IRC log for #webos-internals on 20100503

00:00.40WillJitsurwhitby: I was using the screenstate 500/800 in case anyone else reports a similar issue.
00:04.18uNiXpSyChOis a little meowy this evening
00:04.35jwmwtf is that
00:04.44uNiXpSyChOi need a scratching post
00:05.02uNiXpSyChOthat too
00:06.18uNiXpSyChOzsoc is a wealth of knowledge
00:06.51*** join/#webos-internals Volcom45 (
00:07.04halfhalois laughing because he knows its true
00:07.13*** join/#webos-internals nekrox_ (~nekro@unaffiliated/nekrox)
00:07.47Volcom45I wish to add Bible Reader KJV to the bounty for Save/Restore
00:08.20zsocVolcom45: 1.) write the script, or 2.) prod someone else to do it, till they comply to shut you up
00:08.23zsocthat's what I do at least
00:08.27Volcom45I'll gladly double the app price if I get commitment
00:09.20zsocVolcom45: unless by 'bounty' you meant something other than a backup method?
00:09.46Volcom45I mean the settings saves
00:10.06Volcom45like notes, underlining, bookmarks, etc
00:10.59Volcom45Rods thread said come here to talk about adding a new app to save/restore
00:11.05zsocYes. You could do it yourself by looking at the example of how the others are done
00:11.24Volcom45I am not a coder
00:11.49zsocIt's not really a code, just a script. That's a list of the others that are supported
00:12.00zsocVolcom45: but the 2nd option works well. Bother rod until he does it :>
00:12.50Volcom45k thx
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00:31.53GreedyBI feel like the menus are snappier with the old unixpsycho 800mhz kernel. Has anyone experienced that? I went back to a stock menu 3x
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08:48.59hape~seen rwhitby
08:49.01infobotrwhitby is currently on #webos-internals #oe #meego #nslu2-linux. Has said a total of 100 messages. Is idling for 8h 49m 16s, last said: 'WillJitsu: but yeah, we should not discount any possible cause.'.
08:49.14rwhitbyhey hape
08:49.29hapehi, happy that you are there
08:49.35rwhitbyso am I :)
08:49.47hapeI have problems with a pre/post scrips of ipks
08:50.41hapeIs Preware making the root partition writable and switch it back or have the script to do it
08:50.54hapeMy last test I assume that preware is doing this.
08:51.18rwhitbyPreware does this
08:51.36rwhitbyhape: *but* if you use palm-install, it will not do it.
08:52.02rwhitbyhape: look at the postinst for Preware or SaveRestore or Govnah for examples of how to do it in a way which works everywhere
08:52.55hapethe uses use WQIS and are geeting this kind of error =>
08:53.46hapeWhen they try to install the locale packeg. The script is only one line to create a link to /usr/lib/locale to the loaclae in the package
08:54.25hapeas they are missing in webos.
08:54.37hapeThe remove script is also only one line to remove the link
08:55.32hapeIt only happens for some users not for all
08:57.28rwhitbydoes the same error occur if they are using Preware to install?
08:58.02rwhitbyand where can I see the source code for the scripts in question
09:00.31rwhitbyhape: when do you want to start using an applications/navit.git repository, and start putting these things in the webos-internals testing feed?
09:11.37*** join/#webos-internals aubilenon (~grlbd@
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09:42.13asmwsorry... wrong window
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11:38.48DarkSpecteris there any way to trigger a webos update beside the updater app ?
11:41.13rwhitbyDarkSpecter: no
11:41.30DarkSpecterthen i'm doomed :P
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11:42.01DarkSpecteri have a german pre on a german network, and it still thinks that it's up to date with 1.4
11:52.48DarkSpecterrwhitby: last question, when the pre checks for updates, does it contact palm directly or a server of the network provider ?
11:53.18rwhitbyDarkSpecter: it contacts servers from a content delivery network serving up palm content
11:54.40DarkSpecterrwhitby: so when my pre gets a response from that network that it has a up to date OS, although thats not the case, its more or less palms fault ? ;)
11:56.08rwhitbyDarkSpecter: if you've never entered developer mode, yes.  if you've ever entered developer mode, then you gave up your right for things to work correctly
11:57.27rwhitbyif you can replicate it immediately after using the webOS Doctor, then you get to complain to Palm :)
11:57.56DarkSpecterthats my problem, i dont want to doctor again, i'd lose my precious free monopoly :P
11:58.50DarkSpecteri already had to doctor from 1.3.1 to 1.4 because my pre wouldnt recognize the update
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12:31.43DarkSpecterrwhitby: seems it is palms AND my fault, because my pre got activated with a non O2 sim it seems it lost the ability to see updates beyond 1.3.2
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12:32.57rwhitbyDarkSpecter: if you activated with a sim from a non-supported carrier, then unfortunately it's all your fault :)
12:33.17rwhitby(as outrageous as that sounds, using a webOS device on an unsupported carrier is unsupported)
12:33.41DarkSpecterrwhitby: well, it is now a supported carrier, as vodafone now also sells webos devices in germany ;)
12:34.00rwhitbyDarkSpecter: well, you need to reactivate it on that carrier then.
12:34.25DarkSpecterstill according to the support guy at palm i'm talking with right now its a known problem that palm is working on
12:34.53DarkSpecterreactivate as in crerating a new palm profile ?
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12:38.57DarkSpecterrwhitby: what would be the consequences or reactivating it, would i lose contacts or apps ?
12:39.32rwhitbyDarkSpecter: I do not know what a reactivation does to your profile.
12:41.46DarkSpecterrwhitby: oh well, i guess i'll wait till palm comes up with a solution to this, its not like 1.4 is totaly unusable, preware > empty app catalog
12:42.03DarkSpecterrwhitby: thx for taking your time to help me
12:44.49rwhitbythere's some testing versions of ipkgservice, preware and preware alpha in the testing feed if anyone wants to alpha test them
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12:58.25rwhitbywow, installing packages with Preware Classic is just so boring when you're used to using Preware Alpha
12:58.58mikewxnormally installing packages is "exciting" only when the packages are alpha and you don't know if your pre will reboot or not
12:59.38swisstomcatgoes off to finally install preware alpha
12:59.48nt4catsthis is scary
13:00.01nt4catsI have a alpha update and a classic update queued
13:00.12mikewxwhat is preware alpha anyway?
13:00.15nt4catsit says it is going to install the package manager service, too (for classic)
13:00.40nt4catsI'm curious to see what happens here (now that the c-service is built in to the alpha)
13:00.43rwhitbynt4cats: lucky you  - a trifecta
13:01.05rwhitbynt4cats: what's the worst that can happen - do it
13:01.26rwhitbynt4cats: are you running classic or alpha ?
13:01.27nt4catsrwhitby: my phone could suddenty morph into a Windows Mobile device
13:01.36nt4catsrwhitby: running alpha
13:01.57nt4cats... no melting yet, prompting me for a java restart ...
