IRC log for #webos-internals on 20100308

00:09.37*** join/#webos-internals playya_ (~playya@unaffiliated/playya)
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00:25.03dtzWilljacques: got X11 rendering correctly \o/
00:26.06FuMan2doesnt know what that is
00:28.31jacquesdtzWill, excellent! how did you do it?
00:28.50dtzWilljacques: it's kinda embaressingly simple once I figured it out :/
00:29.01jacquesoh? :-)
00:29.04dtzWilljacques: haha but these things often are hehe. also I have a habit of making things unnecessarily complicated
00:29.20dtzWillbut simple is good and simple means it's more likely to work... if it's the right kinda simple
00:29.40dtzWillit appears SDL_Init was getting called in a different thread than the rest--it wasn't the select at all, that was a red herring.
00:30.15dtzWilljacques: the select code is what would end up calling a handler that called SDL_PollEvents which in turn called SDL_PumpEvents... which long story short gets grumpy when you call it on the wrong thread
00:30.49dtzWillfrankly I haven't traced how it was on a different thread (I rather thought x was single threaded, although maybe I'm wrong), but as a sanity check I migrated some pieces of code and voila
00:31.28jacquesdtzWill, wow. yeah I also thought kdrive was single-threaded
00:31.42jacquesdtzWill, did you commit it yet? :-D :-D
00:32.15dtzWillwell I don't have a repo on webos-internals for it yet
00:32.18dtzWilli've been using my own setup
00:32.18jacquesheck it took me a while the other night to just find X's definition of Select()
00:32.26dtzWillwhich isn't publicly readable ...yet
00:32.33dtzWillbut it probably belongs hosted on webos-internals regardless
00:33.02dtzWilland a good question to think about after we get X going
00:33.08jacquessome of the X libs (which kdrive depends on) can be configured to use poll() and some cannot
00:33.26dtzWillis, well I have my own ideas for it (We're doing some crazy project with it), but as far as the general webos community goes
00:33.27jacquesand it looks like kdrive itself uses Select() defined to select()
00:33.33dtzWillyes, agreed
00:33.42dtzWillbut the question is what do we do with this?
00:33.48dtzWillpackage up a general x server thing?
00:34.00dtzWillship some touchscreen-friendly set of apps, etc? haha
00:34.07dtzWilloh the possibilities :)
00:34.26dtzWillgood news is the server is relatively light-eight
00:34.38jacqueswell, part of the fun of a project like this is, if we don't want to worry about that, we don't have to - ppl will find their own uses for it
00:35.01dtzWilli think i could see myself putting in the marginal extra effort to have an x server package
00:35.18dtzWilli mean since it already builds from cross-compile, etc
00:35.20jacquesI want to explore a larger virtual workspace which can be scrolled and zoomed
00:36.00dtzWilljacques: interesting. I don't think kdrive supports virtual workspaces in that manner? maybe though, I didn't look too hard at it
00:36.06jacquesdtzWill, what bpp are you running with?
00:36.23dtzWillmostly short of a proper xorg.conf or XFree86.conf or what-have-you I do'nt know how to setup a virtual res
00:36.34dtzWillI don't remember, shouldn't matter
00:36.47dtzWillthe GLES one is 24bit, but this is 32 bit iirc since that's what the native surface SDL exposes is
00:36.52dtzWillso no reason to force the extra conversion
00:36.55jacqueswell I was seeing bad behavior with 32bpp re: alpha channel
00:37.32jacquesbut according to patch comments, that would be the best performing bpp
00:37.44jacquesbecause no shadow surface would be created
00:38.28dtzWilljacques: agreed. actually I my x-launcher script was still doing 24--32 has a thicker cursor (perhaps alpha related?), but applications themselves eseem (quick glance) to be rendering just fine
00:38.38dtzWilljacques: was the alpha issue mostly that the alpha channel bits were never set/cleared?
00:38.47dtzWilljacques: so nothing a memset at the get-go couldn't fix?
00:39.39jacquesdtzWill, it looked to me like when kdrive wrote to the surface memory, it was setting the alpha channel to 0, and SDL was incorrectly rendering things as completely transparent
00:39.54dtzWilljacques: oh I see. curious.
00:40.34jacquesso, if kdrive wrote to the surface, it was black, until I went through and set the alpha to 255 for every pixel, then I could see things
00:40.55dtzWilljacques: that is not the behavior I'm seeing, but I don't know that it won't crop up
00:41.01jacquesthis was onlt in 32bpp, and only in card view, as full screen never showed anything other than black for me
00:41.09dtzWilloh card view? interesting
00:41.18dtzWilli'm doing most of my testing in fullscreen these days ;)
00:41.28dtzWills/days/last 30 minutes/
00:41.30jacquesit's slightly possible that my hacking broke something
00:41.46jacquesheh, well congrats! nice job
00:41.50dtzWilljacques: :D ty ty
00:41.59jacquesthis will probably help some other ppl
00:42.00dtzWilljacques: now off to fix the input........ :)
00:42.25dtzWilljacques: I would be surprised if /no one/ had some cool ideas regarding an x server
00:42.52jacquesme too
00:44.26dtzWillalso I'm surprised that AFAICT no one's gotten X working within android without using vnc.
00:44.38dtzWilli suppose for many applications the difference might be not as important
00:44.49dtzWillnot that we're android devs, but you know :)
00:45.37jacquesI'm sure X could work under android the same way q3 does
00:45.55jacquesjava shim around C binary
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00:46.16dtzWilljacques: that's absolutely what I was thinking. unware of q3's efforts but with JNI etc that shouldn't be tooo big a deal
00:46.56jacquesyeah I read a post by the guy who did the q3 port
00:47.11jacquesbasically thin java layer calling C lib
00:47.30dtzWillmakes sense, really it's the way to do it.
00:47.37dtzWillporting to java is outta the question
00:48.27dtzWillrwhitby: hey now that it looks like we're making progress, don't suppose you could make an xorg git repo on webos-internals? :)
00:49.07jacquesI think the chances are quite good :-)
00:49.44dtzWillyeah i didn't ask earlier because i/we had no idea why it wasn't working, so until we knew that x source needed modification didn't wanna waste the repo, but now... :D
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01:00.42jacquesdtzWill, what would you like to call the repo?
01:00.55dtzWillhmm I don't really know that I have a strong opinion
01:01.06dtzWillxorg/x11/xorg-server, something like that?"
01:01.17dtzWillfeel free to suggest counter ideas
01:03.36jacquesonly suggestion I have is xsdl (or Xsdl)
01:04.14jacquestho I also don't have a strong opinion
01:04.43dtzWilljacques: I'm okay with Xsdl, and I suppose there's a good chance that we'll never use any other part of X
01:05.24dtzWillmostly b/c it kinda doesn't matter :)
01:05.30dtzWillXsdl is fine
01:06.04jacqueshmm, Xsdl _is_ maybe over-specific
01:06.09*** part/#webos-internals djk (
01:06.32dtzWillhehe perhaps
01:08.12epvhaha awesome, is it an X root in a webos card, or what?
01:08.27dtzWillinstall ipkg-opt's gtk, vte, and xchat haha
01:08.34dtzWillnot that keyboard/mouse work anyway yet
01:08.36epvi want xterm
01:08.54dtzWillepv: yes, it's root within a card
01:09.04epvyeah keyboard translations would/will be a project, given the contortions you need to go through with the pre kbd to get special chars
01:09.22dtzWillso glad ipkg-opt has all the xclient stuff, including gtk haha
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01:09.46epvhehe yay
01:09.49dtzWillepv: oh for now /no/ keyboard events work. the base we're using (Xsdl) is a little unmaintained
01:10.11epvi see
01:10.29dtzWillerr or mouse events. something in general with events is just broken. looking into it presently
01:10.40epvthere's always the old sunos trick of a daemon that sits around collecting key events and feeding them to X
01:12.13dtzWillepv: hehe. yeah at some point I actually almost did something similar.  luckily events GET to the xs erver, but the unmaintained part of the code loses them somewhere
01:12.25dtzWillepv: but yes, worst case I just use Xtest and feed them in that way lol
01:12.32dtzWill(or through some other interface)
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01:13.29dtzWillis there a good way to get ipkg-opt to install on the /media/internal partition? Can I just go ahead with -o /media/internal/ipkg or something? and set various env variables accordingly? :)
01:13.58dtzWillroot partiion can't hold all the x11 goodness
01:16.30jacquesdtzWill, do you have the WIDK installed?
01:16.42epvi have lost track of the ipkg situation wrt preware and all that but the authors are all in here probably
01:16.51jacquesit should set things up so you can have the libs in /media
01:17.14dtzWilljacques: yeah I use the WIDK. I'm not sure what you're saying how that relates, unfortunately.
01:17.18dtzWilljacques: I don't have it on the phone?
01:17.48dtzWilljacques: ipkg-opt on the device has a bunch of libraries i'm too lazy to build myself (gtk, various x client stuff, although I actually do probably have most of that)
01:17.58halfhalo_T400hmmm.  I'm tempted to make an app that lets you sorta/kinda sync files from your computer to your pre only using downloadManager
01:18.22dtzWilljacques: the stuff I built with the WIDK I can happily through wherever since it's just... files I can scp over or what-have-you.  However packages from ipkg-opt.. idk if I can easily instal them into a different root?
01:18.40*** join/#webos-internals Maxel (
01:19.10azakusjstop auto background gc is a go
01:19.14jacquesdtzWill, confusingly, there is a WIDK package for webos too
01:19.18azakusI'll release 0.2.0 soon
01:19.35dtzWilljacques: that is confusing. haha. sorry. curious, I'll take a look then, ty
01:19.40jacquesit sets up dirs and symlinks so libs can be in /media
01:20.01dtzWilljacques: OH i see. hey that's useful. I just use a script and my own env setting
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01:20.47Kyusakuhow much better is jstop's Auto-GC compared to the OS's builtin function. Is it worth having? Does it improve performance?
01:23.29dtzWilljacques: so when I have this, can I use ipkg-opt to install to /media then?
01:23.36dtzWillipkg-opt -o /media etc?
01:24.39rwhitbydtzWill: what repo name do you need?
01:25.41dtzWillrwhitby: jacques and I were debating, lol, but it doesn't really matter. xorg or so would be good, and feel free to change that if you think you should
01:25.51rwhitbylibraries/xorg ?
01:26.02dtzWillrwhitby: well it's the server, fwiw.
01:26.11jacquesit's more of an app
01:26.21dtzWillrwhitby: if we make the argument that it's useful as far as people use it for /other/ things I suppose it oculd be a 'library' but i wouldn't normally call it that, no
01:27.50rwhitbywell, we have applications (which have a webOS front-end), daemons, games, kernels, libraries, plugins, services so far.
01:27.58dtzWillwell it's x that runs in a card
01:28.29dtzWillit's not a game :). an if it needs a proper js webos front-end then not that either
01:28.38rwhitbyapplications/xserver ?
01:28.44dtzWillrwhitby: sounds good to me
01:28.45PuffTheMagic_is learning cl-gtk2
01:29.02dtzWillPuffTheMagic_: do it :D
01:29.07PuffTheMagic_i am
01:29.09rwhitbydtzWill: or native/xserver ?
