IRC log for #webos-internals on 20110720

00:01.19elpollodiabo1mplayer doesnt like ubuntu chroot
00:03.06elpollodiabo1it freezes then reboots the phone
00:16.40*** join/#webos-internals haeffb (~haeffb@
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00:36.04conradevWith meta-doctor, how big can you make the optional ext3 partition?
00:45.27*** join/#webos-internals halfhalo-work (
00:49.50Loudergoodhow big do you want it?
00:56.51*** join/#webos-internals bluen (44ad3637@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:04.55bluenhello? Got LibreOffice working wondering if anyone is around to chat (I also installed chromium browser and icewm)
01:07.40*** join/#webos-internals bdogg64 (~b@
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01:12.23bluenhey scoutcamper, i got libre office to work, i also installed chromium browser and icewm. I then tossed the card. How do I get these programs back?
01:13.10scoutcamperuse xecutah to restart the x-server and chroot
01:13.43bluenIt gives me root@HPtouchPad:/#
01:14.38scoutcamperu have to manually start icewm from the commandline
01:14.56scoutcamperi dont use icewm so i dont know the command, but google does
01:19.09*** join/#webos-internals hlbice (~wircer@
01:19.22hlbiceanyone is here?
01:20.09scoutcamperno one but us birds lol
01:59.27Puffy_tpmy damn email app on the to isnbroken
01:59.42Puffy_tpit wont load any documents
01:59.54Puffy_tpit sas an error occured
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02:36.35Abyssulanyone familiar with openssh? specifically with winscp
02:38.10dwc-winscp isn't part of openssh, but go ahead
02:38.54AbyssulYou can use openssh to connect winscp to the pre over wifi though?
02:40.25Abyssulwinscp reports authentication failed, server refused our key. I've refollowed the steps 3 times and even deleted old keys that I made through the webos method.
02:40.56Abyssulgenerated the keys through webos, make the private key with that id_rsa with puttygen
02:41.14*** join/#webos-internals roxfan (dunno@
02:41.40dwc-if you generated the keys on your device, try ssh'ing into localhost with it
02:42.08dwc-(from the device)
02:42.53dwc-also, which instructions are you following
02:43.02AbyssulI can use novaterm to get into commandline
02:43.14dwc-you can also try grep sshd /var/log/messages and see if there's anything reported there as to why they're being refused
02:43.29Abyssulwinscp has a logging function. I can use that
02:43.39dwc-use both
02:44.02dwc-they'll report different things
02:45.16dwc-also, make sure that wc -l on the authorized_keys returns only 1 for each key
02:45.19Abyssulthat is winscp
02:45.48dwc-. 2011-07-19 22:43:47.149 Server version: SSH-2.0-dropbear_0.52
02:45.58dwc-suggests that you're running dropbear, not openssh's sshd
02:46.11AbyssulLet me pull up preware
02:47.09dwc-but the authorized_keys format should be similar for either
02:47.45AbyssulI have dropbear and openssh installed along with openssl
02:47.51dwc-if there's nothing else in the logs for dropbear, make sure your authorized_keys file is one line, for the one key (no word wrapping)
02:47.51Abyssul(via preware)
02:48.03dwc-I'm not too familiar with dropbear
02:48.44AbyssulIm going to uninstall and reinstall openssh and remove dropbear, restart pre then start all over
02:49.14bnceoalrighty. Loading some music and off to bed.
02:49.20bnceoPeru on Thursday. w00t w00t
02:51.19rwhitbyAbyssul: if you updated you might have been hit by the cryptofs bug.  uninstall all optware packages, reboot, then reinstal
02:54.48AbyssulFigured this installation wouldn't take by 5 minutes, not 2 hours
02:55.54rwhitbythe cryptofs bug is nasty
02:56.20AbyssulSo is the media indexer bug
03:02.11dtzWillcryptofs bug?
03:02.44*** join/#webos-internals PatrickC (
03:05.43dtzWillthe hell i can't install an updated xserver package? nonsense about configurator or somethig
03:06.31PatrickCman.. I really don't want to doctor...
03:06.54PatrickCwonders why he didn't make the meta-doctor have ext3fs today...
03:13.46dtzWillokay figured it out.
03:13.57dtzWillapparently you cannot simply use palm-install to update a package that's depended on by another
03:14.18dtzWillannoying but at least i can make progress now....
03:15.18dtzWillhp movie store update?!
03:15.32PatrickCand kindle
03:15.42dtzWillman i'm outta the loop
03:15.54PatrickChas kindle on his pre2
03:16.00PatrickCdoesn't look right though
03:17.55AbyssulI thought kindle was TP only
03:18.59PatrickCit is
03:19.05PatrickCImpostah gets around that
03:20.48AbyssulHmm... does it work as intended or is it formatted weirdly?
