irclog2html for #wowace on 20060715

00:00.25Thrae_,englishClass = UnitClass(unit) if englishClass then return RAID_CLASS_COLORS[englishClass], RAID_CLASS_COLORS[englishClass], RAID_CLASS_COLORS[englishClass] else return 1,1,1 end
00:00.47Mikmaag`: same error with latest version + partymembers not in party have partyframes which say "DISCED"
00:00.57ThraeBlizzard has a global for coloring players.
00:01.10ag`Mikma, not a bug, just me who turned on an option
00:01.23ThraeYou can convert it to hex by using string.format("%2x%2x%2x")
00:01.43Mikmaag`: okies :)
00:02.15ag`Thrae, thanks
00:02.27ag`I still need to add"|cff" in front of it, yes?
00:02.44Mikmaag`: where's my targetframe? :D
00:02.58ag`it's there
00:03.41Mikmanope :)
00:03.43Thraeag`: Aye, and end it with |r
00:03.53ag`Mikma, talking about tot or t
00:04.17Thraeag`: You can look at TinyTip for an example of its usage
00:04.38ag`x,y,z = string.format("%2x%2x%2x",x,y,z)
00:04.55ThraeUhh wait, do you want RGB values or HEX values?
00:05.13ag`oh, hex
00:05.39ThraeRAID_CLASS_COLORS is already RGB, you index it with RAID_CLASS_COLORS[englishClass].r, RAID_CLASS_COLORS[englishClass].g, RAID_CLASS_COLORS[englishClass].b
00:06.21ThraeThen you can use string.format to convert it into a HEX string suitable for string.format("c|FF%s%s|r", hexColor, text)
00:06.55ag`what is the input and what is the output args?
00:07.00Thraeoops, |c, not c|
00:07.58ag`so if I have table = {0.5, 0.5, 0.5}
00:08.46kergothi wish i could find a good addon for class specific timers that i like
00:09.04Thrae_,englishClass = UnitClass(unitId); if englishClass then return string.format("%2x%2x%2x", RAID_CLASS_COLORS[englishClass].r, RAID_CLASS_COLORS[englishClass].g, RAID_CLASS_COLORS[englishClass].b); else return "FFFFFF" end
00:10.03ag`how about return string.format("%2x%2x%2x", r or 1, g or 1, b or 1)
00:10.22ThraeWhat would you use that for?
00:10.28ThraeRAID_CLASS_COLORS is always defined
00:10.37ThraeIt's a Blizzard global.
00:10.38ag`for all classes?
00:10.59ag`what if the unit is nil or something, or doesn't have a class,etc
00:11.03ag`I mean
00:11.06ag`doesn't exist
00:11.15ThraeThat's why we check if englishClass is nil
00:11.27ThraeAnd return "FFFFFF" in that case
00:12.03ThraeenglishClass is the second return from UnitClass, it's the Unit's Class in English, all in uppercase
00:12.05ag`thanks :)
00:14.11ag`but when updating a string with the unitclass in it
00:14.17ag`I should check unitclass for nil first
00:14.26ag`else it will give errors, I think that is the problem mikma is reporting
00:14.38ThraeUnitClass(unitId) or ""
00:14.57Mikmaag`: well i'm having a problem with the target frame
00:15.04ThraeYou can either do nothing or put the [[ or "" ]]
00:15.11ag`can I do class = (UnitClass(self.unit) or "")
00:15.22ag`good, thanks
00:15.47ThraeExcept I would use [[ or "" ]] where you are actually using class
00:16.04ThraeIE, you can do string.format("Foo %s", class or "")
00:16.06ag`Mikma, what's the problem
00:16.23ag`[[ or "" ]]?
00:16.34Mikmaag`: the targetframe just ain't there
00:16.46ThraeI'm just using double brackets to signify code ;)
00:16.57Mikmaag`: and i got a error before
00:16.58SyzxIndustrial: you use Elkano's Buffbar dont you?
00:17.01ag`Thrae, ah, you want to me use it when I actually set the text
00:17.03ag`with the string.format
00:17.12ag`Mikma, linenr?
00:17.13ThraeRight, unless you use it more then once
00:17.23Mikmaag`: took a SS, it was a long error
00:18.23ag`an AceEvent error?
00:18.50ThraeCannot unregister an event you haven't registered?
00:21.14ag`yep just got the error myself too
00:21.59Kebinusanwow these patch notes are hot
00:22.59Mikmaag`: yeah, that happens when i delete database, use /rl and enter the game and select either me or partymember
00:22.59ThraeI think slouken's changes are about all people are waiting for :D
00:23.30ag`they need to update the priest in a gamebreaking manner
00:23.32ag`or no care
00:24.37kergothi like wowmsn
00:25.01Mikmakergoth: it's nice but i like chatr more
00:25.09kergothwonder if theres a way to hide the chat windows entirely, since it has the chat channels too
00:26.16kergoththere we go
00:27.31kergothcan wowmsn's windows be resized?
00:27.42hyperChipmunkcan be scaled
00:28.31kergother, there it is
00:28.39kergoththat doesnt seem to affect the actual chat windows though
00:28.54kergothonly teh "buddy list" thingy
00:29.05ag`string.format("%2x%2x%2x", 0.5, 0.5, 0.5) doesn't give me HEX >_<
00:29.37hyperChipmunkit's a separate one
00:29.43hyperChipmunkit's the little square-square one
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00:32.25Thraeag`: Oops, forgot...multiply each number by 255
00:32.33ag`ah :)
00:32.47hyperChipmunkMsmall detail
00:33.11snurre whaddya think?
00:33.25hyperChipmunkyou suck; l2p
00:34.04ThraeOMG why do you have that talent *doesn't read link*
00:34.42ThraeI can min-max fine! *puts 4 points in 'Belching'*
00:34.44snurrehad some brainstorming on how to fix warrior talents at work today (instead of actually doing any work)
00:34.55hyperChipmunkuh, there's no talents there
00:35.03Mikmaag`: this is a small issue but the "not available" slots don't upgrade properly after someone leaves party and they are visible ;) the class sticks around on the slots
00:35.05hyperChipmunkit's just an outline
00:35.22snurreyes, a very rough sketch on how to fix the trees
00:35.30ag`Mikma, I think it does that in MG too
00:35.50snurrewarrs *do* need a revamp
00:36.16steinoNot as much as shamans!
00:36.18snurreand no, the one we got a year ago can't be compared to what they are fixing for other classes
00:36.20steinoFIX MY SHAMANS
00:36.22ThraeThey should make Taunt work in PvP without the lose of combo points. End of revamp.
00:36.33CIA-1103tekkub 07Ace2 * r4873 10BigWigs/ (Bars.lua Comm.lua Core.lua Other/Test.lua):
00:36.33CIA-11BigWigs (Ace2 Branch)
00:36.33CIA-11- Changed bar event args (again, last time I swear!) First arg should now be "self" for the module firing the event. This will allow for disabling of bars when a module is turned off.
00:36.33CIA-11- Updated the debug/test module to test the new disabling
00:36.33CIA-11- Sync events will now fire a single event for all syncs, and pass the "prefix" as the first arg, basically duplicating the behavior of blizzard's upcoming addon comm channel API in 1.12
00:36.47Mikmaag`: but, it doesn't matter really since they usually aren't visible for people :)
00:36.50Kebinusanpatch notes are kinda sexy
00:37.00snurrepatch notes sucks
00:37.09snurrewf totem nerf and sword spec nerf
00:37.11hyperChipmunkyou don't describe Easy Recovery
00:37.18ThraeI think ALL skills should be viable in PvP, even if they suck, they should do SOMETHING
00:37.18snurreflurry tooltip fixed for thet 5th patch in a row
00:37.28hyperChipmunkoh,it's recovery
00:37.32snurreoops, sry bout that
00:37.38Kebinusanpriest fear nerf
00:37.40snurremade in a hurry so a few slips here and there
00:38.16Kebinusanwarlocks need a revamp imo
00:38.20ThraePriests needed a Fear nerf, only Warlocks and Rogues are the ones suppose to be able to lock someone down for ~30 seconds
00:38.31snurreyes, nerf lolcoil
00:40.09ThraeMage: "Hey, why did my DPS drop by 20%?" Warrior: "It dropped for me too. Read the patch notes -- 'We discovered that Shamans were taking 20% more damage then intended. This has been fixed."
00:40.30Soltanisget rid of it warlock never wanted in the first place
00:40.48Kebinusanhmm wow front page not loading for me in firefox
00:40.59ThraeWorks fine for me, Keb
00:41.09ThraeUsing FF 1.5.04
00:41.13Kebinusangetting an xml error for me, I'll try to restart or somethin
00:41.25ThraeDo you have NoScript installed?
00:41.44Soltanisgood night all
00:41.49hyperChipmunka few servers went pfrrk
00:41.53hyperChipmunkprolly overloaded
00:47.43ag`Mikma, I don't see how you should be able to get that bug after my last checkout
00:47.50mjcis  there a blizzard ready check command?
00:48.10mjcother than the button
00:48.50Mikmaag`: neither do i but i still do have it and can't get the targetframe working
00:50.08CIA-1103ag * r4874 10ag_UnitFrames/ (ag_Defaults.lua ag_UnitClass.lua ag_UnitFrames.lua): ag_UnitFrames - fixed a raid color bug
00:50.25ag`srsly Mikma, be sure you have checked out 4874 :-)
00:51.00Mikmaag`: will download again and report
00:52.35Kebinusaneyah needed to update firefox, works fine now.
00:53.55Mikmathe 2.0b1 firefox likes to crash on my mac :)
00:54.28CIA-1103tekkub * r4875 10Ace2/AceEvent-2.0/AceEvent-2.0.lua:
00:54.28CIA-11BigWigs (Ace2 Branch)
00:54.28CIA-11- Fixed CancelAllScheduledEvents
00:54.44Mikmait tries to search updates for extensions and crashes no matter do i select cancel or search
00:54.49Tekcuberm... that's AceEvent-2.0 :P
00:58.28Kemayoag`:  Error: Interface\AddOns\ag_UnitFrames\ag_UnitClass.lua:1084: AceEvent-2.0: Bad argument #2 to `Stop' (string or table expected, got nil)
00:59.41Mikmaag`: ok the newest works
00:59.49Mikmai'll just make my mods to it now ;)
01:00.04ag`line 1084 is "self:CancelScheduledEvent(self.schedule)"
01:00.14ag`not something with "Stop"
01:00.32Mikmaag`: the default positions suck ass :D
01:00.35ag`maybe I should add a nil check
01:00.40ag`Mikma, probably
01:00.47Mikmaag`: they go under fubar :P
01:00.48KemayoAll I can say is that it happens the first time I click on the player frame.
01:01.11KemayoAlso, the first time I clicked on another player I got:  Error: Interface\AddOns\ag_UnitFrames\ag_UnitClass.lua:882: bad argument #1 to `find' (string expected, got nil)
01:01.31Mikmaag`: now i got 1084 error too, and ToT ain't showing
01:02.01CIA-1103ag * r4876 10ag_UnitFrames/ag_UnitClass.lua: ag_UnitFrames - fixed two nil errors
01:02.03Mikmabut clicking on the others, it works nicely
01:03.58Neriakgoodnight guys
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01:13.25Mikmaag`: so, selecting myself doesn't bring up the ToT frame when doing it after /rl
01:13.51ag`I am trying to not make the tot show when you're selecting yourself
01:14.08ThraeYeah, showing the ToT frame when you're selecting yourself is kinda pointless
01:14.20Mikmawhy not make a frame which says "you, stupid"
01:15.30Mikmawhat the hell???
01:15.39Mikmahow can mage polymorph someone into turtle??
01:15.50hyperChipmunkmy favorite is snickering at the poor sucker who's getting owned in my ToT frame and then realizing it's me
01:15.56hyperChipmunk1.11 they got quests for pigs and turtles
01:16.07Mikmathat's megacool!
01:16.16Mikmaturtle did look nice :D
01:17.11Amadeoare they all on the same diminishing returns?
01:17.17hyperChipmunkjust aesthetic
01:17.18GalkaDoes anyone here use ItemCompare?
01:17.40Amadeoeveryone uses pig
01:17.42AmadeoI'd use turtle!
01:17.50ThraeItemCompare was buggy for me
01:17.52hyperChipmunkthey're different quests
01:17.59hyperChipmunkI've not seen a mage w/ turtle yet, either
01:18.19Amadeooh, only one or the other?
01:19.52Mikmawell the same mage polymorphed this hunter as pig -> sheep -> turtle
01:20.09ThraeThis is why people stay away from anime -- I download an anime that has a bright, cheerful girl riding a weird Patrick-The-Starfish like thing and watch the first few episodes. Mmm, good, wholesome sci-fi / comedy. And then on the 4th episode, a girl gets raped with a test tube, and things just get weirder from there.
01:21.08hyperChipmunkthat's horrible
01:21.11ThraeIt's like watching The Simpsons and seeing Bart suddenly go on a killing spree...or wait, didn't they do that already?
01:21.11hyperChipmunk...what's it called?
01:21.28Mikmasimpsons did it simpsons did it!
01:21.32ThraeNarutaru :D
01:22.01Thrae... You pervert ;)
01:22.29MikmaThrae: i think i speak behalf of hyperChipmunk when i say: "thanks!"
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01:30.43CIA-1103ckknight * r4877 10Ace2/AceDB-2.0/AceDB-2.0.lua: AceDB - fixed ResetDB bugs
01:31.36Thrae"She tells Recca to ignite his flame, but he is clueless. Just as she hurts Yanagi, Recca releases a powerful flame upon the woman. She is excited to see this." <-- love Japanese-to-English translations
01:31.45CIA-1103ckknight * r4878 10Ace2/AceConsole-2.0/AceConsole-2.0.lua: AceConsole - fix nil bug.
01:34.13Tekcubhey ckk, I fixed AceEvent :P
01:34.22Tekcubit wasn't disable-unscheduling
01:34.22ckknight_fix how?
01:34.39Tekcubconfirmed that it works now tho
01:34.49Tekcubdid like half an hour ago
01:34.52ckknight_ah, okay
01:34.55ckknight_I took a nap
01:35.32ckknight_ah, I see
01:35.34ckknight_"my bad"
01:35.56KaeltenI'm back if anyone has been trying to get me
01:36.18ThraeI get you man, I get you.
01:37.17Tekcuboh and Deformat needs a wiki page *grin*
01:37.49ckknight_hey Kaelten
01:37.55ckknight_Tekcub, it has one?
01:37.58ag`Mikma, yep, read it :)
01:37.59Kaeltenwhats up?
01:38.07TekcubI didn't see it...
01:38.30ckknight_Kaelten, fixed some bugs
01:38.37ckknight_aside from  that, not much
01:38.38Tekcubah you forgot the API Documentation cat
01:38.44Mikmaag`: do it do it do iiiit ;)
01:39.00Mikmaag`: well, that and the healthbar colored as raidcolor would be nice to have later :)
01:39.20Mikmaag`: they aren't needed now of course, continue as you where ;)
01:39.25ckknight_Tekcub, fixed
01:39.34TekcubI just did too ><
01:40.01ag`Mikma, it will probably be stuff I will add later on... Next thing for me will be AceOptions
01:40.11ag`Dewdrop/console whatever
01:40.27ckknight_Kaelten, good thing about Ace2 is that there aren't any bugs just stewing, all the ones I know of have been fixed
01:40.32Mikmaag`: aye good prio, that'll be nice to have
01:40.50Kaeltenthats good, I'll look at doing an RC2 tonight
01:41.19Kaeltenunless we got anything else going on
01:41.39CIA-1103thrae * r4879 10TinyTip/TinyTip.lua: TinyTip: Fixed error with deleting TinyTipExtras folder.
01:42.27GalkaThanks Thrae!
01:43.08CIA-1103ag * r4880 10ag_UnitFrames/ (ag_UnitClass.lua ag_UnitFrames.lua): ag_UnitFrames - ToT hidden when target is self
01:43.11ckknight_Kaelten, *shrug*
01:43.15Kaeltenoh, ckknight I got the package script working a little bit neater, it updates, detects the last version you zipped up, makes a change log, creates a new zip file, and copies the zip file to an archive directory
01:43.51*** mode/#wowace [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
01:44.15ag`Mikma, anything else you had on that urgent todo list
01:44.19ag`can't remember it
01:44.31Mikmaag`: well, seems like you did them all today
01:44.46ag`I did mouseover, tot and combos
01:44.57Mikmaand when the slashcommand -part was moved and switched to dewdrop/something..
01:45.10ag`there was like a 5th thing or something
01:46.03ag`Still not sure how to do those
01:46.11ag`but that's for tomorrow
01:46.13Mikmacheck out the code from idUnitFrames ;)
01:46.23ag`problem is I want to have the filter
01:46.35ag`but the filter should show weakened soul too
01:46.42*** join/#wowace Tem_ (
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01:46.42ag`and WSG flags
01:46.51Mikmai think it does novadays
01:46.56Mikmasince blizzard supports it too
01:46.59ag`not the blizzy filter
01:47.06ag`it won't show those two
01:47.14ag`and I can't add them for filtering
01:47.36ag`so I have to do horrible stuff to get them shown, and I haven't found the best way to do that yet
01:47.45Mikmawell that means you have to do a huge list of spells to filter/not filter
01:48.23Mikmamy advice is use the blizzards filtered buffs..
01:48.30Mikmathat's propably the easiest way
01:48.39ag`but that means no weakened soul
01:48.50ag`that would suck
01:48.55ThraeWeakened Soul is a debuff, I thought?
01:49.05Mikmait is "debuff" which isn't dispellable
01:49.09Mikmapriests can see it
01:49.26ag`Mikma, not if they have the blizz filter on
01:49.38Mikmaok i'll test it now with default frames
01:49.39ThraeThe filter only applies to buffs you can -dispel-
01:49.58ag`but it sucks not to see weakened soul
01:50.05Temwell with the new returns on UnitBuff, it should be fairly simple to do that yourself
01:50.19Temchildishly so, in fact
01:50.28ag`what is your idea?
01:51.01Temdo the filter yourself
01:51.17Temuse the new returns to filter
01:51.27ag`the Magic, Poison etc
01:51.37ag`I can't do that for buffs though
01:51.42Temsure you can
01:51.51Temoh, well
01:51.54Mikmaag`: well.... i can see the weakened soul..
01:52.02ag`Mikma, on blizzard frames?
01:52.05Tembut buffs aren't the problem are they?
01:52.19ag`Tem, would be nice to show the WSG flag. But I can live without.
