IRC log for #webos-internals on 20110908

00:02.06lordbahHow do I send a break signal in xterm on TP?
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00:10.32lordbahHow do I hide the keyboard in xserver?
00:10.55rwhitbyas stated in the splash screen to which you clicked "I've read this"
00:12.15rwhitbylordbah: TP xterm is missing lots and lots of keys. can't do a lot of things.
00:13.27lordbahOh that was weeks ago and I figured if I needed something it would be in the wiki.
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00:13.47rwhitbylordbah: please add it to the wiki then
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00:21.02dtzWilllordbah: if you have a bt keyboard things should work, all 'cept escape
00:22.30lordbahdtzWill: Hmm, got the ps3 one around.
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00:24.17lordbahdtzWill: No ctrl key there either though.
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00:58.46lordbahps3 wireless keypad (I know, so what)
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01:03.21SineOtdoes anyone know if webOS 2.2 on the Pre3 brought in better support for the Touchpad wireless keyboard?
01:04.35*** join/#webos-internals lamawithonel (
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01:17.22green--hm, is there a way to tell webOS not to rotate the wallpaper when the screen is rotated (without orientation lock). It really looks ugly when rotating
01:22.34ka6sox-awaygreen--, I wish!
01:22.55sdct989Is there a way to scroll up in the terminal in xecutah's xterm?
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01:53.43*** join/#webos-internals Tibfib (
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02:11.04kneejerkthis place is on fire
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02:12.15Tibfibyour place is one fire
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02:14.02kneejerkgood try i guess
02:16.52kneejerkis tibfib an homage to your lower arm?
02:17.25kneejerkoops leg
02:17.26Tibfibtibia is in your leg
02:17.34Tibfibbut aye, it is
02:17.39kneejerki was thinking radius and ulna
02:17.45Tibfibah yes
02:18.07ajaykneejerk: he's so close to you, how could you have messed that up?? :)
02:18.32Tibfibalmost snarkily replied "is kneejerk an homage to your elbow?"
02:18.44kneejerkno im just a jerk
02:18.47Tibfibthen I realized that might have been an accidentaly mistake
02:18.55TibfibOH MY GOSH
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02:20.17kneejerkwhat do you mean by close?  he is i nTX
02:20.25destinalTibfib: isn't that kind of a kneejerk reaction to seeing the handle kneejerk?  :P
02:20.56destinalor sorry, rather a kneejerk reaction to his Tibfib comment?
02:21.03kneejerki just love the human body
02:21.28destinalwe need more anatomical names in here, we have two bones and a joint represented
02:21.32Tibfibkneejerk: server !== location
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02:21.50TibfibI think it typically does. but not this time
02:21.54kneejerkwhat does mine say?
02:22.21Tibfib"close" was referring to knee to tibia
02:22.22kneejerki suppose i can whois myself
02:22.54kneejerki see the patella
02:23.52kneejerkscapula anyone?
02:24.55kneejerki am not in oregon
02:25.15ka6soxI already have 2 shoulderblades.
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02:26.04kneejerkthe way i remeber is is scapula starts with s and clavicle starts with c
02:26.09kneejerkcollar bone
02:26.23kneejerk* it
02:27.00kneejerkwho thought this would have turned into an anatomy lesson?
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02:27.28Tibfiberggh what was I working on
02:27.49haydnhWtf? When did #webos-internals become #human-internals?!?
02:27.57kneejerkandroid in cards?
02:29.00ghostinatorI'm getting wicked bad touch pad freezes.. hard reset is the only remedy. I'm checking the logs to trackin
02:29.05ghostinatorit down
02:29.30kneejerkyou got all the patches ans oc?
02:29.57Tibfibghostinator: I'm guessing an app is leaking memory
02:30.46ghostinatormaybe, I'll try and see. its really jntermittent
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02:31.47ghostinatorwhich makes for for fun trouble shooting
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02:32.32ghostinatoryeah its not related to the 1.8ghz as it happens at 1.2 as well
02:33.14Tibfibdo you have the sdk installed?
02:33.19kneejerkim sticking to 1.5, i cant have the boys get too hot
02:33.26kneejerkyou know
02:33.32ghostinatorwhatever you want let me know
02:33.38Tibfibghostinator: run palm-worm from the command line
02:33.45ghostinatorone min
02:33.52Tibfibthat should help you out if it is a bad behaving app
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02:38.11ghostinatorlooks like jstop, only shows wirc, lumberjack and govnah.  not the 2 browser windows I have open
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02:50.55ghostinatorpalm worm is no use to me... JavaScript heap and memory usage is fine
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03:00.21*** join/#webos-internals Dr_Drache (
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03:06.34Dr_Drachehey guys
03:08.30Dr_Drachei'm wondering about socks5/vpn setup on my touchpad.
03:08.59Dr_Drachei have a socks/ssh server i use for my other devices, is there a way to make this work for the touchpad?
03:09.18Dr_Dracheor an opensource VPN server that supported the supported protocols?
03:10.12wreawell, i think openvpn is available through preware
03:10.18ka6soxDr_Drache, the only one I know we support outside of webOS's is openVPN.
03:10.43Dr_Dracheopenvpn. i didn't see that in preware, but honestly, i never looked
03:11.09wreaI wish openvpn was there natively.
03:11.35Dr_Drachehow well does it work?
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03:12.30Dr_Dracheseriously, this seems like a bitch to setyp, lol
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03:16.50Dr_Drachewait, it's all commandline? blah. where is the easy button?
03:17.31wreaGotta program your own easy button
03:18.19wreaDoes your router support PPTP?
03:18.49Dr_Dracheit might.
03:18.54Dr_Drachehavn't checked
03:19.30wreaIf it does then PPTP support is built in and you're good to go
03:19.35destinalit's literally the easy button
03:19.48Dr_Drachei hate you :P
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03:20.56destinalomg EZ button won $1000 in hot apps?  @($!#!#
03:21.19destinalkicks himself for not writing something
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03:24.13Dr_Drachei can't find info on my router.
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03:24.33Dr_Drachesomeone just give me a cisco vpn software, k thnx
03:24.59wreawhat router do you have?
03:28.45wrealooks like it supports it.
03:29.17Dr_Dracheyea... blah... i think i am too noob.
03:29.24Dr_Drachethis is alot of work :P
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03:31.00jonpryka6sox, you know anything about random disconnected on novaterm?
03:32.20ka6soxmostly I've gotten that because of a bad connection to the TP from the host.
03:32.35geistcrappy usb cables will do it
03:32.39geistthere are sooo many of those in the world
03:32.45geistand/or crappy hubs
03:33.34jonpryits just the provided cable
03:34.28ka6soxjonpry, its always been a bad connection
03:34.55jonpryswitching usb ports on my laptop has no effect
03:34.55ka6soxI've done some ugly stuff to the OS and it keeps on ticking.
03:35.35ka6soxblow on the connector in the TP and insert a few times.
03:35.51ka6soxthats the only thing I've seen before.
03:36.24ka6soxmy original pixi I needed to replace the USB connector..but it was WELL used.
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03:40.15jonpryseems to be working now for whatever reason
03:42.29jonpryi swear this particular touchpad is a bit shady
03:42.38ka6soxI've had novaterm not *work* which required a reboot but never random disconnnects unless it was a flaky connector or HUB.
03:42.44jonprybad screen, bad ts, bad usb....
03:43.04ka6soxwhy do we even work on this eh?
03:43.19jonpryneed better hardware :p
03:44.59ka6soxthe NC is about as bulletproof as I've ever seen.
03:46.05*** join/#webos-internals donc (
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03:57.38ajaysee yaz!
04:01.51robobot[0]Anyone here set up airprint?
04:02.07rhcp[linux]i did once a long time ago
04:02.13rhcp[linux]it was a pain in the balls
04:02.19rhcp[linux]and didnt work right :/
04:02.23rhcp[linux]prob did it wrong
04:05.18robobot[0]i'm about to buy a [unsupported] printer and was hoping to use my router
04:06.03rhcp[linux]i wouldnt
04:06.09rhcp[linux]unless you can bring it back
04:06.12rhcp[linux]i had a horrid time with it.
04:06.18rhcp[linux]though you might get lucky :)
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04:07.32robobot[0]the airprint would be a bonus, but it isnt necessary
04:07.52rhcp[linux]i need to see whats up with my TP
04:08.00rhcp[linux]i dont feel like dr'ing it for no reason
04:08.00robobot[0]because there's no way i'm buying a supported airprint printer
04:08.22rhcp[linux]you know much how ipkg works?
04:08.24rhcp[linux]from novacom?
04:10.49rhcp[linux]too bad
04:10.53rhcp[linux]want to see if i can fix this
04:10.55rhcp[linux]without having to dr it
04:13.39robobot[0]what do you need?
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04:14.52rhcp[linux]I had about 10 packages on the internal storage
04:14.59rhcp[linux]i ran a script to install them all using ipkg install X
04:15.05rhcp[linux]it wound up running out of space
04:15.09rhcp[linux]and it seems kinda fucked up :)
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04:16.27rhcp[linux]yea :)
04:16.33rhcp[linux]Im just going to DR it i guess
04:16.37dwc-you installed them all in / I think
04:16.38rhcp[linux]dono whats up
04:16.43rhcp[linux]dwc-, me too
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04:16.52rhcp[linux]not sure how to fix it
04:16.58dwc-ipkg uninstall 'em
04:17.03rhcp[linux]i tried
04:17.11rhcp[linux]minus the .ipk?
04:17.19rhcp[linux]ipkg uninstall filename
04:17.23rhcp[linux]minus .ipk?
04:17.24dwc-whatever ipkg list says
04:17.25rhcp[linux]let me try that
04:17.31rhcp[linux]i can try
04:17.32dwc-sorry list_installed
04:17.35rhcp[linux]go one by one
04:17.37rhcp[linux]worth it
04:18.20rhcp[linux]figured id save myself time. by getting each ipk then using the install each one by one :)
04:18.23rhcp[linux]guess i thought wrong
04:18.25rhcp[linux]or did it wrong
04:21.21AbyssulI'm guessing it's not as easy as copying the contents of the webos.tar in the 2.2 doctor into a Pre2 to update is it :p
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04:28.14dwc-you could try it, let us know if it works :)
04:28.47wreayeah, be the guinea pig
04:29.50Abyssul_I dc'ed what happened?
04:30.22Abyssul_oh, just saw the logs :p
04:30.40Abyssul_Hmmm Im thinking of trying it but I just know that it isnt that simple
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04:37.37rhcp[linux]well it cant hurt :)
04:37.41rhcp[linux]if it works cool
04:37.44rhcp[linux]going to try now
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04:38.34Abyssul_I do have some spare Pre2's to experiment on instead of my own
04:38.40Abyssul_Ill try it tomorrow if I ge tthe chance
04:41.05sailerboyAbyssul_, you have 4 of them don't you?
