IRC log for #webos-internals on 20110817

00:09.25dtzWillsummatusmentis: o/ :)
00:10.43dtzWillPuffTheMagic: i set up a number of the popular bouncers (znc/some others) and :/ idk wasn't a fan
00:10.57dtzWillthe usage is just fundamnetally different, and I haven't been able to push myself over that :)
00:11.04dtzWillbut also on my TODO list :)
00:11.08PuffTheMagicdtzWill, there is no difference
00:11.19PuffTheMagicyou connect and you get your backlog
00:11.25PuffTheMagicand then u use it like normal
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00:44.28elpollodiablo1If any one is interested I figured out away to stream my music using VLC to any WebOS device.
00:45.28scoutcamperelpollodiablo1, you should make a wiki page about it
00:46.03elpollodiablo1I will once I test out to see if I can make it stream my videos as well
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02:12.52elpollodiablo1anyone aware of a patch that will launch the and play a .mp4 video when you browse to it in the webbrowser?
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02:26.12PatrickCelpollodiablo1: I thought the video player played mp4
02:27.03elpollodiablo1it does that is why I am surprised it doesn launch when I point the browser to a url for a .mp4 video
02:29.27elpollodiablo1I know the .mp4 file is the correct format for the TP because I have uploaded it to my TP and it plays. just not sure why the TP doesnt launch the media player when I browse to the url of it.
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02:38.46*** join/#webos-internals PatrickC (
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02:47.04bnceo`tpme love wirc
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02:54.23dwc-dtzWill: you can get a bouncer functionality out of irssi with its proxy stuff
02:55.49dwc-then you can share that irssi with your devices
02:59.07TibfibdtzWill: I absolutely love znc and it hasn't hurt my irc usage at all
02:59.15Tibfibit's just makes things awesome.
03:04.17dwc-I might like bnc's more if I didn't prefer to cli it
03:04.33dwc-and if I kept an autossh open for port forwarding
03:17.37PuffTheMagicdwc-, can use a bouncer with irssi
03:17.52PuffTheMagicirssi on TP sucks ass
03:18.16dwc-I use irssi on my shell
03:18.23dwc-but you can use irssi as a bnc
03:18.27dwc-and point your device at that
03:18.38PuffTheMagicwirc can connect to irssi proxy
03:18.41dwc-wirc, irssi, bitchx, whatever
03:18.55scoutcamperZNC FTW
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03:44.03gQuigsdoes anyone know where emails are stored in webos
03:46.20PatrickCdoes the TP tether with bluetooth freeTether?
03:46.59summatusmentiswhy not just use wifi
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03:56.32PatrickCsummatusmentis: because, if its already connected to the pre via bluetooth for sms/call fwd'ing why not do internet that way too?
03:56.46gQuigs/var/luna/data/emails of course :)
03:57.09PatrickCgQuigs: why?
03:57.21gQuigsI want to back up the emails
03:57.30gQuigslost access to the web server
03:57.36Tibfibaren't they backed up on teh server---nevermind
03:57.38rwhitbyemail bodies are stored in the filecache
03:59.47gQuigswhere is the filecache?
04:00.13rwhitbytype "mount" and you should see it
04:00.17gQuigsI think I am looking at partial emails now...
04:01.32gQuigsany other names for it?
04:03.28PatrickCanyone tried to use a save/restore from a phone on the TouchPad?
04:05.09Tibfiblol, wut?
04:05.36PatrickCif I run save/restore on my phone, and put the dir on my touchpad, will it work..?
04:07.40TibfibI think it depends on the app
04:07.49Tibfibbut mostly yes iirc
04:08.04PatrickCah good
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04:18.05fprimexhey all. installing widk and getting 'make: VBoxManage: Command not found' during 'make setup'
04:18.53fprimexI'm hosting on Windows, installing into an Ubuntu 11.04 VM
04:19.00fprimex32 bit
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04:29.56fprimexok, installed vbox server & qt libs into the ubuntu VM. I have VBoxManage now..
