IRC log for #webos-internals on 20100304

00:00.15spectroprmousey: right now i click a modern warfare 2 affair is apparently downloading/installin nothing happen
00:00.16en0xPEBKAC = problem exists between keyboard and computer ;D
00:00.32Mouseyspectropr: did you restart luna after?
00:00.51Mouseyspectropr: you have only 1 theme installed, right?
00:00.52zsoc_wircI actually do love my phone. webos is amazing.
00:00.59mjkjrslaps himself for not realizing that
00:01.05*** join/#webos-internals Jim__ (
00:02.01spectroprmousey: after the update to 28 i restart the phone then i try to install 1 theme for test then a error message pop i close the app then im trying again and is loading
00:02.25spectroprim going to restart it again dont know is weird
00:02.31mjkjrrecommendation, skip the theme
00:02.51dBsooner1245 root 20 0 27468 3536 3204 R 4.3 1.4 1:24.60 PmWiFiService
00:03.04dBsooner^^ that's when my pre isn't connected to a power source
00:03.16spectropri try 2 theme that why is weird jeje
00:03.22spectroprmaybe they are broken lol
00:03.23Mouseyspectropr: when you reload, go into preware, and do "update feeds" from the pulldown menu
00:03.29Mouseysee if there isn't a newer preware
00:03.50spectropri download the 27 version then update to 28
00:04.09spectroprthen restart
00:05.13spectroprok phone is up goin again :D
00:08.41spectropranything i have to download beside the update?
00:10.40spectroprok im at the main menu
00:10.41mjkjrwhat version of package manager service do you have spectropr
00:10.59spectroprit says preware v0.9.28
00:11.15mjkjrgo to installed packages from main screen
00:11.42mjkjrthen "service"
00:11.54mjkjrlook at package manager service, what version is it
00:12.11spectroprok it says v0.9.38
00:13.57spectroprwhat next : )
00:14.34*** join/#webos-internals jeffgus (~jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504::1)
00:15.13mjkjrhave you only tried to install a theme? if so try a free app or a patch that interests you and see if you still have errors.
00:15.34spectroprtell me something :P
00:15.35spectroprfor test
00:15.43spectroprim just starting to use it. . .
00:15.48mjkjrlol, patch or app?
00:16.12spectropranything  jeje
00:16.28spectroprlet try better an app
00:18.07mjkjrtry something simple and useful like "Add Date- MM/DD" patch or "Switcharoo Free" app, lol idk
00:19.43spectroprim goin to install hide nfl icon lol
00:20.09spectropris downloading/ installing
00:21.43NrbelexdBsooner: Did you get a chance to check on the feasibility of the patches I proposed for a bounty?
00:22.24egaudetbounty patchers
00:23.17*** join/#webos-internals smartinsen01 (~182f397f@gateway/web/freenode/x-svqbwjrmwktsoyqp)
00:23.34spectroprnfl patch to hide install 100% is doin luna restart right now
00:23.44Eguyegaudet: unreversed patch detected on all the js files
00:23.49egaudetnot all
00:23.54egaudetor not aupt
00:23.56egaudetyou tell me
00:24.00smartinsen01is it safe to install patches on webos1.
00:24.01*** join/#webos-internals christefano (
00:24.09EguyAll the js files that the patch patches
00:24.18spectroprit work
00:24.19EguyThat's what shows up in the ipkglog
00:24.25egaudetnot the ipkg log
00:24.26egaudetthat lies
00:24.29mjkjrspectropr, awesome just stay away from the themes then  bad experiences here.
00:24.33egaudetwell not lies but only gives stderr
00:24.34spectroprmaybe need another restart lmao
00:24.41smartinsen01Is it safe to install patches on webos1.4
00:24.43EguyLet me check the txt log
00:24.52spectroprthanx fo the support real fast take care all good night
00:26.39EguyI'm not sure where it starts
00:26.45mjkjrsmartinsen01, why wouldn't it be?
00:26.56egaudetshould be nicely spaced ====
00:27.01egaudetPATCH REMOVAL
00:27.12*** join/#webos-internals mcarnage (
00:28.37smartinsen01after update I started reinstalling patches and my pre became bricked.  I just got a new one so i'm afraid of it happening again
00:28.55Nrbelexsmartinsen01: It's almost impossible to "brick" a Pre
00:29.11Nrbelexand patches are fine in 1.4
00:29.39smartinsen01I tried webos doctor webos repair utility nothing worked
00:29.46cxreg-prewithout an actual brick
00:29.54mjkjri don't think you can actually "brick" one
00:30.17*** join/#webos-internals playya (~playya@unaffiliated/playya)
00:30.17smartinsen01in the end the phone wouldn't even charge
00:30.31mjkjrif you traded it for a brand new device i say go for it
00:30.32egaudetEguy, are you sure you don't have phone notification repeat patch installed
00:31.00*** join/#webos-internals hmm (~485dec2a@gateway/web/freenode/x-mcfsbyxbwucwhrlt)
00:31.00EguyI have sms notification repeat patch installed but it hasn't been updated yet
00:31.08EguyNot phone.
00:31.31egaudetEguy, how linux savvy are you
00:31.46EguyI'm ok, not great.
00:32.01smartinsen01maybe I had some kind of hardware issue at a bad time but it seemed to be either the browser multimode or the download manager patch
00:32.10egaudetOK enough to get the file off your pre and diff it against a locally extracted doctor file?
00:32.29*** join/#webos-internals uNiXpSyChO (
00:32.39EguyI get get the file off.
00:33.01EguyDepending on how long I can visually look.
00:33.26mjkjrsmartinsen01, i'd put money on multi-mod patch somehow being involved with your issues.  just stay away from that one
00:34.30FlashpassI'm getting an error trying to uninstall the "Data in Device Menu" patch, "Unreversed patch detected".  Is there a suggested solution?
00:34.42smartinsen01anyone else have the unthrottle download manager running on 1.4
00:34.47cxreg-preis host or nslookup in ipkg anywheren
00:35.07egaudetEguy, what's the md5sum of /usr/palm/applications/
00:35.15Flashpasssmartinsen01: I do
00:35.30EguyLet me check
00:35.46smartinsen01thanks I'll try it
00:36.00*** join/#webos-internals jacques (~fontenot@nslu2-linux/jacques)
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00:36.12Decimatewell, i wanna make a patch, just cause im bored, but idk what to do. any ideas... (serious only)
00:36.40*** part/#webos-internals zsoc_wirc (~zsoc@unaffiliated/zsoc)
00:36.46mjkjrdecimate, yes i even made a thread for it
00:38.21Eguyegaudet: 39DA7E27EA477DB2BF99D8CF161916BD
00:39.19egaudetit's modified
00:39.28egaudetsomething modified it
00:39.32FlashpassDecimate, maybe wakeup the phone with the button on the bottom instead of just the power button
00:39.47Eguyegaudet: I have no idea what did?
00:39.58egaudetthe only other patch to touch that file is phone notification repeat patch
00:40.29EguyI did unhide the call duration with the luna-send command, that doesn't touch that file though right?
00:40.45egaudetnot that I know of
00:41.08egaudetbut then I dont know what that does at all
00:41.08EguyI think it only does the call log assistant.
00:41.17rwhitbycxreg-pre: check in optware
00:41.20egaudeta luna-send command modifies a file?
00:41.33*** join/#webos-internals gc916 (~43a20bbf@gateway/web/freenode/x-ogxupsuhtluiuhnd)
00:41.47EguyMaybe it is a cookie
00:42.02mjkjrsomewhat random, so i know more about windows than i care to bc that's what i went to school for, BUT I've always been really curious about linux, do they even sell computers with linux already installed?
00:42.15egaudetcan you email me your entire webos-patches.log file?
00:42.26Eguymjkjr: Some netbooks.
00:42.58mjkjrany tips on where i could look? I'm pretty sure i've never seen anything running linux at best buy
00:43.28FlashpassAny ideas on the "Unreversed patch detected" error?
00:43.38EguyThat's because the idiots that go to best buy can't use linux ;)
00:43.51FlashpassDidn't dell have the ability at one point to install linux
00:44.09mjkjrthinks that was a little harsh, lol
00:44.09EguyThey sold mini 9's with Ubuntu
00:44.16FlashpassI guess you could buy a computer with one on it or with nothing on it, and just install yourself
00:44.38egaudetFlashpass, there's no universal answer to that
00:44.53egaudetit's part of many different unique issues eguy
00:46.15EguyOuch, Yahoo.
00:46.30Flashpass+egaudet: Okay then, is there anything I can do to remove this patch?
00:46.45EguyIt's pretty messy
00:47.03egaudetFlashpass, EPR, doctor
00:47.27*** join/#webos-internals elpollodiablo1 (~4c78940d@gateway/web/freenode/x-yqrhgwepwdnbubfe)
00:48.22elpollodiablo1I am having some problems connecting you ssh on my pre using the key method, I get a permissions denied after I put in the passphrase. any ideas?
00:49.14elpollodiablo1I am not using putty to connect
00:49.41elpollodiablo1I am using the ssh command in the terminal I did ssh-add id_rsa
00:49.58Eguyegaudet: You should get the email soon.
00:50.44EguyYou will probably find lots of problems in there but that is mostly because I wasn't able to install patches until recently for what ever reason.
00:51.12egaudetI got it
00:51.25elpollodiablo1I did ssh -vv and it returned debug1: Trying private key: /home/greg/.ssh/id_dsa debug2: we did not send a packet, disable method
00:51.38egaudetEguy, now I need the diff
00:51.39Decimateelpollodiablo1: the instructions at the openssh aplication page are flawless...follow them
00:51.46EguyWhat diff?
00:51.48egaudetdiff the file against the .webosinternals.orig file in the same location
00:52.08egaudetthis -could- be bad
00:52.09elpollodiablo1I am not using putty I am using the ssh terminal command they do not cover that.
00:52.42Decimateuse putty?
00:52.48Decimateor winscp.
00:52.51elpollodiablo1why I am using linux
00:53.15Eguyegaudet: .webosinternals.patches.packages?
00:53.25egaudetthe missedcall-assistant file
00:53.38elpollodiablo1why would I use putty when I could just use the ssh command and have it set up default on all linux machine
00:53.52egaudetEguy, what's the md5sum of /usr/palm/applications/
00:54.30*** join/#webos-internals cxreg-wirc (
00:54.42egaudetelpollodiablo1, the page i linked refers you to the openssh home page and manual pages
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00:55.06cxreg-wirctyping "stop" in terminus = epic fail
00:55.23EguyDifference: A8499ADF3FA74A2E795CDFC57EB990B2
00:55.37EguyI wonder what modified it.
00:55.38mjkjri want to give linux a try to see what i think, just don't want to spend too much bc i'm so used to windows i'm scared i might not like linux
00:55.50egaudetEguy, that's not a diff
00:56.08Eguymjkjr: Install virtualbox and use linux in a VM first.
00:56.09egaudetthat means the orig file is stock (good) so wait a moment
00:56.24EguyIt was 39DA before
00:56.34elpollodiablo1egaudet: I will check it out and one I come up with a solution I will write it into the wiki
00:57.31mjkjrEguy, thanks I'm going to check that out
00:57.54EguyI suggest Ubuntu 9.10 due to it's simplicity
00:58.32egaudetEguy, you have phone notification repeat patch installed
00:58.47EguyI used to.
00:58.52EguyI thought I removed it.
00:59.29egaudetthe md5sum of the file matches the md5sum of that file with the phone notification repeat patch applied
00:59.36egaudetare you on 1.4?
01:00.04egaudetwhen did 1.4 come out?
01:01.22Decimatethe new facebook app looks SWEETTT.
01:01.50*** join/#webos-internals raster (~raster@enlightenment/developer/raster)
01:03.19egaudeton Sat 2/27 you installed phone notification repeat patch
01:03.23egaudetand it has not been removed since
01:03.30egaudetis it not showing as installed in preware?
01:03.53EguyMaybe it was stuck in there with the rest of them
01:03.59EguyLet me check preware
01:04.16xcompwhat is this half baked nonsense of a facebook app they released?
01:04.21dBsoonerDecimate: any word on when it might come out?
01:04.32EguyFacebook 1.1.0 is out now.
01:04.40xcompyes, that one
01:04.53EguyI just installed it from the catalog.
01:04.53dBsoonerThat's the one Decimate is referring to?
01:04.56xcompphotos don't work
01:05.02xcompthere's no chat
01:05.04dBsoonerI thought it was "FreindsBook"?
01:05.08xcompevent is very poorly executed
01:05.12DecimatedbSooner: its out.
01:05.13mjkjrwould i need to buy the actual os in order to check it out with virtual box?  reading the virtual box page now
01:05.16EguyFriendsBook is a seperate app.
01:05.25Eguyseparate *
01:05.37Eguymjkjr: lol. Linux is free.
01:05.51DecimatedBsooner: The official palm facebook app was just updated... crazily. It's ALOT better.
01:05.58mjkjrfacebook app did get an update, updating now to see the sweetness myself
01:06.02dBsoonerIs that a good one?
01:06.12dBsoonerI just don't want it to sync my facebook contacts
01:06.17mjkjreguy, a free OS!? what?
01:06.19Eguyegaudet: You are right! I do have phone repeat installed.
01:06.23jacqueswhat's facebook?
01:06.28EguyI wonder how that got in there.
01:06.39DecimatedBsooner: its just an syncing.
01:10.05*** join/#webos-internals infobot (
01:10.05*** topic/#webos-internals is Discussion about webOS internals (not webOS SDK usage - #webos for that, or wIRC - #wirc for that). Honor all licenses, carrier agreements and copyrights when speaking here. Twitter: @webosinternals Logs: Wiki: Pastebin: Preware: Patches:
01:10.05*** mode/#webos-internals [+v infobot] by ChanServ
01:10.11infobothello, eguy
01:10.12jacquesinfobot: wb
01:10.18rwhitbycxreg: you checked, right?
01:10.44rwhitbymaybe in util-linux or util-linux-ng ...
01:10.58xcompmy work project just got suspended for a couple of months. going home to eat a burrito
01:11.01rwhitby should like the executables and tell you which package
01:11.05EguyWeird that infobot rejoined here and not the watercooler.
01:11.09rwhitby(that's a 13M file)
01:11.28rwhitbyxcomp: so more time for webOS ?
01:23.07*** join/#webos-internals infobot (
01:23.07*** topic/#webos-internals is Discussion about webOS internals (not webOS SDK usage - #webos for that, or wIRC - #wirc for that). Honor all licenses, carrier agreements and copyrights when speaking here. Twitter: @webosinternals Logs: Wiki: Pastebin: Preware: Patches:
01:44.56*** join/#webos-internals infobot (
01:44.56*** topic/#webos-internals is Discussion about webOS internals (not webOS SDK usage - #webos for that, or wIRC - #wirc for that). Honor all licenses, carrier agreements and copyrights when speaking here. Twitter: @webosinternals Logs: Wiki: Pastebin: Preware: Patches:
01:44.57*** mode/#webos-internals [+v infobot] by ChanServ
01:44.59halfhaloI maintain that the only reason it was faster than xp was that nothing ran in it
01:45.34EguyNothing would run in it.
01:45.42Eguyand the driver support was awful.
01:45.57halfhalotook forever for creative drivers
01:46.28EguyCreative drivers are awful to begin with anyway heh.
01:46.48halfhalotrue sims three has EFIGS language selection
01:47.18halfhalobut then again, they do let me map my xfi's output to different plugs on it
01:48.48*** join/#webos-internals muchtall (
01:49.05Eguyrwhitby: Does NFS say ein, zwei, drei gehen!
01:49.21rwhitbyEguy: didn't get that far.
01:49.33*** join/#webos-internals leonardo (~leonardo@
01:49.40rwhitbySince I bought it on my Sprint Pre when it first came out.
01:50.03rwhitby(which reminds me, I need to get that credit card recharged)
01:51.48mjkjrDownload complete, looking for ubuntu download now
01:57.05mjkjreguy, what's your opinion about this option?
01:57.57zsocwubi, ew
01:58.05Eguyzsoc said it best
01:59.40mjkjrdang, i thought it would be better so i could run my laptop with vista or ubuntu instead of only running ubuntu in a virtual environment.
02:00.05*** join/#webos-internals muchtall (
02:00.22EguyYou can still install ubuntu on your laptop.
02:00.33EguyJust burn the ISO to a disk and boot into it.
02:00.50EguyI thought you would prefer a VM though.
02:01.40*** join/#webos-internals muchtall1 (
02:02.35bougymanwhere's the on-screen keyboard in pre-ware?
02:02.39bougymanor is it gone?
02:02.43bougymani'm lookin in patches
02:03.10mjkjrwell i did see that i could burn the iso to a disk, just didn't know if i'd be able to boot from that.  I just didn't want to accidentally get rid of vista
02:03.14*** join/#webos-internals Meep (
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02:04.45*** part/#webos-internals Beda (~95a9d8d1@gateway/web/freenode/x-afclrvhnsrsjbfcv)
02:05.36bougymanah, virtual keyboard
02:05.37bougymancound it
02:05.41bougymanis it safe with 1.4?
02:05.45mjkjrbougyman: i thought it was under virtual keyboard
02:06.35bougymanit is, and says it's 1.4 supported
02:07.44jhojhowth? tar on mac includes the ._file automagically when tarring?
02:08.51*** join/#webos-internals RagingMind (
02:10.30zsocbougyman, the partitioning segment of the ubuntu install is pretty clear, it would be tough to delete windows accidentally, just pay attention
02:11.10mjkjr+zsoc, i think you meant that for me?
02:11.40zsocmjkjr, yep sorry, i'm pretty much completely wasted
02:11.43zsoci need to go to bed
02:11.44egaudetvista does thing differently doesn't it
02:11.58zsocegaudet, his problem might be repartitioning his harddrive
02:12.14zsocmjkjr, you may not be able to resize a vista partition without turning off hibernation and save states
02:12.23egaudetyeah I remember when I had vista I had to repartition with vista otherwise it would screw up
02:13.01zsocwoooo bed. later
02:13.38bougymanhey this thing is really usable.
02:13.58mjkjrhmmm, that's why i was considering this route rather than this route
02:14.36tmztgrub and grub2 both broken for me
02:18.07*** join/#webos-internals elwood (~4b191229@gateway/web/freenode/x-kosxnvwkkckmfftw)
02:18.40Guest60403i cant download any apps on the app catolog or preware
02:18.45Guest60403help please
02:22.50*** join/#webos-internals angel_ (~4b191229@gateway/web/freenode/x-svmpuwxuzkplpdwk)
02:23.00angel_i need help
02:23.07angel_anyone there?
02:24.09*** part/#webos-internals angel_ (~4b191229@gateway/web/freenode/x-svmpuwxuzkplpdwk)
02:27.39mjkjrwonders what to do for the next 3 hours while ubuntu slowly downloads
02:29.15*** join/#webos-internals Kyusaku (
02:30.25cxregmjkjr: shop for a faster internet connection?
02:32.32mjkjrgreat idea, my contract has been up for atleast 4 months.
02:32.52Eguymjkjr: What city are you in?
02:32.55mjkjrbut i ONLY have 2hr 55 min left, lol
02:33.05mjkjrkansas city
02:33.27EguyThe local cable provider is probably cheaper than Sprint.
02:33.43EguyDSL will be slower than Sprint Mobile Broadband.
02:34.31mjkjri just moved jan 1 so i have considered shopping around.  I need something faster than mobile broadband, unless mine is unusually slow
02:35.04mjkjrdoes 3 hrs for a 800mb download sound right?
02:35.11EguyI have 30/1 cable and it works well. The 1 upload bothers me and it horrible for running a server at home.
02:35.16*** join/#webos-internals Ingenium13 (
02:35.20EguyFor EVDO, yes.
02:35.29*** join/#webos-internals eternaleye (~quassel@unaffiliated/eternaleye)
02:39.09mjkjrdefinately time to upgrade then, i'm sure i could get more speed for my money else where.
02:40.55*** join/#webos-internals oil_pre (
02:40.55*** mode/#webos-internals [+v oil_pre] by ChanServ
02:41.38EguyOne oil is enough, now we have two.
02:42.53en0xwhy everyone is talking about the new facebook app when I don;t see it in my app catalog :S
02:44.07mjkjren0x, are you not in the states?
02:44.09psykozen0x, it's not on the app catalog feed yet, it is in the update feed
02:44.11en0xi am
02:44.16psykozso you need to go to updates
02:44.29psykozif you didn't have it installed before install from app catalog and then go to updates
02:44.44en0xoh thats weird why they havent added it to main feed
02:44.54psykozyeah I dunno that either
02:45.13mjkjrit is a big improvement from the previous version IMO
02:45.29psykozyeah it's really nice
02:45.43psykozI want to sit down and compare it with my friends iPhone app (he says the iPhone app is like seckztastic)
02:46.49*** join/#webos-internals Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
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02:47.46*** join/#webos-internals knowyou (
02:48.37EguyIt's pretty complete. Much better than the first version. It is a little like the Palm OS version.
02:49.29mjkjrthat would be interesting to see which is better. my buddy at work has it on his iphone, i'll challenge him to a facebook face off. iphone vs webos, who will win?
02:49.58cxregi wonder if i could convince the pre's browser to use a socks proxy
02:50.04cxregmaybe with a LD_PRELOAD
02:50.18EguyConvince the Pre to stop lagging first.
02:51.14*** join/#webos-internals idontwan2know (
02:51.35mjkjrnever noticed any lag, :0
02:52.18*** join/#webos-internals Ihazspintpr35 (
02:53.00mjkjrok....  maybe once
02:53.12Ihazspintpr35hello hour
02:53.29Ihazspintpr35does anyone have the terminal app installed
02:53.40EguyHe said the magic word!!
02:53.41mjkjrHola, si
02:53.58Eguyinfobot, party
02:53.59infobotWoohoo! Bot on the loose!
02:54.15EguyIhazspintpr35: Terminal is broken
02:54.22EguyDon't use it
02:54.31Ihazspintpr35that makes sense
02:54.39Ihazspintpr35because it forces a reset
02:54.54Ihazspintpr35has it just been since 1.4?
02:55.26EguyYes sir.
02:55.41jacquesmaybe we should put the terminal status in the topic
02:55.42cxregIhazspintpr35: terminus works
02:55.52Eguyjacques: I agree
02:56.29mjkjrinfobot: hi
02:56.29infobothello, mjkjr
02:57.34psykozI long for the day of terminal working again
02:57.34EguyGood enough.
02:57.38infoboti guess terminal is very, very alpha, but can be found at, or broken for 1.4, use terminus for the time being.
