IRC log for #webos-internals on 20110616

00:06.18*** join/#webos-internals comex (
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00:48.15PuffTheMagicsummatusmentis, give it up, no pre3 for sprint
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00:49.05summatusmentisPuffTheMagic: based on what?
00:49.36summatusmentisthat statement is not any more grounded in anything than the rumors that pre3 is coming to sprint, you know?
00:50.16PuffTheMagicsure it is
00:50.30summatusmentiscare to elaborate?
00:50.51Lumierehe's got a + by his name
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00:51.15summatusmentisme too :)
00:52.02summatusmentisI've seen nothing solid that indicates one way or the other whether the pre3 is coming to sprint
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00:52.18PuffTheMagicwell first the pre3 for sprint "rumors" are more like questions if you read any of the posts, they are not based on anything more than hope, sprint didnt get the pre2, and we know they got raped in the ass from having to service the pre's
00:52.24PuffTheMagicthey will never get another sprint slider
00:52.37PuffTheMagicthe lack of info about them getting a pre3 speaks volums
00:52.59summatusmentisthere's always lack of info about phones coming out until they come out
00:53.01singmajestyWe don't have any information about any other carriers getting a Pre 3, do we?
00:53.19PuffTheMagicnon US there is evidence
00:53.43singmajestyIt looks like Sprint is aiming to go completely in with Android
00:53.48summatusmentisyes, I have seen those headlines, haven't read it
00:54.04summatusmentissingmajesty: VZW has a pretty proven track record of doing the same thing though
00:54.05singmajestyThey also make profit when you upgrade to a new phone, and keep your contract. webOS users are known to be loyal
00:54.12PuffTheMagicsingmajesty, i'd be willing to bet sprint is waiting for a webos slab
00:54.30PuffTheMagicsomething with no slider
00:54.33oilmy 2 years are up with sprint
00:54.37oilill probably go where the pre3 does
00:54.46PuffTheMagicoil, same here, but i wont be leaving sprint
00:54.48singmajestyI think that Verizon and AT&T can afford to offer a wider selection of phones, since they both charge twice what Sprint does
00:54.57PuffTheMagicnot paying out the ass on vzw or att
00:55.14singmajestyI'm not sure what will happen with Sprint, but whatever happens, I think it is up to them, not up to Palm or HP
00:55.27singmajesty1.) Does said carrier want said device?
00:55.34summatusmentismy 2 years are up also, but I'm on an awesome plan on Sprint
00:55.39singmajesty2.) Does another carrier want an exclusive more badly than said carrier?
00:55.43oiland hp has more money/influence then palm did
00:55.57PuffTheMagicsingmajesty, im not sure you are going with these points
00:56.04PuffTheMagicof course its up to the carrier
00:56.22summatusmentisPuffTheMagic: I can't find the article I'm thinking of, but they cited what they called a reliable source for a 4G Pre3 on sprint
00:56.31summatusmentisand it was one of the major webos news sites
00:56.46PuffTheMagic4G Pre3 lol
00:57.25summatusmentisI'm not saying it's happening, I'm just repeating what I read
00:57.28PuffTheMagicmaybe fake 4g like the veer
00:57.37summatusmentiswell, it's all fake 4g
00:58.14singmajestyPuffTheMagic: I have heard a lot of people who talk about "Palm abandoning Sprint" or getting angry at Palm when it really is up to the carrier
00:58.38singmajestyPuffTheMagic: I know it is a "no-brainer" but a lot of people don't think of things that way
00:58.49PuffTheMagicsingmajesty, the talk about "palm abandoning sprint" had to do with palm employees and personal phones
00:59.01PuffTheMagicand not being able to use new testing devices cause sprint didnt want them
00:59.06PuffTheMagicso they moved to other carriers
00:59.15PuffTheMagicpalm didnt "abandon sprint"
00:59.33PuffTheMagicthe employees just moved to where they could currently use their new phones
00:59.33singmajestyYeah, much the opposite, I suppose
01:00.05singmajestyI changed to T-Mobile, then AT&T because I wanted to use a Pre 2 and a Veer
01:00.34singmajestyLuckily I have a corporate wireless plan -- makes AT&T more appealing
01:00.35PuffTheMagicim not changing carriers when its not even clear webos will be alive in a year or 2
01:01.04summatusmentisI don't believe webos is going away
01:01.19singmajestyI really like the Veer. The TouchPad is just around the corner, then a 3G TouchPad and Pre 3 will come later
01:01.32singmajestyThey have more devices lined up afterwards
01:01.32summatusmentisI would maybe believe that it'll be relegated to #3 or #4, in enterprise, or whatever
01:01.44PuffTheMagicsummatusmentis, sure its not going away, it will just be on printers
01:02.01summatusmentishave you been watching the stuff about webos in enterprise?
