IRC log for #webos-internals on 20091231

00:00.07Smubehti noticed youtube videos volume has increased
00:00.10destinalif 6 months of our access to code can be traditional
00:00.10Smubehtanyone else seeing that?
00:00.14Butterjack87: hey hey :-) Smooches LOL
00:00.21Smubehti can actually hear the sound
00:01.04*** part/#webos-internals Jack87 (i=9b65aad6@gateway/web/freenode/x-zxvrmtpgzpibzcbr)
00:01.16zsocdestinal: oh. EGL supports binding to native windowing systems. Maybe those kernel changes are the beginning of direct fb access 'through' Luna in an alternative to NPAPIs
00:01.23zsocdestinal: which I think is exactly what you said :P
00:01.33Mouseyyay vncserver via fb!
00:02.04destinalzsoc: awesome.. yes, but you just explained it much better
00:02.20zsoca more 'standard' way of creating/removing display surfaces would be very very welcome
00:02.30Butterthanks and everyone be safe! Ciao and smooches LOL
00:02.39destinalzsoc: someone, somewhere, has this need for speed ipk.  I really wish it were me.  :)
00:03.31*** join/#webos-internals hemna_ (n=waboring@
00:03.31destinalor better yet someone who could reverse it properly
00:03.39zsocdestinal: I don't want to play it, I want the docs. Its mucked up in binaries right now. I mean we can assume the OpenGL ES stuff is standard, but the driver/EGL relationship could be all proprietary
00:04.24destinalhopefully docs will be released.  if not, it'll take a significant RE effort
00:05.19destinaland considering I haven't even found the time to teach myself enough reverse engineering to document hidd, I doubt that I'll do so well, really
00:05.43zsocdestinal: no docs i'm sure. We'd need the conformance kits. EGL just manages client APIs, so we need those. Or a conformance kit for those for testing/reverse engeineering api compliance
00:06.31zsocdestinal: I mean it pretty much has to be OpenGL ES/OpenVG/OpenKODE
00:06.31zsocaren't many options in the embedded 3d graphics sector :D
00:07.04destinalzsoc: at any rate, I think this all fits in with that leaked video rather well
00:07.20destinaland we should be seeing some very interesting apps soon
00:07.25zsocOh yeah, I think the 'leaked video' is pretty much been proven at this point imo
00:07.42zsocdestinal: I don't want to wait for that :D homebrew docs ftw ;)
00:08.18zsocSomeone somewhere must have an opengl es conformance kit.
00:08.21destinalzsoc: well, I suppose the interfaces from Luna outward probably already exist, but digging for them will be very nontrivial
00:09.12zsocdestinal: The other thing is the whole canvas tag thing. Did you see the website with the test js/canvas that shows 3d rendering and textures?
00:09.21destinalah, yes.
00:09.27zsocdestinal: it's not webgl compliant, but it might as well be, it's the same idea
00:09.34*** join/#webos-internals playya (n=playya@unaffiliated/playya)
00:09.37zsocwebgl just extends it all the way to opengl compatibility
00:09.56zsocto my understanding, none of these are really 'my fields' per se
00:10.23destinalI expect that we'll see 3d mojo apps as well as 3d native apps.  I only include the native stuff because I can't see what was on that video working in pure mojo.  then again, I suppose I could be wrong?
00:10.26zsocI mean, hell, for all intent and purpose, I was rendering a 3d environment on my pre
00:11.10zsocdestinal: What's the true difference if it's "native" vs. inside of a mojo wrapper? If it's going to be supported by the SDK, it'll need a js wrapper ANYWAY, what better one than webGL, since it's already written?
00:11.43destinalwould make sense
00:11.48zsocdestinal: I have an idea
00:11.58luwanguii'm about to go crazy.... how much space does the metadoctor need to make the dang image!
00:11.58zsocI want to try it, but my js/mojo knowledge isn't up to snuff
00:12.25destinalluwangui: a lot
00:13.47luwanguimore than 1 gb?
00:14.09destinalluwangui: it has to decompress the jar, which is probably at least 2:1 compressed
00:14.22luwanguianyone know of some useless stuff to delete from the ubuntu default install? lol
00:14.24destinaland then create a second.
00:14.24*** join/#webos-internals psi_ (
00:14.42luwanguii removed openoffice and gimp
00:14.45zsocpsi_: try turning of prethemer feed (preware menu -> manage feeds)
00:15.00destinalluwangui: are you running on an ubuntu workstation or in a VM?
00:15.30destinalluwangui: you could always add a virtual disk
00:15.45destinalmkfs it, mount it, copy stuff over there, run metadoctor
00:15.51luwanguigood idea
00:16.01psi_zsoc: i have no manage feeds there
00:16.07destinalluwangui: no problem
00:16.48zsocpsi_: if you have an older version, you'll have to go into Preferences and click 'feeds' on the top right
00:18.01psi_zsoc: smooth. thanks
00:18.36zsocdestinal: "Say Y here if you want to use an Omap Video layer as a frame buffer" <-- :D
00:19.24destinalzsoc: eh?
00:19.28zsocdestinal: hm... and the _entire_ palm coded video driver for the framebuffer. I wonder how thrilled TI is about this.
00:19.47destinalzsoc: TI has become a lot more open lately
00:19.53destinalzsoc: they may have blessed it
00:20.20zsocdestinal: that is true, actually, I have recently seen a lot of TI docs floating around.. especially on OMAP35 and DM boards for hardware bridge stuff
00:21.08psi_nice thing, this preware
00:22.27zsocdestinal: lol, gotta love a variable named "jiffies" :D
00:22.29destinalin the trees, between 131 and 135, we lost    gst-ffmpeg  and gained   gst-plugins-bad libsdl libsdl-image libsdl-mixer libsdl-net libsdl-ttf
00:22.37destinalnote the SDL stuff?
00:23.06zsocdestinal: oh now THAT is interesting. gst guys would love that, ffmpeg is nice, but ffmpeg ported gst stuff is _terrible_
00:23.14zsocexplains the changes in video playback flows i've notcied
00:23.15psi_jobs would say: you'll love it. *ducknrun*
00:24.07zsocdestinal: wait
00:24.41zsocdestinal: that means ffmpeg isn't being used for... anything. it was doing most of the audio/video decoding before for certain formats iirc, and the demuxing possibly?
00:24.51*** join/#webos-internals funkatron (
00:24.51zsocdestinal: sdl means that it's hardware accelerated now.
00:25.11luwanguimy day is reminding me of this
00:25.54zsocluwangui: that's a good thing xD
00:26.32psi_ok, so if maptool says the maps are stored in the internal drive. how do i access this drive? USB?
00:26.33zsocdestinal: wait no, i'm not so sure that sdl stuff is being used for anything involving video
00:27.38zsocdestinal: and i'm no expert, but i don't know of any embedded use of sdl
00:28.12luwanguibtw how do i reference people in that cool way you guys do? :p its been way too long since i've used IRC
00:28.40destinalzsoc: I think the loss of ffmpeg from sources may be an oversight.
00:29.21zsocdestinal: yes it must be. also gst bad wasn't in 1.3.1? i thought it always was.. i don't see any additional binaries of interest
00:29.30zsocluwangui: type their name?
00:29.40luwanguizsoc bla
00:29.50luwanguiits not making that cool effect
00:29.51destinalzsoc: well that's just from the source package list palm gives us
00:30.01destinalzsoc: I haven't made a doctor comparison yet
00:30.01luwanguizsoc: bla again
00:30.04psi_:/ updated preware before the packet manager
00:30.19zsocluwangui: no, you don't see the cool effect, the people you are referencing see it. that's the point. it pings them.
00:30.39luwanguizsoc: aha lol, ok sorry for spam :)
00:31.47zsocdestinal: wait a second...
00:33.33destinalit's really libSDL..  what if we just.. tried to use it?  :)
00:33.42zsocdestinal: you're right, how did i miss that. what in the world. they released a patch for something that isn't in the final release.
00:34.19zsocdestinal: not libsdl, i mean gst bad. it should have dfbvideosink. In other words, sinking video from a media pipeline without using their hacked NPAPI
00:35.14zsocdestinal: you might be on to something. video playback and camera preview might no longer be using an NPAPI. Did the camera app code change or the media framwork files change? we need a full doctor diff
00:36.10psi_where can i get the latest package manager? preware says the package manager is too old
00:36.24destinalzsoc: Package gst-plugins-bad (0.10.9-r23) is installed on root and has the following files: /usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/ /usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/ /usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/ /usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/ /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/
00:37.14destinaldidn't the camera stuff used to live in /usr/lib/BrowserServerPlugins?
00:37.20zsocdestinal: amrwb? isn't that like voice recognition stuff?
00:37.41zsocdestinal: the camera stuff is (or at least was) a mess. it was in the app and a bunch of framework files
00:37.50zsocand a browser plugin also, yes
00:38.37zsocwhat is libgstapp... i need to start looking into this D:
00:39.11zsocdestinal: the gst-bad patch includes dfbvideosink, but there is no dfbvideosink binary. That is very fishy.
00:41.01zsocdestinal: libgstapp allows use of appsrc (external api to inject buffers into a pipeline) and libgstamrwb is voice recognition stuff. This HAS to be for voicedialing
00:41.34destinalzsoc: very interesting indeed
00:42.33psi_where do i get the latest ipkgservice?
00:42.55zsocpsi_: i always say run the preware bootstrap, but i'm a bad person who gives bad advice
00:43.06destinalpsi_: preware or its feeds?
00:43.09zsocpsi_: webos quick install should have a decently new version?
00:43.36*** join/#webos-internals eternaleye (
00:43.53psi_i updated preware before ipkgservice, not it says ipkgservice is too old for preware
00:43.58destinalzsoc: would that I had ARM compiled SDL test binaries handy -- have a cross compiler chain running?
00:44.14psi_ok, eventually i misunderstoos something
00:44.21zsocdestinal: I didn't understand that sentence, 1 more time please?
00:44.38zsocpsi_: how did you originally install preware/ipkgservice?
00:44.38destinalzsoc: so, libSDL is installed.  not sure yet what links to it, but why can't we?
00:44.52*** join/#webos-internals thadood (
00:45.11psi_zsoc: i used webos quick install
00:45.25psi_zsoc: and downloaded the preware package version 0.9.5
00:45.40zsocdestinal: like I said, I have no knowledge of sdl being used on anything embedded, i think it would be quite a compatibility leap
00:45.44destinalzsoc: who's to say you wouldn't fire up one of the SDL test programs and get graphics immediately?
00:45.46zsocpsi_: no no no, use the feeds
00:45.53zsocdestinal: i would fall off my chair
00:46.28zsocdestinal: is there a standard "sdl test" program/library? if it's in repos i could cross compile it
00:46.31destinalzsoc: so I say again, do you have a handy ARM cross compiler built?
00:46.37psi_zsoc: how do i do that in webos quick install?
00:46.37destinalzsoc: yeah in the SDL stuff
00:47.31zsocpsi_: this isn't really webos-internals territory, there are tons of tutorials out there. but as i remember, you click the button below the plus and minus signs, change the dropdown menu to webos-internals (all) and check preware and package manager service
00:48.00zsocdestinal: i'm compiling an sdl doom port right now
00:48.34zsocpsi_: or as rod would say, follow the instructions at
00:48.41psi_zsoc: ah ok. thank you very much
00:48.42destinalzsoc: that's a little larger a program than I would have done, but knock yourself out
00:49.27zsocdestinal: lol, nevermind, there are all these prebuilt sdl crap... none of it supports arm tho (at least claims not to)
00:49.51zsocdestinal: give me a second, i'm still stuck on this. how would we test it? kill luna and launch it?
00:50.05destinaltry launching it without killing luna
00:50.32psi_zsoc: i
00:50.45psi_zsoc: i'm beginning to understand now ;)
00:50.50zsocdestinal: i'm SURE there's no magic in mojo to handle that scenerio
00:51.20zsocdestinal: although there's so much to look into (apparently). we need that diff. I'll go make random SDL stuff arm compilable :P
00:53.14zsocdestinal: i'm no SDL expert, but for the audio/video/media hooks to all work, palm would have had to standardize all the various low level drivers and other components in the hardware bridging, i really doubt all of that
00:53.17*** join/#webos-internals meCka_ (i=4c5b35d8@gateway/web/freenode/x-dswdctgzvvdvxeyr)
00:54.19zsocugh my head hurts. i'm going to have to patch resolution
00:55.15destinallooking to see if anything links to it out of the box
00:55.31zsocdestinal: sdlgears maybe?
00:55.59destinalzsoc: sounds good
00:58.10zsocdestinal: i'm just saying, i see no other changes that lead me to believe Palm has made their environment api compatible with sdl. They might be using it for a _specific_ api, whether that be audio/video/media/etc it's tough to say. lemme look at the patch?
00:59.01zsocalthough looks like they ported the whole library
00:59.29destinallibpdl seems to link to it.. nothing else I've found
00:59.40luwanguiwhen i'm using metadoctor, and i want to make an image from the gsm o2 firmware, i use make CARRIER=bellmo unpack patch pack ?
01:00.26zsocdestinal: that would be like... voip... or video conf... and would match up with the sdl-net port
01:00.32*** join/#webos-internals ird (
01:00.32zsocsdl network protocol library, that is
01:00.50destinalluwangui: bellmo is CDMA canadian provider
01:01.26destinaluse  "wr" in place of "bellmo"
01:01.35destinalwr = world ready
01:02.16luwanguiwas wondering what that stood for
01:02.39zsocdestinal: i take everything else i said back. looks like Palm's sdl patches make it entirely webos compatible, down to hardware access and haptic feedback
01:03.12*** join/#webos-internals hsapley (i=d1ad6dba@gateway/web/freenode/x-telmjcywdgdupazo)
01:03.37destinalzsoc: working on building gears still?  :)
01:04.18zsocdestinal: BAH. SO MANY HEADERS THEY DIDN"T INCLUDE. I'm going to go send an email :p
01:04.42destinalzsoc: oh gods, we have been through this SO many times
01:04.52zsocdestinal: totally on purpose. they want to keep us busy
01:05.00hsapleyI'm trying to figure out how to get a theme off my pre.  I got rid of the theme but it is still active
01:05.10destinalzsoc: In emails months ago I asked palm to build on a box without anything they're not going to distribute on it
01:05.10*** join/#webos-internals eternaleye (
01:05.26destinalit's not that hard, right?
01:06.01destinalit would be a very easy smoke test for compliance to build everything that goes out in
01:06.04zsocdestinal: sorry i'm not a "jump into it" kind of guy. i need to look at a few more things before i try to compile/run anything. if you give to PuffTheMagic, he might compile it for you quick
01:06.08destinalon a box without anything but what we can get
01:07.49zsocthere's food next to me
01:07.49zsoci want to eat it
01:07.49destinalzsoc: :)
01:07.49zsocbut i need to read more
01:07.49zsocoh my god what do i do
01:07.50zsocand now there's a beer too
01:07.58destinalzsoc: tough decisions.  well, the beer is obvious
01:08.16destinalassuming it's not budweiser that is
01:08.28zsocdestinal: looks like full OpenGL ES hardward support through SDL and fb drivers
01:08.35zsocdestinal: sierra nevada kellerweis
01:08.45destinalzsoc: WANT
01:09.19destinalboth really but the beer sounds better at the moment.  I've tried it, and it's a very good hefeweisen
01:09.36zsocdestinal: did you look through palm's sdl patch?
01:09.42zsocdestinal: it's a full arm/webos port
01:09.47destinalzsoc: no, but I'm about to.  I think we have serious win here
01:09.48zsocdestinal: they have been busy bees
01:10.12zsocdestinal: i mean this is no joke. they said "Screw every other embedded graphics solution right now, lets just do this"
01:10.18*** join/#webos-internals Loogie (n=chatzill@
01:11.09destinalzsoc: there's SDL for the iphone too, as a third party project, so it's not entirely unheard of, still pretty impressive choice
01:12.23zsocdestinal: well it will make sdl inclusion VERY easyt
01:12.32zsocor rather, there could be a separate GDK
01:13.45zsocdestinal: this is important: are you under NDA of any sort?
01:15.16zsocdestinal: we need to figure out the mojo involved in all this
01:15.26zsocI think there's a conspiricy going on
01:15.33zsoceveryone knows about this and they can't talk about it
01:15.40zsoctakes his medication
01:17.07destinalzsoc:  :)  if there's a conspiracy, I'm not in it
01:19.24destinalzsoc: I feel so left out
01:19.38zsocdestinal: seriously, if i tried to recompile palm's sdl stuff, i would be short about 30 headers lol
01:20.26destinalzsoc: it's LGPL, do you have any idea how hard it's going to be to convince them that it needs to be complete / corresponding?   I mean, it does, but I had this conversation with them before months ago about webkit and piranha
01:20.49zsocwell i mean we don't _need_ it
01:20.52*** join/#webos-internals muchtall (
01:21.01destinalyeah, but we do have the right to it
01:21.04zsocdestinal: the stuff we _need_ is the mojo hooks, which are all 'super sekret'
01:21.42destinalzsoc: you're assuming there are any mojo hooks and it's not just NPAPI overlaid under surfacve
01:22.07zsocdestinal: that would be the smallest npapi of all time
01:22.15zsocand if i know how palm does things, there won't be one
01:22.25zsoci'm with you on your 'native' idea
01:22.31MLJCan any of the webos internals team help me identify why the themes I created are not working via preware and WebOS 1.3.5?  The image directories are correct, backups are created, yet the images don't get replaced.
01:22.42destinalor maybe just enough of a "plugin" required to launch the native code
01:22.59destinalyou're right, there could be a special plugin / embed directive
01:23.03destinalbut I wonder if we even need it
01:23.22zsocdestinal: we might be able to "overlay" luna, like in the background
01:23.33destinalexactly what I was thinking
01:23.43zsochmm... you know, an external display might be possible also with the fb driver
01:25.26infobotdestinal: :)
01:25.31destinal~seen ameng
01:25.32infobotameng is currently on #webos-internals (1d 7h 57m 53s), last said: 'warren: , do you try this?'.
01:26.17zsocdestinal: this isn't dfb anymore
01:26.46destinalzsoc: yeah, I was thinking about people here who might also know SDL :)
01:26.57zsocPalm has actually stepped up. A ground-up TI fb driver for OMAP34 and a full SDL port.
01:27.08luwanguiis finally making the friggin metadoc image
01:27.10zsocI mean, we only know about it because they _had_ to release it. I'm glad personally.
01:27.12destinalzsoc: we were always thinking of doing directfb and layering SDL on top of it
01:27.32destinalzsoc: looks like palm beat us to it but bigger
01:27.34bpadalinomaybe palm stole the idea from you
01:27.49luwanguii swear i have spent more than 24 hours trying to fix this pre lol
01:27.56destinalbpadalino: heh :)
01:28.03zsocdestinal: well it's even better. skip directfb, write the friggin driver, and then layer sdl ;)
01:28.35destinalzsoc: yeah, what kind of apps *couldn't* we write with SDL and ES?
01:28.42destinalthis is exciting
01:28.49*** join/#webos-internals Abyssul (
01:29.14zsocdestinal: so it seems like all of the OpenGL ES access is _through_ sdl, or maybe compiled into it? Not sure what the correct wording is, but it's not in separate libraries
01:29.28hapewhen i listen to you. When we will so without virtual root
01:29.41zsochape: i'm sorry?
01:30.28zsocI think that's a google translate job there. Do we have any native german speakers?
01:30.49hapeolny fun. As you are talking about sdl and I see nfs getting read. Then I hope for a doom port on precentral.
01:30.58hapedreaming ...
01:31.16zsochape: I will port Doom for you tonight :)
01:31.39destinalzsoc: mickey|tv is a native German speaker I believe
01:31.46zsocnow I need to learn sdl :P
01:32.04DarkSpecternative german that is
01:32.26*** join/#webos-internals AnOutsider (
01:32.27zsocI mean #webos guys will only need to know opengl es :P
01:32.28hapesorry. It is 2:30am here. so my english is not the best at the moment :-)
01:33.04zsochape: oh lol! You're ok mate, just your first sentence confused me. Your english is good otherwise :)
01:33.06hapeI saw the exisitng doom port, that used a fake root. That was what I'm mean
01:33.17zsocah, i understand
01:33.29hapeso I hope for one without fakeroot now
01:33.41zsocpalm did all the hard work already
01:34.00hapeI'm a programmer too, but not on embadded devices and linux. So only reading and learning for now
01:34.13zsocsomeone should convince puff not to go to school and just do awesome webos stuff ;)
01:34.21destinalhopefully someone here knows more SDL than I do..  I am hoping that once we initialize a surface and start drawing to it, it'll be drawn instead of or on top of Luna, but that may be hoping for too much
01:35.08DarkSpecternow that sdl is working what next ... wine ? :P
01:35.31zsocDarkSpecter: X on embedded devices is pretty useless without external display or 800x600 native displays, imho
01:35.36hapeDid I got you right. You what to tell luna that you have the screen directly draw to it without webkit control?
01:35.36destinalDarkSpecter: well, we haven't exactly made it work yet (though I am sure it does probably work)
01:35.42meCka_guys, to run webOS doctor do i need to still the SDK on my windows pc?
01:36.06zsocdestinal: I don't think that's SDL knowledge, I can just read the docs for that. I think we need a low-level graphics guy to make breasts and rear of the fb driver in the kernel
01:36.25DarkSpecterzsoc: that was meant as a joke actualy, i dont realy see the need for a virus runtime on webos ;)
01:36.44destinalzsoc: now that metaphor might confuse those non-native english speakers :)
01:36.52destinalit almost confused me
01:36.57zsochape: yes we're trying to figure out if that's possible. it looks its possible with the new framebuffer driver built into the kernel.
01:37.11zsocDarkSpecter: virus on webos before macos? i welcome it ;)
01:37.32zsocdestinal: now they will learn 'zsoc english' ;)
01:37.51hapezsoc: Thanks
01:38.07*** join/#webos-internals elpollodiablo1 (i=4c78940d@gateway/web/freenode/x-ginlwmywzjvvjdup)
01:39.00DarkSpecterzsoc: well ignoring wine as a possible webos virus runtime, there's still flash once it actualy becomes available
01:39.20destinalzsoc: I'm thinking an SDL terminal may be in our futures :)
01:39.37zsocdestinal: also, looks like the sdl patches automatically set 320x480 res
01:40.47zsocdestinal: and key mapping, it's all in the port
01:41.04DarkSpecterwonders if EFL can work with a sdl backend
01:41.16destinalbasically this could open native development to a LOT of people who probably struggle with the NPAPI stuff we're using now (I've been shocked that we still don't have any other homebrew plugins besides terminal for webos NPAPI)
01:42.00destinaland also we wouldn't need piranha so I can stop being annoyed about not having it :)
01:42.24zsocah, the strategy could be turn SDL into an SDK ;)
01:43.01destinalack, look at the time.  must commute home
01:43.28*** join/#webos-internals jacques_pre (n=fontenot@nslu2-linux/jacques)
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01:43.39zsocthis is interesting... it may be able to run any standard sdl stuff webos compatible with no patches to the actually sdl application..
01:44.36bpadalinothere's a webos 1.3.3 ?
01:44.50zsocbpadalino: prolly gsm stuff
01:46.24acydlordwow fail
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01:46.33acydlordi just got an incomming call and my phone froze and then rebooted
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01:47.08zsocacydlord: what do you mean a call? like a subroutine?
01:47.24acydlordincoming phonecall
01:47.37zsocphonecall? is that a function ()?
01:47.40*** join/#webos-internals JackieRipper (
01:48.05acydlordit's supposed to be a function since this isnt an iphone
01:48.10dBsoonerso what does the existence of these mean?
01:48.20dBsoonerusr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/ and usr/lib/gstreamer-0.10/
01:48.27zsocacydlord: lol good one
01:48.35zsocdBsooner: quiet you, there's too many things to do first
01:48.44dBsooneri'm just sayin
01:48.59dBsoonerjust pointin out the bluntly obvious new files in the "new" build of 1.3.5
01:49.28DarkSpecterconsiders tinkering with evas on webos
01:49.32zsocholy crap
01:49.39zsocuh... /usr/bin/sdl-config
01:49.51zsocthey want to compile stuff on-device/on-install?
01:49.52dBsooneryeah, that too
01:50.28zsocdBsooner: videoscale is just an auto 'make the video the size it should be' gst element, and videocrop is similar but more direct
01:50.47*** join/#webos-internals yokken (
01:50.49zsocdBsooner: but in theory videocrop could be used for trans/conversion more than just sizing
01:51.14yokkenI didn't really check this out since I didn't really care
01:51.23yokkenbut is there a fix for app catalog?
01:51.40yokkenmine is broken
01:51.50yokkenwon't load... it just sits there
01:51.52navinag_yokken: what do you mean fix
01:51.55yokkenno apps load or anything
01:52.02yokkenalso wirc owns
01:52.05dBsoonerwhat is nappmgr?
01:52.48navinag_yokken: I have not seen the app catalog not load.....There are some issues installing apps...but there is the EMH fix for that
01:52.51yokkenlol nvm guys, it works now. just didn't right away.
01:53.13yokkenI let it sit for like 30 seconds before didn't load, now it does
01:53.39zsocyokken: slow data connection mebe
01:53.46yokkenI was on wifi
01:53.52yokkenand I have a good connection
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01:56.38yokkenbut whatever, a hiccup.
01:56.49yokkenprops to whoever made wIRC
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02:01.28jacques3has anyone noticed the colors are different in wIRC since the 1.3.5 upgrade?
02:02.08jacques3the text colors, that is
02:02.30zsocjacques3: you prolly lost your config file in the move
02:03.25jacques3zsoc: hmm, I bet you are right
02:03.48jacques3I just don't remember configuring the colors, tho it's the sort of thing I would do
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02:04.55luwanguihmm running the "make clobber" to clean up the metadoctor.. how long is it supposed to take?
02:04.58jacques3so, I wonder if someone compiled a 320x480 SDL app, and ran it on the Pre, what would happen ?
02:05.27yokkenI wish my nick would be colored
02:05.37zsocjacques3: doing it now
02:05.51jacques3zsoc: you rock!
02:06.23zsocjacques3: my guess is it will complain about the video surface not being available
02:06.46rwhitbyTechnobabble: you can use meta-doctor to get straight to launcher on a pre with bad touchscreen
02:06.47jacques3ah, because luna is using it?
02:08.33jacques3maybe palm also snuck in some clever way of switching access to the fb device
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02:09.00zsocjacques3: it would be difficult, they released the whole fb driver. unless i just cant read
02:09.03zsocwhich is possible
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02:14.05SteveAposAnyone experiencing an issue with the battery percent and icon patch? Everytime my phone reaches 100% the percentage disappears, as soon as it hits 99% it'll come back.
02:14.43jacques3SteveApos: I have one of those patches, and I haven't see that behavior
02:15.07SteveAposcan't figure out what would cause it considering I've doctored like 3 times in the past few days its a few install.
02:15.18SteveAposnew* install
02:15.48*** part/#webos-internals yokken (
02:16.27jacques3rwhitby: it may be possible to communicate directly with upstart init over dbus on webos, have you encountered that?
02:16.38rwhitbyjacques3: nope
02:16.52jacques3rwhitby: OK I'll keep looking at it
02:17.07rwhitbyjacques3: but I expect it might be possible - there are some dbus ports open in developer mode over usb
02:17.21rwhitby(see the related upstart scripts)
02:17.32dBsoonerrwhitby: you still here?
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02:19.42jacques3too quiet
02:20.18zsocdestinal: oh this is cool. when the surface is 'flipped' (presumably from accelerometer actions) it saves the last buffer, destroys the old surface, makes the new surface in the new orientation, and displays that saved buffer
02:20.51jacques3I was wondering how they could handle that
02:21.39zsocrwhitby: do you know any SDL guys? I need someone to confirm compiling _against_ a standard sdl library wouldn't completely disfigure sdl applications. Otherwise the only way I can compile sdl applications is _on_ the pre D:
02:21.41jacques3heck, maybe that's part of stock SDL
02:22.30jacques3what's wrong with compiling on the pre?   :-D  I guess it's not been done much so far
02:23.21jacques3couldn't you copy the libs into the staging dir of your cross-toolchain?
02:23.32destinalI've done it
02:23.47jacques3hmm, what about header files?
