IRC log for #webos-internals on 20100102

00:00.18rwhitbybpadalino: actually, I will change that to just give an error if len != strlen(id->child->text)
00:01.03bpadalinoprobably a good idea
00:01.22zsocJack87-WebIRC: <-- replace the binary in ../org.webosinternals.sdldoom/ with that
00:01.50egaudetrwhitby, is lsdiff in optware?
00:02.05rwhitbyegaudet: dunno
00:03.45Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: it kind of worked
00:04.00Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: keys worked during game play but not menu controls
00:04.09zsocJack87-WebIRC: thats normal
00:04.13egaudetwell if we could get lsdiff arm binary for pre packaged up, I'll change AUPT to use lsdiff rather than diffstat
00:04.19zsocJack87-WebIRC: my other version cross-mapped the up/down/left/right keys
00:04.28Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: difference now is the old menu contol keys dont work either
00:04.30egaudetand lsdiff works where diffstat failed
00:04.33rwhitbyegaudet: ok, remind me tomorrow for that one
00:05.03zsocJack87-WebIRC: now they are no longer cross-mapped, it's expected. you just have to _also_ map the normal arrow keys... somehow
00:05.30Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: where do i map that?
00:06.49Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: before when i mapped the keys the menu keys stayed the original you had made where the game play changed to custom (except for those few keys which are fixed now)
00:07.41zsochm.. 1 sec
00:07.56zsochey guys, there's code in the sdl patch to support a virtual terminal, ie sdlterm
00:08.18zsocJack87-WebIRC: that's because before those keys were static, it was bad programming on my part
00:09.13Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: oh so do we need to define the menu keys in the doomrc file or a file like it?
00:10.35bpadalinonot the most efficient, but i think that works.. how often will this method be called ?
00:10.39zsocJack87-WebIRC: er.. it sort of assumes you're going to use up,down,left,right for game play as well.. maybe we could map... er... them twice
00:11.14bpadalinorwhitby: i get worried you'll get more of an n^2 running time for the comparisons .. versus just checking ascii code ranges and your own for loop :(
00:11.41Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: ya that would make sense... do you have to change the binary again to reffer to the doomrc file?
00:11.48zsocJack87-WebIRC: try mapping up and down twice, and the second time use  173 for up and 175 for down
00:12.04Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: ok
00:12.54rwhitbybpadalino: start and stop doesn
00:12.59zsocDecimate: leathal regulars this channel now, we know he wants tux racer :)
00:13.04rwhitby't happen often - we can optimize later
00:13.16bpadalinookie dokie
00:13.38bpadalinothen i think that should work pretty well
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00:14.30Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: no luck but i discovered something....
00:14.59Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: so when i press the letter of the menu item starts with changes to that item so that can work
00:15.25Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: just cant choose save and load slots only use one
00:15.36zsocJack87-WebIRC: yeah i know that works. i'm sure it would annoy people tho lol
00:15.36rwhitbybpadalino: upstartmgr 0.0.5 pushed to autobuilder with that code
00:16.13rwhitbybpadalino: had to do it quick before some idiot copied the old version
00:16.29csplinterahh, I forgot that 1.3.5 was going to install when I charged. I had a theme installed as well as something like 20 patches. what should I do. ?
00:16.45bpadalinoi had never heard of them
00:16.57rwhitbybpadalino: they distribute a tarball with the very old cmdline service in it
00:17.06bpadalinooh awesome!!
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00:18.04rwhitbyok, can anyone in here test ledmanager and myflashlight from the testing feed please?
00:18.07zsocJack87-WebIRC: so doubling it like that doesn't fix the menu?
00:18.16zsocrwhitby: i sec
00:18.22Jack87-WebIRCnope :(
00:19.29Jack87-WebIRCrwhitby: what is testing feed url again?
00:20.38Jack87-WebIRCrwhitby: new feed option doesnt work in preware?
00:22.02rwhitbyJack87-WebIRC: nope
00:22.20rwhitbyJack87-WebIRC: not until signing support is complete
00:22.28Jack87-WebIRCthats fine.
00:22.38egaudetdBsooner, ping
00:22.40zsocJack87-WebIRC: try changing that second "key_down" to "key_downarrow"
00:23.05Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: roger that
00:23.31zsocJack87-WebIRC: er, and the same with up
00:23.52Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: done ill test
00:24.42Jack87-WebIRCrwhitby: .0.0.3 man?
00:24.52rwhitbyJack87-WebIRC: yep
00:26.10Jack87-WebIRCrwhitby: works
00:26.15egaudetrwhitby, could you do if string[strspn]='\0' rather than = strlen ?
00:26.22rwhitbynow has to hunt down every possible way that the obsolete flashlight was installed, and write code to forcible terminate it with extreme prejudice
00:26.40rwhitbyegaudet: I just test and error now
00:26.58zsocrwhitby: works
00:26.59destinalzsoc: what's this about terminal?
00:27.01Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: still noda with downarrow/uparrow
00:27.01*** join/#webos-internals Davide-NYC (i=4556a6f4@gateway/web/freenode/x-eazyfxjekwxwxhvl)
00:27.51Davide-NYCis this the right place to discuss keyboard mappings for the new Doom port?
00:27.59rwhitbyfreakout: you missed the signed scripts bit
00:28.08Jack87-WebIRCrwhitby: it doesnt work anymore lol i tapped it on anf off fast a lot
00:28.24rwhitbyfreakout: that article reads as if we're adding a security vulnerability.  we do not.
00:28.36lt83850Doom is hoot
00:28.47freakoutrwhitby: but I know that's your intent all along - to punch security holes in webOS so you can take over the world
00:28.49lt83850damn my kb has something jammed
00:28.54freakoutis fixing now
00:28.58rwhitbyfreakout: thx
00:29.42lt83850H forward, Y left, B right, tap screen to shoot
00:29.52lt83850G super moving forward\running
00:29.57zsocJack87-WebIRC: yeah i can't separate arrow keys from mappings (at least not without recoding things unecessarily).. it's all called from the same lib , just tell me your final key bindings and i'll hardcode them into the sdl lib i'm compiling against
00:30.05zsocJack87-WebIRC: although rod is going to hate that because then he can't recompile it
00:30.13lt83850Davide-NYC, thats basically it i guess
00:30.36grndslmrwhitby:  soooo.... a sprint rom *will* work on a gsm pre, no?
00:30.45lt83850. strafe right
00:30.50grndslmrwhitby:  perhaps you could tell me if the beginning of this is totally factual...
00:30.53Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: j for up and b for down
00:31.38rwhitbygrndslm: it probably will.  but I don't do things like that on my production phone
00:31.40freakoutlooky there, a retweet!
00:31.43destinalfreakout: we're allowing webos apps to start up predefined services only, which have to have already been installed by privileged users
00:31.53rwhitbydestinal: already updated :-)
00:31.54freakoutdestinal: yup, just appened that to the article
00:31.57destinalah, ok
00:32.01Jack87-WebIRCthey keys i have now are good if strafing is available but if there is no strafe then id change it.
00:32.04freakoutlol. You guys.
00:32.10Davide-NYCJack87-WebIRC: Are any of these key bindings up for discussion? (sorry if I'm clueless, I just got here)
00:32.18lt83850it has strafe
00:32.27lt83850only right works at the moment
00:32.28zsocJack87-WebIRC: doesn't strafing work?
00:32.30lt83850using . or ,
00:32.34Jack87-WebIRCbut if you can hard code the menu keys i guess it really doesnt matter what you pick
00:32.42lt83850no strafe left button
00:32.50Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: only right strafing... left makes you go right in turbo mode its weird
00:33.02zsocJack87-WebIRC: yeah, didn't that fix with the new binary?
00:33.18lt83850thanks zsoc for kickass program
00:33.23Jack87-WebIRCno.. i will try again
00:33.23lt83850works a charm very smooth
00:33.33zsocJack87-WebIRC: double check that please before i try to figure out why :P
00:33.38Jack87-WebIRCnope left still goes right in turbo
00:33.45freakoutrwhitby, you have at least 60 dedicated Twitter followers
00:33.50destinalrwhitby: you ever think we should have held doom off for a day until we had the launcher going?  a lot of people have this initial impression of starting it up being arcane, and now, well, it's not
00:33.58freakout'cause that's what the pageview count just spiked by
00:34.00destinalbut it's not likely precentral will do another front page just for that
00:34.29freakoutdestinal: precentral don't love you enough
00:34.33Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: what is key_strafe184
00:34.45freakoutdestinal: you should sign an agreement to exclusively talk to Palm Infocenter :p
00:34.50destinalfreakout: lmao
00:35.09Jack87-WebIRCDavide-NYC: right now we are just trying to figure out how to make all keys work properly
00:35.10zsocJack87-WebIRC: holding key_strafe makes key_left and key_right change to key_strafeleft and key_straferight
00:35.19rwhitbydestinal: if we'd known it would only take another day, and someone else wouldn't beat us to the SDL punch, perhaps.
00:35.53rwhitbydestinal: in my mind, the SDL technology is the story, not DOOM.
00:36.12destinalrwhitby: true, is just the POC
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00:36.41destinalrwhitby: and an invitiation for everyone to come make games and port apps with us :)
00:36.46destinalsince it's obvious proof
00:36.49Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: ok so nothing to worry about there? hum is it something in the binary that is making key_strafeleft go strageright turbo (also back goes forward in turbo which you already know)
00:37.07freakoutrwhitby: exactly
00:37.15zsocJack87-WebIRC: try setting key_speed to something arbitrary
00:37.18bpadalinoshowcasing the webos-specific features that Palm added would be interesting ..
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00:37.32syn9wirc on the pre is sweet!
00:37.35Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: i have it set to i
00:37.44destinalbpadalino: agreed.  we need force feedback and the rest
00:37.46rwhitbybpadalino: yeah, the next game with accel and five finger touch control will be awesome ;-)
00:37.49Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: does nothing
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00:37.55bpadalinoand the haptic feedback as well
00:38.05rwhitbyJack87-WebIRC: yes, agreed, zsoc does nothing
00:38.09freakoutSo as bpadalino noted the webOS SDL has force feedback in there somewhere
00:38.10Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: unless i hold i... if i hold i it goes fsat kinda like keystrafe
00:38.21freakoutwhat else? accelerometer is in there, ya?
00:38.46freakoutAnd that multi-mouse thing you were talking about earlier - that means multitouch gaming w/ five fingers?
00:39.10freakoutI repeat these questions just so I have it all straight in my head
00:39.21freakoutbecause in all likelihood i'll post something else on all that a bit later
00:39.58Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: hold on a second... i think i was editing the wrong doomrc file
00:40.08bpadalinofreakout: it seems that way, yes ..
00:40.20zsocJack87-WebIRC: ah yes, i was doing that earlier lol
00:40.26bpadalinoas the trackpad can track individual points .. it gives full sensing of up to 5 "mice"
00:40.55destinalfreakout: +//    printf( "Tap %d finger%s on the yellow square\n\n", count, (count > 1 ? "s" : ""));
00:41.31syn9is there a channel for wirc development?
00:41.40zsocsyn9: try #wirc
00:42.08Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: what keys are 173 and 175?
00:42.15zsocJack87-WebIRC: up and down
00:42.18freakouttries to envision five fingers on the pixi screen
00:42.35bpadalinothe pre can handle 10 or 11 .. kind of intense
00:42.36oilzsoc doesn't do nothing
00:42.36Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: what keys on the actual keyboard (letter)
00:42.45oilhe's pretty good at typing "make"
00:43.22destinalSym+2 is excluded because it is the reboot command?
00:43.33zsocJack87-WebIRC: the up key and the down key, y'know, arrows
00:44.44Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: lol i know but 173= what letter on the pre keyboard and 175- what letter... is it h, and g like you had it before?
00:45.06Jack87-WebIRCeither way none of the bottons navigate up and down on the menu (fixed the right doomrc file this time)
00:45.07destinalzsoc:     // turn off the mouse cursor. The cursor is supposed to start of "on". But we won't count on that. Hence the check before toggling.
00:45.17lingfishDamn you, O2... DAMN YOU!
00:45.21lingfishAlso, hi :)
00:45.32destinallingfish: you could have SDL if you really wanted it
00:45.35destinallingfish: I've told you
00:47.21lingfishSDL?  As in doctor?
00:47.25hapeis the a way to use the alt key in the terminal app on the Pre.
00:47.44hapeI what to switch the irris sessions I have running
00:47.47destinallingfish: you could get 1.3.5 by grabbing a 135 doctor, removing the compatibility error, and flashing
00:48.00lingfishdestinal: but won't that only have CMDA code in it?
00:48.04destinalnot sure how, but get hacking on it
00:48.20destinallingfish: no, we've proven CDMA and GSM images are interchangable in the past
00:48.25zsocdestinal: wha?
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00:48.42destinalI've run the GSM world ready on my sprint CDMA device
00:49.45destinalwebos is automatically a lot more multi-hardware-support than most people realize
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00:50.14bpadalinothey've done a good job abstracting the hardware to be very nimble
00:50.17lingfishdestinal: the key is that if I do that, I don't have anything to whinge about ;)
00:50.24destinallingfish: lol
00:50.39Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: You should hard code the menu keys... and that there is the game play keymap
00:50.42destinal+  // Palm's implementation of GL is only partial and it goes through GL-ES
00:51.37zsocdestinal: thats accurate
00:51.39zsocJack87-WebIRC: kk
00:51.52destinalzsoc: it's a comment from the patch so I would definitely hope so :)
00:52.05zsocJack87-WebIRC: well i can't just hardcode the menu keys, but i can hard code the gameplay keys to the arrow keys
00:52.25lingfishdestinal: still doesn't change the fact that carriers controlling an OS release is plain and utter stupidity.
00:52.43bpadalinolooks like ARM NEON assembly stuff is in the mixing call ..
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00:53.04destinallingfish: right, which is why we'll get doctor fixed up eventually to remove the compatibility error screen and we can go back to flashing whatever image we like as in 1.2.x and earlier
00:53.11Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: shit dont use that link let me make an update
00:53.19zsocJack87-WebIRC: lol ok
00:53.54destinalwe should even be able to "rebrand" doctor images for the paranoid
00:54.17destinalie let's diff the 135 final from O2 and others when it comes out, and figure out how to patch between them
00:54.34destinalso if you want to lose amazon and sprintnav, etc, you can
00:55.04Jack87-WebIRCthere that should do it... :) i can try and make a visual map for people
00:55.30zsocJack87-WebIRC: i dont want to do anything till i can fix strafing
00:55.49Jack87-WebIRCok cool perfect.. hehe
00:55.58lingfishSome Latitude in Google Maps would be just digger dandy too.
00:56.04Jack87-WebIRCuntill then i am heading out... i will be back later tonight
00:56.08zsockk you can email me when you have stuff ready to be tested
00:57.21Jack87-WebIRCbye peeps
00:58.33destinalzsoc, bpadalino: it looks like the joystick support is just for haptic
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00:58.59zsocdestinal: but it still has some sort of mouse control, i just can't figure out how to use it
00:59.37destinalzsoc: well it hides the mouse pointer but nothing says the mouse doesn't still exist
00:59.55destinalthat I have seen yet, anyway
01:00.10bpadalinothere's a bunch of multimouse calls that keep track of stuff ..
01:00.12zsocdestinal: mousedev = SDL_getenv("TSLIB_TSDEVICE"); ..... which means .. er.. it uses TSLIB_TSDEVICE as mousedev, instead of /dev/* like usual
01:00.36zsocdestinal: so the _standard_ mouse stuff is automatically hooked into touchscreen lib/device
01:01.11destinalso we need a test app
01:01.29destinalto report any/all input events etc
01:01.30bpadalinodestinal: there are test apps created at the bottom ..
01:01.37bpadalinoso the patch addresses them
01:01.50bpadalinotestmouse.c ?
01:02.00destinalah, I see
01:02.18bpadalinoyou could try to build it and see what that has to say
01:02.36destinalhave to run to the store, will play more when return
01:03.02*** join/#webos-internals Decimate (
01:03.16Decimatedid you guys see, engadget voted the palm pre best new smartphone :
01:03.30bpadalinodidn't see that .. link ?
01:04.08Decimatewell, not engadget
01:04.10Decimatebut they posted of it
01:04.41grndslmbut in many ways webOS feels like what the iPhone OS wants to be when it grows up.
01:04.54Decimatei read that, and smiled :)
01:05.11Decimateim happy engadget made a webOS engadget app, its very nicwe.
01:05.46grndslmthink they just released one for the iphone a couple days ago
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01:06.32grndslmanybody here actually used Ares?
01:07.14grndslmoh shit!!!
01:07.17grndslmit works today
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01:09.55lingfishugh to VMware Server and 95%
01:10.38lingfishAnyone else had that issue?  Stuck at 95% upon poweron of a VM?
01:10.53zsoccrap, everytime i go to test something in doom i start playing it again
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01:19.47Davide-NYCzsoc:  is that plan to eventually have 'mappable' keys or will they be hardcoded?
01:20.36zsocDavide-NYC: er, never had a plan. i started developing sdl stuff to prove it worked. and once i did i figured i'd try something a little more 'complete'. and doom worked. and i hacked the keys so you could play it
01:20.39zsocand then it got packaged
01:20.40zsocand here i am
01:20.43zsocso, no plans.
01:21.28Davide-NYClol, I'd like the opporunity to suggest a fundamental change to the current keymap.
01:22.15Davide-NYCleft right should be controlled by the touchscreen. then the forward, back, strafe_left and strafe_right keys should be in a cross on the keypad.
01:22.18zsocDavide-NYC: get an ascii character map and edit your .doomrc file :)
01:22.42zsocDavide-NYC: if i could get the touch screen mouse controls to work, that's how it would be
01:23.16Davide-NYCperfect! One last question: is portrait mode possible?
01:23.39zsocDavide-NYC: possible is a funny word.. it's "possible". it would shrink the screen to tiny, tho
01:23.42rwhitbymy flashlight 0.2.0 ready for alpha testing in the testing feed
01:23.55zsocrwhitby: i'm on it, what's it do?
01:24.14rwhitbyzsoc: just updated with icons and stuff
01:24.42rwhitbyoh, and it removes all previous versions of the com.pregame.prelease package (including any that might have security vulnerabilities)
01:26.40*** join/#webos-internals Jack87-wIRC (
01:29.53zsocrwhitby: works good
01:30.30zsoccrap, i dont' want to work on this anymore
01:30.45zsoci need to be like rod and give my projects to other people so i can work on other things i want to
01:31.51rwhitbyzsoc: I need to teach some other people how to package stuff soon ;-)
01:35.13egaudetI don't like his lumping of preware in with his "problems"
01:35.38csplintermy preware is broken from the 1.3.5 update, but I don't have access to a computer right now. I have terminal installed. is there anything I can do?
01:36.43zsoccsplinter: cd /tmp; wget; sh dDEMO
01:37.00zsoccsplinter: after you get back into preware, run the migration helper tool, restart luna
01:37.24csplinterzsoc: awesome thanks
01:42.53rwhitbyhas anyone tested My Flashlight on a Pixi?
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01:45.24thadoodthrew on smartreflex w/ 600mhz
01:45.43thadoodjust edited files manually, so they'll reset if it crashes. Seems fast as balls, though.
01:46.00zsocthadood: how fast is balls?
01:46.06thadoodFairly fast
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01:46.14thadoodFaster than labia
01:46.47DiscreetControllil help needed... im Putty'D in... when i try to connect with psftp i get, Fatal: Disconnected: No supported authentication methods available (YES my eyes are bleeding... apparently im still a lil tipsy from last night and cant figure shite out on my own 2day...)
01:47.23zsocwrites in his notepad, "thadood, misogynist ++;"
01:48.05thadoodNot at all =0
01:48.17thadoodjust the opposite end of the genital spectrum
01:50.35*** part/#webos-internals csplinter (
01:54.57*** part/#webos-internals chezbi (i=4aed396a@gateway/web/freenode/x-jitjemsboejhxutj)
01:55.40Decimateoh man, im reading that patches are bad thread, and that guy is an idiot.
01:59.32zsocDecimate: dont read trolls
01:59.44rwhitbyread and laugh, just don't respond is my motto
02:00.21zsocrwhitby: i want to give up on the keymap problem, but i fear it's a palm sdl lib issue
02:00.37zsocDecimate: nice
02:00.56Decimateyeah, rwhitby, i read through all of it, funny stuff. the thread tags were just the icing on the cake
02:02.41rwhitbycan anyone confirm whether My Flashlight in Preware is working?
02:03.15Decimate(loading my feeds now to check)
02:03.34Decimate206 unknown packages :O
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02:04.47Decimaterwhitby: what does fixing unknown packages even do?
02:05.26rwhitbyturn off your themes until AnOutsider fixes the feed
02:07.00Decimaterwhitby: thats the thing, i can't get em to turn off
02:07.02Decimatei toggle them off
02:07.06Decimatethen the next time i load preware, it loads them
02:08.07egaudetmy flashlight worked but the first time i tried to shut it off it didn't shut off
02:08.30Decimaterwhitby: i tried to install my flashlight and it didnt show up on the launcher and the "launch" button in preware did nothing
02:08.52Decimatenvm, got it
02:08.59Decimateworks perfectly
02:09.07egaudeti had the light on for a few minutes while checking out the boiler in the basement, then pressed off and then closed app.  Then I realized the light was still on, re-opened app and toggled back on then off and it went off
02:11.28egaudetrwhitby, I'm debating on removing EPR from the feed
02:11.57egaudetwell no, maybe I should just update with a warning
02:12.15zsocegaudet: epr is very useful, what does it break?
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02:13.15egaudetyea I guess it's useful most of the time, but now that I discovered this bug with using diffstat, it may leave some files modified
02:13.50zsocwell if no one's noticed it... it can't be _so_ destructive
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02:14.45DiscreetControlrwhitby, myFlashLight work perfectly! thnax!
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02:16.22DiscreetControlegaudet, when i was doing the 1.3.5 update i did notice after i removed the patches that some were still there... cant remember all but i did notice the led notice was working while all patches were removed...
02:16.55DiscreetControlbut i agree, very useful tool!
02:17.03Decimateeven though you removed the patch, unless you disabled it before removing, it will still be there Discreetcontorl
02:17.10egaudetDiscreetControl, the led notification patch allows you to turn led notifications on/off, so if you turn it on and then remove the patch they will remain on
02:17.34DiscreetControlO.o... 00ps
02:18.00egaudetsame with something like the patch that enables add/remove launcher pages.  If you add 2 pages and have 5 total, then remove the patch, you will still have 5 pages just no way to add/remove any of them
02:18.21DiscreetControlhaha, that twas the other one i was gona say...
02:18.32zsocegaudet: it's people like you which is why that patch thread is a joke
02:18.36zsocmany responsible programmers here
02:18.38egaudetI installed about 94 patches from 1.3.5 feed then ran EPR and checked the md5sums.  I think there was about 5-10 files that were not fixed because of the bug
02:18.39*** join/#webos-internals lyht (i=62cab9f9@gateway/web/freenode/x-pmszqitondbtrhqv)
02:18.45zsoccompared to the script kiddies generally running around
02:19.19*** join/#webos-internals nfoxTc_ (
02:19.29egaudetyea that thread soon became clearly just an immature biased agenda driven hatefest of homebrew
02:19.52DiscreetControlwell defined sir
02:19.54egaudetI initially thought the OP had a legit problem, but now know he's just trying to stir stuff up
02:20.17zsocim not a big fan of precentral in general tho
02:21.13egaudetprecentral is a good common grounds for AM :p
02:23.00DiscreetControlffs *throws magnets @ psftp
02:24.21bpadalinoi do kind of wonder how much money precentral rakes in through advertising ..
02:24.51lyhthow do I completely remove preware and the package manager so I can get the app catalog to install apps again?
02:25.06bpadalinoare you afraid of the commandline ?
02:25.15bpadalinouse ipkg
02:25.46rwhitbybbl - daughter's birthday party
02:27.50lyhtwhat is the name of the package management service? what am I looking for in the lst of installed pkgs?
02:27.51rwhitbyegaudet: can you show PreGame how to bump the flashlight version in source git and build.git ?
02:28.11egaudetwhere is he
02:28.11rwhitbyegaudet: thx
02:28.27rwhitbyPreGame: ping
02:32.32dtzWillhey all--is there a common/preferred build env you're all using for cross-compiling to the pre?
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02:35.03dtzWillsome toolchain targetting arm7 and a copy of the pre libs for linking?
02:36.51destinal-nircyeah, sounds right
02:37.25destinal-nircerr wirc issues
02:40.39dtzWillbah i wanted to copy them outta the update jar, but since 1.3.5 is incremental that sounds a pain.
02:40.42dtzWillscp it is
02:42.32DiscreetControlson of a whore muffin... throwing my sessionname from PuTTY worked... thought i did that already though... thnx anyway
02:45.19cashen007Speaking of sound, i had a question. IS it a bug in Doom or WebOS when the Mute All is on, the sounds is not really muted?
02:46.04cashen007I thought i noticed this on a couple other applications with the mute all on. anyone else notice this
02:48.32*** part/#webos-internals plcTowlie (
02:48.59rick_homewhat's the path for apps under 135 again?
02:49.52dtzWill/media/cryptofs/apps/usr/palm/applications or so
02:53.32dtzWillrick_home: just checked on mine, seems right here
02:53.41dtzWillrick_home: make sure you're root? (if you're ssh-ing in...)
02:53.49*** join/#webos-internals steve_ (i=18d0d283@gateway/web/freenode/x-zjuazldkvxtfobnf)
02:54.51zsocIt's not like they ran out of letters. or -v was being used already. there are 4 options in the whole utility,
02:54.55destinaldtzWill: I recommend grabbing the cross compilation toolchain we're using at
02:55.14destinaldtzWill: or you can build native on the pre in debian chroot if you like
02:55.51*** join/#webos-internals nfoxTc_ (
02:55.53dtzWilldestinal: tyvm. deb chroot works but i think i'd get impatient building on the pre :[
02:55.58zsoccashen007: sdl-mixer is directly tied into the audio. we're not loading sdl apps 'the official' way so the mojo isn't there to tie it to muting the sound
02:56.49*** join/#webos-internals JayCanuck (
02:56.56zsocaaaaaannnd i crashed my pre
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02:57.00zsocJayCanuck: yo
02:57.05destinalzsoc: terminal again?
02:57.13zsocdestinal: lol no not this time
02:57.13JayCanuckhi zsoc
02:57.18zsocmoving a very large file
02:57.28destinalzsoc: we can start building in mojo-equivilent functions
02:57.37destinalzsoc: like we can send and receive things on the buses
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02:57.45Lumiereis luna manager needing to be updated for 1.3.5
02:57.47destinalzsoc: and use the clipboard, and check volume / mute and whatever
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02:58.02zsocdestinal: eh... we _could_
02:58.15zsocdestinal: i'm more interested in getting the touchscreen to work, other can just 'mouse button 1' :P
02:58.16destinalzsoc: make it into a standard library
02:58.27destinalzsoc: I agree it's not high on the priority list yet
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02:59.06cryptk-ppreI forgot how to do tab completion on wirc...
02:59.10cashen007zsoc: Yeah, i tested with a few other programs and it was still doing it. ESPN Zoom was one of them that did not mute
02:59.27jetterothere's an official way to load sdl-mixer? is that cooking?
02:59.34zsoccryptk: gesture + orange/white
02:59.37jetteroer... sdl
02:59.47zsocjettero: there is, just no one knows what it is
03:00.04jetteroit's something they're still cooking I take it?
03:00.10Abyssulrwhitby: Is it possible to transfer into a app with the upstart service?
03:00.14jetteropersonally, I'd rather they come up with video recording before sdl
03:00.18cryptk-pprezsoc: thanks
03:00.59zsocjettero: nah it's all done, they just gotta release it
03:02.31rick_homezsoc sdl made viewfinder work ok didn't it?  with the gstream sink splitter?
03:02.45Lumierezsoc: is there an updated Luna Manager for 1.3.5?
03:02.51zsocrick_home: yeah, but audio doesn't work, i mean it never did really
03:02.56zsocLumiere: ask oil?
03:03.11zsochmm.. i may have broke luna
03:04.00cryptk-ppreLumiere: luna manager from preware works fine for me...
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03:06.29zsocaannddd i had to restart twice to get luna to load lol
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03:07.30cryptk-pprezsoc: what did you do to it? lol
03:07.40zsoccryptk: not quite sure :)
03:10.22tlpwow, Doom on the Pre is slick.
03:10.32tlpzsoc: any idea what was wrong with my Pre yesterday? SDL works fine now.
03:10.49zsoctlp: not sure really
03:10.51tlpa bit tricky to play, but I bet I can get used to it
03:11.02zsoctlp: having a keybinding problem
03:11.04tlphaha, I'm glad, because I was considering doctoring.
03:11.26tlpwhat would be neat is a native WebOS Repair Tool.
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03:13.22jacquesback from watching avatar in 3d
03:15.24tlpdude, jacques
03:15.29tlpI just got back from that. Incredible movie.
03:15.33tlpworth every penny
03:15.47tlp(don't skimp out on the 3D either if you haven't seen it; it is good.)
03:16.28Lumierecryptk-ppre: I don't see luna manager from preware
03:16.57jacquesit was amazing. truly.
03:17.50tlpI guess some people had issues with the plot... kind of a bummer, because I enjoyed it so much. Anyway, I'll stop with the offtopic hype :)
03:18.15tlpI wonder how quickly Doom is going to kill my battery.
03:18.21PuffTheMagictlp: its not like you are interrupting anything productive
03:18.53tlpI just want to respect rwhitby's rules
03:19.20tlpzsoc: I think the "fire" button should be j, if that's possible.
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03:19.27tlpSym is killing me :)
03:19.45zsoctlp: touch the screen
03:19.52tlpahh, wicked
03:19.55zsocunless you only have 1 hand
03:20.03zsocin which case i'm very sorry
03:20.03tlpI'm a lot more enthusiastic about webOS the past few days
03:20.16tlpI played with a Droid last night and was kinda nervous.
03:20.32tlpnot to start a flame war, but they are doing some cool things
03:20.42zsocsure, nothing against android
03:20.47zsocbesides it's super closed
03:20.56tlpyeah, which is weird
03:20.57tlpcoming from Google and all
03:20.59zsocI just like using my webos device, as my every day device, it's just efficient
03:21.06zsoctlp: google is not your friend
03:21.10destinaltlp: well the code is open, except the stuff that isn't part of the core android
03:21.18tlpthe Pre is my first smart phone, so I have no idea how it stacks up against other things
03:21.24tlpI'm impressed with just about every device I've tried
03:21.29destinaltlp: but the userland on the device is nowhere near what one expects of linux
03:21.35zsoctlp: i agree, i come from 'no smartphone' as well
03:21.47tlpthe on-screen keyboard the Droid has is good. Ditto with the iPhone's. I can't type with our homebrew one.
03:21.51zsocandroid impresses me, but i can't hack it.
03:21.56tlpyeah, that sucks
03:22.02cashenI played with the Hero and Moment for 3-4 days over Christmas and hated them both.