01:02.04singmajestyenyo.Toaster is here to stay
01:02.14summatusmentisHP seems to be putting their eggs in one basket, so to speak
01:02.16PuffTheMagicsummatusmentis, iphone has citrix too
01:02.54summatusmentiscitrix is not an HP product
01:03.13PuffTheMagici know... but that is an enterprise selling point
01:03.22PuffTheMagicwhich u just brought up
01:03.41singmajestyCitrix, Skype, Kindle
01:03.43summatusmentisit's one of them, yes, but there's been a lot of talk about the push they're making in enterprise
01:04.04PuffTheMagictalk means nothing
01:04.05singmajestyVPN and good corporate mail support
01:04.09summatusmentisthere was an article about HP partnering with some teleconferencing company
01:04.33summatusmentisby talk, I mean articles reporting on moves HP is making
01:04.37summatusmentisnot wild conjecture
01:04.46singmajestyIf I had to get some work done and wanted a tablet, I would rather use webOS over another platform. Multi-tasking alone is huge
01:04.51PuffTheMagicits still meaningless
01:05.04singmajestyI think it will be interesting to see if the TouchPad takes off. It could either way
01:05.04PuffTheMagichardware that runs webos sucks
01:05.18PuffTheMagici dont see them gaining much market share
01:05.33singmajestyHP is pushing to sell it everywhere you can find a laptop or printer, so Staples, Costco, WalMart, etc.
01:05.39Tibfibsomeone's not very positive..
01:05.51singmajestyIt has better hardware than the iPAd
01:06.06summatusmentismeaningless? by that argument, nothing is a valid stance to take until the devices come
01:06.12singmajesty1.2 Ghz processor, 1GB RAM
01:06.16PuffTheMagicsingmajesty, no it doesnt, its not better in 1 category
01:06.29TibfibPuffTheMagic: why are you still here?
01:06.36Tibfibwhat keeps you with webOS?
01:06.37summatusmentisit's better than the iPad1, iPad2 caught up
01:06.42PuffTheMagicTibfib, i love webos
01:06.48singmajestyiPad 2 only has 512 MB of memory
01:06.56singmajestyand 1 Ghz processor, I think
01:07.04PuffTheMagici can love webos but have no faith in its staying power
01:07.22singmajestyYes, that is definitely possible :)
01:08.46PuffTheMagici guess you are right about the specs
01:08.51PuffTheMagici though the ipad had more mem
01:09.14PuffTheMagicbut i dont think u can compare cpu speeds between an A5 and snapdragon
01:09.56Tibfibsure. but hte touchpad has been pretty speedy in most of hte vids
01:10.03Tibfibdang, hte twice?
01:10.14halfhalohte is the new the
01:10.30PuffTheMagicTibfib, a video in isolation doesnt say much
01:10.38roxfanyou mean the new teh
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01:11.01summatusmentisPuffTheMagic: it's nowhere near isolation, there's been a fair amount of videos
01:11.02PuffTheMagicTibfib, dont get me wrongi think webos is the best mobile os, but idk how hp is gonna steal devs and users away from the android machine
01:11.06TibfibI disagree. it shows quite a bit
01:11.15PuffTheMagicsummatusmentis, not side by side with an ipad running the same app
01:11.19PuffTheMagicthats what i mean by isolation
01:11.26summatusmentisbecause the apps would not be the same?