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05:22.11NuttyBunnyPuffTheMagic: TIDE, git or testing feeds?
05:23.55NuttyBunnyshall I build it from git or get it from the testing feeds?
05:25.07NuttyBunnymmm.... o_O     both?
05:25.19PuffTheMagicyou could
05:25.26PuffTheMagicit is in testing feed
05:25.30PuffTheMagicbuild it if you want
05:25.49NuttyBunnyOk, thanks :)
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07:02.31rrixDoes xecutah's xserver not support ssh x forwarding?
07:03.54rwhitbyrrix: is how it is started
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07:46.19dwc-forwarding isn't part of the x server
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07:47.18dwc-check that forwarding is on, that your display is set correctly, etc
07:47.28dwc-x cookie stuff works, etc
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12:40.45cryptkso when the host server got bounced you didn't re-join
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13:53.51fprimexhey all, noticed that in xterm that ctrl on the bluetooth keyboard isn't recognized. I've got no Ctrl+c or Ctrl+[, etc. known issue?
13:54.22fprimexI'm getting set up to contribute, but have just been too busy with work lately
13:55.03scoutcamperfprimex, well known issue
13:55.19fprimexokie doke, thanks
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14:09.26dtzWillrrix: forwarding should work. i suppose i haven't tested it via xecutah for sure, but definitely a preferred way to test x server earlier on
14:10.01dtzWillworst case you need to add a launch option, but i don't think so.  just set DISPLAY=:0.0 and ssh out (-Y or so).
14:10.11dtzWilllmk if that doesn't work for you :)
14:12.02*** join/#webos-internals PatrickC (
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14:18.42IGNTNUNLMTDanyone know if changes I specifically made to certain OEM AppInfo.json files (hiding from launcher) need to be reverted before an OTA update?
14:20.45PatrickCI run EPR before very OTA update
14:20.49PatrickCjust to be safe
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14:35.59elpollodiablo1dtzWill & rrix X forwarding works. when you ssh you need to use the -X flag and have DISPLAY set. If you are using the  developer ssh setup(dropbear/Busybox version) it does not support -X so you will most likely need to use OpenSSH from optware in preware
14:36.36hamezDoes patching the LunaSysMgr binary break any "rules"? (or is this already being done by other patches?)
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15:30.53trsohmersGreetings, Programs
15:44.08NuttyBunnytrsohmers, greetings, User
15:44.44trsohmersAnd how is the grid treating you, NuttyBunny
15:45.32NuttyBunnyNice, too much work, so little time, but I think I'll manage it
15:47.08trsohmersSo for some reason, Staples thought they made a mistake and gave me an EXTRA $100 discount ontop of the coupon and HP discount on my 32gb touchpad
15:47.33trsohmersSo i got my 32gb touchpad for $299
15:50.41PatrickCmine is $324 with my discount :/
15:50.45PatrickCbut I'm happy :)
15:50.53NuttyBunnytrsohmers, wow, nice!
15:51.19trsohmersYea, I was really surprised
15:51.40trsohmersGoing to be presenting the Touchpad at a tablet wars linux user group meeting tonight
15:51.57halfhalo-workbut ubuntu on there
15:52.02trsohmersThat's what I'm doing now
15:52.03PatrickCmake sure to Ubuntu chroot :)
15:52.09PatrickCawesome lol
15:52.19trsohmersHaving issues with metadoctor
15:52.35trsohmerstrying to install the dependencies on OSX… not showing up
15:52.41trsohmersso going around and finding them manually
15:52.42PatrickCnot compiling, or failing?
