IRC log for #webos-internals on 20100210

00:05.03*** join/#webos-internals roxfan2 (
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00:30.56zsocannnnddd i'm halfway there
00:31.47*** join/#webos-internals playya_ (~playya@unaffiliated/playya)
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00:32.18zsocis having a WHE moment
00:35.44zsocHow would I cp a group of files, keeping relative symlinks?
00:36.08zsocie, and (latter being the real one, other 2 symlinking down the line)
00:36.31*** join/#webos-internals mox_ (
00:36.39zsocor can i not cp symlinks?
00:36.41zsocor can i not just google this...
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00:38.33jacquescp -a    ?
00:39.21zsocjacques: i think it's -P, but turns out i was using scp for it anyway, which doesn't work. even -r just blindly follows the symlinks :P
00:39.43*** join/#webos-internals eternaleye (~quassel@unaffiliated/eternaleye)
00:40.24zsocor i could tar the data
00:40.27zsocand untar at the other end
00:40.40jacquesI was just about to suggest that
00:40.56jacquesthis is some clever thing where you tar to a pipe and untar out a pipe on the other end
00:41.00zsoci wonder if there's a command i could pipe into bash to do that...
00:41.04jacquesbut I always just make a tarball and xfer it
00:41.16zsocyou owe me a beer :p
00:41.56jacquesbud light?
00:42.37zsocew :P
00:42.41zsocgod i love linux
00:42.55zsocseriously, this is full of genius
00:43.17jacqueswhich part?
00:43.34zsocjust in general... symlinking... ease of scp and tar from command line
00:43.53zsocI sware it's 242348 times quicker to tar/scp/untar something from command line than any other method i can imagine
00:44.00dick-richardsonI used to cat an mp3 across an ssh tunnel to stdin on mplayer when I had my n900
00:44.14zsocdick-richardson: now you're just showing me up with eliteness
00:44.17zsocdid that seriously work?
00:44.32jacquessure it just compressed the dynamic range a bit
00:44.40dick-richardsonzsoc: it worked, and I wasn't trying to be l33t - I just love messing around
00:44.41zsoci am such a n00b
00:45.25jacquesheading out from work - back ina bit
00:45.37egaudetbtw it is cp -a (which of course does not exist with scp)
00:46.30zsocegaudet: ty for clarification
00:49.23*** join/#webos-internals eternaleye (~quassel@unaffiliated/eternaleye)
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01:03.12*** join/#webos-internals muchtall (
01:05.02rwhitbyzsoc: (cd first-dir ; tar cf - .) | (cd second-dir ; tar xvf -)
01:05.27ivanstrwhitby++ for elite bash power :-)
01:05.46zsocrwhitby: excellent
01:05.54rwhitbythe second cd can even be an ssh if you want the untar to happen on a remote machinve
01:06.08zsoci assumed such a beastly command existed :)
01:06.14zsocwe need a version of infobot that tracks karma
01:06.29rwhitbySo, the Palm 2G Update ....
01:07.34zsocseems... necessary?
01:10.47rwhitbyI'm just thinking of how they are distributing it. They seems to be doing more and more of update-as-app stuff.
01:10.58zsocOOohohh, yeah that's a little odd
01:13.27*** join/#webos-internals Thesolonius (
01:13.38zsocAlso, I need to build a new typefind plugin, which I'm not thrilled about. It will have to be an updated gst-base hacked with palm's patch included
01:16.46zsocrwhitby: hmm... so my widk gstreamer/Makefile pulls the source and patch from the website... what's the easiest way to edit that patch before application? I would feel odd applying a patch to the patch... can I ditch grabbing the patch from the server and just include an edited version of it locally? like gstreamer/files/ or something?
01:23.21*** join/#webos-internals eternaleye (~quassel@unaffiliated/eternaleye)
01:30.32*** join/#webos-internals knowyou (
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01:32.33rwhitbyzsoc: apply a second patch after it
01:32.48rwhitbystore the second patch in a patches subdir in the widk repo
01:36.25zsocok got it
01:36.55zsocwhy in the world would palm implement tagging support for flac and ogg and not typefind support? that doesn't make sense to me
01:38.16rwhitbyzsoc: don't patch the patch, just apply a second patch to the source
01:39.05zsocrwhitby: yes i understand now :)
01:39.54*** join/#webos-internals jacques (
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01:40.12*** join/#webos-internals Thesolonius (
01:43.49zsochmmm.. i'm so tempted to just remove the ifdefs... but i'm sure that will break something
01:43.55*** join/#webos-internals alkos333 (~alkos333@
01:46.49zsocrwhitby: at the risk of sounding like an imbecile... it seems instead of actually removing things from this plugin, they just sprinkled some "#ifdef MIME_TYPE_SUPPORTED_FOR_PALM_DOT_FIVE #else #endif"'s.... so does that mean I need to define/set to 1 MIME_TYPE_SUPPORTED_FOR_PALM_DOT_FIVE somewhere in the Makefile?
01:47.15tmztyou need a -D on the CCFLAGS
01:47.24zsoctmzt: spell it out for me?
01:47.41tmztmake vars don't get passed to cpp
01:48.21tmztyou have to actually put the define on the command line like CCFLAGS="-DMIME_TYPE...l
01:48.53tmztI think it's CCFLAGS it might be CPPFLAGS though
01:49.46zsocright now the make line is "( cd build/src ; ${SB2} make && ${SB2} make install )"
01:50.12jacquesor you could do the #define in the source, but in the make is better
01:50.20zsocSo it would be something like "( cd build/src ; ${SB2} CCFLAGS="-DMIME_TYPE_SUPPORTED_FOR_PALM_DOT_FIVE" make && ${SB2} make install )"
01:50.31zsocand that wont overwrite other CCFLAGS, just add that one, right?
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01:57.13*** join/#webos-internals dkirker1 (~dkirker1@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
01:59.18zsocrwhitby: cat patches/patchname.patch | patch -d build/src -p0 <-- seem right?
01:59.30zsocafter the other patch applies, of course
02:01.24*** join/#webos-internals darkmagister (~5d26e094@gateway/web/freenode/x-kjghmbteicdrcfwz)
02:01.42zsocholy crap it works
02:01.43zsocso far
02:02.21darkmagisterhi i have i question .... How i can translate preware ?
02:03.03zsocdarkmagister: what language?
02:03.29*** join/#webos-internals Tibfib (
02:04.15egaudetzsoc, why cat the patch?
02:04.16darkmagisteri dont find any info about it
02:04.26egaudetjust use -i <patchfile>
02:05.00zsocegaudet: oh. well the patch worked my way too :p er, i think, i mean it applied succesfully
02:05.27egaudetit does work your way just -odd-
02:05.28zsocaannndd broken!
02:05.48zsocis my flag causing that? should I be trying to pass it outside of the ${SB2}?
02:07.11zsocdarkmagister: er.. you could follow the footsteps of others? the commits for french and german support are in the preware git (
02:07.22zsocdarkmagister: there may be other official ways of doing it, you can hang around for an answer
02:07.58egaudetyou can't pass the macro outside of SB2 unless you are running make command outside of SB2
02:09.00zsocegaudet: er... i don't want to _disagree_, but i have to pass ldflags outside of it.... is that because ld is running on the host in this case?
02:09.22egaudetwhat do you mean you have to pass ldflags outside of it?
02:09.36darkmagisterok now i see the git repo ... And start to traslate after maybe i can contact preware programmer to informing of my work
02:11.05*** join/#webos-internals RMind (
02:11.19zsocegaudet: ( cd build/src ; LDFLAGS="-Wl,-rpath,/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib" ${SB2} ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --disable-static --disable-dependency-tracking --disable-valgrind --disable-examples )
02:11.23zsocthat's the only way everything stages properly
02:11.31zsocanyway, that part works
02:11.54zsocAny idea why this flag breaks glib genmarshal? i verified again it works without it
02:13.14*** join/#webos-internals Darkmagister (
02:13.33egaudetwhen you set LDFLAGS shouldn't matter, it's just setting in the environment.  as for the flag I don't know, check what the macro is pulling in
02:13.41egaudetis it needed in any c files too?
02:15.24Darkmagisteranother question i have installed wirc on my pre ... can i open this channel by default?
02:16.03*** join/#webos-internals doodums (
02:16.21zsocDarkmagister: you can set /j #webos-internals as a join command in advanced options
02:16.46zsocegaudet: i honestly wish i understand c/cc/cxx flags :/
02:17.30egaudetzsoc, they are simply environment variables
02:17.37zsoci mean the differences between them
02:17.43egaudetas convention, used to define flags to gcc/g++
02:17.58Darkmagisterwoooow thanks
02:18.00*** join/#webos-internals raster (~raster@enlightenment/developer/raster)
02:18.16egaudetCFLAGS = C, CXXFLAGS = C++
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02:18.59Darkmagistercan you repeat me please the link of git repo ?
02:19.19zsocegaudet: well there's no C++, so... CFLAGS vs CCFLAGS?
02:19.31*** join/#webos-internals Thesolonius (
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02:20.13egaudetI don't know what CCFLAGS is
02:20.27egaudeti've never seen it used
02:20.30zsocthen why am i defining it and wondering why things are crashing?
02:20.47zsoci must have got confused because CC= the compiler
02:21.17zsoc<tmzt> you need a -D on the CCFLAGS <--- or i got confused because he said it lol
02:21.18Darkmagisterthanks now i go to sleep by see ya
02:21.20*** part/#webos-internals Darkmagister (
02:21.40egaudetyea it's CFLAGS no CCFLAGS
02:22.12zsocegaudet: thank you for your patience
02:24.33zsocugh similar error u.u
02:25.16*** join/#webos-internals willwill (~willwill@unaffiliated/willwill)
02:25.27willwillwhoops, wrong chat
02:26.40zsocputs on his cape
02:26.51zsocegaudet: i'm defining this in the source, sue me :p
02:27.21egaudetCFLAGS="-DMACRO" {SB2} make
02:27.28PuffTheMagic_C = C CC = C++ CXX = C&C++
02:28.19zsocegaudet: wait, now you're telling me to define it outside of sb2?
02:28.22zsocPuffTheMagic_: thank you :)
02:28.34bpadalinoi always wanted to have a -DMARCO end up with a #define POLO somewhere
02:29.01PuffTheMagic_zsoc: CXXFLAGS=${CFLAGS}
02:29.15zsoc-DMARCATION ? :p
02:29.18zsocPuffTheMagic_: i'm sorry?
02:29.21bpadalinothat's a good one too
02:29.27zsocI feel like there's an answer somewhere in the last 10 lines, but I don't understand any of it
02:29.41zsocs/any of it/the part with the answer in it/
02:29.44egaudetI've never seen CCFLAGS though
02:30.05zsocPuffTheMagic_: there's no C++ in this code, so what difference does it make?
02:30.26zsocegaudet: and what is this macro you speak of defining?
02:30.34egaudetyour macro
02:30.44egaudetwhatever macro you wanted to define
02:30.52egaudet(you are defining a preprocessor macro)
02:31.02zsocegaudet: you just told me not to define it outside of sb2
02:31.10egaudetdoesn't matter it's just an env variable
02:31.17egaudetthat will get used by the makefile
02:31.24zsocwell blarney
02:31.24egaudetit's not magic
02:31.30zsocYeah I get it now
02:31.36zsocI tend to get things _after_ they are made obvious :p
02:31.50egaudetit just ends up as gcc -DMACRO -other -options -for -whatever -the -hell -you -need
02:32.42zsocbut when I did it that way, I didn't see -DMACRO in the make output....
02:33.07zsocprobably because i used CCFLAGS instead of CFLAGS
02:33.21*** join/#webos-internals raster (~raster@enlightenment/developer/raster)
02:34.22mgaffneyanyone messed with SDL in eclipse? I can't seem to run sdl apps in eclipse but they run fine from the command line.
02:36.14*** join/#webos-internals Tibfib (
02:36.46zsocegaudet: hm... still not showing up during make....
02:37.17*** join/#webos-internals icarus (~tits@unaffiliated/icarus-/x-7520418)
02:37.31egaudetsorry set it in configure
02:37.56zsocgod i'm such a huge idiot, this is all stuff i should know by now
02:38.10rwhitbyfor anyone who is interested, a completely untested Stella package is in the testing feed.
02:38.24*** join/#webos-internals xenoph0be (
02:39.11zsocrwhitby: oooooo sexy
02:41.16rwhitbyoops, forgot the prerm.  grab it again if you've already grabbed it
02:42.15zsocrwhitby: explains the md5 mismatch lol
02:42.26rwhitbyhang on a sec, another fix coming
02:42.46zsocat least we know that check works
02:43.14rwhitbyok, try now
02:45.04zsocdid he make this rom picker? or was it written in sdl?
02:45.29rwhitbydunno, I haven't run it.  I just finished the packaging.
02:45.30zsocand it has a whole directory searcher
02:45.33zsocthis is super sexy
02:45.41zsocinstall it :P
02:46.27zsocsettings/options menu is crazy robust
02:46.55zsochmm, now i just need a rom lol
02:47.15rwhitbywiki page has some free ones
02:47.40zsochow ethical
02:48.55zsoci approve
02:49.28rwhitbyI'll wait for debilator to come online before announcing anything, in case he wants any last-minute tweaks.
02:50.23zsochm... i botched the patch
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03:12.40Thesoloniuscd #vbox
03:12.52ThesoloniusI am a moron
03:12.54Thesoloniusthat is all
03:16.12zsocwooo built
03:17.00zsocThesolonius: that was pretty excellent. I've never seen anyone try to cd to another channel before
03:17.30Thesoloniustwo beers in and i am the definition of IRC awesome
03:17.36Thesoloniuswould you even believe I wrote an IRC client?
03:17.55zsocThesolonius: no, probably not, but i'm only 1 beer in
03:17.57Thesoloniusremarkably, it could never get in a channel
03:18.01Thesoloniusstill debugging
03:20.26*** join/#webos-internals muchtall (
03:22.11rwhitbyplan9 had an IRC client where you would cd into another channel I expect
03:27.20irdI wrote an IRC bot with PHP once.
