IRC log for #webos-internals on 20100613

00:36.03jhojhoholy cow
00:36.20jhojhostarting ubuntu 10.04 under vmware took like 5 seconds
00:36.26jhojhoim impressed
00:49.36jhojhorwhitby:  which arm toolchain are you using to compile uberkernel?
00:49.59rwhitby2007q3, the same as Palm uses for the rootfs
00:50.16rwhitbyjhojho: sbromwich uses a later version of cs toolchain for his experimental kernel
00:51.52jhojhois the recommended way to set up a cross compile env now?
00:52.34rwhitbyjhojho: that or preware/build.git
00:54.51jhojhopreware/build.git   toolchain?
01:06.05sk1tt1shbuild.git is tough to use if you're a noob like me :p lol
01:06.28rwhitbysk1tt1sh: cross-compile.git is easier?
01:07.29sk1tt1shi got about teh same distance on either
01:07.52sk1tt1shso i signed my ipk with the appsigning-bundle.crt lol
01:07.59sk1tt1shabout to try it hahaha
01:08.12rwhitbyorly - you got the private key from somewhere?
01:08.26sk1tt1shi just did the -s on it
01:08.59sk1tt1shcan i use the org.webosinternals.crt and key? ifso...where to downloda?
01:09.20rwhitbyyeah, right.  we're really going to give you the key to be able to sign things as webos internals ...
01:09.37sk1tt1shthat's what i thought but i thought i'd throw it out there
01:10.11sk1tt1shwhen i tried this tho ipkg-build didn't like it
01:10.13sk1tt1shopenssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout mycert.pem -out mycert.pem
01:10.14sk1tt1shextract the public key
01:10.14sk1tt1shopenssl rsa -in mycert.pem -pubout -out pubkey.pem
01:10.26sk1tt1shsaid it wanted something about trusted
01:11.18rwhitbysk1tt1sh: you should look at the latest metadoctor to see how to add your CA
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01:12.18sk1tt1shin the make?
01:13.03rwhitbyjust look at the latest commits in git
01:13.22sk1tt1shlike netstat.git or something
01:14.31sk1tt1shok im looking at netstat
01:15.57sk1tt1shgrr im screwed
01:16.07sk1tt1shidk wtf to even look for.
01:16.12sk1tt1shsorry i bug you so much
01:18.26rwhitbysk1tt1sh: tools/meta-doctor.git latest commits
01:26.26jhojhorwhitby: do you know if sbromwich uses the 2009 toolchain or 2010?
01:27.08rwhitbyjhojho: his Makefile in preware/build.git/testing-kernels/sbromwich-kernel-pre/ will say
01:30.38jhojhoit's the 2008
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01:46.02sk1tt1shFML! Jun 12, 2010 7:44:36 PM com.palm.nova.installer.recoverytool.CardController logP
01:46.03sk1tt1shINFO: ROM Verifyer: Starting Check of ROM
01:46.03sk1tt1shJun 12, 2010 7:45:21 PM com.palm.nova.installer.recoverytool.CardController logP
01:46.03sk1tt1shINFO: ROM Verifyer: *./usr/bin/bc: FAILED
02:01.24Marajinno what?
02:04.23jhojhorwhitby:  I dont suppose you want to add this release to the repo...
02:04.50jhojho* Significant improvements to ARMv7-A performance and reductions in Thumb-2 code size.
02:08.09uNiXpSyChOooooooooh.  and i thought 2009 was good.  this just came out!!!  time to start build new F105 kernel!
02:09.47Robi_F105 is behaving quite well altho there are some glitches
02:10.16uNiXpSyChOhow?  no one has F105... it doesnt even exist yet.
02:11.10Robi_sorry, F104, typo
02:24.01jhojhouNiXpSyChO: cool. i was waiting for you to show up
02:24.21uNiXpSyChOoh oh
02:24.42jhojhoI was wondering if it was time for a psychokernel package. something more than UK but packaged up nicely.
02:25.11jhojhomaybe UK + just compcache using latest toolchain
02:25.31uNiXpSyChOits a pain in the ass
02:26.13jhojhohavent looked at the compcache patches so ...
02:26.37uNiXpSyChOno, compcache is easy.  its mingling it with the autobuilder
02:27.13uNiXpSyChOi dont think rwhitby will want UK to use newest toolchain as its not what Palm uses
02:27.30jhojhothats why I'm suggesting a different kernel name
02:27.53jhojhosbromwich's kernel uses a newer toolchain
02:28.03jhojhoand it's autobuilt. (i think)
02:28.12uNiXpSyChOand so dont my kernels that everyone wants
02:28.49uNiXpSyChOits a pain in the ass to make a moving target kernel autobuild
02:29.29jhojhowell is compcache stablized or are you continuing to change it?
02:30.28uNiXpSyChOrwhitby wants some backing-store checks before it hits uber.  but compcache requires userspace scripts to activate it.  that is currently not in the autobuilder
02:31.41jhojhodid not know that...
