IRC log for #webos-internals on 20100428

00:01.25nt4catsdonrhummy: those pages probably don't answer all of your question, but they point you in the right direction (hopefully).  If you learn more, please update one or both of those pages.
00:02.13donrhummynt4cats: thanks for the links but they don't really point me any closer. I've already got that info which simply tells me how to turn it on, but not how to get any feedback from it
00:02.58donrhummythe phone app, as far as I can tell, simply turns it on/off but never listens for when someone's gotten near it, simply that it's been activated.
00:03.28nt4catsdonrhummy: the phone app turns off the [touch]screen when the phone is near your face ...
00:04.14donrhummynt4cats: no, it doesn't. The proximity sensor turns it off. The phone app simply tells the proximity sensor to start "listening" for someone's to be near it
00:04.46nt4catsdonrhummy: You're making a (correct) distinction that I wasn't trying to :)
00:05.49nt4catsdonrhummy: I haven't looked into this myself, I only noticed these pages when browsing the wiki recently.
00:05.56donrhummynt4cats: lol, yeah I know, but it is an important distinction since it means the phone app doesn't pay attention to whether the proximity sensor senses anything
00:06.12nt4catsdonrhummy: I appreciate the clarification
00:07.15nt4catsdonrhummy: this distinction would be a good finding to document on the wiki, by the way.
00:07.40donrhummyI hope it is possible (but I'm betting it's not) because it opens a lot of possibilities for cool apps (such as what's indicated in the wiki you posted, which is impossible without an event from the sensor)
00:08.09donrhummynt4cats: how do I do that?
00:09.10nt4catsdonrhummy: create an account for yourself on the website and then click on the "edit" tab that will appear at the top of the page.
00:09.27nt4cats(there is no "edit" tab if you're not logged in)
00:10.34nt4catsdonrhummy: if you want to make any of the fancy formatting changes like headings, bullet points, etc.  you can look at existing pages to see how to do it or there is a pretty good help/reference pop-up that you can invoke while editing
00:11.59*** join/#webos-internals eternaleye (~quassel@unaffiliated/eternaleye)
00:14.12nt4catshas to go put the kids to bed
00:14.45donrhummynt4cats: how's that?
00:14.59oildare i say best status nick change ever?
00:21.58jhojhoargh the audio keeps dying for me on the palmcast
00:26.32*** join/#webos-internals nebula (
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00:27.53nebulaI need the Verizon link yesterday :)
00:28.13rwhitbynebula: Jason has a webOS URL guesser app
00:28.28*** join/#webos-internals Gray_ (~43a15774@gateway/web/freenode/x-rkfdquchzqgjfcpr)
00:28.33nebulaooooh goodies
00:28.59Gray_awesome, this channel is alive.
00:29.20*** join/#webos-internals dkirker1 (~dkirker1@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
00:31.18Gray_I was wondering about the closed source binaries used in webOS, interested in hackish ports of the platform.
00:32.32bpadalinocan you be more specific ?
00:35.13Gray_kinda, I know the OS is supported by a lot of open source components, but what I'm looking for is (optimally) a list of components that are closed source palm binaries.
00:36.13*** part/#webos-internals nebula (
00:36.26Gray_i.e. the window compositor, things that are written in C and already compiled for the specific platform, but not opensource.
00:36.31bpadalinohow detailed of a list do you want ?
00:36.49Gray_well right now just an overview
00:36.52Gray_would be great
00:37.11bpadalinolunasysmgr (window/main GUI handler) is closed ..
00:37.14bpadalinobluetooth stack is closed
00:37.22bpadalinowifi drivers and camera drivers are closed (i think)
00:38.09bpadalinocomms driver to talk to the modem is closed
00:38.16Gray_If I ported anything I'd probably replace the bluetooth stack and wifi drivers, lunasysmgr though would be more difficult.
00:38.26bpadalinohid daemon is closed (keyboard, touchscreen, etc)
00:38.39nt4catsdonrhummy: Thanks for the update (I made a minor change to your last sentence).
00:38.44bpadalinoyou want to make it a completely free and open phone ?
00:38.51jhojhocamera drivers are closed
00:38.56nt4catss/update/wiki update/
00:39.27Gray_more like an actual port of webOS to similar hardware, kind of a stretch but worth looking into for me
00:39.36jhojhoGray_: great if you want to attempt getting bluez or something like that working... go for it
00:39.50bpadalinooh, trying to get webos on other phones ?
00:39.56Gray_yeah, or a dev board
00:40.50Gray_the main worry is what palm has as closed source, key components of webos. like lunasysmgr.
00:41.07bpadalinoindeed - it would be very difficult ..
00:41.18Gray_getting the rest working is no problem for me.
00:42.02*** join/#webos-internals hino (
00:42.06bpadalinoyou can ask the fso guys ( what they know about the closed bits if you want
00:42.17Gray_will give that a shot
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00:47.59donrhummynt4cats: np, thanks for the help!
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00:59.34jhojhois the verizon 1.4.1 update really hitting tomorrow?
01:02.56rwhitbyjhojho: that's the rumour, based on some stuff on the verizon site
01:03.54*** join/#webos-internals preoccupied (
01:13.52jhojhooh nice. jawbone icon now has a2dp support
01:29.29jhojhohalf guinness half pbr
01:31.53sbromwichguinness and coke: it curdles.
01:34.43sbromwichthat's what I thought too
01:34.53sbromwichit didn't get any better the longer he drank them
01:36.09jhojhoI feel sick just reading it
01:43.14sbromwichyeah, I wouldn't recommend it as anything more than a science experiment
01:47.10*** join/#webos-internals geist (
01:48.59jhojhore geist
01:56.57*** join/#webos-internals raster (~raster@enlightenment/developer/raster)
02:00.19sbromwichtoday's science experiment, v2:
02:14.41uNiXpSyChOsbromwich: arch/arm/mach-omap3pe/prcm_clk.c:153: error: implicit declaration of function 'cond_resched'
02:15.36zsocstop declaring functions implicity, you dirty, dirty man.
02:16.49sbromwichhey, look at what I started with...
02:17.09sbromwichuNiXpSyChO: have you got an account on mason?
02:18.13sbromwichbum... I can chuck you the prcm tarball so far if you want?
02:19.07uNiXpSyChOis it gonna convert my Pre to the darkside?
02:20.22sbromwichonly if you use rubbing alcohol
02:21.26uNiXpSyChOsome cheap vodka?
02:22.50sbromwichjust replaces any udelay > 5 with cond_resched_softirq()
02:23.37uNiXpSyChOguess i can do that easily
02:23.44*** join/#webos-internals Tibfib (~tibfib94@
02:24.15sbromwichI think that's about the sum of it tbh
02:24.34sbromwichthe "interesting" part was finding out what would let me run cond_resched_softirq and what wouldn't
02:25.11uNiXpSyChOlots of reboots i imagine ;-)
02:26.03sbromwich38 or so
02:26.34sbromwichalthough... I wonder if checking if it's retried more than a couple of times to do a resched...
02:26.54*** join/#webos-internals FuMan (
02:29.17sbromwichit compiles
02:29.40sbromwichship it?
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02:36.24*** join/#webos-internals rhj6wbanshee (~44773f24@gateway/web/freenode/x-kqkffbzokridwieq)
02:37.21rhj6wbansheeehh i'm having trouble with Messaging Plugins
02:37.33sbromwichwhat are they?
02:37.56rhj6wbansheebasically all i've tried to install was an xfire plugin
02:38.36*** join/#webos-internals ameng (~fm@
02:38.39rhj6wbansheeI used latest webos quick install on up to date sprint palm pre
02:38.55rhj6wbansheebut they don't show up
02:39.11rhj6wbansheedo you know how i can fix this?
02:39.20sbromwichnot really, no
02:39.31sbromwichI play about with the internals
02:39.32FuManhe sounded so interested though
02:39.38FuMan*this* close
02:39.48sbromwichmaybe #webos?
02:40.26rhj6wbanshee"If you connect to #webos-internals using IRC or freenode Web IRC (qwebirc) I am there available to chat."
02:40.39sbromwichwho is "I"?
02:40.52rhj6wbanshee"Greg "
02:41.09jhojhowe are not greg
02:41.13Tibfibhe lied
02:41.27sbromwich<-- not greg
02:41.34rwhitbyrhj6wbanshee: look for greg_roll - he's not around all the time
02:42.14rhj6wbansheeI'll come back later then
02:43.17*** join/#webos-internals Adora (
02:44.12uNiXpSyChOwell.... got bored and tried BFS patch (one of the many).  catastrophic FAIL.
02:47.39sbromwichhow hard?