03:27.46irdIt didn't do much more than join the channel, say hi, bye, and google stuff.
03:29.14mgaffneyokay, so I'm trying to use sb2 as a different user than I initally installed it as and it's just saying no target. do I have to do it as that user?
03:29.34mgaffneymgaffney@widk:~$ sb2 -M /srv/preware/cross-compile/staging/mapping-armv7
03:29.35mgaffneysb2: Error: No target specified and none set as default, aborting.
03:33.32zsocHEY EVERYBODY
03:33.33zsocGUESS WHAT
03:33.39zsocc'mon, guess
03:33.45mgaffneychicken but?
03:33.49zsocno :(
03:33.50mgaffneythe PDK was leaked
03:33.56zsocless interesting :/
03:34.03zsocmgaffney: ok, you're making me feel silly now lol
03:34.08mgaffneyFood often tastes like chicken?
03:34.23*** join/#webos-internals doodums (
03:34.30mgaffneyyou got your app working?
03:34.38*** join/#webos-internals raster (~raster@enlightenment/developer/raster)
03:34.41zsocI have a FLAC file playing on my Pre right now. indexed by fileindexer, and playing in the standard palm Music Player.
03:36.27xenoph0bezsoc: sweiit
03:38.21zsocnext is ogg, then i gotta get it packed up, which _might_ be messy
03:38.44xenoph0bezsoc: was it as easy as dropping in the correct libraries?
03:39.14*** join/#webos-internals pjr (~wIRCer@
03:39.22zsocxenoph0be: unfortunately, not even close
03:39.41rwhitbymgaffney: I think you need to sb2-init for each user
03:39.41zsocxenoph0be: the reason your situation worked, is because format (wav) was already supported and indexable, just needed a new codec
03:39.58xenoph0bezsoc: cant win them all the easy way..
03:40.04zsocrwhitby: would you prefer a fileindexer replacement to a bspatch on the fileindexer?
03:40.07xenoph0bethanks again by the way... HUGE help
03:40.40rwhitbyzsoc: good question
03:40.47mgaffneysudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart
03:41.38ThesoloniusGAFFO IS NOOB
03:41.44Thesoloniushe was supposed to send that to me
03:41.46Thesoloniuseveryone hack him now
03:41.48mgaffneyplease haxor me
03:41.56Thesoloniusyou will be lolzored
03:42.15zsocwho are you people
03:42.32Thesoloniuslike his mom
03:43.22mgaffneyzsoc, working on setting up a shared workspace with my sb2 ubuntu vm and my desktop so I can code on desktop and compile on vm.
03:43.24tmztbspatch on text files?
03:43.34tmztmgaffney: why intiscript and not upstart?
03:43.50zsoctmzt: the fileindexer is a binary?
03:44.16zsocmgaffney: i see, sounds useful
03:44.35mgaffneytmzt, for some reason the nfs-kernel-server is not under upstart
03:44.40mgaffneyget a service not found
03:44.51mgaffneynot sure how to list services under upstart :)
03:45.00tmztright, convert it
03:45.05zsocjust codes in vim on vm, over ssh
03:45.13mgaffneytmzt, I don't really care. it's a one time config
03:45.22tmztI see
03:45.43xenoph0beim a nanowhore
03:46.44zsocvim is just so.. good
03:47.04Thesoloniusemacs, baby
03:47.13Thesoloniusit will e your mac for life
03:47.27mgaffneyzsoc, I ended up with a set of ssh tunnels onece where it was me > vm, and vm > me > tunnel > tunnel > license server > tunnel > tunnel > me
03:47.53mgaffneyso that I could bring up a licsense key server on a clients network to give me a key to compile for vxworks on a vm on my box
03:48.11mgaffneyI finished and the guy I was coding with was like WTF did you just create
03:48.41mgaffneytmzt, how do I list services in upstart?
03:48.50rick-homeis it a stupid question, to ask how Palm fit an OS update inside an app?
03:49.25rick-homeI thought's palm's installer never EVER ran postinst scripts.
03:49.32zsocmgaffney: 1.) why are you coding with 'a guy' 2.) i'm too many beers to follow that
03:49.39Thesoloniushey hey hey
03:49.42Thesoloniusi'm not just A GUY
03:49.45Thesoloniusam THE GUY
03:49.53zsocThesolonius: what are you two working on ?
03:49.54Thesoloniusdon't even need pronouns
03:50.08rick-homeThesolonius  only if you are the reincarnation of the Monk himself.
03:50.13rick-homeWait, no wrong name.
03:50.14mgaffneyzsoc, pair programming
03:50.26zsocThesolonius: why is it a secret?
03:50.29Thesoloniusits more of shaolin drunken pair styles
03:51.41tmzttick: no, I'm curious too
03:51.51tmztmaybe they drop a file that triggers the update
03:53.29jacqueszsoc, what are the specs of the FLAC file, and what's the CPU utilization?
03:54.42zsocjacques: i just do WHE stuff, i don't know silly things like 'specs'
03:55.39*** join/#webos-internals raster (~raster@enlightenment/developer/raster)
03:59.20zsocrwhitby: so i want to package this up... and I don't want to do it "patch" style. I'm thinking some sort of 'enabling application' with no icon, ala EPR, it needs to stop the old fileindexer, back it up, install the new one, start it (and maybe run it?), install, install, install, and run gst-inspect to register the 2 latter ones.
03:59.31rwhitbyrick-home: I'd like to get a copy of that 2G enable app to look at how it is done
04:00.15rwhitbyzsoc: so, what will someone do when they have to OTA update?
04:00.35mgaffneywhat's the best way to scp stuff onto the emulator?
04:00.59zsocrwhitby: well the .so's will be in the 'safe zone', rpathed (right?), just the fileindexer would have to be reinstalled after ota.
04:01.02rwhitbymgaffney: localhost 5522
04:01.11rwhitbymgaffney: or add a second host-only vboxnet0 interface
04:01.30mgaffneythanks rwhitby
04:01.50rwhitbyzsoc: what about a service which just shut down the Palm fileindexer, and started yours.  No patching required.
04:01.57rwhitbyit runs once at boot
04:02.14rwhitbys/service/upstart script/
04:02.22zsocrwhitby: hmm... that's reasonable, but you would have to do it. I know next to nothing about webos services/upstart scripts
04:02.56zsocalthough i have this odd feeling that if you stop the fileindexer it restarts itself (mediaserver does that at least)
04:05.11rwhitbyzsoc: that's due to the respawn in /etc/event.d/fileindexer
04:05.38xenoph0bezsoc: did the gsm codec ever get packaged for easy install?
04:05.55rwhitbyzsoc: if you actually to /sbin/stop fileindexer, it will stop
04:06.02rwhitbyif you kill it, it will restart
04:07.07zsocxenoph0be: no, because the source was kept on some volitile college site which doesn't exist anymore, so i can't package it till the source resurfaces
04:07.23zsocrwhitby: got it, ok then, a service is a good idea
04:07.32rwhitbyzsoc: so maybe you have an upstart script which waits for the fileindexer service to start, and then stops that service and starts yours
04:07.36rick-homezsoc did you try the wayback machine
04:08.03xenoph0bezsoc: which source? the gstreamer plugins-bad?
04:08.14*** join/#webos-internals helfire (
04:08.17zsocrick-home: er... no.... but then what? we're going to host it ourselves?
04:08.21rwhitbyzsoc: have you checked openembedded's source archive?
04:08.22zsocxenoph0be: no, libgsm
04:08.33rick-homezsoc - why not?  What was the original url?
04:08.53mgaffneyhrm, when I try to run the doom from the command line on the emulator I get
04:08.55rick-homezsoc it's not like it would eat a huge pile of bandwidth, put it on the git server.
04:09.19rick-homemgaffney no one has built wipk for the emulator. It's pre-only
04:09.41mgaffneyrick-home, aah, is there a way to compile it for the emulator? or is all device atm?
04:09.43rwhitbyzsoc: what was the tarball name?
04:10.11zsocthere's newer versions tho i think
04:10.30zsocok then
04:11.38rwhitbythat's why I put all my important stuff on the internet - automatic mirroring
04:13.39Adorahalp halp!
04:14.33rwhitbyhey Adora, what's up?
04:14.40GuinnessXanybody know a way to enable developer mode if your touchscreen is dead?
04:15.03rwhitbyzsoc: start on started fileindexer. in the script part, do /sbin/stop fileindexer and start your binary
04:15.26mgaffneyzsoc, another benefit of the NFS is that all of the build artifacts (eg the executable) are availble on the host's filesystem, moving them to say the pre is easier
04:16.11Adoraif you guys had one sentence to tell the world how you feel about webOS, what would you say?
04:16.32rick-homezsoc - my google-fu exceeds yours
04:17.30Adorafeedback might get used in v. important project
04:17.32mgaffneydangit, I forget, what's the best way to copy stuff onto the pre?
04:17.51mgaffneythat'd work
04:17.53xenoph0beor usb mode?
04:18.10Adorarwhitby: would love to have a quote from you  =]
04:18.11rick-homezsoc that's the re-release of the guy who posted the ~ pages a long time ago, he said that after 10 years, his alma-mater noticed he was gone.
04:18.26Adorarick-home: you, too
04:18.56GuinnessXso nobody knows an altternate way to enable developer mode?
04:19.47rick-homeAdora, webOS embodies the freedom of the web onto a device. That coupled with Palm's englightened attitude towards the software community provides a comfortable place for developers to grow.
04:19.50mgaffneyso the difference between compiling for the emulator and the device is the different architectures?
04:20.03rick-homeGuinnessX  no way that I know of.
04:20.04zsocrick-home: thank you
04:20.06Adorarick-home:  LOVE IT
04:20.26rick-homemgaffney yes, the emulator is x86, the pre is arm7
04:20.48GuinnessXthen is there any way to access the files on a Pre with a dead touchscreen?
04:20.53mgaffneyrick-home, is there a way to compile to the emulator like you can to the device with the WIDK?
04:21.07zsocrick-home: and it's a 'she' btw, not a he
04:21.08rick-homethere is a way to get it into usb mode, but that's all
04:21.23GuinnessXthat's better than nothing... how?
04:25.40rick-homemgaffney  no one here has worked on that.
04:26.20mgaffneyso how would you setup a compile enviroment that was segregated from your host environment?
04:26.31mgaffneyor would you just compile on the emulator?
04:26.53xenoph0be*yawn* sleep is evil
04:27.09rick-homeGuinnessX  google-fu again.    webOS 1.3.1 brought with it a handy new key combination that enables USB drive mode without having to touch the screen. Simply hook up to your computer with a USB cable and hit Option + Sym + U (for USB) and the Pre will mount as a USB drive.
04:28.11rick-homenow, someone here was working on how to mount the cryptofs externally from the usb drive, but I don't remember who.
04:28.19GuinnessXsorry... that wasn't really my question
04:28.28GuinnessXbut thankls for the google
04:28.36rick-homeGuinnessX  what WAS your question then?
04:28.44GuinnessXthe first one
04:29.12rick-homehow to access the files on the pre with a dead touchscreen.  Yeah, and I said, you can get at the USB drive files using the google I just pasted.
04:29.15xenoph0be|sleep[22:18] <GuinnessX> so nobody knows an altternate way to enable developer mode?
04:29.25rwhitbyAdora: webOS combines the best features of a Linux-standards-based underlying operating system with a web-standards-based development and run-time environment to produce a platform for development of a wide variety of applications ranging from low-level native linux utilities, to high-speed native 3D games, to interactive on-device javascript applications, to rich clients connected to in-the-cloud web services.
04:29.27rick-homebeyond that, if you don't have dev mode on , you're screwed.
04:29.37xenoph0be|sleep^that one?
04:29.43GuinnessXyeah I know, but then you seemed to get upset that I hadn't googled
04:29.56rick-homeno no,  I wasn't upset.  I was bragging.  :-)
04:29.57GuinnessXthanks again
04:30.01rwhitbyAdora: that sort of what you're looking for?
04:30.01GuinnessXah ok
04:30.10Adorarwhitby:  that's a very long sentence  =]
04:30.10rick-homeit's a weakness of mine
04:30.24Adorarwhitby: I'm looking for something more personal
04:30.24rick-homemine is pithier.  His is more informative.
04:30.33Adorapithy good, in this case
04:30.52rick-homeAdora, let me translate rwhitby's into american for you.
04:31.01rwhitbyAdora: ok: "I have 3 webOS devices, I hack on two and use the other as my phone." ;-)
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04:32.06rwhitbyAdora: or "webOS is so open that I haven't bothered writing a Mojo app yet, cause I'm too busy hacking at the lower layers."
04:32.27rick-homeAnd in a nation where there is no dealer or carrier for them. :-)
04:35.32rick-homeadora what are you wanting these for?
04:36.22zsoc|awayrick-home: secret :p
04:36.55Adorarick-home:  seekrit awesome project
04:37.23*** join/#webos-internals zsoc (~zsoc@unaffiliated/zsoc)
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04:37.48rick-homewell, as long as it's awsome
04:38.20destinal-homerwhitby: not open source but still pretty open for tinkering overall
04:39.51*** join/#webos-internals raster (~raster@enlightenment/developer/raster)
04:40.54zsocdestinal-home: got flac working
04:41.14destinal-homeGuinnessX: I know of alternative ways to enable developer mode, but they require booting a different linux kernel image over USB (which isn't that hard)  -- still interested?
04:42.15PuffTheMagic_i want that ring tone from that geico commercial
04:42.23PuffTheMagic_the one about the annoying ring tone
04:42.43PuffTheMagic_"ringidy ding ding dong"
04:42.53PuffTheMagic_yeah that one
04:42.59lmorchardYeah, me too
04:42.59PuffTheMagic_that would be so great
04:43.10destinal-home  ?
04:43.34lmorchardHah, just googled that and found it :D
04:43.52PuffTheMagic_lmorchard: link!!
