IRC log for #webos-internals on 20110216

00:00.14RagingMindwow... everyone is selling pixis for cheap
00:00.43Thibaudrwhitby: agreed! I'm not surprised, though, more or less expected that because of the dynamically-loaded libraries.
00:01.02splashotehi guys, i'm using ubuntu and i'm trying to install the newest novacom-version. the installation fails because novacon is still running. i can't kill the process, it's being restarted "automatically".. could you give me a hint how to kill it?
00:01.37ajay_hey what's the deal with this nova-browser thing? it looks like it's just a jar, yes? Any reason it can't run on Linux/
00:02.02rwhitbynone at all
00:02.24rwhitbysplashote: stop the upstart job
00:02.32splashoteajay_: check your java version, i just read that it doesnt work with openjdk
00:03.02ajay_cries.. why does palm hate Linux..! *sniff*
00:03.26RagingMindpurging the old package would work too, but stopping the job is probably faster
00:03.36RagingMindsplashote, ^
00:04.25splashoterwhitby, RagingMind: ok, how do i kill the upstart job without knowing it's name.. ;)
00:04.47RagingMindI wish HPalm would supply debian packages, I hate having to run the service manually, and so far I've been to lazy to hack another init script to do it
00:04.49Thibaudrwhitby: I've seen this already when manually running the service on the emu: every time I would forget to stop the service before launching the palm-install, it would end up with one crippled (read 0 byte) library
00:05.29RagingMindsplashote, in that case I suggest removing/purging the old package  'dpkg -P palm-novacom'
00:05.34Thibaudrwhitby: let me confirm this right now on the emu
00:06.30Thibaudrwhitby: I'll test on my Pre, I forgot emu has another issue...
00:06.41rwhitbyThibaud: then we need to install the libraries into /var/usr/lib/ too
00:06.45rwhitbyand rpath to them
00:06.49RagingMindsplashote, though the situation just doesn't sound right.  the scripts in the package should automatically be stopping the service if that's required for an upgrade
00:07.49Thibaudrwhitby: so 50-50! I update the rpath link and you update the posting/prerm scripts? ;) But I test on the Pre first so we sort this out.
00:08.16rwhitbyyep, once the problem is actually positively confirmed, the solution is easy
00:08.21rwhitbybut no solutions to guesses.
00:08.38Thibaudrwhitby: true!
00:09.06splashoteRagingMind: hm, i'm getting confused. even after removing the package the process blocks the reinstallation.
00:09.43RagingMindso the package is removed or purged?
00:10.07splashotei used the dkpg -P you recomended
00:10.18RagingMindanyone know if novacom uses lockfiles? heh
00:10.47RagingMindsplashote, without digging into the packages scripts my next suggestion is a computer restart, heh
00:11.49splashoteRagingMind: :D ok, i already waited for that one. thanks for your help, nice to see that i receive help although i'm not that deep into the whole coding stuff ;)
00:13.27splashotejust one more question: i'm aiming at replacing the autoreplace file in /en_us/ with that one from /de_de/. over at precentral I found a thread where a guy used WebOS QuickInstall to do that. I tried too but I could not replace the file.. is root required for that?
00:13.47RagingMindI'm not much of a programmer, just 12ish years of running debian or ubuntu systems
00:14.18RagingMindmany strange package installation problems
00:16.04splashotethat's where you learn stuff: through problems and other people. i'm in my second singlebooting, so you're some years ahead. anyway, i'll try to root the pre to get rid of the autoreplacing
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00:36.13Thibaudrwhitby: get this speaks for itself
00:37.12rwhitbyThibaud: ah, that's the 1.4.5 cryptofs bug I think
00:37.29Thibaudrwhitby: we can see the installer is being stopped in the installation process because of a locked library ( in this case)
00:38.37rwhitbyThibaud: line 80 is the key - it's the 1.4.5 cryptofs bug
00:39.30rwhitbyso we copy libs to /var/usr/lib and rpath to there.
00:39.51Thibaudrwhitby: ok, trust you on this one. But I'm not surprised writing is not possible on a locked file. Is that the bug?
00:39.55ajay_see ya folks!
00:40.05Thibaudajay_: bye
00:40.12ajay_Thibaud: oh and THANK you!
00:40.18ajay_oh let me make a call before i go..
00:40.30Thibaudajay_: my pleasure, trust me! :)
00:42.32ajay_Thibaud: It doesn't work, looks like it might be a wifi issue!  (is that possible?)
00:43.34Thibaudajay_: dunno, but need facts! just provide more details about 'it doesn't work' and I'll be happy to analyze
00:44.13ajay_Thibaud: How was my post on the forum? need more facts? hmm, i better check if you replied there.. ;)
00:46.20Thibaudajay_: oops, my bad then. So you did your duty, need to do mine :^)
00:46.49Thibaudrwhitby: shouldn't the path where to put the libraries be a bit more dependent on the app's name, so no collision ever happens? Like /var/usr/lib/org.webosinternals.linphone?
00:47.41ajay_doesn't see the thread tools on easily.. gah
00:49.37*** join/#webos-internals nyuepik (
00:53.29ajay_anybody want to test a quick SIP call w/ me before I go?  (You have to be able to call a SIP URI, not just a number)
00:55.56Thibaudajay_: keyboard input is on my shortlist, so SIP URI will happen soon under webOS Linphone
00:56.16oc80zvol-up + power , drops to bootie, is there init=/bin/bb options for boot?
00:58.58ajay_hm, doesn't look like P|C PM'ing allows attachments. Boo.
01:00.52ajay_Thibaud: ok i'm off, feel free to reply on the thread to let me know anything i can do to test/whatnot!
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01:04.23*** join/#webos-internals PatrickC_Pre (~Patrick_C@unaffiliated/patrick-c/x-9440769)
01:10.16ThibaudPatrickC_Pre: hey
01:14.34PatrickC_Prehow's it goin?
01:15.42ThibaudRagingMind: confirmed the " left me without an icon for it (just a box and the name under it) and it wouldn't launch when I tapped it" issue you reported. Will fix this asap so updating (without prior removal) is a breeze
01:16.03ThibaudRagingMind: thanks for reporting this issue
01:18.12Josef_Bor a patch that does close / quit all
01:18.17Josef_Balmost like a panic patch
01:18.36PatrickC_Preyou will
01:18.51Josef_BNSFW icon
01:19.07PatrickC_Preyou will :)
01:19.29Josef_Bin 10 years
01:19.43PatrickC_Preno 9 yrs and 364 days
01:20.45PatrickC_Preare you done yet?
01:24.38*** join/#webos-internals fprimex (
01:24.42wgreenhousethanks freeTether for saving my bacon when the coffee shop where I am doing my homework is DDOSed by a bunch of hipsters on their macbooks :)
01:25.46PatrickC_Prefreetether rulz!
01:26.03PatrickC_Prehow's that writeup comming will?
01:26.06*** part/#webos-internals ka6sox (~ka6sox@nslu2-linux/ka6sox)
01:26.28wgreenhouseeh--last week/this week have been suck, haven't done anything with it
01:26.34dtzWilloh great, you weren't talking to me O:).
01:27.40PatrickC_Predtzwill, what lol
01:28.22dtzWillPatrickC_Pre: as my nick might suggest i'm also 'will' :)
01:28.53PatrickC_Preoh lol
01:29.00wgreenhousePatrickC_Pre: I should be able tpo look at it once I'm done preparing for tomorrow's stupid group project
01:29.01PatrickC_Pre:) didn't think of that lol
01:30.15Josef_Blooking for a patch that adds an event from the launcher / universal search
01:30.30Josef_Bim currently looking thru .. don't have time to do it on the phone
01:34.44Josef_Bubercalendar ?
01:35.20Loudergoodthat's very nice to have
01:35.31Josef_BLoudergood but does it do what i want it to do
01:35.34Loudergoodbut I don't see a patch that does what you want on my pre plus
01:36.32Josef_Bi should install ubercalendar anyway eh ?