02:58.05mjkjrinfobot: thank you
02:58.05infobotde nada, mjkjr
02:58.47Ihazspintpr35is terminus as good?
02:58.55EguyNot really
02:58.57EguyBut it works
02:59.03Ihazspintpr35does it support copy/paste
02:59.50EguyI don't think so
03:00.31Ihazspintpr35does anyone which provides better vnc remotewin or mediaremote?
03:01.12Ihazspintpr35I really wish we had a full blown vnc made by realvnc or someone :(
03:03.09*** join/#webos-internals Smubeht (
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03:21.44mjkjris considering cancelling ubuntu download, approximately 2 hours left =/
03:23.08bpadalinowhy so long ?
03:23.37*** join/#webos-internals Ingenium13 (
03:25.25mjkjrsprint mobile broadband and an 800mb download
03:25.38bpadalinoah gotcha
03:26.00bpadalinothere was a 512MB vmware image that was ubuntu 9.10 i thought .. decent download for being all setup and whatnot
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03:28.24mjkjrdang, too late now lol.  i'm downloading
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03:29.47jhojhobpadalino: to just install through iso imo. that way you only put in the stuff you want
03:30.09jhojhojust put together a 8.04 vmware image the other day. didnt' take that long
03:30.28bpadalinoah, i just had a predone one from vmplanet or wherever
03:30.30bpadalinoi wasn't too ambitious
03:30.39jhojho10.04 can't get here quick enough. 8.04 is long in the tooth =)
03:31.15EguyI like 9.10 much better than 8.04
03:31.26dBsoonerrwhitby: ping
03:31.27mjkjrall i wanted to do was see what linux was like and if i'd like it.  i've never even used it before so i don't even know what i'd want.
03:32.04jhojholinux is great as a server/dev platform
03:32.11rwhitbydBsooner: gu
03:32.19jhojhonot so good as a gui
03:32.37jacqueshmm, my phone is losing charge % on USB ?
03:32.43mjkjrmaybe by time i wake up tomorrow for work it will be done, definately didn't think it was going to turn into an all night thing just to download
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03:35.28jhojhosooo.... with 1.4 and clipcarl's script/prog
03:35.29jacqueswhat would cause my phone to lose charge while supposedly charging on USB?
03:35.43jhojhojacques: i've seen it happen with using the MHS
03:35.53bpadalinojacques: using more than 2.5W
03:35.55jhojhouse more power than is charing...
03:36.00jhojhocharging that is
03:36.10bpadalinomobile hot spot
03:36.16jacquesI'm not doing anything except running weechat
03:36.16KyusakuI've seem it happen if WOSQI is running
03:36.37jacquescpufreq is 500000
03:36.41jhojhowith 1.4/clipcarl, phone does not want to go down to 250mhz.. interesting. wonder what palm is changing inside lunasysmgr
03:36.46jacquesphone "claims" to be charging
03:37.08jhojhojacques: cpu speed is no matter. i've seen my phone go up as high as 55C with using MHS.
03:37.42jacquesonly strange thing is when I plugged it in the first time I accidentally tapped the USB drive button
03:37.45Kyusakugotta be some kind of background process
03:37.53jacquesso I unplugged it and replugged
03:38.05jacquestop showd nothing
03:38.07jhojhowhat's the command for installing an ipk file again?    ipkg-opt -o /media/cryptofs/app  ?
03:38.22Kyusakusomething constantly polling the pre
03:39.55jacqueshmm, I replugged again (that's why I just quit/rejoined irc) and now charge lvel is going up again - was 51% (was like 85% when I plugged it in) and now it's 53%
03:43.20jacquesnow 54%
03:44.20jacquesconsiders buying Dungeon Hunter
03:44.42jacqueswhat I really need tho are some time waster games - that I can play for a couple of minutes and put down
03:44.45*** join/#webos-internals Sebastian (
03:44.51jacqueslike bejewelled
03:44.51Sebastianhello everyone
03:45.04bpadalinoso here's an unofficial poll - if work said "Hey, we're looking for volunteers to send to Afghanistan for work - who's on?" - how many people here would say "Sure, why not?"
03:45.09SebastianI have a question. . ..  i can't doctor my pre
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03:45.46Eguyjacques: Get deer hunter
03:45.48jacquesrule #1: never volunteer
03:46.11Sebastiani have doctored my pre before. . . but for some reason today when trying to doctor to 1.4 i get the novacomd insllation progress bar and then it says service removed
03:46.15bpadalinoSebastian: hold volume up while plugging in the USB from a powered off pre
03:46.17jacquesEguy: is it in app cat?
03:46.34EguyYou shoot turkeys deer and moose
03:46.47Sebastianseems like the volume up worked
03:47.00Sebastiani just wasn't sure if the "service Removed" message was supposed to appear
03:47.20bpadalinoi've never doctored my pre
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03:47.32Sebastianwhy not!!
03:47.39bpadalinonever needed to i guess
03:47.43bpadalinostill on a day 1 install
03:47.59Sebastiani think its a must after u do a lot of patching and what not
03:48.07bpadalinoi don't do much patching
03:48.12bpadalinomainly just poking around
03:48.17bpadalinoi'm not too much of a developer anyway
03:48.19jacquesdeer hunter looks interesting
03:48.29bpadalinojust kind of a random guy
03:48.39Sebastianu don't have to be a developer to patch the phone
03:48.43Sebastiani am a patch user jejeje
03:49.28Sebastianyeah deer hunter looks nice
03:49.31jhojholol calling palm's pubsubservice results in just   sleep 10
03:50.05EguyI only doctored once and that was because my palm profile was corrupt.
03:51.06Sebastiandid anyone buy guitar hero 5?
03:51.24mjkjrjacques, you have air traffic controller?
03:51.44jacquesmjkjr: nope, is it good?
03:52.19mjkjrfree and somewhat addictive, good time waster
03:53.02Sebastianwhich one is a good time waster?
03:53.05jacquesI'll definitely check it out then
03:53.07Sebastianair traffic controller?
03:53.49EguyScrabble is also good to kill time
03:54.05Eguyand X-Plane is the ultimate battery and time killer
03:54.16*** join/#webos-internals willwill (~willwill@unaffiliated/willwill)
03:54.16Sebastianhahahah yeah i have x plane
03:54.21Sebastianthe very first one
03:54.29Sebastiani wish it had more things tho
03:54.33Sebastiani rarely play it now :(
03:54.34EguyI used it on an airplane once
03:55.00Sebastiani could imagine you making yourself beleive u were the pilot of your plane hahahah
03:55.12EguyWhile on a flight, I fired up X-Plane airliner and flew the same plane lol.
03:55.33jacquesmy favorite from other platforms is mahjongg
03:55.40jacqueswhich I have not seen for webos
03:55.48EguyI don't understand that game.
03:56.07jacquesjust the single player matching one - not the real game
03:56.28mjkjri couldn't figure out mahjongg either, think it was on my centro
03:57.12jacquesI meant the bastardized version where you just match tiles to remove them from the board
03:57.22EguyBike or Die needs to be ported to webOS.
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03:58.01EguyI loved playing Bike or Die on my Palm OS devices
03:58.45Sebastianhas anyone ever played
03:58.52Sebastianahhh i can't remember the name now
03:58.59Sebastiantrials that is it!
03:59.06Sebastianits a moto cross game
03:59.25Sebastiantrail bike pro
04:01.01jacquessomething's definitely up with my phone - it's really slow and laggy
04:01.09jacquesguess I'll reboot it
04:01.15rwhitbyI need to create a new profile
04:01.51jacquesugh, why is root mounted rw ?
04:02.02jacquesI didn't do it
04:02.29Sebastianwhy create a new proble rwhitby?
04:02.49mjkjris about to pull his hair out, download error after all this wait!?!?
04:03.05EguyThat sucks.
04:04.13mjkjrmaybe it's just not meant to be, maybe i'm destined to use windows my whole life.
04:04.23rwhitbySebastian: my dev profile for my Sprint Pre is stuck in "unknown version" mode for the app catalog
04:05.00Sebastiantoo much tweaking? jejje
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04:05.59mjkjrprobably because of that preware app or aupt, right?  =D
04:07.16Sebastianrwhitby: What kind of experience do u have with programming?
04:07.44Sebastiani mean i know u are like the WebOS god to us mere mortals. . .
04:07.56mjkjrEguy, can i just buy ubuntu on a cd somewhere? lol
04:08.01SebastianWhat i'd like to know is something like a biography
04:08.04rwhitbySebastian: 25 years
04:08.16Sebastianmjkjr u can request a free cd off their website
04:08.18katzmy icons have all vanished from launcher pages after installing new patches and doing a luna reboot. How do I retrieve them, please.....
04:08.30rwhitbygoogle knows my employment history
04:08.40Sebastianif only i knew your name
04:08.41Eguyrwhitby: Google knows a lot more than that ;)
04:08.47mjkjrand the post in the dev thread at p|c
04:09.07EguyFirst born, past lives, past romances, etc. :P
04:09.22katzI have done 2 hard resets and they still are missing...
04:09.34Sebastiancan u launch preware?
04:10.05Sebastiani would try connecting it to the computer with webos quick install
04:10.09Sebastianand see if u can remove the patch from there
04:10.11katzno icons whatsoever
04:10.31katzwill try
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04:11.23Sebastian found ur webpage
04:11.36halfhaloGreat detective work there!
04:11.47*** join/#webos-internals raster (~raster@enlightenment/developer/raster)
04:11.55rwhitbyoh, noes.  I thought I'd hidden that well.
04:12.17infoboti heard rwhitby is the owner of the nslu2-linux mailing list and IRC channel.  He tries to provide some order to the burgeoning development around the NSLU2.  You can find his website at (where in particular, you will find information on Serial Port modifications for the Linksys WRT54G and NSLU2 devices). an honorary WHE
04:12.30dBsoonerIt's been pretty well known for a while.. ^^
04:12.46infobotHey what was that for, rwhitby?
04:13.00infobotsomebody said whe was a WebOS Hacker Extraordinaire, which is what Joshua Topolsky called zsoc after he typed "make" one time...
04:13.00rwhitbyinfobot: for giving away my secrets
04:13.33EguyJtops is the nerdiest looking human ever made.
04:14.12dBsoonerI heard JSTop is pronounced "Jays Top"
04:14.21dBsoonerJTops reminded me of that
04:15.00Sebastianvery interesting read
04:15.15mjkjrand 9 out of 10 pronounce it as Jay Stop
04:15.34rwhitbybah, gonna have to meta-doctor cdma-pre to get a new profile
04:15.38EguyJess top
04:15.55halfhaloSomtimes I doctor just because I can
04:16.05dBsooneri was in the sprint store today
04:16.10dBsoonerand had to help THEM
04:16.13dBsoonerfix someones pre
04:16.15halfhaloMy sprint store SUCKS
04:16.17dBsoonerI just cried.
04:16.22halfhaloThey never answer the phone
04:16.29dBsoonerShe was like.. "It won't activate.. the "EV" icon isn't showing up."
04:16.39halfhaloalthough I can walk in and swap out pre's no question asked
04:16.40dBsoonerI said, ##RTN# it
04:16.47dBsoonershe said "WE can't"
04:16.53dBsoonerI said, then give it to me.. I will.
04:16.58dBsoonerso i did.
04:17.01dBsoonerand fixed it
04:17.04Sebastianwell done!
04:17.14mjkjrlmao, i love it, you'd think a rep would go through some sort of training
04:17.15halfhaloI don't trust them with my phone
04:17.16EguyYou should have asked for the manager
04:17.26dBsoonerI would have
04:17.37Sebastiani should go to a sprint store and demand a job
04:17.39mjkjr....but it was the manager
04:17.39dBsoonerexcept its a non-corporate store. and I am good friends with the President/Owner
04:17.53dBsoonerI was actually there talking to him about a job.
04:17.54SebastianTitle: Webos Specialist
04:17.58halfhaloOne of my cousins does call in store support
04:18.11halfhalofor sprint
04:18.13Ihazspintpr35hey I just installed openssh from preware but would like to set it up so that it uses passwords instead of rsa keys, could someone please point me in the right direction?
04:18.24halfhaloher sister and my other cousin does it for verizon
04:18.37rwhitbyIhazspintpr35: /etc/event.d/mobi.optware.openssh
04:18.40Eguyhalfhalo: Do you like Trillian?
04:18.47dBsoonerI'll pay someone $20 to go through my Facebook News feed and "HIDE" all the Application spam
04:18.56halfhaloI luvs trillian
04:19.01EguyIt's awesome
04:19.02halfhalohugs trillian
04:19.07dBsoonertrillian is me fav
04:19.15halfhaloWell, I will say this
04:19.18halfhaloAdium is better
04:19.20EguyI've been using since the first beta version
04:19.23mjkjrdBsooner, I'll do it for 10
04:19.36halfhaloI'll do it for a cookie
04:19.36SebastianRoD: Do you know all of this stuff by heart ?
04:19.45dBsoonermjkjr: You sure? I have 500+ friends
04:19.51dBsoonerso Its a LOT of app spam
04:19.56EguyLick it for 10
04:20.00mjkjris having second thoughts
04:20.04rwhitbySebastian: since I wrote a lot of it, yes.
04:20.11dBsoonerrwhitby: don't lie
04:20.14halfhalowould do it for a cookie still
04:20.21Sebastianthe questions is whether or not you are sure to provide him with your login credentials
04:20.23halfhaloliar liar pants on fire!
04:20.37dBsoonerrwhitby: tell the truth.. you wrote ALL of it
04:20.41jacquesdBsooner: what's that about ##RTN# fixing a non-activating phone?
04:20.50dBsoonerjacques: it does
04:20.57rwhitbydBsooner: why would I start an open source project if I wanted to write stuff myself ?
04:20.58jacquesdBsooner: I thought ##RTN# just showed some info about the device
04:20.58dBsoonerjacques: If the EV icon doesn't show up
04:20.58Sebastianrwhirby: very interesting. . .  for some reason i like programing   i am currently taking java data structures but i hate it. . . do u have any tips?
04:21.01dBsooner##RTN# it
04:21.15rwhitbySebastian: learn C
04:21.23dBsoonerjacques: RTN = RETURN to manuf
04:21.23egaudeti was about to say the same thing
04:21.25jacquesdBsooner: that's if the phone fails to activate?
04:21.26dBsoonerits how to hard rewrite
04:21.29halfhalostill better than asm
04:21.34dBsooneryou can also ##MSL# it
04:21.46dBsoonerwhich would mean reprogram MDN and MEID (MSID)
04:21.56dBsoonerrwhitby: Again, I said.. you wrote ALL of it
04:22.07Sebastianrwhitby: is C easier? what is different?
04:22.14halfhaloI'm taking both Java Advanced Data Structures and ASM/Binary programming this year in College
04:22.20halfhaloTheir a pain
04:22.24Sebastiandbsooner thats why he said he did an open soruce
04:22.28dBsoonerjacques: Yes. usually it fails OTA activation because the MEID is wrong.. you still ahve to have the ESN on an active account
04:22.31Sebastianbecause he is borrowing some code as well
04:22.37Sebastianso he didn't write all of it
04:22.43dBsoonernope, rwhitby = god
04:22.46dBsoonerhe wrote all
04:22.57dBsoonerthe other people just read his mind
04:23.05dBsooneror he telepathically told them
04:23.19Sebastianhalfhalo. . ..   how hard is java for you?
04:23.24halfhalonot that hard
04:23.26Eguyrwhitby telepathically ssh's into his pre.
04:23.34halfhaloReally really really easy
04:23.48Sebastiansometimes i look at code prewritten on the book
04:23.49halfhalorails is much, much better though
04:23.59Sebastianand think to myself i could never come up with something like this on my own
04:23.59egaudetlearn C and the rest follows
04:24.06Sebastianas in start from scratch
04:24.19rwhitbylearn C and you'll then know how stupid garbage collection is
04:24.21halfhaloI dabbled in C++ for a while
04:24.26halfhalonot a fan
04:24.46halfhalobut then again, I dabbled at least 5 years ago
04:25.16Sebastiani wish i had tons of time in my hands to practice programming
04:25.26jacquesC++ sucks. C rocks.
04:25.34EguyC- is where it's at.
04:25.39Sebastianisn't C++ based on C?
04:25.39halfhaloI don't think I have any C books
04:25.45dBsoonergarbage collection = essential
04:25.49PuffTheMagic_hell no
04:25.50halfhaloonly C# and C++
04:26.01PuffTheMagic_LISP ftw!
04:26.06halfhaloPHP FTW
04:26.08egaudetgarbage collection = essential for newbs!
04:26.10EguyPuffTheMagic_ heard the C words
04:26.31Sebastianis anyone here logged on from their pre?
04:26.31PuffTheMagic_Eguy: no i saw # ++
04:26.32egaudetwhat fun is programming without memleaks
04:26.42halfhaloIt makes life interesting!
04:26.54EguyLuna has 200mb worth of mem leaks!
04:27.01halfhalo"Hmmm.  Why is my little loop using a bagillion ram?"
04:27.25egaudetno it doesn't
04:27.26dBsoonerLuna has ~ worth of mem leaks
04:27.37dBsoonerI use ~ because there is no infinite symbol
04:27.40jhojhowhere is the ipkg database file kept?
04:27.54dBsooner. /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/lib/ipkg
04:28.15Sebastianis luna that bad?
04:28.22dBsoonerPower hungry whore
04:28.27halfhaloWho, me?
04:28.33dBsoonerno, rwhitby.
04:28.36jacqueshow can luna have mem leaks? isn't it in a GC lang?
04:28.42dBsoonerjust got himself in trouble.
04:28.46Sebastianwhat is gc?
04:28.51egaudetwe can't know how many mem leaks luna has
04:28.51halfhalois laughing at dBsooner
04:29.02halfhaloGarbage Collecting
04:29.04jacquesdoesn't GC and HL make that impossible?
04:29.11halfhaloI like Half Life
04:29.14Sebastianand what is hl?
04:29.26dBsoonerLuna has a name that implies memhog
04:30.24jacquesdoesn't luna use smart pointers too?
04:30.50halfhalosmart pointers does not make luna smart
04:30.55halfhaloits still dumb
04:30.56dBsoonerAnyone know if you can use an 1g or 2g iPhone as an iPod only?
04:31.04jacquesI guess there are no pointers in java ?
04:31.04dBsoonerno service.. just as an iPod.
04:31.04Eguynice dBsooner.
04:31.15egaudetluna isn't java
04:31.25dBsoonerluna is c?
04:31.29halfhaloI think you can if its JB dBsooner
04:31.47egaudetluna is a big bohemoth of C (and C++ I think)
04:31.49dBsoonerYeah, I can't remember if you can or can't.. I am the resident cell phone junkie here.
04:32.00dBsoonerand being asked.
04:32.03halfhalogoogle it
04:32.08dBsoonergoogle lies
04:32.13Sebastianbing it!
04:32.14halfhaloI get asked crap all the time about notebooks
04:32.19halfhaloI just googl eit all
04:32.25dBsoonerbing is worse.. it doesn't tell you its lying.
04:32.30egaudetif google lies then I'm a very poorly informed person
04:32.40halfhalobing is set as firefox's default engine right now
04:32.42egaudetbecause I've believed every word google has told me for 5 years!
04:32.47halfhalonot pissed off enough to change it yet
04:32.57dBsoonerI believe Wikipedia
04:33.02dBsoonerword for word.
04:33.06egaudetwhy wouldn't you blieve wikipedia
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04:33.41jacquesdBsooner: so I have a pixi which is not activating. how do I do this ##RTN# thing?
04:33.56Eguyjacques: In the phone app.
04:34.05halfhalocomputer with 40 ssd's in a raid array
04:34.07Sebastianthe phone is not activated!
04:34.24jacquesEguy: how do I get to the phone app in a non-activated phone?
04:34.27egaudetyou can make an "emergency call"
04:34.43egaudetjust hit a keyboard key
04:34.44Sebastiani don't think it takes the code like that
04:34.48egaudetit does
04:34.53egaudetI've been in the situation
04:35.07jacquesOK once it gets through its 5 tries and fails - I do "Tap to place call" ?
04:35.10dBsoonerjacques: does it have the EV icon?
04:35.17jacquesdBsooner: nope
04:35.21dBsoonerjacques: ok
04:35.28dBsooneris it at the "english" screen?
04:35.33dBsoonerlang selection?
04:35.33egaudetjacques, no once you do ##RTN# it pops up
04:35.36egaudeton the phone app
04:35.41egaudetnot really RTN, but the numbers
04:35.42dBsoonerno wait..
04:35.55Sebastianshhh dbsooner is thinking
04:36.07EguyWait wait. jacques: Why do you have a pixi to begin with?
04:36.22jacquesdBsooner: I already confirmed english and it tried to activate - on try 5 of 5 now
04:36.23dBsoonergo back to main screen.. where you have options to to select something.. probably the screen that lets you select "Sign into current profile" or "new profile"
04:36.33jacquesthen it will fail and show a HEX MEID
04:36.40dBsoonerwhat is the HEX MEID?
04:36.43dBsooneris it right?
04:37.03jacquesit matches what's under the battery at least
04:37.08dBsooneroh well .. regardless
04:37.21dBsoonerinstead of tapping "sign in" or "create new"
04:37.26jacquesdBsooner: I've never seen a "sign into profile" on this phone
04:37.32dBsoonerjust hold down Orange key and hit "##"
04:37.34egaudetplace a call
04:37.39jacquesfirst thing it does after lang is tries to activate itself
04:37.41dBsoonerdon't press place call
04:37.53jacquesOK it failed
04:37.53egaudetdBsooner, he could have
04:37.54egaudetdoesn't matter
04:38.05egaudetjust get the stupid phone app up
04:38.06dBsoonerjust hit "ORANGE+#+#"
04:38.06jacquesnow what?
04:38.10dBsoonerthat sould pop up the dialer
04:38.39jacquesOK it popped up
04:38.47dBsoonerif you hit "place a call" it just gives you an option for "call customer service/call emergency/cancel"
04:38.49jacques(no orange on pixi BTW ;-)
04:38.55dBsooneryeah, its grey/white
04:39.01dBsoonernow hit 786 #
04:39.02egaudetdBsooner, so what call emergency brings up the phone app
04:39.11dBsooneregaudet: and dials automatically
04:39.14egaudetsays who
04:39.21dBsoonerI have done it a bunch
04:39.31dBsoonerdude.. I work at a sprint store
04:39.44jacquesdBsooner: OK it went to "reverse logistics support" page
04:39.46egaudetsprint has nothing to do with the firstuse app
04:39.52dBsoonerjacques: scroll to bottom
04:40.00dBsooneregaudet: but supporting the device does
04:40.05Sebastianit doesn't dial atutomatically when the phone is activated and on the lock screen. . . i think i does before the activation
04:40.08dBsoonerjacques: should see a "reset"
04:40.21dBsoonerSebastian: correct.
