IRC log for #webos-internals on 20100215

00:00.08tlphmm. My Pre has been freezing on restart.
00:00.18tlplittle restart logo gets stuck
00:00.45xcompmine too.
00:00.50oc80zwhats  good
00:00.56tlpreally? glad it's not just me
00:01.05xcompand then it does the same thing during boot
00:01.17xcompgets stuck on the palm logo
00:01.27xcomptake out the battery, and then it boots normally
00:01.34tlpyeah, that's what I'm doing
00:01.49tlpah, such a love-hate relationship with webOS :p
00:02.11xcompi've decided I'm going to doctor the phone once 1.4 comes out
00:02.17xcompi've never doctored it
00:02.22tlpI hadn't either until recently
00:02.26tlpthis is sort of a fresh-ish doctor
00:02.33tlpso I dunno if it'll help
00:03.10xcompi believe it's something in homebrew that's causing it, so at least it'll give me a chance to start on a clean slate
00:03.16xcompand eliminate some stuff I don't need
00:03.25xcompso many patches and apps installed
00:03.28tlpcould be, but it could also just be something buggy about webOS
00:03.44xcompyeah I know webos has bugs too
00:03.55xcompI've found bugs in the SDL lib
00:03.56tlpI haven't really applied that many patches
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00:04.42tlpand I can't for the life of me think of what patch/service/app could affect something that low level
00:06.10tlpcould be some SDL app, since I've been playing with those a lot lately. That pokes around at the graphics hardware.
00:06.57tmztcould the nand/sd be corrupt?
00:07.09tmztit's way to bearly for any patches
00:07.23tmztunless the stuff rwhitby was doing caused a problem
00:07.27tmztwith the tlv values
00:07.39tlpI'll have to see if I can successfully reboot the device after a fresh start
00:07.43tlpno idea
00:08.09tmztdoctor isn't complete
00:08.56tlpyep, sure can. I'm betting something leaves the hardware in a weird state.
00:09.15tlpMight be NesEm.
00:10.16destinalhaven't seen anything that does something with pre hardware that prevents warm restart, yet...
00:10.44tlplemme see if I can do it after launching NesEm. It's hard to say since the Pre is usually on all day before rebooting.
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00:11.03destinalhave you guys tried the hold down power button, flick mute off and on three times, keep holding power button for a few seconds, to see if a warm restart that way helps?
00:11.25tlpholy cow. Is that some hidden way to reboot? haha
00:11.44destinalyeah I use it instead of pulliung battery usually
00:12.01tlpI use the key combo
00:12.03tlpSym Orange R
00:12.11destinalthis works even when that doesn't
00:12.33tlpI'll try that the next time it gets frozen
00:14.07tmztyou think sgx crashed?
00:14.18tlpI'd like to watch dmesg or something sometime to see why this takes so long to boot
00:15.16tmztmaybe something the dsp
00:15.29tmztif warm reset doesn't work that could be it
00:15.49tlpwhat is the difference between a warm reset and the trick destinal mentioned?
00:16.29tmztnot sure
00:16.45tlpI assumed webOS just executes 'reboot' or whatever
00:18.25KyusakuI remember Treos had a similar emergency reboots with the mute switch
00:19.08tmztso that might be hardware/firmware
00:19.27tlpprobably just as scary as pulling the battery, but easier
00:20.05tlplike a PC reset switch
00:21.28tlp<=3 months until I get EVDO. 1x is killing me.
00:21.39tlp(unless Sprint moves the date back again)
00:22.23tlpI hate accidentally starting Preware while I'm in 1x. Then I've gotta interrupt it and restart Luna.
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00:23.56Kyusakuhave you bugged sprint for one of those EVDO routers for free?
00:24.07tlpI have not
00:24.12tlpyou mean like what rwhitby has?
00:24.37Kyusakunot sure what rod has
00:24.57tlpsomething you stick in your house that tunnels traffic over your Internet connection
00:25.11tlpthat was to Kyusaku :p
00:25.21tlp1X is a ridiculously slow data connection
00:25.24tmztjust use wifi in that case
00:25.37tlpbut sometimes my phone hasn't associated and I don't notice
00:25.39tmztyep, I used it for three years as my only connection
00:26.04tmztwhy isn't Preware caching?
00:26.14Kyusakubut I remember when people first got the Pre there a bunch of threads about people would call up Sprint to complain about their coverage and gave you one of those EVDO routers for free
00:26.33tmztjust use wifi
00:26.42tmztor do you mean mifi
00:27.03KyusakuI don't think it was called mifi back then
00:27.15Kyusakulemme see if I can dig up the threads
00:30.24Kyusakuoh my bad it was an airave
00:30.41Kyusakuwhich I don't believe supports evdo
00:30.53rwhitbytlp: I don't have any evdo router thingo
00:31.10tlpmaybe it was just something someone suggested to you at some point
00:32.38rwhitbythe mute switch flick reboot is in the kernel
00:33.24rwhitbytmzt: Preware does cache - have you set the update frequency to manual ?
00:37.03rwhitbyOK, who wants a version of Preware which only shows Free apps ?
00:37.34rwhitby(by a preference, which defaults to off)
00:38.24KyusakuI don't care about price filtering personally
00:38.35Kyusakuso that's a no for me
00:39.39rwhitbycool, it will continue to work as you desire out of the box.
00:40.14tlpI would like that actually
00:41.17rwhitbyMy position is that users should see all the excellent commercial apps that developers have put hours of work into, but should also be able to filter them all out if they choose.  Especially the users in countries where you cannot purchase apps (now, and maybe never).
00:42.03tlpI am not opposed to paid apps or anything, but it is kind of annoying to sift through
00:42.21tlpsometimes I'll install something "free" that turns out to just be a beta, and I don't realize it because I didn't pay close attention to the description
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00:43.16airmackwell at least you have the choice, in germany at this moment it is 'free only' apps
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00:43.46tlpwe went through that period in the states though too :p
00:43.49airmackbut who buys a 400Euro phone to use an fart app :(
00:44.11tlpwhen I bought my pre there isn't much in the way of apps, paid or otherwise.
00:44.52tlpbut I saw the potential it had when I saw the stuff coming out of this channel/community :p
00:46.51airmackPuffTheMagic_: what is your way of turning the compiled package(tbz2) into an ipkg?
00:47.25PuffTheMagic_well portage can create tbz2's of the pacakges
00:47.34PuffTheMagic_so those could be converted to ipks easily
00:47.37destinalairmack: what are you trying to distribute?
00:47.55PuffTheMagic_could probably even patch in support for direct ipkg support
00:48.18airmackPuffTheMagic_: that is what i was/am looking for
00:49.12destinalairmack: unless you're talking about making something like an SDL app or using /opt like optware there's probably not a good ipkg lib to install your binaries into
00:49.23airmackso at this moment i did the ipkg-building manually
00:50.10destinalairmack: using the rootfs ipkg lib that palm uses is said to have caused serious problems with the official software update tool
00:51.38destinalso /opt/ (/opt/var/lib/ipkg) like optware or /media/cryptofs/apps  (/media/cryptofs/apps/var/lib/ipkg) like app installation uses  would be safe places
00:52.22airmackhmm i was hoping i could use the ipkg that is already on the phone
00:53.44destinalyeah, I hear you, it's said that when mytether installed using that on tons of device there was a problem with the software update tool thinking it needed to reupdate over and over again.  now, that could have just been because it installed files in /  but the conjecture is using the root ipkg lib may have been part or all of the problem there
00:53.59destinalI don't know if anyone has researched it thoroughly enough to say for sure
00:54.20destinalbut there's a reason optware uses /opt for everything, to avoid conflicting with palm stuff
00:57.58rwhitbyairmack: you can use the ipkg on the phone, with -o /media/cryptofs/apps as the offline root. if you don't give an offline root, you will pollute the palm rootfs ipkg database and have OTA update hassles.
00:58.23rwhitbydestinal: it's not conjecture, it was confirmed by Palm engineers.
00:58.27destinalrwhitby: I think he's talking about installing system binaries
00:58.33destinalrwhitby: not custom apps
00:58.55destinalso something like we did with /opt for optware may make more sense
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01:01.03destinalrwhitby: while I put a lot of stock in what palm engineers say, it would still be nice to prove out the issue experimentally and understand more about it
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01:01.36destinaldo some update traces, etc
01:02.20rwhitbydestinal: sure
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01:07.05rwhitbydestinal: optware has a general philosophy (which has proven very useful over at least 20 different router, NAS and smartphone platforms) of staying completely independent of the vendor firmware, not replacing it.  That's what distinguishes it from and (both of which I develop for too, and both of which have much the same set of packages).
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01:10.27rwhitbyairmack: if you're interested in the modem interface side of things, and are OK with replacing the webOS user interface with something different, the guys are also working on the Pre.
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01:17.50airmackgood night everybody
01:17.58rwhitbynight airmack
01:20.10tmztrwhitby: I still don't have a Pre
01:20.27tmztI'm trying to understand why 1x data would affect startup time of Preware
01:20.51rwhitbytmzt: if you update on each launch, then it will download a couple of MBs of data.
01:20.57rwhitby(if you have all feeds enabled)
01:21.04tmztI see
01:21.11tmztthat might have been his issue then
01:21.26rwhitbyif you don't update on launch, it will download nothing until you start looking at icons and screenshots
01:23.50tlpthat's the default
01:24.04tlpand if you kill it while it's doing that, it gets left in a state where you have to restart Luna or something
01:24.33rwhitbywhile it's updating, just go into preferences and change it.  then restart.
01:25.06rwhitby(it will keep downloading in the background, but a reboot will fix that)
01:26.18tlpDoes the author of NesEm hang out in here?
