IRC log for #webos-internals on 20100902

00:00.08SineOtI can only hope that Perian ends up on it again
00:02.31destinalalso, really $99 for a netflix streamer with a really good UI that can rent other content isn't that bad
00:03.34destinalbut I'm guessing that it's going to be possible to hack it to do lots of other stuff despite what apple wants
00:03.35SineOtand it can stream from iTunes, and I'm sure within a few weeks of its release will be figured out to stream from other sources
00:03.57SineOtit really depends just on how much space is available, and just how it decodes video
00:04.09destinalI just don't get this whole locked down limited use platform
00:04.21SineOtsince there's no internal storage, if the built in OS takes up 99% of the file system then you don't have much space to play with
00:04.22destinalonce upon a time things being able to do more stuff was a feature
00:04.45SineOtand if it uses something simple like a Broadcom H264 decoder on a chip, it might be hard to get other formats to play nicely on it
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00:11.26Ted__Sorry, I needed to give up the computer for a moment.
00:11.32Ted__THe new Nano looks redicules.
00:12.51krushia_how the fuck does one confirm a friend request on facebook from the pre?
00:13.05SineOtI couldn't figure that out either
00:13.12SineOtI just loaded it up in the browser and did it through there
00:13.28krushia_browser not even working
00:13.47krushia_i get "form has expired"
00:13.50SineOtwhat site are you using? or
00:14.04krushia_x i think
00:14.09SineOttry touch
00:14.10krushia_will try touch
00:14.30Ted__I doubtle sleep button and my pre restarted wtf
00:15.10SineOtyeah sometimes that happens, my Pixi does it took
00:15.20krushia_same problem with touch
00:15.41krushia_i think i have cache aids or something
00:15.45Ted__Okay, just so I idn't break anything xD
00:17.00SineOtkrushia_: you try clearing the cache?
00:17.12krushia_just did, no luck
00:17.30krushia_might bea patch issue
00:19.37SineOtor just facebook being facebook
00:21.32krushia_anyway, how difficult is it to shrink the usb partition and grow root partition?
00:21.41*** part/#webos-internals sk4jc (~troy.mill@
00:22.57Ted__So, anyone's thoughts on the new iTouch?
00:23.02SineOtwhy would you need to do that?
00:23.17krushia_because my root is full
00:23.22SineOtTed__: it's cool, I suppose. I like that it has the Retina display
00:23.31krushia_cuz i'm awesome
00:24.06Ted__Well, my headphone jack just died in my touch
00:24.13Ted__So I'm looking into getting a new on
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00:29.49Ted__Well, guys. I'm off! Thanks again for all the help! I can't say it enough, you're life savers.
00:32.24rwhitbykrushia_: if your root partition is full, then you are doing something very wrong
00:32.41krushia_not really
00:32.48krushia_im using linux
00:32.50rwhitbykrushia_: cause well-written homebrew does not install more than a couple of Kb total on the rootfs
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00:33.31krushia_need space for building
00:33.42krushia_sources and such
00:34.00krushia_plus link support
00:34.02rwhitbyagain, don't do it on the root partition
00:34.14rwhitbyuse the meta-doctor to create a new ext3 partition of what ever size you want
00:37.08krushia_i hate the concept of using a second computer
00:38.08rwhitbyyou create the ext3 partition on the device, not the desktop
00:38.41rwhitbytaking space from the media partition
00:38.43krushia_what wecould really use is the ability to boot to a fb terminal
00:39.19rwhitbyagreed.  what design do you have in mind?
00:40.09rwhitbyI'd suggest you look at getting kexec working first, then you can do a second stage bootloader in linux
00:40.40rwhitbyadd an initramfs with a simple menu for console or luna
00:41.50*** join/#webos-internals Tibfib (
00:43.05krushia_what bugs me is being tied to .24 kernel. its increasingly difficult to backport to it. how many binary modules are keeping us stuck here?
