irclog2html for #wowace on 20060613

00:00.18TekI want to get rid of smartassist, I hate disabling everythding but the target logic everytime I make an alt
00:00.22ckknightif you have the same superclass, there is no issue at all
00:00.41kergothi'm on it, just setting up tinypad and such, getting a wow development environment going, really :P
00:00.56kergothits been ages since i worked on an actual addon
00:01.02kergothprobably back when i was hacking informatips
00:02.18Mikmakergoth: tomorrow's gonna be a wild day for me ehhehe, i'm trying to learn the SavePosition and RestorePosition functions ;)
00:03.32ckknightyea, the issue is that you don't want to touch stuff that another lib is handling, but you want to update all your own stuff
00:04.15ckknightone hackish solution:
00:04.32ckknighton register, traverse the tree and keep a list of all tables associated with the lib
00:04.48ckknightweakly keyed and whatnot
00:06.56kergothMikma, have fun :)  my knowledge of the wow api is so weak :( need to fix that
00:07.17Mikmakergoth: same goes with me :)
00:07.48Mikmakergoth: but after playing with the CreateFrame for a day i finally understood atleast that ;D
00:09.25Mikma .. that's what i got done today, doesn't work nicely without TinyPad's scripts and needs the positionsaving but it's a start :D
00:14.02Gngsklooks good
00:21.00TainI made some damn tasty dinner.  Mmm mmm
00:21.07kergothnote to self: :w doesnt save in tinypad :P
00:21.27Tainhah sounds like you need to mod it kergoth
00:21.50TainYou know an in-game vim would go over well
00:28.22kergothMikma, looking good
00:29.51Mikmakergoth: notice how i did every frame by the easy way :P i tried the advanced ways too but they failed misserably
00:36.36Mikmahaste: btw long lines will "break", something like Keeper Remulos in Moonglade, he has 89880 mana and it's stowing "89880/898..." on unitframe :)
00:36.55Mikmastowing yes!
00:39.44*** join/#wowace Kyahx|Sleep (n=Kyahx@
00:39.44kergothopinions on handling breaking up of a single addon's chat options amongst multiple modules?  whats cleanest?
00:41.42Thraekergoth: If it's ace, just table.insert your CHATCMD table.
00:41.45Mikmafunny, lvl50 hunter asked me how did i get into Moonglade.. (i'm lvl10 druid)
00:43.19kergothThrae, i dont recall, do the elements need to be in the chat command table before doing a register for load?
00:43.41Thraekergoth: Dunno, give it a try?
00:43.57KyahxMikma: tell him you learn a spell to teleport there at level 10
00:44.18Mikmawell i did tell him "Teleport: Moonglade" and he asked "where is it?"
00:44.52ThraeMikma: Tell him you get it from a scroll dropped randomly by Moonglade Wardens.
00:45.06MikmaThrae: now that is a nice idea :D
00:45.08Kyahxouu, thats a mean one
00:46.28ThraeTell him it's BoE so that's how you got it, you bought it with your alt.
00:46.43ThraeNot BoE, it's not BoP like some of the scrolls out there.
00:46.51hasteMikma, no, that's intended atm
00:47.00steinoomg haste is awake!
00:47.00Tainkergoth: if the main addon has registered for load you can insert chat commands for the "modules" before the module's register for load
00:47.09hasteI failed to fall a sleep :(
00:47.15hasteI'm hungry, and my head hurts
00:47.19steinoim bored
00:47.27Thraekergoth: Can the modules be loaded before the main module?
00:47.33Mikmahaste: ok, good to know :)
00:48.05Mikmahaste: you should make a converter, larger numbers will be something like "89k/89k" ;)
00:48.09hasteMikma, I'm planning on auto-adjusting the length of the bars by how many numbers they have
00:48.35kergothit annoys me that acechatcmd doesnt work independent of AceAddon.  oh well
00:48.52ThraeI bet that's changed in Ace 2.0.
00:50.45kergothace 2.0 doesnt have any functional modules but acelibrary and aceoo, really.
00:51.38kergothcladhaire, where's the new chat stuff you've been playing with?
01:03.20ckknightkergoth, woot.
01:03.28ckknightthink I fixed the issue
01:06.12kergothnice, how?
01:06.41Thraeckknight, do both TabletLib and Dewdrop use tooltips as their main frames?
01:06.49ckknightneither do
01:06.59ckknightkergoth, it tracks what tables are part of what library
01:08.04ThraeWait, so TabletLib provides a tooltip-style display, but it's not a tooltip?
01:09.09ckknightit's a Frame, not a GameTooltip
01:11.01Thraeckknight: Tell me your secrets of frames containing only text. How do you make TabletLib scale properly?
01:11.18ckknightfeel free to look at the code
01:12.39ThraeWait...can you specify a width when adding text with TabletLib?
01:12.52ThraeIE, the point at which the text breaks and wraps.
01:13.15ckknightnot to my knowledge
01:13.19ckknightbut it could be easily set
01:13.24ckknightit's currently at 200 minimum
01:13.34ckknightbut it grows to inf unless wrap is set
01:14.06ThraeYou mean the frame itself has a default size of 200?
01:14.38ckknightfar as I know
01:14.52ckknightactually, that only applies if it wraps
01:14.57ckknightotherwise it's from like 20-inf
01:15.12ckknightif there's wrapping, pretty sure the minimum is either 100 or 200
01:15.26ckknight200 I think
01:15.29ThraeSo you can specify the pixel width at which it should wrap?
01:15.46ckknightyea, but it's a local, at the top
01:18.06CIA-1703ckknight 07ckknight * r2709 10AceLibrary/AceLibrary.lua:
01:18.07CIA-17AceLibrary - now keeps track of what libraries handle which tables, thus preventing cross-library pollination.
01:18.07CIA-17The side effect to this: register a Class with one superclass, then register a newer version with a different superclass, and it works now.
01:18.17ckknightman, this stuff is hard to track down
01:20.12TainWow there is some awesome, awesome shirts here.  But a lot to go through.
01:20.24CIA-1703ckknight 07TestSuite * r2710 10AceLibrary/ (AceOO-LibraryClass-2.lua AceOO-LibraryClass-3.lua): AceLibrary/TestSuite - added AceOO-LibraryClass-2.lua and AceOO-LibraryClass-3.lua
01:23.36ThraeGreat, TabletLib gave me some ideas even though it doesn't seem you implemented exactly what I'm looking for...and the PTR is down.
01:23.55*** join/#wowace Galka__ (
01:24.13maiacan anyone with framce creation in lua help me with a problem? take a look at and please tell me why I can't drag the frame at all.
01:24.36maia(make that: with knowledge in frame creation - I'm already tired)
01:25.52ckknightfor one, don't have the top be SquishyFrame2 = , it's redundant
01:25.57ckknightthat's what the second arg is for
01:26.52maiaso if I do a f = CreateFrame(...), will I then reference the frame as f when creating a child frame?
01:27.18ckknightyea, that'd work
01:27.24ckknightbut remember, locals are your friend
01:27.37ckknightI typically do local frame = CreateFrame(...)
01:27.43ckknightthen manipulate with frame
01:27.56maiayeah, but how do you reference that frame lateron?
01:28.11maiaaka do you then parent a child to frame or to its real name?
01:28.25ckknightthey're the same
01:28.35ckknightI do to the frame
01:28.54ckknightmany of the frames I use have no names
01:28.59ckknightand only exist in the local sphere
01:29.29maiaokay, but that doesnt solve the problem of it not being movable at all
01:31.49ckknightadd an OnMouseDown event to the header, that prints out some text
01:31.51ckknightsee if it works
01:32.35maiahrm. you know what? using local framenames helped.
01:32.58maiaI can drag it. it's unresponsive, but its working
01:33.18kergothargh, is the login server down again?
01:33.21kergothoh, whew
01:33.23kergothjust took a while
01:33.28ckknightmaia, hooray!
01:33.50ckknightso where do I go from here?
01:33.51ThraeI think doing local frame = CreateFrame("Frame", "SquishyFrame2", UIParent) will create a frame and put in the global SquishyFrame2, then assign a reference to that in local frame.
01:34.17maianow trying a b:RegisterForClicks("LeftButtonUp","LeftButtonDown")
01:34.38ThraeSo I can see where trying to assign that to SquishyFrame2 made it explode.
01:34.55maiaargh. back to: SquishyHeader2 doesn't have a "LeftButtonUp" script
01:35.21maiaThrae: so I should parent my children to the local names, not the global names? ah...
01:35.46ckknightmaia, why are you doing RegisterForClicks?
01:36.43Thraemaia: The 'name' option is not needed unless you want it accessable from XML.
01:36.49maiackknight: because StartMoving() on LeftMouseDown and StopMovingOrSizing() on up is more responsive
01:37.08ckknightso why not do SetScript("MouseButtonDown")?
01:37.25maiackknight: because I havent heard about that possibility yet :)
01:37.32ckknightthat's it
01:37.36ckknightand OnMouseUp
01:37.38ckknightit's shinier
01:38.28Thraeframe:RegisterForDrag(mousebuttons); frame:SetScript("OnDragStart", function(this) this:StartMoving() end ); frame:SetScript("OnDragStop", function(this) this:StopMoving() end );
01:39.23maiaThrae: what I dislike about OnDragStart is that you have to move your mouse quite a bit before the frame starts moving with the mouse.
01:39.44maiathis might be mac related though. but its definetly different than checking for mouse down/up
01:39.53ThraeAh, I see.
01:41.42maiaThrae: I'm not sure about the 'name' you've been mentioning. Which part can I safely delete if I plan to delete all .xml?
01:41.51maiackknight: and thanks for your help - it worked :)
01:42.29ThraeI usually leave the second option nil.
01:42.47maiaThrae: but if the frame has no name, how do I ever do something like FrameName:Hide() from a different function?
01:42.54ThraeActually on 1.11 it is now CreateFrame(type,name,parent,inheritedframe)
01:43.35Thraemaia: Well then you have a choice. Either give it a name or store the frame locally to the file.
01:43.37ckknightmaia, you save the local somewhere
01:43.44kergothmaia, you dont need a global to keep around a reference to an object.  use a local. use a member of your existing table. whatever.
01:44.22ThraeGiving the second option, name, creates a global with that name. Usually you don't need this, unless you are referencing the object from XML.
01:45.05maiawell, but if I'd replace the name with something like self.frames.Main it's still a name and not nil in the CreateFrame() function
01:45.13kergoththis energy drink is called "Big Ol' can of Whoop Ass".  so i just opened a can of whoop ass.
01:45.23kergothmaia, hm?
01:45.32maiaits just a CreateFrame("Frame", self.frames.Main, UIParent) instead, right?
01:45.44kergothlocal foo = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, UIParent)
01:45.47kergothself.frames.Main = foo
01:45.48kergothta da
01:45.57kergoththe name argument _creates a global_
01:46.01kergothself.frames.Main isnt a global.
01:46.10kergothit isnt even a string, which name has to be
01:46.57*** join/#wowace ckknight_ (
01:48.04maiamaybe I just shouldnt try to code at 4am.
01:48.26ckknightmaia, coding is best done in 24-36 hour chunks
01:49.49maiaokay, so I'll catch some sleep and continue my work tomorrow. ;)
01:50.22CIA-1703ckknight 07ckknight * r2711 10AceLibrary/AceLibrary.lua: AceLibrary - changed local positions to be a member of the AceLibrary table.
01:50.48ckknightmaia, good plan
01:53.24maiaoh, last question: if my frames don't have a global name but are attached to my table, it's not that easy to reference it from outside the addon, right?
01:53.48ckknightwell, you can just get them through your table
01:54.01purl*** Incoming Tentacle Rape Party - Pleasure! ***
01:54.14purlmore dots, more dots, throw more dots, okay, stop dots!
01:54.24maiacant remember ever having seen a frame with such a name
01:54.48Mikmaoh it wasn't that then
01:55.09purlhit it like you mean it!
01:55.15maiait's also ChatFrame1ResizeTop, not ChatFrames[1].ResizeHandler["Top"]
01:55.24purl50 dkp minus!
01:55.24Mikmabut i still like that "incoming tentacle rape party - pleasure!"
01:55.27Mikmait's.. awesome :D
01:55.42Thraemaia: It's probably safe to call it "SquishyFrame2", but we try not to pollute the global namespace as much as possible.
01:56.07Mikmahmm i had an interesting issue when i played with CreateFrame
01:56.11ThraeCoding the Ace Way(tm) means trying to do the right thing even if it's trivial!
01:56.40maiaThrae: yeah, I know - just wondering how people would be able to mess with frames without global name via Visor, MoveAnything etc.
01:56.57Mikmaif i used: local foo = CreateFrame("Frame",nil,UIParent)  .. it didn't work for some reason. i wasn't able to use it
01:57.06Mikmaafter removing the local it worked fine
01:57.20ThraeMikma: Works fine for me...
01:57.20ckknightyou did it wrong, then, Mikma
01:57.38Mikmackknight: i know, that's why i tried to explain it
01:57.45ThraeMikma: Did you do local foo = CreateFrame() inside of a function and then try to use that frame outside of the function?
01:57.57ckknightor if statement
01:58.02MikmaThrae: yes, that's baaad?
01:58.19Mikmawell hmm
01:58.25ckknightlocals exist _only_ within the blocks they are declared
01:58.31ckknightwhich is why they're so awesome
01:58.43Thraemaia: They probably won't be able to, but if your frame already has movable options, who cares?
01:58.44Mikmaok that explained a whole lot to me
01:59.02ThraeMikma: Do you know any languages besides Lua?
01:59.05Mikmathe only thing i'm wondering now is how can i make the frames without having them in function
01:59.05maiaThrae: someone might want to remove the border,... I dont know. :)
01:59.12ckknightMikma, I'll show you:
01:59.27MikmaThrae: (joking: well yes, finnish and english) .. nope
01:59.28ckknightlocal frame; function monkey() frame = CreateFrame("Frame") end; print(frame)
01:59.54Thraemaia: They can ask you for the feature ;)
02:00.09ckknightmaia, yea, what Thrae said
02:00.22Mikmackknight: gotta copypaste that down and try it tomorrow
02:00.25maiaThrae: there's always more people asking for features than features you could ever add. ;p
02:00.29ckknightI have an innate fear and contempt for the user
02:00.41Thraemaia: Actually, wait. Visor and MoveAnything use GetChildren() on UIParent, so your frame will still be referenced there, it just won't have a name.
02:00.43ckknightI do not feel like they are going to do the right thing
02:01.03ckknightThrae, it still needs a name to reference from
02:01.09ckknightto get the right one
02:01.23ckknightyou can also enumerate the frames.
02:01.49maiaThrae: okay. I need to convert all the bars yet anyway, so it'll take a few more days until I have to make that decision. good night everyone, and thanks for your help.
02:02.29Mikmackknight: with that codepiece, am i still able to use the frame outside the function?
02:02.44ckknightnote that print was outside the function/
02:04.04ckknightlocal frame declares the scope of frame
02:04.17ckknightthe frame was assigned in the function, not declared
02:05.31Mikmagod damn i just found out a bug in MAMi, but doesn't matter after all it's going to be fixed in Bartender. ActionBars won't swap when shapeshifting :(
02:08.11kergothMikma, read PIL
02:08.38kergothi wish a reload got .toc updates
02:08.46kergothrestarting wow is annoying
02:09.52Mikmakergoth: drink milk :D
02:12.37ckknightmilk has some freaky shit in it
02:12.57TainYeah like kaluah
02:12.59Mikmasure it has, it has come for a cows tit
02:13.26kergothi cant drink milk much anymore.  stopped drinking it for a while, now it fucks with my stomach.  makes sense though, that shit's designed for babies, not adults
02:15.51ckknightno, kergoth, no it's not
02:16.01ckknighthuman milk is for humans
02:16.05ckknightcow milk is for cows
02:16.32ckknightplus, there's shitload of hormones and unnatural proteins in there
02:16.59ckknightI used to have _horrible_ _horrible_ acne
02:17.04ckknightworst in the entire school, even
02:17.21ckknightafter I stopped drinking milk, in about a month, it went away
02:17.27ckknightall of it
02:17.32Mikmayou switched to beer? :D
02:17.47ckknightno, I have the eating habits of a Mormon
02:17.54ckknightno drugs, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, etc.
