irclog2html for #wowace on 20060717

00:00.01hyperChipmunkoh noz
00:00.04vhaarrQuick, rename the project!
00:00.07vhaarrI suggest "Two".
00:00.14Mikmano, he's telling that #wowace sucks ;D
00:00.14NeronixMikma: Almost works, but they don't seem to remember their x coords
00:03.18MikmaNeronix: i can't help you on that one ;)
00:06.05Soltaniswhats the best way to leave a message for kaelten?
00:06.39hasteno idea :p
00:06.55hastewhat about: sending a PM, a mail, a note on IRC
00:07.49Neronixor even a botmail
00:08.20ag`_Why does Ace2 say I have to have a name tag for my execute arg
00:08.26ag`_I don't have to in the examples
00:11.55ag`_helloooo :D
00:15.55SoltanisOk thanks haste, sent him a pm on wowace forums
00:16.49NeronixIT WORKS!
00:16.57Neronix(And it doesn't require yet another db reset
00:17.45ag`_I need AceOptions help :-)
00:18.14MikmaNeronix: good :)
00:18.20hasteThen I can't help you ag`_
00:18.24hasteI have a problem there myself :p
00:19.00hastehmm, maybe I can... *tries*
00:19.39CIA-1103neronix * r5017 10Bartender/Core.lua: Bartender: Implemented scaling, accessible via /bar scale [bag/micro/pet/shapeshift/1/2/3/4/5] x' (Where x is a decimal fraction e.g. '1.0' for 100%). Does NOT require yet another DB reset
00:19.49Neronixrm -Rf Visor
00:21.04Mikmaway too cool
00:21.09Neronixoh yes
00:21.28kergothNeronix: nice
00:21.51ag`_kergoth have a second?
00:22.04Mikmaag`_: yes, it's called "little kergoth" ;D
00:22.11kergothsomewhat, doing a bunch of stuff simultanious, brain is all frazzled
00:22.16kergothwhats up?
00:22.52ag`_kergoth, deucecommander gives me the error: "args" keys must be standard strings
00:23.16Neronix`sleepag`_: You're asking the wrong guy
00:23.25ag`_who's the right guy?
00:23.29Neronix`sleepI am
00:23.34kergothhehe, indeed, i dont maintain deucecommander, just use it :)
00:23.39ag`_oh :-)
00:24.21ag`_well Neronix`sleep, if you have a minute before sleeping
00:24.23Neronix`sleepag`_: can you do /script for k,v in pairs(DeuceCommander.theTable) do print(k) end please?
00:24.36Neronix`sleeper, theTable.args
00:25.11ag`_it says ag_unitframes
00:25.59Neronix`sleepI'll debug in the morning
00:26.09Neronix`sleepmight have to change the way I assign a name for each mod
00:26.15ag`_hmm It's just that my stuff isn't very advanced
00:26.19ag`_I guess it should work
00:26.29ag`_you can see the pastebin
00:26.41Neronix`sleepI don't think it's a problem on your end
00:27.06ag`_oh well, I can go add dewdrop myself then to test it out today
00:27.18ag`_I'd just like to see how my dropdown looks
00:30.58CIA-1103neronix * r5018 10Bartender/Core.lua: Bartender - Stopped microbuttons from wandering about with an oversized head
00:31.10CIA-1103ag * r5019 10ag_UnitFrames/ (ag_UnitFrames.lua libs/): ag_UnitFrames - added dewdrop lib as external
00:31.20hasteNeronix`sleep: I'm tired, and that commit message made my laugh
00:31.30hasteI can't get the image out of my head :(
00:33.00Neronix`sleepag`_: dewdrop:register(SomeRandomFrameYouCanTestOn...MaybeTheMinimap?, 'children', slashcommands)
00:33.03Amadeosigh, microbuttons and their epeens
00:33.03Neronix`sleeplol haste
00:33.11Mikmai should find a way to use the blizzards config for actionbars
00:33.49hasteNeronix`sleep: it was basicly: microbuttons gain super head! *wanders* *OMGKITTYKATLAZERPEWPEWPEPEW* -fin-
00:33.56ag`_Neronix`sleep, that's how I open a dewdrop menu from an aceoptions table?
00:34.14Neronix`sleeppass an aceoptions table as children
00:34.17hasteNeronix`sleep: I blame the fact that I played the Saur.... singleplayer when I lost my net
00:34.35Mikmaok let's test nero's update
00:34.54Neronix`sleepk, about time I got some sleep >.>
00:36.13ag`_what is the name of the minimap frame
00:36.25MikmaMinimapFrame? :)
00:36.35*** join/#wowace pagefault (
00:37.30Neronix`sleepag`_: Minimap
00:39.56MikmaNeronix`sleep: help keeps displaying without me even using slash
00:42.06MikmaNeronix`sleep: how about /bar reset? will it restore the default (uiscale) scale for buttons?
00:42.18CIA-1103neronix * r5020 10Bartender/Core.lua: Bartender - Might stop help from helping people who don't actually need help
00:42.47Neronix`sleepit should
00:43.02Neronix`sleepit replaces the tables in the DB with empty ones
00:43.08Mikmanope, it doesn't :)
00:43.11Mikmajust tested
00:43.24Neronix`sleepOh, it doesn't update until reload then
00:43.36hasteI feel slightly less sain now
00:44.08MikmaNeronix`sleep: just get the CVar for UIScale and set it as scale on reset :)
00:44.22Mikmaand the microbar still wonders ;)
00:46.35Mikmaand bagbar wonders around when i change the scale
00:48.07Neronix`sleepChanging the scale moves things for now
00:48.15Neronix`sleepI'll find out how to stop that in the morning
00:48.31Mikmawell how about just using RestorePosition after scalechange
00:48.55Mikmause some temp variable to get the x and y and restore them
00:49.52Mikmayeah. works nicely
00:49.53CIA-1103neronix * r5021 10Bartender/Core.lua: Bartender - uses current uiScale for default scale instead of 1.0
00:50.01Mikmai did a test for bag
00:50.18Mikmaput that after the scaleset for Bag
00:50.21Neronix`sleepNoted, thanks
00:50.33Neronix`sleepDoes it only happen to bag?
00:50.46Mikmathen it keeps the topleft corner of buttons, but they still do go over the screens edges :)
00:50.52Mikmayeah atleast to bag
00:51.03Mikmaand the microbuttons keep flying around the screen
00:51.08Mikma(they stick in middle)
00:51.14Neronix`sleepdid you reload?
00:51.46Mikmaand it was in middle of screen (/bar reset -> /rl)
00:52.04MikmaWobin: no
00:52.35hasteI don't even use FuBar :o
00:52.39Neronix`sleepTracked down the micro thing
00:52.40MikmaNeronix`sleep: remember this. when using /bar reset, you need to FIRST set the scale, then move the buttons to correct places
00:53.05MikmaNeronix`sleep: else they will get positioned by the scale that was before..
00:53.14Neronix`sleepI do it before the setpoint flod
00:53.17Mikma(just tested that with this old version ;)
00:53.31MikmaNeronix`sleep: good, good...
00:53.50Mikmawhat's the problem with MicroButtons then? why do you SavePosition? :)
00:54.31Soltanisok time for me to sleep
00:54.33Soltanisbye all
00:54.49Neronix`sleepMikma: I know, forgot to remove that line
00:55.06Mikmachange it to RestorePosition instead
00:55.09Neronix`sleeptried that while trying to figure out how to make them save positions properly
00:56.58MikmaNeronix`sleep: 258 line needs "then"
00:57.00*** join/#wowace pagefault (
00:58.40MikmaNeronix`sleep: every button there is, is misplaced in the frames
00:58.57CIA-1103neronix * r5022 10Bartender/Core.lua:
00:58.57CIA-11- Fixed microbuttons again. They were still wandering about, though the head was the right size this time ;P
00:58.57CIA-11- Bars won't move when scaled now
00:58.57CIA-11- Fixed syntax errors
00:59.23Mikmayeah i just did /bar move and found out that the buttons aren't on place
00:59.50Neronix`sleepwhat do you mean? the border doesn't match the actual buttons?
00:59.59Wobin"one feminist, Wendy Kaminer, stated that "it is a primary article of faith among many feminists that women don't lie about rape, ever; they lack the dishonesty gene." "
00:59.59Mikmait's misplaced completely
01:00.06Mikmalike 3-4 pixels down etc
01:00.26hasteWobin: There's a person named "Enter Chan", think of that!
01:00.58MikmaNeronix`sleep: well not it works but the default-scale you use in /bar reset is still a wrong one, you should use uiScale instead
01:01.18*** join/#wowace pagefault (
01:01.22Mikmaor hmm
01:01.33Mikmawell the buttons are now too small on my screen for some reason
01:02.14Mikmaok now i see the problem
01:02.20Mikmai myself use 0.9 uiScale
01:02.41Mikmai have to set the scale for buttons to 1.0 for them to be the uiScale 0.9 ...
01:02.52Mikmaif i set them 0.9 they will become too small
01:03.22Mikmaso yes, you will have to set the scale as 1.0 for all buttons when /bar reset occures
01:03.43kergothhmm, chatr supports channels with the chatrchannels addon.. thats slick, makes me want to ditch the normal chat window entirely, once it gets a bit more capable
01:04.27CIA-1103neronix * r5023 10Bartender/Core.lua: Bartender - set default scale back to 1.0
01:04.59*** join/#wowace ckknight_ (
01:07.12CIA-1103neronix * r5024 10Bartender/Core.lua: Bartender - Reset should now properly reset scale
01:08.43Neronix`sleepand it doesn't...
01:08.56Mikmayou may have to use _G["ActionButton"..i]:SetScale(1.0) in reset
01:09.12Mikmafor _every_ button there is ;)
01:09.18Mikmai have a feeling about it hehe
01:09.48Mikmasince now only the FRAME is getting resizerd, not the buttons at all :)
01:10.35AmadeoThrae|Away :(
01:11.02Amadeohey look
01:11.03Amadeoa new addon by tuller
01:11.36Mikmawho's he?
01:12.17Amadeothe Bagnon/Bongos/Sage, etc guy
01:12.25AmadeoOmni Cooldown too
01:12.33MikmaNeronix`sleep: yeah just do a for i=1,12 do _G["ActionButton"..i]:SetScale(1.0) etc etc end at the reset function
01:12.49Mikmathat will make sure that the buttons are reseted to default
01:12.53kergothhuh, that addon looks like itemdb but with a linkerator
01:12.55kergothlooks slick
01:13.05kergothhmm, probably doesnt have the communciation stuff itemdb has though
01:13.29Neronix`sleepMikma: didn't need to
01:13.44Amadeokergoth: Yeah, I'm curious...he says it doesn't depend on saved variables, but is it going to reset each patch? I'm confused
01:13.44Neronix`sleepI forgot to prepend B to the name
01:14.07Neronix`sleepAmadeo: Yes
01:14.10kergothAmadeo: i'd expect so, yep
01:14.13Neronix`sleepitem cache resets each patch
01:14.16AmadeoI hate that :(
01:14.35MikmaNeronix`sleep: add your name in the .lua under kergoths line.. something like "Scaling by neronix" or what ever you wish
01:14.38CIA-1103neronix * r5025 10Bartender/Core.lua: Bartender - Reset should work. Ya rly
01:14.56Mikmathere, i logged out. now can't get in the game anymore... hehe need to buy the prepaid tomorrow
01:15.29Amadeokergoth: Speaking of do I get rid of the ItemDB chat channel from my UI now? :P
01:15.30Neronix`sleepWere you still getting the border-not-matching-buttons thing?
01:15.37Amadeokergoth: It's in my chat right-click menus
01:15.40Neronix`sleepI can't seem to get it
01:16.01MikmaNeronix`sleep: nope didn't get it anymore after the first time i reloaded ui
01:16.10kergothAmadeo: i dunno, i wish i could disable teh itemdb communication stuff honestly.  its nice, but interferes with other addons i use :\
01:16.41AmadeoI removed it after I realized how much I disliked losing all the items I got last patch :P
01:16.52Amadeonothing against the addon, but I think I need saved variable storage :P
01:16.52kergothyou should be able to just /leave it
01:17.14Mikmakergoth: we should do a "StickyFrames" on and off for Bartender :P some people don't wan't it in it seems
01:18.00Neronix`sleepK, time for some well-deserved sleep
01:18.10Amadeokergoth: Yeah, I forgot about it actually until now, so I'll try it :)
01:18.46Mikmawell anyways, i should chop Bartender into peaces soon
01:18.55kergothi should try kci again, havent messed with it in ages
01:19.02CIA-1103neronix * r5026 10Bartender/Core.lua: Bartender - Updated credits
01:22.03Amadeokergoth: I was told KCI2 was coming soon, so I'm waiting...even though I know I might be playing WoW2 by then ;)
01:24.26kergothi like kci, but its auction stuff is more than i need, and i find itemdb enough for me item search wise
01:24.33kergothso i just use auctioneer and sellvaluelite adn itemdb
01:25.40AmadeoKaelten was saying he wants to make KCI2 better than Auctioneer, so we'll see :)
01:29.25*** join/#wowace quoin (
01:29.41kergothi'm sure it can be done, but feature wise they're certainly kicking ass over ther
01:29.49kergothbeancounter is pretty cool too
01:29.55kergoth(new auction house tab that shows auction history)
01:30.33CIA-1103joshborke 07joshborke * r5027 10HealWatch/HealWatch/ (HealWatch.lua HealWatchMenu.lua):
01:30.33CIA-11- castbars hide themselves when finished but don't remove the heal (since they don't have to anymore)
01:30.33CIA-11- max cast bars should work and are from 1-40
01:33.11Amadeokergoth: Nice
01:35.14kergothAmadeo: shows beancounter
01:36.14hastewow, 341KiB/s increase :p
01:36.30kergothauctioneer scan :P
01:36.37kergothwas scanning the ah in the other tab
01:36.56hasteokey :p
01:37.22hastedon't think I've ever seen that high number before actually
01:37.47kergothi have a lot of addons loaded, many just to try them out and then i forgot about them
01:38.09WobinCan Shield Slam dispel enrage?
01:38.31hasteI managed to get 167 KiB/s increase when I chained a couple of target's target's target's targets'.... on my self
01:38.33Temsomething that was asked a while back and I didn't see if anyone answered it.. How do you move ora_maintankframes?
01:38.45hasteTem: I would guess <Alt>
01:38.57Temyeah, that's it
01:39.11hasteyay, I remembered right!
01:39.22hasteI just give people the whole list - and they usually reply with what was right :p
01:39.28hastesince I don't use it myself ^^
01:39.33kergothhmm, i want to scale down the item link window that pops up when you click on a link
01:39.37kergothso its scaled the same as my tooltips
01:40.37kergothhaste: it broke 600K/s!
01:40.39kergothholy crap
01:40.59hastethat can't be good :p
01:41.15*** join/#wowace Kemayo (
01:42.30kergothon another note, yay for imagemagick.  3 commands and my screenshot is converted to both png and jpeg and uploaded to
01:43.10kergothholy shit
01:43.16kergothmy k/s is 450 even not scanning the ah
01:43.19kergothmy wow has gone insane
01:43.45haste << better then that one :o ?
01:44.14TainPretty funny, been playing WoW (on and off) since retail release and killed Ragnaros for the first time tonight.
01:44.51kergothokay, i love chatr, but combining the # of whispers from itemdb's comm stuff with chatr = 400K/s
01:46.18hasteitemdb... uses... whispers?
01:54.05net\afkCongratz Tain!
01:57.51TemWhat's the name of the BW (or oRA?) module that does a raidwarn for the announcements?
01:59.31kergothhaste: yeah, it uses both a channel and whispers, not sure about the specifics
01:59.41Temthanks haste
01:59.52Temstupid CTRA doesn't have spam for the Bug Family
02:00.00Temso they requested that I turn mine on
02:03.59TainNow Razorgore for the first time (for me)
02:04.05TainGetting ready to start.
02:04.16gnorlishfor the first time as a guild?
02:04.18TainI haven't gotten *anyone* to install Bigwigs yet though.  But screw 'em.
02:04.18gnorlishor for you
02:04.38TainWell new server, probably 75% of the guild has done it before on other servers.
02:04.43TainBut our first attempt together.
02:05.08gnorlishthat shit's no fun at all, but it's more fun than the rest of bwl
02:05.14TainOops there's teh call to start on Ventrilo
02:08.34ckknight_gah, I hate when my parents try to feign interest in what I'm doing, especially when it's so obvious they neither care nor understand
02:09.26Amadeockknight_: hahaha
02:09.38gnorlishdid you tell them you're slaying demons
02:09.51hasteI actually read... feign death first
02:10.04Amadeohaste: Parents are even more overpowered than Hunters
02:10.35cladhairemy parents feign death all the time.. so annoying =0
02:13.02ckknight_nah, my mom came in to give me food, and she asked what I was working on, so I showed her
02:13.20ckknight_5 minutes later, my dad comes in and he's like "Your mother says you've got something interesting"
02:13.22ckknight_so I show him
02:13.29ckknight_even _I_ know it's not interesting
02:13.37Amadeodid you show him a page of code?
02:13.42ckknight_omg, look, the list can be sorted1
02:13.54ckknight_nah, website I'm working on
02:14.06Amadeockknight_: Your parents tell me you've got something interesting
02:14.06ckknight_for Men's Leadership - Hawaii
02:14.18IndustrialMen's Leadership ?
02:14.27clad|sleepnight all
02:14.30Industrialnn clad|sleep
02:14.30Amadeonight clad
02:14.34ckknight_yea, it's a bunch of guys who do charity work
02:14.43Industrialah k
02:14.43ckknight_my brother's part of it
02:14.51ckknight_so I'm being paid to work on the website
02:15.18TainFirst person grabbed the controller orb and his UI didn't show the pet bar haha
02:15.34gnorlishhappens to me every time tain
02:15.57gnorlishbut then again i play a mage, shaman, priest so i am not anywhere near the orb unless we're in deep shit
02:17.31TemI installed BW_RaidWarn
02:18.09TemIs oRA not finltering the /rw frame?
02:18.15Temor does it never filter yourself
02:18.47Tem(so I need BossBlock?)
02:19.09hasteafter what I know - oRA doesn't touch the rw frame
02:19.25hasteexcept from sending the old CTRA style messages there
02:22.49hasteI think people are bored :p
02:30.57Amadeoespecially when Mages > Warriors
02:31.50hastethat was a image of a shaman I believe :p
02:32.17Amadeothe first one?
02:32.19ckknight_first one is War vs. Mag
02:32.24ckknight_second is Sha vs. Pal
02:35.26hastefirst one is Shaman vs Mage
02:35.40Amadeolooked like Warrior PvP set!
02:35.41hasteit was from a shaman thread ^^
02:35.49Amadeoand TUF!
02:35.58haste << *points at DUF frames*
02:36.20hasteand shamans can use TUF
02:36.52Temprincess hurts bad
02:37.17Temdoes she only enrage if she is the last alive?
02:37.49hastenot sure :<
02:39.09Amadeohaste: I love the way people can make Discord look, I wish it werent' so huge
02:39.41hastewrite your own!
02:39.43hasteit's not that hard :p
02:40.42Amadeoif it were easy, oUF2 would be out!
02:41.17hasteI haven't coded much the last four days
02:41.27hastedue to the fact that I can't use my right arm much :p
02:41.36Amadeocan I use it?
