +1 to its revision on AceLibrary.
08:21.03Thraeckknight: If you check out BulkMail and TinyTip + TinyTipOptions, then add 1 to TinyTipOption's revision, you should be able to reproduce the problem. Do you have an account?
08:21.17ckknightborrowing mjc's
08:22.12ThraeI added profiling code to TinyTip's LoadAddOn call, so I know the problem lies there.
08:23.06ckknightworks with just those three?
08:23.10ckknightI mean, hangs
08:23.20ThraeAll we could do now is start stripping things out of BulkMail and TinyTip until we figure out what they are doing differently.
08:23.30ThraeYep, if you add +1 to TinyTipOption's revision
08:23.39ThraeAceLibrary revision, that is
08:23.57ThraeBulkMail also requires AceGUI though, which in turn requires Ace 1.3x
08:24.32ckknightwe need an AceGUI 2.0
08:24.47ThraeYeah, that's certainly true.
08:24.47kergothcould use icehud instead of bulkmail for your test, should exhibit the same behavior.  course any ace2 addon should, but i've seen that one exhibit it
08:25.50ckknightI'll try IceHUD + TinyTip + TinyTipOptions
08:26.22ThraeYeah, I'm downloading IceHUD right now.
08:27.58ckknightlol, got a 60 on the test realm
08:28.04ckknightguess what my name is
08:28.09ckknighthow lame.
08:28.49ckknightI'm Horde
08:29.03ThraeYep, I'm getting hanging with IceHUD + TinyTip + TinyTipOptions
08:29.10ckknightand it tunrs out my account works
08:29.30ThraeLemme create a duplicate of TinyTip and strip out most of TinyTip so its just loading TinyTipOptions
08:29.32ckknighton the test realm
08:29.38ckknightnot on the regular realm
08:33.39CIA-1103thrae * r5190 10TinyTipOptions/TinyTipOptions.lua: TinyTipOptions: If db is not valid, skip creating Dewdrop menu.
08:36.16ckknightokay, I am undergoing the hang
08:36.22ckknightit will stop eventually, right?
08:36.50ThraeWell unless it takes longer then 2 minutes
08:37.03ThraeOne time I waited for 10 minutes
08:37.10ThraeThat was with 5033 vs 5145
08:37.44kergothi waited for a very, very long time. it seems to hang indefinately
08:37.54kergothalways have to kill it off
08:39.42ThraeHmmm, my attempt to clean up TinyTest was a failure. Probably because the database TinyTipOptions needed wasn't being created properly.
08:40.10ThraeA good 50% of TinyTip's code is just creating and managing the database.
08:42.39ThraeAlright, I'm stumped, but that should be no surprise.
08:45.34ThraeI shall watch anime in defeat.
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08:48.05snurrehm, when i started messing with fonts all pc/npc nameplates disappeared :(
08:48.10ckknightinstead of admitting defeat, I'm going to solve this issue
08:48.17ckknightsnurre, press 'v'
08:48.25snurreyeah, only shows hp bar
08:48.28snurreno name
08:48.52ThraeWell I was just admitting defeat to trying to create a smaller test version that also causes the hang.
08:49.00ThraeFor the actual issue, I have noooo idea.
08:50.37snurrehm, deleting WDB didnt help o.O
08:50.52snurremust be the font then o.O
08:51.39ckknightmy way of fixing it is to comment out sections until I figure out the issue
08:52.15ckknightand I found it
08:52.42ThraeCommenting out parts of AceLibrary or the addon's code?
08:53.23MoonWolfI tried that once, ended up with a totally commented out addon an no bug.
08:59.15CIA-1103maia 07Ace2 * r5191 10Squishy/Squishy/ (core.lua developer-todo.txt frames.lua roster.lua):
08:59.15CIA-11Squishy (Ace2):
08:59.15CIA-11- sorted dewdrop options
08:59.15CIA-11- enabled AceDebug
08:59.15CIA-11- altered roster debug code
09:01.51ckknight25 seconds -> 0 seconds
09:06.47CIA-1103ckknight * r5192 10Ace2/AceLibrary/AceLibrary.lua: AceLibrary - conquered the boogieman. Also, no longer hangs.
09:06.57ckknightkergoth, Thrae, fixed.
09:08.37ckknightthat bug was heinous
09:08.54*** join/#wowace Sairen (
09:09.13MoonWolfwhat was the problem ?
09:09.17kergothit was so annoyingly random, since it depended on what versions of acelibrary i had floating around :)
09:09.28kergothupgrade, downgrade, bam, hit it, or stop hitting it, or..
09:09.45ckknightMoonWolf, the boogieman.
09:09.59MoonWolffor a second there i read sairen as saien
09:10.03ckknightI was doing t[recurse] = true
09:10.10XLVIIindustrial, some of your addons break with the new patch.
09:10.18ckknightthen nilling it at the end as t[recurse] = nil
09:10.28ckknightnow I do recurse[t] = true
09:10.40ckknightthen once it's _all_ over, nill out recurse's values
09:10.54ckknightbasically, it was just horribly optimized
09:11.09ckknightand  possibly running through tables x number of times, where x is a shitload
09:11.18ckknightnow it runs through em once and only once
09:11.25ThraeYep, problem solved even with TTOptions's AceLibrary revision +1, where TTOptions and IceHUD have latest AceLibrary
09:11.27ckknightand recurse[t] is faster than t[recurse]
09:11.51ckknightin the way I was doing it
09:11.58ckknightcause I had to account for metatable weirdness
09:12.02ckknightso I had to use rawget
09:12.03ckknightand stuff
09:12.11ckknightbut it works now
09:12.35Thraeckknight: Good job :) Sorry I couldn't give you smaller versions to account for the error.
09:12.35ckknightrecurse[t] is faster than rawget(t, recurse)
09:12.41ckknightThrae, no biggie
09:12.47ckknightyou owe me some pennance, though
09:13.39ckknightoh well
09:13.56ckknightyou owe me a tithing to be collected at some later date
09:15.11ThraeOwing ckknight a favour...sounds dangerous ;)
09:15.30ckknighta tithing is actually 10% of your earnings
09:16.26Elkano"you owe me your firstborn..." ;)
09:16.38ckknightfirstbornes do taste the best...
09:17.36ThraeBut I'm unemployed! And I think the Devil owns my firstborne from that final I didn't study for in high school...
09:18.00ThraeOr maybe that was my immortal soul. Forget which.
09:18.55ckknightthey're both equally delicious
09:20.45MoonWolfI tried to sell my soul once, but the devil accusem me off being a ripoff... apperently i have no soul.
09:21.50ckknightI bought one off a hobo once
09:21.52ckknightgood times.
09:22.07ckknightsilly drunks
09:32.11*** join/#wowace Soltanis (i=as@
09:33.11Elkanockknight, the tabletlib bug is back :/ strange...
09:33.26ckknightdoesn't help if I don't know which bug
09:35.29Elkanohmm, it seems to not be deterministic :/ relogged, gone again :/
09:35.46Elkanothe one where some parts were written with a smaller font size
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09:40.46CIA-1103thrae * r5193 10TinyTipOptions/TinyTipOptions.lua: TinyTipOptions - You can now increase the scale to 2.0.
09:40.55ckknightElkano, ah
09:41.04ckknightElkano, I never looked into that
09:41.06ckknightNeronix, lol.
09:41.28ckknightbinary and bitwise logic is fun
09:43.31NeronixNot really for someone who's only been coding since April :P
09:48.27ckknightI've been coding for a while now
09:49.56Soltanisare there any good mana conserve mods availble still?
09:50.20ElkanoThrae, the ttip bugs I reported aren't caused by other addons: they also happen with only the three TTip addons enabled
09:50.52ThraeSoltanis: AceHeal and Clique
09:51.12ThraeElkano: Hmmm. Tooltips not showing up for corpses and such, right?
09:51.24Elkanothat's the one thing, yes
09:51.31SoltanisKnow any that aint Ace'ed ? :-)
09:51.47ThraeSoltanis: You're asking this in #wowace?
09:51.47Elkanoplayer corpses' (mob corpses' do), chairs', ...
09:52.21ThraeElkano: Have you tried deleting your TinyTip,etc. folders and doing a fresh CheckOut?
09:52.24Elkanoand in order to show tooltips for eg actionbuttons I have to hover twice after I hovered over a unit
09:52.35ElkanoI can try that
09:53.05ThraeThe thing is, I never have this problem, even with a bunch of addons enabled, or no addons enabled. And I do play the game occasionally :D
09:53.06Elkanobut shouldn't change anything since svn tells me all files are up2date
09:53.25SoltanisThrae : yeah, cos just like me you have guild people that like a selection of mods to use :-)
09:53.51ThraeSometimes a svn client's local files can get screwed up.
09:54.48ThraeElkano: You're also using PC, right?
09:55.31ThraeNext step would be to figure out if this is a deDE problem, but I can't think of why it would be.
09:56.10ThraeEveryone who came to me saying they get no tooltips on corpses updated all their other addons and the problem was fixed...
09:56.28ThraePlayer corpses and other doodads
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10:14.29haste~seen Nightdew
10:14.34purlnightdew <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 7h 48m 11s ago, saying: 'night'.
10:18.56ckknightmorning, haste
10:25.08phybertrailer for the flying mounts :)
10:28.35ElkanoThrae, removed TinyTipAnchor from toc and now they show up
10:28.39hasteis it the one released a while ago with the drunk flying and testnig?
10:31.36Elkanobut now unit tooltips always fade even if I set fading to always of in ttip options
10:32.21*** join/#wowace Shyva (
10:32.47phyberhaste: must be.
10:33.04phyberwith the Gnomeregan Gnews Gnetwork
10:37.55ckknighttake out the stupid G's
10:38.01ckknightGNN works
10:45.40*** join/#wowace ag` (
10:47.41Soltanisgrr can't find any mana conserve mods to my liking :-(, they are either not updated any more, inside some other large mod with features i don't need, or don't check casting time :-(
10:50.28hasteSorry, but I have to say this
10:50.30hasteLearn to play
10:51.04hasteMana conserve is one of the reasons I started the work on oRA
10:51.28Soltanisim a warlock finding them for other people :-)
11:05.54*** join/#wowace Tuplad (
11:10.40ckknighthey Tuplad
11:14.10NeronixHaving just watched the TF2 trailer, I don't think valve will deliver
11:14.21NeronixGief Fortress Forever plz
11:14.36Neronixgut feeling
11:14.59hasteGief Duke Nukem Forever
11:15.35hasteIt's been on dev, since... 1997?
11:16.08NeronixIt's the Rolls-Royce of vapourware
11:17.04ckknightit's like news, minus all the depressing stuff
11:17.43hastehaha, I just found my Rise of the triad CD :p
11:18.44haste :D
11:20.13steinolooks really unique
11:20.57hasteIt was based of doom, so no wonder :p
11:21.49hasteoh, they've released a Prey demo now
11:21.50Elkanowow: 20 Megabytes of explosive graphics, animations, music and digitized sounds!
11:22.11hastethe game was like.. announced at the same time as Duke Nukem forever :
11:22.35haste << it looks hot also
11:23.10*** join/#wowace MvA|Slayman (
11:25.09haste << that's how it looked before
11:26.59Wobbleattempt to call method 'ArgCheck' (nil value): ...erface\AddOns\Squishy\libs\AceTab-2.0\AceTab-2.0.lua:25 function `RegisterTabCompletion'
11:27.08WobbleIt's stopping everything ffrom loading =\
11:32.48Tupladckknighthey Tuplad
11:32.51Tupladhey ckknight )
11:38.53CIA-1103neronix * r5194 10EarPlug/Earplug.lua: EarPlug - Minor optimisation. Now does GetLocale() once rather than 5 times. Still untested btw
11:45.26ag`haste, ROTT wasn't based off doom, it was based off Wolfenstein 3D :D
11:47.42hastemight be
11:48.03hastePrey is kind of cool ;D
11:50.19NeronixWolfenstein 3D was itself based on Doom iirc
11:50.46Tupladmetamap is freaking huge ;\
11:51.25hastedidn't doom come afterwards?
11:51.33hastesince doom has a more powerful 3D engine
11:51.39*** part/#wowace Tuplad (
11:51.41haste(it can have several floors even!)
11:51.46haste(or was that doom2?)
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11:53.13haste << Prey looks cool tho' ;D
11:53.35Mikmamjc: lol?
11:54.44NeronixTuplad: It's what we in the business call a borg addon
11:54.56NeronixWhy the fuck the author can get away with it, I dunno
11:56.26Mikmaresistance is futile
11:57.44ag`Neronix, wolf3d came before doom :)
11:57.46Mikmamjc: 88KiB on my system
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11:58.28hasteI got my Machinae Supremacy - Deus Ex Machinae CD ;D
11:58.45NeronixGief rip plz
11:58.58Neronixag`: I stand corrected
11:59.03ag`also doom isn't based on wolfenstein, they were made by two different companies
11:59.13Mikmaag`: waddup honey?
11:59.18NeronixI thought id did both
11:59.31ag`wolf3d is made by Apogee/3drealms
11:59.48ag`3drealms later made ROTT
11:59.51ag`hi Mikma
11:59.57Mikmaoh lookie, new version of simple combat log
12:00.01hasteit still uses id softwares engine
12:00.06Mikmalet's see what's "new"
12:00.17ag`what uses id softwares engine?
12:00.26Mikmawe need an ace2'd combatlog :(
12:00.45ag`Prey does now, it uses doom3
12:00.51ag`Mikma, yeah mikma
12:05.24hasteag`: so does Wolf3D!
12:05.41hasteIf I haven't lost my memory since then
12:05.58ag`rtcw uses quake3 engine
12:06.06haste << that's pretty nift
12:06.16hasteag`: not rtcw!
12:06.21ag`wolf3d is 3drealms own, old engine from 1992 or something
12:06.31hasteI have to investigate that!
12:07.00hasteWolfenstein 3D (commonly abbreviated to Wolf 3D) is a video game that is generally regarded as having popularized the first person shooter genre on the PC. It was created by id Software and published by Apogee Software on May 5, 1992 for DOS.
12:07.37ag`oh yeah, true
12:07.44ag`but it's not the doom engine
12:07.45MoonWolfwe know that haste or we should.
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12:08.55hasteoO, rise of the triad uses Wolf3Ds engine
12:09.00NeronixBah, COMBAT_TEXT_UPDATE only gives info for incoming damage and heals
12:09.06NeronixWho wants to bug Slowken?
12:09.34hasteand Doom uses Wolf3Ds engine
12:15.19ag`haste, sure about that? I think doom was a new engine...
