IRC log for #webos-internals on 20100607

00:00.52rwhitbysk1tt1sh: what google search terms have you used so far?
00:01.13rwhitbymrvc: can we merge terminal and termplugin before pushing this new version out?
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00:01.44rwhitbymrvc: we just need a termplugin Makefile that looks like the one in applications/preware.git/src/Makefile or saverestore or govnah
00:02.08rwhitbymrvc: looks like the bounty is shared 4 ways now - $25 each.
00:08.47*** join/#webos-internals leonardo (~leonardo@
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00:19.15sethronRamsesFSFE: start debian in it and start a WM | is there a link for that?
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00:27.54sethrondtzWill: i have yet to run debian on my pre. but i think i'm ready to chroot.
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00:46.00sk1tt1shalright im having a hard time figuring it out. I've read palms 'create an app' guide but it doesn't really tell me what I need. Basically want to make an IPK that just copies files into a couple locations and isn't listed in 'usr/palm/applications'
00:47.16sk1tt1shdoes anyone know of a generic guide to doing this?
00:56.08*** join/#webos-internals datafirm (
00:56.29datafirmIs there another feed to gain access to UberKernel alpha ports for other version of webOS?
01:01.45sk1tt1shnot yelling
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01:05.38sk1tt1shbonks himself, yelling "google more dumdum!"
01:08.43rwhitbysk1tt1sh: what is it that you're trying to package up and copy in?
01:09.49sk1tt1shso i figured out an easier way to copy all my files for my jar
01:09.59sk1tt1shrather than modify the webosdoc.jar everytime
01:10.49sk1tt1shmake an ipk and just modify that as neeeded. I have some scripts that i need to put in /usr/bin some files to put into /usr/share/sk1tt1sh and a startup script (etc/event.d
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01:29.27sk1tt1shrwitbyL i grabbed and im using the ipkg maker thing from taht
01:30.57sk1tt1sh is the guide for it
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01:45.35rwhitbysk1tt1sh: what is it that you're trying to package up and copy in?
01:46.15rwhitby;a=tree;f=toolchain/ipkg-utils is what we use on the autobuilder.
01:49.46*** join/#webos-internals JackieRipper (
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01:59.08projectAlarumK I think I'm twitter stupid cause none of my tweets seem to be showing up for the contest...
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02:04.25sk1tt1shis there a noobs-readthis file for ur ipkg utils?
02:08.19sk1tt1shi think i found something that will work
02:08.37sk1tt1shinstructionwise i think
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02:34.55sk1tt1shso i put those ipkg-utils in bin since i had no direction otherwise... ipkg-build returns command not found
02:37.06*** part/#webos-internals mrjcarter|wirc (
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02:37.13mrvcdestinal: so, it worked ok for you?
02:37.36sk1tt1shi just said it doesnt do anything
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02:38.52sk1tt1shtag an SH infront.../bonk
02:40.14sk1tt1shdoes this require md5sums for all files in it?
02:42.06destinalmrvc: I had to add -fno-stack-protector to make it build on my ubuntu VM for some reason (to avoid some strange stack symbol issue) but yeah it works great
02:42.34mrvcdestinal: ok, cool
02:42.52destinalmrvc: It built out of makefile for me too -- I didn't have to do any odd linking workarounds like you were seeing
02:43.06mrvcwell, I changed the makefile
02:43.23destinalah, that makes sense then. :)
02:44.26mrvcdestinal: rwhitby was talking about merging terminal and termplugin
02:46.05destinalmrvc: yeah, I think we just copy everything in termplugin directory to src under the application/terminal.git  repository and apparently we need to fixup the makefile to build properly on the autobuilder  (right now it's building the emulator build with the native amd64 gcc for instance)
02:46.47mrvcdestinal: ok, so I don't know what the requirement are for the autobuilder
02:47.04mrvcdestinal: I've been building the version for my pre on the pre itself
02:47.58rwhitbymrvc: autobuilder uses the i686 and armel toolchains that are downloaded by the preware/build.git makefile
02:50.04mrvcrwhitby: ok, looking into it
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02:50.58rwhitbymrvc: the makefile just needs to think of i686 as just another cross-compile toolchain, rather than using the native host gcc
02:51.34rwhitbymrvc: and have variables that just point to the toolchain to use, so that the autobuilder can override the variables for i686 and armv7 and armv6
02:52.09rwhitbymrvc: feel free to default the variables to values that make it easiest for your development
02:52.36destinalmrvc: look at wirc.git and preware.git for examples of ones that are working in autobuilder today
02:52.54mrvcrwhitby: ok, I'm running make in preware/build right now
02:53.23mrvcrwhitby: looks like it is downloading the arm toolchain
02:54.30sk1tt1shWhat is 166: Linux: unexpected operator indicate when building an ipk?
