IRC log for #webos-internals on 20100129

00:01.30*** join/#webos-internals ToasterPre (
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00:11.09hemnaanyone know if we'll have access to the camera from PDK ?
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00:11.36hemnaI tried to get images via gstreamer access in the passed, but it never worked
00:12.26hemnaerr past
00:12.33*** join/#webos-internals alex____ (
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00:14.11alex____hi! I have a Pre (with the Spanish Company: Movistar), but I change the firmware to Sprint (because in Spain the arrives very later), but now I have problems to install some apps, for example: It isn't unavailable to my country... can I install it via ipk or remove my appcatalog restriction?
00:15.21*** join/#webos-internals valexa (
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00:23.17bpadalinoi found a cute bug in the lock screen ..
00:24.00bpadalinoif you have the web browser open and full card under neath ... lock the phone, then power it back up and toggle the mute switch .. depending on orientation, you can get the volume icon to move back and forth
00:24.02bpadalinokind of amusing
00:25.51KyusakuI think I've seen that but thought the theme I had did that
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00:27.10bpadalinono themes here ..
00:28.36Kyusakufigured, just saying
00:33.51destinalalex____: if you have the ipk you can install it by hand, but I don't know how you get the ipk if you don't
00:34.29*** part/#webos-internals Somebody1991 (
00:35.37alex____destinal: I can't understand the restriction, because the package is free... I can understand it if I need pay for it, because  the billing could be complex, but a free app... it have no sense (I think)
00:37.18destinalalex____: I agree, this region locking is silly.  does your phone still let you install spain-only apps but not north america only ones?
00:37.58destinalI suspect you'd need someone to create you a palm profile on a north american pre to fix it, but then you'd lose the ability to install any spain apps
00:38.01destinalfrom the catalog
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00:41.55alex____destinal: to be or not to be... that's the question :)
00:42.16alex____I need sleep, here is 1.41am and I wake up at 8am see u! and thanks
00:44.14destinalEnable LED notifications is winning the precentral poll on which patch they want palm to integrate into webos, at 2050 votes
00:46.48hmagoothe phone app sucks so bad
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00:59.22xcompattempts to build the evas gl_sdl engine for the first time ...
01:01.15dtzWillxcomp: gl_sdl, as in on your pc or have you hacked it for gles?
01:01.43xcompdtzWill: testing on my pc first, but it already has gles support
01:04.53xcomphmm..forgot to set up a couple of m4 macros
01:05.42*** join/#webos-internals raster (i=raster@enlightenment/developer/raster)
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01:21.35*** join/#webos-internals dkirker1 (n=dkirker1@openmobl/ceo/dkirker)
01:24.55*** join/#webos-internals Guinness` (
01:27.27*** join/#webos-internals destinal-wirc (
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01:31.05destinal-wircxcomp: how do you have gl-es on pc?
01:31.21xcompdestinal-wirc: i'm testing with regular gl first
01:31.26xcompengine has to work with both
01:32.38dtzWilldestinal-wirc: pvr has gles emulator, fwiw
01:33.28*** part/#webos-internals farms (
01:33.29xcompi also need to stage gles headers in cross-compile
01:33.34xcompi don't think they're there yet
01:33.57xcompand tbh, that's a tricky proposition
01:34.09dtzWillxcomp: no i don't think they are--since everything thus far uses sdl_opengles.h
01:34.22xcompas I think those headers have platform-dependent stuff
01:34.37dtzWillxcomp: although actually--why wouldn't gl-sdl driver in evas not be using sdl_opengl(es).h ?
01:35.01TheInvsbleManErm is it weird that I have 18 cards open right now? I didn't know I could have that many
01:35.15dtzWillTheInvsbleMan: i think the word you're looking for is "AWESOME"
01:35.27TheInvsbleManhaha that could be it
01:35.29xcompdtzWill: you're right ... but I need to make sure that all the symbols evas uses are actually present in that header file
01:35.37xcompit does use SDL_opengl.h
01:35.55TheInvsbleManI was trying to cause a too many cards error but can't seem to open enough cards haha
01:36.05destinal-wircAMD seems to have gles2 emu
01:37.48dtzWillxcomp: of course, no good if they don't expose things. i'd be surprised if they didn't expose things that were in libGLESv2 or GLES_CM, but shrug.
01:38.16xcompyeah, egl symbols nowhere to be found in those headers...
01:38.33TheInvsbleMandtzWill: the 23rd card just gave me the error haha
01:38.44*** join/#webos-internals jacques (n=fontenot@nslu2-linux/jacques)
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01:39.00*** join/#webos-internals dug ('s not an insurmountable problem
01:39.14xcomplet me try and see if the generic GL stuff works first
01:40.08dtzWillxcomp: oh yeah egl stuff is a different issue
01:40.25dtzWillxcomp: egl stuff does have platform-dependent issues; i didn't see any easy way to fix them at the time
01:41.02dtzWillxcomp: might be my ignorance, but the egl headers need to typedef things like "EGlnativewindow".. and the normal linux ones do that to x11 objects. clearly not what webos does...
01:41.40xcompyep...that's exactly what i mean
01:42.07*** join/#webos-internals Tibfib (
01:42.20xcompi assume there is only one window and that is the SDL current surface
01:42.49xcompbut would it be right to typedef EGLNativeWindow as SDL_Surface?
01:42.53xcompi don't know
01:44.02dtzWillxcomp: yeah, i absolutely have no idea.
01:46.20dtzWillxcomp: but their sdl code uses egl too. was hoping for some insights there but i don't see any. just fyi i suppose
01:46.52dtzWilljacques: hiya :)
01:47.05destinal-wircthe palm patch?
01:47.20jacquesegl == opengl es ?
01:47.24dtzWillxcomp: if you figure out egl headers lemme know i'm interested in staged gles/egl headers stuff
01:47.47dtzWilljacques: egl is basically the native part of the whole deal
01:48.08jacquesgoes to read that page.
01:48.25dtzWilldestinal-wirc: well i was looking at the patched libsdl, didn't check if the egl stuff came from the patch or not.
01:48.43jacquesI have a lot of reading to do - I just bought the opengl es 2.0 programming guide last night
01:48.49dtzWilljacques: didn't mean to be a jerk "READ THIS"--just....that was written by people who arguably can explain it significantly better than i can :D
01:50.27dtzWilljacques: oh nice. the book?
01:50.43dtzWilljacques: sorry i checked the website and it looks like it :)
01:51.03jacquesdtzWill: yep, all $60 of it
01:51.16dtzWillhey has anyone tried porting qt? :)
01:51.33dtzWillor building/running it, not sure what "porting" would be required.
01:52.03jacqueswonders why weechat is showing a lag of 12.9 seconds
01:54.04VincentLawhiya dtzWill :p
01:54.11dtzWillVincentLaw: hey :D
01:54.32jacquesso there are many libs in /usr/lib with EGL in their names
01:55.00jacquesalong with /usr/lib/egl/
01:55.49dtzWilljacques: right--and the method headers are relatively easy to get (provided by khronos). afaict that isn't an issue--that is to say headers that define the symbols exported in the egl libs shouldn't be difficult to get
01:55.58dtzWilljacques: but to make them usable, their types .. i think that's the sticker.
01:56.24dtzWilljacques: and i'm not sure if that information is something that can be extracted from a lib
01:56.37dtzWilljacques: maybe? if it does it's a more than objdump and nm :D
01:57.10jacquesno, I don;t think that can be extracted  :-\
01:57.21dtzWillEGLWindow, EGLSurface, etc, are all native. i guess they're some luna type?!? lol o_O
01:57.53jacquesdoes luna use egl at all?
01:57.55dtzWilljacques: yeah, typedefs don't get exported :P. but it might be possible with some introspection on the implementation of the methods... but that's... crazy, and possibly impossible :)
01:58.19dtzWilljacques: no idea. but sdl talks to luna, and sdl uses egl. frankly i'm not sure of who uses who, just that they are all in it together :)
01:58.34dtzWilljacques: i am interested in clearing that up; just i don't know
01:58.40jacquesmaybe I should take another look at the SDL patches
01:58.40xcompif you're using SDL, you should never need to worry about a native luna type
01:58.54xcompit has to be something defined in SDL
01:58.59xcompthat's why I believe it is SDL_Surface
01:59.25*** part/#webos-internals ToasterPre (
01:59.33jacquesjust call IMGeglGetCurrentSurface (*ducks*)
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02:00.08dtzWillxcomp: maybe? i'm not sure then the role egl plays in sdl (why does sdl include egl headers if egl is defined with respect to sdl types?)
02:00.28dtzWillxcomp: but quite possibly, and you seem to have a good idea of the things :)
02:00.33jacquesmaybe we could do something with preloaded lib stubs ?
02:00.34xcompdtzWill: the idea is that if you're using SDL for opengl, then the native display system should be completely abstracted to you
02:00.53xcompand anything you're doing natively is handled by SDL
02:01.02dtzWillxcomp: oh, that's what you're saying.
02:01.18dtzWillxcomp: absolutely, and completely agreed. that's a big part of the utility of sdl, etc.
02:01.21xcompso unless palm is inexplicably violating that framework, i don't see how it could be anything not in SDL_*.h
02:01.31jacquesI read about that a couple of years ago - create stub libs with same symbols and preload them, passing the call through to the real lib
02:02.02dtzWilljacques: yeah some proxy lib. what would we do that for? to try to see what the types are?
02:02.17jacquesdtzWill: that was my thought
02:02.31dtzWillxcomp: well but sdl uses egl, which is why it seems odd for sdl (which defines SDL_Surface) to include egl (which defines EGLSurface (or whatever) to SDL_Surface).
02:02.42destinal-wircjacques: doesn't ltrace do it for you?
02:02.47dtzWillxcomp: that kinda circular dependency might be going on i suppose, but wasn't my first thought
02:03.09jacquesdestinal-wirc: maybe. I don't know the full capabilities of ltrace
02:03.33xcompdtzWill: yeah i don't know the details of that
02:03.34jacquesdoes "ipkg-opt install ltrace"
02:03.44xcompi just thought sdl_surface would be the most obvious candidate
02:04.00xcompbut I'm an SDL newb myself so there might be something I don't know
02:05.07dtzWillxcomp: okay. so we both don't know hehe :).
02:05.15dtzWillxcomp: add to the long list of things to figure out, heh
02:06.24xcompthe good news is that if it is in fact something defined in SDL then it's only a matter of time before we find out
02:06.58jacquesI wonder if it would be instructive to look at SDL 1.3 as it has GLES support
02:07.19jacquesthough I think I know why palm did not use SDL 1.3
02:07.44dtzWilljacques: why? :)
02:07.48jacquesapart from it being unreleased, apparently it's much slower than 1.2 in some operations
02:08.17jacquesif app code is re-written to use what they call the "new API" apparently it can be massively faster
02:08.38jacquesbut compiling "old API" code for SDL 1.3 can result in much slower performance
02:09.01xcompsegv! woohoo
02:09.05jacquesapparently someone was looking at that issue
02:09.48geistyeah,i think that's precisely why
02:10.07jacqueshowdy geist
02:17.38dBsoonersslow: ping
02:17.49xcompbahahaha it works
02:18.05xcompfirst step on the way to world domination
02:18.25*** join/#webos-internals FreeTim (n=FreeTim@
02:20.15zsocxcomp: did you push anywhere>
02:20.27destinal-wircwhat works?
02:21.30zsocdestinal-wirc: gl_sdl evas engine
02:21.52zsocwants to run expedite with gl engine on his pre...
02:22.44xcomponly sdl_gl on X11 now
02:22.51xcompi still need to test gles
02:23.03xcompbut I have to commit this to svn first
02:23.24zsocxcomp: backwards :p gl_sdl xD, and gl_common is 100% gles 2.0 compatible
02:23.54*** join/#webos-internals Flashpass (
02:23.56zsocxcomp: also, you must commit to svn before i publicly explain how awesome you are ;)
02:26.38*** part/#webos-internals destinal-wirc (
02:28.00zsocPuffTheMagic: we need a bigger smiley
02:31.01VincentLawanyone else having trouble updating feeds? mine keeps stalling
02:31.37Smubehtcan someone help me with this virtual keyboard im seeing delete media/internal/virtual-keyboard i do that and then install obsolete and then restart then install vk and i get ipkg error
02:31.44*** join/#webos-internals diov6 (
02:31.49dBsoonerVincentLaw: nope. What if you "ipkg -o /media/cryptofs/apps update"
02:31.50Smubehtive looked all over and only soltuion i havent tried is partial reset
02:31.56Smubehtbut i did not want to do that if it was avoidable
02:32.18dBsoonerSmubeht: ask egaudet
02:32.46diov6does any1 know how to create a webos app repo (feed)
02:33.03VincentLawdBsooner: works fine doing that, apparently. but in preware, it stalls?
02:33.15xcompzsoc: committed
02:33.16dBsoonerwhich one is it stalling on?
02:33.23xcompnow to tackle gles
02:33.53VincentLawdBsooner: it changes. before it was webos itnernals arm7, now it's precentral's
02:34.02VincentLawit's stalling on download, btw
02:34.11zsocxcomp: tackle what gles?
02:34.23xcompzsoc: i mean try to build it against gles
02:34.30zsocVincentLaw: download is, effectively "update"
02:34.31dBsoonerVincentLaw: try tapping the screen repeatedly while its updating
02:34.47zsocxcomp: it's gles compatible already, unless you missed some glx snippets?
02:34.54dBsoonerzsoc: he means "downloading the gz's".. not the loading them
02:35.05zsocdBsooner: right, the "download" part is the update part ;)
02:35.09xcompzsoc: yeah I just haven't compiled in that environment yet :)
02:35.16xcompi just tested in x11
02:35.17dBsoonerupdate is update
02:35.24zsocxcomp: ah, well you did the hard part mate
02:35.38xcompyeah at this point i know my SDL stuff is good
02:35.56VincentLawwow, odd dBsooner, that did seem to make it go. wtf?
02:36.12VincentLawis that a known bug now?
02:36.14dBsoonerI am getting that too.
02:36.18dBsoonerI have no idea what is causing it.
02:36.30xcompi already added some autoconf checks for Palm GLES defines that are not present in stock SDL_video.h
02:36.37dBsooneregaudet and destinal thought they knew.. but now they aren't so sure.
02:37.40egaudetknew what?
02:38.12dBsoonerwhat's causing the Preware to get stuck during download of Packages.gz's
02:38.14zsocxcomp: er.. committed where? i don't see it on the trac..
02:38.20dBsooneregaudet: ^^
02:38.33xcompzsoc: i just made two commits to evas and expedite
02:38.56egaudetwho is having it get stuck?
02:39.25dBsoonerand now VincentLaw
02:39.45egaudetdbus-util --capture org.webosinternals.ipkgservice
02:39.52egaudetI haven't heard of anything getting stuck before
02:40.46VincentLawit happens during download of the .gz
02:40.52VincentLawand not always the same one
02:41.16zsocxcomp: oh... was it not trunk?
02:41.28xcompzsoc: it is in trunk
02:41.37egaudetwhat does the dbus capture say
02:41.43egaudetand what happens when it "freezes"
02:41.50egaudetand what version of webos are you on
02:41.53egaudetand what version of ipkgservice
02:41.55egaudetand preware
02:42.29xcompegltypes.h -- that's the file we don't have :)
02:43.05dBsoonerfound the problem
02:43.07dBsoonerI'll pm you
02:43.09xcompand I think I'm just going to define everything as void*
02:43.13VincentLawlatest version that's on preware of ipkg and preware, running (latest sprint), and it doesn't "freeze" merely will not continue downloading the next patch. spinner keeps spinning, but nothing happens
02:44.20zsocxcomp: uh.. i have that header if you need? not sure where i got it ho
02:44.51xcompzsoc: i'd certainly like to see it
02:44.53dBsoonerVincentLaw: do you have command line access?
02:45.12VincentLawyes I do
02:45.19dBsoonerfire up command line
02:45.20VincentLawalthough it doesn't seem to stall now that I did that tapping thing >.>
02:45.25VincentLawalready up
02:45.31dBsoonerturn off wifi
02:45.37zsocxcomp: yeah, let me track down where i got it from and find out the correct distribution method
02:45.40dBsoonerso you are using cellular data
02:45.53VincentLawwifi off
02:46.31dBsoonerVincentLaw: in command prompt: dbus-util --capture org.webosinternals.ipkgservice
02:46.41dBsoonerthen fire up Preware
02:46.51VincentLawoh doh
02:46.57VincentLawlost command line when I turned off wifi :p
02:46.59VincentLawlemme usb it
02:48.19VincentLawokay dBsooner what now
02:48.31dBsoonerdid Preware load fully?
02:48.40VincentLawyeah, but it was before after doing your tapping trick :/
02:49.06dBsoonerahh. Ok. Probably just a fluke then. Go ahead and "ctrl+c" your dbus-util command
02:49.22VincentLawwhat did you find, anyway? :p
02:49.41dBsoonera permissions issue
02:49.49dBsoonertalking with com.palm.luna
02:50.05dBsoonerBut I think I am just 'special'
02:50.13VincentLawif it does it again, I'll log it
02:50.29*** join/#webos-internals El_Matarife (
02:50.49diov6does any1 know how to create a webos app feed
02:51.05dBsoonerdiov6: do you mean actually creating the FEED with the packages and everything?
02:51.10dBsooneror do you mean adding a feed into preware?
02:51.34egaudetPuffTheMagic, what was that easy way to call another private service from a C service?
02:51.39diov6dBsooner: im looking into making one
02:51.51dBsoonerdiov6: That's something that isn't easy to explain.
02:53.26dBsoonerexactly.. Look into ipkg-utils
02:53.31diov6dBsooner: i've been checking out and ive noticed all the feeds have Packages.txt and Packages.gz but, some also have packages.stamps what is that
02:53.42diov6where can i find ipkg-utils
02:53.53PuffTheMagicegaudet: i dont recall off hand but its there in the header
02:53.54dBsoonerthe .stamps is for keys
02:54.31egaudetPuffTheMagic, I found com.palm.applicationManager/updateLaunchPointIcon
02:54.36dBsooner^^i love that site. :)
02:54.36egaudetbut it doesn't work with luna-send
02:54.46egaudetdoesn't like the "calling app"
02:54.51diov6dBsooner: thanks for your help!
02:54.59dBsoonerHehehe.. no problem.
02:55.27PuffTheMagicegaudet: what do u think it does?
02:55.34dBsoonerI think rwhitby is going to scold me for using lmgtfy so much.
02:55.37PuffTheMagicsounds like the same thing as rescan in lunamanger
02:56.13egaudetno it takes launchPointId: and icon:
02:56.19egaudeticon = path to icon.png
02:56.25egaudetlaunchPointId = app id
02:56.27diov6lol. its just a url shortener :P
02:56.44dBsooneregaudet: are you working on themes again?
02:57.10egaudetrescan is applicationManager/rescan
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03:13.57oc80zwhats good
03:15.06*** join/#webos-internals Tibfib (
03:18.05destinal-homedBsooner: what did we think we knew?
03:19.03destinal-homedBsooner: I do think it's kind of harsh to lmgtfy someone something with something they couldn't have known to search for
03:19.20dBsoonerI just love lmgtfy
03:20.00oc80zthere is a backend to it, where you can see what people are posting
03:22.11zsococ80z: ok, i have seen both chinese and korean lol
03:22.30zsocand japanese katakana for what i think is 'toronto'
03:22.47destinal-homesomeong googled MP3 to flac
03:23.30destinal-homelike, wait, I want those bits back
03:24.03oc80z..back to when the king took flight rev
03:43.55destinal-homeSo it's always cool when co-workers get a new pixi or pre and start telling me about preware :)
03:44.14bpadalinoreally? they're telling you about it ?
03:44.22bpadalinoi have yet to meet anyone at work who has a pre or pixi
03:44.50destinal-homeI have like 5 people on my floor in my building who do
03:45.05destinal-homebut as I said the other day, I think it's contagious
03:46.38zsocdestinal-home: I had 5 people say "hey did you see doom" to me at work
03:46.45destinal-homezsoc: hahaha
03:46.50zsoci just kind of laughed, not even sure what to say to that
03:47.05destinal-homeI usually just reply like, yeah, that's cool!
03:47.10zsocpeople are always telling me about this webos-internals update or that preware update
03:47.10bpadalinozsoc, nice
03:47.24zsoci'm like "yeah that's interesting".
03:47.48zsocI mean what's the other answer? "I was around while the idea was being formulated and I do general user support on the subject in my spare time"
03:48.26destinal-homezsoc: you should really take more credit for the doom one though :)
03:49.00zsocdestinal-home: you actually did all the brainstorming, although i'll admit i did actually go "do something" ha, but you told me it would work
03:49.43destinal-homezsoc: I'll admit, a lot of cool things have been kicked off by my brainstorming but actually putting ideas into action is a big thing
03:49.51destinal-homeand usually others do that :P
03:51.33destinal-homeideas are low-effort.
03:51.50zsocmimicry is low effort
03:52.05zsocmemorization is low effort
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03:53.59sup_whats up guys
03:54.00destinal-homespeaking of ideas, I think I have all the pieces needed to do real dual boot (other linuxes included), but, unfortunately it requires modifying partition1, "nvram area", which should cause you to go running and screaming.
03:54.05destinal-homeor at least making a backup
03:55.56rick-homeAAAAHAhhhhhhhrrrrrgggggg  [[[runs from room ]]]
03:56.19destinal-homerick-home: lol
03:56.20zsocdestinal-home: that's bricking territory no? or is that partition2?
03:56.26destinal-homewell, yes and no
03:56.45destinal-homeyou can't brick a pre
03:56.49destinal-homeshort of hardware damage
03:56.58sslowdbsooner: ping
03:57.11zsocdestinal-home: er... i thought there were very low level software areas that corruption would destroy?
03:57.12dBsoonersslow: bigger screenshots
03:57.20destinal-homezsoc: nope, not really
03:57.43destinal-homezsoc: bootie is on flash disk but you can also boot it via USB (OMAP has a specific function for that)
03:57.44dBsoonersslow: and your transluscent top bar scrim, does it REQUIRE a different patch?
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03:57.55zsocdestinal-home: ah ok, i'm on board then
03:57.59destinal-homezsoc: wait first
03:58.03destinal-homezsoc: there's bad news
03:58.43destinal-homezsoc: partition1, referred to as "nvram area" because it serves a similar function to nvram on most mobile devices is really important to your handheld mobile computer actually being a phone
03:58.47sslowdbsooner:no it work but is not compatible w/ any battery patch
03:59.07dBsoonersslow: ok, so it is a standalone.
