IRC log for #webos-internals on 20110909

00:01.56*** join/#webos-internals RobbieJ (
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00:10.23dwc-I haven't heard otherwise, so my assupmtion is you need a sim card like for the others
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00:19.33AbyssulWhy not use metadoctor to sign in
00:24.29*** join/#webos-internals Lazar_Dobrescu (
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00:57.20*** join/#webos-internals SineOt (
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00:58.00SineOtHmm… Has there been work done on figuring out the key codes for the Touchpad wireless keyboard?
01:00.50Jack87SineOt, i think ka6sox-away and cryptk|offline might of played with it.. or if they havent they will soon enough. dtzWill any insight here?
01:02.24dtzWillSineOt: what do you mean? :)
01:02.38SineOtJack87: Hmm. Yeah I'm trying to figure out what the key codes it sends for the "media" row are so that I can remap them in OSX
01:03.04SineOtMost of the tools I've tried under OSX won't actually give the key codes since they get intercepted by some media layer somewhere before they
01:03.12SineOtthey're actually registered as presses :p
01:03.15dtzWillSineOt: do you mean using X?
01:03.31SineOtusing anything, I think?
01:03.33dtzWilloh you legit mean on osx
01:03.41SineOtyeah I mean legit on OSX
01:03.55SineOtyou can futz the mapping but without knowing the key codes it sends you can't do much
01:03.56dtzWilljust hook it up to a linux box and use 'xev' or similar
01:04.05dtzWillnot sure on mac sorry :
01:04.16AbyssulDid anyone get any news on porting 2.2 to Pre2?
01:04.25Jack87SineOt, you want to use hp keyboard on osx is what you are saying?
01:04.29SineOtdtzWill: I'll give that a shot
01:04.34SineOtJack87: yeah. I'm using it right now! XD
01:05.08*** join/#webos-internals eternaleye (~eternaley@exherbo/developer/eternaleye)
01:05.14Jack87SineOt, what does card button and control button do or even sym button?
01:05.42SineOtJack87: card maps to command, control is… Well, control (deep, I know) and sym maps to option
01:05.54SineOtJack87: the playback keys work as well for controlling media
01:06.09dwc-maybe in X11 you can xev on the mac
01:06.17Jack87SineOt, very cool... any access to esc? and eject?
01:06.45SineOtJack87: esc maps to… Whatever the like message bubble with the "pop" in it is (without owning a touchpad I have no idea what that key does) and power to the power key
01:06.48SineOtno eject though
01:07.47Jack87that button is a quick glimpse at notifications... so no edject button? power is actual physical power button like a mac would have?
01:08.11Jack87does brightness and vol controls work?
01:09.23*** join/#webos-internals nat_davies (
01:09.36SineOtVolume yes, brightness I would assume so
01:10.02SineOtDon't have a laptop or iMac so those don't work even on the legit OSX keyboard
01:10.13SineOtby legit OSX I mean the Apple aluminum
01:11.36*** join/#webos-internals SoulShadow (
01:25.08*** join/#webos-internals esprsoman (
01:26.26esprsomanjust poking my head in, reading through the wiki
01:26.38esprsomangot my $100 touchpad, and goofing around with it.
01:31.49*** join/#webos-internals kevets_ (
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01:51.22SineOtwell, after fiddling a ton with VMs… Time to boot into windows and make a USB stick >:C
01:52.55*** join/#webos-internals Framework (~framework@unaffiliated/framework)
01:55.42*** join/#webos-internals Lazar_Dobrescu (
01:57.27*** join/#webos-internals NuttyBunny (~cnegrete@
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02:12.34*** join/#webos-internals YeahRight (
02:19.00AbyssulCan anyone access the catalog?
02:19.11AbyssulI get a  "the action could not be completed. try again later"
02:19.46rwhitby#webos reckons there's a power outage in CA
02:25.49AbyssulSeems like its down according to the forums
02:26.02AbyssulI was just about to check out the new homebrew doc app
02:26.25Loudergoodworks on my pre2
02:26.25jacquesthey didn't pay the power bill
02:26.33Loudergoodjust downloaded a free app
02:27.02jacquesor it could be
02:27.02wrearwhitby, yeah. San Diego, Orange counties and some or arizona
02:27.11rwhitbyapp cat working on my Pre 3
02:27.31wreaMy brother is stationed in SD and he's been without for hours now
02:30.32Abyssulthats a big power outage
02:30.38AbyssulDoesnt work on my TP
02:36.58tmztgeist: if you want to control what apps get built in an instance of lk the best thing to do is copy the project makefile and change it?
