IRC log for #webos-internals on 20100729

07:01.41*** join/#webos-internals infobot (
07:01.41*** topic/#webos-internals is Discussion about webOS internals (not webOS SDK usage - #webos for that, or wIRC - #wirc for that). Honor all licenses, carrier agreements and copyrights. Twitter: @webosinternals Logs: Wiki: Pastebin: Preware: Patches:
07:01.41*** mode/#webos-internals [+v infobot] by ChanServ
07:03.15synnineThe overclock kernels are baller too.
07:03.38rwhitbyassumes baller is good
07:03.47synnineI've tried uber, f105 and blackbird
07:04.11synnineYeah.  I have auto cap on.  Don't want to seem to proper.
07:05.39synnineI turned it off but I guess I have to exit and rejoin... Let me see.
07:06.03geistrwhitby: i guess it is
07:06.35*** part/#webos-internals synnine (
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07:07.00synninepref test.
07:07.13synnineahhh much better
07:07.38geistCapitalization is for chumps.
07:08.06rwhitbyinfobot: wb
07:08.07infobotIt's great to be back!
07:08.36infobotaw, gee, rwhitby
07:08.41synnineif I have wirc autofix it too much I'll stop using caps forever.
07:09.08synninekinda how google made me forget spelling
07:09.50geistokay, fair enough
07:10.38synninebtw you devs rock!
07:10.52rwhitbyindeed we do, collectively.
07:10.56Anivromawww chucks
07:11.51rwhitbyoil: what's the easiest way for another app to get access to the Preware blacklist array?
07:12.09*** join/#webos-internals soupdj (~wirc@
07:12.20oiluse a service to read its cookie?
07:13.04oilgoes to sleep
07:13.12rwhitbywhat's the most efficient way, if it needs to do this many times while populating lists dynamically?
07:13.47cryptkhave a call in the preware service to return the array and save it somewhere
07:21.51*** part/#webos-internals synnine (
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07:23.33rwhitby"<div class="location-services-description" id="restrictedcontent" x-mojo-loc="">For customers 18 years and older.</div>"
07:23.46*** join/#webos-internals cryptk_ (~cryptk@unaffiliated/cryptk)
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07:35.24rwhitbylooks like apps can have a licenseURL now too, and it gets displayed in the app cat if it exists
07:37.46*** join/#webos-internals Ki11er (
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07:40.55*** join/#webos-internals hucksy (~hucksy@
07:40.59swisstomcattesting wirc :)
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07:47.31Ki11erhello everyone.
07:50.45Ki11erI have a question
07:51.48swisstomcatgo on much as I hate iOS and everything associated with apple, I do admire the scrolling. is there any way to make the scrolling smother in webOS?
07:54.50*** join/#webos-internals valexa (
07:55.14lingfish_Hi all... so, latest wIRC says 1.4.5 only, but still exhibits the "waiting for plugin" issue... do I still need to do the umask add?
07:55.15swisstomcatoverclock your pre
07:55.34swisstomcatdid you check your fstab?
07:55.44Ki11erI'm overclocked to 800
07:56.05swisstomcatscrolling still slow on 800?
07:56.35Ki11erit's less. but still jerky.
07:56.58lingfish_swisstomcat: me?
07:57.20swisstomcati had the same problem
07:57.25Ki11eris the F105 going to be out of beta anytime soon?
07:57.40lingfish_Well that's what I'm asking... I thought perhaps the new wIRC worked around needin to do the umask part?
07:57.41swisstomcatusing wirc on 1.4.5 right now
07:59.17swisstomcatnot that i know, i had to fix it
07:59.18Ki11erwaiiiiiiit. swisstomcat, where do you live?
07:59.19Ki11erand how do you check the fstab?
07:59.19swisstomcatpreware has a EFF tool to fix the fstab
07:59.30Ki11eroh. I'm in the US. no 1.4.5 around here. I'm waiting for 2.0 now.
07:59.50swisstomcati wonder what the holdup is
07:59.54rwhitbylingfish_: just run the EFF
08:00.16lingfish_And you still had to mod /etc/fstab?
08:00.42swisstomcati had to mod it
08:00.53swisstomcatyeah, you coul run EFF
08:01.16jhojhoto fix scrolling jerkiness, I have some tricks that might work
08:01.32jhojhoBUT need commandline access for one of them. u have to know linux
08:02.00Ki11erI looked at precentral and aparently we're "falling behind in broadband infrastucture"...whatever that means
08:02.26jhojhohow does broadband infrastructure have anything to do with scrolling?
