IRC log for #webos-internals on 20100711

00:02.21*** join/#webos-internals valexa (
00:06.59haperwhitby: thanks for the hint. Done it now
00:08.20rwhitbyhape: note that cross-compile.git is going to change to the 'arch' branch soon
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00:34.23halfhaloewwww, its oil
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00:42.22*** join/#webos-internals Tman_mac (
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00:53.18sjsharksfanany known issues with warthog 69 and govnah 5.6?
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01:04.11*** join/#webos-internals NachoB (
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01:15.26jhopixino there are never issues
01:15.43AnivromOnly new opportunities to solve problems!1
01:16.51rwhitbywarthog is a developer testbed, not an end-user kernel.  therefore there are never issues :)
01:17.49bpadalinoi imagine rwhitby with his fingers in his hears going "la la la - i can't hear you"
01:17.56Anivrom+rwhitby: Wouldn't that mean there are many issues? just not called that
01:18.07*** join/#webos-internals Ortwin (
01:18.10Tman_macrwhitby: quick question: how does actually get included in each Makefile in WIDK?
01:18.32rwhitbydunno, ask dtzWill
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01:18.54Tman_macdtzWill: ^^ see above? :p
01:20.12rwhitbyTman_mac: [ foo == bar ] && ... is no good in a makefile
01:20.34rwhitbyneed to use [ foo != bar ] || ....
01:20.55Tman_macrwhitby: really.. hmm. iirc I copied it from another makefile -_-
01:21.15Tman_macrwhitby: remind me where this is?
01:21.19rwhitbya && b will fail if a fails, stopping the makefile
01:21.40rwhitbya | b will succeed
01:21.46rwhitbya || b that is
01:21.49Tman_macmakes sense
01:22.43rwhitbyTman_mac: with that change, you're good to merge in the arch branch
01:22.59Tman_macok cool. what Makefile was this in?
01:23.12rwhitbyI spotted a couple
01:23.21Tman_macokay.. I'll grep for it
01:24.22Tman_macah yes.. I think that was only those two
01:24.50Tman_macso the question is.. do we want to include staging-armv6 in make stage by default?
01:25.16rwhitbyif it builds, yes
01:25.23Tman_macfor me it does
01:25.46rwhitbynext is i686 then ;)
01:26.33Tman_macehe, yeah
01:29.33sjsharksfanyes jhopixi, I know it's a test kernel.  I had an issue with govnah not recognizing the kernel to be able to make any adjustments when I had govnah 5.6 installed with warthog.  I haven't tested with any other kernels yet, just thought I'd process one at a time..
01:30.37rwhitbyare you sure that the version of warthog you are running is meant to be adjustable?
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01:35.14jhopixisjsharksfan: why don't you try a different kernel to verify
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01:37.03sjsharksfanrod, I have the latest version warthog-69
01:37.28sjsharksfanI can test with another kernel too
01:40.18OrtwinGovnah 0.5.6 and Warthog 69 stopps updating after a few minutes. Are you talking about that?
01:41.46rwhitbywhat's your poll rate?
01:42.31OrtwinStandard 1 second
01:45.24rwhitbyis it repeatable?
01:45.40OrtwinYes, it just broke again.
01:45.40sjsharksfanI removed and reinstalled,same
01:46.01sjsharksfanI went back to 5.0 to see if it was my phne
01:46.06sjsharksfanall is good again
01:46.18OrtwinI'm OrR on the forums, btw.
01:46.23jhopixiis it on the charger or off?
01:46.39rwhitbydo "dbus-util --capture govnah" and post the last 25 lines after it hangs.
01:47.03jhopixitry uberkernel
01:47.05sjsharksfanort, it was blinking NAN i n the freq feels and I couldn't select other govebors, then after a min, gov stopped recognizing kernel all together
01:47.19sjsharksfanoff charger
01:47.32OrtwinConnected to USB charging cable.
01:49.02sjsharksfanI will reinstall 5.6 and run through the capture
01:49.47sjsharksfanbtw, I'm still on, no yet
01:49.58rwhitbyshouldn't matter
01:50.28jhopixiit should not show nan.
01:51.01sjsharksfanthat's what I figured.. wasent sure why I got though
01:51.36sjsharksfani'll be back shortly
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02:01.59rwhitbyI can't seem to get govnah to fail
02:02.52jhopixiwhat kernel?
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02:04.14rwhitbyUK of coure
02:04.58OrtwinSo, uh, here is the terminal output of that command you posted:
02:06.59rwhitbyreally need that from novaterm or ssh
02:07.29OrtwinSorry, I'm on Pre only here...
02:07.58rwhitbyok, if it's repeatable for you, then just post one in the thread later
02:08.29OrtwinI'll try tomorrow.
02:08.29rwhitbyI'm looking for the last set of returns, and then the set of calls after that that do not have matching returns.
02:08.58Tman_macrwhitby: I'm bringing in recent commits to master, fixing new packages and conflicts, and I'll do a full make stage tonight to make sure everything's in order, then merge to master
02:09.34rwhitbyI'll tweet that it's going to change sometime in the next 24-48 hours
02:10.41OrtwinHave to catch some sleep now, good night!
02:10.59*** part/#webos-internals Ortwin (
02:13.52rwhitbygovnah still going strong
02:18.43Tman_macomg, apps/speechd is a giant hack
02:19.49Tman_macit downloads and builds espeak inside the Makefile instead of making it a separate package and depending on it
02:21.36rwhitbyyeah, that needs fixing
02:24.39Tman_macI'm going to fix it so it builds
02:24.57Tman_macI'm not making any guarantees on pretty though ;)
02:25.55Anivromis 65 celcius a bad temp on UK? :P wIRC + charging + 40 degrees celcius = bad temps!
02:26.09AnivromWonder what the thermal shutdown is on pre
02:26.18AnivromCan't be too much higher
02:27.14Anivrom149 farenheit for all you yanks
02:27.21Tman_macthat's no good
02:27.28AnivromDidnt shut down though
02:27.49AnivromI just reached 58 while testing my game while charging cause I forgot to turn off 800mhz
02:28.50Tman_macyou might be interested in the patch that warns you of high temps..
02:29.00AnivromThats only batt temps though correct?
02:29.19Tman_macmm, not sure
02:29.47AnivromI saw that one before and I didn't download it. I think cause it wasnt cpu, dont remember though
02:30.17AnivromI wish the menu mixes didnt get rid of phone menu batt temps
02:38.44rwhitbywe've had a device up to 70 cpu
02:38.54rwhitbywouldn't recommend it though :)
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02:53.04*** join/#webos-internals hborders (
03:09.51jacquesI guess it isn't an industrial temp part :-)
03:20.00hbordersis anyone here using agar?
03:20.28Tman_machborders: yes
03:20.39hborderstman_mac: sweet.  you are a lifesaver
03:20.44Tman_machehe ;)
03:21.00hborderstman_mac: does it work in opengl mode?
03:21.19hbordersThis is the file I'm working with right now
03:21.31hbordersnotice the comment about AG_VIDEO_OPENGL
03:21.43Tman_machborders: No, it doesn't support GLES currently. However I have been considering adding a GLES driver
03:22.09Tman_macright now it just uses some OpenGL features that don't exist in GLES.. though I suspect it could be ported easily
03:22.20hborderstman_mac: ok, cool.  I wish I knew GLES so I could help
03:22.46hborderssecond question: how are you starting agar?  Can you post some examples of your inits?
03:22.49Tman_macfor now the sdl_fb driver is probably fine for most applications
03:23.03Tman_maclemme see
03:23.10hbordersI'm getting flicker right now
03:23.29hbordersalso, the hello.c app was leaving cheese when I would drag the window around
03:23.49hbordersI'm a total noob at agar.  I'll learn the api once I'm sure I can display a clean window
03:24.24hbordersdo you think that gles would improve performance/efficiency or not make much of a difference?
03:24.44Tman_macthe way I'm using agar is integrating it into an existing SDL application, so I grab SDL events and feed agar the ones I think it needs (I recommend this so you can trap SDL_ACTIVEEVENTs and handle your app being deactivated/reactivated)
03:25.42Tman_machborders: if you have somthing that's being updated constantly, it could help.. if it's mostly static, it probably won't matter..
