IRC log for #webos-internals on 20100630

00:21.12*** join/#webos-internals jrmuizel (
00:21.48rwhitbyhey BeeRad - have you worked out how to profit from your youtube video yet?
00:22.17BeeRadIts on your page Rod. Nope.
00:24.39BeeRadrwhitby: I don't really think its going to get a ton more hits at this point. Its buried in the blogs.
00:26.45jhoattyou could be the -internals social media expert
00:29.47BeeRadjhoatt: Putting that title on me is a scary proposition. haha
00:30.46rwhitbyBeeRad already is the WebOS Internals Video Meister
00:31.47BeeRadwants to get a Pixi+ so I can show the world that the little "cute" phone can mean business.
00:39.03*** join/#webos-internals jelatta (
00:39.12*** join/#webos-internals scoutcamper (
00:43.04rwhitbycreated a second unlocked EU QWERTY Pre last night by doing another successful keyboard transplant operation
00:43.27swishyrwhitby: :)
00:44.17BeeRadrwhitby: wow, this is sad. I don't even know where to get started to make ad revenue from videos on YouTube.
00:44.20rwhitbyI'm getting good at them now.  Don't even have to unplug the OMAP<->Comms cable any more :)
00:46.19*** join/#webos-internals cryptk (
00:46.38cryptkjhojho jhoatt I have the dbox all synced up, ready when you are
00:46.59jhoattok. gimme 30 mins
00:47.24cryptkjhoatt do I need to have the SDK installed? I have novacom but not the full SDK (but if you tell me not I can get it ready
00:47.48jhoattnah that should be enuff
00:50.56*** join/#webos-internals kroco (
00:56.03BeeRadrwhitby: Apparently we (webOS Internals) don't qualify to be a partner with YouTube just yet. I think we need more videos and viewers. My video did pretty good. I guess I need to make more. It's in your account though and I don't want to make decisions without your knowing about it.
00:57.49rwhitbyBeeRad: please do make more
00:58.38rwhitbyBeeRad: and if you can work out how to get a revenue stream without there being blatant annoying ads everywhere, go for it (see the Google Ads on the bottom left of our wiki for an example)
01:00.00rwhitbyhmm - they seem to have disappeared.
01:00.17rwhitbyrings up our web meister
01:02.45BeeRadrwhitby: I'm sure its Google Ads. You have to have several videos under your belt that have thousands of hits. We need to keep this going. Obviously overclocking is what brings the attention, but it cant always be that. Unfortunately, I dont think something like screenstate or compcache is "wow" enough for sites like Engadget to pick up on.
01:03.39ka6sox-workBeeRad, rwhitby : they are there for me....
01:04.30cryptkI have been thinking about making a video tutorial showing how to go from bone stock pre to having preware, Govnah and latest release UberKernel
01:04.34cryptknot testing kernel or anything
01:04.46cryptkwould you want that?
01:05.34jhoattdo one that shows stock perf
01:06.05cryptkindeed, it would be a before and after including the process to get to the after.
01:06.09jhoattand ends with f105 + faster card animations
01:06.32cryptkF105 isn't in the release feed though I thought
01:06.37cryptkI thought it was testing feed only
01:07.10jhoattfaster card animations is good for at least 50hp
01:07.25cryptkahh, the sticker effect
01:08.38rwhitbyka6sox-work: ah, yes.  I see them now too.
01:09.34rwhitbymsg BeeRad as far as Video Meister goes - go for it.  You have as much rope as you want :)
01:11.18*** join/#webos-internals HattCzech (46700f8e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:12.01*** join/#webos-internals Audemars02 (43506ec9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:12.39rwhitbyAudemars02: hi
01:12.52Audemars02Rwitby - hi, right back at ya
01:12.54rwhitbyjhoatt: did you say anyone can get an AT&T Pixi Plus unlocked by calling them up?
01:13.41BeeRadrwhitby: I want rope, but not enough to hang us all. ha!
01:14.00cryptkthen just tie alot of knots in it... that will shorten it up
01:14.08rwhitbyAudemars02: jhoatt is your man :)
01:14.13Audemars02let me find the article, but i believe that AT&T made a deal that any user who has had service for 90 days can get an unlock code for their device (as long as its not the iphone)
01:14.17jhoattBUT you need to know someone or have an active ATT sim not tied to that phone
01:14.18BeeRadcryptk: do you do a lot of videos?
01:14.41rwhitbyjhoatt: so a prepaid sim card would do?
01:14.46cryptkBeeRad not really
01:15.06rwhitbyjhoatt: or does the sim need to be active for 90 days?
01:15.08Audemars02jhoatt -- my wife has a tmobile SIM...would that work, or do you need an actual AT&T SIM (as long as i can get the unlock code)
01:15.14cryptkjhoatt would you prefer me in linux or windows for this btw?
01:15.37jhoattI have a loaner phone from our friends
01:15.49jhoattand it's att
01:15.51rwhitbyhas an AT&T sim sitting right here in Australia, which ka6sox-work forgot to take out of my German Pixi :)
01:16.07jhoattaudermars: find a friend with an iphone
01:16.13jhoatthave them call
01:16.13cryptkrwhitby: I would say you are good to go, LOL
01:16.26jhoattcryptk linux
01:16.35cryptkjhoatt lemme reboot then, brb
01:16.38rwhitbycryptk: it's not been active for 90 days though
01:16.59jhoattyou can try
01:17.04Audemars02yea...i have a friend with an AT&T Nexus One who is going to call for me to get the code...but he is not around for me to acutally use his SIM... i can try to find someone around here who i can borrow the SIM
01:17.36Audemars02it jsut says the customer has to have had service for 90 days...doesnt specify that they have used that device for 90 days
01:18.05jhoattyou don't need the physical att sim I think
01:18.27jhoattyou just need to give them your phones imei
01:18.35ka6sox-workrwhitby, heh...oh well.
01:18.37BeeRadSilly question... does the + in front of the name mean the name is registered?
01:18.57rwhitbyBeeRad: nope
01:19.44BeeRadI want to register my name for the IRC.
01:19.56rwhitbyBeeRad: /msg nickserv register <password>
01:20.01*** join/#webos-internals cryptk (
01:23.41Audemars02Rod -- re: saving wifi profiles for save/restore ...  if i am reading the meta doctor data correctly, i should just need to save the var/preferences/com.palm.wifi/ file, right, and the just restore that file to the right directory?
01:24.18Audemars02sweet!  writing up that script now! :-)
01:24.43rwhitbyAudemars02 is our new Save/Restore Meister
01:24.53cryptkrwhitby, saverestore saves preware info right? and if so what info does it save? just the prefrences/feeds? or does it save a list of patches as well?
01:25.12rwhitbycryptk: preferences and saved package list.  not feeds
01:25.24rwhitbybut Audemars02 could make it do feeds now
01:25.45Audemars02i could?    i will have to look into that for ya!