13:02.01rwhitbynt4cats: you know there's a better than even chance that it will work
13:02.22nt4catsrwhitby: sure, if alpha gets upgraded second it'll probably work :)
13:02.38rwhitbyit all depends on whether it does ipkgservice or preware-alpha first, and I think it end up with a working preware in either case
13:03.11rwhitbygod knows I've tested enough transition scenarios that it *should* work.
13:03.48nt4catsalpha appears to be happy
13:03.54nt4cats(it is downloading feeds)
13:04.13rwhitbyare you getting download stats or not?
13:04.23rwhitby(that tells you whether it's using the java or C service)
13:04.35nt4catsStatus (listing the URL being pulled), yes.  Byte counts, no.
13:04.47rwhitbyok, so the java service got installed
13:05.09rwhitbydid preware-alpha update itself already, or not?
13:05.22nt4catsyes, the alpha is at *.68 now
13:05.50rwhitbyheh - you've now got alpha front end working with classic backend
13:06.11nt4catsI think I can bootstrap my way out of this pretty easily
13:06.22rwhitbyoh, you can get out of it with preware
13:06.42rwhitbyrun preware, uninstall alpha, reinstall alpha
13:07.55rwhitbyyou might need a java restart after the uninstall alpha if it stops the java service
13:08.30rwhitbyok, I think I've now tested most combinations of Preware, Preware Alpha, and Uber-Kernel
13:08.32nt4catsthat was officially wierd
13:08.46rwhitbynt4cats: what happened?
13:08.57nt4catsI unstalled alpha (using classic), and then I clicked install alpha -- and saw byte counts during the download
13:09.25nt4catsI can't believe I imagined that, but that's what I think I saw
13:10.42rwhitbyI can believe that - it's my "don't remove if there will still be one left" logic in the prerms
13:10.43nt4catsclassic backend appears to be running (didn't do a java restart) ...
13:11.31rwhitbythe alpha prerm is designed to *not* stop the service if you have both classic and alpha installed
13:11.55nt4catshmmm, no byte counts when downloading feeds when running alpha
13:12.00nt4catswhat I did:
13:12.06rwhitby(since after we update to Preware 1.0, lots of people will hit uninstall on Preware Alpha, and you don't want that to remove the service)
13:12.27nt4catslaunch classic, remove alpha, install alpha, close classic, launch alpha, restart java, close alpha, launch alpha
13:12.40rwhitby(and that has to be in Preware Alpha for the version *before* the version at which we transition to Preware 1.0
13:13.06mikewxgoes to install this alpha thing everyone's so hot on
13:13.09rwhitbynt4cats: as long as you never lost the ability to install a package, then my efforts have paid off
13:13.35nt4catsI believe that I have always been able to install packages, yes
13:13.39swisstomcatbbl .. i'm off to new york
13:14.09rwhitbynt4cats: that is why we don't have Preware 1.0 released yet, cause I've been working on making these scenarios fail-safe
13:14.28rwhitbycause 200,000 people are going to be doing it
13:16.17nt4catsI don't see any jars with the (case-insensitive) substring "webos", "man", or "mgr" in them running, so I would say that the classic/java backend is not running
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13:18.58nt4cats.. and I don't see an installed package for it, either (assuming it is called "org.webosinternals.{something}")
13:20.03nt4catsokay, c-language is running (I just installed save/restore and saw byte counts)
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14:07.12rwhitbyposts the facts of webos-internals kernel development and Super PreKernel at
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14:12.22bpadalino|workthe time has come: a fact's a fact
14:20.10ytzrwhitby: makes for a good read.
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14:43.36rwhitbybpadalino|work: nice reference :)
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14:49.04bpadalino|worki thought you'd like it
14:51.16ytz(That's the 2nd reference to midnight oil I've heard in 2010. Haven't heard those guys in yeeeears)
14:52.02bpadalino|workthey were just on the radio here, which made me think of it
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15:14.24rwhitbyytz: my computer name is "oils"
15:14.41rwhitbyhas been for the last 18 years
15:16.10nt4catshates computers
15:16.23rwhitbyCPU Scaler Ultimate is now free
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15:41.58sbromwichrwhitby: what was the diff syntax you wanted for patches? diff -BuN?
15:45.17rwhitbysbromwich: diff -BurN is what I use
15:47.41ytzrwhitby: re "oils" -  wicked :)
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15:48.15rwhitbyytz: I think I changed the name of my first computer just after I saw them live on the Gold Coast.
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15:49.51nt4catsrecommends NOT clicking the little 'X' at the top-right corner of your window to activate it
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15:59.30rwhitbybbt - night all - don't forget to test the Preware versions in the testing feed - they should update kernels nicely now
16:10.43*** join/#webos-internals halfhalo_T400 (~halfhalo_@
16:13.07mikewxmytether is the worst $15 i've ever spent
16:13.33halfhalo_T400Gotta love "donationware"
16:13.43mikewxwould be fine if it worked
16:14.00mikewxbut as it stands i'm kinda pissed and thinking of reporting him to paypal~
16:14.16halfhalo_T400how is it not working?
16:14.38mikewxsame problem a bunch of other people in teh forums are having, and no response from author at all
16:14.47mikewxcourse those forums aren't shown till yo pay
16:15.06mikewxi can connect to the wifi spot, but i have local access only (can only ping pre)
16:15.10halfhalo_T400or until they crash, where the password is displayed
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16:19.22dirsi'm trying to update (with) meta-doctor. I put my phone on "usb mode" (power + volume up) but doctor says "we were unable to reset your phone"
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16:22.43oilsworkndoesn't know anything about the meta-doctor or he would try to help
16:23.38iSmiteumm, been a while, but i spoke to someone in here once who was used to working with midi, if that someones here can u pm me please- at a bit of a loss
16:23.43halfhalo_T400doesn't have linux running right now or he would help. And he really needs to finish the minimeta script
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16:24.53halfhalo_T400actually, the script is pretty much done except for the repackaging of the doctor
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16:26.16oilsworknlooks at halfhalo_T400 with disgust
16:26.28halfhalo_T400awwww, why now...
16:28.36dirshow can I errase everything from pre? I'm runing meta-doctor 1.4.1 and I failed installing doctor or meta-doctor
16:31.49halfhalo_T400use an older, IE pre 1.3 doctor
16:32.43en0xfirst do full erase then doctor it
16:32.52en0xto get rid of everything
16:34.13halfhalo_T400needs to find sources for his speech on why video games are art.... arg
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16:42.09Templarian <- Never saw Palm do that before.
16:42.22halfhalo_T400that the theme one?
16:42.57oilsworknthey've talked about stuff before
16:43.13TemplarianOh, must have missed it.
16:43.35oilsworknnon-official stuff that is
16:43.45oilsworknsadly, i go to look at the theme and: "OH NOES! This theme is currently unavailable. This may be because the author is making changes, check back shortly!"
