IRC log for #webos-internals on 20110608

01:03.14*** join/#webos-internals etx (
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01:11.06*** join/#webos-internals AdoraTMI-YokoOno (
01:24.41*** join/#webos-internals NergalJAF (
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01:47.25*** join/#webos-internals Nuttybunny_ (~cnegrete@
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02:00.55*** join/#webos-internals raster (raster@enlightenment/developer/raster)
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02:40.02*** join/#webos-internals Judas-C (
02:40.20Judas-Csorry to hear about the feeds being blocked
02:42.21Judas-Cwhat about the other 3rd party apps that grab palm beta feeds
02:44.08Judas-Clike appscoop
02:45.00*** part/#webos-internals NergalJAF (
02:45.31Loudergoodall of em
02:46.20Judas-Care those devs even around anymore
02:47.28Loudergoodthat I have no idea about
02:47.38Judas-Cso what is the reason behind the blackout
02:48.49ka6sox-homesays something smart like "sunspots"
02:49.30Judas-Clol or eclipse
02:52.16Judas-Cand the app catalog is still a piece of sh!t but then I'm on
02:52.44ka6sox-homegit pull
02:54.07ka6sox-homesorry...refreshing include file I've been waiting for.
02:55.59halfhalogogogadget irc terminal!
02:57.18Judas-Cwonder if hp is turning their backs on homebrew
02:58.08NuttybunnyJudas-C: I don't think so
02:59.12LoudergoodI think they're transitioning to something new and their execution is poor
02:59.39NuttybunnyAs it has always been
03:01.05LoudergoodHP hasn't sorted that one out yet
03:01.50NuttybunnyI bet the code is a true mess :D
03:02.14Judas-Csure does sound like a turning their back
03:04.06Nuttybunnynot exactly, it's HP, they're covering holes for enterprise users. Turning their back on homebrew would imply blocking unauthorized installations, or app nuking a'la Android
03:04.48Judas-Cthat's next
03:04.59ka6sox-homewhy is everyone so gloomy...we aren't dead...
03:05.02NuttybunnyPalm has always known exactly what apps you have on your device, and they let you run them even if you are not authorized.
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03:05.39NuttybunnyBah, we had this discussion back when HP bought Palm, and we're still here.
03:06.58Judas-Cwell they also lied about webos 2.0
03:08.04NuttybunnyThey did release it
03:08.22Judas-Cohh you don't call that an outright lie. saying the palm pre will get 2.0 then say no luck to pre users
03:08.35Nuttybunnythey knew webos-internals would step in and help with meta doctor
03:08.40Judas-Cstill have to hack i
03:08.58Judas-Cnot everyone can do it that way
03:09.22*** join/#webos-internals lamawithonel (
03:10.04NuttybunnyYou have to understand that to make a new OS on an old device takes money and lots of effort. I'm happy they switched their efforts to the veer, TP and enyo
03:10.05Judas-Cfor one I don't have a computer
03:10.17*** join/#webos-internals th3vo1d (
03:10.21NuttybunnyAnd your connection isnt too good ;)
03:10.21halfhalofail connection
03:11.29Loudergoodalso with a name like Judas...
03:11.32Nuttybunnywhy does he complain? can't he just go and get a free Veer? ;)
03:11.47Nuttybunnyor a $50 one? ..
03:11.59bpadalinoon sprint ?
03:12.05Nuttybunnyor is he one of the Android/iOS lovers that lurk around
03:12.09halfhaloBah sprint
03:12.26Nuttybunnyon sprint they can get a verizon/at&t/unlocked pre2 and switch boards
03:13.00bpadalinoso having a phone under warranty isn't really an option
03:13.32NuttybunnyIs sprint really that cheap that users feel the need to stay with them?
03:14.54th3vo1despecially for data heavy use
03:15.33NuttybunnyEven with those announcements of sprint cutting the cord as well as verizon?
03:15.55Nuttybunnythose stupid carriers, instead of limiting the users they should upgrade their equipment :@
03:16.02th3vo1dits $70 a month for unlimited everything except voice calls out of network
03:16.35th3vo1dNuttybunny:  what?