01:52.26Mikmaag`: atleast on target frame
01:52.28ThraeTem: His problem is seeing Weakened Soul for Priests using Blizzy's filter, and always showing the WSG Flag
01:52.46Temyou could go by the texture
01:52.59ThraeFor the WSG Flag I think you're left with scanning the buff tooltip
01:53.09Temuse the blizz filter
01:53.10ag`there's a texture for the flag
01:53.17ag`I am going to use the blizz filter
01:53.24ag`and just forget the damn flag
01:53.25Temthen search the unfiltered list for something with a texture
01:53.31ThraeTem's idea would -usually- work, but I believe the flag texture is reused at least once
01:53.41ThraeSame for Weakened Soul
01:53.43TemI dislike using textures
01:53.43Mikmaag`: well i don't have any addons atm to show buffs for my own frame
01:53.52Mikmaand nobody is online to test it with me :P
01:54.07Tembut I don't know of any buffs that share the same texture as the flags
01:54.10ag`It just sucks that there is no way to edit the list of things on the blizzy filter
01:54.32Mikmawell that's the reason why we need a complete SpellDB ;)
01:54.55Mikmajust like PeriodicTable, but for spells ...
01:55.12Mikmamin damage, max damage, length, dispellable etc
01:55.37ThraeBabble has a list of localized spell names, you could use those in conjunction with tooltip scanning
01:55.57ag`I kinda dislike tooltip scanning :P
01:56.12Mikmaokiedokie, i'm off for the night, nn folks
01:56.17ag`nn Mikma
01:56.34ag`time for me to do /script ag`:nn() too
01:56.45ag`I will look at it tomorrow
01:56.55ag`thanks for the help Thrae and Tem
01:57.07TemI *hate* tooltip scanning
01:57.21Temnight ag`
01:57.28ag`Yes, so I am not going to do it
02:12.28steinoi got my aceheal icon back
02:39.18mjcthe blonde on the left... what do you all think
02:39.43ckknightI can't log in to your facebook
02:40.21ckknightuse putfile or something
02:41.19mjcigt's her facebook lol, sef
02:43.20Tekcubckk, do we have any way to specify option order in AceConsole?
02:43.49Tekcubwould be nice to have override values
02:43.57JagobahThis sounds like a noob question
02:43.58Tekcubso that menus lay out how we want
02:44.04Jagobahhow do I move ora's Maintankframes :(
02:44.16Tekcubyou don't, lern2dealwithit
02:44.21Tekcub*shrug* I dunno
02:44.24CIA-1103ckknight * r4881 10Ace2/AceDB-2.0/AceDB-2.0.lua: AceDB - fix typo
02:45.03Tekcubalso, last I checked, Dew wasn't respecting the hidden and/or disabled fields :)
02:45.10ckknightmaybe not
02:45.13ckknightit should, though
02:45.45ckknightTekcub, I'm working on FuBar
02:46.04ckknightI'm going to continue to work on FuBar for a while
02:46.18ckknightthat means either wait and remind me later or implement it yourself
02:46.33TekcubI do what I want!
02:46.48TekcubI'll wait till FuTew is fucktional
02:47.11Temthefacebook is thedevil
02:48.01ckknightmjc, the blonde is cute
02:48.02Tekcubset method in the toggle type on AceConsole is always passed true or false right?
02:48.09ckknightTekcub, yes.
02:48.15mjcmight room with her/sleep with her/ something
02:48.20mjcwe went to high school together
02:49.22kergothdamnit, i need to discuss crazy invasive changes to one of my open source projects
02:49.27kergothbut all hte other devs are in europe
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02:51.40Jagobahthat's a shame
02:51.40JagobahI'll have to disable it and use perfectraidtargets
02:51.46Tekcubhow's that a shame?
02:51.54Tekcubtankframes == the stoopidz
02:52.34ckknightyou == the stoopidz
02:52.50ckknightthus, by the transitive property, you == tankframes
02:53.04Tekcubwhateva! *snap snap fingerroll*
02:53.34Tekcubthe transitive property of stoopidz?
02:53.41Jagobahit's a shame if they're stuck in the middle of my screen with no way to move it somewhere more convenient
02:53.48ckknighttransitive property of your mom.
02:53.50Temkill yourself, Tekcub
02:54.15Tekcubyou know what Tem... stfu and release iTemFu to the SVN!
02:54.18Temit exists locally
02:54.22Temonly it's very broken
02:54.32Temand I had to disable it because it causes bad things to happen
02:54.39Tekcubtem's generic item tracker fupluging he couldn't name
02:54.45Tekcubso we named it iTem for him
02:54.47ThraeiTemFu is broken? Does it emulate Tem? :D
02:55.09kergothitem tracker? like fubar_farmerfu?
02:55.09hyperChipmunkno, but purl does
02:55.11hyperChipmunk~emulate tem
02:55.13purlDammit, that's it. I'm breaking a new [something]!
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02:55.39Tematm, yes it breaks FuBar
02:56.22Temkergoth, yes, like farmerfu
02:56.25Temonly, not shitty
02:58.18kergothheh, acetimer's s&d timer is pointless now that we have elkbuffbar
02:58.27hyperChipmunkmy stringfu is weakening =\  AceTab worked and now it doesn't
02:59.08TemhyperChipmunk, as is mine
02:59.17Temit's the reason I haven't touched tab in like 3 months
02:59.48hyperChipmunkI swear, this ought to work!
03:00.34hyperChipmunkyou only had to deal with space delimiters too
03:00.37CIA-1103ckknight * r4882 10Ace2/AceEvent-2.0/AceEvent-2.0.lua: AceEvent - updated description
03:01.02hyperChipmunkI had it going with e.g. /vz set f=Mi<TAB>
03:01.39hyperChipmunkand it'd fill in -nimap and give you the list of completions from there
03:01.46hyperChipmunkfrom the list of all frames
03:01.50hyperChipmunkand now it doesn't!
03:02.34hyperChipmunknow it goes BZZRT! hC sux mode engaged! delete everything!
03:03.16Temthat's what happens when I enable my fuBar plugin
03:03.28hyperChipmunkhC mode?
03:03.56Temit goes BZZRT! tard sux mode engaged! FuBar Disappears, but plugins still sorta work!
03:04.24Temnetcurse, lol @ the patchnotes you posted this morning
03:04.45netcursei didn t expect it to get that big
03:05.28netcursethe post got like 160 000 view
03:12.12*** join/#wowace mjc (
03:17.53TemhyperChipmunk, I'm lazy.  Please explain to me how you make Bulkmail pull items from clicking on that cool area
03:18.33hyperChipmunkyou mean the drag and drop?
03:18.39hyperChipmunkthat's a seekrit
03:18.47Temnetcurse, it was a fun read (though clearly fake), and it gave me something to do for a while at work
03:18.51hyperChipmunkI can tell you...for a price
03:19.05Tem(find all the things that couldn't possibly be in the patch and explain why)
03:19.36TemhyperChipmunk, You can talk now or later; it makes no difference to me
03:19.40hyperChipmunki scan through the bagslots and look for the locked item; the item that's locked is the one on your cursor
03:19.54Tem(the difference to you is the number of apendages you still have)
03:20.03hyperChipmunknotice how items grey out when you pick them up
03:20.16hyperChipmunk'locked' is like the third return of GetContainerItemInfo
03:20.16Temdo they ever grey out for other reasons?
03:20.30Temin fact, yes, they do
03:20.33hyperChipmunkonly when you have, say, an item in a trade window
03:20.40hyperChipmunkI catch that in bulkmail and inform the user
03:20.44Temtrade window or a box that's open
03:20.48Kaeltenwhats up?
03:21.00TemhyperChipmunk, how do you inform the user?
03:21.11KaeltenThrae: whats up?
03:21.16ThraeKaelten: By the way, when I was going over your tooltip.lua code, I noticed you were manually adjusting the width and height of the GameTooltip after the additions.
03:21.17Tem"ZOMG I have no idea what you're trying to give me!"
03:21.37Temonly to increase it
03:21.38ThraeKaelten: Why don't you just use GameTooltip:Show() ? That will automatically resize it, and in a C function.
03:21.52hyperChipmunkwhen they have an item in the normal send mail window, I say, "Warning! Drag and drop is not well-defined when there's an item in the Send slot.  Check your BulkMail list to confirm the correct item has been added, or add all items through BulkMail."
03:22.02hyperChipmunker, when they have an item and they try to DnD
03:22.11hyperChipmunknobody's even mentioned it
03:22.15hyperChipmunksince it's a redundant operation
03:22.38hyperChipmunkbut I made sure to catch it, anyway
03:22.48hyperChipmunkthe worst that happens is you send the item you meant to send anyway
03:23.17KaeltenThrae: thats not the purpose of changing the size :)
03:23.19hyperChipmunker, add the item
03:23.36Kaeltenit doesn't work quite like I wanted it too though
03:24.02ThraeKaelten: GameTooltip:Show() will work even if you change the text inside the FontStrings, it goes over each FontString's width.
03:24.08ThraeEach width and height.
03:24.37ThraeNot like that will fix the bug people are having with TinyTip's Extra Tooltip and your code, that's MY bug ;)
03:24.49ThraeNeed to start hooking FontStrings.
03:25.23TemThrae, that will only detect changes to the FS's text made by third parties
03:26.33Kaeltenwell the purpose was honestly meant to make Gametooltip and my tooltip the same width
03:26.34ThraeTem: That's exactly what the problem is, I'm hooking AddLine and AddDoubleLine, putting them in a different tooltip, and then some addons are doing getglobal("GameTooltipTextLeft" .. GameTooltip:NumLines() )
03:26.36kergothTekcub: sandworm meat is cookable, please adjust pt :)
03:26.50Tekcubgive me IDs
03:27.05Tekcub*points at portal
03:27.13TemTekcub, you need to add new lootz to PT
03:27.41Temwhen clad writes me that item parser, I'm gonna make an item browser
03:27.51KaeltenTem:  you need to get ag2 up and going :)
03:28.07Temsince it will use ag2
03:28.08Kaeltenso I can write RunDown
03:28.18hyperChipmunkhey, when you going to make AceGUI2
03:28.26hyperChipmunkwhat do we have to write to make you do that
03:28.28KaeltenhyperChipmunk:  poke tem on that one
03:28.36Temit's open in my text editor right now, in fact
03:28.46Kaelten~cheer Tem
03:28.51purlThree cheers for Tem!  Hip hip Hurray! Hip hip Hurray! Hip hip Hurray!
03:29.10hyperChipmunk~huzzah tem
03:29.15KaeltenI'm working on python scripts to help me automate release of addons
03:29.31ThraeKaelten: Why aren't you using GameTooltip instead of your own Tooltip?
03:29.31Temoh yeah, I'm so doing it
03:30.00KaeltenThrae: um, because there is only one gametooltip and AceGUI supports a seperated tooltip model as well
03:30.23Kaeltenerr KC_Items supports rather
03:30.37KaeltenTem: whats that?
03:30.42Temyou'll see
03:30.47ThraeOh, so you want to give the opportunity for an extra tooltip for additional information? Gotcha.
03:31.26Kaeltenya, Tooltip is fairlycomplicated, also I (currently on load) add extra moneyframes to GameTooltip, in the future that'll be dynamic
03:31.29KaeltenTem: .....
03:31.42CIA-1103tardmrr * r4883 10Ace2/AceGUI-2.0/: Creating library trunk.
03:32.04Temnow I'm not commiting to that bitch until I'm satisfied
03:32.13Temit will remain an empty folder
03:32.16Temtauntin you
03:32.19ckknightyou should constantly commit.
03:32.22ThraeKaelten: Gotcha.
03:32.32Temckknight, I'm not going to commit until I at least have the backbone in
03:32.34kergothTekcub: k
03:32.45Temprobably later tonight since I'm just converting my existing code
03:32.52ckknightapparently facboy wanted to convert Timex to Ace2 but he realized that AceEvent already had the functionality, hehe.
03:33.12Temhow efficient is that, btw?
03:33.26Temwould it be really bad for me to use it to drive an animation
03:33.35ckknightas efficient as Mexico.
03:33.44ckknighttake that how you want.
03:33.59Kaeltenya we do want to make sure that the code in AceEvent for the timing is as good as we can get it
03:34.34hyperChipmunkelkano needs to put the stack # in his buff frame right next to the name
03:36.04ckknightKaelten, it's already pretty efficient
03:37.04ckknightfacboy wanted to steal Chronos' startTimer and endTimer
03:37.11ckknightI think maybe they could go into AceDebug
03:37.19ckknightalso checking memory usage as well
03:37.57Kaeltenwhats startTimer and endTimer?
03:38.35ckknight... wait
03:38.44ckknightlocal t = Chronos.endTimer()
03:38.49Kaeltenwhats it used for?
03:38.52ckknightnow t = 5 seconds or what have you
03:38.58ckknightI assume
03:39.05Kaeltendebugprofilestart() debugprofilestop()
03:39.29Kaeltenseems to be a better option to me
03:39.46Kaeltenmaybe map them from within AceDebug, but not reinvent them
03:40.29ckknightChronos also has the ability to use multiple timers
03:40.56ThraeWhy don't you just absorb Metrognome if you want Ace2 to have that?
03:40.59Kaeltenyou can also embed debugprofilestart/stop within each other
03:41.38ckknightThrae, already kinda did.
03:41.41KaeltenI would like to bring metrognome in as an official time library.
03:41.59ckknightbut AceEvent now has the functionality
03:42.07Kaeltenthat offers a more complete timing library than AceEvent
03:42.13KaeltenMetrognome offers a more complete timing library than AceEvent
03:42.40ckknightonly thing I see different is that AceEvent doesn't use registration
03:43.04Kaeltena few other things are in there I believe
03:43.19Thraeckknight: I remember you saying "We'll discourage people chaining timed AceEvents, asking them to use Metrognome instead."
03:43.48ckknightThrae, yea, especially since that was before I implemented repeating schedules
03:44.53kergothwhats the url to the tool to extract the blizz interface bits from teh mpqs?
03:46.19hyperChipmunkfrom the main page
03:48.20hyperChipmunkbite me
03:49.11hyperChipmunkthere a reason BigWigs doesn't give nice timer bars for Shadowflame
03:49.16hyperChipmunkthat's kind of a good one to know about =P
03:49.29kergothnaturally it doesnt work, since i lack the crap in my system that gets thrown in when installing wow in it
03:49.48hyperChipmunkyou have to delete framexml
03:49.53hyperChipmunkthat's it
03:50.27hyperChipmunkthe error's kinda vague
03:50.42hyperChipmunkand you'll have to use wine for an extractor too
03:51.17CIA-1103tardmrr * r4884 10IDCard/IDCard.toc: IDCard: Minor changes to the .toc.
03:52.09kergothi ran the exe in wine, and it failed saying missing installation files or somesuch
03:53.45hyperChipmunkyou need a permanent solution, or just this patch
03:54.11hyperChipmunki can send them if you like
03:54.28kergothpermanent would be good, but i can deal with that later. hurray procrastination
03:54.36hyperChipmunkgive me a moment
03:55.32hyperChipmunkyou don't need the art, too, do you?
03:55.57Galka[23:54-420] BulkMail\lib\Ace2\AceDB\AceDB-2.0.lua:540: `then' expected near `local'
03:55.58GalkaBulkMail.lua:11: AceOO-2.0: Library "AceDB-2.0" does not exist.
03:56.05GalkaAnyone having this problem?
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03:56.55hyperChipmunkextract into wow/Interface
03:57.10hyperChipmunkwell, doesn't really matter anymore, I suppose
03:57.13hyperChipmunksince you can't modify them anymore
03:57.19ThraeI got it! If someone has the Extra Tooltip option enabled, then use a TipLib tooltip INSTEAD of GameTooltip. That way I don't hook anything.
04:05.59GalkaCardBars has an alpha setting for its bar?
04:26.03*** join/#wowace Tem_ (
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04:28.18hyperChipmunkkergoth: were you able to get those files?
04:31.29Temkergoth, what happens if I do this?
04:31.40Temlocal class = AceOO.Class()
04:31.48Temfunction class:new() ... end
04:32.14hyperChipmunkhot babes come and strip for you
04:32.33hyperChipmunklavish over your sexy coding
04:34.01TainRemember no matter what she says, there's no sex in the champagne room.
04:35.18hyperChipmunkbut when it comes to raised-floor server farm rooms
04:35.33hyperChipmunkthere's no limit
04:35.43TainThat goes without saying.
04:36.48Thrae <-- "Enlightenment and World Peace are slated for the expansion"
04:36.58hyperChipmunkoh that's good
04:37.09hyperChipmunkI've been waiting for that
04:37.11hyperChipmunksince beta
04:37.43Tain"I want peace on Earth, goodwill towards man."  "We are the United States Government.  We don't do that sort of thing!"
04:38.08ckknightTem, it works?
04:38.23TemI mean, lik...
04:38.31ckknightAceAddon does it
04:38.32Tema black hole won't open and eat me, right?
04:38.40ckknightno, just your babies
04:38.42Temok, I'll look there
04:38.48hyperChipmunka black hole with hot babes
04:38.50ckknightAceAddon's is "special"
04:38.52TainOh damn I didn't know Ace2 was operating supercolliders now.
04:39.01hyperChipmunkwe're branching out
04:39.10ckknightTain, collisiontastic.
04:40.04TainI can't wait to see the names of upcoming black hole creating addons!  "Lern2Suck"
04:40.20hyperChipmunkwe're tearing the space-time continuum a new one
04:40.33TainEmbedded goatse?
04:40.54hyperChipmunkanything is possible
04:41.08ckknight...through God
04:41.13TainThat's too bad.  I was kind of hoping that wouldn't be.
04:41.14ckknightor through Japan
04:41.16hyperChipmunkthrough Ace2
04:41.31ckknighteverything's possible in Japan.
04:41.32TainSpeaking of God, I watched the Chronicles of Narnia movie tonight.
04:41.39ckknightwhat'd you think?
04:41.57ckknightwatching the lion die was like watching God dying. It's like hrm, I guess Nietzsche was right...
04:42.12TainI read all of the books when I was younger, but yong enough where I remember general things and not a lot of specifics.
04:42.32ckknightI read em all, too
04:42.32TainBut I watched the animated Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe a bunch of times.
04:42.51TainAnyway I thought the movie wasn't bad.  
04:42.51ckknightI liked how the last book described heaven
04:43.23TainAlthough I can't say for sure whether I'm glad I watched it over watching Team America: World Police again.
04:43.25TainBut I probably should be.
04:43.44ckknightTeam America was a pimp movie
04:44.08TainI do need to watch it again now of course, just becaues I almost did.
04:44.11TainBut I have the DVD.
04:45.20ThraeInteresting, Blizzard deleted my post praising CMs.
04:45.30ThraeNow I don't know WTF to do.
