IRC log for #webos-internals on 20110914

00:02.15destinalwrea: would need a lot more information, what operating system, is it connected directly or running in a virtual machine,  is novacom service started and have you tried stopping it and restarting it.  does novacom -l show the device, etc
00:07.01wreadestinal, got it working novacom wasnt running. Thanks for mentioning novacom :)
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00:09.39wreaAfter this I can start working with wpa_supplicant again
00:10.24wreaMy modified binary is like twice as large as the stock one
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00:44.17Absurd-wrea - what are you doing with wpa_supplicant?
00:44.49wreaJust applying a patch. Doesnt matter it didnt seem to work anyway
00:45.19dwc-should get around to building an armv7 wpa_cli for fiddling purposes
00:45.36Absurd-patch for tethering by any chance? ;x
00:45.49wreaAbsurd-, that was the idea anyway
00:46.01wreadwc-, I have one built
00:46.14Absurd-i tried using wpa_supplicant
00:46.20Absurd-couldn't get anything to happen
00:46.27Absurd-i did get iwconfig working tho
00:46.45Absurd-until something mukes with the settings every few seconds
00:46.53Absurd-for ad-hoc correct?
00:47.09dwc-Absurd-: if you leave wpa_supplicant running and mess with it outside of there, that might cause your issue
00:47.16Absurd-i kill it
00:47.24Absurd-something else is at fault
00:47.30dwc-oh, then it's probably the palm wifi daemons
00:47.44Absurd-any idea what those are called ;x
00:48.31dwc-I vaguely recall from my resolv.conf stuff I was messing with last night there's a pmnetsomethingorother
00:48.57dwc-I would say look around /usr/lib/ipkg/info/ for things that look net or wifi related
00:49.10dwc-and skim those package manifests
00:49.25Absurd-would they be constantly running processes
00:49.35Absurd-or would they only pop up to mess things up do you think
00:49.41dwc-maybe, maybe not
00:49.59wreaI'd like to know what palm's .config for wpa_supplicant looks like
00:50.17Absurd-i have heard it was not standard
00:50.27Absurd-from forum reading
00:50.36Absurd-they altered it
00:50.57wreaI wish that wpa_supplicant wasnt dual licensed
00:51.25dwc-it didn't used to be
00:51.38Absurd-i wish my phone could make infrastructure networks :/
00:51.53dwc-what phone?
00:52.43Absurd-original moto droid
00:52.45dwc-the dual license is allowing it to be included in a lot more things
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00:55.27wreaThey need to release the rest of the webkit source
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00:58.11Absurd-i don't understand why anyone would limit wifi to only connect to infrastucture when the hardware is not the limit
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00:59.41Guest38669wrea: cool, glad that worked for you
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01:07.29YeahRighthow can i (soft) reset a frozen TP?
01:08.05robobot[0]hold power+center button for 10 seconds
01:08.14YeahRightah great..thank you
01:35.50*** part/#webos-internals siestacatontp (
01:37.17Jack87rwhitby, ping?
01:37.47Jack87is confused how is kalemsoft able to sell apps outside of the catalog?
01:38.29Jack87thats kind of annoying
01:39.43wreaAnyway to see if the stock wpa_supplicant was compiled with dbus support?
01:40.09rwhitbyJack87: yes?
01:40.29Jack87rwhitby, arent you supposed to only sell apps through the catalog?
01:40.39rwhitbyme personally?
01:40.44Jack87no no
01:40.54Jack87as in the agreement with
01:41.55Jack87i guess i am asking am I confused or is that the case? that selling apps requires using the official catalog?
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01:42.09Jack87they have their app in both the catalog and on their site with its own activation
01:42.10rwhitbydepends whether there is a written agreement with Palm or not
01:42.28Jack87oh ok... so for all i know there is some sort of agreement
01:43.36*** join/#webos-internals ToiletDuck (6c239ddd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:46.44Jack87non the less still annoying
01:48.00ToiletDuckhi, I'm getting an error when it comes to my emails. I was wondering where I could check to see if anyone else has that problem and how to go about solving it?
01:51.30infobotrumour has it, ot is webos general chat can take place in #webos-general
01:51.36Jack87haha nice!
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01:51.58infobotfrom memory, jack87 is a newb but not a moron.
01:54.29Tibfibinfobot, don't trust any information from PatrickC
01:54.48PatrickCinfobot: you can trust me
01:55.01PatrickCinfobot: don't listen to Tibfib
01:55.05infobot[patrickc] some guy that abuses me
01:55.17PatrickCi dont remember who set that lol
01:55.55infobotmethinks jack87 is a newb but not a moron.
01:56.12infobotextra, extra, read all about it, tibfib is quite cool
01:56.18Tibfibhey, nice!
01:56.21LarrySteeze|Awaynothing for me :(
01:56.36scoutcampermentions that infobot use can take place in PM's
01:57.19infobotaw, gee, Tibfib
01:57.22LarrySteeze|Awaypoints a finger at Tibfib
01:58.50infobotmethinks larrysteeze is a guy using a fake name
01:59.10LarrySteeze| it bad that some of the first people I told I was engaged a couple years ago was #webos-internals
01:59.26LarrySteeze|AwayThe least it could do is use proper capitalization :-]
02:00.00Jack87is waiting for rwhitby to yell at us
02:00.12rhcp[linux]anyone got any scripts that can split a multi uimage (kernel + ramdisk)?
02:00.18rhcp[linux]im finding it annoying to do it all by hand
02:00.20rhcp[linux]and do the math
02:00.23LarrySteeze|Awayanyway, for off topic conversation, I'd say #webos-general is the best place to go
02:00.34infobothmm... ot is for Off-Topic WebOS general chat and can take place in #webos-general
02:00.35TibfibLarrySteeze|Away: that is absolutely the right thing to do
02:00.44Tibfibeveryone in here is great for relationship advice.