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02:24.06jacques3destinal: you've built things native on the pre? cool
02:24.11destinalbuild on pre that is.  not sdl tho
02:24.27jacques3using the toolchain in optware?
02:24.51destinalusing a debian chroot
02:25.05acydlordzsoc, you should be able to compile using qemu
02:25.27jacques3ah. anyone done NFS to pre over wifi?
02:25.41zsocI built glib on the pre. it's painful
02:25.51zsocacydlord: i am not familiar :/
02:26.03zsocdestinal: seems there is a "virtual framebuffer" involved here.
02:26.07acydlordwhen i'd do sdl porting for the N810 i used qemu, it's a processor emulator for linux
02:26.18jacques3hmm, nfs over usbnet would be better
02:26.20zsocacydlord: why didn't you tell me you had sdl knowledge?
02:26.37destinalsurely someone has nfs but sshfs is simple enough
02:26.45acydlordzsoc, i dont really have sdl knowlege, just did some porting from exsisting packages
02:26.53acydlordx86 to armel stuff
02:27.35jacques3destinal: hmm I didn't even think about sshfs, but it sounds CPU-intensive due to the encryption
02:28.03jetterossh encryption isn't really that cpu intensive
02:28.09jetteroit's symmetric after some initial negotiations
02:28.19*** part/#webos-internals SteveApos (
02:28.19zsocacydlord: what sdl library did you use? a standard one?
02:28.50zsocdestinal: this is interesting, palm's patch forces resolution, but emulates/scales bitdepth
02:29.27jacques3incidentally, if you want an extra megabyte-per-second xfer rate over scp over usbnet to the pre, use the blowfish cypher - goes from 2.7MiB/s to 3.7MiB/s
02:29.46jacques3well from the pre, I don't think it can write to flash that fast...
02:30.15zsocdestinal: ZOMG. look at line 13333 of palm's libsdl patch.. gogogogogo
02:30.39acydlordzsoc, i believe it was a standard lib, someone ported the libs for the omap procs in the NITs
02:30.42jacques3what depth does luna run? 16-bit?
02:30.49acydlordsomeone in #maemo might have more info
02:31.01zsocjacques3: 32bit
02:31.06zsocacydlord: thank you
02:31.08egaudetmore aupt bugs, grr
02:31.19jacques3zsoc: oh cool
02:31.31destinalzsoc you will have to tell me
02:31.31zsocdestinal: GOGOGOGOGO
02:31.40zsocdestinal: but it's cooler if you see it for yourself :(
02:31.42destinalI am on wirc
02:31.52zsochow long till you get home? :P
02:32.07destinalhalf hr
02:32.33egaudettell me
02:32.37destinalok will tellya
02:33.04zsochmm... oh this is troublesome
02:33.07zsocawesome, but troublesome
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02:34.39jacques3but still awesome
02:35.01egaudetrwhitby, can I get a clean and rebuild of test patches feed when you get a chance.  Fixed another bug
02:36.01jacques3SDL_FBCON_VFB ... hmm VFB ... V
02:36.40jacques3oh I guess the V is for video and not virtual ... ?
02:37.37jacques3so AFAWK there are no binaries included in 1.3.5 which are linked to the SDL libs?
02:38.21zsocjacques3: i'm not so sure, the sdl patches include support for full migration of the video playback elements to be directly linked to the framebuffer through sdl
02:38.35*** join/#webos-internals aioniosfilos (i=46817582@gateway/web/freenode/x-tsxxblqpguncpjdj)
02:38.36destinalonly a pdl lib
02:39.23destinaland not sure what links that if any
02:39.39jacques3#include "../src/events/webos/tslib.h"
02:39.42zsocjacques3: why would we need any binaries linked to sdl libs? we make our own
02:39.57jacques3wasn't someone asking for pre support in tslib ?
02:40.18jacques3zsoc: oh just to see how they behave
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02:40.22aioniosfiloshelp. Just got palm pres new patch .5  preware won't work
02:40.28zsocI'm just confused what to set the surface as in this test program. The patch seems to make the surface dynamic based on environmental variables and other various states of Luna
02:40.44zsocaioniosfilos: uninstall and reinstall package manager service, then run the migration helper
02:41.27jacques3heh, too bad we can't look at luna patches to see if it has sdl cooperation
02:41.27hapenight, see you later
02:41.52zsoclets turn turbo on :D
02:42.13aioniosfilosbah so I need to get back to my computer then.
02:42.36zsocaioniosfilos: unless you have the terminal app installed
02:42.51PreGamesince i updated to 1.3.5 i cannot install anything via preware
02:42.54PreGamei get an ipkg error
02:43.03zsocPreGame: care to elaborate the error? :P
02:43.28PreGameErrorGenericMethodException: Failure during "install" operation
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02:44.08aioniosfilosthe linux terminal app? Bah. Na I've been using something else webos installer.
02:44.16irdPreGame: reinstall preware and the ipkg service with Webos Quick Install.
02:44.53PreGamei did
02:44.57PreGameahh i see
02:45.01aioniosfiloswheres the newest v? I think mines rather old anyways homebrew links an older one.
02:45.11PreGameit looks like it cant find the depends for diffstat and patch
02:45.16PreGamethats weird
02:46.39elpollodiablo1so I am going to be updating to 1.3.5 tonight anything I need to do before that happens? I know I should remove patches, but the only patchs I have are done by hand(manually edited files on pre) and they are only like turning on the led alert and and hiding an app through editing .json file
02:47.06elpollodiablo1I dont have any homebrew apps installed
02:47.12PreGameoh crap
02:47.17PreGamei moved them with mvapp
02:47.20PreGamehow do i move them back?
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02:48.00PreGameelpollodiablo1: move your apps back to the /var if you used mvapp if you can
02:48.23aioniosfilos1.3.5 broke my preware so I guess just reinstall
02:48.38destinalupdate mvapp it has a new thinh
02:48.52destinalfor help fix
02:49.39elpollodiablo1PreGame: I didnt move any of my apps out of /var. any other things I should check?
02:49.45destinalyay for one handed wirc usage
02:51.02irdThis is why I didn't use mvapp :D
02:51.52destinalmy battery keeps charge so much longer on 135
02:52.31elpollodiablo1also after the update I plan on install preware and installing the terminal. I have the old optware installed through the bootstrap script outlined in the "next step" section on webos-internals
02:53.26elpollodiablo1I know there is an optware install through preware, with having it set up the old way casue problems in the future?
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02:55.22jacques3how do I run the demo in /usr/palm/ondevicedemo ? it's taking up 21.5MiB, I should at least see it
02:55.27destinalelpollodiablo1: not sure, I still use the older method
02:56.08irdjacques3: might be the thing you get after you activate..
02:56.16irdWhere it shows you the back gesture and the photo app..
02:56.23jacques3ird: it looks like a lot more
02:56.31elpollodiablo1destinal: ok I guess I will find out, if I find anything weird I will let you know
02:56.32irdI dunno.
02:59.31destinalyeah  I think it's what they use for store floor models
02:59.44destinalthere's a hidden demo app
02:59.53destinalmaybe related
03:01.16jacques3destinal: do you know how I can run the hidden demo?
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03:02.43destinaltry editing appinfo json to unhide
03:02.59destinalin palm apps demo something dir
03:03.34jacques_preok thanks
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03:07.15egaudetdoctoring back to 1.2.1 joy
03:09.44jacques3do I need to restart luna to get the app to show up?
03:10.24jacques3I changed /usr/palm/applications/"visible" to true
03:10.26jetterohrm, the optware install pages of the webos-interlas wiki seems to indicate the way I did it last time is depricated... but I don't have an "optware" section in my preware
03:10.41jetterodo I need to reinstall preware (again)?
03:11.41egaudetjacques3, you can rescan I think
03:11.41egaudetluna-send -n 1 palm://com.palm.applicationManager/rescan {}
03:13.29destinalegaudet: that is some dedication there
03:13.50jacques3egaudet: it took that command, but I don't see anything new. oh well :-)
03:14.34egaudetjacques3, it might still require a luna restart i wasn't sure
03:15.01egaudetdestinal, yea all these tiny little aupt bugs make for lots of doctoring
03:15.01jacques3ok I don't want to lose my wIRC session, so I'll restart later
03:15.19luwanguianyone got a second?
03:15.22dBsoonerthey did too much to messaging for me to figure out how to fix ONE CHUNK in the sms-tone-per-contact patch
03:15.26egaudetbut there is a launch command you may be able to do
03:15.37egaudeti just don't know what it is off the top of my head
03:15.56PreGamei can't seem to install diffstat and patch
03:16.04egaudetmight be able to do something like applicationManager/launch {"appid":<appid>"}
03:16.08zsochmmm... i'm not sure this is so good
03:16.08PreGamewebos QI says it can't find the packages even after i downloaded them
03:16.28egaudetPreGame, what version of QI and did you try preware
03:17.22jacques3zsoc: ??
03:17.41PreGamean older one i guess. is there a new one that is just for 1.3.5?
03:17.42egaudet2.96 I think
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03:18.41PreGamedoes updated to 1.3.5 remove diffstat and patch?
03:18.51PreGamei had it installed before on 1.3.2
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03:20.42egaudetthey don't get migrated
03:20.42egaudetbut they are still existing in /var/usr/bin/
03:20.48egaudetyou should be able to install them again
03:21.17helpmehelp me
03:21.32PreGamei think mvapp moved it
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03:21.46zsocdestinal: so what the hell is libpdl again?
03:21.55destinalno clue
03:22.26rwhitbyegaudet: rebuild underway - use gtalk for getting my attention quicker
03:22.38destinaljust that it links sdl
03:22.50egaudetPreGame, doesn't matter if mvapp moved diffstat/patch they have nothing in app data so they wont be migrated
03:23.09PreGamethen i wonder why it said it couldn't be found
03:23.23egaudetbecause you have to install it again on 1.3.5
03:23.24zsocdestinal: why isn't it released on
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03:24.04egaudetit won't ever be migrated for /var to media
03:24.04egaudetat least we haven't decided on what to do with those types of packages
03:24.12destinalzsoc: because it's not oss
03:24.23destinallgpl libs you can link
03:24.42destinaland stay closed
03:24.44egaudetrwhitby, thanks, am in the process of doctoring so wasn't urgent yet :P
03:24.59zsoc.. oh
03:26.43destinalzsoc: only if you USE the lib rather than are part of
03:26.43zsocit has tcp and udp port settings
03:27.16rwhitbyadd what you find there please
03:27.41rwhitbyI've found enough so far to make webOS aware of openvpn routing and dns changes
03:27.41zsocrwhitby: .... i'll make sure to get someone to do it :>
03:27.55zsocthis looks like some sort of.. content streaming library tho
03:28.15egaudetoh jacques3 forgot you could try palm-launch from your PC if connected through USB to try and launch the hidden app
03:28.22en0xthis thing with pre is so lame
03:28.44en0xwhen u have it on touchstone and u have alarm set up and it go off u have to unlock the phone and then snooze the alarm
03:28.50en0xit should unlock by itself imho
03:29.04oili usually pick it up off the touchstone to turn it off
03:29.11oilwhich unlocks it upon lifting it
03:29.13en0xi;m too lazy
03:29.16oilthen tap the button
03:30.47zsoc"NotifyMusicPlaying", "WebOsHookBannerMessagesEnable"
03:30.53*** join/#webos-internals edektor (
03:31.17en0xmusicplayer remix is borked a little it no loger resumes the song
03:31.29en0xit starts from the begining not from where u left it off
03:31.35jacques3egaudet: I am connected over usbnet
03:31.58zsocwhat is in /proc/nduid ?
03:32.21egaudetpalm-launch can launch apps from your pc over novacom
03:32.45jacques3egaudet: ah so it's a PC app
03:32.53egaudetpart of the sdk from palm
03:32.57egaudetjust a command line tool
03:33.17egaudetpalm-package, palm-install, palm-launch
03:35.03*** join/#webos-internals getisboy (n=Family@
03:35.31zsocWhat the heck is luna://com.palm.mediaevents/notifyPlayingStatusChange
03:35.47getisboyHas anyone noticed that if you dial a contact's number with the wrong area code, the contact still is listed as the recipient of the call?
03:36.19rwhitbyegaudet: done
03:36.45jacques3egaudet: hmm, it says it's launching it, but nothing happens. it's not a big deal really.  :-)
03:36.52rwhitbyjacques3: there is a hash code to start the on device demo
03:37.08rwhitbyit will wipe your contacts and stuff
03:37.24rwhitbyit's basically the demo you see palm people using at trade conferences
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03:38.51jacques3rwhitby: ah ugh
03:38.59jacques3lol I'm glad I didn't start it
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03:41.05zsocHere's a ridiculous question. What's the best way to _close_ Luna?
03:41.16destinal1stop LunaSysMgr
03:41.18egaudetstop LunaSysMgr
03:41.30zsoclike a service
03:41.31zsoci get it now
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03:46.05zsocaannnnddd debian image is downloading at 5kbps :<
03:46.20acydlordzsoc, downloading it from 1997?
03:46.59zsocacydlord: Iowa State University has found a time warp, apparently
03:48.41acydlordzsoc, try xmission mirror
03:49.15*** part/#webos-internals steveapos (
03:49.19acydlord replace with ftp if you prefer, usually downloads at 200k or better for me
03:49.47zsocah nice
03:49.52zsocyou are useful
03:50.30acydlordi'm the human version of an internet spider =x
03:50.39zsocacydlord: er... although i was referring to a _particular_ debian image for chrooting from my pre
03:51.01zsocgeist: who wrote the new fb driver? :P
03:51.10geistbeats me
03:51.18geisti aint talkin bout nothin
03:51.20bpadalinowhat a jerk of a guy for beating you :(
03:51.49acydlordzsoc whats the file name on the particular version? i can scrape my mirrors to see if its on one
03:51.58jacques3double negative, now you have to talk about something
03:51.59bpadalinojust finishing up watching wargames
03:52.00destinal1bpadalino: there's someone going around beating geist?
03:52.06bpadalinosuch a good movie
03:52.17bpadalinodestinal1: apparently the guy who wrote the frame buffer stuff beats geist! :(
03:52.49zsocacydlord: debsmall.img.bz2
03:53.07zsocgeist: but aren't you the kernel guy?
03:53.24destinal1zsoc: the store I went to on the way home didn't have SN kellerweis, so I grabbed some Odell Isolation ale.  very tasty.
03:53.28PreGameI am trying to install some patches after doing the 1.3.5 update and it says they are already installed, but they are not working
03:53.42zsocgeist: well when you see him, you tell Bennett Chan he's a pretty cool guy.
03:53.51zsocdestinal1: ah yes, the beer. important ;)
03:54.42zsocacydlord: n/m, after waiting 10 minutes it spiked to 200KB/s
03:54.55zsocacydlord: n/m again, back down to nothing. i love this school lol
03:55.17acydlordzsoc, i'm pulling it at 270kb
03:55.39zsocmaybe they don't like _me_
03:55.54acydlordI'll dump it to my dropbox when it's done
03:56.33PreGamehow do i remove bad ipkg patches?  they wont work and i cant install them since updating to 1.3.5
03:57.35zsocPreGame: migration helper, let webos move them, uninstall with preware?
03:57.50acydlordipkg remove packagename --force ?
04:00.54navinag_egaudet:  Can you explain to me what the status file in preware is for?
04:01.39navinag_egaudet: it appears to me that it tells preware what packages are installed...
04:01.51bpadalinogeist, i had novacomd start eating up 98% cpu the other day with 1.3.5 .. not sure how it happened and i couldn't figure out wtf it was doing unfortunately .. :( reboot was the only way to fix it .. unplugging/replugging usb didn't seem to have an effect
04:02.11destinal1acydlord: downloading it from 1980 is more like it, 97 had pretty fast modems comparatively
04:02.13PreGamezsoc: what is migration helper?
04:02.19egaudetstatus file in preware?
04:02.22PreGameWhere do i access it in preware?
04:02.58egaudetavailable packages -> linux application
04:03.29navinag_egaudet: i removed a package today and preware did not see any of my installed packages after that..  After poking around I found the status file and .status_backup...  The new one was empty and the backup had all my packages....Seem to me that pkg manager service or the post install script  hosed something..
04:04.14egaudetPreGame, did you leave the patches installed before updating to 1.3.5?
04:04.20navinag_egaudet: i tehn copied over the backup --> status and all was this a known issues with the new preweare/pms combo?  I have not tried ininstalling anything else yet...
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04:04.33jacques3what is /usr/bin/d8 ?
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04:04.59egaudetthe <offline_root>/usr/lib/ipkg/status file is a standard ipkg file that ipkg manages i believe
04:05.04PreGameegaudet: yes
04:05.06egaudeti haven't seen it ever get corrupted/erased like that
04:05.37egaudetPreGame, in that case if you did EMH it will then migrate your patch packages but yu can't uninstall them because the files changed from OTA
04:05.45PreGameand i don't see the emh in preware
04:06.03egaudetlist of everything type "emer"
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04:06.20PreGameso how do i install them again?
04:06.49PreGameall i see is "limited mergency button
04:06.52egaudetnavinag, so what did you do before it got messed up like that?
04:07.14egaudetPreGame, then it seems the webos-internals feed isn't on or not installed correctly
04:07.23egaudetmanage feeds and make sure webos-internals feed is on
04:07.39egaudetif it is then you'll have to reinstall package manager service with QI 2.96 or CLI
04:07.48PreGameit is
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04:07.52DrFunkis precorder working ?
04:08.05PreGamei just installed 2.96
04:08.24PreGamethere now i see it
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04:08.57egaudetby installed do you mean downloaded
04:09.14zsocYou don't generally install java executables
04:09.14PreGamenope, installed
04:09.17PreGameit works now
04:09.24zsocI suppose you could put them... somewhere
04:09.42dBsoonersomething has gone haywire with my Pre
04:09.47PreGamei clicked install on webosQI
04:09.49DrFunkegaudet: do you no if precorder is working
04:09.56dBsoonerI haven't been able to "reboot" in weeks
04:10.07egaudetPreGame, how did you "install" quick install
04:10.19*** join/#webos-internals jjcarter (i=60e1b789@gateway/web/freenode/x-ezlihpdujeqogpjm)
04:10.22dBsoonerif I type "reboot" or "shutdown -r now", or even do the "restart phone" from rest options, it just freezes during shutdown animation.
04:10.46egaudetDrFunk, as far as i know
04:10.49*** join/#webos-internals alkos333 (
04:10.51zsocdBsooner: there is a new 'shutdown' element in the kernel. probably has nothing to do with your issue tho.
04:10.58DrFunkdBsooner: take the battery out
04:11.06dBsoonerDrFunk: that's what I have been doing
04:11.09dBsoonerbut its annoying
04:11.11rick_homehas anyone tested the webkit css transform pages to see if they work better?
04:11.25dBsoonerI wonder if its wircd or mytetherd
04:11.43DrFunkwell its not wircd
04:11.53DrFunkcould be the other
04:12.28navinag_egaudet: i installed the cpu scaling patch...wasnt working to well for me...I uninstalled it and then the status file was cleared
04:12.29jacques3dBsooner: someone else was complaining of something like that and they had also installed mytether
04:12.49dBsooneri meant freetetherd.. sorry
04:12.52navinag_egaudet: rebooted between then of course
04:13.35egaudetinteresting, no errors and everything went smooth installing/uninstalling as far you could tell?
04:14.07DrFunkzsoc: precorder working ?
04:14.57zsocDrFunk: it never really 'worked' per se
04:15.31navinag_DrFunk: I have .35 working....The first video everytime consistenly does not record for me...but other than
04:15.33acydlordzsoc, hows that download going?
04:16.01zsocacydlord: up and down, 50% done
04:16.13DrFunkzsoc: was working fine for me now I get a error can't play file was there a new update ?
04:21.25DrFunkam I still here
04:23.36*** join/#webos-internals REA (
04:25.46*** join/#webos-internals PreGame- (n=PreGame@
04:25.51rwhitbyDrFunk: I fixed Precorder last night.
04:26.13rwhitbydBsooner: the best way to reboot a Pre is "tellbootie"
04:26.17DrFunkso new update than ?
04:26.38rwhitbyDrFunk: 0.3.5
04:26.50rwhitbyDrFunk: you're not folllowing @webosinternals on twitter?
04:27.20DrFunkI don't have a twitter app
04:27.24*** join/#webos-internals GreedyB2 (
04:27.29DrFunkwon't install
04:27.32rwhitbyuse an RSS feed then
04:27.36PreGame-i ran EMH and when i try to remove the old patches it just spins and says "Removing"
04:27.42rwhitbyor a twitter to email gateway
04:27.58DrFunkrwhitby: what app do you use
04:28.00rwhitbyEMH doesn't remove patches.  do you mean EPR?
04:28.05*** join/#webos-internals Zorin (
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04:28.15rwhitbyDrFunk: Adium on Mac, or Tweed or Twee or Spaz on Pre
04:28.35PreGame-no i ran EMH and went in to each of the installed to remove them
04:29.07rwhitbyPreGame-: dunno then, sorry.
04:29.11DrFunkok rwhitby what would you suggest I try on the pre
04:29.23rwhitbyDrFunk: Spaz, cause it's open source.
04:29.50DrFunkgoing to look now
04:29.54PreGame-ill try epr
04:30.00rwhitby(even though I'm personally not a fan of the dark theme)
04:30.03DrFunkbtw thanks brb
04:30.30DrFunkpreware ?
04:30.54rwhitbyspaz is in app catalog
04:31.20zsocrwhitby: does optware have the equivalent of 'build-essential'?
04:31.30egaudetyou should always remove patches prior to updating
04:31.35destinal1zsoc: so you meant
04:31.37dBsoonerrwhitby: pushed Makefiles to build
04:31.39destinal1+           if (0 && vfb->scale == 1.0f && !vfb->rotated) {
04:31.39destinal1+               /* We can give the app direct access to the screen */
04:31.43dBsoonerupdated 5 patches for 1.3.5
04:31.53zsocdestinal: yes, particular that comment line.
04:31.54egaudetEPR to remove all the patch packages
04:32.12zsocdestinal: that's pretty epic
04:32.46zsocdirect hardware accelerated fullscreen core kernel driven surface
04:32.53dBsooneregaudet: whats patch_control_dir?
04:33.08dBsooner. /var/lib/ipkg/
04:33.29zsochmm... i wonder if i can just port the gp32x sdl stuff.. that's a pretty similar environment
04:33.32egaudetI was thinking about moving it to /media/internal/
04:33.36egaudetbut now I'm thinking about leaving it in /var
04:33.50dBsooneri am asking where it is right now?
04:34.04egaudetI just told you ^^
04:34.20destinal1zsoc: woah, did you check out the ascii art for the haptic waveforms?
04:34.31zsocdestinal: yeah that was pretty genius no? lol
04:34.43dBsoonerso what I put is where it is right now?
04:34.45zsoc"A comment is not enough, here's 100 lines of ascii so you can get it"
04:35.24egaudetthink I want to make an app/service to download the doctor, do the extracting on the pre and repair files all OTA
04:35.54egaudetdBsooner, did you miss my comment?
04:35.58egaudet<egaudet> /var/usr/lib/.webosinternals.patches
04:36.21PreGame-doing the EPR just shows the spinner saying downloading/installing
04:37.12zsocdestinal: also, it appears the computer is on the user's head, and the user is a creepy stalker
04:37.49*** part/#webos-internals luwangui (n=opera@
04:39.38rwhitbyegaudet: will EPR work post-migration?
04:39.44zsocdestinal: check outlines 1903 and 1904
04:39.55zsocdestinal: 5 finger games? :D
04:40.26rwhitbyzsoc, destinal: what are you guys looking at?
04:40.28egaudetrwhitby, it should
04:40.42rwhitbyegaudet: so anyone having patch problems should just run EPR?
04:40.46egaudetEPR will remove packages from both /var and /media/cryptofs/apps
04:40.58zsocrwhitby: don't you read backlogs?
04:41.02egaudet(and maybe forever)
04:41.06PreGame-EPR doesn't work
04:41.06rwhitbyegaudet: the released EPR or the alpha?
04:41.13PreGame-it just says "Downloading/installing" non stop
04:41.35dBsoonerrwhitby: as soon as I removed all services (freetetherd, gstreamer, wircd) phone reboots fine now
04:41.36egaudetI'll always try to keep EPR to work for it's designated purpose, which is emergency removal of stuck or weird-state patching
04:42.09zsocrwhitby: first comment was from the new kernel patch 'diff' in 135, new framebuffer driver to replace all directfb functionality with some native actions, and current stuff is pointed at the new sdl library 'patch' from in 135 that includes the patches palm wrote to port sdl to webos
04:42.24egaudetPreGame-, be patient with EPR
04:42.29egaudetit may take a while if you have many patches installed
04:42.31zsocHm, I no longer make sense when I type things. Weird. sory.
04:42.47egaudetEPR doesn't really install, it just does all it's work in the post-install script
04:43.03*** join/#webos-internals CTLAdvance (
04:43.20dBsoonerok.. time to tweet..
04:43.21zsocegaudet: EPR should have a flag that makes the 'install' button turn into a 'run utility' button
04:45.08rwhitbyPreGame-: are you in contact with Jason about the flashlight?  Apparently he's updating it for 1.3.5, but I thought you were going to put the code up into the git repo and rename the service?
04:46.24egaudetOTA updating to 1.3.5 with 101 aupt patches installed... let's hope this is the last time
04:47.00zsocegaudet: gl bro
04:47.14*** join/#webos-internals thadood (
04:47.47PreGame-I am but i am out of town until next week
04:47.57oilthought rwhitby was going to make a c service just for the led
04:48.27rwhitbyoil: yeah, i was, but then 1.3.5 arrived.
04:48.33zsoci think puff sorta made a part of one
04:49.23rwhitbyI just hope Jason doesn't release yet another version with the same service name, thereby making it even harder to weed out the extremely old version with the open command line method.
04:50.39*** join/#webos-internals luwangui (n=opera@
04:50.49zsocrwhitby: did you get a second to field my 'build-essential' question?
04:51.02jacques3I don't understand. this flashlight app just turns on the screen all white ?
04:51.11PreGame-so is the flashlight not working at all for 3.5?
04:51.22PreGame-it uses the camera flash
04:51.39rwhitbyzsoc: do you mean for compiling on the pre, or do you mean what do you need on a Ubuntu box to compile optware?
04:51.57PreGame-egaudet: the EPR doesn't install
04:51.59zsocrwhitby: sorry, yes I mean for compiling on the pre
04:52.03PreGame-it just says "Downloading / Installing
04:52.35rwhitbyzsoc: I doubt you'll have enough space in /var for the toolchain
04:52.58zsocscratches his head
04:53.14zsocrwhitby: its in a debian chroot
04:53.18zsocon /media/internal
04:53.35rwhitbyzsoc: then just apt-get build-essential in the debian chroot
04:53.44egaudetPreGame-, how many patches did you have installed?
04:53.54zsocI need to compile against the native sdl library, and since I don't have anything else that runs in arm available to me, and I don't know how qemu works...
04:53.59egaudetdid you not get a prompt for running script for EPR?
04:54.04PreGame-maybe like 5 or 6
04:54.10egaudetok/no/cancel confirmation prompt?
04:54.14zsocrwhitby: Oh, thank you. I actually didn't realize it was called that, i was using that as a reference point :p sorry, thanks.
04:54.34egaudetwhat version of ipkgservice?
04:54.49PreGame-9.27 but it shows there is an update to the 9.27 version
04:55.17rwhitbyzsoc: sdl is in optware
04:55.22egaudetyou should be getting the confirmation prompt, don't know why you didn't
04:55.38*** join/#webos-internals Stik (
04:55.59zsocrwhitby: yes, but not palm's custom binary compiled opengl_es-included sdl library
04:56.09zsocrwhitby: and i can't rebuilt it because i'm missing about 35 headers :P
04:56.27PreGame-it shows it is installed but never prompted me to approve it nor finished the downloading spinner
04:56.46destinal1zsoc: we also won't be able to use some enhanced functionality potentially since we'll be missing headers
04:56.53rwhitbyzsoc: you could put that binary in the optware staging area and cross compile against it ..
04:57.32jacques3shouldn't the headers be in the patches?
