IRC log for #webos-internals on 20100717

00:00.23*** join/#webos-internals RobiPre (
00:00.23idontwan2knowI'm still dumbfounded that people aren't picking up on Apple's admission that the iPhone4 drops MORE calls than the 3GS, which is already known as far and wide as having a horrible problem with dropping calls.
00:00.41idontwan2knowBut really folks, there's no problem's all been overblown.
00:01.01RobiPrethere's a fun interview with the Woz about that
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00:01.17Wolvenhavenif you talk about about the iphone, apple censors you
00:01.45Wolvenhavenwhat i find funny is their 1984 ad, and now they're just like that
00:01.48bhueyit's wild that two apple folks would compliment Palm in the same day
00:02.15RobiPrehe said to fix the situation, get a Pre plus from Verizon, and use the mifi when att/iphone fails
00:02.24idontwan2knowWoz is funny.
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00:02.48Wolvenhavenyea, jobs is an asshole
00:02.58Wolvenhavenjobs refused to write a chapter for woz's memiors
00:03.56idontwan2knowPlenty of people can't afford *one* smartphone data plan. nobody is going to pay for a second just to keep their iPhone.
00:04.06Wolvenhaven"no, i'm too busy to write a small chapter of a book for a guy who is completely responsible for all my early success
00:04.10idontwan2knowwell, nobody who isn't a billionaire Apple cofounder
00:05.08Wolvenhavenapple has found a great niche
00:05.15Wolvenhavenliberating people from the tyranny of choice
00:07.45Robi_oil: around? wirc dark theme uses black on grey text for stuff you enter, hard to see ;[
00:10.05oilin which scene?
00:11.14oil(its not hapening to me)
00:11.15*** join/#webos-internals muchtall (
00:13.31oilwell if thats the case
00:13.37oilwait for update :)
00:14.56egaudetI can't believe I've been running my HDD at 1.5GB/s for years
00:14.58oilpalm-dark is much better in 030
00:17.13idontwan2knowNot a complaint, just curious...why does the latest virtual keyboard with all the extras installed autocorrect spelling, but not punctuation?
00:17.44idontwan2knowerr...capitalization, not punctuation
00:17.49egaudetidontwan2know, because the developer is an idiot
00:18.47egaudetalthough your misspeak has uncovered an autocorrect bug now.  I suppose the punctuation delimiters do not cause autocorrect in the VKB like they do with hard keyboard
00:19.09egaudetwell not an autocorrect bug but yeah
00:20.14Wolvenhavenwrong room
00:20.35zsoci like how he's a goat
00:20.44idontwan2knowI assume the issue with the VKB reappearing after you change landscapes is known?
00:21.03idontwan2knowerr...change orientation*
00:21.36idontwan2knowneat...I will look there rather than asking in the future
00:22.59egaudet(the enter-repeat bug that was visible in the app catalog search for instance has been fixed locally)
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00:25.24oilegaudet: do you use vkb a lot? when you're not working on it?
00:26.32egaudetoil not as much as I think I should lol
00:26.59egaudetI went a while not even touching it, until the recent changes
00:27.15idontwan2knowI have found it a lot more useful lately. Not sure if the software itself is better, or if OCing has helped, but it seems much more accurate and less laggy than in the past
00:27.27egaudetidontwan2know, I fixed it a lot
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00:28.19idontwan2knowAwesome. I went a long time without using it much, but have gone back to it with some of the improvements.
00:28.21egaudetI added some "semi-hackish-multi-touch-sorta-kinda-not-really-but-close-enough" logic to the mouse events that are captured, and stopped using the target object as the hit detector which throws it off when the object enlarges for preview
00:29.09egaudetThe changes also allow holding shift/function and then tapping a number (well they will when I take the repeat away from the hold on those keys)
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00:29.17oildoes it come up faster?
00:30.02egaudetno, but it renders once per stage
00:30.15egaudetinstead of rendering, closing, rendering etc...
00:30.44oilyeah so its in the framework, basically attached to every app
00:30.50egaudetI want to get this version of the VKB stable and bug-free so that I can eventually move to implementing a PDK learning keyboard
00:31.08egaudetoil yeah it's a widget, so it just loads and attaches itself
00:31.59oilonly if we could put it into lunasysmgr xD
00:32.56egaudethey maybe I'll just steal the framebuffer from luna and do what I want!  lol
00:35.15egaudetof course as a PDK app using keyboss key emulation, it would be pretty awesome.
00:35.23idontwan2knowI think the Pre's screen size puts an ultimate cap on the usability of it. But presumably the next gen of hardware will have at *least* a 3.5-3.7in screen.
00:35.50idontwan2knowwhich would be plenty, especially in landscape
00:37.31oilegaudet: i wish it could go in a popup
00:37.41oilso the card would scale to the height of whats left
00:37.45oilinstead of floating over it
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00:38.25oilhave you thought about attaching it to the textbox code instead of the symblock?