01:11.30summatusmentisoh, I see
01:11.31Tibfibyeah ?
01:11.54singmajestyIt's pretty fast
01:12.06singmajestyOh, yeah. That's hard to test
01:12.27singmajestyiPad developers can use 40 MB of memory. 128 MB or so for iPad 2, I think
01:12.42singmajestyI successfully used 682 MB of memory in one TouchPad app
01:12.56singmajesty400 MB + four other games before running out of memory
01:13.29singmajestyIn the end, it's about the experience and not just specs, though, but that was fun from a development perspective
01:13.37Tibfibsingmajesty: heh, couldn't that get out of hand if devs use that much?
01:13.59PuffTheMagicsure would
01:14.48halfhaloheh... an app using 1023MB...
01:15.08Tibfibwaits for halfhalo to make said app
01:15.32singmajestyWell, you know the "too many cards" error?
01:15.40halfhalo"what does your app do?" "uses all your ram" "oh, so its a vista clone?"
01:15.43singmajestyThat happens when an app says it requires X amount of memory, but that isn't available
01:16.05singmajestySo the OS tries to preemptively deal with memory management most of the time
01:16.17Loudergoodheh, I've never actually seen that error...but then I never owned anything with less ram than a pre plus
01:16.31singmajestyI'm not saying that devs SHOULD use that much memory in their apps, but imagine that many games are designed for the iPad... 40 MB to 128 MB
01:16.42PuffTheMagici never see that error either on my pixi
01:16.54singmajestyThat means you might be able to run 17 games before the OS will stop assigning memory
01:17.01PuffTheMagicthen again, i dont keep 5 games running at once
01:17.04Tibfibused to see it all the time on pre-
01:17.11singmajestyYeah, I have only seen it once on a Pre Plus, I think
01:17.23PuffTheMagicwhy would anyone keep 5 games open, thats retarded
01:17.31halfhalohasn't seen it since his plus days
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01:18.27singmajestyNo, that isn't the point
01:18.40singmajestyMaybe you have a Flash video, plus your email, plus your calendar, plus four websites open...
01:18.50singmajestyYou know, a common scenario on a desktop, maybe?
01:19.07halfhalowhat is this desktop you speak of
01:19.09singmajestyYou can relax and use it like a computer
01:19.31Loudergoodthrow in spaz, facebook, and angry birds and that's pretty much how I use my pre2..
01:19.33singmajestyLike you would do on your something-top
01:19.50singmajestyImagine if your laptop only let you run one app at a time?
01:19.54Tibfibwoot spaz
01:19.57singmajestyThat sounds retarded to me ;)
01:20.04summatusmentisspaz is slow :(
01:20.11Tibfibenyo yo
01:20.12halfhaloso are the devs
01:20.27halfhalokids, he kids
01:20.28summatusmentisTibfib: I mean, fair enough
01:21.23PuffTheMagicmost webos apps start so fast i dont see the point in keeping them open all the time
01:21.41summatusmentisnot on my pre- :(
01:21.45PuffTheMagicon only thing that needs to stay open all the time is wIRC
01:21.56Loudergoodthat's usually during one of my ADD fits
01:21.58singmajestyIts when you're looking at a website, then you get a notification and you check your email, then you start writing a response while looking up a couple references in your calendar and another website or two ...