01:25.46*** join/#webos-internals ice-11 (
01:26.06rwhitbyneed to be careful with versioned feeds, probably need a reboot after restore if webOS version has changed
01:26.22cryptkso as far as saved package list... does that mean if I were to backup the saverestore data and do a full erase, then put it back on... could I restore all my patches and whatnot?
01:26.48infobothgoh is probably the Holy Grail of Homebrew, which can be found at
01:26.56rwhitbycryptk: ^^
01:29.00cryptkwow... how I missed that feature I have no clue
01:29.25Audemars02cryptk -- MAKE SURE YOU SAVE your installed package list!!!
01:30.30cryptkI am doing all of this now because in all likelihood the testing I am getting ready to do with jhojho will result in having to do a doctor
01:30.35cryptkbetter safe than sorry, lol
01:32.01Audemars02rod -- where are the feeds info saved?
01:32.42rwhitbyAudemars02: /media/cryptofs/apps/etc/ipkg/*.conf and /media/cryptofs/apps/etc/ipkg/*.conf.disabled
01:32.56cryptk11) Note that you don't need WOSQI for any of this - sorry Jason, I just had to say it
01:33.32Audemars02cool...   i will add that to the preware script and test it out..thnx
01:34.40cryptkso, I just need to backup the saverestore folder on my /media/internal right?
01:35.50cryptkwow... just noticed that the icon for my Pre when I connect it to Ubuntu actually kinda looks like a pre
01:36.09cryptkhas some extra white lines on it, but they correspond perfectly to back and forward gestures... so I will let it slide
01:37.13BeeRadis registered. wOOt.
01:37.17cryptkso between the palm profile getting all of the official app cat stuff, and this... you can pretty much clone a pre...
01:37.35rwhitbycryptk: well, Meta-Doctor cloning support is better than this
01:38.03cryptkI know
01:38.17cryptkbut I meant it is now easily accessable to everyone
01:38.23cryptknot everyone knows how to read bash/meta doc
01:38.46cryptkI still find it funny that Palm sells developer phones that you pretty much need meta doc to use
01:39.48Audemars02Rod -- I am outta here for the night...i will report back to you on the AT&T unlock code and see what I can find out
01:40.15rwhitbyAudemars02: thx
01:40.30rwhitbyBeeRad: do you do facebook stuff too?
01:40.39*** part/#webos-internals Audemars02 (43506ec9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:43.37BeeRadrwhitby: explain "stuff". Are you asking if I have a Facebook page or if I do tech stuff there?
01:44.05rwhitbywell, webosinternals has a facebook site.  someone should do something with it :)
01:45.12*** join/#webos-internals playya (~playya@unaffiliated/playya)
01:46.52*** join/#webos-internals kroco (
01:48.50jhojhowould be cool to have a movie shot with a pre
01:49.38BeeRadhas YouTube, Vimeo, Facebook, Blogspot, etc.
01:50.31BeeRadjhojho: If the Pre2 has a camera anything like th iP4....I'll do it.
01:50.47jhojhojust do one now.
01:51.00jhojhothen run it through magic bullet or something =)
01:51.02BeeRadprepares to get flamed for what hes about to say.
01:51.27BeeRadThe Pres video camera doesn't impress me that much honestly.
01:51.37BeeRadAs a still camera...its decent.
01:51.54BeeRadThey should incorporate a tap to focus for the next Palm.
01:52.01BeeRadBacklit CMOS sensor.
01:52.14BeeRadJust saying...... Apple did it right.
01:52.38bpadalinofixed focus on the pre is very weak .. agreed
01:53.06jhojhooh it's a junk cam
01:53.16jhojhobut the challenge is to see what you can do with it
01:54.36bpadalinotake a blurry picture easily .. that's up there with what you can do
01:55.32BeeRadLatest mess around video.
01:56.03*** join/#webos-internals dkirker1 (~dkirker1@2001:470:8217:2::2)
01:56.03*** join/#webos-internals dkirker1 (~dkirker1@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
01:56.12jhojhowell with enough light, it wont be blurry
01:56.34bpadalinono, it's a physics thing
01:56.40*** join/#webos-internals Kyusaku (
01:56.57bpadalinomacro is just no good with the pre camera
01:57.09jhojhoi didnt say anything about macro
01:57.16BeeRadagrees with bpadalino
01:58.01BeeRadYou have to be several feet away from the subject and with the extended DOF software it captures detail in everything. I like separation.
01:58.19BeeRadI want the ability to do macro with tap to focus.
01:59.31BeeRadIf you have a ton of natural light and stand far enought away....the Pres camera is really good. Get outside of those glass limits and it may not turn out so well.
01:59.53bpadalinoBeeRad: next hardware will have better camera .. or so i've heard
02:02.02BeeRadMark my words.....within the next year or two.....point and shoot cameras will be pointless and will fall away in the market. Cell phones will do it all. Flip will die, Canon/Sony/Panasonic compacts will die.
02:05.21jhojhoI want RAW in the next camera =P
02:05.42BeeRadchokes on his ice cream.
02:05.48BeeRadNot asking for much are ya?
02:06.06BeeRadPre2 better have TONS of storage.
02:06.14BeeRad64gig minimum
02:06.24bpadalinoyou wouldn't just want SD card ?
02:06.40BeeRadHonestly? No.
02:07.03BeeRadI hate keeping track of cards as it is.
02:08.03bpadalino32gb flash and 32gb sd card wouldn't be good for you ?
02:08.11BeeRadSD card slots take up space.
02:08.21jhojhoRAW for a 4mp camera wont take up that much space
02:09.02BeeRadWhat would the file size be for an uncompressed photo at 4mp?
02:09.22bpadalino3 bytes per pixel, 4e6 pixels
02:09.46*** join/#webos-internals playya (~playya@unaffiliated/playya)
02:11.42BeeRadYou guys really think that not having removable storage is that limiting?
02:12.13*** join/#webos-internals djk1 (
02:12.22Tmanis neutral
02:12.45KyusakuI dunno I had to remove a bunch of songs and photos to make room for some games I wanted to buy
02:12.46cryptkit isn't so much a question of 'why?' for me as it is a question of 'why not?'
02:12.49bpadalinowhen it means having to put down 64GB flash chips .. it's silly to choose those chips
02:13.39KyusakuI would like a removable SD card just for media like music.
02:13.58KyusakuI don't hate the device for not having it
02:14.21BeeRadI guess it could be there for those who use it.
02:14.35BeeRadI personally have never really cared about it.
02:15.25BeeRadIf it can somehow save space by not having it and it makes room for a gyro or I dont know...say...a BIGGER then I would rather not have the SD slot.
02:15.38jhojhoI dont care if it has removable storage.
02:15.39Kyusakualso it would be cool if I could offload photos I've taken on a digital camera to storage temporarily or tweet some nice photos I've taken with the camera.