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02:55.59rwhitbysk1tt1sh: what is it that you're trying to package up and copy in?
02:59.55sk1tt1sh10.04 lucid lynx
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03:03.23sk1tt1shoddly enough it seems to have built the ipk fine
03:03.52VincentLawhas anyone ever tried to "tether" using openssh as a proxy?
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03:17.07datafirmIs there another feed to gain access to UberKernel  for other version of webOS?
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03:31.39mrvcrwhitby: I got an error making preware/build
03:32.21mrvccurl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404
03:34.56ka6soxmrvc, lemme look @ that...
03:35.50ka6soxaha...the rotator is sending you to a server that is offline..brb
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03:40.31ka6soxwrong one
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03:44.58ka6soxmrvc, it didn't get rsynced to the mirrors...let me push that out.
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04:09.12ka6soxmrvc you still here?
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04:19.55ChapStickim trying to reverse tether from Ubuntu to pixi any help
04:20.04ChapStickcant seem to get it
04:20.34bpadalinoyou want the pixi to tunnel through your laptop ?
04:21.09bpadalinointeresting .. i have no idea how to help you .. good luck tho :)
04:21.23ka6soxthats really an ubuntu question.
04:21.42ChapStickyea your right
04:21.44ChapStickthx thoe
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04:37.06ka6soxmrvc, you get what you needed?
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05:29.13destinaloh, he's gone
05:31.48destinalamazing how many questions can be answered by just searching our wiki wiki :)   (of course  I actually wrote that one a while back, but still)
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05:47.45dtzWilldestinal: yeah it is kinda impressive haha
05:49.16destinaldtzWill: still lots of people seem to ask before looking  -- oh well.
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06:16.25*** join/#webos-internals Gollyzila (
06:17.02GollyzilaSo what has webos-internals been up to? What was the topic this weekend?
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06:27.04dtzWillttp:// fun video, interesting concept
06:27.13dtzWillbah, http:// clearly
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06:58.52GollyzilaYoppo: you here?
07:03.21GollyzilaYoppo: Well if you are, I'm about to post in the MS thread
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10:16.32Marajinscreen broke, yay
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13:07.50*** topic/#webos-internals is Discussion about webOS internals (not webOS SDK usage - #webos for that, or wIRC - #wirc for that). Honor all licenses, carrier agreements and copyrights when speaking here. Twitter: @webosinternals Logs: Wiki: Pastebin: Preware: Patches:
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13:48.29JesusMcCloud_aloha! is there a way to disable IM sounds an keep sms sound?
13:52.06djkI don't think so without a patch to it and I don't know of a patch
13:53.24JesusMcCloud_didnt find a patch either
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14:27.53dirshi... i'm trying to use libjpeg that palm link at in an PDK app but errors like this are in my way :/
14:27.53dirsimagefunctions/imagefunctions.c: In function 'void my_dst_mgr_init(jpeg_compress_struct*)':
14:27.54dirsimagefunctions/imagefunctions.c:69: error: invalid conversion from 'void*' to 'my_dst_mgr*'
14:27.54dirsimagefunctions/imagefunctions.c:75: error: invalid conversion from 'void*' to 'JOCTET*'
14:28.21PuffTheMagicdirs: libjpeg has its own website and docs
14:28.27PuffTheMagicif uare having issues using it
14:28.37dirsis this lib okay? I don't know what that mean
14:28.48PuffTheMagicsure the lib is ok
14:28.58dirsPuffTheMagic: ah ok, but palm did have docs on using PDK?
14:29.06PuffTheMagicdoubt it
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14:29.13PuffTheMagicthey just provided the lib
14:29.18PuffTheMagicbecause the docs for it are opensource
14:29.22PuffTheMagicits a very common lib
14:30.04PuffTheMagicgrab the source
14:30.10PuffTheMagicthe headers and docs should be in there
14:35.46PuffTheMagicdirs: how is it that you are going from void* to something else
14:36.12PuffTheMagicwhat exactly are you doing thats wnats a void pointer?
