IRC log for #webos-internals on 20100301

00:00.32the_snowdogVincentLaw: I have been having similar issues to you regarding alerts.  SMS texts are hours late. The phone doesn't ring when people call. Email app opens to blank page. Calendar opens empty too sometimes. Definitely something weird going on with this update.
00:00.42bpadalinoit looks like luna caches a lot more as, after boot, i seem to only have ~7MB free
00:01.01VincentLawI don't have any issues with things showing up blank. simply alerts when the pre is locked being delayed for extended periods
00:01.10VincentLawtexts/ims/calendar alerts/etc
00:01.16shinebarI don't think it's _definitely_ faster - the email-application is laggy as hell
00:01.28VincentLawazakus: and I know it's been updated, but it renders fine in everything else. everything. even the older pre browser.
00:01.35xcompemail isn't laggy for is noticeably more responsive
00:01.41bpadalinosame here xcomp
00:01.58VincentLawyeah its not lag
00:02.04VincentLawit's like it's just not realizing there's alerts
00:02.09xcomphaven't had blanks in the calendar or late texts, but I've definitely had a couple of missed calls
00:02.41JMyaDaGodVincentLaw what did u say the problem with ur site was?
00:02.48VincentLawthe background wouldn't render
00:02.54JMyaDaGodo i see it now
00:03.34VincentLawyeah, it doesn't make sense
00:03.38azakushmm, dmesg also has a few listings of lunasysmgr
00:03.38azakus[ 4020.910000] Alignment trap: LunaSysMgr (7805) PC=0x35bd2e88 Instr=0xe7970004 Address=0x027a8509 FSR 0x001
00:03.50JMyaDaGodwhy do u only have 1 period here:  background-image: url('./images/bgclouds.jpg')
00:03.55the_snowdogWell just now running some tests to figure out the blink notification patterns and the phone was not even registering a notificaton to 2 test emails.  I then try to open the email app and shows me the account setup page.  I hit "Done" and then it works again. And the 2 test emails are sitting there already.
00:04.02azakusdef unaligned read
00:04.06bpadalinowow, traps, huh ?
00:04.06VincentLawJMyaDaGod: current directory. I like stating it explicitly
00:04.25JMyaDaGodo i c
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00:07.35NrbelexI would say *maybe* its managing memory better, but the complete business of alerts is killing me now (especially the vibrations). Plus I'm having stability issues which never occurred in 1.3; actually had a full crash. AND the lock screen sometimes glitches... so was it worth it for video recording, Flash and *maybe* better memory management?
00:07.50Nrbelexnot business
00:08.09Nrbelexcurses spellcheck
00:08.44Nrbelexthe_snowdog: I think trying to figure that out is futile. I really think it's just totally buggy.
00:09.22azakusok, I've got a few traps of LunaSysMgr in dmesg and it always has the alignment trap at the same instruction
00:10.06the_snowdogI think we just need to provide assistance to palm get this stuff fixed quickly. Looks like azakus is making some progress with the debug info....
00:10.26azakusi'd rather not have to objdump it though
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00:14.33bpadalinoit looks like your PC is always at the same location
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00:18.11azakusbpadalino: nope, I have a more comprehensive log
00:18.16azakussame instruction every time though
00:18.41Ihazspintpr3I just updated to webos 1.4 and installed the multi mod patch, it doesnt work and wont allow me to go to any web page
00:18.43bpadalinodecode the instruction ?
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00:19.04Ihazspintpr3code someplease point me in the right direction?
00:19.20bpadalinoyeah, your PC is always the same
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00:19.32azakusis it?
00:19.45azakusoh so it is
00:19.55bpadalinolets see what function that's in
00:20.40NrbelexPerhaps this will teach them not to tie themselves down by giving specific dates when new versions are coming out. This just feels ruched.
00:20.57bpadalinoyou think so ?
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00:24.44the_snowdogIhazspintpr3: that's a known issue. we need to wait for a patch update. you should uninstall it for now
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00:29.32NrbelexOh, also: forward swipe gesture - completely gone!? is pretty cool
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00:45.03rwhitbyIhazspintpr3: uninstall it
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01:39.22dBsooneregaudet: ping
01:41.53FuMan2whats with those weird dots that show up during loading in Preware
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01:52.34rwhitbyFuMan2: dunno, they are new in 1.4, and seem harmless.  Maybe oil knows what they are.
01:53.42oili noticed them also, but idk
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01:56.14LoneStar99rwhitby:  have some questions about ipkg-builder
01:56.48rwhitbyLoneStar99: yep
01:57.37PuffTheMagic_The asian chic app is awsome
01:58.05LoneStar99need to migrate it to unix, what do i need to change?
02:00.55entity-they need to make a white chick app
02:01.15rwhitbyLoneStar99: should run on anything with Python and zip and tar and ar I expect.
02:01.18dBsoonerBBA app
02:01.55rwhitbyLoneStar99: why do you want to run it on Unix (and what version? SCO? HP-UX? Solaris?) - why not just use a Linux virtual machine?
02:03.24LoneStar99rwhitby: can you send me a private message? you handle does not show up
02:11.11*** join/#webos-internals gollyzila2 (
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02:14.25nfoxTcanyone have any news on the flash beta?
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02:15.19AbyssulWe ned a patch to remove Bluetooth from the Device Menu
02:15.25gollyzila2Did they specifically say it was going to come out in february?
02:15.40Abyssulgollyzila2: 1.4? Yes
02:15.43Abyssulor flash
02:15.48nfoxTcI heard second week of march from a sprint rep
02:16.15gollyzila2Abyssul: flash
02:16.20CardSharkAdobe took Flash from Macromedia and turned it into a bloated buggy mess.
02:16.49nfoxTchow do you figure
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02:22.45FuMan2Failed: ErrorGenericMethodException: Failure during post-install script
02:22.49FuMan2bad O_o?
02:23.19gollyzila2FuMan2: Is Duke3D released for Pre?
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02:29.28gollyzilaHas anyone have all there backgrounded apps close except Preware while using Preware?
02:31.03gollyzilaI had Email and 2 browser cards while updating my patches. After it finished, I skipped the  luna restart and my phone was slow. I went to card view and Preware was  the only card open.
02:31.25gollyzilaAnd then it also happened when I was downloading Terminus.
02:34.58FuMan2gollyzila, yeah, its in the testing feed
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02:36.24bpadalinogollyzila: i have
02:36.34bpadalinoit happens whenever luna rescanned it seemed
02:36.37bpadalinoor java restarted
02:36.50bpadalinomy phone was terribly slow after java restarted .. i rebooted after that
02:38.28*** part/#webos-internals gollyzila (
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02:39.54gollyzilaHow would I do Tab in Terminus?
02:39.58zonylfinally sent off a request for access to the PDK. Crossing my fingers.
02:40.44zonylIs terminus just a port of the sdlTerminal application or was it a new project?
02:41.41oilyeah, it does appear a rescan kills open apps
02:43.17gollyzila"Terminus is a fork of the dead terminal emulator project called "Enterminus", an EFL based terminal emulator for the Enlightenment window manager. Terminus is powered by SDL and designed to work on Palm webOS devices such as the Pre and Pixi."
02:43.24gollyzilaCopied from the wiki
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02:44.03gollyzilaForward gesture is tab if anyone didn't know like I did
02:44.03zonylgollyzila: on WSOI wiki?
02:44.27f13ftwgollyzila: thanks, news to me. always have hit spacbar ~5 times
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02:44.50zonylhehe.  If that only worked 'spacebar completion'
02:45.32gollyzilaI just followed the link on the webos-internals wiki
02:46.05f13ftwgollyzila: sorry, i must have missed too much of the convo prior to entering the room...
02:46.21zonylgollyzila: doh. Thanks. Didnt realize there was another page describing it.   I am also in the process of adding Arrows and Tab/Alt to the sdlVNC client so I can use Xterm.
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02:48.41FuMan2I thought Terminus was dead int he water?
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02:49.01gollyzilaNot until Terminal died recently
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02:49.42zonylFuMan2: It works for now.  Got caught on the 1.4 upgrade and lost terminal and my ssh user.. Thank goodness for Terminus
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02:51.58Mark_MWhat is the best way to update a patch?  I have the diff file from gitorius.
02:52.50PuffTheMagic_^^^ newest ringtone
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02:53.49zonylPuffTheMagic_: Nice ;)
02:54.59zonylIs it just me or did Palm fix the SDL key bounce on 1.4?
02:55.11gollyzilaI use Snake's ringtone from Metal Gear Solid
02:56.27*** join/#webos-internals alkos333 (
02:58.44alkos333You guys updated to 1.4 yet?
02:59.03bpadalinoand i haven't looked back
02:59.03gollyzilaAlmost everyone has
02:59.15alkos333AnOutsider: Why so?
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02:59.26alkos333Well, tethering isn't working and I'm not able to ssh in after it.
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02:59.42alkos333bpadalino: I like the video recording feature :)
02:59.49alkos333Everything is much snappier ..
02:59.54bpadalinogood features
03:00.02drewpi trust usb/novaterm is unharmed?
03:00.12KyusakuI like the loading graphic, better than no  card at all
03:00.17AnOutsiderjust nothing but probs.. universal search not working, that fiasco witht he apps missing, the latest is all my email accounts are MIA and I can't add new oens. it's like the email app is borked
03:00.27alkos333Hope not, but it won't let me in through ssh.  Says Permission denied
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03:01.20Kyusakumissing in action
03:01.26alkos333Ah, ok lol
03:01.34alkos333Gonna go crazy with all these abbreviations soon
03:01.44gollyzilaalkos333: check to see if your wifi ip address changed
03:01.49cryptkhere is an odd one...
03:01.56zonylalkos333: You need to add back your user account..happened to me as well
03:02.03cryptkwhen I use the power button to wake my phone... it doesn't show the normal lock screen...
03:02.10alkos333gollyzila: doesn't matter, I'm using usb
03:02.12AnOutsiderthought MIA was well known ha
03:02.17alkos333zonyl: Yes, I'm sure that's what happened.
03:02.58*** part/#webos-internals gollyzila (
03:02.58cryptkit shows the home screen as if it were unlocked, but it has the lock button that you have to drag
03:02.58bpadalinodrewp: yeah, novaterm is still all good .. works well
03:02.58AnOutsideryeah ive had that happen a few times
03:02.58zonylalkos333: Just adduser blah
03:02.58alkos333Yeah, I will.
03:02.58Kyusakuyeah MIA should be pretty well know, was even a Chuck Norris movie title
03:03.41knickrox13alkos - u get cmdline though right
03:03.42gollyzila2cryptk that's happened to me too a bunch of times
03:03.52alkos333knickrox13: what do you mean?
03:04.01knickrox13can u get command line access through usb
03:04.14knickrox13if u can u can do a script
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03:04.37cryptkgollyzila2: at least it isn't just me
03:04.43cryptkI mean I kinda like it...
03:05.03cryptkI would love it if it still showed the arch that you drag the button past
03:05.22cryptkso the lock screen would be the same as the home screen just with the whole drag to unlock thing
03:05.46gollyzila2it is pretty cool. i wouldn't mind having an option to disable/enable it
03:06.30gollyzila2but all your notifications don't show on it
03:06.39alkos333knickrox13: I have to set up novacom or something and that's a pain at the moment cause I"m running a 64-bit Slackware, so I have to get ailib32 or w/e rolling here.. and I just don't feel like doing all that right now.
03:08.13zonylalkos333: I just installed terminus via preware and added the user through that..
03:08.23knickrox13yeah i was just gonna say that
03:09.05zonylIn reality, I probably should have just dr'd the phone.
03:09.06gollyzila2are u guys using the old SSH method?
03:09.08cryptkodd... I was having issues with wirc yesterday....
03:09.14zonylgollyzila2: You know it ;)
03:09.16cryptkit wasn't opening the chat window...
03:09.39cryptkseems it was conencted afterall because it just timed out when i rebooted my phone
03:10.57gollyzila2I at first thought the new SSH method was going to be a pain. but I tried just before updating to 1.4 and it wasn't bad at all. I say it was pretty easy following the intructions in the wiki
03:13.50mjkjr|wircso I was having a cool lock screen issue after updating that went away after another restart, maybe someone can get on a patch
03:13.51alkos333zonyl: Yes, but I can't install that right now because I don't have preware installer on there..
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03:15.14mjkjr|wircevery time I locked my screen whatever I had open stayed right there instead of going back to the wall paper
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03:16.33gollyzila2hey cryptk, now there's three of us in here that have had the lockscreen bug
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03:18.52gollyzilais reading and *trying* to understand Hamlet
03:19.01mjkjr|wircgollyzila2: I thought it was pretty cool. i want it back lol
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03:19.09cryptkmjkjr|wirc: yep, it is a bug... luna restart fixes it
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03:19.48mjkjr|wircI know, I thought it was part if the changelog or something, I didn't want the bug fixed
03:20.13jetteroI had that lock screen bug for an hour or so... went away after a rboot
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03:20.57gollyzilamjkjr|wirc you forgot the ending /
03:21.12cryptkmjkjr|wirc: I like the way it looks too
03:21.16*** part/#webos-internals Dogg006 (
03:21.22cryptkbut gollyzila says that notifications don't work when it is doing it
03:22.25gollyzilacryptk: yup. I had quicksystemtasks in the notification bar and it didn't show it on the "new" lockscreen
03:23.51mjkjr|wirchmmm... I didn't really notice, I just liked the look/idea. i'd like that "new" lockscreen as an option
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03:26.25cryptkI agree, I would love to have it be an option for a "transparent lockscreen"
03:26.46cryptkhave it show the unlock slider and the arch/drag up to unlock text
03:26.54cryptkbut have that be on top of the normal homescreen
03:26.59zonylI would like to have the Android pattern lock. Wonder what it would take to try to patch that.
03:27.14gollyzilazonyl: so would i
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03:27.30cryptkif palm comes out with a bugfix for the current lockscreen we may be able to look at how they fix it and reverse engineer it to make it always be that way (but with notifications)
03:27.32gollyzilaor even widgets on the lockscreen. weather
03:27.39mjkjr|wircI don't care for the arch or text, mine was showing just the lock icon itself, thought it was slick
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03:27.43tbird02is there something wrong with the palm catalog feed in preware?
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03:29.18gollyzilamaybe the new lockscreen is appearing since Palm enabled a gesture swipe up to unlock
03:29.20mjkjr|wirccryptk: that would be great, I was bummed when it went back to normal
03:30.19mjkjr|wircgollyzilla: I like that feature a lot, saves me half a second
03:30.47LoneStar99anyone want to develop an instant app maker?
03:31.16zonylLoneStar99: And call it Ares?
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03:31.40zonylBrighthouse might have something like that.
03:31.41LoneStar99zero code
03:31.49DeathFromage'Sup everyone.
03:32.29LoneStar99zero code for the end user,
03:32.44tbird02is there something wrong with the palm catalog feed in preware?
03:33.00mjkjr|wircwants a patch for the "new" lock screen
03:33.05tbird02preware refuses to load
03:34.08mjkjr|wirctbird02: just turn the app cat feed off and update feeds manually
03:35.01LoneStar99this is for corporations
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03:35.54cryptktime to get ready for work
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03:36.39mjkjr|wirctime to get ready to sleep
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03:38.09Nrbelexmjkjr|wirc: There is no "new" lock screen, as far as I know. Pretty sure there's a bug that sometimes allows the last card open to stay visible when locked.
03:38.15gollyzilatime to get ready to eat
03:39.09LoneStar99looking for one good coder that wants to take thinks to another lever
03:39.18mjkjr|wircnrbelex: aware it's a bug, but I like it and want to make it a "new" lock screen option.
03:39.29knickrox13have u guys ever had a problem
03:39.30zonylLoneStar99: Try
03:39.34knickrox13where youd lock the phone
03:39.35firestrideris there new menu transitions?
03:39.43firestriderwithin apps
03:39.49knickrox13and then maybe like 3-4 seconds later, the phone lights up again with the lock screen
03:39.57knickrox13and 3-4 seconds after that, it turns off again
03:40.03LoneStar99zonyl: nope it takes hours to build on it
03:40.09knickrox13a restart fixed it, but just wanna see if anyone else experienced that
03:40.11firestrideralso did anyone notice apps loading faster or is it an illusion with the pulsating icon
03:40.53knickrox13probably just an illision but whats the difference anyways, if it feels faster, then thats what matters, no?
03:42.12Nrbelexmjkjr|wirc: haha, sorry - I hadn't caught up
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03:42.40NrbelexFeels slower to me...
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03:43.42zonylI had the web browser go awol on me.  I like how you can scroll around before the page loads now, however, there appears to be something amiss with the multi-touch event stack at that point.
03:43.43firestrideris there new transitions between screens within apps or is that just me?
03:44.37mjkjr|wircfirestrider: I heard that but haven't noticed myself
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03:45.46nfoxTcyeh there's new transitions when you open something
03:46.41dBsoonerrwhitby: ping
03:47.33zonylIt is interesting how the email program will show a bit of the view/scene in the open transition.  havent seen much else do that yet.
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03:55.11NrbelexIs there a technical reason they got rid of the forward swipe gesture... or what?
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04:01.14lordbahRemoving the Multi Mod patch seems to have royally screwed up launcher pages. First there was only one page, and it was not showing icons for all the programs, and type-to-launch wasn't working. I added a new page and type-to-launch started working. I added a bunch of pages, but the rest of the icons never came back. Removed the Enable add/remove Pages patch, and all icons were back on their several pages, but I had lots of
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04:02.03lordbahWhat the browser multi mod patch has to do with the launcher, I don't know.