02:47.49uNiXpSyChOi'm not sure i'm in the mood to fix 15 rejects
02:47.56uNiXpSyChOlet me look to see how bad it failed
02:48.47sbromwichsounds a bit excessive for this time of night
02:49.51uNiXpSyChOyeah... and i ran out of booze
02:55.33*** join/#webos-internals seb_or_sam (~ad480e8c@gateway/web/freenode/x-eissanipuvqkhtny)
02:55.40*** join/#webos-internals Kyusaku (
03:02.48rwhitbywaits for DeadPre to charge the battery to see what state it is in
03:03.19halfhalo_T400how broken was it described to be?
03:03.31rwhitbyapparently it went in water
03:03.51rwhitbya number of months ago
03:04.23rwhitbybbl (lunch time)
03:04.31halfhalo_T400lunch... lucky
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03:40.51zsocpreoccupied: i think i fixed the buggies except 1, which i'm ok with for now
03:40.59zsocpreoccupied: i'll start with the play button
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03:49.13zsocprecorder 0.5.7 in testing feed
03:50.34*** join/#webos-internals Maxels (
03:51.01sbromwichzsoc: does it still feature unicorns?
03:51.24rick-homeunicorns with WINGS???
03:51.32sbromwichone can but hope
03:51.32preoccupiedzsoc: sounds great. Think you can release tonight?
03:52.25preoccupiedzsoc: btw, i recorded a lecture today and it seemed to work ok. Unfortunately, it seems like it stutters every few seconds....not sure if there's a way to fix that
03:52.51preoccupiedmy cpu was set to scale between 500 & 800
03:53.15sbromwichpreoccupied: lock the frequency would be my advice
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03:54.04preoccupiedyeah....that'd be my guess
03:54.09FuMansbromwich, whats that uname -a or whatever command again?
03:54.11preoccupiedbut it defiintely kills the battery
03:54.18sbromwichor don't use ondemand
03:54.22sbromwichFuMan: for what?
03:54.28FuManchecking kernel date
03:54.29preoccupiedi was using the conservative governor
03:54.40zsocpreoccupied: conservative was the problem
03:54.42sbromwichpreoccupied: if you're only using it for recording you should be able to clock down to 250MHz OK
03:55.07zsocit should work with default kernel
03:55.16preoccupiedok, i'll try that next time
03:55.17zsocpreoccupied: 8000 stream
03:56.21preoccupiedzsoc: ok, will do that as well. i recorded for ~45 minutes, and in that time went from 99 to 51%
03:56.46preoccupiedbut i'm impressed at how well the mic could pick up
03:57.03preoccupiedi wasn't near the front of the classroom and my professor wasn't using a mike....and it still picked up the audio pretty well
03:57.06FuManzsoc, im assuming its normal for media capture to never stop saying "saving"?
03:57.09zsocpreoccupied: there are a lot of other options as well. i'm still playing around with things
03:57.14zsocFuMan: incorrect
03:57.28zsocFuMan: that is a bug that happens when you stop while there is no media playing
03:57.40zsocFuMan: you will find that if you leave the media playing, and hit the stop button, that will not happen
03:57.45FuManits normal for the way ive used it every time
03:57.45zsocthat's the last bug i have to work out
03:58.04FuManwell, im just that awesome at finding things :>
03:58.06zsoc0.5.7 fixes every stick up but that
03:58.19zsocFuMan: try it again, but hit stop on precorder while leaving the media source playing
03:58.24preoccupiedzsoc: alright, sounds good. i love it so far, definitely useful
03:58.38zsocpreoccupied: glad. it's not useful at all for me! lol :>
03:58.44zsocexcept it keeps me busy
03:59.51preoccupiedzsoc: yeah. now i don't really have to listen to my boring professors drone on....I can do other stuff and fast play the lecture later....
03:59.55FuManzsoc, you sure, are correct
04:00.15FuManpreoccupied, i sat recording with my phone plugged in the last couple days
04:00.26FuMani keep a microusb in my backpack... this guy is normally dead by noon without
04:00.47preoccupiedFuMan: haha...yeah, i got an extended battery. and yeah, i carry my usb everywhere
04:01.03preoccupiedzsoc: getting the upgrade bug again...
04:01.11zsocpreoccupied: no you're not
04:01.12preoccupiedzsoc: it won't launch after upgrading
04:01.22zsocpreoccupied: i totally fixed that
04:01.34zsocpreoccupied: er.. unless it was open when you upgraded?
04:01.47preoccupiedzsoc: hmm, good question....i think it was open
04:01.56zsocpreoccupied: yep, that is the only thing that would cause that
04:01.58preoccupiedzsoc: actually, i'm like 90% sure it was open
04:02.01zsocunfortunately, i can't fix that
04:02.11preoccupiedzsoc: can't you kill it before you start upgrading?
04:02.13zsoci don't think /any/ app upgrades properly if it's open when you upgrade it ;)
04:02.15halfhalo_T400sure  you can
04:02.19zsocpreoccupied: I /do/ kill it
04:02.27zsocpreoccupied: but the subscription the app has stops that
04:02.48FuManis brilliant
04:02.48halfhalo_T400kill the subscrip on app close
04:02.59preoccupiedzsoc: you can't tell luna to kill it?
04:03.03FuManafter being annoyed for months about palm requiring Glad Thats Not Me to be censored
04:03.05zsochalfhalo_T400: i /do/, the app was /open/ when he updated it lol
04:03.15FuMani just realized that I could terminal in, and remove the censor
04:03.29zsocpreoccupied: I'm not going to worry about it. i can't imagine how many people would try to update the app while it's open lol
04:03.34FuManwill now proceed forward SMS messages with naughty words :>
04:03.41zsocFuMan: can you verify the app works if you update it while it's not open?
04:03.42preoccupiedzsoc: lol, idiots like me. haha
04:03.47preoccupiedthere are a lot of us
04:03.48FuManzsoc, hold
04:03.55FuManwell, f
04:04.02halfhalo_T400I meant when luna gives the app kill signal tell app to kill sub
04:04.09FuMannot at the moment, as id have to manually install an old ipk
04:04.33FuManbut for what its worth, the last upgrade raped me proper.
04:05.10zsocFuMan: that was before i fixed the postinst
04:05.17zsocit /really/ should work
04:05.24FuManwell, my upgrade went fine
04:05.27FuManbut, it was closed.
04:05.29preoccupiednot working for me
04:05.34zsocok, that's good enough for me
04:05.35preoccupiedeven after removing & reinstalling
04:06.13preoccupiedand the moon icon is showing up as well
04:06.14zsocpreoccupied: yep
04:06.26zsocpreoccupied: because the service is /still/ running i have to kill the service
04:06.35preoccupiedthen remove it
04:06.35zsocpreoccupied: and now you have .fuse files in your /bin of the app folder
04:07.03preoccupiedhow do i clean it up?
04:07.10zsocpreoccupied: upstart is probably broken. you just have to manually kill the service
04:07.36zsocpreoccupied: ps aux | grep -i precorder
04:07.45zsockill -9 <pid>
04:08.17FuManwhat breaks least often these days
04:08.20FuManterminus or terminal? doesn't appear to be running
04:10.40zsocFuMan: terminal is 100% running these days
04:11.00zsocpreoccupied: verify /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/palm/applications/org.webosinternals.precorder/ doesn't exist
04:11.26preoccupiedit exists
04:11.35preoccupiedrm -rf org.webosinternals.precorder?
04:11.35zsocpreoccupied: did you remove the app?
04:11.41preoccupiedwell, it's installed now
04:11.50zsocpreoccupied: remove the app, verify that folder doesn't exist
04:12.18preoccupiedremoved still exists
04:13.10zsoctry to delete it
04:13.47FuManzsoc, you lied to me
04:13.55zsocoh my god what did i do now
04:14.11FuManterminal just bit it
04:14.20zsocFuMan: don't use the back gesture
04:14.27FuManits still got that whole no back gesture thing eh
04:14.33preoccupiedrm -rf org.webosinternals.precorder
04:14.33preoccupiedrm: cannot remove 'org.webosinternals.precorder/bin': Directory not empty
04:14.33preoccupiedrm: cannot remove 'org.webosinternals.precorder': Directory not empty
04:14.41zsocpreoccupied: right, the service is still running
04:14.48preoccupiedand there's nothing in either
04:14.50preoccupiedjust checked
04:14.59zsocpreoccupied: there is
04:15.03zsocpreoccupied: ls -la in /bin
04:15.08zsocyou will see the 4 fuse files
04:15.21*** join/#webos-internals Epix (
04:15.22preoccupiedok...i'll just reboot and remove
04:15.27preoccupiedthat should fix it, right?
04:15.37zsocpreoccupied: it's a cryptofs thing feature
04:15.40zsocpreoccupied: just kill the app
04:16.15preoccupiedbut it's not...
