IRC log for #webos-internals on 20110422

00:02.48*** join/#webos-internals TheRoomW (~TheRoomW@
00:03.31TheRoomWis there a way to login to my profile on a palm pre after upgrading it to webos 2 with the --wifi-only flag?
00:11.16*** join/#webos-internals NuttyBunny (~cnegrete@
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00:13.04*** join/#webos-internals JetUni (4389f244@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:14.56JetUniHey, for some reason my Pre+ on 2.1 won't load past a certain point in Luna.  Early enough that I can't connect to it with Novaterm.  Is there anything I can do besides doctor?
00:17.56PatrickC_Pre2TheRoomW: Gesture Tutorial should work
00:18.15PatrickC_Pre2JetUni: Memboot?
00:18.41JetUniHow do I do a Memboot?
00:18.53TheRoomWPatrickC_Pre2: thanks I will give it a try
00:19.14PatrickC_Pre2TheRoomW: make sure airplane mode is off too :)
00:19.50TheRoomWPatrickC_Pre2: yeah I kind of thought I would have to, I had it on for a bit and it caused all kinds of problems lol
00:21.22JetUniK thx, I'll go over that and see if I have any questions
00:31.45NuttyBunnyJetUni: ping
00:32.13NuttyBunnyPatrickC_Pre2: First ask how they installed on their Pre's :P
00:38.05NuttyBunnysomething says ping and you answer
00:38.30NuttyBunnypong or whatever you like, it's to call you :)
00:38.52NuttyBunnyWhat did you use to install 2.1 on your ...  Pre +?
00:40.59*** join/#webos-internals NickNick (
00:41.41NickNickgood evening
00:42.08NuttyBunnygood evening :)
00:43.39JetUniI used the scripts from webos-internals
00:44.39NuttyBunnyJetUni: And you used the scripts on what operating system?
00:44.56JetUniWindows 7x64
00:45.25NuttyBunnyok, and have you recently read the wiki or the upgrade thread?
00:46.01JetUniI've glanced at it and noticed some changes
00:46.30NuttyBunnysome subtle but VERY important changes I might say my friend
00:47.04NuttyBunnyIn a nutshell: Don't use windows to create your doctor, you'll have a hard time figuring what's wrong
00:47.30JetUniYes I have noticed such things as the Cygwin and stuff
00:47.50NuttyBunnyyep, using windows with cygwin will render your doctor unreliable
00:47.56JetUniAll I have is Windows...
00:48.14JetUniI tried a VM of Ubuntu but that totally failed...
00:48.26NickNickJetUni: it's pretty easy to make a bootable linux CD/DVD
00:48.34NickNickmost of the distros will do that
00:48.57JetUniI'll brb in about 30 min or so...sorry
00:49.09NuttyBunnyok, if you return we may be able to help
00:50.20NickNickNuttyBunny: i used a mac to get 2.1. Am i right that you can just boot off of a CD to make the custom doc?
00:51.06TheRoomWPatrickC_Pre2: the gesture tutorial worked to load the profile
00:51.34NuttyBunnyNickNick: If you used a mac you're fine.  But you must install linux somewhere to make the doc, you just won't get enough space using a live cd
00:52.38PatrickC_Pre2TheRomW: cool
00:52.51NickNickgotcha. knew i was fine, but wasn't sure if a live cd could use 5ish GB disc space needed for the process.
00:54.14NuttyBunnyNickNick: It can, if you have the knowledge to create a file to mount a loopback filesystem, a thing that most people don't have the slightest idea of what it is :D
00:54.44NickNickheh. that goes for me too :)
00:56.41NuttyBunnyhehehe... that's the reason the Wiki asks politely to install ubuntu, wubi is a nice option. Mac users, since the OS is unix based, have no problems
00:59.21PatrickC_Pre2OSX is unix basted?
01:00.06NuttyBunnyBSD in fact
01:01.50NickNickdeliciously basted in unix :)
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01:23.25*** join/#webos-internals M4X (
01:23.32M4XEvening everyone
01:23.56M4XI've got a quick question for you gys.
01:24.54M4XI got my unlock Pre 2 in as well as had Lasik surgery today.  I don't feel up to trying the mechanical aspect of switching com boards (I currently have a Pre-).  If I doctor this thing wifi only I would be able to redoctor tomorrow after I switched com boards?
01:25.21PatrickC_Pre2I have no clue..
01:25.28M4XFair enough.
01:25.47PatrickC_Pre2I would expect so, but idk
01:26.10PatrickC_Pre2wants to get Lasik, but doesn't want them to cut his eye open.. :p
01:26.15M4XI felt the same way but I don't want to screw it up.  Thanks for the quick response  nonetheless i'll see if i can dig around.
01:26.22M4Xlol PatrickC_Pre2 they do it all with lazers now
01:26.46PatrickC_Pre2might get it now..
01:26.58halfhalohave to be 20ish for lasik
01:27.06M4Xgo check it out.  My recovery time is like 24 hours.
01:27.12M4XNah I am 28
01:27.14PatrickC_Pre2I'm 15..
01:27.31halfhaloat least 20ish I mean
01:27.40M4Xah that i am not sure about.
01:30.02PatrickC_Pre2hehe.. my pre2 is off in time by 55 days, 3 hrs, and 3 min :p
01:32.22*** join/#webos-internals dtzWill (~will@unaffiliated/dtzwill)
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01:33.12NickNickM4X: i think if you skip first activation you will be OK. I know once it's activated that locks in some things with HP.
01:33.51M4XI remember something about the app catalog where if this was activated in australia for instance I would only see their app catalog.
01:34.26NickNickright, so i think you need to skip activation for the time being.
01:34.50NickNickAlso, i believe that if the device isn't activated you can fake out your location in order to get app cat full access
01:34.54NickNickthere's a precentral thread on it
01:35.16JetUniOk, I'm back. So I tried the Memboot option...It's still booting up so I'll give it another minute
01:35.22M4XThanks NickNick I'll see if I can find it.
01:36.21NickNickhaven't read it myself, as i'm on VZW, but thats likely the state of the art
01:36.54NickNickJetUni: memboot?
01:37.07NickNickare you booting from a cd?
01:38.00JetUniI was trying to get my phone to boot without doctoring and someone suggested Memboot, but its been at it for at least 4 minutes, so far nothing
01:38.13JetUniIt just won't boot past Luna
01:38.55NickNickgive it some time. Mine takes like 5+ min to boot non memboot.
01:38.56PatrickC_Pre2JetUni: that was me that suggested it
01:39.17PatrickC_Pre2but I suggested it without knowing that it was a cygwin made meta-doctor
01:39.26JetUniPatrickC_Pre2 i thought it was u...just didn't want to look back
01:39.41JetUnioh haha alright
01:39.47NickNickJetUni: just install ubuntu
01:39.55NickNickor WUBI
01:40.13PatrickC_Pre2JetUni: ubuntu or any linux distro in a VBox should work
01:40.52JetUniBasically just tell me the easiest way to copy /media/internal to my computer plz? Thx!
01:41.34PatrickC_Pre2I don't believe you can without novacom access (or putting it into USB mode)
01:41.50NickNickthat would have been the thing to do before doctoring... :(
01:42.01NickNickMaybe from memboot, i don't know...
01:43.29NuttyBunnyYou may do it like the meta doctor creates the backups
01:44.05JetUniMy phone has worked fine with the Cygwin doctor for months now, I just was playing around in Internalz Pro and I guess I messed something up pretty bad
01:44.33NuttyBunnybasically: extract the installer kernel from the webos doctor, mount your partitions, and send them compressed via novacom
01:45.17NuttyBunnyah, I forgot bootmem from the installer image :)
01:45.57NuttyBunnydare to try? you don't have nothing to lose
01:46.08JetUniIn English plz! Haha ;) I guess I could
01:46.29JetUniThe WUBI installer isn't working.... :(
01:46.37NuttyBunny:D  Ok, so, you played with internalz and deleted files that you shouldn't
01:47.03PatrickC_Pre2doctor usually fixes that :)
01:47.09NuttyBunnyyou downloaded the ubuntu image, burned it to a cd, inserted it while running windows, and opened wubi?
01:47.23NuttyBunnyor you downloaded the "windows installer" from the ubuntu page?
01:47.26JetUnididn't delete any...just changed a few appinfo.json
01:47.27NickNickNuttyBunny: i bow down before your superior knowledge
01:47.53NuttyBunnyNickNick: I owe everything to my mentor, rwhitby  ;)
01:47.58JetUniI downloaded windows installer
01:48.03NuttyBunnyno, no
01:48.15NuttyBunnygo to the wiki page, I added a note to avoid that one :P
01:48.16PatrickC_Pre2JetUni: usually changing some appinfo.json 's doesn't break things..