01:29.44dtzWillwell i'm fine defining new categories if you' think that's the way to go. what other things do you think might go in native? any x apps we get running? :)
01:30.08rwhitbyhow about xwindows/server.git ?
01:30.19rwhitbyor xwindows/xserver.git ?
01:30.37dtzWillhaha those both sound good. I mean worst case if we really really really hate this later we can just 'mv' the bugger lol
01:30.44rwhitbythen you can have xwindows/enlightenment.git later ;-)
01:31.00dtzWillhaha :D
01:31.07dtzWillalthough didn't they get it working with sdl or something? not sure what the status of that is
01:31.18rwhitbyso xwindows/xserver.git ?
01:31.54dtzWillfine with me
01:33.38rwhitbydtzWill: git clone
01:33.51rwhitbythe purists will hate "xwindows", but that's tough for them :-)
01:34.07azakusKyusaku: it's exactly the same as the os gc, just fired much more often
01:34.14rwhitbydtzWill: so, ipkg-opt
01:34.54jacquesoh good point - maybe it should be x11/...
01:34.56rwhitbydtzWill: if you've installed ipkg-opt from Preware, it will bind mount /opt from /var/opt, which is the largest ext3 place on the device.
01:35.08rwhitbyok, let's change to x11/
01:35.20Kyusakuazakus: OIC
01:35.33dtzWillrwhitby: so does ipkg-opt use /opt/ by default then? or ipkg-opt -o opt with every invocation...?
01:35.43dtzWillrwhitby: this time around it's from preware xD :)
01:35.49rwhitbydtzWill: all packages in optware are compiled to install into /opt
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01:36.03rwhitbydtzWill: git clone
01:36.09dtzWillrwhitby: I see. okay.
01:36.48rwhitbydtzWill: but you'll want a 2GB /var using meta-doctor to install lots of stuff from optware
01:37.17rwhitbyipkg-opt is also compiled to read conf from /opt/etc/ipkg ...
01:37.36rwhitbydtzWill: ok, you need anything else from me?
01:37.40dtzWillrwhitby: gotcha, okay.
01:37.45dtzWillrwhitby: I think that's all, tyvm :)
01:37.58rwhitbyrefactored my C ipkgservice not to leak memory
01:38.14dtzWilljacques:;a=summary :D
01:38.26*** join/#webos-internals FuMan2 (
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01:39.03dtzWilljacques: haven't updated the cross_compile repo to build off git yet
01:39.24rwhitbyok, time to roll up the sleeves and implement the install method ...
01:42.16PuffTheMagic_rwhitby: you gonna use libipkg?
01:42.21PuffTheMagic_or opkg
01:42.25rwhitbyPuffTheMagic_: neither
01:42.32PuffTheMagic_what then
01:42.42rwhitbyexperimenting with ApplicationInstallerUtility
01:42.46azakusok, ready to go with 0.2.0
01:42.51azakuspushing in a minute
01:43.12FuMan2install method for what
01:47.49FuMan2Hrm, sounds fun
01:48.12FuMan2i look forward to my testing-feed preware going bat crazy :)
01:49.26azakusjstop 0.2.0 pushed
01:50.08azakuswhoops, forgot the defilter menu item
01:50.17azakus0.2.1 coming in a few minutes :P
01:51.21FuMan2ugh, just played with an iphone
01:52.11FuMan2every time i touch one, I get so disappointed with scrolling in WebOS :/
01:52.57rwhitbygotta love it: "curl --progress-bar -k -o /media/internal/.developer/%s.ipk %s 2>&1 | tr '\r' '\n'" ==> download progress bar for Preware
01:59.03*** join/#webos-internals Maxel (
02:02.17Mitalisazakus what feed is jstop under? I'm not seeing it in Preware... Still showing 0.1.1
02:07.04azakusMitalis: give it a second
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02:14.42azakusok, now peple can see what the url of the app is if they filter th jstop list and click the item again
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02:22.12FuMan2what good does orange tap removal do on the package manager service
02:22.15FuMan2when its icon is hidden?
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02:25.19oilsince preware and ipkgmanager would be in the same package
02:25.30oilorange-tap removing preware would also clean out ipkgmanager
02:28.50azakusthe big broken pid has the url about:blank
02:29.54FuMan2oh, well there is a package manager update already
02:30.13rwhitbyFuMan2: that's not it :-)
02:30.26FuMan2i didnt think that would be relevant / released till preware 1.0.fancy
02:32.36oilwell, with feed management working
02:32.44oili think we should get over that 1.0 hump
02:32.51oilscrew deleting cookies.dbs
02:32.59oilif we're switching to palms stuff anyways
02:33.02FuMan2stop talking preware
02:33.04rwhitbyoil: AIU will delete the cookies
02:33.09FuMan2youve got XBL Friends to be working on
02:33.09oili know
02:33.28oilso its not relevant for the ipkgservice problem to be holding preware from 1.0
02:33.44FuMan2you cant just post soft core porn update previews
02:33.44oilis tired of 0.9.x
02:33.54FuMan2and then move on to other things :>
02:34.19FuMan2people have the *itch* to beta test.
02:34.27FuMan2ugh, irc isn't gmail
02:34.37rwhitbyoil: I've got curl downloading the package, sending status updates with a progress bar back to Preware
02:34.44oilits not half as functional as the old version yet
02:34.49oilrwhitby, thats good
02:34.54oilpreware can just ignore it for now xD
02:35.46rwhitbyoil: comments on the RFC?
02:36.00oilnothing that i haven't already said
02:36.18oilthe only problem i see
02:36.44rwhitbylay it on me
02:36.44oilis if palm adds more security to the scripts/etc
02:36.52oilwhich makes it no longer viable for patches or what not
02:37.04rwhitbyif they do that, we move to opkg, pure and simple.
02:37.28rwhitbybut I'm expecting Flash to use a script, and that will cement it
02:37.45oilwell, im going to get dressed and get breakfast
02:37.56rwhitbyoil: so, I need status update support in the Install spinner
02:38.11rwhitbyoil: what's the best way to do that?
02:38.37oilwait, what?
02:38.53rwhitbyoil: nm - I just noticed the commented out line :-)
02:39.04rwhitby(for payload.stage = status)
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02:42.48rwhitbywoohoo! percentage download updating in Preware :-)
02:45.26MitalisThis is wierd, I'm seeing a process called "BORKBROKEN" process in Jstop
02:45.47Mitalishmm now it randomly disappeared
02:45.57Suruatme too. I wondered what it meant.....
02:46.11*** join/#webos-internals muchtall (
02:46.32MitalisHey azakus, when you launch Jstop, does it automatically do a garbage collect?
02:46.51Suruatanyone know when that advance video edit patch by jason will be available?
02:47.24Mitaliswhat functionality is that patch supposed to add Suruat?
02:47.26azakusMitalis: no
02:47.31azakusdefault is off
02:47.42*** part/#webos-internals Suruat (~wIRCer@
02:47.44azakusauto gc starts 5 minutes from app launch/each auto gc setup
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02:48.41rwhitbySuruat: tweet @JayCanuck to ask him
02:48.45Mitalisif your phone restarts, and you never launch jstop, will it still auto garbage collect? Or do you have launch the program first?
02:49.06FuMan2newest pet peeve
02:49.16FuMan2is when i get a vibrate, think its an e-mail
02:49.19FuMan2pull it out of my pocket
02:49.24FuMan2and its the luna crash vibrate :P
02:49.52FuMan2i may end up doctoring back to
02:49.55FuMan2this is horrid
02:49.56gkatsevazakus: you should change jstop to use the back gesture instead of the forward gesture as palm removed the forward gesture for some weird reason
02:50.05Suruat@Mitalis umm it adds more functionality to video edit, and better rename and discription features
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02:51.27Mitalisspeaking of video.. I've noticed, if I'm in the video application where it lists the video, click on a video, and edit the name of it... It wont' load it to youtube afterwards.....
02:52.00MitalisThe button where you can uplload via mms, email, facebook or youtube doesn't work...
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02:52.59FuMan2i still havent tried a video upload
02:53.02FuMan2just heard bad things
02:53.16MitalisIf the video name hasn't been touched, then the upload process seems to work.
02:53.27FuMan2but all edited clips tank?
02:53.38Kyusakurwhitby: with this new system does it affect pure service apps like Jason R's SysToolsMgr?
02:53.56Mitalisthey only seem to tank if the videos themselves have been renamed manually
02:54.01azakusgkatsev: I can't get the back gesture to not propagate
02:54.06azakusfor some reason
02:54.30rwhitbyKyusaku: they will remain unchanged, but he'll want to put an appinfo.json file in so that you can delete it from List Apps ...
02:55.33Kyusakurwhitby: I see
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02:59.50FuMan2rwhitby, you got a time frame for the great change?
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03:10.06sslowrwhitby: ping
03:13.22sslowanybody here that can help w/ package manager problem?
03:15.10infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
03:15.30rwhitbyFuMan2: it'll be ready when it's ready
03:15.40rwhitbysslow: intentional
03:15.53halfhalo_T400Taking the duke nukem forever approach, I see
03:16.59sslowrwhitby: any idea why i have to pkill LunaSysMgr twice befor it works?
03:19.53rwhitbysslow: I'll push a 0.9.41 with the icon hidden again
03:20.11sslowrwhitby: k
03:34.34azakusjstop 0.2.1 has optional notifications of auto gc
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03:40.54azakusok, it works
03:40.56azakuspush in a few minutes
03:42.09sslowazakus: waiting impatiently lol
03:51.13sslowazakus: not seeing it
03:52.20psykozso will the garbage collection in jstop keep you from getting eventual "too many cards of doom" fail when you only have 1 app open ?
03:56.00geisti think it does that based on system memory
03:56.07geistnot one particular heap or whatnot
03:56.22*** join/#webos-internals prepre (~62e9edb9@gateway/web/freenode/x-mzwwzkjqiwllkhng)
03:57.06preprehow do i find out which version a palm pre has before it's activated?
03:57.42azakuspsykoz: hopefully
03:58.29azakussslow: takes up to a half hour to push
03:59.43sslowazakus: k....unless you are rwhitby right!   lol
04:01.40prepreis there a way to validate what version a pre has before it's activated?  if there is would u know how to do it or where i can find info on how to do this.  ive been researching several days but havent had any luck finding anything yet.
04:05.15geistcan't think of a way to do that, no
04:05.37geistsince you can't novacom in until you've at least activated it, you can't really poke around
04:06.04geistwell, you could do a low level boot of the installer ramdisk and mount the partition and poke around, i guess
04:06.10geistpretty advanced stuff, but you could
04:10.40preprethx ! thats why i have no idea on how to do it since its impossible to get into the phone until it is activated.  ur right, what u mentioned is pretty advanced for me.  is there a "##code#" i could enter via the phone pad to access that section?
04:12.36prepreim transferring the old phone data to a replacement phone but they pretty clear on letting the user know that it HAS TO BE the exact same version for it to work and not mess it up.
