IRC log for #webos-internals on 20111013

00:00.14*** part/#webos-internals resistivecorpse (
00:00.45XuzzSo I'm probably way behind on this, but that new maps app uses Enyo, right?
00:00.54XuzzBut it's in the Pixi too?
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00:44.50rwhitbyXuzz: yes, it includes an Enyo install
00:44.59Xuzzooh, very cool
00:45.18rwhitbyI expect it's Palm's way of getting Enyo out to developers without having to go through an OTA approval process
00:45.22rwhitbyVery clever I think.
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00:46.35XuzzSimilar to Android's use of market forced upgrades for security fixes rather than using a real upgrade.
00:47.56FrostI like it, even though I can't type åöä in any enyo apps on my pre2.
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02:26.46*** join/#webos-internals balrog (
02:26.51balrogis preware down?
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02:35.21nlweenanyone help me out with a question?
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02:48.58joeythis shiz dead?
02:49.14dtzWillmmmmmmmmm enyo on my veer
02:49.20dtzWillom nom nom so tasty.
02:49.36Guest58829fap fap fap so fappy
02:49.46halfhalodtzWill NO ENYO 4 U
02:49.50dtzWillshrug, the maps update sure seems rather enyo-esque, and it's nice.
02:50.20Guest58829is everyone having issues with feeds?
02:50.54balrogumm, the maps update is enyo, isn't it
02:51.23dtzWillsure seems like it, just haven't verified it myself.  works rather well in my brief testing
02:51.48balrogit is
02:52.17balrogI cannot update preware feeds though
02:52.19balroganyone know why?
02:52.42Abyssulhaha, I royally screwed up the maps app for my Pre2. Wont even open
02:53.13dtzWillbalrog: seems up here, what's failing?
02:53.18balrogwget fails
02:53.29balrogunable to run command ...
02:53.33kostkaguys, about the Maps apps
02:53.45balroghmm hold on
02:53.49kostkacan I change it back to GoogleMaps after update to new Bing Maps?
02:54.11dtzWillkostka: not yet, not as an option they give you AFAICT
02:54.21balrogdtzWill: bad address
02:54.28balrogweb works
02:54.35dtzWilli'd imagine you could rip the maps app out of a doctor and replace it or something.
02:54.35kostkadtzWill: thanks
02:54.42dtzWillbut ymmv, etc
02:55.11AbyssulI might have to try that
02:55.21AbyssulInstall google maps and reinstall bings
02:57.05AbyssulDeleting the maps app does not remove the Enyo framework
02:57.25AbyssulSo you could essentially update enyo with the app and then remove it to install Google Maps
02:57.40dtzWilloh if you remove it it installs google maps again?
02:57.47dtzWillthat's what kostka was asking.  I don't know.
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02:58.10AbyssulNo it doesnt
02:58.12kostkadtzWill: no, already remove BingMaps.. but GoogleMaps not come back.. yet :D
02:58.24AbyssulIm talking about if you manually install the google maps with a ipk
02:58.34balrogdtzWill: is precentral up?
02:58.36AbyssulIt does not come back so you are left with nothing
02:58.38balrogerr preware
02:58.49kostkaAbyssul: I'm trying to locate the GoogleMaps.ipk right now
02:58.50dtzWillbalrog: precentral is up here, as are the feeds
02:59.04dtzWill you can verify yourself locally, etc
02:59.21balrogdtzWill: I put that in the browser and "unable to resolve host"
02:59.23dtzWilldoesn't sound preware related, sounds like some network issue on your device.
02:59.30dtzWillregardless of it being up, should definitely /resolve/
02:59.46balrogusing dig to query it returns no A record
02:59.52balrogeven against DNS server
03:00.08dtzWillthat's not true here, using same server >_>
03:00.52balrogit works from elsewhere though
03:01.00dtzWill etc
03:01.08dtzWillah, hmm.
03:01.16balrogit's not on the touchpad that's for sure
03:01.35balrogI am behind AT&T's 3G NAT, so they may be screwing with dns responses :[
03:01.46dtzWillsounds like a local networking issue, why you explicitly hitting the dns server for a query fails is bizarre though
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03:02.03dtzWillsurely they wouldn't intercept traffic like that? :/
03:02.09balrogwho knows.
03:02.13dtzWillindeed :).
03:02.22halfhaloit IS att after all
03:02.54balrogbtw, I'm hearing that the sprint iphone will have the GSM portion carrier locked. is this common for Sprint?
