IRC log for #webos-internals on 20100510

00:03.04*** join/#webos-internals oil_pre (
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00:06.29rwhitbyI feel like a Preware 1.0 release ...
00:06.41sbromwichdo you know off-hand what version of gcc the toolchain is built with on the autobuilder?
00:06.52sbromwichin the morning?
00:06.59sbromwichsmells like... binaries?
00:07.14rwhitbysbromwich: both are binary download from
00:07.39rwhitbysbromwich: see the Makefile in the toolchain/* dirs for details
00:08.00sbromwichthere's nothing else built with the local gcc?
00:08.25rwhitbyHOSTCC stuff in kernel builds
00:08.55sbromwichcan't see that doing much of anything
00:09.18VincentLawdoes preware 1.0 overwrite preware alpha?
00:09.43sbromwichtrying to trace down these reports of battery slackness, FuMan1 reckons it started with the autobuilt kernel
00:10.03rwhitbyVincentLaw: no
00:10.24FuMan1sbromwich: ill try out the uimage tomorrow
00:10.25VincentLawI wonder what happened then
00:10.29sbromwichthanks FuMan1
00:10.42FuMan1and, just to be clear, i missed a lot of builds in the middle there
00:10.52FuMan1but i know back with the red font fire burning uimages, that was fine
00:11.00FuMan1and the last 2 preware builds have hurt
00:11.00VincentLawI had preware alpha, installed preware 1.0, and removed preware alpha (all from inside preware alpha). and when I looked, preware was nowhere to be found
00:11.24VincentLawnot that it particularly matters, reinstalled it via webosQI IPK
00:11.27VincentLawjust odd
00:11.27sbromwichFuMan1: were you doing one-shot boots with my single image (eg bobafett, deathstar, et al)?
00:12.10FuMan1assuming that equates to tellbootie, novacom boot, then yeah O_o
00:12.18sbromwichthat's the one
00:12.46rwhitbykicks off the Preware 1.0 release
00:12.58sbromwichdo you remember which was the last one you booted that ran OK by any chance FuMan1?
00:13.42FuMan1[20:35] <+sbromwich>
00:13.43FuMan1[20:35] <+sbromwich> *grin*
00:13.43FuMan1[20:35] <FuMan> not sure if its govnah, or what, but I'm crashing left and right
00:13.43FuMan1[20:35] <+sbromwich> is the event.d tuning script I'm running
00:13.43FuMan1[20:35] <FuMan> still using the same threshold , etc settings?
00:13.47FuMan1wow, horrid paste my bad
00:14.03sbromwichperfect, thanks
00:14.17FuMan1i can't be 100% certain
00:14.22FuMan1but, i know for sure i ran that
00:14.28FuMan1and if battery drain was like these… i would have noticed
00:14.44sbromwichok, that gives me enough info to play with diffs... thanks :-)
00:15.09FuMan1and, as i mentioned before
00:15.12FuMan1with the newest build in preware
00:15.15CorpXi think i just killed my phone
00:15.19FuMan1it doesn't like playing with screen state
00:15.26FuMan1itll always run at whatever i set as the max
00:15.29FuMan1even when screen is off
00:15.50FuMan1just, to note :>
00:16.00sbromwichif you run does that change the state?
00:16.26FuMan1im currently not on sbrom, and balls deep in studying for one of my last exams
00:16.35FuMan1I'll hit you up tomorrow for some quality troubleshooting
00:16.46sbromwichyou've given me more than enough to go on, thanks :-)
00:16.59FuMan1hope i didn't send you the wrong direction D;
00:17.09sbromwichnup, I think you just nailed it fo rme
00:17.42FuMan1and, and oil_pre
00:18.17FuMan1oil_pre: tomorrow is finally reach day… so if you see anyone on, its actually me this time :D
00:18.56sbromwichka6sox probably hates me but I have multiple copies of the important bits... I think I see what it might be
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00:22.22sbromwichI'm going to regress back and isolate out the wfi and see if that was it since that was the last thing, otherwise it's the DOM_PER test being too eager
00:22.35lostnthenetHi guys
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00:23.36lostnthenetanyone hear me?
00:24.15rwhitbylostnthenet: yep
00:25.05lostnthenetI had uber and govnah for about 2 weeks but wanted to try the new features so I uninstalled and reinstalled and tried to use screenstate
00:25.41lostnthenetIt seemed to be running fine and I checked my battery a few hours later and it was much lower than what I expected
00:26.18lostnthenetit was at 37 percent and I noticed my wifi stopped.  I issued a restart and the phone went into big battery icon status
00:27.05lostnthenetI charged it a bit and it finally started back up and said it was at 4 percent when it came back on, I left it on the cord and it is going down now and is at 2 percent
00:27.27lostnthenetIts on a usb cord to my computer because I don't have a real charger up at work
00:27.50lostnthenetany ideas?  seems like something is up with the battery meter or something
00:28.10lostnthenetand thanks for all the great work guys
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00:32.04rwhitbyoil_pre: Preware 1.x is released
00:36.49sbromwichlostnthenet: I've only seen that when I've got something draining the battery hard... Try putting it in satellite mode for half an hour on charge and see what happens?
00:37.41lostnthenetok, I was also thinking it might be the fahrenheit battery temp patch or something.  Trying to remove that.
00:37.52sbromwichpossible but unlikely
00:38.06sbromwichhave you got novaterm or ssh access into it?
00:38.15lostnthenetI have terminal app
00:38.26sbromwichrun uptime and see if the load looks particularly high
00:39.26lostnthenet1.82, 1.16, 0.70
00:39.41sbromwichmine's been in satellite mode/wifi on all day and off charge for the past 8 hours and it still has 36% battery
00:40.03sbromwichok, something's running the cpu fairly hard
00:40.17lostnthenettop on this thing kinda sux
00:40.55sbromwichrun vmstat 1 for a while and see how many processes are waiting to run, or if there's any blocked
00:43.10sbromwichalso keep any eye on the cpu column and see if there's anything particularly high in the user or sys columns
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00:45.54rwhitbycan someone test the upgrade to Preware 1.0.0 ?
00:46.44lostnthenetI upgraded preware to 1.0 after I did the uber update
00:46.49lostnthenetseems faster to me
00:46.54rwhitbyit is
00:47.48lostnthenethad to re update feeds once it restarted because I had it set to check once per day and since the package manager is gone, it didnt have a current db
00:49.52lostnthenetsbromwich: unfortunately I have no idea what I am looking at on vmstat.  Its not formatted very well using terminal.  I will need to get novaterm working
00:52.20sbromwichlostnthenet: if you can see the first two columns that's the number of running (active) and blocked (waiting on something) processes
00:53.08lostnthenetwell I just uninstalled the uber and rebooted again and waiting for sufficient charge to boot up again and see if its doing the same.
00:53.31lostnthenetI doubt its the kernel but going back to stock makes sense
00:53.55sbromwichthere's a reasonable chance it's the kernel
00:54.04lostnthenetI was playing around with latitude a little earlier too and that may have had something to do with it
00:55.07sbromwichgps will certainly drain things harder but I wouldn't expect the battery to be sucked dry quite so quick
00:55.33lostnthenetIt was just weird that a reboot would drain 37 percent
00:56.12sbromwichyeah, that definitely sounds odd
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01:10.16lostnthenethey sbromwich.  Its booted back up and the first 2 columns of vmstat 1 are mostly 0 and 0 with a few 1 and 0 lines
01:11.45sbromwichlostnthenet: yeah, that sounds about how it should be
01:11.50sbromwichis it taking a charge now?