04:41.32sailerboyAbyssul_, btw, my bro is loving his pre 2
04:41.35sailerboythanks for pointing me to it
04:43.51Abyssul_No problem
04:43.52Abyssul_Get yours?
04:44.05Abyssul_Yeah I have my 4. Still finding out what to do with them
04:44.59wreaGive one to me
04:46.11Abyssul_Nice try
04:46.21wreaIt was worth a shot
04:46.59wreaDId you get them from hp for the $50?
04:47.08Abyssul_What would you do for a Palm Pre 2? *Klondike jingle*
04:48.58geistsell crack on the street
04:49.07geiststab a hooker, hide the body
04:49.16geistburn down an orphanage
04:50.52rrixits what i do
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04:53.14dwc-got skype packages installed on my pre2... not sure the services are running correctly... adding an account seems to cause some exceptions
04:53.55dwc-be nice if I had a pre3 so I could see how these things were supposed to be running
04:54.03wreaAbyssul_, lucky. I missed out on it :\
04:54.15sailerboyAbyssul_, pointed me to them :)
04:54.49Abyssul_dwc-, what are you trying to do?
04:54.55dwc-get skype running
04:55.04Abyssul_on a non-VZW phone?
04:55.15Abyssul_I thought about that
04:55.34dwc-oh here we go, an emulator image for the pre3
04:55.39dwc-maybe there first
04:55.53Abyssul_why use that? Look in the 2.1 doctor for the vzw pre2
04:56.06dwc-the vzw pre2 stuff connects over the vzw voice network
04:56.19dwc-I already tried that a number of months ago
04:56.37Abyssul_Thats some serious BS :(
04:56.37dwc-it connects to the servers, but is rejected because the source IP isn't a vzw IP
04:56.48Abyssul_To the PRe3 then!
04:57.07dwc-that's what I'm trying
04:57.11Abyssul_You'd think it would be a simple .ipk package like the sprint navi
04:57.18wreaI wish I was in the bay area still, could have gone to the hp store
04:57.29dwc-I copied over all the pre-installed skype dependencies, and then the skype ipk
04:58.02dwc-but since I'm not sure exactly what the setup is supposed to look like, it's a little difficult to know which part is broken on my pre2
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05:02.56Abyssul_you got the .ipk from wr.tar right?
05:03.57Abyssul_what a shame... the mantaraycdmafw.tar is empty
05:05.26rhcp[linux]dwc-, I think you were right
05:05.35rhcp[linux]when i did the remove
05:05.38rhcp[linux]"removed from root"
05:06.40rhcp[linux]time to learn command line stuff. if i want to use it :)
05:07.36dwc-there's a variable that is set if you wnat to install in /media/cryptofs like all the other apps
05:08.39Abyssul_dwc-, where is the dependency skypem
05:08.49rhcp[linux]thanks for the help dwc-
05:08.52dwc-I tar'd it up out of the unpacked filesystem
05:08.52rhcp[linux]seems like it has worked
05:08.57rhcp[linux]no need to dr :)
05:09.18dwc-rhcp[linux]: cool
05:09.38Abyssul_where though o.O
05:09.40dwc-Abyssul_: I pulled all the skype-named ones save the gstreamer one, which didn't seem important yet
05:09.55Abyssul_I only see one skype .ipk
05:09.57dwc-I used the list in the ipkg lib dir
05:10.02dwc-it's not an ipk
05:10.10ka6soxwhat are we doing here?
05:10.23ka6soxdefine "Magic"
05:10.26dwc-uh, stuff that's probably off-topic, sorry
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05:10.34Abyssul_Not off-topic in my eyes
05:10.55dwc-rhcp[linux]: try IPKG_OFFLINE_ROOT=/media/cryptofs/apps when you ipkg
05:11.03ka6soxokay, so again, what are you doing?
05:11.15rhcp[linux]dwc-, set that in ENV?
05:11.17dwc-I was trying to get the skype stuff from 2.2 running on my pre2
05:11.24rhcp[linux]i see their are variable to install as well
05:11.53rhcp[linux]but ill take note
05:12.03rhcp[linux]ill prob just use the preware installer if i want to do it by hand.
05:12.12jonpryrhcp[linux], what did i tell you about quitting the internet
05:12.16dwc-that's probably easier
05:12.17rhcp[linux]its easier for me to download stuff from computer but harder
05:12.28rhcp[linux]jonpry, this is not the room to talk about things
05:12.45dwc-palm-install is scriptable on your computer, if you have the SDK
05:12.56rhcp[linux]dwc-, ah nice
05:13.00rhcp[linux]ill check it out
05:13.03rhcp[linux]im new to all this
05:13.36dwc-uh, wow. the icons in the 320x480 2.2 emu image are large and scrunched together
05:14.04dwc-launcher icons are 2x2
05:15.04Hobbz`may I ask a question regarding Doctor not recognizing the Pre for a frankenpre conversion?
05:15.05Abyssul_So many skypem files
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05:16.09Abyssul_Ill leave it to you dwc-. Thats too much work
05:18.29jonpryrhcp[linux], you think its not the room because you can't ban me from it and you don't want everyone to know what a douche bag you are
05:18.41rhcp[linux]rwhitby, will ban you.
05:18.42rhcp[linux]not me
05:18.59rhcp[linux]because you can say w/e you want. i wont say a word :)
05:19.03rhcp[linux]i dont care anymore
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05:20.33jonpryyeah thats it. bring your posse. its so surprising that the thief is unrepentant.
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05:22.23Hobbz`hello - is anybody available for a Doctor question?
05:23.01infobotThis is IRC. Don't ask to ask a question. Just ask your question and if someone's around, they'll be glad to help.
05:24.05Hobbz`I'm at the point of a sprint frankenpre conversion with webOS Doctor asks for the Pre to be connected.  It's not recognizing the Pre and I'm not sure why
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05:30.00Hobbz`any tips on what could be wrong?
05:30.10Hobbz`I installed the sdk and drivers
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05:32.26ka6soxHobbz`, sorry, bad night for me...need sleep.
05:33.14ka6soxbut wait around and someone will help.
05:33.30Hobbz`yeah, I've been working on this for about 5-6 hours now... know how you feel   =)
05:34.30Hobbz`can't wait too long, need to be up for work in 6 hours
05:35.32rwhitbyjonpry, rhcp[linux]: please take android on touchpad discussions elsewhere, thanks.
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05:35.57rhcp[linux]rwhitby, I wasnt talking about android. but thanks
05:36.10rhcp[linux]actually playing with my real webos touchpad :)
05:36.12rhcp[linux]for a change
05:36.28rhcp[linux]i did a stupid thing. I ipkg installed as root
05:36.37rhcp[linux]thanks to dwc- fixed it up
05:37.33rwhitbyrhcp[linux]: don't get cute with me. the discussion between yourself and jonpry is about issues unrelated to this channel. please take it elsewhere. webos-internals is *NOT* involved in any touchpad on android teams, efforts, or discussions in any way.
05:38.41rhcp[linux]Im not being cute with you man
05:38.53rhcp[linux]i was asking questions RE my webos install i messed
05:38.56rwhitbyand webos-internals is definitely not involved in any disputes between two individuals who are not webos-internals developers.
05:39.04rhcp[linux]i agree rwhitby
05:39.13rhcp[linux]thats why my first words were. this is not the chan to talk.
05:39.16rhcp[linux]if you look up
05:39.32rhcp[linux]anyways its over :)
05:39.46roadkillrhcp: he's trying to tell you to STFU in a polite, professional and firm way. This means not respondig to what people say to you about those issues. At all.
05:41.01rhcp[linux]i know
05:41.09rhcp[linux]thanks for being polite
05:41.17rhcp[linux]im here for webos only
05:41.33izzaSo much Touchpad drama.
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05:42.02rwhitbyizza: yep, and it must remain out of this channel. period.
05:42.38rwhitbyif necessary, anyone involved in the drama will be excluded if that is the only way to keep the drama out.
05:42.38izzaHeh, no problem here. I wish the people perpetuating the drama would put that energy into making something productive happen.
05:43.59Hobbz_any tips figuring out how to get Doctor to recognize the Pre would be very much appreciated  =)
05:47.24rwhitbyrhcp[linux]: note that I have seen things said by touchpad on android teams intimating that webos-internals is involved. that has to stop. webos-internals is not involved in touchpad on android teams, period.
05:48.03rhcp[linux]rwhitby, ok
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06:02.59timmy321Hobbz_: dont know if i can help but are you making a sprint pre 2?
06:05.20Hobbz_yes, I am
06:05.46timmy321is the pre 2 in developer mode?
06:06.19Hobbz_not sure... followed directions to plug in usb power while holding down up-volume button
06:06.26Hobbz_has usb symbol on screen
06:06.43timmy321well, did you try the up up down down thing?
06:07.37Hobbz_nope, it's a new phone - didn't see that in any of the information and figured it didn't apply
06:08.54timmy321i was thinking maybe you need to enable developer mode, but im not sure
06:09.50Hobbz_yeah... I followed the instructions and I believe it's in recovery mode.  I assumed it was similar to being in developer mode
06:10.11Hobbz_been at it for 6 hours... gotta wake up for work in 5  lol
06:10.43timmy321hmm dont think so but im not sure
06:11.18Hobbz_I'm methodically making sure all the drivers are reinstalled and such
06:11.21Hobbz_it's a royal pain  lol
06:11.24timmy321so you made a meta doctor build?
06:11.45Hobbz_yes, ran the script through the terminal window
06:12.15timmy321then you  plug in the usb and it just wont recognize it?
06:12.33Hobbz_I get the webOS Doctor to appear.... correct, when asked to plug in the USB it never recognizes it
06:12.59timmy321only thing i can think of is enable developer mode but i dont know...
06:13.06ka6soxHobbz_, pastebin the log from the doctor.
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06:13.30Hobbz_how would I do that?
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06:14.08ka6soxwhat kind of a machine are you on?
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06:14.46Hobbz_windows with virtualbox running ubuntu
06:15.12ka6soxare you trying to connect to the pre from the virtualbox?
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06:15.59ka6soxif you are move it into windows and run it from there.
06:16.30Hobbz_It shows connected to the USB port on my windows side
06:16.42Hobbz_not sure how to connect via virtualbox
06:16.52timmy321you have to set up usb in vb
06:17.05timmy321for the virtual machine
06:17.26Hobbz_bingo... how would that be accomplished?
06:17.46timmy321you have to do it in the virtual machine settings
06:18.42Hobbz_I'm there but not sure how to open connection
06:19.24timmy321hmm havent done that in a while...lemme see
06:22.24Hobbz_looks like I was able to add a usb filter and it had the pre listed, but no connection that I can tell
06:22.44ka6soxjust run the doctor from the windows side if you have followed the directions (as in for making a backup)
06:22.52timmy321i think thats what you have to do
06:23.03ka6soxI assume thats what you used vbox to create right?
06:23.19Hobbz_will it be the correct version of doctor though?  it autoran after the script command was entered
06:23.23timmy321you can run novaterm from the terminal to see if youre connected if you want
06:25.21Hobbz_I can download the pre 2 v2.1.0 from the website instead of having to run through ubuntu?
