IRC log for #webos-internals on 20101018

00:16.22*** join/#webos-internals don (4818786e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:17.00Guest82298flashed to cricket.  What proxy can i use with
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00:25.26SineOtcricket has a Pre?
00:25.56bpadalinono, he re-did the provisioning on his phone to put it on cricket's network (i believe)
00:26.45SineOtflashing would be an odd way to describe changing the provisioning
00:27.58bpadalino*shrug* those crazy cdma peoples
00:29.17rwhitbybpadalino: apparently, there is a webOS 1.3.1 ROM which people who want to get on Cricket buy from some illegal dude and then flash it.
00:29.49bpadalinovery interesting
00:29.54rwhitbyand since it's an illegal redistribution of webOS files, we can't support it here.
00:29.58*** join/#webos-internals xbonesx (~xbonesx@unaffiliated/xbonesx)
00:30.18SineOt1.3.1 is so ancient now
00:30.25SineOthope they don't have to pay much for it :I
00:30.40rwhitbynow, if the people involved were to publish information about how each end-user can do it for themselves, then we might be able to get involved, but of course that would harm their illegal revenue stream
00:30.59rwhitbySineOt: I believe it's something like $200
00:31.18SineOtgood lord
00:31.25xbonesxis there a way to have the pre start with a specified profile running, mine always starts with one called unknown running 500 across the board
00:31.36bpadalinoamazing someone would pay that much .. isn't the pre on verizon wireless prepaid now ?
00:31.42rwhitbyAt least that's what I heard from one guy who was asking why Preware wouldn't work on his device
00:31.47SineOtyeah, it is, bpadalino
00:32.07rwhitbyxbonesx: select a profile in govnah, and it sticks on clean boots
00:32.40xbonesxspeaking about govnah of course
00:33.12SineOt200$ for an outdated version of webOS
00:34.16xbonesxnope never has for me even after doctoring and reinstalling everything
00:35.04rwhitbyxbonesx: even if you select one of the predefined profiles?
00:36.45rwhitbydo you have a govnah file in /var/palm/event.d ?
00:38.14xbonesxI'll check
00:40.14xbonesx"/var/palm/event.d/org.webos-internals.govnah" ???
00:44.11xbonesxthere's actually like four files for govnah
00:50.34xbonesxrwhitby: any ideas?
00:53.12rwhitbythe -settings one is the one for govnah profile
00:53.19rwhitbyand the -compcache one
00:53.30rwhitbyshould only be three I think
00:55.02xbonesxrwhitby: those controlthe default settings? can I manually enter the desired profile into a config file?
00:58.28rwhitbyxbonesx: just edit those files directly if you like
01:00.04xbonesxrwhitby: first off hats off to you bro for your work, secondly any thoughts on why govnah might not be setting the profiles?
01:00.51rwhitbylook at the first three lines of those scripts and check those commands to see if your device thinks it was uncleanly rebooted
01:00.59rwhitbythe lunprop lines
01:02.36xbonesxok one sec
01:02.36xbonesxlol govnah just received an update??? lol
01:02.59oilthat happens
01:06.19xbonesxrwhitby: I got a false, true, true
01:06.36MarajinSineOt: my pixi is slow! Make it less slow! :P
01:07.25rwhitbyMarajin: put a 750MHz kernel on it
01:07.34rwhitbyxbonesx: that's not it then.
01:07.47Marajinrwhitby: is there one in the preware repos? O.o
01:07.49rwhitbyxbonesx: is it charging, or is the battery less than 25% ?
01:08.00rwhitbyMarajin: yes, in the kernel test feed
01:08.11xbonesxMarajin: wasn't a OC released for pixi, in testing feed???
01:08.12MarajinI assume that needs to be manually added?