04:03.01dBsooneroil: ping
04:03.49dBsoonerDoes the popup for luna restart happen from Preware? or is it from PKG man?
04:04.11oilfor patches?
04:04.26oilipkgservice doesn't do any of that stuff
04:04.27dBsoonerJust what spawns the popup
04:04.37oilpreware does
04:04.38dBsoonerI want to add a popup to my patch
04:04.39*** join/#webos-internals Saiks (~4a4897d8@gateway/web/freenode/x-oncpgsigepiinins)
04:05.03oilgood luck
04:05.08dBsoonerWhen user changes the "Hide Call Duration" switch in Phone Prefs I want that popup to happen
04:05.24dBsoonerthat doesn't sound promising.
04:05.33*** join/#webos-internals zeigan (~4681804e@gateway/web/freenode/x-elphscdunyktbeqr)
04:05.34oilwell its just javascript
04:05.36oilthe popup
04:05.50oilbut idk if you can actually call the luna restart from that app
04:05.53dBsoonerbut the actual excecution?
04:05.57oilpreware uses the ipkgservice to actually restart it
04:06.01oilit does a call to it
04:06.07dBsoonerwhat about Luna Manager?
04:06.11dBsoonerhow does it call the restart?
04:06.12oilbut the phone prefs is probably on private bus
04:06.15SaiksHi all... I was just wondering if anyone is having issues with MHS after webOS 1.4 update. The On/Off toggle but will not respond for me. Any thoughs is much appreciated. thanks
04:06.17oilidk if its got access to do it
04:06.22*** join/#webos-internals alkos333 (
04:06.23azakusoil: looks like jstop's CSS doesn't render right anymore
04:06.31oilazakus, i noticed :/
04:06.35azakusso far, I've been stumped
04:06.46azakushas to be related to the browser updates
04:06.48oilill peep at it
04:07.35elpollodiablo1is there a way to switch a terminal on the pre similar to switching to the terminal by using ctrl+alt+F1 on any linux box?
04:07.57azakuselpollodiablo1: no vt's afaik on the pre
04:08.59drewpweird, the updater gui just says 'install now' but doesn't react to taps. /var/log/messages has the truth: {"status":"InsufficientCharge"}
04:09.43azakusyou need at least 30% battery
04:10.01azakuseven if you're charging
04:10.14elpollodiablo1azakus: thanks that would be sweet functionality if it was possible.
04:10.31drewpsure that's fine, i'm just surprised the gui is so bad for this case
04:10.56azakusSaiks: MHS?
04:11.51mjkjr|wircmobile hot spot
04:11.58Saiksazakus: Mobile Hotspot, the toggle button not responding
04:14.20oilazakus, i really can't see anything wrong
04:15.03azakusyeah, neither could I
04:15.25SaiksAfter the update, something went wrong. Do you have MHS installed
04:16.40oilread up
04:16.50oilyeah, i heard it didn't work on sprint pres after 1.4
04:17.29mjkjr|wircI'm sure that was done intentionally
04:18.01bpadalinoif you modify the mobilehotspotd so the Sprint string says sprint instead, you can get it to run and accept connections
04:18.09bpadalinobut you get an auth error due to NAI stuff i believe
04:18.35oilyeah, considering its verizon exclusive or whatever
04:18.43oilthey dont want you running it on your pre
04:18.53oilsprint doesn't even have teather plans for the pre do they?
04:19.00oilso technically doing it is against your contract
04:19.07bpadalinonope .. they don't offer phone-as-modem
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04:21.19mjkjr|wircwhat exactly is causing terminal to fail since 1.4
04:21.32bpadalinogood question
04:21.35oilproblem with the plugin im sure
04:21.39JMyaDaGodso whos gonna fix it so i can break my contract with mobile hotspot
04:22.30bpadalinoJMyaDaGod: get a hex editor, and edit the string in mobilehotspotd .. ask sprint for your MSL and edit your NAI to be your normal one, and not the modem one
04:22.44bpadalinoi am not sure you'll find many people here who will readily help you or automate said process :)
04:30.01oilazakus, nothing i try seems to make a bit of difference
04:30.50azakusoil: it looks exactly the same if I turn off css entirely for it
04:31.14azakusI wonder if this is related to the namespace
04:31.20AnOutsiderDoctor #3 is the charm?
04:31.36azakusit would be odd if com.palm.XXXX couldn't specify it's own css in relative paths
04:31.54oilthat would be funky
04:33.14oilif that was hte case, how could the catalog have styles different then everything else
04:33.16oilits com.palm
04:33.33cal__what does 'unreversed patch detected' mean, when trying to remove 'named pages' patch in both wsqi and preware?
04:34.17gkatsevum... so, preware seems to be making my phone crawl to a halt during "downloading feed information"
04:34.56gkatsevi got a "memory critical, too many cards!"
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04:36.29cryptk|workhola everyone
04:37.33AnOutsidergkatsev - my PMS went nuts yesterday, was runnign in the backgroudn even after I quite preware. Wasn't until it dinged letting me know I had 20% battery and If elt how hot the phone that I investigated
04:37.56egaudetrwhitby, ping
04:38.14cryptk|workAnOutsider: are you sure it was PMS?
04:38.18azakusoil: just a thought
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04:38.30cryptk|workand did you do anything weird like close preware during a feed download or anything like that?
04:38.42AnOutsidercrypt: when I popped in and checked I saw that it was
04:39.07AnOutsiderPMS was hung on downloading for ages, when I tried to oepn preware again I go that "checking PMS version" message, so I realized it had hung
04:39.09gkatsevit was being slow, i closed it and restarted my phone and tried it again just now which was when i got the error
04:39.32cryptk|workwell... hopefully soon I will have a chance to integrate the new code into my Upstart Manager and if something like that happens with any service you should be able to kill it and restart it manually
04:39.53cryptk|workAnOutsider: a restart of java services should fix that though
04:40.01cryptk|workwhich is really easy now in 1.4
04:40.10AnOutsideryeah? there a shortcut for it?
04:40.11cryptk|workLuna Manager is pretty useless at this point unfortunately
04:40.20AnOutsiderI just orng + sym + r'd it
04:40.20cryptk|workAnOutsider: hold you power button
04:40.26cryptk|workcheck out the new options
04:40.34rwhitbygkatsev: look for a big file in /media/cryptofs/app/usr/lib/ipkg/lists/ and delete it
04:40.39cryptk|workthere is now a luna restart and a java restart option
04:40.50AnOutsiderah cool
04:40.58AnOutsiderno one else has had the dead email client issue?
04:41.11cryptk|workI haven't checked into it
04:41.15gkatsevrwhitby: cool, will do as soon as i reboot it
04:41.24cryptk|workthe only bug I have definitely experienced so far is the lock screen bug
04:42.18azakuscryptk|work: has the css for your app broken?
04:42.19cryptk|workbut if it weren't for the other side effects of that bug, I like it
04:42.22AnOutsiderI had a sneaking suspicion 1.4 wasn't ready for primetime, and it seems to have panned out. Luckily major issues don't seem widespread
04:42.29cryptk|workazakus: I haven't checked it in 1.4 yet
04:42.30AnOutsidereither way I'm telling folks I know to hold out for 1.4.1
04:42.41azakuscryptk|work: I'll build it and see how it goes
04:42.45cryptk|workbut it is based on your CSS so a bug in one *should* be in the other
04:42.59cryptk|workazakus: no need to build it, it is in preware testing feeds
04:43.23azakusnope it works
04:43.29azakuscryptk|work: not follow that feed :P
04:43.32Decimatewhat is the lock screen bug?
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04:44.10AnOutsiderwhere the last opened card is visible
04:44.27AnOutsideractually not jsut a card, I've had it happen and show my icons and wallpaper in the background with no scrim (no card open)
04:44.32cryptk|workthe background of the lock screen isn't ther
04:44.40cryptk|workonly the lock button that you drag
04:44.47azakuscryptk|work: it works fine
04:44.47cryptk|workthat is the only thing there
04:44.57cryptk|workazakus: I noticed JsTop was broken...
04:45.07azakusoil: his css is based off ours, so the problem must be in something odd
04:45.27*** part/#webos-internals lordbah (
04:46.13cryptk|workazakus: it could be in some javascript... I am using very little of your javascript
04:46.22*** join/#webos-internals elpollodiablo1 (~4c78940d@gateway/web/freenode/x-pvrbngbbebaywsae)
04:46.25cryptk|workI don't think there is a single function that I haven't touched in some way
04:46.31cryptk|workand many that I have completely re-written
04:46.32Decimatewhen i go to a new page in preware
04:46.37Decimatefor like.. 1 or 2 seconds i just see
04:46.40Decimateon the screen
04:46.48cryptk|workDecimate: it is loading the list
04:46.52elpollodiablo1has anyone noticed that after updating to 1.4 that their ssh password does not work?
04:47.17AnOutsiderDecimate: that's something new in 1.4 on how it renders scene
04:47.22cryptk|workDecimate: if you have the testing feed check out the Upstart Manager (or JsTop)
04:47.25AnOutsiderin my app I just hide things until it's ready to load
04:47.44cryptk|workthey both say This.Broke.Horribly for a split second until the list is rendered
04:47.56cryptk|workazakus: I made sure to leave that because I found it hilarious
04:48.03cryptk|workzsoc liked it too
04:48.27Decimateeither way, i like the new transition from one page to another, regaurdless of what it broke.
04:48.30cryptk|workJsTop renders the list so fast that you don't see it but my list is considerably longer so it takes it a second to sort it
04:48.47cryptk|workDecimate: you mean the new fade thing
04:48.54cryptk|workdef looks very nice
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04:49.29cryptk|workelpollodiablo1: there are multiple reports of SSH breaking in 1.4 but you can set it back up through novaterm and be good to go
04:49.36Decimatecryptk|work: yes, i love it. a lot nicer than the old w.e it was.
04:49.44elpollodiablo1well my novaterm is not working
04:49.49elpollodiablo1so that is not a good thing
04:49.55cryptk|workelpollodiablo1: hrm...
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04:50.03rwhitbyelpollodiablo1: yes, you should migrate to the packages in Preware and use ssh key
04:50.04cryptk|workI haven't tried novaterming in on 1.4 yet
04:50.20AnOutsideryay email works again... time to relink my million contacts
04:50.52elpollodiablo1I set up ssh back before preware, I was going to try and get my phone fixed tomorrow but I had to do some back ups
04:51.10gkatsevwould the 1.4 update have done anything with ssh? because it cant seem to like my passwords...
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04:51.49elpollodiablo1gkatsev it seems to be a common problem
04:52.02rwhitbyelpollodiablo1: 1.4 overwrote /etc/password, as will probably most future OTA releases
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04:52.12Decimatei also really like the new card opening with the glowing icon before it loads.
04:52.13dBsooneroil: How do I throw an indefinite spinner?
04:52.24*** mode/#webos-internals [+v bpadalino] by ChanServ
04:52.33dBsoonerwhen user taps "ok" i want it to throw a spinner while its waiting the 3 seconds or so for Luna to die
04:52.40rwhitbygkatsev, elpollodiablo1: that's why current best practice is to use the packages in preware and ssh keys
04:52.42gkatsevrwhitby: ah, so, i need to load up WQI and then get rid of the file and then reinstall the optware-bootstrap?
04:52.52rwhitbygkatsev: no, use the packages from Preware
04:53.04gkatsevrwhitby: yeah, thats what i mean.
04:53.26rwhitbyreinstall openssh sftp server - it will pull in the rest via dependencies
04:54.10elpollodiablo1rwhitby: thanks for the info, if I install ssh from preware now would there be any problems considering it is already installed? or should I uninstall ssh then install it through preware?
04:55.15elpollodiablo1does the preware ssh allow for ssh over edvo and wifi?
04:55.35rwhitbyelpollodiablo1: you edit /etc/event.d/mobi.optware.openssh as before to enable evdo
04:55.38cal__how do i fix a patch that returns a "unreversed patch detected" in wsqi/preware?
04:56.23elpollodiablo1rwhitby: alright good to know, I was hoping there was away to set it up.
04:56.35knickrox13any rumors on when flash is gonna hit?
04:57.01rwhitbyelpollodiablo1: you should ideally remove the old ones first, but the preware versions will disable the old versions of the same package
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04:57.52elpollodiablo1rwhitby: I am guessing preware will not beable to remove the old version.
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04:58.11rwhitbyelpollodiablo1: correct - you need to use ipkg-opt to remove it
04:58.50gkatsevwhats the current version of WQI?
04:58.58Zuchmir2is there a known issue of webOS breaking apps?
04:59.12rwhitbyZuchmir2: see @webosinternals tweets
04:59.36knickrox13i noticed wosqi auto-updates
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04:59.49knickrox13as of recently (im guessing it started with the first 3.x)
04:59.49rwhitbyyeah, as of 3.0x
05:00.00rwhitby(which is why I didn't need to give the x :-)
05:00.11knickrox13smart thinkin there ^
05:01.22azakuswohoo, I get such a helpful error message
05:01.23azakus[20100228-23:01:07.095642] error: null
05:03.05Zuchmir2haven't upgraded yet, but am getting reports of failures on webOS 1.4, and wondering if there's any knowledge as to *what* is breaking
05:04.42azakusZuchmir2: there's brokenness in Luna when you overwrite an application while it's running
05:04.57azakusit restarts luna because of a misaligned read
05:05.06knickrox13will that pose a problem to updating preware..via preware
05:05.42*** join/#webos-internals CardShark (~3fe08798@gateway/web/freenode/x-jpmgbqvnkmouozql)
05:06.04Zuchmir2azakus: that issue has been around a long time ago, that's not new to 1.4
05:07.18gkatsevah, deleted the 210MB webos-patches file from the dir. works well now
05:09.38*** join/#webos-internals dkirker1 (~dkirker1@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
05:11.41Decimategkatsev: i planned on doctoring, so that preware problem gave me a quick reason to :)
05:12.03Decimatehas anyone successfully opened terminal on 1.4?
05:12.15gkatsevDecimate: known problem apparently
05:12.30Decimategkatsev: preware or terminal?
05:12.56Decimatecause im trying to setup ssh and i need terminal to generate keys
05:13.01Decimateunless its okay to use novaterm
05:13.11gkatsevyou can use novaterm
05:13.13Decimatei tried, and it gave me and authorization error when i tried to log in
05:13.29EguyUse Terminus
05:14.57rwhitbynovaterm doesn't do authorization
05:15.28rwhitbygkatsev: please tell lots of people who to solve the big file problem
05:15.53Zuchmir2anyone knows what is breaking on terminal?
05:17.08Kyusakuwhat's this on big files?
05:17.09Decimaterwhitby: so i cant use novaterm to generate the ssh keys?
05:17.18rwhitbyDecimate: sure you can
05:17.28egaudetZuchmir2, some sort of memory dealloc issue
05:17.33elpollodiablo1rwhitby: is optware bootstrap still one of the recommened installs?
05:17.44DecimateAuthentication log (see session log for details):
05:17.44DecimateUsing username "root".
05:17.45DecimateServer refused our key.
05:17.45DecimateAuthentication failed.
05:17.46Zuchmir2is that the same issue that was on 1.3?
05:17.58egaudetthe plugin's deallocate is being called right away and freeing the memory is causing a seg fault I think if I remember correctly
05:18.01gkatsevwhere are the home folders?
05:18.02rwhitbyelpollodiablo1: I outlined above what to do.  Install OpenSSH SFTP Server, and read the homepage link in Preware for openssh package.
05:18.06egaudetdifferent issue, the 1.3 issue was fixed
05:18.10Decimaterwhitby: followed instructions to a t  on
05:18.13rwhitbyDecimate: that is not novaterm
05:18.16egaudetthe 1.4 issue hasn't been tracked down yet
05:18.38Decimaterwhitby: no thats what i get when i try to login to winscp
05:18.48Eguyrwhitby: Any un-installation required before installing the new SSH?
05:18.57rwhitbyDecimate: then you haven't done it right :-)
05:19.15rwhitbyEguy: prefererred, but not required, as long as you are replacing same with same
05:19.28Decimaterwhitby: ive tried it three times... i follow the instructions EXACTLY as written
05:19.48rwhitbyDecimate: creating ssh keys is a well known thing on the internet. please use google.
05:20.01EguyI installed the bootstrap when it was first created, I was just going to install OpenSSH.
05:20.09rwhitbythen update the wiki page with any missing steps
05:20.40Decimatebut i created the ssh keys fine, and exactracted to my desktop, and converted, and browsed and selected them in winscp AND putty. both gave me the error.
05:20.50rwhitbyDecimate: it's such a common thing that it is not time-efficient for me to help you.  sorry.
05:21.14rwhitbybetter for you to view a screencast from the internet about it
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05:21.31Decimaterwhitby: all im saying is that according to the directions, i should be logged in via winscp or putty right now.
05:21.36gkatsevDecimate: ssh-keygen
05:21.47rwhitbyDecimate: yes, you should be.
05:22.27Decimategkatsev: yes, i generated the keys on my pre, and copied them to my /media/internal, then extracted to my desktop, then converted to a private key.
05:23.18Decimateanyone willing to view me on teamviewer?