01:22.09singmajestywIRC for a TouchPad would be cool :)
01:22.12singmajestyI would use that
01:22.22Loudergoodse...when I'm doing that is when I love my phone the most
01:22.32summatusmentisLoudergood: I agree
01:22.51summatusmentisit's a nice feeling to be able to be productive, use my phone the way I want to
01:22.54Tibfibyessss wIRC
01:22.55Loudergoodand my 2 month long inability to spell a complete sentence continues
01:22.56PuffTheMagicsingmajesty, if hp sent me a tp i would start working on it
01:23.10TibfibPuffTheMagic: get in line
01:23.31PuffTheMagici have better things to do with my time than stand in line
01:23.40PuffTheMagicI do want to get R working on the touchpad though
01:23.52PuffTheMagicdoing stats and graphing would be nice on that
01:24.02PuffTheMagican opensource stats program
01:24.02summatusmentisthe stats language
01:24.04PuffTheMagicits baller
01:25.25summatusmentisI never really learned it
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01:26.22PuffTheMagicits not hard, and i wont pay for SPSS
01:27.48singmajestyI think that a TouchPad would be fun with a TouchStone and a bluetooth keyboard
01:28.09PuffTheMagicbt keyboard is lame
01:28.09singmajestyMy only problem is that I like programming too much to not be able to do development
01:28.13PuffTheMagicmay as well get a laptop
01:28.31singmajestyIt would be neat to have a JS editor to edit an Enyo app on the device, or...? I don't know
01:29.13singmajestyMy wife loves Kindle, Sparkles, web browsing, using it for recipes
01:29.39singmajestyI like being able to watch a video or check my email, but I do use my laptop more for work
01:29.46summatusmentissingmajesty: by JS editor, do you mean an IDE?
01:31.18singmajestyDave Balmer told me to check that out
01:31.43halfhalotheres your first problem
01:34.18Tibfibis sooo happy sparkle is going to available for tp
01:42.27singmajestyHas Rod Whitby been around today?
01:43.05Loudergoodhe should be up soon
01:43.26Loudergoodhe usually is anyway.
01:44.31singmajestyWe have the Google Location Services issue flagged as an A candidate for an upcoming webOS 3.x build
01:44.50singmajestyIn time for an Australian/New Zealand release of the TouchPad, I believe
01:45.30singmajestyI also filed the webOS 2.x Pre/Pre Plus app catalog submission bug, which I think we'll be able to take care of
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03:16.44LoudergoodTommy finds a new person to troll every night
03:17.24PatrickCTommy doesn't troll here yet?
03:17.34Loudergoodguess not
03:19.42summatusmentisI hope it stays that way >_>
03:20.08PatrickC^^ me too
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04:56.03rwhitbysingmajesty: thx for the update
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10:01.48euriskohell o :)
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13:29.51BobbyDHarrellI really like the new
13:30.12BobbyDHarrelldid you use enyo or mojo framewark to make it? or just style it yourself with CSS?
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16:10.14jtruckshow can I reset to full defaults and wipe any patches out?
16:10.24jtrucksi.e. start completely factory clean?
16:10.44phoque_unijtrucks, use the doctor
16:10.49jtruckswebos doctor?
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16:10.58jtrucksokay, thanks!
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16:21.43jtruckswiping now.
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18:32.48Kamgurohey all - VZW Pre Plus owner here
18:33.19oilsworknsprint pre minus owner here
18:34.05NuttyBunnyTelcel Pre-, AT&T Pre+, Sprint Pre-, Unlocked Pre2, AT&T Pixi Plus here
18:34.11Kamgurojust had my Pre+ replaced for the 8th time...  I've had the update done...  do I need to dl a new WebOSQI? cause it's not connecting?..  also - should I skip that and go to WebOS 2.*?
18:36.04oilsworknwell, i wasn't going to list all my devices xD
18:36.12oilsworknKamguro: devmode!
18:36.29Loudergoodkonami code!
18:36.47Kamgurogeesh  devmode - sumbitch...  after my first 7 you would think i'd remember that
18:37.00KamguroI left the ocean...  it's too current...
18:37.29Kamguroo.k. - so should I upgrade to WebOS 2.* or keep it simple?
18:38.29Kamguromy biggest pain in the ass is resetting all my e-mails - (31 of them) twitter accounts (17) - etc etc etc
18:38.42oilsworkntoo many email/twitter accounts is your first problem
18:40.06oilsworkni personally run 145 on my sprint pre-
18:41.34Loudergoodyeah I kept my gf's pre+ on 145
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18:42.42Kamgurolol yeah - but i wish i didn't have to restart all the games over, reload pandora, re download everything, (247 apps) is there a way to back up that data to transfer it back into a pre once you doc it?
