IRC log for #webos-internals on 20111229

00:05.51dwc-if they're so evil, how come I didn't get one
00:08.11dwc-you can always change the icon, but that's not what the precentral article is talking about
00:13.28*** join/#webos-internals infobot (
00:13.28*** topic/#webos-internals is Discussion about webOS internals (not webOS SDK usage or anything to do with Android). Use #webos-general for off-topic stuff. Honor all NDAs, licenses, carrier agreements and copyrights. Twitter: @webosinternals Logs: Wiki: Preware: Patches: Testing Feed:
00:13.28*** mode/#webos-internals [+v infobot] by ChanServ
00:18.59lingfishdwc-: I mean in the comments section.. people there talk about getting a H+ icon...
00:19.34lingfishALso... my dear partners Pre 2 is in a boot loop... going to attempt a doctor.  As of 1.3.1 says webosinternals, the USB side does not get wiped, correct still?
00:24.30dwc-the symbol will show up if you have H+
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00:28.24*** topic/#webos-internals is Discussion about webOS internals (not webOS SDK usage or anything to do with Android). Use #webos-general for off-topic stuff. Honor all NDAs, licenses, carrier agreements and copyrights. Twitter: @webosinternals Logs: Wiki: Preware: Patches: Testing Feed:
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01:10.30EricBladefor anyone who knows how freetether works, there shouldn't be any significant difference in bandwidth available to the phone itself, versus whatever is connected to the phone, right?
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01:20.19RichT23EricBlade: sounds right
01:20.29RichT23its just routing
01:23.07EricBladehmm.  i'm noticing that Pandora on phone works surprisingly well with my extremely poor bandwidth cell connection.. but on TouchPad, it's .. significantly worse.
01:23.39rwhitbyEricBlade: latency will of course be increased
01:24.22EricBladetrue. i'm just trying to pin it on either differences in OS or variances in the cell data connection from moment to moment
01:24.45dwc-pandora on the phone might be accessing a different stream?
01:25.14dwc-haven't looked at the app(s) but one might be looking at your EDGE and saying "this isn't 3g or wifi"
01:28.50EricBladeit does look like webOS 2 continues streaming when media is paused, but 3 doesn't
01:36.07EricBladeand then it throws out the streamed data when you unpause
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01:37.08robertgouletso I just overcooked my touchpad and am wondering about the performance setting
01:37.34robertgouletis that too much for into handle cause I noticed both CPUs were at 1.5
01:37.40rwhitbyyou set it to "performance" governor?  did you read the help entry for that?
01:38.19rwhitbydo you keep your car revving at 5000RPM when you're sitting stopped at the traffic lights?
01:38.55robertgouletk that's exactly what I thought
01:39.25EricBladerwhitby: how else would i leave rubber marks at all the intersections?
01:39.30wreaof course I do
01:39.48EricBladehasn't had a license for 7 years :|
01:39.49robertgoulethow do I make risk that the second one will run faster is lagging when trying to watch stuff online
01:40.39robertgouletI should have said with out it running that way all the time.
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02:06.51lingfishAnyone got thoughts on my question above re doctoring and USB?
02:10.58rwhitbylingfish: didn't see the question
02:12.30lingfishALso... my dear partners Pre 2 is in a boot loop... going to attempt a doctor.  As of 1.3.1 says webosinternals, the USB side does not get wiped, correct still?
02:12.43lingfish... or should I try something else other than a doctor
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02:13.07lingfishIt's odd... the charging screen comes up for 2-3 mins, then blank, seems to reboot maybe?  Then back to charge
02:14.08lingfishReason I ask re USB is because obviously, I can't get to the damn USB to back it up
02:19.27kevets_is it a feankenpre2?
02:23.20lingfishnah, unless I don't get what a franken is... no special hacks etc
02:24.13lingfishgetting device not recog'd... and holding up vol and plugging in USB doesn't give me USB mode
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02:25.08kevets_to get usb recovery mode, you turn the phone off then power it on while holding vol up
02:25.39kevets_what are you trying to doctor it with?
02:25.47rwhitbymemboot it, and do a meta-doctor "make backup"
02:26.00rwhitbyyou should always assume a doctor is going to wipe the dvice
02:26.37wreaYeah, and if it doesnt, its a bonus
02:32.59lingfishkevets_: yep, as just stated, trying that and it ain't working :(
02:33.04lingfishrwhitby: right, will attempt that.