02:18.20Mikmanow that's interesting. may i ask why? if so, why? :)
02:19.05Gngskanyone know off the top of their head who wrote the BigWig C'thun mod?
02:19.26kergothgah, used the wrong command.. hmmm
02:19.47ckknightpart of it is a spiritual thing, I don't need those things to fulfill myself, plus, I'm healthier without it
02:19.55ckknightOnly abuse those things on special occasions
02:19.57ckknightlike weddings
02:20.08*** join/#wowace Kaelten (n=kaelten@
02:20.16Mikmawell i myself like to drink like 3 times in a year
02:20.18*** mode/#wowace [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
02:20.21ckknightI know I'm gonna get smashed and end up in bed with someone I had just met when my brother gets married in August
02:20.22Gngsknvm, checked the svn log myself
02:20.27CIA-1703kergoth * r2712 10MicroAssist/ (8 files in 2 dirs):
02:20.27CIA-17Figuring out the API/behavior of an element. Currently have a 'class' element.
02:20.27CIA-17Next: adding the default weighting factor for the element, then adding
02:20.27CIA-17commandline options to change weighting factors, then the actual metrognome
02:20.27CIA-17ticker to calculate the weights of the units.
02:20.38Kaeltenfinnally back!
02:20.43ckknighthey Kaelten
02:20.51ckknightKaelten, where do I go from here?
02:21.11ckknightand/or should we make a roadmap for Ace2?
02:24.37*** join/#wowace Parak (
02:41.00kergothwarmup says the world entry was 12 seconds, and the total time was -128 seconds
02:47.34kergothbuttonhole rocks when you arent using a minimap, or are using a square one.  definately need to give it an api thats less crappy and clean it up
02:48.04cladhairekergoth: its in Acechatcmd in the libraries
02:48.23Tekckk: dewdrop editboxes, kickass!
02:48.25ckknightnight, clad|sleep
02:48.36ckknightTek, they're ugly, find a way to make them less ugly
02:48.37Tekyes, I'm slow, been busy lately
02:49.06Tekyea I know... hrm... can we nix the editbox border somehow and just have the dd broder?
02:50.46ckknightbut then it doesn't look there's anything there but the blinking cursor
02:50.51Tekman, this is gonna make putting slash commands into menus soooo frickin easy :)
02:51.20Tekyea, but I think it'd look better than the doubleborder
02:51.55Tekor maybe drop the editbox border and instead have a simple underline
02:52.03ckknightthat could work.
02:52.15Teklike [ Fill in the blank > ]   [ ___________ ]
02:53.46ckknightmaybe having it have a > sign would be a good idea
02:54.42Tekhrm... maybe drop the "arrow" in the main menu for some sort of "this is text input" icon
02:54.52Teklike how color swatches have the box
02:56.31CIA-1703tekkub * r2713 10/branches/FuBar_FriendsFu/FriendsFu.lua:
02:56.31CIA-17FuBar_FriendsFu (Tekkub's branch)
02:56.31CIA-17- Added editbox menu for adding new friends by name.
03:02.18*** join/#wowace Wobin (n=Wobin@
03:18.49ckknightthen I'd want to have a slider one as well?
03:21.12clad|sleepTek: Did you work on the table structure to add to ACC yet?
03:22.01Wobindamn. Needy users =P
03:30.39CIA-1703cladhaire 07Unstable * r2714 10Clique/Clique/Clique.lua: Clique: Added some calls to Clique:BuildActionTable() in response to edit functions
03:40.45Tekoh, no clad
03:41.16Tekit'll probably be somethin I add to ACC after the fact
03:41.19clad|sleepi'm headed to bed, email me or post if you need me for anything
03:41.21clad|sleep*nod* cool
03:41.24Teksince we can tweak it bit by bit
03:41.26clad|sleepTek: wouldn't hurt to map the elements out now.
03:41.39Tekif I get the time
03:41.52Tektrying to get my tranqshot mod started
03:42.02Teksince I know how to do CTRA chatter now
03:42.15TekI want to get it going and I need to test in MC tomorrow
03:43.27Mikmais there any good Druid-debuff timers?
03:43.33Mikmalike Aced CountMoon
03:44.12Wobinbut that doesn't preclude you from writing one!
03:45.37Wobinfubar toggle for MrPlow
03:45.40WobinI guess
03:45.53WobinI should go and learn how to make one, anyway =P
03:47.42Mikmahaste: Combo-points? :)
03:47.57WobinMikma: That's what gonffbar is for =P
03:48.22MikmaWobin: i know, my GF just installed it
03:48.34Mikmabut i wanna have haste's comment about it ;)
03:48.41WobinAlthough, let me know if your gonffbar is having issues saving settings
03:48.53WobinI have a couple of users which I can't figure out whiy they're not
03:49.27Mikmawell, she only moved the bar so we shall see
03:49.43Wobinckknight: Is there anything that should change about the FuBar_ExampleFu-1.2 template in light of any recent changes?
03:50.00ckknightdon't think so
03:50.03ckknightwho's to say, though
03:50.56Wobin-- this is run when the user types /bpex report
03:55.56CIA-1703ckknight 07ckknight * r2715 10AceLibrary/ (AceAddon.lua AceOO.lua):
03:55.56CIA-17AceOO - Mixins no longer fail if the superclass has the same mixin.
03:55.56CIA-17It still fails if you specify the same mixin twice in one class declaration.
03:56.15CIA-1703ckknight 07TestSuite * r2716 10AceLibrary/ (AceOO-MixinInheritance-2.lua AceOO-MixinInheritance-3.lua): AceLibrary/TestSuite - added AceOO-MixinInheritance-2.lua and AceOO-MixinInheritance-3.lua
03:59.22Tekkergy, you're not prefixing your commits *rulerslap*
04:01.00kergother, ow
04:06.29WobinTek used the ruler. WITH EMBEDDED RAZOR BLADES
04:14.56Mikmai found a cooldown-addon
04:16.04kergoththats for timers for spells, not cooldowns, afaik
04:16.25Mikmawell anyways, something like that
04:16.58Mikmai kinda dislike the timex-thing but it's almost completely based on timex-bars :P
04:20.11WobinWe need it to use otravi's castingbar textures =)
04:20.27Mikmaand metrognome!
04:20.41Wobinhm yeah
04:20.48WobinSince there'll be more than one bar
04:21.26Wobinneither GB or OCB use metrognome, but that's only cause we use onupdate for a single bar
04:21.40Wobinand it's just as easy to figure it out normally
04:22.35Mikmai like the bars more than plain icons
04:24.11WobinI guess as a fubar plugin, I can assume all the libraries are there
04:24.22Wobin(dewdrop et al)
04:34.17ckknightdewdrop, tablet, metrognome, compost
04:34.23ckknightthat's what all plugins will need
04:36.41Mikmai really like this mac-feature on EmoteFu :D
04:36.57Mikmait's "EmoteF" on almost every screenshot i have taken
04:37.01TekI think that should be name EmoFu :)
04:37.16Tek"that's so EmoFu"
04:37.32Tekokey, time for food, alchy, Colbert and then sleep
04:37.59sedatedChipmunkff, time for sleep
04:46.11WobinThat url plainly has far too many vowels
04:47.26KyahxIm going to have to concur
04:57.37*** join/#wowace Ratbert_CP (
04:59.27ckknightAPI advice, people: if you call self:UnregisterEvent(event) and you aren't registered to the event, should it error or silently fail? (Ace2)
05:00.02Wobinsilently fail
05:00.20Wobinor perhaps a debug message
05:00.32Wobinbut not terminate any process
05:01.25ckknightgonna make it silently fail, I guess
05:02.44KyahxI'd say pop out a debug warning.  Let authors know what they are doing wrong, but not cause anything to break.
05:03.22ckknightalternatively, I could have a DEBUG = true thing at the top
05:03.46ckknightthen have it either silently fail on DEBUG = false or pop an error on DEBUG = true
05:04.34Kyahxthat would be my preferance
05:07.02ckknightand done
05:07.23ckknightnote: it does fire errors if you mess up arguments, even without DEBUG being set
05:07.28ckknightso you can't self:RegisterEvent(42)
05:08.02KyahxIm asumeing (hopeing) all the new AceDebug stuff is going to be integrated into the Ace core moduals
05:09.39ckknightdepends on what you mean by core
05:09.48ckknightcause it's kinda...splattered
05:09.53KyahxI have no idea how Ace 2 is designed really, so, yea =P
05:09.55Kyahxignore me
05:10.06ckknightbasically, if you want AceDebug capabilities:
05:10.17ckknightlocal addon = Class("AceAddon-2.0", "AceDebug-2.0")
05:10.23Kyahxeasy enough
05:11.41Kyahxso if everything is imbeded, does that mean I am going to have 50 copies of Ace2 in my addons folder?
05:12.22kergothKyahx, but only one is ever resident in ram.
05:12.30ckknightwhich is very shiny.
05:12.41ckknightyou'll only ever have one AceLibrary or one AceOO
05:12.43ckknightnever 2
05:12.45KyahxYea, I get that
05:13.08WobinYou could actually delete most of them
05:13.14Wobinmaking one addon a dependancy =P
05:13.22ckknightright, Wobin
05:13.22Wobinas long as it loaded first
05:13.27Kyahxeh, too much work
05:13.35ckknightwell, all addons should put in OptionalDeps: Ace2
05:14.30ckknightso that if you download the Ace2 package, it'd load first
05:14.39ckknightgranted, there likely won't be any real advantage :-P
05:14.45Kyahxthats not going to affect load times at all will it?
05:14.55Kyahxrunning that stub code that many times
05:15.01ckknightit doesn't run the stub code.
05:15.14Kyahxfor the embededs?
05:15.31ckknightit runs: if not AceLibrary:IsNewVersion(MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION) then return end
05:15.51Kyahxso all it does is compare a variable
05:16.07Kyahxrelativly no work at all :P
05:16.13ckknightpractically none
05:16.21ckknightyou may gain 0.003 seconds
05:16.23ckknightor something
05:16.31ckknightand I know, it's tragic
05:16.35Wobinblink and you'll miss it =P
05:16.43Kyahxthats quick enough for a rogue to gank me!
05:16.44ckknightbut it's the best we can do thus far
05:16.46KyahxDEATH TO ACE2
05:16.48ckknightoh noes!
05:16.58WobinTragedy! Duhndundundundundundund It's a Tragedy!
05:17.04KyahxPeople will go on an emeded strike isntead of a dependecy strike =P
05:17.10ckknightAceEvent-2.0 was really easy to write
05:17.12WobinPity I can't recall any more of the words =P
05:17.18Kyahx"oh man, that mod uses embededs, stay away!"
05:17.42ckknightKyahx, I sure hope to hell people don't get that attitude in their heads
05:18.04KyahxWobin, your probley a good person to ask.  How hard is splitting stacks of items and moveing crap around in the inventory
05:18.06WobinWell they can't really spread FUD anymore, since the majority of the major coders have embraced it
05:18.21KyahxIm working on the bank mode of FreeRefills, trying to think of where to start
05:18.33Wobinnot too hard...
05:18.43Wobinone sec
05:19.05KyahxI know Mr. Plow uses metrognome for something, is that something I want to be doing?
05:19.20WobinSplitContainerItem(from[1], from[2], from[3]
05:19.20*** join/#wowace ckknight_ (
05:19.41WobinMrPlow only really uses Metrognome for safety sake
05:19.52ckknight_is there more args than arg3?
05:19.56ckknight_in events, that is
05:20.04Wobinyeah, up to arg9 I think
05:20.17Kyahxso worst-case-scenario an item dosent get "looted" from the bank due to lag?
05:20.49ckknight_I'm having AceEvent's frame just do a :TriggerEvent(event, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg7, arg8, arg9)
05:20.50WobinThere's a limitation that you can't move an item into the same spot twice in the same tick
05:21.01ckknight_cause it seems just so simple to make everything streamlined that way.
05:21.10Wobinor something similar... have a look at the API on Wowwiki
05:21.14*** join/#wowace Jarenthal (
05:21.33JarenthalLitestep has a Lua scripting module.
05:21.33ckknight_so addons will be able to call them what they want (instead of sticking to arg1..9)
05:21.38JarenthalI didn't know that.
05:21.59WobinBut really, chances are that there will never get so low a latency that the issue ever takes place
05:22.29ckknightoh, it'll also accept arbitrary functions in RegisterEvent
05:23.20ckknightself:RegisterEvent("CHAT_MSG_SYSTEM", function(text) print("system text: " .. text) end)
05:24.09ckknightinstead of just a method
05:29.25ckknightexpect these fun features and more!
05:33.04kergoththis soda tastes exactly like vanilla ice cream
05:33.19Kyahxwhich soda?
05:33.35Kyahx"Vanilla Ice Cream Soda"
05:34.14kergothvanilla cream from Waialua, a hawaiian company.  most vanilla flavored cream sodas taste just like cream soda, but with hints of vanilla.  this is quite different
05:34.15*** join/#wowace Jarenthal (
05:42.23ckknightWaialua is a place, not a company, afaik
05:42.39ckknightit's over on the east side
05:45.21WobinThe company probably took the name from the location. Waialua Drink Co or something =P
05:45.31kergothindeed, waialua soda works
05:45.38ckknightah, okay
05:45.48ckknightthat probably exists
05:45.59ckknighthaven't heard of it, thouh
05:46.56KyahxWobin: when I split a stack, does the number I specifiy stay in that bag/slot, or do the leftovers stay in that slot.
05:47.33WobinI think the number you specify gets put onto the cursor
05:47.40WobinSo, leftovers
05:47.47WobinBut check the API
05:47.55Kyahxno details for it
05:48.00ckknightone nice thing about the mixin deal is that I can have a class that inherits from AceEvent without inheriting from AceAddon
05:48.05Kyahxif the amount I want gets dropped on the cursor, thats awesome
05:48.07ckknightor having AceAddon exist at all
05:48.34Wobinfunny that =\
05:48.50WobinI picked up that function from FrameXML =P
05:49.54CIA-1703ckknight 07ckknight * r2718 10AceLibrary/AceEvent.lua: AceEvent - initial commit.
05:50.42CIA-1703ckknight 07TestSuite * r2719 10AceLibrary/ (4 files): AceLibrary/TestSuite - added AceEvent-1.lua and FakeWoW.lua
05:56.35WobinI need a nice icon for the MrPlowFu plugin. Maybe a small cartoon snowplow or something (if it could even be recognisable at that size...)
05:57.01ckknightshow a pile of snow
05:58.50Cairennnice one Kyahx
05:58.59ckknightomg, Cairenn's canadian!
05:59.02KyahxI try =)
05:59.13Cairennnot news ckknight, we've had this conversation before ;)
05:59.18ckknightI know
05:59.20ckknightit's funny
05:59.23WobinI <3 you Kyahx =)
05:59.34ckknightmy mum still has a very Canadian accent
06:00.18KyahxI want to use this for something:
06:00.29Wobinckknight: What format does the icon have to be in (and size?)