04:44.02destinal-homePuffTheMagic_: I just linked it
04:44.11lmorchardbut yeah, see destinal-home
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04:44.46PuffTheMagic_that just made my day
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04:45.46zsocdestinal-home: whoops, sploded.
04:46.11destinal-homezsoc: lol
04:47.10destinal-homethat's hillarious that if you make a "worst" ringtone for a commercial, suddenly people want to actually use it
04:47.34rwhitbyAdora: "webOS: it has a great internals" ;-)
04:47.35zsocis it really surprising?
04:47.39lmorchardNow, what I really want, is webOS running on a Nokia N900.  but I'd miss the gesture area.  and the lack of space in my pants pocket
04:47.57Adorarwhitby: hahahahaah
04:48.12zsocwebOS has WHEs
04:48.51destinal-homePuffTheMagic_: it actually reminds me of that "I'm blackity black and I'm black y'all", which I've actually heard on someone's phone as their ringtone.  He was white, but the phone was black, so that's ok I guess
04:50.13Adoralmorchard: that's what she said
04:50.40lmorchardIs that a Pixi in our pocket, or is it just cold out?
04:50.55lmorcharder.. your pocket.  /facepalm
04:51.21rwhitbyAdora: "From homebrew to hot apps, Palm's webOS is a rich, open vista for developers."
04:51.22zsocI like the idea of collective pockets, like NAS irl
04:51.42zsocrwhitby: you can't say vista
04:51.43lmorcharddistributed pocket hosting in the cloud
04:51.43destinal-homerwhitby: that sounds like a marketing brochure
04:51.45egaudetrwhitby, so webos is windows?
04:52.09Adorarwhitby: sounds like one of our marketroids wrote that one
04:52.19lmorchardvista? hush your mouth
04:52.30Adorazsoc:  webME, hahahahah
04:53.08destinal-home"The power of the web in the palm of my hand.."  or was that from a Spider-Man movie
04:53.10rwhitbyAdora: "webOS: good Linux stuff underneath a pretty interface"
04:53.57egaudetwebOS allows you to always have the best software in the palm of your hands
04:54.01lmorchardwebOS: The best features of Android, iPhone, and Maemo fit comfy in your pocket
04:54.04destinal-homerwhitby: kind of like OSX?
04:54.19destinal-homeif you s/linux/un*x/
04:54.23Adorarwhitby:  getting there  =]
04:54.36zsocrwhitby: definitely need a service. apparently it only works when I start mediaserver manually
04:54.52destinal-homelmorchard: you don't want to treat it like it rips off other phone OS's and that makes it cool, lol
04:55.07psykozwebOS: We let you have root.
04:55.11lmorchardYeah, that's true
04:55.45lmorchardBeen playing a lot with those other three lately, and I'm always thinking "Ugh, if only this thing had {webOS feature}"
04:55.52tmztit has the best features of all of tbose?
04:56.05Adorapsykoz: I wish we could come out and say that better than we do
04:56.29zsocrwhitby: and I can't see why.. because I can't get a log out of mediaserver without starting it with -l --gst-debug=3
04:56.42lmorchardMaemo has decent multitasking and Linux, even root.  But it's really painful without the webOS gesture area and card view
04:56.51tmztwhat's mediaserver?
04:56.58Adora"there's no need to 'break' webOS, Palm gives you total control"
04:57.05Adoraetc etc etc
04:57.12tmztmaemo should have card view
04:57.20lmorchardIt's *almost* got card view
04:57.21zsoctmzt: the binary that builds gstreamer pipelines, it's how your phone plays any media
04:57.24psykozAdora, aye
04:57.27tmztit's hardware and drivers support it better than webos can
04:57.44tmztzsoc: hmm
04:57.47tmztneat trick
04:57.54zsoctrick? heh
04:57.54lmorchardBut the user interface wrecks it.  the card view on webOS is smooth and the gesture area clinches it
04:57.55tmztthat's something I wish was open
04:57.59Adorapsykoz:  how bout I put you down for that one?  =]
04:58.00psykozAdora, all my friends who have android phones when I tell them about how truly open webOS is, they immediately are "I wish I would have known this 3 months ago, I wouldn't have bought a Google phone."
04:58.00destinal-homeYour phone, that Palm mostly treats like your phone..   well, I think a single click to turn on OTA downloads like android has would be another good step, but almost all the way there.
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04:58.14zsoctmzt: we can write an oss one with no problem, it's actually quite simple
04:58.20tmztpsykoz: those phones have some plusses though
04:58.24bpadalinoeveryone i know makes fun of me for having a palm phone
04:58.36tmztpeople just prefer the comfort of android and don't take advantage of them
04:58.38rwhitbyAdora: "webOS has just the right kinds of openness and flexibility, allowing both homebrew and commercial developers to do amazing things"
04:58.50Adorabpadalino:  kick those people in the shins
04:58.51bhernfunny story. i went to best buy and asked the guy about smartphones. he told me i wanted the droid "cuz its all open source and free and stuff. you can do anything you want" and that the pre was "more strict like an iphone"
04:58.53tmztzsoc: like pulse for video?
04:58.54psykoztmzt, they do, but Android still freezes even with the faster processors.  To me it says Google thinks Moore's law is going to fix their OS/ui issues, but it isn't so far.
04:59.04bpadalinoAdora: heh, i don't like to get violent about people's cellular preferences
04:59.16tmztyep, people take 'open source' too seriously
04:59.16zsoctmzt: sure, or sdlsink for video :p with gl filters :)
04:59.18tmztand wrongly
04:59.20lmorchardIt's funny that a task killer is one of the top apps for android
04:59.30psykoztmzt, I think Android though has the closest thing to Palm's nice text messaging/im integration
04:59.32tmztthough he was right before the native apps somewhat
04:59.33rasterpsykoz: just bad design imho of android
04:59.44tmztyou were restricted as long as you remained inside of luna
04:59.49rasterie putting things like task switching and your "status bar" inside the app thats hugh
05:00.06rasteras opposed to doing it more like x11 where all that stuff is out-of-app in a wm and/or compositor
05:00.06destinal-homebhern: Android = more open source    webOS = more tweakable without rocket science
05:00.06psykozAdora, you don't have to credit me for your rewording of what I said, I was mostly being blunt with a little bit of sarcasm ;)
05:00.29tmztpsykoz: everybody does, even Palm went with 7x27 in the pixi because luna was too slow on 7x0x
05:00.30rastergiven the right use of priorities, realtime priorities (sched_fifo) etc. it can all be done properly
05:00.34bpadalinowhat makes webos a bit nicer is that every time an update comes out, i don't have to worry that i'm losing novaterm/shell access
05:00.34psykozerrhm sarcasm is the wrong word.  Arrogant/proud of WebOS
05:00.38destinal-homebhern: oh, and you can actually just edit the apps with a text editor  :)
05:00.41rwhitbyAdora: "webOS: the only mobile OS that you can patch on the fly while sipping a latte"
05:00.44destinal-homeso yeah, that's not iphone
05:00.45egaudetWebOS: 13 letters to freedom
05:01.00Adorapsykoz: credit might technically be required...consider it a bonus  =]
05:01.18psykozWhat exactly are we doing?
05:01.24tmztraster: android seems to be designed to allow pixmaps to be freed easily, it's the only I could figure
05:01.29psykozI just kinda butted in the middle of the conversation
05:01.29Adorarwhitby:  how 'bout I put you down for "this is *my* phone"
05:01.36tmztI started to ask romain about it
05:01.46rastertmzt: ???
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05:01.56egaudetwhat is even going on here anyway aside from saying really nice things about webos
05:02.08tmztraster: I mean the lifecycle management
05:02.21Adoraegaudet:  super seekrit project
05:02.22zsocegaudet: devs pleasing adora
05:02.39tmztthere has to be a reason for it
05:02.39destinal-homebhern: though android DOES have that ota download option in their control panel..  *hint, hint*
05:02.40rwhitbyAdora: the Pre is the best phone since the Treo 650.
05:02.40AdoraI wouldn't be bugging you guys with it if it wasn't going to be amazingly awesome
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05:02.42edektorhas anybody figured out how to get a vnc client going for the pre?
05:02.43zsocproject: do adora's work for her ;)
05:02.53rastertmzt: how hard is it to free a damned pixmap...
05:02.55egaudetoooh super seekrit!
05:02.59rasteri dont get it?
05:03.06bpadalinome neither raster
05:03.06Adorazsoc:   my work is to get the voice of the community!
05:03.21edektornot the computer screen on the phone but the pre screen on the computer?
05:03.22Adora(getting engineers to be pithy has proven a bigger challenge than I expected)
05:03.23rasterhow do u need to desighn for it to be fast?
05:03.23zsocedektor: you mean besides the vnc client that works already?
05:03.28rasteris baffled
05:03.34rasterits a bit like saying
05:03.46edektorno like the opposite of what there is now..
05:03.47rwhitbyAdora: I can do engineer or marketroid, but not much in-between.
05:03.49raster":this os is designed so integer additions are fast!"
05:03.51edektorthe other way around
05:04.02zsocedektor: why
05:04.11tmzthmm, I had formed this complete thought in a moemnt of clarity
05:04.33rasterunless u are being stupid
05:04.38rasterits going to be gfast
05:04.43zsocadds integers
05:05.03edektorbecause my app is really audio intensive and it would be easier to just have vnc client of the phone on my desktop while im developing
05:05.13egaudetWebOS is like having the cool parents, you don't have to sneak around
05:05.56egaudetWebOS: Linux, win
05:06.16destinal-homeegaudet: well, javascript = win  also (though I wouldn't have thought I 'd say it
05:06.34psykozegaudet, WebOS: Linux, win also says "Android Win" :)
05:06.36edektorI know the iphone dev-team had something similar for demoing unlocks on the desktop
05:06.37tmztraster: maybe you can find a reason for the lifecycle management then
05:06.41rastermakes signs of warding @ destinal-home
05:06.45egaudetWebOS: Linux, standards, win
05:06.53rastertmzt:  i am not quite sure of what u speak?
05:06.56tmztand all the wake locks and surface locking and everything else android does
05:07.06destinal-homeraster: webos has some of the easiest customization of stock apps I've ever seen
05:07.16rasterwell surface locks are needed if u have multiple procs/threads directly scribbling on a surface and sharing it
05:07.19rasterpart of life
05:07.19tmztyou said apps are responsible for task switching?
05:07.27egaudetWeb (javascript) OS (Linux) = Power
05:07.28destinal-homeraster: if you don't like the apps it comes with, just tweak them
05:07.38acydlordwebos also has the most natural ui i have ever used
05:07.45rastertmzt: hitting "back" button will do nada if app is hung
05:07.50rasterfor example
05:07.52egaudetdestinal-home, how's hidd
05:07.54destinal-homeegaudet: unfortunately, the stack is slooooww
05:07.57tmztoh, that's bad
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05:08.13rasterthe notification status bar at the top
05:08.15rasterif app is hung
05:08.17destinal-homeegaudet: wrt to javascript+linux I mean
05:08.19rasteru can click/slide it al u like
05:08.21rasteriut will nto react
05:08.27rasteras its drawn by the app inside its surface
05:08.30tmztgnutoo started getting the msm x11 driver to work on OE
05:08.33rasteralso more bad
05:08.40tmztbut it's not for the chip in the g1
05:09.05tmzthmm, didn't know this
05:09.13rasterdestinal-home: the higher your lang the slower it gets and the less control u can have. i'd rather more control and speed... as compute power isnt exactly abundant on phones.
05:09.32rastertmzt: thats what i meant.. i think there are fundamental design issues there
05:09.36edektorlike this
05:09.37destinal-homeraster: yeah, you have a point
05:09.39rasterthis is where the x11 way is rather good
05:09.47tmztthis game is getting old
05:09.52rasteru ensure wm and/or compositor are solid and reliable
05:09.58rasterwell xserver too
05:09.59tmztdestinal was describing the Palm hidd today
05:10.05rasterand then u make things like back handled by the wm
05:10.20rasterthings like status bar a separate process to app
05:10.21destinal-homeedektor: we should be able to do a vnc server with hidd plugins + framebuffer capture
05:10.23tmztanother solution to the input ptobelm
05:10.38rasterconsider apps buggy that may and will screw up (not intentionally just they get badly wirtten and block/hang)
05:10.48rasterthen u can happily just hide the app
05:10.53edektordestinal-home: would there be a vnc server in ipkg-opt i could install?
05:10.54rasteror go to another and come back when its un-hung
05:10.59tmztdestinal-home: how is uinput not easier?
05:11.05destinal-homeedektor: no, nobody's written any such thing
05:11.27tmztI also asked about the best approach to take for an Xluna
05:11.47tmztthe X people showed me the sdl code that just got removed from X
05:12.33destinal-hometmzt: uh, uinput isn't used by the palm stack to my knowledge.  they have hidd with plugins talking to character devices which read GPIO pins etc
05:12.44tmztI'm also leanring there's some weird architecture in X where input is tied to ddx, certain composite methods and other things like Xcalibrate only work with some ddx's and other things
05:13.00tmzthmm, not linux input devices?
05:13.47tmztso I would say X on embedded would be awesome but needs a lot of work, if it never runs cleanly on something with g1's class there's a problem
05:13.48destinal-homethis is why I want to be able to write hidd plugins
05:13.54tmztyet it runs on gta0x???
05:14.17rastertmzt:  it runs on things significantly better clas than the pre.
05:14.19rasterso it does work
05:14.20rasterfull xorg
05:14.30rasterwith multitouch even
05:15.01destinal-homewell, running on better stuff than pre doesn't say it can run on pre  (though I don't doubt it can)
05:15.34rasterit can
05:15.48rasteras tmzt said.. it runs on a gta01/02
05:15.50farmsare you guys talking about g buzz
05:15.53rasterwhich is miles behind a pre
05:16.05tmztPre Plus :)
05:16.06rasterso far that its far over the horizon and out of sight
05:16.14edektordestinal-home: so you would use something like libvncserver_0.9.1-2_arm.ipk
05:16.34tmztbut why we should need 512mb for something that used to run nicely in 4mb I don't know
05:16.52farmsI've got the plus :)
05:17.11egaudetwell hidd plugins use linux input devices
05:17.13destinal-homeedektor: there's significant development involved to tie the vnc server code into luna
05:17.25tmztif they use linux input uinput should work
05:17.39tmztbut probably won't enumerate so you still need a plugin
05:17.46destinal-homenot uinput unless you mean on the emulator
05:18.20egaudetI did a quick POC a long time ago with uinput
05:18.31egaudetto inject keyboard keys
05:18.48destinal-homeegaudet: hmmm, on a pre?