01:48.24PatrickC_Pre2which appinfo.json?
01:48.32JetUniStock apps
01:48.46JetUniPhone, Web, Messaging, Email
01:48.58NuttyBunnybut... you really can't access via novaterm??
01:48.59scoutcamperyeah, that would prolly do it
01:49.01PatrickC_Pre2what did you change in them?
01:49.20NuttyBunnynevermind... well get your files
01:49.29JetUniK sweet
01:49.50PatrickC_Pre2JetUni: that shouldn't brick it..
01:50.02JetUniI know...wierd right!
01:50.11NuttyBunnyyou need: novacom, ... and nothing else I think
01:50.16JetUnithe wubi installer finally woke up!
01:50.18PatrickC_Pre2I change those all the time..
01:50.43NuttyBunnyif anyone else want to join the fun pay attention, we're going to recover a /media/internal partition from a dead device ;)
01:51.17JetUniDo I want the WUBI then?
01:51.33NuttyBunnyTo create a new doctor, yes
01:51.39PatrickC_Pre2NuttyBunny: cool!
01:51.44NuttyBunnyleave it downloading/installing :)
01:51.57JetUnioh jeez!
01:52.14JetUniremaining time approx. 1 hr....
01:52.44NuttyBunnyEverybody: You may even want to try this on your devices, we won't write nothing to them, but we'll have to boot in recovery mode
01:53.11NuttyBunnywe need to uncompress the webos doctor, any recent doctor will do, even a borked meta doctor
01:53.11PatrickC_Pre2I'll write down the instructions
01:53.29PatrickC_Pre2NuttyBunny: is there a wiki page for this?
01:53.42NuttyBunnynot exactly
01:54.06NuttyBunnybut I might as well write one... "Recover your data from a non-booting device" :D
01:54.09NuttyBunnysounds nice :)
01:54.11JetUniI still have the old Cygwin doctor
01:54.31JetUniOr a 2.1 WR
01:54.39JetUnior 2.0.1 Verizon Pre2
01:54.43NuttyBunnyThat will work, any will work
01:54.50NuttyBunnyuncompress it somewhere on your drive
01:54.59JetUnigot it
01:55.14PatrickC_Pre2NuttyBunny: it does sound nice :)
01:55.29NuttyBunny.jar files are simply zip files with another extension, so, you could change it's extension and open it, or open it with winrar
01:55.59PatrickC_Pre2I use 7zip
01:56.11M4XNuttyBunny: Do you know if I can run the wifi only doctor to only then later doctor it to sprint (for an unlocked Pre 2)
01:56.40NuttyBunnyM4X: I don't see why not
01:57.03JetUnishould I put it in recovery mode?
01:57.06NuttyBunnyok, inside the doctor you'll find 3 directories, com, META-INF, resources
01:57.24NuttyBunnyyep, put it in recovery mode, that's fun also
01:57.40NuttyBunnyinside resources you'll find "webOS.tar"
01:57.55NuttyBunnyuncompress this one
01:58.13PatrickC_Pre2is documenting this in Noted! Beta
01:58.20NuttyBunnyand there you'll find a truly magical file: nova-installer-image-roadrunner.uImage   (or something similar)
01:58.32NuttyBunnya file with "nova-installer*.image"
01:59.18NuttyBunnynow, extract this file to some directory, even to C:\ will work
02:00.35NuttyBunnyeveryone here knows how to do a failproof recovery mode?
02:00.56NickNicknot me
02:01.07NuttyBunnyok, look:
02:01.10PatrickC_Pre2pull batt, hold vol up, insert usb cable, reinsert battery
02:01.17NuttyBunnyexactly :)
02:01.39NickNickahh, just like the wiki says. imagine that ;)
02:02.04JetUniHaha yup
02:02.19NuttyBunnyNow, we have to be running novacomd service
02:02.35NuttyBunnyif we don't, the following step simply won't work :)
02:02.47PatrickC_Pre2NuttyBunny: I'll email the entire steps to you if you want
02:02.53NuttyBunnyThanks :D
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02:03.14NuttyBunnyopen a terminal, go to where you copied the image:
02:03.17NuttyBunnycd \
02:03.19JetUniSo in the Windows Task Manager under Services is NovacomD
02:04.05JetUnicd C:/  OK
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02:05.12NuttyBunnynovacom -w boot mem:// < archive.image                      <--- the archive.image is, in my example, nova-installer-image-roadrunner.uImage
02:05.24NuttyBunnyso I would run novacom -w boot mem:// < nova-installer-image-roadrunner.uImage
02:06.19NuttyBunnynow, wait about 40 secs for it to boot
02:06.35NuttyBunnyyou should see the pengiun/hp logo, static, just sitting there
02:07.36JetUniPenguin all the way!! haha
02:07.58NuttyBunnynow, for the mounting commands, this is where the fun begins
02:08.17NuttyBunnynovacom -w run file://usr/sbin/lvm.static -- vgscan --ignorelockingfailure
02:08.21JetUniI even changed the Luna logo to Palm and Penguin
02:08.34NuttyBunnynovacom -w run file://usr/sbin/lvm.static -- vgchange -ay --ignorelockingfailure
02:09.09NuttyBunnynovacom -w run file://bin/mkdir -- -p /tmp/media
02:09.30NuttyBunnynovacom -w run file://bin/mount -- /dev/mapper/store-media /tmp/media
02:09.48NuttyBunnywith that we should have our media filesystem mounted
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02:10.32NuttyBunnyand now, at last, we get our files:
02:10.36JetUnithe first command hasn't changed anything yet...
02:10.55JetUnistill on penguin logo
02:10.57NuttyBunnyno, you won't see anything, it should just return you to the prompt
02:11.10JetUnihasn't yet...
02:11.57NuttyBunnynot good... lemme do it too
02:14.28NuttyBunnywhat command didn't work?
02:15.24JetUnifirst one with vgscan
02:16.03NuttyBunnystupid windows...   if you run novaterm  , can you connect?
02:17.16JetUniYeah...I think so. It gave me a Port # etc
02:17.17scoutcamperNuttyBunny, on windows you can do novacom -t open tty://
02:18.12NuttyBunnyscoutcamper: But the command should have sent some output :S
02:18.30NuttyBunnyJetUni: is it just sitting there? like waiting?
02:18.45NuttyBunnyif you press enter?
02:18.57NuttyBunnyif you press ctrl-C ?
02:20.34JetUninothing on enter
02:21.14NuttyBunnyctrl-C ?
02:21.47JetUnidunno...I closed it to try again...
02:22.01NuttyBunnyok, ok
02:22.11NuttyBunnyyou might as well also use scoutcamper's command:
02:22.16NuttyBunnynovacom -t open tty://
02:22.16JetUnihow long do I wait? until Luna shows?
02:22.25NuttyBunnyno, no, Luna won't boot
02:22.51NuttyBunnywe're not fixing Luna, we're getting your files from /media/internal :)
02:24.01NuttyBunnyI should try in windows as well :S
02:24.28JetUniCtrl-C made it go back
02:24.50NuttyBunnythat's odd
02:24.53JetUnido I continue after that?
02:24.59NuttyBunnynovacom -t open tty://
02:25.19JetUniunable to find device
02:25.27*** join/#webos-internals Adora (
02:25.46NuttyBunnywtf?? why??
02:25.55PatrickC_Pre2hay adora
02:26.02NuttyBunnyHey Adora
02:26.07JetUniNow the Luna logo is showing... :(
02:26.18NuttyBunnyin fact, now that I see, you shouldn't even had seen the luna logo
02:26.24JetUniIs that Palm Adora?!?
02:26.35NuttyBunnyThe Pixi here is with with the usb logo
02:26.36JetUnihaha this is so cool! haha anyways!
02:26.59PatrickC_Pre2JetUni: many Palm people cruz the INC channels :)
02:27.08JetUnihaha sweet!
02:27.32Adorano, I am Princess Adora, the twin sister to He-Man
02:27.47JetUniHaha I love this community!
02:27.55NuttyBunnyok, did you copy/paste the commands? or typed it? :P
02:28.11NuttyBunnyShe-Ra? :)
02:28.42JetUniafter the vgscan command?? went back to Luna
02:29.12NuttyBunnydid it boot??
02:29.41JetUniIt's seriously on drugs or something...totally wierd!
