IRC log for #webos-internals on 20110116

00:03.53*** mode/#webos-internals [+v rick-dumped] by ChanServ
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00:23.49MinchkinHow do I get to the Palm SDK on Ubuntu?
00:24.04MinchkinIt is downloaded and installed... Hmmm
00:24.31rwhitbyoil: heh, no, in that case it's an intelligence tax
00:33.47destinalMinchkin: all the docs on how to use SDK are on  there's not a single sdk icon but various features.
00:33.59destinalmost of which available from command line
00:34.40MinchkinI see that now... Dang. Started the Emulator and now I have to roll back VirtualBox.
00:34.47MinchkinAny clue how to do that?
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01:11.44Tibfibwhat's the easiest and fastest way to ssh into my pre 2?
01:13.13rwhitbyTibfib: OpenSSH from Preware + setup keys.  But I usually just use novaterm myself.
01:13.30TibfibI'd have to do the windows method, right?
01:13.32MinchkinHow the hell do I make a workspace directory??
01:14.49rwhitby"mkdir ~/workspace" ?
01:15.04MinchkinOh. Hmm
01:16.15destinalTibfib: by easiest and fastest, do you prefer sshing in with a password rather than keys?
01:16.48TibfibI do prefer a password, but I think novaterm'll do it
01:17.01Tibfibjust need to copy over my app to the usb drive so I can grab it
01:17.39destinalTibfib: you can copy it to the device with novacom put file:///media/internal/whatever-file < whatever-file
01:19.14destinalTibfib: what are you trying to do with the file on the device?
01:19.56TibfibI got it! I was trying to transfer my installed app to the usb drive so I can grab it for my computer.
01:20.14Tibfibnow to figure out why the crap the installed version works and my emu doesn't!
01:23.27*** join/#webos-internals oil_pre (~oil@
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01:26.16*** join/#webos-internals PuffTheMagic (~PuffTheMa@unaffiliated/puffthemagic)
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02:14.27TibfibFINALLY figured it out
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02:24.22MinchkinSomeone want to REALLY teach me how to code an app?
02:24.39MinchkinLike what are the different commands when coding and things like that....
02:25.40MinchkinOh... And the Palm-inspector command isn't working
02:29.03sempranceis the emulator running?
02:30.31semprancealso if you want to look at how a simple app works, use palm-generate to create the hello world app
02:31.40*** join/#webos-internals etx_ (
02:36.08MinchkinYeah. The app was running in inspector mode too...
02:36.17MinchkinI don't get what is going on...
02:36.42MinchkinIt gives me this: palm-inspector: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
02:37.54TibfibMinchkin: search around the webOS Development forum, there are a few tutorials
02:38.03MinchkinOk. Thx
02:38.04Tibfiband webOS dev stuff is more for #webOS
02:38.24Tibfibat least you're more likely to get mojo related help there
02:55.54*** join/#webos-internals dgathright (
03:01.51*** join/#webos-internals TayTaBBB (d0fb7e82@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:01.58TayTaBBBanyone here?
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03:05.19*** join/#webos-internals sega01 (
03:05.26sega01hey everyone
03:05.41sega01is there a patch to make the mail client accept invalid SSL certs?
03:06.23sega01hrm, i guessed i could have checked that on preware while mail was up
03:07.57sega01i don't see anything in preware for it
03:10.01*** part/#webos-internals oil_pre (~oil@
03:10.44sega01or i guess, self signed more rather
03:12.19sega01ah, i'll try this:
03:20.47sega01i copied the crt file with no luck. i'
03:21.05sega01*i'm no SSL expert though, and i'm not sure how the SSL library in the pre's works
03:27.00sega01any ideas?
03:29.29MinchkinRick-home: Do you have an idea on how to help this poor guy?
03:34.03*** join/#webos-internals Jack87_ (
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04:14.49rick-homeMinchkin -- sorry I was spaced out.
04:14.54rick-homesega01  you still here?
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05:02.16Tibfibdang, I'm excited for the tablet
05:03.51*** join/#webos-internals dgathright (
05:04.10PuyffTheMagicwhere did they get the 8th?
