IRC log for #webos-internals on 20100812

00:01.32*** join/#webos-internals gkatsev (
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00:11.18halfhalojust edit it
00:11.20halfhaloit works
00:13.29mandaman2kthe meta-doctor_
00:14.01halfhaloyeah, just change the last version to 1.4.5 for sprint
00:15.04mandaman2khalfhalo: did you just edit the makefile? or the whole git project?
00:15.13halfhalojust the makefile
00:15.24mandaman2kok, nice
00:15.46mandaman2ki'll do the same, does it work fine?
00:19.21rwhitbymandaman2k: git pull again
00:19.40mandaman2kperfect, thanks a lot
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00:27.03*** join/#webos-internals mandaman2k (94f16ffa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:28.45mandaman2krwhitby: thanks a lot for all your help, you've helped a lot this past week, just one more little question BYPASS_ACTIVATION, lets me jump the bluescreen it comes up once the doctor finishes?
00:29.11mandaman2kor is it better to use ENABLE_DEVELOPER_MODE
00:29.27mandaman2ksorry, BYPASS_FIRST_USE_APP
00:31.32rwhitbyif you want to use the cellular function on your phone, don't use bypass activation, use bypass first use app
00:32.04rwhitbyBTW, does the documentation in the Makefile not make that clear?  How would you reword the existing documentation so that you didn't have to ask this question?
00:33.49mandaman2kno no, i think it's very nice detailed, its just that english is my second language
00:34.29mandaman2kbut if you want my opinion, let me read it again
00:40.51mandaman2kis the webos-patches.log the file i need to save, so after the doctor it restores my patches
00:50.26oilegaudet: you're welcome :)
00:51.08*** part/#webos-internals krushia_ (~wirc@
00:53.17jeffgusanyone notice that the update 1.4.5 has some sort of "carrier hotspot" logic? what is that?
01:11.26PuffTheMagicthey are using a Pre on Bones right now
01:14.33*** join/#webos-internals halfhalo_pre (
01:16.32rwhitbyHmm - my last Sprint Pre isn't noticing there's a 1.4.5 updtae
01:16.36Kyusakutoo bad Bones is terrible
01:18.45*** join/#webos-internals alkos333 (
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01:29.43*** part/#webos-internals dsei (
01:34.19*** join/#webos-internals raeb (
01:34.31raebholy potatoes
01:34.42raebwirc 1.4.5 ftw
01:35.11*** part/#webos-internals halfhalo_pre (
01:35.55*** join/#webos-internals mandaman2k (94f16ffa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:36.44raebnice work ptm et al
01:40.15raebnow.. what about a pdk terminal app
01:40.26oilthere is one
01:40.39oilthat hasn't been worked on in a while
01:40.43oilPuffTheMagic ^
01:40.50raebI sesrched for term,found some oldes
01:40.59oilterminal app + plugin still works great
01:41.06oilidk if its one package yet or not
01:41.14oilthe other is called terminus
01:41.17raeblooks like it
01:41.48oilimho, terminalapp+plugin > terminus
01:42.08oilterminus has some better stuff, but i think it lacks in other important areas
01:42.16PuffTheMagici couldnt get destinal to help me on terminus
01:42.36PuffTheMagicor any of the other term experts
01:51.58*** join/#webos-internals simonsez787 (47c3209a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:52.14simonsez787i need help with F105
01:52.42simonsez787i try to install on web os install and it says web os not compatable
01:53.39rwhitbyuse Preware.
01:54.07simonsez787for f105 thunderchief
01:54.30Kyusakuit's in preware
01:54.50simonsez787when i look up kernels i only get uberkernel at 800MHZ
01:54.51Kyusakuother applications>kernels
01:55.01*** join/#webos-internals halfhalo_pre (
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01:55.58CTLAdvanceis thunder 1.4.5 compatable yet
01:56.29simonsez787so far not for me on web os install but in preware i only see Uberkernal at 800MHZ
01:56.52rwhitbysimonsez787: which instructions are you following?
01:56.59simonsez787and on precentral someone said Uberkernel can go 1GHZ now? ideas?
01:57.06*** join/#webos-internals hemna (
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01:57.15infobothmm... testing-feed is a means of testing new WebOS Internals products, documented at
01:57.50CTLAdvanceyeah thats why he doesnt see it
01:58.55simonsez787oh i have to add it to the feeds?
01:58.56CTLAdvancetesting feed should be added to the manage feeds list
01:58.58simonsez787thats prolly why
01:59.46halfhalo_prewhatever I have is at 1ghz on 1.4.5
02:00.52simonsez787anyone know about the animated backgrounds not being compatable?
02:01.20simonsez787newb here, obviously, but seems to give me errors
02:02.28rwhitbywhat's it say on the homepage thread for it?
02:03.00simonsez787what do you mean? i'm talking via preware
02:03.38rwhitbyyep. each patch has a pointer to the homepage thread for it
02:03.57*** join/#webos-internals noradtux_ (
02:06.48Kyusakuit's a link, tap it
02:07.11*** part/#webos-internals raeb (
02:07.20rwhitbywonders how we can make that more obvious
02:09.58KyusakuGameloft is gonna clean up on the contest
02:12.25*** join/#webos-internals raster (raster@enlightenment/developer/raster)
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02:36.31bhueyis the 1.4.5 feed fixed yet ?
02:36.51oilwhats wrong with 145 feed?
02:37.13bhueyI was told that the uberkernel selected is the wrong version because that feed is down
02:37.22oiloh, i have no idea
02:37.28oilrwhitby: ^?
02:38.13rwhitbybhuey: you were told wrong
02:38.39rwhitbypeople using the testing feeds properly have no problems
02:38.43infoboti guess testing-feed is a means of testing new WebOS Internals products, documented at
02:41.57*** join/#webos-internals hborders (
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02:58.03bhueyrwhitby: got it, something was wrong with the preware feed setup
02:58.12bhueyhad to go in and delete some bits
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03:18.15*** join/#webos-internals satterwc (ad4a69c2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:20.19*** join/#webos-internals CardShark (4ba721f5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:22.45satterwcgeneral question: if I decide to upgrade to 1.4.5, should I remove preware patches and kernal first, upgrade, and reinstall?
03:23.15satterwcso it should upgrade fine with all in place?
03:23.43rwhitbywhich threads on PreCentral have you read on the subject so far, and which tweets from @webosinternals have you seen on the topic?