03:26.25hborderstman_mac: I'm writing a twitter client.  When scrolling, I'm guessing there would be a performance improvement
03:26.35Tman_macyes I could see that
03:26.41hborderstman_mac: Ok, so you wrote a custom event loop then
03:27.08hborderstman_mac: what about initializing agar?  that's my main concern.  What flags did you set, and what flags won't work at all
03:29.03Tman_macpasting some code
03:30.05hbordersI'm happy to dump all of this onto the webosinternals wiki
03:30.26hbordersand clean it up a little into a hello agar for the pre
03:32.21Tman_macnote that I create a surface in memory for Agar instead of directly using the screen.. but you could do that too if you used SDL_SetVideoMode (with w,h being 0,0) instead of CreateRGBSurface
03:32.55Tman_mac(I do that because I'm using GLES elsewhere in my app.. if you aren't don't worry about it :p)
03:33.29Tman_macand the EventToAG() function.. a little ugly but necessary. Taken directly from agar source (the developer recommended I do this)
03:38.23hbordersI'm just reading through and trying to process this.  it makes sense though
03:39.41Tman_macyeah. questions?
03:40.31hborderswell first off, do you mind me shrinking this to its essence and putting up a wiki article about it?
03:40.40hbordersthis could be a really great start for other people like me
03:41.01Tman_macno not at all.. that's great. I was thinking of doing that if I ever got around to it ;)
03:41.46Tman_macI recommend keeping in the SDL_ACTIVEEVENT stuff as an example, since many applications need to do that
03:46.42hbordersyeah, that was my plan
03:47.08hbordersthat has to do with the app getting card-ified right?
03:47.45Tman_macand it has to re-draw itself on a SDL_VIDEOEXPOSE event
03:50.10*** join/#webos-internals Audemars02 (43506ec9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:50.51hbordersI think other code just does an sdl display call right?
03:51.04hbordersI suppose there's some agar equivalent to tell agar to redraw itself
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03:53.13Tman_machborders: yeah. for non-gl you'd probably use SDL_Flip(). for agar look for AG_WidgetUpdate() (I think)
03:53.17bhueywaits for the Sprint update
03:53.19fprimexjoin #webos
03:53.26fprimexwhoops :/
03:54.21hborderstman_mac: ok, well I'll try and review this and post something on the wiki.  hopefully it'll help other people get started too.
03:54.31Tman_machborders: sounds great :)
03:55.27hborderstman_mac: one last thing: is agar's use of opengl transparent to me as the consumer?  If I write a custom control, does it have to use opengl commands to render or something?  Or does agar have its own drawing apis that it translates into sdl or opengl?
03:56.08Tman_machborders: the latter. it's a pretty well-done library
03:56.54hborderstman_mac: sah-weet.  I'm surprised that palm doesn't just include agar with their pdk stuff
03:57.26hborderstman_mac: really, I'm surprised palm doesn't just buy the widk and repackage it as pdk 2.0
03:57.49Tman_macwidk is great
03:58.01hbordersyeah, I'm blown away by all the libs it has
03:58.26hbordersand I'm glad I was able to get one put in
03:59.24Tman_macthe whole collaborative OSS model really works for this situation :)
04:01.21Audemars02hey everyone ... don't mean to interupt the conversation, but have an update to save/restore...anyone working on Preware?  want to push an update
04:03.10Audemars02guess that give me my answer!  :-)
04:03.59Tman_macheheh.. I'm not :p
04:04.17*** join/#webos-internals jhowirc (
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04:05.31sjsharksfanrod,you there?
04:08.55sjsharksfanwell,so it's in the logs, I was not able to replicate the NAN error,tried to reinstall the warthog-69 with gov5.6, all good this time, put F105,no problems at all either
04:09.08sjsharksfanisolated issue I guess
04:09.23*** part/#webos-internals sjsharksfan (
04:09.52oildidn't we already know the "nan error" was because of jhos code in that one version?
04:13.16jhowirchey now
04:13.28jhowircit was 4am :p
04:13.43jhowircand I fixed it the next day
04:13.49jhowircpffft :)
04:13.56oilpeople went batshit crazy about it though
04:13.59oilfor some reason
04:14.04jhowircI know
04:14.05oilthey came outta the woodworks to point it out
04:14.20Tman_macguys.. we are soon to have arch support in WIDK :)
04:14.35jhowircmy answer is the same as bender's
04:15.11oilwhat, you're gonna bend it?
04:15.14jhowircarch as in the scm arch or multiplatform build?
04:15.57Tman_macjhowirc: multiplatform. armv6 is working for me now. with some work on extracting the rootfs for i686, it could be added easily
04:16.58jhowircI think I have unwittingly set up most of widk for myself while trying to get kernels built
04:17.09Tman_macbad news: when I merge to master, you all have to do a 'make clobber-armv7' :>
04:17.43jhowircmake make clobber invoke that
04:17.56Tman_macwell you can certainly do that
04:18.08Tman_macbut then you'd have to rebuild the toolchain, which isn't necessary
04:18.40jhowircthere is already too much rebuilding so I agree
04:18.51Tman_macmy mac is about to take off.. make -j5 and the fan is going nuts :p
04:19.17Tman_macyeah, all the svn packages have to rebuild every time for some reason
04:19.34jhowircI can't wait for 1.4.5 to get here so that we don't have to build kernels 4 times just to get 1 release out
04:20.12Tman_macjhowirc: 4 times?
04:21.10jhowircyeah. 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3 1.4.5
04:21.20Tman_macoh right
04:21.21jacquesTman_mac: which mac?
04:21.43Tman_macjacques: my macbook pro i5
04:21.43jhowircman my sprint pre keyboard is creaking like and old man
04:21.55jhowirctman I'm jealous
04:22.12jacquesTman_mac: ah cool, I'm considering getting one
04:22.35Tman_macyeah I love it.. the timing was right to get one so I did :)
04:23.09jacquesTman_mac: are you running linux on it?
04:23.54Tman_macjacques: in Parallels. linux is great but I <3 OSX
04:24.32jacquesok I think that's how rwhitby runs it too. I would want to dual-boot
04:25.14Tman_macwhatever works for you. in fact with Parallels you can run a boot camp partition, so you could have the option to boot into it or virtualize it
04:25.32jacquesthat's pretty nice
04:25.36jacquesI would use that
04:26.47Tman_macwho's familiar with the workings of the WIDK build system? particuarly when it comes to these files..
04:27.13Tman_macI can see where they're generated, but not where they actually get included sounds like a new feature to me
04:28.31hborderstman_mac: more sdl/agar questions: what is the advantage of SDL_PollEvent over SDL_WaitEvent?  If there is an event in the queue, won't SDL_WaitEvent just return?
04:28.35jacques(I haven't messed with WIDK in too long)
04:30.31Tman_machborders: yes it will. it depends on if you want for the event loop to wait for an event or not. mine doesn't; if there are no events it calls an update() function because it needs to be constantly updated and not wait for an event to update
04:31.23Tman_macsoo.. basically the event loop consists of handling any events that may or may not be waiting (inner loop) and calling update, without waiting (unless mPaused is true)
04:31.45Tman_macbut that totally depends on the application
04:31.54hbordersso you might have your game logic running on the ui loop and thus you want it to keep spinning regardless
04:32.08hbordersis there a way to trigger sdl events from other threads?
04:32.25hbordersso I could wake up the event loop if I wanted to ask it to paint?
04:32.57Tman_macpossibly.. look in the SDL wiki under events
04:34.14Tman_macin my case, I have a processing thread going that increments a number every time it updates.. the update code then keeps the number and compares it on the next call to determine if it needs to update
04:35.01Tman_macmaybe not the best way..  and a different approach might be better for other applications.. idk
04:36.48jhowircTman_mac: what kind of app are you building?
04:37.07hborderstman_mac:  thanks.  I'll make sure to put both into the example and explain it.
04:38.03Tman_macjhowirc: real-time analyzer, analyzes sound data.. the process thread is what analyzes, and it increments the counter every time it is done with another period of sound data
04:38.20Tman_macand the result is then displayed
04:38.29Tman_macit is quite intricate :)
04:38.49Tman_macespecially with the bajillion libraries it makes a use of..