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14:38.49jtpremy virtual keyboard won't download properly... Any tips?
14:40.33dirssorry, PuffTheMagic  i grab the code from
14:40.33dirsso I think that it are wrong? will try other code to resize the image..
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14:50.46PuffTheMagicdirs: im not trying to be a dick here, but if you are new to opensource here is a pointer for you
14:50.55PuffTheMagicjust about every opensource lib has an irc channel on freenode or OFTC
14:51.12PuffTheMagicand in those channels are experts on their lib
14:51.25dirsPuffTheMagic: you are just saying. thanks for the tip
14:51.26PuffTheMagicdirs: many of us can help with randon C issues
14:51.35PuffTheMagicand webos specific libs
14:51.40PuffTheMagiclike the plugin and server stuff
14:51.49PuffTheMagicservice stuff
14:51.58PuffTheMagicbut like, i've never used libjpeg my self
14:52.03PuffTheMagicidk who here has
14:52.18PuffTheMagicdirs: but i do most of my learning though examples
14:52.24PuffTheMagicso you will get it sooner or later
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16:56.52ka6soxmorning beelzabub
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17:19.06beelzabubbtw - noticed the post on precentral about leaving wifi on vs off
17:19.09beelzabubleave it on
17:24.42ka6soxother than the obvious question about why? I'm a bit concerned about it trying to connect to every WiFi unit names Linksys that it passes.
17:24.54beelzabubit won't do that
17:25.16beelzabubunless you've associated it in the past with a Linksys hotspot i guess
17:25.23ka6soxthen the wifi screen needs to be changed.
17:25.27ka6soxya. thats the problem.
17:25.52beelzabubthe reason as to why is that when on wifi the battery drain is a lot lower
17:26.07beelzabubbecause then we don't have data going over the modem
17:26.16ka6soxfair nuf.
17:26.21beelzabubalso sleep mode itself is actually more efficient on wifi I believe
17:26.51ka6soxya, I've noticed that with my Pixi
17:27.05beelzabuband when it's not connected to a hotspot, I do believe that there's not really any additional power overhead to keeping wifi on
17:27.21beelzabub& it saves you having to manually remember when you are in the presence of a hotspot
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17:27.47ka6soxGood tip...
17:28.54ka6soxwith my frankenpre it doesn't matter too much as its always connected to the Power supply
17:29.26PalNewbiePardon if this question may have already been answered on webos-internals, but I couldn't find it on the website. Does anyone know where I can find an actual value associated with the radio signal strength onboard my Palm Pre? Sort of like how you can get the value of the light sensor?
17:29.40ka6soxI measure current draw on the Pre using various kernels and operating combinations.
17:29.59PalNewbieI want to be able to know when I've lost my radio signal
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17:31.28ka6soxits probably somewhere in the top bar code that drives the segments of the signal strength meter.
17:32.27ka6soxbeelzabub, I had to fake the pre out into thinking that the battery is still there and supplying the current :D
17:34.30ka6soxPalNewbie, look at the patch for Carrier String and that is roughly the area where you might start looking
17:34.45ka6soxit interfaces with the top bar code.
17:36.14PalNewbieI'll start snooping around there
17:37.03ka6soxI haven't come across that information in /sys yet so I can't tell you exactly where.
17:46.48ka6soxPalNewbie, it may come out of the Modem Module in which case its where the Dragon's Live.
17:47.57PalNewbiePardon my ignorance, "Dragon's Live"?
17:49.28ka6soxits a Black Hole into which we have no light.
17:49.55ka6soxso we don't understand it.
17:50.02PalNewbiegot it
17:50.14ka6soxI *know* that the Touchstone is detected by the Modem.
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18:10.41Rick_workyes, but the signal strength is available to javascript, because the code that puts the bars up is JS.
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18:10.57chrisaI did warn you that the puck involves a lot of modem code and that there were dragons there
18:11.28ka6soxchrisa, Yes, and I'm passing that on :D
18:11.48Rick_worktouchstone in particular is under the control of the modem, although geist said that there are "fiddly" ways to figure it out without, because he needed to figure it out in boot at one point.
18:12.35PalNewbieYeah, it looks that way in bar-assistant.js
18:13.26scsiraiderRick_work: geist talks to to he modem directly in bootie i beleive
18:15.33ka6soxchrisa, all I wanted to know was hot to tell in the kernel if the unit was on a TS or not...seems its only available in userland.