04:16.21zsocsure it is
04:16.22preoccupiednot according to ps -aux | grep precorder
04:16.55zsocwell if it wasn't then the fuse files wouldn't be there
04:16.59zsocpreoccupied: did you close the card? lol
04:17.18preoccupiedzsoc: yeah, there's no card.
04:17.27preoccupiedzsoc: and it's not installed....according to PA
04:17.38zsocpreoccupied: restarting would fix it, not sure why you have to tho
04:17.41zsocbut it would fix it
04:17.44zsocrestart, remove folder, reinstall
04:17.51preoccupiedlol, alright...will do that
04:20.43*** join/#webos-internals Maxel_ (
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04:22.09preoccupiedman...these boot times are a killer
04:22.57zsocThis reebok commercial just showed many women's butts in various tight clothing. and a lady said the word butt a lot
04:24.18EdLinzsoc: odd, considering they sell shoes, not pants.
04:24.39zsocEdLin: apparently their shoes tone your butt
04:24.45zsocbut the commercial was very.. uh.. arousing
04:25.17preoccupieddid anyone know that pressing orange + sym + i gives you random info (about luna i'm guessing)?
04:25.22EdLinI'll take your word for it. I rarely watch TV anymore.
04:26.05k\tthere's another one with breast...
04:26.22EdLinhow do shoes tone your breasts?!
04:26.45k\tby newtons law of motion... idk...
04:26.55k\tkinetic energy...
04:27.03FuManhrm, never seen that I thing
04:27.06EdLinbouncy shoes = bouncy....
04:27.53k\tthere you have it... 2nd and 3rd laws of motion...
04:27.55FuMani was going key by key
04:27.59FuMantrying out other orange syms
04:28.00EdLinoh well, I guess the reebok commercials are better than Palm's "borg queen" first commercial.
04:28.03FuManand didn't think to skip R
04:28.34EdLinFuMan: I hate when that happens
04:28.36preoccupiedFuMan: lol..haha
04:29.04preoccupiedi know o + sym + u gets you usb mode...
04:29.34FuManand P is screen shot
04:29.37FuManR is restart
04:29.45FuManand I is whatever that luna info is
04:30.50*** join/#webos-internals xaiki (~user@
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04:31.35zsocthat made me laugh hysterically
04:35.51*** join/#webos-internals Meep (
04:36.06idw2k|wircI have been very impressed at the sensitivity of the pre in recording audio.
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04:38.03preoccupiedzsoc: yay, everything works again...thanks!
04:39.19preoccupiedzsoc: what's the vox for?
04:39.19zsocidw2k|wirc: i'm glad
04:39.28zsocpreoccupied: voice activation, which will eventually work
04:39.47preoccupiedzsoc: oh, ok. that's gonna be a neat feature.
04:40.19zsocpreoccupied: it sorta works on the media capture now, lol, as a 'feature'. If you start a recording pipeline for media capture, you will note it does not start counting until you actually play something
04:41.42halfhalo_T400has peanutes
04:42.30zsocpreoccupied: i'm going to get everything patched up, get it bug free, release beta.. and then work to 1.0, which will basically be a playback scene, so it'll list recordings, and you won't have to launch recordings in a separate app
04:42.42preoccupiedzsoc: oh, nice
04:42.45*** join/#webos-internals xaiki (~user@
04:42.59zsocpreoccupied: i'm considering removing the .00 for the position counter.. and just have it count seconds.
04:43.11preoccupiedzsoc: yeah, i think seconds is all yo uneed
04:43.21zsoci can then call the query 1/5 as often, should speed it up
04:43.21preoccupiedzsoc: it should reduce cpu load as well...
04:43.29zsocpreoccupied: it's set to low priority
04:43.41preoccupiedzsoc: oh, ok
04:43.44zsocthat's why it jumps around.. it only bothers querying when it has some free frames
04:43.53zsocthe magic of GLib
04:44.28preoccupiedzsoc: ok, lemme knew when you're close to the pubic beta
04:44.36rwhitbyhmm.  DeadPre does novacom battery charge reports before anything boots, but is not recognised when it has a good batter
04:44.39preoccupiedzsoc: i'll make sure the wiki is up to date and everything
04:45.01zsocpreoccupied: you're the best
04:45.03*** join/#webos-internals sethron (~4b03f986@gateway/web/freenode/x-gyxzsybpnxbuxzuy)
04:45.28preoccupiedzsoc: haha, nope. This app is so great...haha been waiting a long time for it
04:45.30halfhalo_T400could it be because deadpre is... dead?
04:46.01sethronpreoccupies: did you work on precorder 0.5.7?
04:47.11preoccupiedsethron: : nope. zsoc did all the work
04:47.15zsocsethron: he helped with testing and found me some license free icons :) and updates the wiki
04:47.23zsocjust a generally cool guy
04:47.48preoccupiedzsoc: i'm not the one spending hours chasing random bugs
04:48.01sethronweired, i updated with Preware alpha, and the icon was clear, and froze when i launched precorder
04:48.22zsocpreoccupied: it would be quicker if it wasn't in my spare time... my spare time is generally spent drinking
04:48.27sethronthen the icon tured into a luna crecent
04:48.30zsocsethron: oh god... WAS IT RUNNING WHEN YOU UPDATED?
04:48.43sethronum, no
04:48.51zsocsethron: try uninstall/reinstall plz
04:49.04sethronright, that's what i did :)
04:49.22sethronit works, and it can play what i recorder using the mic
04:49.33zsocsethron: good :)
04:49.35zsocpreoccupied: ah crap
04:49.45zsoci just found a bug in the postinst again lol
04:49.46sethronthen, luna restart, randomely.....
04:49.47zsoci'm so useless
04:50.01zsocsethron: eh, wait till webos 1.5 lol
04:50.02preoccupiedzsoc: haha, there's always bug
04:50.20sethronit's a good thing i like to QA shyte n schtuff
04:51.23preoccupiedi really hope palm fixes that bug soon. i encouraged my friend to get a pre....and she's really pissed off now
04:51.45*** join/#webos-internals jhojho (
04:52.07sethronbtw drpnull, dr podder is awosome
04:52.11zsocvery soon i reckon
04:54.48zsocgotta jet, lata yall
04:55.03sethronrwhitby: DeadPre?
04:55.26rwhitbysethron: hi - received it today
04:55.54rwhitbysethron: did you ever get novaterm or webos doctor to connect to it?
04:56.05rwhitbyor just the windows seeing some usb driver
04:56.13sethronrwhitby: just showed up as bootie
04:56.34rwhitbysethron: ok, that corresponds with what I'm seeing too
04:56.50sethronrwhitby: it was submersed in water several months ago
04:57.27sethronspare parts
04:57.50rwhitbyyep, it's getting warm with a battery in it too
04:58.35rwhitbysethron: see /msg
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05:10.33jhojhoso who else uses textmate here?
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05:11.26halfhalo_T400i have a beta bundle somewhere
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05:16.44jhojhohalfhalo_T400:  I see a webos bundle on github but it's minimal
05:16.57halfhalo_T400not mine
05:17.57jhojhowish there was a textmate bundle that did code completion
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05:37.01OrR01Anyone here know if Precorder can be used to record phone calls?
05:41.26jhojhonot that I know of
05:42.04rwhitbygot the doctor to connect to dementia pre
05:44.52halfhalo_T400is watching ateam
05:52.15rwhitbyjhojho: a pre that has been dipped in water months ago
05:52.31rwhitbysuspected dead, and but just revived (but it shows nothing on the screen)
05:54.09rwhitbyMy devices are called virtura, natura, experia and dementia
05:54.29jhojhohave you seen this before?
05:54.43OrR01Sounds.. Awesome! :D
05:54.49jhojhomine are called pre and preplus =)
05:55.04jhojhoor paid and free
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05:56.33halfhalo_T400mine are called preone pretwo preplus and prefake
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05:57.07jhojhou have 4 devices?
05:57.16halfhalo_T4003 plus emu
05:57.25halfhalo_T400plus an att pixi as soon as i can get one
05:57.58jhojhoI would have liked a gsm pre plus or pixi plus. oh well
05:59.33rwhitbyjhojho: I'll be buying a gsm pre plus as soon as they are available unlocked in .eu
06:00.59halfhalo_T400sooo.... like... tomorrow
06:01.28halfhalo_T400their pricey though
06:01.46rwhitbyalthough I hope it arrives quicker than the last one, which DHL took *2* *MONTHS* to get from Germany to Australia
06:01.50halfhalo_T400hoping the att pixi plus is only 319 unlocked like the vzw pixi
06:02.29halfhalo_T400wonder if you can get someone to order it for you through the dev program and ship it
06:02.50rwhitbyok, doctor succeeded - looks like I have a perfectly working headless Pre
06:03.20rwhitbynow to meta-doctor with
06:04.21halfhalo_T400heh, Im still working on the python script
06:04.21rwhitbythen I'll need to work out how to enable wifi from the command line
06:04.21halfhalo_T400last part for the basics is to get it to package it
06:04.48rwhitbywifi activation is something I want to add to the meta-doctor setup
06:05.33jhojhoI thought wifi activation worked?