04:14.39geistoh you're just trying to dump the databases from one to the other?
04:14.49geistgood luck, i can think of a few reasons that'd explode
04:14.57geistbut yeah, same exact version would be required
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04:22.23prepregheist: yes, just the one that is not backed up on the profile
04:29.57rwhitbyprepre: is the program that is going to check the version running on a host PC ?
04:30.16preprehas anyone replaced a pre with another pre before that i could ask a few questions to about the steps.
04:31.15rwhitby1) put everything on google, 2) wipe the new Pre, 3) sync it back from Google, 4) forget about everything else, cause it wasn't important ;-)
04:31.53rwhitby(unless you're well versed in sqlite3 and want to do manual transactions of undocumented format databases ...)
04:32.19preprethat doesnt work.  im trying to save what i cannot save via google or profile and that is by copying the db3 file
04:33.43preprerwhitby: what do u mean by the "program that is going to check the version"?
04:35.49KyusakuI tried the do the palmdatabase swap and it just made the  pre do a partial erase.
04:36.06Kyusakuthat kinda sucked, but meh
04:38.24egaudetwhat's new
04:39.18prepreKyusaku: maybe the versions were different.  thats why i need to be sure before i risk it.
04:40.02rwhitbyprepre: you can't just save and overwrite the db3 file either
04:40.07Kyusakuprepre: nope
04:40.08rwhitbyeven for the same version
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04:40.53prepreKyusaku: so u have swaped pres before, right?  do u remember if when i activated the replacement the old phone got deactivated immediately?   or if u had to login to your profile immediately before being able to see the version?
04:41.04rwhitbyegaudet: got C ipkgservice downloading stuff with curl and displaying stats in Preware as it downloads (amount downloaded, total size, time left, transfer speed)
04:41.29Kyusakuit was same version, I was verifying if meta-doctor was functioning correctly, for a foolish person who didn't know what they were doing. And probably replaced the db at the wrong time
04:41.46rwhitbyprepre: as soon as you sign into a palm profile on the new device, it will log out of the profile on the old device and wipe all data except that in the USB drive in the old device.
04:42.19rwhitbyegaudet: now I've got the ipkg on disk, it's finally time to start experimenting with how to install it
04:42.38rwhitbybut I've been futzing around with the stats display for a couple of hours :-)
04:43.23egaudetrwhitby, is the plan to keep both script areas for the postinst/prerm?
04:43.30Kyusakuprepre: I have most of my stuff on Google, Facebook, Palm Profile, etc. So I wasn't too broken up about it.
04:43.45Kyusakujust lost some logs
04:44.13rwhitbyegaudet: e.g.: Transferred: 105k / 457k<br>Time Left: 0:00:54<br>Transfer Speed: 25362
04:44.18egaudeti.e. when we go to this new installation methods will it be easy to quickly transfer to opkg if need be and/or will it be the same process for command line
04:44.41rwhitbyegaudet: the plan is to be able to switch to opkg at any time if need be
04:45.13egaudetdownload progress is going to be awesome :)
04:45.27egaudetis this all being done in preware.git ?
04:45.35rwhitbyegaudet: yep
04:49.51rwhitbyegaudet: just updated the Makefile in src to use the same i686 toolchain as the autobuilder does
04:50.29rwhitbyso you can build and test it if you like.  Just disable ipkgservice, restart java, and run the binary for ipkgservice
04:50.59egaudetis the binary just getting thrown in /var/palm/system-services/
04:51.31rwhitbyegaudet: it's not packaged yet
04:51.46rwhitbybut the binary will be in the appdir/bin/ipkgservice
04:52.06rwhitbyin /var/palm/system-services goes the dbus service description
04:52.22egaudetdid you say before that /var/palm/event.d wasn't used on emulator?
04:52.53rwhitbyyeah, it doesn't seem to be enabled there.  I've let the relevant people know :-)
04:53.33rwhitbysince the emulator is always writeable, I'll just special case that in the postinst and prerm
04:53.45rwhitby(to use old locations on emulator and new locations on devices)
05:04.18Kyusakurwhitby: I'm thinking the only losers to changing Preware would be those overclockers still on 1.3.5 and those rumored BestBuy reps that put preware on the phone when you buy it(cause they might not be from a shipment flashed with 1.4)
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05:05.17rwhitbyboth would just need to use an old version of Preware I guess.
05:05.54egaudetPreware can be backwards compatible no?
05:09.19preprehas anyone swaped pres in the past?  do u remember if once u activate the phone u needed to loging immediately or if that can be done after i can see the device info to see what version it is and be able to transfer the palmdatabase file?
05:10.49*** join/#webos-internals yoshiness (
05:10.57yoshinessI'm having some trouble installing Preware
05:11.24yoshinessIt keeps saying the Package Manager is not installed, but I'm using the latest webos quickinstall
05:12.42Kyusakuprepre: with a fresh pre it asks for palm profile username and password or create one once you log in, it starts pulling all your profile data and downloading your apps you have to wait.
05:13.29Kyusakuyoshiness: did you install the package manager service?
05:14.08Kyusakuvia webos quickinstall
05:14.38Kyusakuwebos quickinstall does not automatically install the package manager service, they're completely different software
05:15.04yoshinessI checked both Preware and the Package Manager Service, yet it won't work
05:15.18Kyusakutry rebooting your pre
05:15.28yoshinessI have. Several times.
05:15.39Kyusakuthen remove both packages
05:15.50Kyusakuand install each of them one at a time
05:15.58Kyusakuwith the package manager service being first
05:18.48yoshinessRestart in-between installations?
05:19.05Kyusakuno you shouldn't have it
05:19.18Kyusakujust don't stack the ipks in webos quick install
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05:22.43yoshinessIt still won't work
05:23.11Kyusakutry a restart
05:25.23Kyusakuoh and what version of WebOS Quickinstall are you using?
05:25.36Kyusakujust make sure
05:25.48yoshinessMy phone has 1.4 on it
05:26.32Kyusakuyeah just checking cause a lot of problems in the past have been due to people using severely outdated versions of webos quickinstall
05:26.58yoshinessIt is still being dumb. It's saying the pack manager service is not running.
05:27.41Kyusakuwe can try via bootstrap method if you're ok with working in a terminal
05:28.13Kyusakucheck the WebOS Internals feed for Terminus
05:28.21Kyusakuand install that
05:28.35yoshinessWhy not just use the webos quick install command line?
05:29.18Kyusakuit doesn't offer a full terminal experience in my opinion
05:29.47Kyusakuit might not give you the confirm dialog when it asks you if you want to install it or not
05:30.48Kyusakulet me know when you have terminus up and running on the Pre
05:31.02yoshinessI don't have Terminus, but rather the Terminal app
05:31.09yoshinessThat's all that was there.
05:31.22Kyusakuthe terminal app won't work on 1.4
05:31.28Kyusakuyou need Terminus
05:33.28yoshinessI can't find it. Just give me the commands I need
05:34.02Kyusakugo all the way to the bottom of the page
05:34.11Kyusakuit should give you the 3 commands you need
05:36.00Kyusakuhmm commandline interface is not so bad in WebOS 3.02
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05:37.21yoshinessIt's a little slow
05:38.20KyusakuI wonder why Terminus isn't on the feeds, it's certainly working better than Terminal on 1.4 right now
05:39.16yoshinessTerminal isn't working at all. I just tried, and it keeps restarting my phone.
05:39.16Kyusakuyeah it doesn't work on 1.4
05:39.16Kyusakuit's a known issue
05:39.40KyusakuTerminus does work if you can get it installed. Anyways did you try the linux commandline on webos quickinstall?
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05:41.29yoshinessIt's being dumb
05:41.35yoshinessIt's taking a long time
05:42.51Kyusakuwow it sure does
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05:43.04Kyusakuyeah about to suggest that
05:43.46Kyusakudoes webos QI install novaterm?
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05:45.01egaudetno you need SDK
05:45.32yoshinessThank the lord, Preware installer did the trick.
05:45.33Guest123Pre screen broke, I want to return for a new one, I also want to wipe the contents but cant put in USB mode sense screen doesn't work, any ideas?
05:45.53Kyusakuyoshiness: ok have fun
05:46.08yoshinessI gotta get to bed. My parents will kill me if they find me up this late. And plus, I've got homework to do. Heheh.
05:46.15KyusakuGuest123: Orange+Sym+u
05:46.47yoshinessThanks so much for your help.
05:49.47Kyusakuthat RFC thread has been pretty quiet
05:49.48preprehas anyone here swaped pres recently?  or gotten a replacement or new pre in the last couple of months?  i wonder which version it comes with. if it comes with the last one (14)
05:51.26*** join/#webos-internals tlz (
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05:52.59tlzhowdy folks
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05:56.38Templarianthinks pidgin is weird I typed that in another tab and hit enter... buggy little software.
05:58.40tlzim having an issue with the camera on my phone
05:58.46tlzmy phone only lets me have 21 images :(
05:58.54tlzkeeps overwriting pictures
05:59.02Kyusakudo you have any camera patches?
05:59.19oilpatches are the devil
05:59.25tlzim checking now, but im almost positive i dont have any for the camera
05:59.50halfhalo_T400what is this, 1969?
06:00.06Kyusakuso it restarts the photo count at 21?
06:00.26tlzno camera patches
06:00.31Kyusakuhave you tried holding the spacebar long enough that it produces more than 21 photos in 1 shot?
06:00.48Kyusakuor rather in 1 instance
06:01.17tlzi just hit the spacebar once, and it does a new picture, and i go into my album, and some it has been written over the top of an older photo
06:01.54Kyusakuwell do you want to try that I'm interested to see if it goes over 21 photos
06:02.02dBsoonerDoes the App Catalog contain all the Palm* feeds that are in preware?
06:02.08Kyusakuor restarts to 1
06:02.22tlzill try
06:02.33tlzlet me backup the remaining photos i have left :(
06:02.35KyusakudbSooner: not really
06:02.41tlzlost a bunch of my niece i just took yesterday, kinda sucks
06:03.12Kyusakutlz: yeah sux and please do back those up
06:03.14xcompthat last statement didn't read right the first time
06:03.47Kyusakudbsooner: app catalog won't list web distro apps or beta feed
06:06.10FuManso, ive given up on 1.4
06:06.15FuManis there an easy way to block updates?
06:06.23FuManso i can stay on for awhile?
06:06.29Kyusakutlz: I want to see if you can break the limit by normal means, if not there are patches that provide a special naming scheme for photos. Which should be impossible to be overwritten because the numbering/naming is based on time they were taken
06:06.51tlzinteresting...i removed all the pictures in there
06:06.57Kyusakubut I want to leave patching as a last resort
06:06.59tlzand then i held the space bar down
06:07.04tlzand now its done 29
06:07.08tlzand still going
06:07.37Kyusakuwhen you feel you've done enough try exiting the camera app
06:07.47tlzkk, i did 33
06:08.07Kyusakuand starting it up again and take another set of photos to see if it overwrites the ones you just took
06:08.07tlzexited all apps
06:08.37dBsoonerrwhitby: ping
06:08.54tlzheh, started up camera app, but its stuck at startup, camera logo didnt even flash at all
06:09.18tlzdamn, camera app wont load
06:09.53Kyusakutry again
06:10.08tlznothin :\
06:10.20Kyusakureboot your device then
06:11.14Kyusakuthe camera app should not be limited in this way. I've had over 800 photos in my photo roll in the past
06:11.42tlzits been plugged into my pc, and when i rebooted it, the new hardware wizard is trying to find software for "OMAP3430" ive never seen that before
06:12.03Kyusakulol don't worry about that
06:12.27tlzk haha
06:12.46Kyusakuthat's just there for emergencies
06:13.20tlzk its back up
06:13.30Kyusakudoes camera app work?