18:16.48en0xthere was a discussion about this
18:16.53en0xfew weeks back with beelzabub
18:17.33beelzabubreally?  i don't remember it
18:17.35mdkleinisn't it in the gadget module, how much mA is being received? it's been months since I looked at that though
18:17.39PuffTheMagicthere is NO WAY to do it
18:17.42PuffTheMagicfrom the kernel
18:17.43en0xbeelzabub, yap you were talking about this... with PuffTheMagic afair
18:17.44beelzabubthat's my story & i'm sticking to it :)
18:17.46PuffTheMagicwith out adding your own module
18:17.49ka6sox2 different things
18:17.52PuffTheMagicwhich would then block the phone from working
18:17.53chrisamodem controls current in pre
18:18.02chrisaOnly pixi has the kernelspace current control
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18:18.23ka6soxthats kinda the conclusion we came to
18:18.40chrisaI told you a month ago :)
18:18.41ka6soxbut for our purposes I only needed to know that is *was* on the TS
18:19.03ka6soxyep, thats what I remember too.
18:19.30en0xoh i like the new display on iphone
18:19.48PuffTheMagicen0x: #apple might care ;)
18:19.56en0xretina display
18:20.01en0xfor sure but i'm just sayin
18:20.12PuffTheMagicretina display?
18:20.25HattCzech_workjust high res
18:20.32HattCzech_work326 ppi
18:20.33mdklein326ppi which he claims is more than your retinas can detect at 10-12"
18:20.42mdkleinso he dubbed it, retina display
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18:21.54HattCzech_worki would like a screen that size on the next pre :)
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18:22.28en0xain't too big a little?
18:22.37beelzabubios owned by cisco again - i like it
18:22.49en0x r0tfl
18:23.12en0xsome guy had to spend 600bucks on a toy, so girl would ask him what is it
18:23.44en0xno lifer ;(
18:25.47RMind|moofanyone else having trouble updating feeds in preware?
18:26.15PalNewbieka6sox: Found it. Just as an FYI if anyone should need it, you can get the value from the luna-send command using palm://com.palm.telephony/signalStrengthQuery
18:26.20ka6soxcurrently OFFLINE due to RAID controller failure
18:27.06RMindah... ouchy
18:27.52idontwank2knowchrisa: you'll be happy to know that i've been informed that it's completely impossible for the centro to change battery settings in such a way that the battery becomes unsuitable for use in the pre because "there's only three electrical contacts"
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18:28.27Rick_workPalmNewbie -- when the wiki comes back up after the current hardware problem is resolve in a "little bit" would you mind going and DOCUMENTING that for me?
18:28.52chrisaidontwank2know: I don't see how these things are mutually exclusive
18:29.04chrisaThe centro *can* change a setting on the battery which *can* conflict with a pre's usage of it
18:31.34idontwank2knowBut it's unpossible! Some dude on the internet doesn't believe it, so it won't be true until somebody draws him a diagram and conducts experiments in his presence!
18:31.57chrisaMaybe he should read up on the one wire protocol
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18:45.12dssdfs32is the feed url down right now?
18:45.43chrisaidontwank2know: is this in a forum post somewhere?
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18:46.31ka6soxdssdfs32, yes, we are aware of it and are working to fix it.
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18:56.32luke-jrwhere can I get libdbus-dev? :/
18:57.26en0xfrom palm website?
18:57.54chrisaAny major distro will have those headers and libs, unless you mean any changes we made. In that case en0x is right
18:58.14*** join/#webos-internals zff (~6139d8c6@gateway/web/freenode/x-jjplmqlqhvjmlnna)
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18:59.21zffis down? ML to send this out on...can somebody tweet this for me?
19:00.22halfhalo_classtweet what?
19:00.32luke-jrchrisa: I mean a .ipk
19:00.34ka6soxzff, yes, we have had a RAID controller failure and I'm working on ETR.
19:00.44chrisaWhy would you need an ipk?
19:00.48luke-jrchrisa: to install them
19:00.50chrisaAre you compiling on the device?
19:01.07luke-jrunless someone has a Net::DBus perl module ipk
19:01.10chrisaoh, best of luck there
19:02.23luke-jrso WebOS isn't a "major distro"? :p
19:02.47*** join/#webos-internals zff (~6139d8c6@gateway/web/freenode/x-eptotpyiqesthapc)
19:02.51idontwank2knowchrisa: Yes. It's all good now. I posted a link to the 1 wire protocol wiki and he shut up. Actually "thanked" the post. After telling me ten minutes earlier that "my claims are BS"
19:03.07*** join/#webos-internals Lenux (
19:03.15chrisaLink this post
19:03.18chrisaI had wanted to reply
19:04.01halfhalo_classare we making fun of people again?