01:27.06rwhitbyPreware 0.9.25 in alpha testing feed with a non-default preference for only showing free apps.
01:27.10tlpthe on-screen controls are a bit weird. All of the homebrew stuff I've tried so far works a bit better.
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01:34.01rwhitbytlp: NesEM is a commercial application, isn't it?
01:35.19Kyusakuoutside of app catalog pay app
01:36.02rwhitbythey must have an official support channel if you pay for it, right?
01:37.17rasterrwhitby:  no no! thats your job to provide support here for free for them!
01:37.59rwhitbyraster: ah, of course.  Just like we do for Palm ;-)
01:38.11Kyusakuthey have their own site with forums
01:42.48rasterrwhitby: thats how it works! of course!
01:43.08rwhitbyraster: anything interesting at MWC ?
01:43.26rwhitby(e.g. anything you've been working on)(
01:45.17tlprwhitby: I was just demoing it. It'll run roms <40K
01:45.36tlpI got it from Preware though.
01:45.55rasterrwhitby:  i'm not there.
01:46.04rwhitbyah, it's free for tiny roms and paid for normal roms?
01:46.11rasterrwhitby:  but there may be... dunno till i hear something
01:46.26rwhitbyraster: bada is being released.  yawn.
01:46.31tlpalthough even tiny roms will "crash" after a while
01:46.36rasterrwhitby:  indeed. yawn.
01:46.43tlpI doubt I'll buy this thing though. Not worth $10. I'd rather spend a weekend trying to make fceu work.
01:49.15tlpthe on-screen d-pad requires you to lift your finger off of the screen and tap the direction you want to go; seems weird considering dtzWill (I think) got VBA working pretty well.
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02:20.47sslow_rwhitby: 0.9.25 working as expected!
02:23.13rwhitbysslow_: thx for the report
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02:34.53farmshello all
02:36.44farmsanyway to rotate photos on the pre
02:38.15acydlord_altnot that i am aware of
02:39.13acydlord_althavent tried the synaptics rotate gesture yet though
02:39.13farmsrotate gesture?
02:40.17acydlord_altrotate gesture on synaptics pads is hold bottom left or right corner and make a curving motion from the top of that corner to the bottom of the other corner
02:40.28acydlord_altdoesnt seem to work on the pre though
02:41.23acydlord_altit just invokes the zoom
02:41.32acydlord_altwas it an image you took or one that was sent to you?
02:41.56farmsemail attatchment
02:43.20acydlord_altmaybe 1.4 will have something
02:43.30acydlord_altwe need basic photo editing onboard
02:43.37farmsI sure hope so
02:43.48farmsanyway back to work, ttyl
02:51.44tlphehe. I had an answer for him. oh well. I imagine future versions of webOS will have that sort of thing though.
02:52.16tlpyou can rotate the phone in view mode and take a screenshot of the rotation; it works. :p
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03:09.39acydlord_alttlp, it doesnt keep the orientation info in the metadata for the image?
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05:06.25rwhitbywhat ails you oil?
05:06.40oilinstalled windows 7
05:06.56oilapparently the software for my keyboard isn't supported
05:08.45oilim liking windows 7 overall though
05:10.33Kyusakuhmmm...if preware shows a package manager service update AND preware update will it install in correct order if I hit "update all"?
05:10.50oilit should*
05:11.15Kyusakuwhat about if there are other apps as well?
05:11.40oilit should* do them last
05:12.19Kyusakumight as well give it a shot to try it out
05:12.25oilits written to do that, but i don't know how many times its actually been tested
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05:16.03Kyusakuseems to have worked. although it showed downloading/updating package manager service before gdialpro(then preware)
05:16.35KyusakuNot sure if it matters
05:16.47oilas long as the service is before preware
05:17.29Kyusakupreware still working, nice
05:18.54Kyusakuhmmmm that's odd. Preware not showing drpodder installed
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05:26.43Kyusakuoh it's there but in unknown
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06:04.32rick-homeoil  you still up?
06:05.06rick-home~seen rwhitby
06:05.08infobotrwhitby is currently on #webos-internals (2d 2h 26m 45s) #oe (2d 2h 26m 45s) #nslu2-linux (2d 2h 26m 45s). Has said a total of 67 messages. Is idling for 58m 43s, last said: 'what ails you oil?'.
06:15.20oilyeah, im still here
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06:18.13newpreownerhey guys i know this question prolly comes up often
06:18.16newpreownerim not tech savvy
06:18.24newpreowneri got a pre from a friend and just wanna use it for wifi
06:18.28newpreownerbut its on activation
06:18.32newpreownerand i can't create a profile
06:18.37newpreownerany easy way to get around this?
06:21.08ka6soxwait for it...
06:21.38newpreownerwait for it?
06:22.47Kyusakucan't use phone radio? meta-doctor
06:23.10newpreownerwell i dont wanna use the phone at all, just to bypass the activation profile
06:23.18newpreownerso i can use it on wifi and thats it
06:23.30newpreownersome of the steps are insanely difficult and im not versed in linux
06:24.51Kyusakubut can you use the phone radio/evdo?
06:25.08newpreownerthe phones currently shows full bars of service
06:25.16newpreownerand says sprint in the top corner
06:25.31newpreownerother than that im just stuck on the palm profile and when i try to make a profile it says it needs cellular data
06:26.23newpreownermeta doctor seems like the direction i need to go in
06:26.40newpreownerhowever i dont have linux and am not comfortable in using it
06:27.12jacqueska6sox: heh
06:27.52newpreowneri am on that page now kyu
06:27.55Kyusakuyou don't have to use linux
06:28.20newpreowneris it complex from that point on?
06:28.23newpreownerwith the linux commands
06:28.39Kyusakumostly copy and paste
06:29.33newpreownerwell ive installed cgywin
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06:29.44newpreownerand in the wiki it asks me to install 4 other packages
06:30.07Kyusakuyeah in the install menus
06:30.23Kyusakudid it not ask you to select packages to install?
06:30.51newpreowneryeah ima still quickly here one moment
06:32.30newpreownerinstalling python
06:32.50newpreownerstill haven't seen make, git, or patch on the list..
06:35.13rwhitbyrick-home: what's up?
06:36.14newpreownerok this isn't going well
06:36.29newpreownerthere isn't a simple loader?
06:36.36newpreownerto just bypass it kind of like an iphone?
06:37.39rwhitbynewpreowner: no, the problem is we can't legally redistribute Palm copyright files, so the end user needs to make the customisations themselves.
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06:38.06newpreowneric rwhitby, well im def trying, but my lack of linux knowledge doesn't help
06:38.14newpreownerany "easy" methods lol
06:38.25newpreownerthat can run on win
06:38.34rwhitbyJason Robitaille is working on such a thing.
06:38.55rwhitbyjust run Ubuntu 9.10 in a virtualbox virtual machine and use that
06:39.22newpreowneryeah i came across his blog, but the last update was july 09 lol
06:39.35newpreowneri almost thought about even contact sprint, activating a line, bypass activation, then cancel my line lol
06:39.45newpreownerbut that is a lot of work and a lot can go wrong also lol
06:40.16Kyusakulemme try a cygwin install on my windows box and see if I can find the packages
06:40.30newpreownerty kyu
06:40.50newpreownerthe python package just kept downloading a ton of stuff which i think was completely incorrect
06:42.08*** part/#webos-internals oil (
06:42.49rwhitbySo, do we have any other people who've tested Preware 0.9.25 from the alpha testing feed?  New preference option to only show free apps.
06:43.00rwhitbyNeed two more testers to release.
06:43.54KyusakuI downloaded it but haven't tested the options, updated fine with update all
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06:44.02jacquesrwhitby: let me try it
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06:44.44newpreownerlol if itll help me get past activation ill help
06:44.54Kyusakuit won't
06:46.35Kyusakuwhen you did the install
06:46.46sslow_rwhitby:  ive tested it 3 or 4 different configs if that helps
06:46.49Kyusakuwhat view did you use for package listing
06:47.05newpreownerhmm it was just the basic view for all
06:47.10newpreownerwith the addition signs
06:48.08newpreownerwant me to uninstall and start fresh?
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06:49.23newpreownerkyu, should i install all python packages?
06:49.58Kyusakuyou probably only need the core devel stuff
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06:50.19Kyusakuswitch to view Full
06:50.22newpreownerlol care to walk me through this? to help me complete the process?
06:50.24Kyusakuif you try reinstalling
06:50.29jacquesrwhitby: does this mean I have to re-enable palm catalog feed to test?
06:50.51newpreownerits full view now, and i also hid obsolete pkgs
06:51.07Kyusakurwhitby, seems to work ok for me
06:51.10sslow_jacques: you should be able to test w/ palm beta
06:51.20jacquessslow_: thanks
06:51.26jacquesI already have that enabled
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06:51.50Kyusakunewpreowner, now just install the packages that match the name, don't bother with anything that sort of matches
06:52.33newpreownerok one sec lol
06:52.45sslow_jacques:  did the paid apps dissapear?
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06:52.49KyusakuI'm gonna try this myself
06:54.10jacquessslow_: not sure - I see 34 apps in palm beta, but turning off "only free apps" I still see 34
06:55.15newpreownerhmm got make patch and git selected
06:55.22newpreownerhowever dunnno which one for python
06:55.27newpreowneri dont see one for core
06:55.46sslow_jacques: 34 for me as well!
06:55.46Kyusakujacques: did you update the feed after you turned on the option?