02:15.47jhojhoi want it to have better battery life
02:15.51jhojhoand more apps
02:15.55jhojhoa better camera
02:16.38TmanI'm surprised they waived the $50 fee
02:16.52TmanI mean more apps is good yes
02:16.56TmanI just hope they're quality
02:17.16bpadalinoi think the purpose of the featured apps app is to help sort through the muck
02:17.48Tmanwhat about just fixing the hot apps in the catalog -_-
02:18.17BeeRadI get tired of people picking on the Pre for having a small screen size. It was intended to be this small. I think if the Pre actually had a NASA grade slider mechanism, we'd be laughing at everybody. However, here I am with a loose, sloppy feeling, not so good slider. I wish this thing were rock solid.
02:18.49bpadalinoi hear the pixi is a pretty solid feeling phone
02:19.07BeeRadIt is.
02:19.35Kyusakuif the Pre and Pixi launched the same time I think I might have picked up the Pixi instead
02:20.54BeeRadKyusaku: Now that Internals is sharing their knowledge with the lil fella, I think Im gonna pick one up anyway.
02:21.30KyusakuI'm waiting for next gen device personally
02:21.41BeeRadQuestion to all: how much of a headache is it if you use the same Palm Profile between two different devices? I want to switch back and forth without making a whole new profile.
02:22.22Kyusakuwill they e active at the same time?
02:23.04Kyusakuthen it shouldn't be a problem
02:23.17bpadalinorwhitby is the pro with the profiles it seems
02:23.20bpadalinohe has a bunch
02:23.37jhojholike a billion
02:23.46rwhitbyBeeRad: any existing device with the profile has /media/cryptofs/apps wiped
02:23.47BeeRadI mean, just switch back and forth. One phone off, other on. I though I heard someone say that if you switch to the other phone, then the previous one all but gets wiped. So when you go back to it, you have to reload everything. Truth?
02:23.58BeeRadrwhitby: Crap.
02:24.44rwhitbyjhojho: I only have 9 profiles
02:24.54jhojhoseems like a billion.
02:24.57BeeRadDo apps at least show up on the new device? I dont have to pay twice do I?
02:25.28rwhitbyyou don't have to pay twice
02:26.12rwhitbySo one of my devices just got a webOS 1.4.1 update pushed to it.  Looks like it was ntpdate only that was updated.
02:26.18BeeRad9 profiles = 9 emails? Jeez. You just make stuff up for profiles sake?
02:26.42rwhitbyBeeRad: 9 profiles for 8 devices
02:27.39rwhitbytwo normal profiles, then Europa, Virtura, Profilia, Donatia, Futura, Natura, and Dementia.
02:28.33rwhitbyEupora is a German language profile with paid access to the german app catalog on the Pre that I had activated in Germany.
02:28.36BeeRadA new profile requires a different email address does it not? Rod, you confuse me sometimes. :P
02:29.03rwhitbyyes, you need an email address for each profile.  I hear there's this new company called Google which gives them out for free ...
02:29.53BeeRadI kinda sorta work with you now so I'll be nice.
02:30.00rwhitbyAnd this Google company even lets you do automatic forwarding.  It's pretty good - you should check it out ;)
02:30.27rwhitbyI don't know why more people haven't heard of this Google thing.  They do searching too.
02:30.40bpadalinois google like the new bing?
02:30.48BeeRadDid you know they own the YouTubes too? Crazy huh?
02:31.00rwhitbybpadalino: no, Altavista is the new bing
02:31.18bpadalinothat Digital Electronics Corp has something going for it
02:31.18rwhitbyGoogle is the new Gopher
02:31.25bpadalinothey're onto something
02:31.26BeeRadI also heard they have a 2nd rate operating system for dumbphones.
02:31.46cryptkrwhitby, is there a way to access the filesystem on a pre through bootie?
02:32.07rwhitbycryptk: no.  but just use memboot in Meta-Doctor
02:32.21cryptk<< never used meta doc...
02:32.34rwhitbyyou should check it out. I hear Google is interested in it ...
02:32.48*** part/#webos-internals djk1 (
02:32.49BeeRadrwhitby 's on a roll tonight.
02:32.55rwhitby(well, they list it on one of their web sites ....)
02:32.59cryptkhehe, I was way ahead of ya there
02:33.58BeeRadHow does an ESN become bad?
02:34.26rwhitbystolen phone or account not paid are two ways
02:34.38BeeRadCan it ever be cleared?
02:34.47BeeRadis looking at Ebay Pixi's.
02:35.44bpadalinoi think CL tends to have better prices
02:36.35Tmanhmm is there any PDK or SDL way to get the date?
02:36.48cryptkjhojho says memboot won't do it
02:37.29bpadalinoTman: man 3 time
02:37.42Tmanbpadalino: yeah I just thought of that x.x
02:38.22bpadalinothe first time, i thought of date ..
02:38.25bpadalinoso i typed "man date"
02:38.28bpadalinoand it felt a little funny
02:39.36Tmanbecause it sounds like mandate or because it's not a C function?
02:40.04bpadalinobecause i've never been on a man date before
02:40.42cryptkdoctoring now...
02:41.05Tmanoh :p
02:41.31Tmanis anything I compile on WIDK supposed to work on pixi?
02:44.14rwhitbycryptk: meta-doctor memboot target followed by mount target will do it
02:44.44cryptkdamn... maybe if jhojho is up for giving it another shot later I will try that
02:45.11cryptkwould be nice to get at the boot logs to see why it was stuck in a reboot loop
02:45.13jhojhotry it and report back =)
02:45.29cryptkI will, I am saving our conversation so I can re-do the test again later
02:45.37bpadalinobootie should be able to grab the last kernel log
02:45.40bpadalinonot sure if that will help you
02:46.33cryptkbpadalino, indeed it would have, if it werent for the fact that my phone is half doctored already
02:46.43cryptkdo you have any docs that show how to get that info from bootie?
02:46.51cryptkit will come in handy when I go to try this again later
02:47.10bpadalinoget to teh bootie prompt and type help ?
02:47.31cryptkthat would be great, lol
02:47.36cryptkI will do that next time
02:47.56BeeRaddoesn't understand why sometimes his Pre will be nuclear hot when charging and other times not even warm.
02:48.17cryptkhrm... I am kinda interested in disabling the palm boot splash...
02:48.39cryptkthe non-pulsing one...
02:48.48cryptkI wanna see the output... if there is any...
02:48.53*** part/#webos-internals jhoatt (~wirc@
02:52.40rwhitbycryptk: I say again, meta-doctor memboot followed by mount will let you get at the boot logs
02:53.00cryptkI am going to do that next time
02:53.23rwhitbyand kmsg in bootie is useful too
02:53.24cryptkjhojho's concern is that the memboot wouldn't work if the libc is messed up
02:53.46rwhitbycryptk: well that's just silly, cause it's a memboot of a kernel and initramfs
02:54.07rwhitbyit doesn't execute anything from the flasg
02:54.22cryptkI will go for that next time for sure then
02:54.53rwhitbymeta-doctor memboot is great for keyhole surgery
02:55.07cryptkdef sounds like it is
02:56.58*** join/#webos-internals djk (
02:58.51cryptkrwhitby, any ideas on how to disable the boot splash? the non-pulsing one?
