IRC log for #webos-internals on 20111114

00:18.15*** join/#webos-internals Darkmagister (
00:39.04astruasdhhow can I read the documentation about the globalization framework? I did not understand the us.states.json file
00:48.36rwhitbyastruasdh: there is none
00:49.15astruasdhrwhitby: ow :( I am screwed... who can help me with that? maybe some email for me to send or something...
00:49.31rwhitbyno-one has decoded it
00:52.42astruasdhrwhitby: I noticed that, for the area code to work, it is needed the .areas.json... but it is simply. But without the .states file it does not work. Is there another filed that I can use as a prefix that does not need .areas.json nor .staes.json?
00:53.01rwhitbyno idea
00:53.25rwhitbythat area is a black hole
00:54.38astruasdhI am almost there... all I need is to use a 5 digits prefix instead of the 3 one used by us locale... but it will not be that simple
00:56.01astruasdhI will try use cic or service code instead of the area code... this workaround would save me
00:58.16*** join/#webos-internals mischko (
01:00.48ka6soxrwatkins, unfortunately I am not a admin for the patch portal (well I am but I have no clue as to how to run it :D )
01:21.11astruasdhrwhitby: trying now with a dummy array [-1,-1,-1,-1......-1]
01:22.36astruasdhworking, I will generate a file for brazil with dummy values and my problem is solved
01:33.02astruasdhhaha wtf... I removed (201) and it keeps accepting
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02:34.43rwatkinska6sox: ok thanks.  guess I'll just wait a few days and see.  not really clear who to followup with.
02:38.25*** join/#webos-internals Stick36 (
02:44.08*** join/#webos-internals EricBlade-TP (
02:44.20EricBlade-TPhi ev1
02:53.23rwhitbyrwatkins: that would be me in general
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03:02.09astruasdhsconix: did you work with phone format? why when I start with a number less than 201 it is not recognized as area code?
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03:12.34dwc-what is your localization settings set to?
03:12.47dwc-it won't show up as a US/canada area code because none of them start with 1xx
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03:41.42rwatkinsrwhitby: so .. patch queue .. sent one in the other night.  should be a routine one
03:41.54rwhitbyyep, should get to it today
04:42.31*** join/#webos-internals astruasdh (bd26b3d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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04:42.52astruasdhdwc-: Brazil... but the isnt Brazil in the list
04:43.26astruasdhdwc-: no phones here start with 0 also.... but I to make calls, I am supposed to start with 0 for non-local calls
04:49.24astruasdhaustralias does have an area code starting with 0... i will check this case
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05:04.16astruasdhhmmm 0 is the trunk code
05:08.11*** part/#webos-internals EricBlade-TP (
05:16.47astruasdhok... 0 is the trunk code... now the probelem is the area code... where the hack webos gets its values?
05:23.35astruasdhsconix: what is you webos version?
05:27.47astruasdhsome of you with webos 3 could, please, tell me if this file exists? /usr/palm/frameworks/globalization/submission/31/formats/br.json
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05:31.44dwc-I only have 4/4 and 48/
05:32.53rwhitbyastruasdh: note that you can unpack a webOS doctor to find those things out yourself
05:33.49astruasdhhmmm where can I download it?
05:33.58astruasdhdwc-: 44 and 48 instead of 31... ?
05:35.00astruasdhdwc-: awesome! please, could you enter in 44/formats and 48/formats and check if there is a br.json?
05:35.11dwc-there isn't
05:36.16dwc-oh, nevermind
05:36.33dwc-48/formats/[stuff but not br]
05:36.56astruasdhI set up the area code with 4 digits... and change the .area.json, but it does not work, helll!
05:37.16rwhitbyastruasdh: google "webos internals webos doctor"
05:37.18dwc-what do you have, a touchpad?
05:37.24astruasdhdwc-: veer
05:37.42dwc-then what I have on my touchpad on 3.0 is probably not as relevant to you
05:37.51dwc-but, there isn't anything for you to copy
05:37.58dwc-from 3.0 it looks like
05:38.31astruasdhwhat is the best version for me to try?