01:37.09Loudergoodit gives you a lot more options
01:37.27Josef_Bim gonna start using my calendars more
01:37.32Josef_Bi can't sync my work calendar
01:37.53Josef_Bbut i use calendars witch i sycned to my outlook witch i used data assitannt to transfer to my pre
01:38.20LoudergoodI use google calendar, synced to my pre and to thunderbird/lightning
01:38.55Josef_Bi got a ipk error when downloading
01:39.03Josef_Bi hit the envelope and it wants me to send
01:39.05Josef_Bdo i send it to the dev
01:39.10Josef_Bor to webosinternals
01:39.29PatrickC_Prethe dev
01:39.54Josef_Bmetaview is the dev
01:40.33PatrickC_Prethen email metaview
01:40.37Josef_Bi did
01:40.55PatrickC_Prejust had to powerbutton-hold power down PC
01:40.59PatrickC_Prenot good :/
01:41.48PatrickC_Preit was suppost to install updates too....
01:42.37wgreenhousePatrickC_Pre: win 7?
01:42.49PatrickC_PreXP :/
01:43.04Josef_BPatrickC_Pre you should get that webOS pc
01:43.37PatrickC_PreI have one
01:43.41PatrickC_Preit wont boot :p
01:43.42Josef_Baw sweet :P
01:44.27Josef_Bim getting back to back calls
01:44.39PatrickC_Preback calls?
01:44.59Josef_Bi just saved the case and hung up and boom 18 seconds in another call
01:45.37PatrickC_Preoh lol. now I see what you said :p
01:45.39Josef_B12 seconds
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02:35.59*** join/#webos-internals raster (raster@enlightenment/developer/raster)
02:38.15Thibaudbye everyone
02:39.09oillater Thibaud
02:44.10etx-So the developer device Pre 2 from HP will only with on Sprint with a com board swap, correct?
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03:04.32joebprerwhitby: I know you need a verizon phone /serial .. if I go to the verizon store and see one if those demo ones will that work or is there more to it ?
03:05.11Loudergoodthat should be enough
03:05.23rwhitbyjoebpre: that will do - we just need the serial number, which you can get from the Device Info app
03:05.58etx-Under cover operation dr stealer
03:06.10rwhitbyetx-: the developer devices are unlocked GSM
03:06.25etx-rwhitby: yeah, that's what I thought
03:06.51etx-I was confused as it says UMTS and I thought that had something to do with CDMA
03:07.01etx-but I'm probably 100% wrong :)
03:07.17rwhitbyUMTS is 3G GSM
03:07.23etx-Ahhh ok
03:08.14*** join/#webos-internals etx (
03:08.52etx`So, how is this for an idea
03:09.15etx`TouchPad, the first tablet that you can use to write apps :)
03:10.02rwhitbyBrilliant marketing strategy. That's sure to outsell the iPad in the target demographics ... ;)
03:10.10etx`I'm going to write an extension to Cloud9IDE for writing webos apps
03:10.14joebpredon't know when I can pop over to verizon and act like I wann buy the phone ... I will be like I'm taking a picture to show to the wife
03:10.17etx`heh yeah right
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03:10.49rwhitby"can I just write down this model number so I can do some further research on the internet?"
03:11.41Loudergooda buddy of mine in HS used to go into gamestop and ask the clerk to borrow a pen and paper and write down cd keys....
03:11.44etx`Sales reps are dumb, you'll have no problems
03:11.53etx`LOL, awesome
03:12.16wgreenhousedumb and/or unmotivated
03:12.53Loudergoodyeah, apathy is a powerful force
03:13.12Loudergoodespecially when you get paid crap
03:13.16wgreenhousecomputer stores are typically full of intelligent but somehow defective individuals who don't want to be there
03:13.27wgreenhousephone stores similar but possibly nada on the intelligence scale
03:13.42Loudergoodthe difference is the hair gel
03:16.24wgreenhouseI hope the TouchPad comes out at a reasonable price point, and that it comes out soon enough that it's not obsolete at birth
03:16.34bpadalino1 MILLION dollars
03:16.38wgreenhouseif those conditions are met, I can see loving one
03:16.46wgreenhouseand running a lot of Linux apps on it
03:16.52wgreenhouseI've wanted Emacs on a tablet for like a decade
03:17.05etx-x11 on it is going to be mega-awesome
03:17.12bpadalinois there an SDL port of emacs somewhere?
03:17.27etx-I used to run xwindows on a pentium 75mhz, TouchPad can handle it :)
03:17.33wgreenhousebpadalino: not that I've heard of
03:17.44etx-bpadalino: just use a xserver
03:18.13wgreenhouseetx-: yeah, I was just thinking of using it using the headless X server+localhost VNC method
03:18.22wgreenhouseas tested on webos 1.4.5 for things like openoffice
03:18.29wgreenhouseif that runs, emacs will too, with less hassle
03:18.58etx-Was the sdl x server never updated?
03:19.11etx-I remember it stopped working after one of the OTA updates
03:19.37wgreenhouseno idea
03:19.41etx-I'll check
03:20.09wgreenhouseSDL is old skool.  A DirectFB X setup would make more sense for webOS
03:20.34wgreenhouseit would be full screen, like a video game, but that's ok
03:20.41etx-yeah, but will it play nice with luna?
03:20.51*** part/#webos-internals PatrickC_Pre (~Patrick_C@unaffiliated/patrick-c/x-9440769)
03:21.38wgreenhouseI am kind of a webos n00b though
03:22.15etx-I don't think it would work as well as SDL, just because palm added sdl support
03:22.38etx-you'd have to shut down luna most likely, then run dfb stuff
03:22.39wgreenhousewhat libraries are typically used for full-screen games like ExZeus?
03:22.57etx-I'm not familiar with ExZues
03:23.29wgreenhouseit's a twitchy giant robot shooter for webos
03:23.30etx-bpadalino: Yeah, Looks like dtzWill never got around to updating his X packages. It's not working for me
03:23.40etx-wgreenhouse: does it run in a card?
03:23.42bpadalinowhat a jerk that guy is!
03:24.10etx-maybe I'll take that one over when I find some time. Love me some X
03:24.17wgreenhouseetx-: yes, it runs in a card
03:24.26etx-it's probably sdl then :)
03:24.32rwhitbythe X stuff works if you get a pardon from the jail
03:24.36wgreenhousebut runs only in landscape mode and hides the usual Luna UI stuff
03:24.50wgreenhouseuntil you leave the card
03:25.12etx-rwhitby: oh yeeeahhh, that was the update that broke it. hrrmm
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03:25.50etx-ok, I'm off to teach my dog matrix multiplication
03:26.27rwhitbyecho "pardon" > /etc/nojail
03:26.32rwhitbythat will make them work again
03:27.24rwhitbynyuepik: hey
03:27.57nyuepikrecompiling with a hello-world plugin now
03:30.54nyuepikThe hello-app won't work either, jail is killing it
03:33.09dtzWilletx-: bug me before/if you are interested in updating the x stuff.
03:33.25dtzWilletx-: last i checked still builds all happily in the WIDK, mostly it's just the silly packaging and duplication of libraries
03:33.36dtzWillmostly never got done b/c the concept made me sad, heh
03:34.03dtzWill(if you want a separate package for xterm, you'll ahve to duplicate at least the xlibs all over again, etc)
03:36.08rwhitbynyuepik: can you get a pastebin of /var/log/messages ?
03:37.08nyuepikYeah, or I can pipe it after a run, which you would prefer?
03:37.15nyuepikduring a run I mean
03:39.12rwhitbyjust want to see the jail error
03:41.27nyuepikyeah, I am a unix command line guy, sending you the log
03:42.04nyuepikOk, sorry didn't understand, pasting now
03:42.26nyuepikjust pasted
03:48.33rwhitbynyuepik: was that service or plugin?
03:49.03rwhitbynyuepik: line 165 is the problem
03:49.22rwhitbywhich causes the error on line 249
03:49.48rwhitbywhich then causes the error on line 502
03:49.54nyuepikThat was the plugin
03:50.01nyuepikI think
03:50.04rwhitbythat loaded service and plugin
03:50.21nyuepikThe node.js ran fine, the plugin crashed
03:50.46rwhitbyservice at line 48, plugin at line 167
03:50.59rwhitbythat's the same error I saw
03:51.26nyuepikSo where should I try placing the plugin binary?
03:52.52rwhitbyin /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/palm/services/com.epikmayo.myplayer
03:53.05rwhitbyjust do that on-device to test
03:54.10nyuepikno directory for com.epikmayo.myplayer only com.epikmayo.myplayer.service, should I create one?