04:57.36rwhitbymake a dummy optware package which just copies the files from the Pre into the staging area
04:57.54rwhitbyjacques3: do you know how to do OE with an external toolchain?
04:57.54zsocrwhitby: that seems like a good idea, but for now I'd like to see if I can get a 'hello world' type sdl application to run. I'm actually curious how it will interact with Luna running and everything
04:58.07zsocjacques3: it's LGPL, so palm isn't fond of releasing headers with their patches
04:58.16jacques3rwhitby: no, I've never done that. :-\
04:58.35rwhitbyzsoc: yeah, I always think in terms of doing things in publicly repeatable ways ..
04:59.02zsocrwhitby: this might not work at all tho without a mojo hook, it'll only take a moment to test
04:59.02jacques3zsoc: oh I misunderstood - which headers are we missing?
04:59.07zsocotherwise, i agree with you
04:59.28zsocjacques3: what's necessary to recompile palm's derivative/port of sdl
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05:00.16dBsoonerrwhitby: if you're good with that post, I am going to tweet the link to it... (so you can retweet)
05:00.36destinal1zsoc: I don't think it's specifically because it's LGPL, they just leave out headers a lot.
05:01.07zsocdestinal: well with GPL stuff they comply with my requests pretty quickly
05:01.10destinal1it took a long time to get cjson / mjson included in and to get the other headers from them we needed for libpurple-adapter
05:01.19rwhitbydBsooner: already done
05:01.32dBsooneryou were supposed to let ME tweet it
05:01.43oildbsooner: twitter whore
05:01.45dBsooneris the one who spent all the time on it
05:01.58rwhitbydBsooner: I put via @dBsooner in it
05:01.59zsoctake one for the team
05:02.25*** join/#webos-internals matthewn_ (
05:02.25rwhitbydBsooner: tweet about how much effort  you spent on it, with your donation link, and I'll retweet that ;-)
05:02.29zsocaaannnnddd my pre is stuck in usb mode, wtf
05:03.04dBsooneri just want more followers on twitter
05:03.23Robi_dBsooner: it's more influential if you're RTd
05:03.38gkatsevunfollows dBsooner on twitter
05:03.49dBsoonerRobi_: why do you think I wanted to tweet and have rwhitby retweeet?
05:03.53rwhitbydoesn't yet fully comprehend the social norms of twitter
05:04.21gkatsevdBsooner: retweet a retweet? thats rediculous.
05:04.23jacques3nor do I
05:04.30oilcreates twitter account so he can follow and then unfollow dbsooner
05:06.07Robi_you can still do it
05:06.20Robi_i hopped on ;]
05:06.42zsoc1mbs evdo is pretty nice
05:07.05Robi_dBsooner: you on the road?
05:07.20zsocgkatsev: in that sentence, was rediculous a typo, or was it purposed humorful alliteration?
05:07.36dBsoonerim in El Paso
05:07.49jacques3dBsooner: sorry to hear that
05:07.50dBsoonergot a football game to go to
05:07.54*** join/#webos-internals DrFunk (
05:08.03Robi_what are you doing here?
05:08.09Robi_junkie ;]
05:08.12gkatsevzsoc: lol, lets go with the latter. :)
05:08.35jacques3dBsooner: you are in the same state as me, and you're about 800 miles away
05:08.40zsocgkatsev: well, i was amused either way ;)
05:09.06Robi_hmm i dont see the new precorder
05:09.20DrFunkjacques3: has to be texas lol
05:09.34dBsoonerthere.. PLEASE retweet it rwhitby.. PLEASE
05:09.35rwhitbyRobi_: where are you looking?
05:09.42dBsooner(you can delete your previous tweet)..
05:10.07DrFunkrwhitby: install didn't work for me
05:10.07Robi_dBsooner: tisk tisk, ppl cant retweet that, it's too  long dude, gotta leave room
05:10.14jacques3DrFunk: yep
05:10.18dBsoonerlet me fix
05:10.36DrFunkRobi_: its there just click more
05:10.39rwhitbydBsooner: done
05:10.45DrFunkon twitter
05:11.02Robi_ugh i gotta remove that patch that opens the camera in landscape slider open, does it too many times unintentionally
05:11.33jjcarterdBsooner: I just read your latest thread about the patches but felt I might as well ask it here, anyone else getting an error installing the "No Date" patch?
05:11.40zsocwebos debian chroot is frighteningly fast for an embedded device
05:11.51DrFunkrwhitby: I keep getting gstservice not running
05:12.05rwhitbyDrFunk: are you running 0.3.5?
05:12.07Robi_and now the hide nascar ap is downliading/replacing forever
05:12.31dBsoonerhow's that tweet Robi_?
05:12.40Robi_zsoc: did you look at your laundry hamper full of soiled underwear ?
05:12.49dBsoonerjjcarter: i get no errors installing any patches
05:12.56Robi_dBsooner: good, 1 char left on RT ;]
05:12.57dBsoonerjjcarter: I just stated taht over and over in the thread
05:12.57zsocRobi_: ?
05:13.18jjcarterdBsooner, I'm aware of that, that's why I mentioned it
05:13.20Robi_zsoc: "frighteningly fast"
05:13.23dBsoonerwell if rwhitby wouldn't make the links so dang long
05:13.28zsocRobi_: is that a german thing?
05:13.56Robi_you calling me german?
05:14.22zsocRobi_: sorry... dutch?
05:14.50Robi_if I have to explain it... nm
05:15.09zsocok then
05:15.21Robi_anyone else get that?
05:16.23Robi_so frightening, load up your underwear
05:16.59zsocRobi_: holland?
05:17.23dBsoonerim off to bed
05:17.26Robi_poop your pants
05:17.33DrFunkcya dBsooner
05:17.35dBsooneri got a Sun Bowl to go to tomorrow
05:17.41dBsoonerI got the patches working I said I would.
05:17.51zsocdBsooner: good job
05:17.56DrFunknot mine
05:18.05dBsoonerNot my problem. ;)
05:18.11Robi_rwhitby: preware dind't know i had precorder installed
05:18.23Robi_prolly didn't migrate
05:18.43DrFunklol @ dBsooner
05:18.53dBsoonernite ya'll.. Boomer Sooner!
05:18.58rwhitbyRobi_: yeah, it wouldn't have migrated
05:19.33dBsoonerrwhitby: i posted a link directly to the raw-blob of the xls spreadsheet in
05:19.37dBsoonerI couldn't think of a better way..
05:20.00dBsooneri figure not too many people have commit access to be able to overwrite it
05:20.04rwhitbydBsooner: that's the best way
05:20.19rwhitbyeven if they do, it's an SCM
05:20.36dBsoonerloves git checkout
05:20.44dBsooneror git reset
05:20.58dBsoonerho well.. ou plays in 14 hours.. must sleep
05:21.03dBsoonergotta get up early and tailgate
05:21.09jjcartercan anybody confirm that the "No Date" and "Brightness in Device Menu" patches conflict and can't both be installed?
05:21.12*** join/#webos-internals Abyssul (
05:22.32Robi_i have brightness but added date
05:23.09jjcarterhmm... I had brightness installed, but got an error installing the no date
05:23.21Robi_really dislike the beep on patch install nitofication
05:23.23jjcarterbut after removing brightness, no date installed w/ non problem
05:23.35Robi_try again w/ brightness
05:23.50*** join/#webos-internals Decimate (
05:24.18DecimateDon't you guys all love this time where a new update has just come out, and we get to hear all the complaints of what isn't on it! :)
05:24.26PreGame-egaudet: i get a wget bad response trying to dl EPR
05:24.31Abyssuldecimate: Pretty much how the game goes
05:24.41Decimateno video, no gpu, not speedy enough, battery life isn't good enough, BOOO HOOOO
05:25.03PreGame-ok i got it
05:25.04zsocjjcarter: egaudet was looking for a case where a set of patches only work when installed in a certain order
05:25.06jjcarterRobi_, same error. Failure during post-install script
05:25.07PreGame-my wifi was messed up
05:25.23AbyssulI'm just glad that WebOS is progressing. I'd like these people to try and go back to the 1.0 days...
05:25.40jjcarterzsoc, well I thought I found one but Robi_ isn't having the same issue
05:25.44egaudetPreGame-, does it work now?
05:25.48zsocI'm trying to figure out how they fit the update into 13mb
05:25.50PreGame-yep :)
05:26.03PreGame-i completely removed preware and package manager and reinstalled them
05:26.19PreGame-the phone is rebooting now
05:26.25Decimatezsoc: app catalog is all mostly over the air...
05:26.31Decimatenot in the update
05:26.37Decimatein the cloud is what i mean! :)
05:26.38*** join/#webos-internals ivanst (
05:26.39dBsoonerDamn Elryon makin me stay up late
05:26.49dBsoonerhe JUST submitted a fix for SMS Tone Per Contact
05:26.57dBsoonerI MUST get that in the feed before bed
05:27.17zsocDecimate: i was referring to the kernel update and the sdl/egl/opengles library
05:28.15PreGame-dBsooner: what did you change in your version of the show download count and the one i did?
05:28.43dBsoonerPreGame: Files and line #'s
05:28.49dBsoonerotherwise it's your concept
05:29.00dBsooneri only add my name because I touched it and made it apply clean
05:29.01*** mode/#webos-internals [+v PreGame] by ChanServ
05:29.08Robi_jjcarter: normally the date is not present right? only the time, so whats the no date patch?
05:29.16*** join/#webos-internals trim81 (
05:29.33jjcarterRobi_, it should take the date out of the device menu
05:29.47jjcarternot the top bar
05:30.14Robi_k let me find it and install it
05:30.19AbyssuldbSooner, get that in! I need that patch
05:31.36zsocsometimes i wish i knew how linux worked
05:31.39zsocat all
05:32.06Robi_just read ;]
05:32.18Robi_jjcarter: I get the same error
05:32.22zsoclet me rephrase that
05:32.25Robi_dBsooner: another to fix
05:32.36zsocsometimes i wish i knew how gcc and ldd worked
05:32.42dBsoonerI don't make patches compatible with each other
05:32.50dBsoonerthat's for the maintainers
05:32.51Robi_jjcarter: brightness patch must modify something nodate cehcks for before applying.
05:33.06jjcarterRobi_, that's what I was thinking
05:33.07dBsoonerYou have a problem with one not being compat with another, contact the maintainer.
05:33.13Robi_jjcarter: then there you go, email zhzyg
05:33.46jjcarterRobi_, thanks for confirming, I just didn't want to email him and it be user error
05:34.48Robi_np I just sent him a note as well
05:36.51jjcartergreat, thanks
05:39.02AbyssuldBsooner, does the new SMS contact patch work?
05:39.29Robi_ for a Sonar.m4a ring tone from the ipod touch
05:39.44dBsoonerAbyssul: he claims it does
05:39.47dBsoonerit applies
05:39.56dBsoonerit's been pushed
05:40.02dBsoonershould build during next autobuild run
05:41.10rwhitbywhich is now ;-)
05:42.35dBsoonerloves my autobuilder
05:42.49dBsoonerit goes like "rwhitby, doit! (please)"
05:43.01dBsoonerrwhitby: built?
05:43.27AbyssulI keep getting a "network is unreachable connect" error from WebOSQI.
05:43.49egaudetupdate all 101 patches might rival the time an OTA install takes :P
05:43.58*** join/#webos-internals DrFunk (
05:44.08dBsoonerGood News!
05:44.19dBsoonerThere is a WOSQI bash/Preware praise in my thread.. lol
05:44.56Robi_ya also nano lighty openssh ...
05:45.42dBsoonerlikes seeing OPENVPN in the repo..
05:45.46dBsoonerwho's leadin that project?
05:46.51zsocanyone familiar with ldd?
05:47.03Robi_a bit
05:47.17AbyssulWhatever happened to that WebOS Backup Utility?
05:47.28Robi_zsoc: mainly path related issues
05:49.04egaudetit takes like 3 hours for ONE test run of aupt/update all.  There's gotta be a better way
05:49.56zsocRobi_: "gcc -o test1 test.cpp -I/usr/include/SDL -D_GNU_SOURCE=1 -D_REENTRANT -L/usr/lib -Wl,-rpath,/usr/lib -lSDL -lpthread"
05:50.00Robi_egaudet: can OTA be simulated?
05:50.44DrFunkwell I'm off happy new year all
05:50.45Robi_zsoc: what is LD_LIBRARY_PATH set to?
05:50.56zsocRobi_: "error: SDL.h: No such file or directory", SDL.h is compiled in, which is in /usr/lib/
05:51.49zsocRobi_: er, it doesn't seem set to anything
05:52.41Robi_does -lSDL really work? ;]
05:52.42egaudetI think I"m just going to grab a /usr from 1.3.1 doctor and 1.3.5 doctor and throw them on my pre, and switch between them to mimic OTA
05:53.12Robi_zsoc: ya might not need be set since it's not the program running looking for it, you're compiling
05:53.23egaudetonly thing that won't keep my created files so it's nto complete test
05:53.33zsocRobi_: this is what everyone on the planet who uses sdl uses, so i'm not sure what parts of that command actually refer to... for instance the library i'm using is in /usr/lib but there are references to /usr/include/SDL
05:53.35Robi_egaudet: :P
05:54.02Robi_zsoc: then you must symlink to be sure
05:54.05rwhitbydBsooner: you going to tweet 160 out of 160?
05:54.26zsocRobi_: the whole folder? like /usr/lib to /usr/include ?
05:54.41Robi_rwhitby: gotta leave 12-15 for RT
05:54.44rwhitbydBsooner: I ported openvpn
05:55.04Robi_bah comcast dropped me
05:55.15Robi_rwhitby: nm, out of context ;]
05:55.44dBsoonernow I am off to bed
05:56.10Robi_'nite dBsooner
05:56.33dBsoonerthanks rod..
05:57.11zsocsymlink doesn't seem to work either
05:58.33Robi_you go from /usr/lib to /usr/include/..?
05:58.50Robi_woop its wooting time,
05:59.23zsocRobi_: ln -s /usr/lib /usr/include
05:59.27zsocunless i'm missing a / or something
05:59.53Robi_only symlink specifics
05:59.54egaudetwtf is a woot
06:00.15zsocoh i see what i did
06:00.26zsoci just linked /usr/lib to /usr/include/lib lol
06:00.31Robi_a woot is a new daily sale item
06:00.44Robi_o o someone is choking a puppy, hhaha
06:00.54Robi_zsoc: ya no good :P
06:01.03Robi_only link SDL stuff for example
06:01.04zsocRobi_: well now i ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/include/
06:01.07zsocRobi_: that's right?
06:01.30Robi_unless the dst src is swapped
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06:01.51Robi_i always look it up
06:02.20Robi_23. Widescreen Full HD 1080p LCD Monitor with HDMI
06:02.21jauderho_can someone paste their .git/config for the webos-1.3.5  branch?
06:02.21Robi_+ $5 shipping
06:02.27Robi_looks like an HP monitor
06:02.33acydlordi need to start remembering to run EPR before updating the phone
06:02.33Robi_good price
06:02.48egaudetjauderho, gitorious modifications?
06:03.32gkatsevRobi_: that looks great. but i have a 24"... meh... i guess my second monitor could be slightly smaller...
06:03.36jauderho_egaudet: I messed up my repo and accidentally deleted the dir
06:03.45egaudetthe .git dir?
06:03.52ZorinRobi_: Probably TN garbage... but at that price even I might overlook that :)
06:04.01jauderho_trying to recreate my .git/config to be able to push to the webos-1.3.5 branch
06:04.14zsocwhy can't i get this
06:04.26freakoutbecause you don't deserve it, zsoc
06:04.38zsocfreakout: i am literally going to say mean things to you
06:05.08egaudetjauderho, git checkout -b webos-1.3.5 origin/webos-1.3.5
06:05.09freakoutI am in for the most BORING New Year's Eve ever
06:05.18zsocfreakout: spend it here
06:05.25zsocmaybe palm's libs are bogus...
06:05.26freakoutlike I said :p
06:05.29acydlordi spent last newyears in irc
06:05.30egaudetthat will create the branch locally and set it up to track from the repo's branch (which puts it in .git/config for ya)
06:06.57jauderho_I must have done something wrong
06:07.56jauderho_does this look right?
06:07.57jauderho_[branch "webos-1.3.5"]
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06:10.05Robi_i just lost minutes
06:10.07egaudetyea well mine has merge = refs/heads/webos-1.3.5
06:10.22egaudetbut yea that looks right
06:10.33Robi_gkatsev: i dont like the aspect ratio of the 23" too squished
06:10.42Robi_I also have a pair of 24"s
06:11.27Robi_zsoc: lets not assume that SDL.h is compiled in the .so
06:11.29gkatsevRobi_: i bought it... >.<
06:11.41Robi_gkatsev: easy fork on craigslist ;]
06:12.02zsocRobi_: er.. why in the world wouldn't it be. it's the only header the library really had, at least the only 100% necessary one
06:12.22Robi_zsoc: i dunno, because it can't find it?
06:12.38Robi_shiet, make one
06:12.43Robi_touch SDL.h ;]
06:13.15zsocwell crap on me
06:13.18Robi_perhaps there's some header package you still need that has the .h alone
06:13.19zsocfreakout: crap on me
06:13.36*** join/#webos-internals eternaleye (
06:13.37zsocno, palm just compiled a bogus version you can't compile against
06:13.44zsocscratches his head
06:13.45freakoutwonders if he wandered into a scheizer channel by accident...
06:13.58jauderho_egaudet: thanks
06:14.11Robi_freakout: yep, time to go
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06:17.17Robi_zsoc: all set now?
06:17.55zsocRobi_: all set is a funny way of putting it. i'm going to grab a "standard" set of the same version libs and hope this compiles ok, otherwise i'm going to complain up and down to palm till they release the headers
06:18.09Robi_they're oss ;]
06:18.22Robi_just plop a .h in there and make it work
06:18.34Robi_or include it in your src
06:18.37Robi_dont mod system
06:18.59Robi_anyhow i think it's time for an xbox break
06:19.07zsocRobi_: no no, i mean it's actually missing
06:19.09zsocnot just in name
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06:19.18Robi_i know
06:19.36zsocoh i see. ok then.
06:19.37Robi_it's an embedded os, it will have things stripped out
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06:22.32seigexguess ctrl-l doesn't refresh the screen in ircII anymore
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06:27.43egaudetrwhitby, can i get EPR 2.0.0 cleaned and re-built to test feed
06:32.03zsocwho wants to test this binary for me?
06:32.21zsocholy crap this is amazing
06:32.50rick_homesdl apps work over luna?
06:32.59rick_homethat's so freaking cool!!!!
06:33.11*** join/#webos-internals _acyd_ (
06:34.56oilits in a card?
06:35.08zsocoil: no, just sits on top of luna
06:35.12zsocand luna is ok with it
06:35.26zsocoil: it works in cards, i just haven't cracked the mojo yet
06:35.44zsocoil: 135 image just came out today, give me a little while man :P
06:35.46zsocgoodness lol
06:36.03zsoci'm going to go compile doom
06:36.35oilcrosses arms, continuously taps foot, an looks impatiently at zsoc
06:37.05zsocoil: ok so get this
06:37.10zsocoil: i just compiled a version that works in a card :D
06:37.13zsoceat that
06:37.17oilthere we go
06:37.22zsoci'm not even kidding
06:37.28zsocyou gave me an idea when you demanded that
06:37.30oilin cards > taking over screen
06:40.32oilso does it take inputs, etc?
06:41.43zsocoil: that's what i'm trying to figure out now
06:41.46zsocmapping might be tricky
06:41.54rick_homesdl CLAIMS to take inputs.
06:42.31oiland touchscreen, obviously
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06:43.19zsocand palm's patches take care of both of those things
06:44.05egaudetback to doctor, rwhitby can you rebuild test patches feed too when you get a chance.  I'll be sleeping
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06:46.06egaudetoil, aside from the dependencies the only other thing preware needs for update all to be perfect is when the install of the remove/install update fails, the pacakge still shows in the list as isntalled until you refresh feeds or tap remove it
06:47.11oiland its actually not there?
06:47.19egaudetbecause the remove succeeded
06:47.36oildoes the service have a specific status to tell preware its only been removed?
06:47.57egaudetdunno, but if that's what preware needs we'll have to add it
06:48.01egaudetrwhitby, ^^
06:48.10oilit had no way to know if it failed on remove or reinstall
06:48.24oilif it failed on remove, its obviously still installed
06:48.31oiland if it fails on reinstall its actually removed
06:48.40rwhitbyegaudet: rebuilding now
06:48.51egaudetso 3 return codes are needed
06:49.12rick_hometri state logic?  Run awa Run Away...
06:49.12jjcarteregaudet, I think I may have that problem now actually. Preware says I have a patch installed but I actually dont, and getting an error trying to remove it.
06:49.20rwhitbyegaudet: which branch for EPR 2.0.0 ?
06:49.31oiljjcarter: just update feeds
06:49.40egaudetalright, I doubt I'll be around much tomorrow evening to test it but I think I may be really close to working aupt.  rwhitby major-upgrade branch
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06:50.19egaudetjjcarter, no completely different issue we were talking about stuff in alpha testing.
06:50.28jjcarteroh, sry
06:50.51egaudetin your case you need to manually remove the ipkg data
06:50.51egaudetif you are sure the patch is really nto applied
06:50.55oil.9.13 is released isn't it?
06:51.18oil(it's calling the replace code)
06:51.34egaudetoil no it's not released
06:51.43oiloh, i thought it was
06:52.27egaudetnope but it's in screenshots because milominder was using it for his tutorial :/
06:52.27jjcarteroil, I'm still having the same issue, and issuing "ipkg -o /var remove [patch]" removes nothing
06:53.29jjcarterI was trying to install the patch but it appear preware was hanging during the installation, so I closed the card
06:53.44jjcarterafter reopening preware it said the patch was installed
06:54.06egaudetjjcarter, not var anymore
06:54.10egaudetnot for 1.3.5
06:54.23egaudetipkg -o /media/cryptofs/apps remove it
06:55.09rwhitbyegaudet: epr 2.0.0 in testing feed
06:55.39rwhitbynow, oil, egaudet, what does ipkgservice need?
06:57.56jjcarteregaudet, thanks that fixed it
06:57.56egaudeton the update function for patches, it does remove/install.  it needs to return preware whether it succeeded, failed on remove or failed on install
06:57.56egaudetrather than just succeed/fail
06:58.30egaudetalso I'm not sure who handles the dependencies
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06:59.35egaudetif i have a patch installed that depends on gdial app let's say, then OTA but gdial app doesn't come along, then I go to update all, the patch fails to install with green ipkg message about can't satisfy dependency because I had the feed off
06:59.54rwhitbyegaudet: preware knows what stages have completed successfully before ipkgservice returns failed
07:00.12egaudetrwhitby, oil said it's one stage for the update ?
07:00.36egaudet(and in another note I can't doctor my phone, keeps telling me can't reset device go to palm sujpport"
07:00.55zsocegaudet: you reached the limit
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07:06.45egaudetalright well it looks like the doctor is taking now, good night
07:07.13rwhitbyegaudet: looking to see what ipkgservice does now
07:08.45rwhitbythere is a 'remove' stage or 'failed' stage, and then there is an 'install' stage or 'failed' stage.
07:09.15rwhitbyso you see 'failed', or 'remove','failed' or 'remove', 'install', 'completed'
07:09.31rwhitby(plus prerm and postinst and confirm stages intermingled in there too)
07:11.16zsochey look doom
07:11.17zsocon my pre
07:11.19zsocin a card
07:12.04zsochmm... well i can shoot, that's a start
07:12.56rwhitbyzsoc: so, are we doing to do this properly and get it in Preware before the youtube goes up?
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07:13.10zsocand i can move to the right....
07:13.16zsoccrap i keep forgetting this place is logged
07:13.20jacques3doom, bah. /me wants quake.
07:13.38zsocrwhitby: er, the code is opensource, but the WAD (sprites and textures) i think is some odd shareware
07:13.46jacques3and it has to be multiplayer
07:14.05jacques3and have 3d sound
07:14.09zsocjacques3: webos should support that
07:14.10rwhitbyzsoc: so you install the ipkg, and then have to put a .wad file somewhere for it to work?
07:14.19zsocrwhitby: er, yes
07:14.32zsocrwhitby: well, you have to be in the same 'folder' as the wad file when you run the executable
07:14.38zsoci'd have to wrap that into an app
07:14.43rwhitbythere's no legit .wad files available?
07:14.44jacques3rwhitby: yeah. the demo .wad is free to download, but I don't think it's redistributable
07:14.54rwhitbyjacques3: so the postinst could download it?
07:15.06zsocbut i can still only shoot and move to the right :P
07:15.18rwhitbyzsoc: right, but we can package in parallel
07:15.20jacques3and apparently there are truly free .wads made by fans, but I have no experience with those
07:15.50zsocsound works great too
07:15.54egaudetrwhitby, before I go to bed, what do you mean by "stage"
07:16.07jacques3zsoc: it's playing out the back speaker?
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07:16.16zsoclol wait i can press start too now
07:16.21rwhitbyegaudet: when preware subscribes to the install or remove method, it get's back messages with 'stage':"foo" in them
07:16.22zsocjacques3: ya
07:16.34rwhitbyegaudet: that's what causes the sections in the IPKG Log
07:16.45jacques3zsoc: landscape orientation? controlled by touch? or keyboard?
07:16.59jacques3what's the FPS ?  :-D
07:17.00egaudetrwhitby, oh, so when it calls "update" it is still subscribed to install/remove?
07:17.02rwhitbywonders if freakout is around for the scoop
07:17.18freakoutnotices the flashing xchat icon...
07:17.31zsocoh crap, all the keys actually are recognized by letter too, hmmmm
07:17.34jacques3oh I can't believe I'm saying this, but ... oh never mind
07:17.44freakoutwad files?
07:17.47freakoutdoom port? :)
07:17.54zsocfreakout: stop being around, nothing works yet
07:17.59zsocfreakout: as far as you know i'm lying ;)
07:18.12freakoutwell, you're freaking pathological zsoc
07:18.21jacques3what I really need to know is, can you jump?
07:19.16freakoutIn Doom?
07:19.26zsocthat was the joke i believe
07:19.36rwhitbyegaudet: the 'replace' method gives back subscription messages just like install and remove
07:19.41jacques3can you use the pinch maneuver to zoom in for headshots?
07:19.52freakoutzsoc: what is this thing "joke" of which you speak....
07:19.54jacques3yes, that was a trick question :-\
07:20.00freakoutinfobot, joke?
07:20.01infobotWhat's a chicken coupe with 4 doors - a Chicken Sedan!
07:20.06egaudetok, so oil ^^ there's your answer.
07:20.14egaudetgood night, update all will work early 2010!
07:20.46jacques3wow I can't believe it's going to be 2010 by this time tomorrow
07:20.53zsoccrazy indeed
07:20.57zsocgotta dance
07:21.19egaudetonly 2 years left
07:21.31rwhitby6h10m here
07:21.42freakoutegaudet: lol
07:21.55freakout2 years left till John Cusack saves the world?
07:22.01freakout....oh wait, he didn't
07:22.11jacques3I read that now they think it's 2200 not 2012
07:22.31egaudetmayans know everyhing
07:22.36jacques3they could be just as wrong and it could be 2010
07:23.01zsocI might want to consider porting a more _functional_ game
07:23.04bhernit's really 2011. they were 0 based
07:23.05jacques3I guess if rwhitby goes offline in about 6 hrs we'll know
07:23.32jacques3as all good numbering schemes are
07:24.21jacques3zsoc: can I pair up by wii controller and kill monsters in doom yet?
07:24.29steveaposfreaking battery percentage is driving me nuts
07:25.08steveaposstill can't figure out why it vanishes at 100%
07:25.12jacques3I'm refreshing the feeds but I don't see doom yet
07:25.46jacques3steveapos: how much stuff do you have in your top bar? maybe it's running out of room
07:26.09steveaposthat's what I thought too but I have stock icons up top and it still does it
07:26.12jacques3mine's readint 100% right now
07:26.40steveaposif it's charging and I unplug it 100% flashes for a second and just goes poof
07:27.59steveaposshouldn't annoy me as much as it does, but it does lol
07:29.16zsocaaannnd crashed my phone
07:30.23jacques3zsoc: interesting :-|
07:31.09zsocactually just louna
07:32.21jacques3oh, not nearly as bad
07:32.34jacques3I was afraid it had somehow locked up the GPU
07:32.42zsocnah, smooth as can be
07:33.17jacques3zsoc: can you get a FPS value for doom?