12:15.24Mikmaag`: the new menu is nifty
12:15.37ag`Mikma, far from done yet though :O
12:16.08Mikmaag`: yeah, but sadly i noticed there was this "raid" part which is not needed :(
12:16.26MikmaPerfectRaid all the way
12:16.29hasteag`: Wikipedia said so
12:16.55ag`Mikma, adding raid is 3 lines of code. In fact, as aUF is object oriented raid already works now
12:17.05ag`try out aUF:CreateObject("raid1")
12:17.20Mikmaag`: but but, i don't wan't to :(
12:17.41Mikmaag`: remember to make it behind a switch tho.. "use raid features"
12:17.51Mikmaag`: i don't wan't 2x raidwindows ;)
12:18.23ag`Frames and objects are created as they're needed
12:18.29ag`if raid is off they will never be created
12:18.34ag`I don't see the problem here :P
12:18.48Mikmaso i have to put Raid -> Hide frame on
12:19.03ag`it is currently off by default
12:19.15Mikmagood, let it be that way
12:19.32ag`you know, the settings are saved
12:19.40ag`so if you set it off once, it's off
12:19.49Mikmabut also remember to put ToT as PerfectRaid and scale 100% as default, it's pretty cool :D
12:20.29Mikmaag`: i didn't mean the settings, i was meaning that if users wan't to use aguf's raidwindows let them enable it by theirself
12:21.01ag`well I am going to have it on off as default
12:21.10ag`it was like that in mg too
12:21.21Mikmathis is ToT PerfectRaid 100% :)
12:21.39Mikmai also disabled buffs since they aren't needed really on ToT :)
12:21.54Mikmai also moved it after that picture
12:22.06Tupladhaste: you there ?;)
12:22.18Mikmahaste: don't talk! tuplad is here!
12:23.38ag`I need to figure out how to use locales in Ace2
12:25.23ag`looks nice
12:25.25Tuplad"not necessarily "lag" issues, however, my FPS and performance did increase significantly when I switched over from Discord Action Bars to the original game interface bars. I continued to use Discord Unit Frames with no problems." -> he seems to be surprised :o
12:25.37ag`that guy is wearing some funky clothing Mikma
12:25.54Mikmaag`: yeah sometimes i get the same kind of clothes myself when i cmd+m
12:26.03hasteTuplad: you wanted something?
12:26.07Tupladhaste: yes yes ?!
12:26.19MikmaTuplad: no gaysex in here!
12:26.21Tupladhaste: could you add to the Race to the target frame ?
12:26.31hastein time
12:27.21Mikmaag`: uh, yeah, option to hide the background
12:27.32ag`it's coming sometime
12:27.35Mikmaag`: SetAlpha(0) works just fine on that one
12:28.23Mikmaag`: also, indies layout would be nice tho (meaning manabar after hpbar in perfectraid)
12:28.24Mikmaag`: or, just make the hidemana work when using PerfectRaid ;9
12:33.37Tupladclad|work: you should add /praid lock to perfectraid ;)
12:36.19TupladIceroth: whats the mem usage of IceHUD ?
12:46.01CIA-1103ag * r5195 10ag_UnitFrames/ (ag_UnitFrames-enUS.lua ag_UnitFrames.lua ag_UnitFrames.toc): ag_UnitFrames - Improved dropdown a bit, started working on locales
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13:05.09CIA-1103ag * r5196 10ag_UnitFrames/ag_UnitClass.lua: ag_UnitFrames - fixed line 1078 nil error
13:05.54Mikmanil! zomg
13:08.01MikmaAceLibrary - conquered the boogieman. Also, no longer hangs.
13:10.06MvA|SlaymanDid I have posted this earlier? :  the most catchy song aorund!
13:13.06Mikmaag`: umh, texts overlap now.. "53 Paladin Human xxxx/yyyy" is quite long for the manabar
13:14.24Mikmaag`: also there is no tooltip when i mouseover buffs
13:14.38Mikma(on target)
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13:35.00IcerothTuplad, warmup says around 700kb with ace2 and stuff
13:45.37Iceroththough i'm afraid that's bound to increase as i'm adding new stuff
13:46.14Mikmaag`: can i give you an honest thought?
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13:57.51ag`Mikma, what style are you talking about
13:57.53Tuplad:o nice
13:59.02Mikmaag`: rename "layouts" to "themes" (folder and from files)
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13:59.28Mikmathen you van have a "layouts" folder is you wan't to include couple of default layouts with aguf! :)
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14:02.28ag`Mikma, why? I thought about it, and layout is the frame size, position, fonts...
14:02.45ag`where as a theme contains a complete makeover including border style, bar style
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14:05.11TupladIceroth, my man, you're a pimp.
14:07.16Nightdew|workdo any of the ace addons work with titan panel?
14:07.57Icerothi don't know what i should think about warmup... i started wow and checked load time, icehud was 0.3xx s and 791kb mem, after reloadui it shows 0.050s and 790kb mem
14:08.33tekkubreloadui's are faster
14:08.43Icerothdoes it simply mean system was able to load the addon files from memory and no disk access was required?
14:08.56Mikmaag`: that's right, so themes are layouts for bars but the positions and such are layouts :)
14:09.06tekkubsome thangs that happen on login don't happen on Reloadui
14:09.26Mikmaag`: for that reason they should be separated so people could have layouts to select, let's say ie. MG2 or oUF2 layout
14:09.31tekkuband yea, there's a good chance all the addons are cached in memory
14:09.32Mikmatekkub: yello
14:10.35Tupladhow do you bind Print Scrn back so it'll take screenshots ?
14:11.05Tupladcurrently, prnt scrn takes screenshots, but it goes to the clipboard
14:13.36Mikmatellcatcher is pure love
14:13.40Mikmai like it <3
14:15.13Mikmabut i noticed a typo there hehe
14:15.36Mikmain keyconfig (tellcatcher gui) there's "whipser" instead of "whisper" ;D
14:15.56Tupladburn the author!
14:16.06Mikmanah i'll just burn you
14:16.09Mikmapurl: burn Tuplad
14:16.10purlibot pours gasoline all over Tuplad, ignites the fire, and then enjoys some toasty marshmallows with the glorious blaze
14:23.29TupladIceroth: you should add some scaling and umm, the ability to make it lighter & darker
14:23.35Tupladto IceHUD :D
14:31.26Tupladit's pretty small on a big screen too :(
14:32.15Icerothi have scaling and alpha settings in it already, working with dewdrop atm
14:32.30Mikmathis Exotic Cookbook is lovely
14:32.31Icerothi hope to get new version out tonight
14:32.57Tuplad:O kewl
14:33.05Tupladthere aint a slash command yet, right?
14:33.41Icerothno but will be
14:33.54ag`Iceroth, you should use AceOptions for dewdrop if you're not:)
14:33.57ag`it's damn nice
14:34.03Icerothi'm using it
14:34.08Icerothand yea, it's damn nice :P
14:34.28Icerothafter the initial trouble i've grown to like it
14:34.37ag`with header and ordering you can do anything
14:35.12TupladIceroth: another one :D combo points plx plx
14:35.14Tupladjust noticed it
14:35.16MikmaThe books reads:
14:35.17Mikma1. Get one or eight man
14:35.17Mikma2. Hit man hard
14:35.17Mikma3. Hit man more
14:35.17Mikma4. Put man in fire
14:35.19Mikma5. Eat man
14:35.50Icerothit should show combo points, kinda small number at top of target name
14:36.19Icerothi'll be adding some graphics option for it at some point too
14:37.42Tupladin center would be better, I think
14:43.34CIA-1103neronix * r5197 10EarPlug/Earplug.lua: EarPlug - Moved chat command registration to OnInitialize. Still untested
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14:46.57AmadeoThrae: I figured out what breaks the corpse/mineral/etc tooltips
14:47.10MikmaThrae: there's some issues with corpses and tooltip
14:47.29Amadeooh, he's idle 4 hours
14:47.55Icerothwho broke Burning Blade >.<
14:47.58Icerothrcl takes forever
14:50.34Icerothoh well, guess i'll test with my main then..
14:51.57SlaymanI've added tier3 equipment sets to periodictable/ periodicmenu. But the don't show in PM, why's that?
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15:04.02Slaymannow you're speechless tekkub? so astounding?
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15:06.56Slaymantekkub:  there u go. That's all I did. in both files of course
15:08.12tekkubyou could just branch it ya bastard
15:08.18tekkubor paste the part ya changed
15:10.09Slaymanthat's all i fucking did:
15:11.42CIA-1103tekkub * r5198 10PeriodicTable/Elements/EquipSets/PTEmbedElemEquipSets.lua:
15:11.42CIA-11- Added Tier-3 sets (thanks Slayman, ya fuckin bastard)
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15:13.29SlaymanTekkub: update PeriodicMenu too, ya bloody noob
15:13.43tekkubPM pulls from PT
15:14.13tekkubyour copy might not have been updating, you need to manually set the rev number on the file to something higher to force it to load until you commit
15:14.17Slaymanas an SVN external ?
15:14.47tekkubI don't know if I set externals or not, PM was a crappy testing throw-together thing
15:18.43Slaymanit updated correctly
15:18.43mjconebag is 736K, ouch
15:19.00Slaymani hope PM now shows that fucking tier3 bullcrap
15:19.22Amadeoag`: ya around?
15:19.42Slaymantekkub: i hope it for your sake, otherwise i come back and spam on!
15:20.01tekkubsomeone needs to write a good PT GUI for me
15:20.07tekkubrip off KCI's or something
15:20.29Slaymanpay me and i'm taking the task
15:20.41Mikmawhy don't you do it fucknut?
15:20.57tekkubif people would pay me I could quit my job and get shit coded here for once
15:21.22tekkubcause I got 50 other things to work on, on top of paying rent...
15:21.36tekkubI need to get BW finished with the duecing
15:22.13CIA-1103tekkub 07Ace2 * r5199 10BigWigs/Core.lua:
15:22.13CIA-11BigWigs (Ace2 Branch)
15:22.13CIA-11- Quick tweak to maybe fix module loading...
15:22.37Slaymanok it shows up, but only the parts already in my itemcache
15:23.00CIA-1103tekkub 07Ace2 * r5200 10BigWigs/BigWigs.toc:
15:23.00CIA-11BigWigs (Ace2 Branch)
15:23.00CIA-11FIRST!!!! I mean... Five thousand two hundredth!!!!
15:23.14tekkubduh slay, it'll never show anything not cached
15:23.18tekkubit's the law
15:23.25Slaymanyeah i know
15:24.02tekkubwhat needs finished in BW2...
15:24.21tekkubckk around?
15:24.33Mikmawell no wonder you don't have the time to do gui ^^ i forgot the whole bigwigs2 :P
15:25.12Mikmathis is my favorite
15:25.18Mikma<1716> <Mikma> purl: burn Tuplad
15:25.18Mikma<1716> <purl> ibot pours gasoline all over Tuplad, ignites the fire, and then enjoys some toasty marshmallows with the glorious blaze
15:25.37Neronix~whalenutshot Mikma
15:25.38purlACTION smashes Mikma in the nuts with a huge, yet swift whale named Ricardo
15:25.45tekkubI need to write up Wishlist too, I keep forgetting what items I want and where to get them
15:25.47Mikmawtf Neronix! :D
15:26.32*** part/#wowace Tuplad- (
15:26.48NeronixTuplad's gone! :D
15:27.26Mikmasoon he'll come back and say "wrong button :("
15:27.52Mikmahmm was it yesterday or the day before...
15:28.01Mikmai insulted tuplad here for being lame and he was on channel ;)
15:28.19Mikmai lol'd ;)
15:29.43tekkubguess I'll write up a guide to how to remove Ace2 embeds and make Warmup numbers go down
15:30.26Mikmaor, how about just fixing the warmup ;D
15:30.49tekkubno they just don't understand warmup's numbers and the embed design
15:30.54Mikmaso, one question. Ace2 can be used as Embedded system and as an addon too?
15:31.12tekkubbut running in dependancy mode is just fine, I'm gonna because it'll cut out all my externals updating
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15:31.36Mikmawell maybe i should do that instead of having 20x ace2 embed's around later
15:31.38tekkubmods just need the proper optionaldeps and failsafe checks on loadup
15:31.46tekkubexactly Mik
15:31.51TainAnd we come full circle in less than a few months.
15:31.57tekkubfor the "average user" the embeds are fine
15:32.07Mikmatekkub: oh yeah that might be an issue too for some addons :/
15:32.22tekkubfor people not afraid of libraries, dislodging the libraries is gonna lower loadtime memory use
15:32.22TainFrom external deps, to embeds, back to external before anything even goes "release."
15:32.27Mikmaauthors should fix them so they can be used either way
15:32.38TainLoadtime memory use is completely irrelevant.  
15:32.41tekkubTain: no it's not full circle
15:32.47tekkubyea it is :)
15:32.59Mikmafor example Clique it's good to have the Ace2 as embedded, and for oRA and BigWigs..
15:33.20Mikmabut really all the others aren't thet necessary since most of the users do know how to get them to work
15:33.29TainAnything that uses Ace2 should be embedded so that you don't have to worry about if someone has anything else that has the libs.
15:33.49tekkubyes tain
15:33.59TainIf you want to do it on your own system, sure that's fine.  But releasing Ace2 addons that have some things embedded and some not.  Well unless it's alreaedy got a dep of something that's Ace2 embedded.
15:34.01TainI suppose that's different.
15:34.11tekkubbut the user has the option to remove the embeds and go back to the other way if they have a bunch of Ace2 mods
15:34.31Amadeoyeah, that's the one downside to Ace2...imagine having 30 Ace2 mods, and all of them have 600k of the same files
15:34.38Mikmawell since the system has already been developed and it's functional, why not use it afterall..
15:34.40tekkubevery mod that embeds should have an optional dep to the standalone version of the library
15:34.48TainYes but harddrive space is cheap.
15:34.55tekkuband every embeddable library should have a standalone version
15:35.06tekkubyes but externals are slow :)
15:35.12tekkubMASS externals
15:35.18TainOf course they are, but that has nothing to do with app releases.
15:35.25Neronixor we could solve this mess by bugging the SVN developers to cache externals
15:35.33tekkubI'm not talking about app releases :P
15:35.35TainOr ignore externals when doing svn updates.
15:35.35Neronixor contributing ourselves
15:35.39tekkubsince when do I release shit?
15:35.55tekkuband to ignore externals you need to maintain the standalone
15:36.03tekkuband we've done the full circle thing again
15:36.07TainNo you don't, you have to maintain your local copy.
15:36.14tekkubback to the whole reason I'm writing up this lil page
15:36.32tekkubthat's exactly what I just said tain...
15:36.33MikmaWUT IS TEH ACE2 ADDON?
15:36.36TainWell it's nice to have options of course, but that's going to confuse the fuck out of everyone.
15:36.49tekkubno, just you
15:37.00TainWhat's the point of touting the advantages of embeded libs and then say, "Oh but don't use them.
15:37.23mjclol mikma
15:37.42mjcMikma: could you look at minimalist? there are a few features you could stuff into your addon if you like :p
15:37.45Mikmamjc: lol lol :) 88KiB on me
15:37.52tekkubI'm not you tard
15:37.56mjcMikma: :D
15:38.01TainAnd no it's not what you said tekkub.  I'm talking about ignoring externals when you check out so you don't have to update the same externals (that aren't updated) dozens of times.
15:38.05TainBut still using the externals.
15:38.12TainCached locally, as it were.