02:42.00hasteI didn't understand that one
02:42.16hasteand I'm going to bed now, since it's just a couple of hours to work
02:42.28hastegood night
02:44.18Amadeonight haste :)
02:46.45*** join/#wowace ToastTheif (
02:56.24TekkubTT, back for more?
03:01.10ToastTheifI never came here to argue
03:01.54*** join/#wowace ckknight (
03:01.54*** mode/#wowace [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
03:12.10CIA-1103kergoth * r5028 10Counterder/Counterder.lua: Counterder: bugfix: no counts were displayed for abilities which used reagents but did -not- use energy/mana/rage.
03:15.58kergothhow do i check, programmatically, if i'm dead? (either a corpse, unreleased, or a ghost)
03:30.10TemBigWigs played the FF victory sound
03:30.21steinoit owns :P
03:34.47*** join/#wowace Jarentha1 (
03:36.04ckknightkergoth, if you don't check, you can be both dead and not dead
03:36.31ckknightUnitIsGhost("player"), UnitIsDead("player")
04:22.34TainDamn, I was made out to be the bad guy in guild chat tonight because I thought it was resonible for someone to explain why they were rolling "need" on BOE items
04:35.23ToastTheifdon't you hate that when you're just trying to explain?
04:35.30ToastTheifand people try and bitch you out for it
04:37.12TainFuck 'em.  They don't deserve my wisdom.
04:47.18TainStephen Colbert on Conan.  I can't stop laughing.
04:54.54WobinO'brian or the Barbarian? =P
04:58.36Kebinusananyone know a good simple mod that lets you know if there is a soulstone on someone in the raid?
05:01.30CIA-1103kaelten * r5029 10OneView/OneView.lua: OneView - fixed issue where item counts would stick around from other characters.
05:02.44ckknightToastTheif, let it go.
05:04.13ToastTheiflet what go?
05:06.39kergoth[Ammo]: ping
05:08.07gnorlishyou know what kergoth
05:08.14gnorlishi myself was wondering that EXACT same thing
05:08.19gnorlishabout 5 minutes ago
05:08.42ToastTheifdo you play on Skullcrusher Gnorlish?
05:08.43kergothi could see making a seperate "bar group" class, for managing a pool of dynamically generated bars, sharing the frames and such
05:08.57kergothbut thatd be an additional class that makes use of hte bar class, no need for the mixin imo
05:17.28*** join/#wowace Kyahx (n=Kyahx@
05:28.07*** join/#wowace Kyahx|afk (n=Kyahx@
05:28.26Kyahx|afkanyone have a good image of the positioning for the Nefarian fight?
05:34.59KebinusanI need a /rasscheck to see if someone in the raid has a soulstone
05:35.10Wobin"My dad once said that we should just combine Hanukah, Groundhog Day and Easter.  We spin the dreidl, and if it lands on "Nun" Jesus has to stay on the cross for 6 more weeks."
05:35.30FryGuy-Kebinusan: if you use perfectraid it shows "SS" next to the person with a soulstone.. pretty easy to see :p
05:35.44Kebinusanyeah true enough I guess
05:36.06KebinusanKyahx, like phase 1 positioning
05:36.22FryGuy-1 2 3 4 5
05:36.29FryGuy-warrior warrior rogue mage priest
05:36.40Kyahx|afkKebinusan: Anything, we just got to him tonight
05:36.54FryGuy-what server Kyahx?
05:36.59Kyahx|afkI saw a really good image once showing where hes tanked in phase 2 showing the line of sight and everything
05:36.59Kebinusan is a quick google look
05:37.07Kebinusansimilar to how we do it bu tI havent read it all
05:37.07WobinWe -so- need to get purl to do that
05:38.23Gngskyea, that's a good guide
05:38.38Gngsk'how to kill nefarian'
05:47.40*** join/#wowace XLVII (
05:48.12CIA-1103sole * r5030 10Soap/:
05:48.12CIA-11-Created directory trunk/Soap
05:48.12CIA-11-Initial upload of the addon.
05:53.34hyperChipmunkhe isn't in the channel
05:56.54*** join/#wowace ckknight_ (
05:57.18*** join/#wowace Sole (n=no@
05:59.08CIA-1103sole * r5031 10Soap/ (Soap.lua Soap.toc):
06:00.02*** join/#wowace Kyahx (n=Kyahx@
06:00.45Gngskso, you can't even bring up the inspect window on enemy players anymore?
06:00.45*** join/#wowace Jagobah (
06:17.37kergothguh, repair.exe says my wow is hosed and needs to be reinstalled, despite my being able to play it fine
06:18.57*** join/#wowace Elkano (
06:21.19SoleTekkub or Ammo, either of you guys not afk?
06:21.55Soleguess not :(
06:25.30FryGuy-bigwigs problem/question sole?
06:25.46KyahxI'm guessing a CandyBars question
06:25.55AmadeoI'm guessing a Soap question!
06:26.11WobinSoap is a castingbars addon I believe
06:26.16Wobiner spellbars
06:26.16KyahxI had hoped Soap would be the Ace'd decursive =/
06:26.38Kyahx"Keep your raid squeaky clean!â„¢"
06:26.44WobinI like how Ace has descriptive names
06:26.51WobinUnlike say "Satellite"
06:27.01KyahxFuck Sky
06:27.06Kyahxand the entire cosmos team
06:27.32WobinWe can't underappreciate Anduin and his work!
06:27.39WobinHe'll go all emo and log off =(
06:28.00KyahxAfter the patch someone in my guild asked if Cosmos had been updated
06:28.07KyahxI laughed
06:28.10WobinDid you brain them?
06:28.25KyahxOf course.
06:28.44Solelol yes it is a candybars question
06:28.56Solesorry was in WoW trying to get the damn thing to play nice with Ace2
06:29.03AmadeohyperChipmunk: You know what zombie vegans say
06:29.11SolePaintChips (the lib that candybars requires) dont work :(
06:29.19Soleat least for my stupid ass
06:29.30hyperChipmunkkergoth: my repair.exe tells me that too
06:29.48hyperChipmunkAmadeo: >8D
06:29.49KyahxPllllaaaaaaaaiiinnnnnsssssss (with snakes on them)
06:30.04hyperChipmunkit's spelled planes you moron
06:30.12KyahxI realized that
06:30.13Kyahxafter I hit enter
06:30.16Kyahxim going to bed
06:30.49AmadeoYours was better
06:31.00AmadeoPlains actually have snakes on them
06:31.01Amadeonot planes!
06:31.06Soleso anyone know how to fix the error that AceLibrary prints for PaintChips :  AceLibrary: Bad argument #3 to 'nil' (nil expected, got nil)
06:31.17hyperChipmunkI love that error
06:31.27Soleits so....explanatory aint it?
06:31.29hyperChipmunki got one earlier with acetab
06:31.45Solereverting to RC2 points to line 78
06:32.01Solethats line 82 in rev 4943
06:32.05hyperChipmunkNil nil #nil to nil (nil nilled, got nil)
06:32.21hyperChipmunknil nil Nil NIL!
06:32.33Solethats whats goin through my head right now too
06:32.33hyperChipmunkomg nil
06:32.46Soleomg expected nil, got nil , wtf nil
06:32.46hyperChipmunkyou just lined up an arg wrong
06:33.02Solewell its caused by Paintchips
06:33.28Solewhen I comment it out in the toc and reload then acelibrary is all happy
06:35.25*** join/#wowace Kyahx (n=Kyahx@
06:36.01Solei think I fixed it
06:36.10Solelocal vmajor, vminor = "PaintChips-2.0", "$Revision: 1 $"
06:36.22Solewas : local vmajor, vminor = "PaintChips-2.0", "$Revision$"
06:36.34Solei think it spazzed out because there was no revision number
06:38.16SoleHOLY SHIT
06:38.22SoleCandyBars is PRO
06:38.35Solethat gradient stuff is nifty ^__^
06:39.35hyperChipmunkit is rather snazzy
06:40.24Solevery snazzy
06:40.46SoleIll leave tekkub a message to fix that PaintChips problem
06:41.27FryGuy-thanks sole :p
06:41.55mjcI hate when I get a cut in my gum... I was using a toothpick and accidentally stabbed it :(
06:42.39WobinDid you svn checkout Paintchips?
06:43.25Wobinor perhaps the keywords aren't set
06:46.39Solei got it off the svn
06:46.51*** join/#wowace vhaarr (
06:47.15Solebtw im SVN noob, how do I make my revision numbers increment when I commit my files?
06:47.46Soledoes putting $Revision: 1 $  do the job and after that it increments that 1 or do I have to define this somewhere too?
06:48.07hyperChipmunkyou have tod efine the keyword
06:48.25hyperChipmunkcheck the svn properties of most any ace addon
06:48.30hyperChipmunkyou'll be able to figure it out
06:48.52hyperChipmunksvn:keywords is what you're looking for
06:49.07sedatedChipmunknight guys
06:55.03vhaarrSole: Soap sounds cool :) can I try it now or are there some major bugs?
06:55.39vhaarrah, tried checking it out and it seems you haven't configured the SVN externals yet :)
06:56.54*** mode/#wowace [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
06:57.26Elkanomorning ck :)
06:58.13Elkanohmm... what is the soap addon for?
06:59.17Solesorry was coding
06:59.26Solesoap is basicly an aced enemy casting bar
06:59.46Solebut I wrote it before ECB in ace1, just quit WoW before I released it ^__^
06:59.49Soleso I aint no copy
07:00.49Soleit basicly shows the cooldown/effect duration/and casting bar of your enemy
07:00.59vhaarrSole: I was going to convert AceTimer to Ace2 today as an exercise for myself, do you think there's anything in Soap I can use?
07:01.19SoleAceTimer shows your spell durations, right?
07:01.42Icerothoh, another thing to consider: with NECB, mage chickens out and hits the ice block, i want to see the max duration of it - but in order to do that i need to enable all spell gains, which means HOTs as well which is incredibly spammy
07:01.50vhaarrI guess I can see how you use CandyBar
07:02.09Soleyou can comment out every damn spell you want except iceblock :)
07:02.24Soleand Soap doesnt show HOTs as far as Im aware
07:02.36Soleor havent seen it in the 2 days I spent pvping with it
07:02.43vhaarrHoT's aren't interesting
07:03.03Icerothmodifieing mods that are updated often is kinda pain in the ass, gotta do the same damn modification with every release
07:03.19WobinThat's why you convince them to patch in your fix =P
07:03.24WobinOr get it on SVN
07:03.38Solevhaarr maybe you could look at the event registering and handling system if you want a funky approach
07:04.13vhaarrSole: well, I'll wait until you've fixed the svn:externals and then I'll have a look
07:04.17Icerothwell i can understand that some would like to see hots, druids with swiftmend for example
07:04.42Solewell Iceroth, Ill probably give in and make each spell toggleable
07:04.46Solein the databse
07:04.53vhaarrthey wouldn't want to see it on enemy targets
07:05.06vhaarrIceroth: HoT's on friendlies is a AceTimer thing
07:05.39SoleSoap deals mainly with enemy buffs, not friendly :)
07:05.43Soleanyway dinner time
07:05.46Soleafk 20 min
07:05.46Icerothah, i'm talking only about necb, haven't tried the aced ones yet
07:06.09Icerothjust saying don't make the same mistakes :)
07:08.47*** join/#wowace Kyahx|afk (n=Kyahx@
07:17.18vhaarrSole: ah, you're still using TimexBar and not CandyBar for Soap
07:26.39*** join/#wowace quoin (
07:32.52XLVIIguys, i need some helpt..
07:33.01XLVIIi've started to use the svn
07:33.05XLVIIi finally figured it out
07:33.13XLVIIbut when i go to download fubar, as a test.
07:33.16XLVIIit just, stops.
07:33.43XLVIIi'm downloading it using tortoisesvn, from the link
07:34.00XLVIIinto the folder D:\SVN\FuBar
07:34.02vhaarrdon't download from /browse
07:34.03XLVIIand it just stops..
07:34.09XLVIIit downloads around 8 kbs
07:34.11XLVIIthen stops.
07:34.30vhaarrnot /browse
07:35.36XLVIIthanks vhaarr
07:39.52*** join/#wowace MoonWolf (
07:39.52*** mode/#wowace [+o MoonWolf] by ChanServ
07:40.03mjc~moon moonwolf
07:40.06purlACTION sends moonwolf to the moon on a frisbee.
07:40.35MoonWolfGreetings mortals.
07:41.01ElkanoGreetings undead :P
07:42.32*** join/#wowace Kyahx (n=Kyahx@
07:43.01MoonWolfi can connect to irc, internet radio and all that shit fine
07:43.12MoonWolfbut my browser can't find shit.
08:00.56Wobindamnit is so addictive =(
08:02.20MoonWolfdon' t forget qdb either
08:07.51XLVII~seen ag`
08:07.54purlag` <> was last seen on IRC in channel #wowace, 9h 19m 48s ago, saying: 'just forgot that it wasn't related to reputation'.
08:09.17XLVIImemoserv is a god.
08:14.53XLVIIis ace only 352 kb? ;o
08:15.49KebinusanSo.. bigwigs sync enable messages dont check to see if you're in the raid first
08:16.22MoonWolfHow can you even get TO a boss without a raid ?
08:16.38kergothwow, i did a painless st run
08:16.42kergothi think thats the first one ever
08:16.44kergothfor me anyway
08:17.27Solehmm, currently CandyBar doesnt have any option to run a function on completion like Timex does, right?
08:17.32*** join/#wowace Kyahx|afk (n=Kyahx@
08:18.23XLVIIis ace only 352 kb?
08:18.41vhaarrSole: I guess you could check Status
08:18.44MoonWolfwhat and where are you measuring ?
08:18.46kergothXLVII: ace1 or ace2?
08:18.48kergoththat too
08:18.58MoonWolfbecause my ace1 folder only goes to 85 kb on disc.
08:19.01XLVIIproperties -> size on disc
08:19.05vhaarrSole: or you could add it to CandyBar, I'm sure [Ammo] would accept a patch
08:19.56MoonWolfXLVII, size on disc is not an accurate size of ace itself
08:20.12XLVIIoh.. i was just wondering
08:20.16XLVIIif i had downloaded the right one
08:20.22XLVIIi just thought it seemed extremely small.
08:20.27MoonWolfit is extreemly small.
08:20.33Solewell because I kinda need it :(
08:20.45XLVIIi worked out SVN!
08:21.34Solewith multiple bars for Soap running at once (it happens something) I need a way to set the Y offset, currently I do that by subtracting 30 pixels from the barOffsetY local and then adding 30 when the bar finishes
08:22.02kergothi'm really looking forward to both soap and a new acetimer
08:22.14Solebut then it also frees up some memory as it deletes that the elements in the table also
08:22.17MoonWolfwhat is soap ?
08:22.35kergothMoonWolf: enemy casting bars
08:22.39Sole,1614.20.html     arg
08:22.49vhaarrSole: maybe it would be an idea to let CandyBar position them itself - how does BW2 do it?
08:22.57Solenfi how BW2 does it :P
08:23.52kergothhows bw2 coming?
08:25.07Sole(u and (-1) or 1) * ((bar or 0) * (-16) + 5)       thats the formula thats in the Y field in BW2 for setting the point of a candybar
08:25.13Solemakes sense O_O completely
08:25.50kergothMoonWolf: howd my change to counterder look?
08:25.59kergoth(if you noticed :)
08:26.12kergothneed one more change to it imo, the dark blue is hard to read
08:26.19kergothi was thinking 7F7FFF instead of 0000FF
08:26.24kergothtry it, see what you think
08:27.14vhaarrSole: like CandyBar could take an extra |category| argument to the register function and if it gets more than 1 bar within the same category running at the same time, it automatically adjusts their position (relative to the first bar in that category)
08:27.36vhaarrSole: I'm guessing this is something that all CandyBar addons would need, so it kind of makes sense to have it in the library IMO
08:27.44vhaarrSole: maybe you should talk to [Ammo]  about it
08:29.16vhaarrSole: will you update Soap with svn:externals soon? I want to test it :D
08:29.39Solealright ill do it now
08:29.48Solebut the real bars will still be timex :P
08:29.55Solecandybars are only in the testbars
08:30.02MoonWolfkergoth, i have not looked at it.
08:30.19kergothMoonWolf: bugfix, want to make sure it looks sane to you
08:30.26MoonWolfcurrently doing work for my internship at home vpn' d into there with my lappy.
08:30.34kergothMoonWolf: it wasnt showing the reagent count for spells that used reagents, but didnt use energy/rage/mana
08:30.45kergothsince you quit early if cost is nil
08:30.58Soleand 2 known bugs are that I havent fixed is the stop bars on hostile death and only casting time  checkboxes dont work properly in the options menu, but they do work in the slash commands
08:31.01kergothno worries
08:31.08Solealso I havent tested the new  only casting time option
08:31.11Soleso it might bug out :P
08:31.16MoonWolfkergoth, since you have looked at the code.
08:31.19Soletheorretically it should work
08:31.31Solebut thats never the case
08:31.32vhaarrSole: know of any good PVE place to test the bars?
08:31.42kergothMoonWolf: btw that function is much cleaner than it was, good job with that. i can actually make sense of it now
08:31.45Soleno, seeing as the bars are pvp :P
08:31.48MoonWolfcan you think of a way to improve the inventory scan.
08:32.08MoonWolfI think i know a way to get rid of the one second update.
08:32.17MoonWolfmaking that the only slugginsh part of the code.
08:32.23vhaarrSole: I'll just duel some people then :)
08:33.07kergothMoonWolf: i'll take a look
08:33.36MoonWolfthe first version of the ubly shitty code i wrote when it was late and i wanted to see if it could just work.
08:33.48MoonWolfcausing that ugly piece of nested if' s.
08:36.11Soleok commit right now
08:36.16CIA-1103sole * r5032 10/trunk/ (24 files in 11 dirs): Added CandyBar support
08:36.27Soleforgot to put Soap: at the start of the commit comment
08:36.34Soleslap me :(
08:36.43vhaarrSole: you committed all the libs
08:36.54Soleyar i know
08:36.54MoonWolf~whateslap sole
08:36.59vhaarrSole: you should use svn:externals to pull them in
08:37.05MoonWolf~whaleslap Sole
08:37.07purlACTION beats Sole upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
08:37.07Soleim too dumb :)
08:37.07vhaarrSole: look at other Ace2 addons to see how they do it
08:37.53vhaarrSole: it seems you deleted Soap.lua, too
08:38.01vhaarrwas that intentional?
08:38.13Solereplaced it
08:38.19vhaarrSole: eh
08:38.25vhaarrSole: you committed in Ace2
08:38.32Soleehh lemme check what Ive done
08:38.48vhaarrI think ckknight should probably step in and revert your checkin
08:38.55*** part/#wowace ckknight (
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08:39.04*** mode/#wowace [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
08:39.11ckknightwhat's going on?
08:39.15vhaarrbad commit
08:39.26ckknightso revert it
08:40.19ckknightI'm working on other stuff right now
08:40.34MoonWolfdoes the current websvn have a diff hidden somwhere ?
08:42.34Kebinusan~whaleparry MoonWolf
08:42.35purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry MoonWolf's attacks.
