IRC log for #webos-internals on 20101208

00:00.27SineOtyou know, skimming that, it's kind of dumb that the remote wipe via palm profile is sent via SMS
00:00.42SineOtif you report the device stolen and get it deactivated, there goes your remote wipe abilities
00:01.12SineOt(since, from the sound of things, the Exchange wipes simply require any kind of data connection, be it 3G or wifi)
00:01.27scoutcamperrwhitby, that could be bad to let out, someone says "hey let me borrow your phone" then its wiped
00:01.46*** join/#webos-internals falchie (
00:01.49SineOtthat's a realistically tiny chance though
00:02.26SineOtthey'd 1) have to know how to do it, 2) be malicious enough to do it (and at that point you'd probably know they were, so wtf to handing your phone over to them), 3) etc etc
00:02.57scoutcamperbut does that include wiping usb drve?
00:02.57rwhitbyas soon as you have physical access to any device, all bets are off.
00:03.03SineOtstill dumb either way that the Palm Profile remote wipe is done via SMS
00:03.10SineOtand not over any kind of data connection
00:03.41scoutcamperSineOt, it should be done with ESP, so that the criminals cannot just pull off the service
00:03.43SineOta Palm Profile will log you out even if it's only got a wifi connection, won't it?
00:03.47scoutcamperor the sim card
00:04.09SineOtscoutcamper: yeah, but not everyone is just running an Exchange server to go and wipe their personal phones with
00:04.23scoutcamperSineOt, i meant esp as in telepathy :D
00:04.34scoutcamperbut exchange works to d:
00:04.55SineOthah, well that's what I'm saying, just doing it over a data connection is better than doing it with SMS
00:05.10SineOtsince wifi doesn't care if your device has a SIM or is activated on a network
00:06.24SineOtan Exchange wipe will still wipe even without network support, since it just says that it needs an active data connection, while the Palm Profile wipe says it needs to be sent to an activated phone via SMS
00:07.05SineOtso you either wait up to 72 hours to report the phone stolen/lost to your carrier to get it deactivated while you wait for your data to wipe, or you get it killed then and leave all your data on it :/
00:07.15SineOtneither of which is a very good situation for the end user
00:07.59scoutcamperits best to just not let your phone get stolen :D
00:08.02SineOtalso, rwhitby: did you notice that the image showing you where to push the power button to do a wipe... shows the phone when it's slid open?
00:08.56scoutcamperSineOt, that makes sense because the keyboard has to be open to hold opt+sym
00:09.08rwhitbythat's a grypo
00:09.31SineOtscoutcamper: the helpful arrow pointing where to push points to where the power button would be... if it was closed
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00:46.49javispedrorwhitby: mind if I PM you?
00:48.54rwhitbysure, but if it's a general question that others may learn from I prefer it to be in the channel
00:49.06javispedroit's not a question actually.
00:49.18oilis now intrigued
00:51.33Clipper87lol oil
00:56.16*** join/#webos-internals mugen- (
00:59.17Clipper87so I registered with this channel but when I log into it it doesn't ask for pw
01:00.00*** join/#webos-internals hemna (
01:01.16oilyou have to identify yourself with freenode
01:01.45oilor something like that
01:05.47halfhalogets popcorn
01:06.10PuffTheMagicon freenode
01:06.25PuffTheMagicu can pass your ns password to the sever as a server password
01:06.41PuffTheMagicand it with identify your nick at loging before processing any other commands from the client
01:09.57*** part/#webos-internals Clipper87 (~wircer@
01:17.13*** join/#webos-internals Clipper87 (~wircer@
01:18.59*** join/#webos-internals raster (raster@enlightenment/developer/raster)
01:19.33Clipper87* hey all
01:19.45halfhalosay whaaaaat?
01:20.12rasterpants on
01:20.28scoutcamperis confused
01:20.38halfhaloit happens
01:20.43Clipper87checks and he has his pants on
01:22.43scoutcamperslaps halfhalo with a large trout
01:22.48scoutcamperthats for confusing me
01:23.04halfhalobreaks scoutcampers legs.
01:23.12halfhalothats because I'm crazy
01:23.39scoutcampergrabs a flamethrower and turns halfhalo into a pile of ashes
01:23.46scoutcamperbecuase im mad :D
01:23.56scoutcamperand insane in he membrane
01:24.42Clipper87launches a nuke and blows everyone up cause they are all insane
01:25.07scoutcamperretaliates against Clipper87 wth a nuetron bomb
01:25.17scoutcamperjust ecause
01:25.35Clipper87oh sh*t
01:26.22Clipper87all this from my hey all haha
01:28.19Clipper87so anyone play any games on these web Os phones?
01:28.53scoutcamperangry birds ftw!
01:29.06Clipper87lol obviously
01:29.18Clipper87if only it was free
01:29.24scoutcamperand sandstorm, nova's good too
01:30.30Clipper87I'm new to pre I actually have the pre 2
01:30.54scoutcamperyou should go get a pre- to see what those of use early people had to go through
01:31.10Clipper87any good free games in prepared or app catelog?
01:31.11scoutcamperand wait 6 months then get a pre+
01:31.25scoutcampernon that ive seen or liked
01:31.36Clipper87lol sucks
01:31.38SineOtI like Pixelated.
01:31.41SineOtChained is fun too.
01:31.48*** join/#webos-internals raster (raster@enlightenment/developer/raster)
01:31.49SineOtBut just pay the 1.99 to get Angry Birds. :p
01:32.25scoutcamperClipper87, it is seriously the best game for webos
01:32.37Clipper87do ya have to use credit card or is there other payment methods?
01:33.57scoutcamperi think credit card is it
01:34.07*** join/#webos-internals jrmuizel (~jrmuizel@
01:35.46SineOtAlthough in this day and age, they aren't exactly hard to get. If you live in the US, just go to CVS with a government issued ID and you can get a prepaid Visa Card.
01:35.49SineOtSimilar in Canada.
01:36.16SineOtAnd if you're in the US and have a debit card, most of them with a Visa or Mastercard logo can be used as credit cards.
01:36.20basotlI also like Quake on WebOS.