16:45.24*** join/#webos-internals HattCzech_work (~c09c6e20@gateway/web/freenode/x-uxdzxwkusfepgydu)
16:45.53HattCzech_workafter installing the uber-kernel, i only need to remove it to restore the original, correct?
16:45.54TemplarianPalm's little marketing people must have fun picking the best tweets retweet how they feel as a company.
16:46.07HattCzech_workor do i need to install the default one once i've removed the uber?
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16:55.10oilsworknHattCzech_work: AFAIK, uninstalling uber reverts you to what you had before you installed it
16:55.28HattCzech_workthanks, oil
16:55.50oilsworknthough i could be totally wrong
16:55.53HattCzech_worksadly, i'm unable to use the uber-kernel governors, so i'll stick with the stock one for now
16:56.04oilsworknopen govnah after you remove it, if you get no temp, then its gone
16:56.57HattCzech_workyeah, i checked that
16:57.14HattCzech_workthen i tried to change the governor from userspace and it killed my phone
16:57.25HattCzech_workso i removed govnah as well
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17:17.58bpadalino|workrwhitby has been busy on a side project it seems:
17:21.32oilsworknwhat makes you say that?
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17:23.03bpadalino|workhe lives in adelaide
17:23.15nt4catshe is part Mammoth
17:23.29bpadalino|workthe pieces just fit
17:24.29nt4catswishes he could magically transmogriphy his Pre into a Pre Plus (but stay on Sprint)
17:24.50oilsworknhas wished that before
17:25.48nt4catsAt least 50% of the time I want to fire up a 3D game it is to pacify a 5-year-old ... and "wait while Daddy reboots the phone" is not helpful when he's already impatient
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17:26.45oilsworkni find tossing all my cards will usually let me launch a 3d game
17:26.59nt4catswishes his computer would go faster ... trying to display a few lines 119 million lines into a file ... (current command "tail -n +119830455 aggregate_geo_fact_phy.dat")
17:27.23nt4catsit is just data, show it to me already!
17:28.16oilsworknthat doesn't sound like any fun at all
17:31.14nt4catsoilsworkn: I have an 18G file that is a CSV dump of a database table (I don't have much choice in the dump format, the toolset for this datawarehouse appliance is limited), and it is failing on load/import.  It is a lot of fun trying to figure out and fix whatever is making it unhappy
17:31.51oilsworknwouldn't exactly call that fun
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17:50.27sbromwichnt4cats: split might be helpful to cut the file into more manageable chunks, tail has to seek all the way through counting lines
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17:57.15nt4catssbromwich: I know the error is very close to line 119830460, but don't know the byte offset (as this is a CSV the lines are variable in length)
17:58.01sbromwichsplit -l 119830400 filename?
17:58.07nt4catssbromwich: .... so the whole command of "tail -n +119830450 aggregate_geo_fact_phy.dat | head -20 > the_lines.dat" has given me a snippet of the data
17:58.17nt4catssbromwich: but spilt has to count the lines, too, right?
17:58.46sbromwichyeah, but only the once... then it's a lot easier to manipulate after ;-)
17:59.29chrisamorning internet
17:59.34nt4catssbromwich: I'm only running tail once ...
17:59.47sbromwichah fair enough
17:59.53nt4cats... because now I'm looking at the 20-line "the_lines.dat" file :)
18:00.34sbromwichhmmm... I seem to have lost the WAN interface on my phone
18:00.41sbromwichthat's... unfortunate
18:01.20halfhaloits the damn WAN gnomes
18:01.58sbromwichdunno, I've even taken the drastic (*cough*) step of booting the stock palm kernel
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18:05.44Marajinsbromwich: WAN? WAN? we don't need no steenking WAN!
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18:09.25nt4catssbromwich: [waving my hand] These are not the WAN interfaces you're looking for.  Move along.
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18:10.58oilsworknsbromwich on the stock kernel?
18:11.03oilsworknmarks calendar
18:11.40Marajinoilsworkn: you been counting down to d-day on your sneaky wan destroying pre virus?
18:12.13oilsworknthe virus is called preware! muwhahahaa
18:13.24mischkoI try updating or removing a patch (No Auto-Off While Charging) and it gives me an error.  The ipkg log file is not there when I ssh in to look at it and I can't get rid of the patch.
18:14.09Marajinoilsworkn: mmh :p I wouldn't put it passed you!
18:14.31oilsworknis a perfect angel
18:15.10oilsworknmischko: i dont believe the ipkg log is actually stored on device, its just whats returned when ipkg tries to install something through preware
18:15.22oilsworknif you see a message telling you to look at it, go to the app menu and select ipkg log
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18:16.06mischkoA button shows up with "Ok" and one with "IPKG log". I look at it there (or in the menu) and see a file referenced in the Prerm section.
18:16.14mischkoThat file is not on the device.
18:16.32mischkoIt's a "rejects" fiel.
18:16.58mischko... bar-assistant.js.rej
18:17.05oilsworknwell, i don't know anything about patch errors
18:17.11oilsworknor i would try to help
18:17.14mischkothanks anyway!
18:17.24mischkoSomeone here may chime in that's up to speed on this.
18:17.24oilsworknif dBsooner was here he would help you im sure
18:17.56mischkodBsooner, ping
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18:22.58sbromwichoilsworkn: even on the stock kernel... doesn't even see a ppp0 device to ifconfig up
18:29.37oilsworknhas no clue
18:29.46dirshm.. someone know where can I find a older version of doctor?
18:30.07oilsworkndidn't they remove a lot of the old ones?
18:30.43oilsworknyou can try out:
18:30.49oilsworknsee if the link you want works
18:31.04dirsdon't work. I need an older version
18:31.59dirsat least I think that I need an older one.. cause (with or without meta) says that aren't enable to do their think..
18:32.01oilsworknwell, we can't redistribute the doctor
18:32.23oilsworkni remember someone saying they found a torrent with a bunch of old doctors in it
18:32.31oilsworknbut i have no clue where it came from
18:33.13dirswill search but if someone have here can send for me?
18:33.31oilsworknits illegal for us to redistribute it
18:34.52Lumiereoilsworkn: why is it illegal to redistribute?
18:35.24dirsi found some torrent but without seeds etc.. maybe it's really illegal.. but ...
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18:35.31oilsworknfrom that doctor versions page:
18:35.32oilsworkn"RESTRICTIONS: The Software is licensed for use only with the single Palm device you originally purchased, and you may not distribute or make the Software available over a network or for use with multiple devices. The Software and supporting documentation may be copied only as necessary for backup or archive purposes in support of your use of the Software."
18:36.42Lumiereyay for contridictions!
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18:36.59RamsesFSFEthat's why I love free software
18:37.03oilsworknif we could distribute it, im sure we would have working links to them all on the wiki
18:37.23Lumierethat is likely a violation of the GPL
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18:40.32jacquessbromwich: ifconfig -a doesn't show ppp0 ?