19:04.02halfhalo_classbecause I am SO in
19:04.13en0xlol ;]
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19:04.56idontwank2knowallow me to apologize in advance for the circumspect name drop
19:05.26idontwank2knowmy post is the last one on that page and then the hissy fit starts later
19:05.41zffis anyone else having trouble with
19:06.06halfhalo_classyes, we know its down zff
19:06.56zfftnx. Thought it was my bad.
19:06.59chrisa"I'm curious how the Centro can "program" the battery's internal circuitry. The battery has 3 contact points. +, - and I'm not sure what the 3rd one is for."
19:07.09chrisaSo he has no idea what the third contact is for but assumes it couldn't be relevant
19:07.24idontwank2knowof course not...he has 25 years in electronics!
19:07.26*** join/#webos-internals MetaView (
19:07.42halfhalo_classby that logic I have 19 years as a computer programmer
19:08.30ka6soxlets hear it for 1W
19:08.41halfhalo_class"I got my start in the field when I was a wee baby bashing on a computer keyboard"
19:08.55idontwank2knowI should have known better than to try to actually offer some useful information in the general Pre forum.
19:09.08halfhalo_classPreware is making monitor spaz out
19:09.31halfhalo_classnot preware
19:09.47idontwank2knowI don't get people who take the attitude that anything they don't already know/understand is suspect and BS unless someone can prove it to them.
19:09.50halfhalo_classis confuzling himself again
19:09.51nekroxiphone 4g rulz!
19:10.03halfhalo_classidontwank2know: laptop fanboys are worse
19:10.04zffhas anyone offered an ETA when preware may be back upn
19:10.11halfhalo_classNo eta
19:10.31zffhaving withdrawls
19:10.33Rick_workdata base server just came back up.
19:10.37Rick_workwebos-internals is now working.
19:10.41ka6sox[12:00] <ka6sox>zff, yes, we have had a RAID controller failure and I'm working on ETR.
19:10.42Rick_workPreware MIGHT be working.
19:11.23halfhalo_classThis is what happens when you use raid
19:11.27Rick_workif preware isn't up, it may be "a bit" till Rod can take the reins.  Tom _has to leave_
19:12.13zffstill doqn.
19:12.38zfftnx for the info
19:12.51Rick_workwell, we just got the big db server for webos-internals wiki running again.
19:12.54Rick_workPreware next.
19:13.04idontwank2knowyou guys have created a monster
19:13.12Rick_workyou have no idea.
19:13.16halfhalo_classWITH NO FAILOVERS!
19:13.23idontwank2knowpeople start to tweak out if they can't check the feeds ten times a day
19:13.38Rick_workthe problem is, failovers for the preware server get "tricky"
19:13.57Rick_workand the webos-internals wiki is totally dynamic so failovers are again, tricky.
19:14.48halfhalo_classhas a load balancing server sitting in front of two webservers/db servers that are mirrors of each other
19:15.29ka6soxhalfhalo_class, send $$$
19:15.32Rick_workwant an unpaid job as a db admin for webos-internals?
19:17.17idontwank2knowwhat on earth is the point of an N band wifi radio in a phone? what are people doing that they need gigabit wireless?
19:17.39Rick_workstreaming video.
19:17.51halfhalo_classI want that screen though
19:18.09halfhalo_classwebsockets demo:
19:18.34Rick_workreal time uncompressed video uploads from the camera on your phone to your local server for later editing and redistribution.
19:18.48ka6soxsomebody, QUICK!, test the feeds.
19:18.57ka6soxbefore somebody else has a coronary.
19:20.05idontwank2knowka6sox: it no worky
19:25.30Rick_worktest it again please.
19:26.18*** join/#webos-internals carlos (~584be847@gateway/web/freenode/x-iylgtkczhtbehfip)
19:26.24ka6soxworks on my Pixi
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19:26.42Rick_workworks on my pre
19:26.48Rick_workgo do your cut over Tom
19:26.58ka6soxokay I'm OFF.
19:27.00idontwank2knowyup, working for me too now
19:27.32Guest12945hi, got a problem with my  pre, it doesn't show me an incoming sms, just a white screen? anyone else allready had the same problem?