04:40.24*** join/#webos-internals thadood (
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05:08.02lingfishHi all... apparently I have 1.4.5 waiting.  Anything special I need to do before upgrading?  I'm running unixpsycho's 800 mhz kernel...
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05:54.05jhowircsweet. bip works
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06:34.54lingfishDoes anyone know if Delta Dagger includes compcache stuff?  Or only screenstate from Starfighter?
06:35.05lingfishUnix's web page doesn't help me
06:42.22Tman_macDelta Dagger? These kernel names are starting to sound suspiciously like Debian/Ubuntu releases..
06:43.15Wolvenhaventhe names for the adult version of ubuntu are great
06:47.22lingfishSo noone knows? :P
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08:14.38hucksyis it possible to format the usb flash?
08:15.13hucksyit seems that my pre has a damanged filesystem
08:15.52Anivromhucksy: have you tried webos doctor?
08:16.18AnivromOr even a simple file system scan in windows
08:17.34hucksynope, webos doctor dont touch the filesystem on the usb flash. I dont have windows but when its possible, i can make a mkfs on linux
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08:52.26rwhitbylingfish: make sure your kernel comes from a preware feed
08:54.50rwhitbyhucksy: filesystem is checked on each boot
08:55.12hucksyoh ok
08:55.13rwhitbyif unrecoverable errors, the startup scripts wipe the partition
08:56.35rwhitbyor you can use meta-doctor to memboot and work on the unmounted partitions
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09:43.36haperwhitby: still there?
09:53.55rwhitbyhape: yes
09:58.12hapeI send you a mail about the speechd question
09:58.45hapeI whanted to ask you for your timing ideas to send navit to the autobuilder
09:59.05hapeThat I'm prepared to create a new thread in Precentral and watch there for questions
09:59.35rwhitbyhape: here is my proposal
09:59.53rwhitbywe create a git.../libraries/espeak.git
10:00.19rwhitbyin there, you store the source code, and the generated binaries, much like in (for instance) games/sdldoom.git
10:00.37rwhitbywe expect that the source code can be built with a Makefile in there that uses the WIDK setup
10:01.03rwhitbyhape: then build.git/nonworking/speechd/Makefile downloads it from there
10:02.58rwhitbyhape: is speechd going to have a mojo front end ?
10:03.10hapeno speechd is just a service
10:03.34rwhitbyit could have a simple mojo front-end?  type in words and hit a "speak" button?
10:03.38hapenoradtux has the idea to add a webos service to the currnt socked based service
10:03.59hapeThen it could be used by any WebOS appliaction so speak text
10:04.01rwhitbyyes, we would like to add a C service aspect to it
10:04.55hapeat the moment not as a nojo app can not call it. we could only make it the way we did with espeak. call a script that speaks some predifined text
10:06.45hapeWe spoke about that and decidet not to do it. As it is only a service and would waist space on a allready filled up langer pages
10:06.54rwhitbyok, but we should plan for a mojo service and application in the future
10:07.44hapemojo service is on noradtux plan
10:08.07hapeas it is allready a running packground service demon.
10:08.17rwhitbyhape: espeak has a command line front-end, able to speak works from stdin, right?
10:08.43haperight. But we do not use espeak direktly right now
10:09.01rwhitbywhat is the structure right now?
10:09.17hapethere is a command line interface for speechd
10:09.41rwhitbywhere is speechd from?
10:09.42hapespeechd is the speed dispatcher. You send the text to him as fast as you what
10:10.02hapehe the calles espeak as a lib to speak the text one after each other
10:10.47rwhitbywould we ever want one and not the other installed in the future ?
10:11.17rwhitbyhape: I have time now for the next couple of hours to work on this. do you?
10:12.02rwhitbyok, what packages in WIDK are used?
10:12.16rwhitbyand do they work on the 'arch' branch?
10:13.07hapenoradtux crated a preivate feed with your scripts
10:13.35hapeSo this are the pages as they needed in filnal
10:13.36rwhitbynow, a question about locale
10:13.59hapeat the moment the makefile uses the loacle from the compiling host
10:14.18rwhitbywhy does the symlink need to go through /media/internal?  why not just symlink straight from /usr/lib/locale to the app dir in /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/palm/applications/org.webosinternals.locale/... ?
10:15.02hapeThe makefiles in the build git contains the needed pre/post scripts
10:15.12rwhitbywhy does the symlink need to go through /media/internal?  why not just symlink straight from /usr/lib/locale to the app dir in /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/palm/applications/org.webosinternals.locale/... ?
10:16.27hapeThe needed packages from the crosscompile git are apps/navit apps/speechd and common/locale
10:16.56hapeThe espeak package is part of the speechd package. The seperate espeak package is not used anymore
10:17.37rwhitbywhat if someone else wants to use the espeak package without speechd?  why not keep them as one package depending on another?
10:18.10haperwhitby: the jail only allows access to the one appliaction folder in cryptos. I we link it to the locale folder in cryptfs then it is not seen in the jail
10:18.28hapeto use the espeak package direktly is not supported
10:18.55hapespeechd is the dispatcher frontend to get all requests
10:19.45hapeif you call espeak faster as it can speak you get into trouble. speechd is taking care of this and more
10:20.25hapeI see no reason to call espeak instead of speechd
10:20.54hapefrom the commandline you can call speexhd with the spd-say command in the seechd package fodler
10:21.11rwhitbyok, that will work for the service then
10:21.25rwhitbyI can quickly make a mojo service and front-end using that
10:21.47rwhitbyand that package will be useful independent of navit, so it should have a good name too.
10:23.01hapeHä. The plan is to extend the exisitin speechd demon to contain the service. Not another running deamon for the service
10:23.03rwhitbyis that package compatible with the app catalog content rules?
10:23.33hapenot shure, never read the app catalog content rules
10:23.50rwhitbyI agree it should be one executable speechd and service.
10:24.14rwhitbyso we need a good name for it, cause "speechd' is not an end-user friendly name (no end user knows what a daemon is)
10:24.44rwhitbythe name will cover the daemon/service, and the mojo app front-end, all in one package.
10:24.54hapeAt the moment speechd can be called by his C API or wia a socked.
10:25.12hapeThe second way is how Navit calls speechd
10:25.14rwhitby(just like Govnah is the name of the service and front-end, and same for the Preware package now)
10:26.25hapeThat is the home of speechd
10:28.05rwhitbyshould the espeak library be packaged separately, so that someone else can replace it with a festival back-end later if they wish?
10:28.46hapewe not througt about that. But it could be done
10:30.06rwhitbyhape: is the locale library complete?  does it have everything it will ever need in the future, or do other applications in the future write into the same directory?
10:30.31hapeNot sure if we should create on more package. I think it would be better to replace the the speechd packge with a other one that containf the festival back-end
10:31.04rwhitbyand will the locale package be used by other applications other than navit?
10:32.32hapeThe locale can be used by other C applaictions that uses the libc for translations
10:33.33rwhitbyis there a way to do it without needing /usr/lib/locale?  cause that will never be accepted into app catalog
10:34.13hapeThe only need to do export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$APP_DIR/lib:/media/internal/.local/lib before the app ist started
10:35.04hapeI expect yes, not sure why noradtux sill add this link
10:35.31hapethe problem is that the path is hardcoded in the libc from plam. But the files are missing
10:39.15rwhitbyI think we need a more generic solution for the /media/internal/.local directory.  something that can be used by many different applications for sharing information between jails
10:39.32hapethe current locale packed has all we need i think. But we could send out another on later if a language is missing
10:40.05rwhitbyok, I understand the locale stuff now, thanks.
10:40.37hapeIt costed noratux some time to find this all out.
10:43.13rwhitbyok, we now have applications/navit.git services/speechd.git and libraries/locale.git
10:43.37rwhitbyfor navit, please structure the repo like the applications/preware.git repo
10:44.03hapeSo the sepearte gits works like the seperate packge folders in the crosscompile git?
10:44.57rwhitbyno, they work as the source and binaries git for the autobuilder, with the Makefile in preware/build.git doing the packaging
10:50.43hapeso we store the pregenerated binaries there?
10:52.14rwhitbyif they are built precisely from the source and makefile in WIDK, then we just need a README and LICENSE to point to the source in WIDK
10:52.45rwhitbyin the long term future, when cross-compile.git and build.git are somehow merged, this will not be necessary.