06:14.21tlzahhh, now its overwriting photos
06:14.25tlzi just took 2 more, and it still has 33
06:15.25KyusakuI don't know if you'd be interested in that photo naming scheme patch
06:15.25tlzscratches head :(
06:15.46tlzif it'll help, i dont like this losing photos stuff
06:15.54Kyusakuyeah I haven't head about this issue before
06:16.24tlzshould i give it a whirl?
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06:17.54Kyusakujust found a thread on it
06:18.04Kyusakulemme see if there's any fixes
06:18.10Kyusakuwithout patching
06:18.50Kyusakuok it is apparently a known issue
06:19.23Kyusakuyou can circumvent it for now with one of the photo naming scheme patches if you'd like
06:20.01Kyusakuyou really need those photos you lost, some people have been able to recover some deleted data on the media drive
06:20.08Kyusakulemme see if I can find the thread
06:20.16Kyusakuto see what software they used
06:20.59tlzi found one thread on palm forums, but it was regarding issues caused by a 3rd party photo app on their phones
06:21.35Kyusakuthe thread I linked to before is regarding your issue
06:22.04Kyusakueven a palm support rep posted in it stating it is a known issue and has been reported
06:23.53tlzoh boo
06:24.18Kyusakuyou can use the patch I mentioned for now as a quick fix
06:24.54KyusakuI'm still checking the board for recovery software to see if I can find you something for you to recover the photos you lost
06:25.19Kyusakubut around this time of night the server kind of goes down for a little bit
06:25.35Kyusakuso having a little trouble finding the right thread
06:26.07tlzno worries
06:26.15tlzi'll just have my sister send me some more lol
06:26.29tlzi appreciate you wanting to help though!
06:27.34Kyusakutlz: you sure I found the thread
06:28.10tlzill give it a shot if u found it
06:29.38Kyusakuhmmmm the trial version of the software doesn't recover the files
06:29.51tlzeh thats ok, i appreciate the help friend
06:30.08Kyusakuok no problem, be sure to try that filenaming patch for the camera
06:30.24KyusakuI install it by default on my phone so I never noticed this issue
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06:31.39mrloserpunkso i am having a issue here with my pc and pre anyone care to take a look?
06:32.30mrloserpunknever ran into it. 2 pc's in the house wont see it as a drive and the pre does not prompt me to enter usb, media or just charge
06:32.43tlzit just goes straight to charge?
06:32.51Kyusakudid you try rebooting that PC
06:32.58mrloserpunkyeah never prompts to switch mode
06:33.07mrloserpunkI think its a driver issue
06:33.18mrloserpunkbut both my vista and 7 machines are doing it
06:33.22Kyusakuit's usually an OS issue
06:33.35KyusakuI've seen it happen on Win7 32bit edition
06:33.54mrloserpunki think its related to usb passthrough
06:33.57Kyusakunever on my 64bit system though
06:33.59mrloserpunkalthough I have since removed it
06:35.03mrloserpunki installed freetether and it worked great, but since installing it I am seeing about a 10-11% battery drop per hour and my device is not making it thru a day
06:35.24mrloserpunksame useage, only diff is the tether stuff a 3 patches, All have been removed
06:35.46mrloserpunkstill not seeing it as a drive and battery is just as worse :)
06:36.31mrloserpunkcant even do the force usb
06:37.11Kyusakunever troubleshooted this issue, checking forums for any insight on a solution
06:37.37mrloserpunki didnt see anything on precentral related
06:37.59KyusakuI know I've seen threads on it before
06:38.00mrloserpunki am putting usb passthrough back on to see if it saved settings or something
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06:38.57Kyusakuhave you tried restarting Novacom in services?
06:39.14mrloserpunkyeah, I used wosqi to reinstall it as well
06:40.05Kyusakucan you at least check to make sure novacom service is running
06:40.19Kyusakuin Win7 just type in services.msc in the search
06:40.21Kyusakuand hit enter
06:40.26mrloserpunkyeah i just restarted it
06:40.35mrloserpunkim using the vista machine
06:42.56mrloserpunkrunning usbpassthrough gives me a prompt to install a driver.... generic something er rather, never seen it before, but it cannot find a driver and asks me to provide a disk....
06:43.11mrloserpunkits back
06:43.17Kyusakuthat should be normal
06:43.20mrloserpunksomething I did with usb net
06:43.36Kyusakuthe usbpassthrough stuff opens access to more internal hardware
06:43.45mrloserpunki think i know what i did
06:43.45Kyusakulike the GPS chip
06:43.56mrloserpunkyeah, I left something open on it
06:44.02mrloserpunkclosed it and it opens clean
06:44.09mrloserpunkalthough the setting is actually saved
06:44.19mrloserpunkit looks like its normal but its stuck in what ever mode i put it
06:44.24mrloserpunkgood to know!
06:45.43mrloserpunknow on to the battery, it does not seem to go to the "idle" state others see, I run a constant 10% drain over 2 hours with nothing open besides a 5min poll with the battery monitor...
06:46.46mrloserpunkoh snap
06:46.57KyusakuI dunno what to tell you with that
06:47.01mrloserpunkso the setting was saved, was i set to tether and forwarding ip all the time then?
06:47.14mrloserpunkthat would kill a battery yeah?
06:47.34Kyusakuthere's never been any kind of documentation to note that Freetether drains the battery when dormant
06:47.53mrloserpunkbut what about usbpassthrough being set to tether?
06:48.21KyusakuI dunno there's never really been much testing in regards to powersaving for that
06:48.54mrloserpunkill blaze the trail. Ill run the monitor now for a hour or so and see if there is a differance
06:49.05Kyusakubattery usage stuff is pretty hit or miss
06:49.39mrloserpunkyeah, lotsa things play into it
06:49.48mrloserpunkusing switcharoo and youview is a strike against me
06:52.07mrloserpunki really think there is something here, I was excited to see a differance between and 1.4, i was seeing a 20% gain with like usage, then i wanted to get tethering working and thats when my battery started dying in 6 hours
06:53.55mrloserpunkit could even be the way i shut usb down, leaving the setting open like the app was trying to run but couldnt or something,,,,
06:54.44drewpi think i'd like the bottom LEDs to flicker when the phone is going into proper sleep, so that i might notice the times when i turn the screen off and it *doesn't* sleep
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07:01.52preprehas anyone here swapped pre recently?  or gotten a replacement or new pre in the last couple of months?  i wonder which version it comes with. if it comes with the last one (1.4).  does anyone know?
07:09.52Kyusakudepends how old the stock is
07:10.22Kyusakuif you get a refurb no clue
07:10.32Kyusakubetter off asking on the forums
07:11.41Kyusakua bunch of the people here don't have pre phones by official means so they can't really swap or replace by official means
07:13.18Kyusakuprepre: you could always doctor the phone as soon as you get if it is mailed to you
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07:13.56Kyusakuyou don't need to log into the phone to doctor it
07:14.31Kyusakuif you do a store swap they will expect you to login while there
07:16.57dBsoonerrwhitby: Please retweet when you get time. Thanks!
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07:21.04oil4 updated patches is big news?
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07:24.55egaudet~seen dsevil
07:24.58infobotdsevil <> was last seen on IRC in channel #webos-internals, 18d 3h 50m 51s ago, saying: 'dbsooner: you around, again?'.
07:27.59mrloserpunkevery replacement pre I have gotten has had 1.0 on it
07:28.10mrloserpunkhavent gotten one since november though
07:31.41preprekyusaku: thx!  could u recommend any good forums?  i just wasted two whole hours with the palm folks from india and it was a complete waste of my time.  it was so frustrating communicating and understanding each other and they did not help at all.
07:32.05preprekyusaku: re: ur last comment, im a little lost... what will doctoring it accomplish?  i only want to know what version it is in case it is not the same one of the old so i dont have any conflicts when transferring files over the replacement one.
07:32.51Kyusakudoctoring will bring it to a "compatible version"
07:33.08Kyusakuwithout having to log in and downloading the update
07:33.37prepreim just concerned that the updates r not done before i get a chance to transfer hte db file with my data and that is not compatible and i end up messing it up!
07:34.16preprereally?  i didnt know that!  compatible meaning the most recent version out there?
07:34.53Kyusakuthere is a webos doctor for 1.4.0
07:35.42mrloserpunkprepare: use a fake profile at the store
07:35.53Kyusakuyou don't even have to fully turn on the device to have it in a doctorable mode
07:36.00mrloserpunkonce you get home update it either with the dr or ota (i suggest the dr)
07:36.14mrloserpunkthen update to whatever version you need
07:36.24mrloserpunkall dr are available at webos somewhere
07:36.36prepreso that means that i should first update the "old" phone to 1.4, then back up the db file, then doctoring the new phone with the 1.4, then activate it and last transfer the db file, correct?
07:37.12preprei already have the phone i need to activate it
07:37.14Kyusakuprepre: yes
07:37.29Kyusakuif you already have it
07:37.31Kyusakudoctor it
07:37.51Kyusakupower it on while holding the up volume button
07:38.08mrloserpunkyeah but look at this first
07:38.09Kyusakuand connect to USB port and run the doctor
07:38.42prepreive never doctored a phone that hasnt been activated.  is it the same way?
07:39.03mrloserpunkothers are reporting mms and gps problems with .db xfers
07:39.53Kyusakuprepre: just do what I just said to bring the pre in to the special recovery mode
07:39.59preprereally?  so how do i transfer that data?  i cant read it on my pc, or can i?
07:41.50preprejust out of curiosity, what does holding the vol up while powering do?
07:42.16Kyusakuit  bringa the pre in to the special recovery mode
07:42.54prepremkay...  cool lil tricks u guys have here... ;)
07:43.26Kyusakuit's palm
07:43.37Kyusakuall their devices have that
07:44.13prepreis there a way that i can read the palmdatavase.db3 file on my pc avoiding having to transfer it to the replacement phone and avoiding potential issues?
07:45.13Kyusakulike opening the database
07:45.24Kyusakuand manually entering the info?
07:46.10Kyusakuthe only reason people do this database swap is to save their SMS conversations and call logs
07:46.27Kyusakueverything else is saved on the palm profile
07:46.34Kyusakujust in case
07:47.22prepreshould i update the old one to 1.4 or just doctor the new one with and then do the db transfer & last the 1.4 update after im done with the transfer and i have all the data including the profile's info etc?  what would be best or have less conflicts?