02:01.02LarrySteeze|AwayI wasn't looking for advice...I was making an announcement :D
02:01.21Jack87to all your friends
02:01.25Tibfibs/relationship advice/congratulations or condolences/
02:01.32LarrySteeze|AwayI have an on topic question now
02:01.49Jack87LarrySteeze|Away, ready go
02:01.52LarrySteeze|AwayAs I've made it widely known, I finally have a sprint pre 2
02:02.01destinal_rhcp[linux]: touchpad has initrd?  most webos devices just have a boot partition on which is an init script and then do some LVM stuff and pivot
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02:02.13Jack87indeed you have congrats! told you it wasnt soo hard
02:02.16destinal_LarrySteeze|Away: seem to be tons of those popping up these days
02:02.22rhcp[linux]destinal_, Yea, we make multi images with a ramdisk + kernel
02:02.22destinal_popular trend recently
02:02.26rhcp[linux]its very annoying to do by hand
02:02.27LarrySteeze|Awayany reason I'm seeing patches in the repo that don't apply to the device at all as well as a lack of other patches I know are compatible?
02:02.35rhcp[linux]was looking for a script. so i dont have to redo the wheel
02:02.37rhcp[linux]if its been done
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02:03.01rwhitbyit's never needed to be done for webos-related development
02:03.03Jack87destinal_, haha seems like a proper trend considering all hopes of future sprint webos device is officially put to rest
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02:06.02LarrySteeze|AwayBecause I'm sure the veer uberkernel isn't intended for my device...and that there's a pre 2 uberkernel available somewhere
02:06.41Jack87LarrySteeze|Away, normally not... im checking my phone to see if i will get same issue as you
02:06.42LarrySteeze|Awayunless metadoctor somehow screwed up my device tokens, which would be strange to me
02:07.42Jack87only sees pre2 kernels no veer kernels
02:07.53Jack87LarrySteeze|Away, check your tokens just incse
02:07.56LarrySteeze|AwayI'll try to redoctor my phone then
02:12.11rwhitbyLarrySteeze|Away: kernel feed URLs are based on webOS version
02:12.41rwhitbyand if you followed correctly, are automatically updated for you on each device boot
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02:20.11LarrySteeze|Awayrwhitby: I think I screwed something up in the original doctor process. I wasn't using the testing feeds
02:20.43LarrySteeze|AwayIt's cool...I'm going to redo it, the official way, before I start messing with stuff
02:23.52LarrySteeze|Awayrwhitby: help me remember something...with the original pre, did we ever have a tethered update option (as opposed to an OTA)?
02:24.02LarrySteeze|AwayFor some reason, I feel like there was *one*
02:24.12LarrySteeze|Awaybut can't actually remember it
02:26.37LarrySteeze|AwayI must be remembering a different device then
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02:45.43destinal_LarrySteeze|Away:  I used reverse tethering to allow pre to connect to wired ethernet through linux PC as a router :)
02:46.37destinal_my OTA update over EVDO was really slow at work (before they made the updates smaller) and ethernet was the only other net connection there)
02:46.55PatrickCso, there was a time without the doctor?
02:47.37destinal_PatrickC: no, there wasn't, but before each doctor there's always a time when OTA's the only way to get an update
02:47.45PatrickCah true
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03:03.52destinal_PatrickC: in fact there were leaked doctors before there were pre's in the wild
03:05.47oilpre2 took months before the doc was released
03:06.14PatrickCwell.. official doctor lol
03:06.16PatrickCbut yeah
03:06.21PatrickCjust like 2.0
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03:58.59PuffTheMagicdestinal_, im thinking of adding reverse tether to future freeTether
04:00.45rhcp[linux]rwhitby, how goes your gui lvm?
04:02.46PatrickCPuffTheMagic_: that would be cool
04:03.17*** join/#webos-internals sagi_ (
04:04.20sagi_Question about patches: I submitted a patch which modifies the adobe reader for WebOS 3.0.2 and it was rejected since files in /media/cryptofs/apps cannot be modified.
04:04.24sagi_Any way around that?
04:04.59PatrickCsince when could files in /media/cryptofs/apps can't be modded?
04:05.49sagi_I got an email saying the patch was rejected, since the automatic patch submission system cannot approve changing files in /media/cryptofs/apps
04:06.09PatrickCdidn't know that
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04:06.46sagi_I assume it's only fair, since you don't want patches to change exising apps, but maybe for built in apps, this could be approved?
04:07.07rhcp[linux]sagi_, ask rwhitby
04:07.10rhcp[linux]he can prob help you.
04:07.18rhcp[linux]Your patch fixes up adobe reader on TP yea?
04:07.37rhcp[linux]he may be able to help you get it made up the right way/approved
04:07.37PatrickCwhat's wrong with it?
04:07.41sagi_it changes the default setting which render PDFs in higher resolution
04:07.55sagi_the default setting make most PDFs unreadable. The resolution is too low.
04:08.09rhcp[linux]yea i saw
04:08.17rhcp[linux]im interested in this patch :)
04:08.21sagi_The way it works, a C service exports the PDF as images, then the UI loads those images
04:08.23rwhitbysagi_: it's a technical issue. Since files in /media/cryptofs/apps do not have md5sums in /usr/lib/ipkg/info, the AUPT scripts cannot determine whether the files concerned have been modified by an OTA update or not.
04:08.24rhcp[linux]as long as its working 100%
04:08.45sagi_rwhitby: so should I resubmitt, or else?
04:09.07rwhitbysagi_: if you use the AUPT scripts as they stand today, they will delete the patched file completely on uninstall, thereby rendering the patched app corrupt.
04:09.29sagi_I see
04:09.40rwhitbysagi_: the patch packaging technology simply cannot technically handle patches to files in /media/cryptofs/apps
04:10.19sagi_rwhitby: makes sense. I didn't know about the md5sums not included.
04:10.24rwhitbysomeone needs to add functionality to to handle that case.
04:10.31rwhitbyit's not a trivial task
04:10.59sagi_So I guess setting up a Wiki page for now should do for the technical people.
04:11.07rwhitbyit's not a policy issue at all, it's a technical issue.