15:52.53trsohmersHomebrew wasn't working
15:52.57PatrickCif it was ubuntu, I have a fix.. but not osx
15:53.09halfhalo-workIt needs like.... make and java.  not all that cmplicated
15:53.14trsohmersSo just reinstalled macports…it wasn't working a couple of weeks ago so I uninstalled it
15:53.24trsohmershalf halo it also needs some other stuff
15:54.12trsohmersYea, macports is working
15:54.32trsohmersI like homebrew more though… gives you status of downloads and stuff
15:55.00trsohmersHeh, whatever gets this working
15:55.39trsohmersSo you guys ported Xorg to the touchpad? Very impressive…been trying to get it working on Android for a couple of months
15:55.58halfhalo-workwow, it needs wget eh. thats a bummer
15:56.26trsohmerswget works
15:57.01trsohmersI was having issues with gnutar and git-core
15:58.13trsohmersSo I was reading about Xecutah… does it work well on the touchpad?
15:58.40halfhalo-workdecently well
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15:59.19trsohmersI have a native install of Ubuntu working on my Xoom, but it is VERY buggy
15:59.24trsohmerstouchscreen doesn't currently work
15:59.34trsohmersHaven't bothered releasing it
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16:07.39trsohmersHow long does it usually take for you guys to charge your touchpads?
16:08.02halfhalo-workwe talking completely dead or almost dead?
16:08.38trsohmersI started charging mine about an hour and 15 minutes ago at 3%
16:08.44trsohmersand it is at 15% now
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16:10.17halfhalo-workif its completely dead it will only trickle charge until there is enough power to get the low level charging stuff going on the TP, and after that it will charge pretty quickly if left idle/not doing much.
16:11.18halfhalo-workare you restoring apps/installing apps on it?
16:11.26PatrickChalfhalo-work: you got a touchstone?
16:11.30trsohmersNope, it is just sitting their
16:11.53halfhalo-workPatrickC: yes.
16:12.10PatrickCis it worth the $79?
16:12.56scoutcampertrsohmers, are you charging with the official palm charger?
16:13.03halfhalo-worktrsohmers: iiinnnnteresting.  should be charging faster than that.  but it may be running some other stuff in the background right now
16:13.16halfhalo-workPatrickC: don't know, didn't pay 79 for it
16:13.28trsohmersYes, the USB wall charger that came with it
16:13.52PatrickChalfhalo-work: free thru work?
16:14.51halfhalo-workno, I just know how to google.
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16:15.18trsohmersThere was a coupon or something?
16:16.12halfhalo-workno, but its cheaper some places online
16:18.07PatrickCgoogle isn't turning up much
16:19.46halfhalo-workhave you tried googling for touchstone.  then going to google shopping.
16:20.12PatrickCI googled 'hp touchpad touchstone cheap'
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16:22.35PatrickChalfhalo-work: never mind. its cheaper on HP's site then anywhere lol
16:43.17PatrickC_trsohmers: get it working?
16:43.26trsohmersWaiting for this to charge some more
16:43.28trsohmerslet me check it
16:44.05trsohmersI plugged in my Xoom at the same time, and it is at 84%
16:44.11PatrickC_get to at least 50%
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16:45.24Lumieretrsohmers: I usually get full charge in under 3 hrs while using it
16:45.39trsohmersIt's been charging for two hours and I haven't been using it
16:53.33Lumiereare you toward the outside of wifi range?
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17:04.25trsohmersYea, Lumiere
17:04.33trsohmersdidn't realize I left wifi on
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17:23.13trsohmersHey guy… will setting up the ubuntu chroot erase all my data?
17:23.20trsohmersI'm guessing since it has to partiton
17:26.35scoutcampertrsohmers, yes, you have to meta-doctor
17:27.07trsohmersI have purchased like two apps… I'll be able to reinstall them afterwards, correct?
17:27.30trsohmersI remember in the early days of Android you couldn't even do that… you had to contact the developer and they would have to manually send you the app… wicked stupid back then
17:30.50dwc-yes, the appcat will let you download again
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17:45.11PatrickChow hard is it to make a chroot?