03:01.36rwhitbyegaudet_: ping
03:02.26egaudet_rwhitby, pong
03:02.46rwhitbyegaudet_: have you been following the EFV thread?
03:03.11egaudeta few posts earlier today
03:03.30rwhitbyegaudet: I'm thinking of adding whitelisting of kernel files and the known not-a-problem stuff like charging.tga and roots.RW
03:03.49egaudetyeah I was thinking of that too
03:04.25egaudetI was going to post for people to stop worrying because EFV was made as a quick check for apt and aupt-2 bug, but there have been 2 OTA updates since
03:04.54egaudetbut I think making EFV smarter and actually robust may be better idea
03:05.12rwhitbyegaudet: I think it's still useful to get people to update from -3 to -4 if they have gone as far as running EFV
03:08.38egaudet-4 doesn't offer anything over -3
03:09.36rwhitbyoh, I thought -4 fixed the SMS Contacts problem
03:09.41egaudetwell what I mean is -4 enabled the additional_files stuff, but -3 simply did not accept anything but .patch so there aren't any conflicts or issues with it
03:09.55egaudetSMS Contacts problem?
03:18.20Tmandoesn't understand why there are apps in hot apps with horrible user ratings
03:19.27rwhitbyegaudet: the SMS Tone Per Contacts patch that had problems in the last OTA
03:19.37Tman1 or 2 stars, and somehow they got enough sales to win $1000 for their app. I don't have any apps to compete with but I think that's sickening
03:20.04egaudetrwhitby, it was happenstance that specific patch had issues I believe.
03:20.40rwhitbyegaudet: so it will be ok with aupt-3 for this coming OTA you think?
03:20.54egaudetaupt-3 and aupt-4 both have the same bug still
03:21.09egaudetI can't say which patches will cause the bugs until the update comes out because it's a tricky bug
03:22.00egaudetwhen 2+ packages touch files in a package that gets updated but at least 1 of those files md5sum stays the same, the 2nd patch will not be able to remove correctly unless/until the first patch is removed
03:23.40rwhitby2+ patches ?
03:23.52egaudet2 or more
03:24.18rwhitbys/2+ packages/2+ patches/
03:25.06rwhitbyI wonder if we can write a script and post a patch conflict list
03:25.23rwhitby"if you have problems with this patch, remove these other specific patches first"
03:27.04egaudetpatch FOO touches files a, b, c.   patch BAR touches files a, b, c.   a, b, and c are part of the same package that gets updated.  a and b's md5sums are different pre-OTA and post-OTA, but c's md5sum is the same pre-OTA and post-OTA.  patch FOO correctly sees OTA and removes/installs, then later patch BAR can't remove because it's confused.  It sees that a and b's md5sums changed so that indicates OTA but c's didn't
03:27.04egaudetso that indicates no OTA
03:29.09egaudetwell I guess also if a patch touches 2 packages and only gets updated it's FUBAR'd
03:29.19egaudets/only/only one/
03:30.04cryptkin meta doc... if you bypass activation the phone cannot be sued for calls right?
03:30.24rwhitbycryptk: right
03:30.45cryptkthat is what I thought, thanks!
03:31.02cryptkrwhitby, I like how you coded your favorite settings into the makefile, lol
03:31.19Tmananyone know of some good, clean, maybe monochrome icon sets that are good for webos?
03:31.34rwhitbycryptk: It's good to be the king
03:31.41egaudetrwhitby, this is why I want to re-do aupt to get out of the rootfs
03:32.00egaudeteither bind mount each file or overlay (aufs module maybe)
03:32.32bpadalinoKnuth making an earthshaking announcement on wednesday?!? how can i sleep??!
03:32.54rwhitbyegaudet: technically, I agree.  practically, I can't see tens of bind mounts being practical
03:33.13egaudetthen after OTA, the overlay can be cleaned (all stock files) and then patch packages updated as normal packages (i.e. no remove/install specialness)
03:33.15rwhitbya single aufs overlay sounds reasonable
03:33.21egaudetrwhitby, what's wrong with it practically?
03:33.40rwhitbyegaudet: dunno, it just feels wrong
03:34.19egaudetRHEL uses it for diskless clients
03:34.19Tmanseems messy to me personally
03:34.34rwhitbyegaudet: I can't see a situation where you'd just want to undo one of the bind mounts, so a full aufs overlay seems better to me
03:34.53rwhitbyegaudet: they bind mount individual files?
03:35.09rwhitbyin numbers of 10's to 100's ?
03:35.31egaudetthey have the ro root that gets bound, and then client-specific file list (that is in the 10's and expandable to however much you need to be writeable on the client)
03:36.04egaudetthe client-specific files are all bind-mounted from a snapshot directory which is nfs-mounted
03:36.20rwhitbyfile list, or mixture of mostly directories and a couple of files?
03:36.27egaudetbut I agree that aufs is the ideal solution
03:36.39egaudetfile list
03:36.42egaudetno directories
03:37.03egaudetthey have a file named 'files' which lists each file that needs to be client-specific (and rw)
03:37.20rwhitbyso, we need an aufs module then
03:37.28egaudet(yes cat /proc/mounts is really really ugly lol)
03:37.51egaudetrwhitby, yeah I'm still working on the modules packaging
03:38.09egaudetif aufs works better than unionfs-fuse than it will be good
03:40.04egaudetupstart will be key to the aufs system too
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03:42.44rwhitbyyeah, we need the right triggers for OTA updates
03:42.53egaudetstop on started start_update
03:44.42Tmanthis sounds great.. keep up the good work
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03:55.07egaudethmm I don't even know where to get aufs
03:55.31hbordersso, I think I have liboauth building fine in WIDK.  I was actually able to run its example code on my pre
03:56.00hbordershowever, I can't build with liboauth.a using pdk on my mac
03:57.25bpadalinouh oh
03:57.26bpadalinowhy not ?
03:58.27hbordersI'm getting linker errors saying it can't find liboauth symbols
03:58.50hbordersif I "ar -t liboauth.a" everything is fine
03:58.58Tmanhborders: btw you can use the .a you built with WIDK and just link to it when you build your app with PDK
03:59.15hborderstman: that's what I tried last night
03:59.20hborderstman: it is not working
03:59.36Tmanoh, build /with/ liboauth.a. sorry
04:00.30bpadalinohborders: what is the output and how are you linking ?
04:01.29hbordersHere is my compile line.  it looks very similar to what make outputs when I build with WIDK
04:01.36bpadalinoplease paste online
04:01.40hbordersarm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc -mcpu=arm1136jf-s -mfpu=vfp -mfloat-abi=softfp -I/opt/PalmPDK/include -I/opt/PalmPDK/include/SDL -I/Users/hborders/xcode-workspaces/personal/pdk-samples/simple/mac --sysroot=/opt/PalmPDK/arm-gcc/sysroot /Users/hborders/xcode-workspaces/personal/pdk-samples/simple/mac/liboauth.a -L/opt/PalmPDK/device/lib -L/Users/hborders/xcode-workspaces/personal/pdk-samples/simple/mac -Wl,--allow-shlib-undefine
04:01.40hborders-lcrypto -lcurl -lz -lssl -o Build_Device/oauthexample oauthexample.c
04:02.35hbordersinside /Users/hborders/xcode-workspaces/personal/pdk-samples/simple/mac I have liboauth.a,,,, and
04:03.42bpadalinoand the errors ?
