IRC log for #webos-internals on 20100417

00:09.29*** join/#webos-internals dBsooner (~dBsooner@unaffiliated/dbsooner)
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00:32.37*** join/#webos-internals LarrySteeze (
00:32.42LarrySteeze'ello all!
00:33.17LarrySteezerwhitby, you hiding in here?
00:36.17LarrySteezethank you for introducing me to openwrt
00:36.54LarrySteezeI've since become addicted to a different but similar project, dd-wrt
00:37.26zsoci like both
00:37.45zsocbut clearly openwrt is much more.. open :>
00:37.46FuMandd-wrt has more micro versions, that work on newer routers, right?
00:38.08gkatsevthere is also the tomatoe router
00:38.15FuMantomato doesn't run on anything
00:38.21LarrySteezewell, for me, only dd-wrt currently supports my router
00:38.28gkatsevmostly linksys
00:38.30FuMani mean, if i had a big mem old school router, tomatoe would be my first choice
00:38.34LarrySteezeit's an asus
00:38.37FuManbut it can't run on anything in like the last 5 years
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00:38.48FuManor, at least i thought
00:38.59LarrySteezetomato supports newer routers
00:39.10LarrySteezebut it's more limited support
00:48.01rwhitbyopenwrt has one key overriding feature for me: I have commit rights.
00:54.56rwhitbyanyone know where to get source code for ?
00:56.37*** join/#webos-internals CardShark (~3fe84fe4@gateway/web/freenode/x-ppskkzcwhaglervs)
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01:25.22uNiXpSyChOis back.
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02:01.55*** join/#webos-internals LarrySteeze (
02:02.11sbromwichanyone awake who's willing to test a kernel for me?
02:02.15sbromwichI have a rather odd one
02:02.37sbromwichI need someone to check if there are subliminal video effects, or if it's just someone with a rather odd app icon
02:15.03FuManTHIS GUY
02:15.12FuManI'm your huckleberry
02:15.39sbromwichinstall easy countdown timer
02:15.48FuManwhat if i have it already installed
02:16.18FuManand what is the effect
02:16.49FuMancause if you are talking about that odd color flicker / movement or whatever
02:16.51FuMani get that already.
02:16.52sbromwichlook at the app icon out of the corner of your eye, then move the launcher up and down to see if the app icon itself shimmers, almost in a subliminal way
02:17.23FuManI never really noticed it until this afternoon, when ive been running the caj2008 uimage
02:17.32FuManbut then again, ive never paid as much attention to my launcher
02:17.32sbromwichin that case, do you want to try the new kernel? :-)
02:17.45sbromwichone of my test cases is wobbling the launcher up and down
02:17.49FuManthe one you just posted?
02:18.05sbromwichso far, with the settings I've given, it's my fastest yet
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02:18.16FuMani dont scroll up and down, on 4x4, but i still see it sideways
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02:18.58sbromwichok, its not me or the kernel or the alcohol then ;-)
02:19.19sbromwichstill testing everything works though
02:19.29uNiXpSyChOi had too much vodka.
02:19.36uNiXpSyChOi am seeing things
02:19.37zsocuNiXpSyChO: haven't we all
02:19.43zsocuNiXpSyChO: don't die
02:19.51sbromwichgood call.
02:19.56zsocsbromwich: quick instructions for kernel install?
02:19.56jammasterclayI am getting script errors when using peware. Any tips?
02:19.57zsocfrom bin
02:20.01sbromwichhad forgottent he vodka in the freezer.
02:20.16zsochas skittles vodka around
02:20.22*** part/#webos-internals Templarian (
02:20.26FuManwhat the hell is with skittle vodka
02:20.30FuMani had never seen that, until about a week ago
02:20.39sbromwichzsoc: cd /tmp && wget && novaterm
02:20.40FuManand i've seen it like 5 times since, and its awful
02:20.42uNiXpSyChOvodka still in brown paper bag
02:20.44sbromwichtellbootie recover
02:21.02zsoclet me make sure the right phone is plugged in lol
02:21.06FuMannovacom boot mem:// < /location/of/image
02:21.11FuManwahoo, i know the tricks now :)
02:21.14sbromwichwhat FuMan said
02:21.41FuMansbromwich, command I can run to make sure my event.d script ran correctly, and i've got all the scalers setup right?
02:22.07FuMani could probably just cat one of the frequency checker thingies
02:22.22FuManbut, thats me brancing and pretending i know what that command does
02:23.05zsocnovacom boot mem:// < /tmp/uImage_1416_vidtest ?
02:23.35FuManwell, i don't store the uimage on my device
02:23.41FuMannever really thought about doing that, but i suppose that would wor
02:24.33zsoc.. no it's not on my device
02:24.35zsoci have it locally
02:25.07FuManoh, yeah
02:25.14FuManyou crazy kids
02:25.19FuManthat makes a lot more sense, then yes, thats the command
02:25.25zsocyeah doesn't work
02:25.33FuMandid you tellbootie recover first?
02:25.41FuManmark it.
02:25.45FuManjust fixed someones problem
02:26.01zsocok perfect
02:26.02zsoci like this
02:26.10zsocFuMan: you only need to tell me once :D
02:26.19zsocholy crap that is fast
02:26.20PuffTheMagicyo i need the brains of some other people
02:26.25zsocPuffTheMagic: drink more
02:26.32PuffTheMagicno no
02:26.41FuManidiot threshold question
02:26.51PuffTheMagicnot too complicated
02:26.58PuffTheMagicidk what to do
02:27.02FuManif i tried to make a script in etc/event.d to run a buch of echo commands for scaling ferquency
02:27.20PuffTheMagici have a variabled that goes between -1 and 1
02:27.38PuffTheMagici want to change the color of something based on that
02:27.49PuffTheMagiclike a gradient or something
02:27.58FuManwould i need to include a mount -o, remount,rw/ in there?