02:30.19NuttyBunnyLet's see, it went from a Usb logo to a palm logo to a glowing logo to a penguin? or how was it?
02:30.27NuttyBunny(trying to understand what happened there)
02:30.30PatrickC_Pre2I doctored 3 times today and had no USB erase, but its not guaranteed to not erase
02:30.48JetUniUSB to Penguin to HP/Palm
02:31.22JetUniso USB, Penguin (static) to Palm (glowing
02:31.33NuttyBunnyyou used the boot image from the meta doctor, right?
02:31.54JetUniI changed the glowing image
02:32.07JetUniwhich worked just fine
02:32.33NuttyBunnyIt's just that on my Pixi the usb icon never went away
02:33.11JetUniwierd....cuz mine changed to the static image as soon as I did the uImage command
02:33.22NuttyBunnylemme do it on the Pre
02:34.45NickNickwatches PatrickC_Pre2 cross out his notes
02:35.10NuttyBunnyno, it's fine, the behaviour is different
02:35.28NuttyBunnyI have a static logo and... a stupid BATTERY ICON! ARGH!
02:35.37NuttyBunnyin the middle of the class my battery ran out
02:36.22JetUniThis is strange...
02:37.08NuttyBunnyok, here I go again, static logo
02:37.58NuttyBunnyrecovery mode - boot command - static logo - small flash - static logo
02:38.46NuttyBunnyok, I don't think it should be booting :@
02:38.49NuttyBunnyflashing logo
02:40.39NuttyBunnysh*t, it's booting
02:41.10JetUniyeah...that's whats happening to me!
02:41.45NuttyBunnylemme see if the 1.4.5 image does the same
02:45.10M4XI got into the spring google voice beta
02:45.18NuttyBunnyI'm an ass
02:45.30NuttyBunnywhat image are you booting with??
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02:45.39NickNickm4x: beta for what? isn't voice public already?
02:45.43NuttyBunnyI'm booting with the stupid 2.0.1 Pre 2 IMAGE :@
02:45.51JetUnithat may be it...
02:45.51M4Xnah the integration
02:45.59NickNickNuttyBunny: doh!
02:46.14NickNickM4X: on sprint i assume?
02:46.55NickNicki'm on VZW and totally jealous
02:47.27NuttyBunnyJetUni, are you using a "castle" image? or a "roadrunner" image?
02:47.36JetUnii got the roadrunner...
02:47.36NickNickwell ok, i'm out for tonight
02:47.44M4Xits pretty sweet.  I <3 my google voice number so now I can use it as if I don't have a regular cell number.
02:47.56NuttyBunnywe did exactly the same mistake!
02:47.58NickNickPatrickC_Pre2: if you want i'll make the notes into a wiki page later
02:48.27NickNickor add them to the recovery page maybe
02:48.35NuttyBunnyOk, take note: USE THE CORRECT BOOT IMAGE FOR YOUR DEVICE: Pre - Castle, Pre2 - Roadrunner
02:49.09*** part/#webos-internals NickNick (
02:49.10JetUniok...still shows static image tho...
02:49.24NuttyBunnyperfect, as long as it doesn't glow :)
02:49.28NuttyBunnyso, it's:
02:49.32NuttyBunnyrecovery mode
02:49.36PatrickC_Pre2nuttybunny: let me know when its done :)
02:49.49NuttyBunnynovacom -w boot mem:// < nova-installer-image-castle.uImage
02:50.03NuttyBunnywait about 30 secs, and then:
02:50.09NuttyBunnynovacom -w run file://usr/sbin/lvm.static -- vgchange -ay --ignorelockingfailure
02:50.13PatrickC_Pre2is this from the beginning?
02:50.14NuttyBunnynovacom -w run file://bin/mkdir -- -p /tmp/media
02:50.21NuttyBunnynovacom -w run file://bin/mount -- /dev/mapper/store-media /tmp/media
02:50.25JetUnifirst one worked!
02:50.41NuttyBunnyPatrick: This is the one :)
02:50.43JetUnii copied all commands to a .txt file thx!
02:50.48PatrickC_Pre2ok :)
02:51.09NuttyBunnynovacom -w run file://bin/ls -- /tmp/media        <-  optional, you should see several directories, including media
02:51.35NuttyBunnyI missed one
02:51.54NuttyBunnynovacom -w run file://usr/sbin/lvm.static -- vgscan --ignorelockingfailure
02:52.00NuttyBunnynovacom -w run file://usr/sbin/lvm.static -- vgchange -ay --ignorelockingfailure
02:52.04NuttyBunnynovacom -w run file://bin/mkdir -- -p /tmp/media
02:52.09NuttyBunnynovacom -w run file://bin/mount -- /dev/mapper/store-media /tmp/media
02:52.26PatrickC_Pre2is that the correct order?
02:52.32NuttyBunnytype them again, it doesn't matter, yep, correct order
02:53.25NuttyBunnyperfect, I see my files, in fact you 'll see your files from /media/internal
02:54.08JetUniI did it in that order
02:54.16NuttyBunnyand you see your files?
02:54.23PatrickC_Pre2So, this works?
02:54.39NuttyBunnydamn... any errors?
02:54.56JetUniit ran command, but no dialog after
02:55.09JetUnihow do i copy paste in cmd.exe?
02:55.34PatrickC_Pre2right click
02:55.37PatrickC_Pre2hit paste
02:55.49PatrickC_Pre2are you in novacom or cmd?
02:56.21JetUniit connects in novaterm tho...
02:56.21PatrickC_Pre2then the thing I said should work
02:56.35PatrickC_Pre2I know it does.. but you can also go to:
02:56.44NuttyBunnyok, maybe if you type:
02:56.49NuttyBunnynovacom -w run file://bin/ls -- /tmp/media
02:56.51PatrickC_Pre2run >> theNovaTermCmd
02:56.53NuttyBunnyyou'll see your files
02:57.07NuttyBunnyit was the optional step
02:57.11PatrickC_Pre2NuttyBunny: did you see my paste?
02:57.28NuttyBunnyPatrick: Yep, add that line too, to check that the files are there
02:57.40PatrickC_Pre2what step?
02:57.47NuttyBunnyJetUni: Type that line too, the "ls" command is for showing you the files
02:57.52NuttyBunnynovacom -w run file://bin/ls -- /tmp/media
02:58.18PatrickC_Pre2step 6? (5 was the last step that I have)
02:58.26NuttyBunnyyep, step 6
02:59.00JetUniyour pastebin didn't work
02:59.04JetUnitrying agin
02:59.47NuttyBunnywell, you should not copy "first", "second", and so on ;)
03:00.10NuttyBunnycharges the spare batt on the pixi
03:00.10JetUniyes...i understand...haha
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03:01.48NuttyBunnyso, did it work? do you see your files? sec
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03:04.44JetUniyay!! i see a bunch of files! some of which I recognize as being on /media/internal
03:05.20NuttyBunnyNow, the tricky part that I hope works in windows
03:05.37JetUnihaha oh shoot! cross your fingers
03:05.40NuttyBunnyThe comand in linux (or cygwin) is as follows, don't type, it's just for reference:
03:06.04NuttyBunnynovacom -w run file://bin/tar -- -C /tmp/media/ --totals -cf - . |gzip -c > media.tgz
03:06.25NuttyBunnyok, try this:
03:07.16NuttyBunnynovacom -w run file://bin/tar -- -C /tmp/media --totals -cf - . | cat media.tar
03:07.38JetUnithis is in cmd right?
03:08.23JetUnicat is not recognized as an internal or external command
03:08.45NuttyBunnydamn, which was the command?? hehehe
03:09.19NuttyBunnyI don't think it will work, try this:
03:09.24JetUninovacom -w run file://bin/tar -- -C /tmp/media --totals -cf - . | cat media.tar
03:09.36NuttyBunnynovacom -w run file://bin/tar -- -C /tmp/media --totals -cf - . | copy con > media.tar
03:09.47NuttyBunnynovacom -w run file://bin/tar -- -C /tmp/media --totals -cf - . | copy con media.tar
03:10.19NuttyBunnycrosses fingers, hoping that Microsoft did redirections as intended...
03:10.54NuttyBunnyopen a windows explorer window
03:11.07NuttyBunnylook for the c:\media.tar file
03:11.12NuttyBunnysee if it grows
03:11.19NuttyBunnysee if you hard disk is working
03:12.45JetUnidont see any file by that name...
03:13.19JetUnithe WUBI install failed...