10:52.56hapeok, I expected the autobuilder would do the compiling to. So I was worng
10:53.20rwhitbyfor simple things like preware and govnah and saverestore and wIRC, it does.
10:53.30rwhitbybut the autobuilder does not autobuilder WIDK yet
10:53.49rwhitbybut the plan is that it will.  so these repos are a temporary measure until that happens.
10:54.08hapeok, got it
10:56.05hapeso we need to compile the packages then and put the resuts in the binary git repositories
10:56.44rwhitbyso the locales tar.gz is 1.7MB?
10:57.31rwhitbyah, LC_COLLATE and LC_CTYPE are large
11:01.06hapeyep they are
11:01.44rwhitbyhape: would there be an objection to renaming /media/internal/.local to another name under /media/internal ?
11:01.54hapethat is why we try to include only the locale for the langs that are supportet by Palm
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11:02.06rwhitbyyeah, it's a good set
11:02.28rwhitbyhape: cause we will want to use the same directory for the X server applications too
11:02.35hapeNot problem from my side. We only should keep it hidden for the normal users. That the don't mess it up
11:02.37rwhitbyand the Qt ones too
11:02.45rwhitbyyes, it will be hidden
11:03.26bhueyany new developments going to hit any uberkernels soon ?
11:04.20haperwhitby: question on kenal. The 1.4.5 uberkernal is still in testing or?
11:04.37rwhitbyhape: it will stay in testing until the 1.4.5 kernel source is released by palm
11:04.51rwhitbysince it is actually a 1.4.1 kernel, just packaged for installation on 1.4.5
11:05.44rwhitbyhape: so this directory on /media/internal/.<name> will be used by all widk applications that need to share data outside the jail
11:06.19rwhitbyso it needs to have some structure underneath it to avoid collisions and allow for easy installation and removal of items
11:07.10hapemakes sense
11:08.09rwhitbyand we need to realise that it is not accessible (i.e. an access will cause an IO error) when the USB drive is active
11:08.26hapewe could take it as the folder inside /.<name> would be a root folder or?
11:09.13hapeyou are right. Never thourgt about that. Normaly I quit all apps before I start USB moder
11:09.17hapeyou are right. Never thourgt about that. Normaly I quit all apps before I start USB mode
11:09.27rwhitbywell, there are two ways to structure.  by appid or by mirroring structure under /
11:09.35rwhitbyor by both (structure under appid)
11:10.43rwhitbywe also need to make sure that postinst scripts can handle being run twice, and also being run after a partial erase that removed appdir but did not remove /media/internal/.name
11:11.35rwhitbyand it should be a name that will not conflict with a name that Palm might want to use in the future
11:11.38bhueyis 1.4.5 out yet ? are you just prepping packages for that release ?
11:11.51rwhitbybhuey: 1.4.5 is out in all major countries
11:11.59rwhitbybut not in the USA yet ;)
11:12.24bhueyrwhitby: 720mhz and 24M compcache are a significant improvement for me minus the lack of storage on my original Pre
11:12.38bhueythanks to you and the crew for this improvement
11:12.46bhueyrwhitby: yeah, it's a pain
11:12.53rwhitbybhuey: we simply build on the kernel developers before us
11:13.08bhueyI wish it was released yet. Has the elimination of the TMC warning been confirmed ?
11:13.36bhueyor was it somehow delaying the inevitable and the bug is just masked
11:14.02bhueyrwhitby: still, that's a great service because me and others don't have the time to do that kind of work
11:14.12rwhitbybhuey: I think there was probably just a memory leak somewhere in LunaSysMgr or LunaBrowserService and they've probably just fixed it
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11:14.58bhueyI just turned the uberkernel "on" to some random guy that we were hanging out with and it impressed him
11:15.03bhueyrwhitby: yeah, that's a major bug
11:15.21bhueyi'll know for sure by monitoring govnah and the amount of swap it uses
11:15.29rwhitbyhape: so I'm thinking /media/internal/.widk/ for the name
11:15.30bhueyif the bugs is fixed
11:15.41haperwhitby: fine with me
11:15.55rwhitbynow for the structure under it
11:16.04rwhitbydtzWill: ping
11:19.18bhueyrwhitby: so it's confirmed that the leak is fixed ?
11:19.26rwhitbybhuey: I don't know
11:19.37bhueykind of odd that they didn't make a mention about the announcement leaks
11:19.42rwhitbyI don't even know if there was a leak or not
11:19.44bhueyyeah, so it's still not been confirmed
11:20.04bhueydefintely a leak, didn't try to track it down though
11:20.45bhueyI've restarted both luna and java, the leak persists
11:20.59rwhitbyI know that the TMC is based on (used ram plus used swap) / (total ram) and the omission of total swap from the denominator was intentional by Palm to keep the phone out of swap.
11:21.11rwhitbynoradtux: hi
11:21.23noradtuxjust reading the chat-log
11:21.34bhueyrwhitby: it eats swap over time
11:21.39rwhitbynoradtux: I have time tonight to get Navit sorted out into Preware
11:21.55rwhitbynoradtux: any comments or objections on the discussion so far?
11:21.59bhueyI get sound stutter with this uberkernel but it's worth it
11:22.33noradtuxI am at the part where you ask if it makes sence to keep espeka as a separate package
11:23.13rwhitbynoradtux: if needed, we can split speechd into two packages with a dependency in the future, and preware will handle that gracefully on the upgrade
11:23.33noradtuxrwhitby: well, that is an option
11:23.34rwhitbyso there is no need to split it now just for a potential swappable back-end in the future
11:24.11rwhitbyand that confirms that the package be named by speechd rather than be named by espeak
11:24.51rwhitbynoradtux: is there any way to have locale files in /usr/local/lib/locale ?
11:24.53noradtuxrwhitby: ok, so let's keep espeak and speechd separate
11:25.34noradtuxhmm, they are about 10 megs, my pre has just 24MB free there, so I do not think that is an option
11:25.38rwhitbynoradtux: I was thinking to keep them in a single package until someone decides in the future that they want to swap out the backend
11:25.55rwhitbynoradtux: org.webosinternals.widk does a bind mount for /usr/local
11:26.09noradtuxrwhitby: it does?
11:27.02rwhitbynoradtux: yes, the idea is that you can compile apps and libraries using the WIDK to install into /usr/local/... and then it is bind mounted by an org.webosinternals.widk dependency bootstrap package
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11:27.56rwhitbyhowever, /usr/local is not in the jail configuration, so that has killed that dead
11:28.49rwhitbynoradtux: another idea I have had (and have implemented in meta-doctor) is to add a new certification authority to the signature verification chain, and then use the per-app jail configuration support
11:30.26rwhitbythen an app could specify in it's jail_app.conf file that it needs to access other app dirs
11:31.39rwhitbynoradtux: at the moment, the only package that uses the widk /usr/local mount is the gsmwav package
11:32.04hapeIsen't there a risk in chnaing the way that the jail is working if Palm makes chnages to this later too?
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11:33.57noradtuxrwhitby: oh, so there _is_ the possibility to modify the jail on a per-package level?
11:34.33rwhitbynoradtux: I have not tested it yet, but in /usr/bin/jailer I see the signs of signature verification and jail_app.conf
11:34.39noradtux(btw. I've read the log now :)
11:34.57rwhitbyso I am assuming such a possibility at the moment
11:35.12noradtuxah, I see
11:35.13rwhitby"Switching to validated app conf file %s"
11:35.24rwhitby"App conf file %s signature does not validate."
11:36.00rwhitbymy guess is that jail_app.conf and jail_app.conf.sig work in the same way as normal Palm package signatures, using /etc/ssl/certs/appsigning-bundle.crt
11:36.42rwhitbyand I already have that working in meta-doctor where it makes Palm install a signed Preware package on first boot over the network
11:36.56rwhitby(the signature part, not the jail part)
11:37.57noradtuxdo you modify that mundle?
11:38.08rwhitbyyes, I add the Preware CA to it
11:38.36rwhitbymeta-doctor does that at the moment, but Preware install script could easily do it too
11:39.28rwhitbyso then anything signed by the autobuilder could have an application-specific jail configuration file
11:39.57noradtuxcan't we just append the certificats we need to that file?