02:28.28zsocsbromwich: what voodoo is this?
02:28.40zsocit launches apps so fast
02:28.42sbromwichzsoc: I'm playing with video power savings
02:28.50sbromwichit does?
02:28.56zsocis it 800?
02:29.00sbromwichit's 800
02:29.09zsoci don't know, i haven't played with kernels really except an old 800 one i've had forever
02:29.12sbromwichwith the settings I gave it should clock down to 125
02:29.26FuMansbromwich, i would need to remount,rw/ at the start of the event.d script?
02:29.43sbromwichI thought it was almost acceptable, I don't know it's vodoo
02:29.51sbromwichFuMan: progbalby not a bad idea
02:29.58zsocFuMan: yes
02:30.00FuManits weird
02:30.04sbromwichFuMan: mamouton?
02:30.05FuMana few of the commands in there stuck
02:30.14FuManbut some didn't
02:30.24FuManscaling max and min were in effect, but anticipatory was not
02:30.25zsocPuffTheMagic: i think GLSL does something like that
02:30.45PuffTheMagicthats way way way way more than i need
02:30.50PuffTheMagicactually i need 0 1
02:30.51sbromwichcheck uname -a to make sure it's current
02:30.53PuffTheMagicso grayscal will work
02:30.58PuffTheMagicbut colors would look nicer
02:31.38sbromwichoh, the cpufreq settings don't need / rw
02:31.40FuManAp 17 PREEMPT
02:31.42sbromwichor anticipatory
02:31.48sbromwichok, that sounds right
02:31.59sbromwichdo you find the vodeo any faster?
02:32.02sbromwichor the video
02:32.06FuManhrm, then I wonder why my powers bias and stuff didn't stay
02:32.28sbromwichlet me check against mine
02:32.50FuManand when you say video, you literally mean video playback?
02:33.18sbromwichI mean... I guess graphics card would be hte best analogy
02:33.36Lumieredoes anyone know the size of webosdoctorp100ewwsprint-1.3.5.jar
02:34.01Lumiereor a md5sum
02:34.56FuManill run N.O.V.A. for a bit, see if it acts crazy
02:35.18FuManhahah, well, thats not good
02:35.43zsoco gawd
02:35.53FuManfair bit of flicker / tearing
02:36.15sbromwichis that 3d?
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02:36.31sbromwichhave you got glyder2?
02:36.55FuManno, but ill grab it
02:37.05FuManI'm getting a lil bit of flicker in mp4 playback as well
02:37.40Lumieregreat... I have 1.3.1 and 1.4.0
02:37.40FuManand im using the suggested settings in the 1.4.0 melt your phone series" thread
02:37.44Lumierebut not 1.3.5
02:38.21Lumieredoes anyone know where I can get the 1.3.5 doctor?
02:38.22sbromwichI'm seeing the cpu hanging but video is smooth as silk
02:38.56sbromwichoh, it's coming back to normal
02:39.04sbromwichthis one is not good for 3d
02:39.27FuMannor video playback in general for me
02:39.53sbromwichok, let me recompile a bit less aggressively
02:41.03FuManwill be outlining... holler
02:41.30sbromwichta :-)
02:43.14*** join/#webos-internals jacques (~jacques@nslu2-linux/jacques)
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02:43.15PuffTheMagicgot a tracking number for th ephone
02:43.50zsocPuffTheMagic: yay :D
02:49.10*** join/#webos-internals LarrySteeze (
02:51.27*** join/#webos-internals uNiXpSyChO (
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02:53.52LarrySteezeanyone around?
02:54.04zsocwe have no lives
02:54.21zsocwe are slaves to rod
02:54.26nt4catsI have a life, but I'm doing a production deployment right now, so I'm here.
02:54.43nt4catsOkay, I was lying about the 'having a life' part.
02:54.52zsocnt4cats: so i was thinking about it. if i went to philly i'd have to go to games wearing a mets jersey.. is this ok?
02:55.15*** join/#webos-internals Templarian (
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02:55.16nt4catszsoc: Phillies fans are 100x more friendly than Eagles fans
02:55.38zsocnt4cats: good to know. it helps that you have the best team in baseball :p so there's not much to be mad about lol
02:55.39nt4catszsoc: you might get called an a-hole by a few drunks, but that'd be the worst of it.
02:55.48Lumierenotes that getting setup to work on auto building needs to be tweaked
02:57.08uNiXpSyChOsomeone take my keyboard away...i rebooted my workstation instead of me Pre...too much vodka
02:57.14nt4catszsoc: if you went to an Eagles game in a NY jersey you would be subjected to constant rude and agressive verbal abuse, people would try to pick fights with you, and you'd probably have random things thrown at you (e.g. hot dogs, eggs, empty cups, half-full cups, etc.).  I speak from personal experience here.
02:57.19zsocuNiXpSyChO: i've done that a few times
02:57.30zsocnt4cats: that's bad
02:57.32nt4catsuNiXpSyChO: you pressed Orange-SYM-R on your workstation?
02:57.46zsocnt4cats: ever get anywhere with that python stuff?
02:57.50nt4catszsoc: yes, Eagles fans are pigs
02:58.24uNiXpSyChOnt4cats: i thought i was in novaterm but wasnt... typed reboot.  POOF...