05:18.52egaudetbut it was ugly and device specific way to cram it in there
05:19.14egaudetdestinal-home, yeah, you convinced me hidd was the path to go back then
05:19.24tmztI see
05:19.33tmztyou have the abi now so it shouldn't be hard
05:19.38destinal-homeegaudet: I was sure the GPIO keyboard pins were never connected to anything so standard.
05:19.49destinal-homebut at any rate, yeah, it can be device specific
05:20.00tmztgpio keyboard?
05:20.13egaudetdestinal-home, nope I'm pretty sure they are connected right to the standard linux input subsystem
05:20.38egaudetI remember reading the kernel patch code of it.
05:20.43tmztcat /sys/class/input/unput*/name
05:21.01tmztcat /sys/class/input/input*/name
05:21.04egaudetI also used uinput and made it go to as input0 which hidkeypad was using
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05:21.20egaudetI also used uinput and made it go to as input0 which hidkeypad was using and saw mojo keystrokes from my c dummy test program
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05:26.30Thesoloniushey, i'm trying to scp a file to my pre
05:26.34Thesoloniuswhat' s the port?
05:26.40Thesoloniusi keep getting conn refused on my ip
05:26.45Thesoloniusbut I'm ssh'd in on port 222
05:27.09destinal-homeegaudet: well,that should prove it.  I still think hidd is the right way to interface (both as a device and as software needing UI from devices) though
05:27.10Thesoloniusi'm a dumbass
05:27.16Thesoloniusand gaffney just kicked my ass
05:27.21Thesoloniusi r dum
05:27.31destinal-homeheh, no worries
05:27.44destinal-homeit's annoying that it's -p for ssh and -P for scp
05:27.52mgaffneyheyo, how do I find the compile flags for GLES?
05:28.25destinal-homeThesolonius: I changed my port on the pre to 22, and so don't need to mess with that now
05:28.43Thesoloniusvery cool
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05:29.08destinal-homejust find the upstart script in /etc/event.d with 222 in it and replace all instances of 222 with 22
05:32.09egaudetyou're still using dropbear?
05:32.36rwhitbydestinal-home: or just install it from Preware ;-)
05:33.20destinal-homerwhitby: oh, the one in preware uses 22 now?  I'm so out of touch (still manually running the optware bootstrap for all that stuff)
05:33.43rwhitbydestinal-home: preware packages use port 22, ssh keys, wifi, by default.
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05:35.02destinal-homeegaudet: optware has a smaller memory footprint.  if you haven't noticed, memory is precious on pre :)  (then again, an ssh server can spend most of its time swapped out I suppose)
05:35.32destinal-homeproblem with brain keyboard interface
05:35.45egaudetyea and the leaving an ssh-agent open everytime swipe a terminal away can't help
05:36.04destinal-homeegaudet: touché
05:36.40egaudetterminus and terminal both do it, and I don't know where the correct place to fix it is
05:36.53egaudetthen again haven't looked into it and have taken your "exit" advice :P
05:37.15rwhitbydestinal-home: these days I recommend running the preware-bootstrap script, then installing the OpenSSH SFTP Server from Preware's optware section.  If you used meta-doctor, then your keys will already be on the device.
05:37.19destinal-homeegaudet: what causes ssh-agent to be immune to the cascade kills it should be receiving?
05:37.26rwhitbyegaudet: that's been removed from the latest version
05:38.39egaudetoh I didn't realize that rwhitby
05:39.03egaudeti fear the day I use the regular doctor again
05:39.25egaudetbecause I know for sure that it might take me hours to realize dev mode has to be manually turned on :P
05:39.30rwhitbyegaudet: the profile.d script has been removed
05:39.43rwhitbyegaudet: yeah, that's bitten me more than once
05:40.11mgaffneyis there a good way to figure out what options I need to gcc to pull in glu.h or gl.h?
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05:43.02cryptk|workHola WHE's and WHE-ettes
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05:44.31rwhitbyIs there anyone for which actually works on their Pre?
05:44.45rwhitbyWe need to know how it works.
05:46.15rwhitbyI get "This application cannot run on your current operating system.  Use the Updates app to install the system update and try again."
05:47.25Kyusakuon 1.3.1?
05:47.34jacquesrwhitby, didn't it say it was only for 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 ?
05:47.58Kyusakuit's not even for pre though, more for pixi really
05:48.19Kyusakusurprised it took them so long to make that
05:48.29Thesoloniushey hey
05:48.29rwhitbyjacques: it says that it should only be run on 1.3.1 or 1.3.2, but I wasn't aware that Palm could mark a "highest webOS version" on an app, as opposed to a minimum webOS version.
05:48.39Thesoloniusso I'm trying to follow the instructions to compile doom
05:48.46Thesoloniusand I'm running into a different kinda error
05:48.47rwhitbyKyusaku: there are separate versions for Pre and Pixi
05:49.02ThesoloniusError: $_TextureNumForName: SW1BLUE not found
05:49.09Thesolonius$ == R
05:49.22Thesoloniusanyone familiar?
05:49.44Kyusakuinteresting that they made a pre version
05:49.50destinal-homeThesolonius: probably the right WAD file isn't there
05:50.10ThesoloniusI just read the EXACT same thing from google
05:50.16Thesoloniusshame on me for not googling first
05:50.18ThesoloniusI am so sorry
05:50.35rwhitbyKyusaku: why?  GSM Pre uses 2G.
05:51.01Kyusakurwhitby: but still has wifi to get OTA updates
05:51.18rwhitbyKyusaku: but some people don't have wifi
05:51.49jhojhohmm I just had an idea retranslations. feed the strings.json to the google translate api
05:52.07jhojhowould be good enough for a first pass.
05:54.01Thesoloniushave you guys seen could not initialize sdl, as an error when running doom?
05:54.17*** join/#webos-internals raster (~raster@enlightenment/developer/raster)
05:55.13Thesoloniusalso, unable to open /dev/fb1
05:55.47destinal-homeThesolonius: what version of webos are you running
05:55.56destinal-homeThesolonius:  and what device?  (pre, pixi, emulator?)
05:56.08Thesoloniusoh christ, I dunno the version
05:56.11Thesoloniusmost recent, i belive
05:56.28destinal-homeThesolonius: did you ever install mytether?
05:56.35destinal-homethat breaks SDL stuff
05:56.37Thesoloniusin fact I did
05:56.38Thesoloniusoh shit
05:56.43ThesoloniusI ran the installer
05:56.51Thesoloniuswhat do I do to remove it?
05:56.56destinal-homewell I think it's only if the wifi kernel module is enabled that it happens
05:57.20Thesoloniusso, turn off wifi and rerun?
05:57.24destinal-homeso if mytether is installed but the wifi module is disabled (which I think is an option) it goes away
05:57.34destinal-homenot wifi on the pre but the mytether wifi hack
05:57.42Thesoloniusi think that was off
05:57.45Thesoloniuswhen I uninstalled
05:57.58Thesoloniusfortunately, I think I left the scripts on the device
05:59.33Thesoloniusno small amount of irony that I had to order a new pre today on account of my screen going out
06:00.38Thesoloniuswell crap
06:00.46Thesoloniushow do I undo the mytether stuff?
06:00.53Thesoloniusor do I just wait for my new pre to arrive?
06:00.54rwhitbyfull erase and doctor
06:01.10Thesoloniusif I have a backup of my app data can I preserve it?
06:01.43Thesoloniusjeebus, what do I care?  i've got like 3 things on there
06:04.34Thesoloniusgoddamn, why can't a guy just install illicit software on his phone and have everything work?
06:04.42destinal-homeThesolonius: lol
06:05.24destinal-homeI hear the new version have lots less fallout (but I still hope we can have a good open solution so people don't need it)
06:05.26Thesolonius20 minutes for webos doctor to download?  that might call for shots
06:05.42destinal-homeThesolonius: wow..  3 minutes on my home broadband
06:05.51Thesoloniusyea, I'm at a bar
06:06.14rwhitbydestinal-home: yeah, I managed to get the MyTether author to change the install script to use best practices.
06:06.17Thesoloniuson my home network I can shotgun the work wireless (yes, I live within 2 blocks of work, and yes, I am often late to work)
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06:07.08Decimateive been patch free for like.. 2 days or something
06:07.10destinal-homerwhitby: I always wonder how to feel since we basically defined best practices for pre (then again a lot of what we decided we based on what palm chose)
06:07.10Decimatemaybe 3
06:07.18Decimateeither way, this is crazy
06:08.13rwhitbydestinal-home: how else would you feel other than proud?
06:08.32destinal-homerwhitby: good point.  I think the track record shows we did pretty well  :)
06:08.39*** part/#webos-internals pjr (~wIRCer@
06:09.03Thesoloniusrwhitby: Did you ever get him to use kill right?
06:09.34rwhitbyThesolonius: ?
06:09.43ThesoloniusI had to post back instructions to modify his apple script cause he was misusing kill from it
06:09.52Thesoloniusor there was an effin huge PEBKAK error
06:10.49destinal-homeI guess I would be more forgiving for something he was just giving away, but for what mytether sells for, quality control is, I think, expected
06:11.04Thesoloniusyea, i paid the 15 bucks
06:11.11Thesoloniusno that I'm complaining
06:11.19Thesoloniusi have gotten huge amounts of use out of it
06:11.45Thesoloniuswell over the 15 bucks worth by a couple orders of magnitude in billable hours
06:14.35Thesoloniusso, you guys have been remarkably helpful tonight
06:14.37Thesoloniusthanks to all
06:15.01destinal-homeThesolonius: you're welcome, hopefully post doctor everything goes smoothly
06:15.56destinal-homeI'm really happy people are getting some good use out of that article on building, packaging, installing stuff
06:17.07destinal-homehopefully in the near future palm's SDK recognizes type: game which eliminates the need for my game-fix script
06:19.14ThesoloniusOMG LOL, mgaffney is swaying to a karaoke version of piano man!!!
06:19.17Thesoloniuseveryone laugh at him!
06:19.37mgaffneyyou're embarrasing yourself
06:19.41mgaffneymr piano man
06:19.48Thesoloniusgaffo says what?
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06:23.15mgaffneyyou realize I can just punch you in the kidney
06:23.50rwhitbyrenames channel to #the-odd-couple
06:24.06destinal-homeThesolonius: heh, you guys are logged in from the same bar?
06:24.37rwhitbyI suspect they are married or dating.
06:24.39Thesoloniushey hey, gaffo, are we dating?
06:24.43Thesoloniusand did you tell nicole?
06:24.46Thesoloniuscause she'd be pissed
06:24.54Thesoloniusso would carrie
06:25.30mgaffneyyeah, they're both short tho, so I can fend em off
06:25.42Thesoloniuswhoa now
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06:26.24Thesoloniusfor Sargun?
06:26.38Thesoloniusmust be a big whig
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06:27.12Thesoloniusnothin, brother, I'm a lil drunk
06:27.21rwhitbyare you guys at the Blue Moon?
06:28.28Thesoloniusisn't that a brothel in nevada?
06:28.35Thesoloniusor is that the half moon?
06:28.47ThesoloniusI'm drinking blue moon
06:28.53Thesoloniusdoes that count?
06:29.16rwhitbyah, that's what I was channelling then.
06:30.30Thesoloniuswhat is blue moon?
06:30.36ThesoloniusI'm somewhat frightened to google
06:31.21Thesoloniuswhat is "the" blue moon?  articles are important
06:31.51Thesolonius34% on webos doctor.  Excited to see doom run on my phone
06:31.58Thesoloniusthen checkers, if all goes well
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06:33.17destinal-homeit would be nice if palm-emulator supported new versions of virtualbox so I could try them, maybe my USB support would be more reliable in win7
06:33.43Thesoloniuswhat problems are you having?
06:34.25destinal-homeThesolonius: I have a linux VM that I keep trying to connect to my Pre, it works sometimes and not others.
06:35.02Thesoloniusover what?
06:35.05destinal-homethis last time it seems to have frozen the virtualbox UI (though the VM itself is still going)
06:35.13Thesoloniusoh wow
06:35.36Thesoloniuswhat distro of linux?
06:35.38destinal-homeThesolonius: just trying to connect the virtual USB on the virtualbox machine to the actual USB on the PC
06:36.00destinal-hometo the Pre device specifically
06:36.10Thesoloniusso, gaffo is running linux as the host machine, i'm running mac os
06:36.21Thesoloniusneither of us is runnin win
06:36.25destinal-homeyeah, part of my problem is likely that I'm running windows 7
06:36.31destinal-homeor maybe most or all of the problem
06:36.55Thesoloniuslol, run vbox to run ubuntu to run vbox to run your vm?
06:37.05destinal-homeheh, uh, no
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06:37.22Thesoloniuswish I had a solution
06:37.58destinal-homeThesolonius: alcohol / nutrient solution such as blue moon will do find
06:38.06xcompi am now convinced that there is no greater punishment than being forced to compile with gcc 2.96
06:38.16Thesoloniusdid you want /g on the end of that?
06:38.19Thesoloniusor single instance only
06:38.33destinal-homeonly one instance this time.  not like..
06:38.54xcompbot semantics fail
06:38.55Thesoloniusu guys r fun
06:39.10destinal-homegoes upstairs to grab a beer while doctoring back to 1.3.1
06:39.11jacquesxcomp: wow, why are you doing that?