05:06.12Jack87is dreaming of WebOS TVs.... HP did make TVs for awhile prolly still do!
05:06.22*** join/#webos-internals venefyxatu (~venefyxat@unaffiliated/venefyxatu)
05:06.35rick-homeho can license webOS onto lg tv's.
05:06.55Jack87rick-home, why LG TVs?
05:07.00rick-homewants Phil McKinney's roll-printed touchscreen display tech as his wallpaper.
05:07.45rick-homeWhen Phil was at dev day in nyc, he kept making gestures in relation to the idea of large screen webos devices that were... how best to describe this...   "large"
05:08.25Jack87used to sell these at costco
05:08.53Jack87they were a lot less money than that though
05:10.02Jack87idea of HP TVs with webos sounds very real
05:10.13Jack87netflix for webos will follow
05:10.45sega01rick-home: i'm back
05:10.51rick-homeyeah...  but see, Phil was doing things like gesturing at an 8 foot folding table...
05:11.05rick-homethink of it as a three meter diagonal screen.
05:11.44Jack87thinks it will replace chalk/white boards :)
05:12.19Jack87hehe think about changing cards as a teacher to go to a new board
05:12.36Jack87and writing with your finger! it be fun
05:12.46rick-hometake the hp display stuff, glue it onto a 4x8 sheet of masonite, and cover it with a wear layer.
05:13.10rick-homesega01  -- did you solve your problem?
05:13.54sega01no, i have not
05:14.03sega01i copied the crt SSL cert over
05:14.07rick-homeok,  so, fill me in.  What's the issue?
05:14.08sega01not sure if i need to reboot the phone or not after that
05:14.27sega01the mail client in webos 1.4.5 doesn't like self signed certs
05:14.42rick-homewhat happens?
05:14.46sega01only fix i saw was to copy the pem file over, but the crt seemed like it should work
05:14.59sega01it gives an error, like the certificate being invalid and doesn't let you continue
05:15.03rick-homemakes sense to me.
05:15.07sega01i can try it again to give you the exact message. it's been reported a lot
05:15.23rick-homethat's ok.  Not much point unless we come up with a fix.
05:15.37rick-homeSo, you're trying a fix, but haven't re-booted?
05:15.45sega01i'll do that
05:15.58sega01it was just copying the .crt file to /usr/share/ssl
05:16.10sega01i'm not sure what the SSL library does with them, if it needs to symlink them somewhere or do any fancy magic
05:16.36Jack87reboot solves all..... (usually)
05:16.47sega01ok, rebooting
05:20.54sega01it gives the error again
05:21.07sega01"The server's security certificate is not a trusted certificate"
05:21.26sega01i've looked in preware for patches
05:21.29rick-homesega01  ok -- is this YOUR email site, or is it a work site or what?
05:21.41rick-homeand is it imap or an exchange server or what?
05:21.52sega01POP3, mine
05:22.00sega01i can not use SSL,  but i'd prefer not to
05:22.17rick-homeoh that's ok, I'm just trying to get my head around the problem.
05:22.33rick-homeOK,  so,  what's the expiration date of the cert on the server set to?
05:22.44sega01i don't think it's expired, but it's self signed
05:22.46sega01let me check
05:22.59rick-homeYou get the same message either way.
05:24.09sega01expires in 2036 :-)
05:24.22*** join/#webos-internals GNUtoo|laptop (
05:24.57destinal-sleepsega01: perhaps this will work for you
05:25.38rick-homeok,  now,  you copied your private key to the phone ???
05:25.48sega01to /usr/share/ssl
05:25.53sega01let me try that certificate manager
05:27.01sega01i have no preferences or certificate manager under device info
05:27.27rick-homewhat os version are you on?
05:28.25rick-homeand you go to device info, and preferences, and you do NOT have a certificate manager?
05:28.55sega01phone preferences is only for network. device info has no certificate manager that i can see
05:30.12rick-homedevice manager -- menu -- ?  no preferences?
05:30.47sega01ohh, weird
05:30.52sega01it didn't show the preferences button
05:31.01sega01it was hidden under phone offline (it's not with any carrier atm)
05:31.11rick-homedev phone.