02:32.15uNiXpSyChOso everytime i add some experimental hack that requires some voodoo dancing around userspace apps it would take an overhaul of the autobuilder.  and this is just for the testing kernels, nevermind Uber.
02:33.46jhojhoah. I see now.
02:33.51jhojhoman thats a hassle
02:34.02ka6soxsees oil rolling over with Govnah.
02:35.25uNiXpSyChOcracks open a bottle of Boone's
02:37.13oilis rolling over with what?
02:40.01ka6soxmaking changes with every compcache change for controlling compcache
02:40.31oilits dynamic, no
02:41.07uNiXpSyChOstumbles out of the room
02:41.08oilit will work with whatever the service tells it is writeable
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02:41.30oilif it doesn't recognize it, its form element is just a text box for entry of whatever
02:42.04oiland we can add them to the ones it knows how to format in a later release
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02:42.26uNiXpSyChOit has to edit a script for startup
02:44.33oiledit what script?
02:44.48oillike the "stickey" profile thing?
02:45.07oilwell, the service will need to do the writing
02:45.10oilbut govnah can tell it what to do
02:45.33uNiXpSyChOif a user wants to change how much ram to use for compcache then it has to edit event.d script or maybe change it on the fly, which can get ugly.
02:46.24uNiXpSyChOor even turn off compcache
02:51.22rwhitbyoil: we're thinking of adding kernel module loading and unloading to Govnah
02:51.30jhojhoit would be nice if govnah could set the io and tcp schedulers
02:52.01oilso what, a list scene with toggles?
02:52.14uNiXpSyChOoil is rolling over
02:53.41rwhitbyoil: yeah, similar to freq list, we can get the scheduler list and select between them
02:54.04rwhitbyoil: for modules, it'd be a list with toggles and a save settings
02:55.52oilknows rwhitby knows how to make a toggle list :)
02:56.04rwhitbyuNiXpSyChO: mind if I extract the actual files out of the compcache054 patch and put them as files in the git repo?
02:57.23rwhitbyjhojho meet ka6sox, ka6sox meet jhojho.  Re: SysHealth
02:57.39ka6soxhiya jhojho
02:58.26jhojhoka6sox: rwhitby suggested that I talk to you bout syshealth. have some ideas bout things for cleanup.
02:58.51rwhitbyjhojho: git:applications/syshealth.git is the current state
02:59.02jhojholooking at it
02:59.53ka6soxjhojho, go ahead I'm quite interested in expanding what syshealth does.
03:00.10jhojhoka6sox: for instance, something that vaccums all the sqlite databases
03:01.11jhojhothe other would be to clean up old email and attachments
03:01.48jhojhoit's a good idea to reboot after the second one
03:02.09jhojhobut it should probably also be made adjustable how many days to clean up
03:02.42ka6soxoh I like that...Turn Syshealth into an optimizing tool...excellent.
03:02.52jhojhovacuuming the cookies db saved a bunch of space and made the browser noticeably faster
03:04.09ka6soxI'd also like to setup logrotate too and compress the logs.
03:06.07jhojhogood idea
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03:10.29ka6soxjhojho, when I repair the wiki then we can add the features and links there for application:syshealth and set about to adding those features.
03:10.47jhojholet me know
03:11.06ka6soxfor now you have the source that you can mod from git.
03:11.16ka6soxcheck in your changes and I'll look too.
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03:12.44ka6soxwe can add them to the service and then ask oil to implement buttons that we push to perform the cleanup.
03:13.01ka6sox(I'd separate out different things to clean)
03:13.17jhojhonever messed with a service before.
03:13.23jhojhobut i'll take a stab at it
03:14.04ka6soxokay I suggest you read the files in application:govnah for inspiration (in the src directory)
03:14.31ka6soxiirc its luna_methods.c that we change.
03:14.34jhojhofeel free to cleanup or throw hate
03:14.44oilhas a framework in there
03:14.47jhojhothat's what I figured.
03:14.47ka6soxjhojho, won't do that...
03:14.54ka6soxokay dinner bbiaf
03:15.09jhojhohave to yelp first for dinner options. gf throwing hate
03:15.13jhojhobbl =)
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03:27.59ka6soxjhojho, culs!
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03:29.48danhow do check your feeds?
03:30.19ka6soxnow thats close to a record...all in the same minute
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04:18.41jhojhoka6sox: ?
04:20.20ka6soxjhojho, ?
04:20.32ka6soxoh...C U laters!
04:22.27ka6soxbtw I really like your ideas about how to use SysHealth to keep the Pre/Pixi cleaned up.
04:23.12ka6soxI'll add the df -h output to the method so that we can display the before and after of cleaning.
04:28.06jhojhoI'm taking a first pass at adding a method
04:28.26jhojhowonder if we should break it out into a shell script.
04:34.45ka6soxwell..a shell script is easier to look at
04:34.58ka6soxand we can independently upload it for testing.
04:35.28jhojhowhere should I put it?