06:56.13KyusakuI noticed that the feed needs to be updated for the no pay app option to take affect
06:56.37Kyusakunewpreowner, it should just say python:
06:56.42Kyusakuwith a descript
06:56.46Kyusakuabout 9megs
06:56.55newpreownerok downloading now
06:56.58jacquesKyusaku: nope, I will try updating the feeds
06:57.02newpreownerall four pkgs hopefully lol
06:58.14jacquesso preware displayed 741 available packages before. I killed and restarted it, and it displays 713
06:58.29newpreowneralrighty kyu, finished lol
06:58.47jacquesthat tells me it  doesn't require updating the feeds - it's some internal update thing in preware
06:58.57rwhitbyit happens on loading
06:59.06newpreownermy desktop has setup, setup log. full, and http folder..i see no icon to launch cyg
06:59.35rwhitbyPreware 0.9.25 released
07:00.50sslow_jacques:  w/ on palm beta 34 palm web 74...w/off 34/103
07:01.33jacquessslow_: it also tells me palm beta feed isn't good for testing this :-)
07:01.56newpreownerthis is riduculous, the wiki is insufficient
07:02.11jacquesrwhitby: I presume there's no easy way to make the counts change without reloading the feeds ?
07:02.15newpreowneri can follow directions but hell, without supporting information this is useless
07:02.23sslow_jacques: yeah i m sorry i meant to say palm web
07:02.37sslow_very late here / very tired
07:02.41Kyusakunewpreowner: I'm going through this give me a few minutes
07:02.47jacquessslow_: np :-D
07:02.58newpreownerthanks kyu
07:03.02newpreownersorry to be a bother lol
07:04.03rwhitbyjacques: we could force a reload.  there's no easy way to get the info back after it's been ignored on the load, and storing it for that rare occasion would be a waste of memory.
07:04.52Kyusakunewpreowner, some of the linux instructions are redundant in the case of cygwin
07:05.13newpreowneryeah but my cygwin install is done, i see no laucher for it
07:05.26newpreownerjust a folder, and two setup documents lol
07:06.02jacquesrwhitby: just make two lists?  :-)
07:06.04sslow_testing w/ the palm app catalog takes
07:06.24jacquessslow_: yep, that's why I wanted to avoid that if possible
07:06.39rwhitbyjacques: again, two lists would waste memory :-)
07:06.43jacquesso what is the palm web feed anyway? some interesting apps in tehre
07:06.55sslow_i got nothing better to do lol
07:08.03Kyusakunewpreowner, there should be a cygwin folder in start>programs
07:08.09jacquesrwhitby: thanks for the link
07:08.14Kyusakuwhich should give you bash command line
07:08.48jacquesrwhitby: so make a list of free and a list of paid ... bear in mind I suspects this is some limitation of the API you are fighting
07:09.01newpreownernada lol
07:09.09Kyusakuthen you installed it wrong
07:09.12newpreowneri looked there hoping it would be there
07:09.16Kyusakubecause I just installed it on my box
07:09.16newpreowneroh man lol dam
07:09.19Kyusakuand it's there
07:09.36newpreownerwelp lemme try again
07:09.39KyusakuI used all default options in the install as well except for the packages part
07:09.49Kyusakuwhat version of Windows?
07:09.53KyusakuI'm running Win7
07:10.00newpreowneryes win 7
07:10.16Kyusakuyou could just run the cygwin.bat
07:10.22Kyusakuin the installed cygwin folder
07:10.36rwhitbyjacques: I could make separate free and paid feeds, but then you'd need to update feeds anyway.
07:11.26jacquesso updating feeds "creates" the lists which the app displays?
07:11.27newpreownerinstalling again
07:11.51newpreownersome guy wanted to charge me 75
07:11.52newpreownerto do it
07:11.56sslow_it would be nice if we didnt have to update feeds especially if the app cat feed is on
07:11.57rwhitbyjacques: update downloads packages files from the internet.  then those packages files are loaded into the app.  as they are loaded, paid apps are elided.
07:11.58newpreownerand said it would take 3 hours?
07:12.00jacquesyou cannot have two lists and either display one or display both merged on the fly ?
07:12.34newpreownerlol at that rate i should just buy a used ipod touch
07:12.37newpreownerbut i got the pre free lol
07:12.44newpreownerjust my friend wiped all his stuff
07:12.50jacqueswants a free pre.
07:12.52newpreownerand its square one for activation
07:13.46rwhitbyjacques: the use case for this option is really for people who never want to see paid apps.  if you just want to sort by price, then just sort by price.
07:14.01jacquesrwhitby: so the palm web feed is apps which are distributed over the web and need not be accepted by palm for the app catalog ?
07:14.08rwhitbyjacques: yep
07:14.25newpreowneralrighty kyu
07:14.27newpreowneri got it
07:14.34newpreownericon now popped up on cygwin
07:14.35jacquesrwhitby: so can we put preware on there ?
07:14.58rwhitbyjacques: self-certification of content rules, automated checking of non-official APIs and com.palm namespace.
07:15.35rwhitbyso you cannot put anything on the web feed which is not acceptable in the catalog.
07:15.53jacquesoh OK
07:16.02newpreownerim skipping to step 6
07:16.11newpreownersince ive installed all pkgs
07:16.21newpreownerso i guess i need novacom?
07:16.26Kyusakuhold on
07:16.53Kyusakunewpreowner, you need to do step 3
07:17.00newpreownerok one sec
07:17.04jacquesrwhitby: so sometimein the next couple of days I need to outline the SCALE lightning talk - 5 minutes / 20 slides
07:17.57newpreownerk kyu done
07:17.59sslow_im out night all
07:18.08jacques`night sslow_
07:18.15Kyusakunewpreowner, then do step 7 and 8
07:18.15rwhitbyjacques: let's brainstorm slide by slide:
07:18.18rwhitby1) Title
07:18.27newpreownerno need for step 6?
07:18.28jacquesrwhitby: that would be great!
07:18.31rwhitby2) Introduction to webOS devices
07:18.39rwhitby3) Introduction to webOS architecture
07:18.42Kyusakunewpreowner, for now I don't see a reason for it
07:18.48rwhitby4) Introduction to webOS Internals project
07:18.54newpreownerok doing 7 and 8
07:19.16Kyusakunewpreowner, 7 and 8 can be done in the same window you just did step 3
07:19.29jacquesexplain what about webos makes it easy / possible to do live patching
07:19.29newpreowner8 is done
07:19.41KyusakuI noticed that cygwin don't do wget for some reason
07:19.45newpreownerthough i typed it and it just send me back to meta doctor line didnt seem like something happened
07:19.45rwhitby5) The problem: how to share modifications to the OS without infringing copyright
07:19.49*** join/#webos-internals wodar_ (
07:19.57Kyusakunewpreowner, that's how it works
07:20.03rwhitby6) Patch to the rescue
07:20.03newpreownerlol k
07:20.19rwhitby7) Hmm - OTA updates
07:20.59newpreownerill wait for your recommened steps
07:21.04rwhitby8) Auto Patch Technology, automated install and deinstall
07:21.07newpreownerbtw the pre is plugged in through usb
07:21.12rwhitby9) Removing everything for each OTA update sucks
07:21.19rwhitby10) AUPT to the rescue
07:21.20Kyusakunewpreowner, since wget isn't a required package in cygwin(I'll note this in wiki later) you can just download it manually and copy it to that downloads folder in windows
07:21.35jacqueshalf-way there already!
07:21.49newpreownerso complete 9 or no?
07:21.59rwhitby11) Detailed AUPT technology backgrounder
07:22.05Kyusakuit should be in the main cygwin folder/home/(someusername/meta-doctor/downloads
07:22.17rwhitby12) Front-end submission form
07:22.33rwhitby13) Automated (with human review) submission process
07:22.45newpreownerok so ill skip 9 then?
07:22.56newpreowneri dont believe i have the file
07:22.57rwhitby14) & 15) Some examples of the most popular patches
07:22.58Kyusakunewpreowner, go to the webos doctor versions page and get the doctor for your pre(I guess sprint right)
07:23.15rwhitby16) Demo
07:23.27rwhitby17) Other WebOS Internals awesomeness
07:23.29newpreowneryes ok one sec
07:23.41*** join/#webos-internals knickrox13 (
07:23.48rwhitby18) Where to get more info
07:23.49jacquesrwhitby: fantastic
07:23.52rwhitby19) Donations address
07:23.56rwhitby20) End
07:24.12rwhitbyjacques: that do?
07:24.13newpreowneryikes big one, 207 mb
07:24.23newpreownerdownloading now
07:24.28jacquesrwhitby: lol that's excellent
07:24.29newpreowner3 mins to completion
07:24.50jacquesrwhitby: "12) Front-end submission form" is dBsooner's thing ?
07:25.39newpreownerwhich folder should i put this in after download?
07:25.41Kyusakunewpreowner, isn't the iphone OS image like much bigger?
07:25.44newpreownerim in the cygwin folder now
07:25.59Kyusakuit should be in the main cygwin folder/home/(someusername/meta-doctor/downloads
07:26.00newpreownerhmm well on the iphone its roughly the same size
07:26.13KyusakuI must be comparing to SDK then
07:27.23jacquesrwhitby: I'm thinking for reasons of time and technical level of all the other upscale talks, I'll need to tailor it to a less technical audience than I would like
07:27.40newpreowneriphones jailbreak process 10 sec program so its insane to think palms need all of this
07:27.58newpreowneralmost donen dl
07:28.17rwhitbynewpreowner: yep, it's insane.  maybe the iphone guys can write a better one for us ...
07:28.27Kyusakunewpreowner: jailbreaking has been around for about 2 years?