00:38.37egaudetoil it can and will
00:38.41oiland have taping on the textbox spawn a popup with the keyboard on it?
00:38.50egaudetcan and will go in a popup
00:38.58oiloh, but do popups show in landscape?
00:39.12oilthats nice
00:39.26egaudetyeah, way back when I first started I began it as a popup app
00:39.35egaudetthen realized I couldn't do what I wanted and landscape was impossible
00:39.46egaudetthen I think in 1.3.5 or 1.4.0 they added popup landscape
00:40.16egaudetand I believe there is a paid app keyboard in the app cat that does it in popup
00:40.26oilno patch?
00:40.45egaudetno patch but it's not fully integrated all it can do is "paste"
00:40.58oiloh, that sucks
00:40.59idontwan2knowyeah, it's not particularly useful
00:41.14egaudetI've been thinking about making it like that for the app cat but also having homebrew add-on capabilities to fully integrate it
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00:44.09idontwan2knowhmm...there's actually two of those apps in the catalog
00:44.16idontwan2knowone is $5. lol
00:46.11idontwan2knowBoth of them have pretty horrific reviews.
00:47.02egaudetif I were Palm I'd put keyboard emulation service in Luna and have it be like the GPS, allow user to enable/disable and popup on install an app that uses it
00:47.44oilthat keyboard is a little ugly
00:48.01egaudeta little?
00:48.10oilis being polite?
00:48.13egaudetdamn thing is horrendous
00:48.43egaudetand getting letters to fit nicely inside a boarder radius that screws up the 32px div in portrait sucks
00:48.47egaudetbut that was more POC
00:49.44egaudetnow of course oil can always design a nice JS layout and images for a VKB for me ;-)
00:51.40idontwan2knowlistens to the crickets
00:51.51egaudetsteps on one
00:53.08infobotACTION chirps uninterestedly
00:53.11halfhalobut… he wont
00:53.21oildepends if i have time
00:53.26oilcodes on a lot of projects
00:54.11idontwan2knowInteresting...VKB does autocorrect i to I.
00:54.38idontwan2knowbut not i'm to I'm
00:55.29egaudetidontwan2know, the VKB doesn't have any autocorrect code in it
00:55.48idontwan2knowI can't seem to say what I mean tonight.
00:55.55egaudetso if hardware space doesn't correct i'm
00:56.35idontwan2knowyeah, it doesn't
01:01.19*** join/#webos-internals Abyssul_ (
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01:04.59halfhaloka6sox: did you ever non root wargames?
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01:32.45bsiegeldoes anyone know if there is an optware package (either via preware or using ipkg-opt) that has an ssh client without activating an ssh server as well?
01:33.07bsiegelI tried the preware openssh package but it configured and launched the ssh server as well, which I would like to not do
01:33.24bsiegelI have admittedly not yet tried preware's dropbear package
01:40.33*** join/#webos-internals thadood (
01:46.51ka6soxhalfhalo, nope, not yet...waiting for you to show me how to do it :D
01:48.04halfhaloits like two lines
01:48.29ka6soxhalfhalo, send me the 2 lines and I'll get it done :P
01:48.44ka6soxits like....106deg here :P
01:48.58halfhalowell, actually, it more like two words
01:49.54ka6soxokay then either paste it here or in a pastebin.
01:50.45halfhaloserver side: open app.js and change port.  client side: open jquery.wargames.js and change the port
01:52.51ka6soxokay what port?
01:53.19halfhaloi choose you port 8121
01:55.55ka6soxWorks For Me.
01:58.39*** join/#webos-internals muesli (~muesli@amarok/developer/muesli)
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02:02.13*** join/#webos-internals hborders (
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02:03.54hborderscan anyone in here help me with cross-compiling? zlib's configure script runs just fine, and make runs just fine, but when I try to compile an example app, I get linker errors
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02:04.30ka6soxhborders, you staged it into the right directory?
02:04.55hborderska6sox: I'm a noob.  i don't know what you mean
02:05.17hborderska6sox: if there is something I can read about cross-compiling in general, I'd love to educate myself
02:06.45ka6soxI only know what I've heard and witnessed in 6yrs of hanging around...I know that libs like zlib when they are dependencies need to be "staged" in a certain directory so that they are available when the linker does its thing.
02:07.20ka6soxsee if there is a make stage target for zlib
02:08.03*** part/#webos-internals Abyssul (
02:09.22hbordersnope, not there
02:09.36hbordersyeah, I think i have my libs in the right place.  I don't get errors about missing libs
02:09.43hbordersI just get a bunch of undefined function references
02:14.02ka6soxnow you have exhausted my knowledge.
02:14.40hborderswell, thanks for trying
02:14.42hbordersanyone else?
02:14.44ka6soxkernels are sooo much simpler than this application stuff.
02:15.19ka6soxokay back to seeing if I can oops this new module I'm playing with.