03:22.02tlpI'll try to keep a list of pros and cons in mind
03:22.08zsocand google scares the crap out of me
03:22.26zsocthey are crawling this chat as i speak
03:22.27tlpthey are scary... but so far I like a lot of what they've done
03:22.34*** join/#webos-internals brit (i=ad6585ff@gateway/web/freenode/x-xzoooibzxejslrea)
03:23.19cashenGoogle has become everything they were against when they started
03:23.26destinalzsoc: they are crawling everything everywhere
03:23.45tlpI like the idea of having a massive repository of knowledge, which seems to be their primary objective
03:23.50destinala legion of spiders
03:23.53tlpeverything should be digital
03:24.01cashenEven people?
03:24.08DiscreetControlgoogle = agents
03:24.11tlpeh? I dunno :p
03:24.24destinalnah, I like the benefits
03:24.26tlpso much cooler than surrogates
03:24.31zsoctlp: they map you by address. they know your home, your work, your friends, and your phone. and share your information with their advertisers
03:24.56egaudetavatar good?
03:25.24brithelp. My preware won't do anything after I did the webos update. What do I do??!
03:25.49zsocbrit: reinstall the ipkgservice, run migration tool
03:27.05tlpegaudet: It is amazing.
03:29.39destinalhey, what do you know, "scp -c blowfish" does significantly help speed copying to the pre.
03:39.07zsocI just realize i know the guy who ported quake to linux
03:39.11zsoci need to make a phone call
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03:40.38cryptk-pprecan we handle 2 3d accel games for the pre in a week
03:40.42jauderhoI know one of the quake guys
03:41.58nfoxTc_the doom it the full game?
03:42.25cashenCincy is getting rolled.
03:42.39zsocnfoxTc_: yeah, why?
03:42.49nfoxTc_just curious
03:43.02nfoxTc_Still can't figure out whats wrong with preware zsoc heh
03:43.18zsocjauderho: which one? :D
03:43.51jauderhohe left id a long time ago
03:43.57zsocjauderho: so did zoid :)
03:43.58destinalnfoxTc_:  if in doubt , doctor
03:44.10nfoxTc_i did...twice
03:44.25nfoxTc_ever since i upgraded to 1.3.5 I keep getting ipgk errors
03:44.34destinalnfoxTc_:  "nuke the entire site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. "
03:44.43nfoxTc_when I try to install anything from preware
03:45.03zsocnfoxTc_: if it's happening through doctors, you are doing something wrong
03:45.27destinalnfoxTc_: did you try doctor?
03:45.42nfoxTc_yes, ill give you guys the error I get one sec
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03:46.45nfoxTc_Error Installing: See IPKG LOG
03:47.01Wahotsgreat job on doom guys - how do you change the key bindings?
03:47.17zsocWahots: there are issues with that
03:47.25nfoxTc_Failed ErrorGenericMEthodException: Failure during 'install' operation
03:47.40Wahotsoh? what issues?
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03:48.49nfoxTc_hmm let me try this with dev mode on
03:49.20zsocah crap
03:49.28Wahotsmaybe I can help :)
03:49.33zsocx86 assembly in the sdlquake port
03:49.39cryptk-ppreyou break luna again zsoc?
03:49.48zsoccant cross compile assembly :P
03:49.57bpadalinozsoc, how much asm ?
03:50.34Wahotsoh the asm code is what controls key bindings?
03:50.36zsocbpadalino: 2k wort
03:50.41bpadalinozsoc, what about the maemo port ?
03:50.42zsocWahots: no no no not at all
03:50.44bpadalino ?
03:51.00zsocbpadalino: oh. i completely forgot about that lolo
03:51.05zsocbpadalino: thank you for keeping me sane
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03:51.34Wahotsohhh quake!
03:52.24Wahotszsoc: what was the problem then?
03:52.26acydlordyeah, dont forget about all the maemo ports since the NITs are omaps too
03:53.07zsocWahots: not sure. there are certain keys i just can't bind properly for no reason
03:54.20Wahotszsoc: maybe I can help, but if rod couldn't figure it out yet, I may not be able to hehe
03:54.31zsocWahots: no one has looked at it yet
03:54.53zsocWahots: all i know is when i  bind back, it goes turbo forward, and when i bind strafeleft, it goes turbo straferight
03:55.24destinalnfoxTc_: you can try doctoring in recovery mode
03:55.44destinalnfoxTc_: hold down volume up while plugging in USB, it should go to a USB logo, then run doctor on your PC
03:55.48bpadalinoit would be interesting to cross compile the test programs from the libsdl palm patch ..
03:55.53bpadalinoand see what type of data you can get from it
03:55.59Wahotsweird, where is the related code?
03:56.13zsocbpadalino: er.. there's no real good _source_ for the maemo port
03:56.23destinalbpadalino: I'm really not good with crosscompilation yet -- I'm going native compile on debian chroot :)
03:56.24bpadalinozsoc, - bottom of the page
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03:56.34bpadalinodestinal, hehe .. :)
03:56.34destinalbpadalino: I find myself wrestling with ./configure
03:56.47bpadalinodestinal: yeah i hear you there .. i never got the hang of it either
03:57.57destinalgoes to set up reverse tunnel to apt-get upgrade on debian chroot now
03:59.08Wahotszsoc: the last time I delt with keyboard input shit, I made a simple app that prints the scan codes and tied it to the lib I was using with my main app
04:00.33zsocWahots: the palm sdl port has an... interesting scan code patch, and i don't know enough to make heads or tails of it
04:01.20Wahotscan you point me in the direction to look at it? :)
04:01.51zsocWahots: the palm patch is on ... packages.. 135.. libsdl patch, but i'm not even sure that's the problem
04:02.31destinalthere's a test app already it seems
04:02.39Wahotsit's a good start
04:02.43bpadalinothere's a testkeys.c i think ..
04:02.44destinalin sdl
04:03.06zsocWahots: there's a .doomrc that lets you edit mapping with ascii chars, and sdldoom src is downloadable public domain
04:03.52zsocbpadalino: theres a testkeys... thats unacccessable?
04:04.16bpadalinoit's part of libsdl i guess .. so it could be compiled as a test to run on the device ?
04:04.27bpadalinoif i had a cross compile setup, i'd give it a shot
04:04.43zsocoh, ok then ill give it a toss\
04:05.17bpadalinothere's also a testmouse.c which would be interesting too
04:05.36destinalzsoc: you needed build-essential and what else for chroot?  been a while since I built one of these
04:05.46bpadalinotestgl too
04:06.11zsocdestinal: what are you trying to do?
04:06.22zsocbpadalino: i have libsdl... i dont see these things
04:06.32bpadalinounder the test directory ?
04:06.54destinalzsoc: installing any debi
04:06.55zsocoh it's in the lib _source_, my bad, 1 sec i'll compile it
04:07.12zsocdestinal: i'm confused, why would you need build-essensial to install a chroot?
04:07.26zsocdestinal: the deb image is prebuilt
04:07.46destinalzsoc: no, to _compile_ inside the deb
04:08.07destinalI'll figure it out
04:08.28zsocdestinal: you just need build-essential
04:08.37zsocdestinal: and whatever libs you need for what you're building
04:08.42bpadalinosorry - i should have been more clear :(
04:08.45zsocdestinal: why didn't you say that to begin with :P
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04:09.06zsocbpadalino: nah you're good, i was the idiot that didn't draw a difference between source and developer libs :P
04:10.11zsocbuilds all of the tests
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04:10.20zsocnice little inclusion by the sdl folks
04:10.30bpadalinoyeah, and nice of palm to update their tests too
04:10.39bpadalinoremember to -DPALM when you compile
04:10.46bpadalinoand apply the patch
04:10.50zsocits like a mini conformance test
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04:11.03zsocbpadalino: palm didn't update testkeys
04:11.12bpadalinonot that one, but testmouse they did
04:11.16bpadalinothat looks like an interesting one too
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04:12.12zsochmmm.. ill need it for testmouse yes
04:12.22zsocill just cut that part of the patch for the test files
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04:15.55destinalzsoc: or you could download libsdl and the patch from palm and extract the sdl and apply the patch, then you'll have everything in the proper c files :)
04:16.58zsoctestkeys works
04:17.02zsocall seems right too
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04:17.31zsochow does patching work again? patch folder/ patchfile.patch ?
04:18.20irdthere's already an upstart service :D
04:18.38destinalzcat libsdl-1.2-patch.gz | patch -p0
04:18.56bpadalinoor what destinal said
04:19.20destinalmine is only if you're too lazy to gunzip the patch first :)
04:19.22zsocooo... patch in the compressed form lol
04:19.43zsocbpadalino: what is the -dpalm you speak of?
04:19.50bpadalino-DPALM when you compile ..
04:19.56bpadalinoso you get the #ifdef PALM
04:20.02destinalbpadalino: add it to EXTRAFLAGS in the Makefile
04:20.05destinalof sdl
04:20.09bpadalinodo what destinal says
04:20.11bpadalinohe knows
04:20.20zsochm ok
04:20.26destinal= whatever ...    -DPALM
04:20.33zsocdestinal: can't i just set that as an environmental variable?
04:20.49zsocEXTRA_CFLAGS="-DPALM" make ?
04:20.52irdzsoc: would it be possible to use the accelerometer to move around in doom?
04:21.08destinalmakefile vars aren't environment vars
04:21.17bpadalinoird, with some hacking of the doom code yeah .. the sdl code has accelerometer stuff in it ..
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04:21.37zsocird: maybe. but if i get that to work. then i'd rather use touchscreen for looking left/right
04:21.44bpadalinohrmm ..
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04:23.45destinalird: I'd use accelerometer for *strafing* left / right
04:23.52destinallooking, do on the screen
04:24.26bpadalinoi am not sure what type of events you get from the hidd about the accelerator ..
04:24.32bpadalinoif it's granular like that or whatnot
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04:25.17bpadalinodestinal: nevermind - it appears as the joystick input which you can poll
04:25.34zsocbpadalino: is that true? i thought that but I dont understand all of the patch
04:25.47zsoci must admit, i am no hacker extraordinaire :(
04:25.50destinalthe joystick is accelerometer and haptic then I guess
04:25.50bpadalinozsoc, yeah .. look at line 9562 of the patch
04:26.07bpadalino+if (joystick->index == 0) {
04:26.07bpadalino+joystick->naxes = 3;
04:26.08bpadalino+joystick->nhats = 0;
04:26.10bpadalino+joystick->nballs = 0;
04:26.12bpadalino+joystick->nbuttons = 0;
04:26.14bpadalino+joystick->name  = accelerometerName;
04:26.17bpadalino+return 0;
04:26.20bpadalinosorry for the semi large paste ..
04:26.22bpadalinobut it says 3 axes, and nothingelse ..
04:26.38zsocbpadalino: ah, a 3 axis joystick
04:26.45zsoci notcied that before i even came back
04:26.52zsocmaybe i am the hacker extraordinaire after all
04:28.37oc80zwhats good rwhitby
04:28.42oc80zhi zsoc
04:29.00zsococ80z: yo
04:29.51tmztwhat's with using joystick for accels?
04:30.05tmztthey should be evdev's with x and z I think
04:30.07bpadalinousing accelerometer for joystick :)
04:31.13zsocpatched and compiling sdl tests
04:31.36zsocbpadalino: wait, so shouldnt just turning on the joystick make it work?
04:31.44bpadalinozsoc, possibly ?
04:31.50tmztdoesn't hidd grab devices?
04:31.59bpadalinotmzt, this apparently talks to hidd
04:32.11zsoctmzt: there's this 'event' thing going on in palms patches that seems to handle each uid properly
04:32.26zsocer, hid
04:32.39zsocuser GENERALLY = human ;)
04:32.45bpadalinoHidLib.h rather
04:32.56bpadalinowhich we don't seem to have ?
04:32.58tmztzsoc: yes, but I'm thinking permissions when you say uid
04:33.01bpadalino+#include "hid/IncsPublic/HidLib.h"
04:33.08zsoctmzt: that i understand lol
04:33.17zsocbpadalino: toss that in doom somewhere? :P
04:33.28tmztso doom now, X later?
04:33.35zsocwhy x?
04:33.38tmztthis using overlays thing is pretty cool
04:33.40zsocluna is awesome
04:33.50tmztget it figured out on 1.3.5?
04:33.52zsocdirect fb access ftw
04:33.57*** join/#webos-internals Wahots (i=61619e2f@gateway/web/freenode/x-tvawtcohzglrfcag)
04:33.59tmztdirectfb is just fbdev
04:34.02tmztnothing special
04:34.08zsocer, it's not really directfb
04:34.14tmztcan't even work with luna to handle contention/compositing
04:34.25zsocOH you mean luna
04:34.45Wahotszsoc: Ok I looked at the code, funny enough I was right kinda - search the patch for "FIXME" - Palm did a half ass job with the mapping so you are essentially running in to bitmap wierdness
04:34.51zsocbut sdl is using fb console, which in this case is a custom written opensource palm kernel frambuffer driver
04:35.01tmztit's not using fb console
04:35.04zsocWahots: you seem like the man for the job
04:35.05tmztfb console is a text console
04:35.20tmztit seems to not be in /sys/class/graphics so I'm guessing it's disabled
04:35.25tmztin Palm's kernel
04:35.37Wahotszsoc: fine with me, other then the two glasses of wine I've had haha - but ya I can fix this
04:35.41tmztfb console (fbcon) is a text console rendering on a framebuffer memory device
04:35.50zsoctmzt: yes and ?
04:36.05tmzt20:16 <+zsoc> but sdl is using fb console, which in this case is a custom  written opensource palm kernel frambuffer driver
04:36.07zsocit's not disable
04:36.10tmztand that's not correct
04:36.17zsoctmzt: sdl is using fbcon, i can't make it up
04:36.19tmztfbcon is disabled (not in sysfs)
04:36.26zsocit's virtual
04:36.27tmztit's not, it's using the underlying fbdev
04:36.44tmztit's using a secondary /dev/fb1
04:36.51Wahotsonly thing that sucks is that libsdl will need to be recompiled and I guess a "patch" will need to be made which will be a dependency for sdl apps
04:36.53tmztwhich is hardware overlay I think, somehow rgb
04:37.00bpadalinoneat ..
04:37.04tmztSDL abi should not change
04:37.11bpadalinovirtual size of fb1 is 320x1440 ..
04:37.23tmztokay, but that's still not a fbcon
04:37.36tmztfbdev - the framebuffer device
04:37.43tmztfbcon - a console over top of the fbdev
04:37.47zsoctmzt: then it's a misnomer. all SDL docs refer to fb access as fbcon
04:37.51tmztthe binding changed in a recent kernel
04:37.58jacquesbpadalino, for offscreen rendering?
04:38.03tmztzsoc: what SDL docs, specific to Palm?
04:38.15bpadalinojacques: not sure .. i guess so ?
04:38.18bpadalinoor for scrolling ?
04:38.24zsoctmzt: no, specific to anywhere in the sdl dev community
04:38.26tmzthopefully offscreen
04:38.31jacquesand/of multibuffering maybe
04:38.39zsoctmzt: if you export SDL_VIDEODRIVER to anything BUT fbcon, it doesn't work :P
04:38.40tmztzsoc: hmm, that seems wrong
04:38.42bpadalinothey did say they want to do triple buffering (n their comments)
04:38.45tmztcan you give me a link?
04:38.47dtzWillWahots, tmzt: any reason you'd install this new sdl /over/ the old one? seems unnecessarily dangerous
04:38.57bpadalinoso maybe that's it since 1440/3 = 480 ?
04:39.34bpadalinozsoc, what does testgl do when you run it ?
04:39.41WahotsdtzWill: all I'm doing is fixing their broken keymapping, they did a half ass job and even have a "FIXME" in their patch since they likely didn't plan to use the library yet
04:39.42tmztfrom console?
04:40.04Wahotsreplacing it wouldn't be dangerous
04:40.09zsoctmzt: i'm thinking... maybe it's just a hook palm uses.
04:40.19dtzWillWahots: understood, sorry if i misunderstand you--the talk of abi potential changes sounded like you were replacin it
04:40.24zsocWahots: not dangerous, complicated to distribute :p
04:40.35tmzthmm, this goes back to before kernel inclusion
04:40.36zsoctmzt: yes i saw that :)
04:40.48Wahotszsoc: ya, thats what I'm trying to figure out how it would be done - binary patch? hehe
04:40.49zsoctmzt: ok then
04:40.58dtzWillWahots: haha okay--just seemed 'simpler' to have the preware sdl apps use the 'fixed' one etc
04:41.04zsocWahots: I would love it. bsdiff is available. rod would freakout tho
04:41.05dtzWillWahots: shrug
04:41.11tmztzsoc: they used a historical name and didn't change it for compatibility
04:41.17tmztbut current usage is fbdev
04:41.19jacquesif necessary we can distribute modified libs and put them earlier in the link path
04:41.24zsoctmzt: ok then, everyone is right but me :) i will fix my vocabularly
04:41.27Wahotsthats ok, rod knows I'm a little crazy :P
04:41.43Wahotsbut Palm is using bsdiff for updates now, so why not?
04:41.48zsocWahots: er, bspatch rather, it's in webos as of 131
04:41.52dtzWilljacques: that's what i was suggesting, not out of necessity but simplicity/safety
04:42.01jacquesdtzWill, I agree with you.
04:42.07tmztWahots: yeah, will ipkg ever support that?
04:42.11dtzWilljacques: :) kk
04:42.22zsocOk. what tests am i running?
04:42.25Wahotstmzt: don't ask me, I don't write ipkg :P
04:42.33tmztso where does this gltest run?
04:42.35bpadalinozsoc, you could run the mouse test .. or the gl test
04:42.42zsocI've tried to have the binary patching conversation, rod doesn't want to have it.
04:42.42tmztfrom the command line?
04:42.55bpadalinotmzt, yeah - they are tests included in the sdl lib ..
04:43.06bpadalinopalm has updated some of them to work with their patches .
04:43.11zsoco i broke it
04:43.15tmzthmm, cool
04:43.21tmztso there's a proper gl driver in 1.3.5?
04:43.24tmztfor the sgx?
04:43.35bpadalinothere is also a whitebox directory
04:43.46bpadalinotmzt, not sure .. was just wondering what happened when that was all built up!
04:43.50Wahotszsoc: if you don't get to the patch by tomorrow, I'll work on it - I just don't want to work on it when I'm having to excessively use backspace to communicate haha
04:43.59zsocWahots: lol its cool
04:44.08zsoctmzt: yes
04:44.19zsoctmzt: if you have 135, lsmod :)
04:44.25tmztI don't have a Pre
04:44.29tmztwhat's the driver called?
04:44.39Wahotszsoc: have they put ping/traceroute in yet?
04:44.41bpadalinopvrsvrkm or something ?
04:44.46zsoctmzt: pvrsrvkm
04:45.01bpadalinopowervr server/service kernel module ?
04:45.04bpadalinosomething like that
04:45.04destinalwe're missing a little bit more
04:45.09zsocdestinal: ?
04:45.10bpadalinodestinal: oh yeah ?
04:45.20destinalin the configure we need to --enable-webos=yes
04:45.34zsocdestinal: crap ok, doing it now
04:45.34tmztare they driving it from the dsp or something?
04:45.37bpadalino--enable-haptic=yes too!
04:45.42tmztwhat do they mean by server?
04:45.46zsoctmzt: powervr is the gpu...
04:45.47destinalthat would take care of the DPALM stuff
04:45.50bpadalinotmzt, not sure ..
04:45.52destinalno need to edit the makefile
04:45.52tmztzsoc: I know
04:45.58destinalit also gets the libraries it depends on
04:46.01zsocdestinal: you mean _instead_ of dpalm, or AND?
04:46.02destinalPiranha for one
04:46.06destinalinstead of
04:46.08bpadalinodestinal is an elite hacker
04:46.08zsoctmzt: wel you seem to know things, to keep explaining :)
04:46.14tmzt-DPALM as in define Palm
04:46.29destinaltmzt: right, it defines PALM
04:46.34tmztzsoc: explaining what? I just mean I know what powervr/pvr is
04:46.37bpadalinodestinal: you mean headers ?
04:46.40destinaland changes the link flags
04:46.42zsoctmzt: your dsp comment
04:46.49tmztit's a guess
04:47.00tmztif they use the dsp arm to driver pvr/sgx that's interesting
04:47.04tmztgets around a few issues
04:47.11tmztbut creates new ones
04:47.38tmzt2.1M gzipped :)
04:48.03zsocok lets try this again
04:48.15destinalrwhitby: I was wrong on the -DPALM, you don't need to set that manually, you DO need to --enable-webos
04:48.18destinalin configure
04:48.59bpadalinosounds like we'll be missing a couple more headers
04:49.08destinalzsoc: and you'll need to copy the libs it needs to link to into your build system
04:49.23zsocdestinal: i didn't have a problem building. what libs?
04:49.43destinalzsoc: you wouldn't have a problem building, you would have a problem linking the sdl lib if you ever tried
04:49.57destinalbpadalino: I think we're good for headers
04:50.02bpadalinoah ok
04:50.10bpadalinoi thought HidLib.h we'd need
04:50.16destinalbpadalino: mainly because it didn't fail to build
04:50.19zsoctestmouse is amazing
04:50.20destinalbpadalino: only link
04:50.24bpadalinoah cool
04:50.24zsocsomeone go testmouse
04:50.32bpadalinozsoc, amazing ?
04:50.36bpadalinomultiple fingers and all ?
04:50.45Wahotszsoc: you guys are working on quake?
04:50.47zsocbpadalino: 5 finger discount
04:50.55zsocI have never had so much fun in my life
04:50.58zsocwe need to package this
04:51.01zsocit's the best game ever
04:51.06bpadalinopackage the test application
04:51.28zsoci can barely fit 5 fingers on my screen
04:51.38zsocdestinal: go build it, you're basically there
04:52.09zsocstill can't get anything GL to work
04:52.10egaudetso if they are using hidd stuff in libsdl, that will give us what we need to start getting into it destinal
04:52.17destinalzsoc: I'm doing the official way (./configure && make && make install && cd test && ./configure && make ) etc
04:52.34zsocincluding sdlgears or testgl
04:52.41zsocdestinal: good good :) do testmouse first lol
04:52.50bpadalinozsoc, does testgl error out ?
04:53.02zsocbpadalino: the same way anything gl seems to.. missing apis
04:53.16zsocbpadalino: well techincally there' no libgl.. it's build into libsdl
04:53.18destinalGL is basically not there the way GL-ES is
04:53.43zsocsort of
04:53.47zsocIt's a problem with me tho
04:53.52zsoclinking my libraries wrong
04:54.00zsocbecause what it's complaining isn't defined is definitely defined
04:54.01destinalzsoc: ah, maybe my system will be happy
04:54.02Wahotspokes zsoc
04:54.07zsocdestinal: yes i bet it will
04:54.09zsocWahots: wat?
04:54.18Wahotsya'll working on quake?
04:54.30destinalWahots: we're working on understanding the library first :)
04:54.42zsocWahots: er, sort of. it's complicated. i can't port sdlquake directly because it uses x86 assembly code
04:54.48bpadalinothere is a
04:54.49zsocWahots: so i'm poking through the maemo port
04:54.54Wahotsah thats what you were saying
04:55.04zsocbpadalino: yeah, i symlinked against libglesv2
04:55.10Wahotsso someone needs to write new asm
04:55.12bpadalinoso it should work i think ?
04:55.16zsocbpadalino: but i think there's more stuff.. er.. in the other one
04:55.41destinalzsoc: so the reason you thought we were missing stuff at first is you didn't --enable-webos
04:55.52destinaland I saw the ifdef's and missed where configure sets it
04:55.53bpadalinozsoc: did you copy over icon.bmp ?
04:55.58bpadalinosince itneeds that to run as well
04:56.03zsocbpadalino: huh?
04:56.11egaudet:D SDL_WebOsEvent.c
04:56.16bpadalinotestgl needs that icon.bmp in the test directory
04:56.20zsocegaudet: yes, it's all so sexy
04:56.35zsocbpadalino: not my issue, but it will be once i fix this one lol
04:56.45bpadalinooh, what issue do you have ?
04:57.34zsocPuffTheMagic: /usr/lib/
04:57.42zsocbpadalino: missing opengl APIs also has good stuff in it for GL ..
04:58.24destinalugh, still not wanting to link piranha etc
04:58.37bpadalinolike glPushMatrix
04:58.42bpadalinodestinal: :(
04:58.43egaudetwhere is HidLib.h
04:58.48bpadalinoegaudet: i couldn't find it
04:58.55zsocbpadalino: yes that's what i need
04:59.05tmztis SDL using RGB or YV12 on the overlay?
04:59.06egaudetWell we won't get it I don't think
04:59.18egaudetIt's part of their closed hidd stuff?
04:59.25bpadalinoegaudet: i think so ..
04:59.36tmztit says it's in the Public headers doesn't it?
04:59.37bpadalinoegaudet: depends on exactly what we need from it tho ..
05:00.16egaudetLooks like mainly we'll need HidHandle_t
05:00.40destinalegaudet: so I don't get why my build doesn't fail then.. odd.
05:00.49destinalit should if it is needed
05:00.52zsocI have libGLESv2 linked to libGL
05:01.00bpadalinodestinal: it's just pointers ?
05:01.02jacqueswhere does piranha come from?
05:01.07egaudetdestinal, are you building in Palm's stuff?
05:01.08bpadalinojacques: inside of palm
05:01.19destinaljacques: piranha is a closed source palm graphics framework
05:01.31jacquesgood to know
05:01.40Wahotsok I'm going to wander off and finish my bottle of wine, good night all!
05:01.59jacques`night Wahots
05:02.09*** part/#webos-internals Wahots (i=61619e2f@gateway/web/freenode/x-tvawtcohzglrfcag)
05:02.37zsocOk. someone help me think this out.
05:02.46bpadalinowhats up zsoc ?
05:02.50zsocPalm patches an sdl libgl test
05:03.00rwhitbyoc80z: tried DOOM?
05:03.03zsocbut doesn't stop it from including
05:03.15zsocwhich doesn't exist
05:03.37destinalrwhitby: so I'm building *something* but it doesn't quite match what palm distributes,  it doesn't link to needed .so libs from palm and thus leaves unresolved symbols
05:03.49destinaltrying to figure out if --enable-webos is enough
05:04.27bpadalinoi'd guess --enable-webos should be enough ..
05:04.36bpadalinowhy can't you link against piranha ?
05:04.43destinaland others are bringing up the fact that certain headers are #include'd that we don't have, yet my build isn't failing
05:04.58bpadalinodestinal: and i t hink it's because all references are just pointers ..
05:05.02egaudetahh hmm I'm looking at standalone mode stuff but that doesnt look to be used by enable-webos
05:05.03bpadalinowith no deallocations ..
05:05.13zsocoh its a build issue
05:05.25zsocSDL_opengl.h i'm sure is suppose to be patched
05:05.37bpadalinoi don't need to  know what's inside a structure if i am just passing around pointers
05:05.53egaudetwhat's napp?
05:05.56zsochm, no it isnt
05:05.57destinalbpadalino: true, so you think maybe the #include was redundant
05:06.05bpadalinodestinal: possibly
05:06.22zsocdestinal: are you building ok? i need to see if my problem is environmental
05:06.55bpadalinodestinal: so what other issues are you having trouble with?
05:06.56destinalzsoc: I'm building ok, it's just that something in the make process isn't linking palm's libs (they're not even here so I can be sure of that) :)
05:07.32bpadalinohrm .. so when you -lPiranha, the system doesn't know what that means ?
05:07.55destinalbpadalino: I mean that whatever line is making SDL isn't  doing a -lPiranha by all appearances is that a Palm specific library?
05:08.15destinaland since it's a .so  not all symbols really need to be resolved before run time
05:08.19destinallink at run
05:08.28bpadalinoah looks very palm specific
05:09.22bpadalinoIPC stuff
05:09.34bpadalinoand LSHandle stuff
05:10.04tmztdoesn't IPC wrap dbus?
05:10.08egaudetthat's what they are using for the event stuff in the default "integrated" mode it looks like.  They use hidd for standalone mode
05:10.19zsoctest apps are so fun
05:10.26tmztdestinal: though you had all the surface stuff figured out, what is LSHandle?
05:10.45tmztegaudet: what are integrated/standalone modes?
05:11.05egaudetlooking at the sdl stuff
05:11.13destinalroot@castle:/# ipkg info libnapp|grep -i dep
05:11.13destinalDepends: codesourcery-arm (>= 2007q3), luna-service (>= 1.0.0), luna-sysmgr-ipc (>= 1.0)
05:11.50*** join/#webos-internals sportman (
05:11.53destinalroot@castle:/# echo `ipkg files libnapp|grep -v P`
05:11.53destinal/etc/event.d/nappmgr /usr/bin/nappmgr /usr/lib/
05:12.53destinalroot@castle:/# cat /etc/event.d/nappmgr
05:12.53destinal# nappmgr
05:12.53destinal# manages fb1 video layer and other resources that might be left hanging by a terminated game
05:13.10tmztthis is from Palm?
05:13.16tmztthey are supporting this stuff then?
05:13.27zsoclol testcursor crashes luna. it starts a cursor. the patch stops it. test util starts it. patched libs stop it. over and over. until poof.
05:13.33rwhitbytmzt: what you do think they are going to announce at CES?
05:13.42rwhitbygames man, games.
05:13.44tmztrwhitby: no clue
05:13.47destinaldescription     "Native app manager"
05:13.49tmztbut using the overlay?
05:13.53bpadalinohey now!
05:13.59tmztplugins still?
05:14.16destinal- /usr/bin/nappmgr is a daemon
05:14.18egaudetNative App Manager :p
05:14.33destinalit's running on my pre, dunno about yours
05:14.36tmztI see that, how does luna coordinate with overlay'd graphics?
05:14.41zsocOk. I can't get anything GL to work
05:14.46egaudetyea it's running on mine
05:14.52tmztI didn't know dispc supports argb overlays
05:15.09bpadalinozsoc, hrmm .. what are your errors ?
05:15.09zsoctmzt: luna seems to just stuff the surface in a card. prolly some mojo magic
05:15.16zsocbpadalino: many and varying.
05:15.20bpadalinopaste online ?
05:15.20destinalrwhitby: so you know how when you throw away the DOOM card the process gets killed and all is well?  I think we have nappmgr to thank
05:15.33bpadalinodestinal: indeed it seems that way
05:15.44tmztare you sending it the pid or is it getting it from the pipe?
05:15.54tmztare you dieing on -EPIPE ?
05:16.06tmztso X is possible then?
05:16.22destinaltmzt: sure, why not?
05:16.29rwhitbyso, how are we going to autobuild this stuff?
05:16.43destinalrwhitby: first we need to *build* this stuff *at all*  :)
05:16.55bpadalinodestinal: what errors are you running into ?
05:17.19tmztdestinal: nice, I'm happy to help as always, but I think you have it
05:17.38tmztwould so like to see you guys able to use abiword or whatever other apps
05:17.57zsocdestinal: testsprite is also amazing
05:18.03destinalbpadalino: don't have the error but it's a runtime error
05:18.09destinalnot build or link
05:18.10zsocand runs at 70fps
05:18.11*** join/#webos-internals Jack87-wIRC (
05:18.15destinalwell runtime link
05:18.15bpadalinodestinal: what's the runtime error ?