06:25.49timmy321you should use the doctor you made i think
06:26.02ka6soxHobbz_, what are you following for directions? url please?
06:27.00Hobbz_I'm on Step 3, running the meta doctor script
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06:27.10Hobbz_unfortunately, that's the hang-up
06:27.49Vic_Sage-TheQuesman I am soo pissed off trying to get the goddamn HP touchpad the bastards fracking owe me after what they did to the Palm Pixi
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06:28.09Hobbz-huh.... lol
06:28.22timmy321i would say enable usb in virtualbox and you should be ok..
06:28.26Hobbz-I'm on Step 3 of those directions
06:28.28ka6soxthis is not frankenpre directions.
06:28.37Hobbz-yes, it is
06:28.52Vic_Sage-TheQuesis webos 2 working on the pixi now?
06:28.54Hobbz-Timmy - I added the usb device filter but doesn't seem to helping
06:29.37timmy321hmm did you do that while the machine was off?
06:30.16Vic_Sage-TheQuesI am trying to get the HP touchpad (which I would have gotten at full price if I could have gotten the webos 2.0 update for the pixi)
06:30.18Hobbz-holy cow.... it finally conected
06:30.51timmy321so its working now?
06:30.54Hobbz-I disconnected pre from usb, killed windows novacom process and ejected... virtualbox picked it up
06:31.06Vic_Sage-TheQuesanybody have any tips on getting one for retail?
06:31.09Hobbz-it seems so
06:31.22timmy321hmm interesting, sounds good...
06:31.28Hobbz-thanks for your patience and tips
06:31.35timmy321no problem
06:31.59Vic_Sage-TheQuesanybody have any experience with display models on the hp touchpad?
06:32.00Hobbz-Vic - you can probably find some on ebay, somebody told me some were on  yesterday
06:32.08timmy321if you ever use ubuntu in the future i would recommend using wubi, it makes that kinda stuff easier
06:32.36Hobbz-heh... it took me 4 hours to finally get a working access point to ubuntu
06:32.51Vic_Sage-TheQuesyeah their on amazon for 2.4x what they are worth
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06:33.17destinalVic_Sage-TheQues: they're worth what people will pay for them :)
06:33.20timmy321well, wubi (windows installer for ubuntu) is way easier to use that vb with ubuntu imo
06:34.09Vic_Sage-TheQuesI really don't get it they were on sale at staples with coupon for $300 and never sold
06:34.32Vic_Sage-TheQuesnow they are selling like crazy at $300
06:36.00Hobbz-dang... lost connection
06:36.22Hobbz-yeah, I tried wubi and got it to finally install, but wouldn't let me run ubuntu for some reason
06:36.40destinalVic_Sage-TheQues:  as people are exposed to them, people realize that they have some real value
06:37.06timmy321are you on a 64bit system?
06:37.08destinalpeople might have started buying them for $100 because wow how can you go wrong at $100, but they're worth more than that
06:37.17Hobbz-yeah, 64 bit system
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06:37.32timmy321i had that problem on a 64bit system too...
06:38.00destinalHobbz-: wait which distro?
06:38.02Hobbz-drat... can't reconnect
06:38.10Vic_Sage-TheQueswhats the difference between the display models and the regular ones?
06:38.14destinalHobbz-: or which OS?
06:38.31Vic_Sage-TheQuesanybody have any experience in that regard
06:38.50Vic_Sage-TheQuesI might try to get a display model from the local wal-mart
06:38.51Hobbz-windows 7
06:38.52destinalVic_Sage-TheQues: they have a different SKU token written to them that means you need to bypass first use
06:39.03destinalor change the token
06:39.15timmy321i heard display models have like 8gb of hard disk or something but not sure
06:39.25Vic_Sage-TheQuesI was told they won't register
06:39.37destinalVic_Sage-TheQues: that's what I mean, there's a trick to get them to
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06:40.04Vic_Sage-TheQuesbut I figure once you hack them it could actually be pretty useful
06:41.27destinalonce you do that, they work basically like any touchpad
06:41.32Vic_Sage-TheQuesok cool it looks like the demo units are usable
06:42.00Hobbz-Walmart probably doesn't have any display units
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06:42.05Hobbz-for sale that is
06:42.21Vic_Sage-TheQuesI am just going to try and ask the manager
06:42.25Hobbz-I believe the stores were to send them back
06:42.34Vic_Sage-TheQuesaww that sucks
06:43.09roadkillWhat was funny was that when the firesale was first announced, I found a display unit at Staples. They wouldn't sell it to me. It was the only unit the store had.
06:43.29roadkillI did touch it a lot. Inappropriately. In front of other upset geeks.
06:43.43timmy321they're making 100-200K more for release in october, but you may need a pre-order
06:43.44Vic_Sage-TheQueseverywheres but my area seems to be getting these that is why this is pissing me off
06:44.11roadkillI really would sign up on the HP site for notification of availability. It's essentially a waiting list.
06:44.20Vic_Sage-TheQuesI have done so
06:44.29roadkillThen I wish you good luck.
06:45.06Vic_Sage-TheQuesyeah the sucky thing is that it looks like most of them are going to people who ordered already
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06:45.25Hobbz-drat - the phone connection keeps getting dropped
06:45.26roadkillAbout all you can do at the moment, I'm afraid. Unless you don't mind spending a bit extra for one on eBay
06:46.19timmy321the usb connection?
06:47.01Vic_Sage-TheQuesI am interested in them at $99 but for $240 it just runs the risk that HP will stop development on web os or make webos 5.0 with the HP touchpad 2 and not make it compatible with the original
06:47.12Hobbz-says Loading Ramdisk:booting
06:47.32Vic_Sage-TheQuesthen essentially the HP touchpad winds up about as screwed over as my pixi
06:47.39timmy321are you booting the virtual machine?
06:47.40Hobbz-then a couple lines later says it's waiting for device to come back
06:47.54Hobbz-that's the text on the terminal window
06:48.04Hobbz-hp logo on Pre screen
06:48.22timmy321the pre is booting then...
06:48.58Vic_Sage-TheQuesweb os is great but it is more closed source than Android
06:49.50Vic_Sage-TheQueshence devices go obsolete
06:49.52Hobbz-I'll give it a few minutes to finish rebooting... doctor dropped the connection, hopefully it doesn't try to restart from scratch
06:51.43Vic_Sage-TheQuesI could get behind web os again if HP would release the source code
06:54.18Hobbz-drat - it keeps getting hung up on the same spot and restarts
06:54.23destinalHobbz-: actually if the hp logo is up that could just mean it's booted into the installer image
06:54.43destinalthe doctor actually has to drive the installer image sending commands throughout the process like an expect script
06:55.37timmy321isnt it supposed to show the usb image?
06:55.55destinalno, that's an earlier step
06:56.01Hobbz-here's what I see happening... doctor uploads a rather large file and sends a boot command... after a couple minutes, it seems doctor times out and stops waiting
06:56.14Hobbz-it's only at 4% on the progress bar
06:56.55timmy321unplug and start again?
06:57.00destinalHobbz-: ok so what it's doing is using novacom to send bootie a boot image (kernel) over USB, it sends it, it boots  (thus the HP logo)  but this kernel doesn't do anything else with video
06:57.09Hobbz-yep - after 3 minutes, it's timing out
06:57.32destinalwhat device is this?
06:57.45Hobbz-Pre 2, trying to do a sprint frankenpre conversion
06:58.02destinalHobbz-: any chance you have an old version of the novacom drivers?
06:58.49Hobbz-it's possible but I checked to make sure the links seemed current
06:59.12Hobbz-I finally got virtualbox to run ubuntu, so installed everything fresh
06:59.28destinalhow are you connecting usb to the VM
06:59.51Hobbz-set up a usb device filter
06:59.55Hobbz-on the settings menu
07:00.03destinalbecause when it reboots it's very much like unplugging and plugging it back in, if you are doing anything manually you need to do it again when it reboots
07:00.12destinaloh AND
07:00.21destinalthere are different USB device id's
07:00.26Hobbz-not doing anything manually but watching
07:01.12destinalmake sure that the device is getting connected once it reboots after upload
07:01.21destinalcan you see it in list
07:01.57rwhitbyfolks, the first rule of running the doctor is do run it on the command line to see the full log.
07:02.06rwhitbywe don't answer anything until we see a full log in a pastebin, period.
07:02.11Hobbz-I saw some additional usb unknown devices so I added them all
07:02.58Hobbz-ha - that was it
07:03.03Hobbz-had to add 5 more usb devices to the filter
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07:03.41Hobbz-cotton-pickin gizmo  lol
07:03.49rhcp[linux]rwhitby, Can the dr be used to change things on the current system? without destroying what is on it currently? like if you wanted to add a part?
07:03.57rhcp[linux]or is it best to wait for your gui app?
07:04.03destinalHobbz-: nice, glad it's sorted
07:04.22Vic_Sage-TheQuesif I get an HP Touchpad I am going to dualboot android and webos only because android has Comixology and netflix
07:04.38Hobbz-thanks destinal
07:04.53rhcp[linux]im hoping for netflix on webos
07:04.59destinalrhcp[linux]: well there's the doctor and then there's the installer image .  the installer image is the kernel that is loaded into memory over USB and booted and then the doctor novaterms in essentially and performs the installation
07:05.00Vic_Sage-TheQuesme as well
07:05.02Hobbz-you and timmy gave the tips needed for this newbie to get some progress made  =)
07:05.02rhcp[linux]I have a strong feeling with all these webos devices out
07:05.07rhcp[linux]people will dev more for webos
07:05.37rhcp[linux]destinal, ah. so you dont need to destroy *
07:05.41rhcp[linux]ill have to read
07:05.54Vic_Sage-TheQuesI am hoping to get lucky on this
07:06.05timmy321hope it works out...i was thinking about doing that but havent totally decided...
07:06.35destinalrhcp[linux]: so doctor puts the device in bootie recover mode (which shows the usb logo) and uploads it a kernel (ie novacom boot mem://)  and then waits for it to come back, novacom open tty:// (like novaterm)  and starts sending it commands and looking at the responses
07:06.46Vic_Sage-TheQues240 is too much for a device that might never be updated again
07:06.51destinaland yeah the installer image is basically like a linux rescue cd or floppy that way
07:07.06rhcp[linux]so in theory you can make that image do w/e
07:07.11Hobbz-destinal - yeah, I suppose I needed to have all the "unknown" devices on the usb filter so it was receiving the signal
07:07.41Hobbz-Timmy - you haven't tried the frankenpre yet?
07:07.58timmy321nah...just upgrade to 2.1.0
07:08.08Vic_Sage-TheQuesis WebOS 2.0 working on the pixi?