03:59.18destinal-homezsoc: it includes MEID / IMEI and calibration data for accelerometers and batteries and just lots of stuff
03:59.23dBsoonersslow: ok
03:59.24zsocgot it
03:59.29dBsoonersslow: now gimme bigger screenshots
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03:59.58sslowgimme a couple of min
04:00.05destinal-homezsoc: we can make a utility to totally build a device from blank flash disk, but without the tokens stored there it won't be the same
04:00.07jacquesdestinal-home: can we backit up and restore it?
04:00.16destinal-homejacques: yes, we can indeed
04:00.47rwongquick yes/no? google maps pulling speed information from my Pre GPS.. does it still do it while the phone is locked (but app open)?
04:01.40rwongwhen i unlock, the app takes a while to update/reposition itself.. and i want to send to google but screen keep slocking
04:02.15irdI was wondering..
04:02.29irdWould SNES emulation be feasable?
04:02.35irdOr would it be too slow?
04:02.50*** join/#webos-internals Abyssul (
04:03.13zsocird: snes is easier than gba, in theory
04:03.32jacquesird: they are working on it for openpandora using the GPU
04:04.07irdawesome :D
04:04.31destinal-homeird: the nokia N900 has same CPU, runs well apparently.  I'd like to port their emulator actually
04:04.39destinal-homebut it would need dehildonizing
04:05.02destinal-homeit's like DrNokSnes or something
04:05.13irdYour search - dehildonizing - did not match any documents.
04:05.30sup_Since the Pre Plus has the double the ram, does it really make that much of a difference guys?
04:05.41irdsup_: you can run more apps
04:05.52bpadalinoit makes all the difference in the amount of ram in the device
04:06.14irdI'd rather see double the cpu :p
04:06.15jacques100% difference in amount of RAM
04:06.26sslowdbsooner: launcher black font   translucent top bar
04:06.29sup_Does more ram speed up the device?
04:06.31dBsooneregaudet: where the hell did you go?
04:06.34dBsoonerthanks sslow!
04:06.41irdsup_: not really.
04:06.50jacquessup_: only if the device is RAM constrained
04:06.55sslowdbsooner: thank you
04:07.08sup_I see, So it basically helps running more things at one.
04:07.12dBsoonersslow: I am just waiting on egaudet before I push off this group of patches
04:07.21sup_What are the maximum apps a Pre could run if its fully optimized?
04:07.30AbyssuldBsooner: Why did I get a patches email?
04:07.38dBsoonerAbyssul: ignore it
04:07.39sslowdbsoonre: no problem here I know your busy
04:07.42Abyssulsup_: Give or take 15
04:07.53sslowdbsooner: no problem here I know your busy
04:08.03AbyssuldBsooner: We need a download count for patches :p
04:08.07sup_So if 15 is the Max it could run?
04:08.33sup_Ird, I find it hard to believe that double the ram has such a HUGE improvement, I mean, 10-15 compared to 50+?
04:08.41sup_Software has to have something to do with this, do you agree?
04:08.51sup_If the Pre plus could run 50 so smoothly (with some lag)
04:09.05sup_shouldnt the pre comfortably run at least HALF. which would be 25
04:09.06irdI don't think you could run 50 apps that were actually doing something.
04:09.09irdMost of his were just webpages.
04:09.11AbyssulRAM issue, theres probably little that software could do
04:09.27AbyssulWhy would you run more than 10 apps at once anyways
04:09.43irdI only run 3 or 4 at most.
04:09.44sup_Abyssul, So the pre could comfortably run 10 apps right?
04:09.45bpadalinoi want to run 10 instances of need for speed
04:09.48jacquessup_: remember the OS also uses RAM
04:09.54Abyssulsup_: Depends what programs
04:10.01irdbpadalino: what about NFS and Xplane at the same time!
04:10.04sup_How many do you comfortably run?
04:10.17Abyssulird: I think that could be done
04:10.27irdBut pointless :p
04:10.27Abyssulsup_: I run no more than 5 at a time
04:10.28bpadalinoit would be amusing if they both didn't pause .. and you tried controlling both at the same time
04:10.43jacqueslet's say the OS uses 128MiB RAM, leaving 128 MiB for apps, (in a 256MiB device) on a 512MiB device, there would be 384 MiB for apps - 3x as much
04:10.43irdSplit screen.
04:10.47sup_Abyssul, does it lag when you run 5?
04:10.51sup_or it runs smooth?
04:10.58Abyssulsup_: Pretty smooth
04:11.16AbyssulDoes good until the memory leaks kick in
04:11.24Abyssulbut that will happen to any Pre
04:11.50sup_I just ordered a German pre
04:11.55sup_so I am quite excited.
04:11.56destinal-homeird:  search hildonize and think the reverse
04:12.44Abyssulsup_: I felt pretty thrilled when I was playing Quake, listening to Pandora, and texting at the same time
04:13.02AbyssulEspecially with the advanced gestures, it was so elegant
04:14.37irddestinal-home: way ahead of you :D
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04:16.31jacquesshouldn't it be "de-hildon" ?
04:16.46jacquesthe app is already hildonized
04:16.51sup_Is the Pre as powerful as the N900?
04:17.04jacquesize == apply, de == remove
04:17.17AbyssulI found out how to change the default search engine for the browser
04:17.20zsocjacques: is that like irregardless? :p
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04:18.24jacqueszsoc: quite, indeed
04:19.06sup_How many of you guys here are developers?
04:19.48zsocsup_: I suppose all of the ones with the +'s at least?
04:20.03xcompdevelopers developers developers developers
04:20.33sup_I know there is a patch to change QWERTZ to QWERTY however, can I physically change it? any advice?
04:20.34destinal-homenarrowly dodges a flying chair
04:20.35zsocalthough calling _some_ of us developers is really ... a stretch
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04:20.55destinal-homesup_: Indeed.
04:21.12Abyssulsup_: I believe that has to do with Meta-doctor
04:21.16*** join/#webos-internals firestrider (i=48bde2e5@gateway/web/freenode/x-sxxotsmnllaekwey)
04:21.40destinal-homesup_: I think you can physically _swap_ it with a keyboard from a pre, but I don't know if anyone has proved it yet.
04:21.49destinal-homeI know rod was going to try
04:22.23xcompand for good measure,
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04:24.13Abyssulxcomp: WTF is this!?
04:24.22AbyssulA little girl screaming?
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04:25.40jacquesaww, I thought it was expedite running on gles
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04:27.31xenoph0bedoobie doobie doo
04:32.36dtzWillspeaking of which, anyone have an update on the snes work that was being done?
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04:36.33cryptk|workhows it goin
04:37.18destinal-homedtzWill: uh, so, I compiled snes9x for ARM, it didn't run full speed or have sound and I think a different emulator (drnoksnes) will run significanly faster.
04:38.23destinal-homedtzWill: I can put up what I have in nonworking but I think we'd be going down the wrong path throwing too much time into it
04:39.07destinal-homeI could be wrong, of course
04:39.46dtzWilldestinal-home: drnoksnes looked like the most likely candidate when i was giving it a look a while back
04:39.57destinal-homeit just needs dehildonizing I imagine
04:40.07xcompok ... it builds now
04:40.17xcompdammit I need a faster cpu
04:40.59zsocxcomp: ftw
04:41.26xcompyeah, I think I can safely say we won't be distributing GLES headers
04:41.42xcompjust tell people how to get them
04:42.06dtzWillxcomp: errr why's that?
04:42.14xcompdtzWill: because they're not open source
04:42.32dtzWillxcomp: oh. well that's a good reason :).
04:42.34xcomperr... wait a minute
04:42.35destinal-homexcomp: can the stager download them?
04:43.02dtzWillxcomp: where _are_ these headers from? haha. you mean the egl stuff? (B/c the gles headers themselves are definitely open from khronos, right?)
04:43.09xcompit IS open source -SGI license
04:43.15zsocer, but can distribute binaries compiled against non opensource headers? no?
04:43.16dtzWilldestinal-home: what's (de-)hildonizing?
04:43.29zsocxcomp: yeah I said sgi :p
04:43.35xcompwe'll distribute them, I take it back
04:44.08xcompthe EULA when I downloaded the SDK indicated otherwise
04:44.08xcompbut the headers themselves contain an SGI license so we're good
04:44.14zsocxcomp: sgi is gpl compartible?
04:44.22xcompi believe so
04:44.22zsocmakes up words
04:44.28zsocwooo, scotch
04:46.38cryptk|workso I had come up with an awesome idea this morning while I was tired... but then I slept... and forgot it...
04:46.51cryptk|workhopefully I will remember it again at some point before all of you go to sleep
04:47.36zsoccryptk|work: we can grade the perspective of your potential idea based on your passed performance of successful ideas
04:47.41cryptk|workbtw, dtzWill after playing Assassins Creed some more... I really think they would have been better off by just ripping off your joystick...
04:47.58cryptk|workzsoc: I did come up with an idea everyone liked the other day
04:48.07jacqueshow does an app get from cross-compile.git to an ipkg ? is there any automated way of doing that ? is that what the autobuilder does ?
04:48.11xcompargh... SDL_opengles.h does not play nice with gl2.h
04:48.21zsoccryptk|work: Well then, we're off to a good start :> try hypnosis?
04:48.32cryptk|workhaving the e-mail that preware opens when you click on a developers name have some pre-filled info... like WebOS version, installed version of the app and whatnot
04:48.37zsocxcomp: in what way? they should be _mostly_ interchangeable
04:48.53xcompas in you can't include them both simultaneously
04:49.50cryptk|workbtw, is there a reason that you can't upgrade to beta versions of preware from within preware?
04:50.08cryptk|workis it to keep the average user from running the betas?
04:50.18*** part/#webos-internals Abyssul (
04:50.25zsoccryptk|work: no, it's to stop the world from ending
04:50.45cryptk|worka better answer would have been "because you touch yourself at night"
04:50.54cryptk|workthat is a good response to all questions actually
04:51.30zsoccryptk|work: who does that at night? i never understood that
04:51.38zsocalso, scotch
04:51.57cryptk|workscotch is a good answer to not just all questions... but it is also a good answer to things that don't even need answers
04:52.13zsoccryptk|work: and technically preware _is_ beta, so i assume you're referring to alpha versions
04:52.36zsocpreware-bootstrap is the turing test
04:52.51cryptk|worktesting for intelligence, very nice
04:52.52zsocit takes nearly _no_ effort to install terminal app and type 3 lines of code
04:55.17cryptk|workzsoc: with a &&, the right options in wget and a | you could do it in one line
04:55.28*** join/#webos-internals ron001-wIRC (n=wIRCer@
04:56.10zsoccryptk|work: hey hey, don't make it too easy ;) and ; > &&
04:56.15cryptk|workactually, you could cut out the && cause with teh right options on wget you wouldn't even save the bootstrap to your phone, lol
04:56.34zsoccryptk|work: oh you're a bash guy? ;)
04:56.51cryptk|workwget -O - | /bin/sh
04:57.20cryptk|workthat would download it into cache and run it without ever actually saving ti to your phone
04:57.23egaudetPuffTheMagic, ok verified success that I can change anyone's launcher icon from C service
04:57.53egaudetLSCallFromApplication :P
04:58.15cryptk|workzsoc: feel free to add that line into the preware wiki if you want, lol
04:58.17egaudetthey won't let me change other apps icons so I just tell them I am that app lol
04:58.19PuffTheMagicisnt that lib awesome :D
04:58.46egaudethaha yep
04:58.54jacques; < &&
04:58.59PuffTheMagicservices are like "god mode" in doom
04:59.15zsoccryptk|work: lol thank you for the bash lesson :D
04:59.27zsocfeels underestimated
04:59.32cryptk|workhaha, I know you don't need it, lol
04:59.49zsocegaudet: wait, when you said "Change", you mean WITH luna restart right?
04:59.52cryptk|workI just didn't know if you wanted to have the one liner on the wiki so I wasn't gonna add it
04:59.54egaudetchanging all the apps inside the app launcher could be done from the app launcher's javascript
05:00.02egaudetbut those pesky quicklaunch ones weren't
05:00.07egaudetzsoc, no
05:00.15egaudetI mean in front of your face magic
05:00.16jacques&& will only do next command if previous exited without error
05:00.22jacques; doesn't care
05:00.23zsocegaudet: ON THE BUFFER?!
05:00.37zsocjacques: yes i understand that, I suppose the context matters :)
05:01.05egaudetwhat buffer
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05:01.32zsocegaudet: uh, the fb
05:01.36egaudetright now my preware icon is calendar icon hehe
05:01.50egaudetzsoc, yeah you call it and then your icon changes :P
05:02.06zsocegaudet: hm.. that's interesting. tells you something about how luna updates the buffer
05:02.16cryptk|workwell the whole && <> ; arguement is void since the line I wrote doesn't use either, lol
05:02.22cryptk|workjust uses a pipe
05:02.47*** join/#webos-internals sportman (n=sportman@
05:02.52sportmancan you guys do me a favor
05:02.59sportmanmy firend is in a radio show contest
05:03.04sportman - make sure to vote for Stephen from North Kingstown!
05:03.18egaudetso this means we can have REAL actual themes
05:03.29egaudetand we can all thank PuffTheMagic for it :D
05:03.40zsocsportman: do i know you?
05:03.51zsocegaudet: he doesn't need the ego push ;)
05:04.06zsoccryptk|work: pipes ftw :>
05:04.24egaudetdBsooner, were you looking for me earlier?
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05:05.05PuffTheMagicegaudet: so that is just the icons... did you test out any of the css stuff?
05:05.57sportmanzsoc yes i hang in this room a decent amount
05:06.05sportmanzsoc the contest isnt for me though
05:06.29dBsooneregaudet: yeah.. you said, "hang on"
05:06.30egaudetPuffTheMagic, no not yet but that will be the easy part, that's all from javascript
05:06.34dBsoonerand that was it
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05:07.22egaudetPuffTheMagic, the only issue is like for the calendar app it updates it's launch icon every day with that same service call so probably need to patch it.
05:07.31egaudetdBsooner, hmm I dunno
05:07.33egaudetstop hanging on
05:07.46dBsoonerits in pm
05:08.25PuffTheMagicegaudet: more reason why its a bad idea
05:08.45cryptk|workzsoc: | > ( && + ; )
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05:09.12zsocsportman: you might want to consider finding a reason /b/ would like your friend
05:09.12cryptk|workalthough that is apples and oranges
05:09.49zsocsportman: i mean, they put the TIME magazine polls in a special order to spell out a meme with the first letter of each persons name ;)
05:11.25sportmandidnt know this
05:11.45zsocscotch does odd things...
05:13.16cryptk|worklike make zsoc write weird code...
05:13.53xcomptakes AM_CONDITIONAL out back and shoots it
05:14.02dtzWillxcomp: no one will miss it
05:14.05dtzWillxcomp: ;)
05:14.12cryptk|workxcomp: you can borrow my M1 Garand
05:14.40egaudetPuffTheMagic, bad idea in general? or bad idea to use the service?
05:15.30PuffTheMagici just think messing with other apps is a bad idea, i think themes should be limited to general system aspects
05:16.22PuffTheMagicidk.. i mean i understand they are wanted
05:17.02xcompi can't believe am_conditional has just wasted an hour of my time
05:17.48egaudetactually come to think of it, it wouldn't have to patch the calendar app
05:19.14zsocxcomp: i'm just glad it's not me :>
05:31.42firestrideranyone know how to get a channel list of webchat?
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05:34.55sportmanzsoc im drinking brandy mm
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05:48.05destinal-homedtzWill: hildonizing is converting an app for maemo, dehildonizing (which I may have been the first one to coin, lol) is the inverse of that
05:49.00dtzWilldestinal-home: gotcha. since then i was able to stumble upon "hildon" and read up on that--"hildonization" didn't seem google friendly. or i can't type. or read :).
05:49.11dtzWilldestinal-home: thanks though, that makes sense. bummer we have to migrate off it
05:49.23destinal-homewell, we could implement all of it :)
05:49.34dtzWilldestinal-home: we should just get qt running on the pre
05:49.37egaudetso we can modify icons with the C service, patch the framework to allow a custom "theme" along the lines of the -dark theme, and patch the framework to load stylesheets from /media for each stylesheet it loads as well to overwrite simple things
05:49.54destinal-homeyou guys are really pursuing the PWI project?
05:50.09egaudetsure why not
05:50.33destinal-homehey, cool.  hope you've got good beverages
05:50.52destinal-homeis drinking New Belgium 1554
05:51.55egaudetI've proven all parts of it, so that's the beginnings of actual themeing for webos, I'll have my bud with me :P
05:55.51*** join/#webos-internals eternaleye (
05:56.32destinal-homehas anyone tried with the Pre's canvas stuff?
06:00.24xcomphmm, it does have an sdl gui
06:03.48destinal-homexcomp: no, canvas, like html5
06:04.04destinal-homethey've got a web version now
06:04.07sportmanyou guys working on anything new?
06:04.27jacquesdestinal-home: wow
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06:05.47xcompahhh crap
06:06.01xcompit's display gibberish
06:06.14xcompi knew it was too good to be true :)
06:06.39xcompi'm done for todya
06:06.44xcompcommitting changes
06:12.58dBsooneregaudet: what the heck is taking the autobuilder so long?
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06:34.06cryptk|workhows about adding a cool effect to preware when changing between scenes...
06:34.07destinal-homeINFO: Modem Updater: Warning!  You can potentially trashed your modem firmware if system lost the power in the middle of updating firmware
06:34.26cryptk|workdestinal-home: where did you find that little gem of engrish?
06:34.57destinal-homecryptk|work: the modem flasher run by doctor.  I always run doctor from command line with java -jar  to watch
06:35.14cryptk|workthat is excellent!
06:35.21cryptk|workpalm outsource FAIL!
06:35.37cryptk|workwoohoo... I get to make a logon account for someone!
06:36.22cryptk|workgotta love being a system administrator!
06:36.32destinal-homecryptk|work: I don't mind a normally unviewed warning not speaking good english :)
06:37.14destinal-homeI just have to make sure the system does not lost the power
06:37.18cryptk|workneither do I, but it is always funny
06:37.32cryptk|workat least everything is spelled right
06:37.36cryptk|workjust bad grammar
06:37.56cryptk|workbut they ARE all valid english words
06:39.01destinal-home"Watch out!  The road is very sweaty!"  -- English subtitle in a Hong Kong film
06:41.22cryptk|workdon't forget the one that started them all
06:41.29cryptk|workALL YOUR BASE ARE BELONG TO US!!!
06:41.34cryptk|worksomeone set us up the bomb!!!
06:41.38destinal-homeZero wing rules
06:41.55destinal-homewhat you say!
06:43.50cryptk|workTake off every "zig"! You know what you doing. Move "zig". For great justice.
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06:47.59jacquesI can potentially haz trashed modem?
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06:54.52destinal-homejacques: yes u can haz
06:56.20destinal-homeI think it would require severe unluck
07:02.31dBsooneregaudet: ping
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07:10.28cryptk|workdestinal-home: I can has brick phone fix by doctor which has possibly break modem?
07:12.26cryptk|workwhy has doctor possibly break phone... my thought doctor make fix phone?
07:13.35joshuaits a witch doctor
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07:14.41twickzwhat you say!
07:15.37jacquesgotta sleep - later
07:16.06joshuawe are warriors of the night
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07:30.09dBsoonerNight ya'll
07:33.21*** join/#webos-internals gollyzila2 (
07:34.19gollyzila2What? I thought I had registered my nick as gollyzila, not gollyzila2
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07:41.02dBsoonermore patches added to feed. Tweeted. rwhitby? And G'night y'all.
07:41.58destinal1so, that's weird, original xplane doesn't appear in catalog but xplane carrier does?
07:41.59*** join/#webos-internals bdub_ (i=441f696f@gateway/web/freenode/x-wqtzjtljyqjtucsi)
07:45.01gollyzila2How do I unregister my nick so I can change it to gollyzila?
07:46.30cryptk|workgollyzila2: is your nick set as gollyzilla in wirc?
07:46.39cryptk|workand do you have the authentication in wirc set up?
07:47.47gollyzila2I have my nick set as gollyzila, yes. I'm not sure by what you mean by authentication. Can you elaborate please?
07:48.31cryptk|workin the configuration for freenode in wirc, click on advanced
07:49.29*** join/#webos-internals cryptk|wirc (
07:49.36cryptk|workmake sure you have the username and password set in there
07:49.50gollyzila2Everything is blank except the Perform on Connect.... I set it up to connect me to #webos-internals automatically
07:49.57cryptk|wircmy wirc authenticated...
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07:50.24cryptk|worktype in /msg nickserv info
07:51.10gollyzila2Okay. I authenticated. Should I disconnect/reconnect?
07:51.13cryptk|workor better yet, in the freenode configuration in wirc, set user to whatever username you registered and password to whatever password you used
07:51.20cryptk|workdisco and reco
07:51.25*** part/#webos-internals gollyzila2 (
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07:52.02cryptk|workand in the freenode configuration (not under advanced) what is it showing in the nickname field
07:52.22cryptk|workis it gollyzila or gollyzila2
07:53.01gollyzila2gollyzila2 was just a temporary nick
07:53.16cryptk|worklemme check something
07:53.20*** join/#webos-internals cryptk|wirc (
07:53.27joshuahack the planet
07:53.49cryptk|workok, click on freenode in wirc (not on the buttons, just on freenode)
07:53.55cryptk|workthat will open the server status window
07:54.13cryptk|workare you seeing something towards the bottom about being identified as gollyzila
07:54.22cryptk|workand having a +e mode set by services?
07:54.28*** part/#webos-internals cryptk|wirc (
07:54.51gollyzila2it says  gollyzila2 is not a registered nickname
07:55.08cryptk|workgo to the app menu (top left) and click on identity
07:55.47cryptk|workwhat does it have listed under nicknames
07:56.04cryptk|workgollyzila or gollyzila2
07:56.36cryptk|workmay need to be on the main wirc window to get the identity entry in the app menu
07:57.01gollyzila2It shows gollyzila
07:57.33gollyzila2will be back in 10min
07:58.57cryptk|workso it has gollyzila and ONLY gollyzila?
08:03.59gollyzila2Correct. And the option to add another nick
08:04.10*** join/#webos-internals valexa (
08:04.59cryptk|workgollyzila2 has to be in there somewhere...