08:42.50kloppeyes, press the revision links
08:42.53MoonWolf~whalecrush Kebinusan
08:43.06MoonWolf~whalesquash Kebinusan
08:43.07purlACTION runs out the way as a whale of biblical size named Gordo lands on Kebinusan
08:43.15Kebinusanyour whalefu is strong
08:43.38MoonWolfk, thanks kergoth
08:45.59Solefor externals, do I put in the directory path or file path as the local path?
08:47.26Soleyes, no? :(
08:49.33Elkanohave a look at other addons, that's the way I'm doing it when I have to set them ^^
08:51.07MoonWolfthe local path is the directory path
08:51.38MoonWolfif you need a good example grab countender from the svn and look at that
08:51.46Solealright :)
08:52.17MoonWolfCountender should make for a good alround exmple for starting off with ace2 anyway
08:52.32Soleyea I know how to code with ace2
08:52.38Soleim just an svn noob
08:57.04Solewho uses SmartSVN?
08:57.20*** join/#wowace Soltanis (i=as@
08:57.49SoltanisHello all
08:58.37Solethank you
08:58.54MoonWolfhello Soltanis
09:00.00vhaarrSole: the first thing you should do is revert your last commit
09:03.36SoleI hit revert on the directory of the addon, but it only does it localy
09:04.21vhaarr'svn revert' reverts your *local* changes so that it matches what is currently in the repository
09:04.58vhaarractually, I have no idea how to revert the SVN repo to a previous revision, but it is possible
09:07.57Kebinusanupdate to revision?
09:08.16Kebinusanoh nm misread that
09:10.11vhaarrincredible, googling for "svn revert", "reverting svn commits", etc, doesn't give me anything helpful
09:10.40kergothpretty sure its in the svn book..
09:10.44kergothwhere most everything svn is..
09:12.10vhaarryes, I've looked there, and searching the index for 'revert' just gives me this crap info about how to revert your local copy to what's currently in SVN
09:12.14vhaarrhow useful is that
09:12.29vhaarrhint: it's not
09:13.02*** join/#wowace Sole (n=no@
09:13.43Elkanohmm... "undo commit"?
09:15.16vhaarrso basically, run "svn merge -r 5032:5031" ?
09:15.24vhaarrSole: don't do that without confirming it with someone :)
09:15.54vhaarrckknight: would that be the right command?
09:15.59Soleseems right
09:16.38vhaarrwell you can try it and then do a svn status to see what changed
09:16.49vhaarrand just wait with svn commit until someone has verified that it was correct
09:17.11Soledont wanna make another mistake , would be nice to confirm it first
09:17.35vhaarryes but nothing happens remotely until you do svn commit
09:17.44*** join/#wowace Soltanis (i=as@
09:23.14*** join/#wowace Kyahx (n=Kyahx@
09:23.28kergothi should branch candybars
09:23.38kergothvhaarr: use svn merge
09:29.55*** join/#wowace Shyva (
09:30.22Soleso TortoiseSVN: Merge  from  revision: 5032  to revision: 5031
09:35.57kergothas vhaar says, nothing happens remotely until you commit..
09:36.06kergothbut yes, thats correct
09:36.23Soledry shows everything just gets skipped
09:37.10kergothdont worry about it, i'll do it
09:37.31Solei really am sorry, didnt realise Id make such a mess
09:37.41kergothno worries, you'll get the hang of it
09:37.52kergoththats the good part of using an scm tool
09:37.57kergothyou -can- revert any change
09:38.05Soleyes im setting up externals now, shouldnt happen again
09:39.22*** join/#wowace ag` (
09:39.47Kebinusanhmm theory craft doesnt help you calculate damage with regen or damage till oom counting regen
09:39.51Soleshould the externals be recursive?
09:39.53Kebinusananyone know a mod that does?
09:40.01kergothSole: what do you mean?
09:40.26Solewhen setting the svn:externals in Tort theres a little checkbox next to the Set button that says recursive
09:48.36kergothno, no, no, no
09:48.40kergothread the svn book about svn properties
09:48.45kergothdo not check that
09:49.06kergothyou want that property set on teh one directory, not that directory and every directory below it..
09:49.17MoonWolfif an option/setting/thingy has recursive on it
09:49.19kergothotherwise you'll have one copy of all the external code in each of those subdirs..
09:49.21ag`Hi people, I need some help with AceOptions, my table looks ok but when I run one of the options I get an error "option handler "nil" not found"
09:49.26MoonWolfcheck three times that you know what the effect will be.
09:49.54Solealright, good thing I didnt check it then
09:50.47CIA-1103kergoth * r5033 10/trunk/ (11 files in 9 dirs): Revert revision 5032.
09:51.41MoonWolfMust .... resist    urge .... to ... tell ... Al to use .... candybars.
09:52.45CIA-1103kergoth * r5034 10/branches/CandyBar-2.0/ (. Kergoth/): Create Kergoth branch of CandyBar-2.0.
09:56.13ag`MoonWolf, DO IT.
09:56.26Solealright I think I got externals working, yay me
09:56.31MoonWolfI' ll leave pissing off Anduin to ckknight
09:57.07MoonWolf<AnduinLothar> ok, so i need suggestions for nifty looking casting bars. I'm thinking of redoing APB graphics. They need to have a place for Spell Name, Target Name, Caster Name, Cast Time and Spell Texture inside or outside of the frame...  anyone good with graphics that can toss some ideas around? <-  use candybars kthnkbye
09:57.14ckknightI see
09:57.25*** join/#wowace Kyahx|afk (n=Kyahx@
09:57.38MoonWolfthat was a joke.
09:57.59Solecandybars are really impressive I must admit
09:58.02MoonWolfEasely extendable candybars.
09:58.24Solenow all we need is for the candybars to handle their own Y position
09:59.30vhaarrSole: yeah
10:00.28vhaarrkergoth: I was thinking that maybe it would be sensible to add a |category| argument to the candybar register function, so that candybar can automatically adjust the Y position of any new candybars in that category relative to the ones currently running
10:00.45vhaarrkergoth: since all mods that use candybars will need this, I think it makes sense to have it in the library
10:01.16kergothvhaarr: thats what i expect a candybar group object to do, exactly that. a pool that manages positioning and stuff, makes them all move as a group, etc
10:01.24Soleok so Ive set svn:externals on my libs folder and hit SVN Update, it dled the libraries from the SVN but now the folder is no longer under SVN control, its just regular
10:01.41Soleor im guessing thats how its meant to be and I should just hit SVN update on the subdirs
10:01.55vhaarrkergoth: nice
10:01.56kergothSole: yes, you have to update each invidually
10:02.13vhaarrkergoth: and Sole wanted the ability to callback when the bar finishes
10:02.17kergothvhaarr: basically i dont like using string identifiers, and the whole api.  just make the addon create the objects and store them where they want
10:02.18vhaarrkergoth: which I also think makes sense
10:02.25kergoththat is a good idea
10:02.46ag`So who's the aceoptions wizardhat-wearing guy around here?
10:02.49Soleatm its kinda tough to have multiple candybars running
10:03.12NeronixAnyone experienced bartender bugs?
10:03.20ckknightwhat's a link to Candybar?
10:03.24NeronixEnjoying the scaling?
10:03.27Soleag I look at it, and I dont know what the problem is but it doesnt look right
10:03.27Shyva[Ammo] is on vaction I think vhaarr
10:03.31vhaarrShyva: oh
10:03.32MoonWolfworking on a link from the svn
10:03.52MoonWolfbut my internet is not really working with me.
10:03.57Soleyour StatusTextStyle is a bit funky
10:04.20ag`What am I doing wrong in it?
10:04.23Solewhy does a type = "group"  entry have get and set functions?
10:04.23MoonWolf for websvn
10:04.46ag`Sole, because it has "pass = true"
10:04.57MoonWolfis the raw svn link
10:05.04vhaarrkergoth: would you object to me naming the AceTimer ace2 conversion "CandyConvention"? I'm also considering "CandyParty", but that makes it sound like a partyframe mod :P
10:05.33Soleag: its still a bit funky to me :P
10:05.59Neronixvhaarr: ChocolateClock?
10:06.19vhaarrNeronix: I was trying to include the word "Candy" because of candybars, but yeah .. :P
10:06.48NeronixChocolate is candy ;P
10:06.56kergothvhaarr: dont ask me, i suck at names, and i dont maintain candybars anyway :)
10:07.01ag`Sole, I don't see why it is funky :-)
10:07.17ckknightwhy is CandyBar a mixin?
10:07.27Shyvafor BigWigs ckknight
10:07.29kergoththats what i've been asking all day
10:07.33kergothit doesnt need to be
10:07.37kergothit should be a candybar class
10:07.38vhaarrCould also call it "DontTakeCandyFromStrangers" :P
10:07.43ckknightwouldn't it make mores sense to be a class?
10:07.56Neronix/wake [Ammo]
10:08.00kergothckknight: i just branched off of candybars-2.0 to change it to be :P
10:08.02ShyvaI've no idea =) Ask ammo, when he's back from france :P
10:08.03MoonWolfkergoth, is trying to classify it right now.
10:08.09ckknightgood work, kerg
10:10.17ag`ckknight, have a minute regarding some newbie trouble with aceoptions?
10:10.44ckknightif it's short enough for me to not lose interest, yes
10:10.59ag`I can try, but if not, no worries
10:11.29ag`When I run one of the options I get an error "option handler "nil" not found"
10:12.54ag`it is probably because my args are missing func, but that shouldn't matter as the group they're part of has "pass = true" ...
10:19.28CIA-1103sole * r5035 10Soap/ (Soap.toc Soap.xml): Soap: Fixed revision string in toc file, added anchor frame
10:19.41Solealright, I got it right
10:20.57Solevhaarr: can you checkout Soap now
10:23.08Gngskwhat's soap?
10:23.48Soleenemy casting bars
10:23.56Sole+ cooldowns and effect durations
10:24.34Gngskahh, neato
10:24.47GngskI'll give it a whirl when I wake up, time for bed though
10:24.49Gngsknite :)
10:31.02vhaarrSole: sure
10:31.38vhaarrSole: it still doesn't have the externals
10:31.40vhaarrSole: so it won't work
10:31.48*** join/#wowace Kyahx (n=Kyahx@
10:32.08Solei figured that out
10:32.12Soleim fixing it
10:39.21*** join/#wowace Tuplad (
10:43.08ag`if you create a dewdrop menu from an aceoptions table, can the dewdrop menu even use radio buttons at all? To me it doesn't seem like there is anything like radio buttons in aceoptions.
10:43.40kergothyou can use text
10:43.50kergothvalidate={'option1', 'option2', 'option3'}
10:43.56Neronixag`: You'll have to bring that up with ckknight, he devised the spec and wrote both dewdrop and aceconsole
10:44.02kergothsince those are the only valid options, its a radio group
10:44.19ag`kergoth, but will it add radio buttons to dewdrop?
10:44.31kergothyes, thats what i'm telling you
10:44.53ckknightgah, blasted good language program
10:45.04ckknightnow I have Arabic stuck in my head
10:46.43ckknightI should probably switch to a more useful langauge
10:47.04ckknightor at least one that is useful outside a military context
10:47.52ag`Thanks. Everything works now!
10:48.55CIA-1103sole * r5036 10Soap/ (Options/ Options/SoapOptions.xml Soap.lua libs/): Soap: Converted test bar function to use Candybar, uploaded GUI options menu, fixed libs folder svn:externals (hopefully)
10:49.38ckknightwhat language should I learn?
10:49.49ckknightI guess
10:49.56TupladI can teach u :]
10:49.59Soleme too
10:50.04ckknightbut the only time I'd use it is when I meet my mail order bride
10:50.13ckknightbut I'll make her take English lessons anyway
10:50.16ckknightso that's all for moot
10:50.31Soleyou can go to odessa and go to the beach and pick up hot ukranian chicks
10:50.35vhaarrckknight: you haven't seen "A fish called Wanda"?
10:50.38Tupladwhen she gets her passport, she'll just leave you for a Russian dude
10:50.49ckknight3 years to citizenship
10:50.51TupladSole: u from ukrain ?
10:50.52Solevhaarr: it works!
10:50.57Tuplad<- Rus
10:51.00vhaarrSole: !
10:51.03ckknight<- Canadia
10:51.06ckknightwell, not now
10:51.11ckknightnow I'm in America
10:51.18Tuplad:] Im in Belgium hehe
10:51.26Tuplad~whaleparry Soltanis
10:51.27purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry Soltanis's attacks.
10:51.27Soleim in new zealand
10:51.30vhaarr<- norwegian
10:51.30Tupladwas for Sole
10:51.35Neronix<-- Scotland
10:51.40ckknightSole, my dad's a kiwi
10:51.55vhaarrI had a kiwi for breakfast yesterday :/
10:52.05ckknightperson, bird, or fruit?
10:52.20vhaarrfruit ;)
10:52.21Soleprob the person
10:52.54Solevhaarr be the first to checkout Soap from the SVN and tell me what I fucked up next :)
10:53.05vhaarrSole: I have
10:53.08vhaarrSole: just need to test it
10:53.21Soleand the  libraries are in the libs folder?
10:54.00ckknightokay, the languages to choose from are: French, Spanish, Italian, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Japanese, Greek, Korean, and German
10:54.36Solenot Italian, fuck those italians
10:54.46Tupladpick Russian
10:54.50Tupladeasy to learn
10:54.55Solelol not really :P
10:54.57Tupladspoken in over 20 countries
10:54.58Solebut its a good language
10:54.58ckknightno it's not
10:55.02ckknightyou have no word for the
10:55.05TupladSole: he might now know :p
10:55.10ckknighthow am I supposed to cope with that?
10:55.23Tupladthe male/female sign is at the end of the word too :)
10:55.27Elkanockknight, learn German... you'll need it when we finished to take over the world...
10:55.31Solerussian is a wiser language than english  <-- truth
10:55.53Soleenglish was ez to learn
10:56.01ckknightIch weisse ein wenig Deutsch. Ich lernte es fuer drei Jahre.
10:56.12ckknightI might hone in my German skills
10:56.17Tupladweinig ?
10:56.18*** join/#wowace Elkano^wtf (
10:56.23Tupladwrong word, I think
10:56.35TupladDutch looks like German
10:56.46Tupladso I understand Germans :P
10:56.57ckknightno one understands the Germans
10:57.05Elkano^wtfno, you don't... we don't even understand ourselves ^^
10:57.09CIA-1103cladhaire * r5037 10Clique/Clique.lua:
10:57.09CIA-11* Possible fix for ToT issues. Was re-targeting when it wasn't needed
10:57.12ckknightas a rule, they're brash and misunderstood
10:57.59vhaarrSole: okay I duelled a hunter
10:58.04ckknightI kinda want to stick to a latinate alphabet
10:58.07Tupladsome Russians from Germany told me that they are like, they wake up and go to job like that, in other words, they dont look after themselves
10:58.11vhaarrSole: he used rapid fire and multishot and the bars showed just fine
10:58.18vhaarrSole: but then he used multishot again and it did not show
10:58.20Tupladand lol, there was this thing on TV, awards stuff
10:58.34Soledid he pop trinket or after the cooldown ran out?
10:58.35Tupladand some german guy came on, lmao. looked like he just woke up
10:58.43ckknightI could do Mandirin, though...
10:58.47vhaarrSole: no
10:58.52NeronixSole: "fuck those italians"? >(
10:58.56Soltanistab selecting names again Tuplad
10:58.56vhaarrSole: he did multi again, no bar
10:59.08Soleyea they beat ukraine in the world cup :P
10:59.22Solei know why chaarr
10:59.23Tupladukraine sucked
10:59.29Soleyea they did
10:59.34vhaarrSole: okay, so you will fix it?
10:59.34Tupladhell ye they did
10:59.36CIA-1103cladhaire * r5038 10Clique/Clique.lua: Clique: Fixed a typo
10:59.38Solebut nontheless I can pretend to be angry for the hell of it
10:59.42NeronixSo it's not italy's fault
11:00.18*** join/#wowace sedatedC1ipmunk (
11:01.17NeronixSo... why the hell did blizzard remove _G and replace it with get/setglobal? O.o
11:01.24Solevhaarr: its strange, because technically theres nothing wrong with the code but there IS something wrong otherwise it wouldnt be doing that >_<
11:01.41vhaarrSole: but you said you know what the problem is?
11:01.42SoleSoap.Timers[caster][spell] = nil
11:01.48ckknightNeronix, I dunno, I use _G. I think it's cleaner.
11:01.49SoleI do know  WHERE the problem is
11:01.53Solenot sure how to fix it tho
11:02.29Neronixckknight: Same
11:02.47Solethat line should technically delete the value so when I got  if self.Timers[caster][spell]  it will pass
11:03.25ckknightit's also faster, technically
11:03.34ckknightget/setglobal is a function call
11:03.43ckknight_G[...] isn't
11:05.30ckknightit's close enough to not matter, though :-P
11:05.47*** join/#wowace Kyahx|afk (n=Kyahx@
11:05.57ag`Now the different options in "validate" in a "text" type is what the user can click and then gets passed to the "set" function, but is there any way to localise the things in "validate", if that made sense
11:06.41Soleoh for crying out loud
11:06.56Solewhy the hell is my toc not loading the files now
11:08.27ckknightag`, yea, I'll put it in within a few days
11:08.36ckknightit'll be { ["option"] = "text" }
11:08.54ckknightso that I can do { RIGHT = "On right side" }
11:08.59ag`Great, I will just go on and put that in when it's ready, thank you
11:09.41hasteSole: linux slashes maybe, not restarting WoW ;)
11:09.58ckknightyea, a few things will take priority first
11:10.15ag`It's not urgent, just makes it harder for the user
11:10.28ckknightI need to finish my brother's website, which I'm close to finishing, and then I'm not sure
11:10.35ckknightbut it'll likely include me learning Mandarin
11:11.15ag`anyway I could get aroud it myself with a trick in the "set" function
11:13.33hasteSole: looks pretty much correct ;)
11:14.43Solei know ><
11:18.06Solethis is one of those things thats making me angry ><
11:19.22SoleAttempt to call global 'AceLibrary' (a nil value)
11:19.44Solei take it that its not loading, but if its not loading then why does WitchHunt2 work?
11:20.48hasteis it on the SVN?
11:20.52TupladSole: do you code?
11:21.28SoleTupload: yes
11:21.33TupladTupload ? =_=
11:21.42Solelol i type too fast
11:22.22hasteI don't tab, usually
11:22.32hastewhich is why I just write the first three letters
11:23.24Tupladfirst 3 letters in my name mean "dumb" in Russian
11:23.33Tupladthat's why I dont like when ppl call me Tup :
11:23.50ckknightbut it's so fitting.
11:23.50NeronixSole: You need to have the AceLibrary line in the TOC before every other
11:24.05NeronixIt needs to load first
11:24.12Neronixckknight: I can't link items in the dewdrop editboxes
11:24.16Solei do
11:24.25ckknightNeronix, okay
11:25.10Soleit happened when I deleted the previous dir, then created a new one with the same name and uploaded it to the svn with the svn:externals in it
11:25.24Solethen i just did SVN Update on the folder to get the latest libraries
11:25.34hasteno error on login ;)
11:25.36Tupladsole, check pm
11:25.58hastewait a sec, I have a couple of ace2 addons from before
11:26.36hasteSole: no login errors with only Soap loaded
11:26.59hastedid you restart your client to reflect the TOC changes?
11:27.47Solei thought reloading interface was sufficient
11:27.56Solerestarting wow now
11:27.57hasteit was, in 1.7 (?)