05:31.31sega01for now, i may replace my android with it
05:31.38sega01got it at work for $50
05:31.48rick-homeandroid drives me freaking up the wall nuts.
05:31.52sega01cryptk has been showing me how awesome they are. i thought i couldn't go wrong with one to play with
05:32.06sega01mine is a bit beat up but still outshines the android by far
05:32.20rick-homeI will be SO happy when I get somehting other than android on this here tablet...
05:32.29sega01the nook color?
05:32.49sega01cryptk has been showing me his. you guys have made great progress with it
05:32.54rick-homeka6sox  I want SOMEHTING OTHER THAN ANDROID on this nook color.
05:33.18ka6soxcan hear rick-home *without* a computer or telephone.
05:33.40rick-homeandroids going to drive me to do something irresponsible.
05:33.57sega01where is the documents folder that certificate manager uses?
05:34.05sega01i've mounted it and am looking for where to drop it
05:34.20Jack87wishes his nook color could fly
05:34.41sega01nevermind, it uses everything in that partition
05:34.58Jack87android is not too bad on the nook color. andorid i general can use some work. however i wasnt the biggest fan on evo. i mean it was nice but i missed my pre.
05:35.09sega01the evo is absolutely huge
05:35.19sega01i hate only having a soft keyboard on my mytouch4g
05:35.36sega01even in my youth, i can't seem to figure out how to type effectively with no tactile feedback
05:35.40sega01i got the cert loaded. this thing is awesome
05:35.58sega01now to retype my horrific SMTP password
05:36.34Jack87loves palm keyboards but does miss graffiti
05:36.57Jack87my i500 oh that was an awesome phone lol palm os 4
05:37.21Jack87flip phone with a regular keyboard and stylus + graffiti
05:37.28rick-homewe need graffiti for webOS.
05:37.36rick-homeI installed graffiti on the Nook.
05:37.47Jack87meta touch and graffiti gestures on entire screen
05:37.57Jack87rick-home, i couldnt get it to work right on the nook
05:38.06rick-homeI haven't tried yet.
05:38.16rick-homeI suspect it's a resolution related problem just like swype
05:38.17Jack87anyway i need shower.. people are asking me to go socialize.
05:40.20sega01is there a simple way to get it to make password fields visible?
05:40.35rick-homeapp dependent
05:40.41sega01ah :-/
05:42.58sega01i got in :-)
05:43.14sega01now to see if i can reply inline, bottom posting in text only
05:43.28rick-homeseee....  One of the coolest parts about a truely OPEN phone is, even if you hadn't, we could figure out why.
05:44.14sega01i've got openssh running on the phone. coolest thing ever to login as root with it
05:45.17ka6soxhiya sega01
05:45.57sega01hey ka6sox
05:46.25rick-homesega01  you have terminal running on the phone so you can log into the phone FROM ITSELF?
05:47.18sega01laptop -> openssh on phone :-)
05:47.24sega01or terminal on the phone as root
05:47.41sega01but it stays horizontally fixed if i turn the phone side ways and don't move it back :-(
05:50.53sega01hrm, looks like the email  client sends in HTML
05:51.04sega01i don't see any patches for text email and bottom posting
05:51.15sega01maybe i should write one? :-)
05:53.25Minchkinrick-home: Sega is back....:p
05:53.52MinchkinOh... LOL! I was scrolled back by like, and hour.
05:54.07ka6soxsega01, do you work with cryptk?
05:54.24sega01he sits about 10 feet away from me :-)
05:54.29sega01he's on another shift, though
05:54.33sega01but there's some overlap
05:59.37sega01any good ways to reduce memory usage on these phones? mine is at 224MB with just govnah open. it has 256MB total
06:00.38ka6soxsega01, I use compcache to help manage it.
06:01.59sega01i have that on it. 16MB. wasn't sure if there was any simple way to lower the base memory use in the first place, though
06:04.18ka6soxsega01, its like 160MB just for Luna.
06:04.37rick-homeLuna is sorta huge.
06:05.42torchiewow is it really that big?
06:06.14destinalwell it does a lot...