01:37.47Clipper87ya I'm in canada you can get cc anywhere
01:38.30SineOtit's dumb that a Canadian debit card can't get run as credit :/
01:38.44SineOt(it's dumber trying to explain that to little old ladies running stores in Canada)
01:39.02Clipper87lol hahahaha
01:39.19SineOtNO DEBIT! Lady, it's a US card. Just run it as a Visa already would you ;_;
01:40.06Clipper87ya we seem a little behind when it comes to that stuff up here
01:41.37SineOtbut yeah pretty sure it's Credit only
01:41.40SineOtfor buying apps
01:41.46SineOtbut Angry Birds is totally worth it
01:43.20Clipper87ya I gotta go pick up a prepaid card
01:43.45Clipper87and I agree angry bird is amazing
01:46.14Clipper87so I take it you come to canada some then?
01:54.37SineOtYeah, a while back. Was a fun trip
01:56.54*** part/#webos-internals Clipper87 (~wircer@
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02:10.27l3lu3hey all
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02:16.04halfhalofeels like trying to make a patch
02:16.41PuffTheMagicwhen you all log into the palm profile webpage
02:16.54PuffTheMagicdoes the phone number attached to your devices start with a 1?
02:16.58PuffTheMagicor is that left off
02:17.18halfhaloshould be 1 since It should handle other contries as well
02:19.12PuffTheMagicu just guessing?
02:19.25PuffTheMagiccause its only has 1 for one of my devices
02:19.30halfhalobut I seem to recall the 1
02:19.31PuffTheMagicthe rest dont include the 1
02:23.30Clipper87mine starts with one
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03:00.02scoutcamperturns halfhalo into a mime for not making an interesting conversation and being quiet
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03:31.45Clipper87is signin off for sleep
03:32.08*** part/#webos-internals Clipper87 (~wircer@
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04:26.58Davide-NYCQuestion: We anywhere nearer on getting webos2.0 onto a Pre+-?
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04:28.58scoutcamperDavide-NYC, nope
04:30.12Davide-NYCbummer. any rumors on an official doctor release?
04:34.03scoutcampernone that ive seen
04:34.30scoutcamperde-mimes halfhalo in order to get some good topics to talk about :D
04:34.49halfhalostabs scoutcamper in the jaw
04:39.10scoutcampernuetron bobs halfhalo
04:41.04scoutcamperfeels hated by infobot
04:42.25dgathrightTips on where I can find documentation on how to swap the boards in my - & + to make a Sprint Pre+?
04:42.50scoutcamperdgathright, precentral
04:42.56scoutcamperlet me find that link
04:48.31rwhitbyg'day dgathright
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05:29.11infobotaw, gee, halfhalo
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05:58.41*** join/#webos-internals cwgtex (
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06:01.14cwgtexwho do i need to talk to to get a new easter egg added to the wiki?
06:03.12cwgtexthere is a way to make cows rain down the screen in the email app in webos 2.0.1 that i found just now
06:03.46*** join/#webos-internals Tman (~tyler@unaffiliated/tman)
06:05.14scoutcampercwgtex, how? anyone with an account can make an edit
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06:06.55rwhitbycwgtex: you mean the "supercowpowers" one?
06:07.42scoutcamperrwhitby, what?
06:08.02scoutcamperhow do you do that?
06:08.10cwgtexyes supercowpower
06:08.27cwgtexdangit rwhitby you mean i wasn't the first one to find it?
06:09.43cwgtexfor everyone else that doesn't know what we are talking about, just send yourself and email with the subject "supercowpowers" without the quotes, and open it on your Pre2
06:10.07scoutcampergoes to try that
06:10.08cwgtexits not on 1.4.5, just 2.0
06:12.08halfhalop|c has tweeted it
06:13.57rwhitbycwgtex: you were first - I was just messing with you (I found it in the 2 minutes between those two messages)
06:15.34cwgtexhaha you got me good rod
06:15.56cwgtexso then i can edit the wiki and give myself credit for the find?
06:17.13rwhitbyit's a wiki
06:18.23cwgtexok i meant the giving myself credit part
06:18.36cwgtexi don't want to claim it if someone else actually found it first
06:21.08rwhitbycwgtex: claim it, it's yours.
06:25.48oilcredit is serious business
06:26.29cwgtexi must say i am proud of myself, here i am studying the email app to learn about scenes and controllers so that i can develop apps, and i find an easter egg
06:27.00oilemail app is pretty complicated, probably not the best one to learn from :)
06:27.47halfhalounless you want to go crazy.
06:29.37cwgtexwell i was both learning and seeing if i can update the landscape email patch, thats why i was in that one
06:30.12cwgtexand yeah i do believe the email app was pretty complicated, i just happened to look in the images folder first and was shocked to see a cow
06:30.34cwgtexso of course i greped the whole dang folder for "cow.png"
06:31.37cwgtexwiki edit is done
06:31.45cwgtexand precentral thread too
06:33.28cwgtexrwhitby:  thanks for screenshoting that for me in the thread
06:33.58rwhitbyit stopped some idiot saying "pics or it didn't happen" ;)
06:37.40cwgtexi can't wait for people i actually know to get a pre2 (at my urging of course) so i can send them an email
06:38.13cwgtexi can only imagine the look on there face when the cows start falling
06:38.38oila recieved email with the subject supercowpowers triggers it?
06:38.59cwgtexor hell just for the carriers to release 2.0 to the people i know with regular pre's
06:39.04oilits not typed in like the rocknroll one?
06:39.14SineOtoil: yeah
06:39.17cwgtexoil: yes, i had to send myself an email with that subject
06:39.27oilprefixes all future emails to rwhitby with supercowpowers
06:40.20halfhalorigs up a php patch and a rails patch for mediawiki and redmine for cows
06:41.08cwgtexthis is the line that gave it away:   if (subject === "supercowpowers")
06:42.04cwgtexfirst i tried just typing that in a new message, but no luck, so i sent it to myself, and BAM its raining cows
06:42.36oili hope emails from palm start using it xD
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06:48.28cwgtexthere is also a neat comment in the message-scene.html file:
07:12.05scoutcamperrwhitby, oil's photoshop of you on precentral
07:12.55oilcracks himself up
07:15.12ka6soxokay oil, you have outdone yourself this time.
07:15.48rwhitbyoil: it would have had more impact inline though :)
07:16.28ka6soxsees oil edit the post
07:17.33oilah, thats too easy
07:17.41oilmaking them click it is a surprise :)
07:18.25rwhitbyI've just gotten word that supercowpowers is spreading like an email virus through Palm right now
07:19.03oillets hope they dont fogure out who it was so more eastereggs can be secretly added
07:20.02halfhaloIts an easter egg, i think they support it
07:20.42oilthats us, we're folk
07:21.03bhueyit ws my way of saying 'howdy'
07:21.25halfhaloexcept for... herm...