07:34.10rwhitbyis that all?
07:36.58jacques3weather report says there's supposed to be dense fog here, but I looked outside and I didn't see anything
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07:37.59zsocwhy do people not put licensing on _anything_
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07:38.12zsocit's mirrored on sourceforge, don't they force including licensing?
07:38.32jacques3I love the ones that say "Freeware"
07:38.45jacques3what, exactly, does that mean?
07:40.10zsocit's free to do nothing with it
07:42.21rwhitbyzsoc: sourceforge projects have a licensing tag for each project
07:42.21zsocha, the readme file is like "so some people made this game... and their company doesn't exist any more..and that's it"
07:42.48zsocrwhitby: oh, public domain
07:46.31destinalso it actually works, zsoc?
07:46.42zsocdestinal: oh, btw it works
07:46.52zsockeymapping is _too_ good, which makes it suck
07:47.14zsocdestinal: it maps everything literally
07:47.22zsocand the pre is missing things... like arrows
07:47.55zsoci'm going to run some opengl demos
07:48.06destinalyeah, well, sometimes porting may actually be needed :)
07:48.23zsocomg, you mean i need to PORT this
07:48.30destinalthis is pretty awesome though it seems
07:48.49zsocnah, doom is cool and all, but it doesn't exactly use a _mouse_, i want to test something i can test touch screen functionality with (besides "click")
07:48.54rwhitbyit doesn't exist until it is automatically buildable from a public repository ...
07:49.18zsoca concept with no proof, i'm a good liar :D
07:49.38rwhitbyit would be a good new years eve joke.
07:49.47jacques_prewow, downloading a 133MiB file got me pre pretty warm
07:50.18zsocjacques3: my pre is plugged into the usb and lost 25% battery from randomly compiling things
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07:51.12jacques_prezsoc: so you built in a chroot on the pre? cool
07:51.18destinalzsoc: you said you had a binary in need of testing?
07:51.45zsocjacques3: that's not new, search debian on webos-internals wiki
07:51.51zsocdestinal: 1 sec
07:52.13zsocdestinal: i can send you the non-working doom if you want to file a gun over and over and move to the right
07:53.04destinalit's too late anyway,I have to sleep,work tomorrow
07:53.06zsocwhat was the first fps with mouse controls?
07:53.10zsocdestinal: k mate, i'll be around
07:53.16zsochexon? quake?
07:53.28destinalquake I think
07:54.02rwhitbyso, do we need a native feed that builds on a debian chroot on a Pre?
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07:54.24rwhitbyjacques_pre: get ka6sox to wire one up into cheli?
07:54.33rwhitbyrun an autobuilder on it ...
07:54.41destinalof course there's other things besides fps's out there, zsoc :)
07:54.42jacques3I dunno, I think with a little work, this should be x-compilable
07:54.51rwhitby(like we used to have to do with apache for the slug)
07:55.25jacques3yeah that was cool. and before that, in the project, we had ipaq handhelds setup like tht
07:55.57zsocrwhitby: why? you dont need a chroot to run the stuff
07:56.02zsocrwhitby: in fact it doesn't work in the chroot
07:56.25zsocooo descent..
07:56.35rwhitbyzsoc: the chroot is to do the autobuilding for the preware feed
07:56.54jacques3amazingly, descent is still being actively developed
07:58.51destinalzsoc: how many times did you say earlier you wouldn't believe it could run over luna?  :)
07:59.37zsocdestinal: 35 i think
07:59.50jacques3I guess webos just isn't telling luna about it?
08:00.23jacques3tho I don't understand how luna doesn't corrupt the display by writing to it
08:00.31jacques3while an sdl app is running
08:00.33zsocjacques3: no the hooks are kind of... automated. luna stuff it in a card when it sees the new surface open
08:01.08jacques3ok good
08:02.08destinalso we still need to embed somehow into apps,for  one
08:03.32zsocsomeone's gotta see this stuff
08:04.11destinalservice or plugin could work even though I expect palm has a more elegant method we don't know about
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08:04.55zsoca service could do it in a second
08:05.03zsoci'm sure there's a mojo api for it
08:19.40destinalI can confirm the new card thing, so zsoc isn't making this up. :)
08:20.16oilthats good
08:20.17zsocdestinal: shhhh :p
08:20.21oili had my doubts at first xD
08:20.22zsocis a nut job
08:20.36zsocpre needs arrow keys :P
08:21.01oilgesture+numbers seems to work pretty good for terminal :)
08:21.51destinalwe also .have more incentive for wiimote hacking now
08:23.16oilwiimote to play games on pre?
08:24.20oilwhile cool and geeky
08:24.24oilnot so good for mass appeal
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08:27.49destinalit's perfect along with a touchstone as a stand, why not?
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08:28.16destinalanyway have fun all, gotta sleep
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08:30.21Robi_heh I was a Descent master back in the day
08:30.53Robi_once the accel api works well you could use it to pivot the ship
08:31.18Robi_then make some 2D onscreen controls
08:32.38edektorhere is a little desktop script that will give you info about the apps you have in the app catalog. Just give it the app ID's of your app(s)
08:33.29freakoutso zsoc, where are my screenies?
08:33.44zsocfreakout: bah
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08:33.59freakoutwhere is my video?
08:34.05freakoutWHERE IS MY IPK?
08:34.24zsocdo you even know what time it is here
08:35.59joshuaw 3
08:43.07freakoutzsoc: time to cater to freakout's whims?
08:43.50freakoutgoes to play video games
08:43.56oilmy clock always gets stuck right before that time
08:45.09zsocok fixed key mapping
08:45.27zsocand by fixed i mean "hack till i broke it"
08:45.36zsocnow i just need a good suggestion on how to map the keys
08:46.19joshuawasd ijkl
08:47.08zsocoil: keyboard is on the right side of the screen :D
08:48.01oilwell thats no good for key controls
08:48.13zsoc... the screen is 320x480, it's either that or have a _tiny_ screen
08:48.19oilyou need the little touchscreen-dpad
08:48.22oilor joystick
08:48.26oillike lots of iphone games have
08:48.33joshuai hate that
08:48.35zsocoil: yeah, i'll just code an overlay right now for a proof of concept demo
08:48.41zsocjust give me 10 minutes at 4am
08:48.56joshuai wonder if you could somehow use the touch section
08:49.02joshualike the gesture area
08:49.09oilhow is it in the card?
08:49.19zsocH and G will be forward and back, Y and B will be left and right. you can still strafe going forward just not backwards that way
08:49.41zsoceverything is mapped to ascii right now
08:49.51zsoctell me what ascii number the gesture area is and i'll do it :P
08:50.07zsocpressing the screen is clicking the mouse, so it's like firing
08:54.40zsocoil: quick, make a hook in ipkgservice to start doom, and make a dummy app that calls that hook :P
08:54.56zsocer, 'service call' and 'json', or whatever your fancy language is
08:56.38meCka_anyone know if 1.3.5 works fine w/ meta-doctor?
08:56.48rwhitbyshould do
08:57.19meCka_rwhitby: was that answer for me? lol
08:57.44rwhitbywonders what was funny about the answer ...
08:57.55zsocok there's no go back. only go forward and go back really fast
08:58.03zsocand there's no strafing, just turning left and right
08:58.08zsocbut it's demoable
08:58.13zsocwho wants this thing so i can go to sleep?
08:58.37zsocs/go back really fast/go forward really fast/
08:58.38rwhitbyzsoc: send me a binary and I can package it
08:58.49oilwaits for package
08:58.59rwhitbywhat's it called?
08:59.34rwhitbypackage id?
08:59.45zsocthe shareware doom is
08:59.49zsocer, WAD i mean
08:59.51zsocthe one you need
09:00.10zsocand i don't know how you're going to globalize it whatever, your $PWD has to be the folder the wad is in
09:00.32zsocorg.webosinternals.doom-concept ?
09:00.55rwhitbyzsoc: doom-in-a-card ?
09:01.27zsocheh, like i said it's not really _playable_. i mean you can move around and shoot and open doors, but it's painful
09:01.31zsocfps is great tho
09:01.35rwhitbyhow do you start it?
09:01.56zsocrwhitby: uh.. you sorta... execute it
09:02.08rwhitbyand it opens it's own card automatically?
09:02.12zsocthat's why i made the joke about the service request being added to package manager :P
09:02.22zsocrwhitby: i am a super awesome compiling-face man
09:03.05zsocThere, it's out of my hands. i'm going to sleep
09:04.11rwhitbyI assume I need to gunzip the wad?
09:04.52zsocrwhitby: it doesn't open its _own_ card so much as it starts it's own surface, and when luna realizes it has to share the fb after the initialized virtual surface, it creates a hardware accelerated surface in a new card and shoves it in there
09:04.54zsocrwhitby: yes
09:05.31rwhitbyfinal key bindings?
09:06.03zsocH is forward, Y is left, B is right, G is forward really fast (for some reason), space open doors, tap screen to shoot
09:06.20zsocyou can switch weapons with the number keys if you bother getting that far (hold orange and press key, like always)
09:06.34zsocand you can move around the menus by pressing the first letter that corresponds with the option you want
09:07.44rwhitbyno backwards, right?
09:07.51zsocno, or strafing
09:08.01zsoci could probably figure it out if i played with it a lot more, but it's not obvious
09:08.09zsoc'Sym' also shoots, for some reason
09:08.15zsocand the back gesture opens the menu
09:08.18zsoccouldn't figure that one out
09:08.52zsocactually i _can_ figure it out, back gesture gives ascii 27, it's esc
09:09.35rwhitbyok, it's working here.  we can package this.
09:09.49rwhitbyI have just over 4 hours left in 2009
09:09.52rwhitbyshould be heaps
09:10.16zsoci have a very long day today, that i haven't slept yet for :P maybe 4 hours of sleep for me, hopefully i'll see some fun stuff
09:10.19rwhitbyzsoc: where is the game source from?
09:10.38oilwow, you weren't kidding about g being really fast
09:10.55rwhitbyzsoc: can do you a quick diff against pristine source?
09:11.06oiloh, its got sound, too
09:11.08rwhitbyor send me a tarball of your dev directory?
09:11.20oildoes minimize pause?
09:11.22zsocrwhitby: i didn't change the source, i changed some libraries it compiles against
09:11.32zsocoil: it seems to... not
09:11.47oilit plays pretty good
09:11.52zsocoil: that's what i thought
09:12.00oilbut the keys for moving are hard to be navigate
09:12.01oilmaybe its just me
09:12.10rwhitbyit's workable, and a great demo
09:12.10zsocoil: no, it's because there's no strafe
09:12.17oilseems like i can't change direction/move as much as i wanted
09:12.19zsocoil: and it's side ways :P
09:12.19oili mean
09:12.23oilhitting the buttons
09:12.25zsocoil: strafe would fix that :P
09:12.33oilobviously its just a thumb
09:12.36oilhitting all 3 buttons
09:12.41zsocrwhitby: i wonder if palm thought it would happen the same day of the image release lol
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09:12.49oilim just making a usability point
09:12.55jauderho_has anyone seen this? virtual keyboard for android
09:12.56oilnot that it doesn't work
09:12.56zsocoil: yeah it's bad, i agree
09:13.21zsocoil: firing with your left hand almost balances the weight
09:13.33rwhitbyzsoc: any command line options?
09:13.34oilyeah, shooting with a tap is good
09:13.39oili just killed a demon
09:13.40zsocrwhitby: none that work
09:14.02zsocalso emulating is going to become rampent, every major emulator is ported to sdl
09:14.18rwhitbyzsoc: so just org.webosinternals.sdldoom ("Doom") I guess, and later versions could have different technology
09:14.35zsocrwhitby: sure, if you want to do it that way.
09:14.42zsoci won't pull a dbsooner on you ;)
09:14.56zsocNO, I"M GOING TO TWEET IT, you retweet! lol
09:14.58rwhitbyzsoc: it's your app, I'm just the packaging monkey
09:15.03zsocdoesn't have a twitter
09:15.05zsocit's public domain
09:15.22zsochell i didn't even _port_ it beyond some library tweaks
09:15.44rwhitbyok, first a git repo
09:15.45zsocmaybe derek will say my name again
09:15.54zsocrwhitby: seriously, i gotta jet, can you finish this?
09:16.02rwhitbyzsoc: yep, I can take it from here.
09:16.23rwhitbyzsoc: same attribution and stuff as Precorder for you?
09:16.33zsocrwhitby: yeah, i suppose whatever we did with that is fine
09:16.49rwhitbyoil: you around for a while?
09:17.03zsoc|awaytommorow, there are going to be a lot of developers realizing how dumb they are for not trying this, lol
09:17.32zsoc|awayrwhitby: destinal probably needs props too, he pointed me in the right directing with his crazy package diffing ;)
09:17.48rwhitbyzsoc|away: ok, zsoc and destinal, anyone else?
09:17.55zsoc|awayrwhitby: no one else i like :D
09:18.23rwhitbypackaging monkey goes last
09:18.31zsoc|awaypoofs for real
09:19.25rwhitbyoil: so we need an "Emulator Manager" app, with a single button "Launch Doom".
09:19.40rwhitby(and greyed out buttons for other emulators)
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09:21.34rwhitbyor do we make them use Terminal to run it?
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09:26.11jauderho_no terminal pls =)
09:27.41rwhitbyok, so we need an emuservice to start it
09:33.36rwhitbydoomwaddir = getenv("DOOMWADDIR");
09:42.18rwhitbywe need an icon too
09:43.09meCka_rwhitby: do i need to create a account to edit/add something on the Wiki?
09:43.12rwhitbyoh, we have a tux with blood I think
09:43.14rwhitbymeCka_: no
09:43.22rwhitbyoh, yes, you need to create an account
09:43.28rwhitbyyou choose the password
09:43.34meCka_rwhitby: tought so, thanks
09:44.15freakoutwait, hang on
09:44.19freakouthe posted it?
09:44.57rwhitbyhere's our icon for Doom:
09:45.11rwhitbyfreakout: I have it.  Packaging it now.
09:45.17freakoutrwhitby: i love it
09:45.25freakoutwho did that?
09:45.41freakouthe could use a BFG too.... or a Doom Guy helmet....
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09:47.21tlzanyone had any instances where you try and sync the palm profile, and now all the contacts are loaded, but with no #'s?
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10:02.33rwhitbywow, you even get landscape notifications while playing doom
10:03.27freakout-Prerwhitby: you tease!
10:06.11freakout-Prewill it work on 1.3.1?
10:07.42rwhitbyoh, I just had a great idea.  Make this an easter egg in Preware!
10:08.00prestondoes anyone else's pre reset whenever you exit the terminal app?
10:08.05freakout-Prethat *is* a great idea.
10:08.14freakout-Preeveryone loves Easter eggs!
10:09.26rwhitbyyeah, this is totally doable.  No need for a new service or front-end app then.
10:09.54rwhitbyoil: you in?
10:10.02rwhitbyoil: menu item?
10:10.18rwhitbyservice method will be playDoom()
10:10.28oilwhile i think easter eggs are cool, i dont think doom is an easter egg
10:10.35oilespecially if its just a menu item
10:10.37rwhitbyit will be a separately installable package.
10:10.50rwhitbyyou need to install doom first, then you use Preware to launch it
10:11.21rwhitbyyou can only launch it from the preware installed packages screen
10:11.26rwhitbywith the normal launch button
10:11.39rwhitby(that's the easter egg bit)
10:11.53rwhitby(we need to special case that package id to call the method)
10:12.00oili wonder if palm plans to use this for the native programming
10:12.12oiland if they have another way to launch them
10:13.48rwhitbyif only we could do this as a 1.0.0 Preware release ...
10:14.39oilthis is going out of the scope of preware
10:14.42oilits a package installer
10:14.50oilnot for starting games
10:14.57oilthere has to be another way
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10:18.09freakoutwill be back in an hour!
10:19.00rwhitbyoil: a new Flag, which calls a service, which executes a shell script installed with the package instead of launching it via luna.
10:19.18rwhitbythe package has to be signed for the shell script to be executed.
10:19.25rwhitbyuseful for all sorts of optware stuff too
10:19.42rwhitbyit's just an implementation of the Launch button for non-webOS apps
10:20.26rwhitbygonna test it on 1.3.1 now - I expect it won't work.
10:22.25rwhitbyyep, no libSDL-1.2
10:25.48rwhitbyas far as I can see, the ID Software License allows us to distribute this as long as it is not commercial
10:25.58rwhitby(including the specific doom1.wad file)
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10:29.37rwhitbyok, I have an initial ipkg
10:30.56rwhitby5.3MB installed
10:31.31rwhitby4% CPU when minimised.  You could take a call while it is paused (we'll test that later)
10:36.31oilsending it to card doesn't pause it
10:36.39oilit just seems to lower the fps considerably
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10:44.12rwhitbyis the TITLE "Doom" or "DOOM!" ?
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10:49.04JJCDo I HAVE to download WebOs doctor for Preware to work?
10:49.22rwhitbyJJC: no
10:49.31rwhitbybut you have to install Preware for Preware to work.
10:49.45JJCMakes sense. Lol
10:49.53rwhitbyThe wiki page gives you three different ways to do that.
10:50.35JJCbest one?
10:54.18rwhitbyoil: how do I get a simple page with some text on it to show when I push the Doom icon ?
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10:58.43rwhitbyhah - Ares can do this for me
11:02.27oilhits sack
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11:08.52BoobieI tried downloading and it said something about I need .Net Framework v2
11:10.12Boobieanyone home?
11:10.57BoobieI tried downloading the preware installer and it said that I needed .Net Framework v2....something?
11:11.27BoobieAnd the jar file said 'unable to rename it WebOs doctor?'
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11:36.33freakoutrwhitby: it's DOOM. all-caps.
11:38.04freakoutalso, rwhitby: gimme the damn ipk already!
11:38.08freakout(not to be rude or anything)
11:38.45rwhitbyfreakout: nope, not ready for screenshots yet
11:39.01rwhitbyI'm doing an app in Ares
11:39.02freakoutbut... but...
11:39.13freakoutwhat if I hold my breath?
11:39.23freakoutOr, alternatively: I promise no screenshots or blogging
11:39.35freakout(or support requests, for that matter)
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11:43.25lt83850rwhitby, do you have a good tutorial for ares?
11:43.43rwhitbylt83850: nope, just used it for the first time tonight myself
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12:09.39rwhitbyoh, great. is unreachable.
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12:20.20rwhitbyand we're back
12:20.21rwhitbyok, for anyone watching, a dummy package suitable to make screenshots of Preware showing the Doom package is in the testing feed.  It is not a functional package, just a dummy for screenshots of Preware :-)
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12:21.12JayCanucklol, you're as bad as the need for speed videa
12:21.38JayCanuckI post that, at least 1 commenter will say "photoshop!" lol
12:21.46hapezsoc|away: You are the man! I requested DOOM for fun when i got to sleep. Now i read the backlog and it's there.
12:21.50hapemorning by the way
12:22.04freakoutrwhitby: i'm guessing that's no good in 1.3.1?
12:22.05rwhitbythe real thing will be there soon.  I need these shots for the ipkg screenshots
12:22.08rwhitbyfreakout: nope
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12:22.43rwhitbyfreakout, JayCanuck: since I know you both are waiting for something:
12:23.02freakoutrwhitby: Nice. :)
12:23.07freakoutblogs madly
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12:24.09rwhitbyNow you have 80% of your articles ready ...
12:24.35freakoutI'd like a better understanding of the underlying tech
12:24.44freakoutSo 1.3.5 puts SDL on the table, hmm?
12:26.08JayCanuckfreakout, same with m
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12:26.52freakoutrwhitby, that's your cue (since zsoc and destinal have bugged out) :P
12:26.56rwhitbyit's all in the backlog ...
12:27.07freakouthas been scolling through it
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12:27.17rwhitbybetter read it more closely ;-)
12:27.20freakoutBut thats a long backlog
12:28.21JayCanuckyea, I've been looking throught it too, but a lot of that stuff assumes prior knowledge of sdl and such
12:29.55freakoutI think the teller is here
12:29.57freakout<zsoc> destinal: looks like full OpenGL ES hardward support through SDL and fb drivers
12:30.44rwhitbyok, we need someone to volunteer to write the wiki page.
12:31.06rwhitbywhoever volunteers gets the binary first.  and they document the key-bindings on the wiki page.
12:31.16freakoutheh - on that note
12:31.22freakoutQWERTZ will surely mess with that?
12:31.32freakoutif it's all ascii like zsoc says
12:31.51rwhitbyfreakout: qwertz don't have 1.3.5 anyway ;-)
12:32.06freakouthas tantrum
12:32.21JayCanuckit's 1.3.5-specific?
12:36.57rwhitbysomeone needs to flesh out
12:37.52rwhitbyBTW, I wonder if the exact technology should be too widely blogged, just in case it's what Palm was intending to announce at CES?
12:38.32JayCanuckyou've already got the foot in the door with the doom announcement and screenshots though, eh?
12:39.48*** join/#webos-internals JJC (i=18a484db@gateway/web/freenode/x-kbobtbguhytgwghq)
12:40.02JJCWhere do you get webos quick install?
12:40.19JayCanuckthe webos quick install thread ;)
12:40.56rwhitbyJJC: JayCanuck is where you get webos quick install :-)
12:41.19JJClol ty
12:41.29rwhitbySo no volunteers to write the wiki page?
12:41.47JJCuhm...that was a bad link
12:41.49JayCanuckoops, wrong link
12:42.01freakoutrwhitby: I hope you're not looking at me, 'cause I don't understand it
12:42.12rwhitbyanyone in here with a Pixi ?
12:42.13freakoutAlthough from what I can see, SDL is now part-and-parcel with Luna
12:42.31freakoutrwhitby: as for pre-empting Palm
12:42.48freakoutrwhitby: is it really our concern? News is news
12:43.06freakoutrwhitby: and they're the ones who pushed 1.3.5 ahead of CES
12:43.37JayCanuckat least from what I'm looking at, the sdl doom isn't still a full app
12:43.53rwhitbywell, I have 45 minutes to wait for a volunteer before it's midnight here.  It's being released on 1 Jan 2010
12:44.09freakoutrwhitby: you mean 15mins.
12:44.14JayCanuckrequires terminal commands, isn't integrated into launcher, etc.  So this is more of "looking into possibile futures of webOS" rather than spoiling things
12:44.17freakoutdamn backwards adelaide ppl :p
12:44.47freakoutsydney is the cutting edge, JayCanuck.
12:45.28JayCanuckI'm just envious it's summer over there, lol, freakin cold over here
12:45.52freakoutrwhitby: So, is the headline "DOOM Ported To Pre, Is Hardware Accelerated" accurate?
12:46.21rwhitbyfreakout: I personally don't know if libSDL is hardware accellerated or not.
12:46.31rwhitbydid zsoc and destinal say earlier?
12:46.45freakoutlooks like it
12:47.15freakoutzsoc> rwhitby: it doesn't open its _own_ card so much as it starts it's own surface, and when luna realizes it has to share the fb after the initialized virtual surface, it creates a hardware accelerated surface in a new card and shoves it in there
12:49.23rwhitbythere you go.  it's fast enough to be accellerated :-)
12:50.14rwhitbyespecially the 'fast-forward' key
12:50.55rwhitbyok you slackers, it's in the testing feed now.  let me know if it works.
12:51.41rwhitbyand if someone can get an actual screen shot from inside the game, I can use that too.
12:52.35rwhitbythen I need to work out how to make a video for the inaugural webosinternals youtube channel video
12:53.55rwhitbyah, I can use Precorder on one Pre to take a video of the other.  better than freakout's sister
12:54.16freakoutfreakout's sister would call you stupid, rwhitby
12:55.13rwhitbyBTW, you guys will be linking to that inaugural video in your blogs ...
12:57.17freakoutrwhitby: no, who would be interested in watching that? :p
12:57.27freakouti'm just going to paint a vivid word picture
12:59.25rwhitbyso, no-one's testing it yet?
13:00.51freakoutJayCanuck: surely you have 1.3.5?
13:01.13JayCanuckhaven't tried it yet as I'm writin the article
13:01.33freakouthey crap
13:01.37freakoutit's 2010!
13:01.40JayCanuckwanna keep my details accurate as poassible without boggin down the avhg reader/myself
13:01.43freakouthappy new year, folks
13:01.49freakoutJayCanuck: me too
13:01.50JayCanuckhave new year aussies
13:02.15JayCanucklol, I need sleep, 7:02am here
13:02.26rwhitbyHNY, freakout
13:02.54rwhitbyheh, this is going to be the worst youtube video every
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13:08.42freakoutrwhitby: *clearly* you didn't see my first Precorder test vid :p
13:08.56freakoutor my audition to be the host of Good Game on ABC2, for that matter
13:09.36rwhitbyssshhhh - I'm recording
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13:16.52freakoutwell, my draft is ready
13:17.13freakoutProably won't be as intelligent as JayCanuck's
13:17.19freakoutbut it'll sound nice!
13:17.27zefyxmy pixi bit the dust. waiting on a replacement from palm.
13:17.27rwhitbytake 2
13:17.42zefyxsporadic power button for turning screen on/off :\
13:17.45freakoutbah! i'm getting a hot milo while i wait...
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13:24.49rwhitbynow to upload
13:25.19atlantajettero: good morning champ
13:27.28rwhitbyit's a silent movie
13:27.42rwhitbyand it'll take 3 hours to upload it seems
13:28.20rwhitbymy upload speed sucks.  3 hours for 165MB
13:28.46rwhitbybah - you guys can update your articles tomorrow with the video
13:29.00rwhitbyso, has anyone else at all tested it?
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13:30.32freakouttrigger pulled
13:31.44freakoutthanks, rwhitby
13:31.52freakoutand thanks zsoc and destinal! (when you read this)
13:32.32rwhitbyfreakout: that link above will go away as soon as it's in the public feeds (which will be very soon)
13:32.49freakoutrwhitby: I didn't put it in the article
13:32.55freakoutwill wait till it's out of the testing feed
13:37.44rwhitbyok, writing the tweet now.  JayCanuck do you have an article ready for me to link to as well?
13:38.21JayCanuckwill be at once one of the editors publish it
13:38.47JayCanuckany eta on the video demo upload?
13:39.33rwhitby3:11:23 remaining
13:39.49freakoutponders staying up till 4am
13:40.02rwhitbyFrankly, I doubt it will get through.
13:41.20freakout165mb? how long is that vid, anyways?
13:41.44atlantarwhitby: testing doom now
13:41.54JayCanuckso, rod, any eta on when it'll transiton from testing feed to public feed?
13:42.43rwhitbyit's there now
13:42.48rwhitby(the package)
13:43.42freakoutrwhitby: accessible through Preware?
13:44.01rwhitbyyep, should be.  someone else here should test that.
13:45.17JayCanuckany eta on an arm6 version?
13:45.55JayCanuckfor that matter, is sdl the same on the pixi, lol
13:45.58freakoutrwhitby: typo in your preware description :p "requires webOS1.3.5" not "required" :p
13:46.09freakoutJayCanuck: i think zsoc was asking the same question...
13:46.35atlantarwhitby: it is there
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13:47.01JayCanuckfreakout: maybe rod's from the future, then it makes sense to him
13:47.55atlantais there a paste option in terminal
13:48.27rwhitbyyou gotta work for it :-)
13:48.35atlantalol :-)
13:48.47rwhitbyoil wouldn't let me add a launcher to preware :-(
13:49.33rwhitbyso I made an app that horrid enough that oil will have to replace it with something spectacular tomorrow
13:49.41atlantais there at least auto complete for folder /file names
13:49.43freakoutthere we go, appended a brief update to the article saying it's in preware - and you'll need the .wad file
13:50.52rwhitbyfreakout: fixing the typo
13:51.01rwhitbywad file is included
13:51.28rwhitbyit's a special shareware wad file from ID Software which is allowed to be distributed for non-commercial use
13:51.31Bmyerstook long enough to see a port doom port out there..
13:52.06JayCanuckbmyers doom for the Pre was here a long while ago, this a much more refine version
13:52.08rwhitbyJayCanuck: so no-one awake at PreCentral?