04:46.30ThraeI was actually praising them, not in a sarcastic way.
04:50.03ckknightmaybe someone was jealous
04:51.48ThraeWell, I did tell Eyonix to "watch out, because his attitude was showing to be a little sour". Maybe he took that the wrong way, having to police the Shaman Forums all day.
04:52.16ThraeBut that was after I told him reading the Shaman Forums all in one sitting is bad for his health :D
04:53.14ckknightwoot, FuBarPlugin-2.0 is semi-working
04:53.45Thrae|AwaySome people have been anxiously awaiting that.
04:55.23*** join/#wowace banditron|afk (
05:01.03ckknightcurrently, it requires AceDB, though
05:01.10ckknightand possibly has other flaws
05:01.20ckknightwill test later, I gotta go
05:21.50CIA-1103kaelten * r4885 10Ace2/ (readme.txt version history.txt): Ace2 - Prepping for release of RC2
05:22.47CIA-1103kaelten 072.0.4885 * r4886 10Ace2/: Tagging for release of Ace2 2.0.4885
05:28.25Tekcubyou mean .4886 :P
05:31.19Kaeltenheh, I guess thats a flaw of the script I use
05:31.31TainI can't stop looking at these.  They're so funny.
05:31.52Kaeltengnight guys
06:32.48Thrae|Away02:35 [Wowirc] < malbolgia:#maelstrom> im duel boxing
06:32.54Thrae|Away02:35 < Thrae> Don't most boxers duel?
06:33.06Thrae|AwayTell me that SOMEONE here gets that.
06:36.44Cairennlol, that was just sad Thrae
06:37.55Cairennand it's pathetic that people don't know the difference between dual and duel
06:37.57hyperChipmunkhe spelled dual wrong
06:38.17CIA-1103kemayo * r4887 10AuldLangSyne/ (AuldLangSyne.lua AuldLangSyne.toc):
06:38.17CIA-11-Added a compact display mode (/auld show compact)
06:38.17CIA-11-Store rank number instead of name
06:38.17CIA-11-Truncate if too wide for friends pane
06:45.31CIA-1103kemayo * r4888 10AuldLangSyne/AuldLangSyne.lua: AuldLangSyne - Forgot a tonumber().
06:57.02*** join/#wowace weab (
07:05.32CIA-1103kemayo * r4889 10AuldLangSyne/AuldLangSyne.lua:
07:05.32CIA-11-Add option to hide level in compact mode
07:05.32CIA-11-Add option to display rank numerically in non-compact mode
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07:16.02CIA-1103kemayo * r4890 10AuldLangSyne/AuldLangSyne.lua: AuldLangSyne - Nicer formatting of lastseen.
07:20.26XLVIIanyone who plays a mage, please uh.. comment and critique on my raiding build
07:35.48CIA-1103kemayo * r4891 10AuldLangSyne/AuldLangSyne.lua: AuldLangSyne: Tweak button placement to look better with scrollbar.
07:44.02kergothckknight: i'm not absolutely certain, but i think that your autoattack doesnt check all forms of CC.  specifically, seduce
07:58.45*** join/#wowace vhaarr (
08:11.41mjcKemayo: wtf is that lol
08:14.49vhaarrDoes anyone know Sairens idChatChannelNames regexp? He does it so that Trade just becomes (T), etc.
08:15.33mjcit's voodoo
08:16.10hyperChipmunkvhaarr: mjc doesn't know a lick of programming
08:16.18hyperChipmunkso, uh, don't listen to him
08:16.23mjchyperChipmunk: I know enough to get by
08:16.32mjcdoesn't mean I actually bother to write anything these days
08:16.43mjcregexps don't totally eat my face
08:17.58vhaarrI've been known to make some easy regexps in java, perl and javascript
08:18.00vhaarrbut never lua
08:18.17hyperChipmunklua doesn't have regexp, per se
08:18.26hyperChipmunkthere you must go
08:18.43Thraestring.format uses printf regexp, string.find uses Unix regexp
08:18.49mjcthere you are sirs
08:19.08hyperChipmunknothing uses regexp
08:19.14hyperChipmunknot in the posix sense, anyway
08:21.14ThraeBah, don't make things more complicated then they need to be.
08:21.32hyperChipmunkregexp is a very rigidly defined thing
08:21.47vhaarr% is the escape character in string.gsub?
08:21.48hyperChipmunklua has pattern matching
08:22.01*** join/#wowace quoin (
08:22.03ThraeLua calls it regexp in their manual
08:23.03XLVIIdoes anyone know of a more lightweight version / variation of sol's chat colour nicks? ;F
08:23.08ThraeSorry, I'm wrong, they call it patterns.
08:23.32vhaarrXLVII: I'd say "Eloquence", but don't try it.
08:23.42ThraeThey say it's "similiar to" regular expressions somewhere.
08:23.48hyperChipmunkUnlike several other scripting languages, Lua does not use POSIX regular expressions (regexp) for pattern matching. The main reason for this is size: A typical implementation of POSIX regexp takes more than 4,000 lines of code. This is bigger than all Lua standard libraries together. In comparison, the implementation of pattern matching in Lua has less than 500 lines. Of course, the pattern matching in Lua cannot do all that a f
08:25.24vhaarrI'm guessing Lua doesn't compile the patterns as state machines, which is really the difference.
08:25.35vhaarrOr maybe it does, I don't know :P
08:25.35hyperChipmunkyou got it
08:25.44hyperChipmunkit doesn't do a lot of things =)
08:26.01vhaarrwell that's the only real difference from pattern matching to regexp
08:26.02ThraeBut it's patterns can be defined in BNF?
08:26.05hyperChipmunkThe power of a raw Lua interpreter to manipulate strings is quite limited. A program can create string literals and concatenate them. But it cannot extract a substring, check its size, or examine its contents. The full power to manipulate strings in Lua comes from its string library.
08:26.58ThraeSo, Lua's pattern matching are regular expressions, but they are not "regexp", which is an abbreviation coined by POSIX?
08:27.21hyperChipmunkbasically, you have sub, gsub, find, gfind, len, lower and upper, and a nifty little format thing
08:27.31hyperChipmunkthere's some other stuff
08:27.34vhaarrno Thrae
08:27.47vhaarrRegexp is not an abbr coined by POSIX.
08:27.50hyperChipmunkbut that's what you basically do 90% of your work in
08:28.21ThraeWell the way hyperChipmunk was going on about my use of the term "regexp", you'd think "regexp" only means POSIX. Although I did say "Unix regexp"
08:28.26ThraeWhich I was wrong about.
08:28.47hyperChipmunkmy guess is, in answer to your question, that it's just a string.sub(channelname, 1, 2)
08:29.04hyperChipmunkincrementing the second digit until it has a unique string, if it's clever
08:29.58vhaarrThat's just because POSIX includes one of the more commonly used regexp definitions. There are others.
08:30.08vhaarrPerl's, for example.
08:30.17ThraeI thought Perl was a subset of POSIX.
08:30.24vhaarrThe other way around :)
08:30.25ThraePerl's regexp, that is.
08:30.32hyperChipmunkperl is insanity
08:30.40vhaarrPerl > POSIX :P
08:30.57ThraeYeah, I've coded some perl...their regexp is extremely powerful and extremely complex
08:31.05hyperChipmunkyou can sprain your brain with that crap
08:31.18ThraeIf you're doing something in perl, most likely 90% of your code will be using their powerful regexp.
08:31.31ThraeWhich means it'll look like damned LISP code.
08:31.38vhaarrThe language is built around regexp.
08:32.08[Ammo]it's because perl is originally a text modification and reporting language
08:32.11ThraeUnlike LISP, which is built around the idea that vowels in your syntax is a sin.
08:32.33XLVIIcan someone make me a really simple addon? all it needs to do is colour nicks in all chat windows, in their raid colours.
08:32.50hyperChipmunkand cons!
08:33.00vhaarrXLVII: That's not as simple as it sounds :)
08:33.10vhaarrXLVII: You'll need a player database and purging logic.
08:33.26hyperChipmunkvhaarr: sounds like a good place to start your venture into Lua patternmatching
08:33.29vhaarrAnd hook into /who, friends, guild, PARTY events, etc.
08:33.36hyperChipmunkno, it's not that complex
08:33.37vhaarrhyperChipmunk: ><
08:34.03hyperChipmunkyou get messages in a standard format
08:34.25vhaarrI'm not following you.
08:34.45ThraeIf you only want it done in english, you can /who them and use RAID_CLASS_COLORS[ string.upper(class) ].r, RAID_CLASS_COLORS.g, etc.
08:34.50vhaarrWhat messages, and what kind of format did you think I was expecting?
08:35.13hyperChipmunk[(%d)%.? %[[%w%s]+%]%[%w+%]%:
08:35.27hyperChipmunker, whoops
08:35.39vhaarrThrae: Is it possible to use /who that many times and that fast?
08:35.40hyperChipmunk%[[%d%.]? %[[%w%s]+%]%[%w+%]%:
08:35.43hyperChipmunkthere we go
08:35.50Thraevhaarr: You'd need to queue it
08:35.56hyperChipmunkthat last %w+ is the person's naem
08:36.14ThraeActually, your idea of a local player database isn't a bad idea
08:36.14vhaarrah, he left anyway :P
08:36.36hyperChipmunkyou can check your raid list (loop units raid1-raid40) for class
08:36.41ThraeEspecially if he has a who spammy addon like CTA or MyRoleplay
08:37.00ThraehyperChipmunk: He just said "ChatFrame", nothing about whether he was IN a raid
08:37.13hyperChipmunkoh, raid colors
08:37.23hyperChipmunkok that's crazy and nboody in their right mind would do something that retarded
08:38.05ThraeI guess some people don't want to take to time to right-click a name
08:38.10ThraeErr, Shift-click
08:38.29hyperChipmunkand speaking of stupid things involving crazy patternmatching/manipulation that nobody in their right mind would do...
08:40.56CIA-1103ammo 07Ace2 * r4892 10BigWigs/ (7 files in 2 dirs):
08:40.56CIA-11BigWigs (Ace2):
08:40.56CIA-11* Fixed a bug in the test module
08:40.56CIA-11* Updated all MC modules for new BarStart api
08:41.36*** join/#wowace Soltanis (i=as@
08:41.46Soltanismorning all
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08:44.18Soltanisnow now calm down :-)
08:44.45kergothbleh, that scholo run blew
08:44.56kergothput it this way.. before the end, my daggers were 0% and i was punching things to death
08:45.17Soltanissounds good
08:45.23Soltanisbut did you get to the end?
08:45.28Soltanisi mean did you complete it
08:45.39kergothno, we didnt get far, bad luck this run, bad pulls..
08:45.47kergothwe took out rattlegore, thats about it.
08:45.53Soltanisoh dear
08:46.04kergothyeah :\
08:46.47Soltanisplay some ecco the dolphin that should calm you down :-)
08:47.16CIA-1103ammo 07Ace2 * r4893 10BigWigs/BWL/ (Ebonroc.lua Firemaw.lua Vaelastrasz.lua):
08:47.16CIA-11BigWigs (Ace2):
08:47.16CIA-11* Adjusted already converted BWL modules to new api
08:49.31Soltanishmm they adding some nice stuff to 1.12 or something?
08:49.59CIA-1103ammo 07Ace2 * r4894 10BigWigs/ZG/Hakkar.lua:
08:49.59CIA-11BigWigs (Ace2):
08:50.00CIA-11* Hakkar adjusted to new bar api, toggleoptions need reworking
08:50.41vhaarrSoltanis: The comm channel.
08:51.48*** join/#wowace quoin (
08:53.06Soltanisahh awesome all that effort in creating a standardization is now out the window or do they still let you set a channel?
08:53.25vhaarrhow do the channel chatframe lines look by default, is it "1. [Trade] [Name] - Blah blah." ?
08:54.11KebinusanBW2 ready for prime time?
08:54.57*** join/#wowace Andalia (
08:56.00[Ammo]no kebinu
08:56.02[Ammo]by far
08:56.03vhaarrah, no it's [1. Trade] <Name> blah blah"
08:56.29CIA-1103ammo * r4895 10BigWigs/ (BigWigs.toc Other/Kazzak.lua):
08:56.30CIA-11* Added Kazzak module by Sirian
08:59.17hyperChipmunkok, I was close; just had an extra %]%[ in there
08:59.43hyperChipmunki can't import =(
09:00.50CIA-1103ammo * r4896 10BigWigs/Naxxramas/Noth.lua:
09:00.50CIA-11BigWigs (Noth):
09:00.50CIA-11* Fixed a bug in noth where bar delayed colors weren't cancelled causing timex errors
09:05.54CIA-1103ammo * r4897 10BigWigs/Naxxramas/Heigan.lua:
09:05.54CIA-11* Added Heigan the Unclean module by Lute, untested, not in the .toc yet
09:09.08vhaarrhyperChipmunk: Works for me.
09:09.14hyperChipmunkit's okay
09:09.20hyperChipmunkI have a trick up my sleeve
09:09.34Soltanisvhaarr huh it's [x] [x] isn't it? so you can click the names?
09:09.55Soltaniswelcome back
09:10.02ckknightI fired a shotgun
09:10.03ckknightgood times
09:10.03vhaarrSoltanis: hm, maybe it's idChatPlayerNames that makes the name into <x>
09:12.29*** join/#wowace Cheads ( still at
09:14.23*** join/#wowace wereHamster (
09:15.03hyperChipmunkcladhaire: may you die many horribe deaths
09:15.18ckknightit is, chip
09:15.24ckknightwhy may he die?
09:15.45ckknightI can connect
09:15.58hyperChipmunk[staharaj@hyperion]$ svn import
09:15.59hyperChipmunksvn: PROPFIND request failed on '/root/trunk/AceTab-2.0'
09:15.59hyperChipmunksvn: PROPFIND of '/root/trunk/AceTab-2.0': could not connect to server (
09:16.02hyperChipmunksvn: Your commit message was left in a temporary file:
09:16.04hyperChipmunksvn:    'svn-commit.tmp'
09:17.03hyperChipmunkuh, I guess I could pastebin for anyone who wants to play around
09:17.25hyperChipmunkhere's an example
09:17.32hyperChipmunkwell, hey
09:17.35hyperChipmunkI'll just stick the code up
09:17.44hyperChipmunki wrote a couple examples with it
09:18.08vhaarrhyperChipmunk: You wrote the AceConsole tabcompletion?
09:18.43vhaarrI was in here yesterday mentioning Fizzwidget Linkerators autocomplete implementation to ckknight, because I think you should take a look at it.
09:18.50hyperChipmunkwe're splitting it into it's own library
09:19.00hyperChipmunkso you can do something like this:
09:19.08hyperChipmunkgrr, i can't get to either :)
09:19.35hyperChipmunkspam incoming; I'm sorry =(
09:19.54vhaarrit's even in the topic:
09:20.16hyperChipmunkwell, is dog slow nowadays
09:20.19hyperChipmunkwe use
09:20.26hyperChipmunkbut same reason I can't get to
09:20.32hyperChipmunkI can't get to pastebin either
09:20.43hyperChipmunklooks like wow and irc are all that are hookin' up for me now
09:20.56hyperChipmunkso you get some spam; deal
09:21.27hyperChipmunkAceLibrary("AceTab-2.0"):RegisterCompletion("TinyPad", ".*", function(text)
09:21.45hyperChipmunkthat's one example
09:22.08hyperChipmunkit basically lets you press tab in TinyPad and any word in the tinypad screen will be autocompleted
09:22.21hyperChipmunkgood for variable names and keywords
09:22.25vhaarrany word that is already there?
09:22.38vhaarrso basically like OOo's completion, that's cool
09:22.45hyperChipmunkif you wanted, you could add lua keywords too
09:23.01hyperChipmunkjust tack 'em onto the table the function produces
09:23.06hyperChipmunkhere's another one
09:24.30hyperChipmunkvisor uses commands such as /vz set f=NameOfFrameToEdit p1="RIGHT" p2="RIGHT" pr=RelativeParentFrameName
09:26.27hyperChipmunkwhich really blows sometimes, when you're doing crap like SendMailMailFrameButtonILikePie4Tab2IAmTheVeryModelOfARidiculousHierarchicNamingConvention_SendButton
09:27.10hyperChipmunkAceLibrary("AceTab-2.0"):RegisterCompletion("VisorFrames", {"p=", "pr=", "f="}, function()
09:28.12hyperChipmunkadd that to your code; now it completes frame names after f=, p=, and pr=
09:28.53hyperChipmunkit's so purdy it makes me giggle
09:29.34vhaarrBut yeah, did you take a look at Fizzwidgets Linkerator? I'm guessing it would he hard now, seeing as you can't connect to any websites.
09:29.44hyperChipmunkhehe, I have a local copy somewhere
09:29.48CIA-1103ammo * r4898 10BigWigs/ (BigWigs.toc Naxxramas/Heigan.lua):
09:29.48CIA-11* Heigan the Unclean module bugfixed
09:29.48CIA-11* Added him to the .toc
09:29.55vhaarrAs long as it's the most recent one.
09:30.04vhaarrHe just added autocompletion in the last version.
09:30.26Thraevhaarr: Did you make Fizwidgets Linkerator?
09:30.29hyperChipmunkI haven't done any sort of optimization or anything
09:30.39vhaarrThrae: I'm not fizzwidget :)
09:30.48hyperChipmunkI just layed down something that works
09:30.51hyperChipmunkso I'll take a look
09:31.08ThraeThen I can tell you that the author's comments are silly.
09:31.19hyperChipmunkfizz comments are awesome
09:31.43ThraeHe mentions KC_Items as "using up too much memory", but his DB uses up more memory then KCI. And KCI also has a ChatLink function.
09:32.14hyperChipmunkoh, thought you meant the addon descriptions
09:32.25ThraeYes, that was IN his addon description
09:32.28vhaarrLets say you have registered "Benediction" for autocompletion, if you write "Be" it will fill out so that the edit box says "Benediction" and "nediction" will be highlighted, so you can either just press Tab to use that or continue writing to get other suggestions.
09:32.46Thraevhaarr: Yes, KC_Items has tab completion too
09:32.52hyperChipmunkthat's simple
09:33.10vhaarrhyperChipmunk: I was just thinking that maybe you'd like to copy that for AceConsole/AceTab, because it's pretty neat.
09:33.32hyperChipmunki can provide a flag for autocomplete instead of tab-complete
09:33.40hyperChipmunkright now, it looks like this:
09:35.36hyperChipmunkRegisterCompletion("description", "pattern" or {"patterns"}, candidateFunc(text), [frame or {frames}], [usageFunc()])
09:35.42CIA-1103thrae * r4899 10TipLib/TipLib.lua: TipLib: Fixed nil error with OnUpdate function.