02:58.28nt4catszsoc: My biggest learning curve there would be the WIDK toolchain ... haven't gone there yet
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02:58.56zsocnt4cats: do you have any cross compile experience at all?
02:59.38nt4catszsoc: nope, I've always developed on my native platform.  Lots of c/c++ in my day, so the language stuff isn't intimidating
03:00.12zsocnt4cats: ah, well really "cross compiling" is just a fancy build environment. So if you're familiar/comfortable with silly build environments, you should be good. Also, it helps in the widk that sb2 does /everything/ for you
03:00.13nt4catszsoc: I don't think it'll be that hard ... it is just a question of time
03:00.18zsocyeah i gotcha
03:00.56zsocnt4cats: did you have a specific goal for the libs? i wouldn't mind getting them together and getting them staged, if you had some software in mind that would depend on them
03:01.07zsoci'm quite interested in PyGame myself
03:02.33nt4catszsoc: I just noticed that optware's python installed a bunch of optware-compiled libraries that I am pretty sure there are already palm versions for (e.g. sqlite, openssl).  That's what made me think that I should just compile my own python
03:03.00nt4cats(and I have compiled python a bunch of times already to get a specific version on a platform that didn't provide it)
03:03.02zsocyeah it should be pretty straight forward
03:03.12zsocnt4cats: how did you end up in these parts again?
03:03.19zsocthese parts being webos-internals
03:03.59nt4catsI came here when I wanted to get ssh access to my pre back in August-ish.  I liked the folks here and wish I had time to contribute as a dev, so I've kinda hung out.
03:04.37zsocgot it :)
03:05.28nt4catsMy biggest contributions so far are a several lines of changes to make some webos-internals-hosted script compatible with fair-dinkum ... and I've updated the wiki periodically
03:06.01zsocwe love wiki updaters :D
03:06.10Lumiereugh I just realized that the toolchain maker for build.git
03:06.11zsoci know of a few articles that are literally 6 months useless lol
03:06.30Lumieredoes the same thing as the crosscompile.git toolchain maker
03:06.41Lumiereah here we go
03:06.57zsocLumiere: yeah, we are trying to get them merged
03:07.04zsocLumiere: can't get sb2 to run on mason tho
03:07.23Lumierezsoc: I am hoping to find a way to integrate buildbot
03:07.42zsocwhat would it do?
03:07.43Lumierewith some of this
03:07.48Lumiereautomated builds
03:07.57zsoc... er.. what's wrong with mason?
03:07.57Lumiereand visualizations
03:08.09zsocand it's log file? lol
03:08.30Lumiereis mason the name of the server?
03:09.18Lumierebuildbot would run on mason :)
03:09.27zsocoh, sounds fun
03:10.02Lumiereit's a python package that does build automation and allows building on multiple slaves :)
03:11.35Lumierezsoc: is python's waterfall
03:12.42Lumieremy thought was that buildbot could run whatever tests existed on commit/merge to HEAD
03:12.52Lumiereand build the ipkg on tagging a release
03:15.46Lumierezsoc: just wish there were more tests ;)
03:16.07LumiereI can at least run Make to ensure they compile
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03:19.13zsocoh god
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03:21.15Lumierezsoc|away: lol?
03:28.50*** join/#webos-internals jjjjj (~47cded3e@gateway/web/freenode/x-emssanxxewmfcojf)
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03:36.27FuMansbromwich, for what its worth, after sitting for 20 minutes
03:36.38FuManmy phone was unresponsive, requiring a battery pull
03:36.45FuMannot a huge fan of that particular kernel
03:38.11FuManannnnnnnnnd my usb door just officially broke, lame
03:42.19nt4catsFuMan: I'm about 1/32nd of an inch of plastic from the same thing (usb door almost broken)
03:44.08FuManits been bad for a couple weeks
03:44.13FuManbut, it done broked.
03:44.47sbromwichswizz :-(
03:45.29sbromwichI pulled the volume tabs off mine and just use the microswitches
03:45.36sbromwichpeople seem to find that odd for some reason
03:46.20FuMancan't for the life of me understand why
03:48.05sbromwichthe volume tabs on there were irritating
03:48.22sbromwichthe way I hold the phone the volume kept going up... and up... and up...
03:49.29*** join/#webos-internals princess76 (~486f7eb9@gateway/web/freenode/x-uhxuoelgaykpdkdd)
03:49.44sbromwichLinux palm-webos-device 2.6.24-palm-joplin-3430 #7 PREEMPT Sat Apr 17 03:42:31 UTC 2010 armv7l unknown
03:49.50sbromwichtrying that no
03:51.58sbromwichif anyone wants to try it
03:52.07FuMansbromwich, also, that eye trick glimmer of easy countdown
03:52.17sbromwichoh yeah
03:52.18FuManexists on stock, and caj kernel
03:52.33FuManor, maybe im just making myself see it at this point :>
03:52.34sbromwichstill does it
03:52.50sbromwichmy depth perception is screwed and just looking at it not moving I'm having difficulty
03:53.05uNiXpSyChOcaj doesnt have a kernel
03:53.39FuManwhatever, caj's ipk
03:53.47FuManwhich, if im not mistaken, you don't wanna claim ownership of.
03:54.32uNiXpSyChOcuz its old kernel build and not my ipk.
03:54.33sbromwichlends uNiXpSyChO a bargepole
03:54.41FuManalthough that is something i've wondered... as you've distanced yourself from his biz, and his forum spreading has increased... are you seeing a portion of those kickbacks?
03:55.15uNiXpSyChOi see nothing from the kickbacks.  i work for free.
03:55.30sbromwichwell... I work to get a faster phone for myself.