18:40.40dirsI just want that my pre works and if possible with meta doctor because I am in Brazil, so need to pass the activation. ideally with to use the PDK. so I could go back to the development and stop procrastinating: P
18:41.24oilsworknso you downloaded 1411 and the metadoc isn't working on it?
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18:42.12oilsworkntwo wircers in a row
18:42.22oilsworknreally needs to get PuffTheMagic to fix the service so we can release a 010
18:42.26zsoc_wircwebos would be near perfect if I could stop the luna restarts while wircing and musicing
18:42.30oilsworknits so much more better then 004
18:42.39PuffTheMagicoilsworkn: fix how?
18:42.48zsoc_wircoilsworkn: you need to convert to plugin and catalog release
18:42.50PuffTheMagicor r u just talking about the poll too much
18:42.57oilsworknmake lag meeter not kill battery
18:43.00oilsworknyeah, that
18:43.04oilsworknand, there was something else
18:43.05PuffTheMagicif someone gets it into autobuilder
18:43.07oilsworknoh, the \ bug
18:43.09oilsworknor /
18:43.11PuffTheMagicthan is like a 2second fix
18:43.11oilsworknone of ht ways
18:43.15PuffTheMagicand actually
18:43.16jacqueswirc has a lag meter?
18:43.18PuffTheMagicif u make a option for it
18:43.22oilsworknin 010 it does
18:43.22PuffTheMagicin the prefs
18:43.25PuffTheMagicu can just set it
18:43.26dirsoilsworkn: isn't working. before I was with 141 w/ metadoctor
18:43.27jacquesah :-)
18:43.30PuffTheMagicjacques: it has for a long as time
18:43.36PuffTheMagicjust never released it ;)
18:43.39oilsworkna long long time
18:43.48oilsworknpractically, since 004 was out the door
18:43.59PuffTheMagicyeah day after basically
18:44.05oilsworknbut that, and that escape bug
18:44.09zsoc_wircOk everyone stop.
18:44.13dirsoilsworkn: now when I run doctor or metadoctor both "are unable to..."
18:44.35oilsworkndirs i dont know anything about the metadoc, you're going to want to talk to rwhitby, im sure he'll be able to fix you up
18:44.35zsoc_wircWe need to either get sb2 working on the autobuilder, or port the script for staging package headers and libs without sb2
18:44.44zsoc_wircit's holding back too many things
18:45.01oilsworknwaits for zsoc to get it going
18:45.11zsoc_wircoilsworkn: I has not the time or talent
18:45.23zsoc_wircjacques: you, what is the verdict on sb2 with the new mobo?
18:45.25jacquesI am stumped on the sb2 (really qemu-arm ?) problems on the autobuilder - only thing I can come up with is it's a AMD virtualization bug
18:45.41dirsthen... forgetting the piracy thing. someone could provide 1.3.5 to I try to fix the things (by that I read an old doctor is the way to work)
18:45.50jacqueszsoc_wirc: I am still seeing sb2-init errors with new MB
18:46.03zsoc_wircjacques: ok, well find a way to convert the current .mk's to suppose staging outside of optware downloads :p
18:46.33jacqueszsoc_wirc: parse error
18:47.36jacquesbiab - gotta check something in the warehouse
18:47.57oilsworknthat doesn't sound like making wirc work
18:48.52oilsworknPuffTheMagic: an option for what in prefs?
18:48.55oilsworknto disable the lag meeter?
18:48.58oilsworknor to set the speed?
18:49.14PuffTheMagicset the polling freq for the lag meter
18:49.19PuffTheMagicin seconds
18:49.23PuffTheMagicor usec
18:49.25PuffTheMagicidont care
18:50.07oilsworkndoes the subscription already support passing the rate?
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18:52.39oilsworknevery time i see someone join on wirc, it makes me want to release an update :)
18:53.49swisstomcati'm taking a break in denver
18:54.28oilsworknflying home?
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18:55.23oilsworkngoes to lunch
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18:56.53phil_bwdtzWill, you around?
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18:57.41swisstomcatgoing to new york before flying home tomorrow
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19:01.28zsoc_wircjooray for luna restarts
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19:05.14sbromwichjacques: bsl0, eth0 and lo0 is all I got
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19:14.17PuffTheMagicoil: i dont remember if i made that subscribale yet
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19:14.43PuffTheMagicoil: idk what is going to be a good value anyway
19:14.47PuffTheMagicso we should release it how it is
19:14.54PuffTheMagicand then people will like it or not
19:15.03PuffTheMagicthen in the next version add the pref to adjust it
19:15.09PuffTheMagicso everyone is happy ;0
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19:31.28jacquessbromwich: is the driver module loaded?
19:32.16zsoc_wircjacques: so what exactly is the incompatibility? sb2 with amd6d?
19:32.34jacquessbromwich: you've tried the classic "airplane mode on, airplane mode off" workaround?
19:33.13jacqueszsoc_wirc: I was seeing segfaults running qemu-arm in the autobuilder env, which is a Xen VM running on AMD hardware
19:33.17sbromwichwell, I was in airplane mode all last week, and just turned it off this morning
19:33.29sbromwichrunning doctor on it now to see what happens next
19:33.45zsoc_wircjacques: explain why there is a xenon vm running on an amd chip?
19:33.49jacquessbromwich: if you are doctoring, that implies even rebooting didn't fix it?
19:33.55sbromwichjacques: correct
19:34.11sbromwichnot even rebooting to stock palm kernel
19:34.55jacqueszsoc_wirc: XEN - several VMs are run on the autobuilder physical server
19:35.09zsoc_wirchm. I see
19:35.22jacquesbut I had seen two other ppl complaining about sb2 not working for them, and they were also on AMD procs
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19:35.31jacquespersonally I only have intel to test with
19:35.34zsoc_wircjacques: did we gdb bt the segfaults? or does sb2 spit out a nice log?
19:35.46ka6soxjacques, okay so you think its really an AMD issue :P
19:36.20jacquessb2 log only includes the qemu-arm segfault - I can show you where it writes it
19:36.30jacquesI tried and was unable to get qemu-arm to dump core :-\
19:36.47ka6soxokay I'll look there..where is it?
19:36.47jacquesI mean it would segfault, say it was dumping core, but I never found toe corefiles
19:37.10zsoc_wircmaybe I should give it a whirl
19:37.22jacqueska6sox: I cannot ssh from work, I need to bring my laptop up to find the exact location
19:37.36ka6soxlater then
19:37.41zsoc_wircjacques: I mean, in actuality, we don't need sb2 to cross compile. autobuilder already ompiles. we just need sb2 to stage libs and headers
19:38.04zsoc_wircin theory we could hardcode locations in the scripts for that. not the best practice I agree
19:41.54sbromwichdoctor seemed to do the trick
19:42.17zsoc_wircin fact...