05:38.42astruasdhI mean, the latest version that runs on cellphones
05:38.51dwc-the veer is only known to run 2.1.0,2.1.1,2.1.2, iirc
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05:39.03rwhitbyif you actually read that page, it will be obvious
05:39.37astruasdhbut it does not need to be veer compatible... any other version should work because all I need is to copy brazilian phone number format
05:40.10dwc-that's what I said... less useful, nothing to copy from 3
05:40.57rwhitbybrazil phone numbers are not supported in webOS
05:41.10dwc-(whoops, why did I include 2.1.0 on that list, brainfart, must be time to go sleep)
05:42.47astruasdhrwhitby: hmmm so I have to add it. the way webos matches the calling phone against the contact list is very strange
05:54.13astruasdhrwhitby: the webos developers email is available somewhere?
06:00.40hewballrwhitby: new uberkernel on default uberkernel profile on the pre3 is alot better on battery life
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06:27.48astruasdh1 webos x 0 astruasdh
06:29.56ka6soxastruasdh, most days its webos 42, ka6sox 0
06:30.31astruasdhhaha... yeah
06:30.56astruasdhthe json file is well configures but nothing works :(
06:31.08astruasdhI think my veer will be used as a paer weight
06:31.37ka6soxnaw, give it a bit of time
06:31.59EricBladefrom what i hear those veers wouldn't even make a very good paper weight
06:32.40EricBladeomfg i am getting so angry at my gf's touchpad.  come home at 1:00am, and the alarm on it is still going.  silently.  that it started at noon.
06:32.43ka6soxEricBlade, I love mine
06:32.46ka6soxuse it all the time
06:32.55EricBladeka6sox: yeah i was referring to it's weight :)
06:33.01ka6soxmy son even has written apps for it.
06:34.11EricBladeattempting to use lcars clock as it's alarm, it works fine on my touchpad, but on hers, it's like there are two completely different versions of it that run, one in exhibition, and one outside of it, and the alarm on one of them is always silent
06:34.34ka6soxand the volume in general is UP?
06:34.42EricBladetouchvol says the volume on everything is on max
06:34.52ka6soxI had lcars do that when I accidentally muted
06:35.06ka6soxsomething causes it to mute...and I dont' know why
06:35.24EricBladei completely removed the app last night, reset all the volumes, rebooted, reinstalled the app, and it was working fine in testing.  by the time noon rolled around, it was completely silent in exhibition mode
06:35.34ka6soxEricBlade, the exhibition is wierd.
06:35.43ka6soxI take it off the TS and it works fine.
06:35.55ka6soxon, it doesn't
06:36.25EricBladei wonder if touchstone exhibition differs from "Start Exhibition"
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06:48.03astruasdhugly implementations: the country codes are harcoded in the code!
06:55.33astruasdhhmmm maybe I found the function that matches phone number
06:55.49astruasdhcompare() at phone.js
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07:14.55astruasdhrwhitby: please, modifying the .js files is enough or do I need to compile or something?
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08:43.06astruasdhwhere the contacts is associated with the incoming call?
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08:53.47astruasdhwhere the contacts is associated with the incoming call?
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10:48.46maxexclooHey, I just used WebOS Doctor to wipe my TouchPad to 3.0.4 and now I have a message on my TouchPad saying that the HP App Catalog Download Failed
10:48.55maxexclooI've tried about 10 times now
10:48.59maxexclooand every time is the same
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10:52.01maxexclooNo one able to help?
10:52.06maxexclooThis issue has me stumped
10:55.36ka6soxhave you looked in the wiki? checked the forums? asked google?
10:58.57ka6soxNET "*ENRS"             LOC = "S:PIN 18";
11:00.55maxexclooI have
11:01.03maxexclooI've googled it many times
11:02.04ka6soxthe wiki?
11:05.00maxexclooI figured Google would have turned them up
11:05.00maxexclooI'll look now, thanks :)
11:08.28ka6soxfocus should follow eyes...not mouse
11:14.19maxexclooI can't seem to find anything unfortunately :|
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11:15.23ka6soxthen start a thread in the forums and see if anybody else has experience with that.