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05:25.12elpollodiablo1rwhitby: is it really secure to ssh in as root? even with the key?
05:25.58Decimateanother night ive given up :/ goodnight guys.
05:26.05rwhitbyelpollodiablo1: yes.
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05:26.30cryptk|workrwhitby: someone updated the wiki the other day with instructions on how to set up the pre's SSH with putty and winscp
05:26.45cryptk|workso it has more detail now than it used to
05:26.52rwhitbycryptk|work: yep, there's plenty of info there and on the internet
05:27.31Decimatehah, i got it to work.
05:27.41Decimateget this, it was my fault! crazy, right?
05:27.51rwhitbyDecimate: I'm surprised ;-)
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05:28.26Decimatei forgot to move the key from the original spot, to the authorized_keys subfolder.
05:28.28DecimateMAH BADD
05:30.45gollyzilaHopefully I don't sound dumb, but I just discovered how we can do mouse over actions on WebOS' browser. All you have to do is tap, hold and then move your finger so you don't activate the link. I don't remember being able to do this last update
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05:32.47BoomerETDoes anyone know if Terminus works in 1.4, since Terminal reboots the unit?
05:33.32EguyYes, it does.
05:34.00rwhitbyDecimate: your penance is to make sure the wiki page is idiot proof.
05:34.36Eguyrwhitby: Are you sure?
05:35.29gollyzilarwhitby: are you guys talking about the SSH guide on the wiki?
05:36.01Decimaterwhitby: i think im the biggest of em all... i just TOTALLY missed a step.
05:36.15Decimatepretty in depth though
05:37.18*** join/#webos-internals psykoz (
05:38.08gollyzilaDecimate: Are you guys talking about the SSH guide on the wiki?
05:38.20rwhitbyEguy: am I sure about what?
05:38.24rwhitbygollyzila: yes
05:38.33EguyTrusting Decimate :P
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05:39.11rwhitbygollyzila: there are enough people who have used ssh keys that the community should be able to put together a set of wiki pages which takes users of the old optware bootstrap method across to the new preware-based method in detailed idiot-proof steps.
05:39.23rwhitbyI expect someone from the community to take the lead and drive that.
05:39.39gollyzilaI followed the guide word by word before updating to 1.4 and everything went flawless.
05:40.36natedoggI'm having a tought time getting preware do download the feeds
05:40.42rwhitbyWho will be that person who is the next level of support for optware openssh migration so that I never again need to answer any questions on it?
05:40.59natedoggsince before I updated to 1.4 I was having trouble
05:42.35EguyI lost my lock screen clock again :( Thanks palm for not bug testing.
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05:44.25psykozhas anyone with videos noticed them get deleted / go missing ?
05:44.41psykozI've had 2 videos on my Pre disappear and i know I didn't swipe them off in the video roll app
05:45.04BoomerETBlame Canada
05:45.17psykozAlready did it
05:45.19EguyDamn crosby
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05:48.27egaudetis there no more "phone offline" when restarting java?
05:48.44egaudetjust took longer than I'm used to
05:49.08EguyJava restarts take longer than they did in 1.3.5
05:49.18EguySo do reboots
05:49.48Tmanwhat's actually Java on the pre?
05:50.05drewpjust finished my 1.4 upgrade. terminal is indeed broken
05:50.05EguyThe coffee app
05:50.14oilbackground services
05:50.20oilsome of them anyways
05:50.51oilpackage manager service is java
05:50.57oilwhere wircd is c
05:51.11EguyI think it is more like a c-
05:51.29oilis never going to be able to work on wirc anymore
05:51.32gkatsevweird, when i ssh into my phone it still asks me for the password, even though i got authorized_keys...
05:51.42Tmanand services are how you link frontend applications to more behind-the-scenes stuff right? do they have to be java?
05:51.48TmanI need to create one :>
05:51.53Eguygkatsev: You need to let it scan your fingerprint.
05:52.04oilservices are how you do things you can't do with javascript
05:52.11Tmanspecifically, I need my C++ code to communicate with javascript
05:52.52Tmanoil: yeah I get that but where does the actual linkage occur?
05:52.58oilthrough dbus
05:53.16Tmanhmmm ok
05:53.17oilcalls from javascript to the service
05:53.20oilwhich returns the data
05:53.24oilthrough the dbus
05:54.39gkatsevEguy: how? link?
05:54.49Decimatewow, i just realized how easy it is to take apps you buy and give them to everyone in the world for free :O
05:54.58Tmanhow good is dbus with latency? I need to transfer large arrays (ie float[2048]) at least 30-60 times a second
05:55.04Eguygkatsev: You need to buy the usb fingerprint reader.
05:55.19gkatsevEguy: ...
05:55.21oil30 to 60 times a second?
05:55.29oilits certainly not that fast
05:55.29Eguygkatsev: :P
05:55.44Tmanoil: hmm :p
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05:56.02gkatsevEguy: but it should work by adding my to the authorized_keys file... but still asking me for the password
05:56.06oilthat would probably make it catch fire
05:56.07Tmanwell I can use SDL for my video but that has issues with updating it seems
05:56.32Eguygkatsev: What program are you using?
05:56.39Tmanoil: it's not like a processor can't handle that or anything.. it's a question of whether dbus is made for that kind of thing..
05:56.52gkatsevEguy: gnome-terminal
05:57.13Decimategkatsev: what are you trying to do. i got my ssh to work, is that what you need help with?
05:57.18EguyI think you need to have it transmit the key file
05:57.31EguyI'm not sure with gnome-terminal.
05:57.46EguyI know in putty there is a place to have it auth.
05:58.02oiltman, i dont think we've ever tested its limits
05:58.03CardSharkmake sure the agent is running
05:58.19Tmanoil: k well I'll get on that then ;P
05:58.27BoomerETssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_pub.rsa root@????
05:58.29oilrwhitby, may know though
05:58.50Tmank I'll ask if he surfaces
05:58.57BoomerETHave a great week everyone.
05:59.05BoomerEThas left the building.
06:03.34Decimatewho here has bought the sims 3?
06:04.20gollyzilaDecimate: isn't it free for Europeans?
06:04.42Decimategollyzila: i have no idea?
06:05.11gollyzilaI was able to download the European version of Need For Speed. There's a Precentral thread that gives a link on where and how.
06:05.45Decimatedoes anyone know of a good windows app that opens js files?
06:06.17CardSharkSyntax highlighting and all that jazz.
06:06.33CardShark'course notepad works too.
06:06.40DecimateCardShark: torrenting.. i mean uhm, getting credit card to get right now!
06:06.51CardSharkTry Notepad+
06:07.04CardSharkI believe that one is legitimately free.
06:07.07rwhitbyTman: what the application you're working on?
06:07.16Decimatecardshark: i like syntax highlighting and such though :)
06:07.25CardSharkI *think* Notepad+ does it too.
06:07.44Tmanrwhitby: real-time analyzer (RTA). I need to transmit a lot of graph points from C++ code for javascript to graph
06:07.46rwhitbyDecimate: you might want to ask in #webos, where the javascript programmers hang out ...
06:07.52EguyDecimate likes to "acquire" things :P
06:07.55egaudetvirtual keyboard is ported
06:08.02rwhitbyTman: what does it analyze?
06:08.10EguyThanks egaudet.
06:08.21rwhitbyegaudet: shall I tweet that?
06:08.27Tmanrwhitby: sound frequencies. I'm using ALSA and a FFT library, which is working
06:08.27DecimateEguy: i paid too much for this computer...
06:08.28egaudetyes please
06:08.47EguyDecimate: How much?
06:08.58egaudettell people to install "CLEANUP VKB files" package first
06:09.25*** join/#webos-internals ameng (~fm@
06:09.26DecimateEguy: too much, noneya :P
06:09.27rwhitbyegaudet: why can't we put that in the postinst for the virtual keyboard?
06:09.35rwhitby(i.e. do it automatically)
06:09.41egaudetbecause vkb as a patch has no custom postinst
06:09.48egaudetit has aupt postinst
06:09.49rwhitbyegaudet: so change it.
06:09.50egaudetbut i can depend on it
06:09.55egaudetchange what?
06:09.56egaudetchange aupt?
06:10.07*** join/#webos-internals dgathright (
06:10.10rwhitbychange vkb to have both aupt and custom postinst
06:10.19rwhitbyjust cat two postinst files together
06:10.41*** join/#webos-internals Meep (
06:10.42egaudetthat's getting into -weird- territory though
06:10.50Eguycleanup vkb files need a reboot right?
06:10.59rwhitbyif there's something from an old version that needs to be cleaned up, the postinst for the new version should automatically clean it up
06:11.07egaudetit kind of violates the 1 common script world of aupt
06:11.20rwhitbyegaudet: vkb is already pretty special
06:11.43rwhitbyand it's a transient addition, right?  next version of webOS it goes away
06:11.47egaudettrue, it's always a special pain lol
06:11.59egaudetnext version of aupt it goes away
06:12.11Tmanrwhitby: anyway.. do you think that dbus can handle relatively large amounts of data at low latencies like that? (need to update the screen at >30fps)
06:12.21rwhitbyegaudet: I'd really rather tweet that cleanup vkb files is no longer needed, just install the new version of vkb ...
06:12.27egaudetnow there's nota  looming big update I can put more thought into the image addition part of AUPT in the next iteration
06:12.41egaudetrwhitby, yeah alright I'll add it
06:12.48DecimateCardShark: UltraEdit auto backs up files that i edit and save, im liking it.
06:12.58rwhitbyegaudet: thanks, it will save you time answering questions in the long run
06:13.11CardSharkDecimate:  It's awesome.  I've been using it for YEARS!  Beta testing the latest version.
06:13.28rwhitbyTman: dunno, if you've watched preware loading data, you'd think not.
06:13.47Tmanrwhitby: lol is that the choke point? then that could be bad news..
06:14.13Decimateso palm has plans for the messaging app to support Aim, Yahoo, Google, MSN, Jabber, and ICQ altogether it seems.
06:14.29rwhitbyTman: it's java reading a file, converting it to JSON, passing it across dbus, then parsing it in javascript.
06:14.30Tmanrwhitby: another option is using SDL to graph but I'm having an screen update issue with that that won't go away :/
06:14.41EguyDecimate: Where did you see that?
06:15.03Decimatepalm setting labels for each of them in various files
06:15.06Tmanrwhitby: well I'll do some experimenting and see what happens
06:15.17Decimateim looking through messaging, launcher, etc files atm, finding stuff i want to edit :)
06:16.15dtzWillrwhitby: i'm working on getting X staged so others besides jacques+myself can poke at it :) and just because it's a useful step for moving forward.  if it builds cleanly and whatnot but has the rendering issues we're fighting is that reason to push it into /nonworking ?
06:16.24Decimateand it list yahoo and bing as global search options, although they arent there? weird.
06:16.39EguyThey are commended out I think.
06:17.04rwhitbydtzWill: yeah, nonworking until it works :-)
06:17.40dtzWillrwhitby: DEPENDS doesn't work across that boundary, right? so just assume people have build everything in /packages and only DEPENDS things in nonworking?
06:17.43dtzWillrwhitby: kk ty
06:17.59rwhitbydtzWill: DEPENDS=../nonworking/foo ../nonworking/bar
06:18.08rwhitby(I think, ask zsoc)
06:19.00dtzWillrwhitby: okay, thank you very much :)
06:20.29rwhitbyI think I'm going to try and make Preware download and install free apps from the app catalog tonight.
06:21.12rwhitbyI have a cunning plan.
06:21.21dtzWillrwhitby: ooo that's excellent.
06:21.58rwhitbywaits for a Black Adder Baldrick reference ...
06:22.01*** join/#webos-internals jtrucks (~jtrucks@freenode/staff/lopsa.board.jtrucks)
06:22.29rasterrwhitby:  a plan so cunning... you could put a tail on it and call it a fox?
06:22.42rwhitbykisses raster
06:23.00rasterwipes the slobber off
06:23.06rwhitby(in a Black Adder kissing Baldrick kind of way, with a stick)
06:23.08CardSharkWhere's an /eyeroll command when you need one.
06:23.10rasterrun away... run away!
06:23.26rwhitbyraster: a big stick, across the head, kind of kiss :-)
06:23.35rasterthat kiss
06:23.54rwhitbyhere's where you say "Thank you my lord"
06:24.58rastermauls rwhitby with his sharp, white, pointy teeth
06:25.00EguyI guess I missed that movie. I love Atkinson though.
06:25.32rwhitbyraster: It's as cunning as a fox what used to be Professor of Cunning at Oxford University but has moved on, and is now working for the UN at the High Commission of International Cunning Planning?
06:26.30dBsoonerrwhitby: how do I call restartluna from the palm bus?
06:26.49rwhitbydBsooner: UTSL
06:27.00rwhitbyPreware does it, right?
06:27.10oilpreware calls ipkgservice
06:27.12oilto do it
06:27.18oilcause its not on private bus
06:27.23rwhitbyright, so UTipkgserviceSL
06:27.24dBsooneri have tried:
06:27.24dBsoonerthis.controller.serviceRequest('palm://org.webosinternals.ipkgservice', {
06:27.24dBsoonermethod: "restartluna",
06:27.24dBsoonerparameters: {}
06:27.47rwhitbydBsooner: cut and paste the code from Preware
06:28.00rasterrwhitby: that cunning eh?
06:30.22Decimatei think im going to set preware so only the patch feed loads
06:30.28Decimatethats all i use it for..
06:30.52EguyDecimate: I did a similar thing
06:31.28rwhitbyraster: All I need is some feathers, a dress, some oil, an easel, some sleeping draught, lots of paper, a prostitute and the best portrait painter in England.
06:32.15rasteryou've got that one licked
06:32.17oillol, that message made irc ding
06:32.51EguyHmm vkb isn't downloading for me
06:33.00EguyJust stuck at downloading/replacing.
06:33.58*** join/#webos-internals eternaleye (~quassel@unaffiliated/eternaleye)
06:38.19Decimatemy camera app isnt working :/
06:38.46EguyWhat's not working?
06:38.58Decimatethe app... :P i load and i get a blank grey screen
06:39.12CardSharkDid you take the lense cap off?
06:39.24*** join/#webos-internals alkos333 (
06:39.27EguyNicely done CardShark.
06:39.35EguyAh vkb finally installed.
06:40.04Decimateim gonna take the camera app from the doctor and replace mine with it
06:40.11Decimatemaybe i did something i dont know about?
06:40.48gollyzilaMaybe a reboot will fix it?
06:41.08EguyIs it grey with recent picture behind it?
06:41.16*** join/#webos-internals jacques (~fontenot@nslu2-linux/jacques)
06:41.16*** mode/#webos-internals [+v jacques] by ChanServ
06:42.36Decimaterestarting luna, replaced it with the fresh app from the doctor, if it doesnt work, ill reboot. if that doesnt work, ill explore into it more with eguy :) my friend is getting a pre plus and i told him about the update. can't have this happening when i go to school to show it off to him.
06:43.10EguyAhhh school....
06:43.14EguyGood times.
06:43.24Decimatereplaced it with the doctor app, didnt work :/ rebooting.
06:43.42EguySounds like you have a bigger problem.
06:44.03Decimateyeah, it would seem so.
06:44.12Decimateim not sleeping for school until its fixed though.
06:44.24EguyIt's just a phone :P
06:44.27gollyzilaDoes CLEANUP VKB files need a restart after install?
06:44.34Eguygollyzila: Yes
06:44.41DecimateEguy: one mans phone is another mans life.
06:44.45gollyzilaIt's THE phone
06:44.52EguyLuna restart probably would be fine
06:45.03psykozdo you need to uninstall cleanup vkb after luna restart then install vkb?
06:45.36EguyIt removes itself after the reboot.
06:45.44*** join/#webos-internals gollyzila2 (
06:45.57EguyYou will need to remove the vkb folder from /media/internal though
06:46.38Decimatehmm, restart fixed it. weird.
06:46.43*** part/#webos-internals gollyzila (
06:48.40gollyzila2I need a stand to hold my devices in landscape. something like playdough where it can mold to anything
06:48.51gollyzila2but something that smells nicer
06:49.00EguyPlaydoh is better off digested
06:50.16gollyzila2I think playdough would smell worse after it's digested
06:55.47Decimatehah, im so bored i just recorded a video of me demoing my dual-display touchscreen monitors...uploading to youtube :P i love my pre.
06:55.47gollyzila2CLEANUP VKB didn't cleanup the files. I had to do It manually. it wasn't a pain, but there are some that don't know SSH or any Terminal commands
06:59.48Decimatehow big is the virtual keyboard download... ive been downloding for like.. a while.
07:00.07Eguycouple of kb
07:00.11gollyzila2I'm excited to see how our phones handle Flash. Hopefully it's a tap-to-activate process. also, Palm needs to name their Browser.
07:00.21gollyzila2decimate it takes a while
07:00.47psykozgollyzila2, it looks like it's not a tap to activate process, but rather a
07:00.56Decimatemy setup demo uploaded, yayyy :) who wants to see once its processed?
07:01.00psykozgollyzila2, flash files that are on the site (ie: same domain name) auto-open
07:01.17psykozgollyzila2, but flash files that are linked from another site (likely to be ads) don't auto-open (then you tap to open)
07:01.47*** join/#webos-internals noaXess (
07:01.56psykozgollyzila2, that's what i at least gathered from seeing the several preview videos of it and assessing how they would try to keep you from being annoyed by ads all over your phones browser
07:02.05noaXessgood morning
07:02.11noaXessright, 1-4 is available?