03:55.34FuManhrm, being the middle man is probably working out well for him
03:56.08FuMansbromwich, ill have to wait a couple days before I decide... but I can see differences in little areas that are improvements over the caj ipk
03:56.11uNiXpSyChOi have alot of other words for it...
03:56.41FuManno doubt.
03:56.43sbromwichFuMan: you should be getting better intra-thread performance and better battery life
03:56.56FuManim really curious how itll handle battery life in roam
03:57.01FuManthe pre is awfultastic in roam to begin with
03:57.10FuManbut dropping the 800ipk in there, was brutalface.
03:57.15sbromwichthe only issues you might have is voice or wan connectivity, which I'd be interested in
03:57.24FuManand I roam in class and at work, 70 percent of my day
03:57.28sbromwichthere's a problem with the USBHOST timer which I *might* have fixes
03:57.51sbromwichdo you get a lot of dropouts?
03:58.00FuManas in dropped calls?
03:58.04sbromwichor does it just disconnect?
03:58.31sbromwichwell, either it'll powersave when it shouldn't and you'll get audio drops, or the carrier signal will fail and you'll get a dropped call
03:58.37sbromwichthat's my theory
03:58.58sbromwichI can't seem to replicate the problem though... but the resume from suspend is better
03:59.48sbromwichhave you seen that one FuMan when you turn the phone on from suspend and it hangs or restarts luna?
03:59.59FuMansince your kernel, no
04:00.04FuManprior, 4-5 daily
04:00.19sbromwichok, sounds like the extra udelay is helping
04:00.48FuManand i havent really made many calls on your kernel, so im not sure about the dropouts, only been at it this afternoon, and its been a day of study :>
04:01.26sbromwichok, I'll be interested in how that pans out
04:02.05sbromwichI was told WAN and voice would be the major concern as (if I understand aright) the clock signal would not stay in sync with the provider's clock signal but would drift and cause lost packets
04:02.25sbromwichand therefore sufficient lost packets = dropoutss, enough lost packets = lost call
04:03.22uNiXpSyChOyou can also increate the signal gain in the radio firmware
04:04.17bpadalinoby changing the frequency of the OMAP they think  you're gong to lose packets due to frequency offset ?
04:04.17sbromwichhmmm... not sure if that would make a difference but it might be worth a go
04:05.46sbromwichbpadalino: I'm not convinced I understand the base reason but from what I understand the ondemand freq scaling changing the system clock somehow has a knock-on effect to the USB, which then causes problems for timing for packets going to the provider
04:06.51bpadalinosounds a little silly .. i would imagine that is more interrupt driven than worrying about clock ticks
04:08.29sbromwichdid you see that april fool's joke patent that was posted that said palm had come up with some new overclocking method?
04:08.42bpadalinoi did not .. have you got a link ?
04:09.07sbromwichit's on precentral somewhere... let me see if I can find it
04:11.14sbromwichbugger... I can't find it
04:11.23sbromwichit was a sod to find when I talked to uNiXpSyChO about it
04:12.00sbromwichessentially they're powersaving by piggybacking whatever they can on one antenna instead of two, and idling the chipsets in turn
04:12.06sbromwich(again, as I understand it)
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04:12.54sbromwichso the idea is that, say, wifi and WAN can be run off one antenna one at a time while the other antenna is idle and saving power
04:12.58sbromwichI *think*
04:13.22sbromwichit's kinda like single duplex taken to a whole new level
04:13.34sbromwichsorry, half duplex
04:13.42ka6soxthat slows things down.
04:13.57sbromwichsaves power, though
04:14.27sbromwichand I think it has the option of deciding if the CPU is busy doing stuff and if there's genuinely stuff going on will turn on both antennae
04:14.38ka6soxto troubleshoot this temp sensor I need a logging app.
04:14.54ka6soxwonder what shell is on there...
04:15.02bpadalinoash i thought
04:15.35sbromwichbash is available too from ipkg-opt
04:15.44bpadalinoalso true
04:16.16ka6soxokay...bash script it is.
04:16.34FuMananyone here on a macbook?
04:16.52FuManka6sox, cup your balls
04:17.02FuManand then option+shift +volume change
04:17.35FuManlearned something today
04:18.23sbromwich5. After the system is suspended, the resume operation does not
04:18.27sbromwich6. Once the system enters OFF state, resume event from the keypad
04:18.31sbromwich7. Resume event from the touchscreen does not wakeup the system.
04:18.33sbromwich8. When OFF mode is enabled and system is allowed to stay idle for
04:18.39sbromwichOMAP35x EVM Linux PSP - Release Notes
04:18.43sbromwichhow coincidental.
04:19.10bpadalinoneat, quarter steps in volume change
04:19.11sbromwichSDOCM00055519 USB RNDIS-NFS retries observed on insmod of
04:19.14sbromwichSDOCM00055520 USB CDC/RNDIS- The EVM does not sense the
04:19.18sbromwicheven more so
04:19.57FuManbpadalino, yeah... the most braindead sorostitute on the planet showed me that today
04:20.40sbromwichthis looks amazingly similar to the pre hardware.
04:20.56sbromwichSDOCM00055260: In loopback sample application, the video
04:20.58sbromwichdisplayed on the LCD has interlacing artifacts when viewing fast
04:21.00sbromwichmoving objects. This is because the input video is in interlaced mode
04:21.02sbromwich@ 30 FPS while the LCD works in progressive mode @ 60 FPS. The
04:21.04sbromwichframe rate conversion and de-interlacing is not done in the current
04:21.06sbromwichsample application.