03:24.03*** join/#webos-internals jhowirc (
03:24.06CardSharkI'm amazed at the sheer number of people that ask that question, with all of the notes, messages, posts, tweets, etc. with the exact answer....  Does nobody just READ anymore?
03:24.46satterwcnot really a matter of not readong.. not knowing where to read.. sorry.. not in the pre dev circle
03:24.58Tibfibsatterwc: just check out
03:24.59CardSharkMe neither, but here we are. :)
03:25.07Tibfibshould give you the info you need :)
03:25.25satterwcok.. I'll check the forums at precentral.. sorry for bugging you
03:25.33Tibfibfront page will do
03:25.48rwhitbysatterwc: in general, you can leave patches on
03:26.00rwhitbysatterwc: but there is a list of ones which you need to take off
03:26.19rwhitbysatterwc: and kernels from WebOS Internals installed using preware are also fine to leave on
03:26.39satterwcok.. I'll check it out.. thanks for the guidance
03:27.02*** part/#webos-internals egaudet (
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03:27.26basotlI just wrote a blog post talking about Preware. Recently got and having a repo to mod it to my hearts content easily is greatly appreciated.
03:27.40summatusmentisis there a reason webos doesn't have a centralized blog area?
03:27.58summatusmentiseven if it just consisted of "look at this precentral thread"?
03:29.37summatusmentisdifferent organization, yes?
03:32.33*** join/#webos-internals tmzt (
03:33.36rwhitbysummatusmentis: @webosinternals on twitter
03:34.00*** join/#webos-internals alkos333 (
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03:35.14*** part/#webos-internals basotl (
03:35.37summatusmentisrwhitby: already following
03:35.57summatusmentisI just get the sense that people don't necessarily go to twitter for tech help
03:36.13summatusmentiswhich is why I wondered about a blog
03:37.26*** join/#webos-internals basotl (
03:37.37rwhitbywe have twitter, a wiki and a forum.  why do we need something in addition to that?
03:38.11rwhitbyforum for interactive, twitter for permanent info, twitter for time-sensitive info
03:38.29rwhitbys/twitter for permanent/wiki for permanent/
03:39.01summatusmentisneed is maybe strong. For casual users who don't follow pre dev on a regular basis, but care about things like software updates, maybe something in addition makes sense
03:39.42summatusmentisI'm just throwing out ideas, this is in no way "FIX IT NOW"
03:40.28rwhitbyhow does a blog differ from an RSS feed of a twitter stream?
03:40.35rwhitby(apart from the number of words)
03:40.46summatusmentisfunctionally, it shouldn't
03:40.50summatusmentisexcept maybe in mindshare
03:41.13summatusmentisI know when I'm looking for answers to tech questions, my first thought isn't "oh, I'll check twitter"
03:41.32rwhitbyyou don't check blogs for tech answers either.
03:41.38summatusmentispeople associate blogs with "official" announcements, etc.
03:41.42rwhitbyyou look at program documentation on wikis
03:41.55summatusmentispeople associate twitter with "that weird social network"
03:42.01rwhitbythat's quite a generalisation you're making there
03:42.08summatusmentisyes, it is
03:42.22rwhitbyone could make the same observation about usenet
03:42.24summatusmentisI'm not articulating my point very well
03:42.33rwhitbywe should use a newsgroup for everything.
03:42.45rwhitbynot that "weird blog thing"
03:42.54summatusmentismany organizations still consider mailing lists a valid way of conducting business
03:43.11basotlFollowing on twitter now because I use the weird social network.
03:43.20rwhitbywe have two mailing lists.  no-one joined.
03:44.29summatusmentisI think if I were a casual user of preware who liked the outcomes, but didn't care that much about the day to day development, etc., I would try a website by that domain first
03:44.54rwhitbyyou get notifications of software updates in preware itself
03:44.58summatusmentisgiven that this is currently the wiki, which isn't currently used as an announcement forum, I'd then probably start googling
03:45.10rwhitbythat's like saying that debian users look at the aptitude changelog to find out if emacs has been updated
03:46.13summatusmentisno, it's more like saying that iphone jailbreak users check whatever sites jailbreaking happens on for updates to see if their new iOS update can be jailbroken
03:46.51rwhitbysummatusmentis: I'm on your side - I'd love to have an announcement mailing list and conduct all business there.  The facts are that no-one subscribed.  Ergo, mailing lists are dead as a means of communication for this particular market segment.
03:47.14summatusmentisright, I'm not really advocating mailing lists :)
03:47.35rwhitbyand a blog post is no different from a forum post
03:47.49summatusmentisit is only in terms of visibility
03:48.10rwhitbyah, but that's something different
03:48.36rwhitbyif we had an RSS feed of the WebOS Internals forum posts on the front page of, it would be identical to a blog on the front page.
03:48.58summatusmentisthere's still a signal to noise ratio thing
03:48.59rwhitbyit's the act of publishing the information on the web site, not whether it comes from a forum or a twitter feed RSS or a blog
03:49.38rwhitbysummatusmentis: we also have a facebook page, BTW.
03:50.03halfhaloEwww, facebook…. oh, wait
03:50.44summatusmentisI'm not claiming that the current information provided is insufficient, I'm more wondering about the way it's provided
03:51.01summatusmentisor maybe the medium's by which it's provided
03:51.29rwhitbythe current information provided is always insufficient, cause the second-tier of advanced users have not organised themselves into a conduit of information to the lower tiers
03:52.17rwhitbydoesn't matter whether it's a blog or a forum, you won't get a different stream of information just cause it's a blog or a forum or a twitter feed
03:53.01rwhitbyblogs are too one-way anyway.  almost as bad a PreCentral front-page articles, cause they are out of date the day after they are published
03:53.19summatusmentisthat may be true, I came back after a long time not following this whole community, so maybe I'm the one guy gesticulating wildly in the corner that no one ought to pay attention to
03:53.31rwhitbyand if you're going to keep it up to date, then it should be a wiki page, so that multiple people can share in keeping it up to date
03:53.57summatusmentiswell, the thing about front-page articles and blogs is that they're front-page
03:54.23rwhitbyyep, we have front page wiki articles too.  no-one keeps them up to date either.  why would a blog be any different?