07:28.39Kyusakuwebos has been out for only 8 months
07:28.45newpreownerhmm been around the full 3.5 years the iphone has been out
07:28.50jacqueswell, except for maybe "IPV6: The light at the end of the tunnel"
07:28.51Kyusakuand tools are slowly in the works
07:29.06newpreowneryeah that is true, i agree with the time line to progress ratio
07:29.25rwhitbyKyusaku: well, the main difference is that meta-doctor does things in a way which does not violate any copyright or subvert any encryption.
07:29.33newpreowneralrighty dl complete, placed in downloads folder
07:29.49Kyusakurwhitby, I understand that I have no idea how iphone jailbreaking works
07:30.06Kyusakunever owned an iphone
07:30.25newpreownerproceed with steps kyu? or still another step to the dl
07:30.36Kyusakuif you want
07:30.40Kyusakurename the jar
07:31.03Kyusakuit's a personal choice
07:31.11Kyusakunot something you have to do
07:31.20Kyusakulook at step 10 description
07:31.26newpreownerk one sec
07:32.27Kyusakunewpreowner, then open Makefile with Wordpad(notepad won't parse the line breaks and cygwin doesn't have gedit)
07:32.39newpreownerok renamed, just added to the end
07:32.49KyusakuMakefile will be the meta-doctor folder
07:32.55newpreownerok one sec
07:32.57Kyusakuone level up from downloads
07:34.27newpreownerhmm not finding it
07:34.37jacquesrwhitby: what's the best place for me to read about AUPT ?
07:34.43newpreownerdid a search
07:34.48newpreownerwithin cygwin
07:34.54newpreownernone titled makefile
07:34.56Kyusakuwhat does your meta doctor folder have
07:35.07newpreownerfound it
07:35.19newpreownerit is open now
07:35.31newpreownertons of mumbo jumbo
07:35.32Kyusakuscroll down till you see a list of items that = 1
07:35.52Kyusakuyou're gonna have to "uncomment" some of those
07:36.01newpreownerok scrolling
07:36.27newpreownerto uncomment the bypass activation
07:36.34newpreowneram i removing the #?
07:36.54Kyusakuyes you can also uncomment several other options
07:37.09jacquesnewpreowner: yes removing the # activates the option
07:37.15Kyusakulike enable_firstuse_wifi, in case you want to make a palm profile later
07:37.31newpreownerhmm for my desired feature i believe bypass activation and wifi is what i want?
07:37.53jacquesoops, I didn't know there was a wiki page :-\
07:38.09Kyusakunewpreowner, also make first use visible
07:38.24newpreownerok so 3 options right now uncommented
07:38.26newpreownerthe first 3
07:38.37xcomplol someone just tried to steal my facebook password
07:38.43xcomplike rightnow
07:38.53rwhitbyjacques:;a=blob;f=autopatch/postinst and;a=blob;f=autopatch/prerm are the source
07:39.05newpreownerany others recommended?
07:39.12Kyusakunewpreowner, that should be it
07:39.12xcompthe idiot is still trying --- fourth reset request in a minute
07:39.26newpreownerok saving file
07:39.27Kyusakunewpreowner, anything else isn't very necessary for you
07:39.35jacquesrwhitby: great info
07:39.47newpreownerok saved now, exit document?
07:39.52jacquesxcomp: anything you can do about it?
07:40.17newpreownerok done, moving on lol
07:40.23xcompjacques: no ... all I can do is smh at the emails as they come in
07:40.53newpreowneri still have cygwin up btw
07:41.04xcompjacques: i guess it doesn't help that I was an early gmail adopter and as such my email address is my first name
07:41.08jacquesxcomp: that sucks
07:41.15Kyusakunewpreowner, do step 3 in "Running Meta-Doctor"
07:41.21jacquesabout ppl trying to steal your account I mean
07:41.36Kyusakumake sure you are in meta-doctor directory in cygwin
07:41.43newpreownerok one sec doing the spring one, yep still there
07:41.47Kyusakuit should show ~/meta-doctor
07:42.20newpreownersays please download correct version of webosdoctor.jar file
07:42.33newpreownerand move it to downloads that was just created
07:42.38newpreownererror 1?
07:43.05newpreownerlemme know if you want me to type the entire text
07:43.20newpreowneri ommited some
07:44.13Kyusakuyeah one sec
07:44.27KyusakuI know what the problem is
07:44.37Kyusakubut you're gonna run into another problem
07:44.53Kyusakugimme a sec to test a solution to problem 2
07:45.13Kyusakubecause problem 1 is just renaming the file to what it suggests
07:46.17newpreownerits funny cause my file is named exactly what it has
07:46.34Kyusakujust try copy and pasting that worked for me
07:46.47newpreownerok one sec
07:46.59KyusakuI have to figure out how to install packages from cygwin command shell if that's possible
07:47.45newpreownerdid the same, nothing changed as far as file name
07:47.55newpreownerso ill wait on ur command
07:48.06Kyusakuis it in the downloads folder inside meta-doctor?
07:48.27newpreowneryes it is
07:48.27*** join/#webos-internals hucksy (~hucksy@
07:48.43Kyusakuin cygwin
07:48.48Kyusakudo cd downloads
07:48.51Kyusakuand then type ls
07:48.58Kyusakuc/p me what it says
07:49.11newpreownerok one sec
07:49.38newpreownerwelp in cygwin i typed cd downloads
07:49.45newpreownerjust type 1s?
07:49.50newpreownerthose two characters?
07:49.53xcompjacques: now the idiot is trying my work email
07:49.58Kyusakunot number 1
07:50.02Kyusakul as in larry
07:50.02newpreowneroh lol
07:50.24newpreownerit says webosdoctorp100ewwsprint-
07:50.27newpreownerjar is twice
07:50.40Kyusakuyeah that's bad
07:50.43Kyusakugo fix it
07:50.46newpreownerlol deleted one jar
07:51.09Kyusakuanyone know how to install packages in cygwin post install?
07:51.19newpreownertry meta doctor step 3 again?
07:51.27Kyusakugive me a few
07:51.27newpreownerok lol ill wait
07:51.41KyusakuI need to figure out how to get the unzip package installed in cygwin
07:52.32rwhitbyoh, man, I wonder how many other people following the cygwin instructions are baffled by windows hiding filename extensions ...
07:53.02Kyusakunewpreowner, give me a few minutes trying something
07:53.07newpreownerok kyu
07:53.31newpreownerand rwhitby, i was just following the wiki verbatum so if it has a step i will process as told lol
07:54.01jacquesxcomp: sounds very frustrating :-|
07:54.05Kyusakurwhitby, I'll update some of the wiki when I get done with this
07:54.44rwhitbyKyusaku: thx
07:55.40xcompjacques: well, I just hope he doesn't end up causing facebook to lock out my account or something
07:55.48Kyusakurwhitby, some of the linux commands are redundant or don't work in cygwin and unzip isn't a default package in cygwin
07:55.48xcompotherwise he's wasting his time
07:56.16xcompit's actually rather amusing
07:56.39Kyusakuoh and zip isn't there either, nice
07:59.32Kyusakurwhitby, this is odd, the jar that meta-doctor built is like 57 megs. Is that normal?
08:00.29Kyusakuthis is odd
08:01.20rwhitbyKyusaku: it should be roughly the same size as the original
08:02.13*** join/#webos-internals egaudet (
08:02.13Kyusakuthe previous make screwed up the second build
08:02.14*** mode/#webos-internals [+v egaudet] by ChanServ
08:02.17Kyusakurunning again
08:03.14Kyusakuok that seems more like it worked
08:03.27Kyusakulemme verify the log
08:06.02Kyusakunewpreowner, just give me a few more mins verify the building works
08:06.09newpreownerok np
08:07.08Kyusakuyou're gonna need to run the cygwin installer again(don't delete the cygwin install you're basically gonna install over it)
08:07.19Kyusakuand you need 2 packages
08:07.29Kyusakuand unzip
08:07.37newpreowneroh man lol, ok doing it now one moment
08:08.58newpreownerok its added zip and unzip
08:09.40newpreownerat the prompt in cyg now
08:09.45Kyusakunow do the running meta-doctor step 3
08:10.17newpreowneri typed gedit makefile
08:10.21newpreownersays command not found
08:10.37Kyusakustep 3
08:10.44Kyusakuor #3
08:10.51Kyusakuskip gedit
08:10.57Kyusakudo the make stuff
08:11.02newpreowneric lol one sec
08:11.09newpreownerdo i need to navigate to a folder?
08:11.14newpreowneror just type straight up in cyg
08:11.27newpreownercause in cyg its on just my computer name
08:11.30newpreownernot a particular folder
08:11.43Kyusakuin meta-doctor folder
08:12.00newpreownerwhat command to direct it to that folder?
08:12.09newpreownercd meta-doctor?
08:12.47newpreownerwow lucky guess, did the make, now its doing something funky
08:13.04newpreownercrazy mumbo jump on the screen
08:13.19Kyusakudid you do the make with sprint in it?
08:13.25Kyusakuyeah just leave it
08:13.32newpreowneryeah sprint is in it
08:13.35Kyusakuit should only take like a couple minutes
08:13.44newpreownernow while its doing this, i had a question about the pre being connected
08:13.56newpreownera few hours ago i tried to homebrew it thinking that was the answer
08:14.18newpreownerand the homebrew prog didn't see my phone, so is that cause for concern? cause win7 says my device is fine
08:14.25newpreownerokk process is done i guess
08:14.32*** join/#webos-internals jmyadagod (
08:14.34newpreownerit completed i think
08:14.52Kyusakuyour phone isn't in developer mode
08:15.44Kyusakuin windows check the meta-doctor directory for a build directory
08:16.22newpreownerok i see it
08:16.43Kyusakugo into build
08:16.55newpreownerthat is a pre folder
08:17.00newpreownerand im now inside that folder
08:17.00jmyadagodwhat's up guys
08:17.00Kyusakugo in that
08:17.15newpreownerwanna know the size of the jar file?