04:40.23jacquesdBsooner: OK scrolled to bottom
04:40.29jacquessee reset
04:40.31dBsoonerjacques: is there a "RESET" option
04:40.32dBsoonerhit that
04:40.41dBsoonershould ask for MSL
04:40.45dBsoonerMaster Subsidy Lock
04:40.51dBsoonerspell checkj
04:40.56egaudetmaster stupid lock
04:41.01dBsoonerclose enough
04:41.09jacquesyeah it's asking for MSL
04:41.14dBsoonerjacques: call sprint
04:41.15dBsoonerget it
04:41.21dBsooner6 digit code
04:41.21Eguyor you can get it online
04:41.24egaudet#2... "yeah hi what's my msl"... "thanks, bye"
04:41.31jacquesbut but
04:41.34Eguyby "upgrading" phones
04:41.37dBsoonerjacques: you must
04:41.40jacquesthis phone belongs to palm
04:41.58jacqueshow will I explain how I came into possession of it?
04:41.59dBsoonerjacques: Where did you get that?
04:42.11EguyHe obviously stoled it.
04:42.14jacquespalm donated it - it would not activate so we didn't give it away
04:42.16dBsoonerjacques: no wonder it won't activate.. it has to be ACTIVE on an account
04:42.28jacquesthe other three phones they donated activated fine
04:42.28*** join/#webos-internals bbhead91 (~63cb02b0@gateway/web/freenode/x-pumucazmmpzmglyf)
04:42.41dBsoonerregardless.. call sprint
04:42.42jacquesthey are all supposed to have 3 months of service
04:42.43dBsoonerget msl
04:42.56jacquescall sprint on this phone ?
04:43.02egaudetget your SN first
04:43.47Sebastiani have a qeuestion
04:43.58Sebastianmy wifi is not working properly
04:44.00Eguywe don't have an answer
04:44.19dBsoonerSebastian: get a new router
04:44.20SebastianIt turns on and connects and eveything but has a veryyyy veryyy lousy range
04:44.28Sebastianits not the router
04:44.36Sebastianon any wifi spot it won't work
04:44.38halfhaloi agree with lies
04:44.41EguySebastian: You need to put it on the ground.
04:44.42Sebastianlaptops work fine
04:44.45Eguyand then take a car
04:44.45dBsoonerbad phone
04:44.49Eguygo back and forth.
04:44.52rwhitbyphew - back to 1627 apps with a new profile on cdma-pre
04:44.53dBsoonerhold i tby your elbow
04:44.54halfhalobad robot?
04:44.56dBsoonerand hold your arm inthe air
04:45.10*** join/#webos-internals muesli (~muesli@amarok/developer/muesli)
04:45.13dBsoonerrwhitby: you have 1627 apps installed?
04:45.24egaudetrwhitby, WHAT
04:45.27Sebastiando u think sprint will exchange my phone if i take it in for repairs?
04:45.27rwhitbydBsooner: no, 1627 apps available
04:45.33EguydBsooner: He hacked the app catalog to give him free apps.
04:45.52dBsoonerThey pay ME to install them.
04:46.07rwhitbyI have bought a total of 5 apps, and paid $6 per month to Visa Debit Cards for the privilege
04:46.09halfhaloand they pay me to not break into their offices
04:46.21halfhaloI have quite a few apps
04:46.25EguyI think I have bought 5 apps also
04:46.30jacquesI dunno about this. I can see what's going to happen. I call sprint, they ask my name, then screw up my personal account
04:46.32EguyI am unsure
04:46.33halfhalofavorite has to be newsroom though
04:46.35Sebastianwhere do u currently live rwhirby?
04:46.41FuManpowernap, deal alert, glad thats not me, Lets Golf...
04:46.44egaudetjacques, they don't touch anything
04:46.49egaudetthey take your SN and give you your MSL
04:46.51rwhitbySebastian: why am I concerned that you are a stalker ...
04:46.52EguyI like Feeds better than newsroom
04:47.00egaudetnothing done on their end just say "give me my msl"
04:47.07mjkjrha ha ha ha
04:47.10Sebastianoh not its just because u use visa debit cards
04:47.15Sebastianand pay 6 a month
04:47.18egaudetor make sure they know you know what you are talking about and ask for "master subsidy lock"
04:47.23Sebastianwhich imlies u are outside the us
04:47.50EguySebastian: rwhitby is from Mars.
04:47.56MitalisMan I am totally digging this facebook update
04:48.01halfhaloNot venus?
04:48.02oili thought rwhitby was in ohio?
04:48.15Eguyoil: Nah that is Jesus.
04:48.16mjkjrsebastian, you're like a CSI or something, lol.
04:48.19halfhalothey have internet in ohio?
04:48.28Mitalisrofl halfhalo
04:48.49EguyThey have a lot of fat people in Ohio
04:49.08MitalisYou haven't been to Texas have you?
04:49.08Sebastianhow do u guys send messages directed to me?
04:49.10halfhalothey have to hibernate during the winter!
04:49.10rwhitby~google "rwhitby live in"
04:49.11Sebastianwhat is the format?
04:49.14Mitalisyou wanna see fat?  Dear god..
04:49.23infobotACTION cowers away from rwhitby
04:49.31mjkjri think there are a lot of fat people everywhere
04:49.53EguyMitalis: Many times
04:50.06EguyYou are correct. Texas has the fattest cities in the world.
04:50.16EguyBut Ohio has some very large people.
04:50.28EguyJust look at the food in Texas though. Dear God.
04:50.29mjkjrrwhitby, maybe you should take it easy on infobot, lol
04:50.45mjkjr~hug rwhitby
04:50.45infobotACTION hugs rwhitby tightly until rwhitby turns slightly blue
04:50.51infobotaw, gee, rwhitby
04:51.18Eguy~lick halfhalo
04:51.19infobotACTION licks halfhalo *SHLUUURRRRPPP*
04:51.31egaudet~kungfu infobot
04:51.47mjkjri found out infobot knows spanish, told him thank you, he aswered de nada
04:51.49Sebastiandoes anyone here have teh exetnded battery ?
04:51.58infobotI'm female
04:51.59halfhalograbs knife and runs while screaming at Eguy
04:52.12halfhaloSebastian:  Mines shipping out tomorrow
04:52.21EguySebastian: I have the 1350mah battery. It doesn't add any extra life.
04:52.25infobotOld enough, yes please, my place.
04:52.34Sebastianhow much did u guys pay?
04:52.41Sebastiani need anything bigger than the current one
04:52.45Sebastianand a new battery as it is
04:52.55Sebastiani charge my phone at least 3 times  a day hahaha
04:52.59Eguy~lart halfhalo
04:52.59infobotturns halfhalo into a lifesized tux doll
04:53.01*** join/#webos-internals xaiki (
04:53.11halfhalowell then
04:53.20halfhaloI'm a doll apparently
04:53.48oili just charge at night
04:53.57halfhaloI charge twice a day
04:54.13EguyMy pre is always on the Touchstone
04:54.15halfhalobut newsroom, twee, friendsflow, and 5 chat accounts are always open
04:54.16*** join/#webos-internals sepisultrum (
04:54.32Sebastianholy cow  why 5 chat accounts?
04:54.45halfhalo4 gchat
04:54.47halfhalo2 aim
04:54.53halfhaloand a yahoo
04:55.01mjkjrmust have a lot of friends
04:55.03Sebastianbut why 4 diffferent gchat?
04:55.07oiltoo many
04:55.11halfhalotwo for google apps
04:55.13rwhitbyAnyone alpha testing Preware 0.9.29 ?
04:55.14halfhaloone for school
04:55.21halfhaloone regular gmail
04:55.26egaudetwhat's it got
04:55.32Sebastiando u do over the air technical suppport or something?
04:55.34EguyOr he stalks women and they keep blocking his various accounts.
04:55.49halfhaloBut I'm a forum mod for a large forum
04:55.53rwhitbyegaudet: search over descriptions, and lots of good bug fixes
04:55.55*** join/#webos-internals Rocky2 (~421b17b5@gateway/web/freenode/x-evzuyechsyaqsfpa)
04:56.33Sebastianohhhh interesting
04:56.36oiland the next version will have feed addition+deletion :)
04:56.41oilor rather
04:56.44oilthe release of this version
04:56.50Rocky2Does anyone know how to restore the original bookmarks? My browser formatted on me. :(
04:56.52Eguyas long as you don't break it oil
04:56.55dBsoonerI hav ebeen waiting on feed management for months
04:57.01oilknows rwhitby will add it to the service :)
04:57.08egaudetwhat was the "update all app catalog problem"
04:57.29oilit was that they weren't skipped
04:57.33oili think
04:57.40oilwell, i made it ignore them
04:58.21halfhalowhy is it I'm so productive while watching kitchen knightmares?
04:58.29egaudetluna manager in app menu? nice
04:58.38oilit was one scene
04:58.44rwhitbyoh yeah, forgot about that :-)
04:58.58oiland used the ipkgmanager to do the stuff
04:59.01oilso i figured why not
04:59.01FuManid like luna manager in the menu
04:59.08FuManwith the option to disable the prompt
04:59.10oilits in there
04:59.11FuManafter every patch
04:59.14rwhitbyFuMan: your wish is granted
04:59.18FuMan2 parter.
04:59.21rwhitby(except for the option)
04:59.25psykoz hehe, way to go Palm
04:59.35EguyGordon Ramsay is awesome
04:59.36FuManwell, im in for a half and half O_o
04:59.39halfhaloyes he is
04:59.44oilwe could add that option, someone add it to the trac
04:59.54FuManits just a bummer
04:59.57FuManthat there was like a month
05:00.03FuManwhen the "view" prompt was killed
05:00.11FuManbefore the "luna" prompt was introduced
05:00.15psykozI wish I had an IM on/off in the app drop down
05:00.21oilan option for always ask, always skip, always restart
05:00.30psykozI hate having to go into messaging -> buddies -> turn off IM
05:00.50FuMani wish IM could have individual accounts
05:00.55FuManid like to idle gmail, and not aim O)o
05:00.58halfhaloI wish I could tell what accounts were signed in and not
05:01.08FuManmy batter would be even more dogcrap
05:01.12FuManso, probably for the best its not an option
05:01.23EguyIM on the Pre is horrible
05:01.34EguyPalm should have made a separate app
05:01.55FuManbut... but... synergy synergy synergy
05:01.57EguySo that it doesn't suck ;)
05:02.05FuManheh, not having a default f-ing contact number, is suck.
05:02.12Eguyand destroy the battery.
05:02.19oiljust use wirc
05:02.30oilwell, not the one with the handwarmer code
05:02.35Sebastianis wirc out of alpha?
05:02.41oillol, no
05:02.42Sebastianor betha
05:02.43Eguywirc can't do MSN and AIM
05:02.47oilits pretty stable though
05:02.59psykozbut bitlbee can ;)
05:03.02EguyPretty darn stable
05:03.04halfhaloit only crashes ONCE an hour!
05:03.06oilgonna have a new release soonish
05:03.11oilno, itl last all day
05:03.12FuMandidnt hope do wirc also?
05:03.13mjkjri'd say more than stable IMO
05:03.17psykozI'm an irssi+irc+bitlbee guy
05:03.21EguyWhat's wrong with the current release?
05:03.25halfhaloIts only crashed once on me
05:03.28EguyTrillian FTW :D
05:03.39oilnothing is wrong with it
05:03.40FuManor Adium
05:03.41rwhitbyegaudet: So, 0.9.29 works?
05:03.45FuMandepending on the computer O_o
05:03.46EguyAdium is lame
05:03.49oilits the code in git thats got bad code
05:03.52halfhaloOH SNAP
05:04.05EguyToo unstable
05:04.05FuManyou're lame :>
05:04.18FuManreally? i dont think ive had a crash in a year and a half
05:04.19halfhaloTrillian and Adium are tied
05:04.27mjkjrI've never had any issues or crashes with wirc
05:04.27FuManbut, i only use on protocol, sometimes two
05:04.36halfhaloI have many protocols
05:04.45egaudethaven't installed it yet rwhitby adding test feed to dev pre now
05:04.45EguyI use 6 protocols on trillian, never a crash.
05:05.07oildev pre?
05:05.21halfhaloI'm lost
05:05.27halfhalonot a rare occurance though.
05:05.32Eguyegaudet stoled some pre's from palm HQ
05:06.02mjkjrcan't find his phone anywhere, no home phone to call it from lol
05:06.04halfhaloSo THATS why that locked drawer was empty!
05:06.13Sebastianwhats the number
05:06.18Sebastiani am sure somoene here will call :D
05:06.29halfhaloTHATS MY NUMBER
05:06.32EguyYou will have to guess the area code :P
05:06.55Sebastianlies! that is the phone number for the cab company on grand theft auto $!
05:07.16EguyAccidentias? 222-2222
05:07.31EguyAnyone in LA will understand that.
05:07.35*** join/#webos-internals ird_pre (
05:08.06halfhalostupid ads
05:08.12EguyYou from LA halfhalo?
05:08.20halfhaloSan Frenando Valley
05:08.32*** join/#webos-internals mjkjr|wirc (
05:08.32EguyYour kidding.
05:08.35EguyWhat part?
05:08.40halfhaloGranada Hills
05:08.41oileguy is going to stalk you now
05:08.48Eguygets in the car.
05:08.52halfhalowhy is it raining right now...
05:08.52*** join/#webos-internals Sedorox (
05:09.01oilwhat, is there a lion?
05:09.08EguyI know, I wish it would stop raining here already.
05:09.10halfhaloIN YOUT PANTS
05:09.18oilgood thing im not wearing any
05:09.20*** part/#webos-internals ird_pre (
05:09.20halfhalothat works for both oil and eguy
05:09.24EguyGrenada Hills is a nice area.
05:09.26oilthat could have been dangerous
05:09.27mjkjr|wircis holding his phone now
05:09.38halfhalowhere are you?
05:09.40*** join/#webos-internals RagingMind (
05:09.41*** join/#webos-internals geist (
05:09.45Eguyis holding his oh I can't say that in here
05:10.00EguyI'm in downtown
05:10.14halfhalodowntown LA?
05:10.27*** join/#webos-internals ameng (~fm@
05:10.29mjkjri've always wanted to go to CA
05:10.38EguyI hate this freaking rain.
05:10.41RagingMindI'm always in downtown... but that's cause I live there
05:10.48RagingMindslightly different downtown though
05:10.54EguyEast LA?
05:11.33RagingMindI may have understated the amount of difference there
05:12.30egaudetmy preware is still at the splashscreen
05:13.18mjkjrthat dang preware
05:13.28mjkjr...or that dang pre?
05:13.30EguyPreware is the worst program for webOS.
05:13.47RagingMindI was gonna buy a prē and then bills came :(
05:13.49halfhaloI KNOW
05:13.53EguyWho ever made that piece of oh... forgot which room I was in.
05:14.04oilgets +o to ban eguy
05:14.21halfhalowants -o. Or a cookie.
05:14.24RagingMindirc cage fight to the death?
05:14.31Eguy+b oil
05:14.34oileguy would lose
05:14.38halfhaloI call broadcasting rights!
05:14.39RagingMindor death of internet connection? :)
05:14.46EguyI would lose because oil is so slippery.
05:14.58oilwould get halfhalo to cut eguys wires
05:15.03RagingMindEguy, fight oil with fire?
05:15.11Eguywould light a math.
05:15.14halfhalowould do that
05:15.32mjkjrcan't fix those
05:15.42oilwould run in fear of the maths
05:15.45mjkjrwhy is everyone so mean to infobot
05:16.00Eguyinfobot cheated on all of us.
05:16.04infobotaw, gee, mjkjr
05:16.21EguyShe's a self-loathing whore.
05:16.21mjkjri saw infobot left a couple times today
05:16.34mjkjrinfbot: why would you leave us?
05:16.36oilpeople were trying to lart people who werent here
05:16.47Eguy~oil's brother
05:16.48oilmousey killed him that way
05:16.51mjkjroh yeah..
05:16.58oili dont have a brother
05:17.03Eguy~lart oil's brother
05:17.03infobotcalls oil's brother on the phone ... the lights are on but nobody's home
05:17.41EguyProof google is evil:
05:18.04mjkjrholy crap
05:18.16mjkjrnot what i was expecting
05:18.39oilthat deer was askin for it
05:18.49oilhe wanted to be on camera, and got too excited and tripped
05:18.56oilnot like he got hit or anything
05:18.58EguyHe wasn't ready for his closeup....
05:19.05RagingMindjust a fawn...
05:19.19EguyAchievement Unlocked: Dead fawn
05:19.27*** join/#webos-internals FuMan (
05:19.40mjkjrmaybe it was taking a nap?
05:20.19oilthey threw treats on the ground
05:20.22oiland its trying to get to them
05:20.26egaudetpreware works for me
05:20.33oilofcourse it does
05:20.40oildid you turn on description searching?
05:20.51oilhow is it on search speed?
05:21.01Eguy3 dots still there?
05:21.35oilwherever they came from anyways
05:23.05SebastianI think i just did something stupid. . . . . or the pre is doing something stupid. I paused all downloads  and jsut resumed them all at the same time and they all finished downloading but they are taking long to install
05:23.16Sebastiancould it be they are all being installed at the same time?
05:23.43EguyYou just broke your pre
05:24.06*** join/#webos-internals xaiki (
05:24.15egaudeti don't know what's going on here
05:24.41Sebastiandoes anyone read japanese?
05:24.43egaudetmy list of apps just changed to the 2nd line only no more app names
05:24.48*** join/#webos-internals nekrox_ (~nekro@unaffiliated/nekrox)
05:25.05egaudetall the app names disappeared in my sarch
05:25.13oilthat makes no sense
05:25.34halfhaloypu make no sense
05:25.45*** join/#webos-internals alkos333 (
05:26.00egaudeti'm guessing when matching a description it doesn't show app name
05:26.09oilit should
05:26.18oilthere is no change to the display code
05:26.25egaudetok type in key
05:26.30egaudetall the apps come up
05:26.43egaudettap an app, then go back, no more app names
05:26.45rwhitbySebastian: it sets up the Alt key to type in Kanji
05:26.47egaudetjust line 2 (version/maintainer)
05:27.14egaudetand then I can't use keyboard to type unless I re-highlight the top search bar
05:27.18oilwhat did you search for?
05:27.36Sebastianrwhitby so which one do i install?? do u know japanese too?
05:28.11egaudetthen tapped the top found app block breaker lite
05:28.15egaudetand then back gesture
05:28.20egaudetthen 2 seconds and the app names disappear
05:28.37oilcatalog feed?
05:28.51rwhitbySebastian: basically chose USA or EFIGS
05:29.07egaudetwhat are you asking
05:29.13oildo you have that feed on
05:29.24egaudetoh i have all feeds except themes on
05:29.36egaudetand then my device went to sleep I awoke it and the names are back
05:30.20Sebastianrwhitby:  i am confused. what do u mean?
05:30.53psykozSo what do you guys think of Blackberry's Pre? :)
05:30.59rwhitbySebastian: you're asking about wget, right?
05:31.30Eguypsykoz: It looks....... too java integrated YEEEEEEEEEEAHHHHHHHHHHHHH
05:31.56Sebastiani want to download this
05:32.08Sebastianis there a way to put the url of the ipk on preware?
05:32.59oilegaudet: i can't reproduce it :/
05:33.19*** join/#webos-internals roxfan (
05:34.36egaudetall feeds on except prethemer and precentral-themes including test feed
05:34.37*** join/#webos-internals Adora (
05:34.49oilyeah, i did that
05:34.54egaudetgo to available packages -> all
05:35.03egaudettype key
05:35.13egaudetgo to block breaker lite
05:35.14egaudetback gesture
05:35.16egaudetwait 2 seconds
05:37.17oilno, nothin
05:38.06*** join/#webos-internals xaiki (
05:38.33egaudetwell you're just lyin
05:38.39rwhitby <- "Proceed third-party apps (preware Do you want me)"
05:38.39oilim not
05:38.44oilcan anyone else reproduce this?
05:39.25EguyI'm a male so no.
05:39.29rwhitbyegaudet: yep, it took out any titles which didn't match the search.
05:39.29*** join/#webos-internals AgentSmith (
05:40.17egaudetthat doesn't make sense
05:40.29egaudetit's A) counterintuitive and B) doesn't happen until I navigate away and back
05:40.42egaudetand oil can't reproduce it
05:40.49oilrwhitby: like this:
05:41.24rwhitbyoil: yep.
05:41.49rwhitbyrepeated it with 'h' and FlashCards Lite and the same thing happens - all titles without a 'h' disappear
05:42.35oilso, available packages->applications->all?
05:43.08rwhitbyoil: yep
05:43.29rwhitbyI just did top->Available Applications->All
05:43.53rwhitbyyep, very repeatable
05:44.39oilwell lets see if i can get it to happen in the emulator
05:44.48egaudetwhat is top-> ?
05:45.46egaudetthe icons seem to "refresh"
05:45.53egaudetand that's when all the name filtering happens
05:47.20rwhitbyegaudet: I have show available types set to yes
05:51.45*** part/#webos-internals AgentSmith (
06:01.30oilthat url was massive
06:04.05sslowdBsooner, ping
06:04.45sslowdBsooner, problem w/ sprintnav patches....only garbage found
06:05.45sslowthey work fine from the originals that i submitted
06:05.53sslowbut not in preware
06:07.04sslowdBsooner, ideas?
06:07.36rwhitbysslow: do you generate the patches on windows or a real OS ?
06:08.03sslowdBsooner,  win7 fake os. lol
06:08.19rwhitbymy first guess is line endings
06:08.22sslowdBsooner,  all of mine on win 7
06:08.39Eguyrwhitby: an OS is a just a means to an end.
06:09.14TmanEguy: well spoken :)
06:09.20Tmanthough I am a linux guy myself..
06:09.25rwhitbyEguy: exactly, so in this case you need to use an OS that can accomplish the end goal
06:09.50rwhitbyIf your end goal is to play Halo 3, use Windows.
06:10.02sslowrwhitby,  all of my others work fine....why these?
06:10.08EguyYou can't play Halo 3 on Windows.
06:10.21rwhitbythere you go, it's not even good enough for that!