03:54.34summatusmentisit may not be
03:54.41oilwirc has been the featured article since 0.0.4 when we released it, HAHA
03:55.14rwhitbyoil: exactly.  until there is someone who takes the responsibility of keeping the front-page of the web site current, it matters not one bit what format the information might be in.
03:55.28summatusmentisalright, that's a fair point
03:55.51rwhitbynow, if there was a person who stepped up to do that job, then they could choose whatever format worked best for them
03:56.00rwhitbysummatusmentis: are you vounteering?
03:56.16oilthat question seems so innocent :)
03:56.29summatusmentisrwhitby: as of now? no. But that's because a) I don't have a device b) I'm re-new to this community
03:56.54summatusmentiswhich puts me in a position to decidedly not be knowledgeable about it all
03:58.44summatusmentisthat said, maybe at some point in the future
03:59.45summatusmentisI don't mean to re-hash over old wounds, or whatever. Mostly a curiosity, and I tend to think in "better to bring it up than ignore it" terms
03:59.54dtzWillrwhitby: have a second for autobuilder help?
04:00.29rwhitbysummatusmentis: sure.  in general, in a meritocracy, the person who does the work gets to decide what form the output of the work should take
04:00.57rwhitbydtzWill: just about to get lunch, but shoot.
04:00.59summatusmentissure. I wasn't sure how centralized things were/are
04:01.15*** join/#webos-internals thadood (
04:01.41dtzWillrwhitby: well I'm trying to put somethign into the testing feed, and i'm not sure what's wrong. looking at the logs where i normally look, mason hasn't been run since i think i'm just missing somethign :)
04:01.42rwhitbywell, there's one guy who keeps the facebook pages up to date with all announcements ...
04:01.48*** join/#webos-internals alkos333 (~alkos333@
04:01.55rwhitbydtzWill: autobuilder is tinker
04:02.34dtzWillrwhitby: oh I see. okay so i'll give it a bit and see if it builds it :)
04:02.38*** part/#webos-internals basotl (
04:02.39dtzWillrwhitby: thanks, enjoy your lunch
04:03.28summatusmentisrwhitby: I don't mean to keep you from lunch, I should sleep anyway, but now you've got me intrigued. Lemmen think on this idea of "purveyor of information" role
04:06.48*** join/#webos-internals ptosto (44db3d2c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:07.37chrisAWhosits to the whatsits now?
04:08.59chrisAConflict of interests
04:09.38halfhaloattempt two at a redmine thin nginx grack clean ubuntu install
04:09.55halfhaloattempt one didn't work out so well, not after the fatalities
04:10.06*** join/#webos-internals mjkjr (~wircer@
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04:11.36halfhalothose damn kids… if only they listened...
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04:21.02torchiedtzWill ?
04:21.46*** join/#webos-internals Tman (~tyler@unaffiliated/tman)
04:21.47dtzWilltorchie: hi :)
04:22.22torchiesprint finally got 1.4.5 :D
04:22.37dtzWilltorchie: yes! they did.
04:22.43torchietoday I found there are some troubles with visualboyadvance on 1.4.5, though?
04:22.52dtzWilltorchie: what version are you running? 1.1.2?
04:23.38dtzWilltorchie: yes it's broken on 1.4.5. If you're willing to test, add the testing feeds and grab VBA from there--should work a treat... 1.4.5 support along with a number of improvements :)
04:23.48*** join/#webos-internals alkos333 (
04:23.50torchietesting feeds?
04:25.11torchiehow would I go about adding the testing feed?
04:26.33torchieah found it
04:27.56TibfibdtzWill: oh is it in the testing feed now?
04:28.09Tibfibguess I haven't launched preware today
04:29.39*** join/#webos-internals m0ngr31 (adf02253@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:30.03torchie"webos internals testing" - 2 feeds?
04:30.17torchieah found it
04:30.24m0ngr31hey, i've got a question if there are any webos experts out there
04:30.24oil_preall and arm7
04:30.29dtzWillTibfib: just added it... 10 minutes ago :).
04:30.51dtzWillTibfib: was actually going to bug you once i confirmed it was up so you could help test :)
04:30.54dtzWilltorchie: haha :D
04:30.58TibfibdtzWill: nice, the beta i got a couple weeks ago was really slick.
04:31.16dtzWillTibfib: glad you think so, this should be even better :). ...hopefully :)
04:31.34Tibfibthe sound was 100x better
04:31.35torchie:O portrait selector!
04:31.37Tibfibdid you change it?
04:31.58*** join/#webos-internals kernelsandirs (
04:32.07Tibfibwell I assume you did... lol
04:32.12m0ngr31does anyone know if it would be possible to port aircrack-ng to webos? would the wifi card in the pre even be able to handle injection/monitoring?
04:32.36dtzWillTibfib: change it? yes. migrates saves properly, a few rendering optimizations that make things a big faster, etc :)
04:32.58torchiedoes it save state when you back to selector?
04:33.05Tibfibit seems like a huge improvement... didn't get choppy sound at all.
04:33.08dtzWilltorchie: if you have autosave state enabled
04:33.12dtzWillTibfib: that's good to hear :D
04:33.47kernelsandirsanyone know about how the iphone spoof patch does not affect the ggogle maps app
04:33.53torchiegreat update :)
04:34.35Tibfibplus it's more stable than before. every once in a while minimizing vba would freeze it. doesn't happen as much anymore
04:34.37oil_prewill have to reinstall virtualboy
04:35.12torchiejust happened to me :o
04:35.20torchieit's never happened to me before
04:35.22dtzWillTibfib: yes I worked on that. unfortunately i think it still can happen. it's a silly race in what happens when things pause. it's on my todo list :)
04:36.01dtzWillgood news is that FIRST thing it does when paused is save so hopefully nothing's lost other than an annoyance
04:36.10Tmanok, so how do I use meta-doctor to back up my entire pre?
04:36.21oil_preit would kill in pkdhotapps
04:36.51Tibfibyes it would
04:37.01halfhaloI heard kill.....
04:38.10Tmanmaybe I should google it :p
04:38.43kernelsandirsapparently people that have the iphone spoof cannot pan in my app(bfgmaps) and was wondering if anyone knows how to make the spoof not affect a particular app?
04:38.46dtzWilloil_pre: you mean vba? yeah it should be compatible now.. took no small amount of effort, heh
04:39.36oil_preand since it can still read from usb it doesn't need fstab fixed
04:39.50oil_prejust will need to savegame to appdir
04:39.53TibfibdtzWill: going to submit it?