01:08.24rwhitbygoogle knows how
01:08.26Marajinxbonesx: I didn't see it when I was looking for kernels
01:12.40xbonesxrwhitby: I'm chraging at the moment, I run a userdefined profile so the charging doesn't effect the cpu rate, but when I restart the phone I have it off the charger
01:13.08Marajinfeed updating now
01:17.21Marajintotally not in the feeds I'm finding
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01:19.15MarajinI tried the all and the armv6 feeds to no avail.. does the kernel have its own supar sekrit sneaky feed or what? :p
01:19.53rwhitbyyeah, it's real sneaky and hidden.  second google hit for "webos-internals kernel testing feed"
01:20.14bpadalinothe SECOND hit?!
01:20.21bpadalinough, so low in rankings :(
01:20.22MarajinI went for 'pixi kernel feed'
01:20.25oilnot feelin lucky?
01:23.09Marajinok that 2nd link is the page I went to.. my bad, didn't actually scroll to the bottom to read if there was a special section for kernels
01:23.21Marajinand that web address for the feed just makes me bloody suspicious
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01:27.06Marajin... that's kinda amusing
01:28.38xbonesxMarajin: get it working?
01:29.46Marajinwell yes
01:29.53Marajinbut I can't believe they bothered to code that behaviour in
01:30.02halfhalopatch it
01:30.26Marajinthat or I could just use the logical URL in the future I suppose
01:32.21SineOtlol, Marajin! Install Warthog!
01:32.23Marajinit failed to install
01:32.49Marajinlet me guess, it freaked cause I'd installed the UK?
01:33.09SineOtuninstall UK and install Warthog
01:33.15Marajinthat's what I shall do
01:33.20SineOtand be sure to set up compcache in Govnah
01:33.29Marajinmais bien sur
01:35.42Marajinthere we go, it installed
01:36.09MarajinSineOt: ZOMG, my pixi melted and set my desk on fire, totally blaming you! :p
01:37.05MarajinIt also ate my imaginary kitten :(
01:40.26SineOtit didn't eat your kitten
01:40.39SineOtit just reinstalled it to my Pixi
01:41.58SineOtbut yeah 748+compcache@24mb (I'm weird) runs really nice
01:43.09SineOtif stuff like 806 turns out to be stable all the better
01:43.35Marajinjust fiddling with the advanced settings now..
01:43.41Marajinenabled the same settings as yours
01:46.09MarajinSineOt: btw, that kitten is a disguise, it's a grue really... DON'T TURN OFF THE LIGHTS!
01:46.36bpadalinoyou're standing in front of a white house
01:46.47SineOtI also bumped the Up Threshold to 70% since I (think) that makes it bump up quicker
01:46.47Marajinalso, my pixi also doesn't have magical running cooler than ambient temperature properties either
01:47.03SineOtfigure out what the delta is from ambient to your pixi
01:47.24Marajinwell it's at 38 C right now heh
01:47.27SineOtmine idles at like, 7 over ambient :p
01:47.36SineOtwhich happens to be 35
01:47.42SineOtwhich seems hot, but it's a hot room so!
01:47.43Marajinand it's certainly not 30 in here
01:48.10MarajinI shall let it idle a bit
01:48.19SineOtI'm going to go get a coffee
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01:50.50MarajinI'm going to bed (35 C.. so it IS dropping slowly)
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03:43.02Fire-Timewas wondering if aneyone had any idea why I'm not getting a full file listing from the webos-internals git version control feed in preware
03:44.29ka6soxpreware !git
03:45.05ka6soxpreware does not use the git repo for it listings.
03:45.20Fire-Timeok is where the feeds are
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03:50.00FireTimeand there goes the router
03:52.04FireTimeok so preware does not pull data from the get server but it does pull from some sub version server?
03:54.12FireTimewell my final goal is to get stella up and running on this pixie but preware is only pulling some of the folders
04:04.32halfhaloWhat about it
04:05.10halfhaloBesides the awesomeness it looks like
04:05.36FireTimestill not fully fimilar with the webOS system and installing Stella is proving to be a little more difficult to install than initially planned
04:06.35FireTimeThe application is not appearing in the webos-internals preware feed
04:06.51bpadalinoyou are trying to install it to a pixi ?