19:42.22sbromwichpulled my profile data down... now to see if it all comes back after rebooting...
19:42.46zsoc_wircdoes sb2 hold any advantages for us besides the /usr/local jail links?
19:43.15jacquessorry. ppl keep coming into my cubicle and talking about work-related things - laptop is up now - bringing up VM to check location of logfile
19:44.56jacquesoh great. it looks like the log is removed on successful sb2-init
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19:45.22zsoc_wircbut I thought it wasn't being successful?
19:45.25jacquesall I can say without being able to login to the autobuilder is look in ~preware/.scratchbox2 for what looks like a config.log
19:45.40jacqueszsoc_wirc: it is successful on the only machine I can get to from work which is my laptop
19:45.45zsoc_wircwhy can't you log into autobuilder?
19:46.00jacquesbecause of the ()^(*^(*^%)(_$#&89-- MF POS work firewall
19:46.39ka6soxzsoc_wirc, this is a point of contention...
19:46.45jacquesanyway, in the config.log it shows trying to generate a runnable a.out and it fails - because of qemu-arm segfault
19:47.00ka6soxokay...let me look.
19:47.02zsoc_wircwell I might just set up a support mk script to handle staging properly from src_git and src_tgz
19:47.10zsoc_wircka6sox: where is the contention?
19:47.20ka6soxthe work firewall.
19:47.33jacquesdon't be fooled by the ~preware/sb2_logs/ dir - that is not where the sb2-init logs go IIRC
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19:48.06jacquesI am so damn frustrated by the firewall here at work - can't irc except with webchat, can't ssh
19:49.01jacqueska6sox: also FYI, in my debugging I built my own qemu-arm binary (0.12.3 insteadl of 0.11.0 IIRC) because that had helped in the past, but in this case it did not help
19:49.12sbromwichjacques: I usually get around that by setting up ssh on port 443 on a spare ip, ssl is usually permitted straight through
19:49.33zsoc_wircjacques: yeah, ssh to 443 and tunnel to other ports
19:49.36jacqueska6sox: but the binary I built is the current active one - if you do which qemu-arm in that dir whould be a qemu-arm.orig or .backup or something
19:49.37jacqueswhich you can move over the current binary
19:50.03ka6soxlet me poke around a bit an look.
19:50.17jacquesI gotta run to warehouse floor - biab
19:55.08*** join/#webos-internals MetaView (
19:55.53MetaViewI need the link to submit a patch
19:57.25MetaViewthank you
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20:07.57ytzaight. Gona see if I can make mysefl do something about teh lawnz0r
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20:19.04MetaViewI need to know how to submit a patch with an icon file included, who can help me?
20:19.35FuManrwhitby: hell of a kernel rant you tweeted the other day
20:19.40FuMancleared up a lot of stuff
20:22.17ka6soxMetaView, I don't see the people who can help you with that online right now...when they come online (in a little bit) then I'll point them to you.
20:22.45MetaViewwould be cool
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20:31.05nt4catsMetaView: if you look at a feed file (e.g. ) you can see that a patch consists of a multi-field entry -- the "Source:" field has a JSON dictionary, one of the fields there is "Icon".
20:31.25nt4catsMetaView: This doesn't say much about how you're supposed to submit it, but it does tell you something about how it gets packaged/hosted.
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20:58.19uNiXpSyChOanyone know anything about touchstone events?
20:58.53zsoc_wircuNiXpSyChO: zinge would
20:59.04zsoc_wircand rod and jaycanuck know some
20:59.25uNiXpSyChOand they are all offline!  aaarrrrgggg
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21:05.35PuffTheMagici called it
21:05.47PuffTheMagicdoes a dance
21:06.07uNiXpSyChOcalled what
21:07.46PuffTheMagicand it might drop intels too
21:07.53PuffTheMagicthat i did not expect
21:08.48oilsworknimagines wirc on tablet
21:08.57ka6soxcan only hope they would use Cortex A9
21:10.14PuffTheMagicor omap4?
21:10.39HattCzech_workhas anyone submitted an app to the palm web catalog with "undocumented" api calls?
21:11.35HattCzech_worki just read something on the precentral forums from jaycanuck about palm denying them?
21:11.44ka6soxomap4 wouldn't be bad.
21:12.28ka6soxOMAP4440 would be nice
21:13.34ka6sox1+ghz Cortex A9 with dual cores.
21:15.11jacquesOMAP4 drool
21:15.42ka6soxjacques, ya
21:18.00ka6soxit could do 1080p30 natively
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21:19.05jacquesheck it could probably do 1080p simultaneous with the builtin display
21:19.31ka6soxFull HD 1080p30 multi-standard video encode/decode
21:19.34jacquesthe OMAP4 developer device TI was exhibiting at CELF ELC was driving two displays
21:19.45jacquesand I think they said it could do three at once
21:19.54jacquesit has a space for a pico-projector
21:20.34ka6soxit would be better hardware than an iPad for sure.
21:20.36oilsworknim interrested to see what webos looks like on 1024x600
21:20.38jacquesalso OMAP4 should have much faster NEON performance and SGX
21:20.53jacques(plus the dual A9 cores)
21:21.08ka6soxI heard they fixed the Pipeline problem with NEON in OMAP4.
21:21.17jacquesheard that too
21:21.40ka6soxc'mon it RIGHT.
21:22.20ka6soxI guess this also clears up the question about why they bought Palm too...they wanted webOS.
21:22.28ka6sox(and a good phone)
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21:25.49zsoc_wircproblem is. evo comes out in june. many pre customers are coming up on premier upgrade
21:25.55zsoc_wircand there is no new device
21:26.14oilsworknwill stick it out with the pre till new webos device
21:26.59jacqueswhat OS does evo run?
21:27.12oilsworknnot webos
21:28.00oilsworkni believe its android
21:28.49jacques2.1 on the n1 is almost usable
21:29.50jacquesbut I amways root for the underdog
21:30.20oilsworknis palm still the underdog now that they're being bought by gigantic company?
21:31.28jacquesonce HP starts paying thousands of shills to post to forums and paying ^H^H^H^H^H^H revenue-sharing with carriers, then they will no longer be the underdog
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21:38.50rwhitbyHattCzech_work: yes, Palm has automatic scanners for undocumented API calls, and they will reject any submission to any Palm channel containing such.
21:40.16halfhalopictures the scanning process to be palm printing out the source code and physically scanning it into a machine that glows red evily
21:41.38HattCzech_workwell that's unfortunate, and somewhat irritating :/
21:44.17rwhitbyHattCzech_work: that's necessary to maintain the bright line of app catalog security and liability
21:44.33beelzabubhey guys- what's going on
21:44.55HattCzech_workmakes sense, but also makes my possible submissions pointless
21:45.05rwhitbyhey beelzabub
21:45.16beelzabubwhat's up
21:45.26zsocbeelzabub: yo
21:47.46rwhitbybeelzabub: just working how the best way to detect touchstone stuff in the kernel
21:48.01beelzabubwhat do you mean?