01:13.21jhojho_sbromwich: not sure what rwithby has installed for the autobuilder but the latest gcc toolchain from codesourcery is not the one the palm kernel uses apparently. I remember seeing this when I was looking at it a while ago.
01:13.45lostnthenetwell its still at 4 percent hasnt gone up yet
01:13.52lostnthenetbut at least it hasnt gone down
01:13.58lostnthenetim in airplane mode too
01:14.49sbromwichjhojho_: the one I'm using is... cs08q1? I think rwhitby put it on specially for me so I could use some of the gcc tuning parameters
01:15.02sbromwichlostnthenet: keep the screen off, it'll charge more quickly
01:16.33rwhitbyjhojho_: the autobuilder uses the same toolchain as palm
01:16.52rwhitbyjhojho_: but has an alternative toolchain also installed that sbromwich uses for a specific kernel package
01:17.07jhojho_okay. so that's eliminated
01:17.11sbromwichis special. And not necessarily in a good way.
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01:21.53sbromwichka6sox: ping?
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01:28.58lostnthenetWell it went back down to 3 percent and I noticed that I would not get the usb or jsut charge prompt if I tried to disconnect/reconnect the usb cable.  I stopped the Palm Novacom service on my pc and it started giving me the prompt.  Strangely enough, the battery is charging now
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01:29.18sbromwichthat's definitely weird
01:29.23lostntheneti know
01:29.44lostnthenetnever thought I would be so happy to see 5 percent
01:29.58sbromwichit sounds like something is causing the pre to draw > 500mA, the USB port can't keep up, and the battery gets drained to supplement it
01:30.17lostnthenetI was thinking that it was just not allowing it to sleep
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01:31.20sbromwichit won't sleep if it's on power
01:31.33flare576Hey all, just wanted to pop in and say "Thank you" for the version checks in PreWare.  I had to get my phone replaced and tried to install UberKernal on a 1.4.0.
01:31.38sbromwichwell... nowhere near as deep as on battery
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01:32.25sbromwichflare576: rwhitby is the man there
01:32.27lostnthenetmaybe something with the devmode.  I tend to leave devmode enabled
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01:33.06flare576Thank you for protecting my device (and, by proxy, digital life), rwhitby :)
01:33.24sbromwichanyone know if there's a way under linux to find how much current is actually being drawn (as opposed to max power) from a USB port?
01:34.03sbromwichlostnthenet: possible, but I doubt it, mine is permanently in dev mode and I don't see any great amount of battery drain unless I'm doing something I know will cause it
01:34.06uNiXpSyChOthere's a current_mA in /sysfs
01:34.19sbromwichdo you know whereabouts?
01:34.34sbromwichI've been spelunking and found nothing obvious but my grep fu might not be up to snuff
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01:36.16sbromwichahhhh... I was looking from a linux host
01:36.20sbromwichthat'll do though, ta :-)
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01:37.24lostnthenetmine says 500 right now when I cat it out
01:37.42sbromwichsame here and I'm charging too
01:37.50sbromwichanyone at 100% charge and care to check?
01:38.23lostnthenetI disconnected the cable and it said 0
01:38.30lostnthenetso that sounds correct
01:38.57pslag1Hi Steve... just joined... what are you looking to check?  (however, I'm not at 100% charge right now).
01:39.05sbromwichwell, the max draw is 500mA so I want to make sure it's a true reading and not just automatically set to maxpower
01:39.16sbromwichpslag1: /sys/devices/platform/usb_gadget/current_mA
01:39.31sbromwichseeing if I can use it to see how much current is actually being drawn by different kernels
01:40.17pslag1Battery: 0     USB to PC: 500   USB to AC: 1000
01:40.31pslag1(don't have TS with me right now)
01:40.47sbromwichoooooh.... maybe that could be a way to id if the pre is on a TS
01:41.03uNiXpSyChOhow so
01:41.13pslag1running your latest test kernel: v1.4.1-25
01:41.19lostnthenetdoesn't luna already know when its on TS so it goes to clock
01:41.21uNiXpSyChOTS uses 700 and doesnt report under that sysfs entry
01:41.29sbromwichif it's 500mA on a USB port and 1A on AC... what might a touchstone be? 2A?
01:41.47uNiXpSyChOTS is 700mA
01:41.53sbromwichahhh... so if it's drawing 700mA that might be enough to say it's on a touchstone?
01:42.25uNiXpSyChOyeah... but it reports 0mA when on touchstone.  powerd spits out 700mA inductive charging out of nowhere
01:42.25ka6sox700ma exceeds the USB2 spec.
01:42.50sbromwichis the TS a USB device?
01:42.55lostnthenetyeah but it uses fastcharge
01:42.58uNiXpSyChO1000mA is through an AC charger using USB
01:43.03lostnthenetnot usb communications
01:43.07sbromwichahhh l
01:43.18ka6soxthats incoming not outgoing then.
01:43.18uNiXpSyChOnope, TS uses something else i cant find
01:43.43pslag1What about 'high power' USB ports?  Supposedly they supply 1 amp.
01:43.44sbromwichand I thought that might have been an easy fix... oh well :-/
01:45.13sbromwichand the iGo charger I have that says it only doles out 850mA allegedly is giving 1A
01:45.41uNiXpSyChO1A is fine... just not from a PC
01:46.24sbromwichI'm looking for something that will give me the actual power usage so I can look at different kernels to see what their power draw is at idle
01:46.50uNiXpSyChOi think that is in charger_detector.c
01:46.52sbromwichmy killawatt (a) only has a resolution of 1W, and (b) is on loan to a friend
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01:49.11sbromwichcharger_detector.c looks to be hard coding
01:50.43sbromwichyeah, 1A or 500mA or 0A is all there is
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01:55.34sbromwichand yet nothing seems to use omap_vbus_draw?
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01:56.25uNiXpSyChOi noticed there is a crap load from the palm patch that doesnt even get compiled in
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01:59.50sbromwichall counts towards LOC ;-)
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02:01.12lostnthenetwould it be possible to use 2 usb cables spliced together for charging at 1A like they do with some usb drives?
02:01.40lostnthenetI should by some more monoprice cables and hack it up and try it I guess
02:01.52zsoc|awaylostnthenet: i don't see why not, i think you need to do something with the data.. uh.. loopback.. ground.. something
02:02.38InvertChaosWould that in theory allow the use of the touchstone via usb?
02:02.40lostnthenetprobably wouldn't need to connect all four wires
02:02.42sbromwichlostnthenet: as long as your laptop and spliced in charger are plugged into the same electrical circuit (ie, use a power bar) you should be fine
02:03.42lostnthenetI'm not talking about using a real charger and usb at the same time, just plugging into 2 usb ports at the same time to get 500mA out of each for 1A total
02:04.24sbromwichhmmm, interesting idea
02:04.56lostnthenetInvertChaos: in theory it is possible but you might have to splice the inner contacts together for the ts since it uses fastcharging
02:05.12lostnthenetI will have to play around with this idea
02:05.26sbromwichmy guess is you would either still be limited to 500mA or you would short out the usb ports... definitely something to test on a usb hub first ;-)
02:07.02sbromwichohhh... lostnthenet did you mention you were in a warehouse or something?