06:00.35ckknighttga or blp
06:00.40ckknightrecommended 32x32
06:00.48Kyahx(that image is 32x32 BTW)
06:00.49ckknightbut it can be any (2^n)x(2^n)
06:01.19Kyahxhave to convert it to TGA thou
06:01.35ckknightGIMP ftw
06:01.44KyahxI should look into that, I need a good TGA maker
06:01.53WobinGIMP is really good
06:01.56ckknightor ImageMagick
06:02.02ckknightnice convert tool
06:02.05WobinNow if only I could set it to load all images to the one instance
06:02.16Wobinrather than load up everything in a new one
06:03.05Kyahxactually, that website is a goldmine
06:03.12Kyahxtons of free 32x32 icons
06:03.19WobinI was so bookmarking it =)
06:04.15WobinI wonder why firefox is always so laggy when you try to save something
06:04.36ckknightyea, I wonder why, too
06:05.40hasteugh, hate waking up, checking my IRC, see someone has highlighted me, but I don't have a highlight log on this IRC client :(
06:06.02ckknightwhat you using?
06:06.33hasteusually irssi, but I installed X-Chat on my laptop for now
06:06.42ckknightX-Chat has a log
06:07.01hastePAM died on my server, so I have to create a livecd and chroot it to fix it :(
06:20.54*** join/#wowace Elkano (
06:21.54ckknighthey Elkano
06:21.59*** join/#wowace snurre (
06:22.08*** join/#wowace MoonWolf (
06:22.08*** mode/#wowace [+o MoonWolf] by ChanServ
06:22.40ckknighthey snurre, MoonWolf
06:22.57snurregood morning
06:23.24purl50 dkp minus!
06:23.40ckknightthat's what you get, snurre
06:25.10MoonWolfyour sleep cycle amazes me.
06:25.14MoonWolfmorning btw.
06:25.24ckknightespecially since it's like 8 PM for me
06:26.03MoonWolfits more the appernt lack of sleeping in the sleep cycle
06:26.14ckknightI slept like 7 hours today
06:27.33snurrei slept <5 :(
06:28.03MoonWolfi slept  from 0:20  to 6
06:28.14MoonWolfwell was in bed for that time anyway
06:28.22MoonWolfi dont sleep well when its hot.
06:29.10ckknightI make sure to focus my sleep to be as efficient as possible
06:32.04snurrehad to get up early to migrate my chars :p
06:32.08snurrebefore work
06:32.27snurretoo bad a 22 shaman has stolen my nick there, so I had to rename my warr :(
06:32.49snurreCapnaggro is cool enough tho :p
06:34.16Elkanoany chance on patchday in US?
06:34.24MoonWolfi doubt it.
06:34.37MoonWolfhoping for next week.
06:34.40Wobinit's a nonpatch day
06:34.49snurrethat fucking sucks
06:35.11ckknightwonder if I can push out a beta of Ace2 by patch day
06:35.33snurrei want my updated equip damnit :(
06:35.48snurre(even though, the load at work is gonna suck ass)
06:36.15snurrei can't go home for a class reunion the first week in june cause of the damn patch :(
06:36.30Elkanook, no US patch day today -> no EU patch day tomorrow :) good since I wouldn't have been there to fix my addons :)
06:37.28CIA-1703wobin * r2720 10FuBar_MrPlowFu/ (5 files): FuBar_MrPlowFu - Initial import
06:37.32MoonWolfnot much breaking this patch anyway
06:38.48Kyahxhmmm, what does this mean:
06:38.50KyahxCore.lua:173: attempt to compare number with boolean
06:39.09ckknight1 < true
06:39.21Kyahxso tonumber(variable)
06:39.32ckknightwhat's the line?
06:39.48Kyahxif not slotCount > amountNeeded then
06:40.06KyahxamountNeeded is passed into the function
06:40.08WobinYour string.find returns a string
06:40.10ckknightI know your issue
06:40.15Wobinrather than an integer
06:40.19ckknightif (not slotCount) > amountNeeded then
06:40.36ckknightuse if slotCount <= amountNeeded then
06:41.14Elkanockknight, I had a strange bug with FuBar yesterday: some of the addons locked up their bar texts :/ eg the clock wasn't unpdated on the bar any longer but it's tooltip still showed the correct time
06:41.23ckknightElkano, hrm
06:41.23KyahxCore.lua:173: attempt to compare boolean with number
06:41.30Kyahxerror reversed
06:41.48ckknightKyahx, you don't have not in there, do you?
06:42.10Kyahxmy bad, one sec
06:42.19Wobinckknight: For uploading MRPlowFu, I'll have to go through the FuBar entry and 'upload plugin'?
06:42.43Wobiner 'upload Add-on'
06:43.07Elkanobut maybe it was because of ArcHUD... I updated to it's latest svn version and it totaly screwed up... so maybe FuBar was affected somehow, too
06:43.23ckknightcould be
06:47.21Elkanothinking about it, it wasn't the only thing that was screwed up :/
06:48.07Kyahxckknight: that fixed the logic, however apparently PutItemInBackpack() truely only covers the backpack an nothing more =(
06:49.07Kyahxbah, gotta find the number then
06:49.19Kyahxhmm, what about UseContainerItem
06:50.33Kyahxha, that worked
06:50.44KyahxUseContainerItem on a bank slot grabs it =P
06:52.49Industrialstupid computers
06:52.51Industriallaptop broke
06:53.01Kyahxbut, it wont work for splitting stacks =(
06:53.19ckknightKyahx, I've split stacks
06:53.41Kyahxyea, I just need to find an empty spot / partial stack to drop the item onto
06:54.27IndustrialMoonWolf: get a stack of fish, destack them into every slot, turn on the fishing bot - get 20 stacks
06:54.47MoonWolfthats cheating too.
06:54.47Industrialkeeps the crap fish out of the inventory
06:54.57ckknightfor slot = 1, GetContainerNumSlots(bag) do if not GetContainerItemLink(bag, slot) then return true end end
06:55.39*** join/#wowace CIA-12 (
06:56.04ckknightI miss CIA-17
06:56.06ckknighthe was fun
06:57.44*** topic/#wowace by MoonWolf -> | | <-- READ IT | Well, ain't that cute. BUT IT'S WRONG!
06:58.06MoonWolfnobody gets the qoute ?
06:58.47MoonWolfCow and chicken.
06:59.02ckknightgood show
06:59.08ckknightlittle childish, though
06:59.29IndustrialI liked dexter more
07:00.00IndustrialYou know what would be funny
07:00.05Elkano"Mama had a chicken, mama had a cow. Dad was proud. He didn't care how..."
07:00.06Industriala macro program that uses LUA
07:00.12Industrialso you use lua to cheat
07:00.38ckknightmacro program?
07:00.38Industrialdum dum dum dum dum cow and chicken!
07:00.57Industrialckknight: yeah like, one that can scan for color ranges
07:01.12Elkanobtw: would it be possible to implement a neuronal network via WoW's lua that would 'suggest' correct actions?
07:01.28ckknightIndustrial, ah
07:01.39ckknightElkano, theoretically
07:02.15MoonWolfnot very efficient
07:02.18MoonWolfor usefull
07:02.22MoonWolfin the context of wow.
07:04.51ckknighthit me
07:04.53WobinWith my MrPlowFubar plugin, I'm putting in all the settings
07:05.06WobinSo it'll show what's being ignored and all
07:05.14WobinSo far it's like
07:05.17WobinIgnoring bags:
07:05.27WobinShould clicking on those numbers unignore?
07:05.42WobinOr should they explicitly enter in what numbers to unignore
07:05.53ckknightclick the numbers
07:05.58ckknightand have it be a submenu
07:06.10*** join/#wowace [Cu]NeT (
07:06.12WobinThat could work for the bags, since they're finite, but what about items
07:06.40WobinI have a editbox for them to fill in for adding and removing
07:06.41ckknightwell, dewdrop supports scrolling.
07:06.51ckknightkeep that in mind
07:06.55ckknightyou have infinite number of lines
07:06.57WobinDo we want to show the entire inventory?
07:07.03WobinThat's a bit unwieldy
07:07.05Kyahxwhen is dewdrop getting editboxs?
07:07.05ckknightprolly not
07:07.10ckknightKyahx, already has it.
07:07.20ckknighton SVN
07:07.28Kyahxneat, I should play with that
07:07.54ckknightdon't abuse it
07:08.00ckknightit's for fringe cases
07:08.13Wobinhm, can you have the editBox accept shiftclick links?
07:08.36ckknightprolly not
07:08.47ckknightit'd be tough
07:09.00KyahxI was under the impression that the editbox just passes whatever you put into it to the function
07:09.23Kyahxeh, I dont know how it works, I'd have to mess with it and see
07:09.37ckknightthat is how it works, Kyahx
07:09.52Kyahxoh, why couldnt it take item links then?
07:10.05Kyahxwouldnt it just pass the item string?
07:10.11ckknightbecause those go to the chat edit box
07:11.14Wobinhm you can copypaste to it
07:11.25Wobinbut that's just fiddly
07:11.28Kyahxhmm, I dont completly understand but thats ok.  (sorry for being an inquisitive noob ^.^)
07:11.41WobinWell, the shiftclick pastes the lnk to the chatframe
07:11.47Wobinnot to the active editbox
07:17.55Kyahxallright, its bed time
07:18.01KyahxI'll try to get this working tomarrow =/
07:29.50WobinBah, so much for a simple plugin =)
07:37.28snurre<3 my new guild name :p
07:37.35ckknightwhat is it?
07:37.57snurreCrit Happens
07:38.49snurreprobably just temporary until we get settled, but its still funny
07:40.14snurrewe had some decent suggestions tho... <I got phat epix, you don't>, <Overnukers Inc>, <Carebears>, <Right-click to attack>, <Pan-galactic gargleblasters>, <PvE server is THAT way -->>
07:40.59ckknightRight-click to attack is pretty funny
07:41.39Elkano<attack and I'll relog>
07:41.57snurre<I got phat epix, you don't> would be a little funny, considering its a complete noob server.. no horde guilds have killed ragnaros and only one alliance guild has killed razorgore
07:42.53snurre(we're migrating with 30ish tier2/rank14 equipped people)
07:43.30snurre<PvE server is THAT way -->>  was simply a hint that we're not gonna bother with the "no ganking near instances" truce all the existing guilds have :p
07:43.38Elkano<he future is now>?
07:44.23Elkano^<the fu.*$
07:46.54MoonWolf<and two stealthed rogues>
07:46.56MoonWolfstill owns.
07:58.00*** join/#wowace [ven] (
07:58.17ckknighthey [ven]
07:59.45Elkano<Pet of (some other player)>
07:59.59ckknightthat would be good
08:00.11Elkanoand then imagine a level 5 with a pack of lvl60 T2 'pets'
08:00.14ckknightor like a mob boss
08:00.18ckknight<Pet of C'thun
08:01.14ckknight<Pet of Kel'thuzad>
08:01.18ckknightwe all want to be that.
08:04.25FryGuyPet of C'thun..
08:04.29FryGuy~emulate c'thun
08:04.38purl*** Incoming Tentacle Rape Party - 5~ sec! ***
08:09.06purlyou lose 50 dkp again!
08:09.39Gngskthis channel owns
08:10.31purldps very, very slowly - I mean f*cking slow
08:10.46phyberflash animation of that is still funny.
08:10.59ckknightwatch the tail!
08:24.40IndustrialxI liked YOU STOLE MY FUCKING CLOUDSONG better
08:26.34Elkanoany paladin players among you?
08:29.41phyberI tried to play a paladin once, but I got bored.
08:30.24MoonWolfhit hit hit, heal hit hit hit
08:32.49phyberstarted a Druid recently, that's been fun.
08:33.07phyberespecially since I can wear some armour that's not cloth :p
08:33.16phybermy other chars are Warlock/Mage/Priest
08:35.07Wobinhrm, is there any identifying function for the backpack?
08:35.19Wobinie, to check if the object is the backpack or not
08:36.18Elkanois the backpack an actual item at all?
08:36.18phyberI don't know of any other way than to scan through and check.
08:36.28phybermaybe you want to use QuartermasterLib?
08:37.38phyberI think that's what it did anyway.  Put all your bag data in a table so you can check for stuff.
08:42.08MoonWolf <- read an laugh
08:43.52Wobinoh god
08:43.53WobinThe HAIR
08:44.11WobinDaggy Freddie!
08:53.12ckknightdoes anyone know why AceHooks uses self.Hooks instead of self.hooks?
09:06.10[Ammo]morning guys
09:07.24CIA-1203wobin * r2721 10FuBar_MrPlowFu/MrPlowFu.lua: MrPlowFu - Added in listing for ignore lists and modifications
09:09.12phyberread that thread before (well, the earlier replies).  great stuff
09:09.19phyber- the signal of the hunter is as a great arrow of destination above your head that means the risk imminent.
09:22.56*** join/#wowace maia (n=maia@
09:23.59ckknightmornin, [Ammo]
09:24.22ckknightwonder if clad'd mind if I changed self.Hooks to self.hooks
09:30.21[Ammo]for the new Ace?
09:30.24[Ammo]or for the current one
09:30.37[Ammo]I think some people depend on it being self.Hooks for the current version
09:31.20[Ammo]then I have no opinion :
09:31.22ckknightwhere I am allowed to break things
09:32.11ckknightPascalCase is typically for methods, libraries, and classes, whereas camelCase is for other fields
09:36.09Wobinive had a look through the interfaces mods u got but the pictures keep puting me off."
09:37.09hastewhat have you done?
09:39.22CIA-1203ckknight 07ckknight * r2722 10AceLibrary/ (AceEvent.lua AceHook.lua):
09:39.23CIA-12AceHook - tweaked AceHook slightly.
09:39.23CIA-12changed self.Hooks to self.hooks, as PascalCase was out of place here, camelCase was more appropriate.
09:39.59maiawhat happened to CIA-17?
09:40.19hastewho knows
09:40.37maiaprobably vacation.
09:41.00ckknightyea, he went on holiday
09:41.09hasteI need some new music :(
09:47.03ckknighthaste, what you in to?
09:47.49hastealmost everything
09:48.05hasteI dislike most pop songs tho'
09:49.36[Ammo]haste: fix the cthun mod!
09:50.02[Ammo]guild killed emps and cleared all trash last night
09:50.11[Ammo]so we're doing our first gazillion wipes on him
09:50.43hasteit's working as inteded, except the disable part :p
09:50.47[Ammo]after first practicing positions in Sartura's room
09:50.48[Ammo]k cool
09:50.57[Ammo]not expecting to get him to phase2
09:50.59[Ammo]the first night ;)
09:51.14hastethe people whining about dark glare being off, is because I have set the timer to when he begins to casts and not when he beams
09:51.30[Ammo]yeah you'll have 1 second to run
09:51.33hastesince, when he begings to casts...  he doesn't move
09:51.33[Ammo]which is better
09:51.55hasteI've also set the eye tentacle timer to one sec lower since they fade in then
09:52.05hasteso you can target them before you see them *grin*
09:53.33[Ammo]sweet thanks
09:53.37[Ammo]I'll give it a whirl tonight
09:53.45[Ammo]once we're done rotating around sarturas room for practice :)
09:54.36FryGuyget ready for more rotating :)
09:54.43FryGuythaddius is neat
09:55.07hastethe mian problem on C'Thun is getting the healers used to looking around while keeping their groups up
09:55.29hasteI got owned by the beam a couple of time because of it at start :D
09:55.35FryGuythe main problem on c'thun is making sure your warlocks aren't fat and standing by people :p
09:55.56hastewhy the warlocks?
09:55.58FryGuyand people standing where you're out of range of like everyone to heal
09:56.01FryGuycause our warlocks are fat :p
09:56.15hastethey aren't fat!
