IRC log for #webos-internals on 20110809

00:05.01rwhitbymillertech: For the Pre 2, F104A is more "mature" than UK, since it's been in the testing feed longer with less issues.
00:05.48uNiXpSyChObut UK doesnt have all the "tainted blood" of F104A
00:06.15rwhitbyuNiXpSyChO: is it possible that SR is just broken on Pre 2 ?
00:06.53uNiXpSyChOfunny thing is when i first started with SR it worked good, it just didnt work good for 1.2GHz.
00:07.26uNiXpSyChOthat might be the problem since some Pre2 work and some dont.
00:08.20rwhitbyuNiXpSyChO: so an F104A which is not overclocked would have different actual voltages from stock due to SR being disabled?
00:10.01uNiXpSyChOyes, F104 has diff voltages.  SR might be forcing that OPP5 level to what i has in it's efuse and ignoring the vdd table set for it.
00:10.27uNiXpSyChObut of course F104 doesnt use SR, it uses VSEL
00:13.13rwhitbyso I guess UK on Pre 2 will need to use VSEL instead of SR, since it seems 1.1+SR is not stable.
00:13.58uNiXpSyChOor you can just put SR in transparent mode insteead of forced update.
00:14.27rwhitbyunfortunately, that's way above my skill level :)
00:14.50uNiXpSyChOit's just one CONFIG change...  let me find it
00:15.25millertechLet me know if you want me to test this. I have already ran the doctor like 5 times
00:15.58rwhitbymillertech: webos 2.1.0, right?
00:16.00oilwhats one more time?
00:16.41rwhitbyso UK as-is 1.1 with that change, or are you saying F104A with that change?
00:16.59millertechI have been using the stock WR 2.1.0 doctor since my original meta
00:17.08uNiXpSyChOUK with that change will disable SR from whacking voltages
00:17.27rwhitbyuNiXpSyChO: so likely a battery hog?
00:17.52uNiXpSyChOsomewhat.  no voltage scaling at all.
00:18.41rwhitbyso I guess we have UK and F104A in stable feed and let people choose.
00:20.22rwhitbyuNiXpSyChO: have you had any reports of issues with F104A ?
00:20.57rwhitbycause the alternative is just to release that as the UberKernel for Pre 2.
00:21.45millertechmy wife's pre2 is running the current UK and working fine.
00:21.56uNiXpSyChOnone.  that thread has been quiet.  except for a package munch which happened at some point thinking it had compcache external modules.  dont know how that happened when i havent built that in a while.
00:22.23rwhitbyuNiXpSyChO: there was an issue on the build server at one point
00:22.34rwhitbybut I'm pretty sure they are all rebuilt correctly now
00:22.44rwhitbymillertech: any difference between the two devices?
00:23.12millertechnone. both were att unlocked pre2's transfered to sprint
00:23.35millertechalthough i am on my second pre2, (third total device)
00:23.49uNiXpSyChOhow can that be?
00:24.18millertechfirst had busted screen and i ran all the kernels for fun before i swapped the comm out
00:24.30uNiXpSyChOGSM to a CDMA network?
00:24.54millertechcomm boards and antennas from original pre-
00:25.19rwhitbyI wonder if there is a voltage supply issue on the comms board on one of the devices
00:25.52millertechhow could i test that?
00:26.13millertechthe boards are getting close to two years old now
00:26.43rwhitbymillertech: does it fail if you remove the govnah profile and reboot?
00:27.10millertechI can only get it to boot by mem booting
00:27.18millertechonce i install UK it doesnt come back up
00:27.31millertechi just re-doctored to get my real profile back
00:27.46millertechi can try whatever you want me to
00:27.49rwhitbyand there is no /var/palm/event.d/org.webosinternals.govnah-settings file (or govnah-related file in /etc/event.d) ?
00:28.02millertechill look
00:28.11rwhitbyhit Disable Profile in the profiles screen in govnah to remove the profile
00:28.39millertechafter membooting with UK installed?
00:29.24rwhitbyinstall palm recovery kernel, disable profile, reboot, check govnah is showing palm default, do not select any profile, install uberkernel
00:29.30rwhitbyit should then boot at stock speeds and voltages
00:29.44rwhitbyif that fails to boot then there is something else going on
00:31.47millertechi just ran dr so there is no govnah file in var/palm/event.d
00:31.57millertechill get there and test it out
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00:46.39rwhitbythanks. if UK doesn't boot with no govnah profile, there is a big problem.