06:10.37halfhalospeaking of os's and games, who here has seen the new vavle apple commercials?
06:10.45EguyYou can view the weather through Windows.
06:10.58halfhaloand viruses!
06:11.12rwhitbyhmm - there really is no way to remove the package manager service using Preware, is there ...
06:11.14halfhalo*typed on a windows computer^
06:12.22rwhitbyand you don't see ipkgservice as an icon, nor in device info
06:13.33rwhitbyfindapps sees it, but can't delete it
06:13.44sslowrwhitby, dBsooner just tried w/ wosqi 3.02 and installed fie!
06:13.58dBsooneri'll look later
06:14.08sslowdBsooner,  k thanks
06:15.03rwhitbyDoes ClockSync install properly for anyone else (app catalog) ?
06:18.25*** join/#webos-internals Ingenium13 (
06:19.19*** join/#webos-internals dug1 (
06:19.57rwhitbyhmm - something weird is going on
06:21.04mjkjr|wircpreware 0.9.29 ?  it's like christmas every time I open preware
06:22.33FuMangaming on webOS could be 100 times better
06:22.38FuManif they fixed that minimum drag distance
06:22.40FuManthat is going on
06:23.19halfhaloI wish they let the kb be used as controls
06:23.33FuManthat wouldnt really be optimal either
06:23.44oilkeyboard = horrible for directional controls
06:23.51FuManthe rejection of minimal movements is horrid
06:27.06dBsoonersslow: submit your patches again
06:27.21*** join/#webos-internals tt (~4c6191db@gateway/web/freenode/x-awiwmfpjthvlfpsg)
06:27.24rwhitbyexcellent, the ipkg downloaded by the app catalog doesn't match that in the palm xml feeds
06:27.26dBsoonersslow: nm
06:27.52rwhitbymjkjr|wirc: what
06:27.58sslowdBsooner, what was it
06:28.22rwhitbymjkjr|wirc: is the md5sum in /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/lib/ipkg/info/*clocksync*.control ?
06:28.49Guest16904does anybody kno how to fix the ipkg error
06:31.05rwhitbydepends which one
06:31.10dBsoonerman I just love P| this time of night
06:31.27Eguyn00bs come out in force?
06:31.29sslowdBsooner, no shit......
06:31.45Guest16904palm pree
06:31.50dBsoonerits slower than dirt
06:31.58dBsoonerand doesn't work at all
06:32.12sslowdBsooner,  every friggin night at this time
06:32.16dBsooner504 Gateway Time-out
06:32.27dBsooneryep.. they should really work on a better backup solution
06:32.27rwhitbyyep, md5sum mismatch causes app catalog to not install something
06:32.39sslowdBsooner, notice its just the forum though
06:33.52dBsooneryeah, I know.
06:34.28sslowdBsooner,   the fault or no?
06:35.01sslowdBsooner,  coll thanks
06:40.41katzmy icons have all vanished from launcher pages after installing new patches and doing a luna reboot. How do I retrieve them, please.....
06:42.37katzcan anyone help
06:42.41NrbelexdBsooner: Any luck?
06:43.56dBsoonerNrbelex: not yet
06:44.19NrbelexdBsooner: Lemme know when you get there
09:09.41*** join/#webos-internals infobot (
09:09.41*** topic/#webos-internals is Discussion about webOS internals (not webOS SDK usage - #webos for that, or wIRC - #wirc for that). Honor all licenses, carrier agreements and copyrights when speaking here. Twitter: @webosinternals Logs: Wiki: Pastebin: Preware: Patches:
09:09.42*** mode/#webos-internals [+v infobot] by ChanServ
09:13.50cxregUnable to set 640x480 video mode: SDL_HWSURFACE and/or SDL_DOUBLEBUF not supported
09:14.08cxregwhat's the actual resolution of the pre's display?
09:21.00cxregi got missile command working
09:21.19cxregfrom here:
09:21.35cxregthough it's kind of ugly looking, needs tweaking
09:36.20iSmiteim getting an error on preware patches is that normal
09:37.10*** join/#webos-internals nina_ (
09:37.33iSmiteres is 320x480
09:38.05nina_Hello, I'm having trouble with meta-doctor, is this the appropriate place to ask for help?
09:38.14iSmitescratch the patch error seems rto be working now
09:38.38iSmitenina_ yeah it is but i think all the devs are asleep
09:40.16nina_I'm at the last step, make, carrier, unpack, pathc pack... and I'm getting an error
09:40.32iSmiteyou got further than me :)
09:41.33nina_Please download the correct doctor .jar and then move it to downloads/filename.jar , but I've already done that. Maybe it's a file permissions thing?
09:42.27iSmiteif you can wait for someone like egaudet or destinal or dbsooner one of them will know
09:42.46*** join/#webos-internals AZero_ (
09:43.31nina_Not sure where to go from here. I'm on Win32XPProSP3 compiling with Ubuntu 9.10 using Virtualbox 3.1.4 just FYI
09:43.32iSmitei cant even get as far as you i don't understand it at all, been trying to do it for weeks now lol
09:43.51nina_iSmite: on Win32?
09:43.58iSmitewhat are you trying to do get sprint on gsm, thats what i wanted
09:44.01iSmiteno im on snow leo
09:44.17nina_can't help on OSX, sorry.
09:44.32iSmiteits not the instructions, its my virtualbox
09:44.53iSmiterunning ubuntu but it keeps saying i only have 1.3 gb on the disk even when i set it to 20gb
09:45.23iSmitedo you know how to change the size of the virtual disk cos mine wont lol
09:46.16nina_Just delete the  VM and make a new one. That's what I did when Ububtu refused to install on a 4GB VirtualDisk.
09:46.33iSmitei did that, i got the same error it would only set to 1.3 gb
09:47.08iSmiteubuntu installed, but when i was unpacking the files to the doctor it said not enough room
09:47.47*** join/#webos-internals Darkmagister (
09:49.36iSmiteah well im gonna go and fix this theme anyway, hang around and someone will b able to help you
09:50.46*** part/#webos-internals mjkjr|wirc (
09:52.51*** join/#webos-internals jeffgus (~jeffgus@2002:ad33:b504::1)
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10:03.33Darkmagisterhi ... i had update webos to 1.4
10:04.08Darkmagisternow terminal plugin make luna crash
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10:10.31woody_hey all
10:11.06woody_im in desperate need of help
10:11.31woody_with my git commands not workin on my terminal
10:12.12woody_i guess everyone is sleep lol
10:12.18*** join/#webos-internals roxfan (
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11:16.00Darkmagisternobody waked up ?
11:23.37Shura0nobody knows
11:28.55*** join/#webos-internals entity- (
11:40.37rwhitbyDarkmagister: hi
11:41.40Darkmagisteri have a problem .... with terminal
11:41.46Darkmagisterplugin on webos
11:43.27*** join/#webos-internals mjkjr|wirc (
11:44.19Darkmagisterit make luna crash with new 1.4 webos
11:44.45Darkmagisterrwhitby: can you help me ? :D
11:49.19Darkmagister how can help with this ? i'm not unndertand very well :D
12:04.20Darkmagisterok maybe later
12:05.47Shura0Darkmagister, I have problems with terminal too
12:06.26Darkmagistermmm woow it is reassuring
12:07.58Darkmagisteri hope someone can fix this problem
12:10.13*** join/#webos-internals en0x (en0x@forgottenlabs/admin/en0x)
12:11.59Darkmagistera question to all ... why this (preware) project don't have a mailing list ? i think is realy usefull have a mailing list to organize all .. :D
12:13.15DarkmagisterI think it is more convenient for these things
12:23.29*** join/#webos-internals mjkjr|wirc (
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12:27.36rwhitbyDarkmagister: there is a webos-internals mailing list
12:30.26*** join/#webos-internals cryptk (
12:34.01Darkmagisterrwhitby: really ?????????
12:34.30rwhitbyyeah, no-one uses it, but it exists.
12:35.36Darkmagisterwhere i can found it ? i want to use it :D
12:35.49Darkmagister this ?
12:36.09*** join/#webos-internals morphis (
12:36.50rwhitbyremove the -announce
12:39.10Darkmagistermmm is full of spam ..
12:40.59rwhitbythat's one problem with public mailing lists
12:41.12en0xcan't u moderate it?
12:42.03rwhitbywell, someone else can if they like
12:53.45*** join/#webos-internals z33ma (~59696872@gateway/web/freenode/x-imsjkixjfyekcmud)
12:53.53z33mahi everyone
12:54.18z33magot a lil probelme with my pre i was wondering if i could get some help?
12:55.54en0xwhat's the problem?
12:55.58z33mai dont think its bricked, but i am unable to get past 58% on webos doctor,
12:56.08z33macomes with the error cant reset device
12:56.31morphisz33ma: do take a look in the command line output of the webos doctor?
12:56.37morphiss/do/do you/
12:56.54z33mabut it will still boot, but comes up with a Phone Error,  "your phone is experiencing an error that cannot be resoloved
12:57.20z33mai can run that now, will conect via novaterm to see the output right?
12:57.44morphisjust run the webos doctor from a console window
12:57.54morphisthen you get all the logging output from it
12:57.58z33maahh, ok
12:58.02z33matrying that now
12:58.09morphiswill help you to find the command that fails in the process
12:58.39z33mayesh just wondering what the command would be
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13:07.39z33majust sorting out the java enviroment variable on my system
13:12.35z33maok running webosdoctor in terminal
13:12.41z33maso can see the logs
13:13.16*** join/#webos-internals muchtall (
13:16.55z33mawebos doctor is on 46 %
13:21.30z33maok got the error
13:21.32z33maINFO: exiting handleFailCase() err -1 "Error Updating Modem PRI/PRL!!!
13:24.19z33maUMTS Msh: /sbin/start: not found?
13:24.39*** join/#webos-internals jcrawford (~jcrawford@unaffiliated/idle0ne)
13:25.06z33mafailed to update pri/prl is the last error i can see onit
13:27.28z33mahope there is a fix for  this
13:30.25*** join/#webos-internals Sedorox (brandon@smartserv/cna/Sedorox)
13:33.07morphisz33ma: I had the same error
13:33.27morphisz33ma: I solved it
13:33.35morphisbut be carefull
13:33.52morphisyou have to reflash the modem firmware!
13:33.59morphisthat can brick your device!
13:34.55rwhitbyI'd try rebooting, pulling the battery, and trying the doctor again, repeating all that a couple of times before going to more drastic measures.
13:35.20morphisz33ma: /usr/bin/PmModemUpdate < /usr/lib/modem/castleumtsfw.tar
13:35.28morphisz33ma: that will reflash the modem firmware
13:35.29hucksyrwhitby: your name in it ;)
13:35.44morphisz33ma: after that you can run webos doctor again and it will complete
13:36.06morphisz33ma: but don't blame me if your device is bricked afterwards!
13:38.06rwhitbyhucksy: at least that article got it right
13:38.53rwhitbyand linked to the right post.
13:40.42rwhitbyPreware 0.9.30 now in the testing feed - Now chooses the correct information to display for packages in multiple feeds.
13:41.34hucksyrwhitby: still some mistakes in the german preware version, where can i find the patch file with all the translations?
13:44.10rwhitbyand you can find the names and email addresses of the current translators in the commit log
13:44.10z33mamorphis: will try that
13:44.27morphisz33ma: ok
13:44.30z33manothing much i can do with it anyway so every little will hlep
13:44.33morphistell me when it helps
13:44.44hucksyok, thanks
13:44.45z33matried webdoctor loads of times but still didnt do much
13:45.16z33mamorphis: do i do it now,or do i reboot then connect via novacom and run the modem flash
13:45.33z33macos right now its on the failed dia box
13:45.45morphisz33ma: I did it after webos doctor failed
13:45.51morphisjust run novaterm right after it
13:45.57z33maok will do i tnow
13:46.02morphisthen you get into the installer initramfs
13:46.20morphisthere should be even the latest firmware available
13:46.44z33maok connected via novaterm
13:47.09*** join/#webos-internals quotemstr (
13:48.16z33mado i copy the castlefw.tar from the webosdoctor jar file
13:52.45z33magot my castleumtsfw.tar in my /tmp folder atm
13:52.51quotemstrIs it normal for the Preware to display a bunch of 404 errors when starting up?
13:58.58*** join/#webos-internals mikewx (
14:05.26*** join/#webos-internals birdie0267 (~60fd6b6b@gateway/web/freenode/x-pajvrgssohmbwbjo)
14:05.54en0xquotemstr, hmm depends... while updating feeds?
14:06.26birdie0267please help, had troubles with pre since 1.4 update and when trying to download an app last night it locked up and will not unfreeze, help
14:06.27quotemstrYes, from wget.
14:07.10en0xquotemstr, maybe ur feeds are outdated?
14:07.24quotemstrI just downloaded the thing and installed it via the bootstrapping shell script.
14:08.12quotemstrIt's complaining that isn't found.
14:08.20quotemstr(Which it isn't.)
14:09.06en0xlooks like u have old preware
14:09.21*** join/#webos-internals timofalltrades (~tim@
14:09.41en0xespecially the service it should update u to the latest feeds
14:10.04quotemstrThen the bootstrapping script should be updated. :-)
14:10.14timofalltradeshello folks - I saw something ugly this morning: / is at 100%.  I also saw something else in the webos-patches.log
14:10.16timofalltradesActually applying the patch!
14:10.16timofalltradespatching file usr/palm/applications/
14:10.16timofalltradespatching file usr/palm/applications/
14:10.17timofalltradespatching file usr/palm/applications/
14:10.32en0xquotemstr, ;d
14:11.12timofalltrades(hmm - there should be a line showing that space ran out: /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/bin/patch: **** write error : No space left on device )
14:11.23timofalltradesthat occurs right before SUCCESS
14:11.32timofalltradesof course, now I can't remove that patch....
14:11.42z33mamorphis: flashed the modem sucessfully,
14:11.55z33mamorphis: running the webosdoctor again
14:12.43*** part/#webos-internals birdie0267 (~60fd6b6b@gateway/web/freenode/x-pajvrgssohmbwbjo)
14:12.56timofalltradesanyone have hints for for forcing a patch to reverse itself when it erroneously thinks it made changes it didn't?
14:14.16quotemstrpatch -R?
14:14.19timofalltradesI'm guessing that ipkg and a flag (-R?  -n?) will force a removal
14:14.28quotemstrAlso, consider -b next time.
14:15.15timofalltradesI was running the install via preware, so I didn't have that kind of control
14:15.27timofalltrades(I'm thinking that's something preware needs to check for)
14:16.18timofalltradesso - this'll sound dumb, but while I know my way around linux ok, I'm not positive how to manually run patch on an ipk...  I don't suppose you'd be willing to point me in the right direction?
14:18.55timofalltradesit looks like at least the patch file is at /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/palm/applications/
14:21.37timofalltradeshmm.  ok - how about this: if I wanted to talk to the Preware devs and let them know they have a bug, this'd be the right place, yes?
14:21.42*** join/#webos-internals morphis (
14:22.09en0xopen a bug
14:23.11timofalltradesah - ok, thank you!
14:23.37timofalltradesis there a link to how to manually reverse patches anywhere as well?
14:24.26en0xidk search on
14:26.35*** join/#webos-internals RagingMind (
14:29.06busted-premy phone is still showing tweaks when none are installed? any idea on how to fix this?
14:29.56z33maflashed the modem, still having PRI/PRL errors
14:32.33*** join/#webos-internals jrmuizel (
14:36.01timofalltradesen0x: to open a bug requires creating a gitorious account first, or is it a different account that its needing here?
14:48.32*** join/#webos-internals alkos333 (
14:48.35busted-prebah.. if anyone could help me out .. it would be amazing. been at it for 2 days with no results
14:53.03mjkjr|wircbusted-pre: backup data, full erase, then doctor the phone. best and easiest way to fix any issues imo
14:53.45timofalltradesah: its the "backup data" part of that that sounds so innocent but so isn't...
14:55.08busted-prelol... is there a way i can save my chat histroy and restore it back to my phone after doctor?  if so ill take that route if not.. id like to figure something else out
14:55.46egaudettimofalltrades, running out of space on / sounds fishy, make sure you dont' have the cryptofs bug
14:56.07quotemstrThe cryptofs bug?
14:56.23timofalltradesright - the cryptofs bug?
14:56.51egaudetsome people have gotten into a situation where cryptofs wasn't being mounted so all the apps and packages are using /
14:56.52timofalltradesbuster-pre: make a backup of your PalmDatabase.db3 file
14:57.11timofalltradeshow would I know if that was the deal, and how would I correct?
14:57.14egaudetgrep cryptofs /proc/mounts
14:58.23timofalltradescryptofs /media/cryptofs fuse.cryptofs rw,nosuid,nodev,user_id=0,group_id=0 0 0
14:58.59egaudetk you are fine
14:59.00timofalltradesdf -k says:
14:59.01timofalltradesFilesystem           1k-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
14:59.01timofalltradesrootfs                  452296    448444      3852  99% /
14:59.05timofalltradesso fine...ish
14:59.36egaudetyeah.  mine's only at 91%  you got a lot of patches?
14:59.59timofalltradesnot really - most of them are placeholders at this point, no?
15:00.11timofalltradeshang on a sec, there's a file with the list in /media/internal, right?
15:00.25mjkjr|wircbusted-pre: sorry, I don't know much about backing up chat history, having a working phone is more important to me =)
15:00.37quotemstrI love having a phone that can run ntp.
15:01.20egaudetthere's only like 30 left to be ported
15:01.42timofalltradesbusted: see the thread at
15:01.51egaudettimofalltrades, you can always doctor and then run ESE
15:02.02*** join/#webos-internals Z33ma (~59696872@gateway/web/freenode/x-uiejrqmvsvpumppf)
15:02.23timofalltrades'll lose me any program settings, etc that aren't backed up by Palm tho, no?
15:02.39timofalltradesdoctors always make me nervous.  ;)
15:03.36egaudetit doesn't touch /media/internal anymore, I'm not sure if it wipes any of the databases like for text messages and whatnot
15:03.38timofalltradesegaudet: I have 32 patches listed in my .webosinternals.patches.packages
15:03.41Z33malol i have visited the doctor 100+ times since last sat when 1.4 killed my pre
15:03.57egaudetZ33ma, that is a lot :P
15:04.22timofalltradesZ33ma: you must have been killing a lot of time somehow since sat then!
15:04.29egaudettimofalltrades, did you say the no space left on device message is or is not in webos-patches.log
15:04.38timofalltradesit is in webos-patches.log
15:04.58timofalltradesI was just about to paste the log into the preware thread on precentral
15:05.07Z33maegaudet: prob not that much
15:05.15Z33mabut quiet a bit
15:05.19egaudetI gotta head to work, bbl
15:05.25Z33mai found out i have PRI/PRl error
15:05.28*** join/#webos-internals lichthis922 (~18f37b1b@gateway/web/freenode/x-bmuaemvamgjuwsqv)
15:05.42Z33maflashed the modem again
15:05.51Z33mabut still webosdoctor not completeing
15:06.13en0xidk i never had this problem
15:06.16timofalltradesok - posted:
15:06.18en0xchat with palm
15:07.11Z33mayeah think i may have too
15:08.13quotemstrIs there a good on-device text editor?
15:08.28quotemstrI mean, I'd love Emacs, but I'll settle. :-)
15:08.46en0xemacs has more complitated combos than mortal combat
15:09.07quotemstren0x: And over the past ten years, I've learned about half of them. :-)
15:09.48Z33maright down right a <- sub zero wins fatality
15:10.00en0xquotemstr, hehehe
15:10.11en0xvim FTW!
15:10.34timofalltradesooh - one of my favorite emacs jokes:
15:10.42timofalltradesReal Programmers...
15:10.53quotemstrtimofalltrades: Emacs actually has that command.
15:11.09busted-pre<mjkjr|wirc>  i understand that but im deaf so chat is all i have
15:11.28timofalltradesemacs would be a bit hard to use on the pre keyboard without needing to have your thumbs operated on
15:11.42morphisZ33ma: reflashing the mode did not help?
15:11.53Z33mamorphis: flashing was sucessful
15:12.09Z33mabut when i webosdoctor it still came with the same error
15:12.13morphisbut webos-doctor sill complaing?
15:12.25morphiswhich verson of the webosdoctor do you use?
15:12.46Z33mauk version
15:13.04Z33matried as well
15:13.52quotemstrWhat happened to terminal!?
15:14.00quotemstrI updated it, and now it doesn't ask me to log in anymore.
15:14.03en0xi thought that uk got 1.4
15:14.15mjkjr|wirc1.4 happened to terminal
15:14.26quotemstrHuh? I was just using the old terminal.
15:14.35quotemstrLogin and all.
15:14.55quotemstrI updated it using the preware installer, and now it doesn't ask me to log in.
15:14.56timofalltradesquotemstr: terminus works now
15:15.20timofalltradesall - trying to uninstall a patch manually and failing miserably
15:15.24quotemstrOn the other hand, I can type '<'.
15:15.27timofalltradesquilt thinks no patches are applied
15:15.33quotemstrThat helps.
15:15.58timofalltradesat least according to the webpage instructions I've done so far
15:16.43timofalltradesI know the patch file lives at /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/palm/applications/
15:16.57timofalltradescan someone just give me the silly command I'm missing to force that to uninstall?
15:18.02timofalltrades(The applying patches page still says you need to uninstall all patches before an ota update, so I'm thinking the page needs updating...)
15:18.05*** join/#webos-internals Kyusaku (~natsumeky@
15:18.58*** join/#webos-internals Kyutop (
15:20.09*** join/#webos-internals woody_ (~633bebf4@gateway/web/freenode/x-szvmhuoppzwjjdaw)
15:20.20woody_hello all
15:20.43Z33mauk got 1.4 but my pre did everything but make calls, 3g worked too
15:20.55Z33maso tried to downgrade
15:22.05Z33maand well whole bunch of stuff  and not its almost poked..
15:22.39woody_i cant getthe sudo apt-get install git-core to work any suggestions
15:24.20busted-preanyone know how i can back up chat history??  im deaf so this to me is like you making a phone call and losing your phone #s??
15:25.31quotemstrOh god.
15:25.35quotemstrvi looks horrible under term.
15:25.39quotemstrswitches to ed.
15:25.48quotemstr(It is, after all, the standard editor.)
15:26.00woody_yeah clich where it sayslogs
15:26.31woody_up top
15:26.49busted-preup top where
15:27.04woody_to the right its a link
15:27.58busted-preo.. no i ment my history in my phone.. cause i have to doctor it
15:28.33woody_idk bout dat
15:28.36Kyutopbusted-pre is talking about messaging app history not this chat's history
15:28.51woody_oh ok
15:29.15busted-preyes Kyutop, but thank you anyways woody_ Kyutop.. can you help?