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07:57.05destinal-sleep~seen JackieRipper
07:57.11infobotjackieripper <> was last seen on IRC in channel #webos-internals, 188d 3h 35m 27s ago, saying: 'good morning'.
07:58.43oil188 days ago :(
08:07.31destinal-sleephalfhalo: I thought JackieRipper might like to know the optware-bootstrap script he started just got new life on android :)
08:12.41ka6soxandroid-optware FTW
08:13.35ka6soxhands it to halfhalo to put on his epic 4g
08:15.29torchieoptware on android wut
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10:21.45hape_Hi, can I do an file system check on media internal partition?
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12:07.39GarthPSmorphis: heyho
12:07.58morphisGarthPS: heyho
12:09.38GarthPSmorphis: I am here all the day and evening if you need me
12:09.55morphisGarthPS: ok
12:10.14morphisGarthPS: the problem actually is, that the kernel from palmpre/master-next branch does not boot on my palm pre
12:10.35GarthPSmorphis: yop i read that
12:10.41morphisGarthPS: so I have to bisect the branch and try to find the point in time where something went wrong
12:11.08GarthPSmorphis: what is weird is that it has already work right ?
12:11.49morphisGarthPS: it worked before without the webos 2.0 patch for the kernel
12:11.56morphisGarthPS: it works well with the 1.4.5 patch
12:12.11morphisGarthPS: but the 2.0 patches change a lot of things to support even omap 3630
12:12.48GarthPSmorphis: ok so what changed is add patches from webos 2 right ?
12:13.18GarthPSmorphis: oh so It could support both SOC with the same kernel ?
12:13.36morphisit does
12:14.17GarthPSmorphis: so should not be needed anymore to make a palmpre2 specific kernel?
12:14.37morphiswe need to do so
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12:15.16morphisas the difference between palmpre and palmpre2 is there, you just need to enable CONFIG_OMAP3630 to get support for the palmpre2 in the same kernel
12:15.29morphiswithout it does not support the palmpre2, just the palmpre
12:15.42morphisso you need different defconfigs and with that you have different binaries
12:15.53morphisand even different kernels in OE
12:16.07GarthPSmorphis: oh yeah ok
12:16.37GarthPSso to MACHINE profile but not much different
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12:26.39damadaHi, I am trying to restore the PDFviewer application with the WebOSRepairUtility.jar. I am using an Ubuntu VM and it seems I can connect nicely to the phone. Yet, after selecting webOSDoctor.jar, which I downloaded with that very tool, I get an error: ERROR: WebOS.tar.gz (Permission denied)
12:26.49damadaI have no clue how to proceed?
12:27.35damadaafter clicking OK, another error pops up: ERROR 22: WebOS.tar.gz (no such file or directory)
12:27.59damadawhere do I get this tarball from? Do I have to extract it from the doctor jar?
12:31.50*** join/#webos-internals GarthPS (~quassel@
12:39.59GarthPSrwhitby: Hello. I want te see what it does if i install actualy ipks build from oe into my pre 2. what do i have to use ipkg or ipkg-opt ? what the diff?thx
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12:46.51jack__to install preware they say run webos install
12:47.03jack__how i do that?
12:47.35GarthPSjack__: you mean webos quick install right ?
12:51.12jack__i open it on my computer or my phone?
12:52.10GarthPSjack__: in your opinion ? :)
12:52.34GarthPSI want te see what it does if i install actualy ipks build from oe into my pre 2. what do i have to use ipkg or ipkg-opt ? what the diff?thx
12:52.48jack__on my computer with java
12:58.06rwhitby-preGarthPS: you are on your own trying to install ipks from OE onto vendor firmware.
12:58.38rwhitby-preYou will get major collisions as you will be writing (and perhaps overwriting) system files.
12:59.03rwhitby-preSo if you have to ask about it, then you don't have the experience to do it safely.
12:59.28rwhitby-preYou can expect to lose any data and have to doctor afterwards.
12:59.29GarthPSrwhitby-pre: yeah i know :) I just want to know the diff betwenn  ipkg and ipkg-opt
12:59.43rwhitby-preipk-opt installs in /opt
13:00.22rwhitby-preread the Optware pages on
13:01.16GarthPSrwhitby-pre: ok thx
13:01.58rwhitby-premorphis: The kernel patch for 2.0.0 on is for Pre 2 only. It is not for 3430 Pre.
13:02.28rwhitby-preThe 2.0 kernel for Pre is not yet released.
13:03.12GarthPSmorphis: :)
13:10.38damadaah, found the cause: I had no write access to the shared folder in my VM... needed to mount it with the corresponding uid/gid
13:10.54damadaseems it's working now, at least it scans
13:23.16*** join/#webos-internals l3lu3 (
13:24.18l3lu3hey all
13:33.30damadawhat's the file which corresponds to the PDFviewer application? Where can I find it in the extracted WebOS tarball so that I can restore it which the webOSRepair utility?
13:37.12*** part/#webos-internals l3lu3 (
13:37.17damadais it enough to restore just everything with *pdf* from the tarball back to the device?
13:46.14morphisrwhitby-pre: sure about that?
13:46.30morphisrwhitby-pre: as it includes all stuff for the palm pre?
13:48.58morphisrwhitby-pre: as tells it the source for the pre device
13:49.20morphisrwhitby-pre: "Linux Kernel (pre) "
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14:52.10egaudetthe 2.0 kernel patch needs some changes to build for omap 3430 but I've booted it on my Pre
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15:47.06jhojhocan someone identify what the handset with the right arrow means?
15:51.42jhojhoyes its gsm
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15:58.33egaudetjhojho: is that missed call?
15:58.53jhojhocant be
15:58.56egaudetno service?
15:58.58jhojhosince its in the device menu
15:59.03jhojhoit's a data only sim
15:59.09jhojhobut the icon only showed up today
15:59.13en0xegaudet: well gsm shows missed calls in top bar? since when?
15:59.14jhojhonot yesterday
15:59.16egaudetlook for the symbol in the rootfs
15:59.27en0xi think it's a call forwarding
15:59.27egaudetand check the name of the file
15:59.38egaudetcall forwarding enabled hmm
15:59.42egaudetmakes sense
16:00.09en0xgo to phone app/preferences and see if u have it enabled
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16:00.39en0xanyway i'm moving to epic from my pre
16:00.57en0xhe pre is barely usable now after year and a half... too many cracks etc :(
16:02.19egaudetdonate it :D
16:02.57torchieto me!!!!