04:07.19halfhaloPixi can run stuff?
04:07.29oilis a little surprised he has never seen stella before, yet its on the wiki :/
04:07.49halfhaloShamw on you oil
04:07.57bpadalinothe last time that page was updated was 2/2010 .. isn't that before pixi was running pdk stuff ?
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04:10.37halfhalogoes back to hulu on the ps3
04:11.27FireTimeis the repository that the pixie is pulling from not including stella because it is incompitable (or was when the application was prodeced)?
04:11.45halfhaloMost likely
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04:14.42FireTimealso (another shot in the dark here) could grabing the ipk from the pre repository prove fruitful if the reason it is not loading is solely due to the fact the pixie listing hasent been updated? Or would a seperate build be nessary.
04:15.17halfhaloA seperate build is needed for pdk apps
04:15.33bpadalinoit would be a separate build ..
04:15.44FireTimethanks for the info
04:16.48halfhaloYay pdk!
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04:25.52FireTimewell thanks for the help. (also found the http address of the server) and as was expected the Stella ipk is not located in the pixie's armv6/ directory but rather in the armv7/
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04:27.31bpadalinoyou could feel free to try to compile for armv6 and the pixi platform and see if it works .. if it doesn't, the stuff should all be open
04:28.04bpadalino;a=summary - git info there
04:28.31FireTimeyah, already have a snapshot of the current revision
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04:30.07FireTimeI might have to do this another time seeing as I'm not thinking 100% being hoped up on Hydrocoding from the removal of my wisdom teeth
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05:57.00ghostinatorIRC client for the pre is great! thanks for the hard work
05:59.50rwhitbyhey ghostinator, thanks for the TCP text
06:00.32ghostinatornp,ill make it more end user friendly and hopefully get some speed testing/network throughput testing done
06:06.54jhowebwhat testing?
06:07.19oil(i already put what he posted in govnah)
06:07.21jhowebjust stick with cubic. it's mostly okay.
06:08.22ghostinatorit's a good default, but my experience westwood is much better on my EVDO connection. VENO seems good as well
06:09.20ghostinatorthat's like sticking with the stock kernel,it does the job as well. :D
06:10.53jhowebi went through months ago and did throughput testing on all the different algos
06:11.31ghostinatorI guess I missed that
06:11.48oildoesnt think he posted it :)
06:12.31jhowebyeah. long story short
06:12.35jhowebstick with cubic
06:12.55jhowebof course, you are welcome to use whatever you want
06:13.04jhowebbut that's what i would tell people.
06:13.30jhowebreading about capabilities != testing said capabilities
06:16.09ghostinatorI mainly wanted to know what each one did and didn't see a compiled source. then I saw no info in the help file and couldnt sit idle
06:16.16SineOthow would you even go about testing that?
06:17.28jhojhouse a tool
06:17.44SineOtgee wiz really :T
06:17.53ghostinatorfile transfers through sftp I suppose, I have a speedtest app that is somewhat reliable
06:17.59SineOtI was thinking about holding it out the window to see if the bits flew faster
06:18.14ghostinatorI haven't put too much thought into it to be honest
06:18.36ghostinatorI do that sometimes to cool the cpu.. it gets hot in Florida
06:20.01SineOtthat's so helpful :'3
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06:20.16SineOtit's not like I was asking how you went about testing it on the phone or anything
06:20.48ghostinatorhaha, k guys I gotta go to bed, gotta work in the am and it's already 2am here.
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07:25.39rwhitbySo, I had a palm device with a spanish GSM board in it (not paid catalog).  I logged in with a profile, and got the free app catalog.  I then put an unlocked AT&T comms board in it, and didn't change anything else (i.e. it's still a P100UEU, carrier ROW). It now sees the US Paid app catalog.