15:29.16woody_cant you fwd it 2 your email
15:30.01Kyutopsomething like that?
15:30.04woody_i need some help useing this meta dr
15:30.17busted-preyes but i have not rooted* my phone?
15:30.27*** join/#webos-internals BrianSF (~4c0e476d@gateway/web/freenode/x-fyuryjixywbvtamz)
15:30.52Kyutopyou could probably use Terminus and copy the file to the /media/internal part of the Pre
15:31.02Kyutopvia linux commands
15:31.08BrianSFhi, I installed preware on my Pre (OS1.4), and it never showed up in the launcher after install. Anybody have any ideas?
15:31.29busted-prelinux command? lol...
15:32.20Kyutopwebos-internals lives for linux commands =)
15:32.25busted-presince i know not that. im not in a good position correct?
15:33.11busted-prein webosQI  i saw a linux commandline?
15:33.20timofalltradesbusted - see the link I pasted in above.  loads of info on how to back things up
15:33.20woody_yeah i tryed but git commands dont work on my terminal
15:33.21Kyutopwoody_: what problems are you having with metadoctor
15:33.36timofalltradeswell... yeah
15:34.15busted-preim on 3 different sites trying to read and not sure exactly what im reading
15:34.18timofalltradesin theory someone could write a tool to dump all your chat logs and then reinsert them to a new pre's PalmDatabase, but noone's done that yet
15:34.30woody_when i put in "sudo apt-get install git-core" it say command no found
15:34.48Kyutopwhat are you using to make the meta doctor?
15:35.08woody_mac terminal
15:35.16Kyutopah mac
15:35.22busted-prethat woould be nice
15:35.41cxreghm, i was just running top while luna crashed
15:35.53cxregload was at about 15
15:36.16cxregbut memory usage was normal
15:36.35Lumiereload average has nothing to do with memory usage
15:36.51woody_all the other step work accept for a few commands
15:36.52cxregi didnt say it did :p
15:37.00busted-prei saw were ppl used web doctor to put there phones back to old version of webos and fix some problems.. will that erase everything as well?
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15:38.12Kyutopwoody_: you have to wait for someone who knows Macs, I can only assist with MetaDoctor built in Linux and Windows
15:38.40Kyutopwoody_: does git clone work?
15:38.59Kyutopwoody_: what commands don't work
15:39.01woody_no way
15:39.56woody_i can see it but it syas that command cannot be found
15:40.42Kyutophmmm I have no idea what MacPorts does. I'm not sure who wrote those instructions either.
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15:42.58woody_whats the best way to do it on the pc
15:43.09Kyutopon Windows?
15:43.20KyutopCygwin is pretty easy
15:43.41KyutopI expanded the Cygwin instructions actually
15:44.09woody_im gonna go and try it on my pc
15:44.22woody_i think i downloaded all the things i need
15:47.44woody_i knew i should have stuck with a pc
15:48.30en0xwoody_, for mac  u need to use ports
15:48.50en0xwoody_, and don't forget to download xcode
15:48.56woody_i instaled it but the commands wont work
15:49.07woody_i have xcode
15:49.15en0xsudo su -
15:49.26en0xcd /opt/.../bin/port install git
15:49.35en0xi don't remember the right paths right now
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15:50.53Kyutopback in 10
15:52.12woody_its confuseing but i dont know whats happening with 2 3 4 step dont work for me
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15:58.33woody_how do i install mac ports
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15:59.44woody_idk im trying both ways
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16:11.27Cranimesaois there a way I can use wirc or pound irc for
16:12.20en0xi dont see why not
16:12.56en0xwirc should work just fine
16:13.23Cranimesaook, it kept giving me an error message, maybe its just me
16:13.31Cranimesaoi will try again in a moment
16:13.32Kyusakujust make sure you have wircd installed
16:13.44CranimesaoI dont think I have that
16:13.56Kyusakuyou need it to make it work
16:14.03Kyusakufor any server
16:14.37Cranimesaowould that be in the feed list for preware?
16:14.51en0xwirc should install it as dependency
16:15.09Cranimesaohow can I check?
16:15.17Kyusakuwell list everything
16:15.22en0xif wirc is not complaining about "wircd is not running" then u good
16:15.23Kyusakuand type wirc
16:15.59Cranimesaoit just shows me wirc, I am installing now. I will resetup and if it gives me an error I will link it
16:17.47Cranimesaoyeah it says us.ryanhope.wircd is not running
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16:20.57cxreg-wircit's in preware under services
16:21.34CranimesaoI see it, it is installed
16:22.34woody_i cant gert git clone git:// to work
16:23.20Kyusakuwoody_:  on mac?
16:23.46KyusakuCranimesao: did you just installl it and did it ask for Java Restart?
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16:24.05woody_im useing both hich ever u know better mac or pc
16:24.20woody_i have my mac open but it still doesnt work
16:24.29Kyusakuwhat does git clone say in cygwin
16:25.03woody_destination path
16:25.31woody_already exists and is not an empty directory
16:26.35Kyusakudid you do git clone twice?
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16:27.14Kyusakubecause the directory shouldn't exist after a fresh install of cygwin
16:27.19Kyusakuunless you tried before
16:27.20CranimesaoI never seen anything about a Java restart
16:27.23Kyusakuand failed and gave up
16:27.28woody_i think i did
16:27.38KyusakuCranimesao: you need to do one if you can
16:27.40saikshas anyone noticed that rescaning luna using preware does not stop rescan?
16:28.08woody_im gonna continue the steps and say the next problem
16:28.37Kyusakuwhen was the last time you tried?
16:29.37Kyusakuoh ok
16:29.43Kyusakuthen continue
16:30.10Kyusakuthought maybe the git you cloned was an older one
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16:31.08CranimesaoHow do I do a Java restart on the Pre?. I have restarted the phone multiple times.
16:31.15woody_gedit makefile
16:31.34KyusakuCranimesao: if you have no patches for special restart menus you will have you do a full restart
16:31.52woody_bash gedit command not found
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16:32.02Kyusakuwoody_: read the note
16:32.02birdie0267please help...i have manually reset my Pre numerous times and it keeps looping and keep getting the "Memory critical, too many cards" error, however, I don't have any cards open...all locked up and can't get third party apps removed....suggestions, please...
16:32.04saiksupdate to the new version of preware it has that ability now in d menu
16:32.07CranimesaoI will try now
16:32.13Kyusakuwoody_: gedit doesn't work in cygwin
16:32.27Kyusakuwoody_: I made a mention and a note for that part
16:32.33woody_sorry for not reading that lol
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16:35.04Kyusakuwoody_: if you're already up to that part, sounds like your running into minimal issues
16:37.14redmafiawhat are the little circles in the mail app for?
16:37.34en0xi dont have it
16:37.34redmafiai dont have these on the emulator
16:37.39redmafiamulti selection?
16:37.46Kyusakuwoody_: did you download the doctor image via wget in under a minute? Or did you copy and paste it to the directory?
16:37.59woody_i dl it
16:38.16en0xredmafia, those circles are on emulator? i dont have them on my pre
16:38.30Kyusakuwoody_: via wget?
16:38.33redmafiathe pic is from
16:38.41woody_yes i did
16:38.49Kyusakucan you confirm the size of the image?
16:38.53woody_which options do i uncomment
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16:39.16Kyusakuwoody_: it depends what you need
16:39.19birdie0267please help...i have manually reset my Pre numerous times and it keeps looping and keep getting the "Memory critical, too many cards" error, however, I don't have any cards open...all locked up and can't get third party apps removed....suggestions, please...
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16:39.32woody_i need to get in the pre  without the carries
16:39.37redmafiathis dion is a palm dev
16:39.46redmafiamaybe he has a newer version of the mail app
16:40.25Kyusakuwoody_: ??? I'm not sure what you mean
16:40.36Kyusakuwhat kind of Pre do you have?
16:41.09woody_i have a pre but i wanna use it over wifi to develope with
16:41.36Kyusakuoh you want to bypass firstuse
16:41.53woody_a sprint pre
16:42.50Kyusakuwell the first part of the makefile should tell you which option does what
16:43.08Kyusakuyou have to scroll down to the options you need to uncomment
16:43.23woody_remove the#
16:43.48Kyusakuyeah after all the big paragraphs
16:44.09Kyusakuyou should see a short list of options described in those paragraphs
16:44.29woody_after that its smooth sailing?
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16:44.59Kyusakudon't uncomment the paragraphs
16:45.14Kyusakujust the options in that short list that you want like bypass firstuse
16:45.46KyusakuI am installing cygwin on my laptop now just to make sure
16:48.20Kyusakusorry it's taking a bit, I'm on UNI wifi via a VPN
16:48.45woody_no p[roblem
16:48.45Kyusakucan you do me a favor
16:48.51Kyusakuwhile the wait
16:49.06Kyusakubecause this wget in 1 minute makes me a little suspicious
16:49.24woody_it wasnt a minuet
16:49.30woody_it took a long time to dl
16:49.34Kyusakuoh ok
16:49.45Kyusakubecause you told me about the git clone error one minute
16:49.52Kyusakuthen talking about gedit
16:49.54Kyusakuthe next minute
16:50.29CranimesaoKyusaka: Still no luck, same error
16:50.34woody_wher itsays make carrie=sprint unpack patch i change that in the makefile
16:53.03Kyusakuso you have the makefile open in wordpad right
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16:53.24Kyusakuscroll down to where it says "START OF AREA FOR END USER CHANGES"
16:54.14woody_i did
16:54.33Kyusakuuncomment bypass activation
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16:56.37Kyusakuyou could also comment touch ran first use, enable firstuse wifi
16:56.48woody_ok did those too
16:57.11Kyusakuand make firstuse visible(if you want to make a palm profile for the pre sometime in the future
16:57.53woody_change the carrier 2
16:58.59Kyusakuyou don't have to, because the "make CARRIER=sprint unpack patch pack" thing will change that
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16:59.40Kyusakuyou could change it to be safe
16:59.59Kyusakuotherwise, save and close
17:00.04Kyusakugo back to cygwin
17:00.20Kyusakuand do that make command with CARRIER=sprint unpatch pack
17:00.37Kyusakuerr unpack patch pack
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17:02.00woody_it says make:**** no rule to make target unpack stop
17:03.12KyusakuI never had that error
17:03.16Kyusakulemme see
17:03.38Kyusakudid you change that part of the makefile
17:03.46Kyusakuwith nthe carrier?
17:03.52woody_to sprint
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17:05.29Kyusakuwhat is the full error message
17:05.59Kyusakulike it should describe and mention a file or directory
17:06.31woody_make: *** No rule to make target 'unpack. stop.'
17:07.02Kyusakuoh hmmm
17:07.12KyusakuI don't think you're in the right directory
17:07.18Kyusakucan you do an ls
17:08.04KyusakuI think you missed step 1 in "running meta-doctor"
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17:08.38woody_i was supposed to be in meta-doctor directory
17:08.42Kyusakuwhich says "navigate  to the meta-doctor directory in terminal
17:08.53Kyusakuin cygwin
17:09.59drnullazakus: ping
17:10.20Kyusakuwoody_: did you get it working? Is it building the new doctor image?
17:10.33woody_i did it but it says download the correct webos doctor .jar file
17:11.09Kyusakuwhat did you name the doctor file to?
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17:11.43Kyusakuand what doctor version did you download?
17:11.55woody_i just renamed it 1.4.0
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17:12.44Kyusakuor just 1.4.0.jar?
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17:13.21z33hi all
17:13.23woody_it really only said
17:14.03z33i think my pre modem is bricked
17:14.11en0xtake it back to sprint
17:14.25Kyusakuright but you're suppose to add the version number to the end of the filename
17:14.26z33yeah i plan to take it back to )2
17:14.26woody_when i downlaoded it but i went to the 1.4.0 web site
17:15.18Kyusakuwoody_:  can you do "cd downloads" and then do "ls" and tell me the filename?
17:15.40destinalz33: did you ever modify your modem firmware somehow or was it some kind of failed flash?
17:15.59z33it happened when i updated to 1.4
17:16.09z33evreything worked fine, except i was unable to make calls
17:16.28woody_to say webosdoctorp100ewwsprint-1.4.0it says webosdoctorp100ewwsprint-1.4.0.jar
17:16.29z33tried upgrading then downgrading, still had the same error
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17:16.39z33then i tried to flash just the modem
17:16.45z33which i got sucessfull
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17:17.09z33but when i used webosdoctor it still crashed out trying to flash the  modem
17:17.11destinalz33: did you try downgrading the modem firmware by hand back to the previous version?
17:17.18z33so round 58% it died
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17:17.44z33i used the castleutmsfw.tar from 1.3.1
17:17.46Kyusakuwoody_: and the doctor version is actually 1.4.0 correct?
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17:18.12destinalz33: I'd try manually downgrading the firmware and make sure it took and see if the phone works on 1.3.5 as a phone properly
17:18.41Kyusakuwoody_: I might have to go home and do this to test meta-doctor or wait for rod since he maintains the meta-doctor git
17:18.45egaudet_worktimofalltrades: ping
17:18.57destinalz33: if that worked I'd probably modify my doctor to take out the firmware flashing capability and try just the newer os
17:19.10Kyusakuwoody_: because everything seems like it should work
17:19.12z33yeah i was thining along that lines
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17:19.29z33destinal: how would i do that
17:19.37Kyusakuwoody_: I haven't tested it on 1.4.0 yet
17:19.47z33destinal: right now the phone boots and says the phone has an unrecoverable error
17:20.03woody_ill tryto download another 1.4.0 and chage the name on that one and see what happens
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17:20.20destinalz33: I don't know what it takes to force reverting to the old firmware -- usually when it's run by doctor there's a check to make sure the version you want to apply is newer than the one already on the device
17:20.37Kyusakuwoody_: those other doctors have different phone modem firmwares
17:20.59destinalz33: then again -- maybe I misremember, the doctor may force application every time by default
17:21.03woody_oh ook
17:21.09Kyusakulemme check the meta doctor thread before I start heading home to try this
17:21.17z33destinal: might be the reason whay its fails at 58%
17:22.00z33even tried a sprint firmware with act disabled, this time was sucessful, but once booted the "phone cant not be recovered error"
17:22.02destinalz33: you can always do any of the steps in the doctor by hand if you know what the command line to do them is.   you can use novacom boot  to boot the installer image and then novaterm in
17:22.32Kyusakuwoody_: ok heading home, I should be back in about 45mins. Is that cool?
17:22.33destinalz33: the activation disabled does not by default disable the modem checking (though you can do that)
17:22.48z33yeah tried that last night and got it up, flashed the modem firware and worked 100% though only took a min ish
17:22.58Kyusakuallright bbiab
17:23.01woody_i think thats not the whole file because it only 80mb
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17:24.05destinalz33: does 1.3.5 work at the moment?
17:24.11z33will have to extract an older castleutmsfw.tar from somewhere and try flash it
17:24.15z33destinal: nope
17:24.23z33destinal: nothing works
17:24.54z33destinal: i can novaterm i can see the file system, i can watch it flash via terminal,
17:25.37z33destinal: but when it fails, i boot to webos and the phone can not be recoved error,  no signal bars or phone offline notice
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17:26.54egaudet_workwhat's failing?
17:27.22z33egaudet_work: webosdoctor does
17:27.24woody_it was the wrong file
17:27.32woody_i got it working
17:27.52z33egaudet_work: it fails trying to flash the modem firmware
17:28.25egaudet_workthat's not good
17:28.54MLJIs there a resource that explains how to create a patch?  I have a very simple patch I want to create... it changes the number of bookmarks for the browser.  The only part that needs to change is 2 numbers from a .js file... example: "this._maxShowCount = 12" to this._maxShowCount = "99"
17:29.17z33egaudet_work: nope, but when it does boot it comes up with this phone can not be recoverd
17:29.52z33but i can manually flash the modem firmware castleutmsfw.tar from and its comes up as sucessfull
17:30.17zsoc_wircMLJ: man gnu diff
17:30.46egaudet_workC:\ man gnu diff   ERROR: what?
17:31.24destinalz33: so, I'd try redoing your manual flash from the installer image like you did
17:31.37destinalz33: then modify webos doctor to skip modem flash entirely.  check out metadoctor
17:32.29MLJzsoc_wirc: that means nothing to me... the last type of any coding I did was in visual basics... years ago.  Perhaps there is a very simple patch file that I could edit, to create mine?
17:32.31z33destinal: good thinking will try that when i get home tonight,
17:32.52z33destinal: yeah, thing is i got it from ebay
17:33.39destinalz33: ah.  well them some workarounds may be sensible.  I wonder if someone who had it before you may have modified the modem somehow
17:34.35egaudet_workMLJ: google or Jason's Diff Creator
17:34.41zsoc_wircMLJ: gnu diff is a utility. how the utility works and how to use it can be found by googling gnu diff
17:34.54MLJWill do thanks.
17:34.54z33i think they might have, cos when i bought it was experienceing similar symptoms, ie signal will be up but not beiing able to call out etc
17:35.05zsoc_wircegaudet_work: are you kidding me? something exists called 'jason's diff creator'?
17:35.10z33destinal: but i webosdeoctured it and worked fine
17:35.18z33till 1.4 came and killed it
17:36.00mjkjr|wircMLJ, I believe there is a patch already made called "change number of bookmarks..."
17:36.07destinalzsoc_wirc: Jason calls it Unified Diff Creator   (
17:36.21egaudet_work"Unified Diff Creator"
17:36.52egaudet_workhelping windows users make patches without ever needing to know what that means :P
17:36.52mjkjr|wircMLJ, lets you have up to 100
17:37.33MLJmjkjr|wirc: well that takes the fun out of it.... I suppose I'll check into the Dif Creator now that I'm interested.
17:37.34egaudet_workMLJ:    Should be straightforward for a one file quick change
17:37.51egaudet_workbut if you have linux, I suggest open a terminal and type "man diff"
17:37.56egaudet_workand then "man patch"
17:38.22destinalegaudet: why we needed another tool with all these (  already extant is another question
17:39.00z33thanks for the help destinal will be on later to report.. lets see if i can get this semi brick up working again
17:39.18MLJegaudet_work: yep looks straight forward... I'll give it a quick shot and see if it comes out the same as 'jmartino's" patch (which is already created)
17:39.23egaudet_workdestinal: I don't know
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17:39.43egaudet_workI guess Jason and others weren't aware of alternatives
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17:41.01z33see ya all
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17:47.20MLJegaudet_work: So I used Jason's Diff Creator...  all appears to be well.  I then compared it with the patch (that I didn't know was already created) from The latter seems to be encrypted as its not clearly veiwable via Notepad ++.  Is that becuase a linux machine compiled it for the feeds?
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17:48.01destinalMLJ: doesn't make sense -- patches are text
17:48.17egaudet_workMLJ: that link is to ipk's
17:48.19egaudet_worknot patch files
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17:48.30egaudet_workpatches are packaged up with AUPT technology
17:48.35egaudet_workthe .patch files are in gitorious
17:48.57destinalegaudet_work: AUPT technology is like ATM machine and PIN number ?  :P
17:49.09MLJOh, your right it is a .ipk.   Ok so in the future If I create a patch, I submit it to you all in .patch format and you do the rest?
17:49.19egaudet_workwithout money or a pin number :P
17:49.22destinalautomated teller machine machine
17:49.27zsoc_wircautopatch technology :)
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17:49.31destinalpersonal identification number number
17:49.41zsoc_wircMLJ: yes, we are the packaging monkies
17:49.42egaudet_workoh i see yea
17:49.56spotterzsoc_wirc, any progress on the gstreamer wma?
17:50.14spottermy pre has been replaced so can test again
17:50.14zsoc_wircspotter: oh! yes. it works.
17:50.29zsoc_wircspotter: just buffer issues.. so some skipping
17:50.43zsoc_wircspotter: and again, no tagging support
17:50.56spotterzsoc_wirc, so doesn't appear in pre media player?
17:51.37zsoc_wircspotter: sure it does, but only as the full file name, no tagging (so no sorting)
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17:52.45spottertagging possible?
17:52.49spotteror probably not
17:53.12n00b4lifewhat is the command to mount as rw? mount -o, /rw
17:53.51cal__what is preware 'fixing unknown packages' about? i think mine is doing it on the same packages every time I start it.
17:56.02egaudet_workcal__: packages that aren't in any active feeds
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17:56.15egaudet_workwill read the metadata from the device
17:56.17spotterzsoc_wirc, presumambly there's some id3 parsing code in the pre
17:56.27spotterif it was extended to understand other types, would it work?
17:56.28egaudet_workn00b4life: mount -o rw,remount /
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17:57.02n00b4lifety but I just remembered
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17:57.19spotteris downloading 1.4 but waiting for fb to finish initial sync so he can reboot phone
17:57.48punzada-mthe new updated facebook app won't install for me
17:57.55punzada-mit's fairly upsetting
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18:02.00cal__egaudet: if i download them from a particular feed and then turn the slider to off for that feed, could they show up like that?
18:02.15cal__because a couple of the feeds i dont want on all the time
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18:03.14haigreenHello!! :)
18:03.29haigreenNow that ive downladed preware.... what next??
18:05.07mjkjr|wirchaigreen: read
18:06.30oilsworknwhat do you mean, whats next?
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18:07.40haigreenThanks mjkjr|wirc!
18:08.44zsoc_wircspotter: the answer is yes, but only if the fileindexer is opensourced, OR someone develops an oss alternative
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18:10.16MLJAlright, thanks for today's tips all... I'm out... oh wait, egaudet_work: Preware 0.9.29 shows paid apps, even when the toggle is set to only show free apps. (if you weren't already aware).
18:10.31spotterzsoc_wirc, is it a luna/dbus client?
18:10.41spotterif so, shouldn't it be fairly easy to reverse engineer?
18:10.51spotteri.e. just watch what it sends/recieves over the wire so to speak
18:11.14zsoc_wircspotter: thank you for the dbus lesson :p
18:11.20zsoc_wircspotter: and no it is not
18:11.52spotterwas that to easy or luna/dbus?
18:11.54zsoc_wircspotter: it indexes everything in /media/internal, and organizes it in mediadb3.db (or something similar) based on filetype and metadata
18:12.23spotterzsoc_wirc, is that a sqlite db?
18:12.24zsoc_wircit's basically an automated sql table generator
18:12.29spottercould we just overwrite it?