04:04.26bpadalinopaste online, please
04:04.37hbordersyes, doing that right now
04:05.05ka6sox-workhborders, please.
04:06.16hborderska6sox-work: the channel says
04:06.44bpadalinodo you still get ./Build_Device/oauthexample ?
04:06.58ka6sox-workthere it is!
04:09.03hborderslemme see.
04:09.19hbordersnothing in there
04:09.40hbordershere's something interesting: I changed to use the .so version of liboauth, and everything works
04:09.51hbordersdo you think this is a problem with mixing static and dynamic libs?
04:10.11hborderscan I not satisfy dependencies on static libs with dynamic ones?
04:10.14bpadalinoso when you try to statically link it, things are no good .. but dynamic works well ?
04:11.03hborderswhen I do static liboauth.a, dynamic libcurl, libssl, libcrypto, libz, it doesn't work
04:11.24hborderswhen I do dynamic liboauth, libcurl, libssl, libcrypto, libz, it seems to work
04:11.32hbordersi just did it with no errors
04:11.39bpadalinogood luck running it ..
04:11.46hbordersthere's the rub
04:15.18Kyusakuwhat would be a good way to log what is locking up a Pre? The last few kernels have been giving me lockups with luna restart most often when closing apps.
04:16.10AbyssulDoesnt WebOS log its events automatically?
04:17.05KyusakuI think I turned off the comprehensive logging a while back
04:17.12AbyssulTurn it back on
04:17.19Abyssuland duplicate the problem
04:17.24Abyssulthen look at the log
04:17.35Kyusakuwhere is the log saved
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04:19.04AbyssulYou can have the app create the log for you
04:19.45Abyssul"Quick Log Create" in hte collect Logs app
04:19.53rwhitbyKyusaku: bootie has a command to show the kernel messages, they are stored in RAM, so as long as you can keep the RAM powered you can see them
04:21.01Kyusakurwhitby: I don't think the device had powered down since last few lockups, is there a wiki on the process or is it simple?
04:23.36rwhitbyKyusaku: get into recovery mode and novaterm in
04:23.42rwhitbythen you're speaking to bootie
04:26.52Kyusakuhow do I get into recovery mode without powering down?
04:27.34Kyusakujust restart device while holding up vol?
04:30.44rwhitbytellbootie recover
04:37.01Kyusakuit's in recovery mode but having trouble connecting via novaterm
04:39.41rwhitbyhit return to see the prompy
04:40.07Kyusakurwhitby: ok disconnected device and reconnected and connected via novaterm with non-descript prompt
04:41.05rwhitbyklog list
04:42.04Kyusakuok that's producing output
04:42.04rwhitbydiag boot is a nice one :)
04:42.38Kyusakuanything in particular I should be looking for?
04:44.24Abyssulrwhitby: Have you looked at this?
04:44.27Kyusakuwhen I did help it actually only displayed the first 2 lines fully
04:44.53Kyusakulboot was half empty
04:45.07Kyusakuand the rest is a vertical line of letters
04:45.33Kyusakuklog list displayed 2 lines
04:47.47rwhitbyAbyssul: yep
04:48.11rwhitbyKyusaku: are you running a real novaterm, or some substitute?
04:48.26Kyusakuwindows client
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04:49.17Kyusakuthe windows client of novaterm
04:49.38rwhitbyfrom Palm or elsewhere?
04:49.48rwhitby(I didn't think the windows SDK had a novaterm in it)
04:50.13Kyusakufrom WebOS Internals wiki
04:50.16AbyssulThat chart is  nearly impossible to understand... but i like his concept. I've always wanted a way to log the on/off of the data radios
04:50.57KyusakuI think the windows SDK does let me check
04:52.18Kyusakuhmmm nope just novacom and novacomd
04:58.50Kyusakurwhitby: should I consider switching to a linux enviroment to proceed?
04:59.56rwhitbyKyusaku: possibly, dunno.
05:00.22rwhitbyklog 0 should have at least shown you the bootie header and initial boot information
05:02.26Kyusakuklog list produced " klog header at 0x8ff00000: magic 06b6c6f67 version 1 len 1048576 buffer count 4 current 1
05:03.05Kyusakukbuf at 0x8ff00024 len 262116, head 34471, tail 24472
05:03.16Kyusakuerrr tail 34472
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05:03.44rwhitbyyou didn't see a list of four buffers after that?
05:04.06Kyusakurwhitby: nope blank lines
05:04.28rwhitbyso klog list shows you how many lines of output?
05:04.33rwhitbyI see 6
05:04.53Kyusaku6 including the header
05:06.49Kyusakudoing the novaterm stuff on another machine, I could switch it to a linux enviroment via a live CD if you prefer, seems like this noavterm client on windows doesn't play well with bootie
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05:19.49Kyusakugonna load up Ubuntu to see if I can get better results
05:28.03Tmanum what clockspeed does a Pixi run PDK apps at?
05:32.33rwhitbywhat PDK apps run on Pixi ?
05:33.28Tmanidk, do they :s
05:33.59Tmanwell you can compile PDK apps for pixi so I'd assume so
05:34.24Tmananyway.. I'm asking for an app that I will probably be making
05:40.34Tmanthat will be released with the major OS release palm promised in the fall
05:44.25KyusakuPDK apps don't run until 1.4.5 but I'm guessing they run at 600Mhz
05:47.21Kyusakurwhitby: booted into a Linux enviroment and novaterm'd in
05:48.37Tmanshh.. NDA :)
05:50.09Kyusakuthat's public knowledge about running on Pixi as of 1.4.5 I think Palm announced it
05:51.14Kyusakurwhitby: things are displaying better in Linux let me know what you need
05:51.42KyusakuI see all 4 kbuf lines now
05:51.55Tmanah k
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05:59.36ka6sox-workdjkl you awake?
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06:10.20geistdumb novacom trick: novacom get file://klog
06:10.27geistwell, against bootie
06:18.25Kyusakuwould that get what rwhitby needs?
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06:27.06jhoatt1looks for testers to run warthog-62
06:31.34rwhitbygeist: nice
06:35.27Kyusakuvery nice
06:37.40rwhitbytries that after a power wiggle
06:38.04rwhitby<6>Initiate hardkey triggered Emergency reboot
06:38.43rwhitbygeist: any way to get into bootie with klog intact on a hard kernel crash that doesn't repond to power wiggle ?
06:38.59rwhitbyyou need to keep SRAM intact, right?