19:28.03en0xdid you try to restart ur pre?
19:28.12halfhalo_classwhat is this, windows?
19:28.51Rick_workGuest12945  what carrier?  Pre or Pixi ?
19:29.28Rick_workrunning preware?  Any patches or themes?
19:30.54Guest12945yes preware
19:31.04Rick_workany patches or themes????
19:31.35Guest12945i patched messaging (landscape, counter) with webOSQI, i'm removing it now
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19:31.40Guest12945no themes
19:32.00Rick_workremoving the patch is a good place to start.
19:32.09Rick_workHave you checked for updates recently?
19:32.55Guest12945hmm, no. yesterday everything worked fine
19:33.20Guest12945so i restart now, let's hope :D
19:33.31MetaViewlooks like a reset is all you need
19:33.57Guest12945you mean with webOS Doctor?
19:34.25MetaViewno, just a restart
19:34.32MetaViewhold power button
19:34.35Guest12945ah ok
19:34.37Rick_workthere's something called a partial reset.
19:34.52Rick_workwhich doesn't do a complete doctor, it's available from the launcher.
19:35.04MetaViewbut it looks a bit like a memory problem, or?
19:35.23MetaViewnot enough available space to render the content/load the gfx
19:35.54Guest12945but i can see the sms in the messages list
19:36.07Guest12945its just white when i want to open it
19:36.16Guest12945so just restarted
19:36.21Guest12945still white :(
19:37.12MetaViewa pity
19:38.07Guest12945i installed 1.4.1 yesterday, its my first sms since that..hmmm, i need to send me another one to test it
19:42.11Guest12945same problem with another sms...hmm fuck
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19:46.54Guest12945how can i do a partial reset? whats the launcher?
19:47.20Guest12945is there any possibilty to read the sms anyway, so that i can run the doctor afterwards?
19:48.54MetaViewthey are in palmdatabase file
19:49.20MetaViewdon't know where it is, have you lokked into Save/Restore app from webosinternals?
19:50.26MetaViewinstall it and it might save the message db
19:50.39MetaViewat leats to be able to read it on your desktop
19:53.08halfhalo_classtwo more e3 emails
19:53.41halfhalo_classAND the boxes shipped today
19:54.12Guest12945thank you so much metaview
19:54.31Guest12945i could read in a html file
19:54.33Rick_workthe sms's don't go away.
19:55.37Rick_workbring up the DEVICE INFO , tap RESET OPTIONS
19:56.41Rick_workaww shoot.  They did away with the good one.
19:56.55Rick_worknever mind.  you don't wanna do that.
19:57.31halfhalo_classMoviephone has stopped working when I type in a city in the zip code search box!
19:58.09en0xwhat a bummer :(
19:58.17Guest12945anyway, thank you guys, you made me smile ;)
19:58.30Guest12945sorry for my english
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20:03.13MetaViewGuest12945: do you wanna speak German?
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20:14.55codeslawhey all
20:15.17*** join/#webos-internals Lenux__ (
20:15.40codeslawanyone might help with a compiler problem i'm having?
20:16.09codeslawi'd like to use SPriG or SDL_gfx for a project, but I'm having trouble getting either of them built on OSX, let alone for the device
20:16.55MetaViewisn't SDL_gfx already part of the WiDK?
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20:17.20codeslawis it?
20:18.31*** join/#webos-internals Lenux (
20:19.38MetaViewwell, AFAIR
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20:59.51dtzWillcodeslaw: it's part of the WIDK, and I *think* i was able to run some test programs with it, don't remember for sure. are you having issues using it?
21:00.30codeslawdtzWill: i don't have the WIDK installed, just working off the PDK right now and trying to install the libs myself
21:01.56*** join/#webos-internals thadood (
21:02.21dtzWillcodeslaw: kk. it wasn't hard to stage, i had to give it '--disable-mmx' to configure, which is unexpected, not sure if that helps
21:03.21codeslawi'll keep messing around with it, prob will end up installing the widk anyway
21:03.21dtzWill(but no patches to it, etc)
21:03.21dtzWillcodeslaw: what's the issue you're having? some compile error?
21:03.40codeslawwell, following the instructions to build that came in the README
21:03.48codeslawi get an error when running ./configure
21:04.34dtzWilloh it should configure, even if misconfigured to use mmx instructions.
