IRC log for #webos-internals on 20110813

00:04.04*** join/#webos-internals glazunov (
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00:37.41infobottesting-feeds is a means of testing new WebOS Internals products, documented at
00:37.52ziplock503I see it
00:53.09*** join/#webos-internals PuffTheMagic (~PuffTheMa@unaffiliated/puffthemagic)
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01:06.02*** join/#webos-internals PatrickC (~Patrick_C@unaffiliated/patrick-c/x-9440769)
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03:31.00*** join/#webos-internals Abyssul (
03:31.41AbyssulAnyone have a clue why the add launcher pages linux app for TP doesnt work on my TP? I checked the Tweaks app too.
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04:48.43PatrickCyou can ssh over usb? right?
04:54.11cryptkAbyssul, what does it, or does it not do
04:54.20cryptkyou just isntall it and then restart the TP
04:58.34AbyssulI install it and nothing changes
04:58.45AbyssulIve installed it and uninstalled it twice with reboot inbetween
05:04.08*** join/#webos-internals kirksutton (
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05:21.12LumiereAbyssul: works for me
05:42.35*** join/#webos-internals dkirker1 (~dkirker1@2001:470:8217:2::2)
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08:04.59hangfireLazar_Dobrescu: It's an Irish Pre+ on a different network than the one that it was bought on
08:55.46*** join/#webos-internals Draecos (
09:25.29destinalrwhitby: whoa, novacom open sourced?
09:28.11destinalerr, no, those are binaries only on the open source site?  confused
09:30.20destinal   has  novacom:        novacom-linux-32.tgz, novacom-linux-64.tgz, novacom-mac.tgz, novacom-win.tgz
09:30.35destinalbut they're all binaries packages, no idea why they're on
09:30.53ka6soxits the cdn they use for pushing things out...
09:31.05ka6soxthat people can "find"
09:31.11destinalnot in the packages list though
09:31.27ka6soxhost side right?
09:31.30destinalit's never been used for anything but open source
09:32.02destinal    has links to  for instance
09:32.20destinalwhereas normally it just has lists of webos versions
09:32.51destinaljust look at the page and you'll see why it's weird
09:38.56hangfireIs novacom part of the mojo framework? (What is the mojo framework?)
09:39.08hangfirebasically: can I re-host novacom binaries?
09:40.28ka6soxhangfire, not that I've seen
09:40.31destinalhangfire: it's not entirely clear what license they're posted under here
09:40.45ka6soxunless those binaries have a different license than I've seen.
09:41.00hangfirehmm, yeah ok.
09:41.17destinalhmm there's an hp_license_agreement.pdf
09:43.23hangfireah, ok. must replace the old license
09:45.02destinalyeah, it isn't licensed for distribution, so apparently it's just an easy place to download novacom for the various platforms, which people have been asking for for a while
09:45.19destinal(to be able to get it without getting the doctor)
09:46.34destinalthough really we theoretically solved that with novatool and the download a file from remote zip thing, that never really got a production release
09:47.02destinaldefinitely doesn't hurt to have it be easier
09:48.16destinal(but open source is rather a misnomer here)
09:52.00hangfireyep, thanks
10:10.15*** join/#webos-internals dgm_077 (
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15:45.28dwc-anyone had any issues with the nightly/on-boot backup service sucking up all the memory and killing the phone? (webos 2.1.0)
15:46.32dwc-strace reports (at least the stuff it's sending to stderr, which appears to be going ... ???) it's doing a bunch of deletes on the palm backup servers
15:46.41dwc-but it looks like it's leaking connections or memory or something
15:47.54dwc-(this is service.backup.js)
15:54.22*** join/#webos-internals hamez (
15:56.01summatusmentisis it possible that's the stuff around some security something or other happening in the palm backend that might be affecting devices not running the proper version of the software?
15:56.40summatusmentisI also had an issue recently where the phone would lock-up at night/after a while and shutdown, I never traced it that far, and just re-doctored
16:11.16dwc-well, this happened occasionally before that change was made
16:11.35dwc-this is also a developer pre2, so it is running the proper software
16:11.41summatusmentisoh, duly noted
16:12.09dwc-yea, my phone dies fairly promptly at 0030 every night now :\
16:18.32dwc-based on irc logs, aug 1, and every day aug 4th through now that my phone was on irc, it's died
16:21.56*** join/#webos-internals Tman (~tyler@unaffiliated/tman)
16:35.14*** join/#webos-internals GarthPS (
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16:47.34hamezI'd like to update the patches for different arrangements of icons in the app launcher for 2.x, but it appears as though the parts of the app launcher that would need to be modified are now buried in LunaSysMgr
16:47.39hamezany thoughts?
16:47.48*** join/#webos-internals dgathright (
16:48.36dwc-I think you're right
16:50.21hamezand hpalm is not likely to open source LunaSysMgr, right?
16:52.07hamezI figured there was a good reason it hadn't been done already :)
16:56.28dwc-I wouldn't hold my breath
17:07.47*** join/#webos-internals dgm_077 (
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18:18.36*** join/#webos-internals Xc1uSiv3 (438c130a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:18.53Xc1uSiv3Who's the mod here?
18:33.32*** join/#webos-internals Stick36 (
18:33.52PatrickCWho is the official mod here? Rod?
18:35.38uNiXpSyChOwebos-internals crew... but Rod is the enforcer.  I use my mod privs like a nuke, keep it locked away.