18:12.41spotterso is that a sort of solution
18:12.48zsoc_wircor just stop the service which runs the current one
18:12.53zsoc_wircor replace the current one
18:12.58zsoc_wircnone of that is the problem
18:13.03egaudet_workcal__: yes if you disable the feed it will "fix unknown package" and read the data from device.  don't worry about that, it has to get metadata so it's either from feed or device
18:13.04spotterso, what is....
18:13.17zsoc_wircthe problem is developin the replacement. I have no experience with a flow like this
18:13.56zsoc_wircright now we need handlers for id3, vorbis comments, and whatever wma uses
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18:18.54zsoc_wircspotter: apparently I was dc/ed, not sure what the last thing you got was
18:19.05oilsworkn"right now we need handlers..."
18:19.27zsoc_wircyep that's the last thing I said
18:19.40zsoc_wircspotter: I did not see your reply since that
18:20.08oilsworknhe didn't
18:20.11azakusdrnull: pong?
18:22.06spotterno reply
18:22.09spotterbeen away
18:22.20spotterI dont think a replacment program should be so hard
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18:24.18drnullazakus: just posted over in the jstop thread instead of trying to catch ya here.  Just an issue with the appid regex, if it has a - in it, it fails
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18:25.27oilsworknthinks he may be responsible for that
18:26.00azakusdrnull: ah, noted
18:26.27drnullazakus: and since drPodder is such a memory hog, I *really* need jstop to let me know how bad it is.  :)
18:26.29Kyusakuwoody_: you around?
18:27.00woody_it completed but the acticvation screen still comes up
18:27.10Kyusakuwoody_: ok I'm setting up cygwin to verify if meta-doctor doesn't work with 1.4.0
18:27.57oilsworkndrnull: i've always seen drpodder in the list
18:28.18oilsworknit inaccurately thinks its a palm app, but its still listed
18:28.38drnulloilsworkn: aye, but when I updated the appid (from com.palm.drnull.drpodder to com.drnull.drpodder-hb) in anticipation of a catalog release, it started breaking jstop.
18:29.21oilsworknwhen was it changed to .drpodder from .prepod?
18:29.49spotterzsoc_wirc, I think gstreamer should handle it all automatically
18:29.55drnulloilsworkn: hmm, actually maybe I never switched from com.palm.drnull.prepod to ...drpodder because I didn't want people to lose their db.
18:30.08oilsworknok, i was about to see if i had an old version
18:30.39spotterzsoc_wirc, see for wma
18:30.54zsoc_wircspotter: huh? how would gstreamer handle tagging in the music app
18:30.56oilsworknoh, i am, im on 048 and its up to 051 on a different appid
18:30.58drnulloilsworkn: you do.  :)  If you haven't upgraded in the last... oh, 30 minutes.  But even so, back on 2/14 I released com.drnull.drpodder-hb.
18:30.59zsoc_wircthat doesn't make sense
18:31.23spotterno, I mean gstreamer can give us all info
18:31.24drnulloilsworkn: yeah, I get the feeling changing the appid while leaving it the same program might have confused preware as well...
18:31.27spotterdon't need to write handlers
18:31.41spottersame code will dump tags for mp3, wma, ogg...
18:31.45oilsworkndrnull: it groups by appid, so i just see two drpodders
18:32.07drnullgood, that makes sense I guess.
18:32.16Kyusakuwoody_: it's building for me
18:32.20azakusdrnull: yeah I know where the regex fail is
18:32.25azakustesting my fix
18:32.42spotterzsoc_wirc, you see what I pasted?
18:32.43woody_it built but
18:32.49oilsworknyeah, that regex wasn't the best to begin with :)
18:32.50woody_it didnt install the changes
18:33.09Kyusakuwhat do you mean?
18:33.39Kyusakudid you use the doctor image that was in the build directory?
18:34.18drnullHas anybody else had trouble with Windows deciding it doesn't want to talk to the Pre anymore?  Seems like if I pull the plug and reconnect sometimes I'll get: "palm-log: no devices found" until I reboot (or reinstall the sdk).  Additionally, it seems like I'm always having to go into device manager and disable/reenable "Linux USB Ethernet/RNDIS Gadget" because I won't get an IP address.  Is it just me?  (does this on both of my
18:35.22oilsworkni actually haven't hooked my pre up to my new win7 install yet
18:35.33oilsworknbut that never happened on xp
18:35.40KyusakuI use win7 and never had that happen
18:35.47MercurySo, is there a good way to restore stuff from the sqlite DBs if I back them up prior to a full phone erase?
18:35.56Kyusakubut I'm not disconnecting and reconnecting it like 100 times
18:36.03zsoc_wircspotter: I don't get it. you want a service that runs every file through decodebin and then somehow awks the data into a sqllite database?
18:36.06oilsworknand why not?
18:36.27zsoc_wircspotter: you're either getting at something awesome or stupid, and I can't figure out which yet
18:36.31woody_yes i di
18:36.44oilsworkndrnull: so the change in appid destroys my database?
18:36.47KyusakuI guess I'll doctor my pre
18:36.51Kyusakuto help you out
18:37.03woody_i ran all the way through and all but it shows the same screen
18:37.08spotterwell, not running each file through system
18:37.16spottercall gstreamer libs directly and get the tag data out of it
18:37.27spotterand yes, iterate over every file
18:37.36spotteri.e. replace the service like you said, with our own
18:37.45spotteras long as we understand the db format, don't think it should be so hard
18:37.53drnulloilsworkn: well, no, it just installs a new app so the db doesn't get copied over.  0.4.8 can be running along beside 0.5.1/0.5.3 though.
18:38.18Kyusakuwoody_: can you send me your makefile I want to make sure you uncommented everything correctly
18:38.22zsoc_wircspotter: I don't see how that is logistically possible. please forgive me if you are a gst dev but I'm unsure about this
18:38.43zsoc_wircspotter: it is a very good idea tho, because obviously gst already handles tags of every type
18:38.55drnulloilsworkn: there were enough changes to how downloaded files were handled that I had to blow away the db... deletes are handed by the downloadmanager now, and that requires storing the download ticket ID, which I didn't do in the past.  Nevermind the fact that webOS would hand out duplicate tickets after a reboot (LOL)
18:39.03spotterI'd think we should be able to load each file
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18:39.09spotterextract tags from loaded file
18:39.16spotterand close file
18:39.18spotterand just iterate
18:39.24drnulloilsworkn: and when I say "blow away the db" I mean "not use the existing db and just require you to start over"  :)
18:39.31spotterlooking for a simple test gst app that I can test with
18:39.37spotternever coded anything gst
18:39.53spotter seems like a good start
18:40.06zsoc_wircspotter: 'extract tags' from where? we would literally have to restart mediaserver in debug mode, or have a service that runs gst-launch, and awk everything. it's a hack unless there is a better option
18:40.39drnullMercury: if you copy the .db files out of /media/internal/.app-storage, you can put them back after you do a full phone erase.  It won't be simple, though, as the db name will have changed
18:40.45oilsworknyeah, thats what i figured :)
18:40.53zsoc_wircspotter: I am familiar with gstreamer development. I now understand you are suggesting a gstreamer application service for extraction. it is an interesting idea
18:41.36spotterperhaps w/ inotify support (assuming pre has it?) to see when stuff changes on "sd card"
18:41.52woody_how do i do that
18:42.09drnullMercury: for example, drPodder-hb's db is here on my Pre: /media/internal/.app-storage/
18:42.33zsoc_wircspotter: yes there is inotify support
18:42.55oilsworknhas been tempted to submit code to drpodder
18:43.00drnullMercury: I could make a copy of that, but when I erased and reinstalled my apps, the db that drPodder creates might be 0000000000000039.db.  So I'd have to copy my backed up 000000000000004a.db over top of 0000000000000039.db (when drPodder wasn't running, of course)
18:43.16drnullis ashamed of the code, and sad sometimes that it is open source
18:43.30Kyusakuwoody_: oh you're using a webclient
18:44.01Kyusakuwoody_: can you throw it up on the web somewhere like a dropbox or something
18:44.06oilsworknthere is just certain visual/display things that sometimes catch my eye
18:44.20drnulloilsworkn: what functionality is missing (well, what specific functionality from the large collection of missing functionality do you really miss)
18:44.22woody_one minuet
18:44.32oilsworknits functionality great
18:44.37oilsworknits just little quirks i see
18:44.44drnullhaha, it's just fugly  :)
18:44.51oilsworknlike no scrollfade on the top of the main scene
18:45.04drnullOh right, I remember seeing that in stylematters
18:45.12oilsworknand the way the description scroller is on the playing scene
18:45.16oilsworknwhere its a seperate scroller
18:45.19oilsworknand sometimes the whole scene scrolls
18:45.36oilsworknjust little things like that i've been tempted to fix :)
18:46.06drnullAhh, yes, that part is terrible.  By all means... if you can fix that scrolling thing, please do. I was just trying to make sure the title and scrubber were always visible.
18:46.33drnullI think it probably looks terrible on the Pixi... :(
18:48.02zsoc_wircspotter: so there may be a function for just extracting tags in gst... assuming this is doable, do you know anything about exporting tables to a databasein a C app?
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18:49.08oilsworknyeah, i dont have a pixi so i can't speak to it
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18:49.32oilsworknbut with that scene specifically, i would make that header div position:fixed at the top
18:49.42oilsworknthen just put the content in the main part of the scene instead of its own scroller
18:49.58spotterzsoc_wirc, I can figure it out
18:50.00spotterdidt it ages ago
18:50.15oilsworknlike i put in jstop when i did some of its css
18:50.18oilsworknthe header is stationary
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18:50.26oilsworknbut there is only the one scroller, the scene's scroller
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18:53.21spotterzsoc_wirc, I can't get the db off my pre at the moment, but if you can email me one, I can play around w/ some sqlite code on it
18:53.34Mercurydrnull: But the DB ID is not embedded on the DB?  Alright then.
18:53.53Mercurydrnull: Thank you.
18:56.14drnullMercury: hmm, correct.  The ID is stored in one of Palm's databases (see "sqlite3 /var/palm/data/Databases.db 'select origin, name, path from databases;'" for details)
18:56.37drnulloilsworkn: I'll try that.  Thanks!
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18:59.22haigreenCan anyone tell me of any cool themes in palmware?
18:59.24Mercurydrnull1: Then might I be able to modify Palm's database instead of renaming all the files?
19:00.03drnull1Mercury: Danger is the only thing I can think of to respond to that with.  :)
19:00.09haigreenlol preware!
19:00.16oilsworkni thought it was in /var/home/root/html5-databases/?
19:00.31Mercurydrnull1: Screw it, I'm blowing away my whole phone at this point, what's the worst that can happen, I have to doctor it again?
19:00.42oilsworknthough i haven't looked since the switch to /media/internal
19:00.45drnull1oilsworkn: I think that's where it is on the emulator, right?  Or maybe that's the difference between ext and normal db's?
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19:00.58oilsworkni do know i gotta figure out
19:01.03oilsworknconsidering we have to add deleting them to preware
19:01.14oilsworkncurrently any apps removed with it don't get their cookies or databases deleted
19:01.31Mercuryoilsworkn: There is no /var/home/root/html5-databases/ on my phone.
19:01.36oilsworknwell then
19:01.37drnull1oilsworkn: I bet there's a service for that.  :)
19:01.56oilsworknyeah, palms stuff
19:02.01drnull1Oh nevermind, I forgot preware didn't go the com.palm route.
19:02.13oilsworknthough we may switch to it
19:02.33oilsworknnow that they support postinst/prerem scripts
19:02.39MercuryWell, I think I have everything backed up, so, time to erase everything and start over.
19:02.40drnull1Would have been my preference all along, as opposed to reinventing the wheel
19:02.46Mercury(And if that fails, replace the damn phone.)
19:02.58oilsworknwe had to go the ipkg route
19:03.08oilsworknto do our own stuff, make "advanced" homebrew work
19:03.24drnull1Right, I'm just being shortsighted and simplistic
19:03.37oilsworknbut now their installer has scripts
19:03.41oilsworknlike we did
19:03.45oilsworknso we might switch over
19:04.04MercuryHmm, cryptofs, media_internal, opt, root, and var backed up.  I think that's everything.
19:04.07oilsworknas yet undecided
19:04.14drnull1yeah, but then you're dependent on them, and let's not even get into how they massively change api's at the drop of a hat.
19:04.19drnull1they're agile, that's for sure.
19:04.28oilsworknat least you're finally getting drpodder into the catalog
19:04.43drnull1I'm just a little tweaked with the audio changes, don't mind me. I'm bitter.
19:05.09drnull1Yes, as long as I don't have any more undocumented api's stuck in there anywhere.  ;)
19:05.31oilsworkni wonder if they actually audit all the code
19:05.44en0xthey grep '\
19:05.49oilsworknyeah, haha
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19:06.17drnull1we shall see.  :)  I've never seen com.palm.downloadmanager/allow1x {"value":true} documented anywhere but I plan on using it.
19:06.49en0xi wonder what is the progress with NaNplayer
19:07.20drnull1That's the whole mediadb thing.  I think the problem there is that there was a com.palm.mediadb/deleteFile function that was . . . dangerous.  :)
19:07.21oilsworknthat guy is too big of a baby
19:07.36MercuryOnce my phone works reliably, I need to spend time on a patch to let me flag some contacts as ignoring the silence switch. (Possibly with a really silence switch in the device menu.)
19:07.52drnull1Mercury: I think there's a patch for that?
19:08.11Mercurydrnull1: Any memory of the name?  Because I've been watching for one and not seeing it.
19:08.18drnull1working on it
19:08.42en0xmaemo has a nice feature... when u have the phone screen up and someone call you you can turn the phone screen down and it will silence itself
19:08.49en0xin the meaning it will mute the sound
19:09.05Mercurywants to be able to get his work calls while he's on call, and not get woken up by other people while he's trying to sleep.
19:09.16zsoc_wircspotter: gst_tag_list_new()
19:09.23drnull1oh that's backwards, nevermind, Mercury
19:09.27Mercurydrnull1: Yeah.
19:09.29drnull1I'd like what you were mentioning too.  :)
19:09.46zsoc_wircMercury: use google voice, make a white list and a time restriction
19:09.53oilsworknwaits for patch
19:09.53nt4catszsoc: you stole my idea
19:10.04MercuryOnce my phone actually starts admitting that it's getting phone calls again, I'll try to spend some time on it.
19:10.11zsoc_wircnt4cats: which? gvoice?
19:10.19spotterzsoc_wirc, so its easy :)
19:10.27Mercuryzsoc_wirc: That would work better if, for example, people didn't already _have_ my real cell number.
19:10.29nt4catsthrows a rotten tomato at zsoc for stealing his gvoice recommendation
19:10.42zsoc_wircspotter: hahaha like I said. I know nothing about creating tables
19:10.46Mercuryzsoc_wirc: As they do, it doesn't help much.
19:10.48spotterzsoc_wirc, easy
19:10.54Robi_or use batt saver and have it turn off the wifi/network while you're sleeping
19:10.54spottersqlite does it itself
19:11.00spottersqlite .dump <db file>
19:11.10spotterwill dump it to screen
19:11.13spotteror > output
19:11.14MercuryRobi_: Nope, I _must_ receive calls from work while I'm on call.
19:11.38spotteranyways, we can talk tonight
19:11.40MercuryRobi_: Doesn't matter if it's 4am and I'm very asleep, those have to wake my ass up. :)
19:11.40spotterhave to get some work done
19:11.50azakusdrnull1: almost done
19:11.57azakusdrnull: almost done
19:12.07nt4catsMercury: do you have google voice?
19:12.19MercuryThe spinning thinggy on the full erase on my phone isn't spinning any more.  Why do I have a feeling that I should start downloading the doctor?
19:12.24Robi_Mercury: then set up a home pbx that manages your calls
19:12.31zsoc_wircspotter: er, I mean making tables from the gst app
19:12.31Mercurynt4cats: I think I have an account, but that's not the number people have.
19:12.34drnull1had a stupid network outage so now has a split personality
19:12.37MercuryRobi_: My phone should be able to do this itself. :)
19:12.46spotterzsoc_wirc, sqlite has C interface
19:12.49spottervery easy to use
19:12.52spotterjust feed sql commands ot it
19:13.04Robi_Mercury: you'll have to write an app to do it then ;]
19:13.08nt4catsMercury: well, Gvoice can be your PBX, and I'd have to imagine you can update your phone number on the list(s) at work ...
19:13.24zsoc_wircspotter: ok, now the only obstacle is I'm not a programmer
19:13.28Mercurynt4cats: Harder to update the phone number in my mother in law's head though. :)
19:13.32nt4cats.. but I can see that if everyone already has your cell number that won't help if they dial it at 2a
19:13.41nt4catsMercury: crack open her head and try
19:13.43oilsworknthought zsoc was programmer master
19:13.50Robi_just fwd all calls from your phone to GV
19:14.02oilsworknthough he never did get a viewfinder working in precorder xD
19:14.02MercuryRobi_: Well, a patch probably, since I'll have to muck with the logic dealing with the silence switch on recieving phone calls.
19:14.07zsoc_wircoilsworkn: no I'm a hacker extraordinaire
19:14.21oilsworkni thought that was someone else
19:14.31azakusdrnull1: ok, working
19:14.48oilsworkncan't keep anything straight
19:14.49drnull1azakus: cool, thanks!
19:14.57azakus[\w\.]+ -> [\S]+
19:15.07zsoc_wircoilsworkn: where do you live? we should go out for drinks :p
19:15.17drnull1well that is a bigger hammer for sure.  Should work.  :)
19:15.19oilsworknwashington state
19:15.39azakusalso I'm catching the exceptions if anything breaks now
19:15.42nt4catsMercury: get a cheap pay-as-you-go plan phone from walmart and give that number to work.  Turn off your pre at night.
19:16.06spotterzsoc_wirc, we can implement it as a shell script too :)
19:16.09oilsworknOR, patch
19:16.12nt4catserr, give your gvoice number to work, use gvoice to ring your cheapie at night (it'll be on) and your regular cell during hte day
19:16.13spotterbut I'll take a look at it to night
19:16.44Mercurynt4cats: Again, I'd rather write the patch.  My last phone could do this just fine.
19:16.45zsoc_wircspotter: ok, let me catch up with ajames, he's supposed to already be working on something similar and I don't want to duplicate work
19:16.58spotterno problem
19:17.00oilsworkn45 more mins here at work before lunch?
19:17.05oilsworkni may fall asleep before then
19:17.38azakusok new "feature" of jstop. If your appId isn't caught by my regex You get "BORKED" as your processname in the list
19:17.38nt4catsoilsworkn: give me the external IPs of several machines at your employer's facility.  I'll make sure you don't fall asleep.
19:17.59oilsworknazakus: nice
19:18.06oilsworknnt4cats: id rather sleep
19:18.39drnull1azakus: haha, thanks for fixing my appid so people won't start referring to drPodder as BORKED.
19:19.02nt4catsWow, oilsworkn's employer has a gibson!
19:19.04PuffTheMagic_Who here has seen Archer?
19:20.02PuffTheMagic_its a cartoon on FX
19:20.10PuffTheMagic_its fucking hilarious
19:20.24PuffTheMagic_i think the people that did Aqua Teen make Archer
19:20.27PuffTheMagic_idk i havet looked yet though
19:22.03oilsworknyeah, i haven't seen it
19:22.44oilsworknactually, i can't remember the last time i watched a cartoon
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19:25.01MitalisAnybody use the "Enter key for new line" patch?
19:25.07MitalisI don't think it's working.
19:25.11mjkjr|wircnot even "adult" cartoons? ie family guy
19:25.39oilsworknoh, i forgot about family guy
19:25.59mjkjr|wircmitalis, you are correct, just tested
19:26.10azakuspushed jstop 0.1.1
19:26.10oilsworknsomeone complain to dbsooner
19:26.25MitalisI take it he's afk?
19:26.41timofalltradesazakus - you're jstop?  kudos - that's good stuff
19:26.58oilsworknhe is jstop
19:27.09azakusI AM THE LAW
19:27.10MitalisI <3 Jstop
19:27.23mjkjr|wircazakus, thanks
19:27.33oilsworknhe's in ur pre killin ur apps
19:27.40oilsworkncollectin ur garbage
19:28.45Kyusakutakin out the trash
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19:29.02zsoc_wircazakus: how have you enjoyed your webos-internals experience?
19:29.09mjkjr|wircwonders how he fits in there
19:29.09azakusvery fun
19:32.39en0xso who said that "js" in app name breaks css? :P
19:33.26oilsworknazakus did
19:33.33oilsworknsaid it breaks loading external css files
19:33.38en0xyap just raise ur hand so I don't have to grep the logs ;)
19:34.00oilsworknthe fix was to inline the css in index
19:34.04oilsworkner, in the scene rather
19:34.07en0xoh i see
19:34.25en0xok and will somebody tell me why palm got rid of the forward gesture? :( it was so useful
19:34.38oilsworknits still there
19:34.46en0xapi changed?
19:35.00oilsworknmaybe the browser just doesn't use it anymore
19:35.05en0xso why it doesnt work in browser? or tweed?
19:35.33en0xanyway i have to make a poster for my room
19:35.42en0xcoz I got this cool idea
19:36.02drnull1oilsworkn: pretty sure the forward gesture is broken, yeah...
19:36.14Kyusakuyeah it's broken
19:36.17oilsworknwell i know the "advanced" forward gesture works
19:36.21drnull1they've not done away with it, it's just broken.
19:36.26en0xI will put screen of brower running in webos and under it will say "yo dawg.... you wanted browser in browser so we created webOS" :D
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19:36.50en0xthat would be a cool poster tho
19:37.05oilsworknwould it?
19:37.09en0xyap ;)
19:37.40en0xonly for those who are running in "geek mode"
19:38.21oilsworknunfortunately the switch is broken?
19:39.02*** join/#webos-internals free__ (~3b39ddaa@gateway/web/freenode/x-gpihvglggsovlmuw)
19:39.13en0xthe advanced mode works it's just the forward gesture in app from center button to right swipe
19:39.31en0xsimilar to back gesture in app
19:40.09drnull1um, advanced mode is swipe all the way across the gesture area, not from the center button, right?
19:40.27oilsworknbut with advanced mode off
19:40.33oilsworkndoes a full forward swipe fo forward?