05:18.35egaudetdestinal, what are you using for an arm userland to build
05:18.38destinalthat it's missing symbols from piranha and hidd, essentially
05:19.05destinalbecause it doesn't add them to libsdl's link specifications
05:19.07egaudetpiranha and napp not hidd right
05:19.08bpadalinodestinal: hrmm .. there is a loader environement variable you can set, isnt there ?
05:19.16destinalerr, yeah
05:19.34zsochm, testwin broke my topbar
05:20.08bpadalinoldconfig or something ?
05:20.35destinalroot@castle:/# echo `strings /usr/lib/ |grep \.so$` /usr/lib/egl/
05:20.38destinalthat's the real one
05:20.48destinalmine doesn't have those first few
05:21.08*** join/#webos-internals Davide-NYC (
05:21.12bpadalinoso yours doesn't try to load it up ?
05:21.28destinalright, doesn't even know to try, so the symbols don't resolve
05:21.50destinalso I need to find where the library is getting created and why it's not using the palm patch
05:21.58zsocGesture area maps as ascii 231
05:22.21zsoc231 is ç
05:22.31zsocthat might cause an issue in some countries lol
05:22.41*** join/#webos-internals inze (i=4c656250@gateway/web/freenode/x-frsykqaxccbumhdt)
05:22.41destinallol I can't believe we didn't even notice napp = native app until tonight :)
05:22.51bpadalinoyeah for real
05:23.36zsocis nappmgr launchable with any options?
05:23.50destinalzsoc: it just runs in the foreground when I run it with --help
05:24.23egaudetzsoc, you talking about the meta key code?
05:24.41zsocegaudet: sure
05:24.46destinalzsoc: strings doesn't suggest anything interesting either IMO ... ooh, except
05:25.07zsocdestinal: my connect fails :(
05:25.11destinalsame here
05:25.20destinalit must be trying to connect somewhere to report info
05:25.33destinalbut without that it runs in the foreground happily
05:25.41Jack87-wIRCany luck with strafe
05:25.45zsocJack87-wIRC: wahots figured out the keyboard mapping issue, waiting on his fix
05:26.08irdHappy hacking guys.
05:26.11irdI'm going to bed.
05:26.12destinalooh and with nappmgr stopped doom is unhappy when not in a card
05:26.17destinalit goes fullscreen to black screen
05:26.35zsocso the luna hook is a service, interesting
05:26.53Jack87-wIRCnice. this is an exciting project
05:26.54destinalzsoc: well it still runs fine in a card
05:26.56zsocwe can try some service requests..
05:26.58destinaljust not fs
05:27.14Jack87-wIRCon screen controls next?
05:27.38*** join/#webos-internals gaius (i=ad732dec@gateway/web/freenode/x-qpdyckxggyvcgboo)
05:27.45*** join/#webos-internals meCka (i=4c5b35d8@gateway/web/freenode/x-atpedmklmhosiehw)
05:28.19zsocJack87-wIRC: and/or accelerometer
05:28.33destinalooh except native apps in a card seem to be suspended anyway at least drawing-wise
05:28.53destinalwithout nappmgr
05:29.21destinalgoes back to trying to build, fix links
05:29.26Jack87-wIRCI wonder ifwe will ever see half life on this thing. original ran on open gl on my old 433mhz box
05:29.28bpadalinoyeah fix those links..
05:30.06destinalJack87-wIRC: first, get the source code to Half life then :)
05:30.27bpadalinothat may have to happen as well ?
05:30.29bpadalinojust saying
05:31.01destinalwish they would include documentation on how _they_ build it
05:31.10jacquesthat would be nice
05:31.17Jack87-wIRCI can't remember if it was open or not. I think so. that's how cs and otther mods were made
05:31.43zsocquake first :p
05:32.13Jack87-wIRCgrive and irc bad mix maybe when I'm off freeway
05:32.32*** join/#webos-internals ivanst (
05:32.40bpadalinozsoc, did you get anwyhere with that quake maemo port ?
05:32.41destinalwirc can definitely entice one into risky driving ;)
05:33.05Jack87-wIRChl cs are pretty hardcore
05:33.06*** join/#webos-internals hampsterJ (
05:33.42joshuahalf life isn't open source, valve aren't that cool
05:34.01zsocbpadalino: been playing with sdl test
05:34.44egaudetdestinal, how are you building?  You have an arm userland for cross compiling?
05:34.52destinalbpadalino: good catch..  why oh why did they set : --enable-video-opengles and --enable-webos to NO by default?
05:35.00destinalhow many other incantations do we have to add?
05:35.48zsocdestinal: bpadalino: can you figure out what --enable-video-opengles actually configures?
05:36.58bpadalinothat's all it says
05:37.03PuffTheMagiczsoc: ?
05:37.10egaudeterr -lpalmvibe
05:37.29zsocPuffTheMagic: i don't know what this is, wondering if it was new
05:37.35bpadalinoegaudet: haptic feedback
05:38.01bpadalinothere are a lot of different options for the haptic stuff
05:38.09bpadalinosawtooth, sine, blah blah blah
05:38.21destinalbpadalino: haptic defaults yes, at least
05:38.23zsocbpadalino: all in nice ascii art comments
05:38.46bpadalinozsoc, indeed! that was amusing
05:38.58bpadalinobut i think that is actually a patch from someone else
05:39.09bpadalinoit's commented nicely and whatnot
05:39.28*** join/#webos-internals rob___ (i=ad7482b0@gateway/web/freenode/x-yjdvjmjtpjtfpcfc)
05:39.30bpadalinodestinal: do you have GLES/gl.h and GLES/egl.h ?
05:39.34destinalbpadalino: well, did you notice the "palm is" and "palm is not" in the patch?
05:39.41destinalthink maybe 3rd party help
05:39.44*** join/#webos-internals Tibfib (
05:39.51bpadalinodestinal, no where is that at ?
05:40.26jacquesbpadalino, are those header files standard ?
05:40.31bpadalinojacques: yes
05:40.44jacquesah great. I was hoping.
05:40.48bpadalinolooks like there are from there
05:41.25destinal+#ifdef PALM // Palm's implementation of GL is only partial and it goes through GL-ES
05:41.33destinalokay, it's not much evidence of anything
05:41.49destinalbut it is "palm's" and not "our"
05:42.24bpadalinooh, that's because it's under: +#ifdef SDL_VIDEO_OPENGL
05:42.33bpadalinoyou want SDL_VIDEO_OPENGL_ES
05:42.35bpadalinowhich is right below it
05:43.45egaudetComments in 3rd person like that I think are common from companies no?
05:44.11*** join/#webos-internals nekrox__ (n=nekro@
05:45.35egaudetdestinal, does autconf barf for you?
05:46.16zsoci have to go to bed
05:46.29*** join/#webos-internals icarus (n=tits@unaffiliated/icarus-/x-7520418)
05:46.33bpadalinonight zsoc
05:47.02oilelite webos hackers sleep?
05:47.16zsocoil: you forgot the extraordinaire
05:47.26zsocoil: say it
05:47.38zsocoil: say it oil
05:47.42zsocoil: say it to me
05:47.52oilwalks away slowly
05:47.55zsoctaps foot impatiently
05:48.01bpadalinodiva :)
05:49.22sleeper-extraordbah ok i give up
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05:49.42zsoc|awayhappy hacking
05:50.38egaudetthey patched but not configure
05:50.49egaudetthe CheckIpod() stuff was making autoconf barf for me
05:51.07egaudetI comment that out and now I have the palm modified configure
05:51.15bpadalinovery nice
05:52.03egaudetbut I'm a cross compile noob, so I'm not sure what I need to have
05:52.37bpadalinothey use codesourcery 2007q3 or something right ?
05:53.42egaudetI have the toolchain, but do I need an arm userland for all the standard includes?  Right now the makefile is generated to -I/usr/include which I don't think is proper
05:54.48bpadalinofor the headers it shouldn't matter .. for linking, it will matter where you link against
05:55.02bpadalinothe headers just define library methods, which are the same for whatever platform (right?)
05:55.36egaudetI hope
05:58.11bpadalinoit's time for me to go to bed too .. night .. hopefully the morning will have some good results
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06:08.47rwhitbydestinal: what's the status?
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06:10.59egaudetI don't think we can build this without headers for Piranha, napp ...
06:13.58destinalrwhitby: family emergency .. back now
06:15.04egaudetdestinal, did you use autoconf to generate a palm-patched configure?
06:15.32destinalegaudet: I patched, and then  ./configure --enable-webos --enable-video-opengles
06:15.41egaudetthe configure isn't patched, is
06:15.58egaudetso you are using unpatched configure (hence --enable-webos not working right?)
06:16.31destinalegaudet: I don't think that's true since -DPALM is getting set
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06:17.05egaudetgrep enable-webos configure
06:17.42destinalI guess I'll grab autoconf and try that
06:18.18egaudetautoconf didn't work for me until I commented out the CheckIpod() stuff, dunno why, but after that I got a good configure and my build dies looking for Piranha header
06:18.43destinalwell that would be progress at least
06:20.34egaudetAlthough I am really still new to all the cross compiling stuff.  I added a -I to include headers from a userland PuffTheMagic had given me a while ago, but I'm sure there's a more correct configure way to get set up right.  I'm just winging it.
06:20.40egaudet./src/video/fbcon/ error: Piranha/PContext.h: No such file or directory
06:25.13rwhitbyare you guys trying to rebuild the SDL library, or just trying to build something against headers, and then a dummy library stub before running on the device?
06:25.37dtzWillout of curiosity, is there a reason that gnuboy, etc, aren't being packaged up like doom was? (other than time?)
06:25.55destinalrwhitby: we were trying to build test programs initially and it seemed like building against the real library would be simplest (back when we didn't think anything was missing)
06:27.14egaudetI wish we could just get all the headers for everything! :P
06:27.16destinalI can copy in ones from the device into my chroot and probably still build test programs, but it would have been nice not have to make a stub library for the autobuild
06:27.55oili don't think the gnuboy developer ever comes in here
06:29.11dtzWilloil: okay.  just seemed that with the sweet upstart setup, throwing a wrapper app/rom chooser would be a fun project :)
06:29.17dtzWillor at least something someone might do
06:30.48rwhitbydtzWill: well, we have an exception at the moment where only a very few people are able to build the DOOM! binary that is now on your Pre.  That's a situation that we prefer *not* to have.
06:31.16rwhitbyWe prefer that all packages in Preware from webos-internals can be built from source by the autobuilder, which means that anyone can replicate the build at any time.
06:31.27dtzWillah, i thought it was just me (just started poking at it today)
06:31.41destinaldtzWill: once we have a repeatable build environment for DOOM, many people can apply a similar configuration to other apps / games too
06:31.46dtzWillrwhitby: thanks for the explanation
06:31.49rwhitbySo the next task is to work out how to autobuild it, and then we can go to town on other games
06:32.02rwhitby(with lots of people doing lots of games in parallel)
06:32.18dtzWillrwhitby, destinal: absolutely understood, and that makes sense.  i wasn't sure why people weren't jumping on that already :)
06:33.16rwhitbyunless these guys work it out earlier, I'll be spending my next solid hacking period getting libSDL into the autobuilder toolchain directory, just like we did with liblunaservice which allowed us to autobuild the upstart manager service.
06:33.48destinalrwhitby: I resorted to building on the pre because I lack the knowledge on how to make autobuild stuff cross compile  prroperly -- you guys in the optware project have a _lot_ more experience at that
06:34.22destinalunfortunately the pre is slow at compiling things
06:34.38rwhitbydestinal: yeah, that's all good - a solid build recipe in a native environment (perhaps documented on a wiki page) is a prerequisite to being able to cross-compile
06:35.44egaudetwhere'd you get headers on the Pre?
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06:36.51destinalsame error here as well
06:36.59destinaland I didn't need to mess with ipod stuff more than
06:37.05destinalsh ./configure --disable-ipod --enable-webos --enable-video-opengles
06:37.13destinals/sh/sh & /
06:37.29destinaloh well, you know what I mean
06:37.39egaudethehe yea
06:38.47destinalso how hard is this stub library approach you guys took before with lunaservice or whatever?
06:38.52egaudetdestinal, you compile on the Pre itself?  How/where did you get the standard headers for /usr/include ?
06:39.08destinalegaudet: it's a chroot into a  debian image
06:39.44destinalI just did apt-get install build-essential    and went for it
06:39.53egaudetahh ok
06:40.16rwhitbydestinal: it's dead easy if you have headers with prototypes for the functions you need from the libraries
06:40.57destinalrwhitby: well we should have the headers I think you mean
06:41.10rwhitbywell, let's get them in a repo then.
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06:42.09destinalok, there are 322 headers in the palm-patched SDL lib
06:42.25rwhitbyok, I think I'm done with the packaging emergencies for the day (myflashlight, mvapp, etc), so I can start looking at this now
06:42.41rwhitbywhere's the wiki page we're all contributing to?
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06:43.30destinalrwhitby: heh, so far the irc channel is what we have.  lack of slowing down to organize the information I think
06:44.01destinalwhat do we want in the wiki?
06:44.11destinalI can perform brain dump :)
06:44.51rwhitbyfor a start, a list of URLs which are our source material, so we're all working on the same thing
06:45.00destinalok I'll make a LibSDL Research page
06:45.33rwhitbythe way these things work best is to have at least three people all being able to get to the same point with the same input materials
06:45.55rwhitbyso, libsdl* tarballs and patches from - what else?
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06:50.35rwhitbyhmm - seen these 'c' (name of file) scripts in libsdl-* ?
06:51.48rwhitbythe patches for libsdl-image and libsdl-net only touch that file, so that would have the compilation keys in it
06:52.35destinalrwhitby: ok, so...  This is the wiki page we'll all be contributing to for now :)
06:53.01rwhitbysweet, thx.
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06:54.54rwhitbyok, so the're using $STAGING_INCDIR/SDL ..
06:56.30rwhitbyand we have SDL_config.h
06:58.46destinalrwhitby: ah, the "c" script that seems to run a in /opt/nova/piranh?
06:59.12destinaland re the test directory, yes, I follow you diff shows that Palm has added SDL_opengles.h and SDL_opengles_ext.h
06:59.33icaruswill preware not work with the latest update of webOS?
06:59.58rwhitbyicarus: from a few days ago
07:00.14v3ritas@icarus PreWare works perfectly fine with 1.3.5
07:00.21rwhitbyor the Preware thread on PreCentral
07:01.48rwhitbydestinal: the interesting diffs in the patches are those that create new files ...
07:01.58rwhitbySDL_WebOsEvent.h for instance ...
07:02.37icarusits just, ive update, and im getting an error "TypeError: Cannot read property 'length' of undefined"
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07:02.47rwhitbyicarus: yep
07:03.07rwhitbyyou need Package Manager Service 0.9.27
07:03.29egaudetthe webosevent files are interesting, there's two of them, one using napp and one using hidd
07:03.40v3ritas@icarus: Use webOS Quick Install to update / re install the Package Manager Service
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07:04.01icarusv3ritas: the bootstrap?
07:04.37rwhitbybootstrap script will update you to 0.9.27
07:04.59v3ritas@icarus: the bootstrap is another option. Personally i had to restore my Pre due to rediculous lag, but as rwhitby said, the bootstrap also works
07:06.09rwhitbydestinal: pity they didn't write a README.WebOS in the libSDL dir ... ;-)
07:06.20destinalrwhitby: heh, I thought so too :)
07:06.34destinalrwhitby: any way to make patch ignore missing files?
07:06.47icarusi couldn't use the quick install last time i tried because of some java issue, so i did the bootstrap
07:06.48rwhitbyecho 'n' | patch ....
07:06.53icarusbut i understand the risks
07:06.55rwhitbyyes 'n' | patch ...
07:07.07destinalah, of course
07:07.47rwhitbyicarus: is the most robust way to install or upgrade Preware
07:07.47ali1anyone knows what else to do to have additional codecs other than recompiling ffmpeg?
07:07.50ali1i really have no clue on gstreamer itself.
07:08.16icarusi noticed there hasn't been a port of mplayer just yet
07:08.36destinalrwhitby: err except stdin for patch is usually the patch itself
07:09.00icarusrwhitby: thanks
07:09.28rwhitbydestinal: yes 'n' | (patch ... < ....) ?
07:11.04egaudetthrow your stdout away
07:11.30egaudetpatch < file > /dev/null  ?
07:11.30destinalyes 'n'|(patch -p0 < ../libsdl-1.2-patch)    fails, still prompts me
07:11.47egaudetpatch < file > tmpfile
07:11.57destinalso it is
07:12.00destinalnice thx
07:12.00egaudetthen it auto assumes N i believe
07:12.34destinalso     patch -p0 < ../libsdl-1.2-patch > /dev/null     gives us only new files
07:13.02destinal./include/SDL_haptic.h ./include/SDL_opengles_ext.h ./include/SDL_opengles.h ./src/audio/SDL_mixer_arm.h ./src/events/webos/SDL_WebOsEvent.h ./src/events/webos/SDL_WebOsHook.h ./src/events/webos/SDL_WebOsTypes.h ./src/events/webos/tslib.h ./src/haptic/SDL_syshaptic.h ./src/video/fbcon/SDL_fbgles.h ./src/video/fbcon/SDL_fbvfb.h ./src/video/SDL_glesfuncs.h
07:13.07destinalare the headers
07:13.18rwhitbyhmm - /usr/bin/ bad expression in eval: m4_Cursor + 2 + 1
07:13.44destinalrwhitby: that's odd, autoconf worked fine on it for me
07:14.06destinalare you doing this on OSX?
07:14.13rwhitbydestinal: this is trying to build host on karmic
07:14.33rwhitbyfigured I'd try host first, then cross
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07:16.04rwhitbyok, let's try optware libsdl dir cross, without and with palm's patch
07:16.39rwhitbyoptware has libsdl-1.2.11 - do we know what version Palm started with?
07:17.14jacqueslibs have same major and minor numbers, so I would hope the API wasn't changed
07:17.17destinal1.2.13.2 ?
07:17.27destinalor is that 1.2.13?
07:18.03destinalweird, the says
07:18.08jacqueshich is same as on my gentoo and fedora workstations
07:18.28rwhitbyWhatsNew says 1.2.13
07:18.31jacquesdestinal: yes, the lib name is the same in 1.2.13
07:18.36destinalah, ok
07:18.43rwhitbyok, update optware to 1.2.13 first then
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07:20.48egaudetrwhitby, that m4 error is the same one I get
07:21.11jacquesit's a shame that we're so close to being able to cross-build the patched sdl libs, but we are only missing a few header files?
07:21.16egaudetIt works when I comment out CheckIPod stuff in
07:21.30rwhitbyjacques: oh, someone's tried cross-build already?
07:22.11egaudetI'm cross building
07:22.18jacquesrwhitby: I said it badly. if someone could native build them, I am confident we could get them cross-building
07:22.33jacquesand I guess someone did try :-)
07:22.51rwhitbyegaudet: cross-building on what host OS with what build env?
07:22.57jacquesbut we can't even native build them ATM
07:23.19egaudetubuntu karmic, using toolchain from build.git
07:23.55egaudettook that debian image that's in our wiki and mounted it and use the usr/include from it as --oldincludedir=
07:23.58rwhitbyegaudet: awesome, that's what I'm targetting
07:24.01egaudetin configure
07:24.13egaudet./configure --disable-ipod --enable-webos --enable-video-opengles --oldincludedir=/opt/arm-none-linux-gnueabi/usr/includ
07:24.35rwhitbyah, let me know what it needs from that includedir and I'll get it into staging
07:24.39egaudetno idea if that's "correct" but it works up to the failure from missing Piranha headers
07:24.42jacquesugh, and is not tiny
07:24.56jacquesso it might not be easy to derive headers
07:24.56egaudetI know at the least it needs select.h
07:25.24rwhitbyegaudet: sorry, I mean non-system headers
07:25.46egaudetIt may not need any
07:26.13egaudetI just didn't know where to get system headers for arm so I took the debian image
07:27.22jacquessystem headers come from two places: libc and kernel
07:27.30icarusrwhitby: success
07:29.04icarusthough preware seems to have forgotten all my previously installed packages
07:29.13icaruseven though they are still installed
07:30.43rwhitbyicarus: emergency migration helper
07:30.53rwhitbyalso listed in those places I said ;-)
07:31.58icarusrwhitby: :)
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07:33.17destinalrwhitby: so should we focus on trying to get the proper SDL to build, or just replicating zsoc's technique which was to link against the unpatched SDL lib, knowing we lose some functionality that DOOM doesn't use
07:34.09jacquesmy concern is: some of the most interesting stuff is what was added by Palm to SDL
07:34.19destinaljacques: very true
07:34.40rwhitbydestinal: I'm going to try and get palm's patches libSDL to cross-compile as an optware package
07:34.47jacquesanother concern is: spending a lot of time reversing stuff, when Palm might release the header files as part of a SDK in a few days
07:35.18rwhitbyjacques: hmm - I hadn't even considered an SDK release at CES
07:35.39destinalknowing Palm I think it'll be private for a while longer
07:35.50jacqueswell maybe I am wrong in thinking that
07:36.11destinalexclusive for a while, then if they release it it will be to early beta people, then eventually public a while later
07:36.36rwhitbydestinal: yeah, I'd agree.
07:36.52rwhitbyegaudet: do we know the full .configure command line from anywhere in the patches?
07:36.57rwhitbyperhaps a config.log file?
07:36.59jacquesit's possible we could hack things so that SDL with Palm's patches is cross-built, but certain things are #defined out in the code because they require headers we don't have
07:37.18egaudetnot that I've noticed yet
07:37.34destinaljacques: yeah, we either fake headers to make it work or comment out the minimum that uses those headers to make it work
07:37.37destinalthe latter is faster
07:37.50rwhitbydestinal, jacques: yeah, that's where I'm going
07:37.51jacquesthat's not particularly satisfying. I'd almost rather be one or the other, all stubbed out, or all functional cross-built libs
07:37.54egaudetI also take back what I said earlier about the oldincludedir= part, I have to manually edit Makefile to add arm system include path
07:38.09jacquesdestinal: yeah I'm thinking the latter of those two options
07:38.15jacques(that you mentions)
07:38.34rwhitbycreates optware/make/
07:39.12destinaljacques: I hear you but I think building a totally stub library for something this big will take quite a while
07:39.19rwhitbyit is big
07:39.58jacquesdestinal: yep. I'm just expressing that I haven't thought of a "clean" solution yet (there may be none at this stage)
07:40.40jacquesso many variables, including loss of momentum
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07:41.00jacquessometimes it really *is* better to have a "good enough for now" solution
07:41.28destinalright, we can always get closer to perfect, but if it works, people can start hacking on their sdl projects
07:42.30jacquesmy thoughts exactly
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07:43.23jacquesit's not as if we know the right thing to do and just don't want to spend the time/effort. at this point I don't think we have enough information to know the "best" way to go
07:43.54rwhitbyok, palm-patched SDL is currently building in opware
07:44.11rwhitbyjacques: are you set up for optware builds?
07:44.20jacquesrwhitby: yep
07:44.21rwhitbybuilding, not built.
07:44.34destinalRobi_: we expect build to fail for the moment :)
07:44.44rwhitbyjacques: shall I check in so we can collaborate?
07:44.48sportmankidso whats the latest and greatest project you guys are working on
07:44.53Robi_progress since last time i peeked in
07:45.11jacquesrwhitby: please do
07:45.12Robi_poor zsoc
07:45.14rwhitbyegaudet: are you set up for optware builds?
07:45.38rwhitbyok, first error is:
07:45.40rwhitby./src/video/fbcon/SDL_fbvideo.c:805: error: 'struct SDL_PrivateVideoData' has no member named 'Visible'
07:45.42Robi_destinal: there's things to learn from failure that simple doesn't exist otherwise
07:45.53rwhitbydo we need fbcon ?
07:46.02destinalrwhitby: you shouldn't get that
07:46.15destinal-DPALM fixes that which is set by --enable-webos
07:46.32egaudeti don't think
07:46.43destinalI think we do need fbcon actually
07:46.58destinalbut anyway that error goes away with proper defines, or did for me
07:47.12rwhitbyegaudet: the approach I've been taking (circuitous as it is) is to build stuff in optware, then unpack it into the build.git staging area
07:47.27destinalrwhitby: you autogen'd and configured with the switches I listed on the wiki?
07:47.42rwhitbydestinal: didn't autogen, only configured
07:47.48destinalyou need autogen
07:47.54destinalthey only patch the .in
07:48.01icarushmm, im not seeing emergency migration helper in preware, ive got the webos-internals turned on
07:48.10icarusi see someone also had this issue in the forums though
07:48.21icarustheir method of solving it doesnt seem to have worked
07:49.42rwhitbydestinal: ok, so I need to patch the .in to remove the ipod stuff that fails
07:49.58Robi_icarus: ya weird, my preware doesn't know about some patches it applied ;-/
07:49.59destinalrwhitby: you need to build a new configure script
07:50.03destinalbased on palm's patched .in
07:50.03rwhitbydestinal: but my autogen fails with the m4 error above
07:50.22destinalrwhitby: it autogens for me on debian chroot
07:50.22rwhitbyicarus: what's the feed URL in Manage Feeds for webos-internals?
07:50.46icarushang on, im rebooting the pre
07:50.48rwhitbyegaudet: what did you patch?
07:50.52jacquesI missed the M4 error
07:50.57destinalyou don't need to patch the ipod stuff
07:51.02sportmankidanyone working on more games?
07:51.05destinalthe disable switch fixes that
07:51.11rwhitbyhmm - /usr/bin/ bad expression in eval: m4_Cursor + 2 + 1
07:51.39destinalsportmankid: working on making new games possible / repeatably buildable (not sexy, I know)
07:51.58egaudetdestinal, the disable doesn't fix it
07:52.04egaudetit's an error at autogen time
07:52.12destinalI get no such error
07:52.12destinalat all
07:52.35jacquesis this a shell issue?
07:52.45egaudetI don't know why, maybe our version of  m4?
07:53.03egaudetrwhitby, I commented out the CheckIPod routine in and then ran
07:54.09jacquesworst case we generate the configure once and then hack that as necessary
07:54.33destinalso the other question is, how important is it to have an sdl library that builds?  is having the headers etc and palm's binary libraries good enough?
07:54.57jacquesdestinal: good question. I was wondering same
07:55.10tmztto improve it
07:55.14tmztto support the Pixi
07:55.17jacquesif we had all the parts, I would definitely want to build it - more flexible
07:55.32tmztalso, would like to split out the backend to build an X ddx eventually
07:55.37tmztsince Xsdl is very very dead
07:55.49rwhitbyjacques: checked into optware
07:55.49destinaljacques: sure, that's definitely why we started on this path, we prefer the whole stack to build from the bottom up
07:56.00destinaljust saying if we can't, it's not a huge loss for now
07:56.08jacquesdestinal: agreed
07:56.59rwhitbyegaudet: I'll add that as a patch to in optware
07:57.01tmztrwhitby: is X something you would be interested in having by the way?
07:57.06egaudetwhere's optware
07:57.25destinaltmzt: I personally think X would be very useful
07:57.53destinalin the way classic is useful
07:58.00tmztdestinal: is classic useful?
07:58.08rwhitbyegaudet: should build fine on karmic
07:58.11tmztthis would be full speed or not worth it
07:58.13destinalif you need apps you can't run in a webos-aware way, yes
07:58.18tmztit would even have glx redirection of gles stuff
07:58.44destinalit would expand our library of software dramatically
07:59.12destinaltrue ports are always better but we'll never see enough of those to make X unimportant
08:00.17destinalplus network transparancy is a big win
08:01.08destinalfor that matter vnc, rdesktop are apps we should think about for SDL
08:01.13icarusrwhitby: nvm, got it
08:03.26oilcant wait
08:05.41rwhitbyjacques: patch added to optware sdl-webos
08:06.28egaudetpatch: **** Can't create file /source/optware/tmp/ppu8VbKX : No such file or directory
08:06.45jacquesrwhitby: what's the proper optware target for pre: cs08q1armel or pre ?
08:07.01rwhitbyjacques: cs08q1armel is what I use in general
08:07.14jacquesrwhitby: ok
08:07.16rwhitbythen I use pre for stuff like kernel modules
08:07.25jacquesgood to know
08:07.27egaudetrwhitby, make sdl-webos should just work?
08:07.29rwhitbyfeel free to just use pre if you like
08:07.55rwhitbyegaudet: did you set up the platform ?
08:08.15tmztnothing outside of that should be pre specific
08:08.32tmzteven codesourcery specfic, I'm confused
08:09.31rwhitbyjacques: but I have started using the pre platform for stuff that I'm putting into build.git
08:09.43rwhitbyjacques: for this exercise, let's use pre
08:10.26rwhitbythen we can put conditionals in the generic package *.mk files with abandon, using OPTWARE_PLATFORM=pre
08:10.46rwhitby(since cs08q1armel is used for *lots* of different optware targets)
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08:11.23rwhitbyegaudet: start with "make pre-target"
08:11.33rwhitbyegaudet: then "cd pre ; make sdl-webos"
08:12.21jacqueshow do I gt svn to stop asking "Client certificate filename"
08:13.38jacquesconfigure completed, building ...
08:13.48tmztedit the libcurl config I think
08:13.58rwhitbyjacques: I use svn+ssh://
08:14.04jacques./src/video/fbcon/ error: Piranha/PContext.h: No such file or directory
08:14.12rwhitbyjacques: or use svn:// rather than https
08:14.45rwhitbyjacques: that's in an optware build?
08:14.57jacquesdammit. c++  :-|
08:16.15jacquesmaybe we should undefine PALM in ./src/video/fbcon/
08:16.23jacqueseffectively turning it into a stub
08:16.50rwhitbyjacques: that's an optware build?
08:17.06jacquesrwhitby: yep
08:17.14jacquesnext hurdle: ./src/events/webos/integrated/SDL_WebOsEvent.c:5:25: error: napp/NApp_c.h: No such file or directory
08:17.22rwhitbyexcellent.  so we have a repeatable build environment now
08:17.36rwhitbyone where we can share patches and fixes through svn
08:18.29rwhitbydestinal: so, what's the licensing status of libSDL - are we going to get NApp_c.h from Palm?
08:18.41rwhitbyjacques: I just got to the same place with Piranha
08:19.19destinalrwhitby: it's the same situation as safari.  LGPL program that isn't completely released and they probably won't feel it's incomplete just because we can't build it
08:20.07rwhitbydestinal: ok, so we need to do it ourselves then.  no free lunch.
08:20.16jacquesSDL_WebOsEvent.c is not nearly so easy to get past
08:20.21destinalrwhitby: legally they're obligated to give it to us
08:20.52jacquessince it's a webos-specific file, the NApp calls are all over it and not inside #ifdefs
08:21.18destinalrwhitby: they had to release this package because of SDL's LGPL license, and so they have to release complete corresponding code for the binary they distribute
08:21.33destinalunfortunately unless things have changed over there it may be hard to explain that
08:21.38rwhitbydestinal: whether or not they are, it's clear based on previous discussions that we're not going to get it soon, right?
08:22.05grndslmanybody know why my pre keeps illuminating ever minute or so after i turn it off?