04:11.30sagi_(so they can patch the file manually I mean)
04:11.31rwhitbynote that attempting to install such patches with Internalz or WOSQI will also have the same failure mode on uninstall, since they use the same scripts.
04:12.17rwhitbya wiki page with manual instructions (not a .patch file, cause people will use Internalz and then complain when their app gets deleted) is a good thing
04:12.39sagi_ok. I'll do that then. Thanks!
04:12.48rhcp[linux]rwhitby, so patching it manually is ok? wont hurt?
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04:27.33Jack87sagi_, I have noticed the PDFs in the adobe reader do not actually contain text or any PDF functions. they all turn into images. is that what you were saying?
04:27.57Jack87sagi_, also what does your patch do? it renders the images to a lower resolution or to their actual resolution?
04:28.20Jack87likes to scan his text books to pdf
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04:34.17rhcp[linux]rwhitby, I'm not too familiar with all this. But, Is there someway he can hook the update process of an app. To un-patch the file? before update?
04:34.31rhcp[linux]and then re-patch? or allow the user to re-patch?
04:36.02sagi_Jack87: It changes the default resolution to a higher value. So the exported PDF pages are higher res PNG files, which are actually readable.
04:36.49sagi_Jack87: every PDF page you view is exported as a PNG image to a directory in /media/internal/appdata
04:37.16Jack87ah is it stored there until the reader app is closed?
04:37.38sagi_Jack87: So the next time you view the same PDF, it's much faster. It keeps the cache forever as far as I can tell. Even after a restart.
04:38.20rhcp[linux]its a great idea. If only we knew how to hook it :)
04:38.31Jack87sagi_, wouldnt that cause your media/internal drive to fill up fairly quickily (if you are using large PDFs one of my textbooks is over 400mb)
04:38.34sagi_Jack87: It is capable of keeping different cached versions of the same PDF in different reolutions. Which makes me suspect they wanted to integrate it as a feature, but never had the time.
04:39.16sagi_Jack87: for scientific articles, every page is ~300KB PNG file. My patch changes it to ~600KB/page.
04:39.37Jack87kind of annoying to store a pdf file as well as pngs
04:40.00Jack87hum for users of large PDF files it might not be a great solution?
04:40.13Jack87i guess i can delete em at the end of each semester
04:40.37rhcp[linux]you could add something on re-start to remove them
04:40.38sagi_Jack87: I agree, but since the UI is all web, how else would you display a PDF, except for an SDL app?
04:40.55rhcp[linux]if you are worried about space
04:41.21rhcp[linux]one of the init files
04:41.28sagi_Quickoffice wrote the UI for the adobe reader, Adobe supplied the binary service which exports the PDF to PNG. Kind of their version to ptftk.
04:41.29Jack87rhcp[linux], the problem there is when it comes to reviewing that PDF it takes a long ass time to re render 600+ pages
04:41.44rhcp[linux]Jack87, Then, you have no option. but to do it manually :)
04:41.56Jack87sagi_, thanks for helping me understand
04:42.01sagi_Every page will be rendered when you first view it.  It does not render the whole PDF automatically.
04:42.12rhcp[linux]id love to figure out how the hell to hook the update process/install process
04:42.17Jack87sagi_, ahh I see
04:42.28rhcp[linux]sed or w/e editor out the patch / update / sed it back
04:42.35rhcp[linux]would be uber++
04:42.36sagi_rhcp[linux]: I agree. Don't know as well.
04:42.36Jack87thats why changing pages is a bitch on the big books
04:42.57sagi_Jack87: Yep. Notice the 2nd time you read the same page it's always much faster.
04:43.23Jack87sagi_, does the phone pdf reader act in this fashion to?
04:44.09sagi_Jack87: You could patch it to render the next 10 pages or so. Which should make scrolling faster.  I have not checked the phone PDF reader. Only the Touchpad. I have Pre-, and the PDF reader there is barely useable.
04:44.44Jack87sagi_, yeah on pre- its worthless. and pre2 isnt a whole lot better
04:44.57Jack87sagi_, it be nice to have an option to render an entire book
04:45.08Jack87often on textbooks you are jumping from one page to another
04:46.03sagi_Jack87: It should be a simple modification. I don't know Enyo that well, only did mojo, but adding a menu entry for that, then have the service render the whole book.
04:46.40sagi_Jack87: this should do the trick. I also want to patch it to KEEP THE SCREEN ON, like the Kindle app.
04:47.38Jack87sagi_, all that sounds great and handy!
04:49.02sagi_I'll add that Wiki page, then update it when I have things figured out to add more functionality. You'll have to patch it manually, but it's worth it in my opinion.
04:49.41Jack87sagi_, totally do able.  eventually you may find a patching solution
04:50.39rhcp[linux]Yea and hook the update/install process
04:50.42rhcp[linux]however that is done
04:50.48rhcp[linux]so you can unpatch/patch
04:51.48sagi_Anyhow, rwhitby- thanks for your help, catch you guys later! Good night.
04:51.49rhcp[linux]its hackish. But you could wrap the binary that does the install. and catch the filename
04:52.01rhcp[linux]dono if that would work
04:52.10Jack87sagi_, thanks. have a good one hope to see you around soon. shoot us a link to the wiki page
04:52.23rhcp[linux]Yea, Ill def try it
04:52.29rhcp[linux]i read alot of PDF's
04:52.46sagi_I promise this will make your eyes feel better ;-)
04:53.06rwhitbysagi_: np
04:55.28rhcp[linux]he linked me here
04:55.28rhcp[linux]if someone is bored/good at wiki can translate it in :)
07:26.58*** join/#webos-internals infobot (
07:26.58*** topic/#webos-internals is Discussion about webOS internals (not webOS SDK usage or anything to do with Android). Honor all licenses, carrier agreements and copyrights. Twitter: @webosinternals Logs: Wiki: Pastebin: Preware: Patches:
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07:26.58rwhitbywatch /var/log/messages for the second one
07:27.41rwhitbyamichel: how did you run EFW ? with Preware or something else?