02:33.29lingfishThe reboot loop is strange though... almost as if the batt is stuffed and it just decides to restart before even fully booting
02:36.24rwhitbythat's usually a kernel panic
02:36.44rwhitbyyou can find out by vol-up interrupting the boot then extracting the klog
02:43.16lingfishrwhitby: as I plug in USB, or a different trick for interrupt?
02:43.30rwhitbynormal recovery mode
02:50.23lingfishI still get batt charge with red line symbol for a while after... does it take a while for the USB symbol to appear?  Not my recollection...
02:50.36keithcan i ask if anyone has the sprint prl update? having problems updating this frankenpre2
02:52.19keithi deactivated a sprint frankenpre2 in oct, and having problems re-activating now
02:52.22keithwonder if its prl related
02:53.17rwhitbyusually is
02:57.57keithso any way to get a prl besides activating it as a pre mius and pulling it from there/.
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03:37.35lingfishrwhitby: ok so it seems it was a batt level issue... getting USB symbol now... to pull the klog do you suggest I use novaterm, or?
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03:40.53lingfishah, just got to bootie, I think, via novacom
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03:47.05samthewildoneOkay suckas !
03:47.11samthewildoneI got my TouchPad for x-mas
03:47.22samthewildonenow what do I do with it ?
03:47.53samthewildonehow long ago was 3.0.4 77 released ?
03:47.55b3d0u1nIt has a vibrate function
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04:29.40rwhitbyI should have made a video of one of mine
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04:32.21swagmiahow to to download it?
04:32.42rwhitbyhow to download what?
04:35.26lingfishI take it nova-installer-image-roadrunner.uImage gives me no way to bring up wifi, nor is there a safe place to tar up USB contents?
04:35.36lingfishapart from make-backup and whatnot
04:40.15rwhitbylingfish: make backup in meta-doctor
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04:50.08lingfishrwhitby: nice.. no need... using novacom and run to cat stuff out.
04:54.12lingfishBetter yet, a tar of all of /mnt/media
04:54.16lingfishSorted, huzah.
05:03.15rwhitbylingfish: which is actually exactly what "make backup" does, funnily enough ...
05:03.27b3d0u1nHmm.  Probably the last one to know this, but rather than mess around with cross compiling on a non-ARM machine running Debian and scratchbox, it's sort of easier to just chroot into Debian on the TouchPad and compile from there.  As long as you compile with static libraries everything goes smooth when you run the binaries in webOS.
05:03.50rwhitbysure, if you're a masochist ;)
05:04.35b3d0u1nI don't have enough room for GCC on the TP because my preware partition is too tiny
05:04.43b3d0u1notherwise i'd just do it from the tp
05:05.25rwhitbypreware partition?
05:05.48rwhitbyyou can make the ext3fs partition as large as you like, up to 24GB or so easily
05:05.55b3d0u1nyeah I know
05:06.06b3d0u1nbut i don't want to start from scratch
05:06.19wreaouch, compiling on the tp
05:06.21rwhitbyjust use Tailor to resize it
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05:06.51b3d0u1ntoo scared of a possible failure
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05:08.37sethronHello Impostahs
05:08.53wreafailure leads to some point
05:09.22b3d0u1nI've spent probably 2 weeks getting my tp exactly the way I want it
05:09.28b3d0u1nso..  starting over isn't an option
05:10.03rwhitbysethron: so you frobbed the tokens?
05:10.33rwhitbyb3d0u1n: you realise that having said that, you will now have an unexplained crash which wipes your device, right?
05:11.01sethronI have not attempted yet. unsure where to start.
05:11.13b3d0u1nYeah, though it is an ssd so i'm less worried about that
05:11.28lingfishrwhitby: I know... I went to git and peeked at how you were doing it; could have just told me I could to novacom "run"'s and expect good stuff on stdout :P  you forget I've been around the block a few times heh
05:11.45rwhitbyheh, it ain't the memory chip which crashes and corrupts things ...
05:12.14rwhitbylingfish: '"make backup" in meta-doctor' is far more concise and precise
05:13.13b3d0u1nDoes that create a clone of the entire filesystem you can restore with?
05:13.37lingfishrwhitby: in my books, nah... it meant pulling more crap down, building blah blah etc etc... this was simpler, only needed to pull a few pics off it.  Now I wait for its batt to hit 25%.  Wish you could just sit the phone in shutdown state to charge insted of it always wanting to bloody well boot (which is where it'll freeze after 1 min of boot)
05:13.37sethronrwhitby: most of my frobbing led to these irc logs. may I have a hint please?