03:55.57rwhitbynyuepik: actually, I just tried that, and it just causes an error later when trying to enter the jail
03:56.09rwhitbyso it's a webOS bug
03:56.24rwhitbyMOUNT:/media/cryptofs/apps/usr/palm/services/com.epikmayo.myplayer on /var/palm/jail/com.epikmayo.myplayer/media/cryptofs/apps/usr/palm/services/com.epikmayo.myplayer
03:56.32rwhitbychdir /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/palm/applications/com.epikmayo.myplayer
03:56.38rwhitbyerror: No such file or directory, directory: /var/palm/jail/com.epikmayo.myplayer/media/cryptofs/apps/usr/palm/applications/com.epikmayo.myplayer
03:57.05rwhitbyit mounts .../services/... into the jail, but then tries to chdir to .../applications/...
03:59.11nyuepikSo assuming that we won't be getting a fix from palm on this for a while, what are the options.  I would build the gui, but SDL is just such a pain to do gui work in, and I don't feel like wrestling with getting something like Qt installed just for this
04:01.01*** join/#webos-internals DaDirtyPanda (
04:02.53DaDirtyPandait says my browser is no longer supported for youtube, anyone else have this?
04:03.33SineOt"Get a better browser." -Steve, sent from my iPad
04:04.56DaDirtyPandaits from my pre....
04:05.05nyuepikAnyway, need to get to bed.  Hopefully I will get a response soon on the developer forums, but email me if you get any new ideas for me to try.
04:05.45SineOtWhy are you browsing the site, and not using the app?
04:05.50rwhitbynyuepik: I think the option is to move the file management into the plugin
04:06.22DaDirtyPandai was adding a subcription which you can't do from the lame ass app
04:07.05DaDirtyPandathen it didn't work so i had to walk to my computer!!! grrrr
04:11.00nyuepikrwhitby: I will work on that, all the methods are in place, just need to write the plugin interface code.
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04:14.50iHackYougot into the early access program
04:14.52iHackYouanyone else?
04:15.11bpadalinodid you read the NDA?
04:15.17*** join/#webos-internals andrewfblack (
04:18.09iHackYoui responded to the email but haven't gotten forum access yet :(
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04:18.30andrewfblackis there a problem with navit on att pre running 1.4.5
04:23.38rwhitbyiHackYou: I think you missed the section in the NDA that talks about whether you can discuss your participation in the early access program ...
04:24.09iHackYouwill re-read it
04:24.40andrewfblackcan't get it to load were can I find help on navit
04:25.47iHackYouOh right, I can't discuss about it
04:25.50iHackYoushuts up
04:26.12PatrickC_PreiHackYou, have you hacked me yet? lol
04:26.24iHackYouOf course ;)
04:27.04PatrickC_Preawesome! what OS am I running? lol
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04:28.12webos-tardis 777 a jesus numbver idk
04:28.50SineOt777 is full read write execute privileges on a folder :Q
04:30.06PatrickC_Preno more webOS on sprint :'(
04:30.39PatrickC_Preonly the green robot (darn robots!)
04:34.57PatrickC_Prewell, good night
04:35.36*** part/#webos-internals PatrickC_Pre (~Patrick_C@unaffiliated/patrick-c/x-9440769)
04:35.40andrewfblackcan't get on screen keyboard to work either
04:45.19oc80zrwhitby re; opkg
04:46.47oc80zer, ipkg-opt
04:49.34oc80zwhat is "cs08q1armel"
04:51.30oc80zcould point to
05:35.37*** join/#webos-internals ajay (~ajay@
05:35.43ajaydtzWill: hey you around?
05:36.27ajayoh, howdy again folks.. (I think 're' is the appropriate greeting? trying to remember my irc-quette.. :)
05:37.04rwhitbyoc80z: cs08q1armel is a specific toolchain build, which was compatible with the webOS rootfs
05:38.17ajaydo folks have a favorite IDE?  (and actually is there a page where's someone's done a breakdown?)
05:38.27ajaylooking for something that works well with mojo, and ideally cross-platform
05:40.15RagingMindnot that I've done much programming in a long time, but when I do have to edit things it's either in vim or anjuta
05:41.13wgreenhouserwhitby: emacs++
05:41.15oc80zemacs is the sparticus of rome while IDE's are not.
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05:41.36wgreenhouseemacs is spartacus?
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05:42.00oc80z<emacs> THIS IS SPARTA!
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05:42.09wgreenhouseoc80z: oh
05:42.13wgreenhousethat's not Spartacus :)
05:42.27wgreenhouseyou mean Leonidas.  oddly enough, Spartacus wasn't Spartan.
05:42.33oc80zNeal Stevenson writes his novels in emacs.
05:42.41oc80zi know
05:42.44oc80za theasian
05:42.52wgreenhouseoc80z: I'm with him.  I use Emacs mostly for writing words.
05:42.58ajayso i'll take it that i'll get no recs in this channel, at least at this time of day :)
05:43.03oc80zbut he still was a god.
05:43.26oc80zajay: codeblocks, geany
05:43.29SineOtajay: I like Espresso, but it's OSX only :p
05:43.42oc80zajay what host will you use the IDE in?
05:43.53oc80zi mean, theres a bunch of stuff FOR free.
05:44.22ajayoz: linux
05:44.31ajayerr, oc: linux :)
05:45.20oc80zthen use my examples.
05:45.56ajayLike there's so many envs.. rhomobile, phonegap,
05:46.11ashi_vi <3
05:46.21rwhitbyyes, vi is less than 3
05:46.53oc80zim usually in userspace
05:47.09wgreenhouserwhitby: do you write phone apps in Emacs js-mode?
05:47.10oc80zbut at kernel i use vim
05:47.35rwhitbywgreenhouse: I cut and paste oil's code - I don't write apps myself :)
05:47.46wgreenhouserwhitby: k
05:47.54oc80zim patching dnsmasq.h, option.h and more.
05:48.14ajayoc80z: ok will look them up..
05:48.15oc80ztrying to break the soa protocols on ttl.
05:48.22wgreenhouserwhitby: ah yeah, I hear great things about js2-mode
05:48.30wgreenhousea lot of the people over at #emacs on this server like it
05:49.08ajaydoes 'pinging' someone on twitter mean following them? if I can't dm them then i know what not else to do.. oh, maybe just msging them?
05:49.18ajayerr, @'ing, not msg'ing.
05:52.32ajayocz: can i get a quick soundbite on why you like/chose those tools?
05:53.13Zingeajay: I'd assume it means dm or @, but I've never heard the term used for twitter before.
05:53.17oc80zi use vim
05:53.31oc80zi will use geany if in userspace
05:53.40oc80z(scripts and configs)
05:53.57oc80zbecause it has collapsable statements
05:54.02ajayZinge: they said they'd follow me if I pinged them, and i can't seem to dm, so yeah, not sure which it means (this is for apparatio)
05:54.21oc80zi will be programming c next quarter
05:54.25ajaygeany doesn't offer a binary, gah.. ;^)
05:54.31oc80za binary?
05:54.39ZingeProbably @ then.
05:54.56ajayZinge: yeah that's what i did.. hope they don't expect me to follow them.. ;^)
05:54.58oc80zi thought it could compile and execute or load browser for .php
05:58.46ajayit'd be nice if i could grab an open source android project and with relative ease port it over to webOS, whatever tool'd do that be the perfect tool for me
05:58.47Zingerandom: is the wirc notification vibrate coded in the app, or just because my phone is on silent at the moment?
05:59.33wgreenhouseZinge: the latter
05:59.42wgreenhouseit dings if your phone isn't on silent
05:59.59wgreenhousealso, you change notification settings from the preferences scene
06:00.31Zingedarn. ok, thanks. it's buzzing a little longer than I'd like, I figured if it was in the app I could shorten it a bit in terminal :-)
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06:01.26wgreenhousewell, don't let what I'm saying deter you from peeking at the source code
06:03.31ZingeI'm debating tradeoffs of battery life vs. multitasking. as in "do I bother doing a bunch of stuff on my phone at once and killing my battery when I'm stuck at work and it has to last for another hour before I an go harge it?" :-)
06:03.57Zingecan go charge it*
06:04.34SineOtand for that... Is where portable battery packs come in handy
06:05.37wgreenhouseZinge: is your phone overclocked?