07:27.48amichelWith preware
07:28.10rwhitbyok, those two commands should recreate the email filecache type
07:28.29amichelThat's the messages output from the luna-send
07:28.37rwhitbyok, try the email again
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07:29.11amichelHey, there it goes. Like butter.
07:29.32amichelSo, what was it that muffle system logging did that borked up the filesystem cache types configuration?
07:29.45amichelIf I may, feel free to not explain it :D
07:29.47rwhitbyamichel: are you able to save /var/log/messages to /media/internal and grep back to see if you can find the spot where EFW was installed?
07:30.29rwhitbyamichel: patch installation creates a backup file. the backup file was in /etc/event.d/ and interpreted as an upstart script. that caused two filecache daemons to be started, and corrupt each other.
07:30.33amichelLemme check
07:30.45amichelOh, nice.
07:31.03rwhitbyamichel: a grep for filecache-wipe should find the general area
07:31.34amichelno results
07:31.38wreaWell, wpa_cli scan_results doesnt even show the adhoc
07:31.58amicheltimestamps in messages are zulu time, right?
07:33.49amichelThe facebook app was not pleased about the missing 'contactphoto' type
07:34.49rwhitbyamichel: can you run EFW again, and confirm the types are recreated ?
07:35.02amichelSure, hold please
07:36.23rwhitbyamichel: you can use Impostah to check for the filecache types
07:38.41Jack87wrea, :(
07:38.52amichelsure, lemme just dig the filetypes sauce out of messages
07:39.02amichelMany things scrolled by :D
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07:41.56amichelOutput from messages about filecache-wipe:
07:42.00amichelchecking impostah now
07:42.22amichelOh, well, checking after it reboots :D
07:44.08rwhitbyamichel: ApplicationInstallerUtility: install: tried to run /media/cryptofs/apps/.scripts/org.webosinternals.emergency-filecache-wipe/pmPostInstall.script as post-install script - result = 1
07:44.12rwhitbyline 28
07:45.25amichelThe filecache button is only showing one entry "backuptempdir", not sure I'm in the right place
07:45.47rwhitbyamichel: next I'll get you to run it again, but check the timestamps on the /var/cache/configurator/_etc_palm_filecache_types_* files before and after EFW runs, but before you reboot.
07:46.09rwhitbythat's the right place - it means the types have not been recreated
07:46.24amichelOk, just making sure
07:46.48rwhitbyso now we need to work out why the postinst script is not doing it's job
07:47.23rwhitbyamichel: is the script in question
07:47.56amichelBefore efw:
07:47.59rwhitbywe're looking to see if line 14 is being run
07:48.20rwhitbyamichel: stop
07:48.31amichelstopped :D
07:48.37rwhitbyamichel: before running efw, can you touch just those files to give them a know timestamp?
07:49.05rwhitbyI was expecting them to all have the same recent timestamp
07:49.29rwhitbysince you removed them earlier and they got recreated by the configurator
07:50.09amichelOk, touched them all, timestamp 00:49 for all of them right now
07:50.34amichelShall I run efw now and see what happens?
07:50.37rwhitbyok, now run EFW and capture /var/log/messages and in a separate novaterm window capture the output from ls-monitor too
07:53.14amichells-monitor output:
07:53.49amichelmessages output:
07:54.19amichelOh, I cut that messages output wrong, there's some non-related at the top
07:54.47amichelline 12 and on I think
07:55.43amichelAnd post-efw ls:
07:55.48rwhitbyls-monitor lines 60 to 69 show the filecache types being recreated
07:55.50amichelTimestamps are definitely changed
07:56.14rwhitbyline 71 is the pivot reload
07:57.45amichelshall I reboot and see what the situation looks like in email?
07:57.54rwhitbyamichel: before rebooting, check filecache types again in Impostah
07:58.29amichelYeah, impostah sees them again
07:58.34rwhitbyall those logs look perfect
07:58.48rwhitbyso why does it work now, but not before ... hmm.
07:59.26rwhitbythe possible failure mode is if the find in the postinst returns an error and the script stops at that point.
08:00.02rwhitbythe Type files in /var/file-cache would be removed, and the types would not be recreated since the configurator flag files would still be there
08:00.17rwhitbyso I need to remove the flag files before the find, just in case.
08:01.13amichelMakes sense to me
08:01.25amichelrebooting now?
08:01.44rwhitbyand I'll add "|| true" to the end of each line
08:02.25amichelThat'll definitely make sure it doesn't error out and stop
08:03.11*** part/#webos-internals Spikea4 (
08:03.28rwhitbyok, EFW 1.1.0 pushed to the testing feeds
08:04.09amichelI see it in preware
08:04.44amichelYou want a testrun off my pad? I know it was basically working already.
08:04.51rwhitbysure, why not.
08:07.18amichelmessages output:
08:07.59amichelIsn't this not right: 2011-09-14T08:05:31.666186Z [216] webos-device user.notice configurator[3133]: [configurator] No more configurators left (0 configurations completed, 0 configurations failed), shutting down.
08:09.14rwhitbythat's configurators for the package, of which there are none.
08:09.20amichelaaah, ok
08:09.24amichelsorry, that is
08:10.11amichells-monitor output:
08:12.16rwhitbyhmm - I don't see the types being created in that
08:13.57rwhitbyoh, that's right, I took that out
08:14.04rwhitbycause they get recreated on the reboot
08:14.07amichelthey're all there in impostah
08:14.16amichelaahh, rgr
08:14.35rwhitbyok, reboot and check email
08:14.58rwhitbyand the del of the editioninfo proves the script got to the end
08:15.11amichelEmail works
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08:15.39rwhitbyok, so that's a plausible but not conclusive failure mode fixed.
08:15.55rwhitbyamichel: thanks for your assistance in testing it
08:16.39amichelSure, glad to be useful
08:19.31rwhitbyI'm never comfortable when one of our tools causes a problem, and we don't have an easy way for people to fix it.  Now I'm feeling comfortable again.