08:05.11cryptk|worktry just doing /nick gollyzila
08:05.36cryptk|worknow log out and back in
08:05.44cryptk|workcompletely close and reopen wirc
08:05.45*** part/#webos-internals gollyzila (
08:06.02*** join/#webos-internals gollyzila2 (
08:06.25cryptk|workhang on, I am gonna PM ya since this is technically OT for this channel
08:11.12*** part/#webos-internals gollyzila2 (
08:14.03*** join/#webos-internals mystery (i=4602e3f1@gateway/web/freenode/x-krcnfrbaixzwkrcg)
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08:39.49*** part/#webos-internals valexa (
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08:41.56cryptk|workoil: lol?
08:42.16cryptk|workwhat is so lol?
08:42.39*** part/#webos-internals gollyzila (
08:42.56cryptk|worksoemone set us up the bomb?
08:44.09*** join/#webos-internals gollyzila (
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08:55.31*** join/#webos-internals gollyzila2 (
08:56.39cryptk|workdid you change your settings in the WIRC settings to your new password?
08:56.58gollyzila2cryptk|work: yes I did
08:58.17*** part/#webos-internals gollyzila2 (
08:58.48*** join/#webos-internals PreGame (n=PreGame@unaffiliated/pregame)
08:58.48*** mode/#webos-internals [+v PreGame] by ChanServ
09:01.19*** join/#webos-internals gollyzila2 (
09:01.38gollyzila2I changed my nick to PantsOnTheGround
09:01.57oilis that your password?
09:02.06oilall i see is ****************
09:02.18cryptk|workno, his WIRC is stuck on gollyzilla2...
09:02.27oilso change it
09:02.28cryptk|workhe can't get it to change
09:02.52oilclick the little gear next to your configureation
09:03.01oilin the nickname dropdown, select the right one
09:03.07gollyzila2Already did that
09:03.13oilthats all it takes
09:03.38gollyzila2I put a new nick and deleted the rest
09:03.46oiland selected it there
09:03.50gollyzila2Yet it still shows me as gollyzila2
09:04.08oiland what does typing /nick gollyzilla say in the server status?
09:05.00oilhits the sack
09:05.13gollyzilaIt says it's registered and that I need to identify. BUT no matter what nick I set up in WIRC, it still shows me as gollyzila2
09:06.46cryptk|workoil the problem is that he has to do that every time
09:07.09cryptk|workwirc does not save it across restarts... and he has his nick in wirc set to gollyzila, not gollyzila2
09:07.23oilit _should_ save it across restarts
09:07.27oilwhen you select it in the dropdown
09:07.28oilif its not...
09:07.29cryptk|workbut it isn't
09:07.34oilorange+tap wirc
09:07.35oiland delete it
09:07.36cryptk|workbbiab, gotta work
09:07.39airmackread-only file?
09:07.40oilthen reinstall it
09:07.58oilremove it with orange+tap though, removing it through preware doesn't delete the cookies
09:08.20oilthats my last suggestion
09:08.22gollyzilaI'll reinstall then. Is orange+tap the best way to delete every app?
09:08.24oilnow im really going to sleep
09:09.11gollyzilaThank you oil and cryptk|work
09:09.13*** part/#webos-internals gollyzila (
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09:15.01gollyzilayessssss hallelujah!
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09:18.06gollyzilaThanks a bunch for your help cryptk|work
09:18.15gollyzilaAnd you too oil
09:18.20*** part/#webos-internals gollyzila (
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10:23.12cryptk|workgollyzila2: are you on WIRC or on your home computer?
10:23.19cryptk|workcause it has the 2 again
10:23.49cryptk|workif you are on your home computer then you just need to change settings... if you are on WIRC... then we need to look into it more
10:24.03gollyzila2Server window is saying that gollyzila is still connected. Soooooo I have to remotely disconnect it
10:24.04*** join/#webos-internals jjore (
10:24.15cryptk|workyou can do that with nickserv
10:24.24gollyzila2What's the command?
10:24.29cryptk|workoops, wrong one
10:24.40cryptk|workare you identified?
10:24.49cryptk|workwith /msg nickserv identify?
10:25.14cryptk|workif not that is fine
10:25.14gollyzila2gollyzila should be identified. Gollyzila2 is not registered
10:25.14cryptk|workjust do...
10:25.29cryptk|workthat will boot gollyzila off
10:25.37cryptk|workthen you can take the nick back
10:26.02*** part/#webos-internals gollyzila2 (
10:26.21*** join/#webos-internals gollyzila (
10:26.29cryptk|workthere ya go
10:26.43cryptk|workso if someone takes your name, you can use that command to kick them off
10:27.00cryptk|workthen you can swap to it with /nick, or just disconnect and reconnect
10:27.12cryptk|workdo you have WIRC set to automatically identify you?
10:27.17gollyzilaYes I do
10:27.21cryptk|workin the freenode advanced settings
10:27.25*** join/#webos-internals hawiwo (n=hw@
10:27.26cryptk|workyou are all set up then
10:27.38*** part/#webos-internals hawiwo (n=hw@
10:28.40gollyzilaThanks a bunch. Oh I have an unrelated question. Is there a way to install an ipk through a terminal command right on the Pre? I know it has to do with ipkg but I don't know the exact command
10:29.41cryptk|workuhm... yes there is... I don't know it off hand though
10:29.52cryptk|workgimmie a minute and I will find it for ya
10:30.10gollyzilaThanks. I searched the wiki but it's old info
10:32.58cryptk|workyeah, it has it installing to /var
10:33.10cryptk|workI don't know the full innards of how cryptofs works
10:33.24cryptk|workso i don't know if we can jsut change it to /media/cryptofs or what
10:33.31cryptk|workI would jsut install them with Quick Install
10:33.49cryptk|workthat is the best way anyway, you will know that it is done right and that you will be able to uninstall it properly
10:36.08gollyzilaI guess. It's been only a few times when I need to install an ipk while away from my comp. I wonder if Preware can check the /media/internal partition for any ipk's and ask if I would like Preware to install them
10:36.38cryptk|workthat would be a cool idea
10:37.15cryptk|workhave an option in the main scene called "local packages"
10:37.26gollyzilaYeah exactly
10:37.35cryptk|workit will list any ipk files located in /media/internal/ipk/
10:37.47cryptk|workand you can click to install/remove/update/whatever
10:37.48gollyzilaIt seems plausible since preware has to download ipk from the feeds
10:38.05cryptk|workit would just be skipping the download step
10:38.58gollyzilaIt'd be easier to download/install beta apps from the testing feeds
10:41.58cryptk|workactually, there is an easier way
10:42.02cryptk|workyou add the testing feed to preware
10:42.08cryptk|workthen install them through preware
10:42.13infobotsomebody said testing-feed was a means of testing new WebOS Internals products, documented at
10:52.07*** join/#webos-internals hawiwo (n=hw@
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10:54.19gollyzilacryptk|work: Cool thanks. Do you know the webos-internals developers? Do mind telling them about my on-device ipk installation idea?
10:55.13cryptk|workI will mention it next time some of them are on
10:55.28cryptk|workI don't know them personally or anything, but I frequent the channel and have a working relationship with a couple
10:55.40cryptk|workI have/am beta testing stuff for some of them
10:56.08gollyzilaWhat are you beta testing?
10:59.16*** join/#webos-internals cryptk|work (i=89f20125@gateway/web/freenode/x-plzjzppiaiddnsud)
10:59.28cryptk|worklost my interwebs for a second
10:59.41cryptk|workI beta test pretty much everything that dtzWill comes out with
10:59.49cryptk|workas well as a couple other things that I am not allowed to talk about
11:01.40gollyzilaOh cool. I see that there are patches already set up on the feeds for 1.4. Do developers get beta version of 1.4?
11:02.03joshuaSeems that way
11:02.07cryptk|workthere is the early release program that some developers are let in to, but you will never find a developer saying that they are in it
11:02.14joshuaLots of updated apps appear right before the OS update
11:02.15cryptk|workthey are under a very strict NDA
11:02.46cryptk|workthey are not allowed to release any details about upcoming updates, if they do and they are caught then they get removed from the program forever
11:03.05cryptk|workso they are allowed to update their apps early, but they are not allowed to release any details
11:03.26cryptk|workI am sure a couple of the internals guys are in it, but your guess is as good as mine as to who exactly
11:03.38gollyzilaI have seen some developers say that they "don't have". So it's inferred that they are testing 1.4.
11:04.05cryptk|workwho have you seen say that?
11:04.13cryptk|workthey are walking a very fine line with Palm
11:04.38cryptk|worka line that I wouldn't even dare get close to touching if i were in the early release
11:04.56cryptk|workwhich, as a beta tester for a couple of guys here... I am not qualified enough to get in it, lol
11:05.25gollyzilaI can't remember who. But they were having problems regarding an app, and they were asked what firmware version they had.
11:05.54cryptk|workit could have just been a user then
11:06.03cryptk|workthey may have had (if they are GSM)
11:06.12cryptk|workor could have still not upgraded to
11:06.19cryptk|worklots of possibilities
11:06.48gollyzilaI'm curious if some Palm executives have Preware and patches on there phones
11:07.09cryptk|workI wouldn't be surprised
11:08.42gollyzilaHopefully they're watching precentral forums like a hawk, cause the homebrew community have some much needed requests Palm needs to deliver
11:09.09cryptk|workit is also a pretty much known fact that they monitor this very IRC channel
11:09.34cryptk|worksomeone at palm will likely read what we are saying now, that is if they are not reading it at this very moment
11:09.48cryptk|workbbiab, break time
11:09.50gollyzilaO.o coooool
11:09.57cryptk|workbtw, glad you got your wirc figured out
11:10.05gollyzilaThanks for the help
11:11.21iSmitei did it first!!
11:11.30*** join/#webos-internals saurik_ (
11:11.36iSmite2 days ago i photoshopped dom joly and today hes uploaded that
11:13.05gollyzilaIn that case, thank you Palm for being so supportive of homebrew and it's community.
11:13.05iSmitei have a boring question but one thats been bugging me since i got my pre
11:13.37gollyzilajumps in bed
11:13.44*** part/#webos-internals gollyzila (
11:13.54iSmiteis there a way that i can have one sound for texts but one for all other notifications because a ringtone every time my yahoo goes off is really aggravating but i dont want a short beep for texts
11:14.05iSmiteomfg saurik was in here?
11:14.29joshuawhy do they seperate the american and uk funnyordie... do they think us americans won't get the jokes
11:14.50iSmitewell..i best not comment on that lol
11:15.43iSmiteso can i change my text sound from the notification sound cos i cant see a patch that doe
11:16.02iSmiteeverything makes the same damn sound
11:16.13*** mode/#webos-internals [+v saurik_] by ChanServ
11:16.16joshuai bet theres a patch for that
11:16.30iSmitebows down to saurik
11:16.55iSmitei couldnt see one, the only patch i saw like that was a different tone for each text but i dont want that
11:17.13iSmitei just want texts separate to notifications
11:18.00joshuacan never have enough matt berry
11:29.48*** join/#webos-internals Suruat (
11:30.25Suruatanyone still awake?
11:30.54cryptk|workthere is one, I forget what it is named though
11:31.42cryptk|worklemme see if I can find the patch
11:33.26Suruatyay Palm Accept my app!!!
11:33.33cryptk|workthe patch is called Select Alert and Notification Tones
11:33.44cryptk|workiSmite: ^^^
11:33.46SuruatI am an oficial developer now lol
11:33.52cryptk|workSuruat: what app is it?
11:33.58joshuayeah wheres it at
11:34.23joshuais it eye test
11:34.43iSmitewill that just let me get one tone for sms then
11:34.50iSmitei dont have to set every contact do i
11:35.08cryptk|workI think so
11:35.14cryptk|workI am installing it now to check it out
11:35.33iSmitesomething horrible happening in our irc
11:35.43iSmitebrb thanks by the way
11:36.14cryptk|workin whos irc?
11:36.36joshuanever heard of irc before
11:38.50iSmitewell bang goes the vhosts.
11:39.50cryptk|workjoshua: you have never heard of IRC?
11:40.24cryptk|workI mean.... you are talking on IRC right now... lol
11:41.37*** part/#webos-internals michote (
11:42.17iSmitethis is horrible someone impersonating someone has exception for ban and kicking everyone out and we dont know which is the real one as hes hacked his pw
11:45.06Suruathey guys with the new pdk coming in march, will developers be able to code in Java or is it just restricted to c++
11:48.19cryptk|worknot sure what it is restricted to
11:49.02cryptk|workiSmite: the person who really owns the account should be able to log in and boot the guy off the account, then change the password
11:49.24iSmiteweve got moof admin onto it
11:49.30iSmitewe know who it is now
11:49.34cryptk|workis it on freenode?
11:49.37iSmitegonna gline
11:49.42cryptk|workif so jsut have him ghost the guy off
11:49.53iSmitewe know now
11:49.55cryptk|workgline will do the trick
11:49.56iSmitethx anyway
11:52.02iSmitedid that patch work?
11:52.50cryptk|workI can't really test it here cause I am at work and can't have my phone making a bunch of noise
11:52.54cryptk|workbut it seems so
11:53.10cryptk|workit adds options into the sounds and ringtones for alert and notification
11:53.19cryptk|workone of those should change the SMS tone
11:53.36cryptk|workI don't know if it will change only the SMS tone though
11:53.49iSmitethe sms is the same as notification tone normally..oh
11:54.13iSmiteno it wont then
11:55.19cryptk|workI think there may be an app that does it, hold on a sec
11:56.36cryptk|workSMS tone per contact also lets you change the default SMS tone
11:56.41cryptk|workI jsut found that out
11:56.47cryptk|workin addition to setting it per contact
11:57.14cryptk|workI am installing it to check
11:57.29*** part/#webos-internals Suruat (
11:58.49cryptk|workiSmite: looks like it gives you the ability to set an SMS tone for each contact, as well as a global tone for all SMS's... if neither is set then it falls back to the Alert tone
11:58.59cryptk|workso the SMS tone per contact will do what you are after
11:59.04iSmiteooh thanks
11:59.10cryptk|workbut I am installing now to test it
11:59.18cryptk|workluna restarting as we speak
11:59.31iSmiteits really aggravating when a network message or missed call or anythign like that makes the same noise as a text
11:59.35cryptk|workbtw, pretty sure the SMS tone patch will not isntall with the fuirst one I mentioned
11:59.42cryptk|workI agree
11:59.44iSmitei think i have that first one
12:00.11cryptk|workyep, I now have an entry in sounds&ringtones for messages
12:00.30cryptk|workso remove the alerts and notifications sound patch and install the SMS tone per contact patch
12:00.32iSmitenice, thanks loads
12:01.05iSmiteim female!! in case u wondering why a bloke would do <3 i forget sometimes when im in a new room
12:01.12iSmitebut yeah thanks
12:01.16cryptk|workand as a side benefiet you can also set a seperate SMS tone and ringtone on a per contact basis
12:01.29cryptk|workhaha, no biggie
12:01.37iSmiteyes im thinking of getting something from hammer horror for the mother in law
12:01.45cryptk|workdo it
12:01.55cryptk|workalways nice to see women getting into all the techno geeky stuff, lol
12:02.06cryptk|worktypically a "boys playground"
12:02.27iSmitei admin an iphone site and irc...350, 000 people
12:02.43iSmiteyes girls arent on the internet so im told :P
12:04.26joshuais it a part of a network
12:04.35joshuaor just a server with that many peeps
12:04.39iSmitethey all hate me for going to the pre but im bored of the iphone theres only so much hacking you can do with it and i wanted something new to play with
12:05.06joshuawe have a freenode server on our network I think, and they have an efnet hub forum 350, 000 members (largest iphone site) irc is on
12:05.14joshuabut the weirdo that loves freebsd runs it
12:05.28iSmiteyou should come in sometime we flame people for free
12:07.35joshuaahh awkwardtv is on there, that was originally something a dude on somethingawful started i think
12:08.18*** join/#webos-internals jauderho (
12:08.28iSmitedamn i wish id registered on here with my normal irc name but i never expected to stay, ircs arent usually the most friendly of places, especially ours but this is a nice room
12:08.37iSmitecan i change it?
12:08.59jauderhoanyone know how to check out a new remote git branch?
12:09.13iSmitehmm maybe i can group it
12:09.27jauderhoi cant remember the command
12:10.55iSmitemy growls failed so i dunno if that worked
12:11.05pumpacan u see me
12:11.20pumpaill come back in to make sure
12:11.25*** part/#webos-internals pumpa (n=iSmite@
12:11.55joshuai can see it all
12:12.02*** join/#webos-internals pumpa (n=iSmite@
12:12.24pumpacan you see me
12:12.31pumpayep its worked
12:13.55cryptk|workpumpa: did you group it to your other name?
12:14.04*** join/#webos-internals Ron001 (
12:14.12pumpacan you see my tho
12:14.13cryptk|workall good then, I have several names, all grouped to cryptk
12:14.21pumpai remembered the commans
12:14.24pumpayes i have loads
12:14.34pumpaspock is one of them rofl but i think it would be taken here
12:14.44pumpapumpa is my normal one
12:16.07cryptk|workI use my current nick the most
12:16.19cryptk|workI also have cryptk, cryptk|home and cryptk|wirc
12:18.08pumpalol your vhost is mad. where are you from
12:18.43joshuawhos where
12:19.35pumpai meant cryptk but anyone
12:19.45*** join/#webos-internals jrmuizel (
12:19.48pumpamines not hosted so u can see im from uk
12:19.49cryptk|workwhat are you seeing as my vhost?
12:20.13cryptk|workI am at work, I am on a DOD owned computer
12:20.26pumpagateway/web/freenode/x-plzjzppiaiddnsud  and - http://we
12:20.31pumpaah ok
12:20.34pumpajust looked nusual
12:20.41cryptk|workyeah, I am using the freenode web IRC client
12:20.53cryptk|workruns in the browser
12:21.00cryptk|worksince I can't install an IRC client on a DOD comp
12:21.27pumpaew like a mibbit equivalent
12:21.49pumpai see youve banned mibbit well done lol they were gonna ban them off ours but didnt, such a shame there would have been much rejoicing
12:23.52cryptk|workwho banned what?
12:24.04pumpamibbit, you cant join freenode on mibbit
12:24.17cryptk|workwhat is mibbit?
12:24.35pumpawhat every annoying person uses to join irc chat when they dont have a client
12:24.48cryptk|workno, the one I am using is an official one from freenode
12:25.02pumpahmm can i have the address
12:25.06pumpamay come in useful
12:25.24cryptk|workthere is a link on the webos-internals site too
12:25.27pumpawe need one of those
12:25.39pumpaah ok
12:25.40cryptk|workautomatically fills in the channel name is you use that one
12:25.45cryptk|workanyways, time to log off for the day
12:25.54pumpadamn im supposed to be at too c ya thx for help
12:26.02cryptk|worknp, later
12:26.08*** part/#webos-internals cryptk|work (i=89f20125@gateway/web/freenode/x-plzjzppiaiddnsud)
12:43.30*** join/#webos-internals hucksy (n=hucksy@
12:48.10Ron001good morning...anyone up this early? I could use some help figuring out what is burning CPU cycles and draining my battery.
12:52.02*** join/#webos-internals playya (n=playya@unaffiliated/playya)
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12:58.08mueslizlficca: f off
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13:09.55Lumiereif any of the operators for the channel are here
13:10.05Lumiere+R makes it so those bots can't talk
13:10.10Lumierejust add a " If you can't speak, please register your Nick ( )
13:10.25rysThat's in the topic already iirc
13:10.37Lumierethen +R needs to be set
13:10.40Lumiereand it is
13:11.01rysI think they're just doing spammy CCTP things
13:11.24Lumierewith urls that make people into spammy things
13:16.30*** join/#webos-internals jrmuizel (n=jrmuizel@
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13:20.01InSearchOfPuffTheMagic, IIRC, you fllashed uboot to the pre?(but didnt get anywhere with it) correct?
13:32.39mobgodanyone here have this installed YouView - Visual Voicemail App
13:34.18*** join/#webos-internals destinal-wirc (
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13:35.08mobgodsup destinal
13:35.16*** part/#webos-internals hawiwo (n=hw@
13:35.25mobgodmorning lol
13:35.52mobgodquick one for ya i have a app installed i did uninstall but seems like its still there any ideas?
13:36.25destinal-wircwhat did you uninstall with?
13:36.59destinal-wirchmm,and how does it seem installed?
13:37.05mobgodi think my brother installed with WQI
13:37.36mobgodbc i lost my VM
13:37.54destinal-wirc(usually it seems like QI  comes into situations like these) :)
13:38.04destinal-wirclost your VM?
13:38.17destinal-wircwhich app, if I may ask?
13:38.19*** join/#webos-internals twickz (
13:38.38mobgodYouView - Visual Voicemail App
13:39.11mobgodshould i install again with WQI and than uninstall with the same
13:39.19destinal-wirchmmm,and did you install any patches for it to integrate better?
13:39.26destinal-wircor did he?
13:40.03destinal-wircnot sure, what does lost your vm mean?
13:40.36destinal-wircbut "lost?"
13:40.41mobgodstill telling me the youmail person ur tring to reach is not around ect...
13:41.28destinal-wirchmm,I've never used this app so this  is sounding pretty strange
13:41.31mobgodwhere can i look to see if the app is gone
13:41.43mobgodmaybe there is a file stuck somewere
13:42.32destinal-wircI think I need a longer explanation of what changes when you use the app and what didn't change when you remove it
13:42.53destinal-wircsorry brrb
13:43.51mobgodwell the app said there was a update i did try to update but the install process just hung up so i said the hell with the app and went to delete it
13:51.22*** join/#webos-internals mikewx (
13:53.13rick-homemobgod -- this is one of the google voice apps?
13:55.10rick-home~seen rwhitby
13:55.13infobotrwhitby is currently on #webos-internals (22h 58m 35s) #oe (22h 58m 35s) #nslu2-linux (22h 58m 35s). Has said a total of 27 messages. Is idling for 21h 45m 48s, last said: '(or AUPT releases, which doubled the peak for the last 24 hours)'.
13:55.13*** join/#webos-internals FreeTim (n=FreeTim@
13:55.13Ron001youview is a youmail visual voicemail app
13:55.50rick-homeThanks Ron, never heard of youmail.
13:56.33mobgodits driving me crazy
13:56.48rick-homemobgod  how did you try to remove it?
13:57.05Ron001I hadn't either, but have been in the alpha group for yourview since it was offered on precentral
13:57.06rick-homemobgod do you have the sdk installed?
13:57.20mobgodafter my retart brother told me he installed it with WQI
13:57.21Ron001I also had upgrade issues, but I believe it uninstalled ok
13:57.40mobgodRon001 did u try your voicemail yet
13:57.52rick-homemobgod -- do you have the sdk installed?