07:28.14rwhitbyThe profile now has three phones registered on it.
07:28.51rwhitbyA Sprint Pre, an EU GSM Pre, and an AT&T PrePlus (except that it's actually a Pre)
07:29.51rwhitbythe profile has Country: USA
07:30.05rwhitbyNext I'll try activating that device with a Country: UK profile
07:30.30swisstomcatisn't it just the country of first activation together with the IMEI?
07:30.42swisstomcatthat defines which app catalog
07:35.42rwhitbythat's what I'm going to determine, whether the country listed in the profile has any effect, or whether it's just the IMEI/MEID, and where that identifier was first registered, irrespective of anything else already in the profile
07:37.23rwhitbyif it's just the IMEI/MEID, and the device type or profile country doesn't matter, then that makes it easier to do a pre2 comms board swap if they are electrically and physically compatible
07:39.51swisstomcati thought it was the country of first activation .. don't they have a paid app catalog in spain?
07:43.26rwhitbyyes, but that was a different GSM card, and when you use that GSM card, the app catalog requires an EU credit card.  Now with the unlocked AT&T GSM card, it asks for a US credit card
07:50.53swisstomcatah, because you put the different card in
07:50.58swisstomcatgsm card
07:51.42swisstomcatand the at&t comms board was activated in the us?
07:51.46rwhitbyI can put an EU GSM which was activated in Australia, a CDMA which was activated in US, or a US GSM which was activated in US
07:52.51swisstomcatthe eu gsm card won't lead to paid apps tho, right?
07:55.26rwhitbycorrect - I only get free apps on that one
07:56.22rwhitbyexcellent - I get US Paid on the UK profile too
07:57.21swisstomcatprofile doesn't have influence then
07:57.35rwhitbySo, the Country listed in your Palm Profile has no bearing on app catalog access.
07:59.18rwhitbyLooks like the Model is tied to the DeviceID, and has no connection to the real model.
07:59.35rwhitbyI have an AT&T comms board in a Pre-, and it says Pre+
08:00.56swisstomcatisn't the deviceid "just" a hash of the mac?
08:03.11rwhitbyDeviceID in your palm profile is the IMEI or MEID
08:03.28rwhitbywhich is permanently encoded on the comms board processor, not in the NVRAM
08:03.42rwhitbynduid is permanently in the OMAP
08:03.50rwhitbyand everything else is just NVRAM tokens
08:03.56swisstomcati see
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08:05.17rwhitbynow, my next experiment will be to make a Palm Pre report a Palm Pixi comms board DeviceID during activation, and see if it then sees the Pixi app catalog instead of the Palm app catalog, even though the DMMODEL is P100UEU
08:06.18rwhitbyI wonder if Pre2 apps will have a separate part of the app catalog like Pre/Pixi does.
08:06.30rwhitbyor whether they will just see the Pre catalog
08:06.33swisstomcatgood question
08:06.56swisstomcati think they have to: node stuff, new crud api, ...
08:07.12rwhitbybut that would be webOS version, not device type,
08:07.28rwhitbyI'm talking device type: Pre/Pixi/Pre2?
08:08.06rwhitbyguess it depends on what processor it really does have in it
08:08.25swisstomcatwould 2.0 pdk apps run on 1.4.5?
08:08.44rwhitbyno idea, and couldn't say in here anyway
08:09.59swisstomcatif the pre2 had additional hardware ...
08:10.12swisstomcatwith specific features
08:10.28jhojhopre2 isnt that much different from pre to require a different part
08:10.39jhojhomaybe if the resolution was different
08:10.42swisstomcatdoes it have a compass?