08:17.16Kyusakudo you see a 200meg file?
08:17.20newpreowneryes its 212 mbs
08:17.40Kyusakuyou have Java 1.6 installed?
08:17.48newpreowneryes i believe so
08:17.57Kyusakuok then run that 200meg file
08:18.12newpreownerok it pulled up palm web os
08:18.14jmyadagodI found a bug in new preware...I THINK......
08:18.30Kyusakugo through the steps
08:18.39newpreownerok do i need to do anything with the phone?
08:18.47Kyusakuand let me know when you get to the connect your phone
08:18.53newpreownerok one sec
08:19.01newpreownerits installing novacomd
08:19.05Kyusakuthat's good
08:19.54newpreownerstill installing novacomd
08:20.03jmyadagodwhen having app catalog feed turned off and the new option for" free apps only "off also I am getting some xplane apps in preware and I am pretty sure they are from app catalog feed
08:21.08Kyusakuyou can change the view to see what feed it's coming from
08:21.10newpreownerstill going, it should take this long?
08:21.19Kyusakuit might be from the update feed
08:21.31newpreownerok kyu done
08:21.32Kyusakunewpreowner, sometimes?
08:21.36newpreownerits connect time
08:21.39jmyadagodyea it's saying palm catalog but I have it "off"
08:21.59Kyusakuwhen did you turn catalog off
08:22.11Kyusakunewpre: turn off your pre
08:22.21jmyadagodit's been off since we got option
08:22.25newpreownerk one sec
08:22.28Kyusakunewpreowner, turn off your pre, you know how to do that?
08:22.56newpreownerlol yeah got that step down, its off now
08:23.05jmyadagodI updated feeds twice just to make sure
08:23.24Kyusakunewpreowner, hold down the up volume button
08:23.44Kyusakunewpreowner, while holding it down, press the power button
08:23.49jmyadagodimma turn off update feed and try again just to be sure
08:24.10newpreownerusb sign on screen
08:24.15newpreownerstill holding
08:24.15Kyusakunewpreowner, it should load your pre into a special USB mode with USB icon on the screen
08:24.25Kyusakuyou can let go of up vol
08:24.37newpreownerok let go and yes usb on screen
08:24.49Kyusakunewpreowner, now hook pre up to PC
08:24.55newpreownerok got it
08:25.15Kyusakuis it allowing you to continue
08:25.24newpreowneryes, want me to hit next?
08:25.33Kyusakuthat should start the doctor
08:25.37newpreownerok its doing its thing
08:25.44newpreowner6 percent and counting
08:25.51Kyusakuit'll take a bit
08:25.57Kyusakulike 10-15mins
08:26.10newpreownerok will give u status update ever few mins
08:26.10Kyusakuand might hold on certain percents
08:26.27Kyusakuespecially 66%
08:26.45newpreownerlol of course the devils number would scare us all
08:26.46Kyusakuok now to check this catalog thing jmyadagod is talking about
08:26.55jmyadagodkyusaku when you look at preware apps and go into feed view do you see app catalog update or is it just listed as app catalog?
08:27.58jmyadagodKyusaku: it's the update feed.......but why isn't it specified "palm catalog update " in feeds view?
08:28.06KyusakuI see
08:29.14Kyusakuit's something with preware, it truncates that second hyphen and anything after that in the feed title
08:29.24jmyadagodwhat's the update feed suppossed to be for....apps you have installed?
08:29.33KyusakuI dunno if that's working as intended for rwhitby
08:29.40Kyusakubut it's been like that for ages
08:29.47Kyusakunot specific to this version
08:30.34jmyadagodit's 15th ....update today?
08:31.07KyusakuI forget the specifics with that particular update feed but I believe it was for developers to get app updates to the catalog quicker than usual
08:31.31jmyadagodo ok
08:31.33Kyusakujmyadagod, maybe, precentral twitter said there might be a delay
08:31.54jmyadagodheads to twitter lol
08:32.04Kyusakunewpreowner, good so far
08:32.33jmyadagodnew pre owner and doctoring already?
08:32.57Kyusakujmyadagod, he's a non-service owner
08:33.11KyusakuI just walked him through meta-doctor building
08:33.17Kyusakuvia cygwin
08:33.45newpreowneron the dreaded 66%
08:34.17Kyusakuhaha after that it usually goes to either 84% I think or straight to 100%, but it's on there for a bit
08:34.25jmyadagoddamn it I wish sprint would get a new palm phone I am itching to use my upgrade!!!
08:34.29Kyusakuit's 80something
08:35.58newpreowner74% now
08:36.04joshuaI have upgrade credit too. If I could get an upgraded pre for free I might do it
08:36.40joshuaI wish it was like sim cards where you could just swap phones too, I would get a pixi to try it out if you could have 2 phones on an account.
08:37.13jmyadagodno pixi for me but 512 mb pre I would use upgrade for
08:37.50newpreownerits done kyu
08:38.07jmyadagodif htc "supersonic "comes out before next sprint palm device I'll probably get that
08:38.21Kyusakunewpreowner, cool it should reboot your phone
08:38.30joshuabut if its supersonic how will you hear phonecalls
08:38.32newpreowneryep, rebooting now
08:38.56jmyadagodto late I guess for me to laugh
08:39.03jmyadagodalmost 4am here
08:40.02newpreownerkyu it started up to home screen
08:40.07newpreownerit worked perfectly?
08:40.22Kyusakunewpreowner, yep
08:40.26Kyusakuyou're all set
08:40.40newpreowneroh man, ty so much lol, saved me 75 bucks
08:40.42Kyusakuimma work on the wiki now
08:40.44jmyadagodso what's that for bad esn phones???
08:40.53newpreownersorry to be a bother!
08:41.10Kyusakunewpreowner, no big, you helped build a better wiki
08:41.24Kyusakujmyadagod, what, the meta doctor?
08:41.47jmyadagodI guess.. whatever process you just had him go thru?
08:42.09*** join/#webos-internals jbjoerk (
08:42.17newpreownerlol phew! welp i appreciate being the guinea pig lol
08:42.25newpreownertake care kyu!!!
08:42.44Kyusakubad esn, out of the country, whatever reason you can't get cell coverage and are stuck with palm profile setup
08:42.50Kyusakunewpreowner, you too
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09:09.56Kyusakuok made some changes to the meta-doctor wiki about cygwin instructions
09:10.20Kyusakuand updated the package list to work with the linux instructions
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10:36.51rwhitbyKyusaku: thx
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11:15.43rwhitbyInteresting: Moblin and Maemo merge:
11:18.52rysHmm, very interesting
11:25.59rwhitby-> #meego
11:27.02joshua/w/w 3
11:27.07rasterrwhitby: wtf. so will it be rpm or deb? :)
11:27.32rwhitbyraster: seems rpm based on discussion just happening in #meego
11:28.08rasterwell that screwes maemo nicely
11:28.49rasterunless this is mroe of an umbrella thing to just ensure everyone has the same set of base libs and same versions etc.
11:29.17rasteralso not aure how moblin +gtk & clutter ppl like the:
11:29.24rasterEasy to use, flexible and powerful UI/app development environment based on Qt
11:31.08rasteroooh openedhand must be seething
11:31.20rasterlook at how its being squeeze into a corner
11:31.25rasterready to disappear
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13:18.02iSmiteneed advice- remember yesterday someone said i had a harware problem- well im gonna take it back to the shop today but if i erase my data they wont be able to access the phone to test it
13:18.09iSmitebut i dont want them having my palm profile
13:18.38iSmitei bought it from a 3rd party shop not official i have 1 yr warranty
13:23.14airmackiSmite: so they should try out their own ...
13:23.36airmackor create their own profile
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13:36.18iSmitethe damn thing just started working again. its intermittent if i get all the way down there and it works they wont exchange it. typical.
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13:48.48iSmiteim still getting it play 2 sounds over the top of each other for notifications though
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14:59.20VincentLawbooo zunephone is announced :(
14:59.35VincentLawI was hoping it'd never exist so I wouldn't want one >.>
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15:09.27mdkleinyeah, I came over from winmo, looks like they might actually have a decent product again with 7... be interesting to see if they actually follow through
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15:32.32VincentLawconsidering how zune is integrated in it, you can pretty much assume it'll be nigh-impossible to crack open and run homebrew software on it
15:32.44VincentLawso that's a downside
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16:02.01xaikior palm with the corrupted contacts db issue ?
16:03.01acydlord_alti never had my contacts in my palm profile since I actually took the time to read the eula where it mentioned about using your contacts somewhere else because the palm profile wasnt explicitly designed to store contacts
16:04.09acydlord_altbut it was a pretty big fail losing people's palm profiles if they last updated from a newer version of webos and had to revert to an older version
16:05.53oilkeeps his contacts local
16:07.20acydlord_altmy contacts are backed up nightly via rsync
16:07.53mdkleinI'm not sure I have any custom contacts that aren't on google or facebook :-/
16:08.11acydlord_altthey also are stored on google till i can find a new cloud service to use since i have lost the moducum of trust i had in google
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17:58.20destinal-homeok, someone has to say it.  MeeGo is a stupid name.  (maemo sounded much cooler)
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17:59.38mdkleinmeego sounds like something a 2 year old would say
17:59.55iSmitesad, i know
18:00.04Mouseyis more like proof intel feels like they can't compete
18:00.35MouseyiSmite: damn, i totally LOL'd
18:01.27iSmiteeven a modicum of lol will justify the 10 seconds it took me to make that
18:01.51Mouseythat was f'in great
18:02.32Mouseytries -again- to load preawre
18:02.34Mouseypreware, even
18:04.55destinal-homewell, hopefully we can get more competition against android, especially anything with a fairly standard userland and standard kernel with changes being pushed upstream in a compatible way that everyone can use
18:05.47Mouseyit'd be nice to be able to put webOS on other phones/tablets
18:06.08Mouseythat's android's true strength..