02:17.17*** part/#webos-internals hborders (
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02:30.44*** join/#webos-internals sjsharksfan (~wirc@
02:31.10hbordersok, I got my zlib example working.  I think I linked zlib properly.  The question now is this:  why did this work:
02:31.23hbordersPATH=/opt/PalmPDK/arm-gcc/bin/:$PATH /opt/PalmPDK/arm-gcc/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc fitblk.c -L/Users/hborders/xcode-workspaces/personal/pdk-samples/simple/mac/palm-arm/lib -lz -I/Users/hborders/xcode-workspaces/personal/pdk-samples/simple/mac/palm-arm/include/ --sysroot=/opt/PalmPDK/arm-gcc/sysroot/ -o fitblk
02:31.35hbordersand this not:
02:31.35hbordersarm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc -mcpu=arm1136jf-s -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=softfp -I/opt/PalmPDK/include -I/opt/PalmPDK/include/SDL -I/Users/hborders/xcode-workspaces/personal/pdk-samples/simple/mac/palm-arm/include --sysroot=/opt/PalmPDK/arm-gcc/sysroot -static -L/opt/PalmPDK/device/lib -L/Users/hborders/xcode-workspaces/personal/pdk-samples/simple/mac/palm-arm/lib
02:31.35hborders-Wl,--allow-shlib-undefined,-rpath-link,/Users/hborders/xcode-workspaces/personal/pdk-samples/simple/mac/palm-arm/lib -lz -o Build_Device/hello fitblk.c
02:34.33Wolvenhavendamn dude
02:34.36Wolvenhavenuse pastebin
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02:39.25hbordersonly 2 lines. :)
02:57.37*** join/#webos-internals mueslix (~muesli@amarok/developer/muesli)
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03:04.01Tmanhborders: how is/was that tutorial going? :)
03:04.18hborderstman: i'm stuck
03:04.53hborderstman: I had to fall back and try to recompile all the libs I needed into statics since palm won't let you link to any of your own .so's
03:04.59hbordersmaybe you can help me
03:05.18Tmanhborders: right, that's what I do
03:05.32hbordersI'm reading through the gcc docs right now trying to figure out a gcc argument order issue
03:05.41Tmanjust about everything I needed builds a static lib in WIDK
03:05.53hbordersI need zlib, openssl, and curl
03:05.57hbordersthey are not static in WIDK
03:06.03hbordersor at least they weren't last week
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03:06.51Tmanhm idk why you'd need those on a minimal tutorial.. or maybe you need them for your app
03:07.01hbordersI need them for my app
03:07.07hbordersI don't need them for the tutorial
03:07.27Tmanwell.. looking at the configure for each package for an option like --with-static might help
03:07.44hbordersI built zlib and openssl statically
03:07.53hbordersand they both completed just fine
03:08.03*** join/#webos-internals jrmuizel (
03:08.15Tmancurl's the problem then?
03:08.18hbordersthen, when I tried to build curl, its libssl test program failed to link
03:08.33hbordersso I'm trying to figure out what's going on there
03:08.51Tmanhm, well can you at least still get the static lib out and try it?
03:08.57Tmanof curl that is
03:09.19hbordersdoes widk build a curl static lib now?
03:10.02Tmanwait libssl test program.. is this in curl's configure script?
03:10.19*** join/#webos-internals muchtall1 (
03:10.33Tmanah.. ok
03:10.37hbordersbut i've got a very basic gcc question
03:10.57hborderswhy does this succeed:
03:10.57hbordersPATH=/opt/PalmPDK/arm-gcc/bin/:$PATH /opt/PalmPDK/arm-gcc/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc  -mcpu=arm1136jf-s -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=softfp fitblk.c -I/Users/hborders/xcode-workspaces/personal/pdk-samples/simple/mac/palm-arm/include/  -L/Users/hborders/xcode-workspaces/personal/pdk-samples/simple/mac/palm-arm/lib  --sysroot=/opt/PalmPDK/arm-gcc/sysroot/ -lz -o fitblk
03:11.01hbordersand this fail:
03:11.01Tmanwell, if you're restricting it from using the .so's you might not need to
03:11.07hbordersPATH=/opt/PalmPDK/arm-gcc/bin/:$PATH /opt/PalmPDK/arm-gcc/bin/arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc  -mcpu=arm1136jf-s -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=softfp   -I/Users/hborders/xcode-workspaces/personal/pdk-samples/simple/mac/palm-arm/include/  -L/Users/hborders/xcode-workspaces/personal/pdk-samples/simple/mac/palm-arm/lib  --sysroot=/opt/PalmPDK/arm-gcc/sysroot/ -lz -o fitblk fitblk.c
03:11.52hborderssorry, will do
03:13.19*** join/#webos-internals muchtall1 (
03:13.58ka6soxhborders, kewl...thanks!