06:39.53rwhitby(which may preclude pulling the battery to clear a hard kernel hang)
06:41.40Kyusakurwhitby: should I redirect the klog output and send it to you
06:42.01rwhitbyKyusaku: which kernel?
06:43.35Kyusakuon a sprint pre
06:51.41rwhitbyKyusaku: are you running at 125 or 250 at any stage?
06:51.53geistrwhitby: actually yeah
06:51.57geistthere's a trick we discovered
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06:52.09geistonly works on pre as far as i know
06:52.27geistbut if you get a wedged pre, power wiggle wiggle doesn't work
06:52.33Kyusakurwhitby: no, default userspace 500Mhz with compcache
06:52.43geistplug in usb, take the back off, hold volume up and pop the battery out
06:53.15geistbasically popping the battery out will cause the cpu to lose its power rail for long enough to reboot it, but then it'll start powering off usb
06:53.21geistenough to not completely wipe dram
06:53.40geistby holding volume+ it'll drop directly into bootie
06:53.45geistand then you can grab the klog
06:54.12geistklog is kept in dram, but dram wont degrade for a few hundred ms if you pull power from it
06:55.36rwhitbyand the usb is enough for that
06:56.42geistoh absolutely
06:57.06geistgenerally speaking you can boot the system on usb, it just can't power the radio
06:57.20geistand there are various boot checks to keep folks from running it without a battery
06:57.50geistgenerally there's a bootie environment variable skip_battery_check that turns that off
06:57.51jhoatt1the treo used to run without a batt. useful
06:57.52rwhitbyI can test this now - I have a device here which I can consistently hang when running screenstate governor minimum at 125MHz or 250MHz when the screen is turned back on (not that I recommend running things that slow)
06:58.10geistforget if that's enabled in production builds
06:58.56rwhitbygeist: there's a chargebypass variable there, but I expect that's different
06:59.06geistyeah, it is
06:59.27geistcharge bypass is exctly the circuit in the pre to let the system run directly from the usb 5v
06:59.41geistit's controlled a gpio. generally turned off once the system is up and running
07:00.36geistotherwise the usb 5v is just another input to the battery charger, and the vbatt rail is the one that drives the voltage regulators
07:00.51rwhitbyok, the vol+battpull trick worked.  A tiny bit of corruption in the log:
07:00.53rwhitby<6>Timeout in prcm_check_power_domain_status(), domain 9, desired state 1, current \363tate 3
07:01.05geistyeah, you may get some corruption
07:01.14rwhitbybut definitely very useful
07:01.17geistif it happens to corrupt the header then it'll show up as no klog
07:01.38geistthe klog structure is mostly just a header with a head/tail/length pointer
07:01.50rwhitbyyeah, and some magic numbers I guess
07:02.00geistand the code that reads it back just does a ton of bounds checks on the pointers so it at least wont crash
07:02.21geistmight return garbage if it checks out but is corrupted, but most likely it'll just fail the check and return no klog
07:02.52geistyah, you can read it directly if you mmap /dev/mem where the klog= argument is on the kernel
07:03.04geistthat's pretty much eexactly what the klog utlity does
07:03.47rwhitbyI wonder if there's a way to stop the radio powering up so that a dev device can be permanently powered over USB ...
07:04.01geistsure, dont run the TIL task
07:04.13geisti think it whacks the gpio that powers up the radio
07:04.21geistsimilarly there's a charge_bypass gpio in /sys
07:04.31geistif you set it to whatever it generally isn't you can remove the battery
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07:05.05rwhitbyah, I now see a "checkbatt = 1" in printenv in bootie
07:05.08geistpowerd usually messes with it
07:05.24geistskip_battery_check is another one. it's not set to anything by default
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07:05.34geistbut it's a master switch taht tells bootie to basically pretend the battery isn't there
07:05.50rwhitbyoh, is checkbatt the status of whether the battery was there when bootie started?
07:05.52geistand then it'll pass it on the command line and i think powerd reads it and does the same
07:06.03geistno, checkbatt is something else
07:06.30geistbootie is continually testing the presence of the battery
07:06.43geistit has a background task doing it, i believe
07:07.30rwhitbyroot=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootwait ro fb=0x8f600000 fbcon=disable console=tty1 nduid=... klog=0x8ff00000 klog_len=0x100000 skip_battery_check=1  boardtype=castle-dvt3 dsp_base=0x8f900000 dsp_len=0x600000
07:07.40rwhitbylooks like skip_battery_check is being passed through
07:07.57geistah, you musta been mucking with this thing then
07:08.11rwhitbyI just setenv'd it in bootie and fsbooted
07:08.34geistpowerd is probably not going to try to charge, i think
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07:11.15rwhitbyis still looking for the equivalent of saveenv :)
07:11.51geistcome on, i practically told you precisely how the env is stored
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07:14.49rwhitbyoh, I know it's in the 16KB section in nvram, but was hoping there was an easy way to write it from bootie cmdline rather than having to get into userspace and write it
07:16.17rwhitbygood old castle.xml and trenchcoat will do for that ...
07:16.58geistno way in bootie
07:17.15rwhitbyyeah, I figured that would be removed from production builds
07:17.20geistit's not in production builds
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07:26.25Kyusakurwhitby: let me know if you need any more details regarding what I'm using
07:26.45rwhitbyKyusaku: oh, right.  yeah, send me the logs if you like.
07:28.40Kyusakurwhitby: ok will mail in a sec, if you don't find anything useful I'll try to pull klog more immediately from the time it has locked up.
07:29.00rwhitbyKyusaku: ok
07:34.28lonelygrrlanyone knows how to get rid of the persistent connection to
07:35.15lonelygrrlalways have that connection open and I wonder if I could save some extra juice by disabling it?
07:35.22jhoatt1edit /etc/hosts
07:36.14lonelygrrljhoatt1: does that work, because when i do a nslookup for the ip I got in netstat -a
07:36.36lonelygrrlI got, but I'm unsure if that's the address synergy uses.
07:37.07jhoatt1dunno.try it. report back
07:37.13rwhitbylonelygrrl: that will pubsub
07:37.30jhoatt1you should be able to sniff the traffic
07:37.55jhoatt1yeah it's pusub. maybe the fabled mojo messaging service
07:38.12lonelygrrlrwhitby: sorry for being naive but I don't know what you meant by pubsub
07:38.22rwhitbyit's the thing which causes your device to reset if you use the same profile elsewhere
07:38.30rwhitbylonelygrrl: publish/subscribe
07:38.46rwhitbylonelygrrl: there is a service running on the device which handles it.
07:39.07rwhitbyunless you don't want app catalog and profile and stuff to work, it'll need to stay I think
07:39.48lonelygrrlrwhitby: ok,... I see. that's weird because it makes a persistent connection instead of doing a pool interval
07:41.20lonelygrrlalso, I found it funny when I couldn't log in to my google talk by the pre on my campus network
07:41.42lonelygrrlbut I could do it with my laptop
07:42.14ka6sox-workwonder what happens when an nvram gets scrambled...seen a lot of scrambled nvrams.