08:22.05jacquestho I think we have enough info to generate protos for the NApp calls, so we could beiold a stub lib
08:22.15grndslmit's in airplane mode... :-/
08:22.34rwhitbyjacques: do a stub for that file, and have swap it in
08:22.38destinalso this may be of interest to you guys.. the dependencies for building the test programs are stacking up.  right now at: /usr/lib/egl/
08:22.42grndslmnothing in particular comes up... just the unlock screen
08:23.17tmztand so they have to release complete
08:23.20rwhitbygrndslm: I've seen that too on my dev cdma pre running 1.3.5 - haven't worked out why yet
08:23.22destinalI'm trying to build with palm's binaries as a side effort and copying everything each one seems to want
08:23.22tmztfor the part that's LGPL
08:23.28tmztthey can distribute .o of the rest
08:23.31tmztas long as it builds
08:23.34tmztis my understanding
08:24.08destinaltmzt: uh, anything they link as part of the same object has to be LGPL, and all we want is the same libraries
08:24.18destinaljust with their modifications and corresponding means they build and run
08:24.19grndslmrwhitby:  i didn't see this with stock doctor, i don't think... i used meta'd 1.2.1 (don't ask why) and then upgraded to 1.3.5
08:24.22rick_homerwhitby destinal I'm off to bed.  I'm sorry I didn't fix the wrapper for doom tonight, I got trapped into debugging someone elses javascript
08:24.30rick_homeand it's 0225 here, and I'm beat.
08:24.44rick_homeI'll do it tommorow unless oil does it first.
08:24.47rwhitbytmzt: depending on where you want to position yourself in the grey area, you could go as far just distributing instructions to replace the LGPL'd source objects in the .so file
08:24.56rick_homein the mean time, you guys ought to compile an NES emulator
08:24.59tmztdestinal: I'm pretty sure that the closed part can be closed, as long as the source for the LGPL part is available and linkable with .o to produce the original
08:25.27destinaltmzt: anything that's part of the same .so FILE they distribute, they have to release
08:25.30destinalGPL is clear on that
08:25.36rwhitbytmzt, destinal: you're both just stating the two ends of the LGPL grey area that has never been tested in court as far as I know
08:25.37tmztat least there are multiple programs realesed that way
08:25.40destinalthe grey area is for things linked at run time or derivative works
08:25.50tmztyes, but I'm talking specifically about LGPL
08:25.51tmztnot GPL
08:26.02tmztand I'm going on what FSF says, not a legal opinion
08:26.28destinaltmzt: LGPL has the same restrictions for the stuff it's made up of as GPL, just that you can write programs that use the library and link them and they don't have to be GPL too
08:26.36rwhitbyjacques: you've got the access to push fixes to make/ and sources/sdl-webos/* ?
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08:26.53tmztdestinal: the .o thing has been done for years
08:27.01destinaltmzt: not really
08:27.19rwhitbydestinal: actually, the wording is different between GPL and LGPL, at least at the 2 and 2.1 versions respectively
08:27.21destinaltmzt: what you're thinking about is derivative works like the kernel, and a module.  not the same thing here
08:27.22tmztI could find some examples
08:27.27tmztI'm not
08:27.51destinalregardless I'd rather hack on this than debate licenses :)
08:28.17rwhitbyegaudet: get anywhere with optware build?
08:28.26tmztright, let Palm do compliance and weigh the risks
08:28.49Robi_easier to ask forgiveness later
08:28.54destinaltmzt: and anyway none of us can enforce it legally if it comes down to it, that would be up to the sdl copyright holders
08:29.16tmztdestinal: right, and the courts
08:29.19tmztnot arguing that
08:29.20egaudeti just finished make toolchain
08:29.27tmztonly common practice for years with LGPL
08:30.51egaudetmy build fails rwhitby
08:31.04rwhitbyegaudet: what host OS ?
08:31.16egaudetubuntu karmic
08:31.21egaudetit's because of the X
08:31.42rwhitbyegaudet: I use karmic server, and only install what is needed
08:31.45tmztwhat X?
08:31.48egaudet./configure --host=arm-none-linux-gnueabi --enable-webos --enable-video-opengles --disable-video-x11 --disable-video-directfb --disable-esd
08:32.04tmzttake the host stuff out of PKG_CONFIG_PATH
08:32.08tmztthat's the easy way
08:32.08rwhitbyegaudet: make sdl-webos ?
08:32.25egaudetthe above configure is what I do locally and it builds.
08:32.46egaudetspecifically the disable-video-x11  for the current error I'm getting which is due to select.h from -I/usr/include
08:32.53egaudetcontains x86 assembly
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08:34.53sportmanso is there a way to compile stuff out of a debian chroot now?
08:35.08sportmanim curious how they compiled doom
08:35.13sportmanor if there is documentation
08:35.14egaudetI got SDL_WebOsEvent.c wrapped with #ifdef PALM (after undef'ing it) to the point where only one error
08:35.24oilzsoc just typed "make"
08:35.24tmztsportman: huh?
08:35.26oiland whala
08:35.37egaudetoil, whala without palm's patches
08:35.47sportmantmzt, im wondering if there is documentation on how they compiled doom for web os
08:35.56destinalack ack s/whala/voila/g
08:35.59rwhitbysportman: "they" == "us"
08:36.15sportmani know they = you guys
08:36.19dtzWillbah it's late
08:36.25rwhitbyzsoc|away in particular, and we're getting it to a repeatable state
08:36.28dtzWillanyone know anything about __libc_csu_init and __libc_csu_fini ?
08:36.31joshuaphrase it correctly or they can't reveal the secret
08:36.37sportmanps good job :)
08:36.55tmztsportman: what does it have to do with debian though?
08:36.55sportmanrwhitby did you guys end up documenting it?
08:37.17rwhitbysportman: nope, it really was just "make" in the right build environment
08:37.25tmztthey haven't ended up anything yet
08:37.27tmztI think
08:37.29dtzWilltmzt: not sure, tbh. something code sourcery specific? their crt1.o references it, which is the core of my current problem
08:37.31tmztthey are still working on it
08:37.41tmztdtzWill: I don't think anything is cs specific
08:37.43rwhitbydtzWill: I've seen that somewhere before
08:37.43tmztit's just GNU
08:37.58dtzWillyeah that was a silly thought
08:38.02sportmantmzt a while ago sometimes people would compile stuff in a chrooted debian enviornment on the pre
08:38.03rwhitbytmzt: we're using the cs toolchain
08:38.08dtzWillhowever it's a real issue :(
08:38.10sportmanim not sure how they compile stuf fnow
08:38.33rwhitbysportman: cross-compilation is what we use for all the stuff in the feeds
08:38.48tmztsportman: sure, that's possible
08:38.49dtzWillthe only place i find that symbol defined is  in libc.a shipped with the cs toolchain... but that doesn't seem particularly helpful for something that needs to run on the pre's libc
08:39.03tmztrwhitby: I know, I mean why would cs have things not in GNU
08:39.08tmztsomething that core
08:39.16dtzWillso anyway just wondering if someone out there was "oh i ran into that before" :) -
08:39.47sportmanrwhitby got a link for noobs like me to read up on cross compilation specifically for pre
08:39.59tmztdtzWill: try google :) it's even in the suggest box for init and fini
08:40.40rwhitbydtzWill: yeah, I ran into it before, but don't remember what I did
08:40.48dtzWilli appreciate that you have information; but i've been googling long before i came to bother you folk with it
08:41.50tmztapparently it's a difference between arm aeabi c++ support and gnu's
08:41.52tmztused to perform this initialization as part of the standard GNU
08:41.52tmztapplication startup code, and no special linker reference is
08:41.58egaudetrwhitby, any change to the optware ?
08:41.59tmztthat's all I can find
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08:42.19destinalugh.. ldd not working on ARM ..
08:43.09tmztstrings |grep lib
08:43.13tmztit never works correctly
08:43.35destinaltmzt: yeah, but layer upon layer of that is painful, ldd will quickly say "not found"
08:43.44destinaloh well
08:44.06tmztoh, this is in a script
08:44.20tmztyeah, don't listen to me, but it's helpful for putting together rootfs's
08:44.22dtzWilltmzt: tyvm that is very useful and informative
08:45.05dtzWilltmzt: not sure what arm*gcc is doing putting calls to cpp static initializers? but i'll attribute that lack of understanding to the time of night :)
08:45.06rwhitbyegaudet: current optware sdl-webos should get all the way to the missing Piranha headers
08:45.19rwhitbyegaudet: do you get that far, or are you failing on the toolchain?
08:45.22destinaltmzt: yeah, I guess I could script it..
08:45.40egaudetrwhitby, I'm failing on a earlier file
08:45.41tmztdtzWill: I'm not either
08:45.56rwhitbysportman: all the optware stuff is compiled using this:
08:45.56tmztdtzWill: seems this is to make aeabi compatible with linux and gnuc
08:45.59egaudetlocally in my other build I just completed a build of the library
08:46.25rwhitbyegaudet: an earlier file in a "make sdl-webos" build?
08:46.29egaudet3 files had to be dummied up
08:46.46egaudet./src/audio/dma/SDL_dmaaudio.c:166: error: impossible constraint in 'asm'
08:46.55rwhitbyegaudet: can you make a -p1 patch of the modified files?
08:47.07rwhitbyegaudet: then I can put that in sources/sdl-webos/* in optware
08:47.15rwhitbyand automate it
08:47.36rwhitbythen you, jacques and I should all be able to get to the same place repeatably
08:48.12tmztdtzWill: is it possible that Palm built some of this with ARM's compliler?
08:48.16tmztor toolchain
08:49.01dtzWilltmzt: i don't see why not; but i don't have enough information to assert they did
08:49.46egaudetwhere do you want the patch
08:49.48rwhitbytmzt: we know that palm use cs07q3armel
08:50.02dtzWilltmzt: my current issue actually was, as a test of getting my cross-compiling setup down, that i can't build sdldoom because of crt1.o's undefined references to __libc_csu_init and ^_fini
08:50.06sportmanthanks rwhitby, plannign on giving it a read tomorrow
08:50.07rwhitbyegaudet: email to me, until we get you optware commit access
08:50.20tmztI'm confused by that too
08:50.23sportmanwhat are you guys working on at the moment? :-p
08:50.27tmztsomeday I will understand this build stuff
08:50.34tmztmost unix stuff makes perfect sense to me
08:50.50tmztdo you have any static constructors?
08:50.53rwhitbysportman: getting Palm's patched libSDL to cross-compile in an environment we can use to create a stub library that we can then use to port SDL games
08:51.04tmztlike statically initialized c++ class instances?
08:51.20tmztisn't libSDL full of them?
08:51.32rwhitbyegaudet: I'm heading out now
08:51.41sportmanthat would be great :D
08:51.45sportmanloves games
08:51.50egaudetrwhitby, sent
08:52.01sportmanrwhitby are there plans to develop some sort of joystick overlay?
08:52.04sportmanon the touch screen
08:52.08sportmanalright ttyls
08:52.28destinalsportman: that would usually be up to the creator / porter of an individual app
08:54.01destinalsportman: since keyboard is somewhat awkward on the pre I imagine we'll see a lot of touchscreen and accelerometer used with a little bit of keyboard, and eventually wiimote etc once we port better bluetooth support
08:55.44sportmansounds good to me :D
08:56.29destinalin the meantime, I should probably sleep a bit (~2am here)
08:56.34destinalnight all
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09:04.27dtzWillhahaha my little test project is complete: sdldoom compiled, runs, and video is rotated 180 so the keyboard is on the left
09:04.37dtzWillonly took... way too long
09:04.43dtzWillty everyone :)
09:04.55jacqueswell I was making a header file NApp_c.h but did we just #define around it?
09:05.18jacquesI'm down to constants now
09:05.30linksoccdtzWill: you mind sharing?
09:06.18dtzWilllinksocc: at what level did you want me to share? (i'm more than happy to, just not sure what you're asking)
09:06.37dtzWillif you want the binary you can have it, but the keybindings are the same they were originally so that's probably not the most useful
09:06.52linksoccjust the binary I guess
09:06.54dtzWilland i'd change them, but see all the work with getting them to work properly
09:07.42dtzWillso not really ready to distribute, but if people want the 180 flip i'd be happy to send a patch for the next release
09:08.18linksoccyeah do it that would make it much better on the thumbs
09:09.13dtzWillto be clear it's only a 180 flip--not a 90 rotate.  so the biggest point was simply that most people are used to movement being in their left hand, etc
09:09.24dtzWillso not sure what you mean about easier on the thumbs, although if it is woo
09:10.59rwhitby-predtzWill: share the build instructions?
09:11.27linksoccwell bc my left thumb feels more acure for the small keys for some reason
09:11.40ali1seconded the build instructions
09:12.47dtzWillsure; i can try to consolidate what i was doing
09:12.59dtzWillto be clear i'm using (mostly) the libraries on the pre
09:13.12dtzWill(as opposed to this new libsdl approach)
09:13.23rwhitby-prenative build, ok
09:13.35dtzWillwell native libraries, but cross-compiled
09:13.51dtzWillso i wouldn't call it native build, but if you would, then sure :)
09:15.22rwhitby-preah, I see.
09:15.26rwhitby-pregood plan
09:15.48rwhitby-prewhich headers?
09:16.47dtzWillwell this is kinda lame but for the libsdl headers i'm actually using my system's, which is a complete hack. that said, it would be the same as vanilla of the libsdl palm uses if i had done it 'right'
09:17.22dtzWillsorry to be disappointing, it was mostly an exercise in trying to figure out what was possible, and not driven by elegant design decisions
09:17.32rwhitby-preyeah, zsoc said plain headers works for doom
09:17.48rwhitby-preit's good to do both in parallel
09:18.06dtzWillalso i wanted to learn enough SDL to make the video flip :) hehe
09:18.34dtzWillerrr rotate
09:18.36dtzWillyou get the idea
09:20.17dtzWillali1: if you're still interested in what i got up and running i can throw together some instructions at some point, but I don't think i did anything that wasn't done before.... just did it again myself heh
09:20.50dtzWillso if you're up with what i think zsoc was doing then i think it might not be a significant contribution
09:21.16dtzWillalthough that csu_init/csu_fini stuff was crazy
09:22.13ali1the one thing i didn't get is if you didn't modify the doom source, where did you set up the key binds
09:22.28ali1thats kind of why i want to know the build process
09:23.22dtzWillah, you aren't interested in the toolchain insanity haha
09:23.35ali1i already have my tool chain set up, heh
09:24.00ali1i just recompiled ffmpeg and that seems to work
09:24.32dtzWillali1: !! excellent
09:24.54dtzWillyeah i'm happy that i have a toolchain configured, can get cracking on some stuff
09:25.04dtzWillffmpeg can be a real pain, so congrats on that
09:25.30ali1actually it was simple since running ffmpeg on the pre will spit out options used for configure
09:25.34dtzWilli didn't play with the keybindings, so they're whatever worthless defaults they normally are
09:25.50rwhitby-preyou guys got any build environments set up, like OpenEmbedded or something?
09:25.56ali1i just copied those and replaced whatever i needed
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09:26.17ali1i'm using code sourcery package
09:26.21dtzWillali1: gotcha, smart approach :).
09:26.28dtzWillrwhitby-pre: i'm also using the code sourcery
09:26.31egaudetrwhitby-pre, so we can check against the include/SDL_config.h file to get the correct configure
09:27.01rwhitby-prebuild env, not toolchain
09:27.10rwhitby-pree.g. for an autobuilder
09:27.16rwhitby-preegaudet: nod
09:27.26ali1oh, nope.
09:27.27egaudetalthough I can't get some things right with my set up
09:27.32egaudetlike the alsa
09:27.35jacquestouch /home/packages/nslu2/optware-svn-20100102.a/pre/builds/sdl-webos/.built
09:27.43jacquesrwhitby-pre: it built
09:27.45dtzWillrwhitby-pre: i think my misunderstanding of your question answers it :)
09:28.46dtzWillali1: so were you able to in fact build doom, just not the keybindings? b/c i had assumed that other than the sdl lameness zsoc was talking about that changing keybindings would be easy (via rc file)
09:29.02rwhitby-prejacques: nice - committing changes back to optware?
09:29.46jacquesrwhitby-pre: I made two header files: napp/NApp_c.h and PalmVibe.h, then copied into pre/staging/opt/lib
09:30.14jacquesrwhitby-pre: what's best way to handle the two header files?
09:30.21dtzWilljacques: so you can build the patched libsdl now?  !
09:30.36jacquesdtzWill: FWIW, yes
09:30.43ali1dtzWill: i haven't tried building it yet but i'm pretty sure i can when i get to it
09:30.47rwhitby-prejacques: just a patch?
09:31.02jacquesrwhitby-pre: OK
09:31.08dtzWilljacques: nice
09:32.28ali1trying to compile this gst plugin is driving me crazy
09:36.08Jack87-WebIRCwatches all the excitment before bed
09:36.58ali1needs to look into an extensive tutorial in linux build environments
09:37.05Jack87-WebIRCdtzWill: you just edit the .doomrc file in the doom bin directory
09:38.36Jack87-WebIRCdtzWill: you define the keys via ascii but for some reason it doesnt like some keys on the original doom. zsoc sent me a custom binary that allowed me to use ascii to define my keys but i cant get up and down to work in the menu screen strafe left and back still act funky as hell
09:39.49dtzWillJack87-WebIRC: oh that explains part of what's going on at my end
09:40.03Jack87-WebIRCdtzWill: what is going on
09:40.22dtzWillsince there's no published sdldoom patch i assumed they built it using the vanilla
09:40.47jacquesrwhitby-pre: there isn't a make target which unpacks but does not configure? am I missing some clever way to generate the patch?
09:41.36dtzWillJack87-WebIRC: i haven't tested too extensively, but lots of keyboard weirdness.
09:41.48rwhitby-prejacques: I just run diff manually, put it in sources, then add to .mk and rebuild
09:42.01acydlordnight gents
09:42.03dtzWilli expected the same rc to work the same since i didn't touch that code; but if they're using a special binary that parses it differently than that could be it
09:42.20egaudetwhere does one get opengles
09:43.30rwhitby-prezsoc said there was no patches required, but that's why I want to rebuild to check
09:43.33jacquesrwhitby-pre: OK. I guess I'm just blanking on how to run diff against nothing
09:43.38Jack87-WebIRCdtzWill: ya i believe so.
09:43.48egaudetno patches required for what?
09:43.49rwhitby-prediff -BurN
09:44.20jacquesrwhitby-pre: thanks
09:44.21dtzWillwell it doesn't work here, same rc, replaced the one shipped from preware
09:44.33dtzWillusing the sdldoom sources from the webos-internals git repo
09:45.08Jack87-WebIRCdtzWill: he posted a link to the binary he sent me which actually uses standard ascii i can try to find it in the log... but ya menu up and down dont work and neither does strafeleft and back keys
09:45.55egaudeti can't get the alsa or opengles to configure properly just by using ./configure, so I'm just hacking configure screw it
09:48.28tmztwhy not?
09:48.38tmztI'm sure some alsa utilities are missing
09:48.44tmztis gles using pkg-config?
09:48.46dtzWillJack87-WebIRC: to be clear, without this new ascii binary even less than what you said would be working right?
09:49.16Jack87-WebIRCegaudet: go ask the guys at #sdl ?
09:49.26dtzWillonly things i have working are strafe right and fire... afaict--maybe some obscure things but certainly not the same movement that was possible on the preware version
09:49.36egaudetit's palm added stuff
09:49.57tmztascii binary?
09:50.41Jack87-WebIRCdtzWill: kind of... without the new binary its hard to customize some of the keys.. if i remember righ y and j and like m were not actual ascii standard values without the new binary
09:51.15dtzWillJack87-WebIRC: okay. i'm not trying to change anything, i'm just using the .doomrc that shipped in preware.
09:51.32dtzWilltmzt: sorry that was unfortunatel ambiguous. i meant the new binary that parses the rc ascii values better
09:52.59Jack87-WebIRChum... i think zsoc said he had to mess with the binary  a ton before he could get the key bindings to work
09:54.12rwhitby-prewhich indicates a missing patch for the changes he made
09:54.57dtzWilloh foo. sdlquake causes the compiler to segfault x.x
09:55.32dtzWillhmm wait i think i missed a line
09:56.01Jack87-WebIRCDec 31 08:45:09 <zsoc> ok fixed key mapping Dec 31 08:45:27 <zsoc> and by fixed i mean "hack till i broke it"
09:59.15Jack87-WebIRCrwhitby-pre: yes... earlier today he posted a different doom binary file yo use because the original he wrote acted fun while keymapping via ascii values
10:00.01Jack87-WebIRCrwhitby-pre: but this new binary file does not map the up and down keys while in the menu screen :( his not sure why. any ideas?
10:00.21egaudetwell I got the configure line, I just can't get alsa or opengles to work right locally
10:01.05jacquesrwhitby-pre: OK patch made and modified - how do I commit those?
10:02.09rwhitby-preusing https://...
10:05.44jacquesrwhitby-pre: committed
10:06.00jacquesrwhitby-pre: but remember what I said about having to copy those libs into staging
10:06.09rwhitby-prewill replicate when I get home
10:06.11jacquesthis patch does not address that (of course)
10:06.39rwhitby-prejacques: we'll need to do a doctor unpack for those, like we used to for nslu2
10:06.54jacquesrwhitby-pre: makes sense
10:07.16jacqueshmm, optware doesn't know about the doctor
10:07.31egaudetrwhitby-pre, are you not doing in optware?
10:08.20egaudetwhat's the svn equivalent of git pull ?
10:09.02jacquessvn up
10:09.02dtzWillsvn up
10:10.16rwhitby-preegaudet: we are - did you svn up?
10:12.11jacquesrwhitby-pre: I just started with a clean optware checkout, and sdl-webos failed on the link (as I would expect)
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10:13.16rwhitby-prejacques: so we shared lib link, then package, autobuild, then unpack in preware build staging
10:13.38rwhitby-prethen start on sdldoom
10:13.40egaudetwe need to get opengles in there
10:14.44jacquesyeah I should try staging it
10:16.11rwhitby-preI just had a thought - if we can get the right sdl headers, we can just do the doctor unpack trick for the libs in preware staging
10:16.45tmztwhy isn't it building though?
10:16.49tmztjust that armel error?
10:17.28egaudetone of you with optware access want to add the following to the configure
10:18.11egaudet--disable-cdrom --disable-diskaudio --disable-esd --disable-oss --disable-video-oga --disable-video-directfb --disable-video-dummy --disable-video-x11
10:18.51rwhitby-preegaudet: optware is working for you now?
10:19.54egaudetwith the above fixes yea
10:20.15egaudetall the way to linking
10:20.17rwhitby-preexcellent - that's three then
10:21.00rwhitby-preegaudet: what do you think of optware as a build env?
10:21.06egaudetand then we are only missing alsa + opengles to get the configure working as Palm's
10:21.18egaudetI think it's fine
10:21.39rwhitby-prealsa should be in optware
10:21.53rwhitby-premake alsa-stage or something
10:23.04jacqueswe are agreed on those configure changes?
10:23.17jacques(they look fine to me)
10:23.38dtzWillhaha sdlquake on the pre :D
10:23.53egaudetwell they check out with the resultant SDL_config.h file in the Palm patch
10:24.00dtzWilldon't have keys working yet, and framerate seems a wee bit slow but there's all KINDS of reasons for that
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10:24.39dtzWillbut still sweet 3d goodness
10:24.40rwhitby-predtzWill: sounds like we need to get you set up commit access
10:24.58dtzWillsounds good :)
10:25.18egaudetI get errors building alsa-lib-stage
10:25.27dtzWillalthough i think i'll need to spend some time merging into the nice staging stuff you've done--in particular regarding libsdl
10:26.15dtzWillbut quake!! haha
10:26.19dtzWillis having too much fun
10:26.40Jack87-WebIRCdtzWill: any progress with quake?
10:26.51dtzWillJack87-WebIRC: i can run it
10:26.58zingenot sure if it matters, or is already known, but the sdldoom process doesn't seem to close when the card is tossed
10:26.59dtzWilland the startup demo works just great
10:27.19dtzWillhaven't tried keybindings yet, don't seem to work immediatley
10:27.23dtzWillBUT 3d quake goodness
10:27.27tmztwhy is alsa required to be binary?
10:27.28Jack87-WebIRCdtzWill: wow very nice.
10:27.37tmztsomething is patched for omap? that makes no sense
10:27.50tmztalso, if alsa is working on pixi would be very good to know
10:28.05Jack87-WebIRCdid original quake have mouse controls for looking up and down i cant recall (was too young at the time)
10:28.44dtzWillbah i get q1 and q2 confused
10:28.47dtzWilli thought q1 did
10:28.50jacquesouch, 4:30am here
10:28.58dtzWilljacques: same :(
10:29.01egaudetrwhitby-pre, or jacques could either of you verify the SDL_config.h after building alsa and sdl-webos contains: #define SDL_AUDIO_DRIVER_ALSA_DYNAMIC ""
10:29.12zingepshh, it's 530am here :-)
10:29.26rwhitby-pre9pm here :-)
10:29.38zingesilly australia :-p
10:29.41Jack87-WebIRCdtzWill: looking at youtube vide doesnt look like quake 1 did...
10:29.46rwhitby-preegaudet: will do when I get home
10:30.08egaudetalright I'm going to bed
10:30.31Jack87-WebIRCwe will have to see duke nukem on here.. all the original 3d shooters
10:30.58dtzWillyoutube seems to suggest it did?
10:31.01dtzWill(see link)
10:31.15Jack87-WebIRCzinge: yes that to
10:31.21jacquesmake alsa-lib-stage didn't work
10:31.27jacquesbuild error
10:31.50Jack87-WebIRCdtzWill: you are right it does in that video.. .the one i watched didnt. hum intresting
10:32.15*** part/#webos-internals zinge (
10:33.35dtzWillmeh anyway good times. it'll take some more effort to make it a solid app (good controls, etc) but seeing some q1 goodness on my phone is a nice reward for the toolchain fun :)
10:33.47dtzWillso with that i think i'm gonna hit the hay
10:33.55dtzWill'night all, gl and good work :)
10:33.55Jack87-WebIRCdtzWill: i wonder if there is a chance to key bind gesture area for weapon changes when running finger across from one side to the other like in application switching from screen lock app
10:34.17Jack87-WebIRCdtzWill: goodnight!
10:34.27dtzWillJack87-WebIRC: no idea about keybinding but i don't see why some change could be make to make that happen... eventually :)
10:34.31joshuai dont think duke was ever fully open sourced, so the closest you are gonna get its the port on
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10:35.09joshuayou know what would be cool... dosbox
10:35.18Jack87-WebIRCjoshua: i am glad you are on top of finding this stuff :)
10:35.50joshuai was a part of the whole linux gaming community for a while. heh
10:36.02joshuaworked for loki for a bit doing QA/support
10:36.58Jack87-WebIRCvery nice
10:37.16Jack87-WebIRCjoshua: know of any emulators worthy of porting?
10:37.54joshuathis would definitely be cool to have
10:38.22rwhitby-preyeah, scummvm
10:38.29dtzWillerrr i mean i'm sleeping
10:39.43Jack87-WebIRClol dtzWill
10:39.59Jack87-WebIRCya scummvm b pretty sweet.. nice collection!
10:40.37joshuatheres a genesis emulator for SDL
10:41.47dtzWillfwiw, to leave you with something: and run it with the shareware stuff
10:41.51dtzWillrun as root
10:42.02dtzWilland see some 3d goodness haha
10:43.04joshuaquake would be a real 3D test, doom was written before 3D hardware. heh
10:43.51Jack87-WebIRCwhere does one learn to port these suckers
10:44.16rwhitbydtzWill: thx - mind if we package that up?
10:44.32dtzWilldisclaimer on the above: only grab that if you want to see the startup demo and stuff--the keybindings don't work yet
10:44.41Jack87-WebIRCif i just ran the sdl quake file via terminal would it run
10:44.54dtzWillrwhitby: absolutely, and other than it being late i'd be happy to help package it
10:45.04dtzWillJack87-WebIRC: yes, if you had the shareware stuff
10:45.22dtzWillor if you don't wanna ssh in you can wget it from terminal and then tar xvf it
10:45.23rwhitbydtzWill: git clone preware/build.git
10:45.31dtzWillrwhitby: yep i got that
10:45.46rwhitbydtzWill: ok, so you see how things are done?
10:46.17Jack87-WebIRCdtzWill: you better head out before you know it youll be up another few hours
10:46.20rwhitbydtzWill: I /msg'd you my email address for your public ssh key
10:46.34dtzWillrwhitby: I believe so--i could probably make the wrapper etc, it made sense to me earlier when i was looking at it
10:46.42dtzWilland mirroring existing work is a lot easier :):)
10:47.06rwhitbydtzWill: that's why I want to get sdldoom building in there, then others can mirror that
10:48.37rwhitbydtzWill: what's your background in open source development?
10:49.46dtzWillrwhitby: had similar fun on the iphone back before the real sdk, wrote a few apps-- in particular
10:50.10dtzWillbut as for working in larger open source groups, less unfortunately
10:50.46rwhitbydtzWill: where's the source link for sdlquake?
10:50.50dtzWillbut helped (where i could) tackle some of the same issues with the iphone, worked a bit with saurik_noping, etc
10:51.29rwhitbydtzWill: thx - I'll package this up as Quake Demo
10:51.31lt83850client for iphone?
10:51.40dtzWilllt83850: yep yep
10:52.08xcomprwhitby: quake in preware? Big win.
10:52.11dtzWilllt83850: yeah, i rewrote it for the sdk but i got busy and that didn't pan out... so never had a chance to hit the app store with it (for free, but still)
10:52.43rwhitbydtzWill: running quake now - yep, this is worth packaging as a demo, just for the "one game every 2 days" newsworthyness of it ;-)
10:52.55dtzWillrwhitby: haha excellent
10:53.08dtzWillalso i sent you my key lemme know when you get it
10:53.18rwhitbydtzWill: let me know how you'd like to be referred to in the attribution ?
10:53.43rwhitbydtzWill: got the email, but no attachment that I can see
10:54.05dtzWill"Will Dietz (dtzWill)" or similiar, whatever parallels the existing attribution style
10:55.25dtzWillrwhitby: well that's a shame. sorry about that
10:56.02Jack87-WebIRCwhere do i place the sdlquake file? in the folder of the shareware stuff after i tar -xdf?
10:56.10dtzWillJack87-WebIRC: yep
10:56.19dtzWillJack87-WebIRC: err
10:56.26dtzWillJack87-WebIRC: to be clear, it'll extract into /id1
10:56.45dtzWillyou want sdlquake at the same level as the id1 directory
10:56.47dtzWillnot inside the id1
10:56.54Jack87-WebIRCdtzWill: awesome thanks.. i am so new kind of a dummy sorry
10:57.07dtzWillJack87-WebIRC: no apologies needed, glad it works
10:57.44rwhitbydtzWill: key received and added.