08:20.11amichelIt's funny cause I didn't even realize I had a problem until the other guy mentioned it. I thought I just had wonky attachments :D
08:20.54*** join/#webos-internals Saij (
08:21.34amichelAnd it's safe to reinstall muffle system logging?
08:22.20rwhitbycheck your /etc/event.d directory for *.webosinternals.orig files before and after
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08:22.48rwhitbymake sure it's 3.0.2-23 or later you're installing
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08:24.44amichelno *.webosinternals.orig files before
08:24.50amichelor after
08:25.13amichelHaven't restarted Luna yet
08:28.40*** part/#webos-internals Saij (
08:31.59rwhitbyshould be fine then
08:32.13rwhitbylet me know if you see any issues
08:32.21amichelcan do
08:32.29amichelLooking good after Luna restart
08:36.41*** join/#webos-internals witakr (18cec5bc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:36.53witakrHello folks
08:37.52amichelI'm gonna head out. @rwhitby thanks again for the fix, glad I could provide some useful data
08:38.03witakrCan someone point me in the right direction... I am in need of help with an issue I am having with installing ubunto on my touchpad
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08:40.42infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
08:41.51witakr@+infobot okiedoke
08:43.50witakrI followed the instructions provided by liliputing to run Ubuntu 11.04 CHroot on my touchpad but I try to run the Ubuntu 11.04 Chroot I receive a "Service Error (execute)" error message
08:44.48rwhitbyhow did those instructions differ from the official page at ?
08:44.51witakr"Unable to run command: /sbin/inictl start org.webosinternals.ubuntu-natty-chroot 2>&1
08:45.26witakrI dont know.. one sec and I will review that link to determine if I it varies
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08:47.36witakrOk, it appears they only differ in that liliputing also includes instructions for getting and using Meta-Doctor and partitioning the hd.. Which are just links to the webos-internals wiki
08:49.34rwhitbywhat tool did you use to install the chroot?
08:51.11rwhitbyand you've rebooted since installing it?
08:51.40rwhitbyI'd suggest reinstalling the natty chroot
08:52.23witakrI thought that might be the best thing to do so before I came that is just what i did.. after reinstalling it I receive the same error
08:52.37rrixMake sure your chroot's partition is properly mounted
08:54.28witakr@rrix, I thought that might be an issue but I am uncertain how to check it. How do i check if the partition is mouted properly?
08:54.50rrixrun mount, and make sure it shows
08:55.21witakrvia terminal on my linux pc while connected to the tab via usb?
08:55.28witakrthrough novaterm?
08:55.48rrixEither xecutah or novaterm
08:56.16witakrok, I don't know how to do it through xecutah so i will go through novaterm
08:56.18witakrone sec
08:57.57witakrjust to confirm, i can use "mount -a" in terminal to mount the partition, right?
08:58.25rrixif its been added to /etc/fstab
08:58.27witakrOk I did that in terminal
08:58.59witakrIn terminal, I didnt get any kind of message indicating where the mount succeeded or failed
09:00.19witakrShould I now try to run chroot on the tab?
09:02.57witakrit should be added to fstab i ran this through terminal prior to mounting: "echo "/dev/mapper/store-ext3fs /media/ext3fs ext3 noatime,data=writeback 0 0" >> /etc/fstab "
09:07.04witakrIs there an official (so to speak) resource to running ubuntu chroot on the tab from webos internals? I can remove the partition and start over using another guide if need be
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09:49.05pierreeeholy smokes, i need to test that, installing ubuntu
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11:38.23carolus66just received my pre 3 and like to use a voip client. i found this here to give answer as where to find linphone alpha. any help available? Thx carolus66
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11:53.05YeahRightis it possible to play mms streams on my touchpad?
11:53.20YeahRightand can i change the default mediaplayer somehow?
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12:59.44YeahRightdoes anybody know?
13:01.25YeahRightand the Emergency Filecache Wipe (EFW) .. is it something that has to be manually run after install? what exactly does it solve/prevent?
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14:08.32Douilspe1real keyboard is really missing on touchpad  imho
14:08.58PatrickC_Jack87|Away: did he get the meta-doctor working?
14:11.59Lazar_DobrescuDouilspe1: you can always buy one...
14:12.33*** join/#webos-internals jmdearras (~Jim@
14:13.06PatrickC_Douilspe1: I love my bluetooth keyboard
14:15.15Douilspe1its not matter of money, its just BT keyboard is yet another device,  also i have netbook already
14:15.28Douilspe1so my first idea goes to software keyboard
14:20.59*** join/#webos-internals dtzWill (~will@unaffiliated/dtzwill)
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14:25.39PatrickC_a tablet... with a hardware keyboard?
14:31.17summatusmentisthen I don't understand the issue
14:31.52summatusmentisif you don't want a netbook-esque machine, and your first thought goes to software keyboard... what's your point?
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16:16.55bit-chromeanyone know if u can have a mojo app close itself?
16:20.41PatrickCthat's more of a #webos question. but I don't see why you couldn't
16:22.06pcworldbit-chrome: yes you pretty sure can
16:22.25PatrickCpcworld: hey
16:22.26pcworldhave a look at the doc/StageController
16:22.34pcworldPatrickC: hi
16:23.02bit-chromek, thx
16:23.27PatrickCpcworld: its been working like a charm :) can't wait for public release!
16:23.43pcworldnice :)
16:23.55pcworldhave there been any issues with the TouchPad version?
16:24.05PatrickCnot that I've seen
16:24.18pcworldis it smooth?
16:25.25pcworldfine. Not perfect as tablet UI, but if it works...
16:26.22pcworldmaybe I'll try to make a splitpane so that you can see both local and remote files at the same time
16:27.24PatrickCyou'll need enyo for that
16:28.25pcworldno, the way I implemented the tabs aren't really Mojo, so I don't see a problem in making a splitpane instead of tabs for the TP
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16:53.52RagingMinddoes anyone know much about eprint?
16:54.51PatrickCI know it gives your printer an email address...