11:40.13rwhitbyit needs to be a CA, not just a cert.
11:40.48noradtuxwait, I misunderstood that statement about preware could be alble to do it too.
11:41.03rwhitbythe single preware postinst script could do it
11:41.21rwhitbyso that any packages that go through the autobuilder are signed with a cert that is then valid
11:41.27noradtuxyes, that's what I thought
11:42.55rwhitbyso the question is whether we want to just do a /media/internal/.widk/usr/lib/locale solution, or whether we want to try for Preware-signed custom jails.
11:43.36noradtuxwell, the hidden directory would be easier
11:44.03hapeand waht is the saver verion if we think about later changs of WebOS by Palm
11:44.13rwhitbyyes, and we can always seamlessly transition to the latter in the future if desired
11:44.36rwhitbyhape: well, Palm could always change anything
11:45.25rwhitbybut in the past our criteria has been to try and use the things that Palm provides in the way that they are meant to be used, without breaking any security while doing so.
11:45.33noradtuxyes, basically you are screwed as soon as you  leave the path (APIs) that palm provides you
11:46.58rwhitbyand since it seems that signed app-specific jail configurations are part of /usr/bin/jailer (a proprietary Palm creation) then one must assume they are going to use that to allow them to sign app configurations on a case-by-case basis for authors (e.g. if you submit two apps that need to work together)
11:47.25rwhitbycause Palm can just give the jail_app.conf and jail_app.conf.sig files to the developer to be packaged up as part of the ipk
11:48.01hapegot it
11:48.05rwhitbybut I agree that /media/internal/.widk/usr/lib/locale is the simpler solution for the short term
11:48.22rwhitbyI'd like to see jail_app.conf used somewhere before depending on it.
11:48.47rwhitbynoradtux: so, do you want to commit the current binaries to the repos I have created, and I will set up the autobuilder to package from there?
11:48.49noradtuxagreed. btw another candidate to put into /media/internal/.widk/usr/lib/ would be
11:49.08noradtuxyes, after lunch ;)
11:49.33rwhitbyor do you want me to put them in there in the structure I would prefer?
11:49.36noradtuxI can confirm that the binaries work as they are now
11:50.01rwhitbyfrom the packages on your temporary feed
11:50.05noradtuxhmm, yes, I think that would be best. I don't exactly know how you would like it
11:50.15noradtuxthose packages work
11:50.26rwhitbyok, I'll do that, and change the .local path at the same time
11:50.31noradtuxok, i'm off, eating :)
11:50.41hapenoradtux: Guten Appetit
11:52.01rwhitbynoradtux|away: what is pdl-helper?
11:53.12hapeis reads the current language setting with a PDL api call and retus it as variable
11:53.34hapeso we can set the needed exports for speech lang and Navit lang
11:54.33rwhitbyis the /usr/lib/locale symlink actually needed?
11:54.51rwhitbyor is the LD_LIBRARY_PATH to /media/internal/.widk/usr/lib enough?
11:54.56hapePalm defined a new data path for PDL apps
11:55.17rwhitbyoh, do we know where that ends up
11:55.40hapeI think the link to /usr/lib/locale is not needed, but i diden't tested it
11:55.52rwhitbyok, I will package without it to start
11:56.01rwhitbythe less changes to Palm directories, the better.
11:56.16hapein /media/internal/appdata/org.webosinternals.navit
11:56.35rwhitbyreally?  /appdata, not /.appdata?
11:56.46hapethat is what we get from PDL_GetDataFilePath("", buf, BUFSIZE);
11:57.14rwhitbyand it definitely does not have a dot ?
11:57.48hapeit is visable for the user
11:58.14rwhitbyI expect they will have to change that, as soon as they get the first bug report from someone who sees the images from their PDK games appear in their Photos application ...
11:58.29hapeThe navit postinst script has migration code to move the data from the alpha version to the new location
11:58.36rwhitbyyes, I've seen that
11:59.34rwhitbydoes navit run fine on Pre and Pixi PDK ?
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12:00.30hapeWe only test it on the Pre as we both only have a Pre
12:01.01rwhitbyok, I can test it on a Pixi tomorrow
12:01.09hapeIt should, it is not screen size depandend
12:01.38hapeThe wiki ist up to date with the new pathes and how to get maps
12:01.44hapeI did this yesterday.
12:09.01noradtuxhe, back
12:09.31noradtuxrwhitby: as far as I know the link is needed
12:09.44noradtux/usr/lib/locale is hardcoded in glibc
12:10.08rwhitbynoradtux: what is the LD_LIBRARY_PATH pointing to /media/internal in for?
12:11.04noradtuxcurrently it is not needed
12:11.21noradtuxI intended to put there, though
12:11.49noradtuxcurrently I package it with navit, but it should be put into a common directory by the speechd-package
12:12.56rwhitbynoradtux: shall we put an icon and changelog screen for speechd like we have for the kernel packages ?
12:14.27rwhitbyeventually to be replaced by a mojo service and demo text to speech front end app ?
12:14.34noradtuxhmm, I don't really have an oppinion to that. but that changelog-part make ssense
12:15.47rwhitbywe can make a mojo service and front end pretty easily
12:16.11noradtuxcan we?
12:16.24rwhitbyif an app can be made to speak text, it would be a good one for the hot PDK apps
12:16.29noradtuxI haven't really looked into mojo-services yet
12:16.47noradtuxit surely would ^^
12:25.26rwhitbyok, I've pushed all three repos now
12:34.05rwhitbynoradtux: updated build.git/nonworking/locale/Makefile
12:35.48haperwhitby: Navit can speak very well. Ok it sounds like sam on my C64
12:36.33hapeBut I'm not sure if it fulfill the rules for the HotApp contest as it needs speechd and locale
12:37.37rwhitbyonce it's packaged in Preware, I will talk to Palm about it.
12:38.18hapeok, but keep in mide it is not made by us. We only did the cross compile.
12:38.40rwhitbyof course
12:39.19rwhitbyspeaking of which, what do you want the Maintainer field in Preware to show for these packages.  WebOS Internals?  your names? something else?
12:41.00noradtuxhmm, for the time beeing I think our (nick-)names are fine
12:41.34noradtuxwouldn't oppose webos-internals though
12:42.28rwhitbyit needs to be the address where users will turn to for support
12:44.16rwhitbyok, version for locale?  I guess it need to be bigger than '1' as far as Preware is concerned?
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12:45.54rwhitbyhow about 1.1.0 ?
12:46.12hapefine with me
12:46.18noradtuxthat's really the question. it's just the stuff from the toolchain. so maybe the correct name would be <version-of-toolchain>-<package revision>
12:46.48hucksyWARNUNG: flashing failed, move to Token failed card
12:46.48hucksyerr -1 "TOKEN MISMATCH: Failed to find match for Model information. Prevent user from flashing"
12:46.54hucksyany ideas?
12:47.05hucksywebos doctor 1.4.5
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12:47.14rwhitbyyep, you're flashing the wrong doctor for your device
12:47.46rwhitbynoradtux: what is version of toolchain then, which is larger than "1" and is X.Y.Z ?
12:50.13noradtuxI think the toolchain is this one: arm-2007q3-51-arm-none-linux-gnueabi-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.bz2
12:50.38rwhitby7.3.51 then
12:51.34hucksyrwhitby: nope, the version is right
12:51.43rwhitbyhucksy: not version, model.
12:51.51rwhitbye.g. P101UEU
12:53.07rwhitbynoradtux: how about 7.3.0, then we can use .1, .2, etc for new additions
12:53.53hucksyis that a device model id or anything?
12:54.13rwhitbywritten inside the battery compartment, and also in the Device Information app
12:54.34noradtuxrwhitby: ok, looks good
12:55.33hucksyright, its P101UEU
12:55.59hucksyso i cant use the webos doctor version from the webos-internals page?
12:56.35rwhitbyyou can if it's the right one
12:57.15hucksyoh, i see... there is no 1.4.5 for pre plus yet
12:58.20hapeDo we need to do something to get a entry in Precentral homebrew app list or is this part of the autobuilder?
13:00.07rwhitbyhucksy: have you tried putting your serial number in at ?