11:15.49ka6soxbe specific, write down the steps you did, exactly
11:16.16maxexclooI just posted into the other channels
11:16.17ka6soxif you used any other tools like meta-doctor write down any options you used for that too.
11:37.43*** join/#webos-internals Darkmagister (
11:41.45RichT23maxexcloo: have you set your time / date corectly
11:42.16RichT23i noted the official app cat, does that when they local time /date is out
11:42.53maxexclooI haven't touched it
11:43.09maxexclooBut the battery did die at one point
11:43.23maxexclooBut why would that cause the HP app market to fail to run
11:43.34RichT23try setting time/date then and see if that works
11:43.44maxexclooI just reinstalled again
11:43.47maxexclooBut I will
11:44.07maxexclooIt's wrong, maybe you're onto something
11:54.03maxexclooRichT23, didn't work :}
11:55.33RichT23Worth a try ;)
11:55.41RichT23did you restart ;)
11:56.31RichT23were you hopping on one leg whist you did it?
11:57.00maxexclooI was breakdancing
11:58.55RichT23close enough ;)#
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12:13.22rwhitbythe wrong date causes the SSL certification verification to fail, breaking communications with the palm app catalog servers.
12:20.21maxexclooah ok
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14:28.38hewballcant seem to find the pre3 uboot image, anyone point me in the right direction?
14:28.49hewballer uimage
14:42.46hewballahh that was easier compiled my own
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16:00.47RichT23rwhitby: arr thats why, i did wonder what is was. =)
16:01.35RichT23Oh did anything come out of the "Palm" All hands meeting?
16:02.26summatusmentisRichT23: if by anything you mean "we don't have a decision yet, hang tight", then yes
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16:08.55RichT23arr ok then, well at least it wasnt feck you all are are taking it DOWN ;?)
16:10.07RichT23i think that will be fine as ling as they pay each "palm" user $10,000,000 per device they own ;)
16:11.38summatusmentisyeah, they said "this is hard, we don't know, but we want to do this right"
16:12.21RichT23the battle for smart phone OS is far far far from over
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16:14.26RichT23not sure why "palm" drops of that graph in June 2011
16:15.08summatusmentiswell, they did say in the all hands meeting that "if we continue with webOS, it will be tablets. phones complicate things"
16:15.16summatusmentisor some such
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16:16.26summatusmentisquite frankly though, that "blue ocean" is probably at least partially driven by data costs
16:17.11RichT23ya, but data costs will come down
16:17.15RichT23and that is US only
16:18.02summatusmentisdata costs will come down? they haven't yet
16:18.05RichT23and as "new" phones all become "smart"
16:18.08summatusmentisif anything they've gone up
16:18.18RichT23well they have in the UK
16:18.35RichT23it use to be if you wanted data it was an extra pack on to of normal
16:18.49RichT23now you get X data included in most contracts
16:19.19RichT23my personal phone is a PAYG, and i get 500Mb a month included
16:20.06RichT23i remember not that log ago they were trying to charge me B#1 a day up to 5Mb then B#1 a Mb after that
16:21.16summatusmentisthat is decided not what goes on here
16:21.18panelhi, when I install HP webOS skd if will not istall novacom driver too ?
16:21.28summatusmentis"here" being the US
16:22.18FrostRichT23: how much do you pay for that?
16:29.30RichT23Frost: if i top up by B#10 a month i get the 500Mb of data
16:29.36RichT23for "free"
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16:29.50RichT23and like 500 txt's
16:30.37RichT23plus the B#10 goes on your call crdit
16:33.19FrostAh... It's kinda interesting to compare these things. I saw an offer of 1k minutes, 1k texts and 1GB data per month for 99 SEK today (which ~9.3 GBP)
16:34.03Frostno, no "free" minutes btw, it was flatrate, with flat being 0.
16:34.41Frostgaah.. I can't brain today. My grammar is broken.