15:38.15tekkubI'm telling people _WHAT_ the warmup numbers mean, and if they're really that concerned about them, how to change it
15:38.48TainWhy not tell them what the numbers mean, and why they don't have to change them?
15:38.51tekkubif you checkout without externals you won't have the "cached locally"...
15:39.01tekkuband you'd just checkout the standalone version...
15:39.06Mikmamjc: well if minimalist exists then there's no point of putting the same stuff in my "addon" ;)
15:39.16TainI mean doing what you're doing isn't going to change *anything* except for the display of some numbers on the screen.  Hell just mod Warmup to tell themf alse numbers if that's what you want.
15:39.21mjcMikma: duplicate chat functionality, etc
15:39.35TainYes tekkub I know.  That's why I said you have to manage them yourself locally when you don't check them out.
15:39.46mjcthey're conflicting :p
15:39.49TainBUt if you're checking out root for example you just copy in the external yourself.
15:39.58TainInstead of checking the externals dozens and dozens of times.
15:40.00tekkubokey this is just a waste of time, you're arguing the same thing I am and telling me you're not
15:40.07TainYes because I'm not.
15:40.19tekkubwhatever, bugger off you're wasting my time
15:40.21TainI'mt alking about ignoring externals, then copying the ONE embedded lib you did check out.
15:40.50TainIf you're worried about the amount of time it takes.  That's quicker.
15:41.42mjcsaves server bandwidth too
15:42.20ag`Amadeo, yes
15:45.08Amadeoag`: The class colors aren't working right for enemy players I believe...they work while I'm dead, but when I rez it's always like a reddish-purple
15:48.39MikmaAmadeo: it's not suppose to work on enemy :)
15:48.48mjcfubar_seaura is definitely not working
15:49.53mjcfubar_mailfu isn't loadondemand
15:52.07NeronixForcing me to load a resourcehog along with foobar?
15:52.10Neronixno thanks
15:52.25TainI wouldn't want mailfu to lod, I want to know when I log in if I have new mail.
15:52.49mjcTain: it shows in the chatframe
15:52.55mjcor I just mouse over it
15:52.58Neronixmjc: What is that?
15:53.07mjcTain: oh I see waht you mean
15:53.22mjcI would like it to be LoD able because I have to /rl to enable it
15:54.12mjcsearch for mjc if you want an example
15:54.12TainThat sounds like a different problem though and lod would just be a workaround.  Of course you could still just add that line to the toc and it would do it.
15:57.06CIA-1103joshborke 07joshborke * r5201 10HealWatch/HealWatch/ (HealWatchFrames.lua HealWatchMenu.lua localisation.lua):
15:57.06CIA-11- added option to always show your heals.
15:57.30mjcTain: if all fubar mods were LoD, you could always get a menu of whatever mods had their tocs loaded and enable/disable them w/ LoD
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16:02.17CIA-1103joshborke 07joshborke * r5202 10HealWatch/HealWatch/HealWatchFrames.lua:
16:02.17CIA-11- fixed a small typo
16:07.01CIA-1103maia 07Ace2 * r5203 10Squishy/Squishy/ (Squishy.toc core.lua): Squishy (Ace2): added svn:keywords
16:08.26Neronixtekkub: Looks good
16:08.48Mikmamjc: what's a duplicate chat functionality?
16:08.56tekkubGonna clean up a bunch of TOCs today I think, and get Wikipages up
16:09.27tekkubthe only big thing left in BW2 is the menu, and I want to just jump to FuPlug2.0 for that
16:10.26maiatekkub: how about ProximityLib-2.0 ?
16:10.38tekkubyea I need to convert stuff over too
16:11.09maiado you plan to add BabbleLib support for spell parsing in ProximityLib?
16:12.13Neronixtekkub: I think you should split the warmup numbers explanation and the stuff about going back to classic deps
16:12.37tekkubif you want to restructure the page feel free
16:12.49tekkubI got it written up, I'm gonna try to get some mods updated today
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16:15.30CIA-1103tekkub * r5204 10CompostLib/ (. CompostLib.toc):
16:15.31CIA-11- Updated TOC with some metadata goodness
16:15.31CIA-11- Added 2.0 version to TOC, as well as AceLibrary embed so that the standalone version is fully functional
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16:25.10maiahrm. how do I use AceEvent_FullyInitialized ?
16:27.58maianvm, think I just figured out how.
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16:29.27maiastill a bit unsure which events I can replace when using it. probably PLAYER_LOGIN, PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD, MEETINGSTONE_CHANGED ?
16:30.27Neronixtekkub: Added some emphasis, a summary of the points made, fixed the odd spelling error and added a note at the top that you, the author of warmup, wrote the article)
16:33.50ag`how is compost recycle better than "table = nil"
16:34.05Neronixtable = nil --> table becomes garbage
16:34.27Andaliaim not shure but i think i found an error in candybar. on line 362 it checks width but i think it should be height
16:34.35Neronixfor k,v in pairs(table) do table[k] = nil end --> Almost no garbage
16:34.57Mikmak. what?
16:34.58Neronixcompost --> table is emptied with above code and put in a pool for other mods to use
16:35.02ag`and this is good for local tables too?
16:35.11Mikmai should start coding on bartender again
16:35.17ag`yes Mikma
16:35.38AmadeoMikma: Why not?
16:35.39ag`I need bartender so I can replace DAB
16:35.46maiaMikma: still missing the Bartender thread to post my wishlist in :)
16:35.49Amadeoyou use DAB? ack
16:35.55Icerothag`, have you tried Bongos?
16:35.55ag`yes >.<
16:36.01AmadeoI use Bongos
16:36.24ag`is it on the SVN?
16:36.27Amadeoit's on WoWI
16:36.29Amadeonot Ace
16:36.34Mikmamaia: it's not ace'd addon, that's why i didn't make a post about it on
16:36.36Amadeobut it's very lightweight
16:36.38Neronixit's like Bartender, but uses shitloads more memory
16:36.39Amadeoone of Tuller's addons
16:36.40maiaanyone know where to find Fireshow, the addon originally written by Rowne that would print all events to your chatlog?
16:36.57AmadeoNeronix: Shitloads? :P
16:37.06Neronixsomething like 700kb
16:37.12Neronixversus Bartender's 250
16:37.18Mikma250? huh
16:37.20Amadeomine uses 400KiB
16:37.24Amadeobut it has lots of features
16:37.27NeronixI think that's what it was
16:37.30Amadeoselfcast, etc
16:37.31Mikma115k on me :P
16:37.33ag`maia, all events? Sounds like a spam. Get EventProfiler instead
16:37.37NeronixAmadeo: What features do you need?
16:37.49ag`bartender ace1 or ace2?
16:37.51Neronixselfcast can be provided by a standalone mod
16:37.54AmadeoNeronix: I can't live without selfcast, lets see...
16:37.58Mikmaag`: none
16:37.59Amadeostandalone selfcasts never work right
16:38.02AmadeoI dunno, something weird about them
16:38.05ag`none? :O
16:38.18Mikmaag`: standalone
16:38.23maiaag`: I'd want to see when specific events fire on login/reload. such as PEW, RRU, etc.
16:38.30AmadeoNeronix: I also like my range coloring
16:38.40Icerothwhat evens should i listen when i want to monitor when my target enters/leaves combat?
16:38.46Neronixit's like 2kb
16:38.54ag`Mikma, why not ace btw
16:39.00maiaag`: and Fireshow would simply spam you with all events happening. can be pretty helpful
16:39.02Mikmaag`: dunno how to code with ace :)
16:39.09NeronixAnd it colours differently depending on whether you don't have enough mana or you're out of range
16:39.12AmadeoNeronix: Yeah, but you have to add range coloring and selfcast memory to Bartender to compare accurately
16:39.27Neronix115+2 = 117
16:39.33Amadeohow about selfcast?
16:39.45NeronixDunno, don't use one
16:39.46Mikma1.12 has selfcast
16:39.58AmadeoWoW selfcast only works with keybinds
16:40.02Amadeonot clicks also
16:40.08Neronixf1+hotkey/click should do
16:40.09MikmaTelo's SelfCast
16:40.17Mikmai've been using it from the start
16:40.28ag`1.12 selfcast is probably useless for dispel?
16:40.34Amadeoag`: Yeah
16:40.49ag`I use a selfcast that checks myself for debuffs
16:40.55AmadeoI don't have anything against Bartender, in fact I may switch to it at some point, but I've been happy with Bongos thus far
16:41.05NeronixI wrote the scaling
16:41.07Neronixand you love me
16:41.09AmadeoI like how easy it is to align my bars in Bongos
16:41.12ag`Mikma, convert bartender to ace2
16:41.13Amadeothey all stick together
16:41.15Neronixthat second part should be enough to make ou switch ;P
16:41.19Mikmaag`: negative :P
16:41.27AmadeoNeronix: Combat Log would *definately* make me witch ;)
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16:41.31ag`why not ^.^
16:41.32Mikmai like it being standalone :)
16:41.32Amadeoswitch, too
16:41.33NeronixAmadeo: Bartender's bars stick
16:41.37Amadeodo they?
16:41.42ag`Mikma, it is standalone, Ace2 is a lib
16:41.42Neronixya rly
16:41.45Mikmaalso i'm not going to learn ace2 with these skills ;)
16:42.12maiaMikma: Ace2 is really easy. Actually the mimimum code you need to ace2 an addon is exactly a oneliner.
16:42.43ag`Ace is not something you need to learn really
16:43.11NeronixIt's a case of looking in the api docs, and saying "Ooo! That method looks useful!"
16:43.47ag`else I will hax0r branch it to Ace2 sometime
16:44.23maiano, else I will hax0r it to Sky/Cosmos sometime ;p
16:44.38maiaMikma, you wouldnt like that, hm?
16:44.50Mikmahaven't been paying attention :D
16:45.05maiahaxoring Bartender to Sky/Cosmos in case you dont convert it to Ace2
16:45.31Mikmawell it's opensource, anyone can do what ever they wan't with it ;)
16:45.34ag`lol, why would a barmod use sky.
16:45.47Mikmaag`: he's just trying to scare me off ;)
16:45.51NeronixIt's the cosmos philosophy
16:45.58Neronixthey WILL find a use for sky in it
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16:46.57NeronixIt'd be something like "I think this Bartender should say hi to everyone else who uses it!"
16:47.06ag`It's nice
16:47.08maiaand I'd upload it to all major addon sites called "Bartender extended"
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16:47.19ag`I am going to install backdoors in all my addons in 1.12
16:47.33Neronix"And I should rename it to some SUPERIOR name like... COSMOBAR!"
16:47.35ag`so I can spy on who im my guilds use it
16:47.38Mikmaag`: it's called "tuplad chocoladegate"
16:47.54ag`tuplad chocoladegate o_O
16:48.26Jagobahsounds like an RDX discussion!
16:48.58NeronixJagobah: Nope, we're threatening to port Bartender to Sea/Cosmos/Sky if Mikma won't ace it ;P
16:49.22Mikmawhy it needs to be aced? :)
16:49.31maiafound Fireshow, and it's awesome.
16:49.42ag`so /ace list will show its slash command Mikma
16:49.44NeronixMikma: Make slash commands easier to do
16:49.53Mikmaoh woopie
16:49.56Neronixand you could probably do cool stuff with AceOO
16:50.13Mikmawell i'm cool with the stuff already in it, but if someone want's to ace it, be my guest ;)
16:50.13NeronixLike make a bar class that each bar inherits frm
16:50.29ag`Neronix, might be too much work to rewrite it as OO
16:50.33ag`but would be pretty cool
16:50.42ag`someone should start an OO bar mod
16:50.45Mikmai REALLY have no freaking idea what i can do with ace/ace2 so i don't even try :)
16:51.18ag`you can't code addons and hang out here without using ace ^_^
16:51.50NeronixMikma: Arguably, for Bartender, there isn't much
16:52.26NeronixBut for any other addons you may code in future, it'd probably be of great use
16:53.16Amadeodo Rogues still need Herbalism for poisons?
16:55.18AmadeoI'd like all my Ace addons to use Ace2 eventually
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17:01.15MikmaAmadeo: i can add a -Ace2- tag after Bartender ;)
17:01.42NeronixAnyone using FuBar2?
17:02.39maiathis is ugly, is it?  self:ScheduleEvent(self.metro:Start("ScheduleCheckInGroup"), 1, self)
17:03.00maiawell, and it doesnt work either.
17:03.15Mikmawell ok
17:03.22MikmaAce2 can be used for AutoHide..
17:03.28maiaany idea how to schedule the start of an occuring event with either AceEvent-2.0 or Metrognome-2?
17:03.36Mikmabut i was planning on using metrognome + dewdrop anyway
17:05.03Ratbert_CPckknight_: Is there any way to mix AceConsole-2.0 table based Dewdrop frames and the "old school" AddLine based frames?  I mean really mix them up, not just call dewdrop:Open(<parent>, AddLineFunction)?
17:05.57ag`Mikma, use Ace2 instead of metro
17:06.17Mikmaag`: someone said metrognome is better for barhiding
17:06.28ag`what is barhiding?
17:06.43Mikmaautohide when mouseover goes off
17:07.40Kaeltenhows it goin?
17:09.58maiaKaelten: AceDebug question: is there an easy way to save the user setting (debug on/off) so the user doesnt have to reenable/re-disable debugging on each logon?
17:13.05maiaKaelten: also, is there a way to send debug code to a different chatframe than the main chatframe?
17:19.52MikmaElkano: Hahahaha wtf really
17:20.21Mikma" yep still says it says winrar is a shareware after 40 days delete or buy.
17:20.23MikmaThats horrible =("
17:20.25Mikmaoh man
17:20.34Mikmasomeone please burn his/her computer
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17:23.07Icerothhmm... i'm using aceOptions table with type = 'header'. is there any way to make dewdrop to add some space on top of my header line?
17:23.20Icerothwould look about 100 times better
17:27.45Mikmawhere should i post Bartender's post since it's not ace-addon :P
17:28.13Mikmamaia wan't me to make a post to but i don't like the idea
17:28.45MikmaGeneral Discussion -> community?
17:29.05maiaMikma: guess so. You can also ask if anyone wants to help to Ace2 it.
17:30.13maiaplus we finally have a thread where 127 people can bug you to Ace2 it ;p
17:30.31Kaeltenmaia yes there are ways to do that.
17:30.42Kaeltenbut I got to run
17:31.02Mikmastill not fond of the idea but i'll put it in general
17:31.59Nightdewmaia: There is a CustomDebug with additional parameters
17:32.18Nightdewmaia: function AceDebug:CustomDebug(r, g, b, frame, delay, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20)
17:32.46maiaooh, nice.
17:33.01Nightdewfunction AceDebug:Debug(a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, a10, a11, a12, a13, a14, a15, a16, a17, a18, a19, a20)
17:33.13Nightdewso you can just pass nil for the other values
17:34.14Mikmaseems like i have moving-problems in bartender
17:35.27Nightdewmaia: as far as remembering debug state
17:35.55Nightdewi presume since it is a mixin, you would keep state per addon that mixes the mixin in
17:36.16Nightdewthe addon would have the savedvariable
17:36.33Nightdewand you would set the state based on the last value
17:36.36maiaNightdew: well, without self:SetDebugging(true) in my OnEnable() it doesnt remember the state
17:37.06maiahmm, how do I parse the savedvariable for debug state?