13:52.32JayCanuckDerek was like an hour ago, I've been the group a message to publish it asap
13:52.38JayCanuck*I've sent
13:52.45Bmyerswas it? i thought it was dependent on 135
13:53.05rwhitbyso, is someone going to document the keybindings?
13:53.22JayCanuckbmyers, the old version wasn't, thought it required debian and directfb
13:53.31JayCanuckand didn't work in a card
13:54.19atlantarwhitby: i was just about to ask that
13:54.29atlantabecause im on a push button spree in this game
13:54.59Bmyerswell nice work guys. i'll check it out a little late. real work prevents me :(
13:55.02rwhitbyatlanta: I've added the once I know
13:55.06rwhitbyones I know
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14:00.11rwhitbyzsoc: you're back?
14:00.33freakoutrwhitby, zsoc: does it have sound?
14:00.49rwhitbyand volume keys work
14:01.19zsocrwhitby: midi soundtrack should work too if I can get timidity to work
14:01.22freakoutJayCanuck: lol, Derek is tweeting
14:01.30freakoutyou need his phone number!
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14:01.50zsocJayCanuck: yeah that's the way I like it
14:01.57zsocwhoops, wrong window
14:02.20zsocrwhitby: we should make a C sdl launching service :>
14:02.35en0xwhats derek twitter?
14:03.15zsocrwhitby: am I correct that I only saw it in the testing feeds?
14:03.16rwhitbyJayCanuck: so is it up now?
14:03.22rwhitbyzsoc: it's public now
14:04.06zsocrwhitby: k
14:05.00rwhitbyzsoc: can you make a video, with your voice-over?
14:05.16rwhitbyI did a silent video, but it will take 3 hours to upload from here.
14:05.17zsocwait, apple tablet? damn it, trying to steal my thunder
14:05.42zsocrwhitby: you want me to go 'pew pew pew!'? let tim do it he has a pleasant voice
14:05.50zsoccan't video from work
14:06.46rwhitbyzsoc: I bet JayCanuck leaked the story to Jobs, and the pushed that just to bump you off the front page.
14:07.55zsocJayCanuck: Jobs? really? it's over between us!
14:08.09JayCanucklol, it's never over between us :p
14:08.16freakoutzsoc: damn straight it's pleasant
14:08.27freakoutzsoc: It's AUSTRALIAN!
14:08.43freakoutbut you will have to give me 1.3.5 first :p
14:10.01zsocfreakout: go doctor yourself silly. I'm sure you can figure out a hack
14:13.46zsocrwhitby: we're going to need an sdl apps feed
14:14.06zsocor one service/app to load and launch sdl binaries
14:14.07rwhitbyzsoc: they're just in the webos-internals feed
14:14.18rwhitbyzsoc: I have a plan, but you need to convince oil
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14:14.33JayCanucka single service should be able to securely launch sdl apps
14:14.55rwhitbyMy plan is that SDL apps have a flag in the metadata, which causes the Launch button to call a service to run a named script in a signed app.
14:14.57zsocrwhitby: I have had bad track record convincing him of anything
14:15.08rwhitby(the Launch button in Preware that is)
14:15.31nfoadiktanyone know if mythether works with 1.3.5?
14:15.35rwhitbyif the app is not signed, you get the normal Preware confirmation screen
14:15.36JayCanuckrwhitby, if you had a single servivce, you could do launcher integration, with appinfo and everything
14:15.59JayCanuckas you'd only need to put the service call in the app-assistant
14:16.20rwhitbyit's gotta be secure though
14:16.30JayCanuckyea, I can think of a few ways
14:16.43rwhitbycan't have a rogue app dropping in a script and just having it executed because it has the right name
14:16.48JayCanuckI know
14:17.37freakoutso, zsoc, here's your next project:
14:17.48rwhitbyzsoc: are you going to do the homebrew-app entry?
14:18.19zsocJayCanuck: I think he's saying make preware do the launching
14:18.19JayCanuckI have no objection to Preware integration
14:18.19rwhitbysince I suspect you can actually install this one with fileCoaster ...
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14:18.28zsocfreakout: my next project is glxgears. I gotta get opengl loaded. it's complicated to find a similar opengl es library
14:18.29JayCanuckI'm just thinking of an addon service for launcher integration
14:19.03zsocrwhitby: I'm going to do the 'work for another 8 hours'. so not unless it can wait till then.
14:19.11rwhitbyzsoc: it can wait till then
14:19.12freakoutzsoc: that would be nice, then we'd have numbers to play with...
14:20.09zsocwe should open ssh on everones device, and when someone goes to play it it should ping one of us to tunnel in and launch it
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14:21.15freakoutwhat a wonderfully bad idea
14:21.20freakouti love it
14:21.31hapezsoc|away: You are the man! I requested DOOM for fun when i got to sleep. Now i read the backlog and it's there.
14:22.51rwhitbynfoadikt: no idea, sorry.
14:23.00zsochape: I try
14:23.08en0xyey the doom is fun ;D
14:23.18*** part/#webos-internals zsoc (n=zsoc@unaffiliated/zsoc)
14:23.29nfoadiktis  1.3.5  a big improvement over 1.2?
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14:26.29atlantazsoc: wsup guy
14:26.32atlantazsoc: good work
14:27.20atlantais hoping oil creates a better start up method for doom
14:28.10rwhitbyso the instructions in the app screen that gets launched work, right?
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14:28.54FreeTim3It's gloom and Doom on New Years from Rod Whitby ?  :)
14:29.45FreeTim3whoops wrong channel... please ignore
14:30.07elpollodiablo1did anyone notice that after the update to 1.3.5 the time was off?
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14:32.56en0xnot on mine
14:33.55freakoutoh boy. it's bedtime
14:33.56freakoutnight all
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14:34.10freakouterm. I mean HNY! :p
14:35.03destinalzsoc rwhitby: a front page on precentral, nice
14:35.32zsocdestinal: I'm waiting for the engadget
14:35.35rwhitbydestinal: gotta work that media :-)
14:36.22destinalI'd say we rock but palm deserves much credit
14:36.38atlantalol indeed
14:36.45atlantaso what did palm do to allow this
14:36.53atlantaadd the opengl packages
14:37.03destinalincluded libsdl
14:37.18destinalwith luna integration
14:37.41zsocpalm actually did everything like a boss
14:37.44destinalthanks, palm
14:37.53rwhitbydestinal: and I got first comment :-)
14:37.58zsocbut until CES I'm taking the credit :D
14:38.21destinalzsoc: lol
14:38.54rwhitbyzsoc, destinal: hats off to you guys.
14:39.01destinalyou think we may have inadvertently stolen their thunder re announcement?
14:39.06zsocatlanta: new fb driver in the kernel, super awesome full port of sdl, with presumed opengl es support, and nice dynamic luna interaction
14:39.22elpollodiablo1the people in here are pretty hardcore. awesome find zsoc rwhitby destinal
14:39.31zsocrwhitby: you made the channel, we just poulate it with gibberish till things happen
14:40.12zsocdestinal: I hope so. I'm going to make a press release identical to their CES presentarion. maybe they'll pay me to shut up lol
14:41.31rwhitbyhey, it's 1:10 1/1/10 here right now
14:41.44zsocrwhitby: you numerologist you
14:41.50rwhitbytotal binary datestampe
14:42.09zsocoh, ha
14:42.29rwhitby01:10 01/01/10 even
14:42.51atlantazsoc: cool
14:43.36destinalhappy new year rod
14:44.19destinalheh I guess the sdl stuff is auspiciously timed
14:44.50rwhitby58MB of 165MB of my vide uploaded
14:45.02rwhitbywebosinternals has a youtube channel now
14:45.03atlantai know im late what is the video of
14:45.16rwhitbydoom of course
14:45.21atlantaoh ok gotcha
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14:45.30atlantaoh lalal today is the day
14:45.37atlantaBmyers 's comment was funny
14:45.37rwhitbyalthough at this upload rate someone else will surely have one up before ...
14:45.41atlantagotta go retweet that
14:47.04destinalheh I think jason is worried over nothing, webos isn't dropping web based and mojo being primary any time soon
14:47.11Bmyersmy left handed compliment..
14:47.55rwhitbyBmyers: it appealed to my sense of humour
14:48.54FreeTim3The update to  update to 1.3.5 broke my everything... several apps tried to update and are now broken... including Classic and Evernote and AP Newswire
14:49.50rwhitbyzsoc, destinal: did you like the choice of icon?
14:50.23zsocrwhitby: yes I think it's fair :>
14:51.16rwhitbyzsoc: let me know if you want anything changed in the wordsmithing anywhere in the packaging
14:51.48rwhitbyI can do that quickly now if there's anything
14:51.49destinalso we need a launcher app and icons that call it.  a also does tossing away card kill the binary or just hide?
14:52.10rwhitbydestinal: cleanly exits binary as far as I can see
14:52.10zsocrwhitby: nah it's cool. I just can't wait to get home and try to get something working with open gl
14:52.43rwhitbydestinal: I tested that before release
14:52.50zsocdestinal: yeah that's part of palm sdl patch. very careful about mem leaks
14:53.38destinalvery cool
14:54.11destinalwhat about upstart
14:54.36rwhitbywhat about it?  this doesn't use it.
14:54.57destinalI mran for a nrw launchr
14:55.17rwhitbydestinal: I wanted to make the Launch button in Preware be able to start SDL apps, but oil wouldn't let me :-(
14:55.42*** join/#webos-internals cue79 (
14:55.43rwhitbySo I created my very first webOS application using Ares :-)
14:56.13cue79Hey all - figured I'd come here and ask about Doom - I'm having an issue running it - someone think they can give me a hand?  It's an SDL error..
14:56.48*** join/#webos-internals ericwait (
14:57.06rwhitbycue79: let me guess, you're not running 1.3.5
14:57.11cue79running 1.3.5
14:57.24rwhitbyok, we're listening :-)
14:57.37cue79tells me could not initalize SDL: unable to open /dev/fb1
14:57.57zsocoh that's bad
14:58.39rwhitby"testing is for users" - Linus Torvalds ;-)
14:58.54ericwaitrwhitby, i am sure that you will have this question all day and have before but how do I install Doom?!  I want to impress my guests tonight at NYE party
14:59.05cue79lets see - the termainl I have installed is an older version - but I don't think that would matter right?
14:59.17cue79and I'm not rooted - just runnig the terminal application...
14:59.19zsocrwhitby: is going to ved
14:59.22cue79again - don't think it matters tho
14:59.26zsocer, bed
14:59.47atlantanoooo rwhitby u gotta wait until the engadget post
14:59.56rwhitbyzsoc: yep, I've pulled the pin and thrown the grenade, now it's time for me to leave :-)
15:00.15cue79nite zsoc - thanks for makign it workable
15:00.16zsoccue79: I honestly have no idea what could cause that. I want to know tho.
15:00.35zsocericwait: did you... follow the instructions?
15:00.49cue79zsoc: let me know what i need to do to run a trace for you
15:01.13ericwaitzsoc, i have only looked at is there a better place to look?
15:01.31atlantaericwait: what are u looking for
15:01.52ericwaitatlanta, doom install instruction
15:02.01atlantaericwait: open preware click on everything
15:02.07atlantashould be the first app there
15:02.09zsocericwait: install it from preware. it gives you instrcutions
15:02.17atlantaand make sure u have terminal installed as well
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15:02.26ericwaitseriously!  i thought it was going to be a process
15:02.52atlantathats the whole BREAKTHROUGH
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15:03.15irdI just noticed hardware accelerated doom.
15:03.16FreeTim3I can do the step-by-step install and add that to the wiki for it
15:03.24cue79zsoc: is there a debug command i can run that might give us more info when I execute it?
15:03.35atlantaFreeTim3: theres steps? lol
15:04.04rwhitbyFreeTim3: please do
15:04.04jmarthey guys, i woke up this morning to the cool news that DOOM is on Preware! awesome! however, I can't see it when I load Preware...could someone give me the commands to check the feeds manually to see if they are working properly?
15:04.10crash_prgood work guys!
15:04.24en0xand now this gonna be all day
15:04.34zsoccue79: 1 sec
15:04.34atlantajmart: click the app menu and select update feeds
15:04.44irdI wonder if it would be possible to make custom launchers for things like this.
15:04.45cue79zsoc: k
15:04.53rwhitbyen0x: yep - I get to sleep for the next 7 hours or so :-)
15:04.55atlantaird: they are working on it
15:05.19jmartatlanta: I have it set so that the feeds update every time i launch Preware
15:05.45atlantadid u click list everything
15:05.58rwhitbyird: I reckon Preware should be able to launch it - what do you think ?
15:06.20irdrwhitby: I know that.. but.
15:06.29zsoccue79: have you tried basic stuff? device restart?
15:06.53rwhitbyird: yeah, each needs it's own icon
15:07.09irdrwhitby: are there any ideas of how to do it yet?
15:07.14cue79zsoc:Yup - from the terminal window itself :)  I can try a full shut down if you want?
15:07.16jmartatlanta: even with updating feeds through menu and going to list of everything, still not there
15:07.49zsoccue79: please do. there's nothing in a regular environment that an ause that error
15:07.52rwhitbyird: yeah, a secure service which runs signed app startup scripts
15:07.54atlantajmart: wierd
15:07.57jmarti had this happen beffore where i couldn't find mvapp, and someone on here gave me commands that checked one of the feeds and it showed that it wasn't loaded properly and Preware wasn't downloading the apps from it
15:08.07irdrwhitby: I had the right idea then..
15:08.28rwhitbyjmart: ipkg -o /media/cryptofs/apps update
15:08.49cue79zsoc: ok turning power off via power button and will let it boot back up..
15:08.56rwhitbyird: written in C ;-)
15:10.10atlantadid someone tip engadget already im sure someone did right
15:10.30cue79zsoc: while rebooting - will tell you have a bunch of patches installed (can EPR if you think it might help) and did reinstall preware via webosquickinstall after 1.3.5 upgrade - no problems doing so.  MyTeather paid version also installed and have used the patch back and forth for that (don't think any of that has any bearing, but figured I'd give you a complete list of what's going on with the device)
15:10.36irdrwhitby: preware can't launch doom btw :p
15:10.38rwhitbysurely they follow @webosinternals on twitter ...
15:10.43irdIt just gives instructions on how to.
15:10.47zsocatlanta: they have a guy that reads PC
15:10.49irdOr was that the joke all along...
15:11.00atlantazsoc: ok :-)
15:11.07rwhitbyird: I had a way worked out to do it, but oil wouldn't let me add it.
15:11.31jmartrwhitby: got an error, command failed with return value 1: 'wget --passive-ftp -q -P /tmp/ipkg-frVIEA'
15:11.32ird~smack oil
15:11.33infobotACTION smacks oil upside the head.
15:11.33rwhitbyis just the packaging monkey ;-)
15:11.35zsoccue79: there should be no patches that would effect this
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15:11.54cue79zsoc: figured as much.
15:11.58rwhitbyjmart: that means your package manager service is not installed properly
15:12.00tictac_im trying to find more keys for doom.
15:12.32jmartrwhitby: should i try to uninstall and reinstall via QI?
15:12.42tictac_has updated the wiki with his finding.
15:12.43zsoctictac: there won't be till I bind more
15:13.06zsocgives tictac a cookie
15:13.12destinalrwhitby: I think an upstart service is next since we dint know how palm means for us to do it officially
15:13.14zsocall wiki updaters get a cookie
15:13.17cue79zsoc: no dice
15:13.21tictac_oh, well damn. ive found about a total of maybe 10 bindings
15:13.25cue79zsoc: full reboot and all - same issue
15:13.39aCrazyPenguin13weapon cycle would be a good keybind
15:13.43zsoccue79: no, you're a liar
15:13.47cue79zsoc: :)
15:13.56cue79zsoc: don't know if it should be there - but in dev there is no fbl
15:14.09zsocI know
15:14.14cue79zsoc: ok.. just checking
15:14.40cue79zsoc: do you want me to EPR it?  also I am in Dev mode
15:14.45zsoccue79: wait, you have no /dev/fb1?
15:14.55cue79zsoc: correct - and I am on 1.3.5
15:15.03cue79i have fb
15:15.10tictac_aCrazyPenguin13: its there already. ORANGE + # to change weapons
15:15.12zsoccue79: no you aren't. your kernel didn't update
15:15.21cue79zsoc: device info shows 1.3.5
15:15.25cue79i'm gonna need to doctor aren't i
15:15.39rwhitbycue79: have you rebooted since 1.3.5 ?
15:15.48cue79of course - ton's of times
15:15.51zsoccue79: palm might be curious about this. hey wait
15:15.55cue79hell I had to reinstall preware as it didnt' work after i did the update
15:16.01cue79reinstalled all my patches
15:16.03cue79device info shows 1.3.5
15:16.09zsoccue79: have you done a full shutdown, not restart?
15:16.11tictac_my pre didnt update to 1.3.5 so i had to webdoctor to get there.
15:16.22cue79zsoc: yes - using power button shut down like i was pul;ling battery
15:16.35tictac_i got the triangle of failure.
15:16.50zsochmm.. I wonder if there's another way to test kernel version...
15:17.11zsoccue79: oh wait
15:17.16atlantais wondering what other games we can port over
15:17.20zsoccue79: check uh... lsmod
15:17.24rwhitbyok, I'l outta here - good night all and happy new year for when it happens to you wherever you are
15:17.42cue79sr9xxx size 282136 - bridgedriver 187924
15:17.50cue79both used by 1
15:17.58tictac_atlanta: hexen :P
15:18.20cue79zsoc: if you want to hit the sack I completely understand - i can either doctor it or can leave it in this state until you wake back up and want to work more on it
15:18.22zsoccue79: you're looking for pvrsrvkm
15:18.38cue79zsoc: just tyep the lsmod command or do i have to do something else?
15:18.49cue79zsoc: only know enough linux to be dangerous
15:18.56aCrazyPenguin13rwhitby:  happy new year and thanks for the great work
15:18.59rwhitbyvideo is halfway uploaded
15:19.09rwhitbyaCrazyPenguin13: zsoc did the work, I just packaged it
15:19.44aCrazyPenguin13rwhitby: : not just doom but all year
15:19.46cue79zsoc: lsmod only shows me sr9xxx and bridgedriver
15:19.47rwhitbyyou guys are gonna laugh or cry when you see this video I made.  my very first upload to youtube ever
15:20.10rwhitbya silent movie, extremely amateur
15:20.48cue79zsoc: err sd8xxx
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15:21.34ericwaitalright i didn't think it was going to be that easy, got ErrorGenericMethodException when installing doom :(
15:21.53ericwaitcan anyone give me a couple pointers?
15:22.14atlantapreware gave u that error?
15:22.46ericwaityep, do you want any more of the verbiage?
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15:23.47jmarthey guys, rwhitby told me i needed to reinstall my package manager service...can anyone tell me how to do it via terminal b/c it's not showing up in Device Management of WOSQI and Preware wouldn't let me do it
15:25.10atlantajmart: use wosqi just to install it agai
15:25.20ericwaitatlanta, should i go in and manually get rid of the ipkg?
15:25.54atlantawas there any thing else in the log
15:26.24ericwaitatlanta, preware says that either the ipkg or package index are corrupt. try 'ipkg update'
15:26.39atlantayea try that and see what happens
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15:27.06atlantaif that doesnt work reinstall the ipkg package manager
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15:27.34ericwaitatlanta, will try
15:27.47jmartatlanta: I'm a dipshit and closed the window that had the command rwhitby gave me to check the feeds...could you scroll up and find it and paste it for me? sorry....
15:27.57en0xi wonder how many uses that backup utility thAt is in preware
15:28.29atlantaen0x: lol
15:28.53atlantajmart: ipkg -o /media/cryptofs/apps update
15:28.58zsoccue79: still there? sorry I was caught up at work
15:29.01jmartthanks, sorry bout that
15:29.34atlantano problem
15:29.41cue79zsoc: yup
15:29.56cue79zsoc: actually installing wirc so i can do this while I get on the road :)
15:29.58ericwaitatlanta, stupid question, can I remove the ipkg manager from preware?
15:30.13zsoccue79: what was the result of lsmod looking for that module
15:30.15atlantause woqi
15:30.53cue79zsoc: I only got the two modules that cmae up listed above
15:31.03cue79zsoc: is there something further i needed to do other then just typing lsmod?
15:31.46zsoccue79: you don't have 135 :p
15:31.57cue79zsoc: hah - i def upgraded tho and device info shows it
15:32.02cue79zsoc: I assume a doctor is in oprder
15:32.07cue79zsoc: Adn we'll call this a "bad " upgrade?
15:32.08zsoccue79: you could try loading that module?
15:32.24cue79zsoc: help on how todo that?
15:32.50zsocmodprobe pvrsrvkm
15:32.51cue79zsoc: because my apps do exist inside the cryprtofs
15:32.57jmartwhat does fixing unknown packages do in preware?
15:33.15cue79zsoc: module pvrsrvkm not found
15:33.33jmartbecause my preware fixes like 186 packages whenever i open it
15:33.34tictac_i wish we could screenshot doom from within the game, instead of getting the black screen.
15:33.35cue79zsoc: so I have a half screwred up upgrade
15:34.05cue79zsoc: well at least that's logical :)  doctor here I come I guess - unless you want any toher info from my device before I kill it to help others
15:34.16zsoccue79: seems like you're just plain missing your kernel module
15:34.23cue79zsoc: wheee!
15:34.27zsocI hope we don't see a lot of it
15:34.41zsoccue79: I would docotor :D
15:34.43cue79zsoc: well, an easy enough test is to see if you're missing the fdl in the dev directory I guess
15:35.06cue79zsoc: ok - will do - I'll post to the precentral thread after I doctor about it working :)
15:35.12cue79zsoc: gnite :)
15:35.19zsoccue79: later
15:35.28irdzsoc: I have to say.
15:35.31irdCool :D
15:35.48zsocird:  xD
15:36.32irdWas getting the screen tap to shoot hard? Or is it just like any other key binding?
15:37.26zsocird: it's bound to mouse click
15:37.55irdThat makes sense.
15:38.29irdI wish I had the patience to do this kind of stuff.
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15:38.43zsocird: palm did it all
15:38.59irdWhat did you do then?
15:39.19zsocird: typed make
15:39.28irdthat's what I was thinking..
15:39.57zsocird: I mean the whole arm compile thing and the funny irregular sdl libs
15:40.13irdAnything exciting on the gstservice?
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15:41.24bpadalinodid rwhitby ever finish uploading his first youtube video ?
15:41.45tictac_too bad we cant use a blue tooth mouse with the pre...
15:42.01*** join/#webos-internals Zorin (
15:43.06Zorinrubs his eyes, "DOOM? Seriously?? Damn, go to sleep one day, wake up the next and suddenly my phone is a decent gaming platform. You guys rock."
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15:43.24tictac_Zorin: yes. im on level 4.
15:44.01bpadalinoi am still interested in seeing what hardware palm is going to reveal that has dedicated play/pause/prev/next buttons
15:44.27irdbpadalino: where did you hear this?
15:44.41bpadalinoird, there is a hid test program ..
15:44.42bpadalinorun that
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15:44.53bpadalinoand on one of the screens you can see all the buttons and if they are activated or not
15:44.55zsocaaaannnddd I crashed luna
15:45.13bpadalinoincluding the 'blob' button .. and now there is a 'Jack' button .. as well as play/pause/next/prev
15:45.14zsocwe should make a terminal with the new framebuffer access instead of an npapi
15:45.20irdbpadalino: is there something in the wiki about it?
15:45.26bpadalinoi don't think so
15:45.41irddo I need to go modify the json file or something then?
15:45.48tictac_doom is hard with the limited keybindings.
15:45.48irdlike hiding or unhiding the other apps.
15:45.58ZorinI'm wondering if SDL will allow a faster/ more responsive / more capable Terminal app, too.
15:46.04bpadalinoird, it's a commandline thing to run
15:46.17irdgot it
15:46.21bpadalinoconnect using novaterm and type hid then tab... i forgot the name of the executable :(
15:46.26bpadalinohidtest or something
15:46.30bpadalinohiddemo ?
15:46.31ZorinI've notcied a couple Luna crashes since 1.3.5. Mostly when running Terminal
15:47.18zsocZorin: yep, I an almost comepletely confidently say terminal and 135 do not play nice
15:47.30zsocdestinal: did you do the original terminal work?
15:48.11ZorinHmm. Well it's a relief to know it's not just me.
15:48.37ZorinBoth times in my case it's happened while swiping Terminal away.
15:49.42jmarthappened to me once just a minute ago
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15:52.04destinal-wirczsoc: man playing doom with pre keyboard is awkward. :)
15:52.21oilpointed that out last night
15:52.45ZorinI wish the Pre had kept the four way directional pad and more hardware buttons. I remember playing NES games really well on my Treo. Fat chance on the Pre :(
15:52.50bpadalinomod your pre to add screen rotation to the sliding .. i think some people already have it!
15:53.04jmartstill not seeing doom....rwhitby had me run ipkg -o /media/cryptofs/apps update, got an error the first time, reinstalled package manager service. now...when i run it again, no errors, but i'm still not seeing doom, can anyone help?
15:53.18destinal-wircoil: we need an upstart service and maybe a manager card
15:53.21ChrisXSZorin: Use a bluetooth gaming peripheral like a wiimote or sixaxis
15:53.52destinal-wircsince we don't have docs on official way to launch things
15:54.00oilbest post sofar
15:54.05ChrisXSthe pre needs a head mount to free your hands for gaming
15:54.32destinal-wircuse touchstone,but then you have to sit
15:54.32ChrisXStape it to the bill of a baseball cap
15:54.32atlantaoil: indeed lol
15:54.50ZorinI wish the Pre had bluetooth keyboard support.
15:54.54destinal-wirclol 4 doom cards
15:55.00ZorinI'm not sure why that's so hard to implement.
15:55.06ChrisXSn810 does...
15:55.30ChrisXSold treos had external keyboard support
15:55.33oilif the n810 jumped off a bridge would you want your pre to follow?
15:55.35ZorinI'd love to get one of those super-slim Apple bluetooth keyboards and keep it in my bag.. if I get into a long text message conversation I can just pull it out.
15:55.48destinal-wirczorin: you're right, now I will be forced to try to hack on bluetooth
15:55.59tictac_Zorin: if? thats like multiple times a day for me.
15:56.03ChrisXSn810 was super slow. i played duken3d on it
15:56.05atlantadoom releases and precentral comes to a craql
15:56.24Rick_workjmart you're in 135, and you have the latest preware and the latest package manager and you've updated feeds?
15:56.27tictac_Zorin: ive reverted to using google voice for sms lately. i can type texts using a keyboard.
15:56.33ZorinAnd before someone says "just call them".. can't always do that.
15:56.38jmartrick_work: yes
15:57.04tictac_destinal-wirc: go for it.
15:57.21ChrisXSif i'm going to whip out a keyboard from my bag, i might as well whip out a foleo
15:57.26ChrisXSi want a foleo :-)
15:57.57ChrisXSa foleo which runs WebOS of course
15:57.59destinal-wircI have the palm keyboard with stand.. stand fits pre
15:58.01Rick_workjamrt that sucks
15:58.19irdbpadalino: ondevicedemo?
15:58.24bpadalinoird, no
15:58.28bpadalinoit starts with hid ..
15:58.35bpadalinolet me get my cable out and find it ..
15:58.37jmartdoes anyone else have like 150 something themes that are listed under the available other category in preware? everytime i launch Preware, it has to fix 187 unknown packages and i think the themes are part of that
15:58.45ZorinI have the old Palm keyboard that uses IR
15:59.12jmartrick_work: hahahaha, yeah, it b/c i've had so few problems iwth my pre
15:59.50bpadalinoird, hiddiag
15:59.55tictac_jmart: so disable the theme feeds. i do. ill never use those
16:00.03bpadalinothere are some interesting tests there
16:00.19bpadalinobut the keyboard one shows all the sensors .. and there are some boxes i can't get to light up
16:00.22jmarttictac_: i think it's just indicative that my preware isn't working properly
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16:01.17ChrisXSwebos can easily add bluetooth hid support in the future. low priority. bigger fish to fry
16:01.23destinal-wircbpadalino: cool, that'll help with my hidd hacking
16:01.27ChrisXSi wonder if obex has been hacked on
16:01.32irdbpadalino: so it can tell how hard you're touching the screen?