03:20.54Abyssulwhats the appid
03:21.00PatrickCformatted weirdly iirc
03:21.15PatrickCyou *need* enyo installed for it to work properly
03:21.24Abyssul2.1 here on my pre-
03:21.46PatrickCenyo is not installed unless you installed it manually
03:21.50AbyssulStill waiting on that dev program before buying a TP
03:21.56AbyssulOh well, I dont need kindle
03:22.51AbyssulWell... I  give up. OpenSSH refuses to work
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03:26.58Abyssuldid a grep for sshd and got that the server is listening on port 22, that doesn't sound right
03:28.30rwhitbythat is correct
03:29.44Abyssulwait so it is supposed to listen on that address or I am correct in that it is wrong? lol
03:41.44rwhitbyAbyssul: means any address
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04:08.07yipperHello - I saw a twitpic of LibreOffice running on a Touchpad...excellent - was wondering if anyone has plans to make the binary available ?
04:08.55yipperor if not is there any special build instructions available anywhere?
04:09.34PatrickCare you talking about ubuntu itself?
04:09.39PatrickCor LebreOffice?
04:10.01dwc-libreoffice was running inside an ubuntu installation running in a chroot on the touchpad
04:10.13yipperPatrickC:  ahh I see...
04:10.22yippersorry - that is dwc.... ahhh I see
04:10.51PatrickCnight all
04:11.22dwc-once you havr your chroot, you can install whatever
04:12.36yipperdwc-:  alright - thanks, I was just caught by the application reference - I help out with LibreOffice and thought if you (someone) had ported it to WebOS 3, that was kind of a big deal...
04:13.18dwc-yea, that would be pretty cool
04:13.22yipperwhich is not to say that running Ubuntu on the Touchpad (or anything else) isn't now that I thinik of it actually
04:14.16yipperdwc-: It wold be - any thoughts on just how large a task that might be - I know nothing of the WebOS platform , really..
04:15.06rwhitby-preyipper: yes, it's a ubuntu chroot rendering on Xsdl in a webOS card
04:15.10*** join/#webos-internals Abyssul (
04:16.02AbyssulFuther proof that Sprint isn't carrying WebOS products soon, their product portfolio PPT doesn't show HP/Palm
04:16.33yipperrwhitby-pre:  thanks for the details
04:19.59yipperrwhitby:  I just asked dwc, if he had any thought on how much effort would be invlolved in working a port of LibreOffice to WebOS 3 as a 'native app'  - any idea on that?
04:20.27rwhitbywould need an SDL backend
04:22.24rwhitbyseems like that would be a fair amount of work, unless there is something in there already for that
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04:23.51yipperI don;t know the answer - not even sure I know how to ask the question to be honest..
04:24.17yipperbut perhaps the right folks to ask about it
04:25.06rwhitbywe saw the shortest path as getting an X server running
04:26.06yipperright -
04:26.20yipperthat was they needed for a long time on Mac with OO.o
04:26.58yipperbut I thought the LibreOffice guys did more work on factoring out the need for X on Mac so maybe someting is in place to work on webOS...but I'm talking out the top of my hat..perhaps
04:27.40*** part/#webos-internals Abyssul (
04:27.47rwhitbyyeah, maybe there is an API layer there which can be mapped to SDL
04:31.00yipperI don't have a Toucpad yet...was just now looking at the SDK/PDK downlaod page... I have Win and Linux boxes so I take it I wold need to work under Windows and use VS compiler to pay with this...yes?
04:31.33yipperplay with this of course... we only pay with our souls in FOSS...*smile*
04:32.22rwhitbyyipper: WebOS Internals does all it's development in OSX & Linux
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04:35.28yipperrwhitby: alright - I don't have access to OSX, but that wouldn't be a draw back then...thanks
04:37.35yipperrwhitby: One more question if you don't mind - have you heard of any ODF tools (i.e. ODF Toolkit) under WebOS 3 ? Thanks
04:37.50rwhitbyI haven't.
04:38.50yipperThat particular is Java - is that a pretty striaght forward prospect on the Touchpad.. does the SDK/PDF include an emulator that I could test such libraries on?
04:39.26yipperThen I think I know where to start...
04:40.56*** join/#webos-internals Fuu_ (
04:41.47yipper*chuckline*... i was thinking that I could start by trying to talk others into working on it with me...we are looking for ideas for some upcoming hackfests...I think a day of checking out some ODF libraries on WebOS would be a great one..
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04:52.36yipperalright - thanks for the info... adios, for now, amigos
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06:02.05*** join/#webos-internals glazedfaith (43c658db@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:02.10glazedfaithThere we go
06:02.14glazedfaithFrankenpre question
06:02.16glazedfaithany takers?
06:02.49infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
06:03.06Error454Are there some dark secrets to writing patches that anyone can point me towards?  Imagine a source file with 3 lines of code and then imagine that 3 authors want to write unique patches for that file. Any choices other than create a monolithic patch?
06:03.40dwc-not really, no.
06:03.50rwhitbyError454: use tweaks to make the patch configurable
06:04.00glazedfaithI have just come upon a Verizon Pre Plus, I have a Sprint Pre.  I've gotten the tokens and such.  Do I have to bake them into every meta-doctor, or do I just have to do it the first time I doctor the new device?
06:04.09dwc-if it's just 3 lines, there's only so many things you can do to it, and if they're all unique sorts of changes, you're just kinda screwed
06:04.14rwhitbyglazedfaith: just once.
06:04.27glazedfaithand after that, I can doctor to my heart's content with no fears?