16:03.04torchiepre #5
16:03.20torchiewell wait -- does the speaker work
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16:03.36halfhalovotes donate as well
16:05.01halfhalobut then again, I'm probly not the best person to ask since I have a pre plus and minus just sitting on my desk at home
16:05.26halfhaloknows the date he is moving back to webos fron epic 4g
16:07.28*** join/#webos-internals cwgtex (
16:09.33cwgtexAnyone have an idea what "contact reminders" could mean?  I found a section of the email app that says:  /* TODO: Uncomment this once we reimplement contact reminders
16:09.43cwgtexin 2.0.1
16:11.36cwgtexline 1157 in compose-assistant.js
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16:24.23torchiesounds badass
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16:39.37halfhalois tempted to replace wIRC's alias stuff with a smaller/cleaner way
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17:16.09ka6soxmorphis, the userland in the pre doesn't match the userland in the pre2 so I am sure.
17:16.33ka6soxif it were just that simple then we would all be doin it
17:16.42morphiska6sox: thats ok, but the kernel source should be still the mostly the same for pre and pre2
17:17.40ka6sox99.9% probaby...but that 0.1%...oh what a difference it makes.
17:18.35morphisthere are config constraints for the pre2 in the kernel sources
17:18.39morphisso it should be no problem
17:18.47ka6soxeg: temp sensor code for a pre-/+ has a hard coded call to bit(8) of a register...but in a pre(2) its bit(9)
17:18.57ka6soxso it FAILED to run.
17:19.31halfhaloand then it was used to cook bacon....
17:20.00ka6soxyes, I had a Lettuce Mutton and tomato sandwich made on it.
17:20.19halfhaloI went with a classic BLT myself
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17:21.45halfhalohands Rick_work a samich
17:24.30morphiska6sox: but the temp sensor code is from webos-internals right?
17:24.39morphiska6sox: as I am using the plain sources from palm
17:24.59ka6soxmorphis, no, it was backported from 2.6.32 for the Pre-/+
17:25.09ka6soxand we ported it to the pre2
17:25.09morphisor this wa
17:25.16morphisbut it is not from Palm
17:25.24ka6soxthats NOT the issue
17:25.31destinalmorphis: which test pads are you looking at / where?
17:25.36ka6soxthe issue is that 1 bit changes whether it works or not.
17:25.42morphisdestinal: below the battery
17:26.01*** part/#webos-internals robnhl (~wircer@
17:26.10egaudetthe 2.0 kernel source boots on the pre with 3430 config and minor patch to add missing 3630 ifdef's
17:26.21egaudetnot sure if that was the original question or not
17:26.28ka6soxbut the userland doesn't match that right?
17:26.42egaudetnot sure what you mean?
17:27.02egaudetthe modules
17:27.27destinalmorphis: ah nice, I guess the must use a bed of nails on that
17:28.03egaudetI can't remember if the modules work or not, I did so many different combinations it's fuzzy now
17:28.56destinalmorphis: I've heard geist mentioning that if a unit was bad they could give it to others who would tear it down and break everything out, looks like they probably just connect there.
17:28.57ka6soxI can replace the 2.6.24-3430-joplin with a 2.6.35 and it  will BOOT...but the user apps will NOT be able to use it.
17:28.58morphisdestinal: jepp it is
17:29.14morphisdestinal: GND I already fond
17:29.26morphiska6sox: you can replace with 2.6.35?
17:29.48egaudetka6sox: but we're replacing 2.6.24 with 2.6.24
17:31.03egaudetare any big changes from 1.4.5 to 2.0.0 kernel patch for 3430?
17:32.40ka6soxegaudet, there is NO 3430 pre-/+ kernel
17:32.50ka6soxonly a pre2 3630 kernel
17:33.21ka6sox2.0 has only been released on 1 machine
17:33.31egaudetnot period, the 3430 stuff is all in there
17:33.40morphiska6sox: you have a running 2.6.35 kernel for the pre?
17:33.43egaudeti've built a 3430 kernel with 2.0 kernel patch and luna boots
17:33.59egaudetit just requires a small patch to fix some missing 3630 ifdef's
17:33.59ka6soxegaudet, I agree, you have but officially there isn't one
17:34.19egaudetwell yeah but I don't think that's a big deal, pre +/- kernel isn't likely to change much
17:34.44ka6soxmorphis it was a wild example of how you *can* build a kernel that will "boot" but not be functional.
17:34.50morphisah ok
17:34.51egaudetthe userland and graphics module are what we need for 2.0 on pre -/+
17:35.13ka6soxegaudet, my point exactly :D
17:35.22egaudetsorry didn't have context of the whole convo lol
17:35.43ka6soxjust because you *can* build a pre2 kernel doesnt' mean the userland stuff will work.
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17:35.59egaudetyou can't build a pre2 kernel and expect it to run on pre
17:36.33egaudetthey didn't release a pre2 kernel, they released a webos-2.0 kernel, which as of today yes is only running on pre2, but the kernel is fine for pre -/+ and webos-1.4.5
17:37.56ka6soxegaudet, ah, good to know...but building a webos2.0 kernel doesn't automagically make a pre-/+ run webos2.0
17:38.11egaudetright, there's a lot more unsolved mysteries there
17:38.53egaudetwhich I mainly believe to be differences between the 2 PVR revisions, but hopefully Palm releases 2.0 for old hardware soon
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17:43.21Clipper87sup all?
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18:07.25phil_bwwait for it...
18:07.30phil_bwwanders by
18:08.30DaDirtyPandadamn i missed it
18:11.44phil_bwhow goes it?
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18:13.40jhojhowell the pre2 kernel seems to have working smartreflex
18:13.50jhojhoso thats one change right there
18:14.11jhojhothe other i can think of off the top of my head is ondemandtcl
18:14.35jhojhoso there are some differences despite it being the same kernel version etc.
18:14.36ka6soxjhojho guess they learned from the pixi eh?
18:14.51jhojhoi have not looked closely at pre2 kernel code at all
18:15.06jhojhonow back to trying to decipher this
18:15.15jhojhoit's not call forwarding as i just checked
18:15.21jhojhothe prefs
18:15.25destinalmorphis_: do you have to remove a shield to get to those pads?
18:15.31jhojhobesides it's a data only sim so no calls
18:16.33jhojhoti announces omap4440
18:16.58jhojho1080p 3d?!?!