03:16.56Nuttybunnyok, ok, not sprint, just verizon :)
03:17.12Nuttybunnyspreads FUD
03:17.16th3vo1d"cutting the cord?
03:18.02NuttybunnyI think I read something in P|C, about cutting unlimited data plans, maybe I was wrong
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03:20.05th3vo1devery time ive heard that expression, it referred to cable tv subscribers cancelling tv service in favor of internet content delivery
03:22.15Nuttybunnyah, ok, sorry then... of course I'm the worst person to trust about those matters, I'm not even in the right country
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03:59.05tmztit could also refer to abandoning landline based voice service, but that's almost done now, it would seem to removing unlimited plans (which weren't really unlimited) is supposed to reverse that for people going over the top with VoIP but that doesn't seem to be a significant trend yet
03:59.17*** join/#webos-internals dkirker1 (~dkirker1@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
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05:24.41*** topic/#webos-internals is Discussion about webOS internals (not webOS SDK usage - #webos for that, or wIRC - #wirc for that). Honor all licenses, carrier agreements and copyrights. Twitter: @webosinternals Logs: Wiki: Pastebin: Preware: Patches:
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07:53.40thor968Hi everybody.
07:54.41thor968Finally wIRC works even for Me,
07:55.20thor968thanks for that :-)
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15:29.46*** join/#webos-internals navinag (c0373626@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:30.32navinagSo is there a work around to resolve the app catalog issues with a meta-doc sprint pre2
15:31.34navinagI can reinstall the updated apps with impostah...but what about new ones that i have not purchased?  HOw do i see them and or install them if the app catalog will not populate and show them to me?
15:32.51NuttyBunnynavinag: First of all, what version do you see in ?
15:33.48navinagDevice name is blank
15:34.11navinagEveryting was working fine for months until HP recently changed the app catalog?
15:34.35NuttyBunnythat's weird, you should be seeing every 2.1 app :S
15:35.20navinagI though the issue was related to HP making some change to the app catalog?
15:37.00Loudergoodpretty sure that was a mistake on HP's part and they fixed it
15:37.21navinagWhen will the fix be implemented
15:37.37navinagI dont see some of the apps i have installed on my pre2 in the app catalog
15:37.43LoudergoodI'm not having any problems with my meta doctored device?
15:37.46navinaglike Music Player Remix
15:37.52Loudergoodwhat are you using to browse the catalog?
15:37.55navinagand Aodiophile
15:38.25navinagThe "App Catalog"
15:39.43navinagThe updated App Catalog version 2.0.22300
15:40.51navinagShould the Palm profile have a "device name" on the website?
15:41.18NuttyBunnyI can't help, my AT&T Pre+ reports itself as 1.4.5, my Pixi as 9.9.9 and my Telcel as 1.4.0. And I see those apps on the Pre2 :(
15:42.59Loudergoodyeah I've got a meta doctored pre2 that doesn't seem to be able to see odd
15:44.38navinagYeah..As a result...You cant see the new apps..Like the ones on precentral front page for new apps
15:53.30navinagno one else other than Loudergood and I having these issues on their meta-doc sprint pre 2?
15:56.05haeffb_precan not see MR on frankenPre2
15:57.27LoudergoodAdoraTMI-YokoOno: did you guys get that fixed yet? or was I mistaken?
16:01.45*** join/#webos-internals chuqui (
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16:08.38navinagChuq just indicated that they are still working on the app catalog issues
16:09.05navinagExplained in this article:
16:10.12NuttyBunnyHey chuqi! were you able to see "that"? :)
16:10.28*** join/#webos-internals matbee (
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17:19.04PuffTheMagicAdora, what comes after line ending checks?
17:20.07haeffb_prespell checks
17:20.10LoudergoodPuffTheMagic: new app catalog back end that's broken in new ways of course ;)
17:20.53stbuehleri'd blame ipv6 today :)
17:22.17stbuehlerbtw: linux uses LF (\n), mac CR (\r) and windows (and http+many other protocols) CRLF (\r\n)
17:23.19PuffTheMagicya think we dont know that?