06:06.52ka6soxtorchie, yup
06:07.04destinalI think firefox frequently gets much larger than that on modern desktops
06:10.56torchiewell firefox gets much larger than everything
06:11.12torchiebet safari dwarfs firefox in mem usage
06:11.21Jack87go chrome
06:11.57sega01is luna java based? or partially?
06:12.07torchieas much as I like chrome I wish it was a better citizen on osx
06:12.07sega01i was actually kind of surprised to read that the phone uses a fair bit of java
06:12.17sega01would be neat to rewrite the backend
06:12.25torchierewrite the backend in assembly
06:12.44sega01heh, C for sanity reasons. assembly is fun, though
06:12.51sega01i'd love to make a couple apps for it in just assembly
06:13.18destinalsega01: Luna is written in c++
06:13.50destinalsega01: many back end services are written in Java in 1.x.x  but Java is eliminated as part of the platform in webOS 2.x
06:14.00sega01really? nice
06:14.10sega01is the memory usage lower?
06:14.18destinalin favor of c based services but notably in favor of node.js
06:14.27destinalsadly, node.js isn't precisely memory efficient
06:14.53halfhaloehhh... sorta
06:15.07destinalI mean it could be, and later versions are better at this
06:15.14destinalbut node.js is still rapidly evolving
06:15.21halfhaloIIRC the main memory hog is v8, and thats already on the system
06:15.34sega01i see
06:15.41sega01that makes sense
06:16.02destinalsega01: a lot of the back end services in 1.x.x were C, also
06:16.11torchiehopefully next phone gets 16GB of ram
06:16.17torchieand a 72 inch screen
06:16.33destinaltorchie: nice, can I take a picture of you lugging it around?
06:16.43sega01sounds like they will offer a upgrade path for pre 1's to webos 2.0?
06:16.45torchieeven better, a picture of me holding it up to my ear ;)
06:16.53torchiehope so, I really want it on my pre minus
06:16.53sega01torchie: it's called an evo ;-)
06:16.58torchiedell streak!
06:17.26destinalsega01: webos 2.0 will be released for the other devices besides pre2 in "the coming months" which is probably a few months or less I'd guess
06:17.41sega01i see, that's exactly what i read
06:17.59sega01it'll be really great if they come out with a HSPA+ compatible com board
06:18.10sega01i'd love t-mobile's full speeds on the pre
06:18.12torchiethe coming months >:(
06:18.33torchiebefore feb 9 would be awesome
06:19.07destinalsega01: we've tried to get 2.0.0 and 2.0.1 running on the pre by using binaries from both platforms together but run into issues with the SGX powervr libraries and kernel modules (finding good versions of both that work together on castle and also support luna 2.x)
06:19.08rick-homemaking the 2.x doctors public at the dev reception on feb 9 is a possibility.
06:19.36sega01hmm, i see
06:24.02ShadeSI'm about to install windows 7 and then check out the sdk
06:24.08ShadeStime to move away from xp...
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06:35.49MinchkinThat would be cool.
06:36.33sega01'night everyone
06:36.44sega01thanks for the help, rick-home :-)
06:37.58ka6soxnite sega01
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09:25.10*** join/#webos-internals bikemon (
09:25.49bikemonmaybe here anyone can help me with connecting pre 2 to ubuntu
09:26.18Jack87bikemon, connecting how
09:26.30bikemonvia cable
09:26.37bikemonmy pre is in dev mode
09:26.56Jack87install novacom driver.. go to it explains
09:26.56bikemonI installed all apps - sdk and so on
09:28.57bikemondo i have to reboot pc?
09:29.07bikemonafter installation ofc
09:30.01ka6soxbikemon, it should have installed the novacomd driver
09:30.10bikemonthe problem is that when i connect device in charging mode, type novaterm in terminal I get a message: unable to find device
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09:30.20ka6soxsee if that is running with a ps axwwww | grep novacomd
09:31.41ka6soxokay, thats good.
09:32.23bikemonso where can be a problem? I can't see this device
09:33.40Jack87bikemon, try a different usb port maybe one you have is not powered?
09:34.44bikemonnope, didn't help
09:35.01Jack87bikemon, for sure you are in dev mode on the device?