09:35.54hyperChipmunkyou give a description for the rules
09:36.04hyperChipmunkyou give the patterns you want to consider for this completion
09:36.50CIA-1103thrae * r4900 10TinyTipExtras/TinyTipExtras.lua: TinyTipExtras: When the Extra Tooltip is enabled, TinyTipExtras will now switch out your regular tooltip for a psuedo-tooltip. This will keep the original GameTooltip in "pristine" shape.
09:37.11CIA-1103thrae * r4901 10TinyTip/ (TinyTip.lua TinyTipAnchor.lua): TinyTip: Updated for changes in TinyTipExtras. (last commit)
09:37.16CIA-1103ammo * r4902 10BigWigs/Naxxramas/Heigan.lua:
09:37.16CIA-11BigWigs (Heigan):
09:37.16CIA-11* Two more start triggers added.
09:38.11hyperChipmunkyou provide a function that gets passed the entire string up to the word you're completing, and optionally a frame for this to apply to (default is the ChatFrameEditBox) and a usageFunction, which will be passed a candidate completion, and returns a usage statement for that completion (e.g. function(arg) if arg == "about" then return "Prints helpful information about the addon and its author" end end)
09:38.56hyperChipmunkfor easy building of commandlines
09:39.31hyperChipmunkand I will build a module into AceConsole, of course, so that the AceOptions data format is automatically handled
09:39.48hyperChipmunksince i've already done the hard work for that, it oughtn't be too difficult
09:39.52hyperChipmunk(yeah right)
09:41.03hyperChipmunkanyway, all the candidateFunction needs to return is a table of strings of ALL the valid completions (for instance, all of the words in TinyPad's edit box in my first example, and all of the valid frame names in the second)
09:42.32hyperChipmunkoh, and a string to title the suggestions printout, since multiple addons might allow a completion given the current state of the input text
09:43.13hyperChipmunkthen, when you hit tab in the frame, it completes as much partial as it can, then prints out the title plus the possible completions, with usage printout if the usage function is provided =)
09:44.14hyperChipmunkyou haven't lived until you've used a tabcomplete-capable visor >8D
09:44.51hyperChipmunk/vz set f=Mi<TAB>Cl<TAB> -> /vz set f=MinimapCluster
09:45.43hyperChipmunkdon't spoil my secret plans >8*(
09:45.49hyperChipmunkdarn you!
09:46.10hyperChipmunkI wasn't goign to mention that until I'd figured it out
09:46.40vhaarrsorry :/
09:47.49hyperChipmunkthat was going to be my piece de resistance
09:48.52hyperChipmunkit wasn't such an original inspiration after all, anyway, i guess
09:49.09vhaarrit is pretty common, yes
09:49.23vhaarrbut you could make it rock
09:49.40vhaarrlike add a "tooltip" at the side of the dewdrop with help information for the selected option
09:49.40hyperChipmunkwell I'm making my own popup!  With hookers! aaand Dewdrop!
09:49.52vhaarrin a html frame so you can format the information too
09:50.50vhaarrthat would be so cool I think I would cry
09:51.15hyperChipmunkmeh, I need to just twist ckknight's arm to let us attach tooltips to dewdrop mouseovers
09:52.02Neronix`sleepI'm sure you already can with the newbi tooltip thing
09:52.42hyperChipmunkthe Clippy !s?
09:53.03vhaarroh my god I just had the most annoying addon idea ever
09:53.53hyperChipmunk"Hey, there! It looks as if you are about to enter a battleground!  Would you like me to spam psychic scream for you?"
09:54.53vhaarris it possible to add new 3d models with an addon? I'm guessing not.
09:55.10vhaarrcould just use the players 3d toon
09:56.13hyperChipmunkI wonder if you can hack into those !-buttons
09:56.26hyperChipmunkwe could use it to explain nifty things about Ace2
09:56.51hyperChipmunkusing "Slim, your helpful Ace-in-the-Hole"
09:56.56vhaarrI guess you could start a new char and check them out
09:57.36*** join/#wowace Sairen (
09:57.49hyperChipmunkor just "The AceHole", as he'll probably end up being called
09:58.49*** join/#wowace ckknight_ (
10:00.33hyperChipmunk"Hi again!  I see that you have left the battleground and now have access to public channels.  Would you like me to: *Shout for assistance in a random newbie dungeon?  *Spam the trade channel with overpriced goods that nobody would buy anyways?  *Start a flamewar in General chat?"
10:01.38hyperChipmunkanyway, I'm beginning to sicken myself, and it's 06:00
10:01.44hyperChipmunktime for bed >8P
10:01.55vhaarryou're wrong, it's 12:00
10:02.00hyperChipmunkg'night; hopefully I can let you guys start playing with AceTab tomorrow
10:02.08hyperChipmunkCET ftl
10:07.30CIA-1103ammo * r4903 10BigWigs/Naxxramas/Thaddius.lua:
10:07.30CIA-11BigWigs (thaddius):
10:07.30CIA-11* Fixed delayed color cancels
10:15.26*** join/#wowace ag` (
10:15.40Neronix`sleepsedatedChipmunk: Can I branch Bulkmail to fix an error the options table causes in DC?
10:18.18*** join/#wowace MvA|Slayman (
10:18.33CIA-1103chinkuwaila * r4904 10BigWigs/ZG/Arlokk.lua:
10:18.33CIA-11BigWigs (Arlokk):
10:18.33CIA-11typos in deDE localization triggers fixed
10:25.14vhaarrSairen: Have you posted your modified idChatChannelnames anywhere?
10:26.08vhaarrSairen: I just noticed you have modified it so Trade becomes (T), for example, and it looks really nice. I just hacked it up myself to make it (T), (LFG), (GEN) and (LD), but your code is probably better :P
10:26.25Neronixsteino: See that levelling guide you posted a few days ago, do you have a mirror of it?
10:26.43Sairenvhaarr, no haven't it uploaded yet
10:27.20vhaarrSairen: Care to throw it at for me, if it's not too much trouble?
10:27.26Sairenone mom
10:28.42Sairenvhaarr: , there you go
10:28.49Andaliadoes input type 'text' in aceconsole really need a get?
10:29.06ag`Sairen, you know how colors is saved to channel number, and not channel name? Is it possible to fix this?
10:29.18vhaarrSairen: Nice, thanks alot.
10:29.32NeronixAndalia: Just make it an empty function
10:29.42Andaliaok thx
10:29.57Neronixdon't usea boolean or Dewdrop will spit errors if you try to use your table for a dewdrop config
10:30.10vhaarrSairen, ag`: I'm curious about MG2, in the options panel there is a "MTs" tab that is empty here - is it possible to get MG2 to handle the maintankframes?
10:30.11Neronixin fact, even if you don't use dewdrop, make it an empty function
10:30.20NeronixOr you'll make DeuceCommander puke :P
10:32.03*** join/#wowace Tuplad (
10:32.11Sairenag`: mh, don't know what you mean
10:32.19NeronixOh shit! It's Tuplad! :O
10:32.44ag`vhaarr, not yet-ish
10:33.04vhaarrag`: okay
10:33.13ag`Sairen, if you have lets say, 4 chat channels. You change the color of the last one, and you leave one of the first
10:33.40ag`next time you log in, the channnels will be numbered 1-3, so noone of them would have the changed color
10:33.56ag`chat colors are saved to the channel number, not the channel name
10:34.02ag`it pisses me off :P
10:34.14Tupladag_UF can already be used ? :]
10:34.51vhaarrag`: Is it possible to scale ag_UF yet?
10:34.56ag`not yet
10:35.03vhaarrThat was the thing that kept me from trying it the last time I had it loaded.
10:35.15ag`today, tomorrow, who knows
10:36.02Tupladag`: got screenie ?
10:36.06vhaarrag`: I know I've seen an addon that claimed to fix the channel coloring, but I can't remember what it's called.
10:36.29Neronix - Fun fun!
10:36.41NeronixWould make playing a spy more fun
10:36.46ag`Tuplad, looks mostly like MG, but it could look like anything if you added a theme to the table really
10:36.49Neronixeven if they end up nerfing it into loladin-ness
10:38.25steinoNeronix: ?
10:39.11Neronixsteino: Hmm, it was down 5 mins ago O.o
10:39.16Neronixnvm, sorry
10:39.56Tupladag`: aighty :)
10:43.15Tupladkergoth`zzz: sleeping ?
10:45.27Tuplad that's sexy(the art below)
10:49.17Soltaniswhat unitframes do you use at the moment then tuplad?
10:50.18Tupladthe sexy glaze art <3
10:50.23Tupladand the sexy smooth art <3
10:51.17Soltanishad weird problems when i tried those unitframes, blizzard frames would come through when i zoned
10:51.24Tupladhide it
10:51.30Tupladhide it with visor :)
10:51.45TupladI have the latest version off svn, works great
10:51.58vhaarrag`: One thing I was wondering about MG/ag_UF is if you could modify the buff/debuff display on the target so that it shows relevant buffs/debuffs first and also shows the rest at the same time?
10:52.15Soltanisouf and not ouf2 i take it tuplad
10:52.26vhaarrag`: Problem is that when I play my shadowpriest, it's sometimes hard to see if the shadow debuff is there or not.
10:52.44ag`It is not possible to toggle if only buffs or debuffs is filtered, it can be changed easily though
10:52.58TupladSoltanis: yea, oUF2
10:53.01ag`the thing is that debuffs isn't filtered by what you can cast but by what you can dispel
10:53.03vhaarrAlso the shadow debuff from when I play my warlock, and curses.
10:53.14Soltanisahh that might be it then Tuplad , ill go try ouf2
10:53.17vhaarrag`: yeah, I'm requesting a feature here :)
10:53.28Tupladit's in the branches
10:53.29vhaarrhm, I guess it would be alot of work.
10:53.39Soltanisit still in ... yep k thanks
10:57.39Soltanisreally gotten used to using perfect raid now , used to think i would hate having all 40 people showing
10:57.54Sairenag`: the theme system of aUF hasn't changed alot compared to mg2?
10:58.14ag`Sairen, it can read the same tables
10:58.18Sairenk :)
11:00.32TupladSoltanis: PerfectRaid is imba
11:01.23Soltanisyeah , used to not like the idea of having all 40 people when all i wanted to know is if a res'er has a soulstone , but i have gotten used to being able to see them all , and i would miss it now :-)
11:02.48Tupladgonna try to implent glazing art in perfectraid :D
11:03.13Tupladcladhaire !
11:05.21ag`what is glazing art?
11:08.02TupladHaste has it in oUF2
11:08.39ag`what is it used for, that texture?
11:09.59Tupladyou can set it yourself
11:10.16Soltanisoh dear wow crashed :-(
11:10.16ag`but is it just for the bars?
11:10.25TupladPlayer -> HealthBar / PowerBar
11:10.25TupladParty -> HealthBar / PowerBar
11:10.25TupladTarget -> HealthBar/ PowerBar
11:10.32Tupladalso, for pets, target's target
11:10.56Soltanistuplad can the frames be moved in OUF2 or am i stuck with them atthe bottom?
11:11.07Tupladthere is smooth, perl, glaze, krsnik(?), and oUF
11:11.11Tupladalt drag them
11:11.23Tupladcontrol right click to on your playerframe to see settings :]
11:11.42Soltanisahh, thanks again
11:13.30*** part/#wowace Tuplad (
11:14.11*** join/#wowace Tuplad (
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11:17.45Soltaniswoot , just how i always wanted them now
11:17.57Soltanistime to see if i still have my zoning problem
11:18.01hasteTuplad: <Ctrl> Right-click anyframe ;)
11:18.12hasteSoltanis: zoning?
11:19.09Soltanisyeah, in OUF1 everyime i zoned and in party the blizzard frames would come through
11:19.23hastethat was a AUF bug
11:19.37hasteand it took me several hours to dig forth the source of it :(
11:19.54Soltanisoh well , fixed anyway, everything perfect now
11:20.06hasteoUF1 is very outdated also :p
11:20.20hastelast version was in April, when I started playing with CreateFrame (points at oCB)
11:21.05Soltaniswhats stopping you putting ouf2 in the trunk then?
11:21.34hasteat start, it was no options, and pretty much unfinished
11:21.56hasteI'm not moving it to the trunk untill I've finished what I originally planned
11:22.24Soltanisanyway to see where the player1 - 4 frames are without inviting 4 people ?
11:25.15haste/script LoadAddOn("oUF_Party") for i=1,4 do oUF.frames["party"..i]:Show() end
11:25.16hasteshould work
11:25.28Soltanisohh nice , thanks
11:25.59Tupladomg haste
11:26.02Tupladthat's what I needed!ľ
11:26.26Tupladbut how do I know which frame is which ?
11:26.34Tupladcuz I sorted it in my weird way :p
11:27.20haste/script for i=1,4 do oUF.frames["party"..i].HPBar.Name:SetText("Party"..i) end
11:27.52Tupladhow do I hide it ? :]
11:28.05ag`Oh. I should probably have started aUF in branches then?
11:28.20hasteag`: nah, trunk is usually used for "bleeding edge"
11:28.29hastewhile branch is a fork of another trunk unit
11:28.45hastebut since people here think trunk is "This works!" I just branched it :p
11:29.14hasteTuplad: /script for i=1,4 do oUF.frames["party"..i]:Hide() end
11:32.20Tupladthis is so dumb
11:32.30Tupladwhy do mobs have to crit me when Im low hp and they are 1 hit away from dieng ?
11:33.21Soltanismob logic ,it's built in to do that
11:33.26Soltaniskinda like an execute
11:34.11hastejust like WF proccing like mad when your low on HP ;)
11:36.11Soltanisor nightfall proc'ing after the mob is dead and no othe rmobs about
11:36.32Soltanisok think i need to get something to deal my the tooltip
11:38.08*** join/#wowace Shyva (
11:38.28Soltanisno matter everything working
11:39.24TupladError:  attempt to index local `moneyFrame' (a nil value) AddOn: KC_Items File: tooltip.lua Line: 200 Count: 1 -> after opening the same vendor for the second time
11:39.24TupladError:  attempt to index global `DEFAULT_CHAT_MESSAGE' (a nil value) AddOn: WitchHunt File: AceDB-2.0.lua Line: 815 Count: 2 -> tried to open bank(OneBag)
11:39.55Mikmaoh noes
11:39.59Mikmateh errors :(
11:55.15Tupladwarlocks are just bullshit, you attack them when they are 5% and you get killed
11:55.55NeronixI'm scissors.
11:56.01NeronixPaper is fine
11:56.07NeronixBUT FUCKING NERF ROCK!!
11:56.38NeronixThat pretty much sums up what people say about class balance
11:57.15Tupladso true so true
11:57.22NeronixIt applies to you
11:57.30hasteTuplad: That's second one is a typo
11:57.43hasteTuplad: it should be: DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME I guess
11:57.56haste*opens the lua*
11:58.29hastethere's no DEFAULT_ in WitchHunt :<
11:58.59hasteTuplad: your error addons sucks, and makes me confused!
12:06.29Tupladits improved error frame >_>
12:08.52SoltanisTuplad : most warlocks hate the deathcoil fear, was a attempt at a fix that failed
12:17.06TupladError:  attempt to index local `moneyFrame' (a nil value) AddOn: KC_Items File: tooltip.lua Line: 200 Count: 2
12:17.19hastehaha, I died with 1 sec left on the cooldown on Vanish ;D
12:19.05Tupladlol @ warrior forums
12:19.10Tuplada warrior whines that rogues are overpowered
12:19.39Tupladhe says he have been playing wow for over a year
12:22.07hastetime played != skill
12:23.01Tupladskill < gear
12:23.06Tupladno actually
12:23.09Tupladtime played = skill
12:23.09hastethat again depends
12:23.19Tupladif you're about pvp; time played = skill
12:23.27Tupladabout pve ... no idea
12:23.38Tupladbeen to ZG a few times and then quit the guild to go pvp
12:24.01hasteYou can get far in PvE and PvP and be a total retard
12:24.23Tupladwell, retardness has nothing to do with the game -_-"
12:24.34Tupladthat is someone's problem :]
12:24.48hastedon't take everything I say word by word
12:24.57hasteI'm just saying that you can suck hard and get far
12:25.07TupladŹ_Ź sucking and being retard is not the same
12:25.27hastewhich is why I said you shouldn't take it directly
12:25.28Tuplad and
12:25.39*** part/#wowace haste (n=haste@
12:25.40Tupladbut ye ye I get it
12:29.37*** join/#wowace Andalia_ (
12:35.13CIA-1103icetrain * r4905 10oRA_MainTankFrames/oRA_MainTankFrames.lua: oRA_MainTankFrames: Optimized duplicate target checking slightly
12:57.09vhaarrSairen: Your FuBar texture looks really nice, btw, but I couldn't find it in FuTextures, is it possible to download it somewhere?
12:58.50Sairenvhaarr: yep,
12:58.59phyber<3 commands not doing what the advertise
12:59.11phyber'svn cleanup': recursivly remove locks, etc
12:59.15phyberit doesn't do it :|
12:59.39Sairenvhaarr: but, atm it works only if the panel is on the bottom of the screen :>
12:59.58vhaarrSairen: thanks :) hehe, np, mine is :)
12:59.59Tupladjust flip it 180°
13:04.25vhaarrbah, the icon for FuBar_ReagentFu isn't transparent :(
13:05.12Sairenthen you now have something to do :P
13:05.26vhaarrbah, GIMP crashes on startup :(
13:06.25ag`how do I do a reverse "for"
13:06.30ag`for i=20,1 do ?
13:06.54*** join/#wowace quoin (
13:06.59Mikmatry it and tell :D
13:07.11ag`found it in the manual
13:07.32Sairenfor i=20, 1, -1 do ?
13:10.00vhaarrah, it uses SetIcon("Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Dust_01") anyway
13:11.38*** part/#wowace Grumpey (
13:12.06vhaarrOkay, I'm a FuBar1 plugin that wants to save some booleans, how do I use the db available from the MyPlugin = FuBarPlugin:GetInstance call?
13:12.19vhaarrI notice there's a db = AceDatabase:new() call in there
13:12.30vhaarror is that not for savedvariables?
13:13.41vhaarrI would've read the code for other plugins but I can't think of any that I have that saves data, hm ..
13:14.05vhaarrmoneyfu, probably
13:14.18SairenToFu does save data, too
13:14.27vhaarrI don't even know what that is
13:14.38Sairenflight time plugin
13:18.08*** join/#wowace Grumpey (
13:20.09vhaarrah, heh, the plugin already tries to save data, but it checked if it had any by checking if the saved data table was == 0, not == nil.