04:35.29ka6soxand the method can call a shell script I think.
04:35.31jhojhounder src?
04:36.04ka6soxanything that isn't the js stuff and is background should be in there.
04:36.36ka6soxwe will have to add where to put the script in the makefile so the ipkg puts it in the correct place.
04:37.31jhojhoany ideas to what the path should be?
04:39.37ka6soxthats within the normal path of a preware install.
04:39.45jhojhosounds good to me
04:39.52jhojhocept  it doesnt exist
04:40.02jhojhoright now
04:41.21ka6soxhmmm..on my pre it does.
04:41.27rwhitbyhow about putting the scripts in /var/svc/org.webosinternals.syshealth, alongside saverestore
04:41.44ka6soxokay that sounds good.
04:42.15ka6soxexcept on my pre that doesnt' exist yet.
04:42.20rwhitbylook at saverestore makefile for how to get them there from a scripts directory in git
04:42.28rwhitbyand saverestore postinst
04:42.30HattCzechrwhitby: what is done to make a hybrid app run? (what does the autobuild do to compile the services?)
04:43.06rwhitbyHattCzech: we don't have any hybrid apps in the autobuilder yet, just apps with mojo and C service in the same package
04:43.26ka6soxjhojho, okay I'm downloading that git repo to look. we can both figure it out.
04:43.28rwhitby(hybrid apps in webOS is a specific term for PDK plugins)
04:43.46HattCzechahhh, my mistake
04:44.03HattCzechi meant apps with a service and and interface
04:44.57jhojhookay, changing the path to rwithby's suggestion
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04:53.20rwhitbyHattCzech: look in preware/build.git to see how we package them
04:55.33HattCzechokay, thanks
05:00.05ka6soxjhojho, when you upload the scripts I'll play with them here as well.
05:02.47ka6soxoil, can you look @ a value before you call a method and then call the method then look @ the value after?
05:09.42jhojhojust pushed
05:09.44ka6soxjhojho, that postinst looks prey straightforward.
05:09.48ka6soxjhojho, thanks
05:11.06ka6soxI'll have to see if the build.git tgz's the scripts.
05:11.13ka6soxor we have to tar them up first.
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05:17.16ka6soxis there a reason that services for applications that are closed are still running?
05:17.38rwhitbyka6sox: yep, they're listening to dbus for the next method call
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05:19.03ka6soxglad the services are small then.
05:32.02jhojhoI wonder if we should just have a generic service to execute shell commands..
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05:33.58jhojhodoes anyone know off the top of their head where search engines are being defined? i saw some reference on precentral that it was in some sqlite db
05:34.34kmax12can anyone here answer a question about the preware feeds?
05:35.03jhojhowant to create a patch so that google stops doing the crazy country redirect
05:35.13ka6soxkmax12, ask away...somebody usually can.
05:38.59ka6soxjhojho, I'd rather have the method call the script. easier to debug.
05:40.00jhojhoka6sox: what I mean is I think there's a service for preware to execute sh commands too right
05:40.05jhojhoand for save and restore
05:40.43jhojhoI would think that it would be nice to have a method call to a generic service
05:41.02jhojhobut then there's the challenge of being a security hole
05:41.06jhojhooh well
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05:43.41rwhitbyjhojho: the scripts that saverestore calls are not under the control of mojo - they are named by appid, and mojo can only decide which of the existing scripts to call
05:43.57rwhitbypreware does not have a generic shell script execution capability
05:44.12rwhitbyupstartmgr also allows any existing upstart script to be started or stopped
05:45.19rwhitbyspecifically, none of the services allow mojo to create a new script, nor to alter the contents of an existing script.  although I reckon govnah probably has a vector available via the sticky profiles
05:45.28jhojhoso anyone have idea which sqlite db holds the search engine settings? or i'll have to start rooting around
05:49.05ka6soxjhojho, sorry I don't.
05:53.59jhojhooaky it is /var/luna/preferences/systemprefs.db
05:56.39sk1tt1sh~utsl sk1tt1sh
05:56.52sk1tt1shaww weak
06:01.27jhojhooh nice
06:01.33ka6soxjhojho, I don't see any output from those scripts that we need to either pass back up the chain to mojo or just ignore and watch std_err for a completion.
06:01.48jhojho works
06:02.10jhojhoka6sox: not really
06:02.30jhojhothe only problem is not all *.db and *.db3 files are sqlite databases
06:02.59jhojhoso sqlite will complain about it
06:03.16ka6soxas in complain and stop or just complain?
06:04.01jhojhojust complain
06:04.16jhojhooh that's a bummer. is not all ssl
06:08.17jhojhoany ideas on how we can modify a sqlite db as part of a patch?
06:08.34jhojhowell an entry
06:08.56ka6soxcan you do a table insert from just calling sql?
06:09.19ka6soxor a modify?
06:09.20jhojhowell  a patch so far is a diff no?
06:09.45jhojhoor does it have a pre and postinst?