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16:01.49bpadalinodestinal-wirc: yeah - it's a pretty interesting diagnostic ..
16:01.57bpadalinoird, not sure about that .. does it?
16:02.03ird"touch level"
16:02.10irdBut it starts rising if you even get close..
16:02.19bpadalinocapacitive screens are like that
16:02.25bpadalinodon't need to touch to get it to register
16:02.33irdthat happens to me a lot.
16:02.49bpadalinoso it  may just be the level of capacitance .. nothing to do with force exerted by your finger
16:03.46tictac_doh. hiddiag froze the pre.
16:04.14bpadalinonah .. it kills luna, though
16:04.20bpadalinoyou need to restart luna
16:04.28tlpI take it from the news on precentral that directfb/luna project is now moot
16:04.35tlpPuffTheMagic: you going to re-package fceu? :p
16:05.04destinal-wircbpadalino: yeah, a bit redundant now
16:05.22destinal-wircerr that should have been tlp'
16:05.25bpadalinoyeah i figured :)
16:05.42tlpglad Palm still has some surprises for us.
16:06.02tlpSDL support is awesome.
16:06.17destinal-wircnew year gift of sdl from palm?  :)
16:06.30tlphaha, indeed
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16:06.54destinal-wircthanks palm,but I didn't get you anything,oh noed
16:06.58tlpso uh, I wonder if there is an SDL terminal out there
16:07.01tlpi.e. hardware acceleration
16:07.13irdWhat's the difference between bin and sbin?
16:07.19Abyssulzsoc never ceases to amaze
16:07.20tlpsbin is for superuser stuff
16:07.20bpadalinosuper user
16:07.33ZorinI'd love to see a terminal app as nice as the one on Android. I was impressed by it when I saw it on my friend's Droid.
16:07.41ZorinNot sure how hard that would be to implement.
16:07.47destinal-wirctlp: I have been looking at that very thing
16:08.31destinal-wircterminal is partly my baby but I wouldn't mind if it were obsoleted
16:08.45tlpyeah, it's always sad to see something go, but so is the march of progress
16:09.28ZorinTerminal is awesome, actually. Though 99% of my usage of it is to ssh to other places
16:09.31tlpI'm actually having some good luck with it and irssi recently
16:09.35ZorinI have a bunch of shell scripts in ~/bin to ssh to each of my common hosts.
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16:09.42tlpwIRC doesn't work with irssi proxy, and I like having a buffer
16:09.52elpollodiablo1Engadget has the pre and doom
16:10.38destinal-wircit's good enough to use, don't get me wrong,but sdldoom runs faster  :P
16:10.40ZorinThat's like saying a washing machine runs faster than a toaster oven. :)
16:10.41destinal-wirc(than terminal)
16:11.10ericwaitatlanta, got it working, doom that is.  there is a strafe right but no strafe left :( no big deal.  thanks
16:11.20tlpIt looks like there's a library out there for creating an SDL terminal
16:11.30destinal-wircwell the gfx performance of terminal SHOULD be as good or better than an fps
16:11.37destinal-wircbut is not
16:12.57destinal-wircit's because we are rather awkwardly stuffing stuff into the browsers screen buffer rather than using a solid gfx lib
16:13.02irdWe need 4D terminal.
16:13.04AbyssulPreCentral says Doom is in Preware, but I would beg to differ
16:13.11destinal-wircit is
16:13.14irdAbyssul: it is
16:13.17Abyssulunder what?
16:13.25irdJust list everything and type doom
16:13.27oilunder... preware
16:13.28irdbut it's under apps
16:13.30AbyssulIve updated feeds and searched under everything
16:13.39mdkleinomg, I just got GLES running... granted it's launched from the console, but the sdk demos compile and run.
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16:14.55FreeTim3added install and how-to-launch instructions to the DOOM page
16:14.57PuffTheMagictlp: nope
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16:15.56destinal-workPuffTheMagic: so do you know if anyone has started on an upstart service yet?  this would be a good time to have one since we haven't learned how palm intends us to start up sdl apps, but upstart would work fine for now
16:16.09perseusanyone notice that linux apps and services installed before upgrading to 1.3.5 aren't recognized as installed by latest preware and PMS on 1.3.5?  I ran EMH to on effect
16:16.44AbyssulDoes this mean that it might be possible to put the GB emulator in a separate card instead of relying on the terminal app?
16:17.00oilcards ftw
16:17.00FreeTim3I am having tons of issues with the 1.3.5 more than 8 of my apps no longer work or update
16:17.16PuffTheMagicdestinal-work: how does an upstart service help with sdl apps.... sdl apps work in cards, there is no need to leave luna
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16:19.56PuffTheMagicdestinal: no i havent started on an upstart service yet... i looked at it when I started the C services
16:20.07PuffTheMagicit should be pretty easy
16:20.16PuffTheMagicwould be easier if upstart was newer
16:20.19Rick_workfour doom cards open at once - zsoc ftw!!
16:20.20PuffTheMagicand included the dbus api
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16:20.50Abyssuldoom still isnt showing up for me.... weird
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16:21.32FreeTim3Abyssul: Refresh your feeds. Maybe you have them set to only update once per day
16:21.48FreeTim3It's a setting the Preware Preferences
16:21.54AbyssulThey update every time it starts
16:22.00Abyssuland the correct feeds are turned on
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16:24.08FreeTim3Anyone else know? -for me, changing the Preware preference to update feeds is what made it show up on mine
16:24.50AbyssulUnder the WebOS-Internals feed, it only says "feed" not a link like the other feeds.
16:25.24AbyssulSeems like that feed isnt loading right for me, I cant find terminal either
16:25.47zsocrick_home: lol rick. only you
16:25.57Rick_worknot only me.
16:26.04Rick_workthere's a post in precentral zsoc.
16:26.07Rick_workYou ROCK man.
16:26.52steveaposlol zsoc I thought you were kidding last night before I went to sleep and I wake up and dooms all over twitter and precentral
16:27.14Rick_workAbyssul  front page of precentral
16:27.18Rick_workfront page of engadget
16:27.27Abyssuloh ya
16:27.27Rick_workZsoc RULES THE PHONE
16:27.36steveaposgetting ready to launch as we speak better have those 11tymillion frames you promised :)
16:27.55ZorinNeed to port Timidity to get music going ;)
16:29.03ZorinThe Pre runs Doom better than my 486SX/25 did back in 1993 when I first played it o.O
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16:31.20AbyssulIs it safe to install Doom with WebOS QI?
16:31.42egaudet_work"webOS hacker extraordinaire zsoc"
16:31.49luwanguihi, i'm trying to run the metadoctor under ubuntu, but i'm getting an error that says cp: cannot stat `/home/mortan/.ssh/authorized_keys': No such file or directory
16:31.57Zorininstalls DOOM, but cheats and writes a shell script to launch it so he doesn't have to do so much typing.
16:32.09irdluwangui: type ssh-keygen
16:32.43AbyssulShare that script Zorin :p
16:32.54luwanguiit asks where to save the key
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16:33.35ZorinIt's just the same lines that are in the launching instructions.
16:33.51AbyssulIm not as skilled :p
16:35.00irdluwangui: just hit enter
16:35.33ZorinNot much more to it :)
16:35.46egaudet_work3 cd's in a row
16:35.53egaudet_workpeople fear long lines :P
16:36.07ZorinNah, I just copypastaed because I'm lazy this morning.
16:36.14tictac_Zorin: i did the same thing.
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16:38.38Rick_workis there any reason someone couldn't write a tiny tiny tiny doom launcher service and have a headless app call it?
16:39.30irdRick_work: No, go ahead :d
16:39.44Rick_workNo cross-compile chain here.
16:40.02Rick_workneed to do that.
16:40.06AbyssulWish we could make .sh scripts have a shortcut in the launcher, but thats a big no-no
16:40.25egaudet_workRick_work: wouldn't you not wanta  headless app?
16:40.25Rick_workAbyssul, I've been thinking about that.
16:40.43AbyssulIf it was even possible, that could be a security risk, no?
16:40.52egaudet_workoh wait nevermind I get it
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16:41.22Rick_workAbyssul  Since a db is accessable only to the app that owns it,  we could put a db in with a luna app that has a list of "preware approved binary apps"
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16:41.52AbyssulRick_work: Now that sounds like a good idea
16:41.54Rick_workthen, have a list that says "Launch what"  and it calls the "run this script" service with the name of the script
16:42.02egaudet_workis there any way to make a database that is not app specific?
16:42.11Rick_workegaudet_work no
16:43.33Rick_workso, if we had a service that would run scripts contained in a SPECIFIC directory....   and the scripts were all  xxxxxxx.preware  then we could call the file service to get *.preware, and get a list of what scripts EXISTED so we would know what binary apps had been installed...
16:43.41Rick_workand then list those from the db.
16:43.54Rick_workor better yet, just pull in a JSON with our "approved list"
16:43.58Rick_workso updating is easy.
16:43.59ZorinThat sounds good.. or just a basic shell script launching app.
16:44.13ZorinPotential security nightmare, but... then what isn't these days? :)
16:44.16Rick_workzorin,  there's a HUGE problem with a shell script launching app.
16:44.20Rick_workwe're not going there.
16:44.29Rick_workbut we COULD make it "sort of safe."
16:44.36Rick_workand we kind of have a reason to now.
16:44.57AbyssulDOOM, GB emulator, and probably a few other scripts
16:45.02Rick_work((( By the way,  does this imply that terminal could be re-written as an sdl app easily? :-)  )))
16:45.16zsocegaudet: lol yes I saw that. what a joke
16:45.24Zorinmycroft_: Are you the Mycroft I know from elsewhere?
16:45.28ZorinIt'd be a small world if you are. Heh.
16:45.49Rick_workAbyssul  exactly, we have a list of things that would be straightforward to cross compile.   we could have a "Preware Game Pack"  out before CES.
16:46.08Rick_workwhich would be nice to have on my phone there.  :-)
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16:46.31mycroft_Nope, sorry Zorin
16:46.55ZorinAhh, okay.
16:46.55AbyssulI hate playing my GB games on the terminal app
16:47.00zsocrick_home: preware I'd going to verify signature then launch sdl apps
16:47.01TibfibWell done on the DOOM app guys!
16:47.05AbyssulCant answer phone cals and messages
16:47.21zsocTibfib: palm did all the work. we're stealing their thunder ;)
16:47.37ZorinI hope they get rolling with an official native SDK soon.
16:47.50TibfibIt is still very impressive
16:48.00zsocZorin: nah, webgl js wrapper for opengl is good enough
16:48.02AbyssulIm pretty sure everyone knows they are presenting GPU access and flash at CES
16:48.08ZorinThis is all wonderful and fun but unless people can submit such apps into the official app catalog, it's only ever going to be for us geeks.
16:48.09AbyssulIf not, it will be disappointing
16:49.20TibfibYeah, Palm has the potential to announce great stuff, or they will fall on their faces
16:49.20Rick_workZorin, app catalog binary is coming.
16:49.26ZorinI wouldn't be surprised if Classic were ported to use SDL soon. It'd be a lot more responsive and capable.
16:49.26chezbihey guys i was wondering how to add the webos-internals irc chat room into the wIRC app on the pre
16:49.31Rick_workthe infrastructure has to be there first.
16:49.49ZorinEven stuff like wIRC can't be in the official app catalog yet.
16:50.23Rick_workZorin,  patience.
16:50.42Rick_workok, there's an sdl of gameboy.
16:51.06TibfibGame Boy emulator would be Sweeeeat
16:51.06zsocrick_home: all emulators have sdl ports
16:51.21AbyssulTibfib, we have one. Its just limited
16:51.30ZorinI'm patient. I got the Pre because I am. I love being on a platform and seeing it grow up around me. Was like that with OS X and now with the Pre :)
16:51.41Rick_workzsoc  how much effort to cross compile each one?
16:51.59TibfibAbyssul: Yeah, I'm waiting for one that's a bit easier to set up...hah
16:52.04egaudet_workRick_work: there is a very interesting way that auto-correct edit runs pre-packed scripts from it's own jar
16:52.19zsocrick_home: I forsee porting with minimal effort for simple stuff like gb and nes, snes gets more complicated with audio issues
16:52.28zsocI want to get psx working ;)
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16:52.40egaudet_workit would be possible to pre-pack into the jar service the games, but then again that would mean updating the service for any new one
16:52.42Rick_workzsoc, is there an sdl of stella?   I'm old.
16:52.44irdzsoc: ff7 on the pre would own
16:52.49TibfibOr like that amazing guy off youtube, PS3 working!
16:53.11irdTibfib: the guy that looks like he lives in LA?
16:53.15Rick_workegaudet_work  yea, but we would have to update for each new game anyway using the paradigm I was talking about.
16:53.32Abyssulchezbi: Go to Server Information and hit the "Advanced" button. Go down to Perform on Connect and type in "/join #webos-internals"
16:53.49Rick_workegaudet_work  that's a VERY good idea actually, it's very safe.  If the link to the game isn't in the service, you can't run it.
16:53.54Tibfibird: I dont remember... I didnt watch all of the vid... It was easy to tell it was fake
16:53.55Abyssulchezbi: Also hit auto-connect on Yes
16:54.22AbyssulChezbi: Make sure the server address is as well
16:54.40egaudet_workthe script is packed right out of the jar so it's safe that you can't overwrite the script either, unless you re-pack the jar with it
16:55.02Rick_workthis sounds like a good idea.
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16:55.54chezbithanks Abyssul!!!!
16:55.57Rick_workSo you pack each startup script into the jar, and then the luna app shows a list of scripts (which it gets each time it's updated too with a new json)  and then just calls the right script out of the jar which calls the app.
16:56.47Rick_workor, if the app isn't installed, returns a fail to the launcher, and the launcher says "you haven't installed doom yet."
16:56.52AbyssulAre we just theorizing here or is this actually going to turn into a project?
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16:57.06Rick_workDesign discussion.
16:57.18Rick_workcan't start writing code until you have a design that is safe and rational
16:59.21zsocrick_home: seriously, just let preware launch it :>
16:59.52Rick_workzsoc:  seriously?  Add a new thing in preware to launch binary apps?
17:00.08Rick_workSo I have to set through the feed updating every time I want to run doom?
17:00.14Rick_workzsoc,  I don't think so.
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17:01.41AbyssulAhhh its Jay
17:01.49JayCanuckhi Abyssul
17:01.57zsocrick_home: only sdl. rod wants it. we can verify sig
17:02.21JayCanuckI'm browsin the web while I work through watchin the blu ray sets I got for xmas, lol
17:02.32Rick_workzsoc -- it's a wrong-headed way to go.
17:02.41Rick_workand aren't you up kinda late?
17:02.54Rick_work(or early?)
17:02.59JayCanuckRick_work, ya talkin to me?
17:03.09Rick_workjust ment to say hi
17:03.30JayCanuck11:03am here
17:03.49JayCanuckI'm on to Xmen Origins Wolverine, lol, next up Bones season 4, lol, long day
17:04.05en0xi watched couple days back
17:04.05zsocJayCanuck: season 4 was good
17:04.09en0xxmen origins wolverine
17:04.16en0xin hd of course
17:04.29JayCanuckGambit ftw, though I wish they did Deadpool right
17:05.41JayCanuckso how is everyone today?
17:06.33AbyssulHow do you change the keyboard layout of Doom?
17:06.37egaudet_workJayCanuck: did you figure out your patch issues?
17:06.41AbyssulIts set up funky
17:08.49en0xprobably u will have to remap them
17:09.15AbyssulYea, Im trying to find out how
17:13.53Abyssulmeh i give up lol
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17:15.17jacquesdoom made engadget. nice.
17:15.26luwanguiso.. i bricked my pre
17:15.35luwanguimetadoc didn't work :/
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17:16.40El_MatarifeWhat version of SDL is including in 1.3.5? A few buddies and I were having a discussion and I was wondering
17:16.49AbyssulHow do you make the UI show up in Doom?
17:17.01AbyssulI dont have hte health and crap on the bottom
17:17.04Abyssulor the green border
17:17.42zsocEl_Matarife: uh... something
17:18.16zsocAbyssul: you somehow resized the screen. try orange+s (minus symbol)
17:18.17El_MatarifeInteresting because from my understand, multi-pointer support is only in the 1.3 development tree
17:18.55Abyssulhow do you make it bigger? lol
17:19.06Abyssulnvm got it
17:21.44zsocEl_Matarife: 1.2.13
17:22.08El_Matarife was the proposed feature list for 1.3 ~2 years ago
17:22.52El_MatarifeIf Palm grafted true multipointer support on to the stable branch of 1.2 I'll be impressed and hopefully the SDL guys will take it upstream into their repos
17:24.06mdkleinso I got the demo apps from the opengl-es sdk "running"... sadly it's not like sdl, so it fights with luna... it's really pretty until you tap the screen and then the two battle for who is on top... quite the flicker... :-/
17:24.32Zorinmdklein: How's the GL performance though?
17:24.39El_MatarifeAlso you really should announce your Doom port achievement to their mailing list
17:24.57mdkleinI mean, I'm just running the demo apps from the sdk, but it's smooth
17:25.15ZorinI'd love to see someone run GLQuake on the Pre :)
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17:25.58jacquesanyone done a FPS comparison between the old debian chroot/directfb doom and the new SDL one?
17:26.23Abyssulidk why lol, this new doom runs soo smoothly lol
17:26.37Abyssul+1 for Quake
17:26.40glorifiedgaaarrggghhh I hate youuuu! I want doom too :( Lol
17:26.42ZorinAbyssul: The Pre has a very fast CPU.
17:26.59ZorinIt only has seemed sluggish lately because of new, unoptimized code. Palm's been working hard to speed things up and it shows in 1.3.5
17:27.01en0xis there some kind of prog that will run a gpu benchmarks?
17:27.09AbyssulI know  Zorin
17:27.18Abyssuland also the GPU is still being enabled
17:27.31El_MatarifeThere's not many good open source synthetic benchmark suites
17:27.40jacquesI'm very happy with the UI speed increase in 1.3.5
17:27.43glorifiedgI'm wondering if someone is wiling to take a look on using gnuboy and nes emu with the gpu support
17:27.52El_Matarifethe most popular ones are pretty much Windows / PC only and I don't know if any of them have an SDL backend
17:28.29jacquesglorifiedg: don't worry. I predict within a week.
17:28.29mdkleinhah, I ran a gl demo too long and luna restarted cause it thought it haung
17:28.29El_MatarifeBut if you email the Phoronix guys suggesting an article I'm sure they will come up with something:
17:28.44jacquesmdklein: watchdog?
17:29.46mdkleinnot sure what triggered it
17:29.56mdkleinOGLES2Skybox is only using like 6% cpu
17:30.55glorifiedgjacques: :) contra with acceptable fps :) can't wait 1.3.5 being released in europe so I can stick my pre in my iphone friends eyes! eheeh
17:31.09en0xiphone is done
17:31.17en0xnothing interesting with it for last 3 yrs
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17:31.22en0xexcept new hardware
17:31.26en0xlook didnt changed
17:31.28en0xgui too
17:31.36en0xbut as u know
17:31.39en0xsteve knows better
17:31.51en0xand he is a thief
17:32.07en0xdid u heard about the patents war between nokia and apple?
17:32.11ZorinI'm really glad I didn't cave and get an iPhone
17:32.18AbyssulIM sure all they will do is add multitasking
17:32.19jacquesme too
17:32.29jacquesI seriously considered it
17:32.29ZorinIt's an okay phone, but artificially limited in what it can do, and Apple is too much of a control freak over it.
17:32.43en0xi was considering iphone too
17:32.48en0xbut the lack of hw keyboard
17:32.48ZorinAnd I own two Macs, and run OS X full time. So I *like* some Apple products, just not the iPhone.
17:33.07egaudet_workzsoc: where's the doom script in git
17:33.10jacquesZorin: 24" imac here :-) love it (but it runs linux 95% time now)
17:33.14AbyssulI just cant wait for the next hardware version of the Pre
17:33.24AbyssulTo tell the truth, the Pre was poorly built
17:33.26glorifiedgI was too but then I was looking to acer liquid...
17:33.42glorifiedgpalm is not very known in portugal
17:33.44zsocegaudet: no idea. rod did it. I slept
17:33.46ZorinI have my Linux server for anything I need Linux for. It works out well
17:34.23ZorinThe Pre is very well built I think. It's tough. My friend has dropped his multiple times and it still works fine. I think the people on their "5th and 6th Pres" are abusing their hardware.
17:34.29egaudet_workwhat does the script do
17:34.30ZorinAnd of course they won't admit it.
17:34.39zsocI can't scroll up
17:34.44jacquesI'm going to get a 27" core i7 imac as soon as they get the bugs worked out
17:34.54egaudet_workI'm on my 4th or 5th pre but I don't abuse the hardware
17:34.55ZorinI've only dropped mine once, but it was like two feet onto asphalt so it wasn't that bad. Tiny scuff.
17:34.57egaudet_workI just got unlucky
17:35.16ZorinMaybe when they replace defective Pres, they give you refurb Pres that might have issues?
17:35.20AbyssulI wish it was just made of more sturdy plastic and the slider was better built
17:35.26egaudet_workfirst one came with blown speaker, next 2 touchscreen mysteriously just stopped working
17:35.41jacquesslider is my only complaint, well the keyboard could be better, esp the space key
17:35.52egaudet_workand this last one they gave me is a terrible refurb, but I'll deal with it for a while :p
17:36.00zsochmm. ok I messed up my touch screen somehow.
17:36.03AbyssulIm on my third
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17:36.10Abyssulbut I broke my first two lol
17:36.13glorifiedgI have one of the 3 pre's that exist in Portugal. here there is like an iphone fever. abyssul: agreed. the back cover is noisy and oreo effect is awfull... but I like it anyway
17:36.15ZorinI'm on my first release day Pre
17:36.18bhernyou need to stop jumping up and down on them
17:36.42ZorinI haven't exactly babied it either, aside from making sure the screen doesn't get scratched
17:36.47AbyssulIts not a oreo effect, its just not stable
17:37.01glorifiedgI love that every time I'm typing on my phone everyone is  looking and commenting: owo what is that shit? very nice!
17:37.03destinal-workPuffTheMagic: we have to START the programs somehow
17:37.12destinal-workPuffTheMagic: thus upstart
17:37.26PuffTheMagicthat does not need upstart
17:37.28destinal-workPuffTheMagic: right now people have to shell out and run them by hand
17:37.29zsocI have found a wonderful bug
17:38.08AbyssulIS that good or bad zsoc?
17:38.08destinal-workPuffTheMagic: I want to be able to start them from mojo and that needs a service or plugin.
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17:38.08PuffTheMagicdestinal-work: upstart is not the answer for that
17:38.09zsocAbyssul: well it's not a feature
17:38.10destinal-workPuffTheMagic: upstart would provide a nice standard mechanism for distributing start scripts
17:38.13PuffTheMagicnot saying an upstart service wouldnt be use ful
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17:38.22PuffTheMagicbut its not the right mechanism for starting sdl apps
17:38.23JayCanuckdestinal,  I'm workin on a service as we speak
17:38.25destinal-workPuffTheMagic: why not?
17:38.39AbyssulJayCanuck: whats it do?
17:38.39*** part/#webos-internals zsoc (n=zsoc@unaffiliated/zsoc)
17:38.41PuffTheMagicits overkill
17:38.45destinal-workPuffTheMagic: you distribute a mojo app that calls the service to start your script
17:38.59destinal-workPuffTheMagic: and upstart comes with built in security
17:39.03JayCanuckcan be used by mojo service request to launch sdl appds
17:39.07destinal-workPuffTheMagic: you can only start jobs the system already trusts
17:39.07PuffTheMagicthere is no security in upstart
17:39.31JayCanuckidealy put into app-assistant.js in a sort of stub app so it'll appear in the launcher
17:39.49destinal-workJayCanuck: exactly
17:39.49PuffTheMagicjust run them in cards and call it a day
17:40.04destinal-workPuffTheMagic: how do you run the binary?
17:40.56navinag_Hey guys i get the following error while trying to run doom.  I had SDL from puff installed before..wonding if that hosed me....
17:41.01navinag_any thoughts
17:41.53PuffTheMagicdestinal-work: idk, havent thought about it... buf there is no security involved with starting a binary via upstart
17:42.01AbyssulI wouldnt know, but have you tryed restarting navinag_?
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17:42.06glorifiedgJayCanuck: do you ever sleep?! you're the best
17:42.09El_Matarifezsoc, a guy in #sdl is going to announce the SDL port to WebOS on their mailing list unless you would like the honors
17:42.14en0xnavinag_, looks like ther is no /dev/fb1
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17:42.55navinag_en0x: how do i fix it?
17:43.03oilsworknJayCanuck doesn't sleep?
17:43.21oilsworknthat could be problematic
17:43.25JayCanuckoilsworkn! hi
17:43.28oilsworknunless he's a robot and someone mucked with the power settings
17:43.43oilsworknset it to "Always On"
17:43.47glorifiedgIt seems so sometimes
17:43.56en0xnavinag_, idk... some other guy is webos doctoring
17:44.03en0xnavinag_, looks like ur kernel wasn't updated
17:44.05oilsworknJayCanuck: yeah, i saw your im this morning, but was late for work
17:44.09oilsworknso i didn't respond
17:44.22JayCanuckand now you're workin ;)
17:44.27oilsworknno boss
17:44.39oilsworknso, not a whole ton of workin
17:44.42navinag_en0x: i was able to run the web 3d demo
17:45.15oilsworknhell, no boss for the next two weeks
17:45.17navinag_anyway to for a 1.3.5 re-update?
17:45.25navinag_force 1.3.5 re-update?
17:45.57en0xu cant force  :S
17:46.00bpadalinowebos doctor ?
17:46.04navinag_en0x: can i look for the Sdl command?
17:46.05en0xnavinag_, web 3d demo is different
17:46.11ZorinRepair utility with the doctor?
17:46.21ZorinHas anyone tried the repair utility with the 1.3.5 doctor yet?
17:46.22navinag_is the repai out
17:47.00navinag_JayCanuk: is the repair utility out with 1.3.5 yet
17:47.55oilsworkndoesn't jasons repair utility work as soon as the new doctor is released?
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17:50.48ZorinI wonder how well the Pre would run DOSbox.
17:50.59en0xiu want nfs!
17:51.03ZorinInstant huge game library
17:51.50oilsworknscorched earth!
17:52.29egaudet_workPuffTheMagic: destinal-work, see above idea about packing the script inside a service for security
17:52.49PuffTheMagicim not getting involved with this
17:52.53PuffTheMagici have too much shit to do
17:52.59jacquessigh, I confused firefox - biab
17:53.01PuffTheMagicbut u can def come up with a better way to do this
17:53.18PuffTheMagici have an idea actually
17:53.34PuffTheMagicsince the sdl app has to be rebuild to use the mojo card
17:53.40destinal-workglorifiedg: you can probably run 1.3.5 in europe on GSM NOW with a modified doctor.
17:53.47PuffTheMagicit could be built as a .so
17:54.03PuffTheMagicand a "sdl app" service could use dlopen
17:54.12PuffTheMagicto load apps from a directory
17:54.13destinal-workPuffTheMagic: ugh
17:54.15PuffTheMagicsorta like a rom
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17:54.28destinal-workPuffTheMagic: I see where you're going, it's just pretty complex
17:54.40PuffTheMagicuse inotify to monitor a folder
17:54.45destinal-workPuffTheMagic: and palm has their own way to do this already planned that will supercede ours
17:54.47PuffTheMagicso u can tell when new games are added
17:55.04PuffTheMagicthey are planning on sdl games?
17:55.10egaudet_workso what is the process of running an sdl game right now?
17:55.10destinal-workPuffTheMagic: need for speed
17:55.19destinal-workPuffTheMagic: they made this SDL library for pre and luna, not us
17:55.46destinal-workthey just gave us the library a little earlier than the games are ready
17:55.47oilsworknegaudet_work: running the command from terminal
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17:55.59zsocok this is very bad
17:56.02glorifiedgdestinal-work: yeahhh! but I think I'll wait 'cause I have pharmacology exam on monday and I need to study badlyyy :(
17:56.05zsocmy phone super crashed
17:56.14oilsworkncause of doom?
