IRC log for #webos-internals on 20110325

00:05.30*** join/#webos-internals kill_dano (42b116bd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:05.34kill_danoI needs some haxor help
00:06.02kill_danoI was using the synergy messaging plug ins and I guess the borked something
00:06.08kill_danomy phone app doesn;t open
00:06.15kill_danoI uninstalled everything
00:06.17kill_danoall patches
00:06.24kill_danoand the plugins
00:06.27kill_danoproblem remains
00:06.51kill_danoI can;t use repair utility because it is not compatible with themetadoctor phones because it says it;s the worng versions
00:07.21kill_danowhat can I do to fix I dnt want to doctor
00:23.52*** join/#webos-internals mgschu_ (a301a77f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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01:03.39*** join/#webos-internals elpollodiablo1 (62ec1905@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:04.50elpollodiablo1I have an update to the keybinds for the xserver package to include the arrow keys.
01:05.30elpollodiablo1not sure who to talk to about this or how you want me to update it.
01:06.53ka6sox-workelpollodiablo1, dtzwill
01:07.49*** join/#webos-internals bpadalino (
01:10.14elpollodiablo1dtzwill: I made a simple update to the symbols file to include the arrow keys with the key combination sym+ r=up, sym + d =left, sym + f = down, sym + g=right
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01:13.51elpollodiablo1Rod around yet?
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01:14.46dtzWillelpollodiablo1: great, ty. i can't look at it atm (in a meeting), but if you send it to I'll bounce through it and commit it on your behalf
01:15.06dtzWillelpollodiablo1: and pending testing will be in a new release of the X stuff giving you the appropriate credit, assuming that's all good with you.
01:16.44elpollodiablo1yeah that is fine. I have some more changes I want to make but they are no where near being ready. one includes not being required to hold down the orange key to get to the numbers to work.
01:17.15dtzWillgreat. sticky modifies would be fantastic.
01:17.28dtzWillyou adding your own support into the xserver, or using the existing xkeyboard features?
01:17.37dtzWillanyway that sounds fantastic, look forward to it
01:24.13elpollodiablo1I am just using existing xkb features they call sticky modifiers LatchMods and LockMods depending on the function you need
01:24.54kill_danohey i need help with meta dr
01:25.03kill_danoanyone able to help?
01:25.53destinalkill_dano: you're best off just describing your peoblem.  asking to ask a question generally doesn't get as much response as just asking straight out with what the issue is
01:26.30kill_danoI'm making a new Dr and I se ethat they now come with carrier stuff like nascar
01:26.31destinalkill_dano: there are people in the channel who know metadoctor and others who might look at it later
01:26.47kill_danoI don;t want that stuff. How do I get rid of nascore befor ethe doctor?
01:27.46destinalhmm, nascar for instance, that's in the carrier customizations package for sprint, right?  I'm not sure the best way to remove it or whether metadoctor supports such a thing,  perhaps someone else knows (rwhitby?)
01:28.10kill_danoyeah tat's where it is
01:29.09kill_danoI mean, I can see it in the meta dr files... I have built the doctor and in the sprint 2.1 folder under build it have the new .jar file.. and all teh folder that it used in the Jar file
01:29.55kill_danoso I suppos eIf there was a way to make to re-build the doctor from those files all I would ahve to do it delete those files from the build/sprint2.1/carrrier folder
01:30.10kill_danonad have it remake the doctor
01:30.15kill_danobut idk how
01:30.56destinalkill_dano: I'm not sure either, mainly because I've never tried.  you can remove the files and just make repack  the usual way but I'm not sure which files or whether it would cause a problem
01:31.27kill_danomake repack huh? I think might do it?
01:31.46kill_danowell I can see the nascar ipk file
01:32.04kill_danoso that's straight forward
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01:40.14destinalkill_dano: err   make pack   is what I meant, but yeah, check the doctor docs :)
01:40.43destinalshould be straightforward
01:51.37elpollodiablo1rwhitby: was there a specific reason you compiling mplayer with the --disable-neon  flag?
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02:03.06*** join/#webos-internals kill_dano (42b116bd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:04.40kill_danohello need help. with meta DR I modded the carrier folder in the meta-doctor/build/meta-sprint-2.1.0 folder ... I want to repack those folder into a new doctor how do it do this?
02:05.17mgschumake pack
02:05.17kill_danowill make repack
02:05.39mgschu$make pack
02:05.43mgschushould just pack
02:05.45kill_danowill it know what to do? it wont get the files from the original souce againa nd override my changes?
02:06.30kill_danooko i try thanks
02:06.38kill_danoim trying to get it to install flash automatically
02:06.51kill_danoso that all I have to do is install the patch
02:10.32kill_danonake pack faild as I thought it would
02:10.37kill_danomake pack
02:10.39kill_danono work
02:13.06mgschuany error message?