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06:10.45ka6soxI haven't done patches so I don't know
06:14.40jhojhoI hate the fact that google voice only lets you select one page at a time
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06:34.50jhojhoI want to delete all my voicemails at once
06:44.49ka6soxjhojho, usually google has a all, option somewhere.
06:45.11jhojhoyeah  it only covers the current page.
06:45.17jhojhomajor wth
06:45.39jhojho*and* deleting only moves it to the trash folder
06:45.56jhojhoand it will not be deleted (no delete after 30 days like gmail)
06:46.15jhojhoyou have to select things again and then click "delete forever"
06:55.23ka6soxits kind of like Fer Sure, Fer Sure.
07:00.11jhojhovery annoying. I want it to be the Unix wy
07:00.20jhojhodelete when I say delete
07:01.58rwhitbydoctors experia.pre for the 10th time today
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07:06.40Robi_hah ShannonElizabeth just broke her Pre
07:10.14jhojhojust set this up.
07:10.42jhojhonow i wish i knew someone that could get me a gizmo5 account
07:11.09rwhitbyI used to have one of those
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07:11.33rwhitbyI have a google voice account, but can't use it (outside of US)
07:13.00Robi_i have a gizmo acct but its not very useful atm
07:13.24Robi_you can set up a free incoming SIP service and have it work with GV
07:15.18Robi_that way u can make free calls to the us at least
07:15.28Robi_even if you're not
07:20.42tmztrwhitby: used to?
07:21.04tmztwhat he said, you can call us with a sipphone account even if your not there
07:21.14tmztbut you have to have a us number to activate gv
07:21.58rwhitbyand you have to be in the US to actually access the web site - it's geofiltered
07:22.09rwhitbyoh look, I still do have a gizmo account
07:23.18Robi_can be proxied
07:25.53rwhitbyah, nice.  the new AUTO_INSTALL_PREWARE feature of MetaDoctor, combined with INSTALL_WIFI_PROFILES, means that Preware is already installed before the UI is fully started :)
07:26.34rwhitbyand a new 2GB ext3 partition automatically mounted on /media/ext3fs :)
07:28.23rwhitbyka6sox: MetaDoctor is ready
07:29.07ka6soxrwhitby, thanks..pulling
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07:58.37jhojhoyeah I wanted a gizmo account so that I can have GV dial Skype as one of my numbers
07:59.45jhojhorwhitby: does your gizmo account have invites?
08:09.43rwhitbyjhojho: no
08:09.50rwhitby"New user signup has been suspended and will return when we re-launch."
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08:34.15ka6soxrwhitby, it didn't blow up with both /var and /ext3fs enabled.
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11:10.32*** topic/#webos-internals is Discussion about webOS internals (not webOS SDK usage - #webos for that, or wIRC - #wirc for that). Honor all licenses, carrier agreements and copyrights when speaking here. Twitter: @webosinternals Logs: Wiki: Pastebin: Preware: Patches:
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11:10.50ka6soxwelcome back infobot
11:11.06infobotIt's great to be back!
11:11.17swisstomcatdid you have a nice vacation?
11:11.21rwhitbyhmm - timezone didn't stick
11:14.08ka6soxmmmm...2GB of /media/ext3fs to play with.
11:15.06ka6soxrwhitby, who was the Debian guy who did the installer?
11:15.21ka6soxI need to find that script and mod it.
11:15.35ka6soxit wasn't was tbm
11:17.38rwhitbyok, looks like it's /var/luna/preferences/systemprefs.db that I need to fool
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11:32.28ka6soxrwhitby, same thing
11:32.46ka6soxdidn't restore the apps list to saved packages list
11:33.54rwhitbyka6sox: are you following any instructions, e.g.
11:34.11rwhitbyyou need to start preware once first, then restore, then open preware again
11:34.25ka6soxya, I'm doing that now
11:34.51ka6soxthat was the page I couldnt' remember
11:39.44ka6soxokay it picked up the wifi config and immediately installed preware that time.
11:43.59*** join/#webos-internals Eike (5b419945@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:44.45Eikei need help with installing preware... is anybody here, who can help me?
11:45.04swisstomcatwe don't know anything about preware
11:45.16Eikepretty funny ;)
11:45.18ka6soxha ha ha
11:45.39Eikeso, can you help me, please?
11:45.43swisstomcatgo ahead
11:45.53rwhitbyEike: which step of are you up to?
11:46.20Eikei have opened the quickinstaller
11:46.28Eikedownloaded the preware
11:46.35rwhitbydo you have the correct version of wosqi?
11:46.53rwhitbyand what version of webOS are you running
11:47.04rwhitby3.14 is correct for wosqi
11:47.16rwhitbywebOS version?
11:47.25Eikewos version is 1.4.1
11:47.34rwhitbyok, go ahead
11:47.46Eikei have downloaded preware
11:47.54Eikemy pre is put in dev-mode
11:48.17Eikewosqi does not get my pre as a device
11:48.32rwhitbywhat host computer OS are you running?