07:08.15destinalHobbz-: yeah IIRC the different usb ID's are like bootie has one for each device, standard linux has one for each device, and maybe the installer has one for each device
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07:08.22destinalI forget whether it's really two or three
07:08.57destinaland then of course the OMAP has its own but you don't need that unless you want to boot without having bootie on flash
07:09.10Hobbz-65% complete now... down to 4 hours of sleep before work, may as well see it to the end  lol
07:09.41destinaldestinal: and there's one for qualcomm too which would let us boot without bootie on flash but we don't know how to use it yet
07:09.48destinalerr Hobbz-  ^
07:09.53destinalstupid autocomplete :)
07:10.11dwc-how do you auto-complete yourself? :)
07:10.34destinalapparently just hitting tab by itself did it, weird
07:10.49FatTireFatTire: I do it all the time.
07:12.20Hobbz-well Timmy - the hardware part of the conversion was a piece of cake compared to this aspect  =)
07:12.48timmy321hmm..that's good to know
07:13.13Hobbz-carefully follow the dis-assembly process in the pictures and it works fine
07:14.00Hobbz-doctor is done and there's a nice, big penguin on the Pre2 screen
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07:27.44Hobbz-strange, I placed a phone call to my home phone and hte screen went black
07:27.58Hobbz-call went through, just nothing on screen  lol
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07:32.17Hobbz-yep - every time I place a phone call, the screen goes black and is non-responsive
07:33.22destinalHobbz-: what version of webos were you running prior?
07:33.33destinalon the pre
07:33.43Hobbz-it's a new Pre2 out of the box... I was using a Pre v1.4.5
07:34.32oildirty proximity sensor?
07:34.36destinalyeah think so
07:34.36RichT23Vic_Sage-TheQues: the official word is no webOs 2 for pixi... i dout the hard ware could keep up with it
07:34.55destinaloil:  It just occurred to me the proximity sensor isn't polled until you make a call
07:34.57oilmy friends pre started doing that when he dropped it and the front cracked
07:35.08oilHobbz-: try it with a headset in
07:35.19Vic_Sage-TheQuesthe processor on the veer is only 800mhz
07:35.22Hobbz-huh... ok
07:35.22Vic_Sage-TheQuesthe pixi is 550mhz
07:35.27oilit wont do the proximity sensor screen black thing when using a headset
07:35.44Vic_Sage-TheQuesnot much difference there once you overclock
07:35.50Hobbz-which is the proximity sensor?
07:35.53RichT23Vic_Sage-TheQues: i thorght it was also a diffrent gen proceser in the veer
07:36.01oilidk, its inside the screen facing out?
07:36.10oilin the black part around the ear piece i think
07:36.42Hobbz-great catch - headset jack in and the screen is fine
07:36.49Hobbz-now to clean the sensor... if I can
07:36.54destinalHobbz-:   "You can find the sensor if you hold the phone horizontally at eye level and look near a glare. To the right (when it's held upright) of the ear piece are two small sensors. They look like small metal squares with a black circle in the middle"
07:36.54Vic_Sage-TheQueswhoops the pixi is 600mhz
07:36.59oiltry just cleaning hte screen first
07:37.47oilbut i've never heard of one not working
07:37.54Vic_Sage-TheQuesthe veer is 800mhz
07:37.54Hobbz-I just removed the protective film before using  lol
07:37.58oil(unless its been dropped a bunch or something)
07:38.23destinalthey say cut a hole in the screen protector if using one
07:38.28destinalover the prox sensor
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07:38.53Vic_Sage-TheQuesI don't know if this is rlelvant but I have a Optimus S that is 600mhz that has no problem running at 768mhz
07:39.06oildestinal: idk if thats where it is on the pre2
07:39.23oiltop right that is
07:39.33oili dont have a bright light handy, but i seem to remember seeing it on the left
07:39.42destinalah yeah might have moved
07:40.28Hobbz-I'll have to monkey with that later I suppose... I was just googling that myself, thanks for the info
07:40.45oilbut at least you can still use it with a headset or bluetooth
07:41.51RichT23Vic_Sage-TheQues: the pixi is a 600 MHz ARM 11 processor, and veer is 800 MHz Scorpion processor,
07:42.40Vic_Sage-TheQuesyeah so it looks to me like the pixi could keep up with web os 2.0
07:42.56Hobbz-true, oil
07:43.08RichT23the Scorpion are newer procesers so maybe only 200MHz in bus speed but they are diffrent architectures
07:43.44oilVic_Sage-TheQues: talk to NuttyBunny about that
07:43.51oil(not here atm)
07:44.00oilbut im pretty sure he was working on 2.x on pixi stuff
07:44.22RichT23the Veer also has a newer GPU
07:45.19RichT23I have no idea what changes were made between 1. and 2. webOS though
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07:47.18destinalHobbz-: so was it a screen protector causing your issue?
07:47.46timmy321good luck Hobbz-
07:47.51Hobbz-no, I'm not sure what it was.  there was nothing on the screen
07:51.59Hobbz-thanks again for your help... gonna get 3 hours of sleep before starting a long day  heh
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09:19.23jojoxbonjour a tous
09:19.54jojoxje cherche des infos sur le preware a installer
09:20.50jojoxsi une personne pouvait me uider et me renseigner ce serait gentil ^^
09:28.03jojoxpersonne ?
09:31.35cryptkjojox, tu parle en anglais?
09:31.47jojoxa little
09:32.18cryptkok, have you seen the instructions at ?
09:32.25jojoxi search a aplcation working for messenger live
09:32.33cryptkahh, windows messenger
09:33.06cryptkWOSI hasn't made anything for windows messenger, but there are some homebrew things for it, what device do you have?
09:33.51jojoxhave you a name homebrew workin,g ?
09:34.02jojoxim+ is working ?
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09:36.12pierreeethere is no messenger thingie for touchpad, amirite? just for the small screens?
09:36.18jojoxpreware doesnt exist web site for see applications ?
09:46.33cryptkI think there is an app in the app cat for the TP
09:47.03cryptkas far as the small screen, if you search on preCentral for Messaging Plugins you should find them
09:47.49jojoxi see nothing on the site precentral
09:48.06cryptkwhat device do you have?
09:48.11cryptkPre? Pre2? Touchpad?
09:48.35jojoxtouchpad ^^
09:49.05jojoxidesire see my email & chat via messenger ^^
09:49.27jojoxvia webos email impossible configure for hotmail ^^
09:49.48cryptkahh, you don't want the messaging plugins then... those are for the phones I think
09:50.26cryptkAs far as getting it built into the regular messenger, I don't think there is a way yet, but I think there is an app in the app catalog for using Windows Messenger... I don't know the name of it though
09:50.26jojoxonly plugging for tp
09:52.07jojoxi hope android coming soon fot tp
09:52.35jojoxon android messenger & reading email directly is working i hope ^^
09:52.51cryptkI have never heard of any issues with Hotmail on the Touchpad
09:53.37jojoxyou reading now your email hotmail on the tp ?
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09:53.55cryptkI don't have a hotmail account, but I have never heard of anyone having issues with it
09:54.07jojoxno is no working
09:54.17jojoxonly gmail & more working
09:54.23jojoxno hotmail
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09:54.36cryptkunfortunately I can't help you with that :(
09:55.03jojoxno soucy thx for your help & chat ^^
09:55.57jojox& one question
09:56.01pierreeeso no synergy messaging plugins on the tp :/
09:57.30jojoxok pierre
09:57.51jojoxis necessary to install preware for working this application ?
09:59.07jojoxapparently is working only pre3
10:04.01pierreeeits homebrew-stuff
10:04.39jojoxok & you are solution for divx movies
10:04.55jojoxkalemplayer is good ?
10:06.42cryptkI personally use ffmpeg on my desktop and re-encode them ;)
10:06.51cryptkthey just need to be in an AVI container
10:07.25jojoxyes i have more logiciels encoding i desire just copy directly my divx on the hp
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11:57.00evtli want to install preware on my hp tocuhpad but i get an error everytime :/
11:57.12evtli download preware with quickinstall and want to install it
11:57.20evtlthen just "error (0)" appears
11:58.30evtlno one hat this problem?
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11:59.17evtlhad* :_<
12:04.56evtlERROR1: Connection refused: connect -> ERROR: No device found.
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12:09.49CynCdon't hit usb storage mode
12:11.24cryptkand make sure the device is in developer mode
12:11.31cryptkand follow the instructions
12:12.33evtli did
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12:14.45rwhitbyevtl: are you following, including the links to troubleshooting threads?
12:15.41evtlthanks for the site :)
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12:44.13haydnHi All
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12:53.35zomgIs there an existing meta-doctor distribution for installing ubuntu on the touchpad?
12:54.19hucksyi dont think so, its not legal
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12:54.28zomgI see
12:54.40zomgGuess I'll just have to go get my Macbook from the office then
12:56.21haydnJust got a mail from the BHome devs saying they're going to add DLNA controller support, which is good, means I don't have to bother coding it. :)
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14:18.51YeahRightdoes there exist a DNLA client for touchpad?
14:19.30AbyssulI think
14:19.43YeahRightcool..commercial or community?
14:19.58hapeand UPnP AV Player, both have free trail versions
14:20.19AbyssulMmhmm. Idk if UPnP is DNLA, but its very similar
14:20.32AbyssulI prefer BHome, but I dont have AV Player
14:20.42haydnBHome is DLNA
14:20.54hapeUPnP is DLAN. DLAN is the standardisiced verion of UPnP
14:21.05YeahRighti tried kalem with my nas mounted through cifs but it seems kalem needs a reformat of fat32 to ext3 first?
14:21.14haydnI got an e-mail from them this morning as I want a DLNA controller - apparently that will be added in a new version soon... which is great as it means I don't have to code 1 :)
14:21.27AbyssulKalem requires a external hosting program
14:22.05AbyssulBhome needs to work on how they distribute their trial app
14:22.08YeahRightis it possible to play 1080p mkv on TP?
14:22.23AbyssulYeahRight, it lags due to no hardware acceleration for MKV files
14:22.24YeahRighthardware can deal with that cant it?
14:22.37AbyssulOnly supported file formats are GPU accelerated
14:22.50YeahRightAbyssul : can this be fixed with software?
14:23.03AbyssulBy Palm, not app developers
14:23.12haydnYeahright: Why not get a DMR and use the TP to browse the media, but stream it from your media server to your TV/Stereo?
14:23.40AbyssulI can change one value in the BHome app to make it a full version...
14:23.50Abyssulthink I should send them a email? lol
14:24.25haydnPlease say it's not as simple as a config file: "TrialVersion=1"
14:24.27YeahRightDMR = media player i guess? yeah that'll do too but i like it as flexible as possible..for ex watching the TP in bed ;-)
14:24.31AbyssulYea it is
14:24.39AbyssulEnableDemoMode = true;
14:24.57YeahRightlol..thats in a config file?
14:25.12haydnDMR = Digital media renderer, bit more advanced than a media player (which is also in the DLNA spec) - supports things like "Play to" etc
14:25.14cryptkAbyssul, please don't tell people how to avoid copy protection in this channel
14:25.18cryptkthat is your one and only warning
14:25.21AbyssulIm not talking anymore about hwo to do it. Thats flowned on
14:25.27AbyssulI knwo cryptk
14:25.28haydnAbyssul: OM that's poor!