09:56.34FryGuyfat as in dumb at wow
09:56.40ckknighthaste, I like The Mountain Goats, you might as well. I recommend the albums The Sunset Tree and We Shall All Be Healed. They also have a few other good songs here and there
09:56.55FryGuysquishy is sooo easymode for c'thun
09:57.00FryGuyit's not even funny
09:57.17FryGuyas a healer I mean
09:57.34hasteckknight, thanks, I'll have a look at them later today
09:57.42hasteI think C'Thun is fun as a healer ;o
09:57.51FryGuyit's the most fun fight in the game IMO
09:57.51hastecompared to other encounters
09:57.59hasteyeh, nothing beats it
09:58.08hastethe magnet boss in Naxx sounds fun tho'
09:58.18FryGuywe were doing him on sunday
09:58.20ckknightyea, the frankenstein dude
09:58.26FryGuyand by we, i mean other people in my guild
09:58.36FryGuycause they had 8 priests in raid and they wouldn't let me in :(
09:58.55FryGuythe +/- buff thingy is neat
09:59.00FryGuyi don't want to spoil it for yout hough :p
09:59.29phyberspoil it for me instead then.  I like hearing about these encounters since I won't see them for about 2 years.
10:00.41ckknightthe dude makes half your raid positive and half your raid negative
10:00.45FryGuypatchwerk is probably unkillable :(
10:00.49ckknightif you get close, static charge
10:00.58FryGuyyet gluth is pretty easy
10:01.03FryGuyeven though he's two bosses ahead :/
10:01.17FryGuywell i'm talking about the other part
10:01.26FryGuyand the design of phase 2 of that encounter
10:02.48FryGuyit's kind of in the design that you need 40 people :p
10:11.16[Ammo]fryguy just get as much information in your naxxramas bigwigs modules as possible
10:11.30[Ammo]even if it's just casting messages with timestamps
10:11.42[Ammo]can always analyze the timestamps afterwards to get timerbars in
10:13.59CIA-1203ckknight 07ckknight * r2723 10AceLibrary/AceHook.lua: AceHook - minor tweaking
10:14.24CIA-1203ckknight 07TestSuite * r2724 10AceLibrary/AceHook-1.lua: AceLibrary/TestSuite - added AceHook-1.lua
10:16.54WobinIn 1954 when Ireland were playing Luxembourg, they had an inside left called F**kinger. To my eternal glee, he was the best player on the pitch. He was everywhere. (Radio Eireann sports commentator Philip Greene, who would therefore have had to say the player's name about eight hundred times)
10:17.50Wobin"..And it's Fuckinger over on the left, now the right! Oh my god, it's Fuckinger up against the goals!"
10:39.45*** join/#wowace ariose (
10:39.58ckknightkergoth didn't update Classpool for the new mixin deal
10:41.18ckknighte.g. Classpool(alpha, bravo) == Classpool(bravo, alpha)
10:44.32MoonWolfkeep buggin him
10:44.35MoonWolfhe will one day
10:45.16[Ammo]or do it yourself and wear your asbestos suit
10:45.47ckknightI already coded it, MoonWolf  :-P
10:50.34[Ammo]to prevent burning when kergoth flames you
10:51.34CIA-1203ckknight 07ckknight * r2725 10AceLibrary/AceOO.lua:
10:51.34CIA-12AceOO - now assigns all classes a uid.
10:51.34CIA-12Classpool now takes in arguments arbitrarily. e.g. Classpool(alpha, bravo) == Classpool(bravo, alpha). This reflects the current mixin scheme.
10:52.55ckknightflames me?
10:52.59ckknightwhat for?
10:53.06ckknightI'm sure he just forgot to update it
10:53.13ckknightor didn't have a proper unit test for it
10:53.15CIA-1203ckknight 07TestSuite * r2726 10AceLibrary/AceOO-Classpool-1.lua: AceLibrary/TestSuite - added AceOO-Classpool-1.lua
10:55.11CIA-1203ckknight 07TestSuite * r2727 10AceLibrary/AceOO-Classpool-2.lua: AceLibrary/TestSuite - added AceOO-Classpool-2.lua
11:02.38[Ammo]I wonder how many times we'll have to explain the difference between oRA_BigWigs and Bigwigs and meh
11:02.45[Ammo]people need to learn to read the threads
11:02.52[Ammo]but 13:02 so lunchtime
11:02.57MoonWolfpoeple dont learn.
11:04.45steino"do i need bigwigs AND ora_bigwigs?"
11:05.15phyber"I was wondering if someone could inform me as to which is my arse and which is my elbow.  Thanks."
11:06.05Industrialwhats bigwigs?
11:06.14arioseor, before there was ora_maintankframes: "I installed oRA, but it doesn't do anything!!"
11:06.36phyberIndustrial: fake hair store for people with large heads.
11:06.49Industrialbet tekkub thought of that
11:07.07IndustrialPeople need to get 'an addon does something i can see' out of their head.
11:07.27maiaand do I need oRa_BigWigsCTRA?
11:07.36IndustrialI dont raid, do i need this?
11:07.41IndustrialHOW I MINE FOR FISH?
11:08.04MoonWolfi dont breathe, do i need air ?
11:08.17phyberpick axe the water O_o
11:09.10maiastill, a compilation of all the addons that together resemble ctra would be good to put up at wowi.
11:09.35ariosedidn't someone do that?  alt_raid or something
11:10.01maiayeah, but I think it's not on wowi but just a dl link to a private website
11:10.54ckknightMyAddon = AceLibrary("AceAddon-2.0")("AceEvent-2.0", "AceHook-2.0")
11:10.59ckknightthat's the basic API for Ace2, I think
11:11.50ckknightthen you do your basic addon methods and whatnot
11:12.39ckknightjust a heads up, I guess
11:13.46phyberso Ace2 will be like using embeded libraries?
11:13.58phybernice :)
11:14.08ckknightAce2 will be all embedded
11:14.17ckknightusers won't install it
11:15.20ckknightand it'll be quite modular and whatnot
11:15.54maiaso if I have 50 ace addons, and each addon has the ace2 libraries embedded, how many GB will I need extra? ;p
11:16.14MoonWolfabout 50kb per addon
11:16.25MoonWolfand it wont affect ingame memory at all.
11:16.26ckknightso, that's 2.5 MiB
11:16.35ckknightright, MoonWolf
11:17.08maianow all I'll need to find out is how to prevent a grep over the entire addons folder to grep all the libraries dozen of times.
11:17.13MoonWolfthats right people, 25 ace addons create a foppydisk of overhead, in hd space only!
11:17.23ckknightembedded libraries are good, maia
11:17.56maiackknight: I know. but it can also be a pain
11:18.25maiatekkub updated metrognome, user updated squishy (and got the new metrognome), FuBar broke. users blame squishy.
11:18.37ckknightI blame squishy.
11:18.59maiaalso, a grep for SetBackdropBorderColor in my addons folder will return 25 instances of DewDropLib
11:18.59ckknightsee, that can be averted if Tekkub coded properly :-P
11:19.18ElkanoI'd blame tekkub for having a change marked as minor that changed API behaviour
11:19.20phybermaia: --exclude
11:19.34ckknightright, Elkano
11:19.39maia--exclude DewdropLib.lua?
11:20.11phyberthat should work
11:20.52phyber$ grep blah * $quote = "<b>bleh weeeee\nblah b lah</b>";
11:20.55maiawell, but what if I want to grap it once, but not a dozen times?
11:20.56phyberyup. :)
11:21.11phyberthen you write a chunky wrapper script, maybe :)
11:22.52CIA-1203ckknight 07ckknight * r2728 10AceLibrary/ (AceAddon.lua AceHook.lua):
11:22.52CIA-12AceAddon - added minimal functionality
11:22.52CIA-12AceHook - fixed typo
11:22.55maiado a grep -r ChangeRate . for your interface folder and tell me the output is useful :)
11:23.57maiadont get me wrong, embedded libraries are great, but thats a big downside.
11:24.58ckknighthow many devs use *nix?
11:25.18maiaI'm using mac.
11:25.48ckknightbtw, a mac is *nix
11:26.00ckknightwhich is *nix
11:34.22*** part/#wowace clad|sleep (
11:49.47[Ammo]I use *nix
11:49.49[Ammo]just play on win32
11:50.50Industrial*nix is only play for me
11:50.53Industrialbut then again
11:50.56Industrialwindows is too
11:54.56ckknightyea, I too wish linux had better ISV support
11:55.07ckknightif it did, there'd be no issue with running games
11:56.24CIA-1203ckknight 07ckknight * r2729 10AceLibrary/ (AceAddon.lua AceOO.lua): AceOO - default tostring is more complex and always properly returns a string.
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12:19.03ckknightKaelten, I'm confused
12:19.44MoonWolfconfusion ftw ?
12:20.15ckknightAceAddon is confusing me a bit
12:51.50WobinThe time when I want some chatter, nobody's awake =P
12:52.17steinoim fully asleep
12:53.45Wobin1) I hope they actually start those Oceanic servers somewhere in Oceania
12:53.51Wobin2) I hope they offer transfers
12:53.56WobinCause I'd so hit that shit
12:54.11WobinBeing able to play with American latency would be a wonder to behold =P
12:56.07MoonWolfI care shit about 1.11, can we have 1.12 now and 1.11 after ?
12:56.49*** join/#wowace ckknight_ (
12:56.56MoonWolfnot worth it enough
12:57.01MoonWolfi want abetter pvp system.
13:02.55[ven]i want the mage revamp and a better pvp system.. i don't care about naxx.. :(
13:05.16Wobindear god
13:05.17Wobintitleevents today
13:05.32WobinI think Mr Williams is mass importing into SVN =P
13:07.44WobinDevla's not working on AceHeal anymore
13:07.52WobinWill Squishy be able to take it's place?
13:08.15ThraeClad is prob. going to add AceHeal functionality into Clique.
13:08.28ThraeOr make a separate module for it to go along with Clique.
13:09.49ariosewhat is Clique?
13:09.59Wobinclickcasting module
13:09.59ariosean in devel mod to do.. ____
13:10.02Makkwhat's Industrial's website?
13:10.56MakkBtw, BigWigs doesn't lower the timer stuff for C'Thun phase two
13:11.24Makkit still says that the tentacles spawn after 45 sec, but in phase two it is lowered to 30 sec
13:12.56Makkpassword ftw?
13:13.31WobinI dunno... try tacking on /game/WoW
13:15.14WobinHm, I should write the Roshambo addon
13:15.32WobinIt'll be good learning for a comm addon
13:15.54WobinInstead of /roll 100 you use rock/paper/scissors to find out who wins!
13:16.24steinoyou have such nice ideas :p
13:16.29WobinHehe it wasn't mine =)
13:17.10WobinWhere's the fun in that =P
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13:19.45Wobinonly if you subscribe to the Deadpool School of Thought =P
13:19.52Wobin(Which I wholeheartedly do!)
13:20.19phyberis that where South Park got it from?
13:20.52WobinI'm not sure
13:21.05WobinI -know- that DP comic came out before SP
13:21.08WobinSo probalby
13:21.45phyberin one of the episodes cartman goes around doing it to people :)
13:22.28ThraeWhat, kicking people in the groin?
13:22.53phyberThrae: yeah, roshambo'ing them for stuff.  instead of rock/paper/scissors.
13:25.56Wobinhm, I'm pretty sure it came out before SP did
13:26.16WobinAnyway Deadpool pulls it off with far more panache than Cartman ever could =P
13:30.19haste12 << hehe, last post
13:32.33WobinCor wins the interweb =)
13:37.24ariosesweet, plowfu
13:40.56Wobinyay kyahx!
13:41.01WobinWho is taking over AceHeal
13:42.35Elkanoone could convert AceHeal into a ClickCast addon with moduls ;)
13:44.23*** join/#wowace Slayman (
13:44.31WobinKyahx is taking over AceHeal
13:44.54Wobinhm, anyone know the link to where someone moved all of Rowne's addons?
13:44.58steinowho's that?
13:45.20WobinThe person currently doing the top up X at merchant addon
13:45.21steino ? :O
13:46.15Wobinwoo ta
13:52.02[Ammo]Elkano: how do you mean ClickCast addon with modules?
13:52.20[Ammo]it's currently a clickcast addon but has mostly healing functionality
13:52.34maiaWobin: as for Squishy and AceHeal: I guess Cladhaire's Clique is a simple click cast addon (and I wonder if he has seen JustClick yet, which doesn't even need its own UI as it's using the keybindings dialog)
13:53.00hastewhat the fuck...
13:53.06maiabesides that, I have some code that will select the appropriate rank for a squishy unit, depending on current health, aggro and healing status
13:53.08[Ammo]I should try Clique
13:53.17hasteI'm trying to mount on my rogue, but when I right click the mount.. it just moves :>
13:53.22Wobinmaia: And +heal? =) *looks hopeful*
13:53.28maiaof course
13:53.41sedatedChipmunkso you're saying it will heal my raid for me/
13:53.52Wobinyes, hC! =)
13:53.56hastedo you have a highlight on heal hC?
13:54.13maiaright now it can also target the unit in range with highest priority, and also it will skip people with active renew if you want to renew them.
13:54.20hyperChipmunkhaste: ?
13:54.22maiajust don't know what to do with that code.
13:54.28Wobinput it in? =)
13:54.32maiain what?
13:54.37maiait doesnt belong into squishy.
13:54.53WobinWhat's the functional definition of squishy?
13:54.59maiaSquishy is an emergency monitor, and I know lots of people dislike addons that make choices for you
13:55.59Wobinmeh =)
13:56.17WobinMaybe have it as an optional module for squishy
13:56.38maiasimplest way (but probably not the best): an addon with squishy as dependency, offering macros like HealFast(unitid[,aggro, heal]) and HealSlow()
13:57.15maiabut - is an addon with squishy as dependency the best solution? I doubt it
13:57.23hyperChipmunkSMRFM for short
13:57.25WobinAs opposed to what, however?
13:57.29maiamaybe it would be better to have it as library. I dunno.
13:57.33hyperChipmunkpronounced "Smrifum"
13:57.48WobinYou always had a way with words, Chipper
13:57.59hyperChipmunkit's a talent I have
13:58.01WobinGranted, that way is usually illegal in most states...
14:02.07WobinThe only thing holding that top up is the collective will of everyone in this room."
14:02.07WobinThis was regarding one woman wearing an outfit that signified she expected her anatomy to defy gravity, which it wasn't, but somehow her top did, despite no means of support. Group horror is the new Wonderbra.
14:04.40maia(thats what I'm planning for SquishyHealer)
14:05.42Wobinwhat are the effects of the last two flags?
14:06.27maiaif aggro is true: damage = damage + (lvl*5*spelltime)
14:06.45maiaif heal is true: damage = damage  - (lvl*10)
14:07.08maiato adjust the rank it will choose.
14:07.09Wobinhm, is squishy synching between healers?
14:07.36maiaWobin: Squishy knows which units are being healed - by parsing the combat log but also by sending info to other squishy users.
14:07.52maiathe latter is more exact, but if you're the only one in the raid using Squishy you'll be fine too.
14:08.03Wobinunless everyone is clickcasting =)
14:08.44maiabut I'd still want to finish Squishy first. Trying to convert the xml to lua today, but a few more things are left to do
14:09.29hasteI have a little question btw, where did Thirsterhall go? just *poff* gone?
14:09.29maiaalso I'm unsure about CommChannel and HealSync libraries - I'd want to use them, but only if they use the ctra channel if available.
14:09.46maiahaste: yeah, more or less.
14:09.59Wobinhaste: Haven't seen nor heard from him in ages
14:10.08maiabut I think he's still in college, so he might be back in a few weeks.