04:40.05TibfibI hope you do and would gladly pay for it
04:40.14Tibfiband I...hah
04:40.27dtzWillTibfib: ty, and your guys' support is wonderful.
04:40.42dtzWillbiggest reason for not charging is i'm conflicted about 'burning' those who've donated.
04:41.05TibfibHow would you burn them?
04:41.22Tibfiboh, if you charged. got it
04:41.22dtzWillTibfib: charging in catalog, i mean.
04:41.39oil_prewith wirc we plan cheap in catalog,and still free in preware
04:41.49dtzWilloil_pre: yeah that seems the best to me
04:41.49TibfibdtzWill: they could still get it free in preware
04:42.16dtzWillyep yep
04:42.16oil_preit sems to work ok for drpodder
04:42.36oil_preI paid,but stil get it from preware
04:42.51oil_precause I think it's great
04:42.57dtzWilloil_pre: heh yeah. <3 preware updating.
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04:43.02dtzWill(i did the same)
04:43.14kernelsandirsyeah myq also does that
04:43.44Tibfibhmmm, I can't get the testing feeds to work
04:44.01dtzWillTibfib, torchie, anyone else: does VBA seem to be ready to move over? (i've been testing for a few days now, wondering if anyone else has issues/comments)
04:44.04dtzWillTibfib: :(
04:44.17torchieintensely so!
04:44.17TibfibdtzWill: got link for ipk? preware feeds?
04:44.33rwhitbyTman: "make backup"
04:44.40TibfibdtzWill: version I had a couple weeks ago was good enough for public
04:44.46torchieare you considering the Catalog?
04:44.57TibfibOH, ready for catalog?
04:45.04rwhitbykernelsandirs: I believe it changes the user agent, so probably cannot be done on an app basis.  tell them not to use that patch :)
04:45.20torchiethe only issue I see is GBA speed really
04:45.21dtzWillmaybe? i'm thinking better sooner than later and I can push updates if there are issues.
04:45.46TibfibdtzWill: let me run latest verison and I'll give you feedback :)
04:45.49oil_pre100k would go a long way to helping it speed up :)
04:45.57torchielike if you call it visualboyadvance, and you put it in the catalog, and joe schmo ranks you down because he has a hard time running Chain of Memories
04:46.22Tmanrwhitby: thanks
04:46.57rwhitbydtzWill: I wonder if you could do some sort of "approved apps" think like classic does
04:47.28kernelsandirsrwhitbv: thx thought of that but wanted it to work for all :-)
04:47.29rwhitby"This ROM has not be qualified to run correctly - you may experience problems, but don't give a bad review."
04:47.48Tibfibthat's not a bad idea
04:47.54dtzWilloil_pre: LOL 100k. hahaha
04:48.14dtzWilllots of good ideas, /me reads
04:48.25oil_prethe free section has like 10 apps
04:48.35oil_prelast place is still 10k haha
04:48.45rwhitbyoil_pre: it will be filled up with iphone game trial versions soon
04:48.56dtzWillrwhitby: lol and display that for all gba games? O:)
04:49.13Tibfibfire emblem runs well
04:49.38Tibfibstart page barely stutters... running normal kernel too
04:49.51Tibfibokay, take that back. it stutters a little :)
04:50.00Tmanrwhitby: um so I'm trying to install novacom on my 64-bit ubuntu install, but the package palm has is for i386.. can I try to force the install or should I go a different route?
04:50.19dtzWillTibfib: haha, yeah... but on 800 most things run well. and with autoframeskip (not enabled in present builds, but I plan to add it soon) you can make many games more playable
04:50.32TibfibdtzWill: is there a help or preferences page?
04:50.41dtzWillsince 85% emulation makes for choppy sound, but autoframeksip that by skipping every 1/10th frame and you're golden
04:50.47rwhitbyTman: dunno
04:50.55dtzWillTibfib: there is not. something I had wnated to do before cat submission was that, but that'll tkae ...time. :/
04:51.08TibfibTman: I think palm says to force
04:51.16rwhitbydtzWill: "This ROM requires you to run the UberKernel at 1GHz"
04:51.22dtzWillrwhitby: rofl
04:51.37TibfibdtzWill: got a version with frame skip enabled? I'll test with my palm kernel
04:51.57rwhitbythey allowed James to refer to a patch in the GPS fix app, so why not referring to Uber1G in VBA ?
04:51.59dtzWillTibfib: i'll get you one soon.
04:53.36dtzWillwell i'm not sure vba would be popular enough? might be better off charging a small amount instead of banking on hot apps. think i'll get swamped to heck with iphone ports as rwhitby mentioned
04:53.52TibfibI concur.
04:54.07kernelsandirswish I could see vba on pixi :-)
04:54.32dtzWillkernelsandirs: given 1.4.5's gl support, it might work. i haven't tried it, might just need to recompile for it.
04:54.49torchiecan pixi at least do GBC?
04:54.53rwhitbykernelsandirs: does BFGmaps use any PDK or hybrid stuff, or is it all HTML5 stuff?
04:55.06TibfibI think it's all mojo
04:55.08rwhitbyhasn't done any spelunking in it yet
04:55.30kernelsandirsrwhitbv: all html5
04:55.50Tibfibkernelsandirs: are you dev?
04:56.11kernelsandirsdtzWill: give it a try pleeeeez :-)
04:56.35kernelsandirsTibfib: I am bfgmaps dev
04:56.47Tibfibthen I probably shouldn't answer your questions :)
04:56.52rwhitbykernelsandirs: have you considered changing it to be an SDL app to win the hot pdk apps contest?
04:57.01rwhitbycause I reckon you'd have a good chance
04:57.40rwhitbykernelsandirs: does the BFG stand for anything?  Big F Gun ?
04:57.47kernelsandirsrwhitbv: do you know if it is easy to port from html5 to pdk?
