IRC log for #webos-internals on 20120413

00:08.42dwc-phoenix, hotbed of something, but not webos
00:09.05rwhitbyrrix: have you asked on WebOS Nation ?
00:27.43scorche|shdwc-: it is just a hot bed..
00:37.36*** join/#webos-internals Lazar_Dobrescu (~Lazar@2605:8900:5000:1001:6:0:26:2)
00:41.01rrixrwhitby: I might have an account, I don't really forum very much. I"ll fire a message off there tonight
00:41.15rrixscorche|sh: That's why we have AC, no? :)
00:41.25rrixAlso, why don't I ever see your sexy face any more?
00:41.37scorche|shrrix: because i am busy
00:41.43rrixBe busy at HSL :(
00:41.44scorche|shmaybe after April
00:42.25scorche|shrrix: i totally have responded to Jacob's mails about another lockpicking thing months ago, but got no responses (i think) - either way, after April, my schedule will open up
00:43.03rrixOh, nice
00:43.08rrixHow sweet of him
00:43.21rrixscorche|sh: I'd love to help organise another lockpicking workshop when you have time for it.
00:43.38rrixwe can work on being the criminals the New times thinks we are
00:43.42scorche|shtakes this to another channel
00:43.52rrixoh shit, we're in -interansl still haha
00:44.20dwc-lockpicking ... on webos
00:44.46dwc-webos-powered bump key?
00:45.14scorche|shick - bump keys
00:46.10rrixOh now you've done it ;)
00:46.16dwc-shuts up
00:46.31scorche|shnaw - i will refrain from ranting  ;)
00:46.48infobotwell, offtopic is Sorry, please check the topic and try your comment again.
00:47.48scorche|shscoutcamper: yes - thanks so much for reminding us after the conversation was already moved to another channel...
00:48.15infobotSorry, please check the topic and try your comment again. <BEEP>
00:48.34rrixAlso that it's so crowdded in here we're upsetting the normal flow of webos chat
00:57.37wreaFlow? Like a stagnant pond
00:57.56scoutcamperwrea, thats optimistic
00:58.14wreaI try to be
01:22.17*** join/#webos-internals mpingu1 (
01:24.45rwhitbythinks of it as lake eyre
01:38.34*** join/#webos-internals ChaoWang (chaowang@nat/redhat/x-ryxhqwtmrlyyniqx)
01:44.05*** join/#webos-internals lamawithonel (~lucas@
01:44.40hewballrwhitby: i dont think many get the uniquely aussie comments
01:47.54rwhitbyhewball: they have google ;)
01:50.59hewballi still find the lake eyre yatch club a weird idea
02:12.09*** join/#webos-internals hemna_ (
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02:49.20netkillercatsup guys having a problem went I launch terminal no keyboard shows up any help will most ap
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06:37.19DanielArthello (?), any can help me with the ""? / Hola, ¿alguien puede ayudarme con el ""?
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12:06.38*** join/#webos-internals hmmmm (
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13:15.10*** join/#webos-internals Nasga (~Nasga@
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14:05.46*** join/#webos-internals YeahRight (
14:07.06*** join/#webos-internals Nasga (~Nasga@
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14:24.07AmishHi, can I ask questions about patches here?
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14:32.21*** part/#webos-internals Amish (~Amish@
14:44.25*** join/#webos-internals RagingMind (
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16:43.21*** join/#webos-internals Lazar_Dobrescu (~Lazar@2605:8900:5000:1001:6:0:26:2)
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17:58.27*** join/#webos-internals bgupta (
18:00.39bguptaIs there a good channel to ask what people are doing with openwebos platform porting? IE: I am trying to find out if there are any serious efforts being made to port webos to alternate hardware? (Or is that blocking the finalization of the webos opensourcing effort from HP?)
18:01.48bgupta(IE: I have a bunch of phones that have unlocked bootloaders, that could in theory take an alternate OS like webos.)
18:01.55RagingMindbgupta, this and #openwebos are good places, but last discussion I saw in here I got the gist that there weren't enough open pieces yet
18:03.04bguptaI see. I heard that Auguest is the timeframe for having everything released.
18:05.22RagingMindeverything yes, but I remember someone mentioning that the important bits to get a start on such things are scheduled for june or july
18:10.34bguptaAH thanks.. will check back then.. I'm guessing that means even on HP HW, no opensource builds till then, so there wouldn
18:10.56bguptabe a point in trying to get a used pre/pix/touchpad cheap on ebay, to get earlier access.
18:11.38RagingMindI didn't mean to scare you away :(
18:16.06*** join/#webos-internals chandoo (
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18:31.27bguptaDon't worry... I am a tinkerer, you guys just aren't there yet.. Looking forward to seeing what comes of it. (Although it seems awfully late.)
18:38.59*** join/#webos-internals tmandry (~tyler@unaffiliated/tman)
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22:11.41*** join/#webos-internals pancro (
22:14.55*** join/#webos-internals YeahRight (
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