08:11.19rwhitbyno public report or leak has mentioned one
08:25.18swisstomcatadding some webos-internals stuff to my front-trends presentation
08:29.17bhueycan't wait for any new device on Sprint
08:30.22oilwould upgrade to pre2 on sprint
08:30.31bhueysame here
08:30.41bhueythey really hosed us
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08:31.20oilwould have upgraded to a plus already if it was offered
08:34.28swisstomcati assume that the pre2 will come to sprint
08:34.38swisstomcatand i hope for o2 too .. unlocked :)
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09:06.11bhueyscreen size on it still sucks though
09:06.29bhueywebos browser is so os
09:06.32bhueyso so
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16:41.32xbonesxanyone know of the app that allows you to encrypt a message on one phone, then send it to another pre that knows the password to decrypt? for private messaging?
16:42.54SineOtterI remember seeing it, but I can't remember what the name was
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17:05.57SineOtterhey Marajin
17:06.00SineOtterhow's the Pixi? :p
17:09.16xbonesxlol my buddy got a pixi and then came over and saw my pre and was like why the hell did I get this phone again, I sas like lmao
17:10.32SineOtterfor me? better keyboard, better battery life, better size, no hinge to break~
17:11.21xbonesxya I do like those features, I hope the pre2 has better structure to it
17:12.00SineOtterthat's why I'm like, way curious about this rumored "Broadway" device that says it has a fixed, nonremovable battery and Pixi screen resolution
17:12.06MarajinSineOtter: it's totally going out of time sync and it turns itself off once or twice a day
17:12.10SineOtterthat thing could be waaaaaaaaaaaaay thin
17:12.28SineOtterI think you got a dud! Doctored it yet?
17:12.35Marajinnot yet
17:12.39Marajinit is running faster
17:13.05xbonesxany news on sprint getting any of these nee devices?
17:13.06MarajinI didn't install much to it beyond a coupla patches and the WH kernel
17:13.47SineOtterno, but I'd say it's probably a decent bet on it happening given that Sprint missed out on all the + devices (or so I hope)
17:14.08xbonesxI would think and hope too
17:14.13SineOtteryeah, it shouldn't be THAT unstable with so little done to it. It also shouldn't be having time drift like that
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17:32.04MarajinSineOtter: oh it's losing like a half hour a day it's crazy
17:32.28MarajinSineOtter: apologies for the pause, got sidetracked doing a coupla demo videos for minecraft/runcraft to upload to yootoobs
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17:33.02SineOtterwhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaat, half an hour a day is insane
17:34.24MarajinSineOtter: yeah it's as if the clock just ... /stops/ at some point and doesn't kick in till I unsuspend my pixi
17:34.30Marajinoverall I'm quite liking the pixi
17:34.36Marajinthe keyboard is far nicer, I see what people meant
17:35.16SineOtteryeah it is, it's a lot more firm and the keys are raised farther. You'd think it'd be harder to use with it being smaller than the one on the Pre, but that's really not the case
17:35.39en0xpixi is nice
17:36.05en0xmy sis has it
17:36.37SineOtteryou get it set up for tethering, enox? I think it was you who was wanting to do that~
17:37.20en0xno i did not... it is as it is... i havent had a chaance to tether is and my sis don't want it...
17:37.33en0xcos she is hooking up to someone else wifi lol
17:39.27SineOttersomeone else's wifi: the best thing
17:39.55en0xyap ;D
17:40.11en0xif u don't protect it... nobody will ;d
17:40.13halfhaloIts like free monies
17:40.16MercuryBah, my own wifi with a proper key, WPA2, and an 18M pipe is nicer. :)
17:40.26Mercury(But then, I'm paranoid.)
17:40.40en0xi just use mac filtering on my wifi
17:40.43en0xno encryption
17:40.55en0xnobody hacked to my wifi in over 5 yrs lol
17:40.55Mercuryen0x: Ah, so no security.