11:49.09Eikesorry... dont understand :D
11:49.22rwhitbywindows, linux, mac?  which version?
11:49.23swisstomcatwhat operating system do you have on your computer?
11:49.31Eikewindows 7
11:49.38rwhitbyhave you ever been able to connect to a Pre with that computer in any way before?
11:49.49Eikewell, as usb-device, yeah
11:50.07rwhitbywith wosqi or the webos doctor or novacom?
11:50.17Eikenone of them
11:50.23Eikesimply with the explorer
11:50.44rwhitbyok, have you searched on precentral forums for wosqi and windows 7 ?
11:50.54Eikethis is my first try to get deeper into the pre-thing
11:50.59rwhitby(it's a known problematic combination)
11:51.06Eikei will do that, ok
11:51.33rwhitbyalso, search on for instructions on getting the SDK to work on windows 7 - it's likely to be the same answer
11:51.34swisstomcatone thing you could try is: go to options in webosquickinstall
11:51.44swisstomcatattempt novacom (re)installation
11:51.47swisstomcatbefore you search
11:51.55rwhitbyyeah, do that first
11:52.27Eikeone question: when i connect my pre with the computer, my pre asks how it should be treated: usb-device or only loading... what shall i choose
11:52.46grndslmjust charge
11:52.47rwhitbycharge only
11:53.00rwhitbyEike: is that specified anywhere on ?
11:53.03Eikei thought so, but it could have been...
11:53.24Eikeno its not
11:53.38swisstomcatusb-device means that the pre will appear as a drive to your computer so you can transfer data from/to it
11:53.40rwhitbyok, I will add it
11:53.47Eikeyeah, i know...
11:54.16Eikebut you see, its my first time dealing with the pre system and so... well... i'm a rookie ;)
11:54.26swisstomcatno problem
11:54.33swisstomcateveryone was a rookie one
11:54.57rwhitbyEike: ok, I've updated - can you check to make sure my addition makes sense to you?
11:55.46Eikecant see it, yet
11:56.03rwhitby - you may need to shift-reload
11:56.21swisstomcat3) Connect your device to your computer with the USB cable, and select  "Just Charge" (do not select USB Drive)
11:56.52Eikealright, now its there
11:57.10Eikei looked at
11:58.02rwhitbyyeah, we should just make that point to
12:00.15Eikenow its working!
12:00.32ka6soxdoes save/restore save profiles for govnah? looks very nice  :)
12:00.39Eikethank you VERY much, guys!
12:01.32rwhitbyka6sox: it does not, but you could make it :)
12:01.58ka6soxokay, sounds good.
12:03.22Eikeyou really helped me getting along...
12:03.31Eikea good sunday afternoon to all of you
12:03.53Eikeand keep fingers crossed for the german team tonight! ;)
12:03.59rwhitbyegaudet: pixi webOS 1.4.3 has framework 345 instead of 338
12:04.49rwhitbyEike: heh, you realise an Australian runs this channel ....
12:04.59Eikehehe, i did
12:04.59swisstomcateike: if you find german translation errors, let me know :)
12:05.04Eikealright, i will!
12:06.10Eikesee ya! bye!
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12:15.33nt4catsrwhitby: (non webOS curiosity) Most Americans are not terribly interested in the world cup.  Most Europeans are crazy for it.  Of course there are exceptions in both places.  What broad generalization would you make regarding Australian interest in the world cup?
12:16.50nt4cats(and I'll narrow the scope of those statements to "sports fans in [continent here]")
12:16.51rwhitbyvery interested but not generally crazy
12:21.58swisstomcatanyone want cake? it's my birthday today
12:22.33ka6soxswisstomcat, if it takes the same amount of time as that pixi did to get here it will be stale :D
12:22.52nt4catsHappy birthday, swissy.  Both my Son and I are June birthdays, too.
12:23.07nt4cats(but I don't eat anything with sugar in it, so no cake for me)
12:23.52nt4cats(and I just capitalized "Son" -- a practice usually reserved for Jesus, I think)
12:24.15swisstomcatmy son's bday is on the 11th of june
12:24.31ka6soxmine's the 18th
12:24.46swisstomcatlot's of gemini
12:25.26ka6soxrwhitby, looks like quite a job to get the profiles as they must be stored in a .db somewhere...still haven't found that yet.
12:25.49nt4catsand the boy are the 28th and 27th (respectively) -- Cancers here
12:25.59rwhitbyka6sox: just use and/or with save/restore and it will find them automatically
12:26.39ka6soxdatabases is missing in the current implementation
12:26.48ka6soxappinfo and cookies
12:27.57rwhitbyka6sox: pardon?
12:28.11ka6soxsource `dirname $0`/
12:28.11ka6soxsource `dirname $0`/
12:28.25rwhitbyoh, there's a script for it?
12:28.46rwhitbyso just add databases to it
12:29.00ka6soxdone, committing and pushing
12:30.12ka6soxokay its pushed
12:32.16ka6soxshould I tag it 0.8.4?