06:04.38rwhitbyglazedfaith: yep, it's effectively a new kind of device then
06:04.51rwhitbydwc-: hence tweaks configuration of what it does
06:05.23glazedfaithrwhitby: Would you recommend staying with the 1.4.5, or going ahead with the 2.1?  I've been using the 2.1 so long on my pre, I can't remember if there were really that many compelling differences
06:05.24dwc-imo, then those would be similar changes, not unique patches, really
06:05.38Error454rwhitby: But even with tweaks, you need to put the code to handle the tweaks in there somewhere.  Some of these files have so many patches, we're just out of space.
06:05.45glazedfaithrwhitby: also, should I go to 1.4.5 first to get the PRL update, and then go to 2.1?
06:05.58rwhitbyError454: the tweaks version superceded the individual patches
06:06.05rwhitbyglazedfaith: you should
06:06.51dwc-but if two separate patch writers are writing tweaks-enhanced patches for similar areas of a single file, there still can be conflicts if they are modifying neighboring parts
06:07.43glazedfaithrwhitby: I've read stories of people replacing their pre's with other pre's and then sprint charges them the new 10$ data charge because it's a new phone.  Could you also swap out the old comm board to fool sprint into thinking it's the same phone across multiple devices?
06:08.11dwc-you can live more dangerously, if you are sure that the lines being changed are unique to the file and remove lines of context around the diff... that'll make it apply cleaner, but has some dangers of mis-patching
06:08.18rwhitbyglazedfaith: yes
06:08.22Error454Hmm, so I suppose we could try and replace some of the smaller patches with a big tweaks patch which would open things up
06:08.40rwhitbyglazedfaith: that's exactly how a sprint Pre 2 works
06:08.41dwc-Error454: yes
06:08.57rwhitbyError454: that's the general direction, yes.
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06:09.20glazedfaiththanks rod
06:09.26*** join/#webos-internals jhowirc (~j@unaffiliated/jhowirc)
06:09.27glazedfaithI'll let you know how it turns out
06:09.45Error454Right, well that seems reasonable, I think that would really clean up some of the camera stuff.  I'll start taking a closer look at tweaking all these naming patches.
06:12.16*** join/#webos-internals User470 (~User@
06:12.34User470Hi all
06:12.36Error454Oh, did anyone get minecraft running via xecutah?
06:13.04User470any one help me how to display dynamic data (sqlite) in virtual list ?
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06:14.25User470any one pls
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06:15.27rwhitbyError454: not yet
06:17.16Error454rwhitby: Sounds like fun but I'm already spread too thin, plus I'm afraid of the extreme time wasting that might ensue if I were successful
06:18.00User470hay Error 454 : would u like to help me
06:19.09Error454User470: I don't know, do you think I can help you?
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06:26.44scoutcamperError454, i have been/am attempting to get minecraft going. However, it wants ia32-libs to run, and those arent for ARM, and their is no SRC code avaliable for ia32 so ive kinda hit a stumbling block
06:27.01scoutcamperError454, however, minecrafts server runs fine :D
06:28.09*** join/#webos-internals Abbaduxo (~jorixbwdX@banjo12.orchestra.cse.unsw.EDU.AU)
06:28.30Error454scoutcamper: Hmm, of course the server runs fine. Hey who can claim to run a minecraft server on their phone? That's cool. Yeah ia32-libs, do they even exist for arm?
06:29.02scoutcamperthats the issue
06:29.22scoutcamperif i had the source, i would recompile them, but they are closed source
06:29.28Error454what needs ia32-libs? I thought those were for cross-compatibility for 64-bit procs
06:30.09scoutcampera java game library
06:31.04Aj889anyone working on Enyo?
06:31.22scoutcamperAj889, enyo for what?
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06:34.16Error454scoutcamper: so you can't apt-get ia32-libs?
06:34.25Aj889enyo for webos3.0
06:34.45scoutcamperError454, nope
06:34.53scoutcamperAj889, lots of people are
06:35.29Aj889then i have a simple prob
06:35.41dwc-why would there be an ia32-libs for arm?
06:35.51Aj889how to display sqlite db(dynamic data) in virtual list
06:36.29Error454It looks like that game engine has an android port, so it can run on arm
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08:34.43glazedfaithOk, I got the comm boards swapped out, baked the tokens, ran the doctor, and I'm getting Sign In Failed, even though it says I'm on sprint, and I've got Ev
08:34.48glazedfaithWhat else am I missing?
08:37.13glazedfaithAnd it won't let me create a profile either
08:37.19glazedfaithAm I boned?
08:38.00ka6soxwait for it...
08:39.13rwhitbyglazedfaith: post a log of the doctor that you ran from the command line to see the full logs.
08:40.46glazedfaithrwhitby: does it create a log, or should I look at the actual output in the terminal?
08:41.24rwhitbywhen you run it from the command line you see copious amounts of logging
08:41.40rwhitbypost a log of you building the doctor too
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08:47.45glazedfaithrwhitby: Doctor Build
08:48.20glazedfaithrwhitby: Running the Doctor
08:49.40rwhitbyglazedfaith: if you remove model check or remove carrier check you cannot log into a profile
08:49.57rwhitbywhich wiki page are you following?
08:49.57glazedfaiththen why did I do that?