17:40.59halfhaloI use... a shotgun
17:41.36SineOtterMercury: yeah, your own wifi is nice, but when that's not working... lol
17:41.49halfhaloI see someone on my network and bam, down the go
17:42.00SineOttermy gf spent a week without internet because Time Warner couldn't tell a connection from a hole in the ground
17:42.25SineOtter"network outage in the area" my ass :B if your engineers take a week to fix something like that maybe you need new engineers :B
17:42.30halfhaloIts tw what did you expect
17:42.38en0xthey don't get paid enough
17:42.45en0xthe same thing is at our university too
17:42.51en0xwe fix issues within a week
17:43.10SineOtterthat if the cable internet goes out that it'd at least have the decency to make the cable TV go out too!
17:43.26SineOtterbecause it's awesome to know your internet is dead but you can still buy a 9.99 movie on demand :B
17:43.46halfhaloHey its cable that's what they do
17:43.49en0xi don't remember when was a last time I bought a movie on demand
17:44.15SineOtterI just watch the free stuff on demand, because for movies it's like... I'll walk down the street to Redbox and pay a buck for it instead
17:44.19halfhaloI did recently off of direct tv
17:45.05SineOtterI just -love- that Time Warner is playing up the fact that ondemand gets movies before redbox, when it's Time Warner's and other cable/sat companies lobbying the studios that put the 28 day delay in place to begin with :9
17:45.47halfhalowell that's because their scared of the big bad digital download
17:46.27SineOtterso they block redbox from renting new releases for 28 days? :p
17:46.44halfhaloDon't judge my logic
17:46.50halfhaloIts sound
17:46.58en0xheh i get movies on torrents even before it gets on ondemand or redbox ;p
17:47.15halfhaloWow swype recognizes ish?
17:47.31SineOtteryou know how painful movies on torrents are with 2mbps DSL? really, really, really painful
17:47.45SineOtterSprint 4G in the area pulls like 6-7mbps :C
17:47.55halfhaloTorrents are bad, mkay
17:48.20SineOtternewsgroups are superior no doubt
17:48.33halfhaloSprint 4g just pulled three here in socal
17:48.52SineOttertoooooooootally reading the linux mailing list with that 365 day binary retention :V
17:49.03SineOtterhalfhalo: where at? Anaheim?
17:49.03halfhaloWhich is cool since I only had one bar
17:49.25halfhaloNope, in the sf valley
17:50.13SineOtterthey've got it rolled out in Fullerton/Anaheim right now in "secret" I guess, but there's a hill that's JUST tall enough to make sure you can't get 4G at the house :C
17:50.36halfhaloIts all the same service area
17:50.59ka6soxno bars here....
17:51.08ka6sox100miles *west* of LA.
17:51.28halfhaloThat's because it doesn't love you
17:51.47halfhaloIts pretty fast/nice though
17:52.34SineOtterka6sox, isn't 100 miles *west* of LA out in the middle of the ocean ?_?
17:52.36en0xclear put some ads in boston
17:52.45en0xget wireless net for 35 bucks a month
17:53.02ka6soxSineOtter, nope...
17:53.20ka6soxokay its 285 not 270
17:53.21halfhaloEh, doesn't work at my house really yet though
17:53.48halfhaloNow he's making numbers up again
17:53.52MercurySineOtter: It depends a lot on what direction west you go _exactly_, it's easy to miss and end up in the water.
17:54.07SineOtteror where in LA you start measuring from!
17:54.23SineOtterI'm going to assume you're measuring from down town which would be like Malibu and stuff
17:54.33MercurySineOtter: I don't know how big those islands are.
17:54.37halfhaloI would go from lax
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17:55.49SineOtterthe channel islands? they're pretty big
17:57.07SineOtterthey're also -really- empty so expecting coverage out there is kind of :p
17:58.20ka6soxVerizon has a Cell Site on Santa Cruz Island.
17:58.45ka6sox*all* the fishermen are on Verizon
17:59.15halfhaloAnd so are the fish
17:59.23SineOtterand the seals!