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17:03.50RagingMindI would love to print from my touchpad, but all I have is a samsung laser printer
17:04.34RagingMindI know cups has a setting/module for airprint, would it be possible to set up something so my TP can print to any printer on my cups server?
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17:16.48Loudergoodyou could probably set that up in the chroot easily...outside of it...I don't know
17:17.48*** join/#webos-internals Martin____ (53d77681@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:17.58summatusmentisyou'd have to look into how the TP printing stuff works
17:18.21Martin____hi guys and girls :)
17:18.59Martin____can anybody help me? I don't find "Preware" in the App Catalog
17:19.14Martin____i have my TouchPad since yesterday
17:19.25summatusmentispreware isn't in the app catalog
17:19.46Martin____The best way to learn how to install Preware and other great homebrew applications, patches, themes and custom kernels is to download the Preware Homebrew Documentation app from the official HP webOS App Catalog and follow the extremely detailed step-by-step instructions that are included in that application.
17:20.12Martin____ok thx
17:20.13summatusmentisyeah, Preware Homebrew Documentation is in the app catalog
17:20.17summatusmentisthat's different from Preware
17:20.24Martin____ah k
17:20.33Martin____i will download wIRC there
17:20.43Martin____i think thats the best way or?
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17:41.00dtzWilllaammee veer started typing random characters :(
17:41.04dtzWillstuck keyboard? :(
17:41.43dtzWilltests to see if it's somehow kernel related, unfortunately it's frequent enough to be crippling but sporadic enough to make testing for it a PITA
17:41.54dtzWilllike it *knows* when to manifest itself or not to ensure i go crazy :)
17:42.31dtzWilllooks through warthog patches for such code
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17:49.42dtzWillnope, just borked :(
17:50.04dtzWillbah and at work i have no useful way to debug it better
17:50.30ghostinatorim just bored being unemployed, trying to take a stab at the synergy messaging plugins for the touchpad
17:51.35Martin____thx preware run :)
17:51.39dwc-Martin____: wirc is also available from preware
17:51.47Martin____any must have apps for webos?
17:53.33ghostinatorafter redoctoring twice, openssh keygen finally saves the in the /home/root/.ssh instead of /
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17:55.11dwc-ssh-keygen saves it by default relative to the user's $HOME is
17:55.21dwc-you can always tell it where you want it instead
17:55.57ghostinatorright, and usually the instructions on the wiki worked, but for some reason it just wasn't working correctly. When i told it where i wanted it to be it would but i couldn't login
17:56.03ghostinatorim about to try now from ubuntu
17:57.32ghostinatorso i still had to manualy run "start mobi.optware.openssh" before it'd let me connect
17:57.48dwc-that has nothing to do with where your ssh-keygen stuck the files it made
17:57.59ghostinatorwell right, im past that now
17:58.07ghostinatorim back to the original problem
17:58.14ghostinatorsorry for not clarifying
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18:01.17dwc-what is the original problem
18:01.42dwc-without scrolling back really far, I see youv'e doctored twice and something is doing what you want, and you've solved your other thing
18:01.43ghostinatorthe server not starting at boot, let me reboot it real quick just to see if it is resolved
18:02.06ghostinatorLOL! Precisely!
18:02.31dwc-try changing the upstart "start" line to "start on started org.webosinternals.optware"
18:05.15ghostinatordoesn't auto start, let me open up internalz and edit that real quick
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18:06.48TP|UserTheBestwirc works :)
18:08.33ghostinatorSo "start on stopped finish" should be changed to "Start on started org.webosinternals.optware"
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18:14.42rhcp[linux]pixi unlocked:
18:14.47rhcp[linux]if anyone is interested
18:15.24ghostinatorif it was a veer.. or god forbid a pre 3, i'd go sell plasma for it
18:15.40rhcp[linux]too bad its not a verizon. id get it just to play with
18:16.45ghostinatori haven't had a real cell carrier in quite some time, i use my wimax hotspot + google voice on my ipod touch as a phone.. its great since it's free but sucks since i hate this ipod
18:17.04rhcp[linux]that's kinda neat
18:17.07ghostinatorwoo!! that change fixed it
18:17.12ghostinatoropenssh now starts at boot
18:17.12rhcp[linux]but you can only use it while inside the house :)
18:17.24ghostinatorno.. see thats where the hotspot comes into play
18:17.51ghostinatorjacksonville, fl has great wimax coverage.. and just incase im somewhere where it doesnt.. it reverts to sprints 3g
18:18.11ghostinatorI have internet everywhere i go in a nice small box, about the size of a veer
18:18.15rhcp[linux]i see. so, its wireless and cordless? and you just carry it around?
18:18.32rhcp[linux]kinda a cool idea tbh
18:18.37rhcp[linux]i bet it saves you a fortune
18:18.47ghostinatordefinately.. voip calls are better call quality anyways
18:19.04ghostinatoron the 3g i have to enable the audio compression since sprints 3g upload is weak
18:19.27rhcp[linux]Yea, i dono. Im stuck with VZW for the time being. or i might do something like that
18:20.18ghostinatorthe best part is.. the 4g is unlimited.. no cell carrier does that
18:20.44ghostinatorThe hotspot also has a nice microsd expansion slot which i mount on my touchpad as a samba share.. i made my 16gb touchpad a 32gb
18:22.24rhcp[linux]I'll have to look into that.
18:22.50ghostinatorI don't know if your in a comcast area, but its their xfinity internet 2 go service. hotspot is cheap and you don't have to have a contract.. $40 a month
18:23.14ghostinatorId pay someone great money if they could get the same functionality on the touchpad without having to use skype as a call back number
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18:41.41dmillerzxHi all hope everyone is well
18:42.19dmillerzxI'm trying to find some information on editing shortcut links to web apps
18:42.33dmillerzxDoes webOS give the ability to edit that 'target' line of the embeded link?
18:42.53dmillerzxWhat I'm trying to do is load the ipad interface for google music on the touchpad.
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18:44.47summatusmentisghostinator: have you ever had issues with it?