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18:23.34destinalmorphis_: on the CDMA version the small shield that peels off has the same top two rows of pins and "CDMA" is silkscreened onto the board above the pins on the side closest to the battery, in that area on the top of yourse without pads
18:23.56egaudetjhojho: but it's all wrapped in 3630 ifdef I believe, I don't think there's much kernel change for 3430 config though but didn't do any large comparisions
18:24.07morphis_destinal: you have a picture about it?
18:24.13destinalmorphis_: sec
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18:46.43morphis_destinal: ah ok
18:46.47destinalmorphis_: I don't seem to have access to the bottom row or it isn't there
18:47.12destinalwas it just a plastic rectangle glued on there for you too?
18:47.23morphis_but I thing the pins should be the same
18:47.40morphis_I don't changed anything on the device
18:47.49morphis_the picture shows it as it is
18:47.56destinalmorphis_: ah the CDMa has a small cover piece you have to peel away
18:48.14destinalyou can kind of see it on the meal part below though it blends in
18:48.41halfhalook, I officially hate this wifi
18:48.53halfhaloit did not send my last two irc messages and died due to speedtest
18:49.12morphis_destinal: ok
18:49.27halfhaloslaps destinal for taking the picture with an iphone 4
18:49.30destinalmorphis_: I suppose in later revs they figured there was no point hiding it, or you got a remanufactured device?
18:49.47halfhalocan check on a launchday pre
18:50.29halfhalowell, when I get home I can.  It should still be dissasembled
18:50.36destinalhalfhalo: you want me to use my other pre to take a really blurry picture?
18:51.13halfhalomake it a fingerpaint drawing for all I care, just not iphone 4 pics!
18:51.33morphis_destinal: I don't think so but I have the GSM version and I have one device from the first it was sold here in germany and one I buyed some weeks ago
18:51.37morphis_and both are the same
18:51.56destinalmorphis_: interesting
18:52.02halfhalohas a devdays plus he can check as well
18:52.39destinalmorphis_: do you see what I mean about the plastic cover piece?  I didn't realize it came off at first
18:53.11destinalI should have made it easier to see
18:53.51destinalit's glued on but peels off easily enough
18:54.21destinalyou have to peel back the paper sticker thing first
18:54.59destinal(it makes kind of a "U" shape on this device)
18:55.21PuffTheMagicmorphis_, do u have a cdma device now?
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18:55.28morphis_PuffTheMagic: no
18:56.33PuffTheMagiclet me know when u want access to one of mine
18:57.44morphis_PuffTheMagic: will do
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18:58.03morphis_destinal: you mean the black sticker below the battery?
18:59.48destinalmorphis_: this particular pre had been through the wash, so I peeled the whole sticker off the shield, but yeah on a normal device the black sticker covers the whield all the way up to the battery compartment on left and right sides with a gap for the touchstone back pins and that square sticker over traces to the battery
19:00.13morphis_ah ok
19:00.17destinalso it also covers the plastic rectangle that's glued over the test pins
19:00.18egaudetany lvm experts know what /dev/sda: Skipping (sysfs) means when vgscan?
19:00.29destinallooks like a "U"
19:00.44halfhaloits skipping /dev/sda?  :p
19:00.59morphis_destinal: exactly
19:01.05destinals/test pins/test pads/
19:01.10morphis_the U is the sim slot
19:02.19destinaloh you mean inside the u shape and directly under the battery?  I just have a sticker there covering three wide traces that go to battery
19:03.09destinalon the picture do you see the black rectangle dead center ride under battery?
19:03.14destinalis that where SIM slot is?
19:03.29destinalor oh you mean to the left, the metal U
19:04.18destinalI pried that open and have two antenna wires it seems
19:05.51destinalmorphis_: you should take a more clear picture of the entire back of the GSM pre
19:07.13morphis_destinal: I now and will do that when I have a better camera
19:07.53morphis_destinal: sim slot is on the right side below the testpads right after the battery slot
19:08.37morphis_so I have to leave
19:08.43destinalah that would be why not covered maybe
19:08.47destinalmorphis_: cool, ttyl
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19:31.49destinalam I the only one who thinks it would be cool to salvage a pre with a dead screen, figure out VGA for it and put it in a mini-itx case?
19:32.13destinalstill need that usb host mode.. hmm
19:33.03oilhow would you interface with it though?
19:33.57Loudergoodsame way as a nook, you'd have use vnc ;)
19:34.19destinaloil: with yet to be written TUIO hidd plugin
19:34.30destinaloil: or just run linux on it
19:35.14oilwouldn't you get a better experience with a mini-itx mobo with a >500mhz proc in your mini-itx case?
19:35.52destinaloil: uh, yeah, but just plugging off the shelf stuff together isn't as fun :)
19:36.25destinaland also this would be an ARM dev board which has its uses
19:37.18destinalI guess you could even keep a SIM card in it and use it for some kind of telephony system :)
19:37.38oilit does have parts an off-the-shelf mobo wouldnt :)
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19:56.26Clipper87hey everyone I'm tryin to enable my on screen keyboard on my pre 2 but can seem to get to the luna.conf file thru the command line
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19:57.38Clipper87any insight?
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20:01.28Clipper87sineot I'm tryin to enable my on screen keyboard on my pre 2 but can seem to get to the luna.conf file thru the command line
20:01.42Clipper87any insight?
20:02.19SineOtyou've got the SDK installed, yeah?
20:04.12Clipper872.0 sdk no I don't I'm not a developer
20:05.01SineOtdo you have Novacom from the SFR 2.0 doctor installed?
20:05.35Clipper87I can install apps thru webos quick install
20:08.23SineOthow are you trying to get the file off the phone?
20:08.59Clipper87I'm trying to edit it I guess
20:09.20SineOtso you're running novaterm?
20:09.23SineOtthen using say, vi?
20:10.03SineOtI'd try using novacom get <file> instead
20:10.08SineOtso you can edit it on your computer
20:10.27Clipper87can this be done on windows?
20:10.44Clipper87cause I can't get linux to pick up my phone
20:11.13SineOtbut I don't know how, never done it on windows
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20:12.25egaudetdestinal: I would love to salvage a pre into a network media player connected to my TV :P
20:13.50SineOthow would you get video out? P:
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20:15.39destinalSineOt: you'd have to build a circuit that talks to the omap3's lcd output and renders it usable as DVI-D or something.  or other pins on the omap3, beagleboard might be a good example since they have DVI out
20:16.02SineOtsounds... overly complex!