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07:50.22rwhitbylonelygrrl: a persistent connection can be easier on the battery than polling
07:51.08ka6sox-workpolling is why cellphones die quicker in bad coverage areas.
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08:03.14rwhitbyboots a Pre from USB alone, no battery.
08:03.32rwhitbypowerd and TIL are not happy about it :)
08:06.15ka6sox-worknitenite TIL and powerd should be not running if charger_detect found the USB properly
08:07.04ka6sox-workwell..maybe it just stops powering down things.
08:07.14ka6sox-workso I'm probably wrong about that.
08:08.18rwhitbycute - the battery icon has a question mark in it when powerd is not running :)
08:09.08rwhitbyka6sox-work: yeah, stop TIL and powerd and everyone is quiet and happily running from USB only
08:09.58ka6sox-workthe pre ought to last forever with all that done.
08:11.58rwhitbyka6sox-work: in powerd, we have the strings 'maxtemp' and 'Set maximum temperature before shutdown (default 60)'
08:12.12rwhitbyand temprate and @Expected maxiumum temperature slew rate (default 12)
08:12.32ka6sox-workthat sounds like the charging setup
08:12.37rwhitbyand fasthalt and On overtemp, shut down quickly not cleanly
08:12.58rwhitbyyeah, these will be battery temps
08:13.00ka6sox-workya that sounds like battery.
08:13.24ka6sox-workokay well...what I'm working on is "different'
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08:23.18rwhitbyheh - without powerd running, the display never goes off, even though it stops responding to touch (so I assume the device has gone to sleep)
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08:24.18ka6sox-workwhat happens when you push the white button?
08:25.14ka6sox-work(or is it a plus)
08:30.24Kyusakuwhen you "wake" does lock screen show?
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08:41.43ka6sox-workis hidd running?
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09:09.24bhueyrwhitby: 24M compcache is nice on a overclocked pre
09:09.35bhuey32M is too big and I get irregular pausing
09:10.07bhueythere's one major side effect that I don't like. the camera can take a very long time to load 30-60+ seconds
09:10.26rwhitbybhuey: I'm thinking of adding a 20MB option between 16 and 24 too
09:11.55bhueyyeah, the pre is definitely faster
09:12.10bhueythe problem is that pathological condition is a freak'n pain in the ass
09:12.29bhueyI waited a long time for it load and become responsive again
09:12.47bhueyand then I had done the orange-r-sym death combo
09:12.49bhueythe device restarte
09:13.02bhueybut it was really just badly stalled on something
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09:58.06*** join/#webos-internals Karotte_exe (
09:58.38Karotte_exei have a question
09:58.55Karotte_exeand thistime REALLY about internals xD
09:59.35Karotte_exei want to install the patch" multi mod" for the browser
09:59.49Karotte_exebut preware gives me always an IPK-error
10:00.20Karotte_exePostinst\n-1: Unable to run command: IPKG_OFFLINE_ROOT=/media/cryptofs/apps /bin/sh /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/lib/ipkg/info/org.webosinternals.patches.browser-multi-mod.postinst 2>&1\nThe next patch would create the file usr/palm/applications/,\nwhich already exists! Assume -R? [n]\nApply anyway? [n]\n1 out of 1 hunk ignored -- saving rejects to file usr/palm/applications/
10:00.36Karotte_exethat here ist the holly shit
10:00.46Karotte_execan someone help me?
10:01.11Karotte_exeI have a Palm Pre withWebOS 1.4.1 GSM O2
10:02.53ka6sox-workKarotte_exe, its middle of the night in US (as you know) so be patient...somebody might have seen this (I haven't)
10:05.15Karotte_exeno problem ^^ i know your time. i have enough time to wait xD
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11:06.51ka6sox-workrwhitby, what did you do to stop TIL?
11:07.17ka6sox-workif I attempt to stop /usr/bin/TILCdma then it just goes off into space
11:07.28ka6sox-workand /usr/event.d/TIL is RO.
11:08.14ka6sox-workmake that /etc/event.d/TIL is RO.
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11:21.03rwhitbyka6sox-work: stop the upstart job
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12:55.00nn7anyone grab a copy of that lemmings game that was ported?
12:55.43TemplarianNah, but it looked nice.
12:57.55swisstomcatit's supposed to come to the catalog
12:58.02swisstomcatprobably july 15th
12:58.08swisstomcatwhen the pdk contest starts
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14:29.49rwhitbyBTW, I posted, but I don't think anyone saw it.
14:32.17swisstomcatinteresting :)
14:32.29swisstomcatwho came up with that idea?
14:32.44rwhitbyoh, you can put anything there.
14:33.22swisstomcatand it will be replaced with the kernel testing feed url?
14:33.25rwhitbythe first draft of that post had
14:34.14rwhitbythe feed names webos-kernels, webos-kernels-testing, webos-patches and webos-patches-testing are special
14:34.35rwhitby(mainly cause Preware has to replace the version number in them after an OTA update)
14:34.50rwhitbyso I just overwrite them with the correct feed value
14:35.48rwhitbywhich makes the reports of people having problems because they put the wrong URL in even funnier to read
14:36.23rwhitbyeveryone is focusing on the URL so much that they don't get the feed name right :)
14:36.23swisstomcatoh, i see
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17:18.56*** join/#webos-internals Karotte_exe (~wirc@
17:19.22Karotte_exei have a question again
17:19.35Karotte_exebut now REALLY about webos-internals
17:20.15Karotte_exei want to install the patch "multi mod" for the browser
17:20.44Karotte_exebut Preware gives me always an IPK-error
17:20.49Karotte_exehere it is:
17:21.02*** join/#webos-internals Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
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17:21.30Karotte_exePostinst\n-1: Unable to run command: IPKG_OFFLINE_ROOT=/media/cryptofs/apps /bin/sh /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/lib/ipkg/info/org.webosinternals.patches.browser-multi-mod.postinst 2>&1\nThe next patch would create the file usr/palm/applications/,\nwhich already exists! Assume -R? [n]\nApply anyway? [n]\n1 out of 1 hunk ignored -- saving rejects to file usr/palm/applications/
17:21.41Karotte_exewhat can i do?
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17:36.05Karotte_exeka6sox: can you help me?
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17:37.05ka6soxunfortunately I can't. this is out of my area.
17:38.11ka6soxno need to get testy.
17:38.40egaudetKarotte_exe, you had it installed before?
17:38.41Karotte_exei didn't want to be unpolite
17:38.51Karotte_exeahm.. yes
17:38.53*** join/#webos-internals halfhalo_pre (~halfhalo@
17:39.08egaudethow long ago
17:39.23Karotte_exei think...
17:39.37Karotte_exe4-5 months?
17:39.48Karotte_exeit was definetly webOS 1.3.5
17:40.53Karotte_exeis that the problem?
17:41.23Karotte_exeegaudet: would be that the problem?
17:43.45*** join/#webos-internals jrmuizel (
17:47.52Karotte_exeshould i delete the file the files with internalz?