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00:47.15millertechi have tons of app and its taking forever to re-download them all
00:48.22millertechill let you know the result. I am taking off from work soon. Ill hit you up on twitter with the results
00:48.57rwhitbymillertech: check /msg for email addr too
00:49.58kevetsis it possible to not have mode switcher pop up the 'switch mode' options when there is a startup timer?
00:50.41kevetsI have something I want to kick in 30 sec after locking the phone but dont really need the buttons to pop up
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01:19.57PatrickCoil: does egautguy hang out here much?
01:27.02PuffTheMagiche used to
01:27.07PuffTheMagicthen got a job/new job
01:27.50PatrickCI had a question about his vkb patch
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01:31.00PatrickCPuffTheMagic: what did it say when I "disconnected"?
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01:38.54PatrickChuh.. wirc disconnected me
01:39.08PatrickCbut it said I was connected
01:39.19PatrickCbut it wouldn't let me disconnect/send something
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01:53.27PuffTheMagicPatrickC, is this on your crazy pre2 w/enyo device?
01:54.11PatrickCpre2 has enyo, yes. but that doesn't effect wirc
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01:55.38NuttyBunnyloves how PuffTheMagic gets mad at PatrickC for reporting "bugs" in his apps when ran in a Pre2 with enyo :D
01:55.54m3rbhello? newbie here...
01:56.03NuttyBunnyhello m3rb
01:56.18m3rbmessing with Touchpad
01:56.31m3rbdid the "homebrew app" and installed preware
01:56.42m3rbthen bash/optware
01:56.52m3rbbut it doesn't show up anywhere as an app
01:57.03flare576PuffTheMagic: Are you accepting suggestions for Tide?  if so: drawer-based file browser on the left :)  if not.... I was never here
01:57.17PuffTheMagicNuttyBunny, not mad, but his shit is broken all the time, so i dont quite trust his bug reports ;)
01:57.19PuffTheMagicflare576, sure
01:57.33PuffTheMagicoh u said it already
01:57.35PuffTheMagicon the left
01:57.45flare576Eclipse style
01:57.50flare576well, eclipse default
01:57.51PuffTheMagicfile browser or list of open files?
01:58.04PuffTheMagicya i plan on adding multiple file support
01:58.07PuffTheMagicand a sense of projects
01:58.11PuffTheMagicwhich will be on the left
01:58.13flare576most of the tools I use list open files @ top
01:58.43PuffTheMagicflare576, touchpad isnt really setup to do a list at the top of open files
01:58.47flare576Tide + SVN would basically mean I can work on the touchpad
01:58.51NuttyBunnyPuffTheMagic: yep, I know, I don't trust enyo on Pre2 either, I had to edit files around just to be able to test some things, and it won't run everything, but.. that's what some of us have :)
01:59.19flare576PuffTheMagic: yeah, even the web browser can't do 'tabs' :(
01:59.31PuffTheMagicis could do vertical tabs
01:59.33PuffTheMagicaka, a list
01:59.55flare576I love that my 2 month old kid falls asleep to classic rock or Irish drinking music.
02:00.19flare576well... file browser on left with an indicator of open file might work
02:00.19PuffTheMagicflare576, you could install svn via optware
02:01.00PuffTheMagici havent really decided how i am going to organize projects and files
02:01.14ka6soxflare576, that will change...will get a taste soon enough.
02:01.14PuffTheMagicmaybe 3 layers of sliding panes
02:01.18PuffTheMagictop pane is the editor
02:01.21flare576after m3rb mentioned bash, I realized I've been forgetting about software :)
02:01.29PuffTheMagicthe one below that is files for a given project
02:01.33PuffTheMagicand the bottom one is projects
02:01.49ka6soxoptware G00d
02:02.12flare576ka6sox: the kid or the software will change? :)
02:02.18ka6soxthe kid
02:02.26m3rbcould someone clue me in as to how to actually start bash on the tp now that it is "installed"?
02:02.32flare576yeah, I know; let me enjoy it while it lasts, won't you?
02:02.58flare576m3rb: it's not really something you 'run'  you have to get terminal or xecutah
02:03.53m3rbok thanks.  I saw something about terminal not working >webos 2.0 and deleted from preware?
02:04.19flare576actually, I'm also dumb... apparently typing "bash" isn't how you switch shells....
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02:04.50flare576m3rb: you should see xecutah and xwindows and xterm
02:04.55flare576install those guys
02:05.30flare576Just got my BT keyboard.... wtb "ctrl+_" support :/
02:05.42kevetsis there a tab button or anything for xterm?
02:05.56ka6soxkevets, not yet...but RSN.