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02:53.22*** join/#webos-internals CynC (~CynC@
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03:03.01ghostinatorin the sys log for the touchpad, user.emerg. changing scan rate to 30hz.. what exactly is it scanning
03:05.49discordcan somebody help me understand the differences between the installing ubuntu from the instructions at the starter guide and the partioning and metadoctor install
03:09.39discordI'm under the impression that if I follow the starter guide that I'd be able to run ubuntu under webos using xecutah, and i'm guessing that if I do the metadoctor/ partioning install that ubuntu will run itself without webos, am i correct?
03:09.39ghostinatorfor best performance, you want to partition
03:09.40ghostinatorBoth ways use xecutah
03:09.40discordok, i understand preformance
03:09.40discordok, so basically ubuntu will always run along with webos, either way I install ubuntu, I'll just get better performance
03:09.45ghostinatorit'll run in a card just like any other app
03:13.29discordI'm confused by step 6 in the instructions:Build the custom doctor by running the script, or otherwise building it.
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03:13.39discorddo I just type make to run the scripts
03:14.26discordunder how to enable wifi profiles
03:14.41discordstep 6
03:15.01discordDEVICE = undefined
03:15.01discordCARRIER = undefined
03:15.01discordVERSION =
03:15.01discordINSTALL_WIFI_PROFILES = 1
03:15.03discordCUSTOM_BOOTLOGO = scripts/WebOS-Internals.tga
03:17.31discordi think i got it
03:18.22discordcan somebody tell me what are the wifiprofiles exactly? Is it just a backup of my wifi passwords and networks?
03:18.36*** join/#webos-internals jacques (~fontenot@nslu2-linux/jacques)
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03:20.37NuttyBunnydiscord: yep, that's the idea, that way you can activate over wifi
03:20.55*** join/#webos-internals nebula (
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03:23.43*** join/#webos-internals jeffgus_ (~jeffgus@2001:470:f2eb:1::4)
03:23.43Coweaterdo any of the preware apps used node?
03:27.24NuttyBunnythe hello app ;)
03:27.24NuttyBunnyah, no, I think that's not on Preware, sorry
03:27.24*** part/#webos-internals dragoon (
03:27.30rwhitbyNuttyBunny: it is now, in the testing feed
03:27.47rwhitbytweaks also uses node I believe
03:28.17*** join/#webos-internals fattire (
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03:28.20NuttyBunnyrwhitby: Ah, so it is THE hello app?  I saw it but I didn't paid much attention :)
09:28.51*** join/#webos-internals infobot (
09:28.51*** topic/#webos-internals is Discussion about webOS internals (not webOS SDK usage - #webos for that, or wIRC - #wirc for that). Honor all licenses, carrier agreements and copyrights. Twitter: @webosinternals Logs: Wiki: Pastebin: Preware: Patches:
09:28.51*** mode/#webos-internals [+v infobot] by ChanServ
09:29.21pcworldrwhitby: I submitted a patch 10 days ago, is it expected that it's not approved or went something wrong?
09:29.51rwhitbypcworld: probably no-one has gotten to it yet. I'm intending to do a patch processing run this evening after I reflash my Pre 3.
09:30.02PAinToadInternalz Pro wont launch without browser.conf
09:30.25pcworldthen use novacom put or Quick Install or whatever
09:30.35PAinToadSorry for being a pain
09:31.27pcworldrwhitby: ok, thanks, was just asking because it reminded me of all the problems with the HP AppCatalog
09:32.38rwhitbypcworld: no, feel free to hassle if no-one gets to it.  this last week has been busy for a number of reasons, including preparing and giving a presentation at webOS connect in sydney, which has used up all the free time.
09:34.37pcworldit's really no problem, wanted just to make sure that it's not a technical issue/bug ;)
09:34.42rwhitbyI've got 60 patches to go through tonight :)
09:36.19*** join/#webos-internals SimpsonTP (~bart@
09:36.35SimpsonTPhi, are there any efforts to make webos run on other mobile HW ?
09:37.33pcworldcurrently, not afaik
09:37.51pcworldthere have been tries some time ago and ended up in broken hardware
09:38.40pcworldit's not simple because webOS isn't opensource
09:38.46hucksyis this possible? isnt the mainsystem and driver closedsource?
09:38.52hucksyah k ;)
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09:39.14pcworldkernel is opensource, but not things like LunaSysMgr/Luna
09:39.55rwhitbyhidd and gl userspace is closed too
09:40.23hucksyyeah, all the gpl stuff is opensource, but thats not enough
09:40.47pcworldthe only components that are opensource (from a license point) are the ones they are forced to because of the license
09:41.54PAinToadisnt Luna just html?