17:45.18PatrickCI'm wanting to do it with this
17:45.56rrixloop mount chroot is easy, you have to either metadoctor or resize the partitions live if you want a real partition
17:46.07rrix, though*
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17:46.12PatrickCit has an ARM release too
17:47.33PatrickCARM version instructions
17:47.50PatrickCwhen I get my touchpad (between friday and monday) I'll look into it
17:48.02PatrickCit has "touchscreen" versions too
17:48.13PatrickCw/ full ubuntu package support
17:48.22NuttyBunnynah, I'll skip that one, I like things that work :)
17:48.26NuttyBunnylike nothing else
17:48.30rrixoh, jeff hoogland, that guy
17:48.38NuttyBunnywrong channel.. brb
17:48.44rrixThat guy that wrote a nice level headed blog post about how much Fedora sucks
17:48.47PatrickC"If you have used Bodhi before then you may be aware that one of the profiles we offer by default is one that is optimized for touch screen devices."
17:48.59PatrickCso don't trust him? lol
17:49.13rrixHe's just an ass; i've not used bodhi linux, it may be really nice
17:49.46PatrickCwell, I was just looking because it runs on old hw, and has a "tablet ready" mode
17:49.47trsohmersPatrickC: It's pretty easy to make chroot images, and then partition them
17:50.13PatrickCI'll get it running in a vbox first to see how it is
17:50.15trsohmersJust need the rootfs of the OS, and then dd it
17:50.18rrixPatrickC: You should definitely give it a shot and let us know how it fairs on the TP. :)
17:50.19PatrickCthen look at a chroot
17:50.27rrixmay try to get fedora-arm chroot set up at some point
17:50.28PatrickCI will, once I get my tp :)
17:50.39trsohmersPatrickC: You won't be able to run an ARM OS in Virtualbox… Virtualbox is a x86/x64 based Virtual machine
17:50.40trsohmersnot ARM
17:50.51rrixThere are x86 versions of bodhi
17:50.55PatrickCtrsohmers: it has x86 as well
17:51.00trsohmersAh, OK
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17:51.14trsohmersgit-core has a TON of dependancies
17:51.36trsohmersBeen downloading and installing that for a half hour now
17:52.06trsohmersIt's downloading fast… but building is taking forever
17:52.38halfhalo-workjust uses xcode to install it
17:53.28rrixApparently us interns have to do compliance and ethics training at work. There goes my morning ...
17:54.26rrixOh, deadline is in december, pffft
17:54.38rrixI'll get right on that
17:55.39trsohmershalfhalo-work: What do you mean use Xcode to install it?
17:55.49halfhalo-workxcode comes with git
17:56.06trsohmersI know… the instructions on the wiki said to install git-core
17:56.23trsohmersFunny, I NEVER follow instructions, but I am pretty clueless to webOS devices
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18:09.30NuttyBunnyproceeds to create a 10Gb ext3fs partition for the NuttyPad :D
18:10.14trsohmersNow to metadoctor this
18:10.19trsohmersWish me luck :|
18:10.36NuttyBunnytrsohmers: good luck :)
18:12.00trsohmersSo. Many. Dependencies
18:12.49trsohmersPretty much impossible to software brick this, right?
18:13.43PatrickCI believe so
18:13.54PatrickCbut I don't have a tp yet, so I'm not 100% sure
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18:21.18halfhalo-workits possible to brick it
18:24.39NuttyBunnyhalfhalo-work, how? killing the bootloader? :)
18:32.18trsohmersDownloading a ROM
18:34.59ka6soxwhats a ROM?
18:35.30PatrickCNuttyBunny: you didnt....?
18:36.03halfhalo-workReally Oblong Mandible.
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18:46.12elpollodiablo1how do I launch local files through the web browser? I am having troubles finding this info.