02:07.16lostnthenetNah, I am in a datacenter
02:07.23lostnthenetso poor signal is an issue
02:07.29sbromwichI was just about to say :-)
02:07.38sbromwichthat might be the cause of your power drain
02:07.45lostnthenetwe have like 40k servers
02:08.13sbromwichit might be worth installing mode switcher and tell it to switch to 2g only when the gps says you're withing 500 feet of the data centre
02:08.59RagingMindsbromwich, the directions that come with the TS very explicitly say that it should NOT be connected to a computer
02:09.11FuMan1for what its worth
02:09.14FuMan1been there done that with mine
02:09.22FuMan1and works on some ports, not on others
02:09.30sbromwichRagingMind: I've never physically seen a TS so I have only a vague idea how it all hooks up ;-)
02:10.28RagingMindit uses the wall charger and data cord that comes with the pre to plug into the wall
02:10.36uNiXpSyChOyep, cuz the TS needs 700mA and the PC usb only sends 500mA
02:11.18sbromwichah, so if I'm using the pre I can't novaterm in?
02:11.46RagingMindI bought a FM transmitter thing for a road trip... was a horrible POS.  So I returned it and used the money to get a TS
02:11.49lostnthenetyeah but what I was getting at was splicing 2 usb cables to allow 1A of current to be available
02:12.20RagingMindsbromwich, this is why I've been whining the past couple days about needing to set up SSH or to buy another data cable
02:13.52sbromwichis there something special about the palm micro usb cable then? I have one here from a charger that only works for charging but I figured it only had power cables hooked up
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02:14.45RagingMindthe palm one is nicely made and the TS is made to fit it perfectly
02:15.05RagingMindit's a really sexy little assembly
02:16.09sbromwichso the TS specifically needs the palm cable for it?
02:16.29lostnthenetI hacked one of the monoprice micro usb cables to allow it to work with the ts
02:16.32RagingMinddoubtful... just a cable that fits into the hole in the back
02:16.47lostnthenetyou also have to trim the end to allow it to fit
02:16.57RagingMindI imagine any other cable would work but if it was too bulky then you'd have to use an exacto
02:17.54sbromwichcan see duct tape and exacto knives in his future
02:18.08lostntheneti used a dremel
02:18.29lostnthenetI have a TS in my car
02:18.48pslag1For AC, the adapter is important.  A Belkin only supplies 500mA, whereas the Palm brand supplies 1A
02:19.05pslag1Works same with any microUSB cable.  Palm or generic.
02:19.08RagingMindlostnthenet, if I had the money I'd hack together a car holder arm thingy and a TS
02:20.00RagingMindthen I could use GPS without dieing
02:20.05lostnthenetRagingMind, Mine is actually just sitting on the console, it stays put because of the texture of the bottom of the TS.  I really like it
02:20.52RagingMindI actually want a little adjustable arm thingy so that I can move it around as I see fit
02:21.10pslag1RagingMind: FM transmitter: Belkins=POS, Griffins=OK.  But if your FM band is highly populated, they are all POS.  (IMHO)
02:22.13RagingMindI was in the middle of no where
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02:22.34lostnthenetoooh, USB 3.0 does 900mA
02:22.59lostnthenetRaging: what kind of car do you have?
02:23.12RagingMindLMAO.  I bought belkin cause my BF used to work at best buy (that's where we were shopping) and he said griffin was crap and belkin was the good one
02:23.25RagingMindlostnthenet, '97 ford thunderbird
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02:25.03RagingMindI wonder if my netbook is jealous of my pre...
02:25.13FuMan1does it reboot on wakeup?
02:25.41sbromwichsenses bitterness in the force
02:25.55FuMan1sbromwich:  i came from a treo755
02:26.02FuMan1which, im not sure if you played with palmOS much
02:26.03RagingMindnow that I have a pre I'm thinking I should go from a S-10 to a S12
02:26.04sbromwichis that the windows one?
02:26.08sbromwichI had a 650
02:26.13FuMan1nah, its the last palm one
02:26.20FuMan1but old palm os was fast as hell
02:26.25RagingMindI have an old palm pilot... it was really nifty
02:26.26FuMan1it was sparse, but it was fast, and solid
02:26.36FuMan1and it still kills me a bit, when my pre can't do things half as well D;
02:26.46FuMan1luna resets on wakeup, and not being able to set a PRIMARY NUMBER
02:26.51FuMan1are my 2 killers
02:27.23sbromwichhave you seen luna resets with all the kernels on mine you tried or were there any that stopped it?
02:27.39sbromwichand what do you mean by primary number?
02:27.41FuMan1i think i mentioned it awhile back
02:27.47FuMan1i've seen 1
02:27.53FuMan1and it was possibly totally unrelated
02:28.00FuMan1primary number as in
02:28.10FuMan1if i type amber in messaging, i get her home phone
02:28.15FuMan1if i type amber is universal search
02:28.18FuMan1i get her mobile
02:28.25FuMan1if i type it in the dialer, i get her home phone
02:28.35FuMan1i've sent so many damned SMS-to-landline
02:28.38sbromwichif it was on -24 that might be because I pulled out some of the wakeup testing/rescheduling to see if that would help the battery
02:28.52FuMan1because i can't set which number is always default
02:29.01FuMan1and having to physically hit the screen, when dialing up someone in universal search
02:29.11FuMan1because the number i want isn't the number the phone has decided to show up as the top result
02:30.27sbromwichmmm... that definitely sounds like a userspace issue to me FuMan1 ;-)
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02:32.07RagingMindhow hard would it be to replace a service that's on the phone?
02:32.28FuMan1sbromwich:  i don't expect you to solve allll of my problems
02:32.31FuMan1but, you are well on your way
02:33.19sbromwichanyway... time for bed, laters :-)
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03:16.57rwhitbycan someone test that the latest preware-bootstrap script works for Preware 1.0.0 ?
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03:19.34PullingJany further guidance on whether installing package manager service is the expected behavior when upgrading from preware .9.99 to 1.0 ?
03:20.06rwhitbyPullingJ: it is expected, it is then removed as the last step of the upgrade, as noted in the ChangeLog for 1.0.0 in the description in Preware
03:20.30PullingJI saw that it was removed, didn't notice that it would be re-installed
03:20.57PullingJpreware .99 already removed it when i upgraded from .9.38 or whatever i was on before
03:22.00rwhitbyyep, whether or not it tries to install it again depends on what is listed in the dependencies of all the various installed preware and preware alpha packages and those in the feeds that you have listed
03:22.22rwhitbyif any of them list a dependency on ipkgservice, it will be reinstalled, and then re-removed in the postinst script
03:23.52PullingJoh, so like luna manager?
03:24.44PullingJwhich still works fine with preware .9.99 and no package manager service installed?  do those use the built-in service?
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03:28.46rwhitbyno, I mean various versions of Preware and Preware Alpha
03:28.55rwhitby(including your installed versions of such)
03:29.24rwhitbybasically, the dependency will hang around until it has been removed from everything
03:29.34PullingJoh, ok.  I'll just do what it wants and not worry about it.  I only have preware .9.99 installed now.
03:29.49PullingJOH, there is still a dependency on file?