07:48.22Kyusakuyou could doctor the new phone to
07:48.42Kyusakudo you even know how to swap the database files?
07:48.55Kyusakubecause you can't access it by normal means
07:49.19prepreexactly thats the reason hwy im doing it cuz of the sms and call logs.  the first time around it really hurt me losing all that info and i dont want to do it again.  i use sms a lot for work and i keep important info there that i dont have anywhere else so i kinda dont have other alternative.
07:50.27preprei already retrieved the file with the QI and its on my pc ready to be put back on the new device
07:51.02Kyusakuok have fun with that
07:51.08Kyusakugoing on 3AM here
07:51.15Kyusakusleep time
07:51.38prepreyeah here 2!  OMG i didnt even realize!  have to go to bed!
07:51.50preprethx so much for ur help!
07:55.59prepreis there a way or app that works to open|view| read the palmdatavase.db3 file on a pc avoiding having to transfer the file to the replacement phone and avoiding potential issues when this is done?  ive heard all kinds of things about this action, good and bad feedback.  id prefer to avoid anything bad.  i just wanna have a phone that works and i can use for what i need it for without more problems. where could i find this
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09:13.42christefanodoes anyone know how to run a fsck in webOS? I'm getting "write error: Bad file descriptor" errors.
09:17.41rwhitbyoil: basic homebrew install and remove working in C ipkgservice
09:18.09rwhitbyusing com.palm.appinstaller
09:18.53rwhitbyfor some reason, running AppInstallerUtility directly works on the command line, but doesn't work when called from the service (gets a segfault while it's running ipkg)
09:19.02rwhitbybut calling the appinstaller service works
09:21.39christefanoit's hard searching for fsck since PreCentral and other forums consider it to be a bad word
09:23.49joshuadon't know if the filesystems the pre uses can even be fscked
09:25.03*** join/#webos-internals christefano1 (
09:32.48bhueywonders when the next revision fixing all of the bugs that were introduced in 1.4
09:32.56bhuey...will come out...
09:33.02FuMani went back to today
09:33.09FuMani couldnt take the luna crashes D;
09:33.22joshuathey drove you looney
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12:40.40timofalltradeshello all.  my / is at 99%, and I'm trying to figure out what's up...
12:41.24timofalltradesipkg list_installed shows 538 packages.  ipkg-opt shows only 25
12:41.40timofalltradesa) does that make sense?
12:41.55timofalltradesb) is there a way to uninstall from ipkg and reinstall from ipkg-opt?
12:42.32timofalltradesopt isn't as big, but its also only at 77%...
12:51.15en0xdo u have the same email issue that every some time the email app shows you email accounts and ask you if u want to add an accout or not?
12:51.34timofalltradesen0x - addressed to me?
12:51.43timofalltrades(if so... no)
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12:52.01en0xtimofalltrades, ni
12:52.03en0xtimofalltrades, no
12:53.02eksoncould somebody help me
12:53.21timofalltradeswho are you who travel about saying ni to old ladies?
12:53.34timofalltradesok - I'll ask again later...
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14:16.22chattyAnybody could help with WIDK? I have tried building it with a couple different approaches now but can't get past " warning:, needed by ../../src/lib/notification/.libs/, not found (try using -rpath or -rpath-link)"...
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17:22.20azakusFuMan: hopefully you won't have to wait too long for 1.4.1 (it HAS to be coming)
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18:22.55DrFunksup all
18:23.04AnOutsidersup sup
18:23.17DrFunksame old
18:23.29DrFunkjust checking in
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18:52.02Mouseygolly my phone shore does reboot luna spontaneously a lot
18:52.16Mouseys/a l/an awful/
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18:54.37cal__would this run on the pre no porting? (runs on nokia n810 OMAP 2420)
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19:09.03trim81hi guys I need help
19:09.09trim81Rod or anyone here?
19:09.28trim81I am used to the OLD ssh method of install, and need help in setting up the new method
19:09.33trim81of ssh
19:09.54trim81is there any wget command I can run? the old one stopped working..
19:10.52destinalcal__: maemo has its own UI, stuff generally will need porting
19:12.23cal__destinal: well, that particular one doesn't use meamo's UI though.
19:13.11trim81hi destinal: can u help me get ssh back on my treo
19:13.13Kyusakuwhat is that, some kind of remote?
19:13.14trim81pre i mean
19:13.53destinaltrim81: I'm heading out for a while, but if you explain your problem maybe someone here can help
19:14.33trim81i doctored my phone, and per Rod, the old wget command no longer works..,.so I am starting fresh on how to instal ssh on the pre
19:15.44destinaltrim81:  I think you can still install optware with the manual bootstrap method that worked before.  I know the new officially supported way is to install preware and then install optware and dropbear from within preware
19:16.04destinal(well dropbear OR ssh from within preware)
19:16.08trim81thanks, but last I tried I got an error at the last step
19:16.31trim81I know how to install openssh from preware, just have toruble setting up a login and pass
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19:36.25destinaltrim81: you can set up an ssh key (which is the recommended thing) or you can novaterm in and edit the dropbear script to turn off the password disable flag and restart dropbear, then a root password would work (you can assign it with passwd)
19:37.36trim81i have putty installed...what is puttygen
19:37.40trim81and how do i get puttygen?
19:38.01destinaltrim81: it's another tool available on the putty site
19:38.09destinalit generates ssh keys
19:38.14trim81ah got it
19:38.18trim81its under start menu
19:38.21trim811 sec
19:40.17trim81Command 'groups'
19:40.18trim81failed with return code 127 and error message
19:40.20trim81-sh: groups: not found.
19:40.23trim81what is that?
19:41.47trim81well i got in winscp, cool
19:41.53trim81i am not sure with that error
19:41.54trim81o well
19:41.57trim81thanks destinal
19:42.42destinaltrim81: probably there's no groups command in webos  (in the version you have)
19:42.56trim81o ok, nothing to worry about then?
19:42.58destinalshouldn't be a big deal
19:43.32destinalyeah I wouldn't expect it to cause a problem
19:45.04trim81well this method does not work with EVDO?
19:45.23trim81i am trying to connect with EVDO, how do i make this work?
19:45.28trim81WIFI works
19:53.39destinaltrim81: probably the upstart script for openssh  ( /etc/event.d/mobi.optware.dropbear  ) needs its firewall rules changed to allow access over EVDO
19:54.02destinalcheck out the section of iptables lines in the script
19:54.11trim81do you happen to know what I shold type into putty to enable evdo?
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19:54.17trim81not a big linux guy...
19:54.26trim81if you dont have time. I can wait until later
19:54.28trim81no rush
19:55.56en0xtrim81, there should be some info on wiki
19:56.01en0xif u want to search for
19:56.12trim81will that do what I am looking for?
19:58.37trim81ugh, im trying to run this in putty:  /opt/bin/ipkg-opt install ez-ipupdate
19:58.42trim81and i get "package not found:"
19:59.28destinaltrim81: that won't help with what you asked me about
19:59.44destinalit's for dynamic dns
20:00.02trim81yeah. i figured I can use the pre as a dyndns account and get into it whenever an ip change
20:00.18destinaloh, well, yeah, that works, but you still need to enable access over EVDO  :0
20:00.29trim81so I am trying to set this up..however I cannot install the package for eziupdate?
20:00.35trim81do I need to install dropbear
20:00.37trim81or whatever
20:00.40trim81before hand
20:00.43trim81to get the package?
20:00.48destinaltry   ipkg-opt update
20:01.03destinalthen try the install
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20:06.02halfhalo_T400I have... 3.50 in quarters with me today
20:08.11trim81im stuck at this step
20:08.20trim81putty says no such file or directory
20:11.07*** join/#webos-internals Kyusaku (
20:11.59epvhaving an ipupdate script in /etc/ppp/ip-up.d seems to make the phone hang on reboot for reasons i haven't figured out
20:15.43trim81i dont want that
20:15.49trim81anyway for me to remove this script
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20:22.48nt4catswonders if writing pyqt applications for the pre just became easier ...
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20:28.18cryptk|workhows it goin everyone?
20:28.31cryptk|workmy stent of unemployment has finally ended
20:28.50cryptk|workand hopefully soon I will be able to work on the upstart manager GUI again!
20:28.54halfhalo_T400I... I have a joke for that.  Its just not really appropriate
20:29.29*** join/#webos-internals Cerealklr (~d06c5105@gateway/web/freenode/x-mfqcymmlahuqbmha)
20:29.39CerealklrHeya guys!
20:29.46halfhalo_T400but anyways, was goin on mah
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20:30.10cryptk|workhalfhalo_T400: I wanna hear the joke now, lol
20:30.23CerealklrQuick question about the Terminal App. I poured over the wiki page but couldn't even find a whisper about it.
20:30.29CerealklrDoes it run on 1.4?
20:30.31halfhalo_T400prostitution doesn't count
20:31.03FuManpretty sure terminal is borked in 1.4
20:31.14FuManbut i think i heard someone mention terminus still works
20:31.20CerealklrDarn. Wiki definitely needs updated then.
20:31.29CerealklrOh? Is terminus OTA installable sans a terminal app? xD
20:31.43Cerealklr(e.g. in preware/ a preware compatible feed?)
20:32.03*** join/#webos-internals lyarick (~lyarick@
20:32.17oilit should be in preware
20:32.36gkatsevis duke3d in preware yet?
20:32.55en0xin testing feed
20:32.59CerealklrYay! Thank you.
20:32.59lyarickanyone know how to disable the contacts auto-link feature?
20:33.12en0xlyarick, no way to disable it
20:33.15lyarickit is a horrible misfeature for me for some reason..
20:33.17Cerealklrawh hell, can someone dump me the testing feed again so i can re-add it? I doctored to 1.4
20:33.19gkatseven0x: weird. cant seem to find it. pretty sure i have the testing feed as i can see freetether.
20:33.23lyarickI have 1 contact with over half my address book linked to it.
20:33.31lyarickand i'm not unlinking 800 names
20:33.51infobotsomebody said testing-feed was a means of testing new WebOS Internals products, documented at
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20:34.12en0xgkatsev, yap its there :)
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20:34.42gkatsevthen either i dont have it or w/e or the search function is broken, lol
20:34.54en0xlol do list everything
20:35.21gkatseven0x: yeah, thats what im doing
20:35.37CerealklrHahaha, hell, lets see if I can McGuyver this into working with only OTA programs.
20:35.42cryptk|workgkatsev: do you see freetether as available or as installed?
20:35.52gkatsevcryptk|work: both
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20:36.08cryptk|workCerealklr: you would need some kind of terminal access to add the testing feed
20:36.18cryptk|workNovacom/Novaterm works great for it
20:36.19CerealklrI was hoping I could use Internalz
20:36.24Cerealklrto access the file
20:36.24cryptk|workbut you need some kind of terminal access
20:36.30Cerealklrand find some way to edit it on-phone
20:36.32FuManyou can do it
20:36.40FuMani dont know how for damn
20:36.43FuManbut everyone was making fun of me
20:36.44Cerealklr=P I'm quite aware of how to use novaterm, but don't have my USB cord. =[
20:36.44cryptk|workhrm... not sure if the current internalz can edit text filed
20:36.46en0xuse echo ;D
20:36.46FuMansaying that I could, awhile back
20:36.52FuMansee, shit like that ^
20:36.58en0xuse terminus+echo
20:37.08CerealklrI don't think it can, unfrotunately.