10:57.50dtzWillrwhitby: thanks
10:58.03rwhitbydtzWill: it'll be in games/sdlquake
10:58.05Jack87-WebIRCcant figure out how to run it. i keep getting permission denied
10:58.09dtzWillrwhitby: i think then i'll take your advice, and get some sleep before i'm here forever :)
10:58.13dtzWillrwhitby: sounds perfect
10:58.17rwhitbyJack87-WebIRC: chmod ugo+x sdlquake
10:59.28Jack87-WebIRCrwhitby: thanks... that worked.. now i am lacking the wad file :-/
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11:00.21Jack87-WebIRCdo i need to extract pak file some how?
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11:01.33dtzWillJack87-WebIRC: i'll msg you and work this out, hopefully :)
11:01.48rwhitbystarts packaging - should take about 15 to 30 mins
11:02.29joshuathe pak goes in id1 directory
11:03.17dtzWillrwhitby: sounds good, ty
11:04.45joshuaheres some demo file mirrors
11:05.34joshuaerm but its compressed heh
11:07.02joshuaneed to use lha to decompress resource.1
11:08.58joshuawell thats how you do it from the CD anyway
11:09.19dtzWillJack87-WebIRC says that the keybindings from doom work for him
11:09.31dtzWillerr maybe not
11:09.40dtzWillsorry Jack87-WebIRC, i got excited
11:09.46dtzWillhowever apparently it crashes when he starts a new  game
11:09.57dtzWilljust fyi
11:10.02dtzWillbut we knew there was work to be done
11:10.22joshuais there a config file? and is it writable... maybe you can get a log as to why it crashes
11:10.31rwhitbydtzWill: maybe I'll package and push it to the feeds, but not announce it - see who finds it :-)
11:10.56Jack87-WebIRCrwhitby: did you try to run new game yet?
11:11.20Jack87-WebIRCmight just be my phone that crashes... who knows
11:11.40rwhitbyworked for me - threw away one card, and started another
11:12.00Jack87-WebIRCrwhitby: running the game works fine... but starting a new game
11:12.16Jack87-WebIRCrwhitby: hit some keyboard keys it will bring up menu and enter button works
11:12.34*** part/#webos-internals Jack87-wIRC (
11:12.54dtzWillyeah now i'm curious
11:12.56dtzWillgod dammit
11:14.17Jack87-WebIRCtry it on yours
11:17.27rwhitbyJack87-WebIRC: yeah, new game segfaults
11:17.34ali1build environments are mind numbingly useful
11:18.05dtzWillali1: oh?
11:18.53ali1its a lot less messy than hacking away at configure/Makefile scripts
11:20.16rwhitbyali1: which are you using?
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11:20.36ali1scratchbox, i wanna take a look at openembedded later
11:21.44rwhitbyyeah, I'd like to get OE with an external toolchain set up
11:21.52rwhitbyI could never get scratchbox to work
11:22.22rwhitbyok, packaging done, just waiting for my slow upload link
11:22.50ali1scratchbox was pretty simple on my ubuntu vm
11:22.58tmztswitch to qemu-arm
11:23.01tmztor maybe obs
11:23.04tmztlike mer is doing
11:23.10tmztsbox2 is not too bad
11:24.42Jack87-WebIRCSegmentation fault
11:24.53ali1yeah those things are awesome
11:25.01Jack87-WebIRCwhats that mean anyway rwhitby
11:25.17rwhitbyJack87-WebIRC: what's that?
11:25.23tmztsomething bad happened
11:25.30tmztusually a bad/null pointer
11:25.37tmztbut you have to use gdb to find out what
11:25.56rwhitbyusually dereferencing a null pointer
11:26.28dtzWilldidn't even occur to me to check for gdb in ipkg
11:26.42rwhitbydtzWill: should be there in optare
11:26.56dtzWillyeah, it is
11:27.06dtzWilljust didn't hit me; i assumed my phone had no debugger
11:27.14dtzWillcertainly not one i could easily install :o)
11:27.28rwhitbydtzWill: we can get you commit access to that too ;-)
11:28.10dtzWillhehe :D
11:28.43rwhitbyok, this upload is going to take some time, and I need to go out for an hour or so, the autobuilder might even build and release it while I'm gone ...
11:29.07tmztso is there a fully standalone obs?
11:29.13tmztlike one you can download/install
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11:30.01tmztsorry, wrong channel
11:30.15tmztopensuse build system
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11:32.15Jack87-WebIRCwell here is a teaser for people for now
11:33.13rwhitbyJack87-WebIRC: added to webosinternals channel
11:34.27Jack87-WebIRCrwhitby: awesome
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11:35.14hapeJack87-WebIRC: Dose the video work for you? cannot play it in FF
11:35.37rwhitbyworks here
11:35.46Jack87-WebIRChape: seems to work
11:35.54Jack87-WebIRCmy first youtube upload lol
11:36.28hapehmm, only get a timeline of 37sec and a black sceen ind IE and FF
11:36.53rwhitbyJack87-WebIRC: so both our firsts are in that channel :-)  I expect it's not Dieter's first.
11:36.54Jack87-WebIRCrwhitby:  link me to the channel
11:37.09rwhitbyJack87-WebIRC: just tweeted it
11:37.19Jack87-WebIRChaha i dont tweet
11:37.42rwhitbyyou can also guess the youtube from that ;-)
11:37.44Jack87-WebIRCi honestly dont know the first thing about tweting
11:37.55rwhitbyneither did I before this project
11:38.28rwhitbyupload done, let's see if it builds
11:39.34rwhitbyautobuilder has it
11:40.23rwhitby9MB ipk
11:40.39hapeJack87-WebIRC: It works from the webosinternas youtoob channel. Sorry, don't knw why it was hanging
11:40.57rwhitbyhas first time packaging success ;-)
11:41.14rwhitbyhape: probably still converting or something
11:41.30Jack87-WebIRCrwhitby: you havent packaged before?
11:42.01rwhitbyJack87-WebIRC: no, I didn't test anything before pushing it to the autobuilder.  no typos.
11:42.46hapethat is ansom, hope we get 1.3.5 soon in germany
11:43.10Jack87-WebIRCrwhitby: should i see it in preware now?
11:43.23hapemust start to dig aout the old Doom/quke CDs to have the full wad files hand when it comes ..
11:46.04dtzWillfixed the crash on new game
11:46.21ali1what was it?
11:46.22Jack87-WebIRCdtzWill: does it start new game?
11:46.24dtzWillhavent looked at the keybindings
11:46.27dtzWillJack87-WebIRC: yes
11:46.31dtzWillbut you can't move since no keys
11:46.39Jack87-WebIRCnice.. link to the new files?
11:46.43rwhitbyinstalled with Preware - launcher also worked first time without testing :-)
11:46.50dtzWillrwhitby: NICE :)
11:47.00dtzWillali1: the biggest thing was giving it more memory
11:47.01rwhitbyit's in Preware now
11:47.15dtzWilli also did a few things from the maemo port
11:47.28dtzWillremoved the icon that shows disk i/o, ec
11:47.34dtzWill(they claim that was buggy)
11:47.52dtzWillfwiw afaik keybindings should just be that autoexec.cfg
11:47.56dtzWillif someone wants to try
11:48.00rwhitbydtzWill: how long did it take to port?
11:48.25dtzWilli actually don't remember
11:48.41dtzWillbut 5 hours? not much
11:48.42rwhitbyless than 4 hours?
11:49.03dtzWillwhy? :)
11:49.09rwhitbyfor the tweet of course
11:49.14Jack87-WebIRCrwhitby: zsoc ported another game today on the fly with the pre itself no computer. not sure what you should ask him
11:49.26rwhitbydtzWill: are you following @webosinternals ?
11:49.44dtzWillyes i am
11:49.45rwhitbydtzWill: got a twitter name?
11:50.48dtzWillali1: actually i also changed the optimization level, haven't verified fix holds after removing so here's hoping compiler isn't being annoying
11:52.12dtzWillali1: and fixed some printf trigraph stuff, not really sure what that was about
11:52.29dtzWillsorry for the verbose-ish changelog, you asked :)
11:52.39rwhitbydtzWill: you have all the commit rights you need to update the version if you want
11:53.09ali1no thats cool its what i wanted to know
11:53.31dtzWillarg looks like the dang compiler is causing issues
11:53.32rwhitbydtzWill: tag the games/sdlquake.git repo, then use the same tag in the VERSION string in preware/build.git/apps/sdlquake/Makefile.  Push both and the autobuilder does the rest.
11:53.52hapejep quake needs a config.cfg file with the key binings
11:54.00hapeI have one handy if it is neede
11:54.16dtzWillhape: a config for the pre?
11:54.43dtzWillrwhitby: gimme a sec, i'm a bit of a git n00b for whatever reason i've mostly used svn
11:54.44Jack87-WebIRCby the way rwhitby preware version launches on the spot
11:55.19hapeno from the win/dos version. I expect them to be the same
11:55.27hapeas it only setzt the keys
11:55.43hapeall like: bind / "impulse 10            "
11:55.47rwhitbydtzWill: I'm afk for some time soon
11:56.15dtzWillrwhitby: okay ty for the heads up
11:57.13rwhitbydtzWill: what's there is good enough for the next hours :-)
12:06.04Jack87-WebIRCi added my reply :)
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12:13.13ali1compiles... compiles...... compiles.........
12:16.42en0xlooks like now u have fun with sdl
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12:30.22geistsdl is fun
12:30.32geisti use it a lot for all my gfx projects
12:31.23en0xcan u write a rich game by using sdl?
12:32.46geisti've been working on a game engine off and on for the last year
12:42.37Jack87-WebIRCYay for Quake
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13:02.22jetterowhere is that page that shows starting appplications from the command line, rescanning, things like that
13:03.43jetteroahh, Luna_Send
13:09.30*** part/#webos-internals rwhitby-pre (n=rwhitby@nslu2-linux/rwhitby)
13:23.44hapedtzWill: here are the key bindig from the dos version if it helps to get the right config files into the id2 folder
13:34.23freakoutWoah. Quake now?
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13:56.03nfoxTcfinally got preware working guys
13:57.09nfoxTcnow does anyone know what the back button is in doom :p
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15:06.57rlopinJust saw quake demo on Preware. It looks great.
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15:12.38rlopinHi zsoc -- love the Doom port. It is quite playable after you practice for a few minutes with the keyboard.
15:14.50zsocrlopin: hopefully wahots will fix palms keybinding issues :)
15:15.07zsocwheres the webos hacker extrodinaire that ported sdlquake?
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15:15.44zsocI'm curious how he got around the x86 assembly issue...
15:15.49rlopin@zsoc -- I thought that was your port as well. Saw the demo this morning
15:16.11zsocrlopin: no no, I just get other people excited so they can do all the real work
15:16.51rlopinlol -- sounds like some great software project managers I know
15:19.54rlopinQuake app in Preware lists 'maintainers' as Rod Whitby and dtWill. Assuming dtWill is the developer and Whitby the package release manager.
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15:21.10zsocdtzWill: hey you
15:21.58zsocthis is becoming a regular thing for rod. repackaging stuff that people in the states do at 4am lol
15:22.26rlopinlol -- what time is it in Australia for him?
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15:25.43rlopinJust googled it - didn't realize Australia had 5 different time zones depending on which territory you are in. Chalk it up to my dumb American geography education. :-P
15:25.45zsocright now? 230am?
15:26.05zsocrlopin: lol yes. at 4am est it's 10pm where he is
15:26.13zsocer, no. 8pm
15:26.25zsoc14 hrs differencei believe
15:26.39zsocor 16
15:26.48zsocI'm going to stop trying to count now.
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15:28.07rlopinwhat's the issue with keybinding you referred to a couple of posts back?
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15:30.42zsocrlopin: there's some sort of.. scanning.. that palm hacked together. I can bind _most_ keys but some will just always do something else
15:30.51zsocdunno, wahots seemed to know why
15:31.34FreeTimI'd like to play with that... especially want step-right and step-left to work... where is the rc file on the Pre?
15:31.57FreeTimI forget where all the DOOM secrets are on these maps... it's been years, I only remembered one so far :)
15:32.27FreeTimwhich is after the zig-zag area, on the wall to the right  (before the door)
15:35.12Lumieredoesn't see quake in preware...
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15:39.03zsocLumiere: it's _not_ in the testing feeds, so if you have them enabled you have to go back into regular
15:39.12Lumierei don't
15:39.21zsocFreeTim: .doomrc is in org.webosinternals.sdldoom/bin
15:39.53zsocFreeTim: left strafe always goes turboright strafe and back always goes turbo forwards
15:40.02zsocLumiere: update your feeds?
15:40.04FreeTimthanks. Didn't the new 1.3.5 move apps to a new location?  -oh never mind I can wiki that  :)
15:40.19zsocFreeTim: /media/cryptofs/apps
15:40.30FreeTimzsoc:  RocKin'  - thanks!
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15:40.40zsocFreeTim: and then the regular path (/usr/palm/applications)
15:40.51FreeTimI cannot WAIT until Monday so I can show this 3D game aaround at work LOL
15:41.05zsocLumiere: list of everything, search quake?
15:41.23Lumiereall I see is the Earthquake (shake api)
15:41.46zsocLumiere: odd. double check 'manage feeds', make sure webos-internals is on?
15:41.58zsocLumiere: oh, and that it's 1.3.5
15:42.13zsocFreeTim: technically still no opengl yet
15:42.31FreeTimtechnically :)
15:42.47Lumiereyes, yes
15:43.17zsocI mean opengl is there. just no demo using it yet. destinal should be the closest in that department
15:43.54Lumiere0.9.5 is the latest preware public version (it isn't showing updates)
15:45.16zsocLumiere: 0.9.5 of preware? nope
15:45.24zsocyou need at least 0.9.12
15:46.13Lumiereit isn't showing an update... so I just need to download it and use quickinstall?
15:46.44zsocwhich means you probably have <0.9.27 of ipkgservice, which means your stuff didn't migrate properly for 135
15:46.50zsocLumiere: do you have terminal?
15:47.11Lumiere(or I did)
15:47.33zsocLumiere: see if it opens.
15:48.08Lumiereit doesn't show up... so yea it didn't migrate properly
15:48.14Lumiere(yay... <_<)
15:48.29zsocLumiere: no I mean do you still have terminal app in your launcher
15:48.33LumiereI do not
15:48.41LumiereI did before the upgrade
15:49.12zsocLumiere: ok, you need wosqi then. just uninstall/reinstall package mgr service, then open preware and run the migration helper
15:49.18zsocthat should take care of it
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15:54.16LumiereI don't see migration helper
15:56.21zsocLumiere: list of everything 'emer'
15:57.02Lumierelimited emergency button
15:57.06Lumiereis all I see
15:58.38*** join/#webos-internals Gav_Oracle (i=4f4843b4@gateway/web/freenode/x-bfukocjpvddvcwgn)
15:59.25Gav_Oraclehi, was wondering if anyone could help me to delete a folder from my Pre?
16:00.51Gav_Oraclei'm trying to follow the instructions at the bottom of this post:
16:01.23Gav_Oraclebut don't want to have to install novaterm if I don't have to
16:03.31en0xis jstop borked?
16:03.37en0xit doesnt show how much memory is used
16:04.11zsocLumiere: this is perplexing. I suppose the best option here is to upgrade to both the newest version of package mgr service and preware.
16:05.40Lumierezsoc: k
16:06.11Lumierezsoc: I did a fresh reset, upgraded to 1.3.5
16:06.47Lumierethen went to install preware and it failed, so I used wosqi and installed them
16:06.53Lumierebut it is still odd
16:06.57zsocLumiere: it's a little odd. I'm just not familiar enough with the issue you're running into. and this isn't the best time of day to find preware devs around
16:07.11zsocLumiere: ah wait, what version of wosqi?
16:07.53Gav_Oracleis it possible to remove the /media/cryptofs folder using the linux commandline option in quick install?
16:08.14zsocGav_Oracle: yes, but if you have 135 you probably don't want to
16:08.19en0xGav_Oracle, why u want to do that?
16:08.30Gav_Oraclei don't have 1.3.5, i have a gsm 1.3.1
16:08.31zsocLumiere: try the preware bootstrap?
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16:09.02Gav_Oraclei'm trying to fix the ipkg manager following the instructions here:
16:09.30LumiereI installed 0.9.12 and uninstalled .9.5
16:09.31zsocGav_Oracle: mount -o remount,rw /; rm -r /media/cryptofs; mount -o remount,ro /
16:09.33cryptken0x, it seems that JStop is a little borked... not showing mem usage on my pre either
16:10.33zsocLumiere: what version of ipkgservice?
16:10.56Gav_Oraclezsoc: thanks trying now
16:11.13bpadalinoneat, quake got compiled and whatnot ?
16:11.19cryptkjust noticed something... I checked out the new quake this morning... when I just now started JSTop sdlquake was still listed in there as running...
16:11.50cryptklooks like sdldoom does the same...
16:11.58cryptkare they not closing properly/completely?
16:12.52Gav_Oraclezsoc: right think thats removed it ok. now i'll just re-add the service, restart and pray
16:13.02en0xi;m giving up with all the doom quake stuff
16:13.12en0xwhen we get some decent games let me know
16:13.48en0xtux racer would be fun ;)
16:13.49cryptkI am hoping for Quake III
16:13.53cryptkI loved that game
16:14.05bpadalinodid they release that open source ?
16:14.20Lumierethere is an open source version
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16:14.33Lumierefor tuxracer
16:14.48cryptkwhat is keeping there from being a service that we can use to run normal linux apps in a card?
16:14.55cryptkassuming of course they were compiled correctly
16:14.57Lumiereno x?
16:15.18cryptkthat would be one...
16:15.29Gav_Oraclezsoc: if this works fine for me do you have any objections to me adding the command you gave me to the forum thread?
16:15.31zsoccryptk: no, they are closing, that's just how nappmgr handles/names the card
16:15.31bpadalinothey need to use SDL .. GTK is not currently an option
16:16.07cryptkso pretty much as long as a linux app runs with sdl we can port it over fairly easily..
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16:16.31Lumierezsoc: manually updated to .9.12 for preware .9.27 ipkgservice
16:16.33zsocGav_Oracle: err.. only if there was a GIANT warning that says DO NOT DO THIS ON 1.3.5
16:16.54Lumierestill nothing on emer
16:17.24zsocLumiere: try manually updating feeds? ipkg -o /media/cryptofs/apps update
16:17.37rlopin@Gav_Oracle  Jstop got borked for me too after 1.3.5. Although you can still perform a garbage collection.
16:18.02Gav_Oraclezsoc: ok, i'll add the giant warning :) btw preware now loads perfectly.THANK YOU
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16:18.21zsocLumiere: wait, what do you mean 'manually updated'? wosqi right? becase the postinst needs to run for the service or it won't fix anything
16:18.27zsocGav_Oracle: np
16:18.32bpadalinooh, there is a quake3 sdl port at
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16:18.37LumiereI said yes to the postinst
16:18.46Lumiereon wosqi
16:19.08Lumieregot it
16:19.13Lumierethe manual feed update helped
16:19.40zsocbpadalino: yeah, that's where the current working demo came from I'm sure
16:20.00bpadalinozsoc, no demo of quake3 i saw for the pre yet .. just quake ..
16:20.03zsocLumiere: emerg migration helper, restart luna, webos should do the rest
16:20.09Lumieredoing it now
16:20.22zsocbpadalino: OH we need to get opengl working first I'm sure
16:20.24Lumierethank god for linux :)
16:20.36rlopinWould be great if we could get a C-64 emulator. Apple rejected the initial one submitted to their app store and I believe only accepted it once there was a way for them to make money off the C-64 software.
16:20.39bpadalinozsoc, you should try to compile a simple SDL openGL program then
16:20.50bpadalinothat we know the libraries have functions for
16:20.58zsocbpadalino: weren't you here yesterday ? :p
16:21.10bpadalinoi missed what the errors were
16:21.13zsocbpadalino: testgl and sdlgears both fail. I know the problen
16:21.20bpadalinoplease, share :)
16:21.34rlopinThey made the emulator porter disable BASIC.
16:21.52zsocbpadalino: my userland compile seems to be incorrect. by standard opengl libs are kept in /usr/lib/
16:22.09bpadalinoyeah that would be bad
16:22.27zsocbpadalino: but on webos they are in 2 places. libGLESv2 and another one
16:22.41bpadalinoCMS ?
16:22.56zsocbpadalino: right. so I an symlink either to but not both
16:23.13cryptkok, all of this talk is way over my head << not a coder
16:23.17cryptkbut I just want to say thanks
16:23.17bpadalinohrmm ..
16:23.18zsocthereis probably a 'proper' library compilation environment process that fixes that
16:23.31cryptkall these new game possibilities are awesome
16:23.33zsocbpadalino: which is why I think destinal is the closest
16:23.39cryptkand you guys are awesome for making it happen
16:24.01zsoccryptk: we are clearly webos hackers extraordinaire
16:24.18cryptkzsoc: indeed you are
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16:24.47cryptknow if you can figure out a way to increase the frame rate a bit on quake and make it playable...
16:25.33zsoccryptk: opengl :) we need to figure out the lib issue first
16:25.47zsocthe apis are there, _almost_ fully opengl es compatible
16:26.05cryptkahh, so in other words, you are working on it but with no real gauge of how close you are... but eventually it will just click and work...
16:27.09bpadalinozsoc, you can't just include those .so files in your gcc line? gcc -o testgl testgl.c /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ .. does that work ?
16:27.17zsoccryptk: I'm not close. but many others are. it _should_ be a simple enough fix
16:27.35zsocbpadalino: for some reason that doesn't work. I don't remember why
16:28.50bpadalinohrm ..
16:31.44bpadalinoso we have 2 libs we need to treat as one for linking and that is our current barrier ?
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16:33.06frozenbinaryhey guys
16:33.27frozenbinarysooo my phone is stuck in passthrough mode, i did ##usbpass# and its asking for an auth code
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16:33.34rlopinGoogled around syntax for gcc'ing testgl.c. Found a comment mentioning that 'at the top of testgl.c, there is a #ifdef HAVE_OPENGL statement. Before that, #define HAVE_OPENGL and recompile.'  Not sure if that helps at all.
16:33.36frozenbinaryi tried my SPC but it wasnt it
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16:34.34frozenbinaryanyone home ?
16:36.15FreeTimyep, but don't know the answer :)
16:36.27bpadalinomaybe we need to change how testgl works and is more a testgles instead ..
16:36.52frozenbinaryi tried the standard ones,  000000 , my SPC/MSL , last digits of phone #
16:37.14zsocrlopin: yea it's compiled fine. that's not the issue.
16:37.15frozenbinaryis there any way to install a terminal APP through filecoaster ?
16:37.25zsocit's a complicated userland issue that's over my head
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16:37.52zsocfrozenbinary: filecoaster is for breaking things
16:38.09bpadalinozsoc, but you're a webos hacker elite!! you can do it
16:38.14frozenbinarywell thats the only homebrew solution i have on my phone
16:38.41frozenbinaryany other way to get to a terminal on the pre while i am stuck in usb passthrough ?
16:38.59frozenbinaryall i need to do is send MPT x
16:39.04bpadalinofrozenbinary: you can't just back your way out of it ?
16:39.27frozenbinarybpadalino: back out ? what do you mean
16:39.28rlopinfrozenbinary:  I switched over from FileCoaster to Preware a while ago and haven't looked back since. Preware is so much better from a UI,Functional and Speed perspective.
16:39.46frozenbinaryokay thats what i aimed to do this morning, but found out i was stuck in passthrough
16:39.47bpadalinoyou're in some screen that wants a password ?
16:39.49frozenbinarysince my upgrade
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16:40.04bpadalinoand you want to get out of it ?
16:40.05frozenbinarydial ##usbpass# and it shows an authorization prompt
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16:41.33frozenbinarywell, i can get out of it, but then i am still stuck in usbpassthrough mode
16:41.51frozenbinarywhich is for editing memory and whatnot
16:42.31frozenbinaryhere is a pic of it
16:42.49frozenbinaryunless i can get a terminal program on my phone, or figure out that password, im stuck haha
16:43.19en0xcall palm
16:45.25frozenbinaryis the MSL the same as the SPC ?
16:45.58frozenbinarywell, i am off to do some searching
16:46.24frozenbinaryatleast in passthrough i can use QXDM to search the memory
16:47.42bpadalinoit looks like logctld has a validate method ..
16:47.46bpadalinowhich takes in the code and your SN
16:48.31bpadalinochange app/controllers/usbpassthrough-assistant.js for the usbpassthrough app .. line 262 has the onSuccess ..
16:48.35rlopinWould Palm tech support not give out the SPC if you call them? What's to lose by tryinh?
16:48.36bpadalinomake the onFailure look like the onSuccess
16:49.11frozenbinaryi have the SPC code
16:49.15Guinness`I was just reading through the problems folks have had since updating to 1.3.5 and came accross a lot of discussion about the "My Flashlight" app.  I have had this running for several versions with no problems, but the talk about a serious security hole in an early version really concerns me... so I used Preware & WOSQI to search for the service--with no luck.  All I could find was the app itself, which I selected for uninst
16:49.22Guinness`(sorry for the flood there)
16:49.40frozenbinaryi thought hte SPC and MSL were the same
16:49.56Guinness`can anyone help me find the service on my Pre?
16:50.15frozenbinarythe service ?
16:50.29Guinness`yeah, it requires a service and an app
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16:52.33steveaposGuiness: were the security concerns with the old service or the new one pregame wrote for 1.3.5?
16:53.02steveaposah gotcha
16:53.51rlopin   speaks about SPC vs MSL codes
16:54.23Guinness`com.pregame.prelease.ipk is the service, but I can't even find the one running on my Pre, so can't check the version or remove it
16:55.26steveaposdoesn't show the service in your preware?
16:56.36Guinness`and I deleted the app that showed in Preware & WOSQI, so that no longer shows either... but the app is still there and it still works
16:57.18rlopinI installed the myFlashLight app last night for the first time via Preware. Is that version safe to use? (it installed LED Manager Service)
16:57.30steveaposhmm let me go get to a comp I'm on my phone atm sounds like you're going to have to delete it manually.
16:57.56steveaposdo you have terminal access guinness?
16:59.05Guinness`and I'm poking around with Internalz atm, but I think I need to reinstall that after updating to 1.3.5...  the "info" function doesn't work
16:59.08steveaposkk gimme a sec to get to my computer I'll help you look because I think the old service is prob still on my phone too
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16:59.17Guinness`cool, thanks
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17:07.52grundprinzipHi, I've got a question: Anybody knows if it is possible to perform a service request on a private service? (e.g.
17:08.14JayCanuckany pixi users here?
17:08.29destinal-sleepzsoc bpadalino: so, does autobuild work on this new quake?
17:08.42grundprinzipwhen I execute luna-send palm:// '{}'
17:08.43grundprinzipit works
17:08.44bpadalino*shrug* i have no idea about anything :(
17:08.54destinal-sleepbpadalino: just wondering if you guys read back through yet to see if they got that far
17:08.56zsocdestinal-sleep: ask the guu who did it
17:08.58grundprinzipbut not with the public bus
17:09.04grundprinzipluna-send -P palm:// '{}'
17:09.08bpadalinodestinal: i saw that it got compiled ..
17:09.12bpadalinoand linked
17:09.14bpadalinobut nothing else
17:09.51JayCanuckgrundprinzip it'll work if your app's id starts with com.palm though an app with that namespace won't be submittable to the app  catalog
17:10.00bpadalinoi'd be curious about getting the gl stuff tested and working .. and how to go through that process as well
17:10.25bpadalinoi think rwhitby did setup something to autobuild .. egaudet found some other configure options to disable other stuff
17:10.48grundprinzipJayCanuck thx, any other chance to modify the message using some hidden parameters in PalmServiceBridge?
17:11.04JayCanucknot as far as i knoew
17:11.29JayCanuckany Palm Pixi users in here?
17:11.34bpadalinoso i was thinking about nappmgr this morning ..
17:11.34grundprinzipis the check for com.palm hardcoded? Can you point me to a location in a jar/so file?
17:11.59bpadalinoand i got to thinking that might be a good sign that palm is going to come out with a cross compilation kit for developers ..
17:12.04bpadalinowhich makes our lives so much easier
17:12.23bpadalinomaybe jacques had the same idea
17:12.32destinalbpadalino: sure, the only question is how long until it's public
17:12.44bpadalinoso you currently have a chroot you compile on ..
17:13.05bpadalinodo you copy the libs over to link against them ?
17:13.07destinalbpadalino: yup.  I need to learn more about how optware does things so I can make and share cross compiling things
17:13.27destinalbpadalino: yes, copied over from webos
17:13.41destinalbpadalino: I haven't actually gotten anything to run yet though, I think I was missing some libs
17:13.58zsocdestinal: did you compile sdl test folder?
17:14.26destinalzsoc: I was too ambitious, tried compiling and linking against palm's version
17:14.38destinalzsoc: and somewhere I ended up in .so dependency hell
17:14.39zsocso did i
17:15.01zsocwhich binaries?
17:15.03destinalzsoc: did you copy all kinds of webos libs into your chroot?
17:15.15zsocdestinal: sure, all of them
17:15.23destinalah, that's my problem then I suppose
17:15.25destinalI tried to copy specific onesd
17:15.31destinaland obviously missed something
17:15.41zsocdestinal: errr. well I also didn't compile all of sdl
17:15.48destinalI just wanted to build test libs
17:15.56zsocdestinal: I don't think we can. I only compiled the test libs
17:16.02destinalerr test bins
17:16.19destinalzsoc: well, we're missing headers piranha and others to build the whole thing
17:16.36zsocdestinal: eveythin works but testgl because of a lib issue. I was hoping your full build would fix that
17:17.14zsocdestinal: our gl es support is in libGLES_CM and libGLESv2, but we need both and I can only symlink 1 to
17:17.27zsocI think it's an easy problem but I don't know the answer
17:18.25destinalzsoc: err?
17:19.16zsocdestinal: there's another answer. we can cross compile mesa3d and use it's libGL
17:19.31destinalI don't see how building against a custom build is any different than building against palm's
17:19.39destinalthey should create the same libraries
17:20.00destinalI think running the ./configure in test lib dir may be an important thing though
17:20.12destinaldid you do that/
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17:21.31zsocdestinal: yes you have to run configure
17:21.36zsocand/or add -DPALM
17:21.47zsocnon gl test bins work fine
17:22.10zsocso the issue is getting gl stuff to build against/use GL ES instead of standard gl
17:22.23zsocthere are lotsof docs online about that for other platforms
17:22.29bpadalinoi've yet to see the error pasted somewhere so i could read what's wrong :(
17:23.10zsocbpadalino: nothing 'goes wrong' per se. the error is 'cant find function so and so' and whatever 'so and so' is depends on which lib you link, it's missing apis from the other one
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17:23.49bpadalinobut you should be able to pass -L into gcc and let it find them ..
17:24.00bpadalinothough, some functions are NOT defined by either of those libs ..
17:24.09bpadalinoso we'd need to modify testgl to be more of a testgles
17:24.28zsocI found a patch to build mesa3d for arm
17:25.16zsocbpadalino: so you're saying I should compile the individual test bin source, with all normal arguments, plus -L and the relative location of each of those libs?
17:25.51zsoc-L /path/lib1 /path/lib2?
17:25.57bpadalinoyeah, just try gcc -o testgl testgl.c -L/usr/lib and see what happens
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17:26.50zsoc1 sec
17:27.23destinalzsoc: there's one ES lib that isn't in /usr/lib btw
17:27.35bpadalinohrm .. which lib is that ?