07:02.24Decimateno, 1.4 isnt out yet..still waiting.
07:03.04psykozfor Verizon?
07:03.04gollyzila2Bummer, VKB still doesn't delete in browser
07:03.04Eguy1.4 doesn't exist.
07:03.05Decimatewhats a 1.4?
07:03.05psykoz1.4 + 1.4 = 5
07:03.36Eguy5.0 is the next update.
07:04.06*** part/#webos-internals LoneStar99 (
07:04.11Eguy5.1 will add a virtual keyboard.
07:04.22EguyBut it costs $99.
07:04.50noaXesshey.. webos 1.4 is downloading on my pre..
07:04.56gollyzila2what are you guys talking about. 5.1 is old. I'm rocking firmware version •
07:05.00DecimatenoaXess: ITS OUT?!?!?
07:05.20noaXessitŝ downloading.. thats why i ask here.. is there anything to look befor upgrade?
07:05.32Eguygollyzila2: You lie!
07:05.50Decimateaww man, its out guys. get ready for all the questions. hopefully preware servers dont break...that would sure suck. but that would never happen...
07:05.56EguynoaXess: You need to turn it off right now! 1.4 will destroy your phone!
07:06.12EguyYou need to install 1.3.6.
07:06.12noaXessEguy: a friend has successfully updated it..
07:06.24noaXessEguy: and how?
07:06.43EguyEmail and ask for them to send it to you!
07:06.47noaXessis there a howto, information page?
07:06.51Decimateomg, on youtube before a video is processed the quality SUCKS
07:07.00gollyzila2I think he believes you guys are serious
07:07.09Decimategollyzila2: shhh.
07:07.10Eguygollyzila2: You're right.
07:07.14gollyzila2decimate what's the URL?
07:07.19gkatsevgollyzila2: what you havent gotten λ yet? you're missing out.
07:07.28Decimatelol, guys, look at how bad this quality is before the video is finished processing
07:08.00EguyYes, why don't you TURN A LIGHT ON.
07:08.08EguyOf course it is going to be that bad.
07:08.22Decimatenooo, its good. but before its processed.
07:08.31Decimatei even have my video camera light patch on :)
07:08.40gkatsevor install jason's flash patch
07:08.48gkatsevah, so you do
07:09.03Decimateyou can see on the reflection of my monitor.
07:09.06gkatsevDecimate: hp machine?
07:09.08noaXessEguy: why is there no information page on
07:09.12EguyWho needs two touchscreen monitors?
07:09.13Decimategkatsev: yes.
07:09.17noaXessabout the 1.4 problem?
07:09.21DecimateEguy: who doesnt?
07:09.29DecimatenoaXess: its all over the web...
07:09.30gkatsevDecimate: are both touchscreen?
07:09.32EguyEveryone in the world
07:09.35Decimategkatsev: yes.
07:09.43noaXessDecimate: ?
07:09.49EguynoaXess: I don't know what you are talking about.
07:09.54EguyWhat is webos-internals?
07:09.58gkatsevDecimate: external touchscreen monitor to the HP machine?
07:10.14Decimategkatsev: i dont understand? :/
07:10.19Decimateoh, yes.
07:10.27Decimatenot that touchsmart crap :P
07:10.38gkatsevah, ok. i see
07:10.39noaXessEguy: what are you thinking is this channel for?
07:10.43EguyTouchsmart uses N-Trig which is tragic.
07:10.45gkatsevDecimate: i assumed.
07:10.58DecimatenoaXess: this channel is for iphones, right?
07:11.08EguyiPhone and Android.
07:11.20noaXesswow... there are people that are drinking to much beer. ;).. please..
07:11.24gkatsevalso, for feature phones
07:11.30gollyzila2and windows mobile
07:11.46gkatsevlg chocolate
07:11.46EguyYes, gkatsev. This channel is for Samsung Instinct users!
07:11.49DecimateEguy: just refreshed the page of my youtube video. quality is a lot better now.
07:11.59gkatsevEguy: haha, yes
07:12.08Decimatemotorolla razr.
07:12.08EguyTake it outside tomorrow, it takes great video.
07:12.21gkatsevEguy: i was considering getting it when it came out. then realized it sucked.
07:12.44Eguygkatsev: My brother got one sadly.
07:12.50gkatsevbut before the hero and the pre/pixi came out on sprint, it was probably the best/cheapest phone on sprint
07:12.51Decimategkatsev: i tried to tell my brother not to get it... he didnt listen. he was like "its going to kill the iphone!"
07:12.55gkatsevwhich is sad...
07:13.00EguyHe has thrown it against the wall a few times.
07:13.15gkatsevthough, the commercials for it were cool
07:13.18EguyIt really is bad.
07:13.24EguyWorse than the pixi.
07:13.33Decimatei bought an lg dare... so i didnt do much better.
07:13.37*** join/#webos-internals eternaleye (~quassel@unaffiliated/eternaleye)
07:13.41*** join/#webos-internals sunmasterII (
07:13.42Decimatei HATED that phone.
07:13.55EguyThat's for girls Decimate.
07:13.55noaXesshey guys was up to you?
07:14.11*** join/#webos-internals knickrox13_ (
07:14.11EguyEnglish noaXess.
07:14.16gkatsevi had an SCP-7050 (still do actually) i kind of like it because it is ruggedized.
07:14.23DecimateEguy: i was 12, dont judge me.
07:14.32EguySo 1 year ago?
07:14.36gkatsevEguy: 2
07:14.54gkatsevEguy: you are not sheldon
07:14.56DecimateEguy: 2, seriously :P
07:15.14gkatsevEguy: Decimate is the youngest guy here. younger even than kesne
07:15.30noaXesswhy does 1.4 break the pre/pixi?
07:15.38EguyThat makes us all pedobears.
07:15.43gkatsevoh man. 15 days more days!!!
07:16.25Decimategkatsev: 15 more days till...
07:16.34EguyHe can get wasted
07:16.35gkatsevmy b-day. till i can drink legally
07:16.47Decimatemines the 30th
07:16.57gkatsevEguy: im not gonna get wasted. i dont do that.
07:17.05EguyYou will.
07:17.05gkatsevbut its nice to have the choice
07:17.16Decimategkatsev: you don't do that, yet.
07:17.33gkatsevDecimate: no, i dont. i couldve done it if i felt like. i had plenty of chances
07:17.44Decimategkatsev: haven't we all? :)
07:17.45gkatsevlast year we had a party every tuesday.
07:17.55EguyJust one day a week?
07:17.56rwhitbynoaXess: go back 72 hours for @webosinternals on twitter
07:18.12EguyGeesh we have gone off topic.
07:18.26Decimateits 2 AM, who cares? :P
07:18.37gkatsevEguy: well, we had work and classes. so, we had the tuesday party and then sometimes we had other parties on weekends
07:18.40Decimateno one else is talking.
07:18.41gollyzila2for the people that are out of school, is life easier or harder now that you're out of school?
07:18.43gkatsevDecimate: depends who you ask
07:18.52gkatsevDecimate: for rwhitby its GMT+10:30
07:18.55Eguygollyzila2: Depends
07:19.12gkatsevits, almost 6PM for him
07:19.21EguyI love my job so it doesn't bring me down
07:19.24gkatsevgollyzila2: are you currently in school?
07:19.28Decimatei hear college is the easiest time of all, is it true?
07:19.33gkatsevEguy: what do you do again?
07:19.37noaXessrwhitby: which entry on twitter?
07:19.38gkatsevDecimate: yeah, good luck with that
07:19.40gollyzila2gkatsev I am
07:19.49Eguygkatsev: IT Network Admin
07:19.49DecimateEguy: standup comedian?
07:19.53gkatsevgollyzila2: High/college?
07:20.02gollyzila2high, senior
07:20.10gkatsevgollyzila2: where you looking at?
07:20.20Decimateme as a freshmen, senior days cant come soon enough.
07:20.20gkatsevgollyzila2: or have you decided by now?
07:20.25EguyDecimate: Not if you actually want to get a degree.
07:20.41gkatsevmy highschool is famous. just google "newton south high school"
07:20.47gkatsevor, wikipedia it
07:21.01gollyzila2still undecided
07:21.09Decimatewhat are you famous for? :P
07:21.19Eguygollyzila2: Any interests in career paths?
07:21.23gkatsevDecimate: google "newton south scavanger hunt"
07:21.28gkatsevDecimate: or read the wikipedia page
07:21.29rwhitbyDecimate: BTW, the people who read the logs of the channel looking for on-topic other timezone information care ...
07:21.38sunmasterIICan someone tell me, please, what gcc,binutils,{g,uc}libc, etc. etc. versions are used in WebOS? On these pages the versions of the build chain tools are not listed.
07:21.40*** join/#webos-internals bsm (
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07:21.45rwhitbythat's why we have #webos-watercooler
07:21.55EguyA relevant question!
07:21.57gkatsevyeah, we should probably migrate there
07:22.07Decimatelmao at that scavenger junt
07:22.14noaXessrwhitby: thank you...
07:22.51Decimateto the watercooler!
07:22.56gollyzila2eguy: maybe coding or something in computers. Hacking WebOS is  a lot of fun for me.
07:22.59rwhitby(that's what we use for webos-internals compiles)
07:23.21Eguygollyzila2: Join #webos-watercooler
07:23.37rwhitbysunmasterII: actually, is the exact one that Palm uses
07:23.49rwhitbyglibc 2.5 is the main thing you need
07:27.36sunmasterIIrwhitby: Thanks you for the links. But if the 2007q3-51 is the one Palm uses, why does Makefile you referenced from git point to a newer one?
07:29.07sunmasterIIDo you on webos-internal not try to (re)build as exactly as possible?
07:33.03rwhitbysunmasterII: for the widk, we use the exact one.  the 2008q1 feed was already built for optware, so we use that.
07:34.55*** join/#webos-internals sevad (~ad820ac4@gateway/web/freenode/x-bfzadrfongidjyno)
07:36.21*** join/#webos-internals dug1 (~Adium@2002:1882:b956:0:217:f2ff:fe48:5b83)
07:37.19sunmasterIIrwhitby: Okay, thanks.
07:37.46*** part/#webos-internals sunmasterII (
07:41.40egaudetrwhitby, vkb is good to tweet now
07:41.58rwhitbyegaudet: thx for that.  the users will appreciate it
07:42.26NrbelexIs anyone working on a patch to make vibration alerts for texts as long as they used to be instead of the same duration as E-mail vibrate alerts?
07:42.27EguyWorks great as well.
07:46.22Decimatejhojho: is that stopping you from using it..?
07:46.34egaudetalright, good night
07:46.46jhojhonah. just prefer to install from preware.
07:47.04gkatsevegaudet: night. work tomorrow?
07:50.59*** join/#webos-internals dgathright (~dgathrigh@nat/yahoo/x-micpollenkmiwedr)
07:53.35gkatsevhm... preware is stuck at loading package info...
07:57.01*** part/#webos-internals gollyzila2 (
07:57.59*** join/#webos-internals PunkiBastardo (
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08:07.09rwhitbyimplements part 1 of his cunning plan
08:07.19*** join/#webos-internals chris__ (~4c66ef9b@gateway/web/freenode/x-bkljefpjjnfgrhdf)
08:08.10Eguyinternets explode
08:08.26chris__is everyone having issues updating their patches from the 1.4 update?
08:09.42rwhitby42% had no problems.  The other 58% didn't listen :-)
08:09.52chris__thanks i'll check it out
08:09.55rwhitby(or were affected by an overloaded server)
08:13.58rwhitbyI just had a great idea.  Preware should only download free apps that are *not* available in all countries.
08:14.13rwhitby(free app catalog apps)
08:17.22*** join/#webos-internals MetaView (
08:18.28EguyI already bought NFS :(
08:19.14MetaViewis it fre in US too?
08:20.36rwhitbyMetaView: no
08:23.51*** join/#webos-internals jbjoerk (~phb@
08:25.26*** join/#webos-internals PunkiBastardo (
08:25.54MetaViewrwhitby: I may made some mistake yesterday during git update? the log lines looked strange
08:26.12rwhitbyMetaView: which repo?
08:26.51MetaViewMetaView     1.0.4
08:27.25MetaViewI still have some learning curve for git, sry
08:27.42rwhitbyMetaView: that just means someone else independently updated the build repo, and git automatically merged the two changes because there was no content conflict.  It's normal.
08:28.01rwhitbyIt is not an erro.
08:28.16MetaViewok, thx
08:33.04jhojhoso fwiw, updating to 1.4 does not remove ebag's standalone gps hack
08:36.10cryptk|workjhojho: is that gps hack worth it?
08:36.38jhojhodepends if you want standalone gps.
08:36.54jhojhoit does seem to acquire a signal more quickly
08:37.41jhojhobut ymmv since there is no app that can use standalone gps other than ##GPS#
08:43.05MetaViewwhy not?
08:47.51MetaViewrwhitby: tonight I will add the correct screenshots for Duke3D, is linking to the quake ones...
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08:54.50NrbelexDunno if any of you guys had the issue, but it looks like it was on the NYT's end, not the browser. It's working fine now.
08:57.35*** join/#webos-internals HebrewzHammer (
08:58.05HebrewzHammercan anyone here help me fix my usr account? They got reset after the 1.4 update
08:58.26HebrewzHammerlinux usr account on my pre*
08:58.36*** join/#webos-internals masterhit (~509896e5@gateway/web/freenode/x-jyfavudsmhpfyjza)
08:59.07HebrewzHammeri dont think anyone is here
09:00.27HebrewzHammeryea, i needed help resetting up my linux account on my Pre b/c it got deleted after the 1.4 update
09:01.22masterhithm. my Terminal app is b0rked
09:01.33masterhiti wanted to replace it by "Terminus"
09:01.41HebrewzHammeryea, but Terminus works until they fix Terminal
09:01.47masterhitbut its gone from my optware feed
09:02.16HebrewzHammerwierd, its still on mine. It was just "Unknown"
09:03.16masterhitaaahhh. hsould look there ...
09:06.36masterhitso you need to reset your user account on pre?
09:07.13HebrewzHammeryea, the last time I did it was last year for the first time and everything wasn't "automated"
09:07.45HebrewzHammerur supposed to be able to install some optware bootstrap that will do it but there is no prompt for entering anything
09:07.46masterhithmm. my normal user is deleted, too.
09:08.03rwhitbyHebrewzHammer: these days you install from Preware and set up ssh keys, not requiring a second user so it doesn't get deleted in OTA updates.
09:09.29masterhitwell, i logg in from outside via ssh, and do not want to use root...
09:09.59*** join/#webos-internals Draecos (
09:10.18masterhithi rwhitby, btw
09:10.24rwhitbythen you will need to re-add the user every time webOS is updated
09:10.59masterhitaaah  ok.  so just adduser
09:11.27HebrewzHammerso, I installed the optware bootstrap from Preware, now what do i do?
09:12.11masterhitopen terminus
09:12.18rwhitbyHebrewzHammer: which wiki page are you following?
09:12.29HebrewzHammerI just wanna be able to login to my Pre via PuTTY or WinSCP like I was before
09:13.11HebrewzHammerwell i was trying to follow the "Next Steps" page but there's really nothing to follow
09:13.17masterhitopen terminus, remount the filesystem and adduser
09:14.14HebrewzHammerumm, i think i just found where to go and what to do. Is it the OpenSSH page?
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09:15.33HebrewzHammeryea, looks like if I just read the big red box at the top of the other page telling me what to do I wouldn't be here wasting ppl's time
09:15.44masterhitfor me the adduser thing worked ;)
09:16.02xxbones21xxanyone else having a lot of problems with preware?
09:16.17HebrewzHammeradduser idn't work for me, i'm just gonna follow the key instructions
09:16.52HebrewzHammernah, Preware is working fine for me. Every now and then it hangs while loading packages but if I just tell it to update everything again it will work
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09:34.50iSmitemy pres aggravating me as usual. normally it takes me 7 r so attempts to sign into aim but isnce doctoring last night it wont sign me in
09:35.00iSmitealso is everyone elses pdf reader screwed
09:35.39iSmitegoddamn why is aim always like this on the pre
09:36.09iSmiteon the plus side, after 40 attempts and a doctor, radiotime actually installed
09:40.27iSmitedownloading quickinstaller again. when it downloads the doctor and says gsm, there is more than one which one is it and will it be 1.4?
09:43.35*** join/#webos-internals eternaleye (~quassel@unaffiliated/eternaleye)
10:10.33dtzWillx staged :D
10:10.49dtzWillsame issues as before; doesn't render right (and installing the built stuff takes a little poking)
10:10.51dtzWillbut \o/
10:39.21iSmitegot a theme i cant remove, does not show up in preware
10:39.41iSmiteor themer
10:42.41iSmitedoes anyone know the path where a theme zip would be located
10:42.47iSmiteso i can delete
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11:09.58iSmitenvm just reinstalled the xml and it worked
11:17.14iSmiteim getting loads of ipkg errors all of a sudden preware wont install anything
11:29.12rwhitbynot unusual if you're using a theme
11:32.32iSmitetheres a black theme i want but when i open the zip to remove some of the images and rezip it wont install says invalid xml file
11:32.40iSmitedo you also have to edit the xml file
11:34.25iSmitealso since 1.4 the pre constantly drops date connection its random
11:34.30iSmiteand infuriating
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11:59.22swisstomcatis Mojo.Log.error broken in 1.4?