17:37.30Nightdewyou wouldnt
17:37.42Nightdewi think you would create a new one.. like it was something from your own addon
17:37.49Nightdewthe bool value of that savedvariable
17:38.00Nightdewyou stuff in the self:SetDebugging
17:38.54Nightdewmaia: make sense?
17:39.08maiahmm. my problem is that if I change the state of debugging via dewdrop or console, my addon doesn't really know - it seems to directly go to AceDebug. So I can't save the new state in self.db.profile....
17:39.15Mikmamaia:  and
17:39.23Mikmamaia: these screenshots good enough for you? :)
17:39.57maiaMikma: good enough for what? :)
17:40.40Mikmamaia: for :D
17:40.52maiaoh, of course.
17:40.58AmadeoWill Bartender stay on screen without dragging off also?
17:42.28MikmaAmadeo: you can drag them off from screen
17:43.15Amadeooh nice, new Cosmos is out, guess I don't need you guys anymore!
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17:43.29AmadeoKidding :(
17:44.10Amadeoto be honest
17:44.15AmadeoI'm too afraid to switch to Bartender
17:44.19AmadeoI have a million keybinds and such on Bongos
17:44.56gnorlishthis cosmos thing... it has all sorts of addons in one?!?
17:45.04gnorlishit's like christmas in addon form!
17:45.18Amadeognorlish: Yeah, and the developer is *very* humble
17:45.43gnorlishi used cosmos for the first month i played last year
17:45.53gnorlishit took me that long to realize how shitty the whole concept was
17:46.11AmadeoI liked Cosmos back in WoW beta
17:46.42gnorlishi wonder if my mem usage would quadruple or quintuple with cosmos
17:47.58gnorlishcan't do row / column adjustments with bartender, right?
17:48.39Mikmathere's DAB / Nurfed to do that :P
17:49.14gnorlishi'll stick with bongos for now
17:49.19AmadeoNurfed is pretty light
17:49.33gnorlishi do need to find a replacement for my damagemeters sometime soon though
17:50.17Mikmathere you go
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17:51.59Amadeocan you scale Bartender seperately from the UI scale?
17:52.52MikmaNeronix made it happen
17:56.51Nightdewckknight: using the libraries, like Crayon-2.0 .. .are they in essence singletons across all addons or unique instances per addon ?
18:02.59Elkano~seen Thrae
18:03.14purlthrae is currently on #wowi-lounge #wowace. Has said a total of 102 messages. Is idling for 8h 6m 46s, last said: 'Player corpses and other doodads'.
18:03.44Elkanohmmm 8h... he should come to live soon again...
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18:08.18ckknight_hey all, back
18:09.02ckknight_Nightdew, they're namespaces, really, but they act like singletons
18:09.41ckknight_assert(rawequal(AceLibrary("Crayon-2.0"), AceLibrary("Crayon-2.0")))
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18:17.52Nightdewso what happens when you have different versions
18:18.55CIA-1103maia 07Ace2 * r5205 10Squishy/Squishy/ (6 files in 2 dirs):
18:18.55CIA-11Squishy (Ace2):
18:18.55CIA-11- lots of smaller optimizations and code cleanup
18:18.55CIA-11- reworked roster code
18:18.55CIA-11- reworked schedules, upgraded to Metrognome-2.0
18:21.23maiahmm, I assume frames should be destroyed when an addon is set on standby - how?
18:21.52ckknight_they cannot
18:22.07ckknight_the best you can do is put them into stasis by hiding them
18:22.09maiaso I just hide them instead?
18:22.20ckknight_you use a frame recycling lib
18:22.27tekkubI think the Ace categories needs one more type
18:22.32ckknight_tekkub, alright
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18:22.44maiayeah, was thinking about adding compost, but not yet :)
18:22.51ckknightmaia, not compost
18:22.51tekkub"Information displays"  aka HUDS, and (fu)bars
18:23.05maiauum. compost is for tables.
18:23.11maiaso what lib is for frames?
18:23.22tekkubFreezeFrame I think
18:23.34maianever heard of that. guess I'll stick to hiding it for now :)
18:23.42ckknighthiding is simpler
18:24.02maiahmm. problem with hiding: when reenabling the addon my frames will be created a second time. causing a mess.
18:24.08tekkubck, what's the status of FuPlug2.0... is it usable or should I wait?
18:24.19ckknighttekkub, usable
18:24.31ckknightjust not too documented
18:24.34Elkano\o\ Thrae /o/
18:24.34tekkubwork with FuBar1.2 or only 2.0?
18:24.42ckknighttekkub, theoretically both
18:24.47ckknighthaven't tried with 1.2
18:24.51ThraeAmadeo: Yes
18:24.55ckknightyou could just upgrade to FuBar 2.0, though
18:24.56tekkubokey, I guess I'll get a testin later tonight if I can
18:24.59AmadeoThrae: I found it for you!
18:25.01ElkanoThrae, it looks like if further narrowed down the TTip bug :)
18:25.03ckknighttekkub, alright
18:25.52ckknighttekkub, wouldn't Informational Displays go into Interface Enhancements?
18:26.13tekkubIE is too broad, it's the "misc" category of the set
18:26.18Elkanoit only happens with unit mousover tooltip set to cursor (with set to GAMEDEFAULT you get an error on SetPoint since this is no valid anchor :P )
18:26.33Elkanobut for the other settings fading isn't working as intended...
18:26.43tekkubI mean, "Interface Enhancements" is any and all mods
18:26.50tekkubthat's what a UI mod _IS_
18:27.07ckknightthat category probably shouldn't exist and should be replaced with more fitting ones
18:27.25Elkanobtw: why do you have your own code for positioning the tooltip at the cursor (by reanchoring via OnUpdate) instead of simly using the cursor anchor?
18:27.28tekkubI say we get a HUD/bar cat, and a Misc/Oter cat at least
18:27.39ckknightwe don't want an Other category
18:27.45CIA-1103neronix * r5206 10Bartender/Core.lua: Bartender - Added message when scaling bars ("Setting scale on bar X to Y")
18:27.49tekkub"Info Display" sounds good to me
18:27.54ThraeElkano: Because you can't offset ANCHOR_CURSOR.
18:27.58ckknightbasically, if it's left blank, it's considered Other
18:28.08tekkub"Interface Enhancements" is "Other" tho...
18:28.16tekkubso yea..
18:28.31ckknightthen that category prolly shouldn't exist
18:28.33Mikmaag`: partyleader won't show for some reason
18:28.38Elkanoyou can't? hmm.. how is TipBuddy doing it? having it's own small anchor frame at that anchor?
18:28.58tekkubI got ModMenu2 sorting by TOC Metadata now :)
18:29.10tekkubit pulls X-Author and X-Category
18:29.21ckknighttekkub, apparently there's already a Miscellaneous category
18:29.26tekkubso now it's time to add a bunch of X-Category fields
18:29.28ckknighttekkub, Author, not X-Author
18:29.38tekkubyea whatever, it works :)
18:29.38ckknightI think
18:30.01ThraeElkano: TipBuddy probably anchors its own tooltip to GameTooltip.
18:30.16ThraeWhich is another way of doing it, but that gives its own problems.
18:30.21Elkanobut at least the cursor code seems to break things for me
18:30.46Thrae"Break things"?
18:31.00Elkanowell, corpses, chairs, action buttons
18:31.16ckknighttekkub, I'm gonna say we need to have a meeting that includes at least Kael to go over the categories
18:31.26ThraeAhhh, I see.
18:31.48MikmaThrae: when i mouseover a mob and it dies, the tooltip won't change into corpse. i need to remouseover it
18:31.59Elkanosince setting it to sth else fixes this (but results in tooltips that don't hide directly after mouseout
18:32.19Elkanoand you've got to check the GAMEDEFAULT anchor
18:32.30ckknightmjc, ping
18:32.36CIA-1103tekkub * r5207 10FuBar_ModMenu2/ (. Core.lua FuBar_ModMenu2.toc):
18:32.36CIA-11FuBar_ModMenu2 (untill I get a better name)
18:32.36CIA-11- Inital commit
18:32.36CIA-11- Reworked MM completely, no more tables of menus and shit, this just shows mods and lets you enable/disable them right now.
18:32.36CIA-11- Groups mods out by X-Category, Author, and Certain dependancies (Ace, Ace2, FuBar)
18:32.42TainI think there should be an Ace2 Cowbell category.
18:32.45maiahmm, if I toggle the standby mode, what does AceDB:ToggleActive() do exactly? does it call MyAddon:OnDisable()?
18:32.49TainWhat this addon needs is more cowbell.
18:32.58tekkubI think you lose all suggestion and voting privlidges
18:33.06ThraeMikma: Yeah, that's the default Blizzard action.
18:33.14MikmaThrae: awwww :(
18:34.39maiahrm. I can't figure out what I'd need to do to properly let people toggle standby mode for my ace2 mod.
18:35.13tekkubOnEnable OnDisable..
18:35.55tekkubsame as Ace1, add "On" to it
18:35.58maiatekkub: but toggling it back to on doesnt trigger AceEvent_FullyInitialized which I rely on.
18:36.22tekkubyou're confusing Initialize and Enable
18:36.37tekkubYou're Init shit needs to be done, once, ALWAYS
18:36.53tekkubit shouldn't be done on enable
18:37.09maiaI'm using AceEvent_FullyInitialized to trigger roster check code and to enable other schedules.
18:37.19maiaso without that event my addon isnt properly enabled.
18:37.26tekkubso OnInitialize should register for a one-time AceEvent_FullyInitialized
18:37.42maiaOnEnable fires too early for me, so I'm forced to use AceEvent_FullyInitialized instead for most of it
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18:38.01tekkubit fires too early ON LOAD correct?
18:38.16tekkubnot on enabling (user triggered)
18:38.18maiayea. AceEvent_FullyInitialized has a delay and waits for MEETINGSTONE_CHANGED.
18:38.37tekkubthen make a flag, set it true on FullyInit'd
18:38.44tekkubin OnEnable check the flag
18:39.47ckknight_AceEvent_FullyInitialized is guaranteed to fire after all chatrooms have been entered
18:39.50tekkubbasically make OnEnable smart enough to know if it's being called on load or on a user toggle
18:40.07ckknight_also, you can check the status at AceEvent:IsFullyInitialized()
18:40.40tekkubis there a self:OnFullyInitialized ckk?
18:41.09ckknight_you register the event
18:41.13maiayou're confusing me. at the moment I'm using OnInitialize for RegisterDB, RegisterDefaults, RegisterChatCommand, metro:Register etc. OnEnable for RegisterEvents (including AceEvent_FullyInitialized) and self:Hook. Finally, I'm using AceEvent_FullyInitialized() to trigger roster updates and to register RAID_ROSTER_UPDATE and other stufg.
18:41.16tekkubthat's what methinked
18:41.23tekkubbut maia's confuzed
18:41.25ckknight_self:Register("AceEvent_FullyInitialized", "OnFullyInitialized")
18:41.42ckknight_bad, maia
18:41.47tekkubregister AceEvent_FullyInitialized OnInit
18:41.47ckknight_I think
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18:41.55tekkubprobably with a onetime flag
18:42.06Mikmaag`: yo?
18:42.09maiacry. you're confusing me even more...
18:42.24tekkublets backtrack
18:42.28ckknight_maia, if you're confused, make believe that AceEvent_FullyInitialized doesn't exist
18:42.31ckknight_it's not needed
18:42.34maiathanks, tekkub
18:42.36tekkubOnInit needs to handle all your on-time processes
18:42.58tekkubOnEnable needs to handle your "reset shit so the mod can run now" stuff
18:43.18ckknight_OnInitialize is fired at ADDON_LOADED. this is fired once and only once. Database is available now
18:43.38ckknight_OnEnable is fired at PLAYER_LOGIN, but also whenever AceDB disables then reenables your addon
18:43.40tekkubIsFullyInit'd needs to be minimal really, and it's a ONE TIME thing
18:43.44maiaso you're suggesting to have a schedule in OnEnable that watches for AceEvent:IsFullyInitialized and once it's true does some stuff?
18:43.55tekkubno, OnInit
18:44.05tekkubyou keep mixing Init and Enable
18:44.05maiaI cant.
18:44.18tekkubwhy not?
18:44.18ckknight_AceEvent_FullyInitialized is fired after all chat rooms have been joined properly.
18:44.33maiaI cant start roster updates in OnInit. I cant even do that in OnEnable either as it's too early as well.
18:44.44tekkubno, register of FullInit in OnInit
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18:45.03tekkubset a flag true in OnInit
18:45.10tekkuband do any init that's needed
18:45.22maiasorry, I just don't get it.
18:45.31tekkubin OnEnable check for the flag, if it's there you know you're loaded and can do your shit
18:45.31ckknightmaia, what are you trying to do?
18:45.45tekkubif it's not just wait for the FullInit to happen and do your stuff for you
18:46.19tekkubokey I'm writing up psudocode.
18:46.23tekkubone sex
18:46.58maiackknight: I'm converting Squishy. It needs to create a roster table, including unit names and other stuff. This data isn't available early, and sometimes it's not even available when all chatrooms are joined. but mostly it is. So I'm triggering my first roster check when all chatrooms are joined and MEETINGSTONE_CHANGED has fired, aka in AceEvent_FullyInitialized.
18:47.48maiaas I don't want to have a loop that does a roster check triggering every 0.1 sec, I moved it from OnEnable to AceEvent_FullyInitialized.
18:48.03ckknightmakes sense
18:48.05maiaWhich is perfect. Until someone disables and reenables the mod.
18:48.09CIA-1103thrae * r5208 10TinyTip/ (TinyTip.lua TinyTipAnchor.lua): TinyTip - Fixed a long-standing bug with offsets from CURSOR preventing doodads (game-engine controlled tooltip events) from appearing.
18:48.26ckknighteasy fix:
18:48.27maiaso I guess I could try the following:
18:48.34maiackknight: you first :)
18:48.39ckknightfunction self:OnEnable()
18:48.49ckknightif not AceEvent:IsFullyInitialized()
18:49.19ckknightprolly should include an else in there too
18:49.43Mikmaif not gay then havesex() end
18:49.54ckknightelse havelotsofsex() end
18:49.58tekkubyea ckk's way works well enough too :)
18:50.28Mikmalol that's what i will use on my next addon
18:50.30maiackknight: now how do I deal with RegisterEvent() I put in AceEvent_FullyInitialized? On disabling the mod all events will be unregistered. so I need a way to re-register them
18:50.48tekkubmaia, move it off into another method...
18:51.04tekkubif FullInit then DoShit() else RegisterEvent end
18:51.17AmadeoThrae: <3
18:51.17maiatekkub: what is this FullInit you're talking about?