17:27.53zsocdestinal: please tell
17:28.03LumiereI wonder if there is any nintendo ds code
17:28.06Lumierefor opengl
17:28.15Lumiere(arm based as well)
17:28.27Lumieremight help with some of it
17:29.04destinalbpadalino: yeah, that one
17:29.10destinalnot sure what EGL is
17:29.18bpadalino000005a0 T eglSubDrvBufferConfig
17:29.26bpadalinothat appears to be the only real thing defined in there
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17:30.43zsocdestinal: that's just the layer for the driver. egl stuff. hardware
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17:31.29zsoccrap what am I doing again?
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17:32.52zsocthe sdl stuff I need is in /usr/include
17:32.52dirsi've seem that someone made a doom version using a api for internal hardware access
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17:33.02bpadalino-I/usr/include ..
17:33.06dirsis there some docs about it?
17:33.31UZHansI donated directly to deep Thought Software to get the full version of RemoteWin, now the app catalog is telling me that there is an update, however when I try to download it it tells me that there was a problem downloading the app, should I be able to download the update even though I didn't purchase the app through the catalog?
17:34.21UZHansAlso, is there user access to the app catalog error log?
17:34.54zsocbpadalino: it's missing sdl.h, which is silly because it's in /usr/include
17:34.55destinalUZHans: if you didn't originally buy it on catalog, the catalog won't update you, IIRC
17:35.01AbyssulUZHans: Contact the developer
17:35.06zsocbpadalino: I think the makefile does deeper thins.
17:35.31UZHansthank you
17:36.23dirssorry but ireally
17:37.12dirsops.. i really want to know if there is a way to run java code
17:37.23dirsso if someone knows about doom and quake
17:37.24zsocbpadalino: OH I need to use sdl-config
17:37.45zsocdirs: java what? we run java services all the time
17:37.46destinaldirs: you can (and always have) run java code with no GUI at this point
17:37.56dirszsoc: ohh
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17:39.01destinalthere's no display support in the current java runtime at this point -- it would be tricky to add, we'd need to build graphics libraries against SDL
17:39.16destinals/graphics/the java graphics/
17:39.23zsocbpadalino: -I/usr/include/SDL -L/usr/lib
17:39.36bpadalinohow does that work out ?
17:40.05dirsi want to run a library like a webservice inside mobile and use javascript to use it
17:40.35dirsbut i didn't see how can I run java code
17:40.43dirsi'm looking in the docs
17:40.54dirsbut didn't found :(
17:41.28zsocbpadalino: bah I forgot to compile with opengl support lol, 1 sec
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17:41.59gfxcomplexany one home?
17:42.12gfxcomplexI have an palm-install problem
17:42.17destinaldirs: a java program that implements a web server and your service functionality?
17:42.31destinaldirs: I recommend making a standard webos service instead
17:42.51destinalthey can be accessed in mojo apps
17:42.52dirsdestinal: hmm how can i make that?
17:43.04gfxcomplexI get "FAILDED_IPKG_INSTALL" after palm-install --install ".ipk"
17:43.32gfxcomplexI replaced ".ipk" with my package
17:43.48gfxcomplexI have novacom running
17:44.02gfxcomplexI can get a list from install
17:44.08gfxcomplexvia -l
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17:45.04real-steveaposanyone having trouble launching the quake demo?
17:45.18destinaldirs: I'm surprised to find this but apparently this isn't well documented in the wiki
17:45.31destinaldirs: there's this,
17:45.41dirsahh thanks!
17:45.44gfxcomplexHow can I get a log for errors on installs
17:46.00gfxcomplexI need more info then FAILED_IPKG_INSTALL
17:46.18gfxcomplexI have searched the forums for that error and found nothing
17:46.30gfxcomplexI can install via -b usb
17:46.34destinaldirs: also check git  for examples
17:46.35gfxcomplexbut not the emu
17:47.26destinaldirs: for instance preware is based on our own java service, ipkgservice,
17:47.33dirsdestinal: interesting helped me a lot thanks
17:47.45gfxcomplexI do see that the ports are diffrent for the usb and the tcp
17:47.53gfxcomplexshould that be the case?
17:48.02dirsdestinal: i know if there are limitations about libraries?
17:48.37destinaldirs: here's info from palm on USING system services,
17:48.59destinaldirs: they don't tell you how to make them since that's unsupported my the mojo SDK (but of course we still do it) :)
17:49.00zsocbpadalino: cannot find -lGL (being the standard gl flag)
17:49.03dirsand, what about aproval process, it will pass? did you know or shot ? :P
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17:49.10bpadalinodestinal: how did you get around the Piranha/PContext.h ?
17:49.20destinaldirs: you can't get it approved
17:49.27destinaldirs: this is useful for homebrew only at this point
17:49.42bpadalinozsoc, no need for -lGL since you're including those GLES libs?
17:50.00destinaldirs: no java anything can be approved for catalog
17:50.13destinalmojo only
17:50.28destinaldirs: but you can make an app and publish it in preware for free
17:50.32zsocbpadalino: er, ok hold on. I'm doing this in term app lol
17:50.53bpadalinono usb cable to run it through novaterm ?
17:51.02zsocbpadalino: I don't think it works that way. I may have to redefine -lGL for ld
17:51.12dirsdestinal yah maybe with admob :P
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17:55.35zsocbpadalino: ok now my compiling environment is set up right, I'm getting compiling errors, 1 for each opengl api :)
17:55.53bpadalinohrmm .. what are the errors ?
17:56.16destinaldirs: yeah, admob is a good idea
17:56.20zsocbpadalino: undefined reference to 'api'
17:56.25zsoc1 for each api
17:56.40bpadalinodo you have a missing header file ?
17:56.43destinallets you give something away to users but still make money on it
17:57.13bpadalinosome headers here may be helpful: ?
17:57.16zsocbpadalino: well. I have those 2 .so's in.. oh wait. hahaha 1 sec
17:57.33zsocI have them in the SDL lib and not usr/lib
17:57.34destinalbpadalino: I didn't get around it
17:57.44bpadalinodestinal: just made the ifdef an ifndef ?
17:58.23destinalbpadalino: well the first compile didn't have it properly defined, so it built anyway, when I fixed that it started failing so I moved on to just trying to build the test apps against palm's binary libs and the headers from their package
17:59.10zsocbpadalino: same issues when the two gl libs are in /usr/lib
17:59.19zsocit may just not support gl yet
17:59.58bpadalinonah, i believe it does support it .. mdklein said he had some gl stuff working without the SDL .. so the libs work i think
18:00.24zsocbpadalino: I would need to see that to believe it
18:01.54zsocbpadalino: no. those won't run on a standard webos device
18:02.06zsocbpadalino: I want it to work with the headers we have now
18:02.45bpadalinospecifically going through SDL then
18:02.52zsocbpadalino: and I'm not compiling against egl libs
18:03.13zsocbpadalino: we have to for it to work. and sdl libs _have_ a semi-complete opengl es spec
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18:07.27zsocanyone here know anything about ld?
18:07.32zsocPuffTheMagic: ping? :p
18:09.20zsocbpadalino: how would I specify lib name instead of having ld look for it? lower case or uppercase -l? and can I have multiple files linked?
18:10.18bpadalinoyeah you shoud be able to ..
18:10.27bpadalino-L should link those libs directly
18:14.37zsocbpadalino: ok. I'm asking the guys in #opengl also what standard procedure is in this situation
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18:18.26zsoc-L/usr/lib/libGLES_CM is still erroring out
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18:22.25zsocI mean I don't have to build against these libs, but I need to work against them :p
18:23.31zsocI'm going to try the egl stuff...
18:24.01zsocOH I SEE NOW
18:24.29zsoclibGLESv2 links against the PVR libs, which makes sense now
18:24.36rick_homeafternoon zsoc
18:24.38zsocbpadalino: so again, you seemed to be right
18:24.43zsocrick_home: yello joe
18:25.03zsocrick_home: go make opengl work :p
18:25.52rick_homezsoc  in your dreams...
18:26.19rick_homeis an end-user-app level guy
18:26.33rick_homewhat you're doing is deep wizardry
18:26.55rick_homeSo, may I ask what the outcome of last nights session was?
18:27.07rick_homeif any?
18:28.52zsocrick_home: dunno. read the logs. I got nothing done :( got more done this morning on my phone lol
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18:28.59TemplarianDo we have to download the wad files for quake to work?
18:29.01Robi_poor zsoc ;]
18:29.16zsocTemplarian: it downloads in the postinst
18:29.31TemplarianMy quake doesn't work. :(
18:29.50zsocTemplarian: it's just a demo video, and it's not mine :)
18:30.36TemplarianAfter selecting new game is it suppose to work or crash?
18:30.52zsocTemplarian: it's supposed to crash
18:31.05TemplarianJust making sure, figured it wasn't done.
18:32.33rick_homewhat sdl apps have gotten compiled and work so far?
18:35.15zsocrick_home: I've compiled about 30 simple test apps or simple games, and then doom
18:35.21zsocrick_home: and now tis quake demo
18:35.36zsocrick_home: nothing gl yet, that's what I'm working on
18:36.05rick_homezsoc -- wondered if anyone had compiled an gameboy or nes emulator,  but I figure the gl stuff is more important.
18:36.19rick_homeonce you had doom up as a demo you've done your job there.
18:36.55zsocrick_home: someone is working on gnuboy, and I'm looking into fceux after I can figure out how to compile sane gl apps
18:37.39rick_homejust wondered.
18:37.39zsocrick_home: for you rick, any answer you want :)
18:39.05zsocrick_home: it's also not full opengl es spec right now. I need to go through by elimination and see which apis were left out. I'm willing to bet they are gpu intensive ones.
18:39.19zsocdon't want homebrew melting peoples phones lol
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18:44.58egaudetzsoc you got opengles lib?
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18:46.46cal_update seems to have broken preware.. just reinstall it?
18:47.11egaudetwell reinstall package manager service
18:47.41zsocegaudet: no, we can't use it
18:48.05zsocegaudet: well maybe we can. but we don't need it. we have the ti gl libs
18:48.51egaudetPalm configures with enable-video-opengles, but we can't unless we have opengles ?
18:53.41zsocegaudet: ... the apis are in the libGLES_CM and libGLESv2 and they reference libpvr* for the actual functions
18:55.11zsocegaudet: the advantage is, the references in the sdl libs are the only supported opengl es apis
18:55.27zsocegaudet: otherwise we are compiling things we can't run
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18:59.06egaudetDon't you need a lib to link against that has the gles functions like Gbcon_GLES_MakeCurrent
18:59.48egaudetif someone wanted to build a game that uses these functions
19:00.37kmax12great job on quake quys:
19:04.28destinalkmax12:  :)
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19:06.31zsocegaudet: probably. but for test apps we don't. no one is yet to run an opengl app on an sdl surface
19:08.32zsocegaudet: can you explain to me the difference between -l and -L in gcc?
19:08.42egaudet-L is like -I
19:08.48egaudetit tells where to look for a library
19:08.56egaudet-l gives the library name
19:09.26zsocegaudet: ok, and can I have more than one -L?
19:10.26destinalzsoc: you said you were also able to compile the quake thing today too?
19:10.35destinalzsoc: also as simple as "make" or harder?
19:12.27destinalI confirmed the quake on the build system is a download, not built there
19:12.29destinallike sdldoom
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19:13.23destinalzsoc: you said you were also able to compile the quake thing today too?  also as simple as "make" or harder?  ( I confirmed the quake on the build system is a download, not built there, same as with sdldoom)
19:13.26zsocegaudet: ok sorry. so before my phone crashed what I was saying. it only works if I -L down to a particular file, not just the folder
19:13.33zsocand I have 6 libs to linl
19:14.01egaudet-L only takes a search dir
19:14.16zsocdestinal: quake wasn't me. but it works on ross compile
19:14.23egaudetif you wanted to use in /opt/lib for instance you would do -L /opt/lib -lsdl
19:14.33zsocegaudet: odd. why won't it accept my libs then :(
19:14.47zsochm oh I see
19:15.01destinalzsoc: iI knew it wasn't your doing originally, I thought you had said you had reproduced it (although that's probably not really important)
19:15.09zsocso -L/usr/lib/GL -lGL ?
19:15.17xcompyeah that should do it
19:15.27zsocok I try
19:15.38zsocld seems to have problems with my GL folder
19:16.12xcompshouldn't there be a -lGLU in there as well?
19:16.39xcompand -lGLcore
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19:18.42destinalxcomp: depends on whether gl links those or the program binary has to
19:20.29xcompdestinal: he's compiling a binary right? Nothing is going to link itself unless it is added to the compiler flags
19:20.44egaudetzsoc, what's your ld line output
19:20.50xcompi came in late to the discussion though
19:21.39zsocegaudet: I honestly don't know what that means. I shouldn't be doing this lol
19:21.40destinalxcomp: .so's can link other .so's
19:22.02destinalxcomp: so if libgl links those others, you don't need to have your program do the same, it can link libgl and libgl can link the others
19:22.02egaudetwhat error are you getting?
19:22.33xcompdestinal: I see what you're saying. I've never actually seen libGL link the others though
19:23.21zsoclibGLES* link libpvr*, that much I know
19:23.36destinalxcomp: yeah, I think you're right
19:23.44egaudetrwhitby, reminder for lsdiff when you get a chance
19:23.51zsocegaudet: general undefined api errors. if I use -lGL I get the whole 'ld doesn't know what you're looking for' errors
19:24.05egaudetzsoc, can I get a pastebin of your output?
19:24.25destinalzsoc: you probably need to -lGLU -llGLcore like xcomp mentioned
19:24.52zsocegaudet: not while I'm on my pre you can't :(
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19:25.08zsocdestinal: glu and core aren't necessary for this test app...
19:25.13egaudetoh you are doing all this on pre
19:25.23windzillahello all, wanted to stop in and thank people for all the great work
19:25.29destinalzsoc: you should just open ssh over EVDO and make a user for egaudet :)
19:25.51zsocdestinal: I has no linux box at work
19:25.54windzillaI also wanted to ask if anyone was looking at porting duke3d? the reason is it has been ported to maemo here
19:26.08destinalzsoc: on the pre I mean
19:26.20xcompwindzilla: don't think duke uses sdl...
19:26.21windzillaand i didn't know if that might make life easier in porting it to webOS
19:26.21zsocegaudet: right now I am. I have a cc env at home tho, same basic issue
19:26.36zsocdestinal: oh lol. no :( my dirty pictures...
19:26.58zsocwindzilla: yes, it does
19:27.09zsocnot that it uses sdl, but maemo stuff can sometimes make things easier
19:27.14xcompwindzilla: does
19:27.16windzillaxcomp, thanks, it was a question beyond my knowledge, just figured since the controls are all made for touchscreen and keyboard already
19:27.20windzillaoh, ohk
19:27.20xcompso that would be interesting
19:27.53egaudetzsoc, are you sure your ld command is getting the -L and -l ?
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19:28.32zsocegaudet: huh? you mean gcc?
19:28.35xcompduke3d is open sourced and uses sdl, so it might actually be easier to get to a playable state than quake
19:29.03jacquesre rwhitby
19:29.13zsocxcomp: is it opengl?
19:29.20windzillayea thats what i was wondering, the files i pointed to should also include controls optimized for touchscreen-based navigation and keyboard
19:30.00xcompzsoc: still investigating...
19:30.13nfoxTcwow you guys are having fun with sdl
19:30.15windzilladon't know about open gl but n900 uses the exact same chip as pre
19:31.31egaudetis there any doco on what you did to build doom zsoc?
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19:33.03zsocegaudet: I am the webos hacker extraordinaire
19:33.09zsocegaudet: I typed 'make'
19:33.18youslippin+1 Duke Nukem.  I've got some old custom maps from back in those days!:)
19:33.30nfoxTcquestion, how much does doom "push" the pre...any idea how much more we can exspect out of the hardware at this point?
19:34.14destinalnfoxTc: someone reported it started getting slow with 10 doom windows simultaneously
19:34.18LeathalnfoxTc: almost certainly quite a bit more
19:34.21zsocnfoxTc: I can run doom on a 33mhz processor
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19:35.04destinalzsoc: I used to do just that right after the game came out
19:35.12xcompnfoxTc: doom isn't much more than a proof of concept at this point
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19:35.34Leathalthat quake port is done in software rendering right?
19:35.42Guinness`Duke4  \m/
19:36.34MetaViewDuke3D yeah!
19:36.50destinalDuke Nukem Forever!
19:37.15FreeTim2it's time to Kick ass and chew bubble gum
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19:37.30MetaViewWhat are you waiting for?
19:37.30destinaland I'm all out of gum
19:37.42nfoxTcim excited then
19:37.48Jack87-WebIRCmorning all
19:37.49nfoxTcmaybe we can get something almost...dreamcast quality?
19:37.55nfoxTcor is that exspecting too much
19:37.57destinalJack87-WebIRC: mornign
19:38.24destinalnfoxTc: have you seen the need for speed video of it running on the pre?  I think we can do pretty well
19:38.42nfoxTcyeah but I thought it was a fake
19:38.51destinalnfoxTc: not likely
19:38.57destinalnfoxTc: I say real
19:39.52destinalit's just a bit too coincidental that Palm has just given us native app support in 1.3.5 right after that demo comes out suggesting you need a 1.3.(x) version of Nova (webos) to run it
19:40.00MetaViewduke will run without problem, just the lack of good game keys
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19:40.05zsocnfoxTc: it's real. look at it.
19:40.45nfoxTchey zsoc i love the doom port...but why no back button lol
19:41.05destinalnfoxTc: because real space marines never look back
19:41.19zsocnfoxTc: palm sdl patch key scan mapping bug
19:41.37zsocwahots is the resident key scanning expert
19:41.41destinalnfoxTc: eyes on the prize, always forward
19:43.20Jack87-WebIRCdid wahots present you with anything zsoc  about fixing the menu/strafe back
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19:43.52zsocJack87-WebIRC: he was looking into it. he said a binary patch seems like the only good optiob, which is bad news
19:44.02zsocso we probably need to patch doom core
19:44.21nfoxTcsounds complicated
19:44.31destinalzsoc: on the other hand that means it'll probably be fixed in a webos update.
19:44.35windzillaI have no programing knowledge outside of statistics (r and stata) so basically, none, but if i can help somewhere i would be happy too, perhaps wiki updates?
19:44.36destinalnot that we want to wait
19:44.48Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: what would be benefit of patch vs rewriting it?
19:44.51MetaViewI could do the doom-patch
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19:45.17MetaViewI spend several month with the linuxdoom source some years ago
19:45.57JMyaDaGodWhats up guys Thanks to everyone that worked on the Doom I truly am happy with my PRE
19:46.12zsocegaudet: -L/usr/lib/GL -lGL gives 'ld: cannot find -lGL'
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19:46.32xcompzsoc: is there a in /usr/lib/GL?
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19:46.39zsocJMyaDaGod: well. we are hackers extraordinaire
19:46.49zsocxcomp: there shouldn't have to be
19:46.59egaudetzsoc, yes
19:47.02xcompzsoc: if you're adding -lGL there has to be
19:47.06egaudetthat's what your -L and -l is looking for
19:47.09destinalJMyaDaGod: :)  It's awesome that Palm has added support for native apps and SDL games.  (and that we found it before anything official was said about it)
19:47.22xcompzsoc: if you say -lGL, you're telling gcc "link"
19:47.28zsocegaudet: well crap. I can't symlink a
19:47.40JMyaDaGodYes i am so happy with my phone and the whole team that works hard everyday to make it better THANKS
19:47.42xcompwhere exactly is
19:47.42egaudetwhere is ?
19:48.01nfoxTcId love to help you guys one day
19:48.04zsocegaudet: we don't want libGL, we want libGLES_CM and libGLESv2
19:48.05nfoxTcI really like what your doing
19:48.20rwhitbygah, I borked preware via ledmanager :-(
19:48.24xcompzsoc: then you should say -lGLES_CM -lGLESv2
19:48.32JMyaDaGodI have a question.... is there like a guide somewhere on the web how to port SDL just so i can read up a little on it??
19:48.35zsocxcomp: thank you
19:48.35destinalrwhitby: morning!
19:48.51zsocJMyaDaGod: we just started doing this 3 days ago
19:48.51Jack87-WebIRCrwhitby: is pulling an all nighter now?
19:49.03egaudetyep, zsoc remember -l<namespec> just says find library named lib<namespec>.so (or just .a if not using shared)
19:49.07JMyaDaGodyea i mean just in general not for pre
19:49.08zsocJack87-WebIRC: no he wakes up at 6, like an old guy
19:49.20destinalzsoc: :P
19:49.21zsocegaudet: thank you. I am a gcc nub
19:49.21Jack87-WebIRChaha that explains it
19:49.23rwhitbyegaudet: a warning, so you don't trip over it too - if anyone runs ipkg -o /media/cryptofs/app on a 1.3.1 device, it will *create* that directory and start tripping all the "does /media/cryptofs/apps" exists checks everywhere
19:49.32Jack87-WebIRCrwhitby: what more do you need to do with ledmanager?
19:49.42destinalrwhitby: ugh
19:49.48egaudetrwhitby, shouldn't we put a better check then
19:49.52egaudetinstead of "does this dir exist"
19:49.57zsocrwhitby: yeah, we had to help a guy on 131 gsm remove his /media/cryptofs folder earlier
19:50.02rwhitbyledmanager is fixed (removed those calls), but yes we need to fix the checks
19:50.42destinalbut how do we improve them?
19:50.51JMyaDaGodyou guys need any testers for anything?
19:50.53tlpDoom is surprisingly fun and playable.
19:51.07rwhitbydestinal: good question
19:51.14JMyaDaGodMy 5 year old son loves doom
19:51.25tlpit has new life on the pre
19:51.32tlpDo any of you guys know if Google intends to release Sky Map for webOS?
19:52.30nfoxTchey is there anyway someone like me can help you guys?
19:52.36rwhitbydestinal: I'd rather not put in things like (version >= 1.3.5) or something
19:52.41MetaViewtip. without compass?
19:52.43Leathaltlp: skymap requires an internal compass, so probably not
19:52.46egaudetrwhitby, check for mount?
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19:52.55rwhitbyegaudet: yeah, that should do it
19:52.55tlpah, I see. I figured it was all GPS.
19:52.58destinalrwhitby: I think we should check the palm config
19:53.28rwhitbydestinal: egaudet has the answer I think, if /media/cryptofs is mounted
19:53.29zsoche has anyone gotten a phonecall while in landscape? lol
19:53.32destinalgrep cryptofs /etc/palm/luna.conf
19:53.36tlpIs the acceleration provided by Palm entirely closed-source?
19:53.37rwhitbythat's a good version-independent check
19:53.39tlpi.e. a binary blob?
19:54.30destinalrwhitby: luna.conf I'm telling ya
19:54.32dtzWillhello all, having fun?
19:54.37tlpmaybe I'll check the wiki before asking questions.
19:55.05JMyaDaGodzsoc: you mean and the notifaction comes on bottom freaked me out first time i saw it
19:55.10rwhitbymorning dtzWill
19:55.13dtzWillmorning :)
19:55.15destinalrwhitby: otherwise when I start unmounting cryptofs you'll break me :)
19:55.18zsocyeah lol
19:55.25dtzWillfwiw the crash on game start is fixed i'll push that when i can
19:55.38LeathaldtzWill: nice work on quake
19:55.45dtzWillLeathal: ty
19:55.46rwhitbydestinal: ok, so if /etc/palm/luna.conf contains the string /media/cryptofs/apps
19:55.52zsocdtzWill: what environment are you compiling on?
19:55.59JMyaDaGodquake up and running?????????
19:56.31dtzWillzsoc: cross-compiling with libs copied off of my pre (using 08q1 code sourcery)
19:56.37destinalrwhitby: yeah, I think that's safest and immune to most custom hacking
19:56.51dtzWillJMyaDaGod: yeah but no keybindings
19:57.03dtzWillJMyaDaGod: and it could be faster :) hehe
19:57.14LeathaldtzWill: quake's running in a software renderer right? dumb question i know
19:57.17zsocdtzWill: excellent :) so I suppose the x86 assembly isn't an issue while cross compiling on a x86 host machine?
19:57.17destinaldtzWill: opengl quake would be faster
19:57.22destinalI think
19:57.35tlpI hope Luna takes advantage of the GPU at some point.
19:57.42JMyaDaGoddtzWill: oic
19:57.59destinalzsoc: I think he's using a version that was already ported away from x86 and removes the ASM
19:58.00zsoctlp: it will. just needs css transform hooks
19:58.04tlpIs this "Fixing Unknown Packages" thing with Preware normal? It seems to happen every time
19:58.07tlpzsoc: wicked.
19:58.17zsocdestinal: ah that's what I was looking for lol
19:58.47dtzWillzsoc: haha no the x86 asm would have to be ported to arm hehe
19:59.29dtzWillzsoc, destinal: turns out that the sdlquake x86 assembly
19:59.35dtzWillis entirely optional
19:59.45destinaldtzWill: aha, smart design
19:59.51tlpyeah, I'm pretty sure Quake has been ported to other platforms
20:00.00tlpI think I had it running on my Jornada 720
20:00.00dtzWillthey just override symbols with faster equivalents on the link order
20:00.10dtzWillso no asm just falls back to the c equiv
20:00.17tlp(which is ARM)
20:00.28zsocdestinal: egaudet: bpadalino: sorry about the spam, looking for insight. I can compile against standard open gl libs, but then I can't run the application. and when I compile against the opengl es binaries included on webos, I get undefined errors for many open gl apis. is this just a lack of support?
20:00.29dtzWillyou drop dosasm and ... d_draw.o off the makefile and that loses the asm difficulties
20:00.32destinaltlp: well, the c gets compiled for ARM
20:00.50xcompdestinal: i think sdlquake still uses opengl for rendering polygons, just uses sdl for input/audio/video
20:01.04zsocdtzWill: good to know :) nice work.
20:01.13bpadalinozsoc, which api's specifically ?
20:01.15Leathalhas anyone taken a look yet at this nanoGL wrapper the maemo guys are using to get 3d accleration out of GL-quake 1/2/3?
20:01.19tlpthere are so many SDL apps out there... this is exciting stuff.
20:01.20MetaViewquake runs well on a PalmOS centro too
20:01.38zsocsdl !gl to my knowledge
20:02.03xcompzsoc: is there some documentation of any sort on GLES somewhere?
20:02.08dtzWillzsoc: ty, you too :)
20:02.10Leathal3d acceleration is a little beyond me, but it looks like nanoGL allows most GL games to run under GLES
20:02.14xcompit might just be a GL/GLES thing
20:02.21dtzWillalso whoever was asking it does /not/ build in the autobuilder
20:02.29dtzWillmostly b/c the autobuilder doesn't have my build env :(
20:02.35zsocbpadalino: about 30+, can't paste from my pre atm. I can name some of them?
20:02.45tlpuhm. So I've got OpenSSH running on port 22, and dropbear running on port 222.
20:02.55dtzWilland since there are efforts to get the aptched libsdl, and Piranha and friends all in there that wasn't a priority
20:03.02destinaltlp: lol
20:03.05bpadalinozsoc, please do
20:03.21zsocbpadalino: also, some of them complain from testgl.c, and others from libGLES_CM and v2
20:03.48tlpprobably not kind to my battery :p
20:03.49zsocdtzWill: where did you come from btw?
20:03.52bpadalinoso it's just because you can't get them to link to each other or something ?
20:03.59destinaldtzWill: I think I'm going to try autobuilding based on binaries.  if the libs are LGPL, we can host the binaries.
20:04.00jacquesdammit. why can't distros agree on locations for things like arch and uname
20:04.09destinaldtzWill: we can always improve
20:04.35jacquesgentoo: /usr/bin/uname /bin/arch F12: /bin/uname /usr/bin/arch
20:04.43zsocbpadalino: you know. even glBegin is unreferenced. and I know every version of gl has that :p
20:04.56dtzWilldestinal: soudns good. if you need help getting quake to bulid i
20:05.01Leathalokay well if anyone is interested here's a link to a gl-quake source that supposedly compiles with opengles 3d hardware acceleration
20:05.13dtzWill*i'd be happy, i just didn't commit my makefile, etc, since it uses my own build env setup
20:05.24jacquesand of course configure hardwires the locations
20:05.32dtzWillLeathal: ooo nice
20:05.55dtzWillLeathal: didn't mean to ignore your suggestions, that nanoGL sounds useful even if i'm not entirely sure how it works :):)
20:06.24xcompzsoc: i'm looking at the openGL ES reference right now and I don't see a glBegin function
20:06.26LeathaldtzWill: haha it's cool. documentation is ridiculously hard to find on this stuff. its all from the maemo and beagleboard communities
20:06.31dtzWillzsoc: i've been following loosely but haven't had much time to start a project, the doom port drew me in :)
20:06.39zsocbpadalino: it's gotta be a linking issue. I'm going to go read some opengles docs and find out what's normal prceedure
20:06.40tlpis it normal to have /opt mounted twice?
20:06.55rwhitbydestinal: if `grep /media/cryptofs/apps /etc/palm/luna.conf` ; then ...
20:06.59bpadalinoglBegin isn't defined in any of the libGLES libraries
20:07.07zsocdtzWill: ah, glad I could suck in good devs ;)
20:07.17xcompyeah, GLES is clearly a subset of GL
20:07.20Leathalhere's quake2 and the quake3 arena engine for what its worth
20:07.36xcompstuff must be ported
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20:07.49destinalrwhitby: minus the backticks, maybe with -q
20:07.51tlpwow, Q3A. That would be wicked awesome.
20:07.55egaudetzsoc, what are you building the libsdl tests?
20:07.57MetaViewThe nicest game so far I've ported on PalmOS is Hexen2, have a look, would be great on WebOS
20:07.59dtzWillyeah it would
20:08.02destinalif grep -q /media/cryptofs/apps /etc/palm/luna.conf; then
20:08.03egaudethow are you linking the GL
20:08.09rwhitbydestinal: gotcha
20:08.20zsocbpadalino: so.. hm.. so why would palm patch sdl test files that aren't opengles compatible?
20:08.21Leathalxcomp: yeah in those src zips is a wrapper that interprets the gl crap in a way that works with opengles from what i understand
20:08.30bpadalinozsoc, no idea
20:08.37bpadalinomaybe they just did a global replace for the widths ?
20:08.41bpadalinogood intro
20:08.45dtzWilljust b/c i'm curious where's this testgl, etc, you gurys are playing with?
20:08.56bpadalinolets make a testgles.c and see if we can get it to compile and link appropriately
20:09.19zsocegaudet: what do you mean how?
20:09.51egaudetzsoc, are you editting the Makefile and putting in -lGL ?
20:10.02rwhitbybah - all this good fun and I'm stuck fixing bloody packaging problems again today :-(
20:10.05zsocbpadalino: please do. I think my env is good for gles compatible things
20:10.25jacquesrwhitby: and I with distro compatibility issues
20:10.38Leathalbtw does anybody still have that old fceux ipk that used to be on a few months ago?
20:10.48jacquescomparing config.log's now
20:11.07zsocegaudet: there's a 'has gl' config option.