03:13.51JetUnithis makes me want to switch to Linux
03:13.55NuttyBunnystupid wubi, that's the reason I don't like the famous windows installer, please download the "ubuntu desktop installer"
03:14.10NuttyBunnyis the hard disk working at least?
03:14.34JetUnihow can i tell?
03:14.45JetUnidoesn't look or sound like it...
03:15.17NuttyBunnywe were so close
03:15.20NuttyBunnystupid windows
03:15.27JetUnii hit enter on the cmd and the file showed up!
03:15.44NuttyBunnyah, I know
03:15.45JetUnibut it may be a fraction of the whole thing...
03:15.46NuttyBunnyhit ctrl-C
03:15.56NuttyBunnyno, it's just the enter you typed :D
03:16.22NuttyBunnyI know how , I think
03:16.38JetUniCtrl-C told me it copied 0 files
03:16.49NuttyBunnynovacom -w run file://bin/tar -- -C /tmp/media --totals -cf - . > media.tar
03:16.52th3vo1dall this for a boot problem?
03:17.19th3vo1dgood lord
03:17.38NuttyBunnyno, we're not messing with the boot problem, this is to recover his files when he can't access anything on his phone
03:18.32NuttyBunnywe'll put this on a wiki so we won't clobber the IRC as today :)
03:19.06th3vo1dlol i was just curious
03:19.25NuttyBunnyme too, that's the reason I tried to do it :D
03:19.27JetUniif it was just boot problem i would've doctored...
03:19.39NuttyBunnyDid the last command work?
03:19.55bnceoplease put on wiki
03:20.00bnceoI need reading material tomorrow at work
03:20.45JetUnimedia.tar showed up this time
03:21.09JetUni0 KB tho
03:21.30JetUninevermind....F5 its growing!
03:21.49NuttyBunnyas we mexicans would say: "A Huevo!!!"
03:22.32NuttyBunnylet it finish, and then open the .tar file with winrar or 7zip, and uncompress some files to see if it really worked
03:23.10PatrickC_Pre2nuttybunny: more commands to document?
03:23.40NuttyBunnyyep Patrick, for Linux/Mac: novacom -w run file://bin/tar -- -C /tmp/media/ --totals -cf - . |gzip -c > media.tgz
03:23.55JetUniok, then I make a doctor using Ubuntu right?
03:23.57NuttyBunnyfor windows this one seems to work: novacom -w run file://bin/tar -- -C /tmp/media --totals -cf - . > media.tar
03:24.25JetUnishweet! haha
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03:26.05PatrickC_Pre2and then morph the last 2 pastebins together, and you have yourself a wiki page (mostly) :)
03:27.03PatrickC_Pre2NuttyBunny: let me know if that's all the pasts
03:27.33NuttyBunnyyep, those are the ones :)
03:27.50PatrickC_Pre2ok cool!
03:28.00PatrickC_Pre2I'll be looking for the page in 10 min :D
03:28.59NuttyBunnymmm... grrr.. hehehe
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03:35.09PatrickC_Pre2night all
03:35.29JetUniwell I'm up to 3GB now...only about 11 more to go...
03:35.41JetUnithanks everyone!!!!
03:35.42JetUniso much!!!!
03:35.54PatrickC_Pre2it was all NuttyBunny :)
03:36.20PatrickC_Pre2and because of this, many can backup their usb drive when their phone won't boot
03:36.30PatrickC_Pre2has needed to do that before...
03:36.37JetUniThank You so much +NuttyBunny!!!
03:36.43NuttyBunnyyep! Even with no keyboard working or screen :)
03:37.23PatrickC_Pre2JetUni: hope you like Ubuntu :) I know I do (now if I can just do a dualboot...)
03:37.41PatrickC_Sleepinnight all
03:37.54JetUniThanks!! night
03:38.06destinalNuttyBunny: don't even need any working buttons at all on the device, if you boot with pusb or similar omap loader
03:38.32PatrickC_Sleepincan you boot into recovery mode without the volume up button?
03:38.40destinalPatrickC_Sleepin: yup, with pusb
03:38.46NuttyBunnycan you boot without volume up???  Ah, with the "last resort recovery" method :D
03:39.09rwhitbyNuttyBunny: wonder why you didn't just say "make backup" in meta-doctor ?
03:39.17rwhitbyinstead of all those manual commands
03:40.21NuttyBunnyI'm trying to simplify it so people can just go and see the wiki for "recovering your files"
03:41.03JetUnifor people like me... :)
03:41.08NuttyBunnyinstead of "install ubuntu, install cygwin, download this, download that", people get lost, and sometimes they just want their files and redoctor
03:41.14NuttyBunnylike JetUni here
03:42.11rwhitbymumbles about teaching how to fish ... ;)
03:42.11NuttyBunnyYou know I hate windows, but if at least they got the file redirection well done, we might as well use it and avoid the cygwin installation, ... as I say always, another layer for errors :)
03:43.00NuttyBunnywait til I finish the page, it's not just "copy and paste", it will be explained
03:44.11PatrickC_Sleepingood :) my documentation wasn't exactly the best :p
03:46.27PatrickC_SleepinI'm off to bed for real now, night :)
03:54.09NuttyBunnyOne thing is trying to install an unsupported operating system version on your device and other very different is see a static hp or palm or Tux logo on your screen and the fear of not seeing your files again, or what if your device breaks hard and only the volume button works :)
03:58.52destinalNuttyBunny: these are the people that really shouldn't be playing with unsupported operating systems until they're a little more proven, eh?
03:59.05NuttyBunnyToday turned to be a nice day after all:  I donated platelets to a patient at my gf's hospital, I got another Pixi backup, I got my Pixi, I helped JetUni to recover his files... I just couldn't do 2 things: Unlock the Pixi and run Android on the Plus....
03:59.23NuttyBunnydestinal: yeah, it can work for them also
03:59.40NuttyBunnyI get tired of people coming and asking the same ;)
04:00.02destinalNuttyBunny: just saying, people not comfortable with making backups and doctoring their device on their own really should stay out at this phase.  it's bleeding edge time
04:00.44destinaljust like these guys wouldn't be well served by running linux kernel 0.99  and so on :)
04:01.03ka6sox-awayhas phones for this sort of thing...
04:02.00NuttyBunnypeople get tired and "want" to try somethig else, but even if the poster says: "experimental, can break your phone, etc", they DON'T READ THAT and go and brick their devices (sic)
04:02.28NuttyBunnyand as well, they DON'T READ and don't know that the instructions to recover their devices are in the same stupid thread
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04:02.47destinalNuttyBunny: yeah but forgive me if I don't want to rush out and help people who break their phones out of boredom and not following directions
04:03.07JetUniwell I did something that shouldn't have done this, but if I would've known I would've backed it up....and the best way to learn is by trying stuff right
04:03.20NuttyBunnyreminds me the last 3 or 4 pages of the meta doctor 2.1 upgrade page installing with windows :)
04:04.05NuttyBunnydestinal: that's the reason of the wiki's... later I just tend to say something like "ah, you used windows, you're f*cked, read this warning from Rod, and go here to use linux"
04:04.26NuttyBunnybut JetUni proposed a nice challenge :D
04:05.48JetUnihaha so apparently Windows sucks if you're using Palm stuff...
04:05.55destinalJetUni: yeah, well, learning is good, no denying that.  I think to some degree people are spoiled on a strong webos advanced homebrew ecosystem that doesn't tend to break stuff
04:05.55NuttyBunnyand well, after backing up 3 pixis, I thought it could be used for this exact purpose, and maybe we wouldn't even need cygwin, make, python, git, etc... just some lines to backup the usb partition
04:06.23destinalie people are used to things, even exotic things like replacing your kernel being solid and just working if it's stuff webos-internals is doing
04:06.36destinalbut other kinds of stuff, not always the same standards
04:08.06NuttyBunnyIndeed. I really like webos-internals way of doing things, but I'm just not as patient :(
04:08.07destinalNuttyBunny: yeah, the wiki articles give you what you need there I think, just boot the installer image, use novacom to dd
04:08.17destinalno need for python etc
04:08.38JetUniit just finished writing a total of 12GB !!
04:08.59NuttyBunnyexcellent, open it with winrar and extract some random file and check it's ok! :D
04:09.25destinalNuttyBunny: hmm, used tar?
04:09.50JetUnidoes jzip work?
04:10.03NuttyBunnyno idea, try it
04:10.30NuttyBunnydestinal: yes, since we're not running in cygwin, no gzip
04:10.38JetUniit does!! and they're all there and ok!! yes!!!