05:17.00sethronI have show properties and emailed the xml.
05:18.56rwhitbysethron: unpack,patch, cp webOS/castle.xml .
05:19.00rwhitbyedit castle.xml
05:19.09rwhitbyCUSTOM_XML=... patch
05:21.22sethronwith what meta-doctor jar?
05:21.54rwhitbyactually, the Pre 3 impersonation page is a good starting point
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05:22.47rwhitbysethron: salted to taste for your device
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05:27.16sethronrwhitby: what script in meta-doctor would be for a Franken Unlocked Pre-?
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05:31.27rwhitbysethron: are you looking at the specific historic version I liked or the latest version of that wiki page?  you don't want the latest version
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05:33.04rwhitbythere is no pre-written script for what you want to do
05:35.37sethronhmm, I may have to push this back for a while. I'm happy with the wifi-only pre with 2.1.0. it sure is tempting. maybe do it at SCALE?
05:36.03ka6sox-awaysethron, do what @ scale?
05:37.15sethrontake a OG pre with a GSM comm board, no power or volume buttons, and put 2.2.4 on it?
05:38.42sethronits currently functioning with 2.1 and delta dagger.
05:39.05ka6sox-awayoh, okay
05:42.35sethronI gotta bounce, have a great new year, y'all.
05:42.51dwc-no buttons as in the physical button is missing but you can trigger the functions? or the electronic bits don't function?
05:44.34sethrondwc: volume buttons shot. power button may be able to toggle, but not probable. it's a true franken.
05:46.01sethronrwhitby: thanks for the link, a frobbing I go.
05:48.36ka6sox-awayjcsullins, you about?
05:49.21ka6sox-awayyou played with the bootargs @ all?
05:50.47ka6sox-awaytrying to see, it looks by default they disable the console.
05:51.15jcsullinsu talking about framebuffer console .. or real console?
05:51.28summatusmentiswait, rwhitby, Tailor is usable?
05:51.35ka6sox-awaysummatusmentis, I use it
05:51.43jcsullinssummatusmentis: me too
05:51.50summatusmentisgrah! I should get on that
05:52.03summatusmentisI hadn't heard anything in a while, and so I assumed it was still in pre-testing phase
05:52.11jcsullinska6sox-away: I have some, but would not know where to expect output ...
05:52.34ka6sox-awayya, we don't know about the pinmuxing
05:52.58ka6sox-awayI should see if its in the boardfile.
05:53.33jcsullinsI might be able to play w/ it some if had an idea what hardware to connect to check for output ...
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05:54.16ka6sox-awayjcsullins, I use my scope and a A/V cable from a camcorder
05:54.44jcsullinshaven't seen anything come out yet, I guess?
05:55.24rwhitbysummatusmentis: I'll move it into the beta feed so you feel better about it ;)
05:55.42ka6sox-awayjcsullins, yes, I have...out of the yellow cable.
05:57.02jcsullinshumm, what pins does the yellow cable connect to ... I think I'd need to hack into a iPhone headphone/mic cable to test ... (thinking that'd work)
05:58.39ka6sox-awayit would be teh "mic" connection
06:03.46jcsullinsis this 3G or wifi tpad your testing with? I think the 3g models shares the CONSOLE_UART RX gpio pin with somethine else ...
06:03.47*** join/#webos-internals Kabaka (~Kabaka@botters/kabaka)
06:03.56Jack87ka6sox-away!!! hello
06:04.24ka6sox-awayJack87, Jack87 ....lets see...I seem to remember someone with that nick....hmmmm....
06:05.11Jack87ka6sox-away, I knew that guy! he smelled funny
06:05.25ka6sox-awayand his mother dressed him funny too.
06:05.35Jack87its true
06:05.47ka6sox-awayare you coming to SCaLE?
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06:07.50dwc-wishes hotels weren't so expensive
06:08.01Jack87ka6sox-away, still up in the air. i wont know till school starts and i have my syllabus
06:08.20ka6sox-awaydwc-, where are you coming from?