00:44.27rwhitbywifi & graphics
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00:49.43chrisAtrust me, we know the backporting sucks
00:49.59jhojhoit makes me sad to see no new kernel
00:50.35SineOtwouldn't that be the type of change that could get slipped in with a 2.0 release? does anyone know?
01:05.07*** join/#webos-internals tonyhorse (4df03801@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:05.29krushia_is it possible to disable the gesture area? various games have controls dangerously close to it, gets annoying. i envision a service that disables gestures when keyboard is closed on pre
01:05.58tonyhorseDoes anyone know how to stop SMS messages showing up on the lock screen?
01:06.34chrisAtonyhorse: screen and lock, there's a setting
01:06.56tonyhorseHi chris, I've looked there but there doesn't seem to be one. Any idea what it's called?
01:07.08chrisASomething related to showing notifications when locked
01:07.10SineOtit's like "Display while Locked"
01:07.31SineOtYeah, "Show when Locked"
01:07.32tonyhorsebut that then won't show anything
01:07.43bpadalinochrisA: how did your summer end up? worthwhile?
01:07.52tonyhorsehow will I know when a text has been received?
01:08.09SineOtIt'll flash the gesture area.
01:08.42tonyhorseah ok. Surprised there isn't a patch to allow you to choose what appears as the notifications
01:09.53SineOtI think there might be?
01:10.01SineOtCalled like Text Message Privacy or something
01:10.07SineOtit still shows it, just blocks out the content blurb
01:10.15chrisAbpadalino: it's weird, ask later
01:11.29tonyhorseSine0t - oh yeah? Where abouts?
01:11.58SineOtsomewhere in Preware, I think?
01:12.08tonyhorseok I'll check.....
01:12.10SineOtdunno, just check out the list of everything and put in privacy, I'm sure it'll pop up somewhere
01:14.36bpadalinochrisA: you got it, boss
01:15.20tonyhorseSine0t: Messaging Privacy it's callled. Thanks!
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01:28.29SineOtsconix: your patches are awesome, just so you know. <3
01:33.39dgathrightSoooo.... who wants to build an HDR camera app? :)
01:33.55SineOtyou know, I don't know if this would even be possible, but: Is there a way to unlock video play back so that you can rotate the phone the -other-  way too?
01:35.37SineOtit's fine on the Pre, since if it's closed it's basically symmetrical, but on the Pixi... Sometimes I want to watch it with the keyboard on the left, not on the right :p
01:40.16SineOtegaudet: oops, found a bug in -10! if you open the Sym menu with the Pixi in landscape, it distorts all weird
01:40.58jhojhodgathright: that would be fantastic
01:41.26jhojhoheck if the next webos phone managed to output RAW, i would be impressed/happy
01:43.23SineOtdo any phones right now output RAW?
01:48.45bpadalinohow raw is raw ?
01:48.57SineOtit's burn the skin off your knuckles raw
01:49.07bpadalinobayer filter still applied ?
01:49.30SineOtegaudet: screen capture of what I'm talking about
01:49.58jhojhono phones that i know of now capture RAW
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01:50.39egaudetnoted, thanks
01:51.05jhojhothere is this ...
01:51.50jhojhoit would be nice if webos2.0 came with a barcode reader api too =)
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01:52.02SineOtit would need an auto focus cam first ;P
01:53.17bpadalinowrite it in node
01:55.45jhojhobpadalino: are you volunteering? =)
01:56.04bpadalinoi wrote an SDL wrapper for the stuff in C++ for zxing ..
01:56.10bpadalinobut the camera was pretty weak
01:56.31SineOthm! speaking of SDL. Does SDL work properly with 1.4.5 on the Pixi now?
01:56.39bpadalinogive it a shot?
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02:08.47jhojhobpadalino: still.
02:08.58jhojhowere the images captured usable?