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14:25.54YeahRightah..i wasnt familiar yet with that definition haydn..thanks for elaborating
14:25.56haydnoooh thanks infobot - nothing like stating the obvious!
14:26.36haydne.g: a PS3 is a digital media player (can't use Play to)... which kinda sucks :(
14:26.42cryptkand yes Abyssul you should probably tell that to the dev if you feel like being a good samaritan
14:27.08AbyssulTrying to find their email...
14:27.16haydnjust ordered a new DMR yesterday from Hong Kong, got an e-mail this morning saying "item dispacted, expected delivery 7-21 days"... ick!
14:27.35YeahRighti guess my new still sealed Dune (which i maybe sell again) would be a DMR
14:27.47AbyssulDo I get my warning back if I report it? :p
14:28.51haydnYeahRight: Not sure, I did ask on AVForums and someone said they couldn't find any info re: Dune as to whether it supported play to or not. Anything with a Realtek 1185 chipset should be good though
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14:29.38cryptkAbyssul, nope... you don't get the warning back ;)
14:29.43cryptkonly time takes those away
14:29.51YeahRighti'll check the chipset's Dune DUO introduced this year..should be pretty high end
14:29.51cryptkdont do anything bad until I forget about this one ;)
14:30.01haydnAbyssul: that e-mail address above is for BHome, may want to specify BHome in your mail though as they do a number of products
14:30.18AbyssulLol. I found their email via About in the app
14:30.52AbyssulIm not worryed about the warning.. o.O
14:30.59haydnAsk them about using BHome as a DLNA controller at the same time - it may speed up their dev time for it ;P
14:31.36cryptkAbyssul, you are now warned about warnings and how you should be cautious of warnings about warnings... failure to be warned by a warning will result in a warning
14:32.01cryptkthat was a joke btw... just in case you didn't catch it ;)
14:33.28EdCatestaps microphone
14:33.33EdCatesIs this thing on?
14:33.37cryptkhola EdCates !!!
14:33.59AbyssulI got the joke :p
14:34.14EdCatesHowdy, cryptk!
14:34.38cryptkEdCates, sent ya a /msg
14:36.15AbyssulEmail sent
14:38.27EdCatesMan, I'm going to have to reacquaint myself with teh Relay Chatz. ;-)
14:38.27haydnthinks he should start coding a dlna controller anyway just in case BHome don't do it...
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14:40.08AbyssulOh wow. BHome allows you to import files from your DNLA server
14:40.22AbyssulToo bad Win7 doesnt allow native transcoding
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14:42.37YeahRightif i use bluetooth the TP sees my laptop
14:42.48YeahRightbut what can i do with it? ;-)
14:42.57YeahRightit just pairs
14:43.13AbyssulCreate an app or software that takes advantage of that.
14:43.21YeahRightbut how to actually get any functionality out of this?
14:43.39YeahRightshould webos have that since it recognizes the laptop?
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14:45.46YeahRightabout those 1080p mkv...if there will be an android port that port should be able to play them natively? just for my understanding
14:46.15AbyssulDepends how well they get it ported
14:46.20YeahRighti dont really understand why HP didnt include support for more codecs/containers...
14:46.23AbyssulIts all ifs at this point
14:46.32YeahRighti understand
14:46.45YeahRightbut its solely an OS/software thing then
14:46.47AbyssulMost OS dont have that much support for codecs, even windows and such
14:47.00AbyssulYou would need 3rd party apps for it
14:47.05Abyssul(ex VLC)
14:47.12YeahRightyeah well that suits me too ;)
14:47.13AbyssuliOS is the same
14:47.13izzaYeahRight: webOS just has the overall feel of something people worked very hard on, but hastily wrapped up once the writing was on the wall
14:47.24YeahRightbut i guess that doesnt exist (yet) either on webos
14:47.35YeahRightizza : right
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14:49.24mbergSeems like most of the late development efforts have been focused on Enyo.
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14:50.26mbergAnd probably some other framework components (db8, node.js services, etc) and the Enyo app rewrites.
14:50.50haydnWTF is Palm Eurostore up to?!? Got an e-mail this morning saying they've cancelled my order for a Pre3 and will be providing a refund... I've already received the Pre3 and sold it on! errrr....
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14:52.01haydnHola Patrick
14:52.46mbergWould be interesting to see if additional codec support could be added by building the appropriate gstreamer pluins.
14:52.53haydnWhat would you do if you got a refund for something you actually received?
14:53.30YeahRightlet the store figure it out..
14:53.35YeahRight(they prob will anyway)
14:54.00PatrickCmberg: gstreamer?
14:54.35mbergThe underlying multimedia framework.
14:55.34haydnAny idea how long do they have before they can't ask for the money back? (I'm in UK so I guess even if you guys did know it'd be US law)
14:56.15mbergSeems that palm/hp build the ffmpeg component with relatively limited codec support.  Possibly they did that for licensing reasons or because they didn't have hardware acceleration in place for other formats.
14:57.22mbergMight not be easy or possible to get playback for other video codecs in easily, but additional container formats (e.g. matroska or ogg) should be doable.
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15:01.59fenfirAre the any terminal emulators for WebOS 3?
15:02.29fenfirSDLTerminal from preware wont' download
15:02.34destinalfenfir: there's the xterm stuff under Xecutah and SDLTerm and terminus
15:02.56haydnxecutah + xserver + xterm (SDLTerm and terminus don't work)
15:02.58ocletits pretty shitty
15:03.03ocletthere needs to be a real terminal app
15:03.33fenfirI think thats going to be my project this evening then.
15:04.33PatrickCdestinal: any progress with 2.2 on legacy (pre2)?
15:04.35fenfirThanks for the tips, that's pretty much the conclusion I'd come to, but figured I would ask before spending a bunch of time reinventing the wheel
15:04.52PatrickCI checked the repo last night, didn't see any major things
15:05.32destinalfenfir: oh?  which route were you planning on looking at?  native binary and drawing graphics ie SDL?    or hybrid javascript DOM based front end with native back end ie what was done with QuickOffice?
15:06.30destinalfenfir: I worked on an app just called "Terminal" that included an NPAPI plugin, back before SDL came out for palm pre, but the interface it used was unstable and kept getting broken by new webos releases
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15:07.12fenfirdestinal: I don't know yet, going to be researching tonight. I'm going to take a look at SDLTerm and see if any of that is usable.
15:07.45destinalfenfir: terminal could potentially be fixed but I don't know that NPAPI is the best way to go overall
15:07.49mbergFrom what I saw on the forums, you can get SDLterminal to install if you grab the ipk and do it manually, but the app doesn't quite work ATM.  From the log entries people posted, seems it's not properly built to run jailed.
15:08.23izzaDo we have GTK ported yet?
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15:09.23fenfirmberg: I'd also found some similar sentiments earlier, thats why I was thinking of trying to tweak SDLTerm
15:09.42dtzWilloclet: hey now it is what it is--xterm running in a ported xserver.  what's shitty, keyboard support? too much 'overhead'?
15:09.58dtzWillfenfir: yeah sdlterm sounds like a great starting point
15:10.17dtzWillcan't imagine there's anything all that fundamnetally different that isn't a short fix/easy to hack around
15:10.21mbergI wish I had more time to mess around with it myself, but I have no experience with SDL and have a million other projects.
15:10.43fenfirmberg: same here, but now I'll have a million +1
15:10.56destinalmberg: it would be hard to imagine a terminal that worked great while jailed, I don't even think there are pty devices
15:11.06destinaldtzWill: how does xterm get around that btw?
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15:11.24cryptkdestinal, xterm doesn't run in a jail
15:11.30haydndtzWill: I find xterm fine on Pre3 - apparently it's awkward on TP though as the virtual keyboard covers the bottom of the terminal where you want to type
15:11.33destinalah ok should have figured
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15:11.59cryptkhaydn, set the keyboard to XS... if you want the keyboard larger than that then you can adjust it in tweaks
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15:20.55*** topic/#webos-internals is Discussion about webOS internals (not webOS SDK usage - #webos for that, or wIRC - #wirc for that). Honor all licenses, carrier agreements and copyrights. Twitter: @webosinternals Logs: Wiki: Pastebin: Preware: Patches:
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15:21.45dtzWillerr popular key, making it an issue
15:22.45fenfirI'm out for now. Hopefully I'll be back this evening with good news.
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15:22.51zomghaydn: seems restarting novacomd fixed it (using sudo /opt/nova/bin/stop-novacomd and then start-novacomd)
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15:23.44PatrickCdtzWill: how does one use meta+(insert key) on the TP for xterm?
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15:24.31destinalzomg:  if using upstart / running ubuntu just   "stop palm-novacom; start palm-novacom"  is slightly easaier  (or is it palm-novacomd   -- with a d on the end, I forget)
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15:25.30dtzWillPatrickC: haha, i think your question can be reduced to 'why doesn't insert key work at all', no?
15:25.42dtzWilland answer is because my hp bt doesn't ahve it and no one's requsted it yet.
15:25.54dtzWill(or does insert actually work?)
15:25.59zomgdestinal: on OS X :)
15:26.04PatrickCwell, mainly I'm looking for the equipment of "cntrl + c" on my desktop :)
15:26.06haydndestinal: zomg's using OSX, keep up! =P
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15:26.24dtzWillPatrickC: oh, the vkb doesn't have those keys so they're not "supported"
15:26.35destinalhaydn: ahh  yeah that changes it a bit lol
15:26.48PatrickCwhat about when the BT keyboard is connected?
15:26.54dtzWillso w/o a bt keyboard, x (and therefore xterm) is significantly less usable
15:27.00PatrickCcan there be a special key mapping?
15:27.04dtzWillPatrickC: well if you have a bt keyboard you just hit cotnrol+c like normal
15:27.09oildtzWill: what about bt controller support in snes/gba emu? :)
15:27.12PatrickCnot on the HP one ;)
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15:27.26PatrickCor does the HP one work like that?
15:27.35destinalhmm has anyone gotten a controller paired to the palm proprietary bt stack?
15:27.36dtzWillPatrickC: my hp bt has a control button
15:27.42oildestinal: idk
15:27.44dtzWill(and it's supported, yes)
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15:27.55PatrickCdtzWill: ah
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15:28.13oildestinal: there is a controller icon in the bluetooth app
15:28.20PatrickCso the control button on it (that normally makes the symbols pop up) works that way? cool!
15:28.37mbergYeah, should get used to using CTRL-C.  Remapping would be useful for local, but I spend more time sshed to remote hosts.
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15:28.53dtzWillPatrickC: i've never seen it pop symbols up, but i mostly use the keyboard for X :)
15:29.02dtzWillPatrickC: to be clear there's a button labelled 'control'
15:29.30PatrickCdtzWill: that's the one I was referring to :)
15:29.36PatrickCand I use it all the time
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15:34.00haydnATTENTION: Just got a mail from HP, AZERTY Pre 3 going on sale at 17:00 today apparently!