02:13.14kill_danoyeah it's really long lol
02:15.13kill_danodano@EEEpc-900:~/meta-doctor$ make pack rm -f build/undefined--undefined-/.packed tar -C build/undefined--undefined-/rootfs --wildcards \ -f build/undefined--undefined-/webOS/nova-cust-image-.rootfs.tar \ --delete ./usr/palm/applications/ ./usr/lib/ipkg/info ./etc/ssl ./usr/bin ./boot ./lib/modules ./etc/palm-build-info ./md5sums* tar: build/undefined--undefined-/webOS/nova-cust-image-.rootfs.tar:
02:15.48kill_danonot recoverable: exiting now make: [build/undefined--undefined-/.packed] Error 2 (ignored) ( cd build/undefined--undefined-/rootfs ; mkdir -p ./usr/palm/applications/ ./usr/lib/ipkg/info ./etc/ssl ./usr/bin ./boot ./lib/modules ./var/luna/preferences ./var/gadget ./var/home/root ./var/preferences ./var/palm/data ) cd: 1: can't cd to build/undefined--undefined-/rootfs if [ -f build/undefined--undefined-
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02:16.41kill_danoer=0 --group=0 \ --append ./usr/palm/applications/ ./usr/lib/ipkg/info ./etc/ssl ./usr/bin ./boot ./lib/modules ./var/luna/preferences ./var/gadget ./var/home/root ./var/preferences ./var/palm/data ./etc/palm-build-info ./md5sums ) ; \ fi cd: 12: can't cd to build/undefined--undefined-/rootfs tar: ../webOS/nova-cust-image-.rootfs.tar: Cannot read: Bad file descriptor tar: At beginning of tape, quit
02:17.05kill_danoned--undefined-/.packed] Error 2
02:17.54mgschukill_dano: pastebin
02:18.09kill_danowhats that
02:20.08mgschuI see
02:20.16mgschuyou've used a script, haven't you
02:20.47mgschugo to the script that you used, and stick a break in there before it packs
02:20.57mgschuadd your files, and let it continue
02:21.34kill_danowhat's a break? lol I can;t google that
02:22.58kill_dano<br /> ?
02:23.14mgschulol no
02:24.10mgschujust do something like echo -e
02:24.20mgschuand it'll ask you to type something
02:24.23mgschujust press enter
02:24.58kill_danookok thanks
02:27.58kill_danofound where it packs
02:28.07kill_danoit says make clobber all
02:28.27kill_danoso before that i inserted echo -e and that should give me a break?
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02:30.54mgschumake clobber all is where it does its cleaning up
02:31.00mgschuwhich script are you editing?
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03:03.11kill_danoI'm making sprint 2.1
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03:24.21*** part/#webos-internals PatrickC_Pre2 (~Patrick_C@unaffiliated/patrick-c/x-9440769)
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04:07.45rwhitbyelpollodiablo1: does mplayer work on pre and pixi without the --disable-neon flag?
04:47.47*** join/#webos-internals dgathright (~dgathrigh@nat/yahoo/x-rxaokgtrjdixhzna)
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08:21.25Darkmagisterhi, yesterday, i have upload an app to the catalog, in the beta feed, but i have 2 question, 1 why i can only select the minimum webos version with webos 2.0.0 or 2.1.0? and the other problem, i have a palm pre minus with webos2 (doctored with modified version of the pre plus) but if i try to downlo the app the catalog told to me "no available for this webos version try to update" why ???
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13:15.56mhdhi everyone
13:16.18mhdis there somebody that could help me for a project ?
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15:46.33NuttyBunny.... and, of course, I arrived late to work ;)
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15:46.42NuttyBunnyhi everyone
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18:28.31PatrickC_Pre2I might have an answer ;)
18:28.52joeb_im trying to pastie a preware error
18:29.03joeb_so you guys can see it
18:29.22PatrickC_Pre2what's the problem
18:29.25joeb_it only lets me email it
18:29.37PatrickC_Pre2copy the email
18:29.40PatrickC_Pre2then paste it
18:30.50joeb_hold up
18:31.02joeb_i think there is something in /media/interla
18:31.43joeb_yea there it is .. one sec let me get it over
18:32.52undrwateri preferred interla
18:33.13undrwater"no such file or location"
18:34.06joeb_any ideas ?
18:34.50PatrickC_Pre2email the developer?
18:35.05joeb_aw ok
18:35.06undrwaterjust that one install?
18:35.09joeb_just wondering if there was a quick fix
18:35.27joeb_undrwater not really .. i think if i try to install any other email patches it will do the same thing
18:35.48PatrickC_Pre2uninstall *all* email patches first
18:35.51PatrickC_Pre2then luna boot
18:35.54PatrickC_Pre2then try again
18:36.12joeb_but then i do that .. other email stuff won't work
18:36.35joeb_i install 1 email patch and it works .. i can install 2 others and they work .. all of a sudden any other email patch i get hunk errors
18:36.52PatrickC_Pre2email mega mix is the only one I use
18:36.58undrwaterdon't be so good looking
18:37.12joeb_undrwater what does that mean ?