04:10.51NuttyBunnyand I didn't check if the installer image comes with gzip
04:11.26JetUninow you can finish the wiki and say that it worked on your test case...haha
04:11.35NuttyBunnyexcellent :)
04:12.30NuttyBunnyah, gzip is there!
04:12.59NuttyBunnyah, it works....
04:14.19NuttyBunnySo, meta doctor should work with    novacom -w run file://bin/tar -- -C /tmp/media/ --totals -czf - .  > media.tgz          as well, and it even works with windows, no cygwin
04:16.41NuttyBunnyok, wiki created, I'll update it later, basic layout is there :)
04:18.08destinalNuttyBunny: why would you even need metadoctor?
04:19.18NuttyBunnydestinal: MetaDoctor can do a full backup of your device, but most people don't need that, they only want their files
04:19.26destinaljust novacom boot mem the installer image, novaterm in and run the mount commands, then do your novacom tar
04:20.04NuttyBunnyyes, you and I can do that
04:20.22destinalNuttyBunny: if it was put in a batch file, so could anyone :)
04:20.28NuttyBunnybut think of the mom that just got her Pre and for some reason got fucked
04:21.33destinalNuttyBunny: um, this is way beyond mom, she should doctor  (and doctoring with the same image won't lose her pictures)
04:22.14NuttyBunnyok, ok, it was for me, just for me, It was a challenge that I wanted to see if it could be done :P
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04:22.48NuttyBunnyI wanted to see if it worked on windows as well as in linux :)
04:23.08destinalyeah, the installer image is really handy, and yeah, novacom boot mem and novacom run xyz are great in windows or linux or OSX alike
04:23.20*** join/#webos-internals Saij_ (
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04:23.38Saijhow goes the pixi madness?
04:23.41NuttyBunnyI love to know the internals of things, how they work, how they interact, that's the reason I'm into booting the stupid android image too, just to see it in person :D
04:24.02NuttyBunnySaij: It hasn't begun yet, not until I unlock my Pixi
04:24.21destinalNuttyBunny: what do you mean unlock
04:24.25SaijAh, fair enough man. I'm prety excited to see that even happening
04:24.56NuttyBunnydestinal: It's an AT&T Pre Plus and won't accept my Telcel SIM, it's carrier locked
04:25.16SaijATT is nice about that, just tell them you're traveling out of the country
04:25.33destinalSaij: you have to actually have an account with them though
04:25.46NuttyBunnymmm... I think I'm the third owner :S
04:25.53SaijOh, right. Never thouhgt about that haha.
04:26.12destinalNuttyBunny: do you really need telephony for what you're working on though?
04:26.49NuttyBunnydestinal: well, it has to work, doesn't it? and I won't be able to test if it won't accept my sim
04:27.15destinalNuttyBunny: I was thinking wifi only, but you mean you want to see if it works as a phone too?
04:27.48NuttyBunnydestinal: Of course! The whole package!!  It's an image from a GSM Pixi that works as a phone over there
04:28.33NuttyBunnyChange the partitions sizes, extract, run, should be piece of cake.............. (I always tend to be too optimistic)
04:29.13destinalNuttyBunny: actually I wouldn't be surprised if it was that easy, though I probably would have made a backup of the whole disk and just skip restoring the nvram section
04:29.24destinalrather than partition by partition
04:29.33NuttyBunnyAnd it shouldn't matter for cdma people as well, I don't plan on updating the modem firmware
04:29.51NuttyBunnywell, meta doctor was the tool available at the moment, and it did its work :D
04:30.10NuttyBunnybesides, it was my first time making a backup of that type
04:30.12destinalNuttyBunny: well, at least on the pre, skipping ahead versions without updating modem firmware causes ..  issues
04:30.33destinalbut since the pixi is one SoC, maybe not the same deal
04:31.16NuttyBunnymmmm... I shall see the Pixi Doctor... but i think it has a cdma firmware file and a gsm file...
04:31.57destinalNuttyBunny: much depends on whether you have the firmware image that corresponds with the version of the OS you're trying to restore too, yeah?
04:32.14NuttyBunnythe reason I got a gsm one is to try testing with Telcel, because the cdma carrier is a pain in the ***, so, other people will have to test and make it work in sprint and verizon
04:32.25NuttyBunnyI don't think we have the modem firmware backup
04:33.06NuttyBunnyand I don't think we can get one... or I haven't read a way of doing it
04:33.12JetUniHey thanks a bunch +NuttyBunny!!! I owe you one! haha see y'all later
04:33.13destinalfor example webos 2.x on pre with the modem firmware that came along with 1.4.5 had weird issues but was still useable
04:33.37NuttyBunnyJetUni: ok! c-ya!
04:33.46destinalit just claimed every call was dropped when it ended normally and wouldn't do SMS without strange corruption and so on
04:34.01NuttyBunnyah, yes, I remember reading that
04:34.45NuttyBunnypeople will have to live with that, or if someone finds the way to backup a Pixi modem firmware, that would be nice also
04:34.59NuttyBunnythe 2.1 guy has already doctored back to 1.4.5 :@
04:35.52NuttyBunnythe 2.0 guy which Backup I got today, still has 2.0, and his brother has 2.0.1 or something like that... we may be able to recover those firmwares
04:36.05NuttyBunnybut those are for gsm :(
04:39.02NuttyBunnywell, gotta go, I don't wanna drool over the keyboard :)
04:39.12Saijone quick q?
04:40.36ka6sox-awaydrool + keyboard = mess
04:40.48NuttyBunnyreally quick, shoot
04:41.05Saijstatus of Messaging patch for 1.4.5?
04:41.55NuttyBunnyThis weekend I might have some fixes for msn, aol and sametime I think
04:42.22NuttyBunnyah, fbchat may work as well, but i'm not sure
04:42.25SaijAwesome :) Just wanted to see what was going on there. I know you had to update to latest libpurple which is likely not trivial
04:43.26NuttyBunnythe non-trivial thing was switching compilers and rebuilding libraries (by the way, I'm still having issued with one)
04:44.02SaijNo rush, I can't help you do the work so I'm not going to pester you
04:44.10SaijJust wanted to hear what was going on.
04:44.25NuttyBunnyok.. well, c-ya people
04:44.30SaijBesides, it may not matter if we get webos 2.x or Android PP
04:49.09ka6sox-awayoh no...that means "FOREVER"
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08:40.18haperwhitby: ping
08:40.28rwhitbyhape: syn|ack
08:41.05hapeI have a lot of this errors im my log from preware
08:42.14hapeDo we have a problems in the feeds, preware or on my device?
08:42.25rwhitbyyes, there is some character in the descriptions which is triggering an error in the new native json parser in webOS 2.x
08:42.46hapeok, it is webos 2.1 on my dev Pre2
08:43.43rwhitbyI haven't looked at it in enough detail to work out exactly which characters are causing it.  If you see a pattern please let me know.
08:51.22phoque_uniis anybody else having lots of choppyness/lag problems with 2.1 on a Pre-?
08:51.45phoque_unimine seems to hang for 10 seconds or more for no apparent reason every now and then
09:01.42SimpsonTPphoque_uni, using Echange Active Sync ?
09:02.11phoque_uniit seems to me that WiFi disconnects/connects are causing them
09:02.22phoque_uniand that being logged in into GTalk makes it worse
09:02.43phoque_unioh and being on cellular data makes the device barely usable
09:03.07phoque_uniso... something with the connection handling maybe
09:03.16phoque_unialso, PDK apps make the device really really slow
09:03.42phoque_uniTerminal (besides not working at all) almost kills it
09:03.50phoque_uniso does drPodder while playback
09:04.01phoque_uniI'm on 1GHz mind you
09:14.03hapedo someone have the command handy to install an ipk from the command line?
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13:09.29Tibfibhape: if you have the sdk installed.. palm-install ____.ipk
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13:18.31PatrickC_Pre2anyone in here wanna try out my patch? unlocked pre2 required
14:26.24PatrickC_Pre2is gonna try to get 2.x only apps running on 1.4.5
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14:58.20NuttyBunnyAnyone knows the difference between the "Unlock" code and an "UnBlock" code???
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14:59.56renancoelhoHi there, I just got two palm pre plus verizon from e-bay, but I cant log in to it... How can I activate it without verizon? could anybody send me a link? I greatly appreciate it!
15:00.19PatrickC_Pre2make a meta-doctor
15:00.52RagingMindrenancoelho, you can use meta-doctor to bypass activation, but if you want to use it as a phone you'll still need verison
15:01.14RagingMindbut they do make handy pda type web browsing wifi devices
15:01.42PatrickC_Pre2that they do RagingMine
15:01.45renancoelhoI am from florida, here there is a company(Metro PCS), and they flash the device so you can use it on their network.