20:37.11trim81oops sorry
20:37.11Cerealklrand the wholw purpose here
20:37.12trim81caps stuck
20:37.14Cerealklris to get terminus
20:37.18trim81anyhow i am messing with lightpd
20:37.23trim81and i am changing the www folder
20:37.26trim81to media/internal
20:37.31trim81but it will not stick
20:37.38gkatsevcryptk|work: let me check the conf file, maybe it was overwritten or something
20:37.39trim81it keeps pointing to www folder
20:37.41Cerealklrruh roh, Internals dead on 1.4?
20:38.42gkatsevcryptk|work: yeah, looks like it was overwritten...
20:39.07cryptk|workyep, you are prolly just seeing free-tether because you already have it installed
20:39.13cryptk|workdoes free-tether work on 1.4?
20:39.56gkatsevcryptk|work: yeah, seem like it does. havent really tested it much though.
20:41.07Cerealklrwoo, okay, internalz working.
20:41.10Cerealklrthats the first step
20:43.49CerealklrI hate whoever made Internalz
20:44.05Cerealklrthey locked us into media/internal and var in terms of writing privileges. =/
20:44.06en0xblame on jaycancun
20:44.48oilits because thats the only writable partition without remounting
20:45.25Cerealklrohh =/
20:45.39CerealklrI'm good with remounting. xD
20:46.01CerealklrWhy is it all of the things i need to do to get Terminal require Terminal?
20:46.48gkatsevok, reedited the file
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20:48.21gkatsevthere we go
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20:49.45Cerealklrnext version of Preware requires a method to add feeds in the Manage Feeds Scene
20:50.01oilpreware has this feature already
20:50.08CerealklrAccess in?
20:50.26oili think its only in the testing feed
20:50.56CerealklrI love how paradoxical this situation is. xD
20:51.02oilyou can download the feeds manually and install them with quick install
20:51.04gkatsev:( getting error while installing duke3d
20:51.16oilor install openssh with preware and ssh into your pre
20:51.18CerealklrI understand that, but I don't have my cable right now
20:51.20Cerealklrand won't for a while.
20:51.26CerealklrThere we go!
20:51.31Cerealklrthank you. =]
20:52.01gkatsevoil: does openssh in preware not allow sshing over evdo?
20:52.11oili have no clue
20:52.14oili've never installed it
20:52.14CerealklrI think that needs enabled seperately.
20:52.19CerealklrBut i think it's possible.
20:52.25CerealklrI'll check in a second, i have the Feed open
20:52.41gkatsevoil: lol, well, the optwarebootstrap asked if i wanted to. i guess ill ask again later...
20:55.21epvgkatsev: yeah, by default it only opens a port in iptables for interface eth0
20:56.37Cerealklrwhat is the User on the Pre again?
20:56.50gkatsevepv: ah, so, ican edit the upstart script to open the port for ppp0 as well?
20:56.58Cerealklr(by default)
20:57.02gkatsevand then probably change the port from 22 to like 222 or w/e
21:00.06iSmiteHi. any way without a patch to change the default system sound?
21:02.15gkatsevpooh, duke3d doesnt want to install.
21:03.24gkatsevit says errorgenericmethodexception: failure during post install script execution
21:03.27epvgkatsev: yeah, in fact just remove "-i eth0" from the line and it will allow port 222 or whatever globally
21:03.39gkatsevepv: ah, cool.
21:04.04epvalso, you don't really need the ipupdate package at all, you can update a dyndns service just using curl or wget
21:04.16epvand it doesn't hang the reboot process, for some reason
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21:05.34gkatsevepv: whats the name of the upstart script again?
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21:06.33epvit's /etc/event.d/mobi.optware.openssh on mine
21:06.54epvi have: /usr/sbin/iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 222 -j ACCEPT
21:07.12jacques"I'll be trying to get it on Preware in the next few days.  For now, you can install the packages from this preware-compatible feed."
21:08.06gkatsevepv: yep, thats what i made it. thanks
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21:10.03epvooh nice, qt. maybe there can be a Qt terminal program
21:10.42gkatsevugh, my pre doesnt like to reboot today via opt-sym-r
21:19.15Mouseywhy can i run novaterm and get a root prompt, but when i run WOQI it can't see the phone??
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21:24.42gkatsevMousey: dev mode?
21:25.04epvhe wouldn't be able to use novaterm then either, though
21:25.22Mouseyah ha
21:25.27gkatsevMousey: which wqi?
21:26.00Mouseynope, devmode on
21:26.08Mouseywoqi v3.0.1
21:26.17Mouseyand just upgraded novacomd
21:26.20Mouseyno dice
21:27.18Mouseyyah, can't get in
21:27.20Mouseymornin rwhitby
21:27.28rwhitbyjacques: I can't believe why that guy hasn't contacted us.
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21:27.48Abyssuldbsooner: You there
21:28.23Mouseyso, dev mode on, woqi 3.0.1, novacom 1.0.46, novaterm works, woqi doesn't!?
21:28.33Mouseymultiple machines
21:28.48Mouseya pixi is coming down from upstairs, hopefully that works, (yay new preware user!)
21:29.08Mouseyi feel like i've had this problem before
21:29.34epvwosqi worked for me in linux with novacomd running
21:29.47Mouseyits worked for me
21:29.49epvnever let it try installing novacomd itself though
21:29.49Mouseyfor evar
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21:30.46dBsoonerrwhitby: ping
21:30.50dBsoonerAbyssul: yes?
21:31.33CerealklrAny ETA yet on a fix for Terminal?
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21:33.19dBsoonerCerealklr: when it gets done? I have no clue tbh. destinal knows about it and has been working on it as fast as volunteer time allows.
21:34.08the_snowdogare precentral forums down for anyone else?
21:34.09CerealklrOkay. I was just curious how it was coming along. ^.^;;
21:34.19CerealklrWorking for me
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21:34.26Abyssuldbsooner: Can I suggest that we expand the vibrate patches? Need a way to manually set the option in the GUI like the Call Duration patch
21:34.55dBsoonerthe_snowdog: I get Gateway time out.. probably having some connection issues.
21:35.14dBsoonerAbyssul: Aye. Go right ahead. ;)
21:35.25Mouseyok, so the problem is WOQI related
21:35.31Mouseyit doesn't work across two phones
21:35.44Abyssuldbsooner: haha I dont know how. I figured you might know
21:35.58dBsoonerAbyssul: look at my patch
21:36.27Mouseyupgrades java
21:36.38dBsoonerAbyssul: it involves setting up the html, and the js to recall and store the setting
21:36.47dBsooneryou would just use a different mojo element
21:36.56dBsoonerdon't use an on/off toggle.. use a drop down selection.
21:37.15dBsoonerand just store the setting on change
21:38.49Mouseytries a new java
21:41.43Mouseyok, any clues fellas?
21:41.44MouseyUnable to connect to Novacom. Check driver is running.
21:41.44MouseyError: Network is unreachable
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21:43.29jacquesrwhitby: ah, I was kinda hoping he had contacted us and I had missed it :-\
21:43.40Mouseynothin' huh
21:45.12Cerealklr0.o Preware Question
21:45.21CerealklrI just tried to readd the testing feed
21:45.26Cerealklrafter having doctored my pre
21:45.31Cerealklr...and it didn't work?
21:45.56CerealklrIs there some reason I can't use the crappy linux commandline access built into WebOS QI to add the feed?
21:46.03jacquesMousey: these problems are on linux or windows?
21:46.31Mouseyit's saying network is unreachable??
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21:46.39Mouseybut i'm usbing, woqi, like everyday stuff
21:46.42Mouseynovaterm works
21:46.42jacqueslooks like two errors there
21:47.03Mousey# ps axf | grep novac
21:47.03Mousey14064 pts/5    S+     0:00  |           \_ grep novac
21:47.03Mousey14005 pts/10   Sl     0:00  |           \_ /usr/local/bin/novacomd
21:47.03Mousey14043 pts/10   S+     0:00  |           \_ novacom -t open tty://0
21:47.45jacquescan you have multiple novacom processes?
21:47.53Mouseyone's novacomd one's novaterm
21:48.00Mouseyoh, i see
21:48.10jacquesmaybe you can, I just dunno
21:48.37Mouseyanyway, neither preware.jar or woqi.jar work
21:48.43Mouseyi have the latest java
21:49.13jacquesit's strange that it cannot connect to novacomd nor the network - I wonder if root cause it same
21:49.30jacquess/it s/ is s/
21:49.32Mouseyeverything's pointing to java maybe? happens across phones
21:49.48MouseynovaTERM works fine
21:49.51jacquesyeah I agree - pointing to jave right now
21:49.57jacquesdamn I cannot type today
21:50.00Mouseyhmm, downgrade to 1.5?
21:50.58Mouseytries that
21:51.04jacquesMousey: which java engine?
21:51.21Mouseydebian packages
21:51.23jacquesI had problems with the "free" ones - had to install Sun - Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_17-b04)
21:51.31Mouseyno no, i'm using sun's
21:51.49jacquesrunning out of ideas
21:52.00Mouseytwo different machines, same problem
21:52.05Mouseywas working before 1.4
21:52.16Mouseyblames hax
21:52.16jacquesthat's interesting
21:52.31Mouseybut two entirely unrelated phones? and entirely unrelated systems?
21:52.42Mouseyi must have it installed incorrectly in identical ways
21:52.55Mouseybut it's java -jar filename.jar! how do i mess that up?
21:53.25jacquesdon't put the "!"
21:53.28Mouseyooh, looky, theres a woqi 3.0.2
21:54.30Mouseywas using 3.0.1
21:54.33Mouseymaybe there's a diff?
21:55.14jacquesbeats me :-\
21:56.28jacquesjumps back into openembedded. The water's cold.
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21:57.40Mouseyok, here's the deal
21:57.41MouseySearching for devices...
21:57.41MouseyTrying to connect to devices on USB...
21:57.41MouseyUnable to connect to Novacom. Check driver is running.
21:57.41MouseyError: Network is unreachable
21:58.24Mouseybut novacomd is running
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21:59.37jacquesthat's basically what it said before
21:59.59jacquesdid you kill the novacom process you had running?
22:00.05jacques(not novacomd)
22:01.07Mouseyruns out of time
22:01.16Mouseyis there another way to get preware on a phone?
22:02.00jacquesewwww, OE is using qemu 10.3
22:02.12jacquesMousey: bootstrap script
22:02.29infoboti guess bootstrap is only enough to get yu on the network and install more packages - no X even
22:03.33Mouseyok, this is easy, thanks
22:03.37jacquesit has always worked for me
22:03.43jacqueswell, except that one time
22:03.46jacqueswith the pixi
22:03.54Mouseythis is a pixi
22:04.04jacquesbut it's all better now
22:04.22jacqueswas fixed within minutes
22:04.31Mouseyinstalls gleefully
22:05.08jacques. ..