15:34.17Abyssul_what timezone
15:34.21haydnThat's in 25 minutes
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15:34.57haydn£170 off contract seems reasonable, shame it's AZERTY
15:35.04haydn*posting in forums*
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15:37.33mbergIt makes me sad to think that someday I'll likely need to give up my Pre2 for a non-WebOS phone.
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15:38.25haydnI went from Pre- to Pre3... hopefully my Pre3 will last as long as my Pre- did
15:39.34Abyssul_mberg, thats why I have a backup Pre2. I can go 4 years on webOS
15:40.14mbergTempted to pick up a Pre3 if I can find one, make the Pre2 my fallback.
15:40.16haydnAbyssul_: you better make a mirror of the app store etc then ;P
15:40.39Abyssul_Who said webOS is gone? No need to make declarations when HP doesnt even know what to do with us
15:41.29mbergI'm a bit cynical about HP right now.  Hoping to be surprised.
15:41.43haydnI can't imagine it will completely die anyway, even if nobody licenses it surely HP would open source it or something eventually rather than just binning it
15:42.07Abyssul_It's definitely not going into the trash.
15:42.40EdCatesMaybe yesterday's revelation about Google being "more open source" with some partners vs. others with Android will drive more interest in webOS licensing.
15:42.49haydnWhat would they care if they were no longer making WebOS hardware or supporting any mobile OS if there was a good open source option out there? (talking last resort here of course)
15:42.53mbergMaybe there's a glorious surprise.  Something big, like Amazon adopting WebOS instead of Andorid.  But I'm not holding my breath.
15:44.35zomgWhy didn't this forum post I'm following to install the ubuntu chroot mention anything about using special flags on the meta-doctor to enable ext3fs >_>
15:45.00EdCatesIs it mentioned in the webos-internals wiki, zomg?
15:45.10haydnActually, I suppose worst case scenario would be HP selling Palm to Apple or someone to claw some money back, they'd be happy with the patents but would kill WebOS for sure :(
15:45.36EdCatesYeah, Apple would be close to the Worst Case Scenario.
15:46.03EdCatesProbably even more cruel than just killing it outright.
15:46.18EdCatesI think Apple owning Palm's patents would be A Very Bad Thing for competition in the mobile space.
15:46.47haydn13 minutes until Palm eurostores servers crash ;P
15:46.53zomgEdCates: yeah.. I stumbled upon the wiki page only after trying to figure out why mounting the ext3fs is failing
15:47.40Abyssul_I dont need to backup the App Catalog. Just package up my current apps into an ipk
15:48.05mbergI just can't imagine what the hell they were thinking.  They /knew/ it was a long-term investment.  They said as much.
15:48.41haydnAbyssul_: I was thinking more along the lines of activation etc for your next phones...
15:49.10Abyssul_You could activate without Hp supporting webOS
15:49.20Abyssul_Only thing is Palm Profile
15:49.24Abyssul_and App Catalog
15:49.43EdCatesRod has said that the need for the profile can be done away with with a patch.
15:50.15haydnwonders why he sold his spare Pre3
15:50.25Abyssul_Yeah... Why did you...
15:50.52haydnIt went to webos-internals, if someone useful didn't want it I would have kept it
15:51.35mbergEven if they questioned their ability to execute first class competitive hardware, they could easily license (even existing) hardware designs from someone like HTC.
15:51.54Abyssul_Meh. Id rather have Samsung
15:52.02EdCatesWell, you gave it to a good cause haydn. That's commendable.
15:52.08*** join/#webos-internals k1l_ (~k1l@ubuntu/member/k1l)
15:52.09haydnI always liked my Treo's :)
15:52.20mbergI'd rather have hardware.  From anyone.  :)
15:52.46summatusmentisnot from anyone
15:52.51summatusmentisI don't want an LG webOS device
15:54.44mbergAnother big missed opportunity for building an install base was not transitioning their thin clients over to WebOS.
15:56.43mberg(A market that they lead in, and already ship a proprietary Linux variant on.  Would have cut internal duplication and guaranteed a market for enterprise apps.)
15:56.45*** join/#webos-internals Darkmagister (
16:00.33haydnAZERTY pre 3 now in stock at palm eurostore!!
16:01.14destinaland.. there goes the palm site
16:01.34haydndestinal: I'm wondering how long it will last this time
16:01.40destinalhaydn: any idea whether it's only UK shipping?
16:01.46SedoroxI hope they made AT&T Pre3's and will sell them eventually...
16:01.50Abyssul_Does Slickdeals know?
16:01.50Sedoroxbut not holding my breath
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16:03.01haydndesitnal: Looks like Europe shipping only :(
16:04.24*** join/#webos-internals Pleun (
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16:04.48haydnHere's the list:
16:04.50haydn<option value="40" title="AT">Österreich (Austria)</option>
16:04.50haydn<option value="56" title="BE">Belgique (Belgium)</option>
16:04.50haydn<option value="208" title="DK">Danmark (Denmark)</option>
16:04.50haydn<option value="246" title="FI">Suomi (Finland)</option>
16:04.50haydn<option value="250" title="FR">France (France)</option>
16:04.51haydn<option value="276" title="DE">Deutschland (Germany)</option>
16:04.53haydn<option value="300" title="GR">Ελλάδα (Greece)</option>
16:04.55haydn<option value="372" title="IE">Ireland (Ireland)</option>
16:04.57haydn<option value="380" title="IT">Italia (Italy)</option>
16:04.59haydn<option value="442" title="LU">Luxembourg (Luxembourg)</option>
16:05.04haydn<option value="528" title="NL">Nederland (Netherlands)</option>
16:05.05haydn<option value="620" title="PT">Portugal (Portugal)</option>
16:05.08haydn<option value="724" title="ES">España (Spain)</option>
16:05.09haydn<option value="752" title="SE">Sverige (Sweden)</option>
16:05.11haydn<option value="756" title="CH">Schweiz (Switzerland)</option>
16:05.13haydn<option value="826" selected="selected" title="GB">United Kingdom (United Kingdom)</option>
16:05.25wreacould have pastebin'd that...
16:07.20*** join/#webos-internals Bb_ (~wircer@
16:07.50Pleunnah man, pastebin is dangerous these days
16:07.59EdCatesneeds to skedaddle and pay more attention to Ye Olde Day Jobbe. Later!
16:08.21Bb_getting an error message not allowing me to download the content of any emails, anyone has any idea
16:08.45destinalPleun: lol
16:08.46Maqsuse your facebook wall instead of pastebin, it's much more annoying!
16:08.55haydnwrea, it's not code - that's the countries you can order a Pre3 from palm eurostore, yes I could have sed'ed out the <>'s and put it on 1 line... but don't want to slow people down if they're frantically trying to order
16:09.42*** join/#webos-internals jefferai (~quassel@kde/amarok/mitchell)
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16:13.27Bb_anyone run into such email issues
16:14.05pcworldBb_: read about that on Twitter
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16:14.18Fuu_heyho. problem with the TouchPad. when i copy photos on my gf's TP, the app simply doesnt recognize. on my TP, everything just fine. even after a reboot or sth, the app just shows nothing....
16:14.45Fuu_Internalz shows all folders and images
16:15.12pcworldtry to hide the folder the photos are in (put a dot before it) and then unhide it
16:15.12Fuu_probably a database error?
16:15.21Fuu_i'll try
16:16.05pcworldBb_: not sure, try to delete and readd the email account / you're on a TP, right?
16:16.23Fuu_thx pcworld
16:16.24zefyxyay. veer refurb arrived
16:16.53pcworldFuu_: media indexer is a really strange thing
16:17.14Fuu_i really tried everything
16:17.21Fuu_nothing worked
16:17.31Fuu_and then that simple tip... bam, works
16:18.09Fuu_and Internalz doesnt know äöü
16:18.51Fuu_seems like canadians dont need those letters.....
16:18.52pcworldFuu_: the media indexer could have indexed them before they were fully copied, and wrote in the db that they're corrupt/no photos
16:19.10Fuu_but i tried different folders
16:20.12*** join/#webos-internals jefferai (~quassel@kde/amarok/mitchell)
16:20.43pcworldI see only some boxes in your Internalz msg in wIRC
16:21.11zomgHmmm, I wonder if you could run Minecraft on ubuntu on touchpad... =)
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16:22.09haydnzomg: ZOMG!!
16:23.15scoutcamperzomg, only if you have ia32-libs compiled for armel
16:23.38zomgI don't even know what ia32-libs is but okay :]
16:24.13zomgWith my elite nix skills I probably will fail quite spectacularily if I attempt something like that
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16:29.08Fuu_is there a possibility to "reload" the db
16:29.31Fuu_the photos error remains, i have tohide/unhide every new album.
16:29.59Fuu_and if i rename a folder, the album exists twice, old folder name and new one
16:30.18*** join/#webos-internals shadeslayer (~shadeslay@ubuntu/member/shadeslayer)
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16:35.50zomgoh ffs :|
16:36.19summatusmentisfor those advocating samsung buy webOS, it looks like they're planning to buy meego instead
16:36.22zomgTwo times in the row getting "curl(18) transfer closed with <number> bytes remaining to read" when trying to install Ubuntu Chroot from Preware
16:36.44zomgIs this some sort of an automatic timeout somewhere?
16:36.46dtzWillzomg: try on wifi? else download the ipk manually and point preware at it
16:36.57dtzWillzomg: not sure re:default dl timeouts
16:36.57zomgYeah I'm on wifi
16:37.33zomgGuess I'll try downloading it manually then
16:38.44zefyxi have 5000 condoms to sell.
16:38.44zefyxebay here i come..
16:39.09haydnzefyx: BNIB or used?
16:39.30Maqszefyx: you should staple instructions to them
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16:57.14BeBoo_Hey everyone. Let me know if I am in the wrong place - I'm hunting through a PalmDatabase.db3 file and trying to extract the text messages. I found the correct table (FolderEntry) but I notice that there is no "to" address field for sent messages and the fromAddress field is empty for those messages. The firstName and lastName fields are empty for every record so that isn't a help
16:57.14BeBoo_either. Can anyone point me in the right direction?
16:59.11PatrickCwhat are you trying to do?
16:59.15PatrickCback up the texts?
16:59.33zomgIs there something wrong with this
16:59.39BeBoo_I need to produce them for an attorney for a case
16:59.44zomgNo matter what I use to download it, it just dies before it finishes
17:00.12zomgTried via preware, tried via wget on device, tried via browser on PC
17:00.23PatrickCBeBoo_: umm... I'm not sure
17:01.16bootozomg: does -c work with wget?
17:01.23PatrickCBeBoo_: this is the right channel though
17:02.09zomgbooto: I'll try although I doubt it since it failed to resume on PC
17:02.20BeBoo_•PatrickC• thank you. I got the messages just fine and it looks great except the attorney asked where the "to" was... I found a python script that extracts but it doesn't work and it also doesn't seem to show the "to" either.