15:02.10renancoelhoBut I will only go to them next month, so I thought I could start playing with them now.
15:02.16PatrickC_Pre2MetroPCS is GSM I believe
15:02.27renancoelhoNo, its CDMA...
15:02.32RagingMindrenancoelho, if you have a way or company that's willing to unlock the phone... just use a doctor to completely reset it to factory settings
15:02.46RagingMindI think it's
15:03.28renancoelhoRagingMind: And that should also let me bypass activation?
15:03.42RagingMindrenancoelho, yup... check that link.  you can reset it to factory defaults, you won't be able to use the phone until someone unlocks it though
15:04.24RagingMindthere is a palm tool to bypass activation... a quick google search will bring that up
15:05.07PatrickC_Pre2or a meta-doctor that bypasses activation and allows palm-profile creation over wifi
15:05.08RagingMindor you can use the home-brew "meta-doctor" (palm provides just "doctors") to get around the activation part
15:05.19RagingMindPatrickC_Pre2, we already went over that
15:05.25RagingMindbacklogs are a wonderful thing ;)
15:05.43PatrickC_Pre2hehe, how true (didn't see that)
15:06.04renancoelhoOkay, Thank you very much you guys! Really appreciate it! Got to go now, my 18 month old is screaming in my ears! thanks again!
15:06.40RagingMindPatrickC_Pre2, because he want's to take it to a company and get it unlocked it's probably better that he doesn't stray too far outside of the standard tools until he gets that done
15:07.13PatrickC_Pre2ahh didn't think about that
15:08.47RagingMindif an action can be done with palm tools, it's better to try that first.  especially with someone that's new
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16:27.14NuttyBunnyAs of this moment, all work on the Plugins gets halted for a few days. THE PIXI IS UNLOCKED! :D
16:31.29PatrickC_Pre2goes to look
16:34.50NuttyBunnyFun fact: I say: "I don't know if this will work on a cdma pixi", and guess what's the first comment?:... yes: "I have a cdma pixi, make it work"
16:35.48PatrickC_Pre2I saw that :p
16:37.56NuttyBunnyheheh... I like Nautilus (the Ubuntu file manager)... clone a folder and it gets named: "folder (copy)"... clone it again and: "folder (another copy)".. hehehe
16:44.19NuttyBunnyPrecentral, the troll ;)
16:45.04PatrickC_Pre2oh lol
16:46.42PatrickC_Pre2I think we know what pixi versions are CDMA :o
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16:52.07NuttyBunnyFrom the 2.1 Pre Doctor:   # pixie needs more swap space than other devices.    # Name of pixie kernel is uImage-...-chuck  ... so, there IS info on the Pixi here...
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16:56.33r9s_hey guys, can you look at this?
16:57.38NuttyBunnyok, how the hell did you remove it??
16:58.19r9s_I didn't
16:58.28r9s_but I have to
16:59.33NuttyBunnyare you installing a custom app catalog to replace the original one?
16:59.34r9s_because app catalog doesn't downloading / updating any app
17:00.30r9s_I know that I can just do Full Erase but I don't wanna do this
17:00.39NuttyBunnythis isn't windows. you can't expect to "fix" the app catalog by deleting/reinstalling it, even more if it's a core app
17:00.53NuttyBunnydid you do something that could make your app catalog stop working?
17:01.24r9s_don't know but it's again stop working
17:01.46r9s_last time I did full erase and voila
17:01.53r9s_it works
17:02.25NuttyBunnyweird...  now, the fun part.  What device, webos version, country and carrier are we talking about?
17:02.30r9s_and after couple doctoring it again stop working
17:03.06r9s_Palm Pre, webos 1.4.5, O2, unlocked, Poland
17:04.44NuttyBunnySince you have a supported device, supported carrier, etc, you should go to the palm page and ask for support there.  There have been problems with the app catalog these days, Palm is upgrading stuff on their servers for the Veer and Touchpad, and there have been certain problems, specially for europe users
17:05.37r9s_I think I don't have supported carrier
17:05.54r9s_it's polish carrier "Play"
17:06.02NuttyBunnyBut you had access before
17:06.06NuttyBunnytell them that
17:06.22r9s_I will
17:07.18NuttyBunnyHope it gets fixed without the need to do full erase :D
17:07.42r9s_me too ;d
17:08.27r9s_anyway thanks
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17:13.18PatrickC_Pre2r9s_: you can unpack a doctor and build the appcatalog ipk if you need to
17:14.03NuttyBunnyhe can also use the dummymaker app, but that's not the issue :D
17:14.24PatrickC_Pre2hehe, true
17:14.32r9s_PatrickC: tell me more about it
17:14.41PatrickC_Pre2what desktop os?
17:14.55r9s_linux / windows
17:15.14PatrickC_Pre2well, NuttyBunny would help with linux, I help with windows :)
17:15.35PatrickC_Pre2I don't have much experience unpacking things on linux yet
17:16.05r9s_ok if support won't help me I'll come here
17:16.19PatrickC_Pre2and you can even get the new 2.x app catalog working on 1.4.5 (I did :))
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17:16.22r9s_at now I'm going offline, bye
17:16.29PatrickC_Pre2ok, bye
17:16.34PatrickC_Pre2morning Adora
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17:17.27NuttyBunnyMorning Adora :)   You should have spare glasses at the office ;)
17:17.29PatrickC_Pre2NuttyBunny: is it the same process on linux as windows?
17:17.49NuttyBunnywhat process?
17:18.11PatrickC_Pre2to unzip a .jar file like a doctor to extract files
17:19.02NuttyBunnywell, you extract it with the "builtin" file extractor, so it should be the same
17:19.14PatrickC_Pre2ok, thanks
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18:18.40M4Xsuppose my volume up botton was bat.... is there a way to get the pre into usb mode?
18:29.21NuttyBunnyM4X: If you have developer mode on, yes
18:29.36M4Xshit.  its the new pre2
18:29.59M4Xwhen it boots up i am just getting the spinning circle... won't let me run the doctor.
18:30.31NuttyBunnybut if it's new, how can the volume button be bad?
18:31.03M4XI suppose I could've messed it up.  I am defintely pressing the button.
18:31.14NuttyBunnyunplug usb, remove battery, press and keep volume up, plug usb (you should see a battery icon with a ? inside), insert battery, you should see usb icon
18:32.00M4Xgoes straight to the palm screen
18:32.05M4Xfuck i think its bad
18:32.43NuttyBunnycould be, if it goes directly then maybe it's broken
18:34.07M4Xthink if i send this to palm they would notice that i switched the com boards lol
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18:35.25M4Xso there is no way around it huh?  this is terrible.
18:35.35PatrickC_Pre2what's up?
18:35.43M4Xi think my vol up button is broken.
18:35.57NuttyBunnyaaaaaah! you switched boards? you broke the vol button, 100% sure
18:36.11PatrickC_Pre2hmm.. can't you take it off and fix it?
18:36.21M4Xi suppose... i don't know what i messed up
18:36.47PatrickC_Pre2I need to fix my power button
18:39.22M4Xyou think i can get palm to fix it
18:40.16PatrickC_Pre2how old is the phone? and has it been opened?
18:40.46M4Xi think it was a dev phone gave out and by opened you mean out of the box?
18:41.22PatrickC_Pre2by opened I mean the phone itself, like have you taken the phone apart *at all*?
18:41.42M4Xyeah i have
18:41.53M4Xthey are going to tell me to fly a kite fml
18:42.00PatrickC_Pre2afaik that = warranty voided
18:42.57Loudergoodthat and step 9 are where you need to look
18:43.24PatrickC_Pre2I'm gonna start doctoring regularly :)
18:43.38PatrickC_Pre2my device is sooo much faster after the doctor
18:43.55M4XLoudergood: what should I be looking for?  I had everything put together and the button pressed but it wouldn't go into usb mode.
18:44.36Loudergoodcheck the volume wire
18:45.39M4Xit looks a little messed up but I would think it would be working.
18:45.51M4Xno worse then the pre-
18:51.25M4Xthanks for the help guys
18:51.28M4Xi am goign to get wasted now lol
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18:57.19Simpson_2rwhitby, any updates on linphone ?
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19:04.19PatrickC_Pre2we need a backup program like Blackberry has...