03:14.51hbordersthe main difference is that in the failing one the .c command is the last argument
03:15.24*** part/#webos-internals jhowirc (
03:15.42TmanI don't know why you get that. You could try putting the -lz somewhere else. Actually, whenever I do a static build, I just include a path to libz.a for example as if it were another source file, rather than using -l
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03:15.58TmanI seem to have problems with -l and static libs
03:16.41hbordersok, I'll try that with curl and see if it helps
03:17.02hbordersI'm mostly just concerned about getting basic static linking working.  before I continue with the tutorial
03:17.12hbordersif I can't do that, the tutorial's not helpful to anyone
03:17.31jhopixialright time to get some help from irc. my wireless router is dead and I'm at best buy looking for a replacement
03:17.44jhopixiwant one that I can dd-wrt
03:17.46halfhalowhat models are there
03:18.37hbordersI thought that linksys discontinued the dd-wrt ones
03:18.54zsoc|awayjhopixi: buy a wrt54g online :p
03:19.10jhopixizoc need one for right now :)
03:19.12halfhaloi have a wrt-600n
03:19.16halfhaloi heart it
03:19.23egaudetif you are doing static, order matters
03:19.41jhopixinetgear wn802t
03:19.45egaudetobjects aren't pulled in from the static library unless needed in a previous call
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03:19.57zsoc|awayjhojho: the website claims the cisco valet series routers work
03:19.59hbordersegaudet: (I'm a noob) can you help me find a doc to read about that
03:19.59egaudetthus when you get to the call at the end (even though you linked the lib before) the symbol is not defined
03:20.34hbordersegaudet: lol, thanks.
03:20.36jhopixilinksys e1000
03:20.38zsoc|awayhborders: just read the error, see what symbol it's looking for, and put that lib on the other side :p
03:20.51hbordersegaudet: I lol because I should have known that
03:20.59egaudet-no one- likes static libraries
03:21.03zsoc|awayjhojho: e1000 revision 1.0 and 2.0 works
03:21.16hbordersegaudet: I'm beginning to understand that
03:21.25egaudetPalm needs to just allow shared libs in the apps dir, which is not accessible from other apps jails
03:21.31jhopixigrr can't tell the rev number
03:21.33zsoc|awayjhojho: OH I TAKE THAT BACK
03:21.42halfhaloi was about to say
03:21.44hbordersegaudet: I know
03:21.44zsoc|awayjhojho: IM READING A LIST OF /UNSUPPORTED/ ROUTERS lol
03:22.37zsoc|awayjhopixi: wrt600n it is then
03:22.47jhopixihow about a wireless-n 300
03:22.50halfhalonot gonna be in store
03:22.58halfhalowhich model for the wireless n 300
03:23.21zsoc|awayjhojho: 300n 1.0, 1.1, or 2.0
03:23.52zsoc|awayjhojho: whoops, take it back again, 1.0 or 1.1.... 2.0 is not supported
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03:24.21jhopixican't tell from the packaging
03:24.21zsoc|awayalso, the 300n is not 'officially' supported, but has some hax0r instructions
03:25.07jhopixioh here we go
03:25.14zsoc|awayjhopixi: 160n is well documented for all versions
03:25.15jhopixicisco valet
03:25.42zsoc|awayjhopixi: the valet is on the list, but there are no install instructions. i wouldn't trust it
03:25.47zsoc|awayjhojho: i'd get the 160n
03:25.51jhopixihow about this netgear rangemax
03:25.57jhopixidual band n
03:26.04halfhalomodel num
03:26.09zsoc|awayjhopixi: the 3300?
03:26.16zsoc|awayi think the 3300 is the only dual band n
03:26.19zsoc|awaycrap i know too much about routers lol
03:26.26zsoc|awayhmm.. 3700
03:26.29jhopixiit's gig too
03:26.38zsoc|awayjhopixi: no
03:26.53jhopiximy whole house could be gig!!
03:26.56halfhalowhy no?
03:27.02halfhaloits sayint yes for me...
03:27.10zsoc|awayhalfhalo: i have a different list? lol
03:27.21halfhaloNetgear WNDR3700 Firmware: Special image for initial flashing
03:27.25zsoc|awayjhopixi: honestly, ddwrt runs on almost /anything/, it's just a matter of how much of a pain in the neck it is
03:27.30zsoc|awayhalfhalo: oh yes, i see that now
03:27.47zsoc|awayjhopixi: so yes, as long as that special image is readily available, the 3700 looks hot
03:27.49zsoc|awayand sexy
03:27.51jhopixiI jus want something quick right now
03:27.55halfhaloget it
03:28.02halfhaloits almost as good as mah 600n
03:28.10jhopixi3700 is $$$
03:28.16halfhaloor mah 350n being a repeater
03:28.38jhopixiI want something that supports wps too
03:28.38zsoc|awayoh god
03:28.41zsoc|awayit's atheros
03:28.44zsoc|awayyou don't want that lol
03:28.46zsoc|awaybroadcom ftw
03:28.56halfhaloslaps zsoc|away
03:29.02halfhaloNO BROADCOM NO
03:29.07zsoc|awaywell, as long as it's not realtek you're fine i suppose :p
03:29.11jhopiximultilevel house with lots of walls
03:29.12ka6sox~lart zsoc|away
03:29.12infobotfrags zsoc|away with his BFG9000
03:29.31zsoc|awayok, let halfhalo tell you what to buy :p i'm going back away
03:29.47ka6soxzsoc|away, just pulling your chain :D
03:29.48halfhalohas nightmares from getting his g4 powerbook to work with linux due to broadcm
03:29.50jhopixiwhat's the diff between the valet and valet plus?