03:30.27rwhitbyI believe I've just removed the last one from the webos-internals/all feed
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03:31.08rwhitbyit was safer to have ipkgservice reinstalled, than to have something leave you with no service installed.
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04:41.53jhojho_anyone know if the agps patch is in the preware feed yet?
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04:45.14lostnthenetlater guys
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05:02.14jhojho_webos internals has jumped the shark! there's a facebook page now =)
05:03.32halfhalo_T400Two more days... Two more days until no more finals and new camera
05:04.39*** join/#webos-internals Maxel (
05:05.19jhojho_what are you getting?
05:06.07halfhalo_T400Pentax K-x with Two Lens's, enerloop charging pack, and 8GB SDHC card for a grand total of 655
05:08.18rwhitbyjhojho_: "jumped the shark" ?
05:08.40halfhalo_T400Shark with friggin lazer beams attached to its head?
05:09.11halfhalo_T400wishes for a shark with friggin lazer beams attached to its head...
05:11.32halfhalo_T400I need my paycheck or new cc to get here now
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05:44.23idw2k|wircjust reprinting the same examiner story
05:44.53idw2k|wircinteresting the apparent corroboration from engadget, though
05:45.26hmagooand of course after you buy something you want to promote it
05:45.38hmagooleak a little here and there
05:46.32idw2k|wircI would be surprisedi if they have something ready that fast
05:46.59hmagoowell, not if they already had  a linux based device
05:47.30*** join/#webos-internals opie_ (
05:47.35idw2k|wircI should clarify that I mean ready to really take on apple
05:47.59idw2k|wircobviously webOS could be ported relatively easily as is
05:49.03idw2k|wircthe killer app would be flash, which is not totally out of the question in that timeframe
05:49.40hmagoolooks like apple is going after a proprietary flash replacement
05:50.05idw2k|wircgood luck to them with that
05:51.32idw2k|wircit doesn't make sense to me, but if you've got ten million customers who would buy steve jobs' pop if you put it in a brushed aluminum case you look at things differently
05:57.35jhojho_rwhitby:  =)
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06:17.22oilwho is kevank?
06:24.15rwhitbyoil: dunno
06:25.20*** join/#webos-internals lostnthenet (~482f9b64@gateway/web/freenode/x-fdyhwpozccdpiffa)
06:25.46lostnthenetwhere can I find the irc archives for this channel?
06:25.56oillostnthenet: lined in the topic
06:26.28lostnthenetI swear I tried to read it.  :P
06:26.30rwhitbylostnthenet: maybe that's why your lostnthenet ;)
06:26.49oilrwhitby: he made a hot apps thing "for homebrew"
06:27.06rwhitbyoil: oh, link?
06:27.08oilbut its in the palm-web feed, afaik its not eligible
06:27.16oilrwhitby: i saw it in preware after upgrading to 1.0
06:30.55lostnthenettrying to work on that usb charging cable I was talking about earlier
06:31.25lostnthenetfirst test complete and I didn't blow up the pre or the laptop
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06:35.48dirtyblacksocksIs WebOS hanging when installing a theme through the PreWare program installed onto the phone a common problem?
06:38.23ka6soxanybody powered the Pre from a powersupply without the battery?
06:38.28lostnthenetsweet, got it working.  That was quick
06:39.21lostntheneti had to short the signal wires on the pre side so it would recognize as fast charge.  Of course this means the cable will only work for charging and not data
06:39.47rwhitbyka6sox: it usually won't work
06:40.02chrisalostnthenet: I've made several of those cables at work for testing, it should work fine
06:40.13rwhitbyka6sox: most phones need the instantaneous current capabilities of the battery for cellular transmit
06:40.27chrisaHmm, yes and no rwhitby
06:41.12chrisaPre/Pixi can be powered entirely off a supply providing 3.8-4.2v, however you'll run into issues with non-internal builds of the code freaking out over there being no battery
06:41.31rwhitbychrisa: even when transmitting?
06:41.35chrisaIn linux you can just kill powerd, but that doesn't help bootie seeing no battery
06:41.59lostnthenetchrisa: have you made the cables with 2 usb A inputs to allow 1000mA of current?
06:42.19chrisauh huh, though we usually limit AC to 800 mA or so if I recall
06:42.41chrisaI forget why, but there was a reason 1A wasn't preferred on wall chargers
06:43.11lostnthenetI was doing it to see if I could charge the pre faster at work from a pc instead of having another charger
06:43.14chrisarwhitby: if we're talking a power supply hooked in as a battery would be, yes
06:43.40chrisalostnthenet: careful, usb ports are not supposed to go above 500mA according to standard, you're in "undefined behavior" territory
06:43.53chrisaIt'll cause a reset on the controller on a lot of laptops
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06:44.25lostnthenetim using 2 ports that are each putting out 500mA like they do on alot of usb hard drives
06:44.32ka6soxchrisa, so bootie will be upset with only powering the pins with a PS?
06:44.36lostnthenetso not exceeding usb spec per port
06:44.41rwhitbychrisa: yeah, power supply will do it easily. but not usb port
06:45.09chrisarwhitby: right, a call can spike above 1A on a rare occasion, that'll cause a reset. But he was talking a power supply via the battery pins I assumed
06:45.27chrisaka6sox: it won't be able to communicate with a battery, so yes
06:45.29rwhitbychrisa: oh, yeah, you're right.  I misread the original question.
06:47.02ka6soxchrisa, will it just hang or go into a reboot loop?
06:47.36chrisaIt'll display an image similar to [?]
06:47.52chrisaand wait for a battery, eventually it shuts down iirc
06:48.02chrisaI haven't touched that code since last summer though
06:48.33ka6soxrats...I'm hoping to take current readings on the different kernels they are playing with.
06:49.15rwhitbyka6sox: voltage across a resistor in series with the battery?
06:49.15chrisaSomething you could try is boot with a battery, plug ac in, kill powerd, remove the battery and hook the power supply, then remove ac
06:49.24chrisaBut I don't officially endorse this
06:49.36rwhitbyand it *will* void your warranty :)
06:49.54ka6soxchrisa, I understand.
06:50.06chrisapowerd handles a lot of misc power things like screen dimming, etc. So it may be a bad test without that running
06:50.42rwhitbyheh, sbromwich considers powerd to be the source of most of the power drain on a Pre :)
06:51.44chrisaIt's a fairly lightweight daemon that handles a lot of important tasks. I'm not surprised he incorrectly blames it
06:52.04lostnthenetso is sys/devices/platform/usb_gadget/current_mA the only way to tell how much current the device is pulling?
06:52.09rwhitbyit wakes up fairly frequently, doesn't it?
06:52.31chrisaYou think it wakes up randomly for no reason?
06:52.58chrisalostnthenet: there's also a luna command, you can probably see it by watching the bus
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06:53.57rwhitbychrisa: no, I expect it's justified in all it's wakes.  I haven't followed the details closely, so take what I'm spouting with a huge grain of salt :)
06:55.11ka6soxchrisa, can I re-enable powerd when I get it on the PS or will that fail too?
06:55.44chrisaI'm pretty sure it'll see that you have no battery and initiate a shutdown to the [?] logo
06:56.47ka6soxdoes the battery report current? ie: can I fake it out by letting it communicate but NOT power things off of it?