03:03.10dtzWill(idk, /me wanders off)
03:03.36AbyssulStill have Google Maps in my Just Type
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03:05.36kostkaAbyssul, still can't find the GoogleMaps.ipk in doctor file.. could u please packed up the .ipk from existing installation?
03:06.50AbyssulI just searched. The app is preinstalled with no ipk
03:06.57Abyssullike all the other stock apps
03:07.39kostkaah ic
03:10.07AbyssulIt works
03:10.25AbyssulPackage the com.palm.maps folder from usr/palm/applications
03:10.49AbyssulUse Jason's Ipk Packager and install with WOSQI
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03:12.41AbyssulI refuse to doctor just to get Bing Maps working...
03:13.38ashi_hi from webos meetup in Sunnyvale.
03:14.24kostkawow, thanks Abyssul .. will try that right now
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03:16.34AbyssulI dont know if its only working because I cant get Bing to work though
03:19.43AbyssulI dont have a maps.list in my ipkg folder
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04:14.10kostkaAbyssul, haha.. fool me. how can I package the already removed GoogleMaps from my own device
04:14.14kostkaneed another device
04:15.32AbyssulNo, you use 7zip to extract from the .jar
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04:17.55zambaboohi all
04:19.12zambabooim on ubuntu lucid amd 64bit, using java 1.6, trying to install preware on my touchpad using the quickinstaller as such java -jar WebOSQuickInstall-4.2.3.jar
04:19.51zambaboodeveloper mode is enabled. this operation hangs for 10-15 minutes before i canceled it with a control-c.
04:19.58zambabooany ideas as to why it might hang?
04:21.55zambaboonovacomd is running, i just verified that
04:23.30ka6sox-awayI use the SDK and have no problems.  we don't specific ally support quickinstall here but some have used it.
04:23.43zambaboofair enough
04:25.24zambabooomg console.
04:25.57zambaboothis is pretty awesome, folks. pardon the gushing, i just got the device(s) in the mail today and i cant get my hands off of it.
04:26.41ka6sox-awayzamaboo, which device(s)?
04:26.52zambabooka6sox-away, touchpads
04:27.12ka6sox-awaywhat do you plan on doing with them?
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04:27.48LarrySteezeother than using them, of course ;-)
04:28.02LarrySteezepokes ka6sox
04:28.42zambaboousing the living crap out of them? ive always wanted a reader. this thing, apparently, can run ubuntu. this means i can work on it.
04:28.48zambaboomeetings and such.
04:28.59zambabooone is for me, the other is for the missus.
04:29.27zambabooah preware, why would you install correctly from the command line...
04:29.28*** join/#webos-internals patrickc (~patrickc@unaffiliated/patrick-c/x-9440769)
04:29.29LarrySteezeare you new to webos?
04:29.33zambaboothat i am.
04:29.38zambaboohowever im not new to linux
04:29.38LarrySteezeyou'll like xecutah
04:30.02zambabooi already like the brooklyn accent name
04:30.19LarrySteezeI like to think of it as a boston accent :P
04:30.49zambabooor that, yes. pahk the cah and what not.
04:30.51LarrySteezeimpostah, govnah, all of 'em
04:31.09patrickcok.. anyone with a pre3 just install the new maps app?
04:31.24LarrySteezeslaps patrickc around a bit with a large trout
04:31.36patrickchey LarrySteeze
04:31.40patrickchow goes it?
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04:35.13zambabooawk: /tmp/org.webosinternals.Packages: No such file or directory
04:44.05kostkapatrickc, I did on my Pre2, delete it, and now decided to go back to GoogleMaps :D
04:45.00zambaboooh god. an addon that works with calibre.
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04:52.23zambaboook im too lazy for this ubuntuchroot thing
04:53.07ka6sox-awayzambaboo, if you are starting off and don't have anything important
04:53.20ka6sox-awayjust use meta doctor to partition it.
04:53.47zambaboosee thats the 'im lazy' part
04:55.19zambabooi know man
04:55.45halfhalotrust me, i'm way lazier than you are and i managed to do it.
04:55.58ka6sox-awayzambaboo, I do mine about 1X/week
04:56.06zambaboowhy so often?
04:56.13ka6sox-away(usually because something I'm testing has blown up.
04:56.33zambaboo(im lazy, plus the missus is watching something on netflix and that kills my bandwidth dead)
04:57.20ka6sox-awayokay, wait till tommorrow, download the doctor and do it!~
04:58.06zambabooso.. can someone elaborate on the 'security constraints' bit and why i have to run xterm from within xecutah?