09:35.46bikemonyes, it is in dev mode
09:38.00Jack87ka6sox, will fix you right up than
09:39.02Jack87bikemon, kind of odd i dont think ubuntu has ever given me trouble with novacom
09:39.23Jack87... /novaterm
09:40.09bikemonJack87 - with Pre 2?
09:40.14Jack87bikemon, than again my device isnt pre 2
09:40.16Jack87haha... ya
09:40.21Jack87ya as in no
09:40.42ka6soxbikemon, I haven't been able to do that...the pre2 takes a different novacom driver.
09:40.56ka6soxand I've not seen one out in the wild :(
09:41.59Jack87bikemon, best bet might be to wait till feb 9?
09:43.26*** join/#webos-internals Lenux_ (
09:44.11ka6soxwe sure are pinning our "hopes" on Feb9
09:44.22bikemonyes, i know
09:44.25bikemonme too
09:45.08bikemoncan you tell me how to make screenshots? what app to use? search in app catalog didn't give right answer...
09:45.33Jack87bikemon, screenshots on your phone?
09:45.49Jack87press (i think white button) and sym and p
09:46.03Jack87white button + sym + p
09:47.27bikemonoh yeah, some shutter I've heard
09:49.05bikemonthanks a lot it works
09:50.08Jack87new to webos bikemon?
09:50.43bikemona week ago I bought pre2
09:52.47*** join/#webos-internals bikekowal (
09:52.58Jack87hang in there... you will love it
09:53.13Jack87go register at
09:53.13bikemonchange to bikekowal
09:53.14*** part/#webos-internals bikemon (
09:53.29bikekowalyes, definitely, this OS is nice
09:53.55bikekowali want to write a review of pre2
09:54.19bikekowalbut I need to get to know this OS
09:54.33bikekowalit's completely different than others
09:55.46Jack87indeed it is
09:55.51Jack87are you in the states?
09:56.20bikekowala bit far from states :)
09:58.18Jack87im guess webos is not super popular there. what made you want one?
09:58.39bikekowalprobably i'm the first one
09:59.05bikekowalI run a website and i write reviews in free tim
09:59.17Jack87its a really neat OS.... i am spoiled now.. its hard to function on other platforms
09:59.22bikekowalwebos is the only mobile OS i didnt review :)
10:00.56Jack87bikekowal, do you get app catalog in Poland?
10:01.22bikekowalbut im not sure if there are all apps
10:01.45Jack87prolly not all but im sure most.
10:02.11Jack87im not sure if you can install preware without novaterm :-?
10:02.26Jack87bikekowal, you might be able to extract driver from the public webos doctor
10:02.43Jack87ka6sox, is this true or am I lying to the man
10:03.11ka6soxfor some reason I don't think that least I never found it.
10:06.29Jack87bikekowal, download the latest doctor. and thinker around there see if you can find novacom drivers
10:07.44bikekowalok, downloading
10:07.59bikekowaltell me, what about updates? i have 2.0.0.
10:08.12bikekowalhow to update to 2.0.1? is it possible?
10:08.57ka6soxdownload the doctor, and run it.
10:09.15ka6soxbut install save/restore first and save everything.
10:09.28ka6soxthen you can restore it when you get to the new version.
10:10.59bikekowalsave/restore from app catalog?
10:11.13bikekowalI cant see anything like this
10:11.31ka6soxdid you create a palm profile?
10:12.42bikekowalduring first boot
10:12.58*** join/#webos-internals GarthPS (~quassel@
10:13.57ka6soxokay are you connected to a wifi then?
10:14.59ka6soxoh, you can't install preware....duh
10:15.08ka6soxunless you used woqi
10:15.23bikekowalwhats woqi?
10:15.48Jack87ka6sox, that might work but not sure...
10:15.54Jack87considering there is no driver
10:15.58ka6soxwebos quick install, and I don't know if it works on 2.x devices
10:16.02dtzWillJack87: 'ello! :)
10:16.04Jack87but the driver from this new doctor.. does it work with webos quick install
10:16.14Jack87dtzWill, there you are! hello
10:16.17dtzWilldon't mean to interrupt, but saw you pinged me earlier so thought i'd drop in for a sec :)
10:16.25dtzWillJack87: here i am! :)
10:16.34Jack87dtzWill, ya i did ping you... i wanted to say....