02:06.02flare576kevets: that's what I'm hoping to get from bash....
02:06.19flare576oh, thanks ka6sox, saved me some time :)
02:06.33ka6soxflare576, not there yet
02:07.09flare576I'm still trying to figure out how to customize xecutah to do my bidding... I've never really looked inside of a webOS app before, taking some time to figure out how the pieces play together.
02:07.25ka6soxflare576, no kidding
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02:07.45flare576it's a friggen blast, though
02:11.43flare576hey, PuffTheMagic, one other feature: start file browser in directory of currently open app.  That would be very useful in the interim
02:11.43m3rbnot finding xterm, xecutah, xwindows via preware on the tp.  Do they have to be had via webos quick installer on the host?
02:12.44scoutcamperm3rb, they are in th testing feeds of preware
02:13.33PuffTheMagicflare576, how do u suppose that would work, tide would be the currently open app
02:13.59flare576errr... s/app/file/
02:14.25PuffTheMagicit should open in the dir of the last opened file
02:14.54flare576I'm running most recent, and it always starts at /media/internal
02:15.33PuffTheMagicbetween starts of the app you want it to remember the last opened file?
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02:16.26flare576nope.  While I have Tide open, I open a file in /media/cryptofs/.... and the next time I open a file it starts in /media/internal agin
02:17.01PuffTheMagicit shoudlnt be doing that
02:17.11PuffTheMagici think i know why though
02:17.21flare576lemme restart and give it another shot
02:17.38PuffTheMagicno i prob broke this when i added the option to change the default dir
02:20.45flare576confirmed, though; fresh launch sees it happening.
02:24.39PuffTheMagicflare576, will you test a new version?
02:25.16kevetska6sox what did you mean by RSN?
02:25.54infobotextra, extra, read all about it, rsn is Real Soon Now
02:26.09ka6soxwhich means NOTHING in computer time.
02:26.15ka6soxcould be tommorrow or 6months :(
02:27.42rwhitbyflare576: put an file in the top-level of the app, and then add the appid to the whitelist in Xecutah source
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02:36.32kevetslol I see
02:48.40PuffTheMagicflare576, ping
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02:59.55PatrickCrwhitby: I'm interested in UK for the pre2
03:00.01PatrickCdidn't know we had obligations
03:02.57rwhitbyPatrickC: so you've never read the Testing_Feeds wiki page?
03:03.12rwhitbythat alone disqualifies you
03:03.13PatrickCI did a long time ago
03:03.19PatrickCits been a while
03:03.27PatrickCshould I read it regularly?
03:03.48rwhitbyit hasn't changed. you should, however, act on what you have agreed to.
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03:04.04PatrickCI'll refresh my memory then
03:05.41PuffTheMagictide v0.0.23 pushed
03:07.08PatrickCrwhitby: never noticed the part about the forums. sorry
03:07.13PatrickCreport there?
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03:28.57millertech_did the pre2 UK get taken out of the feeds?
03:29.21rwhitbyyes, see @webosinternals tweets
03:29.32PatrickCrwhitby: I re-read the wiki
03:29.38rwhitbymillertech_: (was not referring to you in the tweets)
03:29.46PatrickCI must have missed the forum part last time
03:29.55millertech_opens spas hd
03:30.19millertech_adds spaz to auto correct
03:34.14millertech_wirc on tp is really nice
03:35.03rwhitbyrwatkins: ah, I remember now. uninstalling the patch will delete the patches files completely
03:35.14rwhitbyso people will be left with a broken app catalog.
03:35.24rwhitbyfatal flaw in using AUPT scripts for third party apps
03:35.38rwhitby(since they were only designed for rootfs patches)
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04:00.37flare576Puffy_tp: I'm back, but it looks like you may not need me (see Tide out there)
04:01.09Puffy_tpyou co7ld still try itl
04:01.41scoutcamperhigh 5's Puffy_tp on Tide being awesome!
04:02.03Puffy_tpim glad people are liking it
04:03.07flare576bug be fixed!
04:03.18flare576dumb question, what's that horizontal line for?
04:03.36Puffy_tpprint margin
04:03.45Puffy_tpcommon in most editors
04:04.02flare576ah, I figured it was some sort of margin
04:04.02Puffy_tpgood style is to nit have lines go longer than it
04:04.18flare576hah, don't look at any of my code then
04:05.02flare57624" monitor running 1080p and I'll still have to scroll left right sometimes :)
04:06.01bnceoyo, wut up
04:06.09flare576wonder if HP will bring in a alt-tab type of thing with that card button
04:06.23bnceodoes anyone know how to get out a stripped T5 screw?