09:42.21pcworldLuna is the component that manages the UI, including webkit (I think)
09:42.41pcworldand webkit handles the HTML apps/system UI
09:44.06PAinToadIs setting EnableAppCache to false the best way to stop webos shitty caching?
09:45.11pcworldshitty caching?
09:45.39PAinToadinfinitely caching webpages
09:46.38st34tlhdoes it affect performance in any way?
09:47.41PAinToadincreasing the frequency of garbage collection of cache does, but dont think turning caching off. Havent tested much but
09:47.45pcworldthis setting sounds more like caching apps, but not for the browser
09:48.12PAinToadits in browser-platform.conf
09:57.22*** join/#webos-internals Darkmagister (
09:58.58rwhitbypcworld: why is your patch marked for verizon wireless only?  2.1.0 is on verizon and unlocked Pre 2 devices and the patch applies to boht
09:59.48rwhitbypcworld: why is it not just an update to the existing Auto BCC patch for 2.1.0 ?
10:00.00pcworldI have a non-vzw version of the patch, which includes patches for localization resources
10:00.19pcworldI had to remove templates for many languages
10:00.48pcworldvzw webOS seems just to include templates for English/Spain
10:01.10pcworlddoes that make sense?
10:02.59pcworldrwhitby: the same reason sconix has seperate VZW patches of his advanced patches
10:04.45rwhitbypcworld: ok, thanks.
10:10.07pcworldthanks for approving
10:11.20*** part/#webos-internals st34tlh (~Adium@
10:28.17*** join/#webos-internals LarrySteeze (
10:56.04PAinToadwat does "unset cfq io scheduler" do?
11:01.22PAinToadwould installing it effect battery?
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11:08.18*** join/#webos-internals Snafflehog (~Jack@
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13:09.12ryu2k8hey guys
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13:14.49ryu2k8anyone here?
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14:00.51*** join/#webos-internals Abyssul-Pre (~wircer@
14:01.06Abyssul-PreGot a reply from the BHome author
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14:12.53*** join/#webos-internals Maracas (
14:13.38Maracasgood morning. where can I get some help with an issue after upgrading from webos 1.45 to 2,1?
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14:28.07Abyssul-PreMaracas,whatca need
14:28.34Abyssul-PreOr not..
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14:33.41Maracasthank you. I upgraded yesterday my pre plus from 1.45 to 2.1 After that, I had big time problem signing back in to my profile. It just doesnt login. I had to create a new profile to use the phone. Now, once inside, it doesnt setup backup, does not connecto to app catalog, and I have no idea on how to restore my old info from the original profile
14:33.43Maracascan anyone tell what happened and how do I fix this issue?
14:34.41rwhitbyis it an AT&T Pre Plus?
14:36.14Maracasit was att pre plus. i unlocked it and now use it in another country. I've had it for a year next month
14:37.55Abyssul-PreArnt you suppose to delete ur old backup prior to upgrade?
14:39.55*** join/#webos-internals sergacity2 (~sergacity@
14:40.38MaracasFollowing instructions, I disabled backups in my device.  About erasing backups in the Palm servers, I have no clue on how to do that. Everytime I access my palm profile from my computer, it just shows my phone info, and last back up date, but no files.  Am I doing the right steps?
14:41.48Abyssul-PreWell first is that you cant transfer data from one palm profile to another
14:42.09doubledub-pre2Disabling backups is supposed to delete backup at palm profile.
14:42.44doubledub-pre2Is pre+ still on a us network?
14:42.51ruumisdid anyone else get burned by this thing?
14:43.16Abyssul-PreRuumis, nope. I muffle logging via ##logs#.
14:43.19Maracaswell, then I did, but after doing everything, it just wont login to palm profile at welcome screen
14:44.23Abyssul-PreWhats the exact error
14:47.43Maracasat sign in, it doesn sign in with my original profile.  It says that it cannot restore data, to try again later.  If I create a new profile, it runs fine and activates the phone, but nothing else about the new profile works fine, like it doesnt backup, no access to app catalog.
14:49.01RagingMinddoes the touchpad do BT Pan?
14:49.37bedrock@ RagingMind no :(
14:50.02RagingMindwell not from the GUI, but neither did any of the phones until freetether
14:50.39*** join/#webos-internals NuttyBunny (~cnegrete@
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14:51.51RagingMindNuttyBunny, good morning
14:52.04NuttyBunnyHey RagingMind  :)
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14:55.29MaracasSo, is there a solution?
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15:03.40*** join/#webos-internals Abyssul (
15:08.30Maracasso, is there a way to get back all my info from my old profile?