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13:28.59alyazirI have a problem updating some patches
13:30.04alyaziris someone willing to help?
13:33.26alyazirare there any known issues?
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13:37.05alyaziris it too early? everyone's still sleeping? ;)
13:37.47jtrucksis sleep-ircing
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13:41.26alyazirok, I guess i'll come back later...
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13:48.03PuffTheMagic_i got the black screen of update death
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14:35.19Shura0hi all
14:52.29Shura0does anybody use netstat?
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14:53.05Shura0after yesterday's update traffic history does not work
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14:58.09mikewxi installed it yesterday
14:58.13mikewxi haven't looked at it yet though
14:58.49mikewxhrm, mine tells me netstatd isn't running
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15:40.34DrFunkanyway to get a pre to work out of the US ?
15:41.50mikewxShouldn't be too hard, pretty sure there are multiple GSM versions for use outside the US aren't there?
15:42.41DrFunkI'm not sure that's why I'm asking :)
15:42.59cryptkDrFunk: yes, there are lots of GSM versions and you can buy them unlocked
15:43.06cryptkpretty sure from O2
15:43.15cryptkDrFunk: what country are you in?
15:43.34DrFunkcryptk: my buddie wanted to take his phone
15:43.47DrFunkI'm in US
15:44.15DrFunkso cryptk he has to buy a phone than correct ?
15:44.19cryptkahhhh, so your buddy has a pre in the US already and he wants to take it outside the US with him?
15:44.30mikewxthat's gonna be more complicated
15:44.33cryptkor does he not have one yet?
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15:45.23DrFunkcryptk: he has one already
15:46.39DrFunkI was thinking maybe a software thing but guess that's a no go
15:48.03DrFunkso cryptk he has to buy another phone correct ?
15:48.44DrFunkmikewx: he has to buy another phone right
15:49.02mikewxalmost certainly :(
15:49.06dBsoonerAnyone here speak German?
15:49.23dBsooneror Spanish?
15:49.48DrFunkok mikewx that's a fact right noway around it
15:50.05DrFunkdBsooner: what are you trying to do ?
15:50.18dBsoonerport my patch to world release
15:50.24dBsoonerI need "Call Log" in other language
15:50.39dBsoonerand "Hide Call Duration"
15:51.04DrFunkok you said speak spanish what do you need to no
15:51.37dBsoonernot so much speak, but be able to translate for me. :)
15:51.40dBsoonerI don't trust "google"
15:52.06DrFunkwhat do you want to translate
15:52.10dBsooner"call log"
15:52.17dBsoonerand "Hide Call Duration"
15:52.25*** join/#webos-internals El_Matarife (
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15:53.44DrFunkI believe call log is
15:53.46DrFunkregistro de llamadas
15:54.32dBsoonerinstead of "Hide Call Duration" .. lets make it "Show Call Durations"
15:55.23DrFunkfor the other I believe it's
15:55.30DrFunkOcultar la duración de llamadas
15:55.52DrFunkthat's hide
15:56.33DrFunkMostrar durac
15:57.06DrFunkthat's what my buddy told me he's PR
15:57.43dBsoonerclose enough.. I was just about to ask my PR buddy
15:58.02DrFunkso mikewx am I really shit out of luck
15:58.20dBsoonerMonstrar duración de llamadas ?
15:58.42DrFunkfor ?
15:58.47DrFunkshow ?
15:58.48dBsooner"Show Call Durations"
15:59.05mikewxDrFunk: i doubt it, but your friend probably is. It's just like every other american gsm phone, it's locked to it's carrier
15:59.22DrFunkMostrar duración llamada
15:59.44dBsoonernot llamadas?
16:00.11DrFunkwell that's what my buddy said
16:00.42DrFunkdon't forget he's PR lol
16:02.49dBsoonerthey are silly
16:03.00DrFunkdBsooner: tell me about it
16:03.17*** join/#webos-internals drnull (
16:03.47DrFunkI will be back in a little while I have class for a hour
16:12.41*** join/#webos-internals mandaman2k (~Isaac@
16:14.14dBsooneroil: you there?
16:14.38oilfor like 10 seconds before i walk out the door to go to work
16:14.47dBsoonerok.. real quick
16:14.55oilits not going to be fast enough
16:15.00oilim already gone
16:15.02dBsoonerdo you know if I set trueValue and falseValue in a widget
16:15.05dBsoonerwill it translate?
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16:28.14ianjlawrenceDid WebOS 1.4 knock out all patches on my palm Pre and make it nuable to reconnect to preware to download them
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16:48.36oilsworknok dbsooner, what was your q
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16:49.11dBsooneri figured it out
16:49.27oilsworknwell thats good
16:49.30dBsoonertrueLabel: $L('Yes')
16:49.44dBsoonerand then set "Yes": "Si" in strings.json
16:51.10dBsooneri just wish someone was here that spoke GERMAN
16:51.26dBsoonerI got french, spanish and italian down
16:52.01dBsooneryou do?
16:52.13dBsoonerCall Log
16:52.17dBsoonerHide Call Durations
16:52.19dBsoonerAnruf Maschinenbordbuch ?
16:52.34dBsoonerVerstecken Sie Ruf Zeitdauer ?
16:53.01dBsooneroilsworkn: I got Yes and No
16:53.04dBsoonerthose are easy
16:53.16hapedBsooner: Mey, I'm german what di you need?
16:53.21oilsworknjust tryin to be helpful xD
16:53.22hucksy__Call Log = Anruferliste
16:53.25dBsoonerI just need to figure out "Call Log" and "Hide Call Durations"
16:53.42hucksy__Hide Call Durations = Verstecke die Anrufdauer
16:53.53hapeHide call duration= Anrufdauer verbergen
16:53.59hucksy__also right
16:54.20dBsooneri am porting my patch to World Release
16:54.33hucksy__'Anrufdauer verbergen' is better
16:54.40hapeyour welcome. I tried this path and it diden work fpr germany. So I'm verry willing to help you dBsooner  ;-)
16:54.52dBsoonerhape: i'll send you the .patch file in a second
16:54.58dBsoonerI need someone to test it
16:55.02dBsooneri can't test german stuff
16:56.06hapeok, but please include the call for the patch command. I'm fiting with it every time again.
16:58.11*** join/#webos-internals r0dent (
17:00.05r0dentso should I EPR before 1.4ing?
17:00.35r0dentwonders if there's a FAQ
17:01.33r0dentI wonder if it messes up greg_roll's jabber patches
17:06.36*** join/#webos-internals Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
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17:07.12hucksy__gregs plugins are not working on 1.4
17:07.41hucksy__thats why my pre is still on 1.3.5 ;)
17:08.43*** join/#webos-internals bhern (
17:11.40jacquespalm, please put up the 1.4 opensource packages, thanks.
17:13.37dtzWilljacques: threw x11 into git, fwiw
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17:15.04jacquesdtzWill: nice. I'll take a look tonight :-)
17:15.46jacquesdtzWill: someone else was having a similiar rendering issue with SDL - tman I think
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17:17.38jacquesdtzWill: have you tried X with 1.4 ? I haven't
17:17.52jacquesI suppose it's possible the issue is solved :-)
17:17.58dtzWilljacques: it is not unfortunately
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17:21.10raydivensanyone home?  I've got a package manager question
17:21.14jacquesdtzWill: OK, good to know :-\
17:21.32infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
17:23.26raydivensI just updated to 1.4 this morning.  Everything went apparently smooth, but now package manager, file mgr and systoolsmgr are not running and I am unable to use programs reliant on them.  Suggestion?
17:23.35*** join/#webos-internals Sargun (~Sargun@atarack/Staff/Sargun)
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17:24.06Rick_workpalm please put the 1.4 sdk into public....
17:24.17*** join/#webos-internals doc_ (~483bdaf2@gateway/web/freenode/x-ixprwzlrqxdtfbdy)
17:24.35Rick_workraydivens  go into preware and do update all
17:25.25oilsworknoil ping timeout? wtf
17:25.30oilsworkni hate it when my house loses internets
17:25.32raydivensI would if preware would start.  I get the message telling me that package manager isn't running, but it is installed.
17:25.55oilsworknraydivens: thats weird
17:25.59raydivenssame with the other two services
17:26.38jacquesraydivens: had you updated to latest preware and ipkgservice before the 1.4 update?
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17:27.24jacquesraydivens: which exact phone and carrier do you have?
17:27.41raydivensno I hadn't.  I had a bug issue with missing launcher pages, so I doctored to 1.4
17:28.16raydivensI'll uninstall everything once I get home and reinstall.  Should fix it hopefully
17:28.35jacquesraydivens: do you have novacom working to the phone? or ssh ?
17:28.48jacquesif so, you could try the preware bootstrap script
17:29.08raydivensnovacom yes, but I also lost terminal when I doctored.
17:29.22Rick_workterminal is currently borken in 1.4 anyway
17:29.30Rick_workbut if you have novaterm you can run the preware script
17:29.54raydivensI'll just have to wosqi it when I get home in an hour
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17:31.19raydivensI was thinking I might be able to backdoor the package mgr via filecoaster or preload, but they aren't working either
17:31.43jacquesI think your best bet is the bootstrap script
17:32.05raydivensterminal is not working
17:32.07oilsworknwell filecoaster can't install package manager
17:32.14oilsworknand preload can't install services without package manager
17:32.36jacquesbootstrap script over novaterm or ssh
17:32.38oilsworknyeah, terminal is broken in 1.4
17:32.41oilsworknterminus still works
17:32.41raydivensbut preload can, so I was going to install preload wit filecoaster.
17:32.57oilsworknbut preload uses the package manager to install advanced homebrew
17:33.02oilsworknwithout it, its basically the same as filecoaster
17:33.16oilsworknwhich can't install advanced packages
17:33.52raydivenswosqi is the way then.  If I run into any roadblocks, I'll give jason a call
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17:34.39oilsworknhear that destinal-sleep? terminal is broken
17:43.06dBsoonerTERMINAL is broken?
17:45.29ka6sox-worksounds like Heresy to me.
17:45.46*** join/#webos-internals mike (~62d8a422@gateway/web/freenode/x-hlwsqaxfmhvudsap)
17:46.15Guest21204hey everyone. Why cant I find the emergency recov patch?>
17:47.07jacquesmorning ka6sox-work
17:48.38ka6sox-workmorning JackieRipper
17:48.46ka6sox-workmorning jacques
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17:51.54jacqueska6sox-work: I've finally recovered from SCALE
17:53.25ka6sox-workjacques, it'll take me another week or so.
17:54.10oilsworknso where is the pics etc from the booth?
17:54.19azakusupdate on luna crashes
17:54.27*** join/#webos-internals rknorcal (~45e455a6@gateway/web/freenode/x-mruvtwvqumogljbx)
17:54.40azakusgot a traceback from LunaSysMgr
17:54.47oilsworknazakus: ever figure out that css mess
17:54.49azakusit's a cache eviction problem on uninstall of an application
17:54.51azakusoilsworkn: not yet
17:57.27*** join/#webos-internals ConfusedVorlon (
17:57.33azakus#1  0x35fc6148 in WTF::ThreadCondition::timedWait ()
17:58.02azakusthat is one of the threads of WebKitLuna when the crash happens
17:58.47*** part/#webos-internals ConfusedVorlon (
17:59.36azakuswebkit problem == badness
18:00.36*** join/#webos-internals mac (~5dc9d0f5@gateway/web/freenode/x-yxirbfjokofbpcws)
18:01.02*** join/#webos-internals Mousey (
18:04.51Mouseyattempts to recover from 1.4 update
18:05.13Mouseyask me if i uninstalled my theme before pulling the trigger!! ^_^
18:06.12oilsworknim going to guess you didn't
18:06.27Mouseyno, i'm a dumbass!
18:06.37Mousey<--- unintelligent donkey
18:07.18oilsworknmouse/donkey cross breed abomination?
18:07.27Mouseyand a moron!
18:07.43oilsworknseriously, thats like themes 101
18:07.46oilsworknremove it before updating the os
18:07.47jacquesthemes are bad, mmm`kay
18:07.52Mouseythats it rub it in
18:07.57oilsworknthey're like patches, just way worse
18:09.44oilsworkninfobot needs to learn about themes
18:09.57Mouseywill the phone get mad if i change its hostname?
18:10.01infobotOld enough, yes please, my place.
18:10.12dBsoonerhape: you still here?
18:10.50mjkjr|wirclmao @infobot
18:11.04Mouseyi <3 infobot
18:11.07dBsooneror hucksy__?
18:11.37dBsoonercan you do a more complicated one for me?
18:11.41dBsooneractually two. :)
18:11.51dBsoonerYou must restart Luna for this setting to take effect. Restart takes approximately 30 seconds. Restart Now?
18:11.58dBsoonerRemember, you must restart Luna (or the phone) for this setting to take effect.
18:12.09dBsoonera little more difficult. ;)
18:12.33oilsworkn"Your phone can't be reset because you dont have package manager service"
18:12.35oilsworknwhat about that one?
18:12.48dBsoonerThey are SOL at that point.
18:12.52oilsworknyou know, i bet there is a way to restart luna on the private bus
18:13.14hucksy__Du musst Luna neu starten, damit die Einstellung aktiv wird. Ein Neustart dauert in der Regel 30 Sekunden. Jetzt neu starten?
18:13.34dBsoonerman, don't ask me to pronounce that
18:13.37dBsoonerI am copy/pasting.
18:14.23hucksy__Bitte beachte, dass du Luna (oder dein Handy) neu starten musst, damit die Einstellung aktiv wird.
18:14.35dBsoonerwhat about "Luna Restart Required"?
18:15.31hucksy__"Ein Neustart von Luna ist erforderlich"
18:15.49oilsworknhucksy__ to the rescue
18:15.53dBsoonerGerman = done
18:15.57hucksy__or... no: "Neustart von Luna erforderlich"
18:15.59Mouseyw0 = 0t!
18:16.02hucksy__for the last one
18:16.03hucksy__is better
18:16.06dBsoonernow for Spanish, French and Italian
18:16.20dBsoonerwaiting on ##translate to get me Italian
18:16.30Mouseysu tamales es listo!
18:16.40Mouseysu tamales es listes! actually
18:16.49nt4catsItalian is just like Spanish, except you end every sentence with "eh?"
18:17.14Mouseysu tamales es mas mejor con queso!
18:17.23xalboItalian is the Canadian Spanish?  Who knew?
18:17.31Mouseythats some bad spanish
18:17.36Mouseyhahah, canadian spanish!
18:18.05ka6sox-workI'll have to tell me Suegra that .
18:18.31dBsoonerso we have no french, spanish or italian speakers here?
18:18.34dBsoonerman we suck
18:18.52nt4catsxalbo: when an Italian says "eh?" it sounds like the beginning of the word educate.  When a Canadian says "eh?" it rhymes with "Way".
18:18.54Mouseyonly speaks food spanish
18:19.06nt4catsUn hamburgersa con queso!
18:19.17oilsworkndBsooner: there must be a couple, rwhitby got preware translated to all them
18:19.17Mouseythat's hamburgerso
18:19.28mjkjr|wircdonde esta el bano?
18:19.29xalboMas cerveza, por favor.
18:19.29nt4catsmy hamburgers are girls, I guess
18:19.29dBsooneroilsworkn: rwhitby knows everyone
18:19.43Mouseynt4cats: there's a certain logic there
18:19.56ka6sox-workMousey, Hamburgers are Feminine in Spanish
18:20.12oilsworknunfortunately all the translation stuff was done while i took a little preware break
18:20.19oilsworknand they did it the hard way xD
18:20.50dBsooneroh.. hucksy__: "Later"?
18:20.51Mouseywoohoo's at the successful application of the boxee remote application. =)
18:21.30hucksy__dBsooner: mh, without any other hint... "später"
18:21.31oilsworknso now my center button is completely white
18:21.44oilsworkni picked off the rest of the crap yesterday
18:21.45dBsoonerAs in the opposite of "now"
18:21.48dBsoonernot Now, but later.
18:21.52nt4catsI turned off the throbbing nubbin on my Pre
18:21.57hucksy__yep, "später"
18:21.58hucksy__is right
18:21.58nt4catsIt was unsettling
18:21.59dBsoonerIN regards to doing something..
18:22.10nt4cats(especially when the phone was sitting on the table in a dark room)
18:22.12dBsoonercan I capitalize the s?
18:22.29hucksy__dBsooner: "i'll do this later" in german... "Ich werde das später machen"
18:22.31oilsworkni never used the patch to turn on the throbbing
18:22.47Mouseyhuggles his throbbing nubbins
18:22.50oilsworknbut since its included in 1.4, i've noticed it needed my attention twice
18:22.52nt4catsoils: you get throbbing patch-free in 1.4
18:23.02dBsoonerI have a trhobbing patch
18:23.03dBsooneroh wait
18:23.07oilsworknand both times it was something stupid
18:23.17Mouseycan you turn off the mailthrobbing in 1.4?
18:24.04nt4catsMousey: yep.  at the bottom of the "screen and lock" card
18:24.08oilsworkni wonder what initiates the throbbing
18:24.09Mouseyah, k
18:24.17Mouseyrubbin' the nubbin'
18:24.29nt4catsoilsworkn: it seems to correlate to any time you have a notification
18:24.49*** join/#webos-internals prefan89 (~471ea242@gateway/web/freenode/x-banurjjradsjinxr)
18:24.58oilsworknso, every time a new dashboard scene is created?