20:16.30destinalSineOt: embedded systems hacking aint building a PC by plugging stuff into a motherboard, sonny
20:17.10SineOtno, but doing all that work to get a device that can't do HD video playback hooked up to a TV doesn't sound like much fun either P:
20:17.13Clipper87sineot would having the older sdk work ? or do I need 2.0
20:17.28destinalSineOt: what makes you think it can't do HD video playback?
20:17.51SineOtif it's a Pre 2, you either need the 2.0 SDK from the EAP, or you need the Windows/Mac only Novacom from the SFR 2.0 doctor.
20:18.21SineOtdestinal: uh, probably the fact that it refuses to play anything higher than 640x480 and only supports H264 basic profile? P:
20:18.55destinalnothing a little software can't handle
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20:19.27SineOtdoesn't the Pre do H264 decoding in hardware?
20:19.40egaudetdestinal: XBMC netbooting onto salvaged pre, wahoo can't wait
20:19.49egaudetsome day, it's happening I don't care how long it takes me
20:20.43destinalegaudet: people already have XBMC working on beagleboard in ubuntu-ARM or something, so  shouldn't be that hard from there
20:21.39destinalgetting video out is probably trickies
20:22.07SineOtI don't know how OMAP3 handles video decoding
20:22.21egaudetdestinal: how tricky are we talking?
20:23.06egaudetI'm still really noob to hardware hacking but say simplest would be soldering an hdmi socket to some pins? pads?
20:23.26destinalegaudet:  don't know, hoping to play with it if I ever get a donated device to open up.  I can't bring myself to do it to a fully functional device
20:25.06egaudetmake a precentral post or something for salvaging/donating devices, I'm sure there are at least a few people with devices that they eventually just throw out or give away
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20:30.18swisstomcatmorning chuqui
20:31.20ka6soxafternoon swisstomcat
20:31.29swisstomcathey ka6sox
20:31.46ka6soxswiss you like php programming?
20:36.15swisstomcatka6sox: i wouldn't say like .. but i know php :)
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20:39.25matsimotoHi, when installing an ipkg-file from a ssh shell, how do I get the icon displayed in the launcher ?
20:40.15matsimotosuch a stupid question :( ?
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20:40.53Clipper87hey sineot
20:41.19Clipper87I got novacom working on windows...what was that command you reccommeded ?
20:42.23oilmatsimoto: no, i was laughing at swisstomcat
20:42.33oilmatsimoto: rebooting should do it
20:44.59Clipper87oil maybe you know...I'm trying to get the onscreen keyboard working on my pre 2
20:45.18Clipper87I have novacom running I am cd to the correct folder
20:45.29Clipper87I just dont know what to do next
20:45.35matsimotooil: OK, but are there easier methods ? I would like to upload the files I build with my netbeans module via scp and then run the installer via ssh over wifi. This would be cool during development.
20:46.18matsimotooil: But permanently rebooting would slow things down.
20:47.08oilClipper87: ive never edited a file over novacom
20:47.20oilidk if vi even works over it
20:47.27egaudetmatsimoto: how did you install it via shell?
20:47.57matsimotoegaudet: ipkg -i <filename>.ipkg
20:48.10egaudetwell I would reverse that if I were you
20:48.31egaudetinstalling to root like that is the cause of eternal update symptoms
20:48.59egaudetwhat instructions did you follow for that command line?
20:49.03matsimotoegaudet: how do you mean reverse ??
20:49.17egaudetipkg remove it
20:49.42egaudetwhat instructions did you follow?
20:49.55matsimotoI have already removed it and installed is with the palm installer.
20:50.29matsimotoegaudet: instructions? I just took a look at the ipkg usage
20:50.55matsimotoI am fairly new to this stuff.
20:51.45destinalmatsimoto: yeah there are two ipkg libraries on a webos device.   the base one which you installed into which is only for the operating system itself,   and another intended for third party applications
20:52.49destinalthe proper one for applications is  ipkg -o /media/cryptofs/apps install whatever.ipk
20:52.50matsimotodestinal: where do I find the right one or better are there instruction available on how to do it right ?
20:52.59destinalbut easier to palm-install from the host PC usually
20:53.37matsimotodestinal: is it possible to the palm-install over wifi ?
20:53.46destinaland some advanced packages don't work with ipkg -o   because it's an "offline" mode and doesn't run post install scripts or pre remove
20:54.21destinalwhich your average webos app doesn't have, but some, especially advanced homebrew stuff, does
20:55.15matsimotoOK, I understand, my intention is to add more comfort to my PalmPre module I built for netbeans IDE. It is simple but it works
20:55.18destinalmatsimoto: theoretically possible over novacom's tcp modes I suppose but I don't know anyone who does it (or tcp novacom except to the emulator really)
20:55.30matsimotobut the USB Plug sucks
20:55.41destinalmatsimoto: very true
20:56.31destinalmatsimoto: you can put the app on URL the browser can load and you have preware installed you could do it that way
20:57.05destinalpreware can install apps and packages from web URL's or email
20:57.23matsimotodestinal:hmm, can I use file URLs like file://blabla ?
20:58.42destinalmatsimoto: the browser doesn't want to open file: urls, but maybe with a patch
20:58.43matsimotodestinal: maybe I can tunnel novacom over my ssh connection ...
20:59.33destinalmatsimoto: it should be possible, just load up the emulator and figure out how that TCP connection works.  I have no idea why nobody here seems to have researched doing much with novacom over tcp
21:00.30destinalI don't know if the novacom daemon on the pre supports tcp modes either.. hmm..
21:00.40matsimotodestinal: but isnt the novacomd only a bridge between tcp and USB ?
21:00.58destinalmatsimoto: that's true.  *that* port
21:01.40matsimotothat would mean that I need a USBoverTCP magic driver ...
21:01.44destinalmatsimoto: novacomd can also talk to a novacom device over tcp
21:01.51matsimotoah OK
21:01.52destinalrather than usb
21:02.30matsimotoperfect I will try this. do you have a hint on docs for the tcp mode ?
21:03.03destinalmatsimoto: sadly I really don't think there are docs, I would try tcpdump on the SDK virtual machine
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21:03.31destinaland then try palm-install to the emulator
21:03.45matsimotoOK, I prefer wireshark, ut it should do the job
21:03.47destinalmatsimoto: and write up on the wiki whatever you find
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21:04.26destinalmatsimoto: yeah i guess you could sniff the host side of the virtual network interface, I assume that would work in wireshark?