16:35.59RichT23Frost: thats a good deal
16:36.03RichT23any how
16:36.04FrostAnyway, my point is that data rates aren't that ridiculously high over here :)
16:36.11RichT23home time
16:36.33RichT23ya most of mailland europ its protty cheep
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16:54.04joem_workscumbag siri :D
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17:02.56summatusmentisthat's... I don't see the humor
17:03.12summatusmentisSiri was developed with the help of the people who did WA and things
17:03.19summatusmentisit's sort of intended to be that way
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17:51.02astruasdhplease, what is the function used to match discover the contact that is calling?
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18:40.14angelote23900sometido Sant yo tell me ha presten preward
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18:54.25hapeHi I build vpnc with the wipdk. I run into the problem that it builds against but on the pre 3 we have
18:54.32hapeHow can I fix this?
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19:04.17ka6soxset dependency on >=.13?
19:04.28ka6soxor are they significantly different.
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19:24.05hapeI think I found the problem but I do not know how to fix it
19:24.15hapeCRYPTO_LDADD = $(shell pkg-config --libs gnutls)
19:24.48hapeis in the makefile. I think it get the info from my system and not from thesb2 crosscompile enviroment
19:25.13hapeas result it builds against the wrong libs
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19:37.58wreahape, i doubt its building against the one on your system
19:38.52wreayou'll need to update the version used as the one built is
19:42.23hapewrea: stupid question, how do I do this?
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20:17.27hapeok, problem solfed
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21:18.47ka6soxhape, what was issue?
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21:25.23error454Is uberkernel based off the base kernel source from palm or from I'm curious if it's possible to get the bluetooth module bluetooth.ko included.
21:26.17VICODANumm i believe bluetooth works with uberkenel?
21:27.05error454I'm not concerned with that
21:28.32VICODANwhats the problem?
21:29.39error454I need bluetooth modules to run bluez utilities
21:35.38error454CONFIG_BT=m would be a start and possibly all that's needed
21:51.25VICODANhave you looked at meta-doctor or recompiling the kernel?
21:55.31error454compiling isn't the issue, distribution is the issue
21:57.25VICODANwell i dont know enough to help you
21:57.37VICODANi thought it was a flag you could set in the makefile and recompile the kernel
21:58.30error454No problem, yeah it's no problem to compile the bluetooth stuff in but a homebrew app distributing kernel modules would be problematic.  For widespread distribution, I'd need uberkernel to adopt it
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22:01.12linuxjacqueserror454: if you could get an alternate bt stack working, I'm pretty sure at least one kernel would adopt it
22:01.47error454linuxjacques: Are there any wiki details on the existing stack? I just don't understand why they didn't use bluez
22:01.48linuxjacquesalternate bt stack (one supporting mice and game controllers) is very high on my wish list for the TP
22:02.07error454wiimote is reason I'm doing this
22:02.45linuxjacqueserror454: I have found very few details on the proprietary stack. I think they did it that was for more control of the features/functionality
22:02.57error454I just need enough details to remove the existing stack
22:03.38linuxjacquesit's been a while since I looked at it
22:03.54error454I'll look through their kernel patches and see if it's obvious
22:05.56linuxjacquesgood plan
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22:12.56ka6soxerror454, for which device?
22:13.49error454ka6sox: touchpad
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23:29.36*** join/#webos-internals Saij (
23:31.00nightburnrwhitby: you doing patches right now  ?
23:31.17nightburnapproving them that is  ?
23:33.03nightburni just got the denial email for custom browser gestures and 3.0.2
23:33.13nightburnthe update i submitted was specific to 3.0.4
23:33.33rwhitbyyou marked it for 3.0.2 and 3.0.4 - it failed on 3.0.2
23:33.48rwhitbyif it's only for 3.0.4, then only tick 3.0.4
23:33.49nightburnoops, i didn't mean to mark it 3.0.2
23:34.13nightburnShould I resubmit it ?
23:36.50*** join/#webos-internals jmichaelx (~james@
23:38.20nightburnrwhitby: alright, i submitted it again, sorry about that.
23:41.07rwhitbyare you going to update the 3.0.2 version too?
23:43.32*** join/#webos-internals YeahRight_ (
23:51.37*** join/#webos-internals oldtopman (
23:51.38*** join/#webos-internals oldtopman (~oldtopman@unaffiliated/oldtopman)

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