19:40.53Kyusakulol gorword
19:41.29*** join/#webos-internals j_ (~d11e029b@gateway/web/freenode/x-mguduzkikhyvqcgo)
19:41.39infobotmjkjr|wirc: :)
19:41.54oilsworkndont give him treats, he's been a bad boy
19:42.26*** join/#webos-internals rwong (
19:42.45mjkjr|wircinfobot: tell oilsworkn you are sorry
19:43.13mjkjr|wirche said he wont
19:43.16*** part/#webos-internals quotemstr (
19:43.22oilsworknlocks infobot in closet
19:43.50en0xlol and what u gonna do to it oilsworkn
19:44.00*** join/#webos-internals idontwan2know (
19:44.16en0xthey all say that
19:44.36oilsworknjust lock it in there and ignore its crys all day
19:45.35mjkjr|wirc~lart oilsworkn
19:45.35infobotsquishes oilsworkn like a bug
19:46.52oilsworkn~lart infobot
19:46.52infobotmakes a balloon animal out of oilsworkn
19:47.01oilsworknwell that backfired
19:47.39drnull1sorry, but it deserves it.
19:47.40infobotaw, gee, drnull1
19:47.58mjkjr|wirc~hug oilsworkn
19:47.59infobotACTION hugs oilsworkn tightly until oilsworkn turns slightly blue
19:48.15mjkjr|wircsee, he's sorry now
19:49.11oilsworkngoes to lunch
19:55.09mjkjr|wircjacques, if you're in here, was it you that mentioned something about preware hanging on "fixing unknown packages" for you?
20:00.19jacquesmjkjr|wirc: no, that wasn't me - might have been Mousey
20:00.38Mouseythat went away
20:00.51jacquesmy kingdom for a USB A<->B cable
20:04.31mjkjr|wirchmmm, just happens to me occasionally. then if I throw the card away and open preware again it's fine
20:05.25*** join/#webos-internals morphis (
20:05.53idontwan2knowQuick question regarding the messaging plugins install.
20:06.10idontwan2knowIn the instructions it says to "Close everything and log off messaging"
20:06.10en0xbut ur nick says it all idontwan2know
20:06.41idontwan2knowDoes closing the messsaging app suffice or is there something else I need to do?
20:06.50en0xclosing the app should be ok
20:06.58idontwan2knowokay, thanks
20:07.29idontwan2knowThe phrase "log off messaging" is a little unclear...I'll mention that in the thread
20:12.05*** join/#webos-internals Epix (
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20:16.03bougymanterminal working with 1.4 yet?
20:17.55idontwan2knowit implies that there's a service running in the background that you have to actively log out of
20:21.54*** join/#webos-internals mac (~5dc9d68e@gateway/web/freenode/x-sxtjfvfhtdwfbqbx)
20:30.35FuManSweet, Digloo is out :)
20:30.52*** part/#webos-internals debilater (
20:32.23en0xit looks gorgeus
20:32.53en0xanyway i preffer reddit
20:33.11zsoc_wircugh, something I agree with en0x on
20:33.59Eguydigg is crap.
20:34.00zsoc_wircoil: what causes fix unknown packages to hang on occasion?
20:34.08*** join/#webos-internals djk (
20:34.09FuManthese days i also prefer reddit
20:34.15FuManbut, digloo was too slick not to jump on O_O
20:34.52EguyReddit is getting worse by the day though. All the trolls from digg and 4chan are joining ruining the site.
20:35.32en0xzsoc_wirc, ;d
20:35.46*** join/#webos-internals illiniceeee (~47395726@gateway/web/freenode/x-xqglhgfmveoyanzm)
20:36.25dBsoonercomplain to me for what?
20:36.32*** join/#webos-internals dcordes (~dccordes@unaffiliated/dcordes)
20:36.40dBsooner~seen rwhitby
20:36.45infobotrwhitby is currently on #webos-internals #meego #nslu2-linux. Has said a total of 72 messages. Is idling for 6h 52m 35s, last said: 'and you can find the names and email addresses of the current translators in the commit log'.
20:36.48*** join/#webos-internals mjkjr|wirc (
20:36.54dBsoonerrwhitby: ping when you get here
20:37.42dBsoonerMitalis: Duh.. Enter Key for New Line is NOT listed as ported yet.
20:37.53dBsoonerRead the item description of your 1.4.0-0 installed patch for it.
20:38.07EguydBsooner: Catching up on the day's activities? :P
20:38.10dBsoonerIt says, "This patch is currenlty not available. This is a palce holder."
20:38.17dBsoonerEguy: unfortunately.
20:38.33dBsoonerIt's disturbing that people don't read.
20:38.47dBsoonermy threads is a bunch of copy pastes by me
20:38.50EguyReading is hard.
20:39.09dBsoonerAnswered this 5 posts again.. answered this 10 posts ago.. answered this IN THE PREVIOUS POST.
20:39.12dBsoonerThose are my favs
20:39.26dBsoonerthe ones that post RIGHT after me (within an hour) asking the SAME thing I just answered.
20:39.30halfhaloyour my favorite
20:39.33halfhaloOH SNAP
20:40.10dBsoonerand I am so mad at palm
20:40.25drnull1dBsooner: I want to hop on that train.
20:40.57dBsoonerI see the rumors of 1.4.0 being "buggy as hell" prior to release are true..
20:41.00EguyDid ya'll know there was a Whitby class of frigates?
20:41.04dBsoonerand oddly.. didn't get fixed prior to release.
20:41.46dBsooneri've missed 10 phone calls today
20:41.52dBsoonerand 8 text messages
20:41.59dBsoonerbecause the phone app keeps locking up
20:42.04EguyI miss calls because the phone app lags and uses all the ram up.
20:42.05dBsoonerLuna keeps stealing all the memory
20:42.07halfhaloI don't think I get 10 calls a MONTH
20:42.23dBsoonerIt;'s rediculous.
20:42.24drnull1but they met their February deadline.  :)
20:42.32EguyI am about to switch to my Centro again. Even Palm OS is more reliable than webOS.
20:42.43*** join/#webos-internals muchtall (
20:42.47EguyI'll be buying a new phone in June to get rid of my Pre :).
20:43.12halfhaloSee, my clean pre has none of these issues
20:43.14psykozreally?  I mean
20:43.23psykozI had an iPod touch first gen which was the same as the first gen iPhone
20:43.27psykoztalking about buggy
20:43.45loot-my phone is hacked up like mad and i have 0 stability problems
20:43.50EguyAt least it didn't take 5 minutes to turn on ;)
20:43.51psykozPalm will have a point release out the door shortly to wrap up some loose ends
20:44.20halfhaloAre we talking about loose ends as in bugs?  Or loose ends as in people?
20:44.25dBsooneri noticed that its usually when I am doing a ton of stuff in luna that causes it to lock up
20:44.26*** join/#webos-internals mickey|zzZZzz (~mickey@
20:44.29dBsoonerLike I installed 10 apps from AC
20:44.34Eguy1.4.1 will be out soon enough.
20:44.34dBsoonerand it all of sudden decided to reboot
20:44.44dBsoonerand when it did.. I got 5 text messages at one time
20:44.54dBsoonerall were backlogged bc phone app was stuck
20:45.16loot-only weird things ive had happen to my phone
20:45.29loot-once the phone app hung... only one time though never did it again and it was fixed with just a reboot
20:45.37loot-and once the whole phone froze and i had to pull the battery
20:45.42loot-i never have app crashes
20:45.51dBsoonerwell neither have I
20:45.53EguySure, everything is fixed with a reboot but it shouldn't NEED that.
20:45.58loot-my phone is a battered war scarred veteran at this point also
20:45.59dBsoonerand TBH.. those 2 things you had should NEVER happen
20:46.01destinal1.4 is somewhat unstable for me
20:46.21loot-Eguy: ive only had to reboot my phone twice ever to "fix" something
20:46.25dBsoonerloot-: I highly doubt its been through as much as mine
20:46.26loot-every other time it was for webos updates
20:46.37Eguydestinal: terminal? :P
20:46.40destinalI've had it lock and then stay at a black screen (not unlock) until reboot.
20:46.48dBsoonerive had mine since 6/6 and i have doctored at least 100 times
20:46.57destinalEguy: No, terminal makes it crash completely :P
20:47.02dBsoonerim loving the lock screen issue
20:47.06halfhaloI have doctored mine maybe.... 15 times since launch day
20:47.08nt4catsdBsooner: I think you've earned some sort of patch if you get to 100
20:47.16EguyI had the lock screen problem today. Had to reboot for that.
20:47.27halfhalonever had lock screen issues!
20:47.31dBsooneri get that at leat once a day
20:47.36dBsoonerusually when its on the TS
20:47.56loot-hah good to know i have a good phone apparently
20:47.59nt4cats(and by "patch" I mean a decoration you sew onto a jacket)
20:48.05halfhaloto his Pre: Who's a good Pre! Your a good Pre!
20:48.20dBsoonerPalm should have set a standard pricing structure
20:48.23nt4catshalfhalo: s/Your/You're/
20:48.27dBsoonersome of these apps are rediculously overpriced
20:48.39oilhalfhalos pre bites off his finger
20:48.44dBsoonerMy app says, "Hello Daniel!" .. that's all it does..
20:48.50dBsoonerand I am goingo to charge 3.99 for it
20:48.54EguyPalm's a small company, they have made a lot of bad products, and it takes them a while to fix things. I'll be getting a HTC device next.
20:48.56halfhalodo it
20:49.01nt4catsdBsooner: I'd pay $6.99 for it
20:49.07en0xi would just make "I'm rich app"
20:49.09loot-i toyed with the idea of making my phone have "wargames" sound effects
20:49.21nt4catsdbSooner: how about a big gem stone that says "I'm rich" and charge $999.99 for it
20:49.24dBsoonerdid you all see BHL's new source of income?
20:49.29idontwan2knowHTC is a big company that makes a lot of bad products that the NEVER fix.
20:49.32dBsooner2.99 "John Doe Quotes"
20:49.41dBsooners/John Doe/Who Ever/
20:49.48halfhaloBH should be shot
20:49.50halfhalowith a gun
20:49.53halfhaloat close range
20:49.55halfhaloin the head
20:50.07Eguyidontwan2know: That's why you get the new model!
20:50.46nt4catsI wander if app spam is actually making BHL any money ...
20:51.17halfhaloof courrse it is
20:51.22idontwan2knowI'm sure it is.
20:51.23EguyIf you are stupid enough to buy a BHL app, you deserve to be screwed.
20:51.45EguyIt's pretty much a web page in an app.
20:52.00idontwan2knowat least they get the app count up
20:52.22EguyIt would be 30 without them.
20:52.29halfhalono, its pretty much one app submitted over and over again with slight changes
20:52.48nt4catsI haven't read the terms -- but can you make a "hot naked babes showing it all" app and get it in Palm's catalog?
20:53.33halfhalosomeone get on that
20:54.11Eguyhalfhalo: Once we get flash you can go on redtube and be happy.
20:54.25halfhalobut that isn't an app now is it?
20:54.37halfhaloSee, an app will show up iphone users
20:54.44EguySomeone will make it.
20:55.06nt4catsEguy: there is no porn on the internet -- that's all a myth
20:55.17halfhalolike alaska/
20:55.22Eguynt4cats: No, there are no women on the internet.
20:55.30EguyThat's a fact.
20:55.55Mouseywonders why WOQI won't see his pre
20:56.14halfhalobecause it hates you?
20:56.24EguyWho's hungry?
20:56.25nt4catsMousey: because you're a bad person?
20:56.40nt4catsEguy: will that link get me/us fired if we click on it at work?
20:56.47EguyNot at all.
20:57.02halfhaloit MIGHT make you throw up though
20:57.05*** join/#webos-internals Toaster (
20:57.08Mouseynovaterm works, not novacomd
20:57.17Mouseynovaterm works, not woqi
20:57.18Mouseyi mean
20:57.26Toaster23hey I have a preware issue
20:57.44zsoc_wircToaster23: too bad
20:57.52EguyWhat a shame.
20:57.55Toaster23after the latest update preware says I only have 5 packages installed :S
20:57.57Mouseysucks to be you!
20:58.07zsoc_wircEguy: no questionable content please
20:58.17Eguyzsoc_wirc: What?
20:58.25nt4catszsoc: it was food
20:58.32zsoc_wircnt4cats: oh.
20:58.40zsoc_wircEguy: sorry that's just surprising lol
20:58.43halfhaloit was disgusting food, but only food
20:58.45Eguyzsoc_wirc: Why don't you click before you scald ;)
20:58.47nt4catszsoc: Eguy's link was safe for work -- I was worried because we had just been talking about porn
20:59.00nt4catshalfhalo: and by 'disgusting' you mean 'awesome'
20:59.13nt4catsI think we may try making that at work next week
20:59.17halfhalono, I mean its only 10% bacon
20:59.30*** join/#webos-internals EdsPre (~460503a9@gateway/web/freenode/x-svgzvzvcmwfgudlk)
20:59.55*** join/#webos-internals leonardo_ (~leonardo@
20:59.57EguyThat is sure to give you a heart att-ack-ack-ack-ack-ack
21:00.26zsoc_wircToaster23: do a feed update?
21:00.35Toaster23Yeah I do still only 5
21:00.38Toaster23and 4 of them are weird
21:00.54Toaster23it says:
21:01.06Toaster23False vfalse - Unknown Date
21:01.37Toaster23And then another one thats just grabled text. :P
21:02.36zsoc_wircToaster23: rwhitby and egaudet_work may be interested
21:03.01*** join/#webos-internals halfhalo (~halfhalo@
21:03.21Toaster23I read on the forums you can do an ERU and it might fix it
21:10.38Toaster23How do you run a linux app? :S
21:11.28*** join/#webos-internals DaveE_ (~42291b01@gateway/web/freenode/x-eshmuqctiwvjchhh)
21:12.44infobothmm... ugt is Universal Greeting Time. Created in #mipslinux, it is a rule that states that whenever somebody enters an IRC channel it is always morning, and it is always late when the person leaves. The local time of any other people in the channel, including the greeter, is irrelevant.
21:13.18DaveE_forgive me, morning
21:13.25drnull1but how can that apply?  Rod is ALWAYS here.  He never leaves.
21:13.51gkatsevdrnull1: neither do i. but when we rejoin the channel.
21:14.21drnull1aye, I rarely exit myself.  Just giving you a hard time. :)
21:15.19DaveE_so you'll have to forgive me if this is the wrong place for this. I'm quite the newbie when it comes to IRC
21:15.28gkatsevDaveE_: its fine.
21:15.55DaveE_I've got some trouble with a few Pre patches that I can't seem to remove or update...
21:16.10DaveE_I've tried everything short of a full WebOS doctor
21:16.33DaveE_any update or remove attempt ends up with the following error:
21:16.35gkatsevDaveE_: run EPR
21:16.48DaveE_yup, tried ERP as well
21:16.57DaveE_patches are still there
21:17.01gkatsevand EPR didnt fix it?
21:17.09DaveE_not functioning, unremovable and un-updateable
21:17.28DaveE_nope, ERP didn't do it
21:18.06DaveE_does ERP create a log somewhere that shows what it did?
21:18.36DaveE_sorry, I'v been fat fingering EPR, not ERP
21:19.17rwhitbyegaudet: did we work out what filled timofalltrades's Pre ?
21:20.06mjkjr|wircDaveE_: yes, you would need to put device into usb mode and you an see the log there
21:21.58*** join/#webos-internals elejido (~44f2558b@gateway/web/freenode/x-xlhythpncdfjmwkv)
21:22.25DaveE_k, it looks like EPR compared the md5sums for the patch files and the sums were the same so EPR removed the original file.
21:22.45mjkjr|wircDaveE_: sometimes it's just easier to backup, full erase, and then doctor
21:23.10DaveE_yeah, I was hoping to avoid that, but I have done it before
21:23.52DaveE_cool, we thanks for the info
21:25.29rwhitbydrnull1: if I didn't say morning or night, then people wouldn't know whether I'm really here, or just reading them in backlog
21:27.55*** join/#webos-internals Tibfib (
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21:36.06*** join/#webos-internals swisstomcat (~tomcat@
21:36.14egaudet_workrwhitby: no
21:36.40swisstomcatanyone here that did the german preware translations? i'm having problems with umlauts
21:37.34swisstomcate.g button labels show &uuml; instead of ü
21:37.48*** join/#webos-internals oilsworkn (~d80733be@gateway/web/freenode/x-vvavwogcxeufedsv)
21:37.49swisstomcatrest of the text is ok tho
21:37.52*** mode/#webos-internals [+v oilsworkn] by ChanServ
21:38.40rwhitbyoilsworkn: I commented out the new feed stuff in 0.9.30 alpha release, but will look at implementing the service part over the weekend.
21:39.39rwhitbyoilsworkn: I also added passing the URL down - can you take a look at that and see if I've done it ok?
21:40.22zsoc_wircrwhitby: the service part of adding a feed is just touching the file and appending it with sed, no?
21:40.53rwhitbyzsoc_wirc: yep, wanna write it for me?
21:40.55*** join/#webos-internals muchtall (
21:41.35zsoc_wircrwhitby: yeah, it uses that fancy java cmd execute method right? I can fancy a crack at it a bit later
21:41.44oilsworkndont forget delete
21:41.51oilsworknwhich is just rm filename
21:42.08*** join/#webos-internals chron_ (
21:42.08rwhitbyzsoc_wirc: actually you only need to create or delete files, no sedding required
21:42.22zsoc_wircoilsworkn: really? no! there must be a better way to REMOVE files!
21:42.34rwhitby(since oil's code will not allow someone to enter an existing name as the file to create)
21:42.37MetaViewrwhitby: from my build/unstable folder, I only commit the Makefile?
21:42.57oilsworknright, it needs to block that, and turn spaces into _'s or something for the names
21:43.00rwhitbyMetaView: build/unreleased/* yeah
21:43.22zsoc_wircrwhitby: uh... what utility allows you to create a file containing arbitray text with no necessary interaction?
21:43.28rwhitbyoilsworkn: spaces to hyphens would match what we have now better
21:43.44oilsworkn"or something" :)
21:44.51oilsworknidk, do we really want zsoc stickin his fingers in there?
21:45.10egaudet_workthe "error see ipkg log" has to go away
21:45.28zsoc_wircoilsworkn: I'm not kidding. clearly this would be a 'learning experience' for me, certainly not _efficient_ for anyone
21:45.29egaudet_workI'm going to snap at the next "How do I fix error ipkg log"
21:46.01oilsworknbe sure to link us to it
21:46.07oilsworkn<3's a good rant
21:46.10egaudet_workzsoc_wirc: was that a real question
21:46.11zsoc_wircegaudet_work: I looked into that. same with 'ipkg update'
21:46.28MetaViewrwhitby: who makes the ipk in unreleased then? An automatically build script?
21:46.39zsoc_wircMetaView: the autobuilder
21:46.39drnull1huh, so those are known issues?  I got one of those in the drPodder thread:
21:46.51MetaViewzsoc_wirc: ok, thxs
21:46.54drnull1(ipkg update issues that is)
21:47.55MetaViewat which time will the autobuilder run?
21:47.57zsoc_wircegaudet_work: it requires some javascript regexp replace() magic
21:48.06zsoc_wircoil must know how it works :p
21:48.14oilsworknrwhitby: what you added looks fine to me
21:48.44zsoc_wircdrnull1: nono that's not an issue, it's a vague error message that needs to be more specific
21:48.48egaudet_workI just want to replace the "ERROR: see ipkg log" popup with the ipkg log's stderr
21:49.06*** part/#webos-internals swisstomcat (~tomcat@
21:49.14*** join/#webos-internals gemmy (~d8559c23@gateway/web/freenode/x-spcarueqbsoerbie)
21:49.20zsoc_wircegaudet_work: shouldn't be hard, the subscription method is already there
21:49.35gemmyhi, can someone help me with installing preware?
21:49.37zsoc_wircwould be even easier WITH A C SERVICE
21:49.42zsoc_wirc:p :p :p
21:49.54zsoc_wircgemmy: ?
21:50.00oilsworknthere is a partial c service
21:50.08gemmyyes, i've gone through all the guides
21:50.11gemmyand when i open preware
21:50.23gemmyit says that the package manager isn't installed, but i have installed it
21:50.43MetaViewdo a reset
21:50.47drnull1oilsworkn: cool, scroll fades and better scroller handling done.  :)
21:51.02gemmyi had package manager and preware on my launcher
21:51.07gemmyit said to restart so i did
21:51.13gemmyand then package manager wasn't there anymore
21:51.13oilsworknbut sadly i can't install the new version
21:51.16MetaViewa real restartß
21:51.22gemmybut it still says the same thing
21:51.23oilsworkn(my internet keeps throwing 404s for the download)
21:51.31zsoc_wircoilsworkn: you sort of avoided my question the other day. are you familiar with regexp matching and replace()?
21:51.38oilsworknthe package manager icon is supposed to go away after a reboot
21:51.43oilsworknits supposed to be hidden
21:51.46MetaViewmy shift key...
21:51.54oilsworknavoids zsoc some more
21:52.03gemmyi know that it's suppose to go away, that's why i thought preware would work, but it didn't
21:52.08oilsworknim not terrible at it
21:52.21zsoc_wircoilsworkn: it's clear you think I'm an idiot, but it's just a question :p
21:52.37oilsworknno i dont think that
21:52.46idontwan2knowWhy do people still insist on overclocking to 600mhz when WebOS now scales automatically to 600 in most situations where it needs it?
21:52.46oilsworknyou're webos hacker extraordinare, right?
21:52.53infobotzsoc is probably the OWHE, original webos hacker extraordinaire, and don't forget it. He's fluent in Hungarian, and wears mc hammer pants.
21:55.02mjkjr|wircidontwan2know: you don't want to know =)
21:55.53MetaViewwhen i try to install duke3d from the beta feed I get a ipkg error, postinst fails. Now I added at least #!/bin/sh into the first line of the postinst file, but how ca ni test itß
21:56.27zsoc_wircso I just realized the ridiculous answer to my stupid question.
21:56.41halfhalogood for you!
21:56.50*** join/#webos-internals thadood (
21:56.52zsoc_wircrwhitby: I assume echo + I/o redirection is the best method?
21:57.04zsoc_wirchalfhalo: thank you
21:58.26oilsworknthere is a definitely a problem with rescan
21:58.28oilsworknwell, that or my pre sucks
21:58.47*** join/#webos-internals DragonBit (~wIRCer@
21:58.58oilsworknoh, a wircer
21:59.54*** part/#webos-internals DragonBit (~wIRCer@
22:00.47rwhitbyzsoc_wirc: yep
22:01.28oilsworknoh i scared him off
22:01.38oilsworknhe was probably like "how did he know i was using wirc??!!?"