18:25.04jacquesmy top bar looks strange with no carrier string - when palm said they fixed it so it didn't show sprint when roaming, I expected it to be other than blank
18:25.14xalboIsn't it Mojo.Controller.StageController.indicateNewContent?
18:25.19prefan89can sumone please help me install preware
18:25.22dtzWilljacques: this x thing is so strange!
18:25.43dtzWilljacques: I know you know that, but on the thought it was messing up the surface somehow (perhaps messing with the hidden data)
18:26.02dtzWilljacques: I decoupled them, created a buffer for X to play with, and blit it to the screen.....
18:26.08hucksy__dBsooner: which app, btw? ;)
18:26.34oilsworkncall log duration
18:26.40dtzWilljacques: same result. hell i don't get an update if the only memory access to the primary video surface is me memsetting it
18:26.44hucksy__ah, nice
18:26.45prefan89can sumone please help me install preware
18:26.49dtzWilljacques: (but still shows when zoomed out)
18:26.57oilsworknprefan89: have you read the wiki?
18:27.19nt4catsprefan89: did you follow the instructions at ?
18:27.41Rick_workprefan89 which of the three options on the wiki would you like to do?
18:28.10jacquesdtzWill: it _is_ very strange
18:28.13nt4catsprefan89: the same information is available here, too --
18:28.14prefan89yes......i installd everything but it says my computer dont have novacam something
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18:29.18dtzWilljacques: that and as you noticed every keycode gets zero'd?
18:29.48jacquesdtzWill: yes, but keysym is correct
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18:30.19dtzWilljacques: oh even if the scancode is zero? okay, didn't check that. rendering is first priority :)
18:30.27dtzWilljacques: but good to know
18:30.43Mouseyso mail isn't working again?
18:30.47jacquesdtzWill: yeah, keysym is correct, and mounse (touchscreen) coordinates look good too
18:31.15jacquesI think it we can get rendering working, we will be very close
18:31.26dtzWilljacques: oh that's good news too. although the mouse doesn't MOVE but hey at least input is getting most of the way there
18:32.14jacquessomething strange with alpha too - when I use 32bpp, even the card view looks wrong, _unless_ I go through and set all the A channel to opaque
18:32.26jacqueswhich is not my understanding of how it is documented to work
18:32.56jacquessupposedly alpha only matters for compositing - only matters for source surfaces, not dest
18:33.09jacquesbut I have to set A channel to opaque on the dest surface
18:33.34dtzWilljacques: don't they blit it to some internal surfrace anyway? that's how they do the automatic resolution scaling...?
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18:33.54dtzWilljacques: maybe they only do that if the surface they expose as the main video one is the wrong, i don't remember
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18:38.43jacquesdtzWill: yeah I suspect our issues are related to the "internal" stuff which is done
18:40.09jacquesdtzWill: did you notice that the hidden pointer is only non-NULL when 32bpp surface is used?
18:41.52dtzWilljacques: I haven't looked, I partly ruled out a corrupt hidden field when I noticed that I can make it so no pointer to the main video surface ever escapes to other code... yet we still have the rendering issue
18:42.32dtzWilljacques: my previous thought was it's not switching rendering targets correctly--apparently when it's in card mode and when it's fullscreen they are different, and that gets done through some hook call that they make from SDL_PumpEvents
18:42.40dtzWilljacques: which X never called. unfortunately that didn't fix it either :)
18:43.16dtzWilljacques: errr i guess pumpevents is called when you poll, shrug. but regardless that seemed to fit the bill
18:43.37dtzWilljacques: also i don't *know* hidden isn't getting botched _somehow_, but it's not directly through some sloppy memcpy off the end of the framebuffer or something
18:44.46jacquesdtzWill: I intend to compare the contents of the hidden and non-hidden buffers
18:45.35dtzWilljacques: sounds like a plan, and a compelling possibility. let me know if you find anything (or find that you don't :))
18:46.14jacquesthere is also the whole blank / unblank thing - entry points palm added in their SDL patches, which unfortunately are hidden symbols
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18:46.49jacquesit could be the fb is being blanked at the wrong time
18:46.56dtzWilljacques: argh. yeah quite possibly
18:47.15dtzWilljacques: there are a lot of state variables that could be getting messed up. but *why* would X be doing so? how?? haha
18:47.38dtzWilljacques: and many of those are in the hidden struct, so maybe you're right
18:47.59jacquesdtzWill: that's the real question - why do some apps have rendering issues and others which seemingly access the SWSURFACE in the same way, do not
18:49.24jacquesonce again (looking at you palm) it would help quite a bit if we had all the source to build SDL - we are missing things
18:49.40jacqueslike the hidd headers
18:49.51dtzWillvery much agreed :/
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18:55.27prefan89_hi everyone i downloaded everything so i could get pre ware but still it does not apear in download box
18:58.29oilsworkndownload box?
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18:58.45nebulaawww, meta-doctor doesn't work for me :(
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19:00.42*** join/#webos-internals bougyman (bougyman@pdpc/supporter/gold/bougyman)
19:00.55bougymanhrm.  so I install 1.4, start terminal, and my pre reboots.
19:00.56prefan89_i mean the webos box thing where you install it
19:01.03bougymani think i should have read a CHANGES file that I missed.
19:01.26oilsworknbougyman: terminal doesn't work in 1.4
19:01.35bougymanoilsworkn: as I see.
19:01.37oilsworknprefan89_: in webos quick install?
19:01.39bougymani also can't ssh to it.
19:01.43bougymanis that also known?
19:01.55oilsworknafaik that stuff is all ok
19:01.55bougymanand of course MyTether stopped working.
19:02.08oilsworknthough i dont ssh to my pre
19:02.11bougymanhrm.  it's not accepting my ssh key, nor password auth.
19:02.15bougymanhow do you get in to it?
19:02.23oilsworknprefan89_: you clicked the third button, checked preware and package manager, clicked download?
19:02.28bougymani can't terminal nor ssh, those are the only two methods I've used.
19:02.34bougymanmaybe I have to put it in dev mode again?
19:02.41bougymanafter the upgrade, that is.
19:03.40prefan89_ok where is the package manager
19:03.40jacquesbougyman: upgrade did not affect my devmode
19:03.42prefan89_i clicked the the blue arrow and preware does not pop up
19:03.50bougymanso how the hell do I get in now?
19:03.55bougymanit's like 1.4 completely locked me out.
19:04.12bougymanssh is still listening but passwords aren't workin.
19:04.14oilsworknprefan89_: in the menu at the top, choose the webos-internals feed
19:04.41bougymanis there a novaterm for lin?
19:04.58oilsworknbougyman: no clue
19:05.04oilsworknyou could always try terminus
19:05.58bougymanfound it
19:07.59prefan89_yes i clicked that and it still aint there
19:08.41oilsworknso you select "WebOS Internals Feed (all)" in the dropdown at the top
19:08.52oilsworknand the list below it doesn't show preware or the package manager service?
19:10.06bougymanhuh, it removed the user I had on ther completely with the upgrade.
19:10.24bougymanand changed the root passwd
19:10.26bougymanvery odd.
19:10.32bougymanoilsworkn: you use MyTether?
19:10.36bougymanthat's another app 1.4 broke.
19:10.40bougymanchecks the forum.
19:10.44jacquesbougyman: update overwrote /etc/passwd
19:10.47oilsworknbougyman: no i dont, i'm on sprint
19:11.17en0xmytether works with 1.4 there was an update yesterday
19:11.20prefan89_no it has other stuff except that
19:11.35bougymanen0x: thx
19:11.54oilsworknprefan89_: i really don't know what to tell you
19:12.17prefan89_ok im goin to try to do it thanks anyways
19:12.30oilsworknif you select "WebOS Internals Feed (all)" in the dropdown at the top, and the list below it doesn't have preware or the package manager service, then something is terribly wrong
19:12.34oilsworknbecause thats exactly how you do it
19:12.44hucksy|arghhbtw Mousey: gregs messaging plugins wont work with 1.4
19:12.49hucksy|arghhat the moment
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19:15.22Mouseyhucksy|arghh: yah, i'm noticing. ^_^
19:15.35Mouseyand i fixed mail, tho i swear i found a bug
19:15.42Mouseyalready posted in precentral
19:16.21hucksy|arghhhope greg will fix this soon
19:16.23hucksy|arghhneed 1.4 :p
19:18.13oilsworkn1.4 feels better then 1.3.5 to me
19:18.41Rick_workI like the new "app starting" image thing.
19:18.58JayCanuckapp splash screen, I love it too
19:19.00oilsworknyeah, thats nice
19:19.33JayCanuckfrom the looks of the stage controller framework js it's possible to turn it off programmably
19:19.49azakusoilsworkn: interesting report on webos forums. Some vendor names are getting css disabled
19:19.52oilsworknmaybe its just a placebo, but it feels smoother overall
19:20.03oilsworknazakus: hm
19:20.10hucksy|arghhstopp it ;)
19:20.52dBsoonerhape: ping
19:21.17oilsworknRick_work & JayCanuck: i also like the command menu change
19:21.27oilsworknfrom slide in/out to a quick fade
19:22.35bougymanen0x: how long should I let it sit on unapplying the patch?
19:22.39bougymanit's been like 6 minutes.
19:22.48azakusoh crap
19:22.56azakushaving "js" in the name might disable css?
19:23.11oilsworkndisable all css? or just those loaded?
19:23.14dBsoonerhucksy|arghh: ping
19:23.30oilsworknazakus: one thing i didn't try, was sticking a <style> tag right in the scenes html
19:23.34bougymanoh great it just rebooted spontaneously
19:23.46bougymanthis is like the 19th time.
19:23.48azakusbougyman: bug in webcore on clearing cache
19:23.53azakuslooks like a double free
19:24.10bougymanwoe is me
19:24.22azakusI'm sure it's already fixed, and that 1.4.1 will have it
19:24.33azakusit's probably one of those head slapper bugs
19:24.50bougymanis 1.4.1 released?
19:24.55bougymani just updated like 2hours ago
19:24.59azakusoilsworkn: yep js in the name breaks css
19:25.06oilsworknthats very funny
19:25.28oilsworkni wonder what made them think to do that
19:25.34oilsworkn(assuming it was on purpose)
19:25.40azakusno clue
19:25.46azakusbut jstop has to be renamed then
19:26.30oilsworknits ok though, people always thought it was pronounced j-stop
19:26.42oilsworknintead of js-top
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19:28.14mjkjr|wircso the formatting in "jayestop" should be fixed soon?
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19:29.51azakusmaybe J.S.Top
19:29.54azakusI'll try that
19:30.28oilsworknnext they'll block everything org.webosinternals.
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19:30.58mjkjr|wircI would really hope not
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19:31.19oilsworknif that happens, at least wirc will still work xD
19:32.00azakusI'm sure there was a good reason, or it's a bug
19:32.32bsiegelHas anyone had any trouble, driver-wise, with their device after 1.4?
19:32.36bsiegelWhen I plug mine in now, Windows detects a new device which it can't find drivers for.
19:32.48oilsworkni haven't attempted to hook up my pre since the update
19:32.56oilsworknbut i also upgraded my pc from xp to 7
19:33.04mjkjr|wircbsiegel: nope, all is great since 1.4 for me :-)
19:34.10mjkjr|wircbesides JSTop looking crazy and terminal not working
19:34.29azakusmjkjr|wirc: that one isn't my fault at least
19:34.48azakus1.4 disables css for any app with "js" in their appId
19:34.56oilsworknso crazy
19:34.56bsiegelAs far as I can tell, the Hardware ID was changed slightly in 1.4... Before, it was USB\VID_0830&PID_8002&MI_01 but after 1.4 it is now just USB\VID_0830&PID_8002
19:36.04nebulaanyone here successfully ran meta-doctor?
19:36.17mjkjr|wircazakus: I know. I'm glad you figured that out.
19:36.51mjkjr|wircazakus: you think that was an accident or intentionally?
19:40.23azakusno clue
19:40.47xcomphmmm ... how do you use git behind a prox?
19:42.04dBsooneranyone have a non-US pre want to test my patch?
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19:42.45psykozyou guys will like this
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19:57.19en0xanyone got cool sounds for sms and email?
19:58.35hucksy|arghhcrazy frog?
20:05.35dBsoonerJayCanuck: ping
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20:08.37nebulaecho reply
20:08.58nebulaicmp packet denied.
20:09.32nebulaJayCanuck: I like silver anyways.
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20:13.03nebulaJayCanuck: you can't possibly tell me Miller doesn't kick ass.
20:13.14nebulaand i ain't talkin about beer :-D
20:14.57*** join/#webos-internals spotter (~spotter@
20:15.12spotterseems I pressed too hard down on the center button and pre went crack
20:15.23spotterthankfully getting replaced under tep for free
20:15.41spottergetting used to use my pre w/ keyboard only :)
20:17.17spotteregaudet, re mixed patches, for the tough cases, couldn't a patch being created on the fly
20:17.27nebulacisco bug id CSCtf31218
20:17.34spotteri.e. arch that lets oyu drop in snippets and have a patch be created out of the snippets
20:17.37nebulaph34r m3
20:17.54egaudetspotter, by tough cases do you mean like the device menu example?
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20:18.44egaudetwell those ones are less worrisome because they don't create subset patches, since the context changes the individual ones will fail to install when a mix is installed
20:19.27egaudetmy first worry are the direct concatenation of multiple patches that create subset patches.
20:19.34psykozSprint was a dick with me about usb crack near my screen.  At the point in time I really just didn't feel like trying to haggle with Palm directly on the issue so I just paid some $80 fee they gave me to swap me out a brand new Pre.  Being a busy parent sometimes $80 is just too quick of a fix than spending a lot of time on the phone, rma'ing things, shipping stuff back and forth, etc
20:19.37spotteryes, I agree there
20:19.46spotterbut I think it be nice if there was an arch to create on demand patches
20:19.47psykozI'm glad they were cooler with you on the button-area crack
20:19.49spotteri.e. for search for instance
20:20.05spotterpsykoz, I have the usb crack too
20:20.10spotterthey wouldnt do anything for me
20:20.28idontwan2knowSprint will not replace for the USB crack, unless you find an uneducated/"helpful" sales rep.
20:20.29egaudeton-demand patches for something like device menu I think would be a lot of trouble
20:20.44psykozaye, such a stupid issue that they won't, it's so common place it should be in their system as a known issue
20:20.57egaudetit's easy when you know what and where things are changing, but a system that figures this all out by itself is a lot i think
20:21.42spotteregaudet, for serch I think it would be easy
20:21.51spotterjust drop in snippets w/ image
20:21.55spotterin known places
20:22.02spotterand create a patch out of the snippets
20:22.07egaudetNot sure what you mean
20:22.17spotterthe google/wikipedia ... search thingy
20:22.23spotterthat was popular to patch at least at one point
20:23.07egaudetI don't see the big picture from a user point of view that you are hinting at
20:23.22spotterlets say I want to add multiple different search providers to my pre
20:23.27spotterI'd think currently they'd conflict
20:23.30spottercould be wrong
20:23.37en0xso palm got my pre with the usb crack last week on wednesday.. they haven';t contacted me yet... does anyone know how long does it take for palm to respond?
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20:31.11smoofraanybody know how to get the pre to stop resetting  ip_forward ??
20:32.38egaudetspotter, so how would a system know how to make them not conflict
20:32.52spottercause the patches are all the same
20:33.00spotterthere's recipes for how to create them in the wiki
20:33.10spotterthey can be listed one after each other
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20:33.13egaudetthat's what I'm saying is that a generic system to handle conflicts that can be resolved vs. knowing which conflicts are unresolvable is -hard-
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20:33.23egaudetspotter, yes manually
20:33.26egaudetnot generically
20:33.33spotterright, I'm saying for specific types of patches, can create combined patches on the fly
20:33.36spotterfor ones there are recipes for
20:34.02egaudetthen it becomes non-generic and the complexity of maintaining and adding new recipes gets really burdensome
20:34.42spotteridea would be something like
20:34.57spotterwhere one could add multiple providers in an automated fashion
20:35.43spotterbasically a patch for the this.URLs that is dynamically created, a patch for the clearSearch: function() that is dynamically created and finally for the html/css files
20:36.02spotterthat way one could have as many providers as they want
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20:36.58egaudetagain how would you dynamically create these?  This would be entire new system that is outside of the current patching system?
20:39.03egaudetI mean you can make a specific app that would be able to generate a patch based on the known possibilities or user provided options for browser global search addons
20:39.33egaudetbut it's very specific to that and needs the knowledge of what is going where.  I can't see it having any widespread generic abilities
20:40.39dBsoonerDID IT!
20:40.55dBsoonerI wrote my first full patch .. including world release.
20:43.25Mouseyinstalls it
20:43.34Mouseyaah! bricked my phone!!
20:43.43Mouseylaughs at funny joak
20:43.53chrisaprecentral forums are better than the comments lately
20:47.45smoofraanybody know what pmnetconfig is?
20:49.16mjkjr|wircworld release!? good job dBsooner!
20:49.26dBsoonerYep, world release.
20:49.31dBsoonertested to work great on a german pre.
20:50.11MetaViewthat's the world, indeed :p
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20:53.14mjkjr|wirchow about a patch to make the lockscreen bug permanent?