13:00.28rwhitbyhape: autobuilder makes it part of preware feeds, precentral homebrew list is separate
13:01.10rwhitbyorg.webosinternals.locale_7.3.0_all.ipk is now in the testing feed
13:01.27rwhitby1 down, 2 to go.
13:01.42rwhitbynow, we need icons for speechd and navit
13:01.47rwhitbyand wiki pages
13:03.10hucksyrwhitby: I#m
13:03.13noradtuxfor navit there alredaa is one
13:03.25hapeFor navit there is one
13:03.35hucksyrwhitby: I'm .. so... ok... that works ;)
13:04.24rwhitbyhucksy: we need the URL so we can add it to the wiki page
13:04.29hapeFor speechd we could take the one from espeak;a=blob;f=packages/apps/espeak/files/Icon.png
13:04.55hucksyrwhitby: sec
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13:14.37hucksyhuh.. .jnlp
13:15.19rwhitbyhucksy: what carrier is that?
13:15.27hucksyo2 germany
13:16.07hucksywebOS® Doctor? for Palm® Pre? Plus for o2. Build o2.236.222, webOS 1.4.5
13:16.25rwhitbyok, that one was already there, under SFR.
13:16.34hucksyah k
13:16.53rwhitbybut I've added it to O2 as well now
13:22.38rwhitbynoradtux: are the libsdaudio.{a,la} files needed?
13:22.52rwhitbyand the symlink is not pointing to a file that exists
13:25.22rwhitbyand are all the speech-dispatcher-modules files needed ?
13:25.35rwhitbyor just sd_espeak?
13:26.53noradtuxrwhitby: the *.a and *.la shoutld not be needed
13:27.14rwhitbyI have removed those and the .so symlink from the repo
13:27.28noradtuxrwhitby: we currently use sd_generic, sd_espeak doesnÄ't work, yet
13:27.41rwhitbyso can all the others be removed?
13:27.45noradtuxyes, the symlinks are kind of pointless on vfat ;)
13:27.59noradtuxof, sd_:dummy must stay aswell
13:28.09noradtuxbut sd_cicero and sd_festival can go away
13:30.48rwhitbynoradtux: is there a way for me to easily test speechd without needing navit?
13:31.10hapecall 'spd_say Text'
13:31.17hapethat is in the seechd folder
13:31.29rwhitbyicon looks nice in the launcher :(
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13:35.29rwhitby./spd_say Hello doesn't work
13:36.45noradtuxyou can enable logging in etc/speech-dispatcher/speechd.conf
13:37.00noradtuxis the socked /tmp/speechd-sock there?
13:37.54rwhitbyok, works
13:38.02rwhitbymv espeak-generic.conf0000644 espeak-generic.conf
13:38.17rwhitbysome weird packaging thing.
13:39.52rwhitbythis really needs a service and app :)
13:42.53rwhitbyok, packaging works
13:43.05hapegood job
13:43.07rwhitbyand dummy app works
13:43.16noradtuxnice :)
13:43.19rwhitbyboth locale and speechd can be installed with palm-install
13:43.55hapewow, I diden't epected that. Can palm-install changes sestem files?
13:44.15rwhitby./spd-say "WebOS Internals.  Smart. Open. Phones."
13:44.48rwhitbyhape: I know how to make it do so :)
13:45.09rwhitbyok, what version for speechd?
13:45.15rwhitby0.7.1 ?
13:45.35noradtuxso either we implement the service-stuff directly in spechd or we do some kind of layer in between which has the service-interface on one side and talks to speechd thrgough the socket on the other side. the protocol of speechd works similar to smtp
13:45.57noradtuxI think it's 0.7.1
13:46.38rwhitby"This daemon provides speech synthesis.  At the moment, it is only used by the Navit application and there is no dedicated application front-end, but a Mojo service and application will be developed in the future."
13:46.46noradtuxwe pull 0.,7 from git
13:47.05rwhitbyok, it needs a wiki page
13:47.22noradtuxhape? *grin*
13:48.23rwhitbywe need an icon for Locale for Preware too
13:51.37noradtuxhmm, not sure where to take that from
13:51.50rwhitbyorg.webosinternals.speechd_0.7.1_arm.ipk is in the testing feed
13:52.43hapeis on the way to the wiki ...
13:53.28rwhitbywill Navit start without maps?
13:53.56rwhitbydoes speechd depend on locale?
13:54.17noradtuxno, yes
13:54.30noradtuxwe need locale for it to understzand utf-8 encoding
13:55.18noradtuxwell, i am not sure if navit starts without a map ..
13:55.46rwhitbyok, so speechd needs a DEPENDS then
13:55.56noradtuxthere is a example map shipped with navit. we could put that into the package
13:56.23rwhitbywe will want something so that it does something out of the bo
13:57.35rwhitbynoradtux: so speechd understands UTF-8 ?
13:57.55noradtuxyes. or more precisely: espeak
13:58.48rwhitbynow, will zcorder record the output from speechd?
13:59.51noradtuxI guess that depends on pulseaudio ;)
14:00.02rwhitbyit does :)
14:00.08noradtuxhow does zcorder access the mic anyway?
14:00.18rwhitbynow, where can i host an mp3 file easily?
14:00.56noradtuxhmm something like rapidshare I guess
14:02.06PuffTheMagichape, why not have languages as brokenout/modular packages
14:02.11PuffTheMagicif u are trying to reduce the size of things
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14:02.52noradtuxPuffTheMagic: how can we handle the dependencdies then?
14:03.32haperwhitby: Navit starts without a map. You get an emty screen with the OSD and can access the menu when you tap the screen.
14:03.44hapeBut there is no info that a map is missing....
14:04.14PuffTheMagicwhats deps?
14:04.44PuffTheMagicif u strip out the locales from glib except for like en_us and en_uk
14:04.58PuffTheMagicthe rest could be in their own package or multiple packages
14:05.11PuffTheMagici dont really need to depend on anything besides their parent package
14:06.43noradtuxwell, I just want to avoid to have to tell the user that he needs to install that german language package in order to have his program behave as he expects
14:07.16PuffTheMagiceither install a massive package
14:07.24PuffTheMagicor give the user an extra instruction
14:07.30noradtuxbest would be to have en in the locale package and then have that package install the package that matches the language configuresd in webos
14:07.52PuffTheMagicwell that is easy to
14:07.59PuffTheMagicthats what gentoo does sorta
14:08.08PuffTheMagicyou define the langs u want
14:08.12PuffTheMagicand only those get built
14:08.17PuffTheMagicand if u do it after its built
14:08.24PuffTheMagicu can cleanup/remove the extras
14:09.06noradtuxPuffTheMagic: gentoo isn't exactly a good comparison to webos ;)
14:09.26PuffTheMagici didnt say that
14:09.43PuffTheMagicall i said was they deal with this issue similar to the way you want to
14:09.56noradtuxso does debian
14:10.30PuffTheMagici cant use debain long enough to discover something like that
14:11.32rwhitbynoradtux, hape: do either of you have a twitter alias?
14:11.45noradtuxnope, me not
14:13.26noradtuxI don't think much about this whole social networking stuff ;)
14:19.19rwhitbyand hape adds the wiki page, just in time :)
14:20.45noradtuxI code, hape does the nasty stuff ;)
14:21.43rwhitbyshall I start a thread for it?
14:22.28noradtuxfor speechd?
14:22.49noradtuxI guess a thread for the three new packages would be ok
14:26.21rwhitbyok, now onwards to Navit packaging.
14:28.40hapebasic page is there
14:29.27rwhitbyhape: I have referenced that in the PreCentral thread
14:29.39rwhitbyperhaps but a reverse reference in the wiki page to the thread too
14:33.41*** join/#webos-internals torchie (
14:33.44haperwhitby: I use twitter only in read mode for now ....
14:35.38rwhitbyok, navit didn't run from the icon
14:37.26haperwhitby: Anyting in the navit.log in the app data folder
14:37.39noradtuxI can the defaultm map into the binary-git
14:38.11rwhitbyit runs from command lin
14:38.33noradtuxhmm, that is strange
14:38.50hapecheck the log in /media/internal/appdata/org.webosinternals.navit/navit.log
14:38.54rwhitbythe log size check fails when there is no log file.  I'll change the postinst to touch the log file before doing the check.