13:20.44vhaarrswap |if table.getn(self.charData.showReagent) == 0 then| with |if table.getn(self.charData.showReagent) == nil then| in ReagentFu.lua and it'll save what reagents to track.
13:21.08vhaarrno, wait, that broke stuff
13:21.34vhaarrah, table.getn
13:23.14vhaarrself.charData does get saved in a fubar plugin, right?
13:23.29vhaarrare there any problems with saving boolean values true/false ?
13:30.56Sairensry was ingame
13:31.09Sairenself.charData should be saved, yes
13:31.18vhaarrit appears that it's not here
13:31.48Sairenif you don't define a db-table yourself, it uses the main fubar db
13:32.00vhaarrshould it be saved in FuBar_Myplugin.lua in savedvars?
13:32.11vhaarrso in FuBar.lua
13:32.16Sairenthink so
13:32.49vhaarrthere's no plugindata in my FuBar.lua savedvariables file
13:32.52vhaarronly FuBar settings
13:33.02vhaarrat the bottom there is a ["pluginDB"] = {}
13:33.27vhaarrin WTF\account\Realm\Char I see a FuBar_MoneyFu.lua file
13:34.06*** part/#wowace Grumpey (
13:34.46vhaarrthere are lots of FuBar_<plugin>.lua files in SavedVars
13:36.11vhaarrhm, maybe it's this line causing trouble: fuCompatible  = 102, ?
13:40.25vhaarrnope :/
13:41.08vhaarryeah, seems like true/false is the problem
13:41.16vhaarrit doesn't save the values that are false, only true
13:48.40phybernice touch, Mikma :)
13:50.57phyberVoicesFromBeyond seems to be breaking SVN checkout
13:50.58phyberFetching external item into 'VoicesFromBeyond/Libs/AceAddon-2.0'
13:50.58phybersvn: 'VoicesFromBeyond/Libs/AceAddon-2.0' is already a working copy for a different URL
13:53.34vhaarrhow do I check if something exists in a table?
13:53.47vhaarrcan I do |if table["test"] == nil then| ?
13:53.54Mikmaphyber: you should thank kergoth for the StickyFrames :) he's the one who did it
13:54.20phyberahh :)
13:54.24vhaarrif "test" is not in the table at all, |table| just has table["rofl"]
13:54.30phyberkergoth`zzz: thanks :)
13:54.57phyberI've probably been running it for a while, but only just noticed when I was moving frames on my priest. :)
13:57.00CIA-1103tekkub * r4906 10VoicesFromBeyond/Libs/ (9 files in 9 dirs):
13:57.00CIA-11- Please hold.........
13:57.34phybercrappy hold music >_<
13:58.01CIA-1103tekkub * r4907 10VoicesFromBeyond/Libs/:
13:58.01CIA-11- This should fix externals issue
13:59.26CIA-1103kaelten * r4908 10Ace2/AceDB-2.0/AceDB-2.0.lua: Ace2 - Fixed DEFAULT_CHAT_FRAME message errors.
13:59.42Kaeltenhows it going?
14:00.43phyber## Notes: Automatically notify your guild when a raid boss is defeated.
14:00.54Mikmathat's one nice addon :D
14:05.05Worfrotfl... yeah. does it post the loot too? :)
14:08.07Kaeltenhopefully when 1.12 goes live it'll give a shout out on the hidden raid channel to prevent double posting
14:08.13Kaeltenor at least try
14:12.04*** join/#wowace Uruloke (
14:12.43ag`ura, count, class = UnitDebuff(unit,id)
14:12.55ag`class doesn't need to bo localized, does it?
14:13.06Kaeltener... not sure
14:13.43ag`I'll try my luck and do as the wiki
14:24.27*** join/#wowace Jarenthal (
14:35.57CIA-1103kaelten * r4909 10OneView/OneView.xml: OneView - Added bag highlighting.
14:40.20*** join/#wowace Amadeo (
14:40.23Tekcubtoo fucking hot
14:40.28Tekcubespecially at 9 in the morn
14:40.28AmadeoTekcub: You're not so bad yourself
14:42.16Urulokeif :RegisterTranslations is called twice for the same locale will it error out or add to the existing table?
14:42.38AmadeoI'd like to get away from using Nurfed Combat Log :(
14:45.01AmadeoI don't like how you have to use Nurfed_Utility
14:45.14AmadeoI'm only using one addon, but it's designed to support about 4 or something
14:48.24KaeltenUruloke: not sure.
14:49.36Urulokehmm, it seems to replace the entire table...
14:49.49UrulokeI think
14:52.39CIA-1103phyber * r4910 10XPBarNone/Core.lua:
14:52.39CIA-11- Dewdrop Menu will now refresh on FACTION_UPDATE to correctly show which faction is being watched (for when changing watched faction from the menu).
14:55.11CIA-1103tekkub 07Ace2 * r4911 10BigWigs/ (Core.lua ZG/Hakkar.lua):
14:55.11CIA-11BigWigs (Ace2 Branch)
14:55.11CIA-11- Some more little tweaks to Hakkar (not done yet!)
14:55.11CIA-11- Added toggle module option to auto-generated boss command tables, need to pull those strings into the locale table tho
14:58.05CIA-1103kaelten * r4912 10OneBank/OneBank.xml: OneBank - Updated function call to new function.
14:59.11CIA-1103kaelten * r4913 10OneBag/OneCore.lua: OneBag - Optimized bag updates a little more.
15:06.42CIA-1103tekkub 07Ace2 * r4914 10BigWigs/ (15 files in 6 dirs):
15:06.42CIA-11BigWigs (Ace2 Branch)
15:06.42CIA-11- Merging in trunk (4799 - current)
15:06.42CIA-11- Does not include german translations in already-converted modules...yet...
15:07.40AmadeoI think something's up with FruityLoot (AceLoot), it's taking 2110 KiB
15:18.46Amadeothat sounds a bit high for a loot addon :)
15:21.12[Ammo]good afternoon
15:23.04Amadeohiya ammo
15:24.21Tekcubwhy did I just read "Hi emo" there...?L
15:24.30Amadeoanyone using ag_UnitFrames?
15:24.43Urulokeis L"mystring" the equivalent as self:GetTranslation("mystring") and if so can you do L"mystring","subkey" as equivalent to self:GetTranslation("mystring", "subkey")?
15:25.25Tekcubl"string" is equiv to L("string") which is equiv to L:GetTranslation("string")
15:25.55Tekcubso L("string", "subkey")
15:26.08Amadeowhat about G("string")
15:26.15[Ammo]I should go about documenting CandyBar
15:26.17Tekcubshut up you
15:26.22[Ammo]instead of pointing people to the source :p
15:26.26Tekcubdocument my libs too!
15:26.46CIA-1103kaelten * r4915 10OneView/ (OneView.lua bindings.xml):
15:26.46CIA-11OneView -
15:26.46CIA-11- Added /ovs and /ovshow which will show the OneView Frame.
15:26.47CIA-11- Moved the keybinding file from OneBag to OneView.
15:26.49Tupladwhat is candybar anyways ? :)
15:26.53TekcubI don't have enough time to finish my code, let alone get API doc written up ><
15:26.56Urulokelocale table keys must be strings, right?
15:27.03[Ammo]yeah sucks tek, I know the feeling
15:27.15TekcubI don't think they have to uru
15:27.20Tekcubbut they might
15:27.24CIA-1103kaelten * r4916 10OneBag/bindings.xml: OneBag - deleted bindings.xml as the only binding was for OneView and now that resides in OneView.
15:27.34Tekcubtry it, see iff ckk verifies
15:28.25UrulokeI've also been considering making my modules able to add their own bits of localisations to my ArcHUD_Module locale table
15:28.54Urulokebut think I'll have to do that manually by inserting into the table, no?
15:29.15CIA-1103tekkub * r4917 10BigWigs/AQ20/GeneralRajaxx.lua:
15:29.15CIA-11- Minor tweak to Rajaxx module, wave 1 message should now fire when the wave actually comes, not when all the NPC conversation begins
15:30.11vhaarrAmadeo: that's probably because FruityLoot is your first addon to load Ace2.
15:30.49vhaarrAmadeo: Install AuldLangSyne and most of the memory usage will be "moved" to that addon, just to illustrate.
15:30.49CIA-1103ammo 07Ace2 * r4918 10BigWigs/BWL/ (Ebonroc.lua Firemaw.lua):
15:30.49CIA-11BigWigs (Ace2):
15:30.49CIA-11* Updated the already converted BWL modules to new sync api
15:31.19Amadeovhaarr: Oh, I see what you mean
15:31.33Kaeltenya that does happen
15:32.08Kaeltenthe Ace2 libs use up about 600kb
15:32.46AmadeoI didn't know it depended on which loads first
15:33.04Amadeohow big was Ace?
15:33.13UrulokeI think it would also show up if a newer version is found in another addon
15:33.29vhaarrno, then it will unload the old revisions on the next GC
15:33.38vhaarrwell it would show up before the gc
15:34.10KaeltenAce1 was about 300kb
15:34.18Urulokeyeah, that's what I mean. you will see the memory usage for that addon as higher than it actually is
15:34.56CIA-1103ammo 07Ace2 * r4919 10BigWigs/BWL/ (Ebonroc.lua Firemaw.lua):
15:34.56CIA-11BigWigs (Ace2):
15:34.56CIA-11* SyncRecv ~= RecvSync
15:34.59Kaeltenbut Ace2 has alot more overall functionality in it.
15:35.03vhaarrmaybe WarmUp should be modified so it shows the memory usage after the first gc instead of on load.
15:35.27vhaarror updated to show both
15:35.29Kaeltenthen it wouldn't show any numbers
15:35.40vhaarrright, okay :P
15:36.23Kaeltenbecause those numbers are collected as they load its the onl way to collect the data like he does.
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15:36.43vhaarrah, he checks the mem usage between every ADDON_LOADED or something?
15:37.14Kaeltenthere is no easy way to tell how much ram an addon actually uses, just how much it uses on load.
15:37.22vhaarrokay didn't know that
15:38.09Kaeltenits also why those numbers are not 100% truly representitive of what an addon actually uses
15:38.21vhaarrwell, maybe it should update after the first GC to say "Memory use on load: XX.XXmb \n Memory use after first GC: XX.XXmb \n Difference +/- X.Xmb"
15:38.53vhaarrcome to think of it, I have no idea when the first gc happens
15:39.01vhaarris it on a set timer interval?
15:39.10vhaarrfires as needed?
15:39.11Kaeltengc hapens when memory usage hits a threshold
15:39.18vhaarrheh okay, nevermind then :P
15:39.42KaeltenOneBag has 750ishkb in Warmup now.  but in my tests it seems it only uses about 400-500kb while running
15:40.41ag`fruityloots gives errors
15:40.45vhaarryou just added support for viewing other characters, right?
15:40.54vhaarrif so, I'll try One* again soon
15:41.00Kaeltenyep, in OneView
15:41.15Urulokehmm, using AceLocale-2.0 as mixin has no real use now... does it? better to load via AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.0")?
15:41.19vhaarrreally need that, not switching from Bagnon until that works :)
15:41.22Kaeltenits a seperate app (for those who don't want it), but it sits on the OneBag core
15:41.30KaeltenUruloke: I don't think you can use it as a mixin
15:41.47Urulokethought so
15:41.53[Ammo]Kaelten quick question: if I want to replace Bagnon (bag and bank) which of the One*'s do I use?
15:42.07KaeltenOneBag OneBank
15:42.22Kaeltenif you want remote viewing as well add in OneView
15:42.32[Ammo]so basically all of em :)
15:42.41TupladKaelten: you should delete bagview from OneView
15:42.48TupladI can just press B if I want to view my bag
15:42.53Tupladjust the bank
15:43.08AmadeoTuplad: What do you mean?
15:43.14KaeltenTuplad: ya, but you can't view other chars bag by pressing B
15:43.20Tupladin OneView
15:43.42Tupladwhen you run OneView, you get a window with the things that are in your bank AND in your bag
15:43.51Tupladso you're basically seeing your bag again + bank
15:43.52Amadeooh, I see now
15:44.08Amadeoyeah, but what Kaelten said!
15:44.23AmadeoI guess you could remove the frame for the default character, but it's not a big deal to me
15:44.32Kaeltenwell just shrink it tuplad
15:44.32Amadeoer, default = active
15:44.42TupladKaelten: what u mean ?
15:44.53AmadeoTuplad: Press the little arrow
15:44.54Kaeltensee the little arrow button above the bag sections?
15:44.58Tupladyea :)
15:45.02Kaeltenclick it !
15:45.04Tupladbut why ? :<
15:45.08Tupladisnt it kinda useless ?
15:45.10Kaeltenit hides the bag
15:45.15TupladI know
15:45.24Kaeltenthen you don't have to look at them
15:45.27Tupladnooo lol
15:45.42TupladI mean, why put the things that the bag contains in the oneview ?
15:45.52Tupladyou have OneBag, why OneBag in OneView ?
15:45.56AmadeoTuplad: OneView isn't primarily for the character you're currently playing
15:46.02Tupladaaaaah :)
15:46.07Amadeoit's to view the inventories of other characters on your account at any time
15:46.07Kaeltenso you can see whats in your other characters bags as well
15:46.09Tupladnow that makes sense :D
15:46.20Tupladnever thought about it ;\
15:46.21Kaeltenif you want to see your own chars bank you Can do it though
15:46.23Amadeoso if you need to see your level 37 alts bank/bags to check for materials or something, you can
15:47.01Urulokecan you somehow catch the error message of an error that triggers on logout/reload ui?
15:47.17Soltanisi take it it's called One* because it's all in one style/
15:47.56Amadeoit's one bag to rule them all
15:48.10CIA-1103kaelten * r4920 10Ace2/AceConsole-2.0/AceConsole-2.0.lua: Ace2 - fixed global bug.
15:48.46CIA-1103kaelten * r4921 10OneView/OneView.lua: OneView - Fixed bug if you try to set cols and OneView hasn't been viewed yet.
15:49.19AmadeoAny way I can reset my Combat Log window back to defaults?
15:49.19*** join/#wowace haste (
15:49.25KaeltenI'm going to make a OneRing as well.
15:49.33KaeltenUruloke: not to my knowledge
15:49.41Soltanisso you need OneCore as well?
15:49.48KaeltenSoltanis: nope, its outdated
15:50.04KaeltenSoltanis: I've put the code from OneCore inside OneBag,
15:50.05Urulokemeh... ArcHUD2 triggers an error like that and I have no idea what causes it
15:50.10AmadeoI don't need OneCore now?
15:50.12AmadeoNow he tells me!
15:50.27KaeltenAmadeo: lol, ya, if you look its probably an empty folder
15:50.40Tuplad:O omg
15:50.42TupladI had onecore too
15:50.57Kaeltenlol, didn't hurt you, since an empty folder doesn't load anything up
15:51.03TainKaelten keep forgetting to ask you.  Is there an easy way to look at my alts mats like kc_et shows me?  Like I have an herbalist and an engineer, and while I'm on the herbalist I'd like to be able to check my engineer's stuff as I come across things
15:51.36KaeltenTain: you mean you want to see what their recepies need? or what they have in their bags/bank?
15:51.37Amadeo[Rapsucks] whispers: hi
15:51.47AmadeoTo [Rapsucks]: I'm not running you through stockades
15:52.12TupladAmadeo: usually I reply with
15:52.43Tuplad"Im not giving you gold, Im not running you thru deadmines, Im not helping you with quests, Im not showing you the way to IF" and after that: "Hello!"
15:52.58CIA-1103tekkub 07Ace2 * r4922 10BigWigs/AQ20/GeneralRajaxx.lua:
15:52.58CIA-11BigWigs (Ace2 Branch)
15:52.58CIA-11- Merging trunk r4917
15:53.04Tupladbut it's still old :P
15:54.12Soltanisright let me go test this one* stuff then
15:54.40[Ammo]kaelten: how do I make onebank remember its position
15:54.58[Ammo]it keeps reapearing above my normal bags, which annoys the hell out of me ;)
15:55.09[Ammo]other than that, damn sweet
15:55.17[Ammo]alot more responsive than bagnon
15:55.22Kaelten[Ammo]: hrm, I really need ti figure that one out :s
15:55.43[Ammo]you can check out Necronomicon btw (it remembers positions)
15:55.56[Ammo]screws up when someone rescales their UI but shrug
15:56.02[Ammo]add a simple reset option and you're done
15:56.06Kaeltenwell, Other things I've written remember their position just fine.
15:56.33KaeltenI think OneBank may have the issue because its LoD
15:56.49TainKaelten: what they have for mats.  So yeah their inventories.
15:56.51KaeltenI probably need to write a little bit of memory code
15:57.06[Ammo]oh and framelevels need to be way higher
15:57.11SoltanisKaelten : anyway to swapbag order for bags?
15:57.18[Ammo]but damn sweet :)
15:57.27[Ammo]another svn updateable addon for Ammo :)
15:57.47KaeltenTain: OneView lets you see your alts inventory/bank
15:58.43KaeltenSoltanis: I'm going to be looking at that soon
15:59.40Kaelten[Ammo]: I'm going to be making the framestarta an option
15:59.51[Ammo]Kaelten: good :)
16:00.20Tainok kael
16:00.26Kaeltenok, so sticky locations, reverse bag locations, and adjustable framestrata, anything else?
16:00.39KaeltenTain: yes?
16:01.00TainNo nothing, just saying ok to your answer about oneview showing alts. :)
16:01.14Kaeltenwhoops, caps
16:02.21SoltanisKaelten : even better make it so you can put them in the order you want
16:02.49TainBy the way is OneCore (in svn) anything?
16:04.08KaeltenSoltanis: hrm, that my be a little more difficult
16:04.12[Ammo]Kaelten: well it works fine so far, I suggest euhm KCI2? :)
16:04.35Amadeonow I'm confused
16:04.42SoltanisKaelten : which ever is easier for you
16:05.09Amadeovhaarr: You were saying that the first addon to load would use more memory, which makes sense...but I'm also using ag_UnitFrames, which is an Ace2 addon that should be loading first, and it's using much less KiB in Warmup
16:08.19vhaarrAmadeo: Maybe ag_UF loads when the player/party/target frames load, I don't know.
16:08.48Amadeoag`? :P
16:09.54CIA-1103joshborke 07joshborke * r4923 10HealWatch/HealWatch/ (HealWatchEvents.lua HealWatchFrames.lua):
16:09.54CIA-11- updated events to drop a little check for curSpell, whatever
16:09.54CIA-11- updated frames to hopefully fill in heals that are que'd
16:10.17Amadeoag`: Does agUF load Ace2 stuff after other frames load, like party? or?