11:28.21Solewell I wasnt keep up with it back then :P
11:30.15haste[13:27-1789] AceEvent-2.0: Cannot unregister an event that you are not registered with. << would be nice to see what addon generating that one :p
11:31.34Soleshouldnt be
11:32.11hasteNot sure what addon generating that one
11:32.47MoonWolfAt least its a relativly safe message.
11:32.56Solecant be Soap
11:33.05Solei had that error and I put in a check to stop it
11:34.07hasteit's either WitchHunt or oUF2
11:34.15hastebut it happens way to random to figure out =\
11:37.35Solewell restarting WoW worked :)
11:37.38Solethanks haste
11:38.01Soleanyway gnite guys, thanks for the help tonight :)
11:38.37*** join/#wowace Tuplad- (
11:40.01*** join/#wowace Kyahx (n=Kyahx@
11:42.04KyahxTested it with 3 people all running newest revisions of oRA, only ever saw MTs that were set when they were in the raid
11:42.21Kyahxnever saw MTs that were set prior upon joining / syncing into a raid.
11:42.33Tuplad-I also have problems with the voting thing
11:42.38Tuplad-no one sees vote except me
11:43.14hasteKyahx: I'm aware of that
11:43.33Kyahxany suggestions / soultions?
11:43.46hasteSolution: write the code required
11:44.03hastethe main problem is to limit the number of people reporting MTs
11:44.07Tuplad-heh wtf, my login screen gets stuck when the blue bar is in middle, all programs on the background work, but I cant tab out or windows out
11:44.22KyahxHow did it work with CTRA?
11:44.23Kyahxor does it not?
11:44.59hastenot sure, can't be arsed to dig through the code for it :<
11:45.10hastebut it seems as it limits itself after the first four people broadcasting them
11:45.27hastebut I've seen four people without A og L broadcast tanks..
11:45.37haste(it happened several times while I was writing oRA)
11:45.52KyahxWhat about letting only the (L) broadcast it?
11:46.00hasteThat's my current plan
11:46.01Kyahxand resend the info when someone new joins / syncs
11:46.10hastebut I don't raid / play atm, due to work
11:46.24hasteso adding it is getting pretty... ignored atm
11:46.35Kyahxkk, I made a tiny (ugly) modual to reset all the MT table to whatever they locally see
11:46.44Kyahxmaybe you can steal my code / make it not ugly :P
11:47.05Kyahxhowever, leader checking and the works...not in there =/
11:47.09hastethe basic solution is just to loop through the MT table if your L and send it
11:47.45Kyahxwhat's the command thats sent when someone new joins / syncs?
11:47.54Kyahxmaybe I'll play with it at work
11:48.02hasteoRA triggers a event then also
11:48.23Kyahxallright, you don't mind if I modify it in the MainTank modual I assume?  (pending it works properly)
11:48.34hastenot at all
11:48.46Kyahxkk, I'm off to work now, glad to know its a known bug :P
11:49.18hastethe basic solution would be to register the event and do a if(oRA_Core.RaidInfo[UnitName("player")].rank == 1) then for X do Y end
11:49.26hasteI'm not sure on the name of the vars tho'
11:50.12hasteIt's RosterInfo ;)
11:50.52hasteand the rank is 2
11:56.30ag`In aceoptions is it possible to copy an already existing entry into a new one?
12:10.52*** join/#wowace XLVII (
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12:40.31net\afkIS their anyone here with a low speed connection
12:40.38net\afkor someone that leave far away from paris
12:56.40Mikmagoing to buy me a brand new gamecard <3
12:57.10Soltanisanyone know what unitframes are
12:57.11Elkano^wtfhf & gl
12:57.20MoonWolfon a side note, i did not know you could get them in any  other fashion :P
12:57.33Elkano^wtfmaybe DUF?
12:58.03steinothats nurfed
13:00.53*** join/#wowace Tuplad (
13:00.58Soltanisi like the way the plays health decreases smoothly and not instant
13:02.07Soltanishow about the healing meters?
13:02.54ag`it will eat your memory for breakfeast
13:03.05ag`and your babies too
13:03.06TupladIs there a way to wipe armor & weapon stats in KCI auction ?
13:05.11Mikmaag`: code the layout save
13:05.25ag`doing AceOptions/dewdrop atm but I am stuck
13:05.41Mikmawell unstuck!
13:05.43ag`Ok, lets say I have four identical, but different things I want to set options for in AceOptions. I have created the options for one of them. Is there a way to duplicate the options to each of the things, or do I have to copy/paste the same thing 3 times?
13:14.27*** join/#wowace Sairen (
13:20.46CIA-1103iceroth * r5039 10IceHUD/: Created directory for IceHUD
13:22.40TupladIceHUD ? :O
13:22.41Tupladgief screenies
13:23.28Tupladteh secks!
13:23.54Icerothi just couldn't find a hud that i would have liked 100% :)
13:24.08TupladI like yours
13:24.57Icerothstill tons of work to do but at least it finally works and the basic features are in
13:25.03*** join/#wowace Shyva (
13:27.46CIA-1103iceroth * r5040 10IceHUD/libs/: Added directory for libraries
13:28.58*** join/#wowace ToastTheif (
13:29.37ToastTheifquick question, when updating with the SVN if I ctrl-click all of my folders and right click -> update, that wont mess anything up will it?
13:29.49TupladI do the same
13:29.53Icerothsame here
13:29.53ToastTheifdidn't think so, cool
13:30.02Iceroththe perfect way to update mods imo :)
13:30.04TupladI do ctrl + a, I select the whole folder basically
13:30.12Tupladif there is no '.svn' folder in the folder, i'll skip it
13:30.17Tupladit skips everything without it
13:30.19ToastTheifoh cool
13:30.39ToastTheifyeah a lot of my addons aren't on the SVN so that's nice that it just skips those ones
13:31.48ToastTheifoh another thing I was wonder, if you delete a module from an addon that is on the SVN, will that file be placed in your addon again or will the SVN  ignore it from now on?
13:32.40vhaarrit will be updated along with the rest of your local copy
13:32.41Tupladif you update the folder
13:32.44Tupladit'll download the module again
13:32.54ToastTheifokay haha
13:33.56ToastTheifwell thanks for the info
13:35.31*** join/#wowace wereHamster (
13:37.00ag`Mikma, do you use any strange scale or something
13:39.05CIA-1103iceroth * r5041 10IceHUD/libs/: Added externals
13:47.42CIA-1103iceroth * r5042 10IceHUD/ (22 files in 4 dirs): Moved version 0.11 to SVN
14:07.33*** join/#wowace ag` (
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14:16.08Iceroththere it is, i'm a mod author.. do i get a cookie now?
14:16.21ToastTheifwhat does IceHUD do? =P
14:16.56hyperChipmunkIceroth: no, but if you go to Burger King, you can get a nifty crown to wear
14:17.20ToastTheifI remember my best friend had his bday there once
14:17.26ToastTheifmy mom wouldn't let me /cry
14:18.00Icerothdamn, i don't even know where the nearest burger king is :-(
14:18.13Icerothnot in finland, that much i do know
14:18.31ToastTheifthat's some intresting unitframes there
14:18.34TainMcDonalds has fun Pirates of the Caribbean toys now.
14:19.22MoonWolfwe just got a burgerking
14:19.24ToastTheifthat's really nice looking Ice
14:19.39Icerothi want a burger king too
14:19.39MoonWolfsine its founding this city has not had a burgerking.
14:19.45MoonWolfbut we have a subway now too
14:19.48MoonWolfso everybody goes there.
14:20.12Iceroththere isn't a single burger king in the whole stupid country
14:20.25Icerothwe have subways and mcdonalds etc but no burger kings :(
14:20.42MoonWolfburger king is useless anyway
14:20.53MoonWolfthe burgers are as bad as the mcdonnalds one's
14:21.13MoonWolfwhy go to mcdonnalds when the snakcbar around the corner server better burgers for less ?
14:21.38MoonWolfyou know, burgers where the meat actually tastes like meat, where the lettuce is still crispy
14:21.51MoonWolfand when if you try to eat it when you just got it, you are going to burn your mouth.
14:22.06Icerothsubway is the worst of them all though.. at least in here.. with the money you pay for 1 sandwich you could buy stuff for 3 from the store
14:25.29TainI didn't say you should go to McDonalds for a burger.  You should go to get the Happy Meal Toys. :)
14:26.01vhaarrFryGuy-: poke :P
14:26.48*** join/#wowace Ratbert_CP (
14:27.02MoonWolftain... good point.
14:31.15MoonWolfThings you should not do, test an email autoreply by emailing yourself from the account with the autoreply on it.
14:32.51Ratbert_CPRFC: Should BagBoy implement its own FruityLoots that will skip over "trash" items?
14:33.10CIA-1103hyperactiveChipmunk * r5043 10Ace2/ (3 files in 3 dirs):
14:33.10CIA-11- Progress save
14:33.10CIA-11- AceConsole changed to utilize AceTab, doesn't work quite yet
14:33.10CIA-11- AceTab args tweaked a bit, still not set in stone
14:33.22*** join/#wowace Thrae (
14:38.48vhaarrShyva: you wouldn't happen to have a fixed Gluth module for BW floating around? :P
14:39.33vhaarrShyva: it doesn't warn for the first decimate
14:46.14*** join/#wowace FtH|eagle (
14:47.04[Wobin]Your account can now be upgraded to include all the
14:47.04[Wobin]award-winning expansion packs Anarchy Online has to offer without
14:47.05[Wobin]any cost for the expansions.
14:47.16[Wobin]but that doesn't make it any better =P
14:47.38MoonWolfthey won awards ?
14:47.43MoonWolfwith expansion packs ?
14:49.26[Wobin]In order to upgrade your subscription you must enter valid payment
14:49.27[Wobin]details,subscription fees starting as low as $7.95 per month for a 12
14:49.27[Wobin]Month plan paid in advance.
14:49.37[Wobin]Well, they're right
14:49.43[Wobin]no cost "for the expansion"
14:49.50[Wobin]just for everything else =P
14:51.40CIA-1103hyperactiveChipmunk * r5044 10Ace2/AceConsole-2.0/AceConsole-2.0.lua:
14:51.40CIA-11- AceTab made optional
14:53.03[Wobin]so many identical cute kitties!
14:53.40Ratbert_CPAnd they say cloning doesn't work...
14:54.11hyperChipmunk[Wobin]: you give me scary dreams at night
14:54.27Soltanis[Wobin] : :-(
14:54.27[Wobin]Being chased by hundreds of russian blue kitties?
14:54.36hyperChipmunkno, just in general
14:54.43[Wobin]My work here is done.
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15:04.04*** join/#wowace Amadeo (
15:04.18AmadeoI got to kill someone on my nick
15:05.04WobinIt's kinda satisfying
15:06.14*** join/#wowace Tem|Work (i=WoWGuruJ@
15:06.14*** mode/#wowace [+o Tem|Work] by ChanServ
15:06.54ag`Ok, lets say I have a few things I want to set some options for, like player, party, pet, target. Those options could be width, height, style, etc. In AceOptions I create a table that can set those things for the player. Is there are way to duplicate that for party, pet, target, or do I have to copy/paste the table 4 times?
15:07.18Tem|Workreverse the order
15:07.58Tem|Workinstead of making it "/aguf player width X" make it "/aguf width player X"
15:08.53Tem|Work(and "/aguf width pet Y" ect)
15:09.41Tem|Workgod I hate using wowguru's irc client
15:09.53ag`I can see that it would work, but it would make a strange dewdrop
15:10.33Tem|Workto be 100% honest, I hate the idea of using a dewdrop for gui config
15:10.57Tem|Workdropdowns are a poor replacement for a real gui
15:11.28ag`It would be cool if we had something like dewdrop that could read aceoption tables, but create gui windows
15:11.29ag`with tabs
15:11.44Icerotherm.. what would you use dewdrop then for tem?
15:11.50Tem|Workalmost nothing
15:11.53ag`don't like tabs?
15:12.07Tem|Workag`: no, actually tabs are awesome
15:12.09Neronixmaybe it could be a part of AceGUI2?
15:12.20Tem|WorkNeronix: it's an AceOptions thing
15:12.36Tem|Work(which may or may not use AG2)
15:13.32ag`you could just add it as an external, pass it your aceoptions table and it would create a configuration window for you
15:13.48Tem|Workag`: that's the idea
15:13.54Tem|Workit's just not written yet
15:13.57ag`yeah, now that would be cool
15:14.18Icerothwho's doing it?
15:14.27ag`not sure anyone is atm
15:14.31NeronixWhat would be funny is an ingame text editor that lets you edit the save vars raw
15:14.31Tem|WorkIceroth: a dropdown menu is good for context sensitive stuff when you right click stuff, but IMO, anything you do there should have another more permanent way.
15:14.42Neronixshould keep all the unixy people who love text file configs happy ;P
15:14.57MoonWolfgreyhoof is going to be so pissed
15:15.04MoonWolffirst someone else makes somethi sct like
15:15.06Tem|WorkMoonWolf: he already knows
15:15.06MoonWolfnow blizzard does it.
15:15.13Tem|Workyou are behind the news
15:15.26Tem|Workpatch notes were out on friday
15:15.33NeronixWhat's blizzard's like? Does it suck like most of their other implementations of community stuff?
15:15.34MoonWolfi blame doa ultimate 2.
15:15.50MoonWolfand my recent quest to unlock all costumes.
15:16.47ag`Sooo nobody knows if the thing I want to do is possible without a very very big table made by copy paste?
15:17.04Tem|Workckk would know better than me
15:17.16Tem|WorkI'm not very familliar with the AceOptions table format yet
15:17.58ag`I tried doing a "for ... do" but that didn't work out
15:19.09MoonWolftem, what was his reaction ?
15:22.03Tem|WorkMoonWolf: you can see it on our forums
15:22.09Tem|Workin the Ace2 Dev forum
15:22.23Tem|Work"Split off of WichHunt..."
15:24.07Tem|Workclad|work: if you can read this, PLEASE respond
15:24.19Tem|Workclad|work:  I need a web  irc client
15:24.34MoonWolftem, will java do ?
15:24.50Iceroththe idiots at my office blocked all ports except 80, 443 and 21... no irc for me :x
15:25.17Icerothand the stupid thing seems to monitor the traffic as well, no use setting sshd to listen on port 21
15:25.53ag`but isn't that encrypted?
15:25.58ag`they wouldn't know what it is
15:26.31Icerothi guess the firewall or whatever can smell it's not ftp traffic
15:26.40Tem|WorkI just need a place I can go to use an irc client
15:26.45Tem|Workbecause this one sucks balls
15:26.55Tem|Work(and it hurts me to give wowguru hits)
15:27.20ag`I've never seen an irc web client that didn't suck
15:28.13MoonWolfim checking a java irc app i know to see it will access other servers.
15:29.27*** join/#wowace SunTiger (
15:29.27*** mode/#wowace [+o SunTiger] by ChanServ
15:29.34SunTigerthis one works.
15:29.58MoonWolfi don' t know if you like the way it looks/acts.
15:32.22Tem|WorkMoonWolf, that's basically the same client I'm using now
15:32.39Tem|WorkAmadeo, that one looks nice, but won't allow me to connect to freenode
15:36.31Amadeoyou'll just have to part the default channel
15:39.02NeronixUgh, Grayhoof switched to parserlib
15:39.21NeronixI have 2 options: Enjoy collecting garbage
15:39.24Neronixor switch to MSBT
15:39.33AmadeoI'm loving MSBT
15:39.57Neronixbtw, speaking of rophy
15:40.10Neronixhe rewrote kombatstats to use tabletlib for its display
15:40.21NeronixI wonder what other mod has that in common...
15:40.39NeronixAnd KombatStatsFu hijacks functions in KS itself to minimise its size
15:40.47Mikmaag`: 0.9
15:40.48NeronixI'm sure another mod had that innovation
15:40.53MoonWolfwait waht
15:41.04MoonWolfit is hooking its OWN functions ?
15:41.05ag`Mikma, frames do no dissapear
15:41.07Tem|WorkNeronix: I'm just about to post that parserlib is a bad idea
15:41.09ag`I just tested it
15:41.14ag`it works fine >.<
15:41.22Mikmaag`: yes when the self:Reset() line is enabled
15:41.22NeronixMoonWolf: No, not like that
15:41.31NeronixIt shares code with KS
15:41.34Mikmabut layout does not save and the bars fo under fubar
15:41.35Tem|WorkNeronix: Also, he shouldn't need to use it because the 1.12 events
15:41.37ag`Mikma, no, I removed it and they save their positions!
15:41.50NeronixTem: Indeed
15:42.13Mikmaag`: woot! you're lying!
15:42.20NeronixAnd once I get NS2 written, I bet you 20$ that he implements modularity with modules inherting from a module class
15:42.21ag`it works
15:42.29Neronixand I bet he splits up parserlib too
15:42.31*** join/#wowace Neriak (
15:42.37Mikmaag`: commit commit!
15:42.43Mikmai just got home with brand new gamecard
15:42.55AmadeoTem|Work: Where is he posting?
15:43.12NeronixAmadeo: Split off of witchhunt 2.0 thread in dev forum
15:43.34ag`sure I can try Mikma but I didn't really fix anything
15:43.37MikmaIceroth: nice hud
15:43.39Amadeogotcha, thanks
15:43.53Mikmaag`: as long as the positions save, that's a reason to commit
15:44.07ag`well they do for me
15:44.07Mikmaag`: i can live with the /rl bug after warrior joins
15:44.25TainOoh Samuel L. Jackson is going to be the voice of God in an audio version of the Bible.
15:45.10Amadeo"though overall memory size went up about 200k without the options menu loaded."
15:45.14Mikma"take that motherfucker!"
15:45.15Amadeowhy would he even use it after that?
15:45.18Amadeo200k is huge
15:45.23CIA-1103ag * r5045 10ag_UnitFrames/ (4 files): ag_UnitFrames - Fixed bug with difference health text, added dewdrop as external
15:45.44NeronixI know
15:45.50Shyvaguys, what do you think, should I care about the people who cann't handle the word "Rape" or not? :-/
15:46.03Neronixand imagine what the garbage churn's going to be like?
15:46.50Tem|WorkAmadeo: can't join channels other than it's defaults :(
15:46.51MoonWolfTain, wow
15:47.10MoonWolfgod as voiced by a big badass black dude.
15:47.12AmadeoTem|Work: arghhh
15:47.21Amadeothose used to work
15:49.43Tain"Does Jesus look like a bitch to you?"
15:49.48Mikma60 Day pre-paid game card has been successfully added to your account!
15:50.03Tain"Babylonian, do you speak it motherfucker?"
15:50.18ag`60 days, man... that's the whole summer!
15:50.32MoonWolfwill jesus be voiced by reeves ?
15:50.45Mikma"I'm sorry, did I break your concentration?"
15:50.48TainI think Jesus needs more character devlopement than, "woah."
15:51.13MoonWolfthe punk who does harry potter then.
15:53.17IndustrialI might even start using a HUD
15:53.29IndustrialIceroth: nice :P
15:53.36IndustrialMoonWolf: sup?
15:53.36MoonWolfyou have been playing to much DOAC.
15:53.46Industriali know i wasnt here for a while
15:54.08Industrialbut um, whats up then? did i miss something?