13:57.54Ron001Orange key + tap app and delete should remove it
13:58.11mobgodrick-home i think so
13:58.22mobgodnot sure like i said my brother did it
13:58.40rick-homemobgod,  does the youmail app show in the launcher?
13:58.53Ron001mobgod: I currently have not reinstalled.  I'm having an issue with the Hide App Vendors not cleanly removed.  was going to come here later when I had some time for help
13:58.56mobgodRon001 i did delete it but people still here youmail VM
13:59.11mobgodrick-home no
13:59.32rick-homemobgod,  you mean that people CALLING YOU still are re-directed to youmail voice mail?
13:59.32Ron001mobgod: its gone, you need to set your phone to not forward to youmail
13:59.39mobgodyes rick-home
13:59.47rick-homethat has NOTHING TO DO WITH THE APP.
14:00.03rick-homeYou have set your phone's ACCOUNT with sprint to conditional call forward to that number
14:00.19rick-homeyou need to UNDO that.
14:00.36mobgodso thats on sprints website?
14:01.10rick-homeyou do that from the phone
14:01.45Ron001go to and follow the instructions on how to change it back
14:02.01rick-homeor just do this.
14:02.06Ron001of course, you can check your VM's there too ;)
14:02.21mobgodi got it thanks
14:02.23rick-homeon your phone,  enter *38  and tell it to dial.
14:02.37mobgodthats what i did
14:02.46rick-homethat cancels the conditional call forward
14:02.55mobgodthanks guys btw rick-home any news
14:03.12rick-homeif you ever want it to go BACK you have to do a *28
14:03.22*** join/#webos-internals zsoc (n=zsoc@unaffiliated/zsoc)
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14:03.29rick-homenope.  Why don't you ping him and see if he replies to you???
14:03.34mobgodthe app has a lot of problems now
14:03.51rick-homemobgod  that's why I use gdial and google voice
14:04.25mobgodi have google voice
14:04.48mobgodgoing to email him now
14:06.21destinal-wircrick-home: morning
14:07.04mobgodemail sent
14:07.25rick-homemorning destinal-wirc
14:07.37rick-homelast nights peak was as high but shorter....
14:07.55rick-homeI'll be glad when Tom gets the new server installed.
14:08.06mobgodis appscoop not working?
14:08.55rick-homemobgod  most of us don't spend a lot of time checking out other people's installers.....
14:09.22zsocrick-home: other peoples installers? does not compute
14:10.23mobgodok well i guess its down than
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14:27.07destinal-prehmm,random wirc disconnect
14:29.11zsocwerkindoes if/fi ever stop being amusing?
14:29.33zsocwerkinI mean I've only been linux'ing for about 2 years
14:30.10Ron001Can someone help me remove a patch that didn't cleanly remove after the AUPT update?
14:30.30zsocwerkinRon001: what patch and what ipkg error?
14:30.51Ron001hide app vendors
14:31.19zsocwerkinRon001: is it functioning? (ie: are your app vendors hidden?)
14:31.47Ron001when I try to list apps in the catalog, it leaves the page blank
14:32.14Ron001ie. opening the recent page
14:32.19zsocwerkinRon001: ... so it's malfunctioning?
14:32.49Ron001yes, but I can open an individual page from the featured apps
14:33.03*** join/#webos-internals muchtall (
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14:34.04destinal-prezsoc: what's amusing?
14:34.11zsocwerkinRon001: you may want to consider EPR. a manual removal doesn't actually _remove_ anything, and there's no guarantee you can reinstall the patch again to remove it cleanly
14:34.30zsocwerkindestinal-pre: ending an if statement with fi
14:34.48Ron001zsocwerkin, I thought of that, just dreading the reinstall
14:35.07Ron001zsocwerkin, ill give it a try
14:36.10zsocwerkinRon001: at your own risk, there are 2 easy commands to manually removal from command line
14:37.23Ron001+zsocwerkin: ok
14:37.41Ron001+zsocwerkin: hint?
14:38.18dBsoonerMornin ya'll
14:39.09*** join/#webos-internals jrmuizel (
14:41.01destinal-predBsooner: morning
14:41.26dBsoonerOklahoma is shut down.
14:41.29dBsoonerthe whole state.
14:41.38dBsoonerAnd it's not that bad.
14:41.52nt4catsdBsooner: the rest of us won't miss it.  What good ever came from OK?
14:42.04nt4cats(where the wind comes whistlin' down the plain ...)
14:42.16nt4cats(and the corn is as high as an elephant's eye ...)
14:42.53nt4cats's Pre just turned into a block of molten slag. I recommend the rest of you do NOT irritate dBsooner
14:43.16dBsoonershe's from Broken Arrow. :)
14:44.18dBsoonerCarrie Underwood?
14:44.18dBsoonershe's from Checotah
14:44.25dBsoonerSee, good stuff DOES come from Oklahoma.
14:52.01destinal-preanyone else see ipad and want linux on it?
14:52.02Ron001+zsocwerkin: would you mind walking me through remove the patch from the command line?
14:53.44Ron001could anyone help me with that?
14:54.15nt4catsRon001: I arrived late and saw you chatting with zsoc ... which patches are you trying to remove?
14:55.14Ron001after the aupt update, the hide app vendors patch didn't update cleanly, i tried to remove with wosqi, but it left something behind, and the app catalog isn't working properly
14:55.18nt4catsRon001: ... and I'll repeat zsoc's warning that by manually removing patch ipk's you can leave the patched files in an inconsistent state and cause yourself problems down the road
14:55.44Ron001I'll epr if thats better
14:56.34nt4catsRon001: I am not an expert on this topic -- but EPR sounds safer because I believe that EPR does a good job at restoring files from backups if they're present
14:56.57*** join/#webos-internals cmtmtxaytyrs (
14:57.12Ron001fair enough.  I can multitask whilst reinstalling the 53 patches I have.
14:57.13en0xu should add +R
14:57.16en0xto this channel
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15:00.19Ron001nt4cats: if I did manually remove the patch, would the Emerg Recon Util fix any inconsistencies?
15:01.32nt4catsRon001: I don't know if EPR looks for all backup files -- or only looks for backup files for installed .ipks (I'll check the wiki) ...
15:04.01*** part/#webos-internals destinal-pre (
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15:06.13zsocwerkinRon001: sorry, working
15:06.36zsocwerkinRon001: no, the recon utility fixes your status file (ie: tells preware what you have installed)
15:08.17zsocwerkinRon001: epr does a better job at fixing orig files with magic. you can try removing just the 1 patch. the worst case scenerio is you'l need to manually repair files touched
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15:21.17nt4catszsoc: is that a comment or a command?
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15:22.16zsocwerkincomment to the room or command to the voices in my head, so... both? either?
15:23.43Lumierezsocwerkin: do you have op here?
15:24.01Lumiereor maybe destinal-pre?
15:24.23destinal-prewhat's upan
15:24.24nt4catsI've been checking PreCentral, twitter, and the app store every 11 minutes for about 2 weeks hoping that Flash would appear
15:24.48Lumierecan you op, /mode +R #webos-internals and deop? :)
15:25.37destinal-preoh ctcp spam again?
15:25.43Ron001thanks nt4cats and zsocwerkin
15:30.09*** mode/#webos-internals [+v destinal-pre] by ChanServ
15:31.15zsocwerkinLumiere: someone decided to revoke +R.. I'd like to figure out who made that decision before I undo it.
15:32.06VincentLawdidn't destinal remoev the +r?
15:32.38zsocwerkinnt4cats: you'd find out here first ;)
15:33.15VincentLawwe probably won't see flash until at least march, calling it now
15:33.34zsocwerkinVincentLaw: beta in feb, might be limited to devs tho
15:33.34LumiereVincentLaw: I bet 2-14
15:34.31VincentLawI'm still sticking with my march estimate, even for beta
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15:35.07zsocwerkinactionscript is very similar to javascript right?
15:35.13VincentLawI think everyone will /want/ it to come out as soon as 1.4 lands, but it's not tied to 1.4 and the way they talked at ces sound like they're not done with it yet even for a simultaneous 1.4 release
15:35.22*** mode/#webos-internals [+R] by destinal-pre
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15:38.37*** part/#webos-internals destinal-pre (
15:39.09destinal-worklooks like a bug in wirc, it said I had set +R undefined
15:39.25destinal-workso it's obviously expecting modes to only affect nicks
15:39.31destinal-workor some other argument
15:40.10nt4catsVincentLaw: the way I interpreted the CES chatter about Flash was that it would be included in 1.4 in beta form, but would be be available in the app catalog before 1.4 is released.
15:40.44nt4cats.. and I thought 1.4 was due in February, according to the CES slides (although I could be wrong)
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15:41.00VincentLaw1.4 is, but I doubt flash will be with it
15:41.07VincentLawespecially since it's an app catalog distribution
15:41.22VincentLawof course I'd like to be pleasantly surprised
15:41.26VincentLawbut I'm not holding my breath
15:41.44nt4catsVincentLaw: is your doubt because you don't believe what they said at CES, or because you have additional information (even if it is something you can't talk about directly)?
15:41.46destinal-workVincentLaw: Palm said that it was going to be made available as a downloadable beta FOR 1.4, which would imply after 1.4 comes out and before 1.5 it will be a downloadable beta
15:41.56VincentLawwhat destinal just said
15:42.12nt4catsAhh, I heard that wrong, then.
15:42.15VincentLawnt4cats: I doubted it since the moment they said it, for what destinal said :p
15:42.32VincentLawI think everyone else just heard what they wanted to hear lol
15:43.38nt4catsPreCentral heard what I did -- they reported 1.4 comes out in Feburary WITH flash
15:43.52VincentLawprecentral has been wrong before :p
15:43.55nt4catsI'm not saying they're correct -- I'm just saying that's what they said
15:44.21nt4cats(trying to provide evidence that I am not 100% crazy)
15:44.25destinal-worknt4cats: PreCentral misunderstood what they said at CES which was pretty clear
15:44.31VincentLawI'll find the video part where they said it
15:44.43destinal-worknt4cats: I don't think you're crazty :)
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15:49.14destinal-worknt4cats:  read dieter's livelog from CES
15:49.21destinal-work11:48: Real flash, flash 10, available in app catalog soon
15:49.21destinal-work11:48: with work with any pre with webOS 1.4
15:49.28destinal-workso it'll be in the app catalog for 1.4
15:49.32destinal-worknot bundled
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15:50.07destinal-workand no guarantees it'll be available by when 1.4 ships, just 1.4 or greater will be the OS you need to install and run it
15:50.44nt4catsdestinal/VLaw: okay, thanks.  I'm going to cry for a little bit and then do some more work.
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15:51.14destinal-worknt4cats: on the bright side, they said "soon" :)
15:53.00VincentLawI mean, it'd be great if we were wrong
15:53.06VincentLawand it hit the catalog on 1.4 release day
15:53.10destinal-workFYI  -- anyone who can't talk will need to register.  I think some web clients may not alert you to that fact.  We're not ignoring you.
15:53.33nt4catsRegister your nick to speak:
15:53.45destinal-worknt4cats: oh right, my topic is still there
15:54.11nt4catsdestinal-work: it's a good idea to mention that in-channel every once and a while, too.
15:54.12destinal-workI never removed that when I -R'd during the lull
15:54.25destinal-workwhich is a good thing as it turns out
15:55.30Lumiereruthlessly steals destinal-work's message
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16:10.17nt4cats'lo egaudet_work and FreeTim
16:13.06FreeTimok, I think I am registered. If you cannot read this, let me know
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16:18.15egaudet_workoh is +R back?
16:25.45Lumiereegaudet_work: destinal-work added
16:27.01zsocwerkinwe should start a C40 rumor
16:27.23zsocwerkinfor april fools
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16:29.11zsocwerkinVincentLaw: yeah the new webos device with a snapdragon a 1gb of ram
16:30.27VincentLawI thought the snapdragon didn't have a decent GPU though
16:30.50Lumierewhy not a full atom processor and nvidia mobile gpu
16:31.01VincentLawI'll take Tegra2 actually
16:31.07VincentLawand OLED
16:31.14VincentLawmake it like the zunehd
16:31.15Lumiereor you could say it has the new apple A4? processor?
16:31.31FreeTimit'll have 64 G of ram and it'll be called the Palm Tamp
16:31.49FreeTimto rival the iPad  , you know
16:31.58Lumiereyea saw that coming
16:32.03Lumierefrom only about 10000 miles away
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16:34.03bpadalino|workgood eye sight
16:34.21Lumiereremote operated helicopter with a camera
16:36.26bpadalino|workbuilding embedded systems is such a huge tradeoff .. it's amazing how many parts are out there
16:39.42zsocwerkinbpadalino: super true. I'd be happier with a TI davinci series for a predecessor
16:41.25*** join/#webos-internals iSmite (
16:42.04iSmitei need help..trying to install sms per contact patch and it keeps saying error failed post install script
16:43.42iSmite1 out of 1 hunk failed saving rejectw
16:44.03iSmitewhat should i do?
16:44.56*** join/#webos-internals MetaView (
16:49.48egaudet_workIt probably conflicts with another patch you have installed
16:50.16iSmitei uninstalled all of them
16:50.19iSmiteand rebooted
16:50.23iSmitebefoe i installed it
16:50.43iSmitecan i ssh in and find whats left, i dont know what the path to patches is
16:50.45egaudet_worktry to run EPR
16:50.51iSmitemaybe something didnt uninstall right?
16:51.03iSmiteepr wont thta get rid of everything though?
16:51.17egaudet_workEPR will get rid of all your patches
16:51.22egaudet_workbut you said you uninstalled them all anyway
16:51.26iSmiteyes i did
16:51.36iSmitei mean
16:51.37egaudet_workso there's nothing to remove except leftover stuff
16:51.51iSmiteno i mean i had a patch for sounds..and this new one i want is for sounds
16:51.58iSmitei have others but they are nothing to do with sounds
16:52.15iSmitei removed it and rebooted first, is there somewhere i can look for it in ssh
16:53.27egaudet_workthe sms contacts per tone touches 3 packages
16:53.37egaudet_workmessaging, contacts and sounds&alerts
16:53.55iSmiteyes i dont have a patch that has anything to do with those
16:54.13egaudet_workwhich file is it complaining about the hunk failing?
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16:55.53egaudet_workwhich patch is this?
16:56.36iSmitesms per contact
16:56.45egaudet_workdid you mean luna-service.js
16:56.57iSmiteit says that after hunk failed
16:57.00iSmiteall in red
16:58.02zsocwerkinmy vote is on conflict.
16:58.07egaudet_workand you have 0 other messaging patches?
16:58.24zsocwerkinegaudet: there needs to be a way to flag patches which conflict, and offer them in packs instead
16:58.38iSmiteok the patches i have are
16:58.56egaudet_workwell it's the only patch we have that touches that
16:58.58iSmiteadd date, enable led notifications, notification repeat and swipe to delete
16:59.14egaudet_workhave you installed any patches or modified files outside of preware?
16:59.29zsocwerkinegaudet_work: what is saved in the .rej files? line info?
16:59.30egaudet_workcould you send me your webos-patches.log file
16:59.45egaudet_workzsocwerkin: the failed hunks usually but that is --dry-run output so it's fake
16:59.46iSmiteyep if you tell me where i get it
17:00.02egaudet_workUSB mode or ssh /media/internal/webos-patches.log
17:00.08iSmitek 1min
17:00.10zsocwerkinbpadalino|work: you see the new AM3xxx series ti boards?
17:01.13zsocwerkinalthough I suppose they aren't terribly useful for mobile applications...
17:01.25*** join/#webos-internals Draecos (
17:03.00iSmitehere egaudet colloquy wont let me send over irc
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17:04.00iSmitebrb a sec
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17:06.51MetaViewhow can I reach Dieter Bohn from precentral?
17:07.52iSmiteegaudet what u reckon?
17:08.57nt4catsMetaView: there is a phone number on this page
17:09.37zsocwerkinwebcam video surface as a texture on a spinning opengles2.0 cube, hdmi out 720p, <10% cpu usage. I love these guys
17:10.01zsocwerkinMetaView: the better question is... why would you want to? :D
17:11.15egaudet_workiSmite: what webos version?
17:11.21iSmitelatest one
17:11.39zsocwerkindestinal-pre: :(
17:11.50destinal-prezsoc: what's new?
17:11.52egaudet_workiSmite: ssh in
17:12.08nt4catswishes he had a quarter for every time someone answered what version with latest one -- and soon thereafter found out they don't, in fact, have the actual latest version ...
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17:12.24iSmiteit is the latest one isnt it?
17:12.43destinal-prezsoc: you should have asked why anyone would want to talk to dieter when they could be here talking to us
17:12.50nt4catsiSmite: yes, that is the latest one I know of -- but "latest one" is a dangerous answer (and often not helpful)
17:13.06iSmitei wrote it straight underneath i just pressed enter by accident..
17:13.38egaudet_workiSmite: type the following command and tell me the output:
17:13.39zsocwerkindestinal-pre: I suppose. it's not like I'm attacking his character? lol
17:13.44nt4catsiSmite: I wasn't complainig about you specifically ... especially because you did provide the version number right away ...
17:13.54egaudet_workgrep luna-service /usr/lib/ipkg/info/
17:14.04iSmiteyeah whee am i typing that you know im thick
17:14.04nt4catsthinks dieter looks like a 12 year-old
17:14.23destinal-prenot   like, what,that joker? :P
17:14.34egaudet_workin the terminal shell ssh'd into your pre
17:14.50iSmitedoes it mater what dir im in
17:15.02egaudet_work(btw I agree with nt4cats and was going to say "latest is not a valid answer" before you put the version :P )
17:15.05zsocwerkiniSmite: no
17:15.19iSmite529ec7cfcf459492535a83eeec936a18 *./usr/palm/applications/
17:15.20nt4catsiSmite: it doesn't matter what dir you're in
17:15.43egaudet_workiSmite: ok now type this command:
17:15.51destinal-workwhat I don't get is why someone who JUST purchased a droid would want to jump ship for a pre plus, I mean I understand wanting the pre+, but a droid is totally reasonable
17:16.00dBsoonerzsocwerkin: destinal removed it
17:16.07iSmitewell..i moved from iphone to pre
17:16.07egaudet_workmd5sum /usr/palm/applications/
17:16.11zsocwerkindBsooner: ty
17:16.26iSmite0f27f84ec5248f10fa61560d4c050ec4  /usr/palm/applications/
17:16.26zsocwerkindestinal-work: have you _used_ a droid? heh
17:16.30dBsoonerzsocwerkin: And I just realized that was from forever ago and my screen didn't autoscroll.
17:16.48dBsoonerPidgin fail.
17:16.57zsocwerkindBsooner: it's cool I understood the context
17:17.13nt4catsdestinal-work: (this is completely anecdotal) a colleage bought a droid on its launch day.  He brought it in the office to show it off and couldn't figure out how to get ANYTHING to work (he spent 5 minutes fumbling around trying to find a list of running programs and then gave up in shame)
17:17.14destinal-workI totally recommended a friend who was looking into a new phone but on verizon, late last year, wait for January and see if there was a verizon pre out there
17:17.25destinal-workinstead the moment the droid appeared he jumped
17:17.36egaudet_workiSmite: so here is where we are, that file is modified
17:17.43nt4catss/colleage/guy I work with/
17:17.56egaudet_workand I am really curious as to why/how it was modified
17:17.56nt4catscan't spell
17:18.18zsocwerkinegaudet: epr + pulling that file from doctor lol
17:18.30MetaViewzsocwerkin: there is an app from me which has state published but which isn't visible yet
17:18.37MetaViewnt4cats: thx
17:18.51egaudet_workzsocwerkin: forget the solution
17:18.53egaudet_workwhat is the cause
17:18.57iSmiteegaudet- is it because of the yahoo plugin i have installed
17:19.05egaudet_workooh it could be
17:19.08dBsoonerit is
17:19.08destinal-workdBsooner: also what did I remove?  I'm totally lost :)
17:19.12iSmiteaw what i need both though
17:19.19dBsoonerdestinal-work: +R
17:19.21egaudet_workNow who is patching outside of AUPT!
17:19.32sugardavegot some basic git questions, as I'm just getting started with it...when I 'clone' a project, that's my own personal copy that I can do whatever with, and nothing will happen until I commit, right?
17:19.33egaudet_workwhere is this yahoo plugin?
17:19.46FreeTimnt4cats: My freind too, had a very hard time learning the Droid... he didn't get SMS messages for a long time but mostly, he coulnd't navigate the settings/ menus
17:19.46zsocwerkiniSmite: try patching them backwards, otherwise combine the patches
17:19.55iSmitedunno how
17:19.59dBsoonersugardave: commiting just commits to your local copy
17:20.00iSmitemaybe i can work round it wait
17:20.06sugardavedBsooner: ah, okay
17:20.07destinal-workoh, right.  probably should never have turned it back off.  can't wait for ircd-seven
17:20.08dBsoonersugardave: nothing happens to remote until you push
17:20.18egaudet_workwhere is this yahoo plugin???
17:20.27egaudet_workPatching outside of AUPT is semi-illegal in 49 states
17:20.38sugardavealright, and for something on github that says 'read-only repo' do you push to there?
17:20.39dBsoonerstill wonders why everyone and their dog has ops except him.
17:20.51iSmiteall i want is a different text tone to the normal notifications because they all make the same noise and i dont know what is a text and what is a notification
17:20.51dBsoonersugardave: you don't.
17:21.04dBsooneriSmite: answer his question.. where is this yahoo plugin?
17:21.05iSmitecan i do it differently
17:21.08iSmitehang on
17:21.12zsocwerkindBsooner: op is rarely needed here
17:21.12destinal-workdBsooner:  on the internet, no one knows you're a dog
17:21.20sugardavethen how does it get updated?
17:21.25dBsoonerdestinal-work: I know right.
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17:21.46dBsoonersugardave: By the actual maintainers of it.
17:21.55dBsoonersugardave: I am sure they have a special group of commiters
17:22.02egaudet_workand btw this is a perfect example of why EPR should probably never be used
17:22.05sugardaveI see, so I will need to have some way to send my copy of the repo to them
17:22.10dBsoonerbut "read only" means you can only read it.. clone it.. you can't push it.
17:22.27dBsoonersee if you can setup your own cloned "branch"
17:22.35dBsoonerand then you can request a merge
17:22.44sugardavedBsooner: thanks, I will  mess with it
17:23.22zsocwerkinegaudet_work: patch on runtime?