21:48.29rwhitbyfor the screenstate governor we've added to the kernel, we want to reliably detect placement of the device on the touchstone
21:49.16jacquesis there a standard way to run a specific app when phone is put on touchstone?
21:49.51HattCzech_workjacques: i believe there are events that you can monitor for the touchstone
21:50.06HattCzech_worki haven't played with them, but i think i saw them when playing around
21:50.26beelzabubbackground apps can only stay alive for so long AFAIK
21:50.35jacquesa long time ago I thought I had read about or found a control panel for configuring behavior when on touchstone, but now I cannot find it
21:53.22beelzabubis the detection logic even in the kernel?
21:53.43beelzabubi think the events are simply forwarded to userspace & the logic lives within powerd
21:53.51beelzabubbut i'm guessing
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22:26.13hmagooheh, I grew up playing soccer on a field at a 40 year old HP plant
22:26.56oilsworkntell us more!
22:28.24hmagoowe drank the water :(
22:28.43oilsworkni hear you're never supposed to drink the water
22:28.57chrisaAt least if you just play soccer on their fields you don't have a chance to be laid off come july
22:29.47oilsworkncue sad horn soundclip
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22:29.59ka6soxlets hope that doesn't happen chrisa
22:30.12chrisaI'm not actually concerned or thinking about it
22:30.17chrisaBut rampant speculation fuels the internet
22:30.32oilsworknlike trees in a forest fire
22:30.35ka6soxwell...I'm happy to see HP pick up webos for the slate.
22:31.03chrisa(no one has confirmed a webos slate)
22:31.25oilsworknthey all but said it
22:31.45chrisa"She all but said it" is not a good defense in court
22:31.55oilsworknincluding pictures of webos photoshopped on the slate
22:32.12BeeRad"beyond all reasonable doubt". It's coming.
22:32.27ka6soxchrisa, okay I'll save it till the official announcement.
22:34.03BeeRadRod pointed me to the IRC, how often does he come around?
22:35.09ka6soxBeeRad, fairly often.
22:36.08BeeRadI know Govnah is in the test feed for a reason, but am I the only one thats seeing more bugginess in today release?
22:36.24oilsworknthat doesn't sound right
22:36.42oilsworknnot much really changed
22:36.52BeeRadMaybe I hadn't seen it before.
22:36.58oilsworknwhat is happening?
22:37.01FuManoilsworkn, will time in freq eventually gets its own fullscreen stage?
22:37.07BeeRadOk here goes:
22:37.20FuMank, was just curious it was gonna get permahatecrimed
22:37.22BeeRadSo I have the screenstate working...
22:37.23oilsworknitl be a stacked-100% line graph
22:37.34FuManAlso, i just noticed the toggle for Palm dark
22:37.43BeeRadDark is awesome btw.
22:37.44FuMangood work on making the graphs sexy enough on the main scene to look good in both
22:38.07FuManalso, for what its worth
22:38.10oilsworknthe full-screen time_in_state graph will be something like this:
22:38.15FuMani have no idea what app cat flicker is, and I've never seen it
22:38.16oilsworknbut with appropriate data obv
22:38.51oilsworkna stacked-100% line graph
22:38.57FuManand I'm assuming
22:39.02FuManwith that new 5 minutes of data thing
22:39.07FuManleaving govnah open isn't gonna rape muh luna no more?
22:39.13BeeRadSo in screenstate its 500/800. When the screen dims before shutting off, Govnah is showing 500mhz, but if I tap on the screen to bring it back up before it turns off compeletely, it stays locked at 500mhz with the screen on.
22:39.15oilsworknnot as much as it did before
22:39.21BeeRadI have to reset screenstate at that point.
22:39.28oilsworknBeeRad: thats not really a govnah problem
22:39.33sbromwichoilsworkn: have you looked at the rrd methodology for storing data for handling data over longer periods of time?
22:39.39oilsworknit just sets the settings, not actually control them
22:39.55FuManif you cat time_in_state
22:40.02FuManyou'll seen that screenstate is indeed working
22:40.09oilsworknproblems with the screenstate governor should be directed to uNiXpSyChO :)
22:40.14FuManmy govnah reports 500 every now and then in screenstate when it shouldn't
22:40.19oilsworknsbromwich somewhat?
22:40.29FuManbut if you have govnah open, when you dim the screen
22:40.35FuManwhen it returns, it should start reporting 800 accurately
22:40.40oilsworknim still looking to the service to be dumping data to a file
22:40.42oilsworknnot the app
22:40.58sbromwichoilsworkn: ok, just wanted to check you were aware of it, it's a fairly elegant way to scale out for longer term without taking up a pile of space
22:41.15FuMansbromwich, anything new or scary to play with?
22:41.17BeeRadI *know* its not just showing 500 and it *is* 500. Its sluggish as hell afterwards.
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22:41.41uNiXpSyChOBeeRad: is your screen brightness settings turned down low?
22:41.47FuManthen yeah
22:41.47BeeRadSorry, Im not a dev and Im new to this stuff. Trying to learn.
22:41.51FuManits probably the screen brightness issue
22:41.56FuMani didn't think to mention that
22:42.01BeeRadYes, it is.
22:42.04BeeRad20% or so.
22:42.07sbromwichFuMan: is the latest
22:42.08BeeRadIs that it?
22:42.14FuMando you have any of the patches
22:42.19FuManinstalled, that lower the threshold?
22:42.26oilsworknhansolo? back to starwars from the startrek path i set you on?
22:42.34sbromwichuNiXpSyChO insisted
22:42.39uNiXpSyChOBeeRad: are you using brightness unlinked?
22:42.42FuManif its actually 20 percent, that should be alright
22:42.50BeeRadNo, I just just manually have it turned low.
22:42.52FuManive noticed no issues, and im a bit below that
22:42.53BeeRadBattery life.
22:42.54oilsworknlets just get this out of the way, startrek > starwars :)
22:43.23FuManYou checked out Reach today?
22:43.38oilsworknits probably done downloading at my house right now
22:43.42FuManmy douchebag facebook friends are rubbing it in my face, but I gotta hold strong and not install till after my first round of finals :/
22:43.43oilsworknbut, im still at work for another hour or so
22:43.48ka6soxI remember sneaking to watch star trek....
22:44.20FuManapparently, in air assassinations are about as fun as softcore porn
22:44.42oilsworknis unsure how to interpret that analogy
22:44.56uNiXpSyChOBeeRad: the next version of Uber should fix that
22:45.15BeeRadScreen was at 20%, screenstate selected, I would let the screen go to dim, tap the screen, it would move to 500mhz, I would tap the screen to do something and it would not resume back to 800. It would stay at 500. Not just buy the Govnah readout, but it was sluggish as heck.
22:45.57FuManoilsworkn, softcore porn is pretty cool.