06:05.56ajaywas wondering specifically on webOS
06:06.16Zinge800 right now. I just happened to leave my charge at home. Usually I have one here.
06:06.29wgreenhouseZinge: I use 600 generally
06:06.39Zingeajay, I think you typed that in the wrong window :-)
06:06.42wgreenhousethen I can use a lot of tasks without totally nuking the battery
06:07.48SineOthas a pretty thin Energizer pack... Holds like 2000mAh or something.
06:07.53Zingeif I run lower than 800, it starts to get unusable much of the time. normally I'm ok with battery though. and I leave chargers lying around everywhere.
06:07.57ajayis surprised he doesn't wrong window more.. ;^)
06:08.16SineOtWe've got a bigger pack, probably the size of a Pre + Pixi stacked, but it's 8000mAh and can run a netbook for 6 hours :p
06:08.29wgreenhouseZinge: hmm.  fixed speed 600 works really well for me on my pre+
06:08.41wgreenhouseeven with wIRC connected to 3 servers while listening to a podcast
06:09.26ZingeI'm on a pre-...
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06:09.45Zingenot that it should really matter for speed
06:09.52rwhitbyit absolutely does
06:09.56wgreenhousehmm, perhaps it's a RAM or I/O issue?
06:10.08ZingeI sit corrected.
06:10.51rwhitbymainly cause swap is so slow on a Pre, that not having enough RAM will kill your performance
06:11.20SineOtyou could help that with compcache enabled, no?
06:12.15wgreenhouseis using the uberkernel with compache
06:12.16SineOtruns his Pixi with 24MB compcache enabled, hasn't seen a TMC error in like... Doesn't remember the last time, even.
06:12.39wgreenhousesimilar settings here, SineOt
06:12.45wgreenhouseI have seen the TMC error a bit recently
06:12.52wgreenhouseafter days of using freeTether
06:13.28SineOtI'm bummed about the Veer being GSM only + nothing coming to Sprint
06:13.29wgreenhousenow I'm running jstop with automatic garbage collection to see if that can totally eliminate the problem
06:13.29ZingeI don't have TMC errors, but my phone sometimes decides it's done listening to me and freezes up for a bit :-)
06:13.41SineOtcame to Sprint for webOS, now I guess I'll leave Sprint for webOS :p
06:13.44ajayis convinced Palm needs to do a 1.4.6 or 1.5 for Pre-'s AT THE LEAST. ASAP.
06:14.19ZingeSineOt: I thought carriers for Pre3 at least were still up in the air?
06:14.51SineOtZinge: Sprint's like, "CEO Support Team" has said that they have no plans for future webOS devices
06:15.04SineOtand given the Pre3 is out in ~6 months, no plans right now means it probably won't happen
06:15.35ajayI do wonder why they specifically said what radios the Veer+Pre3 have in them... curious.. and why veer would be gsm-only.. weird..
06:16.09ZingeIt seems silly, but maybe it was a size issue?
06:16.23SineOtdoubt that
06:16.53wgreenhousehopes the TouchPad picks a sweet price point
06:16.54ZingeI know that it shouldn't matter, but maybe when they were sourcing parts the CDMA chip that they were able to get was a bit bigger?
06:17.01Zingeprobably not, but just a thought
06:17.03SineOtI think, and this is conjecture: the Veer is GSM only because it's the last device Palm, and PALM Palm not HP Palm, finished, and the decision for GSM only was made to cut costs
06:17.33SineOtGSM means one antenna design and it works pretty much anywhere in the world, CDMA means another antenna design and you can really only use it in like, 4 countries
06:17.38ajaySineOt: They're both the last device, afaic
06:18.09SineOtthe FCC filing for the Veer doesn't mention HP anywhere in it, so I think it's been "ready" for a while
06:18.22ajayantenna design is not difficult/expensive, especially with the way webOS hardware to-date has been designed
06:18.43wgreenhousewith modular, separate communications boards, you mean?
06:19.00SineOtno, but doing one board instead of two, regardless of the ease, would still be an added cost
06:20.19ajaySineOt: I'm sure sales easily replace that cost, especially since there's no pixi-form factor on 2 us carriers now (2 out of the big 3)
06:20.52wgreenhouseI wonder about that.
06:20.53ajayI think att is still the biggest carrier, but i have to imagine its days as such are numbered
06:21.15ZingeWell, I'm still hoping that around June-ish when I go to get a new phone, Sprint has decided to carry something new and webos-y. If not, I guess I'll get something else.
06:21.30SineOtSprint still carries the Pixi I think, as does ATT
06:21.31wgreenhouseajay: it seems as though smartphone customers lately find even the Pre's form factor too small
06:21.45wgreenhousethey've gotten used to gigantic rectangles that run Android and don't fit in pockets
06:22.02SineOtYeah, Sprint still carries the Pixi, and ATT still carries the Pixi+
06:22.03ajaywgreenhouse: it is for me, no doubt.. but some folks love'em pixis!
06:22.18SineOtI love my Pixi! And I have a huge boner for the Veer
06:22.22ajayi don't have my pixi in my pocket, i don't want to scratch it like rob did
06:22.31ajayerr, my pre, but whatever :)
06:22.49ajaywgreenhouse: See, otters will buy it
06:23.06wgreenhousegah--speaking of which, my little microfiber carry case just went missing again
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06:23.19ajaymicrofiber carry case? sounds hot!
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06:24.33SineOtotters have small pockets therefore small phones
06:24.47ajayLOVES autocompletion in ubuntu.. tar zxvf won't complete a filename ending in .bz2? why, of course not! SO SMART!
06:25.00SineOtbut at least they aren't sea otters where a fatty flap of skin in the armpit serves as a pocket for clams :U
06:25.04ajaydidn't know otters had pockets
06:25.32SineOtYeah sea otters will stuff things in their armpits to save for later
06:25.33wgreenhouseajay: it came with my ATT Pre+
06:25.42ZingeI probably have a couple still sitting in a drawer from my month-long exchange debacle trying to get a replacement phone that wasn't falling apart. Ended up wit a decent number of spare accessories though.
06:25.48wgreenhouseli'l gray and orange sleeve with the palm logo on the front
06:25.54ajaywgreenhouse: yum.. now if only palm gave devs microfiber cases, THAT'd change the equation! ;^)
06:25.57joebprewoot got ubercalendar working :-) metaview dev fixed it ... I had to remove all current patches
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06:26.12wgreenhouseyeah, I thought it was a thoughtful touch
06:26.28joebpreI'm on att pre +
06:26.29wgreenhouseI didn't have to drop $40 on some phone case on my way out of the store
06:26.30SineOtthe Pre came with a lot of stuff. Sleeve case, headphones...
06:26.35ajaywgreenhouse: is that OEM?? what.. damn
06:26.37joebpreI got mirco sleeve
06:26.37SineOtPixi came with a charger and a cable.
06:26.43ajayoh wait, THAT sleeve
06:26.47ajayi thought you said case..
06:26.48ajayignore me
06:26.50wgreenhouseajay: yeah, my phone came with an OEM sleeve and OEM earbuds
06:27.05wgreenhouseah, sorry my choice of vocabulary confused the issue
06:27.15ajaywgreenhouse: no your right i've called that a case before.. :)
06:27.36Zingesleeve, earbuds, charger, able, battery. I have about 6 of each. I give'em away as part favors.
06:27.47ajayyou're even.. i've just been dreaming about a case, and thinking about how i just bought 2 of those Vz touchstone deals, now I need to figure out what to do with the holster case..
06:27.50ajayuse it or sell it..
06:27.57joebprewhat are we talking about tonight ?
06:28.04ajayZinge: i want to come to your party! :)
06:28.23ajayjoebpre: good cross-compiling dev environments.. :)
06:28.45Zingestarts planning party for ajay
06:29.26Zingecross compiling meaning you can cross compile what you write, or that you can run the dev environment on different systems?
06:29.47ajaymaybe a sweet 16 or Quinceanera or debutante ball!
06:31.16ajayZinge: cross-compile/package what you write..
06:31.38ZingeGot it.
06:31.41ajayis compiling geany now.. hope FF doesn't get mad it doesn't get to go to 100% CPU
06:37.18oc80zfreaking NS_INT32SZ
06:37.42ajayyea yea
06:38.10ajaywonders why you should have to login to use ares..