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06:58.33chrisaBeyond this and it may be frowned upon for me to say anything
07:00.14*** join/#webos-internals RagingMind (
07:01.49rwhitbyka6sox: things talk to the battery (I think it's a one wire protocol)
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08:53.40ka6soxokay figured out how to make the unit think there is a battery, now to hack a USB cable so it doesn't provide power.
09:05.11rwhitbyruns fileCoaster to see if it can install Preware 1.0
09:11.58swisstomcatfilecoaster .. haven't used that in ages :)
09:14.54jhojho_that was uninstalled ages ago
09:15.33jhojho_now just waiting for that agps patch to show up in preware
09:20.31rwhitbynope, fileCoaster cannot
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09:25.39ka6soxour kernels currently do not support pcrm?
09:26.54rwhitbyoh man, I'm loving the wifi profile support I added to meta-doctor :)
09:27.08rwhitbymeta-doctor, palm-install preware, done.
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09:37.42hucksybig german IT newssite
09:39.36rwhitbyhucksy: thx
09:47.31swisstomcat"alternative app catalog for webos"
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10:51.01rwhitbyI think I've just found the way to detect an unclean reboot.
10:51.17rwhitby"lunaprop -a" has all sorts of good stuff
10:52.04rwhitby"lunaprop -m" in particulr
10:52.30rwhitbyfalse after a power wiggle wiggle
10:53.40rwhitbytrue after a blob+sym+r
11:18.52idw2k|wircthe "power wiggle wiggle" thing never works on my pre, oddly enough
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11:40.49kirkdsmith70anyone online
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12:07.08DrFunkhello all just wondering if there is a way to upload videos to Facebook from you tube (ex patch) ?
12:13.16swisstomcatthought that you  can upload to facebook from the video recorder app
12:13.36DrFunkyou can
12:14.02DrFunkbut swisstomcat if ur looking @ videos on youtube how can you do it ?
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12:14.37swisstomcatah, upload from the youtube app to facebook?
12:15.16sbromwichchrisa: I'm not saying powerd is to blame, I'm saying powerd is telling the kernel to go to sleep, the kernel is being fed a bad value for (IIRC) MPU to sleep, the kernel returns fail to powerd, powerd tries again to tell the kernel to go to sleep and it gets stuck in a loop like that until power is applied
12:15.37en0xDrFunk: can't u just download the video from youtube and then use video app to upload it to fb?
12:16.29DrFunkI've tried that no luck en0x
12:16.43sbromwichchrisa: that was my logic in putting a wfi instruction in the fail section of the code
12:18.09DrFunken0x: could you think of anything else ?
12:19.03en0xi'm hangover it's hard to think
12:19.58swisstomcatguess it's not possible then, drfunk
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12:44.28TheInvsbleManpreDoes anyone in here remember when Palm first allowed paid apps in the app catalog and how they accidentally gave out free downloads if you had previously downloaded the app via homebrew?
12:45.44en0xthis has been fixed
12:45.57en0xit was something related to app id
12:46.01TheInvsbleManpreOh yes of course I know
12:46.20TheInvsbleManpreI have a lingering side effect from that though that I needed help with
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12:48.34TheInvsbleManpreI mistakenly received a free copy of Word Whirl. And since they fixed it the app was disabled which I am completely ok with. But the thing is Palm still thinks it is registered to my profile and every time I doctor it tries to redownload it and fails because I have not actually paid for it. Also when I open the updates app it ALWAYS says there are app updates available because of Word Whirl
12:48.48swisstomcatit has been fixed? you can't just create your own hello world app and have an app-id of another app and then update it through the appstore?
12:48.55TheInvsbleManpreIs there any way I can get this cleared out of my Palm profile so it doesn't do this
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12:49.39TheInvsbleManpreSwisstomcat: nope, they fixed it shortly after it happened.
12:50.15swisstomcati managed to install two free apps that were not available in my country that way
12:50.43TheInvsbleManpreI'm guessing this is something I would have to call Palm for I just figured I would check here first.
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12:51.16TheInvsbleManpreSwisstomcat: free apps are a different story. Paid apps are protected as far as I know.
12:51.33swisstomcati'm not interested in piracy
12:51.44swisstomcatit might still work for free apps then
12:52.45TheInvsbleManpreYea. I am not interested in piracy either. I'm just trying to get Word Whirl cleared from my profile. It's not causing any issues other than being annoying.
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12:54.44TheInvsbleManpreI'm guessing the only ways to get rid of it would be to all Palm and have them clear it out or to purchase it.
12:54.50swisstomcathmm, i wonder if palm can actually edit your profile
12:54.55TheInvsbleManpreCall Palm*
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12:55.31TheInvsbleManpreI would think they can.
12:55.57TheInvsbleManpreMaybe I'll give them a call later. I'm on jury duty at the moment.
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13:07.45TheInvsbleManCan we clock below 500mhz for screen off usin the SS gov yet? Or is it still buggy?
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13:13.05swisstomcatwhat i heard was that 125mhz is not stable
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13:19.25RagingMindI haven't heard anyone complain about 250 yet
13:19.31RagingMindand 125 is stable for me
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13:47.18JesusMcCloud125 is unstable here
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13:59.21TheInvsbleManCan we clock below 500mhz for screen off using the SS gov yet or is that still buggy?
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16:00.01pablobIm following the instructions in
16:00.19pablobbut Im getting link errors at 'make stage' time
16:01.01pablobis anybody seeing the same?
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16:17.08phil_bwoh wow that hurt... corner of my slim hp wireless keyboard to the foot... so much for carpel tunnel warnings on these things, need foot injury warnings too...
16:18.08ka6soxphil_bw, IBM made a keyboard that we swear weighed in at 10 lbs.  we called it a Bludgeon.
16:18.41ka6soxif you dropped it on your foot it would break it.
16:19.10phil_bwka6sox, this one is super light (hp elite series), but it's got very defined edges, stabbed my poor foot
16:19.43ka6soxouch! that doesn't sound good at all.
16:20.06phil_bwno... still bloody hurts
16:20.18phil_bwcould have probably dropped the whole laptop on my foot and came out better
16:20.26en0xcut ur foot... it won't hurt anymore
16:21.02MarajinI loved those things
16:21.25phil_bwyes, indivudual metal switches on every key
16:21.33phil_bwcould hear someone typing from 100 yards away
16:22.59ka6soxthat was the sound of "productivity"
16:23.29phil_bwoh indeed
16:26.44Marajinsure but did they ever break?
16:26.57Marajinthey'd break the user before they'd break themselves
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16:32.06MitalisIs there a way to lock in the governor settings in Gonvah after a reboot?
16:32.30ka6soxMitalis, not currently
16:33.04Mitalisk thank you
16:33.41ka6soxlets see if novacomd finds the phone with this no-power hacked USB cable.
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16:45.28sbromwichanyone got a landline and a pre running stock palm kernel and willing to run a test for me?
16:45.57sbromwichunplug the pre from usb, turn it off, call it from the landline and see how many rings it takes before it wakes up and starts playing the ringtone
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16:54.37phil_bwsbromwich, I've got a Pre running the stock palm kernel but alas no landline (or second cell since the wife isn't home)
17:11.46sbromwichworth a try ;-)
17:12.03sbromwichfrom mine it takes 2 rings before the pre wakes and starts playing the ringtone, does that sound about right to anyone else?