18:46.40trsohmersOK, so I am editing the makefile of metadoctor
18:46.58trsohmersOne of the options EXT3FS_PARTITION_SIZE
18:47.10trsohmersshould I uncomment that for chroot install?
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18:56.40trsohmersOK need some help..
18:56.45trsohmersI just started the webOS doctor
18:56.56trsohmersShould I have the device on when doing it or what?
18:57.28trsohmersAnd should anything be on the touchpad's screen?
18:58.51trsohmersIt hasn't rebooted or anything
18:59.16elpollodiablo1yes have the device on and it should put some kind of warning screen up I believe
19:03.01ziplock503I've never done it to touchpad... put with my phones I keep off till doctor ask me to plug them in
19:03.19ziplock503when you plug them in they turn on
19:03.24trsohmersNo warning screen came on
19:03.26trsohmersor anything
19:03.30trsohmersI can still use it
19:03.47elpollodiablo1did the Dr actually start?
19:03.49trsohmersOK webos doctor just said could not reset my device
19:03.59trsohmersIt was starting and the loading bar thing was there
19:04.29ziplock503de mode?
19:04.32trsohmersAny ideas?
19:04.42trsohmersWEll I think so
19:04.49trsohmersI have preware installed and everything
19:07.01elpollodiablo1are you running the dr from command line? to see if there are any other errors
19:07.11trsohmersNo I am not
19:07.12trsohmersI could start it
19:07.18trsohmersjust java -jar <filename>
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19:08.07trsohmersDo I have to like restart devmode or something?
19:08.21trsohmerslike does it revert back after I reboot the device?
19:08.45PatrickCcan I sum up what happened/happening?
19:08.57PatrickCI'm trying to do like 5 things at once :)
19:09.24trsohmersok ill run it from the command line then
19:09.30PatrickCtrsohmers: recovery mode is what you should be in for a doctor
19:09.39trsohmershow do I go into recovery mode?
19:09.51PatrickCin the touchpad... hrmm.. 1 second
19:09.55PatrickCNuttyBunny: we need u!
19:10.17PatrickCNuttyBunny just did it, so.. :)
19:10.35PatrickCif its the same as the phone, power off, and hold volume up when turning on
19:11.00NuttyBunnyhold volume up while connecting usb cable
19:11.03ziplock503as you plug in usb
19:11.17NuttyBunnyor novaterm at any time while it's on and type "tellbootie recover"
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19:12.32trsohmersnow novaterm isn't working
19:12.35elpollodiablo1I thought the dr put you into recovery mode on its own?
19:13.02PatrickCelpollodiablo1: it does
19:13.09NuttyBunnyelpollodiablo1, yep, but this is an alternate mode
19:13.19PatrickCbut forcing it into recovery mode can sometimes be better
19:13.33elpollodiablo1just making sure I wasnt going crazy
19:13.44trsohmersNow I feel like a moron
19:13.54trsohmerskeep getting unable to find device
19:13.55ziplock503no worries
19:14.00trsohmerswhen trying to run novaterm
19:14.09ziplock503reinstall nova?
19:14.18ziplock503if its like the phone
19:14.18PatrickCmaybe that'll fix it?
19:14.20trsohmersIt was working fine yesterday
19:15.05ziplock503why are you Dr'ing it ? if you don't mind
19:15.10trsohmersNow it's working
19:15.21trsohmersDr'ing it to chroot ubuntu
19:15.33PatrickCis gonna do it w/o doctoring :)
19:15.44trsohmersNow it's working :D
19:17.08trsohmersAnd it's doctoring
19:17.26ziplock503what fixed it? reinsyall nova?
19:18.35trsohmersused the stop then start scripts
19:21.07*** join/#webos-internals Fuu_ (
19:24.43trsohmersYay Tux :D
19:30.46trsohmersand it's restoring data… so glad I didn't brick it
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19:31.27PatrickChmm.. I wonder if I can use the debian chroot instructions to make a bodhi chroot?