04:58.02rwhitbykernelsandirs: I expect it's incredibly difficult :)
04:58.25kernelsandirsbfg originally meant better f#cking google maps :-)
04:58.51rwhitbyof course :)
04:59.33rwhitbyhmm - this third Sprint device of mine just doesn't want to get an update notification
05:00.06halfhalomine doesn't either
05:00.31Tmanupdates? fantastic
05:01.06halfhaloi hate you ubuntu
05:01.18Tmantoo bad I may be sending my pre in soon :[
05:04.29*** join/#webos-internals alkos333 (~alkos333@
05:06.00halfhaloAll I want to do is install ruby 1.9.1.  should be simple since its in the repo…. but noooo.  ubuntu installs the executable to ruby1.9.1 instead of ruby so _nothing_ works with it
05:07.40halfhalocries in a corner
05:09.42halfhaloSOURCE TIME
05:10.23halfhaloyes, those ____ are really something arn't they
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05:15.20halfhalobeing root while making it.  BECAUSE I LIKE TO LIVE ON THE EDGE
05:20.17Tmantwo VMs running and my mbp is swapping like a champ.. 8G of memory is looking nice right now
05:20.39halfhalolol, I have 2Gb in my mini and am running a vm
05:20.51halfhalobut ssd
05:21.19TmanSSD... one day
05:21.26halfhalocheaper than ram!
05:21.59Tmansure, by the byte
05:22.32Tmanbut I can't put a small SSD in my only currently functional computer and expect it to hold everything I need
05:22.40halfhalonah, its like 200ish for a 80GB ssd, but two 4GB DDR3 modules is like 400
05:22.50halfhalohow big is your current drive?
05:23.02Tmanand I'm using 450
05:23.14halfhaloget the seagate momentus hybrid
05:23.20halfhaloshould help a little
05:23.33Tmana -hybrid- drive?
05:23.33halfhalo500GB but with 4GB NAND
05:24.02halfhaloHeh, in my main laptop I have a 60GB SSD plus a 500GB WD Scorpio Blue
05:24.53Tmanhmm, I'm intrigued by this..
05:25.07halfhaloERROR:  Loading command: install (LoadError)
05:25.08halfhaloERROR:  While executing gem ... (NameError)
05:25.27Tmando they make a laptop version of this drive?
05:25.41halfhaloit _is_ a laptop drive
05:26.05halfhalolittle more pricey than a regular drive at 120, but not ssd pricey
05:26.49Tmanwhat I don't understand is how the 4GB SSD improves the performance so much
05:27.04halfhaloit basically acts as a big ass read cache
05:27.12Tmandoes it automatically load the most-read sectors into SSD?
05:28.07halfhaloit provides small bumps in everyday use over time
05:28.07Tmandang, too bad I already bought this 500G drive recently :p
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05:28.23halfhalolol, I got mine for 50 bucks about a year ago
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05:28.39dtzWillwow, lesson learned: don't run govnah while doing speed tests LOL
05:28.52Tmanit's a Hitachi though.. so it's probably quieter and I don't have to worry about sudden drop sensor compatibility
05:29.56halfhaloI have a thinkpad.  I don't care about drop sensor since my laptop has one thats fun to play with, and mine is a wd scorpio blue :p
05:30.52dtzWillTibfib: see pm :)
05:34.24halfhaloRUBY FAI:
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05:35.43halfhalosocal ftw
05:36.27halfhalocheers as rack builds
05:37.42halfhaloboos as rubygems takes _hours_ to install documentation
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05:45.05Maxhi everyone
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06:31.47hape~seen noradtux_
06:31.50infobotnoradtux_ is currently on #webos-internals (4h 27m 53s), last said: 'morning'.
06:32.00swisstomcathallo hape
06:32.08hapeHi swisstomcat
06:32.38hapenoradtux_: Are you still working on the Javascript srevice for speechd ?
06:32.55swisstomcati've installed the latest navit .. when i start it i get a black screen. any ideas?
06:36.33hapeswisstomcat: stupit question. Did you installed a map?
06:37.10swisstomcatyes, i have a map already installed from testing earlier versions
06:37.13swisstomcatunless something has changed?
06:37.17hapeswisstomcat: If yes, check the log file in the folder where you copied the map to
06:37.35swisstomcathold on
06:37.58hapeThe only chnage in the lasted update was that the map folder is now created in the postinst script.
06:39.08swisstomcatwhat's the path again?
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06:40.38swisstomcatfor the maps?
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06:41.49hapeappdata/org.webosinternals.navit from the usb drive root
06:42.08hapeappdata/org.webosinternal.navit/maps for the maps
06:42.19swisstomcatah, there
06:42.39hapeif you not chnaged it in appdata/org.webosinternals.navit/navit.xml
06:42.52swisstomcatNavit log started
06:42.54swisstomcatnavit:main_real:Using '/media/internal/appdata/org.webosinternals.navit//navit.xml'
06:42.55swisstomcatthat's all
06:43.30hapeThen something is goind defnely wrong. That is the old path from the alpha version
06:44.23hapedid you removed navit alpa, locale and easpeak before updating to the testing feed version?
06:44.31swisstomcati thought i deleted everything except the maps at one point
06:45.06swisstomcati'm positive i did
06:45.07swisstomcatbut let me check
06:46.06hapebest would be to delete the appdata/org.webosinternals.navit folder, remove and reinstall Navit to start with fresh settings
06:46.17hapethen copy the map back to the right place
06:46.23swisstomcatok, i can do that
06:46.36*** join/#webos-internals alkos333 (
06:46.53hapeand check if the old fodler that was in your logg is still exisiting. You can delet it if yes
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06:50.06swisstomcatreinstalling, i've deleted the folder
06:50.46swisstomcatso postinst should create that folder again
06:54.21swisstomcatbah, same thing
06:54.24swisstomcatsame log
06:54.43swisstomcati must do something wrong
06:54.53swisstomcati've installed
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08:00.58cdmwhat's new and exciting with hacking on pre?
08:09.45snangThere's a new patch that makes it print money.
08:10.51rwhitbycdm: roadrunner
08:11.04snangThat too.
08:11.21snangwebOS tablet makes my pants feel funny.
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08:13.41swisstomcati thought the tablet was called hurricane?
08:13.54snangJust sayin.
08:14.33snangHurricane in my pants.
08:15.19kernelsandirswho would buy that? :-)
08:15.43snang<-- this guy
08:15.58kernelsandirshaha nice
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09:09.29hapeswisstomcat: Still there?
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09:32.11swisstomcathape: yeah, i'm back
09:34.24tomleesay, what are *.bar files?