20:11.39zsocLeathal: puff said that ipk is gone
20:11.47zsocLeathal: that was my next port
20:11.56xcompso it seems that once we have a gles demo working, the key would be an opengl->gles wrapper library for webos
20:12.17tlpLeathal: I don't think that would work anyway, would it?
20:12.21zsocegaudet: which ads -lGL, but I remove it and add -lGLES_CM and -lGLESv2
20:12.28Leathalzsoc: blargh, yeah i gave up on gnuboy for now because it refuses to build with SDL support
20:12.46Leathaltlp: probably not, but im bored and it was worth a shot seeing what happened :p
20:12.54egaudetarm-none-linux-gnueabi-gcc -o testgl testgl.c -g -O2 -I/usr/include/SDL -D_GNU_SOURCE=1 -D_REENTRANT -I/usr/include -DHAVE_OPENGL -L/usr/lib -lSDL -L/usr/lib -ldogless -lGLES_CM -lm
20:13.02tlpLeathal: how about gngb?
20:13.10rwhitbyfound a problem in the ipkgservice postinst script too which could explain some not starting problems
20:13.18zsoctlp: fceux should work fine
20:13.21tlpthere's also mednafen
20:13.47tlpzsoc: the one Puff built? I thought it'd need to be built against the version of SDL on the phone
20:13.51destinalrwhitby: wow,  the 3rd party bt stack the iphone guys use to play wiimote games compiles and runs on my pre in debian chroot.   -- no idea if it's actually doing anything useful, it probably needs *some* porting to really work, but hey, that's a start
20:13.55zsocegaudet: how did you find my term syntax? lol yes that's what I'm using.
20:14.14egaudeti just configure and make testgl for that
20:14.57zsocegaudet: well except I don't have -ldogless, and I also link glesv2
20:14.58tlpLeathal: haha, I can provide you an endless list of SDL emulators to try if you're bored. ;)
20:15.12zsocegaudet: does it work for you? :p
20:15.14egaudetyea I don't know what the heck is -ldogless?
20:15.35tlpI don't have a build environment set up for the Pre, and I doubt it'd be good to actually compile stuff on the device itself.
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20:16.12zsocegaudet: ok I'm going to try this with glgears, although I'm assuming the same error
20:16.30zsocmaybe there is just no standard sdl gles support
20:16.30zsocwhich is very possible
20:16.58zsoctlp: sdl ports compile fine on-device
20:17.07zsoctlp: doom takes < 1 minute
20:17.12tlpcool. Is gcc and all that in Preware?
20:17.21xcompi see nanogl in the nokia q3 sources
20:17.29tlpif it's easy to get going, I'll try building some stuff myself
20:17.32zsoctlp: no, debian chroot, apt uses optware repos
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20:18.09egaudetzsoc, I get a bunch of undefineds but that is because I don't have any of the other libraries that GLES_CM and SDL need in my path
20:18.25zsocalso thhe gp2x projects are a good place to look for sdl and opengles stuff
20:18.29bpadalinotestgl may need to be modified to be gles compatible
20:18.44destinalheh, btstack is missing some devices and things, but it's nice the code is so portable, this is promising
20:18.48zsocegaudet: get it from the pre. it's the libpvr* ones
20:18.49dtzWillbpadalino: sorry, where's this testgl from?
20:19.05bpadalinodtzWill: libSDL
20:19.07bpadalinoin the tests dir
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20:19.16zsocdtzWill: libsdl core has a /tests. and palms sdl port has patches for /test files
20:19.20dtzWillbpadalino: ty
20:19.30zsocdtzWill: testmouse is the best. 5 fingers all recognized at once :D
20:19.37KrystalI updates to 1.3.5 and I cannot install anything from preware. :(
20:19.40tlpdestinal: any luck with the SDL terminal?
20:19.46egaudetpacking up all the pre libs now
20:19.59AbyssulKrystal: Give some more details
20:19.59zsocegaudet: huh? where are you seeing those?
20:20.21KrystalWhat detaisl do you need?
20:20.26egaudetin my output, complaining that libGLES_CM needs them
20:20.26zsocdestinal: sdlterm should be a pretty straight port
20:20.28destinaltlp: I think the SDL terminal stuff is a library for making a terminal-like screen in an application of your own, but it would be a great start.  no, I've been more focused on the autobuild stuff
20:20.37dtzWillzsoc: haha excellent i gotta try that
20:21.12bpadalinodestinal: i've put together some headers that help get through stuff .. though i am not sure if it really works or is just silly ..
20:21.15AbyssulKrystal: What do you meaning nothing is installing? Is it a IPKG error? Do the feeds not load?
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20:21.46Krystalcorrect, i am getting the IPKG error
20:22.11AbyssulFor all packages, or just a specific one Krystal?
20:23.27Jack87-WebIRCstarts playing doom. has to beat level 5
20:23.42tlpI was doing that, but I need to go eat lunch :p
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20:24.17destinalbpadalino: sounds good, and could be useful
20:24.38rwhitbydestinal: so I had an idea overnight
20:24.48rwhitbydestinal: we should create a staging area git repo
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20:25.19rwhitbydestinal: it includes all the headers, and it pulls the library binaries automatically out of downloaded files
20:26.15rwhitbydestinal: we should be able to use this for cross-compilation of anything against Palm libraries
20:26.33rwhitbydestinal: if we don't have open source headers, we reverse-engineer them and include our own versions
20:27.09rwhitbythen a clone of the staging repo, and the cs07q3armel toolchain, should be all you need to cross-compile anything for the Pre
20:27.10zsocegaudet: can you pastebin undefined compilation errors so I an verify we afe having the same issue?
20:27.14acydlordSo if nothing gets developed for awhile, i'll know its because zsoc ported doom and everyone is busy playing it
20:29.05cryptkI know I have been playing doom alot lately... can't wait for OpenGL support to be figured out...
20:29.18zsocthere are also libs available for the Pandora handheld console that are sdl and gles
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20:31.58zsoccheck out cpasjuste's quake3 opengles port for Pandora
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20:33.26destinalpandora has an OMAP 3430 also doesn't it?
20:33.53zsocyeah. only downside is it uses X11
20:33.57AbyssulI can only play the first level of doom
20:34.00Abyssulthe rest is shareware?
20:34.05cryptkCPU 600+ MHz OMAP3530
20:34.09zsocAbyssul: you're doin it wrong
20:34.15AbyssulProbably :p
20:34.19cryptkthat is from wikipedia on the Pandora handheld
20:34.19xcompcpasjuste only provides binaries, no source
20:34.38zsocxcomp: oh. whoops
20:34.44destinalby the way I think I found my ideal controller for palm pre DOOM
20:34.48destinal  Zeemote JS1
20:34.57xcompzsoc: I'm checking out the iphone q3 source now
20:35.00destinalfirst we need bluetooth working :)
20:35.03zsocalso, apparently a common opengl -> port issue is glBegin()'s everywhere
20:35.42zsocdestinal: when we get touch mouse controls we won't need a joy stick
20:35.44xcompright now I'm looking at two different gles ports of q3 but neither uses sdl
20:35.51rwhitbydestinal: comments on staging repo idea?
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20:35.57xcompmeaning there's probably work to be done there
20:36.02bpadalinozsoc: when you compile testgl, change the #include to incldue SDL_opengles.h instead
20:36.08bpadalinothat would probably givey ou better warnings
20:36.14destinalrwhitby: I like the idea (sorry, was distracted) :)
20:36.18bpadalinolike i think glOrtho should be glOrthof or glOrthox
20:37.15bpadalinoonce you get those errors out of the way at compile time, i think it should work
20:37.22bpadalinoOrthof for floats, Orthox for fixed point
20:37.39rwhitbydestinal: once I get this ipkgservice mess sorted out I'll start a repo
20:37.41destinalrwhitby: considering all the binaries for ARM are in the doctor, we could obvioously pull those from there
20:37.50destinalrwhitby: and of course the open source repos for lib headers etc
20:37.50rwhitbydestinal: exactly, and the SDK for i686 ones
20:37.57acydlordi remember one of the maemo doom ports had touch controls
20:38.29rwhitbydestinal: I think this will shorten the cross-compilation effort significantly
20:38.41SineOtSpeaking of Doom ports... Am I correct in thinking that the Pixi build for Doom hasn't been updated past 1.1.0? :x
20:39.04rwhitbySineOt: reports where that it would not work on the Pixi
20:39.09rwhitbyso the build was removed
20:39.16egaudetzsoc, I think I fixed my env so now I get all those undefined
20:39.25acydlordyeah, video hardware on the pixi is too different than the pre
20:39.30rwhitbyIf someone has the 1.1.0 build working on a Pixi, then I will reinstate Pixi for 1.1.2
20:39.30SineOtHm. Well, okay I guess.
20:39.40acydlordi really wish they would have kept an omap proc in the pixi as well
20:39.58egaudetlike glPopAttrib which looks like it's part of libGL but not libGLES from the pre, so we can't build testgl as is
20:40.22SineOtI've got as far as getting it to stick on "Error: Could not initialize SDL: Unable to open a console terminal" but that seems like a pretty dead end error.
20:40.39acydlorddid anyone ever rebuild sdldoom to use fb0 to re-test it on a pixi? im too lazy
20:41.10cryptkfound a possibility of quake 3 on sdl
20:41.13bpadalinoegaudet: change the #include  to SDL_opengles.h
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20:41.23bpadalinoand then you get compiler errors for the undefined
20:41.33bpadalinothen we can hack away and see how terrible it looks when you get rid of stuff
20:41.37SineOtIf you use "export SDL_FBDEV=/dev/fb0" to set it to use that, it dies on that above error, acydlord
20:41.41xcompcryptk: the problem really right now is porting from opengl to opengles
20:41.46acydlordSineOt, thanks
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20:45.36AbyssulWtf, why are my homebrew apps listed under the Update app
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20:45.48AbyssulDoom, Battery monitor, etc
20:45.59AbyssulHa I feel stupid
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20:48.39rwhitbyAbyssul: we're hoping Palm will update them for you ;-)
20:48.45jacquesdestinal: was it you who suggested additional configure options for sdl-webos last night?
20:48.55bpadalinoegaudet had a nice list
20:49.03bpadalinoand his configure line too
20:49.29jacquesrwhitby: the additional configure options (I think especially --disable-video-x11) allowed sdl-webos to build on my gentoo box
20:49.42jacquesbpadalino: thanks I think it was him now that you mention it
20:49.48egaudetyea the x11 was messing up my build too
20:49.54rwhitbyjacques: in optware?
20:50.05jacquesegaudet: yeah mine was picking up /usr/include == bad
20:50.11zsocSineOt: you have a pixi?
20:50.13jacquesrwhitby: yes
20:50.24egaudetThe extra ones I suggested were all the discrepencies between a palm patched include/SDL_config.h vs. manually running configure
20:50.27zsocegaudet: did you make the changes bpadalino suggested?
20:50.29jacquesrwhitby: I modified the ; shall I commit it?
20:50.34egaudetzsoc, yea
20:50.36rwhitbyjacques: yes please
20:50.58egaudetI if 0'd all the non-existant stuff just to get it to build, but that's not going to do us any good I don't think
20:51.05SineOtzsoc: yeah, I do
20:51.05zsocegaudet: how many undefines we looking at?
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20:51.46zsocSineOt: does lsmod show the pvr module is loaded?
20:52.15egaudetthere's not all that many, but enough
20:53.03SineOtHm, lsmod just returns "Module Size Used by" and nothing else
20:53.04rwhitbyok, looking for alpha testers for ipkgservice 0.9.29, specifically anyone still on 1.3.1
20:54.04rwhitbybut I need a couple on 1.3.5 as well please
20:54.08bpadalinoegaudet: on line 498, try changing that else statement to SDL_OPENGLES
20:54.09xcompzsoc, rwhitby - how do you know how to define the "window" that gl uses as a rendering surface?
20:54.13bpadalinoinstead of SDL_OPENGL
20:54.25rwhitbyegaudet: note that 0.9.29 does not have the stuff from 0.9.28 in it
20:54.35rwhitby(just a fixed 0.9.27)
20:55.24xcompbecause if we can do that, I have here source code of a simple gles 3d game that could easily be ported to webos from what I'm seeing
20:55.24egaudetbpadalino, my lines are all changed, what's the context?
20:55.35egaudetI just ran it and have a bunch of junk on my screen now
20:55.39xcompit's written for arm/wince
20:55.51bpadalinoif logo && USE_DEPRECATED check ..
20:55.52zsocSineOt: that's not eight
20:55.56bpadalinoit puts the video_flags ..
20:55.58zsocSineOt: *right
20:56.00bpadalinovideo_flags = ..
20:56.10rwhitbydestinal: thx for the better grep line
20:56.24zsocegaudet: wait. it compiled?
20:56.29egaudet60.45 FPS
20:56.41bpadalinoegaudet: junk meaning bad or junk meaning 'cool' ?
20:56.41egaudetbpadalino, SDL_OPENGLES undeclared
20:56.42SineOtYeah, I don't know what's up with it. It's fresh as could be, I full erased yesterday and doctored to 1.3.5 :x
20:56.53windzillahas anyone taken a look at this opengl to gles converter?
20:56.56zsocxcomp: window I'd is NULL for fbdev, if that's what you're asking
20:57.05egaudetjunk meaning cool, like it opened a card with a bunch of color crap as if it's running a test ;)
20:57.26xcompzsoc: ah, i see
20:57.34xcompmight be even easier then
20:57.42bpadalinoegaudet: should be defined in SDL_video.h ..
20:57.47bpadalino+#define SDL_OPENGLES    0x00000040  /* Create an OpenGL-ES rendering context */
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20:59.03windzillathere seems to be a gl to gles runtime converter here dunno if that does anything for anyone
21:00.00rwhitbyLooks like Rubenstein edged me out for geek of the year.
21:00.27jacquesrwhitby: I voted for you.
21:00.39rwhitbythx jacques
21:00.53zsocxcomp: egaudet is the man with the proper environment atm
21:01.24Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: haha anyway i can bind a key to mini map i am so lost on level 6
21:01.39xcompegaudet: want to take a look at that link?
21:01.45zsocJack87-WebIRC: lol
21:01.45egaudetwhat is it
21:02.05zsocegaudet: small gles sdl game I think
21:02.05rwhitbydestinal: interesting article from benno:
21:02.11xcompit's apparently a simple opengl es game written for arm/wince
21:02.19bpadalinoegaudet: did you ever change your #include to be SDL_opengles.h instead of SDL_opengl.h ?
21:02.23xcomplooks like porting it would not take a lot of time at all
21:02.27egaudetbpadalino, yea
21:02.52rwhitbyegaudet: do we need to update any patching stuff for the new robust cryptofs check?
21:02.54bpadalinosurprised to see the vendor, renderer and other strings to be null ..
21:03.09xcompno sdl in there from what I can tell
21:03.40egaudetrwhitby, I don't think so it just uses IPKG_OFFLINE_ROOT
21:04.17egaudetisn't the only thing that needs fixing ipkgservice?
21:04.40rwhitbyegaudet: preware-bootstrap and precorder-bootstrap scripts
21:04.48rwhitbyegaudet: optware-bootstrap upstart script
21:06.15egaudetxcomp, there is no makefile hmm
21:06.43egaudetit has dll's, is it a winmo game?
21:06.55xcompegaudet: yeah, wince
21:07.06xcompit would have to be ported
21:07.36xcompegaudet: something a lot simpler:
21:07.44xcompgles/sdl demo
21:08.37rwhitbyegaudet: PING - EPR has the same problem as ledmanager - it will create /media/cryptofs/apps on a 1.3.1 device
21:09.02rwhitbyegaudet: ipkg -o /media/cryptofs/apps remove $i needs a grep -q check around it
21:09.58xcompegaudet: how do you set up your build environment
21:10.24rwhitbynetstatd has the same problem
21:12.01SineOtzsoc: so from reading on google, lsmod just returns the contents of /proc/modules right? would there be another way to look at what /proc/modules contains without using lsmod?
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21:12.28egaudetrwhitby, so?
21:12.40zsocSineOt: ls -la /proc/modules?
21:12.49Jack87-WebIRCyay found my way
21:12.52egaudetwhat does it matter if there is a /media/cryptofs/apps on 1.3.1?
21:13.29bpadalinoSineOt: cat /proc/modules
21:13.31egaudetas long as the installers aren't making the assumption that its existence means to install there
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21:14.17rwhitbyegaudet: "first do no harm" - we need to put the check in, even if we've fixed ipkgservice, cause other stuff might be making the same check (e.g. netstatd is)
21:15.39egaudetI don't think we are doing harm though.  I should not be limited on what I can create.  I think EPR is correct to blindly remove from both
21:16.26rwhitbyegaudet: you don't think creating a /media/cryptofs on 1.3.1 is ham?
21:16.39egaudetit's just a directory
21:16.44SineOtzsoc: it exists, -r--r--r-- and owned by root
21:16.52egaudetthe "harm" is that others wrongly assume things about it existing
21:16.58SineOtbpadalino: cat just kicks back to a prompt with no other output
21:17.03rwhitbyegaudet: ok, what if Palm don't do a mkdir -p when they migrate from 1.3.1 to 1.3.5 - such a rogue directory could cause a webOS OTA update failure
21:17.09bpadalinoSineOt: i get different output ..
21:17.14Jack87-WebIRCscored a rocket launcher
21:18.14SineOtbpadalino: are you on a Pre?
21:18.21egaudetrwhitby, I dont' think it can cause any failures.  But I will put the checks in EPR, I think the bigger point though is nothing should assume anything about the existence of the dir
21:18.40rwhitbyegaudet: I agree nothing should assume it.  Postel's law applies here though.
21:19.04nfoxTcI know you guys are probably going to kill me for this...but which phone has "faster" hardware pre or iphone
21:19.04rwhitby"Be conservative in what you do; be liberal in what you accept from others."
21:19.05egaudetrwhitby, is that netstatd correct?  you have no [] for if grep
21:19.10nfoxTcjust curious
21:19.20rwhitbyegaudet: yep, no [ ] is the correct form
21:19.25nfoxTcbecause it seems so far like the pre might surpass the iphone
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21:20.16en0xholy shit that flash leds are so bright
21:20.34nfoxTcyeah i noticed that too enox lol
21:21.50en0xi;m blind now
21:22.03SineOtbpadalino, zsoc:
21:22.23en0xthere should be a warning "do not point it at your eyes"
21:23.00bpadalinoSineOt, weird - reboot ?
21:23.22SineOtAlready have twice, same result :/
21:23.29bpadalinosorry man - no idea
21:23.41zsocbpadalino: it's a pixi
21:23.51bpadalinooh i have even less of an ide
21:24.16egaudetrwhitby, pushed
21:24.19SineOtYeah that seems to be the general consensus when it comes to the Pixi haha
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21:24.27rwhitbyegaudet: thx
21:24.58nfoxTclol i did the exact same thing en0x
21:25.08nfoxTcnice flashlight though
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21:27.56egaudetxcomp, so I grabbed all the libraries off the Pre put them somewhere and use that with rpath-link
21:28.14egaudetUsing the toolchain built from the build.git repo to cross compile
21:28.50egaudetthat's my "environment".  I'm just winging it.  But I don't know enough about SDL/opengl/Windows to easily port those links
21:29.43bpadalinowing it good
21:30.07SineOtPulling /proc/modules from my Pixi with WebOS Quick Install, and opening it Vi on the phone... It's just a zero length file
21:30.18bpadalinoSineOt: yeah it doesn't work like that
21:30.30bpadalinoit's dynamically created when you cat it
21:30.33zsocSineOt: lsmod should output things
21:31.00SineOtThere's something weird going on, because lsmod and cat just don't see anything
21:31.29SineOtAnd yeah I'm not exactly anywhere near proficient when it comes to Linux and that sort of stuff, but from reading and looking at everything it seems all the people who are don't have a Pixi
21:31.33zsocSineOt: I have no reason to believe it works on the pixi
21:32.30SineOtit definitely seems that it doesn't
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21:34.08nfoxTczsoc what would be a good start to start developing some homebrew apps?
21:34.23nfoxTcIm reading K&R right now hopefully C
21:34.45bpadalinothink of what you want your phone to do .. then pull out whatever tools you need to make it happen
21:36.01nfoxTcsounds good
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21:38.20rwhitbySineOt: if the Pixi had wifi, then I'd buy on for development from donations people have sent to me personally.  But it's no good here without wifi.
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21:39.21SineOtthere's hope, since apparently the Verizon Pixi that's due sometime in the next few months will have Wifi on it if all the leaks are to be believed
21:39.30egaudetwhere do I get GLES/gl.h and GLES/egl.h
21:39.48bpadalinoegaudet: they should be available from khronos
21:40.48zsocegaudet: I don't think all of gles is usable
21:41.00frozenbinaryso anyone figured out how to disable usb passthrough in 1.3.5 ?
21:41.31jacquesdo we know which opengl es profile the current pre driver implements?
21:41.57bpadalinojacques: we could look at the symbols and see what is listed and what isn't ?
21:42.20jacquesbpadalino: yep. if nobody else does it I will.
21:42.34bpadalinoi don't know which symbols are es 2.0 specific
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21:45.08Mark_M|away_I'm trying to modify some of the EXIF attributes in the JPEGs from the camera but exiftool gives me a Bad IFD2 directory warning so I can't overwrite the data.
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21:46.52nfoxTchmm I have no idea what patch caused it...but now everytime i get a phone call the camera app opens
21:47.54oc80zwhats good
21:48.25jwPebcakError_After I installed the latest webos update preware just sits and spinns on downloading feeds. Did I mess something up?
21:48.46dtzWilldoes anyone know offhand what version of sdl the pre has?
21:48.58oc80zjwPebcakError_ did u swipe and retry
21:49.09jwPebcakError_a few times now
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21:49.30jwPebcakError_I also truned off all the theme feeds since those always took a long time
21:49.47ihateyourbanddtzWill: 1.2
21:49.57dtzWillihateyourband: ty
21:50.21jwPebcakError_before I did the latest webos update I ran the EPR to uninstall all the patches first
21:50.29Jack87-WebIRCjwPebcakError_: try uninstalling preware using webos quick install (package manager to) reinstall it both
21:51.02jwPebcakError_ok I give that a try
21:51.46Jack87-WebIRCwhen you get preware running again run the emergeny migration tool doohicky
21:52.42ihateyourbandnfoxTc: Maybe the "Launch Camera When Unlocked In Landscape" patch? Was doing this to me on message/email notifications
21:53.52bpadalinojacques: silly me .. the name of the lib is .. so i am guessing it's v2
21:53.56bpadalinoi feel so silly
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21:54.45tmztis there another version of sdl than 1.2?
21:55.13bpadalinoyeah i think the version palm is using is a little older
21:55.38jwPebcakError_Its been a long time since I've used WebOS Quick install. will I need to update the app by any chance? Or webOSdoctor?
21:55.40bpadalinooh .. maybe 1.2 is the latest
21:55.53zsocdtzWill: 1.2.13 more specifically
21:55.55dtzWillzsoc: ty
21:56.00zsoctmzt: 1.3 is in testing
21:56.04tmztsdl has been version 1.2 for years
21:56.08tmztall I'm saying
21:56.15tmztmost of the changes are to modules
21:56.21zsocjwPebcakError_: do you have terminal app installed?
21:56.25tmztcool, 1.3 is coming
21:56.37jwPebcakError_+zsoc: no
21:57.08zsocjwPebcakError_: then get webos quickinstall 2.9.6, it's a quick fix
21:59.39hapezsoc: Did you tested with the real doom.wad. I did with one user and it is not stable. Could it be that it is the same memory preoblem that dtzWill had with quake.
22:00.24hapeThe doom.wad is 9MB. Could you add the same memory extesion that dtzWill did for quake to doom when you recompile it for the next time
22:00.25zsochape: I'm not sure what you mean. I used the suggested wad
22:00.41hapeyes that is the demo/shaware veion.
22:00.42tmztmaybe try the one they use on rockbox?
22:00.45zsochape: what would be the advantage
22:00.58dtzWillhape: seems to work with doom2, fwiw
22:01.00hapeit only has 6 episodes. The full verion had all Episodes
22:01.17zsochape: oh. hm
22:01.26hapedtzWill: I'm surprised as the source said it should not
22:01.34tmztcan't you split a wad anyway?
22:01.53Jack87-WebIRChape: are episodes the leves?
22:02.04zsocsplit a wad.
22:02.14hapezsoc: ?
22:02.20sportmanrwhitby how goes progress?
22:02.25tmztI mean have parts in different zip files
22:02.30Jack87-WebIRChape: i am on level 7 or 8 something like that i konw i am passed 6
22:02.33tmztso they don't have to all be mmap'd
22:02.37hapea wad file is aspecial file system from ID. you can not change it
22:02.44egaudetI built a non-working libSDL with palm patches
22:03.01rwhitbysportman: in which area?
22:03.07bpadalinoegaudet: haha, it doesn't work ?
22:03.14zsocegaudet: mine works. and I'm a noob lol
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22:03.33zsocegaudet: so did you have a gl demo working?
22:03.37destinalhape: well, you can change it, but yeah, you don't want to
22:03.40egaudetI put it on the device and doom doesn't work, and testgl seg faults
22:03.44jwPebcakError_Thanks guys
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22:03.48egaudetalthough at least mine has GetAttribute unlike palm's
22:04.03egaudetthen again I probably screwed something up royally
22:04.19zsocegaudet: what does doom do?
22:04.32zsocegaudet: could be an nappmgr issue
22:04.37egaudeti didn't try to launch it comand line but it probably would seg fault
22:04.56hapedtzWill: did you mean the second episdode with doo2.wad or the wad from the real DOOM II?
22:05.16bpadalinoegaudet: did you use the headers i came up with to build, or did you remove some stuff ?
22:05.21SteveAposwelp not sure what the hell i just installed, but now my keyboard is dead lol
22:05.51zsocSteveApos: that's unlikely to be a software issue
22:06.04egaudetbpadalino, ahh good point forgot I removed stuff
22:06.15dtzWillhape: doom2.wad, the wad from doom II
22:06.29Jack87-WebIRCSteveApos: pull battery and put it backin... see if that helps... a restart is always a good idea when shit like that happens
22:06.33hapeJack87-WebIRC: you will get to level 10 the it is the end of the sharware version
22:06.50SteveAposi'll give it a shot getting ready to pull out the battery as we speak
22:06.51hapedtzWill: and it worked?
22:06.57bpadalinoegaudet: i am curious what your testgl looked like when it can
22:06.59dtzWillhape: yes, at least for the first level or so
22:07.05frozenbinaryso i cant replace the usbpassthru js file , without being in USB mode ... to get in usb mode you hold the volume up button and plug in the usb cable right ?
22:07.12dtzWillhape: ultimate doom died for me as well
22:07.16egaudeta bunch of colorful lines
22:07.18egaudetin a card
22:07.43egaudetI think there's a bug in libSDL
22:07.46egaudetat least it seems like a bug to me
22:07.56SteveAposanyone ever figure out whats been causing the quake demo to give certain people the starting message and then nothing happens?
22:08.05egaudetSDL_video.c, line1624
22:08.24egaudetIt seems to me it should be "&& this->GLES_GetAttribute" not "&& video->GL_GetAttribute"
22:08.30zsocegaudet: ask in #sdl
22:08.42zsocegaudet: oh wait
22:08.46zsocno that's a palm issue
22:08.49Jack87-WebIRCSteveApos: that can be caused by having my tether wifi patch installed.
22:08.54zsocsdl isn't gles specific
22:09.25dtzWillSteveApos: maybe  they don't have enough free memory?
22:09.27SteveAposJack87: just having it installed or in use?
22:09.46egaudetwhere are your headers again bpadalino ?
22:09.54SteveAposdtzWill: thats what I thought at first too because it looked like it was trying to open a card but theres no memory error
22:10.02bpadalinoi pasted them here:
22:10.08bpadalinono idea if that works or not
22:10.27destinalSteveApos: you have to run from the terminal to see if there is an error about /dev/fb1
22:10.32dtzWillSteveApos: you ran it from the terminal?
22:10.37Jack87-WebIRCSteveApos: having the wifi patch applled for mytether not the program itself. you can remove it in the options menu of the wifi section in my tether
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22:11.15bpadalinoegaudet: video and this are the same thing... but yeah, i agree it should check for GLES not GL_GetAttribute
22:11.15SteveAposoh well all i have is the app itself not the patch and no dtz havent tried terminal yet
22:11.23SteveAposbtw battery fixed the keyboard jack
22:11.59Jack87-WebIRCSteveApos: glad that worked.. so if you open your camera right now can you take pictures?
22:12.39Jack87-WebIRCSteveApos: are you on web os 1.3.5?
22:13.05Jack87-WebIRCthen i am fresh out of ideas... dtzWill take your swing at it
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22:15.00dtzWillJack87-WebIRC: what am i swinging at?
22:15.34Jack87-WebIRCdtzWill: what might be causing his error... any ideas?
22:16.25Jack87-WebIRCwait SteveApos have you even tried it yet? are you getting the error?
22:16.34bpadalinoegaudet: hopefully using that stuff allows for linking ..
22:16.35SteveAposjust reinstalled gimme a sec
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22:17.41egaudetno more seg fault with your headers :)
22:17.43SteveAposyeah still just getting starting and nothing happens jack
22:18.02destinalegaudet: you can now build a working lib from source?
22:18.19egaudet"working" let me try doom, hold on
22:18.26SteveAposphone slowed up for a little bit like it was trying to load it, but nothing happens
22:18.39bpadalinono more seg faults ?
22:18.45Jack87-WebIRCSteveApos: does doom work for you?
22:18.47egaudetbpadalino, that's right :P
22:18.52egaudethow do I run doom command line?
22:18.55SteveAposyeah doom works perfectly
22:18.59SteveAposthats why i cant figure this out
22:19.03SteveAposnot sure why quake wouldnt
22:19.06bpadalinoegaudet: just run the doom binary i thought ?
22:20.05Jack87-WebIRCSteveApos: ya now thats really odd. can you open terminal or ssh into the pre and try running the game then see if you get any messages
22:20.07egaudetW_Init: Init WADfiles.
22:20.08egaudetError: W_InitFiles: no files found
22:20.08jacquesbpadalino: oh nice you did the PContext.h one. I just punted on that
22:20.29bpadalinojacques: yeah - i went through and figured out what methods were available and whatnot
22:20.34SteveAposYeah Jack thats what i was getting ready to try
22:20.35bpadalinoegaudet: gotta run from the file where the binary is
22:20.45bpadalinofrom the location where the binary is
22:20.50bpadalinosince it looks in . for the wad
22:21.11rwhitbyAnyone running ipkgservice 0.9.29 successfully now?  on 1.3.1 or 1.3.5 ?
22:21.20egaudetahh ok
22:21.47Jack87-WebIRCSteveApos: i dont think the terminal app will display the error mightneed to ssh into the phone... or use nova term
22:21.48en0xrwhitby, runs fine on 1.3.5
22:21.54jacquesbpadalino: mind if we merge your derived headers into optware? I made some last night but yours look better
22:22.17dtzWillhow did you guys build testgl? some gles->gl library?