06:05.42halfhalo_T400I'm aiming for my minimetadoctor to be a stripped easy cut down version.  AKA only bypass activation and firstuse
06:05.47rwhitbyno, I mean presetting the wifi settings
06:08.23halfhalo_T400For 99% of people just the first two will work.  For everyone else theirs the full version
06:09.31jhojhohalfhalo_T400:  that would be good
06:10.45halfhalo_T400Honestly, all thats left for it is the repackaging
06:11.03halfhalo_T400both firstuse and bypass work
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06:33.09millenomium, stupid question: PDK is unsupported on 1.4.1?
06:33.21millenomior do I only have an older PDK build?
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07:25.34rwhitbymillenomi: apparently it has a hard-coded check
07:25.44millenomiis it safe to override?
07:25.59millenomi(guess not)
07:26.33rwhitbyflashes meta-doctor to dementia.pre
07:27.38rwhitby(much easier to control a device with a non-working LCD screen with dev mode activated from boot
07:33.31rwhitbynext challenge: how to install openssh and get a wifi connection going from just a novaterm connection
07:35.24rwhitbybut first, I think I'll take it apart and put it back together
07:35.50noaXessis there a way to change an attribute of a widget on the fly?
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07:42.08OltreIrc`5250hi guys could anyone help me?
07:42.29Ciccihi guys could anyone help me?
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07:50.03Ciccii cannot run webosdoctor
07:51.23noaXessCicci: you are on? linux, mac, windows?
07:52.17Ciccii've installed java and done all that the procedure requests
07:52.32Ciccihowever i run win 7 6 bit
07:53.14noaXesshae you run it from console with  java -jar webosdoctor.jar?
07:53.46noaXesshave ^
07:53.50rwhitbyhmm - I need a plastic spudger to get this case apart
07:54.04noaXessrwhitby: what are you talking about?
08:02.00CiccinoaXess:yes i've done
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08:02.19Ciccibut it still not recognize the phone
08:04.37noaXessCicci: have you connected your phone in just charging mode and is the devmode enabled on the device?
08:05.15rwhitbynoaXess: I am taking apart a Pre
08:05.41CiccinoaXess: yea i've done both things
08:05.58noaXessCicci: hm...
08:07.56rwhitbyCicci: have you followed the recovery page on our wiki ?
08:08.48Ciccican u paste the link?
08:09.08rwhitbyit's on the front page of our wiki, and the link is in the /topic
08:09.31Ciccikk listen
08:10.00Ciccimy problem isn't to recover the pre at all because it doesn't function
08:10.15Ciccibut i have some problems with patches
08:10.24Ciccifrom preware
08:10.52Ciccii can install all patches but they will not function properly
08:11.38Cicciso i thought that an hard reset is the best thing to do but as u know now i have problem
08:12.00Ciccihowever i'll follow the wiki and next i'll gently ask u :)
08:12.45rwhitbywell, you need to start with being able to reliably connect to your device, and Palm has instructions on how to do that for the webOS Doctor
08:13.07rwhitbywe don't usually get involved until you can complete that step yourself
08:22.10rwhitbywow, the volume key is really finicky to take apart, and the keyboard connector will be hard to ensure it's placed correctly when putting back together
08:23.26rwhitbywill need to work out which way around the volume key goes later too
08:25.59rwhitbyexcellent, the device still boots with the back off
08:27.47geistwhatcha tryin to do?
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08:36.18dtzWillrwhitby's hoping there's a golden ticket inside
08:38.40rwhitbygeist: just practising taking it apart
08:38.50rwhitbygeist: and looking for a serial port of course :)
08:39.02dtzWill...a golden serial port...
08:39.03dtzWilldrops it
08:39.15geistah. no the main serial port is multiplexed with the usb port
08:39.22geistit's a feature of the twl4030
08:39.32geistalas you have to whack it with sw
08:39.59rwhitbyhmm - just wondering what the four test pads under the Q key do :)
08:40.31geistyeah, there's another serial port on there somewhere
08:40.39geistbut it's not pin muxed that way by default
08:40.50geistso you wont see any activity on it or anything
08:41.28rwhitbyafter taking it apart this far I'm reconsidering whether keyboard swap surgery is feasible
08:41.32geiston our debug builds of bootie we can hold a key and it'll switch to that
08:42.32rwhitbygeist: I have a device which was sent to me for cost of postage - it was submersed a number of months ago.  doctored it and it seems to be working perfectly apart from the LCD
08:42.41rwhitbybacklight, buzzer, speaker all work
08:42.53rwhitbykeyboard works enough for ctrl-alt-del
08:43.38rwhitbyI was going to use it as a practice device for swapping physical keyboards
08:46.34rwhitbyaha, looks like many more test points on the comms board: not just the 4 exposed on the top right
08:46.51geistyeah, there are tons of those
08:46.59geistmodem folks use it to talk to the modem cpu
08:47.32geistthat modem board is basically a fully functional seperate cpu + memory + flash
08:47.41geisthas its own os, own boot procedure, etc
08:49.00rwhitbyanother antenna connector just left of mid on too
08:50.13rwhitbyah, I guess that's just the same as the two large contacts which mate with the casing antenna directly
08:50.24rwhitby(bottom left corner of
08:50.43rwhitbycould probably buzz that out to check
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08:52.27rwhitbypity it won't stay powered just from the USB, but that's fairly normal with phones
08:52.59rwhitbyhmm - or maybe I just need the full 1A for that
08:53.14rwhitbyyeah, laptop USB's not gonna be enough
08:53.27geistyeah, i think we added logic for it, since it's not generally sufficient as sooin as the modem fires up
08:53.38geistbut a naked board with no modem can totally be run from usb
08:53.47geistthough i think powerd will try to shut it down
08:54.31rwhitbyit drives the backlight, but with no LCD I can't tell easily.  I need some way to mux usb data to the laptop with 1A supply from the palm power supply
08:55.40rwhitbythe slider is pretty damn neat when you take a close look at it
08:58.59rwhitbyI need a better camera to document this.
09:00.12*** join/#webos-internals Sn4k3 (
09:01.53Sn4k3hi all can anyone help me?
09:02.01rwhitbygeist: so the bit of white paper (which is now red paper on this device) next to the keyboard connector on the reverse of the comms board at the top right of is a second water damage sensor I presume
09:02.27geistyeah, probably
09:02.50rwhitbyit's well and truly dark pink / red on this device :)
09:04.25rwhitbymust be a lot of pins on the 50 pin connector allocated to power ...
09:05.05geistsome, most of them are the lcd, iirc
09:05.23geistwell.. hmm, no the lcd is some sort of semi serial thing
09:05.25rwhitbyI thought the OMAP was on the board behind the screen?
09:05.41geistyah, was thinking of the other connector :)
09:06.02rwhitbyah, haven't got that far yet :)
09:06.05geistyeah, for the most part that connector is power + serial + usb to the modem
09:06.11geistdont have the schematic handy
09:07.00rwhitbyinteresting that the power is all bunched up rather than interleaving the signal pins
09:08.38geistyaeh, looks like about 10 power, 10 ground
09:08.41geistrest is actual stuff
09:08.56geistusb, serial, gpios, i2c, etc
09:09.13geistaudio to/from modem
09:11.01rwhitbywow, that keyboard bezel is not easy to remove unless you know about the two little bumps in the top middle
09:14.13rwhitbyifixit is missing some steps between 15 and 16 :)
09:15.53rwhitbyexcellent, still works with all the screws out
09:16.40rwhitbyyep, water damager sensor near the USB is pink/red too
09:18.48rwhitbygeist: do you reckon I'd be able to just swap front half and modem board between a CDMA and GSM device and expect it to work?
09:19.04rwhitby(to get an unlocked GSM with qwerty keyboard
09:19.50rwhitbyfrom what I can see, it'd just need some nvram swapping too (depending if that is stored in flash on the omap board or comms board)
09:19.59geisthw wise, i think they're the same. sw wise, absolutely not at all
09:21.22rwhitbywonders if there is more than the normal doctor image, and the tokens that trenchcoat can overwrite, like I do for changing the keyboard it thinks it has
09:23.19rwhitbygeist: there's no flash on the middle section though (the metal slider with keyboard, camera etc attached)
09:23.43rwhitbyso if I keep the omap board and the comms board together, and just swap out the middle metal section with the keyboard and camera, it should just work.