15:54.18MoonWolfonly patch notes for 1.11
15:54.29Industrialsaw them
15:54.37MoonWolfand hot cyber sex between CIA-11 and purl.
15:54.44Industrialgot logs?
15:55.31Mikmait's something you should have been witnessing
15:55.42MoonWolfbbl, dinner.
15:56.05phyberbah.  I want dinner.
15:56.14AmadeoTem|Work: Every single one I've tried is blocked in some way :/
15:56.16phyberbut i still have to leave work first :/
15:56.22IndustrialWe need another bot
15:56.27Industriala girl that says naughty things when noone is talking
15:56.45Industrialsomething like Eva :P
15:56.47phyberI could setup a bmotion bot, it would talk a lot of crap.
15:57.00phyberset it to female and lesbian :p
15:57.05Industrialyeah :P
15:57.30*** join/#wowace steino_ (
15:57.30Industrialwarcraft time, nananana
15:57.35Industriallo steino_
15:58.17steino_seems i disced, hmm
15:59.23IndustrialYou know what I need? A graphical or not IRC channels that has each channel ab separated in two parts. Coversations and stupid join/leave/quit spam
15:59.54Industrialso id still be able to see both but pay only attention to one
16:00.15Industrials/(pay) (only)/\2 \1
16:00.20Industrials/(pay) (only)/\2 \1/
16:00.57IndustrialI found and instant lv 50 daoc server
16:01.02Industrialpvp madness
16:01.07NeronixThrae: Object tooltips don't appear (Stuff like mineral veins, herbs, quest objective things)
16:01.11IndustrialI was kicking some squishie butt :P
16:01.14NeronixIndustrial: There's private servers?
16:01.22IndustrialNeronix: ofcource :D
16:02.01IndustrialNeronix: wanna play together? I got a minstrel at lv 8 on a 'normal' server. Its a nice rvr server and lots of people. 70% german tho
16:02.03Makk`ESany of you guys experienced with headphones and speakers and that stuff?
16:02.21IndustrialI like palying supportive classes ;P
16:02.36Industrialexcept for healing
16:02.51Industrialmezzing and debuffing and stuff is fun :P
16:02.53NeronixThrae: They DO appear if I do a raw reset (TinyTipDB = nil) and reload, until I change a config option
16:02.55Makk`EShealing is rather fun
16:03.02AmadeoEnchanter! Bard!
16:03.22Amadeowhere's Thrae?
16:03.40AmadeoHe never fixed my tooltips!
16:03.42Industrial~seen Thrae
16:03.48purlthrae is currently on #wowi-lounge (1h 30m 26s) #wowace (1h 30m 26s). Has said a total of 386 messages. Is idling for 1d 27m 9s, last said: 'That should be fixed in the SVN I just uploaded.'.
16:03.48ag`Mikma, does it work
16:03.51NeronixDunno, but I have a spare soul shard
16:03.57Industrial~seen Industrial
16:03.58purlindustrial is currently on #wowi-lounge #wowace. Has said a total of 140 messages. Is idling for 1s, last said: '~seen Industrial'.
16:04.00Neronix/summon Thrae
16:04.09Mikmaag`: haven't tried yet, did download the latest but didn't start wow
16:04.20Mikmaag`: inspecting new addons and so on
16:04.25Neronix~seen me
16:04.27purlme <> was last seen on IRC in channel #debian, 48d 3h 13m 15s ago, saying: 'I want to search a number of files, not each file separately'.
16:04.34Neronix~seen Neronix
16:04.35purlneronix is currently on #wowace (1d 6h 38m 14s). Has said a total of 129 messages. Is idling for 1s, last said: '~seen Neronix'.
16:04.43Mikmaag`: but i will test it soon
16:05.55vhaarrFryGuy-: yt?
16:06.03IndustrialNeronix: pm
16:07.37ag`Anyone with good understanding of AceConsole? ckk doesn't have time for my noob questions :-)
16:07.52Mikmaag`: atleast i'm getting coords for frames i chat
16:08.48Mikmaag`: well, everytime i click a frame i get the coords
16:09.17vhaarrFryGuy-: someone said you have an updated Gluth module locally that you had not committed yet
16:09.26FryGuy-oh ya
16:09.28vhaarrFryGuy-: because it does not warn for the first decimate
16:09.40Mikmaag`: ToT doesn't work
16:09.45vhaarrFryGuy-: think you could pastebin it for me?
16:09.47FryGuy-ah it's kind of flaky on the first one still
16:09.59vhaarrit's not possible to start it when he engages?
16:10.02vhaarr(the timer)
16:10.42ag`Mikma, ToT does work
16:10.49Soltanisi've been demoted to someone?
16:10.50Mikmaag`: not after /rl
16:11.06FryGuy-it's kind of messed up though
16:11.12FryGuy-cause it doesn't always trigger :(
16:11.14ag`Mikma, aUF:Reset()
16:11.18vhaarrFryGuy-: oO
16:11.21ag`does that make it reappear?
16:11.26vhaarrFryGuy-: what doesn't trigger, boss engage?
16:11.46Mikmaag`: no.
16:12.01ag`Mikma, you know that I never show tot for the player
16:12.07ag`you have to attack someone
16:12.15Mikmaag`: i know :)
16:12.28Mikmabut still ToT is not there after /rl
16:13.10ag`Mikma, can you do aUF.targettarget.frame:Show()
16:13.58Mikmawell i reloaded ui moment ago and now will drag the frames.. again
16:14.18FryGuy-it triggers on entering combat
16:14.54Mikmalol now ALL frames are missing
16:15.09Mikmathis is _NOT_ funny at all
16:15.29vhaarrFryGuy-: yeah I noticed from the code
16:15.37vhaarrFryGuy-: so what is it that doesn't trigger?
16:15.55Mikmaag`: aye, there's something really nasty going on, since all frames are gone now
16:18.15ag`if you do aUF:Reset() do they come back after /rl ?
16:19.04Mikmathey did, but since they are now missing i'll try /rl
16:19.05FryGuy-dunno sometime it takes a second to have the tank do the unitaffectingcombat thing
16:19.21FryGuy-and also you have to /tar gluth before you enter the tunnel
16:19.23Mikmahmm nope
16:19.24FryGuy-cause it disables him :(
16:19.26Mikmadidn't come visible
16:19.43ag`Mikma, something very silly is going on at your computer, because the frames save and load their positions fine here
16:20.04Mikmaag`: they do come back when i use aUF:Reset() and /rl
16:21.07Mikmaag`: somehow i don't think i have anything that can mess up with auf
16:22.01Amadeoso, I started saying to myself that I would only gank the grey con players that played classes I don't like
16:22.04Amadeothen I realized
16:22.10AmadeoI don't like any classes, so I kill them all
16:24.10ag`Mikma, aUF saves coordiantes for the frames... and then loads them again
16:24.22Industrialwhats AceTab-2.0 ?
16:24.23ag`if you don't move frames at all, they shouldn't save positions
16:24.41hyperChipmunkTab completion made simple
16:24.52Industrialnice, for aceconsole i presume?
16:25.35hyperChipmunkyou register a regex, provide a function that gives a wordlist based on the text that's already there, and optionally provide a frame and a function that prints usage statements, and it handles the rest
16:25.47hyperChipmunkfor anything
16:25.55hyperChipmunkit was originally in aceconsole
16:26.08hyperChipmunkbut kael asked me to make it a separate lib
16:26.30hyperChipmunkI've got it autocompleting frame names for visor, for instance
16:26.37Mikmaag`: without any addons they save positions and load after /rl
16:26.57ag`Mikma, so it is an addon you use that interferes?
16:27.58Mikmaag`: well now all addons are enabled and the frames still work
16:28.41hyperChipmunkonly problem is, now that I've separated it from aceconsole, I can't get AceConsole completion to work anymore =)
16:29.32Mikmaag`: don't know really.. was it old SV then which fooked everything aroud or what.. i'll continue testing
16:29.59ag`Mikma, I am testing it on two computers right now, they both save it fine...
16:30.15Mikmaag`: SnapToGrid...
16:30.28Mikmaag`: test that and move them around with it..
16:30.33Mikmathen they disappear after /rl
16:30.54CIA-1103shyva 07Ace2 * r5046 10BigWigs/ (7 files in 2 dirs):
16:30.55CIA-11BigWigs (Ace2 Branch):
16:30.55CIA-11Fixed little mistakes.
16:32.36*** join/#wowace Slayman (
16:32.46SlaymanGood morning ladies
16:33.44Mikmaag`: c'mon, test it and see for yourself ;)
16:37.04Amadeosome 52 Shaman killed me twice...once because I had 3 TM guards on me, and once because a 60 Priest was attacking me
16:37.15Amadeoso, I guess the Shaman thought she was awesome, and decided to try me 1v1 :P
16:37.48AmadeoI 3 shot her! :D
16:38.22Amadeonow she's back to hiding by guards
16:38.29AmadeoI wish I could pull her out :(
16:39.22Amadeoany of you guys play on servers that are in Battlegroup 6?
16:39.30*** join/#wowace Cairenn (
16:39.31*** mode/#wowace [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
16:40.26Slaymantyping in  /tinytip  makes my wow hang up bad behavior
16:40.45Amadeoheh of course
16:40.50Amadeo3 60's showed up because I was owning her
16:40.55*** join/#wowace Tuplad (
16:41.04*** part/#wowace Tuplad (
16:42.17Amadeothat's how it always is
16:42.23*** join/#wowace Shyva (
16:42.26Amadeonobody likes real fights in WoW PvP
16:42.52Mikmai do
16:42.56Mikmagank is funnnnn
16:43.13Amadeobut normally you get one fair fight
16:43.24Amadeoand then about 10 60's show up because you owned someone
16:46.06Amadeoso because I killed a 52 Shaman who attacked me first three times, I now have a 60 Priest, 60 Rogue and 60 Warrior camping me along with her :P
16:46.12Amadeoall from the same guild
16:46.35TainThat's pvp life.
16:47.10AmadeoPlayer vs Player is singular ;)
16:47.22ag`Mikma, snap to grid?
16:47.41Mikmaag`: aye,
16:47.58ag`I am doing the right thing
16:48.06ag`and snap to grid does something to my addon
16:48.17ag`so they should be compatible, not the other way around
16:48.27ag`so there's no problem at my side, me thinks
16:48.36Mikmabut try it to see if it's the one causing problems
16:48.45ag`yep, on it
16:49.13*** join/#wowace clad (
16:49.28AmadeoThrae abandoned us with broken tooltips :(
16:49.37Mikmaag`: blame clad
16:49.38ag`my tinytip works atm
16:49.41cladhas anyone looked at
16:49.44ag`Mikma, clad?
16:50.02ag`clad, did you read it?
16:50.07cladoh, and I posted the code for the KCItems compression:
16:50.13Mikmaclad: old story :P
16:50.13cladag`: Yes I read it, wth is it?
16:50.27wereHamsterin my guild, everyone can send items, especially herbs, per CoD to a character. The guild leaders then use these items to create potions etc. Does anyone elses guild do that? I've created an addon that automatically sends items CoD to a character, so if someone is interested I can put the addon into SVN.
16:50.35ag`It's wierd, that's what it is
16:50.53hyperChipmunki don't see why it belongs in our pastebin, but
16:50.58cladindeed.. i was just like.. why? =)
16:51.30clad~lart clad|work
16:52.14cladsomeone write a short program to take input and text highlight it using gnu's src-highlight.
16:52.25cladand return the raw HTML
16:52.34cladnot that that helps for posting on the forums.
16:53.59Mikmaag`: so, getting the same results?`
16:54.51ag`testing it now Mikma
16:54.56ag`yes, they dissapeared
16:55.10ag`well that's stupid
16:55.33Mikmaag`: well SnapToGrid works with all other addons i have
16:55.41ag`that snaptogrid thing is evul
16:55.49*** join/#wowace armooo (n=jmichals@
16:56.05ag`Mikma, all I do is use setpoint(TOPLEFT,x,y)
16:57.01cladback to work.. bye!
16:58.03AmadeoMikma: So finally I got a 60 paladin on my side
16:58.04Amadeoso it was
16:58.18Amadeo60 Paladin and me, 56 Warrior vs 60 Priest, 60 Rogue, 60 Hunter, 52 Shaman
16:58.22Amadeowe killed them all :P losers
16:59.16vhaarrBW question: will |self:TriggerEvent("BIGWIGS_SYNC_SEND", "GLUTHDECIMATE")| trigger |function BigWigsGluth:BIGWIGS_SYNC_GLUTHDECIMATE()| ?
17:00.44vhaarrapparently it should
17:01.28ag`Aha, Mikma
17:01.46ag`I know why it bugs
17:01.50Mikmaag`: why?
17:02.02ag`it is because that thingy changes the anchor of my frame
17:02.33ag`so when agUF tries to save the frame position GetPoint returns something wrong
17:02.45Mikmayou're saveposition sucks :D
17:02.57ag`Relative to TOPLEFT ftw
17:03.14ag`BOTTOMLEFT is for "major noobs"
17:04.01ag`Now, how to force it to be relative to topleft without changing it's position
17:06.41*** join/#wowace Cheads (
17:09.24mjcwhat's new you nubs
17:09.49mjcanything I should play with?
17:10.01hasteI got home early from work!
17:10.02hastethat's new!
17:11.34mjcI mean mod-wise :p
17:13.35Industrialohh modwise
17:13.51mjcdamagemeters bleh, is there anything that sucks less?
17:14.00Industrialyeah, nothing
17:14.04Industrialwhy would you need a mod like that
17:14.07Industrialits useless
17:14.12Industrial'ook im a better healer'
17:14.16Industrialor dps, whatever
17:14.26mjcit's fun :p
17:14.34*** join/#wowace SilverShadow (
17:14.54Industrialwhare did AceLoot go?
17:15.45Industrialnice name ^^
17:15.50Industrialhey toasty, long time no see
17:15.51ToastTheifdoes anyone know a free way to record WoW?
17:16.14ToastTheifis fraps free
17:16.23IndustrialIs it crackable?
17:16.48mjcIndustrial: talking about that on this network is a nono :p
17:16.49hastefraps isn't free
17:16.54hastebut it doesn't  cost much to buy it
17:16.58hasteeven I have paid for it!
17:17.03hasteand I don't even use windows ;D
17:17.09ToastTheifI don't have money
17:17.20hasteHow can you not have money and play WoW :o ?
17:17.31ToastTheifbecause wow is the only money I have!
17:17.58Industrialmjc: Does the server log everything?
17:18.09Industrialeven then its too easy to evade ip bans
17:18.36mjcIndustrial: no,  but that's not the point
17:19.41IndustrialI dont believe in selling software so i have no problem with it
17:20.19ToastTheifabout this "free" fraps
17:20.22CIA-1103ag * r5047 10ag_UnitFrames/ag_UnitClass.lua:
17:20.22CIA-11ag_UnitFrames -
17:20.32ag`Mikma, time to SVN update
17:21.22mjcToastTheif: learn to google
17:21.57Industrialor what mjc said
17:22.53ToastTheifyeah I was just doing that
17:22.58ToastTheifseems fraps has a trial version
17:23.09ToastTheifso I can avoid breaking the law a little longer
17:24.13*** join/#wowace Tuplad (
17:24.18Tupladwth, just logged on wow, 44 errors o_O
17:24.34ag`ToastTheif, I think it mashes a nice "DEMO" all over your movie
17:24.46mjcFryGuy-: about?
17:24.48ToastTheifoh, well then
17:24.54ToastTheifmaybe I will have to break the law
17:24.55*** join/#wowace ckknight (
17:24.56*** mode/#wowace [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
17:25.00mjchey ckk
17:25.10hasteI'm playing WoW with 2k5 ms :<
17:25.23Industrialhaste: ouch
17:26.19Soltaniswiritng mods easy to get used to if you have programming experience?
17:27.27hasteI would say so
17:27.50Soltanismaybe ill give it a try sometime, want to make a standby raidpoint mod that works to my liking sometime
17:31.40*** part/#wowace Tuplad (
17:32.19*** part/#wowace FtH|eagle (
17:34.27hasteag`: for and tinsert?
17:34.49*** join/#wowace FtH|Eagle (
17:35.39vhaarrFryGuy-: are you going to gluth tonight? I'll be doing transcripts at least, in case you need them.
17:39.36*** join/#wowace Tuplad (
17:39.40*** part/#wowace Tuplad (
17:40.27vhaarrThrae: still getting that "Player Options" tooltip :(
17:40.53vhaarr"Right click to bring up special commands that ..." bla bla bla
17:41.00vhaarrcovers the entire unit frames
17:42.46FryGuy-nah we killed him friday
17:42.55vhaarrFryGuy-: okay
17:43.05FryGuy-working on heigan today :p
17:43.09vhaarrwe'll probably kill him tonight, mod or not, he seems easy
17:43.12vhaarrjust going maexxna first
17:43.19FryGuy-you got maexxna yet?
17:43.54FryGuy-what server are you on?
17:44.25Mikmaag`: :D
17:44.36vhaarrmagtheridon EU
17:45.13FryGuy-how come wowwalkthroughs is the ugliest site ever :(
17:45.18hasteisn't that the server which is filled with retards? (ie. "I wanna be on pro server")
17:45.32hasteFryGuy-: the author sucks as HTML would be my guess
17:45.36vhaarrFryGuy-: and you?
17:45.47FryGuy-burning blade (US)
17:45.56vhaarrokay ;)
17:46.04FryGuy-i heard there was a BB EU too
17:46.14hasteI played on Burning Blade EU
17:46.21*** join/#wowace ToastTheif (
17:46.31ToastTheifokay this sucks
17:46.39hastebut we migrated to Grim Batol some time ago
17:46.39ToastTheifI found an older freeware version of fraps
17:46.44vhaarryeah the servernames are the same
17:46.46vhaarron EU and US
17:46.50ToastTheifbut it can only capture 640x400
17:46.59ToastTheifI can't even set wow to that low of a resolution
17:47.15ToastTheifI'll just have to keep looking when I get home I guess
17:47.18hasteToastTheif: Use GameCam if you can't be arsed to pay
17:48.05Mikmaag`: are you 100% sure that the code works? ;)
17:49.56Mikmachrist SVN is slow
17:53.49Mikmaag`: aye, works nicely. good job laddie
17:58.42MoonWolfwriting xchat plugins in lua
17:58.48MoonWolfwhat more could a person want.
17:59.09hyperChipmunkTem: you around?
17:59.21MoonWolfrandomized slaps!!
18:00.07hyperChipmunkMoonWolf: truly you have achieved the pinnacle of computer science
18:00.32MoonWolfDon't judge me!
18:00.40wereHamsterGameCam has some nice features, I should add some of them to my video capture application :)
18:03.37vhaarristanbul can capture opengl, I think
18:03.39vhaarrfor gnome
18:05.07ag`Mikma, it found out how to find the difference between the top of the screen and the top of the frame without using GetPoint
18:06.21ag`haste, is tinsert different from just doing table.blah = ...
18:08.06*** join/#wowace Jarenthal (
18:11.35wereHamstercan someone else confirm that MAIL_FAILED is fired whenever a mail is sent, regardless whether it was successful or not?
18:12.57IndustrialNeronix`afk: hows your download?