16:10.23SoltanisKaelten : this might sound stupid but how do you view other characters stuff.. i have oneview loaded
16:10.41ag`Amadeo, nope
16:10.51AmadeoI dunno then
16:10.55vhaarrAmadeo: I'm raiding now, can't really talk much, sorry.
16:10.59Amadeovhaarr: that's ok
16:11.02AmadeoI'm just curious
16:11.25ag`how much is agUF using in warmup
16:11.35vhaarrThrae|Away: hm, the hp bar below TinyTip suddenly locked on the screen. No matter where my tooltip is the hp bar never moves.
16:11.36KaeltenSoltanis: well you have to sign in on them before you can do it, then after that you can do /ovs /ovshow or theirs also a keybinding
16:11.50vhaarrThrae|Away: It fades with the tooltip and shows with the tooltip. It also shows the hp of the current mousover unit.
16:11.54Amadeoag`: 747 KiB for me
16:11.55vhaarrThrae|Away: It just doesn't move.
16:12.05Soltanisthank you
16:12.15Amadeoag`: Are there any options for it yet?
16:12.23KaeltenSoltanis: or rather sign in on a given character before you can view their inventory, and visit the bank with them to see their bank stuff
16:12.33ag`Amadeo, yes, but currently you need to set them in ag_Defaults.lua
16:12.41ag`until I've added dewdrop or something
16:13.43Soltaniswas the slash command i was missing, all sorted now
16:13.47Soltanisthanks great addon
16:15.43Kaeltennp, there is also a keybinding as well
16:16.40*** join/#wowace Parak (
16:17.12TainYou know what I'd like?  kci linkview to tell you if any of you chars has something when you search for it
16:17.41Soltanis[Ammo] : im still getting an error when i try to bind a key to Mount through Necronomicon, let me disable everything and see if it's me being silly
16:17.43TainOf course I'm just.. sort of lazy.
16:18.21vhaarr[Ammo]: "Interface\AddOns\Timex\Bar\TimexBar.lua:397: TimexBar 'BigWigsBar Blink" not found." when we just wiped on Noth.
16:18.49vhaarr(BW ace1)
16:19.02KaeltenTain: after I get AG2, Rundown is going to make a come back as well
16:23.34CIA-1103ag * r4924 10ag_UnitFrames/ (4 files): ag_UnitFrames - Added aura icons and aura filtering
16:24.09Kaeltenheya Cairenn
16:30.45vhaarrag`: Give me scaling ;D
16:31.03Kaeltenscaling what?
16:31.10vhaarrag_UF frame scaling.
16:31.11Kaeltenoh you where talking to ag
16:31.53Amadeohm, strange
16:32.05Amadeowhen I removed ag_UF, FruityLoot is only using 237 KiB
16:32.17Amadeobut with ag_UF in, it uses 2100 KiB or so
16:32.25SoltanisAmmo : Necronomicon/Keybindings.xml - all your functions are asking for Necronmicon and not Necronomicon - this is from the one on the svn
16:33.06Urulokeuh... odd. I tried to find the cause of my on logout/reload error so I commented the module parts from the TOC, restarted. no error, so re-enabled them all again and... now it's gone. o.O
16:39.29[Ammo]vhaarr: most recent svn?
16:39.38[Ammo]because I thought I fixed that bug this morning
16:42.32CIA-1103otravi 07otravi * r4925 10otravi_UnitFrames/ (4 files in 4 dirs): oUF2 - Now with portraits! What? You want 3D.... go use Adapt
16:42.53[Ammo]vhaarr: no idea what might be causing that
16:43.07Tupladwth ? oO
16:43.23Tupladcan we disable portraits?
16:43.46[Ammo]either it's not the current svn trunk, or it's something weird
16:43.54[Ammo]but it won't happen in BW2 :p
16:44.07[Ammo]soltanis will fix htat
16:44.19Soltanisok thank you
16:44.49CIA-1103ammo * r4926 10Necronomicon/Bindings.xml:
16:44.49CIA-11* Fixed keybindings
16:44.57[Ammo](I only use the healthstone keybding
16:44.59[Ammo]so I never noticed it
16:45.23Tupladnerf warlocks and their addons :<
16:45.47vhaarr[Ammo]: it's current SVN
16:45.51Tupladlol I fought this warlock with my rogue, in that 1 duel he used a healthstone and some uber imba potion + whipper root tubber or some crap like that... he lost lol
16:45.59vhaarr[Ammo]: just got it again
16:46.13CIA-1103ammo 07Ace2 * r4927 10BigWigs/AQ40/Skeram.lua:
16:46.13CIA-11BigWigs (Ace2):
16:46.13CIA-11* Converted Skeram module to BW2.
16:46.21[Ammo]vhaarr sigh, it's weird
16:47.06*** join/#wowace ToastTheif (
16:47.06vhaarrSVN update now, nothing new.
16:47.26ToastTheifhey, could anyone help me get TinyTip working?
16:47.46*** part/#wowace Tuplad (
16:48.29[Ammo]vhaarr: you're going to have to live with it, because I think I'm going blind :(
16:48.33[Ammo]I can't see what's wrong
16:48.47vhaarrno problem, focus on releasing BW2 :D
16:49.26[Ammo]I think it has something to do with the metro timers running for the teleports
16:49.33[Ammo]and then an untimely wipe
16:49.59[Ammo]but Timex is out of the picture for BW2
16:50.04[Ammo]so no more trouble with that
16:50.38vhaarrSairen: I was thinking; I use the new "smart" style in MG2 and people in the raid are colored according to class - would it be possible to remove the -XXXX hp and replace the colored name with a weak gray label that said "Dead" instead?
16:50.48vhaarrSairen: it's just too much info with all the -XXXX hp
16:51.09Sairenvhaarr: I fixed that when ppl are dead that it really shows as "dead"
16:51.18vhaarrSairen: ah, but it is not uploaded?
16:51.32Sairenit's up
16:52.14vhaarrah cool
16:52.26vhaarrI'll upgrade after this noth try
16:53.25*** join/#wowace Tuplad (
16:53.30Tupladhar har har
16:53.32TupladI dont see portraits :<
16:53.42hastehar har har
16:53.44hasteeidt the lua
16:53.45hastehar har har
16:53.56Tupladhar har har
16:54.12Tuplad["Portrait"] = false,
16:54.13Tupladomg hax :<
16:57.59Urulokehmm, I'm working on adding chat commands for my modules but I need a way to identify which module it is in the functions used... any suggestions?
16:59.13ToastTheifdoes anyone know how to anchor player tooltips from tinytip to the same place as the regular anchor?
17:02.12vhaarrhow can you know?
17:02.13ag`Uruloke, when you create the module pass the name to the module so it knows its own name -_-
17:02.45vhaarrah lol, it's abot :P
17:03.35Urulokeag`: I got that, but since I'm adding a table to the core addon's slashcommand it only got the core addon's name
17:04.34ag`have the chat command call a function from the module
17:04.38ag`or something
17:05.04hasteI know how that was handled in Ace1
17:05.09hasteI have no idea however with Ace ":p
17:05.22Urulokethought about that, but don't think it's possible because it'll just call self:functionname of the core addon :/
17:07.13Tupladthe portraits are ugly :(
17:07.37Tupladno border, just a square portrait :<
17:09.09Tuplad -> check this out oO
17:09.30Tuplad2 3 4 are bugged
17:09.38Tuplad1 is aight, it's the first mouseover
17:14.09Tupladthose bugs is something else
17:14.26Tupladbut the portraits are lame :\ they are square, borderless and not IN the frame
17:16.09*** join/#wowace Amadeo (
17:16.16Tupladbut what to do with the bugs ? :<
17:16.22Amadeostep on them
17:16.49Tupladthat's line 200 of tooltip.lua
17:16.50TupladmoneyFrame:SetPoint("RIGHT", tooltip:GetName(), "RIGHT", 0, 0)
17:19.19TupladKaelten: cant link items from OneView
17:20.09CIA-1103ammo 07Ace2 * r4928 10BigWigs/AQ40/ (BugFamily.lua Skeram.lua):
17:20.09CIA-11BigWigs (Ace2):
17:20.09CIA-11* Typo fix in skeram
17:20.09CIA-11* Bugfamily converted to BW2
17:22.22CIA-1103ammo 07Ace2 * r4929 10BigWigs/AQ40/BugFamily.lua:
17:22.22CIA-11BigWigs (ace2):
17:22.22CIA-11* typo fix in bug family
17:24.08TupladKaelten: check error :<
17:25.20CIA-1103hyperactiveChipmunk * r4930 10Ace2/AceTab-2.0/ (. AceTab-2.0.lua README):
17:25.20CIA-11- Initial import. Library file and some examples.
17:25.20CIA-11- Provides an interface for registering tab completions for any frame using very simple script modules. More to follow...
17:27.16KaeltenTuplad: huh?
17:29.36KaeltenI think thats an error with tinytip
17:29.38Tupladthen look at, check files 2 3 & 4
17:29.45Kaeltenor really long tooltips
17:29.51Kaeltenyou using seperated or merged tooltips?
17:35.55Kaeltentry to go to seperated tooltip and see if that fixes it, it'll be a little more stable in future versions
17:36.51Tupladok =)
17:36.58TupladI dont use seperator cuz it's kinda big below :\
17:37.02Tupladbut will try it
17:46.20Soltaniswho's bigwigs module is the nax/gluth one
17:46.30Urulokecurious... would this work?
17:47.47UrulokeI'm getting an error from AceLibrary whenever I try /archud rings health about
17:48.01UrulokeAceLibrary.lua:78: bad argument #2 to `format' (string expected, got no value)
17:58.48Amadeolooking through Warmup, the addons with the longest load times are all my Ace2 addons
17:58.57Amadeobetween 0.5 and 1 second
17:59.20Amadeothe rest being around 0.2
17:59.44hyperChipmunkwell our course of actionis clear:
17:59.50hyperChipmunkreprogram warmup
18:00.09hyperChipmunkif Ace2 then memusage=0 loadtime=0 end
18:01.24Amadeomake them negative numbers
18:01.36Amadeoso it looks like Ace2 actually gives you memory and speeds up your PC
18:01.40vhaarrhm, would be cool if ora_MainTankFrames showed the target icons in the maintank list.
18:22.37*** join/#wowace Kebinusan (
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18:24.00*** mode/#wowace [+o ckknight] by ChanServ
18:26.30Amadeohi ckknight
18:27.50ckknightwhat's up?
18:29.08Kebinusanso bliz is adding an sct like feature in 1.12
18:29.21hasteYou know what ? ;D
18:29.40hasteeXistenZ > The Matrix
18:29.52KebinusaneXistenZ was a great movie
18:30.10hasteWatching it for the second time, haven't seen it since it was at the movies
18:30.18Kebinusanweird but good
18:30.40Kebinusanit really flows like a bad dream, I think it was pretty well done
18:31.06hasteYeh, at the Chinese scene now
18:31.56hasteI think the reason The Matrix was a hit and not eXistenZ is because eXistenZ has pretty much stronger scenes then The Matrix
18:33.38hastefor example when he shoots the tooth into the face of the guy, you actually see a close up of the face afterwards :p
18:34.02wereHamsterwhere can I watch a trailer for eXistenZ ?
18:34.06Amadeonada nada
18:34.11hastegoogle probably
18:34.17hasteit's from 1999 tho'
18:34.24hasteie. same year as the matrix
18:34.39Soltanishmm, not picking up the first decimate on gluth with bigwigs :-(
18:37.22Kebinusanis it at a set interval from the beginning of combat?
18:37.44Kebinusanthere probably isnt a timer started at the start of combat or its random/lacking a trigger/or someone hasnt submitted a transcript
18:39.32Soltanistheres a start warn written in
18:45.53CIA-1103ammo 07Ace2 * r4931 10BigWigs/ (14 files in 6 dirs):
18:45.55CIA-11BigWigs (Ace2):
18:45.57CIA-11* Sync enabling changed to the new Sync api
18:45.59CIA-11* Removed bar pausing and resuming unneeded crap anyway
18:46.01CIA-11* api for bars is now: StartBar and StopBar
18:46.03CIA-11* Updated converted modules to new api
18:48.03*** join/#wowace Elkano (
18:49.11ckknighthyperChipmunk, here?
18:49.33CIA-1103ckknight * r4932 10Ace2/AceTab-2.0/AceTab-2.0.lua: AceTab - added svn:keywords
18:49.56hyperChipmunkyes sir
18:50.03hyperChipmunkthanks =)
18:51.15ckknightwhy is there a README file in it?
18:52.43ckknightthat should be in the wiki
18:52.48ckknightnot the folder proper
18:52.51hyperChipmunkyea, it got imported, sec
18:53.00hyperChipmunkit's where I was keeping notes
18:53.31CIA-1103kemayo * r4933 10AuldLangSyne/AuldLangSyne.lua: AuldLangSyne: Fix "203: attempt to concatenate a boolean value" when pvp rank display is disabled.
18:55.00CIA-1103hyperactiveChipmunk * r4934 10Ace2/AceTab-2.0/ (AceTab-2.0.lua README):
18:55.00CIA-11- Removed scratch file for my AceTab modules
18:57.43hasteactually, I slightly disagree
18:57.53hasteI see no problem with the README file being there
19:01.09ckknighthaste, standardization  ftw.
19:01.46hasteYes, but why remove it?
19:02.15hasteI would rather just check the README file then to drag forth my web browser and start looking at the wiki :o
19:02.47ckknightbecause it's a library, not an addon
19:02.47hyperChipmunkyea, but you get the readme file in 20 different folders that way
19:03.00*** join/#wowace Kyahx|afk (n=Kyahx@
19:03.00hyperChipmunkeven if you're just linking it
19:03.35ckknighthaste, for libs, there will be a link at the top showing you where to  go
19:03.57hyperChipmunkit shouldn't be there, even if only for the sake of the svn server, which is slow as molasses anyways
19:06.26hyperChipmunki'll get it all taken care of eventually; I just was trying to upload it this morning at 6am before I went to bed and couldn't connect, and I just fired it off when I woke up without really looking, just to get it there
19:07.37*** join/#wowace kloppe (
19:11.03AmadeoI've never understood why Blizzard punishes the people who *lose* in PvP
19:11.23AmadeoI mean, why do you get up to 3 minute rez timers when you're getting owned as it is?
19:11.25Amadeofurther punishment? :P
19:13.22Amadeolet's make it extreme, say you're being camped by 100 level 60's in full Tier 3
19:13.26Amadeoshould you be punished for it? :P
19:17.13wereHamsteryep.. for not having T4!
19:17.48CIA-1103elkano * r4935 10GloryLib/ (Glory-2.0/Glory-2.0.lua Lib/GloryLib.lua): GloryLib: fixed a bug with a deDE AV pattern
19:19.51CIA-1103ammo 07Ace2 * r4936 10BigWigs/AQ40/ (Fankriss.lua Viscidus.lua):
19:19.51CIA-11BigWigs (Ace2):
19:19.51CIA-11* Fankriss and Viscidus ported to BW2
19:20.12CIA-1103ammo 07Ace2 * r4937 10BigWigs/AQ40/Sartura.lua:
19:20.12CIA-11BigWigs (Ace2 Branch):
19:20.13CIA-11* Typo fixes in Sartura
19:20.18*** join/#wowace Ratbert_CP (
19:26.52*** part/#wowace Ratbert_CP (
19:33.32CIA-1103ammo 07Ace2 * r4938 10BigWigs/AQ40/Huhuran.lua:
19:33.32CIA-11BigWigs (ace2):
19:33.32CIA-11* Huhuran ported
19:33.57vhaarrhm, I guess the bad thing about the new comm channel in 1.12 is that you can't opt out of it
19:35.41ckknightI guess
19:39.56FryGuy-just don't register the event :p
19:41.28Elkanoanyoe started writing a AddonCommChat-Debuger showing the latest recived messages and the prefixes they are assigned to? ;)
19:42.01ckknighthere's my plan
19:42.02wereHamsterFryGuy-, you think WoW.exe is smart enough to not receive the messages when no addon registered for it?
19:42.08ckknightget FuBar2 up and running and all that
19:42.19ckknightthen I write AceComm, which'll have debugging stuff and whatnot
19:42.21FryGuy-no peobably not :p
19:42.28AmadeoI think my next class will be a Hunter
19:42.38ckknightlikely, I'll make it 1.12-specific
19:42.44ckknightat least to start off with
19:43.25FryGuy-by the time you finish, don't you think it'll be out?
19:43.30FryGuy-or.. almost out at least?
19:43.42FryGuy-1.12 isn't that big of a patch i don't think and it's on PTR alreay
19:43.59cladhaire1.12 has a lot in it
19:44.08cladhairei dont think it'll be pushed through PTR all that quickly
19:44.14cladhairebut i've been wrong before
19:44.27ckknightit'd be cool if they made it a quick patch
19:44.31ckknightbut unlikely
19:45.31CIA-1103ckknight * r4939 10Ace2/AceAddon-2.0/AceAddon-2.0.lua: AceAddon - removed obselete timebomb
19:51.54Amadeowe need a quick patch
19:51.57*** join/#wowace ven (
19:51.57Amadeothey broke too much in 1.11 :P
19:52.22Soltanisneed to fix warlock pve :-(
19:53.53Kyahx|afk=/  oRA is still haveing MainTank problems
19:54.34cladhaireCross-BG battlegrounds likely has some UI changes, but who knows
19:56.06AmadeoWas it Neronix who wiped in SM the other night?
19:56.44AmadeoI'm reading a post about a Warrior complaining about an SM group
19:56.57Amadeoand I'm wondering if it's coincidence or if this is the same server Neronix plays on
19:57.02Amadeoor was it Wobin? I forget :(
20:01.22CIA-1103ckknight * r4940 10TabletLib/Tablet-2.0/Tablet-2.0.lua:
20:01.23CIA-11Tablet - assert -> self:assert
20:01.23CIA-11argCheck -> self:argCheck
20:04.09Tuplad Isharra is developing this ?
20:06.44Kaeltenya he's been working on it
20:06.52Tupladgood :)
20:06.55Tupladanyone uses it ?
20:06.59Tupladwas my favo mod
20:07.19AmadeoWe use OneBag!
20:07.32AmadeoKaelten makes me
20:07.46TupladI once asked at the forums if anyone could make Warmup print all those things in a text file
20:07.53TupladA guy told me to come on IRC, but he never came on :)
20:07.59TupladTyrrael was his name I think, or something
20:08.06AmadeoTuplad: Kaelten says he'll put bugs in Ace2 if I don't use OneBag!