09:23.55geistthis is where i must stop commenting
09:24.04rwhitbyyep, no worries, understood.
09:24.09geista) i dunno, and b) can't really advise you on that kind of stuff
09:24.29rwhitbyI'll keep talking, but do not expect an answer from you of course
09:26.07rwhitbythat'd be quite funny, a GSM device with a Sprint logo on the mirror
09:27.52rwhitbyI love the little metal fingers that come down to support the back of the bottom row of keys
09:28.39rwhitbyhmm - I bet the accelerometer is on the camera board too, so the trimming for that would need to be copied across
09:30.12rwhitbyand the keyboard is off.  icky sticky
09:33.36rwhitbyawesome, still boots with they keyboard removed
09:39.00rwhitbywow, even boots with the top connector on the omap board remove
09:39.50rwhitbyso the power button is on the bottom connector
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10:01.41millenomiquestion -- dunno if this is the right chan tho.
10:01.54millenomiis pdk-device-install usable on 1.4.1 devices?
10:02.31millenomiit errors out saying it wants 1.4.0 and of course this it isn't mentioned anywhere else :)
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10:06.43millenomi(did I ask already? I forgot)
10:06.54millenomioh, whoops, scrollback says yes. sorry about that.
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10:48.29Marajin_how odd
10:48.47Marajin_why is it asking me to install WebOS 1.4.1 when I already have 1.4.1
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16:15.03flare576Two questions: Is the topic of getting Web OS running on a non-pre device (think PC not iPhone) a conversation allowed here? (I don't know all the ins/outs of licensing)?  If so, is anyone working on it?
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16:40.11mickeyli sincerely doubt anyone is working on that
16:40.17mickeylwill be an incredible amount of work
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16:42.19mickeylas you will need to implement all the support libraries
16:42.21mickeylthink "wine"
16:43.13zsoc_wircflare576: no gesture area on other devices
16:43.55flare576no defined gesture area, true, but nothing saying I can't black out part of the screen and treat it as such :)
16:44.37flare576Could even have a smart way of only using that real estate when a gesture is input, otherwise use it as viewable.
16:44.42zsoc_wircflare576: too much proprietary low level software. maybe if other omap34x phones are similar enough
16:44.54mickeyli would not think about gestures :)
16:44.57flare576I don't want to use a phone.
16:45.00mickeylthat's faaar away
16:45.06flare576I want to make a tablet.
16:45.22mickeylyou need to think about power management, sensors, wakeup, suspend
16:45.27mickeylitchy lowlevel details
16:45.30mickeylall which you need to reimplement
16:45.46mickeyland you're forced to omap btw.
16:45.50mickeylsince you can't recompile the code
16:46.09flare576not saying it'd be a fast project, just curious if we could talk about it here and if anyone was working on it.
16:46.21zsoc_wircyou could probably do it on a beagleboard
16:46.45mickeyli'm sure you can talk about it
16:46.49mickeylbut it's very ambitious
16:46.51mickeyland frankly...
16:46.59mickeylwork would be better invested in reinventing that
16:47.08mickeylsince you will not be able to ship it legally anyways
16:48.58mickeylgiven Palm's state you might be able to talk them into licensing it, if you are able to pay enough $$$
16:49.07flare576Well, I'll poke around with it and see if I can figure something out: I just know I'd love a webos tablet, and so would a lot of people, but no one is taking up the task.
16:49.36flare576heh, true, but I don't think "Hey, Palm, I got $20, what can I get" will get me very far :)
16:49.49mickeylyes, i was more thinking about a couple of zeros appended...
16:49.57mickeylwebos may fly on a phone
16:50.08mickeylbut don't let yourself be tricked it will work unmodified on a tablet
16:50.14mickeylyou have to revisit the UI paradigms
16:50.16flare576Can you imagine it on a snap dragon?
16:52.32flare576In any case, it's probably way more than I can handle, but I'm interested enough to see what I can do; I've never tried low-level stuff before so it'll at least be a learning experience :)
16:53.16mickeylfeel free to go for it
16:53.24mickeylmy group is doing insane things as well
16:53.33mickeylslightly related to what you're doing, but the other way round :)
16:53.59mickeyllike - using only the Palm Pre hardware with completely different software
16:54.25mickeylwhich is tough as well
16:54.30flare576I wish yah luck :)  I use the Pre for WebOS, though, not the other way around
16:54.43flare576but I LOVE seeing crazy stuff be done on devices
16:55.32flare576meetin' time, thanks for the info zsoc_wirc, mickeyl :)
16:59.25zsoc_wircmickeyl: hows the fspo world going?
16:59.38mickeylgood and bad
16:59.47mickeylgood: have been adding support for the sensors
16:59.48mickeylambient light
16:59.58mickeylall easy and done now
17:00.07mickeylshowstoppers are still modem and touchscreen
17:00.10zsoc_wirccool cool\n
17:00.21mickeyltouchscreen may have seen a breakthrough yesterday, as some guys found the bisplines
17:00.44mickeylmodem needs a couple of more manmonths intensive protocol reengineering
17:00.45zsoc_wircwell that's good news
17:00.50mickeylyeah, all in all it's well
17:00.57mickeyllet me get you a screeny
17:01.00mickeylpeople love screenshots...
17:01.17zsoc_wirchaha yes
17:03.44*** join/#webos-internals VincentLaw (
17:04.14mickeylsorry, always the same screen, but... touchscreen is not there :)
17:05.35zsoc_wircmikewx: win
17:05.44zsoc_wircmickeyl: er.. win
17:05.49zsoc_wircmikewx: sry, mis tabbed
17:06.52mickeylonce we figured out the touchscreen, we'll release a first demo image
17:07.08mickeylwhich at least makes calls
17:07.30zsoc_wircdoes this OS run on other phones right now?
17:07.40mickeylwell, it's linux
17:07.52zsoc_wircthat's not what I asked lol
17:07.57mickeylit runs on Openmoko devices, on the HTC Dream, and some other HTC devices, and some OpenEZX devices
17:08.04mickeylin varying degrees of support, of course
17:08.09zsoc_wircah ok, cool
17:08.11mickeyl"thanks" to kernel and hardware issues
17:08.18zsoc_wircof course :)
17:08.25zsoc_wircis it uh.. good?
17:08.33halfhalo_T400would look at the pictures but he has no bandwidths left in the tube
17:08.34zsoc_wircy'know, besides being libra
17:09.12mickeylbasically what I'm working on is middleware
17:09.17mickeyland since middleware essentially is invisible
17:09.26mickeyli also work on a small self-contained demo app
17:09.34mickeylthis is what you're seeing in the screenshot
17:09.44mickeylother people are working on "full" distros
17:09.54mickeylusing my middleware
17:10.02mickeylwhich is cool as well
17:10.07mickeylbut not what i'm using atm.
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17:10.26mickeylso usability-wise, we're years behind either webos or android
17:10.33mickeylhowever, we're getting better very fast
17:10.37mickeyl_and_ we are free :)
17:10.40mickeyl(as in speech)
17:10.58mickeyldunno whether this answers your question ;)
17:12.26mickeylsome people think all you need is an X server and then everything works
17:12.28mickeylbut that's not it
17:12.31mickeyla phone is not a PC
17:12.44halfhalo_T400all lies!
17:13.34halfhalo_T400phone almost dead
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17:40.12Marajin_mickey|sports: heh, been there, done that, thankless job isn't it?
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19:38.45voltninequick question about the terminal app...
19:39.48voltnineis the any workaround that would allow entering unsupported characters like []?
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19:43.17zsoc_wircvoltnine: sure, including their support
19:43.52zsoc_wircor you can probably enter them in machine code
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19:44.32voltnineterminal isn't open sourced yet is it?
19:45.26voltninecan't even paste them in?
19:46.43halfhaloMachine code will BURN
19:47.42fpf_palmpreGPL 2 v2 Open Source = Terminal
19:48.26voltnineooh. then i'll have to take a look.
19:48.57voltninehalf my strong passwords have crazy symbols.
19:49.15voltninecan't ssh anywhere :/
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20:01.26Lumierevoltnine: make a ssh key?
20:02.06voltninethat won't help me su
20:02.58zsoc_wircvoltnine: terminal is in the webos internals git, contact the last few commiters if you have questions ;)
20:07.13*** part/#webos-internals nebula (
20:14.05voltninedoes destinal come through here still?
20:14.28voltninedevelopment seems to have stalled a long time ago.
20:14.43halfhalowell then
20:14.50halfhalohp owns palm
20:14.58Lumierehalfhalo: eh?
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20:19.29jhowirchp acquires palm..
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20:19.48lemketronYeah, I guess people can update the old "HP buys Compaq" joke now.  :-)
20:20.06jhowirccongrats? =)
20:26.12Marajin_hp bought palm?