15:09.46Abyssulhave you ever logging into a 2.x device with that profile before?
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15:11.37Maracasno. this was my first time.  Before I used to login very easily with a 1.4.5 version
15:11.42rwhitbyMaracas: HP changed the servers. You can't run 2.1.0 on an AT&T Pre+ any more and get profile access.
15:12.12Maracasok. that is nice to know. then, how do I fix this issue?
15:12.20Maracasis there a fix?
15:12.21AbyssulMaracas, stick to 1.4.5
15:12.53AbyssulDoctor back to 1.4.5 and log in to your original profile
15:13.03rwhitbyMaracas: either stick to 1.4.5, or learn how to change tokens with Meta-Doctor to make it into a P101UEU ROW Pre+ instead of an AT&T Pre+ (and there's no guarantee that will fix it either)
15:13.15Abyssulrwhitby, why allow sprint pre- but not att Pre+?
15:13.51rwhitbyAbyssul: because someone's sister's best friend's cat's birthday didn't end in a 2.
15:13.57MaracasGosh, how am I hating HP for what they have done, destroyed PALM and now its products
15:14.28*** join/#webos-internals carv (57c29e76@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:15.02NuttyBunnyMaracas: you're not alone, believe me
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15:16.30MaracasI know. I really hope they give the software to another company that will really make things better
15:17.04*** join/#webos-internals jsage (
15:17.37AbyssulJust along for the ride...
15:18.07Maracasand where could I learn that changing tokens that rwhitby mentions?
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15:35.30Lazar_DobrescuI am running 2.1.0 on my ATT pre+.. does that mean it would not work if I had to doctor again? what is the problem exactly Maracas?
15:35.58Lazar_DobrescuI can't backup but I do have access to app catalog(not webos2 apps obv)
15:36.20Lazar_DobrescuI did have to log in to my profile through impostah though
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15:38.10Lazar_DobrescuIt was also my understanding(from stuff rwhitby said at some point) that changing those tokens would not help because once you had activated a device once with HP it remembered which device it was and would not let you change anything
15:38.24Lazar_Dobrescubut maybe I was wrong about that
15:38.39haydnhis unpacking hi TP at last!
15:39.45Maracashold on. I am reading
15:40.25rwhitbyLazar_Dobrescu: yeah, that's why I said there was no guarantee
15:41.43Lazar_DobrescuMaracas: when I doctored my phone I could not log in to an existing profile just like you but when I created a new one it did give me app catalog access... maybe that changed
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15:42.05Lazar_Dobrescurwhitby: no guarantee but you think there's a chance it could work?
15:42.08Maracasno, it keeps the same problem. But now I get everyting
15:42.34Lazar_Dobrescuwhat keeps the same problem Maracas?
15:42.43MaracasHP simply screwed us all up, and does not want us to upgrade, but to buy the new phone
15:43.10Lazar_DobrescuMaracas: yeah it's annoying that the only NA GSM pre+ can't get 2.1 :)
15:44.19Lazar_Dobrescunote that it's not that big an improvement over 1.4.5 when you can't install webos 2 apps anyhow, which you could never do on AT&T pre's
15:44.27Lazar_Dobrescuso take comfort knowing you don't lose that much :)
15:44.41Maracasthen, thank you rwithby and lazar.  I will try it out for until sunday, if I can get it running almost like before, then I'll keep it, if not, I will do a rollback to 1.4.5
15:44.52Lazar_DobrescuMaracas: did you try though impostah?
15:45.15MaracasNo, I havent tried impostah. how do I try it, and what difference will it make?
15:45.42Lazar_Dobrescuit did allow me to log on to an existing account when I had the same error at activation screen
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15:45.54Lazar_Dobrescubasically I created a new one, but then installed impostah and used it to log on to my old one
15:46.11rwhitbyLazar_Dobrescu: was your activation screen error a restore failure?