18:20.54hyperChipmunkwereHamster: no, but now I remember why i didn't use MAIL_SUCCESS for BulkMail
18:21.10hyperChipmunkit fires at times other than sending mails
18:21.13hyperChipmunklike opening the mailbox
18:21.22hyperChipmunker, MAIL_SEND_SUCCESS
18:26.14wereHamsterhyperChipmunk, yep, I removed the event code from my addon.. :-/
18:27.33Urulokehmm, chinese characters must be written using \numbers and stuff, no?
18:29.09MoonWolfthe mail events make no sense.
18:29.14hyperChipmunkyea, they don't
18:30.10Amadeosome guy posting his UI, uses some Ace mods, hehe
18:30.21Amadeoon my server
18:32.19Mikmathe old one has discord in it ;D
18:32.37MoonWolfseeing people use perfect raid, such a nice sight.
18:32.39Mikmanew has bongos, 25mb
18:33.07Industrialhe still has 75MB INCREASE
18:33.08hasteag`: yes, with table.blah =, you overwrite it to say so
18:33.15Industrialthats fucking rediculous
18:33.25Industrialoh, KiB/s :P
18:33.33Industrialstill rediculous
18:33.47MoonWolfi think we can blame ktm for that.
18:33.50IndustrialIts like 1/2 normally
18:33.54Industrialwhen stuff happend
18:33.56Industrial0 otherwise
18:33.58ag`haste, my problem was that I needed to point at places in my database in the set/get functions
18:34.14hasteIndustrial: KLTHM + using the CTRA channel = spamming a raid addon and itself
18:34.24*** join/#wowace ckknight_ (
18:34.36FryGuy-klthm is so spammy :(
18:34.42Industrialcommunicative addons are the devil
18:34.46MoonWolfthat agro meter creates SO DAMN MUCH overhead.
18:34.51hasteFryGuy-: yeh, it's insane =
18:34.58*** join/#wowace Tem|Work (i=WoWGuruJ@
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18:34.59hasteI was running oRA in debug mode
18:35.05Tem|WorkTekkub: you here?
18:35.07hastein a PUG AQ20
18:35.14FryGuy-like every 5 seconds it's like "KLTHM Threat 0" :\
18:35.19hastewere everyone used the threatmeter
18:35.24hasteFryGuy-: it's ever second from one person....
18:35.34Tem|WorkFryGuy- welcome to shitty comm code
18:35.40hasteno, it's every two second :p
18:35.57Industrialwhy do you need such an addon
18:36.00MoonWolfthat already halves its overhead
18:36.08MoonWolfIndustrial, guesstimating agro.
18:36.18Industrialfor what
18:36.21Tem|WorkI will admit that it's interesting to watch
18:36.22MikmaThrae: there's something interesting going with the tooltips, it's either MonkeyQuest or TinyTip, but when i attack some questkill (marked as x/x) the quest-line disappears while i'm in combat with the mob. but when he dies the line comes back
18:36.24Industrialdoes aggro come in numbers?
18:36.26Tem|Workbut seriously, l2p
18:36.40MoonWolfmaking sure your offtanks and backups tanks are directly behind the MT
18:36.40Tem|WorkIndustrial: 1 damage = 1 threat (for most attacks)
18:36.48MoonWolfso if MT looses agro, they are next in line.
18:36.54IndustrialI see
18:36.56vhaarrfor "white" damage, 1=1
18:37.05Tem|Workmost spells, too
18:37.10MoonWolfthats how we understnad the formula' s anyway
18:37.20Tem|Workthere's just certain abilities that do more or less
18:37.22MoonWolfmuch more could be going on at blizzards side of the fence.
18:37.26vhaarrrogue abilities give less, warrior abilities give more
18:37.37Tem|Workoh, and 2 damaged healed = 1 threat
18:38.03Tem|Work(or if you are a paladin, 4 damaged healed = 1 thread)
18:38.04MoonWolfand modifying aura's / stances / buffs.
18:38.13hasteI really, really, really dislike the threatmeter addon
18:38.19hasteit's the work of SATANQ!
18:38.25Tem|Workhaste: I must agree
18:38.32hasteIt's like a addon telling you to play
18:38.34MoonWolfI concur.
18:38.40Tem|WorkI find it somewhat interesting to watch
18:38.44Tem|Workbut seriously, l2p
18:38.47haste"oh no, don't push that button - something EVIL EVIL EVIIIIL will happen."
18:38.50hyperChipmunkTem|Work: could you try writing Tab in AceTab as a test, tonight?  It oughtn't take more than 15 mins of your time, but I want to get some feedback
18:39.06Tem|WorkhyperChipmunk, um
18:39.19Tem|WorkI'm supposed to run MC tonight
18:39.26Tem|Workmaybe I can get another officer to lead the raid
18:39.31hyperChipmunknah, it's okay
18:39.34Tem|Workso I can tab out to code constantly
18:39.45Tem|Work(because leading an MC raid fucking sucks nowadays)
18:39.59Tem|Workesp with everyone wanting to take their damned alts
18:40.23Tem|WorkhyperChipmunk: you have some kind of documentation for AceTab?
18:40.26Icerothhah, you too then :P
18:40.36Tem|WorkI hate alts
18:40.41hyperChipmunkI'm writing it now =)
18:40.43Tem|Workbecause they think they deserve gear over mains
18:40.44hasteTem|Work: I bring my alt to BWL!
18:40.58hastebut then again - BWL is a disenchant party for us
18:41.05hasteand my warlock got full felheart in one run ;------D
18:41.06*** join/#wowace Tuplad (
18:41.08hyperChipmunkbut that's partly why I want your input
18:41.17Tem|WorkI especially hate priest alts because they think it's OK to win DPS gear over mains who need it more
18:41.21MoonWolfplease please, can i log in my lvl 50 rogue so he can get the CTS ?
18:41.29hyperChipmunkI want to know if the current api is feasible
18:41.39FryGuy-hmm anyone know what the main button frames are?
18:41.42Tupladhm, is it possible to like: check if you can attack that person(in other words: is it in range to attack) and then execute the list of commands ?
18:42.07Tem|WorkTuplad, go to the US UI and macro forums
18:42.14Tem|Workthat question gets asked all the fucking time
18:42.21Tem|Work(and we're damn tired of answering it
18:42.25Tem|Workso RTFM)
18:42.28Tuplad>_> well
18:42.32TupladIm from europe
18:42.36Tupladso never been interested in US forums
18:43.06TainThe UI and Macro fourm is unparalled in its usefulness.
18:43.09Tupladbut I have my "addon" already
18:43.14Tem|WorkhyperChipmunk: got an example or anything I can look at now?
18:43.18Tupladthe coldblood + eviscerate one
18:43.19Tem|WorkI have a few minutes
18:43.21TainIs there even a EU version of it?  Ehn who cares!  USA!  USA!
18:43.28Tupladand I want to add range check so it so I dont waste my cold blood
18:43.43Tem|Workread the FAQ damnit
18:44.05hyperChipmunkthat's not very explanatory though
18:44.06*** join/#wowace MoonWolf (
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18:44.07TainThere's probably a hundred examples of that exact type of macro/function/etc. already out there, Tuplad.
18:44.27TainThere's more Rogue "ez-mode" buttons than you can shake a stick at.
18:44.57AmadeoLike the one that says "Enter World"!
18:45.08hasteoh oh oh!
18:45.12Tupladhonestly, I have _NO IDEA_ of what to look for
18:45.13TainI did experience something new as a Rogue though.
18:45.18hasteI just want to say: Auto rogue!
18:45.29Tem|WorkhyperChipmunk, ok
18:45.29hasteeverything a combat rogue needs to do - on one button!
18:45.31*** join/#wowace MoonWolf (
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18:45.39hyperChipmunkI send the entire text to a function and want all the possible matches
18:45.40TainNew server, guild gearing up from zero for the first time, and I'm one of the first people to win a good weapon, Gutgore Ripper.
18:45.48Tem|WorkhyperChipmunk, now how do I tell it to fall back on mine when no others match?
18:46.03TainWhen almost no one else has any weapon drops yet it's actually a challenge to not pull aggro.
18:46.06Tem|WorkhyperChipmunk, because there's not really a regex I can use to describe that
18:46.07hyperChipmunkbasically, all you need to do is send a table of strings for all the valid people, basically
18:46.15hyperChipmunkyou woulnd't use a regex
18:46.23hyperChipmunkjust use "" or ".*" something
18:46.30purl*** Incoming Tentacle Rape Party - Pleasure! ***
18:46.58Shyvahaste! fear the forum guys, you scared them with the "rape" word! :o
18:46.58Tem|WorkhyperChipmunk, so, all I have to do is mine the names and spit them at you?
18:47.04hyperChipmunkyes sir
18:47.17hyperChipmunki told you it woulnd't take long
18:47.21TainI like cake.
18:47.29purlNah, he's hot, suck him dry.
18:47.30Tem|WorkThe people are starving!
18:47.32hasteShyva: no shit, I've actually read the thread now
18:47.38Tem|WorkLet them eat cake
18:47.40hasteand... I have no comment
18:47.49TainWe've had epic "cake vs pie" arguments in guildchat.
18:47.54hastehow can you be offended by "rape" being used there?
18:48.04Tem|WorkTain, our GM is obsessed with Pie
18:48.22MoonWolfpie is much better then cake
18:48.28Mikmathen he must love weebls
18:48.29MoonWolfsimply becaues of apple pie
18:48.30hasteThe person who becomes offended by it being used in a C'Thun addon should REALLY be on VT with me for a day
18:48.30Tem|Worksomeone yells NINJA on vent *anytime* someone loots a [Homemade Cherry Pie]
18:48.46TainThere was a brief cheese constituency but their attempted coup was overthrown by someone pointing out cheesecake.
18:48.48Tem|Workoh god
18:48.55Tem|Workthe horrible things said on our vent server...
18:49.21hasteTem|Work: I have a example from ours: "Hey! Let's all gather around phage in a fuck circle! She can play with a didlo and..."
18:49.24TainI actually stopped myself from buying a mic'd headset.
18:49.29haste(And yes, that was actually said)
18:49.32MoonWolfVentrillo + geeks: Don't go near when you are young/christian/mentally sane
18:49.39TainI have enough trouble with restraint in guildchat/raidchat right now.
18:49.54TainUntil I can stop my fingers from typing what I shouldn't type, I can't trust my mouth.
18:50.07Tem|Work(though, the experience I'm most proud of is offending another guild that was raiding with us by saying "cockass" in chat
18:50.24Tem|Workinterestingly enough, "cockass" isn't filtered by the in-game profanity filter
18:50.32TainI started a huge fight because I asked about people rolling "need" on crap BOEs in a group
18:50.36hasteTem|Work: Download Harnessing Shadows 1, you can read me whining the guild chat of the movie :p
18:50.40hasteon another guild ^^;;
18:50.57Tem|Workdownload what?
18:51.03Industrialhaste: where? url?
18:51.06hasteWarlock movie
18:51.14Tem|Worksend a PM to the other me
18:51.19Tem|WorkI'll download it when I get home
18:51.54TupladI cant find a threat about my question on US forums btw
18:51.56hasteIndustrial: << it's that one or the second one :p
18:52.14Tem|WorkhyperChipmunk, suggested API change
18:52.23hyperChipmunkhit me
18:52.24Tem|WorkhyperChipmunk, provide the table
18:52.35IndustrialI wish there was forum software that changed 'u' to 'you' and '2nd' to 'second' etc
18:52.46Industrialmaybe people would notice and start spelling it correctly
18:52.52hasteIndustrial: reroll PunBB!
18:53.02Tem|Workwould lower memory churn if you maintain the table yourself rather than expecting each plugin to do it themselves
18:53.06hasteIt's easy to add such things ;D
18:53.16hyperChipmunknot sure i follow
18:53.42TupladTem: browsed 4 pages, no thread about it
18:54.06Industrialhaste: PunBB? *gewgle*
18:54.13Tem|WorkWhat's the first rule of forums?
18:54.19Slaymanif I try to <TAB> through my last whispers, my client says FUCK YOU and locks up completely any idea?
18:54.22SoltanisThaddius wipe detection is a bit quick... seems to be reset as soon as you die
18:54.29hastePunBB is the master of all forum software!
18:54.34hasteWhy? It supports Textile
18:54.48hasteor actually it doesn't, but I made it support it ;D
18:55.02Industrialis it light?
18:55.06hasteIndustrial: << load the sample
18:55.13Industrialhaste: I know textile :DD
18:55.15hastePunBB is a small forum
18:55.22hastenot many features
18:55.27Industrialthats good
18:55.29hyperChipmunkSlayman: I had that happen for like one revision of AceTab
18:55.31hastebut you don't need 80% of what's provided
18:55.41hyperChipmunki'm not sure if I even committed it
18:55.50hyperChipmunkupdate aceconsole and acetab
18:56.02CIA-1103uruloke * r5048 10ArcHUD2/ (ArcHUD2.toc Locale_enUS.lua Rings/Casting.lua):
18:56.02CIA-11ArcHUD (Ace2):
18:56.02CIA-11- Made changes to the locale file
18:56.02CIA-11- Changed addon name tag in the TOC to use the green -Ace2-
18:56.10Mikma<p>&#8220;zomg&#8221; j00 are <gayZ></p>
18:56.43Tem|WorkhyperChipmunk, AceTab:Registercompletion("TabNameComplete","",function(text,t) for name in GIANT_MAGIC_NAME_LIST do table.insert(t,name) end)
18:57.49Tem|WorkTekkub, you around? I need to ask you a question about BW
18:58.51ckknight_hey all
18:59.21*** mode/#wowace [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
19:01.11TupladTem: so it says its possible
19:01.39Tuplad | section 5 :]
19:02.22IndustrialTuplad: I think tem is trying to say "GO AWAI TAT NOT HOW U PLY"
19:04.24Tupladoh :\
19:04.56Tupladbah, well, what I was trying is: when I click my /cbevis addon, that it'll also check for wether Im in range to cast evis or not so CB wont get wasted
19:05.04TupladI like to jump around you see
19:05.52vhaarrFryGuy-: okay engaging gluth in a minute
19:06.55AmadeoI love this addon idea
19:07.02Amadeowonder how well it works!
19:07.16Amadeooh wait
19:07.19Amadeothat's just a plugin for another, bleh!
19:08.16Industrialhaste: gunna watch the warlock movies
19:08.19Industrialthey are yours?
19:08.24AmadeoLooto is kinda big
19:08.27hasteIndustrial: nope, it's a guildies
19:08.32hastehis quite good ;)
19:08.54Industrialzomg i hear chiptunes
19:09.12hasteYou can see various people whine in the GChat also :p
19:09.16Industrialand i recognize them all haha :P
19:09.27CIA-1103uruloke * r5049 10ArcHUD2/Core.lua:
19:09.27CIA-11ArcHUD (Ace2):
19:09.27CIA-11- Forgot to remove options using deleted locale, doh!
19:09.55hastethe chip tunes are from the opening of a machinae supremacy song tho'
19:11.03hasteYes, it's the start of Machinae Supremacy - The Great Gianna Sister
19:11.18hastewhich is a metal cover of the theme song from the same game
19:11.39Industrial1: some class loader 2: commando 3: cant remember 4: cookie baker or something 5: bubble bobble
19:11.59hyperChipmunkTem: hmm, make the regex the table key?
19:12.12hastebubble bobble owned!
19:12.16hasteI so miss that game
19:12.30hasteMachinae Supremacy has a cover of that song also ;D
19:17.51*** join/#wowace [1]Neriak (
19:23.54Urulokewow... FruityLoots completely freezes my WoW
19:24.25*** join/#wowace Elkano (
19:27.06AmadeoUruloke: really?
19:28.25Urulokeas soon as I enable it and login or reloadui it freezes
19:30.22Amadeowonder if something is conflicting with it
19:30.44vhaarrFryGuy-: BigWigsGluth:Scan() doesn't return true
19:31.11vhaarrFryGuy-: even if I have him targetted
19:31.34FryGuy-you have to be in combat with him
19:32.54vhaarrFryGuy-: which means I have to do something to aggro him or is +Combat enough?
19:33.17haste << haha
19:33.20haste/b/ ftw
19:34.22CIA-1103kemayo * r5050 10AuldLangSyne/AuldLangSyne.lua:
19:34.22CIA-11AuldLangSyne: (untested commit, for reasons of hard drive failure)
19:34.22CIA-11- Probable fix for "293: attempt to index field `?' (a nil value)" and "395: attempt to concatenate field `name' (a nil value)".
19:34.22CIA-11- Optimization of ShowFriends() - reduce the loop size.
19:34.25CIA-11- Remove 'no note' text from compact mode.
19:34.27Industrialhaste: lol
19:34.27CIA-11- Add scanning of /who results.
19:34.29CIA-11- Integrate patch from vhaarr to make lastseen display nicer.
19:34.41vhaarrKemayo: thanks
19:34.47hasteI love reading on 4chan
19:35.27*** part/#wowace Uruloke (
19:36.37Industrialyou mean fucking sick bitch
19:37.37*** join/#wowace ckknight_ (
19:38.58Elkanooh, Nevada-tan :)
19:39.09Industriallol that shit is funney :P
19:39.25Elkanowe are a bit /b/tardet, aren't we? ;)
19:39.49*** mode/#wowace [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
19:39.50Elkanodesu desu desu desu desu desu desu desu...
19:42.17haste/b/ owns ;D
19:42.42vhaarrKemayo: okay the last seen text doesn't show at all with your latest update ;)
19:42.54vhaarrKemayo: I know you said it's untested, I'm just letting you know.
19:45.07ag`Mr. haste
19:45.55ckknighthen you talk to a woman about sex it's sexual harassment but when they talk to you about sex it's $2.99 a minute
19:46.37hasteMr. ag`
19:47.05ag`haste, you had an idea to insert entries into AceOptions table using for... end
19:47.11Industrialhaste: stop sending me useless crap on irc I get hooked for hours every time
19:47.25hasteIndustrial: haha
19:47.50hasteag`: Let me backlog a little :p
19:48.02ag`I can show you the thread again
19:48.45*** join/#wowace Tem_ (
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19:49.19ckknightag`, yes, you copy-paste
19:49.37ckknightor use a for loop or something
19:49.56ag`I am trying a for loop atm
19:50.40hasteI was hinting towards a loop ;)
19:51.54ag`but yeah, the thing is, when I use the loop to do it all the functions inside point to the value from the for loop
19:53.55*** join/#wowace wowguru-8904 (
19:54.18Tem|Workoh pretty
19:54.27Tem|Workmy home machine lost internet
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19:55.42ag`line 20, 23 in that pastebin causes me trouble
19:55.43*** join/#wowace Tem_ (
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19:56.06Tem_take that bitch!
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19:57.38kergothIndustrial: if you use xchat or irssi, it doesnt seperate the join/quit spam, but the color of the tabs that indicates activity, that color tells you whether it was just join/quit spam or just emotes or if it was actual conversation.  better than nothing
19:59.05SlaymanTekkub: Feature Request [BigWigs]: Slashcommand to manually reset any encounter currently engaged     please
19:59.50Shyvayou can reset the bosses in the fubar thingie already
20:00.29Shyvajust click the boss name twce
20:00.29Slaymanhow gay
20:01.23Slaymanmake the button leftclickable to disable all bosses !
20:02.32JagobahYeah I need to report a bug for the emps module
20:04.23Tem|Workyou can do so on the forums
20:07.14Jagobahyeah I'm checking to make sure no one else reported it
20:08.13vhaarrFryGuy-: I think the decimate timer is off, it doesn't look like 105 seconds to me
20:08.24vhaarrFryGuy-: I have transcripts of 4 attempts now though, so I'll check tomorrow
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20:14.29Tem|Work<3 clad|work
20:16.47Mikmaag`: how about pet-frames?