17:56.16zsocand the icon for wirc is gone D:
17:56.34Abyssulwhere are the key maps for Doom?
17:56.36zsocwhy just wirc? big square box
17:56.45oilsworknthat means it can't load the icon
17:56.49zsocAbyssul: somewhere in the source
17:56.54oilsworknthe box is the "broken image" of webos
17:56.57zsocoilsworkn: I think part of my ssd is bad
17:57.00AbyssulI figured that lol, I cant find it in the source lol
17:57.20Abyssuljacques: I mean like, to change the keys in-game
17:57.43jacquesAbyssul: sorry, I read too fast
17:57.44oilsworknwhat do you think this is, a finished product?
17:57.57Abyssuljacques: No problem
17:58.13egaudet_workis the doom that I run a binary or a script?
17:58.26zsocegaudet_work: binary
17:58.41zsocit has a super hack in it
17:58.47ZorinSo when a binary opens up the SDL library, it kicks Luna into generating a new card for it automatically? No further hackage required?
17:59.02Rick_workZorin - sort of yeah.
17:59.05zsocZorin: sort of backwards, but basically
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17:59.41zsocterminal in 135 has serious issues
17:59.41ZorinThis has a lot of interesting possibilities
18:00.07egaudet_workso this sdl running service can just have a service request that says "run sdl appid", makes sure it's signed, and runs appid/appid
18:00.16Rick_workso, anyone know of an SDL terminal app?  :-)
18:00.56zsocegaudet_work: sortof a hack still, but sure. better tho is to actually run a C sdl hook. see the sdl application developer guide
18:01.09egaudet_workyea C service
18:02.01mdkleinI just brain dumped to
18:02.10mdkleintime for lunch
18:02.28egaudet_workI'm tired of patches, I want to work on fun stuff! :P
18:02.36zsocEl_Matarife: is that the sdl mailing list?
18:02.43oilsworknegaudet_work: wirc awaits
18:02.58El_MatarifeSorry for stealing your thunder but that guy wanted it up ASAP
18:03.10oilsworknwhat guy?
18:03.33El_MatarifeBill Kendrick
18:03.55zsocI was in #sdl yesterday, seemed dead :)
18:04.16El_MatarifeAh well, its somewhat alive today
18:04.26oilsworknhis hack woke the beast?
18:04.51El_MatarifeResults have a tendency to do that
18:05.13El_MatarifeI'm sure the guys that see that are probably thinking "App goldrush for the Pre"
18:05.33El_MatarifeIf SDL turns out to be the Palm official way of doing things
18:06.02egaudet_workit has to
18:06.10El_MatarifeI certainly am thinking it, but playing OpenTTD or FreeCiv on my phone is going to be badass
18:06.17egaudet_workthey didn't waste all that effort putting in for us to mess with
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18:06.49El_MatarifeWell, WebGL or LuaGL still seems possible to me
18:07.26Rick_workthis kinda proves that the need for speed app video was real.  :-)
18:07.40ZorinWell they do have the browser plugin architecture but it's *slow*
18:07.42zsocI don't see native sdl being used for anything past homebrew
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18:08.10egaudet_workhow much does need for speed go for on iphone?
18:08.15Zorinzsoc: Why not? This opens the way for good quality gaming on the Pre. Why wouldn't Palm take advantage of that?
18:08.58zsocZorin: an opengl js wrapper opens uip the way for good quality gaming, and current devs can use it without knowing that sdl or egl is
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18:09.40oilsworkni love how the comments to the pc post include "so zsoc, how about that viewfinder now?"
18:09.42ZorinTrue, but there is no planet on which javascript is as fast as natively compiled code.
18:10.07jmarthowdy everyone, i am having some trouble with looks like optware and webos-internals are not loading properly...can anyone tell me the code to get them to load in preware?
18:10.07zsocoilsworkn: viewfinder should work now
18:10.07jmartloading package manager service again didn't seem to fix
18:10.11Abyssuljmart: reinstall Preware and package manager
18:10.24oilsworknzsoc: oh?
18:10.46zsocoilsworkn: audio still doesn't work. the dsp encoder is crap
18:11.29ZorinPre gaming will never be as good as iPhone gaming if devs can't write native code. It's just the way things are...
18:11.39egaudet_workviewfinder works?
18:11.50egaudet_workstops to record though?
18:11.56AbyssulIm pretty sure we will get native code
18:12.15jmartabyssul: i tried to do that before, but i couldn't remove them previously via WOSQI, but now i can for some reason...i'll try it
18:12.15egaudet_workthere's no doubt about it in my mind
18:12.24oilsworknim pretty sure once we get native sdk from palm, people will find something else to bitch about :)
18:13.01ZorinWell that's always a given oilsworkn
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18:22.33*** join/#webos-internals jtee (
18:23.19jteeis there any need for terminal service plugin any more?
18:23.31Rick_workyes jtee
18:23.38Rick_workit's the binary for terminal
18:23.44jteeit seems that terminal works without it
18:23.50Abyssulif you want terminal to work, then I would suggest installing it :p
18:24.06jteewhen terminal is installed via preware, is it installed automatically?
18:24.35oilsworknshould be*
18:24.38jteemust have had it somehow
18:24.56egaudet_workterminal -can't- work without it
18:25.11jteewhy are they both listed in preware as available downloads then?
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18:25.27egaudet_workwhen did you install them?
18:25.46jteeat various times... that's likely why
18:26.15jteedoes the current terminal download include the binary component?
18:26.26oilsworknthey're two seperate packages
18:26.31jtee(of course i could just try it and see)
18:26.40oilsworknbut preware will see that the app is dependent on the plugin and install the plugin first
18:27.14jteenice ipkg ....
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18:35.03Guest4390hello is anyone here?
18:36.07Guest4390hi, I'm having trouble loading preware
18:36.26Guest4390the bar gets stuck at loading prethemer
18:36.31Smubehtwhen i try to cd to cryptofs it gives me an error
18:36.48Smubehtany ideas?
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18:37.33jteeSmubeht, whats the error?
18:37.46Smubehtcant cd to /cryptofs
18:37.48Guest4390sorry I can't see what you said because I'm using irc on the pre and there is blue txt overlappoinf lol
18:38.21jteeSmubeht, try cd /media/cryptofs
18:38.32Smubehti already cd to media
18:38.43egaudet_workyou can't cd to /cryptofs because it doesn't exist
18:38.48jteepwd responds with /media?
18:38.52egaudet_workthe / = root directory
18:38.54oilsworknits cd /media
18:38.57oilsworkncd cryptofs
18:39.17Smubehtthat worked
18:39.22Smubehtthe whole path one didnt owrk
18:39.23jteeSmubeht, what does 'pwd' respond with?
18:39.28DiscreetControlummm... top shows 2 users... who shows 2 root users... cat /etc/passwd shows nobody /noneexistant : /bin/sh... normal?
18:39.30egaudet_workcd /media/cryptofs
18:39.33egaudet_workwould work
18:39.37jteethat's the whole path
18:39.41jteeand it should work
18:40.09egaudet_workpaths can be relative without a preceding / or absolute with the preceding /
18:40.09Guest4390sry, did anyone reply regarding my issue? Can see chat now
18:40.29egaudet_workdid you try to appmenu->manage feeds and disable prethemer feed
18:40.50Guest4390yes I did
18:41.10egaudet_workthen update feeds
18:41.35Guest4390yes I did try that after
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18:41.58jteeprethemer taking about 10 seconds here...
18:42.47Guest4390my phone has always occasionally loaded and not loaded but not for this long
18:42.52jteeah haa... removing and reinstalling terminal and terminal plugin does indeed pick up the dependancy (must have missed that)
18:43.53DiscreetControlwhat are you guys getting for user count in top command in terminal?
18:43.58jteesometimes i just kill off the preware card and reload it and thing are fine... other times a restart helps
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18:44.21egaudet_workif the prethemer feed is off you shouldn't see it loading it at all
18:44.49jteethinks he might as well turn it off as he doesn't even use themes
18:44.57ZorinSince turning off the theme feeds, Preware starts up right quick.
18:45.02Guest4390anhm perhaps I didn't turn it off properly
18:45.20DiscreetControloilsworkn, and what are you getting with who command
18:45.31egaudet_workalright i'll bbl, they're letting us out early
18:45.39egaudet_workhappy new year if I don't come back!
18:46.11AbyssulYea, I turn off the Theme feeds and it loads 2x faster
18:46.19AbyssulCrapload of themes out there to load
18:46.26DiscreetControlI've got 2 root users with who
18:46.44Guest4390sorry, how do I turn off the feed then?
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18:47.02Rick_workin the preferences menu
18:47.06Guest4390I must have mistaken it for the auto update
18:47.23DiscreetControlgoto menu-manage feeds
18:47.34PuffTheMagicMetaDoctor gui preview ->
18:47.37oilsworknDiscreetControl: i was joking
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18:48.05oilsworknthat penguin doesn't seem to be wearing a lab coat riding a unicorn?
18:48.14zsocaren't they all
18:49.10Guest4390I only see an option for udate feeds and setting it to manually, am I in the wrong menu?
18:49.12jmartAbyssul, thanks i finally got it to work
18:49.26oilsworknGuest4390: in the top right of that scene, click "FEEDS"
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18:50.09Guest4390ok got to feeds menu, thanks
18:50.43oilsworknoh its newyears tomorrow
18:50.47oilsworknthats why people are leaving early
18:51.32jteeis there an 'escape' key sequence in terminal?
18:51.47PuffTheMagic:( no one cares about the metadoctor :(
18:51.50jetteroorange space
18:51.56PuffTheMagicTemplarian: u get anywhere with that icon
18:52.02jetteroit's listed in non-obvious keys (upper left menu)
18:52.08oilsworknPuffTheMagic: i've never doctored my phone in the first place
18:52.35oilsworknwith no need for the meta doctor, cause i don't need to bypass activation
18:52.35jetterowhere is backslash in terminal... that one's beyond my skill level. :)
18:52.51PuffTheMagicoilsworkn: if u doctor you can start off with preware installed and usbnet enabled :D
18:53.05oilsworknPuffTheMagic: but my phone works fine
18:53.13jacquesPuffTheMagic: cool
18:53.52oilsworkni wonder, has zsoc done anything yet that hasn't been wildly popular right out of the gate?
18:54.00PuffTheMagicoilsworkn: i find it hard to believe you have never doctored your pre.... i think everyone has
18:54.14oilsworkni blink and the doom thread is up to 8 pages
18:54.41jteejettero, cool... thanks
18:54.44Smubehtis it possible to paste multiple lines into terminal
18:54.47Smubehtbtw awesome work u guys
18:54.52oilsworknPuffTheMagic: never have
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18:54.52PuffTheMagicoilsworkn: is that doom in card?
18:54.52zsocoilsworkn: I am a media whore
18:54.52oilsworkn(to both)
18:54.53zsocPuffTheMagic: oh by the way I made doom in a card
18:54.58PuffTheMagiczsoc: lol
18:55.12Smubehti got it up..didnt really play much but just checked it out..awesome is all i have to say
18:55.13oilsworknwouldn't have installed it unless it was in a card
18:55.22PuffTheMagiczsoc: so i have to make a sdl game launcher service now huh
18:55.24oilsworknyou got it up?
18:55.29zsocPuffTheMagic: you will quickly discover I didn't do much, but keep it a sekret
18:55.31PuffTheMagiczsoc: and we need a spec for sdl game .so's
18:55.31oilsworknwas a little blue pill involved?
18:55.32Smubehtoilsworkn were u talking to me? about the yeah?
18:55.46PuffTheMagiczsoc: well considering ameng had it working months ago.....
18:55.54oilsworknSmubeht: no?
18:55.57Smubehtoh ok
18:56.09zsocPuffTheMagic: no it's hardware accelerated
18:56.34oilsworknit is?
18:56.34PuffTheMagiczsoc: which is only now possible since 1.3.5
18:57.04destinal-workPuffTheMagic: we don't need .so's
18:57.06zsocPuffTheMagic: new fb driver in new kernel. sdl luna integration, open gl es libs
18:57.11destinal-workPuffTheMagic: standalone binaries are fine
18:57.21zsocPuffTheMagic: that was all palm. I had to type 'make' tho.
18:57.31oilsworknzsoc is pro
18:57.39PuffTheMagicdestinal-work: standalone binaries ftl!
18:57.56zsocPuffTheMagic: you would love the sdl developers guide. it's like 10 pages.
18:57.56destinal-workPuffTheMagic: why?
18:58.03PuffTheMagiczsoc: i've done sdl before
18:58.04zsocoilsworkn: I'm pro at webosing
18:58.22destinal-workI just don't get what you want to do in .so's
18:58.27PuffTheMagiczsoc: i can make windows sdl apps with my mingw toolchain
18:58.38oilsworknwell, then it must be true, engadet is never wrong...?
18:58.52destinal-workzsoc: you are eleet hax0r for compiling doom!
18:58.56oilsworknand i almost typed egaudet there
18:59.15oilsworkn"so zsoc, how did you do it?"
18:59.15zsocah... I'm under a desk.
18:59.19oilsworkn"well first i downloaded it"
18:59.22PuffTheMagicdestinal-work: i dont want to make anything that allows running random binaries, which is essentially the case if you use upstart to start the games
18:59.24oilsworkn"then i typed..."
18:59.25oilsworkn"... make"
18:59.34dsevilhi all
18:59.50dsevildid some troubleshooting on why app catalog friendsbook fails to install for some...
18:59.55zsocoilsworkn: hey now I has to set environmental variables.
19:00.05zsocno actually sdl-config does that
19:00.20destinal-workPuffTheMagic: what?  how can you not run random binaries, this is designed to support random binaries
19:00.43PuffTheMagicdestinal-work: you were the one that brought up security
19:00.52destinal-workPuffTheMagic: yeah, but upstart provides that
19:00.57PuffTheMagicdestinal-work: no... it doesnt
19:01.00destinal-workif you can write new upstart scripts, you already won
19:01.05oilsworknsecurity schemurity
19:01.09oilsworknlook how well windows has done
19:01.23destinal-workyou don't need pretty graphics if you already have root
19:01.27PuffTheMagicdestinal-work: using upstart in this way is no different that having the arbitrary command service back
19:01.47destinal-workPuffTheMagic: no, because the upstart script only works out of event.d
19:02.06destinal-workand sure any program can start anything in there but not with arguments and they have to have already been prepared
19:02.08destinal-workto be run
19:02.23PuffTheMagicdestinal-work: all they have to do is dump a file in event.d and run it
19:02.29PuffTheMagicthat is not secure at all!
19:02.38destinal-workif you can dump a file in event.d you already own the box
19:02.39destinal-workgame over
19:02.39zsocI am on a very high shelf
19:02.55zsocI am batman
19:02.57PuffTheMagicdestinal-work: a postinst can do it easily
19:03.09destinal-workPuffTheMagic: yes, a postinst can do anything
19:03.21destinal-workmake your pre tap dance, reprogram it to be a bomb detonator
19:03.28destinal-workmake it call the president
19:04.03zsocI am all the bar maker
19:04.23oilsworknthe bar maker?
19:04.45PuffTheMagicdestinal-work: so why not wrap the game in a .so that contains some metadata... then new game ipks can just install games to a special directory, then have 1 gui mojo app that acts as a manager/launcher which calls dlopen on it then executes the code
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19:05.16oilsworknthinks AM would like puffs method
19:05.33destinal-workPuffTheMagic: I was thinking let doom's mojo app call a service to call doom's upstart
19:05.34zsoclets do it both ways an see who throws more strawberrys
19:05.42PuffTheMagiczsoc: what feed is this doom shit in?
19:05.55zsocPuffTheMagic: webos-internals 135
19:06.13oilsworknthough, manually installing it seems easier
19:06.24PuffTheMagicplus maybe we can sign the so
19:06.27oilsworknmost of the posts in the doom thread are "now what is my cd doing toi the what?
19:06.45oilsworknnot being able to figure out how to change directories consistantly
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19:07.11destinal-worksigh, what's more secure about .so's?  and we're going to be signing all apps on the feed
19:07.39destinal-workI prefer not to make a new launcher also
19:07.44destinal-workjust let the icon do it
19:07.49oilsworkndestinal-work: btw: at some point in the past, im pretty sure i pushed more code to the terminal app
19:08.00oilsworknto spawn the keyhelper scene in a new card
19:08.07oilsworknas to not destroy the current session
19:08.17destinal-workoilsworkn: that sounds familiar
19:08.26oilsworknbut i dont think anyone has tested it or anything
19:09.11zsocdestinal-work: go make sdl friendly term gogogogogogo
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19:09.29jteetiny script to launch doom is easy too
19:09.32PuffTheMagicdestinal-work: i still dont get the point of upstart
19:09.45oilsworknbut sdl is not as good as plugin IMO
19:09.50destinal-workPuffTheMagic: in general there are tons of SDL apps already in existence
19:09.51oilsworknyou don't get any mojo-stuff
19:09.54Mouseyupstart, the new init
19:10.00oilsworknlike, being able to be launched from, you know, the launcher
19:10.03PuffTheMagicdestinal-work: and they all need to be rebuilt to run in a card
19:10.06oilsworknacess to the app menu
19:10.11PuffTheMagicits not like we can just drop the binary on the box and run
19:10.12oilsworknall that good mojo stuff
19:10.15PuffTheMagici beleive
19:10.20destinal-workPuffTheMagic: I think that's exactly what we can do
19:10.26destinal-workzsoc: isn't that right?
19:10.44PuffTheMagicdestinal-work: not if they are hardcoded to use a X11 surface
19:10.49PuffTheMagicor a DirectFB surface
19:10.51Rick_workoilsworkn  i expect to see all the good mojo stuff when we get the first EA game from palm.  Then we can duplicate it, and package doom that way.
19:10.56Rick_workand all the other sdl games.
19:11.05zsocPuffTheMagic: neither
19:11.13oilsworknright now, its really hackish geekery
19:11.41destinal-workoilsworkn: well, we can make tons of SDL apps work without mojo in the meantime
19:11.43zsocPuffTheMagic: sdl calls a virtual surface on window I'd NULL. framebufer driver + luna hook does the rest
19:11.47Rick_workoilsworkn  and I honestly expect to see some of that next week  -- I think there are some further hidden hooks inside framework we haven't found yet.
19:11.54destinal-workRick_work: no sense waiting for EA
19:12.04destinal-workRick_work: we'll change it when Need for speed et al come out
19:12.07Rick_workdestinal-work  I know I know,  I need to diff framework.
19:12.10PuffTheMagiczsoc: i dont believe all games are setup that way
19:12.26oilsworknwe need to see how palm would launch it/etc
19:12.32oilsworknso we can do that same thing
19:12.39destinal-workoilsworkn: I just think we should do our own thing for now
19:12.41Rick_workand that's inside luna.
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19:12.51destinal-workoilsworkn: and then switch it to the official API later
19:12.53Rick_workand I think there's hidden calls in luna we aren't yet knowing about.  '
19:12.54oilsworkndestinal-work: i don't disagree
19:13.02Rick_workme either destinal-work
19:13.06Rick_workjust speculating
19:13.13destinal-workand my upstart idea follows the KISS principle
19:13.19destinal-workand really doesn't sacrifice security IMO
19:13.21Rick_workbut for NOW,  I think we need an sdl launcher app.
19:13.30TemplarianPuffTheMagic: not yet.
19:13.31oilsworkni would be nice if zsoc could hurry up and figure it all out, being an elite webos hacker and all
19:13.31destinal-workoh no, I downloaded a malicious app that started a defined service in upstart
19:13.38oilsworknbefore we make our own way to launch them
19:13.55oilsworknthough im thinking its more difficult then "make"
19:13.59destinal-worksince this is a short term solution
19:14.01PuffTheMagicdid I miss something, did Palm officially say we are gonna get EA games in the next year?
19:14.04destinal-workupstart makes a lot of sense
19:14.09Rick_workPuffTheMagic  no
19:14.13destinal-workPuffTheMagic: we've all seen the need for speed video
19:14.16destinal-workPuffTheMagic: it's not that far off
19:14.23Rick_workPuffTheMagic  but we know the need-for-speed video was real.
19:14.24oilsworknoh, someone sprayed some smelly shit in the office
19:14.26oilsworknand its in my mouth
19:14.31Rick_workthat's a firm official leak.
19:14.49destinal-workRick_work: it looked to real not to be, in the first place.
19:15.17oilsworkndestinal-work: then the 135 catalog matching exactly what was in that screenshot
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19:15.36destinal-worksure, and all along it referencing Nova version 1.3.x
19:15.40yetdogthe catalog match was a slam dunk
19:15.56destinal-worknobody would reference nova except internal folks I figured since it's not well known in the webos uberhaxor community
19:16.10oilsworknwonders is zsoc knew about it
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19:17.28destinal-workIn the future all cool apps should have nova in front of their names since nova is a cooler way of saying the webos platform.  so, novadoom and novaquake and novavnc etc :)
19:18.13Rick_workMitch should have been more consistant with his codenames
19:18.20Rick_workMojo, Luna, Nova.  No theme.
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19:18.45oilsworknluna and nova are both in space?
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19:19.02irdShould have been MOJO JO JO
19:19.16oilsworknmojo is what austin powers lost?
19:19.26oilsworknand austin powers went to space in one of the movies, right?
19:19.30oilsworknso, there is the connection
19:19.42destinal-workoilsworkn: *highfive*
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19:20.22zsocPuffTheMagic: SDL ones are
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19:22.55Rick_workMoona, Luna, Tuna ...
19:28.50oilsworknpre articles on engadet always spark such flames
19:29.11Abyssul_I love to read theme oilsworkn
19:30.02oilsworknthere used to be that one guy who would post that massive list of things he thought was wrong with the pre
19:30.05oilsworknon every pre article
19:30.08oilsworknit was really funny
19:30.29oilsworknit was like 60 items long
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19:36.13Rick_workI could come up with WAY more than 60.
19:36.20Rick_workthe phone is too large
19:36.24Rick_workthe phone is too small
19:36.28Rick_workthey keys are too stiff
19:36.32Rick_workthe keys are soft.
19:38.16Abyssul_The phone turns on
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19:45.00oilsworknmost of it was things he thought was a con that is really a pro for everyone else
19:45.04oilsworknlike, a physical keyboard
19:45.16oilsworknand not being locked into itunes
19:46.23PuffTheMagiczsoc: i dont see it in preware
19:46.28FreeTim3He was employed by Blackberry then?
19:46.46FreeTim3I'd be highly suspicious :)
19:49.24oilsworknhe always got "lowest ranked" whenever he would posty
19:49.26zsocPuffTheMagic: then you're doing it wrong. turn on regular feed? not testing
19:49.28oilsworkni just thought it was funny
19:50.25PuffTheMagiczsoc: i have all webos feeds enabled
19:50.32zsoc1 sec
19:55.22PuffTheMagiczsoc: does it require the latest ipkgservice?
19:55.47destinal-workPuffTheMagic: it's at
19:56.01destinal-workditto armv6 for pixi
19:56.01ZorinPeople just need to accept that not everything is perfect and to focus on the good things
19:56.04PuffTheMagicwow, preware is messed up
19:56.09PuffTheMagicafter 1.3.5 came out
19:56.09ZorinIt's a Linux box in my pocket. WIN. Next!
19:56.12PuffTheMagici removed all my patches
19:56.19PuffTheMagicthen installed like 19 of them after the update
19:56.26PuffTheMagicand it has no record of anything being installed
19:56.26destinal-workPuffTheMagic: I doctored 1.3.2 and OTA'd 1.3.5
19:56.40zsocPuffTheMagic: lol you need to run the migration helper and restart luna
19:56.41destinal-workI figured breakages would happen and wanted to avoid
19:56.48zsocPuffTheMagic: that fixes all
19:57.04PuffTheMagiczsoc: it was all working fine
19:57.15zsocPuffTheMagic: everything moved from /var to /media/cryptofs/apps
19:57.31PuffTheMagiczsoc: yeah i know
19:57.34PuffTheMagici had 1.3.5 beta
19:57.39PuffTheMagiceverything was working
19:57.52zsocyeah the final release was pretty problemsome
19:58.38PuffTheMagici need to buy cases of beer for tonight
19:59.05mikewxcases? awesome
19:59.15Rick_workwhy is tonight different than any other night?
19:59.49PuffTheMagicmikewx: yeah cases, me and my buddy can kill a case of sam adams winter lagger pretty quick
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19:59.51PuffTheMagicno a normal night
20:00.40Rick_workhmmm    I had beer once.   I didn't like it.
20:00.59ZorinIt's 12/31, tonight you're supposed to get drunk out of your mind until you pass out, then wake up and not remember what you did last night. :)
20:02.49chron__(Y) ditto
20:05.58egaudet_Start each year with a hangover and the year can only get better from there :P
20:06.45ZorinIf you were under 18 when you first tried beer and "didn't like it" you need to try it again. Beer tastes better as you get older. It makes no sense but it's true.
20:07.37yetdogzorin speaks the truth
20:08.11destinal-workZorin: actually I think it's the taste for sweets we acquire somewhere in the middle of our childhood that ruins most peoples taste on it
20:09.08destinal-workZorin: the other possibility if you don't like beer is that you're drinking bad beer.  you can't judge all pizza based on domino's.
20:09.22Smubehtdominos is good
20:09.36ZorinYeah Domino's isn't bad anymore. I was surprised.
20:09.39destinal-workSmubeht: ok, then you can't judge all cheeseburgers based on mcdonalds
20:10.00Smubehtand beer is nasty..but ppl(including myself) drink it to get hammered..then many of those who drink it to get hammered end up not minding it on occasion without being hammered..then they start to like it
20:10.05destinal-workdominos sucked when I was a kid, I haven't gone back
20:10.12Rick_workthere's also the problem that I have had that response to every alcoholic drink I've ever tasted.  Beer tastes like soda with bitters and laquer thinner.
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20:10.16Smubehtmcdonalds is awesome as well
20:10.43Smubehtim more a liquor person..will be enjoying some nice scotch tonight
20:10.51destinal-workRick_work: drink much laquer thinner?
20:10.58Smubehtbut in the same token i enjoyed the taste when i first drank it when i was younger
20:11.11Rick_workI get similar responses to wines.  Dry grape juice plus laquer thinner.  Blech.
20:11.21Smubehtthe only reason i do occasionally drink beer is when im looking to get hammered(at least when i was in college) its a helluva lot cheaper
20:11.49Smubehtand when black label costs like 60$ in nyc for a 750 ml and u can get like 3 24 packs for that..well cost effectiveness
20:11.49ZorinA few martinis are much more pleasant if you just want to get hammered. Beer is too filling
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20:12.08Smubehtwas never a gin person
20:12.12Smubehtfind it worse than beer
20:12.17destinal-workRick_work: some people have actually differently wired brains and have different senses, I know someone for whom pepperoni has no taste and a lot of tastes come across differently to her
20:13.13Rick_worknodnod.  And as for being drunk, I've had a lot of experiance with various narcotics saddly, and I can say that the moment that I start to lose an edge, and get a little mentally fuzzy, I panic.   I hate  that feeling.  So drunk never had an appeal either.
20:13.20Rick_workso, put it together an I'm a cheap date.
20:18.13zsocrick_home: wanna go out?
20:18.36Rick_worknot really.  :-)
20:18.41FreeTim3I get drunk on Palm Pre apps... I download them until I'm dizzy and happy
20:19.48Rick_workmy wife and I are going to to the range tommorow,  a friend is bringing "a big bag of guns"  and we're going to try a bunch of different ways to make little pieces of metal go thataway very very fast.   The local IDPA club is having a pot-luck.
20:21.09ZorinMight be hitting the range with friends myself tomorrow
20:21.40Rick_workmy wife is trying to decide on a new pistol.  He hands are arthritic and she can't handle recoil like she used to, but she still wants something small enough to conceal easily.   -- pretty much settled on Walther's new pk380, but she's going to try shooting one tommorow.
20:21.40ZorinOne of them wants to sell me a .357 mag. I'm interested but want to give it a try before I say yes
20:21.43jacquesdownloads the precentral palmcast.