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10:40.48hapeswisstomcat: can you satrt navit via novaterm to check the output
10:41.21swisstomcatlet me do that
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10:42.42swisstomcatconfig file n is set to `/media/internal/appdata/org.webosinternals.navit//navit.xml'
10:42.42swisstomcatmap_rect_new_textfile unable to open textfile /media/internal/appdata/org.webosinternals.navit//bookmark.tx
10:42.49swisstomcatoh, now it works
10:43.00swisstomcatmaybe i didn't wait long enough the last time :O
10:43.34jhojhoI dont suppose anyone knows the syntax to add static hosts to dnsmasq? I had it set up on my old dd-wrt setup but failed to save a copy.
10:43.52swisstomcatit only seems to work when it start it with
10:44.01swisstomcatah no, it works
10:44.09swisstomcatthere's a black screen for like 20 seconds
10:44.50hapeThe init can take some time.
10:45.13swisstomcatit works
10:45.14hapeAt least if you start it directly after switching back from USB mode
10:45.22swisstomcatthank you .. sorry, i wasted your time
10:45.39hapeno pro, wasn't that much ;)
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11:15.22PuffTheMagichape: your nick reminds me of rape
11:25.35jetterothe plan was to run save/restore one more time and get a media internals backup quick.  Instead, I pushed: install now. Hehe
11:25.51jetterooh wells, 1.4.5 shortly
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11:47.44jetterowell, the update worked... I thought for sure preware would notice the update and reinstall all my patches, but instead it only thinks they're installed but they're not
11:47.53jetteroI wondere where I got the idea that it would fix them for me
11:49.13PuffTheMagicdid u save your list?
11:49.20PuffTheMagicin preware
11:49.35jetterowait, I think so, but what do you mean
11:49.47PuffTheMagicin the menu
11:49.48swisstomcatsave saved package list
11:49.55swisstomcatsomething like that
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11:51.21jetteroI see that feature, but I don't see how it would help.  preware thinks all my patches are already installec but they're not
11:54.17PuffTheMagicwell u cant go into the saved list
11:54.21PuffTheMagicand select install all?
11:54.35jetteroit thinks they're already installed... so I don't think that would do anything
11:54.47PuffTheMagicdid u try?
11:55.00jetteronope.  I removed all the patches and rebooted.  Now I'm going to install them again
11:58.42jetterohrm, can't install patches, apparently curl isn't installed
11:59.11swisstomcatbah, fire alarm
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11:59.49en0xswisstomcat: run man! run!
12:02.20jetterooh, curl is installed... I'm getting a 404 pulling the patch from
12:02.54jetteroupdating feeds
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12:04.46jetteroahh, there we go
12:05.21PuffTheMagicis writing a C TCP json-rpc server
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12:12.41jetteroPuffTheMagic: that kind of stuff rarely has buffer overflows. :)
12:12.54jetteroPuffTheMagic: have you seen node.js?
12:13.28jetteroI have a hunch it does what you want, fast enough, and you can probably port it to whereever you're wanting to use it
12:14.29PuffTheMagicjettero: this isnt for webos
12:14.38jetterodoesn't change my answer
12:14.45jetteronot that you asked a question
12:15.35jetteroweird, I can't find the hide sprint tv app
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12:18.04swisstomcatbah, fire drill
12:18.25jetterowell, the only way my upgrade to 1.4.5 cuold have gone smoother is if the patches thing would have worked out better
12:18.30jetteroI got that all fixed up.
12:18.41jetteroI'm assuming the install all would have done the trick... next time
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13:11.09hapePuffTheMagic: Here, in Germany, hape is a well known shor form of Hanspeter
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14:56.42en0xit's so quiet here
14:56.48en0xlike never after upgrades
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14:59.58TemplarianI lost internet at work this is annoying.
14:59.58TemplarianJust http it would seem, everything else is fine.
15:00.30TemplarianThat was the longest 20min without internet ever.
15:00.38en0xu r addicted my friend
15:04.13summatusmentisthis is maybe a stupid question, but is there a terminal app?
15:04.38en0xthere is 2
15:05.49summatusmentissorry, I'm obsessing over October, when I can put a device on SERO
15:05.52en0xi'm so bored at work
15:06.01en0xthere is no SERO afaik
15:06.22summatusmentisSERO is no longer available, that's true
15:06.39summatusmentisI've still got my plan, and apparently Sprint will allow newer devices on SERO for $10/mo more
15:07.14en0xi wish i could get SERO
15:09.04summatusmentisthis rumor is "all but" official
15:09.09tmztis anybody still working on the Xsdl port?
15:09.33en0xsummatusmentis: so how much u will pay?
15:09.38en0xi pay 60 bucks now
15:09.44en0xwith the 15% discount included
15:09.46summatusmentisen0x: I'm currently on the $30/mo SERO plan
15:09.52summatusmentisso with the $10 addon, $40
15:10.05summatusmentisor $50 if I want 4G
15:10.10en0xthat's aint bad
15:10.16en0xand all unlimited right?
15:10.22summatusmentisshould be
15:10.28summatusmentisor "unlimited" (5GB)
15:10.30en0xgive it to me ;d
15:10.34summatusmentisI'm not sure what Sprint's current policy is
15:10.39en0xfor smartphones internet is unlimited
15:10.50summatusmentisactually unlimited?
15:11.01en0xnot for the 3g/4g cards
15:11.06en0xthe cards have 5gb cap
15:11.21en0xu know the one that u can hookup to ur laptop etc
15:12.20en0xyap so only this have a cap
15:12.24en0xsmartphones don't
15:12.32en0xthat's why i tether my pre ;d
15:12.34summatusmentisspecatacular :)
15:13.30en0xindeed :P
15:13.41*** join/#webos-internals Tibfib (
15:13.59en0xhehe my billing cycle starts on the 7th of every month
15:14.05en0xand i have already used over 100MB
15:14.21en0xlast month i did over 1gb
15:14.26en0xjust by using internet on my pre
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15:14.43en0xi tether my phone from time to time when i'm in a park or something with a laptop
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16:21.21djkI have couple patches that fail on update or trying to remove post the 1.4.5 update. Anyone know if there is a way to correct this? (no auto-off while charging, Named Pages in the Launcher)
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17:31.13mikePreIs there a site/location I can see what Kernels are compatible with 1.4.5 on a Sprint Pre?  I tried to use F105 and it told me that it was not supported...
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19:18.32Cinnahi, im trying to install preware with webos quick install and it says no device found when i click install. I have my Pre in developer mode and it is fully updated
19:19.22Cinnaany ideas?