20:26.14Marajin_oh noes..
20:26.47twixtnot sure how i feel about this
20:27.07joshuai think they are more likely to keep the brand and keep the technology going than some other buyers would have
20:27.26joshuasome people probably would have bought the company and just closed it so they can have the patent rights
20:27.38twixtyou think it'll say HP Palm on the back of new devices?
20:27.53zsoc_wircI like this. Palm + money
20:27.59joshuado the compaq computrs say HP anywhere? heh
20:28.18zsoc_wircHP has a good track record of letting companies run.
20:28.34twixtjoshua: true
20:28.50twixtguess the slate will be decent then
20:29.02joshuathey also can make some solid hardware. those calculators they made are built like tanks
20:29.17joshuaand the ipaq
20:29.25twixtas long as they don't make them like their notebooks
20:29.31twixti've had nothing but problems with those
20:30.13voltnineI have an hp mini 311 and I love it.
20:31.45Marajin_TBH I'm not actually bothered
20:31.48Marajin_I have a HP tablet PC
20:31.50Marajin_it's not bad
20:31.54Marajin_I've had iPaqs
20:32.00Marajin_they were fine .. save the OS
20:32.24Marajin_So if they can take what palm started and give it the critical funding and business sense..
20:32.30Marajin_yes, this might well be a good thing
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20:33.46chrisaHP has 125B in market capital
20:33.54chrisaNo matter what happens it's probably a good thing
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20:40.00MouseyHP huh
20:40.52Mouseyipkg returns full circle!
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20:41.08EdLinat least it wasn't Facebook, as some predicted. They'd have to name the new company FacePalm.
20:41.14ghost_of_zsocMousey: ha! didn't think of that!
20:41.39EdLinbtw, HP also bought 3com, so now 3com and Palm are one again.
20:41.53ghost_of_zsocah, nice
20:42.07voltninecircle of life.
20:42.42Mouseylol edlin
20:42.44Mouseythat takes me bac
20:43.04EdLinsomebody needs to make an HP theme for the Pre. :)
20:43.14Mousey...which makes HP next to fold =(
20:43.27Marajin_EdLin: God know, the physical styling of my tablet PC is nice but the software theming?
20:43.32idw2k|wircso, how long before the WebOS tablet is announced?
20:43.32Marajin_*God no
20:43.39voltnineis there any plans for a gui ssh client?
20:43.39EdLinMousey: HP has a market cap of over 120B, they aren't going out of business.
20:44.04Mouseythey said that about goldman-sachs
20:44.07*** join/#webos-internals halfhalo (
20:44.16voltnineterminal + ssh is making me want to slit my own throat.
20:44.23Mouseyvoltnine: here here
20:44.24EdLingoldman-sachs is a gambling house, not a business.
20:44.37*** join/#webos-internals mikePre (~cc77867b@gateway/web/freenode/x-gkiypxlqlvtxnzvl)
20:44.39idw2k|wircgoldman-sachs is bigger and more profitable than ever.
20:44.47idw2k|wircI think you meant lehman brothers
20:44.52EdLinlike many gambling houses.
20:44.55ghost_of_zsocMousey: HP is not an investment company. they make _actual_ money
20:44.57idw2k|wircwhich is now gone
20:45.15Mouseyi know, i know, sheesh
20:45.19Mouseyi actually love their servers
20:45.29Mousey..too much
20:45.35Mouseyi'm not allowed near them anymore
20:46.10EdLinthe servers were granted a restraining order
20:46.22*** join/#webos-internals vmlemon_ (~vmlemon@
20:46.56Mouseyanother guy here just got a pre (plus)
20:47.01Mouseysent him blindly to
20:47.45voltnineit's not as easy as it looks.
20:47.53Mouseyit never is
20:48.05voltnineI still can't get tethering to work.
20:48.17Mouseyi keep forgetting to try
20:48.33jacquesso are the next webos devices going to have mirrored surfaces all over them like HP consumer laptops?
20:48.39voltninesomething on the windows end kills my netbook.
20:51.09Mouseyjacques: hopefully this means the prepaq!
20:51.51Marajin_Mousey: Please report to the firing squad at dawn tomorrow for that one
20:51.53idw2k|wircjacques: I imagine the next generation will be whatever is already in the pipeline. they wouldn't scrap it unless there were big problems
20:52.58jacquesif HP really means to continue with WebOS I'll be happy
20:54.00idw2k|wircif anything, I think HP means to expand WebOS
20:54.43jacquesI wanna see it on tablets
20:55.02idw2k|wircthat's the logical step
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20:55.46Marajin_What the hell was it with Palm that made them sit there with PalmOS for so long?
20:56.00Marajin_It was an archaic design before OS5
20:56.03Marajin_nevermind 5.4
20:56.17Marajin_and OS6? well.. No device /ever/ licenced OS6 that I'm aware of
20:56.46idw2k|wircsame reason BlackberryOS is so archaic...huge installed base that doesn't want to change
20:57.14Marajin_yes but what happened?
20:57.20Marajin_PalmOS went 'wheeee **SPLAT**'
20:57.26bougymanno it didn't
20:57.38Marajin_then why was OS6 never licenced?
20:57.52Marajin_even palmone never made an OS6 device
20:57.56bougymanit went fizzle
20:58.05vmlemon_They split themselves in two, and decided to license the PalmOS to others, before flailing around with Linux-based mobile phone "companions" that flopped, and then selling the PalmSource division to Access...
20:58.09chrisaThe less we talk about Palmone/PalmSource the better
20:58.43Marajin_fair point, well made
20:58.49Marajin_but yes.. WebOS..
20:59.03Marajin_when I saw WebOS demo'd properly I thought.. '...they're back! Palm is back!'
20:59.27Marajin_Then I saw some of the silly bits in it and thought '..yep, that proves it, palm is back' ;)
20:59.36joshuarubinstein worked with HP before... didn't know that
21:00.01bpadalinochrisa, i hope you palm guys get to do "life as usual" and stay on your course after the acquisition
21:00.33Tibfib :D
21:00.35chrisaI taped "HP" over a palm sign I had on the wall next to my desk
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21:00.41chrisaI expect that to be the only change I experience
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21:01.14bpadalinovery nice to hear
21:02.07chrisaOf course next week you may see me outside with a "Will break prototypes for food" sign
21:02.16idontwan2knowThe possible synergy of a family of WebOS devices, including a tablet, is really exciting.
21:02.37joshuathey have a picture of the tablet right on one of the slides
21:02.55*** join/#webos-internals Kyusaku (
21:03.10idontwan2knowconference call is starting now
21:03.19joshua"platform for mobile could-based services"
21:07.23jhowircliveblog on precentral...
21:07.24idontwan2know"additional mobile form factors"
21:08.48bpadalinoi wonder if they were talking about chrisa when they said "great engineering talent at palm" :P
21:09.01*** join/#webos-internals halfhalo_T400 (
21:09.13chrisaI'm a good way of ensuring prototypes can withstand user abuse
21:09.16chrisaPoor pixi graveyard
21:09.26joshuaI P freely
21:09.34jhowircscribble live works on the pre
21:09.45oilgoes to bar chrisa frequents hoping to see new prototype left on table
21:09.55Mouseyis still holding out for Dwarf Fortress on WebOS
21:10.07chrisahmmm if df ran on linux without wine I would look into that
21:10.16Mouseyit DOES
21:10.23chrisawait what
21:10.26chrisaWhen did they release binaries?
21:11.34hemnastoked about us buying Palm :)
21:11.45oilus? hemna works for hp?
21:11.45hemnaI need to switch projects once the acquisition is done :)
21:11.52Mouseyhemna: you bought palm?!
21:11.59hemnayah...some spare change
21:12.05Mouseydammit. i shoulda bid
21:12.34hemnalots of folks here at work are now asking me about me Pre
21:12.40Mouseychrisa: yes, it's not .03, but thats the devel version anyway
21:12.40oilwas hoping palm could make it on their own
21:12.53Mousey...which i happily run on wine
21:12.58Mousey^-- me being happy
21:13.09Mouseyoil: me too
21:13.21Mouseybut i like HP a shitlot more than lenovo
21:13.23jhowircpres for all hp employees?
21:13.32Tibfiboil: me too
21:13.51oiljhowirc: and hemna to show them homebrew/webos-internals :)
21:13.57hemnait'll be interesting to see what HP does with it
21:14.09hemnaI'd love to switch over and work on it
21:14.19Mouseyi'll put in a good word for you
21:14.28oiloh picture of webos on a slate
21:14.50voltnineI went there too.
21:14.56oillooks kinda funky
21:15.06*** part/#webos-internals voltnine (
21:15.19Mouseyhaha yea!!