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06:08.50rwhitbyjcsullins: I see debug uart as gpio 117 and 118 with no muxing
06:09.12dwc-can't figure out how to justify trying to make work cover some of it :p
06:09.13rwhitby(in gpiomux-tenderloin.c)
06:09.57rrixhmmm, scale
06:10.16wreascale is a little far for me
06:10.36dwc-southwest flies there from you too
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06:17.07Jack87did i say syllabus? i meant syllabuie
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06:30.20keithill be at scale
06:30.29keithwith XBMC, but sure to stop by the webos internals booth too :)
06:35.26b3d0u1nJust got prey working on the tp
06:36.00Jack87is praying to be at scale this year... timing is way off with semester just starting!
06:36.26Jack87lives in Utah
06:40.43rrixneeds to poke some local folks about driving over to SCaLE
06:40.56jcsullinsrwhitby: ahh, this was not in tenderloin kernel src, but 3.0 kernel src (in gpiomux-8x60) ... does not set gpio 117 for console if CONFIG_USB_PEHCI_HCD defined (the 3g module)
06:40.58b3d0u1nwhat is that
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06:51.29ka6sox-awayjcsullins, so that means a 3G TP won't do it eh?
06:52.03rwhitbyka6sox-away: well, that's not in the topaz kernel
06:52.12jcsullinsnot sure if it applies or not ... and it is only the rx line ... just something to consider
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08:09.18ka6sox-awayjcsullins, you still here?
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08:15.40jcsullinska6sox-away: so X1 is TRRS connector?
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08:19.08ka6sox-awayR1 = 0 ohm
08:19.54ka6sox-awayC2-R6 is a Series pass filter
08:20.17ka6sox-awayprobably tuned up for 115.2khz
08:20.35ka6sox-away(or at least above what we could expect to see as "audio"
08:22.07ka6sox-awayI would suspect that Tip is RX from outside
08:22.20ka6sox-awayand R(2) is TX from TP.
08:23.56jcsullinsthat's what u saw on scope? r(2) is mic, right?
08:25.48jcsullinsI need to get some trrs connector that has some real wires coming from it ... don't know if I can solder anything to those el-cheap-o iPhone headset things
08:26.10ka6sox-awaywhat I used for testing was the TRRS from my CamCorder
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08:29.05jcsullinsI would guess connecting to something that does ttl serial would be in order ?
08:30.07jcsullinsor serial at correct voltage, I guess ...
08:30.39ka6sox-awaythe port seems to be 3V
08:33.16jcsullinsI think my arduino might work at 3v
08:35.24ka6sox-away5V..will kill the TP
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08:37.04jcsullinsthen must make sure arduino is @3 NOT 5 :)
08:38.04jcsullinsI would assume 3.3 would be fine ... ?
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08:48.04ka6sox-awayjcsullins, anything?
08:48.42jcsullinsdon't have trrs connector that I can solder to yet ... :(
08:48.50ka6sox-awayah, okay
08:48.54jcsullinsor connect to ...
08:49.04ka6sox-awaywell...I'll keep poking
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08:49.29jcsullinsdo you have something connected that understands serial ... or just scope?
08:50.01ka6sox-awaythe Sleeve is +
08:50.09ka6sox-awayeverything else is -
08:50.36jcsullinsthx. so, I assume nothing reasonable has come out the serial end
08:52.03ka6sox-awayI saw it 1X
08:52.05ka6sox-awaybut never since
08:52.09ka6sox-awaywhich is wierd.
08:52.42jcsullinsit = ? readable output
08:53.10lingfishgack... I'm doctoring to 2.2.4, and seeing this :/
08:53.10lingfishINFO: Customization: $ Open Port /dev/modemdiag Failed(2=No such file or directory)!
08:53.20lingfisheventually it fails... anyone else seen that?
08:54.15lingfishWARNING: Flash Failure
08:54.16lingfisherr -1 "Error Updating Modem PRI/PRL!!!"
08:54.29ka6sox-awayjcsullins, yes, console output
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10:00.42Flashpasshas anyone had the issue of the create function being called twice?
10:01.53jcsullinska6sox-away: hs_uart=1
10:02.40ka6sox-awayI think I need to sort out how the connector is detected and what button to push (before it was a fluke it seems)
10:03.01jcsullinsu tried above on cmdline?
10:03.13ka6sox-awayno, but I could
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10:09.58lingfishCan someone paste the inode entry for /dev/modemdiag from a Pre 2 2.2.x please?
10:10.37ka6sox-awayjcsullins, no joy
10:11.43jcsullinsyeah, looking closer, that only tells kernel to disable headset jack detection
10:12.26ka6sox-awayjcsullins, I suspect that Bootie is doing headset detection and then looking for a button to be pushed or a pin to be grounded.