22:05.25MouseyIT WORKS!!
22:05.35Mouseypats #webos-internals on back
22:06.02Mouseywill wrassle with java later
22:06.11jacquesyeah I still dunno what that's about
22:10.09egaudet_workpossibly the same ?
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22:11.40jacquesegaudet_work: very likely
22:12.53jacquesegaudet_work: hmm "I've got developer access now on PreCentral, but the instruction video explaining how to set that up won't play on my Linux box. So, I'll get around to figuring that out in a bit."
22:13.06jacquesmaybe he is thinking precentral == preware ?
22:13.35jacquesalso, this points to it being same person "I can't think of any technical reason the latest package couldn't be available officially at the Palm App Store. It no longer requires any install or removal scripts."
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22:15.47egaudet_workyeah, should get him to come here
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22:17.52jacqueshmm, I told OE/BB to use three threads, yet there are six gcc processes running :-\
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22:25.12CerealklrAny idea what the QT port is going to bring to the Pre?
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22:38.50darronberr...  silentlaughter?
22:39.29MouseyCerealklr: maybe it'll bring maemo?
22:40.39egaudet_worktis I who laughs in silence
22:41.07jacquesit will bring more options
22:41.09egaudet_workdarronb: I take it you are the QT guy
22:41.13egaudet_workjacques: ^^
22:41.20darronbhi.  following the invite from my Qt on the Palm Pre blog thing.    ...  yup
22:41.40CerealklrHahaha, It's certainly going to make Nokia hella interested in Palm
22:41.58egaudet_workwelcome :)
22:42.15Cerealklrunfortunately, due to moronic people and even dealer-shadiness, Palm's going to be dead on its stomach before Nokia steps in to help out
22:42.45darronbthanks.  :)
22:42.47Cerealklr*playing with the demo QT apps now*
22:42.57jacqueshowdy darronb nice job on the qt port
22:43.11CerealklrVery cool
22:43.51CerealklrA few refresh issues involved during touch-events, but oddly enough that seems to be effecting everything SDL
22:43.54darronbcerealklr: thanks...  i enjoyed it.  i didn't expect to like the phone so much.  :)
22:43.55Cerealklrfor god knows what reason
22:44.14jacquesdarronb: if you need anything from webos-internals, git repo, etc. just let us know
22:44.30CerealklrIts truly a wonderful OS.It's just getting the crud beaten out of it by the bigger, lower quality fish.
22:44.38CerealklrPalm needs more cash. =/
22:44.38darronbi just noticed a little issue with the keyboard...  apps -ALWAYS- process keyboard events, even if the Qt app is carded and you've got some other app active
22:44.57jacqueshmm, strange
22:45.20darronbI'm currently getting the source put up on
22:45.59darronbwell, not really...  I probably need to use SDL for keyboard events.  my keyboard handler latched on to the /dev/input/keypad0 input API handle directly...  so it makes sense
22:46.17jacquesoh, yeah. because I hadn't noticed that behavior
22:46.29egaudet_workI think there's a pause method or something that I think SDL apps probably are expected to use, but it's undocumented and I dont know if any homebrew has used it yet
22:46.43darronbI just did what I did on the Kindle...  not quite thinking that part through
22:46.50egaudet_workahh ok nevermind my last comment
22:47.20jacquesdarronb: you are using SDL for mouse input?
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22:47.40darronbI'd like to fix it, but I currently don't have a Pre any more.  I'm waiting for a GSM version...   I can play with a co-worker's Pre on Wednesdays and Fridays...
22:48.16darronbjacques: yes...  pretty much had to.
22:49.00darronbI saw some multitouch-hinting functions in SDL object file dumps...  anyone got SDL with multitouch working?
22:49.17CerealklrIt's definitely working
22:49.23Cerealklr*looks fondly at Doom*
22:49.33CerealklrHow on the other hand, I fear I cannot say.
22:49.36darronbdoom is multitouch?
22:49.45CerealklrOn screen Controls
22:49.52jacquesdarronb: I have built/run the sample app that comes with the palm sdl patch - it tracks 5 points at once
22:50.10jacquesapparently they look like multiple mice
22:53.20darronbjacques: do you get the same SDL mouse-down, mouse-move, mouse-up messages?  or are you handling a different set of guesture messages or something?
22:55.02darronbhmm...  I probably should just wait until I have a phone again.  :)
22:55.22Cerealklrdarronb: ...but it's soooo tempting.
22:55.25Cerealklr\you know it. xD
22:56.00jacquesdarronb: I think everything is the same - just multiple mice - only tricky part is when the touch ends, the same finger may be a different mouse id next time
22:56.34darronbhmm...  I'll have to figure out how to map that into Qt's multitouch stuff.
22:57.06egaudet_workcommute time, bbl
22:57.20jacqueslater egaudet_work
22:58.00dtzWillmouse input in X11 working :D
22:58.10Cerealklrin X11 0.o?
22:58.25CerealklrHoly hell.
22:58.30CerealklrIs it a phone or a laptop?
22:58.51CerealklrWhy the hell is Palm not getting money poured on them? =/
22:59.09darronbI guess I could compile the plugin and try to use the emulator...  hmm.  does SDL work normally in the emulator?
23:00.03loot-i think the problem the pre is having (with sales anyways) is directly related to the poor marketing by carriers
23:00.15loot-both sprint and verizon have both hinted at the pre being a "mom" phone
23:00.22CerealklrI knoww
23:00.24loot-which is hilarious to me
23:00.28Cerealklrand i don't have a bloody clue as to why!
23:00.30jacquesdtzWill: you rock
23:00.33EvanDotProCerealklr: If only investors knew the technical potential in this platform... if so, my portfolio would look a hell-of-a-lot better right now.
23:00.40darronbI've seen quite a few Pre ads on TV lately.  I did read they were giving it a marketing reboot.   any ideas on how's that going?
23:00.41loot-i would give one to my mom and expect it to run
23:00.53Cerealklrnot good enough unfortunately.
23:00.58loot-but the real meat of linux cell phone sales seems to be hackability
23:01.00jacquesdarronb: I don't think SDL works in the emulator
23:01.10loot-which webos owns in spades compared to any other
23:01.12CerealklrIts a nightmare come true.
23:01.19Cerealklrits DVD vs. Blue Ray all over again.
23:01.23loot-android is annoying :(
23:01.38jacquesIMHO the problem is google's $$$$$$$$$$$
23:01.47Cerealklrin the end, the shitty product is going to win because it's half a cent cheaper for the manufacturer and has a larger pool of capital behind it.
23:01.51jacquesand also MS is trying to get back in the game
23:01.53Cerealklr@Jacques: precisely.
23:01.58CerealklrAll i'm hoping at this point
23:02.10Cerealklris that Nokia snaps up Palm at some point before it literally dies
23:02.14Cerealklrand keeps it as a division
23:02.26EvanDotPromy co-worker came in with his baked rom android going off about how he "rooted" it and can do all these cool things now... I just laughed and asked him how those OTA updates were working out for him.
23:02.46loot-if they wanted to market the pre? hire hugh jackman and license swordfish characters
23:03.11EvanDotProCerealklr: A Nokia takeover would be nice... it would certainly help the stock out... give me a chance to get some of my money back.
23:03.22loot-a swordfish themed ad would sell
23:03.41CerealklrII really want a "Mac vs. Pre" add
23:03.45Cerealklrclassic Mac vs. PC style.
23:03.49loot-if dish network can do it why cant palm?
23:03.55Cerealklrexcept, of course, the rolls reversed
23:04.20loot-nah i hate apple and their ad campaigns
23:04.24loot-i'd rather avoid them entirely
23:04.28loot-as a subject
23:04.40loot-plus their market share is too strong they could demolish you with advertising if they wanted
23:05.02dtzWilljacques: ty :D
23:05.07CerealklrAh, but the issue is
23:05.16Cerealklreven though there ads are shit to intelligent people
23:05.20Cerealklrmost people aren't intelligent.
23:05.22dtzWilljacques: i was gonna port qt and gtk over, but no qt needed now :). probably faster to avoid the X interaction anyway
23:05.30dtzWillgood news is ipkg-opt already has gtk so sa-weet
23:05.46EvanDotProthe most recent apple commercials have really told the true story though.... pretty much the only advantage their phone has is one that's inherent to the GSM network, nothing specific to the phone. (ability to talk and use the web at the same time)
23:06.47loot-you cant multitask really with the phone itself
23:07.19darronbyeah, GSM...  I sure hope Palm makes some timely GSM in the US announcement soon.  Otherwise I'll probably be using the QWERTZ one.
23:07.52loot-honestly if i were a GSM user i would much rather have a nokia than an iphone
23:08.30EvanDotProhere in AZ the GSM 3G coverage / speeds sucks pretty bad compared to Sprint in my experience... plus any time i'm on the phone that I need web, I usually have wifi, so I'm good anyways.
23:08.37darronbloot-: I thought that.  I had an iPhone, gave it to my wife to get the Nokia 5800 so I could tether and write Qt apps.   I really don't like it.  N900, that would be a different story
23:08.51jacquesthis is so damn cool - now we are going to have efl, X, and qt
23:09.03loot-yea im specifically talking n900
23:09.19loot-no point getting a nokia if its not going to be the beast :P
23:09.31Mouseywe're gonna have X?!
23:09.38darronbheh, yeah.  I made the mistake of choosing the 5800 based on the Qt guys using that one for most of the Qt on Symbian demos
23:09.44Mouseycan we have compiz??
23:10.09loot-can haz cheezburger insted
23:10.30jacquesMousey: dtzWill is rocking and rolling on X
23:10.38darronbNokia and Intel now with MeeGo, that could really go someplace.  Maybe not so far with phones, but...  lots of other embedded devices
23:10.49Mouseytwm, on my phone!!
23:10.56jacquesshudders at twm
23:11.05Mouseys/luna/X11/ ?????
23:11.11loot-i think the release of flash is going to put a dent in iphone sales finally
23:11.20Mouseypre's anyway
23:11.32loot-all mobile flash i mean in general
23:11.39loot-crapple will never get flash
23:11.42loot-unless they buy adobe
23:12.10darronbI kinda wish Nokia would mostly drop Symbian and go MeeGo, but I guess they need some non-smartphone platforms too...
23:12.13jacquesMousey: it would take a lot of knowledge we don't currently have to be able to replace luna completely
23:12.23jacquesMousey: X is running in a card
23:12.41jacqueswhich is IMHO cooler :-)
23:12.48Mouseymy poor phone
23:13.48jacquesimagine a pre plus running a card with X, a card with qt, and a card with efl
23:14.00jacques(not sure a pre could handle it RAM-wise :-(
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23:14.14loot-and a flash app playing in a browser card
23:14.14jacquesoh, and quake
23:14.24CerealklrWell then if it can't handle it i'll just wait for the Elan
23:14.43CerealklrI'm crossing every crossable-limb on my body hoping they can push out a new phone before they tank
23:14.44epvheh i just cloned the qt-palm-pre git tree, it's 820 MB
23:14.57loot-palm probably wont tank
23:14.57CerealklrI'll poor every cent I earn into them if that'd push them over the edge.