17:51.34Karotte_exeOMG! how can i remove the files? with Internaz it didn't work
18:05.32*** join/#webos-internals Mousey (
18:07.03egaudetKarotte_exe, yeah that's probably the issue (aupt-2 removal had a bug that didn't remove created files)
18:07.43egaudetrm the files with terminal, novaterm, QI command line
18:08.00egaudetjust the file that it says it "would create"
18:08.13Karotte_exeoh... ahm... ^^
18:09.25Karotte_exei 'm running now the Emergency Patch Recover o.o
18:09.46*** join/#webos-internals jhoatt1 (
18:15.46Karotte_exeegaudet: hm... the patch remover takes very long... is that normal?
18:18.59Karotte_exehm... im rebooting
18:19.04Karotte_exeim brb
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19:06.46Kyusakurwhitby: judging by what bhuey was saying earlier, the issue I was reporting on is probably related to having compcache at 32MB, I'll lower it to 24MB and see if I still run into the issue
19:17.55MetaViewhow is the patch server going?
19:18.15ka6sox70% of the way there.
19:19.04MetaViewcool, thx
19:19.35ka6soxPixi has been running icecast for 45minutes transcoding to 128kb streaming, 6+ loadavg, 59C max temp.
19:19.43*** join/#webos-internals chuqui (
19:20.50ka6soxuNiXpSyChO, its not gonna melt thru the floor and kill nearby animals.
19:22.26ka6soxI stole a fan from the traffic manager.
19:23.15uNiXpSyChOThe FCC will be calling
19:23.25ka6soxit meets specs...
19:23.56ka6soxthe Pixi Police however....they might come a' calling.
19:24.40ka6soxGo Pixi...
19:25.04uNiXpSyChOyou're cutting into Military wavebands
19:25.05ka6soxI am afraid to try this on the might roll over and die.
19:26.15ka6soxthe load avg isn't really any worse than I normally see
19:26.57ka6soxokay fan got it down to 54C
19:27.23ka6soxand still dropping.
19:27.41Mouseyyou ADDED A FAN?!
19:27.48ka6soxnow with the case off it probably doesnt' meet FCC specs.
19:27.49halfhalo_classOH GOD
19:28.02halfhalo_classSpeaking of fans, my new video card is amazingness
19:28.18halfhalo_classOld card (9800GTX+) was at 105C underload
19:28.19ka6soxMousey, its not decoding this time...its encoding...
19:28.23halfhalo_classNew card?
19:28.35Mouseyi thought you added a fan to your phone
19:28.56ka6soxno, the pixi is amazingness.
19:29.26Mouseyi wish they'd let me replace the pre with the pixi for my wife
19:29.32ka6soxwell..technically a pixi plus
19:29.48MetaViewwould also switch a Pre with a Pixi
19:29.55*** part/#webos-internals Karotte_exe (~wirc@
19:30.07ka6soxnfs mounted the media over a wifi nfs connection and icecast 128kb streaming.
19:31.42ka6soxokay time to put the new server online and retire the pixi...1hr 4 minutes and still working great.
19:33.05ka6soxno can do....20 minutes left in Vivaldi.
19:35.02ka6soxah, they gave me a break...
19:35.16halfhalo_classliterally I hope
19:35.40ka6soxits @ 49C now and still ticking
19:36.02*** join/#webos-internals Rick_work (
19:36.45ka6soxpixi works great... I want another.
19:37.11halfhalo_classJust walk into an att store and be like "Pixi's.  All of them.  Now"
19:38.00ka6soxI already have 2, a third my wife would probably look at me funny.
19:38.22ka6soxI'd be called a Pixi Rancher.
19:41.40ka6soxthanks Palm....the Pixi Rocks!
19:42.21halfhalo_class20 seconds later pixi esplods
19:42.53ka6soxno small children or animals were harmed in this production.
19:43.11halfhalo_classexcept for that one kid
19:43.31ka6sox"twas just a flesh wound"
19:43.33halfhalo_classYay timesheets!
19:43.47halfhalo_classBoo not working half the time I should have!
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20:32.03F105testeranyone here, qq about wIRC freenode setup if someone has a sec
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20:51.11TAMHAN-OTGhi folks
20:51.13TAMHAN-OTGanyone in
20:53.13TAMHAN-OTGwell cucu
21:11.46*** join/#webos-internals TheInvsbleMan (
21:12.00TheInvsbleManI fixed the Facebook Chat Spoof patch
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21:23.54oc80zwhat was the issue , eh?
21:25.48TheInvsbleManFacebook changed the ip address of
21:27.34TheInvsbleManno problem
21:27.44TheInvsbleManI submitted the patch to dbsooner's web portal
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21:35.39oc80zreally , heh.
21:36.44oc80zi see no reason to patch.
21:36.53TheInvsbleManWhy not?
21:36.56oc80zoh, nvm.
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21:52.36scoutcamperis rwhitby here?
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22:00.12zsocTman: hey, how is Agar coming along?
22:00.44scoutcamperis anyone working on a streamng netflix video app?
22:01.26zsocscoutcamper: i would imagine only netflix could work on that
22:04.36*** join/#webos-internals mickey|zzZZzz (~mickey@
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22:39.42oc80zgovnah still has bugs.
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22:40.54Marajinoc80z: no no, those're feeeatures
22:41.46oc80zandroid os sucks.
22:42.06oc80zsprint wants me to buy an evo.
22:42.59MercuryI want 1.4.5 and enough time to write a syncml contact and calendar syncing tool.
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22:46.05oc80zthat is the #1 downfall of webos doctor.
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22:53.01oc80zjhowirc2 sup.
22:53.06oc80zhows the hog, b.
22:53.55jhowirc2there. -62 is out
22:54.39*** join/#webos-internals Audemars02 (43506ec9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:55.00Audemars02hey rod -- u around?  got a preware save/restore question for you
23:01.35oc80zniiiece. on the 3d? eh?
23:05.58oc80zsup with youtube flickering @ 800 mhz eh>
23:07.57jhowirc2there is no 800
23:13.33*** join/#webos-internals BeeRad (42740a38@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
23:16.11oc80zw/ uberkernel
23:16.22oc80zwhats that 3d issue?
23:16.27oc80zw/ hoggie
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23:23.03HebrewzHammerwhere are the ipkg logs stored?
23:23.26rcubethank you to those who've listened to my ad hoc wifi probs and have tried to help. I confirmed with another that I am not the only one that cannot change modes using the w-int wiki page. I will notify the author of the page. - hopefully palm is baking this in eventually
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23:36.28HebrewzHammeranyone know where ipkg logs are stored?
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23:44.14oc80zer on media internal i thought
23:47.01rwhitbyrcube: just write on the top of the wiki page that it doesn't work.
23:49.36BeeRadmy pre's external speaker is all but dead
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23:54.51cryptkanyone here that works with saverestore?
23:59.01BeeRadrwhitby: 21,109 views. :O
23:59.30ka6sox-workthe F105 Video?

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