08:03.04swisstomcatthe us should just use GSM, like everyone else :)
08:03.20Ki11erit doesn't. it has to do with the  US not getting the 1.4.5 update
08:03.29jhojhoit does, just on a *cough* not so great provider
08:03.38swisstomcatbut they're probably talking about fixed-line broadband
08:04.37Ki11eridk what gsm is. what doesfstab dohtem ?
08:05.28Ki11erdo ?* (this auto correct is pissing me off)
08:12.01*** part/#webos-internals swisstomcat (
08:14.29Ki11erI was wondering why it got so quiet. will the eff thing make the pre run anyfaster since it's for the system config?
08:16.36Ki11erjhojho, are you still here?
08:17.33rwhitbyKi11er: the EFF does one thing and one thing only, and that thing is detailed in the description of the package.
08:25.07lingfish_rwhitby: sorry, EFF?
08:27.33rwhitbylingfish_: Emergency Fstab Fixer.  In Preware.
08:29.28*** join/#webos-internals jjore (
08:31.32lingfish_rwhitby: lol... classic.  Does it just do that one umask line?
08:32.06rwhitbybut it does it *very* well.
08:33.37lingfish_No side effects of the change?
08:33.49lingfish_lol, what do mean very well, heh.
08:33.52lingfish_(also hi :))
08:34.57rwhitbyit makes it identical to if you doctored to 1.4.5, and even checks the webOS version to make sure you can't apply it to any other webOS version.
08:35.05rwhitbyand it's idempotent as well
08:35.49lingfish_hrm, so why is it not right, after an upgrade to 1.4.5 then?  I'm not following -- I thought 1.4.5 broke that entry...
08:36.07rwhitbyOTA broke it.  Doctor has correct.
08:36.22lingfishHow's things anyway Rod?
08:36.37rwhitbygood, but I gotta run. time for home.
08:36.39lingfishI'm in England for work at the mo
08:39.46*** join/#webos-internals phb (
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11:19.00mjkjris there a way to use the zip/unzip function that was added to save restore manually? like from terminal
11:23.39mjkjrI tried, "unzip filename" with no luck
11:54.04*** part/#webos-internals valexa (
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13:07.29rwhitbymjkjr: /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/bin/unzip filename
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14:16.14*** join/#webos-internals hucksy (~hucksy@
14:19.07lingfishHrm... anyone still seeing the age-old bug where mail accounts sync even when set to manual?
14:28.01*** join/#webos-internals valexa (
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14:29.40PuffTheMagicrwhitby: nice re: fstab fixer
14:29.55PuffTheMagicrwhitby: i was just gonna put a fix in the preware postinst or something
14:30.00PuffTheMagicbut i guess this works too
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14:49.17torchiehow do you get ipkg-opt onto the pre?
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14:57.23torchieFOUND IT
14:57.28torchieoptware advanced linux command line installer
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14:59.28bpadalino|workplease be sure to clean up after yourself
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15:55.58*** join/#webos-internals UzHans (~wirc@
15:57.23UzHansHas anyone dealt with Save/Restore deleting files within the /internal/saverestore/ directory upon launch of Save/Restore?
16:22.29*** join/#webos-internals MetaView (
16:24.05*** part/#webos-internals UzHans (~wirc@
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16:26.25Darkmagisteri'm tryng to create a website work on palm pre, and with a similar interface, like iwebkit, jqtouch, iui .... for the iphone, someone know something similar for the palm pre ?... or where i can find the image for create a theme for this framework ???
16:39.31*** join/#webos-internals phb (
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17:44.57djkIs there any word on when the update will be released in the US?
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17:54.27chrisadjk: When the carrier song and dance is finished
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17:55.07oil_laptopwhatever happened to eguy? every time someone would ask when the update was the answer would be 'tomorrow!'
17:55.15oil_laptopand tomorrow, the same answer xD
17:55.46en0xdjk: tomorrow
17:55.58torchiewell kesne said "today"
17:56.06torchiebut that was a week ago
17:56.14torchieactually 2 weeks :(
17:56.25en0xwho listens to kesne?