06:39.41xcompjacques: i'm trying to upgrade my e17 installation on the simulator at work
06:39.43jacquesxcomp: and there is a greater punishment - g++ 2.96
06:40.07xcompand all I got is 2.96
06:40.38xcompif I compile with a different machine, it fails due to glibc incompatibility
06:40.48xcomproyal pita
06:40.49jacquesI would use 2.96 to build 3.3
06:40.58xcompyeah I have seriously considered that
06:41.08jacqueswhich I would use to build 3.4 -> 4.1 -> 4.2 -> 4.4
06:41.19xcompbut I don't know if I have the time to build gcc
06:41.30jacquesoooh, yeah glibc - you can't build the latest gcc's against ancient glibc :-(
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06:42.11jacquesjust curious, what version of glibc is it?
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06:42.21jacquesre rwhitby
06:42.32destinal-homejacques: so you end up stepping along glibc and gcc both?  (perhaps in a chroot?)
06:43.03rwhitbyjacques: see /msg
06:43.16xcompi pretty much have my own rogue linux distro running in my install prefix at this point (since i don't have root
06:43.24destinal-homerwhitby: my doctor seems to be stuck at 14%
06:43.28xcompso I might as well make the leap and build gcc
06:43.45destinal-homerwhitby: a lot of leaked file descriptors
06:43.57destinal-homebut that seems to be par for the course
06:44.24destinal-homehmm, ok it jumped from 14 to 54 in a few seconds
06:46.13destinal-homexcomp: you may as well just chroot yourself :)
06:47.10destinal-hometotally run a modern distro :)
06:47.30Thesoloniuswoot woot webos doctor has finished, restarting the phone
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06:50.37jacquesrwhitby: are you getting my PMs ?
06:50.57destinal-homeThesolonius: same here, but running 1.3.1 again for testing
06:51.03xcompdestinal-home: heh ... but then I wouldn't be able to actually do any work :)
06:51.39cryptk|workdestinal-home: I figured out that mouse freezing issue
06:51.46infobotARGH!!! STOP IT jacques!!!
06:51.58infobotACTION has disconnected (Read error: 99 (Connection reset by beer))
06:52.21destinal-homecryptk|work: oh?
06:52.47xcompit's also nice to know that -std=c99 means nothing whatsoever to gcc 2.96
06:52.55cryptk|workyeah, I reinstalled ubuntu with a different mouse, my G7 disconnected... then connected the G7 after it was installed... it works great now... go figure...
06:52.57xcompcursed be this compiler
06:53.09jacquesxcomp: damn straight
06:53.12cryptk|workI am thinking about trying mint...
06:53.15jhojhogak. sprint gave me the wrong msl code
06:53.28cryptk|workjhojho: lol
06:53.30jhojhoand they are closed. grr
06:53.45cryptk|worknow I need a way to impot my facebook phonebook into my Google Voice...
06:53.57jacqueswonders if rwhitby is having connection issues
06:54.10jhojhowas trying out the gps hack. vmware no less
06:54.18jhojhoon vmware that is.
06:54.45jhojhogot all the way to where I'm prompted for the msl and what I have written down is wrong! grr.
06:56.13destinal-homejhojho: oh, for usb passthrough?
06:56.36jhojhoactually I was not prompted for a msl for usb passthrough
06:56.48jhojhohad the usb passthrough patch installed
06:56.57jhojhowent straight to the screen
06:57.04destinal-homeI thought the "use phone as GPS device" stuff is based on the same passthrough service though
06:59.06jhojhothe patch bypasses the auth page apparently
07:03.48*** join/#webos-internals farms (
07:04.09farmsdo you guys think buzz will be on web os
07:04.48farmsI hope so it looks really cool
07:04.56farmsand I don't want a droid
07:05.18farmsmad at vzw for advertising the pre plus to soccer moms
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07:12.59farmshow do I install optware packages
07:14.28rwhitby2) install the Optware Advanced Linux Command Line Installer (also known as ipkg-opt) from Preware
07:14.39rwhitby3) get a command line and type "ipkg-opt update"
07:16.00farmsdownloading now
07:17.31farmsnow goto preware?
07:17.45rwhitbyno, now "ipkg-opt list"
07:17.58rwhitbythen "ipkg-opt install <package>"
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07:57.46cryptk|workso... google voice is definitely a bag full of awesome...
07:58.16cryptk|workand I used the patch to send all of your contacts as a vCard to email them all to myself... then I imported them all in to my google contacts...
07:58.39*** join/#webos-internals SqyArc (
07:58.42cryptk|workso every contact on my phone is now on the Google cloud... no matter if ti came from facebook, aim, wherever...
07:58.49cryptk|workgotta love multiple backups...
08:09.48mgaffneycryptk|work, so you can pull and push to different accounts? or is that a hack?
08:10.23cryptk|workwell, it just lets me have every contact in my google contacts
08:10.40cryptk|workI used the patch to put all of the contacts in my phone into a vCard and emailed it to myself
08:10.50cryptk|workthen I went on the google voice website and imported the vCard
08:11.00cryptk|workso every contact I have is in my Google Voice
08:17.03cryptk|workit worked great... and now I have a place where every contact exists all at once...  It will also help with reducing the amount of work I will have to do manually linking accounts if I have to doctor or whatever since I have a source that has everything properly linked up... after a future doctor synergy should get everything right from the initial import.
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08:41.37ka6soxjacques: ping
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08:56.05cryptk|workSpeedy1: what is that URL for?
08:56.34jacquescryptk|work: I think that's a spam bot
08:56.47cryptk|workthat is what I was thinking also... but typically they hut'n'run
08:56.53cryptk|workjoin channel, spam it up, leave channel
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08:59.18jacquesI think we hurt its feelings :-|
08:59.32ka6soxpoor baby
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09:00.28cryptk|work_argh... damn interwebs dropped out...
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13:26.56Thesoloniushey hey, thx for the tip on using webos doctor to revert the phone post the mytether 2.0.4 install
13:27.04Thesoloniusdid the trick for getting doom to work
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13:28.02raghukhi guys, can we disable auto uppercase in textfield widget ? any one
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13:46.26raghukany one can help ? need to disable uppercase of first char in textfield ...
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15:09.02Rick_workso guys, help me here.
15:09.36zsocRick_work: always for you rick
15:09.51Rick_workWhat all binary/sdl/whatever apps do we have packaged up and actually downloadable.  I would like to lobby precentral for a post summarizing what we have before Palm's big announcement at GameDevCon.
15:10.19Rick_workDoom, Quake, Terminus, Stella, sdlVNC, what else?
15:11.00zsoca lot of half baked unpackaged mostly working ports :p
15:11.13zsocthat tetris game
15:17.27Rick_workanything else packaged up and downloadable that anyone can think of.
15:17.39Rick_workand is there anything else CLOSE?
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15:18.31Rick_workI thought that worked, isn't it done?
15:19.38Rick_workok, doom, quake, terminus, stella, sdlvnc, supertux, tetris, vba, and classic invaders.
15:20.04Rick_workAll of which are app catalog eligible probably when the pdk is released.
15:21.03Rick_workNow, what's CLOSE....  DosBox is not close, because the keybindings are hard.  X is not close because you guys can't figure out which version of X to work on, what is close?
15:22.52zsocRick_work: flac support is close :p
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15:25.35Rick_workdoohan  is scummvm packaged?  And if not, what's the issue?
15:25.49Rick_workzsoc, that's your "third party media player" ?
15:25.51doohanOh no idea....sorry
15:25.55doohanJust wishful thinking on my part
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15:26.46zsocRick_work: uh.. no. it works in the standard media player. I have framwork for a 3rd party media player but it's way off into the future
15:27.09Rick_workthe wiki page on scummvm doesn't have ANYTHING about limitations or issues or plans.  :(
15:27.21doohanDoes it say who was even working on it?
15:27.23Rick_workzsoc, so you're patching in flac into the regular media player.
15:27.38doohanLast I saw it, it was all pretty much do it yourself.
15:28.12Rick_workdoohan sepi / destinal
15:28.45doohanas in sepisultrum?
15:28.52doohan*prod* :)
15:28.58Rick_workdoohan  I'm looking at the wiki changes log
15:29.14zsocRick_work: yeah. nothing binary about it really. we'll, except all th binaries. nothing 'pdk' about it tho, touches the fs all over the place
15:30.05VincentLawIE8 is having problems with my JS, and I don't know why. Error: "Object doesn't support this property or method" on line 11. Line 11 is this:  bet = 0;
15:30.06zsocRick_work: and there's no 'patch'. it's a customer file indexer, some new gst plugins, and a service to prod the fileindexer / mediaserver
15:30.27zsocVincentLaw: don't use IE?
15:30.42zsocodd typo
15:30.45VincentLawzsoc: obvious answer, and it works in firefox/chrome, but I don't know why IE is dying on something so... simple?
15:30.49doohanVincentLaw, maybe it's counting or removing blank lines and comments?
15:30.55Rick_workthere was an earthquake in chicago?!??!  3.4
15:31.19zsocRick_work: 3.4 isn't exactly something to get excited about...
15:31.39zsocoh, you might feel that
15:31.41VincentLawdoohan: I'm looking into that but honestly the code all above it is rather basic too
15:31.43Rick_workand still not except for of course, that you NEVER have earthquakes in chicago.
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15:32.28Rick_workOk, wait a minute
15:32.34Rick_workthis is NOT a chicago earthquake.
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15:32.43Rick_workthis is WAY WORSE.
15:33.23nt4catsrick_work: ?
15:33.33Rick_workmap shows the epicenter in extrme southern Il.
15:34.18zsoc4.3 isn't enough to barely knock a book off a shelf
15:34.26nt4catsheadline: "Rare earthquake rattles northern Ill.; no damage"
15:34.44Rick_workif the first map I saw is right, then that would have been on the big fault that destroyed St Louis and re-routed the mississipi back in the 1800's.
15:34.49Rick_workbut that map was wrong....
15:34.56Rick_workusgs has it just west of elgin.
15:35.01nt4catsGoogle news link:
15:35.39nt4cats(from the AP) "The USGS initially reported the magnitude as 4.3 but later downgraded it. USGS geophysicist Amy Vaughan says such quakes are rare in northern Illinois."
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15:35.55Rick_workusgs site now says 3.8
15:36.08zsoccrisis averted
15:36.33nt4catsrick_work had me worried for a moment, I have family and dear friends in Illinois
15:36.37Rick_workwhen I saw the first map, my mind thought "Oh Shit a fore-shock on the new-madrid."
15:36.46Rick_workmy daughter is in chicago.
15:37.37Rick_workbut as long as this is a deep central plate quake up by chicago, no big deal.  If the new-madrid lets go, Katrina will have been as nothing....
15:38.02hapedose somebody know if there are plans to create a gui for vpnc?
15:38.04zsocRick_work: you are very dramatic
15:38.30Rick_workI am.  have you ever heard of the New Madrid fault?
15:38.30DrFunksup rick
15:38.40Rick_workas little as possible DrF
15:38.40zsocI wikid it :p
15:39.59Rick_workwell, back to work.
15:40.13nt4catsrick_work: everyone knows that In March 13, 2009, a research group based out of Northwestern University and Purdue University, funded by the United States Geological Survey, reported in the journal Science that the New Madrid system may be "shutting down" and that tectonic strain may now be accumulating elsewhere.[26]
15:40.17DrFunkall this dam snow now I have to clean it ack
15:40.41nt4catsIgnore the "[26]" citation at the end there.  No way that I just pasted that from wikipedia ... that's all original work.
15:40.49egaudetit's a good ole fashion nor'eastah!
15:41.15DrFunkegaudet: tell me about it
15:41.50DrFunkwe got like 8 in so far and still strong
15:42.13zsocDrFunk: at least you aren't at work in it
15:43.11DrFunkthey closed my job
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15:44.15nt4catsIt has really tapered off here (Philly) -- so I just thought to myself "this wasn't so bad" ... then I just checked the local news sites and their headlines are "the worst hasn't happened yet"
15:44.44DrFunklol @ nt4cats
15:45.02DrFunkI'm in CT
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15:45.17mdkleinI'm sick of the cold
15:45.41nt4catsmdklein: cut open a tauntaun and crawl inside
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15:46.00xaikizsoc: ping
15:46.04DrFunkmdklein_: tell me about it
15:46.24zsocxaiki: hey it's you
15:46.37DrFunkdam I think that was the quickest ping I ever seen
15:46.45nt4cats's kids have been upstairs and quiet for 20 minutes. This can't possibly be good. BRB.
15:46.47DrFunkegaudet: ?
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15:48.16DrFunkbrb also
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15:50.28nt4catsI think GameLoft rocks (just a little bit)
15:58.00DrFunkthat's all I can say lmao is reporting "Palm employees specifically said that Flash would be available in February." at a recent event
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15:58.33Rick_workwell, that IMPLIES pixi gpu in feb.
15:58.45Rick_workunless they keep failing at that.  but the pixi folks will be PISSED.
15:59.08Rick_workbut there's no point in asking anyone, especially geist :)
15:59.13nt4cats(yesterday they reported that v1.4 will be released on the 15th)
15:59.25mdkleinI thought chris said most of palm people use the pixi... you'd think they'd open those up faster :-p
15:59.30DrFunkRick_work: did they even relase the beta yet ?
16:00.02xaikisaw it working yesterday.
16:00.09xaikiat the french Palm event.
16:00.20xaikiit's shipped as an app in the app catalogue.
16:00.36nt4catsDrFunk: I understand that palm has a pretty restrictive NDA for people who get early access to things ... so I wouldn't expect anyone to discuss what they've seen.
16:00.45DrFunkflash ?
16:00.46nt4cats(unless it is something they've seen publicly)
16:01.32DrFunknt4cats: thought it was public now you can sign up
16:02.16nt4catsDrFunk: I understand/infer from what I've read publicly that the first "release" from Adobe will be labeled Beta.  I'm not saying this authoritatively nor due to any special inside information, that's just what I understand/infer
16:03.08nt4catsDrFunk: .. and putting 2 and 2 together (really 0.02 and 0.02) my conjecture is that the beta will be released in the App Catalog in February
16:03.32Rick_workMy understanding is that FLASH is not available under a palm NDA at this time.  I have heard that you have to have an ADOBE NDA to have the alpha of flash, and that this involves trolls hiding under the beds of your children prepared to eat them, and explosive collars attached to your pets.
