IRC log for #webos-internals on 20120207

00:04.21YeahRightit rebooted fine
00:04.50YeahRightbut i dont understand why preware tells me I still got a F4 kernel installed and Govnah doesnt have the profile for it
00:21.12rwhitbyhaving a kernel package registered as being installed (and then overwritten by an OTA update) and having the files actually still there and operating, are two very different things.
00:21.59rwhitbyIf you install something, and don't uninstall it, and then overwrite the files that were installed (but not change the record of installation by uninstalling it), then what do you expect to happen?
00:24.06YeahRightah ofcourse..sorry..completley clear now
00:28.43rwhitbyFor that final restart message to be correct, the kernel installation would need to correctly recognise all the different situations, and send some sort of status back to Preware, and then Preware would need to understand each of those status messages and do the right thing.
00:28.56rwhitbyMuch simply just to say "Do a device restart, cause it may be needed"
00:55.38YeahRightright rwhitby
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