IRC log for #webos-internals on 20150515

01:22.55*** join/#webos-internals MattMaker (
02:01.40*** join/#webos-internals hucksy_ (
02:23.47*** join/#webos-internals MattMaker (
04:12.51*** join/#webos-internals MattMaker (
05:13.38*** join/#webos-internals MattMaker (
05:56.38*** join/#webos-internals lonewulf` (~lone@unaffiliated/lonewulf/x-3292126)
06:06.16*** join/#webos-internals MattMaker (
09:11.39*** join/#webos-internals yosafbridge (~yosafbrid@2607:5300:100:200::160d)
09:46.57*** join/#webos-internals beezle-bug (
09:54.59*** join/#webos-internals MrTango (
11:05.47*** join/#webos-internals MattMaker (
12:11.27*** join/#webos-internals HaDAk (~skipmeist@
12:23.51*** join/#webos-internals HaDAk (~skipmeist@2601:4:c80:180:211:32ff:fe2e:6e21)
12:25.18*** join/#webos-internals scorche` (~scorche@rockbox/administrator/scorche)
12:54.50*** join/#webos-internals MattMaker (
14:43.35*** join/#webos-internals MattMaker (
16:29.18*** join/#webos-internals MattMaker (
18:18.00*** join/#webos-internals MattMaker (
18:30.16*** join/#webos-internals pattyland (584795d7@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:35.30pattylandHi there, is anybody here that could tell me the possible values for the DeviceCompatibility field in Preware Feeds?
19:29.00*** join/#webos-internals lonewulf` (~lonewulf@unaffiliated/lonewulf/x-3292126)
19:29.29ka6soxpattyland, there is a Coding Standard for that on the webos-internals wiki…let me find it
19:30.09pattylandDo you mean
19:30.28pattylandIt just's list examples for this field ;)
19:31.46ka6soxthey are the official ones
19:31.55ka6soxlet me look
19:32.52ka6soxthose are the agreed upon names
19:33.04ka6soxwe should add Nexus4 and Nexus7 as well
19:37.17pattylandAnd Pre+ or Pre 3?
19:37.21pattylandTouchpad 4G?
19:38.53pattylandAh yep, LuneOS; I asked Herrie this yesterday on Twitter, but I guess here would have been a better place:
19:49.00*** join/#webos-internals MattMaker (
19:50.11ka6soxpattyland, can you join #webos-ports?
19:50.26*** join/#webos-internals Herrie (
19:51.35pattylandI guess it's on another server? I'm alone in the chan #webos-ports here :D
19:52.02ka6soxsame server..but Herrie is here now
19:52.21ka6sox[11:35]  <pattyland> Hi there, is anybody here that could tell me the possible values for the DeviceCompatibility field in Preware Feeds?
19:52.21ka6sox[12:00]  * lonewulf` has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
19:52.21ka6sox[12:29]  * lonewulf` (~lonewulf@unaffiliated/lonewulf/x-3292126) has joined #webos-internals
19:52.21ka6sox[12:29]  <ka6sox> pattyland, there is a Coding Standard for that on the webos-internals wiki…let me find it
19:52.21ka6sox[12:30]  <pattyland> Do you mean
19:52.25ka6sox[12:30]  <pattyland> It just's list examples for this field ;)
19:52.27ka6sox[12:31]  <ka6sox> they are the official ones
19:52.29ka6sox[12:31]  <ka6sox> let me look
19:52.31ka6sox[12:32]  <ka6sox> those are the agreed upon names
19:52.33ka6sox[12:33]  <ka6sox> we should add Nexus4 and Nexus7 as well
19:52.35ka6sox[12:37]  <pattyland> And Pre+ or Pre 3?
19:52.37ka6sox[12:37]  <pattyland> Touchpad 4G?
19:52.39ka6soxHerrie, we need to agree on this
19:52.45ka6soxand document it
19:52.58ka6soxwith new devices such as Nexus4 and Nexus7
19:54.31*** join/#webos-internals pattyland (
19:55.11HerrieYeah I think we might need morphis input on this
19:55.49HerrieI think we might want to use codenames isntead because there are multiple nexus 7's (2012, 2013, wifi 3g etc)
19:56.07*** join/#webos-internals Guest66888 (Slayer@
19:56.26pattylandAnd space and symboles ;)
19:58.21pattylandI should learn spelling...
19:59.05ka6soxokay this is best discussed on the developer mailing list
19:59.09ka6soxwe all are subscribed
19:59.29HerrieI think we said that maxwebosversion should be 3.5 for LuneOS but don't recall 100%
20:02.19pattylandAh ok, so you could have packages for both os in one feed, I like that
20:03.48*** join/#webos-internals Vince42 (
20:04.21HerrieIn theory Enyo 1 apps should work on luneos too
20:05.12HerrieWe just didn't test all yet
20:13.36*** part/#webos-internals Herrie (
20:31.43dwc-and the channel will now return to its steady state
22:19.41*** join/#webos-internals beezle-bug (

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