04:06.34bnceocause apparently, the screws palm uses are horrible
04:08.30ka6soxflare576, the WORLD wants to know that...
04:08.36ka6soxI mean...they went 1/2 way :P
04:11.30flare576they really did
04:12.15flare576bnceo: if you can get to the surface of the screw, I've always been a fan of dremmeling the screw into a flat-driver :)
04:13.16flare576if you can't get to the surface... a very small flat head might be able to be wedged in there, but the screws a lost cause either way :(
04:13.51flare576ka6sox: they could have at least made the arrow keys do something in card view :(
04:14.12ka6soxbut...they didn't
04:14.17ka6soxso we have what we have.
04:14.50flare576wonder... if that's patchable... capture the arrow key and turn it into a left/right swipe action....
04:14.54bnceono dremel
04:15.07bnceobah. I wanted to do my gf's frankenpre tonight!
04:16.55flare576you must have really done a number on the screw :/
04:16.59ka6soxflare576, interesting.
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04:21.45flare576ka6sox, in case this'll save me some time: is it possible right now to launch the xserver without space for the onscreen keyboard?
04:22.47dtzWillflare576: nope :)
04:23.36flare576ok dokey; I'll keep poking around the code for more knowledge, but that'll save me some sanity later :)
04:24.08dtzWillflare576: i haven't read backlog, just get pinged on xserver ;). if you end up diving into the code much lmk and i'll help as i can :).
04:25.16ka6soxflare576, yes, if you have a BT keyboard hooked up.
04:25.21flare576no backlog to read on this one, and thanks!  I'm just getting back into the dev stuff... well, "back in" isn't quite right, all I've done in the past is hijack the 5x4 icons patch and fix a spacing issue :)
04:25.30flare576I do have a BT keyboard hooked up
04:25.34flare576still reserves the space
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04:26.18ka6soxwhat app?
04:26.21flare576if it's in a config/launch/etc file somewhere, don't tell me just yet, just knowing its possible is enough :)
04:26.26flare576xserver itself
04:26.37ka6soxI don't muckwiht that.
04:26.44ka6soxnot direclty anyways.
04:26.49flare576hmm, ok
04:26.58ka6soxI call it, and assign it a display #
04:27.01ka6soxbut thats it.
04:27.19flare576hmm, I don't know how to do that... I've got learning to do :)
04:27.35ka6soxI need to figure out how to get xecutah to keep track of multiple xservers and assign apps to them.
04:30.38dwc-those aren't X displays, those are just virtual consoles
04:30.41Robi_is the 2.2 emu out ?
04:31.16ka6soxdwc-, I have multiple servers running
04:31.19PatrickCRobi_: not publicly. but I can't say if its out at all
04:31.35dwc-ka6sox: I gathered that. I meant flare
04:32.10dwc-runs his desktops often with multiple X displays
04:33.45flare576hmm, more learning to do ;)
04:34.07dwc-the 6 displays you're talking about are often run out of init (see /etc/inittab)
04:34.37flare576I installed my first linux yesterday in a VM... work laptop couldn't work and desktop machine lost its RAID array every time I tried doing it for real.
04:34.37dwc-the 7th virtual console (virtual tty, etc) is often used for X though, as you say
04:36.39flare576aw crap.... what's esc in xterm...
04:37.06Robi_PatrickC: ah, looking to fully pair with my TouchPad ;]
04:37.13Robi_is Skype the only app that uses the TocuhPad camera?
04:37.43dtzWillflare576: err don't tell you what now? :)
04:37.54dtzWillRobi_: nope, the 'Camear' app does now as well :)
04:38.40flare576dtzWill, I started a vi run and went into insert before learning how to back out :( lol
04:38.44dwc-esc? the escape key?
04:39.01flare576does not see escape on TP keypad
04:39.21dwc-sorry, dunno. no touchpad here
04:39.23Robi_dtzWill: hm didnt see that one, appcat?
04:40.17dtzWillRobi_: think so, saw misc articles on it from the usual sources in the last few days
04:40.45Robi_i find nothing matching
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04:41.52Robi_oh I see .99c
04:42.58Robi_heh seeing 2 procs in govnah is awesome
04:43.01Robi_1 is almost unused
04:43.49flare576I like the fact that you guys made an exhibition mode for govnah :)
04:44.06dtzWillRobi_: I have not used the camera app, and am not necc endorsing it, but just thought i'd asnwer your question :)
04:44.09Puffy_tpi want my 50 dollar credit from HP
04:44.40Robi_dtzWill: np , ven though you mispelled it
04:44.55Robi_in quotes
04:45.39flare576Robi_, are you downloading it?