04:58.41ka6sox-awaydo you want random carp running on your TP from unknown sources?
04:59.02ka6sox-away(plus, xecutah starts the xserver then attaches to the app)
04:59.11zambaboook, makes sense.
04:59.29LarrySteezezambaboo: there's an easy way to fix your bandwidth problem
04:59.48ka6sox-awayworking on XApps that will add functionality that is missing currently from the thousands of apps in x-windows.
05:00.15zambabooLarrySteeze, what, smack the missus, problem solved?
05:00.27LarrySteezezambaboo: are you running a separate dhcp server or is it the router dhcp you are using?
05:00.48LarrySteezeand what is she using to stream netflix?
05:01.16zambaboousing a router and its' dhcp. had i been less lazy, id configure qos on it. but im lazy.
05:01.28zambabooshe's using a roku box.
05:01.31LarrySteezeqos is easy
05:01.55LarrySteezeand the set-top boxes tend to use more bandwidth than necessary for netflix
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05:02.48LarrySteezefor example: pulling a 1080 stream for a movie that is only available in 720, while the box is also only capable of 720 output
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05:03.07zambaboough seriously?
05:03.40LarrySteezeand most of the time, streaming 1080 is pointless anyways because it doesn't get rendered as such anyway
05:04.18LarrySteezeif your router doesn't have dd-wrt or openwrt on it already, get it flashed and qos it already
05:04.28ka6sox-awayyes, but they can *claim* to stream 1080p
05:04.51LarrySteezeyour wife won't lose any quality and you will have your internet back...both will be happy
05:05.41LarrySteezeka6sox-away: yes, but's pulling doubled pixels down...just accurately doubled?
05:06.44ka6sox-awaymebbe most broadcasters gave up on the idea of 1080p and only are 720p on OTA stuff.
05:06.49ka6sox-away(except CBS)
05:07.24halfhalodirectv only is piping movies and ppv in 1080p, everything else is 720p
05:07.47ka6sox-awayhalfhalo, and bitstealing like CRAZY.
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05:11.11zambabooim sure im not the first one, but im really wondering why hp threw this project away like that
05:11.58ka6sox-awayzambaboo, who can figure out what HP has been doing for the last 5 or so years....
05:12.15patrickczambaboo: even HP doesnt know why they did it
05:12.52LarrySteezeI'm not even sure why HP bought webos in the first place.
05:13.15LarrySteezeI would have been much happier with htc, as I voiced in the beginning
05:13.34patrickcor even just Palm keeping webos to themselves
05:13.42patrickci would even settle for LG at this point...
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05:17.06grover_greetings all
05:17.19grover_anyone assist me?
05:17.26Denise_hey grover
05:17.42grover_hello denise
05:18.06grover_i have a hp touchpad and trying to use govnah to "overclock" to 1.5ghz
05:18.29grover_is this a place to discuss that?
05:19.04patrickcgrover_: first, what wiki page are you followig for overclocking?
05:19.56grover_i actually had it working, but after a reboot, the 1.5ghz option is now gone in govnah
05:20.14grover_now my 720 videos are running choppy without the overclock
05:20.39grover_i have uberkernel and preware installed and seem to be working ok
05:21.23patrickchmm... not sure
05:21.45grover_its odd, it was there, and now options is simply not there its gone
05:21.58grover_i dont think i did any other updates
05:22.21LarrySteezegrover_: I'm sorry for jumping in mid-conversation, but do me a favor and launch preware again
05:22.28patrickci would read the webos inteernals wiki on how to overclock, they are a more reliable source then webosbuzz :) (as they are the maintainers)
05:22.46grover_preware launched
05:22.50LarrySteezelet me know when the feeds are updated
05:23.08LarrySteezedoes it show any updates available?
05:23.27grover_no package updates
05:23.38LarrySteezeare you using any of the testing feeds?
05:23.49LarrySteeze(if you don't know what that means, your answer is no)
05:24.04grover_should i perhaps?
05:24.07LarrySteezeyou said it was the TP, right?
05:24.26LarrySteezein the upper right corner, you see that magnifying glass? click on it.
05:24.35LarrySteezesearch for uberkernel
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05:25.02LarrySteezewhen it comes up, tap on it
05:25.20LarrySteezewhat options does it provide you?