12:32.51ka6sox(next in line)
12:33.41rwhitbyonly if you've updated appinfo.json and app/assistants/startup-assistant.js and tested.
12:34.25rwhitbyswisstomcat: happy birthday
12:34.35swisstomcatthx :)
12:34.48rwhitbywas busy looking at compcache and uber and missed that exchange earlier :)
12:45.03swisstomcati'll send you a virtual piece of cake anyway
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15:25.52chesterHi has anyone tried to compile widk on ubuntu lucid?
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15:30.35zickzackanyone there?
15:33.33bpadalinoi thought ubuntu worked
15:33.39bpadalinowhat are you getting stuck on ?
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15:41.14swisstomcati tried but it didn't work
15:53.12zickzackI get stuck at the 'make stage' step
15:53.36zickzackIt appears that Xrender.h is missing
15:54.28swisstomcatyou're talking about the widk .. sorry
15:54.30swisstomcati thought pdk
15:54.41swisstomcati only tried 8.04 server and it worked
15:54.46swisstomcatas a VM
15:55.23zickzackis there a way to get it running under 10.04?
15:56.42swisstomcathaven't tried yet
15:58.00zsoczickzack: it's made to work under 10.04, are you following the wiki guide
15:58.15zsocalso, what are you planning on using it for? You may not need to make every package as the last command tries to do
15:59.22zickzackyes i followed every step on the wiki. I'm planning to get my Qt App running
16:02.21keithdamn, had to get a replacement palm pre and now terminal is having redraw issues w/ screen+irssi
16:03.41zickzackhow do I select which packages to build
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17:36.20bpadalinogood afternoon
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17:37.50ka6soxmorning bpadalino
17:37.57bpadalinohow are things ?
17:39.56ka6soxbpadalino, fixed up macports install that was b0rk3n
17:40.07ka6soxnow installing git-core
17:40.09bpadalinovery nice
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17:40.31ka6soxand getting ready to not have to ssh into my office machine.
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17:41.21emmbeahi all
17:41.36bpadalinonot being forced to ssh is a good thing
17:42.14ka6soxbpadalino means I won't have to drag 208MB Doctors across the net
17:46.47emmbeai'm wondering if it is feasible to compile vlc media player for webos
17:49.21ka6soxemmbea, dunno
17:50.03bpadalinostraight out of the box? i doubt it ..
17:50.07ka6soxask dtzWill when you see him.
17:50.49ka6soxffmpeg should work on armel.
17:51.07keithffmpeg works on arm
17:51.14keithdont think the rest of the vlc port does tho
17:51.32keithi used mplayer on my zaurus
17:51.35keithback in the day
17:51.43keithupdated 2004!
17:52.15keithdoesnt look like many have done anything with mplayer since then, either
17:52.16emmbeayes, i saw the optware version was compiled for devices without video output
17:52.25emmbeai mean with sdl disabled
17:52.42keithit seems like it'd make more sense to get totem or something that uses gstreamer working
17:52.51keithand then get ffmpeg gstreamer plugins working?
17:52.53keithso its more native?
17:54.00keithhell, if someone got gstreamer-ffmpeg going, the native video player might work?
17:55.47zsockeith: as of 1.4, webOS uses gst-ffmpeg
17:55.59zsocffmpeg also works fine by itself
17:56.03zsoceven statically compiled
17:56.05zsoctrust me, i've done all of it
17:56.46zsoci actually do audio and video file conversion pretty regularly on my device via ffmpeg command line
17:56.59zsocthe major issues are basically getting video sinks working properly
17:57.13zsocoption 1.) is gst-ffmpeg and sdlvideosink
17:57.27zsocdownside being gst-ffmpeg is generally an older version of ffmpeg and libavcodec
17:57.37zsocoption 2.) is a native sdl app that uses ffmpeg front end as a video player
17:58.03zsocwhich would work fine, but almost all of my media coding experience is gstreamer, so i'm unfamiliar. and ffmpeg docs are literally nonexistant besides the doxygen
17:58.11zsocis talking to himself again
17:58.27ka6soxnot quite..