17:56.43torchiekesne's my little sweetie pie
17:56.45en0xkesne is just a kid with pimples :S
17:58.11torchieI'm a year older than him so I get to push him around
17:58.17torchieI have way better pimples than he does
17:58.26torchieand scraggly, improperly shaved facial hair
17:58.32en0xis speechless :S
17:58.38torchiefor maximum neckbeard
18:06.18djkGreat so I'll wait for tomorrow. Oh wait tomorrow never comes :-(
18:24.17RagingMindomg.  why didn't I find this out sooner?
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19:00.21UzHans2the cursor took me about a month to figure out accidentally when trying to select txt with the wrong button
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19:08.38MetaViewsomeone from webosinternals here?
19:10.49MetaViewa pity
19:18.56ShadeSso uh
19:19.04ShadeSwhat do I need to start hello worlding applications for the pre
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19:19.28en0xtext editor
19:20.11MetaView<html><head></head><body>Hello World!</body></html>
19:43.36sbromwichShadeS: ares
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19:58.27b3llgreat news! xorg still works with 1.4.5!!!
20:01.50balrog-k1nso BTW, what's a good opensource text editor for the pre?
20:02.10balrog-k1ni just hate the Memos app but i still use it
20:02.35balrog-k1nis the a webos frontend? :)
20:03.03balrog-k1nMemos freezes for like 5 seconds every time i type something or backspace through text
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20:04.08dtzWillb3ll: o_O it does?
20:04.24*** part/#webos-internals N3O9Pr (~N3O9Pr@unaffiliated/n3oinc)
20:04.31b3lldtzWill ya!
20:04.40b3llso does xterm
20:04.47b3lljust launching from the icon doesn't work
20:04.55b3llif you run the script it launchs
20:05.55dtzWillb3ll: oh nice. so it's just the jail. what i figured but hadn't tested it yet.
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20:06.15b3lldtzWill : whats the jail?
20:06.18dtzWillfigured it would fail due to some api changes as well, and the whole "memory usage" parameter
20:06.46dtzWillb3ll: 1.4.5 makes apps run from a 'jail' which means they're limited in what they can access, and in theory what they can see.
20:06.58dtzWillto prevent them from doing things they shouldn't primarily.
20:07.12b3lllike sandboxed iphone applications?
20:07.23nebulai need a couch next to my work desk
20:07.36b3llnebula : agreed, or a nice lazyboy
20:07.43dtzWillthe x stuff I made good use of explicitly using other packages so that the libs and binaries were shared and you didn't need many copies
20:07.54dtzWillso that was just a design error that is completely broken on 1.4.5 :)
20:08.15dtzWilldesign decision... i don't think it was necessarily an error, i take that back hehe
20:08.27dtzWillb3ll: yes, like sandboxed iphone apps if that's how you prefer to see it :).
20:09.02b3lldtzWill then how can the terminal run it, but not luna?
20:09.17b3llisn't it sending the command to launch it?
20:09.35dtzWillb3ll: no. it just IS launching it.
20:09.55b3llim so confused
20:09.55dtzWillluna sets up the jail (well i'm not exactly sure what component does the jailing) and then launches it.
20:10.02dtzWillterminal just launches it, no jail.
20:10.22b3llso therefore now it needs to be jailed
20:10.26b3llto be launched
20:10.49b3lland luna can't directly send commands to the shell?
20:12.02dtzWillb3ll: luna CAN, they did the jail on *purpose*
20:12.07dtzWillfor security reasons
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20:13.00b3lloh i understand that
20:13.06b3llill see if i can fix this
20:13.14b3llbtw, how did you get lxde going?
20:13.22b3lli installed it in debian
20:13.43dtzWillb3ll: for those screenshots i took? debian
20:14.07b3lldtzWill: yea i figured that, but what'd you put in the x-window scripts :P
20:14.56dtzWillb3ll: i don't remember.  you're going to wnat to integrate the chroot with the scripts then
20:15.08dtzWilland launch it from the chroot, w/e the start-lxde command is.
20:15.22b3lloh that simple?
20:15.43dtzWillpretty much, yeah.
20:16.11b3lloh okay lets see
20:16.43b3lldtzWill : one more question :P, how does debian get the internet connection? it's own drivers?
20:17.06b3llbecause I know a couple from fedora allow the chipset to be put in monitor mode
20:18.08dtzWillb3ll: well when you run the debian chroot you're not running a whole new linux instance.