15:46.31Lazar_DobrescuIt said cannot restore data just like Maracas said
15:46.49Lazar_DobrescuI didnt care bout restored data anyhow I just wanted the apps I had bought to still be available
15:47.07Lazar_Dobrescuso that worked out ok for me
15:47.38Lazar_DobrescuMaracas: sorry bout that, to try it you just install it through preware
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15:47.45rwhitbyLazar_Dobrescu: that's a normal error for upgrades. some backup data is not compatible, and the login fails due to it
15:48.25Lazar_Dobrescuit did happen for an account that I had created on 2.1 though
15:48.29rwhitbynothing to do with accepting the login or not, purely a backup restore issue. if you meta-doctor with developer mode already on you can see the corresponding error message in /var/log/messages when it happens
15:48.32Maracasrwithby, but it also doesnt make backups afterward
15:48.49Lazar_Dobresculike, I doctored to 2.1, created an account, then immediately re-doctored to 2.1 and could not restore
15:49.01Lazar_Dobrescubut maybe it's because backups no longer work so I don't know
15:49.04rwhitbythe not making backups is due to the server change to exclude devices not authorised by the carrier for 2.x
15:49.17Lazar_Dobrescuyep.. I definitely can't do backups
15:49.23Lazar_Dobrescubut that's a very lesser pain imo
15:49.50doubledub-pre2rwhitby: does this affect sprint pre2's?
15:50.41Lazar_DobrescuI think it only affects, AT&T, Bell, Telcel and WR pre(+)
15:51.26rwhitbydoubledub-pre2: no
15:51.38doubledub-pre2rwhitby: thx
15:52.01Maracasok. so rwhitby, one last question, how do I restore my old apps from this point?
15:52.10rwhitbydoubledub-pre2: of course that answer may be valid today but not tomorrow, since it's determined server-side
15:52.27Lazar_DobrescuMaracas: if you're not using the same profile you can't get your paid apps
15:52.33Lazar_Dobrescuwithout paying again
15:52.51Maracasok. sucks, but ok
15:53.20Maracasand to get back to my old profile, if it still gives me signin problem?
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15:53.59Lazar_Dobrescudid you try impostah? with what rwhitby just said it seems doubtful but worth a shot :)
15:54.06Lazar_Dobrescuotherwise the answer is go back to 1.4.5
15:54.25MaracasOK, how do I impostah?
15:54.31Lazar_Dobrescuinstall it from preware
15:54.44Maracasdoes impostah allow me to get my old apps?
15:54.53Lazar_Dobrescuif it allows you to sign in to your profile
15:55.02Lazar_Dobrescuit will allow you to (manually) redownload em for free
15:55.26Maracasok. I will give it a try. Preware. I will find it there
15:57.07Maracaswill you please remind me how to install preware?  I have to enable developer mode, correct? How do I enable developer mode in 2.1?
15:57.26Lazar_Dobrescusame way, upupdowndownleftrightleftrightbastart
15:57.34Lazar_Dobrescuthen install it using WebOS Quick Install
15:58.42Maracasdidnt work the upupdowndown...blah.  It opened the web brower
15:59.36rwhitbyfor preware install, see
15:59.39Maracasin 1.4.5 it was 2001 something, ?
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16:00.59divStarwow I am surprised how easy it's to use the widgets within the webos sdk once you understood their anatomy o_o
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16:01.58PatrickCupupdowndownleftrightleftrightbastart ;)
16:02.48doubledub-pre2Or get the app rwhitby suggested.
16:02.57Maracasgot it
16:03.02PatrickCwow.... f15 kills f4 in boot times :)
16:03.09PatrickCthanks uNiXpSyChO|Zzzzz!!!!!
16:04.48Maracasgreat. now I will try it and see what happenes
16:06.41haydnhIt's like christmas here today - so many parcels to open!
16:07.26rwhitbyhaydnh: was the same here yesterday - an extra touchpad and Pre 3 :)
16:08.53haydnhTP, TP touchstone, TP case, Pre charger, Pre touchstone and new wireless router all turned up on same day...
16:09.34Maracasrats.  Now it wont install Preware. Any error message
16:11.31m0ngr31rwhitby: how is the pre3? is it worth dropping $600 to get one from england?
16:12.43pcworldwith only 5.x GB available flash and about 300-350 MB available RAM I think not
16:13.09pcworldworse than on Pre2
16:13.47*** part/#webos-internals doubledub-pre2 (~wircer@
16:14.33haydnhI love mine, much better than my Pre-
16:16.36PatrickCrwhitby: is the pre3 good? or is it just a big pre2?
16:17.33Maracasgosh. I am getting an error while trying to install preware on my phone.
16:17.58pcworldwhat error?
16:18.05pcworldQuick Install?
16:19.06Maracasyes. quick install is giving an error while trying to install preware
16:19.26MaracasLazar, still here?
16:21.13pcworld"an error" isn't specific
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16:22.57Maracasthat is all it says.  a big pop-up window with ERROR inside. If I could post the screen image you could see it
16:25.25PatrickCMaracas: what version of Quick Install are you using?
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16:27.56Maracas3.14  and if you have been looking at my thread, yesterday I upgraded to webos 2.1
16:28.44Maracasgosh, this is becoming a giant mess
16:28.47PatrickC3.14?! that's old
16:28.53PatrickC4.3 is the newest
16:29.13Maracasand where do I find it?