21:15.25idontwan2knowkinda looks sexy
21:15.32Mouseyi'd hit it
21:16.44jhowircoil: the orientation is wrong :) the card should be landscape too
21:16.46*** part/#webos-internals ghost_of_zsoc (~zsoc@unaffiliated/zsoc)
21:16.50idontwan2knowI expect to see a huge influx of developers now
21:16.57oilyeah, maybe thats why it looks weirc
21:17.03halfhalo_T400I don;t think so bout devs
21:17.14halfhalo_T400Not until the devices start hitting mainstream
21:18.03oilaccording to dieter they can't stop talking about a tablet with webos
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21:18.30idontwan2knowwell, remember that WebOS apps are scalable resolution, so anything written for the current hardware should work on the tablets, etc.
21:19.14oilvertically scaleable
21:19.17idontwan2knowthere would need to be portrait and landscape scenes, obviously
21:19.20oilid hate to see what they look like wider
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21:21.33oilso palm will be seperate
21:21.40idontwan2knowPalm will be it's own business unit
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21:22.34hemnayah I imagine it'd be a subsidiary
21:22.52oilso will the next phone still say palm on the back, or hp?
21:23.50Tibfiberr.... HPalm
21:24.21idontwan2knowIncreased R&D budget, and much bigger sales and marketing budgets!
21:24.47idontwan2knowKind of a no brainer, but still cool to hear.
21:25.08hemnasome big company had to buy Palm at this rate unfortunately.
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21:26.21oilwell, it could be worse
21:26.48idontwan2knowI don't think it's unfortunate at all
21:27.22Mouseywell HP is still a huge MS supporter
21:27.26idontwan2knowMuch as I love WebOS, it wasn't going anywhere without significant new investment
21:27.41hemnaMousey, yuh I's a steep hill to climb here internally
21:27.58*** join/#webos-internals dgathright (~dgathrigh@nat/yahoo/x-subjajodolxnrlkb)
21:28.00hemnaI'm the only linux guy on my dev team here
21:28.02idontwan2knowand it's hard to imagine a partner with more resources and reach than HP
21:28.13*** join/#webos-internals davidorex_ (~187c0474@gateway/web/freenode/x-lfzkajxgtxipkiku)
21:28.16Mouseyhemna: well keep fighting the good fight!
21:28.20jhojhowebos on superdome =)
21:28.21Mouseyone person can make a difference! ^_^
21:28.39idontwan2knowConsidering that some of us were rooting for Lenovo, HP is a dream come true.
21:28.41jacquesone person *can indeed* make a difference
21:28.50hemnaI have opened a lot of eyes here to linux.  some are considering it.
21:28.58halfhalo_T400Lenovo couldn't make palm succed like hp can
21:29.09Mouseyhemna: show 'em compi
21:29.12Mouseyhemna: show 'em compiz
21:29.29KyusakuHP advertising connections = good thing
21:29.39idontwan2knowhalfhalo_T400: agreed, but the others mentioned were likely only after Palm for IP
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21:29.41hemnafunny thing is....I have an ATI chipset on my laptop....
21:29.44hemnait won't run compiz :(
21:29.48hemnawah wah wah
21:29.54halfhalo_T400HP, while I'm not a fan of their consumer devices, makes nice buisness stuff
21:29.55Mouseytime to req a new laptop! ^_^
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21:30.03oiloh, chrisa using wirc :)
21:30.06Marajin_hemna: mmmm ATi on linux
21:30.08psykozBoo to HP :(
21:30.11Marajin_the joy I had with that over the years
21:30.18Mouseymost ATI chips will run compiz. the real trick is getting direct rendering working at all to begin with
21:30.34hemnait was a miracle to get my dual monitor setup working...but it does work.  just no compiz :(
21:30.48Mouseyok, dual head AND compiz on ATI? now you're asking for a lot
21:30.59halfhalo_T400I have dual monitor compiz working off my 3470...
21:31.32hemnayah, I'm ok with at least having dual head
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21:32.10Marajin_Go mad, go for quadhead!
21:32.47idontwan2knowNow you're just getting crazy.
21:32.51hemnaI'm pretty happy with 3840 x 1200
21:32.56idontwan2knowsedates Marajin
21:33.30halfhalo_T400I just have my laptop running two 1440x900 in linux
21:34.21Marajin_idontwan2know: aww..
21:34.47Marajin_I'm british, I reserve the right to go bonkers
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21:46.19flare576So.... I guess i don't have to try to port WebOS to PC....
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21:55.53jbrettsees hemna's ":)" and raises him a w00t ;)
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22:06.20flare576So, from what we know about the Linux behind the current webos, would a dual-booting tablet be feasible if someone wanted to run another OS beside our beloved WebOS?
22:06.21flare576I have to imagine the answer is "obviously yes," but just for my sanity :)
22:07.02RamsesFSFEflare576: If you are able to install a boot manager, why not?
22:07.12Mouseyyay grub
22:07.13RamsesFSFEflare576: I run a Debian in a chroot. Works fine
22:07.29RamsesFSFEMousey: does grub work?
22:07.33flare576I thought so, but that makes me happy
22:07.57MouseyRamsesFSFE: in general? yes. on a tablet? unknown
22:08.24RamsesFSFEMousey: I know that it works in general. I use it every day ;-)
22:08.32Mouseyyou reboot everyday?!
22:08.39jacquesI thought grub was x86-only
22:08.58RamsesFSFEMousey: Sure. I turn my computer off when I go to bed. ;-)
22:09.18Mouseywhat? weird
22:09.44RamsesFSFEMousey: no, energy efficient and environment friendly.
22:09.47flare576Mousey: can't have it going sentient.
22:10.02Mouseyi for one welcome our new digital overlords
22:10.26flare576hah.  Well, back to work for me.
22:10.31idw2k|wircquit sucking up, Mousey
22:11.38jacquesre rwhitby
22:11.52jacquesI guess you heard the news about HP buying Palm
22:12.01*** join/#webos-internals joshua (
22:13.44rwhitbyonly just then from the backlog
22:13.50rwhitbyis it confirmed?
22:14.07rwhitbyconfirmed by Palm?
22:14.31Guest91529the internet
22:14.36Guest91529wtf im a guest
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22:15.37hemnapalm posted on facebook a bit ago
22:15.46rwhitbycool.  hp-internals.* domains are available :)
22:16.47oilwell, unless they change the name of the os from webos, we're probably good :)
22:17.21jhowirchey chuqui and lemketron
22:17.28sethron|workthe PHP phone?
22:17.36zsocHP's stockholders slideshow basically says "WebOS is awesome and we want to make it go forward faster"
22:18.19Tibfibsethron|work: the HPalm Pre
22:18.23hemnasethron|work, sign me up.
22:18.39hemnawe can't complete the acquisition fast enough :)
22:19.22hemnaThe transaction is expected to close during HP’s third fiscal quarter ending July 31, 2010.
22:19.53vmlemon_predicts that they'll rebrand it to HP Mobile Platform for Linux(TM)
22:20.14oilthats a horrible name
22:20.19*** join/#webos-internals jtrucks (~jtrucks@freenode/staff/lopsa.board.jtrucks)
22:21.18hemnaI doubt they'll change the name
22:21.24hemnaWebOS is a really good one IMO
22:21.33jacquesI agree WebOS is a good name
22:21.50sethron|workor maybe the PHP phone, for the dyslexic
22:22.28joshua___iPaq 2
22:24.02*** join/#webos-internals gavin (~gavin@firefox/developer/gavin)
22:24.26Mouseyis preload(8) a good idea for pre?
22:24.42SDPjust read in a NY Times article that HP bought 3COM too.  Let's bring back the "Pilot" name :)
22:24.51zsocSDP: yep :D
22:25.00zsocthe HP WebOS Pilot
22:25.01Mouseybecause Palm Pilot doesn't sound phallic at ALL!
22:25.05rwhitbyso this HP news is only 2 hours old
22:27.01rwhitbyhp-webos.* is also available :)
22:27.12EvanDotProlol rwhitby
22:27.13jacquesinteresting :-)
22:27.34rwhitbyand webos-slate.* :)
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22:27.53LarrySteezewhat's up all
22:28.31zsocPalm bought HP
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22:28.53sethron|workrwhitby: you sure like the '-'
22:29.22LarrySteezei saw that
22:29.58rwhitbysethron|work: hey, your old Pre is in pieces at the moment :)
22:29.59LarrySteezeI'm wondering what, if any, effect it will have on the relationship we have with them
22:31.18LarrySteezealthough to be honest, I'm incredibly excited at the prospect of a webos's something I was hoping palm would do
22:31.46sethron|workrwhitby: hope it's not like humpty dumpty
22:32.09LarrySteezepeople are blinded by the iPhone, but if a tablet came out soon enough, the strengths of the OS would certainly shine
22:32.37tmzt_17SAAB8DM:27 < Mousey> well HP is still a huge MS supporter
22:32.39rwhitbysethron|work: it actaully still boots while mostly in pieces
22:32.53sethron|workponders how cool it would be to run stellarium on a webOS tablet and look up at night
22:32.56tmzt_isn't HTC the one that just paid to license some patents from Microsoft?