19:06.09th3vo1dlol...hows that wiki coming
19:08.58PatrickC_Pre2NuttyBunny was writing it iirc :)
19:12.34PatrickC_Pre2and Blackberry has an official easy way to usb tether for internet.. no wonder we lose people to them :/
19:14.03th3vo1djust set up my dad with freetether today
19:14.11th3vo1dhe is happy as a clam
19:14.32Simpson_2if there is a reason people are leaving its probably because they can't get the devices
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19:14.49PatrickC_Pre2did you show him how to change some settings?
19:15.46PatrickC_Pre2hopes this makes boot time quicker on the bberry
19:15.56PatrickC_Pre2anyone here on a wifi only pre2?
19:16.04th3vo1dwhat settings?
19:16.28th3vo1dand installed the usb tether driver
19:16.30PatrickC_Pre2^^ that setting :)
19:17.10PatrickC_Pre2you can also now set it to auto start some services (like wifi hotspot) at app launch
19:17.30th3vo1dnah, too much battery drain
19:20.31PatrickC_Pre2what device does he have?
19:21.14th3vo1dsprint pre
19:21.23PatrickC_Pre2did you try MHS?
19:21.31PatrickC_Pre2does he have Impostah?
19:21.33th3vo1dwhich is remarkable for having NO OREO EFFECT WHATSOEVER
19:21.48th3vo1dsurprised me alot
19:21.49PatrickC_Pre2wha?!?! my pre2 has the Oreo!!
19:22.23th3vo1dyea, all the pres i went thru getting my sprint pre plus had oreo, some worse than others
19:22.35th3vo1dmhs? impostah?
19:22.56PatrickC_Pre2MHS = Mobile HotSpot
19:23.03PatrickC_Pre2Impostah = amazing app
19:23.17th3vo1dtried mhs on my plus, couldnt get it to work
19:23.19PatrickC_Pre2with Impostah you can download geo/carrier restricted apps
19:23.29th3vo1dwhy bother when freetether works better
19:23.58th3vo1dis mhs supposed to not be so battery draining or something?
19:24.19PatrickC_Pre2MHS is the official app, and Impostah is just a good app to have :)
19:25.51th3vo1dnot worried at all about "official" whatever, just want it to work
19:26.35th3vo1dnot like it would make any differece being on sprint
19:26.36PatrickC_Pre2ok, but Impostah is cool. you should check it out
19:26.42th3vo1dits only official for verizon
19:27.03PuffTheMagicwhy are you talking about MHS and Impostah in the same sentence?
19:27.10PuffTheMagicthey are totally unrelated
19:27.19PuffTheMagicand why are you not promoting freeTether?
19:27.21PatrickC_Pre2downloading MHS with the new Impostah
19:27.45th3vo1duhoh pat, ur in for it now
19:27.53halfhalogets popcorn
19:28.06scoutcamperfreetether>mhs (from a vzw user )
19:28.14PatrickC_Pre2cause sometimes with freeTether when I turn it off, it disabled my data
19:28.20PatrickC_Pre2and it takes a full boot cycle to fix
19:28.23PuffTheMagicall your shit is messed up
19:28.29halfhalotethers with the epic... its a pain in the rear
19:28.30PuffTheMagicu have problems that no one else has
19:28.39th3vo1dthis is true
19:28.44PatrickC_Pre2its happened on 2 devices of mine
19:29.02PuffTheMagicmaybe the problem is the user ;)
19:29.14th3vo1dtheres a data switch patch...
19:29.30halfhaloscrews up his devices but actually knows what he is doing to them and how to fix them
19:29.32th3vo1dnot sure if its 2.1 compatible
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19:30.55PatrickC_Pre2I usually know how to fix what I mess up.. normally it takes a boot cycle to fix :)
19:31.28PuffTheMagicboot cycle, lol
19:31.30PuffTheMagicthis isnt windows
19:31.38PuffTheMagicreboots aint necessary ;)
19:31.48halfhalolooks around suspiciously
19:33.30scoutcampers/isnt windows/isnt android/
19:34.09halfhalothats true... the epic needs to be restarted every other day to work properly atm.  grrrr android
19:35.47th3vo1dthats really sucky
19:58.00th3vo1di would like to add, im sure PuffTheMagic meant android, as i only have to restart windows once every few weeks or so
19:58.28PatrickC_Pre2windows is constantly needed a restart for updates for me lol
19:58.36PatrickC_Pre2or just cause its being slow :/
20:00.00th3vo1dwow user error again!
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20:00.25PatrickC_Awaywhat? lol
20:00.46th3vo1dare you using windows 7?
20:01.15PatrickC_Awaywindows 7 x64 with 4GB RAM and 2TB 250GB HDD space
20:02.00th3vo1dyea, definate user error, just like your pre
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20:03.09th3vo1di put my laptop in standby all the time, hibernate overnight
20:03.41th3vo1dalmost never have to restart
20:03.47halfhaloI don't hibernate, but my computers have ssd's as boot drives, so its fast to boot
20:04.00Loudergoodmine is in standby all the time
20:04.01halfhaloand I have more than 4GB in all my windows machines so no hiberantion possible
20:04.27Loudergoodyeah, hibernation files that large make me sad
20:05.07th3vo1di have 4gb ram, never a problem
20:05.13th3vo1d500gb drive
20:05.15halfhalolaptop can boot in under 10 seconds, so that is set to shutdown after 15 minutes of sleep
20:05.48halfhalodesktop either boots in 15 or in a min 15 depending, so that is shutdown when not in use as well
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20:08.00Loudergoodyeah it just takes forever to write a hibernation file that large
20:08.21halfhalossd ftw
20:08.23th3vo1dwish i could afford an ssd and they didnt have so many issues
20:08.37Loudergoodthey're still not that fast at writes
20:08.50Loudergoodat least mine isn't
20:09.04th3vo1dand you need to secure erase or TRIM
20:09.07halfhalothe one in my desktop will do 280Mb/s
20:09.12th3vo1dand they degreade over time anyways
20:09.12SineOtit depends on a ton of factors, like what exactly is getting written and if it supports TRIM or not
20:09.16halfhaloand have no issues with it
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20:09.32SineOta hybernation file is something that an SSD would be awesome at since it's one big write and not a bunch of tiny little files
20:09.38th3vo1dand certain controllers dont like certain chipsets
20:10.02th3vo1dlooks at AMD SB750
20:10.20halfhalothen again, its not ocz ssd
20:11.40halfhalois still rocking a 780I in his desktop
20:11.42th3vo1dits just not worth it to me, seeing how i am using more than 200gb of my 500gb
20:12.02th3vo1dand i dont want to mess with carrying around an external all day
20:12.16th3vo1dnothing wrong with core 2
20:12.39th3vo1dmy wife's autocad system is a 680i
20:12.45halfhalomy laptop has both a 64gb ssd and 500gb scorpio blu
20:12.54th3vo1dmust be big
20:13.26halfhaloheh.. its running a q6600 at 3.6ghz and 6gb of ram atm.  but the 780I has a freaking fsb hole in the middle
20:13.36halfhalonah, laptop is a 14"
20:13.46th3vo1da 14 with dual drive bays?
20:13.56th3vo1dno optical drive?
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20:15.18SineOtdeath to the optical drive
20:15.46halfhaloth second drive is hot swappable with a dvd burner, blu ray drve, h caddy, or battery
20:16.02th3vo1dis this a thinkpad?
20:16.04renancoelhoHi, I came here earlier and very helpful people told me to go to so I could update and activate my phone. However now that I did all that, when i put all my information I get "you need to be connected to your wireless service provider's network to sign in."
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20:16.35renancoelhoany suggestions?
20:17.06th3vo1dwhat carrier and phone?
20:17.22renancoelhoAlso, I am not a verizon user, I will use the phone with another provider, I am only trying to set up my profile so I can check if everything works...
20:17.31renancoelhosorry, palm pre plus verizon
20:17.46th3vo1dwhat carrier are you trying to use it with?
20:17.46renancoelhowill use on another cdma carrier though...
20:17.57renancoelhoMetro PCS
20:18.01renancoelhoCDMA as well
20:18.16th3vo1dmetro pcs is not a simple swap
20:18.32renancoelhois it possible?
20:18.39th3vo1dtheir services are provisioned differently from verizon
20:19.04th3vo1ddo you have a partcular reason for using metropcs?
20:19.12renancoelhojust price...
20:19.26th3vo1dbecause i would suggest page plus wireless if you are only worried about cost
20:19.39th3vo1dthey use verizon's network
20:19.44renancoelhodo they have it on florida?
20:19.48th3vo1dso your phone would work directly
20:19.57th3vo1dyes im in florida and i use them
20:20.03renancoelhoI live in lake mary.