16:29.20rwhitbyyes, recommends 4.x
16:29.52NuttyBunnyrwhitby: you're still here 'cause it's saturday over there, right? :)
16:30.51Maracasfound it. downloading it. will check if it fixes the thing
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16:33.36MaracasI will buy the document. dont worry
16:33.38rwhitbyNuttyBunny: yep, and I'm doing some intricate meta-doctoring on a special Pre 3
16:33.57Maracasnow, I cant find preware in the new webos quick install
16:34.24NuttyBunnywe're still on friday morning over here.. *sigh*
16:34.26rwhitby - use one of the other methods.
16:35.48PatrickCNuttyBunny: in 25 minutes it'll be Friday Afternoon ;)
16:40.49destinalrwhitby: wow, pre3 has only 380 useable RAM for webos? that's a lot less than pre2  :(
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16:41.55happycubeouch... that's a pretty large memory bite for a qualcomm
16:42.05happycube(pre2 had a separate radio chip)
16:42.11destinalerr and a lot less than pre+  (ouch) :)  not much more than pre- overall
16:43.12PatrickCwow.. that's.... just wow
16:43.29happycubewould've liked the touchpad to have omap4
16:43.39destinalI just don't get who decided that less than 1 gb made sense for a device with RAM shared to baseband
16:43.49Maracasok, found it and trying out.  wait a few to test what rwithby and lazar have recommended
16:44.05happycubemost android devices have <=512mb.  the g1 only had 192mb... shared.
16:44.36destinalhappycube: yes but webos is notoriously inefficient with RAM
16:45.05destinaland most android devices weren't intended for simultaneous multitasking ala webos either
16:46.55happycubeagreed - 1gb ram would make sense for pre3
16:48.14PatrickCI would like to see 1.5GB ;)
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16:49.32Maracasok. finally ran impostah.  Now, looking at my original profile, what does accountstate with B stand for?
16:49.40pcworldrwhitby: but why only 5.3GB available flash? I don't think GPU and the like are using the flash drive...
16:51.02destinalpcworld: qualcomm  also uses a good deal of the flash as well
16:51.49destinalwell and some is the operating system and database storage partitions, I don't know how it all adds up offhand
16:52.03Maracaslazar, you still here?
16:53.08dtzWillis there a good way to see any changelog for an app cat app? just hope it's in the description?
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16:54.47PatrickCdtzWill: or if they put one in the source...
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16:57.50PatrickCMaracas: did it work?
16:58.38Maracaswell, I finally got impostah installed, but now I dont know how to get my old info restored. Lazar was helping, but he kind of got lost
16:59.38PatrickCwhy do you need Impostah?
17:00.15NuttyBunnycrap... fsck.vfat is sloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooowwww!!
17:01.22Maracasbecause I upgraded my pre plus to webos 2.1 yesterday, and I havent been able, at first, to access my original profile, so I had to create a new profile, and then, I havent been able to restore all my apps from my original profile into the new profile
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17:02.21PatrickChmm.. did you erase backup data before doctoring?
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17:02.54Lazar_DobrescuMaracas: did you try activation menu from impostah?
17:03.27Lazar_Dobrescuyou can enter an email and password to login to a profile thyere
17:03.41Maracasalso rwhitby recommended to change tokens, but dont know how on that part. But still, dont know from here, how to restore my old profile
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17:10.00jojoxhi everybody ^^
17:11.05jojoxi search a keyboard pliant bluetooth compatible hp touchpad !!
17:11.26jojoxi m not sure does exist
17:12.22Lazar_Dobrescuby exist do you mean is not backordered or exists somewhere is good enough?
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17:12.50Lazar_Dobrescualso I think #touchpad would be a better place to ask :)
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17:14.02Lazar_Dobrescuin any case HP did make one... it's sold out in a lot of stores though
17:14.28destinalyou can also use most any bluetooth keyboard, doesn't have to be the HP one
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18:16.20discordwhy aren't they using ext4 instead of ext3 for the partition to place ubuntu?
18:18.15wreaNo support for ext4 in the kernel
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18:59.40izzadiscord: Also no reiserfs because we don't want subliminal messages in the logs causing people to murder their wives.
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19:36.56rhcp[linux]wrea, you know in pre-ware you can flash a kernel that supports EXT4 yea?
19:37.22rhcp[linux]its just a config flag in the kernel config
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19:41.14wreaI know
19:42.08sagi__Can someone help me with creating a patch?  I was working on a way to make PDF files render better on the touchpad, and it seems it can be done by changing two parameters in the app
19:44.47bikr_is anyone rocking 1.9ghz stable yet?  I'm on f15 1.8 now..