18:51.19tekkubin the full init call DoShit() also
18:51.31tekkubFullInit is me being a lazy typer
18:51.38maiaI've never seen OnFullInit() before. Is this an undocumented Ace2 thingie?
18:51.55tekkubwhat chip said
18:51.58ckknightno, maia, I documented it.
18:52.01maiaoh, okay.
18:52.12Nightdewfrom what i see here yall make it more complicated than necessary
18:52.12tekkubmy shorthand is just making it worse :P
18:52.14ckknightOnFullInit doesn't exist
18:52.17ckknightyes, tek
18:52.38ckknighteveryone just shut up
18:52.41ckknightespecially you, tek
18:53.03tekkubno Night, Blizzard is making it more complicated by not giving us an event that indicates that everything is initialized
18:53.17ckknightif AceEvent:IsFullyInitialized() then DoShit() else self:RegisterEvent("AceEvent_FullyInitialized", "OnFullyInitialized", true) end
18:53.18tekkub*Remembers when playr name couldn't be pulled on load*
18:53.22ckknightput that in your OnEnable
18:53.26ckknightand just use it
18:53.33ckknightand quit yer bitchin'
18:53.37tekkubwait ckk I can do better...
18:53.39maiackknight: give me a sec, I'm posting something to pastebin.
18:53.48tekkubif AceEvent:IsFullyInitialized() then DoShit() else self:RegisterEvent("AceEvent_FullyInitialized", "DoShit", true) end
18:54.04ckknightshould be self:DoShit()
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18:54.39Nightdewckknight: out of curiousity, is it possible for the AceEvent_FullyInit to already have fired when OnEnabled is called..?
18:54.47tekkubyes night
18:54.49ckknightyes, it i
18:54.55ckknightin two cases:
18:54.56tekkubhence AceEvent:IsFullyInitialized()
18:55.01ckknightone: LoD addon
18:55.14ckknighttwo: after disable/reenable
18:55.15Mikmaoh lol
18:55.24Mikmai just got a wonderful idea for addon :D
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18:55.48Nightdewnever when its a "regular" addon
18:55.50mjcwrong button lol
18:55.51Mikmajust use hex for messages, and the uncode them and print on screen
18:56.14Mikmathat way people can't change the messages unless they know how to change the letters to hex ;)
18:56.47Nightdewmeaning, addon loads, AceEvent_Fully init is thrown before OnEnable i called
18:56.58tekkubthen AceEvent:IsFullyInitialized() == true
18:57.13ThraeROT-13 encryption - it's so simple, people won't guess you're using it!
18:57.14NightdewI am not questioning the logic
18:57.20Nightdewthis is more general
18:57.31TainThrae make it even more secure, double ROT-13 it.
18:57.35purl*** Incoming Tentacle Rape Party - Pleasure! ***
18:57.46maiackknight, tekkub: is what you're suggesting? Have a if/else that will either register AceEvent_FullyInitialized (aka on login) or trigger the function AceEvent_FullyInitialized() (on re-enable)?
18:57.55Mikma~rot13 Incoming Tentacle Rape Party - Pleasure!
18:57.55purlVapbzvat Gragnpyr Encr Cnegl - Cyrnfher!
18:58.05Mikma~hex Incoming Tentacle Rape Party - Pleasure!
18:58.05purlIncoming Tentacle Rape Party - Pleasure! is 49 6E 63 6F 6D 69 6E 67 20 54 65 6E 74 61 63 6C 65 20 52 61 70 65 20 50 61 72 74 79 20 2D 20 50 6C 65 61 73 75 72 65 21
18:58.12tekkubyes maia
18:58.13Mikmawhich one is better, huh? ;)
18:58.57ckknightright, maia
19:00.06tekkubuse the pastebin one
19:02.18tekkubyou can get your copy of metro OnLoad too, you don't have to wait till OnInit
19:02.20maiahmm.    if not self:IsFullyInitialized() then    ->  attempt to call method `IsFullyInitialized' (a nil value)
19:02.40tekkubthere's a space in the else call
19:02.48tekkubSquishy: AceEvent_FullyInitialized()
19:02.56maiaI removed the space already.
19:03.02maiait doesnt even get that far.
19:03.28tekkubuhm... AceLibrary("AceEvent-2.0"):IsFully....
19:03.53CIA-1103ckknight * r5209 10Ace2/AceConsole-2.0/AceConsole-2.0.lua: AceConsole - tweaked printUsage function.
19:03.55tekkuband you can change how you do metro completely
19:04.07tekkubmix it in and call self:RegisterMetro
19:04.13tekkuband self:StartMetro
19:04.18ckknightyou could also use AceEvent instead of Metrognome
19:04.24tekkubstop will call OnDisable automatically
19:05.08ckknightself:ScheduleEvent(self.CheckRoster, 1, self)
19:05.20CIA-1103thrae * r5210 10TinyTip/TinyTipAnchor.lua: TinyTip - The Extra Tooltip will now hide again ASAP when FadeOut is not set to "Always".
19:05.22maiahmm, let me think about changing metro after I found a way to fix the enabling/disabling troubles
19:05.38tekkubyea yea :P
19:05.46tekkubyou use metro for one-time or repeating?
19:05.59tekkubif it's onetime, yea you can go AceEvent easy enough
19:06.08ckknightAceEvent handles both now, tek
19:06.16tekkubI know, but :P on you
19:06.26ckknight:ScheduleRepeatingEvent(self.CheckRoster, 1, self)
19:06.28tekkubMetro was designed for OnUpdate type shit in the firstplace
19:06.37Amadeothere's nothing like the element of surprise
19:06.38ckknightand I stole it
19:06.49tekkubAceEvent ~= AceOnUpdate :)
19:06.50Amadeowhenever you Charge someone out of Shadowmeld, they freak and keep running instead of fighting
19:07.01maiatekkub: I'm only using metro for repeating stuff. I know AceEvent can also do it, but I havent figured out why we have both options yet.
19:07.19tekkubbecause ckk felt there was a need aparently, not sure why
19:07.34ckknightmaia, Metro's capabilities are so important that they were put into AceEvent
19:07.49tekkubyou could have just put metro in Ace2
19:08.01ckknightor I could've merged it with AceEvent
19:08.04ckknighteither works
19:08.26tekkubit seems conflicting to call it an event tho...
19:08.41tekkubAceEvent is so much more than Blizzy's events as is
19:08.44ckknightit seems conflicting to call it a gnome
19:08.56NightdewOnUpdate *is* an event ?
19:09.01tekkubit's not a gnome, it's a metrognome
19:09.06tekkubit vibrates
19:09.16ckknightyou sure like those vibrators
19:09.30ckknightgonna agree with Nightdew
19:09.52ckknightyou schedule events and such
19:09.58ThraeOnUpdate is not an event, it's a handler for a function which is called every frame.
19:10.03maiahow about merging the schedule stuff from AceEvent and Metrognome to AceSchedule?
19:10.06ckknightsee, self:ScheduleRepeatingEvent("Kersplosion", 1)
19:10.15ckknight^-- fires the Kersplosion event every second
19:10.20ckknighthow is that not an event?
19:10.25tekkubthen why not change OnUpdate into OnEvent -- event == "VIDEO_UPDATE"
19:10.47NightdewThrae: bite me.. symantecs
19:10.55tekkubarg1 == elapsed
19:11.12ThraeBecause you do not need to use RegisterEvent, nor does the global event get pushed a value.
19:11.32maiais it possible that OnDisable destroyes the self.frames reference I'm using for my frames? I can't access them after a OnEnable via self.frames anymore.
19:12.01tekkubwhen do you create the frames?
19:12.07ckknightmaia, seems unlikely
19:12.13maiaI create them on OnEnable()
19:12.42tekkubcreate them OnInit or one-time OnEnable
19:12.50maiaand save a flag when having created them so I don't recreate them on a second OnEnable() (because that was messy)
19:14.37mjcckknight: how goes :p
19:14.40tekkubmaybe store them in locals instead of self?
19:14.53mjcgood to hear
19:15.06maiaerr, my bad. I had a self.frames = {} in my looong OnEnable()
19:15.13tekkubQ: does anthing in another file need to access them directly?  if no then make em local
19:15.24MikmaOH MY GOD the barrens general <3
19:15.27maiatekkub: unfortunately I have several files.
19:15.34tekkubnot unfortunate
19:15.41tekkub<--- loves multi-file mods
19:15.50tekkubsoooo easy to maintain
19:15.51maiawell, it works now anyway, after having moved the self.frames = {} to CreateFrames()
19:16.37ThraeIf I have Frames I need accessible in different files, I give them a global name.
19:17.05ThraeThen I do local frame = getglobal("FrameName") in that other file's init function.
19:17.12maia(gah, I have to feed my pet 30 fruit per hour when just hanging around and reloading ui every other minute
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19:24.35AmadeoI need an addon or something that shows me if I'm in attack mode or not
19:24.44AmadeoI hate how spells turn your attack mode off
19:24.50Amadeoand I never know if it's off or on
19:24.53MikmaAmadeo: MSBT ;)
19:25.01Mikmakergoth: code us teh aggro-alert :D
19:25.18AmadeoMikma: It will tell you?
19:25.19maiaMikma: Squishy has aggro alert.
19:25.30Mikmamaia: i know, but for MSBT
19:25.38MikmaAmadeo: yeah +Combat -Combat
19:25.40ag`I want to create an addon that counts down until I am unstunned
19:25.42NightdewAmadeo: i was gonne create a lib for it tonight from what i already have
19:25.42AmadeoI don't mean that
19:25.45kergothsquishy has aggro alert eh, thats nice. i never have squishy enabled on my rogue though
19:25.59purlmethinks msbt is Mikk's Scrolling Battle Text, a possible SCT replacement, found at
19:26.00Nightdewthat is.. if i understand ckknight correctly in what i need to do lol
19:26.02maiakergoth: you can disable the frame and just keep the aggro alert
19:26.02AmadeoI mean if my character is physically in attack mode (i.e. swinging weapon)
19:26.09Mikmakergoth: but not the kind of aggro-alert i told you about :)
19:26.21maiaAmadeo: oh, thats something else. :)
19:26.23ckknightNightdew, you need to purge the unclean
19:26.29kergothmaia: i know, i'm just a stickler for only enabling addons i need for those chars :)  i'll try it out though
19:26.32Amadeomaia: :)
19:26.45AmadeoNightdew: You lost me :)
19:27.13AmadeoMikma: For example...I'm fighting a Warlock...  Warlock Fears me...well, Fear takes me out of attack mode
19:27.16Neronixckknight: Just watched that xD
19:27.23ag`What is the benifit to using levels in the locale table?
19:27.26NightdewAmadeo: want to write a lib that keeps track of a lot of status.. iscasting ischanneling isattacking iswanding etc
19:27.29kergothckknight: i think theres a problem with your autoattack, but i'm not certain.  i'll try to isolate it, but its gotten a little aggressive on me and broken my stealth before, not sure how or why
19:27.39AmadeoMikma: However, Intimidating Shout doesn't, but it's also a I automatically hit attack and unknowingly turn it off
19:27.39Neronix - Daily Show revisits net neutrality, with John Hodgman
19:27.41ckknightkergoth, hrm
19:27.51AmadeoNightdew: Interesting :) I'm not a coder, I just bug these guys :D
19:27.58kergothat any rate, thought i'd let ya know, i'll try to isolate the behavior
19:28.27maiatekkub: is it purpose that metro2 schedules arent automatically stopped if an addon is put into standby mode?
19:28.27ag`In the locale table, does anyone use deeper levels in the table?
19:30.06Mikmaag`: partyicons! make them work
19:30.50purlACTION bounces on mikma screaming, "DEVELOPERSDEVELOPERSDEVELOPERS!!""
19:30.53ag`some time I will
19:31.01Mikmadance monkeyboy dance
19:31.06tekkubmaia... what?
19:32.51ckknightag`, *shrug*
19:32.54maiatekkub: a running scheduler (aka after metro:Start(blah)) won't get stopped when putting an addon in standby mode. On the other hand it seems that schedules via AceEvent are put to sleep on OnDisable()
19:32.57ckknightI don't, but it's possible to.
19:33.40ThraeI'm liking WatchDog + IceHUD, I keep WatchDog at a fixed width of 200 and it nestles quite easily between the bars.
19:33.44Mikmaloool "DEVELOPERSDEVELOPERSDEVELOPERS!!"" is on that video ckknight pasted
19:33.49ag`ok. It's just that I don't either, but I just looked and the APIs which made it possible to do. So I just wanted to hear if there were any smart benifits I have missed
19:34.11ckknightmust feed...
19:35.23ckknightmmm... apricot
19:35.29ag`if I do L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.0"):new("ag_UnitFrames") ...
19:35.39ag`how do I get L in another lua file?
19:35.58ckknightit caches
19:36.17ckknightassert(rawequal(AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.0"):new("ag_UnitFrames"), AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.0"):new("ag_UnitFrames")))
19:36.21ag`good. That "new" thing just made me wonder if it got emptited or not
19:36.32ThraeYeah, using AceLibrary I assume it would keep a singular instance.
19:36.44ckknightit only gets emptied if it's a library
19:36.51ckknighte.g. if it has :GetLibraryVersion()
19:36.56ckknightthis occurs with Babble
19:37.02ag`I see
19:37.16ckknightso that you make translations, register as a lib
19:37.28ckknightwhen you access that same name, it makes a new version
19:37.40ckknightwhich then AceLibrary handles the versioning for
19:37.55ckknighttypically, it'll work how you want it to
19:38.52ag`lets say I do:    sometext = "bleh", and I want to translate sometext. I can't append L in front of sometext, so I use GetTranslation(sometext) right?
19:39.10maiahyperChipmunk: guess you know about AceTab-2.0\AceTab-2.0.lua:25: attempt to call method `argCheck' (a nil value) ?
19:39.18ckknightag`, not quite
19:39.24hyperChipmunkI know it doesn't make any sense
19:39.33ckknightwell, you could
19:39.43ag`what would be the best way?
19:39.43ckknightag`, [L"sometext"] = "bleh"
19:39.49ckknightisn't that what you're doing?
19:40.04ckknightor what are you doing?
19:40.16maiahyperChipmunk: shall I remove AceTab from my svn:externals until it's ready? seems as if there wont be a working AceTab within the next 12 hours, right?
19:40.20ag`I want to translate a unit
19:40.29ckknighta unit?
19:40.31hyperChipmunkAceTab works fine
19:40.51ckknightL(sometext) works, too
19:40.51hyperChipmunkthat's a function provided by AceLibrary
19:40.57ckknightif that's what you're doing
19:41.03ckknightlocal mytext = "hey"
19:41.08ag`I think that's what I need
19:41.17tekkubmaia, you have to mixin and use self:RegisterMetro for standby-stopping to work
19:41.39MikmaHAHAHA go Conan!
19:41.51maiahyperChipmunk: well, I havent seen a documentation yet, and that error happenes even if I only have the file in my libs/ folder without accessing it from anywhere.
19:41.56Mikma"Who's in charge of Microso... Oh.."