20:20.40th3vo1dthey work everywhere verizon wireless works
20:20.58th3vo1dthe $30 plan is the best
20:21.16th3vo1dyou get 1200 minutes and texts and 100mb data
20:21.46th3vo1djust keep your phone on wifi at home etc and you wont use up that much data
20:24.26Loudergoodth3vo1d: that's exactly what I use
20:24.34renancoelhohow do I set it up?
20:24.53renancoelhoI cant sign in..
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20:27.11th3vo1dyou will need to call them up to activate your phone
20:27.29th3vo1dthen you can buy phone time at any circle k
20:27.50renancoelhocircle k?
20:28.12th3vo1dyou know, the gas station
20:28.52renancoelhotheir website doesnt seem to be able to find any stores near my address in orlando(lake mary).
20:29.38th3vo1dim sure theres some in orlando
20:30.07renancoelhois there a way to activate my profile without a network though? Cuz, I will only need a network next month, att has a hold on me for another month...
20:30.54th3vo1dyes, but you will need to modify your phone to do so, and then modify it again to undo it
20:31.12halfhalopage plus is vzw's own internal prepaid system.  You shoul be able to go into a vzw store and activate there
20:31.15th3vo1dseperate company
20:31.30th3vo1dvzw prepaid is under the "inpulse" brand
20:32.05renancoelhodo these pre paid have like couple plan?
20:33.08renancoelhoI mean family plan...
20:33.21halfhaloherm, then what company did vzw launch for prepaid (not inpulse, there is another) which lets you activate any vzw smartphone on it...
20:34.03th3vo1doh who knows, vzw has changed their prepaid service umpteen times
20:35.13th3vo1dwell searching for sanford got me a result in the middle of lake mary
20:35.40th3vo1drobbins unlimited cellular, 136 E ALMA AVE, LAKE MARY, FL 32746
20:35.52renancoelhoalso, once I set this up, is there a way to stop the data except wifi, cuz I don't want to be charged extra. Or does it simply stop once it reaches its limit of 100mb?
20:35.53destinalth3vo1d: can you activate sprint phones on page plus too?
20:36.08th3vo1dwhat do you mean?
20:36.29th3vo1di have a sprint pre- with a vzw coms board on page plus
20:36.30Loudergoodno they have to be verizon compatible
20:36.47destinalth3vo1d: ah, ok, vzw comm board will do it then, I have a couple of those handy
20:37.12Loudergoodthe only phones you can't activate are blackberries and inpulse phones
20:37.19th3vo1dthey use the verizon network
20:37.33th3vo1dif a phone will work on vzw, it will work on page plus
20:37.34SineOtit's apparently just an MVNO for Verizon
20:37.44renancoelhothe 30 dollar plan has a 100mb data on it, so once it reaches the 100mb it just stops right? they don't try to charge you extra?
20:37.45th3vo1dyes exactly
20:37.55th3vo1dits a prepaid plan
20:38.04renancoelhoOw... cool!!!!
20:38.21th3vo1donce you hit the limit, you get a text message telling you so
20:39.27th3vo1dok im going home now lol, no sense staying by myself at the office any longer
20:40.28SineOtunless you wanted to steal all the office supplies
20:40.32renancoelhoone more question....
20:40.47th3vo1dno, thats my wife who would do that
20:40.52renancoelhobut it does work on metro right? my wife kind of likes metro...
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20:41.18PuffTheMagicsprint/google voicemail is working
20:41.21PuffTheMagicjust enabled it
20:41.29SineOtawesome, where do you go to turn that on?
20:41.52destinalPuffTheMagic: did you keep your sprint # or your gvoice # to use natively on the phone?
20:41.58PatrickC_Pre2I don't use google voice yet, so I can't use it
20:42.00th3vo1dso has anyone got a pre workng on metro or know of one?
20:42.05PuffTheMagickept my native sprint number
20:42.15PuffTheMagicjust enabled google voice mail
20:42.29PatrickC_Pre2PuffTheMagic: 2.1 sprint pre?
20:42.38renancoelhoHas anyone been able to make a verizon palm plus work on metro?
20:42.43PuffTheMagicPatrickC_Pre2, on my pixi 1.4.5
20:42.50PatrickC_Pre2ah ok
20:43.15PuffTheMagicdestinal, if u have a gvoice account click on your number in the top right, then click on the link, activate google voicemail on this phone
20:43.35PuffTheMagicwell u need to add a mobile phone for forwarding first u dont already
20:43.43PuffTheMagicforwarding does not need to be enabled
20:43.48PuffTheMagicbut thats how u add a real phone number
20:44.25PatrickC_Pre2cool, I'll look into google voice
20:44.41PuffTheMagicHello, hello baby body bumper, c she fell through seem Michelle's by the seashore. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog back testing 12344321 super calloused fragile mystic X P L A ocean, bye.
20:44.48PuffTheMagic^^ my dads test message
20:44.55PuffTheMagictranscript is sorta close
20:45.38th3vo1drenancoelho: lets just say its not easily doable and leave it at that
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20:47.48SineOtthe transcripts can range from pretty easy to understand to completely nonsensical
20:47.52PuffTheMagicis there a special app in 2.1 that does google voicemail
20:48.00PuffTheMagicthere needs to be some better integration on the phone side now
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20:48.32renancoelhoI was told they could I just wouldn't have data, but I am cool with that as long as I have wifi and cell phone usage..
20:51.02PatrickC_Pre2the unlocked pre2 will work on metro (or companies like them)
20:51.14halfhaloumm.. no it won;t
20:51.20halfhalometro is cmda
20:52.00halfhalounless in the last week they went and completely changed their architecture
20:52.04SineOtputs PatrickC_Pre2 in the corner
20:52.41renancoelhoall I want to do is be able to login to it and use the wifi and appstore, until I leave ATT next month...
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20:53.07renancoelhocuz right now I have a really old phone and cant do much with it...
20:54.03SineOtrenancoelho: look into the Meta-doctor
20:54.12PatrickC_Pre2metro is CDMA? didn't know that... ok, well what about Strait Talk? (walmart's GSM)
20:54.12SineOtbe warned that it's a hell of a lot of effort involved
20:54.27halfhaloto metadoctor?
20:54.39renancoelhowhat kind of effort?
20:54.42SineOtwell, to get set up, now that you can't do it in cgywin :p
20:54.55renancoelhometro charges 10 dollars to do the unlocking themselves...
20:55.16halfhaloheh... I was amazed when the metametascripts first came out.  It was like "wooooaaaaa"
20:57.10halfhalogoes back to setting up winxp comp
20:57.53SineOtrenancoelho: do you have an OSX system, or an ubuntu linux one?
20:58.32renancoelhoyep, I use ubuntu(dual booting windows) although new to it. right now on windows.
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20:59.00SineOtwell, that's most of the effort right there
21:02.12renancoelhowow, scary!
21:07.41renancoelhoSineOt: so once I do this I will be able to just login and use the wifi? will I have to do anything else before taking it to MetroPCS(phonecompany)
21:07.52NuttyBunnyrenancoelho: not that scary, setting it up is the fun part, after that, just one command and you're good to go
21:08.59SineOtyou'll have to doctor it back to normal, yeah
21:09.10SineOtand I don't think MetroPCS does uh... Proper stuff with webOS
21:09.30renancoelhook, thanks!
21:09.32SineOtI remember reading something about their flashing being done with like, 1.3.1 or something
21:09.53renancoelhoalso, how come there isn't an easier way to do all this now that it is legal to unlock phone?
21:10.15NuttyBunnyperhaps because the unlocking thing applies for gsm only?
21:10.33renancoelhocdma too isn't it?
21:10.44SineOtyou can unlock CDMA, kind of sort of
21:11.17SineOtit's more that CDMA doesn't require a lot of the same settings to be changeable on the phone, so what it's programed for in the OS is what it's got, etc
21:12.04renancoelhoand to doctor it back to normal? just use the regular palm doctor?
21:12.41wgreenhouserenancoelho: the fact that it's no longer an offense the phone company can sue you over does not require them to make it easy or even technically possible
21:13.52renancoelhoI'll tell you something cool, i am from brazil and there they made a law for cell phone companies to stop all this bull.
21:14.41phoque_uniI'm trying to implement spline curves in the Govnah lineGraph class
21:14.47phoque_uniit's a bit trickier than I thought
21:15.12renancoelhoIt drives me crazy what phone companies do!!
21:15.25renancoelhoAnyhow, thanks so much for the help guys!!!!
21:15.31renancoelhoI got to go...
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