17:02.37zomgFirst I'm gonna pair my BT keyboard because there's no way I'm typing that again on the touch keyboard :D
17:02.40BeBoo_I'll wait to see if anyone else has any ideas
17:03.04linuxjacqueszomg: you need to novaterm into the tp
17:03.17zomglinuxjacques: ?
17:03.41linuxjacquesI can't believe you are typing that line in
17:03.58linuxjacquesnovater into the tp then paste the line
17:04.00PatrickCzomg: use novaterm on the desktop! lol
17:04.02zomgwanted to see how well the keyboard is suited for that :P
17:04.13zomgabout equally poorly as the iPad's it seems
17:04.26zomgalthough it seems decent as long as you don't need to type special chars all the time
17:07.19rhcp[linux]the keyboard is quite awesome, but, I do agree about the special chars
17:07.27rhcp[linux]sometimes its very hard to find them
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17:08.38zomgBT keyboard not pairing
17:08.45rhcp[linux]most dont.
17:08.47zomgI wonder if the problem is that the keyboard is Apple
17:08.52rhcp[linux]its locked to PRE/palm ones
17:08.59rhcp[linux]ive heard apples pair
17:09.03zomgThat's... pretty moronic
17:09.06zomgOh wait
17:09.08rhcp[linux]i have one here i could try.
17:09.08zomgYeah, shows up now
17:09.13zomgWas just really slow about it
17:09.30rhcp[linux]i should try a keyboard
17:09.40rhcp[linux]i got one sitting with no-use
17:09.45evtldo i need the preware app for 99cent to use preware?
17:10.06rhcp[linux]you can use an installer for free
17:10.13rhcp[linux]check the webos-intl site
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17:10.21evtli get everytime an error (hp touchpad) :/
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17:10.36rhcp[linux]doing it wrong then
17:10.38rhcp[linux]works fine here
17:10.53*** join/#webos-internals nebj00la (~nebj00la@
17:10.54Fuu_Developer Mode enabled?
17:11.00evtli use this instructions
17:11.04Fuu_using webOS Quick Install?
17:11.20evtland the webos doctor
17:11.32Fuu_was funktioniert denn nicht? ;)
17:11.41evtlich kriege immer nen error
17:11.46Fuu_den Doktor brauchst du nicht
17:12.30evtlwenn ich quickisntall ausführe, will der aber das ich den runteralde
17:12.35Fuu_webOS Quick Install 4.3.0 downloaden, Touchpad in Developer Mode (webos20090606)
17:12.53Fuu_na dann lass den runterladen
17:13.00Fuu_ich hatte vielleicht noch einen rumliegen
17:13.06*** mode/#webos-internals [+v nebula] by ChanServ
17:13.07dwc-d'oh, I forgot to try my friend's apple BT keyboard on my touchpad
17:13.07Fuu_ansonsten installier mal den Novacom treiber neu
17:13.15evtlhab ich vorhin
17:14.49zomgbooto: seems -c is doing at least something, but it keeps dying again and again. Guess I'll just keep -c'ing until it finishes if it ever will :D
17:15.16zomgOh right. It apparently will not
17:15.19zomgwget: short write
17:15.45zomgAre there any alternative sources for this ipk? (the ubuntu chroot thing)
17:16.09*** join/#webos-internals dgathright (~dgathrigh@nat/yahoo/x-sdvxpyhkalulswfu)
17:17.51BeBoo_•PatrickC• I found it! It's in com.palm.pim.Recipient - the IDs match up
17:18.20linuxjacqueszomg: are you sure you have enough space on the tp where you are downloading that file?
17:19.22evtl(Fuu_): Error: no device found.
17:19.52zomglinuxjacques: yeah.. it keeps failing the download on my PC as well
17:20.13linuxjacqueszomg: at same place every time?
17:20.36linuxjacqueszomg: what's the link? I can try downloading it
17:21.55linuxjacqueszomg: where does it fail for you?
17:22.03zomgat 61% ish
17:22.11linuxjacquesok, at 40%
17:22.28linuxjacques70% :-\
17:22.51zomgNot only is it much faster for you but guess it works :P
17:22.55linuxjacquesit downloaded OK for me, sorry
17:23.02zomgMind sending the file?
17:23.18linuxjacquescan't really do that from work
17:23.39linuxjacqueshmm, how did you want me to send it?
17:23.43zomgOkay, well I'll try downloading it from my VPS which is in the UK, maybe it'll work better
17:23.49zomgYou could've just used DCC
17:23.57zomgOr, that would've worked for me at least =)
17:24.18linuxjacqueshmm, I'm on weechat. haven't done DCC on it before
17:27.51zomgSeems the download finished fine on my VPS
17:27.59zomgI guess it just didn't like Finland
17:31.57izzausb partition is 27.53GB stock, right?
17:38.20*** join/#webos-internals glazunov (
17:40.10rhcp[linux]btw to pair that apple keyboard
17:40.14rhcp[linux]i just tested it
17:40.58haydnWow, Firefox + flash on 64bit Fedora is sooo unstable!
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17:47.03*** join/#webos-internals Hobbz- (
17:48.51Hobbz-I'm experiencing a problem with meta-doctor stopping around the 20% mark with a number of errors on the ubuntu terminal.  It references something with flash and java.  I re-downloaded the drivers but still have the problem.  Any ideas?
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17:50.15AbyssulYou mean with building the .jar?
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17:52.46Hobbz-nope, meta-doctor was running.... think I found a reference on the pc forums here --
17:53.13nebulaHobbz-: have you installed sun-java6-jre?
17:53.17Hobbz-drat - different error messages
17:53.55Hobbz-I believe so, I followed the steps to install java
17:53.55nebuladpkg -l | grep java
17:54.29nebulaneed to see the actual output of the error log
17:54.33nebuladpaste it
17:54.49Hobbz-meta-doctor was around the 20% complete mark when a screen of errors scrolled up and it stopped.  how can I copy/paste from the ubuntu window?
17:55.44AbyssulFaulty hardware?
17:55.56AbyssulGive us the error log in pastebin
17:56.12Hobbz-how can I paste from the ubuntu window?  it's not saving the copy
17:56.50nebulapaste in a web browser "in" the vm
17:57.08*** part/#webos-internals pcworld (~pcworld@
17:58.55Hobbz-okay, it's in pastebin now
18:00.20Hobbz-I completed the sprint frankenpre conversion last night.  Reason I re-ran the doctor is because of problems with patches this morning
18:02.07AbyssulSo its run before
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18:03.26AbyssulTry another USB slot
18:04.03evtlhow i can use android market apps on my hp touchpad? preware is installed
18:04.12Abyssulevtl, you cant
18:04.33evtlis there no way?
18:05.46yazgooHello, trying, I get the following error: (process:6284): LunaService-CRITICAL **: Error in /home/reviewdaemon/projects/nova/oe/BUILD-topaz/work/luna-service2-2.0.0-135.2/135.2/src/transport.c:2439 ; (process:6284): LunaService-CRITICAL **: Invalid permissions for (null) and after a while the process ends.
18:06.07dtzWillyazgoo: nothing happens on the screen?
18:06.33linuxjacquesthat error is benign
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18:06.38yazgoothe triangle is displayed as it should as far as I can say.
18:06.50dtzWilloh yeah, then you're fine. the error is completely benign.
18:06.52linuxjacquesI get those on all my PDK apps when I launch them from cmdline
18:07.01yazgooOk, but why is the process stoping then?
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18:07.29linuxjacquesI dunno. been a while since I looked at that code
18:07.44linuxjacquesyou sure it's not intended behavior?
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18:08.27yazgooYeah, I'm sure, there's a quit event in the main loop, even if I remove it this happens.
18:08.42linuxjacquesyeah I see now
18:08.59linuxjacqueshow long does it run?
18:09.23AbyssulHobbz-, get it to work?
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18:09.41yazgooless than 10 seconds.
18:10.00linuxjacquescan you watch top while it's running? see if there's a memory leak?
18:10.15Hobbz-Abyssul... huh - different type of error earlier in the attempt
18:10.24linuxjacquesyou could also install gdb from optware and run it under that
18:10.53linuxjacquesanything in the /var/log/messages ?
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18:11.40Hobbz-here's this new log --
18:11.45Hobbz-oops... wrong link
18:11.49yazgooNo, it keeps at 1% or so.
18:12.59linuxjacquesif I had my tp I'd try it
18:13.38Hobbz-here's the new log info ---
18:14.30yazgoolinuxjacques: {LunaSysMgr}: void IpcServer::processRemoved(int, bool): pid: 7565, appId:
18:14.35DThought_is metadoctor able to change the keyboard layout ?  there seems to be an option CHANGE_KEYBOARD_TYPE ; but its only mentioned on the french metadoctor wiki page (and i don't speak french)... apart from that there seems to be a precentral thread ....
18:14.42destinalHobbz-: I thought you got all this working yesterday re doctor
18:14.43DThought_does metadoctor work for webos 2.2 / pre 3?
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18:15.50zomgIs there some way to see if Preware is doing something or just sitting crashed?
18:15.50Hobbz-lol destinal....  I did, but had problems with a theme and some patches that I couldn't resolve
18:16.05zomgInstalling the ubuntu ipk and it's been spinning the spinner pretty long now
18:16.12linuxjacquesit takes a while
18:16.22linuxjacquesI usually ssh in and watch top
18:16.33linuxjacquesor you could novaterm in
18:16.41zomgYeah thought it might since it's 90mb, just wasn't sure how long
18:16.53zomgWell I have xterm installed already
18:16.58linuxjacquesmessing with the flash on the tp takes amazingly long
18:17.10linuxjacquesI installed the audubon birds app, and it too 45 minutes
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18:17.41Loudergoodyeah they used some seriously slow flash memory on these things
18:18.01zomgHm, something called WebAppMgr is going at 10.1 CPU but besides that not much
18:18.08zomgLunaSysMgr at 8ish
18:18.19linuxjacqueswhat's iowait like?
18:18.38linuxjacquesif you df, do you see available space decreasing?
18:19.29Hobbz-destinal - guess I'm just having bad luck this week
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18:20.38Hobbz-I totally shut down ubuntu and restarted from scratch again... let's see if that does anything
18:20.45dwc-the time I watched audubon install
18:20.47dwc-it wasn't IO limited
18:20.57dwc-one CPU core was pegged at 100% for cryptofs
18:21.00AbyssulHobbz-, rebuild your meta-doctor git and recompile the .jar
18:21.06linuxjacquesin procps top iowait is %wa
18:21.56Hobbz-Abyssul, I started at the first step all over again.  Just restarted doctor and it's at 12%.  Crossing fingers
18:21.58zomgnot much happening with df at least
18:22.40zomgiowait is 0.3
18:22.46linuxjacqueszomg: which partition are you installing it into?