18:46.51ghostinatorcall quality/
18:47.11Douilspe1how to send ctrl to xterm ?
18:47.28summatusmentisghostinator: yeah, or just function
18:47.28dwc-ghostinator: who's the wimax provider?
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18:47.37dtzWillDouilspe1: device? phone it's 'gesture', and on touchpad you need a bt keyboard for that
18:47.49dtzWillor, run some virtual keyboard x app
18:48.05Douilspe1i'm on touchpad
18:48.15dwc-voip call quality with ulaw/alaw should be as good as POTS, just with more latency
18:48.27dmillerzxVoIP quality sucks in general
18:48.38Douilspe1i have default keyboard and xterm
18:48.41dwc-what VOIP client are you using
18:48.46dwc-many of them really suck
18:49.08dwc-that's not voip's fault =]
18:49.11ghostinatorComcast is the wimax provider, basically they own a good stake in clearwire
18:49.19dmillerzxMe I'm using Asterisk/Trixbox with SIP trunks
18:49.21dmillerzxand it sucks
18:49.28dwc-those are servers
18:49.29dwc-what *client*
18:49.35dtzWillDouilspe1: right so then you can't send control presently.
18:50.00dtzWillDouilspe1: not without installing some keyboard x program that you run that fires that event
18:50.10ghostinatorNo problems really, the app talkatone just ties into google voice, i think they use google's google chat system to make and receive calls.
18:50.18ghostinatorCalls are great and so is quality, never really have a problem
18:50.25Douilspe1dtzWill: have name for the program ?
18:50.39Pulseranyone know if rwhitby made any progress with Truecrypt on WebOS? I saw he mentioned it on preware at
18:51.06dwc-dmillerzx: I have yet to find a good voip client on a mac... twinkle works great on linux, there's a small handful of decent ones on windows
18:51.13ghostinatorI'll call you on it if you don't believe me
18:51.31dmillerzxThe only once I've tried using is X-link
18:51.33dmillerzxFor windows
18:51.52dmillerzxdwc are you a dev?
18:51.56ghostinatorI use gv mobile + for texts, voicemails, etc and talkatone for the actual calls to and from on my ipod touch. every other system i don't know
18:52.01dwc-a dev of what?
18:52.15dmillerzxI see
18:52.37dwc-why do you ask?
18:52.38dmillerzxThere has gotta be a way for a google music solution on the touchpad
18:52.46dmillerzxBut I'm still new to the platform
18:53.02dmillerzxLooking for some dev help I suppose
18:53.38dmillerzxI want to try and load the iPad tablet obtimized interface on the touchpad without changing the user agent for the entire device
18:53.48dmillerzxFor google music that is
18:54.09dmillerzxHow many songs do you have
18:54.12dwc-you might try finding the dude that works at google in #webos
18:54.25dwc-he's submitted some fixes for UI stuff for the other google apps
18:54.30dmillerzxIt DOES not function right on the reg site
18:54.41dmillerzxWere they implemented?
18:54.44ghostinatorWhat doesn't?
18:54.53summatusmentishis username was DraX (or some variation thereof)
18:54.53ghostinatorIm playing music on it right now from my playlist
18:55.06dmillerzxI dunno I have a lot of songs in mine
18:55.09dmillerzxand it works horribley
18:55.13dmillerzxlagging, can't switch songs
18:55.24dmillerzxwithout a page reload
18:55.29dmillerzxDWC thaks
18:56.29dmillerzxaw I found him
18:56.32dmillerzxgonna shot off a PM
18:56.41dwc-yea, that sounds right
18:57.00dmillerzxI'm sure it's be easy for google to push the ipad interface to the touchpad
18:57.05dwc-I have no idea whether they were implemented, tbh
18:57.06dmillerzxbut a homebrew work around shouldn't be hard either
18:57.11dmillerzxif only I could find that true URL
18:57.13dwc-I forget exactly what changes they were
18:57.49dmillerzxWell even if he can't make anything happen he might have information regarding the real URL
18:57.55dmillerzxand I can work with that
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18:59.28dmillerzxNot very active huh?
19:00.14ghostinatorjust out of curiousity, the ZX in your name, any references to that?
19:01.03dmillerzxduh man
19:01.08dmillerzxMegaman ZX :D
19:01.33ghostinatorah, im thinking more of the 300ZX Twin turbo :D
19:01.47dmillerzxNo although that is a sickass car
19:02.16ghostinatorfor sure, i miss mine
19:02.22ghostinatorThis VW isn't cuttin it haha
19:06.07dmillerzxJesus this is about as dead as the precentral forums
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19:06.27infobotrumour has it, ot is for Off-Topic WebOS general chat and can take place in #webos-general
19:07.01dmillerzxAh thanks same prob there though
19:07.23scoutcamperwhat "same problem"?
19:07.36dmillerzxlittle activity
19:08.14ghostinatoryeah, check back at night or evening
19:08.27dmillerzxAh ok
19:08.29dmillerzxGood idea
19:08.36ghostinatorjust not friday nights.. ask me how i know
19:08.37dmillerzxSomeone has gotta have some info on this google music stuff
19:08.50dmillerzxWho spends fridays on IRC......
19:09.04ghostinatorguys who are unemployed, and currently don't have a life
19:09.27ghostinatorno $$ = no life. hopefully that'll be resolved this friday :D
19:09.50scoutcamperthis is ot, please move this discussion to #webos-general or other channels
19:10.12ghostinatorsi capitan
19:10.23dmillerzxOk so lets talk about google music
19:10.58ka6sox-awayand how is Google Music on topic?
19:11.05dmillerzxAt least it is a topic
19:11.06ghostinatori can get it to change songs on the touchpad browser if you find the song you want and press the little arrow and that drop down menu pops up
19:11.17ghostinatorWell getting it to work smoothly on the touchpad should be right?
19:11.23dmillerzxI'm trying to develop a solution for google music
19:11.35ka6sox-awaythen that is On Topic :D
19:11.44dmillerzxThat's what I figured
19:11.44ka6sox-awayso develop an app.