22:22.42ihateyourbandrwhitby: Also 1.3.5 and good to go
22:22.52bpadalinojacques: go nuts
22:23.04jacquesbpadalino: ty
22:23.12bpadalinobut it looks like the symbol lookup is no good ..
22:23.13bpadalinohrmm ..
22:23.51destinalPContext2D::CreatePixmap(unsigned int, unsigned int)
22:23.55bpadalinoyeah i  jsut did that
22:24.02bpadalinodid i not have one of those in that header ?
22:24.14bpadalinooh, i did define it ..
22:24.17bpadalinobut it couldn't find it ?
22:24.22destinalbpadalino: isn't undefined symbol a failure to link?
22:24.32destinalto find the right function in a linked lib
22:24.58destinalegaudet: can you tell me what you have linked to your SDL lib?
22:25.33destinalecho `strings /usr/lib/ |grep \.so$`
22:25.38bpadalinodestinal , yeah i think so ..
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22:25.44bpadalino0006abf0 W PSoftContext2D::CreatePixmap(unsigned int, unsigned int) const
22:25.51destinalit should be: /usr/lib/egl/
22:25.57rwhitbyok, I think I'm out of ipkgservice fixing hell now.  Where are we up to?
22:26.16bpadalinoi wonder if i need that .. to define PSoftContext2D and PContext2D is an interface ? /usr/lib/egl/
22:28.14bpadalinoi wonder if i have to change over that header ..
22:28.40bpadalinoto be PSoftContext2D ... but i wonder if PContext2D is just an interface or what the deal is
22:29.21destinalrwhitby: bpadalino has made some headers that seem to get us most of the way there
22:29.24jacquesdestinal: there are needed libs which end in .so.?
22:29.32jacquesI prefer: "arm-none-linux-gnueabi-objdump -p | grep NEEDED
22:29.45destinaljacques: ah, objdump
22:29.46bpadalinovirtual PPixmap *CreatePixmap( unsigned int width, unsigned int height ) ; in the header instead?
22:29.46destinalgood idea
22:30.01rwhitbynice of Palm to leave that on the device ...
22:30.08jacquesdestinal: yeah I am learning to really like objdump :-)
22:30.31zsocI feel so removed from society. I'm in a pizaa place on an irc dev channel lol
22:30.45JMyaDaGodat least your eating lol
22:31.00rwhitbyzsoc: your concept of society just needs adjusting
22:31.12destinalrwhitby: welcome to the new society :)
22:31.34rb2kalmost bought a palm pre... then I found out that the european version is being treated like crap :-/
22:31.56rwhitbyrb2k: blame your carriers
22:32.00rb2kI do
22:32.04rb2kdamn them!
22:32.14rwhitbythey're the ones holding up the 1.3.5 update, not Palm
22:32.31rb2kon the other side, palm could have had the balls apple does and at least kept a grip on that stuff
22:32.37destinalrb2k: worry not -- we'll route around them
22:32.47rb2kalso: no paid apps, no "real way" of setting APNs
22:32.47rwhitbyrb2k: they're not big enough to do that
22:32.52rb2ksadly, yes
22:33.16JMyaDaGodanyone in here use centro batterys as backups?
22:33.30rwhitbyPalm is tiny compared to the hold that carriers have over consumers in the US and EU who are prepared to give up their control over their phone for pricing subsidies.
22:33.37zsocJMyaDaGod: nah, not eating lol
22:33.47JMyaDaGodo just using wifi
22:33.50jacqueshmm, objdump doesn't show these as NEEDED, but I also see references to: /usr/lib/egl/
22:33.51destinalJMyaDaGod: wow, centro batteries are cheap on ebay
22:34.01rwhitbyIf everyone bought unlocked GSM devices, the carriers would no longer have any power.
22:34.03jacquesmaybe they are optional ?
22:34.03zsoccomuting time brb
22:34.17rb2kthe sad thing is that it USED to be like that in Germany
22:34.20rb2kbefore the iphone
22:34.28rb2kmost devices were available on all networks afair
22:34.54JMyaDaGodi have probably 5 of them batteries sitting around been scared to use them..... ive seen thread where people say they use them but just wanted to ask people in this room since the seem smarter than average palm user lol
22:35.02rwhitbyrb2k: yep, so the consumers have given the power back - you can't blame the carriers for acting like businesses and accepting the power back
22:35.13bpadalinoso where do we stand with the libsdl stuff?
22:35.30rb2kI blame the carriers for not getting that they just supply the network
22:35.36rb2kthey keep on coming up with new crap
22:35.38rb2kand it never works
22:35.43destinalthe carriers are fighting against becoming commodities (which they should be) -- your land-line phone company doesn't try to own your home or your phone
22:35.49Jack87-WebIRCJMyaDaGod: ya o ise centro battery as a back up
22:36.05rwhitbyrb2k: carriers that are just pipes become commodities.  shareholders don't like companies that are commodities.
22:36.18JMyaDaGodok thanks Jack87 thats a reliable source thanks
22:36.21jacquesgred FTL
22:36.35egaudetI cant find PContext2D references anywhere
22:36.45bpadalinoegaudet: yeah it's PSoftContext2D
22:36.48destinalthey _should_ be commodities.  we don't need value adds from the vendor, it should present a standard set of services
22:36.57bpadalinobut they call it PContext2D in the file ..
22:37.05destinalthe creativity should happen on the device which you can use on any carrier
22:37.06bpadalinonot sure how to do that ..
22:37.13bpadalinoegaudet: maybe make those functions virtual in the header ?
22:37.15Jack87-WebIRCJMyaDaGod: haha i wouldnt call me reliable source. but it hasnt caused me any problems
22:38.15bpadalinothat way it will give PSoftContext2D a way to grab them ?
22:38.15rwhitbydestinal: it's only the consumers that can drive that, by buying unlocked phones
22:38.15JMyaDaGodJack87-WebIRC: is there is a work around for the mytether free for 1.3.5?
22:39.09destinalrwhitby: makes me wish I would have waited for the German GSM pre and imported it for use on ATT or Tmobile... or I suppose I could have supported nokia which sells unlocked phones directly to anyone anywhere
22:39.14destinalthe N900 looks cool :)
22:39.16egaudetI haven't done C++ for so long, not sure how to do that bpadalino
22:39.24jacquesegaudet: are you trying to run a cross-compiled ?
22:39.31egaudetyea jacques
22:39.41bpadalinoegaudet: just type "virtual" before the function names in that PContext2D
22:39.47Jack87-WebIRCJMyaDaGod: i havent tried it. i would imagine just reinstalling it would have it workig again
22:39.48bpadalinorebuild .. and see if that helps
22:40.08jacquesegaudet: ah OK :-) it has to be configured / built perfectly for that to work
22:40.15jacquesI guess we aren't there yet
22:40.35egaudetwell we are almost there, the holdup is the missing palm headers
22:40.40JMyaDaGodi mean i didnt even get it working on 1.3.1 the wifi that is..... is it possible?
22:40.41jacques(quite yet)
22:40.50egaudetthe only thing I dont' have in mine is alsa
22:41.17jacquesegaudet: did you build yours from an optware checkout?
22:41.25egaudetjacques, no
22:41.46jacquesoh :-(
22:41.54egaudetI'm sure it would work
22:41.59egaudetwith a couple tweaks
22:42.05bpadalinohrmm ..
22:42.09bpadalinoa vtable is now missing ?
22:42.42bpadalinooh ok .
22:43.04bpadalinothat doesn't really help too much it seems .. maybe we do need to define PSoftContext2D
22:43.22destinalhmm, $4.89 w/ free shipping 1150mAh OEM centro batteries on ebay
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22:43.26destinalI may have to snag a couple
22:43.53Jack87-WebIRCrwhitby: SteveApos is getting segfault running quake
22:44.20bpadalinoegaudet: - what if you try that ?
22:45.19egaudetwhat env var do I set to add a library path?  LD_LIBRARY_PATH ?
22:45.32egaudetdoes that work at build time
22:45.36nfoxTcso how long did it take you guys to actualy program preware?
22:46.15Jack87-WebIRCrwhitby: he is getting the segfualt when trying to launch the game (not enter a new game like we ran into last night)
22:47.01dtzWillegaudet: what are you trying to do? -Wl,-rpath=LIBPATH hard-codes in the same search path that LD_LIBRARY_PATH uses
22:47.10dtzWillegaudet: or do you mean for compilation/linking use?
22:47.34rwhitbynfoxTc: it was about a month
22:47.36idontwan2knowMaybe I'm being dense here, but what good do Centro batteries do you unless you happen to have a Centro around to charge them in?
22:47.47bpadalinooh, there needs to be a const in there
22:47.50egaudetdtzWill, I wanted it to pick them up for compliation/link without modifying the makefile
22:48.21rwhitbyegaudet: LDFLAGS ?
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22:49.13egaudetrwhitby, what's the process for finding the libs like -lnapp when building sdl-webos from optware
22:49.29SteveAposdtzWill: do you know what would cause quake to give this error root@palm-webos-device:/# sh quake
22:49.29SteveAposAdded packfile ./id1/pak0.pak (339 files)
22:49.29SteveAposFindFile: can't find gfx/pop.lmp
22:49.29SteveAposPlaying shareware version.
22:49.29SteveAposPackFile: ./id1/pak0.pak : gfx.wad
22:49.30SteveAposConsole initialized.
22:49.32SteveAposSegmentation fault
22:49.34bpadalinoegaudet: change it to be const like this ..
22:49.42bpadalinoconst PPixmap * CreatePixmap( unsigned int width, unsigned int height ) ;
22:49.47rwhitbyegaudet: they need to be staged first
22:49.59jacquesegaudet: I just put them in staging/opt/lib/ and it found them
22:50.01zsocOOOooook. So where we at?
22:50.17rwhitbyegaudet: but I'm working on a better solution in preware/build.git for this stuff that no longer needs optware
22:50.29bpadalinozsoc, trying to get the silly headers i put together with a libsdl built from our own stuff to match up what's out there ..
22:50.48en0xis ipkgservice signed now? i no longer get the script message
22:50.51zsocbpadalino: what was missing that we needed extra headers?
22:50.58dtzWillSteveApos: no idea. can you do a 'md5sum id1/pak0.pak' from that directory?
22:51.06bpadalinozsoc: ./src/video/fbcon/Piranha/PContext.h
22:51.16SteveAposyeah let me get back to the bin directory real quick
22:51.24bpadalinoand ./src/events/webos/integrated/napp/NApp_c.h
22:51.52egaudetbpadalino, ./src/video/fbcon/ error: invalid conversion from 'const PPixmap*' to 'PPixmap*'
22:51.54dtzWillSteveApos: sure. that command should help determine if perhaps pak0.pak somehow got corrupt/incomplete
22:52.04Jack87-WebIRCJMyaDaGod: oh no.. the wifi will not work on the free one
22:52.14bpadalinoruh roh
22:52.27egaudetwhat lib is PSoftContext2D in, maybe I'm missing that link?
22:52.28zsocbpadalino: hm... that seems fun.
22:52.32SteveApossays theres no such file
22:52.56Jack87-WebIRCinside the id1 dir
22:53.06Jack87-WebIRCSteveApos: cd id1
22:53.13SteveAposlol my bad
22:54.06bpadalinoah crap ..
22:54.57Jack87-WebIRCSteveApos: lol i put id1 (one) needs to be idl (L)
22:55.03bpadalinoegaudet: move the const to the end of the line right before the ; ..
22:55.35destinalbpadalino: pretty sure it's libPiranha
22:55.51bpadalinodestinal: what is ? i am lost :(
22:56.06destinalerr egaudet: pretty sure it's libPiranha
22:56.17egaudetI can't find CreatePixmap in libPiranha
22:56.18bpadalinooh, yeah it's libPiranha
22:56.22bpadalinoit's there
22:56.55bpadalinohrmm .
22:57.14egaudetnm | grep CreatePixmap
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22:58.03atlantahey hey
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22:58.18SteveAposroot@palm-webos-device:/media/cryptofs/apps/usr/palm/applications/org.webosinternals.sdlquake/bin/id1# md5sum pak0.pak
22:58.18SteveApos5906e5998fc3d896ddaf5e6a62e03abb  pak0.pak
22:58.40bpadalinoegaudet: yeah you're right .. i think it's a W in libSDL .. what does W mean in nm ?
22:58.58zsocbpadalino: So, from what you can tell, how much of the full OpenGL ES spec is missing from Palm's libsdl port?
22:59.10bpadalinozsoc, i think it's all there?
22:59.21zsocbpadalino: oh, then we're pretty golden.
22:59.33Jack87-WebIRCdtzWill: do you thinking moding the config file will bind keys?
23:00.02bpadalinoegaudet: capital W is the same thing ?
23:00.32dtzWillJack87-WebIRC: sure; i just don't know what the values are. it's on my agenda to log all the keys as they're pressed and see if i can't make a reasonable config
23:00.39bpadalinohrmm ..
23:00.48bpadalinoegaudet: so that W is in libSDL
23:00.53SteveAposdtzWill: that help at all?
23:01.07Jack87-WebIRCSteveApos: ...
23:01.13dtzWillSteveApos: thanks for the remidner sorry
23:01.19dtzWillSteveApos: yes that means your pak0.pak is just fine
23:01.23egaudetyea so I don't know what that means?  inline or something?
23:01.25dtzWillwhich it really should be, but o_O
23:01.31irddoes anyone else get a blank sms back instantly after sending one?
23:01.46atlantaird: negative
23:01.48*** part/#webos-internals JMyaDaGod (n=jmya@
23:02.11nfoxTcsometimes ird..but only when my imaginary friend isnt mad at me
23:02.29irdMaybe it's a network issue.
23:02.46irdIt's happened over multiple WebOS versions and installs.
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23:03.01Jack87-WebIRCdtzWill: looks like the menu buttons need their own set of bindings maybe?
23:03.42zsocJack87-WebIRC: Looks like we can use the gesture area. It gives an ascii value
23:04.06frozenbinarythats neat
23:04.09Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: nice.. that would be awesome for changing weapons
23:04.50Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: now the back gesture acts as escape on doom
23:04.54zsocJack87-WebIRC: yeah hold on, lemme run that utility again and see which one it is
23:04.56synninemaybe someone can help me with the pdf extract & landscape patch?
23:04.56egaudetbpadalino, you think we are going to have to disassemble CreatePixmap and make it ourselves?
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23:05.02zsocJack87-WebIRC: Yeah, back gesture gives 'esc' ascii, go figure right? ;)
23:05.06BoBoYsDaDDaok i know this isn't a linux help chan but can someone please tell me what i am doing wrong with this unzip command? unzip -d /usr/local/games/epsxe/ /Home/Download/epsxe160lin.tmp
23:05.10bpadalinoegaudet: i am not sure .. :\
23:05.25zsocBoBoYsDaDDa: unzip? ew
23:05.40egaudetanyone can read assembly good, the function has less than 30 instructions
23:05.48dtzWillzsoc: good find with the gesture area!
23:06.29*** join/#webos-internals El_Matarife (
23:06.33synninehow do you launch the pdf extractor?  yes I'm stupid.
23:06.33Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: ya.. lol. as for full swipe that be nice to know. i dont think it will work on doom (i dont think it had next weapon just number keys) but for quake and some others it will come in really handy
23:07.04synninedoesn't show up in launcher
23:07.11acydlordJack87-WebIRC, full swipe may cause issues with some who have advanced gestures enabled
23:07.29Jack87-WebIRCdtzWill: did you ever upload the sdlquake file
23:08.07Jack87-WebIRCacydlord: when i have doom running doing fullswipe doesnt do anything (i have advanced gestures enabled)
23:08.24synninedamn, back to google.
23:08.34dtzWillJack87-WebIRC: which sdlquake? that doesn't crash? not yet no
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23:08.39Jack87-WebIRCdtzWill: the working sdlquake file
23:08.49swisstomcatwell, here i am
23:08.51dtzWillJack87-WebIRC: I can upload it and link here; publishing it more won't be useful yet
23:08.54dtzWillJack87-WebIRC: one sec
23:09.17acydlordJack87-WebIRC, ahh, forgot that sdl probably handles the keymap subsystem at that point
23:09.25Jack87-WebIRCya thats what i ment. i want to play with key bindings (i really dont know what i am doing so dont think i will be useful)
23:09.25rwhitbyzsoc: do we have a diff of any and all of the source file changes that you made to compile sdldoom?
23:09.34*** join/#webos-internals Mark_M (n=milliman@
23:09.36acydlordand i think pgup pgdown did next/prev weapon
23:10.00Mark_MSounds like a Doom discussion
23:10.09zsocrwhitby: no, i'm keeping them all to myself
23:10.24Jack87-WebIRCacydlord: id it did then we should be in luck :)
23:10.28bitshifter_wircJack87-WecIRC: full swipe swaps cards for me in doom
23:10.32rwhitbyzsoc: how much are you charging?
23:10.32swisstomcatso, how do i help?
23:10.39zsocrwhitby: you really thought i was kidding when i said i typed 'make' ?
23:10.47Mark_MHey rwhitby and zsoc, Great job on Doom!!!!
23:10.50zsocrwhitby: the only thing 'breakthrough' i did was realize when you ran an sdl app, it worked :P
23:10.57dtzWillooooo quake recognizes both forward and backwards gesture (thanks zsoc for the idea)
23:11.01dtzWillso we can bind them :D
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23:11.10rwhitbyzsoc: no, but you have two different binaries in play, so a source file has changed somewhere.
23:11.26Mark_MI guess we have to thank Palm for including the SDL
23:11.34rwhitbyzsoc: e.g. for the keybindings one you send to Jack87-WebIRC
23:11.35zsocrwhitby: actually no, i changed SDL headers
23:11.47dtzWillbah i haev to disable optmizations to get quake to work completely; which drops the fps abuot 30%
23:11.52rwhitbyzsoc: right - those are the diffs I'm talking about
23:11.54zsocrwhitby: the one i sent to him, was me _removing_ key bindings, so .doomrc would work
23:11.58Mark_MHas anyone played with the EXIF data in JPEGs?
23:12.02Jack87-WebIRCacydlord: i was mistaken bitshifter_wirc is right it odes actually swipe cards :(
23:12.05zsocrwhitby: so the one he has, is an unpatched sdldoom
23:12.32rwhitbyzsoc: ok, can you send the sdl header diffs then please?
23:12.37zsocdtzWill: damn skippy we can. now look in 'mouse' for turnleft and turnright
23:12.43zsocrwhitby: i don't understand. There aren't any.
23:12.44swisstomcatmark_m: also ask in #webos
23:12.51acydlordJack87-WebIRC, sad hat.
23:12.57Mark_Mswisstomcat thanks
23:12.59nfoxTchmm how are you guys going to handle looking up and down in quake?
23:12.59zsocdtzWill: er, webos sdl uses 'mouse' as touchscreen.
23:13.05nfoxTcor any other fps
23:13.11zsocnfoxTc: gotta be touchscreen look
23:13.11dtzWillzsoc: i'm not sure if sdlquake is recognizing the touchscreen
23:13.15zsocdtzWill: it does
23:13.22zsocdtzWill: if it recognizes a mouse, it recognizes the ts
23:13.24rwhitbyzsoc: 09:41 zsoc: rwhitby: actually no, i changed SDL headers
23:13.25dtzWillzsoc: did you do something for doom to recognize, say, taps?
23:13.26nfoxTcah ok, not bad
23:13.26acydlordyeah, a tap on the screen is mouse1
23:13.28Mark_MYeah, it looks like everyone is too engrossed in Doom and Quake
23:13.57zsocrwhitby: Ok. I originally changed headers to bind keys, before I realized how .doomrc worked. Changing those headers broke .doomrc, so I changed them back (ie: unchanged them) to fix the .doomrc settings functioning
23:13.59nfoxTcooo so you can drag to look around? and tap is a click
23:14.02Mark_MNext will be guiding with the acceleramoter
23:14.18rwhitbyzsoc: there is one binary in Preware, and a different binary in Jack87-WebIRC's hands.  That means there is a change somewhere.  I'm looking for the change which matches what we released.
23:14.21zsocdtzWill: a "tap" is mouse click 0
23:14.30zsocrwhitby: oh.
23:14.31ali1from what i saw in the SDL, accelerometer is the joystick
23:14.37Jack87-WebIRCif we can scroll on browser we should be able to control look on quake right?
23:14.43Jack87-WebIRCbrowser scrolls up down left right!
23:14.45zsocrwhitby: er, 1 second.. i don't think i have the old header.
23:14.47Jack87-WebIRCsame with picture apps
23:14.59synnineI want to smash my pre into bits
23:15.06zsocrwhitby: well if you're using 'standard' headers, youd have a match to what Jack87 has
23:15.09rwhitbyzsoc: please don't tell me we released a binary for which we no longer have source ...
23:15.25zsocrwhitby: hold on i have it somewhere
23:15.35zsocrwhitby: but it's useless, but ok
23:15.50zsocrwhitby: it was /usr/include/sdl/SDL_keysym.h
23:15.55rwhitbyit may be useless, but it's what's in the binary that everyone is using ....
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23:17.06synninewhat's a good channel to get help with the pdf vier patches?
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23:19.00acydlordhmm, i'm thinking about creating a webos subreddit on reddit
23:19.26synnineshit not even an answer for that?  fuck it, time to go beat off to some porn.
23:19.43egaudetbpadalino, destinal , any other ideas?
23:20.05destinalegaudet: I'm getting to where you are now
23:20.14ihateyourbandsynnine: The pdf extractor is to extract the program, not pdf's as far as I know
23:20.21dtzWillaw no optware valgrind :)
23:21.28ali1man i wish i can look into palm's media demuxers to see what the hell they're doing
23:21.35destinalegaudet bpadalino:
23:21.57destinalegaudet bpadalino: lots of Piranha related problems
23:22.07egaudetthe only header you need for opengles is EGL/egl.h
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23:23.16egaudetGLES/gl.h can be empty and GLES/egl.h just include EGL/egl.h
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23:23.35bpadalinodestinal, so are those all the functions i defined in the PContext.h header ?
23:24.39zsocali1: it's just standard TI GST stuff with dsp bridge access tossed in
23:24.50zsocali1: 'presumably'
23:26.13zsocrwhitby: oh how fancy of you :P
23:26.37rwhitbyzsoc: just making sure our binaries are reproducible
23:26.56zsocrwhitby: its sort of a silly hack. but the keybindings _and_ the menu directions work ;)
23:28.23*** part/#webos-internals synnine (
23:30.18Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: so in your hack the ascii values change? but menu works?
23:30.47zsocJack87-WebIRC: that's because I told SDL that the 'up,down,left,and right' keys were ascii 'h,g,y,b'
23:30.55zsocin other words, i didn't map them, i changed their key binding
23:31.14zsocas in, when you press h,g,y,b you are also pressing up,down,left,right
23:31.46Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: oh... and in the doomrc file they are not actually up down left right
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23:32.13dtzWillzsoc: i wrote a simple patch that reverses the video for sdldoom
23:32.20zsocJack87-WebIRC: they are, but they aren't
23:32.25dtzWillsince it made sense to me and perhaps others; does that sound useful?
23:32.31zsocdtzWill: ... like makes it go backwards?
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23:32.36zsocdtzWill: oh, upsidown
23:32.37dtzWillrotates 180
23:32.44zsocdtzWill: yes, multiple people wanted that
23:32.47bpadalinodestinal: i am pretty confused about this whole thing .. :(
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23:33.24bpadalinoi think PValue is a superclass of PFixed .. and PFixed is what everything uses for real ?
23:33.43dtzWillzsoc: okay b/c what you're doing sounds update-worthy shortly and might me nice to merge them
23:33.50dtzWillalso would change what kind of keybindings make sense :)
23:34.03Jack87-WebIRChum zsoc i think you will need to set up launcher with options for these games or rwhitby can since he has been doing the launcher.. so the option for left/right hand and custom key bindings
23:34.21zsocdtzWill: we can't left strafeleft or back to work
23:34.37rwhitbyJack87-WebIRC: rick_home is working on the launcher app
23:34.48zsocdtzWill: strafeleft always goes turbo straferight, doesn't matter what binding we use. wahots thinks it's a bug in webos sdl
23:35.01rwhitbybut we need to work out how to pass through options to the upstart script
23:35.04Jack87-WebIRCrwhitby thanks... rick_home did you get that ;)
23:35.23dtzWillzsoc: didn't wahots also say he fixed this bug?
23:35.42zsocdtzWill: not while i was around. it was going to have to be a binary patch unless he came up with an sdldoom src patch
23:35.56zsocdtzWill: i think he said he had fixed similar key scanning issues before
23:36.22dtzWillzsoc: ah i might have misunderstood
23:36.34dtzWillzsoc: in fact i probably did :0
23:36.45zsocas oil says
23:37.24rwhitbybbl - zsoc, dtzWill: you guys are the app owners, so update as you see fit :-)
23:37.48zsocthat involved fixing things... heh
23:38.26irdrwhitby: a friend of mine showed up while I was playing the pod cast.
23:38.39irdrwhitby: He said your accent was... desirable..
23:38.41Abyssullol wtF?
23:39.16zsocI agree.
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23:39.29feyeshhas anyone had issues with 1.3.5 update?
23:39.53zsocfeyesh: if you didn't read docs about how to be migration ready, then everyone _should_ have issues
23:40.24irdI just thought it was kind of funny.
23:40.34irdI'm not attracted to men btw.
23:40.46zsocird: I couldn't be in the same room as rod and tim
23:40.57zsocird: that's probably unnecessary info
23:41.17irdI didn't want anyone to get the wrong idea.
23:41.29zsocird: what's the difference? no one's having ideas :P
23:42.09irdThis is why I shouldn't come here when I'm... tired.
23:42.37zsocird: lol no i get it man, i've said many ridiculous things... 'tired'.
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23:45.35irdzsoc: :)
23:45.51irdleft handed cigarettes and whatnot.
23:45.57zsocin fact, i'm going to go get tired right now
23:46.11Jack87-WebIRCdtzWill: back gesture is esc on quake as well
23:46.40dtzWillJack87-WebIRC: on mine it does 'AUX24" and "AUX25" or something for forward back (don't remember the numbers)
23:47.29Jack87-WebIRCdtzWill: i am on the demo screen it keeps bring up the menu. and when i enter single player doing it goes back to main menu
23:47.38dBsoonerrwhitby: ping
23:47.45acydlordwell im off for awhile, gotta try to shave 4 seconds off my lap time in gran turismo 5
23:47.49dtzWillJack87-WebIRC: nice
23:48.27Jack87-WebIRCwhat tools can i use to figure out the output of keys
23:49.01zsocJack87-WebIRC: the sdl test utility testkeys comes to mind
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23:49.28zsocwonders if he could hack the lock/unlock/power key as a 'trigger' button
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23:49.50zsocfreakout: what? I was talking about you earlier
23:50.02Jack87-WebIRCdtzWill: during the demo back gesture pops up aux25 is unbound, hit f4 to set
23:50.10freakoutzsoc: my ears were burning
23:50.24freakoutDo you really think the Pre's power button could withstand being a trigger?
23:50.39zsocfreakout: no, but i want to do it anyway :P
23:50.43freakoutwhat I really want is a way to flip the screen orientation...
23:50.44Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: can you hack the accele as a mouse?
23:50.50zsocfreakout: dtzWill already did it
23:51.01zsocJack87-WebIRC: it's a joystick, and it's already hacked
23:51.08freakoutdtzWill: I posted about your work on Palm Infocenter, btw
23:51.13Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: nice :) hehe
23:51.24freakoutNow all I need is webOS 1.3.5 so I can play with all this myself :)
23:51.27Jack87-WebIRCmaybe that can be used for viewing!
23:51.34zsocJack87-WebIRC: mouse=touchscreen, joystick=accelerometer
23:51.47zsocfreakout: ah, that's why you're grumpy ;)
23:52.09freakoutdtzWill: so obviously you can flip it so the keyboard is on the left, but can you flip the orientation into portrait as well?
23:52.46zsocfreakout: webos-sdl forces resolution scaling
23:52.55dtzWillJack87-WebIRC: updated sdlquake
23:52.57destinalthese test programs are pretty cool though
23:53.01zsocfreakout: with a binary patch to we could do it
23:53.10dtzWillno more crashing, etc, and touchpad works if it is warpy as heck
23:53.24zsocdestinal: they are _super_ cool, testmouse is my favorite
23:53.28zsocand sprite is funny
23:53.39destinalheh, 5 mice, yup
23:54.17destinalhmm, testlock crashed luna but kept running
23:54.29zsocthe fact that testcdrom is even there is funny
23:55.11dtzWillalthough fps is down from 9 or so to 6 on mine
23:55.20Jack87-WebIRCdtzWill: this is awsome worked like a charm just replaced the quake file in the package rwhitby had created and runs off launcher
23:55.32irdzsoc: what are these test apps?
23:56.03zsocird: download/extract sdl 1.2 source. apply palm sdl patch ( and config/install what's in the /test folder
23:56.10Jack87-WebIRCenter is jump
23:56.19zsoccross compile of course, and run on the pre
23:56.23Jack87-WebIRCa looks up
23:56.39zsocJack87-WebIRC: it's gotta be slow as heck with no gles no?
23:56.51irdwow I totally have no idea how to cross compile :p
23:57.07irdGoogle here I come...
23:57.08zsocird: yeah, i swear it took me 3 weeks to even comprehend it.
23:57.20Jack87-WebIRCzsoc: ya much laggier then the demo
23:57.21irdI mean, I know what it is..
23:57.24irdJust how to do it.
23:57.43dtzWillJack87-WebIRC, zsoc: the crash before was a compiler related issue
23:57.43zsocird: now I have 3 userlands tho :) Albeit I don't have the best option... which is the codesorcery stuff
23:57.46dtzWillthat i'm looking into it now
23:57.49zsocdtzWill: interesting
23:58.01dtzWilli mean 10fps or so is terrible and gles would reaalyyy help
23:58.08dtzWillbut 6fps is so much worse
23:58.22dtzWilli mean almost half the fps :(
23:58.24zsocdtzWill: well the gles guys are chugging away...
23:58.29dtzWillyep :)
23:58.30Jack87-WebIRCtouch scree does forward back going up and down look right and left.. but fires whole time finger is on screen
23:58.41dtzWillJack87-WebIRC: yeah that seemed to be my experience
23:58.42Jack87-WebIRCi wonder if tapping gesture has a key value
23:58.52zsocJack87-WebIRC: that's ok, we'll remove the map for mouse button 1
23:58.55dtzWillthe maemo port did something to make the touchscreen work better i might look at that
23:59.04irdzsoc: couldn't I just compile it on the pre?
23:59.13bpadalinotoo sloooow
23:59.16zsocird: that's the "quickest" option, yes, native compilation
23:59.20zsocbpadalino: it's not back for most things
23:59.27irdIt probably wouldn't be any slower than my pc.
23:59.30zsocird: it's just bad for a lot of reasons.
23:59.34irdI've seen faster netbooks these days.
23:59.40nfoxTchey it possible to save in doom?
23:59.52zsocird: but yes, one of the userlands I use often is debian chroot
23:59.54*** part/#webos-internals bitshifter_wirc (
23:59.56zsocnfoxTc: sure, do it all the time

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