20:53.15dBsoonerwell, its a start.
20:53.43MetaViewdBsooner: right :)
20:53.51idontwan2knowlockscreen bug?
20:54.14en0xthe one that is crashing luna?
20:54.32dBsoonerMetaView: I have it translated in French, Spanish, Italian and German
20:57.24mjkjr|wircI like it. like whatever card I had open stayed there while locked rather than reverting to my wallpaper
20:58.30idontwan2knowWas the card still running, or just a frozen image of it?
20:59.14mjkjr|wircstill running
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21:01.46Mouseydecides 4x4 isn't as cool/pretty/useful as 5x4, switches
21:06.05mjkjr|wirccryptk said something along the lines of, if/when palm releases a fix then maybe that "new" lockscreen could be an option
21:09.12destinalfor me, my lockscreen bug is that the screen just freezes after unlock rather than unlocking and being usable -- are others having the same problem?
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21:09.52destinalwell, by freezes, it shows the clock, and the clock updates, but I can't _do_ anything
21:11.03destinalanything from your lawyer?
21:13.17destinalhmm, strange pidgin related issues, bbiab
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21:15.02mjkjr|wircmine was still usable after unlocking, went straight back to whatever card I was using. or if I had the launcher open rather than a card it would show that while locked
21:20.35mjkjr|wircgood morning
21:20.43dBsoonermorning rwhitby
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21:21.31xcompsup rod
21:21.48mjkjr|wircrwhitby: what time is it for you?
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21:27.41rwhitbymjkjr|wirc: 8am, Tue
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21:36.12Flashpassso has there been any announcements to the availability of Flash on the Pre, or is it still comepletely unknown?
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21:37.11dBsooneranyone in here still have a 1.3.5 device?
21:37.15mjkjr|wircFlashpass: it will be available when adobe releases the plugin
21:37.18dBsoonerand willing to test something for me? :)
21:37.56Flashpassmjkjr|wirc: right, i was wondering about the avilability of this magical plugin :)
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21:43.05mjkjr|wircFlashpass: no one knows and anyone that does would have to kill whoever they told :-)
21:45.39oilsworknor if eguy was here, he would say tomorrow
21:46.00EguyFlash is coming out tomorrow.
21:46.41mdkleinit appears that there are 2 new pdl functions in 1.4 one to enable/disable gestures... and 1 called checklicense which I'm guessing is probably headed towards some application DRM
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21:50.24bhueybtw, I'm getting a lot of crashes with Luna in 1.4
21:50.33bhueyanybody encounter the same thing ?
21:50.54psykozI've had some weird funky issues with 1.4 I'm thinking of doctoring and starting clean slate
21:50.55bhueyseems to happen more when I run programs like Doom which wasn't a problem in 1.3.5
21:51.06psykozIt's deleted random emails and videos
21:51.10bhueyyea, the instabilty is unacceptable
21:51.20idontwan2knowmdklein: kinda surprised the app catalog got out of beta without DRM for apps. the transaction failed when I DL'ed Assassin's Creed and I was shocked to find the game still worked and I was able to update it, redownload it, etc.
21:51.26bhueyno, haven't had that problem yet
21:51.31bhueyI'm not going to doctor it just yet
21:51.32psykozAnd I occasionally get a unlock screen that exposes the whole screen but the lock button is there, so it looks like the "phone" app with the "lock" button on top of it
21:51.49bhueypsykoz: I get hangs when it renders at times
21:52.04psykozI wouldn't consider any of these unacceptible until I redoctor, if you're modding/patching your Pre you shoudl expect instability honestly
21:52.14bhueybig rotations involving heavy graphics operations
21:52.21psykozThat's like questioning why you were bitten for stepping in a snake pit
21:52.30bhueyyeah, it's got some mods
21:52.43Eguypsykoz: We all have that problem with the lock screen clock.
21:52.45idontwan2knowOnly issue I've had was not getting email notifications until I manually opened the email app at which point it asked me to confirm my accounts and they started working again
21:52.52EguyPalm didn't bug test this release very well.
21:53.01nxg125idontwan2know: I had that happen to me too
21:53.07bhueyI'm getting Luna restarts
21:53.13bhueyfairly regularly
21:53.20oilsworknlock screen clock problem?
21:53.24bhueyand the memory leak problem is worse in some way now
21:53.44bhueyno clock problems yet
21:54.03bhueybluetooh state problems though
21:54.08Eguyoil: When my phone is on the puck, there is no clock, just the yellow circle.
21:54.12bhueyhad to restart the device
21:54.23EguyWorks fine after a reboot though.
21:56.00oilsworknhas never had that
21:56.24EguyIt occurs randomly for me.
21:56.36psykozEguy, so Flash beta tomorrow?
21:56.49oilsworknim contemplating weather or not to post in the "meed webos devs" thread
21:57.01oilsworknand right now im leaning towards not, lol
21:57.03Eguypsykoz: Sure.
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21:57.31mjkjr|wircmy lockscreen bug happened once right after 1.4 and hasn't came back since I restarted
21:57.33bhueyin general, 1.4 has been problematic right ?
21:57.41mjkjr|wircis bummed
21:57.43psykozOh nevermind see you were being sarcastic ;)
21:57.50oilsworkneguy heard it from a friend, who heard it from a hobo, who overheard two adobe execs talking about it while in line at starbucks
21:58.03EguyThey were in line at KFC.
21:58.05bhueybattery life is crappier aswell
21:58.17psykozbhuey, weird, I've had better battery life
21:58.29psykozbhuey, infact such that i just stopped using smartreflex finally
21:58.32EguyBattery life is better for 1 bar of signal. That's about it.
21:58.34psykozit's acceptible without smartreflex on
21:58.37oilsworknjeez bhuey aka deby downer
21:58.45mjkjr|wircbhuey: you just want to complain? lol, Everything seems better with 1.4
21:58.53bhueymy phone is patches bt not that heavily with system lelve stuff
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21:59.30EguySome things are better, some things are not.
21:59.49bhueymjkjr|wirc: yes, I want to complain. i'm not one of those blind fanboys even though I love this device
21:59.50Eguy1.3.5 was faster for me for certain things. JS is definitely faster in 1.4.
22:00.02psykozI'm more happy overall with 1.4, though I think palm needs to rethink the new card loading for specific apps
22:00.09bhuey1.4 has definitely been faster
22:00.14bhueybuti t's also a lot more unstable
22:00.16psykozI really wish the phone app would just load straight into it, not the new card loading mechanism
22:00.35oilsworkni haven't had any instability problems with 1.4
22:00.35psykozOr if Palm would give me sticky cards that'd be cool and an acceptible fix to the new "wait a few seconds" splash screen concept
22:00.44bhueythe main benefit of this device is stability, if that's gone, it's a big problem for me
22:01.08bhueythe best thing I can do at this point is start removing some patches to see if it helps with things
22:01.16nxg125psykoz: what do you mean "sticky?" Can't you just leave the phone card open?
22:01.27EguyI leave the phone card open now.
22:01.34mjkjr|wircI haven't had any issues with 1.4, also have about 40 patches that cause no I'll effects on my phone
22:01.41oilsworknwell patches are the devil, so no wonder you're having problems
22:01.44MetaViewdBsooner: the link to submit patches for 1.4?
22:02.00Eguyoil: I thought Preware is the devil.
22:02.08idontwan2knowme either....other than the email thing I mentioned, 1.4 has been smooth as silk for me
22:02.17EguyOh. Never mind. It was coded by the devil. ;)
22:02.20oilsworknit just opens the door to hell where the patches live
22:02.24mjkjr|wircI think some problems are the users phone rather than the OS. some people have all these issues and some don't have any, hmmm
22:02.40idontwan2knowAnd I have about 25-30 patches installed
22:02.42oilsworknas far as the phone app
22:02.47oilsworknif you open it and then toss it
22:02.58oilsworknsubsequent launches don't do the loading thing
22:02.58Rick_workoil, if someone had not upgraded preware to aupt before 1.4, what should they run after the 1.4 update?  EPR?
22:03.14oilsworknRick_work: i dont know
22:03.25EguyRick_work: They need to kill their phone with fire.
22:03.25oilsworknthey shouldn't have updated to 1.4 before updating preware and all their patches xD
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22:04.04oilsworknbut i think EPR will work
22:04.07Rick_workproblem is, this person doesn't actually USE his phone much.
22:04.10oilsworkni really don't know much about patches
22:04.20hucksyhmm, webosdoctor shows "INFO: got devices 0"
22:04.25oilsworknif they have trouble getting preware to load (a bug that was fixed right before 1.4)
22:04.43oilsworknthey need to continuously tap the screen while its downloading/loading packages
22:05.26EguyConan easily has the best twitter on the net.
22:09.16mjkjr|wircRick_work: webos qi could also be used as an alternative to update them, or just doctor and start fresh
22:09.56mjkjr|wircEguy: @conan ?
22:10.01bhuey1.4 is a major update for sure
22:10.27psykoznxg, sure, you could just leave your webbrowser tabs open but firefox and chrome have decided you want sticky tabs that way you can't accidentally close them and it's a novel concept
22:11.05psykozif an app is something you always want open, it doesn't have to always auto-open but having it pinned is a nice concept, especially in the new loading case where trying to get into the phone app is a 3-7second ordeal now with the splash screen
22:11.25psykozor maybe a whitelist of apps that load immediately without a splash screen
22:11.30psykozsorta like the low mem whitelist
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22:12.12bhueypsykoz: it'll probably take some time before these issues get sorted out
22:12.17bhueyhopefully sooner than later
22:12.19mjkjr|wircpsykoz: mine literally takes one second to open, maybe it's only slow and displays the flash the first time after a restart?
22:13.36mjkjr|wircactually doesn't show the splash screen at all when I open my phone app, straight to it. so it must only do it the first time
22:13.52oilsworknthen its in the background
22:14.33MercurySo, is it possible to simulate incoming phone calls in the WebOS VM?
22:14.42psykozit shows the splash screen everytime I go to it and it consistently is between 3 or 7 seconds before it loads up to full screen, it's not a huge issue though *shrug*
22:15.32Rick_workoilsworkn  preware - curent version - list of everything  - pkg-list exception  Typerror Object false has no method "toLowerCase"
22:15.49oilsworknthats no good
22:16.03oilsworkna package with no name?
22:17.15Rick_workI updated feeds, seems all better now
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22:19.50mjkjr|wircpsykoz: that's doesn't seem normal. I checked my phone app a few more times. I can only get it once right after a reset. my phone app actually loads faster than it used to, no lag. Interesting...
22:20.02bhueywas there a fix for the Yahoo chat credential issues ?
22:20.21bhueyit never logs in even though I know it's the correct password
22:20.40oilsworknwell step 1: get away from yahoo, lol
22:20.56bhernbhuey, try deleting and readding your account
22:21.08bhueytried that, no avail
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22:22.59psykozmjkjr|wirc, seems to be 30 seconds of idle time without the phone app running = fresh new start for it, but as I stated to bhuey earlier I'm not going to officially complain about anything ever to begin with but I really am not going to take everything for 100% of what its worth until I do a complete fresh doctor to 1.4 and then see suckage after that ;)
22:24.44mjkjr|wircpsykoz: wow, that probably would be a little annoying. hopefully a fresh doctor will smooth it out for you.
22:25.31egaudetis there a standard way to build binaries for emu
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22:26.54psykozmjkjr|wirc, nod
22:27.56nfoxTcanyone see how many cards they can have open under 1.4 yet
22:28.07Smubehtanyone have a pre that like when it starts up  black overlay is there, and then only if u swipe up does stuff pop up, and then from there only a few apps work.  my phone app just sits there blinking and wont open up etc
22:28.20Smubehti was playing nfs when installing virtual keyboard and the pre restarted on me
22:28.31Smubehtjust wondering if anyone has seen weird stuff like that
22:28.40bhueybhern: been thinking about doing a partial erase but I don't know what that'll destroy
22:29.06MetaViewrwhitby is sleeping?
22:30.14Smubehtnotification bar is just white with nothing in it
22:32.10idontwan2knowSounds like your pre needs a trip to the doctor
22:32.18Smubehtwas hoping to evade that step
22:32.22Smubehtdont wnat to lose everything
22:33.14rwhitbyMetaView: no, commuting
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22:33.57MercuryEr, hrm.  Is there no 1.4 SDK yet?
22:34.25BoomerETSupposedly early this week.
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22:34.34MercuryThat's, annoying.
22:34.56MercuryEspecially as people with apps in the app store probably got access before 1.4 went out to phones.
22:35.13acydlorddunno about that
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22:37.11nfoxTcyou guys know the reset network settings option?
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22:38.17nfoxTcwhat exactly does it do because sometimes mytether will be stubborn and I have to keep doing it everyonce and a while
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22:43.09Smubehtis there an easy way to back up sms?
22:43.22Smubehtlast time i tried something i epicly failed and lost everything
22:43.27destinalegaudet: binaries for emulator?  you just get an x86 linux box and build normally, like "make"
22:43.48MetaViewSmubeht: if you find the db where the sms are stored, it's easy...
22:44.02Smubehtcan i do this in usb mode?
22:44.08egaudetdestinal, well I'm trying to build wircd for the emulator, but when I run it on emulator it complains about glibc 2.7
22:44.16egaudetso obviously I'm not linking correctly
22:44.19MetaViewSmubeht: no, I don't think so
22:44.39egaudetand/or I don't know what I'm doing
22:44.40chrisaDo people actually want to read books on a screen the size of a credit card?
22:45.03oilsworknchrisa: some do?
22:45.13Smubehtmight not be entirely reading the book
22:45.20Smubehtbut perhaps referencing one by having it on hand
22:45.44psykozI do most of my daily reading on the Pre, via google reader
22:46.04psykozlandscape view of google reader is really easy on the eyes for me
22:46.09MetaViewwhy does the ipk of the webinternals homebrew contains the whole source code and stuffß
22:47.20Smubehtcant seem to uninstall virtual keyboard using wosqi.  i cant open preware because it does same thing as phone app just opens up and sits blinking icon back and forth(left this for 2 hours while at work to see if it would eventually), but i have a feeling its the misinstallation of vk that did this for me.  as my pre restarted mid installation
22:49.08idontwan2knowdid you try the obsolete keyboard app?
22:49.31Smubehtgood call is that available on wosqi?
22:49.42chrisaoilsworkn: judging by these ebook apps
22:49.46idontwan2knownot sure
22:49.53Smubehtill look.  thanks
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22:50.03egaudetobsolete keyboard package doesn't do much anymore
22:50.09oilsworknI know _I_ wouldn't want to
22:50.19egaudetcleaning up USB files is now incorporated into VKB package
22:50.24oilsworkni prefer the tactile experience of reading an actual book
22:50.39egaudetwebos-patches.log should tell you what's going on
22:50.40oilsworknnot that i do it all that often
22:53.28destinalegaudet: how do you make the libircclient directory?
22:53.57destinaloh nm, ./configure -- I was one level too deep (in src)
22:54.45oilsworknoh yay, might just get that wircd binary after all xD
22:56.18egaudetdestinal, would it be because libircclient is built as a static library it is using symbols for a glibc I have locally which is later version than the one in emu
22:56.59destinalegaudet: could be.  wonder why it's not dynamic
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22:58.34Smubehtusing wosqi i get Error: An error occursed while attempting to run /tmp/ Check for md5sum in /usr/lib/ipkg/info like 50 times 1 of 15 hunks failed or something
22:58.36destinalegaudet: how do you build the stub liblunaservice again?
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22:58.46destinalegaudet: err, where is it..
22:59.19egaudetare the servers down?
22:59.32Smubehtwish WOSQI's msgbox was a scrolling box that way i could get the whole thing
22:59.36egaudetdestinal, I just grabbed it off emulator.
22:59.47destinalegaudet: ah, good call
22:59.56egaudetI can't get to right now
22:59.58ka6sox-worklemme look
23:00.01destinalegaudet: uh, me neither
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23:00.30destinalhmm, apache seems to be stopped
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23:00.40oilsworknoh, there it is
23:00.52DrFunkping dBsooner
23:01.04destinalka6sox-work: you started it back up?  seems to be running now
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23:01.16ka6sox-workdestinal, ya
23:01.50oilsworknthe server is just too popular
23:02.10DrFunksup destinal
23:02.16destinalDrFunk: hey
23:03.41DrFunkdestinal: thinking of the colts game you going to be around for that ?
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23:03.50oilsworknwonders how many times destinal has been asked about termplugin since 1.4 dropped
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23:04.20GreedyB2how would someone install a theme from precentral that is not in preware feeds yet?
23:04.24jacquesI've seen 100 myself
23:04.25DrFunkwhy not use terminus ?
23:04.52DrFunkGreedyB2: WOSQI
23:04.56mjkjr|wircdestinal: will terminal be working soon? :-)
23:05.00destinalDrFunk: terminus has issues but yeah those issues are currently a bit less than segfaulting Luna :)
23:05.18Smubehtran epr from wosqi lets see if that did it
23:05.25Smubehtprays or something
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23:05.38oilsworknsadly, the one browser plugin we got is not working so hot
23:06.07destinaloilsworkn: IMO its architecture could use some work.   we're shoving too much stuff into Luna for my tastes
23:06.29DrFunkso destinal you think you might be around for the colts game
23:06.45DrFunkopps was a pm
23:06.48destinalDrFunk: I'll probably be too busy working on terminal to notice football :)
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23:06.56egaudetdestinal, plus terminus is pre-only
23:07.16destinalegaudet: oh, right, no pixi SDL support
23:07.27Eguylol pixi.