14:10.27maia(similar to AngreasG)
14:11.10hastedon't think he dissapers for three months just 'cause of college :o
14:12.13hastewell, it doesn't matter much
14:12.57haste[Ammo], I'm thinking about putting the current oRA on WoWI, and update it as the SVN updates
14:13.53hasteI just need to write a new description for everything :p
14:16.16hyperChipmunksoccer announcers rule
14:20.11maiadid anyone ever consider adding DewDrop to oRa, and maybe a (oh noes!) minimap button?
14:21.01maiaI can't remember all the slash commands, but I do know I had to type quite a lot when initially configuring oRa
14:21.33WobinoRaFu? =)
14:21.52WobinThat'd be kinda nifty
14:22.08maiaand BigWigsFu
14:22.36maiajust for configuration purpose.
14:23.56hastemaia, I was thinking about DewDrop + slash command to open it
14:24.22hastethe problem is that, how would you add extra levels for the modules
14:25.16maiaI don't know. Codayus added dewdrop to Squishy, I've never taken a close look at the api.
14:26.00CodayusLevels for the modules? Hm
14:26.18hasteand how would you add the content in the level?
14:26.33hastehmm, it might work :o
14:26.58CodayusI think it should.
14:27.08hasteI'll tinker with this idea later today, or when I'm done with the pre-exam things
14:27.46hyperChipmunkI just got a message in my spambox with the subject: 'dismember'
14:32.15WobinThe Koreans downstairs are going apeshit
14:32.21WobinI figure they scored =)
14:35.04Slaymanhey folks
14:36.12hyperChipmunkthey were down 1-0, but Togo got redcarded in the 54th minute and Korea scored on the ensuing freekick
14:36.30hyperChipmunknow it's 2-1
14:36.41hyperChipmunkin the 77th minute
14:38.56Wobinhehe brilliant
14:39.24Slaymanwe have 30 degree Celsius over here in Germany that's crazy
14:40.28hastesame here in norway :(
14:41.10Slaymanand those poor guys have to play soccer
14:41.58Wobinfeelin hothothot
14:42.14WobinThat just reminds me of cricket =P
14:42.28WobinHaving to stand in the blazing sun for hours, hardly moving =P
14:42.29TainThat's some fine sports playing weather.
14:42.46phybernice cool day here \o/
14:42.50phyberclouds in the sky :)
14:43.19TainThey don't play soccer in the snow do they?
14:43.27hyperChipmunkI've seen it
14:43.51hyperChipmunkplayed in it too
14:44.14Slaymanwell inside of the stadiums there is no snow, but yeah the also have longer clothes for cold days
14:51.14*** join/#wowace MoonWolf (
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14:51.42MikmaGrendel - Interrogation Leash  [ with 1 listener(s)]  <- i'm streaming EBM ;)
14:53.24maiaguys, try  telnet 2006
14:53.40maiait's the live WM signal in ascii
14:53.43Mikmapretty nice ui
14:54.01MoonWolfto many connections
14:54.05MoonWolfWM ?
14:54.06Mikmatoo many connections :)  .. try later
14:54.06MikmaConnection closed by foreign host.
14:54.44Mikmalook at the screenshot i posted
14:54.51Mikmasearch for celebrity in the shot
14:58.13Mikmawell teach me how to make the SavePosition working
14:58.25Mikmathen you're not bored, you're pissed
15:01.05Wobinconnection to host lost =(
15:01.08TainI want a Belt of Neverending Agony
15:03.43Mikmagonffbar seems to be visible on druid all the time
15:04.52SlaymanI Fucking Love Ajax that thing is the future of dynamic websites !
15:05.00Wobinsomeone who I can bug about the bugs
15:05.44Wobinhm, Mikma: What version is returned by /gb ?
15:05.54Mikmajust a moment, login
15:06.20SlaymanMikma: What Unitframes are used in that screen u posted? DUF ?
15:06.24Mikmaand, i'm always glad to help you guys :)
15:06.43MikmaSlayman: it's PALS 4 LIFE -screenshot, and it's DiscordUnitBars
15:07.00haste << rofl at ascii art
15:07.02MikmaWobin: 1.1.2067
15:07.51Mikmahaste: omg! blizz has started using ascii-art! :D
15:08.03hastelooks like it ;D
15:08.40Mikmahaste: i love you and oUF2
15:08.45Slaymanu know of that telnet Server presenting Star Wars ASCII on connect? the best stuff on the net
15:09.13TainThat reminds me, in a drunken stupor one night I thought I wanted to make faux ASCII unit frames
15:09.29MoonWolfthis is going to be good.
15:10.17Tekso got my lil stubby written up, hopefully tonights MC works well and all the hunters installed it so I can see their tranqs :)
15:12.45*** join/#wowace wereHamster (
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15:13.49wereHamsteris PerfectRaid still being developed?
15:15.27wereHamsterthe last commit is 1212 .. and HEAD is something like 2600
15:16.08WobinHey were, you're working on making all the stuff for HealSync embedded, aren't you?
15:16.19WobinCool =)
15:16.45Mikmaoooh that is lovely <3 collecting herbs in bearform <3 <3 <3
15:16.47wereHamstershould be functional by now..
15:16.57WobinI love gathering in catform =)
15:17.00WobinIt looks so cute
15:17.26Mikmai bet it's the same thing as bear, it's clawing the ground hehe
15:17.29WobinMikma: And GB is showing in bearform?
15:17.39MikmaWobin: was just writing that yes
15:17.44WobinWhat level are you?
15:17.45MikmaWobin: when i lose some health it appears on screen
15:17.48Mikma11 :)
15:17.53Wobinah, hm
15:18.01Mikmabut doesn't matter, i can login to lvl60 druid too
15:18.03WobinDo you have Iriel's Devtools installed?
15:18.14Mikmano but paste me the link and i do have in 2mins
15:18.43Cairennbeat ya!
15:18.44Wobinman... fingers of lightning
15:19.17Mikmathat was incredibly fast
15:19.32wereHamstercan't we teach purl ~devtools ?
15:19.57Mikmatry it :P
15:20.06Wobinpurl, devtools is Iriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at
15:20.08purlokay, Wobin
15:20.35purl[devtools] Iriel's DevTools, a highly useful set of debugging tools for developers on WoW. Found at
15:21.01purlWobin: aw, gee
15:21.20MikmaWobin: installed and ready to go
15:21.44Wobinokay, hit /dump GetShapeshiftFormInfo(3)
15:21.51Wobin(and that was incredibly fast =P)
15:22.10Mikmaempty result
15:22.41WobinAs it should be =P
15:22.52Mikma3 = normal bear or dire bear
15:23.04Mikmasince i only have normal atm :)
15:23.05Wobinhm, not cat?
15:23.11Mikmalvl11 ;)
15:23.18Wobinyeah, 3 is Cat afaik
15:23.36Mikma1 results something hehe
15:23.46Wobin/dump GonffBar.k.Class
15:23.47Mikmai'll look on readme
15:23.54hastecheck if the person is a druid and higher level then X ?
15:24.21MikmaWobin: [1]="DRUID"
15:24.23Wobinyeah, it'll be easier to just disable if they don't have the cat
15:24.32WobinBut I need to figure out why it's showing =\
15:24.38hasteno, don't  disable it
15:24.39Mikmabut GetShapeshiftFormInfo(1) ..
15:24.50hastejust don't register all the events, and register the level changed event
15:25.09hastejust in-case the person gets it later on
15:25.12Wobinoh duh
15:25.20Mikmais there any way of copying the info from chat without chatlog
15:25.27WobinI'm silly.
15:25.42Mikmawell.. nvm :)
15:26.20Wobinoh, are the settings saving for you?
15:26.31hasteactually, ti's better to check if he gains a spell I guess then level
15:26.42Mikmafunny thing
15:26.53Mikmanow it appears and disappears :D
15:27.37WobinCould you move it around/resize/change colour and /rl to see if the settings stick?
15:27.50phyberMoonWolf: nice topic :) (cute but wrong thing)
15:27.55Mikmasure, just a moment
15:28.10hastewhere is that quote from?
15:28.21phyberRen and Stimpy
15:28.25phyberthe horse guy.
15:28.40phyberwait, maybe not him.
15:28.48phyberhe says "No Sir, I don't like it".
15:30.12Mikmaok i now completely fooked up the settings, and now i'll /rl
15:30.41Mikmaahm.. didn't save settings :P
15:32.12Mikmawell i didn't do lock on it but aren't they still supposed to save :P
15:32.37WobinCan I send you a file?
15:32.39phyberhmm.  actually that quote seems to be from 2 Stupid Dogs.
15:32.43phyberwhich was also good :)
15:32.51phybersure I remember it from Ren and Stimpy though :/
15:32.57phybercowboy guy.
15:34.08Mikmayou have firewall on?
15:34.14Wobinprobably, one sec
15:34.48Mikma::: DCC can't connect to port 18344
15:34.51Mikmainteresting :)
15:35.01Wobindamn GFoC
15:35.07WobinGot an email? =)
15:35.25Mikmasure i got but easier would be if you could pop it on net or so
15:35.54Mikmacan't conenct to plaa plaa
15:36.02Mikmajust a sec i'll start another irc
15:36.09Wobinit's my connection
15:36.22WobinProbably the fact of my location than anything else
15:36.24Mikmasure sure, but i started one locally so i don't have to ftp ;)
15:36.38Mikmatry sending it to mikma_  :)
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15:39.13MikmaWobin: well the gonffbar seems to become visible while not shapeshifter too
15:39.33Wobinyeah, I'm hoping this new file fixes that
15:39.53Wobinwhat's a quick file upload site?
15:40.00Wobinoh buggrit
15:40.05Mikmado you have ftp
15:40.53CIA-1203wobin * r2730 10GonffBar/GonffBar.lua: GonffBar - Fixed some bugs
15:41.05WobinThat shouldn't have happened?
15:41.57WobinI don't know if that actually updated
15:42.47Wobinwell try that file
15:43.01Wobinand use /script GonffBarDB = {}
15:44.06SlaymanDUF hates me
15:44.19Mikmadisable it and take oUF2
15:44.37MikmaWobin: so, what do you wan't me to test now? :)
15:44.37WobinSlayman: Ta
15:44.44WobinJust see if it does the same thing
15:44.57Wobinie, shows up at inopportune moments and doesn't save settings
15:47.53SlaymanWoW & DuF ate my mouse i cannot get lose of the playerframe, and i can't click my Firefox, stupid bullcrap
15:48.12MikmaWobin: didn't save settings
15:48.24MikmaWobin: but doesn't seem to appear anymore
15:48.46WobinAre the US servers back up yet?
15:49.17Mikma1.11? ;)
15:49.18Cairenncouple more hours
15:49.26Mikmawhat's taking so long :P
15:49.40WobinMikma: /dump GonffBarDB
15:49.42Cairennusual length of time
15:49.52Wobinand just tell me if the variables are all within default
15:49.57Wobiner "default"
15:50.21Wobinshould be something like profiles = { default = {...
15:50.46Mikmahmm gotta pop the lua in editor to see the defaults too
15:51.00Wobinshouldn't need to
15:51.26Mikmahmmm.. seems like the settings are what i edited
15:51.40WobinJust appear not to be loading...
15:51.44Mikmayeah they are, but the bar is default
15:53.01SlaymanMikma: oUF2 ? is there a version 2 of otravis?
15:54.27Mikmayeah it's in svn
15:54.58Mikmahahahah cruel! i aggroed 3 bears, and tried to run away... well i wasn't able to do that but i happened to die on cemetary
15:55.04Mikmadon't have to run to my corpse :D
15:55.58Wobinoh the branch
15:56.02WobinI was wondering where it was
15:56.35Slaymananyone knows why Watchdog is opt. dependency? for some supernifty features?
15:57.38TainJust so it will load after WD if it's there
15:58.47*** join/#wowace wereHamster (
16:01.27Wobinhehe I love that.
16:01.31WobinDeath [You]
16:02.02Wobinwhere to read up about AJAX, Slayman?
16:02.35Ratbert_CPWobin: Why did you split out MrPlowFu?  Why not bundle it with MrPlow?
16:02.40wereHamsterI think I had a DC .. so whatever you told me.. I couldn't read it :(
16:02.51WobinI don't know =)
16:02.54Slaymanstart at the wiki in your language, as far as german is considered there is a ton of more links about it
16:03.04WobinI'll go do that =P
16:03.26Ratbert_CPJust curious.  I bundle BagBoyFu because I've stopped supporting slash commands...  :)
16:03.40WobinHehe, it just never occurred to me =)
16:04.30Slayman  good point to start at, but the german article is better
16:04.44Wobinsob wikipedia =(
16:04.51WobinI have to go through anonymouse =P
16:05.20*** join/#wowace Shyva (
16:06.56TainGoddamnit I moved 15 miles and they want to double my car insurance rate.
16:07.29WobinDid you move 15miles up a cliff?
16:08.54Mikmai must say, simple combatlog is pretty good too
16:09.06Mikmanurfed has so aggressive colors in it
16:09.50MikmaWobin: gonffbar appeared again
16:10.09Wobinfrom combat?
16:10.14Wobinor just randomly
16:10.18Mikmayeah in combat
16:10.29Mikmai was having a nice bear vs bear combat while it appeared
16:10.43Wobinfrom the start of combat?
16:10.44Mikmawhen i got ravaged (stunned) it disappeared but came back after it ended
16:10.48Mikmano in middle of combat
16:10.57Mikmaatleast i think so hehe
16:11.08Slaymanlol how do i modify oUF2 frames?
16:11.09WobinI need a low level druid =P
16:11.17WobinI think there are dewdrop menus?
16:11.19Mikmawell in middle yeah when i entered combat as bear
16:11.32Wobinchanging from elfform?
16:11.34Mikmalol now it appeared when i moonfired the bear as nelf
16:11.46Wobinthis is wacky
16:11.56Mikmai bet the file didn't update at all
16:12.25Mikmabecause it's acting the same way like it did before update
16:12.33Tekmmmm.... bear......
16:13.23Wobinlemme recommit
16:14.41CIA-1203wobin * r2731 10GonffBar/GonffBar.lua: GonffBar - Recommitting
16:14.54Mikmathis is really interesting i must say :D
16:15.03Mikmait randomly appears and disappears
16:18.27MikmaWobin: well, it didn't load the settings
16:18.55WobinI'm thinking I might just revamp the whole setting saving thing
16:19.08Wobincan you /dump GonffBar:Get("xPos")
16:19.21Mikmaempty result
16:22.03CIA-1203wobin * r2732 10GonffBar/GonffBar.lua: GonffBar - Moved some functions around
16:22.12hasteWobin, drop AceDB :p
16:22.43Mikmahaste: you should make combopoints for ouf :)
16:22.43WobinI'm thinking exactly that =P
16:24.27Slaymanhaste my friend, how to access configuration for ouf ? can't find it
16:24.49hasteI have a slightly modified GonffBar which places itself on the PowerBar in the player frame
16:25.03hasteSlayman, <Ctrl> Right Click
16:25.05Mikmahaste: uh!
16:25.10haste(on the player frame)
16:25.20Mikmagimme gimme gimme <3
16:26.08hasteI'm going to change it some before I toss it out
16:26.10Slaymana proposition add that information to the /ouf information so ppl like myself don't have to ask ^^
16:26.17Mikmaoh noes, delay :(
16:26.26hasteSlayman, it's still pretty alpha :p
16:26.41hasteso I have no problem with people asking ;)
16:27.26Slaymannow as i see that beautiful dewdrop I'm already liking it!