10:13.29jcsullinsmakes sense
10:30.50ka6sox-awayenough hacking for 1 night
10:47.27rrixka6sox-away: what are you up to, anyways? serial consoles and such, I gather, but consoles for communicating in which direction?
10:47.45rrixLike, are you communicating with outside consoles or is it an interface in to the device?
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11:49.22Jack87ka6sox-away, go sleep
11:59.11rwhitbyrrix: serial console for more extreme kernel hacking
11:59.33rrixfun stuff
11:59.41rrixholds the kernel at arm's length
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15:17.00samthewildoneSo I installed PreWare and nothing special...
15:17.12samthewildonejust got an overclocked brick with a few patches...
15:17.39samthewildoneWish there was a dedicated youtube app like all the other tablets. Chris.... even the playbook has a dedicated youtube app.
15:20.52dwc-I don't know why they got rid of it in 3..., I liked the app
15:26.21jtrucksthe youtube site works just fine though
15:27.22dwc-it does work ok, but I prefer the trimmed down app UI ... and that it fed the mp4 instead of the flash video
15:28.20jtrucksgood point on the file format
15:29.23PuffTheMagic_wTerm has hit beta feeds
15:29.42dwc-gj autobuilder
15:30.11jtrucksis that a webos terminal app, so I wouldn't have to use X and xterm?
15:31.11PuffTheMagic_jtrucks: its not complete yet
15:31.17PuffTheMagic_it based on old sdlterminal
15:31.23PuffTheMagic_but sdlterminal fails most of vttest
15:31.27PuffTheMagic_idk how people put up with that
15:31.42PuffTheMagic_jtrucks: but wterm is an enyo hybrid app
15:31.55PuffTheMagic_with builtin vkb
15:32.11PuffTheMagic_arrows, function, alt,ctrl,esc etc
15:32.21jtrucksnow that's badass.
15:32.27jtrucksespecially esc
15:32.29jtrucksand alt
15:32.36PuffTheMagic_well alt dont do shit yet
15:32.40PuffTheMagic_idk what it should send
15:32.41jtrucksI really with the HP BT keyboard had esc
15:32.51PuffTheMagic_someone suggested it should send \033
15:34.43PuffTheMagic_jtrucks: ya so i will be working on getting wterm to pass everything in vttest to make irssi and color htop work perfectly
15:34.51PuffTheMagic_then i will get on to more UI related stuff
15:34.59jtrucksirssi is my holy grail on that :)
15:35.14jtrucksif I could write code worth a shit, I'd have already worked on this.
15:35.20jtrucksbut you really don't want me coding
15:35.27jtrucksI'm a good tester though :)
15:37.46jtrucksthis is my irssi setup:
15:37.52jtrucksit uses a lot of colors in other windows though
15:38.03jtrucksand now nicks get auto-assigned colors in channels.
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15:43.09PuffTheMagic_well working on irssi is sorta anti wIRC, but irssi and htop use nearly all xterm escape codes
15:43.13PuffTheMagic_so they are good tests
15:45.01Brybrywterm related: pipe on the keyboard was outputting as 0 yesterday but otherwise I haven't really had much of a chance to look at it
15:45.34Brybrybeen banging my head against liblunaservice/lunaservice.h (with decent success)
15:50.19PuffTheMagic_oh yeah
15:50.24PuffTheMagic_i have to fix some of those
15:50.41PuffTheMagic_Brybry: those are valid bug reports if u want to mark all those down that do that
15:50.55PuffTheMagic_put them all in 1 ticket
15:51.26jtrucksi have to use irssi since all my staff related scripts and authentication (including requiring coming from certain static IPs to get my oper privs) are all setup on my server's irssi config.
15:51.43jtruckswirc is fine for just dropping in quickly but for serious IRC work, it isn't enough for me :(
15:51.48jtrucksno other client is really.
15:52.25jtrucksI believe I paid for the wIRC app...
15:52.29jtrucksgoes to check
15:52.34PuffTheMagic_jtrucks: well start testing irssi with wterm
15:52.40jtrucksI will :)
15:52.52jtruckslater today I'll fire up the wifi hotspot on my phone and give it a spin
15:52.57PuffTheMagic_i only really want to hear about vkb issues
15:53.08PuffTheMagic_at this time
15:53.16PuffTheMagic_as i am working on on the VT commands
15:55.03rrixoh nice, PuffTheMagic_ finally strangled sdlterminal in to working?