02:13.45bpadalinotoo blurry - couldn't focus appropriately
02:13.59bpadalinowas too small to discern when held far away
02:16.02jhojhowonder if we could mod the lens
02:16.06jhojhoso that it would work
02:18.48bpadalinomost lkely
02:18.50bpadalinolikely rather
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03:25.51SineOtjhojho: I've done that before
03:26.25SineOt although it really depends on the lense. Some of them are SUPER MACRO
03:26.51SineOtThat's the artist's signature on a penny
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05:31.29StoneRynodoh I was hoping swisstomcat was on
05:32.10ka6sox-workno such luck
05:38.03StoneRynowe were going over my attempt to use drawer widgits (18 of them) inside titled lists for a help scene. I wasn't sure how to simplify the code. From the samples in the SDK it was looking like I was going to have to have 18 setup widgits and 18 listeners and 18 procedures. I made the changes to the html from the suggestions last night but I'm still confused on the JS part of the code. I'm doing something wrong because the d
05:39.53StoneRynowe also talked about the possibility of using templates but I think I'm still confused on how to redo it to go that route
05:40.16StoneRynoas you can see I'm still green at coding for webOS
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06:02.17rwhitbyStoneRyno: swisstomcat arrives later usually
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06:08.16Robi_en0x: spaz has something wrong, eats a lot of mem and slows down the phone.. leaks somewhere
06:08.53Robi_rwhitby: thoughts on a skip feed download button/key press option?
06:09.16rwhitbyRobi_: set download to "ask"
06:17.15StoneRynoI may stop in later again, I just posted for help on the palm dev forum too
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06:56.56Robi_rwhitby: too many clicks.. it's only sometimes that you need to skip it, and usually want to d/l
06:58.09rwhitbytrouble is that you will have already overwritten half the feeds, and will end up with loading corrupted feeds
06:58.35Robi_why does it keep overwriting?
06:59.23rwhitbyit will have overwritten half the feeds - you won't have a consistent data set when you get into Preware
07:00.15Robi_doesn't apt just check timestamps or some incremental number in a file before downloading any pkg lists?
07:00.36rwhitbythis isn't apt
07:01.09Robi_well dpkg ~ ipkg
07:01.42Robi_ok so its a limitation of the repo & pkg mgr
07:04.07Robi_so if networking fails during d/l, feeds corrupt?
07:04.34Robi_isn't a temp file used for the d/l?
07:05.29Robi_anyone planning on coming to node.js conference?
07:10.29rwhitbyyes, if networking fails during d/l, feeds corrupt, courtesy of ipkg
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15:42.13Mnoblei need help
15:44.26Mnoblei had to run webos doctor yester day and now when i try to in stall preware it says cannot connect to package feed:
15:45.32egaudetwhat is it?
15:45.41egaudet"it" says
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15:46.23en0xur sister ;P
15:47.12Mnoblepage wont load................
15:49.24ka6sox4oh..thats an interesting error.
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15:50.49Mnoblequick install is already loaded it just wont let me connect to package feed
15:51.21egaudetUse palm-install
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16:00.19mnobleThanks for your help!!
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16:52.15HattCzech_workwhat type of problems might i see if i tried to doctor my att phone with a sprint rom?
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22:30.24jeffgusMousey, did you sign up for early access to the palm sdk?
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22:38.47lemketronanyone know if there's a vnc serveravailable that runs on webOS?
22:39.23chrisAhi steve
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23:44.23Kyumobilesconix: I'm having some trouble with your patch. I don't think it likes that I meta-doctored.  I get error at firstuse.appinfo.json
23:45.20sconixah yes thats true, did not think of that
23:45.31sconixyou could always just restore that file so then patch would install just fine
23:47.10Kyumobilehow do I restore? set visible to false?
23:51.02Kyumobiledo I need to restart luna before trying again? It doesn't seem t take it.
23:51.56sconixwhat do you mean not take it?
23:52.04sconixno luna restart should be necessary
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23:54.51KyumobileI edited the file to change visible to false and it's still rejecting at the firstuse/appinfo.json
23:55.11sconixat least by looking at the meta-doctor patch that is all that it edits
23:55.41Sledge007hello does someone have the time to help me get the prevent log uploads patch on? I have it downloaded to my phone but can't remember where to send it to
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23:58.07Sledge007nm I figured it out :)

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