17:23.43dBsoonerPatching is about to become illegal, period.
17:23.51zsocwerkinegaudet: symlink patches like the themes idea?
17:24.13FreeTimdestinal, OK if I quote that Dog saying and print out a banner at work?  I'm putting in the break room
17:24.15destinal-worklet's see if rick-home is online, I'll just say this and he'll react if so.
17:24.15destinal-workwe really need duck punching instead of file patching
17:24.28egaudet_workthe themes idea is probably going to give birth to duck punching
17:24.53destinal-workFreeTim: it's not mine, it's from the 1993 new yorker.
17:24.56egaudet_workat least open it up, but the tiny patches like "hide app" or "landscape" etc.. probably won't ever go away
17:25.33egaudet_workiSmite: this yahoo plugin...?
17:25.34destinal-workso now you have a cartoon to print too :)
17:25.42iSmiteyeah i gave u the path
17:26.09egaudet_workI mean where/how did you get/install it
17:26.32iSmitefrom precentral its the only way i can get yahoo on my pre i installed it with quickinstall
17:26.39iSmitesome bloke called greg
17:27.17egaudet_worklink perchance?
17:27.34egaudet_workoh this is greg's stuff
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17:28.55destinal-workis greg maintaining that repository by chance?
17:29.40iSmitesorry do you still need the link
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17:30.23iSmiteapparently the firmware for america has yahoo but the european one does not
17:30.26AnOutsiderhey guys, sorry to derail, but anyone know what this error could be?
17:30.28iSmiteand i need it
17:30.28AnOutsiderI'd rather not go back to mytether
17:30.34egaudet_workdBsooner: hunt down greg and see if we can get him to put his patch part of it to the webos-patches feed
17:30.54dBsoonerits binary
17:30.57dBsooneri thought
17:31.05destinal-workegaudet_work: well it's two pieces
17:31.07egaudet_workAnOutsider: yea it's an error telling you to use preware
17:31.29iSmiteegaudet...i have a horrible feeling you are gonna tell me i cant have both...
17:31.30egaudet_workdestinal-work: 2 pieces + individual plugins
17:31.36egaudet_workbut he's split the patch into it's own ipk already
17:31.45zsocwerkinAnOutsider: why are you using wosqi... ?
17:31.48egaudet_workand it can "depend" on the other ipk's that are non-preware installable
17:31.52destinal-workand there's luna patching too
17:32.00destinal-works/luna/stock messaging app/
17:32.11AnOutsiderwell I'm about to go enable the beta feeds in preware. prob was terminal was bugging out
17:32.13egaudet_workso we can do this "right" within AUPT and not mess anything up for him
17:32.15AnOutsiderso I just redoctored
17:32.22infobotARGH!!! STOP IT destinal-work!!!
17:32.34nt4catsdoes the bot hate destinal-work
17:32.41destinal-workoh, I said something between the two
17:32.51nt4catss/hate/really hate/
17:32.53destinal-work~infobot sorry that wasn't your fault
17:32.53infobotACTION apologizes to that wasn't your fault
17:33.11iSmitebots got a guilt complex
17:33.12nt4cats~smack destinal-work
17:33.13infobotACTION smacks destinal-work upside the head.
17:33.19infobotthe cake is a lie!, or so delicious and moist
17:34.16destinal-workzsocwerkin: new you make me want to go break out Portal, it's on my steam account
17:34.19infobotrumour has it, rwhitby is the owner of the nslu2-linux mailing list and IRC channel.  He tries to provide some order to the burgeoning development around the NSLU2.  You can find his website at (where in particular, you will find information on Serial Port modifications for the Linksys WRT54G and NSLU2 devices).
17:34.25zsocwerkinso for serious. when are we starting this theme revolution?
17:34.42infoboti guess zsoc is the OWHE, original webos hacker extraordinaire, and don't forget it.
17:35.30infobotrumour has it, whe is a WebOS Hacker Extraordinaire, which is what Joshua Topolsky called zsoc after he typed "make" one time...
17:35.35iSmiteam i buggered then, metaphirocally
17:35.39iSmiteugh typo
17:36.04zsocwerkiniSmite: that is the preferred type of buggery
17:36.10destinal-workiSmite: I'm totally not going there
17:36.15iSmiteyes im not into that
17:36.15zsocwerkiniSmite: no, there are ways to fix your issues
17:36.24destinal-workinfobot: think about it and see if you can find anything to add about zsoc.  oh wait, you're not that smart.
17:37.12iSmitei wish i could legit get yahoo without a dumb plugin palm are xenophobic i swear lol
17:37.20iSmiteno app store for us and no yahoo
17:37.51AnOutsideranyone else always have problems loading the palm catalog feeds over EVDO?
17:38.33destinal-workiSmite: well, the plugins are just libpurple plugins (like pidgin uses), so that's not dumb in that you can add all kinds of cool stuff that way
17:38.37zsocwerkininfobot AnOutsider is the guy you blame when the prethemer feed won't load
17:38.38infobotzsocwerkin: okay
17:38.41destinal-workiSmite: but I agree Palm should include it stock
17:38.54iSmiteso..can i get my sound thing and have yaho or not
17:39.21AnOutsiderhaha zsoc
17:39.24destinal-worksound thing, I must have missed it
17:39.39egaudet_workiSmite: probably not, unless and until someone makes that patch compatible with the plugin patch
17:39.39zsocwerkiniSmite: if both patches are MIT, combine them, reinstall
17:39.44iSmitei want a different sound to my text than to all my other notifications
17:39.46iSmiteoh poo
17:39.48dBsoonerinfobot: no, AnOutsider IS the reason the PreThemer feed won't load.
17:39.49infobotokay, dBsooner
17:40.06iSmitecombine? eh? how and whats mit
17:40.09destinal-workthis is why patching is evil
17:40.10zsocwerkindBsooner: oh god, you just defined 'no,' lol
17:40.24AnOutsiderironically I enver have a problem with it. it's the palm feeds I have issues with. only deactivating themg ets preware to load
17:40.36infobotfrom memory, dtzwill is the master coder behind quake, VBA and the creator of the first homebrew screen overlay controls for SDL.
17:40.43infobotrumour has it, anoutsider is the reason the PreThemer feed won't load.
17:40.54AnOutsiderand the reason i spend hours playing pokemon
17:41.00zsocwerkindBsooner: oh, that's a workaround to forget? amazing.
17:41.33zsocwerkiniSmite: MIT is a type of licensing which lets you reuse and rerelease the patch with no restrictions
17:42.07iSmiteok well theres no way i can combine them ive only had a pre 3 days
17:42.09destinal-work~no is not the answer.  Apple is the question.  No is the answer.
17:42.11iSmitei havent got a clue
17:42.41destinal-work~wake up bot.  get confused and so on
17:42.42infobotACTION throws a barrel-full of ice water on up bot.  get confused and so on and shouts "GOOD MORNING!!!!"
17:43.20infoboti guess yes is the opposite of no
17:43.30destinal-work~no is the opposite of yes
17:43.43zsocwerkiniSmite: a patch is just a patch, not webos specific
17:43.49destinal-work~no is also apparently a word you do not wish to learn.
17:44.08iSmiteyes but ive never done anything like that i do graphic design not stuff like that, i can ssh in and put stuff in places and thats about it
17:44.15iSmitea few commands
17:44.34iSmitewould someone be able to do it for me is it a big job
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17:46.54iSmitehang on..cant i ssh into the messages app and just replace the music file in there?
17:49.09iSmiteor wherever its stored
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17:49.39egaudet_workonly 1 hunk is conflicting
17:49.40iSmiteactually can someone tell me the path of alert and notification sound files cos i need them anyway
17:49.53iSmitewhatever you think that i can understand loll
17:49.55egaudet_workso it shouldn't be hard to make the sms patch compatible with greg's messaging patch
17:50.05egaudet_workjust need to get someone to do it :P
17:50.06iSmiteyeah but i aint got a clue for things like that
17:51.11iSmiteum ill beg, maybe even do a little dance if anyone's feeling nice...
17:52.50destinal-workiSmite: the problem is, patching sucks, and you'd basically need someone to maintain this personal hybrid patch for you.  this gets ugly really quickly
17:53.09egaudet_workactually this case would be very easy
17:53.22destinal-workyes but it would need to be done for every new version potentially
17:53.24egaudet_workthe patch in question just creates functions at the end of the file, and so does greg's
17:53.45egaudet_workso this patch can move it's functions to another spot in the file
17:53.54egaudet_workand then we really need to explore duck punching
17:54.38zsocwerkinegaudet_work: it's a _really_ bad idea for js
17:54.49destinal-workzsocwerkin: why IS that
17:54.50egaudet_workzsocwerkin: duck punching?
17:54.52AnOutsider*watches preware spinning loader with growing hate*
17:54.57egaudet_workI thiought duck punching was basically made FOR javascript
17:55.03xcomp|mobileI just found an old evas demo I created a long time ago
17:55.21egaudet_workwell not for javascript specifically, but javascript type languages
17:55.25iSmitewell ok if its too hard can i manually go in and change the text sound?
17:55.33xcomp|mobileactually 2
17:56.29iSmitewhy is itunes so shit, cant find album covers to albums
17:56.36iSmitenow ive got to piss about doing it manually
17:56.50iSmiteits not like its an unknown band
17:58.03iSmitecan someone just tell me where the alert and notification sound are
17:59.15egaudet_workiSmite: are you just wanting to differentiate alert vs. notification?
17:59.17zsocwerkinegaudet_work: the point is they are only as stable as they are written
17:59.38iSmitebut i want to know where the ssh path is anyway
18:00.10iSmitei dont get why every bloody nise on the thing is all one sound so i think ive got a text when its an im or missed call or anything its stupid
18:00.21egaudet_workthe sms tone per contact patch allows a different tone for each contact for sms, i don't think any of that is supported in webos by default
18:00.45iSmiteyeah all i want is my texts to have a different noise to notifications
18:01.16egaudet_workwell in that case there is a patch for that
18:01.27destinal-workzsocwerkin: patching is hideous, being able to wrap functions with replacements, especially at a modular level, would be great.  in some cases though we may be forced to replace a whole function which for copyright reasons we'd need to totally rewrite from scratch
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18:01.54egaudet_workoilsworkn: where have you beeeeen
18:02.07zsocwerkinegaudet: plus we STILL have  touching issues for multiple runtime patches. instead of failing on install, it would simple not work :p
18:02.28egaudet_workzsocwerkin: right
18:02.41oilsworknwhere have you been?
18:02.41nt4catsremembers when oilsworkn used to love us
18:02.45zsocwerkindestinal-work: what about symlinking?
18:02.45egaudet_workthere are situations where patching is better and situations where duckpunching is better
18:03.04AnOutsiderwonders if this preware issue isn't a focus/activation issue in 1.4 :(
18:03.07zsocwerkinnt4cats: that was when we used mojo ;)
18:03.26VincentLawAnOutsider: what?
18:04.10egaudet_workpreware -> available pacakge -> patch -> sounds and alerts -> Select Alert and Notification Tones is what you want
18:05.08iSmiteno its not i had that, it just lets you change the tone
18:05.20egaudet_workthat's what you just said you wanted
18:05.26iSmitebut i want a DIFFERENT tone for texts it just does whatever i set for notifications
18:05.38iSmitei dont want everything to have the notification tone whatever i set it to
18:06.02iSmiteu get me?
18:06.28acydlordshe wants what the sms per contact patch provides
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18:06.47egaudet_workohh I see
18:07.07iSmiteyeah every time it makes a noise its the same damn noise i dunno whether its a text, missed call, whatever
18:07.10egaudet_workyeah so someone needs to modify the patch to move the functions in that file and then it will work
18:07.11iSmiteno other phone is like that
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18:07.44iSmitei still need the ssh path please to sounds
18:07.46nt4catsacydlord: you've obviously made a mistake.  You said "she".  There aren't any girls on the irc.  Silly man!
18:07.57acydlordthere isnt a correct version of sms tones per contact for the O2 pres?
18:08.51egaudet_workacydlord: one of the files conflicts with the patch in the messaging plugins pack
18:08.58egaudet_works/the patch/a patch/
18:09.13egaudet_workthey both add methods to the end of the file
18:09.28egaudet_workso it wouldn't be hard to make this one add the methods to a different spot in the file
18:09.35AnOutsideregaudet: what's the thinking for themes and patches goign forward?
18:09.38acydlordso installing the sms tones and then plugins woulnt work either i take it
18:10.09egaudet_workthemes need to become real and not the crappy image replacement and patch stuff they are now
18:10.26egaudet_workso I've begun research upon PuffTheMagic's ideas, and have a good idea for a legit themeing app
18:10.31iSmitewell saurik was/is in here he knows lol
18:10.34iSmitehe is in here
18:11.24iSmitehe created the iphone theming app
18:11.34iSmitewhich is why i <3 him
18:11.39AnOutsiderwhich is that?
18:11.48AnOutsiderah ok
18:11.50iSmiteonly winter
18:11.54iSmitesummer was someone else
18:12.07egaudet_workRight now I have proof of concept that I can dynamically change launch icons, make a single patch to allow CSS changes/overwrites without patching
18:12.14destinal-workwas there ever an autumnboard or did they skip that?
18:12.30egaudet_workAnOutsider: what things are being theme'd outside of launch icons and css?
18:12.34iSmitesummerboard was ok but with winterboard hes enabled us to theme the entire ui
18:12.46AnOutsiderall my initial attempts at an app just used file copying with a service. i assume you DONT want to go that route
18:13.05AnOutsiderwell, there's patches too, but that's secondary
18:13.06egaudet_workI don't want to touch Palm files at all, at least as very minimal as possible
18:13.10iSmiteegaudet, the ui like the phone background and all the little pngs on the meus etc loads of shit
18:13.11AnOutsidersome users like to change fonts
18:13.32egaudet_workiSmite: that will all be possible with CSS overwrites I think
18:13.41egaudet_worksame thing
18:13.51iSmitecss? but a lot of those are pngs
18:14.02egaudet_workthe CSS tells it where the png is ;)
18:14.15iSmiteah ok..i wonder if thats how winterboard works
18:14.32iSmiteand in an iphone theme we have plists that change font size, colour, shadow, position
18:14.40AnOutsiderso egaudet: your app idea is to intercept calls to the css or?
18:14.47egaudet_workAnOutsider: and with the service the icons can be changed right away, with no reboot
18:14.59AnOutsideriSmite: right. I've got a few iphone themes under my belt as well :)
18:15.08iSmitewho are you then what forum
18:15.12iSmiteill know who u are
18:15.17AnOutsiderok that sounds good
18:15.26egaudet_workAnOutsider: the CSS portion would be a small patch to the framework to add a CSS from some THEMES_DIR/<path> for each <path> css being loaded
18:15.52iSmiteanoutsider what forum
18:15.57egaudet_workI've verified it works for a simple case of making THEME_DIR/<path to global.css> which changed something small like the color of the symbol popup selected char
18:16.12AnOutsidersmart, so we'd just then have to know what filenames to replace and go
18:16.16AnOutsideriSmite: what forum?
18:16.22iSmitewhere do you post your themes
18:16.50egaudet_workAnOutsider: right, so instead of "patching file A" you'd make a new file A with only overwritten elements you want to modify, and then it'd go into your theme directory
18:17.17egaudet_workI envision the app being like the image viewer, choosing themes based on thumbnail/screenshot image
18:17.36AnOutsideriSmite: I don't... I'm not one for forums
18:17.41AnOutsidertho I did hang out on HoFo for a bit
18:17.46iSmitemine are all released
18:17.49iSmiteon cydia and forums
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18:18.12AnOutsider <-- the only one I ever made public
18:18.23AnOutsiderand it's not really public since I enver publicly "released" the site
18:18.51AnOutsideregaudet: I think it's a great idea. very simple, and would also get things standardized
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18:19.04iSmiteive had about 5 out
18:19.07iSmiteworking on one now
18:19.10AnOutsiderwe can then have users downloading themes and storing them so they can hotswap without redownloading
18:19.17AnOutsiderfor iPhone?
18:19.25egaudet_workand also the ability to add themes via drag/drop USB mode
18:19.27AnOutsidergave it up ages ago, the device just annoys me TBH
18:19.32egaudet_workas well as preware package installation
18:19.41AnOutsiderive got my iMac on right now fighting in xcode to re-submit this app to Crapple for the 500th time.
18:19.54AnOutsidersounds like a great solution
18:20.04zsocwerkinegaudet: what sever would the themes be located on?
18:20.15AnOutsiderwell, I'll help in whatever way I can, but you guys seem to have it all good
18:20.15iSmiteok can i just ask something quick- itunes- ive got all my album covers showing how do i put them in the actual folders so the mp3s show up as the album cover i forgot how
18:20.23egaudet_worksame as they are now I assume
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18:20.40AnOutsideryou mean the view mode?
18:21.04AnOutsiderview -> ( as List | as Grid | coverflow )
18:21.04iSmitein finder, when you open a folder full of music if correct, each file will show as the album cover
18:21.07AnOutsideryou want grid I think
18:21.11iSmiteread above
18:21.14AnOutsideroh, finder, I dont use mac
18:21.28iSmitewell windows does the same doesnt it
18:21.33iSmitei cant remember how i did it
18:21.45iSmitehow do i assign an album cover to a folder of music
18:21.46AnOutsiderwell in windows, you just chang folder view mode to be thumbnails
18:21.52iSmiteim not asking that
18:21.55AnOutsiderthen as long as the MP3 has artwork embedded, itll show the thumb
18:22.01iSmitehow do i embed it
18:22.13iSmitethey all have the cover in itunes
18:22.23AnOutsiderin itunes, drag the art onto the mp3, or the tiny window on the left, or select all the mp3s u want, right click -> info
18:22.27AnOutsiderdrag it to the artwork tab
18:22.39AnOutsiderif thwey ahve it in itunes, they should be in the mp3
18:22.44iSmitethey already have the covers on correctly in itunes
18:22.49iSmitenot in the music folder though
18:22.57iSmiteit worked before
18:23.01AnOutsiderperhaps you have manage library disabled? in which case, I dont think itunes touches your mp3 files
18:23.12AnOutsiderother than that, not sure, sorry man
18:23.54AnOutsiderzsoc: I don't see why anything would change as far as theme storage
18:24.00iSmiteyeah i just loked in get info and the artwork isnt in there yet it is showing in itunes wtf
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18:24.20AnOutsiderthey'd be safer now with no patching, and since all you'd store is the zip or ipk or whatever on a server, I'd say things could continue as they are
18:24.29AnOutsiderwith appropriate changes to feed files
18:25.13iSmiteaaargh why is this not working it usually works
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18:36.08AnOutsideranyone ever get novaterm working in windows 7?
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18:36.16AnOutsiderwithout that annoying error message on every key stroke?
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18:40.56zsocwerkinAnOutsider: virtualbox. ubuntu.
18:41.31AnOutsiderwell as a workaround, I just used novacom
18:41.40AnOutsidernovacom -t open tty://
18:42.14egaudet_workskip virtual box and make ubuntu the host, a real OS :)
18:42.21zsocwerkinAnOutsider: that works in windows? leet
18:42.53zsocwerkinegaudet_work: I'm not going to suggest that to the average user
18:43.32egaudet_workubuntu it, wrap windows in VB, life is good
18:43.59egaudet_workdual boot is good too for those rare times you need windows host :P
18:44.41zsocwerkinegaudet_work: _need_ a windows host? for what? :p
18:44.44egaudet_worktouche ;)
18:45.35zsocwerkindtzWill: buddy of mine wants TOGGLE turbo instead of momentary. possible?
18:48.27zsocwerkininfobot: crickets are what you hear right now throughout the channel
18:48.27infobot...but crickets is already something else...
18:48.36PuffTheMagicegaudet_work: good work
18:48.38infobotACTION chirps uninterestedly
18:48.45egaudet_workgood work what?
18:49.43egaudet_workis confused
18:50.24zsocwerkinPuffTheMagic: egaudet: how is this theme architecture going to be implemented? service?
18:50.47egaudet_workC Service + Patch + App
18:51.27zsocwerkinegaudet: er... what does the patch do?
18:51.29PuffTheMagiczsocwerkin: modify the framework a little so that themes can be selected similar to how "light/dark" is changed in preware
18:51.35PuffTheMagicbut on a global scale
18:51.56zsocwerkinPuffTheMagic: well that's how CSS is made to work anyway
18:52.08zsocwerkinwhy didn't we do this before?
18:52.24oilsworkndo what?
18:52.26PuffTheMagicinstead of app specific
18:53.18zsocwerkinoilsworkn: teh power of CSS for instatheming
18:54.44AnOutsiderwhy didnt we jump right to HTML5 instead of all that font stuff ;)
18:55.13zsocwerkinAnOutsider: because it's not fully implemented?
18:55.22zsocwerkinalthough fonts should work
18:55.33zsocwerkinI think the answer is we aren't web developers lol
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18:56.13AnOutsidermy point was... everything is a progression
18:56.36AnOutsiderthat's like asking why we bothered with black&white Tv, why didnt we jump to LCD flatscreens
18:57.19AnOutsiderim still curious how it's going to be done though. I mean, I know how CSS works (cascading and all), but I'd imagine, each app would need to be patched to reference the CSS?
18:57.28AnOutsiderunless there's some higher up base class that defines path to css
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18:59.52egaudet_workPuffTheMagic: well the patch will probably end u doing both
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19:01.20egaudet_workinstall additional "themes" like -dark, which would require the theme to supply ALL Palm widget CSS.  as well as allow each individual css stylesheet that is loaded to have parts overwritten by a theme, to allow themeing all apps using the default  theme: as well
19:01.54egaudet_workThe latter part is easier, the former is a little bit trickier although I have only briefly looked at that portion
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19:02.30AnOutsidergotcha, and it makes sense given the nature of things
19:02.41AnOutsiderexcited for it. like I said, if you need help on anythng, just lemme know
19:03.03AnOutsiderI imagine your efforts will mostly be spent on other things, but I've got a lot of CSS experience under my belt
19:03.16egaudet_workThe css is loaded by a single framework function
19:03.43egaudet_workso simply loading an additional css file on top of the one its loading is my initial idea
19:03.59egaudet_workwhen that file is supplied by the theme of course.
19:04.26zsocwerkinegaudet_work: er.. so wait, there's going to be 1 patch which modifies all files that can be edited by a theme?
19:04.37zsocwerkinegaudet_work: or is the framework already there for that?