23:07.43egaudetPuffTheMagic_, ping
23:07.46destinalI was sure they'd want to have that fixed for 1.4
23:07.49mjkjr|wircEguy: nothing to lol over
23:08.10EguyIt wouldn't be funny if it had the OMAP.
23:08.33DrFunkoilsworkn: look what you started
23:08.42oilsworknthe pixi should be pitied?
23:08.52oilsworknhey, i didn't start it
23:09.09EguyDon't act innocent oil.
23:09.19oilsworkni haven't even tried to use termplugin yet
23:09.34oilsworkni heard someone whining it crashed their pre
23:09.41DrFunkbtw destinal if terminal is not done before the colts game quit
23:10.12GreedyB2DrFunk WOSQI themer won't install anymore
23:10.25oilsworknso, go themeless till they get it all worked out
23:10.39DrFunkGreedyB2: what version of WOSQI you using
23:10.42destinalDrFunk: not just the crash bug, there's lots of stuff to do on Terminal :)
23:10.43mjkjr|wircthemes are bad anyways
23:10.54GreedyB2DrFunk 3.02
23:10.54oilsworknthey don't get nearly as much love as patches do, thats for sure
23:11.14DrFunkdestinal: I no man but I'm making a far trip so we can catch that game
23:11.15mjkjr|wircand they shouldn't lol
23:11.26lemketronHey there... 1.4 SDK has been posted.  Get it while it's hot!
23:11.33mjkjr|wircmost things a theme does you can change without one IMO
23:11.38oilsworkndestinal: im relatively sure i pushed the change to make the keycommands pop a new stage instead of over your current one to kill your session
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23:12.09destinaloilsworkn: only relatively sure?
23:12.19destinallemketron: awesome!
23:12.19oilsworkni guess i could look at gitweb xD
23:12.44oilsworknyeah, its there, never relased though, lol
23:13.02oilsworkn"The Camera API has been extended to let an app initiate video capture, in addition to image capture" oooh
23:13.21Mouseyerases precorder
23:13.37DrFunklol @ Mousey
23:13.44PuffTheMagic_egaudet: pong?
23:13.58DrFunkcan't believe you still had it installed
23:14.03egaudethow do I build wircd for emu
23:14.21PuffTheMagic_just like for arm but against i686 binaries
23:14.34egaudetI took /usr/lib/* from the emu and -L it
23:14.48egaudetbut then when I run the binary on the emu it complains because it is looking for GLIBC_2.7
23:15.00DrFunkdarn I will bbl need to drive now
23:15.15egaudetso I need the libc stuff from the emu /lib/* right?
23:15.30PuffTheMagic_or a better toolchain
23:16.36egaudeti'm building on my x86 desktop
23:16.36destinalPuffTheMagic_: better than gcc?
23:17.00jacquesstill no opensource patches tho :-(
23:17.06PuffTheMagic_built using the right libc
23:17.11egaudetI don't get where/how to get it to use the right libc
23:17.25egaudetdoes it need to build the libircclient.o against it?
23:17.39PuffTheMagic_evertyhing needs to be built with it
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23:18.34egaudetso I basically need a chroot
23:18.47PuffTheMagic_egaudet: yeah that is how i did it
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23:19.02PuffTheMagic_so umm
23:19.13PuffTheMagic_is it asking or 2.7?
23:19.16PuffTheMagic_or bitching cause 2.7 was used
23:19.22PuffTheMagic_when 2.5/6 should have been
23:19.26egaudetthe latter
23:19.48PuffTheMagic_yeah, glibc is too new on my gentoo setup so had to use a chroot also
23:20.09PuffTheMagic_cause the cross- stuff doesnt want to build a new i686 toolhchain
23:20.18PuffTheMagic_it tries to be too smart
23:20.24PuffTheMagic_it goes?
23:20.39PuffTheMagic_"you are building an i686 toolchain with an i686 toolchain dumbass, not continuing"
23:21.10PuffTheMagic_else my crossdev setup would have been 100% perfect
23:22.01PuffTheMagic_egaudet: u gonna autobuilderize it?
23:22.03GreedyB2would there ever be a way to basically image your pre like you do a computer?
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23:22.14PuffTheMagic_GreedyB2: of course there is
23:22.33egaudetPuffTheMagic_, I have no clue how to autobuilderize it at this point
23:22.59PuffTheMagic_egaudet: the authobuilder shoulkd have all the right versions for emu and device
23:23.01egaudetDo we have any emu setup in the widk? or is that strictly arm r
23:24.57destinalegaudet: generally we haven't needed it -- not sure what's unique about wircd, but I can build libterminal on stock ubuntu
23:25.13destinalerr termplugin
23:25.19PuffTheMagic_i was gonna say
23:25.23PuffTheMagic_when did a miss that
23:25.30lemketronPuff:  FWIW, I used crosstool-ng to build the x86 toolchain that is used to build the emulator rootfs.
23:25.35egaudetyeah I don't get what the issue with wircd is
23:26.02PuffTheMagic_egaudet: there is no issue
23:26.07PuffTheMagic_use glibc 2.6
23:26.19egaudetPuffTheMagic_, I don't have to do that to build termplugin
23:26.27egaudetwhy do I need to do that for wircd
23:26.37egaudetthat's the "issue" i referred to
23:26.49oilsworknwircd wears a helmet to school?
23:27.42PuffTheMagic_egaudet: wircd is using a function that uses different symbols in different versions of glibc
23:27.58PuffTheMagic_so when you build it against 2.7 a symbol is getting included that is not in 2.5
23:28.00egaudetwhat function?
23:28.07PuffTheMagic_btu that is whats happening
23:28.19PuffTheMagic_so use the right glibc
23:28.21Eguyoilsworkn: wircd rides the short bus.
23:28.22PuffTheMagic_and call it  day
23:28.38PuffTheMagic_Eguy: thats an understatement
23:29.09oilsworknit chases after the short bus yelling "WAIT FOR ME?!"?
23:29.15egaudetPuffTheMagic_, I'm not trying to just get it to work for me, but be able to be incorporated into autobuilding and widk etc... or whatever standards we use
23:29.39PuffTheMagic_i understand that... and using the right glibc is the proper way
23:29.40egaudetalso in the meantime get oil a x86 version of wircd top tree
23:29.47PuffTheMagic_egaudet: no
23:30.14PuffTheMagic_just create a branch in wirc based on the commit before it started doing shit
23:30.17PuffTheMagic_and work from there
23:30.23PuffTheMagic_since we prob wont keep the lag shit
23:30.37egaudetPuffTheMagic_, it's the subscription stuff that is the major change in the new stuff
23:30.46oilsworkndont want to throw all that away
23:31.07PuffTheMagic_oilsworkn: i thought u didnt give a shit about those changes
23:31.15egaudetwe can easily just throw in a new commit right now to remove the lag stuff
23:31.17PuffTheMagic_nor were you sold on them being useful
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23:31.29oilsworknPuffTheMagic_: i thought you said it was way better that way and it should always be done that way?
23:31.42PuffTheMagic_oilsworkn: yeah that is what I said
23:31.47PuffTheMagic_oilsworkn: since when do you agree with that
23:31.55oilsworknI've gotten over it
23:32.00oilsworknif it works it works
23:32.10PuffTheMagic_if you want to work from that point fine
23:32.27PuffTheMagic_but i've formatted my dev box and have not recreated my dev rootfs
23:32.34PuffTheMagic_so i cant do any cc at the moment
23:32.40Smubehthow can i view a .db3? is there anyway?
23:32.53oilsworkndo you happen to have logs of the last time i asked for an emu build?
23:32.54destinalSmubeht: any sqlite3 client
23:33.05oilsworkni also recently formatted, and lost my old irc logs
23:33.17oilsworknthe omploader url is probably still valid
23:33.19oilsworknif it can be found
23:33.32PuffTheMagic_lemketron: yea i know crosstool-ng can do it, and gentoo tools are basically the same thing and should do it too, its just being to smart for itself and I never looked into getting around it
23:33.52PuffTheMagic_oilsworkn: i think egaudet should just get it autobuilding
23:34.11oilsworknand as far as the lag stuff
23:34.13oilsworknwe should keep it
23:34.14egaudetsure I'll get it autobuilding as soon as I know what our plans for emulator building are...
23:34.20oilsworknjust tone its polling way way down
23:34.23egaudetwe aren't going to require chroot
23:34.48egaudetand I'm guessing it has to work on ubuntu 9.10 server
23:34.55oilsworknso it doesnt turn the pre into a hand warmer
23:34.58PuffTheMagic_egaudet: chroot is how I got around it cause my i686 libs used glibc 2.7.... the autobuilder should be using 2.5
23:35.01PuffTheMagic_or 2.6
23:35.05PuffTheMagic_and if its not
23:35.06PuffTheMagic_then fail
23:35.21egaudetPuffTheMagic_, whatever ubuntu 32-bit server is using (which I think is 2.7)
23:35.22PuffTheMagic_oilsworkn: i think we should leave hand warmer mode in for a release
23:35.29PuffTheMagic_oilsworkn: so people get excited over a feature
23:35.34PuffTheMagic_then can bitch
23:35.36PuffTheMagic_and then
23:35.42PuffTheMagic_can be impressed when we "improve it"
23:35.46egaudetwe just need an environment like the cross compile environment
23:36.00egaudetI mean the current cross compiling for the pre works fine
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23:39.14acydlordscratchbox is made of win
23:39.52PuffTheMagic_there is no reason crosscompiling should require an emulator
23:40.07PuffTheMagic_what sb2 does isnt crosscompiling
23:40.12PuffTheMagic_which is why it sucks
23:41.50dtzWillPuffTheMagic_: it does use a cross compiling toolchain? it doesn't emulate the compiler
23:42.16lemketronwhy do you say sb doesn't cross-compile?
23:42.36PuffTheMagic_i was under the impress that with sb2 all compiling was done inside a qemu environment
23:42.43PuffTheMagic_which means is doing native compiling
23:42.46PuffTheMagic_not cross-compiling
23:43.17dtzWillPuffTheMagic_: nopes, requires an arm toolchain
23:43.26PuffTheMagic_thats for arm
23:43.35PuffTheMagic_we were talking about i686
23:43.46PuffTheMagic_building an arm binary with an arm toolchain in a arm emu running on i686
23:43.51PuffTheMagic_is still not cross-compling
23:44.04dtzWillno no it requires an x86 toolchain that targets arm
23:44.07PuffTheMagic_since the end binary and toolchain are the same arch
23:44.10lemketronyeah, but you're not  emulating an arm-native toolchain
23:44.19lemketronthat would be like WAY slow
23:44.30PuffTheMagic_lemketron which is why i've been avoiding it
23:44.36PuffTheMagic_so why use qemu?
23:44.42dtzWillPuffTheMagic_: compiling doesn't
23:44.46dtzWillPuffTheMagic_: compilation doesn't invoke qemu
23:44.55lemketrontoolchains (and most host-native tools) in sb run with a front-end that allows x86 binaries to work in what "looks" like an ARM target environment.
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23:45.33PuffTheMagic_why all that extra stuff
23:45.36*** join/#webos-internals raster (~raster@enlightenment/developer/raster)
23:45.38lemketronand actually states "Scratchbox is a cross-compilation toolkit designed to make embedded Linux application development easier".  :-)
23:45.48lemketronall what extra stuff ?
23:46.02PuffTheMagic_i know when i went to setup sb2, qemu was required
23:46.12lemketronqemu is so you can compile ARM code for the target that is then executated as (for example) part of the ./configure process (autotools)
23:46.12VincentLawI must be bored, I've extracted all the artwork/video/audio from Myst, and am currently making a webos app of it, just for the hell of it. A real pointless venture since I can't release it, but I want it bad enough to do it just for myself lol
23:46.13PuffTheMagic_and thats when i said f'it
23:46.22lemketronand other build-time tools that are built for the target architecture but then must be run as part of the build
23:46.47lemketronit's user-mode qemu, so it emulates the arm binaries in user-space, and converts the system (kernel) calls to the host kernel
23:46.50PuffTheMagic_lemketron: there are only a few broken packages like that
23:47.01lemketronwhich is why webOS doesn't use it
23:47.02dtzWillPuffTheMagic_: hahaha 'broken' :)
23:47.09dtzWillPuffTheMagic_: agreed, but humorous
23:47.13PuffTheMagic_dtzWill: the configure/make stuff is broken
23:47.21lemketronlike, gtk and friends...
23:47.29PuffTheMagic_gtk is ok for me
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23:47.31dtzWillPuffTheMagic_: oh i mean there are some tools that just require their own random stuff
23:47.34dtzWillPuffTheMagic_: qtmake, etc
23:47.37lemketronwell, perl works for us.  :-)
23:47.44dtzWillPuffTheMagic_: although perahps those are cross-compiling happy, idk
23:48.08dtzWillPuffTheMagic_: I was happy for qemu so I can run python in a sane manner
23:48.19dtzWillPuffTheMagic_: since some bullshit X library decided it 'requires' python to build
23:48.40VincentLawactually, hmm
23:48.42VincentLawI woooonder
23:48.52dtzWillVincentLaw: send me a copy when you're done :D
23:48.53lemketronopen embedded knows how to cross-compile all sorts of packages without having to use sbox or qemu
23:49.06PuffTheMagic_dtzWill: EVERYTHING that I have tried to build so far using my gentoo setup (except lua) compiles with out the need of qemu
23:49.14VincentLawif I release this webos app on like... preware, without the data files, would that be legal? like if I just had users extract and copy the files themselves?
23:49.36PuffTheMagic_lemketron: yeah, with custom patches like gentoo
23:49.40PuffTheMagic_some of which get upstream
23:49.45lemketronlast I used it, the sbox/qemu stuff was especially problematic if the host and target kernels were not compatible (for the system calls used by any user-space arm code you were hoping to be able to run)
23:50.01lemketronthough admittedly that was more than two years ago, before sb2.
23:50.13destinalsb2 is apparently totally different
23:50.21dtzWillPuffTheMagic_: i'm not doubting you're env's setup, but just saying that's why qemu short of that is useful
23:50.35dtzWillPuffTheMagic_: although I'm curious how it would handle the situation I stated about python
23:50.59lemketrondestinal: afaik, the concept is the same, but the implementation was completely re-done
23:51.27VincentLawdtzWill: I wanted to do Riven, but that game is so massive that I don't think it'd be realistic to even try :/
23:52.00jacquessb2 uses qemu to run configure scripts etc
23:52.06VincentLawand blah, there's no way I can just have people extract the data. some of these formats the pre can't play :/
23:52.07egaudetso.... where does this all leave us with building binaries for the emulator ;-)
23:52.12lemketronin any case, I had x86 and arm target build environments in sbox, and now have both in open embedded.  All used x86-hosted cross-compilers.
23:52.21dtzWillegaudet: oh you wanted the conversation to be useful??? :)
23:52.44PuffTheMagic_lemketron: i still wish you guys would make that setup public
23:52.50PuffTheMagic_for a us native hackers/developers
23:52.57PuffTheMagic_so we can work on a consistent base
23:53.03PuffTheMagic_hopes thats part of the PDK
23:53.14lemketronheh... we were going to point to your pdk.  ;-)  ;-)
23:53.20lemketronso hurry up!
23:53.51jacquesI would love to see the palm oe setup
23:53.52PuffTheMagic_what do we have to hurry up for if you are gonna hand it to us?
23:54.19lemketronI probably shouldn't say any more just yet...
23:54.43jacquesbut first I would like to see the 1.4 patches
23:55.01egaudetoilsworkn, do wirc on the pre ;)
23:55.30dtzWilldoes anyone have a good way to get a sensical strace? getting spammed with the KDGKBENT stuff
23:55.34lemketronI wonder how much longer people would be willing to wait for new releases in order to have patches at the same time...  (not that it shouldn't be possible anyway, but I'm guessing MOST people are much more interested in the OTA update than the patches...)
23:55.50dtzWilli could probably look up how to filter those out, but I seem to recall someone had the command at some point
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23:56.15jacquesmost ppl couldn't care less about the GPL
23:57.56PuffTheMagic_lemketron: you prob cant answer this but im gonna ask anyway, I know you hang out around here so you must have a good sense of the stuff we figured out so far and the stuff that we are doing and the stuff that we are interested in but havent yet figured out..... is the PDK going to bring us (webos-internals hackers) anything new or is it just going to be official ways of doing what we already can?
23:57.59lemketronright... so my point is that they probably wouldn't want us to hold back the release until the sources were posted... though clearly if you look at you can see that it's not like we're trying to avoid ever posting sources.
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23:58.31oilsworknegaudet: the current binary on my pre will make it catch fire if i develop on it too long xD
23:58.36oilsworknemulator won't have that problem
23:58.45oilsworkntill that polling is slowed down
23:58.54egaudet:P it's a very valuable handwarmer feature
23:59.21egaudetI can go take away the polling though which will be quicker/easier than getting an emu binary built
23:59.26lemketronPuff: I don't have a full enough sense of all that you've done (or are trying to figure out) so it's hard to say.  But hopefully this will be a step in the right direction, and you can certainly let us know what you find "missing" but would like to see added.  How's that?  :-)
23:59.45smoofrai finally got ip_forard to stay 1

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