20:17.09ag`Mikma, player pet works, party pets works too if you uncomment something
20:17.42Mikmaag`: don't need, was asking since i'm about to order my friends friend to install ag_UnitFrames since he's bugging me out to get MG2 working on him
20:18.11ag`I am getting a dewdrop menu working in few seconds
20:18.18Mikmaoh cool :D
20:19.57Mikmackknight: "War is out, pound your trout"
20:20.25ckknighthehe, yep
20:25.04CIA-1103neriak * r5051 10Paparazzi/ (4 files):
20:25.04CIA-11- fixed a bug where auto-shots feature didn't hide the UI
20:25.04CIA-11- fixed key bindings and localization
20:25.04CIA-11- added feature to hide PC/NPC names while taking a screenshot
20:25.05CIA-11- added some extra checks for stability
20:27.03Neriakhmm didn't know the bot would post the linefeeds ;)
20:28.21Jagobahfry guy fry guy :D
20:28.49CIA-1103neriak * r5052 10Paparazzi/: Paparazzi : gimme date rev damnit!
20:30.29CIA-1103neriak * r5053 10Paparazzi/Paparazzi.toc: Paparazzi: keywords date and rev don't work ??
20:30.40Neriakok NOW it's done :-/
20:31.36Neriakit seems the SVN doesn't like $Date:$ and $Revision:$ ... it has to be $Date: $ and $Revision: $ ...
20:34.25CIA-1103ag * r5054 10ag_UnitFrames/ (ag_Defaults.lua ag_UnitClass.lua ag_UnitFrames.lua):
20:34.25CIA-11ag_UnitFrames -
20:34.47Mikmaag`: the order you enter them in .lua? :D
20:35.50Mikmaholy crap the www-svn is slow
20:36.03hastewhy use the WebSVN?
20:36.31Mikmajust to check out the files
20:36.44Mikma(look what's in the .lua etc)
20:37.04Mikmathis is fast enough
20:37.10Mikmathe wwwpage is sooooo slow
20:37.45ag`Mikma, it is in alphabetical order
20:37.59ag`not the order I put them into the table
20:38.24Mikmawell tinytip has them in misc order
20:38.47ag`tinytip uses dewdrop directly, I use AceOptions
20:39.20ag`AceOptions were meant for slash commands I think so there's no way to select an order
20:40.37Mikmawell so use dewdrop :D
20:40.50ag`AceOptions+dewdrop is cooler
20:42.23ag`but I am not sure if AceOptions have the flexibility to create a dewdrop menu any way you'd like it atm
20:42.50ag`like headers, ordering, localized radiobuttons
20:42.55kergothi want the non-aceoptions dewdrop tables in deucecommander's dewdrop ;)
20:42.59hyperChipmunkit doesn't
20:43.12hyperChipmunkit doesn't have to, as far as I'm concerned
20:43.17hyperChipmunkit's a quick display
20:43.29hyperChipmunkmax convenience
20:43.39hyperChipmunkyou have to do barely anything to include it
20:43.54hyperChipmunkit's basically graphical slash-command
20:44.07hyperChipmunkfor those who are afraid of them
20:44.57hyperChipmunkthat's all it should be; make it more and it loses it's primary benefit: that it's so easy to include, pretty much every author will include it
20:45.35ag`It could be used for creating GUI windows easily, if someone made an "options dialog" library like dewdrop
20:45.43hyperChipmunkthat's on the table, still
20:45.50hyperChipmunkAceGUI2 comes first, however
20:45.58hyperChipmunkit will be a subset of that
20:46.20ag`but such a thing would probably require an "order" field
20:46.22Icerothso what's acegui2 gonna be like?)
20:46.27hyperChipmunktalk to tem
20:46.53ag`so the author could decide in what order the dropdowns, checkboxes would show
20:47.05Mikmaag`: the boxes go over screens edges :P
20:47.15ag`Mikma, get a bigger screen
20:47.25Mikmaag`: i can't it's builtin
20:47.54ag`it follows the mouse cursor
20:47.54Icerothok, more relevant question, any eta on acegui2?
20:48.17MikmaIceroth: i think tem's responsible of acegui2
20:48.19hyperChipmunkwhen he's done with it
20:48.48Mikmaag`: thank GOD the lock works :D
20:49.17Icerothwell the man is here, i was hoping he could answer that :)
20:49.58Mikmaag`: will be a nice config :)
20:50.29ag`I hope aguf is a bit more usable after today Mikma :P
20:50.52ag`still, the dewdrop menu could use more help
20:50.55Mikmaag`: yeah the most important part was that you managed to fix the snaptogrid bug
20:51.35Mikmasnatogrid <3 such a divine addon
20:51.58ag`If they decide that ordering isn't getting to AceOptions I might have to go over to creating the the dewdrop menu
20:52.07ag`while it works now it is pretty cluttered
20:52.24*** join/#wowace Kaelten (n=Kaelten@
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20:52.48Mikmaask kaelten about it ag
20:53.39MikmaKaelten: <2351> <ag`> If they decide that ordering isn't getting to AceOptions I might have to go over to creating the the dewdrop menu
20:53.59ag`not sure if that is Kaelten
20:54.14ag`he's not authoring on AceConsole/Dewdrop
20:54.20ag`I think
20:54.26Mikmawell he can help too :)
20:54.36KaeltenI'm the lead developer on the Ace Project ag`
20:54.38hyperChipmunkyea, but he says what goes
20:54.52ag`I see :P
20:54.52hyperChipmunkthe big kahuna
20:55.10Kaeltenwhile I don't know how it happened, that does seem to be the position I'm in :)
20:55.21*** join/#wowace ven (
20:55.32ag`anyway Kaelten, now that you're here
20:56.02ag`AceOptions is a really good way to make a working dewdrop menu
20:56.17Kaeltenas far as ordering, Its something that needs to be addressed for both dewdrop and aceconsole
20:56.36TainYou really really have to watch this.
20:56.52Kaeltentrying to figure out how to do it is the interesting question :s
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20:57.15ag`Is ordering something You'd like to have or is it something that you think is outside the intentions of AceOptions?
20:57.47Kaeltenthats soemthign else we need to look at.
20:57.49hyperChipmunkif you want ordering, you can make a dewdrop
20:57.52kergothKaelten: it shouldnt be hard... just numerically index the args instead of by the name, keep name as an element of its table, and sort by the numeric indices
20:58.01kergothKaelten: along the lines of how the old chat options table worked
20:58.03Neriakwhile we're at ordering. I'm not happy with AceLocale ... the current usage doesn't allow localizing command options, nor localizing keybindings (BINDING_NAME_BLABLA = "bla", BINDING_HEADER_ADDON = "bla")
20:58.35Neriaki still would have to use if GetLocale =="deDE" and shit
20:58.36hyperChipmunkacelocale is ckknight's creation
20:58.47ag`hyperChipmunk, you wouldn't have to add ordering to have an AceOptions table work with AceConsole
20:58.50Neriakthat's not making any sense in my opinion
20:59.03hyperChipmunkpeople don't just want ordering though
20:59.11hyperChipmunkthey want ordering, spaces, and headers
20:59.25KaeltenNeriak: localized chat options should be easy to do.
20:59.43hyperChipmunkby the time it's over with, you're gonna end up with a dewdrop anyways
20:59.45kergothhyperChipmunk: the thing is, people have to make an aceoptions for their commandline anyway.  if anything, they should be able to supplement an existing aceoptions table with that extra information for the gui
20:59.51Neriakhow? you can't do L"reset" = {...
20:59.56kergothhyperChipmunk: you dont want to force devs to duplicate, and you dont want them to have to reinvent the console stuff
21:00.31hyperChipmunkI think the aceoptions dewdrop should be nothing more than a graphical commandline, since there are many people who fear slashcommands
21:00.36Kaeltenkergoth: and thats how its looking at working so far,  there are a few other flags I want to put in too, like : guiIgnore = true/false
21:01.04Ratbert_CP[13:51-2] ...\BagBoy2\Ace2\AceLocale-2.0\AceLocale-2.0.lua:120: attempt to call method `argCheck' (a nil value)
21:01.12Kaeltenneriak [L"reset"]
21:01.15ag`You see, if you only want too add a slash command input to your addon, you don't have to put ordering, headers, spaces into your AceOptions table
21:01.45kergothright, we need supplementary data for those who want the gui to be more than just a graphical commandline
21:01.51NeriakKaelten: hm have to play with this
21:01.57hyperChipmunkTain: that is the most awesome thing ever
21:02.07kergothon another note, the new kicks ass
21:02.09KaeltenAce Options tables are meant to be a global all purpose config block that should work with all both console and gui
21:02.17kergothand on that note, the linux amarak player supports streams directly now
21:02.38Amadeocan anyone fix TinyTip? :P
21:02.41Industrialkergoth: their shitty client doesnt work with fll screen apps
21:02.45MikmaAmadeo: thrae can
21:03.01SoltanisKaelten : you fixed the problem now, thank you
21:03.08KaeltenSoltanis: what problem?
21:03.14ag`so I guess that means yes, ordering will come at some point to support GUI...
21:03.19ag`thanks :)
21:03.20Neriak[23:02-1647] Paparazzi\Paparazzi.lua:90: "args" keys must be standard strings. "Zurücksetzen" is not appropriate.
21:03.43KaeltenNeriak: I'm going to talk to ckknight about that.
21:03.53Kaeltenspaces aren't allowed either
21:04.02Neriakit seems it doesn't like zur\195\188cksetzen
21:04.20Neriakthat's reset btw :P
21:04.20Kaeltenya, and it should allow it really.
21:04.21Industrialoh I see they have a new client too
21:04.24Industriallets try it again
21:04.45kergothIndustrial: dont use the client if you're in linux, use amarok, it kicks's player's ass
21:04.48kergothIndustrial: :)
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21:06.14Industrialkergoth: im in windows :p
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21:07.14kergothdunno if theres a decent windows one yet
21:07.27AmadeoMikma: Thrae's MIA for like 2 days!
21:07.38clad|work=) Tem_
21:08.01KaeltenOne other thing about AceOptions thats *neat* if you ask me is that it some ways it can be treated as an standard and anyone who wants to write a prog that can parse and use that standard can go for it.
21:08.15MikmaAmadeo: well whaleslap him
21:08.40AmadeoI would! But he's not around!
21:08.45kergothIndustrial: :)
21:09.45KaeltenNeriak: I think the reason aceconsole wants a standard string as the key is that the key is used for the actual chat command
21:10.29Mikmakergoth: boooo! i thought it's a wow screenshot
21:10.51kergothhavent made any major changes to my ui lately :P
21:11.05kergoth is the last one i took, to show the new auctioneer addon
21:11.48Mikmakergoth: seems like you still got the tilted version of minimaptexture :D
21:12.03kergoththats arcanaminimap, making it all spinny outside of combat
21:12.07kergothjust for the sheer novelty of it
21:12.09CIA-1103neriak * r5055 10Paparazzi/ (4 files):
21:12.09CIA-11- changed localization of key bindings
21:12.10kergothi'm easily entertained
21:12.19Mikmakergoth: hehe yeah i know the version :D
21:12.50Mikma"Based on the Mikma interface compilation,
21:12.51Mikmathis add-on make an original border roll on the minimap when not in combat"
21:13.07Slaymanwoohoo we got  a noob  down (what a Wordplay)
21:13.10Mikmaand same for french!
21:13.11Mikma"Basée sur la compilation d'amélioration d'interface de Mikma
21:13.12MikmaCet add-on remplace la bordure de la minimap par une texture originale et la fait tourner lorsqu'on est hors combat"
21:13.50Mikmakergoth: the funny thing is all i did was point a link to my minimap-texture and someone made it a rotating minimap, which is cool :D
21:13.52*** part/#wowace Tuplad (
21:14.04kergothits cute. entirely pointless, but cute
21:14.19Mikmasomeone should make a KITT-scanner too
21:15.09Mikma"this scanner will start to scan when you enter combat"
21:15.24Mikma"now with SOUND!"
21:15.57Neriakyeah, let's hollywood WoW!
21:18.11Industrialsomeone should make a warrior interface with pictures of the juggernaut and text lines with "I'm the Juggernaut biiaaatch!!!"
21:18.54Mikmaag`: seems liek i fucked up my unitframes :D
21:19.11phyberre: kitt-scanner
21:19.21ag`Mikma, how o.O
21:20.00Mikmaag`: well i found out the reason, i had put the "absolute" option on in some place :D
21:20.26Mikmaag`: i had 2x values ontop of each other hehe
21:21.06ag`huh? I am confused... Something I should fix? :)
21:21.37Mikmaag`: just make sure that the options work like they should ;D
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21:22.14Mikmaag`: /aguf -> units -> player -> bartextstyle -> absolute ....
21:22.18Mikmaag`: try it and use /rl ;D
21:25.08Kaeltenbe back later guys
21:26.35*** part/#wowace Cairenn (
21:26.52Ratbert_CPAceLocale-2.0 suxxors hard...
21:27.24Ratbert_CPOr the wiki docs do...
21:27.32ckknight_how so?
21:27.41Ratbert_CP[14:29-8] AceLocale(MyAddon): You have not provided adequate translations. You must at least have global function MyAddon_Locale_enUS that returns a translation table.
21:27.41Ratbert_CP[14:29-8] AceLocale(BagBoy2): You have not provided adequate translations. You must at least have global function BagBoy2_Locale_enUS that returns a translation table.
21:27.50Industrialkergoth: ah it works now full screen
21:27.52Ratbert_CPyet I follow the examples quite closely...
21:29.06Ratbert_CPSo do I L:Register(locale, func) or define function AddOn_Locale_<locale>?
21:29.41kergothIndustrial: someone should add support to foobar to stream ;)
21:30.03Mikmackknight_: ag` has some "sorting" issues with AceOptions, it always sorts the menus by alphabets, not the way he enters them
21:30.54Industrialhmmm, Spinefarm records' bands own :D Kalmah, Children of Bodom, Ensiferum, Finntroll, Nightwish, Norther
21:31.22MikmaIndustrial: Finnish label...
21:31.22Industrialthey all have THE sound
21:31.23IndustrialMikma: yeah
21:31.35NeriakRatbert_CP: look at Paparazzi on SVN, my localizations are working fine there
21:31.58*** join/#wowace MvA|Slayman (
21:32.04Industrialits the kind of music that you get with game videos, makes you wanna get out there and make nice kills.. well does for me :P
21:32.09ckknight_Mikma, I know
21:32.38Mikmackknight_: so, is there any easy way of sorting them otherwise? :)
21:32.52Neriakckknight_: i'm a sad panda ... AceLocale wan't take a localized Chat command when it's for eg. [L"Reset"] = "Zur\195\188cksetzen" ... I get an error telling me I'm not using standard strings
21:33.17Neriaks \wan't\won't
21:33.35ckknight_you're not
21:33.44ckknight_the keys should be simple
21:33.48Neriakyeah but for some languages it's needed ...
21:34.04ckknight_and lowercase, typically
21:34.07Neriaki could write it like zuruecksetzen, which would suck though
21:35.47Neriakto be honest it's not a critical point to fix to me, but someone 'could' run into trouble
21:35.59Neriakdon't know how about chinese, korean etc.
21:36.10Neriakthey're using a lot of other chars
21:36.38Ratbert_CPOK, I think I had a bad C&P error...
21:37.03NeriakRatbert_CP: so you don't hate ckknight_ anymore ? ;)
21:37.12Ratbert_CPNever did...  :)
21:37.30Ratbert_CPBTW, did you ever read your email?
21:37.30ckknight_I don
21:37.34Neriakwait .. pasting some fake quotes :P
21:37.38ckknight_I don't trust them furriners
21:39.38Ratbert_CPHmmm...  Still getting: [14:39-14] AceLocale(BagBoy2): You have not provided adequate translations. You must at least have global function BagBoy2_Locale_enUS that returns a translation table.
21:40.56Neriakckknight_: people are bitching at me because my latest two Ace2 addons are using ~1200 kb mem at startup, they've used warmup to check. With Ace 1.3 it's like 100 kb only .. what I don't understand is: even if I load a separate Ace2 that is loading before my addons, they're using that much memory ..
21:41.26Neriaki'll upload a warmup screenshot if you want me to proof that
21:41.36ckknight_warmup is flawed
21:41.58ag`How do I block BlizzardRaidUI?
21:42.11kergothckknight_: in what way?
21:42.12Neriakthat's what I've been thinking, too ..
21:42.13Mikmaag`: it's bugged atm
21:42.19ag`what is bugged Mikma
21:42.23hyperChipmunkMBR wfm
21:42.25ckknight_it should be testing after a garbage collection
21:42.32Mikmaag`: it does block it from starting, but if you enter raid it will still load up
21:42.37ckknight_because that'd be the _real_ size of the addon
21:42.43hasteckknight_: gogo fix the flaw!
21:43.01Mikmaag`: Blizzard_RaidUI ... use MiniBlizzRaid to block it when partying with peeps.. doesn't work in raid tho
21:43.20hasteMikma: doesn't.. work... in raids...???
21:43.27hastewhat have you been drinking lately?
21:43.34ag`I don't want an addon to remove an addon ^_^
21:43.43kergothckknight_: ah, so its picking up the local allocations that arent permanently kept around?
21:43.45Mikmahaste: yes it won't stop Blizzard_RaidUI from loading in raids
21:43.59hasteag`: miniblizzraid hijacks the loadup function, and adds the functionality it removes
21:44.06ckknight_kergoth, as far as I can tell
21:44.44hasteag`: this means it prevents the Blizz_RaidUI from loading, and still provide the functionality which is needed (ready checks, group overview)
21:44.48ckknight_but it also includes the strings that are used and tossed, and the wrapped function which is the library file
21:45.03Mikmahaste: also it's bugged atm (RaidUI) and it DOES load when you enter raid
21:45.09Neriakthe problem is that a _lot_ of people are toying around with warmup and keep whining and bitching about ace2 addons memory usage
21:45.10hasteMikma: BEEP!
21:45.17kergothckknight_: itd sure add a lot of overhead if it gc'd after each load though :\
21:45.20hasteMikma: Have you noticed that the RAIDUI LOADS ON LOGIN?!
21:45.22kergothmight be worthwhile just to see the results
21:45.24gnorlishtell them that the libraries used make everything more efficient
21:45.28ag`haste, sounds good
21:45.29ckknight_kergoth, most people shouldn't be using Warmup, then
21:45.32gnorlishand don't say anything else
21:45.40kergothi leave it loaded atm, since its overhead isnt high
21:45.47Neriaki got 2 guys that went back to the older ac 1.3 versions because of this ... they don't understand things
21:45.47Mikmahaste: yes/no :)
21:45.53ckknight_it's for debugging purposes only :-P
21:45.55gnorlishso they lose out
21:46.01Mikmahaste: it doesn't load when i'm outside raid... but it does load when iäm in raid
21:46.03hasteMikma: MBR works, it blocks the Raid UI, BUT the Raid UI loads at login due to a bug in the event system in 1.10
21:46.11haste1.11 !