20:22.22ZorinCall me old fashioned, but I like revolvers
20:22.40egaudet_Smubeht: you buy cheap beer to get hammered and wonder why you don't like it :P
20:22.41jacques.45ACP FTW
20:22.46egaudet_shoulda just got some cheap vodka
20:23.32Rick_work45's are just too expensive to shoot, even if you reload.
20:23.49ZorinIf I get a semiauto it'd probably be the Glock 19
20:24.02Rick_workplus, small frame 45's hurt your hands, and full size 1911's are hard to conceal.
20:24.19Rick_workI -love- shooting 1911's,  but I sure as hell won't carry one.
20:24.20jacquesI love my lightweight officer's ACP
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20:24.30FreeTim3I load my Pre with apps.  I fire SMS text messages.  I geo-cache.  Watch OUT !
20:25.01ZorinI sent text messages without long-ass delays switching between people like before. 1.3.5 wins
20:25.25Rick_workwe reload 9mm,  and if sherry gets the 380, then that's a new set of dies.
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20:25.39jacqueswhen I'm feeling thrifty, I shoot .22
20:25.46jacquesalmost as much fun
20:26.18Rick_workit is fun.  We went out yesterday and let a friend's daughter have her first time with a .22 revolver.
20:26.51Rick_workhad a box of "primer only" rounds for her to start with, then went to 22longs.  She had fun.
20:27.28ZorinWell that was strange.
20:27.50ZorinMy Pre fell off the Wifi network even though it kept showing the icon as being connected. I had to turn wifi off and back on to get it back on.
20:29.16Rick_workwhen the SDK will not install because it says that it can't find the applicaton in the database and rolls back when it's almost done.  What is the solution?   I know I've read this.
20:31.44ZorinBingo.. the DHCP lease expired. I wonder why the Pre didn't just renew it though.
20:33.57Mouseyi wonder why pre won't use my internal DNS
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20:38.14jetteroresolv.conf uses ...
20:38.22jetteroyou could set that to or whatever, in rw mode
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20:55.38destinal-workPuffTheMagic: yeah I hear you, SN anniversary is quite tasty and a must for new year.  think I'll grab some also
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20:55.38PuffTheMagicdestinal-work: their celebration ale sucked this year
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20:55.42destinal-workPuffTheMagic: they came out with kellerweis recently, which is very nice hefeweizen.
20:56.01PuffTheMagicdestinal-work: im not a huge wheat beer fan
20:56.02destinal-workI convinced the liquor store by my house to stock it
20:56.07Flashpass+destinal-work: Yeah I know what you mean, but I care more that it just works than actually playing the game haha - i've played doom enough in my life
20:56.08PuffTheMagicthere are only a few that i like
20:56.18PuffTheMagicwinter lagger being one
20:56.25PuffTheMagicsouther tier 422 ale
20:56.31PuffTheMagicblue moon
20:56.59PuffTheMagici cant do those tripple's and hefeweizen's
20:57.22destinal-workFlashpass: yeah, doom is kind of a rite of passage for a platform these days
20:57.22oilso zsoc|away, where is my sdl snes emu?
20:57.39destinal-workoil: I was looking at it, it looks like snes9x exists in SDL form somewhere
20:57.48PuffTheMagicdid zsoc get controlls working properly?
20:57.57PuffTheMagicdestinal-work: fecux
20:57.57PuffTheMagicis the nes emu
20:58.13destinal-workok, I guess we could start NES and move up to SNES  :)
20:58.14sampsonman you guys make me want to get preware fixed on my phone
20:58.23sampsonhow about onscreen joystick first? :D
20:58.34oilsnes then move down to nes
20:58.35PuffTheMagicsampson: how about ps3 controller support
20:58.37PuffTheMagicover bt
20:58.40PuffTheMagicand wii mote
20:58.43destinal-worksampson: you're gonna want to break out your wiimote
20:58.49destinal-workand yes, I'm looking at that too
20:59.02PuffTheMagicps3 controller ftw!
20:59.17oilit needs onscreen controls
20:59.19Flashpassits too bad, so many options and things you can do, but everyone is just always too busy haha
20:59.46destinal-workthat needs ported I guess
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21:01.59zsocPuffTheMagic: the way I did key mapping was bogus, I patched the library I compiled against
21:02.03zsocgotta fix that
21:02.30rwhitbyzsoc, destinal-work: did you laugh or cry at the video ?
21:02.53zsocrwhitby: an old guy playing doom? I refused to watch it
21:03.02zsocor I've been busy at work
21:03.08oilwhat video?
21:03.34zsocoil: rod playing doom
21:04.09destinal-workrwhitby: lol, it was awesome -- you play way better than I do, that keyboard makes it rather tricky
21:04.53zsocI am leet at doom
21:04.57sampsonFUCK YOU SQL
21:04.58sampsonI WIN
21:04.59Flashpassso how good can the graphics on the Pre get you think? like what could it's console equivelant be?
21:05.01sampsonfist pump
21:05.19zsocFlashpass: n64
21:05.36destinal-workFlashpass: this good
21:05.42zsocpsx should be easy
21:05.46jacqueshmm, I wonder how many hoops I'd have to jump through to watch the video
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21:06.20jacquesoh I forgot, I still need to listen to the palmcast I downloaded
21:06.25FrozenbinaryHey guys
21:06.37rwhitbyjacques: I'm listening to that now.
21:06.43Flashpasshow would that compare to something like the psp? similar?
21:07.02FrozenbinaryThis page doesn't quite format right on my pre
21:07.47jacquestries to remember what app he uses to play mp3s
21:07.54FlashpassNFS looks pretty good, from what i could tell with the fuzzy video hehe
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21:08.45jacquesFlashpass: I think the PSP and Pre have very similar processors
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21:09.03FrozenbinaryWho knows what files I need to chmod x so my phone doesn't reprovision when I upgrade software?
21:09.27jacquesFlashpass: oops never mind looks like I was remembering something completely different
21:10.15destinal-workrwhitby: you didn't need to break out ares, you could have just made an app with an index.html if text was all you wanted :)
21:11.08destinal-workof course ares was probably really fast to whip that off
21:11.29Flashpassjacques: the psp has a 333mhz processor doesn't it?
21:12.40MiX-MaN_i should run the EPR thing in WOSQI before I update to 1.3.5 right? i think i remember reading that somewhere
21:13.03Frozenbinaryanywhats epr
21:13.05rwhitbydestinal-work: I tried that, but couldn't get it to work in 10 minutes, so I did an app in Ares in the next 15 minutes.
21:13.26jacquesFlashpass: yeah but the PSP is MIPS architecture
21:13.27FrozenbinaryMixman what's epr
21:13.32rwhitbyit was getting close to when I had to release :-)
21:13.38destinal-workrwhitby: I think if you'd used the palm-generate and edit the text it would have been fast
21:13.43MiX-MaN_Frozenbinary: emergency patch recovery i think...
21:13.56MiX-MaN_resets to defaults or something not sure :P
21:14.04FrozenbinaryOh. I am about to upgrade too but I'm running a modded meid
21:14.24FrozenbinaryAnd tryin to disable execution of the provisioning files
21:14.39MiX-MaNtaking forever to download a 15~ meg update
21:15.15FrozenbinaryI'm still on 1.03
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21:16.57Flashpassjacques: what architecture does the pre use?
21:17.22Wahotsdoom on webos = very kick ass
21:18.05jacquesOK so that's four police cars and three fire vehicles that I've seen going into the mall with lights and sirens :-\
21:18.20zsocFlashpass: arm
21:18.46Wahotsnice work zsoc :)
21:19.38FrozenbinaryI wanna play doom
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21:19.46FrozenbinaryBut I gotta upgrade lol
21:20.20Smubehtlol jacques where u from?
21:20.23Wahotsit plays flawless, just wish strafe keys were bound :)
21:20.50destinal-workzsoc: where are keybindings handled?
21:21.01jacquesSmubeht: I'm in Texas
21:21.17Smubehthaha bush probably fired some guns
21:21.18jacquesSmubeht: near Houston
21:22.00jacquespolice are planning some big things for tonight here
21:22.13jacqueson the way home I saw a neat trap they'd set up
21:22.22Smubehthaha im from nj..not venturing to the city today..since its just going to be crazy..
21:22.35Smubehtdoing a little local shindig
21:22.42Smubehtwill be fun..without the hassle
21:23.35zsocdestinal-work: I bound the keys in the library I compiled against, not the source
21:23.41jacqueshmm, some ppl just flagged down the fire marshall right outside my window
21:23.43jacquesnot sure what's going on
21:24.10destinal-workzsoc: eh?
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21:24.28tlpI wish Palm would just uncomment their LED notification toggle already... seems to work just fine.
21:25.00tlpI expect it every release
21:25.08Smubehtdont expect it and it will come
21:25.35MiX-MaNoh hell.. then gpu will never come then :/
21:25.37Smubehtits the way stuff works..80% of the forums were like omg sprint has it wrong update isnt coming today..and voila..
21:25.39jacquesI never expected 1.3.5 would have opengl and sdl
21:25.44Smubehtit came when it did
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21:25.51Smubehtso u just gotta be like omg its never coming..and poof
21:25.58MiX-MaNi read the update on the site they found some files that are the groundworkings for the gpu stuff :P
21:25.59tlpthey should start committing patches (with good licenses/functionality) too.
21:26.01jacquesI figured that would be at 1.4.0
21:26.09MiX-MaNnow im expecting it soon.. great :\
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21:26.18tlplike the character counter, etc.
21:26.33MiX-MaNi'll be lucky if i can even get the update going
21:26.34BoBoYsDaDDawith gpu will they do the video recorder?
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21:26.39MiX-MaNseems like its stuck on unpacking now
21:26.41tlpGPU isn't necessary for that
21:26.52tlpI'm not sure what their hold up is. The Pre is already capable of it.
21:27.04FrozenbinaryIt doesn't seem like video would be too hard
21:27.13Smubehti had a video recorder on my treo 755p..i think i used it like 1x..
21:27.16tlpIt isn't. Gstreamer can do it, which is included on the Pre.
21:27.18FrozenbinaryIt better be awesome when they add it
21:27.20rwhitbyTemplarian: did you like the use of the icon you made a long time ago?
21:27.32Smubehtfor most its probably a  feature they just whine about not having, but once its there like only 1/3 of the ppl who craved it will actually use it
21:27.46tlpyeah... I wouldn't use it much
21:27.53tlprwhitby: the Doom one?
21:27.55Smubehtpeople want to have it just for the sake of saying that its not behind the iphone
21:27.57mdkleinall the bits for gpu are on, I got the opengl-es demos running on the unit, the issue right now is the only device I seem to be able to get working is the framebuffer, which luna will fight with... it's really nice and really fast, but flickers a ton if you tap the screen heh
21:28.02FrozenbinaryI see lots of drunk people at parties and I miss  having the feature
21:28.12BoBoYsDaDDai only use the video recorder app on phone like once every couple months. but sometimes u wish you could record something and u can't
21:28.13Smubehtmy phone can take video can urs..uhh no not yet..but maybe in an update
21:28.32MiX-MaNoh ... who was talking about the doom stuff awhile ago? heh i host doom servers :P
21:28.33Smubehtheh Frozenbinary..yeah there are definitely times..but likely at parties there are people with digital cameras
21:28.46MiX-MaNwell.. skulltag
21:29.14BoBoYsDaDDathe doom app is bad ass if it just launched regular without running script to do it
21:29.29jacquesmdklein: I read your wiki page. I have a my TI account, but I was unable to find the opengl bin file you mentioned. where on TI's site is it?
21:29.39FrozenbinarySoooo who can help me with what exe I need to disable to update my software without reprovisioning???
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21:30.23zsocdestinal-work: SDL_keysym
21:30.23jacquesmdklein: did you download one of the x86 emulation packages and cross-compile the source?
21:30.35jacquesmost of the links I found were mailto:'s
21:30.38mdkleinI had a toolchain set up for cross compiling pre kernels from awhile back, there's a wiki page on that, I just used that toolchain
21:30.41Smubehtmy response to ppl who ask me why my phone doesnt have such and such feature is a simple..does ur phone multitask? haha
21:30.44Smubehtworks every time..
21:31.15MiX-MaNi always use, "theres a patch for that"
21:31.16Templarianrwhitby: yea, I loled when I saw it.
21:31.22MiX-MaNwether there is or not :P
21:31.28MiX-MaNusally shuts em up
21:31.34rwhitbyTemplarian: I thought it was the perfect icon
21:31.54Smubehtbut 'theres a patch for that' leaves the person thinking ok..well i can jailbreak my phone and do stuff(even though patching is easier than jailbreaking) and also leaves them with the well its not straight out of the box
21:32.09mdkleinthe toolchain instructions were from though make sure you grab the 2007q3-51 release, the 2009 is too new for the palm stdc++ libs
21:32.10jacquesmdklein: but you started with one of the x86 SDK packages from TI's site?
21:32.12Smubehtud be surprised how many ppl dont know about precentral and preware and the likes
21:32.27Frozenbinary+$%8: v5% of people are too dumb to even try to root the phone lol
21:32.28Smubehtive already taught like 4 ppl who i found have pres how to do stuff like this
21:32.40mdkleinjacques: I just unpacked that file I linked you, set up my pre-compiler environment and typed "make"
21:32.41jacquesmdklein: ah goo d to know about the toolchain, I would have used 2009q1
21:32.47mdkleincopied the files over
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21:32.50mdkleinset up powervr.ini
21:32.58mdkleinand watched the OpenGL apps
21:33.13jacquesmdklein: duh sorry, wasn't watching my weechat well enough :-)
21:33.40mdkleinanyway, I need to run for a bit, be back
21:34.17Smubehtis that u rod?
21:34.50FrozenbinarySo noone can tell me which files in usr bin are for provisioning?
21:34.57Smubehti have no clue Frozenbinary
21:35.27MiX-MaNSweet! "This update improves battery life in areas of poor wireless network coverage."
21:35.31rwhitbySmubeht: yep
21:35.36MiX-MaNi hope so... my phone only last about 2 hours at my parents house
21:35.50Smubehtpretty good at doom =P
21:36.13rwhitbySmubeht: that was the second take.
21:36.46Smubehtwhich hand are u using to hold the camera lol
21:37.19jacquesMiX-MaN: what has really saved me is the roam-only patch
21:37.20PreGameanyone know why my application cannot access my service?  i get permission denied however it is in both public and private bus
21:37.34jacquesbecause at work I have terrible sprint coverage
21:37.52MiX-MaNjacques: i almost never used wifi, i forgot to turn it off at my parents one day and the batt life improved alot
21:38.01MiX-MaNso i've been leaving wifi on when i go there
21:38.09rwhitbySmubeht: I filmed it sitting on the macbook, with the camera on a box on the trackpad
21:39.12Smubehtanyways u zsoc and destinal-work and whoever else worked on is fantastic
21:39.29Smubehtu guys never fail to impress
21:40.53MiX-MaNohhh wtf... it says unpacking then it said error downloading :/
21:41.05rwhitbyso anyone know how I can get the webosinternals youtube channel to show a video that someone else uploaded?
21:47.27jacquesPreGame: does dbus-monitor show anything interesting?
21:48.06PreGamedbus-util --capture?
21:49.40jacquesPreGame: I guess that does about the same things as dbus-monitor
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21:54.38Templariannice video rwhitby :)
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21:55.04TemplarianShould of edited in some doom music though.
21:55.23rwhitbyTemplarian: now you're way above my production capabilities ;-)
21:56.01TemplarianIt's better than the other guys video trying to open the solid steel door.
21:56.14gkatsevw00t, cheatcodes still work on doom. :)
21:56.15PreGameno nothing
21:56.29PreGamei still get permission denied but it works if i run the commands via command line
21:56.50gkatsevrwhitby: well, soon, videolan will release their video editor and it should be easy.
21:56.58gkatsevrwhitby: whats your main OS btw?
21:57.13rwhitbygkatsev: all three
21:57.22jacquesrwhitby has a mac. he should be able to effortlessly edit video ;-)
21:57.39gkatsevrwhitby: your main? you use all three equally?
21:57.40destinal-workgkatsev: VideoLAN Movie Creator, eh?  should be cool
21:57.44MiX-MaNohhh wtf... said downloading... went to unpacking.. now its downloading again
21:58.06gkatsevdestinal-work: yeah, it should. :)
21:58.18gkatsevthe screen shots ive seen of it are pretty cool
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22:02.05geistyawns and checks in on the channel
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22:03.12gkatsevso, would it be possible to add tilt controls for movement in doom?
22:04.03gkatsevcuz that would be awesome
22:04.10Rick_workgeist geist geist --  welcome sir.
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22:04.28Rick_workNice gift from the kernal folks in 135 mr geist sir...
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22:05.24TemplarianHow do I press Y in doom
22:06.06Templarian"Are you sure this skill level isn't even remotely fair, Press Y or N"
22:06.32Rick_workuse the keyboard
22:07.02TemplarianHe has Y binded to something else
22:07.09TemplarianI'll try and shift it
22:07.20gkatsevTemplarian: use y or b to select y or n and then hit the screen
22:08.02TemplarianIt's not working
22:08.14gkatsevdid you die?
22:08.45Templarianno I can't get past the yes no screen
22:08.51rwhitbygkatsev: macosx UI (8GB RAM laptop), emacs editor, ubuntu in a VM for Linux work, Windows in a VM for Windows stuff.  SSH into the VM's and run emacs there too.
22:08.56gkatsevwhich yes no screen?
22:09.16TemplarianI want to play nightmare mode
22:09.58freakoutgeist, you're always yawning.
22:10.54freakoutdo we have a video of doom yet?
22:11.01gkatsevfreakout: there are two. one from webosinternals and one from precentral
22:11.45gkatsevlol "suggested retail price $9.0"
22:11.51freakoutgkatsev: cool. I should have stayed up a bit later ;)
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22:14.43freakoutwhere is the webosinternals vid?
22:15.27Smubeht[16:33] <+rwhitby>
22:16.11Smubehtwell im off to party on the new year..happy new year to all..
22:16.32gkatsevSmubeht: have fun.
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22:23.35rwhitbyfreakout: did you laugh?
22:23.52Rick_workgoing home now.
22:23.55freakoutlol - i only just realised there had been answers
22:24.08Rick_workfreakout needs more coffee
22:24.31freakoutRick_work: haven't even had my first yet... :)
22:24.39Rick_workthat would explain it
22:25.39rwhitbyhasn't had breakfast yet.
22:27.54freakoutrwhitby: rly? i used to be a chronic breakfast-skipper
22:28.10freakoutnow it's the first thing i do when i roll out of bed... need to get in the habit man
22:28.11rwhitbyfreakout: I'm not going to skip it - I only just got through the emails
22:28.18freakoutbreakfast first!
22:28.26freakoutTHEN emails! you can eat it while you scroll
22:28.38rwhitbyI usually eat it while looking at the new precentral posts
22:29.04freakoutThat's dangerous. some of the material in there could have you spitting it over your monitor
22:29.38rwhitbyemail and twitter is usually done before getting out of bed
22:29.51rwhitbybut this morning I made an exception
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22:39.25freakoutwell, your vid has now been appended to the PIC article as well
22:40.39FreeTim31Doom and Gloom?
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22:43.36rwhitbywebos-internals needs a professional youtube uploader to step forward ....
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22:51.02Shiggityrwhitby: To upload from precorder or just in general?
22:52.09rwhitbyShiggity: I mean someone that's much better than I am at recording instructional and demo videos about the stuff we do, and uploading it to youtube in a timely manner.
22:52.32rwhitbysomeone to take on that role in the project
22:52.58bpadalinosomeone with a decent tripod and camera should be a prereq
22:53.25Shiggitybpadalino: I figured it would have been a good voice and a screen capture utility.
22:53.43bpadalinonah, nerdy voices are fine for this
22:53.53ShiggityMaybe I'm thinking along the wrong lines, but are you talking about something like the Ares video done in a usable format for WebosInternals?
22:54.23Abyssul_how do you install novacom for vista 64 bit?
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22:57.08Shiggitybpadalino: Let me recommend Adora ;)
23:00.03ShiggityOh, nevermind. You're talking about things like the doom video earlier!
23:00.16ShiggityBtw, epic job on that guys.
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23:02.34MiX-MaN:\ cant get preware to install
23:02.42MiX-MaNor reinstall
23:03.25MiX-MaNcant remove it after updateing
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23:06.56alkos333I got bored:
23:06.56freakoutrhwitby: buy me a video camera and I'll do it ;)
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23:08.34alkos333jacques: Tethering works great on 1.3.5 - no problem
23:08.45MiX-MaNi cant get wifi to work :\
23:08.54MiX-MaNwell.. couldent before the update either
23:09.00alkos333I just added an echo line to /etc/event.d/ipforward script so that it sets it to 1 at boot-up
23:09.17jacquesalkos333, yeah I know. uh, I mean, cool :-)
23:10.08MiX-MaNuhhhhh this is'nt good :\
23:10.10alkos333There's a thread on precentral's forum, claiming that the value keeps going back to 0, but I'm not getting that behavior
23:10.19MiX-MaNturned dev mode off and all my icons vanished
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23:11.44MiX-MaNalkos333: is that for the wifi issue?
23:12.32alkos333MiX-MaN: I'm using usbnet to tether
23:12.43alkos333I haven't messed around with iwconfig in order to turn it into an ad-hoc AP
23:12.49alkos333Just don't really have a need for it.
23:13.08alkos333I need a stable connection and I'd like the Pre to charge while at it and usbnet accomplishes both
23:13.19jacquesyeah, usbnet is great
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23:13.34MiX-MaNi wanna get it going to the touch and the laptop
23:13.49MiX-MaNbtw has anyone been chraged for tethering yet though sprint?
23:13.56alkos333MiX-MaN: You can either use mytether, which I don't like much because I'm always in favor of getting things done manually for the sake of learning at least. However, check out the following thread:
23:14.32jacquesdoes sprint even have a plan that includes tethering?
23:14.36MiX-MaNahh nice.. i was gonna digg around for exactly that
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23:14.42MiX-MaNyes and no
23:14.47MiX-MaNdepends on the rep you talk to
23:15.01MiX-MaNtook 3 trys to get the tether plan w/ my old wm6 phone
23:15.13MiX-MaNi think its like 35$ more
23:15.25alkos333jacques: Yes, who knows..
23:15.34MiX-MaNwierd.. ok.. so if i turn off dev mode all my icons vansih
23:15.36alkos333Sometimes the reps don't even know.
23:15.38MiX-MaNturn it on.. they come back
23:16.01alkos333MiX-MaN: Are you using Preware?
23:16.15MiX-MaNalkos333: trying to get it working.. im getting the nofeeds error after the update
23:16.23MiX-MaNcant get it to remove itself and reinstall
23:17.00alkos333MiX-MaN: I've never really used Preware
23:17.09MiX-MaNalkos333: also.. thanks for the link.. im gonna take a look at that one :)
23:17.15alkos333I just reserve to shell scripts and quilt if necessary.
23:17.21alkos333MiX-MaN: np
23:17.41MiX-MaNif that works well.. ill leave it up 24x7
23:17.47alkos333I just set up bash with vi editing mode and a colored prompt earlier today
23:17.49MiX-MaNcause i never use the wifi otherwise..
23:17.52alkos333Feels like home again :)
23:18.12MiX-MaNim so used to freebsd .. anytime i go into a linux env .. im lost
23:18.36alkos333I'm a Slackware user, so get the best of both worlds ;)
23:18.41alkos333*so I get
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23:18.46MiX-MaNi used to run it
23:18.54MiX-MaNions ago
23:18.57alkos333Slackware64 13.0 is a candy
23:19.02MiX-MaNohhh preware is working again
23:19.12MiX-MaNguess i needed to install the package manger also
23:19.23MiX-MaNanyways.. off to the parents.. laters yall
23:19.27MiX-MaNthanks :)
23:20.08alkos333I'm going to set up a virtual machine for Slackware64 13.0 in qemu tomorrow and try to convert it into a multilib  in order to run some 32-bit apps.  Want to make sure everything runs smoothly before I do it on my primary system.
23:20.21alkos333MiX-MaN: Later, Happy New Year.
23:20.29MiX-MaNyou too..
23:20.32jacquesI would consider paying for tethering if it was truly unlimited
23:20.33MiX-MaNoh hey.. question :)
23:20.51jacques$30 extra seems to be pretty standard
23:20.51MiX-MaNanyone know how to access the gps via the shell?
23:20.59alkos333jacques: I would, too.  I'm getting very different speeds at three different Starbucks locations so far :P
23:21.13MiX-MaNi want to make a lil tcl program to send the data to a server
23:21.15alkos333MiX-MaN: What are you trying to do?
23:21.43MiX-MaNi have the server wrote already running on of my boxes.. im basicly going to make a sort-of like gpsgate
23:21.58MiX-MaNbut i only know tcl .. so :\
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23:23.05MiX-MaNbasicly what i would use it for is 1) real-time updates to gmaps api 2) APRS interface 3) uhhhh 4) profit
23:23.22jacquesat home it looks like my pre maxes out at 160kiB/s
23:23.23oillol, truly unlimited
23:23.33oillike any carrier is going to ever give that to any customer
23:23.41MiX-MaNeven there broadband plans are not "unlimited"
23:23.53MiX-MaNi was capped at 5gb w/ the old card i used to have
23:23.58MiX-MaN60$ /mo
23:23.58oilthey're limited unlimited
23:23.59MiX-MaNf that
23:24.12MiX-MaNunlimitly limited
23:24.30jacqueswell, 50GiB/month would be OK I guess
23:24.52MiX-MaNok.. gotta run.. laterz :)
23:25.01oilif its got a limit, its definitely not unlimited...
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23:26.13alkos333jacques: Check out these speeds:
23:26.35alkos333jacques: What's your data usage on average?
23:26.49alkos333I mean what does your sprint account report for data usage?
23:27.41jacquesalkos333, I've only had my Pre for under two weeks
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23:27.48rwhitbythe doom thread on PreCentral is hilarious
23:27.57jacquesalkos333, and before that I wasn't using data
23:28.50ShiggityActually, they are supposed to have 4g here.
23:28.57oilyeah, people really don't know how to change directories
23:29.11PreGamecd = compact disc
23:31.15oilso rwhitby: still need me to whip up an app?
23:31.24alkos333Shiggity: I think it's more of a marking term at best.  4G is a bit of a hype - I don't think it's very pratical yet.
23:31.42Shiggityalkos333: I've seen mixed results here. If you're by the tower, it's epic.
23:32.03ShiggityIf you're not, RFC 1147 might be your better bet.
23:34.05rwhitbyoil: yeah, one that calls a new method on ipkgservice :-)
23:34.17meCka_whos running a pre on sprint?
23:34.21meCka_in the US?
23:35.21PreGamewouldn't everyone be running it on sprint in the US?
23:35.57ShiggityThat's what they want you to think...
23:36.28meCka_PreGame: Nope. I know people that  have a GSM Pre here in the states.
23:36.56alkos333Shiggity: hehe ..
23:38.27rwhitbyoil: I'm on board with Destinal's plans for an upstart control service, which the app stub then just calls.  no additional signature checking required, it's a generally useful service, and it allows us to have dependencies between the scripts and other good upstart stuff.
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23:42.31PuffTheMagicrwhitby: yes, upstart service, nay for using upstart to start them
23:48.34*** join/#webos-internals rposa (i=4c5c85ab@gateway/web/freenode/x-cybntnslynzvxyaj)
23:49.24rposaHas anyone seen a Pre get "bricked" by installation of Precorder?
23:49.36bpadalinonever seen a pre get bricked ever :(
23:49.44oillooks disapprovingly at zsoc
23:49.46destinal-workrposa: nobody has seen a pre get bricked so that it can't be doctored anywhere
23:49.54destinal-workrposa: unless hardware damage
23:49.57rposaOk, on second battery pull, now it seems like it might be booting...
23:50.18rposaOk, I said Bricked .. didn't really mean bricked.  I meant .. locked up.  Battery pull gets stuck on first Palm screen.
23:50.24rposabut ... now it seems to be booting
23:50.32destinal-workrposa: ah, yeah, freezes happen
23:50.45rposanever saw that happen :)
23:50.46bpadalinodefinitely had freezes occur
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23:55.38rposaWeird, after the freeze/lockup, the PreCorder app has disappeared.  Maybe the phone was in the process of moving it to the cryptofs
23:58.48rposaok, somone say something please

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