22:02.05rwhitbyMetaView: I make the ipkgs in unreleased and push them to the testing feed
22:07.31zsoc_wircoilsworkn: what part of doInstall passes stderr back to preware? you said it's somewhere in the install service subscription?
22:07.50oilsworknin the service?
22:08.02zsoc_wircoilsworkn: in preware...
22:08.43oilsworkndoInstall calls the service
22:08.47oilsworknstarts the subscription
22:08.54oilsworknonInstall is called whenever the service responds
22:08.59oilsworknand stderr is in the payload
22:10.13zsoc_wircoilsworkn: line 1061 of package.js? (assuming you have access to it atm
22:13.10oilsworkni got git
22:13.56oilsworknthat line initiates the subscription
22:13.57oilsworknnothing else
22:14.22oilsworknbrb, 5 mins or so
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22:19.59kanzlrquestion: I installed the adblock tweak from webOS QI to my GSM Pre and now Luna won't start anymore. I have openSSH running on it, and can connect by means of SFTP and putty. In the /var/log/messages log it says  Active browserserver main process (7482) 2010-01-06T00:17:06.008148Z [1018] palm-webos-device upstart: (01018/711617431) browserserver state changed from spawned to post-start 2010-01-06T00:17:06.0099
22:20.06kanzlrso i guess the patch has broken something
22:20.20kanzlrif i had the patch file i could just replace the broken files with the originals from the doctor image
22:20.31kanzlrcan anybody help me on this?
22:20.55*** join/#webos-internals Ron001 (
22:21.04zsoc_wircoilsworkn: nevermind, I see it now
22:22.03kanzlrso I guess the browser component can not start up because the adblock patch screwed up
22:22.17kanzlrwell. Can't find the patch file, as It is a patch included in webOS QI
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22:23.05rwhitbykanzlr: the danger of using closed source patches ...
22:23.37kanzlrdidn't know it is a closed source patch. naive, maybe.
22:23.56kanzlrany hint what files it could have changed?
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22:27.23oilsworknzsoc_wirc: ?
22:27.40kanzlrwas that ? targeted at me? :)
22:28.05oilsworknit was targeted at zsoc_wirc, hence prefixing my message with his name :)
22:28.13oilsworkni don't know anything at all about the "adblock" patch
22:31.43*** join/#webos-internals freegnu (
22:32.40kanzlroh, sorry, not an IRC guy myself :)
22:33.24oilsworknbut if you had problems with that patch
22:33.33oilsworknyour best bet is to probably find the author on precentral
22:33.35oilsworknand ask him
22:33.54kanzlrit is a patch built into webos QI. not sure how to find out who is the author
22:34.14oilsworknif it doesn't say, you would have to talk to jason
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22:37.32dalifoveaAnyone on here? could use a bit of advice about getting Preware to jive with my Pre. Not making friends yet...
22:37.37kanzlrwill try to do that, thanks :)
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22:38.40oilsworkngetting it to jive?
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22:41.16zsoc_wircoilsworkn: what is payload.status?
22:41.42zsoc_wircI assume that's what I'm looking for
22:41.53oilsworknthats the status?
22:42.02oilsworknhas no clue wtf you're trying to do
22:42.23dalifoveaI Doctored my Pre, completely re-installed 1.4 as well as Preware. Now, packages I download don't seem to want to load onto the Pre. I finally got Preware onto the Pre, but now getting this message on load: Failure during 'getListFile' operation.
22:42.24kanzlrbtw, does anybody know the packageid of the adblock patch?
22:42.32egaudet_workkanzlr: run EFV to see what files are modified by non-AUPT patches
22:42.45egaudet_workprobably just /etc/hosts
22:42.56egaudet_workit's not a patch
22:43.12egaudet_workit's a closed source QI feature/tweak
22:44.29zsoc_wircoilsworkn: well, there are only 4 errors: !payload, !payload.returnValue, payload.stage == "failed" (which is the error eric was bitching about), and payload.stag == "status"
22:45.20zsoc_wircso I'm still confused where the subscriptions is feeding stderr back
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22:45.36egaudet_workzsoc_wirc: in the payload
22:45.43egaudet_workit's a json
22:45.52oilsworkndalifovea: idk where that "getListFile" error is coming from
22:45.55kanzlr@egaudet_work EVF = Emergency Verification F... ?
22:45.56zsoc_wircegaudet_work: _thank you_
22:45.56oilsworknit must be in the service
22:45.58kanzlrI read that somewhere
22:46.05egaudet_workEFV = Emergency File Verification
22:46.13kanzlrI already replaced /etc/hosts with the one from the doctor
22:46.20oilsworknstill doesn't know what the hell zsoc is trying to accomplish
22:46.36dalifoveagetListFile error comes up multiple times as I load Preware
22:46.44egaudet_workhe's trying to accomplish avoiding mingw
22:46.52zsoc_wircoilsworkn: I want to replace parts of payload.stderr with regexp matching
22:46.59kanzlrEVF is a package I have to install, right? But luna doesn't come up and QI doesn't see my pre yet
22:47.13zsoc_wircegaudet_work: lol you're saying I'm procrastinating? :p I don't have access to my toolchain at work
22:47.14oilsworknfor what, the ipkg log thing?
22:47.15egaudet_workluna doesn't come up?
22:47.24kanzlrthe palm logo doesn't flash yet
22:47.34kanzlrbut due to openSSH running I can putty/sftp into it
22:47.51kanzlrexcerpt from my /var/log/messages
22:48.00kanzlr2010-01-06T00:38:34.419128Z [233] palm-webos-device upstart: (00233/573098144) Active browserserver main process (12127)
22:48.00zsoc_wircoilsworkn: to get 'try ipkg update' to be something less ambiguious (ie: app menu -> update feeds)
22:48.20kanzlrand this is an infinite loop
22:48.24zsoc_wircoilsworkn: and I can't change the error in the service because things use it other than preware
22:48.34infobot[~pastebin] A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you can paste anything over 3 lines without flooding the channel. Here are links to a few : , , , ,
22:48.51oilsworknwell if you want to change what ends up in the ipkg log scene
22:49.18oilsworknyou want to look at hte function starting on line 222 of models/IPKGService.js
22:49.18egaudet_workkanzlr: ps -ef |grep Luna
22:49.52oilsworknthat is where what comes down in the payload is converted to fancy html for the log scene
22:49.59egaudet_workkanzlr: since you can get in via ssh you can run the md5sum check manually
22:50.07egaudet_workfirstly, how many patches do you have installed?
22:50.41kanzlrapprox 30
22:50.50egaudet_workok well let's use EFV then
22:51.07egaudet_workipkg -o /media/cryptofs apps install org.webosinternals.emergency-file-verfication
22:51.10zsoc_wircoilsworkn: got it. now it makes sense. I never realized it went to the log first.
22:51.24oilsworknyeah, it throws it there for later display
22:51.33egaudet_workIPKG_OFFLINE_ROOT=/media/cryptofs/apps sh /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/lib/ipkg/info/org.webosinternals.emergency-file-verification.postinst
22:51.44oilsworknit just sends all payloads returned by the service through that function
22:52.34kanzlripkg: unknown sub-command apps
22:52.50zsoc_wircoilsworkn: and why did you laugh at it before? I'm trying to fix something that causes unnecessary support issues :p
22:52.53egaudet_workipkg -o /media/cryptofs/apps install org.webosinternals.emergency-file-verfication
22:52.57egaudet_worktypo before
22:53.23kanzlrthanks for helping me, owe you a beer :)
22:53.46kanzlrCannot find package org.webosinternals.emergency-file-verfication.
22:53.50oilsworkni laugh at every change made for the most dull knife in the drawer
22:53.52*** part/#webos-internals dalifovea (~4a483435@gateway/web/freenode/x-sfbfnvyjpzwhdfbh)
22:54.08egaudet_workcat /media/cryptofs/apps/etc/ipkg/webos-internals.conf
22:54.29kanzlrsrc/gz webosinternals
22:54.33kanzlrsrc/gz webosinternals-armv7,
22:54.36kanzlrsrc/gz webosinternals-armv7
22:54.46kanzlrthe , was a mistake, sorry
22:54.47egaudet_workipkg -o /media/cryptofs/apps update
22:54.53egaudet_workipkg -o /media/cryptofs/apps list | grep emergency
22:55.33egaudet_workoh duh another type by me sorry
22:55.33kanzlrthats the one I need i guess? org.webosinternals.emergency-file-verification - 2.0.0 - Emergency File Verification
22:55.37egaudet_workipkg -o /media/cryptofs/apps install org.webosinternals.emergency-file-verification
22:55.48zsoc_wircoilsworkn: the point is, I have no ability to fix _actual_ issues, or implement _actual_ features, but this way I can try to lessen the support load
22:56.27oilsworknwhy dont ya?
22:56.31suihi. i'm searching a terminal app for 1.4. when i launch terminal (0.2.3) luna crashes. is there another in preware?
22:56.34kanzlrwhat now? :)
22:56.49oilsworknsui: terminus
22:56.52zsoc_wircoilsworkn: I'm not a programmer? :)
22:57.03oilsworknbut but
22:57.09egaudet_workIPKG_OFFLINE_ROOT=/media/cryptofs/apps sh /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/lib/ipkg/info/org.webosinternals.emergency-file-verification.postinst
22:57.22suioilsworkn: this ones working? I'll try...
22:57.46kanzlrok, i guess this takes a few minutes? it does md5 the whole system, right?
22:58.42oilsworknzsoc_wirc: you need to tackle ticket #13!
22:59.14*** join/#webos-internals draeath (~pbransfor@unaffiliated/draeath)
22:59.55draeathHmm. The terminal app seems to crash my phone (or luna at least) when I try to launch it. Also, preware gets stuck while checking package manager version, but only when connected to my home wifi. works over data nework, or other wireless nets.
23:00.00draeathany ideas?
23:00.52oilsworknchecking package manager version has nothing at all to do with internet connectivity
23:00.59kanzlrbtw, egaudet, at least I learn a lot of stuff for the next time I mess up my pre :)
23:01.08oilsworknand we know terminal isnt working, terminus is an ok replacement in the meantime
23:01.10kanzlrthanks for taking the time
23:01.18epvterminal is known to not work with 1.4. you can try using terminus instead though it doesn't really do screen updates right
23:01.41zsoc_wircoilsworkn: I'm pretty sure patch creators don't care enough to figure out dependecies
23:02.00egaudet_workIt's interesting you have gdb on LunaSysMgr
23:02.03oilsworknnot so says egaudet_work
23:02.05EguyAnybody want to change the channel topic to include terminal not working?
23:02.08egaudet_workyou really got something broken :P
23:02.17kanzlrooook, look:
23:02.18kanzlrFile: /usr/lib/
23:02.20draeathoilsworkn: then how come preware locks up there ONLY when I'm connected to my particular wireless network?
23:02.24kanzlrthis does sound interesting
23:02.32oilsworkni could see it failing at another point do to network
23:02.33egaudet_workzsoc_wirc: what does that comment even mean?
23:02.35oilsworknbut not at that point
23:02.39egaudet_work"to figure out dependencies"
23:02.44suijust tested. terminus works. nice to have a shell :)
23:02.45draeathoilsworkn: but if I connect to some other network, it works fine... ?
23:02.51egaudet_workyou may be misunderstanding the ticket
23:02.59oilsworknegaudet_work: i told him to handle ticket #13
23:03.01kanzlrthere are a lot of files changed, but most are ok with me (messaging plugins mostly)
23:03.03zsoc_wircegaudet_work: definitely then
23:03.09egaudet_worki'm too lazy to go to trac
23:03.11egaudet_workwhat is 13
23:03.15oilsworknyour ticket
23:03.16egaudet_workthe update all dependencies one?
23:03.25oilsworknthe delete delete delete install install install one
23:03.30egaudet_workyeah that has nothing to do with patch creating zsoc_wirc
23:03.45egaudet_workit's about dependencies on packages that need to "replace"
23:03.56oilsworknwhich are only patches
23:04.00egaudet_work(for now)
23:04.05oilsworknfor ever
23:04.19zsoc_wircoh I get it slowly, as usual
23:04.20draeathanyways thanks for confirming the terminal :) makes me think the preware thing is an odd coincidence. before, i thought perhaps something was really wrong
23:05.00egaudet_workA -> B then update = rA rB iB iA
23:05.28egaudet_workkanzlr: is it still going
23:05.40oilsworknpatches depending on patches is going to be a stickey situation
23:05.51kanzlr+egaudet_work it is finished
23:05.59kanzlrit shows that /usr/lib/ was changed
23:06.00oilsworknespecially when quick install doesn't support deps
23:06.03kanzlrthe rest of the changed files looks harmless
23:06.04egaudet_workso libWebkit the only odd one?
23:06.09egaudet_workdo you have iphone spoof installed?
23:06.18kanzlrand an ls -al /usr/lib/ shows it was changed today
23:06.29oilsworknbets he does
23:06.38egaudet_workoilsworkn: it's not a sticky situation
23:06.50kanzlrnow that oyu mention it, i unchecked iphone spoof when i checked the adblock patch in tweaks
23:07.02kanzlrcan you send me the from your device per email or something like that?
23:07.03egaudet_workit's just an annoying situation because the code is already there
23:07.15egaudet_workkanzlr: get it from the doctor image
23:07.24oilsworknwell its not already there
23:07.29oilsworknif it was, it would be easy
23:07.34egaudet_workoilsworkn: I mean the code to do it the other way is already there
23:07.44egaudet_workif it was starting from scratch it would be no problemo
23:07.46egaudet_worknow it
23:07.47oilsworknbut the entire multi-install process will need to be re-done to handle it
23:07.55egaudet_worknow it's just annoying to have to re-write/re-work it
23:07.58kanzlrah, just found it. my webos image unrar had an error
23:08.45oilsworknand the multi-install stuff was a pain to write hte first time
23:08.49egaudet_workoilsworkn: you know we could make it easy
23:09.01oilsworknjust get rid of hte update all button, i know
23:09.02egaudet_workthe "right way" is only in theory, not in practice
23:09.29egaudet_workyou could always use --force-depends :P
23:09.41kanzlrwuhuw, the palm logo starts pulsing again! :)
23:09.50egaudet_workoilsworkn: update all is not the issue
23:09.52egaudet_workit's update period
23:09.57egaudet_workyou can't update either A nor B
23:10.09kanzlri copied what you told me (how to install EVF from terminal) for future reference, thanks a lot!!!!
23:10.11egaudet_workok well I guess that is a lie
23:10.12epvbtw has anyone else noticed the optware packages can't be used by non-root users because they install under /media/cryptofs/apps which is inaccessible to non-root users (presumably because of fusermount options)?
23:10.24egaudet_workso yeah you could just re-order the update from BA to AB
23:10.41egaudet_workit's not -right- but it should work right
23:11.06oilsworknif the depended upon package is done second?
23:11.22egaudet_workepv: the entire system is owned by root so
23:11.38egaudet_workI don't have a user setup I just use ssh key
23:11.57oilsworknstill has to hit flebay to find himself a dev device
23:12.08egaudet_workoilsworkn: yeah dependent done 2nd
23:12.18egaudet_workwell no I guess nevermind
23:12.26epvowned by is fine, but fuse mounts are special because they ignore file perms and deny anyone except the one owner.. there's a fuse option to change that but i have nfi how to get /usr/bin/mountcfs to apply it
23:12.32epvo wells
23:12.35egaudet_workyou never "update" the dependent package ever unless the depending package is removed
23:12.45oilsworknthe entire "multi-action" stuff just needs to be rewritten
23:12.56oilsworkninstead of being simply passed a list of packages and what to do to them
23:13.02egaudet_workso just change update all to take the list of "package that nee dto update" and save the ones that depend on another, and then remove them first
23:13.06oilsworknit needs to be pased a list of packages, and what to do to each package independently
23:13.09kanzlregaudet, is you?
23:13.14egaudet_workkanzlr: yeah
23:13.17oilsworknthis package, remove, this package, remove, this package, intstall, etc
23:13.21kanzlrdonated you a few beers
23:13.23kanzlrthanks so much!
23:13.30kanzlrbtw, how to private message on IRC? :)
23:13.38epvi just copied /opt/bin/* to /usr/local/bin, copied some libs from /opt/lib, etc. Gross, but whateve.r
23:13.38kanzlrhaven't used IRC for...10 years? :)
23:13.43egaudet_workthanks for the cold one :)
23:13.47EguyDouble click the name?
23:13.55egaudet_workam I to assume it is fixed kanzlr ?
23:14.12egaudet_workso it was a corrupted libWebkit from iphone spoof or from corrupted doctor extract?
23:14.24kanzlrfrom iPhone spoof i guess
23:14.30kanzlrthe QI guys should put up a warning
23:14.47egaudet_workIt's the first I've heard of this so, I'll keep it in mind
23:15.10kanzlrit did that on GSM also, just didn't realize this was the problem
23:15.16kanzlrso thanks a lot and good night!
23:15.20kanzlrenjoy your beer ;)
23:15.29*** part/#webos-internals draeath (~pbransfor@unaffiliated/draeath)
23:15.32egaudet_workI will, thanks
23:15.55kanzlrwhatever you fance :)
23:15.59kanzlrfancy :)
23:16.45egaudet_worktake it easy, happy hacking
23:17.05kanzlrlearned a lot :)
23:17.30infobotfrom memory, ciao is both hello and goodbye (casual)
23:17.50egaudet_workpronounced chow
23:17.53oilsworknnice of infobot to say what it means, but not the language?
23:17.59egaudet_workinfobot is a slacker
23:18.03infobotACTION whimpers
23:18.30oilsworknis not looking forward to when infobot changes its name to skynet
23:18.42infobotaw, gee, oilsworkn
23:18.45oilsworknremember that infobot!
23:18.58oilsworknremember that when you take over the world
23:19.09egaudet_workyea remember who makes you strong and remember who babies you into the little coward that you are!
23:19.28oilsworknyou're the first to get vaporized for sure
23:20.01oilsworknthen itl drink all your beer
23:20.26oilsworknand make sweet love to zsoc's mom
23:20.31rwhitbyepv: make sure you don't fill up /usr, and remember that your optware apps will now be removed by a webos Doctor.  this is yet another reason why we changed openssh setup to just use root.
23:21.21epvyeah rwhitby, it's not a big deal, it was just briefly confusing. thanks.
23:21.36rwhitbySo, egaudet_work, binary patches using bsdiff - how do we shoehorn that into AUPT ?
23:21.55epvi made a shell script to do the copies in the event it needs to be redone.
23:22.16rwhitbyegaudet_work: cause 42% is too successful for AUPT, so we gotta make it do more stuff now ....
23:22.38egaudet_workbspatch and themes sound like a good success rate killer :D
23:22.54oilsworknit never made it above 50%?
23:23.04rwhitbyoilsworkn: it did for a while
23:23.06egaudet_workmy first question is can 2 bspatches be applied to the same binary in serial
23:23.16rwhitbyegaudet_work: yeah, good question - zsoc_wirc ?
23:23.22oilsworkndid you think about re-doing the poll so all the idiots can vote correctly?
23:23.23epvsounds scary
23:23.35rwhitbyepv: scary is what we do
23:23.37egaudet_workoilsworkn: no, idiots don't count :P
23:23.47oilsworknwell i know i voted yes
23:23.49oilsworknso, 100%?
23:24.08rwhitbyI didn't vote, cause I didn't have any patches loaded when 1.4 hit
23:24.19rwhitbya well time profile reset fixed that for me
23:24.40zsoc_wircegaudet_work: and no, you can't with bs patch
23:24.55oilsworkni know there was quite a few "change my vote to yes, im an idiot" posts
23:25.06rwhitbyegaudet_work: ok, so we're going to need to use Conflicts: for any patches which bspatch the same file
23:25.07egaudet_workso bspatch's useful only because you don't have to distribute the (copyrighted) binary
23:25.18egaudet_workrwhitby: naw this one's easy
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23:25.33egaudet_workif file isn't md5sum stock bspatch isn't touching it
23:25.38oilsworknpreware doesn't support conflicts
23:25.48rwhitbyegaudet_work: ok, the change user agent patch can be our pipe cleaner
23:26.13egaudet_workbspatch and themes can pretty much be combined into the same general sense
23:26.18egaudet_workit's file replacement
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23:26.31egaudet_workone distrubutes the entire file the other just a binary diff, but in the end it's the same thing
23:26.35oilsworknjust let themes fade off into the distance
23:27.02egaudet_workthat's never going to happen, someone is going to make something that steps all over AUPT
23:27.27egaudet_workAutoUpdate Dumb Idiot Themes
23:27.38halfhalojust wants to feel included
23:27.46egaudet_workpatch is execellent
23:27.59oilsworknit worked great for me
23:29.17egaudet_workalright I gotta head home, bbl
23:30.00Mouseymakes a 128MB swap file, runs it, fs&g
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23:43.46zsocegaudet, we could ship multiple versions of the bspatchfile in each ipk and pick one to install based on md5 of the target file
23:44.09zsocassuming that ever comes up
23:45.40idontwan2knowHas anybody else noticed some weird clock behavior when unlocking their phone?
23:46.10idontwan2knowLike, it'll say 2:00, but then as you swipe up it jumps back to 1:59.
23:46.59rwhitbyzsoc|food: that would get exponentially large quite quickly
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23:53.21mjkjr|wirc"AUDIT" lol
23:53.57Kyusakuidontwan2know: yes
23:54.20Kyusakueven without swiping
23:55.29drnull_do any of the brilliant minds responsible for preware want to help me figure out why my latest version of drPodder (0.5.3) isn't showing up for some people in preware?
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23:56.21oilsworknopens preware and has a look
23:56.40drnull_ it's there at 0.5.3
23:56.46Mitalisdrnull I too had that problem... I think the Preware feed is lagging behind
23:56.50drnull_but some people don't see it while others do...
23:57.01Kyusakuidontwan2know: better than my phone being 5mins ahead
23:57.06oilsworkni see 053
23:57.24drnull_what on earth.
23:57.29MitalisI just doctored my phone today... And I was having trouble seeing 0.5.3... The version I saw on Preware is 0.5.1...
23:57.46oilsworknwell, step 1 is to make sure they've updated their feeds
23:57.51oilsworkndepending on their settings, it may be only manual
23:57.59oilsworknor once every 24 hours, or every load
23:58.09oilsworknthen you look
23:58.23oilsworknto see if the autobuilder has ran and updated its packages file
23:58.30drnull_I looked there and it looks updated
23:58.42oilsworknyeah, it does
23:58.47oilsworkni bet they just need to manually update feeds
23:59.12drnull_k, I'll try suggesting that.
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