19:04.53egaudet_workAnOutsider: all this talk just started yesterday so it has a ways to go, but when it eventually gets to "testing" phase we'll need a few different themes that do many things to test with :)
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19:05.08egaudet_workzsocwerkin: not following? "all files"
19:05.18zsocwerkinegaudet_work: left4dead theme is super deep
19:05.27egaudet_workevery single CSS that is "loaded" goes down to a single "loadStylesheet" call in the framework
19:05.31egaudet_workwhich supplies the path to teh css file
19:05.45zsocwerkinegaudet_work: so every themeable file already uses that framework?
19:05.48egaudet_workthe patch is going to load that css file and then check if THEME_DIR/<path> css file exists load that one too
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19:06.11egaudet_workso every single CSS in the system can be overwritten by the theme
19:06.29egaudet_workand not entire css files either, you can make that csss file change one single class element
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19:07.11egaudet_workThere are bound to be cases where some apps change styles in JS but those are wrong imo
19:11.18PuffTheMagicegaudet_work: yeah of course global changes will propigate down to individual apps
19:11.35PuffTheMagicbut i just mean its on a higher level than what is demonstrated in Prware
19:12.50zsocwerkinwhat are we going to call this theming technology?
19:16.09PuffTheMagicPrethemer :D
19:17.11PuffTheMagiczsocwerkin: Webos-Internals Theme API
19:17.13nt4catsCTRA Technology
19:17.26PuffTheMagicits not technology
19:17.34nt4catsCSS Transmogrification Redundant Arconym Technology
19:18.02PuffTheMagicthey are just themes
19:18.08PuffTheMagicand a spec/api for the theme
19:18.21PuffTheMagicnot much of a new technology
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19:19.33egaudet_workIt's not a technology it's an APP (at least to users perspective)
19:19.45nt4catsbut it doesn't sound cool unless you call it a technology
19:20.17JMyaDaGodegaudet_work : did u see this thread :
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19:20.59egaudet_workJMyaDaGod: yea and at first glance I think it's probably bogus
19:21.51egaudet_workthe only thing the VKB patch does while not being used is track gesture area "key events", but that isn't something that will drain a battery
19:21.52nt4catsegaudet_work: [98.7% probability of being unrelated] I've noticed intermittent high CPU load on my Pre starting a week or ten days ago ... when it happens my battery drains VERY fast.
19:22.28nt4catsegaudet_work: let me make sure it is still happening and then I'll uninstall VK for a few days just to prove it isn't you
19:22.31JMyaDaGodegaudet_work :yea i can never get a decent read on how long my battery last i just use multiple batteries ... I just know it doesnt last long b/c i am always doing something on it and im fine with that lol
19:23.04egaudet_workmy battery usually does good, but once in a while some days it just flies out in a few hours
19:23.47nt4catsegaudet_work: "flies out in a few hours" is exactly what I see here (I'd say a bout 10% downtick in battery level every 20-30 minutes)
19:24.01JMyaDaGodi prolly get 5 hours out of it ...but thats with email forwarded right away and me on internet in class lmao
19:24.07egaudet_worknt4cats: sign out of aim
19:24.19nt4catsegaudet_work: I am not configured for AIM
19:24.34nt4catsegaudet_work: and I *rarely* log my messaging app in to Google
19:24.41egaudet_workit was worth a shot :P
19:24.50egaudet_workI know AIM sucks battery
19:27.20nt4catsegaudet_work: something on my Pre changed in the last two weeks -- I had very consistently good battery performance post-1.3.5 ... and then I got these intermittent power drains.
19:27.53JMyaDaGodwith original pre battery and 3 centro batteries and car charger i never find myself with out a good battery....
19:28.20AnOutsideregaudet_work: that's fine. Should be easy to export any theme in a new format
19:28.23nt4catsegaudet_work: I don't think it is your app at all -- but (assuming my problem is the same as the forum poster's) that'd be a fairly easy thing to disprove (uninstall VK and see that battery drain is still happening)
19:30.47sdodsonHow do I remove patches from the command line?
19:32.20egaudet_workyou don't!
19:32.35egaudet_workyou don't
19:32.46egaudet_worksdodson: what's the issue
19:35.09egaudet_workSo let's get a name for this amazing theme app
19:36.12sdodsonegaudet_work: I rebooted my phone and now the lock screen isn't displaying properly. I'd like to remove patches and/or the theme to see if I can get things sane again.
19:36.40egaudet_workPreware not working for that?
19:36.51sdodsonegaudet_work: Last thing I was doing was trying to updated my patches to the aupt versions.
19:37.03sdodsonegaudet_work: how do i run preware on a phone that's locked?
19:37.27egaudet_workooh you can't get in
19:38.40sdodsonegaudet_work: Ya, it's not a good situation. I'm close to doctoring it but i'd like to try to remove all patches first to see if that works.
19:38.44egaudet_worksdodson: what lock screen btw?
19:39.40sdodsonegaudet_work: pin entry
19:40.04egaudet_worksdodson: well let's install/run EPR from command line then if you want?
19:40.13sdodsonegaudet_work: sure
19:40.24egaudet_workipkg  -o /media/cryptofs/apps update
19:40.34egaudet_workipkg  -o /media/cryptofs/apps install org.webosinternals.emergency-patch-recovery
19:41.04egaudet_workIPKG_OFFLINE_ROOT=/media/cryptofs/apps sh /media/cryptofs/apps/usr/lib/ipkg/info/org.webosinternals.emegency-patch-recovery.postinst
19:41.52egaudet_work(after it's all done, restart luna) pkill LunaSysMgr
19:42.06PuffTheMagicegaudet_work: libraries/pdl.git is created now :D
19:42.46sdodsonegaudet_work: do i have to have remounted the fs rw first?
19:42.53sdodsonmv: cannot rename '/usr/palm/applications/': Read-only file system
19:43.55AnOutsiderI like that too
19:43.59AnOutsideror quite simply
19:44.01AnOutsiderTheme Manager
19:44.03PuffTheMagicegaudet_work: NotByJasonThemes
19:45.55zsocwerkinsdodson: yeah, mount -o remount,rw /
19:46.29sdodsonegaudet_work: sweet, EPR worked, thanks
19:46.34sdodsonzsocwerkin: thanks
19:49.14Rick_workegaudet  are instructions for running epr by hand from the command line on the wiki?  I can see how this would be a useful thing to be able to send people to.
19:49.42zsocwerkinrick-home: only if their lock screen is borked :p
19:49.54Rick_workzsocwerkin -- so???
19:50.08Rick_workI'll betcha I can think of another reason.
19:50.22sdodsonno one locks their screen?
19:50.28Rick_workgod no
19:50.30Rick_workwhy would I ???
19:50.52Rick_workall it does is make it 1000 x harder to answeer a call or look something up
19:50.55JMyaDaGod< i dont lock my screen .....i would if i could get the driod dot screen lock just because it looks cool not for safety
19:51.05egaudet_workShould EPR be changed into a dependent package?  THat on install installs a script on removal runs the script?
19:51.15egaudet_workand then the command line would be "run this script"
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19:51.23Rick_workTHAT would be wonderful
19:51.27zsocwerkinepr-bootstrap lol
19:51.43Rick_workbecause sometimes, people for example, lose preware.
19:51.54Rick_workInstead of going through all that, we just run epr-bootstrap.
19:53.02egaudet_workWell I guess it can't be a dependent pacakge of patches
19:53.13egaudet_workthat kind of defeats its purpose
19:54.20egaudet_workbut the "install epr-bootstrap" package could be the dependent
19:54.29iSmitei have 20gb in my trash can.
19:54.32iSmiteitunes fail.
19:54.39iSmitewho highlighted me
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19:54.52zsocwerkinmmm.. chainsaw infanticide logger maneuver...
19:54.57iSmiteugh i have theme as a highlight word worry.
19:55.09egaudet_workPuffTheMagic: lol @ NBJT
19:55.15zsocwerkinI like themes.
19:55.19iSmiteso can someone just pls tell me the ssh path to notification and alert sounds pleease
19:55.19zsocwerkintheme theme theme.
19:55.25egaudet_workInstaThemer hmm
19:55.30iSmiteit dont work wen i have colloquy in front lol
19:55.43egaudet_workI want something catchy and cool and cool
19:55.47iSmitebrb someone tell me that path whilst i thrash my housemate at pro evo YET AGAIN
19:55.52iSmitei rule at that
19:55.53Rick_workif you like themes, how about you take over managing them????
19:55.53egaudet_worklike "ooooh" themessss
19:56.12egaudet_workRick_work: you haven't heard the plan yet?
19:56.28zsocwerkiniSmite: find /media | grep notification.wav
19:56.35Rick_workplan?  We have a plan now?  I went to bed whilst you were debating the plan.
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19:56.51zsocwerkinRick_work: plan is awesome. full of runtime patches
19:56.54Rick_workIs this the "patch the system so that it looks at a theme folder and checks to see if there are files there first" plan?
19:57.05egaudet_workWell no one has turned the plan down yet so I'm declaring it THE plan
19:57.30egaudet_workRick_work: yeah, and last night I proved that I can change applications launch icons from a C service on the fly
19:57.37egaudet_work(and without reboot required they change!)
19:58.00egaudet_workbut not check if there are files there first
19:58.08destinal-workzsocwerkin: you know nothing.  :P
19:58.12zsocwerkinRick_work: a global version of the palm vs. palm dark change
19:58.14destinal-workok maybe something
19:58.22zsocwerkindestinal-work: I WAS MAKING A JEST
19:58.30zsocwerkinI know how to type make :(
19:58.31egaudet_workfor every single CSS loaded it will load the <path_to_css_file> and THEME_DIR/<path_to_css_file> (if it exists)  so you can overwrite any and all CSS classes you want
19:58.37Rick_workSo, how do you catch every reference to every image file that might be themed?
19:58.38destinal-workzsocwerkin: lol, more than that
19:59.01egaudet_workRick_work: if the <path to icon.png> exists in THEME_DIR/ then it's "themed"
19:59.05egaudet_workand use that icon instead
19:59.19egaudet_workC service + inotify
19:59.22zsocwerkinRick_work: it's actually quite safe
19:59.38Rick_workSo we freaking QUIT REPLACING THE PALM FILES.
19:59.49zsocwerkinRick_work: right :)
19:59.51Rick_workHave we talked to the guy who wrote theme builder?
19:59.59zsocwerkindestinal-pre: see it knew that :p
20:00.10Rick_workoh it's Jason?
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20:00.18zsocwerkins/it/I, who am not a bot,/
20:00.44Rick_workoh goody.  he just won't hang out here.
20:00.49Rick_workhave we contacted him yet?
20:00.50egaudet_workright lol
20:01.00egaudet_workI only POC'd the 2 parts last night
20:01.03Rick_workhow hard is the code?
20:01.13zsocwerkinhe's ignored me for 3 days straight now
20:01.27egaudet_workbut nothing hard will be needed from Jason or AnOutsider (and AnOutsider already likes the idea)
20:01.33FreeTimWell, at least he ignored you Urgently
20:01.57Rick_workbecause you know damned good and well that we can't implement this without a BIG WARNING that this is INCOMPATIBLE with WOSQI theme installs,  and if you've done that, for GOD SAKE don't do this.  Red, with a button to click through in preware.
20:02.06zsocwerkinFreeTim: I generally ignore people fervently
20:02.12egaudet_workRick_work: nope it won't be incompatible
20:02.20egaudet_workin the sense that it will cause issues
20:02.38zsocwerkinrick-home: they can revert their theme the way they would do normally
20:02.40Rick_workwell, removing the preware installed theme leaves you with a wosqi theme still installed.....
20:02.45egaudet_workI mean bad issues that current themes cause :p
20:03.01Rick_workbut we still need a warning.
20:03.06zsocwerkinbut that doesn't break anything
20:03.06egaudet_workI agree
20:03.15zsocwerkinours just 'wins'
20:03.18egaudet_work"WARNING: don't use anything else to theme"
20:03.31Rick_workIf you've already installed a theme with wosqi or preware prior to DATE....  then remove it before you do this....
20:03.42egaudet_workbefore or after won't matter
20:03.53zsocwerkinit's really not bad. it's 100 times better than leaving a theme through OTA
20:03.53Rick_workeither way, remove it.
20:04.12Rick_workno no, I -like- it.
20:04.14egaudet_work"if you don't want the palm default theme to be your preware/QI theme then REMOVE IT"
20:04.20zsocwerkin'i left a theme installed and used InstaThemer, what I do do?'... 'remove your theme'... 'oh'
20:04.33Rick_worki'm just thrying to get a handle on it.
20:04.48Rick_workSo, do the theme builders have to build a css file?  or do we do that?
20:05.13egaudet_workya know 2 days ago I was completely ignoring themes and wanted them to die out, then PuffTheMagic brings up the idea and now look where it's going :p
20:05.32egaudet_workRick_work: the themers make the css files
20:05.44Rick_workand we'll have to publish a spec.....
20:05.48egaudet_workthe themer has to pick/choose/decide what css classes they want/need to change
20:06.05egaudet_workthey did that originally by supplying entire modified CSS files
20:06.09egaudet_workthen they changed to patching
20:06.13Rick_workmaking a css file and overriding css classes is WAY more complex than replacing a file with a different file of the same name.
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20:06.39egaudet_worknow they'll change to overwriting JUST the css classes they need in a file with the exact same path as the palm one except within their theme dir
20:06.58egaudet_workRick_work: how is it way more complex?
20:07.07Rick_workI see pain
20:07.13Rick_workit's ok, I'm used to idiots.
20:07.19Rick_workDo we have a write-up yet?
20:07.23egaudet_worknot yet
20:07.42destinal-pre"I see dumb people"
20:07.45egaudet_workAny one who is themeing without knowing what they are doing probably should stop
20:07.46Rick_workcan you toss a few words into the wiki under theme installer or something and point me to it.
20:07.55egaudet_workthe users can be dumb, the devs/designers not so much
20:08.08Rick_workjust a quicky, and I'll try to edit into a spec????
20:08.25Rick_workInclude your sample css.....
20:08.32egaudet_workOK what to name the page   THEME API ?
20:08.43Rick_workTheme Installer API
20:08.45PuffTheMagicegaudet_work: lol
20:08.55Rick_workTheme Management API
20:08.58Rick_workeither of those.
20:09.00destinal-precoming up with a sample theme or 50 to steal would help them
20:09.27zsocwerkinInstaThemer Theme API
20:09.35Rick_worknope zsoc
20:09.54Rick_workI like that.
20:10.45zsocwerkiner... tmapi's are 'top map's...
20:11.04destinal-preoh,name collision?
20:11.50Rick_workso, a theme BUILDER program would scan all the CSS files on the phone, looking for image files in the CSS and provide a list of them to pick from...   and then let you choose a file on your drive somewhere and it would copy the file into the appropriate place under "mytheme" and put a line in mytheme.css that said themes/mytheme/yadayadayada/image.png
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20:15.17destinal-prebuilder is good idea.
20:15.49destinal-prehave it make ipks while were at it
20:15.54dtzWillwow this theme idea is really coming along nicely :)
20:16.25destinal-preor a desktop ver that can
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20:25.57egaudet_workRick_work: ^^
20:26.10Rick_workgot it
20:26.52egaudet_workthe builder searching css for images is really good idea
20:27.04egaudet_workmake it easier for designers to build themes without knowing any code
20:27.29egaudet_workbut please we need to OSS it and get it doctor agnostic
20:28.52Rick_workbut I'm about to ask you a hundred bazillion questions now.
20:29.17Rick_worklet's start with your section entitled theme designer api.
20:30.47Rick_workSo, I will have a folder /media/internal/tmapi_example/usr/palm/applictions.....
20:31.05Rick_workooops  /media/internal/.themes/......
20:31.22Rick_workand within .themes might be theme1  theme2  theme3 etc  right?
20:32.02Rick_workhow does the C service know which theme is active?
20:32.33zsocwerkinI'd imagine the app adjusts the pointer
20:32.36egaudet_workI'm thinking "active theme" will be /var/active_theme ->   sym link
20:32.49egaudet_workwhich will sym link to one of those dirs
20:32.51zsocwerkinand the pointer is a symlink, good idea
20:32.57egaudet_worktheme1, theme2, etc...
20:32.58Rick_workso you can only have one theme at a time active.
20:33.19Rick_workso I can't load a "theme the phone" theme and a "theme the launcher" theme from two different sources.
20:33.41Rick_workthat's fine, as long as I know.
20:33.56Rick_workSo, there has to be a "theme manager" app which selects which of the installed themes is active.
20:34.11zsocwerkinyep, and THUMBNAILS! Hehe
20:34.28zsocwerkinpretends to be a part of this
20:34.29egaudet_workI'm thinking right now the theme app will be thumbnails of screenshots of the launcher with the theme installed
20:34.36egaudet_workand you select them kind of like how you apply wallpaper
20:34.42Rick_workand in /media/internal/.themes/theme1  there MUST be a file called "description.html" which contains the description of the theme...
20:35.09egaudet_worki wouldn't say MUST, but it would be a good idea
20:35.12Rick_workegaudet  some themes don't mess with launcher, some mess primarily with the dialpad.
20:35.38Rick_workok, so if there is no description.html then the theme manager says "Theme1: No description available."
20:35.41egaudet_workWe can also think about splitting up theming into categories
20:35.46egaudet_worklike "launcher, dialpad" etc...
20:35.54egaudet_workcurrently I'm thinking of themes as a system-wide theme
20:36.03Rick_workthat's fine.  System wide works fro me.
20:36.06egaudet_workfiner grained can come afterwards
20:36.07Rick_workjust checking
20:36.21egaudet_workI wasn't even thinking about dialpad only type of things so it's good you brought it up
20:36.57Rick_workok,  so then,  /framework/global.css has a css entry that points to /user/palm/applications/phone/dialpad/1.png
20:37.07Rick_workand I put a new 1.png in my matching folder.
20:37.23Rick_workHow does the C service know to overwrite that 1.png?
20:38.22zsocwerkinRick_work: overwrite?
20:38.47Rick_workhow does it know to re-direct from the default 1.png to MY 1.png  and yet the 2.png through because I didn't replace it.
20:39.07Rick_workdo I have to have an edit for the 1.png css in my global.css?  because eric's example didn't say so....
20:39.09zsocwerkinRick_work: I believe that's what the patch does. 'if exists' else regular
20:39.40zsocwerkinso you apply the patch, if you don't use instathemer, no harm done
20:40.16Rick_workbut if I want to I can override the css for 1.png and set height and width and etc.
20:40.19Rick_workMorning rwhitby
20:40.30Rick_workare you home yet?
20:41.05*** join/#webos-internals debilater (i=5792cecb@gateway/web/freenode/x-hgfwsaaexhgswjfw)
20:41.16rwhitbyI'm in the right country, but 1292 miles from home.
20:42.00Rick_workstill a flight away huh?
20:42.04Rick_workin an airport?
20:42.09destinal-preits a big country
20:43.02Rick_workit is a big country.
20:43.19Rick_workoh, by the way, happy Kansas Day everyone.
20:43.55Rick_workRod missed au day while he was in Japan.  :(
20:44.19Rick_workKs day is being celebrated with a snow storm. :)
20:44.24Rick_workegaudet back to work sorry.
20:44.50KyusakuI remember Narita airport had some kind of Sprint hotspot
20:44.53Rick_workSo, egaudet  your C service will dynamically redirect css calls to 1.png if it exists in the theme directory....
20:44.57Kyusakuback in 2008
20:45.10Rick_work(matching path and everything...)
20:45.46Rick_workand we don't have to do any "patching" of css files at all, so if a theme is JUST swapping images, there's nothing more to it than dropping the images into the right place.....  no css writing at all.
20:46.06dBsoonerrwhitby must be here
20:46.14dBsoonercuz I just got 3 twitter followers
20:46.20Rick_workwell, for some value of "here."
20:47.10dBsoonerRick_work: at least yours didnt' start as an ice storm
20:47.19dBsoonerwe had an inch of ice first
20:47.22dBsoonernow 8 inches of snow
20:47.30dBsoonerand no signs of stopping
20:47.39rwhitbyRick_work: two flights and 11 hours away from home.
20:47.56rwhitby(awful connections on this trip's return leg)
20:48.05Rick_workrwhitby that seems unfair.  1200 miles, 2 hours by commercial jet.  -- :(
20:48.36rwhitbyCairns to Adelaide is a bit more than 2 hours even as the crow flies.
20:49.33Rick_workdBsooner  at least Ok was smart enough to enter the union on April 22.  Jan 29 is NEVER a good day for a celebration unless it's VERY indoors.  :)
20:49.39Rick_workrwhitby  ok, ok, 3 hours.
20:49.52Rick_workbut 11 seems unfair -- really BAD connections.
20:50.18Rick_workegaudet  did you see my question?
20:50.37destinal-preits a nice day in co
20:50.43dBsoonercommercial jets go around 400-500 mph
20:50.58dBsoonerim still working though
20:51.02dBsoonerdriving down the road at 20 mph
20:51.04Rick_workif I put 1.png in the right path, that's absolutely all I have to do, the c service magically replaces it with the one in the path, and no css editing.
20:51.08dBsoonerin a 50mph zone
20:51.16iSmitedid someone tell me where the ssh path was
20:51.46Rick_workdid we lose eric?
20:55.37Rick_workegaudet egaudet_work  ping ????
20:55.56Rick_workok, destinal-work  can YOU answer that question???/
20:56.14destinal-workRick_work: let me read it
20:57.17destinal-workI think the idea was patching css files ONCE for all themes and then moving a symlink to point the dir the css points at to the right place
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20:58.00Rick_workdestinal-work  so every time the global.css changes, we have to re-do the master
20:58.36Rick_workdestinal-work  and this allows only themeing things that are in global.css -- no mechanism for theming applications
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20:59.15destinal-workas far as I know, yes, but I haven't been involved in the entire process, just talked about parts
20:59.24Rick_work((I'm not complaining, I'm asking))
20:59.28destinal-workmoving around actual images is messy
20:59.33destinal-workwe were trying to avoid that
20:59.46Rick_workI'm not complaining, I'm getting my head around this.
21:00.11Rick_workSo, this is a mechanism for theming anything that is pointed to in Global.css.  or whatever list of CSS files we choose to support.
21:00.44Rick_workand we will ONCE edit those, and change paths to /media/internal/.themes/activetheme  which will be a symlink to SOME theme.
21:01.06Rick_workand if the files aren't there, if the theme fails to incclude some file, it will auto-fall-back to the original file.....
21:01.24destinal-workI think that's what they were talking about making the service handle
21:02.02Rick_workso, the service goes through and scans for images with the "right" names, in the "right" places and modifies the global.css to point to them.