17:12.34phil_bwthat sounds about right, like when I call my wife's pre or she calls mine to find it
17:12.50phil_bwsometime during the second ring we usually hear the tone
17:13.07sbromwichok, I think I added about 0.5s to that then
17:13.51phil_bwI'd be happy to let someone try calling my Pre and I'll post as soon as it lights up
17:14.03phil_bwbut I don't know what kind of ring difference there will be for people living far away
17:14.20sbromwichmmm... tricky, I think it's one of those things that you need to be watching the pre whilst you're calling it
17:14.38phil_bwyeah, that would indeed be the easiest
17:14.47sbromwichalthough you make a good point... there could be some latency going through the carrier, and the carrier is just feeding me a ring to make me understand the line isn't dead
17:15.03phil_bwI mean even if I went from land line to cell
17:15.13phil_bwin my case I would be going from Verizon to Sprint
17:15.30phil_bwthe best test would probably be Sprint to Sprint, I'll try it when the wife gets home
17:15.39sbromwichthanks :-)
17:16.01sbromwichI just pushed out -26 ("yoda") to the autobuilder, hopefully that'll fix a lot of complaints
17:16.18*** join/#webos-internals bazinga_ (~cf227847@gateway/web/freenode/x-ogajtdniophuokge)
17:16.33bazinga_hey there an easy way to upgrade from preware alpha to v1?
17:16.37phil_bwone of these days I'll try one of your fancy kernels
17:21.52bazinga_9.38 is still on the internals feed (all)
17:21.59bazinga_in WOQI
17:23.39sbromwichphil_bw: there's a feed for it now, even :-)
17:24.54phil_bwsbromwich, I'm keeping my Pre stock to try to optimize my X setup as best as I can
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17:34.31sbromwichsounds fair enough
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17:39.36phil_bwblahhh, is it really that hard to find a decent macro recorder... :(
17:40.09sbromwichunder linux?
17:40.13phil_bwall I want to do is make F5 do the equiv of ctrl+s, ctrl+k, ctrl+v
17:40.29sbromwichcan't help you there I'm afraid ;-)
17:41.35phil_bwoh well, thanks anyway
17:42.53bazinga_hey there an easy way to upgrade from preware alpha to v1?
17:43.29sbromwichbazinga_: dunno, your best bet is to wait another 5 or 6 hours and see if you can grab rwhitby
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17:43.41sbromwichand then of course document it up on the wiki :-)
17:44.29bazinga_the latest is not even on the feed for WOSQI
17:45.05sbromwichI've never used wosqi so I can't help you there I'm afraid :-/
17:45.43phil_bwthe feeds are the same (for Preware and WOSQI)
17:46.13nt4catsbazinga_: what do you mean 'upgrade ' from alpha to v1?  You just install v1
17:46.25bazinga_i have alpha installed
17:46.29bazinga_there is no upgrade
17:46.39bazinga_at least not on preware on my phone
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17:46.59nt4catsbazinga_: yes, that's my point.  There is no upgrade, because they are two different products
17:47.08bazinga_they are?
17:47.10nt4catsbazinga_: If you want to run preware (non-alpha) install it
17:47.14bazinga_i was told that the alpha would become v1
17:47.23nt4catsbazinga_: yes, one product is named "Preware Aplha", one is named "Preware"
17:47.41bazinga_bad info i guess
17:48.33bazinga_i dont see v1 in my webosqi
17:49.25nt4catsbazinga_; if you have preware alpha on your phone refresh your feeds and install preware
17:49.34bazinga_sigh sigh
17:49.42bazinga_i just told u its not there
17:50.23bazinga_dont worry..i will check forums
17:50.29nt4catsbazinga_: I just arrived (really just came back from lunch), so I didn't know it wasn't showing up in preware
17:50.44nt4catsbazinga_: let me check my feeds ...
17:51.08nt4catsCan you open up your preware alpha for me, please?
17:52.05djkAnyone else having trouble run the App Catalog Update? The first app in the list is blank and the rest seem to be just hang on download.
17:52.45nt4catssees Preware 1.0.0 in his Preware update feeds
17:53.28djknot the Preware feeds the Apps
17:54.27nt4catsdjk: sorry, I am trying to help someone else with a Preware issue
17:54.40nt4catsbazinga_: are you still here?
17:54.54djknt4cats: thanks didn't know
17:56.56nt4catsIs there a term for people who get annoyed with you when you try to help them -- especially if you're not familiar with the comments they made before you arrived?
17:58.06nt4catsbazinga_: in spite of the fact that you're getting testy with me, I'd be glad to help you if/when you come back
17:59.13sbromwichnt4cats: in england we call them "muppets"
18:00.41nt4catsdjk: I'll try my app catalog in a minute, I haven't gone there today.   I have seen behavior similar to that in the past, and it lasted a few hours then ...
18:03.13nt4catsdjk: my app catalog seems to be behaving okay ... maybe the problem is intermittent (or you're hitting a different update server than me, maybe)
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18:32.21djkI'm wondering if it is the first app that is blank and I can't identify what it is. I would delete if I could figure that out
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18:35.28djkIt's been this way for a week or so. I have booted it and all to force any hung service to clear but that doesn't seem to be the problem
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18:58.11sbromwichmarkov chains for a quit message?
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19:06.59swisstomcattagline in preware needs to change "we will get to v.1.0 .. eventually"
19:07.02nt4catsmeow swissy
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19:07.24swisstomcatmeow nt4
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19:11.01Adam24the install button is not working on the palm feeds.
19:11.11nt4catsAdam24: in Preware?
19:11.24nt4catsAdam24: which version of Preware?
19:12.23nt4cats(firing up Preware v1.0 ...)
19:13.48nt4catsAdam24: what behavior are you seeing?
19:13.56swisstomcatthis tagline in preware 1.0 needs to change "we will get to v.1.0 .. eventually"
19:14.21nt4catsAdam24: I just installed "AnimalMemory" from the Palm Beta feed and it went swimmingly well
19:14.49Adam24I click the install button on an app's page in the palm feed and nothing happens.
19:15.13nt4catsis your application catalog icon working by itself?
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19:16.44Adam24I'm using this in the emulator which is supported by preware's configuration.
19:17.20nt4catsAdam24: Hmmm, does the Palm Beta feed work for you?
19:17.44en0x hehehe
19:17.49Adam24install button turns blue and that all that happens.
19:17.51swisstomcathey nt4cats .. how do you like animalmemory?
19:17.52nt4catsAdam24: well it is working for me, I wonder if this is an emulator-specific issue
19:18.01nt4catsswisstomcat: Dunno, I haven't launched it yet
19:18.36nt4catsswisstomcat: it looked like something I could use to distract my kids in a pinch ... I'll try it on the train home tonight
19:18.58swisstomcatdo you know that that's my app (well, one of them)
19:19.38nt4catsI didn't know that.  My daughter digs cows, it has a cow icon and I needed to pick a random app to respond to Adam24's "feeds aren't working" error report
19:19.53swisstomcatdo you also have moo, nt4cats?
19:20.11nt4catsCowSays Moo?  Yes.
19:20.17swisstomcatjust Moo
19:20.22nt4catsoh, just Moo, yes
19:20.36nt4catsI have both (again, my daughter likes cows)
19:20.44swisstomcatthat's my other app :)
19:21.01swisstomcatmy son likes animal sounds/images too
19:21.39swisstomcati don't think the app catalog works at all on the emulator, adam23
19:22.43bazinga_i am getting testy with u?