05:25.25grover_only to remove
05:25.53LarrySteezeok...without throwing the preware card away, open govhah again
05:27.44LarrySteezewhere it says profile, what is it running?
05:28.04grover_palm default
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05:28.18LarrySteezeand if you tap on it
05:28.26LarrySteezewhat does it display?
05:28.48grover_only shows a tab for advanced settings
05:28.56LarrySteezeid doesn't even list palm default?
05:29.21LarrySteezethat's very odd
05:29.27LarrySteezeshould be an easy fix though
05:29.35LarrySteezeto me a favor and close govnah
05:29.47LarrySteezehop back to preware and uninstall uberkernel
05:30.02LarrySteezeit'll ask you to reboot...accept the reboot
05:30.31LarrySteezethen go into preware again and install uberkernel again...and again accept the restart
05:30.58grover_ok 1 minute
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05:32.16LarrySteezeoh...for anyone who's interested, by the way, I was stuck at airport security (after I went through the line) for an extra 45 minutes today...I can give you a protip to not repeat what I went through
05:34.05grover_im flying today in fact
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05:35.14LarrySteezeok, well here's my tip then...
05:35.34LarrySteezeI feel I have to explain myself in advance...I was flying from wisconsin
05:36.18LarrySteezemy tip is: don't carry on 12 small packages of hard cheese as well as a roomba (in the same suitcase)
05:36.21hewballanyone else having dns problems?
05:36.30grover_haha duly noted
05:36.45LarrySteezeapparently it looks like C4 and some sort of timing device
05:36.52LarrySteezein the scanner
05:37.05LarrySteezeyou back up grover?
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05:37.53grover_no my dl is very slow
05:38.20Dan___Are the Prepare feeds being updated or something? Both my TP and FrankenPixi prepare are giving me errors.
05:38.49hewballDan___: im having dns resolve issues for the feeds
05:38.53jkimhello everyone. I hope this is the right place to ask a question. I'm usually one to not have problems with prepare but when I tried opening it there was an error during the loading part and now I can't update things.
05:39.46GreenieI think the feed thing has something to do with the map update / enyo framework
05:40.16hewballdns issues it seems i cant resolve
05:40.28GreenieJust set up a brand new veer WITHOUT the map update, and Preware worked fine on it. BUT on my veer WITH map update, I get the error, and Package Updates / Available Packages are grey'd out FWIW. I'm in Australia, not that it should matter  Edit: I had them side by side as I was comparing patches.
05:40.45jkimoh okay. So its not just me thats having this problem. Thank you!
05:41.37Dan___definitely several people experiencing problems^^^
05:41.44hewballthe quickinstall showed cache for me for a bit then i cleared my dns cache and it all went
05:43.41ka6sox-awaydns has been acting screwy in a number of venues today
05:43.50LarrySteezelet me try it real quick
05:43.52Dan___I'm sitting on my balcony railings hoping that Preware will be back up or I'm jumping.
05:44.18LarrySteezeinterestingly enough, I'm not having an issue
05:44.35LarrySteezeinteresting because any time there's any small issue, I'm always one of the ones who has troubles
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05:45.04grover_ok one more reboot larry
05:45.22LarrySteezeanother reboot yet? O.o wow, your internet is SLOW?
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05:48.39grover_ok back on profiles of govnah, all it has still is that advances settings :S
05:49.21grover_do i need to do something in uberkernel first?
05:51.22wreaI'm supposed to get another callback from Palm. Maybe they'll call me this time
05:51.25LarrySteezeit makes no sense to me that ondemandtcl is not available to you
05:51.38LarrySteezethey won't offer you support for preware
05:51.51LarrySteezeoh sorry wrea, was expecting a response from grover_
05:51.58wrealol, np
05:52.18LarrySteezegrover_: there is nothing below the blue line aside from palm default?
05:52.43LarrySteezeI would I could vnc into your tp :P
05:53.45grover_no im sorry i misunderstood you originally
05:54.22grover_below that is CPU1 freqency etc
05:54.33grover_i was thinking when you clicked on profile button
05:56.00LarrySteezethat is what I mean...when you first click on the profile line
05:56.53grover_when i click on profile line, it says advanced settings, then there is a blue line then nothing under that
06:00.34LarrySteezei hate to say it but it's over my pay grade
06:00.49LarrySteezeI'm usually pretty good at the "simple" stuff
06:00.56grover_well thats ok, i appreciate the help
06:01.03grover_ill keep looking
06:01.38LarrySteezethe only last thing I could recommend is uninstalling and reinstalling govnah, but I don't forsee it fixing anything
06:01.48grover_its just so weird that the option for 1.5ghz was there and now its gone
06:01.49LarrySteezeor you could try using the testing feed and using a different kernel
06:01.58grover_yeah tried that originally
06:02.16grover_hmmm perhaps i will try a different one, any one you would reccomend?