08:53.47glazedfaithIt does say sprint in the corner.  Should I just go ahead and run the stock doctor now?  The only reason I hadn't yet is because that wiki says to log in and check the device info to make sure that it says the proper Carrier and Model
08:56.45glazedfaith##RTN# Reports PRODOID as P100EWW
08:59.16rwhitbyif DMCARRIER says Sprint, then you can just run a Sprint doctor on it
09:01.04glazedfaithin ##RTN# or somewhere else?
09:30.09glazedfaithrwhitby: success.  Phone rebooting
09:30.28glazedfaithrwhitby: thanks for your help, rod.  you're everybody's favorite.
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11:34.16Ajay007778any one working on Enyo ? Need  a simple help
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11:42.48pc-worldwhat's your pblem?
11:43.02pc-worldupps sry your away again :D
11:44.14cryptkAjay007778, you don't need to ask to ask a question... just ask the question and if someone has the answer they will likely give it
11:47.17ka6soxpc-world, saw your article in P|C
11:48.00pc-worldka6sox: about the img file?
11:48.00ka6soxI'm concerned that the device will no longer go into USB mode.
11:48.53ka6soxbecause /media/internal is severed from the rest of the OS when you go into USB mode
11:49.11ka6soxand anything (like an image file with links to it) will prevent that from happening.
11:49.27Ajay007778any one know how to display sqlite db in virtual list ?
11:50.16pc-worldAya007778: just make the query, when you get the results, call refresh, and in the render method display the contents
11:50.54Ajay007778yes but some how i dont know it is not working
11:51.05Ajay007778check my forum post
11:51.05pc-worldka6sox: Haven't tried it yet, but you can unmount before going into USB mode, or maybe adding a script that unmounts it before the USB mode is started
11:51.44ka6soxthen that would mean any optware apps would have to quit first
11:51.58ka6soxso something like ssh server would STOP as that point
11:52.10Ajay007778@pc-world can you please check this
11:52.34pc-worldAjay007778: are you sure you have the setupRow method correctly defined? check the docs
11:53.31pc-worldka6sox: I did it because I don't want to doctor, don't want to lose any space in /media/internal and don't want to take any risk with repartitioning
11:54.17Ajay007778@pc-world : yes the probleam is that after getting data from the FOR loop how to display it in virtual list ..i got the valu in commented Alert
11:54.35ka6soxpc-world, fair enough..however this method will most likely fail an OTA and certainly will fail a USB mode switch.
11:55.05pc-worldka6sox: my method is not thought for users who don't know what they're doing... it's thought for users who will think of unmounting it before an OTA update ;)
11:55.35pc-worldAjay007778: first, rename your current setupRow method
11:55.49ka6soxpc-world, a better method in that case is to put it in cryptofs
11:56.05pc-worldka6sox: why?
11:56.15pc-worldAjay007778: then add your results to an array you store in your object
11:56.25pc-worldAjay007778: call render on your VirtualList
11:56.53pc-worldAjay007778: create a new setupRow like in the docs and set your content of the specified item every time setupRow is callec
11:56.57ka6soxpc-world, because during USB mode the cryptofs is "suspended" and when USB mode is exited it is "reconnected"
11:57.14pc-worldAjay007778: I think you should read the docs about VirtualList
11:57.22pc-worldka6sox: ok, did you try it?
11:57.31ka6soxmany many times
11:57.43Ajay007778ok let me try and performing according to your step
11:57.58Ajay007778by d way thanks pc-world
11:58.20ka6soxpc-world, deepending on the app it will either recover from this or fail....
11:58.31ka6soxbut at least it won't prevent entering USB mode
11:59.04pc-worldactually I don't want optware to use my Ubuntu image :)
11:59.16pc-worldI think it would be better for optware to not use my ubuntu image but another one
11:59.28pc-worldbecause I have to recreate my ubuntu image several tiimes
11:59.31ka6soxokay I"m sortty I meant ubuntu image
11:59.33pc-worldso optware would be lost too
11:59.50ka6soxyes, true too
12:00.01pc-worldyes but I think optware uses /media/ext3fs too
12:00.12pc-worldthis should be configurable
12:00.13ka6soxdoesn't have to
12:00.33ka6soxif /media/ext3fs is NOT present it creates an image in cryptofs
12:02.02pc-worldI know but if it is it uses it without asking the user
12:02.55ka6soxthen the discussion is moot as someone (currently) has doctored the device.
12:03.24ka6soxbecause thats (currently) the only way for that partition to be created.
12:05.30ka6soxI have manually resized/rrepartitioned about 20 times and it works fine...(because I do it a lot I'm not uncomfortable with that)
12:05.59ka6soxbut to make it 'safe" under all conditions does take its not something (currently) to be done lightly.
12:06.51ka6soxthe idea of putting the chroot in the cryptofs is one that has been talked aobut for a long time.
12:07.31ka6soxhowever since it most likely will at minimum suspend whatever is runining in the chroot and may in fact crash it, it isn't a great optoin.
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12:09.12pc-worldhave to leave now
12:10.06ka6soxI was concerned that folks trying this would end up with killing USB mode first.
12:10.44ka6soxokay have a good day...I should probably get some sleep before I have to wake up too.
12:10.53pc-worldthen write a post in the thread to warn users ;)
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12:15.30ka6soxhi Ajay007778
12:16.55Ajay007778i am stuck in a simple prob
12:17.15Ajay007778can you pls help me
12:17.35Ajay007778just replay a small solution code on that thread ...