19:45.01bikr_F4 i mean
19:45.16bikr_F4 Phantom @ 1.8 is pretty stable..
19:46.53PatrickCbikr_: I run F15, but I normally run bleeding edge :)
19:47.03rhcp[linux]sagi__, Sit around for a bit. someone will help you.
19:47.15bikr_PatrickC: Have you been stable at 1.9?
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19:47.20rhcp[linux]Im running ubder at 1.5
19:47.27PatrickCbikr_: it seems so, yes
19:47.27rhcp[linux]i was @ 1.9
19:47.28sagi__rhcp[linux]: sure, thanks.
19:47.30rhcp[linux]its stable
19:47.38rhcp[linux]nebula, might be able to help you
19:47.40PatrickCsagi__: what do you need help with?
19:47.40rhcp[linux]he knows his way
19:52.20Lazar_DobrescuI thought you only had to create a normal .patch file...
19:53.06sagi__PatrickC: I know what file I want to patch and I can look at the source code of existing patches to figure out syntax etc.  My question is about /var/palm/jail. Seems like quickoffice directories are mounted as /dev/root -> /var/palm/jail/media/cryptofs/... So applying this patch requires LunaRestart to make it work. I think I should be modifying the file in /media/cryptofs/... and then it should be remounted under /var/palm/jail after the
19:53.07sagi__next restart? Not sure how the /var/palm/jail thing works.
19:54.05PatrickCa patch will always require a luna restart, no matter what it edits, if what's what you were asking?
19:55.32sagi__OK.  So it's not because of /var/palm/jail.  That answers my question I guess. Thanks.
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20:56.52Tobias24hi guys :D
20:57.08Tobias24at what price is the HP Pre 3 a "bargain" ?
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21:13.29BoopopUnder 100 (insert currency) imo
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21:20.53sam___hey, how does one set overclocking on both cores?
21:21.35sam___I am stuck with one core having overclocking dpeed
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21:31.16destinalBoopop: uh since it's probably MSRP of $600 off contract, so the ~$270'ish off contract on the euro store is a really good deal
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21:32.25euriskohi everyone i just ordered a veer from the us new inside box. can someone tell me if i can activate the device without a at&t card?
21:32.30destinalBoopop: consider that handsets are generally much more expensive than tablets (miniaturization costs money)
21:33.14destinaleurisko:  you discover?  :)
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21:33.47destinaleurisko: yes you can using the ##DEVMODE# bypass  and the Impostah application
21:34.30euriskothanks, destinal
21:34.41euriskoi am so happy :) can't wait to get it
21:35.46destinaleurisko: veer is a really cool device IMO (amazing what they can pack into such a small package)
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21:36.11wreaHmm. I'm trying to do make package on pcre and the originating ipkg is not available anymore
21:38.23euriskodestinal, yeah 800mhz inside such a small thing it's incredible!
21:38.42euriskoi just hope it doesn't toast my hands :)
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21:42.40destinaleurisko: I think you can overclock it to 1.1ghz but the kernel to do that is still in our testing  feeds
21:43.26destinalthat one might make it warmer though :)
21:44.10wreaGreat for the winter
21:44.24euriskohum? i think it's better to run it at stock speed
21:44.31euriskoor is it underclocked?
21:45.47destinaleurisko: it's the scorpion MSM7230, rated for 800mhz so yeah you're probably right, in general
21:50.45BoopopAlso consider that the OS is probably dead destinal xD
21:50.53BoopopOr it seems that way to me...Samsung doesn't want it
21:50.57BoopopI can't see anyone else wanting it
21:51.28BoopopSure HP can support it but without any licensees it's pointless
21:51.35geisthey, dont forget printers!
21:52.23cat-xegerI'll give it a while yet.
21:53.34BoopopI'd say give it 3 months
21:53.36Boopop6 tops
21:53.38Boopopthen it's dead
21:53.45Boopopand buried
21:54.03Boopopespecially if WP7 picks up
21:54.23BoopopWindows Phone + Windows 8 combo looks pretty enticing
21:55.33ziggo0One could only imagine what could be accomplished with WebOS's source.
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22:04.42euriskoBoopop do you really think wp7 will ever pick up?
22:07.31BoopopIt's possible
22:07.44BoopopHeck, it's got more chance than wOS picking up!