06:02.23LarrySteezeare you new to the concept of kernels?
06:02.31Dan___is ubersexual showing in your launcher
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06:02.44grover_yes, i only followed the tutorial for this uberkernel
06:02.45LarrySteezeor rather do you know what a kernel is?
06:03.25LarrySteezeif you're new to kernels, and don't fully understand what they are, I don't recommend using the testing feed
06:04.25grover_ok well i will do some reading here, thanks again for the help larry
06:04.35LarrySteezeI think you will find to be your best resource, however
06:06.31LarrySteezeand I hate to be a party-pooper, but I'd recommend staying away from webosbuzz
06:07.14ka6sox-awayand XDA Developers posts that talk about webOS kernels.
06:07.53LarrySteezeI was more referring to webosbuzz's allowance of warez
06:08.10LarrySteezeor rather encouragement
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07:23.44Tonmy preware is acting up while updating feeds. ERROR messages came up n nothing was updated. Command failed with return value 1: wget -- passive--ftp etc.
07:25.10Toncan someone help?
07:26.28rwhitbyit's an intermittent DNS issue it seems.  keep trying, or wait 24 hours.
07:27.14Tonalright , will wait
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07:56.49nburni've copied over some jpgs to my pre3 from usb mode but they're not showing up in the photo apps yet. is there anyway to force a rescan? what about the "emergency filecache wipe"  ?
07:59.14technikfreakdoes anyone know when icq will aivalbel for the synergy apps?
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08:35.08dwc-nburn: if I had to guess, maybe the media indexer still dies on the pre3. restart and then go into and out of usb mode to try to force it to rescan
08:35.56nburni figured it out
08:36.10nburni had some randon .jpg file that the pre3 didn't like
08:36.40nburni opened a few of the largest ones in photoshop and resaved them as web ready images and they're fixed now
08:37.28nburnso apparently the indexer stumbles on certain files some times
08:37.53nburnif i had to guess. I had an image named .jpg when it was really a .bmp or something ..
08:38.25ashi_ah, weird
08:38.50ashi_was nice meeting rwhitby tonight :)
08:39.38nburnwhat went down with all the franken stuff. I saw something mentioned on twitter ?
08:40.13ashi_i think there was some franken going on.
08:40.31ashi_i was sad i didn't get a touchpad in the raffle.
08:44.06dwc-there were like 6 frankpres made
08:45.29dwc-re: the feeds, it looks like one of the two authoritative NS for is out of sync
08:45.55dwc-both ns45 and ns46 have the same zone serial, but only one returns a hit for
08:46.14dwc-that might not fix itself
08:46.31dwc-(or not for a week on its own)
08:47.38ashi_i brought a T5, but it looked like Rod had it under control.
08:50.47dwc-rod wasn't even doing them... I think he was keyboard swapping a pre3, but brian was doing the swaps on the franken pre2s
08:56.37dwc-ka6sox-away: pingg
08:58.18ka6sox-awaywakes up @ 2am from a pingg and wonders whats up?
08:58.40dwc-sorry, not that important
08:58.56dwc-was just wondering if you could force a reload or update to the dns
08:59.20ka6sox-awaywhat are you waiting for?
08:59.29ka6sox-awaya new updated app?
08:59.32ka6sox-awayor ?
08:59.34dwc-ns45 and ns46 look desync'd
08:59.45dwc-even though they claim to serve the same zone serial
09:00.01dwc-but only on eof them returns
09:00.02ka6sox-awayya, thats not in my DNS perview
09:00.16dwc-alright, go back to sleep :)
09:00.18ka6sox-awayI don't have the preware domain
09:00.35ka6sox-awaybut not preware.
09:00.56dwc-rwhitby only then?
09:01.02ka6sox-awayuh huh
09:01.21dwc-I don't need it... I can always use a working name/ip
09:02.08ka6sox-awayya, I would say add to hosts file?but thats dangerous.
09:02.20ka6sox-awayespecially since we have 3 mirrors we rotate thru.