17:59.09emmbeamy thought was vlc because it was listed among the sdl projects at
17:59.55zsocemmbea: it's something i haven't looked far into. if vlc has sdl support, or can be hacked to have it reasonably, there's no reason the whole thing couldn't be statically compiled and shipped, even as a PDK project in the app cat
17:59.58zsochell, i'll race you
18:00.56zsocbut you'll win, because i'll be playing dwarf fortress rather than coding for the next few weeks, at a minimum
18:01.49emmbeadon't bet on me -- lacking the expertise :)
18:06.52zsocemmbea: crap, if I start looking into this and it's feasable, you've ruined my life for at least the next 3 weeks getting this working
18:07.14zsocif it's full sdl support, including menus and file pickers, than i'll definitely be quitting my job sooner than i expected
18:07.40emmbeai'll give it a few nights
18:07.48emmbeasee where it goes
18:09.50zsocemmbea: it looks like it's just a/v out support. ie: someone would still need to develop a front end, but what exists now would do the magic of displaying synced audio/video using vlc+backend
18:10.22zsocand developing interfaces in SDL makes me want to remove my prostate with a toothpick
18:13.29emmbeanaive me thought the front-end could be a regular webos app
18:14.26zsocemmbea: that would be pretty painful, for a number of reasons. It's possible using multiple stages
18:14.40zsocemmbea: but currently the PDK doesn't support a hybrid app that uses both widgets and sdl display/overlay
18:14.55zsocalthough it's possible in the future it will be allowed, once hybrid app apis are finalized
18:15.31zsocActually that's a good point, in theory one could do all the options and file picking in the mojo side of a hybrid app, and launch sdl stages through the plugin.. somehow... i mean the infrastructure is there already
18:16.29bpadalinothe hybrid stuff makes SDL a simple one way display thing, and handling all UI stuff on the mojo side .. kinda nice actually
18:17.23zsocbpadalino: the idea being kind of nice, or you can think of a way to do it?
18:17.34zsocActually, there's nothing that says a hybrid app can't have more than 1 plugin.
18:18.13zsocFirst plugin being basically just ffmpeg as a command line, and the second plugin is the one you launch as stage 2 for video playback
18:18.48egaudetwhy the need for 2
18:18.51bpadalinoyou can push a scene with commandline parameters after selecting something
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19:10.42sethrongood day. anyone know how an album named 'icons' with browser bookmark images would show in Photos?
19:11.33zsocsethron: there's probably a folder called 'icons' in your /media/internal
19:11.46zsocyou could try changing it to .icons, but not sure how that would affect whatever software is using it
19:11.59sethronzsoc: correct. not sure how it got there
19:12.19zsocsethron: some app probably installed it / uses that folder for stuff
19:12.25zsocpoor programming habits imo
19:12.59sethronhrm would it have anything do to with my Debian image?
19:14.57sethronah. i think i've found it.  saverestore\\20100612T204351-0700\icons
19:15.34sethronmust be my launcher bookmark prefs that saverestore ... saved.
19:18.24zsoclooks that way :) you can just change the name of the folder from /icons to /.icons
19:18.31zsocthat should fix it showing up in photos
19:18.39zsocer, after you restart the file indexer prolly
19:19.48sethronzsoc: is restarting the file index what 'recsan' does in Luna Manager?
19:20.27zsocsethron: no
19:20.56zsocsethron: 'stop fileindexer; start fileindexer' from command line, otherwise just restart
19:21.22sethronzsoc: ah, so, um, what does recan do in Luna Manager?
19:21.32zsocsethron: breaks everything
19:21.38zsocsethron: it's actually a rescan for the launcher menu
19:21.48zsoclike if you install a new app, the rescan makes the app 'appear' in the launcher
19:22.21sethronzsoc: that seems anitquated now...
19:23.41zsocit basically is
19:25.36sethronzsoc: tyvm
19:27.10sethrongoes back to futzing with Debian on the Pre
19:28.32ka6soxsethron, what are you doing with it/
19:29.06sethronka6sox: ideally would like to get stellarium runnig
19:29.19ka6soxoh right...I remember that
19:29.23ka6soxwhat have you done so far?
19:30.50ka6soxdo you have a tarball or have debootstrap working on a pre?
19:31.34sethronka6sox: made a 1.5 GB Debiam image, mounted, chroot, apt-get update, apt-get install icewm, apt-get install lxde, apt-get install stellarium
19:31.55zsocwhat is stellarium?
19:32.04zsoc~google stellarium
19:32.05ka6soxhmmm....too big an image to download as a starting place.
19:32.12sethronka6sox: can reproduce the original error that phil made awhile back: "Widget::setMinimumSize: (/QMessageBox) Negative sizes (-160,90) are not possible" when i attempt to run stellarium
19:32.16ka6soxits a Planetarium
19:32.28zsocPlanetarium or Plantanarium?
19:32.32zsocBecause the later is more fun ;)
19:32.38sethronka6sox: indeed, mac, win32, linux, and it seems arm devices, too
19:33.34ka6soxsethron, you can now create a 2GB /media/ext3fs partion on a pre.
19:34.03sethronka6sox: orly? wiki link?
19:34.21ka6soxI'm looking into either porting debootstrap/cdebootstrap or making a small (255MB) .tgz that I can use as a seed.
19:34.38ka6soxsethron, meta-doctor latest release.
19:34.44sethronka6sox: fascinating
19:35.38ka6soxsethron, I think I may just create a .tgz of a minimal Lenny from my beagleboard.
19:35.46sethronka6sox: still have not doctored, or replaced my kernal. just stock Sprint Pre
19:37.23ka6soxits not as elegant as getting debootstrap working but a whole lot less deps.
19:38.52sethronka6sox: i'm just using 3 srcipts, 1st to mount, 2nd to chroot, then after i exit, another to umount. sometimes umount is not clean, but a restart kicks it.