14:39.20hapeevery time the same it you not test the frsh install ....
14:39.43rwhitbylooks like PDL_DataFilePath ends in a /, so you get a double // in the filenames
14:40.28noradtuxshuoldn't hurt, though
14:43.43rwhitbyseems to be fine
14:43.50rwhitbynow, I need a map of Adelaide :)
14:45.19rwhitbyinteresting, it opens from icon now
14:46.39noradtuxok, so no need for the default-map
14:47.18rwhitbywell, it needs something, cause how to use the app is not discoverable at the moment
14:47.25haperwhitby: Here you go for the map
14:47.54noradtuxnext step for navit on the pre would be to better integrate into webos by making it a hybrid-app
14:48.14haperwhitby: The problem is that you will see the default map only until the first gps data are there. Thaen it will jup to htis postion.
14:48.29noradtuxwould be easy to open some kind of firsz-use-page then
14:48.29hapeThere is a big chance that you are outside the default map ...
14:49.54noradtuxI think for now the best chance we have is to put this info  into the package description, including the link to the planet-extractor
14:49.57rwhitbyso we need a default map which is just the whole globe and very large scale
14:50.21rwhitbyok, I get a osm_bbox...bin from this page.  what next?
14:50.48rwhitbystill does not start of icon immediately after download
14:51.20hapewhat dose the log say?
14:51.28rwhitbyno log
14:51.43hapehm, that is strange
14:55.12hapeis the app path there with the default xml config files?
14:55.38rwhitbyoh dear, looks like Palm doesn't clean up the mounts if the app fails to start
14:55.45rwhitbyhape: no
14:56.44hapethat should have been done by the before the app is started. So momthing in the is the problem
14:58.32rwhitbyafter starting it once from the command line, it then starts fine from the icon
14:59.54rwhitbyhape: how do I install the map .bin file I just downloaded?
15:00.19hapemoment checking something
15:02.14hapeI expect that line goes wrong:
15:02.16hapetest -e $NAVIT_USER_DATADIR/navit.xml || cp $APP_DIR/dist_files/navit*.xml $NAVIT_USER_DATADIR/
15:02.43hapeAs Palm is not crating the path for you. Could that be the case?
15:03.12hapeIt should copy the needed config files from the app dir to the data dir
15:04.09hapeNavit expects the map to be in $NAVIT_USER_DATADIR/maps/
15:04.53hapeFor now you need to start navit one time without a map, that the folders are created
15:05.18hapeThen you need to copy it to /media/internal/appdata/org.webosinternals.navit/maps
15:07.32rwhitbyso I have  osm_bbox_138.5,-35.0,138.8,-34.8.bin in the maps dir
15:07.41rwhitby44MB size
15:08.06hapeit will take the first bin file it findes in that folder
15:08.40hapeBut the *.xml files from $APP_DIR/dist_files/ needs to be in /media/internal/appdata/org.webosinternals.navit/
15:09.10hapeNavit will not start if they are not there. This are the basic config files.
15:09.38hapeThat is why I asked if /media/internal/appdata/org.webosinternals.navit/ is there.
15:10.08rwhitbyah, so the postinst has to do that?
15:12.08noradtuxhmm, yes. currently _should_ be doing that
15:13.27rwhitbyinteresting, the Car icon in Actions has my lattitude as 394N
15:13.42rwhitbyand the world icon has 34N
15:13.58rwhitbyperhaps Navit doesn't work in the southern hemisphere ...
15:14.55noradtuxhmm, would be strange
15:16.20hapeworld is the point where you are on the map, car is where gps thinks you are
15:18.31noradtuxhape: but shouldn't the map follow his position?
15:18.36haper: in the upper right show you how good the gps is. Smaller is better
15:18.55noradtuxrwhitby: try to initiate some navigation. the map should center on your position
15:19.06hapenoradtux: I think you need a minimal quality (expect range belo 150 or so) that it jumps
15:19.16rwhitbyI can get it to show adelaide by town name
15:19.26rwhitbybut position is off the planet
15:19.40noradtuxok, some kind of a valid position is offcourse a prerequisite
15:20.07haperwhitby: what dose r: reads in the upper right corner before the dot
15:20.50rwhitbydebugging non-starting at the moment
15:23.56noradtuxthat sounds like the fstab-bug to me ..
15:24.28noradtuxwhat are the premissions on that directory?=
15:24.29rwhitbyno fstab bug on my devices :)
15:24.41noradtuxrwhitby: I would have been surprised ;)
15:24.46rwhitbydrwxrwxrwx    3 root     root        32768 Jul 11 08:15 appdata
15:25.02noradtuxand the navit-subdir
15:25.16rwhitbydrwxr-xr-x    2 root     root        32768 Jul 11 08:15 /media/internal/appdata/org.webosinternals.navit
15:25.42noradtuxhow did you create that? postinst or or maybe manual?
15:26.30rwhitbyah, postinst mkdir
15:26.40rwhitbywe can fix that
15:27.09noradtuxyeah, explains the issue :)
15:27.30hapeI think the best would be to create it in the before we copy the default file. And also create the emty map folder
15:27.39rwhitbyperhaps a "umask 000" at the top of postinst?
15:28.27noradtuxprobably the safest thing to do
15:28.35hapenoradtux: strage idea. make a Mini SDL app that only show the text that you need to copy a map to the maps folder. Start this instead of navit if the map folder is empy.
15:28.47hapeWould that be only some lines or more difficult?
15:29.07noradtuxshould be easy
15:29.38haperwhitby: why create it in post inst? We do not know there if Palm change the base folder again. We can only hardcode the name in postinst or?
15:29.42noradtuxwe know the directory to look at, so shouldn't be too hard
15:29.56rwhitbyhape: postinst does the migration
15:30.23noradtuxcan we launch a webos-app from the shell?
15:30.28hapeok, My last read version there it still was in the
15:30.49noradtuxwould be much faster to code and prettier than an sdl-app, I think
15:31.48hapejep, but you raised the question I had too. Can a Mojo app be lauchend from commandline instead of navit
15:31.57rwhitbyI vote you just get oil interested in Navit ;)
15:32.13haperwhitby: ?
15:32.42rwhitbyok, starts now
15:33.28*** join/#webos-internals AnOutsider (
15:33.36AnOutsiderall the bs from before
15:33.45AnOutsiderwoops, damn trillian
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15:38.10noradtuxrwhitby: and is it working?
15:38.36rwhitbyapart from the bad coords, yes.
15:38.47rwhitbyand it is in the testing feed now
15:40.46noradtuxgreat! when will it be visible on preware?
15:41.13rwhitby5 minutes after the varnish cache times out
15:41.47rwhitbyhow does speech dispatcher compare to ?
15:43.49noradtuxthat service is much less histicated as far as I know. speechd also handles multiple concurrent requests
15:44.13noradtuxbut I was considering to extend that service to use speechd
15:44.39noradtuxI choose speechd because navit has native support for it
15:48.19*** join/#webos-internals obladda (~obladda@
15:49.06rwhitbynoradtux: you know that Java will be removed from a future webOS version.
15:49.22rwhitbyJava services are a dead end.
15:49.32noradtuxis that so?
15:49.39noradtuxhow do you know?
15:50.25rwhitbywell, do you remember when Jason R made a big fuss that he was going to quit webOS development?
15:50.55noradtuxhmm, I didn't exactly follow that stuff ..
15:51.10rwhitbytweeted all over the place, caused a huge media problem for Palm
15:52.03rwhitbywell, he and I found out on the same day that Java was to be removed.  I started porting Preware's package manager service to C.  He threatened to quit webOS development.
15:52.03noradtuxrings a bell
15:52.22rwhitbyPalm announced it publicly recently at the developer days.
15:53.09noradtuxfollowing up on that stzuff is on my todo list ;)
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15:53.48noradtuxwell makes sense from performance pioint-of-view
15:56.29rwhitbyalso means you don't have to restart your phone connection when you install a service
15:56.57noradtuxso they are going for one daemon per service
15:57.05noradtuxI like that
15:57.32rwhitbythey are talking about javascript services
15:58.14rwhitbyok, let's go for a full navit/speechd/locale install from scratch in Preware
15:58.22noradtuxwell, I guess the v8-engine would be capable of that
15:59.14rwhitbygah, 1:30am already
15:59.22hapeuninstall allread done, waiting for Navit to show up in testing feed
15:59.32rwhitbyit's there now.