21:46.28Mikmahaste: that's what i've been saying all the time
21:46.46*** mode/#wowace [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
21:47.07hasteMikma: no, your saying that MBR doesn't work, and that it doesn't block the raid UI in a raid
21:47.29ckknightfor every addon, warmup should GC, check memory, run addon, GC, compare memory
21:47.31kergothmbr does work, just not as well as it should
21:47.33Ratbert_CPStoopid AceLocale-2.0...  Still fubar...
21:47.39Mikma<0045> <Mikma> haste: also it's bugged atm (RaidUI) and it DOES load when you enter raid
21:47.40ckknightthen that'd be the real size of the addon
21:47.47ckknightRatbert_CP, what's the problem?
21:48.05Mikma<0041> <ag`> How do I block BlizzardRaidUI?
21:48.05hastekergoth: well, it works just as it did before - just that the raid ui loads at PEW :<
21:48.08Mikma<0042> <Mikma> ag`: it's bugged atm
21:48.10Ratbert_CP(14:41:57) Ratbert_CP: Hmmm...  Still getting: [14:39-14] AceLocale(BagBoy2): You have not provided adequate translations. You must at least have global function BagBoy2_Locale_enUS that returns a translation table.
21:48.10Ratbert_CP(14:43:16) Ratbert_CP:
21:48.20clad|gymi posted like 19,000 times abotu exactly what happens with MBR
21:48.28kergothMikma: uh, no, it doesnt load when you enter raid
21:48.29ckknightRatbert_CP, using an old version?
21:48.35kergothMikma: did you not even read the link you pasted?
21:48.35hyperChipmunkI counted 19,004
21:48.46hasteI counted 19k4 !
21:48.50Ratbert_CPUpdated my externals earlier today...
21:49.00cladhairethe gym and i didn't agree today
21:49.05Mikma0046> <haste> 1.11 !
21:49.09cladhairemeaning i have other things to do
21:49.16ckknightcladhaire, flood
21:49.28Ratbert_CPlocal MAJOR_VERSION = "AceLocale-2.0"
21:49.29Ratbert_CPlocal MINOR_VERSION = "$Revision: 3759 $"
21:49.29cladhaireckknight: Good album by TMBG
21:49.40Mikmakergoth: for me it seems not to load outside raid or so, but it does load when i enter raid :)
21:49.45kergothvery good album indeed
21:49.49Ratbert_CPcladhaire: Their best until "Here come the ABC's"...
21:49.56kergothMikma: well, then dont paste links that contradict you
21:50.00ckknightRatbert_CP, I'm up to 4519.
21:50.08Neriaklocal MAJOR_VERSION = "AceLocale-2.0"
21:50.08Neriaklocal MINOR_VERSION = "$Revision: 4519 $"
21:50.20Neriakyou're using an old version, yes
21:50.37Ratbert_CPThen my externals are fubar...
21:50.45Mikmakergoth: well all i can say is... when i'm not in raid/have not been in raid, it works like it should. but when i enter raid / reload game when i'm already in raid it won't stop loading.
21:50.51hasteAnyway, would it be possible to actually do what ckk said regarding Warmup?
21:50.58ckknightvery possible
21:51.08hastethen what are you waiting for ;o
21:51.15cladhaireHow would it be possibel?
21:51.31ckknighthow wouldn't it be?
21:51.31hasteI don't understand how at least :(
21:51.49cladhairejust add a collectgarbage() to each side of ADDON_LOADED
21:51.51CIA-1103ag * r5056 10ag_UnitFrames/ (ag_UnitClass.lua ag_UnitFrames.lua): ag_UnitFrames - Dewdrop menu opens when you alt-click a frame
21:51.54cladhaireits not flawed
21:51.57cladhairewe just didn't have CG before.
21:52.07ckknightI'll make a branch of warmup that does it
21:52.16Ratbert_CP~fishslap Ratbert_CP
21:52.19purlACTION slaps Ratbert_CP up side the head with a wet fish.
21:52.40cladhaireckknight: Talk to tekky later and just release it if it works like it should =)
21:53.41ckknightven, continue the cycle.
21:54.09Mikmacircle of life :D
21:54.15ag`we should add russian rulette to purl
21:54.26ag`like ~rulette
21:54.42purlACTION watches kergoth pull the trigger:  Click!
21:54.43Mikmathat wen't pretty nicely. the person which got insulted put the insult forward ;)
21:54.56purlACTION watches kergoth pull the trigger:  Click!
21:54.59snurreThrae: did you find out anything regarding raid target icons in tooltip?
21:55.04ag`hey, it already does russian roulette
21:55.15Mikma<0055> [freenode] <purl> Someone already said that 7 seconds ago
21:55.17purlACTION watches neriak pull the trigger:  Click!
21:55.17kergothrussian roulette is easily implemented with factoids
21:55.23kergoth~literal roulette
21:55.24purl"roulette" is "<action> watches $who pull the trigger: ( Click! | Click! | Click! | Click! | Click! | BANG!)"
21:55.28Neriakfuck i'm dead
21:55.34purlACTION watches kergoth pull the trigger:  Click!
21:55.34Neriakoh no
21:55.40Neriakclick is not pang :P
21:55.43kergothso its not accurate, but who cares
21:55.48purlACTION watches ag` pull the trigger:  BANG!
21:55.59ag`It was my first try
21:56.06kergoth~mourn ag`
21:56.07purlACTION lights some candles for ag`
21:56.07Neriakno it was your last!
21:56.30purlACTION watches haste pull the trigger:  Click!
21:56.51CIA-1103ckknight * r5057 10/branches/!!Warmup/: Warmup - making branch
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21:57.13Tupladyay, a flame war on forums of worldofwar ^_^
21:57.18purlACTION watches ckknight pull the trigger:  Click!
21:57.21Mikmackknight: hey, take my mods in your branch ;)
21:57.22CIA-1103ckknight 07ckknight * r5058 10!!Warmup/: Branching warmup
21:57.33ckknightMikma, your mods?
21:57.43kergothckknight: while you're at it, ditch the !!
21:57.44ag`warmup is bugged
21:57.44Mikmackknight: yeah i made 2 slashs in it, it's in branches ..
21:57.48kergothits useless on tons of machines anyway
21:57.52hasteYes, ditch the !! !
21:57.52ag`how can fruityloots use 2.5mb
21:58.02ckknightkergoth, it is?
21:58.07hasteag`: Ace2 + Ace2
21:58.11hasteag`: +no GC
21:58.17hasteag`: +incorrect Warmup
21:58.17kergothckknight: yes, not all operating systems, even within windows variants, return alphabetical.
21:58.22kergothckknight: lots return last modified
21:58.23Neriakag`: that's what people keep asking me
21:58.31Ratbert_CP[14:59-15] AceLocale(BagBoy2): Improper translation exists. "RuleLoadFailure" is likely misspelled for locale enUS. <--- Huh? o_O
21:58.32Neriakwarmup is bad, very bad
21:58.38kergothit isnt bad
21:58.46kergothit just shows the ace2 sizes in the first addon to use them
21:58.53ag`Neriak, I <3 fruityloots :O
21:58.55kergothand it reports ace2 bigger than it is, due to the issue that ck is fixing
21:58.59ckknightRatbert_CP, you only loading one translation?
21:59.08Mikmackknight: that's my branch which is in wrong place hehe
21:59.09Neriakag`: :)
21:59.31ag`Hay Mikma, give me some padding and scaling
21:59.32ckknightMikma, so just branch it to the proper place :-P
21:59.52Mikmackknight: no, just take the slashcommands and put them in your version and i'll delete mine
21:59.52kergothwhat part of !! is worthless didnt you get?
21:59.58Mikmaag`: gah :P
22:00.00ckknightokay, Mikma
22:00.06Mikmaag`: scaling is in already
22:00.13Mikmaag`: Neronix`afk did it yesterday
22:00.14ckknightkergoth, I'm not changing it, I'm keeping it how Tek had it
22:00.22ag`Mikma, can you set the number of buttons on each bar?
22:00.28kergothuh, you just created the branch. i call that a change.
22:00.43TainNow now !! isn't worthless on the systems it does load first on.  It's just not reliable or a good idea.  
22:01.00ckknightwhat is a better idea?
22:01.04TainThere isn't one that I know of.
22:01.05ag`Mikma, which one should I use... trunk or branch?
22:01.08TainBut that doesn't make it good by proxy.
22:01.10Mikmaag`: use Nurfed on that one, i don't think i will never code that feature in
22:01.12Mikmaag`: trunk
22:01.24TainI mean homocide isn't a good idea just because genocide is worse.
22:01.26Neriak!!! is a way better idea !
22:01.29ag`I am trying to use SVN stuff :-)
22:01.29Ratbert_CPckknight: I think I found the issue.  I've got two translation domains, and I was re-registering the same translation...
22:01.31kergoththeres no way to do it reliably other than making sure it loads first for each specific user by modifying a .toc or two.  myself, i echo LoadWith: Ace >> Warmup/Warmup.toc
22:01.41ckknightRatbert_CP, ah
22:03.24TainThe only thing I could think of was providing an installer that adds to the tocs of every installed addon.  And I think that's an even worse idea.  
22:03.42CIA-1103mikma * r5059 10/branches/Warmup/: This was in wrong place, use ckknight's version instead.
22:03.49hyperChipmunkdon't you have to echo #LoadWith: Ace?
22:04.28*** join/#wowace SilverShadow-CG (
22:04.33CIA-1103ckknight 07ckknight * r5060 10!!Warmup/ (!!Warmup.toc Warmup.lua): Warmup - merged in Mikma's slash command stuff
22:04.50kergothwhatever :)
22:04.55kergoth~lart purl
22:05.05kergoththe hamstercrap :(
22:05.12purlACTION watches ckknight pull the trigger:  Click!
22:05.45purlACTION watches mikma pull the trigger:  BANG!
22:05.45CIA-1103mikma * r5061 10/branches/Bartender/: Bartender: Use Trunk version instead, all these are in it already
22:05.50Mikmai'm dead
22:06.01Neriakshutup then :P
22:06.02Mikmapurl: you seem to hate ag and me, why?
22:06.19purlACTION watches neriak pull the trigger:  Click!
22:06.21ckknightI seem to keep surviving
22:06.33purlACTION watches ckknight pull the trigger:  Click!
22:06.39TainClick click boom.
22:06.57Neriak00:06] <purl> Someone already said that 8 seconds ago
22:07.02purlACTION watches neriak pull the trigger:  Click!
22:07.57*** join/#wowace ckknight_ (
22:08.53Mikmahi boss, bye boss
22:10.05*** mode/#wowace [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
22:10.10ckknightI'm gonna end up rewriting warmup
22:10.21ckknightone issue is that my WoW account expired this morning
22:12.47Mikmackknight: well buy more time!
22:12.56ckknightyea, that's the plan
22:13.05ckknightI need to go to a GameStop or something and buy one of those cards
22:13.23Mikmause visa to buy 1 month from net
22:13.45ckknightnah, I don't have a credit card anymore
22:14.02ckknightI was using my bank in Illinois, which I no longer use
22:14.09ckknightnow I have to get a new card here
22:14.21ckknightbut I like never buy stuff :-P
22:14.32ckknightso it might be easier to just get the cards
22:18.31purlACTION watches neronix`afk pull the trigger:  Click!
22:18.49kergothdamn throttling
22:18.53purlACTION watches kergoth pull the trigger:  Click!
22:18.57NeronixIndustrial: 1016mb/2534mb
22:19.24kergothckknight: heh, i tried adding collectgarbage calls.. with the nubmer of addons i use, the login is taking so long i'd swear its hung :P
22:19.50CIA-1103neriak * r5062 10/tags/Paparazzi_4.0/: Paparazzi: tag created for version 4.0
22:24.32Mikma~shoot someone
22:24.33purlACTION shoots someone in the foot with a frozen turkey cannon!
22:24.44Mikmadas nubs
22:24.57purlACTION watches ag` pull the trigger:  Click!
22:27.14*** join/#wowace FryGuy- (
22:28.00mjc<Darlys Unicorn Joy Squad>
22:30.43CIA-1103neriak * r5063 10/tags/Paparazzi/: Added folder for Paparazzi tags
22:34.03CIA-1103neriak * r5064 10/tags/Paparazzi_4.0/: Removed file/folder
22:34.14CIA-1103neriak * r5065 10/tags/Paparazzi_R3/: Removed file/folder
22:35.58CIA-1103neriak 07Paparazzi4.0 * r5066 10Paparazzi/: Paparazzi: once again .. tag created, but this time in an separate folder
22:36.23Mikmahar har!
22:39.28hastethe cardbars xpbar module.. is PURE EVIL!!!
22:39.48Mikmahaste: i know, i usually delete it since it crashes my wow ;)
22:39.49haste30min of bug searching oUF - oh, hey... it's cardbars fucking everything
22:39.54Neriakcardbars really need to be revamped
22:39.56hasteMikma: Other people don't
22:40.07hasteMikma: I'm giving oUF2 support over VT :p
22:40.28kergothNeriak: bartender is it, just needs to be made modular :)
22:40.29Mikmahaste: other people SHOULD since it really is bugged crap ^^
22:40.38hasteMikma: Other people don't know
22:40.44hasteI'm thinking of uploading my current version
22:40.56Mikmahaste: yeah they should buy a mac, it's really sensitive for crappy addons ;)
22:40.56hasteit works, and it doesn't have the XPBar module taht spawns demons
22:41.11Neriakkergoth: oh, I'm using only Visor for everything .. but I know that a lot of people are using Cardbars
22:41.11Mikmahaste: the channelling -bar fucks up, casting works ok
22:41.37Mikmaoh wait
22:41.47Mikmayou were talking about XP i was talking about casting
22:41.51Mikmacasting is evil too, really evil
22:42.04purlACTION watches neriak pull the trigger:  Click!
22:43.30purlACTION watches haste pull the trigger:  Click!
22:46.20*** join/#wowace SilverShadow (
22:46.46Neronixhaste: Where's this crazy thread by the guy who can't handle the cthun messages?
22:49.50Mikmaooh, drama
22:50.13*** join/#wowace hyperChipmunk (
22:50.40Mikmaoh man
22:50.58Mikmai'm kinda glad that tekkub stepped in to say what he has in mind in that thread
22:51.18TekkubThe message stays, period
22:51.19Mikmadon't you DARE to change the texts in BigWigs
22:51.32Tekkubbut I'm all for making the bitches shut up and still keeping em as users
22:51.38Mikmapeople can go back to CTRA if they get upset about that
22:52.03Tekkubthey can have an option, but the text is not being removed
22:52.22Mikmathe text is brilliant
22:52.34Mikmaeventho i have seen it like 50 times it still makes me smile everytime
22:52.38purl*** Incoming Tentacle Rape Party - 10~ sec! ***
22:52.43Mikmaoh noes!
22:52.50Tekkubyea I know, we have a longstanding guild joke about our raid leader and tentacles
22:52.58Tekkublong before AQ/BW were around
22:53.33Mikmawell the whole thing with tentacles, manga, and c'thun is funny
22:53.43TekkubI know :)
22:53.57Mikmai must tell you now this thing in finland...
22:53.58NeronixI'm going to use the message as a selling point when I eventually prepare my huge Convert-to-oRA-and-BigWigs-and-you-can't-disagree-with-me-because-I'm-the-only-guy-who-can-code-and-I-know-what-I'm-talking-about thread
22:54.24Mikmawe have a longdrink here called "otto" .. the longdrink is called "lonkero" in finnish, which also means tentancle..
22:54.28NeronixMy guild isn't big enough to raid yet, so it'll be easy to make all the people in my guild switch :P
22:54.57Mikma"why does otto watch porn? because otto is an 'lonkero'" ;)
22:55.22Mikmasorry :D
22:55.52purl*** Incoming Tentacle Rape Party - 10~ sec! ***
22:56.04purl*** Incoming Tentacle Rape Party - 5~ sec! ***
22:56.14Mikmapurl: i hate you sometimes
22:56.15purlYou hate you sometimes?
22:56.21purl*** Incoming Tentacle Rape Party - 10~ sec! ***
22:56.53purlACTION watches ag` pull the trigger:  BANG!
22:57.17purl*** Incoming Tentacle Rape Party - 5~ sec! ***
22:57.23Mikmapurl: aww c'mon
22:57.34purl*** Incoming Tentacle Rape Party - Pleasure! ***
22:57.58purlrumour has it, msbt is Mikk's Scrolling Battle Text, a possible SCT replacement, found at
22:59.08snurreare there any pros/cons for either of the choices?
23:00.30*** join/#wowace Kebinusan (
23:01.02Kebinusanboo no more dhud versions
23:01.55Kebinusanread the note at the top Drathal seems to be upset about somethin
23:02.33Mikmawell use archud or icehud
23:02.36*** join/#wowace Grumpey (
23:02.38JagobahI derailed the thread with my Emps mod problem
23:02.41GrumpeyYar ./
23:02.54Mikmadhud still is one of the best ui's i have used myself
23:03.31kergothKebinusan: ah :\
23:04.09hyperChipmunkbe cool! support your local ace2 project: svn co
23:04.12Kebinusanyeah kinda sad
23:05.02hyperChipmunkdunno what he's complaining about
23:05.19hyperChipmunkthose textures were the only thing i didn't like about the mod
23:05.59hyperChipmunkif people did that with one of my mods, that would be awesom
23:06.10hyperChipmunkand then i can steal their ideas if they're better than mine
23:06.12Kebinusanhe could have at least posted a link
23:06.43KebinusanI havent looked at archud recently any screenshots?
23:06.59hyperChipmunkI'd post one, but for some reason my archud isn't showing its arcs
23:07.09hyperChipmunki ought to back up a few revisions
23:13.31GrumpeyDrathal Stopped working on DHUD,
23:14.43MikmaGrumpey: oh noes :8
23:19.00Mikmahmm svn seems quite slow
23:19.28Grumpeyhere too
23:20.51Ratbert_CPSeems DOA
23:21.44NeronixGrr, Channel 4 fucks with The Daily Show too much
23:21.57Neronixthey seem to cut and paste different bits from different shows
23:22.02Neronixand they're a few days behind
23:22.20NeronixI'll stick with my BT downloads of the real thing, thanks
23:25.09kergothicehud hangs my wow login :P
23:25.13kergothacehud2 looks nice though
23:25.35IndustrialMikma: seen it -.-
23:25.46IndustrialI really cba :P
23:26.11Kebinusankergoth, we demand screenshots
23:26.29MikmaIndustrial: well it's a bug, fix it ^^
23:30.03*** join/#wowace Kyahx|afk (n=Kyahx@
23:35.36*** join/#wowace SilverShadow (
23:39.04*** part/#wowace wereHamster (
23:42.07Galka___Does FruityLoot not work for anyone else?
23:49.28*** join/#wowace Galka___ (
23:52.45IndustrialMikma: bastard!
23:53.12*** part/#wowace Ratbert_CP (
23:54.06Mikmais there something bad about copypaste?
23:54.07*** join/#wowace ag` (
23:56.14ag`tortoiseSVN doesn't want to commit :(
23:56.37Mikmaag`: svn doesn't work at all
23:56.54ag`for great justice
23:56.57ag`take of every zig
23:58.51Mikmaag`: something new to commit? :D
23:59.04IndustrialMikma: no but there is about quoting people except for funny shit on QDB/bash
23:59.08ag`just a thing I noticed I had removed that I shouldn't have removed
23:59.49MikmaIndustrial: quoting is the truth, i can live with it :)

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