22:46.19uNiXpSyChOBeeRad: yeah.  programmer assumed the dim statre would never get that low.  flame him!
22:46.23FuManyet, is still kinda family friendly O_o
22:46.34FuManuNiXpSyChO, i see what you did there.
22:46.38oilsworknwhat kind of family do you come from?
22:46.41BeeRadWhoops, remove "tap the screen" after go dim. Lost my thought.
22:46.50FuManoilsworkn, a pretty cool one o_O
22:46.56uNiXpSyChOFuMan: yeah i know...  i see my bug
22:47.20FuManuNiXpSyChO, delicious governer regardless
22:47.29uNiXpSyChOneeds a drink so he can code better
22:47.31FuMani bet the battery savings vs performance will be unbelievable
22:47.38FuManif that 125 wakeup is no longer an issue
22:47.48ka6soxBeeRad, see...this is the fastest bug fixing you can find.
22:47.53jacquesanyone know if MTU can be specified in /etc/network/interfaces ?
22:48.03uNiXpSyChOFuMan: sbromwich is working on the wakeup problems
22:48.16BeeRadDid I just report a bug?
22:48.19FuManthen we are in good hands :>
22:48.45FuMansbromwich, was there an updated config that likes to party with han?
22:48.59uNiXpSyChOBeeRad:  something like that ;-)
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22:49.20jacquesoh, apparently it can :-) now I wonder if busybox / buildroot supports it ...
22:49.41sbromwichFuMan: (all that changed was code)
22:49.53BeeRadI probably dont even belong in here. Sorry if I dumb the conversation down.
22:50.02FuMansbromwich, danke, ill report if i see anything odd
22:50.13FuManany major changes since kahn?
22:50.16ka6soxjacques, MTU=
22:50.17uNiXpSyChOrequests Steve's new kernel to be bobafett
22:50.45sbromwichFuMan: as soon as I get my git incompetence sorted out by rwhitby the prcm power patches should get shoved into the uber kernel
22:50.53sbromwichuNiXpSyChO: if you insist...
22:51.17FuMani sod Rod mention it in a epic forum rant
22:51.21sbromwichuNiXpSyChO: next go I'm going to try disabling most of the power idling stuff to see if it saves battery life (paradoxing ftw)
22:51.22oilsworknwas about to suggest harrymudd!
22:51.31FuManbut I'm a big +1 for having your kernels available in full, via preware install
22:51.34BeeRadSo with the 125 wake up fixed for 125/800 screenstate, am I wasting money by ordering the 2600mah battery? haha
22:51.35sbromwichoh the troubles... ;-)
22:51.57sbromwichBeeRad: nope, it'll just give you even longer battery life
22:52.01uNiXpSyChOsuspects a pocket full of fire with no power idling ;-)
22:52.19sbromwichuNiXpSyChO: not if the cpu is clocked down to 125 while idle
22:52.35sbromwichuNiXpSyChO: if I'm right in my calculations (not always...) it should double battery life
22:52.54uNiXpSyChOsbromwich: TI will frown at you
22:53.08ka6soxTI is rolling over.
22:53.15sbromwichuNiXpSyChO: TI should release CPUs without so many errata then ;-)
22:53.16chrisaYour calculations assume the apps processor is the only power draw
22:53.38sbromwichchrisa: my calculations are based on the phone being switched off most of the time
22:53.41chrisaWell, I should read backlog
22:53.59jacquesmy dev phone is in aitplane mode, and it only seems to be losing about 5% battery per day
22:54.42BeeRad100% at 6am and 20% by 4:30 pm. :(
22:54.54FuManBeeRad, when I'm in class
22:55.03FuManI lose about 60 percent, across ~5 hours
22:55.08FuManroaming is a sonofawhore
22:55.17oilsworkngets much better battery then you guys
22:55.17sbromwichI managed to get mine to 56 hours (estimated by battery monitor after 10 hours off charge) but it was a little... flakey
22:55.19BeeRadI feel ya.
22:55.36oilsworknoff the touchstone at like 7
22:55.42FuManoilsworkn, if I'm out in decent coverage, I can easily go about 8-8
22:55.49oilsworknits 4 now, and im at 57%
22:55.59FuManbut, i hit dead spots all day, so I just get my monoprice on
22:56.10BeeRadI work in a factory. Big metal building. I turn data off and use our WiFi, but the phone signal is killing me. Can't turn it off for SMS though.
22:56.12FuManand have microUSBs stashed all over my common landing zones :>
22:56.18halfhalo-studyinLast week I pulled off touchstone at 7:30 and was dead by 2
22:56.21sbromwichrunning powerd with -l option shows the issue quite nicely
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22:56.30jacquesI'm not sure roaming per se is bad - it's the constant checking - when I enable roam only, I get great battery life
22:56.33uNiXpSyChOloathes powerd
22:56.41FuManjacques, true
22:57.17FuMandoesnt know what it does, so we get along
22:57.18BeeRadDoes anybody here rock the 2600?
22:57.29sbromwichuNiXpSyChO: it's not powerd at fault per se, though...
22:57.30jacquessigh, why is 155.2 so slow :-(
22:57.33FuManBeeRad, a friend at work does
22:57.56PuffTheMagicuNiXpSyChO: yeah the blackbox of powerd sucks
22:57.59FuManraves about it, and then I rave about my touchstone
22:58.08sbromwichjacques: try 300 baud instead? ;-)
22:58.13halfhalo-studyinis having issues seeing his desktop screen right now. Stupid tiny pixels
22:58.28oilsworknwould rock the 2600 if it was touchstone-compatible
22:58.29FuManhalfhalo-studyin, you macbook right?
22:58.29BeeRadFuman: Does it really make the Pre look like a turd?
22:58.30jacquesin totally unrelated news, I just discovered I am in a Clear WiMAX coverage area
22:58.38FuManBeeRad, oh yeah, horrid
22:58.48oilsworknjacques: we got clear here
22:58.48FuManjacques, say sup to the EVO for me
22:58.49BeeRadOh man, youre killing me.
22:58.56BeeRadFunction over form, right?
22:59.00FuManBeeRad, the worst part is that its a really hard plastic
22:59.00oilsworknits not very good internets
22:59.07FuManand so hes been through two of the backs
22:59.10FuManthey literally shatter
22:59.11halfhalo-studyinI want 4G....
22:59.23oilsworknits probably ok for browsing the web
22:59.26uNiXpSyChOrwhitby is gonna yell at me for all this whitespace in my new patch
22:59.28oilsworknbut not good for gaming
22:59.36halfhalo-studyinand no, I'm not macbook
22:59.48FuManhrm, whats your non-desktop res?
22:59.49BeeRadWell I would put the Seidio hard case on it as well. I have the standard one on mine now and actually like it.
23:00.07jacquesoilsworkn: Clear WiMAX isn't good? high latency ?