04:45.42Robi_doctor doctor gime the news ... I wanna twooooo ooohpoint twoooo
04:46.09dtzWillRobi_: lolol whoops sorry :)
04:46.10Robi_flare576: no, enjoying turntable instead
04:46.22dtzWillflare576: ah, yeah. no esc key atm.
04:46.23rrixhmm, is there something wrong with my binaries, or does webOS strip out debugging info? I can't do `info locals` in an attached gdb :\
04:46.39rrixer, s/webos/widk's gcc/
04:46.56Robi_I do miss typing space twice for a '.' at the end of sentances
04:47.01ka6soxrrix, ask that question again in 30minutes
04:47.05dtzWilli loooveee my veeerrrr :D
04:47.10flare576dtzWill, ouch.... no more vi for Flare lol
04:47.10dtzWill..just thought you should know.
04:47.46Robi_loooove the 299 touchpad
04:47.50rrixka6sox: You mean for when rod wakes up, I take it?
04:48.02dtzWillactually, if the bt keyboard sends 'esc' that shoouulldd go through, i think.
04:48.05dtzWillhaven't tested that lately.
04:48.25flare576just need a bt keyboard with etc then..
04:48.43dtzWillalthough i might be talking about the version of xserver i have that i need to push
04:48.47dtzWillsilly packaging snafu, sigh
04:49.09dtzWilldon't mean to suggest features exist that don't...
04:49.33halfhalowas under the impression that lunasysmgr goes omnomnom to esc for the stupid notification thing.
04:49.44flare576flippin 'a, this keyboard makes it way too easy to lose time in here (on screen makes it seem like forever to get a message out)
04:50.54flare576night all.  keep on kicking arse :)
04:51.06*** part/#webos-internals flare576 (
04:52.12dtzWillhalfhalo: it would appear you're correct
04:52.43dtzWillwhat i meant was "It's possible that if xserver sees SDLK_ESC, it'll do the right thing and send the proper x keyboard event to client X11 apps"
04:52.54dtzWillbut if luna eats it then it won't work, no :)
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05:46.03tmandryPuffy_tp: your twitter pic looks exactly like an image I remember seeing used for the main page of a website by Mat Buckland long ago.. is that where you got it? :p
05:46.57tmandryactually, I think it's different. nevermind.
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14:15.39kill_danoTrying to open a program called celtx on xserver with LXDE and I get a lame error any advice? Here's the error
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14:24.43Muhbquick question, what kind of material is on the com board of the pre and pre+? some kind of magnetic shielding? it looks too specific to be of no importance, and I just tore it in half...
14:24.53kill_danoXserver now only opens with the lower sction of the screen unused... how do I launch xserver in fullscreen?
14:25.37Muhbit looks like thick and gray (almost shiny) sticky tape...
14:26.41kill_danowhy did you break it?
14:27.00Muhbit was an accident
14:27.06MuhbI tried to get it all off, but it was too sticky
14:27.11Muhbhalf of it decided to stick to the com board
14:27.15Muhbthe other half came with me
14:27.59kill_danoOH THAT
14:28.03MuhbI could just slap it back on the way it is, but it wouldn't be sticky anymore
14:28.10Muhbbut at least it would be there
14:28.12kill_danoUM I think it's just to hold stuff in place
14:28.39kill_danoI messe dmine up a bit and the backlighting ont he kb became uneven
14:28.42kill_danoand that was abou it
14:29.43kill_danomaking a pre + for sprint?
14:31.48Muhbthird time swapping boards
14:32.39Muhbswapped them a while back, but then sprint refused to activate the phone without adding data to my plan, so I swapped them back and continued using t-mobile for a bit
14:33.13Muhbnow I'm contemplating messing with the ESN if I can figure out what the MSL is
14:35.41Muhbstill doing research on the legality of it though, it's annoyingly murky
14:37.44Muhbfrom what I understand so far, changing the ESN in and of itself may or may not be legal, depending on the reason for the change (it used to be completely illegal but the FCC's stance on that changed sometime around 2001-2003 due to difficulties caused to hardware manufacturers and distributors)
14:40.38*** join/#webos-internals PatrickC (
14:40.45Muhbi.e. if the change is in an effort to avoid paying a lawful fee for a service rendered, or to steal someone else's service, or to hide two lines under one plan, then it's fraud
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15:25.36milkncookiesHey guys Im trying to debug the synergy plugins can someone tell me how to run the command C:\Program Files\Palm, Inc\novacom.exe" -t open tty://,  on a mac?