10:16.39Jack87HELLO! :-)
10:16.55dtzWillJack87: =O
10:16.57dtzWillJack87: hi! :D
10:17.20bikekowalso what to do?
10:17.35Jack87bikekowal, do you have stuff you need to back up?
10:17.47Jack87contacts and apps from catalog are saved in your profile
10:18.05Jack87bikekowal, what do you have to backup?
10:18.24Jack87catalog apps?
10:18.39Jack87dont worry about it they will automatically restore
10:18.41bikekowalbut i can install them once againg
10:19.06bikekowalwhat about backup util I have in my pre?
10:19.09Jack87go run the palm back up
10:19.48Jack87ok cool.. just run the webos doctor when its done and this will update to newest webos for you
10:20.07Jack87and than you can tinker with trying to find the driver within the jar file after
10:20.18bikekowalI need to connect it in charging mode?
10:21.17bikekowalI'll try it after 2 hours, i need to go shopping, fridge is empty
10:21.35Jack87dtzWill, i been tinkering with nook color!.. its fun stuff.. great for school to.
10:21.54Jack87ok cool. i prolly wont be around but others will
10:22.02dtzWillJack87: so i am hearing re:it's hackery-potential...
10:22.09dtzWillJack87: but glad it's helping with school, too.
10:22.29Jack87webos doctor will reset phone to factory settings but everything should restore for you after you login to your palm profile
10:22.47dtzWillalmost got a kindle again (keep going back to the idea of it) but didn't since i really just wanted something i can use well with misc academic papers pdf-ified
10:22.51Jack87dtzWill, indeed you would get a kick out of it! if you ever get one let me know
10:23.14Jack87dtzWill, nook color be a far better choice :)
10:23.55dtzWillyeah, i got some ties at amazon that give me an unreasonable bias towards the kindle, but it really just didn't seem suitable for my use case :(
10:24.27dtzWilland books are nice and all, but as much as i fantasize about how i'll get an e-book reader and suddenly start reading agin
10:24.34dtzWillhave a feeling it won't be that easy, heh :/ :)
10:24.52dtzWill*reading novels, etc
10:25.06Jack87dtzWill, ya... its got me a bit more into reading
10:25.24Jack87i dont think i could stand the e-ink. so much money on a device that just does one thing
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12:30.04bikekowaldownloaded webOS Doctor, connected device but I have "INFO: got devices 0"
12:30.18bikekowalwhat's going on?
12:36.46Loudergoodphone in recovery mode?
12:37.05bikekowalrather no
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13:24.57RMindsuggestions for apps that don't launch?  already reinstalled the app  :(
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18:59.01ice8luedestinal: are you still working on the franken doc?
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22:53.15ka6soxhow do you put that into a thing...
22:53.41Jack87ka6sox, that is awesomeness
22:53.48Loudergoodyou start by going to
22:54.21ka6soxbut they want me to give them too darned much info to *just* shorten a link...I'll use tinyurl instead :P works too
22:54.54bpadalinoif you don't trust those libians
22:55.54Loudergoodyou can't just paste the link in and hit shorten?
22:56.22bpadalinothey're so short!
22:56.52Loudergoodneeds a domain name shorter than 5 letters...
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23:07.10LoudergoodI've got it.
23:08.19ka6soxokay sent...lets hope the twitter gods are happy :P
23:08.56ka6soxtwitter: responsible for murdering language worse than SMS.
23:09.28Loudergoodlol, m nt sur tats pssbl
23:09.46Loudergoodit appears we've been out shortened already
23:10.19ka6soxdoesn't really matter...its gone'll either fly or fry.
23:10.36Loudergoodthis one is kind of cool, but yes
23:10.53Loudergoodapparently they use unicode symbols
23:17.28bpadalinohttp://➡.ws/ just seems weird to try to put into the address bar
23:21.05ka6soxlikes rwhtiby's tweet better than his own.
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