17:59.45halfhaloBirds are on tmobile though
17:59.48SineOtter... And possibly the sea otters too. Heard rumors that there might have been a sea otter in newport bay which would be -awesome-
18:00.12SineOtterbirds only went with tmo since they can add lines for 5$, since there's so many of them
18:00.29halfhaloIt needs to be training more right now
18:00.51halfhaloStop sucking swype
18:01.09ka6soxits only a 3 mile swath between the mountains and the sea.
18:01.13ka6soxokay bbl
18:01.35halfhaloHe drive into the ocean
18:02.09halfhaloSwype is making me type like a 5 year old...
18:02.28Mouseyswiper no swypee!
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18:35.27xbonesxso when a docter is done to a pre does it replace all file system directories? replace kernel changes too?
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18:36.48en0xxbonesx: yes..
18:37.57halfhaloand xbonesx, there is no need to send the same message to both webos channels
18:38.37xbonesxlol well some people chill in one and not the other, yes i know the big dogs do but the big dogs dont always answer quesitons right away
18:39.00halfhaloAnd it also bugs everyone else
18:39.10halfhalochoose the channel that it belongs into the most and post it there
18:39.54xbonesxmy apologies
18:40.08xbonesxthank you for the reply though! :)
18:55.34*** join/#webos-internals datafirm (
19:13.27summatusmentisI'm trying to follow the instructions from about how to be able to ssh into your pre, and I've done everything it says, and my keys are working, but I keep getting a password prompt
19:13.35summatusmentisdoes anyone have any ideas?
19:14.00halfhalowhat os are you sshing from?
19:16.48summatusmentisOS X
19:17.04summatusmentisjust from
19:19.41summatusmentishalfhalo: ignore me, I'm stupid, my dyndns isn't updating
19:30.04Marajinsummatusmentis: is ohsobroken anyway
19:30.12Marajinuse iterm at the minimum and that's hardly wonderful
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20:10.31summatusmentisMarajin: works pretty well for me
20:10.38summatusmentisI've tried iterm and hated it
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21:06.55Marajinsummatusmentis: I hate iterm but has been buggy as hell through 3 versions of OS X and two completely different macs....
21:07.00Marajinwait, no 3 different macs
21:07.19SineOthow so?
21:07.20Marajinpowerbook g4-800, Intel Core Duo Mac Mini and an Intel Core 2 Duo iMac
21:07.30SineOtI can't say I've ever run into issue with it :x
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21:07.34MarajinSineOt: it suffers massively from rendering issues for me
21:08.03Marajinit'll fail to update things properly or completely mess up encoding
21:08.22SineOtwhat are you using/trying to do? I'll poke it here~
21:08.30Marajinperhaps a peculiarity of my terminal sessions but PuTTY/iTerm/etc. just go perfectly
21:08.46Marajinwell I tend to go terminal -> local shell -> ssh to my linux box -> screen session
21:08.56SineOtI've seen a few issues where lines get screwy but... It does the same thing on my Ubuntu netbook so I kind of think it's just universal that it sucks
21:09.13Marajininside that screen session I have irssi, finch (ncurses pidgin) and a few telnet connections to MUDs and such
21:09.28Marajinit can't render finch properly worth a damn
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22:00.16lordbahStill looking for someone who can look into an EPR hang.
22:00.39oilsworknrwhitby: ^
22:00.56oilsworkni would have done egaudet: ^
22:01.01oilsworknbut he seems to be mia
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22:02.35oilsworknidk, i haven't seen egaudet in weeks or so
22:02.57oilsworknive actually had a feature request for keyboss to tell him about the entire time!
22:03.41SineOtlordbah: is it sitting at the end of the process and not doing anything?
22:04.41lordbahSineOt: Spinning at some point. ps shows "md5sum somenonexistentfile" running and not exiting.
22:04.59SineOtI just restarted at that point and it seemed to work fine
22:05.27SineOt"if it breaks I'll just doctor it!" *pulls the plug*
22:05.48lordbahI've restarted several times.