18:23.16zomgthe meta-doctored ext3 partition
18:23.36zomgor at least I assume that's where it would put it since it exists
18:23.52Hobbz-holy cow... it's past the previous failure points now
18:23.55linuxjacquesmounted to /media/ext3fs ?
18:24.29linuxjacquesif you "df /media/ext3fs" and sait a few seconds and do it again, does the available space decrease?
18:25.41AbyssulHobbz-, magic...
18:25.47zomglinuxjacques: nope, guess it's frozen
18:25.52linuxjacqueshmm :-\
18:26.13Hobbz-lol Abyssul... that and a few colorfully worded threats at the machine in front of me  =)
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18:26.28zomgand my bt keyboard keeps going nuts... :P
18:26.32Abyssulthreaten to pull the cord
18:26.58Hobbz-heh, among other things
18:28.26Hobbz-ironic as anything though - I was just telling somebody this morning that computers don't have moods or get tempermental.  guess I need to apologize to her when I get back  lol
18:29.48zomgProbably the batteries going low.. I'm not sure if I've ever changed them and I've had the keyboard for quite a while =)
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18:32.33linuxjacqueszomg: apple bt kb? I haven't had any issues with mine on the tp
18:32.44linuxjacquesbut it has new batteries :-)
18:33.56Hobbz-Abyssul, Detinal & Nebula - thank you very much for your patience and help, I'm very grateful
18:34.58zomglinuxjacques: yeah, same keyboard here
18:35.14linuxjacqueszomg: you have the old 3 battery or newer 2 battery model?
18:35.27zomgthree battery one
18:35.45linuxjacquesme too
18:40.36*** join/#webos-internals bedrock (
18:41.15bedrockhi, i'm tryign to follow the wiki for WebOS Internals PDK
18:41.38bedrockand when i get to make toolchain i get the following bzip2 error
18:41.54bedrockbzip2: (stdin) is not a bzip2 file.
18:42.22bedrockany ideas what i am missing?
18:46.15linuxjacquesthat looks vaguely familiar
18:46.27linuxjacqueslike the download failed maybe
18:47.21bedrockhmm, yes, the .bz2 fiel looks rather like an HTML page in nano :)
18:48.52zomgBah, the install froze again
18:49.04zomgSpent 63 mbs of space from the ext3 partition and got stuck :P
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18:54.19bedrockso where does one get arm-2007q3-51-arm-none-linux-gnueabi-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.bz2 now codesourcery is mentor?
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19:05.31zomgHa, working now
19:05.38zomgJust did it via webos quick install which seems to have worked
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22:08.42*** topic/#webos-internals is Discussion about webOS internals (not webOS SDK usage - #webos for that, or wIRC - #wirc for that). Honor all licenses, carrier agreements and copyrights. Twitter: @webosinternals Logs: Wiki: Pastebin: Preware: Patches:
22:08.43*** mode/#webos-internals [+v infobot] by ChanServ
22:09.01rhcp[linux]veer? never heard of it :)
22:09.21zefyxdeath to the infidel!
22:17.54*** join/#webos-internals Tibfib (
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22:23.43sornyrwhitby: added the repos mentioned, still not found :/
22:25.03rwhitbywell, myself and thousands of others see it with those instructions, so I don't know what to say other than make sure you actually followed the instructions precisely and then did a type-to-search in Preware to find it.
22:26.45ziggo0rhcp: I got mine for 85$ used in great condition 6 months ago
22:26.52rhcp[linux]which is it?
22:27.01ziggo0The veer is nice but I don't care for how small the screen is...its my only gripe about the pre1 is how small the screen is
22:27.05ziggo0yea pre plus
22:27.31*** join/#webos-internals Tibfib (
22:27.34rhcp[linux]3g though right?
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22:27.57ziggo0yep. i dont have 4g coverage in this area, even in 4g i dont think the pre1 can max it out
22:28.12rhcp[linux]the pre has LTE?
22:28.21*** join/#webos-internals the20yrlaptop (
22:28.31ziggo0the veer does i think
22:29.10ziggo0I found mine on a forum (in the fs/ft section)
22:29.21wrearhcp[linux], GSM only
22:29.22ziggo0it was a buy on a whim thing cuz i needed a new phone, turns out it wasnt half bad
22:29.25rhcp[linux]oh ok
22:29.36rhcp[linux]any webos phone on verizon have LTE ?:)
22:29.50rhcp[linux]im loving my 4G
22:30.09wreaIf everything works out, i'll be getting a veer
22:30.24rhcp[linux]is the veer supposed to have 4G lte? :)
22:30.30rhcp[linux]id swap off android
22:30.33rhcp[linux]i realy dig webos
22:31.08wreaVeer is 4G
22:31.09ziggo0I like them both lol.
22:31.17rhcp[linux]wrea, yea?
22:32.07wreaAgain, GSM only. Locked to att. But can be unlocked so you can use it on other carriers
22:33.03rhcp[linux]well yea
22:33.05rhcp[linux]I can unlock it :P
22:33.08rwhitbyVeer is not really 4G. It's AT&T's 3G HSDPA+ which they label as 4G.
22:33.11rhcp[linux]Thats what i do as a side job
22:33.13rhcp[linux]i unlock phones
22:33.21rhcp[linux]but that sux :/
22:33.30rhcp[linux]I guess ill wait for a webos LTE
22:33.34wrearwhitby, seriously? Gotta love marketing
22:33.45wrearhcp[linux], might be waiting a looong time
22:33.59rhcp[linux]but its my only choice
22:34.04rhcp[linux]4G rox on vzw
22:34.21wreaI wish I could program my way out of a paper bag. It'd be nice to have a gui for kismet
22:34.34ziggo0My buddy has shown me some pretty impressive 4g stuff, he lives over in boston
22:34.45ziggo0I'm not that into phones but im quite surprised at the speeds
22:34.47m0ngr31rwhitby: what database file does impostah pull the persistent data from?
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22:34.50ziggo0latency still is crappy
22:35.09rwhitbym0ngr31: db8
22:35.09wreaHell, right now I have a dumb phone, so I have low expectations. lol
22:35.37m0ngr31rwhitby: i sorry, i meant what actual file. is it like indexes.db or what?
22:36.44rwhitbym0ngr31: Impostah uses the com.palm.db service to access the db8 database in /var/db
22:37.44m0ngr31rwhitby: is there a way to inject data into that database? i'm trying to make sideloading for the kindle a reality
22:38.38eliaspm0ngr31: AFAIK it's simply an SQLite3 DB, isn't it?
22:39.10m0ngr31eliasp: should be, but i don't know how to add data...
22:39.27rwhitbyeliasp: it is not
22:39.35rwhitbyeliasp: use the com.palm.db service API
22:39.40eliasprwhitby: oh, ok.. I thought so
22:43.06*** join/#webos-internals jumanji (ae2e35bd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:43.48m0ngr31rwhitby: can you give me a quick example? or a site that might tell me how?
22:44.33m0ngr31thanks, i was just browsing that :)
22:45.58jelattais facebook chat not working for anybody else? (palm pre 1.45 here)
22:47.05*** join/#webos-internals eliasp (
22:47.21jelattathe /etc/hosts file looks fine, used to never had a problem
22:48.24zefyxveer doesnt have tmobile bands for hspa+
22:48.24zefyxonly edge.
22:49.26wreaOuch. I never checked out other bands, since I'm on att
22:49.27jelattapointing to
22:49.59jelattai just pinged it though and its saying
23:05.57jelattawell def seems to be the right address
23:09.19dwc-what's facebook chat? /etc/hosts the thing so "google talk" connects to facebook instead?
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23:12.12Darkmagistersomeone know if on the pre3 package there is the pouch ????
23:24.48oili dont think they've done the sleeping bag since the pre-/+
23:25.27*** join/#webos-internals dgathright (~dgathrigh@
23:25.32oilat least, my pixi/pre2/veer didnt come with one
23:25.41zefyxyou are correct.
23:27.49dwc-oh, the pouch all my pre friends asked where mine was
23:27.54dwc-me with the pre2
23:28.04dwc-"what leather sleeve?"
23:28.32oili've never used it for anything more then storage
23:28.41oilthe phone is too hard to get out of it if its ringing
23:28.52dwc-I think all people do with those cases is lose them
23:30.31YeahRighti just got:  Sorry, Too Many Cards Please toss away any you're not using to make room for more.
23:30.45YeahRightwhile i dont have any cards left to throuw away
23:30.52dwc-luna restart time
23:30.54YeahRighti guess this is somekind of memory leak?
23:30.57*** join/#webos-internals d503 (401c9883@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:31.11YeahRighthow often can this happen? and can i find the culprit somehow?
23:31.21dwc-if you have any homebrew stuff
23:31.27dwc-(or even if you don't)
23:31.33dwc-you mgiht want to novacom in and look at top
23:31.34YeahRighti have homebrew
23:31.50YeahRightfrom terminal you mean?
23:31.52dwc-since it looks at the amount of memory that's free
23:32.07YeahRightwell would it still open a termainal with that error occuring?
23:32.07dwc-and if you sort by memory you can see what's eating up the memory
23:32.28dwc-an on the device itself? probably not
23:32.40dwc-but, novaterm from a pc is more likely to
23:32.48dwc-or ssh in
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23:33.06YeahRightyeah i'm just doing right that..still had a putty window open
23:33.15dwc-sometimes I've found Luna to be at fault, but for awhile, every night, my phone would hang because the palm backup app would eat up all the memory and swap on my phone
23:33.23YeahRight4600 root      25   5  889m 548m  36m S  0.5 59.7  23:13.02 WebAppMgr
23:33.26*** part/#webos-internals d503 (401c9883@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:33.30dwc-luna restart time!
23:33.44YeahRightwhat exactly is Luna in webos?
23:33.46dwc-s/palm backup app/palm backup service/
23:33.58dwc-that's the thing that shows you the display and the cards and stuff
23:34.20cat-xeger's hoping that HP will either continue to provide that service, or start providing some plausible alternatives...
23:34.31YeahRighti a luna reset usually enough compared with a device reset?
23:34.45dwc-it will if it's luna's fault (like yours appears to be)
23:34.49cat-xeger(although it just gets back to why I'm not big on "cloud" )
23:35.18YeahRightok thanks for the info dwc- :-)
23:35.45YeahRightis it normal luna can do this? i mean its a very important part of webos..
23:39.37newbie|3hey guys is there any way to find out the device type (if it's a pre/pre+/pre3) via a terminal connection?
23:40.20YeahRightuname -a maybe?
23:40.36*** join/#webos-internals jedivulcan (~jedivulca@wikia/majorthomme)
23:42.02newbie|3unfortuanately that just tells me the version of webos installed... not the actual hardware type... but actually that should do for my needs. :P.#
23:47.02Darkmagisterok no pouch :( i have 2 pre- and i love it :D ...i need to buy one for the pre3 :D ...
23:47.40Darkmagisteranother question .... with pre3 i need a sim card and it try to connect to 3g to download the profile or i can use the wifi network????

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