19:41.57ckknightBill Gates is actually a really funny guy
19:42.02maiatekkub: aah, just did so. perfect.
19:42.06ckknightever see him with Napoleon Dynamite?
19:42.09ckknightit was awesome
19:42.41hyperChipmunkckknight: any ideas on maia's problem?
19:42.53hyperChipmunkhow could I not have argCheck
19:42.59tekkubmaia: in general a lib needs to be mixin'd for toggle things to work, cause it need's the module's "self"
19:43.00ckknighthyperChipmunk, lemme see
19:43.31maiaso shall I mixin dewdrop as well?
19:46.08tekkubdew doesn't need toggle disables
19:46.34CIA-1103maia 07Ace2 * r5211 10Squishy/Squishy/ (core.lua frames.lua roster.lua): Squishy (Ace2): various smaller changes and optimizations. Squishy can now properly be pt on standby mode.
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19:46.57ckknightdon't know what maia's problem is
19:47.01ckknightdoesn't seem to be an issue
19:47.11tekkubmaia has lots of issues
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19:47.17tekkubwe are not certified to help
19:47.50tekkubtime to get X-Categroy happy on a bunch of mods
19:47.57Kebinusanhmm so a patch or two ago a mod I use has had its frame always come up when I login or reloadui... so any idea what I should look at to fix it?
19:48.16tekkub*ponder* but first I'm rewriting Error Redirect
19:48.22maiackknight: I'm having AceTab in my /libs folder, without really using it (it's not listed in the .toc). Its an external, so it should be up to date. On every logon/reload I get: AceTab-2.0\AceTab-2.0.lua:25: attempt to call method `argCheck' (a nil value) - and hC thinks its your fault. :)
19:48.30maiatekkub: grr :)
19:48.33ElkanoKebinusan, FishingBuddy? ;)
19:48.42KebinusanElkano, Raidbidder actually
19:48.47Kebinusanbut similar thing
19:49.10KebinusanI remember it used to have that problem too
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19:55.39CIA-1103ckknight * r5212 10Ace2/AceConsole-2.0/AceConsole-2.0.lua: AceConsole - header types no longer show in usage statement
19:55.46ckknightthere you go, chip
19:56.04ckknightone by one, the bugs collapse
19:57.21Mikmayou are making ckknight's evil plans empty :P
19:57.43ckknightyou know, we probably have a pretty reasonable bugs/KLOC now
19:57.59NightdewKLOC ?
19:58.05hyperChipmunkthousand lines of code
19:58.20hyperChipmunkI'm having a hard time making AceConsole error now =\
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20:03.49CIA-1103tekkub * r5213 10BabbleLib/BabbleLib.toc: BabbleLib - TOC metadata update
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20:06.50maiahyperChipmunk: so, did you and ck decide who needs to fix the problem with AceTab? And besides that, how do I get it to work? I'd like to at least test it, even if the error on login pops up
20:07.11ckknightI'll fix it
20:07.29hyperChipmunkI don't know anything about argCheck; i just use it
20:07.45hyperChipmunkthe api says I have it
20:08.10maiahyperChipmunk: okay, so how do I use AceTab?
20:08.36hyperChipmunkk, you need two things, at minimum
20:08.46hyperChipmunkone thing, minimum
20:08.53hyperChipmunkbut should have 2
20:09.26CIA-1103tekkub * r5214 10BulkMail/BulkMail.toc: BulkMail - TOC OptionalDep update
20:09.42maiafirst question: to add it to my addon, do I mixin it?
20:09.53hyperChipmunkjust a normal lib
20:10.07hyperChipmunkaccess with AceLibrary("AceTab-2.0")
20:10.30hyperChipmunkare you using it in the commandline?
20:10.32tekkubmaia.... you only need to mixin if the lib does some sort of "self" tracking
20:10.42tekkublike AceEvent, AceHook, Metro, CandyBars
20:10.54maiatekkub: I see.
20:10.57kergothcandybars does _not_ need to be a mixin
20:11.02kergothit should be redesigned
20:11.03ckknightCandybars should not be a mixin
20:11.05maiahyperChipmunk: if AceTab is what I'm assuming, then yes.
20:11.05tekkubI.E. if the lib disables stuff on ToggleActive
20:11.21maiaI guess it will auto-complete console stuff, right?
20:11.25maiaso, self.acetab = AceLibrary("AceTab-2.0") ?
20:11.29hyperChipmunkgive me an example of what you want the user to be able to do; probably easier to do it that way
20:11.30tekkubwhy shouldn't it?  the bars should go away if the addon/module is disabled
20:11.54ckknightmaia, you should use locals :-P
20:12.16hyperChipmunkyea, local AceTab=AceLibrary("AceTab-2.0") is sufficient
20:12.24maiahyperChipmunk: well, I have my AceConsole-2.0 and a long table I'm using for it. I guess if I'd "enable" AceTab then any command line stuff (e.g. /squishy petsupport) can be autocompleted, right?
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20:12.34maiackknight: aye.
20:12.53hyperChipmunkAceOptions stuff is handled by AceConsole
20:12.56CIA-1103ckknight * r5215 10Ace2/AceTab-2.0/AceTab-2.0.lua: AceTab - replaced most AceTab references with self.
20:13.04hyperChipmunkyou need only to include it
20:13.05maiawait - if I do a local AceTab... I cant do that inside my OnInitialize, right?
20:13.07ckknightAceTab should work now
20:13.17CIA-1103tekkub * r5216 10DewdropLib/DewdropLib.toc: DewDropLib - TOC Metadata update
20:13.20ckknightmaia, here's what you can do:
20:13.23ckknightlocal AceTab
20:13.28ckknightfunction self:OnInitialize()
20:13.33ckknightAceTab = AceLibrary("AceTab-2.0")
20:13.34maiackknight: oooh, yes.
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20:14.09tekkubor use the library loaded event :)
20:14.28kergothtekkub: a bar should be a class, so an addon can easily instantiate the objects whenever they want and wherever they want.  going by name is a hack at best.  once again people not coding in an object oriented fashion
20:14.31maiahyperChipmunk: so, what do I need to do so all my chat commands can be autocompleted?
20:14.56maiaI'm already using AceConsole
20:15.06ckknightmaia, so you're good.
20:15.16hyperChipmunkif you use aceconsole for your console stuff, the only thing you need to do is provide completions for the leaves of your stuff, like players' names, etc
20:15.27hyperChipmunkand you don't technically need to do that
20:15.34maiabut if I do "/squishy pet" and then press TAB it doesnt get autocomleted to "/squishy petsupport"
20:15.56maiaso I assume I'd have to activate autocompletion somewhere.
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20:16.19hyperChipmunkgive me a moment; I'm about to upload a version that I'm 99% is perfect
20:16.28Tekcubtekkub> yea but we can't destroy frame kergy... so that kinda breaks the OO design in that we can instanciate the class but not destroy it...
20:16.30hyperChipmunkat least, it will work lik it should
20:16.31Tekcub<tekkub> and the Mixinerly thing is to make the bars disable automajicklly
20:16.37maiaI guess it's like a linux console - if I press tab and only one command is available, it'll autocomplete it. if more than one are available, it'll display them all.
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20:16.52hyperChipmunkall that have that prefix
20:16.56hyperChipmunkand it will complete as far as it can
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20:17.49maiamy RegisterChatCommand table has stuff like type, name, desc,... - but no prefix.
20:17.51hyperChipmunkif you have /squishy optone, /squishy opttwo, and /squishy optthree
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20:17.59hyperChipmunkthen you type /squishy o<TAB>
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20:18.19hyperChipmunkit'll complete up to /squishy opt and give you the usage of those three
20:18.39maiahyperChipmunk: well, that doesnt happen at the moment. maybe because I'm not using AceTab yet?
20:18.51hyperChipmunkthen, if you type another 't' and then tab, so you have /squishy optt<TAB>, it will show opttwo and optthree
20:19.06ckknight_was that a netsplit?
20:19.13maiahyperChipmunk: yeah, thats what I'm expecting.
20:19.18hyperChipmunkeither that or the aceconsole bugs were making it impossible for me to debug my stuff; give me about 15 minutes
20:19.31hyperChipmunksince it's fixed now, I'm able to fix my stuff
20:19.35ckknightmaia, /squishy pet<TAB> prints out petsupport, petthingy
20:19.35ckknightbut not otherthingy
20:19.35ckknightcause otherthingy doesn't start with pet
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20:19.42maiahyperChipmunk: the confusing part is: should the autocompletion work even without using AceTab anywhere?
20:19.48ckknightmaia, my advice is to just stop worrying about it and expect it to work
20:19.48CIA-1103tekkub * r5217 10ExpressMail/ExpressMail.toc: ExpressMail - TOC metadata update
20:20.12hyperChipmunkaceconsole works without AceTab
20:20.17maiackknight: right now a /squishy p<TAB> gets replaced by /squishy - instead of autocompleting it to petsupport.
20:20.21hyperChipmunkbut if AceTab exists anywhere, aceConsole will autocomplete
20:20.33hyperChipmunkthat's the default behaviour of the commandline under wow
20:20.46maiahyperChipmunk: okay, so I have to enable AceTab to make AceConsole autocomplete, right?
20:20.48hyperChipmunkplease, give me 15 minutes to fix this last bug =(
20:20.52hyperChipmunkthen we can talk
20:21.11CIA-1103tekkub * r5218 10Fizzle/Fizzle.toc: Fizzle - TOC metadata update
20:22.36CIA-1103tekkub * r5219 10Fizzle/Fizzle.toc: Fizzle - TOC OptionalDeps update
20:23.52Nightdewckknight: you just create dummy addons to test your libs?
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20:24.06CIA-1103tekkub * r5220 10FreeRefills/FreeRefills.toc: FreeRefills - TOC metadata update
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20:24.53Nightdewckknight: you just create dummy addons to test your libs?
20:24.57Nightdewor anything more specific?
20:25.07Nightdewlittle test frame of some kind?
20:25.39TainThere's time for testing after release!
20:25.41CIA-1103tekkub * r5221 10FuzzyLogic/ (. FuzzyLogic.toc): FuzzyLogic - TOC metadata update
20:27.04CIA-1103tekkub * r5222 10GratuityLib/GratuityLib.toc: GratuityLib - TOC metadata update
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20:27.17Nightdewoh, for any of you that play a warlock
20:27.31Nightdewis there anyway to distinquish if the curses on a target are yours
20:27.37Nightdewor another warlock's ?
20:28.01Kebinusanprobably a couple creative ways you could by looking at your combat log
20:28.53Nightdewnever worked with that
20:29.35CIA-1103tekkub * r5223 10InvSort/InvSort.toc: InvSort - TOC metadata update
20:30.18CIA-1103tekkub * r5224 10InvSortTek/ (. InvSortTek.toc): InvSortTek - TOC metadata update
20:30.44malifae16:18 < hyperChipmunk> then, if you type another 't' and then tab, so you have /squishy optt<TAB>, it will show opttwo and optthree
20:30.51malifaeoops ;)
20:30.51CIA-1103tekkub * r5225 10ItemizedDeductions/ItemizedDeductions.toc: ItemizedDeductions - TOC metadata update
20:32.25CIA-1103tekkub * r5226 10KC_Items/KC_Items.toc: KC_Items - TOC metadata update
20:33.19Elkanotekkub: SEEmbedAura.lua:311: Debuff: description - Value not a table: Widder eingefangen und zurückgebrach
20:33.39Tekcublovely... translate that for me elf
20:33.56Tekcubsomething's not releasing tables it reclaims... what is it?
20:34.33Elkanodon't know what the english text would be, but it's most likely from the quest from AV where you collect the rams
20:34.40CIA-1103tekkub * r5227 10Kennel/ (. Kennel.toc): Kennel - TOC metadata update
20:34.49Tekcubupdate QuestFu, we fixed that already
20:36.28Elkanotrunk or branch?
20:37.07Elkanosince I'm up2date with trunk
20:37.24Tekcubuh, should be trunk... any other quest mods that might use compost?
20:37.37CIA-1103tekkub * r5228 10KeyQLib/ (. KeyQLib.toc): KeyQLib - TOC metadata update
20:39.21CIA-1103tekkub * r5229 10Lern2Spell/Lern2Spell.toc: Lern2Spell - TOC metadata update
20:49.47TekcubI need a mass X-Category setter :)
20:51.12ag`ckknight, how did I make a blank header. It says it needs a name
20:51.20ag`bah, I use a space. nm.
20:53.24ckknightag`, shouldn't need a name
20:53.30ckknightit's a bug
20:53.45NeronixGief Calibri plz
20:54.09*** join/#wowace Tuplad (
20:55.05ckknighthey Tuplad
20:55.14kergothi love bsv sans, i use it everywhere. terminals and editors especially
20:55.44Mikmakergoth: ok use the font and code us aggro-alert for MSBT :D
20:55.47NeronixLooks nice in other places, but notingame
20:57.16Tupladhey ckk :)
20:57.33Tupladbvs sans sucks in game :(
20:57.41TupladCourier all the way :D
20:57.49Icerothtinytip options has that "bullet list" in it's dewdrop options, is it possible to get that from aceOptions table conversion?
20:58.02ckknightbullet list?
20:58.05ckknightyou mean radio list?
20:58.16ckknightyea, it's done with the text type
20:58.20ckknightand validate is a table
20:58.30ckknighte.g. validate = { "Warrior", "Squirrel", "Pants" }
20:58.38ckknightyour options will be Warrior, Squirrel, and Pants
20:59.01Icerothoh, nice
20:59.15Icerothalways imagined text option would be only raw text input
20:59.29ckknightnaw, it's kinda convoluted
20:59.58CIA-1103tekkub * r5230 10Sheppard/ (. Core.lua Sheppard.toc wreee.wav):
20:59.58CIA-11- Added metrognome, target is now cleared after a ver short delay, insted of mid-execution (caused errors to be thrown sometimes)
20:59.58CIA-11- Added piggie sound!
21:01.18CIA-1103tekkub 07tekkub * r5231 10SpecialEventsEmbed/SpecialEventsEmbed.toc: SpecialEventsEmbed - TOC metadata update
21:02.30kergothckknight: might be more intuitive if it was named "string" instead of "text", but its not a big deal
21:02.35CIA-1103ckknight * r5232 10Ace2/AceConsole-2.0/AceConsole-2.0.lua: AceConsole - name now optional for header type.
21:02.37Nightdewoh lol i guess now i know why tekkub was unhappy with AceEvent including his stuff from metrognome lol
21:02.37ckknightkergoth, probably.
21:02.58CIA-1103ckknight * r5233 10DewdropLib/Dewdrop-2.0/Dewdrop-2.0.lua: Dewdrop - name now optional for header type.
21:03.25NeronixDoes CHAT_MSG_CHANNEL fire 7 times per message?
21:03.35Neronix*points to EarPlug debug spam*
21:04.36ckknightactually, probably not
21:04.42ckknightyou hooking the OnEvent function?