16:05.20nt4catsDrFunk: to be perfectly clear -- I am not, in any way, an "insider".  I know only what I read on (and similar sites), and what I see discussed here.  I do not want to misrepresent myself or pretend to have some special position in the community ...
16:06.13DrFunkno not at all look @ ur pm
16:11.55nt4catsDrFunk: I am replying to your PM's
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16:19.19VincentLawthe more I try to use ares the more it annoys me
16:19.20nt4catsI just thought to myself (not kidding): "I wish there was some way to search for Pre software that looked at homebrew, official apps, palm beta/web-only apps, etc."  (I want to find apps that upload photos).
16:19.35nt4cats... then I rememebered there is that thing called PreWare.
16:19.56VincentLawflickr uploader btw :p
16:21.04nt4catsVincentLaw: to use flickr you need an account there, right?
16:21.16VincentLawyeah, it's free, but yeah
16:21.45nt4catsVincentLaw: I'd rather something like
16:22.01VincentLawwell there's the twitter apps as well
16:22.07VincentLawother than that I can't think of anything
16:22.24VincentLawk I give up on ares
16:22.58VincentLawdoesn't give me nearly enough information to figure out what's going on, and lack of basic functionality like /moving files/ is getting on my nerves
16:23.16nt4catsVincentLaw: I was thinking of trying to do a uploader as my first Ares app ...
16:23.36VincentLawares is frustrating
16:24.16VincentLawthey focused a lot of effort on the automagic part of the development, like the scene layouts, and forgot to include basic functionality for working with your assets and debugging decently >.>
16:24.24VincentLawI don't think there's even an option for inspector in ares
16:24.56nt4catsI haven't done much more than make sure it launches for me
16:25.34mdkleinI loaded it once, thought, "hrm, that's fancy"... and haven't looked again :(
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16:29.24Rick_workVincentLaw  that's an interesting claim.
16:29.35Rick_workfirst, yes, ares does support inspector
16:29.43Rick_worksecond, ares is the ONLY way the debugger actually works.
16:29.51Rick_workI certainly agree that moving files is a pain.
16:30.34Rick_workBut for single-stage apps, it's just pretty darned fast.
16:31.41zsochey, no mojo talk in here
16:33.32punzadadoes anyone happen to know if I could use a double length usb->micro usb b cable with my car chargeer and still get adequte charge to my pre for gps/music?
16:33.48punzadaI'm clueless on power-over-usb spec and my googlefu has been weak on the subject
16:34.21bpadalino|worki'd think the loss ove the cable would be negligible for DC
16:34.28bpadalino|workbut trying to do HS comms over it may be more difficult
16:34.32mdkleinI'd second that thought
16:34.46bpadalino|worki like how mdklein has my back
16:34.57punzadaHS comms?
16:35.01bpadalino|workhigh speed communication
16:35.15nt4catspunzada: I am not an electrical engineer, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express recently.  I would expect that at the low power (and DC at that) we're talking about, the cable length wouldn't be much of a factor at all
16:35.36bpadalino|workthat's 3 yes'!!
16:35.54punzadaokay, I'm just clueless when it comes to DC/car stuff in general, and that news makes me happy for my pre in car setup I want
16:36.15bpadalino|workwe're here to serve
16:36.42punzadadamn straight ;P
16:36.56mdkleinhow long is your car? I thought USB cable length limit was 5m?
16:37.08VincentLaw[11:29:27] <+Rick_work> first, yes, ares does support inspector <-- if it does I sure don't see any option for it
16:37.47Rick_workpunzada - for powering inside your car, the only thing going through the USB cable is 5 volts dc.  You could make the freaking cable 100 feet long and it wouldn't care.
16:37.57punzadamdklein: I just needed about double (i assume) of the 2.5 foot stock one so I can run the wire nicely underneath the plastics in the center console and out of the glovebox/dash where my pre is going to be mounted
16:38.21mdkleinoh, that'd be fine even for hs comms I think
16:38.26Rick_workVincentLaw that's because inspector has to run on your PC.  You launch an app in ares, in the emulator and it's automatically inspectable.  Run the inspector and you're all set.
16:38.41punzadabut, I dont need high speed comms either
16:38.43mdkleinbut yeah, length shouldn't affect charging only either
16:39.03VincentLawRick_work: not working
16:39.05punzadamy deck isn't USB, it'll be p-sub to rca to ministereo to pre
16:39.07VincentLawthat's what I had tried
16:39.20VincentLawworks fine when i do it from komodo, not from when I do it from ares
16:39.21punzadaso, slightly ghetto behind the dash but it'll sound better then FM transmitter
16:39.24punzada[11:13] < brandon> lol
16:39.30punzadamiddle click
16:40.29Rick_workpunzada for power, do this too, make sure that the center two pins in the pre-end of the usb connector (the data wires) are shorted together.  This tells the pre that the power connectors (the outer pair) is capable of delivering 1 amp instead of 500 ma, and so it sucks full charge.
16:41.36punzadaooo, that I did not know, thanks for that tip
16:42.23Rick_workThat way, the pre only ever sucks 500ma out of a computer, because the data wires are busy doing data.
16:43.01Rick_workthat's how it TELLS THE DIFFERENCE.  --  most car-chargers and wall chargers short the data wires inside the charger, so that the device knows it's a charger, even though you're using a regular usb cable.
16:43.49mdkleinmonoprice has a 15ft cable for $2.02... hrmmmm.. trying to decide if that would be handy or just get in the way
16:44.11punzadayeah I was looking at monoprice for it earlier yesterday as well when I first was concreting this idea
16:45.14punzadahow should I go about shorting them on the cable end, just ...pliers? ;x
16:47.08Rick_workyou said you were going to sacrifice a cable...  there will be four wires in the cable.  make sure that the data wires are shorted, strip them, and twist them together and tape it up before you patch the power wires into your extension.
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16:49.02punzadaah, yeah, this cable will just be for that install, it will mostly be from car charger directly to pre still just ...longer and hidden, but for this use I can certainly do that
16:50.31nt4catsRick_work: the Pre bitches (or refuses to charge) if you plug it into some/all non-Palm car chargers.  Do you know how it "knows"?  I cover the camera when I do it ...
16:51.48Rick_worknt4cats  I've had it happen with PALM chargers.  And no, I don't know why.  I usually just unplug and plug again.  but I do know that it's VASTLY more reliable if the data pins are shorted.  it seems generally to come right up.  If they aren't shorted, it may be busy trying to negotiate a data connection.
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16:52.28nt4catsRick_work: that makes sense, thanks.
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16:53.32Rick_workVincentLaw  you're right.  :-(  You have to use palm-run to trigger the app as inspectable once you've run it in the emulator.  -- that's a pain in the butt.  It didn't USED to be that way.  I'll ask.
16:53.55Rick_workThanks for the heads up,  I appriciate it,  I'm trying to write this Ares book and I keep getting caught with hard parts.
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17:11.29Rick_workouch.  Long sidebar in the chapter on that.  Thanks VincentLaw
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17:17.03loopybandnerdi need help
17:17.34Rick_workwith what?
17:18.16loopybandnerdi downloaded a theme, and it messed up something, so i uninstalled the themes, and then i tried to install the emergency patch recovery
17:18.41loopybandnerdthinking that maybe the theme had a hidden patch that went haywire with one of my already installed patches
17:18.58loopybandnerdbut now my phone wont connect to a pc, and in preware, there's no patch's feed
17:19.20iSmitei just made my latest theme, sshing it in now actually..good luck with that i bricked mine earlier, fixed it tho
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17:19.56loopybandnerdany suggestions?
17:21.12Rick_workwhich theme?
17:22.09loopybandnerdman i don't know.. it was one of the purple themes
17:22.32Rick_workyou understand that this makes it VERY hard for us to figure out what went wrong?
17:22.55loopybandnerdi understand
17:23.03loopybandnerdi tried pulling out the battery
17:23.10loopybandnerdand unplugging it from pc
17:23.29loopybandnerdand then plugging it in, then placing in the battery while holding the volume up button
17:23.32loopybandnerdstill no luck
17:23.43Rick_workloopybandnerd that's the wrong procedure.
17:24.04Rick_workloopybandnerd does the phone boot?
17:24.11Rick_workand can you run preware?
17:24.32VincentLaw*grumble* for some reason my javascript/jquery is not loading inside a scene, it will only load when placed in the index.html
17:24.45Rick_workok, bring up preware, go to list of everything, and type me eme on the keyboard, and tell me what you have listed.
17:25.17Rick_workVincentLaw  that's correct. you can not lazy-load jquery.  you can load it in sources.json or in index.html but not in a scene.
17:25.20loopybandnerdok h/o
17:26.00VincentLawRick_work: perhaps I should clarify. If I stick the .js in index.html, it will not be usable in a scene. is there some way I should be doing this?
17:26.24VincentLawthe JS AND my html must both be in the index.html for it to work
17:27.25VincentLaw(and yes I am doing noConflict)
17:27.53Rick_workVincentLaw, what is your load line in index?
17:28.22VincentLaw<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.4.1.min.js"></script> ?
17:28.38VincentLawthen immediately following it is my .js: <script type="text/javascript" src="animateslots.js"></script>
17:29.07Rick_workwhere are you putting those two js files?  In the same folder as index.html?
17:30.14Rick_workok, then other than that you don't need type="text/javascript" -- it's entirely superfluous, then that procedure is exactly correct, and you should then be able to call the functions in those js files from any scene.
17:30.28Rick_workbut it's not the approved way to do it.
17:30.51loopybandnerdok eme gets me: "emergency service enabler, emergency migration helper, emergency patch recovery, emergency reconstruction utility
17:31.10VincentLawwell the thing is, I am trying to put the <divs> for it in a scene, but when I do, it's like jquery and my JS cannot see it any longer. so if there's a more "approved" way that will make that work, i'd be interested :p
17:31.42Rick_workin your sources.json add two lines at the very top.  In my othello program I have
17:31.43Rick_work{"source": "app\/assistants\/othello.js"},
17:32.53loopybandnerdRick_work: ok eme gets me: "emergency service enabler, emergency migration helper, emergency patch recovery, emergency reconstruction utility
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17:35.52VincentLawRick_work: doing that still doesn't let me stick my <divs> in the main scene. if the <divs> aren't in index.html, it's like jquery/my JS cannot act upon them
17:35.55iSmiteanyone remember where the black launcher icon is in shh i always forget
17:36.18iSmitethe path i mean
17:36.32iSmiteprethemer appears to be down
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17:40.38iSmitehmm wtf is wrong with novaterm today
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17:42.49Rick_workloopybandnerd  run epr, eru and emh
17:43.02Rick_workloopybandnerd  if that doesnt work you'r going to have to doctor it and we'll help you with that.
17:43.58Rick_workVincentLaw  what are you trying to accomplish?
17:44.34Rick_workthe way that scenes work is, the html for the scene is inserted into the dom of index.html IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE BODY TAG.
17:44.58Rick_workso, when you push a scene, the html for the scene is inserted into the html of index.html
17:45.39Rick_workif you need to have those divs be acted on by your animationjs or jquery, you'll have to include some code in the scene's assistant js file.
17:45.49Rick_workYou can NOT include any js in the scene's html.
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17:50.58loopybandnerdRick_work    ok i installed.... and still nothing
17:52.23Rick_workloopybandnerd   I think you're going to have to doctor it.
17:52.34Rick_workfortunately, that's not as big a deal as it used to be.
17:52.44loopybandnerdok, but how do i do that if my phone wont even connect to my pc?
17:54.05Rick_worktake the battery out.  Hold the volume up button  Plug the USB cable in   DO NOT LET GO OF THE VOLUME UP BUTTON    a giant USB symbol will appear on the screen.  Put the battery in WITHOUT letting go of the volume up button.  Then let go   -- you can now run the doctor and it will connect.
17:55.08loopybandnerdno good
17:55.23Rick_workloopybandnerd you did something wrong.
17:55.28Rick_workthat's 100%.
17:55.38Rick_worklet's go through it step by step.
17:55.42Rick_work1) battery out.
17:55.54loopybandnerdyou want me to unplug from pc?
17:56.06Rick_workunplug, and battery out
17:56.29Rick_worknow, on the PC run the doctor, and follow the instructions until it tells you to connect your pre.
17:57.00Rick_worknow.  HOLD THE VOLUME BUTTON UP and do not let go until I say.
17:57.13Rick_workwith the battery still out, plug in the USB CABLE.
17:57.30Rick_workyou will get a giant USB symbol on the screen.
17:57.44loopybandnerdi get a giant ?
17:57.49Rick_workthat's ok.
17:58.04Rick_workNow,  leave the volume up pressed, and put the battery back in.
17:58.56Rick_worknow you can let go of the volume button
17:59.02loopybandnerdstill wont connect
17:59.10Rick_workwhat is on the screen of the Pre?
17:59.17loopybandnerdthe usb symbol
17:59.24Rick_workrestart the doctor.
17:59.30Rick_workdo not touch the pre.
17:59.32Rick_workthat's perfect.
17:59.38Rick_workrestart the doctor on the PC.
18:00.49VincentLawRick_work: I want the JS I included in the index.html (or sources.json) to be able to act upon the divs that are pushed into the body tag from the scene, like you had described
18:01.05VincentLaware you saying that the JS in the sources.json can only affect index.html and nothing else?
18:01.16Rick_workVincentLaw  no, I'm not saying that.
18:01.34Rick_workwhat do you do to cause the div's to be acted on?  Just have them EXIST?
18:01.42loopybandnerdRick_work   Still no luck
18:01.46Rick_workor do you have to trigger the action some how?