09:02.29dwc-it's a fine temporary solution, but I'm not telling it to anyone
09:02.57ka6sox-awayyes, thats not a good solution to publish anywhere as it could fail.
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09:03.24dwc-and the best part is it'll take awhile for anyone to realize why!
09:03.48ka6sox-awayleading to 3am cries of  "your dns is broken"
09:04.27ka6sox-away(which actually was the case 24hrs ago as our DNS fronting group "forgot to renew their domain"....whoops.
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09:05.07dwc-well, maybe godaddy or whoever will somehow manage to fix their dns before rod wakes up
09:05.58ka6sox-awaylets hope
09:06.47ka6sox-awayokay, I have written marching orders for my Serfs for tommorrow, solved all the webOS problems for 1 night and need sleep.
09:07.01dwc-good night
09:07.17dwc-enjoy your unlocked 4g touchpad ;)
09:08.10dwc-(at least I think they said you were getting one tomorrow)
09:08.37ka6sox-awaydances in the Aisles (if there was an Aisle here)
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09:15.36elfurbeI'm getting pretty persistent errors trying to check for updates in prepare. "bad address" repeatedly. Is that a known situation or is my touchpad broke? :D
09:16.09ka6sox-awayelfurbe, yes, DNS servers out of sync
09:17.00ka6sox-awayelfurbe I assume you mean Preware not Prepare (since it would appear as if auto-correct is sucking up Preware)
09:17.38elfurbeoy. Yes, Preware.
09:17.49elfurbeI'm glad you speak autocorrect
09:18.15ka6sox-awayhe he?.now if I could slap that errant dns server back into sync.
09:18.55ashi_i typed my twitter account into a touchpad as it was passed around. It autocorrected "toddashi" to "foreskin." Glad I noticed and fixed it.
09:19.23phoque_uniwhat's the deal with wIRC's fstab problem
09:19.28ka6sox-awaynot good.
09:19.30phoque_uniI cant find a patch for the Veer
09:19.40phoque_uniand what would happen if I simply ignored that warning? :-D
09:19.55ka6sox-awayphoque_uni what are you referring to?
09:20.07elfurbeWhat does wIRC have to do with fstab?
09:20.25phoque_uniwhen installing wIRC from preware there are big fat red letters warning me to install the fstab fixer patch
09:20.48elfurbeWhat's the issue with the DNS server?
09:23.52ka6sox-awayphoque_uni : not noticed that? since you have asked here and the authors of wIRC are known to hang out here?wait patiently and you shall most likely get an answer (in due time)
09:24.21ka6sox-awayelfurbe, several of the DNS servers @ the DNS serving group are missing the record.
09:24.38ka6sox-awayie: out of sync
09:25.37ka6sox-awayanyway, 2:25am?and I am sleeping
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10:53.21kamue719hi tehre
10:53.43kamue719is someone here alive?
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13:14.51zottffssenFor some reason Preware won't load and feed information
13:14.56zottffssenand finds no packages
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13:45.41Digital_Warriorgood morning all
13:45.55Digital_Warrioris down
13:46.37zottffssenIt seems to be shaky
13:46.48zottffssenI could connect for a few minutes then
13:47.20Digital_WarriorWell as long is it is not only me.
13:48.11Digital_Warriordam needed novaterm
13:50.27Digital_Warriorwould any one have a direct link to it.
13:52.10zottffssenI think you get it from the SDK
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14:48.34Digital_Warriorthank you all.
14:48.36Digital_Warriorhave a good day.
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15:50.50RagingMindso... there have been reports of the maps update making things wonky on devices with unofficial webos versions...  has there been any consistency in what happens?