21:02.56zsocwerkinRick_work: I was under the impression the service just switches the symlink
21:02.58destinal-workI'm not sure on that at the moment.  I think the idea was to handle it by symlink instead, again, we only want to patch once
21:03.14zsocwerkinRick_work: and there is a 1 time global css patch
21:03.36Rick_workzsocwerkin  ok,  I'm confused again.
21:03.50destinal-workit could be possible a service could fix a theme with missing images by symlinking its files as well as the symlink to the active dir
21:04.03Rick_workzsocwerkin  I have included in my theme new images for 0.png through 9.png --  but not dialbutton.png
21:04.19Rick_workhow do you write a css file that "falls through" to the other file?
21:04.45destinal-workyou don't
21:04.55Rick_workok let me try again.
21:04.55destinal-workyou just symlink any missing files to defaults
21:05.12Rick_worklet me try again....
21:05.14destinal-workis that bad?
21:05.18Rick_workno no it's fine.
21:05.32Rick_workit's just that i'm trying to write a description  of what you want to do....
21:06.24destinal-workso I'm not sure if it's 100% nailed down whether there will be one directory full of symlinks or a directory that symlinks to the theme,  the latter has issues with fall back if missing
21:06.45destinal-workwhich could be handled once on theme installation
21:06.49Rick_work1) We take global.css -- and anything else we want to be able to theme,  and edit them one time so that every file name points to /media/internal/.themes/activetheme
21:07.26Rick_work2) we take our IPK and extract it into /media/internal/.themes/mytheme
21:07.40Rick_work3) we run the "Theme Management Tool"
21:07.50destinal-workI think /media/internal doesn't work for fall back if missing
21:07.55Rick_work4) the theme management tool presents us with a list of themes installed int he .theme folder.
21:08.17destinal-worksince it's vfat and we can't symlink FROM it
21:08.22zsocwerkindestinal-work: no no, not if missing, if EXISTS
21:08.23Rick_workfine destinal-work  -- change that line to whatever folderyou like  /activetheme  whatever.
21:08.41zsocwerkin.. /var/activetheme
21:09.28Rick_work5) theme management tool lets you select which theme you want as active.
21:10.13Rick_work6) that calls the c-service which then goes to mytheme and iterates through allthe image files in all the folders there.
21:10.42Rick_work7) the c-service figures out which files are "missing" from the master list of files which are in the mytheme directory, and symlinks THOSE files back to the originals.
21:10.50zsocwerkinnono, I'm pretty sure all the service does is symlinks the folder to /var/active_theme
21:10.56Rick_work8) the c-service then symlinks mytheme to /var/activetheme....
21:11.25Rick_workzsocwerkin  how does the css fall back to the missing files originals then????
21:11.37zsocwerkinI think the service is being given too much credit. the if_missings should happen in the css patch
21:12.08zsocwerkinor rather, if exists
21:12.42zsocwerkinie, leave the css class ultimately the same, but use an if_exists for the active_theme folder, else continue
21:12.50Rick_workhow do you write an if in css?????
21:12.58zsocwerkiner, in javascript
21:13.23zsocwerkin(eric is supposed to chime in before I eat my feet)
21:13.29Rick_workzsocwerkin  I thought we were avoiding re-writing the css file every time... ??
21:13.53Rick_workzsocwerkin you're saying that we go through and re-write the munged css file so that it points to this one OR that one..  depending on if missing....
21:14.45Rick_workas part of the install process of the theme management app
21:15.08Rick_work(which requires writing a file, which means we have to run a binary to do that, since mojo javascript can't write files.)
21:15.47zsocwerkinyou're right
21:16.46zsocwerkinRick_work: ok, each theme MUST have a global.css
21:16.51Rick_workso, honestly, it makes sense to just re-write the munged global.css in the binary app in the first place....
21:17.07zsocwerkinRick_work: which only has methods that are applicable to that theme
21:17.13Rick_workzsocwerkin  ok....
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21:18.31zsocwerkinRick_work: nope nevermind, I'm wrong again
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21:18.46Rick_workzsocwerkin  we have to pick something.
21:18.49zsocwerkinRick_work: the service has to do some magic. like you were saying
21:19.02zsocwerkinegaudet_work: stop being at work
21:19.43PuffTheMagiczsocwerkin: whats new re: sdl_gl
21:19.58Rick_workzsocwerkin  -- go look at the wiki -- theme management api
21:20.07zsocwerkinPuffTheMagic: xcomp has it working
21:20.19zsocwerkinRick_work: I did, that's written as a spec for themers
21:20.20PuffTheMagici am so pumped
21:20.37Rick_workzsocwerkin  ok, then look at the section that says OVERWRITE CSS CLASSES
21:20.47Rick_workThe next part of themeing will be overwriting CSS classes (of any app's stylesheet as well as Palm stock global stylesheets). This will require a small patch to the framework to load a theme's CSS on top of any css being loaded.
21:21.06zsocwerkinRick_work: right. a 1 time patch
21:21.14iSmiteurgh pre dont read rtf files
21:21.25Rick_workiSmite correct -- which sucks
21:21.47iSmitethats ok i changed my porny story into pdf....
21:21.50Rick_workzsocwerkin  I'm going to try editing this on the wiki now.....
21:22.16PuffTheMagicegaudet_work: i cant beleive you have already stuff working re: themes cause typically when i spurt out an idea around here its met with mass objection and in the time we would normally be arguing u already have stuff working
21:23.05iSmitecan i ask my question for the 10th time lol ill go away then i just want the ssh path to notification and alert sounds :P
21:23.12PuffTheMagicjust ask
21:23.28Rick_workyou want the path to the sounds....
21:24.25iSmitei did ask lol 10 times
21:24.47iSmitemine got overwritten
21:24.49zsocwerkiniSmite: I gave you the command to find it
21:24.51iSmitewhen i installed a patch
21:24.55iSmitesorry i didnt see
21:25.18Rick_workit's  usr/palm/sounds/
21:25.32zsocwerkinoh, /usr, hmm ok hehe
21:25.52zsocwerkinPuffTheMagic: what was your conceptual idea as far as core patching?
21:26.12PuffTheMagiczsocwerkin: regarding themes?
21:26.21zsocwerkinPuffTheMagic: not the app or the theme directy symlinks, just the 'if exists else use original' part
21:26.55PuffTheMagiczsocwerkin: i was actually thinking of just modifying the palm css
21:27.06PuffTheMagicand adding a root stylesheet to everything
21:27.15PuffTheMagicwith a path to some directory
21:27.21zsocwerkinPuffTheMagic: rick challenged that with 'how do you do ifs in css'
21:27.23PuffTheMagicwhich is really a symlinnk to a theme directory
21:27.33PuffTheMagiczsocwerkin: u dont need to do ifs in css
21:27.44PuffTheMagicthe css always points to the same foldter
21:27.49zsocwerkinPuffTheMagic: what if that directory doesn't contain every image
21:28.02PuffTheMagiczsocwerkin: then the default its used
21:28.09Rick_workPuffTheMagic  how?????
21:28.15zsocwerkinwhat decides that
21:28.46iSmitei have a problem, my sounds are still in there and they are correct but when i installed that patch to change them, they have stayed changed even though i uninstalled the patch
21:28.46zsocwerkinglobal symlinks to active theme directory?
21:28.54zsocwerkinLOL at 'idk' hehe
21:28.59iSmiteso i still have custom notification sound
21:29.14PuffTheMagiczsocwerkin: i havent thought about every aspect yet
21:29.28zsocwerkiniSmite: it's because your 'new' sounds are changed to the regular name, ie Notification.wav
21:29.33PuffTheMagici just threw out some ideas of how it might work
21:29.45iSmiteno they arent i sshed them out they are the originals
21:29.46Rick_workPuffTheMagic that's what we're beating out now.
21:29.49PuffTheMagicnever expected it was going to be implemented is less than 24hrs
21:29.53Rick_workHow to install "partical" themes.
21:30.14Rick_workiSmite  -- then you have a patched file pointing to some OTHER sounds....
21:30.19iSmiteoh crap
21:30.24iSmiteeven though i removed the paych
21:30.27PuffTheMagicRick_work: so maybe its gonna need a little js ;)
21:30.37iSmitei also removed the 'other' sounds
21:30.42Rick_workthe patch didn't unremove iSmite
21:30.56iSmiteeverything is back to original not even any custom sounds anywhere in the pre
21:30.56zsocwerkinRick_work: something needs to decide what to do if the file isn't available in the directory
21:31.04PuffTheMagicwe could use aufs :D
21:31.20Rick_workzsocwerkin  I'm working on it.  Give me 10 minutes and I'll have a write up.
21:31.26Rick_workand we can bash on it again.
21:31.30PuffTheMagicmount the theme over the default path as a transparent overlay
21:31.37zsocwerkin... no
21:31.42PuffTheMagichell yea
21:31.51Rick_workPuffTheMagic it would have to overlay ROOT....
21:31.52PuffTheMagicwe can install a kernel module
21:31.52iSmitenope its still there, damn
21:32.00zsocwerkin... no
21:32.11PuffTheMagiczsocwerkin: come on it would be so sweet
21:32.27zsocwerkinthis is supposed to be less intrusive
21:32.30Rick_workiSmite  -- which sounds were you patching?  and to what files?
21:32.44PuffTheMagiczsocwerkin: there is completly uninstrusive
21:32.51iSmitei used the notification patch so i could choose what to have as the notification sound
21:33.03iSmitenow i have removed custom sounds and the patch
21:33.05zsocwerkincrashing kernel modules = doctor your phone
21:33.10iSmiteits still playing the custom sound lol
21:33.13PuffTheMagiczsocwerkin: no!
21:33.33PuffTheMagiczsocwerkin: kernel modules hardly crash the whole kernel
21:33.38PuffTheMagicvery very rarely
21:34.37Rick_workiSmite  reboot
21:34.44iSmitei did
21:34.52zsocwerkiniSmite: reinstall the patch that did it, and uninstall it again
21:34.59iSmitei did
21:35.04iSmitethis is weird
21:35.04Rick_workwhat type of file is it  mp3 or wave?
21:35.19iSmiteohh hang on somethings happened now i have no sounds
21:35.23iSmiteill reboot again
21:35.32Rick_workthen you get to put the default ones back
21:35.38PuffTheMagiczsocwerkin: im dead serious though, aufs would make this super clean and easy
21:35.55Rick_workPuffTheMagic  that may actually work.
21:36.21iSmiteis 'luna restart' the equivalent of a respring on the iphone?
21:36.44Rick_workwe would need to overlay /usr/palm/applications  and /media/internal/cryptofs/usr/palm/applications
21:36.46PuffTheMagicRick_work: and palm could implement that too, considering they used cryptofs they might like this idea
21:36.51zsocwerkiniSmite: restarts gui, yeah
21:36.56iSmiteah ok thanks
21:37.17zsocwerkinRick_work: yes YES! ok I'm on board again lol
21:37.26Rick_workzsocwerkin  that's actually clever.
21:37.27PuffTheMagiczsocwerkin: haha
21:37.48Rick_workhow hard is it to mount an overlay that way?  Do we have to install anything special to the phone, is aufs already there?
21:38.07PuffTheMagicRick_work: i dont believe aufs is on the phone
21:38.13PuffTheMagicRick_work: buts its easy to build modules for it
21:38.33Rick_workhow hard is it to install and set up?
21:38.37PuffTheMagicand it would be easy to make WIDK build modules
21:38.58zsocwerkinRick_work: it's a project to develop, user implementation is easy but requires a full restart
21:39.06Rick_workso we could make the installation and set up of it part of the Theme manager app.
21:39.09PuffTheMagicRick_work: not terribly hard, definately something that could be thrown in to event.d file or managed byt the service
21:39.26Rick_workso it could happen as part of the postinst when you install theme manager....
21:39.27zsocwerkinRick_work: prolly the service
21:39.40zsocwerkinshould be a dep anyway
21:40.04PuffTheMagicyeah aufs kernel module would be its own package
21:40.08Rick_workso it could happen as part of the postinst when you install theme manager....
21:40.39PuffTheMagicRick_work: yeah but if are gonna have a service it make more sense to let the service maintain it
21:41.00Rick_workPuffTheMagic  but when we install theme manager, it could put all the bits in place.
21:41.07Rick_workthe service would RUN it .
21:41.13Rick_workbut all the bits would be there....
21:41.21Rick_workas a dependency of theme manager.
21:41.57PuffTheMagicRick_work: well the ipkg for the service woudl also dependon the ipk for aufs, and yeah the service would then be able to use aufs
21:42.04Rick_workin this context, then, if you want to just change an image, all you have to do is toss it in the right place with the right file name.
21:42.37Rick_workthat's fine for images.
21:42.42Rick_workNow let's talk about css files.
21:42.48PuffTheMagicit works for the css too
21:42.56PuffTheMagicohhh shit
21:42.58Rick_workahhhh wait for a minute puff..
21:43.03Rick_worklight dawns.
21:43.22Rick_workthey have to include a PATCHED GLOBAL.CSS if we did this.
21:43.23PuffTheMagicRick_work: sed magic?
21:43.29iSmiteok i rebooted and i still have no sound!
21:43.34iSmitethe sounds are there in sounds
21:43.45Rick_workiSmite  so it's not looking there....
21:43.50Rick_workyou still have patched code.
21:44.07Rick_workpuff -- we ONE TIME modify framework
21:44.16Rick_workso that in addition to calling global.css it calls theme.css
21:44.22Rick_workand theme.css is SPARSE
21:44.31Rick_workand contains ONLY the css you want to override.
21:44.32iSmitewhy dont patches uninstall properly? whats the point in having an uninstall option if it doesnt completely uninstall
21:44.41zsocwerkinnow I see why we haven't done this before
21:44.42PuffTheMagicRick_work: right
21:44.43Rick_workiSmite  we're working on that.
21:44.54zsocwerkiniSmite: I believe you uninstalled it improperly? :)
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21:44.55PuffTheMagicRick_work: that is sorta what i thought was possible
21:45.06iSmitehow? i clicked uninstall in preware
21:45.07Rick_workzsocwerkin  that's why I've been saying for a gazillion days that themes suck.
21:45.12PuffTheMagicRick_work: well if we go back to that then we dont need aufs
21:45.13iSmitewhat else am i meant to do
21:45.16Rick_workthey're horrifically complex.
21:45.18zsocwerkiniSmite: did you both install and uninstall through preware?
21:45.19PuffTheMagicand symlinks manager would work again
21:45.48zsocwerkiniSmite: that is uncommon
21:45.54Rick_workpuff yeah,  but the problem with THAT is, that building a theme that JUST does images now requires editing the image paths in the sparse css.
21:46.16zsocwerkiniSmite: oh, you may have to reinstall the patch, and reselect the original sound bytes, then uninstall
21:46.20Rick_workwe've increased the requirements to do a theme to about 6x the complexity
21:46.24PuffTheMagicRick_work: yeah but that is way easier than aufs
21:46.33iSmiteyou cant select the original ones though
21:46.33PuffTheMagicits not that complex
21:46.38Rick_workthen that's how I'll write it up.
21:46.46Rick_workgimme a minute or two.
21:48.07zsocwerkinPuffTheMagic: wait, how is the distinction made to pick out image files?
21:48.18Rick_workzsocwerkin  I got that part
21:48.20Rick_workI'm typing
21:48.59PuffTheMagiczsocwerkin: i am not the css expert
21:49.01Rick_workjust change the paths BACK to /usr/palm/sounds instead of /media/internal
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21:49.19Rick_workzsocwerkin  it's going to be a SPARSE css file
21:49.24PuffTheMagicu should replace me with oil in this convo
21:49.30Rick_workwhich ONLY includes the classes you want to overwrite.
21:49.44zsocwerkinsparse... err... sql database?
21:49.45Rick_workthen, there's just ONE symlink.
21:50.17zsocwerkin*CSS_Guy = oil
21:50.39iSmiterick_work can i jchange the extension to wav though
21:50.41Rick_workzsoc -- if all I'm overwriting is the 1.png image my theme.css will contain just one class -- dialer1 which will point to /var/activetheme/yadayada/1.png instead of /usr/palm/yadayada/1.png
21:50.48iSmiteim trying to use the originals not put more mp3s in
21:50.51Rick_workiSmite change whatever you like
21:50.52zsocwerkinRick_work: so like a css overlay? didn't know those existed... so basically an if_exists
21:51.03Rick_workthat page tells you how to do it
21:51.08zsocwerkingot it
21:51.17Rick_workzsocwerkin  CASCADING STYLE SHEETS
21:51.26Rick_workthis is the "overriding" style sheet.
21:51.29Lumierelast css to be opened
21:51.33Rick_workit overrides the default one.
21:51.34Lumiereoverrides the first
21:51.40Rick_workif you have to you use an !IMPORTANT
21:51.47Rick_workLumiere  nodnodnod
21:52.28zsocwerkinI'd need to see an example.
21:52.35zsocwerkinif it works in that manner itsperfect
21:53.27Rick_workit does.
21:53.46Rick_workthat's why you can change truncating-text in your app and have it override the default truncating-text from global
21:54.01Lumierezsocwerkin: the whole point of CSS
21:54.09Lumiereis you define "table" with a border of 0
21:54.10iSmiteso im gonna have to keep that stupid patch grr i just wanted to default
21:54.24Lumierethen you define table tr td with a border of 1
21:54.53Lumiereif something doesn't override
21:54.59Lumiereyou throw "!important"
21:55.06Lumiereand it raises the value of it
21:57.00Rick_workstill working, but I'm getting there.
21:57.16zsocwerkinLumiere: never knew, that's cools
21:57.38Lumierezsocwerkin: css is one of the prettiest designs I have seen
21:57.45Lumiereit is absurdly simple
21:57.49Lumiereand incredibly powerful
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21:58.25zsocwerkinLumiere: I know. just never used that functionality
22:00.48Rick_workok, zsocwerkin  PuffTheMagic Lumiere  refresh  and read what I got so far.
22:02.13LumiereRick_work: may I suggest that you find a way to automate this?
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22:02.27A2NYhi, I need some help
22:02.37A2NYmy phone decided to be a fish
22:02.54A2NYwhite w/ red battery icon and won't go past that
22:02.55LumiereA2NY: remove the battery and let it dry for a week
22:03.00Rick_workLumiere  yes, but we have to have a SPEC before we write code.
22:03.16Rick_workA2NY  it got wet?
22:03.19LumiereRick_work: that does look good
22:03.29A2NYcan I start up the phone with the battery removed ?
22:03.46A2NYI know there is code some where to specify dummy battery
22:03.47Rick_workA2NY Pull the battery -- and  put it in a bag of rice for 48 to 72 hours.
22:03.54Rick_workyou have to dry out the guts.
22:04.01Lumieremaybe instead of the themeXXXXX do globals/XXXXX.css
22:04.35Rick_workif it was me, I would pull the battery and flush the phone with distilled water, then fling it as dry as you can and put it in a bag of rice for 48 to 72 hours.
22:05.01Rick_workA2NY  if you can't wait that long, and you have insurance on the phone, and are willing to pay the 100 dollar deductable, go to sprint store.
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22:05.34A2NYwill sprint swap it, this phone is already from asurion
22:06.12LumiereRick_work: then there is less parsing to do
22:06.19Lumierejust check the globals folder
22:06.43Rick_workLumiere  ok, that makes sense.
22:07.01Rick_workLumiere  gimme about 5 minutes more and I'll let you edit htis thing ok?
22:07.10Lumierenotes this screams for something like dBsooner's patch system
22:07.17zsocwerkinLumiere: I like you
22:07.32Lumierezsocwerkin: lazy is good?
22:07.43Rick_workLumiere  agreed, we need to write an "auto-theme-builder"  but we have to have a SPEC first.
22:08.03LumiereI love that SPEC has to be in caps ;)
22:08.32Lumierenotes that doing requirements documents is his day job
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22:11.02Rick_workLumiere  I have random capticalization disease
22:11.08Rick_workI've fought it my whole life.
22:11.14Lumieretotally understand ;)
22:11.49Rick_workLumiere  refresh please, and edit to your heart's content.
22:12.17Rick_workif we all get agreed on this part, then we can spec the theme-manager app, and the theme-builder app.
22:13.15Rick_workbut we have to have an API first.....
22:13.30LumiereI'll do it from home
22:13.38Rick_workLumiere  ok
22:13.46Rick_workI'll tweak for a bit, but I think we're close.
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22:21.08Rick_workzsocwerkin  would you go look at it now please?
22:22.04FreeTimSo when I do phone updates it says Apps need to be updated, then it takes me to the Palm Catalog, lists all my apps (with nothing special about updating any of them)
22:22.05zsocwerkinRick_work: you have a 'now' disease too :p
22:22.17zsocwerkinFreeTim: that's expected behavior
22:22.58Rick_workFreeTim  now press the UPDATED APPS choice in the app catalog
22:23.49FreeTimlooking... I don't see that
22:25.11Rick_workFreeTim  press the shopping bag in the lower right.  any with updates will show you that on the screen
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22:25.30Rick_workand there will be an "INSTALL UPDATES" button in the lower right corner
22:27.04FreeTimI see the bag, I press that it lists my apps, but no options to update all, nor any individually. It's like, the Catalog doesn't think any need to be updated, but  the Updates icon in the Launcher does think there are some needing updating.
22:27.12FreeTimI might send the two of them outside, if they are gonna fight.
22:28.01Rick_workFreeTim  are these possibly apps which at one time where homebrew and have graduated to the app cat?
22:28.17Rick_workif so, then yu can get this kind of conflict.
22:28.44FreeTimI can only guess Yes, I am an early adopter and I an admitted apps hound
22:28.50Rick_workthere you go.
22:28.57destinal-workRick_work: seems a little redundant to have theme before everything.  Imagine if we had appname apptype  etc in appinfo.json
22:29.29Rick_workdestinal-work  ok.  I like self-documenting files.
22:29.29destinal-workthe file's already about themes
22:29.40FreeTimwill the conflict prevent all future updates? I can try rebooting
22:29.43Rick_workdestinal-work  and doubtless I would have done precisely that.
22:29.56Rick_workFreeTim  it's not preventing ANY updates.
22:30.06Rick_workthere aren't any except the conflicted ones.
22:30.08FreeTimOh OK then!  :)
22:30.10Rick_workor it would have done them.