16:27.31WobinOkay. I'm rewriting GB to get rid of AceDB
16:27.33Wobinand use DewDrop
16:27.39Mikmahaste: a right end of energybar would be a perfect place to have combos :)
16:28.23hasteWobin, give me a highlight when your done
16:28.35WobinWill do =)
16:29.53Slaymanlovely absolutely lovely haste
16:30.30Mikmahaste: we were planning on a remake of AceTimers using otravi_CastingBar texture on bars and Metrognome ;)
16:31.26hasteI need to finish oCB also :(
16:31.43Wobins/planning on/discussing on putting on you the task to do/
16:31.58Mikmas/planning on/discussing on putting on you the task to do/
16:32.13hastehaha, that turned out evil
16:32.21Mikmahey! you tricked me! i like that
16:32.46*** join/#wowace Amadeo (
16:36.28MikmaWobin: gonffbar appeared again ;)
16:36.41WobinHopefully this rewrite will fix it =P
16:37.01AmadeoI noticed GB was showing up when I level
16:37.04Amadeothen disappearing again
16:37.14*** join/#wowace Elkano (
16:37.55Mikmawhy made AutoAttack? can't remember right now :P
16:39.01Mikmasorry tpyo
16:39.05hasteCkk I think
16:39.46Mikmahe did like when people submitted bugs on his portal, right?
16:39.46WobinRatbert_CP: To integrate directly into FuBar without the dependancy I just use the \FuBarPlugin-1.2.lua, right?
16:40.19Ratbert_CPIt'll also create a minimap button if there's no FuBar.
16:40.32Ratbert_CPI set FuBar as an optional dep.
16:40.40Ratbert_CPDunno if even that is needed.
16:40.51wereHamsterWobin, another thing with HealSync.. many seem to dislike the backend, CommChannel.. especially that it creates it's own channel..
16:41.10WobinwereHamster: Is there any issue with using the ctra channel?
16:41.19WobinThat seems to be the most common method
16:41.55hastethe reason using the CTRA channel is bad is because it creates extra resources usage on clients that use CTRA
16:42.03Wobinah, point
16:42.13hasteI've seen CTRA users crash due to it being overused by the threat meter thingy
16:42.22Wobinbut you're tossing that up against "I don't have another channel free"
16:42.32Mikmackknight: raptor strike on my lvl1-2 hunter turned Attacking off when used while AutoAttack was loaded. Wan't me to submit a bug on portal?
16:42.36TainWow I am using Google Notebook a lot, it's great.
16:42.49wereHamsterand I don't know what do do about it. I can't convince myself to support such a braindead system like CTRA (even though it's a de-facto standart) .. these security issues could be resolved so that nobody could find out the generated channel name..
16:42.52WobinTain: Is that the one where you can c/p from webpages?
16:43.30WobinwereHamster: Can't you see what channels you're subscribed to on the chatframe dropdown?
16:43.44hasteand through /chatlist
16:43.47wereHamsteryes, sure..
16:43.49WobinOr are you talking about from the outside
16:43.58Wobin(ie noone without the addon would be able to tell)
16:44.33TainYeah Wobin, it can copy entire sections of webpages formatted nicely and all.
16:44.43wereHamsterbecause the channel name that is now generates uses only the leader name.. I also could include the whole raid setup, do some checksums etc.. that should ensure a unique and secure channel name
16:44.51TainBut I'm also using it just to make notes of things in general and I can access them anywhere else
16:44.57WobinIs the security such an issue?
16:45.38WobinI would say that anyone using your library for secure communication should encrypt the commnication themselves
16:47.01Ratbert_CPLua-PKI!  Whoot!  Who wants to develop the CA for WoW?  :-P
16:48.07Ratbert_CPPublic Key encryption for communications. X.509 certificates, and all that jazz
16:48.46Elkanowobin, wtf is a GnoffBar?
16:48.49Ratbert_CPRequired by Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPPA, PCI, etc...
16:48.52WobinEnergy Ticker
16:49.14WobinwereHamster: It's a pity you can't find the 'load' of a channel =\
16:49.31Elkanowhat exactly does it do?
16:49.34Wobinie "This channel has sent X messages in the last Y minutes"
16:50.05Wobingraphically tracks energy regen, and combo points, while changing colour if you mouse over an action that has sufficient energy to execute
16:50.23wereHamsterWobin, that's why I created specs for three channels.. guild, raid and sync. sync channel for potentially high traffic addons.. and raid for the usual raid stuff..
16:51.08Wobinare those the actual channels you're using or arbitary names for the messageload?
16:51.18Elkanoah, that thing :) didn't it have another name before?
16:51.20Wobinlike "light/medium/heavy"?
16:51.29WobinElkano: Not afaik =)
16:51.42WobinI'm pretty sure I named it GonffBar relatively early
16:52.04wereHamsternames you can use when creating a channel module.. guild channel is a unique channel for the guild etc..
16:52.39WobinWe're still up against the 10channel limit though =(
16:53.01wereHamsterso if you're writing an addon that will send lots of synchronization you'll choose sync..
16:53.48WobinWhat about global addons?
16:54.07wereHamsterwell.. suppose you have GuildEventManager, CTRA and a damagemeters channel, you're already using three channels..
16:54.11Elkanowobin, I'm planing HiveMindLib for that
16:54.25WobinElkano: What'll it do?
16:54.45wereHamsterglobal addons? you mean for the whole realm?
16:54.47Wobin(If you say, fake a channel so that other comm mods get channeled into a single channel, I'll love you for it)
16:55.03WobinWell, say like FlagRSP
16:55.09Wobin(or whatever it's called =))
16:55.12wereHamsterdon't know..
16:55.16WobinIt's not a guild specific addon
16:55.22Wobinjust ... global
16:55.30Wobinin that it communicates with everyone else who has the addon
16:55.41Wobinkinda of like GEM
16:55.41Mikmahmm there was this brilliant communication-addon i saw months ago
16:56.03WobinCause we use GEM for raiding, but it's more a loose collection of people in our timezone, not a single guild
16:56.08wereHamsterI don't know if that won't produce too much traffic..
16:56.09Wobin(well we -did- anyway)
16:56.23WobinWell, there will be mods that will need it =\
16:56.24Mikmathe addon used same channel but you could still make it not to mix with other addons
16:56.41WobinMikma: Sorry?
16:56.46wereHamsterbut if you don't have a clear scope, generating a channel name will be difficult...
16:56.54MikmaWobin: you're excused.. hehe
16:57.23ElkanoWobin -> ?
16:57.46MikmaWobin: there was this communication-addon i saw months ago, i like the idea of it, you can make addons use it so they all use the same sync-channel but still the addons won't get mixed by other addons using the same channel to sync
16:58.02Mikmahard to explain, i should find it so you could read and understand yourself
16:58.20WobinI wonder...
16:58.38WobinCould you possibly hook an addons' hooks for the communication channel
16:58.49Wobinand redirect the info to your own channel?
16:59.02Mikmathe whole idea was you could call the addon like this: addon:sendmessage("youraddon","text") and addon:receivemessage("youraddon","text)
16:59.05WobinSo the addons would -think- they're chatting to their own specific channel....
16:59.16wereHamsterMikma, that's my addon ;)
16:59.29MikmawereHamster: really? :D url please :)
16:59.32WobinAh, the problem would be all the addons would have to use it
16:59.36*** join/#wowace Cairenn (
16:59.36*** mode/#wowace [+o Cairenn] by ChanServ
16:59.38Wobinwhich wouldn't work =P
16:59.57wereHamster .. but that's an older version.. not embedded
17:01.34MikmawereHamster: well i don't think it was that, but very much like it
17:02.26Mikmafound it
17:02.50Mikmai think the idea in that addon is great
17:04.05wereHamsterone channel for all players.. imagine 10 raids and all sending their messages to this one channel..
17:04.46WobinSee that's the problem most people aren't thinking of
17:04.49Mikmathe channel would really be stuffed up
17:04.53WobinOverloading the channel
17:05.14Mikmabut for addons with minimal syncneed that would be great
17:05.33Wobinhey... how about using channels that are currently in use...
17:05.38WobinSort of a peer to peer thing?
17:06.14Wobinstill a problem in setting up initial communication
17:06.17Wobin(without spam)
17:06.24wereHamsterand a too big delay..
17:06.56Wobinwell, I was initially thinking that your addon gets a list of channels currently in use by your users
17:07.15Wobinand then tries to create a network to send out using those channels
17:07.31wereHamsterand then spams the General - Ironforge channel?
17:07.44Mikmawhy of course!
17:07.50Mikmaain't that the purpose of the channel
17:07.52Wobinwell, more piggybacking on existing addon channels
17:08.25Mikmablizzard should allow more than 10 channels :P
17:08.41Wobinfor a raid for example, you could send a synch message over the raid channel, and everyone who has the addon then sends hidden whispers to you with a channel list
17:09.48wereHamsterElkano, creating a new spec for a CommChannel global channel wouldn't be that hard.. see for yourself how easy it is to create a channel spec ;)
17:09.50WobinOr just use whispers
17:11.29Elkanowell, wereHamster, I basicly need one channel and whispers, best would be both with a queue that I can fill from the addon and then 'forget'
17:12.10Tainhaha poor druids.
17:12.46wereHamsterI had a buffering code in CommChannel.. but I removed it..
17:13.58kergoththe one annoying thing about the use of whispers is if someone stops running the addon, but is inadvertantly still in the channel, they can get spammed.  itemdb does that
17:15.08WobinACK perhaps?
17:15.14Wobinif no ACK then stop sending?
17:15.21wereHamsterwhy does it send whispers when it also uses a channel?
17:15.24Wobin(granted, that doubles communication)
17:15.45kergoththat sounds like it has a fair amount of overhead.  i'd just broadcast an "i exist!" at channel join, and when new people log on
17:15.58kergoththen if the addon isnt running, that doesnt occur
17:16.40kergoth"As an adolescent I aspired to lasting fame, I craved factual certainty, and I thirsted for a meaningful vision of human life - so I became a scientist. This is like becoming an archbishop so you can meet girls."
17:17.50MoonWolfwho are you qouting ?
17:18.05Mikmadear god i hope he's not quoting himself
17:18.18MoonWolfkergoth is a programmer, not a scientist.
17:18.27kergothM. Cartmill, whoever that is
17:18.42MoonWolfsthe anology is good.
17:19.03wereHamster.. HealSync already as the hooks in place to properly catch all spellcasts.. but I need CreateFrame("Tooltip") .. so it will be disabled until 1.11
17:19.38wereHamsterhave to go... be back in ~1h
17:19.44Elkanokergoth nobody told me about that :(
17:19.59kergothhehe, sorry, i keep meaning to submit a bug report, but i get distracted
17:20.27Elkanobut it won't spam you because of you beeing in the channel but because of you being still queued
17:21.01Elkanosince whispers are always a reaction, either to a message so sent into the channel or a whisper recived
17:21.08kergothactually, i've seen my brother get spam from itemdb whispers even while running itemdb, but i dont think that was with current versions :)
17:21.15TainWhat we need is an Ace bug reporting addon.
17:21.51Elkanohmm, I've hooked the standard chat frame to not display whispers containing key words :/
17:21.53TainFile your bugs in-game when they happen with whatever detail, saves to your save vars, export to wowi or whatever.
17:22.23kergothElkano: shrug, i'll let ya know if i manage to reproduce it again
17:24.01WobinTain: That would imply that Ace is buggy =)
17:31.42WobinIndustrial: You around?
17:32.23WobinCan I get a link to your Vim profiles again?
17:33.42WobinThanks =)
17:33.49IndustrialI should pack my latest - just tweaks to ym setup
17:34.04kergothwonder if theres anything in there that i dont have. should check :)
17:34.49Mikmahmm seems like angler won't work anymore?
17:40.06kergothi love you, gvimdiff
17:41.26Wobinlove the wall with the chicks on it
17:42.23WobinI actually recognise that taichi pattern =P
17:46.05WobinThis is really cool =)
17:46.09WobinI'm impressed
17:46.35Mikmaooh FishButton is lovely
17:47.05WobinI was right
17:47.09Wobinchen style taichi
17:48.02Mikmahehe i just realized that no wonder why the actionbar changing won't work.. the code is misshng
17:48.11Mikma+ small typo in the end ;)
17:49.47Wobinhehe that's what I was learning earlier this year
17:50.11Mikmamartial arts? :)
17:51.02Mikmahmm seems like AceLoot is being misplaced by some pixels
17:56.43Mikmafook! i have deleted the code :(
17:56.56kergothwhat code?
17:59.48Mikmaactionbar swap for stances/stealth/shapshift
18:01.05kergothdoesnt that just change all the button ids?
18:06.05TainI hate actionbar swapping.  It's so ugly.
18:06.31Mikmai hate it too
18:06.44Mikmabut atm bonusactionbar goes over actionbar when shapeshifted
18:06.57Mikmai had a complete code for it but i lost it in HDD crash
18:09.14Mikmaheh, seems like my friend has MAMi 1.0 code on his pc
18:09.19Mikmalet's hope it's in there ;)
18:12.38*** join/#wowace ckknight (
18:12.39Kaeltenckknight: I use cracked software.  Type "/msg Kaelten !assclown <msg>" to make me disconnect from IRC with the message of your choice and shut off my computer.
18:13.58Mikmathat's cool...
18:14.11MoonWolfnot really
18:14.44MoonWolfhaving peole disconnect you is not that fun.
18:14.58Mikmabut of course it is
18:15.25TainSomeone already tried to do it I think so I don't think it actually works.
18:15.36TainIt's just absurdly annoying.
18:16.19kergothmethinks kael should get a better irc client, like xchat
18:16.33MoonWolfi agree
18:16.42TainAt least I know for sure what irc client I won't ever be getting.
18:17.24WobinWhat software is he using?
18:17.35kergoth15:16 CTCP VERSION reply from Kaelten: Klient 2.1.4 (
18:17.47TainYeah, it's a Windows IRC client.
18:18.16TainThe author used to have even more nonsense in there when it detected a "cracked" version, it looks like they were removed.
18:18.19Mikmacool my friend had MAMi1, here's the code i was missing in mami2:
18:18.37hasteIt looks like HydraIRC, only not free
18:18.44Mikmathat swaps bonusactionbar and actionbar on rogues/warriors/druids etc
18:19.02Tainhaha this is awesome.  According to data from the NPD Group:
18:19.04Tain"In May, the PS2 sold approximately 232,000 units to the Xbox 360's 221,000."
18:19.31*** join/#wowace maia (n=maia@
18:19.31Kaeltenmaia: I use cracked software.  Type "/msg Kaelten !assclown <msg>" to make me disconnect from IRC with the message of your choice and shut off my computer.
18:19.53hastethat will become really annoying in the long run
18:20.40*** kick/#wowace [Kaelten!] by MoonWolf (Sorry, but having you spam that message would get really annoying. )
18:20.54Mikmaumh, you know, i thought it was a joke
18:21.01Mikmabut seems like it's not :D
18:21.07hasteso did I at start
18:21.11*** join/#wowace Kaelten (n=kaelten@
18:21.12*** mode/#wowace [+o Kaelten] by ChanServ
18:21.19hasteauto-join :(
18:21.23Mikmasomeone try the !assclown
18:21.29hasteno, that's just evil
18:21.43Mikmaso's "onjoin-spam" ;D
18:22.49MoonWolflooks like it
18:22.57MoonWolfand i dont really want to ban him either.
18:22.57kergothMoonWolf: just do a tempban for a few hours
18:23.06Mikmaknockout is nice
18:23.14*** mode/#wowace [+b *!*n=kaelten@68.63.3.*] by MoonWolf
18:23.26*** kick/#wowace [Kaelten!] by MoonWolf (Sorry, give me a pm when its fixed.)
18:23.58TainIf you do it through chanserv he can also undo it himself when he's back.  
18:24.15MoonWolfhe can undo it anyway
18:24.18MoonWolfhe is channel owner.