20:18.24dtzWillb3ll: not booting up a debian kernel such that it needs its own drives for anything.
20:18.33dtzWillb3ll: so it access the internet the same way your pre does normally.
20:18.59b3llthe debian binaries are already pre-compatible?
20:19.20dtzWillb3ll: the applications are anyway, yeha.
20:19.43b3lloh neat, okay ill let you get back to work :P i'm gonna play around with this
20:19.51dtzWillb3ll: kk. have fun :).
20:20.10b3llwait wait wait
20:20.18b3llcould one theoretically have an android chroot?
20:24.21MarajinTheoretically, but android depends on some kernel level tweaks
20:24.56b3llhow big?
20:25.28Marajinah nothin' major I think, just bits of kernel support for some features..
20:26.40b3llhmm im gonna try that right now
20:36.22b3llso has the omap port of android just died? :P
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20:44.32*** join/#webos-internals MetaView (
20:45.55MetaViewwebosinternals here?
20:46.50MetaViewnot even you?
20:49.12oilsworkni guess im part of webos-internals
20:49.58*** join/#webos-internals MetaView_ (
20:50.43infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
20:51.08oilsworkn"We are all here voluntarily or against our will."
20:51.15oilsworknwho is here against their will?
20:51.24oilsworkninfobot: welcome back
20:51.25infobotWelcome to the party, back!
20:51.36egaudetagainst our Will
20:52.04egaudetwelcome to the party, back?
20:52.15egaudetinfobot, stop taking breaks
20:52.16infobotACTION leaps to his feet and stops taking breaks
20:52.16egaudetyour losing it
20:52.21egaudetor you're losing
20:52.29oilsworkni think its supposed to be just "wb"
20:52.34egaudetinfobot: wb
20:52.35infobotIt's great to be back!
20:53.03oilsworknso, i told him to welcome back back
20:53.15egaudetand he did just that lol
20:53.41egaudetinfobot: welcome now leave
20:53.42infobotGood to see you, now leave!
20:53.58oilsworknagain with teh bot taking over the channel conversation :/
20:54.05oilsworkngoes back to ignoring infobot
20:54.23infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
20:54.50MetaView_I need to speak with bsiegel or who ever updated UC today/yesterday
20:55.10oilsworknpatch deal?
20:55.31MetaView_the patch is empty now
20:55.46oilsworknthats no good
20:55.47MetaView_people complain about the stock calendar
20:55.51egaudetit's oil's fault
20:56.08MetaView_could you fix it?
20:56.27oilsworknegaudet was lieing to you
20:56.28MetaView_oil == öl
20:56.57egaudetsounded good
20:57.08oilsworknegaudet: you're supposed to blame jhojho for everything
20:57.43egaudetI blame you, you blame him, I indirectly blame him :P
20:57.53egaudetMetaView_: what do you mean it's "blank"
20:57.57egaudetthe patch legit is empty?
20:58.05sammywould changing initctl's log-priority to debug send messages to /var/log/messages? I'm trying to figure out why minstat's service just hangs when trying to start
20:58.14MetaView_when people install the update the calendar is back to standard
20:58.25MetaView_the existing patch is removed but no new patch is installed
21:00.10egaudetyeah that's not good
21:00.14egaudetpatch file is empty file
21:00.41oilsworknwonders if its upload problem?
21:00.54egaudetoilsworkn: are there any logs for the portal?
21:01.38egaudetit may be a bug in the regeneration code
21:01.43oilsworknthere may be normal apache logs
21:01.49MetaView_I still don't know where I can find the actual patch files on the git
21:02.11MetaView_but usingthe web-access?
21:02.22egaudetmodifications repo
21:02.46oilsworknMetaView_: was this patch uploaded pre or post server move?
21:03.34MetaView_post server move
21:04.25MetaView_27.07.2010 22:44 Patch Submitted via the WebOS-Patches Web Portal!
21:04.45MetaView_It's -2:00 to GMT
21:04.59MetaView_no, +2:00
21:06.22oilsworkni assume whoever approved it confirmed the patch wasnt blank before approving it
21:06.44oilsworknso its probably not upload problem
21:10.10datafirmAnyone know how to do a complete dump/backup of the NVRAM memory?