15:25.48milkncookiesor the equivalent command
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15:31.39joem_i have three app catalog $50 credits on my account... could this be because i've had to return touchpad twice?
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16:00.57Loudergood_joem_: bonus!
16:01.14Loudergood_they probably think you bought 3 touchpads
16:01.44joem_could bei do show 3 devices on my options
16:02.23Loudergood_milkncookies: you just need to find out where the sdk installer puts novacom on the mac
16:02.55halfhalo-workhas his in /usr/local/bin/novacom on his mac
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16:16.58joem_used bonus doll hairs and bought the preware homebrew doc
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16:35.04summatusmentisrwhitby: have there been any reports of uberkernel on pre- being angry recently?
16:35.24summatusmentis_something_ changed on my phone that's making it lag like nothing else, and not come back from sleep
16:43.51*** join/#webos-internals eg3 (~andreas@
16:54.09MuhbSPC/MSL acquired! :D
16:54.13MuhbI love it when things just work out.
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18:59.46*** topic/#webos-internals is Discussion about webOS internals (not webOS SDK usage - #webos for that, or wIRC - #wirc for that). Honor all licenses, carrier agreements and copyrights. Twitter: @webosinternals Logs: Wiki: Pastebin: Preware: Patches:
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20:24.10Guest74660help me...!!!
20:24.16PatrickCok.. what?
20:24.20Guest74660error ipkg
20:24.52PatrickCwhat did you do?
20:25.01PatrickCwhat are you trying to install? what device?
20:25.35Guest74660that the flashlight for the camera install gives me error log ipkg
20:25.51PatrickCpaste the log please
20:25.58PatrickCwe can't help if we don't see the error
20:26.00scoutcamperGuest74660, device and os?
20:26.55Guest74660I can do with that is that the update does not uninstall the patch
20:27.16*** join/#webos-internals etx` (
20:27.23TibfibGuest74660: can you please clarify what you are saying?
20:27.40PatrickCGuest74660: what device/os?
20:27.50Guest74660WEB OS 1.4.5
20:28.06scoutcamperGuest74660, pre or pixi? + or -?
20:28.22scoutcamperGuest74660, Pre+ or Pre-?
20:28.35Guest74660palm pre
20:28.44PatrickCso - probably
20:28.51PatrickCis there a little button on the bottom?
20:29.07*** join/#webos-internals Draecos (
20:29.19PatrickCthinks about the pic of the Pixi with the button.. haha
20:30.05Guest74660is pre-
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20:30.27Guest74660I do not speak English I'm from mexic
20:31.02Guest74660Error installing: See IPKG Log
20:31.14TibfibWhat does it say below that?
20:31.20Tibfiberr. Sorry
20:31.33TibfibTap the button at the very top left of the screen
20:32.23TibfibThen tap on "IPKG log"
20:32.39Guest74660give me your mail to send it
20:32.46Tibfibcopy and paste it
20:32.49Tibfibto so only if so already send
20:34.58scoutcamperGuest74660, please clarify the question?
20:36.00Guest74660I have an error when trying to install a patch on the video camera flash light
20:37.00Guest74660ipkg I get error log is that you see that updates do not uninstall the operating system patches
20:37.08summatusmentisGuest74660: puedes copiar y poner el mensaje del error en, y dar nos el URL?
20:37.33Tibfibpuedo hablar un poco de espanol
20:37.42Guest74660aah ok
20:37.43Tibfibes todo ^
20:37.44summatusmentisel mensaje de "IPKG Log", por favor
20:38.14summatusmentismi espanol no es perfecto, pero puedo tratar
20:38.34PatrickCes lost
20:39.02oilsworknis always in awe of people who are multilingual
20:39.16Tibfiboilsworkn: estupido
20:39.28summatusmentisI attended a spanish immersion elementary school, and double majored in CS and Spanish
20:39.43Tibfibsummatusmentis: nice, you're way better at spanish then I am
20:39.48Tibfibhigh school spanish FTL
20:39.49summatusmentissometimes it comes in useful :)
20:39.53oilsworknis only multilingual if you include programming languages xD
20:40.15Tibfiboilsworkn: kind of counts
20:40.23Tibfibbut not really
20:40.45Tibfibare there any major programming languages not in english?
20:40.52summatusmentisnot that I'm aware of
20:40.59summatusmentisarguably ASM :)
20:41.12scoutcamperTibfib, well, Binary is arguably many langages
20:41.13oilsworknhas seen non-english comments in code before
20:41.33summatusmentisindeed, me too
20:41.36Guest74660and send mail with the error url and wants you to pass
20:41.46ka6soxsummatusmentis, there are some that purport to be english...but have such wierd naming that I wouldn't say that.