18:06.25MouseySteno, by Palm
18:06.30Mouseyaugh, my eye!!!
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18:12.04pYr0xhi guys... do you know a app thats similar then ActiveCard
18:15.04Rick_workpYr0x  nope
18:15.16pYr0xone more question...
18:15.28pYr0xdo you have installed that app?
18:16.12Rick_workpYr0x  when you say similar to activecard what are you wanting?
18:16.37pYr0xi have a problem with this app
18:16.45pYr0xif i locked the screen
18:17.04pYr0xthe set_interval for refreshing the time wont work
18:20.38destinal-homeMousey: you should be able to put some kind of webos on x86 tablets based on emulator build
18:21.00destinal-homeand obviously some ARM ones
18:26.28pYr0xguys... have someone the same problem with the app called ActiveCard. When i locked the screen the clock will not refresh in this time
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18:28.24Rick_workactivecard has had a lot of problems since he started.  You really need to post this request in the forums on precentral on that app's thread
18:30.05pYr0xyes... but the question i want to know is: i set a time interval, and after i locked the screen the interval will not work
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18:44.16Rick_workegaudet  or oil, I have a preware question.
18:45.36Darkmagistermorning ?
18:45.45Rick_workI have two apps which exist in both the app catalog and in precentral's feeds.  Both of them say that there is an update, but they do not update.  I haven't checked versioning between the app cat and precentral, but do we have any kind of "multiple feed conflict resolution" in preware at this point?
18:47.02CTLAdvanceAnyone have a good how to on getting the mobile hotspot up and running
18:47.06Rick_workDarkmagister  "IRC Chat time - is defined as it being "morning" wherever you are, whenever you wake up and log into IRC"  the term "Morning" is time-zone independent.
18:47.24Rick_workCTLAdvance there's a walk-through on precentral
18:49.09DarkmagisterRick_work: oooooo ok :D
18:50.58CTLAdvanceIs that what we are mainly using seeing as mytether is 15 cold?
18:51.19CTLAdvanceMyTether was unstable for me in the past so I stopped using it
18:52.36egaudetRick_work, I'm not sure the status of feed conflict.  I believe devs are recommended to use different package id's when going to app catalog.
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18:58.08destinal-homeRick_work: UGT (universal greeting time)
18:58.28capapeI have a problem with preware
18:58.39destinal-homewhen someone enters = morning, when someone leaves = night :P
19:00.52capapewhen I try to install new apps I get the following message: App Catalog installation in progress, please try again later.
19:01.19capapeAny page about how to solve it?
19:03.06capapeI believe that it happened first time after I executed sh "preware-bootstrap"
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19:05.10egaudetI think we have a problem here
19:06.19egaudetMight have to bump all AUPT patches
19:06.43tlpanyone else ever have trouble getting email login settings to save? I keep changing my account username, but it reverts...
19:07.13tlpI do a back gesture, says prefernces are updated, but then it's back to what it was when I check.
19:09.44tlplooks like you have to change both incoming/outgoing or something... that worked.
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19:12.03capapewell any ideas about "app catalog installation in progress" in preware?
19:12.44Kyusakuis app catalog open?
19:13.35capapeOnly preware is launched
19:13.53Kyusakudid you try resetting and/or reopening preware
19:13.57capapeI reboot pre,
19:14.49capapeI can install apps from app catalog, but not from preware
19:15.21capapeI have preware 0.9.24
19:15.56Kyusakuwhen did you run the bootstrap?
19:16.18capapesaturday morning
19:17.01capapeI've tried to run it again
19:17.07Kyusakucan you do it again because there should be a newer version available
19:17.16Kyusakuas of this morning
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19:19.37capapei'm installing it
19:20.39Kyusakume too
19:20.41SqyArcegaudet: You've got mail :)
19:20.50Kyusakujust to test if I get same problem
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19:23.04capapei've got the same :(
19:23.45destinal-homewow, re  meego, when two *companies* decide that two distributions should merge without first figuring out first whether the open source communities behind them agree, the results may be ugly
19:24.50destinal-homethe difference between OSS projects and in-house-developed products
19:26.10capapeis possible that package database to be corrupted?
19:26.22Kyusakuhmmm my preware install disappeared
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19:29.19CTLAdvanceDoes anyone know if we have a patch that allows ics for us devices?
19:29.27capapedon't have preware now?
19:29.51Kyusakuyeah rebooting and gonna try running the script again
19:30.16egaudetSqyArc, link me to the .patch file.  This is a drag-and-drop QI patch right?\
19:30.28capapei've got preware 0.9.25 now, but my problem persists
19:31.51CTLAdvanceAnyone know if we can get internet connection sharring running?
19:32.16Kyusakuthis is really odd preware just won't install now for me. I'll have to try via webOS QI
19:33.07capapeme too, kyusaku, perphaps that solve it
19:33.41SqyArcegaudet: Correct, let me find the source file...
19:34.11SqyArcAh actually
19:34.17airmackCTLAdvance: the bridge device is available so you should be able to do so
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19:37.39Kyusakucapape: no I mean the bootstrap script says it installs preware but it doesn't appear on my device, different issue than yours
19:41.04capapeyes, i'm triying to remove and install it
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19:44.22CTLAdvanceairmack would that need to be done via console?
19:45.55airmacknot sure if there is an app for that
19:46.00airmackso i guess yes
19:46.56airmackif you are using opensshd you could also use it as an socks-proxy
19:47.25CTLAdvanceok thanks for the tip, ill take a look at it in a moment
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20:03.49capapeafter remove and install preware my problem persists
20:09.08Kyusakumight have to wait for rwhitby then
20:09.39Kyusakuhe knows the app best and might know what's causing the issue
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20:11.23capapeI can install!!
20:12.24Mouseyclicks to only show free apps
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20:13.38capapeI don't know how   I solved it, I think the preware reinstall with WOQI
20:16.09Mouseywhats the difference between ultramix and megamix?!
20:16.12capapethanks, kyusaku
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20:18.01KyusakuMegamix ha a phone menu ultramix has just a data menu
20:18.21Mouseysticks with megamix
20:18.35Kyusakuyeah same here
20:18.37Mouseyawits hypermix
20:18.58egaudetwell AUPT has a completely hideous flaw :(
20:19.08destinal-homeegaudet: oh?
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20:19.38egaudetevery patch believes it has been changed by OTA on removal so removing patches doesn't actually unapply them :eek:
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20:20.41destinal-homeegaudet: ah, so the fix to the earlier problem had a bug which made things much worse instead
20:20.51KyusakuMousey, Also the Ultramix was not made by Jason R
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20:21.22egaudetyea this bug apparently has been in AUPT since the get go
20:21.52destinal-homeegaudet: but wouldn't installing then removing a patch be a standard test case kind of thing?
20:21.58egaudetPretty bad of me to miss such an obvious test case like this
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20:22.09destinal-homeoh, ugh
20:22.16swisstomcatping rwhitby
20:22.50Kyusakua little early for rod, might have to wait
20:23.01egaudetthe install logic that says "oh already applied, ok let it go through" masks the bug
20:23.26egaudetI never did a mass-removal and then md5sums check which I should have, I only did mass install, mass update and EPR :(
20:23.31mdkleinegaudet: you figure out a fix for it?
20:23.49swisstomcati'll wait
20:24.11Mouseyjabber client anyone?
20:24.16egaudetthe biggest problem was using a different macro name.  orig_palm_md5sum was recorded and then I checked the md5sums against palm_orig_md5sum
20:24.45egaudetthe 2nd flaw was when the package_list file doesn't exist the required md5sums list isn't generated on install.
20:25.24egaudetI'm rebuilding and testing now, and then I'll have to create an emergency file verification package so that all files can be verified as stock or if modified, touched by the correct aupt version
20:26.09hucksyMousey: internal messanger
20:26.31Mouseyhucksy: no supporty for (multiple) jabber accounts
20:26.36Mouseyergo FAIL
20:26.49hucksygregs messanger plugins
20:26.55hucksyworks great
20:27.38Mouseylive/yahoo/icq no jabber?
20:27.44Mouseyclicks, and rtfa's
20:28.04hucksyyes, jabber support
20:29.02Mouseyhugs hucksy a little too intimately
20:29.12Mouseyinstalls with vigor
20:29.14Mouseyand vim
20:29.21Mouseysince vi doesn't have enough features
20:30.09kirbzegaudet: Sorry bout that, bet you had a quiet evening planned :P
20:30.33hucksyMousey: you must copy the servert-cert to your pre
20:31.01egaudetfortunately I'm off today and nothing to do so I have time to fix it
20:31.49Mouseyhucksy: thanks for the tip
20:31.52Mouseyyou are my new favorite
20:32.29destinal-homehucksy: do the new messaging plugins integrate with contacts, synergy, etc now?
20:33.06destinal-homehucksy: also, why doesn't greg come here any more?