22:30.26Rick_workdestinal-work  feel free to edit it.  :-)
22:30.37Rick_workany other comments?  destinal-work
22:30.41FreeTimThanks zsoc and Rick for your answers, very reassuring
22:31.24Rick_workor zsocwerkin  who hasn't commented on it at all yet, muchless NOW  -- :)  there, both diseases at once, and just for the heck of it, I'll insert some,random comma,splicing as well...  and gratuitous elipsise.
22:31.32FreeTimIf that's on the wiki and I just missed it, shame on me. If not, I'll create a wiki page for those with similar question
22:31.51Rick_workFreeTim  put it in the preware page, don't make a whole new one
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22:32.33destinal-workRick_work: it's readable and I get the intent which is a good start -- I'll jump in and see if I can help improve when I get home
22:32.58Rick_workI think we need a tight spec here before we start flinging code at it.
22:33.07Rick_workreally REALLY think that.
22:33.19Rick_workand would be SUPER DUPER happy to get theme feeds the heck out of preware.....
22:34.08destinal-workRick_work: I always figured they still made sense as feed based ipk's that only touched their unique id's dir
22:34.16destinal-workbut NOT patches like now
22:34.27zsocwerkinRick_work: looks good
22:34.37Rick_workI'm adding that part into the theme management app right now.
22:34.56destinal-workRick_work: we already have preware, I don't think we want yet another distribution mechanism
22:35.35zsocwerkinnow with InstaTheme© technology
22:35.45Rick_workok, but it just makes so much SENSE since we have to have a theme-management app anyway, to have it have a "get more themes" button and read the themes feeds.
22:35.47Robi_Rick_work: heh I already disable them, big nod
22:35.50VincentLawthe best theme is no theme >.>
22:36.44destinal-workRick_work: ok, I guess it could consume ipkgservice  (and/or a native service when it comes along)
22:36.58destinal-workbut there's a lot of duplication
22:37.18destinal-workI think I prefer to download them with preware and then LAUNCH is assocuated
22:37.23destinal-workassociated with the theme app
22:37.56AbyssulIs it possible to implement a download count for patches?
22:38.02destinal-workGet more themes could actually be a link back into preware
22:38.22destinal-workinto the themes category
22:38.32PuffTheMagicRick_work: theme feeds would still be in preware
22:39.08PuffTheMagicAbyssul: i have something in mind to track ipkg usage
22:39.58Rick_workThe Theme Management App also displays a command button which says something like: Get more themes. which accesses the compatible themes feeds. Any theme-manager compatible feeds are displayed using code which we steal from Preware.
22:39.58Rick_workThe theme manager app can call the preware file service to get the theme feeds information.
22:39.58Rick_workIt does NOT download the feeds by default, only on request by pressing "get more themes."
22:39.59Rick_workWhen a theme downloads, it extracts into /media/internal/.themes if the theme manager app attempts to open themedata.json and there isn't one, or it is corrupt, it informs the user that "this is not a theme manager compatible theme, sorry." and calls the service to delete the folder created by the IPK.
22:40.22Rick_workPuffTheMagic  I am suggesting something else.....
22:41.20Rick_worksince compatible themes REQUIRE a themeinfo.json  unless we want to bundle that into preware _too_ but we HAVE to have a theme-manager app, so finding themes using the theme-manager app just makes so much sense.
22:41.29zsocwerkinanyway play BIA or AC?
22:41.52destinal-workRick_work: why not just use the ipkg info?
22:42.06PuffTheMagicRick_work: i think the theme app just changes them, installation of new themes should stay in preware with the added capability of using usb mode to copy them to a special dir
22:42.31destinal-workRick_work: thumbnails and descriptions are already specified there
22:42.35zsocwerkinwe could autocreate themedata.json s...
22:42.40destinal-workas is version
22:42.46Rick_workdestinal-work  because the theme manager allows you to have a bunch of themes ALREADY INSTALLED on the phone
22:42.46destinal-workauthor, url ,etc
22:42.56Rick_workand swap them quick -- work, home, clubbing etc.
22:42.59destinal-worksure, you install them ALL
22:43.10Rick_workyou install the ones you WANT.
22:43.16destinal-workwhen you install one app on the pre, it doesn't uninstall another app
22:43.20destinal-workit's not a one app device
22:43.23Rick_workI can see someone having 3 to 5 themes....
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22:43.46Rick_workwhy have to go back to ipkg to get the silly thing when we already have an extracted folder?
22:43.53Rick_workthus themeinfo.json
22:43.59destinal-workugly duplication
22:44.06destinal-workwe already have ipkg and feeds
22:44.14destinal-workwe need to distribute these things
22:44.56destinal-workyou can use preware and install all 5
22:44.58destinal-workthen you can launch one and it goes to theme ap
22:45.01destinal-workto install
22:45.09destinal-workor you can browse around theme app and select noe
22:45.15Rick_workso,  to get the themes listed for the theme manager, I go to ipkg, and ask it for a list of installed packages, and get the installed themes, and parse those themes descriptions out of the feed.
22:45.25destinal-worknot at all
22:45.34destinal-workyou look at directory names
22:45.36PuffTheMagicdestinal-work: did u ever use compiz
22:45.48PuffTheMagicthe theme manager for that used svn
22:45.51destinal-workthen you pull the ipkg INFO for each directory name
22:45.56PuffTheMagicto keep its self up to date with all the new themes
22:46.03Rick_workI'm in the church basement.  No signal.  I want to change themes, and I want to see the description and the thumbnails  please tell me how it does it?
22:46.07PuffTheMagicwe could put themes in a git repo
22:46.11PuffTheMagicand at the press of a button
22:46.12PuffTheMagicsync it
22:46.14destinal-workRick_work: oh
22:46.15PuffTheMagicto get new themes
22:46.24PuffTheMagicand then forget feeds
22:46.24destinal-workRick_work: you want to cache thumbnails?
22:47.04Rick_workdestinal-work I want the thumbnails and the description to be in files in the IPK so I can see theme descriptions that I have loaded EVEN WHEN NO NETWORK.
22:47.15PuffTheMagicdestinal-work: so we could use git and usb to get installed themes :D
22:47.24zsocwerkinPuffTheMagic: I did compiz user support for like... a year.
22:47.31destinal-workPuffTheMagic: uh, please no git
22:47.38PuffTheMagicdestinal-work: why not?
22:47.41Rick_workeach theme is in a dir.  each theme has themeinfo.json  the themeinfo.json has a description field and pointers to 0 or more thumbs.
22:47.42PuffTheMagicdestinal-work: or rsync
22:47.44PuffTheMagicor something
22:47.53destinal-worklet's just try to use the existing infra
22:47.59destinal-workwe have ipkg and feeds
22:48.03destinal-workthey work
22:48.16Rick_workdoes this make sense now destinal-work
22:48.25PuffTheMagicdestinal-work: i can see it both ways
22:48.32PuffTheMagici always have themes blocked in preware
22:48.43PuffTheMagicso i woudld just as much rather they eb gone
22:48.49PuffTheMagicbut keeping them is fine
22:49.02Rick_workKK going home now...
22:49.16Rick_workyou guys beat on each other for a while and someone update the wiki.
22:49.22destinal-workRick_work: I think we can use themes in feeds of ipks,
22:49.24PuffTheMagicbut a lot of theme managers on desktops and update them selves with "apporoved" themes
22:49.38PuffTheMagicand then also support 3rd party ones
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22:49.42egaudet_workback sorry.  Rick_work re: css pointing to dialpad/1.png, you would make theme1/framework/global.css that changed that to point to /var/.themes/theme1/<wheateveryouwant>
22:49.50destinal-workPuffTheMagic: you can install via WOSQI or Preware or ipkg-install
22:49.54destinal-workit already all exists
22:49.59Rick_workegaudet_work  I'm going away for a bit.
22:50.02PuffTheMagicdestinal-work: true
22:50.08Rick_workHave fun.  I think I have a decent start there.
22:50.27Rick_workegaudet_work I'm really sorry I completely undid what you had.  But I needed a starting point.
22:50.38Rick_workand btw, I didn't deal with icons in this at all.  :(
22:50.45Rick_workbut that's pretty easy.
22:50.46destinal-workegaudet_work: you should edit the wiki
22:51.00destinal-workyou and puff have the best idea already of what you're thinking of
22:51.06egaudet_workhowever I will look into being able to redirect ALL image loading from <path> to THEME_DIR/<path>  because that would make it easier for designers
22:51.06dcordestmzt, ping
22:51.22destinal-workjust let's not use a new shiny technology for distribution if we can do the same without it
22:51.26Rick_workdestinal-work also, themeinfo.json test allows us to throw away non-compliant themes.  :)
22:51.41PuffTheMagicdestinal-work: what if we used ipkgs but used a different offline root
22:52.09Rick_workPuffTheMagic  /media/internal/.themes
22:52.17Rick_workisn't that what we're talking about?
22:52.19egaudet_workalso for applications, theya ll load things from <app_dir>/stylesheets/   and ALL stylesheets including these ones will also load from THEME_DIR/<app_dir>/stylesheets etc...
22:52.26egaudet_workso you can overwrite app specific css classes too
22:52.27destinal-workOkay, I'm just wary of duplication of effort between preware and this app.
22:52.31PuffTheMagicRick_work: actually that could work
22:52.41Rick_workegaudet_work  I thought that's what I wrote.
22:52.42PuffTheMagicRick_work: then there is only 1 dir
22:52.47egaudet_worknot just global.css but this patch will load a theme css on top of ANY css loaded at any point
22:52.52PuffTheMagicregardless whether its usb or preware
22:53.03egaudet_workall the css is loaded by the same framework loadStylesheet function
22:53.13PuffTheMagicegaudet_work: but then ipkg db might get out of sync
22:53.14tmztdcordes: hey, yep, been here since June
22:53.39Rick_workegaudet_work  ok....   fix what I wrote...  thanks.  I'll be back later.  -- probably in about 3 or 4 hours.
22:54.08PuffTheMagicegaudet_work: this is pretty sweet how this is all coming to gether
22:54.36dcordestmzt, ever ran it on your raphael?
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22:54.49tmztnope, until Pixxi it couldn't anyway
22:55.29dcordeshow's that?
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22:55.46egaudet_workPuffTheMagic: maybe my mind is just starting to think a lot like yours now so no arguing, just doing :P
22:55.55tmztPre has a cortex cpu
22:56.05egaudet_workplus it was a really good idea by you
22:56.29egaudet_workOK there's just too much back log to continue reading anymore
22:56.32dcordestmzt, it's OE based. doesn't that mean it's supposed to work on multiple archs?
22:56.39PuffTheMagicegaudet_work: you know, yesterday.....
22:57.02PuffTheMagicwhen i was saying "they were doing it wrong" regarding the current themes
22:57.10PuffTheMagicand someone called me on how to do it right
22:57.17PuffTheMagici hadndt thought about it previously
22:57.25PuffTheMagici just spit that out on the spot
22:57.26tmztdcordes: it's optimized for cortex, it won't run onj armv7novfp
22:57.39tmzteven Pixi version since it's for arm1176
22:58.18egaudet_workthis really is coming out to be a reallly good thing
22:58.25Mouseyo/~ teenage mutant zombie turtles o/~
22:58.37egaudet_workPuffTheMagic: btw it won't be ipkg installable directly, it will require ipkg postinst
22:58.50PuffTheMagicegaudet_work: why
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22:59.15egaudet_workPuffTheMagic: because crpytofs is not accessible via USB mode
22:59.31Mouseytakes notes
22:59.35egaudet_workand a lot of people might want to install a theme by drag and drop USB mode, even though I think ipk install is easier, I know Windows users
22:59.45dcordestmzt, so it's time to spam bugtracker "palm package xyz do_configure/build fails"
22:59.47PuffTheMagicegaudet_work: ok so
22:59.51PuffTheMagichow about this
23:00.10egaudet_workand then the service and patch stuff is always looking in /var/active_theme for stuff which is linked to whatever theme you set active at the time
23:00.13PuffTheMagic/media/internal/themes and /media/cryptofs/themes
23:00.24egaudet_workPuffTheMagic: I wanted to do that but no sym link on vfat
23:00.35egaudet_workand I dont want double data for themes
23:00.45PuffTheMagicegaudet_work: the symlink is on ext though
23:00.55PuffTheMagicegaudet_work: or are u saying a symlink cant even point to something on vfat
23:00.59egaudet_workit can
23:01.04PuffTheMagicso then what is the issue?
23:01.08egaudet_workbut I mean neither /media/internal or /media/cryptofs is ext
23:01.20egaudet_workunless we could bind mount?
23:01.30PuffTheMagicyeah that would work too
23:01.53egaudet_workthen it would be ipk installable no postinst and USB mode dragable
23:02.00PuffTheMagicno no
23:03.31PuffTheMagic/var/.theme is the path the framework looks in, the service would bind mount something from /media/cryptofs/themes/<themename> or /media/internal/themes/<themename>
23:03.50PuffTheMagicand the gui would show the available themes from both dirs
23:04.31egaudet_workthat leaves open too much for collisions
23:04.38PuffTheMagichow so?
23:04.40dcordeswhere is the webos metadata? can't find it in the wiki
23:04.45egaudet_workplus why mount /var/.theme instead of sym link?
23:04.58PuffTheMagicegaudet_work: u were the one that mentioned bind mounting
23:05.16egaudet_workPuffTheMagic: I was only talking about that for getting the same data visible via ipk extraction as well as USB mode
23:05.22egaudet_worksince you can't see offline root from USB mode
23:05.29PuffTheMagicegaudet_work: ohhhh
23:05.45PuffTheMagicthat would probably break usb mode
23:05.59PuffTheMagicbut it dont need to be on all the time
23:06.14egaudet_workI -think- though sym linking the active theme to /var/.theme is better though than mounting
23:06.33PuffTheMagicegaudet_work: yeah i didnt realize what u were using mount bind for
23:07.21PuffTheMagicso umm
23:07.25PuffTheMagicwait a sec
23:07.55PuffTheMagicwhy do we have to bother with cryptofs at all?
23:08.15PuffTheMagici cant all be in /media/internal/themes
23:08.17PuffTheMagiccant it?
23:11.48egaudet_workthat was my plan
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23:11.59egaudet_workthe ONLY downside is ipks have to have a postinst to install them
23:12.07egaudet_workI thought you were arguing that you didn't want that
23:12.19PuffTheMagicidk what im saying right now
23:12.24PuffTheMagicim out of it
23:12.43egaudet_workhehe, well I'm going to commute home now, i'll be back in an hour or so
23:12.50PuffTheMagicmy brain is on overload with PhD and webOS work
23:13.34egaudet_workwell take it easy :)  bbl
23:15.22zsocwerkinpoints to PuffTheMagic, "PREMED!"
23:15.50PuffTheMagiczsocwerkin: haha not premed
23:15.55PuffTheMagici couldnt be a doctor
23:16.00PuffTheMagici dont like memorizing
23:16.05egaudet_workOH i read that as themed with a pr
23:16.11PuffTheMagici like knowing where to find info
23:16.17egaudet_workhaha ok out
23:17.30PuffTheMagicPremed is great
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23:21.28PuffTheMagicPrēme API
23:22.15PuffTheMagicwhich is unrelated to ForeSkin
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23:27.05zsocwerkindefinitely high
23:29.14PuffTheMagiczsocwerkin: shhhhhhhhhhhh
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23:33.07zsocwerkinPuffTheMagic: just as long as you aren't in those captain tight pants
23:33.26PuffTheMagiczsocwerkin: wow
23:33.58PuffTheMagiczsocwerkin: i was tyring to squeeze my fat ass back into some pants i havent worn in a while :D
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23:34.09zsocwerkinPuffTheMagic: then I approve
23:34.31PuffTheMagicdidnt gain any weight durring undergrad and then gained a double freshman 15 in grad school
23:34.36zsocwerkinPuffTheMagic: how are we handling relative icon paths? is it not _replacing_ the icon?
23:34.55zsocwerkinbecause I thought icons locations were binary driven
23:34.55PuffTheMagicit could
23:35.12PuffTheMagiclike i said i didnt think of every aspect
23:35.14JayCanuckk, so I'm late to the conversation
23:35.18PuffTheMagicand im not the framework person
23:35.25PuffTheMagicJayCanuck: hey
23:35.38PuffTheMagicJayCanuck: not that late
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23:35.45PuffTheMagicstill in the design phase right now
23:35.57zsocwerkinJayCanuck: wait for egaudet to get home.. he thinls he has it figured out :p
23:36.32PuffTheMagicJayCanuck: any thoughts, comments, questions?
23:37.06JayCanucklots, lol
23:37.25JayCanucklast I heard Egaudet was developing some auto update theme format
23:37.42PuffTheMagicJayCanuck: we are coming up with a new theme api
23:37.48JayCanuckand I was planning on switching both WOSQI and WebOS Theme Builder to it
23:38.16PuffTheMagicwell currently is seems like we are going to keep using ipks
23:38.23PuffTheMagicbut just use a new offline root path
23:38.26JayCanuckk, well, that works
23:38.37PuffTheMagicand the path its gonna be on /media/internal/themes
23:38.54PuffTheMagicso ipkg'd themes will need a postinst or something
23:38.57PuffTheMagicnot a big deal
23:38.59JayCanuckI'm adding an Export As Ipk option to WebOS Theme Builder, to transition all zip themes @ precentral
23:39.11PuffTheMagicbut themes wont be touching any palm files from now on
23:40.10PuffTheMagicthats the goal at least
23:40.14JayCanuckthat is...interesting
23:40.23JayCanuckhow will SysMgr files get altered
23:40.31JayCanuckall those are binary controlled
23:40.42JayCanuckand are very visible and themed by most themes
23:40.50rwongcan i just get like.. *part* of a Precentral theme package? just the wallpaper and screen lock icon really..
23:41.26JayCanuckrwong, download the zip file from precentral
23:41.32JayCanuckyou can grab the images
23:41.47zsocwerkinrwong: theme maintainers would have to release pieced options for 'supported' instalation
23:41.55PuffTheMagicJayCanuck: all that is gonna get overriden with css
23:42.03JayCanuckbut how
23:42.08JayCanuckthey aren't in any css
23:42.10rwongi see, thanks
23:42.24JayCanuckLunaSysMgr uses them directly, last I checked
23:42.53JayCanuckso I assume the new theme format disallows patches?
23:42.55PuffTheMagicJayCanuck: i dont know if "all" details have been worked out
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23:43.15PuffTheMagicJayCanuck: but the "goal" is to not have to have themes use patches
23:43.30JayCanuckk, I can accept that
23:43.32JayCanuckbut what about audio file replacements?
23:43.44JayCanuckcustom theme notification settings, etc.
23:43.46PuffTheMagicidk if that has been discused yet
23:44.04JayCanuckthat could maybe be sent via luna-send service call commands
23:44.10PuffTheMagicJayCanuck: i do encourage you to maintain more of a presense around here as we are always talking about these things
23:44.29PuffTheMagicand would like your input/participation
23:44.34JayCanuckyea, I really need to change IRC clients, lol
23:44.58zsocwerkin"thank you for your participation in our programs"
23:46.54PuffTheMagicJayCanuck: so there is a wiki page started where we are sorta document thoughts we have so far and things we think are good ideas
23:47.06PuffTheMagicso that would give you an idea of what we think we have an idea how to implement
23:47.09JayCanuckyea, saw :)
23:47.20PuffTheMagicJayCanuck: rick knows more about the css than i do
23:47.23JayCanuckso, the css overrides
23:48.04JayCanuckas far as I know, i'd be impossible to override a "!important" css setting
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23:49.06JayCanuckif rick knows of a solution, sounds like a nice idea though
23:49.29PuffTheMagicJayCanuck: the path in the main framework files look in a new directory for css after parsing the real files then if anything is redefined in the new css files should take over i would think
23:49.43PuffTheMagici think thats the idea
23:49.45PuffTheMagicwe will see
23:50.11PuffTheMagici just threw out an idea last night about patchless theme api and some ideas and egaudet has been running with it
23:50.24PuffTheMagicand so is destinal-work and rick-home
23:50.32JayCanuckyea, there's definitely more than a few tricky parts
23:50.34PuffTheMagicneither of which are around atm
23:50.49PuffTheMagicJayCanuck: yeah i didnt think this was gonna be implemened in 24hrs
23:50.50JayCanucklike apps that just use <img src="...">
23:50.57PuffTheMagicJayCanuck: so u can relax
23:51.14JayCanuckwell, as of wosqi, zip theming is disabled
23:51.48JayCanuckwhile theoretically, zip theming I liked a lot, I had to many novacom connection issues and it took too long, lol
23:51.56PuffTheMagicJayCanuck: even if the new api  isnt as robust in therms of what can be done now, it will be done cleaner and the api and grow as we learn how to do more things cleanly
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23:52.11iSmitewhens the new firmware coming out have they said?
23:52.36JayCanuckI'm mainly concerned at the transition between the x-hundred themes currently available
23:52.50JayCanuckcause there are many gems out there I'd hate to loose
23:53.00JayCanuckLeft 4 Dead theme kicks ass!
23:53.21iSmitewhatever its called sorry used to iphone terms the one that comes after
23:53.25PuffTheMagicJayCanuck: it might not be a perfect transition... and i dont think we are forcing anyone to use this new api
23:53.40PuffTheMagicand both could probably exist with out breaking each other too much
23:53.58JayCanuckpuffthemagic, this I should do a temporary in-between format?
23:54.24JayCanucklike, a prethemer-style ipk format transition from zip
23:54.37PuffTheMagicJayCanuck: naaa, i wouldnt really do anything till its matured a little bit
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23:54.54JayCanuckto fill the time gap before the new api is ready
23:54.54PuffTheMagici think only themes created from scratch for the api should be used with the new api for now
23:55.14JayCanuckk, so just go with a prethemer-style ipk solution right now?
23:55.21PuffTheMagicJayCanuck: thing is i anticipate a lot of experimentation for a little bit
23:55.30PuffTheMagicand the spec is gonna be in flux for a little while
23:55.39PuffTheMagicso not much point in doing anything just yet
23:55.58PuffTheMagicJayCanuck: yeah stick with what you currently have i guess
23:56.27JayCanuckwhat I currently have is the zip/xml format, which installs included patches as separate optional entities
23:56.52PuffTheMagicJayCanuck: i dont know much of the current theme details, i dont use themes
23:58.15PuffTheMagiczsoc|away: u happy u aint working on precorder any more?
23:58.28JayCanuckI think what I'll do in the meantime until theme spec is finished would be to just make an ipk similar to prethemer's, except have patch install as a separate entity
23:58.54JayCanuckso at the very least I can transition the precentral format to ipk
23:59.07FreeTimZsoc: it was great though. I liked it

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