21:04.58matsimotothat should work. Never tried this with virtualbox
21:05.27destinalit's an x86 virtual machine with a special build of webos running on it
21:05.46destinalthe emulator image I mean
21:06.03matsimotoI think I can intercept it on the host side.
21:06.38destinalit's weird that we've never researched this before
21:06.50destinalin like 1.5 years
21:07.21matsimotoI stumbled over the openssh server and it was so easy to make it work
21:07.37destinalmatsimoto: installed through preware?
21:07.51matsimotoand a future without the USB plug looks promising
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21:23.25egaudetin preware you can use file:// to install an ipk
21:24.12egaudetpreware does have file browser too but only for /media/internal
21:24.20egaudetmanual file:// paths work for ipk's located outside of /media/internal
21:24.35halfhaloknows theres a s3cr3t option for file browser
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22:07.33destinalegaudet: ah, I didn't know that about opening file:// url's in preware.  coolo
22:10.29oilyeah, it does that, and my sexy file picker :)
22:11.01halfhalois totally going to redo wirc's alias stuff after he finishes with his finals
22:11.35oildoesn't hold breath xD
22:11.56halfhaloim taking code I made for node regex stuff and applying it there
22:13.15oilafaik the alias stuff works pretty good
22:13.36halfhalothe way Imma gonna do it is sorta the same, but cleaner
22:14.58halfhaloinstead of doing a crazy for loop with a crapload of ifs its just going to be a replace type thing
22:15.35halfhaloand it will also allow for more complex stuff to be built on the fly
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22:18.09halfhaloit will end up taking an input string like "/blah :com :stuffs", build a regex strings can be used to match against, and then when run on those strings returns an obj with the values of com and stuffs which can be automagically replaced as well
22:18.42oilmake sure its backwards compatible with previous aliases
22:18.46halfhalosame basic thing, but with a wrapper structure to make it cleaner
22:18.58oilor it converts aliases to the new format
22:19.30halfhaloit should convert just fine, since its not all that different of a format in the end
22:24.11halfhaloheh, I actually originally made the code for an irc node thing where I would have an array of this function and a callback, and ever time a message came in I would loop over all the regex's and if they matched ran the callback
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22:25.18halfhaloinstead of having crazy regex everywhere in my code I would just have "hi :person" instead
22:29.12halfhalois that lazy
22:33.00SineOtmemboot is the best thing
22:35.08rwhitbyomap3_loader is better
22:36.29rwhitbymemboot requires an operational bootloader :)
22:37.11SineOtwas just loading the stock kernel back on, since warthog was hanging really badly 10 seconds after Luna start :p
22:38.12SineOtwhich, if anyone can explain how to get logs etc, I'll be happy to subject myself too some mroe to help figure out why it hangs P:
22:39.53rwhitbyyou need to pull the battery momentarily while it's still plugged into USB for power, and vol up recovery mode immediately
22:39.58rwhitbythen you can novacom get file://klog
22:40.06rwhitbyor talk to bootie directly
22:43.11SineOtoooo, that's new
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22:44.27SineOtNovacom reports "klog empty" so I'm assuming it wiped
22:46.48rwhitbyhow long did you leave the battery out?
22:46.57rwhitbyit needs to be less than quarter of a second
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22:47.59SineOtprobably a little longer than that
22:48.01egaudetvolatile memory is...
22:48.14SineOtbut now, even pulling the battery, I can't get it to actually... Shut off
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22:49.33SineOtit seems perfectly content to just keep running off USB power
22:50.19rwhitbydo what I said
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22:50.32halfhalooh, rwhitby, question!  in regards to preware, what exactly do you mean by "lazy-loading"?
22:50.48rwhitbyloading only what is required to display what the user can see
22:51.15SineOtMomentarily pull the battery while still on USB, and volume up recovery immediately: that's what I did
22:51.35SineOtnovacom can't find the device, and it's still sitting at the launcher page it hung on with the battery pulled
22:51.58SineOtpulled/reinsererted a few times with volume up, novacom still can't find it
22:53.16halfhaloso, say, instead of download existing feeds which contain everything, it would talk to the server and say "give me all packages that work with x,y and z" where x/y/z could be webos versions or arch?
22:55.13rwhitbyhalfhalo: and not even all of the data for those packages
23:03.27SineOtrwhitby: pull battery while connected to USB, correct?
23:04.22halfhalook, the querying is ridiculously easy to do, with pages like /feed/:webos/:arch/:etc(.html or ,json or .xml, doesn't matter to rails) which would (and should) be accessed by default/first/etc since they will be the fastest, and then also have a page like /package/find where it uses any POST data to narrow its results for more specific searching at the expense of speed (since the query most likely will not be cached by anything, and most l
23:04.23halfhalowill involve a field not being indexed)
23:05.08halfhaloAs for the not sending all the data thing, thats easy to do, but I don't know how much of an increase in load it will result in
23:07.03halfhalotheoretically, I can also make it do revisions as well
23:08.56halfhaloso you give the server a revision number and it responds with all the changes between that revision and the current one
23:09.44oil(needs to include package removals)
23:10.30destinalrwhitby: wow you can get the device to restart but retain klog by pulling battery?   I didn't know that.  I would use the kernel reset myself,   hold down power button and slide mute switch on, off,  three times and keep holding power button
23:12.42halfhalooil: yeah, package removal is pretty much the only thing not being tracked right now since I haven't come up with a clean way of doing it yet
23:13.24oilcouldn't the server cache the revision responses?
23:14.07rwhitbydestinal: if power wiggle works, it's a better option.  with overclocking kernel crashes, it rarely works
23:14.10oilis it reading the packages file to build its database right now?
23:14.36destinalrwhitby: oh and  re the omap3 usb loader, it's awesome, but you still need something to load IT that you can use to load the kernel, yeah?  (so usb load bootie and boot mem a kernel anyway)
23:14.52rwhitbydestinal: yeah
23:15.14destinalwe need to get a xloader+uboot combo working so we can do more interesting boot things
23:15.39rwhitbywaits for reactions to
23:20.20halfhalooil: its made up of two distinct parts which I lovingly call feedEater and feedViewer.  feedEater resides on the server with the feeds and sets up watchers on all the Packages files its pointed at, and everytime one of them is modified reads it in, parses it into a bunch of objects, compares each object to a list of all perviously found objects, and if its unique sends it to mongo
23:21.15Rick_workwell,  doesn't he make his own point?  The project was violating IP, and irrespective of your roll, XDA would have eventually shut it down instead of allowing it to proceed.   Of course, the information was lost only if a) there was anything but the fake in the first place and b) no one was smart enough to cache the thread.