20:33.43loot-haha that just gave me a funny idea on the pre
20:34.12loot-over an stunnel
20:35.06hucksydestinal-home: no problems hier, jabber contacts are working great - there are issues with other IM's-contacts i think
20:35.15Mouseyf other IMs
20:35.36destinal-homehucksy: well that's probably because the pre ships with a jabber client :)
20:35.48Mouseycalls BS
20:35.59destinal-homehucksy: they call it google talk
20:36.10Mouseyand don't wave your googlie hard coded libpidgin at me
20:36.13Mouseystunted is stunted
20:36.13destinal-homehucksy: there's just a hard coded if address contains
20:36.23hucksythat sucks
20:36.27egaudetdBsooner, ping
20:36.31Mouseycommunism, thats what it is
20:36.43destinal-homeMousey: well it's libpurple-adapter but yeah
20:36.43Mouseyany chance this would ever become a preware-available patch?
20:36.50Mouseydestinal-home: same diff
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20:37.00VincentLawit's a major system change
20:37.06hucksyMousey: yep
20:37.06VincentLawthat'd be one crazy patch
20:37.16hucksythats the plan
20:37.30Mouseytries to hide his growing erection
20:37.50egaudetactually you are right destinal-home, this bug wouldn't have shown before the last "fix"
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20:38.07destinal-homeMousey: well it's not a patch, it's a patch and a service.  you could use patch depends on service
20:38.20Mouseyso a service, and a patch then? &_&
20:38.25Mouseystupid fingers
20:38.41destinal-homeI have no idea why it wasn't already being maintained in git here and on the webos-internals feed
20:39.10Mouseywtf is with the busted zip files
20:39.27destinal-homehucksy: does greg not like us anymore? :)
20:40.48hucksydestinal-home: i dont know, i only send him 2 or 3 PM's with some bugsreports depending on the jabberplugin ;)
20:40.50Mouseyenough ipks there buddy?
20:43.36destinal-homehucksy: it would be cool if it greg wanted to collabarate on this stuff, I think the community has more to offer than just bug reports
20:44.14hucksythats true
20:45.35airmackdoes anybody know where i can get ncurses-5.2-r5 ?
20:47.36hucksydestinal-home: with the next bugreport, i will ask him ;)
20:47.51airmackah ok found it
20:48.00hucksyno 1.4 for US customers yet?
20:49.17psykozshrugs, "I didn't really believe the 'leaked' photos of 1.4 coming out today."
20:49.35Kyusakubut I haven't seen updates go up this early
20:49.45psykozConsidering most of the version updates have usually been towards the end of the week and at least once during the weekend
20:49.49hucksywhat time is it?
20:49.52Rick_worklatest rumores say pushed back at least a week.
20:50.25psykozI've seen the updates hit noon CST which fits along the lines of them arriving at work at 9am and then talking about whether to push or not and pushing at 10am (noon cst)
20:50.41Kyusaku3:50PM eastern, 12:50PM Pacific
20:50.53psykozSo they've been earlier than this before
20:51.21KyusakuI've normally seen them after 6PM Eastern
20:53.56hucksyafter 6PM here too, in 2-3 weeks ;)
20:59.55VincentLawI'm shocked people actually believed that rumor
21:00.29VincentLawthere's hardly anything to back it up, is there?
21:02.08SqyArc_desktopThis is the only evidence:
21:02.10SqyArc_desktophardly proof though
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21:02.36psykozWe've also seen sprint publically announce a webOS upgrade available and the date they stated was early by a few days
21:02.51psykozSo even if anyone says it's coming besides Palm at any date, well, it's to not be trusted ;)
21:03.32iSmitegodamnit it worked all day now i cant make calls again..this is intermittent, if i take it back odds is they will test it and it will work
21:04.50mdkleinhave the leaked update dates ever been accurate?
21:05.07iSmiteive been pressing refresh since this morning, i don't think its gonna happen
21:05.10mdkleintake the leaked date, add a week and a half, and that's generally when I expect it :-p
21:06.01iSmitemeanwhile i have a £250 brick i cant make calls from
21:06.43SqyArc_desktopiSmite: It's bricked, but it won't be once 1.4 arrives?
21:06.56iSmiteits an intermittent brick
21:07.06iSmitei was going to take it back today but it started working again
21:07.07KyusakuiSmite: have you tried taking it to them before?
21:07.13iSmiteno, see above
21:07.28Kyusakujust take it back and explain the situation
21:07.39Kyusakumaybe you'll get a nice rep
21:07.47Kyusakuthat would help you out
21:07.53iSmiteyeah but if they test it and it i bought it 3rd party 12 month warranty
21:08.13Kyusakudo you have sprint insurance?
21:08.21iSmitelol no im in uk anyway
21:08.28Kyusakuyou're uk
21:08.31Kyusakumy mistake
21:08.44iSmiteim in uk running sprint webos
21:08.50iSmitethought it might be handy
21:09.23Kyusakudoes your provider have insurance?
21:09.33SqyArc_desktopiSmite: I was until 5 minutes ago - just doctored to x)
21:10.11Kyusakuworst case you can try calling Palm and see what they say
21:10.17hucksyiSmite: bad idea if you want to take it back ;)
21:11.03iSmiteill just put it back to gsm before i take it back
21:12.20Kyusakuwhy are you running Sprint version of WebOS?
21:12.27SqyArc_desktopI pay O2 for insurence... works out as about $12 per month. All I can say is my Pre better break sometime soon >_> I don't even have an oreo yet and I'm paying through the nose for replacement devices on-tap
21:12.36Kyusakuis there something wrong with
21:13.03iSmiteno, just i heard some gsm users who used the sprint one got yahoo and paid appstore and sooner updates- i didn't.
21:14.01Kyusakuand you get the same problems if you doctor to your provider's version of webos?
21:14.55iSmitehavent done that yet, it was running fine on sprint until yesterday, i got a dropped call and it made this freaky buzzing sound, keyboard stopped working etc
21:15.06hucksyKyusaku: has the nice bluetooth feature
21:15.07Kyusakuthere might be some leftover CDMA stuff that might be conflicting with your GSM radio
21:15.16destinal-homeiSmite: well to get the paid app store you first need to create a new palm profile on a device that's activated on sprint
21:15.24iSmitei thought id stay on the sprint one just in case they get the 1.4 first
21:15.26Kyusakuwhich is why you might be having some trouble with calls
21:15.58destinal-homeiSmite: then you can log into it with your sprint-version-running GSM device
21:15.59KyusakuiSmite: I think you'd have to get 1.4 via doctor
21:16.00iSmiteyeah id agree with you if it wasnt for that freaky buzzing it started doing a full week after i put the sprint on it no probs before that
21:16.11Kyusakuas the OTA update might try to flash your radio
21:16.22iSmitei did ota
21:16.28iSmitewe'll see anyway
21:16.29destinal-homeKyusaku: the firwmare updaters check before updating
21:16.43destinal-homeKyusaku: that's why you can run the sprint version on a GSM pre at all
21:16.46SqyArc_desktopTo be fair, I've been using the Sprint firmware for a few months with no radio problems
21:17.06iSmitesqyarc- did you get any of the sprint features when you did it?
21:17.10iSmitecos i didn
21:17.13iSmitebut i know some have
21:17.27SqyArc_desktopiSmite: nah, it was just like an O2 install. Clean
21:17.34iSmiteyeah same
21:17.35destinal-homeiSmite: you absolutely should have, the sprint customizations are not in webos.tar so it depends how you did it
21:17.35SqyArc_desktopit depends how you install it I think - there are various methods of doing it
21:17.58iSmiteyes i wanted to do the 'proper' way but it was too complicated i couldnt understand it
21:18.05iSmiteso i just swapped over the tar files
21:18.32destinal-homeiSmite: ah, that's why
21:18.50iSmitei tried everything to follow that wiki and other instructions but i couldnt do it
21:19.50destinal-homeiSmite: we definitely need an easier metadoctor type tool
21:20.20iSmiteyeah.. i mean im not a complete n00b u know i admin an iphone (lol the largest iphone forum in the world :P) but i just cannot follow that wiki
21:20.28Kyusakuspeaking of meta-doctor I updated the cygwin instructions for it
21:20.42iSmiteif you literally follow step by step it doesnt work it assumes you know stuff already
21:21.13iSmitei wish it had a gui or something, you know, easier to work
21:21.35destinal-homeright, a Java gui would be the thing we need
21:21.50Kyusakuthere was a few packages missing and some of the Linux instructions aren't possible with cygwin but bow works fine
21:22.25infobotARGH!!! STOP IT destinal-home!!!
21:22.28iSmiteyeah if i could do it id have done a proper sprint bypass activation..but i cant.
21:23.09destinal-homeiSmite: well still, even running the sprint version you still need a good palm profile to get paid app catalog which can't be made without activated device on sprint AFAIK
21:23.23MouseyJABBER IS TEH WORKIE!!
21:23.26destinal-homesomone on such a device could create you a new palm profile though I suppose
21:23.27Mouseyexcept for SSL support
21:23.35Mouseystruggles to actually get responses
21:23.44iSmiteyeah i could get hold of someone
21:24.32destinal-homeit's kind of silly all these different versions and all the different catalogs
21:25.11destinal-homeiPhone just has one OS and one app store for everywhere, right?
21:25.20Kyusakuit's probably some legal junk
21:26.05Mouseysuddenly i see the value in that other patch
21:26.07*** join/#webos-internals dug (
21:26.20iSmiteno destinal
21:26.25iSmiteiphone has different app stores
21:26.31destinal-homeiSmite: ah, ok
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21:26.39iSmitethats why i have an american itunes account...
21:26.56Kyusakuiphone app store like itunes is regional
21:27.10iSmitethe fw is the same everywhere though
21:27.23iSmiteaparent from language variations
21:27.32destinal-homethe bad part is when palm both declares itself to be the gatekeeper for getting mainstream apps  and then also makes it hard to then buy those apps without lots of modifications.  IMO.