15:55.10rrixI gave up on even trying to build that thing :\
15:55.20rrixgives his hugs to PuffTheMagic_
15:55.43Brybryit was really very simple =x
15:56.02Brybrygood ol' case sensitive bugs
15:56.51rrixfiddles with his friend's thingomatic
15:58.02PuffTheMagic_rrix: ya Brybry figured out the secret to getting the jailer happy
15:58.12rrixY'all rock :)
15:58.22PuffTheMagic_i already had the plugin/hybrid enyo stuff working
15:58.31PuffTheMagic_just needed the jailer to be happy
15:59.29PuffTheMagic_i just cant believe people put up with sdlterminal as it was
15:59.54PuffTheMagic_people must not have used it seriously
16:00.11PuffTheMagic_but then again, i guess its sorta hard to use seriously on a phone sized screen
16:00.18rrixYeah, kinda is.
16:00.18PuffTheMagic_esp in portrait mode
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16:09.20comhackOk, so I ended up somehow borking WebOS install on my Touchpad 32gb and tried to run WebOS Doctor to restore it. Anyway, I attemped this numerous times and it completes fine but then I get the HP logo for a few seconds and then it looks like it restarts. So pretty much, the HP logo keeps flashing on and off. Anyway, I know this device is next to impossible to brick. So can anyone point me into the another way to restore the device to
16:09.35comhackI setup Archlinux on the touchpad alongside Android/WebOS and then when I rebooted into WebOS, all of my icons were missing so I tried to tried to restore it using WebOS and that is when this started happening. I am currently in USB mode but do not know what else to do considering webos Doctor is not working. I run LInux on my desktop machines but do have a Win7 partition if needed. Can anyone point me into the right direction to man
16:10.02comhackAlso, I have tried this numerous times with the same results
16:10.31comhackI have usb access enabled so there has to be a way to manually do this
16:17.02comhackI have novaterm installed and running    I am reading the man page for that
16:18.17comhackoff to work for a few hours   Will read the scroll
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16:48.31RagingMindhow well does the webos doctor handle devices with custom partition layouts?
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16:54.10fudge_I have a couple palm pre- motherboards for sale
16:54.17fudge_anyone intrested?
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17:02.45dwc-RagingMind: works fine, as long as there's enough space free
17:05.48dwc-PuffTheMagic_: was sdlterminal better or worse than terminus?
17:07.55dwc-comhack: are you running the doctor from the command line? if so, pastebin the output... if not, do so
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17:14.55PuffTheMagic_dwc-: much better, terminus was based on an abandoned terminal project by the E17 devs using evas/sdl
17:15.02PuffTheMagic_it was software rendering based
17:15.13PuffTheMagic_and i never ran vttest on it
17:15.17PuffTheMagic_that was long ago
17:15.23PuffTheMagic_there are 2 other sdl terminals
17:15.28PuffTheMagic_sdlterm and sdlterminal
17:15.39PuffTheMagic_sdlterm is also software based and slow
17:15.51PuffTheMagic_sdlterminal is GL based and FAST
17:16.19PuffTheMagic_i dont think i've ever talked to the devs of either of the last 2 i mentioned
17:16.35PuffTheMagic_but sdlterminal is def the best platform to move forward with
17:18.31dwc-well, when I got my phone back in feb, (ok end of january, last scale) I think I tried every single terminal
17:18.43dwc-sdlterminal I don't think I ever got working
17:19.23dwc-and it's 2.x so no old-terminal, so it was terminus with the broken redraw and the old xterm
17:20.42PuffTheMagic_well, to be honest, wterm support on phones isnt super high on my priority list,
17:20.50PuffTheMagic_it someone wants join in and help in that thats cool
17:21.11dwc-yea, you with your pixi =]
17:21.41PuffTheMagic_well i have enyo on my pixi
17:21.44PuffTheMagic_so, it would work
17:21.59PuffTheMagic_its just that any phone the screen space is too small to do anything
17:22.18PuffTheMagic_the layout i have now on the TP is 145x30
17:22.28PuffTheMagic_which makes most apps happy
17:22.30dwc-pfft, I do all sorts of things, missing a number of the useful keys anyways =]
17:22.51PuffTheMagic_dwc-: well then help with wterm on phones ;)
17:23.13PuffTheMagic_fork it on github and send me pull requests
17:23.20PuffTheMagic_i do need to add code to hide the vkb
17:23.31PuffTheMagic_and to handle orientation changes and resizing