18:02.41VincentLawcurrently my js does various animations and manipulation of src attributes for divs and imgs of HTML. I wanted to put that HTML into a scene and have it work. I don't really care where my JS ends up, as long as the whole thing works within my scene :/
18:03.07VincentLawthe divs are acted upon by clicks on the divs, and by mere existing
18:03.31Rick_workok VincentLaw  are you setting an onclick in your html of the div?
18:03.57VincentLawI'm using the jquery equivalent, but I don't think it's even getting that far
18:04.03VincentLawit's as if jquery doesn't see my divs in my scene
18:04.14Rick_workcan you paste JUST the div that you're trying to use?
18:04.33VincentLawI can paste the uppermost I guess?
18:04.43Rick_workany one.
18:04.45VincentLaw<div id="content">
18:04.50VincentLawjquery acts on that by:
18:05.36Rick_workand where did you put THAT code?
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18:06.12VincentLawthe jquery code is in animatespin.js, which I put in sources.json.     the html I pasted is in main-scene.html
18:06.55Rick_workthe jquery('#content').stuff needs to go in the activate method of the MainAssistant.js
18:06.59loopybandnerdRick_work   Still no luck
18:07.11Rick_workthat can just be a CALL into the function in animate.js
18:07.49VincentLawokay, is there a webos specific function for including that js in activate()?
18:07.50Rick_workso if animate.js  has a big pile of those, and there's a function in animate.js  that says "SetUpAnimations()"  you can just call SetUpAnimations() in activate
18:08.24Rick_workVincentLaw can you pastebin your animation.js for me at please?  and I can answer that question.
18:08.37VincentLaw(you'll cringe most likely :p)
18:08.46Rick_workVincentLaw  I write HORRIBLE js.
18:08.58VincentLawyou'll still cringe :p
18:09.03Rick_work(YES YES, I KNOW we should move this to webos instead of internals. )
18:09.16VincentLawah you're right, want me to join that? :p
18:09.27Rick_workno this is ok until someone complains
18:09.50Rick_workpaste the URL for your pastebin back here.
18:12.26Rick_workRight VincentLaw  got it.
18:12.36Rick_workI know what the problem is.  it's on line 3.  :-)
18:12.50VincentLawah it doesn't like that?
18:12.52VincentLawfigures :p
18:13.12VincentLawtries it
18:13.12Rick_workhere's the thing VincentLaw  -- you're calling documentready.
18:13.23Rick_workwhen is the document ready?   After index.html loads.
18:13.45Rick_workbut what you're doing is stuff that can't really happen until the SCENE is pushed.
18:13.59Rick_workbecause those div's don't even EXIST until the scene is pushed.
18:14.15destinalloopybandnerd: you need to have that USB symbol up to be in recovery mode IIRC.   try, remove the usb cable from the pre.  also remove the battery and put it back in.  that way the device will be off and USB will be unplugged.   now make sure the USB cable is plugged into the PC but not the pre,  then  hold down the volume up button on the left side of the pre and while holding it down, plug in the USB cable to the pre
18:14.37VincentLawokay, so I should change that to a different wrapper function that I can call from activate()?
18:15.22Rick_workso,  change line 3 to say doAnimate = function() {
18:15.41Rick_workand then, in the activate method of the main assistant just call doAnimate()
18:15.56Rick_workwhich will then trigger everything you WERE triggering on document ready.
18:16.33VincentLawI love you rick :p
18:16.48Rick_workdoes this make sense?
18:16.55VincentLawyes it makes sense now that I see it
18:16.57Rick_workI accept small unmarked bills.
18:17.30VincentLawnow I can work on the proper "webos" portion of this app haha
18:18.02destinalRick_work: heh, in for the cash but trying to keep off the radar? :)
18:18.36zsocrwhitby: so of course I just realized I ant redistribute the fileindexer hacked. so I'll have to copy the one on the phone and bspatch it
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18:18.53destinalzsoc: what has to be done to the fileindexer?
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18:19.24zsocdestinal: make it crawl/pick various alternate filetypes to show up in the music player... flac/vorbis etc
18:19.27zsocmaybe wma
18:19.50destinalzsoc: can we just replace the indexer with something open source or augment it with an external process?
18:19.55Rick_workoff to lunch bbl.
18:20.11zsocdestinal: yes, but I do not have the knowledge or resources
18:20.27xaikidestinal: meta-tracker would be what you'd need.
18:20.39zsocdestinal: I mean, it seems to just index everything on media internal, grab specific formats and look at meta data
18:20.40xaikibut you then need to find something that will interface in the rest of the Luna/Mojo stack.
18:20.42destinalzsoc: also have you put what you know so far on the wiki ?
18:21.08zsocdestinal: when I'm not stranded at work in a snow storm
18:21.17destinalzsoc: ouch
18:21.50zsocdestinal: xaiki: but my file indexer hack works :) picks up flac.
18:22.09destinalzsoc: what did you have to do?
18:22.10zsocxaiki: I ran into an interesting issue. we'll 2 actually
18:22.28zsocdestinal: hex edit the formats crawled :p
18:22.29destinalzsoc: auto spell checks, I love the well -> we'll
18:22.41zsocdestinal: deal with it :p
18:22.52destinal(go, webos!)
18:22.55VincentLawhuh, is vibrate not part of the regular palm api?
18:23.35zsocxaiki: firstly, even with the plugin registered, typefindfunctions is super jacked, so I needed to rebuild it to even feed decodebin the right info
18:23.42zsocbut fixable
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18:24.19zsocmore disturbingly tho, mediaserver won't start when told to play a flac file. but once it's started, it works fine.
18:24.37zsocie: if my upstart service pokes mediaserver at boot, works no problem
18:25.34zsocregardless, I want to get _every_ plugin building in the widk, so we have options for an opensource media player
18:25.35zsocall is going we'll so far
18:26.11zsocdestinal: shut your face :p
18:27.13zsocso I'm not sure how 'releasable' this is.. but let me tell you. it's frickin awesome to open the music player and play a flac file :)
18:29.32iSmitemight be a dumb question..but if i use the sprint webos dr instead of the gsm one, would it work?
18:30.04VincentLawzsoc: now crack zune pass's DRM and I will pay you handsomely :p
18:30.57zsocVincentLaw: ...that sounds illegal.
18:31.33zsocI should also note, flac fidelity from headphone out is pretty unreal
18:31.38iSmiteanyone? cos the american firmware has yahoo built in i can change apn manually
18:31.46VincentLawwell you wouldn't necessarily need to strip the encryption, just allow playback on the pre is all I want. :p
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18:35.02VincentLaw"In order to use the vibration API on palm, your application needs to have a "com.palm.*" namespace, as vibration on webOS is a private API. The caveat of doing this is that you are essentially indicating that your app should pretend to be a "Palm app" (rather than a Nitobi app, for example) ... and as a result your app will be denied from the Palm app catalog."
18:35.13VincentLawis that still true? I could have sworn there were apps in the catalog that vibrated
18:35.54destinalI believe there's a call that will vibrate that's not in the private namespace
18:36.12destinalbut the really flexible one that you can change pulse pattern/duration/etc I thought was private
18:36.43VincentLawbah damn, figures
18:42.35destinaliSmite: I think you can run whatever doctor you want, but you'll need to metadoctor it to get past the checks
18:42.47destinalI used to use world ready on my sprint pre
18:43.13iSmitei just want to use yahoo which comes on the sprint one i just changed the webos.tar from a sprint one to my one is thta correct?
18:43.40destinaliSmite: oh, I haven't tried just swapping out the webos.tar.
18:43.49destinalI ran the whole other doctor entirely
18:44.20destinalmaybe if you just swap out webos.tar you don't need the metadoctor for check bypass, not sure
18:45.56iSmitewell im gonna try it and we will see
18:46.09iSmiteworth a go i buggered it up anyway theming it
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18:47.56iSmitedamn when i rename it back to jar from zip it wont open
18:48.01iSmiteknow why?
18:50.22iSmitewell trying with the sprint one first.
18:51.35iSmitethe other one renames to jar fine why not this one i get corrupt jar file
18:51.40destinaliSmite: eh, could be your metadata.  Jars may be a subset of zip, but there are specific requirements for them to work properly
18:52.07destinalmetadoctor does all this stuff for you
18:52.25iSmitecan i do that though...i have limited knowledge
18:52.45destinalwell, if you have a linux / unix system, it's all makefiles
18:52.48iSmitenope sprint one wont work
18:52.59iSmiteill try 1.2.1
18:53.17iSmiteapparently that one doesnt check
18:55.16destinaliSmite: ah, so the java jar format, in META-INF/MANIFEST.MF  you have a Sha1 digest which is where the corrupt jar stuff comes from
18:55.30iSmiteumm. ok :S
18:55.37destinalagain, meta-doctor fixes all this for you
18:55.43iSmiteyeah but im thick
18:55.51iSmiteill do it somehow lol
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18:56.40destinalI think it's, get meta-doctor, do:
18:56.40destinalmake CARRIER=sprint unpack
18:56.40destinal(do whatever changes you want to in the unpacked directory)
18:56.41destinalmake CARRIER=sprint pack
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19:00.36iSmitenah thats above me
19:00.59iSmiteif i cant download that one, and ic ant seem to find it even though everyone bloody has it ill have to try downgrading
19:01.09destinalyeah, we need point and shoot gui's :)
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19:02.04destinaliSmite: fyi, if you use 1.2.1 you'll lose 3d games
19:02.13DarkmagisteriSmite: this can help you
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19:02.47iSmitei dont get 3d games anyway. i heard if youre on gsm and dgrade to 1.2.1 you can then do an ota upgrade to sprint
19:05.05iSmitealthough how i dont know because how can you get into the phone unless you bypass activation i dont get this
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19:07.42iSmitewell 1.2.1 is working
19:07.57iSmiteso far so good
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19:09.00iSmitethen i should be able to whack on
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19:10.49iSmitemy phone just turned on and its not going past 6%
19:10.53AnOutsiderway too many taps to shut down the phone
19:11.00AnOutsideralmost makes you want to just yank the battery out
19:11.31iSmitegreat it disconnected itself
19:13.02iSmitewtf it gets to 6% and reboots itself why??
19:13.25iSmitesmacks palm
19:13.55AnOutsiderhaah the irony... apple guy fighting with a palm device
19:14.08AnOutsiderpalm guy happy as hell with apple finally approving his app
19:14.25iSmiteyou know what right at this minute im actually missing my iphone
19:15.25AnOutsiderhaha, I definitely don't
19:15.40AnOutsiderI had to use mine while testing this app and I kept trying to do gestures from the black area near the home button
19:16.04AnOutsidermakes so much sense to back swipe to back up in an app
19:16.08iSmitei still have mine i just cant be bothered to use it
19:16.19AnOutsiderand multitasking.. I felt like I was in a box not being able to switch between apps
19:16.30iSmiteyou can get multitasing off cydia
19:16.41zsoccydia for the hack
19:16.44AnOutsiderMy best device I think would be WebOS on a device like the Nexus One
19:16.59iSmiteyeah...hacks on cydia no worse than patches on pre
19:17.17iSmiteleast they uninstall properly 0.o
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19:18.18iSmitebrb got no ciga left gonna stab someone
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19:23.58AnOutsiderbuck up champ
19:24.07iSmiteok 84% sprint 1.2.1 god knows how im gonna get it to after
19:24.18iSmiteunless i can get my apn in it somehow
19:24.21AnOutsiderOTA update?
19:24.30iSmiteyeah how unless i put my apn in
19:24.34iSmitewill it let me
19:24.44AnOutsiderI missed the first half of the convo, so I dont know the full situation I guess
19:24.51AnOutsideris this ana ctual activated pre? or dev phone
19:25.01iSmitecan you manually put in apn on 1.2.1 actual pre
19:25.11AnOutsiderI honestly have no idea
19:25.20iSmiteim fked if i cant rofl
19:25.30AnOutsiderI DO know, that I'm about to head back into the snow with the four wheelers... eff coding
19:25.33AnOutsiderhaha later all
19:25.36iSmiteyeah snowing here too
19:26.11Flashpasshey, is mytether supposed to be in preware right now?
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19:28.30MetaViewis somewhat quiet in the neighbor channel
19:28.37zsocFlashpass: mytether has never been in preware, and never will
19:29.03iSmitewell thats great isnt it. i cant put in my apn so why did that idiot on precentral say you can ots update to
19:29.29iSmitei need to bypass activation
19:29.47iSmitehmm maybe the other one will work..
19:30.55MetaViewmy alert dialog is dismissed after 8 minutes...
19:31.00MetaViewthat's strange
19:31.39iSmitecomeonnn installing now
19:31.40zsociSmite: what in the world are you doing
19:31.52iSmiteits ok i did it now
19:32.01iSmiteno i didnt
19:32.57iSmiteok on precentral they said, if you want to be on american fw if you downgrade and go on sprint 1.2.1, which is what i have done, you can then do an over the air update to except you cant because on 1.2.1 it wont let me change the apn so i cant bypass activation
19:33.34iSmiteany ideas?
19:33.45iSmiteugh i dont know how to use that
19:33.49zsocagain, what are you doing? I don't understand
19:33.53zsocthere's a wiki
19:34.09iSmitei want american firmware. im in uk
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19:34.13iSmitewe get f all
19:34.16zsocoh. metadoctor
19:34.35iSmiteive managed to get on an old sprint one but it wont let me go to latest
19:34.47zsocmetadoctor is created and supported by webos-internals. any other methods will not be debugged here
19:34.57debilateriSmite: so why don't you install the latest sprint version
19:35.03iSmitei cant
19:35.10iSmiteit says not compatible with my device
19:35.21zsocdebilater: 1.3.5 has some kind of device check
19:35.32iSmitei dont understand that metadoctor i dont know what to do
19:35.45debilaterzsoc: oh I didn't know that, evil :)
19:36.01zsociSmite: there is a wiki page that spells it out for you
19:36.06iSmiteim reading it
19:36.09iSmiteits hard to me
19:36.29debilateriSmite: each carrier has a howto about this too, you can find this on the palm page
19:36.49zsociSmite: I assume you use windows. you can follow the 'cygwin' instructions
19:36.53mdkleinshe's a mac user
19:36.59iSmitecarriers not gonna tell me how to fake another one
19:37.02iSmiteim on mac
19:37.11zsociSmite: we'll then, install virtual box with ubuntu
19:37.12mdkleinthe i didn't give it away? ;-)
19:37.25debilateriSmite: so just use the instructions of your "target carrier" I meant
19:37.48debilaterzsoc: you can webos doctor fine from mac
19:38.47iSmiteaw man i dont get this
19:38.53zsocdebilater: they want US firmware on their UK device. they need metadoctor
19:39.05iSmiteyes i know i need it it just looks bloody complicated
19:39.24zsociSmite: download and install virtualbox. download and install ubuntu in your virtualbox. copy and paste command line instructions into a terminal
19:39.36iSmitewhy do i need all that virtual stuff when i have a mac
19:39.54debilateris there someone elxe beside rwhitby who can initiate an ipkg build of a nonworking package to testing feed?