22:33.02EvanDotProyou know what sucks? i missed the news so i didn't have a chance to sell my stock at $6+ :(
22:33.17LarrySteezeI am disappointed though.  I was hoping to see palm to go it alone
22:33.31Mouseytmzt_: no that was Google
22:33.32sethron|workrwhitby: fascinating
22:33.51MouseyLarrySteeze: that's been said a lot in here today
22:34.12LarrySteezeI believe it
22:34.21rwhitbysethron|work: with two out of four connectors disconnected, it still boots without the keyboard or camera board assembly connected
22:34.35LarrySteezebut with a bigger company backing Palm, it may help with developer relations
22:34.50rwhitbysethron|work: I'll probably put up some pics today
22:34.51LarrySteezeand by developer, I don't really mean for the app catalog
22:35.07LarrySteezeI mean more like...I want friggin google voice to be better.
22:35.49tmzt_Mousey: was it? the reporting is wrong then
22:36.00Mouseywell i saw google
22:36.01halfhalo_T400second shot at plus on sprint...
22:36.20tmzt_it was for android devices (but not clear if the patents were supposed to be linux, ril or directly related to the android code base)
22:36.43Mouseywell knowing MS, that FUD's on purpose
22:37.02tmzt_I guess the interesting thing here is we have three serious unix-based mobile os's (on phones)
22:37.10tmzt_maybe four if nokia commits to theirs
22:37.18LarrySteezemy other fear is that the OS may become more locked down
22:37.35Mouseyno maybe about it, Maemo is still a superior linux-based phone OS than all others
22:37.46tmzt_mine is more of an assurance that the code remains proprietary, not that that was going to change anyway
22:37.52LarrySteezemeaning eventually, we may be forced to custom roms instead of tweaks for some
22:38.04tmzt_or then, maybe they could suprise us by opening a tiny bit of it
22:38.11Mouseyplatforms that force custom roms rarely last.. apple notwithstanding
22:38.21tmzt_of course that just leads down the android 1.5/1.6/aosp path
22:38.30LarrySteezeyou mean moving more towards an open-source approach?
22:38.31tmzt_so I don't expect it to be available to anyone to license
22:38.35Mouseyhell even linksys and dlink are embracing the OEs and the tomatos and such
22:38.36hemnaI dunno.  HP sells a lot of linux hardware
22:38.55hemnaI don't see a reason they would start locking it down and stripping it
22:39.04MouseyHP is a massively hugegantic linux sponsor
22:39.05tmzt_well, HP/cpq/DEC were the ones with the first linux pda I think, sharp shortly after
22:39.10tmzt_unless you count lineo
22:39.38tmzt_my favorite thing would be an upstream kernel that works on both omap and msm devices
22:39.46tmzt_airlife is snapdragon based right?
22:39.56LarrySteezepart of me wishes HTC would have been the buyer, if there had to be one...because they have such a strong hardware angle.  But my biggest fear with them would have been throwing webos away...they have a strong commitment to microsoft and google.
22:40.09tmzt_nah, HTC would have used it to springboard Sense to an OS
22:40.18Mouseywell a commitment to google is at least in the general direction of linux
22:40.33LarrySteezeIf HTC bought it, I think it would have been for the patents
22:40.51tmzt_so reports today that Google pulled the Nexus from vzw over customization issues
22:41.01tmzt_at 1.2b?
22:41.13tmzt_that seems high when they could settle with aapl for less
22:41.25tmzt_17SAAB8DM:27 < Mousey> well HP is still a huge MS supporter
22:41.35tmzt_I just wish HTC would have stood up to the MS patent grab
22:41.45LarrySteezeI hope HP doesn't try to jump on the widget bandwagon
22:41.53MouseyHP is big enough to have a healthy internal schitzophrenia
22:42.07tmzt_slate phone gps
22:42.20Mouseywebos/ubuntu slate
22:42.21tmzt_what's wrong with widgets?
22:42.46tmzt_I'd still like to see chrome os though
22:42.59tmzt_I guess that doesn't make sense in this climate
22:44.05sethron|workrwhitby: hope to see some demented photos :)
22:44.22LarrySteezeI relize HP is a huge ms supporter, but (at least in the US market), they haven't really done much with MS in the smartphone market
22:45.40jbrettEvanDotPro: they announced after the markets closed.  You'll have a chance to sell tomorrow :)
22:46.26EvanDotProjbrett: oh nice i didn't pay attention to the times. i guess that makes sense, most (or all) takeovers are announced after closing.
22:46.29jbrettLarrySteeze: every phone HP has made has been a wimo/wince device, what do you mean?
22:47.11tmzt_when's the last phone they made?
22:47.53jbrettthe 910 IIRC.  Sometime late last year?
22:47.57tmzt_of course it's interesting to see what HP was saying about consumer earlier today
22:48.01tmzt_before the announcement
22:48.25tmzt_and noticing that HP and Dell are both treating it as a sort of undesirable segment at present, with hopes of changing that
22:48.53hemnathe iPaq was the last HP phone afaik.
22:49.27*** join/#webos-internals Lenux (
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23:03.51*** join/#webos-internals halfhalo_T400_ (
23:04.01tmzt_so Apple blocks third party dev environments from targeting it's devices, webkit starts to become a lowest common denominator for mobile applications, but without a packaging solution for offline
23:04.45tmzt_and handset makers actually move closer to first party OSs and fragmentation across form factors
23:05.01*** join/#webos-internals hpalm (~4244e665@gateway/web/freenode/x-vmijdwljmgzxoefs)
23:05.13tmzt_which the Android meme seemed to be contradicting
23:06.38tmzt_this also leaves the question of what HP will do about x86-based mobile devices, such as the 'lauded' slate
23:07.31dgathrightI think HP, who up until the now the biggest name in Windows tablets, paying $1.2 billion to ditch Windows is a pretty bad sign for MS tablets.
23:08.06tmzt_if they were serious about Windows tablet they'd buy motion anyway
23:08.30tmzt_first big OEM to do so wins that segment, though toshiba could make a play with toughbooks, and Lenovo of course
23:08.31hemnaeven better.
23:08.56tmzt_hemna: I'd love to see what they could do with arm hardware
23:09.06tmzt_once the dropped iPads start piling up
23:17.23*** join/#webos-internals thadood (
23:19.45PuffTheMagictmzt_: webOS can run on the Slate
23:20.00PuffTheMagicwebOS does not need arm hw
23:20.19PuffTheMagictmzt_: in fact, webOS WILL run on the Slate
23:20.41PuffTheMagici would bet money on it
23:22.10jhowircwebos already runs on the emulator which is x86
23:25.30tmzt_right, I'm aware
23:27.10*** join/#webos-internals nekrox (~nekro@unaffiliated/nekrox)
23:35.49oiloh, video youtube controls changed
23:36.25Mouseywe still gettin' flash right?
23:40.20oilwonders what that gray cable is nt4cats has coming out of his pre
23:41.02zsocnotices nt4cats is not here
23:41.51zsocwonders why oil doesn't nt<tab>
23:41.59oiltyped it out
23:42.02zsocdoesn't type out anyone's name, not even oil
23:42.08oiltypes short names
23:42.15oillike i never type puffs nick
23:42.16zsocrealizes o-i-l is probably faster than o-i-<tab>
23:42.58oilmaybe it was just audio
23:49.43*** join/#webos-internals Abyssul (~wIRCer@
23:50.09zsochey hey hey
23:51.19rwhitbylistens to PalmCast ....
23:51.42AbyssulWish there was a way install patches where the file is on ur phone
23:52.02*** join/#webos-internals LarrySteeze (
23:52.17LarrySteezesorry,  was afk
23:53.11LarrySteezeI know every phone HP has made has used windows mobile....but my point was that HP hasn't exactly gained much market share...or put out many mobile phones
23:54.42AbyssulToo bad we won't see the result of the merge til like the end of the year
23:55.33LarrySteezebut above all...I just want a webos tablet.  AND I don't want to wait until the end of the year for it
23:55.53AbyssulProb at the end of the year to tell the truth
23:56.08bpadalinoi think the results of the merger will be apparent relatively quickly .. in terms of developers coming aboard and investing time with an HP backing versus just Palm
23:56.10halfhalo_T400_gives up in the palmcast chat
23:57.01AbyssulWe are thinking of hardware though

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