23:15.21loot-palm is a tenacious beast
23:15.25darronbepv: all I added is contained within src/plugins/gfxdrivers/webos
23:15.26Cerealklrwell, getting bought by Nokia is equivalent, IMO
23:15.30loot-they've been through worse with a worse product
23:15.35Cerealklrit'll still live, but nowhere near as rapid or open
23:15.36loot-they just need better marketing
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23:15.46CerealklrThey need cash for better marketing
23:15.51Cerealklrand they need cash for a new device
23:15.57Cerealklrand they need cash to keep going timewise
23:16.01darronbepv: I probably should have added a general Qt build script
23:16.04Cerealklrand they're pretty damn low on it
23:16.21loot-im sure they could have sold out to VC overlords already
23:16.21dtzWillin theory it's running with the composite extension enabled actually lol
23:16.25dtzWillhaven't checked, tbh
23:16.26loot-but their board with take a huge cut
23:16.30epvenh, i broke my arm toolchain recently anyway so i have to fix all that first
23:16.30loot-and im sure none of them want that
23:16.35dtzWillif it is, it'll be slow and terrible lol
23:16.49epvi get myself confused maintaining two separate ones, one for pre stuff and one for embedded SoC arm
23:17.14loot-dtzWill: with xrender or opengl?
23:17.30darronbepv: that kind of stuff is why I have separate VirtualBox VMs for the cross compiling
23:17.40epvyeah that seems wise, in retrospect.
23:18.00epvplus i have the whole atmel avr toolchain and various other abominations :)
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23:19.00darronbepv: only causes a problem when some stupid USB device doesn't play nice with the VM
23:19.01smoofraanybody have an idea how to get ip over bluetooth working
23:20.03epvdarronb: ah, yeah. i've had ok luck with usb passthru stuff in KVM but i haven't tried it with jtag programmers or anything
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23:20.20darronbepv: at the moment, I have to either dual-boot or use a separate PC for TI's MSP430 series.  The stupid emulator is RS232-based, too (well, it's a FTDI USB-to-serial chip) ...  but it has really dumb timeouts that break under VMs
23:20.24dtzWillloot-: not sure how it's done, but it's definitely not opengl.  Not sure what it'd take to get glx running
23:20.49loot-in kde you can do either
23:20.57loot-i would imagine the opengl composite wouldnt be horribly slow
23:21.07loot-xrender probably would be awful though
23:21.20darronbepv: my few JTAG programmers tend to work in VMs, luckily...  Xilinx FPGA, Altera FPGA, Actel FPGA...  err...  a few others
23:21.29epvoh, that's good then.
23:21.54epvit would be nice to maintain separate vm's for all that
23:22.44jacquesdtzWill: if any of the composite stuff uses pixman, it might not be bad - maemo project has been putting lots of NEON stuff in
23:23.03jacques(in the devel branch)
23:23.04darronbepv: I've got most of my dev environments in VMWare VMs, but I'm starting to use VirtualBox now.   So, the JTAG programmers work in VMWare at least.
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23:24.43dtzWilljacques: oh interesting. i really didn't look into that.... yet. ;) rendering and basic input was important first
23:25.04dtzWillspeaking of which, anyone have good ideas how to translate touchscreen movement to cursor abstraction?
23:25.13darronbI'm not terribly happy with webOS 1.4's silly little loading splash screens...   for one, my simple "index.html" page for the Qt library package just shows a flashing loading screen forever.  Apparently, Palm expects your initial web page to load something else.
23:25.27dtzWillcan do basic things like tap without moving is click, else you just move the cursor, etc
23:25.33dtzWillmaybe gesture+move for drag, etc
23:25.45dtzWillanyway curious if anyone has a particularly compelling idea for that, always open to suggestions
23:25.52rwhitbyjacques, egaudet: I've sent dblack a PM with my email address.
23:26.34darronbrwhitby: dblack?  me?  :)
23:27.14rwhitbydarronb: ah, yes. you :-)  just got up to there in the backlog :-)
23:27.38dtzWillhmm and not sure what a good wm would be that's useable via touchscreen, etc
23:27.42epvdtzwill: two-finger drag up/down could translate to up/down "scrollwheel" like on a mac
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23:27.56dtzWillmeh i'll get it working and let someone else figure out applications and window managers that are good :P
23:28.15epvsomeone will build kde just to be perverse :0
23:28.16Cerealklrdtzwill: correct.
23:28.23dtzWillepv: that would be sweet
23:28.35CerealklrI can already think of a few ideas. =P
23:28.36epvand X already understands it via button4/button5, i think
23:28.41rwhitbydarronb: see /msg :-)
23:28.51Cerealklrepv: i recall that too
23:28.55dtzWillzomg composite IS on
23:29.02epvhaha awesome
23:29.03dtzWilljust tested with a transparent urxvt and xcompmgr
23:29.10Cerealklranyways, i'm off to college. Catch you all later. =]
23:29.22epvoh man the compiz transparent desktop cube
23:29.30CerealklrMake it work
23:29.30epvthat'd look pretty cool on a pre
23:29.31darronbjacques: do you have any suggestions on what I should do with the Qt library package?  ...  I currently have it showing up as an icon in webOS, but my "index.html" is broken now by webOS 1.4
23:29.34Cerealklrpassably quickly
23:29.40Cerealklrand I will send you 10 dollars
23:29.41Cerealklron paypal
23:29.57Cerealklrdarronb: there is some sort of visible attribute
23:30.02Cerealklrwith which to hide the icon
23:30.10Cerealklri never had to use it, so i glossed over it.
23:30.38Cerealklrthe patches to hide apps should be very short and show what to change
23:30.42Cerealklrin the patches feed
23:30.44Cerealklrttyl all
23:30.44darronbcerealklr: for use with Preware?   would it work if it ever made it to the official app store?
23:31.00CerealklrDon't think it ever can b/c of the postinst/preerm
23:31.09Cerealklrbut i need to head out, bbl!
23:31.10darronbah, yeah
23:31.27darronbcerealklr: later
23:31.46jacquesdarronb: we've been working on how to distribute libs - good thing rwhitby is here now :-)
23:31.49darronbi worked to get rid of my postinst/prerm, the current package doesn't need it
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23:32.20epvi think you just put "visible": false in appinfo.json
23:32.28darronb...  you just have to follow the pattern with Qt apps that use the lib to make sure you do the LD_LIBRARY_PATH fixups you need, etc
23:33.05rwhitbydarronb: did you get my /msg here?
23:33.26darronbrwhitby: no, I scanned a bit for it.  you said "dblack" earlier, could that be why?
23:33.37jacques - wish we had that - oh, wait.
23:33.54darronbrwhitby: oops..  hold on
23:34.27rwhitbydarronb: no, I meant a /msg here on IRC - direct user to user message
23:34.38rwhitbygotcha now
23:40.20smoofraanybody know how to enable bluetooth networking??
23:40.31smoofrasomebody must have figured this out
23:40.45epvsmoofra: it just worked for me
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23:41.00epvjust pair your computer with it and then bring up PAN networking
23:41.06smoofraepv: you in europe?
23:41.08epvthe pre advertises PAN service
23:41.37smoofrait tells me my 'service accoutn does not allow intternet connection sharing'
23:41.58epvyeah, but that has nothing to do with it
23:42.06epvyou have networking between your computer and the pre anyway
23:42.13smoofraoh rly
23:42.35epvyou can ssh to or something like that and log into the phone
23:42.53epvthe "connection sharing" stuff is only if you want to forward packets out other interfaces
23:42.54smoofraoh sweet lemme try
23:43.06smoofrayea i've already figured out how to forard packets
23:44.25smoofracan't ping
23:44.39epvifconfig bsl0 on your pre and see if it has an address
23:44.50smoofraoh wait
23:44.55smoofrait works
23:45.01smoofrahah im an idiot thanks
23:45.36epvoh wow, they changed it in 1.4, it now creates a bridge and adds bsl0 to that
23:45.42smoofrathat's weird thought ifconfig bsl0 says it has no address, but it's got a bridgge yea
23:45.43epvinstead of just configuring bsl0 directly
23:45.56epvmust be for the "mobile hotspot" stuff
23:45.58smoofraand my bridge says the address is
23:46.02smoofrabut that doesn't work
23:46.28smoofrahrm weired.  i can ping, but no ssh
23:46.31epvdo you have it firewalled?
23:47.20epvyou might need to iptables -I INPUT -i bridge0 -p tcp --dport 222 -j ACCEPT
23:47.23epvor something like that
23:47.32smoofraoh yea
23:47.33epvi think by default it's blocked
23:47.36smoofrathat's probably it
23:47.37jacquesyeah change 222 to whatever port you are running sshd on
23:47.50epvi just opened the ssh port on all interfaces on mine, and run it on port 222
23:49.15smoofrastill no luck
23:49.40epvsee if you can ping the other way, from the pre to your comptuer
23:49.43epvor ssh
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23:50.22smoofranope can't ping the other way
23:50.23jacquesdo you have telnet client ? sometimes telneting to the ssh port will tell you something
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23:50.39smoofrajacques: it's getting connection refused
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23:51.13epvohh so you have a link at least
23:51.22epvcan you ssh into the pre from elsewhere?
23:51.23jacquesyou opened correct port? what does netstat say?
23:51.34smoofrayea i can sssh to the pre via usb
23:51.54epvthat's weird. maybe ssh is only listening on the usb0 address instead of on *?
23:52.00epvyou could restart sshd, i guess
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23:52.20jacquesis there a comment in the event script talking about a change you need to make to open otehr interfaces?
23:52.46jacquesnot able to log into my phone right now to check, but I thought there was
23:53.05epvthere is in the optware package
23:53.28epvthat should open it up in general
23:53.38epvbut if you're getting connection refused, it's not blocked by iptables
23:54.26jacquesmaybe the sshd is not listening on that interface then
23:54.33epvthat's what i was thinking
23:54.43smoofrayea i've got that rule in my iptables
23:54.57smoofraand i dont' see anythign in sshd_config about listenting on particular interfaces
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23:55.01rwhitbyjacques, dtzWill, egaudet: who has some spare time to package up Qt ?
23:55.26zsocwhistles innocently, looking around
23:55.37epvsmoofra: are you using openssh or dropbear?
23:55.38jacquesrwhitby: it would be a great learning experience for me, but I don't have the time ATM :-\
23:55.53jacquesneeds to learn how to package things
23:56.28epvin openssh, opensshd.conf (or equiv commandline) should contain "ListenAddress"
23:56.35epvassuming you want it to listen on all interfaces, of course
23:57.36smoofraepv: openssh
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23:58.34epvsmoofra: i think listening on all interfaces is the default
23:58.45epvyou'll have to get logged in to the pre and see what's up
23:59.05smoofraoh i am logged in to the pre
23:59.11smoofrai still can't figure out what it's problem is
23:59.23Sedoroxis using dropbear
23:59.27smoofrai don't think it's that openssh isn't listening on the right interface

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