06:39.57oilbecause they store your stuff
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06:41.38ajayyea, seems like they'd let you play, but i guess that makes sense..
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06:53.26ajayhm, ares is not super easy-to-use.. i hope the enyo upgrade gets some use fixes..
06:54.42wgreenhouseI hope there are some serious improvements (or alternate, 3rd-party viewers) for PDF Viewer in webos 2.0
06:54.53wgreenhouseone of the things I'd consider buying a TouchPad for is reading papers
06:55.02wgreenhouseat the moment the iPad rocks at that
06:55.08wgreenhousebut I have no desire to use iOS
06:55.34wgreenhousePDF viewer in webos 1.x is an incredible disappointment
06:56.05drzerowgreenhouse, with a side view patch it's OK
06:56.12wgreenhousedrzero: no, it's not.
06:56.19wgreenhouseit doesn't even have copy and paste
06:56.25wgreenhousethere are iOS pdf programs with annotation
06:56.28ajayyou can't read paper with a touchpad! sheesh.. ;^)
06:56.42ZingeIt seems to error out on a lot of random pdf's that work fine on desktops as well...
06:56.48wgreenhouseZinge: yeah
06:56.58wgreenhouseit's as bad as Linux pdf viewers were about 10 years ago
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06:57.05wgreenhousereally appalling
06:57.42wgreenhousethe landscape view patch just makes it legible at all, not any good
07:01.03ajaydtzWill: it's .. oh, haha that was my next q.. :)
07:01.32ZingeWell, work is over. Time to go home and be productive. Goodnight all.
07:01.43ajayOpenGL doesn't exist on the Pixi/+, right?
07:02.15dtzWillajay: well we WERE talking in PM
07:02.19dtzWilli mean no particular reason
07:02.21dtzWillguess i can take a hint
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07:03.04ajaydtzWill: well, nobody knew we were talking in PM until you said that! :) i figured i might as well throw that question out there.. ;^)
07:04.22dtzWillajay: i thought it did, lol.
07:04.22ajaywoa! hitting the launch button on Ares, um, launched! haha unexpected.. :)
07:04.34dtzWillthought it didn't used to or something
07:04.52dtzWillbut then it did and since sdl was broken that was what you were SUPPOSED to use for pdk stuff on the pixi
07:05.01dtzWillactually i'm rather sure of it b/c my emulators i've been porting to pixi and they use GL
07:05.04ajaydtzWill: the pixi does do OpenGL? oh..
07:05.23ajaydtzWill: Oh yes i think you're right!
07:05.39ajaythat's annoying..
07:08.11dtzWillwhat's annoying?
07:08.16dtzWillalso zomg we should pick pm or here
07:08.18dtzWillthe both is bad
07:08.24dtzWilli vote here, this is suitable for channel talk
07:08.35dtzWillkind of thing that's good to share with others
07:08.38dtzWillmiss having dev talk here
07:09.49ajaygood thing they destroyed the Pixi (no SDL) vs Pre (SDL) discrepancy then..
07:10.13ajaydtzWill: I have a (likely unworking) widk install
07:10.44dtzWillyuk yuk yuk
07:10.56ajaydtzWill: and if I want to build X11 Server on my pre, i just grab xserver off git.woi and it should be good to 'make'?
07:11.10dtzWillajay: ...on.. your...pre?
07:11.17dtzWillno it has all kinds of deps
07:11.21dtzWillthat are all in the wIDK
07:11.26ajayyeah ok
07:11.28dtzWillcheck the WIDK's xserver makefile to see what they are
07:11.33ajayi'll check if my widk is broke or not..
07:11.57ajaydamn i wish i downloaded that dude's Linux P/SDK when he posted it.. now the link's broke and he won't reply to anyone.. d'oh!
07:13.10dtzWillwonders if his copy of the WIDK still works
07:13.33ajayoh somebody told me they've made updates to widk since i last played with it, so maybe i should restart with the directions..
07:16.10ajayi should be able to just do a 'git checkout' of xserver, right?
07:16.31dtzWillajay: git clone
07:16.51dtzWillajay: but like i said it'll expected various deps to be staged
07:16.58dtzWill(headers, etc, for the build)
07:17.06dtzWilland libraries at runtime
07:17.14dtzWillthat's just the server itself in that source tree.
07:17.29ajaydtzWill: but you said all that stuff's in the widk right?
07:17.36dtzWillso just grab the widk
07:17.58ajaydtzWill: i already said i had the widk :)
07:19.03dtzWillcd packages/x/xorg-server
07:19.22dtzWillmake stage ARCH=armv7
07:19.31dtzWillalthough i think the ARCH'll default to armv7, don't remember.
07:19.38ajayno target to make
07:19.54dtzWill'stage' is a target :(
07:20.07ajayoh wait
07:20.47ajaydtzWill: where do i put the git clone then?
07:21.00dtzWillno no
07:21.00dtzWilli mean
07:21.02dtzWillin the WIDK
07:21.04dtzWilljust cd as i said
07:21.06dtzWilland run the make command
07:21.12dtzWilland it'll grab all the source and deps and build them all
07:21.30ajayok it ran a bunch of cmds, but that didn't take long at all
07:22.00dtzWilland if you wanna poke at the source to make changes or w/e, look into build/src in the xorg-server directory.
07:22.17dtzWillajay: I think there's some disconnect, and i apologize for that.
07:22.27dtzWillajay: what are you doing, and/or pastebin it so i can see?
07:22.46ajayoh so i didn't have to git clone, haha wasting WOI bandwidth then
07:23.00ajaydtzWill: i did exactly what you said
07:23.08dtzWillajay: it'll clone it anyway iirc.
07:23.13ajayi just don't think i'm in kansas anymore
07:23.18dtzWillbut yeah that was an 'extra' clone, no worries.
07:23.23dtzWillajay: nah, WIDK is webos-internals voodoo
07:23.51ajaydtzWill: and you were right, armv7 looks like it was default.. (esp from sb2)
07:24.11ajaydtzWill: and then?
07:24.16ajayrun configure?
07:24.20dtzWillajay: nopers
07:24.30ajayloses at final jeopardy
07:24.36dtzWillnah you're just too hands-on ;)
07:24.44dtzWillWIDK should do it for you, until it doesn't in which case we'll have fun.
07:25.00dtzWillso from the xorg-server directory in the WIDK tree
07:25.11dtzWillrun the make stage ARCH=armv7 command
07:25.16dtzWilland it should take some time
07:25.19dtzWillto build a bunch of stuff
07:25.31dtzWilldownloading things as necessary, etc
07:25.50dtzWillterminating, ultimately, with building xorg-server
07:25.56ajaydtzWill: wait isn't that the same dir and cmd you had me run earlier?
07:26.01dtzWillajay: it is.
07:26.13dtzWilldoes it not build things for a long time?
07:26.16dtzWillsome error?
07:26.20dtzWillor do you have it built already? :)
07:26.36ajayif i did, i didn't know, and it wasn't today
07:26.46ajaywould it have built when i install widk?
07:27.34dtzWillif by install
07:27.36dtzWillyou mean build
07:27.37dtzWillthen yes
07:27.44ajaywow, that was fast
07:27.53ajayso fast, i was done before i started
07:28.09dtzWillthe build part works and whatnot, or was the more-working part
07:28.11dtzWillPACKAGING it
07:28.16dtzWillwas a trick
07:28.18dtzWilli just did by myself
07:28.23dtzWilland never properly scripted and whatnot
07:28.26dtzWillsorry to say.
07:28.43ajayso all these days i've been trying to collaborate with you, i already had everything i needed. that's just great
07:28.48dtzWilland of course i mostly forgot myself >_>
07:28.55dtzWilli'm sorry, have you been trying to reach me?!
07:28.59ajaynot actively :)
07:29.02dtzWilli didn't mean to ignore you i promise :(
07:29.12ajayit was more "let's figure this out later!"
07:29.17dtzWillah, kk
07:29.24dtzWillwhat're you interested in? X at all?
07:29.36ajaydid you note down what you did to package it?
07:29.45ajaydtzWill: I'm not interested in anything anymore..
07:30.03dtzWillajay: i didn't, because i'm just that awesome.
07:30.05dtzWilluhhhh.... job security.
07:30.25ajaysemi-kidding.. i was interested in Maemo stuff (was the original context of our convos)
07:31.08dtzWillah that's right.