19:31.48trsohmersChroot is wicked easy
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19:32.00trsohmersjust get the rootfs of the arm version of it
19:32.00PatrickCI hope so
19:32.04trsohmerstar it
19:32.11trsohmerstar it
19:32.16trsohmersthen use dd to make a .img of it
19:32.34trsohmersthen use dd to partition the partition with the img
19:34.57PatrickCugh.. no arm download
19:35.09PatrickCthough there is an arm version...
19:36.10elpollodiablo1isnt bodhi just ubuntu with enlightenment Desktop?
19:36.43PatrickCelpollodiablo1: Bodhi is a linux with table designed interface
19:36.50PatrickCand it runs with minimal resources
19:37.30PatrickCwebos would do this, " If you have another piece of ARM hardware you are interested in getting Bodhi Linux running on, first install Debian Squeeze or Wheezy and then add the following line to your sources.list"
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19:38.48PatrickCinstructions here for anyone who wants to try it now.
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19:43.09m0ngr31hey does anyone know if meta-doctor will be updated to use the new verizon 2.1 doctor for the pre2 so that the pre2 will get the new modem drivers?
19:43.20m0ngr31*modem firmware
19:44.08*** part/#webos-internals PerfectLogic (
19:44.45trsohmersInstalling ubuntu chroot now..
19:46.29trsohmersUh WTF
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19:47.03trsohmersNow nothing is working...
19:47.49trsohmersIt started to reinstall my apps, they finished downloading and the progress bars were completed and then it just froze up
19:47.56PatrickCdo you have XTerm/Xecutah/XServer?
19:48.06PatrickCoh weird
19:48.25trsohmersI was trying to install them, but then it was saying that there was an application install already in progress
19:48.29trsohmersand then that happened
19:50.37trsohmersand it is trying to restore my applications again
19:51.09trsohmersis there any way of preventing it from restoring applications?
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19:55.24*** join/#webos-internals PatrickC (
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19:56.21PatrickC&j wirc
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20:03.58PatrickCtrsohmers: what happened?
20:04.44trsohmersIt's working
20:04.57trsohmersTook 10 minutes to install the Ubuntu
20:05.01trsohmersI g2g
20:05.03trsohmersbe back later
20:52.59NuttyBunnywell, the ubuntu chroot thingy was easy
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21:23.31trsohmersHaving some issues with the ubuntu chroot....
21:24.01scoutcampertrsohmers, ask away
21:24.48trsohmersI open up Zecutah
21:25.05trsohmersI press Start XServer
21:25.11trsohmersIt opens up a new card
21:25.18trsohmersI go back to the Xecutah card
21:25.28trsohmersPress Start Ubuntu Chroot
21:25.36trsohmersAnd I get a service error
21:25.58scoutcampertrsohmers, Webos version? 3.0.2? does xterm work?
21:25.59trsohmersUnable to run command: /sbin/initctl start org.webosinternals.ubuntu-natty-chroot 2>&1
21:26.03trsohmersXterm works
21:26.07trsohmersand I am running 3.0.2
21:26.59trsohmersinitctl: (01857/66099497) Unknown job: org.webosinternals.ubuntu-natty-chroot
21:27.17scoutcampertry to start it from xterm?
21:27.31dtzWilltrsohmers: try rebooting, fixed it for me when i had that
21:27.44trsohmersOK rebooting
21:27.45dtzWillbut in my case i assumed it was b/c i intentionally messed with the upstart stuff
21:28.09scoutcampercd /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/palm/applications/org.webosinternals.ubuntu-natty-chroot/bin
21:28.12dtzWillnot sure what non-causing-problems path causes your issue; shouldn't be a problem i didn't think.
21:28.14scoutcamperthen ./
21:28.30trsohmersok thanks
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21:29.43trsohmersGreetings PatrickC
21:29.51PatrickChey trsohmers
21:30.07PatrickCNuttyBunny: ping
21:30.58PatrickCtrsohmers: get chroot working?