12:18.23ka6soxthat is outside of what I really know...wish I could hlep but I probably would steer you wrong :(
12:19.04Ajay007778its ok
12:19.38ka6soxmy js knowledge is very very small (non-existatn)
12:19.57ka6soxImostly deal with base OS things...
12:20.09Ajay007778hmmm.. nop
12:20.23Ajay007778my too i am nooby to webOS
12:21.24ka6soxya, its a bit different...but at least its not Java.
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12:52.12matbeemeh, java's not so bad
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13:20.32matbeehas there been any kernel overclocking for the pre2?
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14:04.44RavenIInice!... is what I've been looking for! I can remove the gesture tutorial app....
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14:07.20PatrickCwhy couldn't you before?
14:07.43pigsflewIs there any specific place I should go for help with creating a patch? Can patches through Preware add files to /etc/event.d?
14:08.29pigsflewTrying to make this:
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14:08.56pigsflewinstallable/removable through preware
14:09.27pigsflewlooked at the wiki and there's a lot of help with existing patches, but i couldn't find a page on what the limits of a patch were, and how to go about creating one
14:09.51dwc-I think it's recommended you use /var/palm/event.d over /etc/event.d
14:10.30pigsflewhm, I didn't realize--I was using lighttpd's setup as a guide. I'll switch it over
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14:13.30RavenIIPatrickC: because I was hoping to find a way to make it teach me more than just the back gesture...but since that or the Help app do not work...they're gone.
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14:17.05pigsflewthanks dwc-, just updated the script to drop it in /var/palm/event.d instead
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14:21.12pigsflewfound the Gitorious repo for patches
14:25.29pigsflewit appears I did not understand that patches were exactly what they say on the tin
14:28.31pigsflewNope! this is what i wanted
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14:56.51pigsflewIs the webOS patches upload form no longer available?
14:58.12hapepigsflew: Here you go =>
14:59.48pigsflewhape, thanks!
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15:09.55matbeeYou know what'd be a good patch?
15:10.30matbeeIn a message app, goto the menu and select "Pop out message" or whatever, to create a new card out of it
15:10.46matbeeand, obviously, move back to the main message list
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15:16.39b12so, just a hypothetical here - suppose I bought 2 pres for parts, and just for fun, carelessly metadoc'd them to 2.1
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15:18.05b12and then suppose, hypothetically, that one pre was in poor condition w a good ESN and the other was in good condition w a bad ESN
15:18.37b12would it be possible at this point to swap the com board w the good ESN into the phone in good condition?
15:18.42RagingMindhello all.
15:18.47b12or have the tokens been lost?
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15:22.14pigsflewhape, submitted my first patch! woohoo
15:23.47hapeyour welcome, now you have to wait for the review
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16:45.05AbyssulCan you use a bad ESN for sprintfying?
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16:45.41LoudergoodI'm not clear on which part you want that to fulfill
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16:46.01AbyssulESN is bad on the Pre 2, but my Sprint Pre- is clean
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16:46.19summatusmentisAbyssul: ESN is attached to the comms board, so yes
16:46.27summatusmentisI believe
16:46.59AbyssulNow to find a bad ESN (or good) Pre 2
16:48.05Loudergoodgood luck with that
16:48.08summatusmentisI've been looking, there aren't any bad ESN pre2s on ebay
16:48.23summatusmentisor, haven't been
16:48.35AbyssulThere was a Pre2 (sprint) on Ebay just a minute ago for 170 bucks
16:49.10AbyssulAt that price I could just get a new Pre2 from HP for 230 bucks lol
16:49.14summatusmentisa sprint pre2?
16:49.23AbyssulYeah, thats what it said...
16:49.25summatusmentismust've been sprintified?
16:49.31AbyssulThats my guess
16:49.32summatusmentissprint doesn't natively sell a pre2
16:51.00dtzWilleither sprintified or incorrect listing :)
16:51.14AbyssulWouldnt matter to me. I'd switch the comm board either way
16:51.33dtzWilli'm dying to liberate myself from my old hardware
16:52.19AbyssulMy Pre- is falling apart lol
16:52.20dtzWillcomm board switching works, i guess. only doing it a few times (across my own devices) i feel like it's just...janky
16:52.31Abyssuland since Sprint isnt getting anything, Im looking for a Pre2
16:53.01dtzWilllike some combination of not quite going together perfectly, and the belief that somehow it has '2 year old hardware in it' that makes is weaker. or something.
16:53.22summatusmentisdtzWill: janky is right :) I'll probably sprintify a pre2 for a while, until I can justify switching
16:53.27dtzWillyeah i really just wnt to give sprint my money and go on with a sprint pre3 :/
16:54.02summatusmentisI agree
16:54.34dtzWilli can't decide if i'm more raged at the very fact that this situation is even possible
16:55.08AbyssulI cant believe I still use my Pre- and stick with WebOS
16:55.09dtzWill(what if your ISP told you you couldn't use a pc or certain other devices, b/c they don't approve them. or something)
16:55.20halfhalo-workhearts gsm
16:55.26dtzWill*since you didn't buy it through them, it didn't have a comcast logo on it or something
16:55.30dtzWillit's just..crap
16:55.43dtzWillcan't tell if i'm more mad at that, or how sad i get when i actually look to switch
16:55.50dtzWilland see the prices elsewhere, data caps :(
16:55.55dtzWillnot taht i really even use that much data?