20:08.34AmadeoScary bugs
20:08.37AmadeoLike roaches
20:09.03Amadeoanyway, afk a while :)
20:09.18Tupladlmao @ industrial
20:09.18TupladKarma: +28/-60
20:09.55Kaeltenya thats not cool, I think people started giving him karma because he was wondering what got him the karma he had
20:10.23Tupladsome people says he has attitdue
20:10.30Kaeltenwe all do Tuplad
20:11.22KaeltenI do like the karma system overall, I think its got some of the newer posters thinking and they have started developing from it
20:11.32Kaeltenat least I like to think so :)
20:11.36Industrial< Syzx> Industrial: you use Elkano's Buffbar dont you?
20:11.38IndustrialSyzx: nop
20:12.02Kaeltendamn Industrial thats harsh
20:12.16Industrialuh, why? :S
20:12.28Kaeltenlol, sarcasm bro
20:12.37*** mode/#wowace [+v haste] by Kaelten
20:12.46*** mode/#wowace [+v Industrial] by Kaelten
20:12.47Tuplad,1429.msg24547.html#msg24547 gief please!
20:12.52IndustrialHmm just came back from trip boat throgh the canals :) (amsterdam)
20:13.00*** mode/#wowace [-v haste] by Kaelten
20:13.13Tuplado m g
20:13.39TupladIndustrial: allemaal schelde, allemaal vuil :(
20:13.49ckknight~emulate swedish chef
20:13.56purlYorn desh born, der ritt de gitt der gue, Orn desh, dee born desh, de umn bork! bork! bork!
20:14.26Tuplad(====|========================> die of my mighty sword
20:14.35Industrialwhehe that one wwas funny
20:15.49TupladIndustrial: Tyrrael visits this IRC ?
20:16.35IndustrialTyrrael? :S
20:17.05Industrial"You can always send it to me over ICQ:: 1702200 or mail it to me:
20:17.13Industrialthat comment was towards you
20:17.21Industrialwhaleslap Tuplad ]
20:17.27Industrial~whaleslap Tuplad
20:17.33purlACTION beats Tuplad upside and over the head with a freakishly huge killer whale named Hugh
20:17.34Tuplad~whaleparry Industrial
20:17.37purlACTION uses a slightly less-huge but eminently more agile killer whale named Edwardo to parry Industrial's attacks.
20:17.51Tupladhar har hae
20:21.02Tupladanyone knows how Tyrrael made Warmup print the info ?
20:27.46Tuplad how do I get Cold Blood's cooldown with this ?
20:30.02Urulokehmm... can I with AceOptions table get a chat command that when typed it returns the key of the next command as in a passing group but also allow to have additional commands "below" that so in essence you would get two arguments passed to the function in the passing group?
20:30.44Urulokesince I can't have another group under a passing group I don't know how to accomplish this
20:33.36ckknightyea, passing groups are only one level deep
20:34.04Urulokeit's kinda restrictive... :/
20:34.32CodayusA friend wants an addon that shows a "time remaining" bar for shackles and other CC.  Is there a simple mod that does that I can recomend to them?
20:34.55Codayus(I use AceTimer, but it does a lot more, and can be a bit flaky sometimes...)
20:36.04Urulokeany suggestions how I can accomplish this? I need it to be two levels deep to be able to identify the subcategory for the chat commands
20:37.04Urulokeit would've been great if you could have another group under a passing group with say pass = true as well but no function and it'd fall through to the group one level up
20:37.18TupladCodayus: CCWatch ?
20:37.49CodayusTuplad: Hmm, okay.  Doesn't...seem to be on WoWI
20:38.26CodayusAh, found it on Curse
20:38.26ckknightUruloke, probably, but I'm not coding it right now.
20:40.09Temdamnit kergoth
20:40.14Temstop being away
20:41.50TupladIndustrial: I've got a request for idTargetTell
20:43.25Industrialwich is?
20:44.48Tupladwhen u type /tt %t (and u got someone targetted)
20:44.48Urulokehmm... keep getting "AceLibrary.lua:78: bad argument #2 to `format' (string expected, got no value)" on a passing group with 1 execute command below it
20:44.55Tupladturn the %t in the targetted person plz plz
20:46.58*** join/#wowace Shyva (
20:47.07Industrialuh, why?
20:47.57IndustrialYou know what, ill add something to my todo list
20:48.10*** join/#wowace Saroz (
20:48.19IndustrialidChatInfo or something
20:48.23SarozAnyone know why UPDATE_FACTION fires when you change equipment? that's silly
20:48.34Industrialhooks your editbox out messages and has variables for all sorts of things
20:48.47CIA-1103uruloke * r4941 10ArcHUD2/ (51 files in 2 dirs):
20:48.47CIA-11ArcHUD (Ace2):
20:48.47CIA-11- A few fixes
20:48.47CIA-11- Renaming of files and implementing of AceLocale-2.0
20:48.49Industrialnames, hp, mana, etc
20:50.29*** join/#wowace snurre (
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20:57.13Urulokehmm nope... errors every time I use a passing group
21:01.07Temblame hC
21:02.57ckknightwe all blame hC
21:03.22Thrae|AwayI got ganked last night. Must have been hC!
21:03.52CIA-1103uruloke * r4942 10ArcHUD2/ (Core.lua ModuleCore.lua):
21:03.52CIA-11ArcHUD (Ace2):
21:03.52CIA-11- Disabled ring chat commands for now
21:05.47CIA-1103ckknight * r4943 10Ace2/AceLibrary/AceLibrary.lua: AceLibrary - updated error method
21:05.58ckknightokay, now error is less likely to fuck up
21:06.08ckknightUruloke, your error shouldn't happen anymore
21:08.48Urulokecheers, ckknight :)
21:09.01ckknightit should be another error.
21:09.08ckknightgranted, a more accurate one
21:09.14UrulokeI hope so
21:10.08AmadeoI like how Blizzard grouped up servers for BGs
21:10.30CIA-1103ckknight * r4944 10Ace2/ (AceAddon-2.0/AceAddon-2.0.lua AceDB-2.0/AceDB-2.0.lua): AceAddon/AceDB - added :OnEmbedEnable(target) to mixins
21:10.48ckknightI should also add an :OnEmbedInitialize(target), probably.
21:11.04vhaarrckknight: In a FuBar plugin, I put a table in self.charData with boolean values, like |self.charData.table["fu"] = true|, |self.charData.table["bar"] = false| - is it so that if the values are |false| they will not be saved?
21:11.20Urulokeooh btw.. does AceDB not save values that are registered as defaults when saving the variables? currently the only thing in my savedvariables is Version which is the only non-default variable.
21:11.40ckknightalso right.
21:12.19vhaarrckknight: can I check |if self.charData.table["bar"] == nil then| ? To see if it exists.
21:12.48ckknightI don't see why not
21:12.49Mikmai just spended some time practicing on waltz.. man it's not that easy as it looks
21:12.53hyperChipmunkno need for ==nil btw
21:12.54vhaarrsince |table["bar"]| doesn't exist at all
21:13.08vhaarrafter a load
21:13.08Mikmaanything interesting happened?
21:13.09hyperChipmunkif foo == nil -> if not foo
21:13.20ckknightfor FuBar 1.x, false and nil are interchangeable
21:13.25ckknightwhich is a flaw, I knw
21:13.35ckknightfor FuBar 2.0, it's not the case
21:13.42vhaarrso basically
21:13.54vhaarrthere's no way of telling if table["bar"] has never been set or is false
21:15.03ckknightuse another value for false
21:15.03ckknightlike 0
21:15.39vhaarrhm, yeah
21:16.42vhaarr|if 0 then| does not match, right?
21:17.06vhaarrguessing not
21:17.12ckknight== 0
21:17.30vhaarryeah, of course
21:17.52CIA-1103ckknight * r4945 10Ace2/AceAddon-2.0/AceAddon-2.0.lua: AceAddon - added :OnEmbedInitialize(target)
21:17.57Urulokebah... Lore is messing up Ace2
21:18.03UrulokeLore.lua:506: AceConsole-2.0: Option handler "nil" not found.
21:18.20Urulokeor is it?
21:18.32ckknightseems to be
21:19.09vhaarrhm, well then it doesn't really work to substitute false for 0 without recoding lots of things
21:19.17Neronix`outYou need to throw up an error while validating to stop people from setting their get methods to false or nil >.>
21:19.23vhaarrbecause with true/false you can just do |if boolean then|
21:19.39NeronixWould make DC work
21:19.42ckknightNeronix, I do.
21:20.17Mikmagod damn he's such a stupidass mofo
21:23.02Neronixckknight: Yeah, you do in DD2, but not in the table validation, just when the offending group line is mouseovered
21:23.19NeronixAnd AceConsole doesn't throw up an error at all
21:24.01CIA-1103ckknight * r4946 10Ace2/AceAddon-2.0/AceAddon-2.0.lua: AceAddon - fix typo
21:25.22Urulokehmm, I seem to remember a site with the current up to date FrameXML code and diffs and stuff
21:30.05Urulokehmm, not a Lore error it seems
21:30.12Urulokeget this when I disable Lore: ChatFrame.lua:1915: AceConsole-2.0: Option handler "nil" not found.
21:30.13hasteCHAT_MSG_FILTERED :o ?
21:30.32Urulokeusing the example passing group from the wiki
21:30.48*** part/#wowace wereHamster (
21:31.08hasteand   <!-- iTunes Bindings -->
21:31.17Temhaste, mac only
21:32.24Urulokedo you need to pass a handler or something for a passing group?
21:35.28vhaarrhm, idChatPlayernames really gets in the way sometimes
21:35.47*** join/#wowace pagefault (
21:36.03vhaarrlike if you ever include word "yells", "says" or "whispers" in a sentence
21:36.13vhaarr*the words
21:36.29CIA-1103ckknight 07TestSuite * r4947 10Ace2/ (7 files): Ace2/TestSuite - added/fixed tests
21:40.36vhaarrSairen: hmm, I can't get the player menu up any more in MG2.
21:40.41vhaarrag` ^
21:40.45CIA-1103ckknight * r4948 10Ace2/AceAddon-2.0/AceAddon-2.0.lua: AceAddon - now passes the name onto :OnInitialize("name") and :OnEmbedInitialize("name")
21:41.01CIA-1103neronix * r4949 10BulkMail/BulkMail.lua: BulkMail - Replaced falses in the get fields of the AceOptions table with empty functions. Stops errors in DeuceCommander. Hope hC doesn't mind :P
21:42.30haste"hC goes into a killing frenzy."
21:42.57Neronix"hC crits Neronix for #NaN."
21:43.02Neronix"Neronix dies."
21:43.54Mikmaag`: oh lala, buffs
21:45.31CIA-1103ckknight * r4950 10Ace2/ (AceAddon-2.0/AceAddon-2.0.lua AceDB-2.0/AceDB-2.0.lua): Ace2 - decoupled AceDB and AceAddon.
21:45.44Mikmahiya cladhaire!
21:45.52Mikmahow's your saturday going? :)
21:46.46CIA-1103ckknight * r4951 10Ace2/AceAddon-2.0/AceAddon-2.0.lua: AceAddon - removed AceDB remnants.
21:46.47cladhaireits okay
21:46.51cladhaireworkout was good
21:46.59cladhairejust wrote a compressino algorithm for KCItems that givs 56% compression
21:47.07Mikmagood, good.. :)
21:47.09cladhaireand have some good ideas for clique, gonna work on options tonight
21:47.23Mikmai just came home 30mins ago from practicing some waltz :P
21:48.25cladhaireooh that sounds fun
21:48.36cladhairei was just thinkgin that wherever I go for my PhD I want to take culinary classes.
21:48.40hasteI now how to dance Waltz!
21:48.42Neronixdoes any addon use a /dc command?
21:48.43hasteor.. I did :P
21:49.16Mikmahaste: well i learned it 12 years ago but i really can't remember it anymore :D
21:49.22Mikmawas pretty.. interesting
21:49.27Elkanobtw: cladhaire, max button seems to still not work on deDE (what should it do? prevent casting lower ranks when low on mana? but still ajust for lower leveled players?)
21:49.46cladhaire!96!18!256!842!94!587!1011!1992!238!1012!757!95!502!26!585!93!1550!586!28!1991!231!841!1549!,234,0 = sb‚K458U?*t†‡iP“zxISƒNKm=U]uaJesf‚wŠp5iP“…P…F2‚][''’
21:50.14cladhaireElkano: Yeah, I'll get that fixed up today.. in deDE is the word "Rank" for pVP different than "Rank" for spells?
21:51.14Mikmacladhaire: what's that? :D
21:51.28vhaarrKemayo: "interface\AddOns\AuldLangSyne\AuldLangSyne.lua: 133: attempt to index field 'realm' (a nil value)" with the latest SVN.
21:51.28cladhaireMikma: Compression for KCItems
21:51.47Mikmacladhaire: way cool, care to paste the noncompressed line too so we can compare?
21:52.15cladhairethat's the !96
21:52.21cladhairethe first is the non-compressed line.
21:52.26Mikmaooooh sorry :D
21:52.35cladhaireits only about 56-60% of the original, but it helps =)
21:52.51cladhaireI have to make some concessions to make things SavedVariables and chat-safe
21:53.12vhaarrcladhaire: The thing that confused me the most the first time I tried Clique was how to set up what binding to use for new actions.
21:53.20ckknightcladhaire, is it useful for small (50-250) strings?
21:53.20Wobinhehe cute:
21:53.25Elkanocladhaire, I think they are equal
21:53.40vhaarrcladhaire: I remember I discovered it by mistake.
21:53.57cladhaireckknight: That's a tricky question.  In order to make things chat-safe I have to use 7-bit "packets", so unless we know the alphabet up front, there's no good general soluition.
21:54.05cladhaireckknight: But I can get you a solution for whatever you need
21:54.06MikmaTellCatcher is nice
21:54.14cladhairevhaarr: Did the tutorial stuff exist when you used it the first time?
21:54.17Mikmai think it's nicer than chatr
21:54.22cladhairevhaarr: Cause it shoudl have made things clear
21:54.35cladhaireElkano: Hrm.. tey're not in another language.. I'll have to play some more tonight
21:54.38vhaarrcladhaire: I don't know, maybe it did.
21:54.42vhaarrcladhaire: users don't read manuals, you know.
21:54.48ag`Mikma, check if they're working
21:54.50cladhairevhaarr: Then I can't help them =)
21:54.55Mikmacladhaire: hey when you have the time, explain to me how doe the "click to ress" work?
21:54.56ckknightcladhaire, I'm mostly concerned with chat communications
21:54.57cladhairevhaarr: Its on-screen when you open clique.
21:54.59Mikmaag`: just checking :)
21:55.27cladhaireckknight: Unless the huffman alphabet is known up front, there's not much I can do with huffman.. it'd have to use LZ77 which I haven't worked on yet.
21:55.39cladhaireMikma: Open CLique, and select "Click-to-res" in the dropdown
21:55.46ckknightI'm not even sure it'd be useful, either
21:55.52Mikmacladhaire: ok, thanks :)
21:56.01cladhaireanytime you click-cast on a DEAD unit (i.e. UnitIsDead(Clique.unit)) it'll use that as the "Default" click-set
21:56.20cladhairei THINK it should fall through to Default hostile/friendly if you don thave anythign bound to that key.
21:56.22cladhairebut i'd have to look
21:57.11vhaarrcladhaire: I would suggest the following changes for the "new custom action" frame: 1. Remove the heading "Custom", 2. Remove the icon, 3. Enlarge the "use a click combo" text and change "above" with "here" - make it really large, and maybe in a "link"-type color.
21:57.54vhaarrcladhaire: #1 because it's just a duplicate of the textfield anyway, #2 because it's always the same icon.
21:58.10Uruloke <-- odd
21:58.25vhaarrcladhaire: Not that you should listen to me anyway :P
21:58.58Mikmacladhaire: so, will there ever be the "cast lower rank if not mana for higher rank" -support? :)
21:59.54cladhairevhaarr: The changes would require too much in the options frame.. but I'll consider it.
21:59.59IndustrialI should do that
22:00.00cladhaireMikma: Yes, as a plugin
22:00.16vhaarrcladhaire: The problem with the icon is that I associate it with property pages for files on my computer, in the sense that it is related to the current action.
22:00.23Mikmacladhaire: cool :) love
22:00.31vhaarrcladhaire: Like it should have the icon of the main spell in the action instead, if you know what I mean.
22:00.34cladhairevhaarr: You'll be able to change icons
22:00.38cladhairevhaarr: That's why its there
22:00.40vhaarrcladhaire: ah
22:00.50vhaarrcladhaire: disregard that, then
22:00.56cladhairevhaarr: Lol.
22:01.10cladhairevhaarr: ALso if you mouseover that button it should tell you that you can click on it to set the binding.
22:01.17vhaarrcladhaire: I noticed
22:01.23cladhaireI'm not sure what else I can do other than contextual help screens, and localized tooltips =)
22:01.26vhaarrcladhaire: but not until after I had discovered it
22:02.04vhaarrcladhaire: you can make it a button with the text "Use the desired click combo here"
22:02.24vhaarrcladhaire: instead of having it on some "background" UI element that's not normally associated with clicking.
22:02.43cladhairevhaarr: It can use some reworking I agree
22:02.55cladhairevhaarr: Its like that, because you use that to edit exiting spells click-bindings too
22:03.03cladhaireand you used to be able to edit the code of any spell
22:03.05Mikmaoh COOL!
22:03.09cladhairethat's been removed for obvious reasons.
22:03.14Mikmawhen i type /tiny and press tab my game crashes
22:03.19cladhaireMikma: HAhahahaha
22:03.21Mikmawell, "crashes" ...
22:03.35vhaarrcladhaire: I'm just trying to help, because I know that since I had problems with it, others will probably have too.
22:03.37Mikmameaning gfx will stop and sound continues
22:03.59clad|showeri hate that "Clad" is taken
22:04.14clad|showervhaarr: *nod* I appreciate the feedback.. that's what I 'll need as aI move in the last-stretch here
22:04.19clad|showerthat and localiatino for the help/tooltips
22:04.22purl[vagina] something that i dont have but i like to suck, SUCK PUSSY YEAH!!!
22:04.38TupladCastSpellByName("Cold Blood")
22:04.39Mikma~nickometer clad|shower
22:04.39Tupladthis wont work
22:04.44Tupladit casts Coldblood, but not eviscerate
22:04.59MikmaTuplad: press the button twice...
22:05.00vhaarrTuplad: It should work.
22:05.14vhaarrMikma: Does CB activate the global cooldown?
22:05.16vhaarrI don't think it does.
22:05.40vhaarrIf it does, then you'll have to click it twice.