21:31.44trsohmerstrying to
21:33.15trsohmersNo dice on reooting
21:33.24trsohmersgoing to try to manually start it
21:35.06trsohmersDoes term and such only support portrait viewing?
21:36.01dtzWilltrsohmers: on the phone, we hardcode to portrait yes
21:36.11dtzWilltrsohmers: on the TP we use the accel to guess orientation and use that
21:36.30dtzWill(there's no known way to query the "actual" orientation (the current orientation luna is showing everything in) AFAIK)
21:36.41dtzWillso if the tablet is flat you can have some unexpected behavior :)
21:38.45trsohmersSo ubuntu chroot still isn't working
21:39.15NuttyBunnymmm... I haven't had luck here either
21:43.34trsohmersscoutcamper|away: dtzWill neither of those helped
21:44.07trsohmersgot an error
21:44.22trsohmersWarning: locale not supported by Xlib, locale set to C
21:44.33trsohmersWarning: X locale modifiers not supported, using default
21:44.37trsohmersFailed to open input method
21:47.58trsohmersAnoyne? Anyone? Bueller? Bueller?
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21:56.40NuttyBunnyweird, I run the chroot, it opens an empty window in the xserver and then closes (the white window) :(
21:57.41*** part/#webos-internals ziplock503 (
21:57.59trsohmersThink I found a fix
21:58.06trsohmersgive me a couple of minutes
22:01.55trsohmersThink I screwed this entire thing up
22:02.29trsohmersso is the Ubuntu chroot application in preware supposed to format the ext3fs partition?
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22:14.29trsohmersScoutcamper, you there?
22:14.48scoutcamperidk if it formats or not
22:15.31davegarbsjust format it?
22:20.36NuttyBunnybut if I have optware as well in the ext3fs partition?
22:22.22scoutcamperrm -rf /media/ext3fs/ubuntu-natty-chroot/
22:23.01davegarbsthere are still no modifier keys with the chroot, correct?
22:23.14davegarbstrying to figure out if there is any point to installing ubuntu on it
22:26.48scoutcampercorrect, but the chroot is still win
22:28.19davegarbsnot without those keys :(
22:28.54davegarbsat least not if you're a linux admin that relies on a terminal
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22:44.37rwhitbydavegarbs: please make your request known to the HP keyboard team.
22:45.02rwhitbyyour other option is to run xvkbd or matchbox-keyboard in the chroot
22:48.03linuxjacquesrwhitby: how can I contact the HP keyboard team?
22:48.15trsohmersOK, here is the warnings I am getting
22:48.24trsohmersWarning: X locale modifiers not supported, using default
22:48.24trsohmersFailed to open input method
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22:48.58linuxjacquesthe last is the killer (probably)
22:49.11linuxjacquesthe other two are almost normal
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22:50.19rwhitbylinuxjacques: dunno, through the normal support channels or devrel team I guess?
22:50.46rwhitbylinuxjacques: or through a groundswell of 10,000 twitter followers?
22:50.52linuxjacquesI really wanna know what the palm guy meant when he said "we do some of those now"
22:50.57linuxjacquesat the dev day
22:51.02rwhitbybrush off
22:51.18linuxjacques:-( that's what I was afraid of
22:51.22halfhalo-workwhich palm guy was it?
22:51.32linuxjacquesI didn't recognize him
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22:51.43linuxjacquesand I'm terrible with names anyway
22:51.46trsohmers_MIT's network is horrible
22:54.50trsohmersIt seems everything I do… I et the error unable to run command because it can not mkdir on /media/ext3fs/
22:57.48linuxjacquestrsohmers: you have the ext3fs partition mounted on /media/ext3fs/ ?