03:30.45tyler_wylieIf I have a Palm Pre but not currently tied to any service is there a way to get it to download my palm profile over wifi
03:31.17jhopixithe packaging does not say which is why I am asking
03:31.18ka6soxzsoc|away, I saw a new libgles that made it into OE Git yesterday....with headers!
03:31.30tyler_wyliehalfhalo: metadoctor?
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03:31.59halfhaloyes.  its a tool to bypass activation and first us so you can enable wifi to download your profile
03:32.17jhopixihalo how about a wnr3500l?
03:33.03halfhalono listing for that on ddwrt
03:34.01jhopixihow about the cisco muchtall 10 vs m20
03:34.13jhopixim10 that is
03:34.13muchtallwha wha?
03:34.30halfhalono listing for either
03:34.35muchtallDman. I need my own line of Cisco gear.
03:34.39ka6soxhe breathed on the gesture area.
03:35.04halfhalobacks away from ka6sox slowly
03:35.05jhopixidamn wirc
03:35.45halfhalowhy the hell is there 25 php-fcgi processes running…..
03:35.49ka6soxjhopixi, you need 2 left thumbs to operate it.
03:36.38gollyzila|compWith the new ability to install packages locally with Preware, can it also install Patches?
03:37.29jhopixiphp-fpm ftw
03:37.53halfhaloand plus, im running passenger as well
03:38.15jhopixiokay this wnr3500l claims to be open source.
03:38.30halfhaloyeah, but so does my watch.  dont mean crap
03:39.11jhopixiI think I will get this one for now and order something online
03:40.13halfhalowhy the hell is there no open source cpanel alternative that supports nginx
03:40.37halfhaloI really do not want to use apache…. its to bloated
03:41.15ka6sox~lart infobot
03:41.15infobotnabs the moon and broadsides ka6sox with the sea of tranquility
03:41.29jhopixicpanel is for noobs :D
03:41.45jhopixilol they have kin display models here
03:41.47halfhaloim lazy dammit
03:43.17halfhaloim making fun of all you for using apache for the wiki
03:43.43halfhaloi no rite?
03:44.36jhopixilooks for compressed air
03:45.58halfhalooh AND the git repo is using it as well!  tsk tsk tsk
03:46.55jhopixiwth ka6sox ??
03:47.02halfhaloI know....
03:47.42halfhaloI'll get the pitchforks!
03:50.49ka6soxjhopixi, always touch the gesture area on the pixi and activate muchtall
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03:51.33jhopixithat just sounds wrong
03:51.41muchtallEverything is going according to my plan!
03:51.42halfhaloi no, rite?
03:51.54jhopixiright now I am drawn into the 60 inch lcd
03:52.01jhopixiMUST ACQUIRE
03:52.22ka6soxjhopixi, I'll be rite there to claim it :D
03:52.28jhopixioh it's only 2699
03:52.44egaudetneeds to make build the damn kernel once and only once per kernel version per device
03:53.05halfhalook, how does the webos-patches site work?  It looks like it would work in rails really well...
03:53.23ka6soxhalfhalo, don't go there.
03:53.46jhopixiegaudet: do it
03:54.07jhopixior we can just wait for 145 and only build one
03:54.18halfhalosays the person who let the wiki and git archive run off apache
03:54.31jhopixiright now I build 6. 3 for pre and 3 for pixi
03:54.55jhopixihalfhalo: rails is the ghetto
03:55.34halfhaloka6sox: you broke wargames...
03:55.36jhopixiwireless 1080p
03:55.50halfhaloand rails is stupid easy to build though
03:56.12egaudetjhopixi, yeah locally building 6 kernels is getting quite annoying lol
03:56.35egaudet(well uinput + aufs means 12 kernels)
03:57.22ka6soxhalfhalo, probably....but then I havent' touched it in a week.
03:57.22jhopixi18 if you split compcache out
03:57.45egaudetmight take my strugging HDD a couple of days
03:59.57halfhaloyou didn't change the port on the client
04:00.01halfhaloor server crashed
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04:01.40halfhaloyup.  making the patches portal in rails would take a day it looks like
04:02.32jhopixigo for it
04:02.57halfhaloI am, I just have to reset up nginx on my server
04:03.06halfhaloforgot to rebuild it with passenger support it looks like
04:07.03halfhalotehre we go
04:10.42halfhalogogo new rails project
04:11.41halfhaloson of a monkey....