18:36.48*** join/#webos-internals Draecos (
18:41.25*** part/#webos-internals Stick36 (
18:43.22PuffTheMagiceveryone with voice has ops
18:48.36*** join/#webos-internals PatrickC (
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19:31.08snoodhi. I installed Bantu Christ but apt-get does not exist
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19:58.28antidoseHi, i have some questions regarding the PalmPDK and setup a cross compiler environment that is using the PalmPDK
19:58.47antidosebut lets start at the beginning
20:00.56antidose1. is there a difference between the WebOS Internals PDK and the PalmPDK from ?
20:01.49antidose2. and if yes, where are the differences?
20:02.47*** join/#webos-internals El_Matarife (
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20:17.50amistakHi guys! I was wondering if you guys could help me work through something.
20:18.37amistakI just got a Touchpad and reactivated my frankenpre plus on sprint. I can make calls but it won't connect to the data network. any ideas_
20:25.47*** part/#webos-internals snood (
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20:55.31*** join/#webos-internals carc (
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23:22.23*** join/#webos-internals k\2 (~]r@2001:0:53aa:64c:3408:665e:bda8:bf0a)
23:22.35k\2i assum rwhitby == rob rwhitby..
23:22.47Tibfib_k\2: rod
23:24.05k\2excuse me, anyhow rod, did your optware-bootstrap for android devices succeed on most devices you've tested..
23:25.45rwhitby-preandroid devices?
23:26.24k\2yes, the phone...
23:26.54rwhitby-prehas done no android optware bootstrap
23:27.02k\2well i'm testing out the info over on nookdevs, but...
23:27.11oilremembers someone doing it, but doesnt remember who
23:27.15rwhitby-preah, nook stuff
23:27.24rwhitby-pretalk to destinal and ka6sox
23:27.33*** join/#webos-internals leonkehoe (
23:27.43k\2sweet, i'll hang out for a bit then, thanks alot
23:28.04leonkehoeI've just installed webOS 2.1 on my Palm Pre Plus and ran into a problem, well, it's not a problem as such just an oddity.
23:28.42k\2rwhitby-pre! really, i thought your site from back in 2007 even had comparisons (battle of the os) between droid/webos
23:29.26rwhitby-preI don't have any rooted android devices.
23:29.43leonkehoeIt says that if my apps fail to download and my Palm Profile is named Dr. Skipped Firstuse I should delete my Palm Profile info and Doctor again...
23:29.45k\2ooo, sryz..
23:30.03leonkehoeWell, my Palm Profile IS named Dr. Skipped Firstuse in Accounts, but my apps DIDN'T fail to download.
23:30.19rwhitby-preyou sure it says to doctor again?
23:30.37rwhitby-preor just erase apps and data and login again?
23:30.45leonkehoe"This step is extremely important if you find that after finishing the webOS 2.1 installation your saved apps don't download to your device automatically and your Palm Profile account name under Accounts is "Dr. Skipped Firstuse". You should delete your profile info and Doctor again."
23:31.25rwhitby-prethat's not neccessary in most cases
23:31.40leonkehoeTo delete my profile info I go into the Backup app and disable Backups, right? But is it necessary, considering my apps DID download, it's just my profile that's named Dr. Skipped Firstuse?
23:33.03rwhitby-preerase apps and data and go through first use again
23:33.17rwhitby-preif that works, update the wiki to reflect that
23:33.50leonkehoeI'm impatient, I'm already 64% through re-doctoring it. I came on here to find out what to do if once done I find myself in the same situation.
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23:34.22leonkehoeIf it happens again, I will try what you've suggested rwhitby-pre.
23:35.06leonkehoeThanks - for everything.
23:35.59leonkehoeI suppose you'll be first in line once the Pre3 is released rwhitby?
23:36.30leonkehoeThat said, it's likely you'll want a separate device for development. I'm sure the community will oblige.
23:37.38rwhitbyI have two on order
23:37.54leonkehoeQuestion for you, you've dug around in webOS 3.0, right?
23:40.25*** join/#webos-internals lumines (
23:42.34leonkehoeTell me this, did they REALLY build it from the ground up? Because I'd have thought if they did, they'd have addressed one of its major issues - performance. I can't believe how slow it is on a 1.2GHz dual-core processor, it should be instantly loading apps and have buttery smooth interface animations. From what I've seen, webOS 2.2 on the HP Pre3 has far better performance.
23:49.06*** mode/#webos-internals [+v bpadalino] by ChanServ
23:56.03leonkehoeWell, that re-doctoring it worked, so I'm unable to test out your fix rwhitby. Sorry about that.
23:56.17leonkehoeI'm off to bed now, being in the UK it's very late here.
23:56.35leonkehoeNight, it's been... engaging. There's very little I enjoy more than talking to myself.
23:56.45rwhitbyno worries
23:57.06rwhitbybig change in 3.0 was move to node.js for background services and enyo for UI
23:57.30leonkehoeRight and do you agree that performance is still lacklustre?
23:57.54rwhitbyit's all relative
23:58.15leonkehoeOf course, and when your device is relatively slow compared to what else is on the market that's problematic.
23:58.40leonkehoeI expected to see a significant performance boost with webOS 3.0 running on a dual-core processor but it just isn't there.
23:59.12leonkehoeI'm disappointed. And I don't think any OTA is going to fix it any time soon, if ever.
23:59.19rwhitbyI presume you've turned off all the logging and applied the other performance patches
23:59.37leonkehoeShouldn't have to rwhitby, shouldn't have to.

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