19:19.47Cinnawin xp
19:19.58jetteroupgrade to 7
19:20.06jettero<--- not being serious
19:20.09Cinnaive tried it on 7 and xp
19:20.09Mouseyhasn't used windows for 12 years, waits for someone else to answer
19:20.21Cinnaboth say no device found
19:20.37jetteroI used windows from time to time.. but not for anything useful, just games
19:20.47jetterostill... did your phone come up as a dev to windows?
19:20.50jetterodoes it know it's there?
19:20.58Cinnalet me check it again
19:21.07jetterodid your phone ask: usb drive, just charge?
19:21.25Cinnahmm the phone isnt asking now
19:21.34Cinnai just unplugged and plugged it back in
19:21.40Cinnaand it auto charges
19:21.53jetterowell, webos quick install isn't going to see it if windows doesn't
19:21.54Cinnais this something new in the 1.4.5 update?
19:22.04jetteroer... no
19:22.11jetteroto me, it feels like a windows problem
19:22.18jetterotry rebooting the phone and the windows machine
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19:22.44Cinnaany other suggestions before i do so
19:22.49Cinnajust in case
19:23.00jetteroI think your problem is getting the phone to talk to windows
19:23.07jetteroeverything else will work after that
19:23.19Cinnahmm i may need to load linux on partition of my netbook then
19:23.32jetteroprobably not necessary
19:23.36jetteropeople install from windows all the time
19:23.45jetteroI think one of your phone or the computer, are confused
19:23.54Cinnaor me lol
19:24.03Cinnai saw that it says to put it in just charge mode
19:24.12Cinnabut how will windows see the phone if its in that mode
19:24.14jetterooh, well, then the phone sees windows I think
19:24.28MouseyCinna: because of the magic of USB
19:24.48Cinnai figured charge mode keeps it from showing up as a usable device
19:24.58Mouseydon't figure that
19:25.05Cinnalol k
19:25.17Cinnaalright im going to restart and see if that helps
19:25.35Cinnathanks for the advice and other commentary ;)
19:25.37Mousey<rant>this is why windows it toxic, it hides too much from people, and allows silly misconceptions to arise</rant>
19:28.38appamajigEh Mousey? I don't follow what was being hidden...
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19:29.02Mouseyappamajig: everything useful. ever read the windows equivalent of syslog?
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19:29.35appamajig*shrug* nope...
19:30.24Mouseywelp, there ya goi
19:30.43HavekHas anyone tried the gameboy advance emmulator? (No I don't need sites for roms.)
19:30.56appamajigI use and love Linux... but I wouldn't put it on anyone else's computer... it would be too frustrating for them. Every time they wanted to install a program I would have to show up and do it for them or help them out... *shrug* windows has a specific and very good user target.
19:31.00halfhalo_classsomeone here wrote it
19:31.19appamajigI'm not saying that it doesn't have it's problems, but at least I can install it on my mom's computer and not have to show up again for a while :P
19:31.28Mouseymy wife is in HR, she loves linux, my brother's in construciton and loves linux
19:31.49Mouseymy mom has a mac, and is a pain to support. she's getting linux next too
19:32.04appamajigThat's great. I hope it works out well for them
19:32.08Mouseyit has
19:32.09Mouseyfor years
19:32.28Mouseyi always wonder when people bring up supporting linux why they think it's more difficult
19:32.37jetteroit's definitely not more difficult
19:32.39Mouseyin practice it's a lot easier
19:32.44appamajigmyself, I spent hours getting my nvidia drivers installed the first time around. I've spent a lot of time with wine to get my games working... *shrug* Linux is great... but imho not great enough :)
19:32.46jetteroit's because people are accustomed to windows
19:32.53jetteromy wife can hardly tell the difference
19:32.56Mouseyjettero: i guess
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19:33.41HavekThe main question I had about the emulator  was I loaded some stuff the way it said and the thing just looks at me.. It doesn't do anything when I try and run them LoL
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19:35.30appamajiganyways, goodbye everyone :)
19:40.59jetterowindows just interrupted my game to tell me about updates... the only thing it's good for and it fails
19:43.57swisstomcatno more windows for me .. good riddance
19:44.33HavekI have the updates sitting in the bottom left. Annoying..
19:47.48Mouseysteam for linux! end of summer!
19:48.52HavekI always really wanted to get into linux, I have it on a net book (ubuntu) But I just have no idea where to start, and what to do with it..
19:51.10summatusmentisHavek: easiest way? pick something that's bugging you about it, and figure out how to fix it
19:51.25dtzWillHavek: hi, I'm the dev behind VBA. what's your issue? :)
19:51.27jetterohavek, load it up, browse the web.  That's it really
19:53.09HavekOk how do you PM someone back.. I am in here via browser window not IRC client..
19:54.57dtzWill(I'm not ignoring you I just have no idea, never used the web client)
19:55.40HavekI clicked the link on webos internals screen. I haven't used IRC in a long long time.
19:55.46swisstomcathavek: i use ubuntu for web browsing,email(thunderbird),office stuff(openoffice),webos-programming(komodo edit),social media stuff(tweetdeck) ... i have everything
19:56.16dtzWillthe webos-internals wiki is surprisingly unsuited for mobile viewing :(
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20:07.37cryptkdtzWill: I will be fixing that once the current OTA rush is over
20:07.52cryptkgonna use the same stuff as wikipedia does for their mobile version
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20:08.16dtzWillcryptk: exellent!
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23:00.29*** topic/#webos-internals is Discussion about webOS internals (not webOS SDK usage - #webos for that, or wIRC - #wirc for that). Honor all licenses, carrier agreements and copyrights. Twitter: @webosinternals Logs: Wiki: Pastebin: Preware: Patches:
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23:00.37oilsworknwelcome back infobot
23:02.23dr_jklwhere, physically, is the pre's processor located?
23:03.02oilsworknthere are teardown pics on the internets
23:03.06oilsworknbut i dont know
23:05.29PuffTheMagicegaudet: i got wireless n working with the eee
23:07.11dr_jklok. that's one problem solved.
23:08.17datafirmGovnah, Mode Switcher, and the top menu hack are an awesome combo.
23:08.34oilsworknoh, Yoppo got the govnah support in?