04:11.44*** join/#webos-internals Termana (
04:12.57halfhaloI blae jhopixi for nginx misconfig
04:13.53halfhaloforgot to add —prefix=/opt/nginx
04:15.08halfhaloBOOM BABY
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04:41.49MavozHi Am new to WebOS...and trying to install Preware...have installed WebOS quick install...and closed trying to restart it but can no longer find it in WIndows...what folder does it install to?
04:46.09sugardaveMavoz: it's been awhile since I used it on Windows, but it's just a .jar file I think, so search for Web*Quick*Install*jar and you should find it
04:46.13sugardavedouble-click to run
04:53.01jhopixinot sure how dust got into the camera. thought it was a sealed unit ow trying to install via Preware Advanced Homebrew iinstaller and  errors: I think the problem is  'Palm Novacom' do you get Palm Novacom?
04:59.25MavozWindows tried to automatically find Palm Novacom but couldt
04:59.32Mavozcould not rather
05:04.23jhopixineed people to test out different cpu govenor settings warthog
05:07.18ka6soxconservative is nice...only 85ma draw.
05:08.28jhopixislower than heck
05:08.39jhopixiwhat do you have it set to?
05:08.46halfhalothats what she said
05:09.05jhopixiI think halfhalo is 16
05:09.18halfhalonah, just really pissed
05:09.31halfhaloat myself
05:09.42halfhalomisspelled passenger in passenger_enabled trying to install WebOS quick install..managed to choose "Preware" option..chose "install"..installer says "Connecting to a device" also had said.."can't find device"....I think the problem is that there is no Palm Novacom service running? What does one do?
05:13.03MavozShould I quit "Connecting to a device"?
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05:40.27tyler_wylie/bin/sh: line 1: zip: command not found
05:40.27tyler_wyliemake[1]: *** [build/pre-p100eww-sprint-] Error 127
05:40.35tyler_wyliezip is installed though
05:42.59ka6soxnot in your path
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06:12.25MiX-MaNlol "RIM vs Jobs? By any chance could there be a happy ending?"
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06:40.52halfhalo_srvhmmm.  how do i switch channels irssi
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06:48.34ka6soxhalfhalo_srv, what, no bip?
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07:04.53halfhalo_srvfigured it out
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07:15.00jhojhohalfhalo: you still here?
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08:36.17rwhitbyGovnah 0.5.8 is in the testing feed, with a fix for the hang bug.
08:37.47bhueyok, good, was about to mention that
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10:05.46noradtuxrwhitby: nice :)
10:07.02noradtuxrwhitby: I made two patches working with webos 1.4.5: browser-mutli-mod and top-bar-system-menu-initial-framework
10:08.01noradtuxrwhitby: both just need s/338/347/g
10:08.30rwhitbynoradtux: excellent.  we're close to having the new patches portal online
10:09.05jhojhorwhitby: did you see halfhalo say he was going to rewrite it in rails?
10:09.33noradtuxI was _really_ missing those patches ;)
10:09.53rwhitbyjhojho: I did not.
10:10.42jhojhoyeah he sez he's on it =D
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10:16.47rwhitbylooks like I need to work out how to get Govnah to say N/A for Compressed Swap settings when compcache is not available.
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10:17.46noradtuxI am currently testing thew new govnah to see if it still hangs
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10:21.02noradtuxrwhitby: how
10:21.09noradtuxforget that ..
10:53.04noradtuxgovnah looks good by now
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13:55.24shindsohow do I put my palm pre on develope mode
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14:01.14shindsohow do I put my palm pre on developer mode
14:03.47pipsmithshindso: upupdowndownleftrightleftrightbastart
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14:20.28jhojho#powertip: to prevent macs from dumping files that you delete into .Trashes and be able to delete right away,  rm -rf .Trashes then touch .Trashes
14:20.35jhojhothis should be a one shot app like EFF
14:23.33egaudetrm -rf /.Trashes/* ?
14:24.04egaudetoh nvm I see getting rid of the Trash bucket altogether
14:24.11egaudetliving on the wild side :P
14:24.30jhojhorm -rf /media/internal/.Trashes
14:25.00jhojhounix is my os of choice. no babysitting needed or wanted =D
14:25.08egaudetunix eh
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14:25.51egaudetservice babysitter off
14:26.19egaudetI'm paralellizing
14:35.18swisstomcatwas that a question?
14:35.58swisstomcatwhere to get it?
14:36.43swisstomcathave you heard of google? :)
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15:51.27bsmhi, our university provides WLAN and uses some configuration that webOS does not support ( WPA Enterprise, TTLS/EAP ) so connecting via GUI does not work. howevery, I can trick the palm to connect to the network by providing a modified wpa_supplicant.conf and reloading the configuration via wpa_cli ( taken from debian ).
15:52.11bsmnevertheless, the webOS does not recognize this connection and so apps like the browser do not work althogh there is a connection available.
15:52.45bsmany ideas, hints or anything? IIRC PmNetConfigManager creates network connections?