16:56.00dtzWillbut that's kinda not the point
16:56.08matbeemmm i got a developer pre 2 from palm
16:56.12matbeethank god
16:56.18matbeemy pre- was getting hard to handle
16:57.08AbyssulI almost did, then they canceled the program
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16:57.29AbyssulStupid HP and charging tax through an online website...
16:57.37Loudergoodwhat's sad is that AT&T got smacked down for that crap decades ago with landline phones
16:57.59dtzWillit's just worthless, who gives a damn where i bought the phone
16:58.04dtzWillshould be able to make my own if i'm so inclined
16:58.56AbyssulThis dev coupon is useless to me. Anyone want it? lol
17:01.00dtzWillanyone have any tips for ATT or so?
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17:01.11dtzWillhad a nice sprint family plan, with corporate discounts, too :( hehe
17:01.15halfhalo-workI like att
17:03.48summatusmentisdtzWill: I think I can get some amount of discount for being a student at UMN, but I think it's like 8%, if you come across anything let me know
17:12.26matbeecrazy, watching my pre2 compiling
17:12.33matbeein ubuntu
17:12.40matbeeinstalling node v0.4.9
17:12.50matbeeI smell my laptop becoming useless
17:20.56AbyssulI hope Hp gets on the ball about the TP dev program
17:24.35chpwnrwhitby: Could I name something Expandah? :p
17:24.38chpwn(not webOS)
17:26.34matbeeI'm trying to create an app that .... -needs- in app payments... but no hint at it existing in mojo..
17:26.47matbeeso i have to make my own with paypal
17:27.26matbeewith a f/t job, its becoming daunting
17:28.05summatusmentiswhy write in mojo?
17:29.13matbeeonly the touchpad, which i can't afford, uses enyo
17:29.19matbeetherefore; i dont care about enyo.
17:29.54matbeeso I'm looking to use my own js libraries to create my app, with phonegap
17:30.03matbeesince palm has something up their ass
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17:30.25matbeeand, lets be honest, mojo is the worst
17:31.40matbeeenyo, most likely, is going to be tablet only
17:33.36summatusmentismatbee: enyo is not going to be tablet only
17:33.47summatusmentisthey've consistently said enyo is coming to phones
17:33.56matbeei dont believe it
17:34.21summatusmentisI... ok, well, don't believe it, but I don't know why they'd have separate SDK environments for phones and tablets
17:34.24matbeeand our pre 2's arent getting an update to match the pre 3
17:35.04AbyssulHp: all talk, no walk
17:35.39summatusmentisdude, they're making an enyo ares, why would they keep separate SDKs?
17:35.49matbeesummatusmentis, it's happening, don't ask me.
17:35.58matbeeI'm very pessimistic about it
17:36.09matbeejust like the "upgrade path to 2.1" for legacy devices
17:36.20matbeeIt's called "stfu" in business terms
17:36.26summatusmentiswho am I supposed to ask then? what are you basing your pessimism on?
17:36.46matbeePre 2's were also being given away to developers simply to deplete non-hp branded stock
17:36.55summatusmentisright, so??
17:36.59summatusmentissorry, 1 ?
17:37.44summatusmentisthey still tell new developers to start with enyo, because mojo is gonna stop being supported
17:37.45matbeelook, nothing past the Veer/Pre3/Touchpad is getting anything. Also, Pre3/Veer only run webos 2.1/2.2/2.3, and they ALL run mojo
17:38.06matbeeI had a pre 3 in my hand
17:38.11matbeeit was mojo. through and through.
17:38.20summatusmentisPatrick is running enyo on his pre2 on 2.1 right now
17:38.26matbeeyes its hacked on
17:38.32summatusmentisthere's nothing stopping them from putting enyo on 2.x series
17:38.33halfhalo-workpoints out the pre3 is not out yet, so that doesn't count
17:38.52summatusmentisenyo != 3.0
17:39.17matbeehalfhalo-work, really? it was richard kerris's pre 3
17:39.26summatusmentisI know it's hacked on, but there's nothing to suggest that it's not happening
17:39.30matbeesummatusmentis, actually webos 2.x == mojo.. I guarantee it
17:39.43summatusmentisthat doesn't make any sense
17:39.50matbeethink in business terms
17:39.57summatusmentis3.0 uses enyo, but enyo doesn't need 3.0
17:39.59matbeewhy introduce a new sdk in the same major version?
17:40.10matbeeIt would become a NEW major version
17:40.19summatusmentisso, in business terms, why keep 2 SDKs?
17:40.41summatusmentiswhy keep enyo and mojo
17:40.43matbeeIm saying the Pre 3/Veer are staying 2.x
17:40.47matbeeand the touchpad is 3.x
17:40.54matbee2.x = mojo, 3.x = enyo
17:41.06summatusmentisyeah, so why would they keep mojo and enyo as current SDKs?