04:21.38bpadalinobed time for me .. night
04:21.57sbromwichlaters, bpadalino
04:22.21sbromwichwasn't someone complaining about the camera not being open source?
04:24.17uNiXpSyChOthe Pre has diff hardware than the EVM board.  somewhat
04:25.42sbromwichbut it seems to have many of the same problems
04:25.47sbromwichEHCI driver doesn't leverage the power saving features supported
04:25.48sbromwichby the silicon as it doesn't enable/ disable usbhost clocks effectively
04:25.50sbromwichwhile doing data transfer.
04:25.52sbromwichfor eg.
04:26.14sbromwichUSB audio/video stress failure obsereved when both audio and video
04:26.15sbromwichare run in parallel for one full day.
04:26.32sbromwichie someone watched youporn videos for 24 hours straight.
04:26.47uNiXpSyChOyep... cuz the core SoC has most of that built in.
04:27.52sbromwichyeah, but they seem to have used the same code base
04:28.12sbromwichI'm just wondering if there's anything in there I can nick to stuff in to my kernel
04:28.36uNiXpSyChOyou can always code snippet from TI's kernels
04:28.42uNiXpSyChOthey're old tho
04:30.02sbromwichsep 2009
04:30.07sbromwichmust be something newer than that
04:30.21uNiXpSyChOthier kernels?
04:30.39ka6soxsbromwich, its mainline I think in .28
04:31.25sbromwichyeah, there must be a repo somewhere they're using that has public access
04:31.33sbromwichka6sox: of course it is.
04:31.43sbromwichmutter imprecations under his breath
04:32.03sbromwichI wonder when a newer version might come out on the pre.
04:32.12sbromwichthanks uNiXpSyChO for being my lazyweb
04:33.04uNiXpSyChOyep, old.  but may be useful stuff in there.  i havent dug through it enough
04:34.45sbromwichah-hah, the dsp must be overclocked as well
04:35.00uNiXpSyChOit sure is
04:35.40uNiXpSyChOwonders if he just put his foot in his mouth
04:38.14sbromwichoh fuck
04:38.33sbromwichI thought I'd seen the last of that crap when I left USR :-/
04:45.13sbromwichPowering OMAPTM3 With TPS65950:
04:45.15sbromwichDesign-In Guide
04:45.20sbromwichI think this might be closer
04:49.01sbromwichah-hah, so *this* is what DVFS is all about
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07:15.06*** topic/#webos-internals is Discussion about webOS internals (not webOS SDK usage - #webos for that, or wIRC - #wirc for that). Honor all licenses, carrier agreements and copyrights when speaking here. Twitter: @webosinternals Logs: Wiki: Pastebin: Preware: Patches:
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09:28.05hape_infobot: log
09:28.06infobotlog is, like, for #openmoko-cdevel only. Maybe you meant "~logs" ?
09:28.18hape_MiX-MaN: see last line
09:28.35infobotAll conversations are logged to, where "channel" is replaced by the URL-encoded channel name, such as %23freenode for #freenode. Lines starting with spaces are not logged. logs are updated daily
09:31.54MiX-MaNthx :)
09:32.50oilusually uses
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09:38.56rwhitbysbromwich: are you saying that the udelay changes fixes the restart luna on resume bug?
09:50.55oilrwhitby: re preware post: it should prefer whichever feed has the highest version
09:51.22oilthen most recent release
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09:53.52rwhitbyoil: agreed.  I think it does that, but I stuffed up when trying to keep as much information as possible for the saved package list
09:54.45rwhitbyso I think the appcat flag is being retained when it should not be
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13:05.19sofiaanyone know why the WOSQI doesnt recognizw that there is a device already connected and behaves as if there was none?
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13:20.05bpadalino - for people interested
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13:34.28VincentLawbpadalino: interesting except that OGG is pretty much dead for HTML5
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14:29.35sbromwichrwhitby: I believe so, I've ramped it up to comparably excessive levels and I haven't had it hang yet
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14:34.43sbromwichrwhitby: could you check I'm doing commits right on mason when you get a chance?
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15:05.45uNiXpSyChO|Zzzzzis away
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15:26.05Darkmagisterafter the 1.4 update .. i have some problem .. now i tried to update the message plugin
15:26.10Darkmagisterbut now all my account don't work
15:26.17Darkmagisteri used gtalk and jabber and no one work ... some one can help ? and i cant remove the patch ....
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15:33.37jetteroI just got a decal girl sticker for my pre case.  I can't tell for sure, but I think it's going to be awesome
15:41.07nt4catswhat is a "decal girl"?
15:41.52nt4catsgot it
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15:43.40sbromwichI had an awful feeling it was going to be one of those "look at the semi naked girlie!" apps but it actually looks rather neat
15:44.14zsoc_wircI had the opposite reaction
15:44.52sbromwichthere seem to be an awful lot of those sort of apps on the palm catalogue, for some reason
15:45.14zsoc_wircjettero: does it come with the matching wallpaper?
15:46.00sbromwichI'm quite impressed at how this power saving is panning out... 3D kills the battery but other than that using for "normal" use (interweebs, facebook, youtube, etc) doesn't seem to drain an awful lot more than in suspend
15:46.41sbromwichruntime 10h 26m, remaining life 26.86h (?)
15:46.58sbromwichI guess 26h ~50m
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17:08.06sethroncan i get some assistance removing custom feeds from Preware? i have a Sprint Pre w/, Preware 0.9.36, Preware Alpha 0.9.61, and Save/Restore 0.6.7
17:09.33nt4cats|errandsethron: do you not know how to do it, or are you getting an error message when you try?