21:12.40egaudetcheck the wiki
21:13.13MetaView_seems I would need a restart - time to sleep now
21:13.16b3llK so i got lxde installed and running, it's just not being sent to the pre's framebuffer, I setup the xorg config, and typed startx, yet an instance of x is already running in the xterm...
21:13.24MetaView_will you have a look into the patch issue?
21:14.59oilsworknhopes "you" is egaudet?
21:15.37egaudethands off to oil as the power that be over the portal!
21:15.39MetaView_well, I don't care :)
21:15.58egaudetMetaView_: upload another one
21:16.09MetaView_the boss comes in 1 hour, he will see if everything is clean :D
21:16.14MetaView_ok, I will
21:16.50egaudetI'll verify it's not empty and try to see if it's a bug in the process or what
21:16.54oilsworknhas no power over portal
21:17.05oilsworkndeletes his ssh keys on the server xD
21:22.25b3llegaudet can you edit the esn from there?
21:22.34b3llwith the tokens that is
21:22.49datafirmegaudet: that is just the tokens and nvram locations.
21:22.55datafirmnot a complete backup.
21:23.05datafirmb3ll: no
21:23.11*** part/#webos-internals nebula (~jtomawski@
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21:29.30egaudetdatafirm: just use dd
21:29.50b3llnvm found a good tutorial
21:30.04egaudetif you just wnat to dump all of the partitions on the Flash
21:31.45datafirmegaudet: But that wont get the VN ram items?
21:34.10datafirmegaudet: I want to back up the Non-Volatile memory that in the modem/radio.
21:34.19datafirmdd will just get the flash ram
21:34.47egaudetwell "nvram" was very non-specific
21:34.56egaudetI don't know anything about the modem/radio though sorry
21:35.30RagingMindI should get X running on my pre and try out matchstick
21:36.09datafirmsorry, yeah just thinking about the radio right now.
21:36.18egaudetdoesn't the doctor reflash the modem
21:36.27datafirmegaudet: sometimes, yeah
21:36.42datafirmbut I dont think it flashes the whole ram contents.
21:37.04datafirmI screwed something up and want to be sure I can back it up.
21:38.19egaudetgotta head out, bbl
21:48.21dtzWillRagingMind: what's matchstick? did you mean matchbox?
21:48.49dtzWillRagingMind: matchbox should be staged in the WIDK and I think it worked fine last time i tried it.
21:49.11dtzWillit's meant mostly for devices with stylus so some buttons are a bit small.. but otherwise it's great.
21:49.40dtzWillb3ll: no need to run startx or xorg.conf
21:49.54b3lldtzWill then why won't it load?
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21:50.03b3lli have the server running
21:50.05dtzWillb3ll: x in preware is built on kdrive--it's statically confiured, no xorg.conf
21:50.11dtzWillb3ll: set your DISPLAY env variable.
21:50.33dtzWillb3ll: to ':0', sorry
21:50.41b3lli think it already is
21:50.50b3llat least in the org.webosinternals*
21:51.03dtzWillb3ll: right, but lxde needs that set to work
21:51.16dtzWillb3ll: so DISPLAY=:0 lxde-start-command
21:51.21dtzWillor whatever
21:52.08b3llokay lets see
21:53.51b3lldtzWill: but wait lxde is in the debian chroot
21:53.52RagingMinddtzWill, maybe matchbox,  LOL
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22:33.11irdCould someone point me to the wiki page that explains how to copy one device to another?
22:33.18irdThe name of the app has escaped me..
22:41.00irdI don't have ssh enabled on my old pre..
22:41.13irdMaybe just back up the package list.
22:49.35*** join/#webos-internals cryptk (~cryptk@unaffiliated/cryptk)
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22:55.05irdI wonder if they will deny my claim if I send it back with oc kernal even though I broke the screen.
22:55.22irdBetter dr for safety.
22:56.02irdNow I'll have to get used to pressing the power button again since it works.
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23:10.27irdHow am I supposed to turn on wifi without the screen working?
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23:26.59irdSo if I can ping google from my phone why can't I download packages? :\
23:28.25rasterudb allowed through
23:28.28rastererr udp
23:28.32rastertcp - not
23:28.38irdHow do I fix this?
23:28.45rastererr icmp allowed i mean
23:28.58raster"it depends on why"
23:29.10irdHow do I find out why then?
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