17:41.10summatusmentisthat doesn't make any sense
17:41.13matbeeto you
17:41.24cryptksummatusmentis, why wouldn't they
17:41.40cryptkcan you give me a good reason, along with supporting statements from HP to the contrary?
17:41.56summatusmentisRuby said the phones aren't getting 3.0
17:42.03summatusmentisthis does not mean they're not getting enyo
17:42.20matbeeyou have a lot of faith in a company that said the Pre-/+ are getting 2.x
17:42.25matbeeand then said the opposite
17:42.39AbyssulYeah, Im losing faith in HP/Palm.
17:43.04matbeeHere's what's gonna happen... you're going to have to keep spending money.
17:43.36matbeeI'm not leaving webOS any time soon, but I refuse to even start thinking of developing in enyo
17:43.38cryptksummatusmentis, mave you read ANY statements that are any kind of official at all stating that they are getting enyo?
17:43.40halfhalo-workhas faith in a company in which he is currently sitting in. he doesn't count.
17:43.57summatusmentiscryptk: the entire HP website indicates veer and pre3 are getting enyo
17:43.59cryptkhalfhalo-work, needs to STFU and get to work making me some cool toys
17:44.14cryptksummatusmentis, then it would seem they are getting it then
17:44.23cryptkif HP says they are, then why is there argument about it?
17:44.39summatusmentisbecause matbee is being pessmisitic
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17:45.02matbeethey're not getting enyo
17:45.05matbeedon't kid yourself
17:45.19matbeeright now they just want to sell and not work on the actual OS
17:45.47matbeebecause without sales #'s, they can't justify working on the system
17:45.59summatusmentisI don't think there's any argument that veer/pre3 are getting enyo
17:46.16summatusmentisI also don't think there's any argument that veer/pre3 aren't getting 3.0
17:46.42matbeeIf i'm wrong, I'll give you a hug
17:46.50matbeeIf I'm right, I'm coming here to gloat
17:47.13matbeeIm just waiting for the touchpad sales to tank, and so they become cheap
17:47.22summatusmentisI think we're gonna have to wait until they get their current batch of products out the door (which means at least pre3, maybe something else)
17:47.35summatusmentisthen I think we'll see updates that allow enyo (perhaps coinciding with pre3 launch)
17:48.18matbeedon't bet on it
17:48.57matbeeIf I were you, I'd use phonegap and develop my own system
17:49.23matbeeYou don't have to wait if you use phonegap
17:50.00summatusmentisI'm not really an active dev anyway, but you seem awfully sure without providing any real support
17:50.36matbeeno, youre sure without the support
17:50.45matbeeI'm highly doubtful from all of this hear-say
17:50.57summatusmentiswhat hearsay? it says on the HP website they're getting enyo
17:51.10summatusmentisRuby said in his recent interview they're not getting 3.0
17:51.42summatusmentisthey've said mojo is EOL
17:52.10matbeeim looking at their website
17:52.11summatusmentisthe entire dev site says "current SDK is enyo"
17:52.15matbeeno mention of enyo
17:52.30summatusmentisthere are no links to mojo SDKs
17:52.39AbyssulMojo is waning out and Enyo is taking it's place.
17:53.27matbeeI'd love to see it happen
17:53.43matbeebut with their track record, nuh-uh ain't nuttin' happenin'
17:53.56summatusmentistheir track record? one change of plans?
17:53.58Abyssul"stay tuned"
17:53.59cryptkmatbee, I do want to point out that it is a new company now
17:54.08cryptkand either way... you guys are boring and depressing
17:54.16cryptkcan you find something more interesting to banter on about
17:54.24summatusmentisLion is out today :-P
17:54.31cryptksomething not related to an evil company
17:54.44summatusmentiscryptk: I joined this new anarcho-collective
17:54.55cryptkstill boring
17:54.59summatusmentis(not true, but non-evil company?)
17:55.08matbeeyou joined hp?
17:55.23summatusmentisheh, I wish
17:55.39matbeetheir toronto office is 10 seconds away from me
17:55.42summatusmentisno no, my point was, I'm not sure I believe non-evil companies exist
17:57.23AbyssulGoogle :p
17:57.46matbeetoo bad android sucks
17:58.29AbyssulSaw my first TP ads in a online video on the 17th. I was like "that was fast..."
17:59.31matbeeits virtually non existant in canada
18:00.01matbeeit doesnt matter, kindle and the movie store are only available in the USA
18:00.26Abyssul(for now)
18:02.22summatusmentisAbyssul: I'd been seeing a couple on Comdedy Central before
18:02.42matbeeyou don't neglect a major launch country
18:02.59AbyssulWhy Russell Brand ads... we needs something a little Apple-like
18:03.15matbeeif you're going to do that, neglect other countries, atleast pay netflix to make an app
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18:05.58cryptkmatbee, could you take your negativity elsewhere
18:06.03cryptktry /join #/dev/null
18:06.10cryptkyou are still boring me...
18:06.51cryptkyou are stating things that we all know... and we have already had a statement that the movie store is going to other countries
18:07.11cryptkkindle may take more time because it uses OpenSSL and there are government export restrictions on encryption materials
18:08.05matbeeI wish companies would start treating silly laws like that, the way that google opened their music store, do it anyway. :P
18:08.45cryptkgoogle gets away with it because it is based on a website... it is different when you are distributing an application
18:09.05cryptkand it isn't impossible to get the app out there... it just takes a little more time to get the paperwork straight
18:09.34cryptkmatbee, you cannot have been serious when you just requested that companies starting blatantly committing federal offenses...