15:52.08Lazar_Dobrescuended up fine for me.. I did have to first delete the enyo folder in /usr/palm/frameworks
15:52.13Lazar_Dobrescunot sure if it's there for everyone
15:52.24Lazar_Dobrescu(ATT pre+ 2.1)
15:52.56RagingMindI'm on Vzw pre+ with 2.1
15:53.56Lazar_Dobrescualso I've seen nuttybunny say it worked for him on Telcel pre 2.1, ATT PRE+ 2.1, ATT Pixi 2.1, ATT Pre2 2.1
15:54.05rwhitbyis not going to update anything until I've written a script to move GMaps to a different appid
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15:54.17Lazar_DobrescuI did get that too rwhitby :)
15:54.24Lazar_Dobrescufrom some german forum :)
15:55.32RagingMindI have no enyo folder in my frameworks dir
15:55.42Lazar_Dobrescushould be good then :)
15:55.50Lazar_DobrescuI mean, people have been reporting issues
15:55.51Lazar_Dobrescuso it's a risk
15:56.12RagingMindsave/restore and backup of media drive to PC... done!  now time to try the update I guess
15:56.48RagingMindthe worst that happens is I have to redoctor my phone, which would probably be a good thing anyway
15:57.02Lazar_Dobrescuthe dilemma of clutter free vs just works as it is :)
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16:00.41RagingMindI'm so glad to be getting rid of google maps.  I'm actually kinda twitchy with excitement :)
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16:03.59Lazar_Dobrescuyeah well apparently those new bing maps are not all that great :)
16:04.03Lazar_DobrescuI mean the app is great but the maps suck :)
16:04.24rwhitbyBing doesn't do transit in Australia for a start
16:05.29RagingMindmy biggest problem with google is the inaccuracy of their address database in the US.  it sucks.  I normally use bing or yahoo on my computer
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16:10.51TheMann00are there any current known issues with the feeds needed to install preware via WebOS QuickInstall?
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16:16.34ashi_Google addresses in the US work well for me. But I do live 20 minutes away from the Googleplex in California.
16:18.44RagingMindwhen I lived in Minneapolis sometimes google would put me several miles away from the actual house/store I was looking for
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16:25.48RagingMindwell... I had 0 issues updating maps
16:25.54RagingMindworks wonderfully
16:34.20RagingMindone of the install scripts checks for the enyo directory, if it's found it skips some magic and update stuff
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17:01.31dwc-rwhitby-away: ping
17:01.39dwc-rwhitby: ping
17:02.11ka6sox-awayTheMann00, yes, DNS is an issue
17:02.42ka6sox-awaydwc-, rwhitby tried to kick the DNS servers by switching our feeds to another mirror.
17:03.18dwc-I'm still seeing ipkg2, and no cname on the other
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17:03.43dwc-... I do see an updated zone serial though is not cnamed to ipkg2?
17:04.01dwc-wasn't that what it was last night?
17:04.11ka6sox-awayit was ipkg3 last night
17:04.51dwc-ok, well, ns46 points at ipkg2, ns45 (which based on the soa should be the master) has NXDOMAIN
17:04.56RagingMindheh,  the new maps app is less than 1MB and Enyo is about 2MB
17:05.54ka6sox-awayso ns45 is wrong
17:06.05dwc-yea, still wrong
17:06.51ka6sox-awayI don't really want to spend 45minutes on hold with GoDaddy
17:08.30halfhaloka6sox-away you wont!  the call will be dropped within 30!
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17:10.46dwc-doesn't godaddy
17:10.53ka6sox-away"your estimated wait time is?..4 minutes?.
17:11.04dwc-prefers companies that don't charge $80 domain recovery fees and $400 reactivation fees
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17:23.08ka6sox-awayokay I got a "LIVE" body!
17:23.25halfhalois it named eliza?
17:23.37dwc-was the first question, "is your computer on?'
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17:23.51ka6sox-away"hi this is Peggy"
17:24.33dwc-does peggy know what a DNS server is?
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17:25.35wreano, peggy does not know what a dns server is
17:27.26wreaPeggy  does know a lot of in soviet russia jokes
17:27.46ka6sox-away"yes, we do know we have DNS issues, call back in 24hrs if you are still having "issues".
17:28.20jmichaelxlast night, i clicked on 'update feeds' in preware, which seems to have somehow blitzed everything. it now shows no available packages. would anyone know why this happened, and how to fix it?
17:28.28ka6sox-awayI can bring the internet to its knees
17:28.50ka6sox-awayjmichaelx, its the DNS issue?what we are discussing here now.
17:29.21jmichaelxka6sox-away: ok sorry. glad to know things are not really blitzed, then.
17:29.43ka6sox-awayyw?its going to be the downfall of the internet when DNS finally croaks.
17:30.00dwc-ka6sox-away: can you remove ns45 from the domain ns list?
17:30.03SoulShadowDNS isn't going to croak
17:30.13dwc-nm, you'd still need to edit the NS records anyways
17:30.19ka6sox-awaybut I need to get rwhitby to do that
17:30.33ka6sox-awaybut that is the *correct* answer tempy
17:32.31jmichaelxi think i spend half of my time at work dealing with DNS-related issues, at least on some days
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19:38.17summatusmentisdoes impostah allow installing apps for devices that they're not flagged for?