18:24.29kergothchanserv is the better way anyway, no point keeping +b's ont he channel all the time. chanserv will add them when needed adn remove when not
18:24.46*** mode/#wowace [-b *!*n=kaelten@68.63.3.*] by MoonWolf
18:25.05*** join/#wowace MoonWolf (
18:25.05*** mode/#wowace [+o MoonWolf] by ChanServ
18:25.55MoonWolfwrong buttonz
18:34.04*** part/#wowace maia (n=maia@
18:34.11*** join/#wowace maia (n=maia@
18:34.14maiaMoonWolf: Type "/msg Maia !assclown <msg>" to make me disconnect from IRC with the message of your choice and shut off my computer.
18:35.00MoonWolfyou are faking it.
18:35.09Mikmano he's not, kick! ;D
18:35.10maiacertainly I am.
18:35.11WobinYou forgot to say you're using cracked software =P
18:35.27maiawell, I'm not using cracked software ;)
18:35.44MoonWolfminor details.
18:36.38CIA-1203wobin * r2733 10MrPlow/ (. MrPlow.toc MrPlowFu.lua icon.tga): MrPlow - Put the fubar plugin into the main package
18:38.44CIA-1203wobin * r2734 10MrPlow/ (MrPlow.lua MrPlow.toc): MrPlow - And as usual I forget to upgrade the version
18:46.02TainI almost want to make something to run /mrplow theworks every single time I close my bag.
18:46.19MoonWolfcant be hard to do.
18:47.02TainMaybe just plow instead
18:48.37WobinThe function is easily callable =)
18:49.03WobinJust call MrPlow:Defrag() for plowing
18:49.39WobinYou can click on the minimap button to theworks now
18:49.46Wobin(and click again to cancel)
18:50.05kergothooh, sweet
18:50.29kergothoh, is mrplow still broken wrt the enchanting bag?
18:50.43kergothmine halts the plow half way through and gets error messages about equippinjg more than one of those bags
18:52.30Mikmanow there is a surprised person
18:53.07kergothit seems to then finish up the plow, but it definately seems to stall for a bit when it encounters it
18:54.21WobinI've been testing on my enchanter, but have never come across this error =(
18:54.34WobinIs your enchanting bag the last one?
18:54.43kergothi think so, yes
18:54.51kergoth24 slotter, iirc
18:55.43Mikmahmm CardBars 1.3 ain't downloadable anymore
18:55.49WobinPS anyone else know of the Interface\Addons\Fubar\SEEmbedKeys\SEEmbed...  error?
18:56.03MikmaWobin: update metrognome
18:56.19MikmaWobin: you use ouf + fubar?
18:56.27WobinAye, but it's not my error =)
19:07.33GngskI got rid of that error by using fubar from svn
19:07.53Gngskwas previously using one from wowi
19:10.25*** join/#wowace Elkano^wtf (
19:13.20Mikmaupdate oUF2 metrognome
19:16.56WobinBut if you've got earphones you should be fine
19:17.01Wobinsince it's an mp3
19:20.16maiahmm. what's wrong with: local t = frame:SetNormalTexture("Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestTitleHighlight"); t:SetVertexColor(1,1,1,0.5)
19:20.27maia( attempt to index local `t' (a nil value) )
19:21.25wereHamstermaia, does SetNormalTexture have a return value?
19:21.30WobinI don't believe it does
19:21.38WobinDo you want CreateTexture?
19:22.02maiaI want to change the alpha of the texture, thats all.
19:22.31WobinIs the texture already created?
19:22.31Mikmahmm.. anyone remember who modded SCT here?
19:22.56maiaWobin: I assume it is. Don't I create it with the above? At least it's shown properly.
19:23.17WobinSetNormalTexture doesn't return the texture object
19:23.24WobinIs that a button?
19:23.32maiaor maybe I should CreateTexture() first then... thanks.
19:23.45maiaWobin: yup. well, not really. a unit frame in squishy.
19:24.10Wobinyeah, use CreateTexture first then use the object ref in the SetNormalTexture
19:25.57maiahmm, so I create an empty texture via CreateTexture() and then use SetNormalTexture(<path>) ?
19:29.12Wobinlocal t = frame:CreateTexture(<path>); frame:SetNormalTexture(t); t:SetVertexColor(1,1,1,0.5)
19:29.43Wobinand you might want to save the reference to t if you're modifying it later
19:29.52wereHamsternot t:SetNormalTexture() ?
19:29.58*** join/#wowace Elkano (
19:30.10WobinIsn't frame the 'button'?
19:30.18wereHamsterah.. you're right
19:30.21Wobin(ie it's a button uiobject)
19:32.04maiahmm. no error message, but it's not working either.
19:32.34maialocal t = frame:CreateTexture("Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestTitleHighlight"); frame:SetPushedTexture(t); frame:SetHighlightTexture(t)
19:32.48maiathat should highlight the area on mouseover, right?
19:34.27maiainterestingly frame:SetHighlightTexture("Interface\\QuestFrame\\UI-QuestTitleHighlight") does work. but not the above.
19:36.48maiaas I can toggle the pushed state (which I didnt know before) I don't need to change the vertex anymore, but still this is confusing as I don't know how to reference a texture to modify it later.
19:39.02*** join/#wowace ckknight_ (
19:39.40Cairennif Kaelten arrives (for real), let him know I'll get in touch with him later to sort out the issue with the #wowi-lounge channel
19:40.47maiais he using cracked software? ;p
19:42.19Wobinmaia maybe t:Show() ?
19:42.23Cairennunfortunately, I can't ban him from this channel, my access level isn't high enough and I'm not a "contact", so if he does show up in here and starts the same thing, I can't do anything about it
19:42.40maiaCairenn: it happened here an hour ago or so. we temp-banned him
19:42.53maia(well, MoonWolf did)
19:43.00maiaWobin: hmm.
19:43.05CairennI'm surprised you were able to, since he has the highest access
19:43.23Cairennanyway, good to hear
19:43.36Wobin--- MoonWolf sets ban on *!*n=kaelten@68.63.3.*
19:47.19maiaa few days ago someone asked if it was faster to :Hide() or check for IsVisible() first to then optionally hide - did we get results?
19:48.06WobinI'd say the former, no?
19:48.11WobinSince it's one function call
19:48.28Wobinrather than at most two
19:51.19TainPretty sure Iriel tested that at one point and said just doing the :Hide() was faster.
19:51.37maiayup, thats right.
19:51.56maiaIsVisible() is about 25% overhead.
19:52.31ckknight_hey all
19:54.58Industrial*pokes Mikma*
19:55.55Mikmanp: Alice Cooper - Poison
19:56.20Mikmathe funny thing is i'm really listening a house-dj set :P
19:56.39Industrialpsyclon nine - tyranny
19:57.25*** join/#wowace Cairen1 (
20:02.09maiaMikma: that sounds like electroclash to me.
20:02.39Mikma!assclown :P
20:03.04Mikmasorry, not you lol
20:03.20Mikmait just did come in my mind
20:28.33maiahmm. I can't properly find a way to toggle button textures (pushed, normal)
20:30.02maiaif I SetPushedTexture, do I also need to SetNormalTexture() - and if yes, how do I set an empty texture?
20:32.33maiahmm, guess everyone is watching soccer.
20:45.22maiaWobin: my problem: when using f:SetButtonState("NORMAL") the pushed texture is still displayed
20:45.42maiashouldnt it only display the PushedTexture when the ButtonState is PUSHED?
20:45.51Wobintechnically yes =)
20:46.06WobinI'm not sure exactly why it wouldn't
20:46.16WobinDo we have GetButtonState yet?
20:46.39maiayes. and I did check, its NORMAL
20:46.45maiabut the pushed texture is still shown
20:47.55WobinDoes it change if you manually call SetButtonState?
20:48.18maiaI only use SetButtonState
20:48.26maiawell, I hope it doesnt catch clicks.
20:48.53maiayou do know Squishy? Your target is always highlighted in the frame. That's what I'm trying to do.
20:49.20maiawhen updating the frames, compare if unit == target, and if yes, SetButtonState("PUSHED") else NORMAL
20:49.33WobinI've never had great luck in getting my textures to do what I want...=\
20:50.18maiahm. so I can neither find a way to properly reference a texture to modify it, nor find out why a pushed texture is shown on a normal state. gah.
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20:59.43*** join/#wowace cladhaire (
21:00.49ckknighthey cladhaire
21:01.44wereHamsterhey clad.. I've been using PerfectRaid for the last few days.. any chance you could update the version in trunk?
21:02.00hyperChipmunkESPN2 showing the 2005 World Domino Tournament
21:02.20cladhairewereHamster: What do you mean?
21:02.51cladhairejob interview monday... yay!
21:02.59cladhaireckknight: Heyas
21:03.03kergothnice, good luck
21:03.10hyperChipmunktrunk is usable
21:03.10hyperChipmunkonly a few errors
21:03.37ckknightyea, good luck, clad
21:03.57CIA-1203uruloke * r2735 10ArcHUD/ (19 files in 2 dirs): (log message trimmed)
21:03.58CIA-12- New options: - Show/Hide buffs (two options, one for target, one for party)
21:04.00CIA-12- Cleaned up the code a bit
21:04.40IndustrialI dont like how archud is like, arced :E
21:05.33cladhairekergoth: Its very much up my alley with what I like to do, and a big step up from the monkey position i'm in now, and closer to where i was two years ago (
21:06.57kergothit doesnt like me, timing out work for you?
21:08.25Wobinworking in a uni
21:08.32kergothlooks that way, yep
21:08.42cladhaireWobin: I love higher education.
21:08.50cladhaireWobin: I work as an admin for them.. and teach on teh side.
21:08.55WobinBut... but... dealing with students...
21:09.17MoonWolfkeal ha been unbanned for some time now
21:09.27MoonWolfyust had to keep the ban up long enough for the retry's to stop.
21:09.30cladhaireMoonWolf: I can kick him again, and make him rejoin =)
21:09.49AmadeoIs the ArcHUD authoer in here?
21:09.53kergothcladhaire: ah cool
21:09.58Amadeoauthor, too
21:10.06wereHamstercladhaire, the last rev of PerfectRaid in /trunk is ~1200 .. the versions in /branch/PerfectRaid/... are much newer..
21:10.24cladhairewereHamster: Yeah, and they dont work =)
21:10.38cladhairewereHamster: It works if you want nothing more than a raid UI that you can't configure at all.. and can only click to target =)
21:11.10kergothi'm thinking about pursuing a software architect type role.  sit between teh engineers and management, make architectural decisions on the design of the systems, and let the engineers actually implement it, since that part bores me :P
21:11.25Wobin~seen uruloke
21:11.37purli haven't seen 'uruloke', Wobin
21:11.37cladhaireThe priority at the moment is Get Sleep Cause 90 hours of work in one week sucks > Get a New Job Cause THis One Sucks > CGo to the gym > Clique > PerfectRaid > WatchDog
21:11.37wereHamsterare the bugs known and easy to fix?
21:11.38Wobin~last uruloke
21:11.39MoonWolfkergoth, but that means less cool code.
21:11.39cladhairekergoth: See, I love being the admin and codemonkey at the same time.
21:11.47cladhairewereHamster: What bugs.. the features aren't there.. its a rewrite.
21:11.51cladhaireits THIS close
21:11.55cladhairebut i have a priority list atm
21:11.58cladhaireit will be coming.
21:12.06kergothMoonWolf: i'll do cool code on my own time :)
21:12.08cladhaireCLique is a worthwhile diversion
21:12.09cladhairetrust me
21:12.24MoonWolfkergoth, good point.
21:12.42cladhaireI'd like a job where I dont need to code libraries and addons for WoW to get my intellectual stimulation.
21:12.44cladhairethat would make me happy
21:12.47cladhaireand be able to IRC at work
21:12.47kergothhalf the time they dont give you the time to do the code properly, cleanly, and elegantly when doing so at work
21:12.51cladhairewhich i can do there.
21:12.53kergothif they would, i might not hate it as much
21:13.03cladhairekergoth: Thats why higher edi is a whole different ballgae
21:13.11cladhairedriven by research and innovation instead of bottom line.
21:13.18kergoththats true
21:13.46kergothat one point i was talking to the engineering manager at nokia's linux lab in norway... was gonna see about applying for a position (they contacted me in the past about my openembedded project being used there for somethign or other)
21:13.53kergothbut its fucking cold out there
21:14.17MoonWolfnorway is a cool place
21:14.45kergothmy ancestry, all swedish and norwegian.. would be good to go there sometime, and iceland as well, but i dunno about moving there :)
21:15.29MoonWolfthe houses there are great, or so my uncle told me.
21:15.44MoonWolfofcourse, a city is a city is a city
21:16.35kergothi like it in the phoenix area so far.  the large amount of sun agrees with me, since my moods are so driven by the weather
21:16.43MoonWolfwhy does the damn background download recheck my last patch every time i start wow.
21:16.48kergothi'm thinking about seeing if i can telework for the top position at
21:16.48MoonWolfcant it flag it as done or something.
21:17.04kergothwhat's it do, anyway? i generally move it away so it wont run
21:20.24*** join/#wowace Tem (
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21:20.39hyperChipmunkdownloads patch stuff as they complete it, instead of all on patch day
21:20.52hyperChipmunkthere's about 97mb worth downloaded by the downloader
21:21.04hyperChipmunkof 1.11
21:22.03MoonWolf127 here
21:22.35hyperChipmunkoh, you're right
21:22.36AmadeoVanguard: SoH went with SOE
21:22.41AmadeoThat's awful
21:22.43MoonWolfAmadeo, ooooold news.
21:22.46MoonWolfbut yeah
21:22.49MoonWolfnot good.
21:22.49Amadeooh well
21:22.54Amadeocould have been a good game, now it's trash
21:23.07kergoth"The thing that has always disturbed me abuot O_DIRECT is that the whole interface is just stupid, and was probably designed by a deranged monkey on some serious mind controlling substance." -- Linus
21:23.11kergoth(from the open() man page0
21:23.12MoonWolfinstant fucked up economy as EQ players convert theyr money to vangaurd money.
21:23.34AmadeoMoonWolf: Yep, not to mention...Brad McQuaid was finally lured into the company he tried to escape
21:23.40Amadeoso there must have been some big dollar signs
21:23.49MoonWolfno doubt.
21:24.11MoonWolfat least microsoft had no bad reputation
21:24.17MoonWolfit yust wanted to make it vista only
21:24.22MoonWolfanother bad thing (tm)
21:24.34MoonWolfbut maybe they actually have enough brains to not fuck it up.
21:24.48AmadeoMMOG's take so long to make that the graphics look amazing when they introduce it, then when it finally comes out it's outdated
21:25.13MoonWolfi dont play mmorpgs for graphics
21:25.26hyperChipmunkgraphics are the most important, so they get done first, duh
21:25.52AmadeoVanguard is looking pretty EQ2'ish
21:25.54Amadeosame engine now?
21:26.01MoonWolfwow has a nice thing for graphics, the style is so unique that actual detail matters a lot less
21:26.07MoonWolfas compared to eq.
21:26.31MoonWolfthe cartoonish style simply looks good longer.
21:26.37MoonWolflike wc3
21:26.39Amadeoyeah, I agree
21:28.11MoonWolfkergoth, who designed the O_DIRECT interface ? linux himself ?
21:36.47kergothlooks like i'll be getting the official job offer to move to a direct hire position here within the week.  looks like around a $7-8k raise to the salary
21:37.33Tainkergoth did you get yourself an actual apartment yet?
21:37.45MoonWolfthats a nice raise.
21:38.17ckknightkergoth, would you disagree with me adding .virtual and .sealed to classes?
21:38.22kergothTain: no, i spent my savings on debt.  just mailed my damn tax return today (idiot tax guy didnt send it in electronically, he MAILED IT TO ME, so i could send it. wtf?)
21:38.52ckknightalso, why aren't you in the ace2 channel?
21:39.00Mikmaanyone remembers who's the person who modded SCT to have the gui load on demand?