21:29.13destinal-homeif you could easily go buy apps from third party stores like in PalmOS, it would sort itself out
21:29.32*** join/#webos-internals leonardo (~leonardo@
21:29.33psykozthe webapps feed still doesn't do it for me
21:29.58Kyusakuthey need a more independent "side-loading" system
21:30.02Mouseyhmm, removing an account doesn't seem to work
21:30.13destinal-homeMousey: doh
21:30.14psykozThey really need to have a "I want to offer users this app for their phones" directly from your website without their webapps non-appstore feed involved.
21:30.29destinal-homepsykoz: problem is then they don't get a cut
21:30.45psykozdestinal-home, they don't get a cut if your app is not on the appstore either though, right?
21:31.14psykozie: I pushed an app to the webapps feed, the app is useless unless you have a serial or some other activation mechanism and you directly paypal'd me $20 for it
21:31.16destinal-homepsykoz: sure but if everyone had a choice, you might get some serious competition which would cost palm money
21:32.56hucksyMousey: yeah
21:33.06destinal-homeand of course you'd have to deal with users being responsible for their own choices (ie, I download malware which hurts my phone, it's my fault -- like in Windows desktop's and windows mobile phones)
21:33.07hucksyjabber rocks
21:33.09Mouseywell it -sorta- works
21:33.32psykozdestinal-home, that's going to happen anyway when flash gets on the phone ;)
21:33.33Mouseyi'd rather figure out how to get ssl working
21:35.13Mouseyi installed the cert, but it doesn't seem to like my port 5223
21:35.17destinal-homepsykoz: heh, flash.  well also malware will get in eventually, especially in the rapid release web version thing
21:37.08psykozSo I watched the winmo7 presentation and man I wish MS would have taken advantage of wpf instead of silverlight for the phone
21:37.52destinal-homepsykoz: isn't silverlight just a subset of WPF?
21:38.03psykoza little of it is
21:38.14psykozmore like kissing cousins ;)
21:38.43psykozBut it'd be nice to see them literally extend the winmo7 development directly into the next visual studio IDE and if so that will be sexy, it'll be sexy because it'll be a throwback to what Palm has been trying to highlight with WebOS
21:38.53psykozthat people want a range of easy to complex developer tools
21:38.53destinal-homelol from #meego:  <vmlemon_> Next up - WebOS and Bada to merge. Become BadOS(TM).
21:40.16ka6soxthats good.
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21:49.56swisstomcat~seen rwhitby
21:50.00infobotrwhitby is currently on #webos-internals (2d 18h 11m 37s) #oe (2d 18h 11m 37s) #nslu2-linux (2d 18h 11m 37s). Has said a total of 121 messages. Is idling for 10h 13m 14s, last said: 'RP: thx for the news - definitely interesting'.
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21:55.59hucksyMousey: i think port 5222 works also
21:56.04hucksybut not sure
21:56.34Mouseyhucksy: my server did the old 5223 way, i'm upgrading the server software now in hopes i can fix this
21:56.48*** join/#webos-internals iSmite (
21:56.52hucksywhich daemon?
21:57.42Mouseyits the only one that handles transports
21:57.44Mouseythat i know of
21:58.12Mouseybut thats a bigger project than just getting this to work atm
21:58.56hucksythis is the one which runs on many big providers here in europe
21:59.04hucksygmx e.g.
21:59.18Mouseyyah, i'm familiar with it, but i don't remember it supporting transports to different IM networks
21:59.29Mouseyi ar probably ig'nant
22:00.31hucksyi dont bet my ass on it but i think so ;)
22:01.16hucksybut strange programming language
22:01.30hucksynever heard before
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22:23.26Kyusakuhey rod
22:23.53rwhitbyRick_work: "multiple feed conflict resolution" is next on my list to look at, now that the fatal locking solution is released.
22:24.17Kyusakuegaudet was talking about some flaws with AUPT before
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22:25.11rwhitbycapape: open the app catalog, and wait for the installs to complete
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22:28.21debilaterrwhitby: fishfillets comitted
22:29.36rwhitbydebilater: ready for testing feed?
22:29.55rwhitbyKyusaku: yep, I've seen the threads already thanks.
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22:30.42debilaterrwhitby: yes
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22:32.05rwhitbydebilater: have you put it in the unreleased dir?
22:33.35debilaterrwhitby: nope, it's in nonworking
22:35.01rwhitbydebilater: if it builds in unreleased, then I can put it in the testing feed
22:36.32debilaterrwhitby: so, shall I move it?
22:36.47rwhitbydebilater: please
22:38.38debilaterrwhitby: done. question: does the script you use, completely build the game or does it just use what I checked in in games/fishfillets.git?
22:39.45rwhitbydebilater: the autobuilder simply does what the makefiles tell it to do, no more, no less.
22:41.02debilaterrwhitby: so, I I have some patches located in crosscompile/packages/fishfillets/ will it grab them or do I have to put them into build/unreleased/fishfillets/ as well?
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22:41.17debilaters/I I/if I/
22:42.26debilaterah forget it, I checked in the patched sources, so...
22:43.08rwhitbydebilater: crosscompile does not exist on the autobuilder yet
22:44.20DrFunkrwhitby: sup bud
22:45.43xcompwho is committing fish?
22:45.55debilaterrwhitby: so where do I have to put patches then?
22:46.01debilaterxcomp: me
22:56.46debilaterrwhitby: it uses just what I put in games/fishfillets.git to build the package?
22:57.23rwhitbydebilater: it just does whatever the makefile in build.git tells it to do
23:01.35debilaterrwhitby: I see, but why is there a target to unpack the source in the makefile, if it doesn't compile it?
23:02.34rwhitbydebilater: well, for normal webOS apps, the source doesn't need to be compiled.
23:02.43rwhitbydebilater: termplugin, for example, does compile.
23:03.00rwhitbydebilater: but for all the SDL games so far, the author compiles themselves and puts the binaries in the source repo
23:03.13rwhitbywe haven't connected the cross-compile.git and build.git functionality yet.
23:03.58debilaterso I think I'm done
23:11.48destinal-homerwhitby: yeah, that would be nice so we can ensure we have corresponding code
23:12.08destinal-home(and that it builds for more than just the maintainer
23:12.10rwhitbydestinal-home: yep, it's the plan, but not much time to work on it :-)
23:13.32rwhitbydestinal-home: if meego use sb2 it should mature it even more quickly
23:15.20*** join/#webos-internals maruku (~maruku@
23:15.50destinal-homerwhitby: definitely. I'm a little (vaguely) nervous about the merge and what it does to maemo, but hoping it works out well
23:17.40Kyusakuameego :P
23:19.25rwhitbydestinal-home: something else I was not aware of:
23:20.25*** join/#webos-internals RainMan (
23:23.40destinal-homerwhitby: yeah, that I had heard about
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23:28.04zsocrwhitby: ping
23:31.07rwhitbyzsoc: gu
23:32.29zsocrwhitby: ha. one i haven't heard :p
23:32.41zsocrwhitby: i have autobuilder questions
23:33.21sampsonwhere's my 1.4
23:33.49zsocrwhitby: are library dependencies shared between the cross-compile.git and the build.git?
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23:40.41RainMananybody here know a way to test the "headphone" on the pre ? ...  not the jack but the build one for phone use ! ...
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23:44.31zsocrwhitby: I guess what I'm asking is, how do I get something that's currently building in the widk to build in it's own git, and then use those binaries in the build.git for packaging.
23:44.37zsocrwhitby: or are we not doing native packaging yet?
23:45.59airmackdamn you crosscompiler!! Why don't you want to compile my nethack!
23:47.16zsocairmack: and error message might help with assistance.
23:48.16SqyArc_desktopCan anyone comment on whether or not I need to set my clock speed back to 500 before I update to 1.4? (changed it to 600 using this method: sed "s/500000/600000/g" LunaSysMgr > newlunasysmgr)
23:48.40zsocThat is excellent lol.
23:48.42airmack./makedefs: cannot execute binary file
23:48.56airmackthat doesn't really help
23:48.57zsocairmack: tell your host machine to stop trying to compile binaries made for arm ;)
23:49.19rwhitbyzsoc: cross-compile.git does not exist on the autobuilder.  there is no linkage at the moment.
23:49.20zsocairmack: i'm not familiar with your package, but there might be something like --disable-tests in your configure... check out those options
23:49.43zsocrwhitby: so.. the current method is.. just provide the binaries and make a README referring to the widk packages?
23:49.54rwhitbyzsoc: unfortunately, until we merge the two, yes.
23:50.10xcompSqyArc_desktop: i'm pretty sure LunaSysMgr is going to get replaced during the upgrade, but it's a good idea to roll back all changes before updating anyway
23:50.44SqyArc_desktopxcomp: thanks, I'll do that
23:52.10zsocrwhitby: ok then, I need a repo for my gsmwav decoder pacakge... no idea what to call it or where to put it. I would like to build it as a 'iconless' package. Maybe applications/gsmdec "adds gsmwav support" or similar
23:52.20airmackzsoc: my guess is that the make file is building the utils that are used
23:52.55zsocairmack: are you using the widk? and can you forward me to your source?
23:53.26airmackno i am not using the
23:54.09airmackwidk, argh ... complete sentence are so hard to write
23:54.56airmacki set up a toolchain for arm in gentoo and try to crosscompile with that
23:56.03zsocairmack: are you using crossdev?
23:57.29zsocairmack: feel free to pastebin the log file of the build. can't promise i can help but i know a little bit about cross-emerging. otherwise i think there's a channel for gentoo toolchains
23:59.25airmackthat would be nice

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