17:23.44dwc-61x46 in terminus, 51x36 in xterm. using screen in terminus doesn't work so well, heh
17:24.29PuffTheMagic_well the font in wterm is pretty short
17:24.57PuffTheMagic_if I figure out why the erase commands dont work right i will add the resizing code
17:25.03PuffTheMagic_and the orientation and vkb hiding stuff
17:25.07PuffTheMagic_unless u want to get started on that
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17:26.45PuffTheMagic_dwc-: wterm/sdlterminal also uses TTF fonts
17:26.49PuffTheMagic_so changing font size is easy
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17:27.06PuffTheMagic_right now its on 12pt
17:29.25PuffTheMagic_get 204x35 with 10pt
17:29.37RichT23arrr meta-doctor has moved to git hub =)
17:32.55dwc-PuffTheMagic_: we'll see... I certainly wouldnt' mind working toward a better terminal for my own use
17:33.34dwc-should be able to save some real estate on the phones... don't need a full vkb
17:33.54PuffTheMagic_i plan on adding some different layouts
17:33.59PuffTheMagic_like portrait mode needs a new one
17:34.14PuffTheMagic_and phones might just need 1 thin row of special keys
17:34.49PuffTheMagic_dwc-: having a parter in crime helps me keep momentum
17:35.00dwc-blame oil?
17:36.06PuffTheMagic_i mean projects like freeTether and wIRC had help with
17:36.16PuffTheMagic_and they came out good and fairly complete
17:36.37PuffTheMagic_Tide and Mendeley are in limbo cause i have no one to keep me motivated
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17:46.00PuffTheMagic_does wTerm show up in preware for anyone?
17:52.07wreaPuffTheMagic, Its there for me
17:53.16dwc-hold on, gotta re-add the beta feeds
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18:03.30dwc-yep I have it, and I can even update it from whatever version you gave me before
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18:08.36oilsworkndont blame oil
18:09.50wreai thought the saying was "when in doubt, blame oil"
18:10.12oilsworknthat was never the saying
18:12.14wreaIf I say it enough, it'll catch on, I'm sure :P
18:24.18RichT23humm this `zip` app that meta-doctor uses, its not a standard app
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18:24.34RichT23can we get the meta-doc wiki page updated please ;)
18:24.51RichT23i dont seem to have permsions to fix it =)
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18:37.28dwc-drop 'ka6sox-away' and 'rwhitby' and your wiki username in chat/pm and one of them will fix it
18:37.39dwc-and the zip app is a command line tool
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18:56.10comhackdwc-: just got home  will do that
18:56.11RichT23thanks dwc- =)
18:56.30RichT23and good idea =)
18:57.38RichT23rwhitby: ka6sox-away: can you please add `sudo apt-get install zip` to the Linux section of the Application:MetaDoctor wiki page =)
18:58.03RichT23rwhitby: ka6sox-away: just becouse it not a "standard" app ;)
19:01.05ka6sox-awayRichT23, why?
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19:03.04RichT23well `zip` is not included in most linux os as standard
19:03.46RichT23and the instructions include git and sun java, so why not another required app?
19:04.48comhackits running now dwc-
19:05.24dwc-RichT23: ohhh, I didn't read that correctly, I thought you meant the zip app on webos
19:05.32dwc-oh well, nevermind
19:06.08RichT23oh no, the zip app used during meta-doctors make
19:06.15dwc-yea, I see that now
19:06.32dwc-hm, in theory, the dependency on 'zip' could be easily removed and replaced with 'jar'
19:07.58RichT23thats a good point, i did not look at why zip was being used
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19:23.08comhackdwc-: Here is my output from Doctor
19:23.32comhackINFO: Flash End time (Success)1325186201870
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19:46.52PuffTheMagic_Brybry: just fixed those key issues so u dont need to file a bug
19:47.06PuffTheMagic_they will work in 0.1.7 which im pushing to autobuilder
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19:51.30comhackugh this sux
19:52.05comhackI am reading the log but I do not see an issue
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22:34.01RagingMindpre3 ordered :)
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23:38.54lingfishWow... loving how the Palm Profile site is still broken
23:39.12lingfishRagingMind: nice one.. you'll love it :D
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