07:31.30ajayi know there's others that have been craving some X11 action, and i've been curious why it wasn't workable in 1.4.5
07:31.39ajaywhat's the "pardon jail thing"?
07:31.48wgreenhouseajay: I thought it was workable, just with some finesse
07:31.59ajaywgreenhouse: woa i don't know what kind of person you think i am
07:32.09wgreenhouseajay: huh?
07:32.10ajayX11 has to at least buy me a drink
07:32.31dtzWillajay: 1.4.5 started jailing apps
07:32.39wgreenhouseajay: I don't think you know what kind of entity X11 is, then :)
07:32.40ajaydtzWill: right, and that was the problem
07:32.41dtzWillthe architecture i had for the packages for X was to have it share libraries and resources
07:32.52ajaywgreenhouse: to X11 I say -- Well I never!
07:32.55dtzWillajay: so there's some file you can crfeate to turn off jailing
07:33.04dtzWillthat just makes it work
07:33.13ajaydtzWill: turn off jailling?
07:33.20ajayoo that's hot.. that'll teach X11 a lesson
07:33.23wgreenhouseyeah, it's a one-line file you create, AFAIR
07:33.57wgreenhouseajay: Maemo is hot.  I still like the idea of a debian-like system on mobiles
07:33.59ajaydtzWill: wait if it's a 1-line file why didn't you do it months ago?? /me confused
07:34.01wgreenhousetoo bad meego seems to be going nowhere
07:34.06ajaywgreenhouse: yeah
07:34.10ajaywgreenhouse: and yea :(
07:34.12rwhitbyecho "pardon" > /etc/nojail
07:34.20dtzWillrwhitby: ty. was just searching logs :)
07:34.47ajaydtzWill: So how did X11 work, like i'd launch the X package first, then xterm/whatnot?
07:34.53nirvso nobody can seem to figure out my sprint palm pre problem
07:34.54dtzWillajay: and repackaging it to avoid that made me sad and then i forgot how to package it and had some weird library error that didn't let me do what i wanted that i couldn't resolve.
07:35.04dtzWillpretty weak reason to quit, but that's how things go sometimes
07:35.12ajaywould each of these apps have to individual pardon jailling? or..
07:35.21nirvsomething in the background in the last few days started using the internet connection (EVDO) and it's sucking up all my battery
07:35.30ajaywould jailling be disabled for all apps run after that? if so, then that sounds like a bad path
07:35.43dtzWillajay: globally disables it
07:35.46dtzWillajay: and yes not the best.
07:35.48rwhitbyyes and yes
07:35.56ajaydtzWill: ok then you're right, not the path to go, apologies :)
07:36.01dtzWillajay: that's why i didn't just add an on-install line to X11 to do that xD
07:36.34ajaydtzWill: So my question about launching an app
07:36.38ajayhow does that work?
07:36.48dtzWilllike xterm?
07:37.04ajaywhat's the full process, and what's the relationship to 1.4.5 jailling
07:37.08dtzWillidk if this is the best design >_
07:37.24ajaylike, would putting the X11 package in user-space, instead of jail-space, be enough to solve the situation?
07:37.29dtzWillbiggest thing was shared libraries and fonts and all that jazz
07:37.32rwhitbydtzWill: actually, since then I have worked out a way to disable jailing for an individual app
07:37.42dtzWillajay: well libraries tend to like filesystems that support symlinks
07:37.56dtzWillrwhitby: oh really.
07:38.08dtzWillrwhitby: i should talk to you more often. :D
07:38.13ajaybut we're not really talking an 'individual app' are we?
07:38.23dtzWillwell per-app, which /is/ the point.
07:39.09ajaySo i'm still colored a little confused.. few questions..
07:39.22rwhitbydtzWill: last line of
07:39.26ajay1) When you run a jailled app, does the jail include all existing jails?
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07:40.30ajay2) First, one needs to launches X11, which starts in a card, right?
07:40.59rwhitbyno, individual apps can launch it as part of launching themselves. yes it's in a card
07:41.03ajay3) hitting the xterm launcher icon will drop xterm on the active X11 connection.
07:41.19ajayok, then 3 isn't accurate either
07:41.22rwhitbyno, it will start a server in a card and launch xterm
07:41.35ajaywill each app launch its own server then?
07:41.48rwhitbyI believe so, but dtzWill would know better
07:41.55wgreenhouseisn't there some rootless X11+VNC option for running X apps, too?
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07:42.31ajaymakes angry birds confused noise at X11+VNC
07:43.03ajaydtzWill: so was that yes, an X server for every X app?
07:43.09wgreenhouseajay: I believe there was some project to run basically a background X service in webos
07:43.24wgreenhousewhich one would then connect to via a vnc connection to localhost
07:43.25ajaydoes one see the X server in the background of the app, or does the app take fullscreen?
07:43.48ajaywgreenhouse: Interesting!
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07:44.26ajaywait.. but then all the launched X apps would be on the same X window, no?
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07:44.43rwhitbytry it and see
07:45.02wgreenhouseajay: I believe that results in the same weirdly-shaped X display, in which one could then mouse around
07:45.44wgreenhouserwhitby: am I looking for ?
07:46.03rwhitbyno, that's something different
07:46.13wgreenhousehmm.  what am I looking for? :)
07:46.22wgreenhousethe example I read about was OpenOffice on a Pre
07:46.43rwhitbywgreenhouse: depends what you are looking for
07:46.44ajaythrows up a little in his mouth at mention of on a pre
07:47.04wgreenhouserwhitby: I'm looking for a rootless setup for a Pre
07:47.09wgreenhousewhich one connects to via localhost VNC
07:47.10rwhitbyajay: more or less than a mention of emacs on a Pre ?
07:47.13wgreenhousedoes that exist?
07:47.35rwhitbydunno, I never personally got into the whole X on Pre stuff other than helping dtzWill with packaging his stuff.
07:47.40ajayrwhitby: I have no problems with emacs, it's only eighty-megs and constantly swapping.. oo is way more than that!
07:47.54wgreenhouseajay: the joke was actually eight megs
07:47.57wgreenhouseback when that was huge
07:48.17ajaymakes more sense too :)
07:48.22wgreenhouseajay: and really, Emacs doesn't thrash systems anymore.  it looks modest in requirements compared to modern IDEs
07:48.26ajaywgreenhouse: why rootless? why VNC?
07:48.37ajaywgreenhouse: i know i know :)
07:48.47rwhitbyemacs is way smaller than eclipse, so I don't think that joke holds any more ...
07:48.49wgreenhouseajay: because a VNC client for webos already existed
07:48.51dtzWillrwhitby: ty for the link
07:48.55dtzWillis back, reading backlog 1 sec
07:49.24dtzWilli don't remember what version got published.
07:49.36dtzWilli'm inclined to say the version in preware, etc, would try to share x servesr
07:50.22dtzWillwgreenhouse: i think there was some xvfb stuff yes.
07:50.28ajayboth ways seem possible.. seems like it could depend on how the app was launched
07:50.34ajayis there a WOI wiki for x?
07:50.38wgreenhousedtzWill: any iodea where to find info on it?
07:51.31ajayi can't find anything.. seems like collecting some of this discussion into a wiki page'd be good
07:51.43dtzWillajay: the link you sent was about our xorg-server work
07:51.46ajayobjections?  if not, page name suggestion?
07:51.48dtzWillnot the rootless stuff.
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07:51.55dtzWilli wasn't art of that, not sure i that i remember the details of the xvfb stuff
07:52.01ajaydtzWill: it was about OO, yeah :)
07:52.07dtzWillthink it was debianchroot+xvfb+vnc client
07:52.13wgreenhousedtzWill: yeah
07:52.19wgreenhousesome of the vnc pages allude to that vaguely
07:53.08ajayxvfb? interesting..
07:54.09dtzWilli might have made that up.
07:54.15dtzWillthought it was some x-to-framebuffer implementation.
07:54.54ajayso there are multiple paths to work on
07:55.16dtzWillxtightvncserver apparently
07:55.19dtzWillmy mistake
07:55.22wgreenhouseyeah, tightvnc:
07:55.27dtzWill seems to be what i was thinking of anyway
07:55.28ajayI'm interested in exploring the put-X-inside-the-jail solution
07:55.42dtzWillajay: honestly shouldn't be terribly hard.