19:39.32ka6soxwhere are you mounting the chroot?
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19:42.42sethronka6sox: /var/home/root | from wiki page
19:44.49sethronka6sox: i guess the answer is, mount -o loop /media/internal/debsmall.img /media/cf
19:45.39ka6soxsethron, is that a lenny image?
19:46.34sethronka6sox:  not really sure. apt-get thinks so
19:46.56sk1tt1shis this a good test: if [ "`md5sum $OLDJAR | cut -c1-32`" != "$MYJAR_md5sum"];
19:47.45ka6soxsethron, okay then I can see how to use this.
19:48.12ka6soxbut I'll have to write a pre-inst that verifies that the /dev/store/ext3fs partiton is there first.
19:48.40sethronka6sox: holy dual boot?!?!?
19:49.01ka6soxsethron, nope...just a chroot space.
19:49.41sethronka6sox: nice. is there a wiki page yet?
19:50.13ka6soxsethron, rwhitby just got the new partitioning scheme in meta-doctor last night.
19:50.41ka6soxnow I'll look @ making a preware package that installs debian in that partition.
19:51.00sethronka6sox: wow, webos-internals crew is boundless :)
19:51.42ka6soxI hope that several other chroots will be available for people to use.
19:52.36ka6soxokay I know where to start.
19:52.51sethronka6sox: that would be fan frakin tastic !!, maybe some distro will be able to run stellarium
19:53.28ka6sox88MB is small enough to download during an install.
19:53.53ka6soxand the tools necessary to bunzip it and mount it are there on the pre.
19:55.07sethronka6sox: somewhere in the forums ther is an advsory not to resize images in the Pre ...
19:55.44ka6soxthen move it over, bind mount proc,sys,dev, copy over networking info and off we go.
19:56.40ka6soxsethron, I'm not going to...going to rsync it from one partition to another without copying /proc,/sys or /dev
20:00.10ka6soxokay I'll manually do this and then write it up.
20:00.42sethronka6sox: mad skillz. tyvm
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20:04.20sethronswitches the vibrate slider with the power button held down a few times :)
20:04.21ka6soxsethron, we did things like this about 5yrs ago on a nslu2
20:04.48ka6soxthis is a bit more complicated.
20:05.10ka6soxbbiab...heading out
20:05.45sethronka6sox: i'm a slug, too. a UCSC graduate. :)
20:08.03ka6soxgo Banana Slugs!
20:08.55zsocba.. na.. na?
20:10.17ka6soxya, slimey yellow slugs.
20:10.48ka6soxzsoc,'s first native builder was called banana
20:11.16zsocka6sox: nice
20:11.16ka6soxit built things like perl (which as a testsuite)
20:14.23sethronbee ay en ay en ey es
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20:41.51jhowircso. wasn't there a way to make a bookmark a launch icon?
20:49.38jhowircnevermind. I think I figured it out
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21:56.07Abyssulwhere are feeds stored by Preware on the Pre?
21:58.52zsocwhere are they physically located?
21:58.54zsocor virtually?
21:59.02zsocor where are their configurations set on your device?
21:59.16Abyssulon the device
21:59.40AbyssulI wanted to check the integrity of the precentral-theme package on the Pre that Preware downloaded
22:00.06zsoci _think_
22:00.14zsocif not that it's very close
22:00.20Abyssulthats it
22:00.53Abyssulhmm, thats the conf. Is there an actualy package somewhere?
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22:01.53Abyssulfound it
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23:25.59DrewPrehey all, anyone here care to help me out with creating a C service. I have the code [I think] Just not clear on how to compile....missing glib.h,json.h, et al
23:27.20DrewPreI guess I need help in setting up the compilation environment. I have the PDK installed
23:27.35DrewPreI also have the lunaservice headers
23:28.25DrewPrerunning XP here and when I used the buildit.cmd batch file in the PDK it complains about glib.h and json.h files missing
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23:34.06zsocDrewPre: the problem i'd imagine is your host os
23:34.31zsocso one in -internals is going to be developing in windows, therefore no one can suggest ideas.
23:35.24zsocDrewPre: i'd /imagine/ without knowing how buildit.cmd works, that your problem is in YOUR makefile and not the pdk stuff
23:42.51DrewPreBuildit.cmd runs 'arm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc' which I assume is a win32 cross successfully compiles other visual C++ code. So I assumed if I include the appropriate header files it will compile the service I have built....but apparently I am missing something
23:45.29DrewPreand I am not against developing in Ubuntu for example. I have a VM with it, I just don't know what I am doing there either. I am flexible if some one has the patience to instruct me.
23:46.18DrewPreMy ubuntu environment is setup according to the walkthrough at
23:51.16DrewPrezsoc, you still there?
23:52.21zsoca bit preoccupied
23:52.58zsoci don't know how to set up a makefile in windows, path wise
23:59.46DrewPreI have an Ubuntu VM.

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