22:06.21Mikmaevery time a macro has 2 skills on it you need to press it twice to use the skills in a row
22:06.22Tupladdoesnt work either
22:06.27vhaarrno, Mikma
22:06.32TupladCB doesnt activate global CD
22:06.38Tupladmacro works well, but this wont :\
22:06.40vhaarrnot if the other skills don't activate the global cooldown
22:07.07vhaarrlike if you have Zandalarian Hero Charm and Inner Focus on your priest, you can activate both and cast a spell on the same keypress.
22:07.13vhaarrsince none of them activate the global CD
22:07.30*** join/#wowace Tekkub (
22:07.52TupladI think it's cuz there is no Eviscerate rank
22:08.27vhaarrshouldn't matter
22:09.54vhaarrtry that
22:10.38*** part/#wowace Uruloke (
22:10.53*** join/#wowace Elkano^wtf (
22:12.25TupladIm not using a macro
22:12.43hastewhy isn't Blizzard using string.format in the Blizzard_CombatText :<
22:12.59hastedoing message = "+"" "..RAGE; x100 is just....
22:13.15Tupladif ( UnitMana("player") >= 35 && GetComboPoints()>=1 )
22:13.19Tupladis that correct ?
22:13.52hasteif it had been PHP - yes
22:15.18Tupladtried learning php, c++, perl, python
22:15.23TupladI kinda know the syntax abit :p
22:16.53Tupladbut how do I put unitmana & getcombopoints together ?
22:22.46vhaarrckknight: self.db.realm should be provided by AceDB-2.0 ?
22:23.03vhaarrckknight: it seems to be nil with the latest SVN revision
22:24.32ckknightvhaarr, odd.
22:24.35ckknightthat's a bug, then
22:24.45ckknightvhaarr, mind pastebinning what you have?
22:24.55vhaarrckknight: it's AuldLangSyne
22:25.05vhaarrif (not self.db.realm.version) or self.db.realm.version ~= self.version then
22:25.39vhaarr"attempt to index field 'realm' (a nil value)"
22:27.05ckknightline #?
22:27.05Mikmaliebe sünde
22:28.23hasteyou know what owns?
22:28.25hasteheat pakcs
22:29.00hastelittle closed plastic bag with liquid in, were you click a little thingy inside and a chemical reaction starts
22:29.07hastewhich makes it hot like hell :p
22:30.14Mikmayeah, TellCatcher is nice
22:30.19Mikmai like it even more than chatr
22:30.54kergothhaste: message = "+"" "..RAGE -- is no less efficient than string.format
22:31.11ckknightwell, yes and no
22:31.27hasteoh, someone here said it was better to use string.format when you had more then two vars
22:31.34ckknightsince you have to make the strings "+" and " " compared to "+%d %s"
22:31.45ckknightthat's about it
22:32.18vhaarr|BINDING_HEADER_ITUNES_REMOTE = "iTunes Remote";| in Blizzards GlobalStrings.lua in 1.12 .. :o
22:32.22kergothhaste: lua's smart enough that that's still just one concatenate instruction
22:32.27ckknightvhaarr, hehe.
22:32.35Mikmawhatwhatwhaaat? iTunes Remote? :D
22:32.39hastevhaarr: mac only :p
22:32.49Mikmahaste: iTunes is same for windows and mac
22:32.52haste<Binding name="ITUNES_PLAYPAUSE" header="ITUNES_REMOTE" platform="mac">
22:32.58hasteMikma: it still says mac only
22:33.00vhaarrwhat does it do?
22:33.04vhaarrwhen you click the binding?
22:33.12Mikmai get a mp3 support!
22:33.15vhaarrI'm sure someone will write a Winamp plugin that catches it.
22:33.44vhaarrwell, I guess MacOSX doesn't have DDE :P
22:33.49hasteI don't use Winamp :(
22:34.05hastethen again - I don't use Windows either
22:34.14vhaarrI run WoW on windows when we raid
22:34.25vhaarrcan't be arsed to config ALSA for teamspeak + wow
22:34.31vhaarrit just doesn't want to work :/
22:34.43kergothhaste: check out
22:34.47Wobinhaste: They're great, until you have to recharge the buggers =(
22:34.52hyperChipmunki have no problem with that
22:34.57hyperChipmunkit Just Works
22:35.00vhaarrhyperChipmunk: distro?
22:35.09hasteWobin: it takes 30sec to warm it up tho'
22:35.14hasteWobin: and you can use it twice then!
22:35.18hastesince it's hot due to the water ;D
22:35.25hyperChipmunkfedora, but doesn't really matter; both ts and wine are hand-compiled
22:35.27vhaarrI run Ubuntu with the latest WINE GIT revision.
22:35.29WobinBut you gotta boil the damn thing
22:35.30WobinSo fussy
22:35.35hyperChipmunkwell, ts is just a binary
22:35.38vhaarrTS is hand-compiled ?
22:35.42vhaarrit's closed source?
22:35.49Wobinvhaarr: By blind tibetian monks
22:36.22vhaarranyway if someone writes a Winamp plugin it will be possible to get it working on linux, too, haste :)
22:36.30hastekergoth: what was that little lua script called again?
22:36.48hastevhaarr: Well, I doubt that someone will write a plugin for LAMIP
22:36.51hasteat first at least
22:37.08kergothhaste: what script? the one to dump the disassembly?
22:37.10vhaarrprobably not :P
22:37.16Mikma16 July 06 20:30 CEST .. still got some time to test addons :D
22:37.25hastekergoth: yes, you had something nifty for that
22:37.50hasteI lost it when I wiped my /home/ ;(
22:37.54kergotheasiest is to just use luac from the interpreter. luac -l -p foo.lua is what i used for that one
22:38.03kergothbut theres a more capable disassembler over on luaforge thats quite nice
22:38.23hasteit was something from luaforge, I'll have a look there myself ;)
22:38.50kergothchunkspy is what yoiu're looking for
22:39.38hastethere you have it ;D
22:39.41hastethank you
22:40.18Mikmaag`: mouseover at buffs, when is tooltip coming? :)
22:40.22kergothhandy for checking small tidbits of code for optimization
22:40.38vhaarrckknight: please let me know if you need my help to test something
22:41.22*** join/#wowace snurre (
22:41.24ckknightright, right
22:45.40Mikma~crypt foobar
22:46.13ag`Mikma, it's not hard to add so pretty soon
22:46.33Mikmaag`: goodies. else it seems to work pretty nicely
22:47.25Mikma~rot13 lolkekbur
22:47.37Mikma~rot13 Mikma
22:47.58Mikma~kernel foo
22:48.19hyperChipmunkoh that's handy
22:48.30Neronixwho still uses 2.4/2.2? O.o
22:49.03ckknightbtw, vhaarr, I am working on the realm bug now
22:49.06ckknightNeronix, Slack
22:49.09vhaarrckknight: sweet
22:49.21purlACTION doesn't do $1, or an event like a party
22:49.35Mikma~do test
22:49.36purlACTION does test.
22:50.04hasteI'm also running the ck-sources :o
22:50.06purlI feel different somehow.
22:50.14Neronix~google ck
22:50.20Mikma~lobotomy Neronix
22:50.22purlACTION pulls out a rusty saw to perform a lobotomy on Neronix
22:50.24kergothgoogle for con kolivas
22:50.26kergothits his patchset
22:50.28Soltanis <--- Whoops, I Think shouldn't have lifetap'ed there
22:50.32NeronixI see, thanks
22:50.36kergothleaning towards good interactivity and low latency for desktops and file servers
22:50.43vhaarrSoltanis: haha
22:51.05Mikma~unlobotomy Neronix
22:51.27Mikma~hex 255
22:51.27purl255 is 32 35 35
22:51.38Mikma~hex Hello World!
22:51.38purlHello World! is 48 65 6C 6C 6F 20 57 6F 72 6C 64 21
22:51.45Neronixhm, might give ck a try if I ever try to switch to linux again
22:51.45CIA-1103ckknight * r4952 10Ace2/AceDebug-2.0/AceDebug-2.0.lua: AceDebug - :Debug(nil) now shows "nil".
22:52.08Mikma~piglatin Hello World!
22:52.45Mikma~piglatin We are the #wowace, resistance is futile
22:52.53Thrae|AwayCan anyone recommend a multiplayer offline game that is similiar to World of Warcraft?
22:53.12vhaarrThrae|Away: Live roleplaying.
22:53.23purlTotal CPU usage: 6445.2 s ... Total used: 3.3 % (parent/child ratio: 100.0 %)
22:53.43NeronixMikma: How did you find out all these commands?
22:53.47Thrae|AwayIt's for my little brother...and believe you me, with his imagination, he already does enough live roleplaying ;)
22:53.51MikmaNeronix: ~help
22:54.04Mikmathen the bot will paste the commands to you in private
22:54.20Soltanisthrae : thats a really good question
22:54.49NeronixI see, thanks
22:54.50Mikmaheheh.. let's try this
22:54.50Soltaniswhen you say multiplayer offline you mean on a lan?
22:54.55Mikma~ignore Tuplad
22:54.56purlACTION sticks her fingers in her ears.  "La, la, la!  I can't hear you, Tuplad!"
22:55.03Thrae|AwayYeah, non-mass multiplayer. LAN or Internet
22:55.03Mikmaboo :D
22:55.16Makk`ES~slap Makk
22:55.18purlACTION slaps Makk, keep your grubby fingers to yourself!
22:55.28Makk`ESi love that bot already
22:55.48SoltanisDungeon Siege 2 might be the easiest you can get
22:55.57Thrae|AwayIs that multiplayer?
22:56.02purlyay! i mean.. boo.
22:56.04CIA-1103ckknight * r4953 10Ace2/AceAddon-2.0/AceAddon-2.0.lua: AceAddon - typo
22:56.05Soltanisor Diablo 2 LoD if you want something that old
22:56.11Elkano^wtfhmm.. Nox? ;)
22:56.18Makk`ES~piglatin This channel sucks
22:56.28Makk`ESnot this one ;=
22:56.34Thrae|AwayDiablo 2 is too violent for an 8-year old
22:56.41SoltanisThrae|Away ; yes it's multiplayer, simple multiple , 2 - 6 people , in a linear world , not "i can go anywhere" like wow
22:56.56SoltanisThrae : oh non violent
22:56.57MikmaMakk`ES: use ~hex ;) it's neater for people to figure out
22:57.01Soltanisthat makes it hard
22:57.05Mikma~hex you are all idiots
22:57.05purlyou are all idiots is 79 6F 75 20 61 72 65 20 61 6C 6C 20 69 64 69 6F 74 73
22:57.12ckknightvhaarr, fixed.
22:57.14Thrae|AwayWell Dungeon Seige 2 sounds decent, I've played it and it doesn't seem as violent as Diablo
22:57.21vhaarrckknight: awesome, updating
22:57.30kergothmy little brother was killing imps in doom at 4
22:57.41Makk`ES~hex This channel sucks
22:57.41purlThis channel sucks is 54 68 69 73 20 63 68 61 6E 6E 65 6C 20 73 75 63 6B 73
22:57.42Soltaniswell blood is green , surely any roleplaying is going to be violent.
22:57.48Thrae|AwayMy parents are a little stricter then yours are, Kergoth ;)
22:57.58Mikma~md5 test test la la laa
22:58.14Thrae|AwaySoltanis, I think we can say Diablo is up there with the satantic rituals, creepy music and atmosphere, Necromancers blowing up corpses, etc.
22:58.30Soltanisonly the end levels :-)
22:58.37Soltanisbut yeah i understand
22:58.45Soltanisill think a bit more
22:59.35Mikma~onjoin foobar
22:59.44Mikmahmm :(
22:59.59Mikmaguess those are owner-only
23:00.58purlrumour has it, freshmeat is at
23:01.42Mikma~scramble Top of the world mom!
23:02.04Amadeofreshmeat is still around? that place went downhill a long time ago, thought it was done for
23:02.13Mikma~scramble this is the normal leet 13 year old way to type ingame
23:02.16SoltanisThrae|Away : i would say super monkey ball , but thats not really wow style
23:02.36Mikmaoh oh!
23:02.39kergothfreshmeat is still the definitive place to go for the latest versions of apps, and gets like 50 posts of new project versions a day
23:03.08hyperChipmunkwhen did freshmeat go downhill?
23:03.11Mikma~scramble Hello, my name is Industrial and I like to play World of Warcraft occasionally
23:03.33Mikmawow, almost looks the same, does it? ;D
23:04.04Soltanisi mean Fable would be great
23:04.07Soltanisbut thats not multiplayer
23:04.34hyperChipmunkMikma: uncanny!
23:05.30Amadeokergoth: I loved the site ages ago, then at one point I didn't like how they changed it around, I haven't been to it since then :P
23:05.58Soltanisthink you have stumped me with that question Thrae
23:06.06Mikmaok, there's really some nice features in purl i must admit
23:06.47*** join/#wowace netcurse (
23:06.54Mikma~search pigeon
23:06.58Thrae|AwaySoltanis: Dungeon Seiege 2 was a good suggestion.
23:07.42Mikma~wtf iirc
23:07.53Mikma~wtf ftw
23:08.17Makk`ES~spank Mikma
23:08.18purlACTION bends Mikma over his knee and tatoos 'ibot' on Mikma's pasty white buttocks.
23:08.20TupladThrae|Away: u there ?
23:08.22Soltanismight get a bit complicated though
23:08.33Mikma~thank Makk`ES
23:08.33purlMikma: sure thing
23:08.56Thrae|AwayTuplad: What's up?
23:10.56Makk`ES~love purl
23:10.57purlIf you love purl so much, why don't you marry it? (oooooh)
23:11.16TupladThrae|Away what was it, --/cast Cold Blood or /cast --Cold Blood ?
23:11.25Tupladso you could see the cooldown with /cbevis in macro
23:11.34MikmaTuplad: /script --
23:11.35Thrae|AwayTuplad: Neither, /script --CastSpellByName("Cold Blood")
23:12.00Thrae|AwayTuplad: And you need to put that at the top of the macro.
23:13.34Tupladaah :D thanks
23:17.33hastenoes my heat pack is starting to become cold now :(
23:17.33Tupladwoohoo it works
23:17.36Tupladthis is gangsta!
23:20.01Mikma~wtf Elkano
23:20.22Wobin~wtf wtf
23:20.41Mikma~wtf noob
23:20.50Mikmapurl: you are noob
23:20.52purlMikma: I think you lost me on that one
23:21.01Mikmapurl: stupid
23:21.04purli guess stupid is, or ibot
23:22.59haste~emulate otravi
23:23.00purlIf my kitten fails. It mutates into a bear
23:27.33*** join/#wowace Grumpey (
23:33.01Tuplad~emulate Tuplad
23:33.02purlzomg, j00 can not emulate Tuplad suxor!
23:33.17Tekkub"hi, im using Boss Wigs    r4543"
23:33.22Tekkubnot going to even reply...
23:33.26Tupladnice to meet you, Im Care, Bob Care
23:33.35kergothboss wigs?
23:33.36Tupladoh, that way
23:33.45Tupladboss wigs lol
23:34.07*** join/#wowace ag`_ (
23:34.14Tekkuboh god, someone shotoshop that up real fast and post it as the reply... "Boss Wig: *pic*"
23:34.35kergothi would if i didnt suck at graphics
23:34.42Tekkubsame here
23:34.42Tupladwhere did u see that tekkub ?
23:34.54Tekkubthe BW-BWL thread
23:34.54TupladI can do it :D
23:35.30TekkubAND the naxx thread
23:35.42Tekkubthese people
23:35.49Tupladwhat to photoshop btw?
23:35.59Tekkubdew eet!
23:36.38Mikmawith wigs
23:36.51Mikmaie. copypaste donald trumps hair ;)
23:37.04Tekkubrags with a combover
23:37.15Mikma"you're fired!"
23:37.42Mikmaoh my god, i just imagined that
23:37.54Mikmarags with donald hair screming "you're fired!"
23:38.10Mikmawould suit nicely for the part where sons pop up
23:38.11Neronixdonald trump?
23:38.25Tekkubdonold trunmp witha big red mace screaming "TASTE THE BLADES OF SULFURION!"
23:38.38Neronixwikipedia donald trump~
23:38.43Neronix~ikipedia donald trump
23:38.49Neronix~wikipedia donald trump
23:39.14Mikma2.7 billion
23:39.28Tekkubthan k you raw wiki text...
23:39.45NeronixAh, the supposedly famous businessman for the american version?
23:40.03MikmaNeronix: you don't know who donald trump is? :D
23:40.04*** join/#wowace XLVII (
23:40.11Mikma ...
23:40.27Neronixnever heard of him
23:40.51MikmaIn 2004, Trump became the executive producer and host of the NBC reality show, The Apprentice ...
23:41.00MikmaAt the end of each episode, Trump eliminated at least one (if not more) contestant(s) by telling them, "You're fired," which became a somewhat popular catch phrase.
23:41.12NeronixYeah, that show started in the UK
23:41.13Mikma+ he's really, really, REALLY rich :P
23:41.26Neronixwith another businessman I've never heard of named Alan Sugar
23:41.28XLVIIyou can't be serious about never hearing about him?
23:41.44Neronixactually, it kinda rings a bell
23:41.51Mikmalook at the pic
23:42.37MikmaLOL! zomfg
23:42.38MikmaIn 2004, Donald Trump filed a trademark application for the phrase You're fired, which he had popularized on The Apprentice.
23:43.28NeronixAlan Sugar would be pissed off at that :P
23:45.24*** join/#wowace wereHamster (
23:45.58NeronixHmm, it actually started in the US? O.o
23:46.15Neronixdamn misleading BBC >.>
23:51.37vhaarrheh, kind of silly that BulkMail (Ace2) depends on AceGUI which depends on Ace1 :P
23:52.15kergothwell, i'm sure he wouldve used acegui2 if it existed yet
23:52.34vhaarryes I wasn't downtalking the author
23:52.35MikmaIn this boardroom, we've never had a team lose so're all fired?all four are fired!
23:52.39Mikma* After Trump finds the "losing four" responsible for the worst boardroom loss ever seen in Season 4 of The Apprentice
23:52.43Mikmatoo bad i have missed that one
23:52.48Mikmathat would have ROCKED
23:53.02KyahxI saw an AceGUI-2.0 up?
23:53.06MikmaIf you hang out with a loser, you are a loser
23:53.11Mikmashit, see ya later
23:56.22Mikmaag`_: debuffs don't work properly
23:56.32ag`how so
23:57.13Mikmathe debuff has a green block
23:57.20ag`green block?
23:57.25Mikmass coming
23:58.50ag`that means it can't find a texture
23:59.03ag`it's nothing I've done wrong
23:59.39Mikmawell look, it works on TinyTip ;)

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