07:55.49dtzWillmore exactly i see no reason that it wouldn't work.
07:55.54dtzWillbut might take some ...::efort::
07:56.18ajayseems like it shouldn't be very difficult..
07:56.32dtzWillgood. it does seem straightforward, i just didn't wanna jinx it ;)
07:56.42dtzWillor you, since it seems like you'll be doing it :P
07:56.54ajayI don't know if the X binary i accidentally built has hard-coded paths though?
07:57.03ajaylike if it's looking for X in /media/cryptofs...
07:57.10ajay(or libraries or fonts or whatever..)
07:57.20ajayi guess there's got to be hard-coded somewhere
07:57.32dtzWilla bunch of it
07:57.34dtzWillis way more hard-coded
07:57.37dtzWillthan one would hope.
07:57.38rwhitbynotes that --rpath is good for those things
07:57.46ajayrpath.. sounds familiar
07:57.50dtzWillit also needs to know where ot find the various x resources
07:57.58dtzWillnot just the libraries. rpath fixes that
07:58.26dtzWillyay i comment my hardcoding in the xorg-server makefile
07:58.30ajaywho can introduce me to this Mr/Mrs --rpath? ;^)
07:58.35ajaygoogle fails
07:59.57ajay ?
08:00.15dtzWilljudging from the url name, 100%
08:02.36ajayoh /usr is tiny.. this is the problem
08:04.24ajayand /opt will be a little underwhelmingly sized for most..
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08:07.35rwhitbyyep, the only sizable space on a webOS device is vfat formatted in /media/cryptofs/
08:08.15ajayoh wait this stuff is small huh?  xorg is like 1.3 MB, xlib like 2 mb
08:08.51ajaythis could all go in /opt
08:09.47ajaythis is going to take a recompile..
08:10.00rwhitbywell, that would make the X11 stuff depend on optware.  there was once an idea that some of them might be submitted to the app catalog
08:10.06ajaybut it's sleepy time..
08:10.18ajaysome of the X apps?
08:10.40ajaywell, dtz's other idea was to package X WITH the X apps, so that's always possible
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08:11.43ajayi don't think there's any other idea that would be appcat-able.. are services appcat-friendly?
08:12.02ajaycould linphone get in the AC?
08:13.01wgreenhousewebos needs a package manager less like the appcat, and more like Preware
08:14.12ajayi'm down
08:14.32ajaybut maybe you don't want dependencies in your AC
08:20.13ajayok, will get back to that, and ya'll later..
08:20.20*** join/#webos-internals woznotwoz (639af6f6@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:20.25ajayi feel bad that we had such a rousing discussion, to not bring it to completion!
08:20.56woznotwozHi everyone
08:21.02ajaywell, ya'll are welcome to explore that xvfb+vnc solution and any other rootless or Appcat-friendly methods while i sleep, and prepare for evil dentist(s)
08:21.16ajaywoznotwoz: you either are or you aren't!! ;^)
08:22.14rwhitbywoznotwoz: g'day
08:22.43woznotwozI definitely am woz, but I am not woz.
08:23.07woznotwozhee hee
08:23.43woznotwozI don't want to interrupt the conversation, which ajay said was rousing.
08:24.09ajayit seems to have diminished, i hope it will continue on.. "For the glory!" as they say
08:24.17ajayopenoffice, appcats et al..
08:24.22ajayyeah the appcat q never even got answered.
08:25.12ajayok, nite!
08:25.25woznotwozWhat I wanted to find out about was the linphone I saw tweeted about.
08:25.41woznotwozanyone know about that?
08:27.39rwhitbywoznotwoz: yep
08:28.04woznotwozIs it a softphone?
08:28.14rwhitbySIP VoIP client
08:28.22rwhitbybased on linphone, surprisingly ;)
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15:56.40joebpreanyone get the verizon serial ?
15:58.24halfhalounique, I know, but it is a serial
16:02.00destinal-workhalfhalo:  I think he's asking for a verizon serial # to obtain the verizon dotor URL.  not sure though
16:02.06destinal-work1 won't do it :)
16:06.32joebpreshould be easy I'm gonna sift through youtube videos and catch somebody slippin :-)
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16:23.50Josef_Bor maybe not
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17:25.52k[li hear that most handhelds have adopted opkg..
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18:44.41phoque_uniThibaud, what was the URL to Linphone again?
18:45.57Josef_Bwow life
18:50.26phoque_uniI only had the 0.1.3 one
18:50.42phoque_uniwich doesn't seem to be "upgradeable" to a 1.5 or 1.6 URL
18:52.40Thibaudphoque_uni: can you help me remember what your device is? :)
18:52.49phoque_uniPalm Pre 1
18:52.59phoque_uniI'm using Sipgate, a german public VoIP provider
18:53.09phoque_unilast time it got stuck in REG_PENDING
18:54.59Thibaudphoque_uni: yeah, 0.1.3 had a bad bug that would stick you in this state.
18:55.04phoque_uniah, ok
18:55.44phoque_uniThibaud, so is there any chance I could continue participating in the testing? :-)
18:57.12Thibaudphoque_uni: sure, but let me tease you! May I suggest you stay tuned to the P|C alpha thread, the very first upgrade information was there ( Last version is 0.1.6 (see most recent posts...). ;)
18:57.33Thibauds/was/was given/
18:57.59Thibaudinfobot: thank you, you've been very helpful this time
18:57.59infobotmy pleasure, Thibaud
18:58.33Thibaudphoque_uni: Last version ... is 0.1.6 (see most recent posts...). ;)
18:59.56Thibaudphoque_uni: 0.1.6 should make your alpha-testing session more interesting! ;)
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19:01.25phoque_uniI missed the -pre part
19:02.04Thibaudphoque_uni: yep! Now back on tracks you are... ;)
19:02.43Thibaudphoque_uni: stay tuned then
19:07.58Josef_Bim looking at a patch for universal search
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19:08.24Josef_Bcommand line .. looks like i can do .emoo .qmemo etc .. is this the closest thing there is for adding stuff to the universal window when looking up stuff
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19:13.46phoque_uniit's working perfectly
19:13.50phoque_unialthough he isn't here
19:13.54phoque_uniThibaud rocks
19:14.15phoque_uniit's so nicely done
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19:23.59helea_Uterineany news on the VIOP app?
19:24.37helea_UterineYo quiero VOIP
19:27.19phoque_universion 0.1.6 is out
19:27.31phoque_uniI am not sure I am allowed to tell you more
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19:38.42ajay_you are.. like a touchstone? ;^)
19:39.29Josef_Bajay_ what does that mean ?
19:39.47ajay_oops, wrong channel.. ;^)
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19:48.51Josef_Banyone use tht keytoss search ?
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19:54.26cheetahw26I have webOS 1.4.5 ... and for the life of me I can't seem to connect to my UNIX mail server via IMAP with a self-signed cert... I installed the cert via Certificate Manager, but I still get error 'The server's security certificate is not a trusted certificate'
20:00.48cheetahw26I poked around the javascript files a little bit in /usr/palm/application/  and found where the class that contains the errors, but my java knowledge isn't that great and I'm not certain which function is actually checking the cert
20:01.21cheetahw26anyone else run into this issue, or can help me to disable this check?
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20:07.56Josef_Bcheetahw26 jus wait for an answer
20:08.11cheetahw26I'm patient :)
20:08.25Josef_Bthats what they all say
20:09.23phoque_unicheetahw26: what part of the key did you load in your Pre
20:09.26phoque_uniand wich one in the server?
20:09.51cheetahw26oh I thought it may still encrypt the info...
20:10.00phoque_uniyes, it will
20:10.14phoque_unibut you will not notice if somebody is pretending to be your server
20:10.30phoque_unii.e. on a public WiFi
20:11.02ajay_cheetahw26: you use the cert from desktop softwares w/o errors?
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20:11.17ajay_I know i have hostname issues occassionally on the desktop
20:11.42cheetahw26I'm using the same cert for https on apache, so I just opened Internet Explorer viewed and exported it... I attempted both options that read: DER encoded binary X.509 (.CER) and Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER)
20:12.11cheetahw26yes actually I can browse to the site using the built-in webos browser with no errors
20:12.47phoque_uniI am not sure but don't certificates always consist of two parts?