17:10.36sethroni am switching them on, swiping to delete, but they stay in Preware. They are for the testing feeds, but one has the wrong URL.
17:11.29nt4catssethron: what version of preware are you using?
17:12.32nt4catssethron: okay, one variable I'm going to have to look into is where the alpha stores its feeds vs where the non-alpha does.  If they share a common feed list that could be a complicating factor
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17:13.19nt4catssethron: I've added / changed / removed feeds from Preware by editing the feed files on disk before -- but i don't want to break the alpha by doing this
17:13.26nt4catssethron: ... checking ...
17:15.53sethronhmm, if i orange tap to remove Preware Alpha, then attempt to remove feeds from Preware, would that really remove them? Also, it seems the package manager service was unistalled.
17:16.29sbromwichnew kernel with gcc optimisations and experimental use of Thumb code
17:16.38nt4catssethron: I believe that Preware >= 0.9.35 uses the c-language service (that's 'believe', not 'guarantee')
17:17.05nt4catssethron: ... and I believe the c-language service is included in the preware package (not separately like the Java service is/was)
17:17.27asmwricer... lol...
17:17.46sbromwichdoes what it says on the tin ;-)
17:17.50asmwhmm, one shouldn't use 'lol'
17:18.00sethronnt4cats if true then version 0.9.36 of Preware would probably remove the package manager service, then
17:18.07asmwi just read what i wrote, it reads... stoopid
17:18.34asmwwell, back to trying to brick the pre
17:18.47sbromwichalways fun.
17:19.00asmwdamn hard, it takes a lot of punishment
17:19.09sbromwichI haven't managed it yet
17:19.24asmwthen again, I'm a little careful not to break it, it's actually my phone too :)
17:19.35sbromwichditto ;-)
17:20.15asmwwhich reminds me, is there a good way to make a complete image of the internal memory and just play that back if i break stuff?
17:20.26nt4catssethron: just to confirm -- you're trying to remove custom feeds (that you added), right?
17:20.29asmwi thought i read something on precentral, but i cannot find it anymore
17:20.42sethronnt4cats: correct
17:20.44nt4catssethron: do you have shell access to your Pre?  (ssh preferred)?
17:21.19sethroni could do that/ switching in to DEV mode...
17:22.35sethronoi, my ma just called as i was going to switch....
17:23.18sethronforgot to tap ignore :)
17:23.35nt4catsdon't ignore your ma
17:23.52sethronor, could I use Terminal or Terminus?
17:24.45nt4catssethron: you could use terminal/terminus, but it'll be less frustrating to use a nice big window with copy/paste, scrollback, etc.
17:25.27nt4catssethron: if you'd have to install a lot of stuff to get a 'real' window, go ahead and use termin[al|us].  If it isn't any more painful than booting into dev mode and using novaterm, I'd prefer that if you don't mind.
17:26.07sethronjust have to get novacom in ubuntu karmic set up
17:27.17nt4catsI'm not going to tell you what to do with your phone / PC, but if you wouldn't mind using novaterm for now (and it will be helpful in future times that you want easy shell access to your phone) that'd be nice
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17:27.56zsoc_wircjettero: let me know if it works with the touchstone
17:28.21nt4catsI don't see any of the Preware dev's active here right now ... they might want to collect debug info from you if any of them show up
17:28.26sethronam willing, just have to take this phone call, afterall, the Pre is a phone :)
17:28.56nt4catsis pro-Mom, so I'll gladly wait while you talk to her
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17:29.29jhojhosbromwich: what thumb code are you using?
17:29.47zsoc_wircnt4cats: isn't everyone pro mom?
17:30.10zsoc_wircI mean, that would be like people being anti-god
17:30.12zsoc_wircoh, wait...
17:30.53caj2008I have a question, with an app is it possible to get stereo and no mono sound?
17:31.18caj2008all my apps seem to be mono
17:31.22zsoc_wirccaj2008: please enumerate your description of stereo vs mono
17:31.24sbromwichjhojho: just enabling it in gcc to see if it makes a speed difference
17:31.38nt4catscaj2008: I don't understand your question ... I get stereo audio out of my phone in all apps
17:31.46zsoc_wirccaj2008: mediaserver forces 2 channel audio, from what I've seen
17:31.49sethroni can put the phone down for 10 minutes, pick it back up again, say, uh huh, and it would be as if i was always on the phone, don't know about your ma.
17:32.00jhojhosbromwich: does it?
17:32.05nt4catscaj2008: you could have a problem with your headset jack or with your headphones
17:32.37caj2008My music player gives me stereo but apps give me sound that is mono only
17:32.39nt4catscaj2008: your pre does not have stereo speakers, however ... so if you're not using a headset I guess your audio output is mono
17:32.42sbromwichjhojho: seems to so far, I'm trying to figure out how usable it is now ;-)
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17:32.53caj2008makes sense
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17:33.06jhojhosmall or big speedup?
17:33.25sbromwichsmall, I'd say
17:33.51nt4catssethron: my mother, unlike most women, is anti-talking.  My phone conversations with her rarely go more than 2 minutes.
17:34.07sethronwell, bless you
17:34.22zsoc_wircnt4cats: mediaserver dumps the 2 channel into pcm_output, so it's stereo audio, just out of 1 speaker
17:34.49jhojhont4cats: I just checked and it seems that the package manager service is still installed for preware 0.9.36
17:34.56caj2008sbromowich: iphone is beat in all cpu.bus performance tests by Pre but incredible fluidity of OS in iphone makes is appear WebOS is more clunky
17:35.22sbromwichcaj2008: is that with or without syslog disabled on the pre?