19:22.54Adam24yes, swisstomcat? worries then
19:23.02nt4catsbazinga_: maybe a little
19:23.10nt4catsbazinga_: but I'm glad to help you resolve your issue
19:23.21bazinga_guess that is your opinion
19:23.25bazinga_not sure why u think that
19:23.58nt4catsbazinga_: I'd rather focus on solving your problem instead of copying-and-pasting our previous conversation
19:23.58*** join/#webos-internals DrFunk (
19:24.37DrFunkis it possible to copy and paste in terminal ?
19:24.39bazinga_is there an upgrade path from alpha to version 1 or preware
19:24.51nt4catsbazinga_: No there is not.  They are two separate applications.
19:24.58nt4catsbazinga_: all you need to do is install Preware
19:25.18bazinga_v1 of preware is not yet avail except as an upgrade
19:25.22oilinstall preware, remove prewarel alpha
19:25.27Adam24swisstomcat, the homebrew feeds work in the emulator.
19:25.34nt4catsoil: I've been trying to tell him that, he hasn't listened yet
19:25.40bazinga_the reason i have alpha is nt4cats suggestion...
19:25.47bazinga_i had issued with package manager version
19:25.49nt4catsbazinga_: open up Preware alpha for me please
19:25.57swisstomcatadam24: yes,homebrew works but not the app catalog
19:26.40nt4catsbazinga_: once it is open, please select "list of everything"
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19:27.20nt4catsbazinga_: after selecting "list of everything" type (no quotes) "preware"
19:27.42bazinga_got it
19:27.47nt4catsbazinga_: if your feeds have been refreshed lately (you told me they were), you'll see "Preware v1.0.0" under "yesterday"
19:28.08nt4catsnow you can select Preware v1.0.0
19:28.11bazinga_so my question was if v1 is avail standalone yet
19:28.44DrFunksup cats
19:28.55nt4catsonce you have Preware 1.0.0 open all you need to do is click the "install" button.
19:29.11nt4catsOnce you've done that you can remove Preware alpha if you'd like.
19:30.06DrFunkso is it possible to copy and paste from terminal ?
19:30.50nt4catsDrFunk: I don't think so
19:31.15DrFunkack so it has to be a screen shot than
19:31.17nt4catsDrFunk: there is a [small] chance I'm wrong, but I'm reasonably sure you cannot
19:32.22nt4catsDrFunk: ... so I'm not claiming to be authoritative -- you're not allowed to flame, cyber-stalk, or look at me with a funny expression if I am proved wrong
19:32.51DrFunklmao @ nt4cats
19:33.09nt4catsDrFunk: is this something where you can pipe the output to a file and then copy the results off of your pre and use/post?
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19:33.16DrFunkoil: do you know if you can copy and paste in terminal
19:33.31oilcopy/pastes nt4cats answer
19:34.02nt4catsoil: you have to author your own caveats, however.  I have mine protected by international copyright treaty
19:34.22oillet me put it this way
19:34.23DrFunknt4cats: what do you mean
19:34.34oili've never copied from or pasted into terminal
19:34.38oilthat doesn't mean its not possible
19:35.16DrFunkwell lets just say I did a uptime and want to copy the results
19:35.39oilpipe it to a file on /media/internal and usb it off :)
19:35.48nt4catsDrFunk: if you're in terminal and you run "xyz" it is producing output you want to capture somehow.  Can you run "xyz > /media/internal/my_results.txt" and then transfer the my_results.txt file off of your Pre (using scp or mounting your Pre in USB mode)?
19:36.05nt4catsDrFunk: "uptime > /media/internal/uptime.txt"
19:37.46DrFunkI just tried it errr
19:38.11nt4cats[ddenardo@cylon src]$ uptime > /tmp/foo
19:38.12nt4cats[ddenardo@cylon src]$ cat /tmp/foo
19:38.24nt4catsDrFunk: it just worked here
19:38.55en0xoh oh palm pre plus hits att on the 16th
19:39.46DrFunknt4cats: what can I be doing wrong
19:40.01DrFunkbesides using the pre :)
19:40.21DrFunken0x: att stinks
19:41.57nt4catsDrFunk: as a stability test I uninstalled openssh from my Pre 1 hour ago, so I don't have a quick way to login to my pre
19:42.30nt4catsDrFunk: you didn't type the quotes, did you?
19:42.44DrFunknt4cats: I was asking how you did it
19:42.48DrFunkno I didnt
19:42.55nt4catsI copy-and-pasted exactly what I did
19:43.14nt4catsDrFunk: Can you screen shot your try and post it to something like
19:44.07en0xDrFunk: been there done that
19:45.23DrFunkwhat's that nt4cats
19:45.48Adam24here's a ScreenFlow screencast explaining my problem:
19:47.08nt4catsDrFunk: do you know how to make a screenshot of your Pre?
19:47.29DrFunknt4cats: yes
19:47.37DrFunkI can take a screen shot
19:47.50nt4catsokay, with your terminal app showing how you tried to save the results of "uptime", take a screenshot.
19:48.12DrFunkbut don't think I can upload to
19:48.25DrFunkI'm on my pre now
19:49.34nt4catsyou'll have to connect your Pre to your PC in USB mode and then use your PC's browser to upload them, then.
19:49.48nt4catsMaybe one of the other picture sharing services is easier
19:49.59nt4catsI don't have a preference for which one is used ...
19:50.56DrFunkoh so nt4cats imgur is for pc than ? is one example a of a free and easy-to-use picture/photo file sharing site
19:51.31nt4catssomething like is for text
19:52.30DrFunkI think I no what I did
19:52.52DrFunkI need the > like you did but I have to see how I do that in terminal
19:53.40DrFunknt4cats: do you no if there is a link for the sym commands for terminal
19:53.42nt4catsDrFunk: Shift key plus the .
19:54.05DrFunklet me try again
19:54.06nt4catsDrFunk: all of the "non-obvious" keys can be found here:
19:55.28*** join/#webos-internals GreedyB (
19:57.01DrFunkthanks nt4cats
19:57.05DrFunkgot it now
19:57.16nt4catsDrFunk: np
19:57.22DrFunkdoing a test on the pre
19:58.53DrFunknt4cats: I wonder if there is a site to upload pics from the pre
20:04.59nt4catsDrFunk: I'm not sure how friendly the Pre's browser is to uploads ... but I am going to poke around and see if I can find an adequate solution
20:06.04DrFunkI'm doing the same now
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20:07.34nt4catsDrFunk: there is a flickr Uploader in Preware ...
20:10.02DrFunklooks like maybe photoshare
20:10.13DrFunkor photowall
20:10.45nt4catsDrFunk: there is also an app called "PixelPipe Pro" that seems to connect with lots of services
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20:17.55DrFunknt4cats: can you try this
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20:18.53nt4catsDrFunk: up for 7 days, nice
20:18.58nt4catsdid you do that all on-phone?
20:19.36Lumierent4cats: is it sad when you stop expecting 7 days uptime on a phone?
20:20.34nt4catsDrFunk: gotta run to catch a train -- I'll be back online in about 20 minutes
20:20.45Lumieredoesn't remember to charge it enough... so my phone shuts off at about 11pm
20:20.58DrFunklol Lumiere
20:21.10DrFunkgoing to try for 21 days
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20:44.10nt4catsswissy is gone?