20:12.53phoque_unia private key and a public one
20:12.59phoque_uniright now you only have the public part
20:13.35phoque_uniyou server needs the private key
20:13.47ajay_the private key is private for a reason :)
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20:14.11phoque_uniI thought it was his IMAP server
20:14.14phoque_union his own server
20:14.22cheetahw26I have a smtpd.pem file that I created which I'm using for postfix and apache, which contains both the RSA Private Key and the Certificate
20:14.49ajay_phoque_uni: the private key is private to the server, it's not supposed to be spread around
20:14.57phoque_uniI know
20:15.11phoque_uniI was aiming at "are web- and mail-server using the same cert"?
20:15.11ajay_there's a bunch of posts online complaining about this
20:15.24ajay_oh oops :)
20:15.31helea_Uterine2:51:49 PM EST :  Connected to   2:51:49 PM EST :  Session ID: 2205961   2:51:49 PM EST : Dan McCarthy: Initial Question/Comment: Will my $150 upgrade eligibility be reduced to 75$ after April 1st? due to change in the premiere program?   2:51:55 PM EST :  Cindy T. has joined this session!   2:51:55 PM EST :  Connected with Cindy T.. Your Reference Number for this chat session is 2205961.   2:51:55 P
20:16.04cheetahw26yes web and mail server are using the same cert...
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20:17.19phoque_uniah ok
20:17.28cheetahw26in apache I have both the SSLCertificateFile and the SSLCertificateKeyFile pointing to that same smtpd.pem
20:17.42Josef_B.keytoss anyone ?
20:18.09helea_Uterine02/16/2011 03:07:54PMAgent (Cindy T.): "I have checked the details and found that we are considering to launch the HP pre 3 but as of now we do not have and tentative date of launching when it will be launched or about to launch it will reflect on our webist and you will also receive the email"
20:18.35helea_UterineThat was a chat with sprint
20:19.26ajay_helea_Uterine: I mean, I hate to advocate "wait-and-see," but.. really, the probing seems a much more frustrating approach for a person..
20:19.38cheetahw26it's probably an issue with the cert... I'll recreate it using a different method and split up the key and the cert, that's most likely the issue
20:19.57helea_UterineAnal probs are fun
20:19.57ajay_i would be down with pushing sprint, and maybe asking them just so they know there's interest, better yet asking to get something in writing, but otherwise..
20:20.15phoque_unicheetahw26, why is the way you're using the cert in Apache of interest?
20:20.59ajay_yeah actually my key and cert are always separate, i didn't catch that when you said before..
20:21.37ajay_cheetahw26: as I started to say though, just make sure "common name in your cert has to be the actual fqdn of your mail server"
20:21.41cheetahw26works everywhere else... I can connect via thunderbird, windows mail, etc. so I didn't think about that
20:22.06ajay_it's interesting that thunderbird/etc don't kick an error.. hmm..
20:23.05ajay_cheetahw26: did you put your CA's cert on the phone too? oh wait you don't have a CA, right.. ;^)
20:24.57helea_Uterineanyone can gimmie info on VOIP?
20:25.36phoque_unihelea_Uterine, you'll have to wait for Thibaud
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20:33.30helea_UterineIs Pre 2 gui accelerated UI
20:33.53helea_UterineDoes not look like the Touchpad is
20:34.14ajay_you mean hardware accelerated? the launcher is from what i've read
20:35.23SineOtyeah, right now the launcher is QT and as such hardware accelerated
20:35.31SineOtand the rest of the UI is planned to be from what I can remember
20:36.42helea_Uterinewhat;s QT
20:37.13ajay_"what's QT got to do, got to do with it"
20:37.38helea_Uterinenice song
20:37.40ajay_wait, Qt?? Like, Nokia?
20:38.11helea_UterineI've heard ppl talk about it before
20:38.49ajay_i've not heard that anywhere.. if that was true that'd be sooo exciting
20:39.10SineOtyes, but it's not open to well... anything else
20:39.20SineOtpretty sure it's just there to support the launcher and you can't do anything else with it
20:39.23ajay_Palm with the burn
20:39.58ajay_man i hope Myriad releases Alien Dalvik for webOS
20:41.44ajay_I would so pay for that just for google Nav.. and if they got gVoice.. i could die in peace :)
20:45.53helea_UterineWebOS internals should make a google voice app. Voogle is pathetic
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20:46.43ajay_helea_Uterine: you interested in working on such a thing?
20:47.49helea_UterineYes. I'll Alpha and beta test
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21:12.50cheetahw26no deal... I created a new cert separating the certificate file from the public key, then deleted the saved cert in palm's Certificate Manager, then installed the new cert, then re-entered all of the account info and I still get the same error 'The server's certificate is not a trusted certificate.'
21:13.02cheetahw26the common name on the cert is the same as the fqdn of the server
21:13.39cheetahw26I can see the attempts in both dovecot and postfix logs, but they just read that the device disconnected
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21:16.49cheetahw26palm messages log reads: 2011-02-16T21:15:27.997711Z [147887] palm-webos-device user.warning java: {com.palm.mail}: Wizard: Result=15 for IMAP... error code 15
21:17.59cheetahw26anyone know where the certs from Certificate Manager are stored in the webos ?
21:20.51ajay_cheetahw26: you could always 'chat' with Palm!
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21:23.49cheetahw26there's an idea :)
21:24.37ajay_here's the non-sprinty URL of that page btw, incase hitting 'chat' taks ya somewhere sprinty-crazy:,
21:24.50cheetahw26do they really make you install some .exe on your pc to chat with them ?
21:25.41cheetahw26logmeinrescue ...
21:26.17ajay_they should install that on your phone, heh.. you could call them too
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22:12.05cheetahw26looks like it may be a bug in ver. 1.4.5, but that it may not have been effected if you installed the cert using a previous version and the upgraded
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22:51.22dtzWillajay_: cya :)
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23:19.39boqopodhey all - I downloaded the WebOS Doc 1.4.5 for Vzw...  I have palm pre plus...  going to do a full restore - I have to press up volume button when I plug into USB when WebOS Doc says to connect phone?
23:19.48boqopodjust checking workflow.
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23:20.18SineOtYes, but you'll need to hold volume up when you're powering the phone on
23:20.29SineOtit should then display a giant USB icon
23:20.59boqopodo.k. so I plug the phone in when it is off when prompted by Doc, then turn phone on while holding up volume?
23:21.24SineOtyou don't have to plug it in, normally I put it into the recovery mode while not connected
23:21.51SineOtso basically: turn phone off, hold volume and while still holding press power, phone boots to USB logo, plug in for doctor
23:21.56boqopodo.k. - then once it is connected Doc sees it - and then the "next" button is available to me
23:23.12boqopodo.k. - held down  "up volume" and then power - I see "palm" logo   -  therefore I need to start over?
23:24.34SineOthold down up volume, then while still holding it down press power
23:24.43rwhitbyfollow that precisely
23:25.03boqopodthanks whitby
23:25.22boqopodthanks Sine+Louder
23:26.53boqopodit went to "palm" again -
23:27.12rwhitbyyou're not following it precisely then
23:33.10*** join/#webos-internals Adora (
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23:50.24*** join/#webos-internals Thibaud (
23:51.09ThibaudHi everyone! :)
23:51.49Thibaudinfobot: hi dude! How's life going these days?
23:51.50infobotMany greetings, dude! How's life going these days, most strange traveller, to this IRCdom of plenty.
23:51.59boqopodso the only way it went to "usb" icon was to plug in USB to phone, pull battery, replace battery while holding "volume up" button
23:52.06boqopodhey Thibaud
23:52.25Thibaudhi boqopod
23:53.56Thibaudboqopod: I can feel some symmetry in your name, a palindrome in fact, quite nice ;)
23:54.29SineOtthat's not a palindrome... ;p
23:54.47SineOtboqopod <-> dopoqob
23:54.51rwhitbyit's a reflective palindrome
23:55.13rwhitbyabout a central axis
23:55.18boqopodI own bp.pd, boq.pod, bqopd & boqopod
23:55.26boqopodthey were all pre internet
23:57.12Thibaudrwhitby: you're right, a reflective palindrome!
23:59.33boqopodwell - I'm gonna let my Pre Plus finish it's course and watch V and House MD - have a good night folks

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