21:39.04MoonWolfpeople are actually talking today :O
21:39.42kergothhonestly with all the drama and people not listening, i care less and less about ace2.  i have other projects to work on
21:39.48kergothso i parted
21:47.37CIA-1203ckknight 07ckknight * r2736 10AceLibrary/AceOO.lua: AceOO - added sealed and virtual classes.
21:48.47CIA-1203ckknight 07TestSuite * r2737 10AceLibrary/ (AceOO-sealed-1.lua AceOO-virtual-1.lua): AceLibrary/TestSuite - added AceOO-sealed-1.lua and AceOO-virtual-1.lua
21:49.05Wobinckknight: How do I get a radiobutton set to work in DewDrop?
21:49.29ckknightWobin, um, set isRadio to true on the buttons
21:49.42ckknightthat's about it
21:49.58ckknightit just changes the image
21:50.01WobinI'm getting a tiny circle
21:50.06Wobinfor all of them
21:50.17ckknightis one set to checked?
21:50.30ckknightisChecked I think
21:52.26Wobinah, okay, my checked function is not working
21:52.48CIA-1203ckknight 07ckknight * r2738 10AceLibrary/AceOO.lua: AceOO - better logic for setting virtual = false
21:52.59ckknightgood times
21:53.08MoonWolfoh yes
21:53.30kergothgoddamnit, i cant find the OOo form of my resume, only the pdf :(
21:53.36kergothi think the original is on the machien thats down in MN
21:54.06hyperChipmunkI just finished doing up my resume in TeX x
21:54.17ckknightthat sucks, kergoth
21:54.18kergothhehe. i never got around to learning it :\
21:54.18MoonWolfTeX? ?
21:54.32hyperChipmunkfigured it was a good opportunity
22:01.29kergoth~emulate pinky
22:01.50kergoth~emulate pinky
22:01.57kergoth~emulate brain
22:01.58purlthe same thing we do every week pinky
22:02.28*** part/#wowace ckknight (
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22:02.41purlyou lose 50 dkp again!
22:03.56MoonWolfi dont need it anyway
22:06.19ckknightwho is [ven]?
22:07.14kergoth~emulate kergoth
22:07.15purlACTION wields a mean spiked metal cluebat
22:07.24kergothheh, true that
22:07.31purlWuh, I think so, wobin, but if we didn't have ears, we'd look like weasels.
22:07.44CIA-1203ckknight 07ckknight * r2739 10AceLibrary/AceOO.lua: AceOO - Classes created through Classpool are now sealed.
22:09.11ckknight~literal ponder
22:09.12purl"ponder" is "<reply> (I think so, $nick, but where are we going to find a duck and a hose at this hour?|I think so, but where will we find an open tattoo parlor at this time of night?|Wuh, I think so, $nick, but if we didn't have ears, we'd look like weasels.|Uh... yeah, $nick, but where are we going to find rubber pants our size?)"
22:16.59*** join/#wowace Soku[Laptop] (n=WinNT@
22:19.28Wobinckknight: Hm, the color swatch doesn't seem to setting colours correctly
22:19.39maiahmm. GameTooltip problem:
22:19.40WobinIt just appears to jump back to the original colours
22:19.49Wobin(for dewdrop)
22:20.11maiawhats the lua equivalent to <GameTooltip name="x" hidden="true" parent="UIParent" inherits="GameTooltipTemplate"> ?
22:20.44kergothyou cant do that until 1.11, afaik
22:20.44WobinWe can't create the tooltip in 1.10
22:20.52hyperChipmunkI wasn't aware you could do tooltips or inherits in lua
22:21.13Wobinmaia: yeah =) that one is holding all of us back =)
22:21.18*** part/#wowace Cairenn (
22:21.19maiathought its possible to CreateFrame("GameTooltip")
22:21.37hyperChipmunkyou can make a frame that looks like a tooltip
22:21.57maianah, I need a tooltip to parse spells
22:22.05maiagonna keep the xml file until 1.11
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22:23.44kergothplease say you got a new irc client.  please.
22:25.32Kaeltendamn trial ran out one day after I installed
22:25.42Kaeltenthen I crack it and now this
22:25.48KaeltenI'll be back in a few
22:25.52Wobinassclown =P
22:26.06Mikmasomeone should have dropped him
22:28.15*** join/#wowace Kaelten (n=f844479f@
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22:28.55WobinWhy isn't the colorpicker keeping it's settings?
22:29.16hyperChipmunkcuz u sux
22:29.38WobinIt's all your fault
22:30.03*** join/#wowace Kaelten (n=kaelten@
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22:48.33Mikmagod damn
22:48.42Mikmasomething's wrong with my tooltip-mod
22:48.53Mikmawhen i mouseover someone i see his/her guild.
22:49.09Mikmabut if i move my mouse off from the person and mouseover again the guild is missing
22:51.47*** join/#wowace Kyahx|Sleep (n=Kyahx@
22:53.01CIA-1203wobin * r2740 10GonffBar/ (. GonffBar.lua GonffBar.toc GonffBarLocals.lua):
22:53.01CIA-12GonffBar - Now uses Dewdrop for the majority of customisability
22:53.01CIA-12- Hopefully saves properly
22:53.21WobinMikma, could you test that?
22:53.26*** part/#wowace wereHamster (
22:53.34Wobinshiftclick to move, control rightclick to pop up menu
22:53.35MikmaWobin: yayaya sure
22:53.40Mikmabtw. New Versions of SCT and SCTD will be released the day of or the day after the WoW 1.11 patch. Overall, there aren't a ton of new features, but some "basic" features that probably should have been in long ago.
22:53.49Mikma- Options Frame is now Load on Demand. This significantly reduces SCT's size when you don't need the options menu.
22:54.18kergothMikma: sweet
22:54.32Mikmasomeone got his point through
22:54.40Wobinwhat is sctd?
22:54.51Mikmascrolling combat text -damage
22:55.15WobinAny futher clarification? =)
22:55.55Mikmahaven't had the time to look yet :)
22:55.56kergothWobin: it shows the damage you cause, like the blizzard default damage text
22:55.59kergothits quite nice
22:56.02Mikmatrying to get my druid to IF
22:56.05kergothsince its in the center of the screen, not over the target
22:56.23kergoth shows two plowking bugs, probably both known, but wanted to point them out
22:57.11Wobinoh cool
22:57.35Mikmathe empty frames?
22:57.36WobinI hate having to pan up to large mobs to see what's happening =P
22:57.48kergoththe empty frames, and the Key text being outside of its frame entirely
22:58.03Mikmai thought they are there on purpose :/
22:58.03kergothits in with miscellanious
22:58.14Wobinah, the second is... well I won't say intentional, but deliberate
22:58.30kergothwell, the first time i dragged it over, it wasnt like that
22:58.35kergothso one or the other is a bug, pick one
22:58.41Wobinin that if the frame is too small to fill in the number of categories, it drops it up a row
22:59.01WobinI didn't want to expand the frame to fit the categories
22:59.20Wobinsince they're temporary at best
23:00.25WobinThe empty frames are there cause I've not done anything with them yet =)
23:00.35kergothhehe, i figured
23:00.45kergothhow are you planning on showing the category text long term? icons?
23:00.59kergothhaving the text outside the frame looks.. ehm. unprofessional
23:01.04kergothor rather, unfinished
23:01.08kergothwhich the addon is, so its appropriate ;)
23:01.25WobinI'm not sure tbh
23:01.37WobinI was at first, just going to hide them
23:01.55WobinYou'd know what categories they were cause of where you'd place them on the screen
23:02.01MikmaWobin: do i need to reset the settings?
23:02.08kergothah, show them as a sort of 'unlock' state, when you want to drag them between frames?
23:02.10WobinMikma: Probably best
23:02.13kergothbut not always?
23:02.50WobinThe subcategories automatically remerge after a couple of seconds
23:02.55Wobin(after splitting)
23:03.22WobinBut that's mostly cause there usually are a lot of them per major category
23:03.24kergothmakes sense.  still shouldnt have text outside the frame though :)  just stretch the very top where the text is, or better yet, attach icons in button like frames to the top of the frame in question, would look better than free floating text, or at least give the text a background/border texture
23:03.53WobinI'll possibly go the last or the second to last option
23:03.57kergothanyway, just wanted to make sure it was behaving as expected :)
23:04.08kergothlooking good, i'm impressed
23:04.26Wobinta =)
23:04.27Mikmahey dudes btw, can i make a local like this: local foo = ActionButton1,ActionButton2,ActionButton3  .. and foo:Hide() ?
23:04.52Wobinas only ActionButton1 will be assigned to foo
23:05.20kergothMikma: what exactly are you trying to do with that?
23:05.23Mikmaso is there a way to assing them all to foo and use foo:Hide()
23:05.26Wobinand you can't run a function on a table of objects, unfortuately
23:05.33Mikmakergoth: simple hide and show for all buttons
23:05.43kergothfoo is a variable, it cant contain more than one thing.
23:05.48kergothunless you make it a table containing those elements
23:06.00WobinMikma: You'd be better off parenting them to a frame of your making then hiding that frame
23:06.14MikmaWobin: hmm that's a good idea
23:06.16kergothWobin: i think he wants to avoid that, due to changes in button behavior based on parenting?
23:06.37Mikmawell, this has something to do with the ActionBar swap -function i have
23:06.41TainIt's always the parent's fault.
23:06.49kergothso true
23:06.56WobinYou'd have to SetPoint them to your frame
23:07.03Mikmabecause everytime ie. druid changes shapeshift i need to hide the ActionButton1-12 and show BonusActionButton1-12
23:07.05WobinThat's what I did for PlowKing =)
23:07.47WobinI needed a named frame to put into the 'hit escape to hide' table, so I put a zero sized one in the bottom corner and setpointed all the bagsections to it
23:08.16kergoth"You know how it is when you go to be the subject of a psychology experiment, and nobody else shows up, and you think maybe that's part of the experiment? I'm like that all the time."
23:08.19Mikmahuh that can be done? 0 size?
23:09.40kergothhahah, "The thing that impresses me the most about America is the way parents obey their children." --King Edward VIII
23:09.46Mikmathis is because i had some problems in the past when i swapped the actionbars by simply moving them off the screen
23:09.51kergoththeres the quote i was looking for
23:09.54kergothTain: "Psychiatry enables us to correct our faults by confessing our parents' shortcomings."
23:10.11Mikmalater i realized if i move the actionbars to topscreen the swapped buttons will become visible hehe
23:11.01WobinActually, no, what I did was override the Show and Hide functions of the unsized frame to hide or show the bagsections
23:11.16WobinMore controllable that way
23:11.55Mikmasoon in IF \o/
23:13.38Tainhaha kergoth that's great
23:13.45MikmaWobin: i wonder when plowking is going to be so ready i can use it to replace my bags ;)
23:13.51Slaymani took the WoWI Favorites Feed and put it on my personalized starting page for google, That fucking rocks! but now I'm going to bed have a nice day/night folks
23:14.02WobinHehe, there's still a lot of futzing to do
23:14.11Wobintooltip scanning for one
23:14.40Mikmaoh, once i had an interesting issue with plowking, but i think it's fixed now:
23:15.02WobinAlthough I still have to figure out why it doesn't scan the bags properly on login
23:15.08Mikmawhen it wasn't switchable yet i had to use esc to close it. when i sold some stuff from my inv i got a new empty slot on screen which wouldn't go away :D
23:16.12WobinYou should see the debug messages fly when I use my hunter =(
23:16.21WobinUpdating Slot
23:16.23WobinUpdating Slot
23:16.51Mikmahehe, damn arrows/bullets
23:17.21Mikmaomg i just got a terrific addon idea!
23:17.27Mikmaanyone has used AutoBar?
23:17.46WobinFrom the article: "People drinking one cup of coffee per day were, on average, 20% less likely to develop alcoholic cirrhosis. For people drinking two or three cups the reduction was 40%, and for those drinking four or more cups of coffee a day the reduction in risk was 80%."
23:18.02Wobin(yes... the reason being they had no room in their bladders for alcohol =P)
23:18.04MikmaAutoBar, but with Quest Items! QuestBar!
23:18.32Wobinwhat's autobar do?
23:19.49CIA-1203thiana * r2741 10FuBar_tcgTradeskills/ (Core.lua FuBar_tcgTradeskills.toc): FuBar_tcgTradeskills: Bumped rev to 1.0 for WoWI release
23:22.16CIA-1203maia * r2742 10Squishy/ (6 files):
23:22.17CIA-12- converted frame xml to lua
23:22.17CIA-12- merged SquishyFrame and screen alert messages
23:22.17CIA-12- indicator for party, player, higest priority next to unit bars
23:22.24CIA-1203thiana * r2743 10/tags/FuBar_tcgTradeskills/ (20 files in 9 dirs): FuBar_tcgTradeskills: Tag for 1.00
23:23.58CIA-1203wobin * r2744 10GonffBar/GonffBar.lua: GonffBar - Fixed a typo
23:25.57WobinMikma: How would you use that for quest items?
23:26.11Mikmait would show usable questitems on screen
23:26.17WobinIt' seems like pothead to me, ie pick the best yada for the category
23:26.29Wobinugh =\
23:26.37WobinI don't think that's possible =\
23:26.38Mikmai'm not talking about modding that one of course
23:27.39WobinI mean I dno't know if you can detect if a quest item is usable or not
23:29.26SlaymanONe last thing Wobin: MrPlow: should check if the user is riding an Item Mount, cuz moving that mount is dismounting, at least it dismounts me, maybe omit the the mount Item if the char is mounted ...
23:30.05kergothMikma: thats a damn good idea. i dont have any actionbuttons on my screen by default other than autobar and class specific bars like conjurebar, and ghostbar is for my combat abilities, and selectionring for profs... no real place to drag a quest item for temporary use
23:30.42Mikmawell your too damn minimalistic i think hehe ;)
23:30.57kergothnot minimalistic at all, i think i'm using 160 addons right now
23:31.00Mikmaautobar CAN hold items in it too
23:31.04kergothi just like things out of the way until i need them :)
23:31.06WobinSlayman: That's what the item ignore is for
23:31.13Mikmabut you'll have to punch in the itemid/name
23:31.29kergothsomeone needs to do something like autobar that just uses PT sets
23:32.08WobinTek has it basically set up to work
23:32.12Mikmawell, items can be scanned to see if they are used in a quest or not
23:32.21Mikmaie. monkeyquest does this and updates the tooltip
23:32.30kergothfubar_questsfu does it too
23:32.51Wobinbut are you talking about quest items that you collect or quest items you have to use at a certain location?
23:33.04Mikmawell there is a way then to know atleast what items are used in quest
23:33.04Cairennckknight: you there?
23:33.12Mikmanow the only thing we would need is a way to display the items on screen
23:33.34kergothWobin: hmm, wonder how you could catch the latter. just watch for items received when talking to a quest giver and accepting the quest?
23:33.50Wobinkergoth: scary
23:34.11Wobinwhich doesn't preclude items you have to wear
23:34.17kergoth is sick and scary and awesome.  setting up interrupt vectors using recursion in templates
23:35.56*** join/#wowace Parak (
23:47.48Mikmawtb working tooltip with ToT support
23:50.31Mikmathis tooltip i use would be great if it would show the questkills in it :P
23:52.10CIA-1203wobin * r2745 10MrPlow/ (. MrPlow.lua MrPlow.toc MrPlowFu.lua): MrPlow - Added the required libraries to work without FuBar
23:56.31WobinCairenn: Could you remove the FuBar-MrPlowFu page at ( ) ?
23:57.06WobinThank you =)
23:59.34Mikmacan someone tell me why these 3 lines are preventing QuestsFu and MonkeyQuest to display the Quest Info in tooltip?

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