20:41.55oilsworknall i can do is copy/paste frmo
20:42.42summatusmentisGuest74660: no necesitas mandar lo, es preferible que nos da el URL que cojas despues de decir "submit"
20:43.06oilsworknwait, Tibfib is + in #w-i now?
20:43.08ka6soxalso I'm sure there is some hacker language written in chinese.
20:43.12Tibfiboilsworkn: apparently
20:43.12ka6sox(or russian)
20:43.26oilsworknthats cool
20:43.54*** join/#webos-internals jeffgus (
20:44.00summatusmentistampoco necesitas tener una cuenta, puedes usarlo anonimo
20:44.10Tibfibsi si
20:44.13*** join/#webos-internals Loudergood (
20:44.23Guest74660haber que URL
20:44.27Guest74660de donde lo saco
20:44.33Guest74660o donde lo encuentro
20:45.12summatusmentisdespues de escojer "submit", la pagina va a cambiar a una nueva pagina, copia el URL de la nueva pagina
20:45.15TibfibGuest74660: tienes un URL de para nosotros?
20:45.26Guest74660no la tengo
20:45.41Guest74660me la puedes proporcionar
20:45.55scoutcamperes confused
20:45.56MuhbI just discovered my ISP may be redirecting requests meant for OpenDNS to their own DNS servers.
20:46.11MuhbExcuse me while I test my theory, and potentially throw a fit over the phone if my theory is correct.
20:46.17summatusmentisGuest74660: que pasa cuando escojas "submit"?
20:46.49Guest74660ya capte
20:48.16Guest74660es esta
20:48.37summatusmentisgracias, perfecto
20:48.42Guest74660ahora si me pueden ayudar
20:49.33summatusmentisvoy a tratar de transducir lo que los otros dicen, no se que es la problema
20:49.44summatusmentisTibfib, scoutcamper, etc. thoughts?
20:49.46Tibfibno se tampoco
20:50.43Guest74660you know what the problem is I do anything to install or uninstall and how or to what?
20:51.39TibfibGuest74660: nadie sabe ahora
20:52.29summatusmentisGuest74660: parece que algo quebro en el processo de instalar, pero no se como repararlo
20:52.39Tibfibtienes otros "patches" de camera ?
20:53.21Guest74660solo ese
20:53.32Tibfibno se
20:53.45Guest74660trato de instalar el LED MANAGER SERVICE PERO SE QUEDA CORTO DE TIEMPO
20:53.50Tibfibnecesitamos la ayuda de rwhitby
20:54.04Guest74660good if no one knows anything or they tell me to pass the URL where I can or who can tell me how to improve my PALM PRE ... or do? throw it away or wave?
20:54.37TibfibGuest74660: no puedo comprender su mensaje
20:54.51Tibfibhmm is su for usted also? or just he/she summatusmentis?
20:55.20Guest74660i dt know
20:55.32summatusmentisGuest74660: si no tienes much tiempo ahora, sugiero que nos trata otra vez mas tarde, como dijo Tibfib, rwhitby nos puede ayudar, pero no esta ahora
20:55.56Guest74660les encargo el problema y luego regreso ok
20:56.05Guest74660bye bye
20:56.11summatusmentiso, debo decir, as posible que rwhitby nos puede ayudar
20:56.23summatusmentisGuest74660: mantiene este pastebin URL
20:56.44summatusmentishe might think we're gonna talk to rwhitby and have an answer for him when he comes back
20:56.45TibfibI haven't used spanish since may
20:57.14Tibfibsummatusmentis: whoops.
20:57.55summatusmentisTibfib: sorry, what were you asking me?
20:58.08Tibfibnevermind, google it
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22:17.06RavenIIIs there a way to restore just a kernel...for when you flash SR71 and it doesn't boot....
22:17.30RavenIII know there's that memboot...but does that allow you to restore the kernel?
22:18.58RavenIINice! I don't have to lose all my stuff?
22:19.07PatrickCdon't think so
22:19.12PatrickCI've never had the need to membooy
22:19.22PatrickCto recover my kernel
22:19.43RavenIIhmmm....any one here do it before?
22:28.31millertechI just had to mem boot
22:28.51millertechyou get back in and then you can uninstall the modified kernel
22:29.21millertechUK 2.1.0-75 is a no go for my Pre 1
22:31.18millertechIt does not even get to the boot console
22:31.25*** join/#webos-internals acydlord ( it is possible...w.h.e.W.