18:43.31Loudergoodyes and no
18:44.01Loudergoodsave restore would work for the app data
18:44.19Loudergoodthe the apps themselves should reinstall when you log into the palm profile
18:44.26Loudergoodjust try to get wifi up quick
18:45.07KamguroI've done the save restore - all it ever seems to do is....  nothing...
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18:45.50Kamgurothanks for reminding me about konami..  i'm a moron...  peace all
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18:49.32Loudergoodwell, you have to manually copy the files from the saverestore directory to one on your new phone
18:49.47Loudergoodand don't restore until after the apps are reinstalled
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19:34.12rrixgood god, something is derped with ssl on this thing :(
19:34.39rrixis getting some error from the browser when he tries to connect to his self signed site
19:35.02rrixit's not prompting me to trust the cert like it should, and spouting off "error 2035"
19:35.13rrixwhich is a generic "something went wrong" from libcurl :(
19:37.22rrixis curious if there is any ssl handshake logging... nothing in /var/log/messages, it seems
19:40.09rrixThere's nothing in my server's logs
19:46.28rrixcurl -v from the terminal gives me a lead, at least... /me dives in to the googles
19:50.28destinal~seen rwhitby
19:50.42infobotrwhitby is currently on #webos-internals (19h 54m 7s). Has said a total of 2 messages. Is idling for 9h 36m 27s, last said: 'morning'.
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19:58.11rrixtries to force libcurl in to choosing a ssl version without asking the server per
19:58.32PatrickCI'm wanting to update my patch to a tweak, and can't find and documentation on how to make a tweak..
20:00.06PatrickCwhere would I find that documentation? thanks
20:02.26*** join/#webos-internals Kamguro (ae3c6584@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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20:32.07Kamgurosorry Patrick - i wasn't in here b4 u typed ur last
20:32.25PatrickCI'm wanting to update my patch to a tweak, and can't find and documentation on how to make a tweak..
20:32.30PatrickCwhere would I find that documentation? thanks
20:33.03Kamgurowow - um that's more advanced than where I'm at....   nothing in Internalz Dox?
20:33.28PatrickCInternalz wouldn't have anything about that I don't think
20:34.25Kamguroso you have a patch you made - and is a "tweak" a step up from a patch?
20:34.31PatrickCI made the "Change Just Type to launch Universe" patch, and want to turn it into a tweak
20:34.43PatrickCyeah, a tweak is a step up I think
20:34.59KamguroI'm tryng to figure out how to access my old pre's usb w/o a palm profile
20:35.20zandilike what... the filesystem? get a terminal?
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20:35.28PatrickCwhat device os?
20:35.30KamguroOh I get you - so instead of being availlable in the patches - it's in the list of tweaks
20:35.40Kamguro]1.4.5 pre+ Vzw
20:35.49PatrickCbypass activation
20:36.03PatrickCits still a patch, but it will do more then just 1 thing
20:40.21PatrickCfound the documentation
20:42.31Kamgurowill that wipe my USB though?
20:42.37Kamgurowhere was the dox at?
20:43.00PatrickCon the dev site
20:43.05zandiKamguro: if it's the one i've used, it just disables the activation screen
20:43.16PatrickCzandi: correct
20:43.19zandidevicetool.jar? or has mine been renamed somehow?
20:44.22PatrickCthat's the one
20:44.29Kamguroso if I have the old Pre= on and it's asking me to sing in to profile..  I turn it off - hold power button etc and webosDoc it with activation bypass??  I thought that when you Doc it - the whole thing gets wiped?
20:44.49PatrickCdon't doctor!
20:45.19Kamgurolol - I'm not doin a damn thing til someone tells me to
20:45.38PatrickCwhen in recovery mode run the devicetool.jar
20:46.16PatrickCor we can extract the entire directory via novaterm, but that's more complicated :)
20:46.44Kamguronot sure what recovery mode is..  I've only ever doctored a device, then dev mode'd it - then installed preware..