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15:59.32bsmand since when is my root not mounted read only? mount gives me "rootfs on / type rootfs (rw)" after a fresh reboot....
16:04.08zsoc_wircyou broke fstab
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17:22.50ka6soxhalfhalo, I broke it...and was too tired last night to fix it.
17:23.26halfhaloyou only had to change two numbers…. how did you break that
17:28.32ka6soxno, I rebooted mason, forgot to save the command history first :P
17:28.44halfhaloso the server isn't up?
17:29.12ka6soxwell...the client isn't up
17:29.12halfhalogo into the folder and run node app.js to bring it back up
17:29.55halfhalodid you change the port in the client?
17:30.09ka6soxiirc you hid everythign in some .blah dir.
17:30.47halfhaloyour useless, you know that?  :p
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17:33.26ka6soxhalfhalo, only when I haven't had my coffee.
17:33.43halfhaloyou don't get coffee much, do you… :p
17:34.36halfhalooff to see the wizard, the wonderfull wizard of trying to make a patches portal in rails
17:35.02ka6soxheh....that was a week ago...and I've been on holiday :P
17:35.34halfhaloim on vacation in one week
17:35.51ka6soxokay hang around till you remind me of a library name so I can get to the right directory
17:36.18halfhalough.  fiiiiiiine
17:43.27ka6soxhalfhalo, a library name please?
17:43.49*** join/#webos-internals Jake_M (~jake_morr@
17:43.58halfhalofffffffffffffffffff… something to do with wargames?
17:44.19Jakeeeeeyo word.
17:44.44ka6soxhalfhalo, that would help....I doubt something to do with patch portal would help.
17:45.31halfhaloyeah, but I could have said something like system32
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17:46.35Jakeeeeesystem32 isn't important
17:47.04Jakeeeeein fact in deleted my usr folder last week
17:47.10Jakeeeeephone is much faster :P
17:47.40halfhalo"where all my stuff?!?" "its in system32"  "But this is a linux machine" "so?" "they don't have system32 folders" "WHAT TYPE OF MACHINE DOESNT HAVE ASYSTEM32 FOLDER?!?" "one thats stable" "oh…. well then"
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17:49.46Jakeeeeeso guys how about all these new 3D games
17:49.51halfhalougg, im going to bed
17:51.35ka6soxhalfhalo, you not gone to bed yet?
17:51.47ka6soxno wonder you're cranky.
17:53.05halfhaloi did.  im just going back to sleep
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18:03.22cryptkhola everyone
18:03.57halfhalosmacks cryptk and yells "keep it down! were trying to sleep!"
18:06.13cryptkso, I have several small form factor devices... they all need to run linux.. amongst them there are 4 different architectures... and I have to do it all from scratch
18:06.22cryptkI am working on the linux build for the second device now...
18:06.33cryptkglibc compiling... again...
18:06.52ka6soxhiya cryptk
18:06.59cryptksup ka6sox
18:07.02cryptkhows the server doin?
18:07.15ka6soxbetter...and getting better all the time :D
18:07.23cryptkI heard that it turned out that it was the controller
18:07.30cryptkat least I think that is what I heard
18:10.23cryptkluckily these are pretty stripped down copies of linux... no GUI's, no real anything, they just need everything that is required to boot and run a binary
18:10.27ka6soxI ordered one yesterday? (or was it the previous day?) too much going on.
18:10.47cryptkso pretty much a kernel... linker... shell... a few libraries and some locales
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18:12.26cryptkstill no 1.4.5 for sprint... :(
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18:16.34halfhalo_srvmy lazyness knows no bounds...
18:17.35halfhalo_srvsitting on couch using irssi because i cant be arsed to get a laptop with irc on it
18:22.08torchiehalf: on the phone?
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18:27.39ka6soxokay I will try again...
18:27.47ka6soxNode wargames.js?
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18:30.54ka6soxI know what it is....halfhalo_srv is overheating....106 in Winnetka today :P
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19:06.11halfhalo_srvfrfrdrexrecrgrffexwxesceecrvjrgbtrvrvdvrdcrdvdtvhrdcrdchrdncdecdcbde bescbescbsecescsedrcrdcrdrdbbnned bed nedcnescnescnecnescn
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19:08.08cryptkhalfhalo_srv: are you butt IRC'ing?
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19:10.01halfhalo_srvno, spaz ircing
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19:10.19halfhalo_srvdoesnt really worj well on a touch kb
19:10.40cryptkanyways, I gtg, bbiab
19:12.52ka6soxsends halfhalo_srv some Ice...the formula of which the Europeans don't seem to have.
19:13.12swisstomcatwe have glaciers
19:18.34sugardavehalfhalo_srv: ignoring me, I see....that's okay!
19:26.50halfhalo_srvsugardave: naw, just not logged into webos on the ipad right now.  and jot really payng attention to irssi either
19:26.59ka6soxlooks thru logs and can't find the port # that halfhalo, halfhalo_pre said for the client :P
19:27.37ka6soxI'm trying to change the 2 lines.