23:21.21halfhalofeedViewer is just a stripped down rails app that talks to the same DB
23:21.36ASticeThat's a tough debate to take a side on
23:22.01SineOtXDA normally, to my knowledge, doesn't really care about violating IP too much, given the number of ports of stuff like Sense UI to non-HTC devices, etc
23:22.04AStice"nerd projects" as he put it are one thing. It's a completely different thing to do it without any regard to HP/Palm's oppinion on the matter
23:22.28ASticeDid HP or Palm ever weigh in on the matter?
23:23.00Rick_workit is.  And of course, some companies (apple) make things so impossible that there is no CHOICE but to simply ignore their IP.  But if the company is reasonably decent, which HP and palm are more-than, then you would be STUPID to convince them to take actions to lock their doors.
23:23.33Rick_workNo AStice  they didn't.  But again, remember how they treat US.  The difference is clear.  Silence on one side, massive open support on the other.
23:25.28ASticeTrue - but I look at in a similar light to the work you guys will inevitably work on when Palm stops supporting webOS on older hardware
23:25.40ASticeIt's highly dependent on the intentions of the developers
23:25.58rwhitbyAStice: have you read my last post in that thread?
23:26.29ASticeDon't have a link to the thread - looking for it now
23:29.10Rick_workAStice  no, actually, -we- guys have a policy about that.  We use the files that Palm has openly shared on the internet, and mod them, even as we do with patches etc etc and meta doctor and so forth.
23:29.26Rick_workwe do not EVER host modified versions of Palm or HP ip.
23:32.02rwhitbyAStice: looks like the thread has been removed
23:32.15ASticeLooks like it
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23:33.21ASticeLike I said - that's a really tough debate to weigh in on, tough to draw a line there - if it truly is just a project to see if they could do it, that one thing - when you start talking about distribution you bring a whole other set of ethical principles into play
23:33.24rwhitbyThat's a shame - they should have just removed the link to the illegal redistribution.
23:34.00rwhitbyAStice: correct. it is sandix's decision to illegally redistribute which tipped the balance.
23:34.31rwhitbyif they instead did a tool which downloaded from palm, modified, and flashed, then there is no copyright violation
23:34.43ASticeI'm going to say that redistributing their work (outside of themselves, of course) would lean on the side of ethically wrong
23:35.06rwhitbynot just ethically wrong, it's a clear and blatant copyright law violation.
23:35.37ASticeTrue, but there's a huge difference between legality and ethics, I'm only talking about ethics
23:35.57rwhitbysure, if your ethics allow breaking the law just for your convenience
23:36.14rwhitbythe very law upon which all open source development is based
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23:37.23rwhitbyone cannot be in favour of suing Cisco, and then support redistribution of webOS, just because they want webOS on their Hero
23:37.35ASticeWell, obviously someone could break the law and claim that they did because they didn't see an ethical problem with it, but that's a bit extreme. In this case ethics and copyright laws align pretty closely, but there is a bit of a difference there. Technically doing the development itself is against copyright.
23:38.22rwhitbyNo, doing the development is not against copyright.  If someone gives you a book, you are free to mangle it how you choose.
23:38.56rwhitby(at least you are in juridictions which allow reverse engineering and end-user modifications)
23:40.27ASticeTrue - but intellectual property is a bit different then a physical object. That's where it gets hairy. Most copyrights require express permission to modify their intellectual property. Usually it's fine if you don't redistribute, because then it can be correlated to a physical object
23:41.29ASticeBe back in a moment
23:43.04rwhitbyYes, redistribution is the tipping point.
23:43.49ASticeTrue - and development with the intent to redistribute is just as unethical
23:44.00rwhitbyAStice: Most copyrights refer to redistribution on modified content, not the act of modifying it
23:44.31rwhitbyMainly because copyright law cannot limit the act of modifying it yourself in most jurisdictions.
23:45.16oilwhich is why you use the metadoc to modify the doctor, instead of just downloading a modified doctor from our servers
23:45.26rwhitbyAStice: this whole issue is why WebOS Internals created the MetaDoctor - we do not redistribute modified webOS images, we distribute a tool that an end-user can use to modify their own copy (which they have obtained legally)
23:46.16rwhitbyIt's a clear and distinct difference in approach, which does not force the vendor to defend their copyright rights.
23:46.27ASticeYes - which is ethical
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23:51.23ASticeCopyright's are there to  provide a legal basis for protecting the owner's right to benefit from their intellectual property. Your approach maintains ethics by stepping around the limitations of copyrights. Your also lucky that Palm encourages your work, because regardless of copyright law, if they didn't want you modifying their stuff, even the meta doctor would no longer be ethical (in my opinion, that's a hard point to ar
23:53.37destinalAStice: actually copyrights are there to enrich the public domain (at least that's what the US constitution says)
23:53.54rwhitbyAStice: the ethics of MetaDoctor do not depend upon what Palm wants.
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23:55.09rwhitbyWhilst Palm seeing the benefits of ethical third-part development is good, it is not essential to that development continuing, as the development is based on the law, not on the good graces of a corporation.
23:55.55ASticeEthics are still very much in the realm of debate, in my opinion the ethics of the MetaDoctor do depend on what Palm wants, because your tool is not equivalent to someone modifying their own device - but it is also not nearly as unethical as flat out distributing modified property
23:56.24rwhitbyAStice: if the tool was a screwdriver, and the person was modifying a car, the same ethics apply.
23:57.15destinalAStice: providing someone a tool to alter their own licensed copyrighted work  (like a 3rd party patch for windows) is against copyright law, in your assertion?
23:57.30ASticeNot at all
23:57.38rwhitbydestinal: no, he is asserting morals, not legality.
23:57.39ASticeNot talking about copyright law, just ethics
23:58.10destinalah.  well yeah ethically absolutely, I should have the right to open the hood of my car :)
23:58.13rwhitbyAStice: have you seen the talk by saurik on this subject?
23:58.44ASticeNo, but I'd be interested. Looking for it now
23:58.49ASticeThat makes it easier
23:59.58destinalThe US copyright office realizes it's important too and made the exemption for jailbreaking and phone unlocking

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