17:35.34caj2008tried both as you suggested
17:36.05sbromwichand the /etc/fstab change?
17:36.14caj2008WebOS has had less time to develop.
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17:36.24caj2008NTW-tried your kernel
17:36.46caj2008worked ok
17:36.48nt4catszsoc_wirc: "stereo audio out of 1 speaker" is an interesting concept ;)  I guess it is different from strictly mono because it you hear both channels, just not separated left/right.
17:37.04nt4catsjhoho: thanks for checking that -- that's interesting to know
17:37.07jhojhosbromwich: have you played with ##LOGS#
17:37.10sbromwichI can only say that the iphone I tried was incredibly slow and laggy
17:37.22sbromwichjhojho: I usually just watch dmesg
17:37.25caj2008depends on what is on phone I guess
17:37.41caj2008wife is calling me...will be back later
17:38.11sbromwichI am trying it now to see how well it doesn't work, jhojho ;-)
17:38.21sethronnt4cats: okay, Pre in dev mode just charging, connect to rig
17:38.52jhojhoi only heard about it from palm who is trying to track down the missing calls issue
17:39.01nt4catssethron: for the normal preware (not alpha) the feeds are stored in /media/cryptofs/apps/etc/ipkg/
17:39.07jhojhoI get random missed calls now since 1.4.0
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17:39.35nt4catssethron: I haven't grabbed the alpha ipkg yet to see where it stores its feeds (kids + lunch distracted me) -- grabbing it now
17:40.06sbromwichjhojho: do the calls get missed with power off?
17:40.23sbromwichand the log creation just gave me a blowfish encrypted file :-/
17:40.36jhojhopower is on. screen is not.
17:40.53sbromwichyeah, that's the udelay thing, I think
17:40.55jhojhoI just get told that the call went straight to vm later
17:41.34sbromwichphone can't wake up the display and returns fail so the telco side of the phone does the next best thing and sends the call to vm
17:41.46sbromwichat a guess, anyway
17:41.54sethronnt4cats: i see them
17:42.48sethronmy guess is that Preware and Preware Alpha share them from that location
17:43.16jhojhowhat is udelay set to right now by palm?
17:43.18sbromwichjhojho: do you have a PIN set on your phone?
17:43.25jhojhono pin set
17:43.29sbromwichfor the specific bit I'm thinking of
17:43.52sbromwichjhojho: if it's not too much hassle I'd be interested to know if you get intermittent hangs at the PIN entry screen as well
17:43.53nt4catssethron: I've manually unpacked the alpha .ipkg and am checking
17:44.23jhojhosbromwich: describe scenario pls.
17:44.39jhojhodoes it just pause when/after entering pin?
17:44.58nt4catssethron: yep, the postinst script of this package sets up its feeds in the same directory
17:45.29sbromwichjhojho: in a hang scenario: turn phone on, get bluesky logo, sometimes get the pin entry option, phone just sits there and does not let you enter a number, after a seemingly arbitrary # of seconds (usually <10) luna restarts
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17:45.57nt4catssethron: you should be able to disable feeds by renaming them to {feed}.disabled, and if you remove the feed files that should delete them.
17:46.02sbromwichif it gets as far as letting you enter the pin I don't recall getting a crash after
17:46.12jhojhoI get a different issue.
17:46.13sethronnt4cats: so, do i just rm feedname.conf.disabled ?
17:46.35sbromwichyeah... it's all related to prcm_pwr.c and coming out of suspend, I think
17:46.41nt4catssethron: if you want to be paranoid, create a subdirectory there called 'archive' and mv the feed files there
17:46.48nt4catstends to be paranoid
17:46.51jhojhosometimes when I try to unlock. I dont get the wallpaper and the lock
17:46.54sethronnt4cats: they are disabled i want to remove the one with the incorrect URL
17:46.58sbromwichthe most common scenario is pressing the button and nada, then either the phone locks up, reboots or restarts luna
17:47.01jhojhoI get whatever the active card is and the lock
17:47.22sbromwichinserting/removing the usb cable in particular makes it stroppy
17:48.17sbromwichwhat I did was replace udelay(10) with 3 * udelay(50) and put a udelay(1) in between each device wakeup
17:48.40sbromwichI think I might have to use udelay(2) or 4 * udelay(50) as it's still not perfect, but it's a lot better
17:48.54FuMansbromwich, that ricer config still need the same bias blah blah from the melt thread?
17:49.28sbromwichwell... tweak powersave_bias and up_threshold to your personal phone, but the rest of it should be pretty generic
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17:50.08sethronnt4cats: now there is a Feed named archive
17:50.21sbromwichdepending on how lucky your are you might be able to get away with powersave_bias=0 and up_threshold ridiculously low, like 20
17:51.19nt4catsokay, mv archive /media/internal/
17:51.34sbromwichjhojho: there's also an issue with overclocked phones and USBHOST causing DVFS issues which might explain your problem
17:51.46nt4cats(shut down preware before you move the directory)
17:52.00asmwhow can subsequent 'make stage' calls result in sometimes getting a working build and sometimes not? shouldn't whis stuff be a little deterministic or something?
17:52.02jhojhomy phone was displaying such behavior even when clocked normally
17:52.18sbromwichjhojho: probably not the USBHOST issue then
17:52.38sbromwichasmw: are you using make -j?