22:32.08RavenIImillertech: thanks for the hope...I really should figure out how to do a nand style backup of this thing...
22:36.35rwhitbyWe really should work out how to force people to memboot at least once before even installing a kernel from the testing feed.
22:37.08summatusmentiswell, how do you force someone to the point of needing to memboot?
22:37.08millertechrwhitby: it was really easy
22:37.28rwhitbyIt always amazes me that folks go and install things clearly marked "Experimental" without learning first how to recover if things go wrong.
22:38.02scoutcamperrwhitby, is there a kernel flag for "its membooted"? if so, make preware check for it to install any kernels at all
22:38.05RavenIIrwhitby: well, you should start a course on how people can be perfect like you too...
22:38.19RavenIIsee, some people learn from their mistakes...they don't learn BEFORE they make mistakes
22:38.29rwhitbyRavenII: well, since the kernels don't boot for some people, obviously we're not perfect - that's the point.
22:38.30RavenIIyou on the other're the diamond in the rough
22:38.49millertechis there anything I can do to help debug this UK issue?
22:38.56summatusmentismany people don't recognize that experimental really means experimental
22:39.01rwhitbyMaybe we should intentionally just periodically put bad stuff in the testing feed to teach such folks a good lesson.
22:39.03summatusmentismost people take it to mean "not finished"
22:39.08summatusmentiswhich is not the same thing
22:39.37rwhitbyhalfhalo-work: maybe we already do ;)
22:39.41RavenIIrwhitby: maybe...that's how I learned most things myself...I mean isn't the whole point of all this, to learn?
22:39.47summatusmentisrwhitby: nicer thing would be a litmus test prior to giving people the URL for the testing feed
22:40.16rwhitbyRavenII: folks like yourself aren't the problem
22:40.55rwhitbysarcastic responses like are the case in point
22:40.57RavenIII once typed rm -rF / into my terminal because some dude that was "helping" me learn linux, told me to do so in an IRC Chan....guess what I know to NEVER do again...
22:41.29RavenIIYeah, that's a 14 year old kid that is going to learn the hard way...
22:41.59RavenIIthe hard way being that most people aren't getting paid for ANY of bitching and complaining gets you absolutely no where.
22:42.05halfhalo-workran rm -rf / on device recently. gotta love the fact that the app that ran that command did NOT crash until I tried to quit
22:42.07scoutcamperRavenII, bah, thats the loosrs way, rm -rf /boot is much more intruiging :)
22:42.12millertechwow, what an idiot
22:42.20RavenIImillertech: ...I was young back then...
22:42.32millertechno no, the twitter guy
22:42.58RavenIIhalfhalo-work: I ran that on my Mac OS...
22:43.11RavenIIshould have seen the chan log on that one...when I told EVERYone that I did that
22:43.20RavenII...the OS ran fine....until I tried rebooting.
22:44.05summatusmentisI ran rm -rf / once, it ran until it deleted the rm binary
22:44.10summatusmentisthis was quite a while ago
22:44.33RavenIIWhew! least I'm not the only sucker...
22:44.44RavenIII was holding that in for years!
22:45.51summatusmentisI mean, I knew what I was doing :)
22:45.58RavenIIdamn it.
22:46.04summatusmentisI just wanted to see what it looked like
22:46.11summatusmentisand I was formatting anyway
22:47.30RavenIIso millertech you just membooted and from preware uninstalled the kernel?
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22:47.58RavenIIRight. On.
22:48.23millertechi thought you could disable the UK profile in govnah and reboot with it still installed but it was not there
22:48.45millertechso i mem booted again and uninstalled in preware
22:49.30millertechnow i am back to stock
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23:02.04rwhitbymillertech: ok, we need to debug your failure somehow. I'm not seeing it here.
23:05.34millertechrwhitby: let me know how to help you
23:06.22millertechask not what webos-internals can do for you but what you can do for webos-internals
23:08.52oilsworknthat needs to go into the topic
23:18.18joem_i wonder with the 50$ touchpad app catalog credit, preware homebrew guide sales are up a bunch
23:18.28joem_or it its due to the mention in pivot
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23:44.01millertechrwhitby: my pre 2 is boot looping what is the log command?
23:46.47millertechrwhitby: I got a klog file. ill send it to you after i memboot
23:48.02mdelacomagot a patch that wont remove
23:54.01*** join/#webos-internals elpollodiablo1 (62ec1905@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:54.45elpollodiablo1I cant seem to find xecutah for TP is it in the test feed or regular feed?
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