17:23.44PuffTheMagicAdora hates me, always ignores me
17:23.58stbuehlerwell, most linux devs know about the linux and windows ending, yeah :)
17:24.26Loudergoodit's just one more annoying anachronism
17:34.47NuttyBunnynice :)
17:40.54cryptklol @ chuqui
18:11.11*** join/#webos-internals dgathright (~dgathrigh@nat/yahoo/x-ymzcnihomliucpkz)
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19:01.03*** join/#webos-internals GwidionR (4fce3bca@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:02.36GwidionRfor info: Save/restore isn't able to restore browser boomarks on webos 2.1 with O2 Pre+
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19:09.04GwidionRHi, somebody listening?
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19:32.48*** join/#webos-internals kill_dano (18816a0d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:33.06kill_danoHow do I make impostah tell my palm profile I'm on a Pre 2?
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19:33.33rwhitbyYou cannot.
19:33.58rwhitbyLet me repeat it again: "The device record is set once at first activation and can never be changed."
19:34.02kill_danoCool thanks... I'm trying to get 2.0 apps on my franken pre 2, ideas?
19:34.18rwhitbythe app catalog is broken. you cannot.
19:34.29kill_danoThanks rod
19:35.52kill_danoRod, ever have a device Wifi stop working? My Pre 2's wifi doesn't turn on I saw it's likely a hardware problem. just started for no reason I know of
19:36.01zandihm. i wonder how they set the device record so that it can't be changed again
19:36.30rwhitbyzandi: if (!deviceRecord) { deviceRecord = input }
19:36.49zandioh, so if you modify the phone, you'd be able to change it?
19:36.58zandii wasn't sure if they were doing something crazy or not
19:36.58*** join/#webos-internals Volcom45 (18114d6d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:37.01rwhitbyit's server side
19:37.12rwhitbyunless you're able to change Palm's server code somehow
19:37.16zandii see
19:37.42Volcom45any of you turned a Veer into a dev device? trying to figure out how.. keeps going though this animation of inserting a SIM card, and doesn't seem to let me type webos20090606 to place in developer mode
19:37.58rwhitbyVolcom45: #*DEVMODE
19:38.04rwhitbyoops #*DEVMODE#
19:38.08Volcom45ah, thx Rod
19:38.55zandisay, has anyone hacked around on the pixi plus?
19:40.06Volcom45not sure how this happened, but this marketing company for HP contacted me saying congratulations i'm in the Veer Peer program.. sent me a free veer and they just want me to play with it and help them come up with videos or pics taken by it in my life for HP's facebook page
19:40.28Volcom45I never signed up or anything, pretty cool though
19:41.52navinagVolcom45: Sound like you have no use for that device..You can reroute it to my address.  It not like you were planning on using it :)
19:42.16Volcom45well as a Sprint user, don't really want to sign up for AT&T
19:42.29PuffTheMagicmore of a reason to send it to me
19:43.32Volcom45but lol
19:43.48zandiheh. i'd like it
19:43.51zandiwell. maybe
19:44.03zandiactually, nah. there's probably someone else in here who could use it more
19:44.06Volcom45wonder if I could just go month-to-month on AT&T with it
19:44.10Volcom45with no contract
19:44.23Volcom45or if they'd still require a contract for a data plan
19:44.44Volcom45if i was going to give it to anyone, it'd be Rod
19:45.05Volcom45but going to play with it for awhile first.. see what I think of a small phone
19:46.44NuttyBunnysteals Volcom45's Pixi
19:46.47NuttyBunnyerr... Veer ;)
19:47.00NuttyBunnyCollapsible Super Pixi
19:47.30navinagI checked it out yesterday and found it to be pretty snappy...and did i mention how SMALL it was
19:47.37navinagimpressive for such a small phone
19:50.44dwc-volcom: at&t does have prepaid plans
19:50.49dwc-that are month-month
19:52.23rwhitbyVolcom45: I have a veer coupon and donations from the tear-down - you keep the phone and be an ambassador
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20:10.27NuttyBunnyI just noticed... in the developer portal, in "Community", what are they going to do with the "Custom Catalogs" section? Just delete it? :S
20:13.21PuffTheMagicour local news paper had a article on the Veer the other day
20:13.30PuffTheMagictore it a new one
20:14.16PuffTheMagichow the hell is webOS ever gonna take off if its only available on shit phones that get released super slow
20:14.22rwhitbyNuttyBunny: yes, I have advised Chuq that they might as well delete that forum section
20:18.46NuttyBunny*sigh* ... but the three catalogs will still exist, am I right?