21:04.58codeslawwell the error occured at the script that checks the SDL verion
21:05.17codeslawi have SDL installed, so i commented out that part of the script, and tried to build
21:06.01codeslawbut then make fails
21:06.19dtzWillcodeslaw: you using sb2 or cross-compiling more traditionally?
21:06.38codeslawas of now i'm just trying to compile for OSX
21:07.18dtzWill...oh. :(
21:07.31dtzWillwell widk has it all good to go for the pre :D
21:07.58codeslawya, i'll keep messing with it, but likely just grab the widk
21:09.07halfhalo_classOh press email thats for "Immediate Release"
21:09.36halfhalo_classIts called... the eagle eye?
21:09.43halfhalo_classWho the hell came up with that name?
21:09.57halfhalo_classIts a freaking usb hid <-> ps3 controller interface
21:10.06halfhalo_classPeople these days.....
21:11.29PuffTheMagichalfhalo_class: whats that u talking about?
21:11.40halfhalo_classPress email I just got
21:13.02halfhalo_classwho broke the palm website....
21:18.22PuffTheMagicbroke palm site?
21:18.27PuffTheMagicno im really confused
21:18.34halfhalo_classthe dev site won't lode for me
21:18.58PuffTheMagicsays it will be back in a few hours
21:19.01halfhalo_classDid... did I really just type lode instead of load?
21:19.05PuffTheMagicmust be launching something
21:19.23PuffTheMagiccodeslaw: you can use the palm pdk with widk
21:22.33HattCzech_workhahaha, nice!
21:23.23PuffTheMagicwhat could they be launching today?
21:23.28codeslawPuffTheMagic: any special sauce i need to add, or just install the WIDK along side it, and link to which libraries i please?
21:23.41PuffTheMagicbasically the latter
21:23.56codeslawthat might make things very easy
21:23.58PuffTheMagicthe palm sdk will give you a toolchain that will run on the mac
21:24.03PuffTheMagicthen you can use widk
21:24.13PuffTheMagicto build your staging dir with that toolchain
21:24.21PuffTheMagicor use the libs palm gives you
21:24.23PuffTheMagiceither way
21:24.26PuffTheMagicshould work fine
21:28.29PuffTheMagictheres a friggen wood pecker or something on the side of my house driving me nuts
21:28.31PuffTheMagici cant see it though
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21:51.58Ka6sox2rwhitby ping?
21:52.19halfhalo_classdid you break it again.....
21:58.33*** join/#webos-internals zodttd (~me@
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22:02.41Ka6sox-mobilehalf_halo I sure hope not!
22:03.01Ka6sox-mobileis it broke?
22:03.31Ka6sox-mobiledon't scare me like that :P
22:04.39Ka6sox-mobile~seen rwhitby
22:04.42infobotrwhitby is currently on #webos-internals #oe #meego #nslu2-linux, last said: 'XorA: try now please, I gave it a hard kick'.
22:06.57Ka6sox-mobilemebbe to you its funny but I was 2hrs late for work because of this little "issue"
22:07.33halfhalo_classAnd who's fault was it to go with raid... I mean it gives you nothing but trouble!
22:07.55halfhalo_classunless its raid 0.  then its touch and go.  but REALLY fast
22:08.18Ka6sox-mobileWhat are you talking about?
22:08.30*** join/#webos-internals airmack (
22:08.39halfhalo_classUmmm.... Applesauce?
22:08.55Ka6sox-mobileI guess so!
22:09.38halfhalo_classDamn straight
22:11.51Ka6sox-mobilehmmm. Should have brought the pixi
22:12.35Ka6sox-mobile4got there was wifi here
22:14.13rwhitbyKa6sox-mobile: hi
22:16.13Ka6sox-mobilehi. Fun fun 2day
22:16.35Ka6sox-mobileu get my email?
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22:17.19Ka6sox2darned EVDO
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22:42.48geistblehs at jrmuizel
22:43.03jrmuizelblehs back
22:43.24jrmuizelgeist: how've you been?
22:43.42geistbusy, as usual
22:43.46geistbut not too bad, all in all
22:44.11jrmuizelgood to hear. I can certainly sympathize with busyness.
22:48.38*** part/#webos-internals valexa (
22:52.50cxregusb hid <-> ps3 controller?  i thought ps3 controller /was/ usb hid
22:53.24halfhalo_classSo did I... but its from a company that has penguin in its name.
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