17:52.48asmwsbromwich: no
17:53.04sbromwichasmw: then my suggestion would have been incorrect :-)
17:53.10asmwsbromwich: I'm trying to set up a fresh WIDK in a new VM
17:53.11sethronnt4cats: super groovy tyvm
17:53.43nt4catssethron: if I see any of the preware dev's here today I'll let them know about your problem
17:53.43asmwsbromwich: I just wanted to make stage libsdl, which deps to glib first which failed
17:53.54asmwsbromwich: make stage again, now it works
17:54.09sbromwichasmw: did glib fail with an assembler error?
17:54.37sethronnt4cats: also, it does seem strange that I no longer have the package manager service, but that does not seems to affect my situation.
17:56.07nt4catssethron: yes, that's strange -- my Pre still shows the package manager service installed (v0.9.45)
17:56.42sethronnt4cats: do you have Preware Alpha on your Pre?
17:57.27nt4catssethron: nope -- not yet at least
17:58.59asmwsbromwich: no, during configure while checking the size of pthread_mutex_t or somesuch
17:59.25asmwsbromwich: strange place to error anyway, it succeded testing other sizes before that
18:00.15sbromwichasmw: not the error I was thinking of either than... feel free to ask if you want incorrect answers though! ;-)
18:01.21asmwsbromwich: I'll see if it happens again, I'm not keen on reproducing the error as long as it works :)
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18:08.47sethronto remove bad ffed from Preware :
18:11.29nt4catssethron: that was nice of you to do.  I'll turn that into a page on the wiki
18:12.16sethronnt4cats: cool: peace out.
18:12.46sethronsbromwich: tyvm
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18:24.46sbromwichit would appear that appending "ricer" to a kernel name makes many, many PC users download it.
18:25.06sbromwichI would guess around 5% of them actually manage to boot it.
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18:25.43nt4catssbromwich: try appending 'boobies' and see how that does
18:26.09sbromwichlooks good, nt4cats
18:26.20sbromwichperhaps that'll be the next one then
18:29.24sbromwichmade your english even betterer, nt4cats
18:30.11sethronnt4cats: tyvm
18:30.53nt4catssbromwich: impossible, I live in the country that invented English.
18:31.56sbromwichdocumentation should be written in the passive voice
18:32.11sbromwichhas written faaaar too much docco in the past
18:33.21sbromwichoh, I know, I'll call a kernel ".booby" because I "think" there may be a boobytrap in there
18:33.25sbromwichthat should make it popular
18:34.00nt4catspoints out to sbromwich that I live in suburban Philadelphia, which some people would consider incompatible with the "... country that invented ..." claim
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18:34.41sbromwichrefrains from mentioning anything about colonialists ;-)
18:34.46nt4cats"booby" is less likely to get thousands of geeks all excited when compared to "boobies"
18:34.58sbromwichboobies trap?
18:35.15sbromwichIIRC booby is a type of bird too
18:35.42nt4catssaw a pic on reddit that would be perfect for "boobies trap", but is nsfw
18:35.56sbromwichis not at work
18:37.34nt4catssbromwich: are you offended by pictures of the bare chestal regions of nubile women aged (approximately) 19-25?
18:38.16sbromwichnot excessively, but I might insert a reference to said pic in my next kernel
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18:41.13sethronmmmmm boobies
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18:45.09sbromwichin quantity, no less
18:45.24zsoc_wircmore than 2?
18:46.08zsoc_wircsbromwich: saw it on reddit last week
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18:46.56juwencan anyone help with installing themes in Preware, i am able to download but the installation keeps failing
18:46.59nt4catszsoc_wirc: I clearly identified it as "saw a pic on reddit ..."
18:47.22zsoc_wircnt4cats: ah, sorry, I'm working.. not paying so much attention
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18:48.38fdsinstalling preware now, looking forward to it.
18:48.45Guest23587Goal is to get ssh working
18:49.27sbromwichrecommends openssh
18:50.56sbromwichjust make sure your ssh keys are set up right
18:51.51juwencan anyone help with installing themes in Preware, i am able to download but the installation keeps failing
18:52.35juweni have tried over 10 themes and the same thing happens it download and install but fails
18:52.50juwenanyone got this issue before
18:56.36sethronis hungry and stepped way to feed
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18:57.53Guest23587thanks sbromwich
18:58.40Guest23587Unfortunately my OSX 10.5.8 java cannot launch WebOSQuickInstall.jar or PrewareInstaller
18:58.43Guest23587[0x0-0x5a15a1][11908]: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/swing/GroupLayout$Grou
19:00.26sbromwichGuest23587: beats me, I've never used either, sorry
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19:01.42Guest23587no problem, thanks
19:02.00Guest23587Seems like my Java version is incompatible, looking further
19:03.19sbromwichif you've got novaterm I got the bitly shell script thing working when I did it, if it helps
19:03.24bpadalino10.5.8 is java 1.5, right ?
19:04.39sbromwichI'm off to get stuff ready for the boy coming home, laters
19:04.43Guest23587Fixed: needed to move SE 6.0 to the top of the list in Java Preferences app
19:04.48Guest23587as described here
19:07.42*** join/#webos-internals christefano (~christefa@conference/drupalcon/x-plujsavfcigxhsli)
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19:53.37Guest23587Love this preware, its software engineering done right.
19:53.47Guest23587Long live the pre (I just hope that happens)
19:54.07Guest23587(How do you change your nickname?)
19:54.12Guest23587\Nick: fds
19:54.21Guest23587\nick fds
20:00.16bpadalinowrong slash ..
20:02.12*** join/#webos-internals thadood (
20:03.20zsoc_wircer, /nick newnick
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20:41.10rwhitbyGuest23587: use WOSQI 3.1 for a start, 2.96 will not work on the latest webOS version
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20:44.53*** join/#webos-internals Tibfib (

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