23:08.38oilsworknis going to have to try it out again
23:08.51dr_jkli changed up_threshhold to 70. we'll see if this makes things suck or if it improves.
23:09.11oilsworknnow you gotta redo your text file...
23:09.20dr_jklnah, i just edited it on the phone
23:09.23oilsworkn"but with the scroll, you just keep rolling for more paper"
23:09.33datafirmoilsworkn: Its finally working for me! can swtich govnah profiles!
23:11.41dr_jkli dont' see any latency at 70
23:11.53dr_jklooh, i know a good test
23:11.57dr_jklfires up the demo video
23:12.34dr_jklahh. flickering. ok
23:12.39dr_jklback down it goes.
23:12.39PuffTheMagicoilsworkn: still nothing on W|R :(
23:12.46oilsworkni know, i saw
23:12.50oilsworknor rather, didn't see :)
23:13.27oilsworkndr_jkl: are you just running the stock kernel?
23:13.40oilsworknpeople seem to like the screenstate governor in uberkernel
23:14.07Yoppoyep the govnah support is finally in and working :)
23:14.16dr_jklyeah, i'm just running the stock kernel.
23:14.29Yoppoalthough I do have one question and whish for one change in it if possible :)
23:14.31dr_jkli'm working on trying to extend the battery life by doing throttling.
23:14.41oilsworknYoppo: ive been thinking about changing the setprofile thing
23:14.48Yoppoyes about that
23:14.56oilsworknright now if you tell it to set a profile that has been deleted it just ignores the request
23:15.06oilsworknim thinking about going backj to palm default if it doesn't exist
23:15.07PuffTheMagicwould be nice if the someone made the screenstate gov a module
23:15.19PuffTheMagicso that it didnt need a custom kernel
23:15.22oilsworknso you don't get stuck in an overclocking profile
23:15.36Yoppoalso could it be possible for the getProgiles to return the data in onSuccess rather that with starting the app?
23:15.44Yoppothat sound good
23:15.49oilsworknthats a service thing xD
23:15.54oilsworknrwhitby: ^?
23:16.00oilsworknthe service doesn't know about the profiles
23:16.02oilsworknonly the app does
23:16.04oilsworknthey're in a cookie
23:16.08Yoppoah I see
23:16.11oilsworkni guess the service could run the sqlite commands to extract it
23:16.18oilsworknwhich maybe you can talk rwhitby into :)
23:16.43Yopposince the govnah support is separate extension to MS but now it neeeds special support for passing the launch parameter to it
23:16.43oilsworknbut that does seem like the better way if it can be done
23:16.57Yopposo its not a big problem but at some point would be nice
23:17.19Yoppothe question I had was that can I trust that there is no progile with id 0 or not
23:17.34oilsworkni dont think there is
23:17.36oilsworkni think it starts with 1
23:17.48oilsworknbut i haven't looked at that code in a month or so, so i could be wrong
23:18.07rwhitbyoilsworkn: we need to also list and process the profiles in reverse order
23:18.33rwhitbyso that the latest added profile is at the top, and overrides any predefined profile that is a subset
23:19.01PuffTheMagicoilsworkn: doctor your phone again so that the W|R article comes out
23:19.16oilsworknknew that would happen
23:19.29oilsworknwaiting for MONTHS
23:19.37oilsworknfinally doctor, and BAM 145 gets released
23:19.43oilsworknlike 2 days later
23:20.06dr_jkltweaks more and reboot
23:20.29dr_jkljust to be sure :)
23:20.42oilsworknsummatusmentis: webosroundup
23:20.52oilsworknapparently at some point they're putting up an article on wirc030
23:20.57oilsworknso the story goes xD
23:23.21PuffTheMagicoilsworkn: i think its gonna be more about hybirds
23:23.27PuffTheMagicand how wirc has always been one
23:23.41PuffTheMagicorsometing like that
23:24.01PuffTheMagicwe have been every type of hybrid
23:24.04PuffTheMagicexcept nsapi
23:24.16oilsworknwas it ever a java service?
23:24.20oilsworkni thought it started out as c
23:24.28oilsworknafter the ubermon test
23:24.35PuffTheMagicoh yeah
23:24.50oilsworknall the good types :)
23:24.50PuffTheMagichalf of them
23:27.26PuffTheMagicis it possible to install a ipk buy clicking on a link in a browser?
23:28.02rwhitbyyes, just set the association for preware
23:28.25PuffTheMagiccan that be done with out any hack?
23:28.40PuffTheMagicif it needs preware
23:28.44PuffTheMagicthat doesnt help me
23:29.01rwhitbyyou can use Jason's Internalz instead if you like
23:29.09PuffTheMagicno that dont help either
23:29.20cryptkdownload it, then use ipkg at command line
23:29.35cryptkthen no
23:29.36PuffTheMagici wanted to install an ipk from a pdk app
23:29.39PuffTheMagicif possible
23:29.55cryptkis it a PDK app you are writing?
23:30.13PuffTheMagiccryptk: its a fake wirc pdk app
23:30.20PuffTheMagici guess it will just say install preware
23:30.37cryptkahh, so an app that you install that will then download and install wirc
23:30.44dr_jkldamn it
23:30.46PuffTheMagicbut i dont think that will work
23:30.53cryptkthat's very sneaky
23:30.58dr_jkli spent 5 minutes trying to wipe a dust fleck off my lcd screen
23:31.03dr_jklit turns out it was a comma
23:31.35rwhitbyso you want to do it without homebrew already installed?  not possible (would be reported as a serious security vulnerability)
23:31.54halfhalo-finalWAAAYYY Ahead of you with that….
23:32.04PuffTheMagichow do the palm web feed things work?
23:32.18halfhalo-finalInsta-no-review push
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23:41.34egaudetpalm web feed doesn't have PDK apps I don't think
23:41.53dr_jklnow, the only thing that might make uberkernel worth it is if it doesn't cause my palm to lock up occasionally
23:41.59cryptkhrm... why not make a PDK app that has a list of all of the WOSI apps that are in the app cat/beta feeds
23:42.06cryptkany app made my a WOSI dev
23:42.15cryptkso VBA would be in it, your dot game
23:42.26cryptkonce they allow hybrids have WIRC in it
23:42.53cryptkhave all of the apps in the cat/beta feeds have a price, have the PDK app list also say that they are available for free through preware
23:43.08cryptkmuch like how dtzWill_ put in his description for VBA
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