19:40.00iSmiteand i pasted it in it asked me for a password
19:40.14zsociSmite: because macs are no better than windows :p
19:40.32zsocdebilater: right now he's the only one I know of
19:40.37iSmitei cant do this i just need a thats been changed
19:41.03iSmitewhat is a 'changed meid'
19:41.04zsociSmite: it's not LEGAL for someone to distribute a doctor to you, altered or otherwise
19:41.04debilaterzsoc: damn :) and it's just 6 down under
19:43.34Flashpasszsoc: why won't mytether ever appear on preware? i thought i saw it mentioned in the latest precentral post...
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19:47.15zsocFlashpass: because mytether is a virus which breaks your phone
19:47.49zsocFlashpass: if you're referring to freetether, it's in the testing deeds.
19:49.08mdkleinmytether has been fixed I thought
19:50.32zsocmdklein_: I believe it uses the Verizon hotspot thing, I still don't buy it
19:52.29zsocmdklein_: the point is the developer has many times ignored our earnings and refused to take our suggestions to account. the fact that it no longer breaks your phone with a patch is irrelevant.
19:55.50iSmitewell thats it. i cant rename a zip to jar and i dont understand metadoctor
19:55.56iSmitesoi have a brick
19:56.19zsociSmite: pre is never bricked, just doctor it
19:56.29zsocto UK firmware
19:56.42iSmitei cant now can i it'll say not compatible wont it
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19:58.37zsociSmite: ?o
19:58.40zsociSmite: no
19:59.09iSmitei still want the us firmware though why wont it just let me change over that tar file
19:59.55zsocI have no idea what you're talking about
20:00.37iSmiteok to get you have to take out the tar file from a sprint webos dr and put it into an o2 uk one and rename it to jar. except when i rename it to jar it goes corrupted
20:00.53iSmiteso i cant run it
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20:01.36debilateriSmite: because you have to unpack it with jar and re-pack it with tar - these are different archive types
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20:02.41nn7hello!  I just bought a palm pre today and am having fun with it.  I'm walking through the steps of setting up a pppd script to call curl for DDNS.  I've verified the command I'm typing into the script works fine, but the script never seems to fire.  I've made sure the script is chmod 755 and I'm watching my server logs but curl never comes calling
20:02.43iSmitethats not what everyone else is doing- they rename it to zip, swap the files over then rename back to jar its worked for everyone else
20:02.59nn7I would appreciate some help debugging this
20:03.09debilateriSmite: tar or zip? that's different too
20:03.42iSmitethere is a tar file inside the zip that you pull out of one and put into the other you dont unpack the tar or touch it
20:03.44Robi_zsoc: don't be an ass abt mytether, things are much improved
20:04.14debilaterwell so then ...
20:04.18zsociSmite: we can't vouch for what random people on pc forums are saying
20:04.33iSmitewell 8 people have said it thats why i tried it
20:05.26nn7anyone else having problems with the manual ddns scripts?
20:05.36zsocRobi_: unnecessary carelessness has caused countless debugging headaches for people. I'm not the one being an ass.
20:05.43debilaternn7: there's a package on preware for this
20:06.11nn7debilater:  I saw there were a couple of special ones for standard ddns.  I have my own already setup that I can call with curl.
20:07.25iSmitedamnit i know what i did now
20:07.29nn7if I ./09update-ddns from a prompt it works fine
20:07.32iSmitebrb here goes nothin
20:08.11zsociSmite: if this works, please consider documenting it on the wiki
20:08.45iSmiteit should work
20:08.52iSmitejust swapping the tar files over
20:08.59iSmitebrb ill let u know
20:10.53nn7debilater:  will the package suppot custom DDNS urls?
20:11.42debilaternn7: I don't know, just saw it sometimes, but rwhitby made it so it will work because he is the man
20:12.07nn7with an endorsement like that I'll have to give it a try
20:13.31debilaternn7: it's in optware => utilities => ez-update
20:15.16nn7ok thanks
20:15.24nn7I was just looking through the packages
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20:16.03nn7anything you would recommend for ssh and possibly vnc (with tunneling)?
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20:21.34jhojhowow. buzz is creepy
20:22.04jhojhoso buzz does not work on webos even with trying the url hack (a la latitude)
20:22.07zsocgoogle is creepy
20:22.48jhojhobut it does when trying it with chromium
20:22.54SqyArcI've used it inside of Gmail and it's actually pretty awesome
20:23.01SqyArcif enough of your friends use it too
20:23.06jhojhotry this url
20:23.24jhojhonow enable the latitude and buzz layers
20:23.28nn7I think I messed something up
20:23.33nn7I installed optware's ez-ipupdate
20:23.49nn7no icon, so I used google which gave me a page explaining why file to update
20:23.54nn7which is in /opt
20:23.57nn7but my /opt is empty
20:24.47jhojhothis is a map of all the buzzes in san francisco
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20:27.42nn7debilater:  something apparently went wrong
20:28.35nn7debilater:  looks like it didn't install right, I uninstalled it and will try reinstalling it
20:32.25nn7ok, I found ez-ipupdate in /meda/cryptofs/apps/opt/bin
20:33.06nn7ug, this ez-ipupdate is installed as a pppd script, which didn't seem to be firing for me
20:34.14nn7maybe I have a different phone version and this stuff doesn't work
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20:38.54nn7so I went and tried to manually install optware rather than using preware.  That failed with "bad address ''
20:46.11zsocnn7: do you have an internet connection?
20:46.30rwhitbydebilater: released and all is well?
20:46.45nn7zsoc:  yes, I had just downloaded the installer
20:46.56nn7I just told my phone to reboot and now nova can't connect
20:47.02nn7man, I have all kinds of issues today
20:47.21iSmitewhy am i only getting 22kb download on those files from here it says 1 hour 9 minutes!!!
20:47.23nn7ez-ipupdate is in the wrong place, optware won't install, now novaterm is broken
20:47.26iSmitethe webos dr ones
20:49.10iSmitewell thats it theyve stopped, died, and wont download again
20:49.14iSmiteim screwed
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20:49.29iSmiteoh no 12 hours remaining. i have 10mb connection.
20:49.36rwhitbynn7: oh, ez-ipupdate probably hasn't been updated for the new optware installation method yet.
20:49.40iSmitei need to get them somewhere else
20:49.43debilaterrwhitby: yes works but version was wrong and screenshots missing, I put it to 3.0.0 and fixed the screenshots, but otherwise I could install, run, play a game, finish, deinstall - all good
20:49.52rwhitby(we're making optware packages be able to survive the webos Doctor)
20:50.11rwhitbydebilater: so 3.0.0 is good to go?
20:50.41debilaterrwhitby: another testfeed would be good with 3.0.0
20:51.39rwhitbydebilater: did you take v3.0.0 ?
20:51.54debilaterrwhitby: yes I did
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20:52.48nn7rebooted my laptop, I can log into my phone now
20:53.03nn7maybe I'm jumping too far ahead, can someone help me do things the right way?
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20:53.16nn7I have root access into the phone with novaterm and I have preware installed
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20:53.40nn7I told preware to install the optware ez-ipupdate program
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20:53.56nn7the documentation for the ez-ipupdate program says it should be install in /opt but nothing is in /opt
20:54.04iSmitewhere else can i get the webos dr apart from palm its just dropping to under 20kb for the download i cant use my phone until this is done
20:54.33iSmitei was getting them in a couple of minutes earlier
20:55.36rwhitbyStella 3.0.0 is in the testing feed now
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20:55.49debilaterrwhitby: thx a lot
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20:56.11zsocdebilater: Stella is very nice btw
20:56.13rwhitbyiSmite: we don't redistribute - we just give links to the palm site.  it's a content delivery network for Palm, so it should be faster than that.
20:56.23iSmiteits saying 3 hours
20:56.42rwhitbynn7: did preware say that the optware bootstrap was installed as a dependency?
20:56.55nn7yes, it installed the bootstrap
20:57.51debilaterrwhitby: yes it's there still with invalid screnshots (it shows the icon twice instead of the 3 screenshots I've put into the Makefile)
20:58.37debilaterrwhitby: 5, not 3
20:59.32nn7rwhitby:  optware bootstrap is listed as an installed application in preware
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21:02.06rwhitbynn7: have you doctored since optware bootstrap was installed?
21:02.27rwhitbydebilater: sorry, didn't pull your changes
21:02.35debilaterrwhitby: no prob
21:02.41debilaterzsoc: and did you try it?
21:03.09zsocdebilater: I played with the loafer and the settings hehe
21:03.12rwhitbydebilater: did you remove the depends for a reason?
21:03.14nn7rwhitby:  the only thing I've done was look around to try and figure out what happened to ez-ipupdate.  When it looked like things were wrong I uninstalled the app and the bootstrap and reinstalled them.  The only thing I have done since then was reboot
21:03.54rwhitbynn7: what version of preware and package manager service are you using to install them?
21:04.22nn7preware 0.9.21 by WebOS
21:05.10debilaterrwhitby: nope I forgot them :) sorry
21:06.05einalexhi guys! I get somessh error nowadays... "ssh_exchange_identification" any idea on how to get rid of that and get my ssh access back?
21:06.28Rick_workrwhitby  you have an email with a test copy of the translation files for Preware into italian
21:06.57rwhitbydebilater: updated stella 3.0.0 in testing feed
21:07.07rwhitbyRick_work: yep, I also got a chinese version overnight
21:07.52Rick_workhe said he wasn't sure that the italian one worked.  he night have broken something
21:09.00*** join/#webos-internals nt4cats (~nt4cats@
21:09.53debilaterzsoc: the funny part is, that stella recognises if I swipe right=>left in the gesture area as escape-key, so perhaps I could use it as MOD key, e.g. tap gesture+s == ALT-s :)
21:10.13nn7rwhitby:  the optware bootstrap version is 1.0.0
21:10.23nn7not sure where to find the package manager service version
21:10.35nt4catsnn7: preware will tell you
21:10.51nt4catsnn7: in the installed packages area
21:11.04debilaterrwhitby: yes now it looks perfect
21:11.19rwhitbydebilater: so good to release?
21:11.53debilaterrwhitby: I'd say
21:13.45rwhitbyStella 3.0.0 is released to Preware
21:15.15debilateryeah :)
21:15.34nn7rwhitby:  any ideas?
21:16.00debilaterrwhitby: 1000 thanks for you help
21:16.03rwhitbydebilater: you want debilator or your real name in the tweet?
21:17.04rwhitbyonly room for debilator if you want retweets
21:17.27rwhitbynn7: ipupdate now in the feeds - update to that first
21:18.05debilaterrwhitby: debilater is ok
21:18.19rwhitbydebilater: "Stella Atari Emulator in Preware courtesy of WebOS Internals developer debilator:" ok?
21:18.55debilaterok, but debilatEr not debilatOr :) was already take
21:19.03*** join/#webos-internals zsoc (~zsoc@unaffiliated/zsoc)
21:19.04*** mode/#webos-internals [+v zsoc] by ChanServ
21:19.15debilaterit's debil and later :)
21:19.18rwhitbyok to send?
21:21.29rwhitbyiSmite: BTW, I develop meta-doctor on a Mac
21:21.34nn7rwhitby:  ok.  uninstalled, updated feed, installed version -4
21:22.03iSmitewell at least one of the 2 of us knows how to use it thwn lol
21:23.15rwhitbyzsoc: BTW, MyTether 2.1.0 has been fixed according to my instructions to the author, so it now installs and uninstalls cleanly and no longer breaks your phone.  So if the author decided that it was no longer a commercial program, it could theoretically go into Preware with no hassles.
21:23.33nn7rwhitby:  I have /media/cryptofs/apps/opt/bin/ez-ipupdate but still nothing in /opt
21:24.08rwhitbynn7: is /opt bind mounted on your device?
21:24.36nn7rwhitby:  /dev/mapper/store-var on /opt type ext3
21:25.05rwhitbynn7: ok, so the post-install script of ez-ipupdate should put a symlink in /opt/bin
21:25.11zsocrwhitby: of course I understand that. do you really think sonic is going to remove the apps commercial nature?
21:25.24nn7should it also create /opt/bin/ ?
21:25.34rwhitbynn7: yes, it should
21:25.35zsoclol. not sonic. aonic.
21:25.43nn7the only thing in /opt/ is . and ..
21:26.43rwhitbyzsoc: no, I doubt that he ever will.  that's the reason why it won't be in Preware.  there is no longer any technical reason (I convinced him to fix those things to save us the debugging hassle)
21:27.23rwhitbynn7: does /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/lib/ipkg/info/mobi.optware.ez-ipupdate.postinst exist?
21:27.31zsocrwhitby: ah, did you assist him with the hotspot api calls?
21:27.38rwhitbyzsoc: no
21:27.58rwhitbyI taught him how to package things properly. nothing more.
21:28.05zsocah ok
21:28.17nn7rwhitby:  yes, with its sha1 buddy
21:28.49rwhitbyzsoc: I felt the safety of the community (and less debugging for us) was far more important that any other opinions about the actual functionality of the application that anyone might have.
21:29.10zsocI agree

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