22:08.01BoopopI think if they get some good tablets out, and people have a play about with metroUI on Windows 8, and like it
22:08.24euriskowell my think they have the same chances, and they are close to none
22:08.29Boopopthe idea of having a desktop, tablet and smartphone that are similar to eachother like that is appealing
22:08.50Boopophowever windows 8 isn't going to be released for a while
22:08.52robobot[0]windows 8 and windows phone will explode
22:08.54euriskoeveryone hates micro$oft, the ui it's not that great and they need great hardware to run it
22:09.09Boopop"Everyone hates micro$oft"
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22:09.39robobot[0]windows 8 on touchpad, anyone?
22:09.42BoopopSorry but that's just made me not take your opinion too seriously >.<
22:09.58euriskobut it's my perception
22:10.08BoopopHate's a very strong word, if everyone hated MS, they would have got out of business a decade ago
22:10.26euriskoit's like women Boopop
22:10.42euriskoeveryone complains about them, but everyone keeps them arround
22:10.53BoopopPersonally I think that metroUI is pretty unique and interesting
22:11.13Boopopby putting windows 8 on ARM
22:11.22Boopopthey're bringing the phone and computer platforms together
22:11.24Boopopa smart move
22:11.26euriskothat can be neat
22:11.45BoopopPlus the things they're doing with Windows 8 look good
22:11.47Boopopfaster boot times
22:11.55Boopopimproved file transfer dialogs (AT LAST)
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22:12.08euriskomicrosoft had been doing quite a nice things lately, the sources of the xp kernel are open for the academy for example? i really like them a little more now :)
22:12.27BoopopA MS OS I'm looking forward to...shocking
22:12.31BoopopI completely skipped Vista
22:12.34Boopopwell, not skipped
22:12.38Boopopbut it was never my main OS
22:12.41euriskoi like windows 7, it's installed on my laptop
22:12.56euriskoand windows server 2008 r2 was a great evolution
22:13.08BoopopI've got WHS on my server xD
22:13.18euriskobut come on? it's true everyone hates them
22:13.20Boopopcouldn't be bothered with a proper enterprise-y server OS
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22:14.33euriskolately i have been programming for windows ce, and itsn that bad? the problem is vs.. that sucks hard
22:14.50BoopopReally? I quite like VS
22:14.58euriskoi hate it
22:15.00BoopopI've dabbled in Eclipse and Netbeans
22:15.06BoopopI preferred VS
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22:15.20BoopopNetbeans royally screwed me over for my web services coursework at uni
22:15.21euriskoi used eclipse, xcode and vi+ makefile
22:15.33euriskovs is the worst
22:15.51BoopopWell I'm trying to get a job as a C# developer so... :P
22:15.59euriskodeployment to the smartdevices are always failing
22:16.11euriskoi am coding c/c++ to win ce
22:16.20euriskosometimes i do some wrappers in c#
22:16.26euriskobut mainly i am hating the job
22:16.35euriskoit's just a summer job (thnak god)
22:16.40BoopopI did badly in my C course
22:16.49Boopophaven't tried C++
22:17.17euriskoskip it
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22:17.35BoopopThe guy who taught C said C++ was a horrible language
22:17.42euriskoi think it nowadays it doesn't have any major interest
22:18.01Boopopthing is if it's the most widely used language, whether it's horrible or not doesn't really come into it
22:18.10Boopophowever there seems to be plenty of C# jobs
22:18.17euriskoi doubt it's the most used language
22:18.18Boopophopefully plenty enough that I get hired!
22:18.18robobot[0]Boopop: eurisko doesn't want you competing for his job
22:18.27BoopopTrue :D
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22:18.39euriskoon the spot where i am working i am coding in c/c++ mainly
22:18.42BoopopBut then he doesn't even know what country I'm in xD
22:18.50euriskothe other guys everyone is coding in c#/java
22:23.09euriskoback as i was saying the guys from my college from informatics don't learn c++ neither i do in electrical engineering
22:24.23euriskoonly c , java and python on my course. on informatics they also learn c#
22:28.03yazgooHi, did anyone here tryied ?
22:29.11yazgooWhen I SIGINT the program, the accelerometer is not handled by webos anymore.
22:29.40yazgooeven when I   HidEventDeInit();
22:30.26yazgoo(handling SIGINT).
22:30.48yazgooSame goes for the buttons.
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22:53.29m0ngr31does someone know if it's possible to perminately change the part number of my touchpad?
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23:16.02destinalm0ngr31: yes, it is -- oh, you're gone
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23:41.09m0ngr31so i have a demo unit that i had to activate through impostah. is there a way to force it to download all my apps like use the first use app?
23:46.21rwhitbyerase the backup and the device and then go through the first use proces

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