20:18.56NuttyBunny(official, beta, web)
20:20.49rwhitbyI have had no official word on that, so I assume yes.
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21:55.27brddvn13need help with web doctoro and preware etc
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22:30.54dwc-waited a whole part of a minute that one
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22:50.15Adoraso....does anyone know what time I'm eating dinner tonight?
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22:53.12NuttyBunnyAdora: It depends on you finishing to review all those tons of 3.0 apps you have in queue... ;)   so, my take is... really late? :S
22:53.28Adoraha  =]
22:53.38NuttyBunnyplays with words to see if Adora spills apps info
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23:15.21Volcom45how's about approving Phnx twitter client tonight :)
23:15.25Volcom45por favor
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23:33.08rwhitbyAdora: my guess is you're eating it at dinner time.
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23:43.19*** join/#webos-internals beingBoston (6c07e5f3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:43.41beingBostonEvening future Touchpad owners
23:44.21beingBostonNuttyBunny: how are you doing?
23:44.50NuttyBunnybeingBoston: struggling with enyo :)
23:45.25beingBostonNuttyBunny: it's a noble struggle i'm sure
23:45.36beingBostonNuttyBunny: are you under the NDA?
23:48.04*** join/#webos-internals chuqui (
23:49.25beingBostonquestion for the hive mind: my Pre 2 is still throwing the "CPU-specific initialization failed" when i try to Dr it with the stock 2.1 GSM unlocked Dr. It gets to 12% and fails leaving me with the novaterm and not much else
23:49.43NuttyBunnybut the name "enyo" can be named! or is it as well under NDA? should I still be referring to it as "Fight Club"? :)
23:50.12NuttyBunnybeingBoston: I'll happily embrace your Pre2 as one of my testing devices if you don't manage to fix that ;)
23:50.14beingBostonNuttyBunny: lol, first rule of Enyo is, you don't talk about Enyo
23:50.53beingBostonNuttyBunny: that's about what i'm at right now. this is just about my biggest nerd foul so far
23:51.45beingBostonNuttyBunny: it was working fine at one point, but i didn't realize that the tokens didn't need to br brought over
23:52.04NuttyBunnybut they can be reflashed, can't they?
23:52.27beingBostonNuttyBunny: that's the answer i'm looking for
23:52.44beingBostonNuttyBunny: how to recover a pre2 from this error...
23:53.24beingBostonif it is a loose i'm more then happy to donate it to webOS internals. write it off on my taxes :-)
23:53.51NuttyBunnyyou say that you copied the tokens from another device, right?
23:54.23beingBostonyes, but when i access the device via novaterm and look at the tokens they are the orignal tokens
23:55.11NuttyBunnynot reversed as rwhitby was suggesting?
23:55.34beingBostoncorrect, i went through each one by hand and they are the tokens right from the box
23:55.53beingBostoneven compared them using notepad++
23:57.12NuttyBunnyI'm no expert, but it sounds to me like "CPU-specific initialization failed" could mean that the Doctor thinks you have another device, a Pre, and it refuses to flash.  Of course, I might be mistaken, and rwhitby will promptly come and kick me for saying stupid things ;)
23:58.06beingBostonis there somewhere deeper then the tokens that could be effecting the dr? something that marked this as a Pre -?
23:58.33NuttyBunnyI say you create a meta doctor with the flag that ignores the device type
23:58.48beingBostoninteresting Idea
23:59.03NuttyBunnyno, the tokens say the device type, modem, carrier, there should be no more than that
23:59.14beingBostonand very doable :)
23:59.18beingBostoni'll try that out now.
23:59.42NuttyBunnygood luck :)

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