18:11.20matbeeno, merely just want a bombardment of 'offenses' from a number of companies, to hopefully wake up the courts
18:11.38cryptkmatbee, do you know why encryption export laws are in place
18:12.05cryptkbecause I do... and you are making yourself look silly
18:13.29matbeewell, despite the obvious where they want to control the level of anonymity and level of encryption
18:13.45cryptktrust me... there is more to it than that
18:14.04cryptkit isn't about having control purely for the sake of "look what we can do"
18:14.15matbeeWell, it's a lot of espionage control
18:14.23cryptkbut political discussions do not belong in this channel, so I am going to stop talking
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19:12.30dwc-well that was a boring discussion
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19:18.59PatrickCPuffy_tp: wirc bug (or so it seems)
19:19.19PatrickCwhen I close wIRC without disconnecting first, it won't re-connect
19:19.35PatrickCI have to kill it with JStop to fix it
19:20.20dwc-that doesn't happen all the time
19:20.31dwc-it depends on whether the plugin crashes or not
19:21.04PatrickCit happens almost every time for me
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19:23.19dwc-that's what causes a lot of the no reconnects too
19:24.11PatrickCafter I close
19:24.22PatrickCI re-open it (to reconnect) and it shows as connected
19:26.26pc-worldtype "ps -aux" (or the like) to see if the plugin crashed or not
19:26.49PatrickCnext time it happens I will
19:26.55PatrickCpc-world: thx for the responses
19:28.05pc-worldno problem
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19:37.26PuffTheMagicPatrickC: put it on redmine
19:38.32dwc-unfortunately, I haven't been able to get webos to give me a coredump. I enabled core dumps, and I can see all the palm processes giving usable crashdumps, but the wirc ones are always 0 bytes. and I checked the jail config and even tried hardcoding a value other than infinite (in case infinite actually parsed to 0) to no avail
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19:39.35pc-worlddwc-: have had problems to get logs ("mincore" dumps) of PDK apps since webOS 2.0 as well
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20:51.39dwc-anyone using the private browsing patch on 2.1.0? (2.1.0-17) ... the description looks updated, but the patch file doesn't appear to have those additional changes in it
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21:15.11KaelicAnyone noticed significant slowdown when performing rapid touch inputs in the PDK for performance critical apps?
21:15.22Kaelicoops, wrong channel
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21:32.40Pokerking98Hi all :)
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21:34.30Pokerking98return "Welp.... Thanks anyways guys";
21:34.52PatrickCPokerking98: yes?
21:35.00PatrickCJack87: huh? haha
21:36.15ka6soxPatrickC, where is that link you posted yesterday for pc-world's method?
21:36.19Pokerking98I was more hoping I would come here and find a lively discussion.... Unless I am mistaken this seems to be a lil more serious then that.
21:36.34PatrickCka6sox: I didn't post it
21:36.40PatrickCpc-world did
21:36.47PatrickClemme check my history for it
21:37.04ka6soxPatrickC, you pointed me to it.
21:37.15PatrickCpc-world pointed me to it
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21:37.31Pokerking98lol, well played sir
21:38.06Pokerking98Has anyone here managed to get an IDE on their touchpad?
21:38.58ka6soxPokerking98, I think someone said they tried or did succeed in getting eclipse in a chroot...I could be wrong about that.
21:39.24Pokerking98:O Were you the one who responded to my thread?
21:39.40Pokerking98on precentral
21:40.16PatrickCka6sox: I believe they also got Ares working
21:40.38ka6soxPatrickC, ddi not know that....kewl.
21:40.50PatrickCI believe halfhalo-work did it
21:41.41ka6soxPokerking98, not me
21:41.46*** join/#webos-internals NuttyBunny (~cnegrete@
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21:41.49ka6soxI rarely post on P|C
21:41.51Pokerking98Right. Well thanks for the help
21:42.05NuttyBunnyYo! :D
21:42.21PatrickC :D
21:42.37NuttyBunny~seen chuqui
21:42.52infobotchuqui <> was last seen on IRC in channel #webos-internals, 21d 5h 47m 57s ago, saying: 'cryptk: hey!'.
21:43.39PatrickC21d lol
21:43.47NuttyBunnymmm... no, that won't work ;)  I bet he lurks in #webos most of the time.. hehehe
21:43.53PatrickCinfobot: you are wrong
21:43.53infobotI think you lost me on that one, PatrickC
21:45.18PatrickCinfobot: join #webos
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23:55.17jamcarit cost 150 for one app on the app catalog so how much is it on preware and or how do ii put an app on preware
23:56.28ka6soxjamcar, what are you asking?
23:57.02jamcarhow would i put an app on preware so other people can download it
23:58.25rwhitbyjamcar: submit it to the PreCentral app gallery
23:58.50rwhitbyjamcar: BTW, HP app catalog is free. no charges.
23:59.10rwhitbyso I'm not sure where your $150 figure is coming from.
23:59.17jamcarcool even on webOS 1.4.5
23:59.41rwhitbyindeed it is

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