15:59.34bpadalinorwhitby always burning the midnight oil
15:59.40haperwhitby: Good morning ;-)
15:59.46zsocis there special oil for that?
16:00.05rwhitbylaunches from icon
16:00.24hapesounds good, feeds still laoding here
16:01.01noradtuxrwhitby: at least you aren't melting in your room as I am ;)
16:01.25noradtuxrwhitby: well, I don't know how tempreatures are there in australia in winter, though ...
16:03.08*** join/#webos-internals Ortwin (~wicer@
16:03.19rwhitbynoradtux, hape: ok, you guys can do any updates you like in the testing feed now.  just tag the source repo and update the version in build.git
16:03.26noradtuxwe have around 30°C here .. which is quite warm for this area
16:03.27rwhitbyall the other guys here know how to do it.
16:03.44noradtuxok, great
16:03.53noradtuxinstaller just finished
16:04.11rwhitbydoes it work?
16:04.40haperwhitby: Working here too
16:05.06hapeinstalled all packages as planned
16:05.15OrtwinIs it normal that Warthog 70 doesn't support the special goveners and clockspeeds?
16:05.33noradtuxrwhitby, hape: works here, too :D
16:07.19rwhitbyOrtwin: normal and warthog are incongruous.  it's a developer testbed, not an end-user kernel.
16:08.11haperwhitby: there is only a testing uberkernal for 1.4.5 now or?
16:08.44hapedo not like that Govnah has that less infromation about wht is going on
16:09.20rwhitbyyes, until we get 1.4.5 kernel source code, it stays in testing for 1.4.5
16:09.51OrtwinI wanted to know if it's a bug or a feature. Guess it's a feature then. ;)
16:10.16rwhitbyOrtwin: honestly, I don't know.  Warthog changes feature set on every version at a whim.
16:10.38rwhitbyJust depends what is up for experimentation at that point in time.
16:11.01haperwhitby: the link in your tweet point to, instead of
16:11.41haperwhitby: I think we should start a new thread for the first offical version. The old one contains a lot of stuff that is no valid anymore
16:12.06hapelike the one you started for the Speech Dispatcher
16:13.07rwhitbyhape: if you start a new one, and point to it from the old thread, I can close the old thread.
16:14.08noradtuxrwhitby: what do you think, would Palm add official support for locales if we asked them?
16:14.20rwhitbynoradtux: it's a possibility
16:18.37rwhitbyhape: unless you've got a post ready to go now, I'm going to need to head to bed
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16:21.51rwhitbynoradtux, hape: great job on navit and speechd.
16:22.01*** join/#webos-internals BeeRad (42740a38@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:23.54haperwhitby: New thread is there =>
16:24.52haperwhitby: Thanks for Preware and your help today
16:25.13*** join/#webos-internals TheInvsbleMan (
16:26.27rwhitbyhape: old thread closed and pointer to new thread as last message
16:26.32BeeRadOk, if Im going to make a video (if I can find time) I need to know what Speech Dispatcher does for Navit. Is it just the voice for the turn by turn? Layman's speakhere...
16:26.46noradtuxrwhitby: thanks :)
16:26.59rwhitbyand new thread is sticky
16:27.25rwhitbybbt for real this time
16:28.59*** join/#webos-internals muesli (~muesli@amarok/developer/muesli)
16:29.08muesliis the testing feed the beta feed in preware?
16:29.25noradtuxmuesli: yes, kind of
16:29.58mueslinoradtux: looking for navit
16:30.40infobotrumour has it, testing is done - but yes, further excursions will take place elsewhere
16:30.46infoboti guess testing-feed is a means of testing new WebOS Internals products, documented at
16:31.08hapeloves infobot ;-)
16:34.22mueslinoradtux: hape: thanks :)
16:34.28mueslishame tho, just wanted the navit package
16:44.02mueslisomeone got the direct link to the ipkg?
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16:55.12noradtuxmuesli: you will need the new locales and speech-dispatcer-packages aswell
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17:18.03halfhaloka6sox: ping me and we'll switch the wargames to a  new non sudo port.
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18:08.04halfhaloI broke this somehow....
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19:38.28sebastianhaI installed navit via preware. When I start navit from the launcher and navigate to a citiy it crashes. When I start it from commandline it works. Any idea?
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20:01.41noradtuxsebastianha: probably the fstab-problem
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20:03.11sebastianha? whats this?
20:03.29sebastianhaI also noticed that navit does not write log files when started from launcher
20:04.46noradtuxthat's because there is a bug in the ota update from palm which prevents pdk-apps to write to the device
20:06.14sebastianhaah, ok
20:06.53sebastianhaI will try
20:06.59dtzWillrwhitby: pong
20:08.37noradtuxsebastianha: there are threads in the precentral- and palm-forums
20:10.15sebastianhaalready found it, thanks *rebooting pre*
20:11.00dtzWill~seen rwhitby
20:11.02infobotrwhitby is currently on #webos-internals (3d 41m 11s) #oe (3d 41m 11s) #meego (3d 41m 11s) #nslu2-linux (3d 41m 11s). Has said a total of 355 messages. Is idling for 3h 44m 3s, last said: 'and new thread is sticky'.
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20:19.59jhopixiwarthog-70 is built. testers needed
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21:42.24Tman_macarch merged to master
21:42.37Tman_maceveryone needs to do a 'make clobber-armv7'
21:44.55zsoci shall give it a go
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21:47.41zsocTman_mac: I can just do a top level make stage to make all packages for all archs?
21:48.22Tman_macyes. well only armv6 and armv7 right now
21:48.43Tman_maci686 still isn't supported, but when it is, you won't have to rebuild everything like you do now
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21:57.27halfhaloWhy does this hate me so...
22:12.34halfhalook, issue.  my app client modules is failing hard.
22:15.15zsocTman_mac: it seems to stop after building glib-2.0 for both armv6 and armv7, but works fin
22:15.17zsoc+e wabe
22:15.27zsocahem, sry
22:15.36zsocTman_mac: but works fine when you start up the bulding again
22:17.03Tman_maczsoc: yeah there were several stops for me.. which wasn't really anything unusual..
22:17.14Tman_macI don't know what causes those
22:17.57zsocinteresting, didn't seem to have that issue when i built a few days ago... but no biggie i guess. it works fine otherwise... still chuggin' along at -j4
22:18.21zsocyep, liboil too
22:18.26zsocmust be an SB2 thing
22:18.56Tman_maccould be
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22:53.25torchiewait, should I uninstall custom kernels before OTA update
22:53.47rwhitbyif they came from somewhere other than a webos-internals feed in Preware, yes.
22:56.34torchieoh i c
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22:56.42torchiecool then, I've got the one from preware
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22:59.17zsocTman_mac: uh oh, just got a bunch of permission denied errors
23:00.23halfhalofor some reason my tcp server does not like me
23:03.47Tman_maczsoc: what package was it? go in and make clobber, then continue
23:04.30zsocTman_mac: it's hanging on cd . && /bin/sh /srv/preware/cross-compile/packages/media/libsndfile/build/armv7/missing --run aclocal-1.9
23:04.47rwhitbyyeah, I got a hang on that too a couple of times
23:05.15Tman_maclet me know what package it is though. it's generally because svn sets mode -w on a lot of files, and copying from build/src to build/ARCH gives the errors
23:05.32Tman_mac(over existing svn files in build/ARCH)
23:05.37Tman_macas for the hang, hm
23:06.10Tman_mactry going into the Makefile and commenting out lines 18 and 19
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23:06.33Tman_macfor me, not having that patch made it hang, apparently for someone else, having the patch made it hang.. so :/
23:07.06Tman_macI figured that was outdated or something and reintroduced the patch to make it work for me. Maybe I'm the odd one out though
23:07.50Tman_macer, lines 18-20 actually
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23:11.06Tman_macGNU tools hanging.. now that's frustrating..
23:13.32zsocTman_mac: ty
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23:15.33halfhalocrosses fingers hoping that this works
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23:35.10halfhalook, why is this server saying there are multiple apps of the same name connected...
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