20:47.00zandiyeah, just do the recovery/flash mode thing and run devicetool
20:47.11PatrickCtake out battery
20:47.11Kamguroall i know is I need to get all the mp3's i paid for through pandora
20:47.17zandibattery out, hold volume up, plug it in, insert battery, let go of volume up
20:47.20Kamgurobattery out
20:47.22zandiand watch the screen
20:47.28PatrickCwhat zandi said :)
20:47.41zandi(i left out the bits about "no battery" and "usb" logos)
20:47.43PatrickClook for USB symbol
20:48.04zandiif it starts to boot up (says "palm") you did it wrong.
20:48.11Kamgurousb symbol
20:48.22Kamguroon screen
20:48.32PatrickCplug into PC
20:48.36PatrickCrun devicetool.jar
20:49.02Kamgurowhere is devicetool.jar - would i have that somewhere? or do I need to DL it
20:49.24zandiyou have to write it
20:49.43PatrickCdl it
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20:50.00PatrickCthat site is ur friend
20:50.07PatrickChey oilsworkn
20:50.19Kamgurothat was good.. i won't admit it ever
20:50.33Kamgurobut that was a good one..
20:50.50zandiwell, /someone/ had to write it initially
20:51.03zandiwas probably a PITA for a while though
20:53.08Kamguroso - I'm assuming it's in Resources...
20:53.35PatrickCI believe so
20:53.46PatrickCDeveloping on an unactivated device palm
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20:58.25Kamguroawesome...  I picked up a spare pre+ (tricked Verizon) - I have several app ideas...  have to familiarize myself with the OS...
20:58.55zandii've heard that dev is actually pretty easy, what with the javascript & everything
20:58.59zandihaven't tried it for myself yet thoguh
20:59.00PatrickC"tricked" vzw?
20:59.07PatrickCdev is easy
20:59.25zandiwell, how about this. suppose i want to just write something in C then run it from a terminal
20:59.33zandiwould that be practically identical to dev on linux?
20:59.46PatrickCI don't know any C (yet)
20:59.52zandii guess i'm about to find out, lol
20:59.55PatrickC#webos for that question :)
21:00.28PatrickC"from terminal" meaning "palm-launch appid" ?
21:00.28Kamgurowell "tricked" is - I got my Pre+ when they were buy one get one...  I was a crackberry b4 that...    so my gf broke hers..  I ordered a replacement for mine - sent hers back..  viola 2 working pre+s
21:00.28zandibut #webos-internals seems like a more involved area
21:00.37zandium. novaterm?
21:01.09PatrickCzandi: #webos is for development, #webos-internals is for hacking :)
21:01.20zandithat's what i thought
21:01.21PatrickCI've never used novaterm to launch an app
21:01.34zandiwell, i don't care if it's visible to the user, i just want it to run
21:01.43KamguroI want to get flash to work on a pre+ - pipedream no?
21:02.00PatrickCnot a pipedream at all
21:02.03summatusmentisnot pipedram
21:02.06PatrickCI run flash on a pre-
21:02.13summatusmentisif you install 2.1 w/ meta-doctor, you can put flash on it
21:02.19PatrickC2.1 is a necessity though
21:02.25summatusmentiscan't get flash with stock 1.4.5
21:02.38zandisummatusmentis: absolutely can't? or it's totally impractical can't?
21:03.05summatusmentiszandi: as I understand it, there are no binaries available
21:03.10PatrickCI believe its impossible, but I'm not totally sure
21:03.13summatusmentisso, absolutely can't?
21:03.46zandii see
21:03.59zandii think i mistakenly thought source would've been available
21:04.06zandibut it's flash, so there isn't
21:04.13Kamgurobrb..  have to meet with a client
21:05.10summatusmentiszandi: right, flash was a partnership w/ adobe, there's no source for it
21:09.25*** join/#webos-internals optimistic (
21:09.37optimisticMy friend gave me his Palm Pre (P100UEU) upgraded to webOS 2.1.0 but I cannot create a Palm Profile on it. Any ideas?
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