19:28.18ka6soxhalfhalo_srv, 8261?
19:28.52halfhaloany random port should work
19:30.25ka6soxand its: node war-games.js?
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19:52.58SineOtI've done some limited testing with the Warthog Kernel on the Pixi, with CompCache enabled at 24mb: the msm7k, conservative, and powersave governors basically turn the phone unusable
19:55.42ka6soxSineOt, thanks for the feedback...
19:57.12SineOtit seems that it won't go past the 122mhz step
19:58.03ka6soxyou tried bringing up an app like preware and its still stuck there?
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19:58.39ka6soxSineOt, I assume you have Govnah running.
19:58.51SineOtwhen switching between the two with the advanced swipe gesture, I can watch everything move over at like 5fps
19:59.01SineOtwhich is where I'm watching the CPU speed
19:59.02ka6soxoh, make sure you are updated to the latest Govnah 0.5.8
19:59.46ka6soxthere is a memory leak before that version.
19:59.46ka6soxits in the testing feeds.
20:00.06ka6soxand compcache of 16MB is usually sufficient (for my pixi)
20:00.43ka6soxbefore you do that 2 questions:
20:00.51ka6sox1) what is the load
20:00.51SineOtI've had issues where without any cards open I'll get the too many cards error, so I bumped it to 24mb
20:00.54SineOthaven't seen any since
20:01.10ka6sox2) what is the memory situation right now according to Govnah.
20:01.35SineOtlet me check, Govnah is updating
20:02.25jhojhoits 0.5.9 now
20:02.48ka6soxokay jhojho is the master...listen to him (I'm so last 20 minutes)
20:16.52ka6soxSineOt, if you had a memory leak that would cause the pixi to become unhappy and give you TMC
20:17.35ka6soxas far as the CPU speed issue, mine spends a LOT of time in 122 but when I ask for an app it scales pretty quickly
20:18.12ka6soxbut I would set up 16MB of compcache.
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20:25.02SineOtfrom playing with it, I couldn't get it to scale using the msm7k, conservative, and powersave governors
20:25.13SineOtit just sat at 122
20:25.52SineOtright now on ondemandtcl with compache 24, it says... load average is 9.33 8.39 4.04
20:26.25jhojhoyou probably need to set the min speed to something higher while testing something other than ondemandtcl
20:26.27ka6soxSineOt, ya, same here now
20:26.44ka6soxrunning a preware update and its stuck @ 122mhz
20:27.36SineOtwhat exactly is conseritive, msm7k, and powersave supposed to do?
20:27.50SineOtjust stick it at the lowest speed and not adjust?
20:28.05ka6soxThey are different governors that scale differently based on demands.
20:28.23SineOtbut I'm not seeing them scale at all :x
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20:31.06SineOtalthough I guess that's why people are testing it
20:34.36ka6soxSineOt, yes, thanks for your insightful input...its helpful.
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20:39.33halfhalotooooo hot
20:40.02SineOthaha, yes it is. it's 85F inside right now, it's miserable
20:41.33ka6soxSineOt, are you in the Valley?
20:41.51SineOtnorth Orange County
20:41.52halfhaloit is… 90 in my room
20:42.04SineOtI've learned to avoid the valley in summer
20:43.44ka6soxSineOt, I grew up in HB and Goat Hill.
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20:43.58ka6soxGoat Hill = CM.
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20:51.38SineOtoh, cool
20:51.44SineOtHuntington Beach is cool
20:52.21halfhalotemp in granada hills is currently…. 102f
20:52.24halfhalogod.  dammit.
20:53.14ka6sox6th and Main
20:53.48ka6soxhalfhalo, GH is like always too hot...
20:54.02halfhaloyeah, but this is retarted
20:54.04ka6soxit isn't like too *is* too hot.
20:54.19halfhaloits _cooler_ in the middle of the valley by like 5f
20:54.33halfhalopool is in my immediate future
20:54.38ka6soxVan Nuys is 5deg cooler.
20:55.09SineOtafter this skype call I'm going for the pool like mad
20:55.20ka6soxI'm headed to the pool in like 10 minutes.
20:55.28ka6soxSineOt, later lets troubleshoot these governors.
20:55.31SineOtand yeah, my girlfriend used to live out in Riverside... and today it's 106
20:55.52ka6soxewww...riverside...always 10deg hotter.
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22:09.48jhojhodoes anyone know how to input ñ on the pre?
22:10.05halfhalomagic markers
22:10.38SineOtsym-n, should be the first option
22:10.45SineOtif that's – and I think it is
22:19.07jhojhohalfhalo: okay so I did more research last night. how about the WNDR3700 or the asus RT-N16?
22:19.21jhojhoWNDR3700 is atheros...
22:19.28halfhaloasus is nice
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22:34.11SineOttoo bad my pixi drops 3g if I grab the bottom :T
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22:36.03torchiedang shame my pre just randomly doesn't connect to 3g anymore
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