IRC log for #webos-internals on 20130303

00:04.19*** join/#webos-internals jtrucks (jtrucks@freenode/staff/lopsa.board.jtrucks)
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03:55.18*** join/#webos-internals Jack87 (~Jack87@nasadmin/admin/jack87)
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06:05.22*** join/#webos-internals Peterman (Peterman@
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11:39.21*** topic/#webos-internals is Discussion about webOS internals (not webOS SDK usage or anything to do with Android). Use #webos-general for off-topic stuff. Honor all NDAs, licenses, carrier agreements and copyrights. Twitter: @webosinternals Logs: Wiki: Preware: Patches: Testing Feed:
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23:46.46*** join/#webos-internals ChairmanTubeAmp (~ChairmanT@
23:47.11ChairmanTubeAmpHi All
23:47.41ChairmanTubeAmpI have a problem with a meta-doctor script
23:47.59ChairmanTubeAmpI have a brand new meta-doctor directory with a git clone that I did today.
23:48.21PatrickCok, what's the problem?
23:48.35ChairmanTubeAmpI'm trying to run meta-att-pre3-vanilla-2.2.3 but it exits with an error
23:48.45PatrickCwhat's the error?
23:49.03ChairmanTubeAmp2013-03-03 18:40:26 (1.33 MB/s) - ‘downloads/webosdoctorp223mantaatt-2.2.3.jar’ saved [233131427/233131427]
23:49.03ChairmanTubeAmpmkdir -p downloads
23:49.04ChairmanTubeAmpPlease download the correct version of the webOS Doctor .jar file
23:49.05ChairmanTubeAmpand then rename and move it to downloads/webosdoctorp224manta-wr-2.2.0.jar (i.e. the downloads directory that was just created under the current directory).
23:49.06ChairmanTubeAmpmake: *** [downloads/webosdoctorp224manta-wr-2.2.0.jar] Error 1
23:49.29PatrickCwell, follow what the directions say
23:49.49ChairmanTubeAmpOk, how do I find out what the correct version of the webOS Doctor .jar file is?
23:50.13PatrickCit tells you...
23:50.16PatrickCread the entire output
23:51.51ChairmanTubeAmpOk, I've reread it a few times now and I don't see what you're referring to.
23:52.04PatrickC‘downloads/webosdoctorp223mantaatt-2.2.3.jar’ saved [233131427/233131427]
23:52.11PatrickCthat shows the doctor.jar....
23:52.18PatrickCthat line is in there 3 times
23:53.00ChairmanTubeAmpWhy is it telling me to download something that it just downloaded?
23:53.16PatrickCit isn't, it's telling you to create the directory for it to go into
23:54.26ChairmanTubeAmpBut it made meta-doctor/downloads already and put the files there. And it is definitely telling me to download something "Please download the correct version…"
23:54.56PatrickCwhat is inside of downloads/
23:54.58ChairmanTubeAmpI'm pointing this out in the spirit of improving things for the next person, of course. Not to be argumentative.
23:55.16PatrickCno problem, but the script is telling you exactly what to do
23:55.20PatrickCand then rename and move it to downloads/webosdoctorp224manta-wr-2.2.0.jar (i.e. the downloads directory that was just created under the current directory).
23:55.23ChairmanTubeAmpwebosdoctorp220manta-wr-2.2.0.jar and webosdoctorp223mantaatt-2.2.3.jar
23:56.07PatrickCi don't see webosdoctorp224manta-wr-2.2.0.jar there
23:56.56ChairmanTubeAmpthe script just downloaded both of those and put them in meta-doctor/downloads
23:57.23PatrickCit then tells you to rename one of them (the 223) and make it a specific file name
23:58.27ChairmanTubeAmpOk, I will do that to make progress for myself. Could I suggest that the script not instruct users to make a downloads directory or to download the doctor (both of which have already been done by the script itself).
23:59.11ChairmanTubeAmpActually, it doesn't instruct the user to make a downloads directory, its just echoing "mkdir -p downloads" from the script.
23:59.47PatrickCit then instructs the user to move the doctors around, as well as rename the files

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