20:44.14nt4cats~seen swisstomcat
20:44.15infobotswisstomcat <> was last seen on IRC in channel #webos-internals, 1h 18m 18s ago, saying: 'adam24: yes,homebrew works but not the app catalog'.
20:44.46Lumierehe left 10 minutes ago or so
20:45.05nt4catsthat was very inconsiderate of him to leave when I want him now
20:45.24nt4catshe'll have to be more thoughtful next time
20:45.57Lumiereit's like me and rwhitby... he seemed to go to bed every time I had questions for him :)
20:46.07Lumiere(don't have any right now)
20:46.45nt4catsI think we should acquire robot parts to replace all of rwhitby's fleshy bits so that he won't need sleep and can just hang out here 24/7 and answer our questions
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20:51.22nt4catstried to get infobot to say "mmmmmmm ... fleshy bits!" but he wouldn't listen to me :/
20:52.21Lumiereinfobot: botsnack
20:52.21infobotthanks, Lumiere
20:52.32Lumiereit should say that to botsnack ;)
20:52.45infobotnt4cats: aw, gee
20:53.03nt4cats~say I love Kiwis!
20:53.29MitalisIs there a link to browse the webos patches w/o the need for Preware?
20:53.51LumiereMitalis: what do you mean by browse the patches?
20:53.56Lumierethe list or the actuall diff?
20:55.02nt4catsMitalis: if you want to see the list of patches in a json-ish format you can look at the "Packages" file in this directory
20:55.24nt4cats(that's assuming you're looking for the webOS version of the patches)
20:55.49Mitalisperfect.. Thank you!
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21:13.09MitalisAnybody know the name of that one patch that uses the gesture controls to pull up the additional options when in the browser?
21:16.09MitalisOr the other patch where you can swipe down from the top (where the clock resides) and it shows you today's events along with tomorrows?
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21:27.07halfhalo_T400Two down and Two and a Half to go
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22:37.06KnoxBNYCRod, you there?
22:39.29KnoxBNYCanybody inhere? :)
22:44.17phil_bwwanders by
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23:11.00sbromwichgiven the number of people willing to donate to webos-internals... I wouldn't refuse a test pre to verify different revs of hardware
23:12.16chrisaThat doesn't sound noble. You're supposed to passive aggressively lament your lack of test hardware
23:12.39sbromwichoh, if only I had different revs of hardware to test my kernels on
23:12.55sbromwichI can't help noting people are donating quantities of cash for webos-internals
23:13.04sbromwichhow's that, chrisa? ;-)
23:13.28uNiXpSyChOwanders by
23:13.41sbromwichuNiXpSyChO is to blame too
23:13.45sbromwichit's all his fault
23:13.53uNiXpSyChOstarts running
23:14.01halfhalo_T400wanders by but makes a quick stop to steal sbromwich's wallet
23:14.28sbromwichbastids, the lot of ya
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23:15.02sbromwichalso why is it the glass can magically fill itself with alcoholic substances but the bottle can't?
23:15.34uNiXpSyChOyou need a barrel for that
23:15.54sbromwichdammit, that's where I've been going wrong all these years
23:16.25rwhitbysbromwich: done.  see private message for details.
23:18.42sbromwichpassive aggression ftw.
23:18.52sbromwichthanks for the hint chrisa!
23:19.26halfhalo_T400still has sbromwich's wallet though...
23:19.35rwhitbysbromwich: of course, the fact that we've bought second hand devices for all the core devs to use for testing has nothing to do with it ;)
23:19.59sbromwichhalfhalo_T400: if you want 4 US dollar bills and a collection of cards that are useless outside nova scotia... batter on, good man, batter on
23:20.26halfhalo_T400meh, I steal for the kicks
23:20.35sbromwichhalfhalo_T400: you're dead on if you ever need to fake treatment at the IWK children's hospital though
23:22.00phil_bwso have any commercial devs met my challenge and donated?
23:22.43sbromwichI will name my next kernel whatever you choose phil_bw
23:23.20phil_bwdoesn't know star wars too good (I know I suck at being a nerd)
23:25.01phil_bwnow I just need to get one of my commercial projects rolling... been too busy screwin with the open source stuff
23:25.14sbromwichdetails, details ;-)
23:26.01phil_bwit's a double edged sword really... no time to write commercial software to help fund the open source developers because I'm busy helping develop with the open source developers
23:27.08sbromwichwouldn't it be teh awesome to know the kernel rev was the best one *evah*? ;-)
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23:27.20scoutcamperhi all
23:27.37phil_bwbtw there will probably a by then as well (the open source division)
23:28.18sbromwichso you're saying you want *two* releases? ;-)
23:29.05scoutcamperdoes anyone know how to port an android app to pre(i.e. I got one via the emulator that I want to make for pre)
23:29.24sbromwichscoutcamper: what language is the source in?
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23:30.19scoutcamperit was packaged as .apx and I renamed to .zip and extracted, so, that language
23:30.48scoutcamperlol, .apk not apx
23:31.53sbromwichthat's compressed data, not source...
23:33.36scoutcamperI know, app is free, not open source
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23:41.05phil_bwoh I think hell just froze over...
23:41.08phil_bwI'm commenting my code
23:41.21phil_bwlike actual useful comments (not just deactivating large blocks of code)
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23:43.30sbromwichall *my* patches have READMEs
23:44.53phil_bwoh the README... I haven't gone that far
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23:49.59sbromwichmight be considered... advanced
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23:52.37halfhalo_T400Ok, just a little pissed
23:52.43halfhalo_T400Price of the camera went up
23:52.49phil_bwand my 1 year old miight be considered... cranky
23:52.53phil_bwgoes and feeds the 1 year old
23:52.55sbromwichhalfhalo_T400: you need more whisky to make you *quite* pissed then
23:53.07halfhalo_T400but I don't drink
23:53.17sbromwichthen you shouldn't be pissed
23:53.22sbromwichunless you are slood
23:53.31halfhalo_T400I need 647.45 like now
23:53.33sbromwichand ameliorating sloodness
23:53.53sbromwichthat's a very precise figure
23:54.02sbromwichme, I could do with about 50 grand
23:54.13sbromwichbeer and dancing girls *would* be mine then
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23:56.12halfhalo_T400Its the price of the camera, sd card, and batteries shipped
23:56.29nt4catssbromwich: is "pissed" a multi-meaning word, or does it only mean "had too much alcohol" to you and people like you?
23:56.39sbromwichhalfhalo_T400: look for a bigger amount, then you can at least spent the rest on booze
23:56.42nt4catshere is only means "angry"
23:56.52sbromwichnt4cats: "pissed" means "drunk" to me
23:56.54halfhalo_T400Don't Drink for two reasons
23:57.13halfhalo_T400one, underage.  two, I drive WAY to fast
23:57.32sbromwichhalfhalo_T400: if you drive then you're old enough to drink but not drive imho
23:57.47nt4catsdrinking is the only "move" I have left that works with my wife
23:58.29halfhalo_T400I just see no reason for me to drink alcohol.  I would much rather drive like a bat out of hell then let someone else drive me
23:59.03Tibfibhalfhalo_T400: +1
23:59.39sbromwichhalfhalo_T400: I don't have a driver's license
23:59.55yokkenget one
23:59.56halfhalo_T400should also point out he has a lowered suspension, tweaked engine, and a reckless disregard for speed limits

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