21:04.57ckknightit's called once per chat frame
21:05.01ckknightthere are 7 chatframes
21:05.09NeronixDear god
21:05.28Icerothanyone got a clue what events should i listen when i want to see when my target enters/leaves combat?
21:06.03Icerothisn't that only for self?
21:06.36ckknightoh, your target
21:06.59NeronixIceroth: Self only
21:07.35CIA-1103ag * r5234 10ag_UnitFrames/ (5 files): ag_UnitFrames - Some more AceOptions+locale improvement
21:07.43NeronixSo is it ok to hook CFOE?
21:07.54maiahyperChipmunk: back?
21:08.05NeronixOr woult it be better to hook CFx:AddMessage instead
21:08.09hasteHello !
21:08.13ckknightNeronix, CFOE
21:08.17ckknightby far
21:08.22ckknighthey, haste
21:08.31NeronixHm, I'll need to benchmark
21:09.01Tekcuberf... too fuck ing hot outside
21:10.02maiahey, it's 11pm here and it has 30°C in my livingroom.
21:10.19hasteIt' 27°C here :(
21:10.34Neronix8.6 seconds for doing ep:MessageCanPass("kek lol bur") 100k times
21:10.34Nightdewmaia ur not dutch are you?
21:10.47Nightdewwould fit the timezone
21:10.51Nightdewtime different
21:10.53hasteNightdew: You wanted me for something yesterday?
21:10.59maiaentire europe ex UK fits in the timezone.
21:11.12Mikmaag`: whee update
21:11.12Nightdewturkey is 7
21:11.24hasteTurkish hacker!
21:11.34hastehmm, that one is a little to internal :p
21:11.38haste*finds screenshot*
21:11.55Icerothfinland isn't then apparently parf of europe O.o
21:12.00haste << There you have it ;D
21:12.16Tekcub85F in my apt
21:12.22TekcubAC runnin full bore
21:12.40Tekcubfunny thing, people it CO whinin about 81F there being a hot day
21:13.01Tekcubthey're fag, whatcha spect
21:13.03Neronixwait, nvm
21:13.08MikmaIceroth: finland?
21:13.16NightdewFinland is.. just not part of the EU i think
21:13.22TekcubI mean, hot in CO is high 90's noramlly
21:13.32maiackknight: Dewdrop-2 problem/question: if an option is type "range", hovering over the menu (without even touching the slider) will trigger the function defined in set. Any way to prevent that?
21:13.38NeronixDammit, forgot that it's :Print and not :print >.>
21:13.40Tekcublow 80's is like, expect snow in a few days
21:13.43steinobtw, how do i make ace1 create profiles when ace2 has taken over /ace ? :(
21:13.45Neronixckknight: syntactic sugar please :P
21:13.46Mikmawho want's to talk about Finland? :D
21:13.47maiawhats Finland?
21:13.49Nightdewhaste you get my priv message?
21:14.01hastehad to identify with nickserv :p
21:14.04ckknightmaia, no, that's a Dewdrop thing, my best advice is to just expect it
21:14.05IcerothNightdew, you think wrong
21:14.10ckknightNeronix, hrm?
21:14.11hastesince Mr. Netconnection dropped earlier today
21:14.46ckknightsteino, if Ace is loaded first, it shouldn't take over /ace
21:14.51steinoit does
21:14.54steinofor some reason
21:14.55MikmaIceroth: so it seems like you are from Tampere...
21:15.00ckknightthen that's a bug
21:15.25Neronixckknight: [22:21:55] [Neronix] Dammit, forgot that it's :Print and not :print >.> - [22:22:02] [Neronix] ckknight: syntactic sugar please :P
21:15.34ckknightNeronix, you don't deserve it.
21:15.39Tuplad512 ram FTL
21:16.25ckknightget used to the new style
21:17.17ckknightmethods use PascalCase
21:18.04NeronixI see
21:20.21CIA-1103ckknight * r5235 10Ace2/AceAddon-2.0/AceAddon-2.0.lua: AceAddon - now checks for the enabled state of Ace on whether to replace /ace
21:20.42hasteGrim Batol is full - Position in queue 0
21:20.48hasteHow is that possible?
21:20.49ckknightyea, I'm really against letting people use the old ways because they're "used to" them, when it's not standardized
21:20.53ckknighthaste, magic!
21:21.02hasteYes, I'm number zero in the queue!!1
21:22.35kergothwhy wouldnlt it be possible?  if the queue is zero indexed, you'll be the next one to get in
21:23.31NeronixUnless... it's not C
21:23.37TainI'm still annoyed that I've been in the login queue and my spot has actually gone up while waiting.
21:23.40NeronixThen you could be fucked :P
21:25.02kergothwhat does c have to do with anything?
21:25.27kergothbulkmail error, /me backrevs
21:25.40Neronixkergoth: iirc, they couint from 0 in C
21:25.50kergothyes, and C isnt the only language that does.
21:27.39ckknightalmost all languages do
21:27.54Nightdewpascal/delphi is 1-based
21:27.58ckknightso is Lua
21:28.15ckknightyou know what's fun
21:28.31ckknightbeing able to easily add new API to a project
21:28.47ckknightin other news, I'm adding validation to dewdrop edit boxes
21:29.23*** part/#wowace Cairenn (
21:29.29hyperChipmunksoooooooo close
21:29.48maiahyperChipmunk: I just updated AceTab and AceConsole from the SVN. It now works fine. Interestingly it even works without calling AceTab anywhere. So simply having AceTab-2.0 in my /libs folder but not even in the .toc file seems to be enough. Which is somewhat strange. Or a different Ace2 addon has initialized it. Hm.
21:30.23Nightdewhence always test in a sterile environment
21:31.16Nightdewcan anything be immune to anything temporarily?
21:31.21Nightdewany mob that is
21:31.39hyperChipmunkall the time
21:31.42maiaNightdew: the only other ace2 addon I'm using at the moment is AuldLangSyne, and it doesnt even have AceTab as it seems
21:32.03NightdewhyperChipmunk: example?
21:32.06maiaso actually the only addon folder that has AceTab on my harddisk seems to be Squishy.
21:32.23hyperChipmunkhappens in strath a lot; the baronness charms someone and goes invul or one of those whispy things puts the spell shield up
21:32.32maiaand it's not even listed in the .toc - and still tab completion works.
21:32.34Nightdewisnt that absorb?
21:32.53hyperChipmunkpretty sure it's immune
21:33.28hyperChipmunkoh, and obviously, mobs that use divine aura
21:33.28Neronixckknight: How do I stop a text option from printing "X is set to Y" at all?
21:33.41hyperChipmunklike those officers in BRD
21:33.42Nightdewwas thinking of making something that would register and collect info
21:33.42ckknightwell, you can set 'get' to false
21:33.50Nightdewfor spells that have no purpose
21:33.57Nightdewon a certain mob
21:35.10Neronixckknight: dewdrop doesn't like that
21:35.20Nightdewalright .. till later all
21:35.38ckknightNeronix, is the type = 'text'?
21:36.18ckknightpastebin that one part
21:36.20NeronixDewdrop spits out that handler 'false' isn't available
21:36.44ckknightjust pastebin
21:37.56Mikmalettuce, tomato, cucumber, mozzarella, feta.. nice salad and tastes good <3
21:38.14Neronixgah, pasted in the wrong bits >.<
21:38.32ckknightyour usage statement is also wrong
21:38.54ckknightshould be "<filter>"
21:39.08NeronixI see
21:39.47ckknightthen it'll show up as /earplug add <filter>
21:40.26ckknightalright, if that isn't working, it's a bug
21:40.29ckknightand I'll look into it
21:41.20NeronixDewdrop's still pissy
21:42.19ckknightyour mom's still pissy
21:42.24CIA-1103maia 07Ace2 * r5236 10Squishy/Squishy/ (core.lua developer-todo.txt frames.lua roster.lua):
21:42.24CIA-11Squishy (Ace2): - new feature: configurable number of unit bars displayed in frame (5-20)
21:42.24CIA-11- auto tab completion should work now
21:42.24CIA-11- various smaller fixes and code cleanup
21:44.54Gngskso, how come when I use FuBar_CorkFu:DetachTooltip() and FuBar_CorkFu:ReattachTootlip() it works, but I get an error about needingn args when I try to use them in an if statement?
21:46.35Gngskif FuBar_CorkFu:IsTooltipDetached() then FuBar_CorkFu:ReattachTooltip() else FuBar:CorkFu:DetachTooltip() end
21:46.53Gngsk[string "if FuBar_CorkFu:IsTooltipDetached() then FuBar_CorkFu:ReattachT..."]:1: function arguments expected near `:'
21:47.40Gngsk: instead of _
21:47.42Gngsksorry for the spam
21:50.00Mikmablizzard should change "Whisper" to something else
21:50.06Mikmatelephacy or something like that
21:50.44CIA-1103hyperactiveChipmunk * r5237 10Ace2/AceConsole-2.0/AceConsole-2.0.lua:
21:50.44CIA-11- Tab-completion bugs ironed out. Should work completely now.
21:51.13ag`So I just made a script for my friend to fool damagemeter into putting him on top of the decurse meter
21:51.23ag`it syncs with everyone else over the ctra chat
21:52.16CIA-1103hyperactiveChipmunk * r5238 10Ace2/AceTab-2.0/AceTab-2.0.lua:
21:52.16CIA-11- Bugfixifications. All known bugs squashed.
21:53.09NeronixShould I get rid of the default patterns crap?
21:53.21NeronixOr does someone actually need them?
21:58.35Soltanismikma : something like OutOfCharacterMessage or something?
21:58.49Mikmasomething like that
21:58.58Mikmasince "whispering" across the wow-universe sounds stupid
22:01.20ThraeScaled down WatchDog is pretty close to a "PerfectRaid"-type party frames.
22:01.38CIA-1103hyperactiveChipmunk * r5239 10Ace2/AceTab-2.0/AceTab-2.0.lua:
22:01.38CIA-11- Minor typo fixed; no harm done
22:01.57hyperChipmunkno errors, no fouls, right?
22:02.49maiaMikma: posted my Bartender wishlist.
22:02.57Mikmaoh yippee :P
22:03.32ThraeIceHUD's Druid Bar support is awesome. Too bad it NEEDS DruidBar.
22:03.53kergothi prefer ohud's look to icehud's, myself
22:04.04ThraeDruidBar has a whole bunch of crap I don't need.
22:04.10hyperChipmunkElkano: *poke*
22:08.03hyperChipmunkwut teh crap; now I get the argCheck error
22:08.09hyperChipmunkalso, this gem:
22:08.18hyperChipmunk[18:07-4119] AceLocale(BulkMail): Can only accept true as a value on the base locale. "enUS" is the base locale, "enUS" is not. ---
22:08.26*** join/#wowace FryGuy (
22:09.26Thraekergoth: Have a SS of oHUD?
22:10.32Mikmamaia: i'm sure you know already but you CAN code those functions in bartender and commit it ;)
22:10.53maiaMikma: yeah, I know. but I don't know how to code non-ace anymore.
22:10.58ckknighthyperChipmunk, weird
22:11.27Mikmawell there's a next project for you
22:11.30kergothits in shots 28 and 29 too, but doesnt show the combo point display
22:11.36Mikmaconvert bartender to ace2 ;)
22:11.47NeronixMikma: But then you learn nothing
22:11.55MikmaNeronix: i don't wan't to learn anything :D
22:12.03Mikmai like bartender as it is already ;)
22:12.17NeronixAnd when you end up modifying ti again, you won't know wtf to do
22:12.33Mikmawell just rename it and make it a different addon ;)
22:12.38hyperChipmunkmy local copy merged when I checked out =x
22:12.44hyperChipmunkso it overwrote your changes from before =P
22:12.48hyperChipmunkgimme sec
22:13.04NeronixSeriously, it only took me an hour to find out all I needed to know about Ace2
22:13.36TainLogin systems that tell you different messages when you have your id wrong versus your password wrong make the inner security child in me cringe.
22:14.55Thraekergoth: The right ring is your target's health?
22:16.47kergothleft outter is target's health, left inner is my health, right outter is target's mana/rage/energy, right inner is mine
22:16.51CIA-1103phyber * r5240 10XPBarNone/XPBarNone.toc:
22:16.51CIA-11- TOC Update: OptionalDeps
22:16.55kergothnot sure if you can rearrange that
22:17.15ThraeAh, same as IceHUD then
22:17.48ThraeI'll have to see how IceHUD handles combo points
22:18.42kergothiirc its a count, a number
22:18.54kergothless easy to get visually imo
22:19.13ThraeAh I see
22:19.17CIA-1103hyperactiveChipmunk * r5241 10Ace2/AceTab-2.0/AceTab-2.0.lua:
22:19.17CIA-11- Fixed revision de-synch
22:20.04haste << my guilds kill screenshot type
22:20.18haste << another guild on the same servers, NEW kill screenshot type
22:21.32Thraehaste: Is the PRT screenshot in oUnit_Frames your own Perfect Raid Targets frames, or PRT?
22:21.59hastewhat screen?
22:22.04kergothi want something like prt, but more functional
22:22.34Thraehaste: The screen you link on your oUnit_Frames thread in Ace2 Forums.
22:22.46hastearen't there two?
22:22.54haste(I'm lazy, and cba to checky myself) ;D
22:23.02ThraeOK, the 1st one you link ;)
22:23.02hyperChipmunkkerg wants to be able to type caddddadr(target) to get the target of raidmember 6
22:23.28*** join/#wowace vhaarr (
22:23.35hyperChipmunkdon't check that btw
22:23.45hasteThrae: GARGH, I'll check..
22:23.47hyperChipmunkI didn't actually think it all out
22:23.58vhaarrThrae: thanks for the 200% scaling on tinytip
22:24.17hasteYes, that's Perfect Raid Targets
22:24.36Thraevhaarr: I am to please.
22:24.53ThraeHmm, my PRT doesn't look as sexy as that. I must have missed some configuration options.
22:24.55hasteand my char died in-game :(
22:25.02hasteThrae: I've edited it
22:25.11ThraeAhh, branched?
22:25.14vhaarrThrae: do you have any idea why I might be getting the "Player Options" tooltip on party/raidframes when I have a friendly target?
22:25.34hasteThrae: nah
22:25.47vhaarrThrae: it does not happen when I have a enemy target, and I think it should only happen on the target frame in any case, not all the unit frames.
22:26.00hasteThrae: damn you, now I lost my agi pot :(
22:26.17Thraehaste: Haha, sorry
22:26.30Thraevhaarr: Disable Newbie Tooltips
22:26.30kergothmake a branch! i want a sexy prt
22:26.36kergothpreferably one that doesnt keep growing in width indefinately
22:26.43ThraeI second the sexy PRT branch
22:26.59NeronixI third it, even though I've never gotten the opportunity to use PRt yet ;P
22:27.13NeronixDoes anyone need patterns in EarPlug to save between sessions?