19:38.56summatusmentis(could I use impostah to install apps flagged at TP only on my newly enyo'd pre2?)
19:40.31Douilspeehaving ubuntu chroot impact android alpha installation ?
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19:47.31krispthe installer will take another 2GB off your media lv for the cm lvs
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19:52.46Douilspeekrisp: ook ty
20:00.15dwc-#cyanogenmod-touchpad probably has more people who'd know more about it
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20:06.30trsohmersBut it's flooded with quite frankly, morons who can't read
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20:24.43leo3kanyone care to shed some light on the errors i get from novacomd?
20:25.49leo3knovacom_usb_findandattach_thread:496: usb_handle 0x00000000, bus 002 dev 007
20:25.57leo3kusbll(00000000) error reading packet,    retry: rc(-1), errno 9
20:26.02leo3kusbll(00000000) error reading packet, shutdown: rc(-1), errno 9
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21:22.23dwc-looks like the DNS problem "fixed itself"
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21:39.17JetUniIs it possible to transfer json files of Palm Profile data to other Palm Profiles?? I found the info I want, but don't know if it's possible to transfer
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21:40.33JetUniAnybody here good with Impostah??
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21:42.25dwc-which palm profile data?
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21:49.22JetUnithe messaging data
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21:54.16andybearhi there. I hope someone can help me here.
21:54.25andybeari by mistake delete my internal storage.
21:54.33andybearand by delete i mean, i deleted the lvm storage
21:55.38krispall of it?
21:55.48dwc-not too familiar with LVM internals... if nobody has any better ideas, I'd say recreate the volume and see if the FS is still there.
21:56.01dwc-(I know that works for partition tables anyways)
21:56.07stbuehleri think lvm has backup configs
21:56.07krispit wont work for lvm
21:56.23krispya if its stock you might be able to get someone else's export
21:56.43dwc-wait, all of the lvm storage, or just the internal one?
21:56.43krispbut if you resized the media lv to install ubuntu or android then it probably wont
21:56.57andybeari don't care for the data
21:57.06andybearI just want to use the tp agaib
21:57.20krispcan you get into recovery?
21:57.39krispturn it off and hold volume up and power when you turn it on
21:57.43andybearI tried a stock doctor and a meta doctor. both failed
21:58.13krispyou removed all the logical volumes or just one of them?
21:58.18andybearjust the one
21:58.27andybeari can connect via novaterm
21:58.43krisptype lvs and paste it
21:59.12andybearFile descriptor 11 (socket:[14198]) leaked on lvs invocation. Parent PID 4212: /bin/sh
21:59.34krisptype vgdisplay and take not of how much free space there is
21:59.59andybearthis line: Free  PE / Size       1619 / 12.65 GB
22:00.23krisplvcreate -L 12.65G -n media store
22:00.38krispthen vgs and you should see a 12.65gb vg called media
22:00.45krispthen try rebooting or doctoring
22:01.02JetUnidwc- the messaging data
22:01.03andybearhm did not work
22:01.05andybearroot@HPTouchPad:/# lvcreate -L 12.65G -n media store
22:01.05andybearFile descriptor 11 (socket:[14198]) leaked on lvcreate invocation. Parent PID 4212: /bin/sh
22:01.11krispmake it smaller
22:01.15krisp12.64 or .60
22:01.32andybeardoh. today is not my best day...
22:01.46krispor you could just do -L 1619
22:01.50krispand it will assume extents
22:02.12krisplowercase -l
22:02.16krispto do extents
22:02.20andybearroot@HPTouchPad:/# vgs
22:02.20andybearFile descriptor 11 (socket:[14198]) leaked on vgs invocation. Parent PID 4212: /bin/sh
22:02.28andybearthis is what vgs shows
22:02.39krisplvs i mean
22:02.51krispshould see media in there now
22:02.54andybearok, yes it is there
22:03.00andybeari will reboot...
22:03.05krispone sec
22:03.13krispmkfs.vfat /dev/store/media
22:03.23krispi think that's the command on there
22:03.29andybearhmm, yes a filesystem would be nice
22:03.35krispif not ls /sbin and look for the mkfs for fat
22:04.06andybearyeah was in the path
22:04.23andybearnow rebooting,
22:06.01andybeari think it worked
22:06.11andybearI owe you a beer :)
22:06.21andybearor two
22:07.32andybearthanks. I was lost there.
22:10.13krispno problem good luck
22:10.42andybearthanks again
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