18:37.19undrwaterdon't be a hunk
18:37.20PatrickC_Pre2that's impossible for me
18:37.25undrwateryou won't get hunk errors :)
18:37.42joeb_i really like haveing move to folder .. show names instead of icons
18:37.44joeb_little stuff
18:38.14PatrickC_Pre2I don't think those 2 can be use together
18:38.29joeb_why can't they be .. i never was told tehy can't be used together
18:39.32PatrickC_Pre2well, they both modify the bottom in some way
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18:42.08joeb_let me remove all email patches and put in mega mix
18:42.28PatrickC_Pre2mega mix is nice
18:46.21joeb_to bad restarting luna reboots phone
18:46.35PatrickC_Pre2how come?
18:47.08joeb_i don't know
18:47.15joeb_does yours ?
18:47.39PatrickC_Pre2I mean, why is it bad?
18:48.11joeb_just takes a while to come up .. its not bad just talking
18:48.36PatrickC_Pre2well, are you OCing?
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18:52.34joeb_yes .. but when the pre is plugged in it drops down to 500mhz
18:52.44PatrickC_Pre2then unplug it?
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19:00.00joeb_can you turn off animiation on the pre ?
19:00.36joeb_yea .. i know cards come up the way they do but there anyway where you open themnd they just come up .. nothing fancy
19:00.55PatrickC_Pre2not sure
19:01.12joeb_aw somebody asked to
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19:04.12Tibfibpsh. if you disable animations then why would you even want to use webOS?
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19:06.47Loudergoodjust try a faster animations patch, those cut steps out
19:06.47joeb_yea i have it installed already
19:07.21PatrickC_Pre2then just modify that patch to disable animations
19:07.35joeb_PatrickC_Pre2i don't know how to modify a patch
19:07.49joeb_it sounds easy PatrickC_Pre2 .. you ever modified a patch ?
19:08.05PatrickC_Pre2yes I have
19:08.12joeb_and then uploaded it ?
19:08.24PatrickC_Pre2I almost fixed the Advanced Menus Framework
19:08.30PatrickC_Pre2I only couldn't get one step done
19:09.34PatrickC_Pre2and yea, fix it then upload it
19:09.38PatrickC_Pre2if you want
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20:55.21NuttyBunnysconix: ping?
20:55.48NuttyBunnyquestion, about your messaging super patch
20:55.57NuttyBunnydo you have the account types fixed in some file?
20:56.24sconixwhat do you mean fixed?
20:56.42NuttyBunnyyeah, stored somewhere
20:56.49NuttyBunnyin a .js file for example
20:56.55NuttyBunnyor you get them from a system call?
20:57.35sconixno all info is got from the databases
20:58.16NuttyBunnywhat info do you get? I need to know what I'm missing  :)
20:58.37sconixfirst explain what info you mean? :)
20:59.06NuttyBunnyI managed to compile msn-pecan for Greg's framework, and I can add an account, but I can't see the account when I tap the status icon
20:59.32NuttyBunnyso, I must be missing something, the plugin is not showing something to libpurple.. go figure
21:00.10sconixat least with the other accounts as well the database entry did not get added evrytime, at once I needed to remove the account and re-add it
21:00.41NuttyBunnymmmm... I'll remove it
21:00.47sconixthe entry is not shown if the account does not have an entry in imloginstate:1 database
21:01.13TibfibdtzWill: have you considered moving vba to a hybrid app?
21:01.18sconixwhich should get created when the account signs in the first time i.e. when added in the accounts app
21:01.44TibfibdtzWill: I'd do the mojo for you free
21:02.04Tibfibif you wanted of course :)
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21:03.00NuttyBunnysconix: yes, definitely I did something wrong, after I deleted all the msg accounts, I do get the status icon, but if I select Available I get no response whatsoever
21:05.05NuttyBunnymmm... back to the drawing board... :(  thanks
21:05.28sconixwhat the patch does is that it only changes the availability state of that account in that loginstate:1 database (can be checked with impostah for example)
21:05.45sconixother than that its WebOS stuff that should pick up on that state change and start login process
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22:41.43*** part/#webos-internals haeffb_pre (
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22:49.36*** join/#webos-internals PatrickC_Pre (~Patrick_C@unaffiliated/patrick-c/x-9440769)
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23:02.56*** join/#webos-internals mgschu (a301a77f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:10.58PatrickC_Pre2jack87: ping
23:11.38PatrickC_Pre2I *think* I may have fixed my ubuntu problem...
23:11.53PatrickC_Pre2I did!! yay
23:12.08PatrickC_Pre2xubuntu booted nicely, and is happy!!
23:14.28PatrickC_Pre2nuttybunny: you run ubuntu, right?
23:14.37NuttyBunnyyup, 10.10
23:17.41*** join/#webos-internals tmandry (~tyler@unaffiliated/tman)
23:22.30Loudergoodme too, even if I break it all the time
23:23.05Loudergoodsatisifies his versionitis with linux
23:23.32PatrickC_Pre2just booted linux
23:31.15*** join/#webos-internals Boopop (
23:35.34ka6sox-workum...that wan't pretty
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23:53.40PatrickC_Pre2what in the world was up with dumbledore_?
23:55.13*** join/#webos-internals NuttyBunny (~cnegrete@
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23:59.42mgschurwhitby, could you take a look at a package for me? Having issues with getting the service to run.

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