22:27.15Thraevhaarr: It's somewhere in Interface Options, I think under Advanced
22:27.28vhaarrThrae: okay thanks, I'll look in a sec when I log in
22:28.42kergothi keep removing my combat log window
22:28.44kergothbut it keeps showing up again
22:28.46kergothGO AWAY
22:28.52Industrialyea h me too
22:28.55Industrialanoying shit
22:28.58Neronixkergoth: did you check "simple chat" ?
22:29.05hyperChipmunktun off simplechat
22:29.11kergothits off
22:29.15hyperChipmunkand chat lock
22:29.35kergothwas off also, just tried turning it on
22:32.09vhaarrThrae: thanks, that fixed it - "Show Detailed Tooltips" in Interface Options\Advanced
22:32.33NeronixThrae: More info on the missing object tooltips:
22:32.38*** part/#wowace Tuplad (
22:33.00NeronixThey appear as long as I don't set an offset and anchor is cursor
22:34.04ThraeNeronix: Do you have the very latest SVN, updated at 3pm today?
22:34.11ThraeI fixed it there.
22:34.18Neronix3pm what locale?
22:34.31Neronixlemme double check
22:34.52NeronixAh, no sorry
22:35.17ThraeYeah I JUST uploaded a fix for that very problem earlier today when Amadeo and Elkano narrowed down the issue for me.
22:35.24Mikmamaia: like 90% of those features can be achieved by other addons :P
22:35.59Thraevhaarr: Yeah that's just the default behavior of Blizzard's Unit Frames
22:36.11maiagood to hear. I'm about to log though, so lets continue via forum thread... :)
22:38.05CIA-1103neronix * r5242 10EarPlug/ (Earplug.lua Earplug.toc): (log message trimmed)
22:38.05CIA-11EarPlug EarPlug - Now that I've gotten round to testing it...
22:38.05CIA-11- Fixed errors
22:38.05CIA-11- Removed default pattern crap. Now starts with an empty list
22:38.05CIA-11- Got rid of savedvars, (which were broken anyway :P) no need for them
22:38.06CIA-11- Aesthetics tweaks
22:38.08CIA-11- Fixed case-insensitivity of msg checking
22:38.17Neronix- Misc tweaks
22:38.22Neronix- So yeah, NOW it works
22:39.47vhaarrLFG filter
22:40.29kergothi could use a simple one of those, still using calltoarms
22:40.40*** join/#wowace Grumpey (
22:41.13ckknighthey Grumpey
22:41.46NeronixNot just any old lfg filter
22:41.51Neronixbut the SUPERIOR lfg filter
22:42.04Neronixlets you specify your own patterns
22:42.18Neronixcase insenstive, and you can even do advanced lua patterns
22:42.22vhaarrah, left
22:42.51NeronixAnd if that's not enough, you can turn on debugging and watch the spam go by in ChatFrame3 :P
22:44.25vhaarrwould it be an idea to let AceDebug provide a frame that all Ace2 addons can use for debugging?
22:46.37ThraeIt'd be easier just to allow the user to specify which ChatFrame AceDebug messages go in.
22:46.49ThraeSince we can create any number of ChatFrames using the default UI.
22:47.04hyperChipmunkyou mean any number up to 7
22:47.10Industrialvhaarr, add bugsack output to that too :P
22:47.19Industrialthe current frame is way too big
22:47.31vhaarrI'm just thinking that then AceDebug could default to ChatFrameX and it could have a slash command for setting the frame
22:47.32Industrialand kinda clumsy
22:47.37vhaarrand all Ace2 addons would just output there automatically
22:47.46vhaarrwtih automatic metainfo
22:50.57*** join/#wowace ckknight_ (
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22:58.48*** mode/#wowace [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
23:01.08hastewhat the hell
23:01.12hastea hunter popped up
23:01.29hasteand my WitchHunt showed: Flin - Opening *No Text*
23:01.45vhaarrcan I get BW to notify me when a boss has died?
23:02.04vhaarror based on the BIGWIGS_SYNC_ENABLEMODULE event, is there any way to get a hold of the module object?
23:02.36vhaarrit just sends as arg1, which is something like "BigWigs<BossName>", normally.
23:04.28vhaarrAceAddon objects are globally available, right?
23:06.04kergoththat depends
23:06.36kergothanyone have a cleaned up minimal warmup yet?
23:07.02ag`what is minimal warmup?
23:07.08kergoththe addon
23:07.14kergothhas cruft
23:07.28ckknightI agree
23:08.26hastekergoth: I merged your change with the current version
23:08.30hasteie. pretty colors!
23:08.38vhaarrokay so I have 2x AceAddon's, can I do |AceAddon2:RegisterEvent("EVENT", AceAddon1:function)| ?
23:09.11ckknightnot for Ace1
23:09.29kergothhaste: wheres that at?
23:09.44hastekergoth: I can commit it
23:09.48hastethe SVN was dead when I did it
23:09.51vhaarrckknight: can I embed a function in the second argument?
23:09.59vhaarrinline, whatever
23:10.05ckknightfor Ace2, yes
23:11.24vhaarrokay so is there any way to get |AceAddon2:RegisterEvent("EVENT", ...)| to call a function in another addon/object than AceAddon2 ?
23:11.31vhaarrin ace1
23:11.44vhaarrokay thanks
23:12.38vhaarris it possible to insert new methods at runtime to other AceAddons?
23:13.36ckknightfunction OtherAddon:SomeMethod() ... end
23:13.43vhaarrbut not dynamically
23:14.17vhaarrlike in |if moduleObject then moduleObject:SomeMethod() ... end end|
23:14.33ckknightsure you can
23:14.36vhaarroh cool
23:14.50Thraevhaarr: function AddFoo() OtherAddon.Foo = function(self,arg1,arg2,etc.) DoSomething end end
23:17.14*** join/#wowace Parak (
23:17.41vhaarrso then if I want to register that function for an event I can do |AceAddon2:RegisterEvent("EVENT", "Foo")| from AceAddon1 and it would invoke AceAddon2:Foo on EVENT?
23:17.50vhaarrokay I'm just going to code it and test it somehow
23:19.21vhaarrI guess I'm not sure how the scope works in Lua yet
23:19.36ckknightscope is kinda fun in Lua
23:19.40vhaarrinside |OtherAddon.Foo = function(...)|, what would |self| refer to?
23:19.43vhaarryeah that's the impression I got
23:19.59hyperChipmunkthere would be no self
23:20.17vhaarrI want AceAddon2 in there
23:20.21Thraevhaarr: Instance:Foo(arg1,arg2) == Instance.Foo(self,arg1,arg2)
23:20.31hyperChipmunkOtherAddon.Foo = function(self, ...), however
23:21.00hyperChipmunkyea, best to just use 'function OtherAddon:Foo(...)'
23:21.07hyperChipmunkin which case, self would be OtherAddon
23:21.36vhaarrlet me code this crap and pastebin it
23:21.37hyperChipmunkwell, what would really be best is reading PIL; link is in the topic
23:21.47hyperChipmunkit'll be the best time you ever spent
23:22.04vhaarrI've read some of it but not the topics concerning scope
23:22.07vhaarrif there are any
23:22.22vhaarrand not about function inlining either
23:22.26hyperChipmunkjust read it cover-to-cover; you'll emerge an enlightened man
23:22.44vhaarrI'll emerge a tired man since it's 01:30 here already
23:22.46clad|workpil makes it all nice.
23:22.51clad|workjust buy the book online
23:22.53clad|workdo it before you go to bed.
23:22.55hyperChipmunkpil cures cancer
23:23.08cladhairepil made me fertile again
23:23.14hyperChipmunkif everyone read pil, there would be world peace
23:23.29hyperChipmunkcladhaire: what would that accomplish, exactly
23:23.52Thraekergoth: Where is haste's HUD?
23:24.12cladhairehyperChipmunk: Then you have the book in hand
23:24.21cladhairereading a physical book is easier than reading an html page, or a pdf.
23:24.27hyperChipmunkno, I mean you being fertile again
23:24.37cladhairehyperChipmunk: Oh, i still have babies.
23:24.40cladhaireand i like girls beyatch
23:24.46ThraeI have a laptop, I find it easier to read the HTML or PDF.
23:24.53kergothhaste has a hud?
23:24.59cladhairethumbing pages is a good thing.
23:25.08Thraekergoth: I thought you said you used oHUD?
23:25.14hasteI have a hud?
23:25.26cladhaireyou should use CladHud
23:25.27cladhaireits on the svn
23:25.29hyperChipmunksays here you play for the other team
23:25.33kergothohud != otravi, ohud = omegadrivers hud, afaik
23:25.43hasteomega hud!
23:25.53hasteI hate HUDs, don't look at me ;D
23:25.55cladhairehyperChipmunk: I play for both teams bitch. i'm greedy
23:26.08kergothbut without that unnecessary \n
23:26.09hyperChipmunkyou lie! there's no cladhuds!
23:26.22ThraeIs it Ace'd?
23:26.46cladhaireits ace2
23:27.37cladhaireHrm... maybe it doesn't exist
23:27.41cladhairei might have dreamed it up
23:27.46ckknightcladhaire, I thought you were gay :-P
23:27.47ThraeNo, it doesn't exist :D
23:27.58ckknightbisexuals are just greedy
23:28.05cladhaireckknight: For the past number of years, I have been exclusive with males
23:28.11ckknightwhy do they get to double their breeding selection, but not me?
23:28.17Thraehaste: Make a HUD so you can have a nameconflict with Omega's HUD.
23:28.25cladhaireit has nothing to do with sex, greed or anything.. its just simply who I fall in love with.
23:28.34ckknightworks for me
23:28.43ThraeBetter yet, make oHUD which gives only target information, thus confusing people!
23:28.45ckknightI like girls with emotional problems and big noses
23:28.49ckknight*thumbs up*
23:29.23vhaarrckknight: What happens if I call RegisterEvent on a AceAddon that has already registered for the same event?
23:29.35ckknightvhaarr, in Ace1?
23:29.35vhaarrckknight: does it overwrite it or call both the methods that have been registered?
23:29.43ckknightI think it overwrites
23:29.47vhaarroh for gods sake
23:30.44Thraevhaarr: Why don't you just register the event with your own AceAddon, and call the other Addon's relative event handling function?
23:30.45CIA-1103ckknight * r5243 10DewdropLib/Dewdrop-2.0/Dewdrop-2.0.lua: Dewdrop - added validation
23:30.59vhaarrThrae: it doesn't have the event handling function
23:31.04ThraeActually, scratch that. Why not just register the event with your own AceAddon?
23:31.28vhaarrbecause I want it to go away when the other addon does UnregisterAllEvents
23:32.02hyperChipmunkwhy does my archud lack arcs =P
23:32.12cladhairehyperChipmunk: CladSparklePower
23:32.15hastehyperChipmunk: 'cause you didn't read on the foru
23:32.29hastehyperChipmunk: where it says that it looks for the texture in the old folder
23:32.30cladhaireSo, if I have to give someone advice on how best to come out to their father, does anythign else have anything to add?
23:32.37ThraeArcHUD is supposedly broken from the latest forum posts
23:32.41hastehyperChipmunk: and I happened to read that by a miss click!
23:33.21hyperChipmunkso upload a fix, nub
23:33.37hastehyperChipmunk: I don't use the addon, don't look at me
23:33.49ThraeI use IceHUD myself
23:33.55hyperChipmunkwhat's the forum url =x
23:34.53hyperChipmunkoh, that works too
23:35.57*** join/#wowace Amadeo (
23:36.06hasteThrae: stop posting messages with a \n in the start!
23:37.19CIA-1103hyperactiveChipmunk * r5244 10ArcHUD2/ModuleCore.lua:
23:37.19CIA-11- Points to correct texture paths now
23:39.12hasteit annoys me!
23:39.50ckknightcladhaire, don't say you have a daddy complex?
23:39.54ckknightjk, I dunno
23:39.58ckknightnever had to deal with that
23:40.07cladhairecladhaire: Hrm?
23:40.14ThraeBah, a few typos :D
23:40.23cladhairecladhaire: Oh, lol
23:40.31cladhairecladhaire: No, a good friend just came to me today and asked for some advice
23:40.44ckknightah, okay
23:40.44ckknightyea, I really wouldn't know
23:40.47cladhaireand I like to get an objective view when giving .. loaded advice like that.
23:40.55cladhairebut this crowd is useless =
23:40.56ckknightnever really had to deal with that
23:41.02cladhaireckknight: Understandbal.e
23:41.45ckknightI'd say just come out and say it, get it off his chest, and let his dad have time to absorb it
23:42.47cladhaireyeah, sometimes dads throw people out.. and beat people.
23:42.57ckknightI dunno, it depends on how understanding the father is
23:42.58cladhaireits tough to live in fear from your parents .. for who you are.
23:42.58*** join/#wowace Galka_ (
23:43.13ckknightI know my dad would be, but I already told him I was straight
23:43.22cladhaire*nod* and I dont have much of that info.
23:43.26cladhairewhich is kinda important.
23:43.50ckknightis he doing it in person?
23:44.02ckknightcause that may not be the best idea if the father is possibly abusive
23:45.16Ratbert_CPBe prepared to assure Dad that it wasn't anything he did or didn't do.  Some retro Dads may think they did something wrong to end up with a homosexual child.  Again, it requires knowledge of the gentleman in question...
23:45.49cladhaireyeah he'll be doing it in person
23:46.08TekcubI never needed to tell my dad
23:46.09cladhairei was pretty clear in my advice, and its nothing revolutionary-- just how I love =)
23:46.18cladhaireTekcub: The leather gave it away? =)
23:46.18Ratbert_CPOffer to refund any Playboy subscriptions...  ;)
23:46.19Tekcubhe knows, I know he knows, he doesn't care
23:46.28Ratbert_CPleather?  or pleather?  ;)
23:46.41Tekcubit was leather... I forgot it when we moved to AR
23:46.49TekcubI'll get a new one once I'm back in CO
23:47.02TekcubI'm getting a 5-point one this time ^^
23:47.15ckknightwell, gtg
23:47.33cladhaireRatbert_CP: Good luck!
23:47.40ckknightyep, gl
23:48.21Ratbert_CPHopefully, won't need it.  We're moving soonish, and I want a fallback/negotiating tool when trying to convince my current boss to let me telecommute.
23:55.39ThraeHidden frames or frames that are not drawn can still receive events, correct?
23:56.26vhaarrhah cool, it actually seems like it's working:
23:58.05vhaarrckknight: and from what I can see in AceEvent.lua (ace1), it doesn't overwrite since this RegisterEvent is called from another object than the one I'm registering it to
23:58.13vhaarrfunction AceEvent:RegisterEvent(obj, event, method)
23:58.14vhaarrif( not self.registry[event] ) then
23:58.16vhaarrself.registry[event] = {}
23:58.20vhaarrself.registry[event][obj] = (method or event)
23:58.21*** join/#wowace xelepart (
23:58.29xeleparthello there ace peoples
23:58.42vhaarrnote the |self.registry[event][obj]|
23:59.09xelepartanyone 'round these parts willin' t' help me with something?
23:59.12Mikmaaye laddie!
23:59.29Mikma(that's means hi all)
23:59.48xeleparthello mikma.

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