19:11.53dmillerzxThat's why I'm here trying to get info
19:11.53ka6sox-awayand people will test :D
19:11.58ghostinatorlol, i thought you were away ;
19:12.40dmillerzxI need to pick the brains of developers
19:12.44dmillerzxbut it appears I should come back at night
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20:10.14Jack87PatrickC, yeah his meta doctor got going and he doctored his pre+
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20:27.22Douilspe1ok with dev paswsword on i had to do : /usr/local/bin/novaterm -c login -r mypassword
20:27.28Douilspe1then   /usr/local/bin/novaterm
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20:39.16dwc-sounds about right
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20:59.51Coweateri set up the sdk and was able to build doom, but now i'm trying to build the hello application from git and i'm missing the shared objects for cjson, dbus, gdbus and lunaservice. where have i gone wrong?
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21:04.05ner8hwy dudes!
21:04.19ner8wich feed is including QT?
21:04.42ner8found this nice articel
21:05.24ner8and on this page it is listed
21:05.41ner8but wich feed is it?
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21:09.27ner8any help?
21:09.53roadkillYou'll just have to wait for an answer.
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21:16.45linuxjacquesner8: maybe the stuff in
21:17.53linuxjacquesbear in mind, that article was written before the touchpad came out. tp has webos3 which includes qt libs (though nobody has tried using them for a PDK app AFAIK)
21:19.41ner8my Veer runs on 2.1.1 i did not got a awesome tp :(
21:20.04ner8if any will change a boexed Veer to a TP?
21:20.06linuxjacquesner8: OK, I didn't know
21:20.23linuxjacquesis it a vlack veer?
21:20.44ner8hope fully it will get a webos3
21:20.53ner8and not open
21:21.02ner8like fresh from the store
21:22.15linuxjacquesI want a black veer, but not enough to give up my tp :-)
21:22.42rhcp[linux]I got an extra TP coming. but not looking for a trade :(
21:22.46rhcp[linux]dont need a veer
21:22.50halfhaloblack veers are pretty nice
21:23.08rhcp[linux]if it was vzw 4G lte maybe :)
21:23.14ner8:D yes thet why i hav e 2 :)
21:23.31ner8sorry Eurpoe UMTS only :(
21:23.32halfhaloI use my veer as my main phone, but have the pre2 in my bag.  whenever I pull out the pre2 I always end up going "holycrap"
21:23.35wreaI have to send in my new veer in for repair
21:24.02ner8wera why?
21:24.22wreaRiddled with stuck pixels
21:24.36ner8so if some one will change ;) let me know Veer 8GB to tp ;)
21:24.47ner8or Pre3 ;)
21:25.16ner8will try qt on it
21:27.13ner8but gn8 cu
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21:28.19ner8the veer is the best phone since my lovly N900
21:28.30ner8i hate the iPhone ot just sucks!
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22:07.57LarrySteezeMy veer looks kind of funny next to my evo 3d
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22:08.32Douilspe1i try get ubuntu with preware  and fail downloading
22:11.21LarrySteezeWhen I try to open "Preferences & Accounts" on my sprint pre 2, it causes luna to crash :-(
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22:13.57LarrySteezeJack87: are you stalking me?
22:14.13LarrySteezeJack87: I just realized you are in all four channels that I'm in
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22:17.11Jack87LarrySteeze, we must be twins
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22:33.44Douilspe1is there a way to install ubuntuchroot when download fail
22:34.24Douilspe1i mean downlaoding manually then using usb to put on touchpad
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22:44.47witakrhello folks
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22:45.32ka6soxDouilspe1, you mean the chroot bits, not the ipkg?
22:45.52ka6soxI suppose you could, if you had the url that the installer uses.
22:46.18Douilspe1the package downloaded by curl
22:46.28Douilspe1inside preware
22:46.45ka6soxif you have the url then sure
22:47.04ka6soxbut you would have to put it where it belongs.
22:47.19Douilspe1in log files
22:47.28witakrMr Whitby... Thanks for your hel yesterday... i managed to get linux installed... in fact im here using xchat on my touchad right now
22:47.43ka6soxI don' t know if the postinst is smart enough to recognize that you already have downloaded it.
22:48.04ka6soxI kind of doubt it.
22:48.34rwhitbyDouilspe1: download the ipk manually from, put it on your USB drive, and install with Preware
22:48.35Douilspe1and use curl in reccursive mode ?
22:49.08ka6soxrwhitby, doesn't the actual chroot get downloaded separately?
22:49.12ka6soxor am I misteaken
22:49.23witakrfor some reason though i am not able to use the letter that is to the right of thd O
22:49.52witakrthats O as in oh... not zero
22:50.27rwhitbyka6sox: it does not
22:50.44ka6soxthen I *am* misteaken.
22:51.30witakrits ok though... i just enjoy geeking out from time to time and i will be removing linux from my touchad soon anyway
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22:55.58witakrwell thanks again rwhitby for your hel yesterday.. i'm out like a fat kid in baseball...later
22:56.06RagingMindwitakr, technically if you removed linux from your touchpad it wouldn't boot because linux in the kernel for many distributions including webos.  I'm guessing you mean a Debian or Ubuntu chroot
22:56.48witakryes but "linux" is easer to tyoe
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22:57.31witakri figured it was not needed for me to elaborate in this instance
22:58.52RagingMindmost in here probably knew what you meant, but for the newer people to webos/linux that show up in here it's better to keep the terminology consistent
23:00.42witakrunderstood, for the record i used "linux" as a reference to ubuntu chroot
23:01.00Douilspe1rwhitby: how to launch local install from preware ?
23:01.08oilbut... linux is a kernel
23:01.59RagingMindDouilspe1, you mean installing a package that you have locally on the media partition?
23:02.22RagingMindit's in the swipe down menu
23:02.50Douilspe1ok ok ty
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23:29.22LarrySteezerwhitby: are you around? I hear you've disassembled a veer
23:33.57LarrySteezealright...and my own disassembly proceeds...
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