23:00.26jacquesI haven't researched it yet
23:00.48halfhalo-studyinLaptop has an LED LG 1440x900 screen, While the mini has a 1680x1050 dedicated screen and shares a 2048x1152 screen with the desktop which has its own 1280x1024 screen
23:01.10jacques1680x1050 is a nice resolution
23:01.11BeeRadI dont *want* the 2600 but I cant make it through a work day man. Batt life is horrid. 1350 didn't do squat for me.
23:01.14halfhalo-studyinTrying to look at the 2048x1152 screen on the mini and its not happening
23:01.20oilsworknyeah, its real laggy for gaming
23:01.26jacquesoilsworkn: good to know
23:01.32oilsworknmaybe its because he would never get above 3 bars
23:01.36oilsworknbut it was no good
23:02.09sethron|workzsoc: i have Precorder 0.5.8, Preware detects it as that, but orange tap displays it at 0.5.6 ??
23:02.35oilsworknwhat preware says the version and what hte appinfo says the version is are two different numbers
23:02.45zsocsethron|work: just a typo
23:02.58sethron|workzsoc: very well tyvm
23:06.28BeeRadGovnah icon not showing temp in the app launcher also. Reason?
23:07.22halfhalo-studyinIts on strike?
23:07.32oilsworknis it closed?
23:07.48oilsworkn025 resets the icon to default on exit
23:08.03oilsworknsince its no longer monitoring temp
23:08.46FuManoilsworkn, hidden secrets of "dashboard" option?
23:09.29oilsworknwhat hidden secrets?
23:09.37FuManwhats it gonna do
23:09.46BeeRadYeah..what he asked.
23:09.47oilsworknit already does everything its going to do
23:10.03FuManthen why is it blocked?
23:10.10BeeRadYeah what he asked...
23:10.18FuManhas a crew now
23:10.25sbromwichinsufficient unicorns
23:10.32FuMansbromwich, common in my life D;
23:10.35oilsworknops self to kick fumans crew from channel
23:10.58BeeRad*shuts up*
23:11.14oilsworknwell, all the code is there, it just doesn't really do anything except update the icon
23:11.32oilsworknbasically, you toggle that, and it pops up the updateicon/pollspeed for dash-mode
23:11.38oilsworknand when you toss the govnah card it spawns a dash
23:11.44oilsworknwhich keeps doin its thing
23:11.47oilsworkntill you kill it
23:12.19halfhalo-studyinwith fire?
23:12.38oilsworknyou could simply flick to the side
23:13.03oilsworknbut im thinking of putting a graph on the dash
23:13.05oilsworknif its possible
23:13.11halfhalo-studyinThink it is
23:13.25halfhalo-studyinok, my plan to use screen zoom on the mini has failed miserably
23:13.35sbromwichhave a graph as the wallpaper?
23:13.59oilsworknno on the dashboard
23:14.36oilsworknto do wallpaper, we would need code to generate the new image
23:14.49oilsworkncurrent canvas support means mojo can't do it
23:14.53oilsworknthe service probably could
23:14.58oilsworknif you build in gd or something
23:15.24oilsworkni believe all of those weather-wallpaper apps download the image from the web
23:15.32oilsworknusing php or something like to generate the image
23:15.48oilsworknagain, i could be completely wrong though
23:16.23FuManWeave isn't syncing muh tabs
23:17.57oilsworknis going to send fuman screenshots of himself playing reach all night
23:18.10FuManheh, i wouldn't waste the effort
23:18.13FuManyou'll be one of many
23:18.16halfhalo-studyinwishes he had time to play it
23:18.22FuManbut when your entire semester is based on 1 test
23:18.30FuMani gotta buckle down
23:18.38FuManI'm gonna preorder SC2 and get into the beta the day of my last final
23:18.47FuManand play reach till they kill it
23:18.54FuManbut, lawschool is lame, and has to come first for a bit
23:20.41oilsworknyou gonna be a lawyer?
23:21.15FuManThat part is optional
23:21.22FuManbut, I'
23:21.33FuManI'll probably end up with a JD, hopefully O_o
23:21.42BeeRadOk, did I just dream this up or did I see that the graph in Gov is suppose to be multitouch for zooming? I thought I read that but cant remember and it doesnt work.
23:21.58FuManBeeRad, removed when graphs got their own big scene
23:22.11BeeRadOk, thanks.
23:22.18oilsworknyeah, thats early build
23:22.19oilsworknit was cool
23:22.29oilsworknbut went with smaller graphs on the main scene cause they're more sexy
23:23.03FuManoilsworkn, im also assuming roadmap includes labels on zoom graphs
23:23.19BeeRadOh def not complaining. Just curious.
23:23.24oilsworknyeah, it does
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23:23.47oilsworknis when it had scaling
23:24.06halfhaloyay, growl working again
23:24.25FuManoilsworkn, also, that Caj banner tagline is a little more harsh now than before :>
23:24.32BeeRadSo whens the eta on this stuff getting out of the test feeds and into the limelight?
23:24.51oilsworknit was deleted in 025
23:24.58oilsworkn(for the record, i didn't add it)
23:25.34FuManmeh, I'm not concerned in anyway, just seems a bit taboo with all the rage surrounding kernel shadiness these days
23:25.54oilsworknwould have added it if he thought it was funny
23:26.06FuManI'm just waiting for my shoutout
23:26.13oilsworknthats really the only reason for random subtitles
23:26.22oilsworknjust so i can insert funny things that only appear every so often
23:26.25FuManor perhaps, "this is why Xbox Live Friends hasn't been upgraded - fair trade"
23:26.51oilsworknthings keep getting in the way of xblfriends
23:26.52FuManid be lying if I said I didn't look at the tagline everytime before i do something
23:27.11FuManwell, looking at the whole forest, I think I'm happier with govnah than that
23:27.24oilsworknits not like the old version doesn't work anymore
23:27.35oilsworknits just not as sexy as the new version i get to play with on my pre :)
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23:27.47oilsworknthough im still not happy with the side-scrolling
23:27.54FuManwell, im gonna turn the monitors off, so i actually do something
23:27.58FuManyou kids stay fly.
23:28.13BeeRadlater Fu
23:28.13FuManenjoy the Jetpack
23:28.26FuMan*or Armorlock, which I think will own face.
23:28.58oilsworknill try them all :)
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23:38.26BeeRadOk so what I'm seeing is when the screen is at 20% and the screen dims first, Govnah sees a drop to 500mhz. When I touch the dim screen (before off) it stays at 500mhz when I use the phone. With the screen at 50% the issues arent there and Govnah monitors the correct behavior. So dimming the screen isnt the best idea to save battery. Counter intuitive?
23:39.46uNiXpSyChOBeeRad: i mentioned a fix in next Uber release
23:40.20BeeRadOh I know. Again, not complaining. Sorry if it came across that way.
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23:58.45PreGamewhat git client should i use for mac?

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