22:05.54oilsworknis sad themes have never been made more better
22:06.34halfhalothinks oil should start to work on them
22:06.39SineOtwhat are you running EPR to remove?
22:06.43lordbahThis hang is weird, but it wouldn't happen except that something somewhere is pointing at a virtual-keyboard folder despite the fact I've run Cleanup VKB and removed any VK package I can find.
22:07.29lordbahI'm running EPR to prepare for installing the Advanced Configuration packages.
22:07.37oilsworknive only ever installed one theme, the l4d one i think, it was only on my pre for like 5 mins, lol
22:08.08SineOtyou should be fine if that's what it's hanging on
22:08.15SineOtis it successfully removing all your patches?
22:11.03lordbahSineOt: List of Installed Packages doesn't show a Patches category.
22:11.26SineOtI'd say it's safe to assume that all of your patches have been removed then
22:11.36SineOtunless you can still access some of the patch features
22:14.34lordbahThat's weird too. Wish I could remember the name of the launcher patch I had, because I can still orange+tap to bring up a menu with delete/rename/hide/move. I can Edit Launcher Pages. I can enter Edit Mode and hit + to add more launcher pages. etc. So that patch doesn't seem to be removed.
22:15.21lordbahTop bar patches are all still active.
22:15.25Loudergoodmaybe you should try to rebuild the preware db?
22:16.32SineOtEmergency Reconstruction Utility? I think?
22:16.40SineOtSomething like that. Rebuilds the Preware database.
22:16.44Loudergoodyeah I think that's it
22:17.02lordbahWill try that.
22:17.19lordbahI'm getting old, gotta get something with a much larger screen for my next phone.
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22:18.52oilsworknmount a magnifying glass to the front of your phone
22:19.04SineOt"steam punk"
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22:23.42lordbahRan ERU. Still no Patches category in Installed Packages.
22:24.27oilsworknreboot, see if patches are still there?
22:25.54lordbahPower/Restart in progress. That takes like 10 minutes :-(
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22:28.46oilsworknwell, since it was just patches, a quicker luna restart would have also worked xD
22:34.15lordbahPatches are still functional, and Preware still doesn't see any of them.
22:34.51rwhitbyyep, sounds like you've destroyed the patch database
22:37.44lordbahWhere does that live?
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22:52.57lordbahI was thinking to use Save/Restore and Doctor - but, do I want to NOT restore the Preware files?
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22:58.33Tmanman.. been awhile since I've been in here
22:58.50Tmancollege is keeping me busy :>
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23:13.14xcomp_if anyone's around  ... I forgot the correct git url for dev commits. I need to push a fix for evas
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23:20.00lordbahDoes a destroyed patch database mean it's time to run WebOS Doctor?
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23:25.42rwhitbythat or webOS Repair Tool
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23:28.33lordbahrwhitby: Does a destroyed patch database mean it's time to run WebOS Doctor? Or is that kept in the area Dr doesn't touch any more?
23:28.48rwhitbyrun webOS Repair Tool
23:29.02rwhitbyget your webOS files back to virgin state. then start again.
23:29.07rwhitbyif all that is too hard, just doctor.
23:30.10lordbah"WebOS Repair Utility"?
23:33.17xcomp_rwhitby: forgot the git url for commits. I need to push a fix for evas.
23:34.30rwhitbyxcomp_: BTW, all that stuff has been broken for a lot of people for a long time now.
23:34.59xcomp_yeah I'm a bit confused by the new directory structure as well
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23:35.47xcomp_i was going to try to rebuild everything and fix any issues
23:37.01xcomp_how is "make update" supposed to work with the new dir structure?
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23:57.17*** topic/#webos-internals is Discussion about webOS internals (not webOS SDK usage - #webos for that, or wIRC - #wirc for that). Honor all licenses, carrier agreements and copyrights. Twitter: @webosinternals Logs: Wiki: Pastebin: Preware: Patches:
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