22:58.10trsohmersand there is a ubuntu-natty-chroot there
22:58.15trsohmerswhen I run
22:58.35trsohmersbut when I run ./chroot-wrapper
22:58.40trsohmersI get multiple errors
22:59.04trsohmerscp: can't create '/media/ext3fs/ubuntu-natty-chroot/etc/resolv.conf': No such file or directory
22:59.04trsohmersmount: mounting /dev on /media/ext3fs/ubuntu-natty-chroot/dev failed: No such file or directory
22:59.05trsohmersmount: mounting none on /media/ext3fs/ubuntu-natty-chroot/dev/pts failed: No such file or directory
22:59.05trsohmersmount: mounting /tmp on /media/ext3fs/ubuntu-natty-chroot/tmp failed: No such file or directory
22:59.05trsohmerschroot: can't execute '/bin/bash': No such file or directory
23:00.59NuttyBunnytrsohmers, there's something odd there, it isn't uncompressing what it should, I just have a /usr directory in the chtoor
23:01.09trsohmersYea I know
23:01.18trsohmersI think I am going to manually extract the .tgz
23:01.24trsohmersand then move it
23:03.25tmztmissign libraries usually
23:04.26crimsonredmkone of these days, gonna put archlinux on mine.
23:05.18crimsonredmkright now i'm playing around with enyo too much, might make a bus tracker for my uni to practice
23:06.01trsohmersmanually doing it
23:06.32trsohmersFound the issue
23:06.33trsohmerstar: ./var/lib/apt/lists/ports.ubuntu.com_ubuntu-ports_dists_natty_universe_binary-armel_Packages: Wrote only 512 of 10240 bytes
23:06.59trsohmersNo idea why it is only writing that much...
23:08.15linuxjacquesweird. fs isn't full?
23:10.13trsohmersMy guess is that for some reason it thinks that /media/ext3fs is full
23:10.38NuttyBunnywhat size is it?
23:11.38trsohmerscd /media/cryptofs
23:11.38trsohmersdd if=/dev/zero of=ubuntu.img bs=1024 count=1048576
23:11.38trsohmersmkfs.ext3 -F -b 1024 ubuntu.img 1048576
23:11.42trsohmersthat's what I set it up as
23:16.00trsohmerswell when I metadoctored, I uncommented the extfs 2gb
23:16.20trsohmersthat should have been created
23:16.46linuxjacquesit's created, but you still have to put it into /etc/fstab manually
23:17.43linuxjacqueswell, maybe that's only if you want it mounted under /opt
23:17.51linuxjacquesdon't have my tp with me
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23:21.44trsohmerswhat should I run?
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23:31.30destinalPuffTheMagic: redoctoring my pre that has the data service issue failed
23:31.37destinalerr -1 "Error Updating Modem PRI/PRL!!!"
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23:36.08PuffTheMagicdestinal, get a pre2
23:36.35destinalPuffTheMagic,  :)
23:36.42PuffTheMagicor a pixi
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23:38.03destinalPuffTheMagic, it doctored but obviously can't sign into profile with no data  :-/
23:39.44destinalwill call sprint but yeah I'll proably move my gsm pre2 I imagine (of course for that I need a good comm board, since this one probably isn't)
23:40.28PuffTheMagicdestinal-(totally_awesome_nick_completion_separator)- lame
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23:41.06destinalPuffTheMagic:  lol totally awesome nick completion seperator?
23:41.25destinaland I thought my XChat using comma by default was bad  :)
23:41.52PuffTheMagicdestinal-(totally_awesome_nick_completion_separator)- thisis customnotdefault
23:42.04PuffTheMagicI alsays se
23:42.17PuffTheMagicI always seem to miss the spacebar
23:42.26destinalPuffTheMagic:  :)  cool, and fixed my xchat now that I noticed that
23:43.05PuffTheMagicdestinal: back to normal
23:55.39destinalPuffTheMagic: devicetool has it useable again as a phone at least  :-/

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